#structured downtime
productiveandfree · 4 months
Maximizing Your Productivity to Explore Alternative Investment Opportunities
Alternative investments are a strategic way of diversifying portfolios beyond traditional stocks and bonds. However, to navigate these options, you need to increase your productivity. Hence, this article explores how to effectively manage your time and resources to capitalize on the unique opportunities presented by alternative investments.
Strategies for Enhancing Productivity in Alternative Investments
Alternative investments represent a class of assets that fall outside the traditional categories of stocks, bonds, and cash. They are vast and varied, each offering distinct characteristics and benefits within a portfolio. For instance, real estate includes investing in residential, commercial, and industrial properties. It is often praised for its low correlation with traditional financial markets, providing a cushion during periods of stock market volatility.
Private equity is another popular alternative to stocks and bonds, and it involves investing in companies not publicly traded on a stock exchange. These include venture capital investments in startups, growth capital for expanding companies, or buyouts. Private equity is known for its potential for high returns, albeit with higher risk and longer investment horizons.
Other alternative investments worth looking at are commodities and hedge funds.
The next step might be knowing where to access these opportunities. Fortunately, digital platforms provide access to a wide range of investment funds previously available only to institutional investors or those with significantly high capital.
Here are ways to maximize productivity so you can reap from the alternative opportunities you find.
Time Management Techniques
Two valuable techniques are prioritization and batching tasks.
Prioritization involves ranking investment activities based on their potential impact and urgency. For instance, you can prioritize due diligence on a new private equity opportunity that’s about to close funding rounds and schedule a routine check of stable, long-term real estate assets later. This technique ensures the most time-sensitive and potentially rewarding tasks receive immediate attention, optimizing the allocation of effort and resources.
On the other hand, batching tasks refers to grouping similar activities to reduce distraction and increase efficiency. You can dedicate specific blocks of time to analyze market trends across various commodities or review performance reports of multiple hedge funds.
It minimizes the mental load and administrative overhead of switching between different tasks. As such, it speeds up the investment analysis process and improves focus, leading to more insightful investment decisions.
Technological Tools
There are comprehensive data analytics and research tools for assessing the viability and performance of complex investment options like hedge funds and private equity. You can use these platforms to gather market data quickly, compare fund performances, and conduct deep dives into financials without manually compiling information from multiple sources.
Another powerful tool is investment management software to consolidate your investment portfolios in one interface. It offers risk assessment features and scenario analysis to help you manage and adjust portfolios easily in response to market changes. For example, you can use these tools to simulate the impact of economic shifts on real estate investments, allowing for proactive strategy adjustments.
Leveraging external resources can bring specialized expertise and additional capacity to your investment strategies. For instance, consulting firms specialize in market analysis and due diligence, providing deep insights into specific industries or markets.
Further, financial and investment advisors offer personalized advice tailored to individual investment goals. For example, an investor interested in commodities might use an advisory service to understand the timing and scale of investments in precious metals or energy resources, balancing their portfolio based on risk tolerance and market opportunities.
In addition, by joining investment groups, you can access larger, more capital-intensive opportunities that might be beyond your reach independently. This strategy is common in private equity, where investment partnerships pool resources to buy out or invest in larger enterprises. It often leads to higher returns due to economies of scale and shared expertise.
Tips to Maintain High Productivity
The dynamic nature of alternative investments necessitates regular reviews of investment strategies. This periodic assessment allows you to respond to changes in market conditions, regulatory environments, and financial goals.
For example, if you invested in private equity, you can reassess your commitment to various funds based on performance metrics and market outlook and adjust your contributions or exit positions to better align with current objectives. These reviews help you stay proactive rather than reactive, enabling you to manage your portfolio more effectively.
In addition, effective stress management is essential for maintaining productivity and decision-making capacity. Techniques such as mindfulness, structured downtime, and physical activity can help manage stress, leading to clearer thinking and better overall health.
Additionally, the landscape of alternative investments is continually evolving, making continuous learning a critical component of an investor’s strategy. For example, keeping abreast of advancements in blockchain technology might inform decisions regarding investments in digital assets or real estate tokenization.
Alternative investments offer a compelling avenue for diversifying your portfolio and accessing potential high returns that are generally uncorrelated with traditional stock and bond markets.
However, the benefits of alternative investments come with the necessity for proactive management and continuous engagement. You can navigate the complexities of these diverse asset classes by implementing the strategies discussed, such as regular strategy reviews and leveraging technological tools.
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im not autistic but i believe in their beliefs (because i share like 80 % of symptoms typical for autistic women with yall)
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Little P.Eng. Engineering: Piping Stress Analysis and Supports Design for Power Plants as per ASME B31.1 in North America
In the world of power generation, safety and reliability are paramount. Power plants play a critical role in supplying electricity to homes, businesses, and industries across Canada and the United States. To ensure the seamless operation of these facilities, various standards and codes are in place, with ASME B31.1 being one of the most important. In this article, we'll explore how Little P.Eng. Engineering specializes in piping stress analysis and supports design for power plants, adhering to ASME B31.1 guidelines. We'll delve into the significance of this expertise and its impact on power plant operations across North America.
Understanding ASME B31.1
ASME B31.1, officially titled "Power Piping," is a widely recognized standard developed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). This standard provides guidelines for the design, construction, inspection, and maintenance of piping systems in power plants, including fossil fuel, nuclear, and geothermal facilities. Compliance with ASME B31.1 is mandatory for power plant operators in North America, as it ensures the safety and reliability of piping systems under various operating conditions.
The Importance of Piping Stress Analysis
Piping systems in power plants are subjected to a wide range of stresses and loads, including pressure, temperature variations, vibrations, and seismic forces. Failure to adequately analyze and address these stresses can lead to catastrophic failures, resulting in downtime, safety hazards, and financial losses. Piping stress analysis is the process of evaluating how these stresses affect the integrity of the piping system, and it is a crucial step in ensuring the reliability of power plants.
Little P.Eng. Engineering employs a team of experienced engineers who specialize in performing comprehensive piping stress analysis for power plants across Canada and the USA. Their expertise in ASME B31.1 compliance ensures that every analysis is conducted with the highest level of precision and adherence to industry standards.
Supports Design in Compliance with ASME B31.1
Properly designed and implemented supports are essential for maintaining the structural integrity of piping systems in power plants. ASME B31.1 outlines specific requirements for piping supports, including their design, material selection, and installation. Little P.Eng. Engineering excels in the design of piping supports that meet ASME B31.1 standards, ensuring that power plants operate without compromising safety or efficiency.
The company's approach to supports design encompasses factors such as thermal expansion, weight distribution, and the prevention of excessive loads on equipment and structures. Their engineers use advanced software and modeling techniques to optimize the support system, ensuring that it can withstand the stresses imposed by various operating conditions.
Benefits of Working with Little P.Eng. Engineering
4.1. Compliance Assurance
Little P.Eng. Engineering's primary focus is to ensure that power plants in Canada and the USA are fully compliant with ASME B31.1. Their team of experts has an in-depth understanding of the standard's intricate requirements, ensuring that every project they undertake adheres to the highest industry standards.
4.2. Safety Enhancement
By conducting rigorous piping stress analysis and designing supports that meet ASME B31.1 criteria, Little P.Eng. Engineering enhances the safety of power plant operations. Their comprehensive approach minimizes the risk of pipe failures, leaks, and other potential hazards, ultimately protecting both plant personnel and the surrounding environment.
4.3. Increased Reliability
Power plant downtime can result in significant financial losses and disruptions in energy supply. Little P.Eng. Engineering's expertise in piping stress analysis and supports design minimizes the likelihood of unexpected failures, contributing to increased reliability and operational continuity for power plants.
4.4. Cost Efficiency
Efficient piping systems and well-designed supports can also lead to cost savings in the long run. By optimizing the design and minimizing unnecessary maintenance and repairs, Little P.Eng. Engineering helps power plant operators reduce operational costs while maintaining high standards of safety and reliability.
Case Studies
To illustrate the practical application of Little P.Eng. Engineering's expertise, let's take a look at a couple of case studies from their portfolio:
5.1. Fossil Fuel Power Plant in Alberta, Canada
Little P.Eng. Engineering was engaged to perform piping stress analysis for a fossil fuel power plant in Alberta, Canada. The analysis revealed potential issues related to thermal expansion and vibration. The engineering team designed and implemented supports that addressed these concerns, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the plant under various operating conditions. As a result, the plant experienced reduced downtime and enhanced reliability.
5.2. Nuclear Power Plant in New York, USA
For a nuclear power plant in New York, Little P.Eng. Engineering conducted a comprehensive review of the piping support system to ensure compliance with ASME B31.1. Their engineers identified several areas for improvement, including the reinforcement of supports to withstand seismic forces. By implementing these enhancements, the plant achieved greater safety and compliance with regulatory requirements.
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Little P.Eng. Engineering's specialization in piping stress analysis and supports design as per ASME B31.1 is indispensable for power plants across Canada and the USA. Their commitment to compliance, safety enhancement, increased reliability, and cost efficiency makes them a trusted partner in the energy industry. With a proven track record of successful projects and a team of experienced engineers, Little P.Eng. Engineering plays a vital role in ensuring the continued operation and success of power plants in North America. Collaborating with such experts is not just a choice but a necessity in an industry where safety and reliability are paramount.
Meena Rezkallah
Little P.Eng. Engineering
Piping Stress Analysis
Structural Integrity
Engineering Expertise
Thermal Expansion
Industry Standards
Cost Efficiency
ASME B31.1 Compliance
Power Plant Safety
Piping Supports Design
North American Power Plants
Fossil Fuel Plants
Nuclear Power Plants
Geothermal Facilities
Power Plant Reliability
Power Plant Downtime
Vibration Analysis
Seismic Forces
Compliance Assurance
Safety Enhancement
Supports Optimization
Regulatory Requirements
Case Studies
Energy Industry
Operational Continuity
ASME Standards
Power Plant Operations
Power Plant Maintenance
Engineering Services
Pipe Stress Analysis Services
Located in Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, BC; Toronto, Ontario; Edmonton, Alberta; Houston Texas; Torrance, California; El Segundo, CA; Manhattan Beach, CA; Concord, CA; We offer our engineering consultancy services across Canada and United States. Meena Rezkallah.
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lilyprettyremy · 9 days
Mastering the It Girl Life on Campus/ at school : Confidence, Class, and Style
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On-Campus Essentials: Sophisticated and Ready to Conquer
Structured mini tote – Think sleek and polished. Choose something that says "I'm on my game" while fitting your essentials: a slim laptop, your chic planner, and a pair of sunnies.
Signature scent – A travel-sized luxury perfume, like Byredo or Le Labo. It leaves a lasting impression without overpowering.
Hydro flask in a neutral tone – Hydration, but make it aesthetic. Bonus points if it matches your outfit.
Protein bar or matcha to-go – Snacks are essential, but we’re keeping it elevated. Opt for a protein bar with clean ingredients or a homemade matcha latte in a reusable tumbler.
AirPods Max or sleek earbuds – Perfect for tuning out the noise between classes with a curated podcast or chill playlist, keeping your energy cool and collected.
In Class: Own the Room with Confidence and Intelligence
Effortless note-taking setup – Digital is where it’s at. Use a tablet with a stylus for sleek, organized notes that sync across all your devices. Bonus: it looks high-tech and minimalistic.
Command attention – Sit where you can engage, but it’s not about the front row anymore—it’s about being present and prepared. Contribute thoughtfully when needed, and stay poised.
All-in-one app for organization – Ditch the old-school planner. Use an app like Notion or Google Calendar to sync your schedule, assignments, and deadlines. Effortlessly keep everything streamlined and on point.
Refined confidence – Instead of always speaking up, choose your moments wisely. Command attention through well-thought-out points that showcase your intellect, not just participation.
Breaks Between Classes: Elevate Your Downtime
Mini face mist – A refreshing face mist with a subtle scent keeps your skin hydrated and glowing, giving you a post-class refresh. Think Tatcha or a rose water mist.
Quick mirror check – Always have a compact mirror to do a quick hair and lip check. It's about looking polished and put together without effort.
Reset with movement – Walk around campus to stay energized, but with intention. Pop in your favorite playlist, take in the surroundings, and use this time to clear your mind before the next task.
Digital declutter – Use breaks to clear out any unnecessary tabs, update your notes, or respond to quick emails. Keeping your digital life tidy is the new version of looking organized.
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thydungeongal · 1 month
I saw your post on DnD having no consequences besides death and was wondering what systems you know that aren't like that,and how they accomplish it.
Really love your stuff btw!
First one that comes to mind is Fate. The way Fate achieves it is simple: instead of having death as a consequence, in Fate if your character gets taken out of combat (which will happen if they take Stress and they have no more Stress boxes to take that Stress and you don't elect to take a consequence instead) they're simply Taken Out. There's no countdown to death, the character is simply out of the conflict. And should the whole party get wiped in a conflict that simply means that they failed to achieve whatever it was they wanted to achieve in that conflict. This means that players can lose individual conflicts but the story doesn't end there. In fact, the game in some ways encourages losing in conflicts, because it can be a source of character development (via Extreme consequences which can only be taken once every now and then and that actually change one of the character's Aspects, basic building blocks of the character). Fate also allows, as far as I remember, simply conceding a conflict, meaning that characters lose the conflict but at least they get out mostly without consequence.
Blades in the Dark is another one: BitD is about doing heists and during heists characters can suffer a wide variety of consequences, including various degrees of injury. The important thing is that BitD allows players to declare that their characters are withdrawing from a heist whenever they want. This means that they get no payoff and go straight into downtime, and still have to deal with the various consequences like heat and entanglements. So, players basically always have the choice to retreat. (And in fact this is something that is very similar to older editions of D&D: before cyclical, individual initiative became the norm, characters would take turns together, and between rounds of combat players could decide that their characters would retreat. It wasn't of course automatic and there was a chance of pursuit, but there was a quick escape button available to players.)
QuestWorlds is another one that allows for players to define what their characters' goal in a given conflict (called Sequence) is, and allows for either retreating (and thus failing to achieve the story goal) as well as simply losing and failing to achieve the story goal with added consequence. QuestWorlds is very similar to Fate in how abstract it is in modeling conflict. QuestWorlds also models difficulty rising with every success since it seeks to model a certain type of narrative structure. It's a fascinating game imo
That's just a few though, and there are countless others as well.
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 4 months
(Are your requests just closed to fics or headcannons too? If they’re closed to both ignore this and have a nice day 💕)
I love all of the dom WandaNat x sub fem reader dynamics
SoftWandanat x reader
MeanWandaNat x reader
Soft Wanda x Mean/Strict Natasha x reader
The list could go on
But there is something so specifically alluring about Mean/Strict Mommy Wanda x Lenient (not necessarily soft) Natasha x reader
Like I can’t explain it but that dynamic of them specifically is just so * chef kiss *
Anyway can I please have Strict Wanda/Lenient Natasha x reader headcannons 🤭
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Thank you for this request! I love the idea of all different Wandanat x reader HC, but there truly is something about strict/lenient Wandanat that gets me~
Strict Wanda
-Wanda’s strictness primarily stems from her protective nature. She’s been through a lot and wants to ensure you’re safe at all times. She sets clear boundaries and expects you to follow them to avoid any danger.
-If you're involved in any superhero activities, Wanda will insist on rigorous training sessions. She believes in being prepared for anything and wants you to be at your best.
-Wanda ensures you maintain a healthy lifestyle. She monitors your diet, encourages regular exercise, and makes sure you get enough rest. She might even use a bit of her magic to help you recover from minor injuries or fatigue.
-Despite her strictness, Wanda is incredibly affectionate. She rewards your adherence to rules with loving gestures, be it cooking your favorite meal, giving you a massage, or simply cuddling with you on the couch.
-Wanda is particularly strict about the use of magic, both hers and yours if you have any abilities. She teaches you about the dangers and ensures you use your powers responsibly.
Lenient Natasha
-Natasha’s leniency comes from her deep trust in you. She believes in your ability to make good decisions and only steps in when absolutely necessary.
-Natasha gives you the freedom to explore and experience life but is always there to guide you if you need advice. She shares her own experiences to help you navigate tricky situations.
-Natasha loves spending relaxed, quality time with you. Whether it’s watching movies, going for a late-night drive, or just hanging out at a café, she enjoys the laid-back moments.
-Natasha values open communication. She encourages you to share your thoughts and feelings with her and is always ready to listen without judgment.
-With Wanda’s strictness and Natasha’s leniency, you get the best of both worlds. They balance each other out, providing you with both structure and freedom.
-You feel incredibly safe with both Wanda and Natasha. Wanda’s strict measures and Natasha’s vigilant yet relaxed approach ensure you’re well-protected from any harm.
-You have an amazing support system with them. Wanda’s nurturing nature combined with Natasha’s encouraging attitude ensures you feel loved, supported, and motivated.
-They plan a mix of adventurous outings and relaxed downtime. You might go on a thrilling mission one day and have a cozy movie night the next, keeping your life exciting yet balanced.
-Despite their different approaches, both Wanda and Natasha share an unconditional love for you. They cherish you deeply and are committed to your happiness and well-being, each showing their affection in their unique way.
NSFW Headcanons!
Strict Wanda
-Wanda's strictness extends to the bedroom. She loves taking control and ensuring that you follow her lead. She finds pleasure in directing you and seeing you submit to her desires.
-Wanda enjoys teasing and denying you. She takes pleasure in building up your anticipation, making you earn your release. She might use her magic to heighten your senses or keep you on edge longer.
-After intense sessions, Wanda is exceptionally caring. She ensures you feel loved and comforted, providing gentle aftercare to help you relax and recover.
-Wanda enjoys incorporating her Scarlet Witch persona into your intimate moments. The sight of her in her costume, commanding and powerful, adds an extra layer of excitement.
Lenient Natasha
-Natasha loves exploring new things in the bedroom. She encourages you to express your desires and fantasies, creating a safe space for experimentation.
-Natasha’s approach is more relaxed and seductive. She enjoys taking her time, using her skills to build up a slow, sensual experience that leaves you breathless.
-Natasha likes incorporating toys and tools into your intimate moments. She’s knowledgeable and confident, making the experience thrilling and adventurous.
-Natasha enjoys whispering sweet nothings and dirty talk in your ear, her husky voice adding to the allure and intimacy of the moment.
-The dynamic between strict Wanda and lenient Natasha creates an exhilarating experience. Wanda’s dominance and Natasha’s playful nature complement each other perfectly, offering you a variety of sensations and experiences.
-With Wanda’s magic and Natasha’s skilled touch, they enjoy bringing you to sensory overload. Wanda might use her powers to enhance your senses while Natasha teases you with her hands and mouth.
-They are both very attentive to you, taking turns or working together to ensure you feel adored and pleasured. Their combined efforts make you feel like the center of their world.
-Above all, Wanda and Natasha’s intimate moments with you are filled with love and affection. They prioritize your happiness and satisfaction, making every encounter a deeply emotional and fulfilling experience.
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her-devils-advocate · 7 months
Selfish risks
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pairings: Levi Ackerman x (GN!) reader
genre: domestic fluff
summary: In the peaceful downtime spent together, Levi decides to risk asking an important question.
word count: 1,435
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54159382
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The Scout headquarters is silent, most of the survey corps members have already taken themselves off to bed, greedily getting as much rest as possible before the next mission creeps up on them. Everyone has been working hard, with both training sessions and squad meetings running longer and longer each day, almost as if each scout could sense something approaching.
The wind howls outside the stone structure, rustling the leaves and causing the windows to rattle. You shiver despite the loud crackling of the fireplace inside your office, the amber flames fighting to keep the chill away.
The warmth and ambient sounds of nature do their best to lull you to sleep, exhaustion tugging on your eyelids as you force yourself to work through the night. A bad habit that you had picked up from a certain captain.
Your relationship with him over the years within the scouts had caused a few of his mannerisms to rub off onto you, for better or for worse. You’ve found that the recruits you are tasked to train tend to listen to you more after you picked up Levi’s “don’t test me” expression. However, you have caught yourself clicking your tongue in displeasure a lot more as well, much to the amusement of all those nearby to pick up on it.
The frantic scribbling of your pen grows louder as you try to rush the piles of paperwork towering before you. A small rumble breaks the silence as your stomach protests, unhappy with the dedication to the mountain of paper causing you to skip dinner accidentally.
You are so engulfed in the moment that you almost miss the gentle creaking of the door. You raise your head only to be met with tired silver eyes cutting through the shadows of the room. 
Levi slowly shuts the door before pausing, simply watching you sign your name and toss the pen to the side, ignoring the halfhearted glare thrown your way as it rolls across the desk and onto the floor with a small clatter. 
You stare at him for a moment, waiting for the small lecture about making a mess, even if it is in your own space. A lecture that, surprisingly, never comes.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He says instead, his voice is gentle, yet you can sense the small reprimand within his words. 
"Curfew doesn't apply to squad leaders and higher, I thought you knew that?" You shoot him a playful smirk that only grows with the withering look you get in response.
"That's not what I meant and you know it."
"I know, there's just... so much to get through and I figured I would power through most of it while you were in the meeting with Erwin and Hange. Which seemed like a good plan considering how long it took."
Levi lets out a long sigh as he walks towards the armchair by the fire, flopping down onto the worn fabric. You smile at the sight, at how carefree and unguarded he lets himself be around you. 
A sight some could never think to imagine when it comes to the aloof captain, but you know him better than most.
You get up from the desk, groaning slightly as your muscles scream in defiance. A sign that you have been cooped up on the uncomfortable wooden chair for far too long. The sound causes Levi's head to snap in your direction, only relaxing again when he notices you are in no real pain.
The sight makes you smile, even with everything he has to handle within the Survey Corps, he still always makes sure to look out for you as well. Even when he doesn’t need to.
His eyes track your every movement and you see a myriad of emotions swirling through them: exhaustion, concern, wonder, adoration and love all mix with the flickering amber of the fire within the gunmetal of his eyes.
He shuffles to try and give you some space beside him in the small armchair, only to frown in frustration and pull you into his arms instead. You rest your head in the crook of his neck, straddling his lap as you bring your hand up to run through his silky hair.
"Interesting meeting?" You whisper into his neck, not wanting to break the peace that has settled over you both. Something you both rarely get to cherish, yet heavily deserve.
The only reply you get is a small hum, he tightens his grip around you and peppers your shoulder with small kisses.
"Four-eyes has a new experiment they want to try out. Apparently, it's fundamental that Erwin lets them capture more titans for it." Levi says with a small grumble, his voice slightly muffled by your shoulder, clearly unhappy to remember what had held up the already late meeting for so long.
You go to open your mouth to speak, only for his low voice to cut you off instantly.
"And no, you're not helping them with whatever shitty plan they have in mind. You need to stop letting them drag you into their schemes so easily." He punctuates his words with a small flick to the centre of your forehead.
You let out a light laugh, the action sending a shiver across Levi's skin.
"How did you know I was going to suggest helping Hange?"
"I know you too well."
"That you do." You kiss his jawline, slowly moving towards his lips, leaving a trail of feather-light kisses as you do. He sighs when your lips finally meet his own, his eyes flickering shut briefly as you part. 
"Marry me."
Your eyes widen briefly, shock and excitement rushing through you, you are almost certain you had misheard him if it weren't for the slightest blush covering his cheeks and the determined look in his eyes.
"Is that an order, Captain?"
He huffs out a small laugh, his eyes flicking up briefly before he reveals a small ring from the pocket of his jacket. A proud green jewel sits atop the thin silver band, your breath catches as it glints in the firelight.
"I could make it one if you wanted. I got fed up of waiting for some perfect moment or whatever that traditional bullshit is. There are no perfect moments in this world, not when titans could eat us at any moment." He pauses for a moment, his usually stoic voice faltering with emotions as he tries to hide his face from your unwavering gaze.
"Or so I thought until you made me experience peace in these moments with you. Then I realised that every moment where we are alive together is a perfect one."
You stare at him with wide eyes, not noticing the stream of tears running down your cheeks until you feel his calloused hand brush them away with a softness you couldn't begin to imagine.
"The thought of having someone to lose scares me, but you've made me realise that marriage or not, loving you has been a risk I've been taking for a while now. Might as well make you officially mine while we have the chance."
You let out a watery giggle as your hands dance along the fabric of his shirt, smoothing out any creases that dare to cling to him.
"You know, most marriage proposals don't have the implications of a horrible death woven into them."
"That's clearly where the poor fuckers are going wrong then."
Levi's eyes are soft as he watches you, his lips finally quirking up into a small smile as you let out an undignified snort at his comment.
"Yes, I will marry you." 
You don't miss the way his shoulders drop with relief, nor the genuine joy that shines through his eyes. He delicately takes the hand you wordlessly offer him, taking his time to slide the ring onto your finger.
“Good, I want to risk being selfish. Just this once.”
You beam at his words, heart heavy as you place a soft kiss onto his lips before throwing your arms around his neck to pull him as close as possible. His arms quickly wrap around your lower back as he holds you tightly, his head resting against your chest. 
He can almost sense the approaching comment from the way you jiggle with pure, albeit restrained laughter.
“Is it green to match our capes? Don’t get me wrong, love, you choose very well. A fact I’m sure you already know, but…is that the reason?” “Shut up.”
The laugh you give him in response warms both of your hearts more than the now-dying fire could manage.
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byoldervine · 6 months
The Trick To Writing Filler
(TL;DR at the bottom)
Filler is when you spend a chapter padding the length of your story between plot-related events. Filler chapters have little to no impact on the overarching plot and can be self-contained, and thus in TV shows filler episodes are often reran the most as people unfamiliar with the show can casually watch without being confused without the knowledge of prior plot beats
So with the chapter being largely self-contained and acting outside of the plot, what do you use to make the filler chapter engaging? I’m going to use filler episodes from Avatar: The Last Airbender to provide examples
1. Worldbuilding. Zuko Alone depicts Zuko’s travels taking him through an Earth Kingdom village and becoming acquainted to the family that allows him to stay with them, especially their young son. He learns about what the Fire Nation’s impact on this village has been; destroyed houses, families torn apart, constant robbery and other abuses of power and injustices. And even after Zuko defends the villagers and his new friend, he’s venomously cast out from the village by even the little boy because he outed himself as a firebender. This episode explored the impact of the war on the people of the Earth Kingdom, the victims of war that have no involvement in it and no way of defending themselves from it
2. Character exploration. In The Beach, we learn more about Mai, Ty Lee, Azula and Zuko and how their own traumas and personal upbringings have impacted their personalities. For Zuko this is part of a turning point for him, but for the girls it’s more to understand why they are the people we’ve gotten to know over the seasons, especially Ty Lee and Mai. The episode also serves to showcase how Azula and Zuko are so out of place being just normal teenagers; Azula has no idea how to talk to her peers and no identity outside being Princess Azula of the Fire Nation, while Zuko’s hotheadedness and jealousy issues lead him to lash out and be far too confrontational and controlling for his own good. This episode isn’t really used to develop these characters, or at least not the girls, but instead explains and showcases their behaviours and the reasons behind them
3. Character development. Going back to The Beach, Zuko does indeed receive development rather than just character exploration like the girls do; he comes to understand that he’s not just angry at the world or angry in general, but angry with himself. This is a notable turning point for Zuko’s redemption arc, because he now understands fully that he truly regrets betraying Iroh and sacrificing his new start in life in favour of returning to the Fire Nation. He might not yet be fully decided on turning his back on Ozai, but without this moment I don’t know if he’d have gotten there, or at least not as quickly as he did
4. Relationship development. Sokka’s Master has a C plot of Aang, Katara and Toph all being rather bored and lost without Sokka’s presence. The A plot exploring Sokka’s feelings of inadequacy and uselessness in comparison to such powerful and formidable bending masters being contrasted with the Gaang unable to function without him already speaks volumes about their dynamics, but looking deeper into the C plot also shows how much value Sokka really does bring to the team; structure, planning, humour, a quick wit, strategic moves. The Gaang always supported Sokka and never seemed to view him as expendable outside of the occasional teasing, but having it acknowledged so clearly and plainly that they can feel a little aimless and flat without Sokka and being so delighted when he returns really shows us the kind of value Sokka brings to this team and brings us and the characters to further appreciate it
5. Downtime. The Ember Island Players depicts the characters taking a break to watch a comedic play based on their wacky adventures, only to be largely underwhelmed and displeased by how they’re portrayed. There are no stakes to this episode and barely any plot, just the Gaang taking a breather as they react to a bad play. This chance to relax and watch something inconsequential is just as important to the viewers as we’ve got the show’s finale in the next four episodes, which will be very plot-driven and intense. The Ember Island Players also has the additional viewer bonus of recapping the events of the show right before it all ends, giving the viewers time to reflect on the journey they’ve gone on with these characters. In order for the stakes to feel high and the tension to rise, there has to be downtime where there are low stakes and low tension; if things are intense all the time, the moments that are supposed to feel super intense will just feel average in comparison. Resetting that intensity right before such a big event while still acknowledging the looming threat coming soon will feel like the calm before the storm and allow your audience to soak it all up like the characters are
Wow, did I just go through all that without talking about Tales of Ba Sing Se? I’ll save that for another post if people are interested in more
TL;DR - filler provides a moment to breathe, reset the intensity levels the audience are experiencing and take a chance to step away from the external conflict (the overarching plot) in favour of worldbuilding and the characters within your setting. Small moments can amount to something big, and can help make large scale decisions or plot twists feel more build-up and in-character
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armageddon-generation · 3 months
Empire of Death was bad and cemented several fundemental flaws in this season.
I watched this in the theatre, and the contrast between everyone's excitement before Empire, and their universal disappointment leaving the theatre was super disheartening. I'm gonna try to articulate my problems with episode, and how they're linked to fundenental structural issues of this season.
The moment the UNIT characters died the story was robbed of any stakes. (Also? Kate and Ibrahim?? During Pride month?? Disgusting)
Sutekh was pointless, big CGI spectacle who was barely there. Saying he's been latched onto the TARDIS since Pyramids of Mars was such an asspull. Why couldn't he have latched on during Wild Blue Yonder? wouldn't that make much more sense??
You're telling me the guy who holds all life in contempt is invested enough in learning the identity of Ruby's mum he willingly reveals himself??
And then they defeat him by dragging him through the Vortex just like before, which it's been explicitly stated *didn't work* last time? He just *lets* Ruby leash him??
The 'death of death is life' bit, and the idea of the Doctor representing life as a Ying to Sutekh's Yang, is a cool concept just jammed in there with no real buildup or depth.
The issue is bringing Sutekh back takes so much effort- a literal, clunky clipshow of Pyramids of Mars, a whole episode spent building up to the reveal of a silly anagram entirely unrekated to Sutekh's previous appearance. And it just... amounts to nothing. What a silly way to cap off a season meant to be jumping-on point for brand-new viewers.
Mel was just takingup space. Pointless.
Ruby's Mother
I don't have a problem with the *concept* of Ruby's mum being normal. I really like the idea thematically. The execution was terrible.
First of all it leaves so many unanswered questions (why the snow? Why was time changing? Why was she shadowed? Literally just for the sake of the mystery-box?) and represents the worst thing about this new era- RTD using fantasy logic to handwave any logic at all, and just do whatever he wants without properly justifying it.
Second, I *hate* how easy and simple and neat the reunion is. Ruby seems incapable of getting angry with anyone. She has never once argued with 15, or Carla, or anyone besides that one moment in 73 Yards. She has never expressed any kind of negative feeling towards her mother for abandoning her. And it's fine for her to reach that conclusion! It's just bizzare we never see Ruby struggle with her feelings beyond the shallow goal of wanting to find her.
(Also Carla? Has nothing to say?? Just welcomes that woman in with basically no comment? Carla is a 2D cutout of a person, used as a plot device and otherwise relegated to the single character trait of I Love My Daughter. The children yearn for the ilk of Jackie Tyler, Sylvia Noble, even Francine Jones.)
15 & Ruby
The emotion behind 15 & Ruby's split felt entirely unearned because we've never seen their bond develop. They never argue, never disagree, Ruby hasn't learned anything about herself or grown or changed. The closest we got to that is 73 Yards, which was undone. She was already brave and kind and musical and sure she loved her adoptive family when we met her in Church on Ruby Road.
Similarly, 15 tells us Ruby encouraged him to talk about family in a way he never has, but that was in what, two moments across the season? And they seemed random, unrelated to Ruby being with him. New viewers will assume 15 is just that open anyway- he was discussing fatherhood with a dead man's hologram- and old viewers assumed trauma-dumping was just a new trait of 15's personality, not Ruby-specific.
The problem is we're told Ruby & 15 are best friends but it isn't earned. I liked 15 crying initially but both he and Ruby do it so much (15 cries about 5 times in this one episode) it loses its impact and I'm becoming numb to it. There is no contrast, no downtime.
Season Structural Issues
I think the biggest problem is Season 1's storytelling priorities. It's much more interested in selling *the show* (look at our big budget! And guest stars! And how flexible our format is! Musical episode! The Beatles as props! Bottle episode! Indie folk-horror! Black Mirror! Gay Bridgerton!) it forgot to put effort into developing and investing us in its characters. I liked a lot of the individual stories this year but in retrospect a lot of them feel like they're wasting space that needed to go to essential character and theme setup.
These skewed priorities, combined with the cut down episode count, really impact the pacing of the season. Ruby and 15 were barely together! Even in Rogue they were seperated for most of the story!! We only loop back to a flashback of 15 meeting Carla in Rogue!
This is made worse by the baffling insistence on a 45-minute runtime. We know key sequences were cut from almost every episode, with highlights including:
The Gobin King invading Ruby's flat and her banishing him with scratchcards in The Church on Ruby Road: Her missing 'companion saves the day' moment!
Refrence to the Toymaker in The Church on Ruby Road, which was itself referenced in The Devil's Chord. 'I told you about the Toymaker when we first met' sir, objectively you did not.
The TARDIS jukebox playing the Sugarbabes' Push The Button in the opening scene of Space Babies, hastily cut around in the final edit. This is the setup of a running joke still in the episode, and part of the story's climax. The first encounter with the Bogeyman was also longer, with 15 taking particular interest in its skin
Extended scenes in Abbey Road from The Devil's Chord, including an apparently significant speaking role for Cilla Black, according to her annoyed actress.
Cut dialogue from The Devil's Chord explaining the musoical number was caused by Maestro's power lingering, and that banishing them undid everything they'd done. Fans inferred thos based on the rules established in The Giggle, but again, new fans haven't seen The Giggle and were left clueless.
An opening sequence for The Legend of Ruby Sunday where 15 & Ruby meet Susan as a nanny in 1947 America, a blue-skinned waitress, and an astronaut meeting a colony of giant, sentient ants. At the end of this we actually see 15 decide to go to UNIT for help. In the broadcast version he just sorta shows up.
Really what Empire of Death exposed to me is how emotionally hollow the season was. I enjoy the exoperimentalism, but not at the cost of character. And then in the finale Russell reverts to almost a parody of his RTD1 finales, with the nonsense logic and lack of consequences. All the worst bits of Last of the Time Lords and The Giggle put in a blender.
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utilitycaster · 7 months
maybe a slightly unpopular opinion but I love how this season of D20 is about the boring day to day of high school along with all the usual mystery and hijinks. I like how after the wacky chaos and Spring Break Vibes we have to see the characters actually balance all their high school responsibilities, and I love the downtime mechanics. I like how all the running gags from season 1 - D20's first season - are getting fleshed out and explored and made serious, like Fig attending barbarian classes and Porter not liking Gorgug. I like how on some level the party is just exhausted from spending all summer saving the world instead of doing dumb teenage things. I like how the structure of D20 means that we actually do play out the long-term consequences of some of the party's victories that would have been in the endgame of most campaigns (eg: Adaine killing her terrible father). I like how Kristen's story especially echoes this, with her being told that she has to get good at the less flashy stuff, not just the huge miracles. also I definitely think Jace, who was killed by Aguefort very early in the first season, killed Yolanda.
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brewed-pangolin · 8 months
What would soaps downtime be? Like who is soap when he's not in 141 mode?
A million apologies for this taking so long. I went on a super long rant about this but eventually turned that into its own post.
This is just Soap in his regular civilian life.
A bit of NSFW? Of course.
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Soap outside of the 141 is both still the same man yet wholly different altogether.
He's a military man through and through, so he still appreciates a certain level of control and structure even when he sheds the Kevlar for a more comfortable civilian outfit.
It takes Soap a few days to pull his psyche out of the usual 'bump and grind' of being a soldier. He breaks this cycle by recharging in the simplest way possible. Sleep.
And when I say sleep, I mean sleep.
Dead to the world. Borderline comatose. (Brought on by massive amounts of Trazadone because, y'know, nightmares)
And after a few days of restful hibernation, he'll quickly pack up in preparation for his next necessity: escapism.
Soap finds himself, his true self, deep in the wilderness. Away from the world of responsibility and within the rejuvenation of fresh air and nature.
He'll spend a few days out in the wilds and come back with a fresh mind and a clear conscience. And that's when this man truly shines in his natural form.
Soap is a man with a very busy mind, so don't expect him to sit around while on leave. In fact, you should make a list of things he needs to fix. He'll love it.
Leaking faucet? Done. Need your oil changed? Already putting it on the floor jack. Hell, you wanna remodel the whole kitchen? He's already got a sledgehammer in hand ready for the first swing.
Point is, keep him busy. Send him on errands and keep him focused on anything else rather than you because oh my God your body needs to recover from the endless fucking he puts you through.
Soap is a man who aims to please and make up for lost time. This means the moment his mind is clear, it's laser focused on bending you over as many times as possible.
He actually doesn't care how you both do it. As long as he can bury himself in the sanctuary that is your wet pussy, he's happy.
Christian the entire house. Fuck in the 4Runner. Embrace your inner animals and let him mark his territory in the woods as he growls so loudly that you think there's a bear inside the tent.
Let him fill you. As many times as possible. He needs it before being pulled away into the line of fire once more. Needs it to remind him of the salvation he has to come home to. (In more ways than one).
You're one of the few outside the 141 that have seen him break. Head buried in your chest, arms wrapped like a vice around you as he sobs. Incoherent mumbles of the hell he's been through, and all you do is soothe him in this moment of pure emotion and vulnerability.
You remain strong for him. A beacon in a world of darkness and grazed bullets as he loses himself in your tender and affectionate embrace.
These moments are few and far between. Still, when they read their heads, you give him the time he requires to heal the mental scars to become whole again.
Of course, he enjoys times at the pub with his fellow soldiers. Throwing back a few pints, reminiscing over war stories and close calls within the familiar walls of their treasured tavern. It builds comradery. Strengthens the bond of the brotherhood outside the line of fire.
And gives them the mental break they need in the ease of civilian life before being thrusted back into the perpetual grinder that is being a soldier.
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thesiltverses · 22 days
Thank you so much for The Silt Verses, what an emotional, cathartic, technically brilliant creation. I've been recommending it to everyone in my life left right and centre.
I'm curious about your process for creating such believable and relatable characters — did the characters come before the plot, or vice versa? Do you make conscious decisions on how to make them feel more 'real' in terms of dialogue, what non-plot-relevant things are shown etc.? I'd love to hear any advice or tips on making characters that resonate so strongly.
Thank you again for your amazing work!
Hey and thank you so much for the very kind words!
I don't know if I can answer your questions around this adequately (plus 'good' characterisation is extremely subjective, right?) but let me try:
Character, premise, and plot for me are very much inseparable in terms of the planning process. We establish a narrative landscape. We establish a character with a clear initial outlook and goal regarding that landscape. En route to the goal, we find opportunities to challenge, explore and shift the character's outlook - so that by the time they reach their goal, the outcome of the plot is no longer certain. That's the basic formula for every single TSV character arc, really.
That formula does, I think, need to be accompanied by a genuine restlessness on the part of the writer. We should feel impatient when we find we're repeating ourselves; we should be worried when our audience can too comfortably predict how the protagonists would react to X or Y; we should be itching to be surprised again by the fiction at every turn and aiming to find something new in every scene with a character. We're not making a sitcom here - the aim should not be a comfortable or reassuring stasis. Character is change.
There is a lot of scene-by-scene work I do around our characters to try and keep them from feeling artificial on my terms - but I think that's less a set of rules and more about being aware of your own historic patterns and broader structural cliches alike, and trying to navigate around them or at least freshen them up. Audiodrama can be a demanding medium with a limited palette for delivering information to the audience. As a result I think it's very common to fall into certain TV-inspired formulaic habits (for example, establishing basic character outlooks by having your protagonists bicker and debate in the moment about their immediate narrative goals, then delivering all the actually substantial character development and backstory in the form of melodramatic confessions and revelations from one protagonist to another protagonist during the downtime at the end of an episode, a la the 'CW's Supernatural technique'. We've done this stuff ourselves in the show, so I'm not looking down at it. But we've definitely also benefitted from the narration segments in TSV, which allow us to add extra dimensionality and depth to the characters outside of that banter-and-confession formula).
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poetrysmackdown · 1 year
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Big congratulations to "The Two-Headed Calf" for a solid win over "How to Be a Dog" (and to our Third Place competitor, "Wild Geese")!
Thank you to all who participated. I had a lot of fun with this and I hope you guys did as well! I've said it before but I had no idea this would get as big as it did, and it's been truly heartening to see this many people engaging with poetry and getting excited about it. I'm personally grateful to all the folks I got the chance to discuss poems with, and everyone who challenged me to see these poems in a new light. Whether you were introduced to new poems or reunited with old ones, whether you voted with the majority or against it, I hope you got something out of this as well.
As promised, here is the grand stats spreadsheet. The smackdown with the highest turnout was the semifinal matchup "The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin vs. "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver with 17,449 votes! In second place, Round 1: "Poem" by Langston Hughes vs. "A Meeting" by Wendell Berry with 16,690 votes.
Unfortunately my real-life responsibilities have hit me like a truck and I don't have time to do a whole post dedicated to reviewing more of it, but I hope y'all might share any insights you have below! I also included the word count stats on the "summary" page, as suggested in this ask by @puddinginthemix. Nevertheless, they don't seem to demonstrate a concrete trend in one direction or the other—the mean word count difference technically gives a slight edge to longer poems in competition, but with such an insane standard deviation as to render the whole thing silly.
On the topic of a sequel.
After some deliberation, I've decided I would love to do another one of these focusing on poems that are lesser-known on Tumblr! In a perfect world I would just jump right in again, but it's quickly becoming clear to me that I will not have time to sort through/pair submissions and then run the thing while balancing work and school in the upcoming semester. With that in mind, my plan is to run it over the winter holidays so I'm able to give it more of my attention. That said, I've already made the submission form, and I'm tempted to release that ASAP so that I can use any downtime in the fall to read, review, and structure things thoughtfully. I also just figure it'll get a higher volume of submissions if I release it now. I know it's probably not ideal, but would people be cool with me opening submissions earlier, even if it means there'll be a significant time gap between submission and competition? If so, I'll get that out no later than Tuesday, and likely keep it open for a few weeks (unless it gets, like, seriously swamped lol).
Lastly, I've still got some asks I need to get through.....they're still on my mind. I'll do my best to respond to everyone within the next week!
Thank you again to everyone who participated, it's been such a joy!
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cessautomation · 2 months
Certainly! Here's the article with bullet emojis and a visually appealing style:
HeroFX: A Critical Review
HeroFX, an online trading platform established in 2021, claims to offer various trading instruments such as forex, indices, shares, futures, crypto, metals, and energies. Despite these offerings, significant concerns arise due to HeroFX's lack of regulation and legal compliance. The platform is not licensed by any reputable financial authority, which compromises trader security and credibility.
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HeroFX operates without any major regulatory oversight, posing significant risks for traders. The absence of licenses from recognized financial authorities means there is no guarantee of fund safety or fair trading practices. This lack of regulation should be a major red flag for any potential user.
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A considerable number of negative reviews highlight issues such as difficulties in withdrawing funds, security breaches, and allegations of fraudulent activities. These complaints underscore the potential risks of trading with HeroFX. Problems with fund withdrawals and poor customer support are common themes in user feedback.
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HeroFX advertises a low minimum deposit of $20 and high leverage of up to 1:500. However, users report unexpected fees and unclear terms. The platform's reliance on cryptocurrency payments raises additional concerns about transaction transparency and security.
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While HeroFX offers the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform, which is popular among traders, technical issues and platform downtimes have been reported. The broker’s lack of regulation further undermines the reliability and security of these trading platforms.
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This format provides a clear, structured, and visually engaging presentation of the article.
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thydungeongal · 1 month
What are different things the PBTA system cares about vs. FITD? I'm trying to decide which system fits better for an idea I have.
While this is not necessarily the case across all PbtA and FitD (Forged in the Dark, games utilizing the framework of Blades in the Dark for those not in the know) games, there are a few generalities I think apply:
FitD games tend to run more like traditional adventure games, down to having a very clear division between downtime and the adventure (called the Score or Mission or whatever depending on the specific game), whereas PbtAs rarely make any explicit divisions between modes of play. In a funny way I think it reflects their designers' backgrounds, with the Bakers coming from a more freeform RP background and Harper having more of a trad design pedigree.
FitD games tend to be more mechanically granular, with larger lists of action ratings than PbtA stats. Usually, there are usually more ways to model mechanical consequences in FitD, often with a division between Stress and Harm, whereas PbtA games often opt for simpler, more abstract representations of harm.
FitD games very much have a philosophy of one core mechanic that is then adjudicated appropriate to each action and situation using alone framework, but with the players having levers like Position and Effect to fiddle with, and that's before one gets to trading position for effect and so on. PbtA games on the other hand often rely on a custom set of moves, each of which is basically a unique mechanical interaction.
FitD games often have a separate level of play where in addition to controlling individual characters players also cooperate in running a shared playbook, often representing something like their Gang, Warband, Ship, etc. PbtA games can often have different levels of play, but they are rarely cooperative.
Of course there will always be exceptions to these rules: Most Trusted Advisors by @thehorizonmachine is superficially more like a FitD game than a PbtA game but lacks the cooperative structure and shared playbook, while FIST is a PbtA game that lacks moves and plays more like a cooperative adventure game.
Anyway, besides those things, I also feel that FitD games tend to be more crunchy: while having fewer unique mechanics they usually feature a lot of levers to get the most out of those mechanics, while PbtA games often rely more on abstraction.
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pvnks0ul · 9 months
downtime (18+)
✪ riri w. x fem!reader
sypnosis: Riri having to pause her game and tend to you...
⚠︎: plot⁴🌽, smuttt, fingering, talks of overstimulation, lil bit of dirty talk, very short + ! amateur writing !
‎ ‧₊˚ 𓂃౨ৎ ‎ ‧₊˚ 𓂃౨ৎ ‎ ‧₊˚ 𓂃౨ৎ ‎ ‧₊˚ 𓂃౨ৎ ‎ ‧₊˚ 𓂃౨ৎ ‎ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
She'd been playing some kind of story mode video game all day and you'd missed her touch for too long. So instead of further annoying her and asking when she'd be finished or take a break, like you'd done many times before, you plop down beside her on the plush sofa, she doesn't even spare a glance.
Her thumb and pointer finger steady their rumble against the buttons of her controller and you swear you've never felt such envy over an inanimate object.
You muster up the most dramatic sigh you could, curling into her side and your head searching for relief on her shoulder.
"Riri.." you finally find your voice– pitifully hid in her clavicle now but, it still counts for something.
She hums in response, no proper acknowledgement of you seated next to her.
"What're you doing?" rolls meekly off your tongue, the forlorn attempt for even a sliver of her attention was painfully obvious.
Riri side eyes you, her rosy tongue swipes across her bottom lip, a smirk bubbling under the surface because she knows you know and there's no way you didn't because she's seen you see her each time you walked directly infront of the tv.
"Trying to play my game."
“Ohh..” You frown at the impassive answer but continued to press on until she caved.
You brought your legs up under yourself, allowing you to lean further into her space and shrouding half of her torso, wrapping one hand around her neck to support yourself and the other sitting at the mid drift of her tank.
Riri peers down to your hand scraping at her lower stomach, fiddling with the band of her boxers, a very dry, “..yup..” Slips past her lips before she’s snatching her buried arm from under you.
While she's acting distracted, sneaky fingers play their way up her tee, whisking over the toned skin of her abs nonstop as you awaited that familiar tense and gauge that lets you know you got her backed into a corner.
Riri clears her throat at your teasing, trying to blink the blooming lust out of her system. You push her controller down into the center of her lap, nudging the structure of her neck with your temple, you carp sweetly, "...Play with me instead."
That tantalizing attitude is exactly what got you pushed deep down into the seats of your couch, legs splayed on either side of Riris body as she coached you towards your first orgasm of the night, your fitful moans nothing but music to her ears.
"mmnh, mmhm, was it worth it?" her syrupy tone contrasts greatly from the way she aggressively scissored your pussy open with her middle and index so she could fit another.
And shit—!.. you were already so fucking wet from the ample thrusts she provided, clear sap glazing each length down to the center of her open palm, she probably would’ve been able to make do without the prepping.
“Distracting me all day long cause you wanna be fucked open…” she huffs, her wrist angling deeper into you for just that moment.
You nod and rut desperately into her curved fingers, finally rewarded with her ring joining your sloppy cunt. thumb rubbing at your puffy and overtly sensitive clit in tandem till your hips were rising shakily off the pillows, “so tell me, was it worth it baby?”
Your mouth gapes but no audible words are spoken, just broken whimpers & pleads for more as your hand met her flat tummy again. Tears actively lining within your waterducts when riri started to mock your uneven breathing back onto your parted lips.
How did she expect you to answer when she was fucking you so good your eyes refused to stay open for longer than a mere second? You were too far gone.
Riri loves the way you cling onto her biceps as she finally brings you over the edge, your sticky cream coating each finger that helped deliver you. She hums while kissing your sweat prickled temple, pursed lips marking their way to your warm cheeks whispering praises deep into your skin, she wasn’t done with you yet and you knew it.
She was going to keep you cumming over and over and then some till you physically couldn’t no longer, all because you interrupted her day.
Those disgustingly wet but ever numbing massages at your inner thigh get interrupted by her middle finger revisiting your ribbed walls. A loud whine cracks, more like pokes, through the air as you ignorantly clenched your weak legs around her hand. She slaps the smooth skin, holding one down flat with ease, so all you’d be able to do was take it.
If only you’d just sat back and let her enjoy her downtime..
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a/n: idk if I like this but here’s something slight while i touch up on stuff n'… things… <333
🔖: @shurislover @ririswife @s0lam33y
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