#probably not true but ‘my friend was in court’ invites questions i don’t want to answer
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Had to reschedule my online interview and now I’m nervous lol
#so my friend is in court on friday and she wants me to come with. i was like fine. the hearing is friday morning; my interview is in the#afternoon. should be fine right? and then i looked up how long a trial can take#5-6 HOURS???????????#so i rescheduled which was a very simple process but they wanted me to put a reason for rescheduling in the box#i now feel like i should’ve just put ‘illness’ lol.. like rescheduling 2 days before with a prior commitment makes me seem like i don’t have#my shit together#if they ask me about it during the interview i’ll just say i had a commitment that morning and i found out it was going to take#significantly more of my time than previously believed; and i didn’t want to risk being late to my interview or missing it#and if they ask what it was ‘i can’t discuss that as i’d be breaking someone else’s confidentiality’#probably not true but ‘my friend was in court’ invites questions i don’t want to answer#i feel so much better knowing i don’t have to do these two things in one day tbh. like even when i thought the hearing would only take#an hour or so (and maybe it could? who knows) i didn’t feel great about not having the day to prepare for my interview#i like to print out all the information; go through it; rehearse some questions; drink a nice cup of tea; meditate; panic….#having the weekend to relax and then most of monday to prep is. so nice#i’ll probably go into work on sunday to get my mind off it lol. just for a change#personal
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onsomenewsht · 1 month
Took a loan on a house I own
About when she panics and you’re very patient, but out of t-shirts
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《 shout out to @p0orbaby, who turned this shit around and back on the fun side of the road
》 Leah Williamson x Reader
》 words count: 3k
》 commitment [noun, law]: a written order of a court directing that someone be confined in prison; mittimus
“Accept the Arsenal deal”, your agent encourages, his client’s best interests – and transfer fee – close to his heart.
“At least it’s not Manchester”, your father comments, still wishing for your comeback as saviour of your hometown club.
“What can go wrong?”, your childhood friends resonate with sincere smiles and rolling eyes at your unjustified hesitation.
Turns out, signing for the Gunners puts you in the Ballon d’Or shortlist after the first season and Leah Williamson in your bedroom.
One night you two are sharing a ride after a shameful celebration, you’re way too drunk to even remember how to walk in a straight line and she finds herself thinking way too much about your carefree giggles – if anyone asks, she just wants to make sure you don’t get kidnapped or fall on your pretty face tripping over nothing.
The following day she’s still in your house, wearing your clothes and sharing questionable stories of failed dates just to hear you laugh.
A week after she’s in your bed again, this time naked and cracking up at the worst jokes you got.
It’s not like you planned such development in the relationship with the skipper or tried to win her over with infallible pickup lines, it just happened.
Not that you’re complaining now.
Another season ends, but you keep finding each other in compromising positions at the worst possible moments, avoiding friends and teammates teasing comments with really not much effort.
Her mother, the wiser when it comes to Leah’s debatable life choices, asks about you all the time and went as far as personally inviting you over for Christmas. You declined, obviously, but made sure the Williamson family received your presents.
Your best friend demanded to have a private conversation with the blonde the first time he visited, probably embarrassing you with made-up memories and pointless threats. She took it all more seriously than needed, teaming up with him at your expense by the end of the night.
“Do you have a t-shirt I can borrow to sleep in?”
A sense of domesticity fills every interaction with the English woman nowadays, feelings you’re way too pleased to indulge but even more scared to address.
Knowing her, like a stray cat enjoying the sun and the offered food, a too-close approach or unexpected movement could provoke a runaway.
You move your eyes from the laptop slowly, taking in her freshly showered body and the wet blonde locks dropping water on the floor. She knows you hate that.
“Top drawer on your left, dry your hair before going to bed”
“What do you have against air drying?”
“What do you have against respecting my silk sheets?”
When she misses the opportunity to quip back, like she always does when your sleeping habits are mentioned, you give up any chance of reviewing the last away game to find Leah cautiously studying the furniture.
“Why are my clothes here?”
“Would you prefer to have them lying around the apartment?”
“It’s a lot of clothes”, she states, digging through all the tops and shorts and even some designer pieces stocked in the drawer.
It’s not really that much, honestly.
“You leave behind a lot of shit”
That makes the younger girl react, recovering from the shock of her things being carefully folded somewhere other than her closet – and occasionally a strategically placed chair in her room.
The cat is bothered.
Closing the laptop, you rise from the bed to slowly approach her. Cautiously.
“I just don’t understand why you put my clothes in your drawer”
“You have a lot of things here and I quite like the idea of a clean place”
“That’s not true! I–”, she fumbles for the right words to explain herself in her own mind.
You guide the blonde to the bed, sitting her down like you’d do to explain to a kid that Santa looked a lot like their overweight uncle because was, indeed, their overweight uncle; or that no, they can’t walk the dog for the last journey to Heaven.
The next words are going to be crucial.
“Leah, you basically live here”
Bad choice, noted.
She literally jumps so high you have to take a moment to appreciate your own cat metaphor for such spot on accuracy.
As the freshly nominated Arsenal’s captain, the goddesses and gods of football bowed to Kim Little, she shouldn’t risk her knees so mindlessly. You have to calm her down before some questionable network buys the rights for a high-budget documentary of how you managed to kill the equivalent of Princess Diana for the football community.
“I’m sorry to be the one that broke it to you, but at this point only you don’t–”
“You’re not making any sense, really, I–”
“Please, walk me through your day”
The past two weeks have been dedicated to national duties, training camp and a friendly overseas. Not too bad, you both manage to keep in touch despite the time difference and your own commitments.
The trip back is uneventful, she sleeps for most of the flight and annoys Beth for the rest of it.
You pick her up at the airport.
Just because you’re closer than her mom and offered to.
You drive her to her apartment, but the blonde leaves the suitcase somewhere in the living room to deal with another time and comes back to the car in under three minutes.
Just because you promise to make dinner, she is supposed to refuse?
You two cook together, even if she’s still forbidden to use the air fryer and your wine accessories after the shrimps accident.
But we don’t talk about the shrimps accident.
The food is good, the company is even better. Stories are shared, memories are created with a questionable playlist in the background and laughs front and foremost. Plans are made to go see a film you’ve been waiting a year for and to find a dress she needs for a charity event.
Just because.
She takes a shower after, finally washing away the fatigue with her fancy shampoo you somehow have around in the bathroom. There’s also her favourite lotion, the delicate scent she can now smell with her eyes closed when she misses you a little too much for some reason. Even getting to the point of applying the scar cream she uses when her knee bothers, just because you know–
Oh, shit.
“Oh, shit”
“Yeah, ‘oh, shit’, indeed”, the smile on your face grows as you see the realisation crashing over Leah.
The English capitan may be a clueless idiot sometimes, but you’re already too into it to pretend not to like it.
“I basically live here”
The thought of her finally realising she moved in with you is not something you’ve indulged too much. An unconscious but lingering fear is the faithful companion of ruthless nights, lying in bed with Leah and her commitment issues.
Most nights she falls asleep holding on to you, and most mornings she wakes you up with a freshly made coffee. But she runs away and disappears for days after sharing a way too intimate moment.
By now, you know her well enough to know when to push her limits and when to let her be.
Yet, the confused and almost uncomfortable frown creasing her features hurts.
“I have to go”
Without giving you the possibility to say anything to reason with her – or just protesting, for what it matters –, the footballer is putting on the first t-shirt she finds and fleeing the scene.
It’s one of your favourite tees, but maybe this it’s not the time to point it out.
“I need to go, I–”, she mutters as she tries to simultaneously put the shoes on and open the front door.
“Are you planning to walk back to your place?”
“It’s a ten minutes ride by car, you’re not that kind of athlete”
“I’ll call a taxi”
“With the phone you left on the nightstand?”
For the first time, probably ever, you sound exhausted and not amused at all about the situation – she notices it too. It’s not like she’s completely clueless about the loose attitude, the blowing hot and cold.
You look at her, never dropping your gaze as your head shakes and a tired smile doesn’t reach your eyes. You hand her the phone you picked up when she was too concerned with running away from whatever therapist’s comment was echoing in her mind to realise what she was leaving behind.
Literally speaking, obviously.
“Please, wait here for the taxi. It’s dark outside”
“I’m sorry, I–”
“We can talk at training in a couple of days”, you ease her worry with a quick side hug and a kiss on the forehead, closing the bedroom’s door behind you.
A couple of days later, you don’t talk at training.
She’s avoiding you.
Well, kind of. Everyone at Arsenal, even the chocolate-coloured dog Win, can tell she’s torn up inside and always on the verge of a mental breakdown or, probably worst, ready to rant an apology speech she rehearsed in front of the mirror a concerning amount of times.
The usually composed skipper is panicking whenever found around you, trying to approach and chickening out despite the mental pep talks.
“Care to tell me why she’s sleeping on my couch?”
Lia insisting on pairing for the drill was a trap, you should have seen it coming.
“She found out she moved in”, you let her know, an amused smile lighting up your features for the first time this week.
It’s easy enough to put aside the bruised ego when the situation is as ridiculous as the one you’re currently in, one can laugh at their own misery.
“I think she panicked”
“Of course she did, she has commitment issues and an apartment she’s not staying in– not even now!”, she passes the ball back to you, completely missing the point of the exercise you’re supposed to do, “Why is she sulking in my house?”
“Can’t tell you, she’s avoiding me as if I signed for Tottenham”
“Don’t joke about that, she may have a heart attack”
You both burst out in giggles, knowing too well it’d be a real chance. Or Leah could find the motivation to approach you – to kill you, sure, but she’d need to be close enough to do it with her bare hands.
“Be patient with her, she’s trying”, Lia gently says after composing herself.
The curious relationship you are building with the blonde may be questionable and unhealthy for some people, but it’s filled with respect and care. It resonates with genuine laughs and whispered secrets, it cherishes with caring hands and firm holds. It’s love.
The kind of love two people give each other despite the fears and the doubts.
“I know, I’m trying too”
After two weeks, the most awkward goal celebration in a London derby history, and an even more embarrassing phone call with Leah’s brother, you definitely have enough.
It’s not too bad, really.
She doesn’t flee the room as soon as you make your entrance anymore, the conversations start quietly but progress in the usual easy and carefree way. Sometimes she leans into you in the middle of a night out, other times your hands find each others without a real reason if not the comforting feeling that such a simple action can provide.
It’s not perfect, but you can tell she’s trying and she has a lot going on in her head already. You just want to be there, that’s all you have ever wanted.
It’s not too bad, there’s a reason for everything.
There’s a reason for your shopping list to still include her favourite bread and that inexplicably expensive shampoo, there’s a reason for the warm coffee with your name scribbled on it in the changing room every morning.
There’s a reason for saving a spot next to the other during tactical and video sessions, on the bus for the away game, or on the table at your go-to restaurant.
There’s a reason for the smiles secretly shared in the middle of a stupid debate going on between your teammates.
There’s a reason for you to sleep with the jersey she gave you the first time you played against each other and for her to still be squatting on Lia’s couch wearing your tee – the Swiss woman makes sure to send pictures and updates every night.
It’s not too bad, but it’s game night at the Williamson, and you’re not going to put your victory streak at risk because Leah is freaking out about her housing situation and ghosting her therapist too.
“Are you planning to hide here all night?”, you ask after tapping at her car’s window.
She looks surprised, even if she’s the one parked in front of her mother’s house for the past ten minutes – lights turning off as soon as she spotted you on the side of the road.
The window rolls down comically slow, and the blonde relaxes immediately when she gathers enough courage to look up at you just to find your amused smile. Hands still grasping around the steering wheel, turning white as her cheeks get redder every second.
She’s aware she’s been ridiculous.
“I didn’t know if you’d have come tonight”, she admits.
“I can leave, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable in your own–”
“No!”, she shouts immediately, “I mean, you’re already here. I want you here, I–”
“Good, I really want to defend my champion’s title and I can’t do it if my charades partner is playing hide and seek by herself”, you say, taking a step back to invite her to exit the car.
The teasing smile, that faded just for a moment, is back on your face and she couldn’t be happier to realise nothing really changed – you still look at her with unconditional affection and care, you still look after her heart in the most gentle way you possibly can.
“Hurry up, Williamson, I’ve been talking with your mother more than I’ve been with you lately so I kinda own her to lose a game or two”
She sighs and finally opens the door, getting out of the car with all the enthusiasm of a kid heading to the dentist without the promise of ice cream afterwards. And there is the t-shirt you’ve been looking for.
How many of your clothes did she manage to steal without you realising?
That’s why there’s so much of hers in the damn drawer.
“I wasn’t avoiding you”, she mumbles, more to her feet than to you as she drags them even slower.
It’s going to be the longest ten metres ever.
“Right, and Mariona isn’t asking me how to befriend the stray cat wandering in her apartment”
“I’m sorry, alright? I freaked out. The whole ‘basically living together’ thing just–”, she stops in the middle of the road, waving her hands around as if trying to catch the right words out of thin air, “It just hit me, I haven’t seen it coming”
You gently but firmly pull her safely to the other side of the road before answering, “I figured when Lia cornered me in the middle of training”
“I knew she’d tell you”, the footballer groans, rubbing her face, “She said you’d understand, but I was too scared to talk to you and–”
“I do understand, Leah, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make you suffer for abandoning me and tricking Lia and Mario into adopting you”
She laughs at that, the sound loosening the tension in her shoulders and deep into your stomach. You may be more at peace with your love for the blonde, more confident in this relationship, but you have doubts too.
It breaks her heart to make you insecure, you who always go above and beyond to make sure she’s comfortable when it comes to the feelings and the moments you’re sharing – the future you’re building.
“Can we go slow? Like, really slow?”, she looks at you, her eyes softer and the panic fading to be replaced by a new sense of certainty.
“I think we can’t go any slower even if we tried, took you half an hour to exit the car and for us to make literally ten steps toward your mom’s house”
The punch that hits you is strong enough to make you wince.
“Fine, I think we can compromise”
“Your terms?”
“I get visitation rights to my own apartment and free access to your closet”, she proposes, holding out her hand.
“You already have those”, you raise an eyebrow at her cocky smile, “You have to promise not to air-dry your hair on my silk sheets ever again”
“Deal”, Leah smiles as you shake hands, “I’ll just have to get my own pillows for my side of the bed so you can stop complaining”
She laughs oh-so-carefreely at your stunned expression, finally stepping closer and leaning into your embrace, still holding on to you as she approaches the front door.
“I’ll text Lia I’m going home with you tonight”
“Good”, you say, kissing the top of her head, “But let’s be real, you just need an excuse to steal more of my clothes, don’t you?”
“Maybe, but it looks better on me”
She’s saved by her own mother, opening the door and happily taking in the lovely scene with a knowing grin. The older woman pushes you both inside, commenting about the delay and claiming it is a tactic not allowed – all the games are going to be played, doesn’t matter how late it turns.
“You better let me win if you don’t want to be the one sleeping on a couch tonight”, she whispers in your ear as you take the seat by her side.
“Don’t push your luck, Williamson. We’ve got a long way to go, and you still have to find out about the pair of keys with your name on it hidden in the drawer”
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So, one of my old time pals needed a friend to go as their +1 to a wedding so they wouldn't feel alone but I'd feel bad not bringing the couple a gift...only thing is, it's apparently a Fae wedding? What's the tradition there? Do I bring a gift because that's like, the thing you do as thanks for being invited or do you not bring a gift because of the whole Fae thing. If I should bring a gift what sorta thing is traditionally good to bring?
This is a pretty common question. It’s way easier to figure these things out now than it was before the ‘37 Tommyknocker Accords and the formation of the North American Seelie Court. The NASC has historically been very good about curbing the worst offenders in their community after the Goodfellow incident in Sheboygan way back when.
That being said, there’s a few things to keep in mind, if only for etiquette reasons. Gifts and favors are very important in fairy culture.
On the subject of gifts, it’s acceptable for a human to bring a gift to a fae wedding if invited or invited by proxy, but that gift should be proportional to how well you know the couple. If you’re close friends or related in any way by blood, you’re going to want to splurge. A less than extravagant (or sufficiently thoughtful) gift might be seen as not respecting that relationship, or not honoring the tradition of human/fairy cooperation. Practicality has no bearing here - you don’t buy a fae couple a toaster for their wedding, unless you know one of them is like a toast connoisseur, in which case it could be sufficiently thoughtful and valuable. I once got invited to a fae wedding where I knew the grooms both had a thing for Elvis. (Side note: it’s a sincerely held belief in some fae circles that Presley had fae blood. Very funny to me.) I found the gaudiest velvet painting of the King that any thrift store in Vegas could offer me. I got a bunch of really nasty looks from their family members at first, until the grooms saw it. The looks on their faces. Man. You ever see an Old Court wet blanket realize they were wrong? Anyway.
In your case, the opposite is probably true. If you barely know them, a gift is probably polite but go small. A tea towel, a single bottle of milk with a nice ribbon on it, some organic strawberries in a nice cardboard box - fae love nice boxes - all of those things are great options. Don’t present it to them directly, just leave it on the gift table, and don’t put your name on it. They’ll know.
On a more general note, just remember to watch your food and drink. Only eat or drink from sources that have been offered to guests with no expectation of return, typically just whatever tables are out. If the hosts know humans are likely to attend, they may clearly mark the tables with signs saying that the contents are offered freely. They may also have assigned people to watch the tables if they’re not totally trusting of all the attendees - if a malicious actor put food on one of the tables and a human (or anyone else) ate from it, the consequences are pretty politically damaging. You might find this is more common in fae circles that have deep ties to the Old Courts. Old rivalries run deep and the political machinations of fae are impenetrable to outsiders.
This also applies to food and drink offered to you. Fae don’t have waiters or people serving drinks, that would complicate an already complicated process. If someone you suspect is fae (that isn’t a close friend or person you trust) brings you a drink on a tray or in a friendly way, politely turn it down and find one of the hosts. If it’s the host offering it to you, that’s a sign to politely leave.
Keep those things in mind and you’ll have a great time. Have fun!
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angria · 7 months
Yesterday’s session was really good overall.  After the lipstick topic and him reading my diary cards, we switched to discussing A and the dysregulation coming up around whatever shift has occurred.  
I explained the events of Saturday when we went on a walk in a park with another couple who are friends of hers.  Turning her head when I tried to kiss her hello, barely including me in the conversation on the walk, feeling embarrassed when the couple asked what we were doing for the rest of the day and A said she was taking a nap, not even inviting me in after the walk nor kissing me goodbye, deflecting me when I said I was free Thursday to meet (she is going on a week trip next Monday).  T was pretty pissed about the whole thing, especially when she disregarded my input or even consideration of what I wanted to do after the walk.  Sure, take a nap, but at least invite me in for a bit or even simply ask if I need the bathroom before I leave.  This is all on top of her withdrawing over text in the prior couple days.  I did not ask her about the shift yet because I wanted to talk it over with T first.
T made an interesting point that maybe she is pulling away (for whatever reason, whether subconsciously or not) so that I’m the one that breaks up with her.  It’s possible I guess.  Whatever the case, the ball is in her court.  I asked about meeting on Thursday and she said she would text later.  Since we started dating, we have been meeting twice a week, making an effort to meet even when we are busy.  On top of me thinking she would want to see me at least once before a week long trip.  At least that is what I would try to do and I don’t think it is an unusual thought based on previous patterns.  Both T and I agreed the ball is in her court and I’m not bringing up Thursday again.  I put the question out there and then she basically dismissed it.  
If Thursday comes and goes (and even Saturday, another day we usually meet), I think I’m done.  Her texting still is sparse, which is not the norm comparatively.  She isn’t making an effort.  I plan to say something about the shift to see what her response is and won’t break things off without a conversation.  I don’t think I will try to have the conversation before her trip because I don’t want her to feel bad during it, which is probably too considerate of me.  When I explained my plan, T said I need to do what is right for me and what I need, not only think about her.  Which is true, but I also don’t want to feel guilty about potentially spoiling her trip.  Plus, T is on vacation starting Friday for a week.  So that’s partly why I want to wait too.
At the end, T leaned forward and said he was worried about how I would come to session based on our check-in the prior night.  How I felt I was never meant to be in a relationship, that I always spiral out when any little sign of abandonment or rejection comes up, that it would take my entire life to improve and I’m not sticking around to find out, that I’m inherently wrong.  Out of place, never actually belonging.  And never will.  Yet, earlier in the day, once I made the decision to likely break things off with A, I felt more settled.  In addition to the shift in mindset regarding the lipstick.  T said my affect was a lot better than he anticipated and was so happy about my change in attitude spurred by wearing lipstick.  And also that I am not doing everything I can to make A stay; I am thinking about myself and what I need in a relationship.  And this isn’t working for me, actually listening to what my needs are versus only thinking about how to make A stay.  So feeling a little better about the whole situation, I think?
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1nksta1neddesk · 1 year
A Court of Readers and Dreamers
Chapter 5: Hunting for Sport
Word count: 5453
I was devouring as much of that rich food as I could get my hands on, piling the fine porcelain plate high with steaming slices of bread and meats as I caught a pitcher of what I hoped was water. The two other people in the room were sitting at the other end of the table exchanging a weighted look before turning back to me.
I felt those eyes on me as I shoved another piece of bread with herb butter into my mouth, and looked up. I chewed awkwardly, trying to swallow the bread I had just eaten as they still continued to stare at me. I eventually got the piece small enough to swallow down, nearly choking as I poured myself a glass of water, a cup having appeared next to me at some point.
I drank down the cold water, finally being able to talk as Tamlin opened his mouth, “You must have been hungry.” Lucien grimaced in dismay at his friend's words. I heard a mumbled ‘hopeless fool’ before he locked a smile on his face.
“Your skills with females have definitely become rusty in recent decades, Tamlin.” Lucien taunted, trying to dissipate the odd energy in the room. He turned towards me, “And you don’t look half as bad now. A relief, I suppose, since you’re to live with us. Though the tunic isn’t as pretty as a dress.”
“I prefer pants,” I said simply, now taking slow drinks of that fresh water.
“And why not?” Lucien crooned. It was Tamlin who answered for me. “Because killing us is easier in pants.” I drew back, face soured as I looked at him.
I wanted to bite back, but I willed my face back into a soft smile as I wiped away the remnants of water as I set down the cup, “What do you want me to do here?”
Tamlin shrugged, eyes locked onto me, “Nothing, you are free to do as you wish.” There it was - my opening, but anxiety caught the words in my throat as I chewed at the inside of my lip. They both noticed it, the catch in my breath as the words lost themselves.
“Is there something you wish to do?” Tamlin said, softly. I looked back into his eyes before shifting forward more, straightening my back as I readied my question.
“I want to work, to pay for my keep” I felt nervous sweat start to form on my upper lip, licking it away as I kept staring back at those leaf-green eyes.
“You would be more of a liability than a help,” Lucien said, covering for Tamlin’s silence.
“I don’t care, I don’t want to be indebted even more to this land. I need to learn how to survive out here too. At least let me train so I don’t die in an instant to whatever type of creatures hide here.” I said, words starting to come out in a fervor as I saw Tamlin’s arms flex as his grip tightened on a golden goblet still full of swirling red wine.
“No one on the estate will harm you” Tamlin growled out, and I sat back in my chair, crossing my arms and quirking an eyebrow. I knew how wrong he was, what type of beasts would come into his lands during my stay, but he must have taken the look as one of a mortal distrusting of the fae. Which is what I probably should be, groveling and fearful of the towering beasts that sat at the table with me.
“I just- I want to help,” I swallowed around the words, trying to stave off the emotions that threatened to make my voice squeak. It was true, even the couple hours of luxury left my skin itching with that same electric need to move, do something.
“Don’t you have anything you want to do with your life?” Tamlin asked, trying to dissuade me. Lucien coughed pointedly, Tamlin glared at him for a moment, having a silent conversation that I was not invited to before Tamlin cleared his throat as well. “Do you have any… interests to spend your time on?” Tamlin corrected himself, and I considered if I did, once upon a time, but came up blank.
I shook my head, “Keeping my family alive took priority over hobbies”, I looked back up at him, donning that mask of a girl kidnapped to the fae lands “ They are safe right? There are no more fae coming to claim their lives as well?”
Tamlin nodded stiffly, “They are well cared for, the Treaty only calls for one life for another in its exchange.” It was an answer I knew, but still felt reassured as I tried to turn the conversation back to me doing work.
“Then I still want to help, even if it is just chores.” Tamlin let out a low growl of annoyance. If he was this reluctant to let me help clean the house, I would hate to see him when I have to save him.
“No- Not as you are, take a couple weeks to look like more than a skeleton” It was an order that I could not sway, and knowing that, I decided fighting it was useless as I went to grab for a bowl of strawberries. They were bright and sweet as I bit into one, the juice running down my chin, I leaned forward, going to grab a napkin from somewhere to realize they had been moved to the opposite side of the table.
Tamlin was still staring at me, and at my look of confusion and hand placed under my chin to catch the juice from dripping onto the fine clothes, he stood with a short stack of those napkins in one hand. He made his way across the table, silent strides unnervingly smooth as he came to stand next to me. He grabbed one of those pristine napkins, pinching it between his fingers, as he went to wipe away the red juice. I snatched the napkin away, quickly swiping it over my mouth and chin, placing the dirtied napkin in the hand that had been catching the drips.
“I can wipe my own face, Tamlin”, his face tightened again before he stalked his way back to his seat. The action keenly reminded me of a toddler throwing a tantrum. I placed the bowl of strawberries back to where I had grabbed it from, and decided to reach for a chocolate torte before the food all disappeared, even the crumbs that had found home in my lap.
“If you ate anymore you would hurl” he said, taking another long swig from that bottomless wine glass. I went to stand, brushing out imaginary crumbs from my clothes.
“Thank you,” I said simply, not knowing what to truly say to dismiss myself. I saw a glimmer of mischief in Lucien’s eye as he tilted his own wine glass toward me, unknowingly echoing Tamlin’s invitation for me to drink as well.
“Won’t you stay for wine?” Lucien drawled with a saccharine sweetness that made my skin prickle. Tamlin shot Lucien a long look as I answered.
“I’m sorry, I’m tired.”It was the truth, even now I was trying to suppress a yawn that was tickling the back of my throat.
“It’s been a few decades since I last saw one of you,” Lucien said, the way he said you wanted me to crawl out of my skin but he still pressed on, “but you humans never change, so I don’t think I’m wrong in asking why you find our company to be so unpleasant, when surely the men back home aren’t much to look at.”
I hadn’t thought I had behaved in a way that would lead them to believe I disliked their company, I had been behaved and polite. Tamlin’s ire was palpiple as he glowered at the back of Lucien’s head that must have felt like a brand to the back of his head, but he ignored it .
“I was under the impression that it was you, emissary, who disliked my company.” I said, trying to cover the shock that had sent my heart beating heavily. “You are high fae, correct? I thought humans were little more than swine to your type, so why bother letting me twist the Treaty’s words or let me eat at this table.”
Lucien looked at Tamlin then, apparently he hadn’t been told I had been the one to bend the words, not his High Lord. Irritation flickered through him as I saw his fingers clench around the stem of his glass, he covered it quickly though, and continued his taunting.
“True. But indulge me: you’re a human woman, and yet you’d rather eat hot coals than sit here longer than necessary. Ignoring this”—he waved a hand at the metal eye and brutal scar on his face—“surely we’re not so miserable to look at.” My heart did pang slightly at his own self deprecation over his mutilation. “Unless you have someone back home. Unless there’s a line of suitors out the door of your hovel that makes us seem like worms in comparison.”
I did not leave a lover back in the village like Feyre had, no I had stayed far way from Issac over the years, even as his hungry eyes found me every time I visited a small pond that would form in the early spring as the snows melted.
“Good company is made by more than pretty faces, and I’d say you barely have that” I made my way to leave, ignoring the quirk in Tamlin’s lip and the predatory smile that had split Lucien’s face.
“Is there anyone you loved in that village?”the question was too genuine from Tamlin to let me keep walking. The truth was no, not in a romantic sense. I had had the Archeron family I loved, but outside of that my years in that village were a stark swath of loneliness.
“No” the word was harsh as I again turned to make my way to my room, “Good night” I said ,the bite still in my words as I composed myself on my way to my room, hoping to have the freedom to pass out on the mattress and not have any of the servants fuss over me. I was barely halfway down the main hallway before Lucien started barking out a laugh, which was quickly silenced by an irritated snarl.
I had spent the next day finding the stables under the pretense of wandering the grounds. I had taken up Tamlin’s offer of a tour, no matter how painfully awkward it had been as he showed me the gardens, the library, a bath house, and the kitchens. He had spent the time telling sweet stories of his mother and father, shenanigans he and his brothers would get into that tormented the staff. I almost wanted to comfort him, knowing how bitter his family history truly was, how retched those brothers had been. He also fed me that lie about a magic blight that had welded those masks to their faces, and had left him with only a sliver of power.
The dinner had been even more awkward as Lucien constantly made digs at me, and I could tell he was trying to enrage me, to make me snap at him. It had ended on a somber note as Tamlin brought up a mother I did not remember having, and his keen observations he had made in those few moments he was in the home sent a shiver up my spine.
But now I was making my way towards the stables Tamlin had shown me yesterday. The gardens hid my figure enough that I had thought I was clear to move but a deep voice behind me made my spine lock.
“Care for a ride?” Tamlin said behind me and I turned slowly, panic making me smile wide as I looked at him. “My morning work was postponed. If you want, we can take a ride around the grounds, see more of the land”
I shook my head with as much restraint I could gather. “I’m sorry, I was just going to spend the day looking around myself” He opened his mouth to make another offer before I cut him off again, “Truly, I just need some time to… adjust to everything.”that seemed to convince him enough that he backed off, wishing me a good day before disappearing into the manor. His fists were clenched with white knuckles that seemed to itch to let out those claws as he stomped his way.
The conversation had taken precious moments that could have let Lucien ride off alone, and I hurried toward the stable, grateful for the braid Alis had done again that morning. My breath was wheezy as I finally made it to the stable, taking a moment to calm my breathing slightly before turning to enter.
I avoided bumping into any of the stable boys as I curved around the front, casualty , as to appear just like a curious mortal who was just looking around. But my breath caught as I saw Lucien, copper red hair loose around his shoulder as he stood astride a beautiful black gelding. He was adjusting a blade along his belt as he looked down at me. His pearly white teeth looked more ready to tear me apart than offer a sweet word as he smiled.
“Well, Morning, Feyre.” I had to cover a wince with a nod as he sat fully in the saddle. “Going for a ride, or merely reconsidering Tam’s offer to live with us?” My reply died in my throat as I was forced to look up at him. My silence was covered though, as he laughed and continued talking to me “Come now. I’m to patrol the southern woods today, and I’m curious about the … abilities you used to bring down my friend, whether accidental or not. It’s been a while since I encountered a human, let alone a Fae-killer. Indulge me in a hunt.”
I nodded at him, a pleasant smile plastered on my face as I tried to find my words again, screaming in my head as I couldn’t make myself say the words I practiced for years. A quiver of fine arrows found their way into Lucien’s hand as I started to regain control over my body, moving out of the way of the stable boys who passed around us. They passed like a swift river, flowing with a liquid smoothness that almost unnerved me. “No ash arrows today, unfortunately”
“I’m ready to go wherever you are”, the simple words finally broke past my throat as Lucien motioned for a horse to be brought out for me. The white mare that had taken me from the mortal lands was prepared, and I swore her eyes locked with mine in recognition as she was finally brought in front of me. It was easier to get into the saddle now that I was in a stable, able to use a slat of wood to push off of as I plopped down in the seat. A bow was handed to me along with a small pouch of what I assumed was water before the horses started walking.
We set off at an easy trot, away from the gardens and into the woods behind them. A path cut through the woods that we followed, the horses would be able to fit comfortably side by side, but Lucien and his onyx steed rode ahead just a few paces as we worked our way farther into the woods. I took a deep breath of the air, the smell of sun warmed trees as birds twittled around us.
“Well, you certainly have the quiet part of hunting down,” He was suddenly next to me, causing me to jolt as I opened my eyes from where they had fallen closed as I tilted my head back. I looked at him, eyes lazy with the lulling haze warm days filled me with.
His next words were quiet as he shifted his gaze forward again , “How did you kill him?” I sat straight at that, still looking at him as I contemplated how to phrase myself.
“An arrow- through the heart, at least I assume.” I said, but it didn’t feel like enough, I had to explain myself. “He had just killed a doe, the first one I had seen in a month, and my family was just about to starve. I- we needed the meat.” I had turned my head forward as I continued, chest drawing tight.
He was quite for a long while before he spoke again, “Tamlin told me he wasn’t brutalized” He didn’t continue on as we rode, the air between us now thick with grief as the leaves rustled around us. I hoped they had brought his body back, had buried him in this eternal spring and not been left to rot in that forest.
“This was Andras’ patrol wasn’t it?” It was simple and I knew the answer as I felt that metal eye burn into my shoulder as he looked at me, there was an urgency in his voice as he asked a question as his own reply.
“How did you know?” The words were short and said in a low voice that made it sound like he swallowed gravel. I looked at him and saw his hands clenched around the bridle.
“Do emissaries usually patrol the grounds?” I looked forward again, “ I want to patrol with you, learn about where I am to live, and to repay what I took, even if a little.”
“I’m only Tamlin’s emissary for formal purposes. As for you joining the patrol with me-”, a deep sigh,”- I’ll have to talk to Tam, but don’t get your hopes up. If you’re hoping this will pay off your debt, it won’t, that's not how the Treaty works.”
Again another bout of silence before I spoke again, trying to cover my own ass incase of a slip up farther down the line. “You and Tamlin are High Fae right?” a small nod, “So what type of powers do you have? I know there are stories of fae who can answer any questions you have, or that shape shift into what you most desire?”
“The High Fae don’t have specific powers like that, and those stories you heard were of wicked types of lesser faeries and creatures who love to eat mortal like you, even if you trap them for your answers” He was looking away from me , peering into those woods as I asked another question.
“So there are faeries who will answer any question you ask of them? I already knew of Suriel as he glanced back at me , face drawn up in a grimace as he answered.
“Yes,” he said tightly. “The Suriel. But they’re old and wicked, and not worth the danger of going out to find them. And if you’re stupid enough to keep looking so intrigued, I’m going to become rather suspicious and tell Tam to put you under house arrest. Though I suppose you would deserve it if you were indeed stupid enough to seek one out.”
I couldn’t help the smile that had split my face as I looked ahead. I was finally going to get the answers I needed . But before I could ask more the woods still, the bird songs dying mid-note as Lucien’s head shot to the right. My blood had stilled its flow in my veins, frozen in place as the hair on my arms and back of my neck rose.A rustle in the brush to my right almost made me turn to look but Lucien was already giving me orders.
“Don’t react,” Lucien said, forcing his gaze ahead, too, the metal eye going still and silent. “No matter what you feel or see, don’t react. Don’t look. Just stare ahead.” His face was paleing from what I could see from the slice of my periphery. The horses continued their pace, ears flattened back against their heads as I held my eyes on an imaginary pole directly in front of us.
A shimmering mass passed at the edge of my vision, circling us as the mare under me had tensed. The air stagnated before freezing, my breath coming out in slow streams of steam as I fought a shiver. That was before it started to speak into my mind, past the tentative walls I had built, to hiss its words.
I will grind your bones between my claws;
I will drink your marrow;
I will feast on your flesh. I am what you fear;
I am what you dread … Look at me. Look at me.
All moisture was stripped from my mouth as I swallowed around the stone that had arisen in my throat. I wanted to look, so badly that it nearly hurt to keep my neck straight, as it kept whispering into my mind. Its voice was like crackling ice, ancient and tensing my body with a collective human fear of imminent death.
I will fill my belly with you. I will devour you. Look at me.
I distracted myself, thinking of a life I hadn’t lived in years. Thoughts of crashing waters when I snuck out of the hellhole and down to the waters’ edge to swim and trace the stars across the waters surface.Still as I let the memories flash in my mind’s eye, that voice still demanded my attention as it screamed at me to look, look, look at me. I thought of reading, the hours-days I had spent lost in pages and stories that weren’t my own.
Just as I was about to cry out from the frost forming at my hands and the strain it took to not look, the cold pressure around us eased, disappearing into those woods. The trees and underbrush even seemed to pull away from its path as it passed. The woods that had once looked warm and inviting to me now had become a filth filled trap. My plan to go after the Suriel would have to be postponed until Tamlin killed that thing, something I had forgotten had to happen.
Lucien let out a long breath as he relaxed slightly in his saddle, the horses following suit as they shook themselves, trying to dispel the dread that was still clinging to my own skin. A small word that I breathed out as I leaned forward to pet the side of the mare had Lucien’s head spinning toward me like I had become that deadly creature. Bogge , I knew the name of the creature the moment the chill had set over us.
“Where did you hear that name?” The words were accusatory as he looked at me with such intensity I thought he was trying to see through me. I was too exhausted from fear to come up with a new lie as I told him a half-truth.
“I read it somewhere” I had a feeling I would be using that excuse a lot in the months to come. He shot me a look of contemplation before he brought his horse back in front of me. An hour passed with barely more than a dozen words exchanged between us as the sun rose higher into the sky, warming my still shivering skin. That echoing voice still scratched at the back of my head, beckoning me to look and follow its path.
“How did you come to be Tamlin’s emissary?” It was a simple question, one I knew had probably been answered in those tomes I had read so long ago, but it was easy conversation.
“He was a friend and I wanted away from my family, why do you ask?” He continued looking forward as he turned his head slightly the answer, the lines of muscle in his neck building and accentuating the sharp line of his jaw before he looked forward.
I had to swallow around nothing as I controlled my heart, stupid fae males and their beauty were already starting to distract me. “You don’t look like you belong to the Spring Court''. I only got a grunt in reply as the ride continued.
Lucien practically shoved me in front of him as we entered the dining room and I was about to shoot him a glare before I heard a low growl from the blond fae male sitting at the head of that table. I realized Lucien had used me as a sacrificial lamb to the beast as I made eye contact with the whiny bastard.
He had a long claw extended over his goblet, a trade from the glass I had assumed he used, but the ringing of the metal across the wine was all the same screech to me as he broke the stare first, looking over to Lucien with a stare so harsh I was half-expected it to draw blood from the courtier.
I supposed it looked incriminating, me saying I wanted the day alone that morning before strolling in with his friend after a whole day spent together on patrol. I honestly didn’t care as Lucien seemed to pale at the sight of his High lord.
“We went for a hunt”, it was pitiful the way Lucien’s voice wavered for even half a moment as he spoke, and it made me wonder if Tamlin’s future tantrums were more than spurred on by his love for Feyre. I dismissed the thought for the moment.
“I heard” It was low and rough and made me feel like a child breaking curfew as Lucien and I moved to our seats. “And did you have fun?” Those claws slowly pulled back into his skin, leaving slits of pink that quickly closed as he hand shifted to grasp the goblet.
Lucien was quiet and his eyes pleaded with me as I glared at him fully now. These males were wretched cowards, and the thought made me giggle enough in my head that I brought a smile up as I looked at him, tilting my head softly.
“I suppose so,” I said , and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing as I saw Lucien balk at my words.
“Did you catch anything?” His irritation stoked the flames of my joy as I started to pile pieces of exotic fruits and fat laden meats onto my plate that had appeared.
“No '' simple answer as I started to bring those ever so wonderful foods to my lips. Lucien’s eyes begged me to elaborate, to spare him from the wrath of his friend. My eyes narrowed in answer, and I hoped he saw the wicked flickers of joy at his predicament. It seemed Tamlin was also done talking to me as he started to serve himself.
Lucien was quite as he tentatively started to speak “Tam,” those green eyes peered up at him and I could have sworn his pupils had become slitted like a feline , “the Bogge was in the woods today”
The fork Tamlin had been holding turned into a crescent of metal as he spoke flat words, “You ran into it.” There was no question in his words, only demand for where it was, where he was to hunt it down. Still Luicen nodded before telling him of the path we had been on, where it had passed us.
Tamlin stalked out of the room, razor sharp claws already back, and spared me no more than a glance as he passed. He eased the dining room door with a softness that was far more threatening than if he had shattered the wood from slamming it shut. The closed door did not block the rattle of the windows as the front doors to Rosehall were closed.
A moment of silence before I let out an exaggerated sigh , sagging in my seat. Lucien gave me a long stare as he rubbed at his temples, pushing away the small plate of food he had in front of him.
I couldn’t think of anything appropriate to say as I piled what I would eat onto the plate, taking it to my room to let Lucien have a moment alone. The small breakfast table in my room was more than enough for me to finish the meal, belly bulging from the warm food. A glass and pitcher of cold tea had found its way to the table before I had even made it to the room and I sent out a loud “Thank you” to whatever invisible servant had brought it for me.
The evening passed slowly as I ate, the sun casting my room in brilliant golds and reds that darkened the greens of the walls and bedding. Maybe the grime from the ride still clung to my skin, or maybe it was just the presence of mind knowing the Bogge was still out there, alive in its non-living way, that made my skin crawl. I decided to draw a bath in that enchanted bathroom, spending more time than I would care to admit to figure out how to fill the tub with steaming water.
I found soap in a cabinet, along with a fluffy sea-foam green towel, and let myself soak away the dusk hours. I had opened a window that let in a wind of night cooled lillies and I stared out at the sliver of sky I could see. I watched the oranges fade to indigo and navy as white stars blinked awake.
I wondered if the High lord of the Night was also staring at that sky, if he was currently miles underneath the cold stone that separates him from his domain. A harsh pang hit me at the thought. I closed my eyes and sent out a small prayer to the Mother and the Cauldron to carry me across the months to free Prythian, and free myself to return to home.
Maybe years after I settled back in my world I would think back and wish I had given myself more time to enjoy the magic and wonder of the world. Years would pass and my heart might start to yearn for the sisters I had grown with; maybe I would appreciate those quiet years in that forest.
I opened my eyes and the sky was dark, those stars caressing the swirling nebula and galaxies that shone through the ink. I think that what I would miss the most- the clear sky not fuzzed with the light pollution of millions of humans . I would miss the undisturbed nature that had grown to comfort me.
The bath had grown cold as I rose from the water, wrapping myself in that pale green towel as I made my way back to the room. I found night clothes laid out on the bed, powder-blue lined with white lace. I dressed, the fabric silken against my skin as I went to set myself up by the large window next to where I had eaten dinner. I propped the chair under the window, so I could peer into that garden as the Moon rose higher and higher to its place in the sky.
I had almost relaxed enough to close my eyes, to enjoy that cold silver light that carried the scent of jasmine, but movement by the gates of the garden dragged my lazy eyes to investigate. A shadowed figure was standing there, moving with casual steps as it placed itself under the moonlight.
I closed the window before the puca could render itself fully, drawing the curtains tightly. My peace had been soured and I tossed and turned for hours as I tried to fall asleep. I had barely slept the night before either, missing the radiating heat from 2 other bodies I had grown accustomed too, but now exhaustion was dragging me down into a dreamless sleep.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Lee Dong Wook (Actor) Relationship Role Analysis based on Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Relationship Role
Full Name: Lee Dong Wook
Stage Name: -
Group: Actor
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Lee Dong Wook
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Relationship Role
Friend - 3 of Swords, XVIII The Moon
Wook is likely to be a very secretive kind of friend. He’s likely to keep a lot for himself and maybe never even invite his friends to his home or his vacation house. Wook probably suffered some major disappointment or heartbreak in the past and has no trust in people now.
Boyfriend - Page of Cups, Knight of Cups
Once Wook overcomes his natural distrust, he actually becomes one of the most gentlemanly boyfriends. He shows true care, he’s charismatic, positive and warm-hearted. He’s got some great instinct on how to court the object of his love and he’s very observant about needs and behaviours. He’s the one to always pick the right gift, never to forget birthdays or anniversaries and he’s extremely supportive about his significant other’s goals.
Lover - 8 of Wands, II The High Priestess
As a lover, Wook follows his instincts. He’s very intuitive and passionate and when he feels it in his guts, he can give in to the lust in a matter of seconds. He can act fast on occasions, his libido can arise anytime. His skills are not based on studying techniques, Wook always follows his instincts and can really tune in with his lover.
Husband - Page of Wands, 7 of Cups
Marriage might not be the right institution for Wook. It sort of feels a bit too conventional and restrictive. He might avoid marriage up to old age. He simply prefers to have all the options open for himself and doesn’t really want to settle down much.
One-Night-Stand - XII The Hanged Man, 2 of Wands
As much as Wook is a passionate lover, he’s likely not into one night stands much. He’s more than aware of his celebrity status and he willingly sacrificed this aspect of life to keep a good reputation. He’s also strong-willed and it’s not likely for him to be seduced.
Thank you for reading!
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idk if you’re taking mad thomas requests but if you are can i request i’ve where he likes reader because she’s the only one who doesn’t treat him like a outcast and isn’t repulsed by him like the other townsfolk
This ask was so sweet here you go :)
Kind Gestures (Mad Thomas x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, developing relationship, confessions, mentions of drinking, partying and taking the berries, outcast!Thomas,
Word Count: 1.6k
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"Good day, Thomas. Rough night?" You asked, looking down at where he laid on the hay covered ground.
Thomas, or Mad Thomas as the townspeople called him, was a man who was drunk more often than not. And, when he wasn't, it was usually because he had just woken up.
You were in your father's chicken coup, ready to finish your morning chores, but a familiar man was sleeping in it. He blinked up at you, and reached to rub his eyes. Silently, you were relieved. When you'd walked in and a chicken had been pecking at him, you'd almost thought him dead. From the way he shielded his eyes, you guessed the streams of sunlight were probably too much for the headache he had, and you watched as he smacked his lips. You asked,
"Thirsty?" And he squinted his eyes up at you and said a simple,
"Aye." You gave him a smile, and reached for your pouch. He sat up, groaning as he did, before he took it from you. You watched as he took a swig, and silently you wondered when the last time he drank any water was. You didn't say a word as he finished the pouch, and you took it back as you said,
"I don't mind you sleeping here, but I'm sure my father would." You started, walking away to begin checking each of the baskets to see if they had anything for you this morning. "There's some breakfast left if you're hungry." You offered, hoping that would stir him enough to get up.
You smiled to yourself when you heard the rustle of clothes, and you glanced over to watch him as he stood. Finally, he said,
"I don't need your charity." And your smile only grew. After all the years of you offering things to him, it was almost a tradition now. A routine. You placed the eggs in your basket, and looked over at him as you said,
"Think of it as a kind gesture." And you watched the corner of his lips turn up.
Your head turned when you heard someone clear their throat, and your eyes glanced down first to the wildflower someone was holding out for you. Quickly, your eyes flicked up, and, to your surprise, it was Thomas that was offering it to you.
"Yes, Thomas?" You asked him, a flicker of confusion went through your face, before you placed your bucket on the well. You took the flower, and watched as his shoulders relaxed. It was a strange sight, a sight that made you wonder.
"Just- For you." He said, waving at the thing. You smiled, quickly guessing that it was a repayment for this morning. You gave him a nod in thanks, and he turned away. You watched him stumble, and, immediately, you wrote it off. It made you smile to yourself a bit at the gesture, and you placed it in the strap of your apron as you went back to drawing water from the well.
You weren't alone for long. Couldn't be, in a town as small as Union. Lizzie was quick to come up to you, to grab your arm and whisper,
"What was that?" And you gave her a look. She was the towns gossip, and one of your friends. You knew she'd seen Thomas give you the flower, but, as you reached down to touch it, you couldn't find a thing wrong with the gesture.
"He was just giving me a gift, Lizzie. Nothing more." You told her, but you watched the way disgust clouded her face. You frowned, watching as she glanced over at the man. You loved her, dearly, but you wished the people of Union weren't so plagued with distaste for him.
"Looks as if he was trying to court you." She commented, and the idea- Well, it struck you. You glanced down at the flower, then at Thomas. He had been strange, hadn't he? You thought to yourself, but quickly discarded the idea. He wouldn't. The idea was preposterous. "Next, you'll be inviting him to the full moon." She said, and you lifted a brow at her, at the idea. It wasn't a bad one. And, maybe it was what everyone needed to finally understand him. You looked over at her, giving her a small smile. You watched how her face fell, watched the small shake she gave you. "No." But you continued to stare. "No!" She shout-whispered, but all you did was tilt your head and look away. "Tell me you won't!" She demanded, her voice hushed. You could feel her stare, even as you made the plans to invite him before nightfall. You didn't say a word as you untied your bucket.
All of the children were celebrating on the full moon. Or, well, the ones caught between youth and adulthood. And, well, only the ones that were invited.
You all went to a clearing in the woods, where you could drink, eat, and have fun without the watchful eyes of your parents, or those that would tell your parents.
You liked to think that that was the only reason Thomas had never been invited.
"Don't you know they won't want me there, girl?" Thomas asked as he followed you through the forest. It'd been easy to find him, but surprisingly hard to convince him. He trailed behind you as if he had other things he'd rather attend. You couldn't imagine he'd get much conversation from your chickens. The pair of you were already late just from having him trail behind, and you walked through the dark forest with only your lantern to guide you.
"That's not true, Thomas." You said, glancing behind you. You watched as he walked, as slow as a snake through the grass. He climbed past one of the trees, his hand on it as he stepped closer. He gave you a look, and you could already guess the words that were going to come out of his mouth.
"Liar." He said, pointing at you. His tone made you smile. You paused, giving him a look back as you waited for him to catch up. You stared at him as he did, watching him as he said, "Lying's a sin, you know." He said, and you scoffed a laugh. You hadn't realized how close he'd come until you felt his hand on your chin, and you were quick to look back to him. He was close, barely a step away, and, even in the dark, you could see his clear blue eyes staring straight at you. Practically as if they could look straight into your soul. "What is the truth then, girl?" He asked, and you stared up at him. You gulped, pushing away the flutter of nervousness the touch brought. The flutter in your stomach with him being so close. You looked away from him again, and took a step towards the trail. You didn't look at him as you said,
"I'd like you to be there." You said, and the words felt too honest on your tongue. Especially when you could see the gathering in this distance. Quickly, you added, "You can protect me from Caleb." To soften your admittance. You smiled when you heard him laugh, and you glanced behind you to see it on his face.
"If you wish to be protected, then why go? Why not stay home?" He said, and you felt his hand, large and warm, reach to hold your wrist. It was a bold gesture, and the pair of you paused. You could hear the sounds of music, see the firelight in the distance. You were only a little bit away from the party, and yet you felt as though there was a whole world between you when you looked back to him. His eyes were on you again, and you practically shrunk under their weight. Finally, you asked,
"Why follow me if you don't you want to go, Thomas?" It was a fair question, one you hadn't asked yet that night. Thomas didn't say anything for a moment, and you sucked in a small breath when he reached to brush your hair from your face. His hand was slow and gentle, his fingers brushing against your cheek as they did.
"You asked me." He said, and, for a moment, you didn't get his meaning. Then, you did. You thought maybe it was the drink, but you'd seen him drunk. You knew he was barely tipsy, sober enough to get through the forest. You opened your mouth to say something, but words escaped you. The only thing you could think of were Lizzie's words from earlier. Looks as if he was trying to court you. Finally, you asked,
"Why did you give me that flower?" It was the top of a list of things you'd never truly thought about. Why did he always find his sleep on your property? In places you'd find him? Why did he have breakfast with you more mornings than not? Why, whenever you looked for him, was he always there? And, with an amount of honesty you could never possess, he said,
"I like you." And your mouth fell for just a moment, just the tiniest bit. He continued, "You're kind to me. No one else is." And you were silenced by his confession. You stared at him, feelings roaring in your chest but your voice was missing. Thomas didn't seem to mind. He laughed a bit at your stunned face, before he glanced at the fire-light. Thomas let your wrist slip from his hand. "Come." He said, nodding towards the light. "They've already seen the lantern." He gestured for you to follow him towards the full moon celebration. And, for the first time, you truly didn't understand him.
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bigbangclappin · 3 years
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Pairing: YoongiXReader, with mentions of Yoonmin
Word count: 2.3K
Genre: Angst
Warnings: implied smut, mentions of infidelity, mentions of revenge. This does mention Yoongi's Bisexuality and if that offends anyone then...I have no idea aside from we can't be friends.
Summary: Born and bred to be the wife of a king. You anticipated obstacles in your marriage as you were forewarned. But never had you thought Yoongi would leave your heart mangled on the floor.
To be jealous of a man is distasteful; to be jealous of two is loathsome. 
You stared at your husband and his consort with baleful eyes. How you wished your gaze would set that useless scholar on fire. 
With clenched fists you stood with all the refined grace instilled in you since birth. Men were all the same no matter who they lusted after. 
A terrible misfortune it was for you that your husband, the king, had one eye for women and the other for men. 
Of course only you and few of the higher court officials knew this about the king. Although a small detail to you, others would feel quite unsettled. 
His peculiar taste had no effect on you when it was reassured that you were the apple of your husband’s eye. 
His Words seemed to buzz around in your skull like an angry nest of hornets. In your gut you felt like he told you a lie in order to keep you and his consort because how foolish could he be to flaunt this relationship in your face. Why make a fool out of you in front of the court? He wasn’t being discreet like you discussed.
The blood in your veins boiled as you recall the memory of him with his consort Jimin. 
Doubtful any relations in the physical form would take place in such a public place as his palace You made the mistake of entering although it was your husband's chamber in which you were allowed to enter freely being the queen mother. The memory of what you saw inflamed your heart; the man that you loved and given your whole heart to was Taking on an intimate relationship. 
The cold stab of jealousy you had felt that day slowly turned the feelings you had, the pure love that you had once felt for your husband into bitter resentment.
You were never under the naïve impression that your husband was bound to only you as he did have the right to a harem. 
The upbringing in which you were raised attempted to prepare you for such an issue. Nothing your mother or sister said prepared you for the pain of a broken heart. Whether it was man or woman it didn’t matter the betrayal still stung. Your husband told you many times that you owned his heart. What a bold faced lie.
The heat that had risen to your cheeks at the sheer embarrassment you felt, the jealousy, the betrayal, made tears rush down your face and the only thing your husband could say to you on the matter is that he was a “free spirit“ you scoffed at the poor excuse he gave you.
Your heart has never been the same; it's like it turned to ice and the barriers you surround yourself with were your own kingdom. Never would you ever allow that man to make a fool of you again. How daft you had been to believe that men could ever truly love one person.
You had vowed to yourself from that day on you would only give what you had to and nothing more.
Yoongi had believed that everything was the same and you had forgiven him. Playing the role Of the dutiful queen not once bringing up the past because you knew that conversation would’ve led to a dead end.
Oh no your plan for revenge wasn’t as obvious as your husband like to think it would be. He had kept an eye on you for the first couple of weeks since you found out that he was laying with Jimin.
You were smarter than that and he should’ve known that. A woman scorned is a powerful, painful, terrible thing to behold. A woman could bide her time like no other in order to get back at the one who broke her heart.
That’s exactly what you did. The court expected you to produce an heir quickly to continue on your husband's line of succession. One month after that haunting scene you had fallen victim to your weak heart and allowed your husband into your private quarters. Shortly thereafter you had fallen ill. Upon the king’s command the royal physician tended to you. He gave you news that wasn’t a large surprise but you were happy much the same. Your husband was delighted; his supporters were thrilled.
The smile on Yoongi’s face when it was announced that you had given birth to a healthy boy is what spurned your idea for revenge. The son you bore for him would never have the bond that you did with him. He would know only of your nurturing and love. 
Afterall how could revenge be any more sweet than never knowing the love of your own child?
Your young prince’s loyalty would never be to his father but to you.
At the tender age of two your son might as well Have just been your son. When his father attempted to do anything with him he would just cry and cry for you. As if his father was a stranger that wanted nothing more than to hurt him. 
True enough, you thought to yourself, hurt a child’s mother, hurt the child right? 
Whenever the man asked you what he had done to upset your child you would just shrug your shoulders and say he was perfectly fine a few minutes ago. You would state it’s probably just a phase.
It wasn’t just a phase. Your baby took after you and was a good judge of character. His father was fickle and unsure. Where your baby was consistent and wise even if he was just a toddler.
Which brought you to the situation you were currently in. You had taken breakfast with your son and you had made it a habit to eat without the king. Especially when multiple reports accounted for him being in the library with his consort.  If he wanted to play happy families then he would have to join you when you had time. Your son would not wait to eat because his father’s priorities were askew.
Sungho was happily munching on his porridge and you smiled as you wiped his face with a napkin nearby when your trusted lady in waiting came into your chamber.
“My lady the king approaches and he does not look pleased.“ Jaeun stated seemingly panicked as her eyes shifted between you, your son, and the door that she knew your husband was going to come barreling through at any moment.
“Do not fret my dear he does not frighten me.“
“But your highness—”
The doors to your chamber suddenly crashed against the wood behind it creating a large racontorous sound that spooked your child and your lady in waiting.
There stood your husband, the king in his black and gold dress robes, his long hair that was tied up into a neat ponytail nearly fell in his eyes. He had an angry, fierce look in those tiger shaped orbs as he took in the breakfast your son and you began without him.
“Were we not supposed to have breakfast together?“ Your husband asked you with a certain grit of agitation to his tone.
“I wasn’t sure if you were going to be able to make it. Namjoon had said this morning that you were preoccupied in the library and our son was hungry.”
  The smile on your face would fool even your worst enemy that everything you were saying was truth and not something planned out of spite. 
You giggled at your little Sungho when he looked at you with more rice on his chubby cheeks. 
Hiding the raging wave of envy behind your child was a habit now. Somehow you thought Yoongi was beginning to catch on.
His nostrils flared in aggravation, “Jaeun please tend to your other tasks…”
Eyes narrowing you weren’t daft; he was trying to clear the room and you weren’t having it.
You raised your hand when your maid began shuffling at the king’s order, she stilled at your wordless gesture.
“Jaeun is fine your highness,” you replied and then pointed to the unoccupied chair across from you. 
Your maid was privy to every little detail between you and the king. Unbeknownst to Yoongi of course, her loyalty also resided with you. She had been your greatest companion and friend throughout your tumultuous relationship.
Your husband glared harshly before forcefully pulling the chair out. It then became a battle of sheer will not to engage in conversation. Preoccupied by Sungho made things a lot easier.
“You declined the invitation to my chamber last night…”
Your husband broke first. Of course he did. He had begun after all this time to feel the iciness you displayed toward him.
You barely spared him a glance as you wiped your son’s mouth, “I wasn’t feeling well.”
He scoffed, his jaw set in anger, “This illness only comes about when I request time with you. You seem well enough now.”
“Very strange isn't it?” You retorted coolly, doing your best to hide your smirk.
“Increasingly.” He spat in annoyance, “Perhaps you should see the physician.”
“I doubt that the physician needs to be bothered your Highness. I'm sure it will subside.”
The king’s agitation became evident after your last statement, “Since when have we become so formal with one another that I am no longer addressed with warmth?”
An eyebrow lifted involuntarily at his question, “I don’t understand what you mean your highness…”
“That is what I mean!” He barked at you, “your highness? When have you ever addressed me as such? It was always Yeobo, my king, my love or at the very least Yoongi!”
You sat quiet in thought after his outburst wondering if now was the time to play your cards but quickly decided against it.It was too soon.
“I had no idea you didn't like being addressed as such my king. I'll make a conscious effort to forgo that title if it makes you unhappy.”
Your eyes followed your husband’s Adam’s apple bob in a frustrated swallow, “why do I feel as if you’re falling away from me?”
Because you had you wanted to scream but you remained poised. Regarding him with fake sadness and empathy.
“I’m sorry that I’ve been making you feel that way, Sungho is at the age where he needs me with him or he does not feel safe. I didn’t mean to make you feel neglected. I thought Jimin had been keeping you occupied while I need to be with Sungho.”
Something in Yoongi’s jaw ticked at the little jab you had thrown in. 
Good you had thought to yourself. Maybe he would realize how asinine he sounded. Complaining about how you spent too much time with your son while he had a companion to warm his bed at night. 
“It isn’t the same…” he said quietly with pain behind his guarded eyes. 
Too little too late.
“I apologize your highness” you said, reaching for his hand, giving it a small squeeze. “I’ll meet you in your palace tonight if you wish after Sungho falls asleep.”
Placing a kiss on top of your hand he was easily appeased with your answer.
Pretending not to enjoy the intimacy your husband showered you with that night proved to be easier than you originally anticipated. 
He placed steamy kisses along your neck and shoulders. Right where he knew it would drive you crazy but he received no response. No indication that you were enjoying yourself the least bit. 
“What’s wrong Jagi?” He asked with genuine concern.
“Hmm?” You responded with deliberate disinterest hoping to wound his pride. “Oh I was just wondering if the kitchen received my request for fresh berries.”
Point blank you shot his ego down. He’s trying to reconnect with you and you’re ignoring him for frivolous cravings. Has he lost his touch with you? Has it been so long since you let him have you that he didn’t know your body anymore? 
He let a humorless chuckle pass his lips incredibly shocked at the hurt he was feeling. It worsened when you lifted the shoulder of your night dress back up over your exposed skin. Had you just rejected him?
“Now that I think of it I should probably check on the preparations for Sungho’s birthday. I’m sure Seokjin is still in the kitchen—” you rose from your husband’s bed but you were halted by the strong grip on your wrist.
“Seokjin can wait!” Yoongi snapped, pulling you down onto his lap. His long blonde hair sheltering you from anything that could take your attention away.
“I haven’t had a single moment with you to myself since you gave birth to our son…” he mumbled into your neck with what you thought was a sniffle.
A small string of guilt tugged at your heart at the pitiful sound. You needed to remind yourself that he did this to your relationship not you. Had he given any thought to your feelings he would’ve realized his mistake.
“Yoongi-ah I’m sorry I thought because you had Jimin you wouldn’t be lonely while I took on the gift of motherhood…” 
“He isn’t you!” He snapped harshly, “You’re the love of my life and I feel like you’re slipping through my fingers…”
He had whispered the last portion of his confession. You sat back enough to take in his harsh features. His pale cheeks blushed pink from his flood of emotions. You touched his cheek and brushed his long hair behind his ear. 
There was nothing you could say to make him feel better. Truly you didn’t want to. The taste of his own medicine tasted bitter just like your heart. He deserved to feel the loss of you by his side. 
“You have no reason to worry my love,” you whispered to him, your stomach doing somersaults at the lie. 
Placing a kiss on his forehead you let him revel in the somewhat fake comfort you gave him. 
He needed to learn that either he continued his affair or he loses you and Sungho for good.
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wissbby · 4 years
Boyfriend head-canon - Oikawa Tо̄ru
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⤙ Summary: basically, a head-canon about how I imagine Oikawa in a relationship. ⊹ Genre: fluff, smut and a tiny bit of angst ⊹ Word count: 1779 ⊹ Warnings: NSFW ⤙ Author’s note: this head-canon is a bit bigger than I anticipated. I still feel like I’m missing so much more so I might edit this in the future and add onto it. For now, I hope you just enjoy it :)
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So, let's say you and Oikawa got together.
I don't see Oikawa as someone who opens up easy. It takes the man a lot of time and trust so you'll have to be patient if you want to develop a relationship with him.
You must've been (very very good) friends before he even sees you as a potential significant other. 
I've seen a lot of Haikyuu fans bashing on the man because of that one scene with Kageyama. They don't realise that Oikawa was at his lowest point during this moment and was overall just doing very, very bad. 
It's also a scene where we get to see Oikawa's fakes finally breaking down. 
You need to show Oikawa you're there for him, even if he pushes you away at the very beginning.
He's afraid to show you his insecurities, even if you're already aware of them in the first place. 
He's just so so afraid of losing you. He’s afraid you’ll leave him behind once you get to see the other -not so pretty- side of him.
So, try to break him,
in a good way, of course.
Also, give him a lot of space. And by this, I mean, give the man attention but let him do his things like he always has done. 
Even though you're now his partner, Oikawa is still selfish in that perspective. He won't try his hardest best to change his schedule for you.
You know volleyball is important to him, right? So you must understand why he won't do so.
Trust me,
He'll come back running once he realises this kind of behaviour was the exact reason his ex broke up with him.
"I'm so sorry. It's just- I'll try harder."
And if Oikawa says so, he really means it. This man keeps his promises, I'll give him that.
He's just very insecure about a lot of things, though he might not show that side of him immediately. 
If you've come across the point where Oikawa fully knows he's accepted by you, he'll show you his true colours. 
Expect him to break down in front of your -yet to be opened- front door. 
Just take the man inside and comfort him. 
He likes to be pampered.
Now, onto a bit more fluffy stuff.
This man is one hundred per cent the affectionate type. 
If he wants to feel your skin, he will do anything in his power to do so. 
Out in public but suddenly craving you? He's kissing your forehead and pushing you against his chest while holding your waist with his right arm and intertwining your hands with his left hand.
Together in one's bedroom? He'll either plop on top of you, burying his head into the crook of your neck with his body all over yours or will push you against his chest and let you rest your head in the crook of his neck while running his hands slowly through your hair until he hears your evening breaths. 
He just likes to know you're still there with him. 
Sorry buddy's, it's the insecurities.
It's also a way of apologising for the time he loses with you because of volleyball. He tries his hardest best to make the time you two have unforgettable.
If he finally got a day off, he will one hundred per cent take you on a date. 
Expect this man to go all out.
Clothes, shoes, accessories, oh yeah, and the date itself too
He almost forgot about that, but let's ignore that for now 
Okay, so these are the type of dates he would definitely take you on,
Coffeeshop dates, picnics, star-gazing, home-theatre.
Let me explain each date
Coffeeshop dates: it has to be one of those cosy, very warm atmosphere shops. He likes to see a lot a brown, dark green, some orange and of course, plants. It's an aesthetic the pretty setter loves to be surrounded by to unwind from everything going on. 
It's also a perfect colour palette for his Instagram feed.
He'd wear a grey sweater with vinyl pants and -of course- wear his glasses to add to the look. 
This mf is actually blind without them but only wears them when they match his outfit. 
Picnics: Oikawa would take care of everything. The only thing you need to do is just be there. He likes to lay down with you, telling you about his day/week. The pretty scenery above your heads and in front of you keeps amazing him. He will never get tired of the prettiness Mother Nature offers. Bonus!! Bring him milk bread and he’ll spin you around before settling you back on the ground and pecking your lips ever so slightly.
Star-gazing: I see Oikawa as an intelligent human being. Besides that, he is very curious about various things. He almost always has a question about something. If he feels romantic or just simply wants to see you, he’ll call you when the sun has set, telling you he is waiting for you outside. I know for a fact that this dude has some secret hide-out since he was a child. He hasn’t shared it with anyone, not even Iwaizumi, because it was his spot to completely shut the outside world out. He really doubted whether he should tell you about it or not. But, he wanted to show you himself, all of him. He loves you too much to let you be apart of that “outside world”. Arriving at the spot, he would lay down with you in the tall grass, eyes immediately fixating on the bright stars. He would point out the zodiac signs, telling you some facts about his sign and yours (yes, he did his research). On the court, Oikawa feels big. He feels big with his team and is not afraid to lose if it were with them. But now that he lays underneath the big open sky, he realises how tiny he is in this universe. He starts to think about how lucky he is to have met you in this big universe. Expect some sappy shit and maybe some tears if he feels vulnerable. 
Home-theatre: sometimes, it’s better to stay indoors with your loved one. And Oikawa completely agrees with that. After a long week of school or work he just likes to unwind. Now, he would invite you over. And girl- when I tell you what he did. You didn’t exactly expect a fort in front of his television. But then again, we are talking about Oikawa here. It’s adorable, though. There are fairy lights all over the place, candles lit and an unnecessary amount of pillows and fluffy blankets. You both lay down and pick a movie. Settling on “Ponyo” because Oikawa once mentioned the drawing style makes him feel at ease. This man has one of his arms either wrapped around your figure or intertwined his fingers with you. He prefers to have you cuddled into him, whether that be spooning or laying on top of his chest. He just likes to keep you close. It’s these moments Oikawa cherishes the most: the domestic ones. 
Let’s hope I fed you enough fluffy content because I’m ready to flip the switch once again. 
Like I mentioned before, Oikawa is a curious man. 
And this also applies to kinks.
I know for a fact he is not scared to try out new things. He just wants two things: trust and honesty.
He wants you to trust him and trust you. He also wants you and him to be as honest as possible.
Do you not like something even though he seemed to be into it? Tell him, he wants it to be as equally enjoyable for you as it is for him.
Now, I’ve seen a lot of headcanons telling Oikawa is a switch with sub tendencies. 
I’m only gonna have to agree on the first part.
This kid is, indeed, a switch. However, he is more of a switch with dom tendencies, in my eyes.
Big on praise, like, very big. 
Secretly likes receiving more than giving, but you never heard that from me.
He also is into slight bondage. Handcuffs, ropes etc.
He likes to tie you up and block your sight. It makes him feel in control. 
Also, the way you squirm whenever he’s breathing or whispering into your ear when you least expect it, gets him rock hard every time. 
However, do the same to him and he’ll obey.
After being the fattest brat ever, of course.
Some other kinks he has are breath play, cockwarming, degradation, role-play, overstimulation, pain, food-play, stockings, cute lingerie and sadism.
(There are so many more kinks he likes and I want to go into detail about all of these but this shit will get too long so I won’t. Request if you want to see what I’d say about his kinks.)
He can go all out. 
But Oikawa prefers the more gentle sex where you just take time to enjoy each other’s carcasses. 
Is super vulnerable whenever that happens and has indeed broken down a couple of times during the act.
He can’t help it: he loves you too much that he can’t even keep on that facade anymore.
Aftercare with this baby is so cute. 
If the previous moments were a lot rougher, he likes to check up on you and praise you for your work. 
However, he gets you a glass of water and a towel to clean up the mess every time. 
When taken care of, he likes to plop down and just hold you as close as possible. Usually runs his fingers through your hair to confirm you’re still there with him. 
Falls asleep real quick, ngl
If I can give you a piece of advice: get up the morning after to make him breakfast
It’s something small but Oikawa really feels loved whenever he’s taking care of
Asks you to take place beside him and shares his breakfast with you
Yes, he is the type to put food into his mouth and share it with you with the help of a kiss that transfers the piece of food into your own mouth
Mornings like these are intimate and Oikawa cherishes them the most
Usually followed by just a lazy day of enjoying the presence of one another and probably some romance anime or Black Mirror binge watch.
Overall, this baby needs a lot of reassurance in his relationship. Let him know you’re there and won’t leave him (one of his, if not biggest, insecurities). Make him feel loved and let him take his time to warm up to you. Oikawa is worth the wait.
Iwaizumi is so very glad to see his best friend happy. He’s very grateful you two have met. Will never not show you how much he appreciates him.
“Thank you for loving him, Y/n-san,” Iwaizumi would say, voice lowered in hopes his friend wouldn’t be eavesdropping.
“Iwa-chan! Are you flirting with my girlfriend?”
“Shut up, shittykawa! You don’t deserve someone as good as her!”
He’s just happy his best friend is finally able to share his insecurities with someone he loves so much.
You’re a blessing to the both of them. 
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blissfullyshipping · 4 years
Braids and Misunderstandings (Thorin x Reader)
Requested by @elia-the-bibliophile​: Hi can I request a Thorin x fem human! reader where they’re married with 3 little dwarfling & they’re having a family time in their quarter in Erebor when their children ask them about how they meet each other, maybe it started with a misinterpretation between the 2 of you when you asked for Thorin’s help to braid your long hair but Thorin sees it as an invitation to court you (as per dwarvish custom) thank you!
Fandom: The Hobbit
Warnings: none just a load of toe curling fluff
A/N: I'm backkk. Felt like doing some writing and this request was too cute to not write, although it was a bit hard because I don’t like children and can’t write endings. Anyway hope you like!
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Your bedroom is in chaos. Your chambers mess was a result of getting your three children ready for Kili and Tauriel's wedding. The stress of each child changing their outfit three times or kicking their shoes off every five seconds, resulted in clothes lining every surface and shoes scattered haphazardly on the ground. And yet, coming home from the wedding and getting them to bed proves to be an even bigger task for Thorin and you.
"Ouch amad that hurts!" Your youngest, Melva, squeals on your lap as you try to brush her unruly locks.
"I'm sorry ghivashel," you hush her, gently bobbing your knee, "I'm nearly done I promise."
"Tyrig stop tugging your buttons, your mother just sewed them back on!" You look up at Thorin scolding your son, while he struggles to get Elaina into her nightgown.
"There, all done." You announce proudly as you clasp the last bead.
"No! I don't want braids!" Melva cries pulling out the braids you had just finished.
Sighing in exhaustion you pull her hands away from her head. "Good girls have neat braids nathith."
"How come Elaina doesn't have to!"
"Elaina's not ready for bed yet," Your eyes go to her sister, warning her to listen to her father. "She still needs to put her nightgown on and wash her face. Then adad will do her hair."
"Adad can braid hair?" Melva looks up at you, her eyebrows raised.
"Melva!" Thorin exclaims, hands clutching his heart feigning offence making his daughter giggle in your lap. "I taught your amad how to braid!" This gets the attention of all three children and both you and Thorin make use of their distracted state and get them ready for bed as you talk.
"Is that true?" Tyrig asks getting under the sheets.
"Yep," You nod. "Your father and I met because of braiding too."
"What are you telling them now amrâlimê?" Thorin asks coming out of the bathroom with a clean Elaina in his arms.
"Just about how we met."
"Ahh you mean when you proposed to me the first time we spoke."
"What?!" All three children scream in unison, making the two of you laugh.
"That's not true!" Slapping Thorin's chest. "It was just a small misunderstanding." You say as you put the last child in bed.
"What really happened amad?" Elaina asks. You look at the three sleepy dwarflings and back at Thorin who smiles softly, perching next to you on the bed. "If I tell you will you promise to go to sleep straight after."
The three of them nod enthusiastically ready to hear a new story, satisfied with their answer you lean against your husband and begin to retell it.
After the destruction of Erebor and your home in Laketown, you had fled with your best friend, Dis Durin, and the rest of her kin. Feeling more at home amongst the dwarves than your own kind.
Your friendship with Dis had grown since your days in Erebor, you were there for the dwarf-woman when her brother died and father left. You were there when the dwarves barely made it to the Iron Hills alive, and you were there when Dis had found her One.
You were ecstatic when she announced her engagement, and asked you to help with wedding preparations. You fulfilled the role of maid of honour proudly, and took it upon yourself to make sure every detail was executed to perfection.
Slipping into the lavender dress you sewed yourself, after finding nothing in the dwarven markets that would fit you for the ceremony, you move onto braiding your hair into the updo Dis had drawn out for you and the bridesmaids.
Brushing your long locks you stare at the drawing in bewilderment, what is it with dwarves and braids? 
Hesitantly, you start off braiding sections of your hair, weaving them together to recreate Dis' design. Thinking you had done well you look in the mirror eyes flicking back to the drawing and sigh at the mess on your head. Untying the braids and restarting again.
But after several tries and aching arms you give up, huffing on your stool in frustration. Not having much time before the wedding begins, you grab the drawing and leave the room to seek help.
You wander frantically around trying to look for anyone who can help, when you finally spot Dis' brother leaving his own room.
You'd never really talked to Thorin before, aside from the polite greetings in corridors or grieving condolences at funerals. You made sure to keep out of the King's way, because even if Dis had profusely told you Thorin didn't mind your company, you still weren't sure if he was okay with a woman joining his kin. Right now, however, you could use all the help you could get.
"Thorin!" You hiss after him, taking in his appearance. He was dressed in his finery making you stop short as you admire him. His hair and beard neatly braided, fur coat sitting proudly on broad shoulders and you can't help but admire the muscle on the dwarf.
When he calls your name you quickly come to your senses and smile bashfully up at him. "I was hoping you would braid my hair for me?" You ask nervously, tugging on a loose lock oblivious to Thorin's crestfallen face.
"I-uh-m-me?" He stutters taken aback by your question.
Having only ever admired you from afar Thorin would never have thought his crush was requited. This was the longest conversation he's had with you, and though he's dreamt of this countless of times he never thought you would propose to him so casually.
"Yes!" You blurt out. "Please Thorin, I can't think of anyone else to do it." You grab his hand in desperation, and Thorin has never felt so conflicted.
"Your hair is always so neatly braided, and Dis told me to recreate this," You wave the drawing in his face "and you know how she is, I just want it to look right."
Thorin gingerly takes the note from your hand, his callous fingers brush against yours, inciting goosebumps to travel up your arm. His eyes flick between the drawing and you, scratching the back of his neck and chuckling in embarrassment, before nodding his head at your wide eyed expression.
"Of course, Y/N." He says softly, leading you into his room.
You try to calm your nerves when you follow the king into his personal chambers, who quickly moves the pile of clothes on his bed, shoving them into a wardrobe.
"Uh- sorry about that. I hadn't really planned on what to wear." He excuses himself sheepishly, face burning when you giggle at his antics.
He moves you to the dressing table, sitting you on the stool and begins lightly raking his fingers through your hair. Your back goes rigid when his fingers tickle the back of your neck.
Thorin can't breathe. Just looking at you through the mirror, hair flowing over your bare shoulders makes his breath hitch. He had only ever seen you with your hair up. And yet here he is, fingers brushing through your long locks, mind cloudy as your lavender smell invades his senses. There is a reason why braiding is an intimate act.
He shakes his head of any impure thoughts and grabs the brush ready to start on the detailed design. Sectioning and braiding he falls into a rhythmic pattern and begins to ease up. Stopping short when he sees you shiver, glancing over to the open window.
"Apologies for the cold y/n, the furs were making me hot." he says breaking the silence, shrugging off his coat and placing it on your shoulders.
You smile and thank him snuggling into the thick fabric that smells of him. You begin to forget it's the king who's standing behind you, and start to relax into his touch, making light conversation and playing with the bits and bobs lying on his dressing table. Or staring at Thorin as he focuses on braiding, hiding your smile when he sticks his tongue out in concentration.
You inspect a box full of beads, recognising them as the ones Thorin wears in his hair. Up close like this, you can tell each intricately carved bead is different. The newer, shinier ones are probably gifts whilst the worn down and smoother beads must be passed down from generation to generation. You wonder if Thorin would allow you to wear one to the wedding and rifle through them.
A particular bead captures your attention, the carving seems slightly rougher than the others but you can see the effort and love put into it. You pluck the bead from the box marvelling at the craftsmanship. Did Thorin make this?
"Ok Y/N I'm nearly done." Thorin says softly, your eyes snap to the mirror and you stare in awe at what he's managed to achieve, finally understanding what Dis' drawing meant.
"Thorin it's beautiful!" You gasp eyes meeting his through the mirror, the beaming smile lighting up your face making Thorin's heart beat a little faster.
"You look beautiful Y/N." He nods in agreement.
You blush heavily and quickly look down so as not to embarrass yourself in front of him. Your attention going back to the bead clasped in your hand.
"Thorin," you gaze back up at him to see him already looking at you, "Could I put this in my hair too? I've always wanted the dwarven beads and you have so many…" You trail off hoping you haven't stepped over the line. You know dwarves take their hair very seriously.
Thorin nods enthusiastically, repeating over and over in his head that you don't know the dwarvish customs, that this isn't you reciprocating his feelings. Even so, his face falls when you turn and place the chosen bead in his hand. What was wrong? Had you overstepped?
 He looks up to see your concerned eyes and clears his throat uncomfortably. "You want this specific one?" He asks tentatively. You nod not knowing if you had done something wrong.
"I didn't mean to offend you," you rush out. "I just thought it looked very pretty, the carving is beautiful did you do it yourself?"
Thorin nods silently and you can feel the awkwardness rising. Clearly it meant a lot to him.
"Actually it's fine. My hair looks beautiful as it is and it was rude of me to ask, I know beads and hair mean a lot to dwarves, I didn't mean to overstep." You apologise reaching for the bead, but Thorin moves his hand away from you, a strained laugh escapes his lips as he does so. You look up at him and see determination replacing his hesitant eyes.
"You truly have no idea on what braiding means, do you." He asks and you shake your head. "To braid someone's hair is to promise to court them."
Oh, that actually makes a lot of sen- OHH! Oh Mahal no! Had you really been this stupid?! Realisation hits you and you apologise profusely to Thorin, the horror evident on your face makes him laugh. "Don't worry Y/N I know you didn't mean it that way."
You look up at Thorin and take in his amused expression. You try to hide your embarrassment and turn on your stool. Avoiding his eyes in the mirror, you allow him to finish your hair.
However Thorin hesitates, deep in thought. His entertained expression falls as he grips the bead tightly in his fist. Do you feel embarrassed about the idea of being courted by him?
"I made this bead when I became of age to start courting." He begins. "It's carved from stone found in the mines back in Erebor. It's rather ordinary, my father was surprised and tried to persuade me to use gems instead. But I insisted because it's a piece of me that I would want to gift my One. It's home."
Thorin's eyes are still on the bead when you look at him, his face marred into a conflicted expression. You turn and thread your hand through his, drawing his attention to you and giving him a rueful smile. You felt touched he was sharing this with you and it spurred confidence within you.
"It's so precious Thorin. Any girl would be honoured to wear it." Your voice hushed as all you can hear is your heart pounding.
I want you to wear it. The sentence seems so simple, so innocent, but stuck on the tip of his tongue. Thorin doesn't know your heart or feelings, he doesn't know how you'll react to him proposing to you or how Laketown men propose to women. How he wishes he could just say it, to see the joy in your eyes when he does. Opening his mouth, struggling to find the right words the sentence tumbles from his lips.
"I want y-"
"Thorin have you seen…" The two of you jump apart when Dis bursts into the room. "Y/N! I've been looking for you! Where have you been?!"
"I-I can't braid hair and that drawing you did was complicated so I got Thorin to do it." You stutter slightly, eyes flying to Thorin who keeps his gaze fixed on his sister, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. What was he going to say?
"I'll finish it off for you later. The florists just got here and he's brought the wrong shade of flowers I mean how difficult is it to…" The soon to be bride carries on ranting, taking you by the arm and leading you out of the room before you can utter a word in reply. You throw an apologetic look to the King before the door shuts behind you.
Thorin slumps onto the stool you had just been sitting on. Raking a hand through his hair he looks down at the courting bead still clutched in his fist. Sighing he places it back into the box and picks up the coat that slipped from your shoulders, your lavender smell still lingering in the fabric. Making himself presentable again he leaves his chambers and goes to help with the last minute wedding preparations, determined to be the first person you dance with.
"That's it?!" Tyrig demands hands flying in the air. "You didn't even propose?" The three dwarflings lie in bed unhappy with the ending.
"Yep aunty Dis ruined it all." Thorin says casually earning a whack from you. "What it's true if she wasn't there these three would probably be about two years older." He defends earning another whack.
"Two years?!" The eldest shouts, catching onto your husbands remark. "You waited two years!"
"Timing is everything ghivashel, I regret nothing." You say getting up. "No more questions now, you'll have to save them for breakfast you promised you'd go to sleep remember." This earns a chorus of groans from your children.
Kissing them goodnight you leave their room, Thorin taking your hand as you make your way to clear the rest of the mess in your chamber.
"Did you mean what you said." Thorin whispers into the dead of night, when you're both curled up in bed. "Do you really regret nothing?"
Snuggling into him, wrapping an arm round his neck and giving him a long chaste kiss you lay your head on his chest.
"I wouldn't change a thing. Menu tessu." You whisper back, happily falling asleep after a long and tiring day. You feel Thorin press one last kiss to your hair, before he too gives into the darkness.
And just as you both close your eyes in bliss, your youngest starts crying making you both groan.
Ghivashel = treasure of all treasures
amad/adad/nathith = mother/father/daughter
Amrâlimê = my love
Menu tessu = you mean everything to me
Lotr tagslist: @j25m18c24​ @spooookyscary​ @waddles03​ @bogbody​
421 notes · View notes
alicemitch09writes · 3 years
(un)loving miya atsumu
the boys in the club.
As soon as practice ended, you had just finished writing in the journal, signing off a few things, eyes glued to your written analysis and observations bent on heading home. Kaoru needed help with one of his homework and asked you earlier to help him.
Just then, a familiar voice called out to you.
Looking up, you meet the kind gaze of Aran. “We’re headin’ to that new boba shop by the station, wanna come with?” Behind him were Akagi, Oomimi, Kita, and a few other players, watching you with inviting smiles.
You paused, gripping on to your notebook.
Thing was, it had been a few days since the incident. As much as your seniors meant no harm, you didn’t want a reminder of your humiliation.
More importantly, this was Ojiro Aran – out of everyone in the team, he was the one who knew the twins best and the one of the few people they respected, he was their straightman as much as a big brother figure to them. And because you were associated with the twins, he had the same reception with you - if not, kinder and softer. Something akin to concern swam in those dark eyes of his, to which you had to ignore.
Atsumu – who was watching with a glare, brown eyes burning at you, threatening – would hate you even more for trying to take Aran from him.
And so, you shake your head. “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to pass. But please, enjoy for me.”
Without another word, you nodded at them all, ignoring the sad look in their eyes, and left.
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"Karasuno," you corrected, almost exasperatedly. Seriously, how old was Coach Kurosu again?
Realization dawns on him. "Ah, haven't heard that name in a while."
"Are they any good?"
"Dunno, they're an old powerhouse."
Humming, you look back at the pamphlet in your hands. "A rather glorious comeback, wouldn't you say?"
The older man pulls his head back, barking in laughter. "That's a rather poetic way of saying it!"
It would be something your captain would say, but currently, he's busy having a practice match with the rest of the team.
As always, with him on the court, everyone played to their best and didn't half-ass or slack. Heck, even Suna was doing some work!
But of course, there were his plays - graceful, smooth, and focused solely on the defense.
Definitely a clear cut choice of captain, the standard, in your opinion.
"Aran-san, nice serve!"
A blur of yellow and blue flies to his hand, dribbling it with his one hand as he walks to the end of the court and waits for the whistle. With him serving, it had everyone on high alert.
The ball flies up in the air, Ojiro runs up, hands raised to meet the falling ball, sending it flying to the other side of the court just barely touching the outer line. Still an in.
Definitely an ace alright, enough to be recognized in the country’s top 5 aces.
Whoever the next ace was – it’s going to be a tough call between Osamu and Ginjima - they have big shoes to fill.
Quickly, you write in your notebook.
'Ojiro serves: Ins - 5, Outs - 1'
After a week of exams, it was only natural that people reverted back to their normal state – you with managerial duties for the school’s illustrious volleyball club. Fresh out of the burn of their academics, everyone seemed to be in high spirits.
"What're you standing around the court for? Chase after it!" Coach Kurosu yells. "Geez, my dog chases balls better than these nitwits."
And there's his dog analogy, you thought to yourself, hilarious as always to hear.
On the other side of the court was a team composed of Suna, Osamu, Atsumu, and Ginjima - the trouble children, and two other second years. Opposing them were the third years - Kita, Akagi, Oomimi, Aran, one third year, and another second year.
Honestly, your captain would've done well as libero, with his amazing receiving skills and read of the ball's trajectory. He wasn't the team's defensive specialist for nothing. Nevertheless, as a wing spiker, he does well for his part. Regardless if his skills were average, just the way he presents himself in and out of the court was astounding.
"Suna, nice serve!" you called out, watching the tall boy walk back in line.
Just as the whistle blew, the ball was sent flying in the air leaving the opposing team scrambling.
For one rather lackadaisical, Suna's techniques were something. If only he gave his all in all of his games.
'Suna serves: Ins - 4, Outs - 0'
Seeing gray-dyed, you closely watched as Osamu toy with the current blockers, not once intimidated by Oomimi, the top blocker of the team.
As the ball appeared before him, instead of spiking it, he tossed it to his waiting twin, sending the ball to the other court. A flash of gold - a hungry look in his eyes as the ball goes the way he wanted it to go, enough to blind from your spot.
"The twins are on point today as usual," Coach Kurosu says with a nod. You nod with him, writing into your logbook.
'Miya Twins quicks: success - 6, fails - 1'
Yep, everyone was definitely in high spirits today.
Your thoughts and observations were echoed by the two coaches after practice, after congratulating them for all doing a great job during the previous week. Exams were no laughing matter, they were a test to see one’s mental and academic capability – as they were all students.
Now that you think about it, as Coach Oomi was telling off a few of the boys, you had to follow up on their performance once the results were out. Normally, they’d get their test results in a week’s time, probably.
After that, a short break for the holidays.
Must be nice…
"Ah, by the way," you call out, making your presence known and just before the coaches ended today’s practice.
All eyes were on you, attention on high. Turning to your coaches pointedly, expectantly, they only stared back, question in their eyes. Frowning, your head tilted slightly, they stared back. The frown on your face deepened, unamused.
Planting your hand on your hip, your expression sours. "You both forgot, didn't you?" they winced.
"A-Ah, you have to be specific, (L/N)." Coach Oomi defended, Coach Kurosu nodding beside him.
Your frown only deepened, eyes narrowing.
"We just talked about it before practice started," though your voice was even, there was enough bite to it. And though older than you, the two men felt small under your reprimanding gaze. More so when you sighed, as though you've said too much. “And you both told me to remind you about it before we end today’s practice.”
As the team watched, they felt just as though you were talking to the lot of them – your voice thick with disappointment. Kita watched, unaffected by it all almost amused by it all.
With a sigh, you turned to the team, eyes easily finding blond-dyed hair. "Miya Atsumu,"
The setter straightens at the sound of his name. "Y-Yes?"
Lifting your lips up, a gentle smile filled your face.  "Congratulations, you've been selected to join the All-Japan Youth Camp." You say with a smile – a true, genuine, and proud smile, despite knowing that you were the last person he’d like to hear it from.
Something in Atsumu starts at the sight of it.
It took a second for him to process your words, before he burst into joy. “Y-Yosha!”
Congratulations were tossed his way left and right from his teammates. Beside you, it seemed as though it finally came to the coaches as they sheepishly scratched the back of their heads, avoiding your gaze.
"W-Wait, how about 'Samu?" Atsumu asked, directing his question to you.
The smile on your face thinned. "Sadly, there's an invite for only one Miya."
Interestingly enough, Osamu’s only reaction was to blink, his gray-brown eyes becoming distant.
"Should you have any concerns or queries, feel free to approach any of the coaches." There was a finality to your tone, causing the older men to jump.
“A-Ah, right. Thank you for that, (L/N).” says Coach Kurosu, smiling at you, apologetically and gratefully. He got a nod from you. “Again, congratulations Atsumu. Now for the rest of y’all, I don’t want the rest of you slacking behind just because of this, y’hear me?”
“No coach,” they replied.
“Alright, good. Dismissed.”
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(A few days before his leave for Tokyo, Atsumu was at school with a rare free period shared with Osamu, Suna, and Ginjima. They all decided to head to the library, in lieu of studying but to loiter in actuality.
Atsumu was gushing to the brim, excitement in his bones to meet some interesting volleyball players from all across the nation. Heck, he might even see that one annoying player with the wicked spins on his serves.
“Ah, that’s Itachiyama’s Sakusa,” Ginjima says.
“Isn’t he one of the top high school aces in the country?” Osamu asked, voice thinly veiled with curiosity.
“Actually, he’s the top ace.” Suna said without looking up from his phone, fingers tapping and sliding every few seconds.
“Shit, for real?”
“He even beat Aran!”
A loud shush sounded off, the student librarian glaring at their table. The four boys quieted down, Osamu shoving at his twin, who retaliated with his own shove before Ginjima stepped in to break it off.
“Man, I’m gonna meet a buncha interesting people!” the setter gushes, he was practically radiating it off. In all their years playing volleyball, this was actually the first time that Atsumu was going alone. Although they talked it out with his twin, Atsumu sharing it with his brother and friends make it believable that he isn’t alone in this, it was enough to fill his spirits. (Nobody tell him he’s lonely about going alone, though)
“Just don’t go off starting a ruckus,” Osamu stands from his seat, because the student assistant was glaring holes into their table. He comes back a moment later with some books in his hands, a mix of cookbooks, sports, and literature books.
From his seat, the student assistant looked appeased by the sight of books before turning back to his duties. Their group exchanged snickers, returning to their idle state.
Just then, through the open doors, Ginjima caught sight of you passing by “Ah, it’s manager.”
Atsumu never turned so quickly on his life – which the Ginjima found rather comical – indeed finding you out the hallway uniform nice and tidy as always, not a hair out of place, with arms filled with textbooks.
With Kusakabe beside you.
It made his blood boil for some reason, seeing the two of you together – when there were a few other classmates as well. You’ve become close with Mr. Four-Eyes, it seems.
“Ah, she chose an extra class, right?”
“That’s right.” Osamu answered with a nod. “Chemistry, I believe.” To which everyone deflated at, it was a science with a bunch of math. Yet, unsurprisingly, it was rather fitting for you. It shouldn't also surprise them that you chose to add an extra class instead of having free time like them. College prep kids were built different, it seems.
Recovering, Ginjima watches the back of your head as he comments. “Ah, I keep forgetting manager’s in a college prep class.”
“Wasn’t her big sister in one, too?” asked Suna, looking up for once, chin resting on his folded arms.
When you were out of sight, Atsumu turned back to his group. “I think so? She was in Class 5?”
“Manager’s in Class 7, though.” Ginjima stated.
Suna scoffs. “There’s just a 2 difference.”
“Aren’t they just the same, though?” Atsumu frowned, now recalling how each of the (L/N) siblings were intellectuals. Mika, you, and Kaoru were all in honor’s classes, with you being in the classes for all of your middle school, junior high, and probably all of high school. Kaoru might even follow in your footsteps if he can balance soccer and his studies.
“Pretty much, I guess.”
“Nah, (Y/N)’s the smarter sibling.” Osamu answered again, rather smoothly almost defensively. “She’s been part of the top students since middle school.”
Ginjima and Suna hums, with the latter going back to browsing his phone.
“Osamu, you know a great deal about manager, huh?”
The corner of his lips twitch, briefly meeting his twin’s gaze before plucking a random book from their stack. “Yeah well, she’s my best friend.”
My best friend, Osamu says. Not ‘our’.
Ah, yeah, there was that. He couldn’t share the joy with you anymore.)
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Walking down the busy hall, students flocking every corner, you carefully maneuvered even without looking up. What’s more, you were at the third year’s floor – which should intimidate lower year levels, but not you.
Glancing you, you found Class 5 and approached the door.
“Excuse me,” you asked the student closest to the door. “Is Aran-san around?”
“Ojiro?” turning to the room, the student called out. “Hmm, ah, there he is. Oi, Ojiro, someone’s here for you!”
As soon as he was called, a tall figure stands from his seat, eyes widening at the sight of you. He raises a hand as he approaches. “Yo, (Y/N), what’s up?”
“Ah, we’ve run low on some supplies,” you reported, hands folded behind you.
Almost immediately, he falls into vice-captain mode. “Yes, that! Well, don’t worry about inventory check because Shinsuke and I did them for you.”
“Really?" unconsciously, your shoulders relaxed. "That’s a relief.”
Aran's whole face softens down at you. “Hey, as captain and vice-captain, we’re both obliged to at least ease our manager’s burdens. We can help out, too, y'know?” You had to smile at that. “Just gimme a sec, I’ll get the list.”
You watch Aran walk back to his seat, leaving you alone to look around his classroom. It was no different than yours, except there was a certain feel to it. In fact, everyone in the room - although were, very much like you, students - had a feel that was different about them. Third years, huh?
“Here we go,” Aran returns with some papers in his hands.
“Thank you very much,”
“Now, don’t forget to ask the coaches-“
“Will do. By the way, how’s your little sister?” A little small talk couldn’t hurt, right?
The older teen sort of frowns, the same frown he uses on the twins. “I swear, the older she gets the more she’s getting on my nerves!”
“I’m so sorry to hear that,” you stifled a laugh, failingly. If you remember correctly, Aran’s little sister was just Kaoru’s age.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh about it all you want.” Sighing, he threw his hands in the air. “Why can’t she be more like you?”
“Cold, stoic, barely human?”
He sputtered, gesticulating rather dramatically. “Oi!”
“It’s the truth.”
Grumbling, he clears his throat, fixes himself into his big brother persona, arms folded over his chest for added effect. “I wish she was more collected and responsible, like you.”
“A ringing endorsement from one of the top high school aces, I’m flattered.”
Sharing laughter, he reached over to ruffle his hand over your head. “You at least deserve to be complimented every once in a while.”
You hum, warmed by his words. "You could at least just talk it out with her, that's how I deal with Kaoru."
"Yeah, but she doesn't take me seriously."
"Neither does Kaoru," Aran looks surprised by this, you can't blame him, your younger brother was a brat and a lot to deal with. "However, it does help to aptly remind him time and time again of his misdemeanor. You most certainly have to be strict with managing him but also respect their feelings. In addition, you must speak to them like a child and not a subject of some sort."
For some reason, he felt a chill run down his spine. "S-Sheesh, you sound like Shinsuke when you say that."
Unable to help yourself, the corner of your mouth lifts into a smirk-like smile. "Who do you think taught me all those?"
His expression flattens, eyes shut as it comes to him. "Ah. Man. Geez."
He then sighs in defeat, shoulders lifting and dropping. "Still wished she turned out like you, (Y/N)."
"Trust me, you don't want a boring little sister. Anyway, good luck with her though."
"Will do, thanks for the tips," he mutters a few things under his breath, something like a prayer.
Tucking the papers aside, you just about turned to leave when you nearly run into someone.
“Atsumu, watch where you’re going ya lug!” Aran says behind you. 
“S-Sorry-“ he looks down, eyes widening when he realizes he crashed into you, you blink back in concern. “S-Sorry-!”
“No, I’m sorry for not paying attention to my surroundings.” Taking a step back, you found Osamu, Suna, and Ginjima behind him - giving them all a bow before walking away.
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Before he left for Tokyo though, both your families had a little get-together at the Miya residence.
To say it was awkward was an understatement, especially because of the rift between you and one particular twin, and because the family didn't exactly know about the situation - but you managed by helping around whilst the twins (plus Kaoru) played some games.
“Don’t you want to join them?” the Miya matriarch asked you kindly.
Over at the living room, the boys were loudly cheering, eyes glued to their game, Kaoru nestled between the twins.
You shook your head, focusing on chopping the vegetables. “I’m fine.” Cooking helped calmed you, busying your hands and sense of smell and taste helped calmed your nerves. Meticulously following through recipes in your head, focusing only on making delectable dishes for all.
As much as you can, you didn't want the family to notice something between you and Atsumu, didn't want to ruin the already bright atmosphere because of his success, didn't want to ruin his day, didn't want to ruin his reputation because of you.
Dinner was a quiet affair between the families, congratulating Atsumu over and over for qualifying for the All-Japan Youth Camp. Osamu heartily ate, sitting next to you, Atsumu to his other side. With his twin as the star of the feast, you saw him brimming with pride and a bit of shyness - especially in the presence of family. It made you smile, but only for a quick while.
So you ate quietly, keeping your head low.
It was already worth knowing how quiet you were unless asked a question. Nobody seemed to mind, used to your quiet presence.
"Kaoru, eat properly," you berate, reaching over, napkin in hand to wipe your brother's face.
It's also known that you were such a caring person - sister, most especially.
"You're almost an adolescent now and still you eat like a child." There was rice on his shirt on his table, how embarrassing. How is he 12?
"Nee-san, please!" At that, the adults laugh, seemingly used to it all. Even Atsumu laughed in. "I'm not a baby!"
"You'll always be a baby to us, brother boy." Atsumu teased your little brother, booping his nose with his finger.
Groaning, Kaoru angrily puts down his bowl and chopsticks, swatting you and Atsumu's hands away. The adults laugh again, especially at the combined forces of you and Atsumu.
The blond-dyed teen meets your eye, time freezing for a moment, you kept thinking of them as brown when they were actually honey brown. It was hard to look away from them, especially with how he took you in. Something kickstarted in your chest.
Clearing your throat, you quickly sit back, he does the same. Osamu fills his plate and yours too.
Feeling a vibration in your pocket, you take out your phone, eyes widening at a notification.
"Ah, Mi-" unsure how to address him, especially because the adults and Kaoru were there, you cleared your throat again, capturing everyone's attention, including Atsumu's. "Mika-nee sends her congratulations."
Like magic, his whole face lights up like a Christmas tree. Misery, it was it feels like, followed by a thousand arrows shot through your already fragile heart.
"She furthers that, 'she knew you could do it. Have fun in Tokyo,' it was a miracle how firm you kept your tone, in its usual monotonous tone. "And 'hello to everyone, I miss you all.'"
The adults then turn to tease Atsumu, Osamu reminding his twin that your sister was still with her boyfriend, resulting in them fighting. Bemused by their usual antics, the adults ask you questions about your sister's well-being, you answered as best you could before they began to talk amongst themselves about traveling, allowing you to wallow on the pain.
Yep, that was the Mika effect.
She could light up a room by just the mention of her name, amplifying the happiness of someone's achievement.
And who were you? Just a bystander. A ghost, even. Your words meant absolutely nothing, especially for Atsumu.
But - you peeked up, seeing him steal from Osamu's plate - at least it made him happy, right?
As much as it pained you, that smile on his face was everything.
"Nee-san, can you pass me some meat please?" Kaoru asks you politely, rice sticking to his cheeks.
Swallowing the pain, you robotically reach out and placed an ample amount into his waiting plate, grateful for the distraction.
Again, this was about Atsumu. Not about you.
Reaching over, you were just about to clean his face when he does it himself. "I can do it myself, nee-san." your little brother's grin was a mess, yet you couldn't find it in your heart to get mad, especially at the proud look on his still messy face.
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With Atsumu gone for a whole week, and nationals coming up soon, practice as of late has been hectic and hard. Also, because the team was short of one Miya, it went quietly and peacefully – a strange and rather unnatural occurrence. That excuse any kind of indolence though, especially with nationals drawing near.
"Put your backs into it!" barked Coach Kurosu.
Somehow, because nationals were coming, practice went on slower than usual. And that was saying, you were still in the middle of winter.
The boys had to work themselves to the bone, beating the chilly winter breeze, pumping the blood in their veins. Each player gave their all, yelling out when both coaches couldn't hear them.
Blowing on your whistle, you called out. "Alright, take a 10-minute break." 
Never have you seen the whole gym deflate, thankfully.
Heck, it was only the first half of practice!
Water bottles were handed and consumed in record time, a few players even fell to the ground, legs raised against the wall.
"I'm gonna die!" 
"You're not going to die," you retort at the first year. "Just don't force yourself." The first year whines once more.
"There's a difference between forcing yourself and giving your all in a game," a cold voice added in, causing the first year to shoot up sitting. "That being said, you needn't need to slack off. Just play like you usually would."
"Y-Yes, Kita-san!"
Huffing you turned to your captain, who blinked back at you. 
"Good work today, captain."
"Practice is far from over, (L/N)." he mused, eyes bright.
Humming, you glance at the stopwatch - eight minutes had just passed. (E/c) eyes then drifted over the gym, over the heads of the club members, a sea of black and white practice uniform. This was a scene you were used to all of your two years as manager, for all of four seasons. 
Somehow, just looking out at it all, something felt missing.
No, not something - someone.
Someone with golden blond-dyed hair, bright honey brown eyes, a sly smirk, and astounding presence.
It was missing one Miya Atsumu.
Glancing back at the stopwatch, a minute had just passed you realized.
Lifting your head again, you were met with the same view. 
Sighing, you pocket the stopwatch and announce the remaining minutes of practice there was left. Frowning at nothing, you felt something tug at your ponytail. Looking over, you were met with a darker version of a person in your head - darker hair, darker eyes, same gentle eyes.
"Osamu, what's up?"
"Can you help me tape up?"
"...that's rare, you don't normally tape up your hands." you say, leading the two of you to where the first aid kid was.
"It's winter," was all he reasoned, almost in a grumble. Almost childishly.
It almost made you snort, that was usually his brother's complaint - as he was more particular with his hands and being a setter in general.
"(Y/N), please." he whined, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Yes, yes."
With one Miya short, it meant one was left behind - Osamu.
Even without his twin, he pretty much carried himself just fine. Between the two, he was much more independent. Atsumu was always the clingy twin.
And with his older twin away, that meant, more time with the lad. More time with your best friend.
But as the saying goes, two is better than one.
Two Miyas is better than one.
Still, you made the most out of it, since there was no way you coming in between the brothers.
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“You said that chicken noodle soup is your ultimate comfort food, right?”
“Yeah. What about it?”
Osamu was silent for a moment, watching the steaming white rice in front of both of you. “Mine’s onigiri.”
For some reason, that surprised you. “Really? Not your mom’s-”
Hands washed, the two of you dug on to the bowl of rice, carefully shaping it in your hands. “That’s a surprise. You never told me that.”
Although, it did explain how after you moved in and met him, he was asking you to help him make onigiri. Much like now. Except with his chubby hands then, most of his end product ended up badly shaped, too soggy, bland, or lacking.
Years of practice saw to his improvement, with his onigiris being perfectly shaped, flavorful, and rich in texture enough to beat the rice balls at convenient stores. Not to mention that he’s grown a penchant for cooking, after being friends with you.
Rice was a rather versatile grain that has a lot of varieties, depending on how you choose to make use of it. Japanese dishes were mostly simple but made had a lot of intricacies that rivaled gourmet dishes. Onigiri had a lot of variants – white rice, wrapped, seasoned, mixed rice, fillings, to name a few.
But for Osamu, the humble white rice onigiri was his favorite.
It was worth noting that through the years you’ve watched him mold his rice – once, burning his hands because they were too hot or because he was too impatient – he seemed rather determined in the process. He shaped the onigiri as though he were holding something precious, taking careful means, making sure that he had the right amount of seaweed and mayonnaise.
Most of his onigiris were huge, like the size of his hand. Well, he was an athlete and a huge glutton – so those two combinations spoke plenty. However, when he finally finished his first perfect onigiri, something crossed his eyes – it sent a twinge in your heart, seeing so much emotion in those usually guarded eyes of his.
The boy just stared at his onigiri for a while, as though in disbelief. Upon closer inspection, he looked as though he were in a daze.
“…have I ever told you why it’s my comfort food?”
There seemed a weight to his words, shown in the way his eyes glazed over a simple homemade rice ball. People have different ways of expressing themselves, some through writing, some through sports, some even through cooking.
Osamu conveyed his feelings through cooking, it seems.
Turning to face him, you wore a gentle smile. “I would very much like to hear it.”
Meeting your gaze, slowly, his lips lift into a smile.
Over a plate of perfectly made onigiris, Osamu tells you a story of his first love.
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There was a knock at your door, followed by the doorknob turning. “Nee-san,” came your little brother’s voice, accompanied by crinkling plastic. “here.”
Flipping on to the next page, busily writing into your notebook,  was all he got. You barely looked up from your notes!
Miffed, he tried calling you again, “Nee-san!” he dragged on the first syllable, doing the same with the last syllable with a baby voice. To no avail, much to Kaoru’s disappointment.
Though you were wearing earbuds, normally Kaoru would hear soft, gentle tunes playing off it, so you could still hear him. Only, you were really into your notes, as though your own brother wasn’t in the same room as you.
Puffing his cheeks, he paddled up towards you, poking you in the cheek. “Nee-san,” Much more disappointed and annoyed, he looks at the plastic in his bag, carefully lifts it up until the cold plastic touches your cheek, the touch shocking you instantly.
“Ah, Kaoru,” You gently pushed him away from you, pulling your earbuds off, rubbing at your cold cheek. “what are you doing here?”
“I knocked!” his cheeks were still puffed, the (adorable) frown on his face easing. “Here.” He raises the plastic earlier to you, at an eye level.
Bubble tea.
Blinking, you carefully take it from your brother’s hands. “Who’s it from?”
“Atsumu-nii and Osamu-nii.”
Your brows furrowed at that. “Both of them?”
“Yep! I have one, too!” he showed his own drink, heartily sipping from it, unaware of the questioning look in your face and tone.
You would understand if Osamu bought it, but Atsumu? And Kaoru, as much of a brat he can be at times, hardly lied – at least to your face. And he loved the Miya twins. He was also scared of lying to your face.
“We’re about to eat dinner, though.” You berate, especially at the amount of sugar in his drink. “When did they give it?”
“Just minutes ago! Atsumu-nii handed it over because Osamu-nii had to make dinner.” Ah, so that confirms it then.
Humming, you take the drink in your hand. “Thanks, Kaoru.”
The little boy toothily grins. “You’re welcome, nee-san!” rushing to the door, he turns to tell you, “I’ll come back when dinner’s ready!”
“Yeah, thanks.”
With a click, you were alone in your room once more. Music softly played from your earbuds, homework sitting idly.
Surprisingly, the drink was still cold. Just how long ago did they buy this?
Atsumu and Osamu bought this, you remind yourself, twisting the drink in your hand, fiddling with the straw with your other hand. Straightening your drink, you punctured your straw in.
Taking a sip, you let the flavors settle in your tongue before swallowing. “…not too sweet, just salty enough.” Just the way you like it.
Twirling the drink in your hand, it just occurred to you that today was Atsumu's return from Tokyo.
masterlist • seven
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taleasnewastime · 4 years
Flatmates | Part 2
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Summary: You need to find a spare room after deciding to move out of your flat that you share with your best friend and her boyfriend. Stumbling upon an advert for a room that seems almost too good to be true, you decide for once to not over think and go for it. But who is the mystery flatmate you are now living with that you hardly see?
Pairing: Hoseok/Reader
Genre: Fluff, angst, slight smut
Word count: 16.9k
Part 1
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol consumption (though just for fun).
Authors Note: So this is part 2 and the final part of this story. There’s a bit of everything in this, fluff, smut and angst. I hope you enjoy :) 
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The conversation you had accidentally overheard plagued your mind over the following days. Thoughts on what the conversation could have been about littered your mind. Most of them negative.  
As promised, Hoseok had a few days off work, so although you still had to go to work, you saw him in the evenings. The two of you hanging out almost as if you were normal flatmates. You grew to know him more than you had before and you grew to like him. He seemed like a normal person rather than the rich man that you had painted him to be in your mind. But as much as you tried to forget it, the conversation between Hoseok and Jimin wouldn’t leave your mind and you wondered every time you spoke to him whether that was when he was going to bring it up and whether that was the right time he was referring to.
The few days that Hoseok has off go by too quickly and before you know it you are back alone in the flat. You would never admit it to anyone, but you missed the mans presence around the flat. You missed coming home to see him lounging on the sofa. You missed eating your tea with him. You missed watching TV with him, even if the two of you didn’t talk. It felt like you had a normal living arrangement and you would go as far as calling him a friend now. 
The first day that you came home knowing that Hoseok wouldn’t be home you felt your mood dampen. But then you noticed the distinctive colour of a post-it note on the side. Your heart initially drops at the sight, realising that this was now how you would have to communicate. Just as quickly as your heart drops, it lifts back up in excitement, because any communication with him was good. Dropping your bag by the door you go and pick up the note, reading it.
Maybe Yoongi was right. Text me whenever, about whatever.  
Followed by a series of numbers that you assume is his number. Your first emotion was shock, not expecting a note was one thing, Hoseok giving you his number was another thing. Your second emotion was a slight panic. Sure you had grown closer to Hoseok over the past few days, but you still felt weird about texting him. What should you message him? You had initially wanted him to give you his number first, but now that had happened, you realise the ball was in your court to message him, and what the hell were you supposed to say. You spent that night debating over a text, and in the end you had just opted for a simple.  
Hi, it’s Y/N. Now you have my number too :)
You had slightly cringed at the message, but all other options you thought of were just as awkward. Trying to take Lilys constant advice, you ended up not over thinking it too much and just send the message.  
From there your conversations moved from post-it note, to in person conversation to finally text messages. Like Yoongi had joked, you had moved into the 21st Century and though messages weren’t that frequent, they were more frequent than the notes you used to leave. You were able to ask him if he would want food that night, ask him how his days were going, joke with him about things you found around the flat. Again it didn’t feel like a conventional flatmate relationship, but it was a definite improvement.  
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After a few weeks of almost constant texting and seeing Hoseok once here and there around the flat you got a message from Jimin.  
Hey it’s Jimin. Hobis birthday is next weekend and we’re throwing him a surprise birthday. I was hoping you would do us the biggest favour in letting us host at the flat and helping us keeping it a surprise? Please could you let me know ASAP? Look forward to seeing you, hopefully you don’t pass out before all the fun this time x
A smile comes to your face as you read the message. You hardly knew Jimin yet you liked the fact he was messaging you as if you were friends. The message was a bit of a surprise, though, as you had no idea that it was Hoseoks birthday. You had a week to try and figure out what the hell you were going to buy him. You reply to Jimin.  
Y/N: All good with me. Let me know how I can help out, decorations, snacks, entertainment etc. I won’t drink any of your cocktails this week and I should be fine.
Jimin: Thank you so much, I was going to bribe you with alcohol but sounds like that won’t be necessary. I’ll get everything sorted and keep you posted on the plans. You’ll get to meet the rest of the gang too, they can’t wait to meet you x  
You hadn’t really thought about the fact that you would be meeting all of Hoseoks friends until Jimin mentions it. A room full of people that all probably knew everyone, and then you. Nerves at the thought of the party start to build. But you busy yourself with ideas at presents and trying to help Jimin to organise different aspects of the party.  
The weekend rolls around in no time, birthday balloons and banners appear around the flat. As promised Jimin and Jin turned up early to help decorate. They told you that Hoseok had been asked to help do something at work as a distraction, meaning he would be home late and it would leave enough time for you all to set up and people to turn up before him. Having never met Jin before it didn’t take long for you to feel like you had known him forever, he was the sort of person who you could easily talk to and feel at home with.  
As the three of you set up for the party, more people slowly started to turn up. Taehyung and Yoongi turned up near the start, and you were happy there were some familiar faces. Namjoon and Jungkook also turned up early and were introduced as close friends of Hoseok. They all seemed a close-knit group, but they involved you in everything they did and discussed and made you feel at home around them. They seemed like a nice bunch and you could see why Hoseok was friends with them.  
When you had all transformed the flat so that it was ready for a party, more people started to turn up. Liv was the only person you had met before and you felt a bit anxious at the room full of people that clearly knew each other well and you knew none of them. You hardly even knew the person who the party was for, and you wished you had asked if you could have at least invited Lily, then you wouldn’t have felt so alone. Even with these doubts in your mind though, Hoseoks friends involved you in their conversations, explaining stories when necessary, asking questions about you. In the end it didn’t feel so bad.  
Before the party you had decided you didn’t want to get as drunk as the last time you had met Hosoeks friends, taking the words in Jimins text seriously. However with the build-up of nerves you did end up with a drink in your hand before Hoseok had even turned up to the party, deciding that the alcohol would give you some liquid courage.  
At the expected time Jimin told everyone that Hoseok was heading up to the flat and that everyone should hide. Looking around a bit lost as to where to go, Jungkook grabs your arm and pulls you over to a spot behind the door, and you smile up at him in thanks.  
“Thanks for letting us steal the flat for this,” he whispers into your ear as the lights go out.  
“It’s Hoseoks flat. I should be thanking you guys for letting me join,” you say.  
His face scrunches in confusion, causing a few wrinkles to appear on his nose, and his eyebrows to be pulled closer together.  
“But you pay to live here, so it’s as much your flat as his,” he argues. “And of course you had to be here. Hobi talks about you all the time so I think he would kick off if he found out you weren’t allowed to stay.”  
Now it was your turn to show confusion. Memories come back to you of Jimin saying that Hoseok had spoken about you, which had surprised you at the time, but you had assumed he had just mentioned that you were living with him. Before you can argue your point more or ask what Hoseok had said about you, Jungkook taps you on the shoulder pointing at the front door which a lock can be heard twisting in. Seconds later the door opens to reveal an unsuspecting Hoseok.  
As he turns the lights on everyone jumps out of their hiding spot shouting “happy birthday” to him. Hoseok nearly runs back out the door in shock, his legs move fast on the spot, his knees going so high they almost hit his chest as a small yelp leaves his lips. You can’t help but laugh along with everyone at the scene, the man obviously spooked at the surprise.  
“At least we know he hadn’t figured out we were doing this,” you continue to laugh, looking over at Jungkook.  
“We would have blamed you if he wasn’t surprised,” he says and you look offended at him. “What? You live with him, you could have left something lying around that would have given it away.”
“He’s at work more than he’s here. If anyone was going to ruin it, it would be someone there,” you defend yourself, even though you had nothing to defend.
He simply rolls his eyes at you, smile on his face as he shakes his head as if to say you are wrong. “I can promise you, none of us would have given the game away,” he says, and you note that he also works with Hoseok, does everyone in this room work with him? Are they all just as rich?
“Well, I can promise you that I would also not have given the game away,” you shoot back.  
“I can see you two are getting on,” Hoseok interrupts. “Why are you even arguing over this? I didn’t find out so you are both good at keep secrets.”
“But I’m better though, right?” Jungkook says and you can’t help but laugh.  
“Stop harassing my flatmate,” Hoseok gives Jungkook a small glare before putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you off towards the kitchen.
Your heart rate picks up at the closeness, his skin lightly touching the skin of your neck, the contact causing the skin to heat up. As soon as you step into the kitchen his arm drops back to his side as he rounds the counter to where the drinks are, you instantly miss the contact.  
“I just wanted to say thank you,” he says, his back to you as he pours out two drinks.  
“You really don’t need to thank me. Your friends did most of the organising, buying the decorations and alcohol, and they set up most of it. They’ve already thanked me enough too,” you say.  
“But I wanted to say thank you,” he says, turning around with two drinks in his hands.  
“No worries,” you give him a small smile as he hands you one of the drinks. “This better not be as deadly as Jimins drinks. I don’t think I can cope with another hangover like last time.”  
“No promises,” Hoseok laughs as he takes a sip.  
Walking back into the living room where most people were, Hoseok gets dragged away by a girl you don’t recognise, he gives you an apologetic look over his shoulder as she takes him to a small group in the corner.  
Looking around the room you take another sip of your drink as you walk to a corner no one was occupying. Feeling a bit lost in the room full of people you don’t know, not the sort of person to jump into a conversation with a group of people who all know each other, you opt for just trying to blend in. Deciding that you would try and just mull around for an hour before heading to your room. That would be enough time to not look rude, you reasoned.  
Taking another sip of your drink you look around the party again, everyone stood in small clusters laughing and drinking. Your eyes finally landed on the birthday boy, his smile wide as a boy you don’t recognise tells an animated story. A small smile comes to your lips as you watch his head fall back on his neck, a laugh escaping his lips. Moving on, you continue to look around the rest of the room, noticing the boys that had come to help you set up the party scattered around the room with different groups, all seemingly having a good time.  
A small sigh leaves your lips as you look down at your cup, watching the ice clink against the edge of your cup as you swirl its contents.  
“You look a little lost,” a voice says from beside you and you look up to see Liv smiling beside you. “Come on, I’ll introduce to some people,” she says and takes your hand before you can say anything against the matter.  
She drags you over to a group of four people, the only person you recognise is Jin. Liv introduces you as Hoseoks flatmate and then gives you the names of everyone else, you give them a small smile in return. They carry on the conversation that they had been having before you arrive and you stand listening, giving smiles and noises when appropriate. But mainly you stay silent, listening and sipping your drink, feeling slightly awkward.  
When the conversation reached a certain lull, you turned to Liv and tell her you were going to get another drink. She told you to come back and find her when you were done and you smiled at how nice she was being.  
Pouring out a drink, you take out your phone as you sip the contents, deciding to stay in the kitchen for a few minutes. As you had thought earlier, you think again how you wish you had asked if you could have invited Lily to the party. Deciding to send her a text instead, it simply read:
Wish you were here, this party sucks.  
Which you felt slightly bad for saying as it was more you and the fact you struggled to socialise with strangers that was making it boring. Everyone else seemed to be having a great time.  
Have a few more drinks and I’m sure it will liven up!
She replies and you smile at her reply. Alcohol would of course help you feel less awkward, but you also didn’t want to have to down loads of spirits to have a good time.  
“Y/N,” you heard your name screamed, and you look up from your phone in the direction of the party. “Y/N,” the scream sounds out again, you make no attempt to move towards it, slightly confused as to why someone was shouting your name anyway. “There you are,” Jimin says as he appears in the door way, catching your eye. “Come on, we’re starting a game and I need you on my team,” he says as he walks towards you. “You were so good when we played last time,” he stands in front of you smiling.  
“Oh,” is all you say in response.  
“I’ve already hyped up how much I’m going to win, and I’m relying on you to achieve that,” he slightly pleads, before looking around the empty room you occupy. “Why you hiding out in here?”  
Your cheeks flush at his words, eyes dropping to your cup. “Just getting a drink.”  
“Well, you have one now,” he says gently, obviously realising that there was more to you hiding away from the party. “Hoseok wants you to play too,” he says as if that would make you want to play.  
“Of course, I’ll play. But I don’t want to win if I’m going to be punished and have to drink again,” you say, and a big smile breaks out on his face, you would never have been rude enough to deny him and would have found to awkward to say no anyway. “I think last time was a fluke anyway, maybe the alcohol,” you say.
“You’ll just have to drink a bit more then,” he says, walking away, you following in suit.  
“I think there was more to it than that,” you mumble.  
“Yeah, skill,” he pauses when in the room so that you are stood next to him, a cheeky smile on his face as he places an arm around your shoulders.  
Guiding you through the room, he takes you to a different group from earlier who were all sat around chatting on the sofa, a pack of playing cards lay in front of them. Hoseok was there next to the same girl that dragged him off from the start, Taehyung sat next to Jungkook and two other girls you hadn’t met.  
“Got my partner,” Jimin announces loudly as he pulls you to sit by him in the empty seats, his arm still around you.  
“Ahh, the winning partner I hear,” Jungkook says.
“I’ve just been saying that I think Jimins expectations are too high,” you say shyly as everyone's eyes are on you.  
“You were the best last time,” Hoseok chimes in and you give him a small smile in thanks.  
“If she can remember it,” Taehyung adds and your face heats at the memory as everyone Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung give a small laugh at the memory. Jimin gives your shoulder a small squeeze in reassurance seeing your embarrassed look.  
Turns out last time was not a fluke and though you joke that Jimin was sabotaging your team for being so rubbish, you ultimately win. Ice broken, and alcohol coursing through your system, you feel more comfortable at the party and start to actually enjoy yourself. Though you end up not really speaking to Hoseok, you talk to his friends and have the best time.  
Staying up later that you thought, you actually start to see people leave. Clearing up and taking some of the dirty cups to the kitchen you try and make the flat look less like a bomb site.  
As you clean the living room up a bit you think about how good a time you’d had. How nervous you were but everyone had made you feel at home, part of the group. You wish you’d spoken to Hoseok more, as he was the reason you were there, but it was his party with all his friends, there were obviously going to be people there he wanted to speak to more than you.  
“Come on, we’ll clear all this up tomorrow,” Hoseok voice comes from behind you as you start to make a pile of glasses by the sink and you jump slightly, not hearing him enter the room.  
“I just think if I do a bit now, it will save doing it tomorrow,” you continue to pile up the glasses.  
“Just stop,” Hoseok says, his voice getting louder as he walks closer to you. “I’ll sort it out tomorrow.”  
Continuing to ignore him, you instead start to fill the sink with water. Hoseoks hand grabs your wrist, stopping you from doing anything more, his other hand turning the tap off.  
“I said, it’s fine,” his voice has dropped an octave, and it almost sends a shiver down your spine.  
You turn around to face him, not expecting him to be stood so close.  
“I just wanted to be helpful,” you look to the ground, unable to meet his eye as your heart beat picks up. “It is your birthday after all. You can’t be the one to clean up.”  
“You’ve been more than helpful,” he says, his hand that was encompassing your wrist drops down so that he is now holding your hand. “Plus, I enjoy cleaning.”  
“Is no one staying over tonight? No Jimin?” You ask, trying, but failing, to relieve the tension that has arisen in the room.  
“No one,” he replies. “Just the two of us,” he says, and your face heats.  
“Well, I had a great night. I hope you enjoyed it too,” you attempt again to ease the tension that has arisen in the room with a change in topic.  
“I really loved it. Nice to see everyone. Sorry I didn’t get to talk to you more, I really wanted to but people kept pulling me away.”  
“It’s fine, everyone wants to talk to the birthday boy,” you say. “Your friends were nice though, they made me feel really welcome and like I was part of the group.”
“They all loved you,” he says and you roll your eyes at him though the smile that comes to your face gives you away.  
“Well, they were easy to get on with,” you say.  
A silence comes over the room as you stare into each other's eyes. Hoseoks thumb slowly runs along the side of your hand as he continues to hold it. The tension in the room gets almost unbearable and you have to break it, unsure how it had built so high after just a short conversation.  
“I have a present for you,” your voice sounds loud after the silence.  
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he says.  
“It’s in my bedroom,” you say, taking your hand out of his as you walk towards your room, hoping he got the hint that you wanted him to follow you.  
Reaching your room, you dig through the draw where you put the present. Finding it you turn around to see Hoseok leaning against the wall next to your door.  
“Here you go,” you hand him the rectangular gift. A wide smile breaks out on his face, his big white teeth on show. “It’s nothing big,” you try to lower his expectations.  
“I already love it,” he says, having not removed any wrapping paper.  
“Well, open it before you make any assumptions,” you say, nerves taking over as you watch him rip open the gift.  
As the paper gets taken off, a gold rimmed photo frame appears. A photo of seven smiling men within it.
“I asked Jimin for a photo,” you explain as his eyes light up at the gift. “So you can blame him if you don’t like it.” As the silence continues you start to worry that he is disappointed so you decide to fill the silence. “I just thought how you said you wanted more pictures around the flat, and this could be the start.”
“I love it,” he says as he finally looks up at you and you can’t describe the look in his eye. Reaching out he places the frame on top of the draws next to him. “I honestly love it.”
Hoseoks face almost impossibly lights up more when he sees a smile come to your face. Opening his arms up, he looks at you questioningly.  
“Can I give you a thank you hug?” He asks.
Heat rising to your face, you step towards him in answer, getting just close enough for him to be able to take you in his arms. He takes a small step forward so that the tips of your toes are almost touching before wrapping his arms around you. Almost in shock at the contact, your arms remain by your side for half a second before you think that it would be weird if you didn’t hug him back.
Putting your arms around his waist you take in how your head fits perfectly into the crook of his neck. How your arms fit around his waist, whenever you had seen him, he wore loose clothing and you had never noticed how slim he was, not just that, but how toned he was. With your nose pressed to his shirt you smell the alcohol he had been drinking all night, but there was also the overwhelming smell of him, a masculine, earthy smell mixed with clean linen. His hand slowly runs up and down your back in a soothing motion and you can feel the faint whisps of air coming from his nose on top your head.  
Unsure how long you stay like that, and feeling like you could stay in his arms forever, you finally pull away from his embrace. The smile is still plastered on Hoseoks face when you look at him, and neither of you make a move to step away from each other.  
“Thanks,” he whispers again and you would have laughed if the tension wasn’t so harsh.  
“It’s nothing,” you say just as quietly.  
Before you can step away or saying anything else, you are pulled into another hug. This time he seems to step impossibly closer, his feet now either side of yours so that your chests are flush against one another. Your heart rate increases and you worry that he can feel it trying to escape your chest.  
Hoseok pulls away just enough so that he can look into your eyes, but keeps his arms tight around you, chests still pressed against one another. Leaning down he places a kiss on your cheek, your face heating at the spot that his lips touch.  
“I love it,” he says as he pulls away again so he can look into your eyes.  
Unsure what to reply, words escaping you in that moment, you remain silent as you stare at him. He leans down again and kisses your other cheek and you are sure it’s the alcohol causing him to act this way.  
“And thanks for the party,” he says.  
“I- It- It was mainly your friends,” you manage to stutter out.  
Hoseok simply hums at you as his eyes flicker between yours, and you don’t miss when they occasionally flick down to your lips. Time seems to slow in the moment, and in a way you’re are thankful, wanting to stay in this moment for as long as possible.  
“Can I kiss you?” His voice is impossibly quiet but you catch every word.
Your head gives the smallest nod that you would have thought was invisible to the human eye, but Hoseok obviously notices as his head slowly moves towards yours.  
As soon as his lips touch yours, you feel almost paralysed, your mind goes blank and it’s as if your body forgets how to work. But as his lips slowly move against yours, your mind suddenly speeds up and whirls into action. Your lips start to move in time with Hoseok and a small moan of approvement escapes his lips. As your hands move up to the nape of his neck, his move down to rest on your hips, squeezing and kneading you skin slightly. Pulling away you rest your foreheads together as slow pants come out of your lips.  
“Please don’t say thank you,” you say and Hoseok gives a big laugh at the words, his head going to your shoulder as his body slightly shakes in your arms.
Once calmed down enough he brings his head back up to look at you and you feel the tension ease as the big smile remains on his face. His forehead is no longer resting on yours, but you still remain close, arms wrapped around each other.  
“I should probably get to bed,” Hoseok says, though he doesn’t make a move to leave.  
“Yeah, it is getting pretty late,” you say, though you also don’t move from your position.  
Leaning down, Hoseoks lips encase yours and slowly move in a steady rhythm. The kiss is less desperate and heated as the one that happened moments ago, and it is shorter, your lips separating after hardly anytime. Brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, Hoseok finally step away from you.  
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, a wide smile on his face as he slowly backs towards the door.  
“I’ll be in the kitchen cleaning all those glasses,” you joke.  
“Don’t do them all without me,” Hoseok warns you. Giving you one last glance, he turns and heads to his own room.  
Lying in the bed that night, you aren’t sure whether it’s the alcohol coursing through your veins or the lingering feeling of Hoseoks lips on yours that causes you to stay awake for what feels like hours.  
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It’s the next day, when the sink is full of hot water ready for you wash up, that you next see Hoseok. Hearing his door open and close, you turn to look as he walks through the kitchen door. You have to stop the coo that almost leaves your lips at the sight of him. Striped, long, soft, pyjamas don his body, the crotch low making his legs look small. His hair looks fluffy and soft as he has obviously just rolled out of bed, a brush not having gone through it yet. His eyes are small and slightly puffy from sleep. A small yawn leaves his lips and his hands rub his tired eyes as he steps into the room.  
“Morning,” you say semi cheerfully as you turn back to the sink, rolling up your sleeves as you take the first item to wash.  
“I’m here to help,” his morning voice is raspy and you wish you had a recording of it so you could listen to it over and over.  
“I was serious when I said I’m fine doing it alone,” you say, concentration still on the dishes as you feel him come and stand next to you. He picks up the wet glass you had just washed and dries it before putting it away.  
“And I was serious when I said I wanted to help,” he says as you hand him another glass to dry. “I actually enjoy cleaning and clearing up. Is that weird?”  
“It can be therapeutic,” you agree.
“I just like things clean,” he says and you give a small chuckle.  
“I mean Rosie did say I would have to keep the flat clean when I first spoke to her,” you say. “She made it sound more like it was an advert for a cleaning job than for a spare room,” you exaggerate, teasing him.  
“I’ve just said I like to clean,” his voice comes out slightly whiney, and when you look at him there is a small pout on his lips, though you can tell he is teasing.  
“Then why did you make it sound like a weird cleaning job?” You laugh.  
“That wasn’t my idea,” he holds the hand up that hasn’t got a glass in it, finger pointed, eyebrows raised. “But I do like a tidy house, so I agreed to it.”
“Guess you don’t want any messy weirdo,” you continue to laugh as you pass him another glass to dry.  
“Unlucky I got you then, hey,” he says and manages to dodge the small splash of water that you aim at him.  
“Didn’t seem like you felt that way last night,” the words slip out of your mouth before you even think, and as your mind catches up to what you have said your face heats. The room falls silent and you’re glad that your focus is on the sink, Hoseok unable to see the shock written all over your face.  
“I guess you’ve grown on me,” he says after the seconds silence. “You did offer to clean up after the party.”
“Oh,” you say in a mock shocked voice as you turn to look at him. “So is that your thing?” You ask as you look on his face. “Cleaning turns you on?” You clarify and you are unsure where your confidence has come from.  
A slight pink tints his cheeks and your smile grows at the fact that you had caused that. Your confidence growing in the process.  
“If that was my thing, I would have done more than just kiss you,” and with those few words your confidence is crushed. Your head whips back to look at the bubbles in the sink, face hot as you avoid his eye contact.  
Hearing his steps coming back to stand next to you, ready for another glass, you glance at him long enough to hand him the one you had just washed, seeing the wide, almost proud smile on his face you go back to looking at the sink.  
“So when we’ve finished washing these, fancy tackling the living room?” You don’t give him time to answer before continuing. “I have a feeling there are going to be crumbs everywhere, and I think I saw Jin smashing some cake in Jungkooks face at one point, so I expect there will be icing everywhere too.”  
“I’m fine to do that alone. Surely you have better things to do today?” You roll your eyes at his words, though you are secretly glad that he had allowed the conversation to move on from the kiss.  
“We’ve been over this,” you sigh. “If we just do it together, it will be done quicker.”  
“OK, and then can we watch something and eat lots of food after?” He asks in an almost pouty voice and you laugh but agree.  
As predicted the living room was full of crumbs, bits of cake, and some more dishes that you hadn’t taken to the sink earlier. But working together it took no time for the flat to be back to its normal self. For once the two of you didn’t order in food, instead you quickly whipped up some food, saying that it would make the both of you feel better to eat something fresh.  
Bringing the food into the living room Hoseok was already lay on the sofa flicking through film options on the TV.  
“So I’m thinking either, 10 things I hate about you, or 13 going on 30?” Hoseok says as you hand him a plate and flop down next to him.  
“You really love chick flicks don’t you,” you give a small chuckle as you look at him.  
“I just love the romance, the happy endings, the kissing,” he teases, wiggling his eyes at you as you roll your eyes, looking back at the TV to hide your embarrassment.  
“Just play 10 things I hate about you,” you sigh, shoving some food in your mouth as Hoseok presses play.  
Throughout the film you find yourself drifting in and out of sleep. 10 things I hate about you turns into 13 going on 30, which turns into Notting Hill. By this point you feel more awake and you are both sat up watching the film, Hoseok had gone and got snacks at some point so you were both munching on those.  
“I’d love to own a bookstore,” you say through a mouthful of popcorn as the film shows a young Hugh Grant stood in his bookstore.  
“You love that snug so much it doesn’t surprise me,” Hoseok replies.  
“And then imagine some famous walking in,” you sigh dreamily. “And I mean someone as famous as her, she’s supposed to be one of the most famous people ever in this film. I think I’d freeze if that happened to me.”  
Hoseok chuckles to himself as you speak, not saying anything as you ramble on about the film.  
“But he just invites her back to his flat? I mean he has just spilt juice all over her, but still, I think I’d run away mortified,” you say.  
“Really?” You can’t quite decipher the tone of Hoseoks voice, and when you turn to look at him you see an almost smug, knowing look on his face.  
“Yeah,” you say, though less sure of yourself now that you are looking at him. “Wouldn’t you?”  
At that Hoseok turns back to look at the TV, the smug smile still on his face. “Depends who it was I guess.”  
“Someone really famous, that everyone knows,” you say.
“Go on name someone,” he turns back to you, eyebrows raised in question awaiting your answer.  
You give a small hum as you think. “I’m not the best with famous people,” you say and another chuckle leaves Hoseoks lips. “I don’t know. Leonardo DiCaprio? Hugh Grant?” You say pointing at the man on the screen.
“Well they may not have the same desired effect on me, as they would have on you,” he says a smile on his face as your cheeks warm. “But sure, maybe I’d panic a bit. I think I’d probably have more of a desire to talk to them though, ask them about their careers, their lives.”  
“And that is where we have a major difference in views,” you say. “I could never talk to someone like that.”  
“But they’re just people?” Hoseok says.  
“Of course. They’re just completely different people to me,” you say. “They probably wouldn’t be interested in talking to me anyway. I’m sure they have loads of people go and say how much they love them, ask them the same questions over and over, the last thing they would want is me going over.”  
“True,” Hoseok says. “But I am also sure that they would enjoy hearing it. It must be nice to hear that people like what you are doing. But like you said, not if there's hundreds of people doing the same thing.”
“Must be weird,” you say.  
“What?” He asks.
“To have everyone know who you are. Everything you do scrutinised. I mean look, she can’t even go into this guys flat without everyone swarming on the place,” you say, the TV showing Hugh and Julia hiding out in his flat with press outside the door.  
Hoseok simply hums in response, eyes on the TV.  
“I don’t think it’s a life I’d want,” you say and Hoseok turns to look at you, an almost sadness in his eyes.  
“Even if it was a consequence of doing something you love?”  
“I’m not sure there would be anything worth it,” you say. “To have your life completely invaded. I don’t know.”  
Hoseok simply nods his head as if understanding, but the sadness remains in his eyes and you are unsure why.  
“But I can see why people do it,” you say, trying to lighten the weirdly sad mood that had fallen over the room. “Notting Hill is pretty. I bet it costs a lot more to live there now than it did when this was filmed,” you decide to change the topic of conversation.  
“Yeah, I like all the brightly coloured houses,” he agrees with you.  
“Have you ever been?”  
“I’ve been to London, but it was a business trip so I didn’t really get to go around everywhere I’d like to,” he says. “You ever been?”
“No, but I’d love to. It always looks so pretty in films. I think I’d rather go there than New York,” you say.  
“Really? I feel like most people would say the opposite,” he says.  
“Yeah, but I feel like there are more places in England I would want to visit. America is so big you would just do New York and then have to do LA or somewhere else another trip,” you reason.  
“I guess,” Hoseok shrugs. “You should just go if you want to.”
“I will one day, I just need to save up enough money and save up some holiday from work first,” you say, Hoseok nodding. “And find someone who would want to come with me,” you chuckle.  
“You wouldn’t go alone?”
“Maybe, but isn’t it funer to experience these things with people?”  
“Yeah, I guess it’s nice to have the memories with someone,” he agrees. “Well if you ever need a travelling buddy, I’d come with you.”
You weren’t expecting him to say that and he can tell by the way your eyebrows shoot up your forehead, you mouth popping open in surprise. “Really?” You question.
“Why not?” He laughs at your reaction.  
“Not too busy?” You ask.
“I’d have to fit it around my schedule, but if you’re waiting to build up money and holiday anyway, then I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.”
You think about what he was saying. You still feel like you don’t really know much about Hoseok, yet here he was offering to go on holiday with you as if you were best friends. But part of you wanted to take him up on the offer, wanted to travel the world with the man, wanted to have memories of him in places around that you dreamed of visiting.  
“Alright, deal,” you say smiling at him, getting a big beaming smile in return.  
As much as you wanted to travel with the man, you honestly had no thought that it would actually ever happen. He was far too busy. He was probably saying it to make you feel like you had someone to go with, to be nice. Because that was what Hoseok was, nice. But you could at least pretend that the offer was real, that maybe one day you would travel with him. So that’s why you agreed, to let part of you hold that small fantasy.  
The rest of the day was spent watching more films with Hoseok, falling into easy with him, growing ever closer to him. You almost didn’t want the day to end, enjoying the rare time you got to actually talk to him in person. But eventually you both went your rooms in your separate rooms.
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Life went back to its more normal routine after that. Or what you had grown to see as normal anyway. Back at work, only being able to talk to Hoseok through post-it notes and texts, hearing him come home late at night, you leaving for work before he was up for the day. In a weird way you missed him, though you were still speaking to him all the time you wished you could see him in person, even if it was just a passing hi in the hallway.  
You hung out with Lily and Eddie, hung out with people from work, went out shopping and to coffee shops on your own, but it never felt the same as just sitting on the sofa with Hoseok. You wanted to text him to ask when he would next be off work so that you could do it again, but you always chickened out when going to send the text.  
The answer to your unasked question came after a few weeks. Sat watching something in the living room on a weekend you had assumed that Hoseok was either away or had left before you had awoken that day. But he walked into the room in his usual long pyjamas and ruffled hair and you couldn’t help the shocked expression that came to your face. He didn’t notice though as his eyes were almost squinted shut.  
Flopping down onto the sofa, his head lay almost touching your lap and you could see how red his nose was from blowing it so frequently, his eyes puffy.  
“You OK?” You speak for the first time and try to refrain from running your hand through his already ruffled hair.
“Just got a bit of a cold,” his voice is gravely and you didn’t think the sound would affect you as much as it did, it reminding you of his voice after his birthday when he had just woken up.  
“Need me to get you anything? Water, paracetamol, soup?” You list some options, already preparing to stand up.  
“No,” he whines slightly, his hand reaching above his head and tapping around in search of your leg, his eyes still closed. “I just want you to stay here,” he says as his hand rests against your leg and the spot warms at the contact.  
“I’ll be back in a second, I’m just going to get you a drink,” you ignore his whines as you stand up, his arm flopping down to the floor.  
It takes you hardly any time to get some water for him, coming back in to find him in the same position. Placing the glass on the table in front of him you take your original seat, though a bit further away from him this time.  
His hand comes up from the floor though and repeats the same action as before, blindly searching for you and you watch as he can’t quite reach you. Raising his head and opening his eyes to squint at you a pout forms on his lips as he sees you’ve moved away from him.  
“Come here,” he says, patting the place you earlier occupied.  
Heat raises to your face as you shuffle closer to him. Once close enough he looks up into your eyes, a small smile on his face as he makes his whole-body shuffle closer to you, his head now in the perfect position to rest on your legs.  
You stiffen at the contact, while Hoseok hums out lowly, making himself comfy. Looking down at him you can just make out that his eyes are closed as his head faces the TV. After a few minutes and coming to the conclusion that the man is going nowhere you start to relax slightly. Looking down at him again you finally decide to do what you’d be wanting to do since he lay down on the sofa. Picking your hand up you gently run your hand through his hair, nails running gently along his scalp. A satisfied hum leaves Hoseoks mouth at the feeling and he shuffles impossibly closer to you.  
“That feels nice,” his croaky voice sounds out.  
“Maybe you should take some paracetamol,” you say.
A groan leaves his lips showing how much he opposes the idea. “I took some earlier,” he says. “It’s just a cold, I’ve probably just over worked myself a bit, I’ll be fine by the end of the day. I just want to lie here for a bit.”  
“How long ago?” The strokes of his hair never ceasing as you both speak. “You should try and take your full dose if you want to feel better.”  
“Alright mum,” he whines, sitting up he reaches out and takes the glass of water you had placed on the table. As you shuffle to the end of the sofa ready to go get him some pills a hand comes out to stop you. “I’ve got it,” he says before standing up and heading to the kitchen.
“You looked after me when I was ill, why can’t I repay the favour?” You ask when he re-enters the room, paracetamol in hand.  
“You can,” he says and he comes back to his earlier position. “The hair stroking was making me feel much better,” he looks up at you, head on your lap, smile on his face.  
Smiling down at him you go back to trailing your hand through his hair and he twists back to look at the TV, though he closes his eyes. It doesn’t take long for him to fall asleep in your lap, but you continue to run fingers along his scalp, secretly loving the feeling yourself.  
You could easily have slipped Hoseok from your lap, could easily escaped from under him. You had planned on doing some stuff around the flat that day, your sheets needed to be changed for one, and you need to go pick up some food from the shops. But as he lay in your lap, you couldn’t help but stare at his pristine face, taking in all his features. And the last thing you wanted to do in that moment was move away from him. So you sat watching the TV for nearly an hour before Hoseok started to stir.  
“Good sleep?” You spoke softly when he seemed to be fully awake.
“How long have I been out?” He asks, rubbing his eyes and sitting up.  
“About an hour. Looks like you needed it,” you say.  
“An hour? You didn’t have to stay,” he replies, stretching his arms out in a stretch as a yawn escapes his lips.  
“I didn’t mind,” you half mumble. “You must be hungry though. I need to go pick up some food from the shop anyway, so do you want me to get anything for you?”  
“I’ll come with you,” he says, legs being pulled out and dropping down so that his feet hit the floor.  
“I’m going anyway,” you repeat your statement.  
“Anyone would think you don’t want to be seen with me in public,” he says, looking down at you from his standing position.  
“It’s just, you’re obviously not well I don’t want you to get more ill,” you say.  
“I feel way better, like I said earlier, I get these colds all the time when I’ve had a heavy work schedule and they normally go by the end of the day. That nap has sorted me right out,” he gives you a wide smile as if to try and convince you, but you can both tell that it nor his words have made you any less concerned for his health. “The fresh air will do me good?” It comes out as a question as he continues to try and persuade you to let him go.  
“Well there's no way I can stop you,” you sigh, but a small chuckle leaves your lips as Hoseok jumps in celebration.  
“Let me just change, I’ll be 5 minutes,” he shouts as he runs out the room.  
As you sit waiting for him you can’t help but smile. You couldn’t explain what it was about him but he made you feel like no one had ever done before. Maybe it was the way his smile seemed to brighten the room, maybe how his personality was always happy even on a day like today when he was obviously not feeling 100% he could still make you smile, maybe the fact that you felt like you could have a real conversation with him, joke with him, tell him things without feeling like he would judge you. You still felt like you hardly knew the man, yet you constantly wanted to be around him, would miss when he wasn’t in the flat, your heart would skip a beat when you saw a text arrive from him.  
Maybe it was just the fact that he was your flatmate. That you share so much with someone you live with. That even if he was hardly here, you saw a different side to someone when you lived with them. Maybe you would have felt this way towards anyone you lived with. After all you were very fond of Lily, and by extension Eddie, who you had lived with, granted you had been friends with Lily before living with her, but living with her had caused your friendship to grow even closer.  
It took the promised 5 minutes for Hoseok to come back into the room, as promised. Snapping out of your thoughts you looked up to see him wearing some baggy black trousers, a big white top tucked into the front showing off his skinny waist. He held a hat and mask in his hand as he smiled at you.  
“Ready?” He asked.  
Standing up you give him a smile and a small nod as you walk towards him. He makes a small gap so you can get past him to the front door.  
“You looked deep in thought,” he says and though it’s not a question you know he is expecting an answer.
Face heating you shrug as you put your shoes on and pick up your bag. “Just thinking about what I need to buy,” you say, turning to look at him as you stand ready to go. “Do you not want a jacket?”
“It’s warm enough to not need one,” he says.
“But you’re not well. You don’t want to make yourself more ill,” you scold him.  
He simply rolls his eyes, walking towards you he opens the door and puts a hand on your back giving you a small push so that you walk through the door. “I’ll be fine,” he says as he follows you out. “Like I said, I already feel worlds better.”  
Riding the elevator down Hoseok puts his mask and hat on, obscuring his face but you can still see when his eyes squint in happiness and hear his voice when he talks to you. Saying a thank you to Keith as he opens the door for you both, you realise that this is the first time you have been with Hoseok outside of the flat. It felt kind of weird to be with him outside, almost unnatural.  
Walking beside Hoseok though you fall into easy conversation with him, forgetting any worries altogether. Going round the shop Hoseok mainly trails behind you, commenting on a few items that you put in your basket, asking if you can add some other items, which you gladly do. It felt normal, not that you had really expected anything else, but the whole thing struck you as nice and it made you feel more and more like you wanted to hang out with the man.  
As expected Hoseok tried to pay for the food, but you refused saying that most of the items were for you anyway. As he had paid for 2 takeaways and hadn’t let you pay him back in the end was enough for him to roll his eyes and put his wallet away. Though when it came to carrying the bag of groceries home, he would not take no as an answer.  
Back in the flat you seem to fall into an almost rehearsed routine of putting the food away, both ebbing and flowing to the get fridge and cupboards needed.  
“So what we cooking?” You ask when everything's away.  
Turning you see Hoseok leaning against the island looking at you, no words spoke.  
“What?” You ask, wondering if you had something on your face the way he was looking at you.  
“Nothing,” he says with a small smirk on his face and when you continue to look at him confused he carries on. “It’s just being in here reminds me of the party. Of when we kissed.”
Face instantly heats at his words. Sure you had inadvertently spoken about it for all of 2 minutes the morning after, otherwise it was some unspoken topic that you assumed Hoseok wanted to forget.  
“Oh,” you say turning away from him to busy yourself with something.  
“Do you not think about it too?" He says and you can hear his voice getting closer.
“It crosses my mind,” you lie, back still to him, because honestly there isn’t a day when you don’t think about his lips on yours.  
“I can’t get it out of my head,” he agrees with the thoughts swimming in your mind.  
His voice is so close that it shouldn’t be a surprise when you turn and he is stood almost on top of you. Craning your neck you look up at him.  
“Really?” You say unsure if he was lying, though you can’t think why he would.
His hand comes out and rests on your face, thumb slowly brushing your cheek.
“Yeah,” he says softly as his head starts to lean towards you.  
Head spinning, a million thoughts run through your mind and yet the words that escape your mouth are, “you’re ill.”
A small laugh sounds out, lips curve up into a smile. “I told you I feel fine,” he says, but then slowly starts to back away. “But if you’re worried you’ll catch something.”  
Panic is the only thing that crosses your mind as you watch him retreat. Cursing yourself for saying anything in the first place, you raise your hand so that it’s on top of the one on your face.  
“I’ll risk it,” you say.  
A brighter smile takes over his face before he comes in again. Faster this time there is no time before his lips are connected with yours.  
The kiss starts of gentle, lips moulding together in synchronised movement. But as soon as you feel his tongue swipe at your lips and then the feeling of his tongue in your mouth, the kiss turns more heated. Hoseok gently pushes you back until you feel the kitchen island behind you. Hips push into yours and you can’t help but feel his growing excitement, a groan escapes your lips at the realisation and you can’t help but push your hips forward to gain some more friction.  
Panting Hoseok parts from you long enough to say “bedroom?”  
You nod at him. His hands come down to your thighs and you jump up so that he can carry you to his room. Lips attached to one another you hardly notice when you enter his room, only conscious when he drops you down onto his bed. It’s only then that you think about the fact you have never seen his room, but all thoughts of this are ripped from your mind as Hoseok strips himself of his top. Standing above you in nothing but his trousers you can’t help as your eyes travel down his toned torso.  
A small chuckle leaves his lips as he watches you, crawling up your body so that his face is level with yours he asks, “like what you see?”  
Your answer comes as you grab the back of his neck, pulling him down to connect your lips again.  
Frantic is the word you would describe the action of you and Hoseok stripping each other of your clothes. Down to just your underwear you almost gasp when you feel his fingers gently slide up the inside of your thigh, stopping just where you want him.  
“Are you sure?” He asks and your heart grows at how sweet he is even in this moment.
“Yes,” is all you have to say before you pulls your pants down your legs before bringing his fingers to your clit. Moaning as beings to move, one hand on your thigh keeping your legs open. When your feel a finger enter you, your head lulls back into the pillow, a loud groan escaping you as he continues his assault.  
“Hoseok,” you moan and he adds another finger, continuing his torture. “Hoseok, please,” you try again to get his attention.
“What is it love?” He says and all you can think is how wrong you were when you thought his morning voice was sexy, because surely this was really what you wanted to hear all the time.  
Your mind goes blank at the sound and the feeling of him between your legs. After a second to regain yourself you try again, “Hoseok, please I need you.”
His fingers slow at your request, clearly flustered. The feeling of his fingers leaving you makes you whelp, missing the feeling instantly. But Hoseok crawls up your body, lips kissing every inch that he comes into contact with as he goes. Finally face to face he gives you a small kiss he looks you in the eye.  
“You’re sure?” He asks.  
“Yes,” you say again and watch as his eyes brighten.  
He pulls away from you to reach to his nightstand, coming back with a foil packet in his hand. Pulling his pants down you watch as he rolls the condom down his erection, giving it a few strokes before looking back at you.  
His lips attach back to yours, tongue easily slipping into your mouth. Groaning at the feel of his tip slowly caressing your folds. His lips only separate from yours when he sinks into you, a few pants leave his lips as he bottoms out. He stays like that for a few seconds, obviously trying to gather himself, but when he starts to moving your hips against him he starts to thrust in you.  
It’s slow and sensual and you would almost describe it as making love. Lips messy as they move against each other, separating every so often only to be attached to another part, neck, chest, shoulder, anything you can get contact with.  
He seems to hit every nerve within you and it doesn’t take you long to start to reach your high. As you are pushed over the edge, Hoseoks hips speedy slightly into a sloppy rhythm as he chases his own high which follows closely behind yours.  
Collapsing onto of you, you kiss his shoulder as he remains inside of you panting lightly. Pushing onto his elbows he looks down at you.  
“I should have done that sooner,” he admits and you smile up at him.  
“You’ve been busy,” you try to give him an excuse.  
“I could have made time,” he smirks.  
Pulling out of you, you instantly miss the feeling. But Hoseok rolls next to you, pulling you into his chest, his arms encompassing you.  
“Stay here tonight?” He whispers into your ear.  
“It is quite far for me to get home,” you joke and he kisses your temple with a laugh.  
“Would hate anything to happen to you between here and your room,” he plays along.  
You swivel to get into a more comfortable position, your head now on his chest as his hand runs up and down your arm. Feeling sleep take over you can’t help but feel happy. You hadn’t had anything like this in so long and yet this seemed to feel natural, nice. Sleep finally takes you over and you feel like you have never slept better than you do wrapped in Hoseoks arms.  
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You and Hoseok fell into a weird but almost natural relationship after that. Some nights when he came home you would end up making out on the sofa, TV on but ignored in the background. Sometimes things would progress and he would pick you up, lips still attached to his as your legs wrap around his waist, while he carries you to his room. Not sure if you would call it making love, not like the first time you did it, but not far off. You would spend as many nights together as possible, mainly opting to stay in his room.  
Sometimes you would wake up to an empty bed, but your favourite mornings were when you would wake up and find him still asleep next to you. You would trace patterns on his bare chest, watching as it rose and feel in a steady rhythm. You felt at peace, happy, and almost like you were falling in love with the man.  
But you were living in an almost bubble, and that bubble abruptly popped one Sunday morning when you woke up all alone in bed. Not thinking anything of it, you went about your normal routine, getting some breakfast and a drink before heading to the living room. Switching on the TV though, you stopped mid chew as you watched the TV that had been left on some gossip channel.  
Pictures of you were plastered over the screen, walking out the building you lived in, some of you carrying birthday balloons and decorations from a week or so ago. As these disappeared new photos of Jimin and the boys appeared, all dressed in the outfits they had been wearing for the party. And lastly one of Hoseok walking into the building, the words J-Hopes birthday celebrations the only thing you manage to pick up on in your confusion.  
Focusing more on what the news reader was saying you hear her talking about a boyband you’d heard of called BTS. Questioning whether the girl in the pictures was J-Hopes new girlfriend as they had been seen entering the building where he lives all the time, most recently to decorate for his birthday. Some sources had confirmed that she lived there, though they didn’t say what sources they were.  
The girl they were talking about, you realised, was you. Your mind seemed to be working slowly, trying to piece together a puzzle that seemed easy but was proving to be difficult, or maybe it you were purposefully not putting the pieces together correctly. Taking your phone out of your pocket you decide to google the most logical thing, BTS. Photos and news stories pop up showing the 6 boys you had met just a few days ago as well as the boy you lived with. Many of the latest new stories seemed to be following a similar theme to what you had just watched on the TV, speculating as to whether you were J-Hopes new girlfriend.  
Making the mistake of skimming a few stories you reach the comments section and your stomach nearly flips at what you read. Comments about how you weren’t pretty enough to be dating Hoseok, how you must just be a cleaner or employed to help set up for his party, people saying you didn’t deserve to be dating him.  
You have to close the search engine and instead head over to Instagram. This didn’t prove to be much better. Your account was set to private but overnight you had gained hundreds of new follow requests. Skimming through them you realised you didn’t know any of them, 90% seemed to be BTS fan pages. Again messages had been sent to your Instagram page from people saying that you didn’t deserve Hoseok and that he was too good for you, that you weren’t pretty and he would never be interested in you. There were a few nice comments but you seemed to be blind to them.  
Still in shock, toast forgotten, you decide to put your phone down as tears start to well in your eyes. How could you have been so stupid to think he was a normal person? You knew that he was someone and yet you chose to ignore it. You should have googled him and then none of this would have come as a surprise.  
What hurt the most though was that he didn’t bring it up. There had been plenty of times when he could have told you. Did he not trust you enough? Did he think you would go to the magazines and sell some sort of story about him? Maybe he didn’t know you as well as you thought, you certainly didn’t know him as well as you thought. Thinking back to all the time you had spent with him, all the times you spoken to him, kissed him, slept with him. Was that all it was to him, because to you it was more than just sex.  
You remember the time you watched films together. How you had watched Notting Hill and how you had discussed what it would be like to run into a celebrity. He had laughed at you, you didn’t really think much about it at the time, but now you realised he was laughing at you. Laughing at the fact that you were living with a celebrity that seemingly everyone knew. Laughing at the fact the night before you had been at a party full of famous people and you hadn’t even noticed. If there was any moment that he could have told you it was surely then. But he didn’t tell you, merely mocked you almost behind your back. You could almost imagine everyone from the party laughing at you behind your back, at how stupid you looked, how naive you were.  
You feel embarrassment wash over you at the thoughts, when something flashes up on the screen. A letter with the header BigHit, the news reader reads out the statement that had been released just minutes ago from the company Hoseok works for. It denies that you two are dating, which is true to an extent. They say that you are just friends, that is all, nothing more. You lived in the same building and that’s how you had met, which again was true to an extent. They seemed to emphasis throughout that the two of you were just friends, nothing more, and nothing more will ever happen.  
The statement was the last straw for you. Hearing it read out to you in such a plain way made the tears that were welling in your eyes escape, rolling down your cheeks. Without thinking you pick up your phone and call the one person you feel you can speak to.  
“Lily?” You question even though you know it’s her.  
“What’s wrong?” You hear the worry thick in her voice as it’s obvious you are crying.  
“Can I move back in?” You ask. “Just until I find somewhere else to live.”  
“What’s happened? Why do you want to move out? Nothing bad has happened has it, you’re not hurt or anything?” Lily questions, her mind going to all the worst possible scenarios.  
“No, I’m fine. I just don’t think I can live here anymore,” you continue to cry.  
“Of course you can move back in,” she says, slight relief in her voice, though you can hear she is still worried about what would have happened for you to want to move out.
“Thanks,” you say. “I’ll explain everything when I see you. I think I’m going to pack up and head over now.”
“Ok,” Lily’s voice is full of confusion, but she doesn’t deny you moving back. “Do you need me to come and help?”  
“No, it’s fine. I won’t be long. I’ll text you when I’m on my way,” you say before hanging up, a fresh wave of tears escaping your eyes as you look around the room.  
Looking at your phone the main thing you notice is the fact that there are no new messages. No contact from Hoseok. None from any of the other boys. He must really not care about you, you think as you stand and start to pack up all the belongings you could carry. You’d get a taxi to help.  
Looking around your room one last time, it feels weird leaving it bare, used to the bright colours it normally held. It looked so much bigger without all your belongs, even though you didn’t have much stuff, and you were leaving some of it behind, the room looked sad and empty.  
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Knocking on the door, you hardly see Lily through your teary eyes when she opens the door. You aren’t even sure it was Lily, it could have been Eddie. But you know it’s her when you are pulled into a tight hug and hear Lily asking what the matter is. Instead of answering her verbally you drop the bags that are in your hands and hug her just as tightly.  
It takes a while for you to calm down enough to explain what has got you into that state. Eddie having to help Lily calm you, making you a tea and grabbing tissues while Lily just continues to hug you. You are such a reck that you have to make sure that they know that nothing serious had happened to you.  
“I’m over reacting I know,” you sniffle when you finish telling them what happened.  
“Not over reacting. I’m more upset you didn’t tell us sooner,” Lily says, and you shoot her a tear-filled glare.  
“I don’t think this is the time for jokes,” Eddie says.  
“Ok, too soon, sorry,” Lily says. “But no, you’re really not over reacting. He should have told you sooner. He shouldn’t have kept you in the dark about who he was. He shouldn’t have used your naivety in his favour. And he should have at least messaged you by now to check how you are, if his company has released a statement then he will know what’s happened. If I was you, I would have been just as upset, just as pissed off.”  
“But I was naïve wasn’t I?” You say. “I knew he was someone. Even if I didn’t know who he was I could easily have googled it, but I thought I was respecting his privacy. But maybe he wanted me to google him and save him the job, maybe he assumed I knew who he was. Maybe he just didn’t care.”
“Even if he assumed you knew, he should have spoken to you about it,” Lily talks firmly, as if it will help to get her words into your head. “He shouldn’t have let you go through that in the dark and alone.”  
A few more tears escape your eyes as she speaks, a mixture of her words hitting true and also remembering all the things that had happened. You didn’t want to feel this way towards Hoseok, you genuinely started to like the man and yet he did this to you. You wanted to believe the best in Hoseok, wanted to believe that he wouldn’t hurt you, wanted to believe that he cared for you as much as you cared for him. But how could you believe any of that when he had done everything he had done.  
“Come on, we’ll get some trash food and watch a trash film and sleep in here tonight,” Lily says when she sees the fresh wave of tears your eyes.  
You look at her and nod your head at her idea, silent tears still streaming down your face. No matter how much she jokes at inappropriate times, Lily did always come through in the end.  
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You moped around the flat for a while, ignoring your phone and the outside world. Only turning up for work, and even then you wouldn’t really talk to any colleagues unless you had to. You essentially became a hermit, drawing in to yourself. Even Lily struggled to get in contact with you, and she lived in the same flat as you.  
You didn’t want to go outside, almost in fear of some sort of repeat of what had happened, so you would stay inside when you could. You knew Lily worried about you, always being extra happy when she saw you, asking about your day, telling you funny things that had happened. And you pretended as best you could to be OK around her, but you knew she wasn’t buying it.  
A couple of weeks after the incident you find yourself in the flat alone. In your pyjamas, hair in a messy bun on top of your head, you decide to not go to the door when you hear someone knock. The knocking become more insistent, getting louder the more you ignore it so you decide to see who it is.  
Jimin looks slightly taken aback when you open the door, clearly shocked by your unkept appearance. He quickly makes his face neutral though, making it seem like he wasn’t shocked in the first place.  
“Hi,” he says sheepishly.  
“What the hell are you doing here Jimin?” You say, your voice flat.  
“A warm welcome. Not going to invite me in?”  
You roll your eyes at him, deciding to remain silent.  
“Ok, sorry, I know you’re annoyed at me but I’ll just be a minute,” he says. “Please,” he pleads.  
You take a small step to the side, enough so that he can walk past you, which he does quickly in case you change your mind. When he is past you he spins on his heels so he is looking at you and it’s the first time that you see how worried and stressed he is.  
“You need to talk to Hobi,” he says.  
“I’m barely talking to you, why would I want to talk to him,” you walk past him to the living room.  
“Because if you think you look like shit, he looks ten times worse,” he says as he follows you.  
“Thanks,” you say sarcastically, knowing you looked like shit, but didn’t need him to confirm it.  
“Have you really not seen anything?” He takes a seat on your sofa, not awaiting an invitation, though you wouldn’t have provided one.  
“Why would I?” You say.  
A sigh leaves Jimins mouth and a hand comes up to run over his face.  
“Jesus,” he says. “You really just need to talk to Hobi. He’s been trying to contact you and you haven’t replied. We’ve all been trying to get hold of you.”
“That’s because I don’t want to talk to him. I don’t really want to talk to any of you.”
“Don’t you want to hear what he has to say? He is so sorry and I know that he just wants to -”
“I honestly don’t care,” you cut him off.  
“You can’t think I believe that,” he rolls his eyes at you. “You look like shit, and you can’t tell me that has nothing to do with Hobi.”
“Yeah, I already thanked you for that,” you say.  
“Just come to the flat with me,” he continues.  
“I’m not interested Jimin.”
“When will you be ready? You can’t run from this forever. You need to talk to him at some point.”
“Do I? I don’t think I ever need to see him again if I don’t want to.”
“OK. Yeah, you’re right,” Jimin nods his head as he speaks. “You never have to see him, talk to him, be near him again. But is that really what you want?” He pauses as if wanting a response, which you don’t provide. “He’s sorry. For everything. He doesn’t want your forgiveness, he just wants to explain.”
“He doesn’t want my forgiveness?” You almost laugh. “Then what does he want? He wants to speak to me, to ‘explain’ everything, but he doesn’t want my forgiveness? He wants to ease his conscious, is that it? If he can just talk to me and ‘explain’ everything then he’ll feel like he’s done the right thing and then he’ll feel better about it all and can move on with his life. Is that it?”  
“You know that’s not what I meant,” Jimin sighs at how you have twisted his words. “It will just explain everything.”  
“Explain what?”
“Just talk to Hobi,” Jimin stands up as he says the words and you are surprised that he doesn’t want to stay longer to convince you. But he can tell that no matter what he says in this moment you wouldn’t really listen to what he was saying, only hearing what you wanted to hear.  
“I really don’t want to talk to him,” you say, tears starting to gather in your eyes, a sudden wave of emotion washing over you.  
Jimin looks down at you and he starts to walk toward you, obviously wanting to hug you or comfort you in some way, but stops when you hold out a hand in his direction.  
“Please,” it’s now your turn to plead. “I feel like I’ve been through so much shit. And maybe you think I’ve run away from everything, but if I had stayed everything would have escalated. I don’t know what Hoseok has told you, but if he has told you everything then I would hope you would at least be able to see where I am coming from.”
“He told me everything,” Jimins voice comes out softer and quiet. Looking up at him you can see the concern written over his face and you have to look away when you feel the tears well in your eyes. “But I also don’t think you know everything.”  
“Then tell me,” you say with defeated sigh.  
“Talk to Hobi,” his voice is firm as he says the words for what feels like the hundredth time.  
Fiddling with your fingers, picking at your nails, you avoid Jimins eyes as you think over his words. Maybe you were running from your problems. Maybe talking to Hoseok was the right thing to do. Maybe you needed to meet him and talk through everything. Maybe if you talk to him you might start to feel less crap and might actually get back to a semi normal life.  
When you meet Jimins eyes now you see hope in place of concern.  
“OK,” you say and have to rush your next words out when you see Jimin almost jump for joy. “But I’m not meeting him alone. I would ask to meet him in a public place, but I think that’s out of the question. So instead, I don’t want to see him alone.”
“OK, I understand,” Jimin, elongates the word showing he doesn’t fully understand but is going along with it as you have agreed to meet Hoseok. “How about meeting on neutral ground. Come to the offices after practice one day and we can go to the café in the building,” at your unsure expression he continues. “I’ll be there, you can ask Lily to come too. We’ll sit close by but it will also mean you can talk about everything without feeling like we’re all listening.”
Not quite neutral ground but you guess it’s the best you were going to get. It was almost like he had already planned the whole thing out, it all sounded too perfect for him to have come up with the idea on the spot.  
“OK,” you agree, because although you still had doubts, and although you really didn’t want to meet Hoseok, you knew that you probably should.  
A wide smile spreads across Jimins face, showing off his bright white teeth.  
“You can set the date. Whenever you are ready,” Jimin says. “But shall we say within the next two weeks,” because he doesn’t trust that you won’t leave it months.  
“I’ll tell you a day to meet within the next week,” you better his offer, wanting it over and done already, knowing this meeting will play on your mind all the time. 
“Great,” Jimins smile seems to grow at your words, glad that his plan to come and see you in person had actually paid off.  
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As promised you messaged Jimin a date that you were happy to meet. Having spoken to Lily, she agreed that she would come with you for support. Turning up to the BigHit building, although nervous, you felt like things were happening on your terms.  
The last time you had seen Hoseok was when you were in the flat. As you walk into the canteen with Lily you spot Jimin sat at a table across the room. He gives you a wave when he spots the two of you, and as he does the man that had his back to you turns round to look.  
Your walk falters slightly as you see his face. Jimin wasn’t lying when he said that he looked 10 times worse than you. Even in this public setting, where he had obviously made a bit of an effort, he didn’t look his normal self. The closer you got the more detail you could see. His usual smile wasn’t on his face, his lips down turned even as he looked at you. There were dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn’t slept in weeks. His hair had a slight grease to it and it flopped down around his face unstyled. His clothes were baggy and dark, meaning nothing about him was bright.  
Nerves through the roof as it is, the appearance of the seemingly broken man didn’t help your feelings. As you grew ever closer to the table Jimin stood up, at least he had a smile on his face you thought.  
“Hey guys,” Jimin says, almost too brightly. “Thanks for coming. Lily, fancy getting a coffee with me?”  
Not waiting for a reply, Jimin walks up to Lily. Giving you a small smile and squeezing your shoulder gently, Lily turns to get a coffee and sit away from you.
Sitting down opposite Hoseok, silence falls over the two of you as you both take each other in. You were unsure how you should feel. Walking in you felt nerves, seeing Hoseok you almost felt sad for him, and now sat in front of him you start to feel anger at the situation.  
“I’m so sorry,” Hoseok breaks the silence and his voice sounds just as broken as his appearance. “I’m so, so, sorry.”  
You give him a small nod, not trusting your voice in that moment to speak.  
“I was an idiot. I didn’t think about anything and that was so stupid of me. I should have thought and I didn’t,” he carries on when you don’t speak.  
You continue to nod at his words. “You were an idiot,” you say and a tiny smile appears on his face, though you are not trying to be funny. “But I was an idiot too. I was blind and naïve, but you really hurt me,” you carry on and the small smile falls from his face.  
“You weren’t naïve,” Hoseok says.  
“Everyone keeps saying that,” you roll your eyes at him. “I was naïve. I knew you were someone and I chose to respect your privacy or whatever the hell I thought I was doing. But no matter what stupid mistake I made, you should have told me.”  
“I know,” Hoseok sighs.  
“You had months. I can understand at the start maybe. But you got to know me, I opened up to you and you still didn’t trust me enough.”
“It wasn’t about trust.”
“Then what was it about?”  
“Do you know how many people know who I am?” Hoseok asks. “I don’t mean that to sound big headed, but I can’t walk down the street without someone recognising me. And then you come along and had no idea who I was, or at least I assumed you didn’t by the way you treated me. And then you also had no idea who anyone was at my birthday,” he shrugs lightly. “Everyone was against me getting a roommate from the start but I decided to risk it, and when I met you, I was so glad I did. And then I got to actually know you and people started to tell me they thought I should tell you who I was, what I do for a living, and I think I convinced myself that maybe you already you knew, or if you didn’t it would ruin everything and you would treat me differently. And as time went on it felt more and more like I shouldn’t tell you, that I’d left it too late. And then we kissed.” He pauses and looks at you. You remain staring at him, taking in his words and trying to digest them. Not wanting to show any emotion at his words you look at a spot behind him, finding it easier to keep a passive face that way.  
“And the next day we watched films and you were talking about Notting Hill and I thought now's the time that I can tell you. The perfect opportunity to slip it into conversation. But you said that you hated the thought of having a life like Julia Roberts had in the film. Hated the thought of everyone swarming you and I couldn’t do that to you, I couldn’t tell you who I was and ruin everything. So I went back to ignoring it all, pretending I was someone else, that I didn’t need to tell you who I was. And then everything went to shit. And it’s all my fault. And I don’t want you to feel sorry for me or like you owe me anything, I just wanted to explain,” he says and then remains silent, wanting some form of response from you.  
“Jimin said that there was still stuff that I didn’t know, but I know all of this,” you say and you can’t ignore the slight flicker of hurt that crosses his face. Because truthfully you didn’t know everything, you didn’t know his feelings on the whole situation, but you still couldn’t get your head around the fact that he had chosen to not tell you about it.  
Hoseok runs a hand down his face in frustration and the next words that leave his lips sound a bit harsher. “I don’t know what you came here to hear Y/N. That I’m sorry? Because that obviously isn’t enough. That I care for you? Because I do care for you,” his words start to soften and he has an almost desperation in his eyes. “I don’t think I have ever felt this way about anyone. I feel almost protective over you, but I can’t protect you from this. This is my life and I hate that it’s so crappy that it pushed you away.”  
The guard that you had put up when you entered the room starts to slowly slacken at his words. You had wanted to remain strong, and you thought the best way to do that was to be defensive, to throw his words back at him. But as you listen and watch him you realise that that was not the best thing to do at all.
“I care for you too,” you admit. “And that’s why it hurt so much. I didn’t care what everyone was saying. Yes, I’m not used to it and it did affect me. But what really hurt was that it felt like you didn’t care enough to warn me. Didn’t care enough about me to open up to me.”  
“I’m sorry,” is all he can manage to get out.  
“I felt like I was alone. I’d met the rest of your band and thought they were nice and not even they came to my side when everything exploded. But it was the statement I read from you that really got me. Friends, is I think the word I read. Friends don’t kiss friends Hoseok,” you feel almost stronger as you let out the words that had been running through your mind for the past few weeks. “Friends don’t sleep with friends,” you pause to see the slight cringe that crosses his face at those words. “And even if we were just friends, which I would have been happy with, friends don’t just abandon each other it a shit storm like that.”  
“I know this is going to sound like a cop out and it is no excuse, but it was all the company. We don’t write those press releases and however much influence it looks like I have, I have no say,” he says.  
“Yeah, you’re right, it’s not really an excuse,” you say. “There are ways you can put out your own thoughts, you're not some silenced puppet that is controlled by a company. And like I said, it’s more than that, you weren’t there for me when I needed you most.”
“Because you left,” he says. “I came home to your bare room. I came home as soon as I found out what had happened and from what I could see you didn’t want to hear from me. I thought you wanted some space so I gave you that, and then when I tried to get hold of you, you didn’t want to hear from me.”  
He watches as you try to commute what he was saying. Your eyes focused on your hands where your fingers pick at the skin around your nails. He can see that you had genuinely believed that he would have left you in that situation, that he wouldn’t have tried to be there for you and his heart almost crushes under how he must have made you feel, regrets every decision he made.  
But as the silence extends, he feels a small glimmer of hope, you no longer snapping back at him or cutting off his words. His arm reaches across the table and a hand is placed over yours, stopping your fingers from picking at your nails. You don’t push his hand away, secretly enjoying the feeling, but your eyes remain on the hands rather than looking up at the man.  
“I miss you,” he says. “I miss coming back to the flat and seeing a bright post-it note on the side. I miss eating your food, even if it’s not always that best,” he squeezes your hand to show he’s joking, and for the first time a genuine smile comes to his face at your reaction. “I miss talking to you, even if it just over text. I miss your smell around the flat. I miss having days off from work and hanging out with you around the flat. I miss kissing you. I miss waking up to you in my bed. I just miss you,” he says with a small sigh.  
You are shocked by his words, not expecting him to have said any of that, especially while holding your hand. You hadn’t expected to come and forgive Hoseok. Weren’t expecting to feel anything but anger. But you had fooled yourself into thinking that the feelings you had for him were only skin deep. But over the short time you had known him he had managed to worm his way into your life like no one ever had.  
As you sit in silence, Hoseok starts to grow nervous, worried his words had done more damage than good. He starts to take back his hand, releasing yours from his grip, but you hold onto it before it can get too far. His eyes look up at you and you can see the shock.  
“I’m sorry,” you say, and though you pause to try and hold back the emotion threatening to spill out Hoseok doesn’t say anything and waits for you to carry on. “I ran because I was scared. And I didn’t want to talk to you because I was scared. And I pushed you away because I was scared. And I thought it was for the best, for both of us to move on and forget everything. And I’m still scared. But I think maybe I was wrong.”  
Hoseoks hand grips yours tighter and you get some comfort from the feeling.  
“I’m scared too you know?” He says and you look at him, seeing the sincerity in his words. “And I haven’t been perfect through this. We both made bad decisions through this, but we’re here now,” you nod slowly at his words, agreeing with what he was saying. “I get if you don’t want to, and maybe it's too soon, but you know that the room is still there for you to move back into.”  
You had kind of expected him to say this at some point during the meeting, though you had imagined he would be pleading more than he currently was. What you hadn’t expected was that you would almost want to take him up on the offer. You had thought you had come to terms with the fact that you would never step back into the flat again, yet here you were wanting to move back in.
“There’s no rush,” he says, his thumb slowly stroking the back of your hand. “But I would really love you to come back. I do really miss you.”  
Looking down at Hoseoks thumb rubbing against your skin you think back to all the times that Lily had told you off for overthinking. Having tried to head her words, as overthinking was a trait you didn’t like about yourself, you look back up at Hoseok.  
“Ok,” you say.  
“Ok?” He questions, shocked and needing clarification.  
“I’ll come back to the flat,” you say and the all too familiar smile spreads across his face and it was like the sun had arisen, everything seeming to be brighter. “I’ll move back, but things will be different. I can’t just jump back to how we were, it will take me time to trust you fully again,” you warn.  
The smile doesn’t falter at your words, Hoseoks head nodding firmly in agreement. “Of course, I would expect nothing else,” he says.  
With that he stands up from his chair and you are confused until he starts to round the table towards you. Taking the hands he had just dropped, he pulls you up, encompassing you in hug. Your head pressed firmly into his chest, his leaning down so his nose presses against your scalp, you almost felt you were home.  
“I did really miss this,” he whispers into your hair.  
“Seems like you two have made up,” Jimins voice sounds out and you can almost hear the smugness that his plan had worked out.  
Pulling yourself out of Hoseoks arms you give him one last look, a smile finally coming to your face, as you turn to Jimin.  
“Just about,” you say.  
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The second time you move into the flat your flatmate is there to great you. Much like the first time, Lily and Eddie help you carry all your belongs. But this time, instead of being greeted by an empty flat, you are greeted by Hoseok.  
“Hey,” he beams as he opens the door to you, holding it wide so you can all shuffle in. “Hope you found the place ok,” he jokes.  
“We got a bit lost in the lobby, shitty instructions given by the owner,” you joke back, happy that the two of you are at least back to some form of normality.  
“My apologise,” he continues to smile as he takes some bags off of you, heading towards your room. “At least you’re all here now. Do you want a drink or anything?” He asks as you all place your bags in your room.  
“I’ll have a tea,” Lily asks, Eddie agreeing with her.  
“I’ll make a pot,” Hoseok says. “Yoongi is in the living room. Go through and I’ll bring it all in.”  
“I’ll help,” you say, not letting him dispute as you walk to the kitchen.  
Hoseok joins you in the kitchen, and though you are both busy boiling the kettle and getting mugs out the cupboard, you enjoy just being around him.  
“I’m happy to have you back,” Hoseok breaks the silence in the room, when nearly everything is ready.  
“It feels a bit weird, but I’m happy to be back too,” you admit, deciding you wanted to be more open with your feelings around him.  
“You don’t need to worry,” he says, and the small step he takes towards you doesn’t go unnoticed.  
“I hope not,” you stare at him as he takes another small step towards you.  
Now within touching distance, Hoseoks hand comes to rest on the counter just in front of yours on the counter.  
“I did really miss you,” his voice is soft and he is staring at your hand as his inches ever closer.  
“You’ve mentioned that once or twice,” you would laugh if the tension in the room wasn’t so high.  
His finger finally comes into contact with yours and it’s like a spark runs through you. His hand encompasses yours and his thumb slowly strokes the back of your hand. Even though you look down at your entwined hands, you still see him step closer to your body, your chests almost touching now.  
“The teas ready, we should take it through,” you whisper, still looking at your hands.
“Yeah, we should go,” his voice is just as quiet as yours.  
Neither of you make any attempt to move. You finally look up into Hoseoks eyes, only to find he is already looking at you.  
“Can I kiss you?” Hoseok asks.  
Yours eyes widen in shock at the words. “I- I- I don’t,” you stutter slightly and a smile comes to Hoseoks face as he notices the effect he is having on you. “I don’t want to get hurt,” you admit. “Don’t want to rush into anything.”
Hoseoks hand leaves your hand so he can sweep some hair from off your face.
“Don’t overthink it,” he echo's the words Lily always says to you. “But if you don’t want to, then don’t feel like you have to.”
You remain quiet whilst you think over his words. His hand remains on your face and you continue to look into each others eyes.  
“But I want to,” you whisper.  
The smile that was on his face grows and he starts to lean into you. You close your eyes as his lips finally touch yours.  
Finally pulling away, you suddenly feel shy and smile at the ground. His hand comes under your chin and lifts it up so that you have to look him in the eye.  
“I’m so glad you’re back,” he says, eyes flicking between your eyes, finally resting on your lips. Leaning in for one last kiss he says, “let's take the tea through.”
Taking a step back he picks up the tea and some mugs, you help by picking up the remaining mugs. Following him through to the living room you finally feel like you are home. Happy when you see your friends talking happily with Yoongi, laughing when Hoseok makes a joke as he enters the room. Glad that you decided to move back in, even if things were hard, you knew that Hoseok would be there for you and would help you through it all. Deciding that it was one of the best decisions to be his flatmate.  
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ptitelidio · 3 years
Finally I can post the Rivetra oneshot commission because I had a weird problem with my account.
for @himebee-5 (I know you already read it but I wanted to post it here :))
-> Petra acting jealous when girls are talking about her captain
Petra couldn’t think properly due to the noise around her, her head ached, and she needed some fresh air. The bar was full to burst at night, and her friends Nanaba and Nifa were drinking some beer, clearly not sober anymore. Their complexion was now reddish while some incomprehensible words were coming from their mouths.
Petra was the only one that didn’t drink too much, actually she barely touched her glass. Before going to the bar with her friends, Levi went to see her and made her promise to stay sober. He couldn’t be there tonight, he said he had something important to fix. She didn’t seek more, all she wanted to do was to have fun with her friends. Yet she still found it odd, it was a break day after all...
She stood and looked for an exit downstairs. Once out, Petra felt way better and could finally breathe. She sat against the brick wall and let her head falling back. She closed her eyes a moment, but rapidly something came to disturb her tranquility. She heard familiar voices from afar, women voices.
“Did you really talk to him? Is he really grumpy as everybody say?” said one tall blonde woman.
”Yes he is, but oddly it is somehow attractive...” the second one blushed with her hands on her cheeks as to hide her face.
”Even though he’s not physically attractive, I should say that he’s quite popular because he is strong and has a high position in the military... some women could be interested?”
“Oh I don’t think so Sofia, what woman would marry someone as coldhearted as he? Have you seen how he treats his subordinates? Do you remember that young boy who has a titan ability?”
“Yeah that’s right... I heard what happened at the court... then, do you really wanna try something with him or?”
“Well, even if he’s grumpy and all, Captain Levi’s still a good choice for a woman. After all, he could provide her some protection, even if it’s not by a marriage, he still could have fun with a woman, couldn’t he?”
Petra was listening to their conversation with great attention, when it was about her captain, she was immediately careful to everything that was being said. She was the loyal kind and she respected too much her captain to hide something from him but this time... she didn’t want him to be disappointed when she’d told him women in town were planning on flirting with him only by interest. She didn’t want to hurt him so she kept the conversation for herself.
Later on, after Nifa and Nanaba went home by cart, Petra stayed a little longer outside. Her joyful mood from the little party totally wiped out and she felt a disagreeable twinge in her chest.
“Who are these women?” she whispered loudly. Why did she felt that way? After all, Captain Levi is not the type to flirt with unknown people. Then why?
“Petra?” Someone caught her off guard. It was Captain Levi, he was sitting in a cart waiting for her. She didn’t even notice him.
“What are you waiting for? Get in.” he said.
She raised her hand so he can help her getting in. She sat calmly but a million of questions were turning round in her mind. She hesitated to ask him a question, the question, actually Captain Levi seemed preoccupied by something.
“Captain, may I speak?”
He turned his face to look at her.
”You don’t have to be so formal with me, you’re not on duty, aren’t you?”
“Right.. so, uhm, I thought you had some urgent matter outside the town? So...”
”Yes that’s right. Actually... something unpleasant happened...” he mumbled some insults.
“Really? Do you want to talk about it?”
His eyes crossed hers with a glimpse.
”Not really, don’t worry. Not a big deal.”
She knew Captain Levi is a man of few words, but she couldn’t stop worrying when he spoke so little, in general when it was the case it meant that something annoyed him a lot.
“Is it Eren again?” she asked with a little smile.
“Fortunately not this time. Eld and Oluo take care of him right now.”
“I don’t think Oluo’s gonna make it...” she whispered by clenching her fist.
”What?” he asked.
“Oh nothing.. and what about Gunther? I didn’t heard much about him these times...”
“Don’t worry he’s going to be fine, I sent him back home. His injuries are not so bad.”
They went quiet for a while, Petra didn’t dare asking him again what was the matter and Levi was too preoccupied by her reaction if she knew what happened. But he wanted to know.
“Petra, what would you said if some lad asked your hand?”
”Uh? What do mean?”
”You know, even if, you.. you didn’t have feelings for them, would you still marry someone?”
Petra felt herself blushing because she could never imagine talking about love with her Captain.
“To be honest, feelings are important to me... I couldn’t imagine marrying someone without feeling something... for him.”
Her eyes lifted up to Levi’s and he seemed to be chewing the thing over.
”The thing is, marriage’s not good in a world with titans, y’know.”
”I understand. So, can I- can I ask you who is the origin of these troubles?”
”Tch.. it’s embarrassing...”
He stayed silent but he finally answered.
”Look, you have to keep this for yourself. I swear if you don’t–”
”Captain, don’t worry!” she immediately said.
”Okay then. Well. When I arrived at Mitlas, two women came in front of me and they asked me some weird questions.”
”Like?” she asked but she knew who it was about. She felt a fire burning inside.
”Y’know, some marriage stuffs. If I would marry one of them... or some crap. Plus, they had annoying attitude.”
”And what did you do?”
”I left. Then they said I was rude, I don’t understand. That’s probably true..”
Petra began to laugh out loud, even her Captain was startled. She laughed because she found his reaction quite funny, how he felt uncomfortable with them. But most importantly, she thought her reaction, being jealous, was a bit childish of her since he couldn’t even notice any ounce of romanticism.
When the horseman stopped at Karanes, Levi helped Petra stepping out of the cart and accompanied her until her front door.
”Thank you Captain, it’s nice of you. You shouldn’t pick me up to Karanes every night you know... if it’s bothering you–”
”Don’t worry Petra. It’s not. Besides, I hope to cross path with someone actually... but he never seems to be home this late.”
”Who’s that?”
”Your father. Is he home?”
“Oh he’s never home at this hour, he’s probably helping some friends. He’s good at selling haha.”
”I see.”
Petra didn’t know what to add, she wanted to invite him in but she was afraid to bother him. He surely had more important things to do than wandering with her like that.
”Do you have some tea?” Levi suddenly asked, pointing her door with his finger.
”Uh... I think I do, do you want some?”
Now they were drinking some tea in the silence of the night. Levi had been admiring her house and complimenting its cleanliness.
Petra hold her teacup with her two hands to warm them up and she said
”You know... I’ve been thinking about what I would do after the 57th expedition. I know that it took a lot of preparations so we will have a lot of free time after that.”
Levi sipped a little more tea in her cup.
”What if... well... if we succeed this mission, do you think... we could move together?”
”I mean, I heard you didn’t have a proper house for yourself... and sometimes when I stay in the headquarters late at night, I notice that you sleep in one of those rooms... it doesn’t seem comfy at all.”
”That’s right but I’m not complaining. I already knew even worse, you know.”
”I saved some money because I also work as a waitress in my dad’s friend bar when I have time, well maybe you don’t want to live with me or–”
”I could probably do that. I guess. But y’know how I don’t like to talk about these matters if I don’t know you’re safe. We don’t know what will happen in the future...”
”It’s about the expedition, isn’t it?”
”Yeah. You’re probably aware that you’ll be in the front lines with the rest of the squad, right?”
”I do. That’s my duty after all.”
”I didn’t tell the brat, he still think you have to watch him. If I tell him you’ve been assigned to protect him because he’ll be used as a bait, he’s gonna screw it all up. Tch.”
“That’s right, he’s a bit impulsive. He’s a child after all,” she smiles softly. Then Petra began to laugh again, Levi was wondering what was the matter with her today.
She just felt more confident as he accepted to move with her.
”Captain I think... I didn’t act well when I heard those women talking about you that way...”
”Those women? Have you met ‘em?”
”That was a pure coincidence but yes. I didn’t talk to them but I think... I was a bit jealous. The very idea of seeing them flirting with you... it’s not that I don’t want you to be happy with a wife, but I hope you’ll have someone nice. That truly cares.”
Levi stands and take the teacups to the sink.
”I know. Don’t worry about that, you can believe me when I say that as a child I learned to analyze people. I’m able to notice who cares about me.” His glare stays on her a moment.
”It’s late now, I have to go. Thanks for the tea.”
”Wait Captain... I- Promise me you are not going to take some risks during the expedition.. I’m afraid I’m not going to watch you back for long.”
“Stop talking shit, Petra. You are one of the best soldiers in the military, you’re going to do just fine. But, if anything happens... you’re aware I won’t be able to do anything this time?”
”I know, anyway my duty is to offer my heart to humanity and I didn’t enroll for pleasure. I have a dream too...”
”Don’t worry, even if it’s dangerous... this time more than ever, I will have an eye on you. I’ll be close.”
“Thank you. Well, have a good night, Captain.”
Before leaving, Captain Levi grabbed Petra’s hair softly and put a little and chaste kiss on her forehead. Petra felt herself blushing so much, that was so unusual of him. Maybe it was their last goodbye before the expedition she thought.
”You too.”
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Srry but i noticed in one of ur dream posts u Referred to tommy's cat as hope. I must correct u, that cat was born pussbou and died pussboi. /lh Also tommy killing that cat was nothing compared to dream killing mushroom henry in exile btw just wanna say Also for ur posts about dreams trauma or wilbur manipulating him can u provide links to vods or other proof? Srry if i seem rude i mean that in a "genuinely curious way"
Aaa sorry if my ask came off as rude im just genuinely curious :(((
hi! dw, you don't seem rude at all, and i'm extremely happy someone with a different perspective has found my blog! i really appreciate that sort of attitude and am happy to answer :]
/dsmp /rp
the cat was called pussboy by tommy, but dream only called it "the cat" and then said that "it was hope", which is why it sort of became a symbol (his hope is dead, basically) - that's why i kind of made its name capitalized, because it was more of a metaphor than anything.
most c!dream fans call the cat hope because it's just really nice and really symbolic, and also really sad when you think about it. that's why the name was used in the essay, just to clear up the confusion!
tommy killing that cat was nothing compared to dream killing mushroom henry in exile
i don't really think so? mooshroom henry was entertainment more than anything, and even if it was bad, when watching the stream i don't remember seeing him mourn that much - on the other hand, dream was very quickly and very obviously attached to the cat, with it being his only companion in months of isolation, along with the hope that even when tommy left it would keep him company.
keep in mind c!dream has been deprived of stimuli and human contact for so long it's officially classified as psychological torture at that point.
i don't mean to compare trauma or even compare deaths - because honestly, what c!dream and c!tommy have gone through individually is incomparable and i think neither should be diminished in favor of the other since they're both terrible situations.
that's why i disagree that it "was nothing compared to" - it had an obvious effect on c!dream, and was still c!tommy killing an animal specifically to hurt him, no matter what reasons he had.
when i'm talking about effects people's actions have had on c!dream, i'm not talking about those people. i'm talking about him. :) /lh
as for the trauma, a lot of people agree that a lot of the things he says or does are trauma responses, and hence it's very possible that he's had trauma before he went into prison!
this includes being repeatedly called a tyrant via propaganda by about half of your friends who decided to betray you, trying to keep peace and being pushed deeper into villainy instead, repeatedly being put in between a rock and a hard place in order to make sure the people you care about don't start killing each other, then being betrayed by your closest friends after merely trying to keep peace (sapnap & george) and just in general having no control over your life or image and grasping at straws to gain it back.
i know a lot of people with trauma who heavily relate to certain trauma responses, which aren't always just shaky breaths and flashbacks, but trauma often also manifests itself in extremely ugly and destructive ways, both inwardly and outwardly.
trying to control the people around you is also very often a response to going through trauma, as well as emotional repression which is... rather evident on c!dream during season two. it only seems to get worse with repeated abandonment.
in the end, during the vault scene, the way he acts really just isn't at all the way a healthy person would act, and a lot of his really bad mindsets come from the way he was taught by the world around him.
the character is very reserved however, and since we don't have his pov we can't really say for certain - a lot of people claim it in good faith because they have a lot of evidence for it, and i think they're certainly valid in that.
that is just before the prison, however. from what happened during the prison arc? there is no denying he's traumatized at this point.
he's been emotionally and physically abused by c!sam since the very beginning of being imprisoned, and being in solitary confinement for over two weeks is generally considered psychological (and maybe also physical?) torture. that alone shows up in a lot of symptoms of his mental deterioration while in pandora's during people's visits, and quackity's "sessions" just absolutely drove the point home.
what he's gone through during this arc is absolutely incomparable to anything others charactes have faced before, and it's just plain suffering being endured by someone who is, despite everything, still a human being.
as for the wilbur manipulation thing!! it's talking about the whole vassal scene (though even beforehand a lot of their interactions are pretty iffy), and here's a post about that :]
I also have a small question about the analysis u last reblogged cus it says "why dream needed lmanburg gone rightfully" and like. The house analogy is poor because for one cus the land is infinite. And 2 cus punz's yard was literally larger then lmanburg. And also stuff about dream being a mediator? Can u provide examples?
i wouldn't say it was poor. dream's said a lot of times that he didn't care in the slightest about the land - a lot of his problems with l'manberg arose with the fact that wilbur basically built it on lies and tried to disallow half of the server to come there. c!dream was mad about the division and the fact that wilbur wanted "freedom" to have authority in his lands - over others, as can be seen in this post also.
the table analogy was fitting not because dream was some overlord, but because these were literally friends he invited to hang out and live in a place he wanted to call home. claiming a part of it for yourself and saying people of a certain nationality can't come in is directly opposing those goals.
in the early days of the smp, dream's always been a mediator between his friends - sapnap and george, who would often get into fights and go around killing each other! he would always do his best to stop the conflict, which continued after tommy joined when he took him to court and then later tried to mediate conflicts he was a part of, which resulted in tommy killing him unprovoked, stealing his gear, and starting the disc wars when dream was trying to get his stuff back. later, during pogtopia, he is also most concerned with peace over everything, and this seems to continue indefinitely after.
Today i was thinking about how messed up the final control room was. Like. Dream arranged the betrayal and punz and sapnap killed tommy and tubbo who like. Were literal children and their pals (because the author, wilbur soot, is dead/j but srsly if u take the streamers words tommy said he was 9 during the revolution sooo)
Sorry im gonna ramble about how dumb canon ages are for a second cus like. Streamers can say the characters are one way or another (wilbur saying he is mentally 30-something, etc.) But in the end the characters act like they(or at least their streaming personas) do.
i... honestly don't find it that bad? they were in a war, and the final control room was basically just supposed to end it quicker. the l'manbergians made it clear they were going to fight to the death, so they really left c!dream no other choice. and it's not like he didn't give them chances to give up.
also yeah the 9 year old thing was retconned, because in that case c!dream would've been 14 and i don't think that's true.
c!tommy and c!dream were both young and once again, in a war. the final control room was an attempt to assure victory, which both sides would've taken if possible, but only c!dream saw he had the option.
i do agree the whole child soldier thing was bad but... complain about that to c!wilbur, methinks. he talked naive kids into fighting for his personal power. however, the age argument isn't really valid either way. they had enough agency to sign up for it, and whether or not c!wilbur pushing the intense nationalism onto them had something to do with that is another debate entirely.
Bacl to final control room cus like??? Also fun fact punz took 2 of wilbur's canon lives. And like that probably is what started wilbur's paranoia which later lead to his spiral and i. Many thoughts full of lmanburg today.
i'm pretty sure cc!wilbur said what lead to c!wilbur's spiral was a "dark, twister view of possessions" and "disregard for his fellow citizen whom he claimed to love so much", but i really wouldn't say it was the control room; if anything the sudden loss of power after the elections seems to me like the trigger for his spiral.
I watched the exile arc live and. I feel dirty almost for feeling little to no sympathy for c!dream (srry ive been forgetting to add that aa) because of his actions toward c!tommy and like. The whole probation was so humiliating and unfair and c!dream was planning to frame him for the crimes he and puffy did under the the guise of "pranks" and c!quackity was planning to seize the vice president role.
i mean... to be fair, if you didn't watch the prison arc much yet or only watch tommy's perspective i understand not feeling that sympathetic - however, i encourage you to maybe watch a few prison visits, since they could help you see the whole picture better!
i also watched it live, and i also thought it was terrible, but i share very much the same sentiment for the prison arc because. absolutely no one should have to go through either of those things, you know?
i don't think probation was that humiliating? he was just. being asked to not start conflict with the other factions for two weeks. of course, what happened as a result is in no way justified, but i don't think probation itself would've been bad at all. either way yeah the framing and c!quackity's behaviour was. very yikes, i agree.
Also c!tommy antis are dumb because they say "he deserved exile angry emoji" i dont see u saying that about ranboo. Just say you hate cc!tommy and go. Also people say c!tommy was just as toxic to c!dream and i??? No. One is the victim and one is the abuser and like. :/// man. This part is rambly srry
i wouldn't say they hate cc!tommy? cc!tommy has a persona who people think is annoying at first ( but then they subscribe because he is super entertaining big man! ) but a lot of c!tommy's actions are straight up toxic to certain characters, such as c!funndy and c!jack. he has a very dismissive attitude towards others and their trauma and it does affect the people around them very negatively.
examples; his repeated bullying and behavior towards fundy:
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Fundy: “I’m wearing glasses…are you making fun of my eyesight?!”
Tommy: “Yes.”
Sapnap: “Your father would be very disappointed.”
Fundy: “Wh – disappointed for wearing glasses?!”
Tommy: “You got glasses, like what are you wearing…”
Fundy: “What do you mean?”
Tommy: “Sapnap, Sapnap, over here. Fundy, Fundy, Fundy, I’m really sorry to say this – I’m just here to publicly denounce you.”
Fundy: “…What?”
( credit for transcript: @/findingjoynweirdstuff )
he's also responsible for a big chunk of c!jack's trauma, both with actions and words, and that's why i think certain people might dislike the character, and i don't think that's wrong of them. anyone can dislike any character they want if they don't attack people for liking them, in my opinion.
also c!tommy was most definitely toxic against c!dream in the cell. it's of course understandable but that doesn't change the fact he was constantly hitting and insulting him (without dream doing anything back for a long while until he snapped) which is toxic behaviour.
i wouldn't say he was "just as" though, so i agree with you on that. they're different and they behave differently.
i made a dream blob keychain today. Is it possible to send images if u wanna see? Idk cus i havent used tumblr before. I think that's all for now. Thx for letting me talk :D peepoShy -curious anon (but fr a connoreatspants c!dream redemption arc would be cool)
yooo that's cool! i don't really,,, know if it's possible to send images? try it out and if it isn't i'll try find a way to turn it on.
also, no problem! just please remember this is a c!dream sympathetic blog, and me as well as my followers are uhh,, oftentimes emotionally attached / personally relate to the character, so if you could avoid sending hate on the character (not that you have or that i expect you to, just a friendly reminder) in the asks that would be great! we already see a lot of it unwillingly so, i'd rather not see more, but as long as the discussion is civil i'm absolutely ok with you asking more and with me answering more questions if you'd want to! :)
if anyone else would like to reblog this and add some things i might've missed with my answers, feel free to, just go easy on her (she uses she/her pronouns!) and keep it factual.
i hope u had a good or at least ok time at school today :D
thanks! i gtg now because exam tomorrow but i'm going to try write the redemption essay tomorrow as well because ohhh boy i have a lot of ideas about what all i could write around the concept.
also sorry this was long, i can't keep my tongue on the leash :[
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Awkwardly In Love | Mingi (ATEEZ)
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Volleyball player! Mingi can’t seem to take his eyes off the girl on the bleachers whose got her nose stuck in her book.
Word count: you just gotta know that it iz quite a long ride. I apologize for that.
She's always got her nose buried in her book.
That's what catches Mingi's attention at first.
See, he's not one to read. Nor does he have any interest in reading and books and the things that come with it. Growing up in a household full of children involved in physical sport, books had counted for nothing but a minimal afterthought. That, and the fact that their financial struggles made it so that they didn't spend on books if it could be helped.
So seeing her always carrying around piles and piles of books has Mingi wonder how much extra cash does she have to spend on all this imaginary stories.
When he realizes that the reason she's always on the same spot on the bleachers is due to her cousin being in the same volleyball team as he is, he can't help but start asking questions.
"Yeah she's my mother's sister's daughter," Hongjoong says with a small affectionate smile, "we basically grew up in the same household so she waits for me after classes."
"You guys close then?" Mingi asks in a forced nonchalant tone. He keeps his eyes on the ball being served on the other side, palms already closed and upturned at the ready.
"Ready?" His teammate calls.
"Yeah!" They both holler.
He serves. The ball swoops in a beautiful arc and Mingi steels himself before receiving the ball with trained precision.
"Closer than siblings," Hongjoong answers as the ball flies over the net, "why do you ask?"
Mingi is about to answer when he spots the ball. Hongjoong sweeps in, steering his legs to tap the ball high in the air.
Mingi's head swivels up, catches the ball to throw it back at Hongjoong.
"In!" The referree calls to signal that they've marked the final point to the game. The pair allow sighs to leave their lips as they slowly make their way out of the court.
"Uhm," Mingi's chest heaves up and down with effort. Sweat dots his forehead as he racks for an excuse, "just curious I guess."
"Want me to introduce you?"
"Uh-- I--That's not--necessary--"
It's too late though, for Hongjoong is already calling out her name, "Y/N!"
Her head lifts from where it's been buried in her book.
Her cousin motions for her to come forward and no sooner is she stepping down from the bleachers that Mingi's neck flushes bright red, and he knows deep down it's not from the fact that he's just exercised.
"Y/N, meet Mingi my teammate," Hongjoong's grin is definitely one that is suggestive, which does nothing for Mingi's confidence.
"Hi," she sends him a warm smile, extending a hand. Mingi shakes it and can't help but notice how tiny her fingers are in comparison.
Delicate fingers, so breakable. Cute.
"H-Hi, I'm Mingi," Oh god, he hopes he doesn't sound like an idiot.
"Mingi's always been on the team. He's the ace after all," adds Hongjoong.
"Ah, that's cool," Y/N nods.
That's how it starts really. At every practice, Mingi makes it a must to talk to her, even if it's juet a tiny greeting, or a slight wave of his shy hand whenever he's already on the court when she stumbles in with her pile of books tucked under her arm. There's just something about her, something that pulls him in like an invisible string even though he can barely make his way through one sentence when he's gazing straight into her eyes.
Once, he musters up the courage to ask her about the book in her lap and the amount of joy flushing up her cheeks makes it so palpable that he feels giddy from her own excitement.
"I'm currently reading Peony in Love," holding up the book so he can see, she continues, "it's a historical novel about this Chinese girl that falls in love with someone who isn't her betrothed, then dies only to realize that this someone is actually her betrothed."
"That's actually really heartbreaking."
"Yeah well, so are most romance stories," she shrugs, "like the titanic."
"I've never actually watched it."
"What?! You're kidding me?"
He shakes his head, ducking his head in embarrassment as he wonders whether she thinks of him as a loser because of his apparent lack of intellectual knowledge.
But instead, he is faced with her enthusiasm, "we should watch it someday! It's like a classic, you'll love it if you like dramatic endings."
"You--" he feels his chest tighten in excitement, "you're serious?"
"Of course I am! I'll let Hongjoong know."
His heart does drop a little at Y/N's cousin's name. He'd hoped that they'd be alone, just the two of them.
Nevertheless, he makes his way over to Hongjoong's flat on the said night and is surprised to find not just the pair of cousins But an entire group of familiar individuals that he's seen hanging around the corridors and classrooms.
"Hey you came!" Hongjoong claps Mingi's back as he steps into the doorway, "I invited some of my close friends too. You probably know them."
As Mingi greets the rest of the group whe exchanging soft pleasantries, he finally catches sight of Y/N's figure darting between tall frames before she emerges, grinning, "hi, Mingi right?"
He can't help but blush right down to his toes, "h-hey, what's up?"
"Sorry for all the noise. The guys just wanted to crash here. Told them we were watching titanic and they promised they wouldn't make running commentaries."
"It's alright. I know them all a little. We're in the same class."
"Ah cool. You guys all in the same major then?"
Mingi scratches the back of his head, "nah I'm in Psych. But since they're all in the sciences like Hongjoong we do have same classes."
"Cool. I wish I could've taken Psych," she puffs up her cheeks into a pout and Mingi's fingers itch to pinch her cheeks.
She can't be that cute. She just can't be.
"So are we starting the movie or what?!" One of the guys --his name is Yunho, Mingi guesses -- calls out.
"The way you're talking Yunho, it's almost like you're the one who really wants to watch it," Hongjoong replies sassily while throwing both arms around Y/N and Mingi respectively before guiding them to the tv room. He dips his head towards Mingi's ear as the group settles in, "don't worry bro, I'll make sure you sit next to her."
Blushing furiously at the older boy's comment, the latter doesn't even have time to defend himself when he is being pushed onto the couch right next to Y/N's figure.
"You a big tears kind of guy?" The girl murmured, popcorn in lap. She extends it out to Mingi, who shyly grabs a handful.
"I guess it depends," Mingi murmurs, "are there animals in there?"
"Oh so you're that kind of guy."
He flushes. What kind of guy is she referring to?
The movie starts with the narration of an old lady gazing at a sapphire necklace, bedore the screen gives way to a shot of the ship itself in all its splendour, glistening a bold black and white in the midday sun.
Mingi knows he should be concentrating on the movie. And it's true, he really should, especially when Y/N had asked him to because it is clearly a classic he can't possibly miss out on. But alas, his eyes keep dashing back and forth between the screen and Y/N's face, stealing looks whenever she is not looking. It's almost like a magnetic pull tugging his gaze back to her no matter how hard he forces his eyes away; flitting over her eyes focused in attention, eyebrows furrowed at the middle with her mouth hanging open like a child amazed with naked wonder.
What can she possibly be thinking? What is going on inside that imaginative mind of hers?
What magical dimension is she traveling to without his knowledge?
It's only when the romance between the two protagonists start blossoming that he finally tears his eyes away to focus on the movie itself, all the while sensing Y/N's heat permeating from her body to his in a way that causes a permanent flush in the back of his neck.
The movie ends all too soon, with tears in Y/N's eyes and some of the other guys as they debate over the ending and how stupid Rose was for not giving Jack some space on the wooden board.
"Well to be fair, he would've probably sunk the entire board," Seonghwa argues. He's the pretty boy that everyone knows of, the one whom every girl has been crushing on since his admittance to their college.
"If I were Rose, I wouldn't want to keep living without the love of my life," Y/N points out, "I would've drowned myself with him."
"Jesus Y/N, that's terrifying," Hongjoong says.
"It's true though!"
The look in her eyes whenever she spoke of movies was a look of naked excitement. Like now, Mingi spots the familiar fire burning through her gaze, a gaze he finds alluring on her. It's like it breathes life into her face. It's similar to the one she wears whenever she's reading.
A few days later on campus, he bumps into her hurrying out of the library as he walks in, almost sending her flying before his arm snatches out to hold her shoulder.
"Sorry," he says hastily while putting her back on her feet and releasing her like she's just burnt him.
"S'okay," Y/N sends him a reassuring smile, "where you going?"
"Assignments. I'm late on my research paper because of practice," Mingi scratches his head. He nods towards her books, "what caught your interest this week?"
"Oh I'm just re-reading A Darker Shade of Magic," she grins like a little child being caught. Something in Mingi's heart softens like butter.
"What's it about?"
"It's so cool, it's like this guy with a super cool coat that has hundreds over coats inside it. And he's a magician and there are parallel worlds that have different wavelengths of magic. So he can travel through the different worlds and--" she stops abruptly then before her cheeks colour in shades of pink, "sorry. I'm rambling again--"
"No no no," Mingi cuts her off, causing her to blink, wide-eyed, "please...continue. I--I like it when you talk about your books. You--You always seem so alive and excited."
"Oh," her face flushes even more as another troop of butterflies tickle Mingi's stomach. She's so damn cute! "Thanks...Mingi."
He tries to analyze the flickering expressions on her face, though he guesses it is close to feeling embarrassed.
"A--Anyway I--I'll get going," Mingi hurriedly says, moving past her with flaming red ears upon realizing what he has just said, only to feel her hand clamp down on his.
He turns to see her, averted gaze and all, little fingers clamped onto his shirt, "do you--do you want to...go see a movie sometime?"
Hongjoong had threatened Mingi with a multitude of ways of killing him in case he broke Y/N's heart, albeit the fact that the taller man stated that no, they weren't going on a date,.and anyway flirting had never been Mingi's strongest points anyway.
"Sure. If it's not a date, what is it then?" Hongjoong had asked with a roll of his eyes.
"It's just two people hanging out," Mingi had protested through red ears and scarlet tinged cheeks.
As per the said man's suggestion, the pair decides to meet up at the cinema entrance to choose the movie of their choice. Y/N is decked in a simple white t-shirt, loose cut-off jeans with red sneakers, and as Mingi silently admires her sense of simple fashion the heat that rises through the back of his neck is enough to make him avert his gaze bashfully.
They settle on a romantic comedy and he volunteers to buy the popcorn so that she can find some decent seats. As he settles into the cinema room and the lights dim into darkness, he places the popcorn box into her hands, waving her off upon her rising protests.
"But you--"
"I'll share it with you, don't-- don't worry," he replies, hand scratching the back of his neck.
Don't sweat it, he says to himself. It's fine. It's not a date. It's just two friends enjoying each other's presence.
Halfway through the movie, Mingi reaches for the popcorn only for their hands to collide. He retracts it like he just burnt himself, causing the said girl to chuckle softly. She reaches over then, with a handful of popcorn, before plopping it straight into his mouth without warning.
Mingi blinks. Heat goes straight to his ears.
When his eyes find hers, she only graces him with a timid smile, before returning back to the movie, totally unaware that his heart is now practically galloping out of his chest.
Jesus, what she does to his heart.
Mingi has never been so whipped in his life, but right now, he's pretty certain that he doesn't mind if that means she can accept his heart.
"Well that was fun," Y/N says the moment they step out of the cinema hall, "wasn't expecting it to be so lovey dovey though."
His head ducks, "I'm sorry," he mutters, "I didn't know you weren't into--"
"Oh no no! Not at all! We both chose it. You have nothing to feel bad about!"
"I'm not that into movies," comes his mumble.
"What?" Y/N stops in the middle of the road as she blinks up at him in shock, "you should've told me!"
"I wasn't interested in seeing the movie, I just wanted to see--" he hesitates slightly, "you."
What the fuck Mingi, he feels like choking himself foe his stupidity. Why was he acting like a total turd? This was ridiculous! She's just a girl, a cute one sure, but still! It's almost like he's lost all ability to make conversation.
He tries once more, "I'm--I'm sorry I shouldn't have--“
“No, I“m the one who's sorry. Here, let me treat you. Ice cream?” and then, her eyes widen, "you do like ice cream right?"
That'a enough for his lips to tilt up into a smile, "I'd love ice cream."
Once they settle on a bench at the nearby park, it seems like all nervousness suddenly ease from Mingi's consciousness and slowly, he starts opening up to the said girl as they lick at their ice cream cones. The sun sets over the horizon, turning the blue sky in scarlet hues that reminds him of summer days that last forever.
"Architecture's tough but honestly, that was the only thing my parents would let me study," Y/N says, empty ice-cream stick in hand as her gaze sweeps over the park and its passerbys.
"I guess it makes sense, considering our economy recently," Mingi agrees.
"And you? Why Psych?"
He lifts his shoulder in a half-hearted shrug, "I guess I just like analyzing people. It's intriguing, knowing how people think, how they act around others."
"You want to be a therapist?"
"I don't know if I'm strong enough to help people get out of their problems when I can't even help myself."
He feels her eyes on him and finds interest in the way the wind blows across the grass blades.
Her voice is soft when she says, "you don't have to be that kind of hero, if you don't want to."
His heart swells with warmth and sudden affection, though he says nothing but nods in agreement.
It's easily past ten when they trudge back to Y/N's house, with nervousness swimming through Mingi's stomach in apprehension to Hongjoong's earlier threats, though Y/N reassures him that Hongjoong is mostly all talk and no action. That reassures the tall man slightly, until his feet start bristling upon spotting her front porch.
"Thanks for keeping me company today," Y/N tilts her head up, her profile bathed in the backlight of her house, "next time, let's not go to the movies."
Mingi's heart skips, "I didn't mind it."
"I know, but I want to do things that you like too," she grins.
A surge of courage rises through his chest as he tells her that he'd like that a lot too.
Except the thing that falls out of his mouth instead is, "I like you too."
She blinks.
He blinks back, realization settling in like a dull ache in his stomach.
Horror sweeps through him. Oh no.
It hadn't been in his plan to expose himself like this, exposing himself like a dog who wants a tummy rub, but then again there's no sign of rejection that flickers across Y/N's face, which he takes as a good sign as he fumbles for the right words, "uhm, I-- I mean, I didn't mean--"
"You didn't mean that?"
"What?" His eyes widen, "no no! Of course I mean it, I just--"
He gasps at his own words, cupping a hand over his mouth as the girl before him explodes into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.
"Oh my gosh," her eyes crinkle up into those adorable crescents of hers, "you're so cute."
Scarlet pink blossoms across his cheeks. Averting his eyes, he wishes that the floor can just come and swallow him up right there and then.
"Right," clearing his throat, one hand reaches up to scratch his ear, "well, I-I'll just go--"
He's halfway turning around when Y/N's hand trickles through his, as gentle as water flowing through his fingertips.
"Wait," she murmurs.
His breath stalls. Inhaling a soft breath, he slowly shuffles back, not daring to meet her gaze when he feels like he's just put his heart on the table for her to do with as she pleases.
Her voice is a gentle breath of a whisper, "don't go."
And then, she's up on her tippy toes and pressing a light kiss to his cheek. Mingi's skin practically lights on fire as another round of butterflies erupt in his chest at her touch, and he can't help but stare down at her, jaw slack, as she gives him the shyest smile he's ever seen.
Cute! His mind screams. Cute cute cute!
"So," Mingi's mind comes back into focus upon hearing her voice, eyes finding her biting down onto her lower lip, “Well, uh--I guess--I guess this means I--I like you, or something.”
"uhm,” his ears are so hot with heat he feels they might fall off as he forces himself not to gawk at her, though it’s proving to be quite difficult as he’s trying to muster the courage to come out with a reasonable answer. 
“I--well, uh--how does this--I don't know--do you want to...uh possibly,” he swallows thickly, before exhaling the words in a rush,”...goouttodinnerwithme?"
Y/N blinks in confusion, "I'm sorry?"
Come on, Mingi! He thinks to himself in growing desperation. Don't be such a wimp!
"Do you... want to...go out with me? S--Sometime?" His throat is clogged with so much embarrassment he fear he might choke.
But when he feels soft fingers trace his chin, he looks up, right into her dark brown eyes sparkling with a tinge of playfulness, excitement and naked joy brimming at the corners.
"I'd love that," she whispers.
And she lifts herself up once more to land a kiss on his mouth, softly, shyly, a mere brushing her mouth against his.
Mingi stumbles upon impact, hands unconsciously grasping her waist as his back comes in contact with the railing lining her porch.
His eyes are wide when she pulls away, biting her lower lip like she can't help but feel nervous from this bold action that has taken him by surprise.
"What--" Mingi chokes on his words, lapses into silence while staring down at her.
The girl merely glances down. A blush taints her cheeks and even though his fingers are shaking and he feels like his heart is about to jump out of his chest at the mere prospect of their closeness, his body moves before his brain does.
Closing the gap between them, it's his turn to press a kiss now, a chaste one that tells her that he reciprocates these feelings wholeheartedly. And Y/N responds by wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer so that their chests touch, mouths moving slowly in harmony as they chase each other and mold together in a way that leaves Mingi breathless and his heart stuttering like he's just won a race.
If it is, then it's the most importance race of his life.
It is only when they pull apart, breathing into each other with barely millimetres separating their mouths, that he can't help but laugh at the realization that this girl in his arms is his.
"What?" She says while smiling up at him. So gorgeous, so breathtaking. And she's his.
"Nothing," he can sense the heat flooding his cheeks once more, "I just-- I'm just...happy."
And there it is, that same smile that he loves so much. The smile that holds magical words and countless secrets to the amazing mind she beholds. He can't want to delve into her thoughts and pick at her brain, knowing that all of them are going to be precious memories he'll hold dear to his heart.
That smile.
Hongjoong's voice suddenly erupts out of nowhere like a nightmare, "don't think I didn't see you guys kissing out there!"
I’m so whipped for Mingi and he’s like 2 years younger so I feel like such an old noona *sighs*. 
Anyway, let me know if you’d like more Ateez content! <3 Stay safe guys, and thanks for reading! 
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meichenxi · 4 years
*rant commencing*
ok guys let’s sit down and have a think about the way we talk to kids, particularly neurodivergent ones, and the weight it carries
the other day, I opened up to a friend about something really hurtful my best (and only) friend said to me when I was fifteen. It was a moment of emotional intimacy and the first time I had brought it up seven years later and, once again, I got laughed at and told I was too fucking sensitive
and ok maybe yeah I was a ridiculous child. I’m a ridiculous adult, that shouldn’t be surprising. But this hurt and hurt and hurt and I was trying to think about why this in particular and not anything else was so painful
so here’s the situation. at fifteen, like many smart kids, everyone thought the world was open to me. Ok I had no social skills to speak of and was ostracised by teachers and students and family, but I was an optimistic kid, and in a disaster of a home situation (involving kidnappings and court cases and running away and being out of school for a year and a brother starting drugs at 12 and living in a shelter and basically just a LOT) I was always the smiley helpful one. and apart from being defeated by very simple mechanisms like idk drawers or biscuit packets, I picked things up quickly. I took GCSEs early and extra and tutored others; I was a regional competitive swimmer in breaststroke and open water; I taught myself the flute and got into an international touring youth orchestra without lessons; I won a poetry competition for adults in primary school; I played competitive netball and was a long distance runner; I drew and sold my art; I wrote shitty novels and started making conlangs and was interviewed on bbc world about it; I loved performing and was invited to join a theatre company when I left school; and my biggest passion in the entire world apart from Tolkien was martial arts. And the best thing was for my parents - one of whom was disabled and didn’t work and the other who was a cleaner - is that I worked two paper rounds and tutored younger children and earned all of the money for it myself. blah blah blah. I was your mum’s friend’s kid. 
well, I’m a disaster adult, so you can probably guess that none of that lasted for very long. and there are gazillions of people here with exactly the same story. 
the point in question, though, was when I was fifteen and thinking about sixth form (the last two years of school in the UK) it was becoming clear alarmingly fast that you weren’t allowed to just keep doing everything you loved. at some point you had to make a choice. 
but how could I give up swimming for music? Or music for languages? Or languages for athletics? Or athletics for theatre? or, actually, all of them but one???? how did people just know what they had to do with their lives? how did they choose? 
the problem was, I said to my friend, I know I could do well at any of them, so how was I supposed to choose? (tactless and a stupid thing to say and also just not true but I was fifteen and simultaneously disgustingly cocky and cripplingly insecure) And he laughed and said, well, fuck you then. 
oh noooo. poor meeeeeee. I’m so fucking good at things what do I dooooo
I haven’t stopped thinking about that comment for seven years. Every single time I think about wasting my potential, every time I can’t sleep because I’m terrified that I’m not being productive or useful and hating myself because I’m upset that I can’t do something right away and I know it’s a stupid thing to be upset about - I think about that comment. I’m lucky. It’s alright for some. 
because, actually, being expected to know what to do with your life aged 15 is a fucking terrifying thing. we were kids at fifteen being told to make decisions as if we had all the facts, as if we weren’t also being blindfolded and spun around in circles until we couldn’t stand. Do you do what your parents say? what you think you want to do? what your teachers say? do you just stay in education even though it’s not for you because your dream is stupid, or because you don’t have a dream like everyone else seems to? are you supposed to have a dream?
*it’s NOT a stupid thing to worry about*
particularly when? well, when your entire self worth equates to the things that you output, the things that you do. so just for a moment, put yourself in the shoes of all of these wonderful, dazzling, damaged, crazy kids with big dreams and big hearts, kids that are struggling right now and kids that are our future, and imagine that you’ve been told since you were old enough to read or speak or walk that you’re just so very clever
isn’t it just wonderful how clever you are? isn’t it just great how we never need to worry about you? you’re such an easy child, it’s a blessing. always so considerate, so thoughtful, never making a fuss! isn’t it just fantastic how well you do in school? I can’t imagine what it must be like to have a child who went to all of those nasty parties. you’re so dedicated
raise your hand if you were only ever told you were good. raise your hand if you were never told you were kind. 
so, what happens? you take a child, and you tell them for its entire childhood that they’re clever. You don’t tell them that they’re creative, or hard-working, or dedicated, or driven, or helpful. You let them know that it’s ok that they’re weird, because they’re going to be successful. what do you think parents say to their kid who’s crying because she has no friends and she doesn’t understand what the other children are thinking and why they would hurt each other like that? even good parents, the very best of them, say things like: you’re just more mature than they are. it doesn’t matter. keep your head down - you’ll show them. 
your child, in the best case scenario, has access to her hyperfixation that makes the world big and bright and beautiful. she’s a bit weird, but it’s kind of cute. anyway, she’s good at it. and as long as she succeeds, conventionally, and you get to brag, then it’s ok that she’s a little bit unconventional.
and then things to break, just a little. and then, aged eleven, your child is having an asthma attack in the classroom because she got so anxious she couldn’t answer a maths question she couldn’t breathe. it’s ok, her parents tell her the next day. you’re just not good at maths - that’s alright. you don’t have to be good at everything
your child, because she’s perceptive, begins to realise that things don’t get better as you get older. people are just as cruel at 12 as they are at 7, and they’ll be just as cruel at 15. and then one day, as a bad joke because she doesn’t really understand humour, she writes a fake text to her dad from someone’s phone in legalese that actually has a secret code hidden it in that she knows her dad will crack right away because he’s brilliant. she thinks it’s hilarious. her father thinks he is being threatened, and spends the next week in meltdown, bedridden and burnt-out. and when she owns up, he turns and snaps at her, and says as if you could write something like that. an ADULT wrote this, not a fucking child
and suddenly, that cleverness they kept talking about? they don’t even understand that. 
suddenly, no one sees her at all. 
she needs to learn to be like the other kids. to be like a fucking child. and while she’s learning, she doesn’t speak for a year
that happened to me, but take your pick - I’m sure you don’t have to look far to find examples of your own. 
My point is this: if you tell a child for their entire life that the only thing that is worthy of being loved is what they achieve, if every time they do something they love you tell them oh, you could be a famous writer! you’re so talented! rather than saying that you loved listening to their story, if you only praise them when they’re good and quiet and convenient and tell them that as long as they succeed, it doesn’t matter if they don’t have friends or if they’re miserable, and THEN you tell them to choose ONE THING and drop 90% of everything that makes them who they are - 
what the hell did you THINK was going to happen??
because here’s the first thing. for many kids, whether that’s because of neurodivergence or age maturity or whatever, hyper fixations and hobbies aren’t just things they like to do. THEY ARE LIFELINES. they’re the things these kids go to when they’re hurt, angry, upset, because they make sense. for many kids, especially but not always girls, they are able to camouflage themselves and mask tendencies of neurodivergence because they’re ‘good students’. at a family gathering once, my mum, so frustrated at my inability and lack of desire to talk to any members of my extended family, snatched my German grammar book and locked it in the boot of the car. knowing that I escape and read it in the toilet was the only thing keeping me going, exhausted and stressed and overwhelmed. I vomited on the grass.
and here’s the second thing. you tell us from an early age that they only way we’ll ever be acceptable to the rest of society is if we succeed. autistic kids are fine, as long as they’re international maths olympiad champions. adhd kids are fine, as long as they’re famous athletes. if you’re obsessed with musicals that’s ok, as long as that obsession leads to a well-paying job as a successful writer on Broadway. 
and then you tell us that we only have one chance at that success? and this decision determines the rest of our lives? and that we had so much potential when we were kids, and we better not waste it now? that not everyone is so lucky to be able to choose between so many things?? 
because being asked to choose between these things isn’t being asked to choose a hobby. when the only way anyone else defines you positively is by your success in one area, that becomes your entire identity. 
so no, we’re not being too sensitive when you ask us to pick and choose what career, or what hobby to take forward. you’re not asking about hobbies. you’re asking us to choose what kind of person we want to be. you’re asking us to choose the most impactful way we can give back to the world, because we can’t waste those god-given talents. you’re asking us to figure out, still a child and hopelessly lost, what our purpose on this planet is. and you’re looking at us as if the ways that we survived all of these years, the things we clung to for comfort, are things we can just cast aside without further thought
ask me now, and I’ll tell you that’s not the way things work. we have second chances and third ones and tenth ones, we can be different things to different people and we can do different things at different parts in our lives, and be successful in different areas. life isn’t a fucking flowchart. and I’m still trying to come to terms with all the things I could have been, and my freak-outs about ‘wasted potential’ are so clockwork I could plan my calendar around them, but I’m beginning to understand that life doesn’t end when you’re twenty, or when you haven’t written a best-seller by eighteen. you have time.   
but at fifteen? at fifteen, that question broke me. 
do you know what you can do instead? you can show a little thoughtfulness. you can be kinder, and lead by example, and praise your kids when they’re kind too. when your son runs to you and shows you what you think is a better picture than you - a stick figure artisan, if you say so yourself - could ever create, you can actually just say you really like it. you can ask him if that’s him and daddy and the dog on a cloud. describe the picture back to him, and engage with this thing he’s made from his imagination - tell him the clouds he’s drawn are so big and fluffy and white, and ask if there are giant spiders living there. you know how to shut a child up? tell them yes dear, it’s wonderful. don’t be that person. promote your kid’s creativity - ask questions, have fun, play with this thing they’ve made - and not destroy it
when your daughter comes to you and shows you a song she’s written, don’t tell her she’s so talented or that she could be a musician one day. just sing along. ask her why she wrote it, and what she was thinking of when she did. ask her if she could make it different for two people singing it at the same time. 
and if your child just really, really loves maths? let them do maths. it’s ok if their interests are stereotypical - as long as they love it and it’s fun, supporting them is wonderful. the best present my father ever got me was five hours of tutoring - an introduction to linguistics!! - when I turned twelve, starting on my birthday at 8am. I had never felt so understood and so loved. 
as much as these simple things can destroy someone’s life, can stop them talking for a year, you have the chance to be that one voice of kindness that is a friend where a young person needs it most. 
for me, this was the Bus Lady. I never knew her first name because I forgot immediately and was too embarrassed to ask again, but we got the bus together for two years right before I applied to university - she was a trainee teacher at my school. she saw that I missed tutor group and sat in the corridor every morning writing, and that I ran laps for an hour every lunchtime instead of sitting alone. but she came and sat with me one morning and asked what I was doing; I was developing a new shorthand and told her so warily. 
she didn’t raise her eyebrows or say wow, that’s...that’s amazing. instead she frowned and looked at me skeptically and said ‘But why would you do that? There are plenty of functional shorthands out there - what does your shorthand have that they don’t? Tell me about it.’
I had no idea what to say
this was the first time anyone had actually ENGAGED in any capacity with what I was doing. and just like that, just by treating me seriously and asking valid questions and pointing out inconsistencies, I was a person who happened to have an idea that was in some serious need of questioning, and not a freak
there’s no way she remembers that interaction; she’s been a teacher now for year and probably doesn’t even remember who I am. But I had been this close to not going to university, to not bothering, and she made me stop, and wait a moment
she will never know the difference that that conversation and two months of kindness on the bus from a stranger made in my life. 
so let’s be kind to each other, please. let’s be forgiving. let’s challenge each other and let’s engage with kids with special interests and listen to them talk. and so to any educators or teachers or parents or even other kids, I want to say - let’s treat our words seriously and with respect, like we treat our children, because they have immense capacity to hurt, because they can be used for good. 
to any other fifteen year olds in a similar position, I just want to say: none of us here on tumblr have properly sorted our lives out, but I promise you it does get so much better.
you’re not too sensitive. you’re not a freak. you’re not only acceptable because you succeed. I know if you’re masking you feel you have to and it’s for survival, and I’m sorry, because you shouldn’t have to. and you should never, never have to think that you ‘have it good’ or that you’re lucky and are not allowed to hurt. there’s always some one who has it worse, and you can’t stop beat yourself up about that. fuck anyone who tells you otherwise. if you have gone through trauma, if you have unhealthy coping mechanisms, if you are depressed or anxious or otherwise mentally ill and some of it stems from this, I am so very very sorry. but you will be ok, even if you can’t write for a couple of years, or even if things change. you’ll get there. speaking as someone who is now writing for the first time in six years, drawing for the first time in longer, it’s scary and new and weird, but you will come out the other side. 
and you do work hard. and you are creative. and you are loved. and you are so very, very kind.
*rant over*
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