#rip him to shreds if you will
mattsdae · 1 year
we need to remove all the tight black tee shirts from matt’s closet this is too much.
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rootbeerrex · 7 months
Jason, staring down a defeated villain with his helmet off, dramatically monologuing like the theatre kid he is: Death didn't stop me the first time, what made you think you'd be the one to make it stick? Haven't you people learned? You cannot kill me in a way that matters.
Tim, pausing where he's taking down the remaining henchmen: hold on a second. I've heard that line before. did you just- did you just quote a Tumblr post in your takedown monologue?????
Jason, red in the face and blatantly embarassed: I don't know what the FUCK you're talking about, Replacement.
Dick, sweeping in on a grappling hook and knocking out a goon coming up behind Jason: No, he's definitely right. "decay exists as an extant form of life" and all that.
Jason, shoving his guns back into their holsters and walking away while grumbling to himself: and they wonder why I don't come to family dinners
Damian, popping out of the shadows: So long, fungus boy
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greenglowinspooks · 1 year
Alright, since it’s no longer 2 in the morning and my head’s a bit clearer, I present to you:
Liminal Riddler
So, not everyone in the DC fandom knows about this, and I’d bet that even less people in the Phandom do, but at one point, the Riddler had cancer. Had, past-tense, because he cured it. With the Lazarus pits.
And yeah, not everyone who gets dipped in the pits has to be liminal, but one would assume that the sudden replacement of a large number of malignant cells throughout the body is gonna do something.
The Riddler already acts quite a lot like a DP ghost in some interpretations anyways. He’s got a strict gimmick that he genuinely can’t part ways with, he’s campy and fun, he’s incredibly violent, etc.
Also, the way that he would react to this whole thing would be funny as hell.
Do I think the Riddler would really care if the GiW was after him? No. This is Gotham, the government is constantly going after him anyways.
Do I think he would care if Danny was being hunted down by the same people, and his parents were involved? Somewhat. He probably wouldn’t care about Danny specifically, at least not right away, but a young boy running terrified from his own parents would definitely bring back some bad memories, and he would probably give him a hand (if for no other reason than to get back to plotting crimes instead of dealing with childhood trauma).
Do I think the Riddler, whose entire thing is being smarter than everyone else, would care if the GiW somehow let slip that they thought he didn’t have human intelligence? That they believed him to be nothing but an echo of human life?
It’s not even a question. He would be the most insufferable person in Gotham within the hour. Genuinely nothing could stop him, especially not if Danny was helping jailbreak him from Arkham every time he got caught.
Almost every major road is closed. Every warehouse on the Docks is on fire. Somehow, they managed to color the clouds and smog a bright green.
The natives of Gotham would probably get those anti-ghost laws and acts overturned faster than the Justice League, if only to make the Riddler stop. His traps and games aren’t even lethal at this point (due to Danny’s insistence), but they’re so genuinely annoying that the general population is about to beat the GiW agents to death themselves just to get the Riddler to quit it already.
Also, I think that during this whirl of chaos, the Riddler would become quite fond of Danny.
He’s a bright young boy who’s very fond of wordplay, and inventive enough to keep up with him. Aside from the inevitable crisis of “oh god I’m becoming the bat,” he’d probably be happy to take on Danny as his protégé. Even if the boy won’t let him kill anyone (rude), he’s a terrifying getaway driver and can turn the both of them invisible and intangible, making Arkham escapes a breeze.
Hell, the Riddler would probably be willing to make a false identity for the two of them, just so he could get the boy proper schooling.
(Yes, he thinks that the entire education system is a sham and that he could do much better, but Danny wants to go into aerospace engineering, and the Riddler isn’t one to squander someone’s interest in learning.)
(Also, Echo and Query would find the whole thing hilarious)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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It's the 2 month anniversary of this blog! Here's all the main MTXT couples to celebrate.
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beepborpdoodledorp · 5 months
fnaf fans will look at security breach in the most black and white sense imaginable it’s almost incomprehensible ‘the Glamrocks are soulless AI and Gregory is a poor defenseless child’ ‘Gregory is an irredeemable monster who kills the poor Glamrocks without remorse’ have you considered it’s possible for both sides to be victims. that they can also be a little fucked up too. have you
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slayfics · 4 months
As much as I love Shinso, I imagine arguments with him being catastrophic (cat pun intended). He’s so calm and blunt, that I could see him flooring you with the nastiest spiteful thing you’ve ever heard. The worst part is it comes out of his mouth so casual and cruel. His quirk works by getting others to talk back, so he is a pro at pushing buttons. And he knows you better than anyone, so his words cut straight to the bone.
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shima-draws · 5 months
Luffy spent 80+ episodes trying to get his boyfriend back only to watch his boyfriend get blown up by a dragon who’s had WAY too many drinks. Yeah I’d be super fucking pissed too
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dont-offend-the-bees · 3 months
All right, I gotta bite -- "Edwin + drag queens?" XD
jasdbjdafbsd oh god this one is really not in any way, shape or form even slightly written yet but it's an idea I'm very fondly turning over in my head!
I just really want to put Edwin in a situation where, on the hunt for info for a case or suchlike, he winds up in a dressing room full of queens. I want him to be perplexed by the fact that so many of them can see him, and find the sad truth about why so many of the queens over 40 have close personal experience with death. I want him finding connection and strange fellowship with this room full of extravagant peacocks. I want him being initially bewildered by the whole situation but then having that click moment of finding his people, and proceeding to delight and indulge in a bitchfest for the ages. I want him fondly adopted by a room full of bright and beautiful shameless older queers who immediately know that he's family. And I want any onlookers (Charles) to have absolutely no idea what to do with the 8.8 magnitude cuntquake that ensues when you sit Edwin Payne down with a gaggle of drag queens. I want him to enter that dressing room with a notebook and a case to solve, and leave it with 7 drag mothers, a new understanding of himself, and a standing invite to brunch.
Anyway, as I said, I don't have much actually written for this one yet but do have this one stupid joke I scribbled in my notes app xD
"Alright, girls. Detective-themed drag names for Casper the cunty ghost. Let's hear 'em." "Sherlock Ho?" "Columbimbo!" "Oh, oh oh oh – Agatha Fistie!" Edwin: "I'm not entirely sure I understand." "Where did we lose you, babes?" Edwin: "Generally speaking, in the second halves..."
WIP ask game
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xx-sketchy-xx · 1 year
*takes Wally and runs off* wally you are MINE!! And I will keep you safe with me!
@gooberartz @veeneeyyyy @fanoffandoms23 @nc-creatorworld @ash-attxck @glass-teeth01 @spirit-minish @catgirl41 @wallyissocool
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Married to a shredded corpse
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kymiya · 7 months
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I made extra GIFs for my last post so here you are
every time I see this I'm torn between marveling at the scene and the acting or weeping my heart out. Either way it's a masterpiece
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In the words of the Amazon prime account "in case you were feeling happy today"
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
i love billy and i want him to be happy and human but at the same time i also think he deserves to come back as some sort of eldritch horror and just fuck shit up
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gelly-fsh · 6 months
Diary of a (smitten) Mariachi
I've been having all types of thoughts about Mariachi James Potter, like you cannot honestly tell me that he would not thrive in it. I think his grandfather would have been a famous Mariachi and he just taught James how to sing and how to play the guitar.
When he was in Uni, he didnt want to depend solely in his parents money so he decided to put his grandpa's lessons in good use and start a small business out of it with a couple of friends and cousins that lived in the same city. They got pretty famous, especially when his cousin Mary decided to do a YouTube channel and a Tiktok account for the band.
And look, in the 3 years he has been doing this, he has come across some weird and scandalous shit. Until now his favorite was when a dude hired them to serenade his wife (apparently they had a fight) but when the woman didn't appear in her balcony the guy was so mad he asked them to come with him to go and serenade his mistress instead.
Yeah, fun times. At least that girl did love it.
Today, they had a morning job for a birthday. The guy who hired him (Barty, if he remembers correctly) gave him a rundown of what he wanted to happen, and James knew almost instantly this was one of those prank serenades. He hoped this Regulus guy didn't beat the shit out of anyone for waking him up with guitars and trumpets.
When they arrived to the house address, he could see they guy that he must assume is Barty waiting for them outside with a mischievous grin on his face.
"I gather that you're James Potter no?" The guy asked
"Pleasure to meet you" James said, shaking his hand "are you Barty?"
"The one and only" Barty confirmed. He quickly explained that his friend Regulus would be waking up in half an hour, so they had to be quick going upstairs (the house was fucking gigantic). When they were outside the door, all of them started to prepare their instruments and do a last check up on their clothes (Mary fixed James hat bc apparently it got crooked). He could see Barty taking out his phone, most probably to start recording everything, and then they went inside the room.
From the first notes of the trumpets and the violins, James could see clearly how the boy that was before sleeping so peacefully jump up so high he almost rolled out of the bed. But when he raised his head to see them, James breath hitched in astonishment.
That had to be the most prettiest boy he has ever seen.
Even bleary-eyed, with a dry trail of drool on his chin, and sheet marks in his cheeks, James could only think that he would really like to sing every love song ever invented to him, isn't that crazy?
"Estas son las mañanitas que cantaba el Rey David..." (This are the mornings that the King David sang about) James started as normally, he has sang Las Mañanitas a thousand times, the Vicente Fernandez version being one of the most popular, but James just didn't want to sing that one, it was to impersonal, so he just decided to throw the protocol out of the window and sing the version he really wanted.
"A los muchachos bonitos, se las cantamos aquí" (To the pretty boys, we sing it to them here)
"Si el Sereno de la esquina me quisiera hacer favor, de apagar su linternita mientras que pasa mi Amor" (If the watchman in the corner would be so kind, of turning off his little lamp while my Love passes by) He could feel the gazes of all the band members piercing through his skull, and for a moment James thought that maybe he shouldn't have sang the more romantic version of Las Mañanitas with a band full if family members and friends who could understand Spanish, he was fucked for the next family reunion, but Regulus face when he saw him sing made it worth it.
Remnants of sleep still filled his eyes, and when the song started he was in the middle of cursing Bartys whole bloodline out, but when he locked eyes with him, James could perfectly see how Regulus entire face turned into a beautiful shade of cherry red. He just sat in his bed with his gaze fixed on James while he sang about birds singing and the Moon hiding out, giving way to the beautiful morning that resided in his eyes.
"Si no estas enamorado, enamoráte de mi" (if you're not in love, fall in love with me) he sang with a small smile in his face, and he delighted himself by how Regulus face went even more red.
He sang the rest of the song effortlessly, and when he finished, James and all of band did a small bow in Regulus direction.
"Happy Birthday Mr. Regulus" James said with a soft smile on his face.
"Eh- ehm thank you" Regulus responded, sounding awfully flustered.
"Well that was no fun, you didn't even make that much of a fuss" Barty whined on the other side of the room "I bring you your favorite Mariachi as a present and you couldn't even give me more drama?, please Reg" James could exactly pinpoint the moment Barty realized he fucked up, did Regulus already knew James?
"BARTY!" Regulus hissed out, throwing a pillow that landed directly in Bartys face.
"You are a fan of ours?" James asked surprised, Regulus type was not exactly their normal audience
"You could say that..." Regulus mumbled
"He has watched all of the videos where you are and-" another pillow was thrown to Bartys face, the beautiful color red coming backbto Regulus cheeks.
"Well I am honored" James chuckled softly, before deciding that he might as well be bold, even if it was deeply unprofessional "Its not all days I find out such a beautiful boy is a fan of what I do"
The compliment got him exactly what he wanted, which was a small gasp and more of that beautiful blushing, oh he was down bad. Regulus opened his mouth to say something, but Mary used that moment to (rudely) interrupt them
"I am deeply sorry to interrupt, but today we have another job in the other side of the city, so we should get going" Mary interjected softly, looking a mixture of amused and regretful (as she should be, why is he interrupting hid attempts to woo the love of his life???) "Happy Birthday again Mr. Regulus"
All the band echoed the congratulations, before softly taking the instruments and leaving the room. James almost wished Barty had payed for more than one song. Mournfully, he gave Regulus one last glance before tipping down his hat and saying "Happy Birthday, Amapolita dorada" before leaving the room.
While going down the stairs, he was being teased by Mary and the others about how obvious his little crush was and how annoyed they where that he changed the song version at the last minute (they were not really, but they do sure liked to whine).
It was not until he was going out the door that he heard frantical footsteps going down the stairs, and James just stood there at the door, hope filling his heart when he saw Regulus disheveled form looking at him.
"Listen, I probably am reading the situation wrong but-" Regulus said breathlessly "If you like, wanted to go out or something..."
James never accepted something so fast in his life "absolutely, I want to see you again"
He could hear Regulus breath hitch, breathing out a soft "Oh, well" before pressing a piece of paper in James chest "it's my number, text me ok?"
"Oh I will" James smile was blinding, he got the interest and the number of one of the most handsome guys he has ever seen, and he was not wasting this golden opportunity so easily. In an act of chivalry (and maybe stupidity) he softly took Regulus hand and slowly took it to his lips, leaving a soft kiss in the dorsum of his hand "Until we meet again, Regulus"
"Until then, James" Regulus sounded breathless, and James smirked in delight at the knowledge that Regulus did know him before the performance.
Since then, everyone could see that James Potter sang love songs with a bit more sweetness to it, as if really really knew what he was singing about. With the beautiful muse that he had, how could he not?
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dapandapod · 2 years
A few days ago you reblogged an "incorrect Witcher quotes gifset" where Ciri interrogates Geralt about him being in love with Jaskier. JUST SAYING but I'd read that a million times over if you wrote it 👀
Based on this gif-set by @lamberts
Why, thank you Nonnie-love! Because I don't need sleep anyway (I do) I decided that flattery gets you everywhere, so I pulled together this.
Though, I do have Ciri Science and the Idiot Syndrome, if you are looking for some more idiots being called out.
Thank you for the ask, love, hope you enjoy! On Ao3 here
The morning is still freezing cold, the sun barely up to melt the lingering frost clinging to the cliffs and forest floor. Their steps are quiet, precise, their breathing measured.
Ciri doesn’t need the guidance anymore, but sometimes it’s nice to just run. The path around the keep has many traps, many tricks to watch out for. Geralt watches Ciri bounce over the icy rocks of a creak, then follows closely behind her.
Just in front of a log, she sidesteps, easily avoiding the fall trap there. She uses a branch to swing between two rock formations, balances along its side until she can simply slide down it safely.
Geralt follows, he meant to keep an eye on her, but he finds himself zoning out. The mind numbing task is something he could probably do in his sleep by now.
His mind drifts to lazy evenings by the fire, with easy banter and friendly ribbing. With songs, filthier than any brothel, or older than Vesemir himself.
After the mountain, Geralt wasn’t sure he would get that again. Talking it out was one of the worst things he has done, but a wound must be cleaned, or it will fester.
Ugly truths and shaky apologies were exchanged with the help of some dwarven spirit. Bitter stuff.
Geralt had woken up the next morning on the floor in Jaskier’s room, reclining over a tipped over footstool. His back was hurting, his ass was freezing, but his chest was lighter than it’s been for many years.
“Keep up, Geralt!” Ciri calls from up ahead, and the forest comes back into focus around them.
“As if you can keep up with me, cub.” Geralt smirks, lengthening his stride.
Of course Geralt out paces her. Ciri got sloppy and slipped in the frost, swearing as colorfully as Lambert when she found her feet again.
Together they walk through the gates and inside the keep to join the others for breakfast. Most of them are still on their respective morning duty, so the main hall is more or less empty except for them.
Among the many bookshelves along the walls, Geralt spots Jaskier’s cloak. The eggs are still steaming hot, but he peels one absently anyway, eyes lingering on the forgotten cloak.
“I have a question.” Ciri announces, working her knife on the hard cheese between them.
“Ask it.” Geralt replies, gathering the shells in a neat little pile.
“How long have you known Jaskier?”
Geralt considers this, to be completely honest, he haven’t given it much thought. Maybe he should have.
“How old are you again? Eight?” He asks teasingly, and she gasps in mock offense.
“Right. I had known him for six years at your parents' betrothal.” Wow, time really passes by fast.
Ciri frowns at this, considering this information.
“But… No, that can’t be right.”
“What?” Geralt bites into the steaming egg, already eyeing another one.
“He doesn’t look older than twenty five, does he?” She says, finally managing to get herself a piece of cheese.
That… could technically be true. Geralt is spending too much time with people who doesn’t age the human way, he doesn’t really react to it anymore.
“Ask him about that.” Geralt advises, even if he himself is a bit curious now.
They chew in silence for a moment, sounds from the keep waking up filtering in through the thick wooden doors. 
“I have another question.” Ciri says at last, tearing a bread bun into two. Geralt nods at her to go on.
“You are in love with Jaskier.”
Thank the crazy scientists of the past for gifting witchers close to perfect control of their bodies.
Geralt too reaches for a bread bun and tears into it, only to keep himself focused on anything else but what the little brat princess just said.
“That wasn’t a question.” He remarks, attempting to play it off. But no such luck.
“So you agree it’s a fact.” Ciri says, a victorious smile playing on her lips.
Geralt is just about to disagree with her, as the doors to the main hall swings open and the bard himself walks in.
“Oh, that's where I left my cloak!” He says to no one in particular, saunters over to it, and swiftly drapes it over his shoulders. “It is dreadfully cold this morning, don’t you think?” 
Jaskier sits down next to Geralt and reaches for the jug of watered down ale.
“What? Is there something on my face?” Jaskier asks when neither Ciri nor Geralt picks up conversation.
“You look fine.” Geralt mutters, finishing his egg in one bite.
Ciri just keeps smiling her sneaky little smile, that only grows wider when Geralt rolls his eyes and thumbs away a smear of ink on his chin.
“I have another question….”
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machinafulmen · 2 months
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drew absolute zero :3 i wanted to get a handle on his design
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rainbowspinch · 9 months
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Claw upgrade
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