#she isn't always easy but she doesn't have to be! and i care very deeply about hanna's journey of learning that.
terrifyingstories3 · 1 year
hanna loses connection with many of the people that matter to her most when she moves to new york. she becomes hard to reach even by the people closest in proximity to her - in fact, her relationships with people not in new york probably fare better. they aren't as close to her, and the distance gives her a greater control over the narrative, whereas people who see her more often are more likely to see how she's struggling. long distance relationships are easier to juggle, whereas her relationships with people living nearby suffer.
the greatest and most obvious deterioration is with caleb. hanna becomes consumed by work, clinging to it as hard as she possibly can, even at the expense of their relationship. where they used to communicate effortlessly, communication becomes hard and painful, and they co-exist without really meaningfully connecting for much longer than hanna realizes. eventually their relationship falls apart completely, and hanna's devastation only makes her dive into work more. hanna's relationship with one of her best friends, christian, also struggles significantly.
she didn't want another person telling her she wasn't over it. hanna is desperate for control over her life - desperate to start over, desperate to reinvent herself outside of the shadow of the dollhouse and all the other traumas they've experienced. work becomes a means of doing that; a distraction from all of the ways in which she's still immensely struggling from the things she's suffered. there aren't reminders of A at work in the way there are with caleb, who knows the stories of so many of her scars. no one at work will see through her the way christian will - she can continue to push everything that happened down and no one will ever be the wiser.
there's nothing beautiful or romantic about hanna's trauma. hanna's trauma makes her defensive, fearful, tense, stressed, impulsive, avoidant. it impacts every aspect of her life and her relationships. it makes her desperate for control even at the expense of the relationships with the people she cares about most; it makes her flaky and unreliable and at times difficult to be friends with. it makes her cancel plans and avoid people that love her. it makes her inconsistent and harms her self-awareness. it makes her lie to people that care about her and to herself. it makes her feel out of control and terrified, it makes her blind to things about herself and her relationships she would ordinarily see. it impacts her ability to be there for people she loves and regulate her emotions. it's messy and ugly and something she has to work to out-maneuver every single day.
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rick-rayson · 6 months
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A/N: I'm back to feed my own obsessions hi hello beenaminit
NOTES: POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE FALLOUT SHOW!! Though I tried to keep it very ambiguous
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Let's be honest Lucy probably fell first, whether you're a Vault Dweller or Wastelander it doesn't matter. Despite the privileges of the vaults, Vault 33 has hardwired Lucy's brain to freely feel and act on emotions with vigor.
Having been raised in a meritocracy, Lucy believes the best way to win your affections is through active illustrations of her skills, knowledge, and attentiveness. Very much an acts of service person.
And very, very bad flirting.
"You're really well learned in enacting violence!"
"You're so good at- um- shooting. People."
"How's it going?" She asks as she leans on a rusted mailbox.
It breaks and she falls over.
Just. Really bad.
You're likely aware that she fancies you before she even realizes. She's not good at hiding her expressions at all.
Not so subtly checking you out or admiring you whenever you just, exist, tbh
Despite it all, she won't make the first move to save her life. Tiptoeing on the line of what ifs and what isn't. You're going to have to take one for the team.
She's actually a huge loser
Absolute girl failure
She's trying so hard though
Proximity is a must. If you're dating Lucy, you quickly become fundamental to her sense of peace.
At first it's a bit much, being in the wasteland kind of messes up her sense of boundaries a bit in a desperation to have you as much as possible.
You have to remind her flat out that it is not, in fact, the norm to follow your partner as they try to find a private place to pee.
She's a bit of a freak honestly.
SOMETHING is up with her but she's so much nicer and kinder than anyone on the surface that you don't mind much.
Uses terms of endearment but sparingly, mostly in private.
You could wake up and look like a feral ghoul and she'd still look at you with a big smile like, "Hey Doll/Hun. Sleep well?"
Craves softness and physical affection but feels as though she cannot have it. Everyone is quick to tell her what kind of person she needs to be on the surface so she's hesitant to express her affections sometimes.
But the more you show her that your touch is not meant to harm, but to love, she'll reciprocate.
Pretty touchy, subtle mostly, a hand on your back, a hand rubbing your arm, tracing your palm with her thumb.
When you two first started dating she very shyly asked if she could place her sleeping bag near yours, you could only laugh.
Whenever she scavenges food (or anything even slightly digestible) she's always offering it to you first.
Sometimes she just craves a really good make-out. She's good at repressing whatever bullshit the wasteland throws at her but she's not about to say no to a make-out session.
Whenever she finds cool knick-knacks she gifts them to you. Pins, random comic books
"I found another Grognak book-! Oh, oh wait, no, no we've already read this one :/"
hats. Lots of hats. Neat hats.
"Well don't you look dapper?" She grins as she places a sun hat on your head.
Honestly depends on you a bit. Though she's aware of the fact the surface is dangerous, it's a different thing to have to experience it.
Tells you all about Vault 33 and what her childhood was like over campfire. You learn very quickly why she is the way she is.
She can be an easy person to sway so she honestly needs you as her rock, her bad cop if you will.
Most nights she'll only sleep if you sleep first, watching over you for a bit before indulging in rest.
Kinda just stares at you a whole lot, but she means well.
Will always be the first to elect to take care of you, and gets a bit possessive in that respect.
Almost completely tackled Maximus to the floor when you got hurt and raced to use whatever she had on hand. She does not care if it's the last Stimpak they have, she WILL do anything to make sure you're okay.
She cares for you so deeply, as you're likely her first ever love.
She falls first, and she falls hard.
Always fixes up your clothes before heading out or patting down your garments, It's a post-apocalyptic wasteland, no one cares about appearances, but you know that Lucy does it to retain a sense of normalcy for herself.
A little thing that she's good at is being persuasive, it's a subtle thing, but Lucy is acutely aware that sometimes batting her eyelashes or giving a pretty please can get her to where she needs or what she wants.
She most definitely uses it on you.
And uh.. NSFW headcanons?
That is all. c:
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fruitsofhell · 1 year
Something I really like about Rose Quartz's characterization is how dedicated the writers were to making what she did morally grey. Idk it would have been really easy for the twist to be she was Just Evil, especially learning she was related to the main villains, but no they created this very vague character who even in her appearances feels mysterious. If anything Rose is the one thing that is less clear to me after my rewatch, because now seeing the nuance in her character pulls me out of a black-ane-white view of her and into one that is just... foggy.
But a vibe I do get from Rose, is that despite clearly being incredibly compassionate, she's someone who lacks empathy in the case of the ability to fully realize others' autonomy and thought processes. There's just a lot of decisions she makes that feel aloof in an odd way, and when combined with how childish she can be it can give the impression she sees everything as a game. But it's still clear that she cares and is genuinely moved by the Earth, and when her entire truth is revealed you can see how ideologically honest she was. Even if it feels like her beliefs are just so she can have fun, but that is part of freedom, the freedom to vibe and explore and do silly things she couldn't.
That attitude clearly just comes from her position as Pink Diamond. It was an oppressive role emotionally, but not as literally oppressive as the lives of those around her. I think her relationship with Pearl is where I find the most of the part of me that sees her as compassionate but unempathetic. Pink can't fathom what it's like to have been born to be an obedient servant and how that would cloud Pearl's judgement. How telling her "I'm going to fight for this world but you dont have to" would mean nothing to her because she is still obsessed with her, how entering a romantic relationship with something while they're still effectively your servant is unhealthy, or how spending her life flirting with other men would probably tear your servant-to-lover-to-ex up inside lmao. With the first she obviously meant to be giving her a choice because she cares about Pearl, but she can't understand how to truly give Pearl freedom of choice she can't treat her like a fully freethinking person. With the second she doesn't understand how her power has an unhealthy impact on her bond with Pearl. And with the last it's not at all that Rose isn't allowed to move on, but I just always found she has a lack of awareness of Pearl's jealousy and misery that's a bit inappropriate. Not that you can't assume she has already let Pearl down easy or cares about her coping, but it's never shown, which feels like a deliberate choice.
I'm working on a more organized theory about Rose's characterization, but it is deeply fascinating. Her and Pearl's relationship is as well, I feel like it's sometimes characterized as just a mean jealous ex situation but like it's way more fucked than that, and is a great exploration of power dynamics, obsession, and grief. Love me some toxic doomed yuri.
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pskmonika · 8 months
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Sanji x fem reader
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I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language
You were a new member of the straw hats, you were strong and kind, which caught the attention of the captain that made you join
You got along with basically everyone, you seemed tough and cold at first, but in reality u were mostly just shy and awkward
But ofc with time that fade away, you got comfy, and they realized how fun and easy going u were, you were gentle and cared for everyone,
But there was one thing that others didn't know, it was how much you secretly liked the blond cook,
You saw a side of him not a lot of people saw, he was very kind, very gentle, the way he softly hums while cooking alone in the kitchen,
The way he was kind and gentle with kids and animals
The way he gave food to anyone in need
And many many other things, you couldn't control your feelings you were in love with sanji
Tho, even with how deeply you loved him, you could never tell him, cause, well it's sanji, he liked way too many women, he kept flirting and complementing women that were... Well, in your opinion far more beautiful then you, why would he even like you for? You didn't want to embarrass him, so you just decided to hide all your feelings away
Yet that didn't stop you from spending a lot of time with him, helping him with dishes, cooking with him, shopping together, and enjoying lots of long talks together, he told you about his past, you told him about yours, you both got really close, the friendship got really strong, yet, that was all...
You didn't mind it tho, you enjoyed every second you spent with him, and you'll always love him, even if he didn't love you,
Little did you know...
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧⋆⭒˚。⋆
Sanji has always liked women, in his eyes they were beautiful and angelic, he was flattered with the smallest attention they gave him, he wanted to be a gentleman and serve all the beautiful women on the world
Yet deep down he know he doesn't truly love them, he liked them but, he would never be serious with any one of them, and we can see that by the way he stop being all flirty with the women that he thinks may be catching feelings for him, and he doesn't wanna play with their emotions,
Well that was the classic sanji, until he met you, and god only knows the things you've done to him
You were very, different, and the more he got to know you the harder he fell for you
You were the only one who saw him for who he is, you were the only one he can talk to about everything, you comforted him, helped him, listened to him, you were beautiful, you were kind, you were brave,
You were unlike anyone he have ever met
You reminded him so much of his own mother, and the comfort she once made him feel...
Yet, he never gathered enough courage to confess, he didn't want to ruin his friendship with you, you became the closest person to him and he didn't wanna lose that, he was afraid
Afraid of you leaving him after knowing that his feelings goes beyond friendship, 'what if she thinks I just wanna play with her?' He thought, 'what if she thinks I am a weirdo?'
Those thoughts wouldn't leave him mind, no morning no night...
And those feelings bottling up inside him made him incredibly anxious, he didn't just love you, he was crazy in love with you,
And that reflected in many actions you tend to ignore, like his overprotectiveness, or how extremely jealous he got for the smallest things, he would start a fight out of no where just cause a guy sat next to you on the dinner table, let alone when another dared to touch you, he made sure he will regret the second he decided to even look at you,
Yet you always thought it was just, sanji being sanji, he would probably do the same for nami or robin, right?
You were honestly too blind to even realize how different he was with you, in a good way ofc
Even some of your nakama started to notice, the girls, franky, and even brook, it was so obvious how different the cook acted in your presence, how much he was focusing on you, like you were all that is important on this earth at that moment,
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧⋆⭒˚。⋆
Nothing ever changed between you too, you were both burning inside yet acting like it was all okay when you are with each other, well until that day,
There was a huge party going on in a certain island that you landed on, a lot of well known pirates were there, it was in a huge disco, everyone was having fun, dancing, drinking, laughing and so were you, Everything was okay until u went to the bathroom quickly and when you came back you saw that
3 girls from the party were sitting around sanji, he was having the biggest nose bleed as expected, their hands were all over him, his chest his thigh...
And they were really pretty, so so pretty, wearing such a revealing sexy clothes, who would blame him for being in such stat?
You have made your self get used to this long time ago, yet, today, for some reason, you couldn't, you've never felt such a pain in your entire life, it was like someone just stabbed you with a burning knife, it hurt, it was suffocating, you couldn't breath
So you just walked out as fast as you can, you made your way to the quite back of the disco, it was facing the ocean, you tried to breath but u just couldn't, you felt as if it was all choking you, all at once, everything,
You were out of breath, shaking, and trying to hold in the tears that kept falling off like a river, 'just how embarrassing will it be if someone found you in such state?' You thought, but no matter how much you tried it just got worst, it felt like everything you were holding in, came crushing you all at once,
"(Y/n)?" You didn't notice brook who was also out there for some reason, you could barely recognize him with your teary eyes, you quickly ran to him and hugged him while sobbing, you needed warmth, you needed someone
Brook was beyond worried, he never saw you in such a state, a million question was running through his head "(y/n)! W-what happened?" He said while holding you even closed then you was
You just continued crying, it felt too much, way too much, "s-sanji" you told him with a weak voice, too weak from all that crying "what did he do?"
"B-brook!! Brook I love him, I love him so much" you just couldn't stop crying, you hated how pathetic you probably looked right now, but it was beyond your control,
Brook just continued hugging you, rubbing your back, trying to help you with any form of comfort "then tell him" he said "I actually think he like you too"
"Him? Liking me?" You said laughing sarcasticlly "look at me! I am basic and awkward and and I am not as pretty as he want, I am not sexy I am not-" you just continued crying as you confessed all the thoughts you hid for too long "I am nothing like them"
Little did you know that there was another one listening to the whole conversation
Sanji's heart was experiencing some kind of pain he never felt, he felt as if his heart was gonna burst, he saw you when you went out of the bathroom, he pushed the girls away and was gonna come to you when he noticed you walking away really fast, so he just followed you out, and he was so confused and scared when he saw you in a such a state, and just when he was about to walk out the door and ask you what's wrong he heard you talking to brook, and then, you said his name,
And in a few minutes, everything was clear,
Women tears always made sanji feel so much rage, but, now hearing the woman he love the most cry, because of him, was unbearable, if it was in another situation he would be far too happy to know that you love him, but seeing you like this, it made him feel so much pain, too much pain
"(Y/n)" you looked up once again, this time, it was him "sanji"
"I'll be inside" brook said giving you a small pat on the head before he left
You looked away while wiping out your tears, your heart was beating fast, all you thought about was 'did he hear anything?' "What are you doing here sanji, just go back in ill be right back-"
suddenly, you felt sanji warm embrace before you could even finish your sentence, his hands were shaking so hard and you felt his heart beating so fast,
"I am sorry (y/n), I am sorry I am so sorry" it was all surprising to you, you couldn't even think well at this moment, you felt his tears falling over your back as he hugged you even closer, hugged you as if you were going to slip away at any moment, "I love you (y/n)! I love you! I am in love with you"
"You love me?" You whispered to him with your weak voice and shaky breath, he pulled away and looked at you straight in the eyes "yes yes (y/n) yes, since the day I know you, you are not like any other girl (y/n)! You are everything I want, I am sorry I was so stupid, I thought- I thought- you won't ever love me, I thought-"
And before he could finish his sentence, you pulled him closer by the collar of his suit that was too messy right now, and kissed him, it was intense, full of love, full of happiness and excitement
"I love you too, sanji"
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zylasweetbean · 4 months
All Might is a First Year Teacher
All Might gets a LOT of flack for being a bad teacher.
Ignoring the fact that the whole school is a lawsuit waiting to happen, and ALL the teachers (yes, including Aizawa) do things that range from illegal to highly questionable, I'd argue that All Might isn't a bad teacher.
He's a first-year teacher.
And honestly, a good first-year teacher at that.
If you look at his very first lesson, the "Battle Trials," you will see several things he does that first-year teachers struggle with but works to overcome them.
When he gives instructions, the class gets a little out of hand, and he has to try to calm them down.
This happens ALL THE TIME! And not even to just new teachers. Learning how to manage a class is a process even veteran teachers can struggle with. Students are easily distracted and will yell out answers or talk to friends, and you see the same happen with All Might. However, he actually manages to get the class back under control, which isn't easy.
2. He needs to use flashcards to remember the scenario.
It's really tricky to always remember everything that needs to be said for an activity or lesson to work. And if you haven't taught the lesson before, it's even trickier. It's common for first-year teachers to use things like sticky notes to keep track of key information. Sometimes you can even use PowerPoint. All Might didn't have that, so he used flashcards. Now, while it might not look great, it's arguably more important that he remembers everything that needs to be said for the battle trial to work rather than forgetting and trying to explain it later. (Which happens and is messy).
3. He gets a little flustered when Yaoyorozu answers a question really well.
Students constantly surprise their teachers. Sometimes, you ask a question, and they know nothing. And sometimes, they give you a perfect, insightful answer. All Might gets a bit tongue-tied when Yaoyorozu gives a great answer, but what I love about him is that he recognizes she did a great job! He doesn't try to add something to prove that he knows best, but he recognizes and acknowledges her input.
4. He recognizes the needs of his students (even if he doesn't address it perfectly)
During the battle trial, All Might recognizes that Midoriya desperately needed to continue the fight with Bakugou in order to work through some things. Should he have? Probably not, but new teachers regularly try and struggle to know how to best support their students. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
Then after the battle trial, he notices that Bakugou is upset over how it went and tries to offer words of encouragement. In this instance it doesn't work, and Bakugou storms off angry. However, the point remains that he saw the need and tried to address it.
5. He let the fight between Midoriya and Bakugou last too long and get dangerous.
First off, UA let a bunch of teenagers try to attack massive robots as their entrance exams! The battle trial was far from the most dangerous thing UA had already thrown at them, so All Might deserves some slack.
Also, as a first-year teacher, it's difficult to know when to step into a situation and when to back off. All Might tried to give multiple warnings, which Bakugou ignored. Usually, that's enough, but in this case, it wasn't. However, he was still aware of the situation and tried to mediate it, even if, in retrospect, it should have been handled differently.
In conclusion, All Might isn't a bad teacher. He is a first-year teacher who is clearly learning but who cares deeply. You can tell by how he supports and interacts with his students; he wants to be there for them and help them become heroes, even if he struggles along the way.
As someone who recently finished their first year of teaching, All Might remind me how challenging teaching can be, but that you don't have to be perfect at it. You just have to keep trying to improve every day, plus ultra style.
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willow-p012 · 3 months
I've seen people say that Muu doesn't care for Haruka, and that line of thought has always confused me. It's probably because of that whole "slave and queen" line, but still. Muu wouldn't be trying to keep him fed, or giving him her things, or telling him to leave, if she didn't care.
Muu: Haruka-kun, I brought your food. Are you still alive? Has any mould started growing?
Haruka: ……ah, thank you very much.Mu-san. Sorry, um…… I……
Muu: You shouldn’t just lock yourself in your room all day. You have to eat your food properly. Hm, well…… I do understand why you’re feeling down. It feels bad. The atmosphere recently
Bringing him food and saying he should leave.
Muu: You mean Haruka-kun? Hmm. Yeah, probably. I’ve been bringing all his meals to him so he should be fine. Isn’t that great of me?
Talking about how she brought him food.
Maybe it's because of how she didn't try to interfere with Haruka's plans to commit? But then again her attitude about it is.... Weird.
Muu: Yeah. Haruka-kun told me. So I could rest easy, according to him. That made me happy… It made me really feel our friendship!
Es: You know about it and you're not trying to stop him? Haruka, that is?
Muu: Why would I? Haruka-kun says he wants to do it, so there's nothing I can do, right?
Muu: Isn't it exactly because he's my friend? Isn't friendship about letting your friends do the things they want?
But, like, while people seem to take this as her taking advantage of Haruka that's... Not what it is? It's Muu having a deeply messed up veiw of friendship, and her veiw of what it means to commit in this context is to assure her of their friendship.
This, this here, her messed up veiw of friendship, is what the problem probably is. People mistake this strange way of interacting with someone she cares about as proof she does not care. Also, Muu sees friendship in a favours-for-favours sort of way, she gives things to those she wants to prove she likes and we can see in It's Not My Fault that she also expects something, be it devotion or something literal.
Exploitation…? Um, I don't really understand, but…I do help him pick out clothes in return, and I recently gave him a hairpin I didn't need anymore as a hand-me-down!
Favours-for-favours. In return for his devotion, she gives him her things; and helps him pick clothes; she seems to be helping him learn to write; he wears shoes that need to be tied, indicating she's also trying to teach him that. She marks her friendships by what they can give, and to some degree marks her own worth by what she can give.
Rather than using each other for something, we just get along because we're comfortable around each other. That's all.
Mhm, yeah, that's totally why we constantly see your friendships marked with favours and gifts and not typically hangouts (apart from the bullying).
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wysteriaisapenguin · 1 month
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Despite her distrust in others, there are some people the Paranoid deeply cares about. But she's just not willing to accept the possibility that she is loved, even by them...
Down below will be some rambles I have about Paranoid's relationships with the voices she's most close to:
Broken: Paranoid is always worrying about Broken for how vulnerable they are and how easily they get themselves into danger. As a result, she becomes very protective towards them and keeps a close on them to make sure they won't do anything rash. While Broken feels terrible for what they did (especially in Apotheosis), they appreciate how Paranoid looks after them all the time and wants to stay close to her. Eventually Paranoid notices how clingy Broken is towards her, but she gets the feeling that it's because they feel safe around her. So she gains a small sense of trust and affection towards them.
Skeptic: Paranoid secretly has a crush on Skeptic (She would often think 'How is he this attractive???') but believes that she has no chance with him. Despite both of them being highly observant, there's always something they would disagree on and argue about, hence their glares. Paranoid knew that Skeptic was someone who prioritized logic over emotion, so she is frustrated that she can’t reason with him sometimes. But she soon notices his tendency to hide his own emotions until they spiral out of control, so she is quick to help calm him down. She isn't sure why she would do this for him after all the times they would snap at each other. Perhaps a part of her doesn't want her crush to go unnoticed.
Cold: Paranoid struggles to understand what Cold’s deal is. She even envies him to some degree because of how easy it was for her counterpart to turn off his emotions and constantly be nonchalant about everything, even in the most horrifying situations. And yet, it seemed like whenever she was around him, especially when she was in a state of panic, he would stay by her side until she calmed down. All it takes is for him to simply hold her hand. Paranoid can’t tell if Cold wanted her to follow his example or if he was looking after her, but she knew for sure that he knew how to make her feel safe. She even wondered if it was because he liked her. Often times, he would call her “adorable”. Whatever this adoration was, she thought it was nice and couldn’t help but feel attracted to him too.
Hero: At first, Paranoid thought that Hero was too naive and clueless to be someone she could rely on. But as they both faced Nightmare together, Paranoid’s trust in Hero grew as he frequently checked in on her while she kept the Long Quiet’s body functioning. She could see how steadfast, brave, and determined he was and found those qualities of his admiring. But she also knew that he was just as lost and frightened as she was. This encouraged her to do everything in her power to protect not only the Quiet, but also Hero. Ever since then, the two have been very close; if there was any voice Paranoid trusted the most, it was Hero. She knew that he would do anything and everything to protect her and she loved him for that. She wasn’t sure if Hero felt the same way about her, but protecting him in her own way was more than enough.
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coffee-master · 8 months
Would Lloyd still get kidnapped by the snakes and Garmadon would have to help the Ninja ?
Would Nya find her true potential the same way Kai did ?
Yes, unfortunatelly Lloyd would get kidnapped and they need Garmadon.
How would Nya find her true potential?
Unlocking her true potential would be diffrent to Kai. They are two diffrent people who have other weaknesses.
So what's blocking Nya form unlocking her true potential?
Guilt Nya feels guilty towards Kai. She feels like she owns him something.
To explain everything when they were young Kai had to take care of Nya. During this time it wasn't easy for both of them, especially since Kai was still a child.
He had to find work, so he could provide money and food for both him and Nya. During her childhood Nya could often see Kai working very hard and often comming back home and immiediatelly going to bed, because he was so exhaused. He was always tired and on his hands she could always see wounds and scars from overhelming work.
After a while Kai also dropped out of school, because he couldn't work and study at the same time. It was simply too much for him, so he decided that, he'd only work instead.
Even though Nya wanted to do the same to support him, he refused and told her to go to school, so she would be well educated. He wanted her to have easier in the future.
During her childhood Kai was amazing brother, who cared deeply about her. He played with her, fixed her clothes, helped with simple stuff, bought or cooked meals and always smiled.
Even Kai's best efforts, he wasn't able to hide their poor situation and at some point Nya was able to notice. She was very cleaver girl.
Kai sacrificed so much for her.. His time, energy, health, childhood.
Seeing her brother sacrificing so much for her made Nya feel guilty, to the point when she started to ask herself if it would be easier for Kai if she wasn't there.
But the breaking point was when she noticed one time that Kai didn't eat anything on purpose so that it would be enough food for her.
Often their financial situation had ups and downs. I those times when there wasn't enough money for food, Kai lied to Nya that he had already eaten or wasn't hungry, so that she could eat.
But one time the brunette was able to catch him, drinking lots of water to numb the pain in his stomach.
This memory became deeply embedded in her mind and every time the situation in their home wasn't good, she started asking herself question.
Would it be better if I wasn't here? - If not me Kai wouldn't have to work that hard, to support two people. Maybe he'd still go to school. He wouldn't be so tired-
Nya just feels guilty.
She feels as if she's an albatross around Kai's neck. That she's holding him back or she isn't doing enough for him, as much as he for her.
Every time she got a present form her brother, she'd be excited because of it and then later sad, feeling like she doesn't deserve it.
But she didn't tell anything about this to Kai, thinking she'd make even more problems for him.
So she kept quiet.
Then suddenly there was a time, when Nya took a part in the technical competition and won. The brunette always loved building and at the teacher's urging, she applied. At first it was nice and funny experience for her, but then she recived a cash price for the first place.
That's when something new started. Nya won money and finnaly could help his brother.
In that moment she felt usefull, like she could help Kai and the fact that he was proud of her achievement made her even more motivated.
Nya started participing more in this competitions. She was determined and hard working.
To get some money she had to won first places. To achieve her goals she had to be the best.
If she wanted to be the best her projects had to be perfect, she told herself. There couldn't be any mistake.
Because when she was the best she could make a diffrence, she can help or even protect him.
Druing this time her guilt turned into light obsession over being the best, which had a big impact during her life as a ninja.
In the pilot when sceleton attacted Smiths Kai was kidnapped instead of Nya, because he kinda sacrificed himself.
Kai preffered that they'd take him instead of his dear sister. He'd do anything to protect her.
Meanwhile Nya was devastated, but also determined to get her brother back. That's why during her training with master Wu she was working very hard and became a ninja.
Later after she got Kai back they moved in.
Nya was actually very happy. They had new home and everything in abundance. She was very happy, because she could train with her new friends and Kai didn't need to work anymore.
Of course nothing would bring back his childhood and that time, but it was better than nothing. But at least now Kai could do anything he wanted and be safe.
But then as we know things started to get complicated and snakes appeared.
Kai & Lloyd's relationship improved and later Nya found out that Kai was Samurai X.
At first she was very mad, because she hated the man who stole her project, but then she felt confused.
Nya felt confused and angry, because why her brother had also to risk and fight for her? Why couldn't he just stop looking for her and simply enjoy his life?
Nya was angry, but once again left those thoughts only to herself.
And later we come to the (s01.ep10) when ninjas are going to safe Lloyd and go for the blade.
Kai didn't stay at the Bounty, because he wanted to make sure that his brother will be safe. So he went with the others.
During the missionin the end Llod, Nya & Kai are stuck in the vulcano and here Kai & Nya argue.
Kai: Nya c'mon we need to go! I've got Lloyd.
Nya: Then go! *still tries to take the blade*
Kai angry: Nya the whole place is going to errupt! Please take my hand!
Nya stubborn: I can do it myself!
Kai irritated: Why won’t you let me help you?!
Nya yell angrily: Because you’ve already done enough for me!
Kai confused: ..Nya what- What are you talking about?
Nya: *just realised what she had said and is terrified*
Nya: You sacrificed so much for me- If not me.. So let me just take care of you as you did for me!
Kai finally reasiling: Nya-
Nya desperately: Please, let me stop being your burden-!
Kai: You've never been!
Everyone: .....
Kai: Nya, you don't need to be the best or even good. You've always been enough for me-
Nya: Stop! If not me-!
Kai: Without you I wouldn't be here.
Nya shocked: ....
Kai: If not you, I wouldn't have strengh to fight. You were my motivation to keep going. Every time I felt like everything was breaking, you were the one that help me go through this- *smiles genuinely*
Nya: *smiles and takes his hand*
After that Nya found her true potential.
Nya played an important role in Kai's childhood, when their parents were gone.
If not she, he'd have been at his breaking point.
That little girl made him smile every time he felt bad and didn't make him feel lonely. Nya made him less scared and give him hope.
At that time he also made two promises:
I'll protect you at all cost.
I'll never leave you.
[Siblings elemental change AU]
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Bats usually keep an eye on large gatherings in Gotham, but in this case Bruce literally can't pay them enough to do their jobs.
In Gotham, large gatherings are always risky business. With half a dozen big name rogues with half a dozen screws loose, things can get out of hand FAST.
So yes, forgive Bruce if he likes having at least two bats or birds on the scene when people group together and make themselves easy targets.
His rag-tag group of children, adult or otherwise, usually agree with him. But in this case-
"I'm not going out of my way to help anti-gay protestors," Tim says before Bruce even let's himself think about which of his partners in anti crime he would like at his back. "I'm the one that green-lit the Wayne Enterprises gay agenda that they're protesting."
"That's... Fair."
And it was! Bruce was hardly going to force his bisexual son to save people that would tear him down if given half the chance. He'd demanded far too selflessness of Tim already.
It was just... No one else was volunteering either.
Dick, alerted by Tim about the group of anti-gay protestors planning their little event on Facebook, takes one look at Bruce approaching and shakes his head.
"I've heard what they said about my baby brother," he cautions before Bruce can say anything.
Tim, out and secure in his identity, doesn't care what any civilians have to say about him. Dick, deeply angry and protective, cares very much what slander people sling at his little brother.
Bruce, understanding that maybe his eldest was getting better about managing his anger, but deeply unwilling to test his resolve, nods and backs away.
Damian is his next choice, though he doesn't hold very high hopes for him either.
"Father, I will not be responsible for the safety of fools willingly endangering themselves," Damian says, reasonably and Bruce is glad to hear it. He has a whole speech about protecting civilians even if they act in defiance of their own safety. It's blown to pieces when Damian explains further. "I've already taken the liberty of inviting Jon and his paramour to heckle them."
"No metas in Gotham," Bruce says before his brain can catch up to his mouth. "This is already a tense situation and-"
"No metas in Gotham," Damian repeats, pitching his voice lower as he mocks his father. "What do you propose Duke is, Father?"
This is an argument he isn't willing to have. Not right now. He puts a pin in it and reaches out to Jon to politely request that he doesn't make an appearance at the protest. Jon concedes in exchange for his permission to come to Gotham's pride event next week. Bruce gives it under the stipulation that Jon and Jay let him give them a full primer on Gotham rogues and how to counter them.
Stephanie is somehow warned in advance and texts him before he can reach out to her.
"sorry not sorry, if doctors in Texas can choose to let people die then so can I. ask someone else to help w your homophobe problem"
Bruce wants to point out that is a gross simplification of the fraught political state of Texas. He also wants to point out that they are nowhere near Texas.
He wonders about the feasibility of sponsoring abortion access and trans healthcare in another state if only because it is GENUINELY funny when bigots with talk shows get into a tizzy over Brucie Wayne.
He lets the thought lie for the moment.
Duke hears him out, at least, before telling him that he's really sorry, B, but he's gonna be sick that day. It's all very sad, has he tried to talk to Jason?
Cass looks at him. He looks at her. They both know she won't be his backup.
He hates to say it, but Jason WAS his last choice in this situation. Not for lack of trust or faith in his abilities, but because-
"I'm asking Aunt Harley to have Poison Ivy start a pollen induced gay orgy," he says bluntly when Bruce asks if Jason would be busy on the day of the protest.
"At the-"
"At Wayne Enterprises, for the protest. Yes. Stay away if you value your heterosexuality, old man."
Bruce, remembering his college days and the types of things he's gotten up to in his own time, doesn't correct his son. Revealing that his father was intimately familiar with gay sex isn't a conversation Bruce ever wanted to have with Jason. Or anyone else.
Bruce, wisely, lets the police handle the protest.
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hwnglx · 10 months
enhypen love life update juseyo
i did not intend on writing this much, but most of their energies were so messy. also, i will not be doing romantic readings on niki as long as he's still a minor.. pls, respect that and stop pressing me in my inbox 🤍 thank you
who in enhypen is dating? dec '23
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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is he dating? star, 5ofsw, world, char, 7ofw&wheel
no, he isn't. he really really wants to, but is starting to feel this sense of hopelessness and lack of faith. it seems like his overly high expectations, standards and hopes are always standing in the way, like he's constantly wanting everything to be perfect. he wants to be a perfect boyfriend to a perfect partner with a perfect relationship, and often finds himself getting a reality check once things don't go according to a plan. he realizes it's a very difficult thing to achieve.
the wheel of fortune is telling me the universe has heeseung's back, and he needs to stop trying to force something that isn't meant to happen yet. he needs to trust the process more and let things flow. i get this very frustrated and almost angry energy from him these days. i feel like he has a lot of stress pent up inside of him.. the bottom of deck shows me the empress. i got this figure a lot for heeseung, so i believe they must be a prominent figure in his life. i can tell he's still reminiscing and longing for this person quite a lot. (half a year ago he was still in a strong relationship, so i'm guessing it's his ex)
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is he dating? 6ofc, knofc, 10ofw, 2ofc&10ofsw, 7ofc&queofp
hmm, it's kinda complicated for him. i can see there is a significant person in his life, who he seems to have known for a longer time now and had very romantic and flirty energy with. however, whatever they had seems to have come to an abrupt end, before it could develop into anything substantial. like i don't see any committed full blown relationship here.. this person seems to have feminine energy and prominent earth placements. really gentle and calm person. very pleasant energy. someone easy to be around, i can tell they're well-liked. he still seems to be dreaming about them and their relationship a lot, and often finds himself thinking about what could've been, what could still be.
it's crazy because jay is the member who likes casual relationships the least, but somehow finds himself as one of the members who jumps from person to person more quickly than others, because things never seem to fully work out. confusing as hell. i think he himself gets frustrated over things always not working out fully, since he dedicates so much of himself into every fling he starts. me getting the 10 of wands for him in every love reading is crazy 😵‍💫 he puts a lot of pressure on himself to satisfy the people he's with, no matter how casual the relationship might be.
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is he dating? 6ofsw&10ofc, aceofp, 3ofwrx, moon&3ofsw star&2ofw, queofc&9ofp, knofw
yes, he is. but, not his ex. see, his energy is so all over the place right now, that i kinda struggled understanding what's going on, can't even lie. first time i read for him, he seemed very heartbroken over moving on from his last girlfriend. the relationship was like perfection to him, everything he could've ever wished for.. yet he still felt unfulfilled, like it wasn't going anywhere anymore.
(while writing, glimpse of us by joji started playing in my head?.. especially the "why that if she is so perfect, do i still wish that it was you? perfect don't mean that it's working, so what can i do?" line came to my mind, damn)
i can see that he did have problems confronting his ex about this. as i stated before, jake isn't the best at confrontation. he doesn't like hurting people, especially if he deeply cares about them. (which he still does, his ex is still important to him. so i can tell he's kinda frustrated about his state of dissatisfaction) i believe that in his head, breaking up wasn't gonna hit him as hard as it did. but it kinda went the opposite direction, and he spent some time feeling very lost and sad. i saw him crying a lot while reading.
however, seems like he's seeing someone already.. a beautiful water sign person with feminine energy seems to be a figure in his life right now. don't ask me, i myself get all 😳 over this back and forth for him. with the star and the two of wands at the start of the spread, it's evident he made a conscious effort to heal from his hurt. everyone has their own ways of healing.. jake can often be the type to distract himself and escape his emotions with sexual intercourse. i'll be direct, lol. he's a single pringle now, so i guess he's trying to just enjoy that to some extent. the knight of wands is giving very sexual energy, so.. yeah. this queen of cups person is giving me nice energy though, very mature. so who knows how this could end up.
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is he dating? 9ofsw+magic+dev&10ofcrx&kingofprx, 7ofw, 2ofp, 10ofw
yes and no.. his energy is very messy. i can see there's someone in his life he has a relationship with, but i don't think it's an overly committed one, instead one of more physical nature. there is this feeling of heavy co dependency though, and i'm getting this confusion of "what are we?", especially on that person's side. it's giving this toxic (😈 card..) relationship where someone doesn't wanna put a label on it, but still demands a sense of control over you.
the burden of the responsibility that comes with making this an "official" relationship seems to be something sunghoon is avoiding, esp. since he's very busy. i can see this stressing his "partner" out immensely. a lot of push and pull going on, and this person is feeling used, but can't let go since they do hold strong feelings for sunghoon, and he makes them believe it's a two-sided thing. which to an extent seems to be true, but.. sht is just all over the place. whenever i read for sunghoon in general, his energy can be pretty comfortable and laidback. but as soon as it comes to romantic readings.. the man is a whole different guy. his venus and mars in scorpio don't play.
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is he dating? queofp&pagofw, aceofc, hangm&9ofc
yes and no for sunoo too.. he's another one who has something with this earth sign person, however it's all extremely fresh and lose still. it's more in the beginning stages, yet sunoo already seems to be like "meh, you're not entertaining me enough." and kinda putting everything on hold. (like randomly leaving them on read) i can tell this person likes him a lot and feels let down by his non committal attitude, since they themselves seem to be someone who puts a lot of themselves into every relationship they start. sunoo's behavior is making them feel very insecure, and they're afraid he's just leading them on.
he's the type to only call when he's bored, or feels lonely. he only contacts them when he feels like he can get something out of it, it seems. and not really realizing (or not wanting to realize) that this person already values what they have a lot, and his behavior is messing with them. sunoo is so absorbed in this own world, that he doesn't seem to pay much attention to that at all. it's not something he concerns himself with.
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is he dating? 8ofp, 2ofp, hangm, 4ofw&9ofc
no, he isn't. and seems to be happy that way. the only member whose energy didn't make me feel like i'm going a little insane, thank you jungwon 🥹 he has his entire focus on work right now, and is consciously making the decision not to start anything in his romantic life. there is so much on his plate, that he feels it'd currently be difficult for him to find enough time and energy for a relationship. jungwon has very high standards, he's someone who exactly knows what he wants and needs. he dedicates his entire heart and soul to everything he does, in various aspects of life, including his love life. so, he's either all in a relationship, or all out, doesn't start one at all.
the happy four of wands together with the proud nine of cups shows him in a very content and comfortable place, a lot of confidence and satisfaction. not having a partner doesn't seem to bother him at all.
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tealfling · 3 months
Rolan would be such a good uncle, is perpready to give Lia and wyll time to rest by taking the baby.
It's important to him that the baby knows they have family that cares
Rolan's already there constantly visiting (he calls it 'checking up on them' but we know better). The Ravenguards are in a position to want for nothing, but Rolan still brings them magical quality of life improvements.
And he showers that baby in gifts. Every visit he brings something.
Rolan and Cal are secretly in an unspoken "Favorite Uncle" competition. Points are tallied every time the baby gives one of them "uppie" hands. Rolan is ahead by two somehow and Cal is fighting for his life trying to be the goofy fun uncle to catch up.
Rolan's 'little light show' is a family favorite that gets more fantastic for the family littles. There are nights when Uncle Rolan watches the baby and leaves the dancing light over the crib while she sleeps.
He loves his siblings deeply and by extension their children. At one point all they had was each other and that bond is unbreakable. They know they can call on other for support.
The second Lia calls for him, he's ready. It doesn't matter for what, or why or when, the man is THERE. He's even reaching out to Cal: did you talk to her? Do you know what's going on? Are you going? The tiefling siblings always roll together.
Wyll & Lia could have called on the best clerics in the Gate, but they call for her brother first. There's probably a manor full of staff, the baby probably has her own nurse, but Lia & Wyll have strong family bonds and are very hands on parents. So it's family they look to for advice first.
Rolan knows exactly how frustrated she is when feeling helpless. Whatever's going on, they'll figure it out together.
A Rolan in a relationship with Tav also brings his partner along, and Wyll is always over the moon to see his friend.
This is the dream team of "We've got you covered."
If they sense at all Lia and Wyll are tired, they promptly send mom & dad off to rest. Even still, they make sure Wyll & Lia are making sure their own needs are met.
For fussy baby problems, they can all trouble shoot together and figure it out. We saved the world, everything else is easy. If all else fails, they know three great healers they can call on.
(Wyll or Tav can make a joke about calling on Jaheira for some of her great motherly advice. Which is only really a joke if the baby isn't too ill. If that baby is in pain or has a fever they can't deal with Tav would personally knock on Jaheira's door.)
A druid or cleric Tav would be able to handle it too. But I imagine an arcane wielder (like Coren) could be very creative with spell use.
[ "Oh, what troubles you so my little Squishy? Do your wittle nubbies hurt?" The sorceress runs her icy palm over the child's forehead. "Does that feel better?" She asks, massaging the swollen node with her finger, sending the faintest electric hum to numb the pain.]
As the children grow, there is a fantastic sense of family amongst them. Every occasion is a large family gathering.
Dad, former Blade or Frontiers, Hero of Baulder's Gate is still a renowned story teller. Now his daughter has taken to telling tall tales of her own.
Imagine everyone seated in a warm sitting room where an adorable little tiefling girl with a wooden sword acts out a familiar adventure. It doesn't happen quite like those in the room that lived it recall, but it's a charming story and Uncle Rolan makes the best visual effects with his mastery of magic.
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me making my first oc in years at 1:30 am
name: domingo estrada
age: 25 (january 18th)
race: latino (guatemalan)
gender: female to male. he/him. outside of work, his trans identity is very important to him, but it's something he prefers to not bring up in the workplace.
sexuality: uhh.... yes. he prefers to not label it, as he feels it's very fluid. crushes SUPER easy, though. watch out, if you be nice to him, he'll swoon.
physical apperance: tan skin, hazel eyes, long, brown hair with a slight wave to it. he usually wears his hair in a bun. he is man bun supreme. loves having his hair up. he's post top surgery and has been on testosterone for a couple of years. he's a little below average height and has a fairly average build. he likes wearing soft, comfortable clothes (usually in pastel colors, as those are his favorite). he also usually wears slip in shoes with no laces on account of the psych ward.
role at ppth: social worker on the adolescent unit of the psych ward. he's newly graduated and pursuing licensure (licensed clinical social worker). what his job entails is creating treatment and discharge plans, finding placements for those who need them, coordinating appointments, and assessing patients in the emergency room (those who come in for mental health reasons). he tries to spend as much of his free time on the unit to be there for patients. if needed, he'll sit and talk to a kid for hours.
about: domingo is a laid-back person. he's pleasant to be around. he's usually calm and collected and is good under pressure (great trait for a social worker!) he connects well with the teenagers he works with, easily gaining their trust and allowing them to open up. he's a good listener and tends to remember lots of minute details about people. sometimes he freaks people out with that ("how did you even remember that? i mentioned it once!") he is very passionate about his work and would fight endlessly for his patients. he cares deeply about the teens under his care and works tirelessly to make sure they get what they need.
domingo, though good at his work, also tends to be a bit absent-minded and forgetful. he has adhd and has yet to find a medication that works for him. his phone is full of endless reminders and there's random post-it notes all over his office. if he isn't moving, he feels like he'll explode. something the teens he works with enjoy is that he's always got a fidget and a pack of gum on him. something that helps him the most is using an oral fidget, though he doesn't like to use them in front of his coworkers. outside of his office, he chews gum.... or less preferable, his nails. a habit he's had since childhood.
domingo also has dyslexia. he has learned ways that help him with reading, but still struggles. though he's spent years in therapy working to decrease his shame, it's still something he occasionally feels embarrassment about. he has excellent listening and speaking skills, it's just reading and writing he has a hard time with. he uses a screen reader on his computer most of the time.
backstory: domingo is a twin. him and his sister (teresa) were born to a mother struggling with drug addiction. once she discovered she was pregnant, she tried her best to quit. she was sober for pretty much the entire pregnancy, and a few months after that. however, she fell deep into postpartum depression and turned back to drugs. at first, she hid it. she hid it well. her boyfriend, their father, didn't know until he came home early from work one day and walked in on her popping a pill. he tried to be supportive, but he was so angry at her. he tried his best to help her, but she didn't want it. she was deep into her addiction. one night, he had enough. he gave her an ultimatum. get clean, or he leaves. he gave her a month. she tried her best, not wanting her children to lose their father, but she couldn't do it. addiction had dug its claws too deep into her. she couldn't do it alone. he left her like he said he would. of course, this loss only drove her deeper into her illness.
it wasn't until 4th grade that someone finally realized what was going on in their home. a teacher called cps, but they did nothing. cps would be called over a dozen more times, yet nothing would be done. they remained in that house until they were adults. this is what inspired domingo to pursue social work. social workers had failed him. he didn't want other children to go through that.
his sister also fell into drugs in high school. she spiraled and spiraled for years until she overdosed one night. this was after she graduated. she was supporting herself as best she could. she was taken to the emergency room, where they managed to save her. that was what she needed. she didn't want to be like their mother. she decided to go to rehab, and committed herself fully to recovery. she's had a couple slips along the way, but has gotten fully sober and now lives a wonderful life. she works at a community outreach center as a peer support specialist and advocates for harm reduction.
in the past couple years, his mother finally began getting sober. she committed once more to recovery, and so far, it has stuck. domingo and teresa have a lot of feelings about it. of course, they're proud of her. they're happy to have their mother again. but also... why couldn't she have been there when they were younger? why did it have to be now? that they were both on their own? domingo struggles heavily with this outside of work.
uhh anyways..... that's all for now :3 i'll write more + make him a blog tomorrow.
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vickyvicarious · 11 months
Quincy has lots of foresight and level headedness as Van Helsing says. He is laconic less in the meaning of "Says little" and more with the actual definition of "Gets straight to the POINT". He sees what the matter is and instantly goes for the solution. I think that getting Mina a Portable Typewriter is part of that.
But it is still fascinating that it was him and not Jonathan who bought it. Jonathan might have been too deep into despair to think of a future in the horizon?
I mean, he also does say little as soon as matters get serious, which I think fits his character as well. It's not just Stoker writing him as more background character and forgetting to give him many lines (though I feel sure that's part of it too) but also, Quincey only hams it up when the situation calls for it. He's talkative with his buddies, and with the girl he hopes to marry, but as soon as we get into survival situations then he gets much more quiet and to the point.
Jack says that "In all our hunting parties and adventures in different parts of the world, Quincey Morris had always been the one to arrange the plan of action, and Arthur and I had been accustomed to obey him implicitly." And I think that does seem clear. He tends to think very simply/practically, and while he doesn't take on the role of leader in this group it's easy to see how he would be able to do so in another situation. He doesn't get as caught up in philosophizing or emotion; like you (and Art and Van Helsing) said, he's level-headed. He is pretty good at recognizing the core of a situation and just zeroing in on it, not being afraid to ask the relevant questions even when they might seem absurd or rude. My favorite moment being of course "Where did the blood go?" but there are others as well. And yeah, every time he tries to find a way to act about it. He notices Lucy might love someone else, asks, gets rejected, and then keeps his distance because he doesn't want to get in their way. He recognizes the blood must be going somewhere, asks about it, and then decides to guard against bats because he knows bats are something that could do that. That sort of thing. He also acts preventatively quite a lot (that foresight you mentioned), with stuff like shooting at bats or spying to see which way Dracula might flee or volunteering to ride up the riverbank in case Dracula got off at some port along the way. These are all just-in-case type actions taken to prevent a possible bad outcome.
Him getting the typewriter for Mina is nice in another way because it goes against his tendency to step back when he thinks something isn't his place. He's shown to be pretty hesitant about being somewhere he thinks he would be intruding, from stuff like not coming back to visit Lucy until Art asked him, to not going to see her on her deathbed since she didn't even know he was there, to stepping out of the room when he saw Art having a moment with Mina, to even being weirdly nervous about bursting into the Harkers' bedroom during a life-or-death situation. He likes to wait for an invitation first (not in a vampire way, haha) when it comes to interactions with people. But here, he doesn't. And I think it comes down to the day they met, when Mina saw how he was feeling and offered him comfort and validated his own grief as just as worthy. He was deeply moved and promised to be her friend from then on. Then he vowed to kill her in the name of that friendship. This is a gentler, perhaps less grand but no less meaningful, way he can express how much he cares about her, and try to in some way return the favor by attempting to lift her spirits when she is suffering.
(Mina and Quincey's friendship gets me emotional every time.)
As for why Jonathan didn't buy it... I think it is partially him not seeing the future right now. He has already said that he and Mina don't talk of the future, and while he of course is fully dedicated to hunting Dracula down and ensuring they will have a happy future together, I'm not sure it is anything he can really visualize right now. He is so very absorbed in caring for Mina in her current condition and planning to take care of Dracula in a distinctly different meaning of the word, that he doesn't have room for anything else right now. He's on the edge of breaking down as it is, and is just trying to push through, sort of like it was for him back in the castle.
But also, in a less angsty way, I think it might not have occurred to him as something he could do. He and Mina have only recently come into any sort of wealth, and a typewriter like this would be pretty expensive (I believe someone looked it up last year and it seems like Quincey dropped a pretty hefty sum on this gift). He's become used to using money much more freely of late, but it has always been for the purpose of a specific goal, not purchases for pleasure. It may not be something that even comes to mind as a reasonable act he could do for her, not yet anyway.
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orchideous-nox · 17 days
Thoughts on the Black sisters??? < 3
I know you sent me this after a conversation (which was now like 2 weeks ago) where I said I would talk about them when I've got more opinions but goddammit Alex 😂
I think Bella was very insecure during her Hogwarts years. She is the eldest of 3 daughters and gets a lot of pressure from their parents to be a certain way. Whilst they were all close, I think their parents put a lot of the weight of the Black family legacy on Bellatrix more than Narcissa and Andromeda and she kept a lot of that from her sisters to protect them. She sought validation a lot from her parents, which she rarely got, and relies heavily on Narcissa for emotional support as she gets older.
Her marriage to Rodulphus isn't a love match and I think she resents that a lot but doesn't resent him necessarily. They did what they had to do for their families, a lot of what Bella does is for the sake of her sisters. When she joined the death eaters to gain power and respect, she realised that fear was much more effective and this was her downward spiral. She'd spent years trying to do things right and properly, she'd gone through with a respectable marriage, she was the eldest daughter who did what was best for the family, but it wasn't enough for her. A lot of what she does is still routed in her loyalty to Narcissa, only made stronger after Andromeda leaves, and when she gets out of Azkaban she sees Draco and doesn't want him to be like Andromeda and to end up with no family.
I love seeing content about Quillkiller and, while it's not something I'd write myself, I think it's something that makes sense. With Bella having this strong sense of duty to the family that eventually shifts over to Voldemort, I feel like both her and Narcissa gave up one love for another, Bellatrix giving Rita up to marry Rodolphus and become a Death Eater, the final straw for Rita. There's potential that Bellatrix would resent her sister for still being able to marry for love, but this disappears over time, especially in Azkaban.
She's probably the sister I have the most thoughts on already. I've not really delved into this generation much because they're a bit older than the Marauders characters, but I kinda vibe with the idea of Nobleflower and Narcissa having to give that up to marry Lucius who she did come to genuinely love. I think Narcissa and Lucius are really lovely, they have genuine adoration for each other and it doesn't feel like the kind of marriage where Narcissa sticks with him because the family believe in duty over happiness. While yes, Narcissa appreciates the security of being married to Lucius, she cares deeply for him and their child and stands by him. She calms him and is with him during Death Eater meetings, she supports Lucius after he returns from Azkaban. Yes, she does ultimately put her own values above his sometimes, but she loves her family so much because they're hers.
I think she struggles with parenting Draco because of her own family and her upbringing. This gets worse after Bellatrix is sent to Azkaban and all eyes are on her and Lucius and their child, expected to be the future of both the Black family and the Malfoy family as everyone else is either dead, in Azkaban or disowned. Narcissa is so loyal, she protects her husband, her son and her sister for as long as she can. She's brave and isn't scared of lying to Voldemort by saying Harry's dead if it means protecting Draco and knowing he is okay.
Being the youngest, I think she looked up to Bellatrix massively and after Andromeda leaves and is disowned, they grow closer. She doesn't always agree with Bellatrix's ways but she can't lose her like she lost Andie and wants to help her in whatever way possible. However, I do think out of Bellatrix and Narcissa, the latter would be more likely to attempt amicable contact with Andromeda, I think motherhood would give her a new understanding. That being said, I don't think it would be an easy "you're forgiven", it would be a long road to even tolerating each other's presence.
I think the films do Andromeda so dirty, Sirius clearly saw a lot to love in his favourite cousin and seeing her marry Ted Tonks gave him the courage to leave home knowing it would be okay, and yet she's left out. We know that she looks a lot like Bella and I think there is so much that could be explored within that, no matter the distance she tries to put between them her older sister still follows her everywhere.
She's always been the most gentle of the sisters and I think Narcissa would go to her for comfort over Bella, but she certainly has a temper that makes Bellatrix roll her eyes whilst secretly being proud. I think she was quietly strong until her last year before being disowned when she became much more vocal, saying no to things she didn't want to do. Obviously, her parents didn't like this and neither did Bella because she took the brunt of their frustration when she'd hide away from them all. I can imagine Cissy knew where all her hiding spots were though even as a kid, and would hide with her or would bring her food or treats to coax her out.
In the same way that people think Narcissa and Regulus were close, Andromeda and Sirius were close. We know that they have a lot in common in terms of leaving the Black family and Sirius considers the Tonks' to be his family over his other two cousins, and I think Andromeda feels the same about him. She didn't believe he killed James and was probably heartbroken when she found out what had happened. People get angsty about Tonks being killed by someone who looks just like her mother, but Sirius was killed by someone who looked just like the only family he had left, and this would have broke her heart knowing her own sister did that.
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eksentrismi · 8 days
Felt like writing some headcanons and fun facts for some of my beloved Disney-OC's, since I haven't talked about them in a really long while + I love them a ton, they deserve more attention from me anyway 🥺
This post will get long, so lol, sorry in advance! I ramble a lot <3
Miles (McLeach's son):
Miles might now be a much more calmer and patient adult... but as a kid, he was an absolute menace. Always loving to pull some pranks on his father and anybody else unfortunate in his close vicinity. He was mischievous and quite hyper too, climbing onto anything and anyone. Or breaking furniture by climbing on surfaces, lamps etc and knocking them down. He basically had near never-ending zoomies, lmao /j
Miles's second name is Ronnie. Though he only ever uses it as a name for his disguises, if he needs to hide his identity from the authorities.
Miles hates 'Mother's day'-holidays, though for a good reason. As he deeply dislikes his mother for various reasons. He hasn't had an easy childhood
Miles loves playing the guitar or singing sometimes (much like his father), even if he's not good at it.
Miles and Alice didn't get along well after they first met, and they still do bicker from time to time. Fighting or pranking each other a lot. Which causes people often to mistakenly think that they're siblings, when they're actually not. Though yeah, they still do act like they're siblings. Miles can be pretty protective over Alice and defends her from dangers if ever necessary, meanwhile Alice often helps him out too if ever needed. Despite seeming like rivals, they actually deeply care about each other.
Miles would probably be in his late 60's now in 2024 (as during RDU's events, he's 35).... yeah, terrifying, isn't it? My guy is so old, he's ancient- /j
Alice (McLeach's henchman / sort-of adoptive daughter):
Alice is a rude loudmouth, who cusses and curses a ton. She's the type of person, who will let her opinions be known and she doesn't respect the law. She's one heck of a fighter too, able to defend herself if ever necessary.
Alice loves 1980's music, especially 80's pop and rock! Her favorite bands are Depeche Mode and Tears For Fears.
Alice is terrible at cooking... when in all honesty, everybody in the McLeach household is terrible at cooking any foods. There's a kitchen fire at least once or twice a week. /j
Alice is bisexual, but prefers women.
Alice is skilled in shoplifting, pickpocketing and vandalism.
Alice is rather secretive when it comes to her past and she doesn't like talking about it, due to various reasons; one being that she's had a rough tragic past. And other being that she's actually a fugitive in another country, which she had to flee from some years ago before meeting McLeach.
One of Alice's favorite pastime hobbies is fixing old computers and other electronics. She often helps McLeach out gladly, whenever it comes to any mechanical work or modifying electronics.
Alice also likes to collect different kinds of knives, just for fun mainly.
Ophelia (Sykes's daughter):
Ophelia doesn't have many friends, in fact she's never really had any. She often spent time in various dinner parties etc held by her father's rich influential friends, but she never got along well with the other children there. She was teased in school, when she was little. But even after telling about it to her protective father; she was completely left alone by the bullies and teachers afterwards, but because of everyone becoming extremely afraid of both her and her father. Thus avoiding her altogether or acting cautious around her.
Ophelia used to wear ribbons on her hair nearly all the time in her childhood. And now she likes to have a typical big 1980's hairstyle, because she can <3
Ophelia can be quite charismatic. But not exactly a very sociable person, often preferring to spend time either alone or with her father only.
Ophelia loves her father's dogs. She spoils them rotten often with expensive meat or treats (much to her father's dismay), or takes them on walks. She's the type of person who would get the dogs those really itchy-looking dog sweaters for Christmas, lmao
Ophelia is good at playing the piano, playing the violin, playing tennis, dancing ballet, boxing and also acting. She had lots of hobbies as a kid and overall she had lots of after-school activities. She also had excellent grades in every school she attended.
Before she turned to the criminal lifestyle, she used to work as a secretary at a highly regarded unnamed company. She grew bored of the mundane office work though and eventually got laid off too, due to some issues within the company. Incredibly bitter by this, she decided to turn to life of crime, as she found it quite natural to herself. It just seemed much more fascinating and thrilling than boring paperworks.
Zachary (Rourke's son):
Zachary might look intimidating with his tall height (as he's around 190 centimeters tall, much like his father) and muscular large build. He's however a kind gentle guy, quite sensitive and a bit shy too.
Zachary is quite strong too, but has never been fond of fighting or combat. Much to his father's dismay though, as he then is a combative argumentative person. Meanwhile Zachary does everything to avoid arguments or conflict.
Zachary is a very artistic person, as he's always loved arts and painting. Drawing and doodling all sorts of things, and admiring the creative beauty in nearly everything. He enjoys things that are aesthetically pleasing to him and he often gets inspired easily by his surroundings.
Zachary is basically the total opposite personality than that of his father's, lmao. They're complete opposites, despite having similar appearances. Thus their relationship has never been exactly the best, but rather distant instead.
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dufferpuffer · 27 days
hi! i love your metas of Remus and other hp stuff, it seems pretty much canon complicated to me, and i love it more than fanon alpha version of Remus and his relationship with others
but also i wanna ask bc i see that opinion and i wanna know what you think of it: is Remus is abuser? abuser to Snape, to Tonks, to other possible romantic/platonic partner or friend?
and if he IS a abuser is it possible to him to be heal? especially in AU without V and war when his friends were alright and with him ( in canon world if he survived it also interesting 🤔)
*sorry for bad grammar English is not my first language, its pretty third and its really bad🥲
I wouldn't say Remus is an abuser - but he does have toxic, harmful habits that could lead to being abusive if he isn't careful and doesn't have support.
He does unhealthy things out of fear, trauma and trying to protect himself and others... but they are almost always mistakes.
This can very easily lead to being an abuser. He does HURT Tonks. It isn't fair to her. But I don't think it crosses over into abusing her (yet), because he is struggling to do the right thing in difficult times.
There is a war, they are being hunted, he is a werewolf, she has an unplanned pregnancy only weeks after he married her... that's all very difficult, and he has always tried to solve problems by removing himself from them. He knows he can be irresponsible, he knows he is dangerous - and he is doing his best not to cause more problems for people he loves. He isn't being 'unreasonable' by leaving - just mistaken and hurtful.
Abuse can be repeated toxic behaviour with no attempt to fix it... but generally it has a goal, you know? Leaving when you get scared or overwhelmed is different to trying to make someone act a certain way by leaving/threatening to leave.
Remus doesn't want Tonks to change - other than maybe give up on him. He isn't trying to control her. He's just struggling mentally.
If he continued this pattern and never tried to change - yes that would be abusive, hurting her over and over for his own comfort. But we see him trying to change in the last book when he went back. He is already healing, thanks to their friends supporting him.
Was Remus abusive to Severus? Yeah.
As a kid AND as an adult. As a kid he was more 'a willing bystander' - but at least TRIED to defend Severus a little by telling his friends to stop. It isn't good enough, he was still being bad, but he was a kid. He was more of a bully as an adult: he liked putting Severus in tough positions where he couldn't talk or act freely - and had to do what Remus said. He lied to him, embarrassed him - and had fun with it.
In a relationship... I don't think he would want to do that. I don't think he COULD do it. Severus wouldn't let him. Severus was a dog on a leash as a teacher, he had rules to follow. As a boyfriend? He would stand up for himself more. Severus is a very strong man, and Remus is very weak.
However, Severus is weak to feeling unlovable and having his trust broken. Remus leaving, over and over... that'd hurt Severus deeply.
Severus finally opening his heart to someone who seems to understand him, who loves him despite his 'flaws'... only to have them constantly want to leave him alone whenever there's an issue? Severus has to solve all the problems by himself because Remus only wants to be around when things are good and easy and nice...?
It might bring out Severus' own toxic behaviour - being controlling, angry, cruel, unreasonable. They might BOTH become abusive.
Severus tries to control Remus with anger, demands and threats - and Remus tries to stop him by threatening to pull out his love. But pulling away his love is what scares Severus the most, once he is used to having it... which makes him more angry.
In a world without Voldemort/War...
Hm... this would be a world where his friends survived. Where James and Lily raised Harry, where Sirius was a godfather, where Peter wasn't a piece of shit... It's just so different. Remus would have money, safety, love... At the same time, his friends encouraged his bad habits: taking risks, ignoring responsibilities, treating his condition lightly... But he had support. He had many people he trusted that showed him 'It isn't so bad, being a werewolf. We love you as you are.'
I think part of his toxic 'leaving' behaviour is from childhood: he grew up without friends, and every time anyone suspected he was a werewolf his family had to move house. But it was made worse when all his friends 'died'. Overnight he lost everyone, and his sick self-hating brain said 'None of this would have happened if I wasn't a werewolf. It's MY fault.'
If that never happened...? I think he would have been a healthier man. A more confident man, one that just had a 'furry little problem.' If he got in a relationship with someone - his friends would NEVER let him just 'run away' when he got scared.
I think if he went off on his own, tried to have a relationship in secret without any friends to help... he would eventually become abusive. He is a very broken person who hates himself, but is desperate to feel love and acceptance. That isn't easy to heal, especially by yourself. One person can't heal it for him, either - Tonks alone isn't enough.
He needs many people patting him and telling him he is a good boy. He needs to know he isn't just loved, but he belongs - he doesn't need to run.
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