#the doctor who wiki is a dangerous place
ozzieinspacetime · 2 years
Trying to decipher Doctor who canon is like trying to sew stones together with bread as string and a ironing board as a needle. I've been trying to fit the pre-an unearthy child-canon into itself for the better part of two days now and I feel like I've taken a pickaxe to my skull it's actually driving me mad
I can understand that the Doctor has like 6 origin stories. I can understand that Patience is like?? Super old or drained the sea or something. I can understand that maybe the war cheif didn't exist or he was someone else or that Penelope wasn't even remotely a timelord or whatever! But trying to make it coherent is actually causing me active distress and I am loosing my mind
I've barely scratched the surface of this bad boy and I already hate every single Doctor who writer ever for refusing to co-ordinate their stories
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Romantic yandere concept for Stephen Strange from the MCU, please? Thank you! :>
Okay! It's been awhile since I've seen Doctor Strange's movies so I utilized the wiki to help me out. Hope you enjoy :)
This is me letting brainrot run wild with random HCs, no real plot exists.
Yandere! Stephen Strange Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Trauma, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Isolation/Kidnapping, Fear of loss, Paranoia, Stalking, Slight jealousy, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Strange used to be a very selfish and egotistical man, yet overtime he improves to be quite the hero.
I imagine he'd be a very powerful yandere.
Strange would want to make sure you're kept safe as he's scared of loss due to his past trauma.
His fear of loss is what drives his yandere behavior.
It makes him controlling and paranoid.
He is also shown to be emotional at times and doesn't want to hurt others.
Strange is a pacifist and tries not to hurt or kill others.
However, he is one to go to great lengths to protect you.
He's willing to break his morals to do what he feels is right and would be a yandere hard to get away from.
He'd never want to hurt you and would feel bad if he did.
Strange may be a yandere who's jealous at times but tries not to show it.
Yet you can tell by the stern look in his eyes he's annoyed.
Speaking of being annoyed, Strange would definitely express frustration if others kept trying to be close to you or you kept ignoring/fighting him.
This concept is less about how you met and more how he acts.
Strange would definitely be one to keep you with him in the New York Sanctum.
It's there where he feels it's the safest to keep you.
Strange would struggle with telling you why he's scared about your safety.
He won't tell you until later on in his "perceived relationship" that he'll confide in you with his worries.
In the start of his obsession he would allow you to be your own person.
Strange is able to check in on you anywhere and that's how he often visits.
With one simple portal he can check to make sure you're okay, it eases his fears.
Using portals keeps him at bay for the most part.
You most likely see Strange as a friend and hero.
You probably often visit him at the Sanctum to chat.
Strange is always happy to see you... he may not even think his feelings are romantic until later on.
That or he fears the fact they may be romantic.
Strange is one of the Marvel yanderes that would probably keep his darling the safest.
If you're in danger it takes one call and he's opening a portal and dragging you through.
Sometimes you don't even have to call... he just seems to know. (He's stalking you through portals)
Strange is indeed controlling at times.
Even before he moves you to the Sanctum he still feels like he should have a say in what you do.
It often causes arguments and Strange tries to give you space.
Strange used to not be caring... but when he meets you, he is.
I imagine this would be because he meets you sometime after the first movie.
When he meets up with you he'll offer you your favorite drink and tries to be accommodating and affectionate.
For the most part he isn't violent due to his wish to stay a pacifist.
Strange wouldn't "kidnap" you... at first.
Yet if you were in danger and about to be hurt or injured... Strange feels that's okay to use fatal force.
He'll try to make it quick though as he holds no joy in doing it.
At first he'd try to convince you that the Sanctum is the safest place for you.
It's when you refuse that Strange feels he may have to be more forceful to keep you safe.
The idea of losing you and failing to save you is his biggest fear.
You can tell it affects him as sometimes he'll sit and pull you into his lap... only to not let go.
It almost seems like he's shaking.
You are probably the most precious person to him.
He'd give up everything to keep you safe and beside him.
Each kiss and touch is passionate... he apologizes deeply if he hurts you with what he does.
He knows you may be unhappy stuck in the Sanctum.
Yet he always tries to be near you, he may even take you on dates around the world with his portals.
Strange wants you to know he cares.
He does what he does because he loves you.
Every sacrifice is just to keep you both safe if not happy.
Strange is happy he's become a more selfless person when he met you.
He feels he's changed for the better, that he's happy to be your hero and guardian.
However... in ways he's still selfish.
He's determined that he's the one for you.
Strange doesn't think you'll be happier with anyone else.
Why wouldn't you be happy with him?
He understands he used to be a bad person.
Yet now... isn't he better?
He can protect you and the universe.
Could anyone else do that as well as he can?
Strange would isolate you.
Deep down he's still selfish enough to be possessive of the one he loves.
He already keeps you locked away in the Sanctum, of course he doesn't like others around you.
Strange is like this due to trauma, both from childhood and maybe even due to Thanos if this takes place after that time.
This is what makes him controlling and overly protective.
Strange would rather go through anything else but losing you.
If he lost you like he did his sister, mentor, and friends... he may not handle it.
As a result he prefers to prevent such a reality from ever happening.
Anytime he sees you he reassures you it's the only way to keep you alive and happy.
He kisses your lips and skin while holding you... telling you how much he loves you.
Yet you never seem to be happy due to the lack of freedom.
If you tried to escape he can track you down with ease before dragging you back.
Strange is dedicated and determined to fulfill his goals.
If he feels this is the right way to keep you unharmed...
He's going to stubbornly stick to it until he kicks the bucket.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
What are some semi-harsh truths you have for people who are new to transitioning?
I don’t mean sharing depressing statistics that they’re likely already aware of. I mean things that might be difficult to internalize but are important to know for the most stable experience possible.
 Your transition will cause disappointment. Not of yourself, but of people you had hoped were better. Those are ‘them’ problems, not ‘you’ problems. You will most likely have to outgrow people.
Hormones helped with the emotional aspects of depression and anxiety, but you still have all the bad habits and thought patterns that are associated. It takes work to fully heal
Dysphoria does lessen overall but that can make some sources of it feel worse
You don't know what all your dysphorias are, or how strong they are. Dysphoria is a type of pain, and the brain is only able to perceive so much pain at a time. When you clear out the biggest problem, you'll be able to see the next. It may come as a hell of a surprise.
If you require a medical transition, SERIOUSLY DO YOUR RESEARCH ON SURGEONS. While there are some great surgeons out there, there are DEFINITELY bad ones too. There are extremely dangerous "medical providers" who falsely advertise their expertise. THOROUGHLY read the wiki page in /Transgender_Surgeries
There are a whole bunch of places you can't really go to anymore. And I don't just mean Russia or Saudi, I mean many suburbs, rural areas, or any neighborhoods that aren't already quite progressive.
Just because someone's trans doesn't mean they aren't transphobic, get to know people before you come out to them 
You will lose friends, some might be openly against it others might just drift away just be prepared to lose some of your friends not all but some.
Transition is not a cure-all for all your problems, it might help with something like depression and certainly dysphoria. But there are some problems that will still be there
Take lots of pictures even if you feel ugly. You'll want those later just as a boost to see how far you have come. 
For my trans-women friends, it is dangerous to be alone with a man who you don't know, even in public.
Carry pepper spray, carry a firearm, learn how to throw a punch, stay with your group, and never go home with a stranger.
Throwing other trans people under the bus, especially less "acceptable" or "palatable" trans people, in order to make cis people respect you is bullshit.
Do not be afraid to switch therapists and doctors if one doesn't feel right.
Most people don't know shit about being trans or how transitioning works. Get ready for the most disgustingly intrusive questions you can imagine.
Never read the comments. There's no point in getting into battles, I know you want to, but LGBT education is EXHAUSTING, people are hostile for no reason. They are scared of you and hate you because they don't know you. Remember: it doesn't have to be your job to educate people.
Trans people are a really easy target for hate politics because we strongly depend on other people (doctors who prescribe our meds, surgeons, government for name change stuff) and it's very easy to take them away from you. 
Cis people will tell you that you'll "regret transitioning" or that you're making a mistake because they cannot even comprehend something like dysphoria, their greatest fear is having their sex permanently altered, which would be dysphoric for them, and they think everyone else is like that.
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Okay I am feeling kinda insane so I have to spell everything out
I have a theory about Lappland
First of all I'm sure she has connection to Laterano and that's why.
1) Skin
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So her skin from Bloodline of Combat "Refined Horrormare". The one in which description written "The outfit Lappland wore at the Laterano Apostolic Knights' Funeral Memorial Hall.
Even two years ago , I was confused about what Lappy to do with Laterano. Why does she visit the Funeral of Apostolic Knight?
The thing about BoC skins is that they have usually heavy lore. Mountain leaving RI, Beagle dying, Executor tracking down Artoria, and past of a lot of operators. Right?
So about Lappland's skin. We see her wearing this clothes in IL Siracusana, and a lot of people, especially wiki-writers think that it is that big moment skin's introduction written about. BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.
First of all it's nowhere near Laterano and other skins if they have a very direct connection with place and event.
Also quotes in this skin
" Collect the debts, and pay the price."
"Is that all? That's all our lives are worth. I told you, everything you've taken from me, I'll have you repay. In full." - is quote from Lappland and people(on wiki) think that she says it to her father, BUT BUT she didn't try to take a revenge on him in event. Maybe in the future, but unlikely. She stated that she doesn't want any connection with Siracusa and said goodbye to him, not trying to hurt. Hardly counts as repaing, right?
Also also in whole even she never showed as much hostility or better say vengefulness? Even her fight with Texas felt more like friendly rematch.
And I don't think anyone or anything in Siracusa could cause her such emotions if she leaves it so easily.
So I am sure we will have Lappland in Laterano
Okay sorry moving on.
2) Her belt
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Her belt has number "1911" on it and IT is a year when last Newfoundland Wolf was killed, but in contrast with Texas her family is fine. So kinda weird isn't it?
So maybe this number has a double meaning
And you know what else happened in 1911?
M1911 was designed.
And I mean Sankta's and their guns, right?
3) Sweets
It's almost nothing, but second thing Laterano is known for is their sweets and Lappland kinda mentions sweets a lot?
Her notorious voiceline with mentioning of mille feuille and which she given to Exusiai and tried to give to Texas. Her keeping chocolate (of course it's maybe more about Texas). This stickers
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Kinda suspicious isn't it?
So like she has connection to Laterano definitely. But what is this connection?
Well my theory is that her mother was Sankta.
And my arguments, I do have arguments!
1) Sankta's offsprings with other races don't bear any physical similarities with their divine parents, so her being Lupo doesn't contradict this theory
2) She is one of only two Lupo operators who deal Arts damage, and she was stated to not have any training with it, using Arts with just raw talent alone in her file. And Sanktas are well known for their impressive Arts controlling abilities
3) Also the end of her file
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For a long time we thought it was Texas about Lappland and about her family. But now after Siracusano we can see that we mistaken a lot. First of all she lost her family not because they are dead, but because they threw her away. Also she didn't forced Doctor to choose anything yet. Doctor even wasn't present in Siracusana. Also know I'm even doubting if it was written by Texas, because we seen them interacting in Siracusana and they are fine. Weird as fuck and deadly to each other, but fine. If Texas truly believed she is that dangerous she would try to keep PL as far away from her as possible. But she isn't
So whatever this file states it going to happen in future.
And I think she will revenge for her mother.
It is a very weak theory I know, but I can't stop think about it.
So if you have your own theory about Lappland's connection to Laterano, please, I am begging, tell me.
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mystycalypso · 1 month
Calypso's Hello Neighbor insanity.
(In honor of the teaser coming out yesterday, here is my Aaron Peterson theory document in all it's baffling glory)
Hey howdy, it’s Calypso, and I’ve been infected with Hello-Neighbor-Loritis. It is incurable and my doctor (Jack in his “Nicky goggles”) recommends that I theory craft to cope.
Bracket Key, by Jack: Calypso: [text] Jack: (text)
So as previously stated, I’m obviously Hello Neighboring it up today after Jack read me the ENTIRETY of their theory thread with @ravenbrookz and @powertooled, and am now taking a crack at it myself. You probably saw my possible Guest appearance in the drawings made most likely by Nicky, though that was only based on what I could see in the image. I can’t exactly say for certain everything I know in the franchise is accurate, as my current pool of knowledge is primarily from the show (and Jack's rants), but I promise that if I COULD read the books, I would. I have just been informed by Jack that the first book is available on Spotify so we may or may not just hunker down and listen to that but I digress. (UPDATE AS OF 5/10/24: The Hello Neighbor books 1-6 all have audiobooks on YouTube, and I will be listening to them for the next several days)
So, into the meat of it, I suppose. This post is to be dedicated to a few of my theories regarding Aaron primarily. Because the theory crafting I’m to be doing is focused on the show, and our information about Aaron and Mya in the show is so limited, I will be pulling some from other sources (HN hide and seek, HN 2, etc) to get a proper read on the situation. 
We know based on the games and books that Nicky and Aaron were best friends. This is why in Act 1 and Act 2 of the first game, Nicky is suspicious of Mr. Peterson in the first place. Logically speaking, if Nicky and Aaron weren’t close (and neighbors, allowing him to witness the crime), Nicky likely would have taken the disappearance story at face value. That’s just how it tends to work in real life as well. People who are close to the victim of disappearance tend to go through the “stages of grief” because they’re more emotionally attached to them and don’t want them to die. It’s sort of a precaution. Nicky, Aaron’s best friend, wouldn’t want any serious harm to come to him, so he’s willing to put himself in danger, as a 13-15-year-old CHILD, to save him.
[I’ll likely be made fun of for how redundant that may sound by Jack]
This is also likely the reason that Nicky is so suspicious of Mr. Peterson in the show. He’s essentially the catalyst for sparking Trinity’s interest in the Peterson house, granted by having her mistake it for his house when he climbed out the chimney in episode 1 [Gotta admire the dedication, bro’s in that place ALL the damn time] (apparently more than he's in his own house /hj). Ultimately, I believe that Jack’s prediction about the reveal of Nicky and Aaron’s relationship being revealed in season 2 is his reason for investigating Peterson as much as he does (which is a lot). There wouldn’t be a reason for tinyBuild to change this, since it’s been established since the first game’s final build. (if you can count that game as “establishing” anything) [Which I am for the sake of the theory.]
Operating under that assumption does recontextualize some of his behavior throughout the show, specifically some of that “hotheaded” behavior called attention to by the Hello Neighbor Fandom Wiki. (that Jack has serious beef with) While he does have a level of agitation towards the others for cutting off his story in episode 3, [of which Jack is actively going on a tangent about as I write this] it’s something that can be explained by a level of impatience or worry for Aaron. (same with his anger of no one believing him in the previous episodes, and even mocking him for his theories) 
[Jack called Mr. Peterson “Mr. Neighborson” while I was writing this section of the theory, I just want y’all to know that WHEEZE]
We don’t exactly know the full context of their friendship in the media we’ve currently consumed, but again, based on his behavior, it’s likely they were close friends (and if not, honestly he's still justified for being upset that no one else cares about the potential murder of two kids). That brings me to the basement, then, which I’ll likely have the most to talk about because Jack and I have talked about this extensively.
According to Jack and their extended knowledge, it’s been established that the drawings on the fake windows in the room Nicky and the others were thrown into in episode 6 were drawn by Aaron. While possibly this being retconned (unlikely) and the culprit of the drawings being changed, there’s also the fact that we don’t know exactly WHEN these drawings were made [correct me if I’m wrong or smthin]. However, I have theorized that these window drawings were made by Aaron to comfort Nicky. Aaron has been in the basement much longer, but because we don’t know his mental state, operating under the assumption that he was put into the basement for the same reason he was in the games, he was put in the basement 1. For accidentally causing Mya’s death and 2. To protect him from the cult in town. Based on the Pilot for the animated series, we know that the first point is likely true, as in Aaron’s room, the words ‘Omen’ and ‘Cursed’ were written on the walls, likely by Mr. Peterson. I believe this is also true for the books as it was talked about briefly in the Game Theory video where MatPat analyzed the aforementioned Pilot frame-by-frame (like the meme:0). According to this video, Mr. Peterson had grown superstitious that his son was the cause of a bunch of bad things happening throughout the town, the final straw being Mya’s death when Aaron accidentally pushed her off the roof of the house as seen in Hello Neighbor Hide-and-Seek.
My theory is that Aaron likely feels immense guilt for what he did to his sister, regardless of it being an accident. He knows that his behavior in Hide-and-Seek was awful, and that’s more likely the reason he’s crying in the basement; he killed his sister, and as sad as it is, he’s likely under the impression that he deserves this punishment and that it fits his crime, as well as knows that his dad’s investigation into the cult is genuine and that he wants to keep him safe. I’m not sure why I get the feeling that he’s in a better mental space than Nicky is [lambast me in the tags if I turn out to be COMPLETELY incorrect come season 2], but it makes some semblance of sense when looking at the drawings in the basement. Psychologically, children with “better” mental states tend to use more color in their drawings. While it may be out of necessity to draw a happier “outside” for Nicky to view (or to keep his own sanity), it may also be an indication that Aaron may be doing better mentally than Nicky was (despite being there way longer), as we see (allegedly) Nicky’s drawings as well, that being black ink drawings of the Thing, the cat, and the Guest [still not sure of that one it’s still a theory]. This also means that that Aaron and Nicky could have been in the same room at least for as long as it took Aaron to make the drawings. I believe that the reason Mr. Peterson was so willing to keep Nicky in the basement in the games not only because Nicky's investigation made him a liability, but also was because he knew he was Aaron’s friend and wanted his son to have some company? IDK, it’s the first game, that game is a lore NIGHTMARE (reference to Act 3 intended).
While this may seem like an extremely small theory overall, it does wonders in establishing the relationship Nicky and Aaron had, as well as Aaron’s personality as an empathetic person. It could also establish that he was forced into this change because of his actions in Hello Neighbor Hide-and-Seek we see in flashbacks or the like, maybe even just Nicky reminiscing or noting that Aaron has changed. From what I’ve seen in Hello Neighbor 2, Aaron does seem to care about the main character, Quentin, when his father attacks him[Quentin, he doesn’t attack Aaron in the scene lol].
As of right now, I do believe that it was (probably) Aaron getting out of the basement in Episode 6 that had Peterson’s lid flipping. While I would have to double check [I’m gonna probably just ask Jack], the silhouette of the dark figure inside doesn’t exactly look one-to-one with Aaron’s established appearance in photos on the walls, but that may just be a redesign or placeholder. Maybe it’s not Aaron at all and he’s still in the basement, who knows [that’s gotta suck now that his dad’s been arrested smh].
[insert 2 screenshot comparisons here, Jack]
(No because the silhouette is bald and I think they made it as detail-less on purpose)
[Damn it]
(Literally quoting the series to Calypso while they write, I've rewatched it one full time since them starting the doc) 
If I had to guess, Aaron will be in season 2. The likelihood that he won’t be is next to 0 in my mind, as it would break some of the established conventions of the series [That being that Aaron takes an active role in second installments, that being Act 2 of the first game where he unlocks the door for Nicky and in the second game where he asks Quinten to save him via paper airplane]. While this may just be wishful thinking, I theorize that Aaron will be an ‘overcorrective’ personality by the time we see him and that it may be shown through his attempts at comforting Nicky through the window drawings. Him being his friend, that also may have been the sort of push he needed to stand up to his father for bringing his friend into this. Act 2 starts with Aaron unlocking the door to help Nicky escape, and in general, helps him.
[There was a short break here because it was like 2 am and I figured that I really needed context at least for the games before I wrote anymore. I have the context now and am now able to write it lol]
So after watching a breakdown of the games I can safely say that, yes, there’s a level of ‘overcorrection’ going on with Aaron. While it’s not the perfect word to describe what’s going on with him, the best example I can find is when Aaron gives up on running away from the museum with Quentin to help his father, who was trapped under a crow statue[chandelier?] that fell from the ceiling. I’d say that it’s a mix of guilt and attachment making him act this way because, despite everything his father has done, even after traumatizing his best friend, Aaron can’t bring himself to lose another family member. Hello Neighbor 2 leaves off on this as a cliffhanger and we have no idea what happens to Aaron both between games as well as after them, so headcanons away, I suppose.
My next theory is in regards to the Thing. While it has yet to make an appearance in the show, there have been teaser images for Season 2 that include it. The Thing is canonically a manifestation of pure fear as shown in the first game’s third Act. It also isn’t exclusively one person’s fear, as it was shown to be “haunting” both Nicky and Mr. Peterson. Fear in the franchise isn’t exclusive to things like phobias, it also applies to trauma and trauma responses. While not justified, Mr. Peterson locking Aaron in the basement was a trauma response brought on by the fear of losing him as well. The entire third Act is about Nicky confronting his fears inside his head, whether that be school, the grocery store [relatable ngl like bro I feel weird going to grocery stores], and yes, Mr. Peterson. We don’t even really need the context the books provide for these fears, we know that Nicky has anxiety and PTSD from being locked in the basement. He was also middle school age so whether or not he was scared of school before he was kidnapped, it would likely be exacerbated by his struggles.
Some lore bits do seem to imply that the Thing is an inherently malicious entity. While the Guest seems to be a sort of Cryptid for Raven Brooks, and therefore, the rules of things like Chupacabras or Aliens apply to it, the Thing seems to behave more like a ghost, a poltergeist of the mind, it seems. Nicky actively has to fight against it to overcome his trauma, and Mr. Peterson seems to be locked inside with it in the endgame’s whitespace. Us seeing it in season 2 must either be exclusively through either Nicky or Mr. Peterson’s eyes, or… Another person who has gone through similar amounts of trauma.
Now, I know that probably doesn’t initially sound reasonable. We’ve only ever seen Nicky and Mr. Peterson interact with the Thing, and that’s two whole characters that could reasonably (and quite likely) have to deal with the Thing making their lives worse. But the rules that have been established for the Thing, as flexible and subject to change as they may be, do apply to Aaron as of writing. It’s been established that Aaron fears losing his father, as well as vice versa. He wants to be free, but he doesn’t want to lose the only family he has left. Aaron has also gone through extensive trauma, the same as his father, in fact, but on top of that, the trauma of being locked away for presumably months. The push and pull of his thoughts on his father is the best example of this I can find. Their relationship has devolved into a toxic cycle of abuse, but Aaron can’t help but love his father despite it. It SEEMS that people who have experienced this level of trauma and by extension have these levels of fear, they can both see the Thing and be affected by its powers[???].
While I’m still not entirely certain of the extent of the Thing’s involvement in season 2, as a majority of the teasers have been centered on the Guest, I’m very excited to see how things change between my writing this and the release. I look forward to being proved right, being proved wrong, or merely watching the series come to fruition. Thank you for reading my absolutely insane ramblings.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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The Thistle Men (Alice Isn't Dead) "The Thistlemen are humanoid serial killers wandering the back roads of the United States. From Episode one they are described as filthy, filthy clothes, hands, dirty fingernails that are an unhealthy, translucent yellow, matching the rest of their bodies. The Thistlemen all have ill-fitting skin, and are remarked upon several times to smell earthy and rotten, like spoiled fruit turning to soil. When hurt, their bodies don’t bleed correctly. When she breaks into their town, the narrator Keisha speaks of the mealy yellow fat that falls from their wounds.
Their town is another thing. Hidden within a US Air Force base, it is a perversion of a normal town, not only because of who it houses, but because of the sick oily sheet covering it. Everything looks sticky to the touch. The location of the town remarks upon corruption within the US government, covering up monsters that are allowed to roam freely and even creating a haven for them to thrive in. This is also seen in how the police will ignore the presence of Thistlemen, treating them without hostility. The fact that the Thistlemen are able to continue terrorizing people as they like, with the knowledge and even approval of the government is deeply chilling.
The Thistlemen are capable of teleporting places in their strange way. Infiltrating places and spreading their destruction about, it’s an almost vermin-like quality, but so much more dangerous. Keisha is tormented by the presence of one in her truck, but every time she checks nothing is inside, save for her cargo. This happens in her house as well, and at a live show event, where the narrative tells of a group of people dedicated to fighting Thistlemen, only for to realize who was lurking in the corners. The event was destroyed from the inside of what was meant to be a safe location. Perhaps it had always been a trap, festering with monsters just under the surface.
Finally, the fact that the Thistlemen chose this path for themselves. They used to be ordinary people, perhaps predisposed to violence, but as they years wore on, they changed. Any semblance of morality they held rotted away as they fell into bigotry and hatred and mistrust. It was a slow descent, with the not-yet-Thistlemen recognizing as their skin sagged and bodies rotted, but they didn’t care. By the time they would kill their first victim, the transformation was complete."
SCP-049: The Plague Doctor (SCP) "SCP-049 is a plague doctor who appears human at first, put isn’t. Yeah that mask they wear? Yeah, that’s not a mask. That’s just their face (check their wiki page, there’s a really cool photo of their bone structure). It is implied that they came into existence during The Black Plague era of humanity. They have one goal in life - to eradicate “The Pestilence”, a disease that only they know the existence of, that only they can sense or detect in any way. They have a cure that only they know and can administer - going so far as calling themselves the cure itself. While this might on the surface detract from them being a Corruption Avatar, it’s actually quite the opposite because… the people they claim are sick show absolutely NO signs of illness. They are perfectly healthy people. And the cure isn’t really a cure. Their touch literally kills people and turns them into zombies, which makes them less of the cure they claim to be, and more of a patient zero. If you haven’t read their article, I implore you check it out, it’s not too long of a read, has some awesome photos to aid with world building, and even has some PHENOMENAL voice acting to go with the interview transcripts."
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meraki-sunset · 2 years
even if he isn't godtier, what aspect powers would gamzee have because those powers are there from the start godtiering just brings it to full strength
I think to understand Gamzee’s Powers we need to understand his classpect
I always use this class chart when I work with god tier powers in the comic
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The bard class is on the Yield division under the Destroyer classes, the passive version of the prince.
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While the Prince actively destroys,
the Bard (and this is really important) invites destruction
The bard powers don’t cause destruction directly, but instigate it. They act from a distance.
This section of the homestuck-wiki says this about Gamzee
“With his ability to interfere with dream selves, he manipulated the Dream Rooms of Dave and John to implant Lil Cal and a clown plush resembling Jack Noir, respectively, into their dreams. This would ultimately lead to Rose's prototyping of John's kernelsprite with the harlequin doll . According to Gamzee, this made the kids' session terminal. This is possibly true, as Jack used the Red Miles on their universe , and Gamzee was partly responsible for his uprising through a complex series of events involving placing the dolls there.”
Basically, Gamzee put a curse on them from a distance
Gamzee. to put it simple, is like a voodoo witch doctor, like, for example, The Shadow Man from the Princess and the frog. Who tricks people into trusting him and uses others for his own Benefit without them even noticing
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Here in Argentina it’s not uncommon to hear about witches, people who you can contact, so they can “get a work done on someone”. It’s more common in rural areas, but everyone knows about them. Those “works” usually involve attaching a negative energy to someone. This will cause the person to fall ill (the way they fall ill might be related to the person who cursed them or to themselves) having bad luck, having nightmares, being struck by tragedy, etc.
That’s what a voodoo witch doctor does, It’s the manipulation of dark energies (not exclusively tho) to cause harm to others at a distance and that’s what Gamzee does. He invites destruction through the aspect of rage. He is there to support that chaos ensues but never being the main force behind it, for example, how he raised Caliborn and Calliope, corrupted Terezi on the doomed timeline, created the troll sprites on the alpha kids session, gave John nightmares with the Jack doll and made Dave miserable by bringing Lil Cal into his life. He makes sure that people's emotions fester and bring them to their limits, causes strugles by causing harm in an undistinguishable way and in minimum cuantities, knowing it will all become a snowball eventually destroying everything
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He is an instigator and above all a catalyst for other people to cause destruction. His power relies on cursing people and influencing others, so they descend into either despair or an incontrollable rage. His power is really dangerous because, like with curses, you only notice it’s there when the damage it’s done, IF you ever notice it
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And that's what i have to say about Gamzee, he has been using his powers during homestuck even without god tiering so i can't imagine how destructive he can be if he ever ascended.
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being-of-rain · 1 year
So on a whim (and in an ungodly short amount of time) I relistened to all of the Eighth Doctor Time War series, because I missed the companion, Bliss. I don't think she gets anywhere near as much focus and development as she deserves by the writers, and I'd probably find her pretty dull if she wasn't played by Rakhee Thakrar, who somehow makes her every line terribly engaging and full of life.
I decided to take notes on Bliss as I listened to her just so I could have a strong grasp of her if I write fic with her in future (I really want a whole series of adventures with her travelling with the Doctor and the Twelve). Then, when I started linking ideas in those notes, I turned them into paragraphs, and pretty soon I'd accidentally written a whole wiki entry about her character, with episodes cited as sources 😂 I thought I'd share it here, because what else am I going to do with it?
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Spoilers for the Eighth Doctor Time War series under the cut.
Bliss is from the human colony world Derilobia, studying a post-graduate degree in applied quantum astro-tech at Lunar University. She's empathetic and loyal, cool in a crisis, a natural initiative-taker, optimistic, and very intelligent (many sources). She described herself as liking to deconstruct, analyse, solve, and find a practical use for things and people (In the Garden of Death). She grew up in a city she considered dull. She looked forward to leaving the planet and delighted when she managed it for university (Salvage, State of Bliss).
She is rarely naive, but she makes friends easily and places trust and faith in people even when she has no reason to, or has good reason not to, such as the Doctor (The Starship of Theseus), a Dalek (Echoes of War), the Twelve, the Ogron Doctor (Planet of the Ogrons), the Time Lords in general (In the Garden of Death), Tamasan (Fugitive in Time), and the Valeyard (The War Valeyard).
On the other hand, when circumstances call for it she's happy to go on the offensive with any gun that she can get her hands on, more so as time has gone on, and in the face of the Doctor's express disapproval (Companion Piece, The Starship of Theseus, Palindrome, Restoration of the Daleks). She even went behind the Doctor's back to attempt the premeditated murder of Davros (Palindrome). And when the Doctor used scare tactics against an opponent, she enthusiastically played along (The Famished Lands). All of these instances were tied to self-defence (against Daleks and Time Lords) and her desire to protect others from injustice. She hates sacrificing people (many) but very willingly shot and killed a good man when he asked her to in extreme enough circumstances- in this case when he had a chance of surviving the death and stopping the Time War from restarting (Palindrome).
She has more than once impulsively used dangerously powerful devices to try and achieve the impossible, against the Doctor's wishes, such as the Salvage Train's engine (Salvage) and Professor Deepa's quantum tech (State of Bliss). She questioned if the Doctor was tempted to do something similar with the omniscient power of the Ourashima. In that case, the Doctor had declined the offer on the grounds that everyone in the room had been or could become a warrior, a statement which included Bliss (Jonah).
Indeed, during missions Bliss earned respect from war-hardened military types such as Rasmus, Davros (Restoration of the Daleks), some small begrudging amount from Tamasan (Fugitive in Time), and even acknowledgement of her usefulness from Ollistra (Jonah). She hates the destruction and pain the Time Lords wrought due to their lack of compassion (many) and has more reason than most to hate them after they locked her up and threatened her as first impressions (Echoes of War, The Conscript) and destroyed her homeworld and original timeline (The Lords of Terror). But she was still happy to work with them for the greater good, even contacting them to update them on a mission without telling the Doctor (Restoration of the Daleks).
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Her first encounter with the Doctor was a complicated event and often difficult for either of them to remember due to several factors: Professor Deepa retroactively altering Bliss' timeline, creating many parallel lives, to steer her towards the Doctor (State of Bliss, Companion Piece), Bliss meeting the Doctor in a particularly unstable part of the War that altered timelines around people (The Starship of Theseus), their first adventure being more or less erased by Quarren (a powerful Time Lord at the centre of the events) erasing himself (One Life), and Bliss' entire original timeline later being overwritten by another Time Lord (The Lords of Terror).
Bliss travelled with the Doctor for some time between losing her home planet (The Lords of Terror) and meeting the Twelve (Planet of the Ogrons): visiting an ocean planet (Dreadshade), meeting space explorer Hudson Sage (Vespertine), saving the people on the Salvage Train (Salvage), and learning enough about the Doctor's adventures to make jokes about his way of travelling (Salvage etc).
At first she travelled with the Doctor because she had no choice, due to her home planet Derilobia being destroyed. The Doctor told her that he thinks he'll be able to bring Derilobia and her timeline back, "not now, not with the Time War going on, but someday, somehow," and until then they'll "look after one another, away from the battlefields" (The Lords of Terror). Bliss adapted to the change and loss well, probably helped by the fact that the changing timelines made it hard for her to remember her past (Jonah, Salvage). She soon described the TARDIS as "my home, for now" (Salvage). Eventually she was pulled back into the War doing missions with and for the Time Lords (Planet of the Ogrons, Jonah). When the Doctor finally tried but failed to settle her and her planet's timelines, he reassured a Bliss in an existential crisis that he's seen her "do good" and "make a difference," and Bliss resolved that he should take her somewhere she can "help other people" (State of Bliss).
After the Time War seemingly ended, Bliss still travels with the Doctor for "ages" despite (or maybe because of) the fact he hadn't yet managed to restore her home planet (The War Valeyard). It's when the War restarted and they're drawn back in that she shows a slightly more practical and trigger-happy side that appealed to the Time Lords and Davros. She called the Doctor "the best friend I've ever had" (Dreadshade) but pushed him to go to the front lines of the Time War when he was hesitant to. When offered by Rasmus to "find a place" for her, Bliss responded "My place is with the Doctor- for now, anyway" (Restoration of the Daleks). But soon after she seemed to be erased completely from the timeline and the Doctor's memory (Meanwhile, Elsewhere, Vepertine, Previously, Next Time).
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I'll also share my issues with how Bliss was handled: she works fine in Eight's Time War Volume One as the one-off companion she was originally intended to be. I'm glad they kept her on, but after that she really needed a strong character focus or story arc, and she didn't get it.
Volume Two and Volume Three each dedicate one episode to her backstory, but neither does it well. Volume Two's episode (The Lords of Terror) edits her in to story about the loss of a planet by making it her homeworld, but so badly that we don't really learn anything new about her and she doesn't seem to care about the fact that it's her homeworld getting destroyed in half the scenes. The episodes immediately afterward had her acting totally fine and not addressing the loss of her planet at all.
Volume Three's Bliss episode (State of Bliss) attempts to address her multiple timelines, but does so in a way that's confusing, badly explained, and again doesn't end up saying or provoking much about her as a character. Both of Bliss' backstory episodes end by proposing things to do with her character moving forward (grieving her home planet in the first, and helping others affected by the Time War as a form of coping in the second) but no other episodes really pick up those threads in an explicit or meaningful way.
Despite not dedicating an episode to her, I think Volume Four gives some of the most interesting characterisation and story arc for Bliss. Namely, she butts heads with the Doctor a lot more in their slight philosophical differences: they both want to help people affected by the Time War, but Bliss is more willing than the Doctor to go near battlegrounds, to use violence in her own and others' defence, and to work with the Time Lords. What could be a better story arc for a companion with Time War-era Eight than her friendship with him gradually fracturing as she gets irritate by his desire to not interfere with the War, even when he could help others. The fact that these ideas are only really hinted at makes me wonder if any of it was intentional arc-hooks, but the hints were spread throughout the set, so who knows.
Then Rakhee Thakrar got too busy to keep playing Bliss, and good for her. Big Finish should've given her meatier stuff while they had her. I honestly hoped that they'd write her off in Volume Five as having left the Doctor on bad terms to work with other Time Lords instead, for maximum drama, especially if they can get her back. But instead she was simply erased from the timeline, which honestly feels very disrespectful if they never bring her back, but it would be in-keeping with her usually treatment. It's a knife in the back that the companion after her, Alex and Cass, immediately have slightly more interesting dynamics and arcs.
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unfortunatetheorist · 6 months
What is the meaning behind the Volunteers Fighting Disease song? (BCT)
Tra-la-laaa, Fiddle-dee-deee, Hope you get well soo-
Oh, sorry. Just singing along to a... surprisingly jaunty theme song for hospital use.
We first hear this obscure melody in The Hostile Hospital: Part One, but the tune still haunts.
I've done an analysis of the structure of the song (under the cut, feel free to skip ahead), and found this interesting trinket:
We are Volunteers Fighting Disease
And we're cheerful all day long
If someone said that we were sad
That person would be wrong
= 30 syllables
We visit people who are sick
And try to make them smile
Even if their noses bleed
Or if they cough up bile
= 27 syllables
Tra la la, Fiddle dee dee Hope you get well soon
Ho ho ho, hee hee hee Have a heart-shaped balloon
= 24 syllables
We visit people who are ill
And try to make them laugh
Even when the doctor says
He must saw them in half
= 32 syllables
We sing and sing all night and day
And then we sing some more
We sing to boys with broken bones
And girls whose throats are sore
= 28 syllables
Tra la la, Fiddle dee dee Hope you get well soon
Ho ho ho, hee hee hee Have a heart-shaped balloon
= 24 syllables
We sing to men with measles
And to women with the flu
And if you breathe in deadly germs
We'll probably sing to you
= 28 syllables
Tra la la, Fiddle dee dee Hope you get well soon
Ho ho ho, hee hee hee Have a heart-shaped balloon
= 24 syllables
But what does this all mean? Well:
24+28+24+28+32+24+27+30 = 217 / 7 = 31
The red section is particularly important, when one remembers there are 7 days in a week and 31 days (mostly) in a month.
Also, there are only 7 months which have 31 days in them: January, March, May, July, August, October and December.
And from the Snicket Wiki:
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In other words, this is Handler's way, even if it is accidental, of saying that
The Baudelaires' danger is like [the nature of] time - it cannot be stopped.
The Baudelaires are, in a very literal way, BORN with bad luck.
However, it could be a clue to the time frame; ASOUE doesn't take place in a leap year, or the red [calculation] text would not be true...
N.B. Not a Netflix theory, as Netflix have additional lyrics, not counted for here.
¬ Th3r3534rch1ngr4ph, Unfortunate Theorist/Snicketologist
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kudosmyhero · 8 months
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #66: The Madness Of Mysterio!
Read Date: February 27, 2023 Cover Date: November 1968 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: John Romita ◦ Don Heck ● Inker: Mickey Demeo ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Mysterio looks like an angry Leonard Nimoy ● The Bugle building is still a hot mess from the battle with Vulture ● Peter is selling his motorcycle for some needed money, getting less than half of what he paid for it. He probably would have done better to sell to a private citizen and not a motorcycle shop… ● heh, of all of New York, Mysterio happens to appear right next to Peter Parker ● Peter is starting to think maybe he won't go after Mysterio: "What'll Peter Parker get out of it? Let the police tackle him! I'm sick of being the fall guy!" …uh, isn't that how you lost Uncle Ben? ● he says he's not forgetting his oath, that he'll still help someone in danger, but he can't go after some nutty costumed freak every time. I mean… yeah, I suppose. But no one was in danger at the time when he let the criminal run past him with money. It was later that the criminal killed Uncle Ben. I kinda get it though. Everyone's always against him, he's gotten pretty hurt before, etc., so I can see why he'd be reluctant to always be the hero ● Gwen finds Peter and tells him that her dad explained everything, so she's forgiven him. Pete's smiling about that, at least ● they're kinda cute:
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● the art in this issue is really great! ● Mysterio on tv gives Aunt May a fright and they have to call a doctor for her; he asks Anna Watson to call the doctor while he, Peter, goes off as Spider-Man to confront Mysterio ● Spidey has trouble with the smoke screen, though ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Mysterio has managed to break out of prison and is using his special effects prowess to prepare another plot to get revenge against Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Spidey recovers his clothes and camera left in the debris following his fight with the Vulture. The next day he tries to sell the pictures to Jameson. Furious that Parker "abandoned" him when he was supposed to be taking pictures of Spider-Man's battle with the Vulture, he throws Parker out of the building telling Peter that he doesn't need him to take pictures. However, when he gets the pictures some other photographer took for him of the battle, they are very poorly taken.
Short on money, Peter is forced to sell his motorcycle in order to have money. He then is shocked when he sees Mysterio boldly walking the streets before he vanishes in a wisp of smoke. Shortly he is met by Gwen Stacy who has come to make up with him now that she knows the truth about the Kingpin's control over her father. They run into Harry who is worried about his father Norman who has disappeared. Nobody can figure that Osborn has been hiding out because his Green Goblin persona is returning, as well as his memories of Peter Parker's secret identity.
Going to visit his Aunt May, he bursts in when he hears her cry out. He then sees that she was upset over a Mysterio appearing on television. Mysterio issues a challenge to Spider-Man to meet him to a fight to the finish or he will start destroying the cities bridges. Peter leaves his Aunt and changes into Spider-Man. He then goes to the first place that he fought Mysterio and the two are locked in a battle. During this fight, Spider-Man is knocked out by a blast. When he revives it appears that he has been shrunk down in size and put on the set of a miniature amusement park with a giant Mysterio looming over him.
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Fan Art: Mysterio by MattDeMino
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swinging Through Spider-Man - episode 66
● Let's Read Spider-Man - episode 42
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pinkninja236 · 2 years
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okay but so true bestie 😭 13 is NOT the longest running doctor (counting eps) but yaz IS the longest running companion (counting series) im fine being a hypocrite about this
wait but. shes been there from 13's first until 13's last episode thats like. must be a record. at least in new who. like only rose did that and 9 only had one series. anyway even if it's not a record it still feels special <3 there hasnt been a companion doctor duo who was together the entire time in new who
yeah! so my source is tardis wiki:
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(note the clara one is stories not episodes, so while yaz has been in 31 episodes that only counts as 25 (? if I counted right) stories, because spyfall 1&2 count as 1 and flux only counts as 1, which is bullshit)
so for calendar time yaz is the undisputed longest, and for modern companions she is the only one with 3 complete seasons (I believe clara would be the runner up here, 2.5 seasons)
In terms of calendar time counting for companions but not doctors, it somehow feels different? idk why, it just Is. vibes
I do believe yaz is the only companion (other than rose&nine) to be with the doctor from first to last episode, and even that is somehow different as we dont know how long 9 was alone between regenerating in the 50th and meeting rose, while yaz is certifiably there from just after one regeneration to just before the next
18 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
#okay Im pretty sure I had Thoughts(tm) while watching this but 'you are loved' with tecteun at the end broke me and now they're all gone
✌ that was my evil intention im glad it worked. also: 😭
because thats the thing isnt it? river telling them "i asked for help for you" and the doctor going "THATS SO STUPID"
amy and rory setting out a place for them. "but you didnt know i was coming, why would you set me a place?" "because we always do"
the doctor disappears and you dont know if or when they'll ever be back but i dont know if they expect you to wait for them. so many people throughout time who have told them "i waited for you" and it never seems to sink in that they wait for them. that they miss them.
the doctor quietly removing themself from people's lives bc they only bring chaos and destruction anyway. it's better like this. theyre saving them by leaving.
clara going "i mean it's not like im never gonna see you again" "isnt it?" "is it?" "i thought thats what you wanted" "but youre gonna come around for dinner or something arent you? do you do that? come around peoples houses for dinner?" "of course" they lie because they dont "thought you mind find it boring"
"do you want to come for tea at mine?"
maybe they do find it boring. or maybe thats an easier sentiment to express, an easier idea to grapple with, than the fact that there are people who care about them enough to spend time with them when nothing particularly exciting is happening, spend time with them just doing human maintenance things, when they dont need them. because theyre not necessary when there is no danger. theyre not needed, just wanted. because theyre not loved by the people who love them for being The Doctor, theyre loved for being the doctor.
river voice: but thats not the sort of thing you could ever understand, is it?
and maybe it’s easier to say it’s boring, that they dont do that sort of thing, than to say they want to, but they dont know how, because it’s never quite right, because their big blue box breaks chairs in the living room, and whats missing from them is so much more evident when theyre surrounded by people who are connected, who have a place they belong and each other and a shared history
“have you got family?”
AWSOK: It's over, Doctor. It has been ever since we let a virus into the experiment. DOCTOR: What sort of virus? AWSOK: You.
so they just leave, because youve got your own good safe human life to lead, because they cant fathom the idea that you will miss them, because it hurts to try to make connections on top of the gaping craters of broken ones, because they cant quite fix themself to anything, because theyre out of place everywhere, because it hurts less to swoop in, save the day, be unknown but adored for a day, every day.
......i got carried away. sorry for being depressing in your inbox 😭
no no don't apologize, this is excellent!
so many people love and wait and miss the doctor and they don't get it! But then to contrast that with their mother, someone who is supposed to love you, and maybe even does in some weird twisted way, but never in a way that compares to the people the doctor finds themselves, is ugh. how do you do this. please keep making me sad with your videos
20 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
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Security Information Sheet Administration - The Key to Safer, A Lot More Reliable as well as Certified Workplaces
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Managing security data sheets (SDSs) is a fundamental part of your overall chemical security approach. SDSs give essential information on the dangers of harmful chemicals and exactly how to utilize them safely. Numerous manufacturers provide SDSs for their products on their internet site. Some make SDSs readily available for download or offer them for purchase as a printed publication. This info is practical in developing secure job procedures and also adhering to regulatory requirements. A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a paper prepared by a manufacturer of a harmful item that explains the physical and chemical properties of the product. It includes crucial details like poisoning, flash factor, exposure control and also spill procedures. The safety and security information sheet need to be in both English and also French, and also it must be distributed in the workplace and also at every area where an unsafe item is utilized. This ensures a regular degree of interaction concerning unsafe chemicals in the workplace. SDSs should be accessed and also utilized by all employees, including those that do not have chemical handling training. They ought to likewise be provided for emergency situation -responders, federal government agencies and also consumers to assist them acknowledge as well as prevent the hazards of unsafe chemicals. To handle safety information sheets, a business needs a secure system that gives SDS archiving, modifications tracking as well as digitization. The SDS app service must be streamlined, easily accessible to everyone who may require it as well as provide the current SDSs for all chemicals that remain in use or saved.
SDS Monitoring at kha.com is the process of creating, keeping and upgrading SDSs which contain chemical details for all staff members who could encounter unsafe products in their job. This consists of employees, supervisors, doctor, firemens and also health and wellness professionals. Making use of a SDS administration system that contains an online collection of all your SDSs and chemical information is one of the most efficient way to monitor the products in your center. The system allows you to organize your SDSs by area, laboratory or storage, develop binders, publish out second container tags as well as place flyers with QR codes that consist of essential hazard warnings, and control who has access to particular folders and also binders.
Your safety and security information sheets are an important part of your hazard interaction technique, however they can be testing to find, update and also communicate properly throughout silos. Utilizing an SDS Management software eliminates these challenges as well as enhances the process of finding, changing and also connecting your SDSs. A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) formerly referred to as a Material Safety And Security Information Sheet is a comprehensive informative file prepared by the producer or importer of a harmful chemical. It clarifies the physical and also chemical buildings of the item, consisting of vital information like poisoning, flash point, and direct exposure control.
The SDS supplies a selection of valuable info for individuals who will certainly be collaborating with the harmful item, consisting of employers and also workers, health and wellness professionals, firefighters, medical professionals as well as ecological experts. It needs to also be very easy for everybody to recognize and comply with, so that everybody can delight in the advantages of a risk-free and also healthy workplace. Read more about data sheets at http://bmet.wikia.com/wiki/Material_Safety_Data_Sheet.
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There's a movie called Jack and the Cuckoo Clock Heart where a boy is born with a frozen heart and a witch replaces it for a Cuckoo Clock, headcanons for Yuu in that situation? There's three rules they have to follow, don't mess with the clock, keep your temper under control and do NOT fall in love.
Oooo, this sounds interesting! I checked the wiki to see what the plot of the story was, both book and film, so I’m gonna perhaps mix both of the plot there since the two have a same premise but different endings. You could say that the book was a bit darker/sadder(?).
I'm just here to mix-and-match different kinds of Yuus with different kinds of personalities to see what monstrosity I can make. That being said,,, Clock Heart!Yuu brainrot!
So, congratulations, Yuu has been born healthy and kicking!
Or not, cause Yuu was born on the coldest day ever which caused their heart to become frozen solid, rendering it unable to beat.
Fortunately for Yuu, a kind doctor who runs a makeshift clinic and provides medical services to the poor in Yuu's hometown transplants a cuckoo clock in their heart to save it.
Now Yuu has a cuckoo clock heart.
Also, for reasons only Yuu knows, they’re now living with the kind doctor who gave them a cuckoo clock heart and whom they see as their mother.
Their mother gave them three rules that they always must abide by to avoid their premature death: never touch the hands of the clock, control their temper, and never fall in love.
Good luck with that…
So, away from the minor exposition and on to Twisted Wonderland!
Yuu’s clock heart ticks loudly that practically everyone in the entrance ceremony can hear it.
They notice that there’s a cuckoo clock on their chest but they can’t exactly make out if it’s an accessory or, y’know, a part of Yuu.
They probably think it’s an accessory since who the hecc sees someone with a clock on their chest and goes, ‘Ah, yes. That clock is attached to their heart.’
Besides, who are they to judge Yuu’s fashion choice?
Everyone has learnt to associate Yuu’s clock heart with them like how they associate Rook with his purple hat.
Anyway, moving on.
Yuu was definitely very distressed when they heard from the mirror that they couldn’t go back home simply because their world didn’t exist.
More importantly, what of their mother?
She must be so lonely and worried of their whereabouts.
These thoughts promptly made Yuu’s clock heart beat rapidly which made the cuckoo bird pop out since it was connected to their heart and also the reason why they couldn’t lose their temper.
Crowley becomes curious when he sees Yuu’s clock chiming and asked where they got a marvelous piece of workmanship from.
“My mom made it for me. She always tells me to keep it safe and to go to her if it looks like it’s about to break but what if it does? She’s not here. I don’t want to die.”
This statement, of course, alarms Crowley and he learns that the clock was connected to Yuu’s heart.
Although Yuu had a key to wind up their clock if it did ever started to show signs of stopping, it wasn’t a guaranteed solution.
Crowley assures them that they wouldn’t need to worry about themselves being in danger.
They’re perfectly safe in Twisted Wonderland!
He lied, like a lying liar he is.
He also said that if they wanted to, he can even upgrade the clock for them to make it stronger and withstanding since the technology in their world was very advanced.
Just look at Iida with his hologram screens or even Ortho himself.
Yuu declines since they have to follow the rules their mother gave them.
Giving their heart an upgrade means having to touch the hands of their clock which their mother always told them not to do.
Crowley leaves it be and gives then gives them a place to stay.
So, as it turns out, Yuu’s heart clock isn’t, unsurprisingly, safe in this place.
A day or two in and they already had to fight an overblot.
Yuu was but a simple, tiny hooman and their heart can’t take the constant danger life throws them in.
The cuckoo bird that keeps popping out of their clock whenever they feel overwhelmed agrees with them.
A little bit of time skip here and now both Yuu and Grim were official students in NRC.
Also, Yuu’s a bit gullible and naïve since their mother sheltered them a bit too much.
Make of that what you will.
Also, since now both Yuu and Grim are official students, they get their own uniforms!
Well, a ribbon with a gem for Grim at least.
Thankfully, Crowley gave Yuu their uniform which already had a hole to fit their heart clock through so that saved them the time and effort of cutting it themselves.
Crowley, somewhere in the background: “Aren’t I so gracioooous?”
Yuu might relate a bit with Riddle about needing to follow the rules but they think that he can be lenient a bit since his rules mostly seem harmless.
Anyway, living with Grim in Ramshackle dorm, he was bound to learn of Yuu’s cuckoo clock heart.
Yuu decided to just tell him since he was going to learn about it anyway.
In fact, they weren’t even trying to hide it in the first place.
People just assumed the antique-looking cuckoo clock was a part of their fashion statement.
As Yuu was telling their story, Grim got curious about the clock and suddenly jumped over to them to paw at it.
Cat instincts, my friends.
He accidentally forced the clock hands to move forward.
Yuu’s body tensed before they spasm along with the ticking of their clock as if trying to fix itself.
Grim was surprised and jumped back, wondering if he broke the human but after a moment or two later, Yuu relaxed and the tick-tock of the clock resumed smoothly.
After this, Yuu told him the three rules that they needed to follow.
Grim: “So the first rule of your heart’s to not touch the hands? Why not just put a glass over it like a normal clock?”
Yuu: “Well, that’s because—“ pauses and squints their eyes
Grim… Grim has a point…
Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Yuu all share one (1) braincell and because the will of the world wants it (aka me) Grim gets to be the one responsible and hold on to that braincell.
So, the first rule and the second are pretty straight forward.
The first rule can’t have Yuu or anyone forcing the clock hands to move because its beat and ticking’s connected to their heart.
The second rule can’t have Yuu losing their temper, or emotions in general, because it made their clock tick rapidly and their mother said that their heart wouldn’t be able to take this. Feeling strong emotions and feeling overwhelmed would make the cuckoo bird pop out.
Now the third, ooooh boy…
This one depends on the factors.
If we’re going by a romance route here rather than a general route then, dang.
Good luck to Yuu trying not to make themselves fall in love with anyone in NRC.
That place’s full of very appealing character archetypes and tropes that I’m sure there’s bound to be one they connect with.
Which is rather unfortunate because falling in love would cause them to feel emotional and physical turmoil since their heart wouldn’t be able to take it.
Imagine them trying to kiss the love of their life but they’re so in love with that person that their heart clock just goes haywire.
Also, when all is said and done and the others realize how Yuu’s clock works, Yuu’s emotions became easier to read.
Not that they weren’t easy to read before but give them a break.
Yuu meeting their favorite person and the cuckoo bird just pops out.
Even if they just greeted each other, hecc, even if they merely passed by each other in the hallways.
Pop! Cuckoo birds gives away their feelings.
Can’t have things in Twisted Wonderland, smh.
They also gives the key that winds their clock heart to that person to show how much they trust them.
Also, after Idia has gone through his character redemption arc because I refuse to believe he won’t have a redemption arc, he becomes curious about Yuu’s heart clock and asks them if he can observe it.
They agree and here he finds out that…
The clock heart was entirely unnecessary?
He’s confused. Why did Yuu think it was necessary for their survival?
He’s scanned it multiple times, ran various test and… Yuu really didn’t need it now?
Sure, they may have needed it for the first few months of their life when their heart was frozen solid because it helped it beat.
But they don’t need it now. Their heart can beat fine by itself now.
Yuu’s mother didn’t tell them this to keep them sheltered because she didn’t want them to leave her.
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aelaer · 2 years
Minor NWH Spoilers
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This is an interesting question! Thanks for thinking of me when discussing it further!
So while my favorite character in the MCU is Stephen, my second favorite is probably Wong. What they've done with his rather drab origins in the comics is absolutely phenomenal in terms of updating his role for the 21st century and giving him a chance to really be Stephen's equal in terms of most magical capabilities.
But in terms of raw power, no, I don't think Wong has the raw power that Stephen has. But raw power is not the only thing needed to be Sorcerer Supreme. In the films, the job of the Sorcerer Supreme is not exactly explained in Doctor Strange or indeed any other film. From what I could remember, this is the only thing that is said about the hierarchy of sorcerers, by Wong:
While heroes like the Avengers protect the world from physical dangers, we sorcerers safeguard it against more mystical threats. The Ancient One is the latest in a long line of Sorcerers Supreme going back thousands of years to the father of the mystic arts, the mighty Agamotto.
Then Stephen helpfully adds that part of the job is "protecting your reality" to Tony Stark in Infinity War, but it's implied that it's every sorcerer's job to do that. So what makes any Sorcerer Supreme special, or how the selection process of Sorcerer Supreme goes, is not really clarified in the films so far.
In the comics, it's a bit clearer. I'm afraid there's no source for where this quote comes from on the Wiki, but from what I remember reading in the comics, it seems accurate in terms of power:
The Sorcerer Supreme is a practitioner of the mystic or magic arts who has greater skills than all others or commands a greater portion of the ambient magical energies than any other organism on a given world or "dimension".
When it comes to selection in the comics, it's a good deal more complicated than it seems in the MCU. But at this point, we have no proof that the Sorcerer Supreme in the MCU is selected based upon power levels.
And from what we've seen in NWH, that's exactly the case here. We know Wong's a long-time practitioner, long enough to work his way into the hierarchy of the practical functioning of Kamar-Taj and their society as a whole before Stephen ever arrived. That gives him some weight to put into a higher leadership role.
Unlike wiki (which has, by the way, no proof or citations), I do not think Stephen's ever been Sorcerer Supreme in the MCU. I think that, between 2017 and 2018 they were without one but were secretly training Stephen and watching him to eventually take up the role. I think Stephen figured this out, which is why he said in NWH:
Wong: The Sorcerer Supreme has high duties, yes.
Peter: Wait, I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme?
Stephen: No. He got it on a technicality 'cause I blipped for five years.
Peter: Oh. Well, congratulations.
Stephen: If I'd been here, then I'd...
Wong: Burned the place down.
(How Peter knows of Sorcerer Supremes when Stephen never used that title in IW is unknown to me. Maybe they had a talk about Kamar-Taj on their way to Titan and Peter made an incorrect inference about the leadership structure?)
After the snap, the sorcerers' plans were thrown out the window. They went to plan B: promote someone capable who was still present to the role, in order to help structure what was remaining of the sorcerer population. Wong happened to be in that place and time.
There's nothing within the MCU canon that gives any sort of time-frame of having no Sorcerer Supreme (unlike the comics, which seems to transfer roles fairly immediately-- but the MCU is a far cry from the comics in many ways). And I don't think they were just training Stephen in terms of power and capability, but also leadership and history. He had power and talent, but that doesn't mean he was ready to lead. That's why I find the idea that he was made Sorcerer Supreme in 2017-2018 absolutely absurd, especially since Wong did not give him back the role. If he ever had it in the first place, I think Wong would give it back. (In the comics, they can give the role away--and that better be what happens in the films, because Wong dying would be utterly unacceptable as an alternative.)
In the end, Stephen's definitely got more of the "Sorcerer Supreme" vibe as the comic role defines it. However, I think in the films the role has been converted to not just a position of one's raw power and magical capabilities, but also a position of leadership. Stephen was in training but still has room to grow as a leader--which is a good thing, because if he didn't have that room for character growth, his character arcs in his upcoming films wouldn't be that great.
So how the MCU has defined the role of Sorcerer Supreme (with as little as they've given us), Wong suits the role. He has shown leadership capabilities on an individual level with Stephen, and even on a group level in the very few scenes we've been able to see him lead other sorcerers in DS1 and Endgame. But I'd be genuinely surprised if Stephen does not get it by a third solo film (I'm banking on three DS films lol).
Thanks for the ask!
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janiedean · 3 years
italy abortion link for short reblog w/o discourse?
ask and you shall receive
^^ straight facts rundown about how the situation is
that is yesterday's link, this is a rundown of a study explaining why abortion is usually last resort for people
and for the tldr version (the first article covers it well but still): in Italy abortion is technically granted by the public healthcare service until the third month and so on, but to make the church happy back when they made that law they gave doctors the chance to opt out for 'conscenscious objection' as in 'I'm catholic and I don't want to perform abortions', which as this is the country that it is, means that you basically don't get a career if you perform them, so the vast majority of doctors objects and doesn't perform abortions in the public hospital and then proceeds to perform abortions in their private clinic at a price :) and since the church is what it is, the situation at the moment is *drumroll*:
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if you look at molise where there's a staggering 96,4%, since it's a small area, it means that there is literally one guy who does abortions for the public hospital who is postponing his retirement because if he retires no one else performs them anymore :) fun :) and that's one place only but if you look at the percentages.... good luck :)))
in case anyone wants to consider funding people trying to do smth about it: sadly the associazione luca coscioni which is the only one I can find rn that I know for sure is legit and has an ongoing campaign to preserve that law and fight the whole conscious objection thing only has an italian website (https://www.associazionelucacoscioni.it/aborto-al-sicuro this is the campaign link) which I can't translate rn because it's too long but in case their donation link is here https://www.associazionelucacoscioni.it/cosa-puoi-fare-tu/dona and
1) choose donazione singola (single donation) if you wanna do it just once the other option is to give monthly
2) the next bracket has how much money you want to give, if you want to give them less than 30 euros or more than their highest pre-inserted total click on altro (other) and then in the window underneath dove destinare il tuo aiuto (where your help goes) click aborto e contraccezione (abortion and contraception)
3) it's insert data, you can access via social which looks like the only way to do it if you're not italian
4) then you choose either credit card or paypal and click on complete your donation/completa la tua donazione
now I'd like to state that while we're nowhere near on the same level of danger as poland when it come to abortion being a thing at all and our law is nowhere as nonsensical as the texas one the church has continuously tried to kill law 194 (the abortion law in question) and to fuck over with reproductive rights (most times successfully) and the objection thing is basically a loophole to make it so that while you do have that right actually exercising it is made hard if not impossible depending on where you live (if I live in a large city I will most likely find a doctor who's not an objector, if I live in molise or small town or small area..... maybe not, and what if I can't afford the trip to the nearest place that'll take me?) to the point that a while ago people living near the border went to france to have one even if they could have had it here, so abortions being legal and allowed doesn't mean that everyone can access abortions freely or that the law can't be changed and we're facing a right wing majority of exceedingly shitty people in two years so we're definitely not doing great either :/
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