#past writing
mindofserenity · 8 months
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وحتى النجوم الأكثر تألقاً في الصحراء، لا يمكنهم أن يرشدني إلى السماوات.
Even the brightest star in the desert, cannot guide me into the heavens. But only and truly, by the creator of it.
~ mindofserenity
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makuyi13 · 3 months
Me: Bro I hate my past writing, it's so cringe
Me reading my past writing: *captivated* I have managed to turn a good idea into cringe
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
Pixies - PT1 (JAN 2016)
Due to a newly discovered allergy to MRI spinal contrast, I am sidelined for a second day and unable to do final revisions on the chapter that was supposed to be next. Instead, I'll take you back in time 6 years...to when Brie was an RP Character and I wrote a multi part storyline because my writing partners were all busy and I was bored. Enjoy!!
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I pressed “END” and stared at the phone in my hand.  I’d just gotten off the phone with Eric and made sure he was at the club and would be there till it closed.  We were getting ready to head out to battle a small army of demonic pixies, something that had apparently not been seen on Earth since around the time my brother was born.  To give you a clue on about how long ago that was. Justinian I was a childhood friend of my brother.  Yes, THAT Justinian I that was emperor of Rome.  The last demonic pixie infestation is said to be one of the reasons for the Nika Riots that took place in Constantinople in 529 AD.  In case you have never heard of these riots, because I certainly hadn’t before this whole thing started, let me give you a short lesson.  Two things to remember about these riots that lasted over a week is that they destroyed over half of the city and there were over thirty thousand people killed. 
If you were to sit down and Google Nika Riots like I did you would be confused on how a dispute over the pardoning of two members of rival chariot racing teams could lead to such chaos and devastation. According to history, sporting teams and in particular chariot racing teams were like the mob, street gangs and a political action committee all rolled into one.  There were two main ones, the Blues and the Greens.  The Blues were the favorite of Justinian by the way.  For a reason that is never quite explained easily, supposedly the Blues and the Greens fans and members got into a riot after one particularly ugly chariot race and it resulted in over 500 team members and fans being arrested for murder.  They were all convicted and sentenced to be hung.  All but two of them were, those two escaped and it just so happened it was one from each team.  To try and keep the peace among his people, Justinian commuted their sentences to imprisonment but the fans and team members demanded total absolution. This lead to yet another chariot race to determine their fate. Somewhere in the middle of the race, both teams and fans unified to not cheer against each other but to start ranting and challenging Justian. While this doesn’t make sense much to begin with, what came next makes no more and possibly even less. 
By the time you’re done reading about the strange politics and maneuvers that my brother’s friend supposedly did to end the riot that killed so many and destroyed so much, you’ll be sitting there thinking that they must have been half mad in those times.  While my brother’s behavior at times does tend to make me wonder about that, the truth is that to cover such a strange happening as the uprising of thousands of demonic pixies, you have to come up with a very strange tale to explain the devastation that ensued.  So, you end up with what history has recorded.  Now, so you can understand my concern for Eric and why we now had over 700 Nephilim on the grounds of the clave and even more portalling in almost every minute, I’ll tell you what really happened.
The Nephilim have been in existence since the first sin was committed and demonic forces first held sway over man.  There are stories they came later, but in reality our race is as old as mankind itself.  By the time of the Nika Riots, there were claves of Nephilim in all major ancient cities.  In those times we didn’t have to hide our true nature,  people of those times were more accepting that there were beings and beasts that were not of humanity and had not relegated them yet to the bedtime stories meant to scare and thrill.  Constantinople had one of the largest claves in the area, and it also had a horrid demon problem that didn’t seem to be diminishing over the years.  As the clave grew, so did the demonic presence.  Some would say that this was to keep the balance of power between good and evil, others have various theories, but everyone agrees that’s just how it was.  
Normally the demonic forces took their normal forms, that is until 529 when the first reported sightings of demonic pixies was recorded in Constantinople.  Now, we’re not talking about just a few demonic pixies, we’re talking about thousands of them suddenly appeared in the city, and for some reason the chariot races seemed to annoy them.  So at each race, a horde of demonic pixies would rise up and attack the spectators, often killing dozens through the use of their magic.  Being as pixies are, at their tallest, three inches in height, they were hard to kill with the weapons that were in existence at the time because they weren’t accurate enough.  The populace demanded that Justinian do something about this since his association with the Nephilim, mainly my brother, was well known.  The problem at hand were the weapons the Nephilim used were no different then in most respects than they are today.  Rarely does our race encounter such small demonic forces.
Race after race, people were being attacked and killed till that fateful day when the riots began.  More pixies than normal swarmed into the stadium as the races commenced and began the slaughter of the mortals that were there.  Outraged that Justinian had done nothing to thwart the problem, those in attendance began to riot the palace that was next door to the colosseum since it seemed to be immune from the pixie attacks and they blamed Justinian for not having this problem resolved already.  Justinian sent word to the clave of what had happened and requested immediate assistance.  Even in ancient times, Nephilim could portal, so the clave sent out messengers to all the major claves and soon an army of Nephilim were at the palace.
Because the rioting was even more disruptive than the chariot races, the pixies never relented on their attacks on the mortals.  This was what accounted for the high death rate.  Mortals, not able to combat the pixies began trying to catch them on fire.  Pixie wings will burn, but they do so slowly which only caused fire to spread throughout the city, causing the devastation that history has recorded.  Even with the massive army of Nephilim on hand, eradicating the pixies was a slow and tedious process since they could only be killed by iron.  For each pixie, it would need to be struck by iron to knock it to the ground, where it would then be impaled by iron and killed.  When you are battling thousands of pixies, killing them one at a time is not a very productive, nor speedy, process.  So again a call went out among the Nephilim for the mages to be brought together to find a remedy that would allow the Nephilim army to take down the pixies in large groups.
The mages worked tirelessly around the clock as the rioting and pixie attacks continued throughout the city.  Using a few pixies that the Nephilim forces had captured as test subject, the mages tried all different matter of spells, potions, poultices, and powders.  None seemed to have much affect, even those that contained substantial amounts of iron.  Justinian and the Nephilim Council of the time were beginning to believe that the city would fall to complete ruin and that the pixie problem would spread throughout the Roman Empire if it were not contained quickly.  More mages were brought in and more test subjects captured.  Any and every possible idea was to be tested until one could be found that would work.
It was during one trial when a mage realized why none of the powders were working, they fell right off of the pixies.  A way needed to be found to make the powder stick to the pixie and then it would work.  Since the pixies were also demonic, the mage came up with perfect plan.  The powder to be used was to be a combination of blessed salt and finely shaved iron, a rather coarse grit instead of fine grit powder.  While the elements of the powder were mixed together, the mage would recite blessings and incantations that gave the powder the power of the Divine.  An Elemental Nephilim would be required for this to work properly, as there had to be something for the powder to stick to on the pixie.  The day before the recorded end to the riots, the first trial was held in a courtyard of the palace.  The Elemental Nephilim caused a fine mist to form in the air around the pixies.  Other Nephilim then used bellows to blow the powder mixture onto the pixies.  As the mage had predicted the pixies fell like stones to the ground and seemed unable to get up from the weight of the powder now stuck to them, they also are reported to have been slightly smoking.  Large iron shields were then used to smash the pixies to death.  
Word was sent out quickly through the city to gather whatever large iron objects could be brought to the colosseum to smash all pixies that could be found, since they most often congregated there because that is where the rioters who were still trying to breach the palace were creating the greatest disturbance.  On that day, it was not one team’s supporters who were rushed out of the colosseum, it was all mortals that were rushed out as the army of Nephilim rushed in.  The Elemental Nephilim took positions high around the colosseum and created an atmospheric disturbance that formed a light mist in the air that coated Nephilim and pixie alike.  As soon as all were coated, the mist was dissepated and the Nephilim on the colosseum floor drew out dry bellows containing the blessed and enchanted powder that they filled the air of the colleseum with until all of the  pixies lay writhing on it’s foor.  Nephilim and mortal alike began using the gathered iron objects to smash all the pixies to death.  In the records it is said that the dead pixies covered the floor of the colosseum in a two inch thick layer, which is about four pixie bodies thick.  To take care of the pixies that were still elsewhere in the city, pairs of Nephilim, one of whom was an Elemental, were sent out throughout the city.  Within 24 hours, all of the pixies were dead.  
As time moved forward and the belief in the supernatural diminished, no longer could the story be told of the pixie invasion of Constantinople.  Those who passed on the history had to come up with mortal reasons for the devastation and massive loss of life that happened during that week.  How they decided in the end to make it over chariot races, I still haven’t quite determined.  Personally, even to the logical mortal mind a pixie invasion would make more sense than that!  But, that is what history has stuck with and no man the world over believes.  Unfortunately, the pixie problem has resurfaced again in my city.  It is threatening those I love and the innocents that I protect.  Now it is my clave who has called on Nephilim the world over to come to our aid to wipe out an infestation that is as large as the one that Justinian faced.  I am hoping the only known living Nephilim who attended that erradication of the first infestation, my brother, will make it back to the clave before we must leave to face this deadly and tiny foe.  Otherwise, this is my battle to lead and honestly I’m a little nervous about that.
THE IMPERIUM CHRONICLES TAG LIST - @ceph-the-ghost-writer @kjscottwrites @writingpotato07 @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @late-to-the-fandom @autumnalwalker @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet @jessica-writes22 @dogmomwrites @mjjune @verba-writing @blind-the-winds @shipping-through-eternity
Anyone wanting added/removed, just let me know.
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**Since I'm still dealing with some persnickety muses, I thought I'd share a piece from the past to give you a glimpse of what came before. This was a picture challenge from when I was RP'ing Abriella on Facebook as well as writing a solo story for her. I hope you enjoy.**
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As Brie moved through the woods her footfalls were nie on silent.  The soft leather soles of her boots conformed to the terrain below her feet as they also cushioned the impact of her strides.  Her brother had returned that morning from his trip to the Conclave for a meeting on the current state of affairs with the worldwide demon uprising that they had all been facing.  While he hadn’t said it, she could tell that something was weighing heavily upon his mind and that troubled her.  
Since the Demonic Pixie incident in Chicago, Cruz had been more open with her regarding his concerns, thoughts, and plans.  For him now to be silent was troublesome and made her worry that there was more going on that she would like to believe.  What is it that could trouble him so that he would not share his ruminations with her?  Even if she did not know, she was sure that whatever it was that did so occupy his thoughts, it could not be good.
The longer she lived within the confines of Sanctuary, the more she learned of her elder brother.  She, like many who first encountered him, had thought him cold and distant when first they met.  Now, she had discovered that through the years of loss, betrayal, and struggle he had learned to keep much to himself since the enemy took every opportunity to exploit even the slightest weakness that one would give indication of.  As they had grown to know one another, then learned of their shared destiny, she had learned there was much more behind his hard set eyes and abrasive demeanor than one could ever guess.
As she neared a placid lake, she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up and a vibration of raw Divine power rolled over her skin.  Divine as it may be, Brie was immediately on her guard.  There was no reason that any Angel should be visiting her at this time, let alone while she was in the woods without accompaniment.  Her hand on the hilt of the dagger that was sheathed at her hip, she tensed as she turned a slow circle.  All of her senses were on high alert for detection of from which direction the angel would approach and if it were alone.  As a normal course of action, Angels other than Deacon’s father did not often visit them. 
From the woods stepped Nuriel, the flame-keeper of the Eternal Flame in Heaven and Olly’s father.  Brie’s motion stilled as she watched the tall, powerful Angel walk towards her.  Her head tilted and a look of slight confusion and wariness overtook the fine features of her face.  “To what do I owe the honor of your presence Nuriel?  My cousin is back with the rest of the Clave at Sanctuary, this is one of my rare moments alone.”  Her tone held the reservation she felt as the male drew nearer, her hand still resting on the hilt of her dagger.  She would not back down, nor would she bow to the Angel, she did not fear him as others did.  Was it bravery or stupidity?  Sometimes she could not say herself.
“I did not come to see my son, Gabrielle.  I came to talk to she who has the confidence of War.  For there are none others he will listen to, nor that he would confide in.”  At the mention of her brother Brie tensed more, her fingers actually curling around the dagger’s hilt.  It was known by all that the Angels did not trust her brother; but as to why, no one was sure.  There had been rumors and stories, but she had never asked her brother the veracity of such.
“Fear not my child; I do not come to do you or him harm.  Walk with me and I shall tell you what it is that weighs so heavily on your brother and why it is that you must keep him true.”  Nuriel motioned along the path towards a stone bridge that lay at the other end of the lake and the path to it as he drew even nearer to the Nephilim.  “I swear unto you that you shall not need that dagger that you now grip.  For if harm were to befall you, I would face a fate far worse than being attacked by you.”  His head inclined towards the path now and Brie turned to regard it further.
“As you wish, Nuriel.  I will listen to what it is you have to say, but I cannot guarantee there is a thing I can do about anything to do with my brother.  As you have known him longer than I, I am sure that you are aware that he is of his own mind and changing it even in the slightest is a monumental task.  Not even his sister holds that kind of sway over him.”  Her posture relaxed, however her hand remained on the dagger even as he came alongside her and they began to walk together along the dirt path that had been worn down over years of Nephilim feet treading over it.
As they walked, Nuriel began to recount the incident that had happened at the Conclave House while Cruz was there.  While he did not know it, the Angelic parents of all the Horsemen had been watching.  Forbidden from interfering they had only been allowed to observe what had transpired and bear witness to it into the future for others who doubted the events.  As she listened, Brie still did not grasp the implications of the visitation since many times they had been relentlessly taunted by demons since they had been made Riders.
Finally Nuriel pulled her to a stop as they neared the bridge.  He could sense she did not realize the peril that her brother’s soul and mind was in.  “He has not spoken of his past, has he?” The Angel asked looking down at Brie.  A slight shake of the head and a once again perplexed look were his only answer. “I see, I was hoping that one day he would confide in another so the burden could be lifted from him carrying it alone.  Many centuries ago, your brother stumbled.  He was aware of the darkness that flowed within his veins and had resisted it for almost 1,000 years by that time.  The death of another that he felt responsible for him caused him to act out in rage and wrath.  He called upon your Grandfather, the demons who served him, and the very Source of all Darkness to bring about retribution on his soul.  It put a stain on his soul, on his aura, that no amount of servitude to the light can ever erase.  Brie, he killed innocents in his quest for vengeance and the magic he used to do it damned their souls to Hell for all eternity, even if they were just and righteous people.  He was lost in his pain, in his rage, and in his quest for ultimate retribution.  He did accomplish it, but it changed him profoundly.  Now evil has a greater chance of being able to take hold and pull him once again into the darkness of his mine and bloodline.  The call of your Grandfather is no longer just a whisper in the background, but a loud and booming voice that often masquerades as his own.  While he was able to reject the call of evil and the taunts of demons this time, it is the fear of those that serve the Divine that if continues to feel isolated from all his brethren that he shall eventually fall to the darkness.”  
Nuriel gestured towards the bridge, “Do you see how the bridge reflects in the water to form a perfect circle?  It is simply a reflection, not an actual circle.  It is much how your brother is seeing things presently.  The actual bridge is the past, but your brother is seeing the present and future like you see the reflection.  It is his fear that he shall continue through similar happenings to what brought him to the darkness before and he shall again fall.  It would be a complete circle, a complete failure, if he were to return again to calling upon the darkness for power and revenge.  He does not see your current battle as different than that which he has always done and must be made to see reality instead of a reflection.  His vision must be made right lest he fall into the trap that your Grandfather has set for him.”
Brie remained silent as she studied the bridge and listened to the Angel’s words.  They were deep and profound.  Now that she knew what her brother had done, what had happened to him to lead him down that path, she worried for his very soul.  She now understood why he closed himself off, fearing rebuke, condemnation, and further alienation from his brethren whom she knew he would die to protect and save.  It now weighed upon her own heart that he had been carrying the guilt and burden of what had happened for so long.  Regardless of their partial divinity, they were no more perfect than any other being.  She could not believe it was anything other than extreme pain that would have led him down the path to calling upon the Source of Darkness for help.
Turning to face Nuriel with a somber face she nodded slowly.  “I shall speak to him; I will not allow him to fall into the darkness, Nuriel.  He is who saved me, even when I tried to run from what I am.  No matter what I have put him through, he has never given up on me, and I refuse to even consider giving up on him.  While you may all be worried and concerned, I am not.  For while he may have done that in the past, he is no longer that Nephilim and I will ensure that he never again will be.”   Her voice and her face spoke of her resolution to ensure that Cruz would not fall.  She’d face down her Grandfather himself, go into the very bowels of Hell, do whatever it took to ensure that he never felt alone with his burden again and to keep him safe from the evil she now knew stalked him.  That’s what family does.
Tag list - @writingpotato07 @ceph-the-ghost-writer @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @kjscottwrites
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butchfalin · 7 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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linipikk · 10 months
Aziraphale shielding Crowley from water
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and Crowley shielding Aziraphale from fire
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fandom-trash-goblin · 3 months
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i beg you to love me, say that i'm enough, but you tell me— why are you like this? i think there's something wrong with you.
for @shestrying
thanks to @acelania for finding the unknowns!
in image / desperation sits heavy on my tongue, tumblr user tullipsink / mary oliver, ‘north country’ / virginia woolf, letter to violet dickinson / in image / blythe baird, from if my body could speak / Alice in Bed: A Play' by Susan Sontag (link in comment) / lynee rae perkins, criss cross / elena ferrante, Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay' (trans. Ann Goldstein) / rainer maria rilke, from rilke’s book of hours / in image/ in image
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i'm begging you guys to start pirating shit from streaming platforms. there are so many websites where you can stream that shit for free, here's a quick HOW TO:
1) Search for: watch TITLE OF WORK free online
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2) Scroll to the bottom of results. Click any of the "Complaint" links
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3) You will be taken to a long list of links that were removed for copyright infringement. Use the 'find' function to search for the name of the show/movie you were originally searching for. You will get something like this (specifics removed because if you love an illegal streaming site you don't post its url on social media)
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4) each of these links is to a website where you can stream shit for free. go to the individual websites and search for your show/movie. you might have to copy-paste a few before you find exactly what you're looking, but the whole process only takes a minute. the speed/quality is usually the same as on netflix/whatever, and they even have subtitles! (make sure to use an adblocker though, these sites are funded by annoying popups)
In conclusion, if you do this often enough you will start recognizing the most dependable websites, and you can just bookmark those instead. (note: this is completely separate from torrenting, which is also a beautiful thing but requires different software and a vpn)
you can also download the media in question (look for a "download" button built into the video window, or use a browser extension such as Video DownloadHelper.)
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bizarrelittlemew · 3 months
i can't wait to be 30+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 40+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 50+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 60+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 70+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 80+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 90+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to look back on my life and know that i loved things deeply and passionately and was inspired to create and was part of communities with incredible people from all over the world brought together by the stories that touched us
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aslyran · 6 months
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mindofserenity · 1 year
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wardingshout · 5 months
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Zelda goes mushroom girl
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
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Cruz and Thinius manifested in New Orleans, French Quarter. While there were places that those with magical abilities gathered all across the globe, one of the hot spots was NOLA. It was also one of the few places that they could walk around clothed as they normally were accustomed and no one would look askance at them. Next stop would be Edinburgh, but this was also the closest city to Brie’s home base in Vacherie, Louisiana. Even though her soul had been stolen when she was in Vienna, both males had a feeling that it all originated here.
Walking down Royal street, they passed behind the St. Louis Cathedral. They were getting ready to head into the less touristy part of The Quarter. The part where the stars lived, and those who held true power. Most of the mortals around them could not feel the vibration of power emanating from this part of The Quarter like they could. There would be a reckoning, and both males knew that they would be busy for hours, if not days with those who lived here.
Why was this area of the city more concentrated with magic practitioners and beings than the others? The proximity to the great power source of the Mississippi River. Water was always an attractor to those who possessed magic, but the flowing of the mighty river provided even more power. It was a conduit that ran through the length of the United States. There was no greater concentration of that power than in New Orleans. Second was the city of St. Louis, but it was far weaker in comparison. Only on the Canadian side of the Niagra Falls could similar power be found on the North American continent. That would be their next stop.
Black leather boots made soft crunching sounds on the uneven and well-worn pavement as they crossed an unseen barrier. Wards flared all over the Quarter as the pair walked. Cruz stood a solid and intimidating seven feet in height, Thinius was only two inches shorter, but with the difference in heel heights of their boots the males were even. Their strides were long and purposeful, in step and giving off an air of not being two you wanted to fuck with. Even mortals who had no clue who the two were seemed to part and let them through, their subconscious sensing that these were not two that you wanted to get in the way of in the least.
Leviathan’s words still ate at a part of Thinius. Had the Prince been right that he was being replaced after eons of servitude to Abbadon? In all those years, Abbadon had never showed the kind of care and concern that he was for that female back in his bed. Shit, hardly ever in the last few millennia had there just been one female in his bed. Something was changing, and Thinius wasn’t sure of his place in it. He wasn’t ready to turn completely on his boss, but that didn’t mean it was all sitting well.
“Mine sister is his bride and he is the Fifth Horseman.” Cruz’s heavily accented voice was low, meant only for Thinius to hear. Most mortals would have missed it, but he knew the demon had far better hearing than even devices devised by mortal hands.
“What?” Thinius looked over at the Nephilim, wondering how the fuck he heard his thoughts. Even his boss couldn’t do that. What the hell was this male?
“Empath, Horseman of War, and I’m damn old. One dost learn to read those things left unsaid. You hast been thinking on Leviathan’s words.” Cruz stopped now that the street was empty and walked over to lean against the wall of one of the buildings. “There are things he did not tell you. Leviathan holds the deed to Brie’s soul, sold by our mother to save mine own soul. That she should choose Abbadon is an affront for which he has taken great offense. That is why twas him that stole her soul and that we now track since he fled Hell. If Abbadon did not fully trust and hold faith in you, you would not be on this mission. “ His arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the other male, crossing one ankle over the other as he leaned against the building.
Facing the Nephilim, Thinius’s mind was tumbling over everything that he had just said. “He said she’s Death and a Grigori…holy shit!” It all dawned on Thinius now and anger started to swell within him. Now he understood Abbadon’s reaction when he had told him that her soul was missing. “So I bet Leviathan won’t be the last Prince to come and try to turn me…or any of us.” Cruz nodded solemnly.
“Mine own mother desired for me to be the harbinger of mine sister’s death so that Leviathan could own her soul, as did Lucifer. Tis why he is currently attached to the wall in the great hall of the Palace.” Thinius started laughing, causing Cruz’s brow to rise.
“Wait, it was you…no Brie? Damn! Remind me to never fuck with your sister! There isn’t a demon or being in Hell that hasn’t heard about that. They still can’t get Lucifer off of that wall. Maybe we should pay him a visit before we head up to Niagra. It’s still fucking cold up there and the old bastard might be able to give us some intel that would keep us from having to go up there.” He chuckled as she shook his head.
Cruz cracked an amused smirk. “Brie. Pissing off mine sister is far from smart.” He pushed off of the wall and the two males started walking down the street again.
At the next cross street, they turned left towards Rampart. Both were on guard, they could feel the magical wards they were crossing. Still there was a lot of swagger in their strides as the two broad and tall makes walked the street. Backs straight, shoulders back, they looked as serious and lethal as they truly were. Neither could help but think that they had never dreamed in their long lives of fighting alongside a being such as the other. War can create strange bedfellows, and that is exactly what this was. It was WAR. Leviathan had fired a shot at Abbadon and Brie. Neither Thinius, the Horsemen, or the Angels were going to back down.
Finally the number that they were looking for came into view. The men stopped, looked at each other, then turned and in unison hit the door with their feet. The hinges squealed as they broke free from the doorframe and the door fell inward. Cruz took point as they climbed the old and worn staircase. Their shoulders brushed the sides of the narrow stairway, each footfall sounding like it was going to send the stair crashing into the floor below. Still the men didn’t pause. They weren’t hiding their entry, which meant the warlock had time to prepare for them. If he was smart, he would just tell them what they wanted to know.
The ball of energy that hit the wall, barely missing Cruz’s head, as he rounded the top of the staircase told him that this was not going to be easy. Sensing no one but the Warlock ahead, Cruz misted behind him and quickly had the other male in a headlock as Thinius sauntered down the hallway towards them. The warlock was too busy clawing at Cruz’s arm to cast a spell towards Thinius, but his eyes spoke volumes regarding how much he realized he was screwed. Kicking the door closed behind him as he entered the home of the warlock, Thinius cast a ward that would silence any sounds from being heard by the mortals and would block all that transpired from view of anyone outside the windows.
Kneeling down to where the warlock had gone to his knees from lack of Oxygen, Thinius grinned. “Now, now Gerard. You should know better than to try and attack a Horseman. One with a demon in tow? Now, that was the supreme act of idiocy. You see, he and I are on the same team now and my boss…well, he wants to know where yours is. So are you gonna make this shit easy, or do we have to do this the hard way?”
Cruz’s arm lessened it’s hold some to let the warlock draw in breath. “Fuck…you…” the warlock ground out before Thinius raised an eyebrow and looked at Cruz.
“Looks like he’s gonna make us do it the hard way bro.” An evil grin formed on Thinius’s lips before his fist drew back and hit the warlock with enough force in the guy to lacerate his liver and kidney. In a mortal, they would have blead out in minutes, but this would just be exceedingly painful to the warlock. More damage was to come though and it was doubtful whether he would be breathing at the end.
The warlock screamed out, but the wards Thinius had cast held. Cruz yanked the male to his feet and drug him over to a chair. Throwing him into it, both Cruz and Thinius used magic to create bindings to hold him there. “Gerard, this is thine last chance to cooperate. Thine boss has committed a grievous act against mine sister. There is no torture so obscene that I shalt not deign to employ it to find the information that I do seek. I did participate in the Inquisitions, so mine repertoire of torture is quite vast.” A dark and devious glint formed in Cruz’s eye as a smirk formed on his lips.
Thinius tried not to show his shock. How the fuck old was this dude? His language was definitely archaic, but he was beginning to wonder exactly what Abbadon had gotten him into. Most of the Nephilim that he had met were 700-800 years old tops; this one, he was far older. And a Guardian, he had only heard of rumors of the few that had been created. He looked over to the warlock, “Gerard, bro you gotta see you’re gonna loose here. If I don’t kill your ass, this dude here will.” He leaned forward to put his hands on his thighs, back straight as he looked in Gerard’s eyes. “Dude, he’s War. Yeah…I see that dawning in your eyes. He’s that War. And he’s now kinda family to my boss. So, ya might want to play nice.”
Gerard’s eyes alternated between Cruz and Thinius. He certainly liked breathing, and not being in immense pain, but he knew that if Leviathan found out he’d betrayed him that he would suffer exponentially worse for all of eternity. This was not a position that he wanted to be in. What made it worse was that he had no clue what Leviathan had done to piss Abbadon and the Horsemen off, but if they had teamed up and Abbadon was family to War? Shit! This was not a good situation and he was on the wrong side of this.
“Go. To. Hell.” Gerard spit out, his face a mask of defiance. He knew that he was about to experience pain that few could ever imagine, but he hoped in death he would be released. What he had no idea about was how long they could keep him alive and in pain, just because he had now pissed them off royally.
13 hours later, Cruz and Thinius exited the building. No trace they had ever been there remained, and they had taken care of Gerard’s body. Unfortunately they were no closer to finding Leviathan. The warlock hadn’t known where he was, or even that he had fled Hell. They did get some good information on some who might know.
“Right or left bro?” Thinius asked as he vanished the last of the gore off of his hands.
“Left, and then to Esplanade. Let’s go see the priestess.” Cruz answered as he started walking down the sidewalk. Dawn was just breaking over the city, a haze of fog hung in the air as the two dark males formed intimidating shadows as they moved. Anyone coming across them in this ambiance was going to hastily turn and head the other direction. In the mood that the two males were in, that was a very wise move
@dogmomwrites - not during the 20's, but this is the previous time they went and had some fun together. This was Chapter 19 over 100+ previously written. And...as you can see..Cruz's previous FC was used for the pic.
THE IMPERIUM CHRONICLES TAG LIST - @ceph-the-ghost-writer @kjscottwrites @writingpotato07 @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @late-to-the-fandom @autumnalwalker @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet @jessica-writes22 @dogmomwrites @mjjune @verba-writing
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finehoney · 1 year
i am holding my loneliness and she is a teenage girl with puffy eyes, and i love her more than i have ever loved anyone
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ghostbsuter · 6 months
"I can see dead people." He mentions with a shrug, using the chopsticks to fish more noodles into his mouth.
Dick stares at him. "Huh."
"Is that why you help?" He asks, getting more spring rolls.
"Yeah. Once someone becomes a ghost, word gets out quick, and they come to me. Always tatling about unfairness and justice." The kid waves the words around, rolling his eyes.
Dick just pretens to he uninterested, despite his mind racing at the new info. He is piecing past moments together, every shadow leaping away, every note with tips, leads and—
"Do you... like it? Doing all that?" Richard approaches thus carefully, brows furrowed at the kid opposite of him.
Danny moves his head, giving a 'so-so' answer. "It's not much to like, I can see ghosts, and they know it and use it. If it brings them to peace or whatever– well, that's just a plus."
Dick stares. He places his chopsticks down and looks at Danny worried.
In turn, the kid sighs. "Sometimes gifts become curses the longer you have it."
And Dick understands.
Mind made up, he throws a pair of keys at the kid, watching fondly as the other catches them with confusion.
"Next time use these, instead of entering through the window."
Danny mock-salutes with a shit eating grin. "Yes, Officer grayson."
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somnimagus · 7 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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