#professional communities
escapecart · 1 year
Professional Development Opportunities: Exploring Avenues for Continuous Learning and Skill Enhancement
In today’s fast-paced and competitive professional landscape, continuous learning and skill enhancement have become essential for career growth and staying ahead of the curve. Professional development opportunities not only enable individuals to enhance their existing skills but also discover new ones, opening doors to exciting prospects. In this article, we will explore ten strategies for…
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interstellarrisa · 3 months
Some subconscious fun
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You might've heard people saying that are our brain is amazing and capable of astounding things and well they're not wrong. Your brain is the most complex organ in the body with billions of neurons that have trillions of connections called synapses that makes it able to communicate, with this information how can we say that it's not amazing?
Our consciousness is thought to sit at the cerebral cortex and is said to have three levels to it. The conscious, subconscious and unconscious. They're all tasked with different things. I'll explain them all...
The conscious: This is the part that we have control over, our thoughts, feelings, decisions and acknowledgement are all made here. It's what you're using right now to read this post and also where the awareness of you reading this post is. Basically thoughts, feelings and awareness.
The subconscious: It's not in the current focus of our awareness hence called the subconscious mind. It's a barrier that's put up by our mind so that we don't become overwhelmed by all the information that we get when we interact with this world. For example our nose in the center of our vision, the feeling of our clothes or our tongue resting on the roof of our mouth. Because of this barrier we're allowed to focus our awareness on more important decision making and cognitive tasks without getting overwhelmed. This can be noticed when we decide (conscious) to pick up a new skill which can be hard to learn and do before we become a natural at it which then makes it an automatic (subconscious) skill.
The unconscious: It's perhaps the most mysterious form of consciousness since it's not available for introspection or analysis. We do know that it's a hoard of feelings, thoughts and memories lost from our conscious mind, it contains the painful past that we might simply want to forget about. Some people say that we never forget and that it just get's buried deep down within our mind and with the right signals we can recover the forgotten memories.
Now to the fun part. It's a small "experiment" that you can do every night just to see how amazing your subconscious mind truly is. Firstly I haven't found any article's stating that this is your subconscious minds doing, some say it might be your circadian rhythm (internal body clock) but I personally assume that it's your subconscious and if you know loa let's just go with it.
The experiment is you controlling when you wake up. You might go "really, that's it?" but when you first do it and it works it'll feel a bit 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, anyways here's what to do.
Go to bed. Doesn't need to be nighttime you just need to go to sleep for this.
While falling asleep tell yourself that you'll wake up in xxx hours/minutes. For example you go to bed at 00:00 and want to wake up in 8 hours, naturally that would be 08:00 so just affirm "I will wake up in 8 hours." or "I will wake up at 08:00"
Drift off to sleep~
Wake up and check the time and it should be the designated time.
This is actually a technique used a lot in lucid dreaming method's and could also be used in shifting/manifesting/void method's. Since the brain is just like a sponge when you wake up it absorbs any kind of information presented it with and sometimes induces "hallucinations". I'd recommend shorting the time you sleep if you're gonna use it as a method though. It's also pretty similar if not the same to SATS.
This has worked for me on multiple occasions and if you wake up and the time doesn't match when you wanted to wake up it might be because you already woke up earlier and just went back to sleep and forgot about it later, happened with me a few times but because of signals I remembered. I even got rid of my alarm for school because of this and I still woke up in time for school.
warning: if this post does NOT resonate with you or your beliefs feel free to ignore it, you don't need to send hate or make posts on how stupid this is or that it's wrong. some might misunderstand this post (like the last one) and make misguided comments, please think a little before you open your mouth :). yapping session is cause i'm really interested in this topic lol.
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beckyts · 6 months
Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
By the way, when I say that I really do believe that we will make it, I am 100% saying that as someone who has been following good news extensively + basically daily for over two years now, and has come to that conclusion slowly and deliberately, based on extensive available evidence. It's not a platitude. I genuinely do mean it, and I could write you a whole dissertation on all the reasons why.
(you know. if I had the time and an in-progress doctorate. rip.)
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writingwithfolklore · 5 months
How to Hold Yourself Accountable as a Professional Writer
              Okay maybe you’re not self-employed or professional yet and writing definitely isn’t bringing in the big bucks, but you’d like it to some day, and you’re working right now on making that a reality. This post is for you, because the best time to practice getting into a healthy writing habit and holding yourself accountable to writing for that future where it’s your full time gig is now—before it’s essential to do so.
1. It will never be easy
It’s easy to think that maintaining a schedule or habit for writing would be easy if only it was your full-time gig and all you needed to do. While it might be easier than trying to cram in writing between classes or jobs, it will never be easy. You’re always going to have multiple things going on, there’s always going to be something you could be or need to be doing other than writing. Developing good habits right now, when it is really hard, is going to set you up far better than just waiting for it to get easy before you fully commit to it.
2. Set a schedule that actually works for you
I did a whole post on making a writing schedule you can actually manage and maintain here:
But the TL;DR is that in order to keep to a schedule, you have to make sure it’s attainable. Fit when you write around your other life schedule. For example, if you’re really not a morning person, planning on waking up at 5am every morning to write for a couple hours is probably not something you’ll be able to maintain. But setting aside an hour before bed may be more manageable for you.
3. Form a habit
To train your brain to make your writing schedule a habit you’ll actually stick to, you should make it into a routine. Similar to how you have a bedtime routine that sets you up to feel sleepy at night, a routine that sets you up for writing will make it harder to turn away from your manuscript, and help inspire a productive writing block.
              You can create a writing playlist with songs that inspire your project you listen to whenever you begin writing, make a tea or other drink to sip on while you write, grab a snack, share your schedule with a writing buddy and write together, put together a document of inspiring quotes, photos, or other muses you can read, or really anything that gets you into the writing mood. By following this routine every time you set up to write, you’ll train your brain to get into a mindset that will make it easier to stick to your writing block.
4. Reward yourself
Brains love doing things for a reward. Maybe after a productive writing block you can spend some time doing something else you love, like watching an episode of your favourite show, lighting a candle, taking a bath, or having a glass of wine, I don’t know, anything that would give your brain the happy juice in response to your good work.
5. Set deadlines and goals
Writing consistently is basically the majority of the battle. I don’t typically worry about word count, but I do know that it can be helpful for others to set wordcount goals and deadlines to ensure productivity. If that sounds like you, make sure your goals are actionable while also being attainable. “Finish novel” isn’t a great goal, but “write 2000 words per week for three months” could be helpful if you know that 2000 words is attainable for you.
              Same as before, you can also set rewards for when you reach your goals. I have a big tattoo upcoming if I complete my goal for the year.
              The last tip I have for this point is to try to find an accountabili-buddy to hold you to your goals and deadlines if you think that would be helpful for you. As a professional writer, you may be held accountable by an editor or agent, so practicing through asking a buddy to help you set deadlines and deliverables will help prepare you for writing towards a date.
The TL;DR is find out what works for you and practice doing it consistently! Anything else I missed?
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grimecrow · 5 months
You're Not Doin' Fine, Oklahoma!
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In case you haven't heard last December AEW filmed one of their shows in Oklahoma. On this show AEW star Nyla Rose had a squash match honestly the same type of squash match she's had dozens of times now. And before I go any further into what happened as a result I just want to point out that Nyla Rose has an online merch store with plenty of awesome designs. I personally love the cereal box design myself! https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=+Nyla+rose
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It turns out that the Oklahoma Athletic Commission has a snitch line in case YOU catch a transgender individual living their life within the confines of the state. What did this result in? Well it resulted in AEW being issued a warning at the January board meeting that if they let it happen again there would be 'punitive damages'. Here's a quick little video snippet from a wrestling news site in the UK talking about it. (Spoilers they do reveal that professional wrestling isn't actually real.) https://youtu.be/kPsyIQpRXyI?si=t1F-MWa0ziai3W-m&t=448 Also for all you TERFs, and transphobes going on about how it's enough of a sport. You need to research all the times where it's legally been deemed a performance and not a competition. I'll start you off with the easiest most well known one; New Jersey State Senate 1989. That was the case that proved globally that wrestling was rigged, fake, etc. I know that many of you are allergic to facts but if there are some that do want to know you can start your search. Anyhow, though I shouldn't be I am surprised that a governmental agency believes professional wrestling is.
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mouzeinsoup · 22 days
Does Collin have a favorite among Charlie’s plushies?
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he says he doesnt have favourites ((lie))
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this happens way too often
collin has tried to steal borrow the plush but it wouldnt fit in the walls 🥲
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theletterboxstuff · 2 months
Cafe dates where we just sit lazily and eat some delicious food while having a detailed yapping session about any and every topic there is?!??!!?! yes, A hundred times yes!!!!
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manglam-marfach · 6 months
I have a CRYSTAL CLEAR vision of postcanon chillaios political marriage fic where dozens of suitors are vying for Laios's slightly sticky hand & he is. oblivious. Which almost causes a major diplomatic incident. Someone (Kabru) tries to delicately explain that he should probably take a spouse already and Laios is like. Oh cool. Chilchuck? Wanna get married? And Chilchuck who had resigned to let the weird Thing he had for his old coworker die quietly has to fucking deal with THIS now.
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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🍁 There is positive and challenging traits in every planet no matter if it’s a benefic or malefic planet. Malefic planets just happen to have MORE challenging traits than the benefic planets
🍁 Pluto/Scorpio/8th house placements can show where we have the most control over how others view/perceive us and 10th house placements can show where we don’t
🍁 People with Mars in the 11th house can manifest things very quickly. This is because Mars rules over speed/desires and the 11th house rules over manifesting
🍁 Neptune can show what addictions we have and Pluto can show our obsessions -> addictions based on Neptune
🍁 Pluto can represent toxicity but people always get it twisted and think that means Scorpio placements are toxic which is untrue. Astrology is a polarity and you can take on positive and challenging traits. Not every Scorpio will take on the trait of being toxic especially if there’s a lot of positive aspects to your Pluto or Scorpio placements
🍁 The 4th and 5th house can tell about your favorite holidays. This is because the 4th house rules over traditions and the 5th house rules over festivities
🍁 Having your 5th house ruler in the 9th house can indicate talent in photography
🍁 If you have a Synastry aspect with benefic planets but it happens to be a square/opposite aspect it will still bring challenges regardless. This doesn’t mean it’s inherently negative though as challenges can of course be worked through and bring a positive outcome through effort
🍁 Your Saturn in somebody’s 2nd house in Synastry can indicate you having a trauma bond with the 2nd house person
🍁 Pluto in the 7th house in Composite Charts (if this specific challenging trait is taken on) can indicate you both love the toxicity in your relationship and are addicted to the pain because it’s a constant roller coaster and thrill for you both. Kind of similar to a Nate and Maddy from Euphoria type vibe
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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yaboitroi · 4 months
Whumper who likes and even respects Whumpee, but they're so professional and cold in their torture that Whumpee would never believe it even if they somehow heard.
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blastofsports · 1 year
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The Catch was a baseball play made by New York Giants center fielder Willie Mays on September 29, 1954, during Game 1 of the 1954 World Series at the Polo Grounds in Upper Manhattan, New York City. During the eighth inning with the score tied 2–2, Cleveland Indians batter Vic Wertz hit a deep fly ball to center field that had the runners on base poised to score. However, Mays made an over-the-shoulder catch while on the run to record the out, and his throw back to the infield prevented the runners from advancing. The Giants won the game 5–2 in extra innings, and eventually the World Series. The Catch is regarded as one of the greatest plays in baseball history.
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royalarchivist · 7 months
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I say this in the kindest way possible, but I think this style of prose is more appropriate for a personal account rather than an update account. I have no idea who's being talked about half the time. 🥲
[ Tumblr meme via @mikaikaika ]
#QSMP#Philza#Edited#Phil#Let me know if this needs an additional tag#I don't think this necessitates a discourse or neg tag or whatever because I'm being silly but I'm happy to add one if folks need it#I won't post this one on Twitter I don't think because I genuinely don't want to hurt anyone's feelings#but. I feel very strongly about this. It's not helpful#I say this as a fan and as a professional writer (who also worked in the Marketing and Communications field for far too long)#The prose is nice! It's very whimsical and they're having fun! But I don't think it's appropriate for an updates account#I recently turned off notifications for QsmpEN and I'm considering muting them because half the updates just aren't helpful to me#I want to be able to speed read through the update thread I don't want to spend an additional 30 seconds trying to decipher who's who#I don't like posting complaints so I tried to make it a funny complaint#because I do think feedback is good! And I know I'm not the only one who feels this way#but at the same time: these update writers ARE volunteers#(As a side note -- I personally think anyone running a large social media account should be paid)#(I did that for a few years and it was hell. I can't imagine doing that and NOT getting paid for it)#But anyways#They're all volunteers so I don't actually wanna go all pitchforks and torches on them (which I wouldn't do anyways even if they WERE paid)#I'm just venting my frustrations in what is (hopefully) a funny way#but you're welcome to disagree! That's ok too#Portfolio
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thelunarsystemwrites · 5 months
Why I recommend age regression as a way to cope.
If you're stressed the F out, feel like you missed out or lost your childhood, or have terrible coping mechanisms? Then this is the post for you. (Maybe.)
Also before we jump in—Just wanna say that I'm not a psychologist, I'm just sharing tips and advice from my own positive and negative experiences. And that age regression may not work for you after you've tried it, but I say give it a shot! Especially if your current ways of dealing with life aren't.... great.
With all that our of the way—Post beneath cut!
So here's some resources for a TLDR version! But I'll be explaining age-regression, it's benefits to me, and why I encourage others to try!
Remember it is ALWAYS sfw! (Which means agere isn't a kink, never has been and never will be!)
So age-regression, or it's shortened name Agere (Takes Age, and the Re from Regression and combines them!) Is a form of dissociation in which someone mentally reverts back to a younger age! This can be anywhere from a few years younger, such as a 17 year old regressing to a 15 year old. Or it can be many years younger—Example being a 17 year old regressing to a 4 year old!
During this state: they are mentally younger, either fully or partially depending on the person. And do think like said age. And often their behaviors correspond with their regressed age, assuming they aren't masking it!
Sometimes you are aware you're regressed, and other times you're not—Both are completely fine!
It's a wonderful way to relive your childhood in a safe environment, feel young and cared for again like a child, or express your inner child!
Okay, but why would I use that to cope?
Don't worry, I hear your questions!
The reason it's a good coping mechanism, for me atleast, is regressing allows you to process your emotions at your own pace. Though they might still be overwhelming, I find it much easier to let my big emotions calm down when I feel small, because it's like they slowly burn off rather than going boom!
If you're stressed a lot, it's a good way to temporarily remove yourself from your burdens! Like you don't have any worries other than 'should I use the pink or blue crayon?' Vibes! Pressure slowly bleeding off rather than having an outburst.
And, for fun! It can be fun to connect with your inner child, do the things you liked as a kid and reunited with that mindset! You don't need to have missed out on your childhood to regress, it can be completely for fun!
Now now, age regression isn't always all fun and games. Because you do think like whatever age you've regressed to, you might have temper tantrums or get cranky or confused if something triggers it.
That's okay.
Yeah, it can feel icky—But me personally, i much prefer these occasionally than letting my emotions boil over and having a breakdown when I'm not regressed!
I've lost and wasted a lot of my childhood. This is my way of healing and re-experiencing childhood joy. Please, don't ever forget that type of wonder, it's so magical and so nice and cozy.
It's a way to cope because it can be an outlet, a comfort, a way to regulate emotions, a way to escape, a way to just relax. And, while not everyone turns out liking it, that's okay! But it works for me, and so so many others. I've had atleast 6 or so friends start regressing and they're still doing it to this day!
And the best part is it's temporary, so if there's more mature things you enjoy? You don't have to give those up, okay? You can find time to regress and relax, and come back to your normal routine later!
It's benefits can be:
Processing lots of emotions at once.
Getting to do things you were denied as a child.
Able to let out emotions via tantrums or fits in a much less destructive headspace.
Reliving a simpler mindset.
Helping with sleeping. (I find it much easier to nap/go to bed if I'm regressed!)
Getting a fresh feeling after you're done regressing.
Stimulating if understimulated.
Can help if you're also overstimulated.
Healing inner child.
Coping with trauma/stress in a healthy way.
Help with doing chores. (It's way easier to make chores fun if you're regressed in my experience, but some hate doing chores while regressed and that's cool too!)
And it can be different for each person!
It is absolutely okay to have a different experience, struggle regressing at first or even always, or not do it often!
I recommend if you want to start regressing—Find something that makes your inner child happy, indulge in the best things you liked or would've liked as the age you wanna regress to, find ways to incorporate your current interests into it!
Also things that you like, or positive things can help too!
It's honestly my best coping mechanism, it isn't 'weird' or 'wrong' especially if it helps you. And I can guarantee it's far better than plenty of unhealthy coping mechanisms!
Sooo... yeah! If you want, I recommend looking more into it! There's a whole community for you here on Tumblr, and other sites!
And this post mainly only covers the positives, but it's what I wanted to focus on!
Byee!! (Pssstt BTW agere doesn't have to be all pastels and cute and stuff!! Do what makes you happy! Use whatever colours and vibes you want!)
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thebrightestimeline · 9 months
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if yapping was a job, troy and abed would be rich as flizzballs!1!1!1!!!!!11!11!!!!!!1!1!11
guys idkif someon e alresdy did the ik i ate one or if i was gonnaa do that and never did??
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visenyaism · 14 days
Do you genuinely believe that George hasn't tried everything in his power to get them to listen to him and take his concerns seriously? You think he'd risk this just for the hell of it, to cause some drama? The reason he deleted it is because he made his point, it's out there now. It should be concerning to people that the author feels the need to take these steps. Maybe read this post by someone who has actually talked to him and then maybe you can extend some empathy to George. https://www.tumblr.com/xiranjayzhao/760746286952726528/edit-this-got-screenshotted-and-posted-to-reddit
I have gotten so many asks like this over the past few days and during that time I thought long and hard about all of that. i’m just not invested in this enough to discuss this further but I do feel like Xiran sort of exaggerated the level of vitriol and hinted at bigger more cataclysmic criticisms than were actually in the post for reasons I don’t really want to speculate on but posting like they are a close associate has definitely gotten them a lot of attention. I think it’s definitely a little weird and gauche to try and leverage fan vitriol to influence decisions made during an ongoing project that you are still an executive producer of but the fact that he was willing to post through the NDA and meet the litigation team entirely for that baby and rickard thorne both of whom are extreme nothingburgers is kind of funny.
However I also don’t really care about his behavior that much because 1) i do not know this man. or ryan condal. 2) it wasn’t anything super crazy said in the post and 3) I think the fire and blood is not good and the show is unequivocally better lol
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