#so even if he wanted to be open about it it wouldnt be allowed
tangledinink · 11 months
does the public conscience know gem donnie is afab? or only big mama?
Ooooh absolutely not. Big Mama and a very few select staff are aware and that is it.
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angelicblondie · 1 month
fwb!rafe x meanprincess!reader
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you knew you werent allowed to be jealous - that wasnt fair, and it certainly wasnt part of rafe and yours agreement.
and you knew it wasnt rational - you didnt even know why you were jealous. it wasnt like you had feelings for rafe, he was you best friend. so the two of you had fun every now and then and hooked up, he was still only just your best friend. in fact. he was really just looking out for you, making sure that you were getting the pleasure you deserved, that no one but him could give you. it was a solid arrangement, and you wouldnt change it anyways.
so what if you wanted to hold on a little tighter after he pleased you? so what if you liked it when he stayed later to watch a movie? so what if you liked it when he bought you things? these were normal things that best friends did, or at least thats what rafe told you.
but you were mad right now, and all you wanted to do was leave this stupid party rafe dragged you to.
rafe had left you alone for just a few minutes with his friends, and you didn't mind at all, enjoying the company of the two boys quite a lot. top and kelce were like brothers to you after all these years, and you thought they were the funniest boys in the obx. you were having fun, but then you turned you head to the drinks table where rafe was, surround by a literal swarm of girls. and the worst part, was he looked like he was enjoying it. you huffed with a narrow of you brows and turned your attention away from the scene, not wanting rafe to catch you looking.
you mind ran wild. what was he doing? why was he enjoying all that attention when you gave him all of yours and then some? were you not good enough for him?
you decided to play it cool, continuing your conversation with the other boys. eventually rafe came back, sitting right next to you as he was before, and handing you a drink. feeling petty, you look at the drink and scrunch your nose up, then shake your head, turning back to top and kelce. rafe scoffed, rolling his eyes, and set your drink on the table in front of him, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back against the couch, his arm resting on the cushion behind you.
you pretty much ignored rafe the whole rest of the night, and you could feel him growing frustrated beside you. rafe cleared his throat before speaking. "I've gotta take this one home, boys, curfew."
you narrow you eyes and open your mouth to oppose, but rafe sends you a withering stare and you decide against it, saying your goodbyes as rafe drags you out.
he huffs, bending down with his hands on your biceps, his expression hardened. "ok, what the fuck was that all about?"
you eyes narrow. "nothing."
he scoffs. "bull shit. why'r you actin like a brat?"
the annoyed pout on you face spoke for itself. "nothing, its just that if you wanna fuck other girls, thats fine, but i'd rather you tell me so I could get checked for whatever weird shit they're carrying around".
rafe face lights in realization and he drops his hands from your arms, running them down his face with an amused smile, shaking his head in subtle laugher.
you pout, spurred on by his sudden amusement. "what?" you snap.
he finishes his laughter, crossing his arms. "no, nothin, its just - I just get it now. i get your lil problem."
you cross your arms, mirroring him. "do you?" you ask sassily.
he chuckles, walking right in front of you, leaning down to be face to face. "sweetie, if you were feelin a lil territorial, just say that," he says, his voice quiet and cocky. his hands traveled to your waist, giving it a good squeeze.
you feel more enraged and you scoff, pushing him away (though he barely budges). "get the fuck over yourself, rafe, god!" you exclaim.
rafe grabs your wrist in a tight grip, the smile disappearing from his face. "hey, no no no. none'a that. was tryin t'be nice but guess thats out of the books, huh princess?" you pout at his condescending tone but don't speak, knowing it would only dig you in a deeper hole.
"y'know that I wasn't gunna fuck any of those girls. we were j'talkin," he explains, his voice coming across level, almost as if he was trying to dumb down his tone.
at his words, you roll your eyes, which causes rafe to tug harder on your wrists. "hey, stop," he scolds sternly. "m'not fuckin anyone else, hear me? so stop being such a little brat about it. god, makes me wonder why I fuckin put up with you."
his words trigger a pout, and you tug again at your wrist, trying to free them. "quit it, rafe, i hear you."
"nuh-uh, dont think y'hearin me," he responds, his features softening up the slightest, "how bout this, huh? i take you back to tannyhill, make y'feel real good, and then you know for sure that m'not fuckin with anyone else? how does that sound baby?"
you werent sure if it was the suggestion, or the way he called you baby that made you agree, but all you knew is that you ended the night with rafe, feeling much more confident that he wasnt, and wouldnt, fuck any other girl in the obx but you.
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backwzzds · 11 months
can we talk about how konig would be someone who’s quiet when he gets jealous…then when y’all get home he js absolutely goes HAMMMM….
the way i got so excited to write this…it’s actually way longer than i intended but idgaf! part 2 soon 😏
“papa, i don’t understand what i did wrong,” you’d frown at your man with an annoyed whine. könig, who was a whooping 6’10 would only give you a heavy grunt in response. you’d be on the way back to his car from the mall, dozens of your victoria’s secret and H&M bags held in his visibly large hand. the moment könig reached before you (with help of his tree-like long legs anyway), he opened the door for you, the balaclava on his face making his features ten times harder.
no matter how mad the big bear was at you—or more so, what you happened to get yourself involved in—he’d never disrespect you. anything other than sexually, at least. stepping on the custom made step for your smaller figure, you slide into the huge seat of his completely blacked out bmw suv, allowing him to shut the door behind you. you nearly jump at the visible shake of the car beneath your bottom.
you play with your curls as könig carefully sets your bags on the floor behind your seat. because his was set all the way back to accommodate for his long legs, your seat had the better amount of space for your things. when könig finally got back in the car, he immediately started it, causing the monsterous growl of his deleted muffler to come alive.
and he wouldn’t even break a sweat at you !!! you’re over here going over all your actions for the day, step by step, and all könig could think through his mind was what positions he was gonna force you in when you two got back home.
the sound of könig’s car matched the energy that was coursing through his veins. he know you didn’t do anything wrong; not intentionally at least. but the selfish ass part of him wanted nothing more than for your pretty little ass to sit in the passenger’s seat, overthinking on what the fuck you possibly could have done to rile him up this much.
the ride home is everlastingly silent as the small of your voice breaks the thick tension, “baby,” you don’t know how to further articulate your words. “i know you’re mad at me. i wanna fix it, but i can’t it you won’t talk to me. and you’ve been dead ass silent since we been in the mall.”
könig keeps his cool, though. he knew his silence was practically eating at you alive, shaming you with guilt for something you didn’t even intentionally mean to do. but with the way your pretty body sits in the black skims dress you’re in, accompanied by your black and white dunks—his eyes could practically frame your nipples right through the see through fabric, and he was sure that fucking doorman at victoria’s secret could have as well.
you keep talking. “was it the dude at VS? i swear, i made it very known that you were my man and—“ your words are endless blabber to him as the disgusting and pervasive thoughts cloud könig’s mind.
he looks so sexy in his balaclava, protecting his face from the harsh upcoming winter temperatures. he’s sported in an all black outfit, helplessly matching yours. anyone who saw you two together would automatically know that was your man. i mean duh, he walks around with his hand on your ass protectively 99% of the time.
when you get the sense that the brute isn’t listening to a fucking word you’re saying, you let out a frustrated sigh and turn your body away from him. but the sudden placement of a large hand on your knee takes you by surprise as you eye the man who’s ice blue eyes refuse to falter from the darkening road before you.
the moment könig pulls up in the driveway of your shared home, you can’t help but twiddle with the polish on your acrylics. anxiousness is bouncing off you, and könig could tell. you turn your head and open your mouth to speak, only to be cut off for the first time that night.
“go inside.” könig’s voice is very low, but you don’t miss the command in it. there’s no emotion behind the dark eyes of his balaclava. usually you could decipher exactly what and how he was feeling, but in the moment—
“kö—“ your boyfriend’s snow blue eyes harden at your talk back. with softer features, you whisper, “will you be inside?”
“soon. need to make a call first,” you watch him pull out a fresh cigar pack. “be ready for me when i get in.” you open your mouth to talk back again, but wire it shut when könig lovingly grabs your face. leaning in so the pink of his lips ghost over your full brown ones, he whispers, “now, mama. i won’t ask again. can you listen to that one thing for me?”
with a small gulp, you give him pretty doe eyes, feeling between your legs tingle at his masculinity radiating onto you. in the most confident voice you could muster up, you nod your pretty head at him. “yes daddy.”
könig gives you a nod of approval and runs his hand along the curve of your ass. “good girl. go on, liebling.”
you exit the huge car, already getting idea of what was to come when könig came back inside. with a heavy heart, you head upstairs to your room and slowly begin undressing, hoping that the slower you went, the more your punishment would be delayed.
your hopes were proven to be false the minute you were completely naked and turned around to see könig leaning against the threshold of the door, silently watching you.
you jump in fear at the sudden sight in front of you, but feel your heart beat calm down when könig strolled over to you. naturally, your head tilted backward as a way to get a full view of his face. his balaclava remained on, so you knew he was still upset about the events from earlier.
könig takes his large hand and rests it on your cheek, giving it a comforting rub. “you know i love you and respect you more than anything on this earth, right?” the brown of your skin instantly heat up at his words as you slowly nod your head at his sudden expression, unsure of where he was going with his words. könig’s lips can’t help but lightly turn upward into a small smile. you had no idea what was gonna come.
“good. because for today, libeling, i’m gonna fuck you like you mean absolutely nothing to me.”
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hannieehaee · 9 months
hi! I'd like to request for svt’s reaction when their s/o wear a backless dress!! thank you!!!
s/o wearing a backless dress
content: slightly suggestive, gender neutral reader, reader is wearing a dress, implied to be established relationship, etc.
wc: 784
a/n: thank u for requesting! sorry i took a bit </3
seungcheol -
would chuckle at you the moment he spotted the bareness of your back, hands immediately holding onto it as he pulled you towards him. would inquire if you were trying to tease him or if perhaps you were just feeling a little bold. would enjoy the sight regardless, keeping his eyes on your form through the rest of the day.
jeonghan -
he'd somehow tease you about it, running his fingers softly up and down the nude skin of your back. he'd relish on the skin to skin touch he could now have with you, smirking at the goosebumps he left in his wake.
joshua -
he'd be similar to jeonghan, teasing you about it while also keeping his eyes glued to your figure, enjoying the way the focal point was your pretty back. like the gentleman he is, he would offer you his jacket the moment he noticed a single goosebump on your back.
jun -
he had a tendency of going for bold looks that exposed his upper body, so he would probably have some type of preference for those looks. he would enjoy your own take on it, enjoying the bareness of your back. would still feel a bit flustered upon grabbing onto you and suddenly feeling bare skin, likely keeping his hands on you as much as possible.
soonyoung -
silly boy would not be able to keep his eyes off you. the backless aspect of the dress wouldnt be the only thing catching his attention, he would probably be enthralled by the entirety of your appearance regardless. the backless dress would be greatly appreciated, however, as his hands wouldnt stop touching your back as subtly as he could manage.
wonwoo -
he wouldnt say much, calling you beautiful as he always did upon seeing your pretty backless dress. the main way you'd know he liked it would be through the constant subtle touches he'd lay against your back, unsuspectedly running his fingers up and down its length, chuckling quietly at the way he felt you shudder. he would understand the feeling, as that's how he felt looking at you.
jihoon -
would be a bit flustered at the look. you know that painting of the girl in a backless dress in his studio? that alone tells me he likes the look, so im confident in thinking jihoon would adore his s/o showing off their back. he seems to love the look of his own back, so in a similar fashion he would also enjoy yours, eyes caught in a trance as he stared at it with want.
seokmin -
he's so damn touchy no one would ever even see the backless aspect of your dress, since he'd be glued to you at all times. it wouldnt be even with the intent to cover you up, but just because he enjoyed the feeling of your bare back against him.
mingyu -
would be insistent you put your hair up whenever you wore a backless dress, loving your back and rarely being able to see it out in the open. he had some type of fixation with your back already (all of you, really), so he would be overexcited the moment he saw you walk out of your room with the pretty outfit, allowing him to caress your back through the entirety of the night.
minghao -
he'd love the way it accentuated your body perfectly, allowing your bare back to be the main accessory of the look. would watch you from afar whenever given the chance, eyes glued to your back as he relished on your skin under the moonlight.
seungkwan -
flustered at the look. your whole back nude?? not that he didnt love it, but he'd just be a bit shy while looking at it. it wouldnt be the first time he's seen it bare, of course, but he would be entirely too self aware of other people laying eyes on any inch of your bare skin.
vernon -
if wearing outfits like this was a bit out of the ordinary for you, he would notice immediately, eyebrows raising in surprise but not vocalizing his enjoyment of the sight. he'd be a little extra touchy, liking the feeling of the warmth of your skin against his palms. would probably throw a comment at some point telling you that you should wear that dress more often.
chan -
his eyes would be glued to you whenever you showed any skin. its not like he was a depraved guy or anything, he was just obsessed with you in particular, so any bit of skin would have him almost salivating at the sight. would feel a bit possessive in the public setting, though, also feeling pride at knowing you were only his.
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satoruhour · 1 year
a/n: uururgghghh im starting to struggle to write i swear the next one will be a fluff one. pt.2 to this
warnings: long piece, sugar daddy!au, discussions of kinks including daddy kink, filming, cockwarming, creampies / breeding kink, public sex, exhibitionism, oral (f and m receiving), phone sex, fingering, cumshots, praise, somnophilia, handjobs, size kink, lingerie, let me know if i missed anything, n*sfw under the cut
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nanami is an interesting sugar daddy. he thinks it’s bc the opportunity came so randomly that he didn’t know what to do, so he’s new to this as you’re new to him, not expecting the man to show up when you had sent a drunk email to a craigslist listing
it was amusing seeing your email, but he could tell there was at least a bit of need for some monetary assistance when u sent it in because yes, you were drunk but also the type of honest drunk that reminded him of a certain friend… you literally spelt it all out for nanami in the email
and you explicitly remember sinking into your hands when you listened to your friend to go ahead with the meeting and nanami’s small amused smile, knowing way more things about you on your first meeting just from the message
you’re nanami’s first sugar baby, so tbh he doesnt know what to expect, but if he were to actually choose, he wouldnt want a sugar baby, like geto, who is too used to being indulged and spoiled. he needs gratitude or a thank you when he buys you things and he’s okay if youre picky, just not too bc then it’s like impossible to please you
he reluctantly asks gojo about it later on and he is so annoying while explaining to nanami about sugar babies and stuff, but gojo made some pretty good points, shoving a picture of his own sugar baby into nanami’s face with a laugh and then nanami immediately leaves LMFAO
i’d say nanami is pretty lenient though, just strict about what you spend money on sometimes. like if you’re buying a 2024 diary for you to journal, he’s just going to stare at you because he KNOWS you will not keep that journal up lol (sorry to the those who like to journal ahhdhfner)
or like buying those weird expensive snacks with new, experimental flavours only for it to taste like shit and nanami has to gulp down two glasses of water after eating a bbq flavoured chocolate bar
ok im aware this would work even if he wasn’t ur sugar daddy but just pretend
nanami learns the ins and outs for caring about a sugar baby pretty fast, wiring you an allowance everyday and bringing you to events occasionally, but more importantly figuring out your boundaries and how this relationship would go about
it started off purely transactional at first, but then he starts to imagine meeting up more with you, taking you places. it happens against his will for him bc he’s seen these types of relationships fall apart, and he hates opening up to ppl in the first place. but then one day you’re telling him youre meeting with someone from university and he gets so annoyed the next time you meet up
turns out you were hoping he’d do something about it, and he did
like gojo, he wants to be a good boyfriend as he is being your sugar daddy
although he’s very stoic, you know he cares for you when he does small things like buying you the right kinds of pads, paying silently for the dinner when he goes to the “toilet”, finding jobs with you because he doesnt mind if you want to earn ur own money, occasionally buying you little things he finds in high-end stores that are not clothes that reminds him of you.
he doesn’t mind the minor dent in his account after treating you, bc he knows you’re content with already needing money for university. the extra gifts are just a bonus and it warms your heart when he does all these small things
gives you money like semi-often!! he knows you dont spend it impulsively so he spreads out the times he gives you your allowance 
being his sugar baby is sooo classy like you have gotten so many tight black dresses for events that sometimes you cant find things to wear to the grocery store
goes ALL out for anniversaries always, buying you matching necklaces where he takes the other half, bouquets of flowers, that pair of earrings you were looking at the storefront
oh yea he’s always buying you bouquets, you have no idea where to put them
he’s better with larger, wearable gifts as opposed to gojo’s type of small trinket gift giving, but just like gojo he also loves getting you an initial necklace, but just for the sole purpose of showing that you belong to him. it’s cute, he finds himself staring at the N.K. on your neck every time you meet up 
nanami loves his suits, but he is TERRIBLE at dressing out of them. mismatched patterns, ugly ass shoes, please save him
he lets you drag him to buy some clothes for him but whatever he swears he just looks like a grandpa. maybe it’s bc of his light coloured hair
very good at giving pointers for your style tho, so he smiles when he sees you pick a dress bc he said so, a hand dipping down to your ass to squeeze briefly
loves when you visit him in the office whenever you have no classes for the day, a cute sundress on as you bring his lunch like a cute lil wife.
he values privacy a lot and doesnt like to open up at times, so it takes a while for him to properly let you in in his insecurities and doubts. it happens at first when you realise nanami doesnt call you the various pet names he does when around ppl he knows and you bring it up and it escalated into a whole argument
you were just so close to leaving to give him his space but then he starts slowly about having people leave him before and he doesnt want to mess this shit up again. he feels you deserve better, but you told him he is better
with that, u were able to deepen ur bond, but also it allowed nanami to allow a person in his life again, letting your things take over his bathroom space and living room
the first time he considers buying a ring is when you hang off his arm and interact kindly with his clients and fellow CEOs, ignoring the strange pull of his heart. it’s like you understand the importance of
these events, and even though through knowing you and how you didnt exactly favour crowded places, you still put yourself through it
you have to catch your breath later in the bathroom and nanami’s outside, worried as hell and you tell him youre fine, but he’s not having it so u roll your eyes and exit the bathroom, shocked to see his usually calm face turned into an expression of anxiety
he says that you both will leave immediately and you protest but all he does is shake his head and drive you back. needless to say you had so much more fun watching stupid romcoms and cuddling until youre waking up in the morning to something poking you in the back and there’s this adorable flush that overcomes nanami’s cheeks lol
n*sfw hc’s below
doesnt like to jerk off normally. if he does it’s usually morning wood or after seeing a beautiful woman but he just. doesnt get those desires and the need for release. that doesnt mean hes not good at sex or whatever. hes had his days during uni and stuff, but ever since he’s started work it’s been so busy he really has no time whatsoever
sex life with nanami is sweet yet unpredictable. youve always started out slow and sensual mainly because he doesnt want to hurt you or go too roughly but one day youre bringing up how to make ur sex life more exciting and he went “i couldve done this the whole time?”
you had the best night of your life that night jus sayin!!!!
we have established this thru the fandom but nanami is a pleasure dom when it comes to you, not quite like geto who likes watching you do the work. nanami has to give you the pleasure himself
he’s eaten you out more times than youve fucked and he’s really done it everywhere. he has done it under the table when youre on a call for your class. he’s done it at event bathrooms, he’s done it at night in the park. 
NOW. nanami is not big on public sex but then he sees you bend over during your picnic to catch the plastic bag and the wind blew up ur skirt and he saw ur cute little pussy under …. he couldnt resist it
likes the the possibility of getting caught, and it’s obvious you might because you r soooo wet every time he flicks at your clit
he only does it if he gets to eat you out, and if hes really needy, he’ll grant you a quickie but other than that he can hold himself back - plus you deserve better than to be bent over a bathroom sink
also loves breeding you, unprotected sex all da way. likes the way it seeps out of you and your shivers when you feel him fill you up. would get a vasectomy for you considering how much he looooves to cum deep in you
regarding the kinks you may have brought up to him it’s just hoping he’d be rougher, maybe even try some degradation, you even discussed he could use you when youre sleeping if he wanted to. other things include phone sex and the use of toys, but you mentioned that as long as you were both comfy there could always be a fun time
and bro loved it. u realise he’s only ever focused on praise on most days but when he’s stressed from work he always takes it out on you and you fuckin love it lol.
youve done it over the phone a few times but he thinks he prefers to do a video call better, but the first time he wanted to he didnt know how to switch the call from an audio to a video one and you had already came lmaoooo
you were giggling once nanami grumbled over the receiver, but you helped him easily just by talking bout how youd ride him or how youd suck his cock
10/10 that experience and being with you made him be more open to blowjobs more often, not that he didnt before! but hes always been putting you first that hes never thought much abt his own pleasure <3
warning for drabble: consensual somnophilia, no foreplay, mating press, nanami is a little rough, brief fingering and cunnilingus, clit stimulation, unprotected sex, creampie / breeding kink
nanami comes home to your sleeping figure, calm and even breaths leaving your person with a small smile on your face and all he can do is coo, running a hand up your thigh before preparing to carry you, not expecting that when you open your legs, he sees the centre of your pants harbouring a darker, wet spot, pussy lips pulled taunt from how tight your pants were.
and the man immediately chokes back a moan, remembering the conversation after he had used you to your limit on the kitchen counter, scratching on the smooth marble surface while your face was smushed up against the flat surface. with a little grin, you wished he let out his frustrations on you more, even when you were sleeping — and what better time now that his head was close to popping a vein with how incompetent his workers were?
a moan distracts nanami’s thoughts, and among the unintelligible noises you make, he can figure out how you’re probably dreaming, cock hardening once he hears that you w’nna be filled. that is enough reason for him to unbuckle his pants with a relieved sigh, the cold air on his length making him hiss as he peels his underwear off him, length hitting his torso from how hard he was.
“you don’t know what you do t’me, baby,” nanami mumbles, pumping his cock with slow strokes before swiping your pants to the side, lightheaded from just how wet you seem to be. he drags his cock along your folds, collecting your slick on his leaking tip that mixes with the pre-cum and he groans at how you seem to drip more just from that gesture, inching his fat cock into your pliant cunt without much trouble.
you’re so tight, sucking him in the moment he’s sheathed in you until he bottoms out and you’re whining louder now, still bordering on the line of consciousness and unconsciousness. you’re clenching around him so hard that he struggles to move, until he’s feeling you grasp his arm with fatigue in your eyes.
“use me, kento—” nanami grunts at those words, pulling out just to slam back into you and the slutty moan that leaves you cuts through your slumber because nanami’s deeper than he’s ever been in you. your eyes crack open at your boyfriend who’s currently fucking into you, hips moving at a speed faster usual and you cry out when his tip kisses your cervix just barely. 
“feel so fuckin’ good, just let me use you like a cocksleeve, alright?” nanami groans out, taking your legs and pressing them to your chest and the change in position makes you whine, hitting your spots so well now that you’re in a mating press. from here nanami is hypnotised with the way your juices collect on his length, the squelching noises of your sopping cunt only fuelling him on. “who’s making you feel this good, baby?”
there’s tears that linger at your waterline, struggling to even get out a coherent sentence when you’re babbling incomplete sentences and nanami smiles at the drool leaving the corners of your mouth. “you— you a-are— oh my god!”
“rub your clit for me, doll,” nanami whispers out, already feeling his orgasm approaching from how snug you were around him, and the feeling of your fingers massaging languid circles into your clit makes him grunt, and soon after that nanami cums with a loud moan, so vulnerable in that moment that his deep voice goes up a pitch as he releases in you, hot cum spilling into your womb.
you mewl from the feeling but you’re left empty when he removes his cock and dips down to latch his mouth onto your clit, shoving his fingers into your gaping hole to keep you filled. nanami sucks on your bundle of nerves until you cum with a cry of his name, toes curling on his shoulder as your slick drips down his hand. “messy, messy baby,” nanami grins, popping his fingers into his mouth before he spreads your pussy, seeing the mixture of your cum and his leak out, “let’s get you cleaned up, hm?”
toji is an all rounded sugar daddy!!! boyfriend.. not so much he is a man who values work and does it well but he gets engrossed in it too much
preferences for a sugar baby vary bc theres a lot of factors involved. it’s not just one thing that he feels will dictate if he likes you as a sugar baby or not but the one important thing he doesnt like is when you dont pull your weight? if that makes sense
like not knowing what you want in life is perfectly fine but if youre just sitting on your ass and expecting money to come in it’s irksome to him, especially when hes worked his ass off to get to where he is today
he also likes it if you have a smart, snarky mouth. it amuses him seeing you flip the finger at him or tell some worker in his company off for commenting on your skimpy outfit
you two met in university. when he was younger he used to work as a professor, but now bc hes the CEO of a big company, he’s only able to handle adjunct jobs
basically he helped you out of a shitty house and stress from not having enough money, that causes you not to do your best in classes and he’s so glad he took a chance on you because he’s never seen you so bright before in class. but he couldnt stay much after taking over a CEO position, so he left in the middle of your second year
pleasantly surprised when he gets an email one day thanking him for the stuff he did for you, offers u a job at his company and from then on he says how he’d like to take care of you despite you finishing school
it also starts out as transactional but one day youre asking to meet in his office to ask why youre getting special treatment and youre telling him it’s not necessary when youre working for him now. “nonsense. i want to take care of you.”
his feelings slipped on a late night when he was working overtime and you stayed up too in order to see toji. you wouldnt admit to yourself but you liked him too. a little more than your usual crush bc ohhh lord have you seen his physique
and he comes out to see you still working and comes to annoy you and just gives you a fat stack of money out of nowhere??? hes bad with words ok
he says i mean it and waits for you to make the first move, but you dont and hes leaning forward to give you a soft kiss. ppl were confused as to why the lights of an office were still on at 3am while you were making out needily on his desk and he pulls insane orgasm after orgasm from you that day
hes a doting man, softened by the years of ageing but he works too much. it’s all he ever knows when you’re on his office couch begging him to go home.
will usually buy in lunch bc hes lazy to get it but sometimes youll cook and bring it to him too.
loves to treat you randomly, but theyre always gifts that you’re confused about bc he hasnt bought a gift for a woman in years so the first time he gifts you an air fryer (not sure why i have an obsession w/ air fryers lately) youre like ???? wtf am i supposed to do with this
and he tells you it’s u have easy access to lunch or dinner without leaving your dorms and youre like “honey i graduated already???” and he’s like oh. oh yea
poor guy did this to himself bc hes so deep in work so he doesnt see you often. he probsbly got mixed up with the days where he would meet you in between meetings and he just was there to accompany you on ur study sesh. he liked watching you study, and it would take a while for him to admit he’s actually liked you way before he offered you a job
toji gets better with giving gifts i swear. and he does it, he lovesss to order things and make the delivery man walk up to your desk with a dior box full of clothing
but sometimes he wishes he could do something more meaningful. he likes to give you SIMPLE handmade gifts. sometimes he gets so frustrated bc his fingers r so big so theyre usually easy to complete things. they’re not like of milestones or memories or photos though, more of silly things like paper rings or a paper fortune teller.
writes. a lot, more than geto. he writes more than makes gifts, and his handwriting is so messy sometimes you dont know what hes saying, but he finds that words on paper is much easier for him than voicing it out (this makes me want to write this me thinks)
so you spend a whole afternoon trying to make out what he’s saying like a detective and when sleep catches up to you he can only smile at your deciphering questions like u were trying to solve a cipher and writes you almost got this line right lolol
looks really good in suits but needs to go shopping often bc sometimes he works out too hard and his shoulders grow again at this point he should continually donate his blazers to thrift stores
sometimes he gives them to you as a jacket of some sort and he tries not to twitch from how small u look in them. the attraction goes both ways, and he wants to cuddle you up and also fuck you silly in it
always wearing that tight shirt of his that never rlly fits him. kinda mediocre and repetitive fit — he’s not exactly interested in fashion
loves to treat you to things. loves to spoil you and see you wearing the things he bought for you, but theyre more casual clothes that he spoils you with. man likes one (1) dress and he’s hoping you wear that dress of the rest of your life lol
toji buys you lingerie just to rip it. i swear :/ youre like that was the last one on the rack!!!! and hes just “ill just commission the designer to make another” like you can do that
and he says im actually not sure. oh speaking of commissions he loves to pay for custom pieces or clothing for you. he knows what he wants for you, and he backs off if you dont like it but seeing something he envisioned on your beautiful body — he just loves it
i said at the start that toji’s not that much of a boyfriend but he tries a lot. you can see he’s trying his best to make time for you in between work but it just. doesnt happen unfortunately. he works on the weekends too so sometimes your dates are compromised
youve thought before if it were to return to it being a platonic arrangement but it hurts your heart to think of that after everything youve been through. but this has been a recurring thing that’s been happening, brought up frequently in arguments as well
it was when he had a business trip on the week of your anniversary that the nail finally hit and youre bringing it up again and he knew he couldnt escape it this time bc you were close to crying when usually you dont. does this shit mean nothing to you? did you offer to pay everything for me just to throw me to the side like you always do?
the moment you see he has nothing to say bc he knows it’s true, youre leaving to get some air and it’s the first time he really understands that he wants to keep you for life that he’s making arrangements to give everyone a raise so theyd work better. and then hes taking time off work for a week
he’s still waiting worriedly for you late at night and your friend just gives toji an unimpressed look and gives you to him, breath laced with alcohol and obvious tear stains on your cheeks and he wants to die bc he was the cause of that
he feels so guilty but for now he kisses your forehead and gets you into a clean set of clothes before laying beside you to hug you close to him. in the morning youre hungover and feel like shit and youre letting toji pat your back and giving you a warm cup of water until you’re going arent you supposed to be at work????? and your boyfriend sighs and brings you into his lap, apologising into your neck as he hugs you
toji admits he hasnt been the best and is willing to do whatever it takes for you to be convinced again and you just stay like that, exchanging slow kisses and a warm embrace, unaware that there’s already an idea of putting a ring on you in toji’s mind
n*sfw hc’s below
toji loves your pussy !!!! ohh my god after that whole situation youve had more opportunities now. he had eaten you out before in his office, fucked you there but was always threatened by time. not that he cared but hes had enough of clients backing out on him so you suggested he go into meetings earlier
it came to bite you back in the ass cause you end up being horny for him multiple times and youve only able to bribe him out of meetings successfully like three times
loves any part of your body on his cock. making out? give him a handjob. eating dinner? play footsies with him and use ur feet to massage his dick. in a meeting? BLOW HIM !!!!!
another one who loves to cum on your face, but sometimes he likes to cum on your chest and tits and when you grab his cock to smother the cum on you >>>>>
he was surprised the first time you crawled under his table a minute before his meeting started and he already knew what you had in mind. he was clearly excited, getting hard almost instantly and had to mask the redness on his face with a hand
toji coughs when you first unbuckle his pants and he’s listening in to a coworker pitch a business idea, trying to keep his composure when your mouth first encloses around his tip. and u have the gall to giggle omg? he cums so hard that time he realises hes the only one left in the zoom meeting after and the other made sure to teach you a lesson after, fucking you until everything on his desk ended up on the floor. he’d have to call the company contractor to cover up the scratch marks on the floor ehehe
obsessed with how much bigger he is compared to you, always towering over your person and he has to resist manhandling you when you place an innocent hand on his forearm and ask him a question
LOVES to send you dick pics. and his are the ones where he actually knows how to pose, like palming his bulge in sweatpants when hes home and youre not
takes a pic of his actual dick under the table at work and alludes to the time you gave him a bj 
his pictures are actually SO hot that youre immediately calling him up just to talk to him
you always end up getting off yourself too though, the raspy voice comin from your phone enough to make you cum
before, exchanging lewd messages and pics were a norm but now if he needs you he’s asking his driver to drive you back to his house STAT. bro needs to be in you asap
he once left an event where he was supposed to be presented with some award just bc you sent a very lovely pic of you in the dark green lingerie you bought on his black card
he fucked you so well that night you knocked out immediately and he had to clean you up, all lovestruck and soft
leans into the ‘daddy’ thing pretty okay, but hes okay if you dont use it either
agrees to be in suggestive tiktoks where they show off their man only to do something totally inappropriate so now that vid is kept in your priv collection bc it ended up being extended and became a vid of you holding your front camera up to your face with tongue lolled out and profanities leaving your mouth
he takes the phone later from you to film how his cock moves in and out of you yyuuuummm he loves it
like gojo, loves to video you because sometimes he goes on long business trips and he needs to have something to jerk off to
his favourite is when you’re on your back and he’s filming your pussy taking his fat cock, folds spreading so nicely while his cum from earlier forms a white ring around the base of his cock oh god he watches that over and over
also loves cumming in you but more of the thought of marking you compared to knocking you up
cockwarming aahhahsddj it’s one of his other favourite things to do, hiking your skirt and tears your pantyhose, sinking you down on his aching length and he just loves the wrap of your pussy around him. trust me he’s trying not to thrust up into you but youre breaking down easily and he hisses every time you shift just a little
warnings for drabble: cockwarming, daddy kink, semi-public sex (toji’s on a call and the person on the line hears), riding, clit stimulation, calls you ‘slut’, unprotected sex, creampie / breeding kink
“c’mon, tojiii, just for a while?” you pout, tugging on his arm with big doe eyes, smiling to yourself when he just sighs and mutters out a fine.
toji can’t help but smile either way, receiving the peck on your cheek with heated cheeks, but now he smiles wholeheartedly, his hard cock buried in you while you struggle not to move. there’s wireless buds in his ears, stuck in the middle of a meeting while your face is hidden in his neck, soft pants leaving your mouth.
you’re thankful the camera isn’t on at least, but you’re still at risk with the small sounds you make, trying to focus on anything but the pulsing large cock in you. you already regret asking for this when you knew he had a meeting coming up with the thought of making him crave for you. instead it happens the other way around, you begging him to move with your hips while he calmly puts his hands on them, rubbing circles into your back like it helped.
but you don’t care, not when you’re filled to the brim like this and you can’t move, so slowly you start to roll your hips, grinding onto his pelvis and you can hear toji exhale shakily, voice still firm as he agrees ro the budget the client proposed. his hand holds the back of your neck and pulls you from the embrace, setting his eyes on you with a warning but you only can shrug, lifting your hips before dropping down on his cock.
“angel…” he mutes the microphone, the man droning on about numbers and profits making his head spin when his pretty girl was deliberately ignoring his warnings, but he couldn’t blame you with how your hot, tight pussy felt around him. toji assumed his plea of that simple name he liked to call you was enough, but when he unmutes his mic, you’re pulling one side of his earbuds off, mouth close to his ears.
“please, daddy…” you mumble, still bouncing on his thick cock. by now you’ve been cockwarming him for an hour, cunt slick with juices that it drips down his balls and onto the office chair, the movement of your hips only highlighting the lewd, sopping sounds of your pussy. there’s no doubt the other man hears what’s going on but you only press on, the chair creaking below the both of you as you ride him. toji’s trying so hard not to groan himself, throat tight and uncomfortable.
“let him hear,” you whimper out, a hand reaching down to rub your clit and toji grunts at the thought of it, of you knowing you belong to him, “wan’ him to know how good my daddy makes me f-feel, mmf—”
and so he listens to you once you say that, wrapping both arms tightly around you before his hips also meet yours, your juices spurting and spilling all over from how wet you were. your moans get louder in his office while he bullies his thick cock into you, tip kissing your spots so deliciously that you can only manage one word pleas. you sink easily into him after a while before he takes the lead, fucking up into you with the sounds of his balls hitting the fat of your ass.
“my pussy’s so warm and tight. ya likin’ this huh? you little slut,” toji grins, loving how he can feel your nipples through your work attire and the stretch of your pussy on him and the shock on the other’s face. if anything, you both knew how much he wished the camera was on on toji’s side.
“y—yeah, love it s’much! gonna cum, toji—”
toji only hums, capturing your lips in a kiss and effectively swallowing your whimpers as he thrusts deeper into you, “pretty girl’s gonna cum?”
“y-yeah daddy…” he feels you nod and mumble, hands massaging your sides before he feels your pussy clench around him and you cum with trembling thighs and a lax jaw. the way you look and feel also has toji grunting out with stuttering hips and he shoots his load deep in you, sending you into a blissful, dazed state as he spills his white liquid deep down your cunt.
with a shiver, you’re catching your breath before feeling his cum spill out of you, blobs of white pooling at the hilt as you swipe a finger at it to pop it in your mouth, exchanging a grin with toji before he starts a pace again, call long forgotten and a transfer at the tip of his fingers to keep his loyal client’s mouth shut.
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ty for the request muaahahahah @moonjella
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thesmallonesblog · 8 months
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Soft Moments with Seungcheol
Princess Treatment - this man will forever treat you like you're his own personal princess. To him you are everything and he wants to make sure that you have everything you could ever need or want and more. From little things like being his designated forever passenger princess in total control of music, temp and horrible road trip games. To never being able to stop himself from buying you things he sees that remind him of you, would think you would like or remembers you saying that you needed or liked. He's on it ALWAYS. He even has an ongoing note on is phone keeping track of things you've mentioned in passing that he can use later to bring you home little just because or pick me up treats. Even when he's away he would make sure that you are comepletly taken care of. He would be the type to have schdueled groceries delivered of all your favourite things so that you could have more time to yourself, insist getting someone to drive you around and have someone around to clean your palces. He wants you to be able to spend time doing the things that you love, never wanting and having it all.
Open Listener - He wants you to feel heard, it doesnt matter if you think its something so silly hes there to listen. He never wants you to hide your thoughts and feelings from him so he makes sure to always provide a safe space for you to open to him about anything. Whenever you wanted to talk he would always put aside what he was doing and focus all his attention on you. If you weren't ready to talk yet he would allow you into his arms, holding you close until you found the words you wanted to say. He would let you get it all out, raw and unfiltered before he would comment on anything. His top priority was always to ensure you were able to express you feeling freely and without jugdment or without something trying to persude you away from certain feelings. He would listen to every word you'd have to say and at the end he would ask you what you wanted from him: advice, what his take on it was, a gossip session etc.
Always on his Mind - it wouldn't matter the distance that was between the two of you, it couldnt stop his mind from always wondering back to you. Cheol would constantly be reminding you that you were always a priority in his life no matter how caotic it would get. The reminders would come in all different forms. Throughout the day he would constantly be sending you little messages ranging from asking you about your day, reminding you to take care of yourself, videos he saw that he thought would make you laugh and pictures of things he saw while out that he thought you would like. He would send you voice notes just rambling, updating you on all the things that were going on, reminding you of how much he missed you and how much he wished you were right beside him now. It wouldnt' matter if he was away or laying beside you every night - he would always be sending or bringing you little presents as a form of expressing his affection for you. When he couldnt take the distance anymore, it would be nothing for him to tell you to book time off of work since he booked flight to come meet him wherever he was to spend a week with him.
Always wanting you close - You are his safe place, his happy place, the one place he feels like he can be totally and utterly himself. You make him feel whole, complete and he wants nothing more to feel that always. He would never admit it to you but when you're not near him apart of him feels broken. Any second he could spend with you he would make sure he could, he wouldnt be able to get enough of you no matter if you had been attached to the hip everyday for a month. He would never tire of having you in his space, in your space. You were home to him. Just having you in the same house as him, not even the same room would calm his mind and he'd feel the warmth in his heart increase. Wherever he'd go he'd want you to be there with him, experince everything with him and share every moment with him.
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luvfy0dor · 4 months
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“Your Handprint's on my Soul ♡⁠˖” BSD men x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol
warnings; established relationship (Fyodor only), first interactions, kisses, Dazais can be platonic or romantic
description; aus/tropes with BSD characters, inspired loosley by my old post about book types/tropes
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⑅ Osamu Dazai ⑅
• There was only one bed when Dazai appeared on your doorstep one evening. You don't know where he came from and he wouldn't tell you, but he would certainly tell you he wasn't letting you sleep anywhere but the bed, even if you wouldnt allow him to either.
'Knock knock knock' was the first thing you heard when you woke from your slumber in the middle of the night. You felt a little unsettled, but still tiptoed out of bed to the door, peering through the peephole only to see the big head of your coworker and friend on the other side of the door. You huffed and unlocked the deadbolt and opened up. "What are you doing here this late at night?" You asked, rubbing your right eye with the palm of your hand and yawning. "Oh, nothing much, just here for a stroll! It's been quite the long time no see, no?" He says, letting himself in and taking off his shoes at the door. "I saw you..." You peered over at the digital clock on your nightstand table down the hallway. "Like, 7 hours ago. And you texted me 3." You sigh and pull up your pajama pants. "Can I sleepover?" Your brows furrowed at his question.
"Can you sleepover- Osamu, we have work in the morning and- ugh, you know what, yeah, you're already here and it's raining, isn't it? How are you completely dry? I...I have so many questions that I'm not gonna ask right now. You can sleep in my bed, just don't touch anything else in my room, especially nothing in or on my nightstand, got it?" He shook his head and steered you towards your room with his hands on your shoulders. "Oh no, that'd be rude of me to take your bed! I'll take the couch." You shook your head and yanked him gently by the wrist. "No, you're taking the bed-" "why don't we both take the bed?" You were silent for a moment. "Yeah, sure, I don't want to keep going back and forth with this." You say with a sleepy shrug. He walked in front of you to your bedroom like he lived here on the regular and tossed his coat aside. You crawled back into the bed, pulling the covers up to your nose and feeling the bed dip beside you when Dazai crawled in too. He also took his fair share of the blankets, but you soon realized that Dazai was a blanket hog. "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna kick you if y'dont stop stealin' all the blanket!" You groan, yanking the soft material back towards you. "I am not stealing all the blanket, you're very dramatic." He says, rolling over and scooching closer so that he can still be completely covered by the blanket without yanking it back. Each time you moved, you bunched up more of the blanket and pulled it closer to yourself, leaving Dazai uncovered from his right foot to his knee. "And you call me a blanket hog." He starts to steal some of the comforter back, but you toss it over him and roll over to press your front against his, cuddling him. "You come to my house unannounced and steal my blankets..you can just be another source of heat if you wanna act like this." You sleepily say, eyes still closed as you slur out your words. His face was one of surprise for a moment before it melted into a smile. He put a hand on your head and pulled you closer. "And you know what? That's fine with me."
⑅ Chuuya Nakahara ⑅
• Chuuya reminds me of that one soulmate au where whenever you get marks on your skin, they appear on your soulmates too. Small scars, ink scribbles, and bruises would often appear on Chuuyas, but never because of his own doing.
Earlier in the morning, Chuuya had noticed a new doodle on his forearm, this time it was one of a cat. Usually it was partially colored-in hearts or imperfect stars, but he always found other drawings of yours to be more amusing. He was currently relaxing on his couch after a long day of work, shoes kicked off and pajamas put on. He'd gotten bored of whatever nonsense he was watching on the TV and decided to examine the kitty on his arm a little more before picking up a pen and deciding to draw one next to it with a little heart in between them. He rolled his eyes at himself, Chuuya Nakahara, the best martial artist in Yokohama and port mafia executive was doodling kitty cats and hearts on his own arm to appease some soulmate he didnt even know. He sighed and leaned back again. It didn't take long for you to notice and quickly scribble a reply that read "Wow, finally. [poorly drawn eye roll emoji] took you long enough to actually interact w/ me! Started to think I didn't have a soulmate." You felt giddy over the whole thing. Yeah, it was stupid, but he drew a cat in love with the cat that you drew! This was the interaction that you had been waiting for since middle school when all the other kids were writing back and forth with their soulmates so much that they'd make frequent trips to the bathroom to wash off old pen ink since they had no phones to text with yet. Teachers hated it, but everyone was already willing to put their education on the back burner for these, essentially, randos. Not Chuuya, though. Chuuya never liked writing on his skin, the way the ballpoint dragged across his pale flesh made him shiver, and so he never replied to you. His focus on other goals also contributed to that ignorance.
After many years though, he finally decided to entertain the whole idea. Chuuya didn't care about who his soulmate was, if he found someone that wasn't them and he loved them, then that was that. He didn't think the universe should decide the only person he could truly be with, so he dated on his own accord. He checked his arm for your reply as if he was checking a watch and he watched the ink appear on his arm, letter by letter and stroke by stroke. He smiled a little and grabbed his pen again. "I never really cared to, no offense." You scoffed when you read that, crossing out the no. "Full offense taken. Anyways, where you from?" He thought on whether or not he really wanted to tell you, so he decided to play it safe. "I'm not telling you that immediately, what are ya, crazy? How old are you?" The number 21 quickly appeared. "And your name?" You started writing out letters, but the ink quickly faded. Chuuya raised an eyebrow and went to write out a couple stray question marks, but the writing came back in a different color. The ink was blue this time. "Y/n." "Okay, y/n, not that you couldn't be lying, I live in Yokohama, Japan. Can I get your number to make this easier?" You smiled and fist pumped. "Yeah, it's ---/---/----." You received a message about four minutes later. "This is better, I have work in the morning and I don't want to have to scrub off any more ink than this tomorrow." You laid in bed, perpendicular to the mattress with your arms hanging off the edge of the bed as you typed out a reply. Your conversation went on for another hour getting to know eachother before he told you that it'd be best for him to go to bed. You wished him a goodnight and he did the same. You knew it'd take a while to build a strong friendship and maybe even relationship, but the thought made you excited nonetheless.
⑅ Fyodor Dostoevsky ⑅
• When I think of my own highschool academic greatness (I'm failing algebra2/trig) I think of Fyodors geniusness and how much highschool/college aus remind me of him. I don't know if he'd try to juggle a relationship and school, but if he did he'd help you be the best student possible while securing that valedictorian title for himself.
Fyodors slim hand gripped his pencil loosely and moved it acrossed the paper he was given for a written assignment. His hair was pulled back in a super small pony tail and his eyes flickered over to the clock every now and again, waiting for the bell to ring with each passing second. He promised to meet you in the library during lunch to study for your AP Bio test you had coming up at the end of the week. He never minded helping you study, it'd help him retain the knowledge anyways. Finally, the familiar 'ding' sounded throughout the school and he packed up his stuff and left. He walked through the hallways and down the stairs to the library where you were already waiting for him. You smiled and waved him over, opening your school-loaned laptop. "Hey Fedya. I know we always spend lunches together but like, thank you for helping me, I'd be screwed otherwise." You say with a small laugh. He smiles and sits down next to you. "No problem, I don't mind, I did really well in that class anyways." He said while watching you type in your password and pull up an assignment. "Yeah, it's just about- oh! You kept the ponytail in?" You asked him with a smile. You had put his hair up that morning while waiting for the first bell. "Ofcourse I did. It keeps my neck cool." He tells you, tracing shapes on the small of your back with his thumb as he read over the assignment. "This is easy, Myshka, what's the trouble?" "I can't grasp ecology." You say, feeling yourself start to nod off. He raises an eyebrow and hums. "Well, do you sleep during your class like this?" He grins a little. You hum in denial and open your eyes again, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye. "No, I just stayed up late last night cramming and stuff..." You say, resting your head against your fist. "Well that's probably why you're having trouble, you work when you should be sleeping."
You knew he was right, you had other classes that you were doing work for and you had put AP Bio on the back burner because you, a) didn't want to do it, b) didn't think you could do it, and c) saw that you'd feel more successful seeing all those 0's in other classes turn into grades. "I know, I know." You groaned. "But maybe we can just get this one done quick since my laptop is already open." You reaffirm and lean your head on his shoulder. He nods and re-reads the question before asking you what answer you'd pick first and why. You told him and he told you if you were right or wrong, briefly explaining why you were incorrect if that was the case. You were only 5 questions in before Fyodor realized you weren't answering him. He looked to his side and realized you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled and closed your laptop for you and let you sleep against him for a little while, knowing he'd finish it with you later, very determined to help you get all of your work finally done so you could relax. You clearly needed it.
⑅ Nikolai Gogol ⑅
• Nikolai would be a great, flirty barista, which is why I think coffee shop au would be perfect for him. His ability would be of great use winning over a couple cents in tips as well as your heart.
When you walked into your favorite, local coffee shop, the first thing you noticed was an unfamiliar face behind the counter. A tall man with long, braided white hair stood with a shaker in hand, clearly working hard to perfect s customers drink order. His eyes literally up when he saw you walking towards the counter, quickly pouring the liquid into a scribbled-on cup and capping it. "I'll be with you on one minute!" He says with a toothy grin, handing the drink to the lady waiting on the far side of the shop. He quickly returns to the cash register to take your order. "Hey! How can I help you?" He asks you and straightens out his apron. "Hi, uhm, can I have a (favorite drink), please?" He punched some stuff into the cash register and the visible screen in front of you showed you your total. "Anything else?" His eyes stared back into your own, making your heart race in your chest when you noticed just how beautiful he was. His differently pigmented eyes and sharp jawline along with the way his pointed teeth flashed when he smiled had your cheeks heating up pretty quickly. Not to mention his hair and physique.
As he was about to point out your staring with a cheeky expression, you muttered a 'yes.' He nodded. "Okay, your total is $4.20." You pulled out the first bill that wasn't a $1 from your wallet and handed it to him, Nikolais eyebrows raising when you put a $20 in his hands, but he stuck it in the register and counted up your change. "Okay, $15.80 is your change, can I get a name?" He asked you while giving you your change before grabbing a cup and sharpie. "Y/n." You quickly said, dropping all of the $15.20 in the top jar. "Ohhhh, wow! Y/n might as well take me on a date with a tip that big~!." He giggles and turns to make your drink for you while you wait with a warm face and stomach full of butterflies. "I don't think I'd mind taking you out on one." You say with a sense of confidence. "Hm, I might have to take you up on that." It's not long before he has your drink made, using a glowy portal to grab the sharpie on the counter relatively far away and scribbling something in your cup again. "Alright, here ya go! Have a good one!" He hands the drink to you, smiling a little bit when he feels your hand brush against as you take it from him. "Thank you, you too." You call back, turning around and walking away. Once you're out of the café, you rotate the cup 360° to figure out what he wrote on it, only to find ten digits acrossed the plastic. You smiled and your heartbeat picks up ten fold. You make sure to take a picture of it in a good lighting to ensure the visibility of all of the numbers, you might just have to arrange a date with him now.
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A/n; AHHHHHHHHHHHH next time event post <3
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rogueshadow1124 · 3 months
Summary: a few months ago Y/N left for university, leaving her family to begin something new, but now she's back.
Word count: 3621
Warnings: mild swearing, (not proof read)
"And there it is..." Y/N muttered, shutting the door of the taxi behind her, slinging her duffel bag over her right shoulder with an exaggerated huff. Her bright orbs trailed over the manor before her, wavering over the vines that travelled up the sides of the building and momentarily glancing at the windows which had no source of light seeping through. To be honest it wouldnt be expected at this hour, it had just turned four o'clock, in the morning that is. "My humble abode."
The girl walked up the pathway, hopping up the steps of the front porch area. Her left hand slid into the pocket of her jacket to pull out a worn metal key, slotting it into the hole in the dark oak door, she wiggled it slightly smiling once she heard the churning of the locks before an audiable click sounded into the silence of the night.
Pushing down onto the silver handle, sighing in relief when the warmth of her childhood home hit her right in the face. She had missed being at the manor, she missed everyone she had left behind- not purposely. In the early summer, a year ago to this day she had recieved a letter from one of the biggest universities globally, it was one of the best ones around- at first she hadn't at all planned on leaving, not wanting to leave her father, her grand-father figure and her brothers behind.
Her youngest brother Damian ended up finding the letter when he was snooping through her room one night, she told him plenty of times that he wasnt allowed to do that but he didnt seem to understand privacy nor did he bother to listen to anything he is told to do. The next day Damian took the letter to bruce and informed him about how she had been accepted.
When she was confronted about it- basically being cornered on the couch by not only her father and youngest brother but also her other three brothers and the family friend Alfred who worked as the butler in Wayne manor, she was eventually persuaded to take the offer after denying and pushing it off many times, the others had told her that it was a once in a life time opportunity that she couldnt give up and assured her that they would be perfectly fine without her, which wasnt exactly a lie, though there were some struggles once she left.
Bruce had gotten so used to the morning visits from his daughter, it was the sake routine running- he would get a knock at his office door, not even being able to respond before the door was opened in in walks Y/N in all her glory, a tray full of food in her hand that also with held a glass of orange juice, without pulp just the way he liked it. Then he would get a mini lecture from her where she tells him how it's important that he doesnt over work himself and that he gets a break or how he shouldnt skip meals because it wasnt good for his health. He always got annoyed at this but when she was gone, he sure did find how much he missed her.
Alfred had taken her leave better than the others, of course he did but that didnt mean he didnt miss her. The butler had been in her life ever since she was just a small child, they had a kind of tradition where they would bake once a week and test out making new baked goods, sometimes it went awfully wrong but that didnt stop the fun, it was a laugh.
Dick was only older than her by a couple of years, he didnt like the fact that his, what he liked to call 'baby sister' was venturing off into the big wide world, he knew that nowhere was safe no matter how nice it looks but he had to trust that she could look after herself and although he had seen her fighting in action many times, he still couldnt come to face the fact that she could always help herself, he was her protector and no matter what she said he would always be there to protect her.
Jason was her first younger brother, he looked up to Y/N alot and was worried that she would forget about him when she left, she was one of the few people he didnt want to loose and now she would hours away from him, not being there to 'annoy' him and be on his back 24/7. Tim knew that this was what's best for his older sister, she would be able to succeed and achieve what she needed to in order to create the best life for herself, he missed her but he knew this was what's best for her.
Now Damian had made it look like he wasnt at all bothered or affected by the fact his oldest half-blood sister was leaving but deep down her really was. Nobody knew that ever since she left he would sneak off to sleep in her room at night and cuddle up to her teddy bear that still slightly held her citrus scent- atleast he hoped nobody noticed. He respected her, she was always there even when he didnt need her and he had only just gotten used to her being around that now he was at a lost without her.
Y/N's eyes squinted, closing the door slowly behind her as not to make any loud sound. She looked to the end of the open hallway, smirking when she noticed the kitching light was on. That only meant one thing, she wouldnt have expected any less from Alfred, he was always the first one to be awake in the house, it was like he didnt need sleep- when she was younger she thought that he was some kind of metahuman or alien. It's funny if you think about it.
She strolled towards the opening to the kitching, peering through, eyes meeting the butlers back as he was turned away from her. She smiled to herself, coughing lowly making Alfred spin on his heel, hand coming up to his chest subtly, eyes wide when he spotted the girl.
"Miss Y/N. What are you doing here?"
"Its winter break, decided to come home. Kinda missed this place." The duffel bag slid from her shoulder, slumping to the ground. She rushed forwards and embraced the man in a much needed hug, he chuckled light heartedly returning the gesture, patting at her back.
"You could have given me a heart attack." They pulled away from one another, Y/N letting out a laugh at his statement while his face turned stern, arms coming up to cross among his chest.
"Your an old man Alfie, they might get more frequent." She laughed harder, hands clutching at her stomach. The butler rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the girls antics, this would be one things he hadn't missed, her humor and comments. The girl looked up immediately letting her laughter die down when she spotted the look on his face. "I'm joking, I'm joking."
"It's a pleasure to have you back Miss Y/N." A smile broke out onto his features, one just as sincere being returned.
After her interaction with Alfred she picked up her duffel bag and lazily threw it over her shoulder, making her way out into the wide hallway and towards the stairs. She hopped up the in a rhymatic motion, skipping a couple steps ever now and again- making it to the top she spotted her room, the one she had accustomed since she was a child, the door was open ajar, a hint of light passing through the gaps.
Her eyes squinted slightly, a small smile crossing her features.
She crept towards the room, pushing the door open- eyes immediately trailing over the navy walls that were covered in band posters and paintings she had created herself. Her Y/E/C orbs landed on her bed, which had an odd lump in the centre, her brows creased as she let her bad slide from her shoulder and plop to the ground before making her way to stand beside her bed.
Out-stretching her hand, she grasped at the corner of the dark sheets, tugging it back to reveal her youngest brother curled up in a fetal position, arms wrapped tightly around her Teddy bear.
"Oh Dami." Y/N chuckled, sitting down on the edge of her bed gently as if not to wake the boy. She reached out a hand, gliding it through his dark spiky locks, humming in content when she felt him move under her touch, leaning up into her hand, she grinned whispering- "Not so big and bad after all huh?"
She watched as he stretched out, eyes peeling open to show off his ocean blues. At first he seemed to still be in a half-asleep state, eyes wandering around until they set on his older sister, widening in surprise as his body jolted up from the bed, scooting backwards away from her for a split second, hands coming up to rub at his eyes.
"Y/N?" His voice croaked hoarsly. "W-when did you get back?"
"Hmmm." She looked down at her wrist, eyes oogling at the watch that layed on her lean wrist. "Arrived in the city about an hour or so ago, got here say twenty minutes ago."
"I-I..." Damian stuttered, internally debating whether or not he should hug her- he had missed her dearly, not at all wanting to show it as he had a reputation to uphold but he hadn't seen her for what felt like forever- to her utter surprise his smaller form launched at her, arms wrapping around her shoulders, head snuggling into the crevice of her neck. "I-I urm- I missed you."
"I missed you too Dami." Her arms wrapped around him, pulling his body closer to her own, near to the point he was sitting in her lap. A few seconds passed, a nice and peaceful silence falling between the two, the girl ended up pulling back to look down at the boy who had a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips- which was indeed rare. "Aw Dami, you miss me so much to give me a little smile."
"Tch, in your dreams Wayne."
"Not at all have you changed but I guess I wouldnt have you any other way." She pulled him back in, placing kisses around his face to which he tried struggling away from her, making laughs erupt in her throat at his reaction to her teasing.
"Get off of me!" Damian pushed ta her shoulder, a loud thump sounding in the room when she ended up falling to the floor from the impact while he boy stayed on the bed, on his stomach as his head dangled from the edge.
"Ouch." Her laughing ceased, arm crossing over her chest to lay a hand hand on her now throbbing shoulder.
The sound of Y/N falling from the bed, caught the attention of the lightest of sleepers within the house- The girl stared at her youngest brother, eyes squinted, brows furrowed and mouth a gape. As she went to stand up, the sound of her door creaking open caught both of the siblings attention, Y/N again falling back to the floor.
"What's with all the-" In walked the eldest adopted son, fisted hands rubbing at his eyes as he let out a longing yawn- his sleepy demina instantly switching to a more lively source of emotion when he spotted his 'little' sister sitting on the floor, hand clutching at her still throbbing shoulder. "Y/N?!"
Dick launched himself forwards, hands reaching down and clutching to her arms before her pulled her up into his embrace to which she let out a slight yelp at the rushed movement, harshly being lifted from the carpeted floor.
Oh how he had missed his sister, she was always on his mind- he tended to worry about her alot and had actually at some point contemplated driving to the university to snatch her up and drive her back home where she would be in his sight at all times, though in reality it would be him clinging to her and definetly not the other way round.
"D-dick. Air. I need air." Y/N stuttered, hand patting at his bicep. The male instantly let go, holding her at arms length, letting his eyes skim and check her over. A giant grin etching over his features as he pulled her back in to give her one last squeeze before letting go. "Damn do you have a strong grip boy."
"Dont you 'boy' me. What happened to answering my calls, hmm?" Dicks hands came to rest on his hips, his foot tapping on the floor impatiently. Y/N could only look up at him in confusion, her mind going to only a day ago when she last spoke to him.
"I-I spoke to you yesterday morning."
"What about last night, I called before patrol." He consulted further, eyeing the girl up and down as she scoffed out a chuckle.
"Oh yeah silly me, I'm not aloud to sleep now. I thought this was a free country." She rolled her eyes, shooting damian one last glare before storming towards her door, walking out into the dark halls of the manor making a beeline for the door to the left hand side of her room, barging inside like she owned the place.
There she spotted a bed, in the middle layed a slight bump under the covers, a tuft of raven hair showing from the corner as light snores echoed the room. Y/N grinned curtly, waltzing over towards the bed where she pulled the covers down slowly, humming at the content look that plagued her younger brothers face in this vulnerable state- it was a rare sight indeed, for Jason to look so calm and collected, he always carried this cold and hard exterior, he liked it that way and had been the same ever since she could remember.
"Jay..." she coo'd, one hand reaching out to run through his hair lightly, in an almost motherly way. He let out a low groan in response, turning his head to the side to burrow into his pillow away from the touch so he was able to get back to his slumber.
"Five more minutes Y/N/N, s'too early." Y/N rose an eyebrow at the boys antic, pursing her lips when she felt him tense, halting his sleepy movement. His body suddenly turned fully towards the girl, him still laying on his side as he stared up at her wide eyed. "Y/N?!"
"Hiyah Jay." His lips twitched when he noticed she was really there, his arms slanting behind him so he could push himself up and against his head bored, hands rubbing at his face and ruffling his hair.
"Si-(yawn)-nce when were you back?" He croaked, looking at his sister with tired eyes although a now lazy smile hooked his lips. He reached out an arm, bending it at the meltdown around the back of her neck to pull her into his side making her chuckle and push against his torso to get away from his hold, accepting defeat when he kept her beneath his arm, a loose strand of hair falling in her eyes to which she blew at.
"Missed you too." The girl grumbled, poking his ribs. "Got back earlier this morning."
"Such a softie." A voice echoed from the doorway making the siblings heads turn to see Dick and Damian standing there. Damian had his arms crossed with an eyebrow raised, his face contorted into his usual sour tone and Dich held a hand to his chest teasingly, wiggling the fingers of his other hand towards Jason who scowled and pushed Y/N away.
"Shut the fuck up Dickwad." Jason growled lowly, standing from his bed and stretching with an audiable hum and groan in relief at the stretch of his achy muscles.
"Hey, wheres Tim?" Y/N questioned looking towards the eldest who shrugged, looking down to the youngest who tutted, rolling his eyes in an obvious sign of annoyance.
"Probably in the cave, may aswell live there at this point." Damian pushed off the door frame, putting his weight onto his left side, hand coming to be placed on his right hip as he nodded behind him in ignition for his sister to follow him.
"You do know I know where the cave is, right Dami?" She laughed, walking towards him watching as he turned on his heel and stormed away with a huff. She stayed standing on the spot for a second with a blank look on her face before blinking with a shake of her head and speeding in the same direction Damian had.
She walked down the dark hall, turning at the stairwell where she spotted the spiky haired broody boy standing at the bottom with the same sour look on his face. Also taking note of the pattered steps of her two other brothers behind her as they followed along. She sped down the oak steps, hopping down the last two with a smile as she turned to Damian who looked to have already turned and started walking towards the knight statue in the corner of the foyer.
He pulled down on the arm, waiting for the bookshelf to move away from the wall to reveal the circular gap where another stairway was seen, leading down into the infamous batcave. He lead the three down the length of the opening, and into the main area where a couple of couches could be seen around the coffee table in the dimly lit room and in the centre at the back near the jhettbrick walls was a podium where a whole computer and tech system was located.
In the chair was a lean body, hunched over the desktop.
"Hey replacement?!" Jason's voice boomed, echoing through the cave- said boy jumped from his seat, falling to the floor with a pained groan and a bunch of curses.
"Jason Peter Todd!" Y/N turned to slap at the boy, hitting his chest then his arm and then the side of his head. Jason jumped back, arms coming up to shield himself from her as he grumbled. With one last glare sent in Jason's direction, she pointed at him sternly, turning on her heel to look at the boy on the floor, staggering her way up the small slope to crouch down by him, placing a hand on his back.
"Hmmm wha-" Tim's head lifted slightly, his eyes being blocked by the loose strains of dark locks that had fallen down messily, one of his hands swiping them away to allow him to see his surrounding clearly, though all he could actually see was his sister, who he hadn't seen in what felt like a lifetime. "Y-Y/N."
"You alright Timbo?" And within seconds she was taken back by him shooting up to wrap her in a hug, his head resting tightly on her shoulder, hands grasping at her jacket.
"Your back." He whispered, trying to move more into her embrace, near enough sitting in her lap.
"Yes Tim I'm back." She breathed out, giving him a final squeeze as she pulled away, holding him by the shoulders at arms length giving him a full serious look. "And what did I say about looking after yourself Hm?"
"I-I well I-urmm..." under the harsh gaze he stuttered, looking towards the ground guiltily, scratching at the back of his head muttering out a 'sorry'.
"Mhm, well I suppose I can forgive you." She squinted her Y/E/C eyes, piercing through the boys shard ocean blues but couldnt hold the cold, stern look for any longer, letting a large smile break onto her face, messing his hair up with her hand before pushing his head away gently. "Seriously though, are you okay? You took quite the fall there."
"Y-yeah I'm good." He smiled.
"Good now i just gotta find-" she hauled herself up from the floor, dusting off her trousers, spinning to face the others only to find a familiar face staring right back at her, the boys standing behind the figure. "Dad."
"Y/N." He sent her a half smile, eyes following as she rushed over towards him, hurling her smaller form into his bigger one, arms wrapping around his waist to which he returned only his were placed around her shoulders, one hand resting on the back of her head. A singular tear slipped down her cheek as she nestled her head further into her fathers chest, she felt his chin atop her head, as he squeezed ever so slightly she could hardly feel the move. "You've grown."
"Y-yeah. I couldnt stay small forever." She stood away from him, hands clasping infront of her as she chuckled. "I was only gone for a few months."
"A few months?!" Dicks voice suddenly tuned through, going from his normal tone to a high pitched one as he dramatically pushed by Bruce and took Y/N's face in his hands, looking at her intently, orbs switching between each of her features. "No no no- A few months too long. It felt like forever!"
"Get off of me." She slapped at his hand, scowling up at the taller male. "Always the dramatics with you. I'm back now arent I?"
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billsbabydoll · 22 days
“𝓎ℴ𝓊𝓇 𝓊𝓃𝒻𝒾𝓍𝒶𝒷𝓁ℯ, 𝒸𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝒷𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓀 𝓉𝒽𝓇ℴ𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝓎ℴ𝓊𝓇 𝓌ℴ𝓇𝓁𝒹.”
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summary:finally getting sick of bills toxicity and instability, i packed up all of my belongings and planned to “leave him” as i stupidly told myself, only to find myself easily falling back into his same hypnotizing trap.
WARNINGS:abusive relationship, fighting, arguing, manipulation (I DO NOT CONDONE ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS in this story, this story is ONLY for entertainment purposes!!!), very narcissistic and misogynistic bill, hard-dom!bill, dumb-sub!reader, p in v (against the wall), degrading, pet-names, LIGHT choking, heavy breeding kink.
notes:as someone who has experienced theses types of situations firsthand, if you ever do find yourself in these kinds of circumstances please take the initial steps to get yourself out that relationship immediately, youll be fine i promise love ya!
“yeah go fucking cry about it you sensitive bitch, get the fuck outta’ my face!”bill loudly shouted at me from the living room as i ran and locked myself into our shared bedroom, tears streaming profusely down my cheeks, as i tumbled onto the bed and proceeded to curl myself up into a small pathetic ball.
im tired of living like this, being so isolated, feeling so trapped, being so mentally and physically drained, having to constantly walk around eggshells around him.
me and bills relationship was a perfect fairytale in the beginning, but quickly came burning down in flames and burnt down to pure ashes at his rage.his anger completely undoing every single precious thing he ever once said to me.
every “i love you.” or “i cant wait to start a life with you.” was once a simple loving string of words now being dangled high above over my head as a reminder of his broken promises.
i still cling onto that small glimmer of hope that he could change some-day, that he could love me again, or that he could simply hold me without hurting me.
i lay in my own pity for a long grueling hour before i decide to slowly unraveled myself from my position, gently getting up from the bed, wiping the tears from my eyes telling myself,
“i need to leave,
right now.”
i kick into full panic mode and immediately start changing into a dark colored tracksuit and a comfortable pair of sneakers, then i rummage through our closet grabbing random handfuls of my belongings stuffing my suitcase to the brim.
i quietly creak the bedroom door open and make my way through the dark hallway, my luggage in one hand as i try to rush towards the front door.
“going somewhere babe?”he eerily questioned, his evil presence immediately sending cold chills down my spine.
“i-i-uhm..”i mumbled trying to find some kind of explanation but it was if something was struck in my throat, i looked like a child who just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar.
“im leaving!”i managed to spit out, slowly turning to face him.
“oh your leaving?”he responded in a cartoonish voice mocking my own,chuckling manically at my response.
he crosses his arms over his chest as he cockily looks me up and down, he then quickly steps forward grabbing me by my chin with his right hand, yanking a fistful of my hair with his left.
“cant you see THIS is the life i promised you honey?you know no-ones ever gonna buy you all those pretty dresses you like wearing f’me, provide for you like i do, or keep a GODDAMN roof over your head like i do!”
what he was saying was true, without him i wouldnt have a single penny to my name. he took care of every expense, he even had me on a monthly allowance but he didnt do anything of it out of the goodness of his heart he rather used it to his advantage knowing hed always win.
“i know i know but, i-im tired of you being like this bill, im sick of it!i swear ill give it all back if thats what you really want!”i nervously murmured, his grip on my chin and hair tightening.
“your such an ungrateful brat, you dont even deserve to be breathing the same air as me, i shouldve just throw you out months ago like the trashy bitch you are.”
he yelled into my face before slamming me against the wall letting go of some of his grip on me as he pulled down his pants and boxers along with my sweatpants and panties.
“you wanna be treated like a worthless whore ill fucking treat you like one then.“
he wrapped one of his arms strongly around my neck keeping me in place, as he teased his cock in between my slicks folds, causing me to softly whimper.
“aww…look at you poor baby, you just wanted some attention huh, want me to fuck you isnt that right?”he purred squeezing my neck firmly in his arm, sliding his length harshyinside my walls.
though i hated to admit it, it truly turned me on how possessive and upset he got when i tried leaving it showed me he still sort-of cared.the fact he still had enough respect to still fuck me was enough to have me eating right out of his palm, anytime he showed me the slightest bit of affection it casted his spell over me all over again.
he continued thrusting his full length inside my cunt, beginning to aggressively pound away, my head banging against the cold wall.
“ugh-i shouldnt even be mmhtouching you right now ungrateful bitch!”he shouted, his free hand slapping my ass sure enough to leave hand prints the next morning.
“f-fuck fuck, im ughh-yours baby!”i moaned out, tears beginning to spill from my eyes, his tip kissing my cervix perfectly.
“das ist r-richtig, mhm!du gehst verdammt noch mal nirgendwo hin(thats right, your not going fucking anywhere),
gonna fill you all up, hopefully y-you get pregnant that way your ugh-stuck with me!”
the sound of our moans combined with the banging on the wall echoing throughout the house, the faint tv not even being enough to cover his disgusting insults and my foul cries.
“b-bill ugh please i c-cant!”
“take my f-fucking cock mm-my little cum slut!”
his hips bucking into mine at an animalistic pace as he urgently chases his release, my walls deliciously clenching around his girth, sending him immediately over the edge.
“scheibe scheibe scheibe(shit shit shit!)”he yelled out suddenly fucking his cock deeper inside my sweet walls, ropes of his seed oozing deep inside my pussy.
“ich w-werde ganz in dir abspritzen du mmh-dumme s-schlampe, ich werde dich mit meinem verdammten baby schwängern(im gonna cum all inside you, stupid slut, im gonna get you pregnant with my baby!)”he adds breeding his cum inside me with a few final thrusts, pulling his length out of me with a loud pop.
bill then releases me from his arm allowing me to slam down onto the floor, pulling his pants up smugly as he knelt down to my level.
“next time im beating the fuck outta’ this was me playing nice, understood? now go make me some dinner before you piss me off again.”
i nod my head instantly at his demands, rubbing the side of my cheek that hit the ground.
“such a good little girl, i love you.” he praised grinning widely down at me before getting back up and walking away from me.
“i love you too.”
and the cycle continues.
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presleyluvschris · 9 months
angry!rafe x fem!reader
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summary: rafe catches you touching yourself in bed
warnings: mdni 18+ reader losing her virginity, oral sex, unprotected sex, male face fucking, just a quickie with rafe.
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It was a saturday night and your boyfriend had to work a few extra shifts at the office. You were all alone with a beer in your hand, staring at the wall, clenching your thighs together so you wouldn't rub your clit.
you wanted to see his dick again so badly but he told you that you were going to have to wait until he could fuck you.
you were sweating, laying on the matress and positioned yourself to look at the celing, your vision blurring from horniness, all you could see was his big dick.
rafe knew he wouldnt be able to control himself around you, and he knew when he started to fuck you he knew he couldn't quit. and it took everything in him each day not to just throw you over a counter and cum inside you, but he wanted to respect your virginity, and your innocence. But he couldn't respect you when you acted like a slut.
you were not allowed to touch yourself, it was something only a naughty girl would do.
you wanted to be a slut for rafe but it felt like he wouldnt let you.
you felt like you couldnt do it anymore, and you considered it physically un-healthy to not try and fuck the edge of your bed.
you knew you were being a bad girl but you couldnt be innocent forever with him.
you begged rafe to take your virginity but he cared about you too much, even though it took everything in him to control himself from being inside you.
while rafe was away at work you felt extremely fuck ready and massaged yourself while sitting up-right in your bed, you didnt care of the consequences.
you breathed hardly as you put the edge of the wooden bed inside you.
you jumped up and down on it vigorously, your tounge out of your mouth, cum dripping on the sides.
it only took a few minutes to get your langerie undies to be wet with your cum, holding your breath from moaning as the bedroom door pushes open against the wall.
he stares at you from the doorway practically furious, his veins from his forehead sticking into your eyes.
you jump as nervousness rushes in your belly, quickly shifting your position away from your clit.
he storms over and grabs your fragile arm with his strong grip.
"y/n." he grasps you harder, "what were you doing."
you whimper in pain, "nothing!"
"y/n." he stares into you, "undo your clothes. right now."
you squeal a little and nod vigorously, undoing your clothes, practically shaking.
he bends you over and slaps you on your ass hard, making you cry for help.
he picks you up by one single arm and throws you on the wall.
you make a wincing sound of pain but rafe is too infuriated to care about it.
you try to breathe and then you see his dick reaching up in his shorts. you lean down and tug at his boxers, looking up at him with puppy eyes. "rafey, can i see?" you whine, "please."
he gives you a devious look, "you sure, princess?"
"yes, rafey i want to."
he drops his shorts to the floor, revealing his huge dick as he advances towards you, puting his finger inside your clit, rubbing up and down hard, making you moan loudly.
"thats it, babygirl." he goes harder.
you scream in pain as you bounce back and forth against the wall, gasping for any sort of air.
"shut the fuck up, y/n, god damn it."
"rafe!" you yelp as cum goes all over your shirt,
he drops you to the floor as you get on your knees to lower your mouth to his dick, putting your mouth over.
"more. right now."
you hum a little and nod your head as you go futher, tears streaming down your face. half from fear and half from your gag reflex.
his dick touches the back of your throat as he thrusts, obeying every one of his laws.
"oh, baby you feel so good." he groans loudly, "fuck."
you wanted to make rafe feel good as a hope for forgiveness so he could fuck you properly later as a reward.
spit slid down your neck, tears dropping to the floor. you could barely breathe, his dick blocking your airways as you tried to inhale from your nose.
"shit, baby, im gonna cum," he warns as you nod your head, the warm cum filling your mouth and everything he had to give you.
"oh, love, yes."
you gagged hard as more cum went inside, you tasted in the back of your mouth, making you sweat down your back.
you swallowed all of it, wiping off the edges of your mouth, your eyes swollen from tears.
"good girl," he rewards as you lower your throat off his dick.
you felt another rush in your stomach, you had been good.
"god, baby, you're such a slut."
you furrow your eyebrows, "this is my first time."
"i will train you to be better for me, love."
you grin and prance his way, playing with the buttons on his shirt.
you try to catch your breath, "can we go all the way tonight?" you ask.
he nods, looking down at you, "i dont think i could help myself from destroying you, anyway, princess."
you whimper again and give him a more pouty lip.
"you've done it, now."
you knew you deserved to be fucked so hard, you knew it would hurt badly, but you wanted him to.
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reblogs appreciated ➢ tags @chachachannah 𝖏𝖔𝖎𝖓 𝖒𝖞 𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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ask4mycashapp · 1 year
obsession ?
warnings: obsessive!suna x obsessive!reader, stalking, yandere behaviors, weed, alcohol, fire play?, knife play, making out, choking, hickeys, fingering, pussy eating, dick sucking, public sex?, rough sex, pet names: little one, bunny, bun, pretty,, etc .
you and suna were at your spot, the rooftop of an abandoned building beautifully overlooking all of hyogo prefecture. you were sat in his lap, sharing a blunt, enjoying eachothers presence.
suna, rin to you, has been your boyfriend for about a month and half now and youre obsessed.
you love everything about him from his dark brown hair, his mesmerizing eyes, his physical appearance to his sarcastic personality.
but in addition to your love for him you also know everything about him. full name, home address, social security number, mother and fathers name, to his favorite song, color, number, and everything else.
you memorized his whole schedule and adjusted your routes to class to make sure youd pass his locker everytime.
you have his instagram password. you go through his following daily, his likes, his archive, everything.
if its about suna rintaro you need to know.
you stalked him a little too, just to gain more insight into his home life, you reasoned.
you saw all the nasty things hes done behind locked doors. you saw how he masturbates to your instagram highlights. you even heard how he moans your name as he cums all over the screen of his phone.
youd be lying if you said you never done the same thing.
you fantasized about the things you want him to do to you too, more than any regular human should.
your late nights are spent with a dildo, the most similar looking dildo to sunas you could find, strapped to a fuck machine fucking into you at max speed. clamps vibrating on both of your nipples and your shaky hands holding a hitachi wand to your clit. you cum every 2 minutes and when you do you scream and moan for your rin rin.
but little do you know suna is just like you but worse.
he does all you do but even more constantly.
in addition to that, anybody who dares flirt with you is either jumped, publicly humiliated or exposed, sometimes all three. nobody will never know it was him though.
hes protective. nobody is allowed to come within a 2 foot radius of you when hes around. oh and you need to hold his hand at all times, too. a little one like you gets lost easily.
and most nights hes at your window, watching you moan for him, like his good little slut.
despite all of this, you two have yet to be intimate, and sunas trying to change that today.
now back to the present...
suna passes you the blunt with a heavy sigh. he speaks, breaking the peaceful silence you both built, but not before he takes a nice swig of the tequila you brought for the two of you, "let me try something."
"go ahead." you reply. you trust suna and youre not one to ask too many questions anyway.
suna loves that about you, he already doesnt like talking so it saves him words. though even if you did ask, he wouldnt mind explaining just for you.
once you pass the blunt back suna takes a drag, cups your face and pulls it to his. you get the idea at this point. you peck his lips before opening your mouth so he can transfer his smoke to you.
suna smiles and you do too, "such a smart bunny, catching on so quick. maybe you deserve a lil reward."
he puts the blunt out on your zip up, and ashes spill onto your neck. they burn on your skin and instead of pain you feel pleasure. the burn is good. suna throws the extinguished blunt to the side.
youre a little too high to realize him snaking his hands up your skirt, into your panties until he slowly starts to rub your clit. you cant protest though, not that you wanted to, because sunas lips are on yours.
youre still kissing when his hand moves to your throat and gives it a squeeze. before you can do anything about it your mouth opens, tongue lolling out. suna takes advantage and begins to suck on your tongue.
you stay like that for a moment before suna moves down to your neck leaving purple bruises as he travelled to your collarbone. he comes up to speak,
"good little bun. be good for me and thisll be good for both of us, kay?"
"mkay, rin rin."
he unzips your zip up, not knowing you had no bra or shirt on under. when he realizes he kisses your lips once more before sucking and swirling his tongue against the harden buds on your chest.
his fingers stop their circles on your clit, eliciting a high pitched whine from you, and slip into your pussy. two fingers, after a few pumps, turn into three.
until suna suddenly stops. you whine and complain as suna lifts you up and lays you down on the roof, positioning himself between your thighs.
"please rin rin, pleasee!"
"patience, little one. youre gonna like this."
he reaches into his pocket and grabs a pocket knife, tracing it along your thighs, cool metal making you moan. the sensation to die for. suna then slips it under the waistband of your panties and cuts them off. the knife goes back into his pocket and his face goes into your pussy.
he slurps, spits, swallows and suckles as you squirm and sob. he enjoys every noise you make and every twitch your body convulses. it doesnt last long though because as soon as he plunges his fingers back into you you squirt all over his fingers and face.
he gives you a second before he sits you up. he takes your hands and guides them to take his sweats and boxers down. your hands, with sunas guidance, pull them just under his balls, exposing his 8 inch cock to you, fully hard.
"open." suna commands,, and you do.
he puts his tip to your lips and automatically you suck. you swirl your tongue and give kitten licks to his tip, making sure to give it ample attention before moving to his shaft.
when you do finally move down to his length, you suck along the sides before placing half his length down your throat, going up and down. your head moves in a wave motion, eventually you take his whole cock inside the wet cavern that is your mouth.
"mhmm.. just like that, pretty. youre so good at this. youre such a perfect little thing just for me."
sunas head is thrown back, his hands the only things keeping him up. you really start to hear him moan as you hollow your cheeks, swirl your tongue, bob your head, and play with his balls all at the same time.
"...mine, mine, mine. nobody else can have you."
low grunts, soft moans and sighs that can only be described as pretty all come from sunas mouth. you giggle at his cuteness, the vibrations from your action immediately go to his dick and push him over the edge.
sunas big, veiny hands grab the back of your head and push you down his dick, forcing you to let his cum leak down your throat until he lets go. you swallow.
rintaro takes his squirt covered shirt off before laying you back down on your back. quickly, he lines himself up with your entrance and pushes himself in. with each thrust he goes deeper, deeper and deeper.
rin grabs your ankles, holding them over your head, he has you in a mating press. he angles himself to hit that one spongey spot you love. how does he know where it is? all the times he watched you try ever so hard to hit it with your little dildo. maybe he should make this known to you...
"im way better than that little fuck machine, arent i, little one?"
"huuhh..? how do yo- fuckk! know about that?"
"answer me, bunny."
"yes! way way better! way better than any of my toys! please go deeper, rin harder!!"
rintaro slams into you over and over until youre both ready to cum. and when you do you do it together.
you both lay there for a while, eventually you put your clothes back on. you both drink for a little longer until suna walks you home and spends the night at your house <3.
im back... maybe. i feel like everytime im here i write a fic to self project then leave. wtv 🤷‍♀️. btw this rushed so dnt come for me.
everything ???
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any (dad) shane headcannons?
Shane SDV Dad Headcannons
A/n: Totally! Sorry this took a few days, finals season is really kicking my ass lol
My requests are open to practically any fandom and trope/type of fic, so dont be afraid to ask!!
As always, these are just my opinions. Feel free to leave any of your thoughts in the comments!
Warnings: General spoilers of Shane's heart events, alcohol and addiction (let me know if i missed any!)
I think that Shane would be very hesitant to become a father. After losing himself once he finished high school, he just never really saw himself in the position to have a child
Shane would be internally freaking out if he found out that a one night stand or hookup got pregnant. He really wouldnt think that he was ready or that it would be a good idea for him to raise the child.
Although he may voice his opinions about wether he wanted to keep it or not, he would never force the other parent to do something against their will.
In a committed relationship, however, I think that Shane would be significantly more open to the idea of children. Dont get me wrong, he would still be super anxious about it but definitely in less of a panicked state.
As soon as Shane found out he was going to be a father, he tried to quit drinking. Although he might not have succeeded the first time he tried to get help, he would not stop trying.
I think that Shane would even go to the extent of setting up a rehab plan with Harvey and have a monthly check in. Even though he literally hate getting judged for his issues, he would do anytning to be the best father he could be.
Once the child was born, Shane got way more involved with life in general. I think that after a while he would even go out of his way to show off his kid.
The proudest father ever. His kid managed to take their first steps? He's got a picture of it hanging on the bedroom wall. They kicked a ball for the first time? He doesn't care that they missed; he immediatly picked them up and started cheering them on.
I think that it would take him maybe a year or so after the child is born to be fully recovered from his addiction. Recovery from such a prominent problem takes a lot of time, so he would really try as hard as possible to stay away from relapsing.
After taking care of Jas for just about her whole life, he learnt a TON of skills that nobody else would really know, especially as a first time parent. He knows every way to change diapers or even just trick the kid into going to bed a little early every once in a while.
I think that on occasion Shane would have almost a happy but sad ish cry about his kid(s) if that makes sense? Like he's so proud of who they've become but he's also do disappointed that it took a child to get him to battle his addictions.
Not every day would be great, however. Shane would probably get overwhelmed very easily during the early stages of his recovery. Some days I do genuinely think that Shane would raise his voice at his kid(s)
If this does ever happen, however, he would immediately regret it when he saw their eyes well up with tears. He would apologize and try to comfort them, if they allowed it
I think that something similar may happen with his partner at this time, as well. He just gets so tired and mentally exhausted when he's in recovery that it's difficult to keep his cool around the people that he loves.
Overall, though, I think that Shane would be a pretty kick-ass parent. He really does care about his kid(s), even if he does struggle to express it every once in a while. He would be very involved in their life once he got sober. Not a single sports game would be missed if he could help it.
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backwzzds · 11 months
zoro would be one those fathers that most people assume would be terrible, but unsurprisingly, he’s very good with kids, as told canonically.
he’ll only have one daughter. he can’t handle anymore brats.
when your daughter was born, he’d bought up possibly naming her after his late childhood best friend. you knew how much she meant to him, so it was no problem making sure your daughter carried on her name, and hopefully her future dream. roronoa kuina.
lots of people assume zoro’s a strict dad, but most days, he’s pretty chilled back.
he came off as not having any interest in learning how to do kuina’s type 3-4 hair, but when you secretly caught him watching a youtube video as he practiced on one of your wig mannequins you knew he wanted to learn from the start
when kuina’s a toddler, you teach him how to do simple styles on her hair. to detangle from the bottom, always make sure her hair was moisturized, and just learn the small things about her. like how she was tenderheaded—something she inevitably inherited from you.
he’ll take her to get braids from the african aunties whenever you’re busy or stuck at work. kuina, already knowing the routine would sit on the chair and zoro’s big body would be squeezed between two parents talking on the phone for nearly nine hours straight, occasionally heading out to grab some food for himself and kuina. the things he would do for that girl.
kuina would be in the big chair swinging her little feet as she watched youtube video’s on her daddy’s phone. she’d always smile at the fact that you were his lock screen and she was his home screen—a picture of him coddling with her to sleep when she was just a baby. lord knows how much them two love they sleep!
he’d be so overprotective, he would teach kuina her parents’ full name, address, emergency phone numbers, and everything in between by the time she’s 6. no stranger would ever had a chance to mess with the daughter of roronoa zoro.
despite his off putting (and quite rude) personality, he’d be the best one to give advice. only to you and his little kuina though. most wouldnt even consider it advice, but baby kuina always loved it when her daddy told her what he thinks she should do in a troubling situation.
“papa what do you think i should do?” the little girl frowns. “i really think i hurt the girl’s feelings. but i didn’t mean to!”
zoro pops his one good eye open from its closed resting position as he sat on the couch with his arms folded. “are you sorry?”
kuina gives him solemn eyes and nods her head. “really sorry.”
with a quick whit, zoro answers straight, “apologize. don’t make the situation about you. she’s the one you hurt, make sure she realizes that you know that.”
kuina allows her father’s words to sink in her brain in order to fully process everything he’d said. when a bright idea comes to her head, she wraps her arms around her father and places a wet kiss on his cheek, yelling, “thank you papa!” before skipping off to make amends with her friend.
would sueprise teachers and parents when he shows up to some PTA’s alone. you were caught up at work, so zoro took up parental volunteering opportunities on his own. of course, he only did these things for you and kuina, so he didn’t care that the single parents were eye goggling him with lust. not when kuina bragged to all her friends about how cool her dad was.
zoro tries to create an emotion-based home. he doesn’t want kuina growing up in a cold home like you and him did, so he always made it his best to publicly express his emotions or whatever he was feeling at home. he made sure kuina saw him love on you in order to see and know that her parents always loved each other—not just for show—and made sure that she knew it was okay to express her own emotions because she was a lot like him, more than he’d have liked.
when he catches kuina stiffile in her cry about him having to miss a chunk of her school play due to a very heinous and reaosnable excuse (traffic was a bitch), he pulls her off to the side and allows her space to express how she feels.
“you can cry. it’s okay to cry, marimo.” zoro kneels down to kuina’s height as she hangs her head low, too embarrassed to look up and reveal her tears. the one bond they had, was him calling her marimo because if you looked at the both of them—they were damn near identical twins. you were convinced your genes didn’t even fucking try to make it to the egg on time. only he could call her that though. that was their thing.
zoro gives her a genuine apology. he hated seeing his pretty princess cry, but he knew she had to do it. “i’m sorry. i got here as quick as i could, hm? i’d never miss anything about you on purpose.”
at the sound of her father’s soft voice, kuina looks up and wipes away some of her tears. “you promise papa?” her voice is sultry as you wipe at your back, heart warming at the beautiful wholesome interaction between the two.
behind zoro’s back were a mini bouquet of flowers and candy. “course i do kid. c’mere, i’m gonna make it up to you.”
lord knows zoro wasn’t the best father. he didn’t even think he was a good father—this was all new to him. but sometimes, he’d liked to believe that what he was doing in the present was enough to give kuina the future he never got to have.
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hannieehaee · 10 months
them waking up from a wet dream about you
18+ / mdi
content: established relationship, smut, penetrative sex, eating out is mentioned, no somnophilia actually involved, etc.
wc: 1105
a/n: no one requested but i was thinking about this so yeah <3
seungcheol -
he'd groan the moment he realized he had woken up before getting to the best part of the dream. his groans and quiet curses would wake you up, startling him when you softly asked to see what was wrong. would feel a bit embarrassed asking you to help him, but his natural cockiness would come back to him the moment he noticed your own shyness at the situation. would get on top of you, whispering what a good girl you were for letting him pound into you even at the late hours of the night.
jeonghan -
would blame you for it. you seduced him, as you always do, even in his sleep. he'd be joking, but would also flirt his way into your pants. it wouldnt take too much convincing from him, which would have him chuckling against you, saying something about how you were quite literally a dream to him, letting him have you even in his sleep.
joshua -
waking up unbelievably horny and a bit blue balled from having woken up mid-dream, he'd caress you into waking up, flirting with you in your sleepy state to get you to let him hit. would pull all stops by pinching at your nipples and sensually kissing you, pulling away just when you were getting into you, making you chase after him. he'd end up fucking you while you both laid down, very soft and sweet despite the original filthiness of his dream.
jun -
you would have woken up before him due to how noisy he was being, not realizing he was asleep due to his eyes still being open. once you realized he was actually asleep and probably having a very intense dream, you'd watch him for a bit, growing aroused at the groans and moans he was letting out, along with the movements of his hips against the mattress. you'd eventually wake him up, immediately jumping him as soon as he gave indication of being awake. he'd take your kisses and your desperation for him with open arms, only yelping at the surprise before allowing you to do as you wanted with him.
soonyoung -
he'd have woken up while grinding against you in his sleep, probably waking you up in the process. would be halfway through an apology until he realized he had not stopped his grinding even as he had woken up. he'd just shrug off any rational thought and continue grinding, having your moans as confirmation that you were just as turned on. would eat you out afterwards as a thank you for letting him use your body to get off.
wonwoo -
he'd sit there for a long time, pondering as to whether he should bother you with his issue or not. would try to relive the dream in his head, but knowing you were laying next to him would take him right out of it. he'd probably decide on waking you, being very soft in his movements. would continue being soft and sweet all throughout, praising you for taking care of him even in this state.
jihoon -
embarrassed like crazy. he liked to consider himself a guy with self-control, so waking up after an intense dream about you would have him having second thoughts about his person. he'd ponder as to whether or not he should wake you up, only to be interrupted by you waking up on your own due to the hardness against your ass. would moan 'thank you's as you took him in your mouth til he grew too exhausted to stay awake.
seokmin -
he was always way up in your space while you slept, so it wouldntve been surprising when he had woken up with his cock placed at the perfect angle against your own crotch, unknowingly grinding on you in his sleep. would groan at the realization that you were also humping him in your sleep. he'd wordlessly wake you up, signaling to keep going and eventually leading the two of you to cum in your pants with the mere dry humping.
mingyu -
would not hesitate in waking you up, whining at you that it was your fault he had such dreams. would whisper every detail of the dream in your ear, trying to coerce you into letting him impale you despite it being the early hours of the night. would likely keep you up all night after that, choosing to play with you until morning came. pretty common occurrence, actually.
minghao -
would be surprised he had such an intense dream. he meditates a lot, and always takes special tea at night to make sure he gets a fulfilling sleep, so he'd be shocked at such a disruptive (but welcome) dream. he'd gauge the situation, checking if maybe you were in deep slumber or if it'd be proper to ask you for help since he was beyond just horny. he'd go for the latter, sheepishly waking you up and thanking you for taking care of him, promising he'd pay it back if you ever needed it.
seungkwan -
he would've started humping the bed without realizing, thinking back to his pretty dream of you. would be in a lucid state of not really awake but not really asleep, whining at the friction the mattress was giving him. only thing that would wake him up would be you tapping his shoulder, wordlessly suggesting he use you instead. he'd be so needy at such an hour, having no rhythm or control as he helped the both of you get off. would immediately fall asleep after cumming.
vernon -
wakes up in a cold sweat, panting at the intensity of the dream he had just woken up from. would be in a daze for a few minutes, not knowing whether to try and go back to sleep or take care of himself (or a third secret option in which he begs you to please do him a solid). after a few minutes of existential crisis, he'd decide to just jack off in the bathroom, coming back to cuddle up with you, only to wake up hours later with yet another boner.
chan -
upon waking up, he'd watch you sleep for a bit, swooning at how soft and pretty you were. your clothes would have ridden up a bit, making him have the perfect view to jack off to. would feel kinda guilty, but you had just looked so gorgeous in his dream that it had him feeling lightheaded how you were even more beautiful in real life. would finish with a groan, promising himself to feel the real thing as soon as you woke up a few hours from then.
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bingusbongu · 10 months
A/n: whoa!!!!! I didnt expect my sun and moon post to blow up in a day! Seriously yall- you guys are amazing- as a bew tumblr writer, it makes me really happy and want to continue! So, as a treat, i present to you......
May you enjoy your feast my children
Tumblr media
IMAGINE you coming in early to work, clocking in just to see your favorite animatronic jester. You two were very close, and you found yourself wanting to spend more and more time with him
When you open the door to the daycare and call out to the jester, its almost immediate a response of 'SUNSHINE?!' and a happy 8ft tall robot sprinting towards you
He scoops you up into a hug, giggling and smiling with pure happiness, after you allowed Sun pick up hugs, he now picked you up every time you enter the daycare, and hugging you tightly, before letting lose and excitedly babbling how excited he is to see you, while not putting you back down on the ground. And you just listen to him list every idea he had for today and the little ones.
IMAGINE when the daycare opens, and the kids are playing and running around playing games and doing weird macaroni art. Sun couldnt keep his eyes off of you.
He would watch you tend to an argument that sparked between two kids and a toy. He would watch as you gently calm the situation down abd find a solution to make both kids happy. He dosnt even realize his rays spinning and his fans whirring until a kid points it out, and he is a flustered mess.
IMAGINE a kid walking up to you and Sun. You asked what the kid needed, and he just points up at Sun and flat out tells you that 'Mr Sun has a crush on you'
Sun becoming a stuttering mess as his fans kick in attempt to cool his system as he quickly tries to deny what the kid said, covering his mouth with his big robotic hand, as he giggles nervously
You couldnt help but giggle at the display of Sun frantically trying to get the kids from telling you that he had a huge crush on you. So, to make matters worse, you said 'oh i know, i like him too' before walking away to go deal with a macaroni art misshap
Sun standing there completely stunned as he watches you walk away. Feeling as if he completely had overheated, as his gears hummed loudly in his body and his sunrays spinning in an constamt speed
The kids wouldnt stop singing about Sun and You sitting in a tree
IMAGINE when naptime roles around, and the kids had grown tired of running around and teasing the poor daycare attendant. As they crawl into their little comfy cots in the napping corner, all snuggled into their blankets after you tucked each and one of them comfortably
as the lights flickered off, and the nightlights flickering on, Moon emerges ingo the corner with a hum. As he tries to settle the rest of the kids to bed, they beg him for a story. Moon, having no choice, grabs a childrens book from the little shelf they had and began to read to the kids
He would flip the book around so the kids could see the illustrations of the book while he reads out the words and acts out the voices, getting thekods laughing as they grow tired. Until the kids would start yawning and laying their heads down to rest
Lifting his head up from the book to make sure tge kids were okay, he noticed all of them sleeping peacfully. He was about to close the book, before he noticed you sitting infront of him with a gentle smile and your full attention on him, asking him to continue the book
He would stutter in suprise, preventing his voicebox from glitching as to not wake up the kids, and cleared his nonexistent throat to keep reading to you, looking up at you occasionally, just to see your face looking down at the book and moon. He couldn't help but feel his wires spark inside him every time you giggled at his hushed voices
IMAGINE Moon and you carefully leaving the naptime corner, so you two could talk without disturbing the little ones rest. In hushed voices, you both chat happily away while joking with one another
Moon absolutely adoring when he manages to get you to laugh at one of his stupid jokes. Admiring the smile on your face and how you grip your gut snd your other hand over your mouth to prevent yourself from laughing to hard and keeping yoursel quiet
IMAGINE you and Moon playing a game together ad you liked to do during naptime. A simple game of hide and seek where you go hide, and moon crawls around to try and find you. The fastest he ever found you was ubder 5 minutes, because he could sense your heart pounding
Regardless, you get better abd better each time. Memorizing the play structures each time you did, and how to distract moon by pushing stuff over as a distraction for you to move poditions. You learned to keep moving and not stay in ons area for two long
But no matter what, Moon will always find you in the end, adding another win to his win streak smile. And of course, he teases the heck out of you for being third place(because Sun likes to participate)
And Moon alway snatching you out of your hiding spot and dragging you somewhere else, and youre used to it so you dont fight it
IMAGINE Moon huffing when he realized soon he should wake the kids so you and Sun could get them ready to go home, but he hates having his time with you ended.
So instead, he will sit on the floor with you as you both waited on time. His head in your lap as you pet his metal forhead in soothing circles. You dudnt know if Moon could feel it, but you still did it anyway. And, just with your touch, it makes his purrs vibrate even louder if it wasnt already. With the biggest smug grin on his mechanical mouth
IMAGINE after the Kids are woken up gently by the two of you, helping them fold up their blankets abd cots to make it all nice so its one less thing the attendant has to worry about
Moon will always grumble about not being happy that Sun gets more tims with you, but you reasure him that you always stay for awhile befoe heading home to spend time with your favorite jests
But, just a minute before the lights going out, you pressed a soft peck of a kiss on the Moon mans lips, causing him to freeze and his gears stopping for a moment in stunned silence. Before Moon could say something ot ask for more, youre already helping a kid and the lights back on
IMAGINE as Sun gives the last child to their parents, a big smile on his face as usual as the parents thank him and turn to take their kid back home with smiles on their faces.
Sun would sigh happily as he watched the family leaving, feeling a strong pain in his chest. Whipping his head around to make sure you were still there witg them. And of course, you're cleaning off the arts and crafts table He smiled in relief at the sight of you desprately trying to get glitter glue off of the table.
Before you knew it, you had arms wrapped around your waist and pulling you into another pick-up hug. Pressing your back to his face as he giggled happily. Praising you with compliments about how you were today with the kids. And of course, when you compliment him back, he gets so goddy and excited, he squeals and just hugs you tighter
Before your words came back into his mind, making his hands fidget as he held you, becoming less tighter than usual. And you noticed, asking him what was on his mind. He tried playing it off but gave up when you gave him that look
He gets all stumbly and tries ro express his words, but it only comes out as gibberish. The wirring of his fans not even helping the situation one bit. Trying to figure out how to ask you to give him a kiss like you did Moon
And thankfully for you, you almost immediately caught on and smiled softly, finding Suns actions adorable, making you giggle. Having to put your hand up and cup Suns cheek to get him to stop rambling and get him to focus on you.
Once you had his attention, you lean forward and press a kiss to tip of Suns metal lips, just as you did moon
Waaaa hope you enjoyed!!!! Sorry for my grammatically errors, i may be an American, but im not great with that
Have a good day/night!!!!!
Sun+Moon: *lovesick idiots*
Y/N: *just an idiot*
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crookednachogalaxy · 1 year
im kinda thinking about bowser being a simp and i cant help but think how would that translate to luigi?
im not gonna take the movie's plot into consideration, but i will be using bowser's characterization as a starting point.
so, we know bowser is a simp for peach, and a big one at that. his style of showing affection is not only loud but downright aggressive, and while it absolutely fits him, it didnt work on peach and definitely wouldnt work on luigi. so where do we go from here?
i'd imagine they start off as begrudging friends. bowser still loves peach, but he doesnt want to shake the peace that has been established. and most of all, the rejection still stings and he's being sorta lost and mopey. luigi, having a heart too kind for his own good, hangs around the koopa king offering his comfort - and while he isnt too keen on having the younger mario brother buzzing around him, its better than being alone.
over time, he gets over the rejection. he is able to form a genuine friendship with peach (with no resurfaced feelings!), and even mario sees him more as a sports rival than a threat nowadays, allowing for some light-hearted banter. when those two toad-heads announce their relationship, bowser is genuinely happy for them. luigi, in the meantime, really grows on bowser as a friend. he invites the plumber over to his castle regularly to spend time together, conversation flowing naturally between them. when he's with luigi, it's so easy to forget about the world.
physical affection, too, starts becoming the norm without either realizing it. it starts off small, simple fist bumps and head pats. laying an arm over the other's shoulder to pull them close while joking, hugs hello and goodbye. eventually, they sit together, sides touching, bowser's tail curling around them.
it's during one of those sit-togethers that bowser first realizes his feelings for the plumber. luigi is fast asleep, cuddled up to bowser's side without noticing, and the koopa king is nothing but enamoured. as he goes to gently pet luigi's hair, he freezes. since when was he so gentle with him? since when were they so close? what he was about to do was something he did for his children often, but they were his family. when did luigi become part of that circle? it left him wondering about what to do.
bowser is loud. he is confident, he is shameless. if he likes someone, they will know. but peach hated his aggressiveness, and luigi would like it even less. so how could he show luigi he loved him without overwhelming him? being subdued and talking around the bush is not his style, but for his new beloved he'd find a way to be true to himself and honest at the same time.
from that night onwards, bowser approaches their interactions differently. he is more openly affectionate, not just in the way of who he allows to see them be affectionate but also what types of affectionate gestures he shows. he cups luigi's cheek, he nuzzles his snout into his head. their hugs become longer and tighter, he freely purrs when luigi runs his fingers through his hair, he gives him flowers. he rushes to pull out the chair when luigi's sits down at the dinner table, and he has his private study adjusted to fit luigi's sensory needs and allow him a space to relax and make his own. bowser is so obvious in his affections that the troops and caste staff start saluting luigi as if he were a person of importance in the castle (much to his confusion).
luigi, as touch starved as he is, takes the new affection in stride. he doesnt realize what it's supposed to mean, but he loves the way bowser is becoming so comfortable with him. he, too, opens up in turn, and it becomes hard to believe that he once lived a life without someone so important to him.
luigi's realization happens a while later than bowser's. the koopa king was asleep on the floor, belly down and head in luigi's lap, with luigi running his hand through the king's hair. it's in that vulnerable position that he comes to terms with his feelings for the koopa king, and he questions himself and their every interaction upon it. the next day, when bowser makes another big gesture of affection towards him, is when he realizes that bowser feels the same way, and has been telling him for a while. when luigi reciprocates, romantically, bowser cannot stop his tail from wagging hard.
and that's where it continues. bowser is still loud and obvious in his affection for luigi, but he makes sure that it is private, for them, and luigi appreciates it immensely. peach, observant as ever, knows immediately when things changed between them, whereas mario stays oblivious until they officially announce their relationship. he is supportive tho (you know, im not even surprised. if anyone can tame that overgrown lizard, of course it'd be weegie).
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