#peer review process steps
academypediaen · 2 years
Must-Read SWOT Analysis of Open Access Journals That Technology Watch Specialists Shouldn't Ignore
Introduction   Open access journals are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional publishing methods .   But, with new technologies come new risks and potential threats that must be taken into consideration. In this article, we'll explore five emerging threats [...] https://is.gd/D5GaWH
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#business #communication #data #education #ict #information #intelligence #technology - Created by David Donisa from Academypedia.info
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ao3cassandraic · 1 year
Kayfabe: A Good Omens meta
"Kayfabe," in wrestling, is the performance (including outside the wrestling ring) of whatever storyline is being woven around the wrestlers. Breaking kayfabe is Serious Business for a wrestler; the illusion is part of the event. If you ever wondered how John Cena could anchor an entire HBO miniseries brilliantly, kayfabe is a big part of the answer.
Because of their histories and how their respective Head Offices treat them, Crowley and Aziraphale approach their version of kayfabe -- their whole "I am an angel! You are a demon! We're hereditary enemies!" schtick, also their "we are good bad proper little footsoldiers, honest, Boss" schtick to their respective Head Offices -- very, very differently.
I promise there's a point to this. I PROMISE. But let me walk through it first.
Both of them know that one awkward question to Upstairs at the wrong moment and its Fallsville. Crowley, however, knows a couple of things that Aziraphale doesn't have to:
Punishment isn't just once; in some ways, the Fall is never over. Beelzebub or Hastur can throw you in the Dung Pits whenever, after all, or feed you to a Hellhound, or zap you like an Eric. Crowley's lot do not send rude notes. (s2: we do not know what happened to Crowley after Hell dragged him back at the end of the Resurrectionists 'sode, but I think it safe to say it was not great for Crowley. Litotes: your key to quality meta.)
Downstairs can and does check in -- or drag Crowley Downstairs for a chat and possibly a bit of idle torture -- whenever they feel like it. Downstairs seems pretty disorganized, especially its leadership, so I'd expect ad-hoc surprise inspections from them. Downstairs can invade Crowley's flat's TV, his Bentley's radio, and his very mind to perform those inspections. Crowley is never, ever safe from this. He can't relax. Ever.
Heaven, on the other hand, has 37 levels of scriveners and zero interest in Earth. Talk of "reprimands" and "miracle budgets" and Michael being a stickler and whatnot suggests a formal review process happening on a schedule, governed largely by the dreaded (but quite possibly fake-able or spinnable) "paperwork" rather than direct observation by Aziraphale's peers or superiors. Otherwise, Aziraphale is usually left to his own devices. Remember how startled he is when Gabriel shows up at the sushi restaurant in s1? This is unusual!
(We also know from Muriel that Heaven's records office doesn't seem to get consulted a whole lot. It's possible this just means that first-through-thirty-sixth-level scriveners handle everything, but in my experience of large bureaucracies, it's the folks at the bottom of the hierarchy who invariably get run off their feet first. Don't see why Heaven would be any different.)
Moreover, Heaven's punishments seem pretty light, on the whole? Our angel is so anxious and so sensitive to slights that I'm sure the reprimands aren't fun, and nobody likes a reduced miracle budget... but Heavenly "needs improvement" reviews don't seem to be a patch on the Dung Pits. The real threat is Falling, which is more than horrible enough to serve as deterrent; Heaven doesn't need to add torments.
Moreover moreover, Aziraphale is mostly aligned with his Head Office in a way that Crowley really, really isn't. I'm sure Aziraphale does a lot of his Heaven assignments with a song in his heart and a skip in his step -- it's mostly not smiting or the like. Crowley... probably spends a lot of his work time figuring out how to obey the letter of Hellish law while defying its spirit. Crowley's in far more danger of angering his bosses.
So Aziraphale doesn't have to keep up kayfabe a lot of the time, not even while interacting with Crowley. He can and does save it for the rare occasions Heaven takes a personal interest. Crowley, however, must keep up kayfabe always, whether Aziraphale's there or not. The courage it must have taken that snake to slither up the wall of Eden!
The way Crowley navigates his permanent need for kayfabe is twofold. First, his all but instinctive refusal to accept any positive word or compliment about himself or his actions from anyone ever -- "I'M NOT NICE!" If Hell were ever to hear someone characterizing Crowley that way... That's also why Crowley is a bit less exercised when Jimbriel calls him nice: "nobody'll ever believe you."
Second, a species of Orwellian doublethink: maintaining a running commentary in his head of how he's going to justify any unHellish actions to Hell, since he can never know exactly when he'll have to or what exactly they'll have a bug up their butt (sorry, Beez) about. Even high as a kite on laudanum in the Edinburgh cemetery, Crowley can explain his current justification (in a curiously sober voice -- is Crowley ever really high in that scene? or is it all kayfabe? I lean toward kayfabe) to Aziraphale, "Not kind! Off my head on laudanum, not responsible for my actions."
We can see the kayfabe mismatch play out a few times, and it does appear that Aziraphale gets more concerned for Crowley's safety and more aware of Crowley's need for kayfabe post-Arrangement. That doesn't mean he always remembers, of course -- he wouldn't, he just doesn't have that same desperate need. And, of course, the ineffable walnuts do not communicate, as s2 went to some lengths to point out. I do think kayfabe is part of that -- it's hard for Crowley to be sincere when he's constantly doublethinking, and Aziraphale's off-and-on involvement with kayfabe (and all his other tendencies toward lying) disincline him to achieve or even learn about honest communication.
One s1 scene I went back and rewatched while thinking about this was the Globe scene, which contains Aziraphale's Saint-Peter-esque three-time denial of Crowley. I find it easy now to read that as Aziraphale going "oh crap do I need to drop back into kayfabe now? I didn't break kayfabe, did I?" and Crowley grinning, at least partly as reassurance. (Partly, of course, because Aziraphale is cute and funny even when kayfabing -- and partly because Aziraphale's sudden drop into kayfabe is Aziraphale trying to protect Crowley, of course Crowley's pleased by that.)
The wall pin, now that I think about it, also gains a little nuance from this. Crowley's fear-laced ire is genuine, but how many times must Aziraphale have heard Crowley snarl at him not to break kayfabe in this way? No surprise he's a little unimpressed. (With Crowley's demand. He's clearly very impressed by Crowley.)
In the s2 Job minisode, Aziraphale hilariously drops kayfabe (and that epic whole-body halo, loved that, great job FX folks) almost immediately. Crowley allows it, because Crowley is on firm ground -- Hell will be just fine with Crowley wrapping the angel in a Chuck-Jones-cartoon amount of scroll parchment and flipping him off.
When angel and demon collude on the con later, of course, they observe kayfabe, improv-style -- Crowley helps Aziraphale deal with the Job's-children situation without giving either of them away to the watching angel posse. Interestingly, it's Aziraphale who de-gecko-izes the kids. That gives Crowley an out, sort of: "look, the mansion collapse missed them because they were in the cellar, I turned them into geckos, totally Hellish thing to do, they'd never survive in the wild, but then this bloody interfering angel went and changed them back!"
And how does Crowley console a distraught angel who thinks he's about to be dragged to Hell? Crowley explains kayfabe in the fewest and clearest words possible. "Well, yeah, you did, but... I'm not going to tell anybody. Are you?"
So yeah. That's kayfabe for the Ineffable Walnuts.
But I promised there was a point to this, didn't I? Yes, I have a point.
My point is...
my POINT is...
my point IS...
(not dolphins, not this time)
My point is, how much of s2's Final Fifteen Minutes is kayfabe?
That's my point.
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spacedace · 1 year
Here be the first little bit of the new DP x DC AU I warned about earlier where Tim, due to his constant repeated attempts at cloning Bart & Kon, accidentally summons slightly eldritch Elle who is very interested in what he’s up to.
As always feel free to run with this as a prompt if yall find anything here interesting :D
Tim didn’t mean to summon her.
He’d been in the lab, staring at the data on the latest failed attempts at cloning Kon and Bart and feeling like he was cracking in two. Eyes burning, chest tight, world spinning out into shifting impossible shadows around him as his mind and body struggled to push him forward into another day without sleep. The hush of water in the tanks, his unsteady steps on the cement floor, the chill seeping into his bones.
He stumbled and swayed through the maze of the lab, numbers dripping like blood down the screen as he tried to stare at the figures. He needed to try again, needed to bring them back, in whatever capacity he could. This time would work. This time he’d get it right.
When he saw her, feet clumsy as he rounded a corner, he thought she was just another hallucination.
How could she be anything else?
Skin like a polished mirror, hair like the white-hot flash of lightning, eyes as green as the depths of the Lazarus Pits. She floated before a tank, spectral and strange with a long wisping tail that drifted off into nothingness in place of legs, body shifting and changing before his eyes in ways that bodies should not be able to. Outside of the eyes the face was…not there. An impression of the shapes that you’d expect to see in a human face, like the Question’s. Sometimes though the features defined, sharpened. Mirror bright skin crackling as faces took shape in the glass.
In the low light of the lab, he almost imaged one of those faces was Kon’s. Dimples and freckles and high cheek bones and the slant of a silhouette that haunted Tim’s dreams at night. A flicker of her lightining hair and it was gone. Smoothed back into soft blankness once more.
He watched from the of the aisle as she lifted too-long mirror shard fingers and rest them gently on the glass as she seemed to peer in at the lifeless body inside.
Attempt 76.
One of his tries with Bart. The organs hadn’t grown right during the age-up process. Tim had cried for that one as he had for all the others. As he had for Bart and Kon when they had died. As he still did as the fact that it was more maddened grief than hope that kept him pushing forward anyway.
He closed his eyes to the hallucination at the end of the aisle. Breathed deep and steady. It might be gone when he opened his eyes again. It might not be. It might be something - someone - else when he dares look next. He’d been through this time and time again over the days and weeks he’d been throwing himself at this agonizing wall. The only difference this time was the intricate strangeness, the total lack of recognition he had for the figure, baring the moment he almost saw Kon in its face.
Coffee. Maybe some harder stimulants, if he had any left. New data to review, new attempts to be made. He didn’t have time for the effects of sleep deprivation.
Tim opened his eyes.
He jerked back as he came face to face with himself, warped and strange and green in the reflective face of the being where it now hovered so close that if it breathed he would feel it upon his face.
She tilted her head at him, curious. Hands rose to cup his face, rest on his shoulders, wrap around his arms, cradle his hands. More hands than he’d seen before. More hands than he was able to truly comprehend, stomach souring as his eyes stung and strained in the attempt to look at the impossible warping of her body. Despite the glint of shattered glass that made up her fractured palms and splintered silver fingers, her hands were soft and warm where they curled around him. Almost human in the way they held him in place, the hold pleasantly firm.
He’d never had a doting elder aunt to pinch his cheeks and demand to get a look at him, but he imagined this might be what that felt like. The way the being shifted her head from side to side, his reflection warping in the curved reflection of the planes of her featureless face, added to the strange idea. His hallucinations didn’t normally touch him, though. And never so…kindly.
Tim felt his blood go cold as he realized it might not be a figment of his fracturing mind floating before him.
Swallowing nervously, he tried to shift backwards, to slip out of the many grasping hands before the softness turned sharp and began to cut into him. He felt something cool against the back of his legs, hair standing on end as static electricity built up on his skin where he brushed the trailing tail he hadn’t noticed her curl around him. The entity leaned in close, the depthless green of her glowing eyes consuming Tim’s entire field of vision, and he was flooded by the sudden, horrible awareness of being Known.
The world fell away from him, his stomach lurching with the sick-sweet feel of free fall that used to exhilarate him when he’d first become Robin and had flown from rooftops dangling by his grapple and his belief in the magic being Robin instilled in him. The lab, the equipment, the piles of data and desperate scribbles, the failed clones, Tim himself. All swept away in the flood of green and the roar of lightning and the cool press of glass.
He came to would could have been minutes or centuries later. Gasping and sick on the cold cement floor, shivering as he dry heaved. His mouth full of salt and copper and the burning crackle of ozone at the back of his throat.
For a moment, disoriented and dizzy, he thought it had all been a hallucination after all. Or some fractious dream visited upon him by his torn and tattered mind after he’d finally collapsed from exhaustion on the lab floor. That the entity truly had been just in his mind, a consequence of his refusal to rest until his work was done.
Then he felt the glass-cool fingers running through his hair, the warm hand rubbing at his back, heard the low murmurs of reassurance in a voice that was almost, almost human.
He spasmed as he tried to jerk away, hissing with the sharp sting of pins and needles dancing over every nerve. His limbs were heavy and clumsy, and he was crashing back to the cold floor under his own weight before he could even try and drag himself away. His breathing came in short, aching gasps as he tried to twist away, only managing to roll to his back to see the entity where it sat calmly looking down at him.
She had a face now. A solid, steady one that fit her in a way that made him think it must be her real one, though what that meant exactly he didn’t know. The glowing eyes had dimmed and shifted, more human looking with black pupils and white sclera. Button nose marked with silver-tarnish freckles that spread over her cheeks too. A mouth, with lips curled into an apologetic smile. Her hair, still shifting as if caught in a wind that wasn’t there, was still the bright white it’d been before, but the lighting of the locks had settled into faint crackles between the curls. Whatever she was, whatever she’d done to him, he could look at her without feeling like his mind might just crack in two.
“Wha-“ His voice cracked, painful and hoarse like he’d been screaming. Maybe he had been. Swallowing around the burn in his throat, he choked out a hissed, “What are you?”
Her head tilted in that curious slant again, more human features giving her a bright, youthful look as she peered down at him questioningly. “You summoned me, Little Gaffer, shouldn’t you know?”
Gaffer is a term used for a glass crafter, as well as light technicians for stage/movie productions. I’m using it as the term for the person who creates a Clone, with the clone themselves being a Mirrorborn, and the person they are cloned from being called the clone’s Reflected. Gaffer is probably a bit of a stretch for this, technically I think someone who makes mirrors would be called a Glazier (Glaziers are glassmakers) but I wasn’t vibing that as much. Besides I like the vibe of glass + light = mirror in a way.
Anyway, opening volley of a new AU where Tim ends up becoming like a warlock to Elle to get his loved ones back, while Elle is just having the time of her sorta eldritch little life watching this absolute mess of a human wreck shit and cause so much chaos even without the powers she starts giving him.
(Elle in this is both the God Queen of Clones/Mirrorborn as well as the Ancient of the Speedforce (which I’ve decided is called the Ever Onward in the Infinite Realms, because I literally can’t be stopped from trying to make normal DC things sound mystical because spooky Infinite Realms aesthetics haha)
Have a tiny bit more written for this, but don’t know how much I’ll end up writing for it with all the other projects I have currently lol, so if anyone is interested feel free to run with it as you so desire haha
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tessa-liam · 15 days
Life Goes On
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Marabelle Series
Chapter 15 – Part 2
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement)
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?
Marabelle Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson
Most characters belong to Choices/Pixelberry Studios
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo, gun violence
Many thanks to @selina012 for pre-reading.
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement
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Chapter Summary – Liam returns home to Cordonia to find Sophie and to address his nation about the university terror attack.
Music & Title Inspiration: Life Goes On, Ed Sheeran, Luke Combs; Run To You, Lucy Thomas
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother.
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events.
A/N3: Heartfelt thanks to @Selina012 for joining me in writing ideas and with dialogue/content for this chapter and series.
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Aboard the Royal jet, Rashad peered outside the window and took in the white sands of Cordonia's shores passing by. Suddenly his ears popped, and the pilot spoke over the intercom, announcing the estimated arrival time was in 5 minutes. He felt nervous and helpless and could not help but repeat his fears in his mind: ‘There hasn't been any good news’.
Drake watched Liam walk away from his seat, his hand curled around a glass tumbler filled with an expensive scotch. He wondered if they would hear news before they landed. Remembering his best friend's emotional spiral downward after the past assassination attempt three years ago at the palace; this had the makings of that same pattern. This time though, Drake was not going to leave Liam alone.
The dire problem of not having any clues where Sophie was at the moment was suffocating.
As they waited to land, the minutes seemed to draw out. There was not much he or any of Liam's guards could do but wait and prepare to offer the crown prince their full support.
Liam finished off his scotch, the fiery liquid barely registering, and tried to review the notes for his upcoming address to his nation in his head while stepping into his private suite onboard.
There had still been no update on his beloved Sophie's whereabouts or circumstances.
He took a deep, long breath and turned to Bastien walking next to him with unmistakable determination. "Bastien, contact the security team back home immediately. I need all the current details on the scene and an update on the rescue operations."
Bastien sprang into action, calling the security team leader and putting him on speakerphone so that Liam could hear the conversation in real time. Captain Sean Wilson answered the call.
"Captain, this is Crown Prince Liam Rys, requesting an update on the incident at the University of Cordonia." Liam's voice came through the phone speaker, clear and strong.
"Your Highness, the situation at the scene is complicated and we have deployed additional rescue teams to help facilitate the speedy rescue and recovery process.”
The captain’s voice was tired but remained professional. "We have confirmation that multiple students have been injured in the shooting. We have increased security three-fold around the campus and are working diligently to track down the suspects."
Liam's fists clenched involuntarily, but he remained stoic as he continued. "I need a complete list of all the known casualties. I want to know about each and every one."
"Your Highness, we have established a comprehensive emergency response mechanism. At present, we are compiling the information and rescue teams are working at full ability. The list of casualties is being urgently collated, and I will send it to you via encrypted channels as soon as it is completed."
Liam nodded, and though he could not be seen, there was an unmistakable insistence in his tone: "I need this completed as soon as possible. In addition, please continue to strengthen the search and rescue efforts to ensure the safety of all students. At the same time, increase the manpower to hunt down the suspects and I demand that they be brought to justice in the shortest possible time."
Shortly after hanging up, the sound of an encrypted email rang on Liam's tablet, which he quickly clicked on; and displayed a list of known casualties on the screen as asked. There were fourteen people in the column of the dead, and dozens of names in the column of the injured. Liam took a deep breath and began to go through the list of names, one by one, each name like a sharp blade, stabbing at his heart. He searched carefully, afraid to miss any possible detail. But until the end, he did not find Sophie's name.
Liam clenched his fists, his eyes shining with unshakeable determination. "Bastien, as soon as the jet lands, we will go to the scene and assess the situation personally.”
Bastien, at once responded: "Yes, Your Highness. I will ensure that everything is in place."
Liam turned his head to stare out the window at the clouds; his heart was in turmoil. Although Sophie's name did not appear on the list of casualties, his fears did not diminish. He knew that the lack of news did not mean that Sophie was necessarily safe. That she might still be struggling, or that for some reason she might not be able to communicate with the outside world. He had to ensure that Sophie was safe personally.
Thinking of this, he took out his phone and touched Sophie’s number with trembling fingers. But all he heard on the other end of the line was a cold, robotic voice: 'Sorry, the number you are trying to reach is unavailable.'
Sending a text, he carefully tapped every letter, as he expressed his worries and thoughts.
'Love, please call me as soon as you get this message. I'm worried about you.'
'Where are you? Are you safe? Why can't I reach you?'
'I'm already on my way back to Cordonia. Please wait for me. Please.'
As the minutes ticked by, the 'unread' message on the screen was an ironic and cruel reminder of the futility of all his efforts.
Frustrated, he then tried to call Sophie's aunt and then sent a text message to Maxwell. 'Max, are you okay? Where are you? Have you heard from Sophie?'
Shortly after, his phone vibrated and Liam checked the text immediately .... only to see Maxwell reply,
"Liam, me and Daniel are at the Malic Hotel now, we're all right. But Sophie got separated in the confusion!!!!😢 I have been trying to reach her without success. I'm really worried about her.'
Receiving this update, Liam, although still anxious, was also relieved that Maxwell felt safe. He immediately replied: "Max, good to hear you're okay. Please keep in touch, I'll be back as soon as I can, and we'll find Sophie together."
Liam then picked up his phone again and sent a text message to Sophie's Aunt Bethany:
'Duchess Bethany, this is Liam. How are you? Have you heard from Sophie? I am very concerned for her safety.'
A few minutes later, Bethany replied to his message: 'Your Highness, I'm fine, but Sophie hasn't been heard from since the ceremony. I am also anxiously awaiting her contact. Please try to not worry, I'm sure she will be all right'
Liam's heart sank to rock bottom as he closed his eyes, silently praying that she would be found safe and unharmed. At the same time, he also felt a deep sorrow for all the innocent victims of the attack. He understood as crown prince, he had the responsibility and obligation, along with his father, to ensure the security of the country and its people. This attack was an acute test of his leadership.
University of Cordonia, Capital
As Sophie wandered aimlessly through the maze of people, her eyes welled up. The adrenaline of an earlier escape from the auditorium faded and she felt more sadness, fear and heartache than she had ever felt before. For a moment, she could not control her emotions and tears ran down her cheeks. How she wished it all had been a bad dream, that she would wake up and find that it had all been a false alarm.
An hour later, Sophie and other surviving students and guests were evacuated in an orderly manner to a hotel outside of the campus, the Malic Hotel. The hotel was temporarily requisitioned as an emergency shelter and was surrounded by police and security personnel to ensure internal safety and order. But even so, there was an indescribable tension and unease still in the air.
Sophie had been assigned to room 302. The moment she stepped into her hotel room; Sophie could finally catch her breath. She sat wearily on the edge of the bed, looking out of the window with empty eyes, but her mood could not be calmed. She was eager to know more about what happened at the graduation, especially the mysterious men in black masks, their identity, purpose and why they were there; all of these became lingering questions in her mind.
She instinctively wanted to turn on her phone, hoping to find some clue or news report that would at least give her a sense of what had happened. But reality threw icy water at her - her phone screen was broken and riddled with cracks. She quickly pressed the power button, but the screen only flickered a few times, and then no longer responded. Sophie's eyes flashed with despair, as her contact with the outside world was completely cut off.
Thoughts came like a flood. She missed her Aunt Bethany, who supported her no matter what she was going through, who gave her endless warmth and encouragement, and who always made her feel at home in Cordonia. At the same time, she missed her horse, Marabelle. Every time she mounted Marabelle's back and galloped across the wide fields of Ramsford, all her troubles seemed to go away with the wind. Marabelle's eyes were always full of trust and loyalty, and there was a tacit understanding between them without words. How she wished now that she could feel the freedom and joy of running with Marabelle again.
But most of all, she missed Liam. In this unknown and dangerous moment, how she wished he could be with her, give her support and comfort. Liam, the man she was in love with, who gave her strength. She had never been so impatient to see him, to feel safe in his arms.
Now, however, she could only face all this alone; tears in her eyes had slipped down once again. In addition to missing Liam, Sophie's mind was filled with anxiety about the attack. She did not know how many people had been injured or even killed in the attack; whether Candy and Tom would get better, or what was going on with Maxwell and Daniel. They were her friends and family, and their safety stuck with her. She prayed silently that they would be safe.
Amidst this anxiety, there was so many questions. Who were those men in black at the graduation? Why would they target innocent students? What is the purpose behind this attack?
What puzzled her even more was the emblem of the earth and the baby. What does it mean? What has it got to do with the attack?
Her mind was full of confusion and uneasiness, questions swirled with no answers in sight, leaving her breathless. She tried to piece together every detail of the night in her mind, hoping to remember a clue or an answer. But the images were fragmented, leaving her unable to grasp and put together any useful information.
"Liam ..." Sophia muttered under her breath. She recalled what Liam had said about what he had experienced as a young prince and the memories of an assassination attempt that had fear cutting through his heart like a sharp blade.
Exhaustion came flooding in, overwhelming all her thoughts and feelings. Sophie lay in bed, breathing smoothly and deeply, and her body relaxed, as if all her worries and pain had been temporarily released at that moment. She drifted off to sleep with all her doubts, uneasiness, sadness, and longing for Liam.
The Royal Palace, Cordonia
The press was relentless. Inside the throne room, King Constantine stood stoically, as members of the press core demanded answers about the campus attack. Constantine cleared his throat and addressed the press directly and with the assurance of his years of reign and released a statement:
“At this dark hour, I stand before you with profound grief and pain in my heart. Like many of you, I am mourning the lives lost today, and we pray for the wounded to make a full recovery.
While we grieve the senseless violence that struck our country, we are also furious with the loss and sorrow brought on by those responsible for this evil act. We cannot and will not tolerate the murder and harming of innocent lives simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Those who commit such unspeakable acts will be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the crown.”
Stepping down from the dais, Constantine was at once escorted by his royal guard out of the throne room. He looked visibly shaken and gripped his cane, trying to stand straight and upright.
Constantine's face was pale, and his eyes were filled with deep sorrow, his elderly face looked worn. But he refused to shed tears, still maintaining his dignified manner, while in public.
Lawrence, his personal guard, moved quickly to his side, “Your Majesty, the Royal jet has just landed with your son.”
Malic Motor Hotel, temporary safe house, University of Cordonia
The second group of surviving students were transported to the Malic hotel in orderly batches by the police in the pre-dawn night. The bright lights in the lobby could not hide the tension and in these in the air. Police officers, security personnel and medical staff were busy shuttling through the hallways to ensure that every student was properly accommodated.
The noise of footsteps and a murmur of conversation broke the sounds of the night. Sophie woke up, opened her eyes slightly, and through a gap in the half-closed curtains. She saw several figures hurrying along the corridor, as if new survivors had been brought in. She got up and dressed. Soon the door was gently opened, and a figure slowly entered the room. It was a girl about Sophie's age, a little wobbly in her step, visibly shaken by the night's horror and still reeling from the shock.
"Hey, um ... excuse me. I was assigned to this room. Is it okay if I come in?" The girl's voice was small and trembling, and her eyes were slightly timid.
Sophie at once stood up and smiled back, "Hello, come on in." The girl came closer, and Sophie could see her face. She had an East Asian face, long deep brown hair, and large black eyes full of fear and confusion, as if she had just woken up from a nightmare.
The girl said softly, "thank you, my name is Hana. What happened tonight was terrible ..."
Sophie took Hana's hand and sat her down on the edge of the bed. "Hi Hana, my name is Sophie. I know we have been through the same horror. But it is all right now. We can talk together and maybe it will make you feel better." Sophie tried to sound calm and friendly, hoping to bring some comfort to the girl.
Hana gave Sophie a grateful look, and took a deep breath. She began with great determination to recount her own experience at the graduation.
"I was with friends and all of a sudden the lights went out and they were gunshots ... I tried to run away, but there were screams and chaos all around me. I really don't know how I got out. I was taken to the stadium with some people and stayed there almost overnight until we were brought here. But I never saw my friends again. I got separated from them, I do not know what became of them..." Hana wiped tears from her eyes.
Sophie listened quietly, with a surge of sympathy and understanding. She thought of her friends Candy and Tom, and her cousin Maxwell and Daniel, and a pang of worry filled her heart.
"Hana, I've had my own friends injured and go missing too. Candy's arm was hit by shrapnel, Tom was shot in the shoulder, and they are both in the hospital; and Maxwell and Daniel got separated from me when they escaped. I am really worried about them. But I'm sure they will be all right. Your friends must have gotten out safely, too. You must believe that."
Hana's eyes flashed with emotion and trust as she listened to Sophie's words. "Sophie, you are such a strong person. If only I could be as brave as you."
Sophie patted Hana's arm gently and smiled wryly.
"Hana, it's normal to be afraid in this situation. In fact, I am also afraid, and all the people who have been through this attack."
Then Sophie's tone became a little heavier, and she decided to tell Hana what she had seen. With that, Sophie picked up the paper and pen on the table in the room and drew the sign from memory. Hana's face turned pale when she saw Sophie's drawing; her eyes widened, and she repeated in disbelief, "you saw this sign?"
Sophie nodded, her words unmistakable, "Yes, I'm sure. It was a very strange sign. I saw it clearly. They acted quickly and in an orderly manner. They were not ordinary thugs."
Hana held Sophie's hand tightly, her voice shaking slightly. "This sign, I have seen on the news, but with what specific event, I can't remember. However, it is definitely unusual and must be the hallmark of an organisation or group."
Sophie's eyes sharpened, and she frowned in thought. "This is no coincidence. The men in black were clearly prepared, and their attack may well have been targeted. We must tell the police about this as soon as possible.”
Hana shuddered, her voice filled with fear and worry. "But... will that put us in danger? If they are really that powerful, will they retaliate?"
Sophie's heartrate quickened. Of course she was afraid. The scene of Candy and Tom being shot and wounded replayed again before her eyes. The blood staining their shirts, the pain and helplessness weaving in their desperate eyes. These were images that she could never forget.
Then, in her mind, the panic of people running away, their faces showing fear and helplessness. Screams, cries, and pleas for help made up the most tragic symphony of the night. Fires were burning, the smoke was billowing, and the whole evening was enveloped in despair and confusion.
But thinking of the students who had been victimized, of Maxwell and Daniel who were still missing, and of Candy and Tom who were still in the hospital ... Sophie took a deep breath and quieted her heart. She could not let her fear consume her. She knew that her friends needed her. ... 'If you do not step up, Sophie, this kind of tragedy will happen again.'
Sophie stiffened her resolve, her voice was soft, yet powerful: "No, Hana, we cannot stay quiet. Candy, Tom, and your friends are just some of the many people who were hurt tonight. If we stay silent because we are afraid, more people will be hurt in the future. We can't let this continue to happen."
Hana's fear was replaced by a kind of courage as she listened to Sophie's words. "You're right, Sophie. I won't back down," She nodded firmly.
"Sophie, I'm so happy to meet you." Hana looked sheepishly at Sophie, blushing.
"If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would have done."
She touched Hana's arm and smiled, "I know you have determination, too, Hana." Sophie was genuinely happy ... happy to be friends with Hana.
Sophie hesitated for a moment, then whispered to Hana, "Hana,can you show me the news? My phone broke during the attack." She pulled out her cracked cell phone.
Hana nodded, and picked up her phone from the nightstand to open the news app. Together, they stared at the small screen, searching for news related to last night's university shooting.
On the screen, several shocking reports soon came into view. The mass shooting at the University of Cordonia had attracted widespread attention from the national and international community. The report detailed the chaos and bloodshed of the night, but also said that the police were fully investigating the incident and promised to bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible. As she read, she felt mixed feelings.
Sophie continued browsing. Suddenly, a marked headline hit her eyes and made her heart beat faster. --
"Crown Prince Liam Rys urgently ends his visit to Italy and returns home to respond to the shooting incident at Cordonia University."
She tapped eagerly; the live broadcast of the news began automatically.
On the screen, Liam stood in the doorway of the familiar white, shadowy auditorium, behind which the smoke had not fully cleared and live images of ambulances and police cars could be seen. Liam's figure stood unwavering behind press microphones.. He wore a black suit, his eyes were slightly solemn, but his face was more resolute and decided, that could not be ignored.
Sophie stared intently at the screen, every subtle expression of Liam tugging at her heartstrings. His voice came clearly over the phone, calm and strong.
Sophie's eyes were red and brimmed with tears. Her heart was racing, as she felt Liam's deep emotion coming through the screen. And then Liam's words turned to unquestioning determination:
Sophie stared at the screen, her tears spilling onto her cheeks. The moment she heard him say the words, 'Our Cordonian family', her heart swelling with indescribable excitement and pride; she wanted to run to his side and face all of this with him. However, this emotion was quickly overcome by reason, knowing that she could not expose her relationship with Liam, especially when there were other people around watching. She gently turned down the volume on the phone for fear that Hana would notice her emotional reactions. She clutched the phone tightly, as if she could feel Liam's presence and power in her hand.
"Sophie, what's wrong?"
Hana's voice sounded softly, interrupting her thoughts. Sophie suddenly came back to herself with a disguised smile, trying to sound natural. "Oh, nothing, I just didn't expect Prince Liam to be back so soon, it's only been a few hours since the shooting."
There was a subtle tremor in Sophie's words, afraid that her mind would be read by Hana and cause unnecessary trouble for Liam. She knew that at this particular moment she had to be careful not to reveal her relationship with Liam.
"Hana, could I possibly use your phone again? I want to send a text to my family and tell them about my situation."
Hana heard her words, a flicker of concern in her eyes. She seemed aware of Sophie's inner struggle and longing, but out of respect and trust, she did not ask any more questions, just smiled and nodded, "Of course, Sophie." You can use it whenever you need."
Sophie gave Hana a grateful look, and a warm wave came through her heart. She quickly opened the text messages on the phone, her fingers jumping over the keyboard, as she sent two messages. The first one to Aunt Bethany and the second one to Maxwell. In the text messages, Sophie told them that she was doing well and that they should not worry. She expressed concern for Maxwell and Daniel and hoped they were safe.
After sending the two texts, Sophie took a deep breath and began her text to Liam. She edited the text carefully ...
"Hi, Li, this is Sophie.
I'm all right. I am in Room 302 at the Malic Hotel at the university.
There was a shooting at the graduation, and I was lucky to escape. My phone is broken, and now I'm texting you on my roommate, Hana's phone.
I know you must be terribly busy and worried at the moment, but please believe me, I am fine and safe.
Don't worry about me. Just focus on what's needed right in front of you. I love you and look forward to seeing you soon."
The message didn't mention Liam's real name, and Sophie was confident that he would get her message. After pressing the send button, the words "Delivered" appeared on the screen. Suppressing her feelings, she quickly removed the text message, making sure it left no trace.
It didn’t take long for Sophie to hear back from Maxwell and Aunt Bethany.
“Sophie, it’s so good to hear from you! Daniel and I are at the Malic Hotel too, and we are doing fine. We were looking for you, too. Just relieved to hear you are okay. We’ll talk more when we meet up.”
Aunt Bethany:
“Dear Sophie, I’m so happy to hear from you! Thank God you are okay. We are all so worried about you, but now we can relax. Be safe and we will see each other soon.”
After receiving notifications of incoming messages, the corners of her mouth cannot help but raise in a happy smile, a big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground. Sophie held the phone and re-read their loving words, feeling the warmth and support from her family.
A ray of sunlight penetrated a gap in the curtain and gently spilled into the hotel room, shining on Sophie's face. She gently closed her eyes, quietly feeling the warmth of the sun, the soft light made her very at ease, like a pair of warm hands, smoothing her fear and anxiety away. She was relieved that Maxwell and Daniel had escaped safely and that she could tell Aunt Bethany about herself.
And Liam will know that she's safe. Sophie found a trace of comfort and strength in reaching out to him.
"Thank you, Hana." Sophie smiled and handed the phone back to her new friend.
Hana took the phone and put it away, quietly watching it all, with a warm glow in her eyes. She may not know the story between Sophie and Liam, but she could sense that there was a deep emotion and connection with him in Sophie's heart. In this time of uncertainty, they were supporting each other and facing life's challenges together.
Cordonia International Airport
The Royal motorcade was situated on the tarmac in wait to take Liam and his men to the university.
Liam strode quickly and confidently to his SUV after his security detail had provided Liam with a report of all the victims and fatalities. Sophie's name was not listed, and Liam's heart remained uncertain, until he saw her with his own eyes.
His duty of keeping alert and informed for his country allowed Liam to control his fears of the possibility of seeing his beloved injured or worse. He fought against every fiber of his being to not burst through the chaos, with full disregard, to search for Sophie among the evacuated students. Liam, surrounded by his royal guard, Drake and Rashad, he walked onto the university grounds.
Drake, on the other hand, was not worried about propriety and cared for none of it. He rushed in and did not pay attention to anything but finding Sophie and Maxwell. He broke past some of the law enforcement and was met by a swarm of flashing cameras and press microphones.
"Back away!" He snapped, having to put his forearm up, and not relent. The flashing bulbs, whirring of camera lenses and questions being thrown at him was enough to drive any sane person mad.
"Don't you have decency? What type of scoundrels and fiends are you?"
An officer who recognized Drake, yelled, "settle down, everyone, he's an American friend of the prince's, stand down and don't crowd him."
On the campus of the University of Cordonia, even after several hours had passed, the chaos in the auditorium had not abated by a minute. Several police cars and ambulances, flashing their warning lights, stood by the side of the road at the ready. Police officers and ambulance workers were busy moving around the scene, serious and focused, although physically and mentally exhausted, but still stuck to their posts, to deal with the incident.
A police cordon has been placed around the scene to seal off the auditorium from the outside world. Liam saw the chaos and destruction ... and the despair of his people.
Liam took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and walked resolutely into the crowd and up onto the raised dais. The crowd grew quiet, and all eyes turned to the crown prince.
" Last night, our university campus has experienced an unprecedented trauma. On behalf of the royal family of Cordonia, I extend my sincere comfort and deepest condolences to all those who have been hurt and who have been affected by this tragedy. Your pain is the pain of all Cordonia. We will do everything possible to provide the necessary support and needed assistance to make sure everyone gets through this."
At this point, Liam's eyes flashed a subtle tenderness, that is his endless miss and love for Sophie.
But Liam took a deep breath and condensed his emotions and anger into a powerful determination.
"We will not sit idly by and let go of any of these terrorists. I promise that the Crown will use all resources in its power to track down the attackers and punish those responsible for this tragedy. We will bring justice to the victims, and to our people, to our Cordonian family."
The sky in the east gradually lightened as the night slowly faded; like the tide falling, as if in response to his words. A ray of dawn pierced the darkness, and the sun rose at last. The golden light slowly and gently spread over the campus, silently dispelling the darkness and cold; to bring a touch of warmth to the morning. There was renewed trust and hope in the eyes of the crowd. At this moment, they are silently praying, their hearts are full of deep hope: may such a tragedy never be repeated, so that the dead can rest in peace, and so that the living can find the strength to move forward; In the hope that the murderer will be punished, and there will be no hiding places of any crimes and evils.
As the Royal guard escorted Liam from the stage, Bastien approached with Liam’s mobile phone in hand.
“Sir, Lady Sophia has left you a message.”
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Thanks for reading ❣️
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anniebeemine · 2 months
an old flame-s.r.
Warnings: alcohol consumption, pure fluff, allusions to sex
“Dr. Spencer Reid!” You gushed, opening the door to your apartment. “It’s been far too long.” 
He pulled you into a hug, using one hand to wrap around your waist and the other to push his bag to his side. “How have you been, Y/N?” 
“Good.” You invited him and his friends in. They kicked off their shoes. “Sorry for the mess, I’m in the process of rearranging everything.” 
Spencer took note of the carpet rolled up, carefully stepping over it. He settled down at the dining room table. “These are Agents Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss,” he said, “we were hoping you’d be able to help us with something.”  
You sat across from him, Morgan and Prentiss taking two more spaces. “It’s so nice to finally meet you guys. Spencer talks about you guys all the time.” 
Prentiss shared a look with Morgan. Not that you’d ever have noticed, seeing as you were too busy taking in Spencer’s new look. You hadn’t seen him in a little over a year. His hair had gotten longer, brushing his shoulders with each step. You’d met a few years ago in a phd program, sharing drafts of your work for peer reviews. Over time, things grew personal but your job kept you in Chicago, his in Washington DC. 
“We’re here to ask for your expertise,” he said. “There’s been a list of transients who have gone missing.” 
You nodded, your mind already racing as you recalled the weekends spent at various homeless shelters. It had started as a volunteer effort, a way to give back to the community while pursuing your studies and teaching style. Little did you know, those weekends would become the foundation for your understanding of a shadowed corner of society.
“Thank you, Dr. Y/L/N,” Agent Prentiss smiled. “Please let us know if you think of anything else.” 
You nodded as you followed the trio out of your apartment. “Of course. I’ll give you guys a call if I hear or see anything.” 
Spencer lingered in the doorway for a few minutes, waiting until his friends were out of earshot. “I’ll see you before I leave,” he whispered. 
You grinned. “You know where I’ll be.” 
He left with a wave and a tight lipped smile. Upon entering the elevator, he felt his smile fade as he slipped back into his job. 
“She seemed real excited to see you,” Emily teased. 
Spencer shook his head. “It’s not like that. We used to be classmates.” 
Spencer didn’t come by for three days. You were sitting in your apartment reading through a student’s character analysis on some old film that you could only find at a library. He tapped his fingers on the door before entering the apartment. You’d pretty much put everything away since he’d come by. A hint of lavender hung in the air, a recent addition that spoke of your efforts to reclaim this space as your own. The walls, adorned with artwork and photographs that had once celebrated a shared journey, now featured new additions—abstract paintings that reflected a journey of introspection and renewal.
“Hey,” you called, “one second. There’s plenty of stuff in the fridge if you’re hungry.” You continued circling misspellings on the paper. 
“Do you need help with those?” Spencer asked, sliding a paper over to him. “What class is this?” 
“Personality psych. It’s mostly freshmen looking for credit hours.” You looked up at him. “You're more than welcome to read through them. This is my last one.” 
He sat in silence as he read over one of the longer essays. You couldn’t help but be distracted by his hums of thought and looks of confusion. “Do you mind if I make some notes?”
“Go ahead,” you said, handing him a red pen. “I’m sure they’ll appreciate your feedback.”
As he marked up the paper, you felt a mixture of relief and unease. Spencer’s presence was comforting, yet the distance between you these past few days lingered like an unspoken question. After a few minutes, he looked up from the paper he was reading and smiled. "This one's really good. She's clearly being taught by the best."
You blushed, sure he was just being kind. “She's one of my brightest students.”
Spencer's smile grew warmer, and he shook his head slightly. "No, I mean it. You're an excellent teacher. It shows in their work."
The simplicity of his words felt like a lifeline. For a moment, the silence between you was filled with unspoken understanding.
“How have you been?” you asked, trying to bridge the gap.
“Busy,” he replied without looking up. “Cases have been non-stop.”
“I figured,” you said softly. “I missed you.”
He paused, pen hovering over the paper, before he glanced at you. “I missed you too.”
Spencer practically carried through your degrees. He’d read over your essays, umming and ahh-ing through your words. His notes were always constructive, never critical. You appreciated that someone could be so kind when reviewing your work. Despite being a literal genius, he never made you feel bad for not knowing things. The study group you were in dwindled, leaving just the two of you to have late nights together in the library. 
He’d stopped by the night before the commencement ceremony. You had a little apartment in a neighborhood a few train stops away from school, your first ever home away from your parents. Spencer came by, takeout in one hand and a book in the other. You let him in quickly, offering him a drink as he unpacked the food and rambled about the man in the small restaurant. 
“Would you like some?” You asked, holding a bottle of wine up. 
He looked nervous. “I’ve never had wine,” he admitted. 
You poured a little bit into a second glass. “Just for you to try, but you don’t have to.” 
After dinner, you rummaged through your small collection of board games, looking for something to keep the evening going. You pulled out a few options and spread them out on the coffee table.
“How about a game?” you suggested. “We have the Game of Life, Candyland, and some truth or dare cards.”
Spencer glanced at the options, his eyes lingering on each one before finally settling on Candyland. “I haven’t played this since I was a kid,” he said with a small, nostalgic smile.
“Candyland it is, then,” you declared, setting up the game.
As you arranged the colorful pieces and shuffled the cards, Spencer finally took a tentative sip of the wine. He grimaced at the taste, making you laugh lightly.
“Not a fan?” you teased.
“It’s... different,” he said, his face still contorted in mild discomfort. “I suppose it’s an acquired taste.”
You chuckled, appreciating the honesty. “It’ll grow on you.”
The game began, and the two of you fell into an easy rhythm, moving pieces along the candy-colored path and drawing cards. Spencer’s competitive side emerged, though it was tempered by his genuine enjoyment of the game. His laughter was contagious, filling your small apartment with a joy that had been missing for a while. He’d gone to Vegas for two weeks and you missed him dearly. Halfway through the game, Spencer took another sip of his wine, his grimace less pronounced this time. “It’s not so bad after all,” he admitted.
“See? I told you it would grow on you,” you said, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
"Did you know that wine production dates back thousands of years?" Spencer mused, his eyes lighting up with the familiar enthusiasm of a lecture. "The earliest evidence of wine-making comes from ancient Georgia, not the state, but the country. It's fascinating how..."
You listened intently, amused by his ability to effortlessly segue into detailed historical narratives. It was one of the many reasons why conversations with Spencer were always enlightening and never dull. As he continued to share tidbits about wine culture and its evolution through the ages, you found yourself appreciating not just his intellect, but the genuine passion he had for sharing knowledge. Meanwhile, you shuffled through the truth or dare cards, knowing that standard card games were indeed too straightforward for someone like Spencer. 
“Have you ever done anything illegal,” you read. You flipped the card onto the table. “Bought this game. Next.” 
Spencer furrowed his brows. “How did you illegally buy this game?” 
You looked at the stack of safe cards in your hand. “It had an over 18 rating. I wanted to have something fun for a girls night so I used a fake ID.” 
Spencer laughed. “I also had a fake ID.” 
You cocked your head, unsure of how to question it. But, some things are better left a mystery. “Pick.” 
He tentatively slid one off the top. “Dare. Take a lap around the block.” You took one look at the snowy Chicago skyline. He picked the next card. “Finish your drink.” 
The two of you shrugged, knocking back the rest of the wine in your glasses. You handed him the bottle, waiting for him to finish his pour before he put it back on the table. You refilled your glass, going for the next card. You played in an unconventional way, both attempting dares to do handstands and see who could win in arm wrestling. You both spilled your secrets during truth cards, sharing both sad and happy anecdotes. The wine was quickly depleting, fueling the playful energy in the room. This was the longest you’d talked to Spencer without it turning into an academic discussion. You flipped a card over, instantly regretting it. 
Tell your first sex story
The mood shifted. The question was too personal, too intimate to answer in the midst of this lighthearted game. You exchanged a glance with him. 
As Spencer opened his mouth, you noticed a flicker of hesitation cross his features. His expression held a mixture of thoughts—perhaps a desire to say something more, to bridge the gap that had formed between you, but also a cautious restraint, respecting the unspoken boundaries you had acknowledged.
For a moment, the room felt charged with unspoken words, the weight of their unspoken feelings and shared history hanging between you like a delicate thread. You could almost sense his struggle, the conflict playing out in the furrow of his brow and the slight tightening of his jaw. Spencer's lips parted, as if to speak, but then he closed them again, a small, rueful smile playing on his lips. He nodded slightly, his eyes conveying a silent acknowledgment of the complexities between you.
"I think this one belongs in the pile of racy cards," you said softly, setting the card aside with a small, apologetic smile.
Spencer nodded in agreement, relief evident in his eyes. "Agreed," he replied, his voice gentle. "Some questions are meant to remain private."
You gazed at him, enamored by the way he kept his hair tucked behind his ears. He pulled another card. 
Kiss the person to your left
A blush forms across his cheeks. For a moment, neither of you moved. The silence between you was palpable, filled with unspoken thoughts and uncharted territory. Spencer's gaze met yours, his eyes searching for any sign of discomfort or reluctance.
"I... uh..." Spencer stammered, his voice betraying a mix of embarrassment and intrigue. He glanced down at the card, then back at you, his expression unreadable yet tinged with something deeper.
You hesitated, your heart racing as you considered the implications of the dare. Part of you wanted to laugh it off, to return to the light-hearted banter that had defined the evening. But another part, emboldened by the wine and the lingering connection between you, wondered what might happen if you crossed that line. Before you could make a decision, Spencer took a deep breath, his resolve steadying. With a tentative smile, he leaned forward, closing the distance between you. His lips brushed softly against yours, a gentle, fleeting touch that sent a shiver down your spine.
The kiss lasted only a moment, yet it felt timeless, charged with unspoken emotions and unexplored desires. Spencer pulled back slightly, his cheeks still flushed but his eyes now filled with a mix of vulnerability and curiosity.
"I... I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I... I shouldn't have..."
But before he could finish his apology, you reached out, gently placing a hand on his cheek. "No," you said softly, your voice steady yet filled with a warmth that matched the wine in your veins. "It's okay."
Spencer's gaze searched yours, seeking reassurance and understanding. In that moment, you realized that the kiss had opened a door between you, one that neither of you were quite ready to close. You moved closer. His kisses were soft and hesitant at first, a gentle exploration that soon grew bolder. He tasted faintly of the wine you had been drinking, sweet and tangy. His hands were trembling as they traced the lines of your face, then moved down to your neck, your shoulders. The nervous energy that usually surrounded him seemed to focus entirely on you, each touch sending a shiver down your spine.
That night was a beautiful mix of awkwardness and passion, a shared discovery that deepened your connection. You remembered the way his breath hitched as you explored each other’s bodies, the way his fingers tangled in your hair, the intensity in his eyes as he looked at you like you were the most important person in the world. It was a night of firsts, one you both held onto in the quiet spaces of your minds.
But soon after, Spencer was picked for the BAU. It was a dream opportunity for him, and you were genuinely happy for his success. Yet, as he immersed himself in his new role, the demands of the job took him further away. The phone calls and texts became sporadic, then faded altogether. Your friendship, once so vibrant and full of promise, began to wane under the weight of his responsibilities and the distance between you.
You finished with the final essay, putting it to the side and putting your focus back on Spencer. “How did the rest of the case go?” He’d gotten better at communicating when he was far, but you still liked to have him close. 
“We caught him. He was targeting people who were trying to make cash. He offered work for money and then would take them.” His voice came out gravelly and tired. He studied your apartment and you watched as he focused on the mantle for a minute. 
“How’s Shawn?” He asked. 
You fiddled with your bare finger. “We’ve separated. It’s been six months.” 
"I'm sorry to hear that," Spencer said softly, his gaze sympathetic as he sat across from you in your apartment. His eyes flickered with concern, his mind processing the information you had just shared.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair in a gesture of weariness. "Relationships are... complicated," he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. "I wish I could have been there for you more."
You looked at him, touched by his sincerity. "It's not your fault, Spencer," you reassured him. "You've had your own battles to fight, cases to solve. We both did."
Spencer nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "Still," he began, his voice quiet yet earnest, "I can't help but feel like I should have been there for you more, especially during... everything."
You smiled sadly, memories of the past few years flooding your mind. "Shawn and I... we drifted apart," you admitted, your voice tinged with a mix of resignation and acceptance. 
You spent years far too hung up on Spencer. That night you shared was something you’d never experienced before in more ways than one. You were like an addict chasing a high, but he was in a different time zone. You knew your marriage was over before it started. Shawn didn’t like that every few weeks, you'd spend an entire afternoon talking to Spencer, practically ignoring everything happening around you. Instead, you told Spencer about your job and how you’ve become a new person since divorcing. 
Spencer listened, his expression unreadable as he absorbed your words. Before he could respond, you broke the momentary silence, redirecting the conversation. "How are you, Spencer?" you asked, your voice filled with genuine concern.
He hesitated for a moment, then gave a small smile. "I'm fine," he replied automatically, his tone hinting at a deeper complexity. He started rambling about literature he’d read recently. You listened to him, feeling his excitement of having someone who could listen to him for so long. Truthfully, you could do this all day. You held his hand, instantly silencing him. “Sor-” 
“How are you, Spencer? Like… inside.” 
Spencer met your gaze, his expression vulnerable yet sincere. "I feel... a lot better now that we're close again," he confessed quietly. "I... I've thought about you for years, you know” 
You blinked. “Really?” 
He nodded, taking his hand back. Spencer would look anywhere but you. He settled on a spot in the carpet before taking a deep breath. “I mentioned you to our technical analyst.” 
“Penelope, right?” 
“Yeah.” He nervously wiped his hands on his pants. “I’d been through a lot at the time. The whole thing with my dad and…” 
You’d been away in your own world at the time, missing two phone calls because of your honeymoon. Each time, you had promised yourself to return the calls later, unaware of the weight they might carry. Meanwhile, Spencer had been grappling with his own tumultuous emotions, navigating the aftermath of a difficult period involving his father and the complexities of his own feelings for you.
“I was going to send a letter with everything but you moved. I asked her to find your new address and she told me you’d bought this place with Shawn.” 
You swallowed thickly. “I’m so sorry,” you mumbled. “I should have told you and-” 
“I respected that, Y/N. We stayed friends.” He finally looked you in the eyes. “I have been in love with you since long before that truth or dare.” 
Spencer's words hung in the air, heavy with emotion and vulnerability. You stared at him, your heart racing as memories flooded back—memories of late nights debating theories, of shared laughter over obscure references, of stolen glances that spoke volumes.
"I... I didn't know," you confessed softly, feeling a mix of disbelief and overwhelming affection. "I never imagined..."
He nodded, his gaze steady on yours now. "I never knew how to say it. I was always afraid... afraid of losing what we had if I admitted how much you meant to me. I didn't mean to spring this on you like this. It's just... I've been carrying this for so long, afraid that if I didn't say it now, I might never find the courage to say it at all."
You gently placed your hand on his, feeling the tremor beneath his touch. "Spencer, you don't need to apologize," you assured him softly. "I'm just... I'm glad you told me. I've wondered about us, too."
His eyes searched yours, a mix of relief and uncertainty flickering in their depths. "You have?"
"Yes," you admitted, your voice steady despite the storm of emotions swirling inside you. "I've thought about what could have been, what might still be... if we're both willing."
He exhaled slowly, his fingers tightening around yours. "I've always cared about you, Y/N.” 
"Thank you for being brave enough to say it," you replied, leaning in to press a gentle kiss against his cheek. "I'm here, Spencer. Whenever you're ready."
He nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips as he intertwined his fingers with yours. "I think... I'm ready now."
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humanities TA here — can you say more about creating a culture of trust and organically catching AI use in the classroom??
yeah! so I really fucking hate programs like turnitin or whatever other plagiarism or AI detectors are out there because 1) they would imply that I don’t trust my students, 2) they’re not at all accurate at actually detecting plagiarism/AI [turnitin literally says on the website that it’s not a plagiarism detector, it just finds similarities] and 3) if people are going to plagiarize and I’m checking for that with turnitin or something it’s easy to plagiarize in a way that flies under that radar.
instead of using something like that, I design my assignments to have frequent low-stakes progress markers (in-class drafting, frequent peer review, revision plans, extra credit for visiting the writing center, conferences with me, etc). this prevents the kind of plagiarism/AI usage that comes from just sitting down and copying published work/plugging something into chatgpt right before it’s due, because the writing process is built into the course in a way where you cannot just write (or plagiarize) the whole thing the night before or whatever and still get a good grade in the class.
I also offer no-questions-asked extensions and opportunities for revision, so students won’t feel like they have plagiarism as their only option to submit something on time. in addition, the frequent feedback opportunities from both me and from their classmates or writing center tutors helps students feel more confident in their writing and helps to work out the issues students run into as they’re writing, so there’s less incentive to plagiarize out of worry that they’re not good writers, because they know they have a bunch of avenues where they can ask for help on areas they’re having trouble with. the in-class work, drafts, conferences, and revision plans also help me get a solid sense of my students’ writing styles, so it’s pretty easy to tell when something’s not in their own words — when I’m seeing at least a paragraph or two from every student every week, I can get a good sense for who they are as writers. also, my first assignment is a personal narrative, to foreground that I want to actually know who my students are as people and how they think about their writing rather than seeing them as just as bodies in a classroom. through all of this they (hopefully!) get a sense that I/their peers want to hear what they have to say about their topics
I also have a policy where if I don’t see changes from rough draft to final draft or if I spot plagiarism or something AI-generated, my first step is to send it back to students for revision before giving them a grade, so if I do have an instance of plagiarism or AI usage, I give students a second chance before taking it up to the office of academic integrity (fwiw I have literally not ever had to take something to academic integrity, because 9 times out of 10 any plagiarism I’ve noted is accidental from incorrect citation, and the other 10% would much rather go back and redo the assignment than get a zero and potentially get a mark on their transcript for plagiarism)
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australianwomensnews · 2 months
Medical research has a major problem: an alarmingly high number of trials are based on fake, fraudulent or misinterpreted data.
Research misconduct sleuths call them “zombie” studies. They look like real research papers but they’re rotten to the core. And when these studies go on to influence clinical guidelines, that is, how patients are treated in hospitals and doctors’ rooms, they can be dangerous.
Professor Ben Mol, head of the Evidence-based Women’s Health Care Research Group at Monash University, is a professional zombie hunter. For years, he has warned that between 20 and 30 per cent of medical trials that inform clinical guidelines aren’t trustworthy.
“I’m surprised by the limited response from people in my field on this issue,” he says. “It’s a topic people don’t want to talk about.”
The peer review process is designed to ensure the validity and quality of findings, but it’s built on the assumption that data is legitimate.
Science relies on an honour system whereby researchers trust that colleagues have actually carried out the trials they describe in papers, and that the resulting data was collected with rigorous attention to detail.
But too often, once findings are queried, researchers can’t defend their conclusions. Figures such as former BMJ editor Richard Smith and Anaesthesia editor John Carlise argue it’s time to assume all papers are flawed or fraudulent until proven otherwise. The trust has run out.
“I think we have been naive for many years on this,” Mol says. “We are the Olympic Games without any doping checks.”
How bad science gets into the clinic
Untrustworthy papers may be the result of scientists misinterpreting their data or deliberately faking or plagiarising their numbers. Many of these “zombie” papers emerge from Egypt, Iran, India and China and usually crop up in lower-quality journals.
The problem gets bad when these poor-quality papers are laundered by systematic reviews or meta-analyses in prestigious journals. These studies aggregate hundreds of papers to produce gold-standard scientific evidence for whether a particular treatment works.
Often papers with dodgy data are excluded from systematic reviews. But many slip through and go on to inform clinical guidelines.
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My colleague Liam Mannix has written about an example of this with the hormone progesterone. Official guidelines held that the hormone could reduce the risk of pre-term birth in women with a shortened cervix.
But those guidelines were based on a meta-analysis largely informed by a paper from Egypt that was eventually retracted due to concerns about the underlying data. When this paper was struck from the meta-analysis, the results reversed to suggest progesterone had no preventative effect.
There’s a litany of other examples where discounting dodgy data can fundamentally alter the evidence that shapes clinical guidelines. That’s why, in The Lancet’s clinical journal eClinical Medicine, Mol and his colleagues have reported a new way to weed out bad science before it makes it to the clinic.
Holding back the horde
The new tool is called the Research Integrity in Guidelines and evIDence synthesis (RIGID) framework. It mightn’t sound sexy, but it’s like a barbed-wire fence that can hold back the zombie horde.
The world-first framework lays out a series of steps researchers can take when conducting a meta analysis or writing medical guidelines to exclude dodgy data and untrustworthy findings. It involves two researchers screening articles for red flags.
“You can look at biologically implausible findings like very high success rates of treatments, very big differences between treatments, unfeasible birth weights. You can look at statistical errors,” says Mol.
“You can look at strange features in the data, only using rounded numbers, only using even numbers. There are studies where out of dozens of pairs of numbers, everything is even. That doesn’t happen by chance.”
A panel decides if a paper has a medium to high risk of being untrustworthy. If that’s the case, the RIGID reviewers put their concerns to the paper’s authors. They’re often met with stony silence. If authors cannot address the concerns or provide their raw data, the paper is scrapped from informing guidelines.
The RIGID framework has already been put to use, and the results are shocking.
In 2023, researchers applied RIGID to the International Evidence-based Guidelines for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a long misunderstood and misdiagnosed syndrome that affects more than 1 in 10 women. As a much maligned condition, it was critical the guidelines were based on the best possible evidence.
In that case, RIGID discounted 45 per cent of papers used to inform the health guidelines.
That’s a shockingly high number. Those potentially untrustworthy papers might have completely skewed the guidelines.
Imagine, Mol says, if it emerged that almost half of the maintenance reports of a major airline were faked? No one would be sitting around waiting for a plane to crash. There would be swift action and the leadership of the airline sacked.
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grey-sorcery · 3 months
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[Title]: Magical Theory: A Critical Approach to Witchcraft
Suggested Reading
Threshold Theory Researching Witchcraft Energy Work Foundations Divination: First Steps Intro to Gnosis Path of Least Resistance Conceptualization Vs. Visualization Nature Vs. NatureBias in Witchcraft Finding Balance Duality Magical Potency
What is Magical Theory?
Witchcraft, occultism, mysticism, and other esoteric practices all share one thing in common: they can be communicated about. Due to the physical and spiritual experiences of these practices, this implies that there must be an underlying framework for the mechanics of magic and mystical experiences to follow. Furthermore, practices can be given from one practitioner to another successfully. While individual interpretations of the experience of these practices may vary widely, the practices themselves remain communicable. For this to occur, there must be underlying mechanics. Discovering or understanding these mechanics, however, is a complex task due to the inherently subjective, experiential, and often non-empirical nature of these practices. So how do we find them? 
The practice of influencing oneself, others, or the environment through rituals, symbols, gestures, energies, spirits, and spoken or written words. These practices to tap into unseen forces or energies. Magic is a means to manifest change, guided by the will and intent of the practitioner.
The set of ideas, principles, philosophies, mechanics, and logic systems that explain how and why magic works, which is verified through multiple means including: experimentation, reproduction, peer review, and divination. It encompasses various conceptual frameworks that practitioners use to understand the nature of magic, its relationship with the practitioner, and its interaction with the world. Magical theory often includes discussions on the nature of energy, the power of intention, the symbolism of magical tools, and the structure of rituals.
Specific methods, processes, or techniques used in magical practices. This can include the steps of casting a spell, the use of specific tools or ingredients, the timing of magical workings (such as phases of the moon), and the physical actions or words used. The mechanics are the practical aspects that make the theory of magic operational.
Models of Magic:
Frameworks or paradigms through which magical practice is understood and explained. Examples include the psychological model (viewing magic as a means of influencing the unconscious mind), the energy model (seeing magic as manipulation of energies), and the spirit model (interpreting magic as interaction with spiritual entities). These models provide different lenses through which the practice and effects of magic can be interpreted.
A branch of philosophy that deals with the fundamental nature of reality and existence. It explores questions about what exists beyond the physical world, the nature of being and the universe, the existence of a spiritual dimension, and the relationship between mind and matter. In esoteric contexts, metaphysics often involves exploring the nature of the soul, the concept of universal consciousness, and the principles underlying the unseen aspects of reality.
The study of reasoning and argument. It involves the principles and criteria of valid inference and demonstration. It's the framework within which arguments are constructed and assessed, focusing on the form of reasoning used to arrive at conclusions. Logic is essential in both philosophical discourse and scientific investigation, providing the structure for coherent and rational argumentation.
Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG): 
Knowledge or insights a person gains through personal spiritual experiences that are not corroborated by traditional sources or shared by others. In the context of witchcraft and esotericism, UPG is the personal revelation or understanding a practitioner might have about their practice, deities, the spiritual world, etc., which is not part of established doctrine or commonly agreed upon belief. UPG is often recognized as valid in an individual's practice but is acknowledged as subjective and personal.
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The mechanics of magic, a subject in which, historically, information has been intentionally obscured. Understanding these mechanics requires a deep dive into various aspects, from the immutable physical laws to the nuanced spiritual experiences, cultural and linguistic anthropology, and the subtle ways in which magic manifests and interacts with the world around us.
At the heart of understanding the mechanics of magic is the acknowledgment that physical laws cannot be superseded. This fundamental premise establishes that magic does not contradict or override the laws of physics, chemistry, or biology as we understand them. Instead, it must incorporate these laws, working in harmony rather than in opposition. This integration suggests that magic, rather than being a means to bypass natural laws, works within their bounds, perhaps tapping into aspects of these laws that are not yet fully understood or recognized by contemporary science.
The spiritual experience of magic is deeply personal and subjective, yet it follows certain patterns or principles. The intention in magical practices is often discussed not merely as a desire but as a personal truth, a deep-seated understanding or alignment with a specific outcome or path. This intention is less about wanting and more about being in a state of congruence with the intended result. Alongside intention, passion plays a crucial role. Here, passion is not just emotional excitement but an aligned emotional state that resonates with the nature of the magical work being undertaken. This emotional resonance is believed to amplify the effectiveness of the magical practice.
Gnosis, or knowledge, in the context of magic, refers to a specific state of being. It involves a focused mindset, a specific headspace where the practitioner is deeply immersed in the process and purpose of the magical work. This state of gnosis is often achieved through various practices like meditation, chanting, or the use of specific ritualistic elements that aid in achieving this focused state. Furthermore, a sense of spiritual connection and the development of energetic senses are considered pivotal. Practitioners often speak of sensing energies, of feeling a connection to something greater than themselves - a connection that guides and informs their magical practices.
The path of least resistance is a key concept in understanding how magic travels from its source (the practitioner) to its destination or intended effect. This concept aligns with the idea that magic, much like physical phenomena, follows the path where it encounters the least opposition. In practical terms, this means that magical practices often work in ways that are subtly aligned with the probabilities and natural tendencies of the world. It involves an understanding and utilization of the natural flow of events, energies, and probabilities.
Working with, rather than against, the principles of physics, chemistry, and other sciences is a foundational aspect of magical practices. This approach includes an awareness of how the standard model plays into the manifestation of magical intentions. The understanding here is that magic may increase the likelihood of certain outcomes rather than directly causing them. This awareness extends to an understanding of cognitive and confirmation biases - recognizing that one’s perception and interpretation of events are influenced by their beliefs and expectations. 
The means of manifestation of magic, how it causes effects upon reaching its destination, is diverse. Common means include psychological influences, where the magic might influence thoughts, feelings, or perceptions by influencing the brain’s chemistry or its plastic nature. Opportunistic changes refer to magic creating conditions favorable for certain events or outcomes by influencing entropy or minute physical interactions. Environmental changes encompass the idea that magic can influence the physical surroundings or conditions. Probabilistic manipulation is the subtle nudging of probabilities, making certain outcomes more likely. Lastly, spirit intervention suggests that spiritual entities might play a role in the manifestation of magical intentions.
Energy work is often described as a fundamental force in magical practices. This perspective views energy as underlying all matter, as a pervasive force that interacts and influences at inconceivably minute levels. Energy’s peripheral effects include the influence on emotions, thoughts, or physical conditions potentially through minor propagations of virtual particles. The concept of the subtle body in many esoteric traditions speaks to how our non-physical essence engages with environmental factors and energies. Energetic interactions with spiritual entities are another aspect, where the exchange or manipulation of energies forms a core part of the interaction. It is important to note that energy is present in all magical practices, even if it's not explicitly stated or performed intentionally.
Correspondence and threshold theory are central concepts in many magical practices. Thresholds are seen as a means of projection or transition, allowing for the movement or manifestation of intentions or energies from one state or place to another. These thresholds are composed of a constellation of correspondences. Correspondence refers to the symbolic connection between various elements of the universe, where one thing can represent or influence another due to their inherent connection. In this system, everything is interconnected, and understanding these connections allows practitioners to use them to affect change. Concepts themselves can act as nodes in this network of correspondence, linking ideas, symbols, and energies together.
Thresholds are not only means of projection but also points of transformation. They are where change occurs, where energy shifts from one form or place to another. The creation and function of thresholds are vital in many magical practices, as they are the points at which the practitioner works to enact change. Their ubiquitous presence is acknowledged in the way that many rituals or spells are designed to open, cross, or close these thresholds.
Spirits in magical practice are often conceptualized as multi, extra, hyper, or hypo-dimensional entities. They are described as non-observable through normal means and capable of causing effects that appear non-localized from a physical standpoint. Communion and offerings to these spirits form a significant part of many traditions, where the exchange between the practitioner and the spirit is based on respect, exchange, or alignment of wills. Syncretism in religious practices, where different spiritual traditions blend and merge, provides examples of how various cultures understand and interact with these entities, though it's more an illustration of human cultural interaction than a direct practice of engaging with spirits.
The concept of dimensions as foldings of space-time introduces another layer to the mechanics of magic. According to some esoteric theories, dimensions beyond the observable three-dimensional space and time continuum exist and can be interacted with under certain conditions. These dimensions are where different rules may apply or where different entities or energies exist. The energetic interactions with these spatial dimensions are a topic of great interest, with some practices designed to navigate or utilize these other dimensions for various magical purposes.
Entropy and half-lives bring concepts from physics into the realm of magic. Entropy, the measure of disorder in a system, is considered a force to be understood and potentially utilized in magical practice. The half-life of spells or energy refers to the idea that the presence, potency, or effect of a magical working or energy diminishes over time. Understanding these concepts allows practitioners to time their work appropriately and maximize the potential effects of their magical operations.
Finally, the psyche and perception are critical in understanding and practicing magic. The psychological interplay with magical operations is significant, as belief, intention, and emotional state can profoundly affect the outcomes of magical work. Perceptions of magic, both by the practitioner and those around them, shape the context in which magic is practiced and experienced. Critical thinking and an understanding of one's own perception can greatly enhance the practice of magic. Moreover, magical practices often aim to alter the psyche and perception, facilitating personal transformation, deepened understanding, or altered states of consciousness.
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Magical Models
In both contemporary and historical contexts, models of magic provide frameworks through which practitioners and scholars understand and explain the workings and effects of magical practices. These models offer conceptual structures that shape how magic is perceived, interpreted, and practiced.
Definition in Contemporary Contexts
In contemporary esoteric and magical practices, a "magical model" refers to a paradigm or conceptual framework that explains how magic operates and interacts with the practitioner and the world. These models are generalizations of the methodology and approach of practitioners. Models can be used to aid in communication about magic, but they often lose the nuance necessary to maintain the fidelity of practice.
Contemporary models of magic often reflect a synthesis of traditional knowledge, personal experience, and sometimes integrate aspects of modern science and psychology. Common contemporary models include:
The Energy Model: This model posits that magic works through the manipulation of energies, which may be personal, environmental, or universal. It often involves the perception and alteration of these energies to achieve desired outcomes.
The Psychological Model: Here, magic is understood as a means of influencing the unconscious mind. Rituals and symbols are seen as tools for accessing and reprogramming the subconscious to bring about change in the practitioner's internal and external worlds.
The Information Model: A more modern interpretation, this model views magic as a system of information and symbols. It posits that by manipulating symbolic representations, one can influence the underlying information of a situation or system.
The Spirit Model: This model focuses on interactions with spiritual entities. It sees magic as the process of communing with, invoking, or evoking spirits to achieve certain effects.
Each model provides a different lens through which magic is understood and practiced, and practitioners may subscribe to one or multiple models depending on their personal beliefs and experiences.
Magical Models in Historical Contexts
Historically, models of magic were often less explicitly defined but were deeply embedded in the cultural, religious, and philosophical understanding of the time. These models were typically more intertwined with the cosmologies and worldviews of their respective cultures.
The Animistic Model: Prevalent in many ancient and indigenous cultures, this model viewed the world as infused with spirits or animating forces. Magic, in this context, involves interactions with these spirits or forces to bring about change.
The Theurgical Model: Found in various religious and mystical traditions, such as certain branches of Gnosticism and Neoplatonism, this model viewed magic as a means of communing with divine entities or ascending towards spiritual enlightenment.
The Natural Magic Model: During the Renaissance and early modern period, natural magic was seen as part of the natural order. It was based on the idea that objects and symbols had inherent powers or virtues that could be harnessed by the knowledgeable practitioner.
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Classical Models, Their Shortcomings, and Their Usage
Psychological Model
The Psychological Model of magic views the psyche as the primary means of manifestation. It posits that by influencing the subconscious mind through symbols, rituals, and intentions, one can bring about changes in their internal and external world. Typical applications of this model include self-improvement, behavioral change, and altering one's perception or emotional state. It is often used in practices focusing on personal development, mental health, and manifestation techniques.
However, one of the primary shortcomings of the Psychological Model is whether it constitutes "magic" in the traditional sense or is merely a form of subconscious suggestion. Critics argue that by attributing all magical effects to the mind, this model strips magic of its mystical and spiritual aspects, reducing it to psychological tricks or self-help techniques at best and a means of manipulating or subverting consent at worst.
Spiritual Model
The Spiritual Model emphasizes spirits as the primary means of manifestation. This model is based on the belief that the world is populated with spirits, deities, ancestors, or other non-physical entities that can be interacted with and influenced. Practitioners may seek to commune with, petition, or command these spirits to achieve various ends. Applications of this model are vast, including divination, healing, protection, and cursing.
The Spiritual Model can be magical, focusing on personal power and the manipulation of spirits for various purposes, or theological, emphasizing worship, reverence, and the ethical aspects of interacting with the spiritual world. While this model is deeply embedded in many traditional and contemporary practices, it's not without its challenges. One issue is the inherently unverifiable nature of spirits and spiritual experiences, leading to skepticism and difficulty in validating personal experiences. Additionally, navigating the ethics and responsibilities of working with spirits can be complex and is subject to personal and cultural interpretation.
Energetic Model
The Energetic Model views energy as the means of manifestation. According to this model, the universe is filled with different forms of energy that practitioners can sense, manipulate, and direct to achieve specific outcomes. This model is pervasive and applies to all types of working, including healing, protection, and magical operations. Practitioners might work with personal energy, environmental energies, or universal forces, often using techniques like visualization, chanting, or tool use to direct these energies.
While the Energetic Model is one of the most widely used and versatile models, it can be difficult to understand and communicate about, especially in terms that align with scientific understandings of energy. The concept of "energy" in magic often encompasses more than just the physical definition, extending into spiritual or metaphysical realms. This broad and sometimes vague definition can lead to misunderstandings or dismissals of the model's validity. Additionally, as experiences of energy are highly subjective and personal, it can be challenging to create a standardized or objective framework for understanding and working with energy in magical practices. Furthermore, various New Age movements have influenced the conceptualization of energy within contemporary contexts, propagating a campaign of misinformation. Despite these challenges, the Energetic Model remains a fundamental aspect of many magical traditions and practices, offering a dynamic and intuitive way of interacting with the world.
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Potential for New Models
The evolving landscape of magical practices and the ever-expanding understanding of the world necessitate the development of new models of magic. As practitioners explore different cultural contexts, incorporate modern scientific insights, and encounter new spiritual experiences, existing models may become limiting or fail to encapsulate these diverse perspectives. New models can offer fresh lenses through which to understand and practice magic, potentially leading to more inclusive, nuanced, and effective magical work.
Models' Accomplishments vs. Current Functionality
Ideally, new models of magic should bridge the gap between traditional understandings and contemporary realities. They should accommodate the diversity of practitioners' experiences while grounding magical practices in a framework that is coherent, ethically sound, and adaptable to the changing world. Current models often focus on specific aspects of magical practice, such as psychology, spirituality, or energy, but may not fully account for the interplay between these elements or the broader socio-cultural and mechanical contexts. New models should aim to integrate these various dimensions, offering a more holistic understanding of magic.
Trepidations in Creating New Models
Creating new models involves several shortcomings. There's a risk of oversimplifying or misrepresenting complex mechanical, spiritual, and metaphysical concepts. New models must be developed with sensitivity to cultural and historical contexts to avoid cultural appropriation or misappropriation of traditional practices. There is also the challenge of ensuring that these models are inclusive and do not exclude or marginalize different practitioners’ interpretations, experiences, and beliefs. Furthermore, new models must be careful not to fall into the trap of pseudoscience, ensuring that any integration of scientific concepts is done accurately.
Community Consensus
Achieving community consensus on new models of magic can be challenging due to the diverse and individualistic nature of magical practices. Different traditions, cultures, and personal beliefs all contribute to how magic is understood and practiced. New models should be proposed with an awareness of this diversity, aiming for inclusivity and respect for different perspectives. The acceptance of new models often requires dialogue, experimentation, and a period of adjustment as practitioners explore and validate these new approaches within their practices.
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How Magical Models Affect the Perception and Application of Commonplace Magical Practices
The Psychological Model’s Impact on Cultural Appropriation
The Psychological Model's impact on cultural appropriation in magical practices is a subject of significant concern. This model, which interprets magical practices primarily through the lens of their effects on the subconscious mind, can inadvertently encourage a form of cultural appropriation. This occurs in several ways:
Firstly, the Psychological Model often emphasizes the individual's mental and emotional processes in magical workings, potentially downplaying the cultural and historical contexts of specific practices. When practitioners adopt rituals, symbols, or practices from other cultures under this model, they might focus solely on their personal psychological impact, neglecting the deeper cultural significance and heritage attached to these practices. This selective approach can lead to a superficial understanding and application of culturally significant practices, stripping them of their original meaning and disrespecting their origins.
Secondly, the model's focus on personal psychological experience can lead practitioners to believe that any practice, regardless of its cultural origin, is universally applicable and detachable from its cultural roots. This perspective can encourage a kind of "spiritual consumerism," where practices are taken out of context and used without a proper understanding of or respect for the culture they come from. Such an approach often ignores the complexities and nuances inherent in these practices and can be seen as a form of cultural erasure.
Moreover, the Psychological Model's interpretation of magic can lead to a homogenization of diverse cultural practices. By reducing all magical workings to psychological processes, the unique cultural, spiritual, and historical aspects that differentiate one practice from another can be overlooked. This can result in a loss of diversity within magical practices and an undermining of the rich tapestry of cultural traditions that exist in the field of esotericism.
The Spiritual Model’s Impact on Magical Guides and Information
The Spiritual Model's impact on magical guides and misinformation involves several key aspects. Firstly, the model's emphasis on spirits and spiritual entities can significantly influence the content and direction of magical guides. Guides based on the Spiritual Model often focus on how to interact with, invoke, or communicate with spirits, which can be challenging for practitioners who are either new to the concept or skeptical of the existence of such entities. This can lead to a division among practitioners, where some may fully embrace the spiritual aspects while others may find them less credible or relevant. The inherently personal and subjective nature of experiences with spirits means that guides based on this model can be highly individualized. What works for one practitioner in terms of spirit communication or ritual might not be effective for another. This variability can create confusion among practitioners, particularly if they are unable to replicate the experiences or results described in these guides.
Another significant issue is the potential for misinformation. Since interactions with spirits are subjective and not easily verifiable, there's a risk that some guides might contain ungrounded or misleading information. Without a way to objectively verify the experiences or the effectiveness of the practices described, beginners or uninformed practitioners might be led astray by claims or teachings that are not based on sound practice.
Furthermore, the Spiritual Model can sometimes overshadow other aspects of magical practice. If guides focus too heavily on spirit work, they might neglect other important elements such as energy manipulation, psychological work, or herbal lore. This imbalance can lead to an incomplete understanding of magic as a holistic practice.
Finally, the Spiritual Model can sometimes lead to cultural appropriation issues, especially when guides borrow from or mimic practices from specific spiritual or religious traditions without proper understanding or respect. This not only dilutes the authenticity and efficacy of the practices but also disrespects the cultural origins they come from.
The Energy Model’s Entwinement with New Age and Misinformation
The Energy Model, a cornerstone in various magical and spiritual practices, posits that manipulating unseen energies can influence the physical and spiritual world. However, its association with New Age, New Thought, Reiki, and certain interpretations within Evangelical Christianity has led to a high degree of misinformation, commodification, and oversimplification.
In the New Age movement, the Energy Model often becomes intertwined with a broad spectrum of spiritual and pseudoscientific concepts. The model is sometimes presented in overly simplistic terms, focusing on the idea that one can easily manipulate universal energy through positive thinking or intention alone. This approach can dilute the complexities and nuances of traditional energy practices, reducing them to generic concepts devoid of their original depth and cultural context. 
Similarly, within the New Thought movement, which merges Christian principles with metaphysical beliefs, the Energy Model is sometimes co-opted into a framework that emphasizes the power of positive thinking and faith. Such a viewpoint is inherently ableist, as it overlooks or minimizes the complex, multifaceted nature of disabilities, both visible and invisible. It suggests that any lack of healing or improvement is a result of insufficient faith or positive thinking, placing an unrealistic and unfair burden of responsibility on individuals with disabilities.
Reiki, a form of energy healing, while rooted in specific Japanese spiritual practices, has been widely adopted in Western New Age contexts. This intentional adoption has led to oversimplified interpretations of how energy healing works, often stripped of its original cultural and spiritual nuances. While Reiki practitioners undergo specific, often predatory, training, the nuances of this practice can be lost when melded with broader, less defined New Age energy concepts. It is important to note that the adoption of Reiki into New Age thought was intentional by the practice's creators through a process of Christianization that pulled heavily from evangelical mysticism and New Thought; furthermore, it's predatory nature of initiation has been in practice since its original inception.
To address this issue, there's a growing need for education and dialogue that respects and acknowledges the rich diversity and depth of traditional energy practices. By returning to these roots and exploring the Energy Model in its original complexity, practitioners and those interested in these concepts can gain a more authentic and nuanced understanding of how energy works within the realm of magical and spiritual practices.
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Collaboration & Experimentation
Effective communication is crucial in the collaborative and experimental aspects of magical practice. It involves several key elements. In the diverse field of magic and esoteric practices, establishing a shared language is vital. Common terminology allows practitioners from different backgrounds to discuss and compare their experiences and theories effectively. This shared language should be clear, inclusive, and sensitive to the various traditions and cultures involved in these practices. Recognizing and accounting for personal and cultural biases is essential in the study and practice of magic. Practitioners should strive to be aware of their own perspectives and how these might color their interpretations of magical experiences and practices. Similarly, they should be mindful of biases in others' interpretations and teachings, approaching them with critical thinking and open-mindedness. Developing methods to verify and validate magical experiences and theories is a complex but important task. This could involve creating frameworks for experimentation, documentation, and peer review that respect the subjective nature of these practices while striving for some level of objectivity and repeatability.
Surveys can be a valuable tool in understanding and mapping the landscape of magical practices. Conducting surveys among practitioners can gather data on how different people practice, perceive, and experience magic. Publishing these findings can contribute to a broader understanding of the field and highlight areas for further research and exploration. Analyzing survey results can help in identifying common themes and practices, as well as the diversity within the field. It can also aid in distinguishing the mechanics of magical practices from personal interpretations and experiences, providing a more nuanced understanding of how magic operates.
Engagement with a wide range of publications is key to deepening understanding. Exploring a variety of texts, from historical grimoires to contemporary writings, can provide a breadth of perspectives. This helps in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the different theories, practices, and experiences within the field. Critical reading skills are crucial. Practitioners should learn to discern between information that discusses the mechanics of magic in a grounded and reasoned manner and content that primarily reflects personal experiences or interpretations. Historical texts are also often written within a contemporary language which codifies information in obscure terminology, analogies, and cultural or religious lenses. Because of this, a thorough understanding of history, cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology is of the utmost importance.
Review and critique play significant roles in maintaining the integrity and development of magical knowledge:
Holding Other Content Creators Responsible: Practitioners can contribute to the field by reviewing and critiquing content created by others. This involves analyzing the accuracy, coherence, and ethical considerations of the content, providing constructive feedback where necessary.
Critique vs. Attacks: It's important to differentiate between constructive critique and personal attacks. Critiques should be focused on the content and its merits, offering thoughtful insights and suggestions for improvement. They should avoid personal attacks or derogatory comments, fostering a respectful and constructive discourse in the community.
Spell Logs & Accountability
A spell log is a crucial tool for practitioners to record their magical practices and experiences. It should include detailed entries for each spell or ritual performed. Essential elements to note in a spell log include the date and time of the spell, the phase of the moon, the specific intentions and goals, materials and symbols used, the exact procedure followed, any immediate sensations or experiences during the spell, and subsequent outcomes observed. The spell log serves as a personal accountability tool. By meticulously recording each aspect of a spell, a practitioner can track their progress, observe patterns over time, and make connections between their practices and the outcomes. This detailed record-keeping facilitates a deeper understanding of one’s practices and helps in identifying areas for improvement or further exploration.
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The Magical Experimental Method
Developing a Hypothesis
The magical experimental method starts with a hypothesis. This is an educated guess or prediction about the outcome of a magical working. For example, a hypothesis might be that performing a specific ritual will lead to getting a raise at work.
Defining Variables
Identify the variables in your experiment. These include independent variables (factors you will change or manipulate, such as the type of incense used in a ritual) and dependent variables (factors you will measure, such as observable events).
Establishing a Control Variable
Establishing a control in magical practices can be challenging but is necessary for comparison. A control could be:
Non-Intervention Period: Designate a period where no magical work is performed to observe natural outcomes as a baseline.
Placebo Ritual: Perform a ritual that mimics the structure of the actual magical working but without the specific intent or key components.
Alternative Practice: Use a different but related magical practice as a control to compare specific effects.
Historical Comparison: Compare current outcomes with historical records or personal logs from before the practice was undertaken.
Environmental Consistency: Keep environmental conditions (location, time, weather) consistent while changing only the magical elements.
Neutral Observer: Have an observer who is not informed about the specific intent or details of the working to monitor and report results.
Self Comparison: If the experiment involves personal change, compare against personal baseline measurements like mood, energy levels, etc.
Randomized Assignment: In group settings, randomly assign participants to either the experimental group or the control group.
Temporal Control: Perform the same ritual at different times (e.g., different phases of the moon) to compare effects.
Variable Isolation: Change only one variable in the magical working while keeping all others constant, the unchanged elements serving as controls.
Counter-Ritual: Perform a ritual designed to counteract or nullify the effects of the experimental working.
Cultural Baseline: Compare the effects of the magical working against established cultural or traditional understandings of the expected outcomes.
Intensity Levels: Vary the intensity or concentration of a key component of the ritual (like using different amounts of an herb) while keeping a standard measurement as control.
Psychological Baseline: Use psychological tools like questionnaires or mood scales to establish a baseline of mental and emotional states pre- and post-ritual.
Double-Blind Method: Neither the participants nor the experiment conductors know who is receiving the actual magical working and who is receiving the control until after the data is collected.
Accounting for Outside or Environmental Factors
Consider and document any outside or environmental factors that could influence the outcome of the spell, such as weather, emotional state, or external events. This helps in understanding the context of the working. Here are five different possible variables to consider:
Ambient Environment: The physical surroundings where the magical experiment is conducted can have a profound impact. This includes factors like the cleanliness and organization of the space, the presence of natural elements (like being outdoors vs. indoors), and the general atmosphere (quiet vs. noisy, urban vs. rural). Environmental energies, whether serene or chaotic, can affect the practitioner’s focus and the flow of energies involved in the ritual or spell.
Time and Date: The timing of a magical experiment can be a critical variable. This includes not only the time of day but also the date, which might encompass considerations of lunar phases, astrological conditions, and specific days of spiritual or cultural significance. Different times and dates are believed to hold different energies and can be more or less conducive to certain types of magical work.
Weather Conditions: Weather can play a significant role in magical practices. Elements like rain, wind, thunderstorms, or sunshine can influence the energy of the environment and, in turn, the experiment. For example, a spell for growth or fertility might be more potent during a gentle rain, while a banishing spell might be more effective on a windy day.
Emotional and Psychological State: The emotional and psychological state of the practitioner(s) is an essential external variable. Feelings of stress, excitement, calmness, or anger can influence the practitioner's energy and focus. The mental and emotional preparedness of the person conducting the experiment can greatly impact the effectiveness of the magical working.
Presence of Others: The presence and energy of other people, animals, or even plants in or near the experimental space can affect the outcome. This could be due to their physical presence alone or their emotional and psychic energies. For instance, performing a ritual in a secluded area might yield different results compared to conducting the same ritual in a crowded public space.
Measuring and Observing While Avoiding Bias
Carefully observe and measure the outcomes of the spell, striving to remain objective. Employ techniques to avoid bias, such as waiting to interpret results until after the spell has completed its course, or using blind or double-blind methods if applicable.
Acknowledging Limitations
Be aware of and openly acknowledge the limitations of your method. This could include the subjective nature of the experience, the influence of personal belief, or external variables that cannot be controlled.
Peer Reviews
If possible, share your findings with other practitioners for peer review. This can provide valuable feedback and insights, helping to validate or refine your approach. Peer reviews can be informal, through discussions with fellow practitioners, or more formal, such as presenting your findings in a community forum or publication.
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Using Theories of Mechanics to Dissuade Misinformation
The goal is to align common magical practices with the underlying mechanics as described by various theories. This involves examining popular rituals, spells, or techniques and assessing how they align with, or diverge from, the theoretical frameworks of magic. For instance, a common practice might be the casting of a protection spell. By analyzing this through the lens of different models - like the energetic model or the psychological model - one can discern whether the practice is consistent with the theoretical mechanics proposed by these models. This exercise helps in demystifying practices, clarifying their basis, and possibly dispelling misconceptions.
This involves a respectful and careful examination of traditional and indigenous magical practices through the frameworks of established magical theories. It's crucial to approach this comparison with cultural sensitivity and an understanding that indigenous practices may have their unique theoretical underpinnings that don't always align neatly with Western magical models. This comparison can highlight the diversity of magical understanding and practice worldwide and can help in acknowledging and respecting the depth and validity of indigenous magical systems.
Engagement with misinformative content requires a balanced approach. It involves identifying and addressing misconceptions or misinterpretations in these publications. This could be done through writing informed critiques, providing educational content, or engaging in discussions that offer correctives to these misunderstandings. The key is to provide clear, well-researched, and respectful counterpoints that educate rather than alienate those who may be inadvertently spreading misinformation.
Cultural appropriation in magical practices can lead to the dilution of their efficacy and meaning. This occurs when practices are removed from their cultural and historical contexts and used superficially or without understanding their deeper significance. Highlighting how the mechanics of magic are intertwined with cultural, historical, and spiritual contexts can help in illustrating the importance of respecting the origins and integrity of these practices. Educating new and existing practitioners about the significance of cultural context in magical work is key to addressing this issue.
Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for new practitioners is essential for the healthy growth and evolution of magical communities. This involves providing accessible and accurate information, mentoring, and support. New practitioners should be encouraged to learn not only about the practical aspects of magic but also about the underlying theories and mechanics. This comprehensive understanding can help them develop their practices responsibly and thoughtfully. Furthermore, fostering a community culture that values continuous learning, critical thinking, and respectful exchange can help in integrating new practitioners in a way that enriches the entire community.
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Merging Theory with Practice
Merging theory with practice in magic begins with understanding the spiritual experience as a cornerstone of effective magical work. This involves recognizing and valuing the deeply personal, often transcendent nature of these experiences. Practitioners are encouraged to explore and integrate their spiritual experiences with the theoretical frameworks of magic, allowing these experiences to inform and enhance their understanding of magical mechanics. This symbiosis between experience and theory can lead to a more profound and authentic practice.
Repetition is a vital aspect of merging theory with practice. Regularly engaging in rituals, spells, or meditative practices helps in internalizing the theoretical aspects of magic. Repetition allows for the refinement of techniques, the strengthening of intentions, and a deeper understanding of the subtle nuances of magical work. It also aids in building discipline and focus, essential components for effective magical practice.
The process of conceptualization involves translating the abstract ideas and theories of magic into tangible practices. This means taking the principles and models of magic and figuring out how they can be practically applied in rituals, spells, and everyday life. It requires creativity, experimentation, and an understanding of how theoretical principles can manifest in the physical world. Practitioners might find that their methods evolve as their understanding deepens, leading to more personalized and effective practices.
Personal accountability is crucial in merging theory with practice. Practitioners should hold themselves responsible for their actions, intentions, and the outcomes of their magical work. This involves honest self-reflection, acknowledging both successes and failures, and learning from them. Being accountable also means being mindful of the ethical implications of one's practices and their impact on oneself, others, and the environment.
Effective communication with both individuals and the broader magical community plays a significant role. Sharing experiences, insights, and challenges helps in building a collective understanding and in refining individual practices. Community engagement can provide support, diverse perspectives, and a sense of belonging. It also fosters an environment where knowledge is exchanged, and collaborative learning is encouraged.
Expanding one's theological practices involves exploring and integrating various spiritual and religious beliefs into one's magical practice. This can lead to a richer, more diverse approach to magic. It might involve studying different mythologies, spiritual traditions, or philosophical texts and finding ways to incorporate these into practice. Respectful and informed engagement with different theological perspectives can broaden a practitioner's understanding and deepen their spiritual connections.
Philosophy and knowledge profoundly impact magical practice. A practitioner’s philosophical outlook can shape their approach to magic, the types of practices they engage in, and their interpretation of magical experiences. An understanding of different philosophical concepts can provide deeper insights into the nature of reality, the self, and the universe, which are often central themes in magical work. Continuous learning, both theoretical and practical, is essential for a well-rounded and effective magical practice.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Girl I think we all need some poly ghostface where stu and billy are teasing the reader and talking about them like their not there, "i dont know...maybe if they asked ever so nicely for it, they would get what they want..." ;)) it can be smut or not idm. Love ur writing so much <33333
❝highschool detective on the case❞
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✭ pairing : poly ghostface x reader
✭ fandom : scream
✭ summary : (y/n) is the new girl who just moved up from (hometown) she has a crazy fetish when it comes to serial killers having taken it upon herself to even solve unsolved murder cases - which she gets from her father. He was the top detective in his unit after all. Upon hearing about this ghostface killer she dives into detective mood grabbing their attention in the process
✭ authors note : I think we all are borderline psychotic when it comes to these two nibwits also thank you for requesting and I’m glad you’re enjoying my works so far :)
✭ slashers masterlist
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Woodsboro High School buzzed with the energy of a new school year, and (Y/N) had just arrived, ready to start fresh in this unfamiliar town. As she stepped onto the campus, her presence stood out like a stark contrast to the other students.
She wore a leather trench coat that fell just past her thighs, giving her an enigmatic aura. Low-rise washed-out jeans hugged her hips, revealing a tattoo on her lower stomach. Her hair was styled in a pixie cut, and dark shades shielded her eyes, giving her an almost FBI agent-like mystique. Chunky boots completed her unconventional ensemble, and a crop top black vest shirt adorned with a rhinestone skull on the breast part added an edgy touch.
As she walked through the courtyard, students couldn't help but stare and whisper amongst themselves, wondering who this mysterious new girl was and what her story might be. (Y/N), however, seemed oblivious to the attention, her mind focused on something else entirely.
Reclining on a bench, she delved into the contents of her notes. In her lap lay a case file, weathered by time and use, filled with photographs, notes, and articles. It was the unsolved murder case from her hometown that her father, a dedicated detective, had entrusted to her once the trail had gone cold.
(Y/N) was determined to find answers and bring closure to the grieving families back home, even if it meant uprooting her life and starting anew in Woodsboro. The gravity of the task weighed heavily on her, and her fierce dedication to solving the case had become her driving force.
Throughout the day, students at Woodsboro High had been attempting to strike up conversations with (Y/N), but her terse responses and preoccupied demeanor made it clear that she had little interest in making friends. She was on a mission, and she had no time for idle chitchat.
At lunch, (Y/N) found a quiet spot to sit alone, her case file still in her lap as she reviewed the evidence once more. Lost in thought, she didn't notice Stu, one of her classmates, approaching from behind. He playfully wrapped his arms around her shoulders and said, "Now, what do we have here?"
(Y/N) stiffened at the unexpected contact but quickly composed herself. She turned to glance at Stu, taking in his appearance before responding with a raised eyebrow. "Aren't you a bit too old to not know about personal hygiene?"
Stu, looking slightly offended, discreetly sniffed himself and made a face. "Hey, I don't stink!"
Tatum, Stu's girlfriend, along with her friends Sidney and Sidney's boyfriend, also joined the group, curious about the interaction. Randy, another student, chimed in, intrigued by (Y/N)'s mysterious presence. "What's that you're reading?" he asked, peering at her lap.
In her usual blunt tone, (Y/N) replied, "A case."
The group exchanged puzzled glances, clearly taken aback by her straightforward response. Stu was the first to regain his composure, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "A case, huh? You're a detective or something?"
(Y/N) didn't provide any additional information, her eyes returning to the contents of the file. She was used to curious glances and questions, but her focus remained unwavering on her mission to uncover the truth.
Randy's curiosity remained unabated, and he leaned in closer, asking, "So, what's the case about?"
(Y/N) let out a sigh and put her notes aside, her expression serious as she shared a glimpse of her purpose. "I'm trying to solve a cold case from my hometown. It involves a young woman who was violently beaten and tortured."
Tatum raised an eyebrow, looking puzzled. "But if it's a cold case, why are you trying to solve it now?"
(Y/N) shrugged, her dedication evident in her reply. "It's just a hobby I enjoy."
Billy, who had been listening quietly, couldn't help but become more intrigued. He leaned in with a casual demeanor and asked, "So, you're into things like that, huh?"
(Y/N) met his gaze with a cool, unwavering stare. "Yup. I was raised watching the dangers of the world and even experiencing it."
The group fell silent for a moment, absorbing (Y/N)'s cryptic response. Her presence had added an unexpected layer of mystery to their lunchtime gathering, and they couldn't help but wonder about the secrets she held and the motivations driving her pursuit of a cold case.
Sidney, feeling a twinge of awkwardness, couldn't help but blurt out, "What kind of experiences are you talking about?" But she quickly realized the insensitivity of her question and immediately apologized, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
(Y/N) simply shrugged off the awkward moment, her demeanor unphased by Sidney's unintended bluntness. "No worries," she replied calmly before elaborating on her past. "I've seen quite a bit, to be honest. When I was three, I watched an unsub murder my mom right in front of me."
Sidney's eyes widened in shock, regret for her earlier question apparent on her face.
(Y/N) continued, her tone steady. "Then, when I was thirteen, I was kidnapped as part of a blackmail attempt against my father. He's a detective, you see. Since then, I've been to all sorts of crime scenes, helping him with his work."
Stu couldn't help but comment, "Wow, that's dark."
Billy, mumbling under his breath, added, "Wicked."
(Y/N) acknowledged their reactions with a nonchalant nod, as if her experiences were just a matter-of-fact part of her life. She had learned to cope with the darkness she had witnessed and embraced her role as an amateur detective, eager to make sense of the chaos around her.
Breaking the now oncoming silence (Y/N) decides to ask her own question, “So what’s fun around here?” Tatum taking it upon herself decides to reply back whiles filing her mails, “Not much honestly, though shopping is always on the table.”
But (Y/N) wasn't interested in the usual teenage pastimes. She leaned in, her eyes gleaming with curiosity, and clarified, "No, no, no! I'm talking murder cases here, blonde. Anything good?"
Randy, who had already labeled her as a weirdo, rolled his eyes, muttering, "Oh, no, not another weirdo."
(Y/N) couldn't help but give Randy a proud smirk, as if she embraced that title with pride. Sidney and Tatum, perhaps sensing the direction the conversation was about to take, excused themselves from the group.
Stu, always eager for attention, chimed in, "You know, Sidney's mom's murder was pretty wild. She was having an affair, and the guy must've gone crazy and slaughtered her."
(Y/N) listened intently, a crazed look in her eyes, and responded, "Yeah, now there's the good stuff. Tell me more."
Billy, with a hint of excitement in his voice, added, "There was also the murder of those two students not too long ago. It was pretty brutal."
"A murder, you say?" (Y/N) leaned in with an unsettling grin, her curiosity piqued. "Tell me about it."
Stu, relishing the chance to share a gruesome tale, went into chilling detail about the murder. "Well, my ex, Cassie, she was slaughtered. Her body was found strung up by her own organs in her front yard. It was... brutal. And her boyfriend, Derek, was found duct-taped to a lawn chair and drowned in the pool at her house. His intestines were out too."
(Y/N)'s eyes sparkled with a disturbing excitement as she listened to the horrifying description. She pressed for more information, asking, "Any leads on the killer?"
The boys exchanged glances and shook their heads. "No, not really," Billy admitted.
Randy added, "And Sidney, she was attacked a few nights after that. She said the killer was masked and wore what looked like a ghost mask."
(Y/N)'s grin widened at the mention of the masked killer, her fascination with the macabre evident. It seemed that the darker the story, the more it intrigued her. The group had unwittingly drawn her into their web of murder mysteries, and little did they know that her relentless pursuit of the truth would soon unearth secrets that would put them all in grave danger.
“Seems this town just got a little more interesting,'" (y/n) remarked with an eerie grin as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. She gathered her things and excused herself, leaving Randy to his own devices as he followed suit and left.
Now, only Stu and Billy remained alone at the table. Billy's eyes darkened, and a sinister glint danced in them as he leaned in closer to Stu. He asked in a hushed tone, "Should we go after her tonight?"
Stu, hyped up by the disturbing stories and (Y/N)'s unnerving interest in murder cases, couldn't help but share Billy's excitement. He replied with an eager grin, "Hell yeah."
(Y/N) returned home after a long day at Woodsboro High, finding a note from her dad, the detective, explaining that he would be back late, as usual. With a resigned sigh, she decided to unwind, slipping into comfortable sweatpants and a tank top.
She settled onto the couch, surrounded by an array of open books, articles, and her laptop, her research materials for delving into the recent murders that had captured her fascination. The room was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from the soft glow of her laptop screen.
Hours passed as she scoured the internet for any information about the brutal murders that had taken place in Woodsboro. (Y/N)'s determination was unwavering, her thirst for answers driving her to dig deeper into the dark mysteries of the town.
The hours dragged on, and fatigue began to creep in. Despite her best efforts, the weight of exhaustion overcame her, and (Y/N) eventually drifted into a fitful nap on the couch, her mind still haunted by the gruesome details of the unsolved murders that had consumed her thoughts.
(Y/N) woke up late at night, the room cast in darkness except for the faint glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. She glanced at the clock, which read 10:00 PM. Her dad still hadn't returned home, but she was used to his late hours.
Feeling hungry, she decided to order some food delivery to keep her going while she continued her research. As she dialed her order, anticipation for a late-night snack grew. She gave the delivery address and hung up, ready to return to her work.
Just as she settled back into her research, her phone rang, startling her. She picked it up, and at first, the voice on the other end played it off as a wrong number. But then they began asking personal questions.
"So, do you have a boyfriend?" the voice inquired.
(Y/N), her curiosity piqued, retorted playfully, "Why? You trying to ask me out?"
The person on the other line let out a smirk, their tone suggestive as they asked again, "So, do you have a boyfriend?"
(Y/N) decided to tease them with an equally suggestive response, "Perhaps." She was intrigued by the mysterious caller and couldn't help but engage in their unusual late-night conversation.
As (Y/N) found herself engaged in this mysterious late-night conversation, her curiosity only grew when the person on the other end suggested, "Let's play a game."
"What kind of game?" she asked, her tone laced with intrigue.
The voice on the phone responded, "I want to know your favorite scary movie."
(Y/N) didn't hesitate to share her interests. "Well, I really enjoyed 'The Craft.' It's a fascinating blend of witchcraft, teenage rebellion, and a dash of horror. The story revolves around a group of high school girls who form a coven and use their newfound powers for personal gain. But as their abilities grow, so does the darkness that haunts them. It's a captivating exploration of the consequences of wielding supernatural abilities and the complexities of female friendship."
She paused briefly before continuing, "Another one I really liked is 'Thinner.' It's based on a Stephen King novel and tells the story of a morbidly obese lawyer who's cursed by a gypsy and begins to inexplicably lose weight at an alarming rate. The film delves into themes of karma, guilt, and the unintended consequences of our actions. The slow, agonizing transformation of the main character is both terrifying and thought-provoking."
(Y/N) went on to describe the intricate details of both films, her passion for horror movies evident in her animated discussion. She shared her insights on the characters, the plot twists, and the underlying themes, displaying an impressive knowledge of the genre. The mysterious caller on the other end seemed intrigued by her enthusiasm.
The person on the other end of the line, after inquiring about her favorite scary movies, pressed for her name. (Y/N), however, wasn't so quick to reveal her identity. "Why should I tell you my name when you haven't told me yours?" she countered.
A sinister chuckle came through the phone before the voice replied, "Because I want to know the name of who I'm watching right now. Nice top, by the way."
(Y/N), far from being scared, merely rolled her eyes and glanced out the window behind her. She smirked into the darkness and said, "So, this is the infamous killer of Woodsboro? Would've expected better, but then again, you're just a small-town killer."
The voice on the other end of the line grew audibly offended, and they began to issue chilling threats. They spoke of slicing her open, just like they had done to Cassie, and leaving her hanging for her father to find. The threats were meant to intimidate, to strike fear into (Y/N)'s heart.
However, she remained surprisingly unshaken. Instead of cowering, she chuckled, a mix of defiance and amusement in her voice. "Give it your best shot," she taunted, her bravado unwavering. "I'm not one to back down from a challenge."
The late-night conversation had taken a menacing turn, and (Y/N) was about to find herself entangled in a perilous game of wits and survival with a cunning and ruthless adversary.
The next day at school, (Y/N) arrived with an unusual cheeriness about her. Stu and the rest of her newfound friends couldn't help but notice her upbeat demeanor, and Stu was the first to comment, asking, "What's got you so cheery today?"
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, (Y/N) replied, "Oh, you won't believe this. I've got video footage of Ghostface trying to break into my house."
The revelation sent shockwaves through the group, their eyes widening in disbelief. "No way," they chimed in unison.
(Y/N), however, seemed nonchalant as she waved off their amazement. "Yes way," she affirmed, laughing it off as if it were just another everyday occurrence.
Randy couldn't help but express his surprise. "I'm surprised you're not dead," he remarked, his tone laced with incredulity.
(Y/N) shrugged, her explanation casual. "My dad had our houses revamped before we moved here. Custom locks, gateways, and cameras. No one gets in unless they want them to. It's like living in a fortress."
As the group absorbed this information, (Y/N) decided to take a teasing turn. She smirked and declared, "Oh, this is going to be fun. I haven't been hunted like this in a while."
The reaction from her friends was mixed, to say the least. Most were creeped out by her unusual enthusiasm, especially given the recent unsettling events. But Stu and Billy, the true culprits behind the Ghostface mask, couldn't help but exchange sly glances. Their nefarious plan was in motion, and (Y/N) had just unknowingly stoked the flames of their sinister game.
Billy couldn't resist adding a chilling remark, his tone laced with dark humor, "I don't know... maybe if they asked ever so nicely for it, they would get what they want."
“What’s the suppose to mean?” (Y/n) remarks and billy shrugs it off “Who knows maybe the killer is somewhere watching you, after all you can never be too careful.”
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Published: Jun 11, 2023
A new peer-reviewed article, “Transition Regret and Detransition: Meaning and Uncertainties,” published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, reviews clinical and research issues related to transition regret and detransition. The article emphasizes that “although recent data have shed light on a complex range of experiences that lead people to detransition, research remains very much in its infancy,” and there is currently “no guidance on best practices for clinicians involved in their care.”   
The author, Dr. Jorgensen, notes that the term “detransition” can hold a wide array of possible meanings for transgender-identifying people, detransitioners, and researchers, leading to inconsistencies in its usage. Although regret and detransition overlap in many people, not everyone who regrets their transition takes steps to detransition and conversely, not all of those who detransition regret their transition. Proponents of the “gender-affirming care” model typically focus on the latter group who are driven to detransition by external forces such as discrimination, lack of support from family and friends, or difficulty accessing health care. Euphemisms such as “gender-identity journey” and “dynamic desires for gender-affirming medical interventions” have been used to describe this process.
But the author highlights studies and personal testimonies of detransitioners who do deeply regret their transition, mourn the physical changes made to their bodies, and feel betrayed by the clinicians and medical institutions that offered hormones and surgery as antidotes to their gender confusion and distress. For this group of young people, internal factors such as “worsening mental health or the realization that gender dysphoria was a maladaptive response to trauma, misogyny, internalized homophobia, or pressure from social media and online communities,” were the primary drivers of their decision to detransition.
As the author highlights, a consistent theme in studies and personal testimonies of detransitioners is that there are major gaps in the quality and accessibility of medical and mental healthcare: “Many detransitioners reported not feeling properly informed about health implications of treatments before undergoing them (Gribble et al., 2023; Littman, 2021; Pullen Sansfaçon et al., 2023; Vandenbussche, 2022). Likewise, many felt that they did not receive sufficient exploration of preexisting psychological and emotional problems and continued to struggle post-transition when they realized gender transition was not a panacea (Littman, 2021; Pullen Sansfaçon et al., 2023; Respaut et al., 2022; Sanders et al., 2023; Vandenbussche, 2022). Despite ongoing medical needs, most patients did not maintain contact with their gender clinic during their detransition.” Detransitioners report wanting more information about how to safely stop hormonal therapies and surgical reversal or restorative options, but few clinicians are sufficiently knowledgeable about these issues to manage their care.
The author notes that our ability to predict who will be helped by transition-related medical interventions and who will be harmed by them is limited and we currently have no idea how many of the young people transitioning today will eventually come to regret their decision: “no one is systematically tracking how many young people regret transition or, for that matter, how many are helped by it.” However, the increasing number of detransitioners publicly sharing their experiences suggest that historical studies citing low rates of regret are no longer applicable. Moreover, these studies suffered serious methodological flaws that would tend to underestimate the true rates of regret including high rates of attrition and narrow definitions of regret.
More recent studies that have included the current case mix of predominantly adolescent-onset gender dysphoria suggest that up to 30% of those who undergo medical transition may discontinue it within only a few years (Roberts et al., 2022). It is likely that a number of them will experience significant regret over lost opportunities and permanent physical changes.
So how did we get here?
The author suggests that less restrictive eligibility criteria for accessing transition-related medical interventions under the gender-affirmation and informed consent models, coupled with the rapid rise of adolescents and young adults presenting to gender clinics, many of whom suffer from complex mental health problems and neurodiversity, has important implications for the incidence of transition regret and detransition. Under these models of care, standard processes of differential diagnosis and clinical assessment are seen as “burdensome, intrusive, and impinging on patient autonomy.”  Moreover, the author points out that hormonal therapies and surgery are now conceptualized as a “means of realizing fundamental aspects of personal identity or ‘embodiment goals,’ in contrast to conventional medical care, which is pursued with the objective of treating an underlying illness or injury to restore health and functioning.” 
Furthermore, adolescents and young adults might not be mature enough to appreciate the long-term consequences of their decisions about the irreversible medical interventions used to achieve “embodiment goals,” and/or their capacity to give informed consent may be limited by comorbid mental health problems or neurodevelopmental challenges. Additionally, “feelings of profound grief about lost opportunities and negative repercussions of transition might not be fully captured by framing the emotional experience in terms of regret” because “regret is an emotion that is unique in its relation to personal agency (Zeelenberg & Pieters, 2007), but the exercise of personal agency in the transition process might have been limited for people who began transition as minors, whose decision-making capacity was compromised by mental illness, or who were not fully informed of known and potential adverse health implications.” 
The author offers some suggestions for how detransition may be prevented and inappropriate transitions avoided:
Improving the process of informed consent.
Prioritizing treatment of co-occurring social, developmental and psychological problems.
Using precise language about medical interventions.
Helping young people expand their understanding of what it means to be a man or woman.
Being transparent about the quality of evidence supporting medical interventions and the uncertainty about long-term harms.
The author ends by emphasizing that when clinical cases are complicated by a lack of knowledge about the natural trajectory of the condition and a paucity of evidence supporting treatment options, “minimizing iatrogenic harm requires application of cautious, thoughtful clinical judgement, meticulous examination of the data that are available, as well as a willingness to change practice in the face of new evidence.”
Jorgensen calls on the gender medicine community to “commit to conducting robust research, challenging fundamental assumptions, scrutinizing their practice patterns, and embracing debate.”
Read more about the phenomenon of detransition:
Boyd I, Hackett T, Bewley S. Care of Transgender Patients: A General Practice Quality Improvement Approach. Healthcare. 2022; 10(1):121. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10010121
D’Angelo, R. (2020). The man I am trying to be is not me. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 101(5), 951–970. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207578.2020.1810049
Entwistle, K. (2020). Debate: Reality check – Detransitioner’s testimonies require us to rethink gender dysphoria. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, camh.12380. https://doi.org/10.1111/camh.12380
Expósito-Campos, P. (2021). A Typology of Gender Detransition and Its Implications for Healthcare Providers. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0092623X.2020.1869126
Hall, R., Mitchell, L., & Sachdeva, J. (2021). Access to care and frequency of detransition among a cohort discharged by a UK national adult gender identity clinic: Retrospective case-note review. BJPsych Open, 7(6), e184. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjo.2021.1022
Littman, L. (2021). Individuals Treated for Gender Dysphoria with Medical and/or Surgical Transition Who Subsequently Detransitioned: A Survey of 100 Detransitioners. Archives of Sexual Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-021-02163-w
Marchiano, L. (2021). Gender detransition: A case study. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 66(4), 813–832. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5922.12711
Roberts, C. M., Klein, D. A., Adirim, T. A., Schvey, N. A., & Hisle-Gorman, E. (2022). Continuation of Gender-affirming Hormones Among Transgender Adolescents and Adults. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 107(9), e3937–e3943. https://doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgac251
Vandenbussche, E. (2021). Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey. Journal of Homosexuality, 20. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2021.1919479
Genderists often say things like "detransition/regret is rare" and "detransition is only due to discrimination." These run in the opposite direction to genderist assertions, as this means "detransition/regret due to discrimination is rare."
Most of the numbers they cite are either poorly sourced as mentioned above, or worse, from the days of "watchful waiting," where transition only came at the end of a comprehensive care process; a completely different model.
Not only is it dishonest, given they regard watchful waiting, or anything else as "harmful" and "gatekeeping," but the low regret rate actually supports that more cautious, thoughtful process.
And besides, claiming to know the success rate under the "affirming"/"informed consent" models is itself dishonest too. Detransitioners are not going to rush back to the same doctors who facilitated their mistake. Especially in a climate where they'll be blamed or vilified.
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superlinguo · 8 months
Himalayan Linguistics, Linguistics Vanguard and the Australian Journal of Linguistics
In 2024 I have returned to my role as an editor of Himalayan Linguistics, and have joined the editorial boards of two other journals; Linguistics Vanguard and the Australian Journal of Linguistics. I've published in each of these journals before joining the editorial boards, and it's lovely to be involved in three journals across three different areas of interest.
Himalayan Linguistics is a fully Open Access journal, while Linguistics Vanguard and the Australian Journal of Linguistics have a mix of open access and licensed content. If you are an academic and your work is relevant to any of these three journals, please consider them for your next research paper!
Himalayan Linguistics
One of my first academic publications was with Himalayan Linguistics in 2013. I've been so grateful for all the work of the editorial team over the years that I joined the board, and then stepped up as editor in 2022. My co-editors are Gregory Anderson and You-Jing Lin.
Himalayan Linguistics costs nothing to read, and charges no fees for publishing. We're lucky to have the University of California eScholarship infrastructure for publishing. It's my favourite model for academic research.
From the website:
Himalayan Linguistics is an online peer-reviewed journal specializing in languages of the Himalayan region. We publish articles, book reviews, book notices and field reports in the semi-annual issues of the journals. We also publish grammars, dictionaries, and text collections as free-standing publications in our “Archive” series. Himalayan Linguistics is free; that is, there is no subscription fee, and there is no fee charged to authors who publish their papers in HL.
My publications in HL, Superlinguo summary posts:
The relationship between Yolmo and Kagate: Article in Himalayan Linguistics
Reported evidentiality in Tibeto-Burman languages
Linguistics Vanguard
Linguistics Vanguard launched in 2015 and I was eyeing it off for years before being delighted to have a chance to submit a paper for the 2023 Special Issue on scifi corpus methods. Yup, it's the kind of journal that's cool enough to have a whole special issue on using corpora to do linguistics on scifi. I have another paper in the revisions process with LV on lingcomm. I can attest to the speedy process and focus on conciseness. I'm delighted to join as an area manager for gesture and multimodal submissions.
Linguistics Vanguard is a new channel for high quality articles and innovative approaches in all major fields of linguistics. This multimodal journal is published solely online and provides an accessible platform supporting both traditional and new kinds of publications. Linguistics Vanguard seeks to publish concise and up-to-date reports on the state of the art in linguistics as well as cutting-edge research papers. With its topical breadth of coverage and anticipated quick rate of production, it is one of the leading platforms for scientific exchange in linguistics. Its broad theoretical range, international scope, and diversity of article formats engage students and scholars alike.
My publications in LV, Superlinguo summary posts:
From Star Trek to The Hunger Games: Emblem gestures in science fiction and their uptake in popular culture
Australian Journal of Linguistics
The Australian Linguistic Society is my local linguistics org, and I'm delighted to join an editorial board full of people whose work I deeply respect. I'm also happy to report the AJL recently adopted the Tromsø Recommendations for data citation.
The Australian Journal of Linguistics is the official journal of the Australian Linguistic Society and the premier international journal on language in Australia and the region. The focus of the journal is research on Australian Indigenous languages, Australian Englishes, community languages in Australia, language in Australian society, and languages of the Australian-Pacific region. The journal publishes papers that make a significant theoretical, methodological and/or practical contribution to the field and are accessible to a broad audience.
My publications in AJL, Superlinguo summary posts:
Ten years of Linguistics in the Pub (Australian Journal of Linguistics)
Revisiting Significant Action and Gesture Categorization
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academypediaen · 2 years
What are Open Access Journals and How Can they Help Technology Watch Specialists ?
Introduction   As the amount of scientific knowledge published online continues to grow, it can be difficult to know where to look for reliable information .   Open access journals are a great way to gain access to credible, up-to-date research in your field of study . [...] https://is.gd/q5YjN9
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#business #communication #data #education #ict #information #intelligence #technology - Created by David Donisa from Academypedia.info
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
Fact check: American Psychiatric Association Publishing is, in fact, part of the American Psychiatric Association!
I don't like using the word gaslighting in syscourse often, but sometimes it feels really hard to avoid.
One such instance is the claim I've seen repeated to try to discredit Eric Yarbrough's Transgender Mental Health that APA Publishing is not, in fact, part of the APA and the book is therefore not published by the APA.
This isn't merely disinformation. It's disinformation that's trying to convince you to not believe what you're seeing.
Ignore that the trademarked logo on the APA's psychiatry.org is the same exact one from the APA Publishing website, something which would not be legal if these were actually two separate entities.
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Don't click on the "APA Sites" dropdown menu on Psychiatry.org where it will link to the APA Publishing website.
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Don't be fooled by the About Us on the APA Publishing website clearly describing APA Publishing as a division of the American Psychiatric Association.
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Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears!
Let's be totally clear here. It is absolutely accurate to say that a book being published by the APA doesn't mean it was written by the APA or necessarily represents its view. One can even see this disclaimer in the Transgender Mental Health book itself.
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But it should also be noted that the book not necessarily representing the views of the APA doesn't mean it's not endorsed by them either.
Publications are peer reviewed in both selection and final approval.
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Books published by them are also evaluated to ensure that, among other things, the books align with their mission.
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And while I can't say for certain the exact process this particular book underwent, APA Publishing also generally prefers to get books at the proposal stage so they can help in the development of those books, meaning they're involved at practically every step of the process.
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Nothing is getting through APA Publishing without extensive evaluation to ensure the highest quality and consistency with current science.
After all, as a division of the APA, anything harmful that they publish will ultimately reflect back on the APA.
All in all, it's true that Transgender Mental Health was not written by the American Psychiatric Association. (Although I'll also note that I haven't seen anyone say that. At least not recently.)
But it WAS published by the American Psychiatric Association through their publishing division. It was evaluated by their editors to ensure it advanced their mission, and underwent their extensive review process.
This book being published by the APA, through their publishing division, is a fact.
And the thing is, the people who are repeating this lie and trying to gaslight followers into believing that the American Psychiatric Association and their publishing division are two totally unrelated entities... they KNOW this is a lie.
I haven't said anything new in this post I didn't say a year ago. Yet the lies still persist from the same exact people and it's hard to dismiss this as a simple good faith misunderstanding anymore.
And yeah, when the lie is in regards to such a basic and apparent fact, when it's trying to convince you to ignore your own perceptions of reality as this one clearly is, I'm going to label it as gaslighting.
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
hey i love your posts on anti-psych organizing, the work you're doing is really inspiring <333 i was jw if you have any advice for people who want to contribute to the movement but have certain accessibility challenges? for example in my case i have very high social anxiety which makes public speaking hard and i also have difficulty processing denser criticism/theory in written form due to cognitive symptoms, etc. and it makes me feel like i don't have much to offer to help but i would love to get more involved if possible!! tysm in advance if you answer this happy pride btw <3
Happy pride anon! Thanks so much for this question, I think it's really important!
There are so many ways to contribute to antipsych/mad liberation movement, and it's so important that our spaces are accessible! When we're fighting for our rights as mad and disabled people, we deserve to have our access needs respected, and to be able to show up in whatever ways work for us. I talk a lot about writing and theory on here just because Tumblr is a place I go to write, but theory is not something that feels always relevant or important in many spaces. Community and accessibility always comes first!
Whatever you have to offer to the movement is enough and valued. I'll list off some ideas I have, but honestly, whatever you feel passionate about and your own ideas are likely to be better than what I can list off.
Creating art! whether writing, drawing, mixed media, anything, creating art and sharing it with others really can be an important way to honor our experiences and share them with others.
Finding out where a psych ward near you is, and writing cards, sending in care packages with things like books, puzzles, fidget toys, things like that. Happy to write out some more tips for that if people are interested.
Graffiti! even if you're just using a sharpie to write alternative crisis line numbers that don't call the cops on posters for the 988 hotline, putting up psych abolition stickers near hospitals, things like that.
Going to protests. There aren't a lot of specific mad pride/antipsych protests, but depending on your area, there might be some stuff happening in July for mad pride! I know there's an event happening in Vermont on July 15th.
Creating reading groups. I think theory is not more important than lived experience and isn't necessary to read super dense academic stuff, but I know for some people it can be a really powerful experience to read stuff that validates your experiences and offers new ways of understanding. Creating a book club where you can read stuff with other people, talk about it together, discuss questions and confusions you have together, can be a way to make it more accessible then trying to navigate it on your own. And it absolutely doesn't have to be theory that you read, it could be memoirs, fiction, nonfiction, anything that interests you!
Finding out what is already going on in your location. Even if there isn't specific antipsych groups, a lot of cities will have mental health support groups, mental health clubhouses, peer support, etc. Sometimes there will already be projects going that you can figure out ways to get involved.
Writing reviews of hospitals/psychiatrists/treatment providers to better give people in your community an idea of what to expect.
Community building. I think that a lot of times, we can feel really isolated and that the psych system can make it hard for us to be connected to each other and learn the skills to support each other. Joining groups like the Hearing Voices Network, other peer support groups, local support groups, clubhouses, etc, can be a really important step just to build relationships and get involved without necessarily having to create specific projects.
Learning what resources are near you and building up a resource library so that you can share things like coping skills, peer respite, local orgs with other people in your community!
Understanding the laws around psych hospitalization, mental health, medications, etc. If new laws are proposed, giving feedback, emailing hospitals about policies, things like that.
Self care and rest. So often we are in crisis, constantly going, feeling the pressure to be involved. Resting can be part of resistance! Taking the time to care for ourselves, our community, embracing joy, play, recreation, is so important. Our survival can be resistance in a system that doesn't want us free.
These are just some ideas, and are not a complete list. I really believe that everyone's contributions are worthy and valuable, and that whatever people have to offer is worth celebrating. Our movements should be accessible and considerate of all of our different needs, and figure out ways to empower each of us to participate, and to get rid of barriers together. My way of engaging with antipsych stuff is absolutely not the only or best way, and I always love to hear from other people about their approaches!
TL;DR: Theory and public speaking are not the only ways to particpate, and accessibility is important! Whatever things you are passionate about are good places to start brainstorming. There are multiple options of things like art, sending care packages, and getting involved in local community.
Followers, please feel free to add on your own ideas or ways you participate! Would love to hear all the amazing ways we're all engaging with this movement.
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sessakag · 5 months
Since guest reviews aren’t allowed at the moment I hope you don’t mind me commandeering your ask box for fic commenting purposes-🍥☀️🍥☀️ (Butterfly chapter 10)
[Her puffy eyes shifted to that part of her Naruto had touched, peering hard at her flesh as though her eyes could detect a spectrum of light that would reveal the shape and color of the warmth his hand had left on hers.] I’m not articulate enough to express why certain lines hit for me beyond saying “wow I really liked that!” so, wow I really liked that!
Hinata cataloging her physiological responses to Naruto made me smile a lot ❤️. Someone help our girl out and explain what a crush is.
Also!!! “Naruto-flutters” is THE CUTEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺. When I saw that phrase I had to walk it off as if I was experiencing them myself.
But the part of the chapter that really got me was Hinata experiencing the feeling of safety for the first time. Goddddddd I have so many emotions about that. Honestly as I type this out, I’m tearing up again. [As though there was a shield between her and the things that hurt.] Like????????? This is too much for me 😭.
I have a pretty huge trust kink and the feeling of safety is such a large part of that so you really hit all the right buttons for me. It’s devastating that the reason Hinata isn’t aware of what safety feels like comes from the people who should most have wanted to keep her safe ☹️. But it’s also beautiful seeing her get to experience it with Naruto. I’m so happy for her 💕💕💕💕. Hinata’s panicked response at almost losing that feeling was heartbreaking, but at the same time I’m delighted at how that speaks to her growing affection and need for Naruto.
Sai mention!!! Sai is soooo underrated in my opinion. I have such a soft spot for him. Him interacting with Hinata will either be a huge disaster or a shocking success, with no in between. I love that for him 💕. His bluntness is really reassuring in some ways, and if nothing else, Hinata can’t possibly feel like a social disaster when compared to him 😭. Sai and Hinata being art buddies would be cute! Hopefully they get to interact soon and well.
[Smiling wasn’t the only thing she couldn’t remember doing, laughing was another. Naruto was a well of new experiences for her, and the urge to laugh was one of those newfound, slowly developing experiences he was slowly coaxing from her.] 💔💔💔💕💕💕. Here’s to hoping for many more new experiences together 🙏.
Shikamaru!!!! Another favorite of mine 🥰. I love how cool he was about Hinata’s stutter, to the point of not even mentioning it even though he was aware of it. That’s so very him.
[“How the hell do you know about that?!” Naruto finally burst, piercing the stunned silence, scaring her in the process, though he was too caught up in giving his friend the third degree to notice.] Hmmmmmmn Naruto does get aggressively loud sometimes and I can imagine how scary that must be for Hinata. I wonder if we’ll be seeing more of this situation 👀👀👀.
Hinata hesitating to join in on the conversation was painful and relatable, but I’m so proud she did 💕. She is just as much an inspiration here as Naruto was for her in canon. I hope next time she’ll be able to ask Kurenai for what she wants. Small steps but she’ll get there 💪💪💪.
I’m so curious about Naruto’s pov on the whole court appointed guardian thing. Does he get the full implications of what that means for Hinata and her home life? I feel like at that age hearing something like that, I wouldn’t have wanted to think too deeply into it. But also I’m pretty far removed from high school now so who knows 😂.
The Kurenai-Minato relationship is an interesting one! I wonder if it’ll lead to some fun interactions.
Excellent chapter as usual, thanks for writing.
Of course, as soon as you drop a review, AO3 turned comments back on, lol. But thanks so much for dropping it here! You're one of the ones I was so upset about possibly missing out on! 😭But the crisis is over for now it seems, so you are free to comment again! 💕which I am sooooo happy about! I like getting messages here, but I prefer them on the story that way I can go back and reread them again and again 🙈 when I need a boost to keep going 💪🏾Writing is tough work 😤
Funny thing about this line: [Her puffy eyes shifted to that part of her Naruto had touched, peering hard at her flesh as though her eyes could detect a spectrum of light that would reveal the shape and color of the warmth his hand had left on hers.] It's a Byakugan reference🤭
Right! Poor Hina is clueless, lol. I've been wanting Hinata to switch place with Naruto in a story for a while, having her unable to recognize her own feelings like canon Naruto struggled. I think it's really cute 🙈💕Probably not the reason for her lack of emotional acuity but the concept of it.
Naruto-flutters are so adorable to me too, and it's like ahhhh, omg Hinata do you know what those little flutters mean???🙈she doesn't of course and somehow that makes it even cuter!! 💕💕
Riiiiiiggggghhhtttt, like I love Naruto making her feel all safe, and it hits so much harder because he has no idea what he's truly giving this girl! Like how much he's shining down on this poor wilting water lily🥹💞
Lmao, that is so true! Either Hinata is gonna get a new friend or Naruto's gonna upper cut him through the school roof🙈let's hope Sai makes a wise decision🤭Art buddies would be so adorable! Though Sai would definitely be brutally honest and who knows how Hinata will take that🙈
Here's to more new experiences! 💕💕
Shikamaru's so chill and go with the flow, he was the perfect first initiation into socializing outside Naruto🥰
I cannot express how hype and excited I get when readers catch those little details I put in there🤩Naruto is indeed a very loud, pretty liberally aggressive guy. Perhaps that will factor in again later🫢Naruto's learning gentleness and patience, but maybe there's a few more tricks Hinata can teach him 🤭
Right! And that's what I wanted to get across with Butterfly! Strength is subjective, it's not a one size fits all, and every obstacle a person overcomes is just as important than any other obstacle whether its physical, mental, emotional, psychological, whatever! Hinata struggles with things others take for granted, but she keeps trying, and that's not weakness, that's strength, bravery, determination and just as you said, just as inspiring as Naruto! 😤
He'll revisit the convo about it at some point, don't worry! Its very reminiscent of his past self though, when he was a boy in the woods and didn't really understand the significance of his meeting with Hinata🥹
Kurenai-Minato may or may not have more significance later on, we shall see 🤭
Lovely comment!! Thank you sooo much for coming through!! You are really one of the people I cannot wait to hear from! 🙈you truly make my day!!💕always so thorough and detailed, I love seeing your reactions and being privy to your thoughts on the chapter, and you're consistent support and you don't know how much that means to me 😭Thank you sooooo much!!🦋💕
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How to Research and Collect Information for Essays
Define Your Topic: Clearly identify the subject of your essay to provide a roadmap for your research.
Establish a Research Plan: Outline key areas of focus and create a timeline for gathering information. Utilize libraries, online databases, and credible sources.
Diversify Your Sources: Gather information from a variety of reputable outlets, including academic journals, books, and credible websites. This ensures a well-rounded perspective on your topic.
Take Effective Notes: Develop a system for organizing information while taking notes. Include key points, citations, and potential quotes to streamline the writing process later.
Evaluate Sources Critically: Assess the reliability and credibility of your sources. Look for expert opinions, recent publications, and peer-reviewed content to enhance the quality of your essay.
Synthesize Information: Analyze collected data, identifying patterns and connections between sources. This critical step contributes to a cohesive and comprehensive essay.
Summarize your findings and emphasize the significance of your research. Reiterate the importance of a well-rounded approach to gathering information for a thorough and impactful essay.
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