#spiderman beetle
hollowsart · 1 year
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The (Goliath) Beetle: Leila Davis Lincoln
The Beetle of Earth-4622.
Mother to White Rabbit, and wife to Tombstone.
Info + two alternate suit colorations:
Leila was a prominent minor villain when she met Tombstone. She went into a partial hiatus from villainy as she settled down with him and had her daughter, Lorina. She lives a rather happy and healthy life as a relatively normal civilian. However, she hasn't entirely quit her life as a villain, every now and again she'll don her armor and buzz around NY.
During her days as a villain prior to meeting her husband, she was the leader of a small gang. Highly skilled in technology, she built the original suit herself. Originally intending for it to be used for protection and physical enhancement, she was denied the funds and green light to go ahead with her little proposed project.. being told that Stark Industries had made a major ruling that specialized armor production was to be forbidden from being manufactured for commercial or military use. So.. She revised her suit and improved it, making the final product she wears to this day.
Her suit allows her the gift of flight, enhanced strength and speed, and the highly durable armor provides her with protection from most forms of attack. It is mildly bulky, but surprisingly lightweight and easy to move in.
Leila utilized this suit to her advantage and crafted lesser versions of the suit for the handful of people she managed to wrangle onto her side. Her and her gang were often referred to as "The Infestation" from the press.. she felt proud of herself. For a time, at first, she had sought revenge on Stark Industries for denying her the chance to develop her suits for a profit she needed, but after being fought back against by The Fantastic Four, she buzzed off to somewhere else.
Finding her way into Brooklyn, she stumbled across Tombstone. Her gang and his clashed, a near match in strength, both were impressed by the other and settled on a truce, a tie. They worked a few times together, providing the other with their special aid. After some time, Leila and Tombstone had grown close and eventually tied the knot.
The exploits of "The Beetle" and her Infestation gang were almost forgotten by the public, that is.. until they popped up again when the heroic Cryptid Crawler made herself known as an 'enemy' to her dear Tombstone.
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miela · 1 year
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They're besties, your honor.
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timbit-robin-art · 4 months
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Top 10 comic book characters that are secretly cats (shocking).
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melonnabar · 1 year
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Discord requests!
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a-decrepit-house · 1 year
Man today’s a good day for fans of Hispanic bug-themed superheroes
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supercap2319 · 3 months
"Hey, Tony? What kind of insurance do you have?" Y/N asked over the phone.
"Why? What did you do? Who was it this time?" Tony asked.
"What makes you think it was someone?"
"Was it Al? Did he destroy the building again by growing too big? Or was it Billy "shazaming" all around the apartment? Or maybe Jaime blasted the building once again?"
"No, it was me. I was trying to figure out how to get Peter off the ceiling with a spell, and it all blew up in my face. Literally."
Tony sighed. "How is it you five cause more damage than Thor and Hulk?"
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animentality · 1 year
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hazelsmirrorball · 1 year
Spiderman's biggest Fan | Jaime Reyes
summary:  Jaime Reyes is the biggest spiderman fan. His girlfriend on the other hand is Spiderman's biggest hater. 
pairings: Jaime Reyes x Fem! Reader 
a/n:  I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but as I was walking towards my literature class I saw a big ass spider so that inspired me to write this. This will probably have a second part if you guys want.
warning: English isn’t my main language
part two. part three. part four part five
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Superheroes wasn’t a new term for the citizens of Palmera City. They were aware of the crimes that the cities around them would face like Metropolis or Gotham City. But Palmera city wasn’t a goldmine for a lot of villains to show up but there were a few constant ones like  Doctor Octopus, Electro, the Rhino and occasionally some more. Before Blue Beetle had come around there had been a few super heroes that would patrol from time to time. Superheroes from the Justice League would pass by which added to people's curiosity, and by people mainly Milagro and Jaime. They loved the entertainment that it brought to Palmera. It made Palmera City more interesting. People had mixed reactions to superheroes, even though they were supposed to keep “humans” safe, some people had love-hate relationships with them, but some people were like the Reyes family. 
Before the whole Khaji-Da situation, Milagro and Jaime would obsess over heroes. Collecting comics, occasionally buying merchandise, collecting news articles with their favorite heroes and other things Milagro and Jaime would be ashamed of even mentioning. Superheroes  was something Jaime and Milagro bonded over. Even when Jaime left for his pre-law degree in Gotham City,  he made sure he  would snap pictures of the titans or batman when he got a glimpse of them. He even snuck a few pics of Red Hood beating the shit out of the joker.  The pictures would end up in the group chat he had with his sister and his girlfriend, Y/n. Milagro loved seeing all the heroes, gushing over the titans from time to time while Y/n would just leave the text message on read. Milagro would reciprocate the messages by sending him pictures of their all time favorite superhero, Spiderman.    
Spiderman was the shit in Palmera city, everyone went crazy about that man. Spiderman had been spiderman for a long time now. Keeping crime to a minimum in Palmera, he kept Palmera safe. Spiderman was Palmeras Batman or Superman. He was deeply loved by the people. Excluding the media and Kord enterprises. Depending on which news was your go to, you would see John Jameson bashing Spiderman or other news outlets talking wonders about him. But the city of Palmera hated both Kord and John Jameson so Spiderman didn’t have to worry that much. 
Even though Spiderman was a national treasure no one had a clue of who he was and it  intrigued Jaime. The fact that there was a possibility that he had seen spiderman around in his normal attire. Jaime and Milagro would see him from afar fighting crime and that would be the start of the gushing train. They only had one interaction with the man. Nana, Milagro and Jaime had gone to get groceries and before they could even process what was going on someone was robbing the store. It didn’t take long for Spiderman to show up and save the day. Both of them stared in awe from afar not wanting to disturb him. That day was one of the top days in their life. 
Y/n, Jaime’s girlfriend of seven years, on the other hand didn’t understand their infatuation with superheroes. She had known the siblings ever since diapers and they usually would have a lot of things in common. Knowing each other for years made them click with a lot of things  but it was weird for her to click with them on that specific topic. She was on the other side of the spectrum. She could care less about the heroes, it’s not like it affected her directly.  At least that’s what her boyfriend thought. 
From Jaimes perspective Y/n hated Spiderman. She didn’t stand him, every time Milagro or him would mention Spiderman she would tense up and roll her eyes, clearly annoyed. She didn’t like the subject. Y/n would walk away groaning when Spiderman would show up on the news while Jaime and Milagro would gush about him. At some point Jaime thought it was mere jealousy but he quickly pushed that thought away when he brought it up. Y/n mentioned that she just didn't understand what was all the fuss about. That to her these superheroes was just some bullshit that she didn’t want to deal with. That maybe Jameson was right, the world could live without Spiderman,the world could live without heroes. 
“Heroes just make us “normal people” a charity case and you are eating that bullshit up” Y/n defended herself  as looked at her boyfriend's shirt. I love spiderman written in the same font as those New York tourist shirts, spiderman being in the heart . Jaime looked at her with puppy dog eyes pouting as he hugged himself. 
“So that’s a no on being spidermen for halloween?” He asked softly as she groaned leaving him alone  
So when the whole Khaji-Da situation came creeping into Jaime’s life he hid it from his longtime girlfriend. He didn’t know how such a beautiful person like Y/n would stay with him in a relationship for so long. He couldn’t risk fucking things up, he didn’t choose to have Khaji-Da. He made his family swear that they wouldn’t say a word to her. Which they hesitantly agreed, respecting Jaime’s decision. He hated hiding things from the love of his life, but from the back of his head he would imagine what you would think about him now that he had “powers” and you were using them for good. It didn’t mean he was a superhero, right? 
Jaime saw a future with Y/n and being Blue Beetle wasn’t going to change that in the slightest. They were going to finish grad school, get married and have a family. So even if he did feel guilty about hiding such a big secret he would have to keep it a secret to save their relationship. In Y/n eyes Jaime found a job at Kord industries and he worked nights, which wasn’t a complete lie. So that made him feel a little less guilty. Y/n was one of the most important things in his life and he wasn’t going to lose her, never in a million years. 
But after the Reyes household burned down, Y/n had offered the Reyes family to stay with her and her aunt Marisol until everything was settled, which they agreed. So there they were the Reyes and the L/N living together. Which made Jaimes secret a little more harder to hide, being under the same for months was going to make things slip. He couldn’t sneak up in his girlfriend's room wearing his suit. So before anything could happen he took a break, he didn’t want to risk her finding out. He needed to take advantage of living with his girlfriend, seeing what it’s like to actually live with her, getting a preview of what’s to come. 
 That’s when Jaime started to pick up on Y/n’s weird behavior. How she would leave on random moments of the day or how she would avoid him at night. She was hiding something and he knew it. After all these years he  could pick up on the little things she did and to him it was pretty obvious that she was hiding something. Something that fucked him over was the fact that he didn’t want to pry because he also knew that he was keeping things from her.  But in his defense it was also for their safety and their relationship. So maybe he should let her have this secret, it wasn’t like she was cheating or something. Y/n wasn’t like that.   
That was until she  slipped into the kitchen spotting Jaime and Milagro eating some cereal while reading the news assuming that was Spider Man's new little stunt. She rolled her eyes walking towards them. She took a sip of Jaimes drink, placing it back down quickly. 
“Buenos dias, nena” Jaime replied, smiling at her in awe making Milagro start her puking noises. 
“Buenos dias! How did you guys sleep?” She said as she  gave Milagro a little squeeze on the shoulder and a peck on Jaimes cheek. Milagro spined the stool to face her while narrowing her eyes at the couple. 
“I slept well, how about you Jaime? How did you sleep” Milagro replied, taking a sip of her drink while looking at Jaime to make him talk. MIlagro wasn’t dumb, she was noticing that the couple wasn’t in synch as usual and she wasn’t going to let her brother fuck it up. 
“Oh, um. I kinda couldn’t sleep. I miss you all night” He replied looking at his girlfriend not knowing what words to use. He didn’t want to sound like an obsessive boyfriend.  
 No offense but since Jaime isn’t going to say it I will. You look like you haven’t slept in years and we all know you are not sleeping here” She exclaimed straddling Y/n. 
“Sorry! I’ve just been taking school seriously  and since I'm doing that I am studying more than usual. I don’t want to have you guys staying all night up because I am doing my work. I just go to the library, that’s all. Don’t worry after midterms I’ll be all yours. Now are you guys still focused on the last spiderman fight? Come on! Shouldn’t you guys be doing something productive with your lives?” Y/n asked  sarcastically, changing the subject as she fixed the hair leaning against Jaimes touch picking up looking towards the newspaper that was on the counter she pushed the hair to the side. 
That’s when Jaime’s heart stopped. His eyes scanned the bruises in Y/n neck and he could feel his heart drop, sickness overcoming his body. He tried to look away from the barely covered hickeys, not wanting to cause a scene in front of Milagro. He couldn’t believe it, studying in the library my ass. He knew he hadn’t left hickeys on her neck, they hadn’t been intimate in a while because of all of her disappearances. The only interaction they were having was the occasional kiss on the cheek but that was about it. Jaime missed her, her kisses and her touch but he also respected her space so he didn’t bother her. But now the thought of her being with someone else scared him. She was keeping things from him and this was the confirmation.
“Ay mija, para mi que Spiderman es novio tuyo. Because why are you always up his ass? You know what they say, if you can’t beat them join them. It is about time you stop that hate train.  I bet he’s really hot. Don’t you think, Jaime?”  Milagro replied, closing the newspaper and turning to the couple. Jaime nodded completely out of it, his head in a different world. 
“No seas estúpida. I just can’t believe you waste your time on that. That’s all” Y/n shrugged, pulling away from Jaime as she felt her phone vibrating. She pulled it out of her pocket reading the text message and for the first time in forever Jaime tried to peak over her shoulder. He needed to know. 
Jaime, please give Y/n her privacy. Respect is important in a relationship 
Khaji-Da words made Jaime sit straight once again. Y/n turned to Jaime pecking his lips quickly, fixing her hair. 
“I have to go but I will see you guys at night. We are still up for movie night, right? Twilight marathon” Y/n asked the siblings as she looked between them. Milagro nodded and Y/n smiled at her.  Y/n took that as a sign, speed walking towards the door but Jaime followed her suspecting that something was going to happen if he let her go. He holds Y/n arm softly standing on her front porch stopping her dead in her tracks.
“Are you hiding something from me?” Jaime asked slowly, letting his words sink into her. Y/n looked at him confused. 
“What are you on about? Jaime, I’m an open book with you. I’m not hiding anything” she replied calmly making Jaime tense even more. Was she really lying to him? 
“Y/n I can see. I can see the hickeys on your neck” Jaime replied harshly leaving Y/n wide eyed. She swallows hard thinking on how to talk to her but before a word could slip out of her mouth her phone vibrates again.
“I really need to go. Can we please talk about this when I get back?” She replied waiting for Jaime to answer but he stayed quiet trying to fight the anger he was bottling up. When she noticed he wasn’t going to reply Y/n headed her way leaving Jaime on the porch with his emotions. 
She hated herself for leaving her boyfriend after he accused her of cheating. Things weren’t looking good for her. All the sneaking around, all the little lies and the sleepless nights. She was hiding things but it wasn’t the fact that she was cheating. It all had one thing in common.
Y/n knew spiderman a little more than Jaime and MIlagro thought. They had a deeper connection than they could ever imagine. 
 When she was fifteen she found herself walking home after a long day of school when she had stumbled upon a spider that not shortly after decided to bite her. But to her dismay she didn’t get deadly poisoned because of the bite instead she got inhuman powers. A radioactive spider gave her superhuman strength ,superhuman speed, superhuman reflexes, superhuman durability, spider-senses and other inexplicable superhuman things. That’s the day spiderman was born.   
She didn’t hate superheroes. She in fact loved them. Shewould feel so accomplished when Jaime fangirled about spiderman but Y/n didn’t want to raise suspicions she acted like she hated everything to do with superheroes. No one in her family knew about her little powers and she intended to keep it that way. After losing her parents and her uncle she didn’t want her aunt to worry about her, she already had too much things on her plate. She wanted to protect the people she loved and if she wanted that they had to be unaware of her powers.  When the bite happened she had started dating Jaime and around the same moment Jaimes obsession with Spiderman started. Y/n hadn’t agreed with the name spiderman but people assuming she was a man made the suspicion of it being her less. So she kept the name, after fighting crime alone in Palmera City some people have gained an eye on her, offering her place in the Justice League, which she gratefully declined not wanting to leave Jaime alone. So they would come around from time to time to work with her. 
It wasn’t hard for her to hide the secret identity from Jaime. With him working late at night and helping around the house he didn’t have time to notice her sneaking out. But now living under the same roof and Jaime rarely going to work made it hard for her. The Justice League needed her help and she was doing the best she could while attempting to balance her relationship. Throughout all the mission Y/n thoughts wandered towards Jaime and how  broken he looked when she left. She was going insane and counting the minutes for her to get back home. She couldn’t even feel the constant hits she was getting while fighting. She got back into reality when Batman decided that the mission was done. After that she swung  through all the buildings trying to get there as soon as possible, not noticing the time. Y/n  quickly climbed the walls of her house slipping into her bedroom window noticing that her door was opened. She watched as Nana walked past the door with her pjs assuring her that she was still on time for the movie night. She slowly crawled on her ceiling as she slipped her mask off. Y/n moved slowly trying not to make any sound as she threw a web to close the door so no one could see her change. When the door was almost closed , Y/n let go of the ceiling with ease letting out an exhausted sigh. She walked towards it tiredly pushing the last few inches closing it. After debating if it was a good idea to have that conversation with his boyfriend, she turned around to face her bed to rest her eyes for at least a few moments. But the shocked look on Milagros face made her freeze dead in her tracks. Milagro let the movies she had in her hands slip as she stared at Y/n with her mouth wide. Y/n followed her expressions trying to think of something to say. 
“What was that?” Aunt Marisol yelled from the kitchen. Y/n swallowed hard, quickly biting her lip. She quickly turned around heading towards the door before anyone else could enter the room worried about the loud bang. 
“ U-uh  it-it’s nothing! Nothing.” Y/n exclaimed looking at the door but quickly looking at Milagro again. Her face was in utter shock as she tried to think of words to say. 
“You’re the Spiderman from…..the news” She said slowly, still inspecting the suit, the shocked look on her face not leaving. Y/n breathing got unevenly quick as she tried to find some sort of excuse to shake Milagro off. 
“I’m not. I’m not” Y/n replied nervously  as she tapped her chest letting the  suit expand, turning bigger which made it slip from her body leaving her in her underwear. 
“You were on the ceiling,” Milagro replied pointing up at the ceiling, her hand shaking with nerves. 
“No I wasn’t! Milagro what are you doing in my room!? You can’t just bust into my room!” With that she could hear someone's steps coming towards her room making her quickly move in front of Milagro as her aunt opened the door.
“The turkey meatloaf recipe es una mierda! We decided to order food. Are you guys, Milagro, do you want to eat something?”  Aunt Marisol asked as she waved smoke out with a rag. 
“No! We already have food here for are movie night. Don’t worry Aunt Mary” Y/n exclaimed all jumpy trying to get her out as soon as possible. 
“Okay then ... .Maybe but on some clothes” her aunt replied while pointing to her semi naked body. She quickly grabbed the nearest shirt covering her body while nodding. Aunt Marisol closed the door as both of them looked at the place she once stood at.
“She doesn’t know?!” Milagro whisperedyelled as she walked towards the door. Y/n slipped the shirt on blocking her path. 
“No one knows! Well Batman knows because he made my suit but that’s it!” She said in the same tone, getting stressed out. 
“Batman made you that? Are you in the Justice League?” Milagro asked excitedly. While she just shook her head nervously. 
“Well basically… You can’t tell anybody about this, you have to keep it a secret” She said as she watched Milagro almost faint on her bed. As Milagro held her body against the nearest wall Y/n walked towards her. 
“Secret what, why?” 
“If she finds out, if Jaime finds out that there’s people out to kill me every night they are not going to let me do this anymore. Come on, Milagro. Please ” Y/n whispered-yelled with a panicked look on her face pointing towards the door. 
“Okay, okay, okay. I will level with you. I don’t think you should keep this a secret. This is the best thing that has ever happened to you. I mean Y/n…” Milagro exclaimed wanting Y/n to tell everyone, specially Jaime and Marisol. 
“They can not know! I can’t do that to them right now. You know…..with everything that is happening to her…to him…to them…to you, to us! Please Milagro” Y/n replied desperately trying to catch her breath. Milagro look at her knowingly, her gaze softening. 
“Just swear it, okay?” 
“I swear,” Milagro replied, smiling at her softly, trying to ease her nerves. 
“Thank you…. I can’t believe this is happening right now. “ Y/n replied as she walked towards the other extreme of the room trying to calm herself. 
“Can I try the suit on?…” 
“How does it work? Is it magnets? How do you shoot the strings? Why are you spiderman if you are a spiderwoman?”
“I’ll talk to you about this tomorrow. I just need to rest, please” Y/n replied taking Milagros by the hand walking her towards the door. 
“Wait, so you aren’t cheating on Jaime!” She replied before she left the room.
“No! It isn’t a hickey, it's a bruise from the fight you guys were reading about '' Y/n exclaimed before closing the door leaning her head against it. She scanned her room, her eyes failing on her mirror noticing she was wearing Jaimes “I love Spiderman”. 
That’s why they say you should never meet your idols. It will be disappointing when you see how they truly are.
part two. part three
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snepital · 4 months
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Old art dump mainly for the two Firestorm fans
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animeandheroes · 3 months
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runeiio · 1 year
when my autism collides
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shoot-i-messed-up · 1 year
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how are we feeling Tumblr
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miela · 1 year
Stark!reader and Kord!reader getting kidnapped
Stark: *starts giggling*
Kord: what reason could you possibly be laughing at this for?
Stark: it's giving Wattpad
Kord: *trying not to laugh* nOW WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT-
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Would they or would they not be best friends forever and ever and ever
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Let Jaime be Pavi's older brother. Let Jaime's family absorb Pavi into their chaos. Look at that hair. They can trade tips. Can share in each other's upbeat attitude
Pavi is like 'having super powers is so easy!' and Jaime is like 'lol is it now? cause' that has NOT been my experience my friend'
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iloveamberfreeman · 1 month
blue beetle x spiderman crossover when???? I will never shut up about those two they will be best friends forever after
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supercap2319 · 3 months
"F.A.G.S." goes on their first mission.
"Alright, boys. It's official. F.A.G.S. have their very first mission, and it's a good one. Apparently, some dumbass rebuild Amazo, :and now the big man: Superman has tasked us with finding it and powering it down." Y/N said.
"Wait, a minute, isn't Amazo that android who can copy any powers it comes into contact with?" Billy asked.
"Exactly. And Superman wants us to fight it?" Jaime's eyes widened in disbelief. Was it because they were going to fight a copycat android, or was it because they'd gotten an assignment from Superman? Y/N couldn't tell which.
"Shouldn't we be more concerned about our team name? Are we really going out there was F.A.G.S?" Al asked, bucket of fried chicken in his arms.
"It's a workshop. And besides, I invited Peter to join us." Y/N said. "As long as we keep Amazo off balance, there's no way it can copy all our powers. Suit up, sluts."
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