#sorry if it dosent make sense i try
pinkestpurple · 26 days
I am still thing about what Matt said in 4 sided dive about Kreviris:
“They dont dream, they witness the dreams of Exandrians. (…) So their intire culture is based in the inspiring dreams are the dreams of others that they see at a distance. So it comes through their architecture, it comes through their art. Everything is inspired by something that’s not their own, and so the city itself has such a variety of architecture that they call their own, but its all inspired by something that’s from the world above, the Blue Promise, as they call it. And there are many people there that look it in wonder and beauty and see it as this incredible thing. But culturally, those in charge covet it, and resent it and theres an aspect of Predathos and the entity that kind of subconsciously drives those in power, especially the Weave Minds, since they’ve connected with it, to hate aspects of Exandria and wants to be part of it, to return and takes whats theirs. To rid it of the gods that keep them away"
And its a sentiment that i understand. I could love to go Spain to see the beach, and go to vacations there and at the same time i could love to go to Spain and get back the gold that they stole for us.
And also as a raised catholic i can understand how fuck up its to live just for the promise of something better, in another life, not in this one.
You are commend to live in this red, dessert place, without getting out (you cant get out but at the same time is the only way you can progress and be happy, bc you cant be happy here) and the only thing you can dream is heaven, that probably hates you, and if you get there they are going to treat you like shit.
At the same time i can see the beautiful things about Rudius, as an Argentinean that their culture is literally the same, a bunch of cultures that we mix together and now is our own, is a resilience to that that i love.
I hope we explore more about Rudius and its people in the future.
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prisonpodcast · 5 months
It’s funny to me because 90% of the criticisms I see trying to rip apart Dream’s video are just like “well this one piece of evidence he showed isn’t the strongest” like yeah girl it’s not, that’s why it’s accompanied by 12 other much stronger pieces of evidence that you’re deliberately choosing to ignore . Wonder why that is.
Like they all blindly believed the allegations no questions asked but then perform mental gymnastics to come up with the dumbest things imaginable to say about Dream’s evidence. It’d actually be less annoying if they weren’t doing such a bad job at trying to rip Dream’s video to shreds too bc some of the things I’ve seen ppl say are so fucking 💀 like you guys aren’t even TRYING
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silkythewriter · 5 months
Heyy so weird request but could you do a vox x reader who has a kinda one sided rivalry with him in the sense every time he releases tech she'll challenge herself to make a better version
Vox with a one sided rivalry with reader!
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Warnings!: A tad tinne winne bit of angst!, sorry if he’s OOC! (˃̣̣̥ ^˂̣̣̥`)
Fandom!: Hazbin hotel!
Author note!: OOOOOO I haven’t written rivals to lovers in a bit! Hopefully it’s not too bad!
( ̄▽ ̄)💧
Summary!: One sided rivalry with are favorite TV demon (ノ ≧∀≦)ノ
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! <3.❤️
“In the morning, you would gone
I'd be mourning, tryin' to hold on To
the memory of your lips God,
I'm so lovesick What have you done to me?“
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Devastated, like actually in greif
After YEARS of not even a single demon upon billions below in the forsaken place called hell could make a DENT in the empire he built. But then you came along! With all your Gezmos and trinkets! (He refuses to call them anything other then that)
He is insecure, no matter how much he puts a face on about not having a fear in the world. He dose, he’s terrified of being replaced or knocked off the top!
The first time you released something after he did he merely laughed. You? A small tiny little business? What idiot would do that!? Your product was most definitely gonna be looked over!
Or that is what he thought at first (ಡ‸ಡ)…
Soon he realized how quick your growth to fame was. And honestly had a melt down, who even were you?!
He makes back handed complements on his TV show like for example “and on recent news a new technology has been released by *insert your name/company name*, looks a bit cheap but it’s okay for their first time!”
Yea expect those a lot…
He’s use to company’s butting heads with him, but he always squashed them in under a day! If not less!, so he was bewildered when you just kept popping up everywhere. He doesn’t even know how. half of the channels in hell are owned or under his name! Or at least played on HIS tvs!.
And when he released a product only for the next day for it to get a bit over shadowed by yours he loses it. He immediately thinks your doing this on purpose, he thinks your doing this as a means to get his attention.
Will never admit it but he bought one just to break it outta rage but after a bit he understood the hype, will take this to his second death bed.
He’s never had a good look at you before maybe a small invention or gala for some of the highest company owners in hell. And let me tell you when this man saw you he was shocked, it took velvet to snap her fingers for him to get out of his trans-like-state. He’s more embarrassed then he’s ever been, not only are your products prove to be a good runner up to his but you were making min lose his breath.
He didn’t wanna believe at first before velvet confirmed it to him.
And may i say, the minute you glanced at him and gave him a charming smile while waving your hand at him with a small glint of pride in your eyes, he actually had a system crashed screen as his whole system rebooted.
It wouldn’t be long till you made your way over to him trying to introduce yourself(•̀ᴗ•́)و
Honestly he couldn’t think straight until you excused yourself to talk to another business owner. He dosent understand, for all the years he’s been dead how is his heart beating so fast for you?
In denial about any feelings towards you, it can’t be! He despises you !, right?
Takes him a bit to work up the courage to talk to you again, as he introduced himself properly with as much passive aggressive charm he could muster. Only to be confused at your sweet yet passive aggressive smile as you shook his hand with such care
How can someone be so competitive yet so sweet?
We’re you trying to woo him on purpose!?(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
He didn’t understand even though he knew your intent, and the underlying nature in your interaction. He still found it charming, and shocking at you technical level and marking tactics. He isn’t happily impressed, but he is definitely impressed, he would never show that though of course.
It always seemed no matter how much of a short time between releases you always managed to make it better he just didn’t understand how!. How did you have such short time to perfect something that he’s been working at for months!
He soon realizes out shinning you or squashing you business wasn’t gonna work. You guys were too evenly matched, it would be through pure luck that one of you would out shine the other one day and not the next. So he did the best next thing, purposed a business deal (quite reluctantly might I add)
To just merge company’s he knew your rise wouldn’t falter anytime soon.
At first you felt like this was a trick, to steal your soul or take you out while your walls were down. But he quickly explained it’d be easier to just have you work on things and share the profit (surprise, surprise)
Now you can decide weather you accept or not!
But after that meeting he would call you over for many more strictly for business meetings! Definitely not just desperate to spend time with you or anything
Even when you proposed to just, email, or text, he still declined saying he found it easier to say what he needed out loud. Definitely…. (≖ᴗ≖✿)
Sooner or later you’d catch on, or some people on the news would gossip of your “secret affairs”
You would soon confront him about this, and let me tell you this man is decent at standing under pressure in some if not most situations expect this one.
I feel like he wouldn’t admit it till MANY months later cause he’s just that stubborn
He just hates it, he hates your stupid smile, the way you make his stomach do back flips, the small glint of happiness and pride when your product is loved and bought by the millions. He hates the smile you keep even if at a rivalry with him. He hates everything about you, he hates it, he hates it so much he ends up realizing he loves it.
Yea he is one complicated man….
But once he finally admits it, and you end up giving it a shot. This guy would try to act like he wasn’t about to shut down, like his inner fans and vents weren’t about to self implode, he’d act cool and collected about it but behind closed doors he’s quite literally smiling like a dope
NOW if this were released to the public, the mess that would ensue is scandals upon scandals.
I mean! Imagine the head lines! “Two of hells most biggest company rivals now together?!”
News is fast to spreed lemme tell you that
I feel like he would rather have the relationship private but if it got out…let’s just say he wouldn’t stop it either per say (¬‿¬)
Overall! I feel like even if it was a one sided rivalry I feel like it would quickly turn to both of you butting heads. Cause to out shine the king of tech himself is quite the challenge, and you being able to do that says a lot!, he’ll be holding a grudge even into a relationship and still would get competitive here to there he would definitely still study your work to see how you improve so fast!. Still in the end of the day he’ll still dote on you behind close doors!
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brivinty · 11 months
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FEATURING; SPIDER-MAN!! Izuku x Reader (female)
— Masterlist —
CONTENT; You find out Izukus Spider-Man, things get heated, but like… in a good way. Fluff, Nicknames: Babe, baby. Fingering, multiple orgasms (f), one time spank to the ass.
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Izuku is Spider-Man. Now it may sound surprising that a normal teen boy, who you just happen to be dating is Spider-Man. He’s never told you about it, you just assumed he was really busy all the time, and only liked to hang out in the morning, so you never questioned him and his oddness. Though you did question the bruises that would appear on his face and his arms but you ignored it hoping it wasn’t from home, his aunt did seem nice.
Izuku was out patrolling the neighborhood swinging from building to building. Then his phone rang in his pocket. He jolted before tapping the button on his earpiece. He quickly landed on the building and let out a heavy sigh. “..Hello?” He muttered pulling his mask slighly over his lips. “Hello? Hey zuku, I’m at the store, what did you want again?” You asked and he could hear the faint sounds of the stores music in the back. Izuku blinked for a couple of seconds trying to figure out why you were buying something for him. “Oh! Um! Get me anything, yea! Anything is fine.” He was quick to blurt our realizing today was both of yours movie date.
“Mk, I’ll see you then, right?” You said into the phone. “Don’t be late.” You say before ending the call and Izuku sighs contently. “Lucky me, my patrol is officially over.” Izuku said before sliding his mask down. “Luckily no one wanted to cause a ruckus today.” He said but let out a laugh and annoyed sigh when he heard sirens and people yelling. “You gotta be kidding me…!” Izuku groaned swinging into the direction of the danger.
“Gotta get this over with, she’s been waiting all week for this.” He told himself, spotting the running car. He quickly shot a web at one of the wheels, stopping the cars movement. “Out the way everyone!” He yelled and everyone cheered for him, yelling out his hero name and such. Once he stopped the car completely, he didn’t spend time to Indulge with the audience, instead he swung to his home. Once he made it he was quick to open his window and climb into his room pulling off his mask and taking off the top half of his suit, but jumped when he heard a plate drop to the ground and a gasp.
“What.. the.. FUCK!?” You yelled out, your finger pointing towards him your blush evident on your face seeing his toned abs and arms. “Babe! Hi! Uh…!” He smiled awkwardly his eyes flickering from his mask in his hand to his halfway taken off suit and to your face. “I was…. cosplaying! Ha— yeah…! …as Spider-Man! And you caught me!” He said making you give him a look. “Izuku, I’ve been here for 30 minutes, you mean to tell me, you’ve been here the whole time…cosplaying.” You said with a raised brow and your hand on your hip. He smiled before spreading his arms out widely.
“Surprise I’m Spider-Man!” He said and you looked at him dumbfounded. “Give me a second, I don’t think I heard you well.” You said taking a deep breathe. “You? your Spider-Man??” You asked blinking at him while walking closer. “..uh yea! It was supposed to be a secret! Clearly.. but—I didn’t think you were here! So I was gonna shower and be ready for the date by then a-“ you cut him off with a kiss. “Sorry, I had to couldn’t resist.” You said with a smile and he looked at you surprised. “You’re not— like mad??” He said confused. “No..? I mean, at first I was worried you were cheating— or someone was bullying you.. but now I know you weren’t cheating, just been swinging around buildings saving people.”
“In a skintight suit none the less…” you say with a laugh pulling at the fabric before walking to go pick up the plate on the ground as he tried shimmying his way out his suit looking for shorts to wear. “I thought you were cheating on me for months, because anytime I said we should hang out you always bailed on me.” You say placing the bag of chips back onto the plate glad you put the dip in a container. “But now I know you’ve just been saving the world.” You say with a grin sitting down onto the bed making him laugh. “You are so odd.” Izuku says walking towards you now in shorts but still shirtless, standing in between your legs. “How so?” You asked with a raised brow. “Any normal person would be freaking out, yet here you are, calm.” He said bringing a kiss to your lips. “Oh I’m definitely freaking out, since when did you have these?” You pointed towards his abs and he laughed. “Ever since I got bit by a spider.” He said and you grin.
“I fucking knew it! I always knew Spider-Man had to have been bit by a radioactive spider.” You said making him roll his eyes at you. “Well do you like it?” He asked and you smiled at him. “Very.” You said and he pushed you down on the bed laying on top of you. “You’re such a weirdo.” He said and you smiled. “Says the guy who’s swings around buildings daily.” You respond and he chuckles.
“Where do the webs even come from?” You asked your hand stroking his hair. “It comes from the inside part of my wrist, I just yknow, tst-“ before he could finish you cut him off. “Oh yea you just tst..?” You mock laughing at him as he rolls his eyes before giving you a kiss.
You smiled as the two of you pulled away before going back in. The two of you start to kiss each other eagerly Izuku getting up slowly from his laying down position now bent slightly on his knees his hand underneath your chin as you two made out. You both pulled away breathing heavily Izuku looking down at you. “Damn…” you whispered out looking up at him. He smiled widely at you before placing a kiss to your forehead. “Oh yeah, act all cute after that?” You sass with a pout looking away from him.
“Did you wanna continue..?” Izuku asked with a playful grin. “I mean.. if you wanted to I don’t mind..” you say with a suggestive look lingering on your face. He chuckled slightly before bringing his lips to meet yours again this time his hands roaming around your body feeling up on your curves. His hands went down to your thighs squeezing them slightly before massaging your inner thigh. You whimpered softly and he smiled into the kiss before going down to your neck kissing and sucking it. “Zuku...” You whined as your hands played with his hair tugging at it softly causing him to groan at the feeling. “Calm down, im getting to it.” He said with a slightly chuckle his lips ticking at the skin on your neck.
His hands slid up your shirt grabbing both of your breast squeezing and flicking your nipples. You moaned out your head leaning back on the bed rest allowing him more access. He finally pulled away leaning his body back, he tugged at your shirt making your body move on its own quick to take it off. “—fuck” He groaned slightly his hands brushing over his face, his face slightly red and his cock hard against his boxers. “Your not wearing a bra?” He asked as his hands gently grabbed onto one of your breast his lips closing around one as he sucked slighly on it. “Thought—…thought we were just gonna watch— movie..” you moaned out your hands pulling at his hair.
Your back arched as you moaned out, he sucked harder suddenly motivated to make you feel good. His hand moved down in between your legs sqezzing at your thighs before softly caressing your inner thigh then looking up at you. You nodded your head slightly, giving him permission to go further. He pulled away slightly before backing up slightly pulling down your loose shorts, his smirk evident at your slightly damp panties pulling them off. He grabbed your thighs before pulling you down slightly then laying down and lifting your thighs onto his shoulders.
He kissed your inner thigh a smile fighting to form on his face as you whimpered loudly. His tongue swept over your folds and your clit. His fingers dug into the flesh of your thighs as he sucked your soaked lips into his mouth, tongue sliding between them. His thumb rubbed hard circles over your clit as he continued to pump his tongue into you, leaving you gasping and reaching for the covers. As your fingers sunk into his hair, you could barely hold on as your heart raced in your chest. You whined at the loss as he drew his mouth back.
You moaned out as he inserted two fingers in your soaking cunt. He brung his thumb up to your lips your instinct pushing you to take it into your mouth a smile evident on his face at the action. Your hips bucked wildly as you pulled on his green curls you kept moaning as you sucked his fingers in reaching your first orgasm. You whined and moaned out as his fingers abused you soaking cunt. “You gonna cum?” He teased as he felt your body convulse and squirm as you threw your head back into the sheets.
Your legs shook as your thighs shut together, his hands quick to pry them open as you hit your peak moaning out loudly. You breathed out heavily your eyes blinking slowly as you caught yourself Izuku kissing at your thighs muttering out. ‘Goods jobs’ and ‘you did greats’. “Want you in me..” you whined out boldly causing Izuku to look at you with wide eyes before he chuckled and With a swift motion, he lifts you from your laying position and turns you around, positioning you on all fours on the bed. His hand glides across your ass, giving it a firm smack, the sound of the impact echoing through the room. "Zuku—!” You gasped out at the action, you could feel his smirk from miles away.
He positions himself behind you, his cock pressing against your wet folds, teasingly grazing your entrance. He leans in close, his face hovering near your ear. "You ready?" he ask, his voice coming off as a seductive whisper. “Give me all of it..” you whined out and he groaned at your answer before he slides himself into you with a single, powerful thrust, impaling you fully. You squealed and gasped at the thrust and quick pace your hands gripping onto the sheets as you moaned and whined in pleasure.
His thrusts continue with an intensity, each one driving into you with a forceful urgency. The sounds of skin against skin fill the room, mixing with your moans and gasps, as he takes you completely, relishing in the power he holds over you. Your hands reach out for his as tears start to well in your eyes the pleasure to much for you to handle, not quite used to this side of your boyfriend. He reaches out, intertwining his fingers with yours, offering a sense of comfort amidst the intensity of the moment.
He quickens his pace, the force of his thrusts building in intensity as his own arousal reaches its peak. The sounds of your moans, your whines, fill the room, blending with his own carnal grunts. The pleasure and pain become intertwined, an intoxicating mix that pushes you both closer to the edge of ecstasy. “Where do you want it—?” He grunted out slamming into you. “I-inside! F—fuck! Inside of me Zuku!” You moaned out your head smushed againts the pillow as your tears stained the whole covering. With one final, powerful thrust, he releases himself inside you, his groans mingling with your cries of pleasure. He holds you tightly, the sweat-slicked bodies pressed against each other, as the waves of orgasm wash over both of you.
He slowly withdraws from your body, his gaze lingering on the marks he has left on your skin. He smiled softly before rubbing softly at your waist before turning your body over placing a kiss to your temples. “Gonna go grab a rag.. don’t pass out..” he says with a smile at the sight of your fucked out figure. He was quick to come back from the bathroom wiping off all the slick and sweat from your body before grabbing you one of his shirts to wear sliding it over you, the shirt oversized on you making him smile.
“Sorry.. think I went too hard.” He said with a slight frown making you shake you head. “No—! No.. it was good.. I liked it.” You say with a smile placing a soft peck to his lips as his grin grew wide. “Good for Spider-Man right?” He asked with a shit eating grin and you laughed slightly. “Mhm.. pretty good for Spider-Man.”
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Hey, I’m recovering from anorexia, you should too. Do not scroll away, you need to here this.
(Tw for the tags, ignore them. I just needed reach.)
Imagine waking up 5 weeks from now, still starving. Still dying. Still su1c1dal and depressed. You can see yourself like that, can’t you? Fine, but what about 5 weeks from now? 5 months? You won’t be alive by 5 years if you keep starving and self distrusting. This disorder will kill you, and do not say “good, I want that” because that is not you saying that. That is your disorder.
I understand you, and we are sick. Your thinking you’re just becoming healthy, you think you’re becoming worthy and lovable, you think you’re becoming beautiful and handsome. Well you are wrong. You have always been healthy, beautiful, handsome, lovable and worthy. This disorder is making you believe you never felt/were these things so it can make you believe that happiness/beauty/worth/control=skinny. Anorexia is a sick, twisted liar. It is not your friend. It dose not make you feel good.
Anorexia lingers before and after it’s truly here. It will shame your food, clothes, hobbies and family until you break and crumble into anorexias arms. Anorexia not only hurts you, but everyone around you too. Have you noticed how distant you and your friends are? Your family? Yourself? Anorexia thrives in isolation. It will make you angry and sad so you lash out at people, it will make you fear having fun with others, it will torment you and the people you love. It is hard to recover because anorexia is trying to break you just like before.
Are your grades dropping? Is your work becoming sloppy on the job? Do your sentences make sense? Obviously not, you are dying. Your body dosent have the energy to make you function properly. Your organs are failing, your heart is slowing down, your brain is malfunctioning. How many damn times must I say this? You are dying. You have something to live for, a sibling, a pet, a friend, a unfulfilled wish, work, graduation, hobbies, getting better at something, trying something new and even recovery. Do not let this pathetic parasite kill you.
Asking for help is horrifying, sometimes dangerous, but recovery is possible. You need to recover, you are thin enough, you are sick enough, you have been hurt enough. It’s time to live. So take that little energy you have left and get help. I’m doing recovery on my own, so if solo recovery works for you then that’s okay, as long as your recovering. Killing anorexia isn’t just eating a fear food or eating when your hungry, though. Recovery is embracing every insecurity, seeing where this truly started, healing our relationship with food, family, our body and how people have treated us. It will hurt and you will relive every trauma that started this, and it will be hard to not relapse when this time comes, but listen to me and not the voice screaming.
Recovery is worth every ounce of pain. Your fear, your guilt, your trauma’s? all gone. It will never disappear, but it will become a better memory. It won’t hurt to remember. It won’t hurt to be alive. I’m sorry this has happened to us, I love you. Never give up, hope is not gone, recovery is waiting for you on the other side. You are ready.
(national suicide prevention hotline.) 1-800-273-TALK
(national eating disorder hotline) 1-800-931-2237
(National alliance on mental illness) 1-800-950-NAMI
(Anorexia and related eating disorder hotline) 1-888-375-7767
(Substance abuse and mental health hotline.) 1-800-662-HELP
(National domestic violence hotline.) 800-799-7233
(National sexual abuse hotline.) 1-800-656-4673
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bingusbongu · 6 months
A/n: goodness im on a role tonight! Ive actuslly felt like writing! Here is my absolute favorite comfirt nerd, and his dating headcanons, goodness dont we just love our nerds<3333 i know i do! May rewrite tomorrow! I wrote this as midnight lmao, prolly many mistakes!
Dr. Flug relationship headcanons!
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• honestly, Flug still dosnt understand how he managed to het together with you
• he figured out he liked you awhile back, but thought he didnt have any time for love at first, until you waltzed in and made his heart spin in his own chest
• regardless, he still gets so incredibly nervous around you, he cant help it! He has this overwhelming sense to impress you in every way possible, whether that be showing you his latest invention, or just him doing something incredibly dangerous infront of you, nearly giving yourself a heart attack
• when he did that and it came out successful, you ran up to him to make sure he was okay, blabbing about how he could have hurt himself.
• flug was confused, until his heart skipped a beat in realizing that you were worried
• you were worried about him
• no one had ever cared if he got hurt, neither did he, he just took care of it himself. But you, you were the first person to actually care for him, to look over him in panic that he was harmed
• if he wasnt in love to begin with, he was sure as hell in love now
• you cared, geniunly cared about him, and you were so nice to him
• whenever Blackhat would use Flug as his own personal punching bag, you were always by Flugs side instantaneously after, already taking care of him and patching up his wounds. No matter the amount of blood, you did everything you could to help him, in any way you could
• You were helping him, a insane maniac, a killer, and yet, you showed not a hint of fear
• he was completely head over heels
• Sometimes (alot), Flug would end up working himself down to thd bone, to where he was on like his 9th cup of caffine just to finish a project
• and you would try to persuade him to go to bed, snd when that dosent work, you take the initiative
• you pick him up, and drag him away from his work
• he was hardly much weight at all, so you could easily lift the frail scientist into your arms and take him to bed.
• he would try to struggle, but he was obviously way to tired to protest, and just let himself sink into your arms and rest his head on yoir chest. If he wasnt so tired, he woukd be a flusterd mess, but he was exhausted
• you thought Flugs bed would be way to uncomfortably for him, so instead, you took him to your own. Laying him down on your comfy bed and tucking the poor guy in, and as soon as he hit the pillows, he was out.
• and when i say out, he was completely and utterly knocked out, dead asleep
• when he woke up, he nearly paniced, but realized it was your room, only for him to go into even more panic when he found you laying in bed with him reading a book
• he frantically tried to say sorry and get up, but you were quick to grab him and pull him back to your bed, soothing him and telling him to go back to sleep
• he would protest, but... he felt oddly safe, something he hadnt felt in a long time, and with you there, it felt... nice. As soon as he layed back down, he passed out once more
• from then on, he would occasionally ask to sleep in your room, because he found it more comfortable, and it was a safe place for him to go
• Flug is ever so greatful for you and your kidness to him, he was so... lovesick he couldnt help it. Youre the first person to treat him with kidness, what do you expect?
• when you two get together, Flug woukd be very clumsy. He dosnt know hardly anything about love, he just gets so nervous
• Your going to have to reasure him and make sure he dosnt overwhelm himself
• he is alittle hesitant with affection, despite how much he craves it, he is still unsure, sincecso far all the touches he has gotten fron people were bad
• so you were determined to show him you werent gonna harm him in any way
• your first act of affection was slipping your hand into his while you were walking together. He sputtered incoherently, and nearly bluescreened. But instantly, your warmth soothed him, and he found himself softly holding your hand back
• kisses are a different thing, he gets so nervous when it comes to that. The thought of kissing you makes his heart thump so hard it makes his body shake. He is way to flustered to actually do it, especially a kiss on the lips, he wasnt ready to show you, yet
• and of course, you did the first move, and after a mission, you lightly kissed the top of his bag before bording the ship
• he stopped working, and nearly passed out
• he was a completely flustered mess around you after that, he lovedthe contact, but was so afraid to ask you for more, so he just clamped his mouth shut
• you only realized ome day when he had stopped talking about his day and his gaze landing on your lips. So, you leaned over and kissed him on his bag where his mouth would be
• god he was over the moon
• he feels so safe around you, its the first time he had evr felt that way, he appreciates how being in your presence just makes him calm, or when he is paniced, how you calm him down with loving and gentle words.
• geniunly adores you and everything you do, though he always wants to make sure youre safe, if youre going to be his safe haven, je needed to make sure you were safe, aswell.
* always has a hatbot watching after you to make sure you are okay
• dong blame him! He is worried!
• the first time yall cuddled, Flug was so confused, he had came to your bed to sleep for the night, and you invited him closer
• he obliged, but almost instantly, you carefully wapped your arms around his back and pulled him close
• he was blushing maddly, unsure of what to do, as he tried to pull away but couldnt. He body instantly sank into the comfort of your own warmth, trapping him andhis touch starved self into a hug
• maybe it was fine for one night...
•it happend almost evry night, and Flug loved it. Secretly, ofc
• thr first timd he verbally asked was when he was do exhausted, and wanted nothing more thsn to go lsy down with you and cuddle, (as in cuddle, i mean snuggle his head into your chest and pass out)
• Flug trusts you, youre tge main person he has actuslly ever trusted. You help him in so msny ways
•not to mention you let him ramble about his inventions and plains to you, he liked impressing you, he loves how yoi would sit and listen to him talk and rant, even allowing him comfort and a shoulder to cry on
• you would hold him as he cried and rocked him tell he calmed down and fell aslesp
• He didnt know how much he truly needed you, someone to love him
• geniunly, he feels so lucky to have you in his life, someone who loves and cares for him instead of breaking him into further pieces, you actually tried to glue Flugs pieces back together yourself and it was working
• Flug adores you in every way possible, he is so in love with you, he felt wanted
• especially when something happened to you, and you immediate came to him of all people, to him
• it made Flug feel special, that you chose him, not someone else, he dosnt feel like he deserves it, or deserves you
• but you are bound to do everything in your power to show him how much you loved him
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fiyaa-xoxo · 2 years
I love your child Riddle story, so I would like to request a child Malleus please.
Malleus has turned into a child , now y/n has to take care of him
Yay!! my very first request, tysm @jazzybug163 for requesting something! I gave this fanfic a little twist so i hope its alright ^^.And some things dont make any sense(i'm truly really sorry about that) This isnt my best work, my riddle one was better but i hope you guys like this one too. Also the fic is quite long so i hope its alright!
TW! Slipping something into someones drink, drgs dealing (it was mentioned as a joke)
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Malleus Draconia
✧˚ · . You must be wondering how the future king of the valley of thorns, one of the most powerful mages in the world turned into a child. Well... he didn't really turned into a child, Lilia missed taking cared of child Malleus so he used a very very powerful potion with from the Queen of the valley of thorns (Malleus's grandmother). Lilia put the potion in a drink you made for Malleus.
✧˚ · .You and Malleus were talking and drinking a smoothie you made outside the gate of Ramshackle. While Malleus's 3 retainers were hiding in a bush near you for different reasons ( Sebek wanted to make sure you didn't they anything to his young master. Lilia wanted to see if the potion he put in Malleus's drink worked. And Silver wanted to check on his young master and he got dragged by Lilia to join) As Malleus took a sip of drink Green smoke surrounded and circled the Dragon fae. Out of panic you and Sebek ( who jumped out of the bush) shouted Malleus's name. As the smoke cleared the Dragon Fae was gone! Sebek, you, and now a fully awake Silver was panicking trying to find him
✧˚ · . You stoped panicking when you felt someone tug your sleeve. As you looked down you saw a small child that looked like Malleus. "The potion worked as a charm!" said the bat Fae floating " Wait what potion?" asked Silver "I added a potion into malleus's drink that turned someone young again. I missed young Malleus so i wanted to see his young self again" Lilia said. "WITH ALL DUE RESPECT MASTER LILIA, BUT THAT WASNT A VALID REASON TO MAKE THE FUTURE KING A KID AGAIN SIR" shouted Sebek "WHAT ABOUT IMPORTANT THE MEETING MALLEUS-SAMA WAS GOING TO ATTEND!?". Sebek and Silver talked Lilia into turning Malleus back and finally they did. Lilia and the 2 knights had to go to the Royale Palace back in Malleus kingdom so in the mean time your taking care of Him. ( Sebek didnt like that Idea at all but since it was Lilia's idea he didnt get a saying in it)
✧˚ · . Malleus got turned back into his 10 year old self . The whole time the 3 of them talked about turning Malleus back. He was next to you looking at his Retainers, Malleus for some reason remembers Sebek, Silver, Lilia, and you but anything else after turning 10 he dosent remember.
✧˚ · . Malleus is a very quiet, shy, and soft spoken child, he was quite shy when you were taking care of him. But soon after some time Child Malleus grew fond of you. He woulnd't let go of you, he'd get jealous if grim tried getting your affection or even just being near you. Lets just say malleus has gotten very attached to you (as you know dragons are very territorial when it comes to their treasures). The timed you spent with Malleus was short but you saw many things that Normal Malleus didn't show you. His cute and soft side, Malleus didnt look scary at all (well he never did to us but yk he looked more cute ig)
✧˚ · .When the 3 came back and got the potion to return him you kinda didn't want to turn Malleus back. But you know you had to or else the people of the valley of thorns have to wait another 10,000 years for a new ruler. When Malleus turned back he didn't know what happened. So you had to tell him everything, after you told him that was the first time you saw Malleus flustered. But he soon found it quite funny.
Bonus part:
✧˚ · . At the late hours of the night your were dressed in a long coat, a big hat and sun glasses hiding behind ramshackle like some drg dealer. Lilia approached you dressed in the same attire "Do you have what i need?" "yes i do Lilia" you said handing him a folder full of.... Malleus's pictures you took when he got turned into a child!! "Thank you very much Y/N i finally got more baby pictures of Malleus and black mail 😈" after he said that he disappeared
Requests are open!! ^^
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If I remember correctly Oliver says in “If We Were  Villains” that he believes himself to be the ‘Banquo to Jame’s Macbeth and the Horatio to Jame’s Hamlet’ (paraphrased lol)
But I would like to say how fucking sad that notion is as someone who has recently read both of these plays. And it’s not because Oliver is undermining his own importance or relegating himself to a “side” role without trying to become a titular one
No it’s because in the play Macbeth, the character of Macbeth kills Banquo- now to explain my thoughts I also need to clarify, though I’m sure anyone who’s read the book already knows, James thought of himself to Oliver in the same way that Oliver thought about himself to James if that makes any sense at all. Like James was Banquo to Oliver’s Macbeth in his mind… anyway bad to the point.
Ok so Macbeth doesn’t kill Banquo directly, in the play he hires some murderers to take care of the job for him, which they do. And I think this kind of relates to Oliver and James towards the end.
So Oliver gives up his life to save James’s, he belives that by going to jail he will allow James to live- Oliver in his moment of confession is in his mind Banquo saving his dear son Fleance from the murderers as he runs away. Here he is Banquo never knowing of, or purposely ignoring, Macbeths betrayal because he loves him (in Macbeth it’s like a friend way but y’all get it). He is Banquo in act 1 scene 3 pulling Macbeth out of his trance and being happy for him and they news the weird sisters bought, supporting him going forward. And you could also make the argument that Oliver going to jail for James is thematically the same as Macbeth hurting murderers to kill Banquo, as it effectively destroys the rest of Oliver’s life, such as Banquos is cut short by Macbeths. (what was his charge 2nd degree murder- good luck getting a job).
Now, you can flip this on it’s head and it still makes sense!! Maybe James is Banquo and Oliver going to prision for him, guilt eating away at him for years is tangentially the same as Macbeth sending the murderers, but the murderers are guilt. However here of course, Oliver dosent mean to send the murderers, he believes he is helping but- well yknow.
However I personally think that there is more of a connection with James and Lady Macbeth towards the end. The last scene Lady Macbeth is in she is sleep walking, replaying the night that she and Macbeth killed Duncan, and she says “What need we fear who knows it when none can call our power to account? Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?” (Lady Macbeth in Act 5, scene 1, lines 30–34,). And than she kills herself, and guess what Macbeth doesn’t find out about this for hours, similarly to how when James, allegedly, killed himself Oliver didn’t find out for years. And both Lady Macbeth and James take their own lives because the guilt, and shame of what they’ve done is eating them alive and they can no longer stand it.- in this example Oliver would also be Macbeth
Now as for Horatio and Hamlet, long debated queers (not getting into that) Hamlet dies in Horatio’s arms and makes him swear to tell his story, and Horatio, after thinking of hilling himself decides to honor Hamlets wishes and tell his tale. I feel like this is just similar to James and Olivier, Oliver telling James’s story long after he’s gone.
Oh and Horatio and Hamlet went to college together, we’re each others closest friend and confidant, and Hamlet I believe wants to be all that Horatio is because he is just such a good person in every aspect of himself- and also have James and Oliver vibes so take that as you will.
So sorry this is terribly written it’s late and I’m dyslexic hope this made some sense lol
Edit: I’m pretty sure this is mainly illegible so here’s a td:lr
Oliver dies so that James can live, believing that he will. James in turn “dosent” and Oliver is left to tell his story, or join him wherever he may be.- Similar to Hamlet and Horatio (Both Horatio and Oliver live)
Macbeth kills king Duncan, his friend Banquo, Macduffs whole household and more- Lady Macbeth encouraged this and kind of pushed him into this. The actions she had taken in the play eventually cause her to loose her mind and kill herself out of guilt. - James also kills himself out of guilt, because he is the one who kills Richard and Oliver takes the blame and he cannot bear it (Macbeth kills but Lady Macbeth makes him so kind of similar ig) - so in this Oliver is Macbeth and James is the Lady Macbeth
But one could also argue James is a Banquo figure as he is killed not directly by Macbeth but from Macbeths actions. Like how James presumably kills himself because of Oliver taking the blame (from Macbeths-Oliver’s- actions)
Ok that’s it bye
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p1err0st4r · 9 months
Hello! How are you? I wanted to make a request if it dosent bothers you,about headcanons of kaigaku,yorichi and sanemi with a s/o that has a personality like maxi from the novel under the oak tree,like,reader is a person with a speech disability, which has manifested in her early childhood,reader stutters and has a difficult time communicating,due this has a very shy personality, partially due to the fact that has been abused by their father since childhood. Reader believes themself to be inferior to others, especially to beautyfull and smart people. Reader is left with the trauma that their father gave them and they flinches every time anyone raises their voice. Reader was reinforced with the idea that was worthless and useless all their life, and has therefore carried this notion within even into adulthood and deeply resents for not being able to be as strong as wants to be, as thinks that nobody will ever want them and would they understand why.
Sorry for writting a whole bible😭😭😭
☆ | I love your idea !! I won't write Kaigaku since im not sure if i could write a canon reaction from him, also really sorry that this is late. :((
♱ | Sanemi Shinazugawa and Yoriichi.
♡ | Might be a little angsty in Sanemis part.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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1. Sanemi thought that you stutter and communicate with people less because you're shy and not the other way around.
2. Teased you about it but also tried to help , but just a little.
3. He was only aware of your menatl state partally , you didn't tell him about your past so he thought that you were just like that.
4. Once you told him he was shocked , saddened , furious , he was so concentrated on how he was a bad lover and really couldn't forgive himself.
5. He didn't know how to comfort you but he tried his best.
6. Finally dropped his facade , he was still bothered by looking soft in front of everybody , but it was for you so it's worth it.
7. If anyone made fun of you he was going to break their skull , anyone who does that WILL go eat shit and die.
8. Always reassured you that you are the most amazing person to even exist and that you matter.
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1. Yoriichi is no idiot , he sensed that something was wrong from a mile away , and he was going to know what bothered you.
2. Just by the signs of your behaviour he could understand that you had abuse related trauma and would deffinately ask about your past.
3. If you didn't answer at first he wouldn't pressure you , but it's not like he would drop the whole situation .
4. You would just give up on hiding it eventually aince he would reask alot.
5. Would be really understanding of your situation , but would also tell you that you don't have to live in the past and that now your abuser is gone and you are safe.
6. Would help you communicate and stand up for yourself.
7. He would constantly try and take your mind of off things , and it always helps !
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 8 months
Hello and hi, Red >:} If you're cool with it, have you got any HCs about Alphonse with an autistic boo? 💪🏽😼 Much luv! /pla
Autistic Boo HC
Loves the lil vocal stims you have and copies them bc (see another post about music w/ him) he loves repeating lines or phrases he likes
If your overestimated he's getting you out of the place so fast. Dosen't care if someone says oh it's fine no its not my partner dosen't want to be here fuck off
If you don't like a certain food he'll avoid getting it for you and make sure he dosent eat it incase you don't like the smell of it.
Will try and remember comfort foods or snacks you have so when your sad one day he has them
With clothing he makes sure they're ones that don't mess with your sense like if it's too rough or itchy.
He is your hype man when you want to do something but feel like you can't like asking a friend to hang out-
If you have a bad habit like picking the sin around your nails hell gently grab your hands and put band aids on them.
If you go nonverbal he tries to use sign language to see if you'll respond to that.
If you dont use sign language he gets a hand book for you to write what you want I you can do that
If you cant do both he gives silly guesses till you respond.
If you make lil noises he'll make some back.
Honestly I think he'd catch onto some of your habits after being around you for so long (I hc that bc he would def do that)
If you feel like your annoying or something he's cutting that off and telling you how much he loves you and your quirks bc no one's perfect I mean he was a ex con man so-
(Also sorry if this took so long- also if I did put anything that could be wrong you can tell me and I'll fix it! I don't want to accidently offend anyone)
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itsmeelenoryayy · 1 month
HAII my name is Eleanor :3
Am kinda new to Tumblr and everything pluss am really new to posting my writing i write about not many fandoms but am trying my best also english isint my first languages so sorry if something dosent makes sense feel free to request anything <3
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Marble hornets
The amazing Digital circus
Hazbin hotel
Stardew valley
Heluva boss
Sally face
Piss kink or anything like that
Creepy age gaps
Wax play
Threesome or more then 2 person stuff
Am really uncomfortable with writing about any of these things am sorry but free to request anything like male female or non biary reader fluff smut aginst or basicly anything and you can be as specific with your request as you want to be
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I just turned 18 and I was never into the political aspect of India and I'm not sure if I should be because everything is a mess and so confusing.
My parents are BJP supporters, being of the Scheduled Caste and we live in an urban area. I acknowledge the development BJP has done for India in the last years but im not well educated on the atrocities they've committed. I'm aware of their speeches being incredibly right-leaning and they create a sense of unease in communities.
And I sense that most people my age are aligned with Congress but I'm not sure why seeing that their urge to support Congress only comes from a feeling to remove Modi. I'm not sure how good a Congress govt could be, when they're aligning themselves with TMC which is akined to BJP.
I've heard Congress got a lot of minorities votes but also seeing that theyre promising 1L to Muslim women, if they win dosent seem like a good use of tax money.
I know India is far away from even getting close to the development we need, such as equal marriage opportunities, true secularism, abolishment of caste system and everything. But since there isn't a party/alliance in India that truly aligns itself with my views, I can't help but be stuck in a limbo between both the parties and feel helpless.
Do you think it's okay for a person to not be into politics in India, it's not something I want to concern myself with atm, but I'm afraid when I do start getting involved it might be too late.
Sorry, this was sort of a rant instead of an ask sjdhdh
I just wanted to get an opinion on how other people may view my thinking atp
One word of advice: Don't align yourself with parties. Develop your own worldview first, make it in such a way that you are ready to accept data and information in a way where you can analyse and create meaning for yourself. Have some non negotiable principles for yourself- don't forget humanity and compassion.
No party will ever have the ideology that 100% aligns to your worldview, hell, I voted against my own principles this election.
Also Congress isn't promising 1L to just Muslim women, its for ALL women. They're proposing a kind of Universal Basic Income to help try and bridge the MASSIVE inequalities in this country. That's why they're increasing the wealth tax.
But now that the elections are over, it doesn't really look like EVERYTHING they propose will go through. But our Parliament and the discussions in it will at least have livelier discussions and better viewpoints.
Anyway- whatever you do- work from grassroots. Join organisations that do work on that level, political parties (with maybe the exception of AAP) don't usually do this work. Gain a wealth of experience talking to your fellow citizens, and you will realise the complexity of our society.
-Mod G
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whenisthefall · 5 months
my take on episode 3 of the Percy jackson series if anyone wants to here what I think about it
!spoilers below!
Ok one thing I was most excited about was the bus scene and…….it was good don’t get me wrong, I love the way Grover just try’s to talk about feelings ✨though song✨ and then he totally gets pushed down BUT LATER THEY SING THE SONG TO MAKE FUN OF HIM
But I didn’t get to see the 3 furys saying “I have to use the bathroom” “me too” “me to” LIKE PLEASE I WAS WAITING FOR THAT but it’s ok, it’s ok because we’re still gonna see the bus blow up right?
witch makes the Medusa scene kinda weird bc why is Grover so hungry if annabeth bought snacks? Oh because they left there bag on the bus BUT TOOK THE SHOES
no ok I’m fine it’s fine there are other parts in the show that I wanted to see more then the bus
ok I’ll stop different topic.
”Percy you can’t ship Medusas head to Olympus!”
“why not?”
“Ok look this is a bad idea they will see this as impertinent”
“I am impertinent”
gosh I loved that scene so much
also LIKE
“And if the mission required someone to push me down a flight of stairs for it to succeed… you’d want someone who won’t hesitate when they do it”
“Find some one who loves you the way my girlfriend pushes me off the cliff, without hesitation with full confidence in your abilities with rock steady belief that your relationship can handle it, and with complete faith that when you come out of the water assuming you survive , you will totally forgive them for the push almost certainly forgive them, probably. Bonus points if they say bon voyage while doing it”
I also like how they made Medusa not a monster, well she is a monster but only because she hurts people
AND ALSO THE “guys your never going to believe this” AT THE END
This episode is my most favorite so fair I think because it was just funnier? And I got to see more of the 3
but you know what would have made it better?
(ok I’ll stop I’m sorry)
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 5 months
I'm trying to say this in THE NICEST WAY possible, toxic shippers have the stupidest reasons for not shipping Huntlow
Heya! Now before I go into this please know I AM NOT a toxic/force shipper, I am not forcing you to ship Huntlow, simply just telling you why your reasons don't make sense and contradict to the canon versions of the characters of the show, and with that let's go
Reason 1: it's not possible for Hunter to trust Willow after Below possed him and in general
Oh. My. Fucking. Titan...Im just going to automatically assume you've never watched Any Sports In The Storm, that one part in Reaching out, Labyrinth Runners, Clouds On The Horizon, Kings Tide or the entirety of s3, I'M LITERALLY TRYING TO BE NICE BUT YOU ARE ACTUALLY FUCKING STUPID, Hunter trusts AND CARES Willow by first, in reaching out, giving her his penstegram account to chat, saving her from getting hurt in clouds on the horizon, yes, it's wasn't actually Luz, it was an illusion, and in the same episode Willow tried to save Hunter (or so she thought it does matter if it's actually Luz it just proves she cares about Hunter) and when Luz got captured by Kiki she was very anxious and hurrying everyone to get to Kiki to save Luz, yet again, don't come at me with just because it was illusion doesn't mean she dosent care about Hunter, she thought it was him, she cares about him a lot cause she was in a hurry to save him (or so she though it was him)! Hunter was comfortable and trusted her to cut his hair in thanks to them, in the same episode he wasn't uncomfortable with Willow holding him after the possession, in for the future HE LITERALLY SAYS HE CARES ABOUT WILLOW, NOT JUST GUS, WILLOW TOO, he comforted her after her breakdown and saved her and Gus, Willow trusts and cares about Hunter in ending of for the future by holding his hand (pinky promis?? Idk what to call it lol) and literally said "Thanks Hunter, you mean a lot to me to" which Hunter replied "yeah...sure, no problem"
Reason 2: they head canon either Hunter, Willow, or both of them as aroace, asexual, or on the spectrum
Oh. My. Titan, did you like know aroace/asexual people can like STILL DATE??? you completely misunderstand the meaning, just because they don't experience ALL ATTRACTION dosent mean THEY WON'T EXPERIENCE ANY, you know what "little to none attraction" means, it fucking means someone who has a bit, A BIT, NOT ZERO, THERE'S STILL A PIECE OF ATTRACTION THEY CAN HAVE FOR SOMEONE, I'm literally trying not to be as toxic as possible but people have the most fucking stupidest reasons
Reason 3: you ship Lunter/huntric/huntmira/boschlow/ect
Well that's fine, but those ships don't make sense in my eyes but I won't write an entire paragraph on why it doesn't make sense (I'm doing it after this post lol 💀💀) and also boschlow is literally toxic pookie it's not the enemies to lovers you want Boscha literally bullied her, if you think that's chemistry you're fucking stupid and never seen the entirety of s1
And hehe silly reason I'd like to add!!
Reason 4: they're bland, don't go well together, rushed, and have no chemistry
Oh my fucking Titan, OMG y'all! Did you know you could uncancel you're own show?! NO YOU CAN'T DUMB FUCK, it was rushed because it WAS FUCKING CANCELLED, SORRY POOKIE DANA CAN'T DO NO SHIT ABOUT IT, it's not like you can get rid of all the episodes and make it hunlow themed, sorry, we can't get all the things we want in life, and by saying that it wouldn't work by the first impression in ASIAS is stupid, sure Willow made a bad first impression but Hunter seemed mildly phased by this other than just being a bit spooked out and startled, and NO, HE DIDN'T JUST DEVELOP A CRUSH ON HER ON SPOT, sure, he could think Willows pretty, but that doesn't mean HE HAS A FUCKING CRUSH ON HER, and people saying that it's not a "half a with Hunter" because Hunters a grimwalker dosent make any sense, may I remind you this was made before hollow mind, he's still convinced he's a powerless witch by Belos lying about it to him, he thinks he's a half a witch while yes looking like a witch on the outside despite having no bile sack, and he doesn't seem to think as himself as weak like Willow does on the other hand, eh, I wouldn't mind if they took out the half a witch, and btw it's not supposed to be a romantical aspect it's supposed to be a similarity, people have also said she's only there to comfort him, even though that's apart of Willows personality, SHE'S THE RELIABLE ONE, LITERALLY SAYING IT IN FTF, she's supposed to comfort people, supposed to be the person everyone rely on, but thats not just her whole personality, based around her reliability, she's so much more than it! People say they think they're both better off as friends in their opinion, it's totally fine! I don't give a shit really, but if you're going to state a reason why you dont think a ship is realistic, then at least watch all the episodes they're in and use some common sense at least! It's the bare minimum!
And that's all!!! I hope you understand and if I made any incorrections please let me know!! I really hate toxic Lunter and huntric shippers, or shippers in general, they just make up excuses instead of saying that huntlow isn't their type of ship or they ship something else, but if you're a multishipper you're totally cool! (Even considered being a multishipper hehe)
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rubiedtarantula · 6 months
✨Noel Gruber HC’s 🥀
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✨{This is my first time ever writing Head Cannons or even writing anything based on a fictional character. Please go easy on me if I make any mistakes and writing tips are always appreciated!}✨
[🎢🌀Before The Incident🌀🎢]
🥀 ~ His favourite subject in high school would definitely be History. YOU CANT CHANGE MY MIND.😭 Loves the French Revolution, or anything to do with France in general. Also a fan of American history! (The story of Alexander Hamilton, The battle of Yorktown, Wallstreet crash, so on and so on.) ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Is actually quite emotional? Cares alot about his family and friends, especially the choir members; he cares deeply for them and thinks that they have made him who he is and they give him a sense of belonging, like the choir is his home. His getaway when things are rough or he’s stressed. He knows that they’ll try their hardest to help him out. ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Never really thought he’d join a choir, but has always had a thing for singing. Singing when he’s alone, singing in the shower, singing in public, and when he was a child was probably a thing he did in-front of his mother but lost the confidence to do so as he grew up. Also loves to dance; and he’s really good at it too, quite flexible.~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Bath person. A nice hot bath just calms him down y’know? Face mask, cucumbers on eyes, elegant music, like a little spa day for him every once in a while when he has the time. Even though he is a bath person, Noel probably showers a lot more. It’s more convenient and quick to him but he also loves to relax and feel at his best, so he’s often tied between a bath, or a shower. ..He also hums/sings, as stated before..🤫 ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Him and Ocean get along quite well actually. As they got more comfortable with eachother, they found that both him and Ocean have alot more in common than he thought. Her upbeat attitude and willingness to bring cheer makes him more upbeat and happy. Like a train of contagious laughter that brightens the whole mood up! ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Cat person. [But absolutely HATES it when cat hair gets on his uniform or normal clothes, he thinks it ruins the outfit but doesn’t get mad or tell the cat off or anything, maybe just scowls at it… but then feels silly since the cat doesn’t mean too/ dosent even know it was a problem.] ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Following up from the previous HC, probably has a really fluffy/long haired cat, named in French or either the most ridiculous name ever. Noel would take care of his cat very well, making sure to feed it everyday, check up on it, pet it, play with it, etc. He’d be a good and responsible owner! ~ 🌟
🥀 ~ Noel Is a “normal?” human with normal, functioning human emotions, so this means that although he is a extremely likeable character, he does get his moods and bad days. He often texts Mischa at these times since he finds that Mischa is quite humorous and can help his mood up a bit without Noel having to tell him he’s upset. During these moments, he likes to read. Read about France. Let his imagination run free with his dreams about post war France and who he would be, what he would do.. He longs to be there so much sometimes it makes his mood worse. So he doesn’t think alot further than read about France.. Noel would probably nap aswell, to get the day over with. ~ 🌟
{ !! Hey! I hope you enjoyed that, I’m sorry it was kinda short but it’s 3am rn! :,) Well, I enjoyed writing this alot and I guess this is it for my first write! Thanks for reading! <3 !! }
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class-1b-bull · 2 months
I love your blog! <3 What would you imagine if Class 1B had an s/o that moves out into another foreign country?
Not sure if this was asked, so I'm so sorry if someone already did— 😭
Thank you so much!! >33
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he spends litterally every possible second possible with his s/o before they leave. He will weld his hand to theirs if its necessary. He tries not to let it show too much but hes genuinely so sad that his s/o is leaving.
Sen - he isnt as upset as some of the others. Stuff happens and theres nothing anyone can do about them and he understands that. But he does keep a little picture of his s/o in his wallet for a while after they leave even if they fall out of touch
Kamakiri - he has a tough guy act to uphold so he acts how he normally does and even distances himself a bit when he finds out someone he cares so much about is going so far away. He acts like he dosent care but once they leave he instantly starts to message them and he keeps in touch for quite a while after they leave (even if the two break up due to the move)
Kuroiro - bro is actually heartbroken that someone he loves and cares about so much is going so far away. Hes a little cheesy in relationships so he buys his s/o and himself matching necklaces or rings or something before they leave. He keeps in touch even if they break up.
Kendo - shes one of the students that will try to make long distance work but if her s/o dosent think it will work out she respects that decision. After they move she will keep in touch by telling them all about what class b has been up too and asking about life in the foreign country. (All with the occasional 'miss you' text mixed in)
Kodai - just by looking at her expression and hearing her words you wouldn't think she cares all that much by her s/o moving so far but you can tell she will deeply miss them just by how she akwardly hovers around them whenever she can. Kodai offers to help her s/o with whatever they want and even asks to take them out to a cafe to help them relieve stress when she really just wants to be as close to them as possible before they leave.
Komori - she was so excited when she was helping you pack because she was happy that you got to explore the world and see new places and it didnt hit her that you were leaving until you were already gone. Still she texts and calls you everyday and is sure to bug you with a million questions about your new home
Shiozaki - she instantly decides to take her s/o out before they have to leave. They spend the whole day together before eventually going back to the dorms to pack her s/o's things. Shes really sad to see her s/o go but she knows that there isn't much she can do (which makes her a bit sadder ngl) she probably got herself and her s/o matching jewelry or something like that.
Shishida - first thing he does when he finds out his s/o is moving he starts to help them pack while telling them how important they are to him and how much he will miss them. He makes them tea and they both sit down for a few hours just talking before they have to leave. He tries to make long distance work but he knows its hard so if his s/o choses not to he respects that (even though he's a little sad about it)
Shoda - he does so much research about the country his s/o is moving too just so he has plenty of questions to ask once theyre gone. He spends practically all of his time with them before its time for them to leave and he really tells them how much hes going to miss them while theyre gone. Hes more than willing to try and do long distance but he cant hide his sadness if his s/o decides not to.
Pony - dont get me wrong she hates that someone she cares about to much is leaving but shes so excited to hear all about the foreign country your visiting over text. Even if pony and her s/o dont stay together because of this she would love to keep eachother updated.
Tsubaraba - he dosent care if it makes more sense to break up he will do everything in his power to make long distance work. Hes constantly sending you little updates and stupid pictures he took of his everyday life before asking how things have been for you. He would even save up as much money as possible to book a plane ticket to visit you during the holidays
Tetsutetsu - for such a manly man he definitely cried the most when saying goodbye. Tears were streaming down his face so quickly while he was hugging you and practically yelling about how much he was going to miss you. He texts and calls you every second of everyday and most of his texts are just him sending muscle pictures and asking if theyre manly lmao. Still he will make long distance work.
Tokage - she spends all day helping her s/o pack for the move while talking about how far it is from home and how much she will miss them. She takes little pieces of spare strings and such to make them both matching bracelets so even if they break up they can remember that they left on good terms. Or if her s/o dosent want to break up she will 100% give them the bracelet for when theyre lonely or smthn.
Manga - while his s/o packing their things and overall just preparing to leave, manga stays in the room with then drawing a cute little picture of him and his s/o for them to take when they leave. It has a little note at the bottom about how much manga cares about them and will miss them. Hes 100% willing to try long distance or breakup so the overall decision is up to his s/o (but he will be hella sad for a while if they do end up breaking up)
Honenuki - he is just the sweetest. He helps his s/o pacl their things and even if they break up due to the move honenuki gets them a small thing of flowers for them when its time for them to board the plane and leave. He definitely suggests long distance since thats secretly what he wants but he understands if his s/o wants to break up and although he will be sad about it he respects that choice.
Bondo - hes a lot quieter and not as expressive as his classmates so other than helping his s/o with a few things to make the move easier he dosent really do much. Hes lost in his own thoughts thinking about how hard its going to be for his s/o to go so far. Again, the decision to try long distance or to break up is up to his s/o because he understood either way.
Monoma - hes all smug about how he 'doesn't care' that his s/o is going so far away but the second his s/o and him are alone hes hugging them and hiding his face in the crook of their neck asking if they really have to go. He dosent think long distance could work so he breaks up with his s/o but he still tries to keep contact with them (even if its just to know their doing okay)
Reiko - other than helping her s/o pack their things she really dosent do much. She dosent think long distance could work out so she basically breaks up with her s/o. Dont get me wrong shes really upset that she did so but she believes that trying long distance would be harder and more hurtful for them both. She does like to check in every now and then just to make sure things are okay.
Rin - he was silently worrying about you leaving while he helped you pack. Hes less concerned about what will happen to you as his s/o and more so if you will be okay so far from home all by yourself (because he obviously knows the feeling) even if you both break up since your moving he will keep in touch with you and constantly make sure your okay and even ask about the people youve met there and if you like the culture and things like that.
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