#poor nikolai
bsdtual · 7 months
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This is actually the most sad thing they could've done, i'm in pain
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[Oneshot] Bullets and First Kisses (Primis Richtofen x reader)
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(Thanks RedSovietElise for permission to use fanart)
"You know, we could speed this shit up if we all pick a teleporter and go to it. Shit will be linked in seconds." Dempsey suggested, probably the least brain-dead suggestion he had all month.
Ah, the Giant, your least favourite place to be, honestly. Place was awful, end of story.
You fired a shot from your Luger (complementary weapon from Edward) into another zombie that was breaking in from the alleyway, and shrugged at Dempsey.
"You gotta take that up with Edward, not sure if he would want to split up like that."
"Nein, absolutely not," Richtofen cut in from somewhere behind you. "That is how we get killed."
Dempsey and Richtofen constantly butted heads, both always having quite different ideas, and even though it was well known Richtofen was the unofficial leader of the group, Dempsey still constantly questioned his leadership.
"What will get us killed is if we decide to all go to each teleporter together. Sooner we get it done the better chance of survival we got." Tank fired a few more shots in the direction of a few zombies, each of them dropping like flies.
"I believe he has a point. Although splitting up is quite a dangerous plan, we need to get the teleporters operational before we get overwhelmed." In a never before seen turn of events, Takeo agreed with Dempsey.
Tank had a smirk on his face, a hand to his hip and he looked to Edward with an 'I told you so' attitude. Both you and Edward narrowed your eyes.
"Fine. But no one will be there if you go down. Dempsey you take teleporter A, Takeo B,"
You holstered your weapon, ready to be directed to teleporter c, but Edward didn't turn to you.
"Nikolai," he spun to look at the possibly-drunk Russian. "Teleporter c, I will be here waiting to link the three of you up." He turned on his heel and began climbing the stairs to the mainframe.
"Wait hold on." You grabbed his arm, using your other hand to signal Nikolai as well. "Why don't I go? It's the farthest one and I'm the fastest, I can be there in half the time Nikolai can... no offense" you grimaced to Nikolai, who swatted his hand unfazed.
"Nein, you will stay with me, it is unsafe for you to go alone." He nodded towards Nikolai, motioning him to go.
"You stay right there." You turned and point to Nikolai. He froze in his tracks. You turn back to Edward. "Why is it unsafe for me to go but not him? Do you think I am a lesser fighter than him?" You questioned.
Edward sighed and turned fully to you, him towering over you much more than usual since he was on a higher step.
"Nein, it is not that." He said simply.
"Then what is it, Edward?" Your hand was firmly on your hip. Maybe this didn't seem like the biggest of deals, but this wasn't the first time he had stopped you from being useful, you had begun to feel like deadweight because he wouldn't let you do anything.
"...Should I go?" Nikolai questioned, unsure of what to do now. You and Edward answered in unison.
Nikolai was entirely bewildered. Both by confusing directions and getting caught in the crossfire of your lovers dispute.
"Go on Nikolai." Edward assured.
"Don't you dare move, Nikolai." You warned. Edward glared at you, which you matched full force. The air was tense between the two of you, and Nikolai wanted to be anywhere but there.
"I'm going, don't follow me." You demand, descending the stairs, Edward went after you.
"Nein, you are not!"
You had already made up your mind, and you broke into a sprint, running as fast as you could to teleporter c. You could hear Edward calling after you, but you persisted.
"Verdammt!" Richtofen growled, catching himself on the courtyard exit, he leaned past the wall to see if he could see you, but you were gone. "Schieße! Nikolai, get on the mainframe und link the teleporters, I am going after them." He said firmly to the Russian, who was just happy to get instructions that wasn't immediately overruled.
You were swift as a coursing river, dodging most of the undead that tried to grab at you. Your knife was your best friend as your slashed and hacked, finding your way to the other courtyard (where the electricity is) then finally to the teleporter. A few were swarmed in the building but with your trusty Luger you quickly picked them off. In a second you were on the telepad, activating it to be linked. You heard the announcer call out and knew you could leave, descending the stairs in time to see Edward round the corner jogging into the courtyard.
"It's linked." You called out to him, smirking. He was just passing below the bridge.
You should've seen it. How did you not see it? You were looking right there!
Faster than you could process it, a zombie dove down from the bridge, grabbing Edward, taking him to the ground. On instinct Edward pulled the trigger of his gun several times. The zombie was too close, the bullets missed each time.
Missed the zombie, at least.
You felt the unforgiving sting in your lower stomach, your hand immediately flying to the searing pain and your brain immediately understanding what just happened.
Your knees wobbled, wanting to collapse from the pain, you thought adrenaline was supposed to make this shit not hurt as bad. How could some people not know they've been shot? You very much knew you've been shot. You definitely felt like it, and all you wanted to do say lay down. Your eyes trailed to the ground, debating if you would just collapse right here. Collapsing here seemed quite nice, actually.
Your eyes shot forward as you heard Edward cry out in pain, the zombie digging it's fingers into his flesh, his knife was swatted out of his hand, it skidding on the concrete. Five more zombies were sprinting towards the sound of Richtofen's groans, and he was helpless.
Oh, there's the adrenaline.
Without a second thought you pulled out your Bowie knife and sprinted to Edward.
"Get off of him you undead bastard!" You yell. You grabbed the rotting body and yanked it off of Edward with more strength that you knew you had.
The zombies had surrounded y'all, Richtofen was bleeding on the ground, and you had no idea if he was even still conscious. You saw red. And if you were going down, you were going down swinging.
With a strength and speed you've never felt before, you stabbed and sliced at each zombie as you saw it. One, two, three. They dropped. You were in full survival mode.
The five that surrounded the two of you were dead... again. Last but certainly least was the zombie that attacked Edward. It staggered up, groaning and screeching. It sprinted full speed to you and you met it in the middle, body-slamming it to the floor and straddling it to stab it in the chest over and over and over again.
You couldn't be certain how many times you stabbed it in anger. Though you knew it was more times that truly necessary. Your muscles screamed but you just kept stabbing. Blood and guts splattered everywhere, a squelching sound rang out with ear thrust of your knife.
"That's enough!" Dempsey yelled. He pulled you off of of the zombie, pressing your back to his chest, You fought against his hold to attempt to continue to stab the son of a bitch. Your free hand's fingernails dug into his arm to make him free you, but his grasp stayed strong. Truthfully you didn't even hear Dempsey approach you, you had completely turned everything else out. Dempsey turned you around, grabbing your shoulders to make you look at him. "Hey! The bastard is dead!" He shook you slightly in an attempt to knock you out of your daze, luckily it worked. You stopped fighting him, your head hung while you heaved.
His eyes flickered down to the red that was now starting to soak through your shirt.
"Shit, did you get scratched?" He asked, lifting up your shirt, not giving a damn about modestly. Blood dribbled out of the wound, signaling that the bullet was lodged well enough to keep you from bleeding out too fast.
"Shot, actually" you admitted, entirely out of breath. You struggled against his hold once again but he wouldn't let go of you. Tank's brows furrowed, confused.
"Shot? Fuck you mean? The only people here who go a weapon-" His eyes went wide as he realized. Your eyes weren't on him, you were looking behind him. He let go of you and turned to look at the body on the floor where Takeo was crouched checking: "You telling me fritz shot you?" He asked in disbelief.
"Not on purpose, obviously." The little boost of adrenaline you got was starting to wear off, and the pain became more and more unbearable. "Is he okay?" You ask, legs finally giving up on you. You collapse on the ground but did your best to crawl over to Richtofen.
"Some cuts and bruises..." Takeo answered. He carefully felt under Edward's head and blood coated his fingers when he reeled them back. "Might have a concussion, the back of his head is bleeding a bit, but it does not seem too bad, he will be fine."
"Look, we need to get out of here, one person down is bad enough but two? We'll all die." Dempsey said. You wondered what happened to him to make him so wise today.
The lot of y'all ended up leaving, Dempsey having to carry Edward (which he complained about every second.) and Takeo and Nikolai aiding you to walk. Even with the bullet blocking most of the bleeding, the constant dribbles of blood eventually caught up with you, you nodding in and out of consciousness from blood loss.
You barely remember most things that happened, brief flashes of memory here and there, you were walking... Nikolai was carrying you... did Edward wake up? Finally, your mind started truly recording again - you were in a bed, bandaged up it felt like, and very much alive (the pain made sure you were aware.)
The light was harsh and bright - you could tell even with your eyes closed. Your vision was blurred when your eyes first squinted opened, and you almost wanted to just keep them closed when the eye pin started to set in from the fluorescents. There was someone sitting on a chair next to your bed, and it took a few moments to register who it was.
"Edward?" You ask, gaining the man's attention. His head was bandaged, and a few more bruises scattered his face looking a bit worse for wear. But still, he lit up when he heard your voice.
"(Y/n), liebing, you are awake." He commented, his hand finding yours to hold.
"Are you okay?" You breathe, eyeing the bandage that wrapped around his forehead.
"Ja...ja, it's a minor concussion, nothing too serious," he waved off your concern.
There was a million things you wanted to say to him. You wanted to tell him how happy you were he was okay. How scared you were when everything happened. You wanted to tell him how much you loved him even when the two of you haven't exchanged those three words just yet. You thought for a second, just looking at him, deciding would would be the best, most encompassing thing to say.
"I told you not to follow me." You ended up with.
The small smile that played on  his lips dropped and an expression of sulking took it's place.
"Well I told you not to go!" He argued, reeling his hand away from yours.
"I had everything handled you know, everything was going smoothly until you decided to follow me. You know where that left me? In bed with a bullet in my stomach."
Richtofen narrowed his eyes at your comment, giving you an expression you couldn't read.
"Pft, I do not know what you are going on about. You do not have a bullet in your stomach... at least, not anymore." He admitted, shifting his gaze and shrugging.
"What...? Then...who operated on me?"
"I did, of course. I am the doctor."
"You operated on me with a concussion??" You looked at him bemused...a deer in the headlights expression would be a more suitable description.
A moment passed where neither of you said a word, you just looked at each other, before you broke out into a huge grin, at the situation, at his expression, at everything, which he couldn't help but to match.
"What did that cost me?" You ask him, trying not to laugh too hard, you already felt tightness on the wound, and the last thing you wanted to do was bust open your stitches.
"Ah, just an appendix, but those are overrated, anyways." His laugher filled the room as well. Soon it quieted down, and what was left was a somber looking man.
"(Y/n)," he began, truly serious this time. "I cannot begin to describe how guilty I feel for shooting you."
"Sweetheart I know you didn't mean to-"
"I know you know that" Edward cut you off, " but I still feel so terrible. The only reason I do not let you do things like the rest of them is because I cannot stand the thought of you getting hurt. My brain thinks maybe if I keep you close to me, I can protect you. So I am sure you can understand why I feel so horrendous...that I ended up hurting you." His head hung as he spoke, seemingly wanting to hide from the world. Your heart broke for him, but it gave you an idea.
"Maybe you could make it up to me?" You suggest, reaching your hand out to get him to place his in it. He perked up at that, and his eyes met yours again. He scooted the chair closer to the bed to grab your hand, kissing the knuckles tenderly.
"Anything. Anything you want." He said, desperately.
"Two things," you start which he nodded to. "One," you held up your index finger. "You let me be a more active member of the group, I can understand you don't want me to do Uber dangerous things but let me do something. I hate feeling useless."
Richtofen smiled at your use of German, and agreed to it, urging you to say the last request.
"And two" you held up your fingers accordingly. You paused, unsure if you wanted to go though with the request. You wanted it, but you were still nervous asking. His head tilted slightly as he waited for you to finish. "Two, you kiss me." You say, doing your best to continue looking in his eyes.
His eyebrows shot up in surprise, his face heating up from being so caught off guard. His mouth opened and shut a few times, trying to figure out what to say. He reminded you of a fish, a cute fish. "I-what?" He asked, unsure if he heard you correctly.
"I want you to kiss me, Edward. I've been waiting for you to kiss me for so long now, so, that's what I want. If you do that than maybe I can forgive you." You joked. Your eyes finally tore away from his, adverting your gaze in slight embarrassment. Unbeknownst to you, Edward was silently kicking himself.
"I... have been trying to find the perfekt moment to kiss you for weeks now. " he admitted.
"What's more perfect than a near death experience?" you ask.
And he couldn't agree more.
You sat up as he picked himself off the chair to sit on the side of the bed. His eyes only leaving yours to dart quickly to your lips. Twisting his torso enough to be able to lean into you, his hand found your cheek, you could feel the slight quiver of it from nerves. Edward Richtofen nervous? Now you've seen everything.
His lips parting slightly, his tongue darting out to quickly wet his slightly chapped bottom lip as he gazed into your eyes. You wondered if his heart was beating just as fast as yours was.
It was beating faster.
His head cocked slightly to the side as he leaned it, your lips connecting ever so softly. His eyes fluttered close and yours did just a second after. His lips were like a ghost on yours, almost like he didn't want to put too much pressure. You couldn't help but leaning into him more, pressing your lips into his hard - a small groan left his throat as he matched your pressure. Your stomach was doing summersaults, but it felt more than right.
His mustache pricked at your upper lip, it slightly tickled, but it only enhanced the kiss. You felt a hand on the left side of your waist, you could tell he was more than mindful of the wound on the other side.
Edward leaned in more, his chest pressed against yours, you both were desperate to get as close as possible without doing damage to your body. Your hand found purchase on his chest, sliding up to hold the back of his neck to keep him in place. Now that you have gotten what you have been waiting on for too long, neither of you wanted to stop - letting months of pinning come to the forefront.
You held the kiss for as long as you could, before the both of you needed air. And as the two of you shared a breath, he gently pressed his forehead into yours, just staring into your eyes, a smile gracing his lips.
"Near death could be debatable," he argued, remembering your words from a minute ago.
"Oh hush," you laugh. Gently swatting his arm before pulling him into another kiss, albeit much shorter than the first one.
"Am I forgiven?" He asked, playfully.
"Hm, yeah, alright, I forgive you." You shrug, pretending to be nonchalant about the whole situation. "Although if this is what you shooting me gets me, I might need to get shot more often"
"Ah, perhaps not" he chuckled, albeit wearily.
You shared another laugh, holding each other tight, happy each of you were okay, and more than willing to keep embracing and kissing until all the wounds have healed.
"God, they're fuckin weird." Dempsey muttered, peering through the glass window of the door.
"A match made in heaven," Nikolai sighed, walking away with a disgusted look plastered on his face.
"You could say that again."
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im-a-chunky-potato · 1 month
Nikolai is the type of person who within 5 minutes of getting lost starts suggesting cannibalism.
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etrevil · 3 months
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There's a wild world existing in the BSD Staff Book, like Dazai's just welcoming the DOA into the office and the trio looks at home 🤣
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temeyes · 1 month
Little chopper for little team and their pilot)
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thank u for your generous donation!!!!!
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skkpaws · 3 months
see now personally if i was nikolai and i was conflictedly mourning the death of my situationship and i looked up to see skk staring at me like THIS id either kill them or myself
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jgvfhl · 4 months
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@cod-dump Here it is!! (This is based on some DMs we created) @totally-not-fandom @midnight193
Gaz: What the fuck, guys?? Am I the only sane one in this squad??
Gaz, holding a picture of Farah and Alex: Look who I'm interested in! Look!
Gaz, pointing at Soap and Ghost: People OUTSIDE our chain of command...!
Gaz, pointing at Price and Graves: Not people who tried to KILL US!
Price, pointing to his left: In my defense, Nik got to him first.
Gaz, on his knees in front of them: AAAAAAUUGGGHHHH!!!!
(Yes, Soap and Ghost are holding hands in the last panel)
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cod-dump · 5 months
Price: *answers his door*
Gaz: Heeyyy...
Price: I thought you were staying with Soap and Gh--
Gaz: Please don't make me go back! Please can I stay with you for the rest of the weekend??
Price: Sure, but--
Gaz: YES! *pushes past him into the kitchen* Thanks, Cap! You're a--
Nik: Hello Kyle :)
Gaz: ... life saver...
Graves: *slowly backing into the other room*
Nik, slowly drawing a pistol: Oh no... how did he get in here...
Price: Too little too late, Nik.
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aaaaaaaaraaaaaraaa · 8 months
Chuya being dressed so casually makes me wonder if this happened on a free day and like...the apocalypse happened and you're not even on the clock? Like deadass not even getting paid to be dragged into being one of the main actors into the fight for humanity's destiny? Mans was clearly just trying to do groceries
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bungouchronicles · 2 months
I wonder how skk (and Sigma) are planning to get home. I mean the helicopter surely doesn't work anymore and Chuuya can't float Dazai using his ability so that won't be much help. I'm guessing they'll have to call for help and you who the only trustworthy person they know who's currently in Europe is!? That's right!! ADAM TIME (please please please please)
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bsdtual · 4 months
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Shhh, siglai are on a date!
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sergeantwoods · 3 months
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i dont know what controlled me to make this
(ghost had cried when he saw soap fall off)
im blaming pinterest
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Hey friendly reminder that Jesper Fahey was supposed to be attending Ketterdam University, the same place the royal family decided to send Nikolai to (and assumed he was also attending). If I see one more person dumb Jesper down to comic relief when he was smart enough to get into the same school a prince was attending, it's on sight.
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chr0n1c-ag0ny · 7 months
if Sigma worked at the ADA dazai would call him pet names relentlessly, doesn't matter when, where, or who's listening:
"Hey pretty bird~ could you..."
"Oh, birdy can handle that, can't you, birdy?"
"Me and pretty boy are gonna go check out the crime scene,"
"Come on sweetheart, please, pretty please do my paperwork?"
"Morning darling~"
"Who decided to put their hands on our little bird," (no one touches Sigma. the entire ADA agree's on that one)
"Want to join the rest of us for lunch angel?"
"Good job, love,"
"Go get'em princess~"
"Hey hun could you help me with this report?"
"Come on beautiful, can't be late to that meeting or Kunikida's gonna have both of our heads,"
he doesn't stop, ever, and it starts spreading to the rest of the office.
Yosano will jokingly use the pet names when they're off the job or making fun of Dazai, but honestly takes to using them at work as well after a while, they're really pretty when they blush, wat can she say? (transfem!Sigma x Yosano yuri.... I think maybe)
Kunikida, after months of yelling at Dazai for being unprofessional and Sigma telling him "it's fine, really, it... it's not that much of a bother", will deadpan the pet name's with a very tired "I can't believe this is what my work like has come too" tone, esepcially cause Dazai will only refer to Sigma as said pet names in his reports (which Sigma and Kunikida always revise) and in the office groupchat/email chain.
Ranpo uses them in the gc.
Fukuzawa is tired of getting the reports from Dazai where a birdy is missed by Kunikida and Sigma's tireless revisions.
everyone else knows exactly who's being referred to when they hear those pet names, even if they don't use them themselves, just like Sigma pretends to not like it, but responds every time he hears one of his many titles.
they become his monikers in the field. Dazai is elated.
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etrevil · 9 months
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He does not want to be there 🤣
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rosepompadour · 1 month
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HEROINES OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE: the maid Enveloped in an aura of nostalgia, she seems to come from the world of fairy tales or from an idealized Victorian epoch, in which women, in the form of Archadian shepherdesses, or country aristocrats, were still granted private spaces and secret gardens. They long to take refuge in hidden places off-limits to men. These qualities evoke an age of innocence dressed in night gowns, and undergarments all in white, with embroidery and applique, ribbons and lace - a timeless look. And, of course, their obsessively brushed hair is inevitably long and curly, held in place with ribbons, bows and combs. This nature-loving romantic heroine loves to walk barefoot on the dew-drenched grass of dawn, to read fables and study music. She can be a free woodland creature or a highly refined damsel. - GIULIA PIVETTA
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