#regulus i hate him sm for that black
“hey, your eyes have a little gold in them” *proceeds to vomit on james’ shoes*
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i will forever love a good 10 things i hate about you jegulus au <33
close up under the cut!
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icedcoffeebabyy · 8 days
I say I relate to regulus because he’s lowkey depressed and mean, but it’s really because my big brother left me to be with his new family and I’m still stuck in this house.
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whoreforjurdan · 2 years
Did you just call me mentally ILL ‼️
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ghostwritermia · 6 months
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Pairing ~ Remus Lupin x blacksister!reader (slytherin reader)
Word Count ~ 988
Summary ~ With a haunted mind you look for solace in books, when you really needed it from your boyfriend, and he happily gave it to you
Warnings ~ Beginner level writing, angst, mentions of evil Walburga and Orion (they can literally just leave), Remus being a sweetheart, unedited
Note From Mia ~ Second time writing on here....I hope you like it, but I understand if not lmao
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You had always been more on the reserved side. Where Sirius had chosen to leave the tortures from 12 Grimmauld Place behind him when the Black Siblings returned to school, you and Regulus had been the opposite.
You couldn’t forget. It wasn’t possible. The horrors you always faced at home haunted you every night, leading into early in the mornings, leaving you restless the rest of the day. The only peace you got was when you could sneak off into the library to bury your nose in whatever book you had your hands on. Whether that was a reread or a completely new genre, it didn’t matter. It was an escape.
So, that is exactly what you were doing now. You had been curled up in an armchair in a secluded corner of the library, reading, for almost an hour now. No distractions. Mind blank. Peace finally washing over you.
Letting out a soft sigh, you flipped the page, getting ready to read another chapter when a shadow loomed over you.
“Hello, Dove,” Remus whispered from above you. “Having a bad day?”
You and Remus had met in the Library on a rainy afternoon, and just sat together in silence while reading. Over time you had started small talk, and that led to conversations, which then led into a friendship, turned secret relationship.
It’s not that you wanted it to stay a secret, however, Remus and you were both scared of backlash from Sirius, and you were terrified of your parents; therefore, they could never find out.
Remus notices that you’re too far, too deep into your book to notice him. To pull you back into the present, he carefully rests a hand on your thigh and rubs gently, coaxing you back into the real world.
You flinch slightly at the contact before looking up to see your boyfriend. “Oh, Rem, hi. How long have you been there?” You ask, shutting your book to give him your undivided attention.
Remus ignores you, smiling gently, not sympathetically though, because he knows by now that you won’t accept it. “What do you need from me, Dovy? To talk?” He’s more than aware that you are not actually going to open up right now, he can see it in your eyes from a mile away.
“Can you just hold me?” You whisper, your words laced with vulnerability. 
Remus’s eyes soften before he shuffles you around, sliding onto the chair behind you, and situating you onto his lap. He doesn’t say anything. He just holds you, gently stroking your hair, occasionally leaving a kiss to the crown of your head. 
When he thinks you're almost asleep, you speak again, “Nothing ever lasts forever, Rem.”
“I know, love. What are you referring to?” He asks, dread filtering into his mind. The lycanthrope has a love-hate relationship with your deep thoughts. Some bring on deep meaningful conversations, whereas others are filled with unnecessary insecurity and doubts.
“Us,” You mutter the exact words that he was dreading.
“No.” Remus says sternly, a tone you rarely hear him use. “I will always love you,” He turns you so you’re sitting sideways in his lap, him making direct eye contact with you, making sure that you hold it. “We’re not doing this, you need to get rid of whatever negative ghosts that are haunting your mind, because we are not breaking up. If I need to help chase those ghosts away, then so be it, but you cannot let them dictate our relationship. Ours, not theirs.”
You nod, burying your head into his neck, breathing in the calming scent of cocoa and old books, mixed with a hint of pine. 
“I want to hear you say it,” He whispers, nudging you with his shoulder.
You lift your head from the crook of his neck and smile weakly. “Ours, not the ghosts.”
“Exactly right, Dove.”
Remus leans in and gently presses his lips to yours, and you reciprocate before he leans back, pulling you into his chest. “I love you,” He whispers, again, knowing you needed reassurance. “And I always will.” 
You nod, “I love you, forever and always.” It comes out in a whisper, but Remus hears it anyway and presses his forehead against yours, but not before pressing a kiss to your nose.
He slowly reaches up and presses the pads of his thumbs where he knows your dimples are and where he knows they should be right now. “Can you smile for me, Love?”
And you do. Because you love him, more than you thought you were ever capable of. You smile crookedly, showing Remus that it is indeed a true smile, and he leaves a kiss on both dimples before pulling away and smiling back at you.
You bring your own thumbs to his face, rubbing gently over the hundreds of freckles scattered along his face.
He kisses you gently once more before grabbing your book, “Now, what were we reading before I interrupted?” He questions teasingly. 
“Well, I was reading that,” You admit sheepishly, pulling out a quill and ink container from your bag.
“The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?” Remus raises a teasing brow.
“Oh hush,” You shove his shoulder. “I was in the mood for something different and it was in the muggle book section. It seemed interesting.” 
“No judgment from me then, Dove.” He whispers, opening the book at your marked spot.
And that is exactly how you and Remus spend the rest of your day. Him reading to you, and you drawing thin vines, small flowers, and a variety of constellations on his various scars while you listen to his soothing voice tell the story of a girl with a dog that somehow got sucked into a tornado and transported into the world of Oz. It didn’t make sense to you, but Remus was reading it, and that was all that seemed to matter to you at that very moment.
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lixzey · 10 months
Ive had this idea in my head for a while now and i just had to tell someone 🤭❤️
So y/n is siblings with regulus and sirius, and regulus and them are twins. They had a good bond with sirius before he ran away and then they werent alouwed to talk to him anymore because of there mum. But a few weeks after sirius left he came back to get a few things that he really wanted to keep . But when he and the marauders sneaked in he found there mum toruring regulus and he was screaming and crying and stuff, while y/n was laying there unconscious and bleeding a lot and then you can continue :) ( also if you want make it james x reader at the endddd)
Love your stories sm ❤️
warnings: use of the cruciatus curse, mention of death eaters, mentions of blood.
safe and sound
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Oh, all that I did to try to undo it. All of my pain and all your excuses, I was a kid but I wasn't clueless. Someone who loves you wouldn't do this.
All of my past, I tried to erase it, but now I see, would I even change it? Might share a face and share a last name, but we are not the same.
December 25th, 1976
You hated Christmas.
Not because you despised the holiday, really, but because you hate what happens during the holiday.
Your parents would always gather up the whole family at Christmas; it was a tradition that originated with your family’s ancestors. You and your brothers were forced to wear itchy dress robes and needed to be on your best behavior. For as long as you can remember, the Black family Christmas gathering was a load of hippogriff dung.
You spent the whole day mingling with your older cousins, which you absolutely dreaded each and every time you had to spend time with them, especially Bellatrix. You already had to spend every day seeing your cousins at Hogwarts, and the last thing you wanted was to spend Christmas with them too.
The only sensible cousin you had was Andromeda; you loved her like a sister, but she wasn’t welcome in the family anymore since she married the muggle-born Ted Tonks. You missed her dearly, but you still exchanged letters from time to time, you still preferred Andromeda's company rather than Narcissa's or Bellatrix's.
The gathering went well—at least the first half of it.
You were sitting on your bed, peacefully reading a book, when your mother called everyone to the Black family library. You were confused; your family never used the library for gatherings this large. You reluctantly make your way up to the library, goosebumps littering your body as eerie silence enveloped the whole house. When you opened the doors to the library, your eyes visibly widened. 
All of your family members were already inside, along with masked figures in dark cloaks—death eaters—standing in a circle around another hooded figure. Before you even knew what was happening, your eldest brother, Sirius, was thrown into the middle of the room.
“He is ready, my Lord.” Your father, Orion, bowed in front of the hooded figure—the Dark Lord. “He is sixteen, just as you requested.”
“I requested nothing, Orion. I required him to be at least sixteen and willing to join in the ranks of my death eaters.” The Dark Lord’s cold voice echoed in your ears, sending shivers down your spine. “I do not intend to use the Imperius curse on every last follower into understanding and obedience.”
“Perhaps a little persuasion is useful, my Lord?” Bellatrix purred lovingly at the Dark Lord, making you want to vomit right there and then. Voldemort raised a hand, and your cousin’s crazed laughter echoed throughout the room, her wand aimed at Sirius. “Crucio!”
You felt sick to your stomach as you watched in horror as your brother’s screams rang in your ears. Sirius looked defiant, refusing to bow down to the Dark Lord. You felt paralysed, unable to move or do anything to help your brother. Tears started to sting your eyes. You wanted to scream and shout. You wanted to grab your older brother and just run away from all of the madness.
You suddenly felt arms wrap around your shoulder, the familiar warmth enveloping you despite the horrors in front of you. “Starlight, look at me.”
You looked up, meeting your second-eldest brother’s soft eyes. “Reggie…..” 
“I know, I know, just don’t let your guard down, okay, starlight?” Regulus whispered, kissing your forehead as he hugged you tighter. “It’ll be okay; Sirius will be okay.”
You watched helplessly as Sirius thrashed on the hardwood floor, screaming as the curse coursed through his body. Despite Regulus’ assurances—which you knew were pointless—tears flowed down your cheeks as you hoped that this was all just a bad dream. Sirius didn’t deserve any of this.
Still, Sirius did not break.
“He’s stubborn, Orion, Walburga,” Voldemort sneered, his red eyes glinting in the dim light. “Perhaps we should instruct the boy on the consequences of defiance.”
“Never!” Sirius screamed as he struggled to breathe, blood spilling out of his nose from being knocked over by the cruciatus.
“The young heir must be taught a lesson.’’ you heard your uncle Cygnus say, earning the laughs of agreement from everyone else.
Sirius panted heavily, licking blood from his lip before spitting it onto the rug. “Never….in a million….years.”
“Crucio! Crucio!” Bellatrix was clearly eager to hurt Sirius, enjoying the sight of your brother writhing in pain under her mercy. It made your blood boil; you wanted to just rip Bellatrix’s throat out of her neck.
“Kill the spare.” Voldemort’s snake-like eyes landed on you and Regulus. Your skin crawled as you felt the gazes of everyone in the room fall on you and your brother.
“No!” Your mother screamed and fell to her knees in front of the Dark Lord. “My Lord, I beg you, kill this traitor instead.” She gestured to Sirius's shaking, bleeding, sweating body. “Regulus and Y/n are as noble and pure as you could ever require. My better children will willingly seek your approval and bear your mark as soon as they come of age.”
Suddenly, everything went silent. You could hear your own heartbeat pounding in your ears. Every breath you took was a struggle as you waited for Voldemort's decision. Finally, he turned his gaze away from you, causing you to release the breath you didn't realise you were holding. The tension in the air was thick, and it felt like no one dared to move.
After what felt like an eternity, Voldemort spoke. “Very well, I will accept your offer. Bring them once they are of age. Do what you please to punish this Gryffindor.”
Regulus had his hand intertwined with yours, giving it an assuring squeeze. “It’s going to be alright, don’t worry.”
As Voldemort's followers, along with your family members, filed out of the room, you quickly rushed and kneeled down beside Sirius’ trembling body, pulling him into a hug, tears streaming down your face.
You choked back tears as you tilted his head so that he could look you straight in the eye. “Siri, look at me,” you choked out, your heart breaking at the sight of your injured older brother. “Open your eyes, please. Sirius, please look at me.”
“Hi, my little starlight,” he rasped, his grey eyes slowly opening to look up at you.
“You’re alright, I got you, you're safe,” You kissed your brother’s forehead, the taste of blood sticking to your lips. “Reggie,” you forced yourself to say through tears. “Help me take Siri back to his room.”
Regulus quickly nodded as he helped you and Sirius out of the library, his arm wrapped around Sirius’ waist to offer support while the two of you brought him back to his room. Once you settled him on his bed, you started to clean his wounds as best as you could. Regulus helped as well, casting healing spells on Sirius to ease his pain.
“I'm sorry,” Sirius said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I brought this on all of you.”
“It's not your fault, Siri,” you reassured him, tears still spilling from your eyes despite wiping them away just seconds ago. “None of this is your fault.”
Regulus handed Sirius a vial of dark red liquid. “Drink this—it's blood replenishing potion. I nicked it from Slughorn’s stash before we left for the holidays. Drink up, you'll feel a bit better.”
“We'll always be here for you, Siri,” you murmured, holding your brother's hand tightly. “No matter what, we'll be here for you, together.”
You grabbed the vial from your brother's hand, uncorked it and force fed it to your eldest brother. Sirius grimaced at the coppery taste, but swallowed nonetheless. After some time, Sirius was finally able to breathe easier, and his pain lessened. He looked at you and Regulus, the same gray eyes mirroring yours.
“Thank you,” Sirius mumbled. “I don't know what I'd do without both of you.”
“We’re siblings, it’s what siblings do—we protect each other,” Regulus said, a smile on his lips, leaning against the wall as he watched over you and Sirius with a determined look in his eyes. “We'll be okay, I promise. We just need to stick together and look out for each other, no matter what.”
“Yes, we will,” you agreed, giving Sirius a reassuring smile. “We'll find a way to get through this together.”
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You lay awake in your room, your thoughts drifting back and forth to what had just happened earlier today.
Sirius didn’t do anything to deserve pain and torture. Sirius was the best big brother to you and Regulus; he always made sure the two of you were safe. Whenever either you or Regulus got into trouble, Sirius would do something worse, so he was the one who’d get punished instead. You’d always ask him why he did what he did, but he’d always say: your skin is far better than mine, starlight.
You were grateful for Sirius’ protection from your parents through the years; he and Reggie were your rocks. You wouldn’t have made it without your brothers; you loved them more than anything in the world.
It hurt you when Sirius first went to Hogwarts. You were scared he’d forget you and Regulus while he was at school. Sirius assured the two of you that it wouldn’t happen, but somehow it did. It didn’t happen until Regulus went to Hogwarts, leaving you alone to fend for yourself.
Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor; at first he was absolutely terrified, but in the end he embraced his inner Gryffindor—much to the disappointment of the whole family. Your parents specifically warned you and Regulus not to talk to Sirius while he was at Hogwarts; they wanted the two of you to cut ties with your eldest brother—just because he was a Gryffindor. Of course, you didn’t cut ties. Sirius was your brother; you weren’t just going to throw that away because of him defying tradition. But since Sirius was the disappointment, it fell on Regulus’ shoulders to become the proper heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.
Sirius would send letters, telling you and Regulus about his adventures while being a first year. He told the two of you about his friends, how he was excited for Reg to come to Hogwarts, and how he wanted so badly to have his siblings in Gryffindor too. It created a rift between your brothers, a rift created by your parents’ beliefs that were forced upon Regulus.
When Sirius came back from his first year, Regulus was distant from Sirius, unlike before. Of course, Sirius got worried for his little brother and asked you, but you didn’t know either what was happening because you and Regulus spent the whole year away from each other—with the exception of him sneaking into your room to comfort you when you were punished for not taking your etiquette lessons seriously, like the proper pureblood lady that you are. 
The summer before Regulus’ first year and Sirius’ second year was spent in silence. The three of you locked up in your rooms until Sirius decided to be a proper Black. It was torture for you because it was slowly pitting your siblings against each other. The ideas your mother instilled upon you and Regulus were horrid and absolutely disgusting to hear from a mother’s lips—which you knew from an early age—that your mother was not like other mothers. Your aunt Druella was not like your mother—she was kind and loved her daughters—so it confused you as a child: why did Mother not love us?
Your brothers drifted apart completely when Regulus was sorted into Slytherin. Sirius stopped talking to Regulus completely—which broke his heart, but he wouldn’t tell that to Sirius; only you knew—and ignored Regulus for as long as he could while at school. It didn’t help much because Regulus became friends with Severus Snape, the person Sirius despised at Hogwarts.
Still, your brothers sent you letters to make you feel that you weren’t alone. But over the course of that year, the letters slowly stopped. At first, you thought it was because they were busy, but that wasn’t the case. They simply got caught up in their personal lives, forgetting you in the process. You couldn't hate them for it; they were entitled to their own lives outside of you; you were only their sister; you couldn’t demand attention.
You felt alone for the first time in your life. Your brothers left you alone to fend for yourself. You felt betrayed and abandoned by the people you loved most in the world. The months without them were hell. You spent all of your days being trained to be a proper wife when you came of age. You were barely eleven and training to be a wife—the only thing you’re destined to be, according to your family's standards.
When Christmas of that year came, you couldn’t recognise your brothers. Back then, one of you couldn’t be seen alone; it was always the three of you glued to each other's sides. The moment Sirius and Regulus stepped out of the floo, they immediately went to their respective rooms, not even batting an eye at each other or you either. Though it hurt, you were determined to bring back your family—your family, your brothers—and you weren’t going to let your parents’ words affect anything you had with your brothers.
You snuck into their rooms, trying to persuade them to bunk in your room, for old times’ sake, please! But all of your efforts were futile, as neither of them wanted to be in each other's presence other than yours. Well, at least they had common ground, you. Days passed, and they headed back to Hogwarts, leaving you once more. At that point, you came to terms that it would not be easy to bring your family back, but you at least had to try.
Finally, the time for you to attend Hogwarts finally came. And by some miracle, your brothers got along temporarily. It was their little sister’s first year at Hogwarts—they weren’t going to just ignore that and not be excited. Your brothers told you everything you needed to know while the three of you bunked in bed, just like old times.
As soon as you stepped onto the Hogwarts Express, Sirius and Regulus hovered over you like hawks—literally. You were annoyed, but you wouldn’t have it in any other way. Your brothers assured you that they’d still love you no matter which house you got sorted into; you were still their little starlight.
Lo and behold, you were sorted into Slytherin, like every other Black in your family. Your parents were ecstatic; they sent you an owl—a literal eagle owl that was bigger than your head—along with a box of Honeydukes sweets. Regulus was happy that you were sorted in the same house as him and was already eager to show you around the Slytherin common room. Sirius, on the other hand, was happy for you, but he was disappointed that his sister got sorted into the same house generations of family members were in—even Andromeda was in Slytherin—but you assured your eldest brother that nothing was ever going to change between the two of you.
Surprisingly, your Hogwarts years were a blast. By the time you were in your third year, you were at the top of your class and had friends in every year and house. You were popular amongst the crowd—not that you’d ever admit it—you were known as the kindest Black that ever walked the halls of Hogwarts. You made lots of friends in Slytherin and even more in Gryffindor, without your parents’ knowing, of course, because your tattletale of a cousin, Bellatrix, and with the extension of Narcissa, had already graduated prior to your first year.
Sirius and Regulus were extremely protective of you when boys started flocking over you. You had the Black family genes—full lips, aristocratic features, long black hair, and grey eyes—there was no denying that you were beautiful. But there was one boy who caught your eye, which Sirius would not approve of. Despite the fact that you had boys asking you out from left to right, you couldn’t compete with a certain redhead with eyes green as emeralds.
You loved James Potter more than just a friend.
James was kind, funny, brave, and fiercely loyal. Even though he had an ego the size of the Black Lake, he had a golden heart to match it. James never treated you like how other boys treated you; he treated you like a person, not like some trophy to be won. James had an effect on you no one else had; he made you feel like a lovesick girl whenever you’re near him—but you won’t show or tell anyone about it though—butterflies fill your stomach in a frenzy each time he looks at you. But he was your brother’s best friend, meaning he was off limits. There isn’t a written or verbal rule about that, but you knew Sirius would flip if you ever dated his best friend, which is a long shot because James Potter was hopelessly in love with Lily Evans. You hated it, but you didn’t have a choice; Lily was your friend too, and you couldn’t hate her for the things that weren't even her fault.
All of a sudden, you heard the floorboards creak from outside your bedroom, snapping you out of your thoughts. You slowly got out of bed to investigate, confused. Who the hell is up at three in the morning? Kreacher definitely doesn’t stay up this late. You placed your hand on the doorknob, slowly turning it, making sure to be as quiet as humanly possible, only to see your older brother creeping out of his room. Sirius stopped in his tracks when he noticed you, a guilty look plastered on his face, a look you knew oh so well.
“Go back to bed, starlight,” Sirius said, trying to act nonchalant but ultimately failing.
“Where are you going? Why do you have a bag packed? Are you leaving us?” You asked, your lips quivering at the sight of a bag slung over his shoulder.
Sirius sighed, walking towards you. “I’m sorry, starlight, but I have to leave,” he said gently, his breath wavering as he reached for your hand. “If I don’t, I’ll go insane.”
“What about us? Me? Reggie?”
“We can get through this, Siri; please don’t leave us…” you begged, pulling his hands away from your cheeks.
“I’ll write every day. I promise...” Sirius said, cupping your face in his hands. “It’s not safe for me here.” His chest heaved slightly. “You saw what happened, starlight—you know they’ll force me to take the mark, and you know I can’t have that,” he said, his expression solemn. “I have to leave; they’ve finally pushed me too far.”
Suddenly, the floorboards creaked again. Regulus stood behind Sirius, a confused look plastered on his face at the sight of you with tears in your eyes. “What's happening, Sirius, Y/n?” Regulus asked, worry evident in his voice.
Sirius froze at the sound of his voice. He felt you flinch in his arms. He turned to face Regulus, his eyes pleading and watery. “I’m leaving, little brother. I don’t belong here…with you lot,” he said, choking back his tears.
You buried your head back into Sirius’ chest, holding back your sobs. Your legs felt weak, and you had to grab onto your brother for support.
“You're only sixteen, Sirius,” Regulus said, his voice breaking. “You can’t just leave; you'll be disowned, Sirius.”
“I can't stay, Reggie,” Sirius replied, his voice strained. His eyes roamed over his brother's face, the pain and desperation evident in his eyes. “Mother never cared for me; father would rather die than acknowledge me.”
You looked up at Sirius in horror, tears running down your cheeks. He was right. Your parents hated him. They treated him like scum, all because he wanted to be a good and decent person. “Please, Sirius, don’t leave. We need you. I need you.” 
Sirius sighed, his heart breaking at the sight of his crying sister. “I know, I know, but I can’t stand another day here. There’s so much going on—so much they expect me to do, but I can’t take this life.” 
You hugged your brother tightly, silently casting a silencing charm as you let tears fall from your eyes. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Your fucking parents, Voldemort, fucking ruined it all.
“What about Y/n? It's our job to protect her!” Regulus cried out, trying to reason with Sirius, his eyes blazing. “What? You’re just going to leave?”
“I know, little brother, and that’s why I need you to protect her for me,’’ Sirius said slowly, his voice barely audible.
Regulus narrowed his eyes at his older brother. “Sirius, you’re a Gyrffindor! Be fucking brave, for once!” Regulus hissed angrily, fists clenched, and his lips curled into a scowl.
“For once?” Sirius snapped angrily, moving away from you. “I have been brave for you and Y/n for as long as any of us can remember, Regulus!”
Regulus’ expression morphed into anger; his eyes were blazing with fury and resentment. Sirius took a deep breath, but before he could say anything more, you piped up. “Reg...please.”
“No, Y/n! He’s only thinking about himself-”
“No, you're only thinking about yourself—what about me? MY future—how would you have expected me to become one of Voldemort’s minions and settle down and have children with a woman I don't even love?! I don't want their kind of life, not anymore,” Sirius yelled, his voice full of anger.
You flinched at the venom in Sirius’ voice. “Please, Sirius, don’t leave.”
“I’m sorry starlight, but I have to. I can’t be a part of this twisted family and the Dark Lord's reign of terror. I can’t keep pretending to be someone I’m not.” Sirius said, his voice filled with pain and determination
“Where will you go? ” You whispered, looking up at Sirius.
“The Potters, James said his parents would take me in.”
Regulus’ eyes filled with anger again. “You're choosing James Potter over your own brother and sister?” Regulus hissed angrily, pulling you away from Sirius.
“Yes!” Sirius yelled, his eyes turning cold. “I'm choosing freedom and life over this twisted family and the Dark Lord! I can't stay, Regulus, and you know it. Don't try and stop me!”
“You've made your choice,” Regulus spat, grabbing your hand. “Come on, starlight.”
Sirius watched as you followed Regulus, his heart breaking. He could feel his eyes burning and his tears threatening to fall.
“Starlight..?” Sirius called out, taking a step after you and Regulus. At the word, you both stopped. For a moment, Regulus turned to face Sirius, and then he took his younger sister by the shoulders.
“Stop crying for him, Y/n, he’s weak.” Regulus spat harshly.
And with that, Sirius slung his bag over his shoulder and walked to the Floo in your father’s study. “Potter Manor!”
You and Regulus stood there in silence, watching helplessly as you let out a choked sob. “Sirius, please don’t go,” you pleaded, but your voice was drowned by the sound of the flames that engulfed him, disappearing from your sight.
Regulus pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly as you cried. “I’m sorry, starlight,” Regulus whispered, his voice breaking. “I'll never leave you, I swear.” 
You clung to your brother, and tears streamed continuously down your face as you realised that everything had changed. Your brother, Sirius, the one who always protected you, was gone. And everything was going to be different from now on.
Now you have another reason to hate Christmas.
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rweoutofthewoods · 1 month
I’ve been meaning to start your bpd reg fic and i’m scared after the ask with people getting angry at sirius , is sirius going to be like negative portrayed like a guilty person for regulus issues? 🥲🥲 i don’t think you do this but i love sirius sm and i’m sick of seeing him portrayed as a bad brother. like he had it arguably worse than regulus, who is canonically a wizard nazi… like i don’t get the flip and switch to making regulus a victim and sirius like the bad one 😭😭😭.
Firstly, no hate to you at all anon, but I don’t like people referring to death eaters as “Nazis” on my blog. as someone who’s great grandparents survived the holocaust… I prefer we keep that comparison, however harmless it’s meant, off of here. There are other bad things and other bad people, but Nazis are Nazis, death eaters are fictional.
Secondly, Sirius isn’t a bad brother at all! HOWEVER, regulus might see him that way in the beginning, but that doesn’t it true. His POV is warped and his perception is not entirely accurate. Regulus doesn’t understand Sirius, and Sirius isn’t good at communicating his true feelings, so it’s complex, but regulus’ feelings aren’t necessarily the truth. I always beg people to trust me, because I never would needlessly villainize either of the black brothers and I try to approach their childhood and relationships with nuance. Because it’s not black and white, and it’s natural for resentment and difficulties to linger between them. None of my main characters are ever the villain. People make mistakes and poor decisions, they treat each other badly, but that’s being human, and I always try to show why they deserve forgiveness and room to grow even when they do bad things. Because all of us have done bad things in our lives, ESP when it comes to family, it can be too easy to treat them poorly when things are hard.
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florsial · 9 months
I relate to Regulus sm so why not make him more relatable to me!
This man is Sirius Black's #1 defense lawyer. Unpaid too but whatever. He will blindly defend that man with HIS LIFE. Big Brother can do no wrong in Reggie's eyes and whoever says otherwise needs to stfu. Sirius has physically and verbally defended Regulus their entire childhood against their parents so Regulus is a hardcore Sirius defender until the day he dies and even then that man is defending his older brother's actions in the afterlife.
Honestly, as someone who was mostly neglected by their parents, you kinda grow up clinging onto the elder sibling that stuck by your side. I do believe that was what Regulus was going through, he was unhealthily codependent on Sirius and really relied on Sirius to approve of his choices/actions.
When Sirius ran away, Regulus hated that part of him, the part would always try to find a way to Sirius. Even if it was useless.
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ttulipwritezz · 1 year
I was hoping to request a Regulus Black x fem!reader
Where the reader is a pure blood and Slytherin and regulus is friends with her since he was a kid.
As they grow up the reader starts finding sirius attractive, but regulus watches this from afar. Hurting silently. And he confesses too late
Idk I kinda want a sad ending 💀
a/n: I usually put these at the end but here you go. I had sm fun working on this request and honestly, I don't think I did your idea justice. I took some creative liberty and kind of changed the idea. But the dynamic remains. I hope you like this &lt;33 warnings: mention of smoking, outbursts, kissing, use of the word b@stard, I use certain words a lot so maybe it got boring. anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Wc: 0.95k
Unspoken Words That Linger In The Air
- Regulus Black
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Y/n L/n hated smokers, ever since she was young she'd seen her father smoke at every occasion possible. The smell of secondhand smoke became so familiar to her that it was almost nauseating.
When Sirius Black became her boyfriend, elevating from best friend's Brother to long-time crush to this, it became a rather obvious detail that he had to quit smoking.
He tried, he really did, and it worked for a while. But alas it was still his go-to coping mechanism. He couldn't let go so easily.
Sirius returned from his quidditch match, in which Slytherin had won against Gryffindor, and Found his girlfriend waiting in his dorm.
the other boys were still downstairs celebrating and wouldn't be up here for a while.
"How was your match?" She spoke first.
"Great, Sorry we took a little detour before coming here, didn't wanna be here after the awful loss"
"I get it," she said with a smile.
A moment passes...then another.
She pulled him in by the neck, smiling only slightly before kissing him as his lips curved into a smile.
He tasted sweet..
he tasted like chocolate.
Remus's chocolate, that the werewolf always refused to share but would often somehow find missing.
He tasted like strawberry.
The strawberry-flavored taffy Lily always carried in her robes for James, oblivious to the fact that he hated strawberries, they'd often end up with Sirius anyway.
And he tasted like...
.... cigarettes.
The nauseating smell came back. It hit her senses like a bludger.
She pulled back.
"you smoked again." She stated, disappointment lacing her voice delicately.
"I thought you quit" she continued and it sounded unsure, as if she was doubting it.
"y/n I-"
"did you lie to me? Or did you just pick it up again?" It sounded broken almost but still hopeful.
She didn't let him answer and instead walked away.
"He never listens" came the exasperated voice of Y/n as she sat on the deep green leather couch of the common room, the fire from the fireplace warming her just a tiny bit through the coldness of the space.
"I just don't understand how you are still dating him" said Regulus's cold voice, cutting through the brief silence.
"Alright regulus, he's not that awful"
"one moment you're complaining to me and the next you're defending him, great," he replied in a bored voice, seemingly done with the conversation.
"He's your brother Reg, You can't hate him forever" Her voice was calm, unlike Regulus's which seemed to be growing louder by the second.
"He's not me. And he was my brother, and I just don't understand how you can love him." His voice was stressed as if trying to prove a point.
"Merlin! What's your problem Regulus? I don't understand why you're always so against me and Sirius dating?" Her voice also started to raise, matching Regulus's tone.
"There. That. That's the problem y/n! Merlin! you're so stupid!."
"Excuse me-" Y/n tried to interrupt but was spoken over.
"No. he isn't even willing to quit smoking for you! What kind of a boyfriend is that? I quit because you asked me to." He tried to reason.
"Well, He's not you Regulus-" Again tried.
"Merlin! You don't understand. You don't understand what you do to me y/n. You don't understand how your smile makes me happy or how your tears make me sad. you don't understand how every time I see you smile because of that bastard, It hurts me. You don't understand how bad I want that bastard to be me-" His voice was broken, it sounded so hoarse and so broken.
"-You don't understand how Unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you I am."
His voice boomed through the common room, the two students playing exploding snap in the corner immediately stood up and went to their dorms.
"w-what?" she let out, as a whisper, no other sound could have escaped her.
But it did. in the form of a question.
"you love me?" It sounded stupid but she needed it said once more to believe it.
Regulus didn't say anything. He didn't need to.
An unspoken 'yes' lingered in the air.
It was past cerfew but her feet still took her to the astronomy tower.
That's where she always went after an argument with Regulus.
It was the one place she always found solace in.
As she walked up the large stairs her feet made little to no sound. Even as they halted after seeing a familiar figure come into view.
Sirius was there, smoking again.
The soft glow from the cigarette illuminated his features in a warm light.
He looked calm.
"you're smoking again" Y/n broke the silence as she leaned against the wall of the tower similar to how Sirius had been.
"It...umm gets stressful without you around." That was an excuse of a response.
"I suppose it does even when I am around" Her reply was far from sarcastic, it was true. Highlighting the fact that she'd caught the smoke a day ago as well.
"what's the matter?" Sirius could tell something was wrong, he always did.
"I had an argument with Reg..." she replied, almost ashamed at her petty fight with her best friend.
"what about?"
"what do you think?" she retorted with a question, that was the only thing that seemed plausible.
A glint of hesitance washed over his features, a moment of guilt followed after.
"was it because of me?" it came out a little louder than a whisper, seemingly too careful.
She didn't answer, she didn't need to, she simply laid her head on his shoulder, the silence spoke for itself.
And an unspoken 'yes' lingered in the air.
A/n: Not the proudest of this one but i like it Likes and reblogs always help<33
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starzzmissthesun · 20 days
For marauders fandom:
Ships- Xeno/James, Evan/Lily, Sirius/Evan
Characters: Xeno (Lovegood), sybill (trelawney), and Emmeline (Vance)
Hmmmm.... These are like RARE PAIRS if I've ever seen em. (Also btw I'm not big on multi shipping purely cause I get real set on things😭, so this is DEF. biased) (also sorry because I do dis all of these ships😭but i DID say honest) (also please don't take this too seriously 🙏these are just to me, I don't care what other people ship)
so for xeno/James...i honestly don't even know how that dynamic would work. To me, they would just be in VERY different worlds. James is in the typical(and I hate to say the marauders are this) "class clown", overly loud, " popular ", very likeable and conventional group, and xeno is in with the outcast people, almost opposite. I see how that could be fun, but I personally think xeno would want someone who has similar thinking and eccentricity(‼️) as him, while James is more arrogant and would scoff towards it. Not to say he'd be rude to them, just finding it weird and talking about it with his friends. I also just think that's not the kind of group or person James would find interesting to start with. The only way I even see them meeting is because Peter (to me) is friends with Sybill and she's friends with xeno. Overall I'd rate it a 2/10, it's not BAD or anything, its not against the characters morals or completely unlikely, its just a VERY far reach for me, out of sight.
Evan/lily: I DO think the Evan(s) is really funny I have to admit😭 BUT I think the main aesthetic I've seen of them (and bartylily) is always very booktok-y of like, bad boy with angst falls for smart-snarky girl who also has angst, and I just can't get behind it. ESPECIALLY in canon because I think Evan was a pretty die hard DE and lily was muggleborn and fought so hard against it. And not in canon, I picture lily to want the typical home-y life, she wants to get a beautiful house, befriend the neighbors, have a classic wedding, have kids, get a nice job she loves, and with her highs and lows her life is beautiful. Meanwhile Evan is peak FREAK behaviour, will never live that kind of life lily would want. The thing I DO think they would have in common would be their curiosity and experiments. lily loved potions and was great at it, she wanted to undo things and see how they work to create something new. Evan likes to undo and figure things out for the destruction, he enjoys the process a million times more than the result unless the result is decay, unending destruction. Overall a 3.5/10, I see it, I get WHY people would like it, just doesn't work for me and my ideas of these characters.
Sirius/Evan:um...i don't even really see anything there for them? I suppose the rosiers and blacks grew up with eachother, but I can't see why Sirius would ever be interested in any of regulus' little friends. As an older sibling myself (and it's probably different for some) I could only ever see my sibling's friends as an extension of my sibling. I also think (especially in canon) Sirius would see Evan as someone SO adjacent to the rest of the Blacks and the Rosiers, and in my idea of Sirius, he would completely stray from and genuinely not have any interest in someone like that. And I think Evan would be bored of him, I think he would figure Sirius out real quick when they were kids and crave an enigmatic aspect to his partner. This one's a 1/10, I genuinely don't think they would even LIKE each other that much.
(Once again, take that with a grain of salt🙏)
Xeno... Xeno, xeno, xeno.... Being honest I love him sm. (Someone who has REALLY good xeno thoughts is @florsial , so if you want more constructed thoughts go there) He's very odd, not just weird airheaded way, but just Is. Like they are just. The peculiarness is not taught or learned or developed, he just popped out with a different way of being, his thoughts will forever be a mystery of how they appear. I really like the HC that they're Lucius' younger brother. Such a fancy family, his brother immediately fitting into the socialite he's meant to be, meanwhile xeno is outcasted. He just. Cant. Understand these people and what the whole purpose is. He carries this huge imagination that he looses himself in, dreams become prophesies, "what ifs?" become reality, anything they want will be true. And they back it up, too. He is prime example of conformation bias.
Sybill Trelawny! Shes very very sensitive, very sweet. But!!! She is judgey, very gossipy, especially when it comes to her practice, if you don't believe her get outta here!! She knows what she sees, she doesn't doubt herself after a past of ignoring her visions. Ultimately frazzled and anxious, constantly running back and forth from door to door, something's lost? She doesn't know! Shes very very smart and logical, just not in the typical way, she applies it to her interests only, not any of the other stuff since it would be just useless to her. Shes trained herself to be very very good at connecting the dots and figuring things out (whether they have substance or not).
And Emmeline Vance.. I gonna be honest I don't know much about her because I don't see much about her, just her name is mentioned. From what I gather, shes very smart and preppy, in the "popular" group. Her relationship with the Valkyries varies in different accounts, but I personally think between 1st-4th year her group and theirs did not like each other and were almost catty (typical middle school drama), but she eventually got closer with them, and they with her. I think her ship with Mary is really cute from what I've seen!
Anyways! Thanks for the ask!!!!!(despite my first half being VERY opinionated)
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maladaptivewriting · 6 months
James and regulus sending eachother letters!!! I just caught up on the golden king (busy busy busy) but I love it!!! Snape is kind of real 💀 . He is tired and regretful. James being concerned about Sirius??? James and Sirius angst and Black Brother angst will always top any romance angst for me. James and Sirius in a fight is so much more painful than whatever is going on in their respective couplings. Not that Jegulus angst and wolfstar angst isn’t painful, but prongsfoot platonic soulmates angst will always hit different.
Also I’m usually a snape hater but I really liked your take on him in TGK. He had a lot of nuance, and I like the way you made his friendship with Lily not as incel-y because I kind of hate that vibe. Also I really cannot imagine the hater sev is going to be once he finds out James came back from the dead. 💀💀💀
Snape: it’s easier to hate James because he is dead (tm).
James: 🧍🏽‍♂️(very much alive)
Lily: still dead 💀 (but we love her sm Lily kinnies Stand Up)
This ask has been kind of all over the place but thank you so much for TGK I love it sm!!! It was a treat to read it today!!
i love james and regulus sending letters, their relationship is building in a way that’s so much more stable than wolfstar was and i feel like that really fits them.
snape and james meeting (if it happens) is gonna be… interesting
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memerella · 17 days
harry potter headcanons/concepts/aus that i LOVE
- first of all, my FAVORITE ships:
- drarry (i mean, c'mon, its so obvious it hurts)
- i liked ginny x harry, bc i like ginny a lot, BUT GINNY X PANSY?! at the edge of my seat, screaming, crying, throwing up
- love me my ronmione, but i also like ace!hermione, being way too focused on her career and her passions than even think about a relationship
- blaise x neville (x luna?)
- ron x lavender
- wolfstar
- i love jily sm but i also love james x lily x regulus?????
- harry is half indian (the potters being indian) tbh i never imagined him that way while growing up and seeing daniel radcliff as harry. but the more i got into the fandom on tumblr, the more i feel in love with this concept.
it somehow makes so much more sense??? not only bc representation matters, but also the hate he got in his early life. harry grew up at the dursleys, in a middle class neighborhood in 1980 England. And all i'm trying to say with that is:
Discrimination against people of Indian origin in the United Kingdom has a long history.
Starting in the late 1960s and peaked during the 1970s and 1980s, Indians and other racial minority groups living in the United Kingdom were the victims of racist violence and they were often subjected to physical violence by supporters of far-right, anti-immigration and racist political parties.
i can imagine vernon and his sister were THE perfect candidates for being racist twats. vernon hated harry and his father for being wizards, but why would marge hate him THAT MUCH? she didnt know harry and his family were magical. i think it would make so much sense she hated them for not being white and vernon hated them for it too (god, i really hate them sm)
also, i always thought it was so weird that not a single teacher/adult/ANYONE saw little harry being abused??? not only the bruises he got from dudley (and prop vernon too), but also his malnourished body, his way too big clothes, his broken glasses, etc. they never questioned this or gave a single fuck. maybe they never gave a fuck, bc why should they? its just a dirty indian kid anyways and besides, they all look like this, dont they??? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ i fucking hate racist people so much
- talking about racist people. black hermione is the single greatest thing and i can't believe theres still a debate out there, that she cant be black bc "emma watson is my forever hermione". y'all are just lil twats, go away 😒
- harrys scar being way more different than in the movies/early book covers
i loooove the concept of harry having a scar like an actual lightning bolt. bc first, it would indicate, that surviving the (powerful) killing curse would take a huge toll on a body.
second, it would look like an actual wound that magic could achieve.
i googled 'lichtenberg scars', scares that people got from actually being struck by a lightning bolt (or super high electricity).
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they dont look natural at all, which makes them so unique and special and would fit the only surviving person of the avada kedavra curse. it also would explain why people would always ask harry to see his scar and why they were so fascinated about it (i know they want to see it bc of voldie and shit, but i think you get my point).
and third, it would look badass as fuck ngl
- i love scars in general. especially harrys lightning scar, but also rons tentacle-like scars he got in book 5. or dracos sectumsempra scars. or hermiones 'mudblood' scar. generally, i love fanarts or fanfics where they are visible or depicted. and the characters having to live with and accepting them.
- i'm a sucker for drarry fics, where harry sees dracos scars that he caused for the first time, how shocked and embarrassed he is for causing so much harm. apologizing profusely for them and draco beeing slightly overwhelmed by harrys behavior. (if you have recommendations for such fics, pls tell me).
- i've once red a fic where draco and hermione modified the scar bellatrix left on her by changing the word mudblood into "my blood is magic". i got goosebumps reading this, bc it felt so empowering somehow. but i also like the thought of hermione leaving the word by how it is, to remind anyone out there, what she's been through and what a powerful badass witch you can become, even tho you dont have magical parents.
- harrys "you must not lie" scar is also one of my favorites and i LOVE when people include it in fanfics. especially when there's a debate about the corrupt and twisted power of the ministry and crazy ideologies and harry just slams his hand on the table and starts ARGUING, leaving everyone silent lol
- harry having another lightning scar on his body, this time over his heart, when voldemort attempted to kill him the second time in the forest.
- draco covering up his deatheater tattoo, by putting flowers over/around it, to symbolize he'd grown.
- magical tattoos. tattoos that move around your body. harry having fr a tiny dragon tattoo, which 'flys' around his skin.
- harry beeing way more powerful after the war. i mean, he's the master of death after all??? he took down the most powerful wizard of all time??? now he has a crazy magical aura around him. he can cast wandless magical more effortlessly. when he gets angry, he lets out accidental magic, messing with electricity, the wind etc.
- harry renovating the black house. him finally getting rid of walpurgas portrait and the other gruesome decoration. draco helping him, bc he's a black afterall and knows a few tricks and spells. also draco and harry researching and explaining magical houses. kreacher is helping them too. the black house getting warm and cozy, after all those years.
- draco and harry getting together and harry is showing him the perks of the muggle world. draco discovering television, electricity, planes, science in general (later smartphones, video games etc). him being FASCINATED about it, wanting to learn more and more. (what do you MEAN, muggles were ON THE MOON??? THEY CAN TRAVEL IN SPACE??? WTF POTTER?!) draco discovering what an atomic bomb is, having an existencial crisis about it (i can't believe muggles have more power than US? could we even STOP a bomb like this? surely you can , Potter 🙄)
- draco dragging his slytherin friends into the muggleworld.
- pansy being EXCITED to discover luxury brand like gucci, prada n shit. her wanting to study fashion and becoming a famous designer in the wizarding AND muggle world (muggles being like HAVE YOU SEEN PANSYS NEW DRESS?! IT LOOKS LIKE MAGIC FR)
- ginny becoming a famous quidditch star, always showing up at parties with the finest haute couture, showing off and promoting pansys newest designs (pansy loves her for it)
- blaise getting caught up too into the fashion/celebrity/influencer/gossip world. maybe becoming a famous art critique? or a journalist? him exposing people he dosnt like? love that shit fr
- goyle being fascinated about muggle sports, especially rugby and american football. him dragging draco, harry and ron into various matches and talking non stop about his favorite teams and players. harry finally convincing him to just do it himself. goyle actually doing it and having the time of his life.
- goyle dragging drarry to his first victory party with his teammates. harry, to his HORROR, seeing dudley again after all those years (what do you MEAN HARRY, BIG D IS YOUR COUSIN?!?)
- harry and dudley reconciling. i have many thoughts about this, but i really love the idea of a redemption arc for dudley. maybe dudley having a daughter, who is also a witch and him loving her with his whole heart and wanting to understand every problem and struggle she might face in the wizarding world. him cutting of contact with his father. visiting harry, notebook in hand, to remember every detail.
- harry never really told him about this, but after his daughter came home after her first year in hogwarts, he finally learns what harry had actually been through. him FLABBERGASTED when she handed him a book about the second great wizarding war, with a moving picture of harry on its cover (daddy, why have you never told me we are related to the savior? - the... WHAT????)
- Hermione becoming the minister of magic. FINALLY a competent witch, someone who's trying to make the world a better place (also harry backing her up, intimidating everyone who dares to be a bitch about it). a few things i think she would do:
- setting the elves free for real, giving them free healthcare, new jobs, an access to schools, housing etc. telling them about dobby and his story
- also, more freedom and rights for other magical beings, like merefolk, centaurs, goblins, giants and WEREWOLVES!!!
- giving elves and goblins wands???!!!
- a new school system where muggle studies is a MUST, bc how can you teach kids and NOT tell them of the rest of the non-magic world??? do they even know electricity? planes? science? how can you get rid of hate and stereotypes otherwise?
- teaching kids and adults how to dress in the muggle world lmao
- the more the people learn about science and shit, the more they could experiment? imagine a world where potions and chemistry would go hand-in-hand. wizards discovering what molecules and atoms are and researching like crazy. them learning how to incorporate technology with magic. (free wifi at hogwarts???) a fascinating concept for me.
- rita skeeter and dolores umbridge getting finally behind bars. I WANT JUSTICE
- Harry being an auror is cool, but after all he's been through, i can imagine he wouldnt want to be one for long. i think it would be so nice to become a teacher at hogwarts. defence against the dark powers would suit him sm. also, he could teach students something about unity, wizard and muggle relations, how to detect bigotry and propaganda, how to stand up for themselves etc
- draco becoming either a healer at st. mundos or a professor at hogwarts
- mcgonagall working hand-in-hand as head master with hermione, making hogwarts SAFE again
- draco having his trial after the battle of hogwarts. him being exhausted, ashamed, traumatized af. him not expecting and not wanting any mercy. the ministry also not wanting any mercy, bc fuck them deatheaters. them being astounded after harry waltzed into the court room, explaining that he, harry potter, will be dracos lawyer and DEMANDING him to be freed (who can say no to the savior)
- harry and his gang having fucking therapy after the war, please and thank you
- harry finally recognizing all the fucked up shit dumbledore has done to him and being ANGRY about it
- love me some good old dumbledore slander (fuck him)
- love the idea of draco being part veela
- draco growing out his hair after the war
- harry and draco getting together at their eight year at hogwarts. them talking about so many things, including the part in the forest where he died (again). draco being mortified (you. you are the master of death? are you kidding me? i thought it was only a tale for children ffs. harry wtf)
- neville is trans (f->m) 🥰
- blaise is non-binary 🤭
- luna is also non-binary, my lil bean 💕
- i am now - and will forever be - into denial that fred weasley actually died, i simply refuse the mere idea. for all i care, he lives happily ever after with george and they both die when the are 200 years old. you're very welcome btw (i remember crying and throwing my book away after i've read this scene, you cant do this to me)
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arsonfaerie · 1 month
The scream I scrumpt when I realised Ascendant updated. First of all, I am not normal about this fic. It is the bane of my existence and the reason I wake up every morning. I could talk about this fic for hours upon hours and I still wouldn't do it justice. Remus and Dumbledore's interaction.
Remus feeling like an entire lifetime of memories was stolen from him. Remus wanting to remember Sirius eventhough he knows that he isn't a good person. Because at one point of his life Sirius was his everything, so he feels betrayed by Sirius but can't bring himself to fully hate him. Remus flooing to Grimmauld Place, because he has to see him. He has to get his answers. Them kissing, Remus knowing he should stop, but he can't, he can't bring himself to stop. Sirius claiming that he was a Death Eater because he's a Black. Reducing himself to his family name, telling Remus that he has his reasons.
“Choice?” Sirius scoffed. “There are hardly choices in this war.”
Across from him, Remus set his jaw. “There are. There are always choices, Sirius.”
This quote.
Regulus and James being so intertwined to the point that I feel like they are a single soul that lives in two seperate bodies.
Regulus having to leave Sirius in the cell with Remus. James comforting him. The background rosekiller. Everything about this fic is so beautifully written.
Honorable mention to my playlist which decided to play the bridge of the smallest man who ever lived just as Remus asked Sirius why he joined.
Anyway sorry for filling up your asks box, I just had to talk about this fic xx
Sending all the love in the world🫶✨
AH hello mirrorball friend!!
i'm so glad u like ascendant, i know it takes me a long time to update sometimes but ty for following along <3
remus and dumbledore's scene was such a long time coming!! and so was the scene with sirius. i think i've been thinking about that conversation for close to nine months atp and i hope that comes across. i truly think it demonstrates sm about sirius' character in this, but obv there's a lot more to unpack there.
regulus and james my LOVES. truly they share a soul. also for rosekiller they may not be tooooo background in solstice (the next one) BUT i have yet to fully decide.
the smallest man who ever lived??? oh absolutely brutal. i could see it from both of their perspectives but it's also absolutely about sirius. going straight to the playlist.
(notably, i did write a huge amount of this to exile. for a minute i was also listening to loml on repeat, but that also wraps into the next chapter.)
tysm for dropping by (never apologize for dropping by) and sending all the love back <3 look out for the last chapter later this week!
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sirius after dragging regulus into his prank: you need to be more careful
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Some 1st year: I want to be as cool as James Potter
Lily: I once saw him drop a piece of pizza and cry for 20 minutes
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
is there any song that strongly reminds you of regulus?
dido's lament by henry purcell
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gedwimora-arc · 4 years
regulus, drinking from a gold plated skull chalice, in an long house robe intricately embroidered with gold thread, jewel encrusted house slippers propped up on 400 year old family antique ottoman: I’m fond of minimalism 
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