#the beloved <3 i love this man sm I would want him to be my boyfriend or friend
dreamii-krybaby · 1 year
Random Thad analysis.
Yo so I just realized smth
Thad can actually become a pretty good fighter against DDs and will probably join the main squad in the future
Hold up lemme explain-
So we all know thad is based off a stereotypical jock right? But,he is also implied to be an American football player
TLDR: wild adhd bisexual girl does mental gymnastics to explain why a random robot jock mainly plays A. Football. And with enough practice,he can become a good fighter,which he is already quite decent at it.
If you look at his betta design you can see shoes with spikes at the bottom,after researching a bit these sort of shoes are used by football players,rugby players and American football players.
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Tho it seems in his final design his shoes ended up becoming average sport sneakers,now it could be just bc this shot is blurry,but they seem to have lack spikes. Despite that I still think related to American Football. And why? Easy his hat design.
Look at the back of his hat, it has an American football symbol! With a cable connected to it? (Probably some design choice to make it look cool).
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And the fact he is also jock just makes it all clear,like even if he played other sports or hasn’t touched American football he still makes a decent fighter.
why would this make him a good fighter?
Easy,experience. Sports mostly help you improve some of your skills(like speed,strength,fast problem solving,cooperation and in some,throwing precision,but in rugby and A. Football is tackling) Yes sports don’t automatically turn you into a professional fighter but it can help you a bit. (Also btw the season one trailer reveals what seems to be a basketball gym (the one with 2 corpses hanging upside down,you can actually see a head tossed in the basketball ring) so yes there are gyms at the colony,and yes,indoor A. Football gyms exist).
Not only that we have also seen put up an ok fight against threats:
In the pilot for example,despite being thrown across the room 2 times (1st one by J and 2nd one by V) and being stabbed in the chest twice (also one made by J and the other by V) and clearly leaking a bit more oil than the usual. My man still could stand up and still tried to put up a fight with a random pipe he found.
In EP2 he doesn’t really fight at lot (in fact he reminds me of a damsel in distress,fun seeing that dynamic switching up genders) it could be bc Eldritch J was a new thing to him and was probably taken over by shock. Tho this scene makes me think that while he has taken captive by Eldritch J my man was probably fighting for his dear life. As by simply raising his fist he was able to scare off the AS,which could be just a funny lil gag,but a hoe can dream.
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I think with enough practice and him learning how to calm himself in stressful situations he can become a pretty good fighter.
If he does end up joining the gang (which will probably occur) he can be a great ally and friend! (Perhaps even boyfriend-).
Anyways am in love with this fucker and I like how they switched up the stereotypes with him (being a typical jock,who you think its a bully but it’s actually the friendliest character. Him,a boy being the damsel in distress while uzi a (badass) girl,being his lifesaver and saving his ass twice. And finally a jock with a chill personality. (Ive also realized how all the main male characters have a softer or much more chill personality compared to the main female characters)).
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avatardoggo · 4 months
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#sooo it’s past my birthday now and FG didn’t get me anything besides a real alt sweet card and a heart shaped box of chocolates which was#nice but he kept insisting that he wasn’t finished making my present just yet so i was like ok cool whatever and i would ask him every once#and a while bc i really thought he was making me like lego flowers bc he likes that type of thing (which is so cute omgoodness idky i love#that sm about him like he likes to build legos 😆😆 so cute!!!) aannnywayyssss he came over the other day to drop off my present so expecting#some box or whatever and he just pulls up with his backpacks but i’m like ok that’s fine it has to be Somewhere right??? and then he pulls#out is laptop and i’m like ookkkaaayy idk where this is going and the. he pulls up the page aND ITS A WEBSITE FOR MY CROCHET BUSINESS AND 🥹🥹#HE MADE IT FROM SCRATCH WITH CODING AND EVERYTHING BC DUH HES A COMP SCIENTIST AND!!!!!!!#he was like i wanted to make you something that’ll you’ll need and would want as well and i was so shOOketh i was using my soft girl voice#and i was looking at him like 🥺🥺🥺 the whole evening bECAUSE!!!! SIR 😭 YOU HAVE SET THE BAR SKY HIGH and he was all shy (so friggin cute)#“do you like it 👉🏾👈🏾🥺 and i was just looking at him like ☹️😣🥺😧 I LOVE IT!!!#he hasn’t finished it bc he needs my input on some stuff before he continues but it should be done by the summer and he’s like maybe we can#work on it together LIKE BABE SWEETHEART DARLING OFC WE CAN DUUUHHHH#i’m honestly so in awe of this man i can’t even#Friendly Giant ™️#FG#mutuals my beloved <3#vk overshares in the tags
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
hey! i love all ur fics sm (esp the bodyguard gaz ones omg i ate those up like candy 😩)
u don’t have to write this if u don’t want, but tf141 (and lv, if u write for them) and body worship?(separately, not poly) like fem reader’s had a tough day or wtv, n she’s feeling insecure so they js like show her how beautiful she rlly is
could be sfw or nsfw it’s ur choice
if that’s too many characters then feel free to leave some out!
have a good day/night ‼️
babygirl gaz my beloved <3 i need to write more on that. that unofficial series is a train wreck honestly but i love them so much. and oo i do love some good body worship. i don't really write for our sweet cowboys because i'm not all too comfortable with characterizing them yet, but i'll give you some hc's of our 141 boys!
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he is honestly really surprised when he first learns that you're insecure about yourself. you're the most beautiful thing in the world to him, and really he's dumbfounded you don't see yourself that way.
i feel like he's one to stand behind you in the mirror with his hands on your hips and whisper sweet affirmations to you. how he loves the curve of your nose, how your teeth peek through your lips when you smile, how your eyes always shine when you look at something you love.
he whispers this all while you're looking in the mirror because he has to make you see what he sees. he's spent his fair share of time looking at his reflection, the scars on his face, his crooked nose, and hating every moment of it. he refuses to let you do the same, and so he plans to rewrite all of those emotions.
or he can just fuck you like he does in this drabble i wrote a while ago lmao.
he always calls you pet names that are along the lines of "pretty girl" "my girl" things like that, so when you mention something about disliking your appearance, his brain literally restarts. his pretty girl? feeling insecure about herself? that simply won't do.
i feel like his immediate reaction would be to just kiss the pain away. sort of like how parents will kiss their child's injury if they scrape their knee or bruise themself, he does that but like all over.
he's kissing your nose, your forehead, your lips (of course) but more than that. he's trailing kisses down your arms, along your stomach, your legs, all the parts of you that only the sun had ever kissed before.
and of course he's whispering praises to you the entire time. doesn't even have to be in a sexual way either. you're the love of his life, and it saddens him that you feel down about yourself. so he'll just kiss away the bad thoughts until there's nothing left but his love.
when he hears you say something degrading about yourself, Johnny is a little too enthusiastic and excited about correcting you. you're the most beautiful thing he's ever laid eyes on, and he's going to make sure you see yourself that way too.
he's definitely the most handsy out of all of the boys. he's rubbing his hands up your arms, over your stomach, tracing your spine with his fingers. but then it escalates. he's groping your tits, pawing at your thighs and ass.
really, you can't blame the man when he eventually ends up between your thighs. you're just too pretty to resist, after all. look at what you do to him! bewitching him with your beauty, turning him into a pussy drunk man that can't get enough of you.
also, this might be his way of pavloving you. conditioning you into loving yourself as he draws orgasm after orgasm out of you. no, you'll stop shying away and disagreeing when people call you pretty or compliment you, you'll just get insanely horny lmao
i actually just wrote a little thing about him and body image issues last night! and really, i think he would totally do this.
the whole getting on his knees in front of you as if you were royalty, holding your hands in his, just looking up at you with so much love and adoration. he'll caress you softly while he speaks because honestly he can't get enough of you.
he'd meet your insecurities with mostly rational ideas. how your body is normal, your appearance is perfect, you're beautiful inside and out type thing. i feel like out of all the boys he might have the hardest time appealing to you emotionally with that stuff.
doesn't mean he won't try, though! he'll constantly affirm you, treat you like royalty and all that good stuff. he'll cook you a nice meal, and maybe the two of you will cuddle on the couch. really, he'll just try and fill you with so much love until you forget about what had upset you in the first place.
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danganphobia · 2 months
but they stay with laios until he falls asleep anyway they barely get any sleep later in the morning themselves.
this is honestly so sweet they r his lesbian parents… AAAAH man laios angst is rlly real. i love farcille sm they are thee understanders TM theyre so sweet,,, theyre probably out here having fun and silly theatre or opera dates … the :3 to me
also also u mentioned chilshi. what r they up to. are they old men yaoi. r they professors or just . job havers. bar owners or smth
oh mah god i havent thought much about chilshi. my beloved old man yaoi. that's ok we're going through my thought process together.
if i were to think about it chilchuck sounds like a miserable medieval history adjunct professor. he's divorced. he sees his daughters like twice a month and they're the reason for his will to live, when he doesn't see them, he hates everything and everyone. he doesn't really like his job. he has tenure. he can do what he wants. when his students ask him if he could repeat the assignment he just says "No." and tells them all to leave his class because lecture time has ended and he refuses to go another minute over. his class exam average is below 40 percent and he doesn't give a fuck. he's waiting for his next paycheck to buy drinks at the local pub.
senshi's a culinary professor. he loves cooking and he loves teaching people how to cook. he's been doing it his whole life. he cooks for the gang during dnd meetings. whenever he's in a kitchen he makes it his own, even if the kitchen doesn't belong to him. if it weren't for him everyone would probably die of dehydration or live on cup ramen and frozen food for entire semesters. he leaves pastries on chilchuck's desk because chilchuck has to mentally prepare himself to help teach a class of 50 uninterested people that do anything but actually pay attention for nearly 3 hours. the pastries are actually what keeps chilchuck going. chilchuck is the one that asks senshi if he wants to go drinking. senshi is a really good listener, chilchuck finds that hot, and tries to sleep with him, but senshi stops him and asks if he could just come over to his apartment and senshi will cook a nice warm meal for him instead and take it slow, because he's a gentleman.
chilchuck actually agrees to it and has a good time. they sleep together but don't have sex, and he wakes up in the morning like damn, i actually have a crush at my big age? that's crazy.
this becomes a regular thing for them until chilchuck can't take it anymore and grabs senshi by the beard and is like "WE NEED TO FUCK. RIGHT NOW." and senshi goes "okay :) after dinner with me first :)" (they have sex).
"how did they get into the dnd club van" falin slapped a bunch of posters around campus with cute doodles and senshi saw it on his way to his classroom. he asked chilchuck if he wants to join sometime in case he's sick of teaching hopelessly unmotivated students. chilchuck thinks about it for a long time but one day when he's so stressed from teaching he joins a meeting and promises it's just "one time only" and ends up becoming a regular.
he brings his daughters to the dnd meetings and marcille is so happy because they're so cute. most of the time they just want to play minecraft and are on their expensive smartphones but they're nice girls. sometimes namari and kabru buy them fast food behind senshi's back when they don't feel like eating healthy.
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onismdaydream · 19 days
HIIIII MICKEYYYYYYYY i just. i think he loves to be cucked!!! especially by his friends/people close to him. part of it stems from him loving so much and so hard so he loves watching you make out or be touched by someone he loves, you know?? sharing the love hehe <3 but also, he gets to watch the sexiest people in his life get it on?? like how could you blame him for cumming in his pants when you look so pretty on suguru's lap :((
alsoooo i am a firm satoshoko having sex believer, and i think that they were definitely fwb at some point in their relationship. so i think satoru would absolutely trust shoko with you, and shoko already knows how he likes to be teased and tied up, so his cock is already aching before anything happens lol like imagine shoko praising you for taking her strap so well while she locks eyes with satoru !! he would die a happy man right then and there!!
and satoru has a bit of a size kink.. he really gets off on watching you get fucked by a bigger cock than his.... seeing your eyes roll back, your pretty lips parted as you moan out someone else's name.... toji manhandling you, making you face satoru as he pounds you from behind, making you go so dumb on his cock that you agree that he fucks you better.. it's okay though, because satoru's cute cock twitches and dribbles so much precum when you say it :3
sorry this is all over the place but i hope it makes sense somewhat ! i loveeee cuck gojo sm i need more of it in my life
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AI Bracket — Round 2
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Imogen (Stellar Firma):
#IMOGEN 💥💥💥💥💥 #she invented a guy to just put them in situations that she couldnt do herself bcs she is . an ai . #she gave this guy to the most horrific man known to anyone and the only help she gave him was . giving him almost the same rights as humans #not according to anyone else but to her yeah #shes an ai who didn't want to work for big evil human corp so she made a guy who could let her not do that #i love her sm #i cannot hear the words ' watch it buster ' without thinking of her #shes soooooo <33333 #man i should relisten to stellar firma i miss her
The Audio Tour Guide AKA Mistholme (The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality):
The ATG is a sentient museum audio tour guide for a museum full of spooky artifacts. It is both completely lovely and kind of bitchy
Sentient AI who is a real sweetie. Got pulled into too many adventures after the museum went on lockdown. Gives tours most of the time but is also the museum now and oversees daily goings on
A magic/tech hybrid AI exploring its own personhood and sentience as it grows. Could easily take over the museum it has become a part of but is a very kind soul. Most demanding it has ever been was convincing its friend to pat a cat for it.
It's a tour guide in an alternatural museum. After facing some challenges and dealing with huge problems, guide learns new things about itself and the world around it and makes new friends. Its woe is trusting people (or not only people), forgetting that they might have bad intentions. Guide is the bestest friend ever.
Where do I even begin? The Guide literally exists on those audio tour devices, go look it up its so cute. It had to deal with its growing sentience and new emotions basically on its own. Was treated terribly by the human museum staff and it had to basically debate them until they accepted its new-found personhood (but it still uses it/its yayy)(the staff have since apologized for their actions and treat it equally now). At some point it was hooked up to the museum mainframe which was supposed to be temporary, but as it turns out The Guide is actually great at running the museum and would like to stay this way. This eventually leads to a small identity crisis since it now sees itself as the museum itself, and its consciousness and responsibilities are a lot grander than when it was just a tiny little tour device. But it's figuring that out, and it still likes being the museum, thus The Guide also counts as a sapient location! It becomes besties with a creepy bloodthirsty creature because they share the struggle of being constantly dehumanized. It fucked around with the fae and found out. It has to deal with time travel bullshit. It loves cats! It got to hang out with the embodiment of knowledge itself. And did I mentioned that throughout all of this it still gives museum tours to guests?!! what a cool guy!
Guide my beloved <3 (platonic)
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merotwst · 1 year
‹ . housewardens ›
. ficlets
⇝stuck in a failing and/or loveless marriage with them.
[ n: thank u for 600 followers, everyone! special thanks to @v-anrouge and @/love-thanatopsis for helping me so much with this fic i love u sm this is for u i hope u like it ! not proofread. ]
{ - - - → tw. angst. cheating, alcohol, arguments, aggression, mention of children on kalim's part, gaslighting, mentions of divorce, unhappiness and basically anything u would associate with marriages that just aren't working out exdee. just sad vibes here so stick around if ure in the mood to cry </3 }
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riddle rosehearts ‹ heartslabyul ›
he sat behind his desk, rubbing his temples in exhaustion. but despite the lingering tiredness of the day, you would think riddle would be ready to head himself to bed and get some proper rest, right? wrong. he feels like a man being sent off to war.
he'd have much rather spent the night in his office with a blanket and a pillow on the couch. the neck pain would be an easier form of misery to endure than having to spend an hour in a room with tension he often compares to a sinking ship with no lifeboats.
it almost seemed like you lived in separate worlds. he worked, you did whatever it is a dutiful partner does. only you did it far, far away. to your parties you went and talked to your friends, to his meetings he went and shared some good brandy with his own company. you both come home and head to your own separate chambers.
when you're out together you put on a good display of affections for everyone to see. holding hands, kissing each other on the cheek, smiling as if it were all just you against the world. how suffocating.
but behind the facade is an empty world. an empty house. empty hearts. just the clinking of sliver ware on the quiet dinner table sitting eight feet away from each other on both ends. silence was the only way to keep yourselves afloat. distance was your own form of a makeshift lifeboat because your vows at the altar were your own ways of saying it was ‘every man for himself’.
you were two strangers forced to live under the same roof.
and if it were not for his mother trying to salvage your miserable marriage—the marriage of her own engineering—by getting you both to sleep in the same room together, he would have been perfectly content with that dull, dreary, miserable lifestyle. the lifestyle once again, enforced onto him by his beloved mother.
the redhead leaned forward from his leather chair. a breath through his nose, exhaling through his mouth. his hand reached for the whiskey on the table and took one last sip before standing up, mentally hoping you were out to a party with your insufferable company of people. because if not, it's going to be another long night of sad, silent agony in a king sized bed—a sinking ship with no lifeboats.
leona kingscholar ‹ savanaclaw ›
“open this door right now, [name]! stop acting like a damn brat!”
as the prince yells out that last word he pounds on the door more aggressively than he initially did. it echoed across the halls. the sounds reverberate and bounce back to reach his ears reminding him of the torment of his existence. all his efforts, efforts he never wanted to exert, all come in for naught. this always happens to him. this was the bane of his existence. falena gets the light shone in his face and the cheers and acknowledgement of everyone around him, he gets to pound on a door trying to get his partner to come out of their bathroom because they are late to the party where it was essential they should attend.
‘it takes two to tango’, they say. how does one dance when the other party can't even sit down for one second and look you in the eye without making you feel like you're the biggest burden to have ever arrived in his life? how does one cope with the resentment that's so evidently there? the contempt held for you when you enter a room together and he immediately drops your hand the second everyone starts looking away? you aren't his partner. you are nothing but a prop to him. to get his family off his back. he couldn't even do as much as acknowledge you whenever you entered your chambers alone.
people surround you day after day but you've never felt more alone in your life.
and as leona banged and screamed and twisted the knob the way he twisted your heart up and squeezed it dry, you pulled your knees close to your chest. biting your quivering lower lip till the metallic taste of blood filled your senses.
the light from the open door illuminates the room. your comfortable corner in the bathroom invaded by the lion's dominating presence. and as he watched you, gripping the fabric of your attire like it was your only other anchor to sanity, you felt him soften. ever so slightly, his shoulders eased up. his eyebrows raised a little from their initial cross direction and his eyes showed a hint of melancholy—no... pity. his shadow loomed over your curled up form, cast from the light outside that only reached you and him.
he did not do anything else. he just slightly clutched the key he held in his hands that he used to open the door a little tighter. he watched you for a moment, as if he were observing a small animal being cornered by a predator. silence enveloped the room only broken by your occasional pathetic sniffle and sob. he then turned on his heels.
“change your clothes, they're all wrinkly now. we leave in ten minutes.”
he closed the door to the room and the darkness enveloped you once more.
azul ashengrotto ‹ octavinelle ›
the vase shattered as it hit the wall barely missing your husband's head. all the jewelry on your dresser tossed and strewn all across the floor. the clothes, the shoes and all the other vain things he'd given you as a consolation for never being home, never being available, never being a husband.
the thing about azul was that he could be a good actor whenever he wanted to be. it's essential for a businessman to know when to play a poker face, when to seem interested or whatnot. he'd mentioned that in passing back then when he would actually talk to you before you were married but now you forget the details. now that you think about it, back then he must have been acting, too. to gain your affections. to make you fall in love with him. so he can achieve his own greedy little goals. you look over at him and can't help a bitter laugh escape your throat.
he gave you a sharp look, “what is it that you find so humorous in this situation, darling?” the businessman asked in a mocking voice, “finally gone mad, have we?”
you turn to him, a small, resentful grin on your face, “oh honey you know i'm always mad for you!” you scream the last part as you hurled one of your favorite shoes at him. your husband was quick to evade this causing it to fly directly to one of your bedroom lamps. the two items fell to the floor with a clatter and smash. the sound of breaking glass mirrored your breaking heart.
azul opened his mouth, a string of insults flowing from his tongue so freely and you mirrored this by shooting your own painful words at his direction. the mingling angry voices bounced across the four walls of the room.
this was not the life you envisioned with him. where was the sweet, suave man that held your hand so gently and softly as he brought you to dinner? where was the kind, generous soul and took a short portion of his day to see you and personally deliver his flowers to you? where was the funny, charismatic person that charmed your family so much they were practically begging you to marry him? where was the husband that vowed to love and to cherish you at the altar?
that man was replaced by the empty space on your bed, the flowers delivered to you by random people you didn't know, the shoes and clothes and other ridiculous things he probably doesn't even pick out himself. and you would sit alone at your home, in front of a full sized mirror that reflected your pathetic state by showing you the tears that streamed down your face night after night that azul spent on his stupid company. the company which you made possible for him by marrying him. what a fool you are.
objects flew, tears shed, hearts broken.
but the saddest of all is that each and every one these things only seem to come from your side of the room and not his.
kalim al-asim ‹ scarabia ›
you sat in your bedroom, watching the seconds tick by. the clock's hands showed it was two in the morning. normally you would expect a married couple to be in bed together asleep at this hour, but not for you. these days, it seemed to be a somewhat better though. as of late, he was usually out because of the hectic pressures of being head of the family and jamil would attest to this fact.
he'd promised you he wouldn't see her anymore. you wanted to make it work. you begged him to try to make it work with you—even if only for the children. and he agreed. and somehow, this sparked some home in your bitter situation. and that made it bearable for you.
you sat, then stood, then paced, then sat again. restless energy built up in your body thinking of what to say to him when he comes through the door. things were looking up and you wanted to help him relax after another very stretched out day. it's the least you can do for him. after all, no matter what the situation, kalim was always kind to you. he always made you feel like you mattered and listened and made you feel valid. you are essentially the parent to his children and so he made sure he was treating you well to an extent.
but that... that just isn't enough. you're his partner. you needed to feel like his partner. someone he could turn to, someone he could talk to, someone he could run to whenever things got bad. but kalim always kept you at arm's length. he was your husband but he could never completely be a husband.
because he did not love you.
he loved—loves her.
it shows on his disheveled hair. it shows on the perfume that you smell on his clothes. it shows on the lipstick stains on his neck. it shows on the look of shock on his face when he sees you awake. waiting. disappointed.
your twiddling fingers drop to your sides the same way your heart dropped and shattered on the floor. the exhaustion evident on your features when you sit down heavily on the soft cushions of the sofa.
“[name]... i... i thought you were asleep...” kalim sputtered out. he sounded like a child who was just caught snooping around the kitchen late at night.
if only it were as simple as stealing cookies from the kitchen cupboard at two-thirty.
“and i thought we were trying, kalim,” you replied flatly.
he didn't respond. you didn't want to stay. you couldn't. so you stood up and looked him straight in the eye—they looked guilty. and... they feel sorry for you. you hated it.
you turned around, not giving him time to finish whatever ‘explanation’ he had come up with again. you couldn't bear it. you refuse to cry for him—not anymore. you're exhausted and you couldn't bear to be inside that suffocating room with him any longer.
“i'll sleep with the children tonight.” you say before heading to the door leaving your husband and your broken heart along with him.
vil schoenheit ‹ pomefiore ›
‘there's no business like show business!’
this is true for the most part. it has its ups and downs but vil personally never had much of a say in the matter of whether he would be in the public eye or not. all his life he'd been under the spotlight. the blinding flashes of the cameras, the bright lights of the stage, the softboxes and umbrellas that would make any normal person squint and and turn away don't even make him flinch. but that's not to say it wasn't exhausting.
of course that was the small price to pay for a profession such as vil's. he has made the many greater sacrifices to get where he is in life. and although people who don't live the lifestyle he had would feel the intimidation of the showbiz world, he was surprised you didn't seem like it bothered you much at all.
the people of twisted wonderland adored you when you both started dating. it all seemed like a perfect fairy tale whenever they saw you and vil liked that. of course they weren't really far off. at the beginning it did seem like a fairy tale. you were perfect and even to himself it felt too good to be true.
and sure enough, it was.
majority of your dating life with vil was private but later down the line, after you got married, you both became more public about it. posting more pictures, going out together, attending events.
headlines of ‘the perfect couple’ turn into ‘the luckiest man alive’(referring to vil), to ‘[name]! the real star of the show’.
wherever vil went, people would ask for you. even in movie interviews meant for him—starring him. they were looking for you. they wanted you. they, “only really came because we thought [name] would be here!” in events where he was supposed to be the main attraction.
it's always you, you, you.
and at first he didn't mind. he was proud to have you as his partner. he even did feel like he was the happiest man alive for a while. but the more people asked for you, the more he felt the disappointment and sadness morph into something more bitter. his years and years of endless hard work and silent suffering against neige all came crashing back down in a repeating dance of fighting for acknowledgement. to be recognized as himself. and he thought he was finally over all that. working twice as hard and feeling—being overlooked. but you... he knows you don't do it on purpose. it's not your fault you're so easy to love. vil knows you would never purposefully overshadow him but whenever he sees you in the red carpet waving and smiling at the crowds all cheering and chanting your name like you were some sort of otherworldly being, he couldn't compete.
the way they all run to you without even so much as acknowledging his presence beside you felt the same as getting thrown tomatoes at and booed to him. and he remembers he was even booed at some point for not bringing you along on a public trip!
he didn't know when the sadness fully morphed into bitter resentment but whenever you were alone he found himself criticizing your every move. his subtle, snide remarks of your (perfectly well) clothes turned into full on insults. sometimes he would even guilt you into not attending events you were exclusively invited to.
and he knows you would never betray him. so you take it all quietly. you knew leaving vil would only villanize him more in the public eye. no matter what, he was still your husband and you made a sacred promise on the altar.
you both smile for the cameras in public, the mirage of the most perfect couple to be advertised to the whole of twisted wonderland. but behind closed doors are the heated arguments, the endless screaming, the nights you spent alone in your once lovely home curled up in bed.
your husband might have loved you once, and this hurts him just as much to admit—but vil can never love you again in circumstances like this. but you're both given no choice but to bear it.
there really is no business like show business.
idia shroud ‹ ignihyde ›
there is no doubt idia shroud is a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one. he knows how to stand out in his own. he knows how to turn a situation in his favor and this isn’t just because of his years and years of experience in strategy games or looking for ways to try and escape social situations he hates so much, but also because he’s just a master at running away from situations.
the only situation people thought he could never escape from was standing with you at the altar. the “most horrifying” day of his life.
to think a hermit shut-in nobody like him would find himself in a lifelong commitment with someone is just absurd. but here you are in your miserable state of trying to get him to get out of his room. constantly bugging him to spend time with you—he’s already married you! is that not enough?
idia shroud is a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one. he knows how to turn a situation in his favor. and he’s spent enough time with you to know exactly how to break you without getting his hands dirty.
he finds himself buying a different house, far from where you are. under the guise of working better with no distractions. lies of saying he would call but never did.
endless nights of you pacing your room, phone to your ear hearing the ringing over and over and over again.
it just kept ringing and ringing and you wanted it to stop. you needed it to stop. you needed an answer.
and when the other line of your connection was the sound of company—of a companion—who was willing to give you the attention you deserved from such a cruel life, idia finally shows himself.
idia shroud is a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one. he knows how to turn a situation in his favor. and he’s always known how to win a game. you've fallen into his trap. he has the receipts of your conversations with the other person you were seeing, the photographs, the evidence. and as he slid the piece of paper and pen towards you on the other side of the table, a cocky grin on his face feeling like he'd finally got exactly what he wanted, he caught a glimpse of your sadness.
your melancholy in the way you picked up the pen and read through the divorce papers of his orchestrating. idia felt a tsunami of guilt wash him away as the sight of all the pain he caused you was so vividly clear to him now. but instead of signing, you drew a line across the piece of paper that was his path to ‘freedom’. and what idia saw that replaced the sadness in you was anger. resentment. betrayal of the worst kind.
there is no doubt india shroud s a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one.
but he is also a fool to think you were going to take all these hits lying down.
malleus draconia ‹ diasomnia ›
people had given you a heads up before you got married that malleus draconia was a serious man.
he married you, sure, but you didn't know what you expected out of this marriage. after all, a marriage arranged by two families didn't really promise much on the love department and your made peace with that.
but you didn't expect the lack of affection to be in this extent.
he wouldn't touch you, let alone even look you in the eye. malleus was constantly busy in his study or going out to attending other formal gatherings. The only times he would come around to spending a portion of his day with you was during dinner. and they were long, painfully quiet dinners.
he had a duty as the prince of briar valley, after all. but you understood that. but sometimes you lie around your empty bedroom thinking about how your life could have been so much more better. the agonizing silence, the awkward touches, the forced smiles. it all felt so terribly depressing.
surely your husband could at least pretend to be comfortable when he's spending the day around you. but somehow it's always just some form of... indifference. whenever you would show small forms of affection like touching his hand or giving him a kiss, he would just stand there, not returning. not reflecting the same amount of affections as you did with him.
and of course you tried your best to make it better. consulting those closest to him to you try to understand him whenever he talked about things he was interested in. you tried to show support on his projects and his interests. you even tried to get invested into the gargoyles and architecture he so dearly loved and finally you thought it worked.
the occasional invite to tea, the small acknowledgements, the small talks about the things he liked. you felt like all your hard work started to pay off.
but when you made your way through the long corridors of the castle with a box of something special in your hands picked especially for the prince one afternoon, your feet came to a halt in front of the mahogany double doors of his study.
two voices—muffled by the barrier between you and the people in the room but it was enough to hear the all important parts of the conversation.
“it all is such a pain, lilia,” he said, “they're constantly trying to catch ny attention. to show me affection. but it all just feels so... miserable.
“i have tried to take your advice. to be more open and responsive to their advances but it just doesn't work. i cannot love them the way they want me to.”
the conversation goes on but you could no longer listen. the ringing in your ears were far louder drowning out any other sound around you.
you made your way back to your chambers silently slipping away.
that night malleus asked about the present left in front of his study and you only sighed softly in response
“it's simply my misery, sir.”.
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© merotwst 2023 • do not steal, translate, copy or reproduce
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suguru-getos · 1 year
genshin men x love languages
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characters included: kaveh, ayato, cyno, scaramouche
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kaveh: gift giving & physical touch
the light of the ksharewar & the light of ur life shows you love mostly in these two languages. don’t get me wrong there are a mix up of the other languages too but these have the higher percentage. kaveh loves to spoil you, use his artistic, architectural skills to impress you or just invest his time in doing something for you that’d make you happy. it could range from a simple sketch he made; or a full blown 3-d design of your dream house. physical touch is a must for him, he needs to be touching you at all costs. a nimble hand caressing your waist, while talking. hand holding when you both are walking together, when you are beside him he will put his hand on your thigh. <3 101 my man i love him sm!
ayato: acts of service & quality time
waka 🥺🤍 our dearest waka shows love mostly in acts of service. he just wants to be of use to you. wants you to share your burdens with him. it can range from handling the meagre chores for you by his staff, or listening to something that is bothering you mentally. ayato is dedicated towards one thing & one thing only and that is how can he be of service to his beloved. <3 he needs you to depend on him. please depend on him 😤 quality time on the other hand— you and waka rarely get to spend time together because of his hectic schedule, so this inturn becomes something he yearns for naturally. whenever he is free, he will be found beside you, cuddling, talking to you about mundane things. maybe planning something only the two of you could enjoy. but he will be found by your side. <3
cyno: acts of service and physical touch
it goes without saying that the general mahamatra would show his deep, unending love towards you with acts of service. knowing him, cyno would make sure that whatever you need should be presented to you in a silver platter. he just wants to be useful. if he is useful to the akademiya it is about time he must fulfill the duties of being the best significant other for you. whatever you want can be handled just say the word. physical touch is a must, even though cyno is barely clad, and BECAUSE he is barely clad, the warmth of your body against his chest when he hugs you is all he needs after a long day. you just need to sit on his lap, hugging him tightly while he kisses your forehead, asks you about your day, tells you how annoying his own day was. also tells you he can’t tell you the details of his mission because he was the general mahamatra and you don’t deserve to see that side of him.
scaramouche: words of affirmation & acts of service
scara’s love language is definitely words of affirmation. as weird as it sounds, i think he would make sure to handle all your insecurities, doubts, weird thoughts & anxieties tenderly like a caregiver. he has been through enough already & he just wants to give you the whole world. his secret love language is annihilating people who annoy you :3 /lh but you know 🤷🏼‍♀️ he can be quite vocal about things like. “i’m here for you, not just now, but always little one,” acts of service -> because he needs to make sure you are taken care of, his deep needs to protect you from harm brings this side of him out. sometimes you don’t even have to lift a finger and he is out there, ensuring whatever you want gets done. <3
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yawntu · 1 year
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The Times We Win
A/N: There’s not enough out there for the literal sexiest man in the whole franchise. Do I have to do everything myself? DO I? Second person pov isn’t my cup of tea but he deserves sm more hype. You’re work with Mo’at as a shamans apprentice or something and he admires you a lot but you act all tough because of it. Also i’m delusional and in my silly little mind he’s alive him and Jake are buddies even if he doesn’t like admitting it <333333333333 I know this man aggressively spoils the people in his life u can’t tell me you would not be a queen in his presence. Vague mention of bestie Jake Sully who has made you a definition of a gremlin.
pairing(s): Tsu’Tey te Rongloa Atey’itan x Fem!Reader
word count: 6k
warnings: NSFW MDNI, I am going to an unimaginable hell. Overstim, Sub/dom aspects, Unprotected (be safe y’all), Established Relationship, Oral (fem!receiving), Fingering, P in V, Praise / degradation, Usually soft ish dom Tsu’tey turned a little mean has my heat, He just wants you to not act like a hooligan and behave you’re better then that, He’s going to torture you and tease you a little bit tho, Tsu’Tey is obsessed with you, Slight non/con if you squint, Saw someone do queue stuff and had to commit to it, Squirting, Breeding, Vague waterworks if you squint, Slight dacryphilla, Impact play, He’s a little mean in this one but, Slightest hint of Daddy kink at the end but he can’t help wanting you full of his kids <3, if you notice anything else pls lmk, we were both cringing writing this /jk
na’vi glossary: kelku- home, tswin/kuru- queue, yawntutsyìp: darling, Nga yawne lu oer - I love you, paskalin: honey, yawntu: beloved, sempu : daddy
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A lot of things no longer made sense to Tsu’tey. He had spent a majority of his teenage years with the sole focus of being Ole’eytkan, and defeating the twatute. All he was was a warrior, always ready to fight. After a series of events outside of his control he lost his first love, reigned as Ol’eytkan briefly and then willingly gave the honor to the uniltìrantokx. Granted he had accepted the man as a brother and even sided with him when his parents had done the unthinkable- that did not mean that the way his life turned out did not often confuse him. 
So all he could do was preoccupy himself with you. Your soft thighs are thrown over his own, a stark contrast between soft and ridged. He could not help but tense his outstretched legs under the weight of your straddle. For his intimidating stature, Tsu’tey’s fingertips are lithe against the cerulean skin of your back. Your arms are thrown haphazardly over his broad shoulders that have started purpling due to being out under the sun daily. You twirl the loose hair at the end of his braids, occasionally caressing the stubble on the side of his head. 
You had been perched on his legs like this for what could have only been an hour. Tongues sloppily slotting against each other, teeth clicking ever so slightly on occasion. Kissing him has left you dizzy every single time despite how long you have found a home in each other. Seeing the normally coy and aloof man so passionately present sent jitters up your spine right to the base of your pleasantly throbbing kuru. 
He had finally given you a scintilla of what you desired when his thumbs gently grazed the swell of your breasts. He doesn’t miss the way your body jolts up in his lap, or the way your ears draw forward, tensing your forehead that rests against his own. Finally drawn out of your distracted kiss hazed day dream, and once again fully focused on him. Twitchy like a yerik before he’d impale it with an arrow. 
You had to nearly whine to get him to toy with your breasts- drop your body weight down into him and give him little choice but to entertain you. Letting your weight push the fat of your breast into his empty hands. One large hand massages your breast while the other reaches behind you to untie the intricate halter of your jewel beaded top. 
You try desperately to pull back- to watch his fingers finally twiddle with the soft azure of your right nipple, yet he’d catch you in another kiss not long after you pulled away. Not allowing you to watch the powerful and rugged hands- that had no doubt done the most of the work in bringing home the talioang that had just fed the village- smoothly rub against your nipple. His right hand finds your stomach, palming the warmth. It made his tail flick, knowing he provided for you. He didn’t so much care for filling the stomachs of the rest of the village- no, he was far more interested in what else he could fill yours with. 
How can he think of anything else when you are practically trembling on his lap. Sighing into his mouth as his calloused hands slid past your svelte waist to grip a handful of the hips he loved so dearly, hands embarrassingly growing clammy at the feeling of the skin bunching between his fingers. 
How can he think straight when you slur over his name? When your tail is flicking so pretty between his legs, the tuft of whipsy hair tickling his calf. It is too hot out for you to add this much heat to the atmosphere of the home you built together. 
“Are you alright, sevin?” 
You had not moved back from where your lips were ghosting each other, so he was privileged with feeling the apples of your full cheeks rising at the compliment. 
“Oh? I’m pretty now? What happened to being a skxawng?” 
Ahhh. That’s right. He remembered now. How displeased he was with you. You were a skxawng. An absolute fucking moron. He had to restrain himself when his large palm cradles the back of your head, wrapping around your kuru, pulling you back softly so your eyes are trained up at the ceiling of your tent, tsmisnrr illuminating your soft features. He feels the sharp angle of your nails grace down the braid of his own kuru, finally releasing some of the deep rooted tension at the base of his skull. The seconds of bliss do not halt the attitude laced quip from falling from his lips,
“Why do you always have to ruin everything. I forgot you were a vonvä,” 
His hiss barely falls past his subulated teeth. And now that your head is trained back he can finally run his nose down the nape of your neck. You can’t even say that he’s kissing it. His mouth is no longer dry and leaves a messy trail of his saliva all over your pulse. Maybe he was right. You were always a dick head. No discipline. Just a mischievous little fuck that he prayed would stay out of trouble while he was out providing for you. Yet you never did. Could he blame you? Your world was peaceful now, almost too peaceful. After growing up war torn he was sure you felt every bit of anxious energy he still felt himself. Unlike you however he had an outlet in hunting. Though you serviced the village well, and were adored by many, your work did not give you an outlet to release all of that turbulent energy. So you found yourself meddling. Your quips were usually funny, and you amused him, but he was aware that you knew how to get under peoples skin. Even worse- you thought it was funny. 
He was grateful for Jake, really they were the best of friends now. Though Tsu’tey would never admit it he had finally found comfort in feeling like a younger brother, he genuinely enjoyed the time they spent together. However, Jake encouraged your bad behavior. Teaching you English curses, or how to flip the middle finger at argumentative Na’vi while you were meant to be helping them. He supposes if you were just a forager or cook then perhaps he could excuse the attitude you walked around with. You worked under Mo’at though, not just as a healer, but to be a shaman. A holy woman. Despite a respectable title you had fucking punched a man. Salt to the earth, you had flipped him off after. You were small for your kind, an incapable (unwilling; you’re compassionate you’d tell him) of killing a bug kind of girl training to be a peaceful shaman, and yet you were hitting men. To prove a point; to win whatever overblown argument you had decided you’d be the winner of. Hitting men when he wasn’t there to save you from the recoil. 
He owes Ki’ani for defusing the situation in his absence (which was an extra annoyance to him as one of his students had filled the role he was meant for). All for you to sit on his lap, giggling that he called you an asshole. Utterly bemused that he of all people would be grumpy over a brawl. 
“Ah, I remember why I don’t hang out with you hunters. Vulgar hooligans. And i’m meant to be better than that,” 
There was an air of superiority in your voice that he thought didn’t suit what he was about to make of you. The snooty little angle of your head to the side, smirked lip caught on your sharp teeth. You only acted so tough around the village because you knew he would get you out of any predicament you had managed to get into during the hours he was away. Relinquishing his Olo'eyktan duties after surviving the war meant the only dedication left in his heart was you. It has spoiled you really, and it was all his fault. 
“You don’t hang out with hunters ‘cause the only thing you know how to do right is irritate me,”
He loosens the grip on your kuru, sliding his hands down your shoulders and ribs once more so he could squish your full breasts together, allowing him to finally run the moistened muscle of his tongue across the swell of your right breast. He had not realized how wet his mouth had grown until his teeth began to graze the flesh. 
He knows you are mad above him. Irritated that he had sat stoically though dinner in a silent rage just to have you follow him home to be teased for what you believed was far too long. Undoubtedly, even more irritated now that he had just called you annoying. Your hips jut forward when he runs his teeth over your purpling nipple though you are unable to slide up his extended legs due to the grip he held on your breasts. He smiles against them- amused that you had become so worked up that your chest was beginning to flush. If he wasn’t so irate he’d have spent more time kissing the blush that crept across your chest. 
“You seem very friendly for someone who’s vexed by my existence,” 
You still have that stupid tone of ascendancy to your voice, and it works at pulling him out of his lustful haze. Your eyes trailed down to your saliva covered breasts that he has occupied himself with sucking soft bruises on. He knows what you’re doing. Being annoying on purpose so he gives in and pays attention to you. 
He hasn’t meant to neglect you. Eywa knows he would never want anything less. He had responsibilities though. The warmest season would end sooner rather than later, and Tsu’tey was far too busy helping prepare- which meant you would have been in the village without him to keep that big brain of yours occupied. He doesn’t acknowledge your quip, and you quickly realize it’s to punish you. He does not like the tone of your voice, and he wouldn’t entertain the impish attempt to continue to rile him up, instead he’d continue to lick and kiss at your assaulted chest. 
But you always poked the palulukan, even before he had claimed you. So he shouldn’t have been surprised when your hips wriggled forward again in an attempt to flush against his, arching your back to slide to your goal. You’re embarrassed by the feeling of the moistened fabric finally making contact with him, but you are shameless at the feeling of slotting up against him. You try to look down, to see where you meet but his torso and head, that had slid up to the crook of your neck as you moved forward kept you from gazing upon where he stood at attention for you. You could feel the speared tip that has grown past the confines of his tweng, leaking violently against his stomach now that your own body pushed against it. 
His resolve breaks only momentarily as his face falls to hide in your neck as his eyebrows furrow. He had to leave sloppy open mouthed kisses on your mandible to distract himself from purring at the contact of your heat. It felt like ages ago he made you sit on his lap. Plants are now glowing outside, and your body is beginning to clam up and tremble. You are embarrassed when your nails dig into his shoulders as leverage to try and grind yourself forward. Anything to end this impasse with your imposing mate, the weight of his presence right next to your deprived cunt sending you into a haze of mania-inducing desire. 
He knows he’s cruel when his hand wraps around the base of your tail, pulling you backwards off of him, the round of your ass once again finding their perch above his knees. He almost feels bad when your eyes are wide and watery, staring at him in disbelief.
“Baby please, this is cruel,”
He snorts at the term of endearment. He hadn’t been called a baby since he was one. No one would dare call him such a name- yet here you were. He could tell you were indignant, but you still found it in your heart to speak softly to him. He can only smile up at you, fangs poking into the pout of his bottom lip; it’s a patronizing hint of a smirk that makes a whining hiss fall from your kiss swollen lips. You feel the pad of his thumb caress the puckered ring under your tail, sliding under the thong of your tweng as a response. 
“Why should I touch that cute cunt of yours, huh?” 
He whispers against your lips, kissing you quickly and softly. Your ears pull back against your head, and your tail wraps across his calf, the end thudding against him rhythmically. Your stomach flutters at his words, partially because he had been too quiet up until this point.
“Tsu’tey- you’re being mean to me,”
You whine like a petulant child, nose crinkling and fangs baring ever so slightly. Like a cornered animal caught in a carefully laid trap he can see you weigh your options- trying to figure out what you can do to break him. To win. 
“You are mean to me,” his answer isn’t a quip like yours was, there’s an aftershock of a scold in his voice. You can’t help but break your gaze. 
In response to your sudden shyness he releases your tail and begins to roll the spheres of your ass in slow circles while slowly squishing them together then pulling them back apart. His nimble fingers would slide under the waist of your tweng to pull it up, snagging it against the thin sensitive skin under your tail, and wedging the delicate woven linen between the lips of your pussy. He relishes in the sloppy sound of your lips plopping together against his intrusions and you’re whimpering breaths. 
“All day I go out and take care of all the things you need, and all you do to repay me is get yourself into trouble.” 
You are embarrassed that he is scolding you while you’re dripping onto his lap, and you thank Eywa most of the village is still preoccupied with eating and festivities as to not hear the reprimand in your mates horsed yet honeyed voice from the inside of your home. You could have gotten a little rowdy, but you do nothing in comparison to the trouble he and his friends could occasionally get into. You can’t bring yourself to argue your case though. All you can do is look up at his sulfuric eyes, your own gaze knitted together in embarrassment. You finally were at a loss for words, and found it hard to look into his sharp eyes- slitted down at you, almost disappointed. But you know this is what he wants. You try fixing your gaze at the crinkle of his nose but you can’t help but fall on his plump lips. You realize you have to speak before he can tease you for your piteous attempts. 
“I said I was sorry before dinner,”
It’s pathetic when you plead for him, and he’s so glad no one can hear it from the safety of your own kelku. No one else deserves to hear this side of you. Only he gets to hear your pleas reverberate off the walls just to bounce back to his ears. 
“That was nice of you,” you finally breathe a sigh of relief thinking he’ll give in, lay you on your back and drill into you at speeds only the best warrior in the clan could achieve, “I do not forgive you,” 
Your stomach drops at his words, yet there’s a quip in his voice that puts your aching heart at ease- at least he’s not actually upset with you. Not really. Just half upset. Just upset enough to make your night long. He can tell you were worried he was truly mad at you for a second, afraid you had fallen from grace in his eyes. So he quickly lays a chase kiss to the crown of your head, running his thumbs under your waterline. He finally looks down to see the reflection of the slick you have left across his muscular thighs, and admires the dark front of his tweng. He didn’t care about anything that went on outside of your chambers. The only thing that was real to Tsu’tey is how wet his pussy gets for him. 
The sob that falls from your lips and the pleading “baby please” that falls from your lips as his hand dances to your kuru again makes him chuckle. You were the baby, useless and needy and loud. So loud. Especially loud when his hand once again wrapped around it, guiding you down so your pudgy round cheek fell flush against the woven matt of your bed. You laid across his lap now, stomach flat against his legs while he held your face to the floor. It strains your eyeballs to glance sideways to look up at him, the throbbing of your eye sockets the first round of pain you’d feel tonight. 
“Tsu’tey please, I said I was sorry. I mean it,” your tail flicks as your bare nipples rub against the fibers of the mat. 
You were flushed over the feeling of the position you were in. Yet you could only be thankful for the breeze that entered your home. The dry breeze is no doubt an indication of a coming storm but you didn’t care. Now that you were on the floor however, you could finally begin to cool off. You liked to think you were smarter than Tsu’tey (and he usually let you believe this wildly inaccurate statement) but you would accept he was smarter in this moment as he had the foresight to leave a small sliver of the tented flap open. Thankfully the breeze it let in had kept the floor cold despite the heavy haze of summer heat and arousal clinging to the air of your home. 
Your salvation is short-lived when his fingers dance across the braid of your kuru. He’s pushed the long terraces of your half loose hair above your head to expose your upper back and neck, and you’re sure you looked like a wildly unkempt beast out of the forest he spent his days in. He runs his hand down the braid to the fluffy end which makes you huff against the floor, balling your fist over your face. He tuts when your tail wraps around the hand that’s holding the now exposed nerves above you, keeping him from moving his hand (and in conjunction the exposed tswin tendrils) freely. 
“C’mon, do not start that,” 
He still has to be patient with you. You’re not ready for him to use you the way he wants yet. And he can see your wet clumpy eyelashes and it can’t help the pinch at his heart. He watches the tip of your tail tremble, but you don’t move quick enough for his liking. He hates to force your hand but you were so bullheaded that sometimes you just needed a nudge in the right direction. So he hunches forward over you, face meeting his hand to lay a soft kiss at the exposed nerves. 
You all but howl at this, and he watches your legs clench and tremble over his lap. His tail is wagging rhythmically behind him and had he not been torturing you already you’d have called him out for his lack of bodily control (and his tails assault against your already perfectly fluffed nice pillows). 
He had found success in his silent intentions however. You weren’t tense now at least. Finally enjoying the feeling of the tendrils grazing over his tongue, and you even sat well behaved in his lap while he untied the knot of your twang, letting the cold breeze finally touch your bare cunt. It only increased the hot ache between your legs, and added to the embarrassing drip from between your legs- but you couldn’t be bothered to focus too long on it because at least he was finally touching you in some way. 
“Nga yawne lu oer,” you cry to him as you feel a palm grip the pliant skin of your ass spreading you apart. 
Perhaps he’d think you were endearing and let you off of the hook like he often did. Yet with your tail wrapped around the hand holding your kuru up to his mouth there was nothing stopping him from staring down at your swollen pussy, and it only spurs him on more. He knows he’s being terribly mean to you but he also knows that you enjoy it. Despite your drawn back ears and furrowed brows your cheeks are still pulled up into a grin. 
He huffs at the sight and you can feel it shoot across your skull at the cool contact with your wildling flowing tendrils. It was a welcome distraction once his left hand rises and falls against your ass. You finally release your tails grip on his other hand, letting it fall limp against his torso. 
“I’m sorry. Please-“ you don’t even get to finish before there’s another sharp slap to your other cheek. It’s hard to feel any of the pain when he’s tongue fucking your nervous system however, and he knows this. 
“I know what you want, yawntutsyìp. You’ll get it when I am finished,” 
You try to focus on the wall of your home while his palm spanks down against you. Try to focus on the feeling of his dripping cock against your tummy in embarrassment while he mumbles something about how if you liked hitting people you could take it back. You couldn’t help but strain your eyes to glimpse at him. His stupid little smile while the tendrils of your tswin dance across the area surrounding his lips, desperately looking for his to connect to. You want to bite the stupid smirk off of his face for torturing you like this but the sight of his slightly cocked head and his hooded eyes trained directly on you invoke mercy in your tortured little heart. After a final stinging slap to your wet folds he becomes more interested in soothingly gripping your ass. You huff slightly each time he would trail his fingertips across your folds haphazardly, knowing that anything louder would have resulted in another smack. 
“Nga yawne lu oer,” he finally whispers back.
It’s silent enough that you can hear the strain in his voice. You never understood how he held such great equanimity in these situations- especially when you could hear the desperation in his voice- see it in his eyes. Though you’re wet, frustrated and becoming increasingly aware of the sting on the skin of your ass you could fall asleep with him right now. Comforted by the fact that someone had not only known you, but loved you so intensely. And with the way he was so softly caressing your folds you couldn’t help but feel soothed in his lap. At least that’s what you thought until he taps his fingers against your cunt again, the dull pop echoing in the silent room. 
“Tey,” you bark, eyes shooting open, jolting slightly, “you’re going to kill me,”
“Never,” he bends rather uncomfortably to kiss your spine, “C’mon paskalin, spin ‘round for me,” 
His hand did not leave your kuru, not since he had grabbed its end. You surprisingly have a fight left in you; enough at least to make a coquettish show of sitting up on your knees for him, and sitting yourself between his legs. You are finally faced with the state of your mate, and your tweng that he was now tossing away from your nest of linen and pillows neither of you had made when you left this morning. 
You can’t help but cringe at the state he has put you in- he’s still clothed and you’re naked, and you’ve left a mess on him despite barely being touched. How could you be so absolutely absorbed in him? You should have chosen someone less attractive. Or someone who didn’t kiss you as sweetly as he did, so sweetly that you can sit back on the heels of your feet and the warmth of your stinging bottom didn’t bother you. Instead your thumbs run over his handsome strong cheeks, grinning at him. 
“Are you alright?” 
You don’t get to answer because he spins you around forcing you to crane your body to continue looking at him. He sounds as sweet as he kisses you. He’s so sincere in his asking that the “Find out,” that falls from your lips sounds mean in comparison. It’s not your fault you’re snippy, to think he’s left you unconnected to him since the early hours of the morning is criminal. 
Tsu’tey is never forceful with you, he doesn’t need to use force. Eywa knows with his 9’2 form and dangerous muscles he could push you forward into an arch. Yet, Tsu’tey had a natural air of authority that left you winded. It didn’t matter how stubborn you felt, when he looked down at you and began guiding you gently with his hand that was it- with a fluttery stomach you would do it. 
He would love you even if you were the hissing spoiled monster you would pretend to be. But he can’t help the fact that he loves you the most when you behave for him. The pretty show you made of laying down for him and grant him the bliss of being face to face with your sloppy, pretty pussy was surely the best behaved you had been all day so he ought to tell you-
“That’s my good girl,” he finally connects your tswin to his with no warning. Finally the cool rush shoots up your skull, casting over your face in a tantalizing buzz. For a split second the air in your nose wasn’t yours, and the throbbing across your skin did not belong to you. 
He pulls your arch back by your tail, laying a chase kiss on your folds, the cruel overstimulation of an almost simultaneous assault on the most sensitive parts of your exhausted body. At least he’s merciful to not pick on you for the groan that escapes your lips. It’s almost unbecoming of you, guttural and feral. It’s quickly replaced with a squeal when he begins to lick up your folds. You can only press your cheek to his calf, and clutch your fingers around his leg while he assaults your cunt with his tongue.
He learned the word from Jake, and said it entirely too much now. Practically mumbling curses as he shoves his face impossibly deep into you. If you didn’t feel moist and sticky before it’s only accumulating at an alarming pace now. Tsu’tey is sloppy with it, unlike everything he does Tsu’tey can’t keep that composer once he’s actually face to face with his pussy. He enjoys fucking his spit into you with the pointed end of his tongue until it twitches and you start to drip back out into his mouth. He can’t stop himself from angling your hips with one of his large hands, while the other hikes you up higher by the tail which gives him the luxury of wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking, wanting to swallow as much of the yovu sweetness of your cunt as you’d allow him to. 
You can’t say you feel bad for the mess you leave anymore, not when you can’t even bring yourself to moan about how good you feel. And your dazed heavy breathing wasn’t enough sound for Tsu’tey. You had made his day long, he was going to make your night longer. Unbearably long like the pointer and middle finger that slides into your silk folds with no resistance. He figured he could have used all three and you wouldn’t have complained too much, and now that he himself can feel the dull thud of his fingertips against the spongy wall of your cunt he wouldn’t stop. He moves so quickly, embarrassingly so as he can feel what you’re feeling, he knows how to ruin you and you can no longer hide your lack of resolve. 
“‘Tey I wanna cum,” 
Your voice is cracking as you huff out, biting into his calf whilst he speeds his intrusion up. What an embarrassing position. If anyone walked into the door of your home the first sight they’d be greeted with would be Tsu’tey sitting straight up against the walls that met the corner of your comfort ridden bed, legs lazily outspread caging you on your stomach, back arched right in front of his face while he watched your sloppy cunt take his fingers, often leaning down to lick, suck, and kiss wherever he can. 
“Ya?” He finally removes his mouth from you, still pistoling his two fingers at speeds you thought were sacrilegious, “You wanna cum on my face?” 
It’s embarrassing when you squeal, even more embarrassing when his third finger finally slides in. Between yanking you back by your tail onto his assaulting fingers, and the heavy panting of his breath fanning across your swollen lips you can’t help but orgasm. Hips jutting forward and ruining your rhythm. An act which should have annoyed him further, however, when his pretty lady is nice enough to squirt all over his face he can’t help the love sick moan that rips through his chest, 
“Ya that’s my baby, all you’re good for,” 
It leaves his mouth as his fingers start to slow down, you weren’t even holding yourself up anymore, chest pressed firmly into the floor while he held your hips in the air. Too busy breathing as your heart skips in your chest to hold your own body weight. There is still embarrassingly loud and slopping wet noises coming from you as his fingers had never stopped slowly finger fucking you. 
By the lack of any discernible sound around your expertly woven home you knew others had heard you at some point and decided to avoid the area around your home all together. You couldn’t give your mate anything in all of Pandora that could get him to care. 
You reach your soft hand between your legs to grab at his wrist, digging your nails into him and he can’t help the twitch of his cock at the sting. He sharply scissors the two fingers that now preoccupied themselves in slowly keeping you stretched open as he preoccupied himself with the sight of you. 
“Stop- stop looking- you’re embarrassing,”
“Ya you should be embarrassed, you should see the mess you have made,” 
You can hear the smile in his voice and you can’t stop the mewl that falls from your lips at the way he teases you. You don’t need to see the mess to know it’s there, the back of your legs are uncomfortably wet, and your leaking cunt is throbbing. You know he watched everything you had to show him greedily. That everytime you connect to him for the next week you’ll get the view of you squirting for him pushed to the front of your mind as if it was your own memory. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, only for him to lay a chaste kiss to you one more time, you can feel the smile on his face.
He knows neither of you mean this, it’s almost silly that you both put on this charade. He still thinks it’s cute you are at least still polite enough to apologize. It doesn’t save you from the quick grab of your leg and hip. It’s surprising how gently you land on your back, considering the speed he flips you over at. You don’t yelp because it hurts, but because it startles you. One second you were looking at the wall, the next you’re on your back, gazing up to meet the exhilarated eyes of Tsu’tey. And now that you can see him without straining your eye sockets you want nothing more than to cum again. 
You’re sprawled out on your back, and he is above you perched up on his knees now- looming over you as if he had just shot an arrow into you- as if he was your last shadow. You can’t help but clench around nothing, missing the stretch of his fingers so terribly at this moment. Fingers that are now untying the far thicker fabric of his tweng. Not that it’s hiding much of anything at this point. He’d grown past it, tip flushed indigo and leaking violently. It looks like he had probably came once already without you noticing, had he really made you that oblivious?
He falls forward on his hands once he’s done, and your eyes snap up to meet his. He lacks his usual authoritative aura in this moment, his pupils dopey and wide as his form engulfs you. If feral was an unbecoming look on you, Tsu’teys wide lovesick eyes was unbecoming for him. He’d lie and blame it on your neurolink- he’s only a love drunk fool this way- but he more often than not felt this way. You in some mystical way had bewitched him in his entirety. He doesn’t kiss you, opting to rub his face into the crook of your neck, to feel you. 
“You’re not sorry, this is what you wanted,” 
His smile is huge against you. You can feel his cut cheekbones rising as you try to peek between your forms. You don’t think you’d ever get used to seeing him above you. You can’t help but tense at the sight of him. He hates himself when your jolt of genuine panic shoots down his own spine and his cock twitches. After all of this time he still intimidated you. How could he not? At nine foot two, it was fair to assume Tsu’tey’s cock was nothing if not admirable. He had been a talking point amongst women on many occasions, you and your friends had surely spoken about the older boy before you had mated. You knew however that any girlish gossip had been an understatement. His ears twitch forward as his props himself back up slightly, 
“No answer for me, huh? Jus’ going to stare dumb at my cock?” 
He spoke too regally for the nasty words that fell out of his mouth. He’s quick to kiss the pouty lips you give him as your eyes slit and your brow furrows, you’re small “Shut up,” only fuel to edge him on. It’s cute; you’re already spent by him. You of all people don’t have a quip of an answer for him. You barely even complain when his right palm meets behind your knee, sliding your leg over his shoulder as he posture’s up on his knees slightly. You start to sit up on your elbows when you feel the dull- plap, plap, plap- of him smacking the tip of himself against your clit. You watch his body jolt along with you as he could feel how his intrusion made you feel and though the pleasurable stinging of the intrusion subdued you, it seemed to only spur Tsu’tey on more. 
Your body moves without you really thinking, trying to slide yourself backwards, further away from the man and the puddle you’ve been laying in. A desperate attempt to keep his hips away from yours. 
“Nuh- uh,” he’s quick to sush you, grabbing your fleshy hips and dragging your weeping cunt back towards him, “Why are you running away from your cock, huh?”
He’s rubbing himself between your folds, catching on your still swollen clit and relishing in the feeling of your muscles spasming. The liquid that escapes doesn’t bother you anymore, but you watch it begin to coat his lower stomach. Skin sticking uncomfortably. 
“It doesn’t fit,” you’re dramatic, and he’s sure to remind you. 
“It fits every time,” He finally snags the hole, and feels the coil of your stomach tighten in his own. So pleased with your reaction he can’t stop his moan. Finally what he’s wanted all fucking day.
“I’ll make it fit, shh, there you go yawntu,” 
He is large enough that he can sit on his knees, one hand next to your head, supporting his weight while he hunches over you. He could have been mean and made you suffer through a tight and slow stretch, or he could mess with you one final time. Could he really waste such a slick state? No. Not when his pretty pussy was begging for the weight of him. You all but scream at the quick trust of his full-lengthen intrusion, and he can’t help but whine at the feeling of finally being seethed inside of his mate, as well as enduring the delicious feelings you were. He was confident you didn’t even acknowledge the neurolink at this time, too busy stupid over how good he’s made you feel. 
“Tsu’tey,” and you're grasping at the bottom of his own stomach, pushing your palms into him as he slowly pulls out, pushing back in as far as your hands would allow him. 
There’s already a milky ring accumulating at his base and he’s barely moved. He does not thrust haphazardly, yet the control he possesses is finite. You can feel him bubbling on the edge of ferocity as the muscles of his lower stomach twitch under your fingertips. He is not a man that blushes often but the sight of your watery, wide, and ever so wondrous eyes has his neck and chest flushing deeply as well. You don’t think you’ve ever seen his ears so purple. 
“Oh fuck! Eywa!” The kick up of pace has you forgetting your previous adoration, too distracted with his face to notice he had propped himself up on the balls of his feet as to better his angle.
Though you couldn’t deny the ache in your cunt at the weight of his girth or the tightening of your stomach due to another impending orgasm it couldn’t be something you focused on. This wasn’t really painful. Pressure perhaps- but none of that mattered over the electrifying buzz that had begun to grow so intense that your lungs felt locked. 
Are you filthy for watching the assault on your cunt as he grabs your right thigh with a huff, forcing your leg to slot comfortably on his shoulder? Now that you had one leg hitched over his broad shoulders you both had an unimpeded view of his cock disappearing into you only to bulge the skin above your pelvis at the force of his obtrusion. Once he moves his weight off of his freed hand to meet your clitoris you can’t help but relax deeper into his thrusts. 
The spray of liquid that follows and shoots up covering your reddening chests enunciated the slapping sound echoing between your bodies. You weren’t even sure if you were cumming anymore or your overstimulated cunt was just releasing everything it could for him, 
“See baby. Always take care of you,” 
His face is rubbing against yours, as he reaches down to hold your tsaheylu. Running his thumb across where the two braids meet. He relishes in the feeling as one of your hands grab at his head, gripping the braids of his hair while he drilled into you. 
“Y-you’re so good. Tsu-“ You cut yourself off at his words in regards to running your own fingers over your abused clit-
“Did you ask to touch my pussy?” 
Though there’s a snarl in the voice of the man whose face is mushed up against yours his thrusts become more powerful. 
“Tsu’tey please- for Ewyas sake you’ve made your point,” the squeal is in your throat as you continue to rub- he never stopped you and you had never implored self control before, this is not the time to start. 
“Please, I want to cum on your cock so bad,” 
You finally look into his blown out eyes now. There’s barely any yellow to be seen. Just the messy appearance of your reflection in his huge pupils. You can feel something snap in him as you suddenly feel both of your legs get pinned down against your torso. It almost knocks the wind out of you, the feeling of being moved so suddenly. Folded in such a demanding way and then your guts getting drilled into by the man above you. Of course your hand doesn’t falter though- he had been treating you like a whore he should expect you to act like one. 
“Look how fucking wet you are,” He starts, it’s a dangerous whisper, “You’re gonna make another mess for Sempu?” 
It’s embarrassing. The fact that the only words to leave your mouth after his vulgarities are a very pretty “Oh Eywa,” followed by your doey eyes rolling into the back of your pretty head. Daddy. You had called him it before but something about his blown out eyes locked onto your own as if he can see nothing else but you, letting the title fall off his own swollen lips had you reeling, hips trying to jerk under his assault, hand jerking messy, tight, circles on your own clit. 
You don’t even know if you squirt this time, too busy alternating between clenching though your orgasm and pushing down, listening to his guttural moaning in your ear as he once again hunches down over you a little more. 
“Fuck, please ‘s too much. Sempu please, w-want you-” You don’t even know what you want. You’re too busy spasming on his cock. 
Praying maybe he’ll pop out for a second so you can catch your breath. Despite your newest orgasm Tsu’tey does not stop his assault. Only now more of his body weight falls into you. Using the momentum to drill deeper into you. It’s too much, your feelings on top of the tight painful pit in his stomach. He wants to cum so badly. 
“Let me cum in you,” it’s almost a beg, almost a plea to you. He needed to hear from you that you were satisfied. That he could breed you full and you’d finally be satisfied with all he does for you. 
You cup both of his cheeks in your now unused hands, and despite the ache in your contorted body you can’t help the wave of relaxation that teases you when you make eye contact, 
“Want your cum so bad, Sempu,” 
It’s embarrassing really. The way you two talk to each other like this. You would cringe at the idea of these words coming from anyone else, but you can’t help but be addicted to the sound of desperation that rises out of the both of you. 
“Fuck please breed me,” 
Though you’re choked up, at least you can speak. You are almost positive he’s brain dead when you feel his hips jerk up into you deeper then his previous thrusts. When he pushes you legs down further you’re shocked at the feeling of him grinding the head of his cock against what you could only assume was your cervix. He did not seem to care so much for your shock though, returning to sitting up more so he could watch the bulge of your stomach. 
“Ya fuck, my sweet girl,” the breathy pants against your face results in a tight clench of your lower stomach, yet with a whine you keep your legs open for him,
“Fuck baby- jus’ lay there and take it for me, there’s my good girl.” 
It’s not long before his thrusts go from a calculated assault on your g-spot to an erratic chase for his own high. It almost surprises you- the animalistic pace of his thrusts against you. The way he pulls himself nearly all the way out just to slam into you, forcing the slick skin of his pelvis to grind against your far too stimulated clit. It’s why you don’t feel bad for the hand that reaches up to wrap around the base of his kuru. You could have came when you feel the way his stomach tightens when you apply pressure to him. You feel the jolt the action sends through him- and you have never been more thankful (yet felt such disdain) to Eywa for tsaheylu. Eyes rolling into the back of your head at the mind thudding euphoria you felt. 
“Look at me. Baby look at me when Sempu cums in you,” 
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He’s prettiest when he whines. Despite the honorific title there is little that defines Tsu’tey as the dominant one right now. Anyone could tell he was completely at the mercy of your slicken folds. He couldn’t even remember why he was mad at you by the time he had flooded you, using his large hands to pull the plush of your hips flush against him. Unable to control the need to be as deep as possible. 
He’s purring when he notices the way your eyes light up at the feeling of him overstuffing you with his cum. Loud rumbles that you can feel vibrate against you as he lets your legs finally drop and lays flat against the floor. 
“Are you okay, my love?” Your closing eyes are being kissed, as he travels to any exposed skin he can get to, while moving as little as possible.
“I win,” your eyes don’t even open as you mumble. Too busy caressing his sweaty back that was most likely torn up from the assault of your nails. All that there was left to do was breath and enjoy the warmth of laying safely under him. Proud of the turn of events. 
Now that you weren’t actively engaged in each other the humidity of the sex stained kelku wasn't enough to keep you warm. Not with the eclipse breeze creeping through the opened flap. 
You turn your head to see your mate, forehead pressed to the mat, eyes closed, catching his own breath- yet there’s a large cheshire grin on his exertion blushed face. 
“Ya whatever. I give you everything you could want, what mate would I be if my little love suffered one night without making a sloppy mess all over me,”
        His attempt at teasing makes you laugh, occupying yourself with kissing his cheek and lingering there a minute. Ignoring the way the fat of his cheek squished under your kiss. The bubbly,
“Ya, hopefully you gave me the baby I want this time,” would have broken the resolve of Ewyas most pious. 
The roll of his hips deeper into you in hopes to plug you full makes your toes curl. He can’t help but say a silent prayer to anything that would listen that you’d be round and full soon. Tsu’tey also can’t help the fact that the feeling of your tight walls twitching and fluttering against him make him throb with a whole new need. The assault of his rolling hips is unwavering. Both completely enchanted by the uncomfortable sting of over stimulation. He could cease his slow drawn out movements that reward his ears with the sloppy echo of his cum being fucked right up into your womb where it belonged. Tsu’tey could stop and clean you up and let you fall blissfully to sleep while he held you. 
Or he could make sure you don’t roll out from under him without a deserving prize in your womb.
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Diluc General Relationship Headcanons
diluc x gn reader
summary: how lulu acts when in a relationship with you <3 (i was gonna do my rqs but this mans will not leave my brain so here's a bunch of thoughts abt my favorite blorbo)
warnignsbs: physical touch, mayyybee ooc(?) i dont think so but idk, lemme know if i missed any but i think that's it
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he,,, hE,,,,,,, I LOVE HIM AAAAA
very very kind as a lover. always wants to make sure that you're happy and safe and comfortable and everything else when he's in a relationship with you.
he's a bit awkward since he's probably never been in a relationship before. pls reassure him that he's doing good and that your happy with him because he's constantly unsure of himself.
loves loves loves giving you gifts. gives you free drinks at the tavern (alcoholic or non-alcoholic, whichever you want). gives you expensive items he found at shops (mans is rich af he would absolutely spend a ton of money for you). gives you anything he happens to come across that reminds him of you. he just likes to spoil you.
does those cheesy romantic things you always see in novels since he's pretty new to relationships. im talking he takes you on candlelit dinner dates, he says sappy romantic phrases, all the stuff.
dislikes pda, but will do things like hold your hand or occasionally wrap his arm around your waist if he's feeling bold enough. also gives you quick little forehead kisses when noone's watching.
gets flustered super easily. if you so much as flirt with him, his face instantly becomes as red as his hair. always tries to hide his face with his hands whenever this happens.
likes to spend time with you. he's busy a lot of the time, so any time he has off is guaranteed to be spent with you.
his sleep schedule is WACK considering his tendency to overwork himself and then his whole darknight hero stuff on top of that, but whenever he does actually get to bed at a decent time, please cuddle with him. he loves holding you, and he's naturally all nice and warm and cozy which makes you just wanna snuggle up to him and lay your head on his chest and cuddling with him is just sUCH AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE AAAAAA
likes hearing your voice. he's not usually one for small talk, but he'll make an exception for you. he thinks your voice is heavenly.
wraps his coat around you whenever you're cold. you don't even have to ask, he just places it over your shoulders if he sees you shiver. doesn't want you to get sick with a cold!
gives the best hugs. he's just so comfy to lean on and he's so warm and it feels like sitting in front of a fireplace on a cold day whenever he hugs you and it's just so cozy aaaaaaa <33333
he lets you pet his eagle. makes sure it knows your friendly and doesn't peck you.
makes you hot cocoa and cuddles with you by the fireplace on cold days. idk i just think he'd like to laze around with you during the chilliest winter days.
^^^ also makes you a nice warm meal on these days. wants it to be as cozy as possible for you, so he makes an absolutely exquisite meal for you to enjoy using what culinary skills he has.
overall very kind and caring and soft for you. adores and treasures everything about you. he's so happy he gets to be with you. he loves you more than anything else in the world, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
bonus: kaeya teases him for being head over heels in love with you whenever he visits the tavern. diluc makes him pay 4x the price for his drinks to get back at him.
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a/n: diluc my beloved,,,, <333333333,,,, i love this man sm he is so,,,,,, AAAAAAAAAAA,,,,,,, HE,,,,, HE IS SO,,,,,,,, i want to kiss this man passionately on the lips
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
wanna be tagged? lemme know!
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koolades-world · 1 year
Hiiii are your requests open?? If so could I request the Demon bros (or just Levi Beel and Belphie) comforting s/o after a long and hard day at work? Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna!
Love ur work btw!! ☆♡☆♡☆
hiii!! I’m pretty sure you’re my first ever requester! yay! I’ve been looking forward to this. Requests are open and will be unless I explicitly say they aren’t :D
Thank you sm!!! Sorry if this wasn’t exactly what you imagined. Don’t be afraid to give feedback. Let me know you vision so if you request again in the future, I’ll be better suited to write to your taste next time! Let me know what you think :)
I literally love requests since they give me ideas that I wouldn’t normally come up with, and I’m always itching to write about something. Requests make me feel special LOL kicking my feet, twirling my hair, giggling rn
also sorry that this is so late! it's exam season lol
Demon brothers comforting their s/o after a particularly hard day at work
convinced he would also be half asleep while comforting his s/o this man catches no breaks, except when around his beloved <3
His love language is quality time, so he wants to show you he cares by finally putting down the pen and just relaxing together
Would brew them a cup of his signature coffee, docked up as you like it, of course. Lucky you, he doesn’t do that for just anyone!
Mans down bad lol
Lucifer heard the door opening from his office. He recognized the sound of Mc’s footsteps in the hall as they hung up their coat and tucked away their work shoes. They were oddly silent, though. They usually called out to him, or burst into his home office to tell them about their day. He saw them shuffle past the open door and to their bedroom.
He decided it let it go for now. He wasn’t sure what was wrong, but if they needed him, they would come to him. He didn’t need to investigate. However, as he tried to focus on the work, he found himself reading the same paragraph over and over again as he though about Mc. After not even five minutes of debating, he got up with vigor and made his way to their room.
They were sprawled out over on the bed, face down. He quickly moved to flip them over. He let out a small sigh of relief now he saw their eyes were open. “What are you doing?” Lucifer sat next to Mc.
“I’m tired, Luci.” They grabbed the pillow he always used and put it over their face, their voice muffled.
“Are you feeling unwell?” He removed the pillow so he could see their face again.
“I guess you could say that. Everyone at work was so annoying today and I’m ready to do nothing now.” He stopped Mc from rolling over again and pulled them into his side.
“Let me make you something to drink. Go sit in the living room. Do you have any preferences?” He looked them right in the eyes.
“No, but one of the coffees you make the best sounds nice, maybe please?" He sighed lovingly a little at their antics. They clearly wanted this coffee.
“Consider it done. Now go sit.” He stood them up and gently pushed them out of the room. They disappeared out of view while he quickly brewed the coffee. He returned as fast as he could and sat next to them. Pressing the hot coffee into their hands, he placed his other hand on their head to pat them.
“Do you want to talk about your day?” He picked up his own mug and payed close attention to his partner. They agreed and began ranting about what coworker #1 did and how annoying coworker #2 was at lunch. While he listened carefully, he also took the moment to admire them, for no particular reason.
“… and that’s pretty much it I think. It felt good to get that out of my system.” Their coffee had cooled off by now. They took a small sip to test the temperature, and then took a few bigger ones once they knew it was safe.
“Good. Now if you don’t have anything urgent to do, I would prefer if we could sit together and enjoy each other’s company.” Lucifer scooted closer to press their legs together, so even though their hands were busy, they could still enjoy contact.
“That sounds nice. You’re the best, Luci.”
They basked in each other company for the next few hours, or however long that was. They weren’t really sure, but they were sure they were going to take as much time together as they could.
It’s normal for him to be right on top of his s/o as soon as they walk through the door, but once he notices how worn they seem, he enters protective mode
“Who hurt my human?!” “Nobody Mammon, work was just tough” “oh”
No but in all realness, he would let down his tsundere facade to make sure you’re ok
Will convince you to let him make dinner to let you relax. He’s not the best, but he’s going to try, just for you <3
Afterwards, will cuddle together to make sure you day ends nicely
Mammon sat in front of the TV on their couch, his leg kicked up on the coffee table, aimlessly flickering through the channels. His duties were never too heavy, so he always found himself consuming human content. Humans were fascinating.
He heard keys jiggle in the front door. His human was finally home! He scrambled to his feet and patiently waited just out of the range of the door so he wouldn’t get hit by it when it opened. As usual, he threw himself at Mc as soon as they walked in. However, he noticed they were less responsive than usual. He took a step back and smoothed some of their hair back from their forehead. They weren’t smiling.
“Human? What’s the matter with ya?” He shook them by their shoulders.
“Work was the worst today. The day couldn’t have gone by any slower. I really missed you.” They slumped into his embrace. As he held them, he thought for a moment. He knew his usual demeanor wasn’t the most relaxing to deal with at times, and now was one of those times. For the sake of his Mc, he decided to drop his facade.
“Listen, how does this sound? Let me do the cookin’ tonight. Ya need to relax. I can feel the tension in yer shoulders. Ya go shower n’ relax or whatever, while I do the hard work. We can watch yer favorite movie too. If yer still feeling off tomorrow, ya can call in sick and have us time.” The warm smile that finally crept into Mc face, the one he had been looking for. He kissed their forehead, rubbing his thumbs in circles on their back.
“Thank you, Mammon. Everything you need is in the fridge. The recipe is in the cookbook.” They kissed the tip of his nose, kicking off their shoes and coat. They abandoned their work bag at the dining table before disappearing into their bedroom. He found himself stupidly standing there smiling for a moment. He could hear the blood rushing to his face. He snapped to it quickly. Mc needed him, and he was going to deliver. The cookbook was just a notebook the two of them had filled with their favorite recipes. A bookmark stuck out of one part, letting him know what to cook. He recognized it as his favorite human world food. Diavolo, he loved them. He cooked as fast as he could, so that when Mc got out of the shower, they would have a hot meal waiting for them.
Unfortunately, they were done before him, but at least he got the nice surprise of them laying their head on his shoulder and wrapping their arms around him as he cooked. Food was done shortly after, which Mc scarfed down.
“You’re the best Mammon. I love you.” They put their head ok his shoulder again as they sat side by side on the couch watching their favorite movie. He smiled into their hair and gave them a kiss on the top of the head.
“Love ya too.” He stayed silent for a moment, trying to decide what to say next. However, they had somehow fallen asleep. Had he really taken that long to think about what to say? No matter the case, he knew as long as they were happy, he was happy.
A worrier, will stress over every small thing he did because he’s concerned you’re upset over something he did
After a little thinking, he gathers the courage to go apologize only to realize it wasn’t his fault, he’s so precious 🥺
he’s so sweet, will offer whatever it takes to get his player two feeling better again
If you want to play games together, y’all are playing games. If you want to go out, y’all are going out
Y’all gotta place more respect on his name, I love him 😫 (please my little brother literally nicknamed him hotdog water 😭😭)
At first, Levi didn’t even realize Mc was home. As usual, he was holed up in his gaming room. Mc usually came into his room to give him a kiss and let him know they were home. He looked forward to it everyday. But today was different. The time they usually got home came and past, no word for them.
Levi paused what he was doing to think. It was almost an hour past the time Mc usually arrived home. No texts or calls from them he may have missed. He began to freak out. What if they got into an accident on the way home? What if they needed help but had no way of letting him know? He went to worst case scenario almost immediately. He stood up so fast he got lightheaded, but he didn’t care. He began tearing through the whole house in search of them.
His search ended quickly. He found Mc sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of cornflakes. They didn’t even notice him. As he let out one worry, another one flooded in. Was Mc mad at him? Why else would they not come to see him after they got home from work? He quickly tried to begin thinking of what he might have done to make them upset. Before he could think any longer, Mc noticed him standing in the doorway.
“Levi?” They tiredly put another spoonful of cereal in their mouth, and almost spit it out after Levi threw himself to his knees at their chair.
“Mc! I’m so sorry for everything! You’re the coolest person I know and I don’t deserve you! I’ll do anything to make it up to you!” He looked up at the sadly.
“What are you sorry for? I’m not mad at you. Should I be?” They put the spoon down and got up from the chair to crouch next to Levi.
“Wait, you’re not mad at me?” He paused and look at them.
“I’m not.” While they weren’t mad, Levi could tell something was wrong. They made no further move to continue the conversation, so he carried it himself. He wasn’t used to that.
“You didn’t stop in my room once you got home, so I just automatically assumed you were mad at me. I’m sorry for being so stupid.” He hung his head.
“Oh, no. You don’t have to apologize. Today work was just rough, so I went to get something to eat and unwind with. You told me that your raid was today, so I figured you would find me. Sorry if I worried you.” They side hugged him. He felt bad after he heard them speak. They were just tired and worn down by work. He immediately resolved to make it up to them.
“Well, uhm, if you’ll let someone gross like me help you, is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Anything at all?” Levi asked.
“If you’re offering, just spending time together sounds nice. Tell me about your day.” So he took a seat next to them and began doing what he did best: talking about video games. They watched him intently, occasionally remembering to eat the now soggy cereal that was in front of them. In the middle of his rambling, they gave him a kiss on the cheek. He paused and went bright red.
“To make up for the kiss I missed earlier, and as a thank you always being there. I love you, my admiral.” They smiled at him, the first time he has seen them smile that day.
“I… I love you too.” He was still embarrassed sometimes to say that, but it was all worth it to see the smile on their face.
Definitely thinks his way of destressing is the best: going to an animal shelter, playing with the cats, and then donating <3
However if you two lived separate from the rest, he’s 100% getting two cats minimum so the cats are right there! would still donate though since it makes him happy
Also firmly believes another really good way to unwind is to just say everything out loud. If you don’t want to tell him, that’s fine, he can leave the room or make it so he can’t hear what you’re saying
If not, he will talk your ear off (endearingly) about his latest read over tea
“Dear, are you home already? I thought you were going out with coworkers right after work?” Satan didn’t look up from his book but he had heard the door open as well the familiar jingling of their keys. Their two cats immediately got up from where they were resting on the back of the sofa and on his lap respectively to greet his partner. He finally looked up to see Mc standing with both the fuzz balls in arms, looking more tired then he’d ever seen them.
“What’s the matter?” He instantly knew something was wrong. He couldn’t place it, but something was off.
“It’s a long story.” They jumped over the back of the sofa and sunk down in the seat next to him. The three of them snuggled into his side, making him melt.
“Do you want to tell me the shortened version?” He placed a hand on their head. They leaned into his shoulder.
“That sounds great actually. Some of it is just office drama but it’s so tiring.” They began ranting to him about their awful day and how the minutes seemed to slow all day. “The only thing that kept me sane was thinking about you and our sons.”
Mc’s remark made him begin to heat up. It’s a good thing they weren’t looking at him. His heart swelled at even the thought of Mc referring to the group as a family. To be fair, they really did treat their cats as their sons and definitely received better treatment than some children. Part of him hoped one day he could prove himself a better father than Lucifer was to him. He couldn’t hope for a better partner. He gave them a kiss on the head.
“I think you need to hear that you’re the sweetest, most loving person I’ve ever met. No matter what happens, work or otherwise, you’ll always have my shoulder to lean on.” A small meow from between them told them that the cats wanted to be included too.
“Thank you, all three of you. Now, did you guys do anything fun while I was out? Please tell me you had a better day?” They looked at the group before them.
“I’m gonna tell them what you did. Yeah, someone had to do it. Stop that!” Satan laughed as the cats batted at his face. He knew no matter what, his partner loved hearing about everything the two cats got up to. Their hijinks could always be the highlight of anyone’s day. While he was in the middle of telling his story, Mc planted a kiss on his cheek.
“You’re a blessing from the heavens.” They wrapped their arms around his neck and leaned in closer. The meaning hit him directly in the feels. The fact that the most important important person in his life considered him, the odd one out of his brothers, a blessing from the heavens was more than enough to make his heart swell.
“I couldn’t ask anymore from a partner.” He gave them a kiss back, and continued the story wrapped up in their arms.
You know exactly what he thinks would be best for you
Spa day!! He can give you the routine to die for and the entire time, he will he chattering like a nail tech who’s had you as a long time client
Anything you want is yours right now
He knows this won’t solve your problems, but he knows it will give you the right state of mind so you can solve them when the time comes
In the meantime, he’ll be your biggest cheerleader and kiss you better <3
“Babe! You’re home! I can’t wait to show you what finally arrived today through the human Akuzon! These nail stickers are to die for! Do you know if the human standards would allow them to survive that lava hot springs I love?” Asmo skidded around the corner to the front door as soon as he heard it open. He was holding up a little sheet covered in plastic wrap with cute little icons lined up in neat rows. However, Mc hadn’t even looked up from their shoes as they shuffled into front of him. They placed their head on his chest and leaned into him. "Babe?" Mc only made a strange groaning noise and hugged him when he tried to move away. They gripped him tightly. They still had their bag on their shoulder and keys in hand.
"What's wrong? Did someone at work do this to you?" He patted their back the best he could since they had his arms pinned down by their hug. They sat in silence for a moment, and Asmo was about to speak up again when they finally said something.
"I've just had such a long day. Just being around you is comforting, is all." They sighed happily as he began to stroke their head.
"I know exactly the cure to your woes! How does a super relaxing spa night sound? I just learned how to give hydrating facial and brought these new products for it! If you're up for it, do you think I could do your nails too? These little bow stickers are so cute." He thought that by pampering his beloved and being supportive he could give them the help they needed to get back up. They had done the same for him before.
"That sounds great. You always know how to make me feel better." Mc got on their tip toes to kiss his cheek. He internally squealed. He hugged them back excitedly.
“You’re going to love this! Go get changed into something comfortable while I get my things together. These stuffy work clothes don’t look very breathable.” He was reluctant to release them. He adored them. Eventually they tapped his arm, signaling they were ready to be released. He let go, but before they could walk off, he took their face in both his hands and kissed the tip of their nose.
“Love you Mc. Really, I do. I tell you everyday but I just want to make sure you understand that.” He pushed some hair away from their eyes with his thumbs.
"I love you too, Asmo. I really don’t know what I would do without you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” They overlayed their hands with his and gave him a kiss back. Before he could retaliate, they backed away. After a playful wink, they disappeared around the corner he has initially ran around to get to them. He stood there for a minute, starstruck. It was moments like these that made him question why he ever thought he was the most beautiful thing alive when Mc existed.
You know the drill babes, say it on 3
Food!! Food is always the answer which is my favorite mentality
Food is what comforts him, especially foods that remind him of you, like what you consider comfort food
He will resist the urge to eat all the ingredients and make this food just for you, to see the look of hot on your face when the presents it to you
You know how hard that is for him which makes it all the more special
Beel was patiently waiting for Mc to get home from work. He did this sometimes, so it wasn’t unusual. However, what was unusual was how long he found himself waiting. He had a very good internal sense of time. He always knew when to stop whatever he was doing to wait for them. His internal timer went off about ten minutes before they got home. If they had told him they would be late that day, the timer wouldn’t go off until later. Today, though, he hasn’t heard anything from them.
He found himself worrying. They were very good with always being on time. He checked his phone. He hadn’t missed anything from them. His brothers were chatting up a storm, but that was it. He decided to text Mc, since what argument Mammon and Levi had gotten into today wasn’t as important as checking up on them.
He quickly send a short message, asking how they were and what they wanted for dinner. Thankfully, he got a response pretty quickly. They told him they were just caught in a lot of traffic, and their coworker has needed a ride home since their car broke down that morning. They didn’t explicitly state it, but he could tell they were tired. He knew how work was difficult sometimes. After hearing them say they were really in the mood for jambalaya, he set his mind to making some.
He knew how warm and comforting it was to return home to a warm meal and the one you love. Mc had treated him to that on many occasions and now it was his time to return the favor. He had seen them make it many times, and while he had never had a hand in making it himself, he thought he could do it. Luckily, they had everything they needed. He gathered everything he needed, and carefully recalled any memories he could of Mc making this food. All of these memories were fond, and he hoped to convy this through his cooking.
When the front door finally opened, Beel was almost done cooking. The smell of the spices was thick in the air. He left the meal simmering on the stove and went to greet Mc.
"Beel, what's that smell?" They set down their work bag and sniffed their air.
"Dinner. I made jambalaya." He smiled, excited to see the grin blooming on their face.
"Awwwww, Beel! You shouldn't have!" They threw their arms around him and squeezed him as tight as they could. All the work and effort he had but into not eating the ingredients was worth it. Mc quicky went to change out of their work outfit so they could sit down together and enjoy dinner together. The smile on Mc's face was worth the world.
Even though he thinks sleeping fixes everything, he will do more than the bare minimum for you!
Takes it upon himself to gather his most comfortable pillows and blankets to make a nest for you, kind of like a squirrel lol
Brings offerings of baked goods and your favorite takeout
Will do whatever you want basically <3
Belphie was asleep, as usual, when Mc got home. Normally, he was able to sleep right through this and was awoken by a kiss on the forehead by them. Today was slightly different. The sounds were the same. The soft opening and closing of both the front door and their bedroom door, the jingiling of keys, and the rustling of their coat. However, he had actually awoken before his usual forehead kiss. Something wasn't right. Belphie sat up and watched as Mc walked around them room, setting everything in it's place. They looked over at him, surprised.
"Belphie, you're awake earlier than usual. It is my turn to cook tonight, right?" Mc stopped to check the date.
"Yes." He was still half asleep as they made their way over to him. As they kissed him on the forehead, he grabbed their hands to stop them from leaving. "Is something wrong?"
"No, I'm alright. Just tired." Mc sighed and avoided eye contact. He knew that wasn't the truth. Trying to lie and tell a sloth demon you were tired when you actually weren't was futile.
"Tell me what's bothering you." He caught their gaze.
"Work was hard today. I had to do a lot of writing too. I'm sick of it right now." They told him after he gazed at them with his best doe eyes. He flipped their hands over in his own to look at them. They looked more red that usual.
"What do you want for dinner? I'll order takeout. And don't tell me whatever or anything is fine. We are getting what you want." He pulled them to sit beside him.
"Well, pizza sounds good." They laughed a little about how oddly stern he sounded.
"Good. Now go shower while I get everything ready." Belphie shooed his beloved away lovingly. They were amused by this again, but did as he asked. He quickly ordered some pizza over the phone, and then quickly began preparing a comfortable place for them to rest. He arranged everything in a nest like structure, leaving room for the both of them in the center. He turned on the TV as well, finding Mc's favorite show. At night, he knew they would rewatch this show while he was fast asleep, but this time, he would watch it with them. He knew how happy it made them to share what they loved with him.
Before they got out of the shower, the pizza had arrived. After making sure the box wasn't too greasy, he placed it on one of their side tables. He didn't insert himself into the bundle yet, though. He was waiting for Mc. Instead, he sat on the end of the bed, on his D.D.D. When they emerged from the bathroom, they were toweling their hair. He led them to sit beside him and began toweling their hair for them. He was still oddly serious the entire time, causing Mc to giggle, but was still touched by it. He tucked them into the blanket amalgamation and put on their favorite show, presenting them with the food. They could feel themselves falling deeper in love with him.
"Love you." Mc kissed his forehead.
"Love you too." He mirrored this action, to show his affection for them. What would he do without this human?
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fatuismooches · 10 months
SMOOCHES!!! Hii darling !! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
ohmigosh i swear whenever you respond to my asks, my brain exploded with ideas its crazy and i love u sm for it <33 but anyways this kinda tied down to my recent brainrot b4 this, so since fragile!reader was in a coma for hundreds of years, the first time they probably tried getting out of bed and walking on their own two feet was probably an absolute failure 😭 fragile!raedrr probably looked like a baby deer learning how to walk for the first time. to say it was cute but also embarrassing is an understatement. also THATS SO TRUE! reader would literally beg Zandik and every single clone to go outside to see Snezhnaya, but since their health is so fragile it’s such a huge risk that they can’t take :(( so they’re usually just looking out the window to see if they can even catch a glimpse of Snezhnaya’s city. also adding onto Zandik being more mature and different from the Akademiya, reader probs has so so many questions on what happened while they slept, like what do you mean he has power that can match even the gods?! fragile!raeder would probably be so amazed but also scared that their own lover, THE Zandik, the outcast from Sumeru, turned to become the 2nd Harbinger, and have so much strength. ALSOOOO lifting up his mask and seeing the new scars littered on his face </3 reader would probably be so worried and ask “does it still hurt?” AHHHH it’s past 12 AM but this man has had such a grip on me the whole day. Currently sick rn, hopefully I’ll get better. But ANYWAYS I love you so so much smooches make sure you take breaks and stay healthy in college I know it must be really stressful. Just know I’ll be giving you a bunch of chu chus. <33
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon ౨ৎ
HI 🎐 ANON!! <33 I'm so glad I inspired you wabdbedbdw that's so cute ily more ❤️❤️ And RELATABLE 🎐 ANON i can't go a day without thinking of this crazy doctor man smh,, and omg i hope you feel better 😭 i'm responding a bit late but hopefully you feel better by now!! Make sure to rest a lot and don't push yourself okay? Staying up until 12 AM isn't good for you!! 😤🥺 Thank you luckily I've been coping well in college, it's just that is SO!! hot and walking to class has me sweating hard unfortunately 😅 Anyway- MOVING ON TO DOTTORE!!
I didn't even think about that- poor fragile reader would have to relearn SO many basic things. At first you'd be stubborn about accepting help - because well... obviously you feel embarrassed and upset that you need help doing something that should be easy to you, from a man as powerful as Dottore nonetheless - but... eventually you have to. At least baby Zandy holds your hand the whole time to steady you ❤️
YEAAA the clones and Dot probably can guess what you are about to say with EASE when you come up to them with a pleading "🥺" expression. They really do feel bad about rejecting you, especially when your shoulders droop and you let out that little dejected sigh that they've gotten used to hearing... You just want to know about the world outside, to explore just like how you once used to in the Akademiya... to venture into the unknown with your beloved. At least there are some really pretty picture books of Snezhnaya, and they always bring you souvenirs from their expeditions <33
Reader would be literally bouncing off the walls in excitement when they hear all of the stories Zandik has to tell 🥺 They want EVERY piece of the story down to the most minuscule detail. I mean, how could you not want the whole story when he went from this random guy in the Akademiya to a HARBINGER? In the Fatui? Those same people who used to watch y'all in the desert and forest?? 😨 And now you're saying this whole lab and space belongs to you too? Zandik, we have hundreds of years of catching up to do and you're not letting him go until he recounts everything <33
OH MY GOD THE SCARS😭😭 TEARSSS I didn't think about how he'd get the scars after you fell asleep- you would be wondering why he wears that mask nonstop until he finally relents and lets you take it off... :( your heart would just break as you softly kiss the scarred skin and trace it with your fingers. It probably doesn't hurt anymore but it aches when you touch it so tenderly...
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heaven4lostgirls · 10 months
can you do part 3 for that angst to fluff kirigan fic, i would love to see it! love your writing btw <3
Magnetic Forces
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general kirigan x fem!reader
warnings: angst!!!, fluff near the end, jealousy, happy ending. kind of a toxic representaion of kirigan and readers relationship
a/n: i missed writing sm, thank you for your request ml, i thought i would have taken this into a more happy direction but oh well.
word count: 1.2k
“You have to know I will not sit by idle as you parade Alina around as if she means more to you than I do.” You state matter-of-factly. You weren’t used to people fighting for you, let alone fighting to be with you. Alina may have been the sun summoner, but you couldn’t handle people acting as if she was better than the rest of them. You knew and were well accustomed to how she grew up and were even better adjusted to feeling less than your counterparts.
Kirigan’s eyes shone with hesitancy, but your unwavering stature made him realise that this was a non-negotiable, it was up to him to prove whether or not it he meant what he said. He nodded somewhat reluctantly and although you felt some guilt pooling in your stomach, willing your urge to please him to go away, you stood strong.
Mal and Alina stood behind Kirigan and seemed to be engaging in a hushed conversation, your eyes followed their movements with a calculated gaze, whatever they were talking about seemed important. Aleksander, noticing your attention was astray from your current conversation followed your eyes to the couple. His eyes somewhat hardened, you felt his posture tense and in confusion you lifted your hand to place on his kefta covered chest, his eyes moved to your figure and his lips twitched at your innocent expression.
“The tracker” he stated bluntly. “He touched you too much” he sniffed arrogantly, and you weren’t able to disguise the fondness in your gaze. “He was a means to an end” you used his words against him and even though his pride did not allow him to show his admiration for you to be able to call him on his hypocrisy his lips again twitched as he intertwined your arms as together you both made your way over to Mal and Alina.
Alina looked somewhat at your abrupt joint of their once private conversation but nonetheless looked at you both with a welcoming expression as Mal’s eyes glared at your…partner? And as did the man next to you at the tracker. You and Alina both looked exasperated at one another at their tense postures as some sort of way to show off their masculinity. What was it with them?
Aleksander then cleared his throat before he looked at Alina and Mal. “I wanted to introduce you both to my beloved, this is Y/N Y/L/N. She is an Inferni, I’m sure you two have seen each other during your training hours, she is one of the best Grisha under my wing.” Your chest puffs out in pride at his praise however Alina looks to Aleksander in confusion.
“Beloved? But you kisse- “Alina is abruptly cut off as Aleksander’s hand releases your arm to grasp onto hers, you and Alina both gasp audibly as Mal moves to protect Alina however before he can get there Kirigan just as fast, lets go as if nothing had happened. “There is no need to iscuss the past Miss Starkov.” Alina frowns at his formal address. You look between the both of them in scepticism.
“What were you going to say Alina?” you ask before Kirigan can sweep you both away to talk politics with other individuals. She gulps and looks away from Aleksanders piercing glare basically warning her from answering your questions however she shamefully whispers a sentence that alone breaks your heart into a million pieces. “We kissed, the night he summoned me to his chambers” you drop your hand from Kirigans and look at him in anxiety, praying silently for him to deny her claim.
However instead of that he ducks his head and releases a harsh breath. You shake your head as tears fill your eyes, your breath becomes laboured as you feel a hollow feeling encompass your chest as you struggle to breathe. “How- “Your distraught gaze pierces the darkness that covers Kirigan’s heart, and he can’t help but let out an involuntary whimper. “How dare you” your voice is wobbly and painful to hear, and you silently berate yourself for making a scene at an event that should have been a celebration.
Aleksander moves to grasp your hand again, yet you move away from him swiftly and make you way to the door of the hall, whilst avoiding the curious gaze of onlookers. You can hear Kirigan’s swift steps behind you as he calls your name brokenly in hope of you listening to him, you ignore him and make your way to your chambers.
You attempt to close and lock the door behind you, but Kirigan has other plans as he stops the door closing by a swift inch and as his red rimmed eyes meet yours you sink to your plush blue bed as your ears fill with static and you sob into your hands.  Kirigan drops to his knees before you as he attempts to uncover your tear stricken face and although you resist with all you might his broken pleas fill the air. “Please, please hear me out, I-it didn’t mean anything. D-don’t leave me please let me explain”.
Your attempt to let his pleas fall on deaf ears are not achieved as you lift your eyes to see his dark eyes filled with pain and you softly shake his hold on you as you quietly ask him. “I need time.” You tell him bluntly and his heart drops from his chest as his eyes widen, shaking his head as his thoughts race, you can’t mean what he thinks you mean. He surely couldn’t have lost you just before he had been able to win you over, please tell him you’re joking.
Shaking his head violently you can’t help but whimper at his anguished face as his sobs are unable to be hid. “Please don’t leave me” he cries in a broken voice and your decision is almost swayed by the pure pain in his voice “Don’t let me lose you, I-I just got you, please. I don’t think I’ll be able to live without you” he pleas and your eyes widen at his confession and your hands grasp his face suddenly. “I am noy leaving you my love, I need time to be alone, I want to work on this, but I need time.” You tell him as you watch his shaking form find relief and calm down near instantly at your reassurance and you smile down at him.
“We were not together, I do not fault you, but I know I will never forgive myself if I do not take time away from this situation.” The more you talk, the more he understands, and you can feel his slight nodding through your encapsulation of his face. “I will do better, please believe me I will do better for you” his gaze looks almost akin to a puppy begging to be praised and your lovesick heart lets you know that everything is likely to be okay.
As time passes after your conversation in your chambers Aleksander starts spending more time around you and his subtle touches are often hard to ignore. He is trying, more than he’s ever had to for someone and he finds himself filled with butterflies whenever you choose to acknowledge his presence whether it be in public or private. Life becomes somewhat quaint and simple as Aleksander and Alina plan on breaking down the fold and he often finds himself thinking of new ways to surprise you with lavish gifts or teenage date nights rather than focusing on the task he needs to be paying attention to at the current time. And slowly but surely you both make your way back to one another like magnets constantly trying to be separated however always finding their way back together.
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karikuwu · 1 year
Ranpo and Poe as Sigma's parents HCs
anyways, user @funnyvanni wrote Ranpoe as Sigma's parents as well, so now i feel obligated to post it (they totally didn't sit in my drafts and i totally didn't forget to publish them lmao) SO YEAH!
TW: except swearing? nothing, it's just wholesome fluff for once
Edogawa Ranpo and Edgar Allan Poe as Sigma's parents HCs because he's still 3 years old
Okay- first of all; Karl LOVES Sigma
Cookie baking but Ranpo gets bored and doesn't help
He's the one eating all of it in the end
Ranpo calling Poe and Sigma good boys while patting their heads (poor thing has to tip toe for that) and them blushing in embarrassment
Lots of cuddles!!
The whole family is snacking and cuddling 100%;
Ranpo falling asleep on top of Poe on a big couch, Poe staying awake and writing his detective novel with a slight blush on his face, Sigma and Karl sleeping while cuddling next to him
Poe is like a magnet
Sigma would be very interested in Poe's books and Poe would be MORE THAN HAPPY to tell him about the plot of his current work
Sigma is so into it and tries to figure out who the culprit is in the book just for Ranpo to spoil it
Ranpo would also spoil the whole plot during movie nights
The three of them are unstoppable at solving crimes
Sigma with his information exchange ability, Ranpo with his Ranpo ability and Poe with his fricking book
Karl being motherfucking Karl
The most powerful detective family
Overall it's just Ranpo with his big shy boyfriend and his big shy son. He would protect them with his life if he had to
I also like to believe that Ranpo calls his beloved by candy related nicknames
Like he sees Sigma entering the room and he's like "Hey Cotton Candy, pass me my ramune from the fridge."
And Sigma is like "Pls pls pls I'll literally pay you 500$ to stop calling me that." but deep inside he loves it
Last hc - Poe is spoiling them rotten.
This man is such a sugar daddy, whatever they want he buys em
Get that guild architect bag sis~
Thank you, that's it.
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allisonlol · 2 years
Hi how are you? First I wanna tell you that your writing is amazing and I really enjoy reading you work. Keep up with it💕
So... can request headcanons (or drabble, whatever you prefer) where the reader asks Nikolai gogol (they're dating) to cut her hair? I think his reaction would be funny cause he seems to care deeply about his hair...
Tysm and also, no pressure!💕💕
a/n: i'm doin pretty good, thank you sm :D this is such a cute req i added some others as well if that's alr <3 it's fitting since yesterday i literally chopped off all my hair lmao, i feel like nanno now hehe
warnings: implied fem reader, no specific hair type or length mentioned
(Nikolai, Dazai, Chuuya) When Their S/O Asks Them to Cut Her Hair
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i can't decide if this is a good decision or a disastrous one
granted he does have pretty hair and seems to take good care of it himself but...
i just think that nikolai + a pair of scissors + your hair = a possible disaster
but you were willing to give it a try, apparently
when you told nikolai that you wanted him to cut your hair, his face lit up immediately
throws you into a chair and pulls all the stuff he needs out of his overcoat??
you're starting to have second thoughts that this MIGHT not be the best idea when he literally grabs a chunk of your hair and just...cuts it off
too late to stop now huh 0-0
mf also doesn't let you look in a mirror until the very end?? so ur anxiety was skyrocketing while he does who knows what to your hair
teases you at the end and won't flip the mirror around for you to see so you YANK it out of his hands
but?? you're shocked to see it actually looks?? really good??
bro even styled it for you like damn! nikolai why are you busy being a terrorist when you could be a hairstylist instead!
& depending on the length you wanted it he may have given you a little matching braid like his <3
um so we all know how i feel about him
and i'm sorry but there's no way this is turning out the way you wanted it. like why would you even let this man bring scissors near your hair
you'd wanted to change your hair pretty drastically and figured hell, why not ask your bf so you can save money instead of going to a stylist
and sure it's a great idea on the surface, but this is dazai we're talking about
ofc he's all excited about it. won't shut up about how he's going to make you look "better than ever before" ??
dazai's like "i do my own hair so, as you can see, you can trust me" mf all i see is ur goofy ass uneven haircut but ok
another one who won't let you look into the mirror until he's finished
does it in like 10 minutes too?? and that's when you KNOW something's gonna be very wrong
spins your chair around to face the mirror and you're fr flabbergasted. like >:0
pls you jump up from the chair and are ready to start throwing punches ngl!!
let's just say you lost more money afterwards trying to get it fixed than if you'd went to the hairdresser in the first place
aah. my beloved <3
so. you either hate or you love chuuya's hairstyle and i'm one of the mfs that loves it (it is very gorgeous to me??)
n i already know y'all are gonna be like "how ru gonna say dazai's hair is bad but like chuuya's" it's an acquired taste alright
some may call it BAD taste but i think this man knows what he's doing when it comes to hairstyling. not as good as nikolai, but you can trust him whenever you wanna change things up
i feel like he's definitely nervous about it tho :') like he's just so worried he'll mess it up & you'll be mad lmao
hit him with the "so you can't do it? alr i'll ask someone else" and BAM he's shoving you down in a chair & asking what you want done with ur hair
works every time
is overly cautious. sits you right in front of a mirror and fr asks "is this ok" before cutting each section?? ur just like "yes sweetie, for the third time that's fine" :')
chuuya just wants you to be happy okay
the end result is no surprise since he basically walked you thru the whole thing but, i'll have you know it looked great <3
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @xelia25 @scul-pted @exorcisedstraydog @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @dreaming-of-ambedo @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @irethepotato @serenareiss @thescrunkly @ashthemadwriter
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carlsainz · 2 years
Hey girl, I love your writing! Do you think you could write something about dating Luke and how your both just so in love with eachother and his brothers are shocked at how soft he is around you! Thanks so much 🤍🤍
I LOVE IT SM !! i’m so sorry if this is trash, i haven’t wrote anything in 3 months i think so sorry again :) (this is also not proofread)
for luke, the summer days at the lake house were perfect, always the best. it was the time he could be around his family and friends without any obligations or worries and just be himself, just luke. not l. hughes, the rising star, future nhl player and brother of quinn and jack.
however, this year’s summer was going to be even better, because he was dating you, his favorite person in the entire world. with you, he was home. everything was easier and the way you loved him was capable of make him flush and feel the luckiest man alive. before you, he really thought he was hard to love, but then you came and showed that loving him was as easy as breath or blink.
his family and friends didn’t know he could be so happy and so anxious about someone’s arrival as he was with you. any external noise made the boy stand up, searching for you outside. it took you long enough in luke’s concept to arrive but he looked like a puppy when you did so.
the first thing you saw when someone opened the door was darkness, because luke hugged you tightly, pressing your head on his chest while he kissed your hair.
“i’ve missed you so much, squish,” luke whispered.
softly smiling, you returned the hug. “and i missed you more, my love.”
you spent a few minutes just hugging in peace, while the nosy nellies gathered at the living room to see little lukey and his girl. when you heard some giggles, luke made a sound of discontent and slowly disentangled his arms of your middle. his cheeks were red and everyone laughed at the scene.
“mom!” he exasperatedly said, only wanting for that to stop.
ellen just laughed, approaching you. “i’m sorry darling, but you two are the cutest couple.”
you laughed too, hugging your beloved mother-in-law. ellen was the best for you, always making sure you were fine, eating well and doing good at university and facetiming you occasionally to gossip in your free time. jim hugged you too, saying he missed you singing. as a music student, you were almost always singing something or playing guitar, specially for luke, your biggest fan.
you talked to jack and quinn and then to their friends and went to luke’s bedroom, where you would sleep during the summer. everything went well in your first day at the lake house.
as a person not fond of pda, luke was almost dying to be alone with you in the bedroom so you could talk and be lovey doveys peacefully, away from everyone. thankfully for him, it happened quickly and soon you were saying good night to everyone and going to your shared room. after closing the door, lukey hugged you from behind and his head immediately went to its favorite place on the crook of your neck.
“i’m so happy you’re here,” he said and sighed contently. you intertwined your arms with his on your waist, resting against his body. “i love you so much, lukey, so so much,” you whispered.
turning you around, luke cupped your cheeks with his big hands and kissed you, making up for the time you’ve spent apart until you were breathless and with swollen lips.
“oh well, guess we really missed each other, huh?” you joked, making luke giggle. “now let’s take turns and shower, stinky.”
“hey! i’m not stinky,” he pouted like a toddler.
“yes you are, sir,” you kept joking.
he rolled his eyes and grabbed his things to shower, coming back after a few minutes and smelling wonderfully as always, then he started calling you stinky until you showered too.
already laying down with the lights off, you and luke kept laying on your sides, occasionally kissing and talking about the summer so far. you told him about your parents and little cousins and also your dog, and he told you about his family, friends and the days on the lake. everything seemed so perfect you simply forgot the world existed, it was just you and him.
without noticing, you kept talking until 3am, and just stopped when it started to rain.
“baby?” you whispered and luke opened an eye. “yeah?”
“wanna slow dance in the rain?”
“y/n/n we’re gonna get sick,” he said.
“and so what? please, squishy,” you pouted, even though he couldn’t see.
after a few seconds in silence, he simply said “yeah, let’s do this.”
that’s how you ended up outside in the backyard, trying not to giggle too loud. luke held you by the waist and you put your hands around his neck, while you started swaying slowly to the nonexistent melody.
“please, sing something,” luke said.
you smiled and started singing lover by taylor swift. luke smiled as well, and twirled you, making you giggle.
that’s exactly when jack decides to grab a bottle of water in the kitchen and sees the cute scene. his heart melted for his little brother, he’s never seen luke so happy and in love for anyone before. he was just so soft and careful with you, absolutely loving and treated you with so much respect. jack smiled to himself and went upstairs again, with a mental note to tell quinn the next day.
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