#papa peter
Just once I would like a Peter stuck in Gotham story where Tony gets dragged along with him for the ride.
Like they drop down and Tony is like
“Not an ideal situation, good news is we’re not dead. Bad news that looked like a one way trip for us. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Now we should focus on short turn goals: food, water and a place to stay, everything else can wait.”
I want Tony to be out there working his ass off from helping people with broken items then getting a job at wayne enterprises and starting a technology revolution in this dimension because he just can’t stand how out of date everything is and then running to pick up Peter from the rich kid school and the two of them trying to do reconnaissance and failing miserably.
Peter for his part is having a great time with school and his new vigilante gig.
Peter’s vigilante friends in school are worried about how bruised Peter looks sometimes and think that Tony is abusive before breaking in and just hearing Tony being a mother hen.
Then one breakout things are not looking too good and Spider-man just says
“Karen, activate Papa Protocol.”
And then like ten minutes later in comes Ironman with a bone to pick with the rouges.
Bruce doesn’t know if he loves Tony or hates him but his kids find him hilarious.
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eggtrolls · 10 months
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lesbian-deadpool · 2 years
Carol: What's Peter to you?
Natasha and Y/N: The reason we wake up every morning.
Wanda: That's adorable!
Peter, their son, earlier that morning, banging pots together: WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!
Peter, still banging pots together: I DEMAND ATTENTION!
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delicatebarness · 3 months
The Barnes-Rogers Family Adventures | Moving Day
Summary: The family move into a bigger house, meaning the littles get their own bedrooms!
Warnings: This post and series is safe for work (SFW) regressions. Nothing explicit. However, please be aware that the rest of my blog is NOT. NSFW accounts are welcome to read and reblog, but please keep all comments SFW out of consideration for other littles.
Word Count:
Series Masterlist
A/N: Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: Let me know if you want to be tagged specifically for this series.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick
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Steve Rogers and James ‘Bucky’ Barnes were exhausted yet excited as they pulled up outside their new home. A cozy house with a large backyard perfect for their little ones, and many rooms to get lost in while playing hide and seek. 
The duo balanced each other perfectly as Bucky was the gruffed exterior, full of fun Daddy, and Steve was the strict yet sensitive, Papa. 
Peter often regressed to the age of six years old, he was known as the mischievous one. Pulling pranks and finding new ways to make anyone and everyone laugh. You, at four, were the quieter of the pair. You often preferred to cling to Bucky’s leg and snuggle into him. 
Your eyes widened as the car came to a stop. “Wow! Look at it, Papa! It’s huge!” Peter exclaimed as he tried to scramble out of the car, his voice filled with excitement. Steve exited the vehicle and opened Peter’s door, his sneakers crunched on the gravel driveway as he ran toward the front door. 
You clung to Bucky as he lifted you out of the car, looking up at the house. “Daddy, is this our new home?” you asked, your voice muffled around your pacifier. 
Bucky placed a gentle kiss against your cheek. “Yes, it is, Baby. What do you think?” 
You nodded, reaching your fingers up to interlock with his hair. 
Steve joined you, carrying a box labeled ‘Kitchen’. He smiled at Peter’s enthusiasm as he bounced on his toes waiting for you all to catch up to him. 
“Can we go look at our new bedrooms?” Peter eagerly asked as his eyes sparkled with anticipation. 
The caregivers exchanged a smile. “Sure thing, Buddy,” Steve said, unlocking the door. “Let’s go check them out.”
He dashed inside, with you, Bucky, and Steve following closely behind. Steve led the way through the warm, inviting house and up the stairs. “This one is yours, Peter,” he announced as he stopped in front of the first door, opening it with a flourish. 
Both your and Peter’s eyes widened as you took in the sight of his new room. The walls had been painted red and blue, shelves decorated the walls filled with his Lego sets and Star Wars memorabilia. His bed was covered by a comforter featuring his favorite superheroes. “This is awesome!” he exclaimed, running into the room.
“Looks like we got it right, huh?” Bucky smiled at Steve. 
Peter nodded vigorously and jumped onto his bed. “It’s perfect! Thank you, Daddy! Thank you, Papa!”
“You’re welcome, champ,” Steve began as he moved into the room, ruffling Peter’s hair. “We’re glad you like it.”
You moved to the door down the hall in Bucky’s arms, Steve led the way again toward another door. “And this, Princess, is your room,” Bucky said, as Steve opened your bedroom door and revealed a room painted in soft pastel colors– pink and lavender– the walls were adorned with posters of princesses and unicorns. A canopy hung over your bed with fluffy pillows and plushies spread across. 
You gasped as your eyes widened. “So pretty!” you exclaimed, mumbled by your pacifier. Bucking grinned, and set you down so you could run to the bed. Gathering as many plushies as possible in your arms, you giggled. 
Turning to Steve and Bucky, pacifier still in your mouth and plushies in your arms, you ran over to them. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” 
Kneeling, Steve kissed the top of your head. “You’re welcome, Baby.”
Peter popped his head out of his room, excitement still bubbling. “Can we play hide and seek now?” 
“I promise we’ll play soon, Bud, let’s finish unpacking a few boxes first for Papa.” Bucky smiled at him. Peter groaned playfully and retreated to his room. 
The rest of the day was spent unpacking and settling. The four of you filled the air with laughter and the occasional sound of running footsteps as you and Peter tried to explore every corner.
As bedtime fast approached, you nestled between Bucky and Steve on the couch. You rubbed your eyes as they grew heavier with each passing minute. 
“Alright, little ones, it’s way past bedtime,” Steve said gently as he lifted you into his arms. 
Yawning, Peter tried to hide behind a blanket, draped over the couch. “But I’m not tired, Papa!” 
Ruffling Peter’s hair, Bucky yawned before speaking. “I think you’re more tired than you realize, buddy. Come on, bedtime.” 
And with that, Steve carried you upstairs, followed by Bucky and Peter as you all began your first bedtime routine in your new home. Together. 
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singswan-springswan · 23 hours
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I had a vision
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
So is Peter b Parker and mayday yans aswell? And what kind of figure do they take? Like uncle and niece? Dad and sibling?
Yesss obv everyone is a yandere for reader (its your world and u are everyone's fav okay???). As for the roles they take, well it kinda depends on how yan papa Miguel reacts. I think he's more likely to allow Peter B to be an uncle than a dad to you because Miguel really really hates competing and he wants to be the only father figure in your life. As for Mayday, Miguel views u two as siblings, if anything, he views you two as the same age (his two babies, tho Mayday is more stronger than you in his eyes. You're just a fragile kitten).
Yandere uncle Peter tho, views you as a kid but not as helpless as Miguel deems you to be. No, no, Peter actually treats you like a teen/adult and he bonds greatly with you. The thing is though... whatever age you may be, Peter thinks that you still need to be protected from the harsh world. While Miguel wouldn't ever let you go be spiderman, Peter actually would accompany on your hero adventures, keeping a watchful eye on you.
As for Mayday, you're just her fav person ever and she absolutely hates it when anyone else tries to have you attention, especially if its a girl, my beautiful baby will just shoot webs at you until you're pinned to the bed and then crawl up to your neck and cuddle you, sometimes shooting a web to your mouth so that you cant yell for help.
And it doesn't help that Miguel rewards this behaviour by giving chocolates and spider merch to Mayday.
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teen wolf: the movie.
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beatlesmenrock · 3 months
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im still working on my beatles comic but happy monkees monday
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reashot · 1 year
Jaune Phone Call with Papa Arc.
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Team JNPR Dorm Room.
Jaune: I'm gonna fail this assignment because my dad won't open up.
Ren: Me and Nora going to fail because our parents were killed because of a Grimm attack.
Pyrrha: Wow I didn't knew that Ren. I'm sorry to hear that. And are you doing Nora's homework?
Nora: Fo'sho. What? You expect me to do my own homework? Please think even less of me.
Ren: Look Jaune, back on topic. A lot of people feel more comfortable talking about personal things when it's not face-to-face.
Nora: Maybe you should try calling your dad.
Jaune: I guess it's worth a shot...
*ring* 🎶
Mistralian Restaurant.
Papa Arc: Hello?
Jaune: H-hey dad. What'chu up to?
Papa Arc: Eating lunch. I just needed a break from work you know. Lately I've been thinking about all the people I've had to kill...
God. The first, five, ten times you take a life it's eerie you remember every detail. I can see all their faces. One had a beard. Each time I pulled the trigger I tied a little knot in my memory no amount of whiskey could loosen...
Nora: *Scoots away from the phone call*
Papa Arc: Of course eventually I stopped caring. Now I can put a bullet through a man's head while figuring out how much VFC to pick up on my way home. It's usually no more than a bucket.
Pyrrha: 😱
Papa Arc: The sick part is I've come to love it. Snuffing out lives. I crave it. I feel like an angel of death, the messenger of eternal darkness, a merciless demon with an unquenchable... Oh! They just put more orange chicken on the Buffett gotta run. *phone ended.
Nora: *Hiding under the bed*
JPR: *Stunned in place*
Back in the Dorm Room
Jaune: I can't turn this in. It's all about my dad killing people.
*someone enters into the room*
Yang: What is this about killing people?
Pyrrha: Hey Yang, it's nothing we're trying to finish our assignment.
Weiss: I already finished mine ages ago. What took you guys so long?
Ren: We're trying to get Jaune's dad to talk about what happened during his time, but so far he's being "uncooperative"...
Blake: How is he being "uncooperative?"
Nora: *shivering* You don't want to know....
Ruby: Oh, maybe I can help you with your dad? 🙂
Jaune: *rub Ruby's head* It's okay Ruby. It's my assignment after all. You don't have to do anything to help me.
Ruby: *purr* 😸 (Oh yeah, that's the stuff... Run my head like you own me. 😚)
Ren: Call your dad again and get him to talk about something else.
*ring* 🎶
Papa Arc: Hello?
Jaune: Hey dad.
Papa Arc: Son, glad you called. I was kind of bumming thinking about your mom.
Jaune: W-what, why?
Yang: (Isn't she the hot one?)
Papa Arc: *sigh* I feel like our lovemaking has lost all its intimacy. We're not attuned to each other's love energy, we're just slamming away...
Jaune: Dad! I'm here with the girls on speakerphone.
Blake: (Don't interrupt him! 😾)
Papa Arc: Hey girls! So, Lovemaking sure can turn into sex without you even noticing it. And why not sex with your mom feels great!
*Team RWBY starts circling in to listen closely.*
Papa Arc: It's easy to think, maybe there is love and then there's the performer in me always trying to get your mom turned on.
Weiss: (Scandalous...)
Papa Arc: I pull her hair, choke her lightly or not so lightly.
Ruby: (I wish Jaune will do that to me one day.🥵)
Jaune: Dad! When you were my age. What was the cost of a loaf of bread.
Papa Arc: The focus becomes how hot she gets. How many times I can make her shudder with pleasure.
RWBY: *giggling*
Jaune: Allright this is enough... *gets tackled to the ground*
Ruby: Don't, disturb your dad! 😠 *gag Jaune's mouth*
Jaune: *muffled scream*
Yang: Dad. What do mom boobs look like?
Papa Arc: I'll tell you Yang they're perfect. Creamy, twins with faint blue veins running over them like cooling streams I can wash my face in it...
Yang: Oh that's hot.... *starts rubbing herself.*
Blake: Hmmph! You never get this hot when you're with me...
Yang: Really? Maybe I should change that then... *long sensual kiss*
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So how do you like it my kitty cat?
Blake: ... It's a start. *return kiss*
Ren: Shouldn't we stop this?
Nora: What! No I say we join in and turned it into an orgy.
Ren: Wait, what? *gets mounted by Nora*
Papa Arc: Of course it still wasn't enough for the both of us...
Ruby: So Jaune... Now that everyone are enjoying themselves. Maybe you want to do it with me too? 😊
Jaune: Ruby I...
Pyrrha: You can't! b-because Jaune is mine... *kiss Jaune*
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Ruby: *gasp* (How could Pyrrha NTR Jaune away from me? He's mine I saw him first!😫)
Papa Arc: ... And even then we still weren't satisfied. It got so bad your mom decided to bring another woman into our bed to spice things up, as she puts it. Oh, the looks on your mother's face as I plow the other woman in front of her. Turns out your mom likes to look.
Ruby: (Could that be the solution. Me, Jaune and Pyrrha? I mean I do find the both of them to be extremely hot... Ah, who am I kidding. YOLO.) Pyrrha. Can you let me join with you and Jaune? 😇
Pyrrha: Well since you ask nicely...
Jaune: Wait, what do you mean by that? Pyrrha, Ruby why are the two of you looking at me like that??! No, no, no, stay away!!!
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(No one wants to be with me 😢)
Papa Arc: And that's why Jaune you probably have another half-sibling running around right now... Oh, you having an Orgy in there? Don't let me stop you, son. But do remember to use protection. Unless you want to have an unexpected surprise like me. But seriously use a condom or I will castrate you... Oops. Gotta go Jaune. My egg fooyong is finally here.
Beacon Academy.
Cardin: ... That's why my Dad walked out of his Dad's funeral & I will walk out of my dad's funeral!
Peter: Great presentation Cardin. Now Jaune you're up. Show me your report on your father.
Jaune: I-I'm sorry, Professor Port but my dad wasn't really willing to answer the questions.
Peter: Nonsense young man. I give you an entire week. What were you even doing all those time?
Ruby: More like what haven't we been doing? 🤭
Pyrrha: *giggle* Stop it Ruby, you going to get us into trouble.
Ruby: I can't help it Pyr. So. Same thing tonight? 😉
Pyrrha: Most definitely, we're not going to let Jaune get any sleep tonight. If you know what I mean.
Peter: Why if I don't know any better, I think you are trying to get out of this assignment?
Jaune: Okay. Is that what you think? Okay professor Port here we go.
*Walks up to the front of the class*
Jaune: *click* Hey dad, I'm calling in front of my history class. So who was the councilman when you were a kid?
Papa Arc: Oh, I don't know but I guess I think about killing myself pretty frequently. And why not. What so great about living? You know when I'm happy? For about five seconds when I first wake up. Before I remember who I am and what my life is about. Anxiety, disappointment, diarrhea more often than not. I don't know if there's an afterlife. But who cares. Nothingness couldn't be worse than my meaningless March through my empty days.
Jaune: You see professor Port... Professor Port?
Peter: He's right, it's pointless, Salem will kill us all... Life Dismissed. *jumps through the window*
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Nora: I guess class is over?
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spiderdadszine · 9 months
💙Covers Reveal & Stretch Goals❤️
You might have already seen them in the shop👀 Don't forget to get your EB bundle in time!💙
SFW Cover: gabriellemkari
NSFW Cover: lacriaturabebe1
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Help us unlock the three lovely stretch goals!💙
1. Acrylic Keychain (misk_71)
2. Enamel Linked Pins ( @gryphll )
3. Acrylic Standee (gryphll)
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Shop Link Here:
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realnormanosborn · 2 months
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muppet-facts · 8 months
Muppet Fact #989
Papa Bear is friends with Keith Lockhart, the conductor of the Boston Pops.
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Elmo's Musical Adventure: Peter and the Wolf. 2001.
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lesbian-deadpool · 1 year
Peter, holding a candle: Test smell.
Natasha: Smell test.
Y/N: Now for the taste test.
Natasha: What?
Y/N, after taking a bite out of the candle: Yup! Sure tastes.
Natasha, to herself: This is my child, and who I chose to marry… what the fuck is wrong with me?
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delicatebarness · 3 months
The Barnes-Rogers Family Adventures | Pizza Party ft. Uncle Sam #003
Summary: Uncle Sam comes to take care of the littles for the evening, breaking the only rules Steve and Bucky put in place.
Warnings: This post and series are safe for work (SFW) regressions. Nothing explicit. However, please be aware that the rest of my blog is NOT. NSFW accounts are welcome to read and reblog, but please keep all comments SFW out of consideration for other littles.
Word Count: 772
Series Masterlist
A/N: It took me the whole runtime of Monster High to write this one. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @sapphirebarnes | Let me know if you want to be tagged specifically for this series.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602
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Steve and Bucky were excited about their long overdue date night. With work at the compound, keeping up with your and Peter’s busy schedules, and everyday life… they hadn’t had a chance to go out just the two of them in ages. However, tonight, they were leaving you and Peter in the capable hands of Uncle Sam. 
Steve had given Sam strict instructions– No pizza for dinner, and definitely, no staying up late. Sam had nodded, promising to follow the rules. 
Sam’s grin widened as soon as Steve and Bucky left. “Alright,” he said, rubbing his hands together. “Who wants pizza?” 
Peter’s eyes lit up as he bounced on his toes. “Me, me!” he squealed, while you raised your hand enthusiastically. 
Pulling out his phone, Sam ordered the biggest pizza on the app and added all your favorite toppings. “And you know what? Let’s have a movie night too,” he suggested as he grabbed the remote. “What do you troublemakers want to watch?” 
“Monster High!” you mumbled under your pacifier, clutching your Frankie Stein doll.
“Star Wars!” Peter countered, his eyes shining with excitement. 
Sam laughed, playing shaking his head at the two of you. “How about… we start with Monster High, and then we can watch Star Wars?” he proposed. 
You and Peter looked at each other, a silent conversation between you both before you turned to Sam simultaneously and agreed. Then, before you knew it, the living room was filled with the sound of giggles and animated monsters. 
The pizza arrived shortly after, and you all dug in, making a mess of your faces, clothes, and the coffee table.
Bedtime came and went as the hours passed. Still full of energy, you and Peter bounced around the living room pretending to be Jedi masters while Sam watched with amusement. Noticing the time, he knew Steve and Bucky wouldn’t be thrilled but he loved seeing you two happy and having fun. 
The front door opened with a creak as Steve and Bucky walked in. Freezing in the doorway, they took in the scene before them. Pizza boxes are scattered across the floor, and the TV playing Star Wars, and you and Peter jumping on the couch.
“Sam,” Steve’s stern voice boomed across the room causing you all to freeze in your place. “We had one rule.” 
Sam grinned sheepishly. “I couldn’t say no, look at them!” he explained.
Shaking his head, Bucky chuckled. “Alright, you two, it’s way past your bedtime,” he said as he walked over, scooping you up in his arms. “Time to get ready for bed.”
“But Daddy, we’re not tired!” you began to protest, although a yawn escaped halfway through your sentence. 
Steve shook his head as Peter opened his mouth to join the protest. “No arguments, say goodnight to Uncle Sam, and then you’re both going to bed.”
You pouted, rubbing your eyes sleepily. “Night night, Uncle Sam,” you mumbled, placing a pacifier kiss on his cheek. 
Giving Sam a quick hug, Peter flashed a mischievous grin. “Thanks for the pizza and movies, Uncle Sam!” he exclaimed, still full of energy despite the late hour.
Ruffling Peter’s hair, Sam smiled. “Anytime, buddy. Sleep tight, you two,” he said, giving Steve and Bucky a knowing look. 
Nodding, Steve tried to hide a smile as he ushered the two of you toward the stairs. “Let’s get you tucked in,” he said gently, guiding you up to your rooms, Bucky following close behind. 
Once in your room, Bucky helped you into your pajamas. Steve did the same for Peter in his room. Yawning again, you felt the tiredness catching up to you after the evening’s excitement. 
“Papa, can we stay up just for a little longer?” Peter asked Steve hopefully, giving him his best puppy-dog eyes. 
Shaking his head, Steve sighed. “Nice try, buddy. It’s already way past bedtime,” he said, tucking Peter into bed. 
Bucky was finishing tucking you in, brushing a stray hair from your face. “Time to sleep, Baby. Do you want Wolfie?” he asked softly, reaching over to your plushies. 
Snuggling into your blankets, you nodded sleepily. “Please, Daddy,” you murmured, reaching out with grabby hands. 
Steve and Bucky did one last round of goodnight kisses before turning off the lights and quietly closing the doors. They left you and Peter to drift off to sleep after being worn out from excitement. 
Downstairs, Sam had begun tidying the living room. Stacking the pizza boxes and turning off the TV as he smiled to himself. He was grateful that you all trusted him enough to be the fun Uncle and have these fun nights with you.
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lcvecolumbo · 3 months
my silly guy!!!! 🐰🍨🎠🤍🪩
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isabelleneville · 1 year
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Day Five: Favourite Period Drama Film - Anne of a Thousand Days (1969)
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