#prompt: fears
bumblebeehug · 1 year
Ship: Natsu Dragneel x Lucy Heartfilia Summary: When time rolls around a certain anniversary, Lucy tries to deal with her sorrows and learn how to cope. Day 3 of Nalu Week 2023 - prompt: fears Ao3
Whenever Lucy struggles to get out of bed, she allows herself five minutes of reflection. Those five minutes usually lead to her falling asleep again, waking up 30 minutes later that intended to – that’s however never a big problem. Other times she spends those five minutes taking a deep breath, swallowing twice or slowly wiggling different parts of her body to see if she’s feeling alright, because some missions bring colds or fevers, and some just makes her so sore that she decides to take her time and spend the day in the apartment. Sometimes the five minutes just gives her more time to finish up a dream she was dreaming, and sometimes she just takes them to properly wake up so she can step out of bed and prepare herself to spend the day as usual.
Every year in late September, she finds herself waking up with a heavy heart. She knows it’s time to properly wake up and make breakfast and get on with her day, because unless she spends her five minutes in the ways mentioned above, she’s supposed to be able to go on with her day. But the skies are grey, the air in her apartment is cold, and her heart lies heavy in her chest, and she knows that the next days will be just as slow and unpleasant, because she remembers that it is late in September and her life will always feel like this during this time of the year. So, she allows herself to lay there for a while. Sometimes she manages to force herself out of bed in just under ten minutes, but most often she lays there for another hour or two before she can even attempt stepping out. Those hours feel like days, and as she feels her body tossing and turning, her mind roams the endless corridors in the Heartfilia mansion. During these hours she relives the first turning point in her life – the death of her beloved mother Layla. It would be fruitless to go into detail about this event, seeing as death has been part of life since the beginning of time; every living organism has witnessed and/or experienced family members dying, leaves falling off trees to rot on the ground during winter, animals taking their last breath as they suffer the consequences of the curse and blessing called life. Lucy is certainly not the first nor the last person who must deal with this phenomenon, so she allows this week to happen.
She wakes up and suffers for a few hours, because that is the punishment of loving the ones who once lived, and then she strains her body as she moves around, forcing it to eat for fuel, to laugh in front of her friends, because she knows that when the month of the anniversary of their dead loved ones comes around, they will do the same and that is how people live. Everyone she knows does this. Natsu goes into the woods for a few days whenever Igneel’s death anniversary comes around, Gray acts similarly to Lucy, spending some days or weeks quietly for himself as he’s reminded of Ur’s unfair fate, Erza spends more time quietly watching the sunset when her past revisits, and Wendy cries by herself in the guild bathroom whenever time rolls around to when her old guild proved to be a lie, a made up fantasy to compensate for not being able to provide it from the beginning. Lucy knows that they need those moments, and therefore she treats herself with the same compassion, because she too was once a child who lost someone important, and though her life changed for the better as she grew up, she’ll always carry that small child, who had to witness her own father become nothing short of a monster in the aftermath of her mother’s death.
For a long time, she managed to deal with this on her own. She took the time she needed, both to be sad and to build up her happiness again. It was never easy, and never would be, but she did it, alone, because that was what she knew. When she was a child, she had done everything on her own, and when it came down to it as an adult, she knew that she would have to get used to living that way. Sure, she had the guild now – it was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she loved being able to curb the lonely feeling whenever she felt like it, but it didn’t work when she felt her past loneliness take over. She wasn’t alone now, sure enough, but she was then and that would never change. Little Lucy was still dealing with the death of her mother, reliving it every second of her life, and though Big Lucy could try to drown it in the loud sounds of brawls and laughter of the guild, it was never enough to save her from having to deal with Little Lucy’s loss at the end of the day.
When Lucy finally managed to move her heavy limbs, this morning, late in September, she once again wished that she would find strength to live another week. Not because she needed it to deal with this anniversary, or because she wouldn’t be able to live without that strength she wished for, but because she found that that was the only thing she could do. She could wish, and she could hope, and she could tell herself that surviving would be the same as living, even when she knew they were as different as living and dying. So, she wished, and then she stood up and put on the kettle, to somehow drown her morning blues in a hot cup of tea. Then she wished again, as she scooped oats into a bowl, to measure her breakfast. And she wished for a third time, when she accidentally cried into her oatmeal and made it salty, and that is when the Gods must have heard her wishes, echoing in all timelines, beginning when she was still a child, crying loudly in the empty halls of the Heartfilia mansion, because that is when the door flew up in Lucy’s hallway on Strawberry Street. The man she trusted at every other point in her life had entered, not expecting to see his gold haired companion wipe her tears and swallow hard as he hung his raincoat and slipped out of his slippers – an odd combination, but one none of his friends weren’t used to nowadays. Natsu was indeed surprised to hear sobbing this ordinary morning, but Lucy on the other hand just sent a thanks up to the Gods, along with a last wish. The wish that he would be there with her, every other time she had to deal with this phenomenon called death.
“What’s the matter, Lucy?” Natsu asked as he made his way over to the table.
“Oh,” she began, “nothing much, really.” She took a deep breath, knowing he must be startled by this odd scene. As she gathered some courage, she looked up and met his worried eyes, and then she let go of this responsibility she made up, that for so long had forced her to carry this loneliness and sadness all by herself. “Mom’s anniversary is coming up. I just tend to feel down whenever it comes around, as I said, it’s really nothing much.”
Natsu, who had sat down in front of her, had a difficult expression plastered all over his face. It was soft and kind, sympathetic even, but also something else that she couldn’t put her finger on.
“I’ll probably be like this for a few days, but it’ll pass, so no need to worry, Natsu.” She said after a while, not knowing how else to fill the silence between them.
“Do you wanna talk about her?” Natsu asked to Lucy’s surprise. She didn’t expect him to take a roll to support her during this – after all, he had never been good at comforting people, especially not when it came to death and such. He was known for running away from these things, and she couldn’t blame him, since she’d do the same if she had the energy to.
“I don’t know what you want to hear. There’s not much to say other than the things you already know,” Lucy told him with a faint smile. She truly appreciated his attempt to comfort her. Natsu was awkward about these things, even if he didn’t look it at the moment. While he took his time to formulate a sentence (she suspected he didn’t want to say anything to accidentally upset her – also something she really appreciated) she took a sip from her tea, that now had cooled down slightly.
“Well, I don’t know a lot about her as a person,” Natsu admitted, “other than that the two of you are similar. What were her hobbies? How was she before she met Jude?” The faint smile Lucy had carried grew stronger.
“Our hobbies were quite similar as well actually. She loved to read and write, though the only writing she did was in her diary, and that was buried with her, as per her request. You already know she was a strong mage, but I bet you didn’t know that she actually disliked the concept of guilds. She thought that it was putting normal people out of jobs, and she once compared it to a cult.” Lucy couldn’t stop a giggle as she saw the shocked look on Natsu’s face. “I promise she would think differently of it now, the business is cleaner now. Mom was actually a profound debater, she was great with her words, but she could never make a living out of it since she was too open minded to continue arguing about the same thing. If she argued against guild for example, and then heard a good enough argument as to why they actually are good for socioeconomic reasons et cetera, then she would just fall flat and admit being wrong. Great for making friends, but kind of bad if you want to make a living out of it,” she laughed. It felt nice, being able to talk about her mother as if she was alive. It was rare, which was sad in itself since she was so much more than just another dead mother.
Lucy’s laughter lacked the energy it usually had, but Natsu couldn’t blame her. Even his fondest memories of Igneel made him sad sometimes, just because he knew he’d never get to experience anything like it again.
“Mom was a really happy and positive person, both before and after she knew dad. She knew how to turn every bad situation around; you can say she was a master at seeing the golden edge when life felt grey and cloudy. Though, from what Aquarius told me, mom was fiercer before she met dad. Apparently, she had been taking care of the Heartfilia Konzern ever since she was in her late teens, and business was said to be in its golden age when she took care of it all. I can’t imagine mother being a bossy person, but maybe Aquarius got her temper from her, or the other way around.” She let out another chuckle before looking up at Natsu again. His face was serious, but he didn’t wear the frown she knew he usually got with his serious face. His eyebrows had a soft tilt, as if telling her to continue, and confirming her that he’s listening.
“Do you know what made her fall for Jude?”
“Well, other than the fact that dad had a lot more hair when the two of them met, apparently, he had spent months trying to get her attention by sending her flowers and love letters. They were all kind of bland, just repeating the same principle of ‘I fell in love at first sight, please let me introduce myself’ and a whole lot of stolen quotes by famous poets. She finally gave him a chance one day, and I’m pretty sure she fell for how devoted he was to her. She wrote in her diary once, in the very early entrances, that she hoped he would stay as devoted if she ever birthed him a child. It’s scary how people can change when they’re heartbroken.” Lucy’s voice only barely carried through her last sentence. Scary it was indeed, because there was no way any of the three of them could have predicted how sorrow would look in their mansion. She knew her father must have been extremely depressed, and after her history with him, she became surprised to learn that he never attempted to harm himself in any way. Instead, his sorrow became unrecognisable as it turned into rage and emotional detachment, and he harmed people around him whether he intended to or not.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, and though Lucy felt the same heavy air from this morning return, it returned lighter. Natsu’s presence alone helped tremendously.
“How do you deal with it?” She finally managed to ask, her voice waving. “How does anyone get through it?”
Natsu swallowed, and Lucy could see his eyes flicker around the room, as if his brain was working hard as he carefully chose his words. She allowed him to take his time and brewed him a cup of tea so he wouldn’t sit empty handed while she ate breakfast. She still had her back turned when he answered.
“I don’t think anyone really deals with it. Ya’ know I’m already bad at dealin’ with emotions as is, so whenever Igneel’s anniversary comes up I kinda prefer being alone until I can function normally again. I’m sure you’ve already noticed I go away sometimes.” She turned around, now with a cup of hot water and a teabag in her hands. Natsu didn’t look up from a certain spot on the table, but she placed them down beside him anyways and let him continue. “But I know it makes me happiest when I can talk about him, and all the things we did together. That way he’s still remembered, and even if it’s sad and frustrating that those moments won’t happen again, it makes it a little easier, if just for a while.”
“Remembering them is bittersweet,” Lucy said, moving her own breakfast to the seat beside him so she could sit closer. “I can’t say I mind bittersweet things, because they help me feel things again, when everything just becomes overwhelmingly numb.”
“That’s the word, yeah.” Natsu looked up at her again. Her eyes looked tired, and her skin was pale, so he put his arm around her shoulder and gave her arm a squeeze. “What more are you thinkin’ about?”
Lucy pressed her lips together firmly, in an attempt to hold back her new flow of sadness.
“It’s just… Sometimes I feel so scared. Mom left me with dad, and it was supposed to be okay, because she expected him to continue loving me, even after his death. But it she didn’t know that dad wouldn’t be strong enough for us both, so she accidentally left me all alone, just leaving the empty shell of who was once my loving father. And then, when I finally reconciled with him, he died, leaving me all alone again. I’m just afraid I’ll end up losing someone again, and it’s stupid because I know none of my friends would purposely abandon me, but it has just happened too many times for the fear to feel irrational.” Lucy realised that she had started crying as she talked.
“I know how you feel,” Natsu whispered, pulling her into his embrace in an attempt to stop her shivering.
“The scariest part of this is that all my nightmares already have come true once,” she let out with a shaky voice. “I had already lost Aquarius, and then you had to deal with your stuff, which was totally understandable, but then the guild disbanded, and in less than a week my entire life had just crumbled down. All that was left was me and this stupid fear of abandonment, and even if you came back and brought the guild together again, and I was supposed to heal, this terrifying feeling stayed. You know, the ‘if it happened once, what stops it from happening again?’ type of feeling?”
“Yeah, I know it,” Natsu said again. “But I promise you that it will never, ever, in your entire life, happen ever again. I promise on everything I own and love. No matter what, I promise I’ll be with you, alright?”
Lucy burrowed closer into his shoulder, turning the half-hug into a proper one by wrapping her arms around him tightly. A few sobs slipped out, and it was unclear if they were from sadness, exhaustion, or gratefulness.
“Yeah, I know you will.” She rested her chin on top of his shoulder, practically bathing in the heat he radiated. “Which is why the fear is stupid.”
“I also feel scared of getting abandoned sometimes.” Natsu rarely spoke about his own traumas, especially ones that were this old, but as he rubbed faint patterns onto Lucy’s back, he felt like he could tell her. “It’s a really old fear, and even if it hasn’t resurfaced in ages, it still shakes me. It’s mostly remnants of when Igneel disappeared – and though I know now that he was with me all along, I still thought he’d left me there in the woods.”
They stayed in that position for a while, only changing to get closer. Holding him near like this was partly to ensure she’d never lose him again, but also partly to use him as an anchor. She believed his promises, and she trusted that he would never break the same promise twice.
When she spoke up again the tea had already gone cold.
“Can we stay inside like this today?”
“Yeah, ‘course.”
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butchfalin · 10 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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hayatheauthor · 5 months
Creating Fear in Your Characters: A Writers Guide
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Creating authentic emotions is vital for immersive storytelling, which is why I decided to make this series on how to write different emotions. After exploring rage, and sadness it's now time to delve into fear!
Fear is a powerful emotion that can manifest in various ways, from subtle apprehension to paralyzing terror. Here's a guide on how to write fear effectively, covering different aspects of your characters' behavior and reactions.
Facial Expressions
Fear often manifests first in facial expressions, conveying the initial shock or unease. Describe these expressions to immerse readers in your character's emotional state:
Widened Eyes and Dilated Pupils: Show the eyes widening in response to a sudden threat, with dilated pupils indicating heightened alertness.
Tense Jaw and Clenched Teeth: Mention the clenching of jaw muscles or teeth, signaling internalized stress or anxiety.
Furrowed Brow and Raised Eyebrows: Describe the furrowing of the forehead and raised eyebrows, revealing worry or confusion.
Quivering Lips or Lip Biting: Note subtle lip movements like quivering or biting, reflecting nervousness or fear.
Frozen or Stiff Facial Muscles: Highlight moments of fear-induced immobility, where facial muscles become tense and rigid.
Body Language and Gestures
Fear can also be expressed through body language and gestures, showcasing your character's instinctual responses to danger or threat:
Backing Away or Recoiling: Describe your character instinctively moving backward or recoiling from the source of fear, signaling a desire to retreat.
Raised Shoulders and Tensed Posture: Show how fear causes the shoulders to rise and the body to tense up, indicating readiness for fight or flight.
Trembling Hands or Shaking Limbs: Mention the trembling of hands or shaking of limbs, reflecting nervousness or anxiety.
Covering Vulnerable Areas: Describe your character instinctively covering vulnerable areas like their neck or torso, symbolizing a protective gesture.
Fidgeting or Restlessness: Note any fidgeting or restlessness, such as tapping feet or wringing hands, as signs of inner turmoil and fear.
Vocal Cues and Dialogue
Fear can alter vocal cues and dialogue, affecting how your character speaks and communicates their emotions:
Quavering Voice or Shaky Speech: Describe the voice quivering or becoming shaky, indicating nervousness or fear.
Rapid Breathing and Gasping: Mention rapid breathing or gasping for air, showcasing the physical impact of fear on the respiratory system.
Stammering or Hesitant Speech: Note any stammering or hesitant speech patterns, reflecting the character's struggle to articulate their thoughts coherently.
Sudden Silence or Lack of Verbal Response: Show moments of sudden silence or the inability to respond verbally, highlighting the overwhelming nature of fear.
Repetitive Phrases or Vocalizations: Describe repetitive phrases or vocalizations, such as muttering prayers or chanting reassurances, as coping mechanisms in fearful situations.
Reactions and Physical Responses
Fear triggers various physical responses in your characters, showcasing the body's instinctual reactions to perceived threats:
Increased Heart Rate and Sweating: Mention the character's heart rate increasing and sweating profusely, reflecting heightened physiological arousal.
Dilated Pupils and Heightened Senses: Describe dilated pupils and heightened sensory perception, as the character's senses become more attuned to potential dangers.
Muscle Tension and Rigidity: Note muscle tension and rigidity, as the body prepares for action or defense in response to fear.
Nausea or Stomach Churning: Show how fear can lead to feelings of nausea or stomach churning, as the body's stress response impacts digestive functions.
Fight, Flight, or Freeze Response: Highlight the character's instinctual response to fear, whether it's a readiness to fight, a desire to flee, or a state of frozen immobility.
Types of Fear and Emotional Depth
Different types of fear can evoke varying emotional responses in your characters, adding depth to their portrayal and the narrative:
Startle Fear: Describe the sudden, reflexive fear triggered by unexpected events or loud noises, leading to a quick, intense reaction.
Apprehensive Fear: Show the lingering sense of unease or dread that accompanies anticipated threats or impending danger, heightening tension over time.
Terror: Depict the overwhelming, paralyzing fear that arises from extreme danger or horrifying experiences, impacting the character's ability to think or act rationally.
Phobias: Explore specific phobias that trigger irrational and intense fear responses, shaping how your character navigates their environment and interactions.
Trauma-Induced Fear: Address fear resulting from past traumas or experiences, influencing the character's behavior and emotional resilience in present situations.
Verbs and Adjectives for Writing Fear
Here's a list of verbs and adjectives to help you convey fear effectively in your writing:
Verbs: tremble, cower, gasp, quiver, shrink, freeze, recoil, sweat, pant, gulp, shudder
Adjectives: terrified, anxious, alarmed, horrified, shaken, jittery, panicked, petrified
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glitchdollmemoria · 1 year
please can we stop describing bigots as delusional. please. im so fucking tired. someone being sucked into a hate group surrounded by others who believe minorities should be oppressed and encouraging them to believe in conspiracy theories that the rest of the group believes, is fundamentally different from someone having a mental illness that causes delusions.
delusions, by definition, cannot be explained by things like cultural background - such as having a belief constantly reinforced by intentional attempts to rationalize it for the sake of maintaining power over minorities. yes, someone can be both delusional and a bigot, and yes conspiracy theories can feed into delusions, but the two are not fucking synonymous.
i did not spend my teen years convinced that i was being stalked by demons just to hear so many of you people equate my disability with incel behavior and genocidal propaganda. stop reinforcing harmful connotations about mental health struggles.
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There should be more Justice League/Superbat fics where most heros arent really sure if Batman is even real or only know him as
"Supermans Demon Boyfriend Who Hangs Around And Can Be Convinced to Help The League Sometimes"
with like full weird off putting batman who sticks to the shadows and moves with all the wicked grace of an executioners axe and definitely an alien comforting but to bright to look at for too long Superman
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heartorbit · 2 months
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the narcissist fools himself
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Prompt 45
Hear me out. Danny gets de-aged and thrown into Gotham, everything’s sort of normal there. He’s somewhere between 4 and 6 and absolutely tiny. Looks a little sickly, covered in his death-scars and looks like some sort of fae child or something. 
Now it’s Gotham, normally this would mean he’d have gotten kidnapped, gotten stolen from the streets or something. The thing is though, he wasn’t dropped into Gotham all alone.
It’s kind of hard to take a child when there’s a giant eldritch abomination of a knight seemingly living in the kid’s shadow that causes terror with its very presence.
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emacrow · 5 months
Babysitting duty calls, Klarion
It another world threatening battle for the justice league, young justice against the league of Villains and chaos children before most of the chaos children froze as if they sense something bad was approaching and immediately dipped out.. except klarion whom was fighting with raven who immediately froze up too late in front of the portal.
Only for a green portal to appear, as a worned out floating glowing green, but blue skinned teenage boy who turn into a man with red eyes, a clock staff in hand and a glowing white hair baby in a baby carrier.
Klarion is literally struggling like a feral cat who got wet in cold water against some invisible force speaking in some odd static like language before giving up after half a minute when the man spoke back with a short word.
The man now just shape-shifting into turn elderly just gave klarion the baby carrier before noticing how the heroes and villains have stop in mid battles looking at both klarion and him.
"All in soon time, but be warn Flashes whom break the laws of times will get their due if you keep messing with the past and future." Spoken the elderly now shape-shifted into a young boy before he turn back to klarion leaving him a note and glowing baby bag before floating back into the swirling green portal.
Klarion could only look at note with his eye twitching, Teekl meowing as she climb into the baby carrier purring around the glowing baby.
"Why do I keep getting babysitting duty, it so unfa-..." klarion grumbled as he pick up the baby carrier and bag teleporting away..
"What just happened?" Said Dick whom only one question would be put on hold til later in the watchtower of what just happen before the fight resuming with the young and original justice league winning since the league of Villains were distracted.
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whumpprentice · 1 year
you know what trope drives me absolutely feral? Repetition. Just :
"Hey, hey, it's okay"
"Shh, you're safe, you're safe, it's alright "
"Look at me. Hey, look at me"
"Stay with me. Come on, just stay with me"
"It's over. It's over now."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"
"I'm here. I'm right here"
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unboundprompts · 1 year
diferent ways to describe the fear of something?
Different Ways to Describe Fear
Symptoms of Fear:
accelerated breathing
accelerated heart rate
sleep disturbance
butterflies in stomach
Body Language Responses to Fear:
hunching shoulders
shrinking away
wide eyes
shaking / trembling
wrapping arms around themselves
shaking hands
Writing Prompts:
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
She pressed a trembling hand to her chest as if that would do anything to slow her racing heart.
His eyes were crazed, darting around to look at the shadows of the room.
Their limbs felt like jelly, afraid that they would collapse at any moment.
She was utterly frozen. Her body cut all communication with her mind, and no matter how much her brain screamed for her to run she was immobilized in terror.
He had a tight knot forming in his stomach.
They couldn't breathe. They were totally suffocated by fear and it felt like a heavy weight was pressing down on their chest.
Dread clouded her thinking. She walked around like she was in a daze, relying solely on muscle memory to get her down the hallway.
His hands were trembling so badly that he couldn't do anything and his terror made it impossible to focus.
Their throat was dry. No matter how many times they swallowed it did nothing to relieve the uncomfortable feeling.
The salty taste of fear lingered on her lips.
His muscles screamed at him to leave, but he couldn't bring himself to move. He stared forwards hauntingly.
They ran. They ran faster than their legs had ever carried them, adrenaline taking over all of their senses. It felt like they were being chased, but there was no way for them to know for certain. They were too afraid to turn around.
It felt like her heart was about to burst from her ribcage.
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whumpypepsigal · 22 days
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@whumpgifathon | Day 19 (alt. prompt): “Protective”
Tyler Owens in Twisters (2024)
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whump-galaxy · 2 months
The traitor is double crossed, thrown in the same cell as the team they turned in. Their captors, and the traitor themselves, expect the team to tear them to pieces.
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dipperscavern · 2 months
can I be cheeky and ask for riding jon’s face 🫣🫣🫣
yes… oh yes you absolutely can….. i fell asleep last night to the thought of jon snow canonically being a munch (funny enough) — we’re on the same wavelength anon ! (written w shy!reader in mind)
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you’ve heard the talk, heard the different ladies from different statures talk about “the act”, and it’s always a different answer. some say it’s mediocre… others, that it’s their favorite way to feel good, and some, say it’s terrible. you’ve heard stories of men never caring about the woman’s pleasure, and how their only purpose was to give them children. the thought made you shudder.
you, yourself, have never had time. time to freely choose who you trust enough to share that sacred experience with (or even touch yourself). the men at castle black are sworn to celibacy, and even if they would abandon their oath for a night with you, you wouldn’t let them. most of the men at the wall are untrustworthy, and you want more than just a quick fuck. even if these thoughts plague you, you’re too busy with your duties to worry about it. a thing you’ve since long accepted.
until jon snow.
you had been there for jon since his arrival at castle black. never batting an eye at his surname, always trying to make his life a little bit easier. there was also the stolen glances, the soft touches you both passed off as “accidental”, the longing for each other. you both remained as merely “close friends”, until things boiled over and you found solace in each others lips. it didn’t go farther than that, the tentative kiss being soft & exploring, and that was okay with you. you didn’t expect more. until you got more.
sometimes, you hate jon for being so easy to talk to. your shy nature has slowly melted away in his presence, and you find yourself unable to be embarrassed about the questions you ask or answer. your late night talks are what keeps jon sane. he wants to know everything about you, and you both would talk till morning if you could (you have before). the topic often shifts, landing on anything and everything on the planet. even “the act”.
imagine jon’s surprise, when the most beautiful & endearing woman he’s ever met drops her gaze to the floor and bashfully tells him she’s never cum before.
jon short circuits. he asks if you want to. he asks if he can make you. and you say yes.
jon snow is a giver. tasting a woman is a pleasure in itself, and he’d tell you as much if you asked. his mind ran a million miles an hour, thinking about all the ways he could make you feel good. it doesn’t take long before the desire to taste you takes a hold of him, and so he does.
“You’re hovering.”
he’s not wrong. you are. you thought you had heard it all, but the act of sitting on someone’s face has clearly alluded your ears. you’re unsure. you don’t want to hurt him.. suffocating the first man you lay with would have you begging the gods to open the ground and swallow you whole. and it’s not just any man, it’s jon.
the soft glide of jon’s fingers across your thigh bring you out of your head. his hands are cold. they feel nice in contrast to your own skin, nerves lit on fire.
“I don’t want to hurt you…”
“You won’t.”
“Do you trust me?”
he’s steadfast in his reassurance. his thumb has been rubbing circles in your hip while you both have been talking. does he do it all on purpose, or is he just this naturally desirable?
“You know I do, but-“
“Good. Sit.”
you still hesitate, and that’s when jon takes matters into his own hands. his hands stop their tracing, and instead grip your thighs, bringing you down himself.
whatever expectations you had are exceeded tenfold. jon eats you out like a man starved. your head spins with the way you can feel his tongue, exploring you and swiping over your clit. it has white hot pleasure shooting up your spine, and your thighs quiver ever so slightly, but jon’s firm grip keeps you in place. he’s confident in his movements, precise and sure in a way that makes you see stars.
jon thinks he’s found the place where he would be content to meet his demise. you taste so good, and the pretty sounds you’re making have blood rushing straight to his cock. jon has always loved the sound of his name on your lips — whether it be small acknowledgments in passing by, or just mentions in mere conversation. but he’s found he much prefers hearing you moan it.
you’re almost embarrassed how quickly he has warmth building up in your belly, pressure building as he gives you the most pleasure you’ve ever had. he’s giving and giving and giving, and you find yourself selfishly taking all of it. he doesn’t slow down, keeping a steady rhythm that makes the cord in your stomach wind impossibly tighter.
“Jon, I’m-!”
you don’t get to finish your sentence, interrupted by the snap of the cord in your stomach that was previously tightening. pleasure overtakes your nerves, flooding your veins and momentarily removing your ability to speak (or think). jon’s tongue doesn’t stop fully, only slowing down to help you ride out your peak.
you catch your breath, feeling jon kiss the inside of your thighs as small aftershocks have you clenching around nothing. you find yourself seeking his touch (as if he hasn’t been constantly on you), your hand running along the surface of your thigh to find his own. he reaches for you, trapping your own smaller hand beneath his own. it’s reassuring, grounding you back to the present after he brought you so far over the edge.
you move to get off, to let him get up & breathe — but he doesn’t release his grip, keeping you in place. you hear him speak.
“Only once?”
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daily-sifloop · 2 months
Sifloop having dinner date.. but how would loop eat ? ?
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Day 35: red flags
629 notes · View notes
cathodecreature · 3 months
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Costume for a friend's masquerade :D
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Danny never thought he would enjoy the sidekick/mentee lifestyle but Kori was really cool. She was a adult but she still listened to him and made intelligent, competent and compassionate choices that were genuinely in his best interest. Danny hadn't known adults like that existed.
Starfire was kinda wierd for a ghost though. Phantom couldn't seem to pin down what her obsession was but he guessed that was fine so long as "The Princess of Tamaran" didn't hurt anyone. Plus, not only was she a ghost, she was an alien ghost! Like from a whole other planet and everything!
Aka Starfire gets booted from the DC universe and wanders in to Dannys via Vlads ghost portal. Vlad attacks her and Starfire beats him up, destroying a lot of his visibly unethical stuff, ect. Danny has been her fan ever since.
She did clarify that she was an alien but Danny assumes she's an alien ghost due to her coming from the ghost zone and having some ghost like powers.
Misunderstandings ensue
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