#oooo mystery voices
pokeymonhearts · 1 year
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convexicalcrow · 2 years
Turned that lil draft fic about Cub getting lost in the fog into a proper fic bc I can't leave skulk!Cub alone for a minute. The brainrot is too real. D:
I wanted to include something of what he might have encountered that he wasn't allowed to remember afterwards, bc that's a gap waiting to be filled ty Cub. XD
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empresskylo · 1 year
Oooo could u write about ghost taking his mask of infront of the boys and the reader burst into the room late and is like who tf are you 😭😭😭
A slew of identical masks lay on the table before the circle of men. Ghost reached up and nonchalantly removed his current face covering, exposing his face like it was nothing. Price was the only one who didn't seem surprised to see Ghost's exposed face. "Nice to see you again, Simon."
At his words, you burst in through the door, stumbling over to the table, pulling your utility vest around your body, and tightening it. "Sorry I'm late," you mumbled as you approached. The men gave you a quick nod before turning back to listen to Price. "If you're in, take a mask... If you're not... Don't."
You looked around and spotted a dirty blonde across the table from you, staring you down. Your eyes widened, not recognizing the figure, You leaned into Soap. "Who the fuck is that?" you asked, gesturing your shoulder towards the mysterious man who clearly heard you--you weren't exactly talking quietly.
A big grin formed on Soap's face. He ignored you, reaching for one of the masks and sliding it on over his head. You heard a few men beside you chuckle, clearly thinking whatever you said was funny.
You rolled your eyes before grabbing your own mask. Before you raised it, you froze, watching the man grab one himself and slide it on. Wait. That can't be... "Ghost?" You must have looked awestruck.
Ghost adjusted his mask and looked directly at you, his eyebrows raising. Ironically, with the mask covering most of the man's face, only then could you tell it was Ghost. The blonde hair and attractive face threw you off; the idea that the man across from you could be Ghost didn't even cross your mind. Now with his mask back on, his looming stance and expressive eyes were a dead giveaway.
"Shit, Ghost. I didn't know you were hot." You hadn't even fully realized you said that out loud until Soap and Gaz snickered beside you. You quickly pulled the mask on to hide your embarrassment.
"I tried to tell ya," Ghost grumbled, referring back to the time he insisted he was good-looking to both you and Soap. You were thankful your face was now covered because you were sure you were sweating.
"Let's keep it together," Price said to the table, looking between you and Ghost, a small smirk on his lips. Apparently, everyone found amusement in your humiliation.
As the group moved to head out, you felt Ghost and Soap match your stride. "If it makes you feel any better, I couldn't believe Ghost wasn't ugly as shit under there either," Soap said down to you.
"Thanks, guys," Ghost said, a hint of teasing in his voice.
"What can we say? We expected the face to match the personality." You stifled a laugh at Soap's words, Ghost shoving him hard in the shoulder, making him stumble.
Your eyes flicked back to Ghost, still amazing at how ethereal he looked in a much thinner and exposing mask. You could see his blonde eyelashes against the black of his face paint. "Gonna be hard to take orders from you now, Lt. Knowing you look like that n' all," you stuttered, half-jokingly.
You could hear the pained sigh in Ghost's breath, clearly losing his patience as you and Soap giggled like school girls.
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lexithwrites · 4 days
jegulus with trans James headcanons??
Oooo I love trans James too, v underrated headcanon
- if regulus was cis I feel like he’d still be extremely gay and he goes to queer events in his town with Sirius and that’s how he meets James
- he hasn’t had top yet but like the slut he is (affectionate) he walks around with his binder on and some sweats and regulus is just drooling
- testosterone did amazing things for his jawline and back definition too Oof regulus wants to climb him like a tree
- also trans James has the potential for them to be either the same height or taller regulus and hehehehehe I love it, James likes looking up at this hot, mysterious, grumpy nerd and flirting with him
- James tries to act like his sex drive hasn’t gone up because he doesn’t wanna scare regulus off but reg is all for it
- when they first start dating James is always trying to impress him with his clothing and like wants to be super masculine but reg just thinks he’s hot in whatever he wears (the suits are a plus)
- they go to so many drag shows together and bars and clubs and they’re just in their own little queer lovely bubble
- deciding who tops and who bottoms is a bit of a challenge bevause neither of them knows what they’d prefer
- they try both
- James bottoms first and reg is kinda nervous because he’s had one boyfriend and was the bottom but James assures him he’ll do so good and he’s wanted this since they met
- reg is,,,very good with his tongue (james’ voice does get a little higher and it makes reg rock hard)
- they’re both very open about their likes and dislikes, in and out of the bedroom, they’re great communicators
- James is also fiercely protective of regulus because a lot of gay/bisexual men will approach him and he’s like ‘nope he’s mine’ and will just kiss him
- regulus is very helpful when it comes to dysphoria, I feel like James hates his chest but can’t afford surgery rn and regulus is always telling him that he’s handsome no matter what, that he’s HIS man no matter what
- effie and Monty are always nervous when they meet james’ partners because they don’t want their son to be taken advantage of or used so they’re kinda tough on reg at first but they warm up to him almost immediately and realise he’s the most supportive partner James has had
- james’ parents have trans and pride flags outside their house too, they’re the best ally’s
- when James does get surgery regulus is there every step of the way, he stays in the hospital the entire time and when he wakes up he covers his face in kisses and brings him flowers and helps him home, he cleans him and makes sure he’s got enough pain killers, he’s very attentive
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Hey headmage, remember the Tsums that came to school...twice? Well...look at this
*shows Crowley Tsum in hands*
What should we do?
Enter; An Unkindness of Ravens.
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“Oh my, if it isn’t a mini-me!!” Crowley exclaimed. He excitedly scooped up his Tsum self from you, marveling at the strange creature. "Salutations, mini-me!"
The bean-shaped being perfectly fit in the palm of his hand. It matched his dress in every way, from the mask to the feathered cape and crisp suit and tie, all crowned off by a top hat on a mop of dark, loose waves. Bright yellow eyes blinked up at the new onlooker.
"Fufu, look at how handsome it is!" Crowley gushed, scratching the Tsum behind a tiny pointed ear. The Tsum shook with happiness and leaned into his finger. "But of course, anything made in my likeness is sure to be brimming with the same charm as I!"
“It fell from the sky and bonked me on the head while I was walking up the path to Ramshackle,” you explained. “It was right after got back from grocery shopping at Mister S's Mystery Shop and the Tsum started to go through my..."
"Aren't you an adorable thing! Yes you are!" Crowley's voice had taken on a high pitch--the sound of a doting parent to an infant or a beloved pet. "I'll bet you're as gracious as you are cute! Cootchie cootchie coo!"
"Um, headmaster? Headmaster? Hello-oooo, are you paying attention to anything I'm saying?"
"Hmm, what?" Crowley startled, registering you for the first time since entering his office. His tone, suddenly dismissive. "Yes, yes, I am listening and taking your report very seriously, Prefect!"
"Great, so you'll take it off my hands for me. it's been a real troublemaker, and I don't know if I can deal with and everything else on my plate."
"A troublemaker? This little fellow? Preposterous! Why, he wouldn't cause trouble for anyone." Crowley patted the Tsum on its head (which blended with its rounded body). It seemed to smile at him, bouncing in place. "Perhaps you might be able to assist me with my oh-so important administrative work? There are some documents that need to be reviewed and signed."
He lowered the Tsum, allowing it to hop onto his desk, where a few papers laid. You watched in silence as the Tsum explored its new surroundings. Poking, bouncing, prodding. His inkwell, the quill.
Anything but the documents—which went completely ignored.
The Tsum turned away, disinterested. It preoccupied itself with taking in the shininess of a nearby candelabra.
You raised an eyebrow at Crowley. It really is exactly like him.
"I-I'm sure he's taking his time! What matters is the quality of work produced, not the quantity nor how quickly is it completed!"
As he protested, the Tsum padded to the edge of the desk and stared over its edge. Then it tipped over, diving into an open desk drawer. The Tsum's rump stuck up in the air, happily wiggling as it swam in a sea of wrapped cookies and candies.
The headmaster let out a distressed squawk. "W-Wait, don't go in there! That's my top-secret snack stash...!!"
He yanked the Tsum out by a stubby foot, dangling it like a ragdoll. A macaron was in the Tsum's grasp, rapidly vanishing into its nonexistent mouth as if being sucked in by a vacuum. Crowley's eyes bulged.
"I tried to warn you," you shrugged. "It finished a whole loaf of bread from my groceries before I fished it out. Speaking off..." You extended a hand, palm up. "I'll need more monthly allowance to replace that bread."
His jaw dropped. Not at your misfortune, you suspected, but at the idea of having to shell out more money.
"Wh-What! Why must I be responsible for such a thing when I'm not responsible for the damage to begin with!?"
"You called it a 'mini-me'," you pointed out, "so take some responsibility for 'yourself' and make things right."
"I-I know I may have said that on impulse, but upon closer inspection... In what way does a Tsum that acts carefree, shirks work, and stuffs his face resemble me?!"
Uh, in every way...
"In any case, I am far too busy with my duties as headmaster to put aside time to monitor this hooligan," Crowley declared. The Tsum writhed in his hold, reminding you of a pathetic worm speared on a hook. "However, it happens that I know of a proven beast tamer who is perfectly suited to keeping him in check!"
His gaze settled on you, and your stomach sank.
Crowley grinned, approaching you and placing the Tsum on your shoulder. It immediately nuzzled up to you, nestling in the crook of your neck.
"I'm counting on you, Prefect!" he chirped, giving a strong, encouraging pat on your back. "My expectations for my students are quite high, and you are certainly no exception to that rule~"
Typical kiss-ups, both the Tsum and the real Crowley.
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mell0wjello · 3 months
Crazy in love, stalker, border line obsessive Yuu with Azul. Based on the song “the boy is mine” by Ariana Grande .
Oooo I hear you. Im taking inspo from the lyrics and the music video !
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Despite your lack of magical abilities, you were a respeced student on campus. A good student who always turned in their work on time, always paid attention to class and always got good grades. Independence was one of your strengths, one that always shone through in your classes. When someone approached you to work in Alchemy class, you barely looked up from your notebook. This time though, when your eyes lifted off your meticulous notes, they were frozen on the image of your partner. You must admit, you had never gone out of your way to interact with Octavinelle's Housewarden, but now that he was in front of you, something went off in your head.
His icy blue eyes threatened to swallow you whole, sending a spark of unexplicable electricity down your body. It was intimidating, but at the same time, oh so pleasurable. His silky wavy hair adorned his sharp and alluring frame, awaiting your response. You nodded, completely bewitched by his gaze. His hands moved gracefully over the flasks, skillfully pouring every specimen over the cauldron. His eyes concentrated on the task and relaxed as soon as pink smoke emerged from the mixture. He was good at this, and he looked unreasonably good doing it. The bell abruptly disrupted your gazing, and before you realized it, Azul had already packed his things and gone out the door.
Desperately, you hurriedly shoved all your things inside your bag and rushed out the door. Your eyes looked frantically among the students in the hallways for the sign of his light grey hair. You sighed relief as you eventually spotted him, heading outside the building. Your feet moved on your own after him, careful to not be too obvious. You wanted to see more of him. What was he like around other people? How did he spend his nights and afternoons? Does he always look so enchanting? Or was it a show, just for you? You simply wanted to indulge in your curiosity. One feet stepped inside the mirror, but the other wouldn't move.
Doubt comes in. You'd never chase after someone else so achingly. And you knew that this was not right. In spite of yourself, you force yourself into the mirror. At the other side, a crowd of students were heading towards the main building. Following the chattering students, you head inside. Mostro Lounge is bustling with activity, and a server soon whisks you away into a table for yourself with the price of a small drink. You anxiously look around, trying to spot the person you were looking for. Your eyes dart around, and eventually land on Azul's distinctive silhouette heading towards the hallway.
Without getting your drink yet, you stood up to follow where he was heading. Azul turned to a corridor that lead to presumably the dorm rooms. Your face lifted watching him swiftly stride to the room at the very end of the hall, closing the door quietly.
His room.
You began to carefully walk over to the end of the corridor, before hearing voices close by. A couple of Octavinelle students were coming this way too. You exited the hallway to avoid any further suspicion, walking straight out of Mostro Lounge too, completely forgetting about the thaumarks you spent.
That night, you were unable to concieve sleep. You tossed and turned in your bed, ceaselessly haunted by the image of your alchemy partner. It was driving you mad. His face appeared in your dreams and carelessly slipped into your fantasies. It was rushing heat to your body, causing you to squirm uncomfortably in your sheets. You needed alleviation.
Completely disregarding the voice inside you urging you to go back to bed, you headed out into the dead of night to seek relief from the burning feeling in your chest. Entering the mirror silently, greeted by the dark and mysterious atmosphere that Octavinelle had at night, you cautiously went into the building. The lounge was dimly lit, but thankfully empty. The corridor was completely obscure, save for the sole light sneaking from the door slightly ajar at the very end. Release was just beyond that door. The point of no return.
Hurriedly, you peeked through the crack. A light was lit, and Azul was writing something on his desk. His forehead was leaning on his hand as he wrote hurriedly. Poised, even at such dark hours of the night. It was absolutely mesmerizing. He sighed as he finally lifted his working fingers from the paper and your heart fluttered. You felt the heat dissipating, but something else was festering inside of you. Something that compelled you to stay long after the light had gone out. You wanted him. You ached for him. You loved him.
You learned his schedule, perfectly planning when and where to approach him. Talk to him, make him laugh, gain his trust. But it wasn't enough. An insatiable hunger for more growled sorely in the pit of your stomach. Loving him wasn't enough. He needed to be yours.
Crewel was very pleased when your marks in Alchemy suddenly shot up. Out of the blue, you seemed remarkably interested in his class. You'd even stay after hours to perfect your potions, such a diligent and hardworking student. He'd leave the lab unlocked since you insisted on staying the whole day in there.
After trial and error, you finally succeeded. Pink smoke arose from your cauldron, along with a sickly sweet scent clouding your mind. Hurriedly, you pulled out a small flask from your backpack and poured the blend inside, sealing it with a cork. You looked at the time. 5:00 o´clock. You cleaned and stored everything away before making sure to close the door behind you. 5:10, you were out the door, leaving the lab completely spotless. Humming, you made your way back to Ramshackle dorm. There was a certain spring in your step and a pitch in your voice. You brushed your hair in the cracked bathroom mirror, observing how pretty you looked. You had to look stunning. You were gonna meet up with him after all.
At 5:30, you were outside his room, knocking on the wooden door. From the other side of the door, you could hear footsteps approaching before the door opened. Azul greeted you at the door as you gave him the smile that you had been practicing in the mirror earlier. You sat down with him and talked just like you had rehearsed in your room barely an hour ago. All the while, your eyes wander over to the cup of coffee on his desk he keeps drinking. But how can you distract him? Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.
The stars aligned. Azul sits up and walks over to the door to answer. Without a second to lose, you dive your hand inside your bag to fish out the small flask you had prepared earlier. But you fumble. The container slips out of your hands and falls to the floor with a resounding thud. You quickly pick it up and uncork it, but Azul's voice freezes your hands in place. You turn to look at him closing the door, staring at the incriminating object in your hands, the unmistakable scent wafting between the two of you. Azul tries reaching for your hands, but you are quicker to bring it to your mouth. With a flick of the wrist, the liquid drips into your mouth. With boldness surging through your blood, you grab Azul by the chin and bring his lips onto yours, seeping the honeyed liquid into his mouth. You push into him, making sure not a single drop is wasted.
You feel a hand come up to your cheek, pulling you in closer. Your eyes open and widen at the compliance, seeing how Azul shows no intention of opposing. You pull away, gasping for breath. There is still a some fluid dripped out from the corner of mouth, but Azul is quick to lap it up with his tongue. You feel the effects of your potion begin to set in as your chest heaves. Everything else blurs except for Azul's figure in front of you, taking you into his arms. His deep voice laced with honey whispers into your ears,
"If this is what you wanted, then you should've saved yourself some trouble"
Your knees go weak beneath him, as he lifts you up in his arms and places you on his bed.
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madangel19 · 8 months
Helloooooo so what about a one shot of Popia getting back to his hotel room after a ritual and unwinding by getting in the shower and touching himself? 🙊
Oooo, this one should be fun >:3
Warnings: Good ol' shower masturbation, polyghouls referenced
Word Count: 666 (lol nice >;3)
“Ahh, finalmente,” Copia murmured as he entered his hotel suite.
It had felt like forever since he had a room to himself. The ghouls were somewhere about spending time together. Mountain and Swiss were sharing the room with him, but it would be another few hours before they returned doing whatever it was that ghouls did whenever they stayed at a hotel. Hopefully they would sleep over in another room, but being in a ghoul pile was always nice after a hard, but successful ritual. Either option was fine with him.
Copia removed his jacket and went straight into the bathroom to wash his papal paint off. He gazed at his sweat streaked face and smiled at the man in the mirror. 
“You were amazing. Always amazing. Lavoro fantastico. The crowd loved you and your ghouls,” he whispered, turning on the water and wetting a towel. He thought of the way the whole crowd screamed for him as he sang his heart out. Some people in the crowd definitely enjoyed his more raunchy moves and he chuckled as he recalled how some poor girl nearly fainted during Mummy Dust.
“Still got it, big buy,” he crowed once he got most of the paint off. It was time to shower.
He stripped the rest of his sweat-stained clothes and opened the door to toss them into the hotel room. He would have them washed tomorrow.
He turned his attention back to the grande shower and smiled. It was one of those showers that had a sitting ledge. Perfect for truly unwinding after a long day. A bathtub would have been nice, but he would make do with this.
He turned on the water all the way to hot and waited a moment before stepping in, sighing at the comforting heat. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against the wall as he let the water hit him. 
He closed his eyes as he let his hand wander down his stomach before caressing his cock. How he didn’t get hard during shows always amazed him, but Satan worked in mysterious ways. 
A smirk formed on his lips as he recalled one of the many things he would say to the crowd.
“If you don’t have anyone to fuck, then go fuck yourself,” he murmured as he began stroking himself. 
It didn’t take long before his member got hard and he let out a soft moan at the wonderful sensation. He picked up the pace, hissing in pleasure at how hot it was in the steamed up shower. He thought of the beautiful faces in the crowd and even the faces of his beloved ghouls as he pleasured himself.
“Cazzo,” he groaned, already feeling precum coating his fingers as he thought of the way Swiss moved on his platform and how pretty Cumulus looked earlier that morning. 
The sound of the door opening in the hotel room caught his attention, but he paid it no mind. It had to be one of his ghouls. 
“You showering in there, Papa?” Mountain’s voice called out.
“Yes. I…I’m showering. I’ll be a while so…so get comfortable,” Copia stammered, biting his lip as he continued stroking himself.
“Don’t take too long or else I’ll join you, Papa. Sounds like you could use a hand in there,” Swiss’s voice crowed.
Copia chuckled at the thought. That wasn’t a bad idea.
Seconds passed and Copia let out a strained moan as he came, his warm, sticky seed leaking down his legs and onto the floor before going down the drain. He stroked himself one more time before sitting on the shower ledge, breathing heavily as he let the hot water wash off any cum that got on him. 
“Wonderful,” he murmured.
There was a knock at the door followed by an excited chirp as the lights briefly flickered in the bathroom.
“Can I come in, Papa?” Swiss’s voice asked.
“Of course you can come,” Copia chuckled, eager to truly unwind with the help of his ghoul.
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alcazarofthestars · 7 months
Hi, hi! I have a request~ What about Yandere Blade x reader who was a part of astral express? The reader is close friend of Dan Heng, so they are always together because their personality is similar. Like, Blade fall in love with them, but they hate him because he's Dan Heng's enemy. That's it. Anyways, nice to meet you~ :3
Oooo~, so like enemies to lovers or a one sided romance? That's interesting! I really liked this idea so I tried a different writing style, please tell me whether or not you like it! It's nice to meet you too btw!
Summary: After leaving the Luofu due to certain unknown reasons and joining the astral express along with a close friend, [Name] had met a rather mysterious man who called himself Blade. After their encounter, they keep feeling watched... Thankfully their dearest friend, Dan Heng, is always there with them to help! (Takes place after Loufu story quest.)
Warnings: ooc, Yandere, yandere content, stalking, unrequited love, one sided romance, unhealthy obsession, obsession, fighting, bad writing, blood, mc is Stelle, gender of reader is unspecified etc. If any of those scare and/or make you uncomfortable please leave.
Suggested to read in dark mode!
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Being a member of the astral express has its own pros and cons even more so since you have the ability to manipulate blood, why don't we go through the pros and cons of being in the astral express crew in [Name]'s point of view?
1. You get to travel the galaxy with friends while also going on fun adventures together!
"March, call everyone to come here! We're almost arriving at our next destination!" A cheery voice called out to a light pink haired girl who started joyfully skipping down the astral express' halls with glee. After a while March had come back with two other people one with dark black hair and the other with long grey hair. "Finally," The [HairColor}ette started. "We're nearing our next stop!" They said excitedly while turning to her pink haired friend who shared the same level of excitement as they do while imaginary stars surround the happy duo. Seeing this, the black haired male just sighed while the grey haired girl only hummed in response. "We're only stopping here to get some supplies, remember?" As the male said this, the stars surrounding the duo shattered and fell to the ground. "Really? Aw man, I really wanted to look around..." [Name] pouted as they turn their attention onto their black haired friend. "... Fine, I'll ask Miss Himeko to give us a few days to explore, happy?" He sighed unable to resist his friend's pouting face. "Very, thanks Dan heng!" They said as they hugged him. "Wanna try some of the food there? I heard it's very good!" March chirped happily. "hm... I heard so too. Sure why not." The taller grey haired female responded. "Seriously? You two want to spend the time there?" Their black haired friend deadpanned at them while [Name] went between the two to stop any chance of a conflict. "Ahaha, how about me and Stelle go check out the food while you and [Name] go sight seeing?" March suggested as all the others nodded. "Great! It's settled then! We'll regroup back at our hotel at nine, deal?"
2. Meeting new friends and making new connections while helping others in the process!
The black and [HairColor] duo walked around a historical sight while taking pictures and reading the history of said sight. "Ne ne, Dan heng... Are you hungry yet? We've been walking and looking around for one and a half hour..." They complained to their close companion to which he only hummed in response. "Sure, let's go get something to eat." He said as his dear friend cheered as they took his hand and dragged him at a quick speed. "Hey, calm down. I can walk on my own." He grunted as [Name] finally let go of his hand. "A-ah, right... my bad..." They apologized as Dan heng turned around to dust off some dirt on his shirt, but when he turned around again his dear friend had disappeared from his sight. Meanwhile, [Name] had got distracted by a spiderlily that shouldn't be able to grow on this planet. Intrigued, they went to investigate it only to find a trail of said flowers growing. Curiosity kills the cat they say as when [Name] followed the trail, they found an injured stranger who had many massive wounds all over his body. The unconscious injured stranger had handsome features; like his long silky black hair that fades to red covering one of his eyes, broad shoulders, his ears that both carries an earring one that's shaped like a tassel and the other is shaped like a piercing(?), bandages covering some parts of his body, his strong hands-... 'What am I thinking?! Get it together, [Name]! Stop staring at the stupidly hot stranger and help him!' They thought as they finally stopped gawking at the feature that adorned the injured stranger. 'The nearest hospital or clinic is miles away... But... The hotel we're staying at isn't far! And I think I have some medical supplies in my bag to help him, time to put all those lessons with Miss Himeko to use! Great thinking, [Name]!' They thought happily while trying to carry the stranger.
After a while, they were finally able to get the stranger to their hotel room but to do so they had used an unused long coat and a dark shade of glasses along with a black masker to hide his injuries and disguise him so that [Name] wouldn't get reported by onlookers to the police for kidnapping. Thankfully, by some miracle, it had unexpectedly worked. They placed him on their bed and used some alcohol from their bag to clean his wounds before using their ability to manipulate blood in order to stop more blood from flowing out of his body then patched it up using the stuff she had prepared from her bag and lastly took off his top to place bandages on then placed the blanket on his body. 'I did it! Miss Himeko would be proud!' Happy with their work, [Name] let out a breath that was unintentionally held in due to the stress and sighed before looking at their phone to send Dan heng a message that they're fine and went to explore a bit by themselves while also telling him to meet up at the hotel lobby just as they planned together. Looking back at the stranger, [Name] couldn't help but feel as if they had met/knew him before in the past... (Pls bear with me I don't really know how to bandage a person..)
Not that long after [Name] had gotten very tired to the point they were fighting to keep their eyes open but soon fell asleep while sitting on an armchair that they dragged from under the lamp and moved it beside their bed so they could watch over their patient. Soon, the stranger woke up and the first thing he saw was a gorgeous [HairColor]ette sleeping so peacefully on a chair right next to him. The sight of them made him speechless, breathless even and wonder how such a perfect being exists in this cruel world. He couldn't help but be attracted to the said person who looked like they were blessed by the aeon of beauty herself, expecilly with those features of their's that make you want to keep looking for hours on end. Snapping out of his thoughts he shuffled around the bed to get out but ended up waking up the sleeping beauty (that's what he named you) beside him as they let out a yawn. "Haah... Are you awake...?" They mumbled while stretching their arms up, "Mhm... Do you need anything...?" [Name] asked while offering a smile. "... Where am I? and who are you?" He asked. "Ah, right. Well first of all, we're at a hotel located in St. Freya. Secondly, I'm [Name]. Nice to meet you... uh..." They responded. "Blade, my name." He answered. "Ah! Alright, nice to meet you Blade!" [Name] said as they gave him a closed eye smile to which he only nodded "Likewise." He said while looking at the person that saved him. "That reminds me," They started. "is there anything else you need?" [Name] asked clearly worried about their patient's health and need. "... Why... Why did you save me?" He questioned in a monotone voice, if you didn't know any better than you would've thought he was angry but due to a a friend who is as cold as ice most of the time, you have learnt to read people's expressions and body language to understand a persons true feelings. "A-ah... Well you see, I was traveling with some close friends of mine and we were going sightseeing but I kinda got bored so I went to look around, that's when I found you in a small alley... It wouldn't be kind of me to just ignore you, but since the nearest hospital or clinic was miles away I took you here. I apologize if I did a bad job at cleaning and patching your wounds, I'm not that skilled in these types of stuff... But if you do need anything else just ask me, alright. I need to go out for a while to meet up with some friends, will you be alright here?" What came after their question was nothing but silence that was cut by Blade's answer "... No, I'll be fine." He said with an unsure tone. "... Alright then, please rest while I'm away...!" [Name] said as they took their bag and left from the hotel room door.
"Yes, I'm very sure, March." While looking for her friends in the now crowded lobby she heard the voice of her closest friend, Dan heng. "Hey! You guys! Over here!" [Name] shouted to grab the attention of her dear friends who instantly turned their heads in [Name]'s direction as soon as they heard her voice. "There you are, you idiot!" March angrily said as she ran in [Name]'s direction followed by Dan heng and Stelle who shook her head at March's childish antics. "Whoa there, calm down, March." [Name] sweatdropped. "Do you know how much you scared us? Don't do that again, you hear?!" She said as she lectured [Name]. "Did I really...?" They asked in denial. "Yes, yes you did." Dan heng sighed. "What were you even doing, [Name]?" Stelle asked. "Huh? Oh, I found someone who was injured and helped him." They answered. "Oh. Alright. Wait.... WHAA?!" March exclaimed. "Is he here?" Stelle asked pushing March out of the way affectionately. "Yeah, why?" [Name] responded making Dan heng face palm. "Why didn't you take him to a hospital or clinic?" He sternly asked with a glare that made March snap out of her dazed state. "Ooh girl you're in trouble now...~" She teased making you glare at her to which she sticked out her tongue. "Uhm... Well you see... Uh... the hospital is... too far and I thought he wouldn't make it..." they answered in defeat. Dan heng sighed. "Alright, let me check up on him. You two can go ahead and we'll catch up later." He said to March and Stelle to which they responded with a nod and walked off. "Come on, [Name]. We're going." Dan heng stated as he walked towards the elevator "R-right!" [Name] said before following him, unaware of the pair of eyes that have been staring at their figure for a while leaving the hotel building.
When they arrived at [Name]'s room the stranger was no longer in their bed which made [Name] shocked. "Huh?! Where is he...? I could've sworn I told him to stay here... The wounds wouldn't have healed properly if he walked too much..." The [HairColor]ette panicked. "Hm... It seems that our injured stranger has left a note before leaving." He said pointing out the piece of paper on their bed before picking it up. "H-huh? what does it say?" They asked in curiousity. "It reads; thanks for the jacket, glasses, masker, and help, sleeping beauty. I'll probably visit the astral express in the future to return those, but maybe not. If you're ever in danger call me. -Blade..." A loud silence engulfed the duo. "You... You meet Blade...?" Dan heng broke the silence with his question and wide eyes. "Uhm... Yes? What's wrong...? are you mad...?" [Name] said in worry. "It's-... just-... I'm not mad, just please don't get anywhere near him. He's... dangerous. Alright?"
3. Having a fellow member protect you, even if you aren't aware!
Lately, you have been feeling watched but there wasn't any evidence to your claims. You tried to tell March and Stelle, but they only said "Huh? Really? You sure it isn't just your imagination or something?" and "Maybe it's the angry ghost haunting you for eating my ice cream." You had also thought about telling Himeko and Welt but decided against it afraid that they'll overthink things and make the situation more complicated than it actually is. So as a last resort, you told your best friend for his suggestion and prayed to whatever god that he'll help you out. "And that's it..." You explained to Dan heng who has been listening to you rambling about feeling watched and the chill you feel whenever you leave the astral express for the past hour or so while he sorted out some information on the traditions of different planet that you had collected from your latest solo adventure to a new planet. "Hm... I'm not able to do much, but if it makes you feel better then I'll look out for any watching eyes and unwanted visitors." He hummed. "Really?! You're the best!" [Name] chirped happily. "yes yes, now go to sleep or else you'll be tired for your expedition tomorrow." He ordered which you complied with. Happily skipping down the halls, [Name] has started feeling a bit safer thanks to the previous conversation they had with Dan heng but one thing has been bothering them for a while... "Don't get anywhere near him. He's... dangerous."
On your next exploration trip, Dan heng had advised a plan to help you with your (not so little) little problem the troublesome part is the fact that he didn't give any info or told you about it. As you happily walk around the planet that the astral express had stopped by to gather supplies to find some snacks for March, Stelle, and Pompom while also stocking up on perishables and blankets thanks to Stelle who built a pillow fort during a blackout and accidentally trowing them all away after she was no longer using them since the lights had turned back on. While looking around you had stumbled upon many happy couples out on dates while looking into each others eyes that are full of love, kids happily playing with each other laughing and smiling together as they all ran to hide while playing hide 'n seek, a mother and her son who was helping her carry their groceries as he told her what had happened at school today, and much more. You contently stared at them from afar not noticing the small genuine smile that was appearing on your face, but deep down inside you admit you felt a bit jealous of the happy people spending time with each other wishing you could be like them one day where you don't feel alone. Snapping out of your trance you continue to find what you came here for, the reason you came here in the first place, to help out your mentor, Miss Himeko and your close friends on the astral express. Once again, walking around in search of the items needed, you had started to feel that cold chill and watching eyes once again but when you looked back, there was only two kids playing soccer with each other in the far distance. Brushing off the feeling of being watched as being paranoid, you continued to walk around unbeknownst to you that there was some drama happening not too far from where you were...
"I'm not letting you get anywhere near [Name], and that's final." A familiar stern and serious masculine voice stated, judging by the tone, he must be angry at the person he's talking to. That person being none other than Dan heng. "Is that so?" Another voice chuckled in amusement at his statement. "Do you really think you're strong enough to defeat me? No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to defeat me. I will get them, and you won't stop me, Imbibitor Lunae." The other voice said, knowing well that all he said was true.
1.Getting Injured During Missions, Whether It Be A Small or Big Injury
"Ooh! Look over there! Isn't that Mrs. May's purse?" March happily exclaimed while pointing in the direction of a small purse covered in snow. Today [Name], March, and Stelle had gone to look around Belobog as the other members of the astral express went to stock up on supplies once again. While travelling, the group had stumbled across Mrs. May, a very nice elderly lady who lived in a nursing home along with her cats, searching for something. It turns out that one of her pet cats had taken a liking to her purse and would play with it, but then one afternoon the said cat had taken the purse outside without her knowing and returned home without it. Worried, Mrs. May has been searching for it since yesterday without any progress thus she ended up asking the group to search for it. After a few hours of searching all over Belobog, and stopping Stelle from digging through random trashcans on the side of the road, you had found a few signs of the purse such as a strand of light pink silk sticking out in the snow along with some other stuff like money, coins, and a grocery list. "I think it is, at least from the descriptions Mrs. May had given us before we left." [Name] explained as the group went to investigate the purse. "I wonder how it ended up here though... This place is quite far from the nursing home, and I highly doubt a cat would travel this far in this extreme weather..." March voiced out her concern. "I think you're overthinking again, March. It has been days since the purse first went missing, the weather must've been warmer that day." Stelle turned down her thoughts. "Well whatever... As long as we found it it's time to return the purse to Mrs. May now!" March exclaimed. "A-ah... How about you two go first, I'll stay behind for a while. There are some things I want to check out to put in the archives back in the astral express." [Name] explained as the other two nodded their heads at their friends words and turned around towards the direction of where they came from. "Alright then, see ya later, [Name]." Stelle said already walking away. "Bye! Don't forget to call me if anything happens!" March happily said as she too left and tried to catch up with Stelle.
As soon as the duo was no longer in sight, [Name] let out a loud sigh that they were holding in for a while. 'This feels off...' They thought as they started to look around the area for some clues and crouched near a tree to take a short break. 'I swear I felt something off... My mind is playing tricks on me again...' Just as they stood back up, an unexpected force forced them to get blown away into the snow and landed on their hand to stop. 'A... Voidranger...? Wait a minute... What is it doing here?!' [Name] panicked. It's unusual to see a Voidranger in Jarilo VI of all places, after all. Looking at their hand [Name] realized that they were bleeding... sighing then taking out their weapon of choice, [Name] went into a defensive stand. Facing the enemy, [Name] closed their eyes for a second and when they opened them, the Voidranger had already been taken out. Right behind the Voidranger is a familiar figure with long black-ish hair, Blade. "It's you..." [Name] whispered softly, but Blade was still able to hear what they had said but all he gave them was a small nod and said; "If anything happens, just call my name." before disappearing leaving [Name] alone.
2.Getting Lost During An Exploration Trip.
"Aaaaaah....! I hate these types of expedition trips... Why are we even doing this in the first place?!" March groaned as she dragged her feet to follow her fellow comrades who were looking around in some abandoned ruins. "There's some treasures here that we need to retrieve. So just hang in there for a while longer, we're almost there." [Name] explained to their tired friend as March pouted in return. "Well can you please carry my bag? My back is starting to hurt... I mean, why did we even bring these bags in the first place?" March complained yet again as she handed her bag to [Name] who is now carrying it. "And can you believe how-" All of March's words didn't register in [Name]'s mind as everything she says starts to sound like gibberish along with everything else. Soon, [Name] finds themselves zoning out and when they have snapped out of it, they realize that they're now lost. They were in a room with a lot of dust and some... weird purple gas around the room. Looking at their surroundings, [Name] isn't able to find or hear the group. After a while, [Name] had decided to walk around in search of their friends. After a few hours, they were still lost. Hell, it felt like every hallway was the same! Not to mention how [Name] had started to feel dizzy after walking for a while, and this dizziness has not gone away. Frustrated, [Name] plopped themselves down a wall and hugged their legs. "I wish Dan heng was here... or March... or Stelle... or anyone else..." [Name] whispered to no one in particular as they start to sob. "Hic... maybe not Miss Himeko... or Welt... they will definitely be disappointed or tease me..." They tried to calm down. "Alright, [Name]... focus... calm down. What do I do..." they said the theirself and placed a hand on their chin. '... Help... Dan heng... Blade...!' They thought as their vision becomes fuzzy due to their dizziness from before, drowsiness takes over them.
"B-.... Blade...!"
Just as [Name] whispered that, a mysterious figure and fog appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The figure soon became more clear, long black hair that fades to a reddish color, a lean body build, and broad shoulders. Without a doubt, that is the one and only Blade. "You called?" He asked. But unable to keep their eyes open, [Name] had fainted right in front of Blade. "Huh, guess the gas worked better than I thought." Blade mumbled as he crouched down to reach [Name], carefully playing with their hair while enjoying looking at their delicate features. After a while of silence, Blade had placed his hands around [Name]'s body, and slowly picked them up in a princess carry and walked away not noticing the small bag that was left behind.
3.Getting Kidnapped By Your Friend?
When [Name] had woken up, they were no longer in the abandoned ruins that they were in before. Sitting up from the bed, [Name] looked around and realized that they were in an unfamiliar surrounding just as they were about to get up, something was stopping them from doing so. It was a chain on their foot that was locked on both their foot and the bed. Seeing this, [Name] panicked. Not long after, Blade had entered the room. "Blade...?! Great timing! Now come and help me get this chain off my foot-" they said before getting cut off "That won't be necessary. Why would I do that if this is everything I've ever wanted? Having you in my arms, your full attention, your everything!" He exclaimed. "What...? Blade... You're crazy...!" [Name] shrieked as Blade only grinned in response. "Maybe I am. But just know this, I'm only this crazy for you, dear [Name]." He said as [Name] could only widen their eyes in response, afraid of him and his obsession with them.
"You'll be mine, and mine only. Why would you want to separate us?"
Extra HCs:
Whenever you and Blade cuddle he would hug you so tight that you'll barely be able to breath.
You and March would paint each other's nails whenever you have the time.
Himeko can be super strict sometimes when teaching. (Welt having war flashbacks.)
Stelle got scratched by one of Mrs. May's cats
The group was searching for [Name] but only found your small bag and March's bag.
Blade didn't tell Kafka or Silver Wolf cause they would tease the living daylight out of him.
Authors note: I got so lazy at the end... BUT thank God my exams are finished! I'll start accepting requests again. This has been rotting in my drafts since December... I finally finished it!
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m-ayo-o · 9 months
Hi! Since I love your blog (I’m more like a huge simp for your works), I will submit a request for your “it’s written in the stars event”.
virgo + she/her + rational and methodical but overly sarcastic + smut scenario (hate sex picked from your list) + Urahara Kisuke.
Keep up the amazing work, thanks for blessing my dash with your masterpieces! Take care💜
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i t s ⋆ w r i t t e n ⋆ i n ⋆ t h e ⋆ s t a r s ⋆
zodiac event : ♍︎ VIRGO afab reader x CAPRICORN KISUKE URAHARA ♑︎ genre: explicit smut! reader has a problem with kisuke wc: 1.7k note: hello thank u !! i kinda failed on the hate sex rq but reader has some complicated feelings abt him...
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You've been busy unpacking all the deliveries and bringing them to the shop floor, finishing off with the chocolate and candies- your favourite section. You enjoy this part of the day- it's so early no one else is here and the shop doesn't open for a couple of hours. You placed the bars and packets neatly, organising them in rows, in a pretty display on the shelves.
But when he comes in, all of your work may as well have been for nothing.
"Oooo, you didn't tell me we had these coming!??"
He rifles through the neat rows of candy and finds his favourite flavour, leaving the rest in complete disarray.
"You ordered them." You give him a huff and a distinct eye roll, making it clear that he's already pissed you off, after being here for less than five minutes.
You wonder why you even bother showing up to work some days to see this irksome idiot. He grabs more of the candy and starts rummaging through the boxes at your feet.
"Hey-- just- put that back- ugh, Kisuke-!!!"
He drives you nuts.
Every fucking day you get closer and closer to losing your damn mind.
His nonchalance towards your meticulous and dedicated work grate on you, his whimsical and forgetful tendencies leave you picking up the slack, and the pervy comments and touches?
If you get one more you swear you're gonna level him.
He stands up with fistfuls of the new candy.
"Kisuke. Put it back."
However, he knows something about you that you definitely haven't come to terms with yourself.
Unfortunately, despite his outward stupidity, deep (and I mean deep) down, there's a part of you that knows how perfect he is. His happy go lucky exterior is see through to you now, and if you tell the honest truth, you like the mysterious and logical man underneath.
But you can't say it. You can't even think it. When you look at him, with his hoards of candy and that stupid grin, it makes you want to smack his face and push the feelings so deep that you'll never find them again.
And due to this ongoing battle, it's leaving you susceptible to his... flirtations.
So when he steps closer, with that wide smile still plastered on his face, and asks,
"What are you gonna do?"
You snatch a packet from his clutches and place it back on the shelf, organising them again. You turn back to take the rest but he has his hand held up with a hard sweet in his fingers. He's so close to your lips- he just smirks and tells you to open up, slipping the candy inside.
He watches your eyebrows furrow, but you accept the candy nonetheless. He swipes his thumb over your lip and traces over the corner of your mouth, then to your cheek.
"Hands off," you threaten, but he ignores you, bringing his thumb back to your lip to tease your mouth open.
"You like that flavour, too, don't you?" His voice is lilting and jovial, laced with something more sinister.
What is he thinking.
He slides his thumb over your tongue.
You grab his wrist and yank it back.
You've warned him about touching you like this.
But every time he does it just makes your feelings clearer.
You want him, and he knows. And the fact that it bothers you so much is very amusing to him.
"Kisuke, get your hands off me and help with this damn delivery."
But he persists, his palm finding your cheek with your hand still wrapped around his wrist, and he slides around to the back of your neck to pull you closer. You stumble over the boxes and trip forwards, your hands landing on his chest with a little yelp. You can feel his bare skin where his samue slips away.
"No," he wants you to admit it. He's had enough of playing the fool.
"Let's have some more candy."
He smiles and tilts your head up to his, squeezing your cheeks and leaning down.
Your eyes fly wide when he just keeps coming closer- you push back on his chest but he stills you with ease, bringing his lips to yours and licking the candy right out of your mouth.
"Kisuke-!! I swear- you're a fucking menace!! If you don't leave me alone I'm gonna--"
"I'm gonna--"
Your mind goes blank and you see red.
You're not a violent person, you're not a violent person. You keep telling yourself before you drag a hand from his chest, pull back and swing your open palm at his cheek.
You have to close your eyes- your hand stings, but you can just hear him laughing.
"Haha, oh come on, you can't hate me that much?"
His voice turns all soft and you open your eyes to see that endearing smile, with a pink hand print over his cheek, and you suddenly feel very guilty.
You're overwhelmed by a rush of confusing thoughts and emotions- you look at his face and a tear steaks down your cheek.
"I hate you, you moron."
"C'mere, take it out on me, okay?"
He drags you to the back of the shop, that's still locked up, and lets you do just that.
Everything's happening so fast you can barely keep track- of his hands, his lips, his fingers.
He stripped you as soon as you gave him a certain look that told him your strong walls had finally been broken and that he was allowed to touch you how he wanted. How you wanted.
And now he's got you pinned against the wall with your legs wrapped around him your plans to tell him how much you despise him have gone out the window.
But the way he's treating you now, with his mouth finally closed around your nipple, is sending you to heaven and back.
And when he carries you in his arms, finding a chair and placing you on top, he tells you-
"Go on, fuck me like you hate me"
He pulls his pants down and lets you sink onto him slow and get your bearings, before you start riding him with deep and forceful thrusts.
He watches in awe, leaning back on the chair to see your body move. It's just how he dreamed.
"That's it-" he encourages you to get rougher until you're grabbing at the back of his neck and telling him to suck on your tits.
"With pleasure~"
That cheshire smile spreads again and his pale eyes twinkle before he follows your instruction.
"Hmm, hm whatever you say, darling"
"Ngh-- fuck... don't call me that-"
He bites and sucks on your perky nipples while your hand threads into his hair and starts tugging harshly.
"Oh~ oh Kisuke- fuck mee~"
He takes your expression very literally, grabs onto your waist and starts pumping his dick into you where he sits.
He is enamoured by your expression; with your mouth hanging open, definitely about to orgasm, and grabbing so helplessly onto the muscle of his shoulders till you can only whimper his name.
This brings him endless satisfaction.
"Don't hate me so much now, hmm?"
You frown and nod, afraid that you'll bite your tongue if you speak.
"Oh," he feigns a hurt expression with a pout, "you just love my dick then?"
You let out an annoyed 'mmmm'ing sound and try to take control again, but it's too late and he's got you starting to shake with his hard and constant thrusting.
You're about to cum, stuttering and telling him not to stop when-
"N-no- no fuck- "
-he starts to slow down.
"Tell me how you feel, sweetie."
His tone changes and he sounds all soft. He's not teasing you anymore.
But you just shake your head and press your forehead to his, desperately willing him to move faster again.
"I'll let you cum, 'promise. Just tell me what's in that pretty head of yours, hm?"
He coaxes you to look him in the eyes which are so wide and perfectly innocent. You've never seen him look like this before.
"Don't make me beg, come on- I'm desperate."
And he is. You can see it now- from the expression on his face to the way he can hardly control himself. He's the one who's supposed to be edging you... but his hips start moving again and he presses kiss after kiss to your lips until you open up and start to mumble over his lips.
"I- I like you, Kisuke- "
He moves a little faster now, still pressing you for more.
"I like you."
You say it again, hoping to appease him, but he builds up that intense knot in your stomach again and holds your back so gently when he says-
"We're not in high school, sweetheart. You can tell me more."
He keeps fucking you deep, now you're about to spill he smiles and watches you shake your head. You can't say anything else today, but he's sure he'll get more out of your pretty lips eventually. After waiting so long for this, he can be happy for now.
"Okay, okay," he coos and brings you over the edge softly, pressing his lips into your neck, "that's it, you can let go now- mmh- fuck~"
"I, I know I've never told you, but I hope you understand- how I feel about you."
You nod and a lazy smile covers his face as you watch his eyebrows screw up with pleasure and he bites his lip. He's not sure if he should say this next bit but he can't hold it in anymore.
"You know that I love you?"
"Oh- oh my god- Kisuke-"
You feel him filling you and you just nod and hold him so tight, pressing your lips together and feeling his warmth. He carresses you and holds you close to his body, letting you calm down and sink into his arms. And you sit there, on top of your boss, in the back of his shop, with the dim lights, and you realise it's nearly time to open up.
He takes you to the bathroom and helps you clean up before sitting you on the edge of the bath and telling you-
"About what I said-"
But you're quick to silence him with your finger over his lips, followed by a sweet kiss.
"I'll wait," he utters into the gap between your lips, "I'll be patient, ok?"
You nod and kiss him again and again, stroking hair and sinking into his touch one more time. You're afraid the shop is going to open late today.
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bleach | m.list | zodiac event
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mizusno1wife · 10 months
The Samurai and the Warrior [part 1]
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Pairing: mizu x fem!reader
warnings: gore-ish?
Summary: warrior who is set on a path to kill one of abijah fowlers partners gets injured, is found by ringo and mizu and is taken in and healed, then tags along, and falls in love w mizu. I think that’s pretty much it cuz I don’t wanna spoil it >:]
I sat on the ground of the forest floor that was currently drown in snow, my hot blood falling gracefully, staining the snow below me. I make no attempt to stop the bleeding,
‘if death has come for my soul, so be it’ the warrior thought,
I look around me, my eyes flitting over the bodies behind me, each blurring the longer I look, I feel the world spinning, crashing upon me. I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me.
“Where are we going master? Oooo I heard there was an amazing soba place near here, can we stop. Oh that reminds me, can we stop for food, I’m really hungry, did you hear that, it’s my stomach!”
Mizu rolled her eyes at the young man’s rambling, not answering his questions, she continued on her journey, having given up long ago telling rings to ‘shut it’.
“Master, look!” Ringo gasped from behind her
Mizu lifted her head looking forward to see what ringo was pointing at. At least 50 sliced bodies lay before them, the snow drenched in their dirty blood. The dark haired samurai drew her sword, in case the attacker was still near.
“Stay here”
she said to ringo over her shoulder as she hopped off her horse, to inspect the situation.
The samurai stalked the graveyard of soldiers, some still had blood pouring from them, meaning it was recent and the clearly skilled samurai was still near.
As she looked around, she heard a sudden shout from behind her,
“Master, over here!”
Her head shot to ringo, who had clearly disobeyed her orders, standing over a body, one that appeared to be living by some miracle. She walked over to where ringo was, she stared at the masked face before her as ringo checked for a pulse.
‘So this is the samurai who killed these men’
“They have a pulse! Can we bring her with us? I need to heal her, please” ringo begged
Mizu let out an annoyed grunt, “fine”
“Yay!” Ringo yelped
My eyes fluttered open weakly, I started to gain a sense of my surroundings,
‘Where am I?’
I was leaned up against the back of someone on a horse
‘Who is this’
My thoughts were racing through my minded, pounding against my skull.
I groaned, moving my hand to the deep cut on my side that had been mysteriously bandaged.
As I groaned the person in front of me turned their head, at the same time a loud voice came from behind me.
“Hello! My name is ringo, and this is my master, we found you back there passed out, but we wanted to make sure you were ok so we brought you with us!” The tall oaf yelled.
I groaned again, his words beating against my brain like a chant from hell, god I hate headaches.
“Be quiet ringo” the dark haired man, said from in front of me.
Was all I heard as I began to pass out again with a groan.
“…. Do you think they heard me?”
From yours truly, moth 💖
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sunnyy-bunny · 5 months
What's this I hear about an MLP x Zexal au 👀👀👀 /lh /nf
But yeah I have been cooking up a mlp Zexal au for a week or 2 now in my head and it's very fun :3
Yuma is an earth pony who is yet to find his special talent and get his cutie mark so he's constantly trying new things to get his cutie mark!
That's when he meets Astral, a runaway alicorn who is unable to fly or use magic due to him being shielded and restricted from using it since he was a foal by his father, Eliphas. (Astral also has no cutie mark oooo)
Other characters are;
dark mist, a rebel changeling who finds the concept of using his ability to shapeshift just for love to be stupid and a waste of his potential.
Kaito, a powerful unicorn who uses his magic to steal the cutie marks and magic of other creatures in order to gather enough magic for his father, a unicorn who masquerades as a alicorn to strike fear in everypony else, to open a portal to another dimension to retrieve Vetrix, a earth pony who became a draconequus from being trapped in this mysterious dimension for many moons.
The barians are Kirin transfer students in heartland academy after they refused to take the vow of silence with the rest of their village in order to keep their voices and emotions
Other characters will have other roles too if you're interested!! :3
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sergeantsporks · 10 days
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Oooo mysterious shadowy figure oooo I wonder who that could be
Witch Switch Part 6.2
Transcript under the cut
[Phillip flies through a window. Kiki climbs in, her hand off of her eye, which is glowing]
Phillip: When I said to get me in, I didn’t think it would be by throwing me. You didn’t tell me your bangs could do that!
Kikimora: You said we needed to get in. We got in. What’s the big deal?
Red Fang: [disembodied voice floating through the hallway] Yes, the Clawthorne—we got her.
[Phillip and Kiki hide outside the door. Red Fang talks on a crystal ball where a shadowy figure communicates]
???: Has she given you any difficultly? Her… condition… is especially dangerous.
RF: No, no trouble. Magic restrainer works perfectly. What do you want me to do with her?
???: I’ll collect her shortly.
RF: Personally? There’s no need to trouble yourself, I’ll deliver her—
???: I. Will. Collect her. Prepare her for transportation.
RF: Yes ma’am
[cut to Phillip, who looks panicked]
P: [quietly] we have to get her now
[Cut back to RF]
RF: Who said that?
[Cut back to the hallway: it’s empty]
RF: I could have sworn I heard…
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giganonyx · 7 months
AHHHHH OMEGA MY BABY. She has a pony tail stoppp my child is all grown up I will cry. Ok but she ate the new hairstyle she is slaying.
ERGH SHE HAS BEEN THERE 150 DAYS. Sick and twisted. She contrasts SO heavily with the whole sterile, orderly environment, it’s literally heartbreaking to watch. Forced into this mindless routine, her hopeful attitude constantly being beaten down on?? HURTING. GET HER OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE.
GOD seeing Crosshair look so broken BROKE ME. His shaking hands??? They took away the ONE thing he still had- his superior sniping skills, his steady hand. They took that AWAY from him. FUCKED UP. THEY TORE HIM DOWN. I can’t I’m so sad.
I had a horrible sense of dread overtake my body when he said something like “our mission isn’t over yet”… like idk I felt so ILL. PAIN. WHY do I have the feeling my man isn’t going to make it SHUT UP.
ALSO HIM MAKING RECKLESS DECISIONS???? The kidnapping of his daughter and the death of his brother have done a NUMBER on this man.
WRECKER my cutie patootie!! Yk it’s bad when Wrecker starts to become a voice of reason (which, Hunter in his desperate mindset, promptly ignores 😭)
Need Omega bullying a mouse droid on repeat.
Stop mouse droid bullying 😭
OOOO NALA SE’S WARNING TO OMEGA TO LEAVE?? I’m scared. And Omega ate it up tho. She said “say less lmao I’m gone ✌️”.
Did palpy not feel a disturbance into the force. Was bro so into the “project Necromancer deets” he couldn’t tell his vessel was peacing out. Common Palpy L.
WHEN CROSSHAIR SAID “forget the hound, Omega.”, it lowkey felt like he was talking about himself. He was telling her to forget him, he was a broken animal, with no point in nurturing back to health. She needs to give up on him if she wants to move forward. BUT SHE DIDNT BECAUSE MAMA DIDNT RAISE NO UNLOYAL LOSER. NO. OMEGA IS THE REALEST ONEEEEE.
EMERIE you confuse me. I hate u yet am intrigued by u. Looking forward to her character development ahhhh.
HUNTER MY POOKIE BEAR BACK TO HIM BC that man was doing FLIPS chopping off the eldritch horror vines. They snatched his brother and he said “hell naw hoe let go of my BRO” and just. Went to town. Me when Hunter exists 🎉🎉🎉🎉
OH OU OH IHHIWHAIANQO ALSO THE MYSTERY GUY IN THE GREEN TACTICAL ARMOR?? IS THE ONE DOING THE “TORTURE” OR WHATEVER TO CROSSHAIR AND THAT GROUP OF CLONES??? If that’s really tech I’m gonna scream. You’re telling me he’s torturing his own brother. Tech would never even THINK about doing shit like that the man just wants to read nerdy newspapers. Desecration of the nerd lifestyle. OK I REALLY HOPE ITS HIM. LIKE I REALLY DO. OOO PLEASE I WILL CRY. WHY ELSE WOULD THEY SHOW THIS MYSTERY CLONE. NO NEED. IT HAS TO BE BROWN EYES (delusion).
OK I AM SO TIRED MY HEAD HURTS MY LIFE IS CHANGING Jesse we need to cook (I need to make tbb art) BUT I AM GOING TO BED FIRST
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urfavoritedcwhore · 13 days
the russian boy//part seventeen
chapter two
warnings: swearing, oral s3x, smoking, edging, !minors DNI!
not proof read
lowercase intended
part seventeen, chapter two: the beginning of something new
i walk in my house, heading straight for my shower. i walk up my stairs, through my room, and into my bathroom. i look in the mirror and inspect myself. my face is more red then it's usual pale color and my hair is absolutely crazy. i take down my atrocious bun, and run my fingers through my hair. my extensions are falling out big time. there is nothing i hate more than taking my extensions out myself. normally, my dad would pay for me to go to a hairdresser, but that's not really an option anymore. i grab my eyebrow scissors and feel for the thread in my hair. i cut it off, and begin working my fingers through the sewing. it takes me all of 15 minutes to get them out, my arms burning from keeping them up at my head for so long. i lay them out on my bathroom sink. i'll have mom reinstall them tomorrow. just as im thinking of her, my phone rings with her contact picture. i my phone up and answer the call, "hey momma!", i say cheerfully. "hey baby.", she says with a suspicious hint of "something's wrong" in her voice. "you okay?", i ask concerned. "yes, yes i'm okay hun. but i do have something to ask you.", she says warily. "would you be super mad at me if i told you i have a date tonight and that i may not come home till tomorrow afternoon?", she blurts out fast. i think for a moment. usually it would upset me that she's bailing on me, but the fact that she's going on her first date since dad excites me. i laugh, "oooo a date? no i'll be fine, we can watch movies tomorrow.", i say cheerfully. i don't want her to feel guilty about putting herself back out there. i can practically hear her smile through the phone, "yes! a super nice man from work wants to take me to the casino and have a few drinks! i figured i better stay at marcy's, (her new friend from work she's mentioned to me a few times) , if im gonna be drinking.", she tells me. "that sounds really nice mom. i'm so excited for you!", i say, half truthfully now that i know she'll be drinking tonight. "your the best daughter in the world you know that?", she says laughing. "actually i do in fact know that.", i say back cockily. she laughs for a moment again, "well can one of those boys take you to school tomorrow?", she asks me. to be completely real, i had forgotten about school completely. "yea, im sure they wouldn't mind.", i say, knowing that i would most likely have to beg boris to let me drive to school myself if i had my truck. "awesome!", i can hear someone talking to her as she responds. "well im gonna go take a shower, have fun momma!", i say trying to not hold her up from her date. "i love you lucy bug, be good!", she tells me. "im always good, YOU be good. have lots of fun and text me when you get to marcy's tonight.", i say back slightly feeling like im parenting my mother. she giggles her signature high pitched giggle and we say our goodbyes.
i hang up the phone and let out a breath as i return my gaze to the mirror, inspecting my hair again. without my extinctions, my hair falls just above my shoulders. it's not a bad look, but i still prefer having my long hair. i walk over to the shower, twisting the knob and turning on the hot water. i take off boris's sweater and the mystery girls shorts from theo's room, laying them on top of the toilet. i remove my undergarments, flinging them into my dirty clothes hamper, and step into the shower. the warm water instantly relaxes me. i let it hit my face before grabbing my shampoo bottle and lathering the shampoo on my hair. i massage it into my scalp, realizing i used slightly too much. i always do that when i take out my extensions. i rinse it out, and apply my conditioner, letting it sit while i wash my body. after about five more minutes, i wash the conditioner out of my hair and step out of the shower. i grab a towel from the rack on my wall and wrap it around me. i go to the mirror and grab my blow dryer from under my sink. with the length of my hair right now, getting it dry barley takes any time.i run my fingers through my, now dry, hair and leave the bathroom, walking into my room and throwing on shorts and a sports bra. i sit on my bed and pick up the book im reading, losing myself utterly in it. i glance up at my alarm clock after what feels like twenty minutes of reading, and see the time read: 10:43pm. i close my book and make my back to my bathroom, brushing my teeth in preparation for bed. as i turn off the water i hear a tiny knock in my room. i walk out of my bathroom, half expecting to be knocking at my door, ready to tell me that her date was a bust. i open my bedroom door and see no one outside of it. i hear a louder knock behind me. you've gotta be kidding me. i turn around and low and behind, boris is knocking at my window with a toothy grin.
i roll my eyes and walk to my window unlocking it. i open it and move out of him way as he crawls into my room. "boris. when the truck isn't here you can use the door.", i remind him letting out a sigh. "you say your mom was home tonight?", he replies looking confused. "she was supposed to be but...she got held up at work.", there's really no reason for me to not tell him about the date. i just don't want to. i hear laughing from outside of my window. i hold the seal and look down. "potter say i climb funny.", boris says lighting a cigarette with his back to the window. theo's standing in my yard absolutely dying. "go home decker!", i shout down at him shaking my head and trying to repress a laugh. "oh lucy lu, lucy lu, let down your hair!", he calls back laughing even louder. i look up at boris as i laugh, "is he drunk?", i ask glancing back down at him. "nie, just high. he sleeps at my house tonight. when we get back to potters after dropping you off, xandra and larry were there fighting. we leave and go back to my house. he say he will stay in my room with popchyk.", boris tells me shrugging. i look down at theo, slightly guilty at not inviting him over. boris sees my face, "is fine. he wants to be alone tonight.", he tells me, placing a hand on my back. theo's laughter dies down, "goodnight!", he shouts up, beginning to walk to boris's house. "goodnight!", i call back down before closing my window. i turn back around and look at boris, "i assume your planning to sleep here?", i say looking at the small backpack he has on his back. "yes, i always want to sleep next to you lu.", he tells me before walking out to my bedside table to put out his cigarette.
i follow him, plopping myself back down on my bed. he stands over my for a moment, studying me. he combs his fingers through my hair, "is short.", he states like he's telling me something i didn't already know. "i took out my extensions.", i reply to him, looking up at his puzzled face. "extensions?", he asks back confused. "fake hair that you put on to make your real hair look longer.", i explain to him without going into too much detail. he smiles at me, his fingers still running through my hair, "i like.", he tells me genuinely. i smile up at him, "thank you.". he walks over to the other side of my bed, sitting down beside me. he turns his body towards me, "spread legs, let me play Kochanie.", he says with a smirk, so nonchalantly i thought i must of heard him wrong. "what?", i ask back, my face slightly red. "you hear me.", he says back to me, still smirking. i guess we're really doing this. i look down at my shorts with my face red, beginning to slide them off. he grabs my wrist softly, "nie, not yet.", he says, his eyes still on me. i move my hand from the rim of my shorts, and prop my back up against the head board. i drag my knees up, spreading them apart as my feet flatten on the bed. i would be lying if i said i wasn't nervous and fucking thrilled at the same time. he crawls to the opening in my legs, laying on his stomach, his face INCHES away from my pussy. his smirk is so big i wouldn't be surprised if his face was sore tomorrow. he shifts his eyes between me and my core. he brings a hand to my left thigh, gently squeezing it, "is okay, yes?", he asks looking up at me. "yes.", i respond back, my breath hitching on my answer. his eyes return to my clothed core, he begins sliding on index finger up and down my slit. i let out a sigh and try to move my hips against his finger.
he looks up at me pulling his finger away, "no move.", he tells me raising his eyebrows. "haven't you teased me enough today?", i blurt out in a tone more whiny than i intended it to be. he chuckles, "let me...what is word?", he thinks for a moment, "savor? ah yes, savor this, okay?", he says returning his finger to place it just was. "do you want me to go easy on you lalka?", he asks me still looking at me. what is this man talking about. "easy?", i ask slightly confused. he chuckles again, "do you want me to be gentle?", he rephrases. i think for a moment before shaking my head no. he smirks and nods his head, "good.". "lift up hips.", he says as he gets on his knees. i lift up my hips quickly in hopes he's going to remove my shorts. he does just that. he hooks his fingers around the hem of them and strips them off of me, throwing them to the ground. he looks back down at my bare pussy, "no underwear?", he says chuckling as he turns his head to the side, to look at me from all angles. "very good.", he says before i can speak. "can i play?", he asks still staring at my bare core. i don't know what it is about him using the word, "play", but im absolutely loving it. his accent twists the "a" sound the word makes, and it makes me feral as fuck. i nod frantically. he laughs softly. he slides one finger down my slit and pops it in his mouth, licking my juices off of it. i swear i see his pupils grow and his eyes glow with hunger. he looks up at me and mutters a polish word under his breath. before i know it, he's grabbing the unders of my thighs and sitting them on his shoulders, pulling me flat on the bed. without wasting a moment, he immediately begins licking my pussy up and down. i moan louder than i think i ever have before. he takes his finger and begins rubbing my clit while i pushed his tongue in and out of my entrance. i close my eyes, letting his movements engulf me. i move my hips back and forth in his face as i let out high pitched whimpers. now i want to make one thing clear: i am not the type of girl who cums super fast...usually. but as i've stated before, it's been months since i've gotten any type of action. i speed up my hips, rolling them faster on boris's face. right as im about to reach my high, that fucker drops my legs and disconnects his mouth from my body. i whine impatiently and prop myself up on my elbows, “whyyy?”, i question half annoyed and half even more turned on. “i want to watch your face when i make you cum for the first time, and i can’t do that when head is buried inside your legs, yes?”, he says pushing back the curls of his hair draped in front of his eyes. he looks at me when his hair is out of his eyes, i feel my face hot and most likely red. “you are so beautiful.”, he says moving up to me and cupping my check with his hand. i’ve had just about enough of him being sweet, i want his to fuck my brains out. i guess im just gonna have to tease him as hard as he continues to tease me. game on.
A/N: mwahahahaha dw, the next part will be even smuttier.
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docterzerocare · 11 months
so. came up with Another qsmp au (because of course) that i'm calling the "Ghost Dads" au. basically, Quackity and Charlie die trying to protect Tilín and Flippa.
specifically, Quackity had taken Tilín to teach them how to swim, but it started storming. Quackity managed to get her out of the river, but he got swept away and drowned. Charlie had gone with Mariana and Flippa on an adventure, but unlike last time, where Mariana had hit her on accident and killed her, Charlie managed to jump in front of Flippa and took the hit instead. however, this ended up killing him instead.
they both wander as ghosts, watching over their kids as well as the rest of the server. however, nobody besides their kids can see them. well, Mariana can also see Charlie sometimes, but it's usually out of the corners of his eyes or at night while he's sleeping. we're not even gonna try getting into the weird Gegg Situation™ rn. and Quackity just shows up to people they're pissed at. speaking of which...
when ElQuackity came around, he tried to pretend that he was Quackity, saying things like "Oh yeah, uh, I've finally come back after being washed away by the river. I definitely didn't die :)"
and, mysteriously, he started having "sleep paralysis." he'd see a ghostly version of his twin brother, soaking wet with ripped clothes. they almost never speak, as anytime they open their mouth, water pours out. his eyes are wide and glassy as he stare them down. at first he'd appear at the foot of the bed, then, night by night, he'd slowly keep getting closer. one night, ElQ wakes up to find Quackity sitting on his chest, staring into his soul. but hey, it's just sleep paralysis...right?
well, they fuck up big time. they attack Tilín. he doesn't kill them, thank the fucking lord, but they are heavily injured.
(Tilín lays on her bed, in pain and fading in and out of consciousness. he hears his father's voice, and feels a wet, cold hand giving comforting pats to their shell. Tilín almost cries, thinking that it's a surefire sign that he is going to die soon. it's not, it's just Quackity comforting his injured child)
that night, ElQ doesn't just wake up finding someone staring at him. they wake up with cold, clammy hands wrapped around their throat, and glassy eyes filled with rage staring down at them. he tries prying the fingers off of his throat, but it doesn't work. it continues until he finally starts blacking out.
they wake up hours later in bed, gasping for breath. he assumes it's a nightmare; a rather realistic nightmare, but a nightmare nonetheless.
because ghosts aren't real, right?
(he tries to ignore the handprints around his neck, as well as the wet footprints that lead to and from his room. they'd rather not think about them.)
(fun fact: the only reason ghost!Quackity didn't kill ElQ then and there is because a worker walked by his room, and he didn't want to be seen :))
Oooo v v cool idea, spooky season appropriate too :D
There are implications™️ for roier tho with bobbys death if you wish to apply the ghosty treatment to every death
Also lemme just au of an au - bad can see em (cause grim reaper n ghost chat) BUT its only played for bits because i cannot imagine bad, quackity, and charlie trio being anything but absurd - angsty implications but they stay silly :3
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Rabbit Debunks Hbomberguy’s “RWBY is Disappointing Video” and explains why the Critics are wrong about RWBY.  Part 1 of 2
Making a thread reacting to the hbomberguy RWBY is Disappointing video.
Mostly as a refresher and also because there’s been a lot of dissension regarding it so why not.
Intro Calls it R (Rue) By lmaoo.
You’re not supposed to pronounce the W So the gist of it, is that he feels like it has great concept that could be interesting, but fails to execute it in any meaningful way???
Like overall it’s bad but there’s few good glimpses-
Of what could be a great show.
I guess for now I guess I can give it the benefit of the doubt and assume good intentions so far.
No words on the History of Monty Oum and RT history.
I mean it pretty much all checks out
Though immediately admitting your bias against the show takes the validity of some of your criticisms away ngl.
So he loves the Red Trailer but brings up the views it gained and then brings up the views of the episodes (Vol 1 ep 1 and 2) as a sort of gotcha like “oh see the trailer is more popular than the episode like look at the 15M to (episode 2) 6.8M ratio!!!”
Like those are two-  Wildly different things my guy
But what’s up with that “Red Like Roses Part 1 is the best composed music Jess has ever done” take?????
That’s wild asF fr.
Like no way you listened to the soundtracks of V1-3 and still have that opinion.
Like it’s amazing but????
“Does she get the scar from the fight or from something else, oooo mysterious”.
Is this a bit????
She so obviously gets the scar from the fight so I hope it’s just a bit lmao.
Also the complaint about Adam is so weird?
“He’s so obviously a bad guy that it doesn’t make sense”
“Since there’s already wolves set up as the baddies in the series”
Like, it’s not word for word what he said but that’s the gist of it?
It’s a bad and very nitpicky complaint since there are many series with more than 1 antagonist and antagonistic force.
I don’t know.
Saying “it’s coming from a well meaning place” but then saying it’s extremely bad, followed up by an intro song saying that RWBY is lame and it sucks all while dedicating it to Monty is…. So disgusting??? And very disingenuous???
Using the ending of Vol 2 as a point in your “they don’t know their story” when Ruby is laying down all the things that they have yet to solve (leading into the new volume and this laying down the groundwork for it)
It’s obviously in your face my dude.
Ah damn, a little out of order, but is there instances where Miles or Kerry  acknowledges good faith criticism? Panels? Deleted tweets? Anything?
Mainly just curious if it’s true that they haven’t and he just didn’t do the research by saying he “has a hard time finding any”
Another thing. Forgot to mention.
Really wish he prefaced his complaints about the voice acting and writing that he understood that the studio itself was amateurish and small with not a lot of budget to work with. (Unless that’s true) not that there isn’t criticism but that- There are TANGIBLE reasons why it’s the way that it is.
Where Do We Even Start?
Uhhh they never dropped the Dust Theft plot line????
Volume 2 was literally the culmination of the dust theft and the reason is because of Cinder’s plans.
Another thing that’s in your face but just, weirdly you gloss over???
“The intro doesn’t set up the story properly… leaves out the fragile peace between the nations…. Leaves out faunus… leaves out semblances…”
Quite literally, the intro talks about things that weren’t even revealed until Vol 4 to 9. The intro is good and sets up what it NEEDS-
Like sure you can say “oh but it’s only added till later when they got the story that they wanted to tell straight”
Mate, a pro tip for a lot of writers renowned/acclaimed have admitted that some of their works or some of their best writing decisions were made by the seat- Of their pants.
You think Naruto, one of the most iconic and popular anime of all time would have spun into how it is just off the intro of the first episode?
What about Bleach?
One Piece???
There are so many instances where the intro just isn’t all encompassing bc- That just isn’t how story writing goes.
You can have the best most rigid outline in the whole world, but at times you’re gonna go off script because there’s something you want to expand upon more or explore.
Ends off this segment by saying that RWBY’s story is interesting and it has neat ideas (backahandedly by adding “to write a wiki about”) but the storytelling only gets worse.
Which, I sort of disagree with???
It’s not stellar by any means, but I chalk that up with them- Not having the sort of resources available.
However from what they managed TO put together it was coherent enough to convey what they were meaning to portray.
Though I do have my gripes with certain aspects of the first two volumes.
But from V3 on? It’s only gotten- Stronger.
Yes I harp on V5 a LOT and it’s still one of the weaker volumes, but the conversations and character dynamics where stronger than they’ve been.
It was mainly the animation in the last few episodes of the giant fight that I just, wasn’t vibing with at all.
Worldbuilding and Conveyance
So next he talks about how aura was explained.
Bringing up both Harry Potter and ATLA and how they tell it as an example.
Following it up by making a rwby edit to make it seem as if it was mundane and boring.
Which isnt the case at all.
If you- Actually take the time to watch the scene.
It's about 1:20 long and while the explanation of what Aura does is being told to the viewer, it shows Ren taking down the King Taijitu with his aura.
It's another valid form of story telling because it's not just two characters talking on screen.
it's also giving us an insight of how it would be put into action.
"No one just happens to have full on speeches prepared in case anyone is to ask"
Uhhh, have you met Weiss?
Even the examples you gave literally is Hermione and Katara.
"Why does Jaune not know about this?
When he came from a long line of hero's and monster Hunters."
Idk, how does Naruto not know about Chakra despite 8 years as a academy student.
He probably just skipped out on it or didn't take it seriously enough.
He never went to- A prep school like Signal either.
His transcripts were faked, so you could easily say he went to Beacon with nothing more than a Dime, A old Rickety sword and a dream lol.
Also Pyrrha is super smart and also a really great battle tactician.
Of course she would be able to- recite what Aura does word for word.
It's not mischaracterization.
You just want to twist that narrative against her.
And not just that, I feel a strong mischaracterization of Jaune.
If Jaune is played off as an idiot for jokes, that's cool. But if he's shown to just not- Understand or doesn't know about the world at large, then that could hint at the fact that Jaune is more than just an idiot.
He's probably born in the sticks/boonies.
A country bumpkin if you will where Hunters aren't all that well known nor pop culture.
It doesn't dumb down the other characters.
Because Weiss is frustrated herself that someone so famous isn't recognizable by anyone and everyone in the world.
Same thing with her and the SDC
For Christ sakes, he only knew Pyrrha from a cereal box be fr
Well he brings up the Jaundice thing and yeah that's fair, a lot of people have gripes with that (i'm not one of them) and brings up how Pyrrha is only really a character for Jaune's development as a fighter and romance option but not much else on her own.
Which... Yeah I kinda- get that too.
Like, I liked Pyrrha too, but I do wish she had more to do in V1 and 2.
But in V3 is where she shines.
Hell there were so many people who did cry and got shocked by the end of Vol 3 even with the amount of screentime she gets.
"Praise RWBY for being feminist and progessive cause most of the mcs are women... But Jaune has 4 episodes dedicated to him, and has the coolest girl in school flirting and helping him become a stronger warrior."
Jaune isn't the main character.
How I've always viewed RWBY and JNPR has always been: RWBY as the protagonist and JNPR as the deuteragonist.
They hold about the same amount of importance because of how close their teams are.
So of course you're going to want to give the deuteragonist development and screentime to.
And yes Jaune had Jaundice.
RWBY still has an ABSURD amount of episodes dedicated to them as well so the balance/ration will always be in RWBY's favor regardless of how you feel about Jaune as a character and Jaune's importance to the story.
Same goes for the rest of NPR
"The writer's dont know what Yang's semblance is.
It goes from her being angry, to it being her taking hits and she transfers that energy back to them by hitting them again, and then temper tantrums, and then re-xeplain it as a redirection of energy stored from hits."-
Uhh, no.
Her semblance has always been about redirection of stored energy from attacks and aiming them back at the opponent.
Every single time we see her use it, it's always after she's taken several hits.
It's probably still possible to use it without taking hits, but its more than- likely less powerful.
He goes on to talk about how semblances are abstract and only gets mentioned 14 episodes later.
Which sure ok, but the gist of them and how they work are still easily within the story.
Could they have expanded upon it more earlier on? Yeah they could.
But to sit there and say, "When Pyrrha used her abilities and Ruby and Weiss look at her like she was weird and surprised and confused she has powers too"
no no no no no, that is grossly misreading the scene.
Pyrrha has kept her semblance a secret from anyone and everyone.
No one knows what it is or if she even had one.
They were just confused by what she did, why her hand glowed black, and why her hand was out.
It had nothing to do with them being confused about why someone else had a semblance, but more so they never knew what Pyrrha's was.
and also, the reading of Semblance = magic is both meh and eh.
Like if you looked at any and every single semblance that exists in RWBY, every single one of them have to do with concepts that has nothing to do with earth, wind, fire, and water.
Whereas Magic in the series- has Maidens throwing storms, lightning bolts, fire, ice, etc. at any enemy they choose.
That's the major difference between magic and semblance.
Magic is divine, naturalistic. Semblances are more man made if that makes sense.
Man he really does not like how semblances are portrayed/exposited.
Like it's been just as long as he harped on for Pyrrha expositing the aura scene.
like the exaggeration that he's going to, to explain this is kinda crazy
It's not a semi complicated concept at all, like he said it was.
It's very easy to follow and very easy to understand. he brings up Emerald and Cinder knowing about it, but doesn't bring up the fact that Pyrrha had to have put it in her application for Beacon or her personal- record that only Beacon has track of.
A record that they broke into with the helps of Watts, but not just that.
But Mercury also figured it out because he's an intelligent fighter just like Pyrrha is.
You can just say that Pyrrha's opponents were all just dumb for not figuring it out.
But no, it's just bad writing I guess.
Brings up WoR as an example of not being able to tell the story completely and labels it as homework.
It's not necessarily out of the norm though.
There are lots of character guides, extra material that expands on characters, worlds-
nd ideas that you can't really put the time in the show to do.
Like let's look at the first 3 volumes and how most episodes where 12-15 minutes long.
And even then they were still trying to get the hang of writing for something so massive as RWBY.
Having extra material so readers can get a better understanding of the world around them isn't bad. because even then, most everyone knows who Faunus are.
How Aura works, what a semblance is. all of these on a surface level.
If you want to dig deep, thats what WoR is for.
Unless you just wanna insult the show and embrace ignorance?
Some Positive Examples
Such a nothing complaint really. 
Just Miles and Kerry's writing vs Monty's character acting (in terms of how he conveys the four in a team fight (example being Team RWBY vs Mecha Roman)). 
I mean, I dont know what to really say here.
"The writers are so busy writing drama and wacky skits to explain why they're friends while Monty is putting in the REAL work with the fight scenes and showing how close they are and how far ruby has come at becoming a leader."  
Yeah... Cause that's what writers and animators do
Briefly touches on Ships and how Monty, Kerry, and Miles referenced them in the fight. (also decided to call it creepy since Ruby is 15 and the other girls are 17...
Which isn't that bad??
Like Sophomore and Senior in High School really).
Wasn't Ichigo Kurosaki 15 and Naruto not even 13?
Also says they didn't make a name- for Ruby and Yang because of the certain fans that ship those two together so they avoided that one altogether
.... Which yeah??? Did you want them too lol??
I can't seem to see his point of bringing this up because on one hand it feels like he's admonishing them for it, but  on the other hand he seems... like he's a little upset that they dont have a team attack name?
Maybe just at the inconsistency of it. Which i can understand.
I would have maybe came up with one that isn't fandom made so they can have a cool SISTERS team attack, like Rose Dragon!
Ends off this segment talking about more Miles and Kerry vs Monty (with Shawn being added in).
Another example of writing vs character expositing through animation by using the Pyrrha vs Mercury fight as well as the exposition between Emerald, Cinder, and Mercury.
Lots of talk about animation being weird and how he's seen worse animation but the stories were good enough to overlook it.
I'd be a broken record by stating this again and again.
But just look at what they had to work with. Look at how divided the writing and the animation- really were with Monty coming up with new characters that the team had to shove in last minute.
Look at Poser even and how the engine was something really only Monty and Shane (oops I made a mistake in that other post) could work to the level that they did.
Look at RT and even CRWBY at the time.
And now look where they are now.
You can't tell me that they've gone downhill when most of your gripes that you've complained about are/have been fixed in the later seasons.
Gonna end it here and make it a 2 parter. This thread is-
Long enough and I'm tired extremely lol.
I'll do a QRT tomorrow and start it back up. 
If anyone has more to add or correct me on, feel free to QRT anything you feel i didnt do a good job of explaining or just missed in general.
Any help is appreciated.
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