#that's kinda where his current personality stems from
i just noticed (thought that has been plaguing me for two weeks) that I accidentally made witch eclipse too emotional and now I have to rewrite (reverse thought process cuz the only thing written was a timeline) his personality to make him a little less uh that
#random#witch eclipse#i think with all the silly stuff i've been drawing with him i kinda just forgot that he's supposed to be cold and cruel and volatile#cuz the way he's coded at the moment means that he's not going to get the pendant by any means necessary so uh#that's gotta be changed somehow#i do like the way i've characterized him tho#in the witch au he's not really as...explosive? as the og eclipse?#like yea he's like that but also he's kinda just? there?#i dunno how to explain it#he was angry and lashing out and everything in the beginning#but after realizing that no one was around to comfort him for his outbreaks#he kinda just. stopped experiencing emotions#he repressed a lot of stuff#that's kinda where his current personality stems from#where he always has to be doing something to prevent his brain from thinking about things he doesn't want to think about#i dunno how I'm going to incorporate lunar into this tho#because his relationship with lunar is similar to how it is in cannon#except he's not verbally abusive to lunar#he's not really physically abusive either#well at least not directly#he doesn't really view lunar as a person#he sort of just sees him as an extension of the pendant and a way to figure out its secrets and whatnot#kc-as caring as he was with eclipse-sort of established the fact that eclipse was just a project to him#this feeling increased greatly after the Argument#but that's where eclipse's behavior towards lunar stems from#anyways#rambles#in the tags specifically#wonder how much of this is gonna save#witch au
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rubydubydoo122 · 2 months
What would be things the batkids would have grievances with Alfred over? It's always about Bruce but the world doesn't revolve around him only, so let's look at another guardian/grandfatherly figure.
I feel like they all would be upset with Alfred for letting Bruce get away with most of the shit he does to them. Like how Alfred's supposed to be the one holding Bruce accountable, but he doesn't. And here's the list from least angry at Alfred to most angry at Alfred
Damian. I don't think Damian realizes how much of Bruce's behavior stems from Alfred being a pushover, and he worships both of them too much to actually see it.
Dick. In those early days, Alfred was the one there for him in a house that was too big, too still, and too empty. He probably started getting angry at Alfred during his early 20s, but then it was just Dick, Damian, and Alfred, and Dick kind of became Bruce, so he had times where he resented him, but he "grew out" of it
Jason. And I think he's only the tiniest bit behind Dick because he's almost pretty much in the same boat. Alfred was the only person there in a house that was too big, and when everything was too much, and compared to this Billionaire, Alfred seemed human to Jason. He probably took comfort in Alfred before he took comfort in Bruce. And then Alfred was the one who suggested Jason should quit Robin. And, maybe for a hot second there, (and I mean, a singular passing thought then never again) he blamed Alfred for his death, but Jason also has a plethora of parental issues, so he wouldn't blame Alfred. And this is assuming Jason is completely unaware of the way Alfred low key Shat on Jason's grave so that Bruce would feel less guilty, or whatever.
Then there's Cass. She's just way too good at reading people to not see the way Alfred's pushover tendencies are effecting the 'family' negatively. She wants to yell at Alfred to "Put his foot down." But she knows he won't, so she doesn't. And In a sense, she might just be the same as Alfred.
Then there's a gap, and Duke. He didn't really know Alfred for that long, if you really think about it. Maybe a year, tops? And the reason he's smack dab in the middle is because sometimes, Bruce will do something and Duke will be like "That... is kinda messed up. Who raised you?" and then he'll take it back bc he'll realize he's speaking ill of the dead.
Tim. I hate woobifying him, but Idk, Alfred was the one who gave Tim Robin. Alfred was the one who gave Damian Robin, and I feel like, Tim, Looking back would think "What the actual fuck. What I was doing as a teenager should've been Alfred's job as Bruce's Guardian" Maybe not currently, but after some time. Maybe when he's in his 20s or has his own kids or something.
Stephanie Brown. She's the Family Friend. She has a slightly outside perspective to all of this, and she's great at puzzles. She Died for Bruce's cause and that didn't stop ANYTHING. She's constantly listening to when any of the batclan members are ranting about Bruce, and his poor coping skills and realizes that it's all just a fucking cycle and it started from Alfred. Alfred was confused on the line of professional and parent and Parented Bruce by being a Butler. Which wasn't what Bruce needed at an 8/9/10 year old who just lost his parents. And that's why Bruce doesn't know how to Parent any of his children without making them some form of a hero. Because Bruce grew up with a boundary of professionalism separating him from any real parenting, and he needs that boundary while parenting his kids. Obviously Bruce has his moments, but those are probably from when he had REAL parents.
Steph tried explaining it to Duke once, and he understood PERFECTLY, but then Duke said not to repeat this to anyone else because they worship the ground Alfred walks on.
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syresdcthings · 23 days
I think we as a fandom moved past the whole Joker and Superman thing in action comics 1063 too fast. Think about all the possibilities that could've stemmed from that. The angst, Superman knowing he's never gonna meet this man again and struggling to see him as a villain (I always think of Superman as this: When he loves someone, he does whatever he can to defend their actions because to him they are close to saints) and Joker, who remembers none of it and sees Superman as some annoying peat again.
Let me set this out better for you:
Superman and Joker are the only sane people currently on earth. And even then, Superman is barely hanging on. They find solstice in eachother. Joker is trying to enjoy these moments with his new friend where he is fully in control of his mind, and as reluctant as Superman was at the start he too is glad he has someone to talk to...
And do more.
Can you blame him? Bizarro-Louis hates Superman, everytime they see eachother she makes it her life mission to try murder him. And yeah, Clark was kinda happy that she loved him so much her Bizarro version became this... But he also missed his Louis. And well, he hadn't exactly gotten lucky for some time now.
And then there was Joker, who was so helpful and funny and insightful, the one thing keeping his sanity together. Joker had traits that he loved about Louis when she was normal, but with extra... Well, something Superman couldn't name. But it was enticing, and if they had ended a particularly grueling session in his mind earth with a relaxing massage that turned into a passionate entanglement of limbs... Neither were to blame.
It was just to de-stress.
As was the many hours they spent after, repeating the same dance over and over until they eventually had to move their little base of operations elsewhere.
Now after that, Superman was seeing Joker in another light. It was soft, sweet, leaning into domestic. They were speaking things to eachother Superman never would've expected to say to someone besides Louis. And this was the JOKER for godssake. Clark had dealt with him before, he knew just how much of a monster he was... but he couldn't see them as the same person. Because this person wasn't Joker, this person was amazing. He yearned for him, saw his lip biting smile when he shut his eyes. And if Clark woke up everyday and saw Joker laying next to him? He would wake up happy.
Alas, it couldn't be. Because they had finally found the way to defeat Bizarro and set humanity back to normal. And as selfish as it was? Clark was dreading it. But Joker was so gentle with him, telling him he was too important to waste away in this post apocalyptic world. So their last night together was different. Superman clung to Joker harder than he had clung to anyone before, leaving marks all up and down his lean body. They didnt pull away from eachother even once, either hardly breathing. At the end purple bloomed on alabaster skin and wasn't that just the perfect colour for him?
A week later when Superman sees that familiar green hair on the news, he will ignore the pang that comes from his chest.
Yeah I want tragic memory loss trope where the other not only forgets everything with the person they built a relationship with but actively gives up their memories to save the world. I don't know where I've seen it before I just vividly remember seeing it alot.
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haru-chi · 3 months
Reading the 5th vol of 7th time loop LN .. still on chapter 2 but I gotta say ...
The way both Rishe and Arnold is like "I don't care what anyone says about me but I won't allow them to cross the line nor say something bad about you" then get angry and defensive for their sake is just killing me you had no idea 😭🩵
It has such depth to it that I wanna dig up ugh .. it also reflect both their life and personality or the way they led their life till this point ....
What I mean is ... it's kinda painful and tragic that both of them don't care much about their self-value although showing in different ways/meaning .. that it stems from different circumstances yet the end result is the same ...
Having someone be angry for you and show they actually see the real you is ... liberating .. that everything you did till this point wasn't for nothing .. that you can be you .. the real you and that's okay .. having that one person is enough for you ... that's what it meant for Rishe this kind of action ..
While to Arnold it'll have a different meaning .. he himself will never see any kind of value in himself other than bringing misfortunate maybe, he doesn't even believe he's a kind person ... even his kindness to Rishe serve a purpose to him nothing more or less ... but even so, it's still a real kindness no matter how tainted it is .. he need to realize that deep down he actually kind despite how twisted or tainted he actually is .. his kindness is still alive in him ... Rishe gonna show it to him before anyone else ... she'll let it bloom to show its true self for sure one day ... he believe the bad things people says about him ... he himself also led them to believe most of it ... maybe also deceiving himself before those which led him to actually believe that it's the real him ..
So Rishe standing up to him .. not allowing anyone to badmouth him is just ... nothing he ever experienced that he doesn't know how to feel or react about it ... maybe even feel guilty toward it ..
While I believe Rishe is confident in herself and love herself more than anyone else thanks to all her past lives ... in her first is where she went through that self-worth depression when she thought her life has ended when that idiot prince broke their engagement .. that's why current Rishe won't be that shaken with whatever anyone else says about her. She moved on from all of that.
But Arnold doesn't have that mentality toward himself, he really doesn't see any self-worth in himself. The way he doesn't care about what anyone said about him is because part of it he believe it himself, the other he don't see himself as a good or kind person and to him he doesn't worth anything. The last one is that he truly doesn't care about anyone's opinion of him. He doesn't wanna bother.
So having Rishe defend his image has shaken him differently ...
While Rishe broke her shackles long ago thanks to all her past lives, Arnold is still shackled and not free as she is ...
Ummm ... I feel I went rambling without sorting all my feelings or thoughts, so if I make no sense don't mind me. Also I'm still reading through this but I couldn't contain my emotions or thoughts and had to write it down somewhere (maybe reading on either gonna change my view or confirm it too)
But anyway, I'm in pain, in love, and screaming and I'm still in the start of this vol that I don't know if I'll handle more going forward .. they're killing me 😭🩵
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
tubbo with a reader that's really stressed out from school? cause assessments are a total bitch rn
love all your writing sm🫶🫶🫶
ooooo thank you for the req, and I hope school lightens up for you lol ; also thank you so much !!! means a lot 🫶🫶🫶 ; post-writing this, kinda just turned into kinda depressed reader so I apologize LMAO
TUBBO ; "stressed out" "like the twenty one pilots song?"
summary ; youre stressed out with school shit and he attempts to try and help
warnings ; language, talk about mental health and burnouts, poor hygiene due to burnout & mentions of a little struggle with eating (reader is mentioned to be a senior in hs, so can tubbo)
genre ; fluff
word count ; 881
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You'd been working your ass off recently with schoolwork. You felt burned out and completely unmotivated to the point you were struggling to eat and shower. Even through it all, you didn't say a word to Tubbo.
You had to cancel gaming and streaming plans almost every day, to the point where he was becoming increasingly concerned. He couldn't break through to you, and living over two hours away wasn't helping anything, plus he didn't even know your address, so he couldn't really find you, morally, at least. He wasn't going to dox you or find someone to dox you for a good purpose, that was just fucked.
So, he slyly asks for your address again, which you gave, thinking he'd come over to take over your setup for a stream or something, you didn't really know. There was no thought behind your eyes. You just wanted to lay down and cry and not have to get up ever again.
So, in the current moment, you sit at your desk, signed into your school email on your main monitor, the others still signed in on your personal email. You stare at the screen, unable to think of any words to put onto that stupid essay. Lord, how you hated English class, all the unneeded essays and vocabulary tests.
The whole class was a drag, mean teacher, mean classmates, stupid material, and books that you'd never remember after graduation. Your headphones play Come Clean by TENDER into your ears, muting whatever noise around you.
You sense someone nearby, like some freaky spider-sense like you were the next Spiderman. You pull the headphones down, hearing someone knocking at your door. You sigh, set the headphones down, and trudge to the door, rubbing your tired eyes in the process. You peek through the window before you fully approach the door, seeing your friend outside, looking down at his feet.
"Tubbo?" You ask, seeing him quickly look up at you, a hand behind his back.
"Hi" He says, a slightly concerned look on his face as you invite him in.
He swings his hand around, carrying a little bouquet of flowers, which he holds out for you.
"This is before you get mad, and you'll use sympathy coins on me when I say that I came because I know you're struggling, but I don't know of what, and I need to help." He quickly rants, clasping your fingers over the stems of the flowers, considering you were wide eyed and frozen, confused to why he was here. "Just please talk to me, I'm your best friend. I wanna help you"
You silently blink, eyebrows asymmetrical as you'd raised one out of confusion. Your lips are slightly separated as you try to think.
"I'm just like, burned out and busy, I'm fine." You shrug, "Sorry if I made you panic, man, I've just been backed up because of school"
He looks into your kitchen, seeing a pile of dirty dishes in the sink and a familiar flat stench of either BO or rotting / molding trash. He looks back at you somberly, tilting his head as to get you to tell the truth this time.
"I'm just... burned out and overworked, and struggling a bit. I'm fine"
He rolls his eyes, "Go get a shower, now"
You sigh and nod, listening to him as you walk back to your room. You grab some new clothes, not wanting to feel itchy or greasy in the current ones anymore, and head to the bathroom to shower.
While you're soaking under the scolding hot water, Tubbo takes it into his own hands to clean up your home a bit and wash your dishes. He picks up most of the trash laying about and loads your dishwasher, making sure not to start it to not deprive you of hot water.
✶ ࣪˖࿐ *✶ ࣪˖࿐ *✶ ࣪˖࿐ *✶ ࣪˖࿐ *✶ ࣪˖࿐ *✶ ࣪˖࿐ *
When you step back out into your house, you're able to smell the clean, fresh air, and when returning to your room, notice some notes on your desktop, seeing that someone had read over your essay and gave you a few suggestions. Now, Tubbo's strong suit was never words, considering his dyslexia, but he knew a few things about essays and how to help you with that.
You toss your dirty clothes into the hamper and walk out to the kitchen, seeing him cleaning the dishes that were too fragile to put in the dish washer. He senses you, turning his head around with a sponge in hand.
"Have a good shower?" He questions, scrubbing away at the inside of a cup that held some stale, moldy milk in it before. "I cleaned up your place a bit. I know it won't help with the lack of motivation but it'll help in the long run"
"If only you could clean your own home" You joke, walking closer to wrap him in a hug.
He turns the water off and sets the sponge down, accepting your hug. He makes sure to stay hands free though, considering they were still soapy and wet.
"I'm sorry, I've just been stressed out..."
"Like the Twenty One Pilots song?" He jokes, smiling as you do the same.
"Fuck off, that was horrible"
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Dirty Little Secret Part 2
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: I’m backkkkkkkk 😘💖
Synopsis: You and Curse have become closer and Urban couldn't be happier. But when a "secret" is revealed that she wasn't aware of, she reveals a secret of yours that she knows would hurt you right back
(Same synopsis as part 1 because some of this is told from her point of view)
Pairing: Urban Wyatt x @softtcurse​ , Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Thank you to my sister wives for all of their help with this 😘
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
After spending the entire day with you, the two of you were currently helping each other get ready to go out to dinner with the rest of PG. Curse was currently doing Y/N’s make-up when she looked up at her and gave her a small smile.
"I don't think I've mentioned it before, but I'm happy that there is now another girl around. The testosterone was starting to be a bit much for me." Y/N said as Curse began applying the perfect shade of eyeshadow that would match her dress. She had already seen it beforehand since they had found the perfect one in a small boutique not too far from the hotel. 
“I appreciate how all of you have embraced me because I was definitely nervous. Especially since I know how close all of you are and have known each other for years.”
“Urban definitely found something special when it comes to you and I’m happy that my best friend is happy.”
“I’ll be honest, I was intimidated as shit when he first brought me around you.” Curse said while looking down at you and you sighed.
“Girl, why? People have this idea in their head that I’m like so mean when it’s the complete opposite. I guess it just stems from me being overprotective about them and vice versa. But I am such a caring and loving person that will do anything for people, especially them.”
“Since I was around everyone else first, they always spoke so highly of you, I guess because I knew it was a big deal to Urban to get your approval. I didn’t want to be a disappointment.”
“That I can understand seeing how things have happened in the past. But, I’m really trying to be better. I never want it to get to a point like that again where he feels as if he has to hide something from me. I’ll love him regardless and I thought he knew that. I tell him and Jack all the time, whatever it is we’ll work through it.”
“He does and that really was a difficult time. You know I actually threatened him to call you one day.”
“He kind of told me about it that day that we kinda made up, but didn’t really go into any details.”
“I said that this needed to end and Jack should have kicked his ass with how disrespectful he was being towards you.”
“He was hurt, Curse. And I admit that I do have to be better about getting out of my own head. I guess it’s because I just… they know that I will do anything for them and I do want them to be happy.”
“And that’s fine, and I know that they will do the same for you, but, you have focused on them long enough and it’s your turn for your career to blossom into what you want it to be. They’ll always be there for you but don’t you think it’s time to pay more attention to you? I know Jack wants you to, but keep in mind you didn’t hear that from me.”
“Wait, what?”
“I kinda overheard him and Urban yesterday and he mentioned that he is so proud of you, but just wants you to focus on yourself more. He was like ‘I don’t want her to look at it as if I don’t need her anymore, because I always will. I just want her to have all that I have too.”
“That’s such a Jack thing to say. I love that man and can’t put into words how much I do.”
“And it’s the same way for him. I admire what you two have. Despite everything that might be going on around you and the fact that people have tried your marriage, been disrespectful, tried to break yall up, yall never faltered.”
“Thank you and stop because I’m about to cry. Like he’s it for me and neither of us would let someone ruin what we have.”
“And everyone can see that.” Curse said putting the final touches on Y/N’s makeup.
“Okay, all done! Let’s get dressed because you know that they’re probably all screaming that we’re taking too long.”
And just then the two of them heard Jack’s voice.
Once Curse had gotten to her shared room with Urban, she took out her phone to scroll through instagram while the water was heating up for her shower. That’s when she saw a picture of Y/N that she hadn’t come across before on her explore page and quickly clicked it.
However, when she went to the comment section to leave one, she got a lot more than she bargained for.
Curse then did a double-take with not believing what she had just saw.
(This is under the Someone Very Important instagram au)
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So, Y/N and her current boyfriend who is also Y/N’s best friend has had sex before? And apparently no one was going to tell her?
Looking at the time she saw that she needed to stop scrolling on her phone and continue to get ready to be downstairs in a decent amount of time.
She would deal with them later,
Both of them.
Curse had been quiet ever since she made her way downstairs to the lobby of the hotel with Urban and could see that Y/N kept eyeing her and she looked genuinely concerned. Meanwhile, Curse’s blood was boiling every time she glanced up at her and they made eye contact.
Curse thought to herself that she was so fucking full of it.
Sitting there smiling in her face when deep down she knew what she did, and truth be told she was probably still doing it ever since she and Urban got together. She should have known better to not put anything past Y/N  considering her track record with Urban and his relationships. It seemed as if Y/N wanted her husband and her best friend too all to herself and it looked as if Urban was gladly going along for the ride. If he was doing anything behind her back, what was she even there for? He should have just stayed single if he wanted to continue to fuck his best friend who also happened to be married to his other best friend.
She honestly wouldn’t put it past you to cheat on Jack at this point. 
“Curse, are you okay? You just seem a little quiet all of a sudden.” Y/N asked as everyone was  now all gathered around the table with Curse sitting directly across from her. Everyone had started to notice that something was off. 
“You really do have some nerve. Smiling all in my face and acting like you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” Y/N replied back to Curse clearly confused.
“Yasmin, what are you even talking about?” Jack also asked, confused as he stole a bite of food off Y/N’s plate.
“Seriously? Okay um, let’s see. Y/N, when was I going to find out that you fucked my man?”
“Oh shit.”
“Wait, Urban never told you?” Y/N quietly asked. Even though there weren't a lot of people at the surrounding tables, Curse didn’t even care at this point if they heard the conversation. She planned on airing all of this shit out. 
Now Urban was looking like a deer caught in headlights and all eyes were now on him.
“Obviously not, but it doesn’t surprise me. You have to have everything for your fucking self.”
“Now, let me stop you right there. It happened before he even met you and I was always there.” Jack said while jumping in to defend his wife..
“You sure about that Jack?” Curse threw back while crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Are you accusing my wife of cheating on me?”
“Well, she’ll do anything to get what she wants right?”
“Are you serious? I would never cheat on my husband and he obviously had to approve for it to happen anyway.”
“Okay this is a little awkward now.” Neelam said while looking between the both of them.
“And it’s the fact that all of you knew and didn’t say anything.”
“First of all, it wasn’t our place to say anything. It’s a running joke between us, however, that was your boyfriend’s responsibility. You aren’t going to sit up here and come for Jack and Y/N because of something that happened before you were even in the picture.” 2fo piped up not wanting to hear the slander against his best friends any longer.
“Wait, how did you find out anyway if Urban didn’t tell you?” Quiiso inquired because everyone was confused about that part.
“It doesn’t matter how I found out, it matters that the situation is something that should have been shared with me.”
“All this heat needs to be directed at the person sitting next to you who hasn’t said a damn thing this entire time.”
“So, what you so quiet for? Did you want to continue to fuck her?”
“Nah, answer me. Because right now it looks like you do.”
“No, I’m with you so….?”
“And that’s supposed to mean something? Well I guess since secrets are being revealed, how about Y/N shares that since she had a miscarriage that she’s scared that she won't be able to have any kids and that her husband won't want to be with her anymore."
"Oh shit."
"Yasmin!" Y/N exclaimed while everyone was sharing nervous glances at the table.
Jack was trying to come to terms with believing that she would say that out loud and looked up at her in disbelief..
"Doesn't feel too good does it huh? You know what you were probably only being nice to me to get back on Urban's good side. People have told me that you really are a bitch and can never see anyone happy but yourself with your no talent having ass."
"Now wait a minute!" Urban said, trying to interrupt her, but she wasn’t backing down.
"Nah, Yasmin that was outta pocket and uncalled for." Ace piped up and looked over at her.
"I thought he had told you! How is he not telling you my fault? And why the fuck would you say that!? I only told you and no one else knew besides Jack. I trusted you!" Y/N said as her eyes began to water. But the tears weren’t going to get her any sympathy from her. 
"Well you fucked Urban so I figured you would have wanted that to continue and that's why you didn't say anything! And how do we know it wasn’t Urban’s kid anyway?"
"WHAT?! I would never do that! He's with you!"
"Nah, you know what. He was right. You do ruin every single relationship that he's been in and you might as well add this one to your list."
She knew that would break her and she succeeded when she saw the look on her face. 
“This stops right now, we’re done with this. You aren’t going to sit up here and disrespect not only my wife, but me too.” 
Y/N immediately got up from the table with Jack right behind her leaving everyone to think about what had just happened in front of them. 
“Yasmin, that was low.” Neelam quietly said while looking over at her.
“What’s low is me having to find out on social media that my boyfriend fucked his best friend.”
“So, you can sit up here and yell at her and reveal secrets that she only told you but you need to have that same energy for your boyfriend.”
Urban was still sitting there quietly not knowing what to do.
“And Urb? You didn’t even defend your best friend so what the hell is wrong with you? She would go to fucking war for you and you’re just going to let Yasmin bash her? Someone you’ve known for ten years?” Now Shloob was annoyed and looked over at Urban in disbelief.
“I-... I should have told you and I’m sorry for that. But…. fuck…I didn’t think it mattered! It hadn’t happened since we first started talking!”
“Didn’t think it mattered?! The three of you fucking deserve each other.”
Curse and Urban were now back in their shared hotel room with her shooting daggers at him. After the blow-up at dinner, everything had just been awkward. No one knew what to say or do regarding her basically airing out all of Y/N’s business and apparently not caring.
“Yasmin, can we please talk about this?” Urban asked, pleading with her as she began to slip off her shoes.
“What is there to talk about? You fucked her and didn’t tell me.”
“I apologize for that and I admit that I should have. But it hasn’t happened since I asked you to be my girlfriend. I would never do that to you or put you in that type of situation.”
“You should have just been honest from the beginning.”
“Honestly, would that have made a difference?”
“I think it would have. I want a relationship built on trust, Urban. This was not a good example of that.”
“I don’t. But I can promise you that it happened before I even met you. I’ve literally told you about everything else and have been honest.”
“It seems like she has to have everything and that no one else can win around her. You should have told me if you were going to bring me around her all the damn time!”
“I get that, I really do and I take full responsibility for it. Now let me stop you right there. You’re my girlfriend, but she’s been my best friend for ten years and I can’t even begin to tell you how much she does for me and all of PG. She has to be the most unselfish person that I know and always makes sure that everyone else around her is good before herself. So the fact that you now called her untalented, said she does ruin every relationship I’ve been in after we were now kind of getting back to how we were before and revealed she had a miscarriage that literally none of us knew about? You want to know what she texted me last night?”
“Her nudes?”
“Cut the shit, Yasmin. She sent me a text saying she saw how much happier I was ever since being with you since she’s known about it and she can see it. She really was taking the time to get to know you not just because of me because she genuinely wanted to. She likes having you around. Why didn’t you just come and ask me instead of basically attacking her off-guard in front of everyone? So, how would you feel if someone did that to you? Like, that’s a big ass secret that you just aired out. And the fact that she told you before she even told me? That says something because she literally tells me everything. She trusts you or now trusted you, I guess and she obviously doesn't do that with a lot of people.”
“Think about how it looks from my point of view. Obviously if I see something like that, I’m going to assume the absolute worst and that you would rather have me and whoever else on the side. Thinking about it now, I probably shouldn’t have said that outloud or accused her of cheating on Jack, but that hurt me, you weren’t honest with me and it makes me think what else that you could possibly be hiding.”
“I’m not hiding anything!”
Curse was quiet and just stared at Urban.
“Now, both of my best friends are probably mad as shit with me on top of you being mad at me too.”
“I legit should leave your ass over this.” Curse quietly muttered while breaking eye contact with Urban.
“Are you serious right now?!”
“Obviously I am because why else would I say it?!”
“I just want for the two of you to get along because you’re both important to me. And you know how I was during the time that we weren’t talking.”
“Yeah, I guess she is important since you were her little fuck toy.”
“Look… I… what can I do to make this better?”
“The damage is done and there is no coming back from it. I should kick you in your fucking throat for saying that you didn’t think it mattered. She’s your best friend AND the two of you have had sex multiple times. You brought me around her and didn’t think to disclose that information?!”
“There has to be something that I can do, Yasmin, please.”
“Is there anything else that has happened between the two of you that I should know about? A relationship maybe?”
Urban sighed before sitting down next to her and figured that it was now or never. 
“There’s a sex tape with all three of us on it and then there’s one where it was just the two of them and I recorded it. Jack wanted a video of her since he was about to go on tour and she wouldn’t be able to stay the entire time. That’s when she thought of the idea and of course before she even asked me, she had to ask him. No relationship ever took place. I was serious when I meant she’s my best friend.  Y/N and Jack have been together since we were all 15 and she doesn’t glance anyone else’s way. He is it for her. Jack was always there when it happened. There’s no way in the world I would do that to him and break his trust.”
Urban looked over at her to see that she had suddenly gone quiet and was now taking everything in and trying to process it. A few minutes had passed before he heard her voice again. 
“But it was okay to break mine?” She barely said above a whisper. 
“No, it wasn’t. And I admit my fault in all of that. Can we just start over? I know that was a lot to take in and I really have no excuse as to why I didn’t tell you before.”
Yasmin sighed and was quiet for a few minutes before giving Urban a definite answer.
“If I say yes and something else gets revealed that I didn’t know about, then it’s literally over between us and don’t even bother asking for me to take you back.”
“That’s fair. I can imagine all that I told you was hard to hear so I’ll delete the sex tape that has the three of us in it and ask for them to delete it too.”
Once Yasmin and Urban had finished talking, he decided to send a message in the group chat to Jack and Y/N to see if they would bother to give him the time of day.
Urban- First, I need to apologize to the both of you. I admit that I was wrong and I should have told her from the beginning
A few seconds had passed and it showed where Jack had read it and was typing his response, but it went on for so long that it seemed like he would start writing something and would then erase it. 
Urban- You can yell at me all you want, I know that I deserve it at this point
That was when Jack had sent him a text separately so that Y/N wouldn’t see it. 
Jack- I should kick your ass for what you did or should I say didn’t do. This entire time I thought that you told her what had happened. 
Urban- I know I should have
Jack- Y/N hasn’t stopped crying since that shit happened and I legit don’t even know what to do at this point. Like, why the fuck would she say something like that?
Urban- The only explanation is her being hurt by everything that happened
Jack- And that shit should have been directed at you and not Y/N or me who was fucking blindsided by it. She mentioned to me how she told her because she felt as if she could trust her and you two still weren’t on the best of terms so she didn’t want to go to you about it
That definitely hurt Urban seeing that Y/N felt that she couldn’t come to him about something as important as that. 
Urban- Just let me talk to Y/N so I can fix this
Jack- Nah, you can fuck all the way off with that shit. Just leave her alone and let her be. She’ll talk to you when she wants to. You’ve done enough for tonight.
The next day was extremely awkward to say the least. No one wanted to acknowledge the elephant in the room and small talk between Jack and PG seemed like it was forced. Jack had been quiet the entire day and would only speak when someone asked him a question about something. It wasn’t until 2fo cornered him when they were away from anyone else to see how he was feeling.
“I… I don’t even know how to begin to ask about this because I know both you and Y/N are far from okay.”
All Jack could do was sigh as he looked over at him.
“What they did was fucked up and… look we’re here for the both of you and I know that you know that. Anything that we can do to help just tell us.”
“I appreciate that.”
“Where is she anyway?”
“She cried herself to sleep after I don’t know how many hours so I just let her rest. I know that Urban is the last person that she wants to see right now. I just told him to give her space and that she’ll talk to him once she’s ready to.I just checked on her and she said she was watching Netflix on her iPad.”
“Did you have any names picked out yet?” Shloob quietly asked as he came up beside 2fo.
“Not yet, but we knew it was a girl. Y/N was so excited when she found out and just to have it taken away from you just like that? She tried to drown herself by going to the studio and working, but I wouldn’t let her. I was like the most important thing and the best thing that she could do for herself at this point was to rest. That was hard for her to hear because she didn’t want to deal with it. She didn’t want to deal with it because if she did, then she knew that it was real.”
“It seems like everything is coming at her all at once.” Ace added finally joining the conversation.
“It is and I’m at a loss and don’t know what to do.” Jack honestly answered. He was frustrated because the last thing he wanted to see was his wife hurting.
“Best thing that you can do right now is support her and be there for her. And we’re going to do the same for the both of you.”
Y/N heard a quiet knock on the door and pulled the comforter away from her body. The most she did today was take a shower and get right back in the bed. She didn’t know how long she spent the night before crying with Jack trying to comfort her, but she knew that she needed to have a day to herself. She didn’t even hear Jack leave in order to go to soundcheck.
She stood on her tiptoes to see that it was Quiiso who also had a cup in his hand which she assumed was a milkshake. Any time she had a bad day, he would immediately bring her one or he would make sure if he wasn’t around her that one got to her before the day was over. There have been times when she was overseas and he would order it to have it delivered to her hotel room. Milkshakes were their thing.
She opened the door and Quiiso gave her a small smile.
“I figured that you could definitely use this today.”
All Y/N could do was eagerly nod her head as tears began to form in her eyes and fall down her cheeks. 
Without a second thought, Quiiso embraced her and she tightly hugged him back. She moved to the side to let him in and so he could hand her the milkshake. It was quiet for a few minutes as they sat next to each other before Quiiso decided to break the silence.
“So Neelam and PG got this for you and Jack.” Quiiso handed her a card which had a message along the lines of ‘sorry for the loss of your baby.’
“I looked up how people actually want for it to be acknowledged when it happens and we thought that this was the best way to go about it. We’re always going to be here for the both of you and we wanted for you both to know that.”
“I appreciate all of you so much. This means a lot to me. Whenever I do get pregnant again, I know for a fact that they are going to have the best possible tribe surrounding them.”
“We’ve been doing this thing for ten years and we’re not stopping any time soon. So any time you need to talk, vent, cry, scream. You know where to find us.”
“I just…. I can’t even put into words how mad I am at Urban. Well not mad, that’s not the right word. Maybe disappointed?”
“Trust and believe that we are too and he had some choice words from us last night in the group chat. I think to the point where he silenced his notifications.”
“I need to give it some time. I can’t deal with that right now and I want to talk to him when I have a clear head and I’m not running high off my emotions.”
“And that’s fair.”
“I just still can’t believe she would say that out loud even if she was mad at me. When people tell me secrets, even if we end up falling out, I’m never going to repeat them.”
Jack had about three hours to go until he hit the stage and was simply watching Netflix with you when he got a text.
Curse- Hey, Jack. I know that you’re mad at me and you have reason to be. I just want to talk so that I can apologize to you and Y/N. 
Read at 6:23 PM 
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parvulous-writings · 9 months
Hey! I saw that Bill and Ted were on the list that you write for, and I was wondering if you could do a Bill x Ted x gn!reader where y/n is autistic and they have a shutdown where they go nonverbal and everything feels uncomfortable (touch/sound/etc). Which in turn causes them to feel worse because now y/n feels like they're being a burden to their partners, but Bill and Ted will not let them believe that /Can be mostly fluff with a small bit of angst //you don't have to include this, but I do hc both Bill and Ted as neurodivergent, so if you want to input that you can 🌟
///This request does kinda stem from personal experiences, and I just needed some fictional comfort 😭
////Stay hydrated and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/evening! 😊
Summary: Bill and Ted try to help you as much as they can whilst you have a shutdown
Warnings: Description of autistic shutdown, descriptions of overwhelming spaces. There's nothing too graphic or anything, though! Gender-neutral use of dude, that's just how they talk 0-0
Notes: I am so SO sorry this took so long - I was just determined to pour my heart and soul into this, as it struck me very deeply! I hope I can do this justice! Also trying out a slightly new format which is strange to me 0-0  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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not my gif
Somehow, the pair of music-loving young men had managed to convince you to go with them to a local concert. How they had coaxed you into it, you weren't entirely sure - their voices had overlapped so much and so many times that you weren't quite sure who was speaking when. "Listen, it's all going to be okay! I mean, it'll be loud, but you'll be with us, we'll cover your ears if you need it!" The shorter of the two, Bill, assured you. He was already clearly ecstatic, practically bouncing as he shifted his weight back and forth on his feet. You hadn't even given a response yet, and he was already over the moon. "Yeah, you'll be with us!" Ted echoed, a huge, almost goofy smile on his face. Though the taller of the two seemed much slower in his movements, there was no doubt that he was just as excited as his best friend.
You had tried to explain that that wasn't always how it worked with your sensitivity, but no matter what you said, they always seemed to have an answer or a solution to every potential problem you presented them with. They were just so stoked at the idea you might join them to this concert - the event they had been waiting for months upon months to go to. The one thing that they had begged their parents to attend; that Bill had easily managed to cajole Missy to let him go to, and that Ted had somehow managed to convince his father that it wasn't anything nefarious, that he would be safe. They had already begun packing for you before you had a chance to properly consider - they were very sweet about it all, but your voice was very quiet compared to their overlapping chatter.
Three bags - backpacks - was what they ended up packing. "I think that should be enough..." Bill said to Ted, as the taller of the two was bringing more water into the garage from the house. "Are you sure?" Ted asked, "What if we run out of water? Don't want to ruin our throats, dude..." "I'm sure there'll be some there! Missy'll give us a bit of money, too..." Bill replied, starting to do up the backpacks, making sure everything was packed properly - maximising space whilst also ensuring that everything was at least somewhat secure, particularly the bottles of water. It simply wouldn't have done to have one of them burst in the bag, and soak one of your backs, especially when you were all going to be standing for so long. You stood there, awkwardly as the two friends rushed back and forth, making sure that everything was as they had planned. "Hey," Ted's voice broke you from a thoughtless daze. You blink a few times, and turn your gaze to him. "You okay?" He asks, his brows furrowed with boyish concern - he wasn't sure what was going through your head, but the worry was genuine, that much was clear to see.
You consider his question for a moment, before settling on your answer: "I'm... not sure...?" Ted is clearly puzzled by this response, so you fumble your way through a half explanation. "Well... I do want to go with you guys-" "You are coming with us!" Ted interjects, quite gleefully. "What I mean is, I... I'm really anxious about it- I've never done something like this before, I've never... been comfortable, with this kind of thing..." "Well..." Ted starts, trailing off for a moment. He must be trying to make some connections in his head. "Well, you'll be with us... " He repeats the mantra like statement that he and Bill had adopted since they broke the news to you that morning. "So, that'll help, right?" He asks - you had never been entirely open with the two about how some things would affect you in a drastically different way to what it affected them. Crowds overwhelmed you, excessive noise debilitated you and made you ever so irritated you, and change... Well, you had never let anyone but your family see the results and ramifications change had on you, but needless to say, it was unpleasant. Ted's quasi-reassurance came from a good place in his heart, but you weren't as sure that their presence alone would calm or aid you. You stay quiet for a moment, considering your options. Yes, you could refuse, and save yourself the potential overwhelming environment, but disappoint your friends... OR, you could risk it, make them possibly the happiest you've seen them in a long time, and it could all be okay. There was no way of telling. You sigh quietly, then offer Ted a tiny smile. "Yeah, I guess that could help...."
Before you had even entered the venue, there were hundreds of people, all swarmed together, bustling little bubbles of activity that you would rather avoid. Both Bill and Ted were in their element already, eyes widened with wonder and anticipation. This was what their whole lives had led up to so far. This moment - seeing a band in the flesh, and their excitement was starting to bubble up, with the evening barely started. You grab Bill's arm with both hands, pulling yourself close to him. He glances at you, and is about to say something - his mouth half open as the words begin to form - before he is interrupted by a cheer from one of the groups ahead of you, as the doors to the venue are finally opened.
Bill and Ted quicken their pace - they so badly want to get in there, find a good spot for you all. So eager are they, that they drag you head on into the flowing crowd. Bodies are pressed against bodies, all moving as one, never stopping. You're being pushed by people behind you, pulled by Bill, and by Ted. Your feet can hardly keep up - the minimal room to move not helping you at all. You stumbled along, with no choice in the matter. You feel your chest tighten - the night had only just set into motion, and already, it was starting to get to you. You tried to call out, to get the attention of one of your friends, but naturally your voice is lost in the sea of the rest. You try tugging at Bill's sleeve, and then Ted's - but because so many others had done the same in the last few minutes, that they didn't take any notice whatsoever. They keep pushing forward, dragging you with them despite your reluctance. It was all too much. You had no way to tell them, but it was too much.
You can feel your eyes start to almost glaze over as your voice dies in your throat. You can still see everything, but it felt... Far away, now. All of the noises that surrounded you blur and fade, becoming one distant and droning hum. You're rooted to the spot, though you're still somewhat aware of the fact that people are still knocking into your arms, shoving past you to make their way into the venue. It was a few minutes later, when Ted went to turn to you to say something about how totally amazing this was going to be, that they knew you had gone. Ted grabbed Bill's arm, shaking it violently to make sure he got his attention. Bill turned, brows furrowed, almost in annoyance as he pulled his arm away from his friend's grasp. "Dude, what-" "Listen - our trio's turned to two!" Ted exclaimed over the noise, grabbing Bill's wrist again. He dragged the curly haired teen back through the crowd, Bill struggling at almost every step. There was a flurry of questions from him: "What the hell do you mean, dude?" and "Why are we going back to the doors? We're going to miss it!" were the only ones that Ted managed to make out. He knew, that if Bill had realised you weren't with them, he'd be just as concerned as he was. Ted cranes his neck, scanning over the top of the crowd, looking for you. It's not as simple as it sounds: there are at least ten other people who he initially thought were you, but quickly came to realise they were not.
It took a few minutes, but eventually, they did find you. And, immediately, they knew something was wrong - of course, they didn't know exactly what, but, concert or no, they knew they had to help. "Let's try getting outside." Bill suggested to Ted, despite his earlier protestations that they would miss the show. When faced with the decision of your well-being and comfort, or a live show, it was a no-brainer. Carefully, trying not to startle you, they took your arms. You were almost like a ragdoll in their hands as they started to move to the back of the crowd, but suddenly you're pulling against them, resisting, trying to wrestle your arms from their hands. You'd snapped back to reality, feeling every sensation there was to feel; the overwhelming noise, the heat of so many bodies packed closely together, the tight grip of Bill and of Ted. You wanted none of it. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you struggle, and soon enough, Ted let's go, motioning for Bill to do the same. You draw in on yourself, holding your hands to your ears and looking down at the floor, trying your best to minimise the amount of stimuli your brain was taking in. It worked, to some extent. You feel a quick, but firm, tap on your shoulder - someone trying to get your attention. Your eyes dart up, mostly out of habit, to see Ted waving at you, his smile nervous and unsure. He beckons to you, silently calling you forward, and you shuffle slightly in compliance. It's difficult to move, but you register that both Bill and Ted are trying to help you get out of this situation.
Eventually, you're all outside, and Bill is trying to guide you to sit on the floor so you can rest for a moment, which proves extraordinarily difficult to him when he realises he can't touch you more than a tap. You both manage it though, and Bill and Ted sit either side of you, like they do ordinarily. You all stay quiet for a while - both of them expecting you to speak first, to say that everything is okay, that you're fine. But you don't. You just sit there, tears rolling down your face. Ted leans forward, waving a little to get your attention again, "You okay?" He asks, his voice quiet, unsure. You just turn your head towards him, unable to answer. You wanted to - oh how you wished to be able to! But... At the same time, speaking felt like it would be too much now. Ted didn't really know how to take your silence. Was it good? Bad? His eyes flitted to Bill, who instantly made eye contact; clearly they were thinking along the same line. There's a moment of tension, where the two boys seem to be mentally battling to see who should speak first. Bill eventually opens his mouth. "We're sorry..." He begins, "We.. We should have listened to you, about the concert and..." He trails off with a light sigh - not at you, but at himself. At Ted. They should have listened to you - should have arranged to do something else. You hear something rustle from beside you, and as you turn you see Ted offering you one of the bottles of water he and Bill had packed. "Drink, dude..." The dark haired boy urged. He knew you needed something, and that you may be in a state, but they both still want to take care of you, even if they were the main cause of the problem in the first place. Their hearts were in the right place, and now they wished to try and make up for their mistake. Bill wished that he had thought of your perspective a bit more, and sooner. He had been so wrapped up in his desire - which had practically become a need - to see this concert, that his mind could barely focus on anything else. His chest ached with the guilt of what he had brought on to you; he knew all too well what the overwhelm could feel like, and so did Ted. But their focus on the concert had thrown all other considerations out of the window, for both of them.
You shakily take the bottle from Ted, to find it already undone. You glance in thanks to him -unable to smile- before bringing the bottle to your mouth and taking the smallest of sips. It was all you could muster for the time being. "I have an idea!" Bill announced, a tad too loud for your liking, making you flinch. Bill notices, and winces too, giving you an apologetic look. "I was thinking..." His voice is softer now, more like a whisper. "We take you back to yours..." He points at you, "So that you can rest up... Y'know, sort yourself out and everything... We can stay if you want to, but-" He pauses, realising he's getting carried away with himself and starting to ramble. "And then..." He continues, back on his original train of thought. "When you're ready... You can come over to my place, and we can jam out." He gives you that trademark goofy little smile, all teeth and just reaching his eyes. There's a question teetering in your mind, bouncing around; one you can't yet voice. Ted, somehow manages to read your mind at that very moment; "Jam? You mean, we'll be using the guitars?" He considers for a moment, "I don't know... Your dad said he doesn't want to hear any bad playing anymore... and I'm not tryin' to say anything about your playing-" Ted turns to you, totally sincere, "But I don't think it's... Eddie Van Halen level yet, dude..." "Well, it can be with or without the guitars." Bill responds, "I mean, we've got the guitars to get to Van Halen's level." He shrugs, "And who cares what my dad says? It's not like he's there most of the time."
Ted considers his friend's words for a moment, his brows furrowed as if he had been posed with a very serious philosophical question, lips pursed in thought to complete the look. After a few seconds of this, Ted nods enthusiastically, seemingly satisfied with this answer, his grin returning. "It's settled then!" Bill announces with a grin just as wide as Ted's, and with the gusto of the old shining knights of yore. "We take our good fellow here," He gestures to you broadly with his hand, "Back to their dwelling for the eve. And then!" He points dramatically to the sky with one finger. "We shall wait to the morn... To jam!" You giggle quietly, and Bill's joyous face turns back to you, all teeth and smiles still. Ted's face lights up too, and the two boys meet eyes before doing their natural greeting to one another - an epic air guitar gesture that had become customary for them after so many years of being friends. It's not long after that, that the three of you are walking down the path to your home - taking up the entire pavement as you stand with all your shoulders practically touching, though the pair were careful to make sure that they didn't accidentally brush against you on the way back - they didn't want to upset you again. Bill actually nearly ended up falling into the road a couple of times because of this mindset, so ended up switching places with Ted. Then the same thing happened to him! The pair were laughing merrily at one another as they walked you down your drive. "I'll come see you at lunchtime tomorrow..." Bill says to you as you step onto your porch. "And then we can go pick up Ted on the way to mine, if you want to jam... If not, we could all hang out at your place, if you wanted?" Bill offered, and you nod slowly, "But you can tell us tomorrow, if you want, or later - if you can call?" Bill rambles a little, grinning at you. Though he still feels a bit guilty about the fact that his actions had upset you, he knew that you would all be able to work through it eventually; your reaction, to him and Ted at least, was perfectly natural. They may have had similar ones had they been put in a situation they had deemed unsuitable for themselves - Ted had certainly lashed out in the past because of the very same thing.
"But yeah, lunchtime tomorrow-" Bill repeats, "Don't forget!" He tells you, as if you ever would. With that, Bill and Ted scurry off into the evening air- the memory of the concert left behind and forgotten in favour of the plans the pair had started to make, in preparation for the next time the three of you got to spend time together, whether that be tomorrow, or even days in the future.
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fairiedance · 4 months
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I've made a bunch of poppy designs, but the Faqqua iris is the more official national flower of Palestine, I figured I should do something with it too. You can find the above design here.
As usual ALL PROCEEDS are for my Palestinian best friend, to take care of his loved ones. He will donate any his family doesn't need to the Palestinian charities he works with. He's hoping to donate most of it if possible, he always gives everything he can to those in need, which is really impressive because he has never had much for himself in his life. He's always the first person to buy food for the homeless people outside the cafe, or send a paycheck home to help his relatives, or bring food and supplies to a labor action. I currently have his nice coat because he put it on me when I was cold and told me to keep it (I'm going to wash it and give it back anyway, haha). Outside of a few sentimental possessions most of his stuff ends up being given away sooner or later to someone he thinks needs it more.
He felt weird about accepting this charity at first, I had to convince him to hold onto the money from this fundraiser for his own loved ones (some of whom are definitely in a really precarious position) rather than give it all away to charities immediately. He's so generous, even to his own detriment sometimes. You guys, I'm feeling really emotional today, I love him so fucking much. God I hope things get better soon.
Anyway, this design is kinda small so mostly for stickers but available on some other things too. Here are some examples:
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You can find my full shop here. To see a design on different products click on the display product and scroll down or go here to browse by design. Here's a small sample of some of my other work:
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Also to my fellow grad students, our department is currently working on making an easier path for grads to bow out of research they have a moral objection to, in addition to putting together a statement on Palestine. If you have a lot of colleagues on your side and particularly if you're in a program like engineering, physics, astronomy or applied math (with a lot of military applications) you should try to see where your funding is coming from and support grads in divesting from ethically questionable research. I won't say too much about what we're doing because I don't want to risk doxing my friend, but here are some examples of statements from grads at the Goldman School of Public Policy and the UCSC Astronomy Department. We (STEM students in particular) are the next generation of minds behind the military-industrial complex; let's make participation in the war machine unpopular.
Thank you to everyone who has participated in my fundraiser so far!
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lasagnaeatsu · 6 months
(Repost cuz my phone is being dumb)
OKAY SO NINJAGO MOVID AU W ARIN, SORA AND WLYDFYRE SO HERE WE GO! But first big thanks to my friend @imotakkun who helped me come up with some stuff for this au 🤩‼️
First off, the ninja, when we saw them in the movie they were all highschoolers. But if we'll still applying some rules from the show we can assume they're all adults by now.
Now, at first, I was gonna have them be in college, but we have to take in how the movie ended. However, I did more thinking, and ninja's identities have been revealed, so it's safe to assume college and any part of their daily aspects have been affected.
So what happens? Well, first, I'm trying to figure out something equivalent to the merge, but I'm not sure if it's gonna an actual event this au as I don't want it being exactly like the merge.
But for the ninja, I came up with an idea. However, it's quite angsty. Well, Garamadon is now good, so the ninja have no one to defend ninjago from? What if this caused them all to slowly distance themselves, but before the final blow, what if Wu went missing? Wu going missing is what can be the final straw, and the ninja go there separate ways.
Yeah, that'd be pretty painful, I think.
Now I'm thinking that right after Wu disappears, something happens that like the merge can happen and cause all these people to go missing, and can open a new book of possibilities? But I'm still thinking, so if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to share!
Anyways so after this event, that's the end of the original ninja, and years go by and no one has seen them. Like in series I'll add a timeskip, but this one will be confirmed (lol) I'll say 5 years.
Now something like the merge has happened, all these new developments in Ninjago City, all these new people, and the world has adjusted. So when this big event happened Arin and Sora could be like 10 then after the timeskip they'd be 15.
OKAY, now to Ninjago High School!!! Let's start with Arin and Sora. In the series they seemed to get along with people well in the crossroads, so I would like to apply this to this au.
Let's start with Arin, first off, he's a huge ninja fan, who doesn't like the ninja!? I would like to imagine that the school has a ninja fan club which he'd absolutely be the president of.
Also, he's extremely friendly, so I think he'd be pretty popular having a great personality, being a ninja fan, and making some pretty delicious pies.
To add on, he'd also definitely be into an elective where he can bake, he'd also most likely be a huge history nerd. (Since in the show tells Lloyd about all the types of pie crust, also ninja fan sooo)
Now, to the angsty part of Arin, in the big event, like in the show, he lost his parents. And well, I'd kinda wanna make this au a tad more realistic, so, following the disappearance of his parents, the world's all in chaos. However, after a while since school is mandatory here, perhaps one of his teachers caught onto this and he was put in foster care.
Unfortunately, his current foster parents aren't all too nice :( So he spends most of his time in school anyway. Not that he minds, it just gives him the chance to better his school record for college.
Luckily for him he has a great best friend!
Let's dive into her story. So to start off, she's definitely a stem girl, loves stem, is a huggeeeee stem nerd. I'd imagine she's as popular as Arin. They're just seen as that duo in the halls. I mean, why wouldn't she be popular? She's super skillful, independent, and smart! (Perhaps trans? 👀)
She's also really easy to get along with. She reminds me of those nice popular girls you see around school who are crazy talented and in all these extracurricular activities.
Speaking of Sora most definitely loves all things cats, and is a huge music nerd you cannot convince me otherwise. Though I can also see her being a huge gamer so she'd definitely be I'm her school's esports club.
Now, as to her backstory...like in the show, she's a runaway, and she often compares how much better her new school is compared to her old one. Especially since her hometown sucked.
Now, no one really knows where she came from. She was just there for freshman orientation. Since she'd good at tech stuff (and she's a good student), she'd be able to escape getting put in the foster system. Whenever someone checks her records, she can just hack them.
Now, for where she lives, this would be kinda tricky, but I'd like to imagine her working at a library, and her boss (Mr frohicky) let's her stay in the library over night.
And it's not all bad! Sora even discovered a secret room hidden in the library, which she turns onto her own room. (think of Amitys secret room in the library from the owl house) She just really loves it, and it's definitely her safe space.
Sora often has sleepovers with Arin in the library. The two get a bunch of books and blankets and make a tiny fort.
And since the library has computers and free wifi it's the ultimate spot for sleepovers.
Arin would often geek out about the Ninja and ninjago history, showing Sora books, videos, photos, and stories of the ninja.
And in return, Sora would show Arin a bunch of video games, music, and her current experiments.
The two talked about everything! Heck Sora even offered to hack Arin out of the foster system, he denied, though, as it was too risky, plus he didn't want her getting caught and also being put in the foster system.
But it was fine, as they spent most of their time in school, the two did almost everything together. They were the it duo of the school. They were friendly, skilled, and straight A student, so it was a no-brainer when they were called into the office to show the new student around!
Wlydfyre, well, she's wild, I mean, what can you expect from a kid who grew up in the wild? She would often go to the nearest junkyard and do what she could with what she found. Sometimes, she'd get caught, but she's too slippery to actually get caught. She'd often use her powers, too, which appeared out of nowhere, but she didn't question it. How did this girl never get restraint? Who knows?
Until she found someone like her, a guy with fire powers?? Kai had found the girl and, after a bit of talking, decided, 'I'm adopting this child', and without all the paperwork! It was a win-win situation, adopt kid, no paperwork, yayy!!
So Kai being Kai... sent her to a highschool...yeah kinda questionable on his part, but eh governments have done worse.
But that's a story for another time. What Arin didn't expect was seeing his best friend gain these magical tech powers?
It even shocked her. You see, they were in a tight situation, causing them having to defend themselves, so Arin did his fanboy spinjitzu, and Sora discovered her magical tech powers. Through this baby dragon??(where had he come from?)
After the two got away, and the baby dragon just?? Disappeared, they were wondering if they were both collectively hallucinating. But that thought would be broken when the police appeared and ARRESTED THEM?
Welp can't do much when you're in jail. Both were in a sort of panic as Arin didn't want to deal with his foster parents, and Sora had no parents, so she'd definitely get caught.
Luckily for them, they were released by their older cousin.
EXCEPT THEY HAD NO OLDER COUSIN? It seemed to be this blonde guy? They couldn't really see his face as he wore a hood, but something about him was familiar to Arin.
After they left the station, both Arin and Sora were pretty cautious because...well, stranger danger? But he did bail them out.
That was until the guy took off his hood which made the two do a double take.
It was THE green ninja, Lloyd Garamdon?
Lloyd had gone years without seeing any of the ninjas, that was until he and Kai had recently found each other again. And when he found out Kai had found a kid from the wild? And he took it under his wing. He definitely didn't think he'd see the day where Kai was taking on a mentorship kinda role, yet here they are.
But anyways Lloyd was lonely, and to put it lightly really, really sad. He had been alone for about five years. He'd often visit his parents, but they were currently off on a vacation, so it was just him. Man he really missed his friends.
He decided to be the sneaky ninja he was and go out at night and see what's up.
Well, what he didn't expect to see two figures, one doing spinjitzu and the other had..Elemental powers? Before he could go up to the two, the police got to them first.
Good thing he was a master of disguise.
Once he got them out of jail, he did NOT expect to see just two lil teenagers. It reminded him of when he was in highschool and well.
I'm assuming you've all watched the ninjago movie.
So when asked who was doing spinjitzu and using Elemental powers during the street fight. The two younger duo were well surprised.
Especially Arin, poor boy, was about to faint. As the two explained that it was, in fact, them, Lloyd was getting confused now.
They both achieved these skills, WITHOUT training?
He silently cursed Wu in his head. Well, he thought he could take them under his wing just like his uncle had done! How hard could it be? Right? Right?
Everyone screamed when the baby dragon from earlier appeared out of NOWHERE.
Yeah, Lloyd had his work cut out for him.
OKAY SO THATS WHAT I HAVE SO FAR, sorry if the writings not that good...I've never made a full au before EVER, I'll try and make some art for it when I have the chance. I kinda wanted to add some type of realistic affect to this au this yk talking about foster system and just generally child services (as i and ppl close to me have experinced it sooo) ALSO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. Heads up stuff abt this au is bound to change, AND IF ANYONE HAS ANY QUESTIONS OR IDEAS FEEL FREE TO SHARE!!!! but yeah that's it for now :D (also I need an au name so hand em over 😈)
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familiar-anonymous · 2 years
10 Hob x Dream AU Fanfic Prompts :
(Cause they are my current drug)
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★ Morpheus visits human realm in a different physical appearance for reasons and coincidentally meets Hob. But he doesn’t reveal himself to the immortal man (cause it would require a lot of explanation like him being the anthropomorphic personification of Dream and such). He then hears Hob telling someone about the person he loves who is silent, mysterious and arrogant like a cat. But is also angelic, graceful and softhearted. Dream is strangely jealous and slightly hurt cause Hob didn’t speak about this person (who is clearly very important to him) at all on their last meeting. It takes Dream a ridiculously long time to realise that Hob is talking about him.
★Hob is a teacher who loves his job and his students. When he sees a renowned billionaire is looking to hire a tutor for his son, he goes to the interview. The son has had behavioural problems in school and was threatened with expulsion, so the single father, Morpheus decided to hire a qualified professional to assist in his son's issues. The more time Hob spends with the small family, the more he realizes that the son's behavioural problems stem from his poor relationship with his father. Dream being the stubborn brood he is, initially disagrees with Hob's reasoning, but eventually yields. The longer Hob spend in the role of caregiver to both father and son, the more he starts to feel like this is where he belongs.
★ Dream is a traditionalist Alpha who believes omegas can't play the same role as the Alphas in the society. His alpha sister Death suggests that he should meet more Omegas in real life and befriend them before forming such an opinion. And guess who she thinks is the perfect non-stereotype omega to be able to change Dream's mind? Yes, Hob Gadling of course. (Can be applicable for noble or royal! Dream and commoner!Hob as well)
★The mandatory nerd!Dream × jock!Hob dorm roommate AU. They are total opposite of each other. Dream is always mad at the world and Hob's an eternal optimist. One loves Shakespeare and the other hates it. While one is a cat person then the other is a dog person. Dream's an introvert and Hob is an extrovert, party-animal. Unsurprisingly these two polar-opposite men doesn’t manage to get along at first. But with time a lot of things change, and so do their opinions and feelings for each other.
★ Wrong number texting AU: Morpheus is a CEO (or writer as par the major part of fandom's first choice for his profession). He is not very comfortable with technology. One day while trying to text his assistant Matthew, he accidentally sends the text to a wrong number. That wrong number belongs to Hob obviously. (I will probably elaborate this one in another post. Cause Texting AU is one of my most favourite tropes)
[Edit: I have started this story. You can find it here!]
★ (this one is kinda angsty? And there's too many 'what if's. But still my favourite. So just don't look too closely.) Death dies somehow and the new anthropomorphic personification of Death takes Hob's life without realising he was special. Dream gets furious and devastated. So in order to calm him and bring peace in dreaming and mortal realm again, he was promised Hob's reincarnation. So Hob gets reincarnated but without any memories of his past long life. Dream meets this Hob when he is an adult. Hob obviously doesn’t remember him, but they gradually becomes friend again. The problem is that this Hob doesn’t seek immortality, at least not out loud, not where Dream or Death can hear him. So they can't offer him immortality either. Dream watches Hob getting old (he changes his own appearance to seem as old as Hob too) and dying again. Just like Dream was promised Hob gets reincarnated again... and again, in every century. And Dream meets them and loves them in every incarnation. He collects memories with each Hob in terms of photos, short notes or gifts. Then one day one incarnation of Hob somehow stumbles in Dream's palace in dreaming realm. He finds dream's collection of his previous lifes memories,, and secrets get revealed.
★ Student! Dream x Teacher! Hob AU: Dream is that student who gets the highest marks in all subjects even though they don’t response in class at all. Even if he is asked a question, he just glares and then looks away. But only Hob's class is different. When Hob asks any silly question with his charming smile and cocky eyebrow, Dream can't help but blush and stutter out an answer.
★ It's not surprising that someone like Hob Gadling has many admirers among his students, colleagues or acquaintances from the New Inn. Some nights these admirers dream about him. Sometimes their dreams become a bit intimate. As the King of dreams and nightmares, Morpheus is always aware of these kind of dreams. And before he knows what he is doing, he appears in those people’s dream just to say, "This dream is over".
★ What if Lyta Hall died during or after the child birth? Maybe because of some conceiving-in-dream complicity or from the grief of losing her love of life for the second time? Dream has already claimed that one day her son will belong to him. So in case of Lyta's death, no matter what the cause, he would obviously take responsibility of the child.But Morphius is hardly capable of raising a human child on his own. And who would he take help from? While Lucienne or Death are surely Queens, they are still not human and have their own duties. I know Rose was Lyta's friend and will probably want to help raising her son. But she is young and already struggling with all the brand-new responsibilities (being Jed's guardian, Unity's successor, job-hunting etc). So Dream's sole option is to seek help of the only human being he calls friend, aka Hob Gadling. He already has experience of raising (at least?) a child after all. And after Dream explains everything (including his and the child's real identity) to him, there's no way Hob can refuse to help his desperate long-term friend. So he agrees to take care of the boy. At first they just sort of coparent, with Dream visiting Hob more often, every week if not everyday, to take care of the child. Eventually they get married and be the perfect Gay Dads for their son.
★ Morpheus got stuck in his Cat form.(And, no, I don’t care how it happens) He goes to meet Hob as a cat. But he obviously can't talk in public in his cat form. So it takes awhile for Hob to realise that the cat with sulky mood and teary eyes that's been following him around is his friend.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
I have posted the last three in three separate posts before. But added them here anyway to keep record. I will probably keep adding to this list (that no one asked for) as long as my DreamLing addiction lasts. I mean I already have countless other AU ideas, such as dating apps au, vampire (x werewolf) AU, common ex [ william ;) ] or fake dating au, pride and prejudice AU, fifty shades of grey AU and so on. I didn’t want to make this post even longer and more boring than it already is, so kept those ideas stored for another post, lol.
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vessilin · 5 months
hey guys i have decided that i will now become a TMAGP account. hashtag. love this new podcast!! as soon as my hands stop swelling I WILL be making RedCanary fan art. I cannot express how much i’m loving this series rn
more below the cut! ! (SPOILERS)
OKAY SO!! episode #1 has thoroughly shaken me to the core. thank you so @sunnyspookss for listening to me yap about it over discord. love u suns!! here are my thoughts on the characters :
Sam - I cannot describe how I feel about this creature. I’m loving them and they’re giving me very… main character vibes (obviously but… anything could change who knows). Currently loving the idea that they wear glasses !!! Def a really fleshed out character (even from just the first episode).
I know Sam SAID that they were working here to ‘get back on [my] feet’ but I feel like there might be something more behind it?
Alice - right off the bat !! I’m loving her. she seems so incredibly sweet and i’m HC-ing her as a trans woman. live laugh love Alice !!! She’s so silly and in some ways reminds me of Tim Stoker ? I think it’s really interesting and I can’t wait to see how her character develops!!
ALSOOO TTHE FACT THAT SHE AND SAM USED TO DATE!??? AUGH. during college too? I feel like this is running a real close parallel to Jon and Georgie.
Gwen <333 - I can totally see some of the Bouchard family line coming in here. At first (a.k.a. the first 10 minutes or so) i didn’t really have any strong opinions and kinda forgot that her last name was bouchard but after the little scene of her and Lena in the office I started to love her even more. The boldness and the gall this woman has makes me want to shake her around like a squeaky toy.
When Lena was like “what do you even want here anyways 😒😒” AND GWEN WENT “your job” I LOST IT. LIKE.
I don’t even know if she and Elias are related but goddamn?!! I’m literally in love.
Lena - She knows something. This woman. this girl. she knows something that I do not know and I do not like it.
Colin - Live Laugh Love Colin!!! He def knows what’s going on!! I have a feeling he’ll be rlly important to the plot and his little end ‘speech’ (more like dialogue but oh well) at the end of the first episode was like??? Major Eye vibes.
RedCanary - I don’t even know where to begin. The insanity? The deleting photo? Canaries should stay above ground? The anger at ArcherK?? The mystery?
I really hope this character comes back but even if they’re a Sarah Baldwin situation that is 110% okay. I love the premise of this person finding something in that box (or maybe just the box in general) that drives them to insanity or drives them to some new information?
Misc. - Ok! Im not sure if the same like… ‘fears’ apply but someone (hi sunny) has said that there might be a new fear system? i think that’s going to be really fun to get into once I listen to the second episode. Secondly !!!! The Magnus Archive being turned into the library of alexandria (not literally but still) is such a cool concept to me. I think it’s very inchresting to think about because
A) as a child i loved researching TLA (the library of alexandria) and B) it makes a whole new timeline- i think?? Or maybe it’s some like alternate dimension or something!!! who knows!! I love it!
The idea of lost knowledge (and that knowledge once being uncovered driving people to insanity) (shoutout redcanary we will remember you!) is such a cool concept in general. the what-ifs and the maybes that can stem from it are so interesting and I can’t wait to see if they expand on that or not!! Either way- i’m loving the podcast so far.
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landofzero-archive · 1 month
Absolute - Prologue
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(Location: Michigan Townscape)
(One year before ES’s founding. After the Yumenosaki Revolution, Spring)
(A certain place in Detroit, Michigan, United States of America)
(In the WNW district, where the competition for the top idols of the world, Absolute, is held)
Jun: —”Shaka”?
Nagisa: …… That’s the name of the world’s number one idol?
Hiyori: Even though they’re a foreigner, isn’t that the name of the Shakyamuni Buddha?(1) That’s fairly unusual, isn’t it?
Ibara: If I’m not mistaken the Buddha is already a foreigner to begin with. It’s perverted nationalism and simply arrogant to believe everything comes from one’s own country.
In regards to idol culture, it’s the same thing.
This country’s idol culture was built from the ground up by a certain “great person,” and has prevailed to this day— or at least that’s what the public believes.
Naturally, that great person can’t create perfection from nought. He is not God, after all.
That person invented what we call idols– and while he built up and developed the idol industry, that foundation gave life to a sort of culture.
That culture was produced right in this very Detroit, Michigan, and continues to this day through what’s known as “Absolute” culture.
All around the world, there was an explosion of unique trends stemming from rock n’ roll culture, blending with American pop culture to yield a strange new form—
As a result, the so-to-speak “prototypical idol” arose in this area and the popularity and economic boost revived what had once been an area on the decline—
Well, that’s the general feel of what happened.
Jun: Jeez, that explanation went in one ear and right out the other.
Ibara: Fufu. Reliable workers don’t need to understand everything, Jun♪
Nagisa: …… That’s true, isn’t it.
…… If I remember correctly, Father liked foreign cultures.
Jun: ? Um, what d’you mean your old man?
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Nagisa: …… Father possibly also witnessed this area’s “Absolute” in his youth.
…… He was deeply moved by it, and built the groundwork for his own utopia– his own paradise.
…… And thus, idols were born.
Hiyori:  History and feelings, huh? That kind of talk is SO bo~ring!
So what’s the big idea? You crammed us into a plane to fly to some foreign country, and all you do is talk about your history knowledge?
Ibara: No, of course not.
Our goal is to observe the source, or rather, the home, of idol culture, Absolute’s, current form.
To the whole world, Japan’s idol culture just looks like Absolute culture that’s popular in the islands of the Far East.
By overturning that expectation, we will conquer the world.
And that’s why we’ll be observing the enemy’s movements.
Hiyori: Seriously, bragging with that big mouth of yours, conquering the world? I thought we were still hardly recognized back home, hm?
I wouldn’t call a child who’s only just started playing baseball going to see a Major League game “enemy observation!” It’s quite funny~♪
Ibara: Yes, yes, just now I was certainly talking big.
Even so, one day it surely will happen.
Nagisa: …… Well, it’s better to dream big, isn’t it?
Jun: Uuu. I don’t think I have the time to check out Absolute n’ stuff~......
I’m kinda embarrassed to say it but this is my first time being overseas so I’m pretty hyped.
It’s pretty amazing…… As a kid I was stuck inside my cramped closet, but now I’ve crossed the ocean to a distant country.
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Ibara: Together, we’ll advance further, wider, deeper, higher—
Undoubtedly, we’ll be able to see as many wonderful sights as we’d like.
Jun: You’ve been talking about something like a dream this whole time~. Haha, you’re also having fun being overseas♪
Ibara: I’ll admit, I’m somewhat moved. Yes, I am excited as well.
At last, “I” feel like I’ve reached the feet of the pieces of shit who ruined my life.
Jun: ………?
Nagisa: …… I don’t really understand, but shouldn’t we stop chatting and head to the venue?
…… Absolute maintains its primordial wildness, and the spectators are so discordant that it’d be nigh unthinkable in japan.
Hiyori: Well, its catchphrase is “Fanatic Festival,” isn’t it?
Jun: Is it a horror movie or somethin’?
Ibara: Yes. It would be a disaster if our seats were stolen by such raucous people, so let’s get to the venue early.
Please take care to not get lost, everyone♪
TL Note:
This refers to the very first Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama.
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lawlietscaramels · 6 months
alike to you, i have my own death note oc :D if it's okay, would you tell us more about yours? i'm genuinely curious how they fit into the story and their role in it altogether.
Miss Rie // 1429
keyo I'm going to squeeze you like a stress ball or something you're awesome and you better tell us all about your oc?!?!? :DD and it is SO okay rr I'm gonna ramble. cw torture mention, mental health issues, manipulation and other such traits.
Relationships, Lore So Far, Personality, Strengths, Weaknesses, Trivia
She's aligned with Team L!! of course dnsjhd
Rie and L have a funny relationship because they've worked together for a while and seem close but aren't together (as far as the TF know at least. I'm not sure yet to what degree her relationship with L has progressed at the time the anime is set). but everyone who meets them goes: "a girl in love and a man who's apathetic"
She actually likes Light a lot, because he's a nice guy, when he's not Kira. would be friends with him in another life.
When it comes to 「Kira」 whoever they may be, she dislikes but understands them. She knows that there are problems in the world and a lot of them stem from "evil people", but she doesn't really believe in purely evil people, and also realises that Kira's methods are counterproductive.
Rie does NOT get along with Misa. she can tolerate her but only in small doses. She's always kind to her, though this is mostly so she can try to get information out of her.
As for the rest of the Task Force: Likes them all. She never met Ukita though cause she introduces herself a while after L does in my current plan. Thinks Matsuda is a little naïve and Chief Yagami is blinded by his love for his son.
At the moment I'm thinking Rie isn't an orphan but lived somewhere near Wammy's House when she was little. She loooves annoying Near, Matt and Mello.
Lore So Far
there's a lot of unrefined stuff, what I have here is likely to change
I mentioned beforehand she works with L for a few years before the Kira case. she actually spent a lot of her life tracking him down, basically just to play with him/annoy him because... she's just an ass like that. So eventually she was able to contact him and they played a Game of cat and mouse, detective vs detective (I have a minific written for this that I might share. also Rie's not quite a detective... kinda a vigilante? not sure how to explain)
my current plan is she ends up getting stuck in a situation like Light was, where L suspects her for a case (she hacked into his database and deleted all his files) and has to work with her and keep an eye on her. I'm considering that she purposely got caught bc she was in trouble with more dangerous people, but maybe L catches her because, well, he's the world's greatest detective and the dangerous people just encounter Rie later
she's eventually cleared of suspicion because she wasn't involved in the cases she wiped, she just deleted them to be annoying and win the Game. Rie sticks around to annoy L for a while but then in come the dangerous people!!
the reason for this isn't fully fleshed out yet, but she gets herself kidnapped and once they realise she worked with L they try to get information on him out of her (through torture pretty much). this bit is the bit I'm probably least happy with, I want to work on it more. but in the end her stomach gets cut open, she escapes and collapses/gets rescued, and L realises he can trust her.
Rie goes to various countries and does her own thing for a few years, occasionally assisting L on cases, before she comes to Japan for the Kira case
there's so much Kira related stuff that I think I'll make another post sometime haha.
but that is the simplified and unrefined version of her backstory!
a proud feminist!! because come on death note needs one. (I know I said earlier she likes Light and dislikes Misa but the way he treats her ticks Rie off)
honestly can be very annoying on purpose, like a sibling
that said she's a good person overall, has done suspicious contract work and whatever, but she loves people and she really cares for everyone in her life
energetic 50% of the time, asleep the other 50%.
Pretty analytical but definitely has and expresses emotions. Probably INTP but I'm not great with MBTI tying.
a sore loser. But instead of trying to win, she will just give up if she knows there's a chance of losing. that way she can tell herself that it was her decision and thus, she won.
Loves her friends + family and has a somewhat motherly vibe
she's the smartest woman in the world!! because honestly it is a crime that all the smart people in death note are men and hey, it's kind of cool to make an oc who's the anything-est in the world. (I wouldn't say she's REALLY the smartest, she just has a fairly wide skill set and is intelligent. maybe the highest-achieving)
Well she hacked L's main databases so I think you can tell she's good with technology
Her major in uni was psychology! Criminal and maybe abnormal psych, that is. also has dabbled in sociology and neurology. Rie knows a lot of languages.
a good baker (this may be the real reason L didn't have her killed).
A cheerful presence, good at raising morale and making L seem more approachable and likeable to the Task Force. usually optimistic.
I know I just said she's optimistic, but this is because she makes a conscious effort to be. Rie's got a lot of anxiety and worries, and struggles with several mental health issues.
Her pride is as bad as L's ego. Actually, she'd claim it's worse.
When she gets angry she gets ANGRY. will straight up punch someone in the face and yell for hours.
bad at processing her emotions in general actually
Rie has attachment and abandonment issues I think. also because of the whole torture thing she's got some pretty bad PTSD.
She can be really rude/blunt. claims this is unintentional.
physically pretty weak, too.
SOOO MANIPULATIVE! like she's a detective and she kind of has to be so to make the most of her psychology knowledge and get info out of suspects, but this will often seep into her personal life. "let's perform experiments on our friends and coworkers to increase efficiency!"
Everyone on the Task Force thinks she binge drinks coffee. It's actually hot chocolate
Rie has a cat! her name is Synonym, nicknamed "Sin"
her favourite flowers are hydrangeas, bluebells, and roses (she's got a literal guns and roses aesthetic going on). Her favourite trees are wisterias and her favourite animals are either otters or elephants.
She's autistic (totally not because I'm autistic and can't write a neurotypical character)
Rie is actually just an alias. I'm debating on, if she lived near Wammy's, she might have met L and this would be a nickname derived from her middle name. but then I have to explain the "woah memory loss!!" in the whole database/suspicion incident. so, it's probably just a name that she likes. or maybe she shortened her own middle name.
The full alias is Rie Takamura. She also goes by Hina Suzuki (Japanese equivalent of Jane Doe) and 1429 (fourteen twenty-nine).
SHE LOVES CASINOS. her theme song would probably be "Joker and the Thief" (or maybe not, but it's in my playlist for her). Rie's very careful not to let herself get addicted to gambling but gosh she loves going to a casino, pretending to be a dumb girl, and counting cards until she can sweep the table off its legs.
lowkey a mad scientist (mostly social-scientist but still.)
I'M SO SORRY I just realised pretty much none of that has to do with DN canon which is kind of what you asked about akdfhsfhrghiwg I'll without a doubt do a part two sooner or later though
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
character ©lawlietscaramels , ©dailyreine , ©riexliet. Though Rie has been inserted into Ohba Tsugumi's Death Note universe, her design, character, and non canon related storyline are all my own original work. Do not steal her design, claim her as your own, use her for “inspiration” — it's flattering but it often ends up a copy, feed any part of her (story/art) to AI, or do anything else unethical or immoral.
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takadanobaba · 11 months
If you don't mind me making another long post, I'll talk about the current view I had for a part 2 and the what I thought of the characters first thought of the twins. Feel free to correct anything I miss interpretate, we currently don't have too much about the town's folks individual options on the twins and their Pokémon.
I sorted the town's folks into categories based on their opinion on Pokémon instead of the twins themselves but quite a few probably would be cut from the actual chapter unless I made a part 3
Likes Pokémon:
Jas, Vincent, Evelyn, George, Wizard
(George likes Pokémon but doesn't appear to, kinda like the dog owner who insults their dog but still gives it a treat. He might like their Pokémon but he doesn't like the twins because he doesn't want them to mess up the train station.)
Lukewarm about Pokémon:
Alex, Elliott, Harvey, Emily, Leah, Maru, Penny, Caroline, Clint, Gil, Gunther, Linus, Marlon, Marnie, Robin, Willy
(Alex, Elliott, Emily, Maru and Penny are all scared of Pokémon but think they're interest/cool but will observe from a safe distance. Penny is the most scared but also most intrigued)
(Harvey, Leah, Caroline, Linus, Marnie and Willy are scared of Pokémon but have more a neutral option of them and see they more like unprodicatable animals. Harvey favours Klinklang since its the least dangerous looking (and I like to think the Klink line is associated with anything with mechanics like the air force). Linus has mixed feelings about Garbodor, he feels a kinship since they're outcast but has a dislike since she might steal his dinner.)
(Clint, Gil, Gunther, Marlon and Robin are scared of Pokémon but aware that they can be tamed and are often used in their jobs outside of Stardew. Clint would like Boldore. Robin would like Gurdurr. Gunther is aware of fossil Pokémon.)
Plain fear of Pokémon:
Sam, Sebastian, Abigail, Hailey, Gus, Jodi, Lewis
(Sam, Sebastian and Lewis try not to show their fear but would run away if a Pokémon got too close.)
Hostility towards Pokémon:
Shane, Demetrius, Kent, Pam, Pierre
(All hostility mainly stems from parental overprotectiveness but witha small. Since Pam was the original bus driver, she possibly had seen some Pokémon battles outside of Stardew and seen how strong they could get. Kent is probably the only one to never fully like Pokémon.)
HI! Doctorsparkle here! Takadanobaba showed me your ask and well ... he is letting me take the stage on this main replay! I got to say tho Kraken! You are on the right tracks! I have to say you are amazing for paying attention to so many details and nuggets we have placed throughout various posts!
Your fanfic based on the mod is amazing as well and we are glad for all the ideas you have thrown at us. It really helps us when we are stumped.
Few things about some characters.
George - George’s relationship with Submas Twins is - Tolerating their presence.
Ingo and Emmet have a good relation with their wife, Evelyn, and they know that Evelyn adores Pokémon. (He knew she had one, as did he... when they where in their younger years before Stardew got rid of them. Evelyn had a Bellosom. While George problem had a a Crab-Related Pokemon. Like Krabby or Dwebble, really family Pokémon. They weren't trainers, just average folk.)
And since they have a good relation with the wife, well, you know the saying, happy wife. Happy life. As for his views on the train station.. he really doesn’t care… simply due to his age, him being wheelchair bound... and there has been dialogue related to him how he isn’t religious but since he is up there in age he preys to Yoba. (To which I can relate to, George and Evelyn as characters based on my own personal experiences with older family members.)
So really he doesn’t like the twins but as long as his wife is happy and the Pokémon are nice. He doesn’t care what they do… He's probably glad to have some form of company.
Harvey - Harvey is most definitely going to like Klinklang, however, he still views it as dangerous. Every Pokémon the Submas twins has is dangerous in their own way…. For Klinklang tho… well... giant spinning gears. And moving parts. If anyone who has worked with heavy equipment or machinery. Gears and sharp can be dangerous. Get your clothing stuck in there and well— RIP your arm or leg. Or your favorite outfit. He will still be wary and cautious about all moving parts on a Pokémon. Organic or Mechanical. Hence why he harps on the twins about their health more than anything. It's a hate-love relationship. Think of a nagging parent. He doesn’t outright dislike Pokémon but he just can’t turn off his doctor brain. Ya know?
Views on Job Related Pokemon
(Robin, Clint, etc) - LOVE THIS TO BITS! However, do keep in mind that Stardew Valley is isolated… it is a separate region. So, unless you're someone like Pam who travel across Stardew Valley. You're not going to see a Pokemon. Or a Pokemon Battle. I bet you no one even knows what a Pokemon Battle is.
I think they would learn about how Pokemon can help them with their own professions through casual talks with the Submas Twins when they have to say ask Robin for a commission or head down to Clint's to get some metal work done. The knowledge of Pokémon is lacking…. Which feeds into the fear and stigmatization of them. Knowledge is power. The government will most likely be censoring Pokémon related media... except for a few things that fall through the cracks like fashion magazines.
Which we’ll segway into… Hailey and Emily - They will most definitely fear Pokémon, however, we have some plans for the two with Elesa! They will know a little bit about Pokémon but only through fashion magazines. So think cute Pokémon like Happiny or Pachirisu. Anything bigger then a cat… forget it. They will be terrified of all of Submas Pokémon but over time it’ll dull down… they’ll still be jumpy but its not an outright dislike. Just... they prefer to see them from afar or in fashionable clothing in a book or magazine.
Gus - Definitely a fear of Pokemon... however! There are some exceptions. Joltik. And Garbador. Joltik I won’t go into details just yet, but one shows up in an event where Gus is. Garbador tho, think of Linus. Gus will most likely think of Garbador like Linus… so he isn’t scared of them. Plus. They keep the trash clean… so no raccoons or rats near the establishment. Lol. He'd be happy that no food/trash would go to waste and they make less of a mess than the other scavengers, so it's better to have it go to them.
Demetrius - Now he is a complicated one. I would say yes to hating Pokémon HOWEVER, there is definitely some character growth and development with him simply due to how Maru interacts with Pokémon and how much Stardew Valley is changing.
There is dialogue about Demetrius saying it's better that Stardew Valley- or this case the Ferngill Republic- is isolated. He could hate the Pokémon and dislike the twins at first because they are breaking the norm.
Maru, on the other hand, is absolutely fascinated about the changes. Scared and wary, but in awe of the Pokémon. The scientist in her is wanting to challenge the norm, while Demetrius is conservative and stuck in his ways… we’re also not a 100% concrete on this concept yet due to needing to double check dialogue and how his personality is in game but for Demetrius definitely a character development kinda guy.
As for how Stardew Valley relates globally with the Pokémon world stuff, I have been going off of the Setting article on this Wiki here
It shows a very pixel crude map of Ferngill Republic and Gotoro Empire. They are both continents or in this case regions.
You can’t drive to Ferngill Republic through Unova or any other Pokémon region. Only way to get there is by flight and then travel by bus. However when the train-station is up and running there will be Surfliner Routes, theoretical underwater train lines, or a giant bridge.
In Black and White and Black and White 2 there are the Wifi-Lines. I believe these to be international lines that connect to other regions. So, say for example, a train from Kalos deciding to go to Unova via this Wifi-Line or the Cyan Line. etc. etc. since Stardew Valley and Ferngill Republic has been isolated, banned on Pokémon etc. Passenger lines cannot travel on these train lines… also with the state of the station in Stardew, it probably isn't the best either.
The Ferngill Republic, however, conducts Agricultural and Economic trade with the other regions. Tomatos, meat, etc. due to possibly how taboo it is in some regions to kill and to eat Pokémon. Even though Magikarp and Slowpoke Tails might be a delicacy... the culture surrounding Pokémon as being our friends, family, partners in life... well you wouldn't want to murder Mr. Mittens now would you. That wouldn't sit right with some people.
So with the train station being rebuilt, expect a lot more economical benefits etc. and trade.
Hope this least clears up some things but also.. I just info-dumped like Ingo LOLOL. Aaaaaah…. Theres definitely a lot more I can write. Guess you can say… i’m like Lore Keeper Dani from Criticalrole. Anyway! Hope you enjoy this long reply to chew on!
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noahtally-famous · 8 months
something i noticed about dave in canon is that like. part of the reason he gets attached to sky seems to be not only Because she helped him through what seemed like a panic attack but also. it doesn't seem like anyone's done that for him before?
"usually i freak out way more" this has happened before? and worse?
"sky has a surprisingly calming effect on me" <- words of a guy who does not know what it's like to have someone help you calm down
IDK. maybe im wrong but something about this was a little crazy
oh no, anon, you're def right. and it's not just a little crazy, it's VERY crazy lmaoo like no shade on the fandom bc I get it, dave isn't a well-liked character and for valid reasons, but ppl tend to forget or gloss over the questionable things he says that connects to just how shitty his childhood/current life was
but tbh td has a history of popping questionable backstory tidbits; with trent's whole thing, heather getting electrocuted by her own parents, cody's everything, mike, alejandro, duncan, courtney, the list goes on tbh, nearly everyone's got their hand in the shitty backstory jar to some degree ngl, so it kinda makes sense in a way that the fandom glosses over dave bc, like, tdpi isn't as well-watched AND it's become sort of the norm for a contestant to have a shitty backstory or part of one
but like, you're so right, anon, it's WILD, and lemme just discuss that for a sec (bc any opportunity to inspect dave under a microscope, I will never pass up)
(tw for mentions of panic attacks)
dave insinuating that he's had worse panic attacks before and that sky managed to stop him before things got too bad (which is smth not many ppl are able to do to him) def emphasizes my idea of dave's backstory that...obv it was not the best. that with the idealization of "being normal" it could be that his family just...either never got the time to or doesn't feel inclined to help him through his attacks or that he doesn't feel comfortable enough around them to allow them to do so. in schools, I feel like he's the same way--he doesn't strike me as the type to have a lot of friends, and ppl would prob tend to see him as the "weird germaphobe" which doesn't help matters at all.
and even if ppl have tried to help him before, based on his words abt sky and the implications that his attacks get worse, the 'help' from others in his past seems to have not been done sincerely, more so it was just to stop him and get it over with. there was a lack of distinct care for his well-being or just him as a person, rather just a clinical outlook to stop the panic attack. that's what I'm getting from that bit
like it brings the fact that he's had to deal with these panic attacks on his own and with only his own "calming effect" to rely on bc no one else has done it for him (and we all know how great his "calming effect" was given how badly his character deteriorated mentally). so it could be that he was so used to relying on himself, handling his attacks by himself, regardless of how bad or good that self-effect might be on his mental health, that the first person to give him that same--if not better--kind of calming effect, he latched on instantly thinking that since no one else was truly willing to be there for him in the past and present, sky helping him must be bc she cares. it's such a warped mentality that I feel, looking at it psychologically, could have stemmed from prior attachment issues and lack of proper family functioning and friendships
it's disheartening bc in the confessional right after, he looks so stunned and in awe that sky had actually calmed him down. clearly it's not smth he's used to from other ppl, so when it did happen, he reacted overly extreme and that's where things started to spiral
(going off on a tangent here, I also feel like that correlates to my own hc of dave having a distant family. he doesn't fully understand what it's like to be attached to someone, it's not smth he's used to. it's always been himself. so when sky came along, he couldn't function right, and obv I'm not blaming anyone (even though that should be a given considering I love both sky and dave as characters, but y'know, just putting that out there), it's just interesting to pick apart a character's seemingly trivial actions and words and think abt the potential underlying implications behind them)
it's why I love characters like these over the too good ones bc everything is just straightforward with those kinds, it's all laid out on the table, unless you personally make hcs to change it. don't get me wrong, I love characters from both categories, it's just that for characters like dave, it's smth totally different, there's so much going on under the surface, and personally, that's what I find interesting (maybe it's the psych minor in me rearing its head whoops 😭)
anyway, you gave me an excuse to dissect dave mentally, and I legit love dissecting characters actions/words and trying to figure their mentalities out, so tysm for this ask, anon!! (sorry for the long answer, I can get rlly into it when need be 😅)
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zukkacore · 11 months
I think the social commentary the Barbie movie is chewing on is all pretty compelling but I do think it’s societal critique gets muddled by a lack of clarity on the allegories at play, particularly in regards to Ken & the Kens at large.
The parts where the Kens in the matriarchy run Barblieland can be read as like. Taking on the role of a women irl but just reversed is in conflict with the reading of Beach Ken specifically as basically a young boy falling down a radicalization pipeline.
Prepare for me to be very reductive in terms of speaking on like. Male & female experiences bc I really hate when ppl make blanket statements abt universal male or female experiences, but. The problem the Kens faced in Barbieland is literally spelled out by narrator in the first few minutes. “Barbie has a great day every day, but Ken only has a good day when Barbie looks his way”. In addition, the Kens have no structural power, no representation in the barbieland government, but also they’re products invented to be accessories to Barbie. Ken doesn’t know who he is without Barbie.
In the real world, we have concepts like the male gaze which always presumes a male audience, a male subject that observes female objects, & women are expected to self-police their behavior and appearance under this self imposed male spectator monitoring & scrutinizing our behavior. It’s an expectation to be just feminine enough to be palatable to men (which is why so many femme lesbians work to reconstruct, reclaim, and play around their own presentation in away to be feminine on their own terms).
The ken’s are in my mind subjected to a kind of Barbie Gaze, and while the Barbie gaze lacks the sexual objectification component of the male gaze, the Barbie gaze does position the Barbies as subjects & everyone else as second class. The Barbie gaze does manifest differently from the male gaze, so the objects are not really viewed with entitlement or ownership but more just lacking in interiority or competence (for instance, the Barbie’s are not entitled to the Ken’s bodies, they’re just dismissive of the Ken’s)
If the Kens are an allegory for women, then their emancipation should stem from progress twofold 1) getting some structural power, equal representation in the barbieland gov’t, etc and 2) freeing themselves from “the Barbie gaze”. The first solution is dismissed and played off as a joke, which I get bc barbieland is not a real place, & the movie ends with the comment that the Ken’s will be disenfranchised for as long as women are in the real world. What this means is open to interpretation, I could see it meaning a few different things that I don’t really feel compelled to dive into atm. But I could definitely see one reading be “well if you’re so distraught about Ken disenfranchisement, wait till you hear about irl sexism”. So it’s like. A call to action. Works for me.
The second thing, Ken technically self-actualizes (the “Ken is me!” declaration) but it’s mostly played as a joke because he has nothing more substantive about himself beyond Ken being Ken and Ken being “enough” mainly bc I just think the movie *doesnt* know who Ken is beyond being Barbie’s boyfriend.
Personally I just thought Ken’s self actualization journey was just kinda muddled and lacked conviction & its everything to do with the conflicting roles the Kens are playing in this movie. If the Kens are read as subjected to the reverse-male gaze, then Ken’s self actualizing by defining himself outside of Barbie works perfectly well. But Ken spends a good portion of the movie enforcing patriarchy in barbieland, and that is the point where the allegory shifts from the Kens being the women in barbieland to Ken being a young boy who is radicalized. And in this allegory, the self actualization storyline does not feel as effective. Because it’s just not as representative of meaningful critique of our current climate because female approval is not the most pressing anxiety of sexist men. Under patriarchy, sexist men care much more about the approval of other men. Men irl largely are not too enmeshed with women, in fact they usually make a point to distance themselves from femininity bc of its association w weakness. The desire is not for female approval, but for control and domination over women. The supposed security of control & gaining approval from the powerful is sought after, instead of true vulnerability and connection with women. If I’m being charitable, I suppose that could be Ken’s lesson. It’s not that he doesn’t need Barbie’s approval, it’s that he shouldn’t need anyone’s approval to be Kenough. Either way, I don’t think Ken’s liberation from Barbie’s approval or male approval is really sold. I think the inertia the kentriarchy kinda ran out of steam by the end, and Ken’s arc kinda fizzles out to a tepid resolution. I think part of the reason for this is that mattel is still unresolved about Ken. His role as an accessory probably won’t change anytime soon, so they don’t really feel interested in reshaping his identity.
I don’t really have a resolution to this, I just think it’s kinda interesting to talk about. I also think the dismissal of the more liminal dolls in barbieland was also disappointing. They probably did the most to reconcile with weird Barbie who is definitely queer coded, but in a movie supposedly aimed at mother-daughter relationships the pretty open and unresolved disgust toward midge the pregnant doll was a pretty weird move. There’s also Allan, who is Ken’s buddy, and all of Ken’s clothes fit him! Anyway I’ve seen Allan read a few different ways, one being Allan is a representative of men who enable patriarchy by being too passive, but I have seen many fellow non-binary people online resonate with Allan and see his existence as non-binary in a world full of optimal women (Barbies) & optimal men (Kens). I think a true actualization would’ve been for there to be a synthesis between the masculine and the feminine, or an embracing of non-binary identity , or true vulnerability, but I think there’s an undertone to the movie that is warning against true vulnerability on women’s part as long as men hold power over them, which is a perspective I sympathize with. Is synthesis possible under patriarchy?
This is not me damning the Barbie movie, I am aware of its needing to be palatable enough for the mainstream, and also needing a pass from Mattel in order to get made. I think it was able to be thought provoking and emotionally moving, even in all its limitations, I cried, I laughed, I enjoyed the fuck out of it. Please please please be gracious about my fairly reductive talking points, I know I’m talking about broad strokes & am talking abt a fairly binary view of gender & I generally don’t like commenting on patriarchy as a structure without also talking about how entangled it is with white supremacy but the main reason I did that is bc it’s… the Barbie movie & it’s talking points were also pretty broad so I’m engaging w/ it on that level. Anyway I am curious abt engaging w varying viewpoints on this, feel free to share ur thoughts if you think i’m like completely wrong abt something
Btw TERFs get a preemptive fuck off, tho. I do not engage in bioessentialism, this is about structures of power not about how certain populations are predisposed for evil
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