#supernatural opinion
transgendercastiel · 10 months
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drulalovescas · 3 months
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Dean 5 minutes later:
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loveinourowngrave · 1 month
“dean winchester is straight,” i say, despite being a wincestie. “he just views his brother as a woman.” the audience look at me in horror. except for one man in the back who rises to clap for me. and that man…. is sam winchester herself
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sw33tm0urningl4mb · 1 month
Deep/Fun Questions to Ask!
Do you like watching sunsets?
Have you ever started a rumor?
What makes you laugh hard?
What's the last concert you went to?
If you believed in it, what would you be reincarnated to?
What's your current vocal stim?
What shirt are you wearing?
Who or what is on your mind?
What are your favorite pair of shoes?
What would easily win you over if someone gave you it?
What three words describe you?
What's a funny memory you have?
Do you have any drunk stories?
What's one thing you own that you're sure no one else has?
Do you have any superstitions?
What is your guilty pleasure?
What weird thing do you do when you're alone?
What is the worst food you've ever had?
What fictional character would you bring to life if you could?
If you could join a career immediately, what would it be?
What keeps you going during the day?
Current song on repeat?
Funniest inside joke?
What's your favorite piece of jewelry you own?
Favorite niche topic?
What fandom are you currently in?
Most controversial take?
Favorite ship and why?
Do you have any piercings or tattoos, and what are they?
What is your worst & best quality?
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The really really neat cool thing about the hit cw show supernatural, is that like all of the characters are red flags actually. Like I can get behind almost every instance of someone pointing out "this was a really fucked up thing for this character to do". Like full on, nodding alone, agreeing with you, no contradicting whatsoever.
But then some of you put on the end "and that's why I just hate Sam" or "that's why I can't stand Dean" and then I suddenly lose you because I thought we watched the same show but now you're trying to take away the "family is hell" part from the "family is hell" show.
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seasononesam · 4 months
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Stackednatural- 312/327
All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two (2x22) May 17th, 2007
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temporaerthaervaerk · 6 months
Queerbaiting sucks... but
I find it so affirming as a person who struggles with their romantic orientatation. I just live for that state of not quite friends/not quite lovers.
Like yes, they are partners, yes, they live and die for eachother, yes, every other relationship they have loses all meaning compared to them. But also no, they haven't kissed, and they don't want to kiss, and yet, somehow, every single word, every single glance, every single touch carries so much meaning and conveys so much love because this amount of platonic love is usually unheard of and they don't want the other to misunderstand. And I just- aaah, it gives me so much hope and reminds me that romantic love isn’t the only type of love worth experiencing and showing on screen/paper.
I do wish it was done intentionally and wasn’t just a product of homophobia and capitalism. Like I really, really hate the reason I get this representation. Like, it also leaves a somewhat sour taste in my mouth, because I can see that if the world was more accepting, it would probably be a romantic relationship.
(I sometimes see people calling queercoding queerbaiting, and just to make it clear, that isn't what i'm talking about)
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bitchface24-7 · 2 months
I love the dichotomy between Sam and Dean where they see each other in opposite lights. (lowkey a character analysis below)
We’ve seen how Dean views himself. He thinks he’s worthless, weak, stupid, and unloveable. He “hates what he sees in the mirror.”
Sam thinks Dean is amazing. He’s a phenomenal hunter and an even better brother. He stepped up to take care of him when dad fucked off. Dean took care of Sammy in ways most people would never understand. Dean is strong, kind, funny, witty, and undeniably gorgeous. Sam loves Dean with all his heart. No one will ever replace him. No one. Sam cannot live without Dean. If Dean leaves him, he’ll just be surviving.
Sam on the other hand thinks he’s a weirdo, a freak, an abomination. Something to put out of its misery since how could something so disgusting be alive in this world?
Dean thinks Sammy is brilliant. A keen eye and a knack for researching into unknown lore the brothers didn’t even know existed. He’s snarky, snooty, sarcastic, and sweet. Sammy knows the power of both his bitch stare and puppy-dog eyes. Sammy must know he has Dean wrapped around his pinky finger? There isn’t a goddamn thing in this world that tops Sam in Dean’s eyes. Sam is perfect. He’s both beautiful on the inside and out. Sammy is Dean’s priority, his main focus, his baby brother. Eventually it just switches to “mine. mine. mine.” in Deans head. Dean cannot live without Sammy, he’ll k*ll himself before he lives in a world without his baby brother.
Like??? HELLO?!?! I love them so much it isn’t even funny
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shanastoryteller · 15 days
it would make dean fucking furious, but i actually love the idea that jack sometimes calls sam "sammy" and that sam lets him. he's the only one besides dean that doesn't get "it's sam"
jack is always watching dean, and while part of that is search for dean's approval, the rest is because it teaches him how to interpret and be loved by sam
he calls him sammy when he's scared, or worried, or even relieved (seeing sam after lucifer brought him back would definitely elicit a sammy)
dean says it and it's sammy (protected)
jack says it and it's sammy (protector)
i also think he's seen dean and sam hug each other, sees how sam scrunches himself up so dean can still get his arms over his shoulders and folds beneath his brother. and when sam hugs jack, he hugs him sort of like dean hugs him, like how jack thinks dean used to hug sam twenty years ago
being enveloped, sam hunching over to keep him tucked into him, and for a moment jack feels like nothing can get to him
(sam used to feel this way too)
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reyolfx · 19 days
all that cute shit about jack being tfw's son, "look the kid has three dads plus the one we don't talk about", I thought that was just fandom being cutesy but like, nope. they make it very known canonically that those three are co-parenting the son of satan lmao i never thought
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bunnieswithknives · 14 days
Why does Dale want to hunt fairies? What made him believe in them? He's a full gown adult and is hunting them. I know Mr Crockers case, is Dale different the same?
Generally speaking Dale believes in whatever he thinks will make him money. He probably saw something online offering absurd amounts of money in exchange for proof of fairies and figured even if he couldn't find anything he could get chatGPT to write a book about his experience for him and make money anyway.
After he shot Dev he was going to call it quits altogether, too much headache when he can make profit so many other ways. At least until Flowers put him through an undeniably supernatural experience that is.
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seekdestr0y · 2 months
reblog for sample size
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pollsnatural · 2 months
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krashlite · 1 year
I like the concept of life series curses being something self inflicted rather than some divine curse of the universe. As in its something that can be worked through if they just learned how, if they just spotted the pattern and moved to correct it. Not that it’s as mundane as Going to Therapy, but it’s magic that reflects a truth about themselves
The Canary Curse is a reflection of Jimmy’s foolhardy determination. The Widow’s curse reflects how Grian holds tactic above connection. 777, the angel number for luck, reflects how Skizz’s friendship is a boon for others at the expense of himself.
If Jimmy just considered how he is doomed, he might take more cautious steps. If Grian just opened up more he could act to protect people instead of damning them. If Skizz recognized that his nature is what ends him, he could protect himself at the cost of others, lasting beyond session 7.
But Jimmy won’t, Grian won’t, and neither will Skizz. And so they are cursed
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lariej · 2 years
me? leaving fandoms? no no no you misunderstand me, i have never left a single fandom i’ve ever been in, i just find other fandoms to entertain myself with until i eventually go back to other fandoms i was in years ago
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larphis · 1 year
I think the closest thing I‘ll ever accept as a proof of god‘s existence are fix-it fanfictions. Jesus sounds great and all - but have you ever had a post canon fanfic that was so well written that it sounded like it was actually canon and you felt as if all your wounds were suddenly healed?? THAT‘S a religious experience if there ever was one, if you ask me.
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