#severus snape fan fic
jessybarnes · 1 year
Forbidden Love
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Rating: 18+ Only
Word count: Over 5k
Tags: Acromantula, mentions of blood, death of a mythical creature, gore, angst, fluff, smut, bullying, broken bones, hippogriffs, unicorns, fluffy, centaurs, syringes, major character injury, near-death experience, age gap, teacher/18-year-old student relationship, unprotected sex, fingering, begging, forced reveal of feelings, forbidden forest, family drama, and I think that’s it.
Beta: @winecatsandpizza
A/N: This is a repost from one of my old Tumblr accounts. I altered the timeline a little to make this flow better. I realize that Gilderoy lost his memory during the Chamber of Secrets era. I also realize that Severus didn't take on the DADA teaching position until Harry's 6th year. I just wanted to make that clear for everyone. :) Enjoy! 
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"Hmm…difficult, very difficult. Mmm yes, lots of ambition and very loyal too. A hint of creativity, but you seem to mask it well with your bravery...”
As the sorting hat’s voice echoed throughout the Great Hall, your mind began to flood with the past week’s events. 
It was the day after your eighteenth birthday when you discovered your Hogwarts letter. Your grandmother had been a great witch and even taught at Hogwarts after she finished her seventh year. From the moment you were born, she knew you were destined for good things. Your parents had forbidden her from using magic around you and even went so far as to hide your letter of acceptance on your eleventh birthday. It wasn’t until you were going through some of your childhood toys in the attic that you came across it. 
The letter was stuck to the back of an old photo album, and the writing had nearly faded completely. You ran your fingers over the yellowing parchment, the tip of your index finger raising slightly as it slid over the sealing wax. You recognized the symbol immediately. Your grandmother had it all over her house, and you’d thought it to be your family’s crest. The wax gave way easily and you pulled the letter out as carefully as you could. Your heart began to race and your breath caught in your throat. The letter was for you! You had been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
You blinked and brought yourself back to reality, the hat seemed to be finishing up his assessment.
“...better make it...Slytherin!”
The table full of students to the far right of the hall erupted in cheer as you walked towards them. You took your seat and after the rest of the first years were sorted into their houses, the Headmaster approached the podium. He raised his hands and without saying a word, the whole room went silent. 
“Welcome! Welcome, everyone! It is my great pleasure to start off a new school year with a few minor changes. As many of you know, Gilderoy Lockhart is no longer capable of teaching. It seems a memory charm backfired and he’s lost all memory of who he is. Be that as it may, I am very pleased to announce that our own Severus Snape will be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.”
Your eyes scanned the teachers at the head table and stopped when they landed on a man who looked slightly younger than the others. He stood and nodded ever so slightly before taking his seat again. Your gaze lingered on him as Professor Dumbledore continued on with his speech.
“Thus it’s only fitting that the one and only Professor Horace Slughorn takes Severus’ place as Potions teacher.”
Another professor stood up from the table and smiled as a round of applause reverberated off the walls.
“Now that we’ve determined who will be teaching what subject, I have an additional announcement to make. All students will refrain from entering the forbidden forest. Anyone who isn’t experienced enough to handle themselves will most certainly die a very horrible death. Now, without further interruption, let the feast begin!” 
With a wave of his hand, the empty plates filled with a delicious-looking meal. You ate quietly as the other Slytherins talked and carried on. Every so often, you turned to look at the mysterious man with the all-black attire. Mysterious didn’t even begin to describe him. Even though it wasn’t classified as magic, you had always found yourself skilled in reading people.
He looked particularly confident, his shoulder-length, black hair bouncing slightly as he talked amongst the other teachers. There was just something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Was it pain? The very moment you thought the word to yourself, his eyes snapped up to yours. Horrified that you were caught staring, you quickly turned your attention to your plate. Had he read your mind? 
Deciding not to dwell on it any longer, you continued eating your meal thinking about the new chapter in your life. Though you didn’t know much about Hogwarts and the world of magic, you did know that this house, in particular, had a bad reputation. Your grandmother was a Ravenclaw, and would sometimes divulge knowledge about the other houses. The one thing you remembered about Slytherin was that its founder believed only certain people should be allowed to attend this school and practice magic.
You were the farthest thing from being a pureblood. In fact, you were what other witches and wizards would call a Muggle. That was another thing you learned from your grandma. Muggle was a term used to describe someone who had non-magic blood, or the less liked derogatory name, mud-blood. The fork in your left hand scraped across your plate as you pushed your food around aimlessly.
Why on Earth would the sorting hat put you in Slytherin? 
Soon, dinner was over and the prefects led the students back to their respective common rooms. You followed the other female students to the girl’s dormitory and found your trunk and owl had already been brought in. Nova chirped and tilted her head when she saw you, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Miss me already, sweetheart? Well, I missed you too.”
The soft feathers on her head slid between your fingers while you talked to her. Even though she didn’t talk back, it was always nice to feel like someone was listening. 
You settled on your bed and began drawing in your sketchpad as the other girls in your room talked amongst themselves. Their conversation hardly registered with you, your focus solely on the drawing of Nova you were currently working on. It wasn’t until one of the other girls tapped you on your shoulder that you noticed they were talking to you.
“Hellooo? Were you even listening to us?”
You set your sketch pad next to you on the bed and looked up at the three girls staring at you intently.
“S-Sorry, I didn’t realize you were talking to me. I was um … I was focused on my drawing.” 
The girl closest to you rolled her eyes and huffed impatiently.
“I said, why aren’t you eleven like the other first years?”
There it was, the question you knew would be asked eventually. You just didn’t think you’d have to answer it this soon.
“My um… Well, I suppose it’s because my parents hid my acceptance letter from me.”
The one with the blonde hair began to laugh.
“Why that’s absurd. Why anyone would hide a Hogwarts letter from their child is beyond me. Unless… wait… are you, not a pureblood?”
A sudden feeling of shame overtook you and your gaze wandered to your lap, a loose string on your blanket became instantly more interesting.
“I-I… Well, no… I’ve got non-magic parents actually.”
The third girl scoffed.  “Daphne, can you believe they let scum like this into our house?”
Blondie, who you presumed to be Daphne, snatched your sketchbook off the bed and tore it in two, and laughed. “Serves her right. Mud-bloods don’t belong in Slytherin.”
She drew her wand and pushed the tip into the skin of your throat making your whole body quake in fear.
“Listen up you vile little wretch, you’d better not lose us any house points if you value your life at all. Understand?” 
Tears pricked your eyes as you nodded quickly. “Y-Yes… Yes, I-I understand.”
She removed her wand and the two other girls followed close behind as they left the room. Closing your eyes, you took a few deep breaths trying to slow the rapid beating of your heart. A few minutes later, you let out a shaky breath and began to clean up the remnants of your sketch pad. Luckily, this was a brand new one and Daphne hadn’t torn up anything too valuable. 
Once you were finished, you slipped on your shoes and held out your arm to Nova. She chirped happily and sidestepped to your shoulder. Staying in your room anywhere near the other Slytherin girls was the last thing you wanted to do, so you decided to explore the castle grounds a little before bed. After all, it was only Friday night, and classes didn’t start for another two weeks. 
The crisp, fall air licked at your skin the moment you stepped out into the courtyard. It felt good to breathe the fresh air and you suspected that Nova felt the same. She immediately took flight and let out a happy screech. Part of you envied her. Being able to soar as high as the clouds away from all the negativity was something you could only dream of doing. 
You wandered around the castle grounds until you spotted a hut nestled at the edge of a tree line. The stone exterior and the pointed roof reminded you of the fairytales your parents used to read as bedtime stories when you were little. Light grey smoke billowed out of the chimney and you could faintly hear someone humming. Curiosity got the better of you, and you soon found yourself at the foot of the steps. 
Before you could knock, the front door swung open and none other than Hagrid looked down at you.
“Why ‘ello there, lass! Teh what do I owe yeh the pleasure?”
You’d only known him for a few hours, but you could tell that Hagrid had a big heart and good intentions.
“I just needed some fresh air that's all. Things are… a bit much in my house.”
Hagrid studied you as you spoke. It didn’t take a genius to know something was bothering you, and he saw right through the fake smile plastered on your face.
“Why don’t yeh come in fer a spot of tea? I can tell something is troublin’ yeh.” 
It became a sort of routine, the evenings you’d spend with the Hogwarts groundskeeper. After Hagrid had learned the way the other Slytherins were treating you, he’d made it clear that you could spend the night in his spare room any time you needed to. You insisted on paying him for his hospitality, but he always refused. All he had ever asked in return was help taking care of the mythical creatures. Most would probably view it as a chore, but you found it extremely therapeutic. 
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Friday evening before school started, you noticed Hagrid was missing from the teacher’s table. After dinner, you jogged along the path to his house and noticed the lights inside his hut were off.
Hmm...that’s weird, you thought to yourself.
Normally, he’d be making a pot of tea right about now. Tentatively, you walked up the steps and lightly knocked on his door.
“Hagrid? Hey, are you home? It’s Y/N…” You tried the door, and it opened easily. “Hagrid? I’m coming in…”
Fang peeked at you over his paw and yawned lazily. Other than the glow of the fire, nothing showed signs that he was home. As quietly as you could you walked to the back towards his bedroom. There, wrapped up in blankets and looking beyond miserable, was the half-giant himself. 
“Oh, Hagrid… what’s the matter? You look like you feel awful.”
He coughed and sneezed a few times before blowing his nose into a hankey. His skin was clammy, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days.
“I’m sick, lass. Yeh shouldn’t come near me if ye know what’s good fer ya.”
Out of instinct you put the underside of your wrist against his forehead and grimaced.
“Hagrid, you’re burning up! Come on! We have to get you to Madame Pomfrey.” 
You helped him stand and carefully started to lead him toward the castle. It took nearly fifteen minutes, but finally, you were able to get him to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey motioned to a bed and helped you lay him down. She insisted that she keep him overnight so she could monitor him, but Hagrid was having none of it.
“No! Absolutely not! I can’t stay ‘ere overnight. Who’ll feed Fang an all me other beasts? Buckbeak ain’t the nicest Hippogriff when he’s missed a meal yeh know.” 
Your hand came down to cover his as you looked him in the eyes.
“Hagrid, please...stay here and let Madame Pomfrey take care of you. I’ll take care of feeding them tonight, okay? It’s not like I haven’t helped you make your rounds for the past week and a half.”
The groundskeeper sighed with defeat and nodded.
“Alright Y/N, I’ll stay an let yeh take care o’ my pets, but yeh have ta promise me you’ll be careful.” 
You gave him a soft smile and stood to smooth out your robes. “Don’t worry, Hagrid. I’ll be quick and efficient just like you taught me. I even made myself a list so I remember which animal eats what as well as where they’re all located. I’ve got this!”
Before he could change his mind, you hurried out of the room and back to his hut to grab what you needed. According to the list, you had five different species to feed tonight. The unicorns, Buckbeak the hippogriff, Fluffy the three-headed dog, the centaurs, and Aragog the acromantula.
None of these mythical beasts ever acted like they were harmful, but they weren’t to be taken lightly either. Not to mention you were with Hagrid every time you’d fed them before. After loading up the bags with their food, you made sure you had your wand before approaching the edge of the forest. It didn’t matter what time of day it was, the shadow from the trees always made the forest dark and a thin layer of mist lingered near the forest floor. 
Fluffy was first on your list. His doghouse was about fifty feet within the forest. Brandishing your wand, you cast Lumos Maxima and took the trail to the west. A few minutes later, you could hear light snores echoing off the trees. Making sure you had the three slabs of meat at the ready, you whistled to get the giant beast’s attention. 
"Fluffy! I got you some dinner!"
The dog's left head yawned enthusiastically and you couldn't help but chuckle.
"Alright, that's enough sleeping. It's time for some yummy meat!"
The middle head began to growl and bare its teeth at you while the one on the right shook its head back and forth violently.
"There we go, nice and easy…" You slowly got closer and gently set the slabs of meat within his reach before backing off." 
You stuck around long enough to make sure he saw the food and then walked north towards the part of the forest where unicorns made their homes. It surprised you to learn that they preferred witches over wizards. Hagrid had told you that they were very fast, so much so that they could outrun a werewolf. 
Instead of trying to seek them out, he set up feed pails around their homes and filled them with food. As you were filling the pails, you saw a golden blur out of the corner of your eye. It startled you at first, but then you remembered Hagrid telling you that unicorn fouls were gold in color. 
Staying completely still, you waited until it poked its head out from behind the tree.
"Hi, sweetheart. You want some food?"
At the mention of food, the foul whinnied and slowly approached your outstretched hand. It broke your heart that these beautiful creatures were nearly extinct. You gave light scratches to the tufts of fur behind its ears, the serene moment nearly making you forget where you were. 
After hand-feeding the baby for a few minutes, you quickly filled the rest of the pails before heading towards the centaurs. Hagrid always made sure you remembered how proud the centaur breed was. They didn't like to be classified as "beasts" along with thestrals, merfolk, or werewolves. They also ate both human and equine food. 
It was a good thing you remembered to grab both types. You didn't want to upset them at all, let alone do so without Hagrid around to protect you. As you approached their den, a familiar face came to greet you.
"Good evening, Y/N."
Firenze stood tall as he looked down at you, his unwavering gaze making you a bit nervous.
"H-Hey! Sorry, it took me a bit to get here. Hagrid isn't feeling well, and I had to take him to the hospital wing." 
The creature nodded and uncrossed his arms.
"That's quite alright. I see you brought my colony dinner."
You offered a smile and held out two big knapsacks of food. "I did! I wasn't sure what you would prefer so I came bearing a variety of things...I-I hope that's okay."
Firenze chuckled and placed one of his large hands on your shoulder. "That's very kind of you, Y/N. Please give Hagrid my best. I do hope he recovers quickly."
With a nod and a wave, you watched him until he was out of sight. 
Adjusting the bag on your shoulder, you turned east and walked in the direction of the area Buckbeak frequented. You’d come to love the Hippogriff ever since Hagrid introduced you to him. It only took you about five minutes to navigate the trail before you could hear the excited bleats coming from a group of trees. Making sure to stop the moment you crested the hill, you made eye contact with Buckbeak and bowed low.
The Hippogriff turned and tilted its head momentarily and then bowed in return. You took the dead ferrets out of the bag and tossed them in the air for him to catch. When you ran out he nudged the side of your face and chirped happily.
“Yes, I love you too, Beaky. You’re a good boy!”
Kissing his beak sweetly, you bade him goodnight and walked south toward the heart of the forest. Time to feed the final species on your list.
Even though they were capable of human speech, acromantulas were the one beast you had a fear of. As you approached Aragog’s lair, hundreds of tiny spiders crawled on the ground next to you. Taking a few deep breaths to compose yourself, you crept into the pitch-black den with your senses on high alert. At the heart of it sat the beast himself.
“Who dares to come into my home?”
With a shaky hand, you reached into your bag and quickly pulled out a dead fox as an offering. 
“A-Aragog? It’s um…it’s Y/N, the one who has been coming with Hagrid to feed you. I have umm… I have some birds and foxes for you.”
The large arachnid stalked closer to you, its eyes like black holes as it seemed to stare into your soul.
“Yes… the young fleshy girl who claims to be a friend of Hagrid. Tell me, where is my keeper? What have you done to him?” 
The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end and your fight or flight instincts began to kick in.
“I-I-I didn’t do anything to him. He… he isn’t feeling well and I told him I’d come and bring you dinner…”
You hadn’t realized you were backing up until your heel caught a crooked root poking through the ground. Pain shot through your ankle as you fell against the floor of the den. Aragog clicked his fangs together and you flinched as his voice boomed around you angrily.
“I don’t believe you! I’ve known Hagrid for over fifty years, and not once has he missed a feeding!”
As graceful as your sprained ankle would allow, you scrambled to your feet and dumped the dead birds and foxes on the ground in front of you.
“H-Here’s your food… I… I’m just gonna go…”
The venom from his fangs began to drip on the ground as he moved even closer to you.
“Go? Oh, I don’t think so, friend of Hagrid. Those foxes and birds may sate my son's and daughter's hunger, but they won't satisfy me."
Ignoring the throb in your injured foot, you clambered out of the den as fast as you could. Branches swatted you in the face as you sprinted toward Hagrid's hut. Aragog was hot on your heels as the castle grounds became more and more visible. Just a few more feet and you'd be safe. 
A rotted tree trunk caught your eye, but it was too late for you to avoid it. You hit the ground with a sickening thud, your wrist that broke your fall was surely broken. Turning to face the fastly approaching acromantula, you pleaded for him to stop.
"Aragog, please! ….I...I didn't do anything to Hagrid… please don't hurt me!" 
The giant spider loomed over you, its fangs clicking together violently.
"Goodbye, friend of Hagrid…"
You let out a blood-curdling scream as its pincers tore into your flesh, the moonlight fading away until you slipped into unconsciousness. 
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Nights were usually the time Severus took to think. It was his free time, save for the occasional disobedient student wandering the corridors. He'd just walked past the open courtyard when a small owl flew down to land on his shoulder.
"Get off me you insolent bird!"
It let out a screech and circled him before settling on his other arm. 
"Merlin’s beard, what is it that you want?!"
Just as he was about to send it away, he noticed a small charm bracelet attached to the owl's left leg. Curious, he cast Lumos and read the inscription. 
Name: Nova Jane
Property of: Y/F/N Y/L/N
"I see...you're the property of the new Slytherin girl. Go on then! Go back to the dormitory."
Nova nipped at the buttons on his sleeve and screeched loudly. Just as Severus was about to scare it off, your scream echoed throughout the castle grounds.
"Take me to her! Now!"
Nova took flight and soared in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. Severus ran as quickly as he could, his robes flowing behind him like a cape. His heart thundered against his chest as he broke through the treeline. 
The moment he saw Hagrid's acromantula towering over you, he drew his wand and aimed for its head.
The spell sent Aragog catapulting backward, its body falling lifeless against the base of a large tree.
Seeing you lying there motionless made his blood run cold.
"Oh, Merlin…no no no..."
He sank down in the mud and put two fingers against your neck, a breath of relief falling from his lips when a faint pulse fluttered against them. His eyes scanned your body, worry prickling his skin at the number of deep cuts you had. He knew you wouldn't survive if he didn't act now. 
With a shaky hand, he pointed his wand to the deep gash in your abdomen.
"Vulnera sanentur…"
A glow illuminated from it and within seconds it was as if the wound never existed. He did the same for the other large wounds as well as your wrist and ankle before lifting you into his arms. He may have stopped the bleeding, but you still had the acromantula's venom flowing freely in your veins. He only had a few minutes to reverse the toxins. 
Closing his eyes, he apparated to his sleeping chambers and gently laid you on his bed. Severus worked quickly to mix up the antivenom. Once it was mixed properly, he used a syringe to inject it into all of your main arteries. 
It became a waiting game. You'd lost a lot of blood, nearly too much, and all Severus could do now was hope you'd wake up. He found himself pacing, checking your pulse every so often to make sure you were still breathing. Eventually, the adrenaline in his body wore off, and it made him realize how tired he was. 
He shed his robe, toed his shoes off, and with a snap of his fingers, a fire began to crackle and pop in the fireplace. He sat and pondered to himself. What was he supposed to do with you? It wasn't like he could take you to Madame Pomfrey now. Not after he'd healed you the best he could. Plus, he was sure the other Hogwarts staff would question him on why he took you back to his chambers. Honestly, he wasn't even sure why he'd done it. He acted on pure instinct. 
His gaze wandered over to where you were laying. Severus felt himself relax upon seeing your chest rise and fall. He'd done it. He'd saved you. His eyes began to get heavy as he listened to your soft breathing. Unable to stay awake any longer, he let sleep consume him. 
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The smell of tea filled your nostrils as you tried to recall where you were. Last night's events flooded your mind and your eyes immediately snapped open. 
Scanning the room, your brows furrowed in confusion. This wasn't the hospital wing, and it definitely wasn't Hagrid's. You sat up, your back against the headboard, and scanned your exposed skin. Other than a few bruises, there wasn't any sign of injury on you at all. Had it all been a dream? 
The sound of the door opening brought you out of your thoughts. Your eyes widened at the sight of your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher carrying a teacup and saucer.
"Oh, you're up. Good." He strode over and set the cup down on the nightstand next to you. "Drink this. It'll help you feel better." 
You blinked up at him, your eyes staring into his obsidian ones. Even though he wore a scowl ninety percent of the time, your professor wasn't bad looking. In fact, you found him quite attractive. His form-fitting robes with all those buttons and his confidence drew you in almost immediately. 
It was then that you remembered he'd spoken to you. Forcing your brain to form words, you stuttered out a response.
"I...um…th-thank you, Professor…"
His stone-faced expression didn't waver as he sat down on the comforter next to you.
"Why, Y/N? Why would you put yourself in danger like that?! You could have been killed! Merlin, if it wasn't for your insolent bird, you would have been!" 
You focused on your lap, your cheeks red with shame.
"M'sorry… I was just t-trying to help Hagrid fe-"
You slapped your hand over your mouth and internally cursed yourself. Hagrid made you promise not to tell anyone you were helping him, and here you've almost told none other than Professor Snape! 
"Go on…"
Shaking your head, you moved to get off the bed.
"I… I can't… Thank you for saving me, Professor. I'll just be going…"
His firm hand came to rest on your thigh and with little force, he pushed you back down onto the bed.
"Listen to me, Y/N. I'm your Head of House. Either you tell me what you were doing in that forest, or I'll make you tell me." 
The demand in his tone sent shivers down your spine. It really should be a sin to have a voice like his.
Severus rolled his eyes and stood to walk across the room. He came back with a vial, with a small amount of liquid in the bottom.
"Know what this is?"
You shook your head.
"This is Veritaserum. Three drops of this, and it'll make you spill your darkest...of secrets…" 
You watched as he poured the small amount of liquid into a glass of butterbeer.
Instead of obeying his orders you grabbed the teacup off the saucer and swallowed its contents.
"Thank you, Professor, but I’m no longer thirsty and I don't like butterbeer." 
For the first time since you arrived at Hogwarts, his lips gave a hint of a smile.
"It's no matter. What do you suppose I did with the rest of the serum, hm?"
All the color drained from your face, your mouth opening and closing like you were a fish out of water. 
"The tea…"
Your professor chuckled, "Yes, the tea. Now, tell me, what were you doing in the Forbidden Forest after curfew?"
You couldn't stop them. It was as if you were possessed. The words came flowing out of you on their own accord.
"I was helping Hagrid feed his mythical creatures. He's in the infirmary sick and I offered to do it so he didn't have to." 
Severus narrowed his eyes. "How long have you been doing this?"
You swallowed thickly. “Since the first day of school. Some of the other Slytherin girls were bullying me so I went for a walk. It was then that I formally met Hagrid. He offered me his spare bedroom, and I’ve been sleeping there ever since…”
He rose to his feet and began pacing again, his hands behind his back. “And he lets you stay...for free?” 
“I can stay as long as I help him tend to the mythical creatures that live in the forest. He taught me everything he knows and I help him with feedings.”
Severus stopped and turned to face you. “Did you ever think of coming to me for help with the bullying? I am the Head of Slytherin you know.” 
Oh, how you wished you could hold back the words threatening to escape. No matter how hard you tried, it was no use.
“I was too nervous to come to you, Professor.”
He raised an eyebrow, his hands fidgeting out in front of him. He knew his presence intimidated most of the children attending Hogwarts, but he decided to use this to his advantage.
“Obviously...And why, do you suppose, I make you so nervous, Y/N?” 
“I suppose it’s because I’m in love with you.”
Your response came out just above a whisper, but he still heard every word. Out of every scenario in his mind, Severus did not expect you, a young woman, to say that. For a rare moment in his life, he was rendered speechless. It took him a moment to collect himself, but once he did he noticed your face was buried in your hands. Merlin, help him, you were crying and it was all his fault. 
He slowly moved to where you were laying and sat down so he was at your level. Without giving it any thought, he pulled you into his chest and began rubbing small circles on your back to soothe you.
“Merlin, what was I thinking? I shouldn’t have forced the truth out of you like that. Please...forgive me.”
You clutched at his robes and moved your tear-filled eyes to his.
“I forgave you the moment it happened, Professor.”
A few silent moments passed between the two of you and he continued to hold your gaze. Severus was the first to move. Ever so slowly, he leaned down to capture your lips. 
His mouth melded with yours perfectly, and he didn’t stop until his lungs demanded it. Your eyes closed, your forehead coming to rest against his.
“Professor I-”
He silenced you with another chaste kiss. “Severus…Call me Severus, Y/N.” 
“Please Severus…make love to me.”
His resolve broke the moment the plea fell from your lips. Severus gently laid you back and gently rid you of your tattered robes. His calloused hands slid over your smooth skin making your breath hitch. He peppered kisses down into the crook of your neck, his path moving to the space between your breasts.
“S-Severus...please…need you…”
He nipped playfully at your jaw and sat up slightly to take his shirt off.
“Patience, Y/N… I’ll take care of you.” 
Once he was bare before you he made his way between your legs. His touch was tentative, his fingertips brushing your folds gingerly. He circled your clit making you arch off the bed.
“Oh, Merlin!... Fuck!”
Severus chuckled and slid two of his fingers inside you curling them upwards.
“Bloody hell, you’re soaked, Y/N…”
He easily found the sensitive spot inside of you, the coil in your core winding tighter and tighter with each passing second.
“Please! Oh…shit… Se-Severus! M’gonna cum… please… please make me cum!”
His cock twitched at your words, precum leaking from the tip.
“Let go, Y/N...cum for me…”
With a cry of his name, you fell over the edge. Your chest heaved as you pulled him up for a heated kiss. 
“Need you, Sev. Need you inside me. Please…”
As carefully as he could, Severus lined himself up and pushed into you.
“Merlin, you’re so tight!”
His thrusts were steady and his kisses were fervent as he made love to you.
“Oh, fuck! Sev! Oh, you’re so good… so good, baby…”
Both of you wanted it to last, but it was clear you both needed the release more.
“Y/N, I won’t last much longer like this… you feel amazing...so amazing.”
You slid your fingers through his thick hair and pulled his mouth down to yours. “Cum with me, Severus…” 
A moment later, both of you soared into bliss together. His lips rested against your own and his body shook as he spilled into you, your walls clenching around his cock. Severus was spent as he settled behind you, his arm wrapped protectively around your waist.
“Y/N, I need to know you’re okay with this...with us…”
Threading your fingers with his, you planted a sweet kiss on the back of his hand.
“Severus, our love may be forbidden, but I’d choose you no matter what it cost me. I’ll take you as you are. Your highs, your lows, all of it. I’ll love you until my last breath.”
He turned you in his arms and cupped your cheek.
“I never thought I’d ever love another. Not after Lily, but seeing you in the forest like that sparked something in me. Something I haven’t felt for nearly fourteen years. I’ll spend forever protecting and loving you. 
As your eyes grew heavy, you felt a new sense of worth. Coming to Hogwarts was something you’d only dreamed of growing up. The moment you found your acceptance letter, you knew your life would change. You never thought you’d find someone to love here, but for once you were happy, and that’s all you’d ever wanted.
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countless-dreamsss · 6 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Harry Potter - Fandom Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, Severus Snape/Lily Potter Characters: Severus Snape, Lily Evans Potter Additional Tags: Sev x Lily, Lily x Sev, First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter) Series: Part 1 of Words Left Unspoken Summary:
An AU:Years after breaking their friendship bc of her love for James, during the first WW, Lily can’t help but shake away the feelings she once had for Severus. She writes him a letter, confessing the love she once had for him. Upon reading the letter and hours of contemplating, Severus decides to reply to Lily in person rather than by letter.
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mrs-snape5984 · 5 months
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“I think, I know just what you’re longing for…”
“I may be undone, but nothing seems to undo you…” (“My Thieving Heart” by Sivert Høyem feat. Marie Munroe)
Wow…I’m crawling back to the surface of tumblr, coming from hell. My last crash has been one of the worst so far…I couldn’t stand up, I couldn’t get myself something to drink, I couldn’t eat, I wasn’t even capable of thinking in a proper way. Since I couldn’t even type anymore, I had to ask my sweet friend @vulnus-sanare to help me out by sending messages to some of my friends. I didn’t mean to make anyone feel worried about me, so please forgive me for my long silence.
This beautiful artwork, which I’ve requested from my lovely friend @opalchalice, is based on a dream, which I’ve had some weeks ago. Lia, I’m sorry for the delay, but I wanted to transform my dream into a short one-shot fiction to honour your fabulous work the way, it deserves to be seen. You know, that I’m a fan of your art, my dear….but this one…damn, Lia! You overwhelmed me with this stunning piece of art! Thank you so much for your understanding of my ideas. I’m beyond grateful for our verbal exchanges and I’m proud to call you my friend. You’re so talented and kind, Lia. Please…never change!
Now…back to my dream. Since I’m struggling immensely with brain fog, due to my disease ME/CFS, I noticed that my ability to write seems to fade away. This isn’t my best work and I’m very aware of this fact…so please keep in mind, that I’ve written this under the torture of my sickness and be gentle with me.
TW: smut and a slight mention of lactation kink…well…I leave it like that. 😅
🔞 🚫mdni 🔥💦 (1012 words)
More to love
It was midnight. From afar Julia could hear the faint tintinnabulation of the church tower bells…ringing once…and her bare feet touched the cold grass beneath herself. Twice…and she felt a cold breeze caressing her blushing cheeks. Tilting her head back, Julia closed her eyes and listened to the remaining ten strikes of the clock tower. Her nightdress was billowing in the wind, sending shivers down her spine.
Suddenly Julia sensed some arms coming from behind, tightly wrapped around her waist, when she was pulled back against a tall presence. A surprised gasp left her lips, but the familiar personal scent of her husband soothed her nerves immediately. “What are you doing here alone in the middle of the night, Jules?” Even after so many years, the deep voice of Julia’s husband caused a certain weakness to her knees. Severus‘ hot breath tickled the soft spot behind her ear, leaving goosebumps all over her alabaster skin. „You‘ll catch a cold, darling,” he murmured lovingly, burying his face in Julia’s wild curls. “Mmmh…so divine…,” she heard him whispering hoarsely, his voice was dripping with desire.
Severus’ hands roamed over her tummy, clenching the satiny fabrics of her nightdress in his lustful grasp. “Severus…,” she breathed, pressing her back against his chest. “…this isn’t the right pl…,” but one of his hands silenced her resolutely, whilst his other hand passed the plunging neckline of her nightdress, massaging her voluptuous bosom with a firm grip. “Shhh…stand still and be quiet, Jules,” Severus urged her, playfully pinching her erected nipples, causing a muffled whimper from his wife.
Suddenly, Julia felt two more hands grazing over her bare legs and her eyes widened in disbelief when she perceived another man kneeling beside her, shoving her nightgown up to her waist. But this wasn’t just any man, who touched her so intimately! The silky raven hair…the adorably crooked nose…and oh, those mesmerising obsidian eyes! She didn’t understand how this was even possible, but the man on his knees was no one other than a second version of her very own husband…observing her reactions with a seductive smile on his lips.
Julia couldn’t suppress a guttural moan escaping her lips…smothered by Severus’ hand on her mouth, when bold fingertips brushed against the edge of her panties…pulling them aside in a swift move. Another groan found its way up her throat as soon as a finger dipped into her moist depths. “Gods, you’re already so wet for us, Julia,” the deep voice of her husband cut the silence of the night, a subtle hint of mockery seemed to be layered underneath the lecherous tone of his words.
“Be a good girl and spread your legs for us, Jules,” Severus murmured close to her ear, still holding her in place from behind her back. His hand released her mouth…only to be replaced by his arm, tightly wrapped around her neck. The tickling sensation of Severus’ breath on her delicate skin sent goosebumps all over her body, which didn’t stay unnoticed by him. His amused chuckle echoed through the air, only to be followed by a strict demand: “Wider, Julia! We know, you could never get enough of us…”
Severus’ commanding tone and the mysterious situation left her speechless and aroused. The wetness between her thighs glistened in the moonlight, causing a never known neediness to creep up inside herself.
“Damn…you’re dripping already,” Severus teased her from his kneeling position, before his thumb started to draw circles on her throbbing clit, causing her to moan in delight. “Just give in and enjoy the magic, Jules…,” his dark voice growled and Julia couldn’t make out, who of them said that. The confusion mixed with her growing excitement made her feel slightly light-headed. Two fingers entered her moist entrance, adding a new layer of greediness to her already tense body. While her husband held her in place, his magical likeness drove the redhead crazy with the gentle and yet determined play of his digits….fingering her deliberately slowly…teasing her clit with his thumb until she begged for more. “Oh, gosh….yes! Please, Severus….fuck me! I’m begging you,” Julia whimpered desperately, almost crying from this lustful torture.
Suddenly a third Severus joined the scene. Julia noticed how good he looked with his man bun, a cheeky strand of hair falling over his eye, just like she had seen it countless times before, when her husband was focused on brewing his potions. His voice sounded so mockingly when he approached her, pinching her hardened nipples through the silky fabrics of her nightgown. “Well, well…what do we have here?,” he groaned huskily before he licked over the delicate skin on Julia’s neck. “Damn, you’re truly insatiable, Jules…but so am I!” Ripping off her dress, Severus revealed Julia’s soft, full breasts and bit his bottom lip in anticipation. “Fuck, Jules…you know, what I want…,” he murmured under his breath before his mouth found its destination…embracing her stiffened nipple with hungry eager. “Let me be your good boy, Jules…,” Severus mumbled before he started to suckle greedily until a small trace of milk drooled from the corner of his mouth…causing her legs to tremble.
“Aah! Severus…yes…do with me whatever you want…,” she whimpered needily, closing her eyes in pleasure.
“Oh no, Jules…open your eyes, my darling,” her husband growled from behind her back. “You will watch us, sweetheart…we want you to see everything, what we’re doing with you…and you will enjoy the view until you’re coming undone.” Julia couldn’t do anything else than nodding obediently, when Severus held her in place for his companions…pressing his hard cock against her back….
Suddenly Julia woke up from her naughty dream, with a loud gasp escaping from her mouth. Blinking rapidly, she looked at her familiar surroundings, feeling the soft surface of the bedsheets beneath her bare skin. Her gaze fell on her peacefully sleeping husband on the other side of the bed. Tenderly Julia bent over to place a little kiss on Severus’ adorably crooked nose…before she slipped underneath the covers to worship him the way, he deserved to be treated…..
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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drnecolii · 3 months
targeting my fellow snape simps/fans/apologists/supporters yet again (I love yall)
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
Bittersweet Beginnings
This is the highly requested part 2 to The New Potions Professor! I highly suggest you read part 1 before you read this one as it is a continuation! I apologize that it took so long, but it's finally done!
Minors DNI 18+ Only
Synopsis: With your impending graduation date soon approaching Severus Snape breaks your heart once again. Years later you see him again in the least place you'd expect, a meeting of The Order of the Phoenix. You enact a plan to get revenge, but it soon goes south and you fall head over heels for the heavily guarded man once again.
Notes: Reader is 18 years old and a 7th year student at the start of the fic and Snape is her Professor (he's 21 at the start of the fic), Preestablished relationship (See part 1), reader has a vagina, use of she/her pronouns and references to the reader with feminine terms such as lady etc.
Warnings: NSFW, questionable morals, age gap (two and half years), student x professor, pet names, master kink, unprotected sex, fingering, semi-public sex, arguments/yelling, overprotective Sev, if I missed anything let me know!
Genre: Smut, a bit of angst, happy ending though!
Word count: 4,948
Tagging: @smilingformoney because she requested this the most lol I really hope I did it justice!
Each of your detentions with Severus had been better than the last and still, you continued to act like a brat in his classes and he happily continued to dish out the devilish punishments. The only problem that faced you both was your ultimate graduation in a few weeks' time. You’d had several job offers, but none of them felt right, not yet. You were holding out hope for anything that would allow you to continue having your secret meetups with Severus. Hope has been running rather thin lately and both of your nerves were rather shot. You’d been fighting more than normal and you were beginning to question if Severus was worth all of this. Sure, the sneaking around was fun, but what would it become when it was no longer something deemed worthy of concealment and questionable morals? You had been of age the entire time, but still, seeing a professor behind the backs of everyone was nothing short of a rush of adrenaline. Would that feeling go away after your graduate? Would Severus break your heart again, or would you break his this time?
“You need to learn to behave, little slut. What are you going to do when you graduate and your master’s not here to punish you?” Severus tuts, ramming into your hole with delicious force threatening to split you in two as you snap back to reality.
Your eyes roll back in your head and the only thing that tumbles out of your mouth is incoherent nonsense. The ball of pressure swells in your stomach, you’re right there on the edge again and you need release so badly, but Severus refuses to give it to you. Groaning your hips snap up searching for anything to get you off quickly before he can deny you your high for the third time tonight.
“Words or I’ll make you use them,” he demands. 
“I — don’t — know!” You screech through his thrusts. “I need you, Sev! Please let me come!”
“I think you’ve performed well enough, pet. Come for me, darling,” Severus demands.
Back arching off the desk, your hips meet in one last thrust as your high pulses through you like lightning. Fireworks explode through you and your breathing stills as you work your way through the pleasure, finally gasping for a breath of air as you come down, your face contorts as one last ripple pulses through you as you feel Severus come with a guttural grunt. Several moans reverberate through the room as he paints your walls with his come.
Severus chuckles and slows his assault on your hole, a whimper escaping your lips at the overstimulation as he withdraws and lays beside you on his desk casting a cleaning spell and redressing you both. As he gazes up at the ceiling of the cold, dimly lit potions classroom, he conjures an image of the night sky outside. Throughout his life, the stars have always provided him with comfort and strength. The strength that he so desperately needs right now to do what he knows is the only way forward. The only way that things will work out for you in the end.  “You need me, huh? Well, I don’t need you,” he says finally, cringing at how harsh it sounds.
“What?” you question, tears brimming your eyes. “You don’t need me?”
“No. I have to have you,” Severus says, wiping your tears away. “I simply cannot live without you but I think I’m going to have to learn how to again.”
“I don’t want to hold you here, I want you to find your own path. I want you to follow your dreams and your passions. You can’t do that if you are attached to me. I’m bad news. Bad things are coming. It’s faint, but my mark is returning.”
“The fuck?” you whisper, your eyes falling on his left forearm. Sure enough, you can make out the remnants of a black smudge on his arm. It doesn’t wipe away when you touch it.
“He’s not dead,” Severus whispers. “He can’t be or this would be gone completely. He’s still out there and you can’t be associated with me. He will return.”
“I don’t care –”
“I know, but let’s just enjoy the time we have left together, okay?” Severus says softly. “Please, promise me after you graduate, you won’t come looking for me and you won’t get hung up on me.”
Swallowing down everything screaming at you to stay by his side, to protect him, to hold him close and say he’s being ridiculous, but you don’t. “Let’s enjoy the time we have left,” you agree, a feeling of dread growing in your gut.
“Remus, Sirius,” you say in greeting, grasping each of their hands in a firm shake. “It’s nice to see you two again.” You hadn’t seen either of them since your school days and even then it was only in passing, you knew of each other, but never really knew each other.
“You as well,” Remus smiles, leaning down to kiss your hand gently bringing a blush to your cheeks. He had always been quite the gentleman and fairly handsome. You’d had a crush on him once upon a time during your first few years at Hogwarts, before – no you refused to think of that bitch. Fuck him.
“Kreature!” Sirius calls. “Take these bags up to the guest room. So, your first Order meeting?” Sirius asks presumably. 
“Yes, I just recently joined though I’ve always been very adamant about my views. Dumbledore persuaded me, said my new position at the Ministry could prove to make me very useful.”
“He’s quite good at that,” Remus chuckles, placing an arm over your shoulder. “Here, let me give you a tour while Sirius here gets back to cleaning his pigsty of a home with the rest of the ladies in the meeting room.”
“Hey!” Sirius says, jabbing Remus in the side. “Fuck you, mate! When you’re done playing house how about both of you come to help us out.”
Remus and Sirius throw around a few more lighthearted insults and you giggle along. It’s nice to feel welcome and included after spending so many years in isolation focusing on your career. You wish this meeting could be for happier reasons, but with You Know Who having returned, it really puts a damper on things knowing that a war is coming anytime.
“So what have you been up to after graduating from Hogwarts?” Remus asks. “You were three years behind us in school weren’t you?”
“Uh yeah, I was,” you say counting the years back in your head. “I went off to work at the Ministry immediately. I took a temp job at first and worked my way up to my current position in the Department of Mysteries. What about you?”
“Oh,” Remus starts, his gaze lowering to the floor. “I’ve been unemployed most of the time due to my – illness. I taught at Hogwarts for a school term, but my illness got the better of me. Enough about me, though. What exactly do you do at the Ministry?” Remus jokes with a smile.
“Can’t say,” you laugh. “But, of course, you already knew that.”
“Caught red-handed,” he belly laughs, his hands thrown up in the air in defense. “Ah, here we are. This is where you’ll be staying while you’re here,” he says pushing open the large mahogany door. “I’m the door to your right if you ever need me… for anything,” he says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, I better be off. Gotta go help get everything ready for tonight. See you later?”
“Yeah, see you later,” you smile, deciding to use your spare time before dinner to shower and freshen up. Remus has only gotten cuter with age, perhaps it’s time you allow yourself the chance to move on from him. Given his current allegiance you are positive you’ll never see or hear from him again. Good riddance.
It turns out you were wrong. So very wrong. 
As soon as you walk into the kitchen downstairs, you feel his dark orbs following your every movement, but you refuse to even spare him a glance. Instead, you throw yourself on Remus, laughing, joking, and flirting with him the entire meal. Fuck him. He deserves to rot in hell. You’re going to make him regret ever letting you go.
“Snivellus, you old lap dog,” Sirius jeers, taunting him during the meeting after the children and other non-members cleared out after dinner. “How is your master?” he sneers, spitting in his direction.
“I am loyal to Dumbledore,” Snape says emotionlessly. “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”
“Report in Snape,” Remus demands, ignoring the rising tension in the room. “What new information do you have for us?”
“I hate to come here empty handed but unfortunately I don’t have anything new to share.”
“Hiding something are ya, Snivellus?” Sirius demands, his voice snaking around the room.
“No,” Snape responds, his hand twitching, ready to grab his wand and fight to the death if it comes to it.
“Alright you two, stop fighting like ex-lovers,” you scoff, placing your hand over Remus’s and rubbing his thumb gently with yours. “Do continue with your reports.”
“O- of course,” Remus stutters, continuing on with the meeting.
You listen half-heartedly, trying to focus on what Remus is saying, but really, your attention is fixed on Severus. You can see him out of the corner of your eye, squirming in his seat, and you can't help but smirk to yourself. You had been so wrapped up in him, so sure that he was the one, only to be left heartbroken and alone. Now, you thought it was time to show him that you could move on, that you had not one ounce of love left for him.
Seeing him doubled over in the corner in an attempt to make himself small and disappear you have no doubts that he will scurry away the first chance he gets. He’s always been nothing but a coward and you can’t help but feel a bit of satisfaction seeing him like this; nothing wrong with pretending Remus is your boyfriend for a few hours, right? After all, he deserves nothing less than seeing you happy and in love with someone else. So, you scoot closer and closer to Remus until your bodies are as close as possible in your separate chairs. Severus’s dark orbs never leave you, his gaze constantly burning your skin.
As the meeting draws to its close, you begin formulating your escape plan, deciding to rush back to your room as quickly as possible. Remus has other plans though, pulling you to the side and away from the crowd.
“How was your first meeting?”
“It was fine, I suppose. A bit overwhelming. I’m actually pretty tired, I was thinking I would head back to my room for the night.”
“Mind if I join you for a bit? It’s a bit crowded and loud down here. I - I enjoy talking to you,” he says a blush creeping up his ears.
“Sure,” you smile, gripping his arm. “Lead the way.”
Remus begins to lead you through the crowd but abruptly stops when Severus blocks his way. 
“Mind if I have a chat with the lady?” he sneers.
“You two know each other?” Remus questions, his eyes wide as he senses the ever-growing tension. 
“Yes,” Severus says, “and I would love to catch up with her.”
“Of course, I’ll see you later then.”
“Fuck off,” you say, pushing past him and up the stairs to your room, attempting to shut the door behind you but Severus sticks his foot in the doorway.
“It’s been a while,” Severus says. “Please, just let me in. I want to chat somewhere in private.”
“Fine,” you huff, crossing your arms as you let him inside and shut the door behind him. “Five minutes that’s all you get.”
“I’m sorry, I was so wrong to let you go again. I’ve regretted it every single day.” Severus stares at you, waiting for you to speak, when you don’t he tries again. “I’ve followed your every movement since you graduated but I’ve been too cowardly to attempt contact until now.”
“Stalker now, huh? Four minutes.”
Severus starts talking faster, he knows you weren’t kidding now when you said he only had five minutes. “No, no. It’s not like that. I wanted to make sure you were safe. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to make things right. I am truly sorry.”
“Two minutes.”
“You know what! Fuck you!” Severus screeches. “I don’t even know why I thought I’d get anywhere with you. You’ve always been such a stubborn brat. That must be your middle name, huh? Or maybe it’s ‘ruin Severus’s life’ cause that’s all you’ve done since I’ve known you!”
“Oh really! I’ve done nothing but ruin your life! You’re the one who has pushed me away not once but twice! No, fuck you, Severus!”
“I know! And I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Both times have been to protect you from me! I don’t deserve love, I don’t deserve you. You’re right. You’ve always been right! I’m nothing but a traitor and a coward and now I’m giving my life making up for my mistakes!”
“What do you mean you’re giving your life?” you ask, eyebrows furling.
“I gave my life to Dumbledore,” he whispers. “In exchange to protect you, to keep you out of this shit! But he got to you too! You shouldn’t be here, this war doesn’t concern you. I fucked up, I fucked up so bad when I was a kid. I can never right those wrongs. People died because of me, fuck he’s back partly because of me too! I just wanted to keep you safe –”
You don't know what possessed you, but before you know it, you're kissing him with an intensity you thought you had lost forever. His lips feel soft and inviting against yours, and you get lost in the moment, feeling a warmth and happiness that you thought was lost in the past. You feel a deep connection to him that you never knew existed, and you revel in the sensation of being in his arms. As you deepen the kiss, you feel as though you're coming back to life and out of the darkness you’ve been trapped in for years.
“Fuck, I hate you, Severus Snape,” you pant. “Isn't it strange that we keep returning to this place of love and hate?”
He stands there, his gaze imploring you to hate him. His voice is soft yet desperate. "I'm asking you to really mean it," he continues, "to take out all of your frustrations on me. I deserve it for what I have done." His eyes are wide, his expression a mixture of sadness and guilt. He takes a deep breath, his chest heaving with emotion. "Please," he whispers, "I need you to hate me. It's the only way.”
“I can’t,” you admit.
“Please, try.”
“I’ve tried and I can’t.”
“We can’t be together.”
“Who said that other than you?”
Severus stops, his lips pursued together. “No one,” he says finally after a long silence.
“Exactly. Stop overthinking everything, Severus. What do you want? I want you to listen to your heart,” you plead, poking him hard in the chest. “What does your heart say?”
“My… heart?” Severus asks, clutching his chest. “I can’t hear my heart over the screaming in my head that tells me I need to stay as far away from you as possible to keep you safe.”
“Enough!” you shout. “Just get out if you want nothing to do with me.”
Severus stands, his fingers lingering on the doorknob as he hesitates. He knows he should turn it and leave the room, but something inside him can't make himself do it. He pauses for a moment, weighing his options, before finally giving in and turning the knob. He takes one last look around the room before taking a deep breath and stepping out into the hallway. His heart plummets in his stomach and he turns around. “No, I can’t leave you like this,” he mutters, shutting the door behind him again and standing in front of it, unsure of what to do with his body. “I was right before, I can’t live without you. I have to have you.”
He could feel his heart racing as he stepped closer to you, the voice in his head telling him to stop and turn away pushed further and further away until it was barely a whisper. He was drawn to you, captivated by your beauty and grace, and he could no longer resist the temptation. He reached out, his hand trembling slightly, and brushed his fingers lightly across your cheek. His touch was gentle, like a feather, and he felt you leaning into it. He smiled softly and bent down to kiss you. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do, brat,” he taunts, his words lighting a fire deep within you.
“Show me all we’ve missed then.” Your eyes sparkle with promise, but your cheeks blush a little at the implication behind your words. You start walking back towards the door, taking a few steps before stopping and turning back around to face Severus, your eyes flashing dangerously.
Severus watches you saunter towards him. His cock has never been more ready for this moment. The blood rushes through his body as if his body is actually feeling the force of his arousal. He grabs you roughly and pulls you close, pressing you up against the wall, just short of where you can reach him. Your arms come around his neck, holding on tight as you press your lips hard against his. You kiss him deeply, your tongue exploring his mouth as your hips begin to grind harder against him. Severus groans and starts grinding against you, driving himself closer to you. His hands slide under your skirt, squeezing your ass. You bite his lip as you continue kissing him. You want so badly to rip off your clothes and throw them across the room; to strip yourself naked and beg him to ravish you.
You slowly release your hold on him and push him away, breaking the kiss. A wave of sadness crashes over you as you feel the warmth and passion leave him, leaving him cold and alone again.
“Let’s go downstairs and make some noise, Severus.”
He looks at you, astonished. "But what about the Order? They are still down there!"
"Trust me," you say taking his hand and leading him down the stairs.
The whole time, Severus stares wide-eyed at you, mesmerized by the change that’s happening in front of him. You don’t even look at him. Instead, you stare straight ahead, like prey keeping a watchful eye out for their predator. You know that if anyone spots the two of you together, the jig is up and you won't get to have your fun. Luckily, you manage to maneuver your way around the crowd thanks to the tour of the house Remus gave you earlier. 
“In here,” you whisper ushering Severus into the broom closet that just so happens to share two walls with the meeting room where everyone is blissfully unaware of them.
Severus catches on quickly, muttering a silencing and concealment charm to further hide your whereabouts. “You want to fuck me in a broom closet? In Sirius Black's house? With him just a room over?”
“Yes,” you breathe. “And I need you to help me do it without anyone finding out.”
That gets his attention. It doesn't take long before he moves closer, kissing you hungrily. His hands wander down, seeking you out. You aren't sure if it was a part of his charm or simply because he wanted to fuck you and make up for all the lost time as fast as possible. Either way, you didn't stop him when he pushed you against the wall, the brooms clanking to the floor in the small space as he tore off your underwear and stuck a finger between your legs. It did nothing for a moment, allowing you time to adjust to his thick finger but soon he began curling it, searching for that gummy spot that would have you writhing in pleasure.
It was heaven. Everything about this felt right. The cinnamon and herbal smell on his clothes; the frantic pounding of his heart; the sultry sounds escaping from his throat. The hot intensity of his skin pressing against yours; the feel of his still-clothed cock rubbing against your thigh. His hand moved slowly up your body, lingering on your breasts as his fingers caressed your nipples. Your toes curled as pleasure shot through your whole body.
His hand continued to travel upwards. You tilted your head back, welcoming him to gently squeeze your throat, wearing his hand like a necklace proudly. 
You had never experienced anything like this. Never had a man taste, touch, and kiss like Severus Snape. Never experienced how everything inside you reacted to his touch. How it quivered through your body with each soft brush of his fingertips driving you mad.
You closed your eyes and arched your hips, grinding on him. Moaning softly into his mouth, your nails dug into his shoulders. It was almost too much, his warmth invading your very soul. And then another finger pressed into your entrance, slick and warm, making you whimper and squirm beneath him. His other hand left your throat and cupped your breast, teasing your nipple.
The waves built and broke, becoming more intense than ever before. Severus started moaning your name into your ear. There wasn't any thought in your mind, no care for what might happen if you were discovered. All you can think about is the pleasure you are currently experiencing, nothing else matters.
Your hands claw at the shelves, searching for any sort of leverage to hold yourself upright on shaky legs. He snakes his hand behind your back, holding you in place and giving you the support you were seeking moments earlier, allowing you to fully focus on your climax. Which comes hard and fast, your juices flowing out thick and staining Severus’s pants as you continue to grind down on his thigh. “Fuck, give me a minute, Sev. It’s too much,” you cry out and Severus slows his movements before removing his fingers from you. The absence leaves you feeling empty and cold. “I need you, Sev. Please fuck me.”
“Needy brat,” Severus huffs, dispelling both of your clothes with a simple spell. His hard cock is red and leaking already as he lines himself up with your entrance. “Okay?” he asks as he slowly slips into you.
“Mhmm,” you whine as he slowly starts moving, his pace increasing bit by bit.
It didn't matter who knew about this, if you were caught, or if they saw what you were doing. It didn't matter. This was everything. When Severus wrapped one leg around yours, driving himself deeper inside you, thrusting and squeezing as hard as he could, it all became meaningless.
His body bucked against yours, driving deep and fast. His muscles flexed as his legs tensed and drew you in tight. You started shaking, shuddering beneath him as your second climax approached fast. It didn't seem to affect him at all. If anything, he tightened his hold and sucked your neck harder.
Then he was shaking uncontrollably as well, both of you on the edge, seeking relief. He lowered his forehead to press it against yours. "I love you. I love you forever and always,” he whispers, grunting as he continues to fuck you.
“I love you too, Sev.”
The rumble coming from his chest and throat was enough to make your insides go wild. Your fingernails left red lines on his shoulders as you held onto him for dear life. Gripping your ass, he slammed into you again and again. Filling you with so much lust and passion, you would've done anything for him. No one else in the world mattered except Severus, taking you with all the ferocity of someone who was scared of losing you.
With a screech you both come at the same time, Severus gloriously painting your walls with his come as you tighten around him. He pulls out and his slick and yours run down your legs. It’s a beautiful sticky mess showcasing all of the passion you’ve both been keeping buried and locked away for years.
“Maybe the sounds coming from here,” you hear Remus saying from outside the broom closet.
“Fuck! I thought you put up a silencing charm,” you whisper, hitting Severus in the side.
“I did.”
“Then why isn’t it working?”
“Because I set it up so that Remus and Sirius could still hear us a bit, but no one else. Don’t worry, the concealment charm was set for everyone, no one will see us even if they open the door.”
“Severus Snape!” you exclaim, slapping him. A gasp escapes your lips as the broom closet is opened, light seeping in.
“Hhmm,” Remus says. “It’s empty, Sirius. You must have another boggart somewhere we are hearing but something has definitely been in here. Look at that shit on the ground.”
“Ew,” Sirius says. “Looks like come. That is disgusting,” he gags. “I’ll get Kreature in here to clean it up and go hunt for a boggart I guess.”
Remus slams the door shut and the two men’s voices outside fade away.
“Severus! Oh my god! That was so close!” you shout. “How naughty of you!”
“Hey, you’re the one who said we should come downstairs and make some noise. Or have you forgotten?”
“Fuck you, Sev,” you grumble, kissing him on the cheek. “Now clean up this mess, please.”
“Oh, Severus! What are you doing here so early?” Molly asks, finishing up breakfast and passing out the plates.
“I slept over.”
“I didn’t know you were staying last night, dear! Where on earth did you sleep?”
“Oh, um…” Severus’s eyes search for yours for help.
“He slept in my room,” you say with a shrug. “We’ve been together for… a while.”
Remus chokes on his tea and he and Sirius exchange a glance, their expressions unreadable.
“Oh really! Congratulations! You make such a cute couple!”
“Thank you so much, Mrs. Weasley!”
Severus grumbles some thank yous and sips his coffee. 
“You’re dating Snivellus? You could do way better than him,” Sirius scoffs, resting a hand on Remus’s shoulder. Remus brushes his hand off as he stands.
“May I have a word really quick?”
“What was the deal with last night? Why were you leading me on? That was a low blow,” Remus says softly.
“I - I know and I’m sorry. Severus and I had a fight, I was trying to make him jealous. It was wrong of me to do that to you. Please forgive me.”
“No worries. I always had a crush on you when we were in school, by the way,” Remus smiles. “I wish you two the best.”
“Honey, what are you doing here?” Severus asks, looking up from grading papers in his classroom late one night.
“I have a surprise for you.”
“Oh really?” he hums, placing his quill down. “Do share.”
“I think this will suffice,” you say handing him a parchment which he unrolls to read.
“You withdrew from your position at the Ministry? Why on earth would you do such a thing? I thought you loved your job.”
“I did, but I don’t see a future there for myself anymore.”
“Why is that? What changed?”
“Well, Sev. I - I’m pregnant.”
“What? Are you really?” Severus jumps to his feet when you nod and scoops you up into a hug. “I must hide you. No one can know,” he says suddenly very solemnly.
“Why not?”
“I’ve got to protect you and my unborn child now. No one must find you.”
“Sev, we aren’t doing this again. I’m staying with you, I’m staying here at Hogwarts.”
“I’ve already talked to Dumbledore. He’s getting us a bigger living area set up and he’s offered me a job as Minerva’s assistant. It’s all taken care of.”
“Of course, he wouldn’t tell me any of this,” he grumbles.
“This was all on me, Sev. I wanted to tell you.” 
“So when do you begin?” 
“So we’ve got approximately two days before the whole castle knows I have a girlfriend and that she’s pregnant? Great. I can sense all the rumors already.”
“Hey don’t think about that right now, Sev. Just think about us starting our family. You’re going to be a great dad.”
“I sure hope so.”
“You know, it’s a bit bittersweet,” you say softly, staring out into the night sky from one of the small windows.
“How so?”
“To bring a child into the world when it’s in such turmoil. I’m happy, but we are in for a wild ride.”
“We’ll face it together, honey. I promise. I’m done being a coward. I’m done running.”
“Good, 'cause if you pull that ‘I’m protecting you’ shit again, I won’t come back this time. Got it?”
“Got it.”
You lied. You know that you lied so very hard. No matter what, you’ll always be pulled back to Severus like the ocean gets pulled back into itself as the waves crash upon the shore. You’re connected, intertwined, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Who knew banging your professor could turn out so good?
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nocturnus33 · 6 months
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The meaning of mistletoe by Endrina, first volume of The secret language of plants. @llendrinall I have read this charming story several times. The voice of the narration, with its fairy tale reminiscence, is something I really like. Endrina is a great author, it is worth reading their novel length fics.
Typeset by Lindsey P. For those inexperienced in fandom, this story can be read for free at AO3.
What I like:
It's quite a simple binding, but something in it remind me of the old editions of my childhood. Reading it give me a special kind of joy, it's both, the comfort of this story and the childhood-like feeling this tome brings me while holding it
What I could do better:
I had problems with the guillotining of the edges, but went ahead [I had already lost a lot of material with a failed first printing]. I couldn't say what happened, but - for me - that mistake gives a Je ne sais quoi to the edition that I love. I don't know why, but when I was a child, back in the 70's, I had many books with the same feeling. The paper was a bit thicker than usual, and the edges weren't perfectly cut. I didn't realize, until I sat down to read this edition, that this binding conjures up memories of my childhood.
Special thanks: During the process, I had a severe case of printer hiccups (Or binder's brain hiccups, to be more precise) but @getfuckedblr hold my hand and helped me.
[If I learned to bind, you can do it too. It's not that difficult... ok a little at first, but it is doable. Don't buy fic binds, ok? It spoils fandom's fun]
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Sneak Peak on a WIP 👀
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Hermione’s eyes were heavy and her chin resting in her hands, her elbows on top of the book in her lap, when the basement door slammed open. She jumped up as Walburga began shrieking. Professor Snape whipped his wand towards the portrait and it was immediately silenciod.
“Professor!” Hermione exclaimed and hurried after him as he made his way to the floo in the drawing room.
“Go to bed, Miss Granger.”
“Wait! Professor, please, I need to ask you something.”
“How unfortunate for you since it is summer and I am not in any way required to listen to your incessant-”
“-Professor, please!” she cried.
Professor Snape came to a stop. He released a long, loud breath of air and then spun around. “Quickly.”
Hermione gasped, stunned she managed to sway him so quickly. “I just- I need to know if it was a warning. Are you- am I becoming evil?”
Professor Snape blinked slowly. “What?”
“Professor, please-”
“-Be direct, Miss Granger. I am not going to stand here and puzzle together your thoughts.”
“The book!” she all but shouted at him. “The book you sent me! I read it! Because of course I read it. Am I a dark witch? Is that why my magic feels this way? Why I’m angry and mean and awful?”
“What. Book.”
Hermione blinked quickly. She held it out for him. Professor Snape looked alarmed as he took the book on dark magic.
“Where the blazes did you get this?”
Hermione stared at him. “It- did you not send it to me?”
He stared at her in wide-eyed horror. “Why on earth would I send you a book?”
She frowned. “Who else would send me a book like that for my studies?”
She gestured. “That’s what it says on the inside.”
Professor Snape opened the book and his face paled dramatically at the words inscribed there.
Hermione stared at him. She’d never seen so much expression on her professor’s face. Just as the thought crossed her mind, his expression fell away. He was occluding, she thought. 
“Professor… did you not send me this book?”
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seriousbrat · 9 months
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Lily, Severus, and the Marauders are in their final years at Hogwarts, as the Wizarding World is thrown into chaos. Severus walks a dark path, one that will put his friendship with Lily to the test. James, Sirius, and Peter risk everything to help Remus, while Lily struggles to find her place in a world that is increasingly hostile towards Muggleborns.
READ ON AO3 DECEMBER, 1975 - COKEWORTH, EAST MIDLANDS “We used to have a lot of fun when we were kids, didn't we?” “Yeah, we did.” They walk towards Lily's house in silence, the unspoken knowledge that things have changed hanging between them. “When did things get so hard?” says Lily finally. “I don't know. I s'pose we got older, didn't we? It always gets hard as you get older.” “That's true. I can't help but miss those days, you know?” “I miss it too,” says Sev softly. “It was simpler then.” “Ah, c'mere you." She grasps his arm, pulling them close together as they walk. “Cokeworth never really changes though, does it?” says Lily. “No, not really. Still a stinking pisshole.”
part one (complete) / part two (complete) / part three (complete)
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redroses694 · 2 months
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Me writing my Snily fanfic lol
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anaki-boo · 11 months
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This stone bird appeared in the second half of winter. Even at Christmas she was not there, and in February she was already looking at Harry with her blind stone eyes. The bird was definitely conjured, because it was one with the tombstone, as if it was born from it. It was a raven with folded wings and a slightly open beak. As if he wanted to say something.
One could only guess who decided to decorate the grave of the professor, and why it was a raven. Not some bat, not a snake, finally. A raven. Perhaps it was the symbol of wisdom and death. Yes, Harry even read about it specifically in Agatha Daredevil's book "Symbolism in Magical Transformations".
"Raven," she wrote, "has long meant mind and has been associated with death. He embodies prophecy and insight. Crows in stories often act as psychopomps connecting the material world with the spirit world."
Don't ask why Harry needed to know about the raven. And even more so, don't ask why he visited the grave of his former professor so many times in a row. He didn't quite know the answer himself.
They say that criminals are drawn to the crime scene. But it was there—in the Screaming Hut, where he left him to die all alone, bleeding. But here… This grave was just a pit with a stone coffin in which Snape's remains were placed — evidence of Harry's crime. But he remembered the basics of first aid, he remembered, and then for some reason he thought that he was powerless before fate itself.
Harry still dreamed of Snape, paralyzed by Nagaina's poison, unconscious. His light warm breath, his eyes glazed with pain (but not from death). How long had he been lying there when they left before he died? A couple of minutes? An hour? Or maybe more?
Harry first visited his grave in June. He came alone and at dawn, sneaked in there like a thief. He was going to make some kind of speech, ask for forgiveness. But even though there was no one to eavesdrop on her, Harry couldn't get a word out of himself. Instead, for some reason, he burst into tears like a child. At the funeral — Lupin and Tonks, Freddy, baby Creevey, Snape himself — did not cry. But then... the speech was successful only in August.
Since then, Harry had been dropping in on the professor at least once a month, on one of the extra-curricular Saturdays. I told him about my life, shared all sorts of nonsense. He did not ask for forgiveness, as if he knew that the professor no longer holds a grudge. And as if he understands.
“Do you mind if I sort out your things?” Harry asked in May.
Only yesterday, the Hogwarts cemetery paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the battle. Today, the usual silence reigned here again.
“No one has touched them all this year. However, the elves have recently collected... how should I say... personal — clothes and all that. There are papers left in your office. No one knows who would need them, and I told McGonagall that I could take them. Not all of them, of course. But... something important. She said she would have given it to my mom if she were alive. But she's not alive, and you're out… So you don't mind, I think.”
The grave did not answer, nor did the raven. Their tacit permission was granted.
There was a warm spring calm. The sun was hot, the back and the back of my head were hot. It was like someone's tight embrace.
Surprisingly, there were few papers. So — study plans, several business and personal letters (Harry decided not to poke his nose into envelopes with the Malfoy coat of arms, but to forward them to Draco) and books, most of which were with a library seal, and over which Madame Pince then groaned.
"Professor Snape was constantly delaying the delivery of books! But about this one — he lied to my eyes in an impudent way, said that some scoundrels stole it and burned it!".
In the top drawer of the desk, under stacks of blank paper, Harry found an old, battered diary. The entries in it were completely irregular, sometimes Snape forgot about the diary for several months. There were potion recipes, whole phrases in runic notation, addresses (Harry assumed they were potion customers or ingredient suppliers), and drawings and squiggles that Harry remembered from the Potions textbook.
The guilt that seemed to have calmed down over the past year came flooding back to Harry. He randomly leafed through this old notebook and thought about how much he had personally deprived the magical world. If Harry had stayed, he would have helped Snape, if he had called for help, the professor could have been saved. And with him — his developments. Dozens of useful potions and spells. Cured diseases, solved problems and saved lives…
Harry shifted the notebook to his other hand and started leafing through from the end. On the last filled page, at the very bottom, a bird was drawn in ink. Smooth body, large open beak and folded wings. It was the same raven that appeared on Snape's tombstone in winter. Words written in the professor's familiar small handwriting seemed to fly out of the raven's mouth:
"Feed the bird."
In the lower right corner there was a postscript made in pencil:
"If you go to feed, take a broom."
Harry loved riddles, but he didn't like being overcome by excruciating excitement. Like, for example, this time.
Harry took with him a broom and treats for the raven. There was a piece of bread and a sausage wrapped in a paper bag in his pocket. In his mind, the raven would definitely have been treated to some of this.
It looked stupid. He was standing in the middle of the cemetery with a broom and trying to stuff his breakfast into the mouth of a stone statue. She refused to eat.
“Feed… Feed the bird. But how?!” he muttered, feeling himself getting angry.
Why did he even think that this was the same bird? What makes him think that the professor left him a hint? And what was he going to find anyway? A hiding place? A cache with something important? For example, by a will? Snape didn't care about earthly things, and he had nothing to bequeath, except for the old house, which, as McGonagall told him, he hated with all his heart.
Angrily, Harry threw the spoiled food on the ground and began sorting through everything he knew about crows in his head. As a child, these birds scared little Harry. Aunt Petunia knew about it and said: "Don't look at them, or they, bloodthirsty creatures, will peck out your green devilish eyes."
“Bloodthirsty… Bloodthirsty creatures," Harry whispered thoughtfully and bit his finger with his teeth.
The blood did not appear immediately, it had to be squeezed out of the wound. Harry put his hand to the bird's beak and smeared it with blood.
The stone moved. At first, the raven moved its head, then cawed soundlessly — just opened its beak several times. Then he spread his wings, stamped on the spot and fluttered up.
Then Harry understood why the broom was needed.
"Why the hell were you going through my papers? Arrogant, stupid, curious, shameless... why are you silent? Can you feel your hands? Do you feel it or not?!”
Snape was furious, his eyes were shooting lightning, but Harry was not afraid. To see him—pale and with bloodless lips—on the floor of a Screaming hut, to see him off on his last journey a few days later, to come to his grave for the first time — that was what was scary. But now I'm sitting in a chair, leaning closer to the fireplace, licking drops of firewhisky from my lips and watching the professor rub his stiff fingers… It wasn't scary at all.
Let his hands be completely frozen from the long flight, let them turn red. Let this village house be unfamiliar and creepy, and it looked like no one had lived here for a long time and only recently a person had settled here. Let Snape, aged and with a torn, scarred throat peeking out of the collar of his robe, shout at him (thank Merlin, his voice remained the same). Harry was happy. And he couldn't get a word out of himself.
“Do you feel it? Are you going to answer me?”
Harry nodded, somewhat drunkenly and sluggishly, and only then did Snape leave him alone.
He sat down at a table—a long one and probably intended for a large family that once lived here, and now almost completely covered with dried herbs- and began to unwrap one of these dried bouquets. His fingers nervously fingered the thin stems and selected suitable ones.
“I…” Harry finally managed to say, but then he trailed off.
Snape looked at him sternly, and there was a threat in that look.
“I was hoping it would be Minerva. Or, in extreme case, Miss Granger…
“Weasley”, Harry interrupted automatically. Hermione, who had been Ron's wife for three months now, was constantly correcting her acquaintances who called her by her maiden name. “She's Mrs. Weasley now”.
Snape snorted. As he was doing it before — ironically , disapproving and arrogantly.
“ I had a better opinion of her. Well… What the hell did you want in my desk? What were you looking for there? Memories? My diary, in which I confessed to crimes? They wanted to sell his Skitter, probably, and…
"I wasn't looking for anything," Harry interrupted him again. "McGonagall gave me permission to take your papers, that's all. The office had to be vacated for a new teacher. She allowed it… She allowed me to take what I think is necessary.
“Allowed you? And why on earth would that be?”
“I needed it.”
“Why did you need it? Couldn't leave me alone even after death?
“Couldn't," Harry muttered, reaching for a bottle of firewhisky. It was standing at his feet.
The esophagus burned with heat, it became difficult to breathe at first, and then immediately felt better. Even the excitement has subsided.
“Why would that be? Tormented by guilt?”
"No, no guilt," Harry lied. “ I just fell in love. You know, it happens like this… You know a person for many years, and then he dies, becomes less disgusting and malicious, and you even have a communication. So you can fall in love. Even... with such a… you.”
He took two more big gulps, and a very pleasant heat spread in his chest.
Snape was silent and stared at the herbs on the table. It seemed that now they would break out and a fire would start.
“And how did you...? The antidote? Or did someone help?”
"Someone helped," Snape echoed and, apparently deciding that Harry had had enough to drink, called for a bottle with non—verbal and non-verbal spell.
He waved his hand — and it jerked and flew to the table, hitting the bottom on the edge.
“Malfoy? I've seen his letters… You were friends, right? … Are friends, I mean”
"Can you take the stairs?" Won't you wring your neck? Or do you need to be levitated?
It took Harry a moment to realize what the professor meant.
“ Are you inviting me... to stay? After what I…”
“ You won't be able to fly back in this condition. I won't let you apparate drunk, and I don't have a sobering one. You will spend the night here, and in the morning I will erase your memory.”
“ What are you going to do to me that you will have to erase my memory?” Harry laughed.
“I don't like you, Potter...” Snape looked at him as if he suspected some kind of bad change in him or someone else's evil influence.
“Yes, to be honest, I don't like myself ... but you…” Harry paused, feeling like a drunken fool. “Don’t erase my memory. I'm coming back anyway. In a week or a month…”
“Yes, you are coming back. I have no doubt in your stickiness, Potter.”
A few things didn't happen next morning. Firstly, they did not quarrel, although they could have. Secondly, Harry did not apologize for what he said drunk in the living room yesterday. As if he felt it was wrong to apologize for telling Severus the truth. Thirdly, Snape never erased his memory.
And, to be honest, Harry didn't go anywhere. Neither in the morning, nor in the evening, nor the next day.
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starrylayle · 5 months
Regulus’ character in fanon is so funny coz — guy who gets abused by his parents? Gets peer pressured to join the death eaters? Highly intelligent? An excellent potions master? Like babe ur describing kid Snape u can come out of the closet as a snapie I promise u are still loved (maybe)
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fanficshiddles · 7 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 26
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WARNINGS: Character Death.
The blood curdling scream from a student out in the corridor had every teacher running out of their classroom to see what was going on.
Chris had been in his office when he heard the scream too as a student came running inside one of the side doors of the building. Though he saw exactly what was wrong as he looked out of the window.
Loki and Claire were confused, and Claire was scared, what the hell was happening? All she saw was Chris storming down the corridor, his eyes were blazing red and his hands balled into fists as he cracked his neck a few times.
‘Keep your students safe. By any means necessary.’ He barked out at all the teachers as he reached the end of the corridor.
Loki looked out the window on front of them opposite his classroom. His eyes widened.
‘Claire. Get inside the classroom. Now.’ Claire’s eyes went wide as she looked in the same direction Loki was looking.
There were six hunters outside, in the school grounds, they had a group of students surrounded. They’d been outside studying on one of the benches, since some of them had a free period and it was a dry day.
The hunters had a mixture of guns and crossbows, the poor students outside were vampires and humans, but they were all terrified.
Claire went back into the classroom while Loki stayed outside the door on guard, though he began making his way to the main entrance. Severus stopped him on his way by.
‘Don’t. Let Chris deal with this. You need to stay near your class in-case they get inside.’ Severus said firmly.
Loki snarled in anger, not at Severus as he knew he was right, just at the situation in general.
‘We have a class unsupervised! I don’t know where Jeremy has gone.’ Jessica yelled down the corridor.
‘Shit.’ Loki hissed.
He popped his head back into his class. ‘Claire. Can you watch Jeremy’s class? Just keep them calm. I’ll keep an eye on both from out here.’ He said hastily.
Claire nodded and rushed down the corridor into Jeremy’s class. Loki figured the hunters wouldn’t get this far anyway if Chris was away to deal with them, as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he would get the job done. -
‘Get the fuck away from my students!’ Chris yelled as he stormed outside and straight over towards the hunters.
They aimed their various weapons towards him, but Chris didn’t falter as he continued closer to them.
‘Get inside.’ Chris barked at the students.
They were frozen in fear, as the hunters didn’t let them move, they had them cornered.
‘They’re not going anywhere.’ One of the hunters said calmly.
Chris paused not too far from them, he smirked and tilted his head to the side. ‘I’m the headmaster here. You will let these kids go.’ His fangs emerged and he launched towards the hunters.
While the hunters were distracted, the kids ran for the entrance of the school for safety. One of the hunters shot at Chris with a silver bullet, it penetrated his arm, and while Chris cursed out in pain, it didn’t deter him at all. The hunters shared a look, a scared look, for the first time since they arrived there, as they realised that he was an original vampire. So silver bullets wouldn’t affect him.
‘Now you’ve really pissed me off.’ Chris snarled at them.
Chris started attacking the six hunters, he didn’t notice another four coming across the grounds towards him until they were on him. Then, out of nowhere, Toshi appeared. She shot a bolt straight into one of the hunter’s chests, killing him instantly.
Chris glanced at her and clenched his jaw, but then got on with the job at hand. He pounced on the nearest hunter and tore into his neck, ripping flesh clean off. His mouth was dripping with the man’s blood, he spat it out in disgust and it sprayed over another hunter that had fallen over in the fight, who began scrambling away backwards from Chris.
‘Your turn.’ Chris growled at him. -
While Chris and Toshi were dealing with the fight outside, Loki could see it all happening. He wasn’t sure who the cloaked figure was, as he couldn’t see from the distance he was at.
He’d bundled the kids that had been outside into his classroom as he was nearest for them.
Poor Michael looked horrified as he watched the scene outside, and super confused. Loki knew that any human student seeing this too, would have so many questions. Why was their headmaster easily tearing flesh out of people that were trying to attack the school.
In the meantime, he just hoped that everyone would survive this. He didn’t think he could handle losing more students.
There were loud smashing noises that came from every classroom, along with screams from a lot of the students.
‘No… no, no, no!’ Loki panicked as he ran into his classroom to find a hunter had broken in through the window.
The kids were all huddled at the back of the classroom in fear. Loki cautiously walked towards the hunter, putting himself between him and his students.
‘You’ve picked the wrong school to meddle with.’ Loki snarled, his fangs emerged and his eyes darkened.
‘Oh no. I think we’ve got just the right one.’ The hunter laughed wickedly and looked over Loki’s shoulder at the students, with his crossbow ready to fire.
For Loki it felt like time slowed down, more so when he heard a scream that he recognised from another room, it was Claire. He had to get to her, but he couldn’t leave his students in danger. He needed to get this guy dealt with, and fast.
He turned into bat form and rapidly flew straight for the hunter’s neck and turned into his vampire form at the last second as he sank his teeth into him and, taking a leaf out of Chris’ book, tore a chunk out of his neck. It was the quickest way for them to take someone down. -
Chris and Toshi had two hunters left outside to deal with, though they’d both heard what was going on inside, that more hunters had broken into the classrooms. As Chris looked round, he heard Claire screaming from Jeremy’s classroom and put two and two together, there was no vampire in there with the students.
Toshi looked over at Chris. ‘Go. I’ve got these two.’ She said as she swiftly kicked one over then stabbed him in the neck with one of her knives.
Chris bolted across the grounds and jumped in through the window. Claire had managed to quickly escort most of the kids out of the room, putting herself between them and the hunter, though the hunter knew she wasn’t a vampire, he grabbed her arm anyway and wouldn’t let her go, as the kids all managed to escape the room.
‘You better let go of her.’ Chris snarled at him.
‘Hand over all the vampires and I will.’ The hunter snapped at him.
‘That’s never going to happen.’
Once Loki had dealt with the hunter in his classroom, he rushed out and down to Jeremy’s class. He saw all the students huddling at the end of the corridor, but no Claire, his heart almost stopped as he ran into the room.
Loki barging in distracted the hunter for a second, though a second was all that Chris needed. He shot across the room and got the hunter from behind, he grabbed his head and pulled it back and down firmly, snapping his neck with a sickening crack.
Before his body even hit the ground, Loki ran to Claire and embraced her tightly. He then grabbed her face and looked her over. ‘Are you ok? Did he hurt you? I’m so sorry I left you alone in here.’
‘I’m fine, Loki… I’m fine.’ She gasped, even if a tear did roll down her cheek because of how scared she’d been. ‘The kids…’
Loki looked up but Chris was gone in the blink of an eye, he was working his way through the classrooms, making sure there wasn’t any hunters left.
Loki took Claire and the kids from the corridor back into his classroom, so they were all together. He opened the door and stood half in, so he could see if there was anything going on. Though it seemed to have ended.
All the teachers were flustered after fending off the hunters. Severus had helped Michaels class, since poor Michael was just as scared and stunned as the students.
‘Everyone alright here?’ Severus asked Loki when he emerged from Michaels class and blew at a strand of hair that was over his face, his hair was all dishevelled, Loki had never seen him in that state before. If it wasn’t for the severity of what had happened, he would have found it rather amusing.
‘Yes, all good here. Has there been any casualties?’ Loki asked, dreading the answer.
‘No. Not that I can tell, anyway.’ Severus said and looked around, then he paused as he looked outside and could see Chris with the cloaked figure.
Loki frowned. ‘Who is that.’
‘I don’t know.’ Severus hummed. -
‘Thanks… for helping me save the students.’ Chris said gruffly to Toshi outside.
‘I did it for them, not you.’ Toshi said as she pulled her favourite knife out of one of the hunters, she pulled a face at the blood all over it. She whipped out a blood-stained rag and gave her knife a quick clean before putting it back in its sheath.
Chris stepped a little closer to her, he was about to say something but he began sniffing instead and frowned.
‘I thought you were a vampire, not a dog.’ Toshi huffed at him.
‘You’re mated… with a vampire.’ Chris said in surprise, ignoring her comment.
‘Wow, did you work that out all by yourself? Well done. Do you want a cookie for it?’
Chris narrowed his eyes at her and growled lowly, though he leaned in further and sniffed some more. ‘Wait a minute. I know that smell. That’s’
‘None of your business, hound dog.’ Toshi snapped at him as she put her finger up in warning at him.
‘Chris!’ Loki called from the main door.
Chris’ head snapped around briefly to Loki, then he looked back at Toshi, but she was halfway across the grounds by that point. He sighed in frustration and made his way inside.
‘We need to get all the humans into the hall, you know what I need to do.’ Chris said to Loki.
‘Already on it. Do you know where’
Loki was cut off when a student came bursting out of the bathroom right on front of Loki and Chris. It was a first-year vampire, he had tears in his eyes and looked horrified.
‘Please, help! It’s Mr Renner! He’s been shot!’ The student cried and pointed at the bathroom. ‘He grabbed me in there for safety when those people attacked, but one came in and shot him.’
Loki put his hand on the student’s shoulder. ‘It’s ok… You’re ok, breathe.’ He tried to calm him the best he could.
Chris and Loki rushed into the bathroom, but they were too late.
‘NO!’ Chris screamed and punched right through the wall. ‘Where did the hunter go?’ He barked at the student, though didn’t mean to raise his voice at him.
‘Out there.’ The student pointed towards the frosted window that was smashed in.
‘I’ll be back. Get all the humans into the hall and send the vampires home, but a guardian must collect them for safety.’ Chris demanded, he turned into a bat and flew off out the window, in search of the hunter.
Loki looked at Jeremy’s body and tried to hold his emotions together on front of the already traumatised vampire student.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and put his arm around the kid to lead him out of the bathroom. ‘Come on.’  
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iamnotthenewwriter · 3 days
Asks Open!
I’m open for any ideas/prompts/suggestions you guys might have!
Please motivate me to write something fun!
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mitsuki91 · 1 month
Too many fandom, too little time...
(Today I woke up thinking about my old huge still wip time travel fix-it fic in the HP/marauder fandom... Severus Snape/Lily Luna Potter of course, with Prongsfoot and Jilypad and other ships... I have this little feeling that maaaaaybe I have to translate it... Someone interested? I swear even if is a wip at least is stopped in a good point and not on a cliffhanger 😂)
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nocturnus33 · 1 year
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All my life I grew up knowing that I sucked at crafts. A year and a half ago I decided to learn how to bind so I could have physical copies of my favourite fics.
This is the first fic book I made then. It contains two fics of different authors: KalinaLea and Textual Sphinx. Both were writers from the first era of my fandom, back in the early 2000s.
I bind it as a journal book, because the stories contained that idea, but also to signify my journey as a fic reader. It didn't look fantastic, but I'm very fond of it.
I'm still not very good at binding, if I compare myself to some of the amazing fics binders out there. However, I've learned a lot of things:
That everything is possible to be learned.
That I have in my workshop a space for myself, where anxiousness doesn't enter.
That one progresses at one's own pace, that mistakes are made and that that is not tragedy.
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Harry jolted up in bed and raced to the bathroom.
“Harry!” Hermione exclaimed.
Harry bent over the toilet and was immediately sick. His vomit was black.
“Oh my god!”
“Stand back, Miss Granger,” Severus ordered calmly.
“We need to get him to St. Mungos.”
“No. They can’t help him. Let it out, Potter. You’ll be okay.”
Harry rested his head against the cool porcelain of the toilet and sobbed.
“Is he alright?” Hermione asked in a hush voice.
Snape nodded slowly. He handed Harry a goblet of water. Harry swished the water around in his mouth before spitting it back out into the toilet. He did it two more times before drinking the rest of the water down.
“I have some potions for you. Come.”
“You do?”
Harry allowed his professor to help him to his feet. He guided Harry to bed and tucked him under the covers. From the bedside table, he produced a few potion bottles.
Harry glanced at the clock as he handed the final potion bottle back. “It’s eight hours.”
“What?” Hermione responded.
“We’ve been back in time for eight hours. That’s how long it would take before your soul would shift – that’s what you said. It’s my connection to Voldemort. Was it soul-based?”
Severus stared at Harry. He nodded once. “I believe so.”
“But it’s not gone now. Just shifted.”
“Whatever soul fragment that was inside of you is no longer the dark lord. From your reaction to the process, I would say whatever he left behind is gone and you’ve absorbed the residual magic.”
“Is that the- mist?” Hermione asked.
“Mist?” Harry asked and glanced down at himself.
“You’re sort of sparkling,” she told him. “Like when you cast a really powerful patronus.”
Harry looked down at his hands. “I don’t see it.”
“Neither do I,” Snape said, eyes on Hermione. “You can see magic? Magical Sense?”
Hermione blinked. “I don’t know what that is. I can see Harry’s magic – usually. Or feel it.”
Professor Snape blinked quickly. “Go to bed. It’s late.” He nodded at the bed he’d vacated.
“-Go. I will watch over Mr. Potter.”
Hermione sighed but nodded. She went and got into the other twin bed.
“You knew this was going to happen,” Harry whispered almost an hour later.
Snape’s head shot up. Harry was still awake. He glanced across the room to confirm Hermione was asleep. He turned back to the boy.
“Excuse me?”
“You knew Voldemort’s connection was soul based. You knew this would happen.”
“I didn't know how you would react. As you can see, I didn't react the same.”
“Is that because he's evil?”
“The connection between the two of you was concentrated in your scar, a remnant of you surviving one of the darkest spells in the world. Moreover, it's against the nature of magic for two souls to exist in the same body – even the same souls to exist at the same time.”
“If two souls can't exist in the same body, then I couldn't have had Voldemort in my scar, right?”
“And yet? You regularly defy the laws of magic, Mr. Potter. Why would this be any different?”
“I do not.”
Snape raised an eyebrow. “You do. It's irritating.”
“Sorry,” Harry responded, not sounding sorry at all.
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