#should i call you dragon?? do you have a nickname you would prefer to go by??
kindlythevoid · 5 months
You probably have gotten this like four times over at least, but I wanted to take my turn in giving you some well deserved love. You're one of the first people that really made me feel comfortable and welcome on tumblr. So, thank you!
Keep being your amazing self!
I'm screaming this is literally so sweet!!!
"well deserved love" MUTUAL MY BELOVED!! (╥ ╥) <3 <3
That's so sweet to hear, I'm so happy you feel comfortable here on tumblr!! It sounds like you got on around the same time as me, so we've really been helping each other out. :)
The Void
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sirowsky-stories · 1 year
The Old Prince
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Part 3
Author's Note: I'm truly proud of this one, I love how it came together and I'm so excited to keep going! (I haven't forgotten about Collision, I'm just slightly addicted to Oberyn right now. You're just gonna have to forgive me.)
Description: Oberyn works to uncover the mystery of your survival, but when the time comes to go home, you find yourself conflicted.
Rating: Mature 18+ONLY Warnings: Monster Oberyn Martell x Female Reader, AU fic, eventual romance, obviously Halloween themed, reader cusses, reader gets a nickname, this one is mostly Oberyn's pov and he thinks a bit more old-fashioned. Small time jump. Angst. Word Count: 5740 Author's Masterlist
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   His fingers are deft and practiced as he draws samples of your blood, but the silence between you is awkward, and you’re not sure why.    Maybe because of how shocked he’d been at your embrace earlier. It makes you wonder how long it’s been since he was touched by someone. Even just platonically.    You’d been too distressed to notice your own reaction to him this time, but it had been there once you’d pulled back. The same inexplicable heat.
   “How much do you need?” you ask, mostly just to break the tension.
   “Four vials should do for now,” he replies in a tone much more neutral than what fits with his expression.
   “I’m sorry about… before,” you try, but he doesn’t get the vague reference.
   He looks up and meets your eyes with a silent question in his brows.
   “The hug,” you elaborate, averting your gaze before the two small words have even finished leaving your lips.
   You’re not really ashamed to have needed comfort, that much no one would judge you for after the last twenty-four hours of your life. What bothers you is that you don’t understand why you felt safe to seek it from him.    No matter who (or what) he is, you shouldn’t be this at ease around him, it goes against every grain of reason and common sense. The man is holding you against your will.
   “Don’t apologize to me, young one. I have you at a terrible disadvantage,” he says, and he sounds entirely unamused by his own words.
   “Okay, can you start calling me something other than that, please. No matter how much older than me you might be, it sounds so wrong when someone who looks to be my age calls me that. It makes me feel like a schoolgirl.”
   He looks somewhat perplexed at that.
   “What would you prefer?”
   “I don’t know, just make up a nickname for me that has nothing to do with age.    I’d tell you my real name, but you have enough power over me already.”
   Finishing up the blood-draw and placing a small band aid on the punctured skin, he seems to ponder that, and something about it amuses him.
   “How about Kaivalya? It means freedom,” he suggests, and you raise a brow in scrutiny.
   It’s a mouthful, but kinda beautiful too. Still, if he’s gonna name you something with that implication, he’d better own up to it.
   “I’ll consider that a promise.”
   “As intended,” he agrees, smiling slightly while he inclines his head at you in a little bow.
   Why does that tiny indication that he respects you, make your stomach flutter?
   “Let’s shorten it to Valya or Val, though,” you suggest, trying to kill the highly inappropriate butterflies with bland conversation. “The whole thing is too cumbersome.”
   “Well then, you’re all done for now, Valya. Thank you.”
   “How long do you think it’ll take to analyze it?”
   “That’s hard to say. It all depends on what I find,” he says and then gets up to put three of the vials into a fridge, leaving one for him to get started on right away. “But you have my word that I will keep you informed.    Until then, as I said, you move around the castle at your own risk.”
   “Will the dragon come back?” you ask, only slightly less frightened of the prospect, now that you know that he has some sort of relationship with it.
   “Yes. But not for a while yet.”
   “How do you know?”
   “He brought you here after he had tried to feed on you and failed. And he stayed for a while to find out if you would mutate, after noticing that it had not happened as quickly as it usually does.    But he had still not fed, so he had to hunt again. That’s why you saw him leave the castle.    He was successful this time, though. Which means he’ll be laying low for a while now.”
   “Oh. I didn’t realize that he was the one who’d brought me here. But I guess that makes sense. Dragons fly, after all,” you ponder, and you’re starting to feel quite ambiguous about this beast.
   On the one hand, it tried to eat you, but on the other, it also tried to help you.
   “If something should happen… I mean, if I should start to feel strange or anything, how do I call for help?” you continue after a moment.
   “Scream as loud as you can for as long as you can. If your door is open and you’re facing the stairwell, the sound will travel with the stone.    But I really don’t think that you’re at any risk of that kind of mutation, at this point.”
   “I hope you’re right, and I’m sure you are, I’m just trying to navigate being here. You are keeping me furthest away from absolutely everything, which seems kinda unnecessary.    Wouldn’t it be easier if I just stayed somewhere down here?”
   “I’m not keeping you away from everything, I am trying to keep everything away from you.    You’re safe up there, where the pull from the creatures in the basement cannot possibly reach you, and nothing else is going to find you,” he explains, while he works on taking a first look at your blood through a microscope.
   For a second, you wonder what the hell he means by “nothing else finding you”, but you quickly decide that you don’t wanna think too closely on that.    You get up and start slowly moving towards the door of this makeshift little laboratory of his, somewhere on the second floor of the main body of the castle.
   “Okay, um… Before I go, is there any food?”
   “Of course,” he answers immediately, looking up from the microscope with an apologetic set to his features, as if only just now realizing that you do need food to survive. “The kitchen is at the end of the main hall. That’s the same corridor as the one to my study and the main stairwell you take to get to the tower. Just follow it to the end.    Do you think you can find it?”
   “Yeah, I think so. That’s the one hallway I’m beginning to feel familiar with.”
   What he had hoped would only take a few days, remains unsolved even after two weeks. He is not skilled enough in genetics, nor does he have the right equipment to try and find anomalies within your DNA. All he can do is visually analyze your cells and the levels of vitamins and minerals in your blood, hoping to find something deviant, as that might indicate where changes have been, or still is, taking place.    But he has yet to succeed. Thus far, every test has come back normal.
   If not for the extremely rapid healing of the bite, he would not have thought that anything about you had been affected, but clearly, something has been.    By rights he should take your samples to a lab and ask that they run a full diagnostic on it with more advanced technology, but he’s afraid that they might discover something about his own genetics, and the thing within him that is responsible for so much death and suffering.
   He has spent thousands of years trying to avoid humans as much as possible, and to do that, he has had to study their psychology rigorously, so he knows what they would do if they ever learned what he is and what he is capable of.    The few sightings of him that have occurred over the millennia, have generated an entire mythology surrounding dragons, and he would much prefer that it remains nothing but stories.
   Still, to his astonishment, you seem to tolerate him quite a lot better than one might think that a victim of assault and kidnapping might. After that first tumultuous day, you have apparently decided that things could be a lot worse, choosing to focus instead on the fact that you are alive and doing very well, despite the worry of mutation.    You insist that he join you for dinner every evening, to keep yourself from going stir crazy with isolation, and he finds that he is increasingly intrigued by your character.
   You are kind and considerate, but only when you feel that it’s justified. You like to be useful and you’re clearly accustomed to handling yourself and whatever problems you face, but you will ask for help if you come across a task that is too difficult for you.    Pride seems to be something you take only from knowing your own strength, not necessarily needing to show or prove it to anyone else. Which is an attractive trait for anyone to have, but especially someone so attractive in other ways as well.
   The monster that he is, he has always refused to take a partner, for fear that he would end up eating them and then having to live with that regret.    You are the first woman to test his resolve in this matter for at least two thousand years.    Before then, he had still tried to hope that he might not have to live all alone for eternity. A hope that had died for good after he had turned a young woman into a creature like those in the belly of this castle right now, forever poisoning him away from the allure of the fairer sex.
   Or so he had thought.
   There are moments when he is around you, when your gaze seems to shift into something warm and inviting, sparking a heat within his chest the likes of which he has never before known. It sets a blush to his usually so tempered skin and triggers a craving in his blood that has nothing to do with sustenance.    It is a frightening feeling to him, something forbidden and dangerous, so he tries to quell it whenever it awakens, but he knows that you notice it and that it makes you curious.
   Today, he awaits your arrival at the dinner table, ready to finally announce the results of his efforts, but he knows that they are unsatisfactory. He has failed to provide the answers that you seek, that you might need in order to lay these horrible events to rest in your soul, and this shames him.    So, when you walk in, smiling at the sight of him having beaten you to the table once again, he does not reciprocate, and you’re instantly on edge.
   “What’s wrong?” you ask, as you take your seat opposite him at the narrow table, and you look more worried now than he’s seen you be since that first night.
   “I have reached the end of my knowledge in my analysis of your blood. I can’t learn anything more than I already have, which, as you know, is unfortunately not much.    You have my sincerest apologies, dear Valya, but I’m afraid that I have no concrete answers to show for it,” he explains, bowing his head to you in the hopes that you will be forgiving.
   Even though you know nothing of the transformation which he may undergo at will, and which is the worst deception he has yet committed against you, there is still more than enough cause for you to despise him.    But instead, your eyes soften at his words.
   “Maybe that’s good news. Maybe it means that there’s nothing wrong with me,” you shrug, and he wants to say that to his eyes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with any part of you.
   But he refrains. Flattery will not do your impressive character justice, and he has every intention of protecting you from his own misguided heart, no matter the pain it might cause him.    Fifteen days. That is all he has had of you, and yet, you seem to have crept into every carefully concealed crevice of his being, entirely without effort.
   “I’ll bring you back to your home later tonight,” he replies, unable to fully mask the sadness that the thought of the castle once again echoing of emptiness, brings him.
   He is, however, most surprised to look into your eyes and see that same sadness within. Surely, you can’t be sorry to finally be free of this haunted and terrible place.
   “Why tonight?” you question, and even that smallest hint of defiance is enough to make him want to change his mind and ask you to stay.
   “I kidnapped you. And while I’m not proud of this, I wish to remain a free man despite my actions. So, I can’t very well return you in broad daylight, as anyone who sees us might grow suspicious,” he says, the last part being yet another lie.
   The real reason is that he needs the cover of night to conceal the span of his wings, the glimmer of his scales, and the size of his claws and teeth.
   “Right, of course,” you say quietly, turning your gaze back down to your plate, before you remember to add something, and look up once more. “And just to ease your mind, I’m not gonna report you to the police, or anything. You may have kidnapped me, but you haven’t mistreated me in any way.    Quite the opposite, really. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so well cared for.”
   He lets his head fall slightly to the side as he considers your words, but your own resolve seems to falter then, and you return your attention to the dish before you. Either to avoid his gaze, or perhaps the thought that you will likely never see him again once this night is over.    The meal passes in silence and the clock seems to spin so much faster than usual, as though time itself is rushing to end this unnatural coupling.
   “It has been my pleasure to have your company in these weeks, Val. It’s been a long time since I had company for so long.    Aside from the living nightmares of the basement, that is,” he tells you, already dreading the rapidly approaching goodbye.
   “I don’t like to leave knowing that you’ll be all alone here,” you reply, surprising him.
   He wants to say that you may visit him at any time, but he holds his tongue, offering only a grateful smile in return.    Because aside from the fact that you don’t know where the castle is, he also desperately wants you to be free of him. Even if his lonely heart screams entirely different things through the dungeons and catacombs of his being, to which he has condemned all thoughts of romance and passion.
   “We should get ready for your departure,” he says softly, sidestepping your concerns as gracefully as he can, before he rises and steps away from the table, gesturing for you to accompany him.
   You follow without protest, and a part of him wishes that you would rage against the lack of choices you have been afforded. But he is also relieved that you don’t.    There are no possessions to pack, you will leave his house as poor as you entered it, save for the clothes he has given you, so there’s no need to delay.    He brings you back to the lab where he already has a syringe filled and waiting.
   “Please, don’t be alarmed,” he asks when he sees your expression turn wary with the sight of the unknown clear substance behind the needle. “It’s a strong sedative. I’m afraid I cannot let you see the journey back, as this place needs to remain as hidden as it can be.”
   “Oh…” is all you say, but the sadness in your eyes grows deeper with the realization that you will never be able to return.
   You step closer while shrugging of your jacket, the garment returned to you already on your third day here, as he had learned by then that you would not run from the answers you sought.    There is no hesitation or questioning in your frame. You roll up your sleeve, trusting this stranger not to kill you, or cause you harm in other ways, and he wishes so dearly that you had never crossed his path that night, so that he could have been spared this ending.
   “It will only take you a few minutes to fall asleep once the injection is done. But you may start to feel unsteady within seconds, so I suggest you take a seat,” he cautions.
   Defiant on this matter, for reasons which evade his understanding, you remain on your feet, holding out your arm as you wait for the unknown substance to be administered into your blood.    He is not going to fight you, so he merely gives you the injection and then quickly puts the syringe away, preparing to catch you if you should grow dizzy.
   But the moment that he steps closer to you, so that he may reach you should he need to react quickly, you raise your hands to his shoulders, holding him steady as you steal a kiss from his lips.    It’s brief, but not rushed. Your lips are soft and the pressure moderate, but there is curiosity and desire within the touch. A wish, perhaps. Much like the one that burns his own chest and is responsible for how he responds to your affectionate gesture, kissing you in return as soon as your lips have left his.
   Then your legs wobble, and the moment ends. He catches you, pressing you against his upper body to prevent you from falling, as you already struggle to keep your eyes open.    He worries that he might have given you too strong a dose, but he needs you to be completely unaware of the journey back.    Only moments later, you are beginning to doze off, but you stubbornly keep your eyes open for as long as you can, as if trying to commit his features to memory.
   When you go limp in his arms, the image of your seemingly lifeless body on the ground in that forest, flashes before his waking eyes, and all at once, tears are gathering in them.    You should not have suffered such a fate. You should have been spared from ever knowing of these monstrous things, and he can only hope that your paths will never cross again.    He swoops your legs up and carries you outside, the strength of the beast making the burden easy to bear despite the distance.
   Once out on the courtyard, next to the prancing white horse, so noble and proud, he sets you down and steps away to let the transformation happen. He knows the feeling so well, and yet it never grows any less unsettling.    The dragon and him are one and the same, but the beast has a different mindset. A primal and largely thoughtless existence. It knows what the man knows, and if need be, it will think rationally, but that is not its default manner.
   It is an animal, still. Despite the many centuries of life that it has shared with the human. It feeds, sleeps and repeats the process as needed, nothing more. And as that mindset takes over, Oberyn fades into the background. Conscious and aware but drowned out by the sensory input of the much larger animal and its superior senses.
   However, even the beast is enchanted with you, recognizing your scent at once and having no adverse reaction to it.    Instead, he feels only protective over you. He doesn’t think unless he has to, but his heart is no less sensitive within the body of the beast.
   He gently picks you up in his front paws, cradling you to his chest for warmth, as his body will remain quite hot regardless of the temperature of the air, the fire within always stoked and ready.    Leaning back to rest heavier on his hindlegs, he leaps off the ground. His wings are long, wide and powerful, easily taking up the extra strain as they bear you both into the skies, heading south and away from the snow.
   There was a time when all the heavens belonged to him. When he was the largest, fastest, and strongest creature up there. But no more.    Now, when he flies, he must always keep a watchful eye on men, as they jump from city to city in their metal birds. Airplanes. What a terrifying way to move, locked in a box, thousands of feet above the ground, having to trust the skills of a complete stranger to operate it.    Oberyn will never set foot in such a thing, of that he is most certain.
   There is no such obstacle in your way for this journey, however. Concealed by the night, he lands softly in the still green grass on your backyard, before instantly shifting back to his human form, so that he may fit through the door.    Your scent around this entire place is so strong that he could sense it even from the air above, so there is no question, he’s found the correct address.
   Rounding the little cottage, he finds the front door and shifts you over into his left arm so that he may unlock it.    During dinner eight nights ago, you had asked him about your personal belongings, and he had confessed to taking your keys and the small mobile phone which he had found in your pockets, only the first of which he would be able to return to you.
   The fire in the ballroom, where you had sat to warm yourself on your first morning in the castle, he had set in order to burn that phone, not trusting even the outdated model to not be traceable somehow.    But you had explained that you only had the phone with you for emergencies, as there are many ways to get yourself hurt in the mountains. Beyond that, you do not like to be too reachable, apparently.
   You work in a store which specializes in holiday themes, such as Halloween, Christmas and Easter, which is perhaps why these ordinarily festive seasons appear to have lost their charm for you. You had spoken of them only briefly and with a great sense of emptiness.    Listening to you, he had often felt a great loneliness behind your words. But perhaps not the obvious kind. Something deeper, to do with unfulfilled dreams, maybe.
   It was only when you had spoken of working outdoors, chopping your own wood or tending to your horse or your vegetable garden, that he had seen peacefulness in your frame.    You’re not a typical modern person, drawn to various forms of digital media, preferring instead to work with your hands and be rewarded for your efforts with things that are useful to you. Things you can not only see, but touch and experience in real time.
   He steps inside, finding a quite large and inviting living room directly to his right, decorated to feel warm and somehow intrinsically you. As well as he knows you, at least.    To his left is a small kitchen and straight ahead is a short hallway with two doors on the left. The closest leading to the bath, easily discernable by the smell of scented disinfectants, and the other to your bedroom.
   He can sense a lavender fragrance from your sheets. Not the concentrated fabric softener that most people use, which is filled with chemicals, but something natural and clean. Probably your own concoction, created with lavender grown in your own garden.    It’s a pleasant fragrance to his sensitive nose, as is most of the scents he feels from this house. Your home.
   He brings you to the bedroom and sets you down on top of the covers, noting that your bed is large enough to comfortably accommodate two adults, but then quickly wrenches such thoughts from his mind.    You look peaceful in your unconsciousness. Unlike when he had flown you to the castle. You’d been restless then, twitching and trembling as your body had attempted to adjust to whatever foreign process had been taking place within you.
   Had he known how wonderous you would turn out to be, how tolerant and kind and patient you are, he might not have been so frightened as he had waited by your bedside, dreading having to watch another mutated monster emerge from another innocent soul.    Even if he will never know how you survived, he will forever be grateful to have been given the chance to know you. And… he will greatly miss your company, for however long he may remember you.
   He puts a thick quilt over you and steps back to leave, but then decides that there can be no harm in stealing a kiss of your forehead before he walks out of your life entirely.    Your skin is exactly as warm as it should be, which feels quite cool against his own, since he runs at a much higher base temperature than humans. Your heartrate is steady and strong, your breathing even and deep, so he feels certain you will recover from the sedation without any problems.
   As he walks back through the house, he steps into the living room and over to the fireplace. The autumn chill has found its way into the half-timbered building, and he does not want your first day back to start with you feeling cold.    The heat within the dragon’s chest is still there in his human form, so a little huff of superheated air is all it takes to ignite the dry wood. He waits for another minute, just to be sure it will not go out, and then he slips back out into the night, never to return.
   You come around slowly, feeling drowsy and heavy at first, in a more than natural way. Your brain is sluggish, leaving every movement feeling like a mountain climb, but your bladder has woken up and is demanding the rest of you do as well, so you climb.    First into sitting, which results in your tumbling forwards out of bed, only just managing not to hit your head against the floor. Then your nerves start to feel more responsive, perhaps with the slight rush of adrenaline at the fear of getting hurt, and you’re able to rise to your feet.
   Every step gives you back a little more control, and by the time you’ve reached the bathroom, you don’t need to hold onto the walls anymore.    Once done in there, you walk over to the kitchen to run the taps for a few minutes, which ends up being the longest minutes of your life because you’re suddenly absolutely fucking parched.
   You down two full glasses and you’re working on filling a third when there’s a knock on the door.    Startled, you nearly drop the glass in the sink, because who’s gonna show up here when it’s barely even light out? Who even knows that you’re back already?    Irrationally hoping that it might be Oberyn, you walk to the door and open it.
   “Good morning, miss,” officer Park of the local police greets you, and you’re momentarily stunned.
   Not that it isn’t your much too desired former captor, but that the police would be the first to come knocking. You haven’t had anything to do with them in your life at all, you’ve always been very well behaved. So, naturally, your mind jumps to the thought of crime, wondering if you could’ve committed any without realizing it.
   “How nice to see you alive and well. We’ve been looking for you for two weeks and then someone reported seeing smoke rising from your chimney this morning,” the officer helpfully explains, easing your worries, but creating new ones at the same time.
   Since you haven’t lit any fire, your gaze is automatically drawn to your right and the brick fireplace at the middle of the far wall, where there is indeed a fading flame.    He must’ve lit it before he left, to make sure that the house wouldn’t be too cold when you woke up, and the thought tugs at something both painful and wonderful within your gut. No one has ever shown you that kind of consideration.
   But you’d expected to have at least a few hours to come up with a plausible story to tell anyone who asks where you’ve been, not being slapped in the face with it the first damned thing after you’ve woken up.    Of course, you have played with an idea or two, loosely, while still at the castle, but not enough to have a solid plan ready and waiting.
   “Yeah, um… I’m sorry that you’ve wasted your resources on me. I fell off my horse in the dark and ended up getting completely lost during the storm. By the time daylight broke on the next day, I couldn’t recognize anything.    Has anyone found my horse, Casper?” you ask, hoping to buy a few seconds to think but also genuinely worried about what happened to him.
   “He came right back here, safe and sound. We found him grazing in the backyard when we came to check on you after you hadn’t showed up for work the next day and no one could reach you. He’s over at the Mackey farm.”
   “Oh, great, thank you so much.”
   “Sure. But I’m a bit confused,” the officer starts, clearly wanting to bring the topic back to you, so you try to stay cool and think fast. “If you’ve been lost in the woods for two weeks, I’d expect to find you in a lesser state.    Honestly, miss… you look fresh enough to have just came from a beauty salon.”
   Shit. You haven’t looked in a mirror, so you have no idea how you might look, but you do know that you definitely don’t look starved or dirty enough to have been living rough for that long.
   “Actually, I was helped by a stranger, if you can believe it,” you say, deciding to weave as much truth as you dare into this lie. “After several days of wandering in the wrong direction, he found me and let me stay with him for a bit. And once I was fully recovered, he brought me back here. It was a long trek, which is why I didn’t get back until the middle of the night.”
   “This guy have a name?” Park challenges, years of experience making him skeptical of such an unbelievable story.
   “No. I mean, I assume he does, but we didn’t exchange names. I just called him the good Samaritan.”
   “He saved your life, and you didn’t ask for his name?” the officer asks, raising his brows in disbelief, but you’re not even really lying about this.
   After all, he’d said that his name is Oberyn, and you don’t think that he made that up, but you also remember him telling you that he doesn’t recall his own mother’s name, so there’s every chance that it’s just a name he’s heard at some point over the years and liked the sound of it enough to take it for himself.    And if he’s as old as you were made to believe, then his identity is highly unlikely to exist in any records anywhere in the world anyway.
   “He’s a recluse and a hermit who’s put himself as far away from people as he can get. Saving me was an inconvenience to him, but he still did it. He didn’t want to tell me his name because he doesn’t want anyone to come looking for him, so please, let him be.”
   You keep your tone a bit sharper for that part, to let the officer know that you have no intention of helping him pursue that lead, and he seems to get the message.
   “Alright, well… so long as you’re sure everything’s okay with you.”
   “Yes, sir. I am very grateful for your efforts, and again, I’m sorry that it was all for nothing, but I’m fine.”
   He nods politely, somewhat gruffly wishing you a good day, and then he leaves.    You close the door, exhaling deeply in relief that you managed not to panic. But then his words about you looking like you could’ve just walked out of a beauty salon pop up in your mind, and you head back to the bathroom.    There were no mirrors in the castle, at least none that you saw, so when you now see your own reflection in the one over your sink, you momentarily lose your breath.
   The wrinkles around your eyes and mouth have smoothed out. In fact, there isn’t a single visible flaw to your skin. And… has the color of your eyes shifted slightly?    Your hair is both shinier and much less damaged overall, and it seems to have changed color. Not drastically, but the tone is fuller, richer, and the shine has a distinct shade of orange, which is far from what it’s ever been close to before.    Even your teeth have been altered. Each one sitting perfectly aligned and each one apparently now flawless in shape and size.
   “The bite…” you whisper to yourself.
   The mutation which had turned those creatures in the basement into the worst things ever concocted for a horror story, seems to have turned you into the perfect version of yourself.    Just like Oberyn has looked to your eyes, ever since you first saw him.    Oh, god… Does that mean you’re becoming whatever he is? But no, that makes no sense, it was the dragon that bit you, not Oberyn.
   For a moment, the room disappears, as your brain is suddenly laying a puzzle you didn’t even know existed, and a series of images are displayed before your eyes.    The green coat, exactly the same color as the scales. The golden embroideries on the cuffs and lapels, in the exact same shape as a classically depicted serpentine dragon.    And when he’d talked about humans, he’d used the words “them” and “you” instead of “us”. He’d even said that he was tethered to the dragon…
   You droop to the floor as the unthinkable becomes an inescapable truth, gasping for air while you try to find rationalizations, anything that could make it explainable in some other way, but it all fits too well to be coincidence.    You probably put these pieces together even from the start, but chose not to see them because you liked him. Because he was sweet and kind.
   But he’s a monster. A viper lurking in the dark.    It was all a lie.
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Part 4
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Dofucora - No one loves you like I do
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warning : there relationship in this is straight up incest, hurt/comfort (corazon comforts in his own twisted way), darker themes, body horror, a kiss but diffrent
Info : So this is something I wanna write for a long time but had not really the time for now thanks to my autumm vacation I have time. So this One-Shot is again from the talented and worlds best op artist @pocketwei and it was THIS art is used (it is so good like oh my god) please check out her blog and as always have fun reading :)
Since the birth of the two blond brothers more than two decades ago, there were only the two of them and their parents. Since the little Donquixote Doflamingo and Donquixote Rosinante gave birth to the world, they were everything. They were everything for each other.
The four of them had the perfect life. Even if with a flaw. They lived in a dream. They had everything a big mansion, so much food until they burst servants who brought them everything.
They were the Celestial Dragons and would remain so forever. At least that's what Corazon thought, he didn't want to wake up from this dream, this life. That's why he had everything.
Everything he could wish for. But above all he had his heart. His brother. He had his Doflamingo always at his side since he could think there was only the two of them.
Not knowing that this thought of only the two of them would come true. The reality, the brutal reality would strike and the two children would be left traumatized and broken in their existence.
They both fled and even though tear after tear was shed. The wounds of their past did not let them go and the two blondes included them in their hearts. So Corazon knew that whenever he looked next to him he would find his brother.
Always the voice of his Doflamingo would hear as he called him by his nickname. Whenever he reached for Dofi's hand, he would find his brother's hand. Whenever he reached around him, he would find his brother's lips.
What for some so he had learned quickly among normal people as a shame was normal for him. There was no such thing as normal for the two of them anyway. There were for them only raw emotions and no morals.
So something they had was normal for the two. It was the blood of the dragons of the celestial dragons that went through them both. Which ran through their bodies and connected them.
This special connection created as Corazon always said. The blood that made Doflaimngos' insides hurt even more every time he looked at himself in the mirror.
They were gods, gods should have two wings, his brother had two wings, two soul mirrors that were so beautiful. But he was a deformity. A deformed child in a family of gods.
They had nothing to hide, they were above all these inferior humans. At least this was true for Doflamingo in the beginning. They both had built up a group at some point, a loyal group of subordinates who built up their own servants. Maybe even in later years family but for Corazon it was only the lower people.
Something that remained so for a long long time, the years and eventually decades went by and the two grew up. Adapted and yet remained true to their cause.
Corazon perhaps remained the clumsy, but from day to day became more vindictive, evil and imperious. He seemed to be completely absorbed in the blood of the celestial dragon.
The evil, almost malicious grin that appeared more and more often on his lips was only intensified by the dark lipstick, rounded off by the juggler's cap, which perfectly matched his appearance.
A crazy one. But this craziness could only partially apply to the freak of nature that was the aberrant god Doflamingo.
He preferred to wear gold and flashy jewelry, the feather coat and the expensive shirt clearly standing out and the gold of his earring always seemed to reflect and sparkle. But it was above all his sunglasses that he wore day in and day out.
Hiding his eyes that his brother loved for so many reasons. But it was also a decision Doflamingo made to try something. He wanted to appear for the first time in his divine existence but not as a dragon.
He wanted to be normal for a moment since his soul mirrors had been placed on someone other than his brother. Since he heard another voice in his head and wished for the first time to feel other hands on him than Corazon's. Everything since he had seen him.
He wanted to see him again, to observe the unknown and to go out of the house to the street that he actually entered only with his brother.
His gaze was on his image in the mirror in front of him, his hands had reached for the expensive perfume that had been put on him seconds before. He was ready.
But when he turned around, he was startled to see his brother standing in his room. Leaning in the doorframe seemed to have been watching him for minutes of silence. ,,Can I do something for you, brother?" he asked, stopping and looking at his blood.
Saw the unnatural grin which was enhanced by the lipstick as something like hurt flashed in the eyes of the blond. ,,Brother? Dofi where are you going? Just leave me like this I'm going to be sick with worry" he said even though there seemed to be nothing but lies and warning in his voice.
He pushed himself off the door frame and came towards his brother. He saw him tense up as Corazon reached for his brother's hands. Touching him again, less intimate and yet it had the same effect.
The same intoxicating feeling went through the body of the smaller one. But he saw behind the sunglasses what his brother was up to before a disparaging smile came over the lips of the smaller.
Let go of the hands of the larger aprubt before he tore the sunglasses from his eyes. The white frame landed with a clack to the ground and his brother tormented the head lowered.
He wanted to cover his deformity, he didn't want to be a freak. He didn't want anything anymore. He wanted him. ,,Look at me!" he snarled, for a moment the blood of the dragon seemed to take hold of him completely.
But his brother was doing what he should, had always done, and Rosinante would not let the stranger take away his brother, his property. Doflamingo lifted his head, looked at his brother and released his left broken wing.
Released his abortion, his freak of nature, for viewing. ,,That wasn't so hard, and look at that...such a pretty malformation" Corazon quipped, grasping his brother's face. He stroked his soft lip, which he wanted to kiss so greedily, and ran his hand over the soft cheek where hundreds of tears had flowed.
Before he stroked gently with his thumb next to the battered eye. The one iris was there in its place in the middle of the eye. But just like that, an even larger one pushed its way in.
The first one took up almost the entire left area, and the puppil was much too large to be normal. But the picture of disfigurement was rounded off by the third smallest and ugliest iris that pushed itself below the two in the left area.
It was an image of disgust, a flaw, it was unmarked, the blood of the celestial dragons contaminated by "incest" as the people called it. It was and is abnormal. It was the very thing that Doflamingo knew the alien would hate, and he still had that little spark of hope.
But that was destroyed by Rosinante. ,,You know no one will ever love you like I do, right Dofi?" asked the smaller one, slowly coming closer to his brother, the desire growing in him.
But the taller one did not answer, he just nodded, barely recognizable, the spark of resistance was extinguished and the frightened little boy who was clawing at his brother had returned.
,,I'll kill him myself Dofi you know that...no one can love you like I do...no one could love such a worthless creature as I do" the devastating yet true words between the two left the lips of the smaller one.
Hurt the other and told him that it was right. That it all had to be like this. There were only the two of them.
But when he felt the warm wet tongue running over his eye, his brother made this intimate gesture to him, it was something that made the taller one completely attached to his brother again.
It let him know that really no one could love him except Corazon. Because in a world where there were only the two of them, only those two could love each other.
There was no room for another, Rosinante would take care of that, knowing that his brother belonged to him for a long time. And so it would remain forever so.
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blurry-little-stars · 2 years
Malleus Draconia Smut HC’s 💚
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guys please this is 18+ afab reader MINORS DNI
warnings: smut, breeding vaguely mentioned, biting. idk just don’t read if you don’t want to see horny thoughts below the line (word count 730)
-His horns are surprisingly a bit sensitive. (there’s a shocking amount of nerve endings in his horns. i can imagine it’s like our teeth) they are even more sensitive closer they are to the base.
-His horns are rigid yet smooth to the touch.
-He finds its amusing when you caress his horns he becomes flustered if you touch the base of them, he practically melts into your touch. He becomes pretty needy and touchy whenever you do this.
-His tongue is split, almost like a snake tongue. If he kisses with tongue it feels rather weird because of its texture. This isn’t taking away from the perks it certainly has.
-He loves just burying his face between your thighs and lapping up at all your sensitive spots. He finds it amusing and pleasurable watching the way your body reacts.
-He’ll start at a slow place swirling and pressing his tongue against your clit. As you get closer he’ll flick your clit with his tongue studying your body for any type of reaction. He’ll continue to tease you like this till you're begging him for some type of release. He’ll offer you a smile, proceeding to suck and lap at your clit till you cum.
-Pro tip: Please caress this man's horns while he eats you out. He’ll moan softly when you grab onto them. It encourages him to go faster.
-He’s a switch with a heavy, HEAVY preference for being top. (maybe one day he’ll come around and let you top more often).
-Humans are certainly strange to him. Especially the way humans are aroused. He often turns you on without even knowing. Especially with his gaze.
-He doesn’t get turned on very often, or at least when he does he doesn’t like to show it unless you're behind closed doors. He is a Prince after all and your antics mustn’t ruin his reputation, or at least that's what Sebek tells him. He likes to act calm for the most part but oh boy if you keep teasing him he’ll eventually lose his composure.
-He’s a dragon and a very, veryyyy tall man. He is 6’7 (200.66 cm) so he’s probably an easy 8in (20.32cm).
-When having sex with him for the first time, he’s hesitant, borderline scared. Afterall he doesn’t want to hurt you or somehow scare you away. He is very soft and gentle with you. Even his kisses are gentle, as if you’ll shatter into a million pieces if he is even the tiniest bit too rough with you.
-He won’t even move unless you tell him it's ok. He’ll start gentle and slow murmuring praises to you as he slowly picks up the pace. Now if you tell him you want him to be rough.. prepare yourself, it’s going to be a long night.
-To Malleus sex should be passionate and filled with love. He’ll whisper how much he loves you while going down your body, covering your skin with bite marks and hickies. He has the decency to only mark you in places where only you and him can see though it mostly to spare you the embarrassment.
-Speaking of that, he actually loves biting you and marking you. It’s like claiming you all for himself. He wonders if he is just possessive or maybe it’s the dragon in him.
-Malleus’ stamina is unparalleled and he can out-do just about everyone so on that note he may also have a slight breeding kink. It’s more of the idea of it cause at this time Malleus isn’t in for raising a child but maybe someday when he finally marries you.
-Personally I feel like Malleus wouldn’t exactly want you to call him anything in bed. Cute nicknames are ok like Mal, “Tsunotarou”, and My Prince are probably his only exceptions if used in a playful, loving manner.
-But he would definitely have a plethora of pet-names for you. His favorites being Darling, My Love, Dearest, and My Treasure. Occasionally he’ll decide to amuse you by giving you a silly nickname.
-Malleus can be a creature of habit and make things rather ritualistic so if you find your bedroom life getting boring you’ll have to encourage him to spice it up or you’ll have to do something yourself.
-Malleus is willing to try almost anything in order to satisfy your needs, though its partially because he is worried if he doesn’t fulfill your desires you might seek someone else but also he just wants to make you happy.
thx for reading!! recommendations, requests, and reblogs are welcomed 🫶
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blank-and-ocs · 6 months
𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 & 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖔 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝖜𝖍𝖔 𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖙𝖔 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊✍ R.C: you mean us? . *those who wish to interact with us 1: no NSFW stuff here please 2: feel free to interact with oc's however you want in whatever tone you want however each one of them have certain ways to react to certain things 3: most of my oc's aren't from random fandoms however some of them are 4: please don't be a creep when interacting 5:feel free to ask just about anything in the ask box however if you're an anon who wants to ask things frequently please name your anon so i can remember so i can call you something (eg.bunny anon, flower anon) 6: on another note, i'm not okay with any racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or any of these sorts of things and should you support these and interact with me, i will block you 7: i genuinely have no idea what i'm doing so please bare with me for a while and don't make rude comments
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Quick little intro here, i'l be going by the name of Blank, and i am the creator of these ocs aswell as this account and while you can rp with me as you would with my ocs i don't really rp as myself so keep in mind that i won't be popping up as much. i'll just be ramshackle's weird 'vice house warden' who can never be found when needed As you could probably tell by rule 3 i'm in multiple fandoms some of those being Genshin, Twisted Wonderland, Demon Slayer, Apothecary Diaries, HxH and few others, however i've only put ocs in a few fandoms (eg. Twisted Wonderland and Demon Slayer) a list of ocs so far has already been added so feel free to read through that and ask the questions you want feel free to dm me or tag me, i don't bite R.C: we might tho Dest: what she said Ryuco: no biting R.C: awww :( oc's will text similarly as shown above, with their names labled and with a specific colour that matches the fandom (blue: don't belong to a fandom. green: Twisted Wonderland. orange: HxH, Purple: canon characters) (also when i say dragonborn i don't mean them actual canonical dragonborn. in this au, it's similar to dragon fae however dragonborn have more draconic features in their 'human' form and they prefer to be in their dragon form. they also have better control over certain elements and magic according to their species as well as slightly more draconic behaviors and instincts)
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𝑶𝒄𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒓:
𝚁.𝙲 Name: ℝ𝕒𝕚 ℂ𝕙𝕚𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕠 R.C Nicknames: trash panda, racoon Gender: female Species: racoon beastwoman Grade/Class: first year, B-07 Birthday: June 6 Age: 17 Height: 171 cm Dominant hand: right Homeland: ҉A҉҉z҉҉u҉҉r҉҉e҉ ҉E҉҉m҉҉p҉҉i҉҉r҉҉e҉ not of this world Club: mountain lovers club Best Subject: animal languages Hobbies: collecting shiny things, watching and caring for racoons Pet Peeves: boredom/being bored Least Favorite Food: none(?) Likes: racoons, pranks, games Dislikes: long high pitched noises Talent: making jewelry from random things
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R.C is a mischievous person who's definitely on the extroverted side trying to get to know those who catch her interest as best as she can. She's a bit of a chaotic person and while those who see her at first don't think she'd be one to get serious, she can and she will when she needs to. How she actually got into school is a mystery since she seemed to have appeared out of nowhere (it caused quite a few rumors that R.C enjoyed hearing for the drama) but she did and now stays at the Ramshackle Dormitory with Yuu(my au) and his friends. She's easy going and doesn't like too much trouble, always with a grinning look on her face that says 'i'm here for the chaos'. Other than that she loves to spend time with her familiar Gremlin, a racoon with a red bandana and very good understanding of human speech. R.C: Ryuco can't find Dest, Yuu(my au) is dealing with the braincell squad and i'm free to play pra- *get lightly hit by Gremlin* Hey! i thought you were on my side!
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Dest Name: Dest Cloverfield Gender: female Species: Luck dragon-born Grade/Class: first year, A-09, part time teachers assistant Birthday: May 15 Age: 16 by human calculations Height: 163 cm Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous Homeland: ҉E҉҉n҉҉g҉҉l҉҉a҉҉n҉҉d҉ not of this world Club: none Best Subject: art Hobbies: sleeping, hoarding collecting, drawing, playing around Pet Peeves: loud high pitched noises Least Favorite Food: eggs Likes: clovers, soft things, marshmallows Dislikes: hunters, poachers, dust Talent: acting, playing the kalimba
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Despite some seeing her as lazy, Dest is actually very active around certain people she likes. Dest has been best friends with Yuu(my au) and Ryuco since she was little and they've been stuck together by the hip since (Ryuco and Dest had a breakdown when they couldn't find Yuu(my au) when he first came to Twisted Wonderland). She keeps some of her draconic features (eg. scales in certain places, slit pupils, fangs) out instead of hiding them however many mistake her as some sort of dog beastwoman due too the floppy dog like ears and the fluff ended furry tail. Dest is a cinnamon roll who loves being in her full dragon form in her freetime, often going on for a fly around campus or just to sleep more comfortably in the Ramshackle attic (which she had claimed as her 'room'). She has a slightly playful way of going about things like a nervous kitten and feels more at ease around other draconic people be it fae, or dragonborn. Despite looking like a fully capable teenager, Dest is actually still considered a hatchling just barely at fletching stage (meaning she's a child in the eyes of other dragonborn and maybe fae) leading to Ryuco being extremely overprotective when she's out of Ramshackle. Dest: Ugh, we have class already? guess i gotta go hide from Yuu(my au) and Ryuco again...
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Ryuco Name: Ryuco Nox Gender: male Species: storm dragonborn Grade/class: second year, E-011 Birthday: November 3 Age: 17-19 by human calculations Height: 195 cm Dominant Hand: right Homeland: ҉E҉҉n҉҉g҉҉l҉҉a҉҉n҉҉d҉ not of this world Club: none Best Subject: PE Hobbies: flying, racing Pet Peeves: leaving cabinets or doors open Least Favorite Food: nothing (for now) Likes: meerkats, cloud gazing Dislikes: very large crowds, loosing sight of Dest Talent: making realistic owl noises, finding Dest
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Ryuco is a gentle giant putting on a tough act when in reality he's a big softie around those he cares for. He acts serious quite alot however he tries to be more relaxed and open around those he trusts. He's also basically the other babysitter of the ramshackle dorm students alongside Yuu(my au) and spends the majority of his free time making sure that everyone is behaving and doing well. He doesn't like the idea of leaving Dest alone due to her still being rather young but entrusts her to Yuu(my au) when he has to leave. Similarly to Dest he also prefers to have his draconic features (straight white horns, scaly wing tipped tail, slit pupils) out however having two pairs of wings can cause problems in small spaces. He likes to use his tail to wack students on the head when they annoy him too much. Ryuco: So you wish to know more about the ramshackle students. Well, all i can say is you've come to the right place
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Shiloh Name: Shiloh loch Gender: male Species: kelpie Grade/class: second year, C-016 Birthday: April 17 Age: 18 (got held back a year) Height: 178 cm Dominant Hand: right Homeland: ҉E҉҉n҉҉g҉҉l҉҉a҉҉n҉҉d҉ not of this world Shaftlands Club: none Best Subject: P.E Hobbies: swimming, scaring students by pretending to be a normal horse, collecting things Pet Peeves: boredom, people assuming he eats humans Least Favorite Food: nothing (for now) Likes: shells, pictures of water, water, Dislikes: anything that would tie him down. chains, ropes, etc Talent: finding cool things out of nowhere
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Shiloh is a person who comes of to people as calm, quiet and well reserved when in reality he can actually get quite cocky and bold when people challenge him. he hates having things tying him down, schedules included, hence the reason he was held back a year. Shiloh, like the Ramshackle students is infact from a different world, more specifically, the world Yuu comes from. However he was transported to Twisted Wonderland earlier, three years having past by in Twisted Wonderland and only a few months having passed by in Yuu's world. He likes to say that he's not as bad as he used to be however he still acts like a possibly over confident colt when people challenge him. He has yet to find anyone who has won against him whether in human form or in his kelpie form. Shiloh has also not yet come across someone who has actually 'broken' him, only having attempts from a few Savannaclaw and Octavinelle students (they all failed).
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Shiloh: why do i have such sharp teeth? why do you ask? do they perhaps make you nervous? don't believe every myth that you read, alot of them are false.........you just have to figure out which ones
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twistedwonderworm · 2 years
Hey hey bestieee <3 Heard about your Match up event so I decided to jump on in.
1. My preferred nickname is Cyndy.
2. My preferred Pronouns is She/her.
3. As for personality, to a lot of people I'm known as the shy, sweet and introverted kid. I dislike going to a lot of gatherings or parties because I dislike loud noises and I just prefer my own space, though I'm okay with a group of people and open up relatively quickly to a small group of people. I really like helping people and often times I stress myself out for absolutely no reason (and this has sadly lead to some health issues), and I put people above myself. I'm a picky person food wise, and I'm pretty messy with a low self esteem and I break down immediately apon being yelled at. I'm often known to stress myself out into a panic attack and I like soft and fuzzy things.
4. I like a person that's willing to be okay being away from a lot of people at one time, and I like someone who gives me cute small gifts, regardless of if they're hand made or not. I like a patient person who will understand I don't exactly have an off switch to my anxiety and will be there with me through it. And I like someone that I can have a fun time with, like running around at night or something. As for dislikes, I don't like someone that's incredibly picky and petty that has a high temper level. I don't like someone that forces me to do things and orders me around like some sort of maid, and nor do I like someone who constantly is on social media 24/7.
5. I can't stand Sebek, Leona, Vil, Vargas, Ace, and Ruggie.
6. I don't mind being shipped with the faculty (:
Thank you for your time, bestieeeee <3
Bestieeeee!! I'm so glad you joinedddd!!! I'm sure I got the perfect match for youuuu.
The fearsome but lonely dragon himself, MALLEUS DRACONIA!!
Being a nonhuman being to begin with, Malleus is a lot more draconic in my AU.
Malleus is really introverted himself, though that seems to be from how the people around him treat him. He doesn't have any friends and often doesn't get invited to things, so he's content to stay inside with you. He knows the dangers of stressing yourself out, so he wants to keep you as relaxed as possible. Sometimes using his tail to pull you into his arms for a hug. He's careful with his claws so that he won't nick you.
Also bring a dragon, he absolutely has a hoard of things that catch his eye. Shiny, beautiful things. Things that he may gift to you of he's interested in you. He'd also be able to protect you from the loud, rude people. Hell, Sebek would probably shit up if Malleus ordered him to. This dragon is so smitten with you and wants to make you happy.
The sound of her name being said in such a deep and gentle voice had Cyndy looking up from her work. She had been working hard on a new story, and Malleus almost felt bad for disturbing her. She needed a break though.
"I brought you up some tea," The dragon spoke, holding the mug carefully in his clawed hands. It should have burned him holding it like that, but the dark scales that covered his hands seemed to protect them from the heat. He carried the tea over to her, setting it down before sitting next to her.
Cyndy smiled softly, grateful that he was thinking about her this much, "Thank you so much, Housewarden!" She took the mug and gently blew on the tea before taking a sip.
"Malleus," He said, a small smile gracing his lips. "Please call me Malleus."
"Okay Malleus!!"
Over the next few months following that small gifts would find their way to Cyndy. Some would be left in front of her door or in her room. Though there were some that Malleus handed directly to Cyndy. Little trinkets and jewelry. She was so confused that she went to Lilia to ask him.
"Awww, that's so cute!" The Elder vampire cooed when she told him what his oldest son was doing. "He's courting you!!"
"Courting me?" She asked, confused. "You mean he's interested in me like that?"
Lilia nodded, "If you want to return his feelings, try giving him gifts back. Flowers work. So do any shiny things that dragons like."
So Cyndy started leaving gifts for her sweet, protective dragon. She would gift him flowers and shiny things she found. She even spent money on some jewelry made specifically to dangle off of horns.
He was pleased when she put it on his horns, wrapping his arms and wings around her, "I'm so happy you return my feelings."
She smiles back, leaning against his chest and relaxing to the sound of his rumbling dragon purrs, "And I hope I make you so much happier in the future."
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Hi! Could I get the dorm leaders with a fem!S/O who gets a lot of attention, chocolates and gifts on valentine’s (being the only girl at NRC)? have a good day!
Dorm Leaders + Valentine Jealousy
Just funny, cute scenarios that was really enjoyable to write even though I'm like... 2 months late?? Yeah, forgive me for that.
Cut for length, and some light cussing in the later scenarios.
Malleus Draconia
He put so much effort into preparing a special Valentine's picnic for his beloved. He wanted to surprise you, and by the time he ordered Sebek and Silver to call you to him, they brought him displeasing news.
"Um... Senior YN is caught up!" Sebek reported. Usually, he'd be enthusiastic to share news to his precious Master, but the way those two held back was suspicious.
"Pray tell what those cretins are doing to my YN?" He inquired, his magic seeping from his fingertips.
"Well… giving her Valentine's gifts…" Sebek admitted. "We found her in the courtyard but there were quite a few students from different dorms."
"Sebek, we reported to Malleus because those said students wouldn't move when you yelled 'Move away from Malleus-sama's spouse'," Silver chided. "Despite Senior YN looking like she wanted to escape."
"Move, both of you."
Malleus' rage was more than they anticipated. Lilia, as observant as he usually is, brought the two boys behind his back and let Malleus shift into his dragon form. Lilia simply waved at Malleus, encouraging her more. "Remember Malleus! You're not allowed to burn people! And don't worry about your picnic; we'll bring all the food and preparations!"
Times like this, he was eternally grateful to someone like Lilia. He shifted to his much smaller form, about a fifth of the size of his actual dragon size and took flight. He knew other students would run away, but most importantly of all if it were reported you could easily say that the dragon was your bonded creature. Which, when you think about it, is a decent white lie.
Needless to say, the appearance of the dragon scared away the boys who tried to present their gifts to you, dropping them in fear. Those who ran too late witnessed the dragon's claws snatch up the angelic Senior YN LN away, however they could not see where the dragon took her for the dragon's wings caused the wind to sweep the remaining students off their feet.
He felt a little guilty that you yelped when you saw him, but as he flew, he settled you into his claws much more comfortably.
The moment he landed, his beloved stared directly in wonder into his eyes. He cooed at how small you were next to him and how curious you were of him. It didn't take long before you reached out to his head, asking him, "Tsunotarou? Are you my Tsunotarou?"
His heart melted at his nickname, further nuzzling his nose to your palm. His purring was quite loud, and he plopped his head onto your lap. He was careful not to shift his weight as to not crush you.
"Malleus...why did you do that?" You patted his head, still wondering why you were whisked away. "Were you a little jealous?"
The dragon form of his nudged his nose to you again in agreement. He had never felt jealousy in this way before.
"Malleus… You're the only one who's my Valentine." You spoke. "And I won't spend the day with anyone else besides you."
He shifted out of his dragon form to his much acceptable humanoid form. Malleus, out of his love for you, couldn't help but hug you. He admitted his Valentine's plan for you, especially since he knew how much you anticipated the celebration.
Things were made clear, and you accepted Malleus' apology. He dolled you up a little, calling the flowers to decorate themselves delicately in your hair.
He kissed the soft flesh of your cheek, sitting you on his lap. "Happy Valentine's Day, my precious YN."
Riddle Rosehearts
If the Heartsyabul dorm thought they fully witnessed Riddle's rage, they were sorely mistaken. It was made crystal clear to the students of the Heartsyabul dorm to follow the rule of not harrassing the dorm leader's partner.
It was clear that the point was not received to other ignorant students.
"And what do you think you’re doing?"
The students were immediately caught off guard by the ice chilling voice of the notorious Heartsyabul dorm leader. The boys surrounding you immediately scattered, leaving you with multitudes of presents and chocolates at your feet.
Riddle didn't want to admit it, but the boxes of presents surrounding your being made look as spoilt as you can be.
No, this won't do he thought. He could spoil you better than those group of boys.
"Ace, Deuce, take away the presents," He commanded. The two had no choice but to obey, although Trey did have a look at the chocolates gifted, possibly thinking about using some of them for Riddle's desserts.
He sauntered over to his beloved, taking her hand in his and kissing the top of it. "Not to fear, YN. I hope not a single one of them touched you," He murmured. Before continuing his jealous thoughts, he properly spoke to you, "YN, I asked Cater to deliver a dress to your dorm. I hope you find it pleasing to wear, as later tonight we have a date for ourselves!"
You did find the dress pleasing enough that you would wear it to your date. You knew Riddle was someone who would go all out for Valentine's, especially seeing how he made his affections known. The dress reminded you a little of his red formal wear, and you found the card play motifs on the sash of the dress adorable. Although... You had to admit that you were a little scared if Riddle used his magic unnecessarily for your sake.
Riddle didn't anticipate how much of a worrywart he actually was. He dressed to the best of his abilities, making sure to adjust his tie every so once in a while.
Whatever preparations he calculated and adjusted for flew straight out of the window once he saw you.
He allowed you to walk to him, and once you two met eyes, he got on one knee, kissing your palm.
"My precious Queen… Happy Valentine's Day…"
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim himself didn't realise you were in peril, but he did feel an inkling of jealousy seeing some boys get close to you. Despite all that, he didn't worry a single bit.
For Kalim was going to outdo every. Single. One of them.
"YN-senpai! Please accept this!" A freshman bowed deeply, handing a plain looking love letter. You graciously accepted it, however, all you could do was sit it on top of your precarious pile of presents the past day. All you wanted to do was visit Kalim…
"Eh? I'm sure my gift is the best!"
Sounds of trumpets were heard, and then and there the crowd made way for the dorm leader of Scarabia. The remaining students were shooed away, much to their annoyance. Kalim however only wore a grin as he presented you with a bouquet and a box of chocolates.
A servant nearby bowed to him, and Kalim quickly uttered his order, "Take the flowers and donate them to the Gardening club. As for the chocolates, distribute them to the servants!" He cheerfully ordered, as if the students surrounding the two didn't exist. Gasps of shock and horror were sounded, but Kalim didn't care anyway.
Over Kalim's shoulder, you could see Jamil staring down any potential students possibly trying to pick a fight with Kalim. Although, knowing Jamil, he was doing this for the sake of Kalim being occupied for the rest of the week.
You were delighted to see your boyfriend coming to rescue and you didn't mind his extravagance so much. The only part of the whole scenario you'd be embarrassed about is that some students witnessed Kalim's romantic affections, which… you'd prefer to have your romantic endeavours in a private setting.
The way Kalim tugged your hand along… He was upset and you knew it.
"Kalim… I'm sorry I didn't expect-"
He stopped tugging you along to the Scarabia dorm. You were surprised the moment Kalim hugged you.
"YN… it's not your fault…" He said, patting your head. "Sorry for acting so jealous. I just… really wanted to impress you."
You hugged him back. "Thank you Kalim."
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul felt his heart wrench at the scene of you being confronted by a group of boys adorning you in presents and flowers. He wasn't so sure about giving you his Valentine's letter and present, feeling as if the other students outdid him. Usually, he wouldn't let this kind of thing slide, but... he felt as if it were his fault.
Usually, the other students won't spare a glance towards you, but he had guessed a lot of boys crushed hard that night you sang in the Lounge. Jade and Floyd thought it would be a good way to cheer him up, and Azul himself couldn't deny... He loves your singing so much.
This, however, didn't discern Octavinelle dorm leader Azul Ashengrotto from telling off said students.
"Take your tomfoolery somewhere else."
Murmurs of "Oh shit, it's the dorm leader." and groans came from the other students surrounding you. Azul saw you breathe out a sigh of relief that some of the students left you alone.
He could still see some lingering around. Well, they should surely know better than to disobey his orders on his turf...
"Jade, Floyd, escort them out please."
Azul brought you closer to him. "I'm sorry for not approaching soon, Angelfish."
You shook your head, telling Azul how much you appreciated his help.
"Actually... I never intended to accept their gifts. The presents simply piled up," You said. "If anything, I'd only accept your present!"
Azul stammered, his cheeks flushing to a deep pink. "H-How... How are you so adorable...”?
He regained his composure, hurrying you to sit on the couch. Then and there, he presented you his Valentine's letter. Your heart warmed at how he decorated it so delicately, and his signature never fails to enchant you.
The other half of his gift was an intricately designed parfait presented in a glass. He did the honours of feeding you a spoonful. The moment you finished that spoonful, you heard out the secret.
"It's a new dessert for the Lounge. And I'd like to name it Angelfish Parfait."
Idia Shroud
Idia Shroud was a man who swore to never venture out but mind you he has ears and eyes everywhere. Despite all the commotion around you, especially with the line of students ready to approach you with gifts, you somehow kept a cool head about it.
You didn't spare a glance to the other students, ignoring any other student that try to block your way. You simply walked past them, disregarding their mere existence.
In your perspective, you weren't being rude at all. In fact, you thought whoever stood in your way was rude because of your agenda… and the main event of the day was not exactly Valentine's Day, but your precious date with your precious boyfriend.
Idia wasn't irked by the extravagance of some of the students' presents to you.
After all, he could just buy you the best version of the same thing.
Not to say you were completely materialistic, he just wanted to prove a point to those other guys. He trusted that you were capable… But he couldn't let you handle all of it by yourself. He had to help out too.
He, out of all the dorm leaders, is the one who gets annoyed around Valentine's Day due to the constant attention you get. Sure, he'll proudly admit how pretty you are, but anyone else better keep their hands away.
A group still followed to the entrance of the Ignihyde dorm, and for once in his life, he willingly stepped.
It was one foot out of the dorm doors, but hey, it's a lot for him.
"You're not invited. Leave."
As if his chilly dead voice didn't warn them enough, the traps around the entrance targeted themselves to anyone who wasn't you. The students quickly left, scurrying away. The laser-looking machinery was enough for some of the students to piss their pants.
Your cheeks felt warm. "Idia… You were so cool there."
Once he shut the door, it was his turn for his face to redden. "W..What? You were the cool one shrugging all of those… bugs off of you." He admitted. "Besides, those normies ruined our video game date."
"It's not ruined yet," You said, tugging Idia's hoodie on his head, pecking him on the cheek. "Thank you Idia. Now let's continue that RPG you were telling me about yesterday."
"Mmh! …Love you, YN."
Leona Kingscholar
What was this? Some worthless students want to pick a fight with the top predator? Sure, why not. Leona wouldn't mind beating them to a pulp.
There wouldn't be a crowd surrounding you on Valentine's. Those brave enough would slip gifts at the Ramshackle Dorm or on your desk, but they would never dare give it in person unless they wish to not exist.
Leona was walking you back from class, which is generally a big achievement since he's awake.
"Did any punks approach you today?"
You were typically blunt with him. "No, but I got some presents on my desk. Grim took care of them."
You could hear your boyfriend huff in annoyance. "Some idiots don't realise we're in a relationship…"
You decided to poke fun at him a little. After all, he was only reminded this morning that today was Valentine's Day.
"Well, if only you'd be more open about your wooing, if you call it that," You teased.
Before you two could return back to the Savanaclaw dorm, a group of students blocked off your path.
"Enough is enough Kingscholar!"
"Yeah! You shouldn't monopolise YN-senpai's time like that!"
"Give us a fair shot!"
Leona had to hunch himself over from laughing at how stupid these students were. You kept silent, but you did pinch Leona's elbow to warn him about beating them up in a public place.
"You seriously want those to be your dying words?"
You could only facepalm the moment you heard Leona threaten them. Why did Valentine's always have to end this way? Well… the least that could happen is that you get to cuddle with Leona for the night.
Vil Schoenheit
As you, YN were a part of the Photography Club, you surely got a whole lot of attention as you had to travel here and there for the school's news report. You garnered a lot of positive attention from a great deal of the students, but you'd never approach them with intentions of forming a relationship.
After all, you were dating Vil Schoenheit of all people.
You did try to be courteous as possible, thanking some students who gave you gifts and cards during class. You weren't about to cause any ill-will against anybody, and you were sure that you could get rid of them later…
"Ara? What are these worthless beasts doing around my precious YN?"
Vil's presence was one thing, but his threatening voice was another. Vil stood tall, looming over you, and taking your hand in his, shielding you behind him. Through Vil's gaze, the students who were bold enough to present their gifts quickly shuffled to your desk, retrieving back whatever they planned to give.
You were taken aback by Vil's attitude if anything. He'd never act like this, despite what some might believe. That was when you knew he was genuinely angry.
You couldn't blame him much, since the students caused you to be late for your meeting with Vil. You two had planned to dress up and go out to a town district for the weekend of Valentine's. You had guessed that Vil was also a little pissy since he hadn't seen you in a long time.
After arriving at Vil's room, you tried your best to reach your boyfriend's cheek, transferring a kiss from your palm to his cheek. "I know you're a little angry, but our plans aren't completely ruined."
Vil shrugged off his uniform coat, venting out his frustrations. "I know, but it's supposed to be a special day for you," He said. He muttered under his breath as he had you sit still for him to style your hair. "If anything, they're the ones stealing your time from me…"
You turned to look at him despite his instructions. "I've never seen you so adorably jealous."
The colour of his cheeks bloomed a pink hue. "W-Well, of course my sweet potato," He said. "They need to be taught a lesson and you, my sweet potato, should sit still otherwise I'll never be done with your hair."
You let Vil do his magic, literally and figuratively, on your hair. Once he was done, you hugged him tight, "Thank you Vil, for what's about to come and for before too."
He patted your head. "Anything for you, YN."
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Can we have a general yandere typing for the TW dorm leaders or your favorite dorm pls?
This is very, very general (it has to be, if I’m going to fit seven different characters into the same post), but I hope it covers what you’re looking for! I’ve been meaning to write a ‘darkest fantasy’ drabble for the dorm-heads but,,, this’ll have to do, for now.
The NRC Dorm Heads as Yanderes.
TW: Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Dehumanization, Implied Kidnapping, Unhealthy Relationships, Mentions of Non-Consensual Touching, Mentions of Blood, and Implied Violence.
Riddle is Domineering.
He can’t change what he is, and even if he could, he wouldn’t see the need to. Riddle loves you, he loves you so, so much, but to him, you’re so reckless, so impulsive, so inept, it makes his underclassmen seem cautious, in comparison. He worries less for your safety than he does for your carelessness. He doesn’t think you’ll impale yourself on a banister or trip and manage to break your neck, and yet, he’s managed to convince himself that, the moment you’re left into your own devices, you’ll twist, distort, manage to take something that’s so precious to him and turn it into something perverse, something that doesn’t deserve to have a caretaker so devoted. If he has to take a few hours out of his busy schedule to make sure you understand why he’s so adamant that you obey him, then so be it. He’d rather have a perfect, prized doll who can’t meet his eyes without trembling than someone he doesn’t even know, someone he can’t even love. Someone who won’t let him love them, even when he’s made it so clear that if he suffocates you, it’s only because you've forgotten that you can only breathe because he lets you.
Leona is Jealous.
It’s such a classic younger-sibling complex, isn’t it? It’s not that he’s possessive, he’d be more than fine with carving you up and handing out the pieces if he knows who he’s sharing with, but he’s had a say in so little, he’s had so much snatched out of his grasp before he knew better than to let it go, he can’t stand the though of losing you like that, too. He needs to monopolize your time, your attention, he needs to monopolize you, because if he doesn’t someone else is going to come along to do it for him, and he knows they won’t treat you half as well as he will. It’s why he’s so quick to pull you away from conversations he didn’t give you permission to be a part of. It’s why he can’t seem to go five minutes without insulting your friends or implying that you could cling to him as much as he clings to you, even when the two of you have been along for hours. It’s why he’s so desperate to bite into your neck and burrow his nails under your skin and leave proof of his existance, if only to satisfy that repressed, buried, primal part of himself that just wants something he can own. And he will own you, by the time he’s done. He tends to be thorough, with the things he’s so determined to see play out.
Azul is Paranoid.
There’s a connotation with this kind of alignment that might be a little misleading, when it comes to Azul. He’s manipulative, too. He’s obsessive and he’s controlling and he’s so many other things, but above all, he’s terrified by the idea that one day, you might decide that he’s just some pathetic, pitiful bottom-feeder and move on to someone’s who’s worthy of you. His mindset seeps its way into his behavior visibly, tangibly, blatantly, whether or not he’s willing to admit it. A dozen locks on your bedroom door, a new contract he’s gone over a hundred times, a thousand kisses and a thousand promises and a thousand hours spent clinging to your waist, his face buried in your chest as he begs you to never make him let go. He feels like you’ll slip away if he doesn’t hold you close, like you’ll find a loophole or a way to leave him and he’ll never be able to get you back. It doesn’t help that he responds so reflexively to any change he didn’t acconut for. He can make all the plans in the world, contrive as many schemes as he’d like to, but all of his preparations won’t stop him from reacting so harshly when you say something he doesn’t want to hear or do something he didn’t see coming. Above all, he needs you to love him. He won’t respond well to any evidence of the contrary.
Kalim is Smothering.
You have to understand, he really, really thinks he’s just being the best boyfriend he can possibly be. Kalim is naive, like that. He loves you, and he doesn’t know better than to show that love off any way he can and every way he can. It kind of sweet, if you look at it like that. How is he supposed to know you wouldn’t enjoy receiving his gifts as much as he enjoys piling them onto you? You never told him how much his endless parties overwhelm you, so why would he ever stop throwing them? You always bite at your lips and look away and try to cover yourself when he gives you something pretty to wear, and Kalim just thinks you’re so beautiful, so wonderful, it’s only natural that he’ll - playfully, of course - pull you into his lap and go on about all the many reasons he loves you, layering on compliments so thickly, it’s only a matter of time before they start to seep into your lungs and force out the air. Remember, he’s blind to anything he doesn’t want to see, so by the time he finally crosses one too many lines and forced you to snap, he’ll be so caught off-guard, so heartbroken, he won’t know what to do besides buckle-down and give you more, force you to take more. He’s a simple man. If his antics were enough to make you snap at him, surely, more gifts, more attention, more love will only make things better.
Vil is Narcissistic.
This one speaks for itself, really. You might manage to worm your filthy little way into his heart, you might find a way to root yourself there and drive him to the point of near-insanity, but no matter how dear you are to him, no matter how much he loves you, you’ll always be second to the man himself, you’ll always be less than, compared to Vil. It shouldn’t be such a problem, he already acts like he should be the pinnacle of all mankind’s aspirations, but it’s taken to a new extreme when it comes to his closest companion. He expects to be doted on, to be worshiped, and when you’re not busy tripping over yourself to tend to his every desire, you should be hanging off his every word, letting him do whatever he’d like to because you’re just so honored he’d take a moment out of his day to look after you. If it takes a love potion or several, he’ll find a way to live with it. That’s the thing about a mentality like Vil’s, an obsession focused inward that just so happens to brush against someone it’s not meant to - he doesn’t really care about the parts of you that don’t lead back to him. Your health, your happiness, it’s all on the table if he has a chance to take hold of what he wants. He’s always been ambitious. You shouldn’t be surprised when he approaches your love with the same cut-throat attitude.
Idia is Possessive.
If it’s any help, he wants to lock himself away from the rest of the world just as much as he wants to isolate you. You’re the one person he can stand to be around, the one voice he’ll never get tired of, the one pair of eyes he knows will never judge him, even if he’d prefer that you call him more affectionate nicknames, as he explains that he’s just trying to keep the two of you content and alone. He’s greedy, when it comes to you, but that’s not his fault. He gets… sensitive, when you start to focus on other people, when you let other men touch you like they have any right to put their hands on something he deserves to keep to himself. It leads him to some habits he’s not proud of, some reactions that don’t exactly encourage you to indulge his more questionable habits, but while Idia still wants to be able to hide in your arms and ramble on to the only person he knows will listening, he stops caring about how much you want to embrace him, eventually. The world’s already so unfair in so many ways, and no one knows that more than Idia. He doesn’t think he’ll mind if you begin to think he’s as much of a disgusting freak as he already knows he is.
Malleus is Apathetic.
He wants to care. Don’t forget that - he really, really wants to care about your feelings, your interests, your happiness, all of it! He tries to care, too. Not a day passes where he doesn’t make an attempt to get you to smile, to coax out a hint of fondness from your scorned little heart, to sort through all the betrayal and the hurt and the pain and find something redeeming, something that proves he’s not making you any more miserable than he has to. He’ll give you what sparse freedoms he can, keeping your leash as slack as he can afford to, but when you take a step too close to an open window or refuse to hold his hand or he just decides it’s been a few minutes too long since you last swallowed your pride and showed him the affection he strives after like a touch-starved puppy, he never hesitates to pull you back to his side and ignore how violently you’re choking as he takes whatever he wants, whenever he wants it. He never feels guilty, either, not for the act itself. He’ll fret over the hatred in your eyes, he’ll loath himself whenever you flinch at the first signs of his touch, but in the back of his mind, he knows he deserves what he rips away from you. He’s doing you a favor. Humans are so fragile, so delicate, so easily tricked, and as a prince, a prodigy, a source of unadulterated power, he’s the only suitable candidate when it comes to keeping you safe, to guarding you as fiercely as dragon guards its hoard. He protects you, and he treats you like royalty while doing it, so he wants something in return. He doesn’t think he’s asking for a lot, considering how much he’s been denied.
You should just count yourself lucky Malleus might feel a little bad, by the time he’s done. At least he won’t leave you as bloody as he could, after he’s finished.
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bandgeek4life8 · 3 years
Guardians - chapter two the lost city of atlantis
Chapter 1
WC: 3, 453
Season 1, Episode 2: The Lost City of Atlantis
Previously on Guardian in Jim's POV "The Nightmares have emerged once more." Pabbie told everyone.
"GREAT GRONKA MORKA!!" Blinky exclaimed.
"And they attend to assimilate an army. They already have the witch Gothel, the bogeyman Pitch Black, the dragon tamer Drago Bludvist with his mother of dragons Red Death, the prince Hans of Southern Isles and Duke of Weselton, the cursed bear Mor'du, the Pirate "Captain Hook" Killian James, and the Boggan Mandrake. And I have a list of who they want. From my visions. But only two people I wish to say it to: Vendel and... James Lake Jr. Because she wishes it."
"Who wishes for me to know?" I asked him.
Some people are chosen for this life and have no choice but to accept its transgressions. Others spend their life completely in the dark about this life we lead. Some, like me, choose to live this life. It is a lot of work for anybody. Not just anybody can get into this life and survive its trials and tribulations. But we were born for this. To become guardians. But I'm not a guardian yet. I'm just an apprentice.
"Welcome to the first meeting of the Druidia Order." I announced.
"Did you have to name us after a planet in your favorite Star Wars movie?" asked the raven-haired time-traveller Wilbur Robinson.
"Spaceballs is not a Star Wars movie, Wilbur." Currently undercover spy, Walter Beckett told him.
Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
"Did your dad teach you anything about Star Wars?" asked blonde enpath/ hockey-player from Wisconsin, Riley Anderson.
"Only that he hated the sequels, he loves the originals, and respects what the prequels tried to do." Wilbur said.
"Can we please get to the topic at hand please?" I asked everyone.
Everyone in the room grumbled out a yes and we continued with the precedings. Wow. That sounds way too formal for me.
"Well what can we do? We already made allies with the Arendelle trolls via Elsa and Anna. We had Grand Pabbie alert the Trollhunter of the Nightmares." said Ted Wiggins.
"Which means a group of you have to go find the essence stones." Megamind appeared with a plate of, "who wants cookies?"
"Are you growing soft on us, Meg?" Megamind basically growled at Wilbur for the nickname he used.
"I am trying to babysit Gru's oldest daughter and her friends." Megamind told him looking the kid dead in the eye.
"What do you know of the essence stones?" I asked him, ignoring the intense staredown happening between the two makes.
Megamind turned his attention away from Wilbur only for the time-traveller to blow a raspberry at him and Megamind to turn back and glare at him I rolled my eyes. The same old stupid antics. "I know where you can find the essence stone of the ocean."
"If you tell me we have to befriend Poseidon or-."
"It's in Atlantis." Megamind said.
"Or that." I facepalmed. "And how would you know that?"
"Because I have an evil underwater lair in the city of Atlantis." Cue another facepalm from me.
"And why...? You know what? I don't want to know. So how are we getting there?" I asked.
"It's not a matter of how we, but rather how who is getting there." Megamind said.
"That makes no sense whatsoever, dude." Hiro said as he walked into the room followed by Lucy Tuchi.
"Some of us will go on the mission while the rest research the rest of the essence stones." Megamind suggested.
"You know... your ideas are normally terrible. But this one is actually a good idea." Wilbur told him.
The alien growled. "Easy now, Megamind. When we heading out? And who is coming along for the ride?"
"You, Rayla, Ezran, Callum, Sisu, Hiccup, Jack, Light Furry, Walter, and Toothless." Megamind told us. "And you will leave tomorrow. After school."
"Alright. Before we do anymore planning, I need pizza." I walked over to where Hiro plopped the pizza on.
I cannot believe he has the audacity for this! He knows we're not on the best of terms, and yet he does this." I sighed.
"I'm sure he has a reason." said Hiro.
"It's Megamind. It's a stupid-ass reason." I told him.
Hiro sighed. "But you miss hanging out with Toby and Jim. And you-."
"Don't even finish that sentence. I know what you were going to say." Hiro gapped at me. "I know what you were going to say. Only three people know it. And one betrayed me."
My phone vibrated in my hoodie's pocket and I opened it up to see a text from my grandmother, Margaret. "Is that Marge? What she said?"
"She's wondering about the you-know-what with the you-know-who." I told him. She wants to know about James Lake Jr being the Trollhunter. Grandpa would not be pleased with this anyway. But he's dead. And he doesn't matter.
"You have gym next block right?" I groaned. Of course I forgot. And why of all days did we have to do the Pacer test today!
"And we're doing the pacer test today too!" I would have banged my head on a locker if we weren't coming from History. "Kill me now! Woe is me!"
"Stop being overdramatic. And I'm off my way to Robotics." Hiro said once we got to the hall where we would part ways.
"Don't take over the world of robotics without your team first." I called out to gim.
"Yeah, yeah. Just focus on making chemistry after gym, but preferably during." the smart-ass called back.
I'm gonna kill him one of these days. Just you wait, Hiro Hamada. I grumbled and continued on my way to the ends of the earth. Also known as gym. Because I lack the athletic ability of a worm. My arms are basically noodles before submerged in H20. I got dressed in my PE clothes and walked outside to the bleachers where I plopped myself down on. Gym. The one class I don't have my safety net to catch me. The one block where I feel alone. Completely and helplessly alone.
"Hey, [Y/N]. Mind if we sit here?" asked Toby.
It was just him and Jim. What on Earth are they up to? I scooted some ways away from my spot and patted the spot beside me. Jim took the spot beside me while Toby took the bench in front of us.
"We haven't hung out just the three of us in awhile, huh?" Toby remarked.
"You both seem busy since the semester started. I can't blame you for that one."  I told them. The pair shrugged at me, but it was a lying shrug. I would know. I do the same ones. "Anyway, what are we doing for our History Project, Jamie?" I looked over at him.
"I don't know. Wanna brainstorm some ideas after school?" Jim asked me.
"Can't. I have a family thing." Lying to them has gotten harder since I found out. Hopefully they don't catch. But they're idiots. They won't catch on... I hope. "I can come over tomorrow after school if you want."
"That... Th-th-th-that'll be gr-gr-gr-great." What's with the stammer? It's weird. "Oh, don't forget about Pig Zombies on Saturday."
"Don't worry. I have it all set in my calendar. So, what time is the movie?" I asked them.
Toby and Jim shared a look. Oh that is never good. "We don't actually know."
"Then, what are we going to do about Saturday?" I asked them.
"We're more of idea men." Like they're any close to being men. "Creating a plan is someone else's problem." Of course.
"You two haven't changed at all, have you? I'll get to work on that sometime this evening. You guys still have email, righr?" I asked them.
"Who still uses e-mail anymore?" Toby inquired.
"Good point. I'll just have Lucy drive us to the theater anyway." I replied. "So, how are you and Claire going, Jamie?"
"O-o-o-oh, m-m-me and Claire?" stammered Jim. That's strange.
"Yes, you and Claire. You two are dating, aren't you?" I asked him.
"Oh, y-y-yeah. We're g-g-g-good." Hmm. Peculiar. But Jim's always been like this when pertaining to Claire. Nothing suspicious about that.
I hope.
"So, you have a study date with [Y/N] tomorrow huh?" Claire teased me while we walked to Blinky's library.
"What-. Wait! You told her!" I exclaimed to Toby who was on my left side.
"Of course, I did. Dude, you've been hopelessly obliviously in love with this girl since she stole your first kiss on the monkey bars when we were nine. And she-."
"She clearly has feelings for you, but she's not gonna act upon them since you know we're fake dating and all that jazz." Claire said.
I sighed. "You're the smart one. Couldn't you have come up with something... um... better?"
"What? Because a wuss like you was going to ask her out if I didn't say we were dating?" Claire asked him, raising an eyebrow at her friend.
I sighed once more. She clearly had a point. And Tobes seemed to catch it too. "He tried to ask her if she wanted to go see Pig Zombie 6 for her sixteenth birthday, but dragged me along with them because he wussed out of calling it a date."
Claire tapped her chin in thought. I do not understand girls. Then, she did the thing where you smack your fist against your hand in an aha! idea moment. Which is what transpired next. "I have a perfect idea for your movie date on Saturday."
"Am I going to regret this?" I asked her.
"I hope not. I'm helping you whether you want me to or not." Yea me! Internal frown.
We made it Blinky's library in which the four arm troll was talking animatedly to Vendell. About Essence Stones? What the fuzz buckets are those?
"Um, what are the Essence Stones?" I piped up.
"The Essence Stones are the only thing that can combat the Oncoming Storm." Vendel explained.
"Which is why we should be looking for them! We already know where one is! The Sea Stone!" Blinky told him.
"I already told you the Starling has this under control. This is her fight. Not ours. We shouldn't-."
"But then why have Pabbie tell us about the resurgence anyways?!" Blinky cut him off. I don't think Blinky has ever interrupted Vendel before. This is a first.
"Because to warn us of an even greater danger, Blinkous!! One that we have to face on our own! As Trolls!" the elder roared.
I never saw a look of fear as intense as the look that crossed Blinky's face when Vendel told him that. A greater danger? Even Aaarrrggghh! and Draal had the same look as Blinky. What did it all mean? Vendel left the library.
"I don't care what the goat says. We're getting the Sea Stone." Blinky told us.
"And how do we acquire it?" asked Claire.
"Hate Gyre." Aaarrrgghh! cried. Oh.
"And where would we find the Sea Stone?" Toby asked. "It's underwater right? And we can't breathe in water? So is it in an aquarium? Washed up on a beach?"
"I'll tell you where when we get to the Gyre." Claire, Toby, and I shared a look before shrugging our shoulders and following Blinky to the Gyre.
When we got there, we reached the Gyre and hopped in. "So, where are we going?"
"Under the sea. In an underwater palace where there is no water inside located in what you humans refer to as The Bermuda Triangle. Get ready for Atlantis." And before the three of us could protest, Blinky put in the coordinates and we zipped off towards... did he really say Atlantis? And the Bermuda Triangle?
But I didn't have time to question it as we arrived in a palace? And our clothes were soaking wet. But we never submerged in water? You know what? I shouldn't question it. Me and my friends huddled for warmth. It'll be awhile before we're dry. But why isn't- you know what? Never mind. I don't care.
"Okay, so where do we go first?" asked Toby.
"We head for the treasure room. The Jewel of Atlantis is the Sea Stone." Blinky told us.
"Why are we wet, but you aren't?" asked Claire.
"No clue." Blinky shrugged his shoulders.
The three of us grumbled but followed after Blinky with Aaarrrgghh! and Draal taking the rear. This is going to be a long evening. Our little group trudged, our squeaky footprints giving our location to anyone who would be here. And I think someone was here. Because a familiar ball of silver and blue was charging at us. Not us. Me. Followed by a march larger greenish-blue dragon.
"Hi, Azymondias." I said to the baby dragon when he jumped into my arms.
"I see you humans have already met the Prince. Starling's Zym seems to like you Mr Lake." the green-ish blue dragon said. Um... do dragons normally...
"YOU TALK?!?!" Thanks for that, Tobes.
"Of course, I do. I'm Sisu. Starling sent me after Little Azymondias to make sure he stayed out of trouble." Why aren't Blinky, Aarrrgghh!, and Draal freaking out about there being another dragon? And the elf being here?
"You six, now-seven, looking for the Treasure Room?" asked Sisu.
I shivered as a breeze went by. Why was there a breeze? We're in a dry castle underwater! This is just too weird.
"We were headed that way right now!" Blinky told the dragon.
Azymondias coughed. Or sneezed? I don't know. But he zapped me and I yelped and I'm... dry? Well alot dryer than before. Uh, thank you. Living dryer thay could kill me at any given moment. But you're still cute. So you're forgiven if you do.
"Well I wouldn't go that way! That's where Meg put his evil lair at." Sisu told us.
"Lair?" "Meg?"
"Meg is what the time-traveler calls Megamind. And he placed a lair here when he was going through his 'evil' phase." I did not know Dragons did air quotes.
"Time Traveler? Like the Doctor? Or Loki?" askes Toby.
"Looks like a mix of Matt Smith and Loki as a tween with too much hair gel. Alright, kids follow me." Sisu told us.
Zym appeared on my shoulder, wrapping his small body around on my shoulder and we followed the hopping dragon towards the treasure room. We had reached the treasure room, avoiding all the traps (that was on the ceiling for some strange reason). We arrived there. And Sisu peered inside before letting us enter. Strange.
But I couldn't help peering over Sisu's sboulder "Are you really angry that the Trollhunter keeps unknowingly stealing your pet?" That sounded like... no it can't be.
"Azymondias is not my pet. My pet sounds like I chose to take care of him. The bundle of zappy madness chose me to take care of him. So if anything, I'm his pet." Please tell me that's not who I think it is. But the-I'm guessing- Startouch Elf looks nothing like her. Not one bit. Well maybe except for the nose. And the eyes.
"You make absolutely no sense. And yet you love him anyway." the other voice said. A male with slick-back hair. This must be the time-traveler Wow. Sisu was spot on.
"Kids, easy now. We wouldn't want this to get into the wrong hands. Not this close to the Cotillion." A brunette male that appeared to be the oldest of the group. Why does he look so familiar to me?
"I have a question for you, pig snout. Meg said you wouldn't be here. Why the hell are you here? And why are you even here?" the elf asked.
"I stowed away because none of you are smart." the time-traveller said.
"Says the royal dumbass." the female elf sighed. "I'm so young and yet I feel so old." she emphasized. I was half expecting her to do a dramatic fall like they always seem to do in soap operas notthatIwatchsoapoperasinthefirstplacethat'sabsurd.
"I already knew that, dumbass." time-traveler said.
"Go on, Trollhunter." Sisu used her tail to push me toward the elf's group to retrieve the essence stone. "Introduce yourself."
And suddenly I stumbled upon the room making the group's attention turn to me. "Um...hi." Cue the awkward wave. "I'm... James Lake Jr? I'm the... Trollhunter." I held out the Amulet of Merlin. I could practically sense Toby and Claire facepalming at this.
"Starling, I think this one is for you to handle." I now noticed the brunette boy that stood beside the other elf. Is that... Callum Schlott?? Um... I hope if that is him, he doesn't tell [Y/N] about this.
"I am the one they refer to as Starling as you must know. And we don't need you here. To help us." The girl's hand were running up and down a strand of her waist length periwinkle hair. [Y/N] did the same thing when she had long hair. Not the time Jim.
"I think we do. Because the Seastone is missing if you've forgotten." the other elf said. She sounds like Rayla. And sort of looks like her too.
"THE SEASTONE IS GONE!?!?!?" Blinky exclaimed.
"Unfortunately so. Now, one advantage turns out to be a setback." I didn't notice the other brunette who had a black dragon that was acting like a cat by his feet.
"Do you have any leads?" asked Claire as she stepped forward.
"Just a Roman Penny. No clue from where though." Starling told us. "Now, I think it's time you kids return to California. Don'tyouthink."
"So Atlantis was a flopp?" I had already told Draal about the whole atlantis situation.
Luckily mom had another night shift at the hospital, so Draal could walk around freely while I made dinner for myself. Elbow Pasta and Meat Sauce it appears to be.
"Yes, it was, Draal." I turned the TV on and started flipping through the channels to find the one I wanted. "At least, I met Starling. She was not what I was expecting."
"Most elves aren't. You humans expect them to be small and cute because of the Claus, but they aren't." Draal told me.
"Actually, I think," I found what I was looking for. The French food competition show the World's Greatest Chef Competiton. "she was the exact opposite of what all of you were saying. Sure she was a tad harsh to us, but I think she didn't want to involve us in the Essence Stones. Like she didn't want anymore added help. I don't know." A knock sounded on the door.
"Were you expecting anyone?" asked Draal.
"Not that I know. Toby and Claire wouldn't knock. They'll just barge on in." I told him.
And before I got to the door, the door opened to reveal a boy with white hair, incredibly pale skin wearing a blue sweatshirt and brown trousers. "Don't be such a pussy, Hiccup." That was Sisu.
"Yeah, we're only here since Zym wants the trollhunter to be his dragon rider and to train him how to combat magic." white hair said.
"Um... what are you doing at my house?" I asked them as I held my wooden spoon in my hand, ready to strike them if necessary.
"You and Punzie would be great friends, squirt." The platinum blonde ruffled my brown hair to make it messy. My hair now looks like the dragon boy's hair.
"We're here to train you. I'm Hiccup. And this is Jack. Jack Frost." Wait. What? I'm lost. "I live over in Berk Manor. And you have wandered in a den where you cannot get out of." the brunnette introduced.
"Which is why Starling didn't want you to get involved. By trying to help us with the Seastone, you and your friends have put a target on your back. Starling didn't want that. But now we have to help you. To train you. Hiccup here is a Dragon Rider. And even though Azymondias isn't big enough to be ridden. He will be. I suspect sooner than you think, so he's going to train you to ride him. And I and many others are going come here to help you train against magic. Since the people who will come after you to kill you will have magic." Jack Frost told me. Now I'm really lost.
"So let's begin."
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trans-ruffboi · 2 years
feel like talking about your characters? I’ve been cruising your blog and seeing a lot of posts about dragon age ocs you mention once and never again, and the curiosity is eating me. anyone anything I just want to know stuff about them.
oh I actually had something in my drafts for this! I love talking about my OCs. I make problematic transmascs and hot dangerous women, as a rule
- Adrian was actually engaged to Nathaniel Howe when they were children! (he's trans) He liked him and all but it got cut off bc Nathaniel preferred Fergus, which is also the reason he was sent to the Marches. I bleed this for some drama in his Awakening scenes but also he just partially makes up similarities between Fergus and Anders to tease Nate for his taste in men
("Well you know Anders, my brother was tall, a bit of a trickster-"
"-liked the whole wine, women, and song thing, though not always women, clearly-"
"-had a scruffy face, light hair-"
"Adrian now you're just lying")
- Renlin was being trained to be Fereldan's Court Mage before the events of the game happened. Fereldan might not have a big Court Enchanter position like Orlais but they do have a king's healer and Kinloch Hold intended to send Renlin once it became abundantly clear that Anders wouldn't work out. Renlin says it was lucky that he got conscripted, because "Cailan’s pet mage died at Ostagar, poor bastard."
- Also Renlin is straight up incapable of fire magic, and it is embarrassing. He excels in ice, electricity, and healing, but can't produce a candle flame to save his life. His Rod of Fire request form was met with sad little cringes from his teachers.
-She's not one of my Wardens but I think that Solona Amell was the girl who died in the one Harrowing that Alistair was forced to attend, and she was Renlin's friend, despite being a bit older. Once he finds out Renlin hates Alistair for it, for a while. And it isn't until he's had his revelation that neither of them really had a choice in anything the Chantry put them through that he starts to forgive and be able to grieve properly.
- Aberion adored and admired Merrill when they were kids, but was also a little jealous of her for having so much of his father's time. (Mahariel's father was Keeper before Marethari) When they go together to look for Tamlen in the ruins it is a bit tense, but he lowkey trusts Merrill more than Marethari, and keeps a fucking death grip on her hand the whole time whenever they aren't fighting enemies.
-Aberion also had the childhood nickname "little bear" which eventually graduated to just Bear, because "Oh, well, it's a bit silly, since we're grown now, but Aberion used to be so little, when we were children. Tamlen would just pick him up and he would growl and sputter like a little bear cub." He is decidedly not a bear of a man, which makes it at least partly ironic.
-Jenna Hawke gets attached to Anders pretty early on because he reminds her of Malcom. They bond over the Malcom's Honor staff, as well as her reminding him of Adrian with her fussing. ("Oh I remind you of the Queen of Fereldan? Maybe people should show me more respect" "The Commander was raised a noble, but I think if you called him the Queen to his face he'd stab you")
- Finn Trevelyan, whose full name is Finnegan Amari Trevelyan, is the youngest of six siblings and apart from one they all fucking suck! His eldest twin sisters are scumbags and his two brothers are templars; the only one of his siblings worth knowing is Rosalyn, who was also a mage, but weak and subtle enough that noone noticed and she wasn't sent away, which Finn didn't learn until much later. He came into his magic reaching for her and throwing a barrier around her when she fell from her horse. She was also the one that gave him the childhood nickname 'Tiger' because he used to be really energetic and feisty before they sent him to the Circle, where he became more reclusive and quiet. He met her again once right before the events of Inquisition and she was so sad that he was hardly the same kid anymore.
-Finn also has a couple ticks from the Circle, which are mostly shared by Renlin, though the context is different because he remembers life before the Circle, arriving at the age of 9 or 10, while Renlin doesn't, arriving at the age of 5. Such as: an appreciation for weather and being able to be in it, a lack of real knowledge on what a lot of animals look like outside of illuminations, and a poor understanding of money and value. (Finn might have been a Trevelyan but inflation really got to Thedas)
-Alraan's parents were a Tamassran-turned-Saarebas and and a Sten, who left the Qun separately for different reasons and found each other afterwards. When he meets the Iron Bull his first instinct is to recruit the Chargers just to make sure he keeps track of the Ben-Hassrath, but he gradually falls in love with him once he realizes how far Bull has strayed from the demands of Par Vollen and how they could grow together.
- Elgara'len, or El for short, is very much in agreement with Merrill that 'A Keeper's job is to remember, even what we don't like or is dangerous.' She thinks that to truly regain what makes them the People they need to get into the gritty and ugly parts of their history and learn what's at stake and what they should grow into. Look back but also move forward. The song Suledin is very near and dear to her.
Let me know if you wanted to know anything about anyone else specific! I love to talk about them even if renlin is clearly my favorite son.
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revengerevisited · 3 years
So I’ve been kinda dancing around my original story idea for a little while, and I got this idea in my head of ‘what if I release chapter 1 and then get feedback without telling anyone what the story is about first so it’s more of a surprise?’ But honestly? I’m realizing since I already released a preview-of-a-preview for chapter 1, and it might be a little while until I finish chapter 1, plus I honestly kinda feel like I’d rather work on sketches of my character designs than write at the moment, I might as well go ahead and tell you guys. X’3
So! I watched a couple anime recently both centered around the premise of... monster girls! These being Monster Musume and Monster Girl Doctor, but then I noticed there’s also Interviews with Monster Girls, A Centaur’s Life, and the infamous Interspecies Reviewers, and I asked myself... Monster girls are pretty popular right now, yeah? But where’s all the monster boys?! And that’s how I got the idea! I re-watched some of my favorite anime based on Otome Games, Kamigami no Asobi and Uta no Prince Sama for inspiration as well, and a few ones I hadn’t seen before like Dance with Devils and Magic-kyun Renaissance for inspiration as well.
So now I’ve got my premise that I shared earlier: This is the story of Millie, a young woman down on her luck who happens to live in a world where monsters aren’t just real, but commonplace. She started working as a maid in a mansion-turned-art-school whose students are a group of very attractive monster boys. The twist is that these aren’t just any monster boys; they belong to various rare and exotic species with deadly reputations...
Note that character and place names are technically place-holders for now and may change if I come up with better ones. Now, I don’t wanna spoil anything story-wise, but I think I can introduce my setting and some of the characters that you’re gonna meet. The story is set in a modern setting, though it’s vague if it’s actually Earth or just some generic world similar to it, as I try to avoid referencing real-world places or events. This is a world where humans and monsters live together after a Great Interspecies War happened in the past, but tensions have mostly relaxed by the time the story takes place. The war could be thought of as the equivalent of our own World War One, one in which there was a truce decided after many years of stalemate fighting.
The city everything takes place in is tentatively named Dullahan, and was built directly after the war to commemorate peace between human and monster kind. It’s considered an artistic cultural center, and it’s got a lot of interesting entertainment places to go to, arcades, theaters, aquariums, etc, that the characters can have a lot of different shenanigans in. The other main setting is the Beaufort Academy of the Arts, which was actually a mansion that was converted into a small private school. This is where all the characters live, and our main character Millie works as a maid there.
Before I go into the characters, I should start with the various monster species. There are 12 species, divided into 2 groups: common monsters and exotic monsters. The common monsters are centaurs, harpies, lamias (snake people), kobolds (dog people), ogres, and merrows (mermaids). These species are all pretty standard, and will be mostly background characters and npcs. The main characters, and love interests for Millie, will be of the exotic variety: arachnes (spider people), sirens (deep-sea mermaids), mandrakes (plant people), dragons, manticores (with a liontaur body-type), and scyllas (octopus people).
So what differentiates a common monster from an exotic one? Well, while the Interspecies War was between humans and monsters in general, some monsters were already at least partially integrated into human society, and the rest followed soon after the war ended. These monsters were almost as common as humans, and either herbivorous or omnivorous, with the exception of the carnivorous lamias who prefer to eat eggs over anything else. On the other hand, the so-called ‘exotic’ species were not only much more rare, but they had a very different food preference... one which earned them the now derogatory nickname... man-eaters.
Naturally, most ‘man-eaters’ weren’t exactly welcomed into human --nor common monster-- society with open arms, not that most of them wanted to. For the most part, species as powerful and dangerous as them didn’t want to play nice with those they had once --and in some cases still do-- regard as prey, and so hid away into the furthest reaches of the world. Which of course makes them perfect material for all our leading men and Millie’s various love-interests!! Oh yes, while all of these monster boys are perfectly civilized --well, for the most part-- they still belong to species that many both human and monster alike continue to fear to this day. While they aren’t exactly fish out of water (well, except for the siren) there’s still plenty of awkward misunderstandings and interesting scenarios that can be played out.
So! Let’s have a quick run-down of the characters, keep in mind that none of these names are final and could change later on. First there’s Millie, a hardworking young woman who’s had a recent streak of bad luck. Through a misunderstanding she gets hired as a maid in a mansion-turned-art-school. She’s very sweet and tries her best to help others, but she’s not as innocent as she appears; she’ll understand your innuendos just fine, even if she doesn’t really say any herself! Next is Richard and Lara Beaufort, a husband and wife who run the school. Richard is rather laid-back, yet he’s also a master of all kinds of art, painting, sculpture, photography, dancing, singing, you name it! Lara is his arachne wife, a rather boisterous woman who owns a high-class fashion company. The secret to her clothing’s success?? Arachne silk, of course! The school was her idea, a way to help better integrate exotic species into society. Will her mission succeed? Only time can tell.
Richard and Lara have a son named Simon, our first love interest and a human-arachne hybrid who takes almost entirely after his mother in the looks-department (hybrids tend to look like one species or the other, rather than a mix of both). He’s a bit withdrawn due to dealing with bullying as a kid; most people --human and monster alike-- are afraid of his spider-like appearance, so he doesn’t get out much-- to the point his parents worry about him being a shut-in for life! He’s also a gamer boy, and has a secret soft side for gothic poetry, although he doesn’t want to join his parents’ art classes. He actually disapproves of his mother’s exotic species integration plan, as from what he’s experienced he feels it’s a waste of time.
Simon’s best friend and Millie’s second love interest is Louis, a mandrake who lives in the woods behind the manor. Louis is extremely shy and more than a bit lonely, even more so than Simon, and he doesn’t speak very often out of fear that the sound of his voice will hurt others around him. Mandrake screams can induce insanity or even kill those that hear them, hence his fear. Being part plant, Louis has mild shape-shifting abilities and is able to transform between child and young adult forms at will, although he’s actually the oldest of the group. He also isn’t a student at the art school, although he has an interest in floristry.
Now for our actual students! Forrest is a manticore, which in this world means he has a body similar to that of a centaur, but with the lower half of a lion instead of a horse, and a scorpion-like tail tipped with a deadly venomous stinger. Despite his species’s name literally meaning ‘man-eater’, Forrest is extremely friendly and cheerful, and is very sporty too. His passion is photography, and he also loves eating food-- any sort of meat dish is fine by him! He’s also a fan of fantasy tabletop roleplaying games, and will often make references comparing them to everyday life; he always plays the knight who saves the princess!
Anthony is a childhood ‘friend’ of Forrest’s, though he’s loathe to admit it. Highly intelligent and highly snobbish, Anthony fancies himself an intellectual-- and he’s not exactly wrong. Being a dragon, he likes to hoard things-- in his case, knowledge. Anthony loves to read, and is most often found in the library. His skill is in drawing and painting, and all his paintings’ invariably morose subject matter worry Millie. Still, this haughty dragon could definitely learn to loosen up a little, and be a little more kind; perhaps his stay at the academy --and his interactions with Millie-- will open his mind to appreciating the feelings of others. He does, at the very least, greatly respect Master Beaufort as a master of the arts.
The other two students are denizens of the sea, and have been friends for a very long time. Emil is a scylla, and like all scyllas he’s a little eccentric, and just can’t seem to keep his tentacles to himself! While Forrest is obsessed with eating, Emil’s true calling is cooking, and he loves making all kinds of dishes, especially anything seafood and/or foreign. Emil also is highly appreciative of women’s fashion, and absolutely adores everything to come from Madam Beaufort’s clothing brand-- so much so that he actually wears them himself! His pretty-boy looks and penchant for wearing women’s clothing actually has Millie mistake him for a girl at first, though he’s very much unafraid to show her his romantic side, or at least what he interprets as romantic... 
Keeping Emil’s pervy antics in check is our sixth and final monster boy, Oswald! As a siren, Oswald spent most of his life in the sea, and still has a lot to learn about humanity. He’s a pretty cool guy but gets a bit embarrassed about his species’s troublesome past as the cause of many shipwrecks at sea, and would prefer to not discuss it. His passion is rock music, and his main instrument is the guitar. He also loves to sing, but refrains from doing so due to the hypnotic effect it has on other species. His lack of legs, tentacles, or a snake-like tail means that like other merrows and sirens he requires a wheelchair to move around on land, and often feels frustrated that he can’t show off how adept he is at traversing water. He’s also easy to embarrass and obsessed with not allowing anything to ‘ruin’ his manly image, including allowing Millie (a girl!) to help carry him around.
So there you have it, all my monster boys! I left out a few things, as those would be major spoilers, but those are my ideas for the characters for now! I’ll try to draw and post some sketches of their designs later. Hopefully I haven’t forgotten anything, but this won’t be the last time I talk about monster boys. Any questions or comments would be very much appreciated! Nsfw questions are allowed (all the boys wear pants for a reason, after all), though I’m currently not sure if this series will be 16+ or 18+, if you catch my meaning. Lemme know how interested you are in this story, or if you’re not interested please let me know that too! 
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jungledubs-archive · 4 years
Sy’s Helsmits Masterpost
Figured it would be handy to have a list of all of my Helsmits, not just for y’all, but for me as well! Feel free to send asks about these guys, and check out this series on Ao3 for fics involving them. Not every Hermit is present yet--this list will be updated when/if new Helsmits are added. Some entries are much less detailed than others and that’s because I got lazy, sorry.
Evil Xisuma // Caesar Tag: #Caesarvoid
Nicknamed as such because he’s the ‘leader’ of Helscraft and everybody hates him (and later because he was banned on the Ides of March). This nickname is barely used--he prefers to be known as Evil Xisuma, though after being stuck in Hermitcraft for a while and going through a bit of a redemption arc (the devil went down to georgia on Ao3, may or may not be continued but the events are canon to the timeline), he does adopt it as his proper name to avoid confusion. Caesar is obsessed with taking over Hermitcraft and getting rid of their Xisuma so that he can be the only one. His base, when he finally arrives in Helscraft Season 7, is in a ravine.
Evil Scar // Harvey, BadTimes Tag: #Harvey BadTimes
Originally nicknamed BadTimesWithScar, ‘Harvey’ was a nickname that sprung out of too many stupid pronunciations of ‘Scar’ (Rye said ‘Scarvey’, Trip suggested ‘Harvey’, and it stuck). He’s an ender dragon hybrid and second of the three Hermitcraft-obsessed Helsmits. He was originally more mild-mannered, but after his first encounter with his Hermitcraft counterpart went sour, he’s sworn to tear up everything Scar holds dear. Harvey has a furious rivalry with Buck, which escalated after Harvey was accidentally responsible for Trip losing an eye (upside-down and backwards on Ao3). His base is a volcano with a fortress on the inside, inspired by the home of Smaug in The Hobbit.
Evil Welsknight // Bruce, Helsknight Tag: #Bruce Helsknight
Technically named after Robert the Bruce, his nickname was chosen for him by the other Helsmits because they thought Helsknight was silly (and also got confusing with them all being from Helscraft). He’s third on the hierarchy of ‘obsessed with Hermitcraft’ after Caesar and Harvey, though is less focused on taking over Hermitcraft and getting rid of his counterpart and more on being as much of an inconvenience to Wels as possible. He mostly keeps to himself in Helscraft, too focused on his work with portals, and he’s a bit of a dork and the epitome of ‘you did the work wrong but somehow got the right answer’. He’s semi-allied with some of the other Helsmits, though mostly just for redstone components. His base is a Nether-themed castle, complete with lava moat and confusing maze-like layout. He is very jealous of anybody who has magic or hybrid powers, as he does not.
Evil Mumbo // Balderdash Tag: #Balderdash
He chose his own nickname and is rather proud of it. Balderdash is very closely allied with Charleston, with whom he owns BD&C LTD. and all the associated businesses, including their anything-for-hire service Boon Boom. He’s proud, smart, and snarky, and often refuses to admit his own faults. He couldn’t care less about going to Hermitcraft, and even when he and Charlie accidentally end up there (an unexpected encounter on Ao3), they have no desire to take over the server or get rid of their counterparts. His base is an underground ‘city of gold’, themed around ancient architecture, with futuristic laboratories hidden inside.
Evil Tango // Charleston Tek, Charlie Tag: #Charleston Tek
His name was given to him by Spector and initially rejected, but after he realized it could be shortened, he adopted it proudly. Charlie is the other half of BD&C LTD. and partner to Balderdash, with whom he causes an immense amount of problems. He’s argumentative, spiteful, and equally as smart as Balderdash, though they both claim to be the more intelligent one. His weapon of choice is a crossbow loaded with fireworks. His right shoulder and part of his neck and cheek is covered with a burn scar, which he acquired after an accident with one of Balderdash’s machines and a fire charge. Charlie’s base is an early 1900s-themed city, with his main home being inside an animation studio inspired by Bendy and the Ink Machine.
Evil Grian // Rye, Ryan Tag: #Rye
His nickname was forced upon him by Reckless, who thought it was hilarious, and it quickly caught on, despite his protests. A couple of the other Helsmits call him Ryan, but it’s always with a nod and a wink. Rye is a phantom hybrid and a prankster, though most of his jokes involve destroying something or being otherwise mean. He enjoys spreading rumours about the other Helsmits and starting conflicts. Rye’s base is a skyscraper made to look deliberately dark and gloomy, and he often jokes that it’s a cliche supervillain office and plays into that by sometimes forcing the other Helsmits to meet him on the top floor where he does his best Godfather impression.
Evil Cub // Buck Tag: #Buckfan135
Named Buck after a term used for deer, he’s an ender dragon hybrid and close ally to Trip. His base is a viking village with dragon motifs in a tundra biome. He absolutely hates Harvey and will do anything to try to prove that Harvey is up to no good. Buck’s fairly reclusive and cold, but he can be helpful when he wants to be.
Evil Bdubs // Trip Tag: #Btripleo100
He’s missing an eye after spending multiple days trapped in a death loop created by Harvey (upside-down and backwards on Ao3), but that hasn’t put a damper on his upbeat, belligerent personality. He hardly ever sleeps, though, as he’s always faced with nightmares of his repeated death. His base is a medieval-style dungeon which is sometimes used as such by allied Helsmits.
Evil Doc // Spector, The Inspector Tag: #Spectorm77
Spector, short for Inspector, is half-enderman half-machine and has a flair for the dramatic. Everything is a game with Spector, as he’s always agreeable but forces the other Helsmits to complete annoying tasks, riddles, and treasure hunts to gain his full cooperation. Nobody’s quite sure what his base actually is, because it’s hidden behind a maze of glass that has yet to be penetrated by wit or TNT.
Evil Iskall // Fiver Tag: #58Iskall
Once a human on the quest for efficiency, Fiver is now more redstone and metal than flesh and blood. He’s always upgrading himself and never has time for any of the other Helsmits, though he’s tentatively allied with Doug and Spector. His base is a giant laboratory filled with deadly traps and surrounded by a minefield, which is slowly being taken over by plants as the building falls into neglect despite Fiver’s near-constant use of it.
Evil Ren // Doug Tag: #Ramdoug
Part-wolf, part-ram, part-human, Doug’s a living contradiction and revels in it. He’s truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing and swings wildly from being friendly and agreeable to infuriating all the other Helsmits with his destructive and murderous antics. He lives in a snowy mountain biome with a base themed around the fictional planet of Hoth, plus a half-destroyed Death Star built into the base of the mountain for good measure.
Evil Impulse // Reckless Tag: #RecklessSV
Sly, cheeky, resourceful, and self-centred, Reckless can never hold an ally for long, because he’s always stabbing them in the back. His base stretches deep below the ocean in an inverted pyramid, accessible through a controlled whirlpool. Reckless is aptly-named, for despite his claims that all of his plans are premeditated and thought-over, he spends less time thinking and more time double- and triple-crossing the other Helsmits.
Evil Zedaph // Damon Tag: #DamonPlays
Damon lives in a cliffside lair filled to the brim with strange machines and contraptions, accessible only through a series of nonsensical puzzles--though these puzzles are often simply destroyed by the other Helsmits should they need to get in. He’s friends with Doug and Trip and certainly one of the more popular Helsmits, despite his affinity for flinging them into walls with slime block launchers.
Evil Cleo // Effie, Nefertiti Tag: #ZombieEffie
ZombieEffie is a bit of a misnomer--she’s not a zombie, she controls the zombies. Effie is a necromancer, complete with sinister skull mask, and lives in a dark and spooky village filled with hybrid cryptid monstrosities that she’s created. She has a strange friendship with Reckless, though the two are not allies--they betray each other too much to actually do business together, but they respect each other enough to be considered friends.
Evil Stress // Penny, Pensive Tag: #Pensivecreature101
Penny is another reclusive Helsmit, spending most of her time in her sprawling End-themed base. Her name is also incorrect, because though she doesn’t interact with the other Helsmits much, when she does, it always deteriorates into an argument very quickly.
Evil False // Claire, True Tag: #ClaireSymmetry
Claire, or True, is an outstanding entrepreneur and successful business owner, spending most of her time negotiating deals with or between the other Helsmits. Her home is an industrial sky base above the ocean, from which she plots her next ventures. She’s had an alliance with almost every Helsmit at some point, most of them presently as well.
Evil Keralis // Idris Tag: #Idris
Idris is a sour-tempered man, always difficult and annoyed by something-or-other. His base is farm-themed and rightfully so, because he has enough farms there to sustain himself and possibly the entire rest of the server if they had to. He gets along with Buck and Fiver.
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red-becca · 3 years
The Brown Eyed Sky Blue Dragon
First off. Creative title, I know. It was either that or "First Encounter". As if this was a first part of a story. Which will not be the case as I have no clue what to even title a story like that...  Maybe something lame like "The Dragonslayer's Dragon". If you guys got any better titles for this, let me know.
Second, this is well... The second oneshot I felt proud enough to post here on Tumblr. I know it's been a while since I put up another oneshot on here. But yeah, I don't really feel you'll like any of my other oneshots if I put it up here. Though I hope you like this one!
Last thing: Kevin's persona here is one made by @nunukim-182 . The way I wrote Kevin's persona here is my own version and is in no way how they portray their Fantasy AU Kevin. But I did get inspired by one cute picture that had an even cuter story and put it on here which I'll just say now. Basically, Kevin puts roses on top of Red's helmet and makes her "Queen of Red Roses". I think... Something like that. Been a while since I seen that post and I can't find it.
The dragonslayer was silently walking through the forest with a nonchalant look on her face, the sound of her footsteps being the only thing breaking the dead silence in the air. The people of the village near the forest were either too worried or too scared to enter it with a few people saying they saw a dragon walking within it. Some also say they would sometimes see a brave soul wondering through the forest. But Red honestly didn't really care about all that. All that mattered to her was that she got paid doing the one thing she knew she was good at: Slaying Dragons. The villagers didn't even have to plead for her to say yes, she immediately took up the offer and rushed to the forest to kill the foul beast.
Little did she know that the dragon was actually watching her from afar as soon as she had stepped into the forest and that this dragon was unlike any dragon she had encountered. The dragon was able to transform into a human form and that he had a name and status unlike most dragons she had encountered and slayed. He was Solar Yin Dragon Kevin Stoley, Prince of the Oriental Dragons. Kevin was always deathly curious of humans and wanted to approach them but unfortunately for him, he was really shy and jumpy. Anything that surprised or startled him even a little would cause him to suddenly transform into his dragon form. It was a side effect from being sheltered for his entire life due to his heritage. And yet here he was bravely walking around in the middle of a forest, staring at the redhead from afar with curiosity. He was wondering why she didn't seem to be that scared to be in the forest unlike the rest of the humans that came into the forest and why she had such a big scary weapon and helmet with her.
Though once she turned to face in his direction, he just about managed to get a good glimpse of her face before he quickly hid behind the tree. While he didn't get to see much of her face, it immediately got etched into his head and his heart started to race. He found her to be one of the most beautiful humans he had seen in his entire lifetime.
Then, all of sudden, Red stepped on a twig as she walked to where she thought she saw something move. It only made a small noise but it was enough to make Kevin jump in surprise. He immediately transformed into his dragon form and accidentally bumped into the tree behind him. The loud noise he made from hitting the tree made Red smirk and let out small laughs, pulling out her battle axe from behind her back. "Funny how you're in the ground right now, friend... Usually, you're in the sky when you travel, are you not? Or you just fly in general as a forest is too small for you to walk around in... So, this is a surprise to me..." She looked around for any sign of the dragon. "Come out, come out, wherever you are~  I won't hurt you, little dragon~ I promise~"
Kevin froze in place, his heart now racing out of fear of what was going to happen to him. He didn't know what he should do. If he should fly away right now like she just said and go back to his life of boring royal dragon stuff. Or, somehow, manage to escape from the girl without flying.
He didn't have time to think of a good plan as Red managed to spot his light sky blue tail. The red head's smirk grew once she spotted his tail. "Hmm, you seem to look different from all the other dragons I've slain..." She rushed towards him. "But that doesn't matter to me because I've got you now!" As soon as she yelled that, Kevin panicked and hit her with his tail.
Red huffed as she got knocked back by the dragon, planting her feet on the ground to avoid being sent flying. "Damn. Okay, you're more stronger than I thought... And smarter. Or maybe, dumber. I can't really tell. But I'm not too bothered to figure out which one you are..." She shrugged before cracking her neck joints. "Alright then... This gives me a bit of a fun challenge with this mundane job of mine... Let's try- Oof!" Before she could even attempt anything else, Kevin hits her really hard this time into a tree with his tail again.
He immediately transformed into his human form once he saw that the girl had passed out from what he did. "Oh no! Kevin Stoley! What did you just do?!" He panicked, rushing to her side and examining her all over. "Oh my God... Lady? Beautiful Lady!" The dragon started to yell as he shook her frantically, frowning when he saw that nothing was happening. "Beautiful Lady, please wake up..."
He whined as he looked at her unconscious body then he found himself lightly touching her cheek, blushing as he enjoyed the feeling of her soft cheek. "Wow, you really are a beautiful lady... I mean, just from afar, I already saw it. But now... Seeing you up close like this... Wow... You are even more radiant..." He smiled softly before he shook his head to calm himself. "Oh, geez... What am I doing? What is even happening to me? You don't even know who this beautiful lady is... Nor does she know who you are... So, calm down, Kevin..." He breathed in and out. "Okay, now... Hopefully my magic works on humans too..." Kevin nervously bit his bottom lip before starting to chant a spell he was taught on how to heal dragons. He let out a long exhale once he finished, frowning when he saw the girl not move an inch in front of him. "Now, we just wait to see if it worked, I guess... Again, I am hoping here that it did..."
And lucky for him, it seemed to actually work on humans as Red eventually woke up after an hour, tilting her head in confusion when she saw a human figure in front of her. "Ahh! What are you-?!" She quickly got up in shock of the stranger in front of her, putting an arm up to guard herself.
The dragon simply tilted his head back at her with a smile, pleased to see his magic was able to heal her. "Oh! Glad to see you up and well! My magic still hasn't failed me, I see!" He beamed at her, his smile growing even more.
"Wait... Magic? What are you even talking about? Just who are-" She didn't even get to finish her sentence as she watched something fall off her helmet, making her touch the top of it and grab a rose. "Umm, why are there roses on my helmet?"
"Oh! Well, you see..." He shyly pushed his fingers together, laughing nervously. "I noticed a very beautiful lady like you had such a scary helmet on top of her and I decided to make it match the lady's beauty, making her the Queen Of Red Roses!  Did what I said make sense to the beautiful lady?"
Her mouth hang agape in shock at his words, blushing immensely. "I..." Was the only thing she could muster out, flustered at his compliments. She was one who often didn't get a lot of those due to people assuming from her job that she was nothing more than a savage brute. The dragonslayer shook her head to get rid of her fluster, standing up and getting herself in a defensive position with her battle axe as she scanned the area. "Whatever... Did you happen to see where a light bluish dragon went?"
Kevin started shaking as he saw how sharp the axe was up close, gulping before speaking up. "Umm... No, beautiful lady... Afraid I haven't... Nope, never even seen a dragon before..." He nervously nodded, unable to stop his trembling.
"Really? Strange. Usually, if a dragon manages to knock out their prey, they immediately eat them... Then look around for more prey to hunt..." She hummed in confusion, resting her battle axe on her shoulders. "Dragons are truly disgusting creatures... I can't wait for the day when they're all extinct..." The redhead huffed, spitting into the ground.
Kevin tried not to show his terror at her words, deciding not to say a single word to her out of fear that one wrong word would get him instantly killed by her.
She sighed. "You're very lucky, bud. That the dragon didn't try to-" The redhead turned to face the stranger, her confusion growing when she saw him shaking like crazy. "Umm... Everything okay there, bud? Why are you shaking like crazy with nothing scary around?"
"Hmm?" Kevin gave her an obvious fake smile, unable to stop his shaking. "Oh, yeah! All good, beautiful lady! I'm not scared or anything like that!" He gave out fake laughter to hopefully ease her suspicion.
It really didn't but Red didn't really bother to question it, shaking her head again. "Okay, okay... Let's just move on then... Can you not call me "beautiful lady"? That is not my name..."
The dragon tilted his head at her question, his intense shaking slowing down. "Why not? I am aware that isn't your name but... It seems like a fitting thing to call you because well... I think you are a really beautiful lady." He gave her a genuine smile.
The girl got flustered again, shyly looking away and tightening her grip on her battle axe's handle. "Tch... Thank you, I guess... But I would prefer it if you called me Red since that is my name. Well, my nickname but still..."
Kevin gasped, worried that he had offended the girl with what he was calling her. "Oh! I had no idea that what I was calling you was actually offending you! My apologies, Red!" He stood up then bowed slightly.
Red raised a brow at his words, confused once again. "Hey, no! No! You didn't offend me with what you were calling me! I'm just not used to being called beauti-" She paused when she turned to the dragon, her eyebrow raising further in suspicion at seeing horns on top of his head. "Wait a minute... How did I not notice that until now?"
"Not notice what until now?" The dragon got confused as well, looking up at the girl and showing the dragonslayer more of his dragon features that stayed with his human form like a few scales on his face and dragon ears instead of normal human ears.
The redhead squinted her eyes at him, getting more and more suspicious of him. "To be fair, I didn't notice in an instant because I was still waking up from being unconscious... And I didn't look at you straight on until now..." She rubbed her temples, putting her axe down. "But my God! It is so obvious! You have like clear dragon qualities on you! Just... What are you?!"
Kevin started shaking again, practically trembling and struggling to speak a single word. Then he took in a deep breath before looking right in the girl's eyes with a courageous look, no longer caring if the beautiful lady were to kill him right there. "I am Kevin Stoley, the next emperor of the Oriental dragons... We Oriental dragons are very different from the regular dragons that you humans try and hunt down. The dragons you kill are completely savage and just want to kill. Meanwhile, me and my people just want to be peaceful with you humans..." He clenches his fist as he looked away. "But you... You humans can't tell the difference. You just kill and slaughter every dragon you see... You're no different from the "disgusting dragons" you kill and slaughter..."
Red gasped at his words, growling at his words as she gripped her battle axe tightly. "Look, I'm sorry if I may have killed some of your people in the past... But this job of mine isn't easy. Always traveling all the damn time, never having a goddamn break because there is always some other person screaming about a dragon attack... It's a lot for one person! People just had to be more cowardly nowadays that they refuse to help me..."
"Your job isn't easy? Just what is your job, exactly?" The dragon raised a brow at her, giving her a once over.
The redhead let out a small chuckle. "I can't believe you couldn't tell right away after what I said. That or you have never seen my type before. I'm the person people call when there's a dragon around. I'm what dragons fear... I'm a dragonslayer..."
Kevin's eyes widened in shock and in realization, petrified right in front of her. "That... That would explain so much... I should have known... It was so obvious... That's why you carry such scary axe and have a scary looking helmet... Why you have such a hatred for dragons... The people of the village called for you to kill me..." He sighed, closing his eyes. "Well, go on ahead then. Continue the cycle of endless bloodshed between your kind and mine. Just know that I didn't fight back and willingly surrendered to you...  And that... I am tired of all this fighting. I just hope for the day it will stop but clearly, today isn't that day..."
Red took in a deep breath, lifting her battle axe and getting ready to behead the dragon in front of her but she immediately dropped the axe to the ground and making it land on the grass with a thud. This makes Kevin open his eyes to look at what fell then looking up at Red. "You dropped your weapon there... Everything okay? I thought you said you wanted all dragons extinct..."
"I know what I said! I just..." The redhead yelled at the top of her lungs, throwing her helmet on the ground. "I can't believe what I'm thinking right now! All my life, I've been raised and taught to just slay dragons! That's my job! But you..." She looks back at him, getting flustered again. "Damnit! Why did you have to be such a cute dragon?!"
The dragon blushed at the compliment he heard from her. "Wait, cute? Did you just call me "cute"? Did I-" Kevin gets cut off.
"Why, yes! You did hear me right! I don't know what's happening to me, alright?!" She took in a deep breath, grabbing her helmet again before grabbing something from her satchel. "God, I can't believe I'm doing this..." The girl puts a cloak on him, concealing anything that showed he was a dragon. "There. Now, people won't be so scared of you... Hey, you mentioned magic earlier. Why can't your magic make you look fully human?"
Kevin opened his mouth but quickly shut it, wanting to question what she was doing but decided not to. "Well, because I'm not fully human, I'm a dragon. So, whether I want to or not, some of my dragon qualities will show in my human form..." They both went silent which made Kevin antsy as to ask her already. "Okay! I can't take it! Just what are you doing, exactly?!"
"Can't you tell?" Red puts her battle axe back on her back once again before turning to him. "God, you don't seem to know much, hmm? Well, I'm saving your ass, Kevin..."
"Wait, you are?! But I-" Red cuts her off again by putting a finger to his lip, making the two of them blush.
"Don't understand? Trust me, I don't either... But I'm trusting my gut... And it's telling me to protect you and... Figure out what's going on with me..." She sighed, putting her hands behind her back.  "Now, come with me. I got to tell a whole village that I was unsuccessful in trying to do my job... Won't get my usual payment, for sure..."
"Usual payment? Oh, dear... Guess that's my fault, huh? I'm so sorry, Red..." Kevin shyly pushes his finger together. "Are you going to go hungry now because of me?"
Red raised a brow at this before laughing and putting an arm around him, starting to walk with  him by her side. "Oh, no, no... It's fine. I've already been through this before. I'll just hunt for some animals and other stuff to eat around in my new adventure with my new dragon friend. That is if said new dragon wants to join me on this adventure? And be my friend, of course..."
Kevin gasped at her actions, not really the thing he was expecting from her to do after hearing she was a dragonslayer. But he smiled back at her. "Why, I would love nothing more than to join you on this new adventure."
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
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Kost Aban as a Companion
(Face Claim: Brant Daugherty) Kost Aban, Road Dad of the Inner Circle and Magesmith for the Inquisition. He’s charming and sweet, and he’ll handle requisitions so you never have to worry about that Requisition Officer ever again. Also he makes travel snacks as well as serves as a portable weapon and armor crafting station. Did I mention he’s romanceable?
Companion Name: Kost Aban (lit. “Peaceful Ocean” in Qunlat) Race, Class, and Specialization: Qunari Mage (Rift Mage) Varric’s Nickname for Him: Shiny (for his horn ornaments) Default Tarot Card: Page of Wands
How He Is Recruited: His adopted human son, Roland, a young man of about 22, will rush out into the plaza in Val Royeaux on the first visit and request the Inquisitor come meet his father. Kost will immediately offer his services as a magesmith to the Inquisition, as well as his son’s skills as an apprentice. If the Inquisitor is a Qunari, he will also mention that sometimes it helps to have a friendly face around that one doesn’t have to look down to see. Where He Is In Skyhold: With his son, Dagna (and conditionally) Harritt in the Undercroft. He can generally be found talking smithing techniques or occasionally insisting Roland and Dagna go get refreshments and sunlight because they’ve been working too long. If he is recruited, he will also set up a cozy-looking sitting area/lounge in the Undercroft. Things He Generally Approves of: Upgrading Skyhold, completing Dagna’s sidequests, not siding with the Qunari, showing mercy Things He Generally Disapproves of: Siding with the Qunari, executing prisoners, siding with the Templars Mages, Templars, Other? As a mage himself and a former Saarebas, Kost definitely approves of siding with the mages and giving them freedom.
Romanceable? Yes, by any gender or race.  Friends in the Inquisition: Blackwall, Sera, and Cole. He befriends Sera through Dagna, Blackwall because of their shared enjoyment of crafting, and Cole because Kost can’t help but adopt the kid. He becomes friends with Iron Bull if the Chargers are saved. Small Side mission: Collect 10 dawnstone and 10 bloodstone. Kost will Greatly Approve and unlock schematics for Magewrought Weapons
Companion Quest: Kost is happy to have his son working with him but wonders whether Roland might prefer a different career or perhaps to attend the University of Orlais. He once caught Roland studying magic books and worries that he’s pressuring him into apprenticeship. He asks the Inquisitor to speak to Roland instead. When confronted, Roland admits that he’s been studying magic books so that he can tinker and improve his prosthetic arm, but he didn’t want to offend his dad, who spent years working on the magical formulae. He asks the Inquisitor not to tell.
Option 1: Tell Kost - This will net Great Approval from Kost and Cole, and Kost will talk to Roland and say that he couldn’t be offended that Roland is so interested and asks for them to proceed together with the tinkering. Father and son embrace and thank the Inquisitor
Option 2: Cover for Roland - The Inquisitor has the choice of telling Kost that Roland was merely curious about the process of magic or lie and say the magic books were hiding naughty material. Either way Kost will agree to let the matter drop.
Cole’s Reflection on His Thoughts: “The mask is gone and the bonds broken, burnt away and banished. My voice shall never more lie lost and leashed, locked away behind bars of word and deed.” Comments on Mages: “I know what it is like to be born different, and I once knew nothing more than imprisonment and shame for what I was. I have nothing but sadness to know that even here, others share my fate.” Comments on Templars: “If your protector is also your jailer, I think you have somewhat of a conflict of interest.” When looking for something: “Listen... there is something...” When finding a campsite: “Allow me to whip up a little something from these field rations.” When he is low on health: “I will not make my son an orphan again!” When he sees a dragon: “Not that I’m saying we should fight it, but... I could make some seriously good stuff out of dragon bone and hide.” Default saying: “Do you think Roland’s doing alright?”
Travel Banter:
Vivienne: So, Ser Aban. I have heard much of your magesmithing techniques. The Formari believe you are usurping their dominance over the market. Kost: I’m afraid, Madam, the Formari are mistaken. I happen to make useful items, not decoration. Vivienne (amused): Indeed? Then you must prize function over form in your pieces. Kost: Of course. I want to keep people alive, even at the cost of fashion. Vivienne: Some costs are worth dying for, darling.
Kost: I didn’t get the chance to thank you, Blackwall. Blackwall: What for? Kost: The extra firewood. My forge requires more than a normal smithy to stay working, and you provided. Blackwall: Wasn’t for you specially. I... I like chopping wood. Kost: And teaching my son how to swing an axe played no role? Blackwall: Oh. Kost: Too many people treat him as though he’s useless. I saw how happy he was with you. So as I said. Thank you... for the firewood. Blackwall: ...you’re welcome. Kost: There’s a magewrought sword with your name on it when we return to Skyhold.
(If Cole was made more human) Kost: You don’t have to handle everything, you know. You changed, right down to the core. Cole: I am fine. Kost: Sure, sure. Just as long as you know you don’t have to be. We’ve got you, Cole. Starting with rest. I got you a spare blanket - I’ve seen you shivering in your sleep. Cole: But I don’t- Kost: I’ve seen what you do for people. You’re not invisible anymore, you know. So it’s time you let someone else help you. Do you mind it if it’s me? Cole: I... th-thank you.
Iron Bull: You don’t like me much, do you? Kost (sarcastically): I didn’t know you were going for universal popularity. Iron Bull: Ha. You talk like one of these Orlesian bigwigs. Too important to waste time on mercs? (If the Inquisitor is a Qunari) And what about being “a friendly face,” huh? Kost: You won’t get a reaction out of me, Ben-Hassrath. Iron Bull: Even a lack of reaction is a reaction. Kost: Fuck you. How’s that for a reaction?
Friendship: “Ah! Come here for a shield or a cup of tea and some chat? Either way, I’m at your service.”
The Fade
How he reacts: “Oh, I’m not enjoying this at all.” Their Tombstone: Bereavement What the Fears look like: Himself in the mask and chains of a Saarebas What the Nightmare says: “The so-called peaceful ocean. I’ve been watching you for years now. The eyes of the Qun are everywhere and now, there’s nothing you can do to deflect their gaze.” Their reflection about the Fade: “Never again. Never.” Hawke or Warden: Depends on Hawke’s actions. If Hawke sided with the Chantry in DA2, Kost will suggest that they are responsible for the Qunari improving their foothold and force and believe they should atone in the Fade. If not, Kost suggests the Qun’s respect for Hawke is one of the only things keeping the Qunari from invading and believes they should escape the Fade.
The Wardens
Their feelings: Believes the Wardens make hard choices to save the world from the Blight. Exile or Allies?: Allies
The Ball
How they feel: “It isn’t my first ball, but I’m surprised at how many people I know, here. Babette de Launcet just tried to poach me from the Inquisition!” Where they linger: The garden balcony, near the bard singing in Orlesian Are they good at the Game?: He’s not great at being fake, but he is good at schmoozing, especially since his smithing skills are an avid topic of discussion. What people say about them: “Did you see the Magesmith walking by? So tall and dashing...””You do realize he is a Qunari, don’t you?” “My dear, that’s all part of the appeal. Imagine those burly muscles sweating at a forge...” Gaspard, Briala, or Celene?: Briala, or Celene with Briala - he fears Gaspard in power most of all, and he’d hate if war broke out between Orlais and Ferelden with the Qunari lurking at the borders.
Temple of Mythal
Rituals or Hole?: Rituals Agree with the Elves’ bargain?: Agree. Morrigan or Inquisitor for the Well?: The Inquisitor
Comments on Canon Romance
Cassandra: “The Seeker? A worthy choice. Though... I can’t help but wonder whether she’d choose love over duty should the time come.” Dorian: “Dorian? That must be fun - I hope he doesn’t criticize the patterns of your britches!” Sera: “Roland likes Sera - I think you two will get up to all sorts of mischief together.” Iron Bull: “Bull? Well... you do remember he was a Qunari spy, right? Never mind, I’m sure you know what you’re doing.” Josephine: “Don’t you hurt her, Inquisitor. She’s a wonderful person and a light in this world.” Cullen: “You know, I can craft certain soft lamps for the night. I’ve seen the look of a man who doesn’t sleep much on his face. Perhaps it will help.” Blackwall: “Tell me, I’m curious. Is the beard scratchy?” Solas: “D’you know, he hates tea? Suspicious, if you ask me.”
Sexual/Racial preference:  Any race or gender. Nickname for PC: Little One Romance only mission: (Can only be completed after Kost’s love confession) A cutscene featuring Kost and the Inquisitor in bed plays, involving a pillow talk discussion where Kost says “I love you.” The Inquisitor can choose to say it back or not, and ask about his past. The conversation finishes with Kost suggesting marriage would be more than acceptable to him, although he wouldn’t pressure the Inquisitor into it. The quest involves speaking to Kost’s son Roland to get his blessing to propose to Kost. The Inquisitor must perform a War Table mission to get Roland some parts to aid in the proposal, which will affect the next cutscene. If Cullen is chosen, Roland will be given some explosives and dyes and he will shoot fireworks during the proposal. If Leliana is selected, smoke pellets will be given and Roland will make a clockwork smoke machine to give a mystical air to the proposal. If Josephine is chosen, Roland will meet with some bards and make a music box to play while the Inquisitor proposes. The Inquisitor will then meet with Kost in the Skyhold garden at night and propose, choosing dialogue options that are sweet, nervous, or humorous, all resulting in Kost accepting the proposal and promising to marry the Inquisitor and love them forever - once Corypheus has been dealt with.
Dialog to being asked for a kiss: “Did you come down here just for this? How romantic... I must make it worth your while, little one.”
Halamshiral dialog: “Of all the magnificence in this palace... I can say without exaggeration that nothing compares to you.”
Being asked to dance during mission: “Josephine would kill me if I kept you from some diplomat or duke. But I shall gladly sacrifice myself once you have made your rounds.”
Asking to dance post-mission: “I- I warn you, little one, I’m not very good. But I’d do anything for you.”
What Cole says about companion to PC: “There was always darkness behind the mask, both of the masks he’s worn. But now it is safe and soft. Now there is you.”
Who is concerned about the relationship?: Vivienne. Josephine (for political reasons)
Who supports the relationship?: Blackwall, Dorian, Cullen
Who had a bet running on it?: Cassandra, Sera
Banter(between NPCs):
Vivienne: (after the romance only mission) I understand I am to offer you and the Inquisitor congratulations? Kost: We are engaged, yes. Vivienne: I do hope you understand what you are doing. Kost: I understand that I am in love. I understand that I am loved in return. And I understand that political considerations do not matter to me when I am with the Inquisitor. Does that satisfy you, Madam? Vivienne: Satisfy? No. Please me? Quite. I wish you every happiness.
Blackwall: You’ve... been around a while, haven’t you? Kost: Er... yeah? Blackwall: And the Inquisitor doesn’t mind? Not that it’s a problem, not that I think it’s a problem or anything, just- Kost: Ser Blackwall, do you have your eye on someone younger than you? Blackwall: What? I- where would you think tha- no. Kost (teasing): Fascinating. You blush right through your beard! Blackwall (groaning playfully): Oh, piss off!
Sera: You and the big man, eh? Hehe, because- Kost: Sera. You’re not subtle. Vivienne (if present): My dear, your lack of tact is simply appalling. Sera: Rolly likes you too, yeah? You better not hurt his dad or you know what? Kost: It’s arrows, isn’t it? Sera: Arrows!
Flirt options: Upon reaching Skyhold and unlocking the Undercroft, Kost will be ecstatic at the sight of the new smithing area and the Inquisitor can say he looks adorable when excited. This opens up a dialogue option later to begin romancing him.
If PC breaks it off: “Ah. I- uh. Of course. I hope I haven’t done anything to offend you. I shall continue to help the Inquisition as best I can.”
Love confession: Kost will ask to take a walk with the Inquisitor and they will end up on the battlements. Kost will talk about his life as a smith and as a father and say that he never seemed to end up with anyone to love and romance... until the Inquisitor. He says he hopes he didn’t read the situation wrong, but that he has fallen hopelessly for them.
Romanced tarot card: King of Pentacles
End game dialog: “Isn’t that something? No matter how hard I tried, I could never forge something as beautiful as a sunrise. I could never capture that kind of beauty. And yet... it is nothing compared to your face. The sun rises and sets each day without fail, but I promise to be even more constant for you - I am with you.”
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introvertedfox · 3 years
Tag Game! 
Thank you for the tag @ashubii! 💕
Nickname: Kate, although only a few people call me that sometimes.
Zodiac: Gemini. But I’m pretty sure I’m the least Gemini person on the planet. I was suppose to have been born a Taurus (I was born a couple of weeks later than I should) and every time I read horoscope stuff (which isn’t that often) I always identify more with what comes up for Taurus.
Height: 1,65m (5'5")
Last movie I saw: Spider-Man Homecoming. My best friend and I have been doing a mcu movie marathon recently (since I’ve never saw them all before).
Last thing I googled: A picture of Cruella’s car, I’ve watched the movie recently and I kinda want to draw her car now.
Favorite Musician(s): I have a huge list of them, but my top ones are: Queen, Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic and Lindsey Stirling.
Song stuck in my head: This changes daily, currently is Run by OneRepublic.
Other blogs: Besides this one, the other only related to Sims I have is the ccfinds one: https://ccfinds101.tumblr.com/ I also have my old one that I just keep for the old story posts: https://katestorys101.tumblr.com/ Not related to Sims, I have my arts & crafts one where I post my drawings and sculptures: https://catarinaf101.tumblr.com/ And I have one more just to reblog stuff I like: https://darkintrovertedfox.tumblr.com/ (this one has currently been taken by a tall dark haired dude with horns)
Blogs following: 227! Believe it or not, this number was way bigger a couple months ago, but I did a bit of a spring cleaning. I’ve been trying not to follow a lot of accounts in all of my social media in an attempt to try to spend less time on my phone. Let’s just say is a work in progress.
Amount of sleep: 8 hours, more or less. I wish this was true everyday, but my sleep schedule has been all over the place.
Lucky Number: 7 and 23.
What am I wearing: A tank top and black leggings, is my outfit pretty much everyday. (You can tell I don’t leave the house much)
Dream Job: When I was a kid the answer was pretty much straight forward, I was going to be a vet. And I had this dream up until I was 18. Then my life did a 180º turn and now I’m a software developer and I don’t know anything any more xD Although I think my dream job would still be working with animals in some way. Or I would love to do something art related, like design video games or animation, that would be cool too.
Dream Trip: Italy or Japan. (If only I was brave enough to go on a plane though)
Oceanside or mountainside? Mountainside always! I live in Portugal were we're almost all surrounded by beaches and as much as I like to see the ocean, I prefer going on a hike at the mountains.
Describe yourself as (an) aesthetic thing(s): I have no idea lol I tried a few quizzes online and I got answer going from Cottagecore to Dark, but I never got the same answer twice xD I guess I’m a mix of aesthetics, I think that’s it.
Random fact: I own a bunch of birds, like 20 budgies and 7 cockatiels, more or less. Every corner of my yard and house has an cage with birds. (no kidding xD) and I named almost all of them. I also like to let them breed every year. It’s so fun to see the little birds come from such tiny things and then starting to gain their colours. It’s so cool! (I could ramble about this for hours, can’t you tell?)
Tagging: @rextreks, @kissalopa, @nikatyler, @seawhims, @buttercupdoodles, @evansims and everyone who wants to do this. :) (Feel free to ignore if you have already done this)
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leebrontide · 4 years
A true, 30 year, tropetastic, queer love story. (Part 1)
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Pls open the link if you'd like to read a 30 year, trope-tastic true queer romance featuring pining, instalove, swords, childhood-friends-to-lovers and a happy ending.
We THINK the story begins in 1991. We know it starts at theatre day-camp for kids, a summer when we were both in elementary school.
The earliest memories are vague- I remembered a super cool kid from the older class with dark eyes who I was desperate to eat lunch with every day.
It's taken us years to reconstruct the timeline. We have figured out I did go to her house outside of camp that first year, because I remember her bird that tried to bite me. We can only guess at years based on camp themes.
Because we were little kids. I was 7. So we lost touch.
But here's the thing- we kept going to the same camp. She was always in a class ahead of me, because I'm a year and a half younger.
And every year- apparently without remembering we'd met before? We became summer best friends. Drawn together over and over.
But, being disorganized kids in a world of lesser tech, every year, when camp ended, we lost phone numbers- we lived a good 30 minutes away from each other, so I have to imagine our parent's weren't exactly heartbroken at the loss. It was a lot of driving.
In 4th grade, when I was 9, I made a new best friend, named Meredith. My parents heartily recommended the summer theatre camp to hers, and she was sent with me, the next year.
She, was older than me, so she was in Ty's class. & having excellent taste, also made friends with her.
The three of us played together all summer.
Then came the fall, and the inevitable lost contact. I remember being sad about that much more clearly, that year.
BUT, the big change happened when I was 10.
Again, sent to camp. Again, my friend Meredith was there to.
At lunch, I found them playing together. I went to introduce myself to the obviously cool older girl.
For some reason I tried to shake her hand? Little weirdo.
Ty reacts to me the same way- oh hey! Cool new person! I want to be friends!
Meredith looks at us both like we're out of our minds.
"You know each other. We played all last summer."
And suddenly, the spell of childhood amnesia was broken.
I DID know her. We were FRIENDS.
We HAD BEEN FRIENDS for years.
(love with memory disabilities is a trip, folks. And her lil ADHD kid brain was struggling right alongside mine)
We were elated.
But that wasn't the last shock to my little 10 year old heart that 5 week summer camp would bring.
Meredith was, and is, a poet. Somehow she had a habit, at 11 years old, of making up poems about people's eyes.
Weird stuff. I remember a pair of green eyes being compared to a deep sea, were the bones of drunken drowned sailors floated.
Very Anne of Green Gables.
And- I remember this part with perfect clarity. She turned to me and said, do you know who has pretty eyes? Ty.
We were crossing the stage, Ty was carrying a box of props like 15 feet ahead of us.
I said "does she?"
And then, ever the romantic I screamed "HEY TY TURN AROUND I WANNA SEE SOMETHING!"
She did.
And for the first time, I looked into the dark eyes I'd been drawn to for all those years, and saw them anew.
There's a reason cupid's supposed to have arrows.
I swear to you that this is true. It felt like an actual blow to my chest. Like a physical blow.
I was stunned. My little heart was hammering out of control.
I have no idea what I said, or did, or looked like after that.
But I figured out pretty quickly what that was. It was not subtle, even to a prepubescent nearly 6th grader.
But I was a pragmatic little almost-6th-grader.
This was a crush. Middle schoolers have crushes.
And they're supposed to fade over time.
I don't remember if I was worried that my crush was on a girl. I just remember the certainty that this was just a child's crush, and therefor nothing that would last or cause problems.
And when fall came, I lost her number again.
But this time I was devastated.
But, this time a hero saved the day! Meredith, sweet, wonderful, more-organized-than-either-of-us Meredith, still had the number.
And this time, I held on to it.
We became year round besties.
For the first year of adoring her year-round, I didn't worry about my little crush. It'd go away in time.
By 7th grade, it started to be a problem.
We were having sleep overs, and I started to feel guilty about how much I wanted to look at her and cuddle her all the time.
I don't think I told anyone right away. But Meredith was always the smartest of us three.
She's the one who proposed we play "wedding". She presided over the ceremony herself, and her little sister was our wedding photographer.
Oddly, even though I didn't know about this photo till years later, this is a game both of us remember playing.
It meant... something.
I started to feel guilty. We were having sleep overs, talking every day on the phone. I wanted to look at her all the time- I wanted to be with her all the time. I wanted to kiss her, and started to realize she might be bothered by that.
I never wanted to hide anything from her.
So, I confessed my love. I didn't think of this as being especially radical or brave, but in retrospect, I'm impressed by 12 year old Lee's behavior.
She smiled brightly, and said she loved me to!
As her best friend.
I clarified my position.
She repeated that she loved me as her very best friend.
And these feelings were a bit scary and BIG, so that was all good. She still wanted to hang out all the time. Life was good.
By 8th grade, I was starting to worry. The crush hadn't worn off yet. Everyone told me these things wore off.
But I was more in love with her than ever.
And when Meredith moved to Nashville, we got even closer.
We joined the MN sword club. Made new friends. In the way of these things, a whole lot of them turned out to be some evolving variety of queer. Friends started coming out.
I barely needed to, my crush was horrifyingly obvious to all our friends.
I promised you swords. The swords don't feature prominently, but the club was a major connection for us for years, and this detail has always struck me.
I'm not an especially good fencer. Especially then. I was constructed out of raw spaghetti noodles and moved like creaky budget claymation most of the time. I was calculating, but slow.
She was fast, and brash, and more skilled than me. She eventually beat some nationally recognized fencers. We called her "fiery Tybalt" because we're a bunch of big ol nerds who wanted to sound smart. She eventually took her name from that nickname.
Even at only 5ft tall, she should have beaten me handily and reliably. She could hold her own against much better fencers.
But we actually got BANNED from sparring together, because we were so evenly matched we could never get enough points for a win.
My one and only expertise in fencing was knowing her. But she knew me just as well, so there was a stalemate.
Our friends laughed at us.
I confessed my love again in 8th grade.
And 9th.
I never wanted to lie to her. It was important to me that she knew what I was thinking and feeling, but it was also important that I not burden her with it.
She always gave me the same answer. She loved me. She loved me SO MUCH.
What a shame she was straight.
Now, readers, let me remind you we're looking at two queer kids in the 90s at this point.
There were pressures at play.
When I was in 11th grade, she left for college. And she was far enough away that long distance calls were expensive. I couldn't call her every day.
What I remember most about senior year was being depressed and lonely.
But also, that after years of my family despairing of my ever learning to type, and eventually getting me the (then very expensive) dragon speech-to-type program so I could type my homework and not fail school- my contact with her was suddenly all in text. AOL messenger.
People have commented at all my workplaces about my typing speed. I type 120 words per minute now.
Specifically because it was the only way to talk to her most days.
I went to college the following year. We both got boyfriends. Both nice boys who liked and admired us.
BOTH broke up with us because we so obviously preferred each other over them. To an embarrassing degree.
The boy I was dating- bless him he only lasted 3 months- specifically told me "if I go out with you any more I'm going to fall in love with you. And you're in love with her."
Slick bastard.
He was right tho.
I couldn't be mad at him.
But this is when I started to really panic.
It'd been 6 years. My first crush was still absolutely roaring. Nobody else came close to tempting me.
And nobody else wanted to, when it became obvious they couldn't compete with her.
And she was still my best friend, so of course I told her. I told her I was miserable, because I was going to be single forever because nobody else would want me, because I was so in love with her.
She felt bad. She loved me so much. So much she'd been dumped to.
Such a shame she was straight.
I wouldn't find out till much later that that conversation had started something on her side, that, for once, she knew to keep from me.
She spent the next 6 months in intense contemplation.
She DID prefer me to all the other boys (and girls) who were chasing her in college.
And there were a lot of them.
She did think I was pretty, and she did love me. And she did want to be with me forever.
She'd been as dedicated to me as I was to her through this whole time. As caring, as invested, as, frankly, obsessed. Everyone could see it.
But she wasn't straight. She was bi.
And ace.
We wouldn't learn that word for many more years. All she knew was that the story of falling in love didn't match the love she was feeling.
But then she realized- she'd never felt the feelings she was "supposed" to feel for her boyfriend, either. She was not more attracted to him than to me. And he was a good looking guy. A catch by most any standard.
And she also hadn't loved him.
But she did love me.
So, my sophomore year of college (her junior year), we were preparing our trip to the Renaissance festival. A bunch of her friends were driving into town for it, and we'd see each other again at last. (we'd been back at school like 2 weeks, so naturally were desperate to meet up)
I am still flabbergasted as the next series of events.
She asked me out. On AOL instant messenger. After over 7 years of my pining, and adoration. After 7 years of choosing the pain of being near her and not being able to kiss her, over the desolation of not having her beside me
She very logically explained her reasoning.
I had a meltdown.
My poor room mate walked into our room to find me crying and throwing things at the computer screen.
I was convinced she was offering to date me because she felt bad for me. Because she loved me and wanted me to stop hurting and feeling alone.
So I turned her down.
That, friends, was HARD. REALLY HARD.
Thankfully, she was having none of it. She insisted it only made sense for us to date. I tried to stay firm. I refused repeatedly, all in that damned AOL messenger.
We reached a compromise- one date, at the Ren Fest, as a test.
And if it failed we'd never speak of it again.
Because the prospect of dating and breaking up was terrifying to us both.
If we were going to be together, we'd be defacto engaged. Neither of us could tolerate breaking up.
The weekend came- my college friends all knew, and accompanied me, made sure I was decked out in the best fair garb we could cobble together.
She drove up with her friends- including the ex- who had no idea what was happening. She had on her finest cape & boots & a swishy dress.
We could not manage to be alone together. Like it was a proper rom-com ridiculousness. All damn day.
But at least we were together.
She came back to my dorm that night, to spend the night, and drive back the next day.
Shout out to my room mate who stayed at her boyfriend's house that night. Love you, Lindsay.
We finally managed to kiss.
She abruptly decided kissing wasn't some weird thing people only pretended to like because it was normal, and was in fact an amazing wonderful thing we should do frequently.
I don't actually remember us deciding that the experiment was successful, and we'd be a romantic couple from then on.
Pretty sure the kissing melted my brain.
It was not like kissing my old boyfriend at all.
She went back to college the next day.
I do remember, that, MORE THAN ONCE, I nervously asked my roomy if this had all really happened. I was truly and genuinely concerned that I'd dreamed or fantasized the whole thing. I'd done both enough times before.
I couldn't just ask outright so I'd say something like. "Hey did anything- important happen yesterday?"
And she'd look at me like I was speaking some alien language, and tell me I was dating Ty now.
I wandered around in a dream-like stupor for a WEEK.
This is a good place to stop for now. More tonight. I need to go snuggle my baby and help my wife with lunch. 💖
Popping in briefly for the next installment.
All our friends knew immediately. Some of them- the newer ones, were confused because they had assumed we were always dating, on account of how blatantly in love we were all the damn time.
We decided tho, to hold off on telling our families. We decided to date a year first, to show that it was serious, and that we meant it.
It was a good year, full of the kind of pining that is regularly rewarded by happy weekends and spring breaks and summers.
The next august, before we went back to school, we each sat down our own parents. Hers were sort of "yeah ok whatever." I was not there for that conversation.
I went to my favorite restaurant with my own parents, and told them I was seeing someone. Dad was enthused. Wanted to meet him.
Well. I said. You have.
Because it's Ty.
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