#prompt: telepathy au
disastertriowriting · 10 months
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Here's our fill for "Telepathy AU" ^-^
Ten years after the Empire formed, Vader, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka start sharing dreams. They can find no way to stop it, but do they really want to? Especially not after Ahsoka realizes who Vader is after long thinking Anakin dead, Obi-Wan begins to accept that there may be more to Vader than the Sith he's become now, and Vader finally has the chance at being with his family again.
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lulublack90 · 17 days
Prompt 5 - Warm
@rosekillermicrofic September 5, word count 277
Previous part First Jegulus part
Barty was too warm when he woke up. He tried to roll away from the heat but found that Evan had wrapped himself around him, weaving their limbs together, and he couldn’t escape. 
They’d stored all of Regulus’s boxes in their spare room yesterday and Evan had made up the bed once Regulus had gone out to meet up with his pretty boy. Regulus had reluctantly agreed to bring James over for dinner the following evening and Barty was already planning the entertainment. He was thinking drunk snap. He and Evan were unstoppable once they got going, and they were sure to make Jeremy look bad in front of Regulus. Was it Jeremy? Jackson? Jareth? No wait, it was something boring, James! That’s right, it was James. Barty shook his head to himself. He’d have to make an effort to remember it or Regulus would have his guts.  
“I’m worried about him,” Evan murmured in his ear, finally awake, though he didn’t make any moves to untangle himself from Barty. Barty didn’t even need to ask who Evan meant, they had a weird telepathy between them. Pandora found them fascinating and often just sat and stared at them as she studied their interactions. It drove him mad, but he’d never do anything to upset Panda. She was as scary as Regulus when she was pissed. 
“So am I, but he’ll never be safe while he’s still in that house of horrors,” He said, his words serious for once. He knew it was coming though, he’d seen the determination in Regulus’s face. This Jake had better know how much Regulus is going through for him. James! Damn it!
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oceansssblue · 3 months
Heya! Ty all for participating. This are the results for the pairings of 100blueceleb prompts!
- Prompt 5. Superpowers/fantasy AU = FIVES
- Prompt 6. Historic Period AU = REX
- Prompt 7. Sex worker/pornstar AU = HUNTER
- Prompt 8. Pirates AU = HUNTER
- Prompt 15. Arranged marriage/fake dating = CROSSHAIR
- Prompt 17. Prince&servant AU = REX
Unfortunately we have two draws!
- Prompt 9. Mermaid AU > between Tech/Echo/Kix/Howzer. VOTE HERE
- Prompt 14. Telepathy > between Hunter/Tech. Can't ad a second survay here, so please just write 14. Hunter or 14. Tech in either this post comment's or in my request box.
You only have ONE DAY to participate! Reblog apreciated.
(And don't worry, I will re-open my requests once I'm done writing these so you'll be able to ask wtv then if you got dissapointed haha)
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Person A: So what’s your favorite part about being a telepath? Person B: When someone has a song stuck in their head, I like to hum it, so it’s harder for them to get it out of their head.
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thoughtsaboutbats · 2 years
Au idea: Yj hive mind/group telepathy! Up that codependency!
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dinosquad-central · 2 years
Fic by @raaorqtpbpdy for the DinoSquad Discord server’s December 2022 monthly prompt!!
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rageserenity · 6 months
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It's 2024. Are you still thinking about movieverse!Cherik? Because I am.
For the past several months, there's only been a very slow trickle of posts/fics in the xmcu cherik tag. Let's try to breathe some life back into this incredible pairing!
With one clear winner of my poll, here's thirty prompts for the thirty days of April. (This is a super chill, laid-back event---do these in any order, interpret them as loosely as you like! Create in any medium! Fic, art, gifs, meta, incoherent screaming about the otp…all winners in my book.)
The only rule here is to cherik too close to the sun. Alright. Here are the prompts.
Mutual Pining
Doesn't really even need elaboration! Write that horrifically slow slow-burn. Gif every time McAvoy made insane fuck me eyes on screen. Make a playlist of songs about impossible love.
2. Alternate Meetings
There are endless quotes about how these two complete each other in a way no one they'd met before or after ever did. How else could they have met?
3. Erik Has A Telepathy Kink
This is basically canon. Let my boy get freaky!
4. Canon Fix-It
All the times Fox fucked it up. There are endless options.
5. Hurt/Comfort
Put them in that Situation. Put them in that Blender. Break them apart and put them back together ❤️‍🩹
6. Canon Compliant
Draw that missing scene! Gif your favourite cherik moment!
7. Beach Divorce
Make it worse. Make it better. Show it to us exactly how it was. Break it down in a 3,000 word meta. Go wild!
8. Domestics
Sometimes you just want to see them doing normal couple things. Erik put the gun down.
9. Found Family
The real heart of x-men!
10. Time Travel
There are SO many possibilities here. Stick them in a time loop. Give them a chance to change their past.
11. AU
Love a good AU!
12. There Is Only One Bed
Had to get this one in here. What better way to amp up the tension?
13. Genosha
By some miracle, cherik actually did end up together at the end of 2019s trash bag disaster Dark Phoenix. We aren’t making a big enough deal about this.
14. Declaration(s) of Love
Who says it first? How do they say it and when? Have they said it…without saying it?
15. Jealousy
Need I say more.
16. Reunion
These two have absolutely no chill.
17. Soulmates
Classic prompt, had to get this in here too.
18. The DOFP Aircraft
The TENSION here. Break it down for me. How does Charles feel about his injury? How does Erik feel about his injury?
19. Gay Mutant Road Trip
You already know.
20. Body Swap
SO fun when people have superpowers.
21. First Kiss
When? How? Who initiated it?
22. The Mansion
Mansion!content is a genre of its own.
23. Conflicting Ideology
Give me your theses. Who’s right? Can they ever reconcile completely? Write a fic where it drives them apart.
24. Sebastian Shaw
A trope unto himself.
25. Team As Matchmaker
They had to have known something was going on, didn’t they?
26. Cooking
Charles deserves a good meal. Also, imagine Erik using his powers in the kitchen. The sheer domesticity…
27. Hurt No Comfort
Plenty of scope with these two 🥲
28. Growing Old Together
Giving Sirs Ian Mckellan and Patrick Stewart their props as well!
29. Making Up
*pushes chess board across the table* sorry babe
30. Charles Xavier Did More For Mutants Than You'll Ever Know
Rising to each other’s defense. Only I can insult this man.
I will be tracking #revivecherik to reblog stuff! Here’s a fic collection for the same. Let’s get this ball rolling! Please feel free to send me an ask if you’ve got anything to say! And most importantly, let’s all have fun 😁
*I know a few of you preferred something like a gift exchange because of the commitment factor—I’m super down to organise a tiny one for the handful of us! If this promptathon doesn’t flop horribly, we can hopefully do a whole bunch of stuff :)
If you read this post all the way through, please reblog for reach! Thank you! Hoping you participate come April.
Shoutout to @inmymagnetoera for reaching out and helping with this!
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starwrighter · 1 year
I lied about only making one ship post :/
Thank you @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 your prompts fueled this one. Specifically this one.
Dead serious soulmate au but in separate universes.
In the DP universe soulmates are widespread with pretty much everyone having one. In the past soulmates were only seen as purely romantic and it was abhorrent if you didn't have one, rejected/cut off your soulmate or they died before you.
Soulmates still heavily impact DP universes present society but not in the same ways as before. Current day Soulmates can be platonic or romantic and while it wasn't as demonized as it was in the past cutting off a soulmate is still an incredibly taboo.There are different types of soulmates (ie the red string, skin writing, telepathy, shared sensation,..)
Danny shares pain with his soulmate. While he can't exactly communicate directly with his soulmate he has the ability to heal them a little through the bond. Danny's soulmate was always getting hurt somehow or another to the point he had an unnaturally high pain tolerance by the time he turned 14.
His soulmate hasn't ever healed him back and sometimes Danny forgot he existed at all. As a half ghost it was so much easier to heal his soulmate; with just a surge of energy he could completely heal any injuries his soulmate acquired and go back to whatever it was he was doing before his soulmate got hurt.
Danny was fine with forgetting his soulmate existed. Whoever was on the other end clearly didn't want anything to do with him considering they couldn't even pitch in to heal a papercut. He would still heal his soulmate when he needed it but he just gave up hoping for any kind of relationship with him.
On the DC side of things Soulmates are extremely rare and little to nothing is know about them. Damian of course is one of the very few people who had a soulmate; the small blue soulmark on his chest was proof of that. Damian's soulmark was ignored treated like it didn't exist at all until the day it started healing him.
Then his soulmate was his everything. His soulmate was someone he needed to protect with every fiber of his being and someone he desperately needed to find. Damian kept these beliefs even after he left the league and especially when his soulmates healing powers got stronger.
After years of searching the last place he expected to meet his soulmate was some dingy alleyway...
He could finally start courting him.
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writers-potion · 6 months
can you make a list of specific relationships tropes(platonic or romantic) pls🫶
List of Relationship Tropes <3
Hope this helps! :) If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram!
Romantic Relationship Tropes:
Forbidden love (it can be an external or internal taboo)
Stuck together - 'trapped in an elevator'
Secret identity (billionaire/royal/celebrity in hiding)
Best friend's brother/sister/ex
Seconc chance romance
Soulmates (soulmate AU prompts)
Fake relationship
Wedding fever - runaway brides/best men/wedding planners/ jilted
Amnesia/mistaken identity
Holiday romances/flings
Opposites attract (similar to enemies to lovers)
Academic rivals (high school/ college)
Unrequited love
Sunny vs. Grumpy
Pen pals to lovers
Matchmaking gone wrong
Sworn off a relationship (then falling in love, of course)
Single parent with new love
Arranged marriage (Arranged Marriage Prompts)
Return to hometown & fall in love with your childhood friend
Bully turned out to be the nice guy
One person being afraid to commit + the other chasing them
Falling in love with someone from the past/future
Tiny guy, huge girl
Other Character Dynamic Tropes:
Badass and child duo (usually, the child will be extraordinarily mature/capable)
Battle couple (like Mr. and Mrs. Smith vibes)
Blood brothers
Brother-sister team - bickering but working perfectly together
Intergenerational friends - being best buddies with your grandparents, which your parent doesn't understand
Translator buddy
Talker plus Doer duo
Student and Master team
'Sensitive guy + the most macho guy ever' duo
The Shy Guy/Girl + the outging wingman
The popular girl/guy + the copycat
Ride-or-Die found family
A childhood enemy becomes a central part of a friend group
Parents who see their kids become best friends too
Orphans from the same orphange
Long lost siblings finding themselves in each other
A straight girl + lesbian as bffs / a straight guy + gay guy as bffs, becoming each other's wingmen/women
a secret handshake or unique SOS sign that only they know
Girl code/bro code/friendship code
Having set routines, like meeting under ---- tree at --- hour
Family Tropes
Adoption angst
adult adoptee - an adult character is adopted into a different family despite being legally of age
Awkward parent-child bonding efforts
Babies ever after - the child is forever a baby to the parents
Black sheep/ugly duckling
Cannibal clan
Feminine mother, tomboyish daughter
Obnoxious in-laws
Twin Tropes
Angst surviving twin - on twin dies so that other becomes nervous
Single-minded twins - can have a creepy twist...
Evil twin
Playing their own twin
Twin telepathy - twins can pick up on each other's thoughts/emotions
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froznwater · 3 months
im so sorry this is incredibly random but if i dont write alenoah i WILL die but i cant think of anything to write. do u have any simple ideas. ignore if not
HI!!! tysm for your ask <3 i hope you can find something to write amongst all the ideas. These are a bunch of ideas have written down in my notes/google drive/tumblr posts and have not got gotten around to. I still might at some point in time but feel free to use them. I will still do my own take if I get the time/motivation. There's simply so many, why not share and inspire some fics :)
General ideas:
Noah knows/learns spanish. Bonus points if Alejandro isn't aware until the perfect moment.
Alejandro thinks he can get away with flirting with Noah in spanish. Noah starts shit talking in spanish. Noah learns so he can hear all the little comments Alejandro keeps making under his breath. etc. so many possibilities.
Now that the show is over and Noah's off to college, he realizes he’s missing something in his life. Maybe it’s his friends, maybe it’s a lack of ever-looming danger, OR maybe it’s Alejandro. Who fucking knows. He’s too busy trying not to be in love with Alejandro to figure it out. 
Their group project is failing, horribly. There’s one thing Noah knows for certain: Alejandro's to blame. At what point does slippery eel turn into a term of endearment?
They have never ever fallen asleep next to each other. Let alone in each other's arms. Never.
Time loop where Alejandro is stuck on the episode where Noah gets voted out and sticks himself to falling in love because he can’t let go of his pride long enough to simply let Noah stay in the game and move on.
Noah loses his contacts and starts wearing his glasses more often. Alejandro notices. Everyone notices Alejandro notices.
Alejandro and Noah team up to get their friends together (insert whatever ship you like) and end up together in the process/the other two were trying to do the same thing for them.
A commentary timeline on how Alejandro's charisma turn into exploitation, how Noah's patience turned into indifference, and how they parallel each other. (I've written a few hundred words for this one lol.)
Each thinks the other doesn't like them. Cut to third party POV that watches and witnesses them completely a mess for each other.
Noah, once voted out in I See London, learns about Alejandro's family. Who have been very vocal since the show started airing.
Exploration of how Alejandro tries really really hard. Yes, He's at the top of the class, but so is Noah. Noah who sleeps through classes and doesn't turn in homework and shows up late or simply not at all and is still right up there with him.
“I would kill to be like you. To just absorb all the information fed to me. If I were you I might actually- “(beat my brother) “Might actually what?” “I told you. I don’t want to talk about it, Noah.” - "Do you know how long I studied for that test? Hours. And you- You got a 96 with no effort at all." It was a 98. But this seems like a bad time to correct him.
Dialogue one-liners prompts i've written down:
"If we make it out of this alive, I'm going to kiss you."
“Why do I feel like I cant say no to you?”
"I know you don't actually care about me, but thank you for trying to pretend that you do." (Said by Noah is joking. Said by Alejandro is bitter.)
"You can't win against someone who has nothing to lose."(Alejandro OR Noah angst.)
Soulmate aus:
My big two: Telepathy/Mentally linked.(imagine this one as a wt rewrite omg) And Whatever you draw on yourself shows up on your soulmate. Matching tattoos.
First words on each other. (I've done this one already here. but feel free to do it as well!!)
Communicating through dreams. (If you know cardcaptor sakura; like that.)
General AUs:
Until dawn AU.
Gakuen Alice AU.
My Babysitters A Vampire AU. Zombie Apoc AU.
Harry Potter AU. Reality Dating Show AU.
Infinity Train AU!!!!!!
Veronica Mars AU!!!! (i wanna do this one ALOT noah is sooo veronica LMAO) OBLIGATORY IDEAS:
seven minutes in heaven.
wrong number.
trapped in a closet.
movie night. noah is sitting under alejandro and lol they are physically, platonically touching for awhile. (leads to finally getting together).
one gets injured, the other fixes them up in the nurses office :P.
short "prompt-ishs" i've started writing:
“What the hell is your problem, Alejandro?” And this time, the tone was so disgusted, so bitter, that something snapped, deep in Alejandro’s chest.
Fuck it.
“What’s my problem?” He asked, incredulous. “What’s my problem? You’ve got to be kidding me, Courtney. I almost died. I almost died, paralyzed and alone, and the only friend I thought I had didn’t give a single shit! The only person who cared was Noah, of all people. I quite literally come back to life and the only thing you can do is whine about your girlfriend problems.”
Courtney takes a step back.
“I was stuck in a robot for months, my legs barely work, my family moved on- actually, I don’t know if they ever actually even noticed,” He laughs, broken, “- and you have the audacity to ask me what my problem is?!”
Alejandro is over playing nice. He’s had enough.
this one is a rivals team up to get out courtney blurb
little idea about Alejandro getting into zodiacs.
moments where alejandro questions why Noah is so attractive
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Here's our fill for the square "Telepathy". :D
The mission to mine ipsium went badly, leaving the Batch trapped in a collapsed mine. It's not until after they find another chamber by going over a waterfall that they realize they're being followed. By Crosshair. Who is clearly not at all in his right mind since he keeps trying to bite them, to feed on their blood.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
Avengers Camp!
This is for the @sambuckylibrary's SamBucky Summer Bingo 2024 for the prompt "Summer Camp/Lifeguard AU". This is a spiel for an Avenger's Summer Camp! The entire brochure plus what each page says will be under the read more. Enjoy! 🥰
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Page 1:
Middle right: Meet the Avengers! Hang out with cap! Learn to be a hero! Middle Middle: Avengers Camp! Bottom Left: July 1 - August 4th, 2024 New Avengers’ Campus Delacroix, Louisiana Bottom Middle: With weekly visits to the beach and New Orleans! Bottom Bottom: Free admission upon acceptance into the program!
Page 2:
Top: Meet Your Camp Avengers! First Avenger: Sam Wilson; Captain America; Totally had bird telepathy, it’s amazing! Will let you pet Redwing if you ask nicely! Second Avenger: Bucky Barnes; White Wolf; No, he’s not the Winter soldier. Yes, he is in love with Sam. Yes, he does live here now. Third Avenger: Monica Rambeau; Photon; AKA Lieutenant Trouble! Fan of the Fresh Prince of Bel-air! Fourth Avenger: Ayo; Just Ayo; Guest Avenger from the Dora Milaje! Has the coolest girlfriend!
Page 3:
Top: Meet Your Camp Counselors! First Young Avenger: Yelena Belova; The Black Widow; Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese with Hot Sauce and Green Beans; Favorite Song: “American Pie” by Don McLean. Second Young Avenger: Kate Bishop; Hawkeye; Doesn’t know how to drive! Accomplished fencer, gymnast, and archer! Third Young Avenger: Joaquín Torres; The Falcon; Definitely not a human-Falcon hybrid, nope! Has Cap on speed dial! Fourth Young Avenger: Kamala Khan; Ms. Marvel; Well-known Youtube Video Essayist! Notable RPF Fanfiction Writer!
Page 4:
Top: Join Us for the Summer! Looking for a fun summer program that will teach you how to help your community? Well, look no further! Our Avengers Camp will do just that! Left Top to Bottom: Mission Scenarios! Free Therapy! Moments with Sam & Bucky! Potential Steve Visits! One-on-Ones with Sam! Right Top: Schedule Right 1: Week 1: What Hero Are You? What’s your power? What’s your thing? How can we shape that into your hero persona? And finally, naming your hero persona. Right 2: Week 2: How Do You Hero? How will we take that special something about you and hone that into community service and helping your community. Right 3: Week 3: What’s Your Fit? Now that you have an idea of what sort of hero you want to be and how to shape what you can do into that hero, let’s get you dressed for the part! Right 4: Week 4: How to Be on a Team; We’re all stronger together. We’ll help you learn how to take your craft and how to work along with others to better help your community! Right 5: Week 5: On the Ground Training; You will be chosen by one of many Avengers to go out on low-stakes missions to learn about how to help people in nonviolent situations!
Page 5:
Middle: Apply Today! Bottom: And become an honorary Young Avenger!
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ashisgreedy · 1 year
Garreth Weasely x F!MC
“My Fire In Your Veins” 
Dragon Shifter Fantasy AU 
Tags: Smut 18+ |  Dragon-Shifter Garreth x Human F!MC | Romance/Erotica | Dubious Consent | Size Difference | Biting/Marking | Penetration | Cunnilingus | Outdoor Sex | “Mates”(no breeding/preg) | Cock Warming | Primal | Telepathy/Mindreading | Overstimulation |
WC: 8,200
Summary: In a world invaded by dragons, humanity's survival is a daily struggle as cities crumble. Amidst this chaos, MC encounters a dragon, but instead of violence, he transforms into a human-like man, forging a carnal connection with her. 
A Monster Romance Short Story
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The distant roar that echoed through the skies didn't prompt her to seek shelter immediately. Along with the other survivors, she hastily extinguished the campfire and efficiently stowed away their provisions. Each person diligently performed their role, and in no time, the campsite was dismantled, and they set off toward the nearby cave their scout had located earlier.
The dragons, though a constant presence, had yet to pose an immediate threat to them in the forest. They usually flew toward the distant side of the valley and beyond the ridge, allowing the survivors some semblance of familiarity and routine. These creatures typically found their preferred havens in elevated, expansive areas that could comfortably accommodate their entire group.
Approaching the cave, the sound of rushing air reached MC's ears, an all-too-familiar precursor to attacks. The dragon's arrival was heralded by a massive shadow blocking out the sun. A chill gripped her veins, propelling her into a frantic sprint toward the cave. Other members of the group stifled their cries, one among them already in tears as they hurriedly gathered beneath the protective canopy of the trees.
Inhaling deeply, she surged forward, arms pumping with determination as the cave entrance drew nearer. Yet, an abrupt roar from above sent her stumbling, her heart thundering in her chest.  She instinctively covered her ears, bracing herself for the potential inferno of heat that could erupt from the dragon's jaws.
Its wings flapped just above and she swallowed her heart, urging her legs to push her forward just a bit faster. She glanced back, anticipating the group to be right behind her, only to find herself utterly alone. Her eyes widened, panic racing through her mind like wildfire. A desperate gaze flickered between the cave's entrance and the path she had just come, uncertainty paralyzing her. In these perilous times, being abandoned was practically a death sentence. The dragon's roar must have sent the others fleeing in the opposite direction. Inwardly cursing her oversight, frustration burned within her.
Opting to bolt toward the cave, she dashed until her calves screamed in protest. A resounding thud to her left sent her stumbling forward, her knees catching her in the fall. Her teeth clamped on her lip, stifling any outcry. A deep exhalation behind her caused her lungs to seize. The colossal presence loomed just at her back, a shiver racing down her spine. The entire forest fell into an eerie hush, as though the very trees were holding their breath.
Avoiding a glance backward, she remained immobilized by fear. A shiver coursed through her as another huff and inquisitive sniffle came from behind. Though she had never encountered one up close, her imagination conjured the sheer magnitude of their snout, an image about the size of a carriage. 
With a menacing snarl, its colossal wings beat, setting leaves and branches into a frenzied whirl. She struggled to swallow past her parched throat, her hands turning numb before starting to shake.
Silence stretched for a long moment, eventually emboldening her to steal a glance. If these were her final moments, she wanted to quench her curiosity. Yet, the instant her gaze landed on the scene a wave of regret washed over her.
The dragon was massive. A hulking, spiked monstrosity shrouded in sharp garnet and gold scales sculpted perfectly to its muscular body. A single talon, the size of her entire body, was more than enough to eviscerate her. 
Her stomach twisted as her head moved up its towering figure towards its face. A gasp escaped her lips as she locked with its immense slit-shaped pupils, their attention laser-focused on her. It's eyes were a swirl of greens with an obsidian core. 
She recoiled as its jaws parted, a plume of smoke unfurling. This was the moment, an undeniable certainty coursing through her veins. She was about to be blasted with the hottest fire known to man, the very same that had wiped out entire forests and cities. She refused to close her eyes as she waited for sweet release. 
Yet, seconds stretched into an eternity, and the Dragon seemed to exude an air of disinterest. Her brows pinched in confusion as it sat still, spiky tail lashing behind itself. 
After a short while, her shoulders eased their tension. However, they tensed right back up as the Dragon began to stir, as if... shrinking? Her eyes widened in bewilderment as she watched the dragon change right before her, transforming into the shape of a human man.
Her jaw was on the floor as he ruffled his crimson curly hair and blinked until his slitted pupils transformed into round black circles. Lifting his gaze to her, an amused expression played across his features. Despite his fair complexion, his skin boasted tiny golden flecks and human-like freckles. 
He took a step forward and she took a step back. It was undoubtedly a 'he', revealed by his obvious display of masculinity, with no clothing whatsoever to hide his modesty. She averted her eyes above the waist, observing as red scales seemed to dissolve as he continued to transform, giving way to sleek, unblemished skin across most of his body.
He halted, his now considerably smaller scarlet wings unfurling, stretching out broadly. The veined wings were tipped with small talon-like claws. After looking her over once more, he took another casual step forward.
The wings outstretched looked more like a warning than anything but it reminded her of male birds in the wild having bright obnoxious colors to attract a mate. It was almost funny to her how he strutted over, glowing with confidence, almost. 
She didn’t run, knowing damn well she’d never make it out of the clearing. She kept her eyes glued on him and allowed him to approach us slowly as he was.
The closer he got the more obvious their size difference was. Though human-like in form, he was much larger than any average man. He towered over her, surpassing her height by several heads. 
Despite her determination, she took an involuntary step back as he approached. The tree's presence behind her made her jump causing the dragon-shifter to crack a smirk. 
“Um, Hello?” She said, shattering the prolonged silence. His gaze fixated on her lips, eyebrows arching in surprise. “Do you speak… English?” She tried again finding her voice wavering. The adrenaline rush that had gripped her was beginning to subside, yet her chest remained constricted.
Amusement danced in his eyes, each time she spoke, his attention seemed to linger on her lips as if intrigued. She pressed her back harder into the tree. She realized he wasn't inclined to speak or even attempt communication in any possible language he may have. 
The methods of communication among the dragon species had confounded humans. Over time, it had become evident that dragons separated by vast distances could somehow coordinate attacks or migrations, despite never being observed having interacted before. This mystery had perplexed everyone, leaving their communication methods shrouded in conjecture and conspiracy theories.
His gaze intensified as he drew nearer. Leaning in, he inhaled deeply through his nose, exhaling in a lengthy sigh.
As he got closer, his outstretched wings blocked her view of the forest making her heart gallop in her chest. She felt akin to a mouse ensnared by a cat.
She cleared her throat. “Hi.” She said a bit louder than before. She waved her hand, capturing his attention. His brows knitted as he examined her hand, creases appearing on his forehead. 
He looked closely at her hand as she presented it to him. She watched as his perplexity grew. He countered by extending his own hand, dwarfing hers by almost twice the size. His fingers were tipped with short, yet sharp, claw-like nails. Her mind raced, contemplating his intentions. Would he strike her down now? Perhaps a razor-sharp nail to her throat? 
He glanced back at her hand, then at his own, releasing a huff through his nose as he shook his head. His gaze shifted, moving more leisurely across her form. 
A thought occurred to her, was he scrutinizing their differences? There were a lot of differences actually, such as the lack of garnet scales draping her shoulders and fading into her chest. His scales mixed nicely into his pale skin, fading until none were peppering his flat stomach. 
The wind picked up, evoking a groan from him as he inhaled deeply once more. His face neared hers and she could smell the forest air wafting from his body. The scent of dried rain and crisp leaves accosted her senses. 
His hand lifted, gently touching her hair, careful of his claws. She remained motionless as he leaned closer, inhaling the scent of her hair. A contented sigh escaped him before he shifted his focus to her neck. There, she felt the faintest graze of his tongue, causing her to jerk away.  The dragon shifter looked happy with himself as he walked to her other side with a newfound purpose. 
“That was…. Nice.” She offered, an odd sensation settling over her. But, this man was holding his life in her hands. She could play nice until the opportunity for her to escape arose. 
She jumped when his hand moved up the center of her back. Startled, she took several strides forward, distancing herself from him and leaving him standing by the tree alone.
“Woah, ha…”  She struggled to contain her reaction, trying to avoid offending him. “That..” She shook her head and buried her face in her hands. She couldn't wrap her head around what was happening. 
The shock had overwhelmed her ever since the dragon's astonishing transformation before her eyes.  She wondered just how long these dragon invaders had been able to do that. Were they born with this ability? 
He frowned, walking toward her again. He lifted his hand and slowly reached out to touch her face. Before his hand met her skin he paused, looking into her eyes. 
It dawned on her that he was silently asking permission to touch her.  She didn't know if she exactly had a real choice in the matter. In response, she nodded, allowing his hand to make contact, her face tilting into his touch as she took a deep breath.
His eyes lit up as his gentle hand cradled her face. He hummed happily, tracing down her neck and across her shoulder. Heat radiated from his skin leaving warmth in the wake of his touch. When his claw brushed against her arm, she realized it was more blunt than she had initially assumed, lacking the razor-sharp point.
She took in a deep breath, feeling his gentle touch all the way down to her hand. His gaze sought hers, and he grinned in triumph. Her brows furrowed with puzzlement, the world suddenly shifted, and her cheek met the ground. A shocked exhale escaped her, swirling dirt around her face.
His palm pressed on her head, keeping her face against the ground. She kicked out, but the motion came to an abrupt halt when he positioned his groin against her raised backside. She gulped, her fingers clenching the grass beneath her.
He ground against her, drawing her hips back into his body.  The fabric of her pants acted as a barrier, dulling the sensation, but the contours of his cock were unmistakable.
She yelped when he folded his body atop hers, breath tickling her ear. He rutted against her, and she instinctively shut her eyes.
“Um? What the fuck is going on…” She asked rhetorically, knowing the dragon had no idea what she was saying. 
Inhaling her scent, his heart pounded against her back. The more he ground his hips, the firmer he became against her backside.
He huffed, pulling back slightly. She watched as he raked his fingers through his curls, groaning. His gaze locked onto hers, his hand gesturing for her in a general sense. 
She didn’t move, cheek still pressed to the ground as she looked back at him.  Inhaling deeply, he visibly trembled. With a pointed finger, he indicated himself, then her.
MC blinked a couple of times, a span of silence stretching between them. The dragon frowned reiterating the gesture, jabbing his finger into his chest before carefully pointing at her.
“I don’t get it… You…. and me?” She gestured to herself and then to him.
The dragon's gaze intensified. He grasped her pants and, aided by his claws and strength, ripped the fabric away.
“Hey! Those were my only decent pair! Oh, Shit!”
His mouth was on her cunt, a long tongue licking a stripe the entire length from her clit to her ass. 
“Oh…” Understanding struck her like lighting. “Oh no… we can’t. I-” 
His hands carefully parted her cheeks as his tongue delved between her folds. 
“Holy hell… what…. is happening? Do you want a …hook-up? Is that it?” A yelp escaped her as his tongue circled her opening. 
She wondered whether she should allow him to have his way, let him satisfy his desires. Maybe, when he was done, he will leave her here and fly back to whatever scorched patch of earth he came from and she can find her group again.
“Fine…” The word was more of a moan. She bit her lip to stifle any sounds.
The cool breeze sent a shiver down her legs as he abandoned it to point at himself again. 
“Yes, yes! Go ahead.”  She indicated, pointing at herself and then at him.
His brows shot up and his eyes sparkled. An actual smile graced his lips, and he appeared... quite attractive.
“Let's get this over with, yeah?” She exhaled, her body scraping the ground as he removed the remains of her torn clothes. 
He let out a low growl and placed his mouth back on her center. Years had passed since she last experienced the pleasurable touch of a man. A slap or a punch during a resource battle? Sure. But nothing that sent delightful shivers up her spine and caused her eyes to roll back.
“Damn…” She huffed, stirring up dust that settled on her face. She attempted to brush it away with her hand but was caught off balance when he spread her legs further. 
She thought of the cities and entire valleys that had been decimated by hoards of dragons and their molten flames. Her own town had been among the first to fall victim to the invaders, forcing her and her family to become refugees, perpetually fleeing in search of survival.
She squeezed her eyes, feeling like a traitor as the very same enemy licked up and down the entire length of her pussy. Damn… being a traitor felt incredible. Of course, she was only doing this to create an opportunity to escape once he was finished... yeah... that was the plan. 
His hands gripped her thighs and he pulled her legs apart. He purred against her slick cunt, vibrations making her squirm. How long was he going to do this for? This was looking less and less like a quick fuck and more like he was attempting to genuinely pleasure her.
“You can get on with it… you know.” She muttered, digging her nails into the forest floor. Predictably, he paid no attention to her words.  After all, he hadn't uttered a single syllable, only making moans and groans of pleasure with his mouth. 
His long tongue slid inside her entrance, the thick muscle stretching her out. She moaned and so did he, the vibration making her legs quake. His sounds of pleasure caught her off guard. Pulling her head back, she watched his red waves catch the sunlight as he buried his face between her legs. She squinted against the sun's brightness, then shifted her gaze back to the dim expanse of the forest ahead.
It was maddening how pleasurable it all felt. She let out a soft whimper, her cheek pressed against the ground while his groans reverberated through her, setting her body on edge.
“No one is going to believe this…” She whispered to herself. Her legs were trembling and she felt the orgasm on the horizon. “Fuck…” 
His tongue moved dangerously slow, swirling around her sensitive clit. His thumbs dug into her skin, holding her core open obscenely for the taking. 
She exhaled deeply, her muscles taut as the tension built. 
"Alright!" she declared, pulling away before the inevitable. 
The dragon growled and pulled her hips until his lips met her clit again. He sucked hard, running his tongue in circles, ravishing her with fierceness. 
“Ah!” She moaned as the intensity of the orgasm throbbed in her core and spread over her body. “Oh fuck, oh fuck…” She whimpered, pushing herself back into his face, grinding eagerly. 
The dragon hummed with satisfaction, licking lighter and lighter until the touch was barely there anymore. 
Her legs quivered and her limbs shook as he released her, causing her to crumble onto the ground. Panting heavily, she tried to collect herself.
The dragon repositioned her hips, pulling her ass back into the air. Glancing back, she noticed the dilation of his pupils, his once-green eyes nearly engulfed by the expanses of black. He pushed his knuckle against her core, keeping his claw at bay as he pressed into the slick hole. She moaned, voice strained when his knuckle entered her.
His gaze narrowed, eyes locked on the wet mess in front of him. A blush colored her cheeks and she moved away again.
She began to turn around. “Okay okay…” She uttered. The dragon grabbed her hips, moving her back into place, on display for him. "Alright, fine... I'll stay like this," She huffed, rolling her eyes. "You're obsessed with this position…” 
For the first time, the dragon shifter took himself in hand. He pumped his length keeping his eyes on her spread pussy. 
Glancing over her shoulder, her eyes went wide. “You're not putting that in me, are you!?” She blurted out. He was massive, much larger than any ordinary human's cock should ever be. “It won't fit.” She added, starting to crawl away. “There’s no fucking way.”
He grabbed her hip with his free hand, holding her in place. He pressed his cock against her pussy, coating her slickness all over the tip. 
“That’s not going to help… a miracle is needed.” She pleaded. He pushed the tip against her opening and started to push. “There’s no way!” She yelled “There’s no-” The tip popped inside and she squealed. Okay.. maybe there was a way. 
The look of determination on his face told her he wasn’t stopping at just the tip. His teeth were clenched, both hands holding her hips in a bruising grip. He was moving slowly, carefully, as a sweat broke out on his brow. 
“Please be careful! Oh, gods” She moaned, feeling the intense stretch of her insides. “I can’t…. I can't..” She whimpered. Yet, she could. Her pussy betrayed her, taking more and more of the dragon's cock until he was deep inside her. The uncomfortable stretch soon turned delicious and she cursed the sounds coming from her lips. 
He groaned, thrusting into her until she took him as deep as she possibly could. Tears brimmed in her eyes.  Her panting grew louder with each passing second. “It's too much… but…” She conceded, loosening her grip on the grass. 
He wasn’t moving, and instead breathed deep, hands trembling as he held her hips. 
She felt full, stuffed to the brim, unlike anything she’s ever experienced. She proceeded to press back into him, uttering soft whimpers. He gasped and folded over her, pressing his chest into her back. His arms were on either side of her head, caging her in. He placed tender kisses across her shoulder and neck. His body felt like a furnace. His skin held the warmth of a heating pad. As he folded over her, she began to sweat despite the cool spring air. 
She took a deep inhale, her insides tremoring as her body acclimated to his size. He stayed seated deep in her as his lips moved down her neck and kissed just below her ear. 
"I guess you could call this romantic," she attempted to joke. “But, we’re on the literal forest floor. Maybe if we were in a bed or-” 
The sensation of sharp teeth grazing her skin sent a shiver through her. Her eyes widened when she felt them a second time. They were razor-sharp and far more pointy than his claws were. She held her breath, anticipating his next move. His kisses, coupled with the gentle brush of his teeth against her skin and his slow breath made it feel like he was working up to something.
Pain erupted from her throat in a piercing scream as his fangs penetrated her flesh. The noise sent nearby birds scattering, their wings fluttering and carrying them away from the scene. Betrayal washed over her and her initial instinct was to jerk away. He bit down harder and she stopped fighting, in fear it would cause more damage to her body. Tears clouded her eyes, and her cries reverberated through the surrounding trees.
He could easily tear out her throat or crush it in an instant. For the first time, limp and powerless between the jaws of a monster, MC understood how truly helpless she was.
A searing sensation like molten lava surged from his bite. She pleaded and begged for him to stop, but the scalding fluid seeped into her veins, causing her vision to blur. Her entire body became an inferno from within.
The burning sensation soon reached her heart. In her panic, the pounding muscle shot the molten lava out to her extremities. As it made its way up her neck, her lips tingled and burned. Her hands were engulfed, feeling as if she’d placed them atop a red-hot iron.  A quivering whimper escaped her lips, betraying the fear that gripped her.
She groaned as the painful sensation started to dissipate. The heat felt comforting, almost natural, as it made its way to the tips of her toes.
All at once, his body stopped feeling like a furnace. He felt normal, almost cool even. Her sweat evaporated and the breeze in the forest became exceptionally refreshing. A deep inhale calmed her, and her flushed cheeks cooled.
Carefully, he unlatched his teeth. He tenderly licked at the spilled blood apologetically. A distant male voice reached her ears and she jerked her head to look. She wanted the help, sure, but what would a group of humans do in this situation? Also, her predicament was very… strange. The dragon’s cock was still seated inside her, she was naked, covered in dirt and the winged man licked at the wound he’d just given her. 
She didn’t see anyone in the forest as she scanned the trees. Another male voice, much closer, caught her attention and she swiveled her head in all directions.
“Hello?!” She shouted. 
Someone was near, and she wondered why the dragon man was not on alert. Was he not worried about them being found? Or did he simply not hear them? With the keen senses she knew the Dragons to have, the ladder sounded less plausible.
Heat rushed to the spot she was bitten and the blood stopped trickling. She tried to look, only seeing one of the punctured holes from her view. It was mending itself and at a remarkable rate. Her eyebrows rose in astonishment.
"What was that just now?" She gazed into his eyes.  His pupils were slits again, but he blinked until they were circular black holes. 
The man's voice came again and it was right behind her. She instinctively turned her head, finding no one there. Fantastic…, she must be losing her mind. Going insane seemed plausible, especially with the dragon shifter man in the picture. Could this all be a result of hitting her head? Perhaps it was just a dream... wasn't it?
The dragon shifter ran his finger through her hair and sighed happily. Her body had very well acclimated to the size of his cock by now. She felt a rush of endorphins race through her originating from her core.
“...like you were made for me.” A male voice echoed within her mind. 
She slowly turned her gaze toward the shifter. “Did you just speak?” 
“I have been.” His lips didn’t move, but she heard his voice clearly. 
There was a long silence as she gawked at him. “H-how are you talking without… your mouth?” 
He grinned and pressed a kiss to the spot he had bitten. ”The Draconian are a telepathic species.”
“What!?” Her mind raced. “Why couldn't I hear you before?” 
His eyes shifted between hers, sporting an amused grin ”You are human.” The word 'human' wasn't exactly what he said. But the image linked to the word conveyed his meaning. ”Humans aren’t telepathic by nature.” He adds. 
“Then how can I hear you now?” She murmured. 
”I gave you my fires. You have been changed from the inside. Transformed.”
Her walls fluttered around the intrusion inside her. “Oh…” She was too stunned to speak, her mind struggling to grasp the reality of it all.
“What are you called?” He asked, lips brushing against the curve of her ear.
A hiss escapes her as his fangs graze her sensitive skin. A surge of fear courses through her, yet nothing comes of it. 
“Why does it matter?” She says between clenched teeth. Her body trembled beneath his, ensnared like a bird in a cage by his powerful arms. Memories surface of her mother using her full name when she was in trouble, juxtaposed with the nickname her friends had coined – a name she much preferred.
”That’s a beautiful name.” His voice filled her head. 
“What?! I didn’t say anything. I just… You can’t read my mind, can you?!” She eyed him in disbelief. 
The dragon laughed, letting out a full-blown chuckle against her neck. ”I like how feisty you are. Yes, of course. You have my fires, I can read your mind.” He inhaled deeply against her neck. ”You smell fantastic… I could sense you from miles away.”
His words were accompanied by images that filled her mind of flowers and dewdrops on crisp green grass. Those weren’t her thoughts. 
“Can… can I read yours too?” 
He vocalized a hum and spoke in her head. ”Only if I let you.” He smirked, eyes half-lidded as his gaze moved over her facial features. 
“How can I keep my thoughts to myself?!” 
He smiled and finally pulled away. "I’ll teach you… maybe.”
“Maybe? Teach me now” She encouraged. 
He laughed. ”I will teach you, in time.” He pledged, his hand gliding down her back in a comforting motion.
She was quickly growing accustomed to his voice resonating in her mind. She glanced behind her, capturing his smile illuminated by the sunlight streaming through the canopy. His fangs were only slightly longer than his regular teeth. Funny, they had felt much bigger when they pierced her skin. 
He smiled even wider. ”You think I’m handsome?” His brows arched playfully.
She averted her gaze. “I’m not going to get used to the mindreading any time soon…” Thoughts of how the mind-reading would ruin her escape plans weighed heavily on her mind.
“Garreth.” His voice reverberated, drawing her away from her thoughts.  
“What?”  She scrunched her face.
”That is what I am called. Garreth.”
“Oh…” A tinge of remorse settled in for not asking. 
”It’s all right.” His hands slid down her back, breath quickening. ”Are you ready now? You aren’t making distressed sounds anymore.” He pressed his hips forward against her ass, pushing his cock that much deeper. 
"Damn it! I... Hold on!" She gasped, pressing her forehead against the ground. "Maybe I should turn around first? Lie on my back, perhaps? This position... it's hurting my knees."
Garreth narrowed his eyes. ”But this is how you mount a mate to claim them.” He said, tilting his head.
“A what!? I am not your, your mate!” She spat, attempting to pull away but failing as his hands tightened on her hips.
"You are. Your scent is perfect, just what I've been seeking all my life." The voice in her head took on a singsong tone. "And, you did agree."
“When!?” She asked, utterly flustered. A mental image flashed before her eyes. She saw herself, dirt-covered face, hair clinging to her skin, pointing at him and then to herself. “The pointing? That was… it..” Well damn, it was her telling him to just fuck her already. But she hadn't exactly signed up for being mates! “I didn’t want a full-blown mate! Just... I just thought.” 
He sighed. ”I see what you thought. But, why would I want to do this…” He emphasized with a hard thrust. ”...with you only one time?”
She let out a soft whimper, her head spinning. “Okay, okay. …How long do ‘mates’ last?” She asked. 
The dragon chuckled, leaning forward and trailing kisses down her spine while his hands moved up her stomach to cup her breasts. His fingers lightly caressed the soft skin, rubbing her nipples gently in small circles. 
She pressed her forehead down to the ground, the scent of the earth filling her nose, and let out a long sigh. She just wished he'd started already. Her body was no longer throbbing at the intrusion and instead had prepared with extra lubricant for just the occasion. 
”You’re so impatient.” His sensual voice echoed. ”But I'm ready to provide you with everything you desire, whenever you wish.”
With a firm grasp on her hips, he withdrew and thrust his cock into her.
“Ah! Oh.. my fucking gods…” Her moans vibrated into the earth. 
”I love the noises you make with your mouth.” His voice sounded even but his vocal breaths told another story. He panted, pumping into her, filling her up over and over. 
”Feels so good… I’m so full.” She thought in her mind. She sensed the words extending, stretching like tendrils in the void until she visualized Garreth’s face. She recognized the instant the words reached him, slotting into his mind like two puzzle pieces finally clicking together.
He moaned, thrusts getting sloppy the faster he went. His red wings beat, creating a gust of wind that tousled her hair around her face.
An image of flying took shape in her thoughts. Lush hills filled with green trees, mist filling the canopy and rising toward the morning sun.  Soaring and the rush of diving toward the earth, catching oneself on the wind with outstretched wings filled her mind. With the rush coming from these visuals he was sending her, she knew he was close to release. 
"You're too perfect.” His words touched her mind. 
“Can we try the other position? Please. As much as I’m enjoying this…” She asked, knees pressing hard against the ground. “If you hate it, we can change back.” She sent him a vision of her on her back and him close enough to kiss her. 
He said something explicit in his head she couldn't attach to an English word. He pulled out, slowly, carefully. 
”Show me.” He breathed heavily, waving his hand and gesturing for her to roll over. ”I will entertain my mate’s request” He added with a proud smile.
She did, rolling until her back met the ground, feeling the tickle of grass and crushed wildflowers against her skin. She adjusted until her feet were pressing down, legs spread in front of him. “Okay, now… do it.” She urged, red coloring her cheeks. 
He gazed at her with wonder. An image of herself flooded her mind. Seeing her own reflection through his eyes was otherworldly. It was as if he had a lens that made her look ethereal, illuminated by the sunlight, her hair cascading behind her. The line between his thoughts and hers blurred, and she marveled at how she appeared. She had never considered herself more than ordinary, yet in this vision, she appeared divine, almost like a goddess.
He carefully grabbed her thighs, lifting her legs off the ground as he moved closer to her. His gaze fixed on her with a sense of wonder, like a starstruck fan. He moved slowly, deliberately, lining his cock up with her entrance once more. 
”Radiant, beautiful, gorgeous.” His thoughts enveloped her consciousness, painting a vivid portrait of admiration, sliding back inside her with minimal effort. "All mine”
She closed her eyes, his cock sliding and pushing against all the right spots. She tilted her head back and slid her hands up his chest, loving the way he eagerly leaned into her touch.
”I like this position.” He thought. ”I like the human way.”
She let out a sigh, watching his face drawing nearer to hers. "Kiss me," she whispered. His smile wavered, and he blinked in surprise. When he didn't respond she asked,  "What? Draconians don't kiss?"
She projected an image into his mind of two people locked in a passionate kiss, followed by an image of him leaning down and meeting her lips. He blinked a few times and followed her vision, leaning down until their lips met. His movements were somewhat rigid and awkward.
She snickered, arms encircling his neck. "I suppose not. Here," she whispered, pressing her lips against his and repeating the gesture. He drank in the sensations and swiftly reciprocated the kiss. When her tongue ventured between his lips, he drew back, his gaze locked onto her mouth.
"Too much?" she inquired, concern filling her mind. She worried she’d offended him in some way.
"Not at all." He shook his head, drawing a deep breath. "I was surprised.”
She grinned up at him. “Want to try again?”
He nodded, his hand cradling her face, his gaze focused on her lips. As their mouths met, he immediately slid his tongue into her mouth. He rolled his hips, sliding deep, and pulling moans from her. 
She kissed him back passionately, fingers digging into his hair. He braced himself above her, his claws sinking into the soil. He thrust faster, rocking her entire body with the movement. 
As his kisses became sloppy, their teeth collided, and she felt the sharpness of his fangs. She broke the kiss, her heart racing. But he lunged forward again, his lips meeting hers with urgency.
"I won't hurt you.” His reassurance echoed in her mind.
Using her mental voice since his lips were on hers, she responded with a mental image of the bite mark and the words ”You already did!”
”I had to do that, so you could survive this claiming.”
"What!" She pulled back from the kiss, breathlessly. "What does that mean? What are you saying?" She asked him to explain, but he simply smiled. 
”You needed to be the same body temperature as me, otherwise… I'd scorch you.” Lines creased his forehead. ”I don’t want my mate to die.”
“Mate… I- Okay we will circle back to that. What would cause me to get scorched?” She kept her hands on his shoulders, holding his kiss at bay.
”My body, my fluids… Your body is incompatible with me unless we share my fires.”
“Fires? Was that what was in the bite you gave me? I have so many questions…”
He nuzzled her face, inhaling deeply. "We have all the time in the world. I'll happily answer your questions day and night. I promise. But for now…” He punctuated his statement with a thrust of his hips. 
She groaned and nodded. "Fine, but I want answers. All of them. Deal?"
”Absolutely, deal” His thoughts brimmed with amusement aimed at her. ”After.”
Shaking her head, she draped her arm over her eyes as he quickened his pace. He breathed heavily, peeling himself from her body and sitting back on his bent legs. He held her legs up, pushing his torso against her thighs.
”Is this good?’ He asked, his gaze scanning her face.
She peeked from under her arm. "Yes... Oh, yes... It's amazing." she whimpered.
Her legs trembled as he held them tight. She sucked in air through her teeth, hissing as he hit her in all the right spots to make her see stars. The slick wet sounds filled the air mixing with his low grunts. Every thrust, every pump pushed her body with such intensity that she felt like a ragdoll.
“So good…” Her feet dangled in the air while he supported her legs. Her stomach muscles tightened, and she reached out, clutching his arm. Her nails dug in, and despite his gentle humanoid exterior, she discovered his skin was thick and impenetrable. 
"I’m going to fill you up.” The mind speak drifted into her head. She was dazed, barely registering what he said. Her mind was elsewhere as his cock pounded her senselessly. 
“Close- I’m… Ah!” She moaned, core muscles flexing as her cunt throbbed. 
”Yes.” The voice in her head encouraged. He moaned, pumping faster while the orgasm had her gushing out onto the forest floor. 
“Holy shit!”  She exclaimed, locking eyes with him in a heated exchange. His eyes were mesmerizing, like precious gemstones reflecting the purest hues of an emerald. 
”You look so beautiful under me.” He said affectionately, fingers pressing into her thigh, and sharp nails scraping lines on her skin. "You're so pretty. I’ll never get tired of looking at you.” He praised. 
She wasn't attempting to escape out of fear anymore. She pulled away because he was buried so deeply within her, and her inner walls felt fatigued and overstimulated. “It’s too much!” She groaned, her entire body trembling like a leaf. "Oh my..."
”I’m close, please-” He begged. ”I’m so close” He kept the same intense rhythm, lowering her legs. He leaned over her form, his arms bracing on the ground on either side of her torso. His face hovered just inches from hers.
She stopped her escape and instead, let the overstimulation become her. Gasps and grunts passed between them, his face close enough to kiss if he wasn’t fucking her so fervently. Her eyes pinched shut as a second, weaker, orgasm pulsed in her core. She whimpered, almost crying as the friction became too much. If he hadn't wrapped her in his arms, the force of his hips would have pushed her away. 
Garreth praised her for keeping up with him, whispering sweet words into her thoughts. His teeth gently grazed her neck, and his tongue traced along her skin. With a single flap of his wings, a gust of wind swirled around them.
Garreth then thrust to the hilt, his body stilling. He held his breath for a moment, then his cock throbbed inside her. A searing heat filled her deep and she pinched her eyes closed, teeth gritting. 
She gasped as the sensation rippled through her, her fingers digging into his back, cautious of where his wings were. She desperately pulled him closer, longing for the space between their bodies to disappear. His forehead pressed against her cheek, muscles twitching as his searing cum filled her to the brim, seeping out, and dripping onto the forest floor. He panted, arms holding her to his chest as he breathed through the last remaining throws of his orgasm. 
“Garreth,” She moaned. No matter how she tried to relax, her muscles were forced to their limit with him still inside her. Her ears rang as her heart pounded in her skull. 
He placed a trembling hand on her lower abdomen and pressed down. She gasped, feeling just how deep inside her he was. A whimper escaped her when he pressed again. 
"You're mine.” He murmured against her ear. "I’m yours. And nothing-” He growled ”...will ever come between us.”
She cried out when he removed himself from her body. She choked on a sob, feeling her core muscles finally relax. Her thighs were covered in slickness from their combined fluids. 
"You're so beautiful…” He claimed her lips in a passionate kiss.
She kissed him back, sounds of pleasure still slipping passed her lips. His strong hands cradled her face as his tongue dipped into her mouth. 
“Mm, wow…” She sighed, finally catching her breath.  
Their mouths met with a fierce hunger, lips pressing hard, vanishing the air from her lungs.
His hands moved all over her body, cupping her breasts with his massive palms. His thumbs ran over her nipples and she arched into his touch.
“I’m really sensitive right now.” she whimpered, placing a few soft kisses on his lips. His stamina was truly remarkable.
He smiled. "I understand.” He trailed kisses down her neck to her collarbone. "I did that to you.” He stated proudly.
"Yes, you certainly did," She agreed breathlessly.
”Time to head home soon.” He said, planting one final kiss on her cheek before moving his head between her legs in a swift motion.
“What? Home? What do you mea-!” 
His tongue ran down her slit, gathering their mixed fluids. He licked and sucked between her folds, cleaning up the mess he’d made. He hummed, burying his face as close as he possibly could. 
“What are you doing!?” She gasped, a moan escaping from her increasingly raspy voice.
”Cleaning you up so I can take you home.” He assured her in his mind, tongue moving up and down her wet thighs. It was a mix of ticklishness and sinful pleasure. She indulged in both, relaxing back on the soft grass. 
He focused on her entrance next, moaning into her cunt, devouring her essence. She could sense his immense pleasure from the delightful thoughts that floated through his mind. His tongue repeatedly brushed against her clit and she shuddered. 
Her exhausted stomach muscle contracted, and she cried out, “Okay! I’m spent! I can’t… not another one. Please!” Her hoarse voice carried a pleading tone as she pushed on his red waves, trying to move him away from her center. 
He smirked, savoring one final inhale before leaning back and respecting her wish. His wings folded against his back as he stretched his arms upward and to the side.
She shut her eyes, taking deep breaths to regain her composure. Her legs closed, and she could already feel the onset of soreness in her muscles.
Garreth reclined next to her in the grass, a contented smile on his face. "You're the most beautiful mate.”
“We’re going to need to have a long conversation about that.”  She remarked,
Garreth chuckled and effortlessly pulled her onto his chest as if she weighed nothing. He brushed hair away from her face, allowing her to nestle into his larger frame.
Taking a deep breath and then exhaling slowly, her eyes fluttered shut, exhaustion taking over.  “Do you ever use your voice to speak?” She asked, unintentionally yawning in his face. He appeared unfazed by her less-than-polite action.
She watched him as the silence stretched. His eyes squinted like he was about to sneeze before his lips formed the sound “Ssur,” He looked pleased with himself, followed by light laughter.
“That wasn’t a word.”  She struggled to hold back a laugh. 
”But I spoke it with my mouth.”
“Do you even speak any language?” She asked.
"I didn't know human mates had so many questions. I will be happy to answer them all but I can’t all at once.” He stretched, keeping her nestled against his chest. "I love how curious you are. You were most definitely made for me.”
“But you will answer them eventually, right?”
”Of course,”
“Do you know anyone else with a human… well, 'mate'?”
Garreth pat her back with a small smile. “That is another question.”
Amused, she chuckled. “Oh, sorry. Okay, I’ll zip it for now. I promise. I need some rest, now…” 
”First, home, then rest and cuddles, and after that, I'll satisfy your curiosity.”
“Where is-” She paused. “Never mind... Another question…”
”This is our home.” He projected images into her mind— a mountainside with a cavernous opening in its flank.
“That's… high.” She gazed up at the sky, the images from her mind blending with the real world.
”Those humans you were with, they abandoned you.” His words were laced with annoyance. "I will not do that. I won’t leave you here alone. Especially since you don't have claws to defend yourself.”
“How did you know there were other people?” She asked curiously. 
”I could smell them nearby when I found you.”
Her face scrunched in annoyance. They were close by, after all, just hiding like cowards and leaving her to die. She honestly couldn’t blame them, unsure of what she would have done in that same situation. 
"I promise to take care of you.” His fingers tenderly followed the curve of her jawline.  "I will provide you with anything you could possibly need. And, I will strive to give you everything you want.”
Through their mental bond, she believed every word he said. He forged his fires in her veins, binding them mentally, emotionally, and physically. Now, their connection was complete, making her just as much his as he was hers.
With care, Garreth helped her sit up. He followed suit, rising to his feet. "We both need to freshen up and have a warm meal.” He brushed dirt off himself. 
The thought of food made her stomach rumble. “I’m starving…” She didn’t know the last time she had a proper meal. 
His smile widened. "I know... I've seen your thoughts full of bread and cheeses.” He extended a hand to help her stand.
“My clothes…” She looked around at the tattered cloth. “They’re… unsalvageable.” 
Garreth furrowed his brow. "I will get you more.” He assured. "Now, I must transform to take us back. Will you be comfortable riding in my hand?”
She looked down at his humanoid hand with uncertainty. “Um…” 
Garreth's laughter resonated in his chest. ”My Draconian hand is much larger. You will fit in the palm of it. Don’t worry. Can I shift now? Will you be okay?” He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, gaze on hers. 
She could feel his worry clouding her mind. There had been a load of anxiety the last time she saw his dragon form. 
She nodded finally. "Yes. I’m ready.”
Garreth took several steps back, pupils changing to slits before his skin erupted into gleaming garnet scales. With a resounding roar, his body expanded, reshaping itself into the colossal dragon that had previously frightened her.
”You're safe.” He reassured her mentally. "It's still me.” He took one large step toward her, the ground rumbling with the weight of his limbs. 
She willed herself to stand her ground, reminding herself that this was Garreth—the man, or rather dragon, who had claimed her, who had promised protection and care.
Garreth extended one massive, claw-tipped hand, waiting patiently. His breathing was much louder, punctuated by intermittent gruff sounds.
Summoning her courage, she stepped forward, hand gliding over thick red scales until she nestled within his palm. He patiently waited for her to find a good position, securing herself in place by clasping onto one of his massive digits.
Garreth gradually closed his fingers, cradling her against his chest as though holding a precious jewel.
"Hold on tight. I’ve got you, okay?”
"Okay.” Poking her head out of his hand, she watched as he limped on three limbs to the clearing.
As the dragon prepared for flight, his wings unfurled with a sound like distant thunder. Garreth’s wings stretched out with an astonishing span, each membranous expanse flexing as he eyed the sky. With a powerful thrust, he launched himself into an open expanse. Each mighty stroke of his wings sent shockwaves through the air, leaving behind a whirlwind that ruffled the trees. She held onto his digit, feeling safe and tucked away against his hard chest. 
He broke through the canopy, leaving the spot where they met behind. In flight, his wings pumped fiercely, propelling them forward. The wind and his wings were a harmonious bond between raw strength and the sky, a union that was nothing short of breathtaking. He adjusted fluidly, tilting to catch currents and riding the winds effortlessly. His body cast a massive shadow on the ground below. 
As she peaked out from under his claws, she looked down and the open air made her stomach drop. She gripped his fingers tightly, a chill rushing through her that had nothing to do with the wind whipping past. He sent her images of his home again, a cozy cavern in the mountain. She saw a small room with a large bed made out of piles and piles of blankets, a desk with books and quills, and a bookshelf stuff with more trinkets than books. 
The wind roared in her ears, drowning out all other sounds. Pressed against his chest, she could feel the dragon's muscles working in rhythmic harmony, each beat of his wings translating into a forward surge, propelling them higher and higher. The landscape rolled and undulated beneath them, a living canvas painted with forests, rivers, and mountains. 
With every powerful stroke of the dragon's wings, she felt weightless, suspended between earth and sky. It was as if gravity itself had loosened its grip. Among all these things was the undeniable sense of freedom. 
And then, gazing into the infinite horizon, she felt a sense of unity with the dragon, with Garreth— in addition to the bond they already forged.  She marveled at the world from a perspective reserved for the extraordinary, recognizing that this was a moment that would forever etch itself into her mind.
Thank you for reading! 
I want to say this is the longest fic I have ever written in all my years in various fandoms. I am shocked it came out this massive, but it is fitting given the content lol. 
Drop a comment and let me know what you think! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this labor of love. 
Masterlist is in my bio. || Cross-posted on Ao3
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gerec · 5 months
Do you have any fic recs where Charles or Erik is a spy? I’ve been loving spy fics set against a WWII backdrop but any type is welcome!
Hi Anon!
Here's a list I made previously for an Anon who asked for 'James Bond' type aus. I think you'll find a few spy aus there to enjoy!
Also, here are some WW1/WW2 and others that didn't make the previous list :D
Spy Games by manic_intent
Prompt: Burn Notice AU, with Erik Lehnsherr as the spy and Charles as the trigger-happy ex boyfriend. Erik is burned for unknown reasons in Mexico and wakes up in New York City. Somehow, he needs to raise $500,000, in order to find out -why-.
Hier steh ich an den Marken meiner Tage by MonstrousRegiment
Erik Lehnsherr is a spy in the SS, and his British liaison is strategist Charles Xavier. Their relationship from the moment they meet to a year after the end of the war.
“You’re the only person in the world who knows what I am.”
Duct Tape Makes You Smart by AlchemyAlice
For a prompt at 1stclass_kink : X-Men via Burn Notice. "My name is Charles Xavier. I used to be a spy..."
Erik Lehnsherr's Baby and Child Care: 1st Ed. by ourgirlfriday * (Erik is a retired spy)
When everyone told Erik that having children would change things, he agreed wholeheartedly. For one, they’d need to get more food from the grocery store, and recalibrate the booze to juice ratio currently used in the apartment. He and Charles would have to either eschew mid-afternoon couch sex or become much stealthier about said mid-afternoon couch sex. The office, currently overflowing with Charles’s genetics texts and Erik’s maps and dossiers, would have to be converted to a baby room. They’d need toys of some sort or another. And he’d most certainly no longer be able to leave spare grenades on the end tables.
a fish hook; an open eye by fabeld 
Charles Xavier’s wealth protects him from mandatory service in the British Armed Forces, but he refuses to sit idly by when his telepathy can be used to assist the Allied Powers. As a British spy, Charles gains the Nazi Party’s trust and is sent to Paris to complete one last mission. His plan is disrupted when he runs into someone he never thought he would see again.
Trading No Secrets by feathershollyandgolly
Charles Xavier is an MI6 Agent with the terrible habit of asking questions when he shouldn’t. Erik Lehnsherr is a freelance Nazi Hunter working under Mossad. With nothing in common, they are not partners and they certainly are not friends (at least, not yet).
Mr & Mr Eisenhardt by faerie_ground (I know they're technically assassins not spies but it's too good lol)
“Now,” Mr Howlett says, and clicks his irritatingly pink pen. “How happy are you with your marriage? On a scale of one to ten.”
“Eight,” Charles says.
“That’s a rubbish scale,” Erik says. “You can’t fucking measure happiness on a scale. How are we supposed to know how much happiness differs between each number? What, are we just supposed to guess? Also, does one mean most happy or least happy? Also-”
Charles closes his eyes and looks like he wants to suffocate himself using one of the cushions.
Charles Haller and Erik Eisenhardt meet at a bar, fall in love, and get married. Neither of them know that the other is an assassin working for a rival agency- but they're about to find out real soon.
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Person A is from an alien species that transfers elaborate memories, with feelings and opinions and such, into each other’s heads, that is frequently used to share hyperfixations with loved ones as a sacred form of bonding. Person B is a neurodivergent human who has been made insecure about their hyperfixations and is doing a cultural exchange program on Person A’s planet.
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lenaboskow · 2 months
last day of vacation; make me write!
writer's block cured, no idea how i did that, but to celebrate and distract myself from the fact that i have to go back to work tomorrow, i'm doing another emoji game. any asks i don't get to today, i'll be doing on tuesday/wednesday when i'm off again, so send away! this time i've included all of my wips (minus the presumed dead fic because i just updated that), and there are... a lot (and these are just the ones that i've actually written in)
🔥-- roommates fic (burn the loft)
🍎-- buddie (more like buck) vs the pta (prompt by @divine-victory )
⛪️-- marriage of convience fic (they get married to let buck adopt chris... no they aren't together)
❤️-- the babe fic (buck keeps calling eddie babe... he's fine)
🔎-- 5+1 times eddie can't look at buck, and one time he can't stop
💭-- soulmate au where there's multiple different kinds of bonds, the rarest being telepathy. some soulmates have multiple bonds, like buck and eddie (telepathy and... something else :) ). people have two soul mates, one platonic, and one romantic. eddie thought shannon was his romantic, so he assumes buck is his platonic. buck hasn't met either soulmate, so he agrees with eddie. obviously they're wrong
📓-- long story short fic (buck realizes he missplaced some feelings during the events of 7x04)
⭐-- celeb au (a hybrid smau/written prose fic where buddie were childhood stars that had a... falling out after production wrapped. eddie (who initiated the falling out) reaches back out after four years and buck isn't receptive, at first)
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