#please tell me if I misread your question!
rebelfell · 3 months
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A li’l more self-indulgent bestfriend!eddie fluff…
reader w/ boobies, cont’d from here
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“Do you, um…do you think you got a good enough look?”
Ringing. There’s a ringing in Eddie’s ears and he’s pretty damn certain his jaw is on the floor. And he is going to need about a million q-tips stat before he believes he actually heard those words come out of your mouth in that exact order.
Did he die? Is this a dream? A coma? Did he get trapped in the Matrix? If so, which color pill does he take to stay in it forever?
“Eddie? You okay?”
Your face fell the longer he took to respond, shrinking into yourself as worry washed over you.
Thinking you must have misread things, thinking he was just being nice, thinking you’ve just ruined everything by throwing yourself at the best friend you’ve ever had…
“Sorry,” he chuckles. “Pretty sure I hallucinated. Uhh…any chance you can repeat that?”
He can almost hear you scoff and see your eyes roll before it happens. You glance around, looking for where you tossed your bag when you got here, but Eddie reaches out and wraps his hand around your wrist. His thumb rubs over the delicate skin on the inside of it, praying he’s not imagining it that he can feel your pulse quickening underneath the calloused pad.
“Sweetheart, you just offered me the single greatest honor and privilege of my life,” he says. “Forgive me for wanting some extra reassurance. Seriously…how is that even a question?”
Relief floods Eddie’s brain as your lips slowly spread into a smile prettier than every sunset he’s ever seen before combined. His heart is pounding in his chest, all his other organs shuddering with the force, as your hands carefully pull from his grasp and drop to the hem of your shirt.
The pounding stops. His breathing stops.
Everything stops as you lift it off fully this time, letting it fall to the floor beside your feet. It lands in a heap and Eddie is struck with the urge to fold a piece of clothing for maybe the first time ever in his life. Because if you ask him, that thing should be in the Smithsonian behind a bulletproof glass barrier—the shirt you removed in his presence.
If that’s not historically significant, what is?
Except Eddie can’t even think about that any more, because now your arms are raising again and your hands are reaching behind your back to unhook the clasps of your bra.
Forget the Matrix. This is heaven.
He stares at you raptly, not even trying to hide the fact that his eyes are about to jump right out of his skull. Black lace falls to the floor and Eddie is tempted to join it, more than ready to sink to his knees for you and do whatever you say for the rest of his life. Only he can’t form the words to tell you that because all he can think about is how your bare fucking boobs are out in his room.
You are topless and literally a foot away from his bed and—god fucking damn it why didn’t he change his sheets?!
“Can I, um…”
His eyes dart between you and them, his mouth still agape. His hands flex at his side, his fingers trembling with the need to grip their softness, to mold and squish them in his palms, to roll your nipples between his thumb and index until he hears the sweet, sweet sound of your moans—
“Please,” you whisper.
Okay, yep. Definitely heaven.Only in heaven would you be the one pleading for Eddie to touch you.
“Fuck, they’re so pretty,” he sighs, almost mournfully, his eyes rounding as his hands came up to cup them gently. “How do you walk around with ‘em all day? I’d never get anything done if…”
He trails off, a flush coloring his cheeks, bashful smile making his dimples deepen.
“If, what?” you prompted.
“If they were mine.”
His eyes lifted to meet your gaze, deep brown irises brimming with heat. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips and his hands stretch, his fingers spreading wider and squeezing tighter.
“They’re all yours, Eddie,” you tell him with a small smile. “Do whatever you like.”
He doesn’t need any further instruction.
A breathy laugh flutters in your chest as he buries his face in between them. Eagerly, as if he was trying to suffocate himself. Shit, maybe he is. He’d happily die right now with your warm flesh on his face, the scent of you in his nose, and his breath rippling down the middle of your sternum.
He kisses and kisses and kisses them, like he’s the pope and you’re the tarmac. And then he’s shaking his head back and forth, moaning and humming and groaning while you erupt giggles—downright giddy with all his attention on you.
It almost makes you feel…proud of your boobs.
Because there were ones out there that were bigger than yours; ones that were smaller than yours; ones more evenly sized or shapely that better filled out dresses or low-cut tops.
But none of those boobs were the ones currently reducing Eddie Munson to a puddle before your very eyes. That’s just yours.
And they are perfect.
Eddie jumps when he feels you pull away, his head popping up, his bangs mussed and sticking out to reveal his vast forehead and his panicked eyes. Shit, what did he do? Did he bite you? He could have sworn he only thought about doing that, but maybe—
You step backwards, smiling as you walk him to the bed and guide him down with you to lay on the mattress. He slides up next to you, his body finding a home against every dip and curve of yours. He looks at your face, brows raising in a silent question until you give him a nod.
“Can’t believe this is really happening,” he moans, burying his face back where it belongs. “I’ve wanted this so long, you have no idea...”
“How…how long?” you gasp, breathless as he kisses all over them, his tongue swiping over your nipples. “Eddie, how long have you felt like this?”
“Fucking forever,” he groans into your skin and the vibrations make waves across your chest. “Can’t remember the last time I went to bed and didn’t think about this…about you.”
And you know you should be melting. You know you should be flattered by what he’s saying and to be over the moon that the boy you’ve been in love with your whole goddamn life actually wants you too—but all you feel right now is rage.
“OW! What the—”
Eddie yelped as you reached over and pinched the skin on his stomach as hard as you could. He pulled away, staring down at your hand and the bright red spot it just made on his pale skin.
“You idiot!” you snapped. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I’ve been going out with losers for years trying to get over you.”
Eddie blinked back at you, his mouth falling open so he looked a bit like a carp with stage fright. His head started to shake back and forth, wiry curls rustling as he stammered out an answer.
“I…I thought…”
His head dropped, shoulders slumping as he thought of all the men he’d ever seen you with. Cool guys. Normal clothes. Normal interests.
No freaks.
“The guys you were picking were nothing like me. I…I figured I wasn’t your type.”
His big, round eyes flashed back up to yours and soundly vaporized all the anger that overtook you. Because it was true. You always avoided guys that reminded you of him. Always went for the dishes the polar opposite of the one you craved.
Because eating frozen yogurt only ever made you want ice cream more.
“You should have said something, Eddie,” you whisper. Half scolding, half an apology.
“You should have said something,” he countered.
But Eddie nodded, leaning in close to bump your head with his. It made you both smile, yours and his cheeks both pushing up as they touched. And then it wasn’t just your cheeks touching.
His lips met yours with a gentle brush. Almost accidental, but not quite. Delicate and light like the start of a snowfall. It made your stomach swoop and your neck stretch, chasing the feeling. His eyes scanned your face, searching for any sign of hesitation before he dove back in.
There was none.
“Now, if you don’t mind…” he smirked as he crawled on top of you, scooting down until his face was level with your chest, “I’m getting back to the greatest moment of my life. That okay?”
thank you for reading, love you mean it 😘
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drabblesandsnippets · 2 months
Sunshine - Part 5
Hot Bucky Summer 2024 - Week 9
Pairing: Roommate!Bucky x Plus-size female character (nickname is Sunshine)
Prompt: FREE WEEK | [Optional Prompts: “W” - Wax Play, Watersports, WAM (Wet & Messy), Weapon Play] @buckybarnesevents
Summary: (4k) Series Masterlist Bucky’s confession tests the bond of their relationship.
Warnings: 18+ Only. Slow burn. Grumpy/Sunshine trope. Happy Bucky (is that a warning?) - he's a photographer in this AU. Mention of insecurities, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and body image (she's a bit of a mess, okay?). Mention of weed. Internal dialogue. Use of the word fat (as a descriptor).
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Bucky never had any intention of blurting out his feelings like this. Even as all the fragments of his plans went to the wayside, the last thing he wanted to do was spring this on her. As easy as it’d be to blame it on the weed, it doesn’t matter either way. The truth is out there now and the only thing he can do is keep moving forward, his soft smile never wavering.
A range of emotions play across Sunshine’s face. The initial look of surprise changing to one that gives him immediate hope for their future, their eyes locked in an understanding, a silent conversation threatening to bloom. And then it’s gone in an instant, replaced by hurt and betrayal, the emotion welling up in her eyes.
“That’s not funny.” 
Her words are like a punch to his gut and before Bucky can process what’s happening, Sunshine’s climbing off the couch, putting distance between them. She doesn’t believe him. 
“Sunshine.” Bucky remains on the couch, his feet flat on the floor, toes digging into the carpet as he keeps a tight grip on his knees, forcing himself to remain calm. As much as it pains him, he can see this for what it is. A way for her to protect herself. “You know me. You know who I am. This isn’t a joke.”
Silence consumes them, the soft dripping of rain and the slight hum of the battery-powered fan the only sound piercing his ears. He feels frozen in place, the dim glow of the candles providing enough light for Bucky to take in her tense shoulders, her head cast up to the ceiling.
It’s not until she lets out a heavy sigh that she finally turns around, the sadness on her face doing nothing to ease the ache inside of him to fix this. Unshed tears breaking his heart and it takes everything in Bucky not to stand up and go to her while he waits for her to say something. Anything.
After Sunshine visibly swallows, her response comes, stuttering as she tries to explain this away. “I wasn’t… I didn’t tell you all that to… I don’t want your pity.” 
With a furrowed brow and a slow steadying breath, Bucky shakes his head at her, taking a second to quiet the urge to become defensive. In a gentle voice, he tells her, “That’s not what this is.”
“Then what is it?” Her question is immediate, desperate to understand.
This is going all wrong, but Bucky’s unable to stop himself from giving her an expectant look as he exhales, “Sunshine.” She knows what this is. If she’s too scared to meet him halfway though, the only thing he can do is spell it out. “This is me telling you that I have feelings for you. That I want to date you.”
She cuts in before he can keep going, interrupting him with a shake of her head, “Please don’t do that. You don’t need to… to convince me that I’m dateable. I don’t-.”
He can’t stand it anymore. 
The weed no longer enough to keep the frustration from building, he finally rises to his feet, the coffee table separating them as he holds his hands up in surrender, whispering, “Stop.” He doesn’t know if she’s being obstinately obtuse, but he can’t keep going around in circles. “That’s not why I’m telling you. I’m telling you because I want to be with you. I’m telling you because I think you might feel the same way.”
Sunshine’s a deer caught in headlights, staring wide-eyed, open-mouthed, her rapid breaths giving him concern. Either she still doesn’t believe him, or he misread this.
“If I got the signals wrong, please tell me,” he urges, rooted in his spot, his ankles digging into the edge of the couch to steady himself. “I promise I won’t be upset, and I’ll never do anything to make you uncomfortable. I’ll even help you find a new roommate if that’s what you need. I just…” He lets out a soft sigh, emotion threatening to crack his resolve at the thought of causing her any more pain, “I didn’t want you to keep thinking there wasn’t anything between us.”
She stands there for the longest time, her eyes wandering around the room, occasionally settling on him before moving away, unable to hold his gaze. He has no idea what she’s thinking, and he’s at a loss as to what to do, other than stand there, his arms at his sides, refusing to look away, not giving her a chance to doubt what he’s telling her.
The soft clearing of her throat makes his breath catch, trying not to get his hopes up as their eyes connect again. He’ll accept whatever she says, even if it breaks his heart. 
She starts and pauses several times, long enough for Bucky to know what’s about to come, giving him time to steel himself. “I… It’s… We…” Emotion threatens to overwhelm her again and he watches as she fights through it, forcing the words out, “We’re friends, Bucky.”
“Okay.” He tells her, quickly nodding his head, taking the opportunity to return to his seat on the couch, his legs threatening to give out on him. This isn’t at all what he expected tonight, but he intends to keep his promise. “We’re friends, Sunshine. That’s more than enough for me.”
With a soft utterance of, “I need a minute” she’s gone, closing herself off in her bedroom, leaving Bucky to start figuring out how the hell he’s going to make this right.
This isn’t what she wanted.
No matter how much Bucky has consumed her thoughts, and her fantasies, and her dreams, she didn’t confess her trauma and her secrets in hopes that he would suddenly see her in a different light. Sharing her past had only meant to bring them closer together, for her to allow him in, to strengthen their friendship.
There were also selfish reasons - to satiate that urge to lay out her past and have him comfort her. To tell her it wasn’t her fault. To reassure her that she made the right decision cutting off her family. 
Bucky’s always been good at that - saying the right thing, especially in a time of need. That’s probably what this is. Tonight, with the storm, and the blackout, and the lit candles - not to mention getting high together - he got confused, wrapped up in the moment, wanting to make her feel better.
That’s all it is.
But what if it’s not?
Everything Bucky said replays in her mind, the conviction in his voice, the urgency, the need for her to understand. Instead of giving her the answers she’s seeking, the doubt grows, convincing her that even if he’s not confused, it’s probably still a spur-of-the-moment thing. Something recent that caused this.
If not tonight, then maybe last night, letting him take her picture? Or, probably last week when she joined him and his friends at the bar. She acted like a completely different person, most likely giving him the wrong impression. Making him believe that she’s someone she’s not. Someone carefree, confident, easygoing. 
That must be what happened. Which means Bucky’s not attracted to her. He’s attracted to a version of her that doesn’t even really exist.
Pacing her room, her spinning thoughts make her dizzy, one jumping to the next, making it impossible to figure out what to do next. The questions building right along with her anxiety. The smartest thing to do would be to walk back out there and ask them, find the clarity she needs, but it feels impossible.
She wouldn’t even know where to start. 
And would it even matter? 
If Bucky doesn’t really have feelings for her, she’d rather not know. And if his feelings are real, nothing good could ever come of it. 
They’re too different. 
They’re barely compatible as roommates and friends, let alone as anything more.
That’s not true.
She ‘blames’ the lingering effects of the weed for the interjecting of positivity - or maybe it’s Bucky slowly rubbing off on her - and flops back on her bed, the flashlight of her phone shining on the ceiling. She’s too high to immediately dismiss how well they mesh, how much fun they have together.
That still doesn’t mean this can lead anywhere. She carries too much baggage, and he deserves a life that he’s constantly striving for. One filled with never-ending enthusiasm and spontaneous adventures and extended family. She can’t offer him any of that.
You can at least offer him the truth.
“Fuck,” she curses, rubbing her hands over her face, distracting herself from the slight tremble rolling through her body. As much as she wants to throw caution to the wind and fall into this with an open mind, she’s too scared. She’s been through too much to think this can lead anywhere except the end of their friendship. 
He’ll eventually come to his senses and she’ll be too heartbroken to get over him.
This is for the best.
Bucky hasn’t moved from his spot on the couch, his eyes locked on the flickering candles, lost in a sea of thoughts. Every step that led them here and how to salvage their friendship. There are too many variables, too many uncertainties regarding how she’s going to want to handle this. All he knows is that whatever Sunshine wants, he’ll give her.
He waits patiently, several minutes passing that feel like hours, unable to take a deep breath until she finally opens her door, cautiously joining him back in the living room. She looks so nervous, so worried about what’s going to happen that he has to be the one to break the silence, trying to make this easier for her.
“Are you okay?”
The slight nod of her head turns into a shrug, her shoulders lifting at the same time her eyes do, offering him a soft smile. “Sorry for… running away like that.”
Bucky’s quick to shake his head, sitting up a bit straighter in his seat, telling her, “You don’t need to apologize, I know this is a lot.” Watching her try to dismiss the magnitude of his confession convinces him to see this through. “I’m sorry for putting you on the spot. I shouldn’t have done that.”
Sunshine grows quiet again, a moment passing before she takes a few tentative steps into the living room, pausing for a moment before returning to her seat at the opposite end of the couch. He can only take it as a good sign, especially when she assures him, “You don’t need to apologize either… you were just being honest.”
The gnawing panic over fixing this begins to dissipate and he wastes no time in telling her, “If you want to talk about it, I promise to keep being honest.”
The soft exhale of her laugh eases the tension in his own body and he gives her an encouraging grin, grateful to see her starting to relax, even a bit. She still keeps one foot on the floor, her body slightly turned towards him, but it’s more progress than he expected.
“Since you’re being honest, I should be too,” she whispers, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, fingernails picking at a loose thread. 
Mentally preparing himself for whatever she’s about to admit, he shifts in his seat, pulling his feet back under him, his focus steady on her.
“You didn’t get the signals wrong.” Her admission comes slowly, but there’s no hesitation, Sunshine taking her time to convey her thoughts, sending Bucky on a rollercoaster of emotions. “I just don’t think this is a good idea.”
Refusing to live a life of regrets, he asks, “But not because you don’t have feelings for me?”
A hint of amusement crosses her face, a brief pointed look thrown his way before she’s avoiding his gaze again, her attention pulled back to her shirt. “It’d ruin our friendship.”
“Nothing could ruin our friendship,” he counters, without hesitation. If she’s not going to deny their connection, neither will he. 
With another twitch at the corner of her mouth, she tilts her head and narrows her eyes, still refusing to give him more than a brief second of her stare. Bucky doesn’t mind, as long as she keeps trying to talk to him.
With her gaze diverted, he studies her face, his eyes drawn to her bottom lip pulled between her teeth, allowing himself to envision reaching out to soothe it with his thumb. 
Not letting his mind drift, he refocuses, seconds before she finds the courage to confess, “This could. Especially if it’s… Tonight’s been… so much has happened with the blackout, and the trauma bonding, and I don’t… we don’t know what’s going to happen in the light of day.”
Bucky’s own brow furrows in response, memories of their earlier conversation playing in his head, trying to discern what he said that caused her to think this is a hasty decision, an unexpected realization that he hasn’t agonized over every waking moment. 
“The same thing that’s been happening,” he says, offering her a slight shrug and a comforting smile. “I know this might be new for you, but it’s been my reality for a while now.”
“How long?” Her question comes out in a long exhale, the slight furrow of her brow signaling more doubt and accusations.
At least it’s a question he was already prepared to answer, the truth spilling out of him without a second thought. “A couple of months.”
A couple of months.
After learning it wasn’t just because of tonight, she was expecting a couple of days, maybe a week. But a couple of months?!
Her head spins again, calculating everything from when her own feelings started to the moment Bucky started calling her Sunshine and fixing her morning coffee. She’s looking for inconsistencies, reasons to stick to her belief that nothing good can come from this.
She can’t find any though - realizing that his feelings started before hers did, but only after he was already making her lunch and leaving her coffee - and all she can wonder is, “Why?” He already thinks this is new for her, the excuse that it’s because she has feelings for him no longer plausible, and she’s trying to figure out what caused the change.
Bucky’s soft laugh cuts through her racing thoughts and he leans in, shifting a bit closer, almost an entire couch cushion still between them. She wants to break the distance and add more all at the same time, his bright smile the only reason she doesn’t move a muscle.
“How could I not, Sunshine?” he shakes his head, as if he never stood a chance. “You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met and I-.” He pauses to let out another laugh, the smile he’s giving her making her stomach flutter and her heart skip a beat. “My favorite part of the day is when I’m with you.”
Words fail her, as they seem to at the most inopportune time, but Bucky’s patient, giving her a moment to process and respond whenever she’s ready. It allows her time to swallow her fear and ask another question that threatens to overwhelm her, “What if that’s all it is? I mean, we’re friends and-.”
“I don’t think about my friends the way I think about you.” 
He rarely ever interrupts her, but when he does, it’s usually for her benefit, to quiet her worries. This is no exception and she suddenly can’t breathe again, her chest growing tight as air gets trapped in her lungs.
This is actually happening.
Despite the longing look Bucky’s giving her, she still can’t accept it. The trust she has in him doesn’t outweigh the walls she’s built to protect herself. Years of experience teaching her that if something feels too good to be true, it probably is.
Twisting his assurance that nothing could ruin their friendship, she grasps at one last straw, telling him, “I don’t want to be an experiment.” Bucky’s face morphs into one of confusion and shock, her accusation like a slap to his face, but she can’t stop herself from doubling down, shrugging as she asks, “Have you ever even dated anyone fat before?”
He blinks, letting out a sharp exhale, the twitch in his jaw the first sign that she’s crossed a line. Steve’s words of ‘you’ve never given him a reason to be mad’ echoing in her head, but it’s too late to take this back. Even if it was the wrong way to ask, it’s still a fear she needed to express.
She swallows the lump forming in her throat as he gives her a slow shake of his head and says, “Please don’t do that. I know the world can be unkind, but I’ve never treated you with anything but respect.”
There’s no anger in his tone, only pain and frustration, Bucky doing his best to set a boundary with her. She respects him too much to push back, taking a moment to force air into her lungs, breathing several slow deep breaths. And he lets her, even though she accused him of being like all the other assholes who have hurt her.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, her throat tight with emotion, resisting the urge to remind him she’s not good at this. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
Bucky accepts her apology with a grateful smile, telling her, “I don’t mind if you have doubts or insecurities, okay? I never have.” He lifts a hand to his chest, promising her, “ And I’m happy to help quiet them, but I’d rather you ask me, instead of accusing me, that’s all.”
She swiftly nods her head, rendered speechless again, her voice stuck in her throat. He’s managed to avoid all the landmines, pass all her tests, but the doubt lingers. The fear doesn’t ease. It won’t until she has concrete proof. Something she can cling to.
What if he can’t give you any?
The silent questioning gives her pause and she takes the opportunity to announce that she needs another drink, her bottle nearly empty, excusing herself to the kitchen. She wastes time at the fridge, the single candle on the counter the only light as she takes several gulps of water to soothe her dry throat.
Her current thoughts mirror the ones from earlier, her anxiety and insecurities doing their best to convince her of things she knows aren’t true. This isn’t a joke, or a thoughtless confession, or a fetishized curiosity. 
Interrupting the growing silence, Bucky joins her, leaving several feet between them, “What do you need, Sunshine?”
The tender way he asks is almost enough to make her cry, his soft murmur providing her comfort. All he’s ever cared about is her happiness, going out of his way to make her day, even before he ever considered dating her. After all the pain and heartache she’s endured, doesn’t she deserve a chance at happiness?
This is a bad idea.
Her heart’s racing, and she’s not sure if or when she’ll be able to breathe deeply again, but it’s not enough to scare her away anymore. She’ll live the rest of her life with yet another regret if she doesn’t take this chance, deciding to trust his promise that nothing can ruin their friendship.
“What kind of thoughts do you have about me?”
She keeps her back to him, and the words are barely audible, but he doesn’t make her repeat them, his soft footsteps echoing as he moves a bit closer.
“I think about spending more time with you,” he explains softly. “Taking you out on dates, getting to flirt with you, make you blush.”
Her skin grows warmer, a light sweat collecting under her shirt, threatening to overwhelm her. And yet, there’s no wish for the electricity to come back, wanting nothing to interrupt them. Being in the dark, the quiet of night, it makes this just a bit easier. 
“Is that all you think about?” 
Another soft step, and then a whisper of, “No, but that’s where I want to start.”
The water bottle grows heavy in her hands, flashes of her own fantasies and dreams invading her thoughts, doing nothing to help cool her down. No hesitation takes hold of her, refusing to leave it here, refusing to take the out he’s giving her. She can’t.
She needs more. Proof that he wants all of her. That he desires her.
Forcing herself to relax, she asks, “Where do you want it to go?”
Bucky should listen to his instinct and tell Sunshine everything - all his hopes and fantasies, even confess that night he listened for her moans of pleasure - but he doesn’t. He treads carefully, barely standing a foot behind her, quick to assure her, “Wherever you want it to.”
The moment he says it, a wave of regret washes over him, watching the tension suddenly return to her shoulders and her hands drop, her bottle swinging at her side. He’s so focused on trying to take this slow, to not push her into anything, that he’s accomplishing the opposite of what he was hoping for. 
He’s reinforcing her insecurities instead of easing them. 
Throwing caution to the wind, he follows his intuition, choosing 100% honesty.
“I think about kissing you.” 
Her shuddering breath has a surge of arousal rushing through him and he lets his eyes drift close, taking a much needed breath to slow his racing heart. All the things he’s imagined doing with her filling his vision, his desire for her reaching new heights.
Trusting Sunshine to tell him to stop if he oversteps, Bucky keeps talking, his voice rough with need.
“I think about touching you.”
The soft, breathless sigh of his name has him reaching out, his fingers dangerously close to her wrist, her inviting warmth sending a bolt of electricity throughout his entire body.
At the last moment he pulls back, refusing to give in to the temptation. He can’t, not without her permission, and he’s not sure she’s ready to give it. She might never be. Not if he can’t show her how much he wants her.
“You’re not just an itch I wanna scratch, Sunshine. You’re not an experiment, and you’re sure as hell not just an occasional fantasy.” Her fingers tighten around her bottle and his eyes follow the bend of her elbow, the slight tension in her arms as she pulls her hands back in front of her.
These aren’t the signs of her wanting to pull away. She’s processing what he’s telling her. Questioning the possibilities. Focusing her energy on not jumping to the worst conclusion.
“You fantasize about me?” Hope. Longing. Desire. Need. It’s all there, evidence of her feelings for him.
He almost says it outloud, but he purses his lips, breathing heavily through his nose, ignoring the sudden twitching of his cock. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he focuses on a response. On words. Assurance. That’s all he should be offering right now.
“All the time. For months.” He can’t let any of her worries resurface, taking into account every argument she’s had tonight. “You’re in every fantasy. Every dream. You’re all I want.” 
Her reaction feels like slow-motion, her trembling hand reaching out to try to place her water bottle on the counter. Without overthinking, Bucky does it for her, gently taking the bottle from her to set it down, his own hand steady despite the crackle of energy flowing through him.
He won’t let the doubt build, reading all the cues she’s throwing out to cement his hope for their future, watching as she turns around to face him. 
“I want all of you. Your mind and your body. Every single fucking inch of you, if you’ll let me.”
Bucky can’t take it anymore. Her surprise and relief palpable as she meets his gaze, forcing him to make the first move, to finally close the distance between them. Still seeking her permission, he reaches out, hovering near her hand, the slight twitch of her fingers encouraging him to softly ask, “Yes or no, Sunshine?”
If she wants this, he has to hear the words. He can’t move forward without them.
There’s no rush as he watches her swallow and open her mouth, the process repeating on a loop until she’s able to fight through it. To give herself permission to move forward with him, even though there’s still so much fear and uncertainty.
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Hot Bucky Summer Masterlist
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acidinduceddaydreams · 3 months
Misreading the Room
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Bang Chan x younger reader
Synopsis: You’re too young. He has a girlfriend, you have a boyfriend so why do you give him butterflies?
Warning: angst for a bit. Reader is in her early twenties and Chan is in his late twenties. Fools are in love your honor. Jealousy. I think that’s all lmk if you pick up any.
a/n: this came from a dream I had😭 anyways enjoy.
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“Wait does that mean I can bring my boyfriend?” You questioned your eight best friends as you stood in the hallway leading to their living room. They had asked you to come to a get together they were hosting. Chan saying he would bring his girlfriend set off something in you to ask if you could bring your own plus one.
“Boyfriend?” was said almost as a chorus from all of your friends.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was I a relationship it was just fairly new."
"Hey," Changbin said, looking over his shoulder at you, "We'd love to meet him, maybeee interrogate the shit out of him."
"Stop! Don't scare him, I'd like to keep this one" you said, waving your hand dismissively. You trailed off, not sure how to finish that sentence. The truth was, you didn't want to bring your boyfriend along. Not because you didn't trust him, but because…you didn't want Chan to see him. Not like this. Not when you were still so hung up on him.
"Look," Minho said, nudging Changbin, "I think we should just get this over with. Y/n's boyfriend can't be that bad, right?"
"I don't know, Minho," Changbin said, hesitating. "What if…what if he's better looking than me?"
You rolled your eyes, trying not to smile. "Oh, please. As if that's possible, you're the most handsome Bin." "I'm right here Y/n!" Hyunjin said sarcastically before receiving a disgruntled noise from Changbin and drawing giggles from Jeongin and Felix.
Chan shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, of course." His voice wavered, and he glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. You couldn't tell he was lying. He was jealous, just like you were since finding out he had a girlfriend. You couldn't tell if you got into this new relationship solely to 'get back' at Chan for unknowingly breaking your heart and maybe by doing so you were unknowingly breaking his.
"Well, if that's settled," Jisung said, clapping his hands together, "Can we go get food now?"
You decided to wear a dress that made you feel confident. You didn’t want to face Chan and not feel like you had a leg to stand on.
As you took a seat on the couch, you couldn't help but steal glances at Chan. He was sitting across from you, with his girlfriend Seulgi perched on his lap. They were laughing at something Felix said, but every so often, their eyes would meet, and that made you feel sick.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. You knew this night was going to be anything but easy.
As you sat there, watching Chan and his girlfriend interact, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy deep in your chest. It was irrational, you knew that. But seeing them together, so comfortable and at ease with each other, made it hard not to feel a twinge of envy. You glanced over at your own boyfriend, Jonghyun, who was talking animatedly with Seulgi, and found yourself wondering what it would be like to be in their position. To be able to laugh and joke and not feel this constant undercurrent of…something.
The conversation flowed around you, and you found yourself lost in your own thoughts. You couldn't help but wonder what Chan was thinking, if he felt the same way you did. Every so often, your eyes would meet, and there would be a moment of recognition, of understanding. But then it would be gone, swallowed up by the chatter and the noise and the awkwardness that seemed to permeate the room.
You forced a smile, trying to pretend that everything was fine. That you weren't sitting here, feeling the weight of your conflicting emotions pressing down on your chest. But it was hard, so hard, to keep up the façade when all you wanted to do was reach across the room and grab Chan's hand, to feel that familiar warmth and comfort that you had once taken for granted.
Eventually, the night wore on, and the conversation turned to other things. You found yourself laughing along with everyone else, trying your best to fit in and act like this wasn't the most awkward situation you had ever been in. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that the air between you and Chan was charged with something unnamable. And when the party finally began to wind down, and your boyfriend started saying his goodbyes leaving you, you knew that the night hadn't been nearly as easy as everyone had pretended it to be.
As you stood in the doorway, watching your friends leave in pairs and small groups, you felt a hand slip into yours. You looked down to see Chan standing there, his expression a mix of sadness and longing. "I'm sorry if it was weird for you," he said softly. "I didn't know what else to do."
You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to meet his gaze. "It's okay," you lied. "It was…complicated, but I'm okay." You paused, then added, "Are you?"
He shook his head, the motion barely visible in the dim light. "No," he admitted. "I'm not." And then, before you could say anything else, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours, a desperate, hungry kiss that left you breathless and aching for more. As his hands found their way up your back, pulling you closer, you could feel the weight of your conflicting emotions giving way to something else, something hot and needy and entirely too familiar.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, as the tension that had been building inside you all night finally found its release. For a moment, you could almost pretend that things were the way they used to be, that the world hadn't changed and your feelings hadn't grown so complicated. But you knew that was just an illusion, a brief escape from the harsh reality of your situation.
"I should get you home," he murmured against your lips. "Your boyfriend…" His voice trailed off, and you knew he was thinking about the same thing you were: about how awkward it would be when the truth finally came out. But for now, you were both content to ignore it, to lose yourself in the moment and pretend that everything was going to be okay.
You led him through the house, your movements a little unsteady from the alcohol and the weight of his touch. He followed closely behind, his fingers tracing along your lower back, sending shivers down your spine. The air in the hallway was cool against your skin, and you could feel your breath catch in your throat as he leaned in to kiss you again.
"I've missed this," he whispered, his lips brushing against yours. "I've missed you." You didn't know how to respond, so you just wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, feeling the heat between your bodies grow more intense with each passing moment.
As you reached the front door, he paused, taking a deep breath before meeting your gaze. "I know this is a mess," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I wish I could go back and change things, but I can't. I just want you to know that I do love you, and I'm so sorry for everything." His words hung in the air between you, heavy and weighted with regret.
You looked up at him, searching his eyes for some sign that he meant it, some sign that maybe there was still a chance for things to go back to the way they were. But all you saw was the same conflicted expression you'd seen all night, the same sadness and longing that seemed to be tearing him apart.
"I love you too," you whispered, your voice barely audible even to your own ears. "I just…I need some time." His face fell, and he nodded, understanding. "Okay," he said softly. "Okay."
And with that, you stepped out into the cool night air, closing the door behind you. You stood there for a moment, the breeze rustling through your hair, the sound of his voice still ringing in your ears. You knew this wasn't the end. It couldn't be. But for now, you needed some time to sort out your feelings, to figure out what you really wanted. And in the meantime, you couldn't help but wonder how long it would be before you saw him again, and what you would say when that day came.
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lila-lou · 2 months
✨His true fate - Part 12/?✨
Summary: Jensen hasn't been happy for years. But it seems almost impossible for him to escape. After another nasty argument between him and his wife, he decides to visit his ´former´ best friend for his birthday. Back in Austin, an encounter awaits him that will turn his life completely upside down.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, Language, age gap
Word Count: 6511
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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The next few days were a blur of tension and frustration for Jensen. Danneel’s constant presence and the ongoing strain in their relationship drove him to seek solace in his messages and calls with you. Each interaction was a lifeline, providing a brief escape from the chaos at home. You both kept each other updated, sharing moments of your daily lives and maintaining the connection you had built.
When Jensen finally left for the set, he felt a sense of relief, but it was short-lived. The demands of his work increased, and as soon as he got immersed in filming, his messages and calls grew less frequent. You noticed the change, feeling a pang of disappointment and worry. It seemed as though his interest in you was waning, and the silence stretched between you.
It had been six weeks since your night together, and Jensen hadn’t called or texted for the past three days. The uncertainty gnawed at you, making you question the bond you shared. In a moment of vulnerability, you reached out to Jared, asking if he was free to meet up. He responded positively, and the two of you decided to get a drink to catch up and take your mind off things.
Now, as you waited for Jared to pick you up, you couldn’t shake the feeling of anxiety. You wondered if you had misread the signals from Jensen, if maybe the distance and his busy schedule had taken a toll on your budding relationship. The anticipation of seeing Jared provided a small comfort, knowing you would have a friend to talk to.
When Jared arrived, he greeted you with a warm smile. “Hey, how are you holding up?”, he asked, genuine concern in his eyes.
You shrugged, trying to mask your worry. “I’ve been better, honestly. It’s just… complicated”.
Jared nodded, understanding. “I get it. Let’s go get that drink and talk it out”.
The two of you headed to a nearby bar, the atmosphere lively and welcoming. As you settled into a booth, Jared ordered drinks for both of you. The environment helped you relax a bit, and you felt grateful for his presence.
“So, what’s been going on?”, Jared asked, leaning forward with a supportive expression.
You hesitated, biting your lip as you considered how much to share. You knew Jared was probably Jensen’s best friend, and you didn’t want to cross any lines or betray Jensen’s trust. The weight of your thoughts made it difficult to find the right words.
Jared sensed your hesitation and gently urged, “Hey, it’s okay. You can talk to me. I promise, whatever you say stays between us”.
You took a deep breath, still feeling uncertain. “I just don’t want to come across as too clingy”, you began, your voice wavering slightly. “But honestly, I’ve been feeling really worried”.
Jared’s expression softened even further, and he nodded encouragingly. “It’s okay. Just tell me what’s going on”.
“Well”, you started, trying to organize your thoughts, “Jensen and I had been talking regularly, and everything felt so good. But ever since he started filming, his messages have become less frequent, and now it’s been three days without any contact. I can’t help but feel like he’s pulling away”.
Jared frowned slightly, considering your words. “I know it’s tough”, he said slowly. “Filming can be really demanding, and sometimes it’s hard to keep up with personal stuff. But I’ve known Jensen for a long time, and if he’s not reaching out, it’s probably because he’s genuinely busy, not because he’s lost interest”.
You looked down, feeling a bit ashamed of yourself for doubting Jensen. “I know he’s busy, but it’s just hard not to worry”, you admitted softly.
Jared reached out and gently placed a hand on your arm. “Hey, it’s okay to feel that way”, he said reassuringly. “Filming days can be really intense. They can stretch on for twelve, sometimes even sixteen hours. By the time he gets back to his trailer or wherever he’s staying, he’s probably exhausted”.
You nodded, understanding but still feeling the weight of your concerns. “I just don’t want to lose what we have”, you said quietly.
Jared gave you a warm smile. “I haven’t seen Jensen this happy in a long, long time”, he said earnestly. “He actually texted me a while back about how he can’t stop thinking about you. He was so excited and asked me for advice, but then he made me promise not to tell you because he didn’t want to seem, in his words, ‘like a pussy´”.
You couldn’t help but laugh at that, the tension easing a bit. “He said that?”.
Jared chuckled. “Yeah, he did. He’s really into you, trust me. Sometimes, he just needs a little nudge to remember to show it”.
Jared sipped on his drink, taking a moment before he continued. “You know, he even finally took the first step and set an appointment with a lawyer to get information about a divorce”, he said, his tone serious. “He’s going to do it when he’s in Austin for the convention in two weeks”.
Your eyes widened in surprise. “Really?”, you asked, feeling a mix of hope and apprehension.
“Yeah”, Jared confirmed, nodding. “He hasn’t done anything like this in over six years. You’re the reason he finally wants to change something about his life. He’s tired of the facade, and he wants to be genuinely happy”.
The weight of Jared’s words settled over you, bringing a flood of emotions. “I had no idea”, you said softly, feeling both overwhelmed and relieved.
“He didn’t want to put pressure on you or make you feel like you were responsible for his decisions”, Jared explained.
You nodded, absorbing the gravity of what Jared was saying. The idea that Jensen was making such significant changes because of his feelings for you was both exhilarating and daunting.
Jared continued, his voice gentle but firm. “Whatever this is between the two of you, Jensen definitely wants to see where it could lead. He’s not the kind of guy who throws around the word ‘love’ lightly or labels things too quickly. If there’s one thing you can be sure of, it’s that he needs time. He always has”.
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. “I understand”, you said quietly. “I’m willing to give him that time”.
Jared smiled, his eyes warm with encouragement. “Believe me, he’s never cared about anyone the way he cares about you. Like, ever. I always told him that at some point he would meet his equal match, and I think he finally has”, He grinned, a playful glint in his eyes.
You couldn’t help but smile back, the weight of your worries lifting slightly. “Thank you, Jared. Hearing this from you means a lot”.
He nodded, taking another sip of his drink. “Anytime. Just hang in there, and things will work out. Jensen’s a good guy, and he deserves to be happy. So do you”.
The evening continued with lighter conversation, the heavy topics giving way to laughter and shared stories. By the time you said goodbye to Jared and headed home, you felt a renewed sense of hope and determination.
After Jared dropped you off at your apartment, you thanked him again for the evening and his reassuring words. Once inside, you got ready for bed, feeling a mix of exhaustion and lingering hope. As you settled under the covers, you decided to try calling Jensen, hoping to hear his voice and maybe get some reassurance directly from him.
You dialed his number and listened to the phone ring, but after a few moments, it went to voicemail. Sighing, you tried not to let disappointment creep back in. You reminded yourself of everything Jared had told you, about how busy Jensen was and how much he cared about you.
Determined to stay positive, you typed out a message: “Hey, I hope everything on set is going well. I miss you and can’t wait to see you. It’s only two weeks left! Take care”.
You hit send and set your phone on the nightstand, feeling a bit lighter having reached out. As you closed your eyes, you focused on the promise of seeing him again soon, letting Jared’s words of encouragement replay in your mind.
As you woke up the next morning, you reached for your phone with a sense of anticipation, hoping to find a message from Jensen in response to your text. However, as you unlocked your phone and checked your messages, there was still nothing from him.
A pang of disappointment washed over you, despite your efforts to stay positive the previous night. You stared at the screen for a moment, trying to push away the creeping doubt and insecurity. You reminded yourself that Jared had emphasized how demanding Jensen's schedule could be.
Taking a deep breath, you decided not to dwell on it. Instead, you focused on getting ready for your day, hoping that Jensen would reach out when he had a moment. You busied yourself with work and errands, trying to keep your mind occupied and not let the lack of communication affect your mood.
Throughout the day, you periodically checked your phone, hoping for a message that didn't come. Each time, the absence of a reply caused a twinge of anxiety, making you wonder if something had changed between you two.
As the hours passed, you tried to distract yourself with other activities, but Jensen's silence weighed on your mind. You found it hard to shake the feeling of uncertainty, wondering if your message had been too much or if something else was bothering him.
By the evening, you decided to give him a bit more time before reaching out again. You knew he had a lot on his plate, and you didn't want to add pressure by bombarding him with messages. Instead, you resolved to be patient and trust that he would respond when he could.
As you prepared for bed that night, you couldn't help but feel a sense of longing to hear from Jensen. You hoped that tomorrow would bring a message from him, reassuring you that everything was okay and that he was still looking forward to seeing you in two weeks. With that hope in your heart, you settled under the covers, hoping for a peaceful night's sleep despite the lingering uncertainty.
It wasn’t until midnight, when you were barely awake anymore, that your phone buzzed, rousing you from the edge of sleep. Groggily, you glanced at the screen and saw Jensen’s name flashing. Your heart leapt with a mix of relief and exhaustion as you answered the call.
“Hey”, you murmured, your voice heavy with fatigue.
“Hey”, Jensen’s voice came through, sounding equally tired but warm. “I’m sorry for calling so late. It’s been a crazy day on set, and I just finished up”.
You sighed, a mixture of relief and lingering worry in your breath. “It’s okay, I’m just glad to hear from you. I was starting to get worried”.
“I know, and I’m really sorry about that”, he said, his tone sincere. “I didn’t mean to make you worry. Things have been intense here, and I’ve been trying to catch up with everything. I miss you”.
“I miss you too”, you replied softly, your eyes closing as you listened to his voice. “I was just hoping everything was alright”.
“Everything’s fine, just really hectic”, he reassured you. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot. It’s just been hard to find a moment to breathe, let alone call”.
You smiled weakly, feeling a bit better hearing his explanation. “I get it”, you replied, sympathy lacing your tired voice. “I know filming can be crazy. Just hearing from you now makes it all better”.
Jensen sighed softly on the other end of the line, his fatigue palpable even through the phone. “I wish I could be there with you”, he confessed, his voice tinged with longing.
“I wish that too”, you murmured, your heart fluttering at his words. Despite the distance and the challenges, you felt a deep connection with him, one that seemed to grow stronger with each conversation, even if they were infrequent lately.
There was a brief pause before Jensen spoke again, his voice softer now. “Hey, I have something to tell you”, he began tentatively.
Your curiosity piqued, you propped yourself up on your elbow, suddenly more awake. “What is it?”, you asked, a mix of anticipation and apprehension coloring your tone.
Jensen hesitated for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts. “I… um… I’ve been thinking a lot about us”, he admitted slowly. “About what we talked about before, and… I think… I want to talk about it more when I see you”.
Your heart skipped a beat, the weight of his words sinking in. “Okay”, you replied softly, trying to keep your voice steady despite the emotions swirling inside you.
“I just…”, Jensen paused again, his voice slightly husky.
Your heart raced at his words, a mix of excitement and anxiety flooding your system. Despite the warmth in his voice, a nagging self-doubt crept into your thoughts, making you question the depth of his commitment.
“Jensen”, you began hesitantly, your voice barely a whisper, “you don’t want to end whatever this is, right?”.
There was a moment of silence on the other end, and you could almost hear the gears turning in his mind as he processed your question. When he finally spoke, his voice was firm and reassuring.
“No! No, absolutely not”, he said, the conviction in his tone clear.
Jensen let himself fall back onto the couch in his trailer, still in his Soldier Boy suit. The weight of the day and the intensity of the conversation seemed to melt away as he heard the relief in your voice.
“Thank you”, you whispered, feeling a surge of affection for him. “I needed to hear that”.
He smiled, though you couldn’t see it, the warmth in his expression evident in his voice. “I promise, we’ll figure this out. Just hang in there a little longer”.
“Okay”, you agreed softly, feeling the exhaustion of the day starting to catch up with you again. “I trust you”.
There was a short silence, comfortable yet charged with unspoken emotions. Wanting to lift the mood, you decided to tease him a bit. “So, how’s it going being Soldier Boy? Does the suit still fit after all these months?”.
Jensen chuckled, the sound warm and genuine. “Barely”, he admitted with a playful groan. “You’d think they’d make these suits a bit more comfortable. I feel like a stuffed sausage half the time”.
You laughed softly, the image of him struggling with the tight suit bringing a smile to your face. “Well, I think you look great in it”, you said, your voice filled with affection. “But I might be a bit biased”.
“I appreciate the vote of confidence”, Jensen replied, his tone light. “Though I’m pretty sure I’m going to have permanent marks from this thing”.
“You’re tough. You’ll survive”, you teased. “Just don’t forget to take it off before you go to bed. I can’t imagine it’s comfortable to sleep in”.
Jensen laughed again, the tension from earlier melting away. “I promise I won’t. But now that you mention it, I could use some help with the zipper…”.
You rolled your eyes playfully, even though he couldn’t see it. “Nice try, Ackles. I’m sure you can manage”.
“I guess I’ll have to”, he sighed dramatically, though you could hear the smile in his voice. “But I’ll save the real struggle for when I get to see you”.
“I’ll hold you to that”, you said softly, feeling a warmth spread through you at the thought.
“Goodnight, Jensen”, you added, your voice filled with affection.
“Goodnight Baby”, he replied, his tone equally tender.
As soon as the nickname slipped out, both your hearts skipped a beat. You had already ended the call, but the word hung in the air, leaving a lingering sense of intimacy and affection. Jensen stared at his phone for a moment, then slapped his face lightly in annoyance at himself. “Nice going”, he muttered under his breath, a mix of embarrassment and amusement coloring his thoughts.
Meanwhile, you lay back on your pillow, a broad smile spreading across your face. The nickname, though simple, made you feel all giddy. You couldn’t help but feel like a love-drunk teenager, the excitement of your relationship making everything seem brighter.
Jensen took a deep breath, the exhaustion of the day starting to catch up with him. Despite his slip-up, he couldn’t stop smiling. Grabbing his phone again, he texted Jared: “Thanks for the hint, she really was a bit off. Should have texted her sooner. I’m so fucking bad at this”.
Jared, relaxing at home, chuckled as he read Jensen’s message. He quickly typed back: “No problem. Yeah, she did seem a bit lost so I thought a heads-up would help you. No wonder, Ackles, your dating life—like real dating life—was a bit rusty”.
Jensen laughed softly at Jared’s response, appreciating his friend’s honesty and support. He typed back: “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks for having my back, man”.
Jared smiled as he replied: “Anytime, buddy. I really like her. There’s no way I’m gonna let you sabotage this relationship”.
Jensen read Jared’s message with a mixture of amusement and gratitude. He knew Jared always had his best interests at heart, and hearing his friend’s approval of you meant a lot. Typing back, Jensen said: “I know, man. I’m not letting this slip away".
Jared’s response came swiftly: “Good. Just keep communicating. She’s a great catch, and you know it”.
Jensen sighed, feeling a mixture of relief and determination after reading Jared’s message. He knew his friend was right—communication and honesty were key. Determined to keep things on track, he set his phone aside and headed to the bathroom to shower.
The hot water cascading over his tired muscles was a welcome relief, washing away the stress and fatigue of the day. As he stood under the spray, Jensen let his thoughts drift to you. The memory of your voice, your smile, and the warmth of your presence brought a smile to his face. He couldn’t wait to see you again and make things right.
After his shower, Jensen dried off and climbed into bed, the exhaustion from the day finally catching up with him. He grabbed his phone one last time to send you a message: “Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Can’t wait to see you”.
With that, he set his phone on the nightstand and turned off the light, letting the comforting darkness envelop him.
The next few days, Jensen made a concerted effort to text you more frequently and call you whenever he had a spare moment, even if it was just for a few minutes. You appreciated his efforts, feeling more connected and reassured by his consistent communication. Meanwhile, you met with Jared twice that week, catching up, grabbing food, and just enjoying each other’s company. Jared’s presence provided a comforting distraction, and his insights about Jensen’s busy life helped ease your concerns.
One evening, it was pretty late when your phone buzzed with an incoming video call from Jensen. Your heart skipped a beat as you answered the call. The screen lit up with Jensen’s face, and you instantly sucked in your lip at the sight of him in his Soldier Boy suit. He was lying relaxed in bed, the dark green fabric accentuating his strong build and making him look effortlessly alluring.
“Hey”, you greeted him, trying to keep your voice steady despite the rush of emotions. “You look… intense”.
Jensen chuckled, the sound rich and warm. “Yeah, still in costume. It’s been a long day”, he said, running a hand through his hair. “I just wanted to catch you before you fell asleep”.
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you. “I’m glad you called. It’s been a while since we did this”.
He nodded, his eyes softening as he looked at you. “I know, and I’m sorry about that. Things have just been so crazy. But I’ve missed seeing your face”.
“Me too”, you admitted. “How’s everything going on set?”.
“Busy, but good”, he replied, adjusting his position slightly. “We’re making progress, and I’m happy with how things are shaping up. But a bit more time to spend with you would be nice”.
“We’ll have our time soon enough”, you said, trying to keep the conversation light. “Only a little longer, right?”.
“Yeah, only a little longer”, he echoed, his gaze lingering on your face through the screen. “I can’t wait”.
The two of you continued to talk, catching up on the details of your lives, sharing stories, and enjoying the connection that had been hard to maintain amidst his busy schedule. Jensen’s presence, even through a screen, brought a sense of comfort and closeness that you had missed dearly.
“Can you show me more of the suit?”, you asked teasingly, wanting to lighten the mood and see more of the costume that made him look so imposing yet irresistible.
Jensen grinned at your request, amused by your playful tone.
“Alright, here we go”, he said, chuckling softly. “Just remember, it’s not exactly designed for comfort”.
As he moved slightly, adjusting to give you a better view, you couldn’t help but admire how the dark green fabric accentuated his physique. The suit looked sleek and formidable, yet seeing Jensen in it made you feel a mix of pride and admiration.
“There”, Jensen said finally, settling back against the pillows. “That’s about all you’re gonna get. It’s not the most comfortable thing to lounge around in”.
You grinned, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. “Well, you sure look pretty hot in it”, you said, your voice playful yet sincere.
Jensen’s eyes twinkling with amusement. “Glad you think so”, he replied, his tone teasing. “Though I’d much rather be out of it and comfortable”.
“Do you still have to film tonight?”, you asked softly.
Jensen nodded, brushing his hand over his face. “Yeah, just a 30-minute break right now”, he mumbled, his voice heavy with fatigue.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”.
Jensen raised an eyebrow, a small, teasing smile playing on his lips. “You really want to help?”.
“Of course”, you replied earnestly, feeling your heart swell with affection for him. “Anything to make it a bit easier for you”.
Jensen’s grin widened, his eyes brightening with a mix of appreciation and playful mischief. “Well, since you offered… how about a little distraction? Something to take my mind off the exhaustion for a bit?”.
You chuckled softly, relieved to see him lighten up. “What kind of distraction do you have in mind?”.
He leaned closer to the camera, his gaze intense yet playful. “Well, you and your perfect little tits are quite the distraction”, he said teasingly, his voice dropping to a husky whisper.
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, but you couldn’t help but smile at his compliment. “Oh really?”, you replied, your voice playful and flirtatious. “Well, I guess I can’t argue with that”.
Jensen’s grin widened, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Definitely can’t argue with that”, he said, his tone light but filled with genuine appreciation.
Feeling a surge of boldness, you adjusted your position slightly and started slowly unbuttoning your shirt. As the fabric fell away, leaving you in just your bra, you saw Jensen’s eyes darken with desire. Your hand slipped inside the cup of your bra, teasing your own skin as you watched his reaction.
Jensen groaned, taking a deep breath. “You’re going to be the death of me”, he muttered, his voice rough with longing.
You smiled, feeling a thrill at his words and the power you had over him. “I aim to please”, you replied softly, your fingers continuing to tease your skin. “How am I doing so far?”.
"You’re doing more than perfect”, Jensen replied, his voice husky with desire. As he watched you, his free hand moved to the belt of his suit, starting to undo it slowly. His eyes never left you, the intensity of his gaze sending shivers down your spine.
“Show me more”, he urged, his voice low and commanding.
Your breath hitched at his request, feeling a surge of excitement. Slowly, you slipped your bra strap down your shoulder, revealing more of your skin. Your fingers traced over the curve of your breast, teasingly tugging at the fabric.
Jensen’s eyes darkened further, his hand now fully focused on loosening his belt. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and you could feel the connection between you growing stronger with each passing moment.
“Like this?", you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, filled with a mix of shyness and boldness.
“Yes, just like that”, Jensen groaned, finally freeing himself from the confines of his suit. His hand moved to his already stiffened erection, stroking himself slowly as he watched you.
You unclipped your bra, letting it fall away completely, exposing your bare chest to Jensen’s hungry gaze. The cool air made your nipples harden, and you brought your hands up to squeeze them gently, rolling the sensitive buds between your fingers. The sensation sent waves of pleasure through you, and you let out a soft moan, your eyes never leaving Jensen’s.
Jensen’s breath hitched, his hand moving more purposefully along his length. “You’re so beautiful”, he murmured, his voice filled with raw need. “Keep going. Touch yourself for me”.
Obeying his command, you brought your hands back up to your breasts, gently squeezing your nipples and rolling them between your fingers. The sensation sent ripples of pleasure through your body, and you let out a soft moan, watching the way Jensen’s gaze intensified as he watched you.
“Just like that”, he encouraged, his breath coming quicker. "Turn the camera”, Jensen groaned, his voice rough with need. “I want to see all of you”.
You bit your lip, feeling a thrill at his request. “Only if you do the same”, you replied teasingly, your voice low and seductive.
Jensen’s eyes darkened further with desire. “Deal”, he agreed, his voice filled with anticipation.
You adjusted your phone, angling the camera to give him a better view of your body. As you slid your hand lower, your fingers grazing the sensitive skin just above your panties, you watched as Jensen’s expression grew even more intense.
“Now you”, you whispered, your voice trembling with excitement.
Jensen complied, adjusting his camera so that you could see more of his body. His hand continued to move rhythmically along his length, and the sight of him pleasuring himself sent a fresh wave of desire through you.
“I wish I could touch you right now”, he murmured, his voice filled with awe and longing.
Your fingers slipped beneath the waistband of your panties, finding your most sensitive spot. You let out a soft moan. “I wish you could too”, you whispered, your breath coming in short, quick gasps. “Tell me what you want to do to me”.
Jensen groaned deeply, his eyes darkening with lust as he watched you touch yourself. “I want to feel your tight pussy wrapped around me”, he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “I want to stretch you out, feel you struggling to take me in”.
Your breath hitched at his words, the memory of that night flooding back. You had struggled to take him, the feeling of being so full and stretched turning you on even more. “Jensen”, you whispered, your voice trembling.
“Fuck, you were so tight”, Jensen continued, his hand moving faster on his erection. “I could feel every little squeeze, every flutter, trying to take me in”.
You moaned softly, your fingers slipping deeper, mimicking the sensation of him inside you. “I remember how full you made me feel”, you said breathlessly.
Jensen’s eyes were locked onto you, his breathing growing more ragged. “I love the way you look when you’re trying to take all of me”, he murmured, his voice rough with need. “The way your body arches, the way you moan my name. It’s the hottest thing ever”.
Jensen’s breathing grew even more ragged. “Pull down your panties”, he urged, his voice a low growl.
Your body trembled at his command, the anticipation sending waves of desire through you. Slowly, you hooked your fingers into the waistband of your panties and slid them down your legs, revealing yourself fully to him. The cool air heightened your arousal, and you could see the intensity in Jensen’s eyes as he watched your every move.
“Good girl”, he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “Now, let me see those fingers”.
You bit your lip, feeling a mix of shyness and boldness. Your hand moved back between your legs, and you let out a soft moan as your fingers slipped inside you. The sensation was electrifying, and you couldn’t help but arch your back, your body responding to the pleasure.
Jensen groaned, his hand moving faster on his length as he watched you. “That’s it”, he encouraged, his voice a husky whisper. “Show me how good it feels”.
Your breath came in short, ragged gasps as you continued to pleasure yourself. “It feels so good”, you moaned, your voice trembling. “I wish you were here”.
“I’d fill you up so completely. Make you come so hard”.
Jensen’s eyes darkened with a primal hunger as he gripped his dick harder, his hand moving faster along his length. The sight of you pleasuring yourself intensified his desire, every moan you made driving him closer to the edge.
“Show me”, he urged, his voice rough with need. “Show me how wet you are”.
You felt a shiver of anticipation run down your spine as you obeyed, your fingers slipping out of your wet folds. You brought your fingers up to the camera, glistening with your arousal.
“You’re so fucking sexy”, he groaned, his strokes becoming more urgent. “I can’t wait to feel how wet you are around me”.
The heat between you was palpable, the distance only heightening the longing and anticipation. Your free hand moved back to your clit, rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles as you continued to watch him.
“You wanna come for me?”, he asked, his voice a low growl.
Your breath hitched, the intensity of his gaze and the sound of his voice pushing you closer to the edge. “Yes”, you whispered, your voice trembling with need. “I want to come for you, Jensen”.
He groaned, his hand moving faster on his length as he watched you, his own release building. “Then do it”, he urged. “Come for me”.
Your fingers moved more urgently on your clit, the pleasure mounting to an unbearable peak. “Jensen”, you gasped, your body trembling. “I’m so close”.
“Come for me, baby”, he commanded, his voice rough with desire.
The wet sounds of your pussy filled the room as you came, your body trembling with the intensity of your orgasm. Your cries of ecstasy echoed through the phone, your fingers working frantically to prolong the waves of pleasure that surged through you.
Jensen’s breath hitched, his strokes becoming more urgent as he watched you come undone for him. “You’re so beautiful when you come”, he groaned.
The sight and sound of your orgasm pushed Jensen over the edge. His body tensed, his hand moving frantically along his length as he found his release. “Fuck”, he groaned, his own orgasm hitting with an intensity that left him breathless.
As the waves of pleasure slowly ebbed away, Jensen lay there, his chest rising and falling heavily. He watched you, a contented smile forming on his lips. “There’s something about the way you moan my name”, he murmured breathlessly, his voice filled with a mix of awe and satisfaction.
You smiled back at him, still catching your breath. “I guess I’ll have to do it more often then”, you replied teasingly, your voice soft and affectionate.
Jensen chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement and warmth. “I won’t complain about that”, he said, his tone light. “You’ve got me hooked".
You blushed and bit your lip, feeling a wave of warmth spread through you. The intimacy of the moment, even through a screen, was overwhelming. “You know”, you said softly, “I never thought I could feel this connected to someone from a distance”.
Jensen’s smile widened, his eyes filled with affection. “Me neither”, he admitted. “But there’s something about you… It’s different. Special”. You watched as Jensen cleaned himself up, pulling up his zipper and closing his belt.
Just as he finished, the door to his trailer swung open and his colleague Karl Urban stepped inside.
“Ackles”, Karl called out, a grin spreading across his face. “You ready? We need you on set”.
Jensen turned to face Karl, his expression shifting from affection to professionalism in an instant. “Yeah, just give me a sec”, he replied, flashing a quick smile.
Karl’s eyes flicked to his phone and back to Jensen, a knowing smirk on his face. “Say goodbye to your girl. We’ve got some ass-kicking to do”. He didn't know it was you on the phone and not Jensen's wife.
You chuckled softly, “Go be a hero, soldier boy”.
Jensen grinned at your words, feeling a rush of affection. “I’ll catch you later”, he promised, his eyes lingering on the screen for a moment before he ended the call.
As he set his phone aside, Karl raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “You’re whipped, mate”, he teased, but there was no malice in his tone.
Jensen laughed, shaking his head. “Maybe I am”, he admitted, feeling a warmth spread through him at the thought. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way”.
Karl clapped him on the back, steering him towards the set. “Come on, lover boy. Time to get to work”.
The transition from the personal moment to the professional was seamless for Jensen, who slipped back into character with practiced ease. As he stepped onto the set, the weight of his responsibilities returned, but the memory of your voice and the connection you shared gave him a renewed sense of energy and focus.
Meanwhile, you lay back in bed, the glow of your interaction with Jensen lingering. The promise of seeing him again soon, and the intimacy of your conversation, filled you with a sense of contentment and anticipation.
Back on set, Jensen delivered his lines with intensity and precision, each action scene executed with the dedication of a seasoned professional. But even as he fought fictional battles and faced onscreen challenges, a part of his mind remained with you, counting down the days until you could be together again.
Hours later, as the day’s filming wrapped up, Jensen finally had a moment to himself. He grabbed his phone and found your message from earlier, rereading your words with a smile. He quickly typed a reply, letting you know he was thinking about you and couldn’t wait for your next call.
“Just finished for the night. Thinking about you. Can’t wait to see you soon. Sleep well”.
Two weeks later, Jensen lay back in his bed, still in his trailer on set, feeling the fatigue of a long day’s work but also the excitement of knowing he’d be flying to Austin tomorrow. He had his phone propped up, and your face filled the screen as you both enjoyed a late-night video chat.
“I’ll be there around noon”, Jensen said, a smile tugging at his lips as he watched you bite your lip, clearly eager for his visit.
“It feels like we’ve been waiting forever”, you replied, your voice a mix of excitement and anticipation.
“Tell me about it”, Jensen agreed. “These last few weeks have been torture”.
You bit your lip again, feeling the nervous flutter in your chest as you hesitated to ask. "So, are you going to stay at Jared’s or at a hotel?".
Jensen chuckled softly, his eyes warm with affection. "Actually, I was hoping you might invite me to stay at yours", he replied, his voice gentle and teasing.
Your cheeks flushed at his words, a shy smile playing on your lips. "Oh", you murmured, trying to hide your excitement. "I mean, if you want to…".
Jensen’s grin widened, the playful glint in his eyes intensifying. “If I want to?”, he echoed, teasingly raising an eyebrow. “You mean you don’t want me to stay with you? Maybe I should reconsider that hotel…”.
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “No, no. I definitely want you to stay with me”, you said, your voice filled with both nervousness and excitement. “I just didn’t want to assume anything”.
“Good, because I was planning on monopolizing your time”, Jensen replied, his tone light and mischievous. “I don’t want to give you any excuses to escape”.
“Trust me, I wouldn’t dream of escaping”, you said, your voice dropping to a soft whisper.
“Oh, really? You’re going to be stuck with me, then”, he teased, leaning closer to the camera. “You sure you can handle that?”.
You laughed, feeling a mix of excitement and playful tension. “I think I can manage”, you replied, trying to match his teasing tone. “I might even enjoy it”.
“Might, huh?”, Jensen chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to do my best to make sure you do”.
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you at his words. “I’m looking forward to it”, you said softly.
Jensen’s expression softened, his eyes filled with affection. “Me too. It’s been too long”.
“I can’t wait to see you”, you said, your voice filled with sincerity.
“I can’t wait to hold you”, Jensen replied, his tone matching yours.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 13
Taglist: @cheynovak @chriszgirl92 @jenniferr0323 @angelbabyyy99 @cevansbaby-dove @muhahaha303 @jackles010378 @suckitands33 @n-o-p-e-never @mayafatimakhan @ladysparkles78 @viviandarkbloom06 @jassackles @evasmlp @acklesaddict67 @mostlymarvelgirl @emma1998sblog @mishaesque @headinthemoon87 @hobby27 @winchesterwild78 @impala67rollingthroughtown @manicjk @kr804573 @zaratahir @djs8891 @winchesterwild78 @jamerlynn @whimsyfinny @libby99hb @deansimpalababy @deans-queen @kawaii-arfid-memes @faephoria @stoneyggirl2
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noeou · 2 years
asking your crush for dating advice, only to use it on them.
includes: ace trappola, jamil viper, and floyd leech. ( x gn!reader )
next parts: currently unavailable.
contains: pure fluff headcanons and drabbles. more old formats because this is an old prompt, may come back to this format tho.
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he’s far from experienced when it comes to this so he’ll also suggest going to trey or cater, even vil! but his heart couldn’t take helping you win another’s.
if you insist, he doesn’t want you to get embarrassed when you attempt to ask the person out so he gives you very basic stuff instead of bad advice.
though he wants to give you bad advice, as mean as it sounds.
he gets a lot quieter and fidgety, finding every excuse to leave in the least obvious way possible (spoiler: he failed.)
“hey, can i ask you a question?” you asked, feet falling into step with his as you made your way to your next class.
“yeah yeah, shoot!” ace slung an arm around your shoulder as you walked, so you’d not get swept away from the oncoming crowd of students.
“ah, well.. you see, there’s this boy—”
“‘s he giving you trouble?” ace raised a brow curiously, subconsciously tightening his grip around you.
“no no, nothing like that.” you hid your smile, letting out a sigh. “i need your advice… asking him out. like on a date.”
ace’s arm became dead weight around you, immediately pulling away from you.
he hesitated, filling the silence by clearing his throat, covering his frown with his now free hand. "oh. i think i understand."
an innocent joy laced into your features; if this weren't the context, there wouldn't be a bittersweetness in his heart at the sight of it.
"so you can help me?" you asked.
"no." he crossed his arms, watching your enthusiasm disappear. "why on earth would you come to me for that? trey and cater are ten times better at this kind of stuff."
you sighed, "it doesn't matter, you must have something!"
“yeah, i guess. ask them to meet you at sam’s or something. then take them where you please, when they say yes.”
“you think they’ll say yes?” your grin returned at the thought of it.
“mhm, imma head off.” ace nodded as to say goodbye, wanting to put a distance between you both as soon as possible.
“wait wait—” you grabbed his wrist, panickedly, “i won’t get the chance to request an audience at sam’s if you run off..”
“you want moral support?”
you stared at him, dumbfounded, “no, think more… outside the box, as they say.”
a mess when he puts the dots together. during last block before dismissal, what you were implying clicked. the thought of it made focusing near impossible.
best believe he was the first one out of class and was early to meet you at sam’s.
still, any person that approached the shop gave him a sense of nervousness that he may have misread the situation.
“oh my.. i invited you here and you got here before me. were you waiting long?” you placed your bag on the table ace was seated out, desperately searching for the courage you had this morning.
“just ask me.” had deuce not slipped up about ace’s reciprocated feelings, you would’ve misinterpreted his glare for anger.
sheepishly you chuckled, “wh— uh, well… if you know what im gonna ask, why don’t you just answer?”
not that he’d admit, he wanted to hear it from you but this’ll do for now. confirming his suspicions, his cold gaze melted to a warmer one. one you preferred more than the former.
much like ace, he thinks worst case scenario. i mean, what are you supposed to think when your best friend asks for ‘boy advice.’ but once you clarify, he still couldn’t be more confused.
while he wanted to recommend focusing on school, he wasn’t completely sure if he wanted it for your success or his selfish hope.
withholding his thoughts, he recalled what he remembered the romance movies his sister would watch at home, as if they were realistic.
it wasn’t his intention to give you the worst advice possible, he just didn’t know what else to tell you.
maybe asking jamil for dating advice while he was on an unstable ladder, helping you polish one of the many dusty lightbulbs in ramshackle wasn’t the smartest idea.
he almost fell and hurt himself because of the mini heart attack you caused him.
“ow.” he sighed, grabbing his ankle.
in a rush you went to grab him an ice pack, apologizing profusely, “where does it hurt?”
jamil studied your expression as you put pressure on his ankle with the ice pack, still going on with apologizes.
it was times like this that made him think that your feelings were for him, but it could be a misunderstanding on his part.
“who is he?”
you looked up at him, confused.
“it will affect my answer.” he sighed.
“oh.. i, uh. you can’t know.” you pulled back, awkwardly.
the silence held an unfamiliar undertone that you couldn’t quite place.
jamil struggled to his feet, looking anywhere but you, “i’ll head off now, i’ll take the necessary herbs to prevent swelling. thank you for your time.”
the rest happens over text, late into the night. yes, he was still thinking about it then.
when you used the advice on him, he thought you meant to text someone else (something kalim does often.)
he’s very relieved, in the end. don’t let him forget how nervous he was when you originally asked, though.
the brightness of your lock screen lit up your dark room with a ‘ping!’ you didn’t know how to react to the message you reviewed this late into the night.
jamil: just ask him.
after a few deleted messages, you managed to ask him why he was still up before placing your phone back down.
jamil: can’t sleep.
____: wanna call??
jamil: i cant
[ you reacted with a ‘?’ ]
____: is smth wrong why are u being so dry wtf ??
____: don’t leave me on read.
____: i need to call u to tell u smth
____: oh come on
____: fine i like u
[ you blocked this number ]
not even ten minutes later, you could hear the clicking of pebbles against your window.
you peeked out and were greeted by the vice house warden. quickly your grabbed a paper, scribbling something on it and taping it on there.
were you petty for taping ‘Read at 11:28PM’ on your window? yes. would you get scolded for it tomorrow? yes. but it’s worth it.
funny enough, he was just asking jade for advice on making you take a hint. you don’t understand how badly jade wanted to snitch, but your conversation was already so awkward, it hurt enough.
definitely tried to put on the ‘heartthrob’ act, only making it cheesier than necessary. he didn’t really give you any advice, more of like reasons you should date him instead.
he hadn’t a doubt it was him you wanted to ask out, but he wanted to seal the deal (if that makes sense.)
“hey, shrimpy!” floyd waved enthusiastically at the sight of you.
a smirk made its way on jade face as he greeted you, “y/n. can i get you anything?”
“no, i’m alright. thank you, jade.” you turned towards the other, “i wanted you— i need to speak with you.”
ignoring the ‘he’s already yours’ from jade, floyd whisked you off to talk in a more private setting.
“what’s up?” he asked, using your shoulder as an armrest.
you looked up at him nervously, “i was wondering, say.. well, actually let me ask; have you ever had a crush before?”
“yeah, you.” he replied nonchalantly.
your face became warm at the thought of the different implications the statement held, choosing the safest one. “me? well, yes i have as well. or i do, present tense.”
“what are you talking about, shrimpy? i didn’t ask anything.” he returned.
“nevermind. i just wanted to ask will you—”
“yes.” he teased once more.
“no.” you nervous gaze turned into one of irritation. “will you give me advice for asking someone on a date, romantically.”
for the first time, the eel was genuinely surprised. “it’s not me?”
while you weren’t a liar, you couldn’t admit to it yet. you’re plan did backfire, but you’d be sure to have the last laugh.
when you went to thank jade for his words of wisdom, you didn’t notice his twin behind you. the amount of teasing you received made you regret going through with it.
bragged to azul and jade nonstop about it later, honestly, as he should.
“what is that i hear, shrimpy?” your eyes widen at the familiar voice.
jade let out a chuckle, prompting you to toss your napkin at him.
“hey, floyd! long time no see.” you waved awkwardly.
floyd slid into the booth seat across from you, “did you seriously ask my brother for advice on asking me out?”
“like you didn’t do the same.” jade glared, “kicking me won’t shut me up.”
“anyways, have i told you how adorable you are, shrimpy?”
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wqnwoos · 1 year
on idiocy, bugs and the prospect of forever.
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idiots 2 lovers & best friends to lovers / minor minor angst? bc oc is losing their mind / unnecessary use of bugs as plot progression (it will make sense i swear)
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you and vernon have been dancing on the cusp of friendship and something more for too long now.
at least, that’s what you think. you’re not entirely sure what he thinks, given how quiet he can be sometimes. maybe you’re just misreading the whole situation! maybe your big fat crush on him is completely unrequited and he sees you as nothing more than a best friend! a best friend he likes to watch movies with and make soup for and brush hands with and look at for unnecessarily extensive periods of time!
which is exactly why you’ve been so — silent around him, lately. usually, you’re comfortable enough with him to babble his ear off about whatever you feel like. trains. worms. cats. the flaws in the schooling system which are leading to the collapse of true education. anything you want, you know vernon will listen. but these days, your weekly movie nights are starting to descend into quietude, as you become more and more flustered with trying to hide your feelings.
unfortunately for you, vernon is observant.
“okay,” he speaks suddenly — sudden enough to make you jump — pausing 20th century girl on screen. “enough,” he continues, turning on the sofa to face you. “talk to me.”
slowly, you blink at him. “about something in particular, or…?”
he frowns. “yes. about whatever’s been bothering you for the past… few weeks.”
ah. you bite down on your lower lip, immediately dropping his concerned gaze.
“you know, i tried to,like, give you space, because usually after a week or two, you just let it out. in your own time. but this just keeps going, so i’m asking you instead.”
heat is rising to your cheeks, creeping up your neck. you don’t know what to say. how do you tell him — i think i may be crushing on you harder than anyone has ever crushed before? you can’t.
“are you mad at me? did i do something?” vernon questions, his eyes going wider at the thought.
“no!” you splutter quickly, shaking your head for emphasis. “no. i’d tell you if i was mad at you.”
vernon nods then, and waits.
you look away. the open sincerity and concern in his pretty brown eyes is only making this harder — because all you want to do is fling your arms around his neck and kiss his face off. and you shall not let these thoughts win. you refuse!
your best friend sighs at your continued silence, and he scoots closer, so you guys are practically touching. “look at me,” he says softly.
despite your vows, you listen to him immediately, your eyes tentatively flickering up to meet his. you’re so close to him that you can feel the warmth radiating off his body — you can see the way each eyelash rests gently against his skin — the way his lips part ever so slightly.
a small sound escapes him, like his breath has gotten caught in his throat; just when you think he’s going to speak, his mouth closes, and he just… gazes. directly into your eyes — the most tender, heated gaze you have ever felt in your life.
you suck in a breath. “vernon —”
“just a sec,” he whispers, and one hand comes up to — ever so gently — brush against your face.
you jolt backwards, blinking fast and horrified. “oh my god. there’s a bug on my face, isn’t there?”
vernon startles at your sudden movement, barely registering your words, but you’re gasping and moving closer, with wide, pleading eyes. “vernon! get it off!” you demand, tipping your face in his direction.
when he doesn’t move, you grow increasingly frantic. “vernon! can you please — oh!”
and you cut yourself off with a noise of surprise; because vernon takes your face carefully between his hands, lips colliding with yours in a firm, bruising kiss — one that leaves you gasping with its intensity.
he pulls away too fast.
“shit,” he breathes, closing his eyes for a long second. “i didn’t mean to — well, i did, but — ” he pauses for a moment, and sighs. “god, you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that.”
then his eyelids flutter open — eyes wide, fixed on yours to gauge your reaction, hands slowly leaving your cheeks.
you, on the other hand, are gaping wordlessly at him. like a goldfish. the only thing you manage is a squeak — which may possibly be the most humiliating sound you’ve ever made.
just before his hands retreat fully, you grab them in yours, opening your mouth — before you pause. “there was no bug,” you say breathlessly.
vernon’s head tilts to the side, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “there was no bug,” he agrees.
“you were pulling a move.”
“i was, indeed, pulling a move.”
“okay,” you nod slowly, still breathless. “just… give me a moment here. i think i’m processing.”
his smile grows, his eyes soft and fond. “okay.”
your eyes fall on your interlaced hands, noticing how his thumbs gently caress your skin. “wow. wow. that was — that was good.”
“oh?” he raises a brow. “you liked?”
you nod a little too quickly. “are you kidding? i’ve wanted to kiss you for like, fifty billion years now!”
a snort escapes his mouth, and he squeezes your hands. “i can make up for that,” he promises softly.
the beam you give him in return is half your answer; the other half comes in the way you wrap your arms around him and pull him in for another kiss. this time softer, sweeter — slower. like forever is stretching out in front of you.
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an / a bit of a longer one this time (sorry) !! they’re idiots and i love them. love u guys (and thanks for well over 200!! idk where you all are coming from but i love u 💗💕💞💓💘)
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prettyykarmaa · 2 months
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GN!Reader x Naib Subedar
Summary - Naib gets chaired during a match. You don't want to leave him behind.
WC- 1,053 (that's actually surprising to me)
Author's Note(s) - This was inspired by @turbulentscrawl's 'Steamy Rescues' post! Please give it a read :]
There is really minor violence in this, but please keep that in mind if that’s something you’re sensitive to. Also, I hc that survivors can communicate via a two-way earpiece!
"The cipher machine is primed. It's up to you now!" Luca's voice exclaims through your earpiece as you make your way to where Naib was chaired. Countless times have you attempted and succeeded in going ahead with risky plans. Still, all that prior experience was not doing much to stop your palms from sweating nor slow down your quickened heartbeat. You had ideas on why that was the case.
For one, the survivors of Oletus Manor have been on an awful losing streak recently, and it's been affecting everyone's morale. Even the survivors with relatively positive outlooks aren't doing so great. If you failed to turn this guaranteed tie into a win, you could practically imagine disappointed sighs and glares of disapproval (directed your way).
There was another idea floating around your mind as you ran, though.
You were nervous about failing him. The ironic part was that you knew he wouldn't hold any true ill-will against you. You're sure he'll call you an idiot, but he's not the type to hold a grudge over something like that. Even the best rescuers fail sometimes. So why were you so worried this time around?
Unfortunately, there wasn't any more time to linger on that question. Not when the chair was in your sight, and Naib's gaze was locked onto yours. He realized what you were trying to do the second he saw you rushing towards him. "Forget about saving me," You heard him say through your earpiece. "Just go for the tie."
"It's too late to do that." You huffed back as you looked away. You hear him let out an amused sigh before he speaks again. "Don't fuck up, then." As you got closer, your eyes scanned around his chair. Nothing. Ominous red light from the hunter? Missing. That was weird, but you convinced yourself to shake it off. Wanting to reach him in time, you forced yourself to run faster, resulting in you almost crashing into him. Almost. Using your hands, you stop yourself by planting them on either side of his head, practically pinning him against the chair.
If you had the time, you would've taken it to admire the sight in front of you. Battle-scarred hands gripped the armrests, and your eyes only traveled upwards, noticing the flex of Naib's biceps through his black long sleeve. Naib's hood had fallen, presumably during the struggle to the chair, revealing his pretty brown hair tied in its usual ponytail. It was disheveled, yes, but you that only made you want to run your hands through it to fix it for him. Yet, that all paled compared to how he was looking at you.
His dull blue eyes were trained on your appearance before reuniting with your gaze. They were filled with something you couldn't put into words, but you'd be lying if you said your heart didn't flutter. Realizing you could've completely misread his expression and he was actually silently judging, you try to save face. "I know I look breathtaking right now; you can tell me about it later, yeah?" You mumbled as you placed both hands on the safety bar and pried it off his lap before carefully taking his hands and pulling him out of the chair.
You were about to finally relax when you felt a shiver down your spine, immediately followed by a butterfly coming from overhead and landing directly in front of Naib. Without a second thought, you go between them and braced yourself. The familiar sting of Michiko's fan blade slashing you made itself known. However, it disappeared as quickly as it came, thanks to Luca popping the last cipher.
With a newfound sense of determination and the pain from injuries you both sustained becoming tolerable, Naib grabbed you by the hand and started sprinting toward the exit gate. "We're almost out. Just hold on a bit longer." He panted as he continued to pull you along. You subconsciously squeeze his hand, and surprisingly, he does it back. Another butterfly whizzes past, this time behind you. He notices and uses the hand holding yours, swinging you in front of him. Michiko barely misses her attack, giving both of you enough time to follow Luca through the exit.
Once you were back at the manor, you beelined to your room. You would've loved to have celebrated the win with everyone, but you were more than ready to sleep. When you were getting ready to turn off your lamp, you heard a knock on the door. You wanted to ignore it, but when there was a second knock, you sighed and opened the it.
It was Naib.
He appeared much more relaxed than he looked during the game, his right hand gently resting on your doorway. It was a good look on him. "Your recklessness never fails to amaze me," he says, shaking his head, which earns him a lighthearted eye-roll from you. "But nonetheless, I'm glad you rescued me despite knowing the risks." Usually, you'd tease him relentlessly for not being upfront with a "thank you," but you decided to play nice. Oh, how you regret not taking that chance.
"You know my conscience wouldn't let me leave people behind. Especially you." You say with a small smile. That second part was an understatement, as you'd drop everything and come running if he asked you to. For the sake of your pride, you didn't tell him that. He lightly scoffs when he realizes you are choosing to be passive tonight.
"It looks like you're getting ready to sleep, so I'll leave you be." He retracts his hand from the doorway, ready to head back down the hallway. Then, remembrance flickers across his face, leading Naib to turn his head back to you. Before you can ask what he was thinking, he suddenly says, "I agree."
"You said you looked breathtaking during the game. I think you are all the time, so I agree.
With that, Naib turns around and walks down the hallway, disappearing behind the corner. Quietly closing the door to your room and shutting off the lamp, you crawl under the blankets on your bed. His words continually replayed in your head. Sleeping was going to be a struggle tonight. You would've brushed off what Naib said as him being oblivious (somehow) to how his words could be taken…
If it wasn't for the fact you caught Naib leaving with what looked to be a knowing smile.
He definitely knows.
And much to your dismay, that makes you all the more smitten over him.
So fun fact, this is the first time I've ever written a fanfic but I hope it was enjoyable anyways!! Because I'm a minor, I strayed away from making this suggestive and leaned more towards romantic tension. I also had Haunted by Beyoncé on loop for quite a bit of this fic, so I wonder if y'all you can tell LMAO
Tags: @thekeeperofdreams
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cherryredstars · 9 months
Hey Cherry! I’ve followed your account for only a little while now but I’m OBSESSED
I have request may you please do meandom/Miguel who’s also a teacher and sub reader who is his student and reader gets punished because they had a bad grade in his class (college professor)
Also please include some sort of impact play and degradation. Please and thank you. I love your work
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x gn!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Spanking, Degradation, Teacher-Student Relationship
Summary: You have to stay after school to make up your test. 
Word Count: 1K (Not Edited)
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You were on the verge of tears.
Your lips wobbled in their pout, eyeing the big, fat F on the top of your test. You had studied so hard, and all you got were red pen markings telling you that almost everything was wrong! Tears began to prick at the corner of your eyes as class ended, everyone starting to pack up and leave. Some of the students that sat beside you left with wide smiles, gushing about how easy the test was and showing each other their A’s. You had sniffled pitifully as you slowly began to pack up your own things, being the last in the classroom deliberately.
Miguel sat at his desk, seemingly waiting for you to come up to him as he made a show of straightening things on his desk and organizing his bag. 
“Professor O’Hara?” You asked wetly, blinking away tears as you stood before him. Miguel looks up slowly from his desk, humming in acknowledgement as he turns to you. “Is there any way I can make up the test, Miggy?” 
Miguel pretended to think, taking in your teary expression and the way your hands crumbled the sides of your paper from how tightly you held it. He let the silence stretch for a second before leaning back in his chair with a sigh. “What did I tell you about calling me that during school hours?”
His dismissal of your question made you pout more, more sniffles leaving you. Still, you persisted. “I swear I studied all night, I don’t know how I did so badly!” 
Miguel tapped his fingers along his wooden desk in a mocking rhythm, raising an eyebrow at you as if to say, Did you? Did you really? You were about to beg more when he finally tilted his head to the side and smiled, “Alright, I believe you. Come to my office later today and I’ll let you make it up.”
Your gloomy expression instantly brightened. You nodded eagerly, thanking him over and over before coming around his desk to kiss him on the cheek. You continued to thank him as you began to walk out of the lecture hall, promising that your results would improve. Once you had finally left, a new-found determination following you, Miguel adjusted his pants. You’re lucky you're so damn cute.
You had studied again for hours, looking at your test and seeing what mistakes you made. They were stupid things: misread words, circling the wrong letter by mistake, a miscalculation that could have been easily avoided. By the time you reached Miguel’s office, you were sure you would redeem yourself. After tentatively knocking, Miguel’s gruff voice allowed you to enter. When you pushed the door open, Miguel was already sitting at his desk and looking through papers. He didn’t look up once you walked in, only motioning you forward and pushing his chair back from his desk. 
Knowing the drill, you pranced over to him. You set your bookbag down beside his desk, taking out your test and a pencil before finding your spot in his lap. You wiggled in place, getting comfortable as Miguel’s hand came to rest on your hip to make sure you didn’t fall off during your readjusting. He paused from his work, looking at you as you finally found a position where you were comfortable in with a huff. His hand squeezed your hip, taking your test from your hands and turning away. 
You watched silently as Miguel scanned over the paper, checking what questions you got wrong with a hum. He handed the paper back to you, and you expected him to grab a blank copy when he shifted. Instead, you let out a startled yelp as he picked you up and manhandled you. He flipped you over and bent you across his lap. You blinked in confusion as your face hovered over the carpet of his office. Your hands grabbed at the edge of his chair, using it to prevent you from faceplanting. Your test crinkled more between the chair and your hold. Another yelp escaped you when his hands grabbed the waistband of your pants and quickly pulled them down to your knees. 
“Miggy!” You called out, turning your head to look back at him. 
He promptly ignored you, his hands slowly pulling down your underwear with a hum. His large hand massaged your ass lovingly, squeezing it every now and then. The tenderness of his touch quickly ended as he landed a harsh slap to your right cheek. You gasped in surprise, a stinging sensation remaining in the area he abused. 
“Only 13 out of 25 correct? Are you sure you studied, baby?” He chuckled darkly, giving your left cheek a slap when you didn’t answer quickly. 
“I-I did! I swear!” You defended, pouting at the floor dejectedly. 
Miguel began massaging your ass again, soothing the burn, “How stupid do you have to be to get that many wrong? Y’know, you got the lowest grade in your class?”
You whimpered slightly at his teasing, yelping when he slapped your ass again. You wanted to protest, to tell him he’s lying even if you don’t know for certain. But he keeps talking, “Only made to look cute, aren’t you? Nothing but an airhead behind those looks. My stupid little baby.”
You’re embarrassed by the way his words make you drip, surely wetting his trousers. Your grip on the chair tightens as he slaps you again and you mewl. Miguel chuckles at your reaction, rewarding you with another slap. 
“Here’s the deal. I’m going to give you a little spanking for every question you got wrong. Then, you’re going to make corrections. You’re going to tell me the number and answer. If you still get it wrong, I’ll spank you again. If you get it right, you’ll get your points back. Sounds good?” 
You begin to nod before thinking better of it, “Yes, sir.”
He hums his approval, massaging your ass once again and then bringing his hand down, “Count.”
Your body jolts as you yelp out a ‘one’, your ass beginning to glow red as he gives you two more harsh slaps that you have to count quickly. 
Three down- and hopefully- only ten more to go.
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badasgirlfriend · 1 year
Stolen Hoodie | Bada Lee Social Media AU
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pairings: bada lee x shin nari
prev - next
Bada's heart fluttered with excitement as she saw her seven year old cousin Misun emerge from the school. Her mother had asked her to pick up Misun since her parents were out of town, and Bada's family was keeping an eye on her. She quickly waved Misun over, and her cousin rushed over with a bright smile on her face
"Bada!" the little girl yelled, dashing over to wrap her arms around her older cousin's leg. Bada laughed and ruffled the girl's hair.
"Did you have a good day?" Bada asked, picking up the girl's bag for her.
"Yes!" the girl exclaimed, "I learned how to spell orange today!"
"What a clever girl you are!" Bada replied with a smile, kissing her forehead.
"Let's head home now," Bada said with a smile, "and we can grab something to eat on the way. What do you say?"
The little girl nodded excitedly, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Before Bada and Misun could leave, however, Misun suddenly yanked her hand free and started waving at another little girl who was sitting on tbe bench. Disappointed that her friend didn't notice her, Misun let out a sigh.
"Is that your friend?" Bada asked, looking at her.
"Yes, she's my only good friend," Misun replied.
"Only good friend? What do you mean by that?"
"Because she was the only one who helped me do my homework when everyone else laughed," Misun mumbled, suddenly embarrassed. "Please don't tell my mother,"
Bada shakes her head, chuckling.
"I won't," she assures her cousin. "Do you want to go say hi?"
"Can we?" Misun's eyes widen.
"Of course," Bada replies with a smile, taking the girl's hand and walking towards the little girl.
Hana blows a strand of stray hair away from her face as she sits still and looks down at her feet. With her feet swinging back and forth, she remains gazing at the floor with a lost expression, she then sees two pairs of feet in front of her. Curious, she looks up to find her classmate and really tall girl towering over her, both with a warm smile.
"Misun!" the small girl exclaims, her frown turning into a big grin as she darts from her chair and wraps her arms around her friend, giving her a warm hug.
Bada smiles with affection as she watches Misun and her friend hugging. Seeing the two friends together, full of excitement and affection, fills her heart with joy.
"Bada, this is my friend Hana, Hana this is my cousin" Misun says, smiling, and introducing Bada to Hana.
"Hey pretty girl," Bada says, softly smiling. The girl, unable to resist her friendly smile, smiles back at her.
"Aren't you going home?" Misun asks Hana as they stand together after school.
"I'm waiting for my sister," Hana shrugs, "she picks me up."
Bada nods, noticing that it's almost time to go home, as classes were canceled for two periods. She looks around and sees that most kids are already leaving."At what time does she come?"
The younger girl pauses to consider the question before replying. "At 3 because she's working," she explains with a soft sigh.
Bada checks the time once more, making sure she hadn't misread it. "Sweetie, it's 1:40 PM,"
Hana's smile fades for a second as she considers the situation, but then she smiles again. "It's okay, I'll wait for her," she sighs with a shrug.
"She gave me a letter with her number but I lost it," Hana murmurs, looking down at her feet in embarrassment.
"Nonsense," Bada shakes her head, taking out her phone.
"Do you know your sister's number? I'll call her."
Hana looks up at her in surprise, but quickly shakes her head no, looking down at the ground again.
"She gave me her number written on a letter but I lost it"
Hana speaks again. "I even asked miss teacher to call her but she ignored me."
Bada hated their teacher. She knew about the bad attitude she had towards some of the students. That was something her cousin had often complained about before. Bada sighs and runs her hand through her hair. She knows she can't let the poor kid wait here all alone. She looks around and sees that most other students have already gone home.
"Don't worry," Bada says, smiling and putting a reassuring hand on Hana's shoulder. "Do you know the directions to your house?"
Hana suddenly shouts, "No!" Then, she takes a deep breath and speaks the next sentence calmly. "I don't want to go home," Hana says quietly, "I want to go to my sister."
“Okay, we'll go to your sister, do you know where she works?” Bada asks grabbing both girls hands
“Montauk cafe, but I don't know where that is,” Hanna replies, looking down at the ground with a nervous expression.
"Ahh, that's okay," Bada says with a reassuring smile "I know where that is"
Hana smiles widely at Bada's words, her worries disappearing as the three girls leave the school and begin the walk towards the cafe. The two little girls immediately start talking about school as they walk.
“Mrs. Park is so annoying,” Misun rolls her eyes, as she talks about her teacher.
“She hates me and my sister,” Hana shrugs. “My sister says it’s because we’re cooler than her and she’s jealous.”
Bada lets out a snort as she hears Hana’s comment. They carefully cross the street, Bada's mind wandering back to the events of the previous night. She groans as she remembers the donkey.
'I'm gonna kill Aeri' she thinks to herself. Bada wanted to make Nari accept her apology with all her heart, but after everything that had happened, she would understand if Nari threw the donkey in her face.
Despite not admitting it to anyone but herself, all of their friends knew about her massive crush on Nari. It was obvious
Weeks, Bada couldn't stand Nari, but now, she's constantly on her mind. She finds herself thinking about Nari at random moments throughout her day, from waking up in the morning to falling asleep at night, and everything in between.
It's like she's under a spell, her mind constantly going back to Nari and wondering how she can get her attention. And it's only getting worse with each passing day.
"We're here," Bada announces to the two girls with a smile. Hana quickly looks up from the sidewalk, a huge grin on her face upon seeing the familiar cafe.
"Come inside, I want you to meet my sister," she tugs on Bada's and Misun's hands, pulling them towards the small cafe.
"Here's your coffee, have a nice day Mrs. Kim!" Nari smiles as she hands over the hot coffee to the elderly woman.
"Oh, thank you so much Nari!" Mrs. Kim beams, flashing Nari a warm smile as she exits the cafe.
Even though working long hours can be draining, serving customers every day, Nari still loves interacting with new people. The cafe itself was cozy and welcoming, and she was being paid a decent wage for her efforts.
"Im never letting you go" Miyoung, Nari's manager says smiling "Do you know how manh customers ask for you when you're not working"
"Why, what can I say?" Nari jokes with a smirk, "Everywhere I go people love me"
The older woman chuckles, ruffling Nari's hair affectionately as she says, "Well, you are quite the charmer, I must admit. The customers can't get enough of you!"
Nari smirks and replies with a playful air, "Oh, you're just saying that since you're my manager."
"Nini" The second Nari hears her sister's voice, she immediately turns around and widens her eyes with surprise when she sees Hana standing before her. Without hesitation, she gets out from behind the counter and kneels down to her sister's level, wrapping her in a tight hug.
"Hana, what are you doing here? How did you get here? Why aren't you in school?" She asks, her questions coming out all at once. Nari hasn't yet noticed the presence of Bada and Misun coming towards her as her focus remains on her sister.
Bada wanted to die, desperately wishing run away and never come back to this cafe again, if not for Misun forcing her inside.
As soon as she saw Nari's face, her knees went weak. She was uncertain what Nari's reaction would be upon witnessing her there, but she was prepared for everything
"The last two periods got canceled. And I told Mrs. Park to call you" Hana explains and Nari rolls her eyes at the mention of teacher "But she ignored me"
Nari covers Hana's ears "that fucking bitch" she curses
"I heard that" a voice says giggling. Nari looked up to see a little girl, assuming she's the same age as Hana and tall familiar girl that Nari she has been unable to stop thinking about for some time now
"Oh," a single word escapes Nari's lips. As she locked eyes with Bada, she couldn't help but feel her cheeks heat up in a way that surprised her. After all, this was the first time she'd come face-to-face with Bada, if one were to exclude the night of the party.
Hana huffed and pulled away from Nari, removing her sister's hands from her ears. "This is Misun, my friend, and that's her cousin, Bada. They brought me here"
Nari returned the girl's smile by giving her a playful pinch on the cheek "Hey cutie"
Then she stood up, now standing face-to-face with Bada. The taller girl was stunned at how quickly Nari had switched from shy blushing to glaring. She found the younger girl's expression change adorable
"You look like an angry cat," Bada blurted out, immediately regretting her words as she saw Nari's gaze harden more. But Bada did catch a glimpse of a faint smile on Nari's face, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.
Bada can feel her lips curling up into a tiny smirk, and she's secretly proud of herself.
She had managed to make her smile
"As a thank you, I'll treat you guys in something," Nari says, turning to leave, but Miyoung stops her.
"No, no, I'll take your order," Miyoung says with a smile and wink at Nari.
"It's okay, I'll-" Nari attempts to say before Miyoung interrupts her and says firmly, "Sit."
Nari knows better than to argue with her manaage, she doesn't take no for an answer.
The four girls take a seat by the window, no one speaking, as each one of them is occupied in their own thoughts.
Bada is staring intently at Nari, who was looking out the window and avoiding her eyes. The two little girls were also watching the two of them, waiting for one of them to say something first.
But Misun finally breaks the silence, and she directs her gaze towards Nari.
"You're really pretty," Misun says, her quiet voice ringing clearly in the tension-filled air.
"Thank you, you're really pretty too" Nari replies, her soft voice carrying a genuine warmth towards Misun's compliment. She sees Misun's face flush and her lips turn up into a cute smile, and she feels her own expression soften.
"Welcome girls! What can I get for you?" Minyoung says with a friendly and optimistic smile.
Once everyone has placed their drink orders, Hana and Misun head over to the counter to choose their cakes, leaving Bada and Nari alone.
With the girls gone, and them alone together, Nari and Bada find themselves in a slightly awkward position, not knowing what to say or do. Nari and Bada both waited anxiously for the other to make the first move, their eyes darting to each other and then away.
Nari can't figure out why her throat suddenly feels thick and stuck, making it impossible to speak. She never had this issue when interacting with other people before, but now it feels as if her voice is stuck inside of her.
As for Bada, she too finds herself in the same position. She had practiced in her head what she would say to Nari if she ever saw her again, but now her mind goes blank.
She finds it hard to think straight, not when Nari sits across from her, looking effortlessly pretty.
here goes nothing
"I probably sound like a broken record by now, but I just wanted to say sorry again, i was acting like-" Bada begins but Nari places a menu in front of her face, stopping her in her tracks.
"Uh, Nari what are you doing?" Bada asks, confused by the act. She tried to move the menu but Nari doesn't budge,
Nari was screaming on the inside, her emotions coming to a boiling point as Bada looked at her with such focus and intensity. She looked cute and Nari couldn't take it anymore
"Continue with your apology, your pretty face was distracting me" Nari mumbles keeping the menu still.
Bada's eyes widened and she couldn't help but chuckle. She knew Nari was bold but it still caught her off guard
"My pretty face huh-"
"Just continue with the apology if you want to be forgiven"
"Alright as I was saying, I was acting like a bitch that day and you didn't deserve it. I know nothing will excuse the things I said that day, but I'm genuinely sorry, Nari," Bada says as she brings the menu down. With their eyes meeting again, Bada sighs and continues. "Honestly, you have no idea how sorry I am, for everything that happened. I know it doesn't matter much at this point, but I don't expect you to forgive me. In any case, I just wanted to say that, face to face"
Bada offered Nari a soft smile, a small spark of hope kindling within her. She had resigned herself to a denial, yet there was a nagging thought at the back of her mind that perhaps things would work out after all.
"Apology accepted," Nari said with a smile, and Bada's face immediately lit up. "But in one condition," she added.
Bada quickly nodded. "Yes, what?"
"Who told you to buy me that donk-"
"Aeri," Bada interjected quickly, cutting her off before she could finish her sentence. "She said that you love him. I didn't know you were scared of him"
"I knew it that bitch" Nari slams the menu on the table "One time when I went to my grandma's farm her donkey chased me. I was 6 I didn't know any better. Then all my relatives used to scare with the donkey from shrek they thought it was funny but I was so scared. That's why I hate him- hey dont laugh it's not funny"
"S-sorry," Bada said, her voice a little hoarse from the laughing. Nari whined and hit Bada playfully on the arm, making the older girl laugh even more.
"What are you two laughing about?" Misun asked, an unamused expression on her face as she and Hana sat down with their cakes.
"Excuse me," Nari turned to them, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Did you go to choose cakes or did you make the cakes from scratch? What took you so long?"
"Auntie Miyoung told us to wait a little," Hana confesses, her face flushing red with embarrassment.
Nari looks up to see Miyoung bringing the drinks, Nari gave her an skeptical look, but Minyoung just winks at her.
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rouecentric · 2 years
I'm just imagining two scenarios -
either dion almost gets the isekai treatment where a gen-Z potential transmigrator gets reincarnated as him after dying but instead, dion has og!dion and transmigrator!dion in their body.
Another is where lanthe has an illegitimate child (b/c he would) and this daughter of his literally looks just like the younger version of lanthe and she grows up right alongside dion and teaches him how to stay sane and akes sure he's mentally stable tips on how to survive. Cue the two of them helping Roxana kill lanthe
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dion agrece + transmigrator!gen z!reader got reincarnated as him, but og!dion and reader are in the same body — platonic. / fluff / tw torture , mentions of suicide .
letters from the stars: OMG I misread the ask.. I'm so sorry </3
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DION both pities and envies you. He pities you for the fact that you were stuck in such a situation, and envies you for the fact that you got a better childhood than him pre-transmigration.
Although he doesn't show it, DION grows to care for you as time goes on. despite you both being pure subconcious minds, he learns how to be more human because of you, he learns how to feel more.
Although you two were souls stuck in his body, the two of you decided to split duties. DION gets to train, go on his missions and do the monthly test while controlling the body, so you do everything else while DION rests.
If you're younger than DION, he'll eventually see you as his younger sibling, refusing to let you do any "dirty work" that he's meant to do.
If you're older than him, DION respects you, and even sometimes asks your input and opinion on things, as he's been thankfully taught to respect his elders.
DION doesn't really tell you what to do or say, unless you have to talk to Lant, then he'll definitely tell you what to do so you wouldn't get on his bad side.
You and DION usually interact through dreams or in your guys' headspace, but the latter being uncommon.
DION doesn't want to see you how he tortures people and toys, because he, surprisingly, hates the feeling of you being scared or disturbed.
You two are able to feel each others' emotions, so the two of you are like open books to one another, it's impossible hiding something from him.
DION, unsurprisingly, doesn't get your humor, and usually finds himself somewhat concerned about the things you say. He doesn't want you to turn out like him, and the dark humor and pessimistic stuff you say doesn't help with his concerns.
Although he doesn't say it, you somewhat scare and confuse DION with your actions and threats of committing suicide. Please don't actually do it, and why the hell are you fist-fighting a crow?
You and DION get into playful banters often, usually from a weird thought or stupid question you ask him, trying to intentionally piss him off.
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talshiargirlfriend · 3 months
I wish you would write a fic with T'Pol's first attempt at making Trip a pecan pie for his birthday. ;)
I hope you enjoy this birthday treat!
T’Pol had researched and studied carefully, for this was an important assignment. She had compared recipes and watched instructional videos and enlisted Ensign Sato’s bartering skills (to obtain the necessary quantity of bourbon) and even risked the notoriously temperamental Chef’s capricious wrath by entering the kitchen. 
Her task complete, she inspected the results: one large pecan pie to be shared with friends following a dinner to celebrate Trip’s birthday, and one miniature version she intended to deliver personally to the man of honor. 
The small repaired tears in the crust did not detract significantly from the overall appearance of the dessert. The halved pecans on the surfaces were arranged neatly in symmetrical patterns. The color was pleasing, and the sweet aroma promised an appealing flavor. T’Pol determined it to be a satisfactory physical product. 
Chef had praised her efforts as “nice - passable for a first try” before telling her to get the hell out of his kitchen. 
The time for the true evaluation of her work was approaching. 
Physical and chemical reactions, ratios, melting points, things that could be measured and quantified, she understood well. 
Human social behavior? That remained an enigma. It was far more ambiguous, especially around mating. 
T’Pol had only herself to blame for being so thoroughly immersed in this world of emotion and nuance, and now she simply must navigate it to the best of her abilities. On reflection, perhaps she should also blame Trip. She suspected he would like that. 
With the tiny pastry and a single fork concealed in a lidded container, she approached Trip’s door.
Apprehension and doubt rose up like tiny biting insects to be swatted away. T’Pol blinked as she reached for the chime. That analogy certainly belonged to her human mate. 
“Come in!” Trip called through the door.
“Happy birthday,” she greeted him.
“It is now,” he smiled warmly as he raised his first two fingers to brush against hers. “I missed you at the movie last night.” 
“I’m sorry, but as I told you an important project required my attention.”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to be sorry. It’s just more fun when you’re there. You know I like hearing your questions and observations.” He also liked teasing her and attempting to coax her into eating popcorn from his hands.
“Whatcha got there?” he cocked his head toward the small container she carried.
“It is a gift for you,” she explained as she placed it on the desk and lifted the lid. 
Trip leaned down and inhaled deeply. “Oh, that smells good! What kind of equipment upgrades did you have to bribe Chef with to get me my own little birthday pie? It’s so cute.” 
“I may have promised to mention the power supply to the auxiliary stasis units. He does not like sharing his kitchen.” T’Pol handed Trip the fork with an amused glance. 
He had lifted the first bite halfway to his mouth when he paused and looked at her with a hint of a frown. “Wait. Did you-? You made this?”
She nodded, “That’s correct.”
“I didn't know you liked baking.” His eyes roamed her face as if searching for something. 
“I have never attempted it before. It was not disagreeable.”
“High praise,” he teased, but he set the fork down and was blinking back some emotion. 
Vulcans do not get nervous, but T’Pol was slightly concerned that she had misread the situation. She had been so certain that something made with care and attention by her own hands, however inexpertly, would be seen as indicative of the care and devotion she felt toward him. Perhaps something else would have been a more appropriate gift. This was the first occasion they’d had to mark since agreeing to share a romantic relationship, and his guidance had been simply a whispered “surprise me.”
“Sorry. Didn't mean to get all emotional on you.”
“Your emotions do not offend me,” she said softly.
”That’s good ‘cause I’m full of ‘em right now,” he huffed. 
“All those extra ‘lab hours’ this week - I bet you looked real cute with flour on the tip of your nose.”
T’Pol glared at him without any heat behind it. 
He took her hand and rubbed his thumb over it gently, “And I bet you hated getting it under your fingernails.”
She tilted her head in acknowledgment. 
He looked at her seriously for a moment. “Thank you, T’Pol. I love you, too.”
Now it was her turn to blink rapidly as his affection and understanding filled her with warmth, like the first sip of tea on a cold morning. 
“I shoulda known you made this. I've never seen more perfectly spaced pecans in my entire life! Did you use a laser level?” She realized he was teasing her to allow the more overwhelming emotions to settle over them both. Her appreciation of him and the subtle ways he managed his feelings and hers only grew.  
“Perhaps you should actually taste it before thanking me,” she suggested.
He grinned and took a bite at last. “No, you’re right, I rescind my thanks. This is terrible.” 
He smirked at her around his second forkful. “Here, see for yourself,” he offered her the next bite. 
T’Pol found it pleasingly complex but slightly too sweet. 
“You open to constructive criticism?” he asked.
She had no plans to bake again in the near future, but she nodded just to hear his thoughts. 
“Maybe take it out of the oven a little sooner next time, so it doesn't set quite so firmly.” His gaze traveled over her body and became what could only be described as lascivious. “I like it with a little jiggle.” He licked his lips, looking very pleased with himself. 
“If I describe to you how I would ‘like it’, we will be late for dinner,” she responded in kind.
“I can’t believe you said that!” His mouth dropped open and he plunked the fork back down and laughed helplessly.
“You may consider it another birthday surprise if you wish.” It was very gratifying to provoke such joy in him. 
Once his laughter subsided, Trip leaned in close and planted a kiss on her jaw. “I say it’s worth the risk. Tell me how you’d like it,” he breathed against her ear. 
They were late for dinner. 
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girlfromflor · 3 months
Hello, could you possibly write a osamu miya x reader fic (or idk how you call it) ? For the scenario i don’t really know, but could the reader be rather quiet, reserved but not shy (if that makes sense) has hard time expressing themselves/their emotions, like quite bad at feelings. And could the characters just be asexual please? Anyway, hope you have a nice day
hello, anon! thanks for the request. i hope it meets up with your expectations. if it doesn't, let me know.
wc: 688 | tw: gn!reader and implies jealousy |
being reserved was how most people referred to you. not in a mean way, really, it was just a fact. you liked doing things on your own, were mostly unbothered by other’s opinions of you and never really needed to explain yourself and your actions – it was easy to understand what you meant, usually you were very forward. but not when it came to feelings, however. 
not that you were apathetic to everything, you had friends and did have fun with them and got angry at them - mostly to atsumu for joking so much about you and osamu -, you even missed them sometimes. but it’s not like you could express all of it. it was hard to understand why people cared so much about so many things you usually didn’t. you liked to keep things simple, but sometimes it was so hard to understand what others felt, and why they felt it. but not osamu, though.
you grew up with the miya twins, they were your neighbors and honestly very fun to have around. you and osamu were very fond of each other too, not that it mattered – you were together all the time anyway. he usually understood things faster and for you that was a blessing – you never needed to say things twice –, while atsumu always seemed to misread you somehow. it wasn’t rare to see osamu explaining something so obvious - like the bond you shared - to atsumu, simply because you couldn’t. you had the worst time trying to figure it all out, and it was even worse to try and explain it to someone else. 
you didn’t felt like you had to explain things to osamu, usually he read you very well. he didn’t ask if you were ok, if you were sad nor did he pressured you to elaborate your feelings for him. he knew you wouldn’t know how to talk about it anyway. and it was okay, really. one day he just rubbed your back out of nowhere, kissed your forehead and said “you know, i was surprised that you weren’t rude with that guy earlier today.” 
“what, why?” you had your brows furrowed, confused as to why he was comforting you for no reason – you too were just sitting together at his backyard, talking and joking sometimes after buying ice creams at the store near your houses. you heard his laugh, but didn’t register what was so funny. “i’m confused. why are you laughing?” he was amused to say the least. “he was hitting on you, are you kidding?” he went to touch your hands, only to be greeted with your cold touch. “they’re cold, do you want my jacket?”
you didn’t know how he could jump from topic to topic. “no, i’m okay. thanks, though” you answered. but still didn’t understand what he was talking about “what do you mean he was hitting on me? where did you get that from?” you asked, quite confused still. you heard him laugh harder, you yourself let a smile rest on your face, it was quite funny – all of it. “i should’ve known you hadn’t realized. you were being so blunt i had to tell the guy you were just quiet.” you laughed, thinking that – of all things – osamu wasn’t jealous or whatever.
“weren’t you jealous?” it came out eager, but you were actually curious, trying to understand him better – maybe one day you will read him like he does you. he looked like he was about to explode, red ears and shy smile. “well, not really, no” but you still had a questioning look in your eyes “you were clearly oblivious to his advances, and the whole time you were looking at me. i don’t think i will ever be insecure about us” you nodded, kind of not understanding still. so jealousy comes with insecurities? you were not one to be jealous anyway, when you were it was masked with anxiety too, so you never really knew. but it didn’t matter, you knew you could always ask osamu how he felt – he would always be honest with you, even if you didn’t understand at first.
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to-the-stars8 · 8 months
Reviving Love
Jason Todd x Reader Chapters AO3
Chapter 8
Jason didn’t know what he expected when he entered your apartment. He pictured your old home, the one with the pale gray walls with frames all over, and with that somewhat comfy couch that he always managed to fall asleep on. Your apartment now reminded him of your old bedroom, the pictures, and books tucked away neatly or put perfectly in their spots. 
You threw your jacket on the back of the couch while taking his jacket off your shoulders and into another room. Jason stopped there awkwardly, not sure if he should follow or stay—he opted for the latter. Looking around, he took in all the small bits of information available to him. A habit Bruce had instilled in him so hard that he couldn’t break it even if he wanted to. 
“Take a seat on the couch. I’ll grab you a towel and blanket,” You said as you came back in. You stopped in your tracks, giving him a once over making him feel naked. “I would say I might have some dry clothes for you, but I think you’re too big.”
Jason laughed, looking down at himself. “You got me there.”
With a huff of a laugh and smile, you disappeared again. Jason sat, still looking around. You had an affinity for pretty things and he found it fitting for you. Pretty people should like pretty things. 
When you returned, you put a towel across his shoulders before draping the blanket over him. Once you saw him settled and relaxed, you excused yourself to the kitchen. Jason took the time to finally look at his phone, seeing that Roy had texted him. It was a simple question about how things were going. Jason felt giddy all of a sudden, excited to tell Roy that he was in your apartment under your blanket while you made hot chocolate. He felt like a kid again, overflowing with hope and love, but he restrained it. He sucked in a breath as he reigned in his happiness. It could all go wrong, and the last thing he wanted was to get his hopes up. 
You entered the living room again, setting a Batman mug on the table in front of him, and he tried to hide his amusement. 
“I put your jacket in the dryer, it should be done in a few,” You said, sitting down on the other end of the couch. “Are you hungry or anything?”
Jason was a little surprised by just how damn nice you were. It was refreshing. “No, thank you. I’m all good and settled.” He picked up his hot chocolate to cut through the momentary silence. 
“Good,” You said, settling back against the cushions. “Are you warm enough?” Jason could feel hotness throughout his body, and he didn’t know if it was from the blanket or your attentiveness. So, he just nodded, afraid of what would come out of his mouth. 
“Hold on,” You said, putting your mug down and moving closer to him. “You have something in your hair.”
Before he could protest, your hand was in his hair, slowly pulling away something from it. Your fingers brushed his skin and Jason nearly passed out from all the blood flowing to his cheeks. He turned to look at you when you held up the leaf that had been tucked away in his curls. It must have gotten stuck between the walk from the cafe to your apartment. 
“Heh,” He laughed awkwardly, trying not to get lost in your eyes. The two of you stared at each other for what felt like hours, and, for a moment, his eyes flickered down to your lips.  Suddenly, you started to lean, and Jason felt so close to bridging that gap, but couldn’t. Turning his head, he immediately apologized. 
You pulled away, too. “No, no. I misread that. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be, please,” He said. “I…It’s me, not you. Trust me.”
You finally looked at him, confusion in your eyes. “What do you mean?”
Jason didn’t know why the hell he was telling you his problem, but once the words were slipping out he couldn’t stop, “Well, uh, I’m not really well versed in this stuff, and I don’t want to mess it up.”
He expected a worse reaction than you suddenly smiling. “Ah, I see. Would it help if I asked you out properly on a date? I know we’ve just met, but I find myself liking you a lot, Jason.”
Jason was suddenly at a loss of words, and could only manage a meek nod. Grinning, you were going to say something, but the buzzing of the dryer cut you off. Looking between him and the washroom, you contemplated on what you would handle first— Finally, you decided to give him his dry jacket back, leaving him to the deafening beat of his heart and the too-hot chocolate burning his hands. Sucking in a breath, Jason looked down at the floating marshmallows, trying to decide if he would take the happiness blooming in his heart or the anxiety creeping up in his mind. When you returned, draping the jacket next to yours, he decided to let himself be happy.
"So, what kind of date did you have in mind?"
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areyougonnabe · 3 months
Do you by any chance have a playlist with songs inspired by antarctic exploration? I found out about the explorers club: antarctica recently&really liked it so I would love to discover more (also loved your original songs about terror&cherry!)
there are not a ton of songs ACTUALLY inspired by antarctic exploration but i collected a handful here... and ofc there's owl city's instrumental endurance album (no really)
but ok initially i misread your question as wanting a PLAYLIST inspired by antarctic exploration, which i can tell you is actually a VERY timely question because TERROR TRACKS II the polar playlist festival is coming up, and linked in their bio is the spreadsheet from last fest with a ton of polar/terror playlists!!!
for example here are some of my playlists from the last event:
time, as a symptom (polar time loops)
a high wire going from me to you (cookmundsen)
dreaming of a better moment (cherry songs by flock of dimes)
songs to die in a tent to (self explanatory)
and here are some others i made not for the event...
cherry, please
'violently in love with a man' (pennatch)
canadian honeymoon (debsilas)
at the club with DJ putty
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ghoultrifle · 1 year
Phantom is trying to do maths because he wants to be the smartest ghoul like Aether. Swiss comes over and asks what he’s doing. Phantom starts explaining subspace (maths version), to which Swiss responds they should explore the good kind of subspace instead
Jimothy once again pulling through as my favourite maths nerd, everyone else please enjoy learning about subspaces <3 This was so much fun to write but i am incredibly impatient so this has not been proofread and will not be my best work, sorry not sorry! I kinda forgot about the whole subspace thing halfway through but I do not have the energy to go back soooo
Swiss is trans because I said so! cunt, clit, dick, cock used.
Phantom was laying on his bed, stomach on the mattress as he kicked his legs in the air, twirling an eraser pensively in his hands. His mouth was occupied with the tip of his pencil, gnawing on the bitter wood, his free hand supporting the weight of his chin. Shoulder-length locks kept falling, clouding his vision. He didn’t care, he was fed up of learning about subspaces.
“Why do I care if U is a subspace of V? And why do I need to keep proving it?” He pouted, only himself to hear the complaints in the now dim light of his room, the midday sun now sinking below the horizon.
Phantom was rubbing out the workings for the latest attempt at the question, he kept making silly mistakes: misreading the question or forgetting how to do simple maths.
“Stupid fucking ghoul, you’ll never be as smart as Aether, just face it!” The quintessence ghoul cried out to the void. But the void replied…
The young ghoul’s door opened, it was Swiss. “What’s wrong, Baby Bat?” He questioned, frowning at Phantom.
“Can’t do this fucking work. Every time I think I’m getting somewhere, something else goes wrong! What’s wrong with me, Swiss?”
“Oh hey, it’s alright, Bug. Nothing’s wrong with you. Looks like you’ve been here all day, you’re probably just in your own head.” Swiss patted Phantom on the back, alternating between pressure and smooth strokes. “What’re you trying to do anyway? Are chores not enough for you?”
“‘m learning about subspaces!” Phantom replied, a passion reignited in his voice.
“Learning about what?!” If Swiss had a drink he would have comically spat it out all over the ghoul next to him.
“Yeah, I enrolled in an online maths course ‘cause I wanted to be smart like Aether and Omega. This week’s work is all about subspaces. A subspace is a subset of a vector space that is itself a vector space but also satisfies the three subspace criteria.” Phantom ranted. Swiss was too entranced in the energy of the younger ghoul to stop him.
“The first criterion is that the subset can’t be empty, the second cri –” The multi ghoul was pulled out of his trance as a fiendish idea swirled around his mind, hands roughly grabbing Phantom’s cheeks as he kissed him hard - anything to shut the other ghoul up.
Swiss pulled away, taking in Phantom’s look of awe, “Sorry Tommy, maths is a sore spot for me, can’t listen to it.” He apologised.
“How about we explore the good kind of subspace instead, hmm?” The older ghoul asked, gently coaxing Phantom to sit up as he swiped the ghoul’s hard work off the bed, landing crumpled on the floor. That was a problem for future them.
“Oh okay but I really do need to finish that work,” Phantom replied, worriedly gazing at his hours of effort lying on the floor, Swiss’ calloused thumb rubbing his shoulder.
“Hmm Baby, it’s worse than I thought. You really do need to get fucked dumb,” the multi ghoul cooed. His brown eyes raked over the almost shaking ghoul beside him. Swiss would be lying if he said he didn’t have a thing for smart guys; there’s a reason he and Aether always shared a hotel room on tour. But he could also tell when someone just needed to be reminded how stupid they are, pliant under his touch and unable to form a coherent thought.
Through many a session with Aether, the multi ghoul had honed his quintessence, now at the ability of a teenage ghoul, and a horny one at that. “I’m gonna use a bit of magick, alright? Can you remember your safe actions?” Swiss asked in a loving tone, like honey lined his vocal cords, his words coating Phantom in a sickly sweet embrace.
“Mhm Sir, pickle or three leg taps if I can’t speak.”
Swiss shuddered at the honorific, seems Phantom wouldn’t need much help dropping today, his control already slipping at the mere suggestion of a scene.
“Good boy. Now let’s talk about our subspace criteria. First rule, a sub’s head must be empty.”
The older ghoul extended his fingertips to Phantom’s now-bare chest. Quintessence oozing from his digits, reaching in, shoving all the work on Phantom’s metaphorical desk onto the floor, leaving the ghoul devoid of thoughts.
“How are you feeling, my precious?” 
Phantom could only stare at him through lidded eyes, mouth agape as he attempted a nod. Swiss knew the answer to his rhetorical question, however. Phantom’s trousers were tented, the ghoul shifting where he was sat in an attempt to get some friction on his filled out cock.
Every movement was primal, a base instinct not tied down by societal rules. In any other scenario Phantom would be horrified at the blush working its way across his cheeks, unable to hide it with his leaden arms. Right now though, he isn’t even aware of his body’s reaction to the touch.
“Oh such a slut for me, aren’t you? Can’t even tell me how good you’re feeling. How hard you are in those tight little pants. Already leaking and I haven’t even told you the rest of the rules.” Swiss teased.
The quintessence ghoul’s blush only grew a deeper purple, contrasting his mottled skin. His head was vacant, half-formed thoughts fleeting by at incredible speeds, long disappeared over the horizon by the time he tried to acknowledge them.
“Second rule, a sub must be obedient,” a flustered Swiss declared, thinking on his feet now. He wanted to commit to the bit but didn’t think he’d get Phantom on board. “Do you think you can be a good boy for me?” he asked, knowing the words would get his dumb toy’s dick leaking as he cradled the smaller ghoul’s face, his hand easily reaching both ears.
As promised an almost imperceptible damp spot started to form on Phantom’s tight, dark pants, outlining the head of his cock. It was begging for release, sensitive and oh so hard. The quintessence ghoul fluttered his eyelids at the other, his way of saying Yes Daddy, I’ll be such a good boy for you.
Swiss was equally as affected, his clit rock solid while his cunt was creating a very sticky problem in Swiss’ boxers. But tonight wasn’t about him, it was about helping Phantom let go in every way possible. So he continued to let the wet patch grow as he recited the third rule.
“The third rule for a sub to be just perfect is for them to float away. Let me take care of you, bug.”
As Swiss was quoting the rule he reached down to unzip Phantom’s trousers, giving his weeping cock a few quick strokes through the red boxers, no doubt borrowed from Dewdrop. Phantom had just enough of a hold on reality to let out a choked moan as Swiss finally touched him. A small whimper came out when the multi ghoul removed his hand.
Swiss wasn’t a ghoul known for his patience, and that extended to the bedroom. It didn’t take long for him to decide that tonight Phantom would have to get off while pleasuring the multi ghoul because he’ll be damned if the new summon doesn’t have the hottest mouth. Of course the award for physically hottest mouth went to Dewdrop but Phantom’s soft, plump lips and limber tongue won the award for most pleasurable.
Swiss unbuckled his belt as he slid off his bottoms in one smooth motion, only tripping as the fabric got stuck around his ankle. It didn’t matter, it wasn’t like the dazed ghoul on the bed could react in any way, still heavily under the influence of Swiss’ quintessence.
The multi ghoul stood there, dick jutting out between his folds. He always described himself as an outie, and he was proud of it. Phantom seemed even prouder, drool spilling from his lips as he watched Swiss give himself a few tugs before swiping at himself and giving it a taste.
“Like what you see, hmm?” Swiss mocked, reaching out to Phantom’s chest again to partially release him from the throes of his magick. “Well how about you show Daddy a good time then, baby bat.”
And with that Swiss was pushing down on Phantom’s ribs, forcing the younger ghoul onto his back as he straddled his midriff, trapping Phantom’s leaking cock beneath him.
“Ah Swiss, feels so mmm good.” The quintessence ghoul whined, in control of his voice once again.
“Oh, bug, toys don’t talk.” Swiss frowned, trying his best not to let his excitement show. He agonisingly inched his way up Phantom’s body, leaving a trail of slick behind him before his cunt arrived at those delicate lips. “Let’s put that mouth to good use instead, my love.”
Swiss lowered himself gently onto Phantom’s face letting the younger ghoul lick exploratively before sliding his tongue deep inside the multi ghoul. “Eat up,” he smirked.
And Phantom did. Anything to be a good boy, the promise of a reward implicit with Swiss. He could be mean but he’d never leave a lover unsatisfied. So Phantom ate Swiss out like his life depended on it. By the way his cock was kicking, leaking pre over his happy trail, it really felt like his life did depend on it.
The skilled tongue laved against Swiss’ walls, a heady mix of spit and slick coating his insides. Phantom’s tongue occasionally departing to give kitten licks to his clit before sucking the bud whole, hollowing his cheeks to show the multi ghoul just how big he was. It didn’t go unnoticed.
“Unholy fuck Ant, forgot how good your tongue was.” Swiss pleaded, any attempt at keeping a stern demeanour now in the past.
Even with his mouth occupied, Phantom was far from quiet. He was attempting to set a ministry record in getting Swiss off, and he knew exactly what buttons to push. A little ah here mixed in with breathy moan there and Swiss was coming apart, quickly. The multi ghoul loved an expressive partner, his already large ego inflated any time someone moaned.
Phantom was beginning to flag, limbs still heavy under Swiss’ spell and tongue beginning to tire from its intense workout. The larger ghoul took pity on the whimpering ghoul, handing him a pillow from the top of the bed. It was encased in a grey cover and it was firm, Phantom needed a lot of neck support when asleep. 
Swiss craned his neck behind him to see he didn’t even need to tell the younger ghoul what to do with it, the pillow already shoved deep between his thighs as he spared all his extra energy into rocking into it.
“Fuck Phantom, such a good boy for me,” Swiss encouraged “humping that pillow so well. Bet you wish it was me sinking onto you, clenching around that lovely cock of yours as I use you.”
Both ghouls were getting close; Swiss at the sight of his partner desperately humping a pillow, and Phantom at the friction said pillow was providing. The case was covered in streaks of pre, getting more wet with each thrust of the quintessence ghoul’s ruddy cock, only spurring him on as the shame hit.
Phantom was a ghoul that got off primarily on shame. Something about doing these sinful acts with his packmates left him hard like nothing else. He learned all these rules during his summoning about how humans are supposed to act, it was ingrained in him by Papa. So now when he does anything outside the norm he feels that hot shame coursing through him, straight to his dick.
Phantom’s hips were canting up rapidly to the soft fabric of the pillow case, now a dark grey. He was unable to do anything but moan against Swiss’ folds, and hope the larger ghoul was as close as he was.
His skilled lips were assaulting Swiss’ cock, doing his best to give Swiss the best blowjob of his life as the multi ghoul’s slick ran down his chin. The t-dick was engorged as Phantom sucked and swirled his tongue around the growth. All it took was a well timed breath from Phantom, hot air engulfing his cunt as the smaller ghoul emptied his lungs. 
The sensation had Swiss cumming with a yell, Phantom quick to resume his efforts on his clit as Swiss rode out his orgasm.
“Satanas, bug, I should dumb you down more often, that was incredible.” Swiss praised as he wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead. Looking down he could see the mess he made of Phantom’s face, shining, covered in his release.
Phantom was smiling back at the older ghoul, proud of his work but desperately hard and teetering on the edge. The pillow was great but he just needed more. 
“Oh were you hoping I was going to get you off?” The multi ghoul chimed, “Think again, bug. Need you to hump it like you do when you’re alone. And don’t pretend you don’t, Rain told me everything.”
His hips bucked harder at the request, humiliation setting in. “Can I move, Daddy?” he asked tentatively.
“The stage is yours, darling.” Swiss replied as he blew the ghoul a kiss, already feeling a puddle of slick forming beneath him.
The quintessence long worn off by now as the new summon manoeuvred himself onto all fours, adding the pillow to a stack between his thighs before he started thrusting his cock into the pile. Each cant left him panting and whining for more.
“Look at my little toy, getting off on a pillow like a good boy.” 
Phantom keened at the praise, spurring him on. His full body weight was on the stack of pillows now, his cock sliding easily into the creases of the fabric as his hips moved, no longer a conscious motion. He just needed to cum, soon.
It was just the wrong side of enough stimulation but he was determined to make it work, to be a good boy for Swiss.
The next time Phantom looked up, Swiss was tugging himself between his thumb and forefinger, moaning at the sight before him. That was enough to push the quintessence ghoul over the edge. He grabbed his cock harshly, no longer caring about the implicit ‘no touching’ rule that sessions with Swiss involve. As he stroked his shaft the pillow beneath him was painted a delicious white, Phantom’s head thrown back as he whined.
He knelt on the bed as he came down from his high, marvelling at the art he produced. Looking over at Swiss, he was shaking his head, a frown adorning his usually joyous face.
“Good toys don’t touch themselves.” He tutted, “Do it again.”
Phantom sighed, gripping his soft cock as he tried to coax it to life once more. The only saving grace being the whorish ghoul touching himself beside him. They were going to be here a while, Phantom definitely wouldn’t be finishing his homework tonight.
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mcflymemes · 2 years
AS SAID BY KAIDAN ALENKO *  assorted dialogue from mass effect
it’s my fault.
i’m glad we didn’t lose you.
you had to push me out of the way.
the blast knocked you out cold.
i’m glad to see you’re okay.
maybe you’re right. things went bad. real bad.
is that why you’re here? because of your family?
i don’t see how we could’ve done any better.
i’ve wasted enough of your time for now.
off the record, i think there’s something wrong here.
there’s writing on the wall here, but someone isn’t reading it.
maybe i was romantic in the beginning.
i’m not question the mission. i’m just concerned.
there was never any proof of that.
we kept our clothes on.
i won’t let you down.
you make a habit of getting this personal with everyone?
i’ll need some time to process that.
do you have time to talk now?
we’ve got some tough calls to make.
i’ve seen what cutting corners can do to someone, and i’d hate to have that happen to you.
you tell me if i’m going too far.
maybe there’s someone else you’d rather confide in.
i don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.
i apologize for bringing it up.
i’m not questioning any decision you’ve made. let me be clear about that.
i want to help you.
if i’m out of line, just say the word.
just think about what i said.
if i ever get a speeding ticket, i want you to be my advocate.
we haven’t had time together since our last chat and... a lot was said.
sorry. not sure where i stand. you seem a bit... uh. distracted.
i don’t want to distract you too much.
maybe my intentions were noble, but i lost control. i killed him.
this is all ancient history. i’m over it.
you don’t have to worry about me. i won’t be a burden on you.
all right, but it’s embarrassing you had to tell me that.
i might need to loosen up a little. i’ll try.
it’s just been a while.
i’ve got a few scratches and dents. i hope they just give me character.
i outgrew the blame game years ago.
they aren’t... malicious. they’re just slow to change.
don’t ream me out for having an opinion.
i thought we respected each other more than that.
i’m here. i’m not going anywhere.
you saved my life. i’m grateful for that.
sorry for anything i said back there. adrenaline.
should i be afraid of them? or in awe of them?
i’m not trying to make anyone uncomfortable.
i’m not jealous. i’m confused.
if you’re not serious about me, it’ll hurt but i’ll get over it.
i’ve got a lot tied up in you.
did i misread you? jeez, what else have i got wrong?
we’re closer than ever, thanks to you.
i don’t think i’ve ever met someone like you.
please, you’ll make me blush.
you know you can count on me.
if i can be of any help, let me know.
i hope i’m not out of line saying that.
i always leave a way out. you know that.
i’m here for you.
that’s what i... appreciate about you.
you’re something else, you know?
i hope we’re close enough after everything we’ve said already.
what happens if this doesn’t work out?
well if i didn’t think you were doing the right thing, i wouldn’t be here.
you know what, you’re right... about everything.
i think about losing you and i can’t stand it.
you make me feel... human.
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