#suit. I don't think he ever said his name. whatever.
liebelesbe · 6 months
tonight in my dream it was valentine's day and somebody set me and a person I don't know irl but had a crush on in this dream (and who had a crush on me in the dream!) up on a blind date, but went about it in a scavenger hunt kind of way? Like we were at a hotel and both started out in the lobby, then got different hints and had to find more hints in the hotel until we got to the room where our date was supposed to happen. UNFORTUNATELY I'm terrible at directions & a coward, so it took me a really long time to find the right places and then sometimes it would lead to a room that said "Staff Only", so I was worried I'd gotten something wrong and wouldn't go in until an employee took pity on me and told me I was in front of the right room (bc apparently some employees were in on it too). 😭 ANYWAY at some point I made it to the last room and my date was smarter (and therefore faster) than me and had to wait for me for a pretty long time and was kind of annoyed that I took so long... 🙁 and right before the actual date could start I woke up, rip
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corkinavoid · 4 months
DPxDC Tim Encounters a Fae at a Gala
Which may be a problem, yes, but the much more alarming part? The Fae looks like Damian.
"This is pretty boring, don't you think?"
The voice comes from behind, and Tim recognizes it instantly, but at the same time, he doesn't. He's never heard Damian talk like this, easy and a little amused, with no usual stiffness to his speech. Yet this couldn't be anyone else - being a vigilante means you can never drop your guard even in your civilian identity, and who other than Damian could have sneaked up on him?
He turns around.
It is Damian, and at the same time, it's not. The boy looks just like the demon child, the same face, same height and skin tone, the same way he puts his hair. But something is wrong. The way he holds himself, his relaxed and almost lazy posture, the absence of a usual scowl on his face, the way he feels comfortable here, in a crowd of people.
And his eyes, when he looks at Tim. Icy blue, almost translucent, like the color of icebergs and glaciers.
The not-Damian tilts his head a little and smiles just slightly. Tim blinks, realizing that there was a question, and he just stares at the boy instead of answering.
"Yeah, sure," he clears his throat and breaks the eye contact, looking away from not-Damian's eyes, his thoughts a frantic mess. Is this another clone? Or some kind of a shapeshifter? In any case, they approached Tim first, he can't lose his chance at gaining some information. So Tim smiles back, "Is it your first time? At the gala, I mean."
Now, when he looks at the boy again, the stricking resemblance doesn't hit him so hard. Instead, Tim notices something else - the boy is... eerily beautiful. He's never noticed Damian looking this nice - because that would be kind of creepy if he did, - but this not-Damian is... He can't really put it into words.
He's just beautiful.
Almost unnaturally so.
"You could say that," not-Damian answers, looking over the crowd around them, "I'm not used to so many people around, but I've seen my fair share of social gatherings."
Tim blinks. That statement compiled with his absolute lack of any kind of nervousness makes little sense.
Alright, he needs to get at least some information from the mystery twin. He is a detective, for god's sake.
"Are you here with someone?" That can be a useful question. Tim sure as hell knows that Bruce could not invite some Damian lookalike without prior warning, which means the boy had to come as someone's plus one. Or he sneaked in with no invitation, that's also a possibility.
"My godfather should be here somewhere," not-Damian nods, scanning the crowd before nodding his chin in the direction of a small cluster of people. Tim follows his gaze and finds a white-haired man in a matching white and silver suit in the middle of telling some kind of story.
"Vladimir Masters?" He questions with a noticeable amount of disbelief. The man never said a word about having a godson. Ever. And Tim did a thorough background check on the owner of DalvCo.
"Got it in one," not-Damian grins. Is it just Tim, or do his teeth really look sharper than they are supposed to?
Come to think of it, his ears are also not as round as they should be.
Unnatural beauty, sharp teeth and pointy ears, questions answered in a vague and unclear way. And Tim hadn't noticed him blink even once.
He has a guess. He doesn't like it, it's a very, very bad guess, but Tim is a Bat, a Robin, and a Detective. He knows when he needs to trust his gut even if his gut is telling him absolute nonsense.
He just needs to make sure.
Tim swallows the anxious feeling in the back of his throat and turns back to not-Damian, smiling:
"I think I didn't catch your name?" He does his best at sounding confused and not alarmed. The boy's grin widens just a bit, but Tim feels a cold shiver run down his back, and his mind is all but screaming for him to run away for this is not human, and whatever it is, it is dangerous.
"Would you give me yours in exchange?" The boy's voice is soft and easy, not a hint of mischief. Just a casual question. Maybe a little teasing.
Tim's blood runs cold as he tries to remember everything he has ever read and heard about the fair folk. Never give them your name, but there has to be a way to answer this question, right?
"You may call me Damian," he finally answers. Maybe this is a risk, calling himself his brother's name, but Tim feels like this is somehow a right thing to do since the boy - the creature - looks like him.
Not-Damian's eyebrows shoot up, and there's a hint of surprise in his eyes when he starts quietly laughing. The heavy pressure of the air around him disappears at the sound of the crystalline laughter, like it was never there. Tim feels like he had just disarmed a bomb or passed a test with his own life at stake. Maybe he actually did.
"Clever," the boy grins again and nods politely, bowing his head down like they are at a medieval ball and not a gala, "My name is Danny. It is nice to meet my brother's brother."
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cc--2224 · 5 months
I Told You So
Pairing: Tech x F!Reader
Summary: After a mission goes wrong, Tech realizes that you are more precious to him than he originally thought, and though he is upset that you didn’t listen to him, he is more upset that he nearly lost you. And he intends to finally do something about it.
Warnings: This is very much 18+ Minors do not interact! Slight canon typical violence and mentions of injuries in whatever plot this has, smut; oral - f receiving, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it!!), porn with feelings, possessive Tech, slight praise kink? language
Notes: I don’t know where this came from, it has been a minute since I’ve written anything remotely spicy let alone an actual smut fic. But please let me know what you think!
Word Count: 5.5k
Taglist: None, let me know if you'd like to be added!
Edit: Thank you all for the likes and reblogs!! I hope you enjoyed it 💚
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"It is unwise for any of us to go out on our own, we should be working in teams of two." Tech pointed out as you were gearing up for your mission. You were to locate and rescue a Republic senator who had been imprisoned by the Separatists and bring them back to Coruscant.
"There's an odd number, we can't go in teams of two." You pointed out. "I can handle myself, I don't want to divide your squad." 
Ever since you had teamed up with Clone Force 99, you had gotten to know them well, but you still felt like an outsider. In some ways, you were, but you never really felt like one of the team. It wasn't uncommon for you to be the odd one out for teamwork, and to you, this was no different.
In truth, you had always hoped to be partnered with Tech when you were given the briefing, but his talents were more complementary with one of his brothers. Ever since you met him, you were drawn to him, his brains, his demeanor, the way he lit up when speaking about something that interested him which ended up being nearly everything. He was handsome and skilled, and he welcomed you into the squad immediately, over the following months, you began developing feelings for him.
It never hindered your performance on missions, not only because you were never paired up with him, but you were good at compartmentalizing your feelings from your work. You wanted to get closer to him, but there never seemed to be a good time, and even if there was, you just didn't know how to bridge the gap. 
"You can join Crosshair and myself, it will be safe for you." He suggested.
"We'll cover more ground in three groups. I'll be fine, I doubt there are even going to be any platoons that far out." 
Tech shrugged, "Suit yourself. I will send you the coordinates for our rendezvous point. Keep your comm on."
You nodded and left the Marauder with your equipment. 
You had no idea that this mission would be more dangerous than many you had encountered, but Tech knew, he always did.
As you approached the outskirts of the village, you saw a clear path straight through to the compound where you suspected the senator was held. It seemed a little too good to be true, there should have been droids out here, not full platoons, but someone keeping watch. 
You drew your blaster to be safe, and crept onward, keeping an eye out for anything out of place. You could hear chatter over the comms of the others checking in with each other, and then you heard Tech say your name. 
“All clear. As I said.” 
Tech didn’t reply and you lowered the volume on your comm, still keeping it on, but not wanting to draw attention to yourself. 
You had made it about halfway through the clearing when you saw blaster fire strike about ten paces to your left. You looked up, trying to see where it came from when you saw a platoon of B1s headed your way. 
“Easy work.” You mumbled to yourself, aiming your blaster forward, shooting them as they neared you. 
It was easy work at first, but there didn’t seem to be an end to them. When you’d shoot one, two more would appear, and before you could even disable a squadron of them, a tank appeared over the horizon. 
“Kriff.” You said. 
You considered calling for backup, but your pride couldn’t handle Tech telling you that he told you so, so instead you took a grenade out of your pack and threw it toward the platoon. It didn’t seem to damage the tank, but it at least got rid of the marching battle droids.
If you had raised your comm to ask for help, you would have heard Hunter say that the target was secure, and call for everyone to return to the ship, but you were the only one who didn’t check in. 
“Tech, Crosshair, you two go find her. Wrecker and I will bring the senator back to the ship.” Hunter told them. 
They left their post and headed to your last known location.
“Why didn’t she just join our team?” Crosshair finally asked.
“I did suggest it, but due to her stubborn nature, she was certain she would be fine on her own.” Tech’s tone indicated his annoyance. He wanted to be as annoyed as he sounded, but more than anything he was worried. 
He liked having you around, you were always willing to listen to him prattle on about whatever topic was on his mind. You were kind, you treated him and his brothers well. The idea that you could be taken from them had never crossed his mind until now. Unlike you, he had no idea of the way he felt about you. He had rarely had feelings for anyone before, he didn’t know how it was supposed to feel. All he knew was that he didn’t want to sit through a briefing without you, or ramble on about some useless topic without you intently listening, and he didn’t want your last conversation to be the last conversation. He didn’t want to be right about this one thing. 
When they saw the explosion in the distance, he began to fear he was right.
The tank fired toward you, it missed its mark and you were able to avoid a direct hit, but the explosion was just a little too close. You were sent flying back from the shock wave, and you could hear buzzing in your ear before everything went black.
If you hadn't gone out on your own, someone could have been looking out for you. Tech could have been looking out for you, just as he insisted upon.
But instead, you were so certain you could handle yourself that you had gotten yourself in trouble.
You woke up in your bunk, bandaged and sore, but still alive. You didn’t know what happened, and you weren’t exactly eager to find out, but you knew you had to face everyone eventually.
Wrecker smiled at you when you walked into the cockpit, “Well look who’s finally awake!”
Crosshair didn’t say anything, instead looking at the back of Tech’s chair. 
You heard a sigh, and then Tech turned his chair around, eyeing you up and down.
“Something you need to say?” He finally asked.
“What happened with the mission?”
Hunter spoke, “Got the senator. We’ll be arriving on Coruscant shortly.”
Had you really been asleep that long?
"I told you you should not have gone on your own." It seemed Tech was tired of the small talk.
You looked at him, unsure of what he wanted you to say. “I was just doing my part of the mission, nothing I did was out of line. I didn't know there would be that many droids on the outskirts." It was a losing argument, and one you'd rather not have in the cockpit of the Marauder in front of everyone, but Tech didn't seem interested in anything but the argument.
"Precisely. If you had gone with Crosshair and I, you would not have encountered those droids. And now you are injured because of your own mistake." He had raised his voice, something you’d never heard him do.
You flinched slightly at his words but he continued, “What happened to keeping your comm on? We were trying to reach you.”
“My comm was on!” You retorted, “Just turned it down so I wouldn’t be spotted.”
“Yes well, a lot of good that did you.” He responded sarcastically. “We might not be there to save you next time. Keep that in mind before you choose to do something so reckless.” He turned away from you, facing the front again.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the back of the chair, "I didn’t ask to be saved, in fact I’d rather be back there with the droids. Maybe then-"
Hunter cut into your argument. "That is enough, both of you." 
He looked at you with his eyebrows knit together, "Go lay down, rest is going to help your injuries, arguing is not."
You opened your mouth to protest, but before you could say anything, you turned and went to your bunk.
After you were out of earshot, Hunter spoke to Tech.
"What was that about? You can't just yell at her, she got hurt, she learned her lesson already."
"As I have mentioned, she would not have-"
"Stow it. We all know what's going on between you, even if you don't. You need to figure it out before your next outburst." Hunter turned in his chair to face the front of the ship again. Tech looked on at the dancing lights of hyperspace.
Tech didn’t speak to you for the next week. The five of you were granted time off after saving the senator and you had all decided to spend it on Coruscant, but with the tension in the ship, it didn’t seem like much of a vacation.
You knew that all you had to do was apologize, but you didn’t feel like you did anything wrong. 
You knew the others were getting tired of yours and Tech’s attitudes; they all knew that it was more than just the mission. They knew about your feelings for each other, and they knew how worried Tech had been as he treated your wounds and bandaged you up. 
The only thing they could do was to force a resolution.
“Okay, we’ve had enough.” Hunter said loud enough for both you and Tech to hear at opposite ends of the ship. “We’re all going out. And that includes the two of you.” 
He slammed down a flyer he had found for a gondola ride through the upper levels, complete with all the sights Coruscant had to offer. 
“Is that really necessary?” You asked, glancing at Tech from the corner of your eye. You couldn’t think of anything less beneficial than the five of you being cramped together in a confined space you couldn’t leave.
“It isn’t a request.” Hunter informed you. 
You sighed and left the ship, followed by the others, and finally Tech, and you made your way to the park where the dock was located.
The five of you slowly arrived at the front of the queue, and when it was your turn, you were shoved into a gondola along with Tech. None of the other batchers joined you, but before you thought to exit, the vessel's door had closed and you were moving. 
You sat down on the bench across from Tech, still avoiding eye contact by looking out the window, arms crossed. 
Tech still kept his silence. Even a week later, he was still considering Hunter's words. Was there something between him and you? He knew he didn’t want to lose you, but that was completely normal, wasn't it? And even if it wasn’t normal, that doesn’t mean whatever he felt was reciprocated. But if you did return his feelings, he knew this might be one of the only chances he had to act on it, to tell you how he felt.
When the gondola had reached nearly the top of the track, the view overlooking the Jedi temple, he sighed and finally looked at you. 
"You see, I... I felt responsible for your injuries."
"You felt responsible?" You repeated after a pause. "Wasn't it my fault that I got injured? For not following your oh-so-wise plan?" 
You were acting petulant, but your emotions were still running high and the confined space didn't help.
"Well yes, if you had done as I suggested, you would have been free from injury."
"Right, because you know everything."
"Crosshair and I left with zero injuries. So yes, this I know to be fact." 
"Do you really have to say 'I told you so'? I'm sorry, is that what you want to hear? I'm sorry that I got hurt because I didn't l-"
You didn't have time to react before you felt Tech's lips upon yours. One hand was on the side of your face and the other was digging into your waist.
The vessel rocked slightly at his movement, causing you to grip onto the bench. Your eyes were still wide at the sudden contact, but when he didn't back away, you closed your eyes and deepened the kiss, moving your hands to place them on his chest. 
He stopped to take a breath, his lips still hovering tantalizingly close over yours, breathing you in, committing your perfumed smell to memory.
You closed the gap this time when you decided he had enough time to catch his breath.
His tongue darted out and swiped across your lip, asking for access to explore. You allowed it, moaning into his mouth when you felt his tongue against yours. 
In one swift movement, he sat on the bench and pulled you into his lap, resuming the kiss once you had situated yourself. 
Your hands moved up, resting on his shoulders briefly before snaking your arms around the back of his neck, holding him close. You could feel his strong hands massaging your thighs before resting on your ass, testing the waters by giving it a squeeze, you bucked your hips slightly in response. 
You could feel a coiling sensation in your stomach, a heat pulsing through you, and pooling out onto your panties. You wanted him, and you could feel based on his actions and the stiff bulge in his pants that he wanted you just as badly.
He broke the kiss, and moved his head back, causing you to chase after his kiss. He put a finger to your lips and smirked.
"You must be patient, the gondola ride is near the end of its course, and I still have more to say about the mission." 
You frowned in protest, feeling all that heat suddenly dissipate as he gently pushed you off of him.
"Not to worry, the Marauder is nearby, no one else will be there and we can continue our conversation there, if that is what you want."
You nodded in agreement.
"I apologize, but I will need to hear an answer before I can comply."
"Yes, I want that." You said too quickly, trying and failing to not sound too desperate.
He smirked again. "Good girl. You and I still have much to discuss."
You whined slightly at his praise, then waited for the door to open as you neared the dock.
After disembarking, Tech grabbed your hand, pushing past the people exiting their respective vessels. Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair were nearby, but you didn't see them as Tech ushered you back toward the landing port.
"I guess they finally talked about it." Wrecker had said, staring wide-eyed after you two.
"We should probably give them some privacy so they can talk more." Hunter shook his head, smirking toward the ground.
"Just as long as they don't talk in my bunk." Crosshair said as he crossed his arms.
The door to the Marauder wooshed open, and the two of you hurried on board. Tech was back on you before it could close again.
He pushed you back into the wall, pinning you there as he kissed you. Placing hot kisses on your lips, your cheek, your jaw, your neck, anywhere he could.
"Do you realize how worried I was when I saw you?" He asked between kisses. "When I heard the explosion, when I rushed over only to find your body on the ground?"
He stopped kissing you and looked into your eyes, "I thought I lost you before you were even mine to lose."
"Tech.." You tried to move a hand from his grip to place it on his face, but he tightened his hold on it. “I’m sorry.”
“I do not want your apologies.” He told you, “I want you by my side, I want you to be safe. I…” He kissed you again, this time more roughly, eliciting a moan from you again. “I want you to be mine.”
Behind his goggles, his pupils were dilated, his eyes half-lidded.
The coiling feeling returned. Your stomach was in knots. You had never seen Tech like this before, you hadn’t seen him behave so possessively, and you wanted to see more of it.
"Then make me yours." You said, only a whisper. “I want to be yours.”
His mouth found yours again, not bothering to ask you to give his tongue space to enter but instead forcing it past your lips. His knee slotted itself between your legs, close enough to tease you, but not close enough to give you friction where you desired it most. You bucked your hips trying to find it on your own, and he smiled into the kiss.
"What do you want, mesh’la?" He asked you.
You bucked again in response. He removed one hand from yours and brought it down, pushing your hips back against the wall so you couldn't move them again.
"I told you, I need to hear your words. Tell me what you want."
"I want you. I-I need you."
"Then I should not keep you waiting."
He let go of your hip, and with the hand that was still holding yours above you, he guided you over toward the console.
"Here?" You asked.
"Well, of course." He guided your hips downward so that you were seated. "I cannot help but think about how pretty you would look while I fucked you right on the console of my ship."
You let out an involuntary moan at just his words alone.
He caressed the side of your face, and with a feather-light stroke across your jaw, he tilted your chin up to meet your gaze. Despite his words just a moment ago, he placed a gentle kiss on your lips once more, and his hand slowly traveled down your neck, over your breast, down your stomach, and rested at the hem of your shirt.
He looked into your eyes, silently asking for permission. You nodded eagerly and he pulled your shirt up over your head. He tossed it onto the seat behind him and then looked at you, admiring the newly uncovered parts of you.
"Beautiful." He whispered. Out of everything done so far, this one word was enough to make you blush, you tried to turn your head away but he stopped you.
Leaning down over you, he placed a kiss on your shoulder, then your collarbone, trailing down to your breasts, still obstructed by your bra. His lips kissed the top of one, while his hand held the other over the fabric. You reached behind your back and unclasped it, giving him access to another part of you where you wanted to feel his touch.
He tutted quietly. "I could have done that myself."
You rolled your eyes jokingly and he resumed allowing his lips to explore your skin, now alternating between kissing and sucking. And where his lips weren't, his hands were. Squeezing the flesh, thumbing over your nipple while his mouth worked on the other.
Soon, he continued his exploration, and as he neared your stomach, he lowered himself down until he was kneeling between your thighs.
His gaze was hungry as it focused on your center, his lips formed a tight line, holding his mouth closed to prevent his tongue from hanging out.
His hands were on your knees, he trailed them up your thighs, stopping at the waistband of your pants, once again looking up at you to ask your permission. You situated yourself to make it easier for him to remove them, and soon they too were discarded, thrown back toward the pilot chair. His hands were back on your thighs, prodding the soft skin, placing hot, open-mouthed kisses on each of them, sucking them enough to leave marks.
You whined, both at the sensation of him marking your legs, but also at the lack of sensation where you really wanted him to be.
He smirked up at you, and then spread your legs further apart, slowly moving his face toward your aching cunt. He could see how turned on you were, and he licked his lips before speaking.
"Stars, you appear to be soaked."
"Mmhm." Was all you could manage, all your attention was on the fact that he was inches away from giving you the friction you needed.
"Cyar'ika.." He scolded. "Words. You need something of me, what is it?"
"I... I just need you, I need your mouth, your fingers, your cock, I-I need to feel you." Your desperate words turned his gaze dark.
"Good girl, telling me everything you want," his praise caused you to squirm, trying to close your thighs just to feel friction, but he held them open.
"You enjoy it when I call you that?"
"Gods, yes." You moaned.
He hummed in response, keeping that knowledge filed away.
He finally pressed his face forward, nose rubbing against your clothed pussy. You whined in response. He dragged the tip of his nose upward, knowing exactly where you wanted to be touched, and he hooked his fingers around the waistband of your panties, relishing in your whines and pleas for him to finally take them off of you, and soon he relented, letting them join the rest of your clothes before he dove in.
He ate you like a man starved, licking you through your folds, tasting as much of you as he could.
"G-ah, fuck, Tech," you cried out, your hands reaching for his hair. The feeling of your hands gripping his hair causing him to groan.
His lips wrapped around your clit, alternating between sucking it and circling his tongue around it. He could feel you squirming at his touch and he reached one hand up, resting it on your hips, hoping to help anchor your.
With his other hand, he circled your entrance, teasing you, making you beg him to touch you before he obliged.
He slid one long finger into you as far as he could, pressing against the spongy walls, exactly where you needed to feel him.
He let go of your clit and let his tongue run up and down your folds, getting another taste of your juices.
"M-mmo-" You began to say, being cut off by the feeling of his tongue making another swipe up.
"My apologies, you will have to repeat yourself." He looked up at you, his face slick with your arousal.
"More, I need more."
He raised an eyebrow and plunged another finger into you. Your head rolled back and you cried out.
"Is that what you wanted?"
Your grip tightened on his hair, pulling his face back into you. His hot breath fanned against your cunt and you sighed in contentment.
"Gods, you are a needy thing." His purred, his voice vibrated against you as he attached himself to your clit again.
He sucked on you while his fingers made scissor patterns inside you, all the while you could feel the coil start to tighten.
"I'm close-" You cried out. He didn't change anything about his rhythm. He strived to get you there, he was eager to please you after he had been so harsh toward you earlier. His tongue circled your clit and he could feel you pulsing around his fingers.
You could feel the heat growing in your stomach, your moans got louder as you got closer. He slid his fingers out, and before you could complain about the loss, you felt his tongue swiping up and down before dipping inside you. His fingers resumed drawing circles on your clit as he drank from you.
Your thighs clenched together, forcing him to stay exactly where he was, you muttered out a string of curses as the coil finally snapped and you cried his name as you came undone. He kept lapping at you until you were through.
You released your hold on his hair and he stood back up.
"You taste magnificent," He smirked, licking your arousal off his fingers before his mouth found yours again. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he leaned you back onto the console. You shuddered when you felt his stiffened cock press against you. His hands began grabbing at your breasts and your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him in.
"You are perfect." He said as he began kissing every piece of you he could. He locked onto your neck, he kissed you fervently, then gently bit down, giving you a mark that would be difficult to hide from the others, not that they didn’t already have an idea of what was going on here. But that’s what Tech wanted, he wanted to show everyone that you were his. 
"Tech.." You said quietly,
"I want to see you." You pushed yourself back up onto your elbows and looked into his eyes.
For a moment, just for a moment, he froze, but soon enough, his hands moved to the fastener on his pants.
"Let me do that."
He smirked and helped you off the console gently.
You worked on the buttons on his shirt first, unbuttoning them slowly, placing gentle kisses on his chest as each loose button reveals it to you.
He tilted your chin up and leaned in for a kiss, pressing against you. You could feel his stiff bulge press into you again and your hands moved faster to unbutton his shirt.
You pushed it off his shoulders when it's finally unbuttoned, and you looked at his toned chest. You knew he'd be strong but it was still a surprise to you. Your fingers danced across his torso, feeling the muscles under his smooth skin, before finally landing on the fastener of his pants.
You look up at him, just as he did for you, asking for his permission. He pressed his forehead against yours in response, you smiled and kissed his lips, then moved to undo the fastening. He helped you to slide his pants off, and he stepped out of them, kicking them off to the side.
You could see the outline of his cock much clearer against his briefs and you could feel your mouth water, you clenched your thighs together, not wanting to wait to feel it inside of you. He raised an eyebrow at you.
"You desire it so badly?" He asked you, forcing your gaze away from it and back up to him.
You nod quickly, "Yes."
He smiled then rutted his hips against you, "Then please, continue."
Your hands moved to the waistband of his briefs, he moved his lips to yours again and you returned the kiss before kissing along his jaw, then his neck. You peeled the waistband down and he hissed as his briefs grazed across his cock. They had soon joined the rest of the clothes and you looked down.
You bit your bottom lip and you started to lower yourself down but he stopped you. You gave him a confused look, and he smirked.
"There will be plenty of time for that at a later time. But for now,"
He continued by guiding you back onto the console, laying your back down and he stood between your legs with his hands on your thighs.
"Are you comfortable?" He asked.
"Yes," you assured him.
You felt his cock rub against your folds, before he positioned himself at your entrance.
"Ready?" He asked.
You bucked your hips in response and he pushed himself in without another word.
You arched your back as you felt him stretch you open, if there was any pain, it quickly turned into pleasure as he buried himself in you inch by inch.
When he was fully sheathed, he gave you a moment to adjust before he started to move. He started out slow, he made sure that you were used to the feeling of his thrusts before he picked up the pace.
"Gods, you are taking me so well, cyar'ika."
You replied with a moan. You bucked your hips to meet his pace and he smirked.
"Is there something you want?"
"Mmm p-please, go fas-faster" you answered between thrusts.
"Very well," He obliged, his hands gripped onto your thighs and he buried himself again, quickening his pace at your request. He looked at you as you took his cock, the way your back arched, how your tits bounced with each thrust, the way your face contorted in pleasure.
He tightened his grip on your thighs, you took that as a hint to wrap your legs around his waist and he moaned in response, feeling himself go even deeper inside you.
"You are so perfect, such a good girl for me." Your walls clenched around his cock at his praise.
He thrusted into you harder wanting to explore the new angle he was permitted.
“Fu-uck,” you whined.
"Is this okay?" He asked, unsure of if he was hurting you.
"Gods, yes!"
He set a brutal pace, but you bucked your hips, meeting his thrusts each time.
Tech could feel himself nearing his climax, his pace started to become slightly more erratic. He slid one hand down your thigh toward your center. He circled your clit with his thumb, intending on sending you over the edge with him.
Your walls clenched around him again at the contact. You were getting close again. Your moans grew louder as you neared the edge.
"That's it," He said, he wanted to feel you come undone again. He continued circling your clit as he thrusted into you. "Be a good girl and come for me once more, come on my cock."
Your second orgasm crashed over you without as much of a warning as the first, your legs tightened around him, he slowed his thrusts down, helping you through it, and he moaned at how your walls constricted him. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer.
"Wh.. Where do you want me?" He asked.
"In-inside," you said, still overcoming the last of the waves of pleasure.
He didn't ask any further questions, he buried himself as far as he could before he stilled, his cock twitching inside you as he painted your walls with hot ropes of his seed.
He moaned out your name as he finished, feeling himself soften inside of you, he pulled himself out of you and you pushed yourself up, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing his lips, your tongue darting into his mouth.
He returned the kiss, holding you close to him, and his hands traveled across your thighs, before lifting you up from the console.
“I love you.” You told him, resting your head on his shoulder as he held you. “I think I always have, but… In case it still wasn’t obvious.”
He smiled and carried you toward the refresher, sitting you down on the counter when you arrived, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips. “Perhaps it was not obvious over the last week, but now, I would have more questions if you did not.” He smiled at you, “I love you too. But next time, if I ask you to join me on a mission instead of going off on your own, please listen to me.”
“But look where it brought us.” You replied with a smirk.
“Perhaps that is true, but for your own information, you do not need to nearly get yourself killed in order for me to fuck you. You could have just asked.”
He grabbed a towel before he quickly left to retrieve your clothes and clean off the console. Tech soon returned to you and turned the water on, helping you off the counter and guiding you to the shower where he joined you. It didn’t take long for his lips to be on you once again. 
While it was your stubbornness that led you to this point in the first place, you were suddenly very eager to see what would happen on the next mission, should you and Tech finally be paired together.
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munsonsmixtapes · 4 months
Ok but imagine like older Eddie he's like 50 and he's still in corroded coffin but they only got big around Hawkins and surrounding areas but like you meet him ajd you're 23 and he's selling merch and you donf think he's in the band and you're in town for the headliners band which is a bigger more well known band bur yiu and Eddie start flirting and you're wearing your usual concert outfit a tight cropped tank top and short shorts and you guys takk and you wnd up buying merch for the band you think he's just selling for jusf bc you needed a reason to talj to him and then you go to your seats and the opening band is Eddie's bandand yiu see him and your jaw drops and you're in shock and he's so so giddy and flirty wven while he's playinf but only ti you and he feels like a teenager again and his hormones are racing and after the set you don't even stay to watch the headliner you go and talj eith him more and one thing leads to another and yiu guys ya know get filthy 🥵🥵🙈🙈🙈
This is such a great request! I did change the age gap because it’s a little too large for my liking so I hope that’s okay!
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) fingering, grinding, age gap (reader is 25 and Eddie is 40)
You entered the crowded venue and smoothed out your skirt before heading over to the merch stand of the band you were most excited to see. You had worn your best outfit, hoping to get some action from the lead guitarist, even though he was definitely old enough to be your father. What could you say? You had a thing for older men and didn’t think there was anything wrong with that.
You pulled your shirt down just enough to show your cleavage, even though your bra was very visible through the tight material and made your way over to the merch table where you knew the band hung out before their set.
You looked around at the other tables as you went and stopped when you saw the hottest man you had ever seen at the stall right next to the one you had your eye on. He was staring directly at you, his eyes looking directly at your tits that were practically spilling over your tank top.
He had a beard that you were definitely into and his hair was pulled back into a loose bun which you assumed was to keep his hair off his neck in the hot venue and he was wearing a denim vest which showcased his tattoos very nicely. He had some on his torso and both of his arms were covered in full sleeves.
As you stepped closer, you could see all of his face piercing which included a hoop through both his lip and nose and a piercing through his eyebrow. He was so hot that you could have sworn you were getting wet just from looking at him.
“Hi,” you greeted, putting on your signature flirty smile and he mimicked it, his far better than yours.
“Hi,” he replied, pressing his hands on the counter and leaning forward, just close enough for you to get a whiff of him. He smelled like the perfect mixture of tobacco and whatever cologne he was wearing and it was intoxicating.
“Corroded Coffin?” You asked, looking down at the shirts that were displayed both behind him and on the table he was leaning on. You knew practically every band in the genre so you weren’t entirely sure why you had never heard of them.
“They’re newer,” he responded, his voice sounding raspy and low, making your cunt even more damp. “It’s their first big show outside of Indiana.”
“That’s really cool,” you smiled. You always loved supporting smaller bands and eyed the CD that was next to him, displaying what you had assumed was their album.
“You should check them out,” he said, handing you one of the CDs and a shirt that he assumed was your size. You reached for your purse, but he just shook his head.
“No need, sugar,” he winked. “It’s on the house.”
“Well thank you-” you paused, realizing you didn’t know his name.
“Eddie,” he responded and got thought the name suited him.
“Eddie,” you repeated and he loved the way it fell from your pretty glossed lips.
“And you are?” He asked, leaning even closer and his scent entered your nose again, making you want to smell it forever.
“I guess you’ll have to find out when you find me later,” you gave him a wink of your own and grabbed a sharpie from your purse that you had brought for autographs and grabbed his hand before scribbling your number on it. With that, you turned on your heel to head to to head into the seating area, making a beeline for a spot right in front of the barricade, the whole reason why you originally showed up in the first place as your mind wandered to Eddie.
Not long after, you received a text from Eddie which had been an eggplant emoji and immediately saved his number before sending him the water droplets back.
After about an hour of making conversation with the people around you, the lights went down and the first band came on. You watched as fog moved across the stage as the curtain slowly rose to reveal the band, a gasp escaping your lips as you realized that the front man was Eddie.
“How we doing San Francisco?” He asked as he adjusted his mic. His eyes locked on yours and you smiled, giving him a flirty wave. Everyone erupted in cheers and you joined them, clapping your hands together and cheering as loud as you could.
“Good to hear it. May I say that I am doing fantastic. I think I’m gonna start off with a fan favorite. Is that alright?” Everyone cheered again and you were curious to see which song they were going to perform.
The song started off slow, but you didn’t miss the absolutely filthy lyrics that were spilling from Eddie’s mouth. He was watching the entire time, almost as if he was dedicating the song to you. He then stepped away from his mic, you reached your hand out to him and he took it, pressing a kiss to the skin, looking directly into your eyes as he sang about wanting to fuck you like an animal.
As you watching Eddie perform, you let your mind think about all of the things you’d let him do to you. The way you’d grind against him while he sat in the passenger seat of your car as he took what he wanted from you as he kissed you until you were both breathless. He’d then stick his hands underneath your skirt and finger you, stretching you out so you’d be ready for his giant cock and he’d fuck you until you both orgasmed, the windows fogging up from your moans mixing together in the air.
You honestly hadn’t been paying attention their entire set after the first song. All you could think about was how badly you wanted to see Eddie naked and just how much you wanting to run your tongue along his lip ring while he pounded into you, making you moan like you never had before.
You sent Eddie your location as you got to your car and he met you there pretty quickly, still in his outfit from before, his torso glistening with sweat that you found yourself wanting to lick up.
“So, you gonna tell me your name now?” He asked as he took a drag of the cigarette he was holding.
“I’m y/n.”
“Oh, I’m gonna love moaning that,” he responded then his eyes widened. “That is why you asked me here, right?”
“What did you think the emoji meant?”
“I just wanted to be sure, sugar,” he took another drag from the cigarette and blew it through his lips. “Just wanted to make sure the feeling was mutual before I did anything. And I also wanted to make sure that you were of age before we did anything. You’d be surprised how many minors try to get with me.”
You pulled your ID from your wallet and handed it to him. You had been younger than he thought and a couple years younger than the half your age plus seven rule but since it was only two, he supposed he could make an exception. You were just so hot to not take the opportunity.
He gave you your ID back and without hesitation, his lips were on yours in a filthy kiss as he set you on the hood of your car, spreading your legs so he could step between them to get closer to you. He licked into your mouth and laid you down onto the hood, neither of you caring who was around. You were just so desperate for each other that you couldn’t waste any time getting into the car.
His tongue roughly scraped against yours and you let out a moan at the feeling which made his dick harden which you felt against you, making you even more wet. Eddie’s hand slowly moved down to your skirt and moved up it. His fingers were rough and his rings were cool against your thigh as he slowly moved his hand up it. His cock hardened even more once he realized you hadn’t been wearing any underwear.
He shoved two of his fingers up your pussy as his lips moved against yours and you moaned into his mouth at both the sensation and his cold rings brushing the sensitive skin.
“Oh,” you moaned and he pulled away, wanting to see you come undone at his touches. Your eyes closed as he got both fingers fully inside and then he pulled out, pumping in and out and you moaned louder as he moved harder and faster, your legs giving out at the pure delight that was coursing through you.
“Look so pretty around my fingers, sugar. Bet you look even prettier around my cock,” he said as he pulled his fingers out of you as soon as you reached your orgasm. He licked the slick clean off his fingers and looked down at you with a grin as you gasped at the action. “And look at that, you taste even better.”
Your legs were feeling like jello as you were sliding down the hood of the car. Eddie caught you and helped you to the passenger seat. He got in first and you climbed on top of him. He slammed the door and as soon as you were in the privacy of the tinted windows, your lips were on his, the kiss rough and hot as you leaned the seat back as far as it would go. Once it was situated, you moved your hands to Eddie’s vest, pulling it down his shoulders. He leaned up so you had more ease removing it and eventually, it ended up in the backseat as he pulled the bottom of your shirt out from your skirt. He could see the red bra underneath it pretty clearly, but he wanted to see it without the shirt being in the way.
You lifted your arms and he removed your shirt in one quick motion, tossing it into the back seat before taking a moment to get a look at you. You looked so fucking hot on top of him with your kiss bitten lips and your tits that were practically spilling out of your bra. He didn’t know what he had done to be able to be there with you in that moment, but he was definitely going to consider himself fucking lucky.
Eddie’s fingers ran along the lace that was attached to the tops of the cups and you felt your nipples harden as his fingers touched your bare chest as his fingers moved. He kissed you again and stuck his hand down one of the cups to squeeze your tit. He licked into your mouth and you began grinding against him, the slick of your sopping wet cunt seeping through his jeans, making the fabric wet as well.
You felt his hard dick against your entrance as you continued to grind on him and he groaned into your mouth at the feeling. Eventually, his hands moved to the back of your bra and he unclasped it with ease before tossing it to the back to join your other discarded clothing.
“God, fuck, you’re so hot,” he practically whimpered as he caught sight of your tits.
“Oh, you like them?” You asked, moving to the left and right, causing them to move with you. Eddie swore he was going to cream his pants right there.
“Wanna see them bounce while you ride me,” his voice was even lower and raspy than before and you swore that you weren’t going to survive if he was going to keep talking like that. “Wanna ride me, sugar?” That nickname was doing things to you that you couldn’t even explain.
“Wanna ride you so bad, fuck,” you whined. Oh, he could get used to that. You moved so he could remove his pants while you reached for a condom in your purse. Once you had it and his pants and underwear were down to his ankles. His cock was even larger than you had expected and you were not glad he had fingered you so you were more stretched out.
“You’re so big,” you told him and he smiled.
“Think you can take it?”
“Oh, I know I can.” You rolled the condom onto his dick then situated yourself onto it, the two of you letting out moans as he entered you. You grabbed onto his shoulders while his hands went to your waist. Your hips bucked as you began to ride him. Eddie watched your tits bounce as you moved and he was mesmerized by the moment, very sure that no one had ever looked that hot in that situation.
You continued to ride him as you leaned down and pressed your lips to his, your tongue moving his lip ring back and forth as your bare tits pressed to his chest. It was overstimulating, but he didn’t even care.
“Fuck, driving me crazy,” he moaned. “Can’t be doing all these things at once, sugar. My poor cock can’t take it.”
“Oh, you can take it,” you responded, your movements becoming even faster and harder, causing his back to arch, his own hips bucking against yours. His vision went hazy as he reached his peak, letting out his loudest moan yet, but neither of you were ready to stop.
You pulled him in for another filthy kiss and loved the way his facial hair scraped against your face. It was touch and coarse and you didn’t even care if it irritated your skin so long as he kept kissing you like that, his tongue swirling around and scraping against yours.
You scratched down his chest and you continued to ride him, the feeling of his hips bucking against yours causing you to come undone. His fingers were digging into your hips so hard that you swore that he was going to leave bruises, but you didn’t care. In fact, you kind of wanted him to so you could have physical proof of this moment.
Your pace slowed down as both of you orgasmed, wanting to take things slow for a bit since you had gotten there so quickly. Now you just wanted to enjoy the way he felt inside you a little longer. He felt so good and you were stalling at that point because you knew that this was just going to be a one time thing. It always was with rockstars. They were always the hit it and quite it types.
You eventually got off of Eddie and the two of you cleaned up and he pulled his pants back up which you helped him button. You then settled yourself back on his lap and leaned your head against his chest, tracing the tattoo that was right by your face.
“So, same time tomorrow?” He asked, letting his fingers gently run up and down your back and you pulled back to look at him.
“You want to?” You asked, your face lighting up at his suggestion. He pulled you into a short kiss before smiling as well.
“Sugar, if you fuck me like that again, I’d be happy to do it every night.” You pulled him in for another kiss the laid your head back on his chest to hide the grin on your face.
“It’s a date,” he responded, a grin making its way upon his face as he thought that maybe he’d wine and dine you first. That was what you deserved for making him feel that good, after all.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Leona: Who'd've thought I'd get to lay my eyes on paintings that I've only ever seen in artbooks like this…?
Leona: That's the Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art, for ya. This'll probably be good for perusing.
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???: Heey, the King of Beasts's got a great lookin' mug in this painting.
Floyd: I wonder what's goin' on? Oh hey, Sea Lion-senpai, you tell me.
Leona: Huh? Why should I have to explain anything to you?
Floyd: 'Cause you're right here. But hey, if you don't know nothin' about it, that's cool too?
Leona: Tch… Fine, whatever, just don't start something annoying. You better get lost after this.
Leona: In order for him to establish his ideal nation, he required cooperation from the hyenas…
Leona: Once he came to that conclusion, he himself went to where the hyenas lived in order to negotiate with them.
Leona: There, he spoke at length as to how he could best utilize their strengths and abilities. This painting depicts that scene.
Floyd: Uh-huh. 'N so, what'd the hyenas do? They just went along with what the King of Beasts said without causin' a fuss?
Leona: The hyenas were already pretty hated. And the king was offering a trusted position directly under him.
Leona: It was a tremendous boon for the hyenas, from their perspective. So, of course they took him up on his offer.
Leona: He didn't let what society thought of them sway him, instead he gave jobs to each hyena as what suited their individual abilities…
Leona: This single moment shows just how accomplished the King of Beasts was as a ruler.
Floyd: You think so? I know I wouldn't like having someone sizin' me up and choosing what I gotta do~
Leona: It's the same with sports, ain't it?
Leona: Imagine having a good shooter stuck on defense, or a spindly guy on offense…
Leona: If the team goes along with a coach that gives asinine directions like that, they'd lose even the easiest of matches.
Leona: That goes for both you all in the basketball club, as well as us in the Spelldrive club.
Leona: Anyone can be useful, even if they don't have the constitution or strength.
Leona: For example, if you got a guy who's got nimble fingers, you just gotta put 'em where they can steal the ball or disc from the opponent.
Leona: Then, you use someone who can stay in control of game and send them towards the goal.
Leona: There's no need to have everyone rushing around the field. Any number of tactics can be used to score goals.
Floyd: I get what you're sayin, sure, but whaddya do if your teammates don't listen to what you say?
Floyd: See, I don’t like doin' anything if it's boring, y'know. There's tons of times I get bored in the middle of a basketball game, too.
Leona: Heheh. What, they not giving you any rewards over there in the basketball club?
Floyd: Eh, you saying the Spelldrive club gets somethin' for winning?
Leona: That's right. We get the finest reward one could ask for:
Leona: Victory.
Leona: Our club runs on the merit system. Anyone who can't show their worth during a match gets dropped from the starting team…
Leona: But with just a bit of effort, anyone can get their chance in the spotlight and even find their names on the lips of people outside this academy.
Leona: Plus, this school throws a lot of support towards the Spelldrive team, so even certain grades can be overlooked from time to time.
Leona: Essentially that means each one of our victories matter much more than any of the other athletic clubs' wins.
Floyd: Hmmm… I thought you guys in the Spelldrive club were a bunch of try-hards, so I didn't think I'd like it, but I'm likin' the sound of that merit system.
Floyd: Maybe I'll join the Spelldrive club too. Don'tcha think I'd be great at it?
Leona: No way, absolutely not. …Also, how long you plannin' on following me? I'm already done explaining things, hurry up and leave me alone, already.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Floyd: Mmkay, next. What's this painting?
Leona: [sigh]… This painting's showing the Thorn Fairy's men all celebrating their master's endeavors.
Floyd: They're, what… dancing around a green fire? Looks kinda like a campfire! Bet they're havin' fun~
Leona: True, they look pretty carefree. Seems like the Thorn Fairy's subordinates don't mind doin' menial tasks.
Floyd: Menial tasks…? Oh, right, there's a ton of cleanup to do after making a fire, or something like that, huh.
Leona: An astute observation, little merling. I'd expect nothing less from someone so naïve in the intricacies of fire.
Leona: Here on the surface, even the smallest flame can grow into a blaze with a little mismanagement.
Leona: Especially in places where the air is dryer… like where I come from in the Sunset Savanna.
Leona: It's not that bad during the rainy season, but there's gotta be extra caution thrown to the wind during dry season. As a precaution, we've enacted regular fire drills.
Floyd: Uh-huuuh. Didja do those fire drills too, Sea Lion-senpai?
Leona: Yeah. Like I said, fire can be a matter of life or death in my country. That's why those fire drills are essential services.
Leona: It's a pain, but the royal family's gotta do it, to set a good example for our people.
Leona: Since a majority of the country get together to observe, it's basically just another huge traditional event at this point.
Leona: Although… Let's just say there's been times that I've had other things on my plate that I completely forgot to take part.
Floyd: Mhhmm… And so, what all do ya do during those drills?
Leona: To be perfectly frank, it's basically getting practice in with handling water. A buncha people'll hold onto a large hose and put out a huge fire in real time.
Floyd: Wow, that's lamer than I thought. Doesn't sound like much fun to just watch happen.
Leona: Oh, not at all. It's not so bad if you're just there to watch it go down.
Floyd: Eh, whyzzat?
Leona: Because they get to witness the glorious scene of the royal family being tossed around by a giant hose.
Leona: You might think that'll invigorate the gathered public, seeing how willing we are to risk their life for the country…
Leona: But if you ask me, I think there's something more to it.
Leona: People can see them in regal attire caked in dirt, and their miserable faces all swollen from the smoke in their eyes…
Leona: They can even see those well-groomed manes completely sopping wet and pathetic. I bet it bring a gleam of joy to them all, heh.
Floyd: Heh, Sea Lion-senpai, I see right through you. You say you'd sometimes forget, but you def haven't been takin' part in it for a while, haven'tcha?
Leona: Well now, who can say?
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Floyd: Hey, I think this is a painting of when the Sorcerer of the Sands got his hands on a magic lamp.
Floyd: He looks like he's havin' the time of his life. Most of the Sorcerer's paintings are of him lookin' real smart and proper, so this one's kinda cool and different.
Leona: This tale is of one where he finally achieved his heart's desire after a long and difficult journey. No wonder he'd be ecstatic.
Floyd: You mean he worked super hard for that single lamp? Bet all the trouble he went through to get there was fun, at least.
Floyd: It's boring if you can just easily snag something you want. The more you want something, the more it's worth tryin' to get it.
Leona: Makes sense to me. So what, when I saw you slackin' off the other day, that was you trying your darndest to get class credit, or something?
Floyd: You're one to talk. 'Specially since you skip class waaaay more than I do.
Floyd: Wait, so you were in the botanical garden then too, huh. You shoulda said something, we coulda been skiving buddies~
Leona: Unlike you, I ain't all that impressed with conversation. I was taking a snooze in the tree shade.
Leona: I'd just found a good place to get some shut-eye, I ain't looking to waste time on idle prattle.
Leona: I prefer a quieter, cooler, more comfortable place…
Leona: Now, that would be a place worth sleepin' in.
Floyd: Ahah, that's some stuff to be picky about when you're just plannin' on sleeping there.
Leona: I ain't asking for much. At the very least, all I need is for you to not be there.
Leona: Trying to sleep somewhere noisy'll affect my sleep quality.
Floyd: What, you saying there's different types of sleep, now? Doesn't seem like where or how ya sleep really changes anything to me.
Leona: I am much more of a delicate being than you are, is all. If the quality of my sleep ain't pristine, then it'll slow down my thinking processes.
Leona: I ain't gonna be happy if I can't be quick on my feet and some conniving sneak tries to get the better of me.
Leona: At the very least, I make sure to increase the quality of sleep I can get in my room by taking precautions.
Floyd: Huh, like what?
Leona: I'd roll out a rug under my bed, for one. Even just doin' that'll keep the noise coming from the floor below to a minimum.
Leona: You got all the freshmen, four to a room. There's fighting and arguing over their personal space almost on a daily basis.
Leona: And it wouldn't do 'em any good if I were to intervene on their behalf every time they got in a tussle, right?
Leona: That's why I try a buncha different things to help keep the volume down. It's for all our sakes.
Floyd: You say it's for your underclassmen, but you're just doin' it to get some nappin' in.
Leona: Oh me, oh my. How absolutely wretched that you cannot even see just how loving and kind of an upperclassman I am.
Floyd: Uh-huh, sure… Anyway, I'm gettin' bored lookin' at all these paintings. I think I'll go look around elsewhere.
[Floyd leaves]
Leona: Yeah, yeah, get outta my sight already. Geez, his attention turns on a dime. Whatever, I guess I'll also… Hm?
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Leona: This artwork depicts the scene where the King of Lions introduces his newly born cub to his people. Well now, what an absolutely cheerful looking spectacle.
Leona: When their belief in a future filled with hope is suddenly overtaken by despair…
Leona: I feel like I would be able to say this from the bottom of my heart: …Long live the king.
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Requested by @farfalla049 and @sakurakudo.
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arkhammaid · 7 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. it's pre-season testing time!
content warnings. smau & written parts, written in 3rd person & lowercase, not edited & proofread
word count. 1.1k
notes. we're dipping into the season, slowly but surely... this took me some time to finish, i literally didn't know what to write for testing ://
"we are here in bahrain, pre-season testing for all teams in 2025, welcome everyone!" croft greets the whole world, as live footage is shown across the devices. the camera spans over the whole track, to each individual paddock until stopping at the final one, in blinding white.
"the season is starting with a bang, for the first time in formula one, we will see a stark owned team on the track! in white and chrome they are, an iconic design and everyone is eager to see what the stark manufactured cars can do!"
"how right you are, david! welcome, i'm will buxton and i have someone of interest with me here. right here, in front of the stark racing garage- y/n stark, number 95, one of the drivers for stark racing. so, y/n, tell me, how are you feeling? are you ready for the first time in the car?"
"hello will, thank you for having me. well, it's not quite the first time in the car, we had a testing back in miami at the end of january, but it's something different to be officially here now. but i'm feeling confident- we have our data, the predicted numbers and we think we'll be able to achieve them."
"so, no major upgrades or changes planned?" y/n shakes her head with a grin.
"do you really think i'm going to answer that question? ask me again, when we're done." will laughs at that, nodding his head in understanding.
"understandable, but i will hold you onto that! gonna knock on the garage doors three days later." y/n laughs again, head thrown back. "but, y/n, how does it feel to be on the paddock? have you met the rest of the drivers yet? made any new friendships?"
"can you turn that off?", carlos gruffly asks his teammate, who just waves his hand at him as answer. with a groan, he stares at the tv, showing the first driver interview of the day, y/n stark. her voice washes over him, empty answers of being excited to properly meet everyone and maybe even bond with a few drivers.
"i don't know why you're so obsessed, perceval." charles immediatly splutters, waving his hands to deny the accusation.
"i'm not! but it's so interesting! tony stark is literally here, aren't you at least a bit excited? arthur said that y/n is like him!"
"what, arrogant? self-centered?"
"carlos! stop being so negative! i meant like- a genius! someone who raced with her back in f3 is friends with arthur, i forgot his name, but apparently y/n constantly does calculations while she drives. that's why she's so good overtaking." carlos just sighs and leaves charles to whatever he's doing right now. he has no interest in this circus.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ 🏎️ ˖⁺‧₊˚—
kevin watches the interviews from the sideline, completely satisfied with how everyone is hounding y/n and leaving him in peace. of course he had his fair amount of questions and interviews, but much less than his teammate.
it has been a whirlwind, ever since he joined the team. strange, for a while, everything seeming so futuristic, but now his glasses feel like a another part of his race suit he's putting on every day.
the team has been welcoming, open to his input, but it's very clear to him that y/n is their star driver and he's the support. and he's alright with it. of course, winning a championship would mean everything, but he knows he's not going to continue this forever. especially not when he has a kid, he's missing so much... something he dislikes, because family means everything to him.
this is why his contract is only for two years. if he wishes to continue and his results at the end of the season are steady, tony promised him a seat as long he wishes for. he is incredibly thankful for this offer, fully knowing that this kind of support doesn't exist in formula one.
"ready to go?", he asks, after y/n's press officer ushers her out of the mob called journalists.
"so ready to go", she grins. but they're not alone, the netflix camera's immediately surround them and capture their walk to the garage. people part from them, staring openly at the drivers. one of the most iconic footage later shown in the drive to survive documentary.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ 🏎️ ˖⁺‧₊˚—
"so, here he goes, kevin magnussen for stark racing, leaving his side of the garage. the car is looking incredible, i really like the color!", comments crofty and the other men immediately begin to chatter as well. throwing in rumors and hearsay about the team, they expertly fill the silence of kevin doing his first lap on the track.
"last to leave the garage and on the track, all eyes are on stark racing- oh and there he goes, picking up the speed!"
"his tyres seem to have warmed up- woah! look at the smoothness! kevin seems to be home in his car, his struggles from the last season are nowhere to be seen", adds jenson, while the cameras continue to follow the white car with the number 20.
"and there he goes! on medium tyres, setting the third fastest lap already, this looks definitely promising." will shares his own thoughts, reminding the viewers that there is definitely a possibility of stark racing going at least one or two seconds faster.
"by the looks of it, the stark racing team seems to be satisfied- honestly can't tell much, the glasses are hiding too much", jokes another man and all of them laugh. "bloody starks, am i right?"
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ 🏎️ ˖⁺‧₊˚—
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the testing days are filled with endless laps and data, followed by long hours of debrief. they've already proven that they're fast, slotting themselves on the upper half of the grid, sticking close to the more experienced teams.
speculations are thrown around, is stark racing sandbagging? of course they must be, while others think that this is the best they can do. neither of the drivers or the team principal lose a word on it, instead they repeat always the same statements.
"we delivered what we predicted."
"we tested our theories, confirmed or debunked them, so the past three days have been very productive."
"we're exactly there where we want to be and we know our next steps."
empty words and yet the journalists pounce on them as if they're the next headlines. the whole world watches with eagerness as stark racing finishes up their debut in formula one and they impatiently await the first race of the season.
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333 notes · View notes
shaisuki · 9 months
Oh Oh Oh, I have an idea!
Yan,husband reo has an argument with reader before dragging her to the gala with him. As pictures are taken of them and so forth, the two finally go inside reo's limo.
He then scolds her for how she was being difficult before, but admires how beautiful she is. So for being a good wife for him, he'll be a gentle to her this time around.
The two exit the car to their home, as reader is wobbling in her heels and covered in bite marks, unprepared for round 2.
Sorry if it's long, hope you have a good day!
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content warnings ───implied forced marriage, yandere themes, gaslighting, dubcon, power imbalance, cunnilingus, car sex, exhibitionism.
notes. i'm sorry it took so long anon and thank you for this wonderful idea.
ᝰ synopsis .ᐟ your husband who can't be upset to you even he's the reason of your anger.
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“i have no significance to said event. why would i attend?” you reasoned out. flipping a page of your book without sparing a glance at the man who have been your husband.
“you're my wife. you are expected to be there.” reo's eyes scanning all over you and there's already a hint of disappointment in his voice upon the refusal.
“well, sorry. no one would bother to see me and it's only for your partners who wants to kiss your ass. they don't need mine, they need yours.” tongue sharp as ever he hears and reo frowns before turning into one of a smile. it was hopeful and bright. a complete opposite to your scowl.
“just for me? i promise we can do whatever you want.” he bargained and upon hearing that, you close your book. the impact of the two thick compiled pages resonating in the room and a brief silence covered the area before you face him. “whatever i want?" you scoff. “does that include having my freedom and there's no we. it is i that i want, reo and you're a selfish prick. there's no want in this deal. fuck that event and fuck you.”
reo who is a total complete delusional only took it as nothing but your tantrums. you must have been bored out of your mind and he admits he was busy lately and with the upcoming event, he sees it as a chance to spend the time with you. “treasure, i will give you the time to think.” he said before pressing a kiss to your lips which you can't avoid with his grip on you and reo smiles. wrapping his arms to your plush body. your head in his chest while putting a kiss in the top of your head.
you found yourself staring at your reflection. you want to laugh at yourself for being stupid. for believing you have a choice in this place despite the clutches reo have a hold on you. bitter tears pooling at your lashes but you fought them not wanting to show it at strangers who were currently dolling you up for the event you desperately didn't want to attend. the make up felt like paste in your face although it was just a light one. accentuating the natural beauty you have and enough for your features to pop out and then you were dressed in a exclusively designed outfit for the event. after that, you were greeted by reo. dashing and charming he is at the suit and tie he wore. you would admire him in different circumstances but now, all you felt is how you hated him.
your jaw hurts from smiling too much. names are exchanged that you didn't even bothered remembering along with formalities. pretentious event it was paired with the pompous plus ones and greedy associates who wants nothing but your husband's approval.
the cameras blinded you with every flashes while reo gave them the smile they always wanted at him. being the wife of one of the youngest ceo's in the whole world and not only in japan garnered the attention of the media. enjoying every bits of what he have to offer and reo flaunts you like a precious trophy he won and that is you. his trophy wife. his prized possession.
you didn't know if you could keep up with your facade the more you stayed at that damned event and you were glad that you're now sitting at the limo with your husband besides you.
the ride was quiet as reo looks back to admire at his wife — looking so regal and elegant. a sophistication that only belonged to you and makes the other looking so cheap compared to you. a solemn smile graced his lips staring at his wife who were taking the sights of the city light and quiet night life. he knows how you missed the way you were living before him but he can't help it to take you away. not when his feelings for you cannot be reciprocated by yours. you simply can't be wooed at the lavish things he have to offer for you. reo have the money but what is money when he can't have you. realizing it at the first rejection that money can't buy love — especially yours.
“it wasn't so hard isn't it?” he attempts to strike a conversation to you but only reciprocated with a glance and a huff. reo puts his hand on your thigh. “talk to me, treasure.” scooting closer to press his body to your plush one. his index finger and thumb are grasping your soft jaw to look at him and he was meet by the prettiest of eyes.
there's a thousand of emotions behind them and if reo would start a research and fund it with all of his wealth, he will never know them. one looks and he's bewitched. trapped in the pool of the colors of your eyes. he sees his reflection in them. what kind of man he is. a fool for love. that how many times you've trampled his feelings he will still devote himself to you.
“treasure, please.” he pleaded. maybe in different circumstances or you met him under in healthier conditions. you would have fallen for him and you could be so weak for him. a man like reo brings nothing but despair to you and adoration at the same time.
“you're hopeless, reo.” you softly muttered to him. following where his eyes darts. it stays to your eyes and then briefly landing in your lips. it's funny how reo have the power to break you and build you again like an infinity cube. complicated and endless.
“i can hardly keep up and pretend to your whims, reo. i don't like being dragged. i hate to pretend that i'm loving every minute of your stupid events. i hate everything. from the moment you made me your wife. i-i—....” tears springing up to your eyes that you can't prevent them from falling down your eyes. it was suffocating. having to fit in and to be molded in your husband's world. you hated being weak. to being vulnerable in front of the man you hated the most.
the young billionaire is quick to wipe your tears away. kissing your forehead in attempt to calm you down with a grip to make you stay in your place despise recoiling from his touches. you were hurting but his ego didn't understand it.
“but...” he pauses for a moment before continuing. “you have been amazing to me, so good for being my wife, treasure. i can't let you go away. leave me. i was right in choosing you. in loving you and the best party? you being my wife. don't cry, treasure. i hate seeing you cry.” he says, eyebrows furrowing and the downturned corners of his lips. his expression of concern to you.
“let me make it up to you.” and then his lips into yours. “reo, no.” you whisper. pushing him away but reo remains still. “reo...—mmm” you words are stopped again when his lips tangled into yours. holding your nape as his lips lowers down. smooching your cheeks and your jaw and sucking that sensitive spot in your neck. “fuck, treasure. i just can't wait to taste you.” he says in between kisses. his breaths turning shallow as he inhales your scent.
his hand travelling to your calf and gripping your thigh. flipping the fabric to get access to the expanse of your soft skin and before he continued to get things heated up. his fingers finding the array of buttons in the compartment of his limo. pressing a button and a divider appeared from the back of the driver's seat and where you two are seated. windows being covered by dark shutters.
reo kneels in front of you. “you have been good to me treasure. let me take care of you.” parting your legs as he places his face in between your thighs. his lips peppering kisses while he sucks the tender flesh of your thighs.
his nose nudging your clit and he licks his lips. your slick gathering between in your fat pussy lips. “keep those mouth open for me, treasure.” your thick thighs are now in his shoulder while his fingers dig in the doughy flesh of your thighs. the last thing you see is his purple eyes intensely looking at your own ones before taking a dive in your cunt .
“ahhh, reo~” you moaned out when you felt his tongue taking a lick of your slit and it's going to be a long ride home.
by the time you got back at the mansion. your thighs shake at every movement. your legs felt like jello from too much wobbling. it wasn't doing any good that you were wearing heels making it unstable to stand up and reo like a gentleman assisted you in walking. his cum running down from your thighs to your legs. your makeup smudged and dress in displaced.
the billionaire kisses your shoulder. fingers untying the laces of your dress as he guides you in the bedroom. there's no way he'll let go of this opportunity not when you're looking so beautiful for him. his darling wife. his treasure.
his long and thick, nimble fingers rubbing your clit. a weak whimper leaving your lips and reo kisses you.
“we're still not finished, treasure~”
519 notes · View notes
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He's my collar
Synopsis: You were saved by your ex-mentor, then Batman saved you from him. Even with your habilities It seems like you will never stop being a damsel in distress. Don't worry though, you are just a puppy who just got adopted by the best caretaker ever. And he knows what you need even better than yourself.
Pairing: Yandere!Batman X Villain turned hero!Gn!AFAB!Reader; Platonic!Batfam
Tw: 18+; Dubcon between Yan!Bruce X Gn!Reader; Reader has a pussy and an uterus; Grooming?!; Reader is inexperienced and a virgin; Reader is a people pleaser; age gap (Reader is 21 and Bruce is on his 40’s); fingering!reader receiving; mentions of sexu4l harr4sment, s3xual 4ssault and pedoph1lia (nothing happens, reader was just afraid of being a victim growing up); Bruce is very touchy and Reader doesn't know how to feel about that; power imbalance; Reader has intense daddy and thrust issues, intrusive thoughts and a rough background; mentions of family loss; fluff, suggestive and angst; manipulation and guilt tripping; platonic!batfamily are happy, Damian loves you and no one knows Bruce is a yandere for you, but they are kinda weirded out by the age gap; English is not my first language.
Word count: 8,5k
Requested? Yes.
Extra notes: that's how I’m picturing villain!reader suit and that's the vigilant suit. Also It was really hard to find cool names for reader’s villain ex-mentor and reader’s villain and hero persona, but you can imagine whatever suit and name you want
General masterlist
You were 11 when your deadbeat father handed you over to Overkill to appease the criminal’s anger. That day, you lost your birth name and became Onslaught.
When you joined him you were afraid your fate would be to become his sex slave, it wouldn't be absurd to think he wanted to use you like that since the last time you saw your father, when he was on his knees, crying for his life to be spared, he cried an offer that your mentor accepted: my kid! Take my kid! They already bleed! Check their underwear! They're already grown, take them and do whatever you want to them! Don't even have to bring them back, take them with you if you want! They can clean and cook and will do whatever you want, I swear! they will keep quiet! I won't tell anyone!
Tsk. Pathetic old man.
Later he told you he only took you in because cruelty against kids was the only line he refused to cross and hated who committed It. He said you were better off with him If your own father made a strange and violent man an offer of such disgusting nature.
Overkill never touched you the way your father expected. If 99% of the time he didn't treat you like a minion, and 1% as his ward, you could even love him. He definitely was your second (shitty) father figure.
Instead, he did make you cook and clean, but only when you weren't training and studying to be his sidekick. He was a villain-for-hire. Sketchy civilians, crime bosses, supervillains and corrupt politicians would hire you both to do the stealing, killing and terrorizing. When you became his, it meant he could get more jobs while working less and earning more. He got 99% of the money and you would get 1%. Literally. If he was in a good mood, felt you deserved a treat or one of the clients showed a liking to you, he gave you more, never more than his own part though.
It was just one more way to keep the leash of the puppy attached to him. Keep you dependent. He also used psychological methods for that, you knew that now.
When you were a kid, before he became your mentor, like every normal child, you developed an obsession. Some liked dinosaurs. Some liked princesses. Some liked insects. You liked wolves. You used to spend hours imagining yourself being one of them. Running through the woods with a pack that would accept, love and protect you. Your cries for help, the night that your father beat your mom to her grave and was close to doing the same to you, were howls to the moon. Calling for help. Calling for someone. But the only one who could hear your frequency was him.
Your savior. Your keeper. The alpha of your little two member pack.
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When you were 21 your whole life changed for the second time. Batman caught Overkill, cut off his claws, put a muzzle on him and left him in Belle Reve.
He was merciful to you though, he was a hero after all, and he investigated your history. He gave you options: 1-Live a civilian and lawful life. 2-Learn his ways and become a vigilant by his side, saving lives and all that shit that made heros panties wet. 3-Keep the lifestyle of a criminal and next time he saw Onslaught in action he would break your legs and put you in a cage right next to your packleader's.
You chose the second option.
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And that was how Onslaught was dead and Silverclaw was born.
Batman set you up in one of his safehouses, helped get a new identity and you were to patrol the city with him every night. You thought because you were an adult he would leave you on your own when It came to education and a job, he didn't. He insisted on giving you money until you found a common daytime job.
— Are you doing that to make sure I’m not gonna try to monetize from saving people? — You looked at him suspiciously, searching for a facial reaction that could give him away. None came. Dude was really stoic.
— No.
— You are trying to control me then. — You crossed your arms, being mindful of your new claws.
— I’m trying to help you. — Batman stared at you a lot. If you didn't know better you would think he was a statue in the middle of your new living room from how still he was. You huffed. — You can trust me…
— Can I, really? Can you trust me? — You challenged him, half stepping forward and learning slightly in his direction while touching the bat in his chest with the tip of your claw. He didn't react.
— You will show me.
You chose not to respond and resumed your previous actions of looking around your new home. You pretended to just be touring curiously but the man knew you were searching for cameras or bugs he could use to secretly monitor you. Or just have a peepshow.
— You always do this to the rest of your bats? — He didn't answer. — Maybe not all, I imagine Red Hood wouldn't like it. You don't mind that he is a crime lord right? Or is that the reason you are always fighting?! — He still didn't answer. — Wow, Geez, you never shut up, you know?! Let other people talk. Uh, sorry, I shouldn't be talking like that with my new boss, right?
— I'm not your boss.
— Babysitter then?
— Mentor… Until you can work on your own… — You roll your eyes. So much for admitting he didn't trust you yet. Well, you didn't either.
After three months he changed your suit to have a bat brand on your left shoulder, you were an official member of his team, and gave you access to the batcave. You always saw him, some of the others and his butler coming and going from the elevator, but never tried It, even If he never out loud forbade you from doing it. You noticed they were all very close and didn't feel like you belonged among them, so you didn't need to know where that elevator took you, even If you were often in the cave.
On the 5th month you passed out from an injury after saving Robin. Two-face flipped the coin and his bullet was aiming straight to Robin’s head but he was so small that when you ran in front of him it hit your abdomen. You woke up four hours later in the cave and Batman took his mask off and thanked you for saving his son. That night you found out all of their identities and that the elevator took you to Wayne Manor. Damian, Alfred, Bruce, Tim and Dick (who showed up to thank you as soon as he heard what you prevented from happening with his baby brother) all insisted that you spent the night in one of the guest rooms due to your recent injury.
It took a week of you trying to leave until you managed to. Everyone always found a way to convince you to stay. They were nice and It felt like a warm welcome into their group.
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— Damian looks up to you. — Bruce calmly stated after stopping in front of you one day, a month after your recovery was complete and you were out and about at night again. After watching you sparing with Robin for an hour and a half, the opened case was officially forgotten on his ‘batcomputer’ behind him.
— Yeah, I can really feel him putting all his love on his tiny fists when he hits me and leave me bruised and sore for days. — You comment nonchalantly while taking a sip of water and glancing at the kid running towards the elevator. Your mentor snorted.
— He wants you to see him as someone on your level or above. To know that he is reliable and you can call for him when you need help. He did the same with everyone here. Chalenged them, I mean. — You open your mouth to respond but freeze and your arm instintively moves on its own to grip his wrist when he tries to touch your shoulder.
You both stare a each other frozen and in silence for a few seconds before you snap out of it and let go of his wrist.
— My bad.
His hand is still in the air and he slowly retreats It to his side while still analizing you.
— Are you scared of me? — You shake your head hurriedly.
— It was instinct. — You leave It at that.
You both spend a few moments just staring the other down until he clears his throat and step back.
— I’m on a case. You need to work on your detective skills more. Are you free now or are you going to your nest? — You felt deeply grateful for his change of subject and agreed.
You went to grab another seat but his long legs beat you to It, rolled the chair in the direction of the computer and gentlemanly gestured for you to seat down, pushing the chair forward to accommodate you when your tights touched the padding. You raised your eyebrows wearily after the whole interaction but didn't react more than that while he situated himself on his ‘batseat’ beside you.
After a few minutes you unconsciously relaxed your muscles and your conversation went on for hours. You were delightened by how easy It was to talk to him, the first time It didn't feel like an interaction between you that wasn't strictly mentor and apprentice, instead, It felt more like a friend giving you tips and you sucked up on all the knowledge and attention he provided you. He seemed in a good mood and even gave you his signature small smile and praised you a few times when you got something right.
At some point Alfred came down to provide you both with tea and snacks, he seemed to pause for a second while his eyes flew from you to Bruce, who was behind you since you turned around to acknouledge his entrance, covering most of his emotions towards the sight. He semeed kinda… Intrigued. Maybe surprised or awkward. You hacked your brain trying to understand but he turned around and left, Bruce was pushing your cup into your hands before you came to any conclusion.
— You like tea? — He questioned and the contrast between this question and the gory case you were discussing seconds before amused you.
— Uhh, I guess? — You brought the cup closer to your lips, copying his actions as he did the same while looking at you casually. — I like more coffee though, and Overkill was a coffee enthusiast so we drank a lot.— You scrunched your nose at the fleeting memory of your old mentor and the weird reminder that he had a human personality behind his usual strict behavior.
Bruce's eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly for a second before the expression vanished. He never held back when it came to showing contempt towards anyone from his team’s past who was associated with crime.
— Were you close to him? — Suddenly he seemed more serious. You wondered if you were misreading the mood this whole time or were just doing it right now.
— Hmm… Not really… It's complicated… - You took another sip.
— I’m listening. — He seemed sincere. Apparently you were having a break from work.
— He wasn't all bad, I mean, he saved me, but… He still kept me around for all business… — Part of you felt like grieving for some reason. — I guess I ended up seeing him as as father figure, or I wanted to, but… — Bruce held himself not to tense. For the first time since the work talk stopped he took his eyes off of your face and looked at his cup. — He just… He knew how to keep his distance while still keeping me by his side 24/7. — He looked at you again, with a more neutral semblance than before. — At leash until I turned 18. He changed when I turned 18. — Bruce furrowed his eyebrows with concern. It was still odd to know someone cared about you.
— How so?
You cleared your throat. It was the first time you thought about the past since becoming a lonely wolf, or rather, you thought you were a lonely wolf, that changed when you realized you now had friends. Thinking about the past was pointless when you barely had something to be nostalgic about. You only had memories you desperately wanted to forget.
— Well… You know how his only weak spot are kids. When I hit 18, I stopped being a kid for him. I was finally too old to commit mistakes. I think he saw me as a possible threat and wanted to prevent me from becoming one by proving how much power he had over me. He was a boss for me just as much as any goom beneath him.
Bruce nodded thoughtfully. You didn't say more, afraid of delving too much on something you avoided to think about until your darkest nights.
Suddenly you felt your whole body tense when you felt his warm and big hand rest just above your knee and squeeze. You fixed your gaze on his hand but didn't move more than that. It felt strange, you weren't used to gentle touches and maybe there was something more, you Just didn't now what yet. It got worse when he kept his palm there and went further, rolling his thumb in circles around your clothed knee. The thick sweatpants fabric kept the barrier of intimacy up albeit the heat radiating off of him somehow challenged it. How can someone be so warm? You envied people who where always warm like that. You hated feeling cold — one of the reasons why you liked your suit so much.
— I’m sorry about that… — His voice mande your eyes snap to his again, he had a sincere expression. It was off putting and seemed out of character since he was always stoic, at least around you.
You bite your lip in a display of nervousness that escaped your usually well conceived emotions. Your heart beat faster when for a fleeting second he looked at your mouth and just as fast he was fixed on your eyes again. You didn't think the action had any hidden meaning, nor was it intentional, still, you felt the the need to run and hide.
— … Sure… — You moved to cross your legs, silently prompting him to finally take his hand off after lingering for too long. You looked back to the computer, determined to ignore what just happened and reflect on what it meant later. You missed his displeasement.
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Bruce never expected himself to feel attracted to you. As he got older, the age range of the people he felt attracted to accompanied his age. He kept to himself and willed it away at first, but you were so… You.
You tried acting cold, kinda like him. But you needed him and strays always caught his attention. Unlike his kids he had a hunch that you wouldn't flourish by being independent and left on your own. You needed a keeper.
At first he felt like a creep every time your body caught his attention or he found himself staring at you for longer than intended. He was hyperaware everytime you two were close, wich usually was when sparring.
Bruce thought that taking you in as his protegee would satiate his need to take care of you and have you close, but after months of paying your bills and mentoring you, he realized his feelings for you were not platonic.
And it seemed like he was not the only one.
He knew the rest of the family noticed his “fleeting” touches that would linger on your shoulder, arms, back and knee. He retracted himself every time you showed clear disfomfort though, but you never outright rejected him.
His theory of his family's knowledge of his interest in you was confirmed one night when Nightwing stopped by to borrow some equipment and witnessed Batman closer than necessary to Silverclaw, while taking too much to inspect — with his eyes and his hands — your gloves that you were wearing and apparently had recently been upgraded.
— Hey, guys! — Dick’s hesitacion towards the scene grew but kept hidden when you both looked up at him surprised. Somehow he caught you both off guard even if the elevator was not that silent. Dick noted that Silverclaw seemed slightly wide-eyed, the only feature in your suit that was left exposed, along with your eyebrows, while Bruce, who wasn't wearing the cow, maintained a neutral expression, like he didn't have anything to hide. You both greeted him when surprise subsided and you took a step back from Bruce, like you just realized your proximity.
— Hmm… I should get going… Gonna meet Red Robin on the docks in a few. — Both men acknowledged your presence again and Dick saw your awkwardness, his parent seemed fine though.
Bruce nodded to you and you suddenly felt like a sidekick who had just gotten permission from Overkill to do something you were supposed to be doing with or without his approval, but needed to make sure your superior thought it to be appropriate for the mission. A soldier reporting to their captain. Like you never actually took a step forward and everything was the same. It made you feel small and hollow. Gave a bad taste to your mouth. It didn't feel good. But you ignored it because it was all in your head.
Before you could move, the oldest hand shot to your waist and squeezed briefly the soft flesh there as best as he could with the armor in the way. You felt your blood freeze and shivered.
— Be careful. We don't know what Killer Croc is doing there. And take care of Red Robin, he only had 10 hours of sleep in the last three days. — You meekly and wordlessly nodded and robotically left on your bike while feeling a pair of eyes scrutinizing your every move.
Dick cleared his throat, finally catching the Dark Knight’s attention for good.
— Dick. Do you need something? — Bruce turned to his work table and started tinkering with what apparently he was doing before you interrupted him earlier.
— I mean, just came to take a spare mask, I think the camera lenses on mine broke. But since I’m already here… — The younger alonged the last word while hopping to his father’s side. — B, can I talk to you about something? Don't be mad. — That made Bruce worried. Dick cringed at his own wording and the older male turned to him and crossed his arms.
— What happened? — Bruce demanded in a Batman’s voice.
— Nothing! Nothing. Sorry, my bad. What I meant was… Are you sure that's what you want? — At his dad’s confused furrowed eyebrows the hero explained. — (Y/N). I mean… They’re quite young, you know?! It's a lot of responsibility... I don't think they've ever dated anyone, even if they're between Jason and Tim’s age and Tim’s a whore… Too much of a slut for his own age, actually- Not the point. It's just, everyone noticed and have been commenting about it, but I don't think they noticed already. — Nightwing leaves it at that, hoping that his father understands what he was trying to say, desperately trying not to have to explain more and feel like he is teaching his own father the ‘puberty will make your body change’ and the ‘birds and bees’ talk, or ‘bats and wolves’ talk, in this case.
Bruce blinked.
— Are you trying to give me the sex talk? — And there goes all his hard work. — And stop swearing. — Dick groans and runs his hand through his face.
— Nooo, why do you make everything so difficult? It’s just… First of all, we thrust you okay? It just feels weird when you start flirting with them, especially for the ones that live here. I mean, me and Jason still have nightmares and get the creeps when we remember the time when you used to date Selina. And Damian almost pukes every time Talia tries to rizz you up again. — Dick is careful to dance around the subject of your more than two decades age gap. — And, like I said, I don't think (Y/N) has much experience either. Maybe they don’t know what you're doing. Just… Go slow, okay?!
Bruce holds a huff for the sake of being stoic.
He already envisioned the possibility of you having none or little experience before, and you haven't done anything that told him otherwise yet. Deep down he is kinda… Turned on knowing he could be your first everything. Teach you just how he likes. Be the only one to ever know what you like. He's also happy that, by the way his son said it, it looks like everyone thinks you are both closer than you really are. More intimate, romantic. He and you are the only ones who know that you never had a conversation about the change in your dynamic, limits, future and general status. He thinks you are conflicted, and this conversation only encouraged him to either lay down the cards for you or catch you off guard and put you against the wall. Metaphorically.
And maybe literally.
He's also not going to think too deep in the warm feeling he feels when thinking about corrupting an innocent puppy who isn't even aware of his intentions.
A sheep in wolf's clothing.
— I know all about that, Dick. Don't worry, I'm being mindful of their timing.
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— You should move to the manor.
Bruce's blurted out sentence caught you so off guard you choked on your rich people's food. You knew he was simmering something in his mind the whole morning.
He recently got you to work as his assistant in Wayne Enterprises. You felt he either pitied you for having been forced to drop school when you were 11 you couldn't find many options that allowed you to live a comfortable life — in the standards of an old money billionaire at least —, and your lack of education wasn't a problem to be solved fast. You just didn't know he wanted a solid excuse to be your sole provider forever and wanted you close to him all the time.
He also liked how you looked in formal attire. Developed a fantasy of bending you over the table and taking you from behind. Making you suck him off under the table. Then get on his knees and reciprocate the favor. Became obsessed with the sight of the first buttons of your shirt open, exposing your neck and collarbone. Was hooked on how it made your chest look. Was bent on making you lean forward to give him a flash of what's under your shirt.
He was never this perverted for anyone his whole life. You must be special.
The Wayne was unbothered with your choking while people on the other tables glanced your way, he simply chose to pat you on the back — and not take his hand off when you felt better, you still didn't know how to feel about the touchy nature he adopted when with you. He never hurt you, but was it really… Appropriate?
He is your mentor. He is a lot older. Your inner child cried for him to take you in as one more of his children, heal your daddy issues.
Another part of you, on the other hand, thought of you to be too old for him to simply claim you as his child — he took in his children who were close to your age when they were kids —. That part also told you you were undeserving of love, that everyone just wanted to take advantage of you, and that authority figures should shove it up their asses.
Your intrusive thoughts remarked that if he really wanted you sexually — obviously romantically was not an option. All you are is an object. —, well, he is very attractive. And even If you decide that you don't want him that way… You should just take It. He is above you. It's just how hierarchy works. He protects you. He takes care of you. You should be grateful and stay on his good side.
You internally shake your head. No. That's not how it works.
You took a sip of water.
— What are you talking about? Why? — You look at him, trying to understands where this is coming from. Sure, living alone was kinda lonely, but freeing, you didn't feel like you needed to seek anyone's approval or permission when you were alone. Besides, you were barely on your nest now that he got you this job anyway. And Damian seemed to like running off and sleeping in your place when he and Bruce were having their disaccords.
— Well, for one, it would give me peace of mind, it's safer with us. It would also make It easier for you, you wouldn't have to drive home alone at 3 a.m after patrols. — You raised an eyebrow at his current list of reasons. The 1st might be right. But the 2nd was like saying you were a civilian walking home after your shift at your civilian job. Not a vigilant, ex-criminal with 10 years of experience in hand-to-hand combat, maneuvering of weapons, who rides a motorcycle to a toptech safehouse while carrying a bat-utility belt and stainless steel claws. You kept your mouth shut when he seemed to have more reasons. — Damian would love to have you closer, the others too, but you know you are his second favorite. — Your heart felt warm at that. After learning the reason for the puppy’s bites, you couldn't help but see a bit of yourself in him, since you had similar backgrounds. You tried to subtly give him a safe space so he wouldn't turn out to be like you. You didn't want that for anyone. Especially a kid. — And also… I want you closer.
You took a deep breath while nodding slowly and trying not to react. Looks like it's time to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Suddenly his hand on your back felt heavier and burning hot.
— Why? — Your tone and steely expression made it clear you demanded a clear and honest answer from him. One he didn't hesitate to give you.
Faking a confused expression, he tilted his head slightly to the side.
— What do you mean why? I want you (Y/N). — Your blood froze. — I think it's been very clear that I’m in love with you. — You felt like you received a punch to the gut. — I… Thought you felt the same… — No, he didn't.
You didn't know what to say.
Bruce slowly retracted his hand away from you, but you stopped him midair by grabbing it. He knew it was time to take the next step.
You didn't even know why you did that. Do you feel the same for him?
— I… I… — Your mouth was opening and closing like a fish. He nodded understandably.
— It’s okay. You need time to think. My offer still stands. Even if you don't feel the same… I Just care about you above anything, okay? — You reluctantly nodded, staring at him almost dumbfounded. He smiled lightly to show he was still in good spirits.
After a moment of pondering he bit his lower lip, took his hand closer to your face and caressed your cheek, eyes stuck on his face, mesmerized. You were surprised someone as generous and rightful as him could look at you like that. Admirating you like you weren't tainted.
He even gave you a choice! And told you he cared about you! No matter if you feel the same!
He would certainly be a good man to love.
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— Say ‘thank you’ to (Y/N), Damian.
— TT. Thank you, (L/N). — The little green-eyed puppy was looking from you to his present repeatedly. Months prior, when Batman first took you in, before you even had the bat insignia on your shoulder, you caught Robin sitting on a roof reading Death Note on his phone. You didn't know what it was and he pretended to be annoyed with your interruption while explaining it. Now, he is completing 14 and you bought him the whole set of volumes. You wanted him to know that you paid attention and cared about him. You wished someone did that when you were his age. Overkill didn't want to hear about wolves or about the cool new things you were seeing for the first time on your trips together.
You smiled.
— You’re welcome, pups. — Damian let out a ‘TT’ again and turned around to run to his friend Jon. You could almost see their wagging tails while they excitedly talked about his present. Bruce's hand running in circles in the small of your back snapped you out of it and you straightened your posture from the bent position you took to talk to the little one.
It was two weeks prior that he asked you to live with them. You accepted and moved a week ago. It was slightly disappointing to know you wouldn't gain a father out of him, but a least his confession made it easier to understand your feelings. You haven’t outright told him that you wanted him like a man, you were testing things out. In the end, you were both adults and at some point you had to learn to thrust someone. When looking at Damian you knew you didn't want your whole life to be defined by the abuses of two men. And when you agreed to his offer he seemed to see it as a consent to up his seduction.
His touch was still strange. You learned to like the feel of it, and you were getting used to it, soon It wouldn't be so foreign. You just started realizing how touchstarved you were and were just starting to crave it. Initiating it was still a distant concept, though, you had a — strongly equivocate — hunch that he wouldn't like it, that you would do something wrong in the simplest attempt of hugging him, holding his hand or touching his arm, that your touch wouldn't feel as delicate and tingly as his was, and you would make a fool of yourself. At least when you patted Ace, Titus, Alfred the cat and Batcow they seemed happy.
The others seemed to take well to seeing your interaction together — you didn't know they already knew where this was going way before yourself —. Sure, Jason called him a cradle robber but the ex-Robin always found an excuse to offend him. Everyone laughed at his comment, Dick and Alfred lightly reprimanded him (the former way more amused the latter). Bruce didn't react. You felt rotten. And when Jason later said something like “now Bruce, go play with your puppy and let us handle things” during a briefing, you knew it wasn't an offense — at least, not towards you. Plus, he called you a puppy before to tease you even if you were a year younger than him. — but it stuck in your head and you took the first opportunity to escape Batman’s hand on your tight and lock yourself in a bathroom to take a breath.
— I will transfer the money to your account. — Your head snapped towards Bruce and you exclaimed a genuine and loud ‘What?’, but everyone around you was also being way too loud for anyone to pay attention to you. Bruce hummed. — The set. It must’ve been expensive, I will give you the money back. — You shook your head.
— No, Bruce, It was a present. — Just the idea of it was absurd. What an odd man.
— Well, not to me, right?! So I can do It. — You scoffed at his logic. — Actually you could have told me before you were buying it and I would have given you my card. — He blinked. — That reminds me… — He took your hand and gently guided you out of the living room where the party was situated. No one batted an eye.
Damian had scoffed at the childish idea of a birthday party, but you could see right through him better than anyone.
You looked around confused as he guided you through the corridors and then up the stairs. The loud voices getting distant made the rest of the mansion feel eerily empty.
— Where are we going? — He glanced back at you and then ahead again, before briefly squeezing your hand.
— To my study. I have something for you there.
His response didn't satisfy all your curiosity but you knew he wouldn't give you more than that.
When you got there he opened the door for you and encouraged you to enter first with a hand on your lower back, then he shut the door closed and guided you to stand in front of his table. He walked around, opened a cabinet, took ou an envelope and came back to your side. The older male extended the envelope at you, who took it with suspicion after a moment of hesitation.
You forced yourself to not look up while you analyzed the envelope and opened it, ignoring both of his warm and gigantic hands that he positioned on your waist and squeezed — he liked squeezing you a lot, you noticed. — while he lightly reclined himself to sit on top of the table, in front of you, most of his weight being distributed to his long and meaty legs that were also on each side of you. He even pulled you closer and even if there was still space between your bodies, you were close enough to feel his heat.
You looked at the content inside the paper and froze. Such reaction could have come either from the sight of a black card with your name on it or because he chose that moment to sneak his hands under your shirt and caress your bare waist slowly with his calloused fingertips.
— No. — You slapped the card and paper against his chest. The bastard didn't react.
— Yes.
— No!
— Yes.
— I can't take it! — You kicked the ground stubbornly. He still didn't move, stubbornly.
— Why not? — You raised both eyebrows.
— Bruce, are you kidding me? That thing is limitless.
— Your point being? — You blinked several times.
— Wow… I knew you were one of those rich eccentric guys, but putting on a batsuit… — You refused to call it a costume and imply that you also wore a costume and were technically a furry. You learned that word from Tim. — … And beating up criminals is one thing. Going around distributing limitless cards to all your friends is simply insane! — One side of his mouth tilted up in what you quietly admitted was a sexy smark.
— Actually if I wanted to do that I could. But you are not a friend. You are part of the family. And my girlfriend. — And mine. His tongue craved to utter.
That easily silenced you. You didn't know how to react to that. You hacked your brain for any moment were you told him something in that connotation. You didn't find it. But well, couldn't blame the guy, he did told you he wanted you and you didn't stop his moves.
You cleared your throat, trying to hide your shock. He didn't seem surprised by your reaction.
It was another thing that being with them changed in you. You don't control your emotions 24/7 anymore, only when you are out and about as Silverclaw. In the past it was second nature, but feeling happiness was so new to you that you weren't used to trying to hide it yet. Nor wanted to. And you slowly gave yourself permission to be free and express most of what you felt. Not everything, you were still surrounded by a very odd-cryptic-strategizing-hyperanalyser-micro-expressions-reader-and-weird-with-emotions group of people. But you felt no one was really going to judge you if you chose to be free.
— I-I… Yeah… Yeah, okay. You are right. — You meekly accepted his statement. If he said it was true, then it was true. You would follow his lead. You are way too loyal and he knows that. You both wondered what was your limit. You were afraid of what would happen when that limit came. Would you just keep going just to make him happy? He hoped you did.
Actually, he might test some of those limits right now.
He carefully took the card and envelope from your hand and set it on the table behind him, you just rested your palms against his chest. Baby steps for you. Bruce wished that baby was a speedster.
You stuttered when he brought you closer, leaned forward and started tracing a random path of kisses on the skin of your neck. You allowed his sucking and laping of your skin for a few minutes and even tried running your fingers through the hair on the back of his head. His hands started roaming.
When his right squeezed the left cheek of your ass though, you gave a slight jump. It felt very sudden and activated your fight or flight instinct.
— W-We should go back downstairs. — You blurted out. Bruce just hummed in response, the vibration tickling your neck and ear. Aside from that he didn't stop his ministrations and that made you feel worse. Maybe you were the problem? Were you not clear enough? Shouldn't you endure more? For you? For him? He was used to people going a lot further with him, and here you were, trying to force him to stop just when he tried to spice things up with you. For fuck’s sake, you haven't even kissed him yet!
You bit your lip and willed your muscles to relax. Maybe all you need to do is endure a little bit more and you will get used to it. Until now that seemed to be the pattern.
Ignoring your pounding heart, you closed your eyes and just tried to enjoy it. You thought it was working until suddenly he stopped, and before you could open your eyes, stole a kiss from you.
It didn't grow to more than a half-second peck because your instincts to run took over your body and you jumped away from him, your hands extended in front of your body like you were dealing with a wild animal.
You just stared at each other with almost wide eyes for a few seconds, before the older male sighed, looked down and pressed the bridge of his nose with his pointer and thumb. Oh no. He wasn't happy. You shouldn't have done that. You fucked up.
— I’m sorry. — Bruce looked stressed when he rubbed his hand around his face, then brought it up to push his perfectly styled hair back. You shook your head like a scared kid. He finally looked up at you. — I’m sorry. I shouldn't have done that.
— No, no, it’s okay, I… Liked it. — You almost whispered in a meek voice. — Was just surprised. — Bruce nodded. He was unhappy with himself that he got carried away and almost fucked things up with you. But his infatuation made him lose train of thought sometimes. Yes. He wants to do bad things to you, corrupt you, desperately. But he doesn't want you trying to run away from him just yet, if ever.
You slowly made your way towards him again, your arms around your body, trying to bring yourself comfort. You wanted him to hug you and comfort you the same way, but you didn't know if he would do that, and if he did touch you again, would it really make you feel better?
It felt wrong. You just now had asked for him to stop completely, or at least give you a break, and he blatantly ignored it. Made you feel invisible, insignifcant, desperate enough to run. And here you were, seeking for a signal that he wouldn't give up on you just yet.
— Did… Did you know I never had a birthday party? — You forced yourself not to vacillate and put your hands on his shoulders.
— Hmm? — He gazed at you curiously but didn't touch you yet. It made you feel anxious and you forced yourself to take another step closer. Now you were just as close as you were before.
— I never had a birthday party. And last time I was invited to one I was 10. I didn't get to go though, it was my best friend's party, but my father was in a bad mood, so my mom said it was better not to do anything that could set him off. So I stayed home. — You felt his fingertips caressing tracing both of your tights carefully, it could almost be an unconscious move by how intensely concentrated he seemed with your story. — Next day, at school, everyone was talking about how fun, cool and amazing it was. I felt jealous and said I would have the best birthday party ever when I hit 11. I didn't. And no one remembered my promise. — He nodded slowly, his eyebrows furrowed with what was probably sympathy at you and anger at you father. At least that's how you felt. Sad for the younger you and hatred towards your father. — If you could… — You elongated your sentence, trying to hint your request for him, and he cut you off just like you wanted, expressing what was on his mind.
— What's your favorite cake flavor?
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The gala ended just about an hour ago but you were both already in bed. Domesticity came easy when living together and even when you had your own room — much to his dismay. — Bruce quickly worked on getting you used to him enough to lay down beside him. And right now he was very grateful that you didn't have socials or else his plans for the night would’ve been interrupted by your discomfort about being called ‘Bruce Wayne’s controversially young new sweetheart’ and comments about his playboy mask.
He was getting impatient but Bruce knew that all good things come slowly, he took the night off to focus only on his goal.
You were laid down on your bed, in your own room and he was beside you, facing you, while you both talked, held hands and occasionally exchanged chaste kisses. It was cute, and innocent, but his balls had been blue since the party three weeks ago.
It was fine when his right hand let go of your left, his arm being thrown around your waist to accommodate the position, and placed on your middle. He kept running his hand around your upper body slowly and you swayed closer to him. At this point the only sounds in the room came from kisses and the friction of skin against fabric.
When Bruce angled himself and pushed in your direction until he was on top of you, It was still okay. What made you startled and nervous was when he pressed his hips down and you felt his hard cock against your thigh — the back of your mind screamed about how big he was and how it wouldn't fit when the time comes.
— Hmm… Bruce? — You felt a little antsy, but you thought he would understand what you were trying to say. Didn't seem like the case, since he kept kissing you to silence you. You felt suffocated and that prompted you to push his chest weekly. Maybe you needed to give a clearer signal.
Bruce stared at you from above for a second before closing his eyes and sighing.
His reaction shocked you and you didn't move when he got off and plopped down beside you again, this time putting more distance between your bodies and facing the ceiling. He draped his arm over his face and took a deep breath.
You sheepishly tilted to your side and went closer to him, his possible annoyance towards you made you more reluctant to touch him, but you did it anyway, trying to appease him.
— Bruce…
— What is it? — He finally looked at you. He was not happy. — You don't trust me yet? — His furrowed brows, grave voice and held back tone intimidated you slightly, it just caused more worry.
— N-No, it's not that… — Bruce thought it was better to turn down a notch on his acting if he wanted to have his way with you tonight.
He nodded, relaxed his muscles and turned his body in your direction again. He draped his arm around your waist and started trailing slow kisses down your neck to calm you down.
— I know. I know, puppy. — He uttered carefully and nodded reassuringly. — It's not your fault. I'm just a little… Frustrated, is all. — Your brows cinched.
— Frustrated with… Me? — Your heart ached at the thought. It was hard hearing him, and just as hard saying it out loud. Bruce shook his head.
— I just don't understand. I’ve been taking care of you for so long, been waiting for you, doing so much for you. But it's like you are still guarding yourself from me… I love you, pup, you are everything to me and I desire you. Wanna make you feel good. But, sometimes, you make me feel like… Like you don't feel the same… — You heart fell and you felt an urge to fix your mistakes.
— But I-I do! I just… — A sigh and then a deep breath. — … How can I do better? — You said meekly.
Bruce held back a smirk, you were smart even if insecure, and preening would give off his lewd plotting.
The dark knight pretended to contemplate for a brief moment as if he didn't plan every step beforehand.
— … We don't have to go all the way now, you could just… You could let me finger you? — Half of you felt relieved, the other, the one that just wanted to keep him happy, felt nervous but determined.
Your inexperienced and people pleaser mind couldn't comprehend how him doing things to you could also be considered him taking advantage of you. That was one of your biggest nightmares and paranoia. Growing up you were always afraid that your ex-mentor would assault you, or allow one of his employers and colleagues to hurt you just because they asked or paid for some fun with the young pretty thing. Especially after you weren't underage anymore, since he only seemed to have a soft spot for them. It somehow, thankfully, never happened, only impure comments were made and he cut them off every time until you were 18, after that you were left on your own and if you didn't do anything he saw it as you wanting it to happen since he trained you more than enough to protect yourself and show authority with others that were not him.
If Bruce wanted to pleasure you and not himself… Then he was really selfless and only wanted to help you with your little problem. He's been taking such good care of you for so long, there’s no reason to believe he won't do the same now.
So you nodded, shaken.
You let him maneuver you how he wanted and ended up the same way your making out session started, you on your back and the older man facing your direction. You watched closely and willing your heart to stop pounding as he undressed your legs and hips from your pants and underwear. It was awkward feeling so exposed, especially when he sneaked his arm between your legs and started fondling your dry center.
— Relax… Deep breaths… Just close your eyes and enjoy it… — His grave and husky voice whispers in your ear before teeth start nibbling on it, your whole body shivered and you did as he instructed, not sure if it was working until his friction felt less burning and waves of pleasure started rolling through you. You were right, he always wanted what's good for you, you reassured yourself and felt a little comforted, even if your heart was still pounding.
You let out a surprised gasp and your eyes shot open when you heard a loud wet squelch, the first thing you saw thing you saw were the movements of his wrist, the second, his face, eyes dead set on observing you, and he chuckled at your reaction.
— See? No reason to worry… — And worry you did not. You knew this short period of nervousness and those guilty feelings you were experiencing would be worth it in the future. And Bruce knew the risks he took and manipulation were proving their value right now.
He changes his up and down movements to circles and you let out a sound that you never heard coming out of your own mouth. Your eyes fluttered close automatically and your hand shot to grip his shirt with an unconscious amount of force.
— I-I like this better… — Bruce hummed and resumed working his mouth from your ear, to neck and collarbone.
His hand moves were slow and deliberate, but stable. The older man angles his body in an upper position so he could easily use his left hand to pull your shirt up slowly until your chest and pouting nipples were exposed. Lost in arousal and pleasure and thrusting he knew what he was doing you didn't bat an eye towards his actions.
You moaned louder when you felt his soft chapped lips close around your nipple and wet warm tongue playing with the sensitive bud. Bruce felt your lower lips getting wetter and used that to his advantage to intrude the squelching hole between your legs with his fingers curved upwards, his thumb expertly still running circles around your clit.
You gasped and both your hands shot to grab the bed comforter under you. It was the first time someone touched you like that and it was a while since you played with your bud yourself, so before you knew it, your pussy was squeezing and milking his fingers in the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had and this time the man couldn’t stop his grin from taking over his face.
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310 notes · View notes
ninii-winchester · 3 months
I don’t wanna live forever
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Pairing : Demon!Dean X Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: angst, demon dean, violence, language. Unedited
Been sitting eyes wide open behind these four walls, hoping you'd call
It's just a cruel existence like there's no point hoping at all
Baby, baby, I feel crazy, up all night, all night and every day
Y/n knew Dean getting the Mark of Cain was the most stupidest thing he's ever done, taking into consideration that he's Dean Winchester and he's done plenty of stupid in his life. Part of her wants to strangle Crowley for getting him into that mess but part of her knew that Dean would've done whatever it'd take to take down Abbadon. She didn't think it'd bring them here to this day where Dean would turn into a demon and leave the bunker for good. He's with Crowley and God knows where.
A knock on the door breaks her away from her thoughts. She looks up to see Sam standing in the doorway.
"Glaring at the walls of his room won't bring him back Y/n." He said sympathetically. He knew she was hurting as much as he was. After-all they both love Dean.
"What am I supposed to do, Sam." She sounded defeated. "I've tried calling him a thousand times and he doesn't answer."
"We're doing the best we can and we will bring him back, you know that." Sam replied walking towards her and sitting on the bed. "You know we always do." 
"Part of me thinks he doesn't want to come back, its like there's no point hoping." She felt herself tear up. "The mark is overpowering him."
"Hey don't think about it. Our Dean is still in there. We'll bring him back." Sam looked at her face. She looked tired. "Y/n you haven't slept in days. You should get some rest."
I don't wanna live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain
And I don't wanna fit wherever
I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home
It's been days since Dean left and Y/n has had enough. She knows Sam's been torturing demons to find out Dean and Crowley's location but she can't just sit around anymore. She'll do whatever it takes to find him even if it's illegal. She opens up her laptop and hacks into the traffic signal camera's all over the country. She runs a facial recognition of Dean's face and the Impala's license plate. She crossed her fingers hoping it does it thing soon because the longer she stays on the site the more risk she's at getting into trouble. Although the bunker is untraceable they can't afford the feds on their ass.
The screen loads successfully and she jumps in happiness. The Impala last crossed a traffic signal three towns over. She didn't know when Sam would return so she didn't wait for him. She quickly changed into her Fed suit and drove towards her destination.
Knowing Dean, he's probably at some bar, she shortlisted the bars across that town and hoped she'd find him in one of those. She visited two bars and much to her dismay he hadn't been there. However at the third bar, she didn't find him but she found a clue.
"That man? Yeah he was here a few hours ago, got into fight with another guy. Beat him to a pulp so had to kick him out." The bartender said while cleaning the countertop.
"Any idea where he went?" She asked with hope.
"There's another bar ten minutes from here, you can check there." She tipped the man, thanking him for his help.
"Agent." He called out behind her, she turned to him, "be careful out there, that man's feral." She nodded and left
the place.
She walked in the inside the bar and it was almost empty considering it's pretty early in the day. She noticed a figure sitting at the bar top and immediately recognised him.
"Dean." She called out softly. He turned to look at her but then he turned again focusing on his drink. She said his name again and moved towards him but was stopped by an annoyingly familiar voice.
"Oh Vixen found her Squirrel. Didn't bring Moose along?" The voice spoke in a Scottish accent.
"Fuck off Crowley." She replied glaring at the man in the black suit.
"You wound me, darlin." He sassed. "Dean doesn't wanna go back so why can't you two blithering idiots.... LET HIM GO."
"I'm not fucking around here." She pulled out her gun pointing it at him, she removed the safety. "Let me talk to him. Alone."
"Your guns don't work on me." He replied smugly.
"I wouldn't be so sure." She challenged, knowing she'd carved the devils trap into the bullets. She knew she'd never have the heart to use it on Dean but Crowley is a different matter. The short man rolled his eyes and poofed away. She made her way towards Dean and sat beside him.
"Dean.." she said his name ever so softly just the way she always did. He didn't even turn to look her continuing to pour drink after drink in his glass. "Baby, let's go home." She moved her hand to put on top of his. He raised his brow at the gesture.
"I'm telling you this once. Leave." Dean moved his hand away and looked at her. No trace of a smile on his face, the smile she had come to love.
"No, I won't leave here without you. Come back home." She partially begged. "I don't wanna live without you, Dean. Please come home with me."
He stood up, his laugh resonating through the empty bar. She looked at him, hurt written all across her face. She knew this wasn't her Dean but seeing him act this way didn't hurt any less. She walked right in front of him as he stopped laughing.
"What's funny huh?" Anger bubbled inside her.
"Oh nothing." He shrugged, an evil smile appeared on his face. "You said you wouldn't leave here without me, yeah?" He asked rhetorically circling around her. "And you said you can't live without me either." He paused, dramatically thinking for a second.
"How about I kill you then, right here, right now." He said stopping in front of her with a blade knife. "It'll be so much fun, for me." Y/n took a deep breath, her gun clutched in her hand tightly. "For you though..." he drawled with a chuckle.
"I don't wanna hurt you Dean." She replied.
"I don't think you can, even if you want to." Dean smirked evilly. "Last chance. Leave."
"I'm not going anywhere." She said. "Not without you."
"I'm gonna have so much fun." Dean scoffed before he grabbed her by the neck, choking her. She tried pushing his hand away but she was having a hard time. She kicked him the stomach making him loosen his grip but not completely let go. He threw the against the bar top, she groaned as fell. Her gun falling from her hand.
"This isn't you Dean." She coughed getting up.
"I told you to leave." Dean threw a punch but she moved out of way and his hand smashed a bottle. She punched him the jaw and he recoiled. He pushed her to ground and straddled her waist. He pinned her arms above her head in one of his hands, immobilising her.  The mark on his arm itched and he brought the knife to her throat. He pressed it and watched as blood trickled down the column of her neck.
"Do it." She said looking at him.
"I'll take my time with it." Dean replied smugly. Her scratched her cheek with the blade. He then moved it down to her collarbone and she screamed in pain. His lips formed into a sinister smile.
Y/n took a deep breath. She wasn't sure if Dean forgot that she mostly fights with her legs or was it his cocky demonic self that made him leave her legs completely unattended. She brought her legs upwards and hooked her them around his waist, catching him off guard and flipping him off her. That seemed to have pissed him off. 
She made a run for her gun but he was able to slash her side before she got her hands on the weapon. She gasped, her right hand touching the wound while she gripped her gun in her left.
"You're pathetic, you know you can't win yet you try so hard." Dean growled closing in on her. "But now I'm bored." He grabbed her left arm and twisted it until a crack was heard. She screamed as the gun fell from her hand. He picked it up and pointed at her head. He pulled the trigger without even blinking.
Y/n blinked as she felt herself being moved from her place. And then she heard a gunshot. Turns out Crowley moved her last minute before Dean fired. She watched Dean wide eyed, unable to process that he was going to kill her. She's alive not because he didn't want to kill her but because Crowley intervened.
"Why did you-" she barely let out but Crowley had disappeared but this time with Dean.
I'm sitting eyes wide open and I got one thing stuck in my mind
Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life
Back at the Bunker, Y/n had her arm in a cast, the wound on her side stitched up and bandages all over her. She had taken painkillers for the physical pain but she doesn't know how to sooth her hollow heart.
She laid on Dean's bed and stared at the ceiling, unmoving. A knock resonated at the door and it opened a few seconds later.
"If you're here to tell me I was stupid and reckless. Save it." She said without removing her eyes from the ceiling.
"I know you just wanted him back." Sam replied.
"He's gone, Sam." A tear slipped from her eye. She sat up and looked at the younger Winchester "He wasn't my Dean." Before she knew her body shook and sobs escaped her lips. "Makes me wonder if I dodged the bullet or just lost the love of my life."
Sam sat beside her and wrapped his arm around her as much as he could without hurting her. "After everything that's happened, you still?" Sam trailed off not knowing how to continue.
"I told you Sam he wasn't my Dean. My Dean would rather die than hurt me. Of course I love him." She whispered in his chest. "It hurts to think of what he's become, so much more than these wounds could ever hurt."
"Dean's lucky you chose him. I'm sure he'll agree when he comes back." Sam assured her. "I won't give up on him. He's my brother. I'll bring him back for you. For us." Sam promised and he hoped he could keep that promise.
Part 2
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oval3000 · 10 months
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Chapter 5
Yandere Teacher Nanami x Student Reader
Warning: Abuse, (force) smut. Abduction, violence, rough play, toxic behavior, age gap, everything from all above. Mainly from his point of view...somewhat... modern au- ish idk. College teacher x student.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
"Mr. Nanami?" A man in a suit knocked on his classroom door. Nanami was grading some paperwork before his next class. He turned to the side and saw the man alongside some police officers." I hope we're not interrupting you? I'm detective Aki, this is officer Yamada and officer Fujikawa. We want to ask questions about one of your students, (Y/N)."
"Sir." Nanami stood as the man and two police officers entered, closing the door. Nanami knew this day would come. How could he not know? "Of course. Miss (Y/n) hasn't attended my classes for the past month.
"That's why we're here. Her friend had filed a missing person's report on her and we just want to know if you may know anything regarding her disappearance." The detective said.
"The last time I saw her, was when she was sitting on one of the campus benches. I asked her if everything was alright and she told me she was waiting for her ride." He explained. " She seemed a little down and mentioned something about an ex-boyfriend. I've dealt with many of my students who were dealing with hard breakups so I didn't think too much of it."
"Ex-boyfriend?" The detective said.
"Yes. I don't know his name it was never said, but she did mention an ex-boyfriend and by the look of it, it's not something she seemed happy about." Nanami looked at the detective as he jotted down what he was saying.
"Was she acting strange while attending your classes before her disappearance? Did she seem a little down?" Aki asked.
"No. She was a normal student. In fact, she was my best student. Although she had trouble with one assignment, she would stay after her classes for help. Other than that, she was fine. However, I am a teacher with many students, so I might've not pay too much attention to her because of the others, who might be in the same position as her. College is college. Nothing changes." Nanami fixed his glasses and sighed. "Her family must be worried sick if she hasn't shown up." Nanami asked, almost looking a bit sad.
Aki raised his eyebrow. "Have you noticed her disappearance?"
"I did at first. She never missed a class ever. Then again. I have many students who don't bother showing up for months."
"Why is that?" He asked.
"They want to give up. Math is too hard. Struggling with mental illness. I've been working here for ten years, I've seen at all." Nanami sighed, looking down at his papers. "Sadly, no matter what I do, I can't always fix their problems when it's out of my reach. I should've asked Miss. (Y/N), about what was bothering her that day. That was my mistake."
Aki looked at Nanami, who still kept a normal composer. "So her disappearance wasn't too strange for you?"
"Like I said, at first it did. Then again, it's not the first time a student stopped showing up here. I guess I was wrong about that." Nanami raised his eyebrows. "Has anyone seen her since then?" He asked so concerned.
"No, we're working on a timeline on who might've. So far, you're the last person who has seen her. However, no one mentioned an ex-boyfriend before." Aki tapped his little notepad with his pen.
"Oh. it makes sense now." Nanami scratched his head.
"What makes sense?" Aki questioned.
"When she mentioned the ex-boyfriend, it went like this." He hummed, " 'My ex-boyfriend is a jerk who only thinks about himself. We were hardly boyfriend and girlfriend since we dated for three months.' It was confusing to me. I don't know what these young adults think now about relationships; now there is a thing called situationship' or whatever it's called. Every day, I hear students talk about their 'situationship'—are they boyfriend and girlfriend? I don't know what kids are up to these days." He explained. "I was puzzled because, aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, boyfriend and girlfriend? Now, I realize, it must've been one of those situations where you're just with a guy, just cause, with no title. Now it makes sense why it's called situationship'. Either way, it can still break someone's heart. Maybe that's why no one mentioned him; it didn't seem like what they saw was a relationship. Nonetheless, for Miss (Y/n), it must've been more than that, but it was overlooked."
"Did she mention anything about this ex-boyfriend or lover she had?" The detective asked, jotting down as much information as he got.
"No. She was on her phone during the little conversation we had so it was cut short. I swear those kids are always on their phones like they're addicted to them." Nanami picked up his papers and hit them on the desk countertop to straighten them in place. He checked his watch and saw the time. "My next class is about to start. Is there anything I can help with?"
The detective closed his notepad, "No that'll be all for today. Thank you, Mr. Nanami." He shook his hand and headed his way out alongside the two officers.
"Oh! Please tell (Y/N)'s family my condolences. She's one of my students here. Hope she's found soon." Nanami said.
The detective gave him a sympathetic smile, "Sadly, her parents died recently, in a car accident. I'll tell her friend though, she's worried sick about her."
Nanami went back to teaching his class. He went on to be a normal regular teacher. He saw the detective and two officers roaming around, talking to other students and teachers. He kept his usual face and went on with his day. He would hear his colleagues about you, how they're saddened that you just vanished.
Some came up and spoke to Nanami since you were in his class, and he gave them the same type of response he gave to Detective Aki. When he got into his car, he drove off.
He went on to run some errands really quickly and got some snacks and a beverage. He went and decided to stop by a public library and started to use the public computers and continued to do some paperwork and make new homework and test assignments.
He looked at the time got up from his chair, logged off, and walked away from the library building. He got back in his car and drove off to a food place.
He ordered a meal for himself and ate in his car while grading more of his paperwork. When the sun was completely gone, he went to a copy, and fax machine place that was open 24 hours and started to make multiple copies before heading his way home near midnight.
He did this routine for 3 weeks. 3 whole weeks. 3 torture weeks for him.
The day he saw a man getting arrested on the college campus with Detective Aki and the two officers, his 3 whole weeks ended.
He got out of work, he went on to the library, and used the computer for some time. He went to an electronic store and bought himself a new computer. He got into his car and drove home.
He opened the door that was inside the garage and placed the store bag on the kitchen counter.
He walked upstairs and opened the bedroom door. "Sorry, I'm late. Work has been chaotic." He stared at you with your eyes glossy and the rag on your mouth. Your hands were still tied up to the headboard. He went towards and touched the rag and pulled it out. " Sorry about this, sweetheart. It was just a precaution. On the good news, they arrested that ex-boyfriend of yours. It wasn't good for him when they saw all the texts he had 'sent' you. Too bad they found your phone on his property."
"P-please...don't hurt me...Please don't hurt me." You cried to him.
He grabbed your cheeks with his hand, "Who's your best friend?" When you didn't answer him, he grabbed onto you harder, "Answer me!"
"E-Emi." You told him.
"Well, that Emi bitch made those 3 weeks a living fucking hell for me and I'm not too happy about that, sweetheart." He sighed and let you go. "At first I thought your family was gonna be in my way, but it turns out is Emi. Tell me, what should I do?"
You shook your head.
"You're right. It'll be too suspicious." He got on the bed and laid next to you. "I'm just happy to be with you." He slid his hand down to your body and stopped once it reached your stomach. "It must've been lonely here for you. Tell me something else, do you want some company while I'm gone?"
You felt your body shiver with his touch and talk. "N-no."
"No? You're fine here without me? Because if you ever feel alone, I can change that." He rubbed your stomach.
"I'm fine. I-I'm okay." You pulled your knees up to your chest feeling chills going through your body.
"I love you, I hope you know that." He said, smiling at you. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your body. "I'm doing this all for you."
He kissed your cheek, "This is all for love."
(Sorry for the long wait! R.I.P to Nanami 😩)
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Behavioral Lessons - King Ben x Reader
Summary: You push Ben's buttons too far
Words: 5.3K
Inspired by a section from my Dating Ben Would Include. Ben didn't lose his beard or fangs in this guys. He just didnt. So with that, he might just have some other… beast like qualities. (im so sorry i went rouge)
Link to photo of the dress, but if you hate it, just ignore when the dress is described and picture whatever you want to be wearing!
Warnings: Smut, uhhhh, thigh riding, a bit of edging, choking bro im not well at ALL for doing this to poor mitchell, not proofed
Edit: oh god. yall this is so dirty. i didnt mean to make ben a degrader but here we are... I’m sorry if I ruin this franchise for you rip i ruined it for myself
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You had to take matters into your own hands. You hadn't seen Ben in weeks. And when you had, it wasn't for more than a few minutes when you passed each other in the corridors of the castle. He hadn't even been returning to your shared room at night, sleeping in his office instead. You were growing restless without your fiancé.
Since you were both twenty-one, your wedding was coming up. With the nearing celebrations on top of his usual king duties, Ben had been more stressed than usual, which is why you hadn't seen him recently.
So naturally, you just had to take matters into your own hands. You knew the way to help your fiancé was to help him relieve his stress, and you knew just how to push him to get there.
Every Friday night, you sat down with Ben and his parents for dinner. But this Friday was special. Not only were his parents going to be there, but so were your friends. It was the final Friday before your wedding and it would be the most you've seen of him in weeks so you were looking forward to it. And what was to come afterward.
You kept the dress hidden for months. It was strapless and fell mid-thigh. The body of the dress was a pale yellow, the outer layer was a sparkly floral pink fabric, and the bodice had tiny bows up the front. Evie had designed it for you and was standing in front of you now.
"Oh. My. God. I don't think I've ever made anything better. You look incredible. Ben is gonna go craaaa-zyyyyy." She was gushing over you, shoving a pair of gold shoes into your hands. "Now put these on, and then let's get to that dinner.
You looked at yourself in the mirror absolutely mesmerized at your reflection. Your legs looked incredibly long with the length of the dress paired with the heels. Dizzy had so graciously styled your hair, a simple updo, but with your small tiara on your head, it was perfect. You smiled at yourself, bringing your hand to your neck where a small, gold, necklace with the letter "B" sat.
You were giddy with anticipation, ready to see Ben, ready for him to see you. You entered the large dining hall, filled with your friends from the Isle and Auradon. Belle was at your side immediately, looking beautiful as always.
"Y/N! Sweetie! You look lovely!" The small woman hugged you. "I am so looking forward to you and Ben's wedding next week. It is going to be beautiful!" You smiled at her.
"Thank you! I'm excited about it too. Ben is a wonderful man. I’m very lucky to be marrying him." Then, Lumiere announced that dinner had been served and as you turned to go to your seat, Ben was behind you.
"Hi." He was giving you the smile that made your stomach flutter with butterflies. His hands were on your waist almost instantly, bringing your body closer to his. He looked perfect, would you expect anything different? The blue suit with the golden crown was a look you'd never get tired of.
"Hello." You smiled back at him as he kissed you for the first time in weeks. You broke it first, knowing that people were most definitely watching you and that you needed to leave him wanting more.
As you walked to your places at the table, Ben whispered in your ear...
"You look incredible, Y/n." You flushed at the compliment and at the way his voice sounded when he said your name.
You sit next to him, the chairs closer together than normal with the new amount of people. The plan was in full motion now.
The feast was grand, as it usually was, but before it began, Ben rose to give a toast.
"Thank you all for joining Y/N and me," He gestured for you to stand and join him. His arm wrapped around you instantly. "In our final feast before our wedding." He turned to you, his beautiful smile returning again. "I can't speak for my beautiful fiancé, but I am so happy that our closest friends and family were able to join us tonight." You spoke before he could go on.
"I am also very happy you are here!" The hall erupted in a chorus of laughs and Ben squeezed your side.
"I'm so honored to be marrying such a wonderful person. I cannot wait to share the rest of my life with you.” You smiled at him as he bent down to press a soft kiss to your lips. He whispers, "I love you." and then he pulls away to continue. “Alright, I’m sure you all want to eat, so I won't bore you with my love speech any longer."
As everyone else ate, you counted the minutes until you could begin your plan. You didn't want to start it too early or too late. You had to wait for the right time. Ben was such an attentive fiancé that he had noticed your behavior.
"Honey?" You were startled at his voice in your ear again. "Are you feeling ok?" You turned to him, noticing that he was looking down at your chest, blushing when he looked back up. You shifted at the sight of his tongue running over the tips of his fangs.
Now. It was time for your plan.
You set your hand on his upper thigh, leaning over to whisper into his ear.
"I guess I'm just hungry for something else..." You ran your hand up further before you were stopped by him. You looked down at his hand grasping your wrist, right above the seam of his pants.
"Y/N." His usually sweet voice was stern. You set your face with a smirk but innocent eyes, looking up at him. His jaw was clenched but you could tell you were getting somewhere. His skin was dusted pink and his pupils had dilated. "What are you doing?" You reached your fingers to brush against the fabric of his pants and he snarled, his grip on your wrist tightening.
"Ben!" His father interrupted and he swallowed, squeezing your wrist once more.
“Stop if you know what’s good for you.” His words were low and then he turned to his father who was across the table. You took this moment to shake yourself from him, turning to the former king, before placing your hand back onto his pants.
Ben jerked, trying to keep his composure in front of his parents and friends, but how could he when you were teasing him like this? In order to not draw attention to himself, he kept both hands on the table.
"Son, are you ok?" Ben eyed you, giving you a glare that only spurred you on further. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"I'm fine." He continued his conversation with his father, talking about God knows what, as you continued to tease him. You were half listening to Ben and Adam and the other half of your brain was only thinking of making Ben as flustered as possible, so you ran your hand over the growing tent in his suit pants. You could tell he was struggling to maintain his composure, his breathing had gone uneven, his face was red, and he kept glancing at the big grandfather clock behind his father's chair.
You smiled, gave his clothed member a squeeze, and withdrew your hand, reaching for a large piece of chocolate cake. You looked over at Ben, his eyes narrowed on you as you brought a bite to your mouth. His slip in composure was glorious and you winked at him as you brought a bite of cake to your lips.
You almost choked on the cake as his hand slid onto your thigh, just past your dress, fingers skimming the soft lace of your underwear, already wet from your actions and your thoughts of the night to come.
"So needy that you've resulted to disobeying your King? How pathetic." His lips grazed over the skin under your ear before he leaned back to look at you.
Your thighs squeezed against his hand involuntarily and it was his turn to smirk. He regained his composure, returning to “normal” Ben, now free from your teasing.
You, however could barely eat your dessert with his hand pressed between your legs.
“Regretting our actions are we?” He whispered to you as his engagement ring slid over your core. You covered the gasp with a cough. “That’s what I thought.”
The second dinner had ended, Ben's arm was around your waist. As the two of you neared the doors of the large hall, his name was called.
His dad and Lumiere were behind you.
"Your Majesty, your father and I have been talking and there are a few things we wanted to go over for palace security during the ceremony. If you come with us, it won't take very long." Ben's face was completely normal as he gave Lumiere a nod before turning to face you.
He plastered on his King Ben smile, brushing his hand against your cheek, bringing your lips to his, but he didn't kiss you.
"I hope you know, I'm not going to be nice tonight." His lips were on yours for mere seconds before he stepped back, running his tongue over his fangs once again. Then, he turned back to Adam and Lumiere, leaving you in the dining hall, thoughts running wild about what was to happen to you that night.
You called Evie as soon as you got back to your and Ben's bedroom.
"Do I keep the dress on? Or do I wear something else?" You were frantic, walking around the closet, not knowing what to do.
"Girl! Calm down!" You had told her what had happened and she was so excited she practically screamed. "If I were you, I would put on one of his dress shirts. He won't be expecting it when he comes in to punish-"
"Oh my GOD, EVIE!" The laughter on the phone was enough to make you roll your eyes. "Thanks for your help." You grumbled.
"Let me know how it goes!" Before you could reply, she hung up. You set your phone down and grabbed one of Ben's white dress shirts along with a simple, white lace lingerie set from a drawer.
Slipping the dress off, you carefully put it on a hanger and set it in your closet. You slid the shirt on, buttoning it up, leaving it open just enough to see the bra you had just put on. You began to take out your hair, setting the crown down on your vanity counter, and removing the pins holding the updo in place. Finally, you applied a bit of lipgloss and a spritz or two of Ben's favorite perfume before climbing onto your shared king-sized bed.
Thirteen minutes later, not that you had counted, the bedroom door burst open, and in walked your fiancé. His eyes locked on your body as he removed his suit jacket. You knew he was waiting for you to look at him, so you obliged, looking up from the random book you had picked up, you really weren't reading it anyway. He was glaring at you as his hand loosened his tie and removed it. You tried your best to look at him with the most innocent eyes you could and he chuckled.
You watched as he unbuttoned the first two buttons of the white shirt and rolled the sleeves up to his forearms. When you looked back into his eyes, they were almost black.
"Did you have a good time at the dinner, my dear? Did you enjoy yourself?" His hands were placed on the bed so he was leaning down. His tone was condescending, which sent shivers down your spine. He was always so sincere. This new side to Ben was intoxicating.
“Answer your King when he speaks to you.”
If he noticed your eyes widening in shock, he didn’t acknowledge it. He was unmoving, his eyes challenging you, taunting you.
“I’m not going to ask again.” You didn’t know how to respond, so you nodded.
Ben chuckled again, his fangs on display. Any sight of them made your heart race and he knew it.
“No, honey. Use your words.” His voice lowered. “Or do you want to disobey me again?”
“Yes, I enjoyed dinner.” Your voice was small but you held your ground, not breaking eye contact. You challenged him back. “Did you enjoy dinner, Ben?” A dark look crossed his face.
“Why don’t you try saying that again, using my correct title?” You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes, but you had to admit, you liked this side of him.
“Did you enjoy yourself tonight…” You sat up from the headboard, leaning towards him, and bowed your head. Then, looking up at him through your lashes added, “…my King?”
His eyes narrowed again and his hands wrapped around your ankles, tugging you to the end of the bed. He settled his knee between your legs, brushing your clothed core on purpose, but not acknowledging it. His hands settled by your head and he hovered over you.
“No.” He dug his knee into you harder and you threw your head back, exposing your neck to him as you moaned. “No, I didn’t.” You felt his finger slide down the column of your throat before hooking itself around your necklace laced with his initial. He leaned down, mouth hovering over the pulse point in your neck. “My bratty fiancé couldn’t keep her hands to herself.”
His teeth ran down your neck and goosebumps erupted at the sharpness of the canines. “You haven’t touched your bratty fiancé in weeks.” He tugged on your necklace and your eyes found his again.
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
Now that was a surprise.
Though he got stressed fairly often, he never used vulgar language. You had heard him say “damnit” once after losing a Tourney game in high school, but that was it.
Suddenly, you felt your body flush at his outburst. You didn’t reply, too shocked to say anything.
Ben smiled, but it wasn’t his good King Benjamin smile.
This smile was positively wicked.
“I believe I asked you a question, Y/N.” The fingers hooked on the chain around your neck now rested softly on your throat.
Holy shit.
“Yes.” The words were almost inaudible.
“M’sorry… what was that?”
“Yes.” You spoke clearly now.
He snickered.
“That’s now how you properly answer a question, now is it? Let me ask again.” His fingers tightened slightly. “Do you want your King to fuck you?” The word rolled off of his tongue like honey and your hips rolled into his knee.
“Yes, I want you to…” His eyebrow went up. “…fuck me.” His fingers withdrew from your throat.
“Hmm.” Suddenly he was standing up, leaving you on the bed, catching your breath. “I don’t think you’ve earned it.”
You watched with wide eyes as he sat down at your vainity in the corner of the room. He looked so casually regal. His crown, the unbuttoned shirt, his crisp blue slacks. But there was some other air about him that was making you crumble in his hands. The way he was man spreading, his long legs awaiting as your own throne. His beard and sharp fangs you were aching to feel between your thighs. Your toes curled at the thought.
“You’re thinking about it now, aren’t you honey?” The mean tone from before had returned. “You’re thinking about me fucking you?” Your face flushed so much you were sure it went down your whole body. You quickly realized he’d asked you another question.
“Y-Yes. I am thinking about that.” Your snarkiness from before was long-gone. He gave you another wicked smile. His picked up your crown, which was much smaller than his since your coronation would happen after the wedding.
“Well, are you going to sit there all night or are you going to come finish what you started at dinner?” You got up from the bed immediately crossing to where he sat. His fingers wrapped around your necklace again, tugging you to his level. Your knees hit the floor, hands on his thighs while he brushes your hair from your face. He tilts your chin up to meet your eyes.
His hand retracts while he takes you in. On your knees in front of him, wearing one of his shirts and dear God, the white lace of your bra peeking out at him was making his head spin.
No longer having self-restraint, Ben’s lips lock on yours. You moan into his mouth as his hands wrap around your torso, pulling you to sit in his lap. He growls into the kiss as you grind your hips into his.
Finally. You thought to yourself. Ben’s control over his respectful manner had cracked a little but your goal was to break through it completely. And you knew by his bruising grip on your hips that you were on the right track.
Then suddenly, Ben wasn’t touching you anymore. Your body was left heaving on top of his while he leaned back in the chair, resting his elbows on the armrests.
“Go on.” You stated wide-eyed at him. “I’m not going to do all the work here, honey.” Your face flushed as you looked to his crotch, the tented fabric strained. “You did this…” His hand grabbed yours, setting it back onto his pants. “…so do something about it.”
Slowly, you began to move your fingers and Ben’s eyes narrowed.
“You and I both know you can do better than that.” His hand found it’s way back up to your throat. “Don’t you want to please your King?”
Dear GOD where had this side of him come from? He shifted the slightest bit so his pants ran against you.
“Ben!” Your eyes squeezed shut, brain foggy with him.
“Are you really making me wait?” You shook your head, avoiding his gaze as yours shifted to where your shaking hands were now trying to undo his belt buckle.
As you worked to free him from his pants, Ben’s hands found their way back to your hips, slowly pushing up the fabric of his dress shirt so he could see what was lying underneath.
His mouth almost watered as the white lace was brought into view. He licked his lips at what the fabric was trying in vain at hiding.
Ben had to remind himself that you were not being rewarded now. That you’d disobeyed him at dinner and now was not the time to be relishing in how lovely you were.
He was brought out of his thoughts as your hand slid into his boxers.
He threw his head back and muttered a barely audible,
As your fingers wrapped around him, timidly moving up and down.
He looked at you, so focused on what you were doing, so desperate to make him feel good, needing to hear his words of praise. Ben guided you to straddle one leg as he began to rock his hips into your hand.
You were so trained on pleasing your fiancé, that you hadn’t even noticed that you’d begun grinding on his thigh.
Ben had noticed. He watched as your breathing became more rapid and how your strokes became less careful. You looked up, meeting his gaze, sucking in a breath at the primal look in his eyes.
His eyes flashed with pleasure as your thumb ran over the tip of his cock. His fingers stopped your hips and he said,
“Stop.” Right as you were about to come. You did as you were told but you couldn’t help the whine that escaped at the lack of sensation.
Ben rolled his eyes, the hands on your hips forcing you to grind into his leg once again. You moan, tossing your head back to avoid looking at him. The fucker was edging you.
“So Goddamn needy.” His hot touch on your skin was gone and you had to steady your breathing before looking at him again.
Ben had begun to unbutton the rest of your shirt, pushing it off of your shoulders once it was fully undone. He shamelessly raked his eyes over your body, grinning that evil grin as he did so.
Then, his hands were under your bottom, picking you up before setting you down on the bed.
“Are you going to behave now?” The dampening of your underwear at his words is embarrassing. Ben’s thumbs skim over your abdomen, right on the waistband of your underwear. Ben doesn’t break eye contact with you, smiling once again. He looks hot as hell, his fangs and the beard along with his crown.
Was he going to fuck you while wearing his crown? God you hoped so.
“Honey?” Ben lowered to his knees, fingers now on the sides of the lace fabric. You instinctively close your legs but Ben’s strong hands are there instantly, forcing them back open.
Embarrassment floods your system as you watch him look down, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face before his eyes return to yours.
“Keep them open.” His fingers dance dangerously close to the damp lace. “Answer my question, please.”
He’s so close that you can feel his breath fanning your core.
“Yes, Ben. Fuck! I’ll behave.” He kisses your inner thighs which are now practically shaking in his grasp. His mouth moves to your hips, right where your waistband is.
“Do you want to know a secret?”
“What?” You sound breathless.
He looks directly into your eyes.
“I’ve been able to smell you this entire time.”
You’re too late to react as Ben rips through the white lace with his teeth. His hands are keeping your thighs to the side and he looks at you for a moment: A shaking little mess before him, your cunt dripping and clenching around nothing. You watch as he smiles again, bracing yourself for the contact of his tongue, lips, and teeth.
His tongue licks your glistening cunt from the bottom up twice and your hand clamps over your mouth when his lips wrap around your aching clit.
And then.
Oh, fuck.
You’d forgotten about his facial hair.
The delicious roughness contrasting with his sweet mouth made the pleasure skyrocket.
Ben loved the taste of you. He was never able to get enough. So anytime he went down on you, he took all he could get. He moaned at the taste of you, the vibrations going straight through you.
Your hips lifted off of the bed as one of his hands moved off of your thigh and a thumb pressed hard against your swollen clit. At the same time, Ben bit into the soft skin of your thighs, marking his territory. He repeated his actions on the other side, now rolling your clit between his fingers.
If you weren’t covering your mouth, you were sure the whole castle would be able to hear you.
Ben’s mouth returned and you let out a scream as his teeth bit your clit gently. He let his tongue swirl around it as his thumb ran down your slit, parting your folds, exposing more of you to the cool air. He moved the slightest bit and the roughness of his mustache brushed against your clit, sending you into your awaiting orgasm.
Ben continued devouring you through it, eating you out like a beast, already wanting to get another one out of you like this. He looked up at you, realizing he hadn’t been able to hear you, eyes narrowing once again at the hand over your mouth. Your hips rocked again as he slid his middle finger into you easily but then he stopped all of his actions.
Your grown was muffled but one look from Ben and your hand fell to the side.
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of being too loud…” his finger curled inside you and you let out a loud moan, a blush settling over your cheeks instantly. “…because I don’t care if anyone hears. They’ll know how good the king is fucking you, right?” His mouth was on yours again, finger pushing in and out of you slowly. Your hips jerk up and you moan into his mouth, making him smile into yours.
Ben pulls away, making you groan in frustration. As you sit up on your elbows, you watch as Ben steps away from the bed to undress and you know he's doing it slowly on purpose.
“Shut up. You brought this on yourself, honey.”
Once again, your cheeks heat. His harsh glare makes your heart pound.
His eyes tear away from yours as he finishes undressing. Yours close, waiting for what's next half in anxiousness, half in eagerness. His warm hand on your knee snaps you out of your thoughts.
His tongue runs over his bottom lip before he brings it between his teeth. He pulls your body down and steps between your legs. Ben's hand settles on your neck again, smirking at the feeling of your racing pulse.
"Don't tell me you're nervous, sweetheart." You take a deep breath before looking into his eyes with a smirk of your own.
"Why would I be nervous if this is what I wanted?" His jaw sets as the smirk disappears.
And then under his breath,
"Such a fucking brat." Before his hand fully wraps around your throat as he brings his lips to yours.
Your hands reach up to wrap around his shoulders pulling him down on top of you.
You pull away when Ben bites your lip, tasting blood.
His smirk is back.
"Oh, so you're using my full name now. I thought this is what you wanted." You glare at him as you run your tongue along the bite. His head dips as he kisses you again, sucking on your bottom lip. You are so enthralled with the feeling of his mouth on yours, you don't register what else he is doing until you feel the head of his cock pushing into you.
You act on instinct, pushing your hips into him but he pulls away.
"Don't be impatient. That stunt you played at dinner was cute and all but-"
"You thought it was cute?" You pout. "I thought you were going to punish me for it, my King."
With that, Ben pushes into you the rest of the way, wrapping his hand around your throat again, silencing any moan trying to escape.
"You were saying?" Your pelvic muscles clench around him which spurs him on further. "What's the matter, my love?" He pulls out of you and puts the slightest bit of pressure on your throat. "You want me to punish you?" He leans in to kiss you again but stops centimeters from your lips. "You asked for it."
Ben kisses you once again, hands now on your hip bones as his hips roll into yours at a brutal pace. Your hands wrap around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you as he does the dirty work.
Your nails dig into his skin as you near your orgasm, pulling away from his lips as you struggle to catch your breath. Then suddenly, Ben stills inside of you and laughs as you whine.
"Would you like me to keep going?" You nod, although you know he will continue to fuck with you. "Really?" His lips find your neck again, kissing the spot beneath your ear. He grins against your skin at your whine. "Alright."
Ben begins to move ever-so-slowly. Annoyed, you begin to roll your hips into his but he is quick to stop you. His hands press your hips deep into the bed, forcing your movements to stop.
"Ben..." You trail off, eyes closing as Ben continues. He leans back, his beautiful smile gracing his face.
He gradually picks up speed, every movement into you brings you closer to the brink but Ben knows your body well. He's memorized your body and the ways it reacts to his. He knows that when you throw your head backward and try to cover your mouth to subdue the noises you're making that you're close. That's when he knows to stop.
"Fuck, Ben, please." He leans over you again, his beautiful smile still plastered on his beautiful face.
"Please what?" He has the audacity to rub soothing circles on your skin.
"Damnnit Ben." Your eyes are squeezed shut, unable to look him in the eyes. Ben leans over more, his lips brushing against yours.
"Please what, honey?" Your eyes open and narrow at him.
"I already asked Ben..." He chuckles.
"And I'm asking again." He raises his eyebrows. "Now unless you'd like me to," his hips roll again, "continue with your punishment, I suggest you use your words and answer my question."
"Benjamin," You pause briefly, waiting to see if he will stop you and make you use his title, but he doesn't. "Please, please, fuck me."
Ben smirks, making him impossibly more attractive.
"That's all you had to say." His hands grab your thighs, wrapping them around his waist before turning his smirk into a grin.
He moves again and it is glorious. Ben does all the work, which is fine for you because you're too enthralled with the pleasure to do anything about it. His hands tighten on your legs and pull you to him, bringing your bodies impossibly closer. His pace is brutal, fingers most definitely leaving bruises in their wake.
Instead of covering your mouth, your hands wander up his arms and pull him down to you again before resting on his broad shoulders. His crown glints in the light and your eyes roll at the sight. His hand leaves your thigh and reaches between your bodies to pinch your clit. To cover your moan, you pull his lips to yours, releasing it into his mouth. Ben smiles in return, rolling your clit between his fingers.
You break the kiss, gasping for air as your head is thrown back, He takes the opportunity to attack your neck again, his teeth gently biting at the soft skin.
His hips slam into yours once again and it pushes you over the edge. Your mouth opens in a silent scream, your body going limp in his arms.
Ben follows not far behind, groaning into your neck.
After the two of you calm down, he pushes himself back, looking down at you.
"I'm sorry if I went a little overboard. I just-"
"No seriously I-" You cut him off.
"Benjamin shut up." His eyes widen. You look up at him, a small smile on your lips. He watches with wide eyes as you push yourself up to sit under him. His smirk returns as you wince at the soreness he left you.
"Did you just tell me to-" You cut him off with a kiss, hands pulling his face to yours.
You break away from him and his eyes are wide.
"Ben, if you had gone overboard I would have told you." You kiss him again. "Besides, it's what I wanted." His eyes narrow.
"What?" You giggle, squishing his cheeks together before his hands wrap around your wrists, pulling your hands down. "Y/N, what did you just say?" You fall back onto the bed, laughing.
"I had this whole thing planned out, Bennie Boo." His eyes roll at his ex-girlfriend's nickname for him. "You were stressed and we hadn't..."
"Fucked?" He finishes for you.
"...in weeks, so I put this plan together to help you relieve your stress and so we could..." It's Ben's turn to grin.
"Say it."
"Make me."
His smile drops.
"Oh, you're asking for it now, sweetie." His lips were on yours before you could even think of a clever response.
bro ive literally been working on this for like 3 months.
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cutielando · 10 months
the smooth operation | c.s.
synopsis: in which you remember how your relationship blossomed
my masterlist
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"Remember when we first met?" you randomly asked Carlos as you were laying on the couch together, watching the new season of the Formula 1 Netflix documentary.
"I do, why?" he asked, confused.
"Just thinking about how far we've come" you shrugged, snuggling further into his warm chest.
"I did make you a deal that you just couldn't refuse. The Smooth Operation of Carlos Sainz was a success" he proudly stated, making you laugh.
"That was the farthest thing from smooth, mi amor" you said between giggles, watching his now offended face.
"How dare you, I was the smoothest gentleman ever" he tried to sound serious but you knew he was trying to hold in his laughter as well.
"Whatever you say, amor"
"Do you remember when...?"
Flashback ~ 4 years prior
The paddock was busier than you ever expected. If you thought the teams looked busy on the livestreams and TV, it was nothing compared to real life.
"Hello, can I help you?" a red-haired woman snapped you out of your thoughts, looking at you with a confused face as to why you were in the Ferrari garage.
"Sorry, my name is Y/N, I'm the PR intern. I was supposed to find-"
"Me. You were supposed to find me. Welcome aboard, Y/N. Buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy drive" she said and motioned for you to follow her.
You took one last glance at the busy garage full of engineers back and forth before you followed the woman. 
Having been so focused on not getting lost, you didn't even realize where you were going which led to you crashing into a very toned body. You would've fallen had the stranger not caught you.
"Careful there, Miss" the strong Spanish accent spoke in your ear, instantly making your eyes widen.
You could've recognized that voice in a million, the accent making it obvious. You had just crashed into Carlos Sainz, the Ferrari driver.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't watch where I was going" you excused yourself once you stood on your two feet, finally looking up into his warm chocolate brown eyes.
"I haven't seen you around here" he noted, his expression cutely confused.
"I'm the PR intern. I was supposed to follow this red-haired woman down to her office but I lost sight of her and now I don't know where I'm supposed to go" you smiled sheepishly, making Carlos chuckle and nod.
"I can take you there, come on" he put a hand on the small of your back and started walking with you.
He didn't realize it, but his hand on your back was making you lose your mind. THE Carlos Sainz was actually talking to you. No, he was TOUCHING you.
You could've fainted at that alone.
"You don't have to, I'm sure you're busy with other stuff. I'll manage on my own" you hurried to say, knowing he most probably had better things to do than parade around with you.
"Nonsense, it would be my pleasure" he explained, flashing you a big smile as you continued to walk through the garage.
After a minute, you stopped in front of an office, and you could see the woman you had talked to earlier sitting at her desk and talking to someone on the phone.
"Thank you for showing me around" you said, turning to face him.
"No need to thank me, it was my pleasure. I'll see you around" he said and leaned in, kissing your cheek before walking away.
Your face was red as the Ferrari colors, your cheeks were warm and your eyes were wide, staring at the spot where he last stood.
You reached down and pinched yourself, making sure that what just happened wasn't all in your imagination.
Flashback - 4 years ago, 2 weeks after meeting
Your belly hurt because of how much you had been laughing, Carlos following suit.
He had asked you out for dinner a couple of days prior after he had won a race, and you didn't have the heart to refuse him and celebrating his win with him.
"I don't remember the last time someone made me laugh so much" you said once your laughter died down, the smile still prominent on your face.
"I could say the same, it's been a while since I've been out with someone" he confessed, leaning back in his chair.
You admired him for a moment, taking in his beautiful facial features, admiring the way his white shirt hugged his toned body, the way his hair looked so soft and fell so beautifully on his eyes.
In your opinion, he looked just like Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid, your favorite childhood story.
"You're an amazing man, Carlos" the words rolled off your tongue before you could even realize what you were saying.
The smile that appeared on his lips was so radiant, making you feel all fuzzy on the inside knowing you were the one who caused it.
"You're the most wonderful person I have ever met" he took your hand that was resting on the table and brought it to his lips, kissing it lovingly.
Your eyes were stuck on his, a subtle blush coating your cheeks.
Before the night ended, Carlos walked you to your hotel room where you were staying, wanting to make sure you got there safely.
"I had a wonderful time tonight" you confessed once you stopped at your hotel room door, leaning back against it.
"Me too. I hope we can do it again" he proposed, making your heartbeat quicken and your palms sweaty.
"What will the team think of this? I practically work for you, this goes against work ethics. They'd make us stop seeing each other" you wondered out loud, the question having been nagging at you ever since you agreed to go out with him.
"They wouldn't and they won't. If they see we are happy together, they will leave us alone. Plus, they know better than to piss me or Charles off. We could walk away any time, they wouldn't risk it" he explained, making you bite your lips and chuckle.
"Okay then" you said and leaned up, pecking his lips slightly before hurriedly opening your door and stepping inside the room.
Once inside, you rested your back against the door and bit your lips, trying to suppress the stupid smile that was fighting its way to your lips.
"We've come a long way since then" you commented as you found yourself back in the arms of the man you love, smiling at all the memories.
"We have. And the future is only just beginning" he said and kissed your head, burying his face in your hair.
Maybe your relationship wasn't the most perfect all the time, but it was yours, and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
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much appreciated!!
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goosita · 7 months
Can you PLEASE give us some head canons/ bullet points about reader and politician!snow’s relationship, esp from them first getting together to now! I am Obsessed!!!! Sending so much love!!!!
ABSOLUTELY I CAN. these are mostly from coryos pov since the series is written more from readers perspective
first of all, coryo has been obsessed with you from the moment you walked in for your job interview. he literally didnt even read the resumes of any other candidates after he met you
somewhere between the gala date and now, he started placing a fresh rose in a small glass vase on your desk every single day. it always matches whatever color rose he wears on his suit lapel that day. he has never mentioned it, its just something he Does
he’s told tigris all about you. in fact, it was tigris’ idea for you to be his date to the gala that night that changed everything. neither of them would ever admit it to you, but coriolanus talks about you like a schoolboy with a crush, and tigris finds it so sweet.
minor detail but in part 3 when you go to tell him where you live and he says he remembers that it’s the same street an old friend lived on, he’s talking about sejanus 🫶🏻
coryo also knew from the very beginning that you were into him LMAO he knows he's very handsome and he clocked it immediately. it has never gone unnoticed, the way you look at him or the way you react to his closeness or his touches. he's always known and that's why he was so confident in flirting with you in the beginning.
we all know he's a little.....controlling. and especially Possessive. that's why a lot of the time he calls you by a term of endearment or pet name, it starts with "my" (MY darling, MY love, MY sweet girl) this was a very very pointed choice in the way i write in him hehe
you don't know this, but he has instructed (read: threatened) EVERY member of his staff and every employee who works beneath him to treat you with the upmost respect. they have all been firmly told to make your job as easy as possible and to be as polite and courteous to you as they possibly can. also, he doesn't give a fuck about "professionalism" when it comes to you; everyone knows he has a sweet spot for you and he doesn't particularly care how that might look. he has enough power that nobody would dare say anything about it.
you also don't know the full extent of this, but coryo is wrapped around your little finger. anything in the world that he could give you, it would be yours if you said the word. it's why he was so quick to send you home sick and care for you with his little package of medicine and remedies. he would do anything in his power to make you happy. your joy is his joy and your needs are just as important as his own.
his love language is acts of service and gifts. clearly.
if i think of more, i'll def add them!!! but yeah this is off the top of my head <3
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camomileapplesyrup · 3 months
my father never really behaved like one. he was violent. he beat me and my mother. he cheated on her with hookers every night, and got off on the idea of assaulting them behind my mother's back. after my 4th birthday, he up and left. from then, my childhood with him was meeting a string of women from russia, all claiming to be engaged to him. no one stayed long enough but one woman. who became my stepmother.
we didn't like each other. as a small little girl, who watched her big professor father dancing around in suits all day and then slapping my mom before storming away, i didn't have much faith in my safety with this woman. i saw an evil lady, who was corrupting my father with her evil lady ways, turning him against me to prioritise her son who she brought with her. this illusion dropped one night during an argument that lasted hours.
after hurling an array of expensive china at each other, and slamming all the doors in their big house, my stepmother sat crying in our red armchair, repeatedly murmuring things in russian i wish i would have understood. my father saw me approaching and snarled at me. something along the lines of "don't entertain the attention seeking goose. she is playing the victim." as a young 13 year old girl, the only thing i could conjure up was "well, you hit her, dad. don't you think that's why she's crying?"
whatever happened after that was a blur. he went on a tirade at me, clearly bothered by the correction. he looked like a big, puffed up toad, in my memory. croaking unintelligibly with anger and offence. but, im his daughter after all. i didn't understand a thing, i yelled back at my father, attempting to mimic his emotionless-debate-arguing.
that night i saw my real mother in her.
my real mother, in the same house, who never cowered. never ran away, or cried without a glare. my mother who made sure i saw her slap back. slap back so hard it made my father stagger against the very same doorframe i stood.
amidst my heated conversation with my father, the woman whom i hated so much, called out my name. she looked at me and choked out a sentence i'll never forget. in her thick, russian accent, she said "you are a strong young woman. never cower in front of your dad, or any man who hurts you. thank you."
it was the first and last time she ever complimented me. for the first time, we saw each other for what we truly were. two women victimised by an abusive men, who shrunk into the very thing he wanted to avoid most. two women who respected each other enough, to stand up to him. no matter how far apart our worlds were, in that moment, we became the very core of our beings and forgot everything else.
i'll never forget her defeated voice, and tear stained face. i'll never forget what she gave me that day.
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itsgrimeytime · 6 months
I Told You Now || Rick Grimes (TWD) x gn!reader
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
Part 2
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Inspiration: I've Told You Now by Sam Smith or "But what the hell, why do you think I come 'round here on my free will? Wasting all my precious time... Oh, the truth spills out and oh I...I've told you now."
Summary: You were in love with Rick, not that he knew. You weren't sure you were ever going to tell him. What could you say, you loved the kids and didn't want to lose them too. It was too risky. But finding out he was chasing after some married woman was just the last straw.
TWs: angst, jealousy, yelling, anger, crying, cursing, mention of fainting, not really unrequited love (you just don't know that yet) and vague references to infidelity (Jessie to her husband).
[[A/N: This song came up on my old playlist, and let me tell ya... I had some thoughts. This might be a two-parter, we shall see. Enjoy <3]]
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"Hey, Mags," you hummed -Judith bouncing on your hip, "-where's Rick? I've been trying to find him all da-"
Maggie froze for a second, and you stilled -tightening your grip on Judith. Was there danger? Was everything okay? Your eyes swung around to see if there was anything unusual, anything dangerous-
Your eyes caught on something.
It was Rick, wearing his constable uniform (which you blindly noted suited him really well), and talking to a woman. You knew her name, Jessie, he'd talked about her before -said her husband was a real piece of shit. Everyone within Alexandria apparently knew that, but Rick was the only one to do anything about it.
At the time, you thought it was heroic of him, something Rick would do.
But now...
Your eyes skimmed across his face, across the intent of his blue eyes. There was something there, something you knew. You're not sure if it's the way he stood, or the smooth smile slipped onto his lips, or the way he looked down when he laughed at her -whatever she said, but-
"Why don't you just come inside?"
You barely heard it, something in your chest sinking -heavy. Your heart was pounding in your chest, it felt like every breath took everything out of your lungs, like your whole world was teetering on an edge. And Rick Grimes held it in his hands.
And he was... he was throwing it around, he wasn't even careful-
"Y/N," she continued, and you could hear her but there was something in you that couldn't move.
How long had this been happening? A married woman, really?
You knew her husband was terrible, scum of the Earth-
"Y/N," she warned, gently.
But her?
Why hadn't he ever told you? Why did you ever think that it was different now?
What were you to him? Just a goddamn babysitter?
The hope that had gathered up in your chest was snuffed out, just like the crumbling of your heart. You'd always knew it would come to this, you just weren't ready.
"Y/N," she stressed -trying to gain your focus, "-come on-"
Something in your stomach twisted, sour.
Tossing like a tide, you swayed in place. Your head was getting fuzzy and your eyes were bleary. Your ears felt like they were stuffed, all the voices so far away-
You took a languid blink.
With a breath, you pushed Judith into Maggie's arms -ensuring her safety. And with that, your knees buckled underneath you.
You fell to the ground.
You remember hearing Maggie scream, hearing the rush of footsteps -slapping along the ground. You remember hearing him then too, but something in you soured -you tried so hard to block it out. Ignore it.
"What the hell happened?"
It made your head pound again, made your brain swim. You squeezed your eyes closed like it would bring you some relief, anything-
"Y/N?" A voice offered, you recognized it to be Maggie's, "-are you awake?"
You shifted ever so slightly, eyes blinking open. The first thing you noticed was the bandage along your head, had you hit your head? Your fingers shifted to touch it-
Maggie grabbed your wrist, stopping the motion, "That'll hurt. You hit your head when you... Doctor says it might give you some headaches for a while."
You realized then, you were in a bed -distinctly not yours. You knew the woody smell anywhere, your eyes darted along the nightstands, almost to confirm -an old picture of him, Lori, and Carl. Something in you winced, and not because of your head.
"Told 'im to give us a minute," she revealed, "-I said you'd want to be in your own house, but he insisted."
The apology went unsaid.
"'S okay," you slurred a little, you weren't sure if it was from the pain or the sleep, "-not your fault, Maggie."
"Still," she echoed -something in her protective, "-I won't leave 'im alone with you, I promise."
You laughed a little, "Grimes is gonna do it anyway, we both know that. Hell, maybe I'll finally tell him."
"Because of..."
It again went unsaid, you weren't sure you could say it out loud either.
"How-" you cleared your throat, "-Do you know how long...?"
Maggie sighed -picking at the white comforter, "A few weeks at most, me and Glenn only caught onto it that long. But I don't... I don't know."
"How can I be so pissed-" you cried -tears burning the backs of your eyes, "-I don't deserve to be pissed. How would he even know?"
"Y/N, you can be pissed," she interrupted, wrapped your hands into hers, "-It's not just you. Everyone thought- You aren't delusional. He was... There was something."
"Apparently not," you retorted -bluntly.
"Don't," she frowned, getting something to wipe at your eyes, "-Don't do that to yourself, you couldn't have known better."
"I should've known better," you echoed out -sniffling, "-I'm so stupid. I told myself to n-"
The door swung open.
Rick stood there -less composed than you saw him before. You inwardly flinched at the notion of... before. His hair was a bit unruly like he'd been running his hands through it -he did that when he was worried. You knew that. His jacket (constable jacket) was tossed off, a frown creased on his lips and worry on his brow. He looked at you -unflinchingly.
"I thought I 'eard ya cryin'," he spoke, seemingly to confirm to himself, "-does it hurt? Do I need to go get some medicine? Doc said-"
"No," you interrupted -plainly, wiping at your eyes, "-I'm fine, Rick. Actually-"
You pulled yourself out from under the comforter, sitting up and scooting to the edge of the bed. It felt like you were suffocating in here -all you could smell was him, all you could see was him, all you could feel was him. It wasn't fair.
You needed some air, like now.
"-I'm gonna go home," you finished, looking to Maggie to help you get onto your feet (you were still a little dizzy).
"You can't-" he seemed to respond, in disbelief, "-You ain't supposed to be alone, right now. Doc said-"
"I'll go to Maggie's then," you offered -grabbing your shoes which were placed neatly by the bed. Something in you stung that he had thought to do that for you.
"Why?" He asked -genuine.
You wordlessly walked through the door past him -Maggie trailing you. You padded down the hallway, cursing the familiar walls -the baby toys scattered in the corner, the picture frames hung up on the wall, and the little trinkets from his time on the road.
"You'll tell me if the kids need me, yeah?" You spoke, finally -hand turning the doorknob.
"Will ya just talk to me?"
You stuttered in your step, you could feel Maggie behind you. Your heart twisting in your chest, you just wanted to go. But something in you stopped; god, you loved him so much. It wasn't fair.
"Fine," you answered -clipped, "-Maggie, give us a minute? I'll be over in a few."
She looked at you a moment, trying to see if she should leave maybe. Eyes darting over your face, reading your eyes -she seemed to be satisfied, "Okay."
You spun to Rick, taking a deep breath in through your nose.
"What do you want to talk about, Rick?"
He laughed -in disbelief, you could tell, "What do I wanna talk 'bout? Seriously? Like you don't know?"
You stared at him -wordlessly.
"Y/N," he started -stepping toward you, you almost immediately stepped back and he noticed, "-you fuckin' fainted, you're hurt. We don't even know why and now-"
"I know why," you interrupted.
He seemed to look at you in curiosity, "Why?"
"Haven't been eating," you lied with the ease of the wind.
He seemed to process that a second -concern flitting through his face before settling somewhere else, "'At's bullshit."
"How do you know-"
"You ate dinner at mine last night," he explained, "-an' ya cleaned your plate."
"Look Rick," you mended, "-I really don't want to talk about it."
"Why?" He offered, and he stepped forward -you stepped back, "-and now you're... you're avoidin' me? What the hell happened? You were fine, yesterday-"
"Can we not get into this right now?" You interrupted again, "-My head hurts like hell, and I just want to go and rest, like I imagine I was told to do."
Rick leveled a look at you, "Why not 'ere? Why Maggie's? You're always 'round 'ere anyway-"
It slipped out before you could think about it -venomous, "And why do you think that is?"
He stuttered to a stop, "What?"
Regret spilled into your stomach, "Rick, let's not get into this. Seriously. I'm tired-"
"No, no," he echoed, "-you brought it up. What do ya mean? What are you talkin' 'bout?"
"I can't," you swallowed, tears burning the backs of your eyes, "-Rick, not now, okay?"
He looked at you surfing over your eyes, insistent, "Why are you 'round 'ere so often?"
"I thought it was 'cause ya loved the kids," he listed, "-or 'cause we were friends. But you... 'Ere's another reason."
"Rick, I don't want to."
"Want to what?" He asked, something in his voice teetering, "-Tell me? Talk to me? We used to know everythin' 'bout each other, and now you're sayin'-"
Something in you snapped. You don't know if it was his tone, or the words, or the implication that you had been lying to him while he was so truthful to you-
"God, Rick," you nearly shouted, "-I'm in fucking love with you!"
Rick froze -unmoving. You couldn't even tell if he was breathing.
"Are you happy now?"
He didn't say a word.
"So, yeah. I have been lying to you," you hissed, "-if you wanted to put it that way. If you wanted to say that I'm an asshole for protecting myself, then yeah, I am."
Rick was much different in his stance now -gentle like you'd run at his first motion toward you, eyes flickering between so many things, "Y/N..."
"No," you spoke -steely, "-I'm not. We're not doing this. I already know..."
Your words trailed off, and you swallowed -pushing down the tears. You weren't going to cry now.
"I saw you with Jessie, okay?" you explained -something in your voice softer, fragile, hurt, "-So I know. It's why I fainted. I just... I wasn't expecting it."
"Y/N, I never-"
"Seriously, Rick," you nearly begged -your voice cracking, "-I know. You don't need to drag this out longer. Did you not hear me the first time?"
His mouth snapped shut, even though he looked like he had a lot to say. Words urging to be uttered from his lips. But he didn't say anything, maybe out of respect to you. You were grateful.
"I'll be back by later to see the kids," you echoed out -something in your voice hollow.
"Will ya just let me-"
"Just let me know when Judith's up, okay?" You interrupted, deflecting, "-I said I'd watch her today."
And with a final look (maybe your last ever full look at him), you walked out the door.
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megamindsecretlair · 6 months
*Heed warnings*
Pairing: Jatemme Manning x Bratty!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. PWP, Filth, cursing, PIV, size kink, mentions of violence, gun use, drug use, brat reader. Reader does get turned on by violence, if this disturbs you click away. All consensual. Established relationship. Heavy use of n-word.
Summary: You are tired of being Jatemme's arm candy. Forever guarded and without 100% of his attention. As the race for Alderman heats up, you're at a fundraising event when you grow bored and decide to test Jatemme's devotion.
Word Count: 3,494k
A/N: I was a little unhinged writing this, so it was written in a bit of a daze. Please let me know what ya'll think about this one. I can't find the ask where people expressed interest so don't be mad at me if I didn't tag you! I'm sorry! I'm also not married to the moodboard, so it might change. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @blowmymbackout @browngirldominion @sageispunk @harmshake @amethyst09 @ciaqui @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz @blackerthings
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You were bored. Just because you told your man to leave you alone, didn’t mean you actually wanted him to do it. Why couldn’t niggas ever listen? What’s so hard to understand? “Leave you alone” obviously meant to give you attention?
You were at a fancy event for Jatemme’s brother, Jamal, who was running for Alderman. Snooze fest. Jatemme promised that you weren’t going to be here long. That you’d only have to sit like a doll for an hour tops, before he took you shopping and out to eat.
One hour turned to three and you were still sitting at Jamal’s table, surrounded by Jatemme’s crew while Jamal and Jatemme did business. You scanned the room for your man but didn’t find him. 
You did see Jamal who was hard to miss. He was the type to walk into the room like he owned it and as if everyone owed him money for it. Jatemme was quieter, but deadlier. He instantly drew you in with his sleepy eyes, soft umber skin, and intense presence. His darkness called to something within you and never let go. 
The relationship wasn’t without its up and downs. You liked to keep him on his toes. Get him to have a little fun. He always followed in Jamal’s shadow when it was Jatemme that did most of the work. Most of the planning. Most of the ideas. 
You sighed, loudly once more, and turned briefly to your table to sip your nasty ass champagne. Fucking politicians. Pretending like they weren’t all into something dirty, getting over on the little guy. Namely Black folk. 
Jatemme’s crew gave you funny looks. They knew better than to touch you or stare too hard. But you often caught them looking at your body and your too short dresses. They also hated your attitude. Jatemme made you swear to stop messing with them. It was hard to find good help when you were constantly flirting with them and he was constantly killing them over it.
Maybe that was Jatemme’s problem. Now that Jamal was running for Alderman, there was a public scrutiny on the family business. Jatemme doesn’t have free rein to do as he pleased now. Go wherever he wanted. Do whatever he wanted. 
You sighed once more and checked your phone. You texted your best friends in your group chat, that you were bored and in desperate need of fun.  Misty immediately texted you back and told you to meet them at a club not too far from there. That was exactly what you needed. 
You looked over at the crew of four burly men and stood up. One of the them, Martin, stood up as well prepared to follow you. “No need, Marty, I’m just going to the little girl’s room,” you said and smiled sweetly. 
Martin gave you a blank stare. He adjusted the suit jacket over his thick arms and put his hands in his pockets. “You know the rules,” he said. 
You kept your sweet smile, knowing that your lips were glossed just so to catch the light overhead. That your champagne colored dress hugged your figure just right. The night was young and you were wasting it by being arm candy. 
“You gonna follow me into the bathroom and hold my purse too? I don’t think Jay would like that,” you sang. 
Martin looked towards the other men who looked everywhere but at him. They did not want that particular smoke. Decisions, decisions. Martin cleared his throat. “Come right back,” he said. 
You smiled. “Of course. You all act like I’m not an angel,” you said. The men wisely didn’t comment. You turned and sashayed out of the room, already done with the entire night. You didn’t see your man and you didn’t care at the moment. 
You waited until you left the hotel ballroom before pulling out your phone. You ordered an Uber on your way out to the front. People from the reception had spilled out into the hallway, discussing things that they didn’t want others overhearing, even by accident. 
You passed by stick figure women in dark red, blue, or black dresses, pointy shoes, and stiff upper lips. You passed by men in their penguin suits, pretending to give a shit. The total wealth combined in the room could help everyone in the Ward but they held onto it like gremlins. 
It made you sick.
You went outside, shivering slightly from the bite of cold. When your Uber arrived, you didn’t even look back towards the hotel. It was almost criminal how easy it was to slip your chains. Further proof that this shit was getting stale and you might be headed towards another break from Jatemme. Let him sit and stew over what he would miss before he came crawling back with gifts, kisses, and that big dick of his. 
You grinned as you texted Misty that you were on your way. She texted back with plenty of emojis, some of them skulls, because she already knew that Jatemme was going to blow his lid. Let him.
It didn’t take long to reach the rougher areas of Chicago. Almost literally down the street from the glitterati, the houses weren’t as nice. The grass not so green. Fences and bars on the windows. Corner boys selling dope in baggy jeans and oversized T-shirts. 
The club was set back from the street to allow for a little more parking. You got out and Misty met you outside. She hugged you with many squeals and jumping up and down. “Slipped the doom patrol?” She asked. 
Misty was gorgeous, with deep, dark skin and microbraids twisted into two buns atop her head. She was a thick, curvy girl who was always quick with a laugh. She immediately ushered you inside. You turned off your phone. Make Jay sweat a little bit. 
You spent the entire night dancing with your girls and getting drunk on your favorite drink. All of the songs were hitting, back to back. A mix of 2000s and 2010s music. The good shit that demanded you dance right this instant. 
Plenty of dusty ass niggas tried to pull you into a dance and you pushed them all away. It cost to put hands on you. It cost to be in your presence. Ain’t nobody getting shit for free. 
By the time the club called for last drinks, you were tapped out. You were not wearing the proper shoes for dancing in the club. You were shocked that you lasted as long as you did. And yeah, you missed your man. You were a little drink, a lot horny, and you just wanted to be fucked at this point and put to sleep. 
You walked out, hanging onto your friends. One of them, Kiki, was the lightweight. She was dragged between two friends while she muttered something. You giggled and walked with them to their car. 
Rounding the corner, there were a group of guys passing a joint between them. They wolf-whistled as you passed by. One of them sure was fine. Tall, bald, with a thick luscious beard that covered the lower half of his face. You wondered what he’d look like with your juices dripping from it. 
You didn’t condone cheating. But if you were on a break…
You smiled at him as you passed, tossing your hair over your shoulders. “Gahh damn, lil mama, where you headed?” He asked.
You giggled and kept walking with your girls. It was nice to be wanted. You turned your phone on while your friends tried to get Kiki into the car and not entertaining the men by the building. 
As it turned on, messages flew in with loud dings and flashes across your screen. You had…quite a lot of missed calls from Jatemme. Angry texts too. You appreciated that he never called you out of your name when he was angry, but he had plenty of other colorful ways to show his displeasure. Like calling you by your real name. Ew. 
He was good and pissed that you left. That your phone was off. He promised hell, fire, and damnation when he finally caught up to you. You pictured him driving around fuming. His sleepy eyes narrowed even further. The cute way his nostrils would flare and the vein that pulsed in his neck. 
You were getting wet just thinking about it. The sex would be immaculate tonight. You sighed dreamily as you went through his unhinged text messages. 
“Bitch! Help? Hello?” Misty called out. You giggled and moved towards the car, pushing at Kiki’s big ass head to get into the car. Misty slammed the door in her face and sighed as if she’d been wrestling a bear. 
She faced you with a small grin before her eyes darted behind you. The sexy bald headed man approached you, licking his lips and looking you up and down. He held out his hand when he was near enough. 
“I had to come introduce myself,” he said.
“I appreciate that. But I’m too high-maintenance for you, boo,” you said. You flirted with the idea of being responsible for another man’s death, but he was too cute to sacrifice for your own dastardly enjoyment. There were so few, gorgeous Black men these days. The 90s had all the fine men. They were long gone now. God just wasn’t building them like that no more. 
“I like a little high-maintenance,” he said. 
You laughed. Said no man ever. “I’m the type to empty accounts,” you said and smiled. 
“I got several. Pick one,” he said. He looked you in the eye as he said it and made you reevaluate him as a whole. He was dressed nice in dark plaid slacks, black polo, with a big watch on his wrist. Nothing too flashy, but enough that it convinced you he wasn’t another broke nigga. 
You were considering his offer, wondering how you could prove that he was for real and not just trying to get into your panties. Squealing tires tore your gaze away from the man as you saw Jatemme’s truck flip a bitch into oncoming traffic and speed into the parking lot. 
“Shit. You better run before my man catch you talking to me,” you said, though he probably already saw you. 
“I ain’t scared,” the man said. Bless his little heart. 
“Nigga, I’m trynna protect you. Leave, now,” you said, shooing him away from you and your girls. Maybe you could convince Jatemme that the man was trying to flirt with Misty. You turned behind you, but Misty held her hands up.
“I ain’t trynna die for your Black ass,” she said. 
“Bitch!” You screamed, but you couldn’t stay serious for long. You grinned and shook your head. Before the truck had a chance to come to a full stop, Jatemme and crew hopped out, grabbing guns from their waistbands. 
“They got guns!” Someone called out. The parking lot emptied with a speed only achieved in the hood. Too many people who knew the consequences of a stray bullet and weren’t trying to lose their lives over it. Some brave souls remained, peeking behind cars and around the building into the additional parking in the alleyway.
You couldn’t help it. Your thighs tingled. Your heart skipped a beat seeing Jatemme climb out of the driver’s seat with that slow, menacing gait of his. His eyes were glued on you as he walked towards you.
The cutie remained, like he would really stand in front of a bullet for you. You couldn’t give him any more warnings. You couldn’t save him from his own stupidity. Jatemme stopped a few feet in front of you.
His face was deceptively calm. He crossed his arms in front of him, Glock on display. His crew formed a formidable wall behind him. Martin sported a darkening bruise on his cheek and you only felt slightly bad for getting him into trouble. At least he was still alive. That was something. 
You bit your lip and giggled nervously. “Hi, baby,” you said. 
“Did he touch you?” Jatemme asked. His voice. God, you could listen to that voice recite the dictionary and you’d listen to every word. 
You shifted your footing. “Nope. Never seen this man before,” you said.
“Aye, if you’re in trouble…” The man said. Martin, being the closest, lifted his gun into the man’s face. The gun was pressed to his temple and the man audibly gulped. 
“Did he touch you?” Jatemme asked once more.
You looked him in the eye. “No.” 
“Get the fuck out of here,” Jatemme said to the man. The man looked at you, but you knew better than to acknowledge his presence. You heard his friends calling for him, telling him not to be a hero, not to lose his life over some bitch. 
The man backed away, keeping his eye on Martin and the shiny gun in his face. Jatemme jerked his head and you sighed, following behind him. If he was going to take you away, he was beyond angry. Maybe you actually worried him this time. That wasn’t your intention. You wanted to scare him a little, not worry him. 
You waved goodbye to your friends. They shot you alarmed glances, but you told them that Jatemme never raised a hand to you. Never. He liked getting his revenge in other ways.
He opened the door for you and you climbed into the front seat. He got into the driver’s seat, peeling away from the club so fast, he probably sprayed everyone with rocks and gravel. He didn’t speak. He drove through the quiet streets, heading back towards the hotel you escaped from.
Jatemme held up a hand like he didn’t want to hear it. You bit your lip. You really stepped in it now. Was it bad that you were turned on? Punishment shouldn’t be this exciting and yet, your mind raced through what he had planned. How he was going to show that he cared for you. 
He pulled to the front of the hotel and tossed the valet his keys. The gun was tucked away into his jeans. Fancy events didn’t mean he had to be the one who dressed up. He did have a clean, sky blue shirt buttoned to the very top. He opened the door and let you out. 
He didn’t speak while he pushed you inside, the event well and truly over by now. He didn’t speak as you rode the elevator in crushing silence and velvet flooring muffling your heels. He didn’t speak as he got out onto the twelfth floor, leading you to a suite you didn’t know he got for the night. 
Once inside, you gasped. There was a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket. Low lighting made the room glow like looking through a piece of glass at twilight. “You did all this for me?” You asked.
“If you would have behaved yourself,” he said.
The suite was big enough to have a full living room with couches and armchairs, shiny mahogany coffee table, and a wide screen TV. Behind a set of double doors, there was a bed already turned down, waiting for you to climb in. 
You pouted. Your man was so sweet sometimes, it made your heart ache. He didn’t always show this softer side. The side that liked snuggling up to trashy movies late at night, snacking in bed, and enjoying each other’s company. 
“Do you have any idea how worried I was?” He asked. His voice was barely above a whisper. Enough to get his point across. You truly had worried him. 
You turned to him with an apology on your lips but he was already invading your space. He grabbed your face and pulled you into a rough kiss, slanting his lips across yours as if he meant to stake a claim. Prove a point. You belonged to him. There was no way of getting out of it. No way of running. 
You gripped onto him tightly. “I hate when you worry me like that,” he said. 
“You promised,” you whined. 
His lips returned to kissing you, looking for the zipper on your side to unzip you from the dress. When he couldn’t find it, he began to rip it with his bare hands. “Hey!”
“I’ll buy you more,” he said. His lips returned to kissing you. More like possessing you. He kissed you like he wanted to meld your bodies together to keep you by his side. This was what you needed. What you had been craving all night. 
Your bra and panties went next, baring you completely to him. He wasn’t in it to admire your body right now though. You knew him. He had been worrying about you all night and needed to see you. Feel you. Make sure that you really were in front of him and not a figment of his imagination. 
He turned you around and slapped your ass. You screamed out, jumping away from the sharp sting. He pushed you towards the deep gray couch and bent you over the back of it. It dug into your tummy but you were too turned on to notice the pain. 
He unzipped his zipper and freed himself with a low groan, spreading your ass cheeks and rubbing his dick through your wet folds. Your hands feebly gripped onto the couch cushings, fingers digging into the linen. 
Once his tip was good and wet, he stuffed you and you cried out from the burn of his girthy dick pushing into you. Your eyes crossed. He felt too good to contain to a single moan. You yelled out without abandon, not caring who heard you. If the neighbors complained, Jatemme would handle that too. 
His strokes were bruising, punishing, near cruel as he slammed into you over and over. “You and this fucking attitude gon’ kill me,” he groaned. His fingers grabbed hold of your hips and slammed you back onto his dick. Like his strokes weren’t enough. Like you weren’t moving fast enough for him.
“Oh baby, oh fuck–I’m sorry!” You cried out.
“No, you not,” he said. No, you were not. You’d do everything all over again if he meant that his attention was back on you. That his hands were back on you. That his dick was inside you, spearing you, driving you to new pleasures each and every time. 
Your feet were scrambling for purchase. He didn’t care. He fucked you like you were no more than a toy to stick his dick in. One hand reached behind you to push against his chest. His shirt slipped between you so he lifted it and brought his flesh flush with yours. Then, he grabbed your outstretched hand and pulled it behind you, resting on your back while he used the new position as a new anchor. His strokes grew deeper, more desperate. 
“I catch you talking to another nigga and I’ma kill him,” Jatemme whispered harshly.
“Yes, baby,” you moaned. You’d seen him kill niggas for far less. For daring to turn their neck in your direction. He once told you that if he could blind the male population of Chicago, he would. 
“Oh fuck!” You screamed out, crying through your punishing orgasm. 
Jatemme grunted in satisfaction. “That’s your first one for the night. I hope you’re keeping count,” he said. 
“Baby, wait…” You grunted between his deep thrusts. 
“Like you made me wait tonight?” He asked. He yanked on your hair, forcing you to look back at him. You stared into his eyes while he filled you up with his cum. He came with a low, grumbling moan that shook your inner walls. 
Your mouth dropped open as his dick pulsed and twitched. Your legs were jelly, kept standing by pure force by him. His will to keep you spread open for him ensured that you were a vessel for his dick. His own personal fucktoy. 
He made you cum two more times while your neck was craned, looking back into his soulful eyes. You ran out of curse words to shout to the heavens. Your eyes ached from the way they rolled. Your essence mixed with his spend dripped down your legs in a slow river that tickled your legs.  
He finally slipped out, giving you a bit of a break. You huffed, legs shaking, arms weak. He picked you up and carried you to the bed, spreading your legs open once more. He fisted his dick, jerking the length of it while he looked at your destroyed pussy leaking with his cum.
“Hope you didn’t plan on sleeping tonight,” he said with a small grin. 
You panted with a nervous giggle. He proved throughout the rest of the night just how much he missed you and made you promise not to do it again. Well, at least not anytime soon.
The end.
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There will be more! The Secret Jatemme Files
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