#the super fam on the other hand…
velvetineblue · 8 months
lynnie mentioned a "tseng family barbecue" and i'm so obsessed with the image of that akjhjkaj it's an incredible picture in my mind everyone is having a good time. tai's dad is grilling premium kobe beef steaks like 'who wants some MEAT', looking super sexy and dilf-like at the grill ... meanwhile tai is in the corner like
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i hate you i hate you i hate you, i'm crushing you with my MIND
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acid-ixx · 3 months
I hope you don’t mind but I need to ramble this to someone, neglected Wayne reader right? The fam would forget to bring them to social events and whatnot right? So there would be very few pictures, articles and interviews or even facts about them, meaning that reader Wayne is a rarity. Still following me? Reader Wayne with a small but devout fanbase.
I’m talking they are trading the latest pictures and sharing links to the rare interview with reader in it, following any social media they have that isn’t private, they are just fascinated by this micro celebrity that seems to always be forgotten. Okay but also imagine one of the heroes developing a para-social attachment to reader. My money is on Conner Kent, mainly bc he can project his own issues with his dads onto reader and he can Dolores ~Encanto~ reader with his super hearing and develop a even bigger parasocial obsession with them
I hope you enjoyed this ramble, I will leave you be now, see ya later alligator! 🐊
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omg another one of my asks that actually predicted a major plot point... this ask ties well with the last part written here. i'm thinking about having the reader get a love interest/s but i have already written an outline but one thing is for sure—
you have more than just your family interested in taking you.
major spoilers below the cut. — an excerpt from chapter xx
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(name) wayne may have been a name forcefully deleted off of the face of the internet, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its conspiracies of its own. nobody knows who you are beyond the blurry, unsolicited pictures of you. it may have been a photograph of your back, or articles published in unknown websites and buried at the far end about a kid entering through the fancy gates of the wayne manor.
you are a product of a one-night-stand.
but they don't know who the mother is, don't know your age, or where you come from, and what business bruce has with the woman to guarantee your adoption at the instance she had disappeared without warning.
your existence was a mystery most would like to solve. after all, it was your picture that was plastered all over the newspapers and articles, it was your name that journalists whisper and it was a silhouette of your face that the underground knows by heart. every known information about you was shared discretely yet efficiently like some sort of virus.
you were a target for interest, a large sum of money if they will. and alfred had taken it in his hands to make sure there would never be a repeat of what had happened before.
it was a clumsy mistake, one that cost you your memories, and one he swears on his life he'll never make again.
the first course of action he needs to arrange, which may seem difficult for most; he needs to confront bruce.
after all, your freedom is your doom.
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maybe this is out of the picture, but id' like to imagine you and connor having a therapy session where one comes out absolutely obsessed with the other, and it's not you.
connor's character for me is so, so good for an angst potential. it's like his personal struggles is a way for him to show you how absolutely you two are meant to be. and he may have met you through bumping into you (false) or maybe... he has seen you stalking through the shadows back when he visits the manor. using his superhearing, he can hear your voice from the kitchen begging alfred to relay a message to bruce, sounding so absolutely desperate. it's the way you tell alfred how you wished your father actually spends time with you, or how nobody seems to notice you— that he kind of just makes a silent promise that he will talk to you soon, he needs to know why this family seems so keen on ignoring and how hypocritical tim is for literally doing the same thing to you when he's aware of kon's past.
if he (or anyone else) should be a love interest (though he is a minor character in the series unless you guys want him to be a major one), i can already imagine the absolute hell you have to suffer not only from your family but from your own lover. just imagine the stockholm syndrome or the delusions you convince yourself with because you're finally loved by someone but that love restricts you from the very freedom you tried to build.
the batfamily would be so conflicted because why are you choosing some stranger over them...? then you slap them in the face with, "well, this "stranger" wants to kidnap me and lock me up, sure! but at least they actually looked at me for more than five seconds!" and you can watch how the color drains off their face, their conflict giving you the perfect opportunity to run away from both your ex-family and your soon-to-be-kidnapper-lover who thinks your comeback is a funny way for you to propose.
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coquettetoji · 10 months
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armin as your boyfriend hcs 😁 (fem reader)
— sigh you already know he’s the purest boy on earth so him as a boyfriend?? that’s your husband even in the first 2 weeks
— gets you “just because” flowers at least 2 times a week
— he gives you the dictionary thesaurus encyclopedia definition of PRINCESS TREATMENT.
— he will hold your hand everywhere, kneel down to take your shoes off/put them on for you, knows the side walk rule, sends you $$ without you even asking for any and oh my god he’s just so perfect.
— likes to do your hair for you regardless if your hair is pin straight or super curly, he will learn your exact routine in order to take care of it for you
— you’ll never stop hearing “why do you need to do that when i’m here?” nonstop. even for the stupidest things like getting the remote across the sofa. 😭
— his love language is words of affirmation and acts of service, he’s just always there to help you
— will trail behind you like a lost puppy at all times, literally follows you almost everywhere just in case you ever need him to do something for you
— his whole instagram feed is just you, you and you ** EXHIBIT A
— his follower ratio is also insane i’m saying like maybe 10 following (you and friends + fam) and then a good 60k followers
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— most definitely has an “i ❤️ my girlfriend shirt” and wears it proudly with a pretty smile
— in public terms, he’s definitely touchy but not as touchy as when you guys are alone
— holds your hand, guides you with a hand on your lower back, has a hand around your waist, and wants you as close as possible to him in public but keeps it to a minimum
— when you guys are alone however, lord you can never get rid of him >>>
— will whine out a “where are you going? 🙁 i’ll come with you” at 3am when you need to pee.
— his favorite spots to kiss you are on your forehead, and yours cheeks, just because he likes to see your eyes go all dazed and happy when he does
— he does that hot thing where while he kisses you, you can feel the smile start to form on his lips
— his favorite pet names to call you are the typical domestic sweet and cute ones that just make your heart melt: baby, princess, love, pretty girl, calls you a good girl when praising you 😸
— your personal photographer everywhere, he knows to get all the angles and most of the pictures on your ig are taken by armin
— loves hugs, hugs are loved by him and just likes hugs, did i mention he loves hugs?
— does that thing where he hugs you from behind, slowly wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest esp when you guys are with friends or at parties
— he loves when you run your hands through his hair, he has the fluffiest softest hair ever definitely whimpers when it just feels way too good
— the most soft spoken boyfriend ever, he will never raise his voice at you even when he’s mad or upset (which is rare)
—takes you out on dates often and they’re always the best planned out dates ever (candle lit dinners, picnics
— will hold your heels in one hand after a date where your feet hurt while clutching your hand in the other
— whenever you start talking he sometimes just blanks out staring at you and how pretty you are which then just ends up with him blabbering “mhm’s” and “yeah yeah i get what you’re saying” while being completely zoned out staring at your face
— he always blushes when you show affection towards him first out of nowhere like when he’s talking to you about something and you just reach up and kiss his cheek, he’ll completely lose his train of thought.
— i’ve mentioned this before and i’ll mention it again, he’s a golden retriever boyfriend
— i mean he literally follows you around like a puppy already, he just acts like one in general whenever he’s around you
— he’s definitely a naturally quiet person around people he doesn’t know and kinda reserved but he just falls apart around you with a soft look of fondness in his blue eyes
— i just think of the childhood bestfriend trope when it comes to him or academic rivals
— he takes pride and hangs on to every single compliment you say to him. like throw one “you’re so handsome” at him and he’ll keep it like an id in his pocket
— like if eren said to him, “you’re ugly as fuck” armin will just shrug and smile saying “ _______ doesn’t think so 😁😁” just so smiley god he’s adorable
— in the domestic aspect of armin as your bf, he’s definitely super sweet and just soft with you
— breakfast in bed, cooking for you on the daily, + cleaning the dishes after too, taking care of you when sick
— helps you get dressed when you’re tired, does your hair for you, brushes your teeth for you while softly tilting your chin up between his thumb and pointer finger JUST UGH I NEED HIM SO BAD
— he will get on his knees for you any day of the week 😁 (for anything not just that guys)
— final conclusion and something i think he does that’s really cute
star moments of armin as your bf
★ keeps your hair tie on his left wrist in case you would ever need one
★ gets on his knees to take off your heels or shoes for you
★ never lets you open the car door by yourself and when helping you out or in he always kisses your forehead
★ took it upon himself to memorize every order of food or drink you have and your whole makeup collection to replace it if you ever ran out
★ cried happy tears when you told him you love him for the first time back (he defo told you before you did LMAO)
— overall just the sweetest boy and boyfriend ever 💞💞💞💕💕💓💓💗💗
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incarnadin3 · 1 month
Obey Me! Quotes from an incorrect quote generator pt.2
Mammon: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Lucifer: Language, Mammon. Belphegor: Yeah watch your fucking language. Asmodeous: OKAY WHO TAUGHT BELPHEGOR THE FUCK WORD? Satan: 'The fuck word'. MC: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Satan: Oh my god they censored it Belphegor: Say fuck, MC. Satan: Do it, MC. Say fuck.
Lucifer: MC... How do I begin to explain MC? Satan: MC is flawless. Asmodeous: I hear their hair's insured for $10,000. Belphegor: I hear they do car commercials... in Japan. Mammon: One time they punched me in the face... it was awesome.
MC: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat* Mammon: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents MC: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you Satan: Actually I did the math, Mammon would have $225, not $0.15. Mammon: Fam I’m right here.... Asmodeous: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :) MC: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please? Asmodeous: Sorry I only have a dollar MC: :( Satan: Hey I just realized my brother is right, Mammon would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent Asmodeous: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice Satan: You can buy anything you want with $22,500 Belphegor: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice Satan: Apply juice to what MC: Directly to the forehead Mammon: Great chat everyone
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker* Lucifer: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Everyone: Beelzebub: ...I did. I broke it. Lucifer: No. No you didn't. Satan? Satan: Don't look at me. Look at Asmodeous. Asmodeous: What?! I didn't break it. Satan: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken? Asmodeous: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken. Satan: Suspicious. Asmodeous: No, it's not! Belphegor: If it matters, probably not, but MC was the last one to use it. MC: Liar! I don't even drink that crap! Belphegor: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? MC: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Belphegor! Beelzebub: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Lucifer. Lucifer: No! Who broke it!? Everyone: Belphegor: Lucifer... Satan's been awfully quiet. Satan: rEALLY?! *Everyone starts arguing* Lucifer, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. Lucifer: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Lucifer: Lucifer: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
Belphegor: Rules are made to be broken. Lucifer: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Satan: Uh, piñatas. Asmodeous: Glow sticks. Mammon: Karate boards. MC: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Belphegor: Rules. Lucifer:
Mammon: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something? Lucifer: Nope, absolutely not. Satan: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through. Asmodeous: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life. Belphegor: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you. MC: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome. Beelzebub: I'd be there for you! :D
Lucifer, driving MC and Mammon: So how was your day? Mammon: We almost got surprise adopted! Lucifer: What? MC: We almost got kidnapped. Lucifer: Oh, okay. Lucifer: * slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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nmakii · 6 months
Cuteness with Yan! Alastor... Imagine Alastor drinking too much and getting drunk with the reader (the reader hates Alastor, because he is always irritating you)... Well, what no one expected is that Alastor was drunk and drunk reader with these are being cute with each other, as if they were a couple (something they are not).. Well now reader is in her bed with drunk alastor by her side, while reader caresses his ears (it wasn't because a drunk Alastor threatened the reader not to leave him and that she had to cuddle him).. Imagine the two of them waking up the next day in each other's arms, it would be funny
— alastor sucks. he sucks even more when he’s drunk cause he acts so weird.
— i drank likeee 6 shots n a beer tday! i wanted more but my friends cut me off thats sucks fam i also kinda puked a bit after i swam
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after the battle against heaven, lucifer helped make the hotel much more grander than it ever was; magnificent rooms, beautiful decor— it was like a heaven in hell.
and to celebrate the rebuilding, what better than a few drinks?
as you uncapped another beer, alastor caught your eye— swishing the whiskey in his glass as he talks with niffty. that remaining smile on his face as annoying as ever.
taking a huge chug of your beer, the sour taste lingering on your breath as you glare at him. quite obviously, to add.
“my dear, is something the matter..?” alastor asked, smile seeming strained from his confusion. “shut up, bitch” you huffed and walked away, sitting onto the sofa with angel, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“what’s wrong, toots? ‘ya had too much already? party’s just started like 25 minutes ago…” angel laughed. “noooo… ‘m just a little sleepyyyy…” you whined, gagging slightly at the vomit that threatens to come out.
you take another sip of your beer, settling onto angel’s shoulder properly before your eyes slowly shut.
angel had let you rest for the majority of the party. that is until cherri dared him into doing something for money, something he couldn’t resist.
“yo, smiles! sit in my spot for a bit, will ‘ya?” angel called out to alastor; quite intoxicated already, but not quite showing it. “hmm..? alright then” alastor nodded, taking angel’s spot.
as soon as alastor sat down, you clung back onto him, as if you thought alastor was angel. a little hiccup came from you as you settled your head in his chest.
alastor— taking the opportunity to be close with you, since you had a particular distaste for him, decided to bring you in closer. he had wrapped an arm around you, pulling you onto his lap, close enough to rest his head on your’s.
“‘m sleepy… you… smell super nice” you sighed, bringing some of alastor’s coat closer to your face, breathing in the scent. “mmh… why, thank you, my dear…” he grinned, the static in his voice making his thanks sound disingenuous. “come now, let’s get you to bed.” he laughed as he carried you to your room.
as alastor dropped you on the bed, he fell down with you. “go nowww… small bed, y’know?” you pushed alastor away, settling into your bed. alastor was, unfortunately though, stronger than you. he was able to keep still despite your pushing. “don’t act like that, dear. just sleep on top of me, we’ll fit.” he said, pulling you onto his chest and laying a hand on your head.
as you dozed off again, your hands reached to touch alastor’s fuzzy ears. under your touch, alastor hummed, quite comforted by your warm palm.
you yawned out, covering your mouth as the scent of alcohol reeks from you. alastor laughed at how adorable you seem as he pats your back. “go to bed already. i’m quite sure we— or at least you’ll be hungover tomorrow.”
unbeknownst to the two of you, charlie and angel had gone searching for the two of you. “ahh, where could those two have gone..? and more importantly— how did no one see them leave?!” charlie frowned as she checked the rooms in the hotel.
“calm down, charlie… alastor’s an overlord, rememba’? he could totally protect s/o. there’s really no need to worry…” angel told charlie, comforting her.
“oh, they’re in here!” charlie yelled out as she opened the door to your room. “aww… they’re cuddling! so cute…” charlie cooed at the sight. “ahh, sure…” angel hesitantly agreed.
“c’mon, let’s leave them alone. wouldn’t wanna wake them up…” charlie beckons angel to leave as she quietly closes the door, leaving to return to the party. “tch, can’t wait to see if someone’s getting murdered tomorrow…” angel sarcastically mumbled to himself.
the next morning, you woke up. curtains still closed the way you left it when you settled in, and one pounding headache.
your head reeled as your vision blurred, losing your sense of balance as you rolled off alastor’s chest. wait— alastor’s chest..?
you slapped him awake as you yelled at him. “what the fuck are you doing in my bed?!” you scowled. “hm? ah… i believe we were both drunk, nothing happened, i’m quite sure.” alastor assured you.
“i’m not worried about that, fucker! why the fuck were you being all cuddly?!” you frowned, pushing him out the room. “my dear, i believe it was you who kept touching my ears.” he smugly reminded you. “urgh, get. OUT!” you enunciated as you slammed your door shut.
“alastor!” charlie waved her hand out as she ran towards him. “sooo, i saw you and s/o last nightttt… did you two figure out your differences and become friends now??” charlie asked excitedly. “ah, unfortunately not, dear.” alastor’s eyebrows furrowing with annoyance.
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alonetimelover · 1 year
hiii i love your work so much, you're an amazing writer.
can i request a (LONG) instagram au where both the reader and harry are mega popstars and have been together for almost a decade, and now they're married & have a fam together. js overall domestic fluff lol.
pairing: Harry x popstar!reader
fc: Taylor Swift
a/n: i thank the internet for all the edits of those two together, it definitely helped me finding perfect photos for the story!
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liked by harrysgirly and 23 393 others
onedirectionupdates You guys remember those rumours that Harry and YN had a thing back in 2012? Well, I think those rumours weren't so farfetched... What do you think?
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harrysgirly no way! i thought all of you were lying back then!
user93 her? really?
user34 woah, i mean, woah
user56 i need to give her that... she looks stunning
ynupdates Well I don't blame Harry!
user102 i can see that, i can see the vision here
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liked by ynupdates and 34 493 others
harryupdates Harry and YN were seen enjoying a walk in New York!
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ynupdates right after 1989 dropped????? they're insane
harrysgirly WHAT? i thought it was like a one party thing?
user45 what's going on?
user50 what the hell?
user46 James Dean is that you?
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liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 56 402 others
ynupdates YN and Harry were seen walking hand in hand to YN's party, celebrating the success of Style's Music Video!
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harryupdates woah, that's certainly the way to show that the rumours were true
harrysmylife HAND IN HAND? WTF
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liked by hArrysbtch, ynsmymama and 76 403 others
harrysleaks Harry and YN back in February!
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⤷ ynsmybestie it's shame that the polaroid is in black and white... iykwim
ynsmymama i can't take it... they look too good together
harrysmylife couples where both people are this beautiful shouldn't be allowed! im protesting! leave some good genes for us!
user45 they're really dating, aren't they?
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liked by ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 87 594 others
harryupdates Harry and YN were seen attending the after party for Dunkirk premiere in London!
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ynupdates that's not what i call a soft launching but I LOVE IT
hArrysbtch who is this guy? where is my mysterious man?
harrysmylife seeing that he shows up in public only few times a year, i can say he's still mysterious
ynsmybestie she looks good, like good good, super good
user45 i love all those photos, one every year, showing up and making people loose their shit (mine included)
user23 she looks somehow different, but i can't pinpoint what is it
⤷ user45 she's glowing, that's for sure
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liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 98 392 others
ynupdates someone's getting fired... YN and Harry after Harry's latest interview with BBC Radio 1, where he was asked about YN and denied WITH A SMIRK ON HIS FACE about dating her! they enjoy messing with us!
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harryupdates 'well, i was two times at the hospital. when i was born and after an accident' YEAH, AND HOW MANY STITCHES DID YOU GET? 'i had like 20 stitches on me!'
harrysbtch they're matching outfits! they cute! they parents! they they they...
⤷ harrysmylife guys, she's broken
ynsmybestie she's so georgous
ynsmymama i need music from them both
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liked by ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 103 482 others
harryupdates Harry and YN for The Times!!! harry gave an interview that is going to be available in a few days!
view all 6 403 comments
ynupdates yeah
ynupdates im not breathing
ynsmymama shit's got real
hArrysbtch DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT THE INTERVIEW IS TITLED TWO GHOSTS????? like, we were speculating about it and i think we were fucking right!
user45 the way that he's all sexy and intimidating and she's a cinnamon roll is hilarious!
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 358 493 others
yourbestfriend LOVER
view all 76 392 comments
yourinstagram shhhh, it was a secret
harrystyles Who's that fine fella behind that exquisite woman?
⤷ yourbestfriend it's been years and you're still like a lovesick puppy teenager! how?
⤷ harrystyles Well, I am still young.
harryupdates woah, that, that second photo is definitely something
hArrybtch harry, i'll do anything when you're looking at me like that
ynsmybestie what does lover mean?
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liked by ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 65 493 others
harryupdates HARRY and YN in the photo added to the Fine Line vinyl! Apparently this photo was only in a few of the editions together with Harry's autograph.
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ynupdates YN's rocking the shorter hair with Harry rocking the longer curls
ynsmybestie they both look stunning
ynsmymama i still can't comprehend him releasing the album on her birthday and dedicating it to her... AHHHHHHHH
hArrysbtch screaming, crying throwing up
harrysmoustache the rings, the floral shirt, long curls, the necklace
harrysmylife is it odd to say that i am a slut for this man? man, i am down bad, like real bad
stylesmybabie crying, i love them so much
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liked by harryupdates, ynupdates and 54 492 others
ynandharry GUYS !!!!!!! my make a wish came true! i was on a zoom call with harry and yn today!
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harryupdates that's amazing! i know you waited so long for them to actually accept you for the program!
ynupdates they look so good
hArrysbtch the thing is, they're both in the same house and probably the same room even
harrysmoustache i love my parents
user45 did you guys heard about all the rumours that they both actually have a son who's already 3 years old?
⤷ harrysmylife stop believing in everything you read on the internet
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liked by yourinstagram, ynupdates and 103 291 others
harryupdates Harry listens to Folklore, do you?
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yourinstagram How did you make it look so realistic????
⤷ hArrysbtch hey queen!
⤷ yourinstagram well hello there
harrysmoustache i love this edit
ynsmymama harry knows a good music when he hears one
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liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 87 430 others
ynupdates YN and HARRY at the 63rd Grammy Awards!
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harryupdates they are hilarious! they're not even sitting at the same table
harrysmoustache catching up with my bestie after not seeing her for years (it's been twenty minutes)
ynsmybestie that floral dress is doing wonders! she looks like a princess
ynsmymama PARENTS
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liked by yourinstagram, harryupdates, annetwist and 10 399 484 others
harrystyles Harry's House is out now. It wouldn't have been done without you, though. Thank you, my love.
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yourinstagram I'm gonna go and scream from the rooftops
annetwist ♥️
hArrysbtch you little btch. you make me cry with Matilda and then you post this? not cool, man. not cool.
ynsmybestie she's inspiration, she's supportive, she's loving.
ynsmymama wearing his shirt, drinking wine and playing guitar... man that's some happy living there
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liked by harryupdates and 34 430 others
ynupdates YN and Harry in Tokyo!
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ynupdates YN's wearing a hoodie gifted by a fan!
hArrysbtch that thumb of his is not going down in the near future, is it?
harryupdates lovely couple
user23 they really don't care about all those rumours, do they?
⤷ harrysmylife what rumours again?
⤷ user23 apparently they have a child together since 2017!
⤷ harrysmoustache you want to tell me that they manage to hide their baby for five years? that's highly unlikely
⤷ ynsmybestie well, yn disappeared for a year and nobody saw her. i don't think it could be that unlikely for them.
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liked by harryupdates, ynupdates and 25 392 others
view all 930 comments
harryupdates oh, i've totally missed it!
ynupdates they have the same mind, that's it
hArrysbtch i love them so much, i can die now
stylesmybabie that's some iconic shit
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie and 78 229 others
ynupdates YN and HARRY at the 65th Grammy Awards! Once again they went home NOT empty handed! Harry with 3 and YN with 1 award!
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harryupdates i am so proud of them!
hArrysbtch those bitches still weren't sitting at the same table
harrysmoustache they both look so stylish, i love it
ynsmybestie i love how she stood up and started clapping louder when people from the back were yelling that Beyonce should've won
⤷ ynupdates she knows what it feels like to be told those words all to well
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liked by ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 103 229 others
view all 5 320 comments
harryupdates WHAT IS HAPPENING?????
hArrysbtch what the fucck... are the people at the stadium alive?
ynupdates 'I left Judie back stage, I hope he's gonna be okay.' WERE THE RUMOURS REALLY TRUE?????
user45 i told you guys years ago and you didn't believe me...
hArrysbtch 'love, your mic is on' 'oh shit' i don't think they were ready to announce anything
harrysmoustache there's no way. this is one of my dreams
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 12 391 394 others
yourinstagram Judie and Teddy say hi to the World and they hope that you can be kind to them.
comments to this post have been limited
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liked by harrystyles, harryupdates and 56 492 others
ynupdates YN during Vigilante Shit tonight in Los Angeles! Not gonna lie, she's on another level tonight!
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harryupdates HARRY is in the audience, maybe that's why!
hArrybtch harry, you lucky, lucky son of a lady dog
harrysmoustache she's so sexy
ynsmybestie after two pregnancies??? couldn't be me. she looks so fucking good
harrysmylife what if she's announcing something????
⤷ ynupdates do you think it's gonna be 1989?
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liked by ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 56 492 others
harryupdates HARRY at YN's show tonight in Los Angeles!
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ynsmybestie i love how he attended the concert where she's announcing that she's reclaiming the first album that she wrote about him
harrysmoustache he looks good
harrysmylife i need his reaction to yn's vigilante dane
user67 i was at the concert and let me tell you those cheeks were as red as a tomato, he enjoyed it!
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liked by harrystyles, ynupdates and 13 392 484 others
yourinstagram 1989 MY VERSION is out on 23rd of October. Thank you to whoever made that edit, it should've been the album cover from the start.
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harrystyles I prefer the one that has you on the front and back. It gives it more value, I'd say.
⤷ yourinstagram Either way, I'm gonna frame it and hang it above our bed.
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 2 942 293 others
voguemagazine For the first time we tagged team and let our sweet little friends, Judie and Teddy interview their mom, YN YSN. "Firstly, you read that perfectly, Judie, I am so proud of you, baby. And to answer the question: together with dad, sorry, together with Harry we decided that your privacy and safety are ours priority. And then mummy forgot to turn off the mic! But we're happy that all of the fans and people are kind enough to respect your space and the boundaries we appointed." To read the article go to our link in bio!
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harryupdates "Mummy, you look beautiful today!" Not Judie hyping up his mom! you little baby I love you so much!
ynupdates "please don't fall in the water, mummy. Daddy, daddy will you suffer mummy?" "Yes, I will safe mummy, baby." I LOVE BABIES
harrysmoustache and the painting was done by the whole family...
ynsmybestie i usually hate kids, but those two are so adorable
ynsmymama i m gonna put you all in my pocket and protect you with my life
hArrysbtch "when you are in the limelight as much as dad and mum, you want something to be just yours. that's you and Teddy for us. our little rays of sunshine." I AM CRYING
⤷ ynupdates i love how she talked with Judie as if he was grown. she seems to be a great mother
⤷ hArrysbtch i wouldn't expect anything else from her
a/n: well, that definitely was a long one! let me know if you want any more from this pair!
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astronautrobot · 25 days
I actually made these before the intro comic and I couldn't wait to show them to you
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Only child
The only turtle Splinter was able to save. Because of this same reason, he is overprotected by his father.
Has suggested several times to go out and look for the others, but his dad just won't risk it.
Carries his brother's masks with him everytime he goes out, in case he finds them.
When Splinter made his mask, he asked him to make one for each of his brother's too so they could eventually use them.
Terribly frustrated and even more angry than cannon, due to both his dad's negative to find the others and not being able to find them himself
Still dreams on going to school and meet more people, or more like someone else in general.
Really likes hugs and hopes he's good at them. He is, but ofc no one hasn't told him yet.
Has a stuffed animal that keeps him company, a turtle named Spike.
His dad gave it to him when he was a toddler so he wouldn't miss the others so much when it was time fo bed. Splinter doesn't know he still has it.
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Ran around the city until he found the Zoo. That's where he grew up.
Really connected to animals for this same reason. Often feeds strays and pigeons.
After the incident, rumors about alien turtles expanded around the city. They became kind of a urban legend.
Mikey, being the creative theater kid he is, eventually saw this as an opportunity to disguise himself and walk freely among the humans.
The trick was not to look too real in order to not stand out from the other mascots. He had to get crafty.
The most familiarized with humans, as he technically grew seeing them constantly and interacts with them daily.
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Found by kid Rocksteady a few hours after being separated from the others. Was more than welcome by the other Mutanimals.
Both afraid and fascinated by humans.
He understands why the others are scared of them, but can't help but think it was a human who created all of them in the first place.
Is really conflicted with the idea of giving the humans the same treatment they had received for years. He believes it will become a cycle and won't really fix anything.
But he firmly thinks his family comes first and doesn't want to disappoint.
Super Fly's right hand.
Leads the team when the big brother has to attend other business.
Is the best at strategy and genuinely knows how to make the fam work together.
Can be intimidating when he really needs to in order to deal with the criminals. His BatMan voice is actually useful here.
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-Initially raised by TCRI
It hasn't been that long since the Baxter Stockman incident. TCRI was still on alert and when they heard about the strange creatures that appeared one night in the middle of New York, a team rushed to the scene. They managed to catch one of them.
Baby boy was neglected of physical affection.
A turtle wasn't on Stockman's records, so they were really confused as to where he came from. Taking on account the previous encounter with the fly creature, they theorized mutants not only had powers, but they were radioactive too.
Lab... rat turtle?
Scientist quickly found out the mutant actually had the intelligence of a human toddler and a lot of potencial. Some of them were interested on trying to raise him like a child, but Ultrom, still with the idea of creating mutants just to be used as weapons, refused to this and only keep him around to study him.
Donnie was initially treated carefully, as they were aware he was technically a baby and didn't want to risk their only specimen dying. They drew only enough blood to have an idea what they were working with.
Unfortunately, before they had the chance to start extracting his blood to actually recreate the ozze formula, he escaped.
This happened during one of the first attacks of Super Fly to TCRI. Donnie was around four years old.
He didn't went too far though. He had been locked up his whole life and wasn't really familiarized with the outside world. He managed to stick around without being noticed.
You can guess how he got tech savvy.
He eventually stumbled upon anime and One Piece quickly became his favorite.
The 'found family' trope really got to him. He feels a connection with Brook, with the whole lost crew and being left alone for a long time thing. He is hoping to also find his own nakamas.
Should this be like the main AU post? I'll put it all in order later.
I usually don't ask for this, but I would really like to know know what you guys think about it. Also, please point out any typos so i can correct them
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desceros · 8 months
me: [looks at calendar, gets a wicked idea, looks into the camera] happy springtime, turtle fam! who's ready to celebrate the season?
...mating season, that is. hehe. [dodges the tomatoes]
so! i had the idea that it would be super fun to have a community-wide event where we all have a prompt and then everyone fills it in their own way.
...i then decided all the prompts i came up with were too good not to use, but also none of them were Good Enough to use exclusively, so i changed my mind and the prompt is now just MATING SEASON. with a few suggestions at the bottom of this post if you're looking for some.
since spring is coming upon us, i hereby invite everyone to join in the vernal festivities... which in turtle parlance, of course, means only one thing: write, draw, whatever your version of "mating season", then join me on march 1 to post it with the tag #TMNTSpringShellebration. we then shall browse the fine selection of our mutual artistic efforts, and basically just have a good time as a community.
here are the prompts i came up with as starters-slash-things-to-include if you're looking for a place to get started. feel free to use these at will, or use them to come up with something of your own:
“Please don’t make me explain this. It’s humiliating as is.”
Oops, Looks Like Mating Season Came A Week Early This Year
“…In all of my mating seasons, this has never happened before.”
“I told you not to come by! It’s mating season!”
Probably should have expected it to be different now that he’s not going through it alone.
Because of Shenanigans, you have to wait. Wait… Wait… ok now.
They’re not the right person for mating season… but they’re the one who’s here, so…
“Show me where it hurts."
so yeah! see you all on march 1 for the, uh, spring shellebration. party popper emoji
questions i imagine will be popping up and i hope will clear up here before my askbox swells beyond capacity under the cut to keep this post from being Way Too Long. also it's really not that serious it's just an excuse to write slash draw for everyone Please Don't Take This Thing Too Seriously It's Not That Serious:
"can i participate?" yes! it's literally just an invitation to do something. nothing fancier than that. no need to be following me or in my friend group or whatever.
"can i write (insert fic idea here)?" yep! so long as it's related to the idea of mating seasons, it flies. reader insert? hell yea. oc? hell yeah. solo turtle and his favorite pillow? go for it.
"can i draw (insert art idea here)?" yep! uh. i know tumblr has the cops watching for sin bin material, but you art people know how to deal with that. and if you don't, uh, ask the other art people. im just a feral cat in a trench coat
"how do i participate?" write/draw/collect songs for/whatever. then, on march 1, post it and tag it #TMNTSpringShellebration. also, for funsies, keep it hush hush what you're working on so we can all be super shocked when the day comes! except, y'know, that you're planning on joining in. totally do that.
"when do i post it?" march 1. whenever on that day. waves hands around in a vague gesture at time zones not mattering. seriously don't take this so seriously it's just me wanting to create cool shit with my friends with a little more structure to it
"does it have to be horny?" i mean. it's an event about mating season. so by definition it's going to be at least a little horny. but however you interpret it is cool. even if it's just. idk. leo sitting sweatily in a chair looking longingly at a glass of water bc he's thirstier than usual. be smart about things, people. i'm not your dad.
"which tmnt verse is this for?" whichever one you want it to be for!! rise! bayverse! 2007! your fan iteration! your friend's fan iteration! your mortal enemy's fan iteration! yes!
"will you be reblogging everything?" absolutely not, but this isn't an event About Me. i am incidental to the thing. it's about Us. coming together as a community. for horny turtles. puts my hands on your shoulders. do it for you. for your friends. for the community.
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fanfic-obsessed · 2 months
Ghostly Meet Cute
I have gotten into DCxDP lately and while I do tend to ship Danny with any member of the Batfam, this is decidedly a Dead Serious idea. 
I want you all to know that I have interacted with maybe 1%-3% of canon for either series, all of my knowledge is semi forced acquisitions from Tumblr.  But I think we’ll be ok, right? We’re working with Damian is 19 and Danny is 20, both are in their third year of a bachelor's degree (so just out of the gen eds and into their actual interests-Vet Science for Damian, Engineering for Danny). 
So we start with a cult trying to summon the Ghost King (coin toss whether they knew which Ghost King they were getting, but I digress) for power. They have decided to capture the Bat Family and do the summoning in Gotham. Specifically they decided that Robin (still in costume) would be the sacrifice. 
Ghost King Danny is summoned, already a little pissy because the cultists had interrupted him during his Engineering homework and caused him to lose his train of thought, and is not pleased that the cultists are trying to sacrifice someone to him.  Ghost King Danny sees Robin and is instantly smitten (Look his soul is super pretty, plus it took 10 cultists to hold him on the sacrificial altar, and it looked like they were having a tough time of it).
The thing is Danny, partly because he grew up in Amity Park (more on that in a bit) and partly because he died at the age of 14, is pretty much pure ghost as far as flirting/courting/relationships go.  Ghostly flirting includes a lot of fighting (both together against others and against each other), playful threats, both weapons and violence as gifts, and a not so great handle on human boundaries.
Which is why Damian Wayne wakes up the day after taking care of the cultists to a bouquet of 20 hands, carefully disarticulated from the 10 cultists who had held him down, in his bedroom at home with a note that implied that either the ghost king was displeased about their failure to sacrifice Damian, or only the Ghost King was allowed to kill Damian.  
Damian is a former child assassin, so no stranger to violence, but he is not enough of a ghost to read the intentions of the ‘Gift’.  He is admittedly a bit nonplussed by the bouquet of hands
Do you know who is Ghostly enough to read the Ghost King's intentions? Jason Wayne-Todd, Revenant. Jason, who is a hopeless romantic under the leather and guns. Jason, who looks at Damian and goes ‘he’s little brother shaped’ and saw the Ghost King and went ‘he’s brother-in-law shaped’. 
Jason ships it. Jason ships it so hard he is practically cooing. Unfortunately he communicates that he ships it before he manages to communicate that he thinks the Ghost King is flirting (Jason instinctually can tell Danny’s intentions but doesn’t really know how to communicate that instinct into anything concrete). So the Bat Fam takes his assertion that Danny is flirting into consideration, but cannot take his instincts as conclusive evidence that the Ghost King is not, in fact, trying to hurt Damian. Basically the Batfam is trying to figure out if they are in a romance movie or a horror (and trying to be really careful not to get it wrong). Jason, after he made sure that Damian would be interested if they could be sure Danny is flirting (which Damian is-Danny is interesting, cute, smart, and exceedingly dangerous), goes back to writing RP fanfiction about their potential wedding. 
Over in Amity Park Danny is the full on giggling/swooning type of smitten. This is a good Fenton Parents/ everyone knows that Danny is Phantom kind of universe. It is also an extremely liminal Amity Park kind of universe. I also want it to be an Amity Park is naturally very liminal kind of universe, and has been very liminal for a long time.  Almost all of the residents grew up there and because of that their flirtation/courtships/romances tended to be ghostly in nature. In addition, by the time Danny is 20 Amity Park has all but become an extension of the Infinite Realms. The Ghosts tend to come and go freely and are now part of the community.
The entirety of Amity Park also ships Danny/Robin.  They are all helping him with his courtship, and very supportive of the bouquet of hands.  His parents are helping him source (or build, Jack Fenton is very enthusiastic about wooing your future spouse with custom built weapons instead of buying generic ones- which is the real reason Maddie picked him over Vlad) weapons to give to Damian-they even built a smithy in the lab once they realized Damian preferred blades. Jazz is giving him advice on making sure he pays attention to Damian’s interests (Danny lured Damian to a warehouse where they were able to bust a dog fighting ring together). Sam ended up bonding with her parents in trying to make sure Danny was dressed appropriately to see Damian while Tucker furiously hacks into all kinds of criminal databases to find people that Danny can fight to impress Damian. Even Mr.Lancer gets into the act, giving Danny advice on word choice for the notes. 
Basically it starts out with Danny in the middle of a Meet Cute and most of the Batfam trying to figure out if this is going to end with a Murde Mystery.
Some time passes, enough that actual communication happens. Danny and Damian start dating. A number of jokes are made that Jason is not allowed to be a chaperone, with the punchline being that he would abduct them to be married at gunpoint (Jason’s frequent indignant response: Hey, I would at least drive them to Vegas, first).  During this time, Tim, Technus, and Tucker formed some kind of unholy alliance that may or may not include a friends with benefits situation; everyone is afraid to ask.  Technus somehow got Tim to sleep an average of 3 more hours a week, so can do no wrong as far as Alfred, Dick, and Bruce were concerned.
Danny, as phantom, and Damian, in costume, go for a date in Amity park, with plans to head into the infinite realm (there were several of the realm bound ghosts that wanted to meet the King's boyfriend). They are accompanied by both Nightwing and Red Hood.The Joker decides to track down Red Hood for nefarious reasons. The Joker may be the prince of crime in Gotham. Not so much for Amity Park. Red Hood gets to watch his murderer get beaten within an inch of his life by a group of young teens (some of the newest members of the fan club, most of whom were barely old enough to remember what happened with Pariah Dark) from the Phantom Fan club, who took exception to a clown trying to ruin Danny’s love life.  
Red Hood turns to Nightwing, “I think I just felt my ‘Bruce Adoption genes’ just activate”
Nightwing sighs. “I would talk to their parent first, at least”
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Could I request platonic dads kiribaku with a toddler! reader who has a lot of admires in public they’re child is super friendly towards everybody that walks past them.
♡ Famous ♡
(A/N: I’m literally in love with the KiriBaku fam 😭😭 And thank you all for being so sweet and encouraging of me lately, I’ve been in a slump and I’ve just been pretty busy lately so thank you for being so kind 🫶 But I’m trying to get inspired again so any ideas or requests are appreciated!!)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, Kiribaku, parents kiribaku, public attention, paparazzi, reader is adorable
Summary: The public loves you, although your dads aren’t to thrilled about all your fans (Platonic!Yan!Bakugou x GN!Toddler!reader x Platonic!Yan!Kirishima)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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There were a lot of fans of your fathers. Eijiro and Katsuki being top heroes definitely draws attention to not only to them but also to you. As much as they tried to keep you out of the public eye, you ended up being known anyways. They tried to keep you hidden so you wouldn’t be targeted by any villains or paparazzi but it eventually failed.
And as they had fans, you had fans. The public absolutely adored you, you would wave at paparazzi as your fathers tried to hide you and you would fin your way out and smile at everyone.
People just couldn’t not get enough of you and your family, people found it absolutely adorable how you were so small and sweet and both of your fathers were strong pro-heroes.
Katsuki huffs, feeling stares at them. Despite trying to conceal their identities with hats, masks, and sunglasses, it seems they have been recognized. They wanted to take you shopping as they loved to spoil you. You sat in a toddler stroller, the hood all the way down to cover you.
Eijiro starts urging Katsuki to push you faster to the car as the clicks of cameras as well as the flashes of lights. You look up from your rabbit stuffed animal in your arms from the sound of commotion from outside the bubble of your stroller. You peek your head out of the hood, lifting it up with your little hand.
You smile brightly as you wave excitedly at the people in front of you. It doesn’t seem as of your dads noticed you were doing this as they would definitely pull the hood back down. Luckily they weren’t to far from the car so they tried getting you into your car seat. The moment you’re taken out of your car seat though, you immediately wave.
“Hi!” You say excitedly, waving at the paparazzi cause many of them to coo at you. It almost comical, how you excitedly greeted them while your blonde father held you with a look of distance for the paparazzi. He quickly buckles you in before you, Katsuki, and Eijiro leave.
It was obvious later that you went completely viral. Specifically the photo of Katsuki holding you, the way was scowling and the way you were smiling was perfect meme material and people just loved the adorable photo.
Your fathers weren’t exactly to happy about it. They understood why the public adored you, hell, they adored you too. But they were also very protective over you, there were so many creeps and villains out there.
But there’s not much they can do other than agree with all the people who called you adorable.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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kamwashere · 1 month
saw your tags and yes PLEASE do a proper fic rec list!
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5 times Wade didn't believe Peter, and the one time he did by keikoHPfan [T, 1K]
Wade isn't a fool. And he knows better, whatever Spidey says. Or five times Wade didn't believe Peter, and the one time he did.
✦ kam's notes: The first ever SMDP fic I’ve ever read! I had this bookmarked in 2016 with a note saying, “I wanna scream but fam is literally right hEre so I'm just here making this weird sound in my throat this fic must be treasured for life.” Super angsty and fluffy!
The Perks of Being Smarter Than Everyone Gives You Credit For by alphasaceraptor, Orcusnox (Cat9894) [M, Graphic Depictions of Violence, 32K, WIP]
Peter Parker, your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man, is sapiosexual. You'd think, working as an intern under Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, he'd have his pick of the best brains around. But apparently not. Someone's been lying about how smart a certain mercenary actually is, and that puts Peter in a sticky situation when said mercenary starts interacting with Peter. And with trouble brewing at Stark Industries, you just know this is going to be a wild ride...
✦ kam's notes: Sadly, I think this has been abandoned  as it hasn’t been updated since 2017 but it’s still worth a read! Featuring super smart Wade and super horny about it Peter. 
Propositions by stuckybarnes [T, 8K]
“Yeah…” Deadpool drawls. “Anyway, Pretty Boy, I have a proposition for you.” This makes Peter kind of want to throw up. Propositions by Deadpool always end up with them in varying degrees of pain, and a lot of explaining to do with the Avengers. OR Wade finally convinces a very tired Peter to go to New York Comic-Con with him and enter a Deadpool and Spider-Man cosplay contest, sure they'll win. Obviously. It doesn't go exactly as expected, and Peter is not thrilled.
✦ kam's notes: Spidey and DP go to Comic-Con! Fanservice, cosplays, banter, and feelings! All that fun stuff.
Ooh, Spicy by misato [E, 2K]
“It’s me,” he croaks, and Peter readies his web-shooter, aiming it at his mouth. He starts talking. Fast. “I’m Deadpool. Wade Wilson. I’m from another universe. In that one you’re dead and I’m more than a little bit bummed about it.” Surprisingly, that’s what gets Peter to loosen his grip. “You’re from another universe?” he sighs. “That’s so last week.”
✦ kam's notes: Hell yeah, another Peter B./Wade fic! This one is very spicy, kinda sad, but still sweet. Wade worships every version of Peter and I love that. 
baby, i’d victoria your secret anytime by ghostsoldier [E, 4K]
Peter’s known Wade for a while now, so he can maybe see how this makes sense -- like, maybe Wade has a thing about going commando and just happened to have an old girlfriend’s panties lying around, one thing led to another…but… “And the bra?” Peter croaks.
✦ kam's notes: Wade (unknowingly) seduces Peter with lingerie (!!!) and pancakes. Spice ahead!
I Think I Missed a Step ('Cause I'm Fallin' For You) by mokuyoubi [E, 42K]
There’s a weird familiarity about the kid's tone and posture, and it’s true that Wade is pretty far from home today but he’s also certain he’d remember that baby-face if he’d seen it before. On the other hand, he has spent the better part of the past few years feeling like he’s missed a step, so this conversation isn’t exactly anything new. [[A hot guy is willingly talking to us. Go with it.]] [Don’t make an ass of yourself.] “Shaddup,” Wade grumbles, though Yellow has a point... OR Peter thinks Wade knows his secret identity, and Wade is really confused by the hot coed who keeps popping up and hanging out with him.
✦ kam's notes: I debated putting this here a lot since when I first read it, I did so without reading the tags or the notes and missed the Tom!Spidey disclaimer but please don’t be discouraged, it is still a very good fic. Peter is aged up (still feels like a weird loophole) and is a full-fledged adult. Anyways! This fic lovingly abuses the classic identity porn trope. Very good and there is a variety of MCU cameos.
what light through yonder window by hellornothing [M, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, 14K]
The figure moves quickly, but Peter’s faster. He’s still adjusting to the sudden brightness, so dark red is really the only thing he takes from this initial encounter, but it’s enough. ‘Deadpool?’ - aka the one where they get together via late night window visits
✦ kam's notes: This fic has EVERYTHING: late night talking, identity reveal, pining!Peter, TLC. I really love Wade in this; he’s so tender, funny, and charming. This is also domestic in ways I can’t explain.
finger tap pulses by twentytwosevens [T, 3K]
"The first time Peter’s timer stops he is eleven years old. It times out in the middle of the night and wakes him up like an electric shock. The blank timer stares at him from his wrist as he yells and screams for his aunt and uncle." Spideypool AU with timers where Wade keeps getting killed and making Peter's timer go blank. By the time they meet he's pretty pissed off. This was certainly a summary with words, but they were not good ones. Based off a tumblr prompt that I cannot find anymore.
✦ kam's notes: Oh, this one has a delicate amount of angst and crack. Poor Peter! Deadpool-typical suicidal ideation, be warned. 
BDE (Big Dick Emergency) by DerRumtreiber [E, 6K]
“Oh my god,” he says again. “Oh. My. Gaa-awd, Becky. Did you?” Wade is visibly vibrating. “Did you really say ‘giant penis problem’? Really? Truly?” “What did you think I meant the first time?” Peter asks through clenched teeth. “I dunno, wrong hole?” ~*~*~ Or, the one where Peter is in need of some practical advice, and Wade is always happy to share his ass knowledge.
✦ kam's notes: THEE BOTTOM!WADE FIC, imo. Peter has unsatisfying sex life due to his Big Problem/Blessing and Wade is determined (and super thrilled)  to change that. Not to be a spoiler but he definitely succeeds. 
Love of a Different Lifetime by alicat54c [T, Graphic Depictions of Violence, 15K]
In another time and place, Wade would have gone back to Weasel’s bar and met the love of his life, Vanessa. However, in this life, predicated by a squeaky skateboard wheel, he met Peter instead. ... “Yo mamma so dumb, she thought Tiger Woods was a forest in India.” Wade's arm spasmed, causing his swing to go wide, sending the ball clear out of the course and across the sidewalk. Peter carefully kept his eyes on the score sheet as his companion turned around, expression playfully murderous. He scratched a line with a short pencil. “So, that’s one point against you.” The older man’s face split into a toothy grin. “Oh, it is on, baby boy.”
✦ kam's notes: And to end this fic rec, I bring you the ultimate filmverse!Spideypool fic. It rewrites both DP1 and TASM1 and it entwines both of the film’s canon together. In this fic, Peter doesn’t have his powers yet but he does meet Wade pre-cancer. They fall in love. While Wade goes into the program, Peter becomes Spider-Man. Cue Deadpool being born, Spider-Man trying to stop him, heartaching reunion and all that. Loved this one. 
Oh, and also there are some Team Red moments!
As usual, I'll just add my own fics as well —
my heart is wild (and my bones are steel) [T, 9K]
Out of the corner of his eyes, MJ quietly takes the seat across the younger Peter, swiftly sliding into his place. He visibly relaxes, resting his forehead against hers. They belong together in a quietly intense way. Longing burns hot inside of him, like a branch caught in a forest fire. It’s strange. Even if this version of Peter has lost virtually everything, he still finds a way to be envious of him. He thinks of Wade. For some unfathomable reason he isn’t quite ready to examine yet, he misses the idiot.
No Way Home, but in Peter-Three’s perspective.
all the skeletons you hide (show me yours, i’ll show you mine) [M, 23K, WIP] [Just updated]
A wave of affection and longing almost makes him stagger on his feet. Just seeing him in that suit—looking less than impressive, scratching his butt—makes him realize just how much he missed him. “Wade,” Peter cringes at how his voice catches, “Hi.” Wade turns around, turns back, turns again and does a double take. He eyes Peter up and down and to his surprise, turns away snootily. “Sorry cutie, any other day, I would be super into this hipster nerd slash skater boi with an I you’ve got going on—devastating combo, by the way—I’m sadly not in the mood.”
Peter, fresh out of his multiversal escapades, gains a new perspective in life. One that includes a certain mouthy mercenary, perhaps?
The problem is, the mercenary doesn’t seem to remember him. Like at all. He has a sneaking suspicion it has to do with that spell thing Peter-One was talking about…
‣ Both are a part of the new york isn't new york without you series
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LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Pt. 4
We're making it through their makeout session - I'm still in puddle mode so take some more self indulgent thoughts.
I just feel so cozy, especially with the warm lighting and the way it's highlighting them.
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Cheek cradle alert! Again, I love how unafraid they are to move with each other.
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Istg the back of Rain's head should have a sign that says "home of Phayu's right hand". Also this is a very thorough kiss.
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If you look at Phayu's hands here, he's just placed them on Rain - it doesn't look like he's using any force to move Rain's neck. This makes the next bit all the more better bc Rain completely tilts his head of his own volition to deepen their kiss.
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Genuinely I didn't know how to process this the first time I watched. Like sir, that is a tongue right there. And a few frames later it becomes very obvious where exactly that tongue went. Good for both of you. Also Eul has a pretty jawline
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HAND IN HAIR and the look on Rain's face >.<
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Look at the smile on Phayu's face! He really likes this boy!!!
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Not super sure but that looks like a little lip bite to me...
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Rain looks so comfortable - he is having the time of his life
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There is also a tongue right there, just saying
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More Phayu smiles and the 357th lip touch of the series
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askf Rain's eyes right here
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Rain is pushing so hard into these kisses omg
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There was another tongue just now but I couldn't get an aesthetic screenshot so take the aftermath
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PLS Phayu is actually glowing just because he got to kiss his boyfriend last night - this is soooo cute!! Also what color is he wearing?? It's teal! How do you get teal, you may ask? This visual from a YT video will tell you. Those colors do be looking very familiar tho
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It's all coming together, folks!!
Today I learned that kissing improves observational skills.
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Me too, fam, me too...
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Look at how pretty and happy he is!! I love him!
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The transition from yellow+navy blue on the left to green and then teal in this shot is so perfect!
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More to come in the next parts!! I'm going to release the first 4 parts that I've already written now because I'm still working on the second half of the episode. I'll make a masterpost with all the episode 5 posts together when I'm finished!
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Miles on Prime Earth(DCverse)headcanons
Hates Bruce.Let's get that out of the way first for any racists that wanna erase Jefferson and Rio-His reasoning is Bruce is so painfully white it gets on he's nerves and that includes the rich part,he REFUSES to attend Wayne Galas and has come dangerous close to (lightly) hitting him when he's especially acting up
But loves Jason and Tim,in completely opposite ways.Jason and him are intergenerational best friends,platonic soulmates by choice and call eachother brothers and him and Tim are crush at first sight close friends and eventually become boyfriends
He met Kyle through superhero work and they hit it off pretty quickly so he kinda mentors him and it leads to him giving him a Blue Power Ring.They infodump about anime and do art together
Miles is an honorary member of 90s Young Justice and besties with Bart due to their similar energies sinking up so well and Meloni even considers Miles another son because of how much he visits them.Jenni and Miles instantly latched onto the other ofc and he part time babysits Irey and Jai and gets caught up in Flashfam shenanigans more than he does any other DC fam's
He dosen't go to Batburger for his fast food-He goes to Dairy Super and is a regular
Him and Maps love hanging out so much because they have all the same interests and even matching gender presentations so once she became Robin,he threw her a whole surprise mini party and they're honorary siblings
Tiffany had him down bad so fast because in every universe Miles Morales falls for a black woman and they tried to date but found they worked better as friends and he threw her a mantle congratulation party when she started as Batgirl too
People assume him and Duke share a personality since they're both black sunshine boys but Duke's way more of a bitch than him.Miles never holds him back but encourages it as he thinks he's earned it and Duke defends Miles as hard as Hobie(the actual black Spiderman Duke shares a personality with)does and they go on platonic dates a lot(i.e make a whole planned day of their hangouts)
Miles 'mentors' Lian in a cool big brother way and insists on coming with her on missions whenever they're able to and she convinced him to partially dye his hair to match her-Lian has blue streaks and a ponytail so Miles did split down pink to his dreads
His favorite superhero is Jason obviously but Clark is a close second and he owns a Superman shirt that was a friendship(or so he says,the flirting with him all the time says something else)hand me from from Kon and that was family a hand me down from Clark
A nomadic hero,hops around from place to place but all the same places-To visit and spend time with all his loved ones(much like his dimension traveling)
Widely beloved and inspired multiple young black Metas to be heroes too
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cantwritethetword · 7 months
That's Cheating
Fic Descript: During a training session, it's revealed that Miles is ticklish. Pavitr thoroughly enjoys the experience, and just when Miles thought it couldn't get worse, Miguel decides he wants to wrestle him. Surely Miguel wouldn't use Miles' weakness against him, right?
~ A/N - My first ever Into/Across The SpiderVerse fic !!!!
I absolutely adored these guys when they came on screen, and I finally have the fic idea to do their group dynamic justice!
By the way, this is also absolutely me being super self indulgent sdjsklhfkls cause I've had this whole scenario running around my head any time I'm training with these 3 specific people and it KILLS ME so I need to get it on paper lmao I'm so lee for so many of my wrestling friends it's not even funny jsdfhdfjhafk.
I hope it's good!
Enoy! ~
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Masterpost Link 
Miles never turned down the chance to train with his fellow spider people. Since he first walked through the doors an was offered the chance to practice, Miles had grabbed the opportunity with both fists.
Not just because it was one of the few places he could properly use his skills and abilities to their full potential (without risking revealing himself as spiderman or injuring a civilian in the process), but there was something about training at the spider society headquarters that gave him almost limitless energy.
He wasn't sure how much of that energy was adrenaline, how much was power from the spider bite, or how much was just because he loved spending time with his favourite people.
But no matter the reason, this little quirk of his enabled him to continue sparring round after round when most would need a few minutes of reprieve between sets. And he would be lying if he said it didn't give him a little mood boost when the other spider people commented on his incredible stamina.
"Ugh, Miles do you ever get tired?" Pavitr groaned as he managed to flip Miles onto his back and clamber on top of the kid, pinning him to the ground. "We've been at this for like ten minutes straight!"
Miles grinned, his arms pushing against Pavitr's knees that were currently either side of his ribs to wriggle himself out. "You giving up already?"
"No way." Pavitr grunted, as Miles's movements had almost made him topple. "But I'll take a rest while you figure this out."
Pavitr, the asshole, decided to take this moment to shoot webs onto Miles's wrists - sticking them to the floor next to Mile's sides. Straining against the webs, Miles silently thanked the fact that it was Pavitr he was with. If this were an actual fight, Miles knew his face would currently be a punching bag.
But just because Pavitr wasn't going to injure him, it didn't mean there wasn't a threat.
"Come on Miles! Get out!" Pavitr teased, poking Mile's unprotected forehead.
The kid shook his head to try and get rid of Pavitr's annoying fingers.
Bad idea.
In the process of protecting his forehead, Miles had encouraged his friend to move his poking elsewhere. And it only took a few prods to Mile's neck for him to break into giggles.
"Agh- Pahahav-" Miles squeaked out before he could stop himself.
Pavitr stopped, an amazed grin across his face. "What was that?"
Miles froze for a second, realising just how severely his body had just betrayed him, before starting to thrash a little more desperately against the webbing trapping his hands.
"Are you ticklish?" Pavitr questioned with a teasy smirk, poking Miles's neck another few times.
"NO-!" Miles grunted, using every inch of willpower in his body to resist the laughter bubbling in his chest. "Don't!"
Completely ignoring Miles's pleads, Pavitr moved his prodding fingers down to Miles's collarbones.
And that was where the kid cracked.
"NOhohoho!" Miles squealed, shoulders trying their best to scrunch up and protect himself. "Pahahav stohohop!"
Pavitr beamed, absolutely ecstatic at his newfound discovery. "Oh my god, you are ticklish!"
"Shhhh!" Miles begged through his giggles, giving up on resisting his own reactions and focusing his efforts on preventing his ticklishness from becoming the newest piece of gossip.
"Why?" Pavitr laughed. "You're the one who's making all the nois-"
"What's this?" A voice chuckled from behind the two.
Pavitr paused his attack, and - after recognising who it was - Miles breathed a sigh of relief. Both because he could finally actually breathe again, and because the voice came from his old mentor - someone who already knew how ridiculously ticklish he was and hadn't told a soul.
Peter B, clearly having just finished a spar with someone by the looks of his flushed face and sweaty t-shirt, made his way to kneel down next to the pair before chuckling again.
"Ah, I see you've found Miles's little weakness."
Pavitr let out an indignant noise. "You already knew about this?!? And you didn't tell us?"
Peter shrugged. "Figured you guys would find out eventually, he's too ticklish to hide it for long."
"Peter!" Miles groaned. "Guys can we not talk about this right now!"
With a grin, Pavitr turned back to Miles. "Oh we can stop talking if you'd like..."
Before Miles could realise what Pavitr meant, ten fingers began tapping against the front of his ribs, and he was once again sent into a helpless fit of giggles.
"NOnononono Pahav people ahare gonna see!"
"Who would see?" Pavitr laughed. "It's just us over here; you, me and Peter."
"Plus Miguel, somewhere..." Peter added, looking around them for his friend. "But I doubt he's listening to your little situation kid, he's probably off doing Miguel things, as Miguel does."
Half expecting a beetlejuice moment at the three mentions of the guy's name, Miles flicked his eyes around the room (as best as he could - he was still pinned on his back) to try and spot Miguel. Thankfully, it seemed the slightly intimidating spiderman was too busy helping another pair of spiders with their match on the other side of the room.
"See!" Pavitr continued, digging a little harder into Miles's ribs. "Nothing to be worried about buddy!"
"IHIHIT'S STIHIHILL CHEHEATING!" Miles whined through his laughter, somehow managing to swallow the scream that almost burst out of his mouth at the sensation of Pavitr clawing into his sides.
"Ehhhhh..." Peter tilted his head with a grimace on his face. "Technically it's not, there's no specific rules against it."
Miles shook his head violently. "IHIHIT'S CHEHEHEATING!"
"You having so. much. energy. is what's cheating!" Pavitr responded, poking to emphasise his words. "But fine, let's ask Miguel."
Miles's eyes went wide, and his laughter turned to desperate begging. He couldn't possibly live through the sheer embarrassment of giggling like a child in front of someone as stone-faced and important as Miguel.
But no matter how many 'no's the kid strung together in rapid succession - a rather impressive display of his lung capacity to be completely honest - his pleading was fruitless, as Pavitr had already waved down Miguel, and the man was making his way over.
Thankfully there were a few seconds of rest until Miguel arrived that were completely tickle-free, so Miles had a chance to somewhat compose himself. Still, he knew that he would need much longer to reduce the redness his face had taken on in the last few minutes of torture.
"Yes?" Miguel said as he knelt down, one eyebrow slightly raised at the position the two boys were currently in.
"Is tickling illegal?" Pavitr asked genuinely, much to Miles's surprise. He was expecting some kind of teasy grin shot in his direction, but it seemed Pav was just as interested in Miguel's answer as he was in taking Miles apart at his fingers. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad.
Even more to Miles's surprise was the quiet chuckle that escaped Miguel's mouth.
"Technically not, why?" Miguel responded, a small (but definitely present) grin on his face.
"Oh no reason..." Pavitr smirked at Miles (who was quickly realising he spoke too soon about how easy this interaction would be). "Just that I found out Miles was ticklish and wanted to try and see if he would submit because of it."
Miles could feel his face flush even redder than before, and he couldn't even cover his cheeks cause his damn hands were still stuck. So he resorted to rolling his eyes above his head to avoid looking at anyone for the remainder of the conversation.
Miguel once again let out a breathy chuckle. "Well, I haven't seen it happen before, and we're about to finish up the official training session... But we can always find out later."
That last comment snapped Miles's face back into Miguel's line of vision.
And, if this whole situation wasn't already flustered enough, Miles could have sworn Miguel winked as he stood up and called out to everyone to finish their current drill and pack up.
After chatting for a few moments with some of the other spider people, Miles watched as most of the group cleared from the gym. Aside from Miguel and Peter (who were practicing something on one side of the mats), the gym was practically empty.
Which made the sound of thudding feet all the more terrifying coming his way.
Miles yelped as someone tackled him to the floor and climbed on top of his hips.
"You didn't think we were finished, did you?" Pavitr grinned down at his friend, before digging his thumbs into the pocket right above Miles's hips.
"NOHOHO PAHAHAV!" Miles shrieked, caught so off guard he couldn't have stopped himself if he tried.
Pavitr laughed. "Glad we're on the same page then!"
"Stohohop ihihit!" The kid giggled, pushing at Pav's wrists - a much easier feat now that his hands weren't spider-webbed to the floor (but still not quite easy enough to push Pav's hands away).
With Miles now being able to fight back, there was actually a fight to be had. Still a very one-sided fight, but enough of a back-and-forth match to eat at Pavitr's strength.
And Pavitr's energy drained far quicker than Miles's did.
Keeping a very wriggly Miles consistently trapped and tickled was quite the challenge for India's favourite spiderman, so most of Pavitr's efforts were concentrated on Miles's hips. Certainly his hips were effective, but the hope of escape kept Miles going just long enough that Pavitr's teasy smirk started to fade into an open-mouthed grin (for maximum oxygen intake).
By the time Miles's breathing was wheezy, Pavitr sounded just as exhausted. Both boys were drenched in sweat, and neither were sure where their own ended and the other's began. Pavitr's thumbs slowed, and Miles was finally able to push those troublesome fingers away from his sensitive hips with one final residual giggle.
Letting himself breathe for a moment, Pavitr gave Miles's shoulder a friendly pat. "Damn you put up a good fight, I'm dead after that!"
Miles chuckled and nodded in agreement, still a little woozy from the post-tickle haze.
"You up for some food?" Pav asked, standing up and offering to help Miles to his feet.
"Sounds gr-" Miles began.
"Actually," Miguel interrupted the pair, making Miles freeze for a moment.
How long had he been watching them?? Had he seen Miles get absolutely wrecked?? Oh god, would Miguel ever take him seriously again after that??
Miguel continued. "Miles, want to have a round?"
That was definitely not the direction Miles thought this conversation was going. Thank god, Miguel must have only just finished with Peter. And now that he was looking, Miles could see a (somehow even more) sweaty Peter gathering his stuff and heading out of the gym.
Perfect. Miguel hadn't seen a thing.
Miles nodded, slightly intimidated with the idea of attempting to wrestle someone as experienced as Miguel, but keen to try (and perhaps get a little closer to the reserved leader of the Spider Society).
"Excellent." Miguel gave a small nod, and positioned himself in the centre of the mat.
"Well, good luck." Pavitr smiled, clapping Miles on the back before heading out towards the cafeteria.
Miles took a breath, calming his racing thoughts and tired lungs, before moving to face Miguel.
The pair moved slowly to start, attempting a few takedowns and swings at each other but not fully committing to any, before Miguel swiftly spun to the floor and knocked Miles straight off his feet.
God it was frustrating that Miguel could do that with so much control that it almost seemed to happen in slow motion.
Without even letting himself catch his breath on the floor, Miles tried to scramble to a crouched position, but Miguel was either too quick or predicted his movements too well.
One moment he was almost to his feet, the next Miles was flat on his back with the side of Miguel's chest pressing against the front of his. One of his arms was trapped at an outward angle by Miguel's hand, but Miles couldn't quite see what was going on past that with Miguel's back in the way.
Then Miles tensed.
A soft but unmistakably sharp sensation was gently tapping at his side, enough to fill Miles's chest with tickly anticipation but not so much that he was convinced that was what was happening.
Surely not. Surely Miguel was far too mature for something as childish as tickling.
Still, as Miles struggled to escape Miguel's hold, he struggled even more to contain the laughter threatening to spill out of his mouth at the tickly sensations radiating from his side.
"Mihi- Miguehel?" Miles strained, trying to keep his voice as steady as possible.
Miguel chuckled, and spoke with possibly the teasiest voice Miles had ever heard come out of his mouth. "What's the matter?"
Oooh that motherfucker. Miguel knew exactly what was happening, Miles could feel the smirk radiating off Miguel's face. And somehow that made it significantly harder for the poor kid to control himself.
"Whahat- Wahait- Mihiguehel-" Miles stuttered, giggles already peppering every word he spoke.
"Pavitr wasn't kidding..." Miguel hummed, his claws switching from tapping with all four talons to scratching a single finger up and down every-so-gently. "You really are ticklish."
Miles whined (though it came out sounding more like a laugh), his hips trying to squirm away from the tortuous feeling. "No, noho no no Miguehel plehease-"
"And I was curious what he was saying about submitting you just by tickling..." He continued, bringing back the rest of his hand to softly claw against Miles's lowest ribs.
Even that gentle sensation brought Miles almost to the brink, his eyes practically popped out of his head and a stream of uncontrollable giggles flooded from his mouth. How the hell was it already tickling this badly??
"Mihihi- Mihihgue- Nohoho stohohop!"
"Huh." Miguel chuckled again, god that sent shivers down Miles's spine every time it happened (which really wasn't helping). "Already that bad? What about if I do this?"
The agonisingly slow clawing turned to full-handed squeezing up and down the soft part of Miles's side, and Miles shrieked. As if waking a sleeper agent, his brain seemed to suddenly (and conveniently) remember he had two arms - and only one was stuck. Half punching his opponent in desperation, Miles thudded his free hand against Miguel's back to try and push himself out.
"NOHOHOHO MIHIHIGUEHEHEL PLEHEHEASE!" He begged, legs kicking wildly without reason or result. "STOHOHOP!"
Miguel paused, lifting his head and turning it as much as he could towards Miles (only being able to see the kid from the corner of his eye). "Is that you tapping out?"
Whilst momentarily catching his breath, Miles paused. On one hand, he was rather close to death, and wasn't sure how much more of Miguel's teasing he could handle. But on the other, there was something almost precious about seeing such a weirdly personal side of the stoic man. Should he submit, and cease the frankly torturous situation he had found himself in, or should he push onwards, hoping Miguel would eventually show mercy if Miles actually needed him to (though at this stage, it was hard to say he wasn't slightly enjoying the playful interaction).
Eh, Miles was always a stubborn kid. And he was proud of it.
"Nohohope!" He shook his head, bracing himself.
Miguel gave a surprised scoff. "You really do have a ridiculous amount of stamina, huh."
Miles tried to grin cockily, though even he knew it probably looked more like a nervous invitation for Miguel to continue.
And continue he did.
Like a switch had flipped, Miguel launched his clawed hand into a rapid tickle-assault against Miles's entire torso. Within seconds, every inch of the kid's sides, ribs, stomach, and hips had been poked and squeezed and vibrated against before Miles even had the chance to react. The sudden zero-to-a-hundred spike of intensity caught the younger superhero completely off-guard, making him squeal at a pitch he genuinely didn't think he could each anymore.
"NOHOHOHO MIHIHIGUEHEHEL!" Miles cackled, twisting and writhing under his attacker.
Miguel gave a surprised laugh at the increased movement. "Hey, you asked for it kid, not my problem."
"Ok, Ok..." Miguel playfully rolled his eyes, not that Miles could see (or really pay attention), and released the kid from his grip.
Miles flopped both arms over his face, covering his burning cheeks, and laid there for a few moments panting. Miguel chuckled, reaching to give the kid a few sympathetic pats at whatever body part was closest to him.
Seeing a hand move out of the corner of his eye, in the general direction of his stomach, Miles yelped and curled away from it in a mess of giggles. "Nonono plehease, I'm dohohone!"
Giving the final laugh of the interaction, Miguel grinned at the kid. "So there is a way to tire you out... I'll keep that in mind."
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rxmqnova · 8 months
Sup. Can I ask for a scarlett x sister reader ?
Scarlett plans us an amazing sweet 16 party. She invites the whole school. The only problem is, we're really not that popular and on one shows up. So scarlett quickly gets on the phone and invites all her celebrity Hollywood friends before we arrive with the fam. Her friends of course drop everything to come (because we're a sweet kid and they all love us).
Soon the party is all over social media and the kids from school show up to meet their favourite celebrities but scarlett tells security to not let them in knowing we'd be uncomfortable with them just getting close to us because they now know who our big sister is.
Sweet 16
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Y/N: 16 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV Scarlett smiles, admiring the garden which she decorated for her little sister's 16th birtday. She, as the big sister, has been super excited for today. Her little sister's turning 16, so it needs to be big and perfect. She even sent invitation to nearly the entire Y/N's school.
There's one thing Scarlett doesn't know though. Y/N isn't exactly popular at her school, more specifically… she's more of a loner and the one the others mostly make fun of.
So when no one shows up, it's not really surprise, yet Scarlett doesn't know and it makes her really confused.
"I got it all right, where is everyone?" She asks herself with a sigh, looking at the invitations if she didn't got the time or date wrong.
Ten minutes pass and still no one has come which makes Scarlett really nervous as Y/N should be here in less then 40 minutes.
"Alright, time for plan B" Scarlett sighs out, taking her phone and listing through her contacts.
She calls every single one of her friends that Y/N's met, inviting them over for the party and luckily everyone said they would come.
The first guests arrive soon which finally makes Scarlett relax. And a lot more come right after, so the huge garden finally doesn't look that empty anymore.
Even more guests arrive and now it's about the time Y/N should come. It was hard, but everyone managed to hide behind something and now they're just waiting for Y/N to walk in.
And in the moment she does, everyone jumps out of their hiding spots, shouting 'happy birthday' which makes Y/N jump a little, but then a smile makes its way on her face.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart" Scarlett's, of course, the first one to walk to her sister and pull her in for a tight hug.
"Thank you! Did you do all this?" Y/N questions, a smile never leaving her face.
"My little sister's turning 16 today. We need to celebrate it properly" Scarlett smiles, pressing a kiss to her sister's forehead before taking her hand in hers and leading her to the others.
Spotting the Marvel cast, Y/N drops her sister's hand and runs to them, pulling all of them in for a hug which makes Scarlett chuckle. Y/N's spent a lot of time on set with her big sister and over all the years she's become pretty close with them.
"I can't believe you're all here" Y/N nearly squeals, her eyes shining and a wide smile playing on her lips.
"Of course we are! We wouldn't miss your birthday for the world!" Chris Evans speaks first which only makes Y/N's smile widen even more.
After talking to every single person who came, it's finally time for the birthday cake. And of course, everyone brings out their phones, filming everything and taking pictures. Y/N's turning 16, this moment just needs to be captured.
Automatically, most of the videos and photos end up posted on instagram or other social media which doesn't go unnoticed by the kids from Y/N's school Scarlett invited in the first place.
No one on the entire school knows Scarlett Johansson is Y/N's sister. Maybe if the kids knew earlier, they would have come. Who knows?
The Johansson family decided it would be better for Y/N's safety, knowing what paparazzi and social media can be like.
It won't matter now though and Scarlett counts with it. She knows Y/N's strong and would never let any bad article, comment or anything similar take her down.
Everyone's eating the cake now, talking, laughing and Y/N's never been happier. Every now and then she just leans to her sister's side, giving her a hug as Scarlett's sitting next to her and that makes the big sister really happy.
It doesn't take long until some kids from Y/N's school show up, standing in front of the house as the security Scarlett hired won't let them in.
"I am such a great cook. I would definitely make a great guest on Cooking with Flo" Y/N states, Florence Pugh letting out a chuckle in response.
Somehow the two ended up talking about cooking and Y/N as a big Cooking with Flo fan just had to try.
"Tell her, Scar" Y/N looks at her sister in a need for a support, furrowing her brows when she notices Scarlett's not really paying attention and looking at the security guy that's coming their direction. "Are you okay?"
"What? Oh, yeah. No worries. I'll be right back" Scarlett smiles, pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead before standing up and walking over to the man. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah. Just a group of kids showed up, claiming they're your sister's friends and were invited. Should we let them in?" He asks.
Scarlett checks the time, seeing it's been nearly two hours since the party started. She glances at her sister, seeing her smile and laugh while talking to the others, a smile making its way on her own face.
"No. Don't let them in" Scarlett decides.
The kids must have seen the photos and videos the others shared. And if this is the reason they showed up, Scarlett doesn't want them to be around her little sister. If they were real friends, they would have come at time.
The man nods and starts walking back, so Scarlett goes back to her little sister, taking a seat next to her. "Are you having a good time?"
"The best! This is the best birthday party ever!"
Scarlett Johansson masterlist
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Main Six Incorrect Generated Quotes
Gov, rubbing their temples: I am not proud of what I am about to say, but someone get me a cigarrette.
Texas: But Gov, we don't smoke.
Gov: Cut the crap, Texas. I'm not an idiot. I know that one in five people smoke.
Gov: *points at california * One! *points at New York * Two! *points at louisiana* Three! *points at Florida* Four! *points at Texas* Five!
Gov: Now, I am going to close my eyes, and when I open them, there better be a cigarrette between these two fingers!
Florida: *puts a cigarrette in Gov's hand*
Gov: Thank you. ...Light?
The Squad: *all simultaneously pull out lighters*
New York , laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Gov: I appreciate it,
california: Gov-
Texas: Gov we gotta-
Gov: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Gov, motioning to Florida : NOT FUCKING THIS
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Gov: So.Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
california : ...I did.I broke it.
Gov: No.No you didn't. louisiana?
louisiana: Don't look at me. Look at Texas.
Texas: What ? !I didn't break it.
louisiana: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Texas: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
louisiana: Suspicious.
Texas: No, it's not!
Florida : If it matters, probably not, but California was the last one to use it.
California: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Florida : Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
California: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles.Everyone knows that, Florida !
New York : Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Gov.
Gov: No! Who broke it!?
california : Gov...louisiana's been awfully quiet.
louisiana: REALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Gov, being interviewed: I broke it.I burned my hand so I punched it.
Gov: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Gov: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
*Squad reactions to being told 'I love you'*
Louisiana: Thanks fam!
Gov: Oh no.
Texas: *cries* I love you too.
New York: Sounds fake, but okay.
california: *A flustered mess*
New York : Can I get a refund?
Gov: Croissants: dropped
New York : Road: works ahead
louisiana: BBQ sauce: on my titties
Florida: Shavacado: fre
Texas: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead
california :
california , grumpy: I didn't understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
Gov: Just be yourself.
california :Really ? Gov, I have one day to win over New York's parents.
california : How long did it take for you guys to like me?
louisiana: Couple of weeks.
Florida : Six months.
Texas: Jury's still out.
California : See Gov? 'Just be yourself,' what kind of garbage advice is that?!
Gov: You know, when Texas comes over, Florida can get a little…
New York : Psycho?
louisiana: Scary?
california : Drunk?
Gov: All three.
Gov: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
New York : If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I'd have 15 cents
Gov: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you
california: Actually I did the math, New York would have $225, not $0.15.
New York : Fam I'm right here....
Florida: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Gov: while you're there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Florida: Sorry I only have a dollar
Gov: :(
california: Hey I just realized my friend is right, New York would have $22, 500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Florida: If I had $22, 500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice
louisiana: You can buy anything you want with $22, 500
Texas: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice
louisiana: Apply juice to what
california : Directly to the forehead
Gov: Great chat everyone
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