#then i got to the first flash and i was like SHIT im gonna have to read the entirety of this thing
electricpurrs · 1 year
oh i dont think i told anyone else. i started reading 17776. they werent kidding its really good
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beforeimdeceased · 7 months
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pairing: mean/cruel ellie x sensitive/emotional reader.
synopsis: you’ve had enough at this point.
a/n: the next chapter is already in the works and guys…things get so… like there’s no going back i think this is the end point 😭
i don’t care if it hurts
no one can get a word in before jesse breaks up the fight. “we go on in two minutes. get it together. fucking get cleaned up.” he pulls at ellie.
you’re baffled, really. such a silly word but it’s the only one you can use. abby never really got into fights, that you’d known of. she was one of your best friends. and you never had the heart to tell her about what ellie had done, so how did she figure everything out? why are you spiraling? ellie probably said or did something to get herself punched. maybe this has nothing to do with you?
“and i’m very excited to introduce our next performers. watching them go from garages, to performing on stages, to signing record deals has been a beautiful journey. i’m happy to say i’ve been here since the beginning. now please make some noise for, seattle revival!”
you and abby are sat backstage as you dress her wounds. you wait to hear a familiar string of notes from jesse as he starts their first song, but you’re surprised by ellie’s voice on the mic.
“guys i just want to start the show off by apologizing to someone very near a dear to me. a very special person in my life who i’ve hurt—“
“we love you ellie!”
“aww i love you too. i want to say i’m sorry to her because i did some really fucked up shit in the past and i hope that she can forgive me and that we can move past it.”
the crowd cheers.
“and go back to being lovey dovey girlfriends. please forgive me babe. it’ll never happen again.”
abby’s mouth falls so far to the ground you could stick your fist in it. her face has never turned red faster. “what the fuck is she talking about? you guys were—are dating?”
you frantically shake your head. “no abby she’s lying. i don’t know what she’s gaining from it either. i think we should go now.”
“and this next song is dedicated to her—“ she points to you, an employee tugs at you to make you more visible, pulling you to the stage. a spotlight falls on you. everybody’s phone is up. everybody’s flash is on. here come the waterworks, fuck. didn’t you say you weren’t gonna cry today?
and then a familiar string of notes plays. jesse and dina catch on quickly, and your heart seeps. there was no way she was playing this song right now.
“when you were here before.”
you’re taken back to that first rehearsal. stuffed in jesse’s parents garage on a gloomy day. you were sitting on a scratched up couch, petting his cat. ellie looked over to you with a smile on her face. “you listen to a lot of music?”
you nod. “i love music. i was honestly so excited to hear you guys are starting a band. i’ll be your first groupie! handmade merch and everything.”
she laughs before whispering something to jesse and dina, then returning to the mic. “we’re gonna dedicate this one to our first groupie.”
“couldn’t look you in the eyes.”
dina and jesse slipped off after that practice and you knew they’d gone to go fuck somewhere, so you stayed with ellie. “they have no idea how to be discreet about it.” you laugh. she shrugs. “good on them, atleast i’m not alone dealing with it anymore.”
she’d convinced you to grab icecream with her. nestled in the booth of the old restaurant over an icecream sundae. soft music playing from its speakers. it was nearly empty, and it had started to rain outside.
“so how long have you known jesse and dina?” you ask, dipping a spoon in your side of the sweet treat. she grabs a cherry from the top, popping it into her mouth. “since we were kids in highschool. those are my best friends. i’m excited to be starting a band with them, and i’m glad i got to meet you.”
you blush.
you’re crying now. onstage, you’re crying. you can feel the tears slipping down your cheeks and underneath your chin. you wipe at them but they just won’t go away. she was so sweet to you a couple years ago. she was the sweetest person you’d ever met. how could you even compare the person singing to you now, and the person you’d met back then?
then you get a glimpse of her. it’s in her eyes. you’re flashing back between that memory and now. her hand in yours, running through the rain. catching the bus back to jesse’s. staying up and watching movies all night. waking up the next day to the lovebirds apologizing, while you and ellie laugh about it so hard your stomachs started to ache.
and you’re conflicted because this is the same ellie that got drunk at a party and threw up all over you. twice. then the next day said, “atleast it was better than what you’d been wearing.” jesus, she was addicting. she’d hooked you in and completely destroyed you. your self esteem. and now she was trying to play nice?
out of the corner of your eye, before you can catch it, abby is walking onstage. she takes a moment to look at you, tears streaming down your face, and decides to turn around. she walks away and it takes you a minute to follow behind. calling for her. begging her to come back.
“abby stop. where are you going?”
“no, just stop. you’re pathetic. why do you take the shit she does? don’t you have any respect for yourself?”
you’ve never heard her speaking to you this way. between your head rushing from the crying and the whiplash you’re getting from her harsh words, you feel like you’re going to pass out. “i don’t just take it abby. how do you even know about that stuff—“
“because jesse and dina told me! i’m supposed to be your best fucking friend but you can’t even communicate the simplest of things. the things i know are hurting you inside. i was gonna— never mind. fucking forget it.”
and then she walks away, disappearing into a hallway. fading away slowly like a ghost. body blurred from your tears. you feel your feet get weak first, then you drop to your knees and onto the ground. huddling within yourself. letting all your tears fall.
the “seattle revival’s last show after party” is one you refused to miss. with everything happening between abby and ellie, you were more than prepared to let it all go. to get drunk or high or whatever the fuck, and stop feeling. this very thought picked you up off that floor, and led you to the dressing rooms. you enjoyed the rest of the show from there, wiping at your face so hard you felt like it would bruise.
when the band found their way into the dressing room, dina and jesse rushed over to comfort you. “i swear i’d bash her head in if it didn’t interfere with the tour. i’m sorry, i shouldn’t be apologizing for her but it’s the only way you’ll get a real one. i’m sorry.”
you had sat with the pain for long enough. you’d cried enough. you didn’t know where abby was or why she said what she did but it was your breaking point. if you were a house, she had pulled a loose brick. making everything collapse within itself. and tumble over everyone else in its path. you felt like…ellie. the world had darkened. the small light, the tiny bits of happiness in you, had melted away. you didn’t care anymore.
you get up to face ellie, her smile fading when her eyes meet yours. everything had left them. all that purity. all that love, was gone.
“honestly i’m over it. let’s go to the after party.”
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killakalx · 3 months
killa ur one of my absolute fav jason writers so i felt the urge to share w u what has been rotting my brain recently. all i can think abt is ak/rh!jason meeting robin!reader for the first time. at first he’s angry, enraged, really, seeing flashes of red and green prancing across rooftops like you don’t have a care in the world. he has half a mind to beat some sense into you, knock that ‘i’m invincible in this suit’ mentality right out of your pretty little head. until he sees you up close, because that kevlar vest can’t hide the swell of your chest, and of course he notices the way your cape flares out to accommodate for the curve of your ass. just imagining the way he’d get obsessed, always cornering you in dark alleys just to rile you up and make you feel guilty that somebody like him has your panties all sticky and your thighs clenching, only to leave you high and dry ‘til the next time he ‘coincidentally’ runs into you during your solo patrols. kicking my feet js putting this into words he’s actually taken over all my thoughts i can’t function 😵‍💫
omg wait ilysm nonnie ☹️❤️ im glad my writing for jason is what you like!!!
ok i’m gonna edit ur take just a lil bit bc if you want me to be so honest rn, the idea of reader as a robin implies to me that reader’s still kinda young. ik that isn’t the fact but i just associate robin with being tiny and thrilled to get your life destroyed by an old man in a bat costume. now if we go about it like reader’s being mentored by b-man and has been for a long time, so it’s obvious to jason that she’s got that lil invincible flair? i’m all for it. cuz i feel like jason has beef with anyone who subjects themself to the same things he did when he was under batman’s wing.
now i’m not gonna say jason’s a stalker but yk. he’s definitely keeping track of you. judging your every move and making sure to be as hypercritical as possible, just to distract him from how badly he wants to ruin you himself. two things immediately came to my mind when i read this and it was brat taming and corruption, but jason as a brat tamer is always in the back of my mind somewhere 🫣 he’s almost looking forward to the moment he gets you to pounce on him with some sneaky shit, waiting for you to pull something just so he can show you how easily he’ll have you right under his thumb. and every time he corners you it’s a little game- he’s wondering if you’re feeling feisty and wanting to give him a hard time or if you’re gonna be all calm and collected and try to outsmart him. he almost finds it pitiful, really, if not entertaining.
then suddenly you’re looking forward to the moment he’s got you really cornered, head to head with him and he’s giving you that death stare even from under the blank helmet. “i know you like this stupid little game,” he’d taunt after getting you in a chokehold all the way up against his chest and pelvis. “aww, he didn’t teach you how to get outta this one yet?” when he definitely has, and you can’t quite figure out what exactly you’re supposed to do when you’re caught off guard by the little tingle between your legs. not to mention how the tight grip around your neck has you gasping… god you’re ashamed of yourself, and he can tell with the look of frustration under that cute cowl. you can’t tell that he’s enjoying this too, and he makes sure of that. just know that he’s eager to hear your half-assed protests and how you “shouldn’t be doing this with him” while he’s… 🤭 mmmm ak!jason todd w a corruption kink save me pls
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Bruce: *sees a motorcade come up on his right* *ignores*
Timmy in the back eying the group suspiciously: ….
*tapping on glass*
Dick: B, there’s someone tapping on my side.
Bruce: Don’t roll the window down they could be-
Dick: *already rolling the window down* *GASP* ROMMEY?! ROMMEY! ROMMEY!!
A 45 yr old grizzled man with a smoker’s voice, nicknamed Rommey by Dick: heya Dickie, how it’s going kiddo.
Another motorbiker with a full claw scar down his face: what about the rest of us, kid? Forget about us?
Derrick-I take down mercenaries for fun but let a kid I like call me DERRICKA-Rolan: You little shit, why’d we not hear from you after you fucked off to neverland huh?!
Isabella-what? Someone went missing? I had nothing to do with it, it’s total coincidence that I hated him-Hodges: Maybe he doesn’t like us, Der. That right, Dickie?
Dick: *flabbergasted* No!! It’s a long story! After I left I ran out of gas and then some girl crashed into my bike and sent it flying off the cliff but I dove off it first and then I had to walk to the nearest motel on bare feet because I gave her my shoes and then I met this half bear half man and I’ll be pleased to tell you that it was a beary bearable encounter once he got his bearings hahahahaha- *progressively climbing out of the car as the story goes on*
Bruce: Dick! Get back in the car! *having one hand on the steering wheel and grabbing the back of his shirt with the other to keep his wayward son from falling out*
Dick: Wait- *accidently twisting too far and nearly braining himself on the speeding asphalt*
Rommey: DICK!
Bruce: DICK!
Rommey, Derricka, Izzy, and Manes: *grabbing the front half to prevent Dick from becoming like two-face*
Bruce: *letting go of the wheel to grab Dick’s bottom half for the same reason*
Tim: *high pitched screaming from the back* DICK! Tₕₑ Wₕₑₑₗ! ₜₕₑ Wₕₑₑₗ!!!
Bruce: *struggling to pull his son in while the motorcade struggles to pull him out to sit on a bike thus leading to Dick hanging in limbo out the window of a car going 80mph on a freeway* GRAB THE WHEEL TIM
Dick, Bruce, Tim, and motorcade: *furious screaming and shouting and panicking*
*2 hours later*
*Arriving at the manor*
Jason: damn what happened to you lot, you look like you went through hell and back.
Bruce and Tim: *drained, pale-faced, messy, sweating, and heaving*
Dick: *a curl of hair falling elegantly into his shining eyes* I just had the time of my life, Jay!
Jason who is well acquainted with Dick’s “Time of the life”s: ah. My condolences.
Tim: Never again. *flopping on the ground and cater-pilling his way up the stairs*
Damian: Father, this is such disgraceful attire! Fix yourself at once, mother would be embarrassed by such a visage! What in holy reincarnation have you been doing?!
Bruce: Never again, Dick.
Dick: it’s nothing Dami, they were just helping me.
Damian: Father, I am ashamed of you. Why must you devolve to such a state when you assist Grayson, he is perfectly capable of extraordinary feats without your input. I suggest you refrain from interfering with his success again.
Bruce: Damian, you-
Dick: Bruce. *smiling pleasantly*
Jason: *immediately sneaking off*
Bruce’s life momentarily flashing before his eyes: …..nothing. Go finish your homework. *trudging off to whine to Alfred about how no one’s gonna believe him*
Dick: *sincerely* what a great day! 😊
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nyx-is-missing · 5 months
Or early summer!
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Clarisse La Rue x Cassandra De Young (oc! Apollo's kid)
Summary: When Cassandra gets involved in a scandal early in the day, she goes to camp early.
Warnings: men....thats all i could think of actualy.
First read this!
Part 2 is here!
Cassandra De Young
Im fucked.
That's it, that's all i can say.
I knew it as soon as my hand reached his face and stinged, as soon as i heard a camera's flash, and as soon as i stepped into my mom's apartment.
Let's just rewind a bit, okay?
My family own a big business, that you already know by now, the thing is, when they reeaally want to do business with someone they go extreme, the most common technique is to get on the good side of everyone in the family, everyone.
They research, pretend to have things in common, to like the same things, to have the same views of life, and to make it more believable they always go for the person who is closest in age with them.
Usually i dont get involved in this situations because im younger than everyone else, the only teen in the family.
The thing is, this family also had someone around my age.
A 18 year old guy.....eighteen.
Let me tell you, i really wasn't going for trouble today, i tought he may be a normal guy, just with a little money, someone i could have a conversation with, drink some coffe, laugh and go back home and think "hey, not so bad"
All he could talk about is how much money his family had, where he went for winter break, his pure blood horse, that only ate (attention to this one) IMPORTED GRASS.
Overall a huge dick.
But that i could handle, i've met people like this, i could handle a shitty talk for some hours, what i could not handle was having to go through all this with his hand on my knee bellow the table.
And here i was, spending one of my last days of spring being tortured by the fates.
"You're not paying much attention to the conversation are you?" He said, and gods that accent was almost making me want to jump out of a cliff, or push him out of a cliff, both would work.
"Oh sorry i was-"
"No need to apologize, people get bored i know" Not that he did something criminal by not letting me finish my sentence but, my gods every action coming from him its making me want to die right now "Its okay, i could find some way to make you focus"
Okay, im done
"Im gonna need you to stop saying odd shit" I looked him dead in the eye with a bothered look, and by the surprised look he gave me back i was 100% sure nobody ever told him to shut up when he was saying nonsense.
"C'mon, dont be like that-" he said trying to get his hand a little but upwards, and i only realized i slapped him when i felt my hand burning.
"Oh my gods im sorry i-" And then i heard the camera flashes.
Im going to need you to imagine the scene, my hand was still up, his hand was till on his cheek, and he had a scared look in his face, as did most of the people at the fancy coffe shop.
Do i smile now? Strike a pose? This one is definetly getting front pages at every place.
I chose the safest choice, got out of that straight to my house.
No..i did not payed the bill.
The whole way home i was trying really hard to think of something to say that was not going to make my family mad, especially my grandfather, but considering whe has always mad with something, that felt like a impossible mission.
First thing i saw when i opened the door of the penthouse was my mom, standing in front of the television, and sure enough, my face was on it.
She turned to me, but before she could even say something i started to explain myself.
"Its not what it looks like mom, i swear, i didn't do it on pourpose, let me explain please-" i couldnt actually read the look on her face, but she didnt say anything, so  i took that as a go ahead.
When i explained her what happened her face relaxed a bit, but not completely, and she had a look that said your grandpa is getting in my nerves because of this.
"I'll talk to your grandfather about this, but you need to know that the way you acted wasn't appropriate, there is cameras all around and you need to be careful...lets just thank the gods you didnt pulled out a dagger right?" She walked closer to me, and i knew she was trying to comfort me, its a pitty actually, i knew she didnt wanted kids when she had me, i knew how grandpa treated her when he found out, to me, it was enough that she at least tried to love me enough.  "You already have your things packed to camp right? I know you have some more days of school but ill call them and tell them you are sick, its best for you to leave earlier this year, then your grandfather wont talk your ears out...you okay with that?"
"Yes mama, ill just finish packing some small things...do i leave today?" I felt her hands on my shoulders, and heard a silent im sorry.
"Yes, but dont be like that, think that you at least wont have to see the news talking about you..youll just be there, with your siblings, eating strawberies and..whatever else demigods do daily, right?"
Like i said, it is enough to me that she tries, even when she isnt great all the time, i know people who dont even have this.
I nodded and went to my room, making sure not to accidentally hit a new sculpture, placed in the corridor.
I didnt wait for her when i finished packing.
I knew she wouldnt be the one to take me there, she never is, she has things to do with the family business, its what ive always heard.
So when i got to the underground garage with my bags i automatically searched for one of the family drivers, sure enough, he was there.
He was a nice guy, but quiet, i knew that he probably had orders not to talk to the family members unless spoken to, grandpa did this with all of them, i also knew he never actually knows where hes been taking me, he takes me there almos every year, but always stops at the road in front of the forest, maybe this sad look he has on his face its because he thinks he is taking me to one of those crazy wilderness therapies as a punishment.
Granpa would absolutely do that if he hadnt had to live with a great public appearence.
"Miss? We are here" He looked at me in the rearview mirror, i only realized i had doze of when my eyes met his and i blinked. "Hold on tight, im going to help you with your luggage okay?"
"Oh..thank you mr bell" He opened the trunk, and then the back door for me, extending his hand to help me get out of the car "thank you, again"
"Sure miss, just let me take your bags out and we are all set okay?-"
Another car dor noise made us both look to the right, to find Clarisse La rue, closing a taxi door, with just one big suitcase in hand.
Now, my story with Clarisse is kind of complicated, i've met her when he were, eight i guess, her family bought some shares in the family business and we saw each other very regulaly, and ever since then everything everyone told me about her is that she is a troublesome girl, that i should stay far.
But she was the one who realized i was a demigodess, and took me straight to camp when a monster found me, and she was the one who, many times when we were little, comforted me when my family made me cry.
It seems like she forgot all of that because she never even looks at me.
If you ask her, she has never even met me at all actually.
"Clarisse, you're early"
"Cassandra, you too-"
"Cass actually, i prefer cass" i corrected her, to wich she just rolled her eyes and muffled a whatever. "Thats all you are taking? One suitcase?"
"And you are taking all that? How do you plan on walking the whole way with all that? Im assuming he wont go with you" she said looking at mr bell, and its true, he could not walk the whole way with me, and i could not walk with all that alone...fuck
"....you could help m-"
"No, dont even think about it"
"C'mon Clarisse!" She didnt even answered me this time actually. "Arent you a Ares-" i looked at the driver taking the suitcases out. "A ares...type of kid? You will pass on the oportunity to demonstrate your muscles or whatever?"
She started to walk away with a bored look, did i already said fuck?
"C'mon ill do whatever! I- i dont know.. 20 dracmas!, no?, ill help you with the cleaning duty you'll eventually have when you fuck it up? I..ill do that AND ill cure you anytime you want, everyday, no matter the time!"
She stopped walking.
Yes! I knew it, one of the many problems clarisse had its that she likes to go out at night to train alone, and when she gets hurt she cant ask anyone to help her, because she would get caught
"Give me those suitcases already and shut up-" she was interrupted by a very happy me hugging her.
I felt her hands on my arms and realized she was going to push me away, so i took a step back
"Geez Clarisse, you could've just told me to back off, dont be like that... just take these and ill take those"
I said pointing to the suitcases, and saying goodbye to mr bell.
Can i already welcome summer and his crazy energy? No? Okay.
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
ft. roomie!mattsun !
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꒰ CONTENTS ꒱ : MDNI. fem. reader, unprotected sex, praise, minimal prep tbh, oral (f!receiving), fingering, slight cervix fucking, creampie, light dose of aftercare — WC : 2.6k
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : after you and matsukawa started your roommates with benefits situation, the two of you have been taking full advantage of it. but tonight, it’s a little different. as the storm rages on outside, you’re doing everything in your power to keep the one inside you at bay. at this point, it’s hard to say whether the thunderstorm or your ever growing feelings for matsukawa are scarier.
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : im insane for this man atp. roommate mattsun lives in my mind rent free sigh. anyway, i hope y’all enjoy this !! i have more ideas for this guy so stay tuned !! and thank u for reading <3
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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the room fills with a bright flash of light, washing over your walls and illuminating every dark corner. within a few seconds, thunder pierces the silence. you couldn’t help but try and bury yourself under the blankets. storms like these were the worst.
the ones that rudely declare its presence in the middle of the night, ripping away any chance at a good night's sleep. the deafening booms ensure a restless night filled with dread knowing that tomorrow will drag on with exhaustion. thunderstorms could be nice, but right now, it has you shrinking further and further into your bed.
another loud noise went off, but it wasn’t thunder this time. you bolt up in your bed, staring at mattsun who was standing dumbly in the doorway, his hand still lingering on the doorknob. it was clear he didn’t mean to bust it open like that, but the damage was done.
“do you mind?” you screech out the last word, your heart beating out at your chest.
“i promise i knocked.” he walked in, chuckling with his hand shoved deep into his pockets. he was wearing those stupid gray sweatpants again and if you weren’t so scared right now, your mind would’ve wandered to what happened the last time he wore those. he knew you liked them and wasn’t afraid to sport them around the house. constantly. “seriously, relax, i just came in to check on you.”
“by scaring the shit out of me?” you huff as he climbs into the bed next to you. you cross your arms at the ease of it all, trying to keep your breathing still. at least you could chalk it up to the thunderstorm making you nervous and not the fact that he was inching closer to you.
“that was an accident.” he rolls his eyes. “you know your door gets stuck.”
“yeah because you and makki tried to play jackass and totally fucked up the lock.” the thunder sounded off again but it was mixed with mattsuns laugh. you tried to focus on that sound instead, not realizing you were leaning into him.
“you got me there.” he gives you a lazy smile before looking around. he knew you were scared and were just trying to keep a brave face. “why don’t we go in the living room and watch a movie? we can bring out our blankets and stuff.”
“yeah-“ the thunder cut you off, the lightning flashes throughout the room, casting a fleeting light over mattsuns face. you look at each other for a moment, your eyes holding back so many words that your lips wish to say. but instead you cower from the loud noise and the weight of your own feelings.
“alright let’s go.” he throws the blanket over you like a cape, the warm fabric wrapping itself around you like a safety net. immediately, he’s picking up the rest of your pillows and blankets, waiting for you to walk out of the room first.
you lead the way, taking your time. he follows you out into the room, throwing the pillows down on the floor.
“hey!” you snap at him, hurrying your way over to pick them up.
“what? we’re gonna lay on the floor.” he said like it was obvious. your eyes trail from him to the couch before you roll them.
“alright, fine. go get your stuff then.” you start arranging the pillows and blankets to a makeshift bed. he goes to his room without another word, hurriedly grabbing his stuff before the next thunder sounds off.
he tosses the pillow against your head, causing you to stumble forward. you whirl around, glaring at him as he holds up the other pillow with a goofy grin.
“are you really trying to have a pillow fight with me right now?” you scoff.
“not much of a fight though, is it.” he shrugs, moving closer. your eyes widen as you scoop up the pillow, turning to whack him against the head. he starts laughing, utterly amused at your attempt. 
“shut up.” you sigh, as you move to sit down. mattsun looks panicked for a moment, so split that if you weren’t already looking at him you would’ve missed it. unbeknownst to you, mattsun was trying his best to distract you from the storm outside, trying to keep your attention on him. 
“alright let’s put on a movie, yeah?” he throws down his pillow next to you, it landing with a soft thud before he practically flops onto the mountain of blankets youre perched on.
“what are we gonna watch?” you ask, trying not to look at the raging storm outside and instead focus on the one brewing deep within his dark eyes.
as soon as he turned on the tv, it blew out. in fact, all the lights in the apartment went out. the slight ticking noise of the AC filtering out before thunder overpowered it, booming throughout the room, causing you to smush yourself further into mattsun’s side.
instantly, his arm is around you. “hey, it’s alright. let me light some candles.” he presses a soft, comforting kiss against your head before getting up, making sure the blanket is safely covering you in his absence.
luckily, you had candles stored all throughout the shared apartment. he carefully took them out as well as his trusty lighter. he went around the room lighting each one, racing against the storm. your eyes didn’t leave him. soon enough, the warm glow filled the otherwise dark space, doing its best to combat the bright flashes from outside.
“there.” he said, looking somewhat proud of his job well done before he turned to look at you, almost surprised to see your eyes already set on his. you sat up, the blanket falling off of your shoulders, pooling around your waist. he slinks over to you and sits down on the blankets, easing you down with him as you lay side by side. “it’ll pass soon, im sure of it. just focus on me, okay?”
“okay.” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. it was a miracle if he heard it at all. the thunder continued to roar outside and he felt you start to tremble in his arms. he looks at you again, slowly moving in to kiss you on the cheek. 
“focus on my lips,” he says, starting to place sloppy, opened mouthed kisses along your neck. your sleep shirt — or rather, his t shirt– slips down your shoulder, leaving it bare. mattsun wasted no time as he trailed down your neck, leaving more kisses along your exposed skin before making his way back up. 
and whatever he was doing — it was working. instead of focusing on the lightning bolts crashing down outside, all you could do was melt from the kisses he laid upon your skin.
his deft fingers find your chin, pulling you in closer so he can properly kiss you on the lips. he was always a good kisser, taking his time as if it would be a crime not to. molding his lips to yours, savoring each bit as you easily find your rhythm together.
even though the kiss wasn’t explicitly passionate, it still left you breathless all the same. each slow caress stole more oxygen from your lungs until you were practically gasping for air. but he didn’t let up, sliding his hand up your thigh as his lips press against your neck. 
thunder clashed overhead again, causing mattsun’s hold on your thigh to grow tighter, using it as leverage to pull you flush against him as his own legs slot between yours. 
“gonna prep you now.” he mumbles against your neck. his fingers grab a hold of your flimsy sleep shorts and pulls them all the way down, along with your underwear. you gasp out but he swallows it, consuming your air once again. 
“already so wet f’me.” he murmurs in your ear, his lips resting on your lobe. he quickly slips another finger in, pumping both of them quickly to try and stretch you out, relishing in the way you squirm under him.
once the small whine left your lips, he couldn’t hold back anymore. giving you one last peck and sliding down, placing a kiss on each of your thighs before his tongue began to tease your folds.
mattsun could lay between your legs for hours if you let him, taking his time to savor you, having you come undone around him again and again until your thighs trembled around his head. it was his salvation, the answer to his prayers, the fix he needed to get through the night.
but he didn’t have that much time tonight, not when you were in desperate need of distraction. your fingers tugged on his hair, causing him to groan out into your cunt. the vibrations sending you closer to the edge. it was too much — his hips stuttered against the blanketed floor, begging for some sort of relief.
“issei-“ you breathe out. mattsun curses the thunder for trying to eat up your sweet sounds, but he moves back up to you so he can press his lips against yours.
“yes?” he asks, slipping a finger past his waistband and sliding off his sweatpants so he can free his aching cock. he needs to feel you. your breath hitches as it nudges against your thighs, his cock already wantonly twitching the moment he comes into contact with you.
“please, i’m ready.” you squirm in his hold, reaching down to wrap your hand around him. he hisses out in pleasure, his forehead knocking down onto yours as he feels his whole body succumb to you, his craving for you becoming too irresistible.
“okay.” he lets you guide him to your entrance, his tip pressing against your clit and trying to soak up all the slick and spit on your messy cunt. his hand wraps around yours, using it to guide him into you quicker, slowly pushing in. 
the stretch always took a second to adjust to once he was fully seated in your warm cunt, buried at the hilt. his size was no easy feat to take, the overwhelmingly sweet pleasure always accompanied by the slight sting of pain. and he was always so patient, softly peppering your skin with kisses. but tonight, you were too impatient for all of that, desperate to feel him. so you start moving your hips, catching him by surprise.
“slow down.” he grips onto your hips tightly, stilling you in place so he could properly collect himself. you pout up at him, not thrilled about having to wait any longer but you humor him. “i’ll give you what you want, don’t you worry, pretty.”
“then get on with it.” you breathe out as he pulls out of you – his tip nestled back at your entrance. he can feel you clench around him, strategically pulsing in a silent command to hurry up. before he starts, he cages you in his arms, pushing back in and lazily moving his hips with shallow thrusts. a small teasing smile takes up his face at your attempt to be demanding.
“don’t get all bratty on me now, i was just getting started.” his hips start to move faster, his cock practically kissing your cervix. each of his thrusts blurring your thoughts together, your mind growing dizzy from the intense pleasure. he looks at you and chuckles, watching your eyes roll to the back of your head in amusement. “you just wanted to be fucked dumb on my cock, is that it?”
“n-no.” you say, turning your head away from him in slight shame. but he barely lets you as he cusps your chin and pulls your attention back onto him.
“you’re lying now?” the smile on his face turns dastardly and you can’t help but moan as he pulls you tighter to him. feeling him stretch you out, overpower your senses, brings you closer as you teeter on the edge.
the thunder roared outside, but you barely heard it as it melted away in the background. it causes you to jump a little bit but you’re secure in mattsuns arms, his hold tightening. his pace doesn’t relent, in fact, it only speeds up. a softer look graces his features as he remembers what he was trying to do – distract you.
the candlelight caresses his face, intimately wrapping itself around his skin in the way that had you envying the soft light. to be that close to him, to share that space, you wanted more. it’s all feels more soft, muted, like he’s really taking care of you.
you clench around him, causing him to groan as you squeeze his cock, barely letting him pull out. he could never keep his cool around you for too long. 
“you’re so fucking pretty. how’d i get so lucky, huh?” he pulls you in closer, pressing up against you as if the air between you two was intruding in your space.
every time his skin touched yours, something new planted itself in its place, running deep through your veins, directly to your heart. no matter how many times you tried to starve it, neglecting to nourish it — it continued to grow to the point you couldn’t bury it anymore.
you loved him.
and it terrified you.
but it also drew you closer to your edge. 
“sei-“ you call out, your fingers gripping the blanket as you arch your back, your chest pressing against his. you can feel your thighs tightening around his hips, his large hands cupping your backside as he practically lifts your bottom half up to meet his thrusts.
you’ve never felt him this deep, like his cock was lodged all the way up inside of you, piercing your heart. you could barely speak, just babbling his name and letting out mewls of pleasure.
he was fucking you dumb but not dumb enough, as those feelings you’ve been trying to hide slips through the cracks and your faced with the horror of loving him — or rather, the horror of possibly having your heartbroken by him. 
“getting close?” he grunts down at you, his voice raspy and streaked with desperation. you brave yourself to look up at him through half lidded eyes, barely able to open them up all the way. you can feel him twitch inside of you as he lets out a groan — teetering on his own edge but adamant to feel you come undone around him first.
“yes, so, so close-“ you cry as his fingers find your clit again, lightly brushing against it and causing you to spiral down, to a paradise or the depths of hell — you didn’t know. all you knew is that you wanted him to come with you as you clutch onto him, dragging him with you as he fills you up with his cum.
he falls to his elbows, careful not to put all of his weight onto you. he kisses you softly, even though he couldn’t catch his breath. he didn’t want to pull out just yet, but knew that he wanted to clean you up.
with one last kiss to your head, he slides out and hisses at the sting of overstimulation. sliding his pants back on, he quickly makes his way to the bathroom. he’s back in another second with a towel, carefully cleaning you up and sliding his shirt back over your head.
you lay there, letting him take care of you as your hazy mind starts coming to again, swirling with many questions that you decide to wait and face them in the morning. for now, it was just nice to soak up all the affection he was giving you.
“i’m gonna blow out the candles, okay?” he asks you softly. you nod, letting him to his thing before he comes back to you and cradles you close to him, getting settled for the night.
even though the thunder had long since died out, neither of you moved. too lost in the sanctuary of each other's arms, creating a warm, safe space where you could both let your guard down, even just a little bit.
mattsun kisses your head gently as you nuzzle further into him. the two of you drifting off into a peaceful sleep, comfortably wrapped up in the blankets and each other's unspoken love.
and in the morning, when makki awoke to see his best friends curled up together on the floor, he didn’t say anything. he just quietly smiled to himself and retreated back into his room.
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doyouknowbtsswag · 11 months
Hey ! Just discovered your account and I was wondering if you know the drama "Weak Hero class 1" ? Im in love with So-Ho character do you think you could write smth abt him ?
Joy Ride |So-Ho|
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I haven’t actually watched this kdrama till I saw your request. Thank you so much because now I’m obsessed 😭. I hope you like it though ❤️
I sat at my desk rolling my eyes at the boys sitting behind me. Their little friend group acts as if they run the school. No one says anything though everyone just lets it happen scared of what they'd do. Honestly, sometimes I feel as though they are all bark but no bite. Finally, when school let out I looked over at my boyfriend who was sleeping resting his head on a cute pillow. I packed my stuff up and went over to his desk.
"So-ho~," I said sitting at the desk in front of his. I gently knocked on his head waiting for him to wake up. He groaned and rubbed his face. "Good morning"
"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" He said tiredly.
"School just got out" I chuckled. "You slept through the class again"
"Not again"
"Don't worry I have notes for you" I smiled.
"How about we hang out for the rest of the day?" He said as we walked outside together.
"Don't you have work?" I asked as we made it to his motorcycle.
"Nope they gave me the day off and I want to spend it with you" He smiled at me giving me butterflies. "Hop on"
"Get on the bike," He said putting his helmet on mine.
"No way I'll walk and-"
"Come on it's fun" He grinned.
"So-ho, le-"
"I promise I won't let you get hurt" He lead me to the seat. "Do you trust me?"
"I trust you"
"Then get on I'll go slow," He said as I hesitantly got on the bike. He sat in front of me grabbing both of my hands and wrapped them around his waist. "Just hold on"
"Alright," I said nervously tightly grabbing his waist.
He started the motorcycle and revved the engine making me jump. He started driving as I buried my head in his neck scared to look around. The drive started to feel nice and the small bumps in the road that made me flinch got better over time. I carefully peeked my head out from his back to look around the sudden gust of wind overcame my body as I loosened my grip from So-ho's waist making him smiley at the sudden comfort. I looked around at the streetlights coming to like as the sun fell. Even though I've seen those lights flash multiple times this felt different. The adrenaline in my body and the wind flowing through my hair made me feel free, it made me feel alive. So-ho pulled over in front of a restaurant getting off the bike.
"Holy shit," I said catching my breath and smiling.
"I thought you didn't like going on motorcycles" He teased putting his hands in his pockets.
"I didn't either," I said placing the helmet down.
"I guess we're going shopping for a helmet."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm gonna start driving you home" He grabbed my hand as we walked into the restaurant. "or you could ride with me while working.
"How about both,"
"Perfect," He said.
When the waitress came over we decided to share a meal since I felt a little sick from the drive we took.
"That's normal, you'll get used to it."
"That's good I want to ride with you all the time." I smiled.
"Why don't we walk up to the store up the street that sells helmets." He said while eating. "Then we can go faster since we weren't going that fast."
"Perfect, I don't want you to get hurt"
"I'm more worried about you." He grabbed my hand from across the table. "You're always my first priority"
"Stop you're making me blush" I covered my face the butterflies coming back.
"I'm serious" He laughed lightly. "I care a lot about you"
"I care a lot about you too," I said all red.
After we finished eating So-ho paid for dinner and grabbed my hand as we walked outside. There was a peaceful silence between us as we walked down the sidewalk. It wasn't too packed so it was nice feeling the breeze. He walked in front of a store that specifically sold sports gear along with a few other items.
"Ladies first." He said opening the door.
"Why thank you kind sir" I jokingly bowed as we both made how way to the helmet section. "What color or design should I get?"
"Let's see what they have," He said as we walked in front of the gear we needed. "There aren't many colors left" He frowned
"It's fine, I can always come back you know," I said putting a random one on my head" What do you think?"
He smiled and whistled which made me gently smack his arm. I rolled my eyes smiling.
"I think it suits you" He smiled crossing his arms.
"You think so?" I asked looking at the item.
"I know so, plus like you said earlier we could come back" He uncrossed his arms as we made our way to the front grabbing a few miscellanies things on the way. "I'll pay"
"You paid for dinner let me" I insisted pulling money out and before he knew it everything was in the bag.
"Have a nice day!"
"You as well" I smiled and dragged my sulking boyfriend with me.
"You should have let me pay," He said. "Especially since it's my bike"
"Hey, don't worry about it I'm happy I did"
"Next time I'm buying a bigger dinner and you can't pinch in a cent," He said stopping to look at the lights.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.
"I've never really paid attention to the scenery since I'm always on the run." He said smiling. "I'm glad I'm able to see it with you"
"You should give yourself some more time off you work so hard" I admired his face in the beaming light that captured his beauty. His smile already lit up the streets and his eyes were captivating. He looked over at me staring but I didn't care I let myself stand my ground just this once.
"You're cute," I said out of nowhere making him turn red.
"What was that all about," He said off guard.
"To be honest I dunno just wanted to say that" I smiled.
"You're a hot mess express sometimes" He chuckled looking me in the eye and cupped my cheek.
It was my turn to be caught off guard as he wrapped his hand around my waist making me drop the bag in shock. I felt like I was in a romance K-drama with the swinging lights in the background, instead of Jae-Chan and Hong-Joo it was me and So-Ho. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I gently kissed him. It wasn't fast but it wasn't too slow. We both blushed looking at each other and then looking away shyly. He hugged me and I hugged him back little did I know what was going on behind the scenes. He pulled away from the hug and bent down to grab the bag.
"Let's go back on the Joy Ride" He smiled putting the helmet on my face and giving it a knock.
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zombholic · 8 months
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“dude i swear i will get on my knees for that woman!” you rolled over on your best friends, dina’s bed as she passed you a blunt, taking a hit before passing it back to the dark haired girl sitting against her bed on the floor.
“you saw her two times y/nn” she shook her head looking at the blunt before looking at you. “ok but listen, she is like ethereal dude, i’d gobble her-“ “and you’re done speaking, go to sleep you have work tomorrow” you almost puked at the thought of work.
dina rolled you over to the wall side as she got under the covers “i should have a heart attack and then you can take me and ask for her” “go to bed y/n!”
hearing your stupid alarm go off, dina took it upon herself to grab your ankles and drag you off her very comfortable bed “i’m going to put you in my 13th record” you rubbed your face before getting up to her bathroom “love you!”
you were only a little happy today because it was pay day so you decided to be nice to the annoying customers as well. “have a great day ma’am” you gave the most fake smile to the customer, flipping her off when she left “no sign of doctor goddess this morning?” jesse walks in to start his closing shift.
“she’s the only reason i’m even here right now, can’t believe this is how she breaks up with me” you fake a sad sign, shaking your head at him causing him to chuckle at your attitude.
quickly going around the counter to help jesse clean up for his shift you started by wiping down the tables, the bell to the door chimes, leaving the rag and spray bottle on the dirty table, you saw abby. “hey doctor” you walked back to the register, throwing the latex gloves in the trash, giving her a smile. “hey sweetheart” the nickname giving you a tingly feeling in your stomach.
“the usual? and why so late?” you started with brewing the coffee “night shift and can you make that 4 please, my co-workers need it too” she sighed giving you the sweetest smile.
i want you to fuc-
nodding at her request you grabbed a couple more cups and a cup holder “so as a doctor do you get like any days off? it seems so like exhausting” you tilted your head looking at her “well, because i am a very needed doctor in the field i get at least a month or two off for vacation but on my days off i need to have my pager on me always” she shows you the little black box on her pocket.
you feel jesse “accidentally” bump into you with a sorry ass apologize and a cough, giving to the look. “so um, i was wondering if i could like maybe get your number?” you held your breath, fiddling with your fingers only giving her minimal eye contact. abby pulls her phone out, handing it over to you “why not” she maintains her eye contact.
quickly adding your contact in her phone you gave it back to her, giving yourself a fist bump in your head “you know like incase i have a heart attack or something and need to call for help” you joked biting the inside of your cheek out of a nervous habit “i hope you never have a heart attack sweet thing and i really hope you call the ambulance first” she laughed.
giving her the coffees you gave her a small bye “i’ll text you on my break, if you’re awake by then?” she gave you a flashing smile before walking out.
“holy shit! you got her number” jesse patted your back “holy fucking shit! i like almost shit myself, im gonna pass out” you inhaled deeply after holding your breath for so long “can i be the maid of honor” he wiggled his brows at you with a stupid smirk on his face “you can sit in the back with the grass.”
getting out the shower you started getting ready for bed, not to sleep cause tomorrow is your day off but you wanted to just chill and watch the vampire diaries.
buzz buzz
grabbing your phone you see a number text, your heart racing knowing it’s literally the love of your life texting.
Hello, it’s Abby from the coffee shop.
omg hey! didnt think u would text me
Of course I would, why wouldn’t I?
i mean, you are a busy heart doctor so i assumed you would be too busy 😭
Why are you crying?
crying? no abs it’s supposed to be me laughing LOL
Oh, well I still have a lot to learn.
you’re literally adorable, are you off tomorrow?
During the day, yes, but I have another night shift. Why?
do you maybe want to go out for lunch or something?
Of course, I would love to.
What time and which restaurant?
you can pick that for us, im down for anything :)
How about 12pm at Vue Rooftop?
oh that sounds fancy and i probably can’t afford it 🥲
Sweetheart, who said you were going to pay for anything in the first place? It’s my treat.
no, i cant let you pay for me thats not fair on you
It’s a date Y/n, I’ll see you tomorrow. I have to get back to work now, Goodnight beautiful.
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AUTHORS NOTE: yeah i have adhd and i am making part 3 already … EHEHEHEH
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pabtsblueliving · 11 months
I Was Wrong
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Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Took such a long break, Im sorry! I’ve been working, and just enjoying summer! Got inspired to write this. I am a huge Chris Stapleton fan, and this song holds so much emotion. I COULD NOT, emphasize, COULD NOTTTT not think of writing this for Daryl. Good ending dw.
I Was Wrong by Chris Stapleton
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Hopefully I’ll get some more inspo.
WC 1.8k
The feedback on Dirty Laundry and You Done was absolutely insane, so thank you all <3 xoxo
Warnings: daryl got mad, established relationship, kissing oooo.
pabtsblueliving © 2023
I've been thinking 'bout my thoughtless words
And I know just how much they must have hurt
It was a rough day to begin with, for everyone. Food was low, sleep was at a minimum, stakes were high. Everyone seemed jumpy, emotionally dragged in the dirt at this time. Alexandria was at risk, everyone was vulnerable. 
You and Daryl had been arguing all morning, continuing on in the kitchen. 
The rain poured down heavily over you and Daryl, mirroring the intense storm brewing within the walls of Alexandria. Tension crackled in the air as your and Daryl stood face-to-face, their voices raised in a heated argument.
"I can't believe you're saying this, Daryl!" Your voice trembled with a mixture of anger and hurt. "After everything we've been through, how can you just throw it all away?"
Daryl's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched tightly. "I ain't throwin' nothin' away. Just tellin' you how it is," he retorted, his voice sharp and clipped.
A mixture of disbelief and pain flashed across your face. 
"You don't mean that. You can't. We've shared so much, Daryl. I thought we had something real."
Daryl's hands balled into fists at his sides, his voice growing harsher. 
"Real? What's real about this world, huh? What's real about me? I ain't nothin' but a broken piece of shit, and I ain't lettin' you get hurt because of me." He huffed. 
Tears welled up in your eyes as you took a step back, wounded by his words.
 "So, this is it, then? You're just going to push me away because you think you're protecting me? I thought you were different, Daryl. I thought you cared."
Daryl's face twisted with frustration and pain. 
"Cared? You think I don't care? Damn it, I care too much! That's why I can't let this go on. You deserve better than me, and I ain't gonna be the one holdin' you back."
Silence hung heavy in the room, broken only by the sound of raindrops against the windowpane. Your voice trembled as she whispered, 
"If you truly believe that, Daryl... If you really don't love me…” 
Your voice went silent, you wiped your tears and turned around to your home, starting to walk away. 
Daryl's eyes widened, a mixture of regret and longing flickering in his gaze. He reached out as if to touch her, but hesitated, his hand hovering in the air. 
"No... that ain't what I meant..."
And I take it back
Won't you let me take it back?
end flashback, present day
Days had passed since your and Daryl's brawl. 
You kept busy. Helped Carol. Hung out with Judith and Carl. The distraction didn't help when you could feel everyone's pity, sympathetic eyes. You were embarrassed. Emotions flooded through your head often.
Why’d I even try with him in the first place? He doesnt love me. He seemed like he did. He never loved me. 
You know I told you that I don't love you
That I'd be better off with someone new
But I take it back
You'd finished up with chores, it was sunset. It had officially been four days since you’d last seen Daryl. Last you heard he saddled up on his bike and headed for the hills. 
You sat at the counter in the home you did share with Daryl, sewing up the holes made in your jacket from a previous hunt. Until you heard…
Knock, knock, knock…
You turned to the door, the raps of his fist on the door so quiet you thought you were imagining it.
Knock, knock, knock…
You turned again, maybe you werent making it up. You pulled yourself off your stool and put your needle and jacket on the counter. You unlocked and opened the door to reveal Daryl standing on your porch.
You stood there. Debating on shutting the door in his face, but then he looked up from his boots on your welcome mat. Those damn eyes…
Won't you let me take it back?
“...Hey.” He spoke, chewing his lip.
You took a deep shaky breath. “Hey.” you leaned against the door frame.
“Can I come inside?” He asked.
You purse your lips, crossed your arms and walked back into your home, leaving the door open for him to come inside. A quiet invitation.
You sat back on your stool, and just looked at him. He seemed shy, taken aback, finding his words.
“Look…Y/N. I did some thinkin’, I just had to get outta these walls…give you some time before I came back.” He started.
Girl, you know that I still love you
And you know that I'm so alone
I don't know why
“I was wrong. I was afraid…I was bein’ a pussy…Ive just been so amped up, worried about the future here, just thinkin’ about if were gonna even make it to live another day.” He continued.
“Daryl..” You started
“Naw, Y/N listen, Wha’ I said? I hurt the only person I told myself not to hurt. I jus…” He sighed. 
I told you that I didn't need you
Can't you see that, baby, I was wrong?
“I need you…everyday. You’re the only person in this damn…fucked up world who don’t drive me nuts.” He approached you.
A tear slipped down your cheek, you looked up to see him standing closer than he was before, almost between your legs. He propped up your chin and wiped the tears from your stained cheeks.
You wrapped your arms around him and sobbed. He held the back of your head to his chest and buried his nose in your hair.
What I wouldn't give to be your lover again
All I want to do is touch your skin, yeah
If I had you right here right now
Tell you, tell you, tell you, tell you
“Im sorry.” He said in a shaky voice. “Im sorry, baby. I love you more than anything, I vowed to protect you, and instead I hurt you. I didn’t mean it. I love you.”
You looked up at him, those eyes…
“I love you too…” You said, and he pulled you off the stool.
Girl, you know that I still love you
And you know that I'm so alone
I don't know why
I told you that I didn't need you
Can't you see that, baby, I was wrong?
“Youre my girl…I won’ let it happen again…I love you…” He spoke, holding your jaw.
He brought you in close and laid his lips upon yours. You’d be a liar if you said you didnt miss him.
His presence.
His smell.
His voice.
“I was wrong” He spoke one last time.
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forestshadow-wolf · 2 months
It’s late but in honour of our favourite holiday (the ides) what if the 141 played assassin and one name gets drawn out of a lot to be the Ceaser (victim) who then has to survive a full day without being “stabbed”. Ghost doesn’t normally participate but his name got pulled so he has to this time. The prize for being Brutus (the first to “stab” Ghost) is deciding where some of the next budget goes, this normally would be fine no one usually stabs a chance against Ghost except that A Soap wants a bigger budget for demolitions and B he knows all of Ghosts hiding spots. Ghost might actually have his work cut out for him this year.
you're late, im late, we're all late lmfao (i may have accidentally forgotten about this)
ooh this is such a crackfic concept and I love it!! i just imagine:
"no. i'm not playin'- "
"'s too late, you are playing now, we've already drawn your name." soap cuts ghost off, almost too giddily.
"i'm not." ghost deadpans
"you are. i am GETTING my budget increase. you have one hour, Ceasar."
ghost sighed exaperated, but soap is nothing if not relentless.
--- the good ol im lazy timeskip ---
ghost himself couldn't careless for the stupid game, but like hell was he gonna let soap win so easily. he only says soap, because he's the only one who literally dropped from the rafters to get him. it was only a experienced skill, and good timing that let him escape.
price and gaz are relatively easy to handle, only one run-in with them, they were together, and ghost was quick to disarm them and disappear.
soap however, knows all the good spots to find him. and he is setting boobytraps, and pulling shenanigans. he LITERALLY caught ghost in a net snare like a goddamn cartoon.... only becasue he wasn't prepared for some loony toons-ass baffonery.
--- another lazy timeskip ---
it was nearing midnight, and he'd gotten off basically scot-free, a few tight situations, but nothing he couldn't get himself out of...
that is until he stepped into his private showers, closed the door, and promptly felt the rounded end of a plastic knife in his kidney.
he whips around, and there soap is, stupid piece of plastic in hand, and wide shit-eating grin on his face.
"you're too late."
"ahm nae." soap grins, flashing his watch, and it showed a crisp 00:00:37, "thirty-seven seconds to spare."
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luxiem x reader || them on your wedding day
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a/n : i got rlly bored and honestly luxiem is my life support sooooo headcanons abt how luxiem would be like on yalls wedding day
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would be the type to look calm before the wedding but fucking lose his shit when he sees you walking down that aisle
tears streaming down his face kind of crying, but then hides it when you get up to the front
'you may now kiss the bride' he would absolutely start tearing up again before kissing you
magic tricks. thats all im gonna say. i dont know.
i feel like he'd be the type to lead ur first dance and whisper sweet shit while dancing
would be one of those people who starts crying during father-child dance
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cute nervous smile when he sees you walking up that aisle
he would so be looking at you with puppy dog eyes
yall would probably laugh (except for maybe a poor soul who was going to object)
will accidentally trip on your foot
but will hide it ever so gracefully
mistugetsu un deux trois [help i cant spell]
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dawg he would dead ass be tearing up
hes trying his best not to cry but just ends up tearing up by the end
hes actually good at dancing??? surprisingly??
hes defo living his romance novel life
all those times he wrote dances within his novels, YEAH HE'S GONNA DO ONE WITH YOU ON YOUR WEDDING DAY [bonus points if the dance is in a book with a self insert of him and you]
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he'd be really emotional about it, and we love that [NO HATE OK WE LOVE EMOTIONAL MEN]
he would definitely hug you when yall kiss
hes defintely getting a LITTLE tipsy during reception
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the only one who wouldnt tear up honestly, like he'd just smile sweetly while u walk up the aisle
he would be SMITTEN while the officiator talks
just looking at you with the sweetest goddamn look a demon can muster
what do yall expect
he obviously knows how to dance, AND WELL AND ELEGANTLY
would be by your side THE WHOLE TIME IN RECEPTION
hand on waist, motherfucker AINT LETTING YOU GO [unless he had to, and ONLY if he had to]
a/n: ty for reading :D THIS IS MY FIRST HEADCANON THING BUT LIKE YEAH [im biased with ike ok im sorry LMAO]
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graciegoeskrazy · 7 months
i’ve got a woman now
pairings: Matty Healy x Teen!Daughter!reader (ft. The 1975)
a/n: GUYS. i really like this one lol. im so sorry to the wonderful anon who requested this! it took forever to complete because i loved it so much and kept adding and shit. but here it is and i hope u enjoy!
warnings: blood, periods, giving ‘the talk’, talk of absent mother, matty is the best dad, lil bit of panicking, a lil crying
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Your life quite literally flashed before your eyes when a line of blood started running down your legs. You ran to the bathroom and sat down as quickly as possible. Your bottoms were coated with blood. You were immensely scared and did the first thing that came to your mind - calling out to the person you trusted most.
Matty sat up and ran upstairs as soon as he heard you shout, never hesitating. He heard the panic cries coming from the bathroom. When he walked in he saw you sitting in the loo with a towel covering yourself. He kneeled in front of you.
“Woah, woah. Hey.”
You were scared shitless. Matty could tell by your panicked breathing.
“Breathe, baby.”
He led you through some exercises and after a moment he calmed down. “Is it under there?”
You frantically nodded.
“Good. Now let me see.”
He was pretty sure he knew what was happening but needed to make sure. “What happened?” He asked.
“I don’t know! You just sat down and I was peeing- and there was blood everywhere!”
“Okay, Okay, breathe darling.” His worst fear was confirmed. “It’s gonna be okay-”
“Daddy, what’s happening?”
He grabbed your shoulders and looked you right in the eyes with a smile. “You got your period, love.”
“Huh?” His casual tone threw you off.
“I’ll be right back.” After a moment or two Matty came back with a pair of underwear with a pad already attached, new shorts, and another roll of toilet paper. “Ok. You’re gonna clean yourself up, put this on, change your bottoms, and come meet me in my room. Okay?”
You nodded but continued crying. He kneeled again. “What’s wrong, darling?”
“Am I in trouble?”
“No, love! Of course not! Why would you be?”
You sniffled. “I made a mess and stuff,”
“No, you didn’t, love. This is all normal-”
“What do you mean normal?! Dad, I’m scared.”
“Just change, then come find me. Okay?”
You were so fucking confused
Although Matty tried to stay calm for the sake of his kid, on the inside he was a panicking mess. So, he called the person who usually always knows the right thing to say, and usually ends up fixing his problems. Your uncle Adam.
He mentioned that he, his wife Carly, your uncle George, and uncle Ross were all going out to lunch for the day, and would be back at the house you and all of them shared after. He facetimed him and he thankfully answered immediately.
“We’ve got a serious fucking problem.”
“What’s happened?” Adam asked.
“Y/n got her period.”
Everyone at the table went silent.
“She got her period mate. I have to fucking give her the TALK now!”
He could hear the others laughing in the background. Adam just smiled a bit. “You’ve never given her the talk?”
“No! I raised her alone! I’ve been trying to avoid that topic for as long as possible!” Your father was freaking out.
George spoke up from the back. “Did she even know what a period is?”
“I don’t think so. She called me to the bathroom- I think she thought she was gonna die.”
“Oh my god,” Ross said laughing.
“Does she need supplies?” Carley said, taking the phone.
“No, I had some stashed since 2 years ago for when this happened.”
“Awe! He cares!” She said, teasingly.
“Give Hann the phone back.” He replied with a blank face.
One Hann’s face was on the screen again, he continued. “Mate, What the fuck do I do?”
“First, you’re going to chill the fuck out.”
Matty took a breath. “Get her relaxed, it’ll do you both no good if she’s an anxious mess which I know she is.”
“Then you are going to simply explain that what happened is called a period. And because she got a period, she is now capable of making babies. But she cannot and will not make a baby until she is at least 30. She will bleed down there every month, and stick some cotton in her underwear to help. she might get terrible mood swings or cramps, or like her auntie Carly, she will want to stab her significant other's eyes out,”
“Hey!” Carly yelled.
“But it will all be fine, because her dad is here to help, and will be there every step of the way.”
“That was pretty good,” Ross said.
“I can’t believe my baby girl is becoming a woman,” Matty said.
“It was inevitable mate,” Adam said.
“I’ve been dreading this exact moment since I found out she didn’t have a penis.”
“You're a good dad, mate. Go.”
Your dad smiled a little bit before saying, “I’ll see you later.”
Carly chimed in before Adam had the chance to hang up. “Remind her that she now has an excuse to stay out of P.E!”
Your dad was lying in bed, scrolling on his phone after sending a text to George that read ‘pray for me’, when he heard the door creak open slightly. “Hop In,” he said, pulling back the covers.
“I can’t.” You shyly looked down, basically caving in on yourself.
“Why?” He asked.
“I’m gonna mess up the sheets again.” You slowly looked up to him.
“If you do then we’ll wash them. It’s not a big deal, c’mon.” he patted the spot next to him. You walked over to the bed and snuggled under the covers, immediately hiding in your dad’s chest. He ran his fingers through your hair for a moment, thinking about how to start the conversation. However, you did it for him. “Am I dying?”
He chuckled. “No. You’re not dying.”
You mumbled in his shirt. “So what’s happening then?”
He sighed. Here we go, “When girls get older…and start becoming women…they get their period every month-”
“Every month?! I’m gonna bleed out of my but every month?” You said sitting up.
“It’s not out of your but, it’s out of your vagina-”
“Doesn’t matter! I’m gonna have blood coming out of me every month?!”
He looked at you with a tight lip before replying. “...Yes.”
You showed a look of confusion. “Why?”
“Now, time for the fun part.”
Your brows furrowed. “What fun part?”
“The part where I tell you how babies are made-”
“NO. NOPE! I’M GOOD. No need for that.”
“So you’re telling me you didn’t know what a period was but you know everything about having sex.”
“I don’t know everything about sex, and I don’t wanna know everything about sex!”
“You have to, love.”
“I just learned im gonna lose gallons of blood every month out of my butt and you're telling me you wanna have the freaking birds and the bees talk NOW?”
“It’s not gallons…I think. And, it’s all connected, y/n. You need to have a period to get pregnant.”
“I can get pregnant?!?!?!”
“...technically, yes.”
“Oh my god, my life is over.”
“Your life is not over. We’re gonna have this conversation, I’m gonna answer all questions you have, and then you will continue living your life.”
You were silent. Staring at your hands.
“If you don’t hear it from me, your father who loves you, you’re gonna hear it from stupid kids around you who either tell you false information or try and get in your pants.” After a moment, you answered.
I can’t believe this.”
“Well…you’re aunt Carly says you can use it as an excuse to get out of gym!”
Your eyes widened. “You told Aunt Carly?!”
“Yeah…I called Adam and the boys and she answered.”
You sat up. “THE BOYS KNOW?!?!”
“Relax, love. It will all be okay.” He patted your knee and you fell back down, hiding your face in the pillows.
“Everyone’s gonna look at me differently now.” Your sound was muffled by the pillows.
“Honey, that’s already happened.” You didn't move. Your dad readjusted to fave you and your hidden state.
“Do you know how many times you’ve made your Uncle George cry simply because you’re growing up? And I think Ross had a panic attack when he found out you started wearing real bras.”
“Dad…” You said looking up
“The point is, you have people in every corner who want nothing more than to support you because to them you’ll always be our baby girl.”
After about an hour, a couple of Google searches, and a phone call to Carly and Charli to get a second and third confirmation that there are indeed 3 holes, you and your dad had covered everything. Yet, some dots still weren’t connecting.
“Why do some babies get put up for adoption? People still have sex even if they don’t want to have a baby?”
Matty could get over your confused face it was adorable.
“Yeah, sure. People use condoms or there are pills women take. It’s different for everyone.”
He could still see the wheels turning in your mind and continued. “They don’t always work though. Your mom was on the pill when we were together, but she still got pregnant.”
Your mother.
For a while now you had been perfectly content with the fact your mother wasn’t in your life. Your dad always said your family was perfect the way it is, but all these discoveries had you questioning your existence a little bit. Some of those dots started connecting in your head, and that confused expression turned to fear.
“You guys didn't mean to have me?”
Marty’s heart shattered. How in the world was he supposed to deal with this one? There isn’t exactly a guidebook on telling your pre-teen daughter about sex when you’re a single dad to a baby who has never had a mother in her life and was raised around nothing but dirty disgusting men who are also in a band that leads her to have a not so normal life?
“Not technically…no?” He said.
You nodded and looked down- finally understanding. “Is that why she left?”
Oh shit. Now THIS was the talk Matty wanted to avoid even MORE than the birds and the bees. He knew it needed to happen eventually and now seemed good enough.
“Your mother left for a multitude of reasons, but newborn you was not one of them.”
“Then why did she leave?” You asked.
You rolled your eyes. “You always say that-”
“Because it is, y/n.”
You looked up at your father. He had a look of pity written all over his face. He sighed and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer.
“The truth is, you were unexpected. You were a surprise to everyone. And your mother wasn’t ready for such a big wonderful surprise.”
“So she bounced.”
“Yep.” He replied, popping the ‘p’
“But you stayed.” You replied smiling at him.
“I did.”
“Thanks for not putting me up for adoption.” You said, leaning into him.
“Thanks for being a great kid.”
“Thanks for playing mom and dad.”
He kissed the top of your head before replying with, “My pleasure.”
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I cannot get enough of ur Tangerine smut LAWD I love it. Would you ever write one where he and the reader are on a mission and Tan screws up something so the reader lets out her anger (& repressed attraction) on him by throwing a punch so he puts her in her place & it just gets FILTHY😩
hii! thank you! omg I LOVE shit like this, and the tension🤭 you wanted filthy, im giving you filthy. also sorry it’s taken so long. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
wrong turn
Tangerine x fem!Reader
wc || 1.9k (oops, couldn’t stop writing it)
warnings || 18+ only. swearing + explicit content (literal word porn, repressed attraction kinda sex- the good kind. p in v) minors dni
masterlist + rules
Being professional partners with Tangerine was never easy, especially if Lemon wasn’t there to diffuse tension. You desperately relied on Lemon to be the buffer between you and Tangerine, but unfortunately, he was back at home, bed-bound with tonsillitis. So this week, it was just you and Tangerine, together for five long days in an unfamiliar city.
“You’re going the wrong way.” You state, pointing to the sign before he gets a chance to speed past.
“I’m not, this is the right way.” He grumbles, keeping his eyes on the road in front.
“No, this way is going into the city centre- it’s the wrong way.” Quickly checking the mirrors, grabbing the steering wheel to change lanes.
“What you doing? You prick… great. Stuck behind this fuckin knob.” He groans, honking at the lorry in front.
“There is a speed limit, you know.” You snark.
“Speed limit, my arse.” Swerving around the lorry that was hogging the lane.
“You don’t have to be such a prat.” You prod.
His neck whips around to flash you a face that said ‘come again?’ Immediately covering your mouth to stifle a cackle. “See? It’s the right way.” You taunt once more.
“Fuck off.” He mumbles under his breath.
“What’s that?” Tilting your head to the side.
“I said, well done.” Forcing a sarcastic smile, giving you an obnoxious thumbs up.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” You jest, turning your attention to your window to hide your grin.
“Now, I’m fuckin lost.” He grumbles, pulling into a ditch.
“We’re gonna miss them.” You point out, checking the time on your phone. “I knew I should’ve driven… they’ve probably already left-“
“Will you shut up?” He groans, emphasising each word.
“No… if you weren’t so arrogant, we’d be there and gone by now.”
“Yeah, that’s real helpful, that.” He snarks, thumping his head back against the headrest.
“Let me drive?”
“Why?” Face contorting. “I won’t crash your precious car.” You mock.
“You’re an awful driver.” He gutturally laughs to taunt you. “You go over a curb and you’re like ‘oops’” Grinning at the memory earnestly.
“No, I don’t.” You defend yourself, trying not to laugh.
“Yes, you do. You did it last week.” Deeply chuckling.
“When?” You object.
“Um, last week… Lem nearly went through the fuckin windshield.”
“Oh shut up- that didn’t happen.”
“Maybe… because you were…” pausing to lower his voice. “Singing to your music.”
“Sod off. Now move, we’re never gonna get there.” Swatting him from his seat.
“No.” Pushing your hands away to grip the steering wheel, pulling from the curb to continue driving.
“You have some issues.” You mimicked, slouching and sulking in your seat.
“Not the first woman to tell me that.” He added, grinning with his eyes glued to the road.
When you both finally arrive at the location, you notice the lack of cars parked outside the warehouse. Staring through the window, looking over your shoulder to Tan. “Where is everyone?”
“We must’ve missed them.” He claims.
“‘We’? Nah, you missed them. You got too much penis pride.” You state indifferently. Your eyebrows pull together when you hear him snicker from behind.
“Penis pride?” He mocks, hiding a grin.
“Shut up, you know what I meant.”
“Nah, I don’t. Elaborate.” His head tilted to the side.
“Your need to be in charge because of” pausing briefly to face him again. “…that.” Pointing downwards.
“‘That’? He chuckles deeply. “You mean my cock.” His head lowering, his smirk taunting you.
“Shut up.” Turning back around to hide your burning cheeks.
“You blushing?” He mentions.
“I can see you, you know.” He scoffs, waving into your window so you could see his reflection.
Quickly raising your hand to smack the light off, flashing him a scowl.
“Did I make you nervous?” He taunts one more, tapping the exposed skin on the nape of your neck. Immediately swatting it away, slapping his hand. “Anybody ever tell you not to touch a woman without her permission?” You ask with a faux glare.
Raising his hands to show his innocence, dropping them into his lap. “If I’d ask, you’d say yes.” He grins, leaning towards your seat. “Am I correct?
“You should be more annoyed about this.” You change the subject, gesturing to the empty warehouse.
“It weren’t my fault.” He shrugs.
“This again?”
“You brought it up.”
“It’s frustrating that you won’t admit it.”
“Admit what?”
Your face screws up, clearly growing irritated.
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” He taunts again.
Twisting around, smacking him hard against his bicep.
“Do it again… I dare you.” His head lowers, staring into your eyes.
Lifting your hand, you ball it into a fist, hitting him again. He wraps his hand around your wrist, holding it as he pulls it away. “I don’t think so.” He shakes his head, lowering your hand to his thigh.
His grip over your hand was loose so you had plenty of opportunity to pull away, but you didn’t. You just stared into his eyes as you silently agreed to let his hand move yours. Trailing it up his thigh.
“Look down.” He says quietly, his eyes nodding to his crotch.
Slowly glancing down, noticing the huge tent in his trousers. Turning your gaze back to his face, pleadingly looking up at him through hooded eyes.
His fingers softly brush up your thigh, intensely staring at your shallow breathing chest. Lingering a singular finger up your arm until he reached your neck, slowly trailing up your throat and up to your parted lips. Brushing over the soft skin, staring directly into your soul.
It was like some sort of mind game, a game to see who would crack first. You wanted it to be him, but the way he touched you so lightly made you question your strength.
His other hand continues to graze up your thigh, itching upwards and leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. It was like a switch went off in your brain that told you ‘fuck it.’ Crawling yourself over the gearstick to straddle his thick thighs. Instinctively he slides his seat back, allowing more space for you. Gently yanking the sides of your face, desperately pulling you in for an urgent kiss. Brashly working over yours with soft content groans, his hands sliding down to grip your neck. Loosely holding as he trails kisses along your throat, his thumb lifting your jaw to allow him better access, grazing wet hurried kisses along the skin.
His hands snake around your back, his fingers spread wide as he clasps your skin, desperately needing to feel more of you. Lazily licking up your throat to resume deep kisses to your needy lips.
His fingers lightly teasing over your back, travelling down to grip your waist. Pulling you further down into his lap, grinding you against his aching clothed cock. “Fuckin hell.” He groans between kisses, heavily exhaling into your mouth.
Pulling yourself in him closer, your chest flush with his. Wrapping your arms around his neck and tangling your fingers in his hair to deepen the heavy makeout.
“I want to fuck you so bad.” He murmurs against your skin. Sliding his hands under your clothing so he could freely roam your body. Grazing his fingertips over your hot flesh.
“I want you.” Burying your face into the nape of his neck, quietly panting against his skin.
Tan looks up at you, scanning your face, taking in the beauty of your natural features. Eyes darting over your face.
“What?” You ask, a hint of worry in your voice.
“Nothing… you’re just beautiful.” He grins, nuzzling his face between your chest.
“Softie.” You sweetly joke, smiling down at him. Your eager hands unbuttoned his shirt, as he fiddled with yours, practically ripping your top from you. His palms immediately clutching to your chest with a wide grin across his face, kneading into them through your bra.
He snakes his hands over your hips, grabbing them to lift you up. Instinctively, you reach down to undo his trousers, unzipping them so he could slide the fabric out from under himself. Slipping your hands down, prying away the waistband of his boxers, allowing his cock to spring out and stand attentively against his stomach.
His fingers slide up your inner thighs, roaming over the wet patch in your underwear. Smirking as he slips his hand into the fabric, teasing through your wet folds. Separating the fabric and dragging it over to the side to create an opening for him.
Gripping himself from the base, giving himself a couple firm tugs, never once leaving your eyes. Scanning your face for permission once more, to which you eagerly nod.
Lifting yourself to hover over him, aligning yourself with his tip. Gripping himself, sliding his head through your slick. Slowly pushing himself into you, urgently grabbing around your waist to pull you closer to his chest. Steadily lowering you down, allowing his full length to completely fill you. Melting and moulding around him as he keeps you still, bottoming out. You desperately wrap your arms back around his neck, urgently bringing his face into your chest. Your neck slack, as soft pleading whimpers escape your parted lips.
He lifts you from him, lowering you down to sink back in. Leisurely bucking his hips so you could engulf his sensitive cock. He softly sucks on your lower neck, nibbling and grazing sloppy kisses up the length.
Grasping your skin tightly as he winds himself up into you, softly groaning against your now red skin. Milling your hips, grinding yourself over him. Working your walls over his cock, massaging yourselves with every gentle bounce.
He slides his hands up your back, tangling his fingers into a lock of hair at the back of your head, gently tugging to brashly kiss up your throat. Purposely marking you, littering small red patches in a trail behind.
Desperately running your hands over his chest, brushing over his shoulders and sinking your fingers in. Clasping at his muscly torso, dropping your head into the nape of his neck, breathing staggered whimpers against his skin.
His thrusts become more focused as he pokes up into you, grabbing you urgently to fuck you down into himself. Deeply groaning against your collarbone, messily kissing along it.
“Can I cum in you?” He asks in almost a whimper.
Nodding vigorously as your whines grow louder, gripping the back of his head and pushing it into your bouncing chest.
Clamping down, your walls spasming and fluttering around him with your climax. Your intense shudders draw out his own release, spilling deep inside of you.
Slowing down he continues to sloppily fuck his cum into you, holding your jaw to gaze into your eyes. Eagerly pulling your face towards his, slipping his tongue into your mouth, enthusiastically working over your lips.
Breathlessly separating, he sweetly looks up at you before brushing a few rouge strands of hair behind your ear. You slowly lift yourself from him, hovering over his thighs as you smile widely at him. Shifting your weight so you could sit across his thighs, comfortably snuggling yourself into his chest.
“I’m quite glad they weren’t here.” You say quietly, snickering at the memory of what you just did.
“Should’ve done that ages ago.” He chuckles, draping his arm over your shoulder to pull you closer.
Both individually grinning to yourselves, consumed by the post-sex glaze over.
You twist your head up to look at him. “You ready to admit you were wrong?” You smirk.
“Ready to admit you’re a bad driver?”
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nerdofthecentrey · 6 months
I’m Sorry | So Mun x Reader
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Genre: Angst, Fluff.
Warning: Violence, Normal Uncanny Counter Stuff
Summary: You and So Mun have been dating for a good while. But Recently he’s be acting stranger and stranger. Randomly running away during dates. You didn’t really believe his whole super hero story. Finally your fed up with it and want the truth.
Super hero’s don’t exist. Even when your boyfriend started walking and beating up bullies you didn’t believe it. You weren’t gonna lie you were beyond happy when Mun dropped his cane and started walking in front of you. You practically takled him to the ground sobbing tears of joy. Remembering how you felt when you first saw him walking to class in 9th grade. You immediately developed a crush on him. You were always gentle with him. You were constantly scared he was gonna brake. You took care of him always slowing your pase to walk right by his side. Yelling at people who just so happen to say some rude shit. You even became close to Im Ju-Yeon and Kim Ung-Min. You protected them as well as you could. You wouldn’t take shit from anyone even when it caused you to get hurt. You would walk with Mun to his house , caring his bag if need be. He always told you how he wasn’t a baby but you didn’t care. You were gonna take of him till the day god took you both apart.
Then he started getting into fights for good reason. Rumors started spreading about how Mun was kicking ass almost everyday. You would try to meet him during lunch to talk but he wouldn’t be there. You would listen to the stories from his two best friends not knowing what to think. Then came the rumors after the huge fight Mun had. Rumors of him being a heir. He denied them up and down. But you didn’t know what to think.
Now Mun and you are out on a date another date where he promised to make up for the last one he had run off during. You walked side by side down the softly lit street eating vanilla ice cream. You laughed telling stories till he got a call. He stepped off to the side talking intensely on the phone. Mun walked back with a fast pase, headphone in his ear, yet a sorry look in his eyes.
“ Let me guess. You have to go?” You say. Mun nodded slowly.
“ I’m sorry but I promise I’ll make it up to you.” He turned to walk away but you catch his hand.
“ No way. This was spoused to be you making it up to me. What is going on, Mun..?” You ask him softly. “ And I want the truth. Your not a superhero. I love you but I’m not believing that.”
“ You know I can’t tell you that-“
“ Then what can you tell me! I’m tired of you running off everytime we have a short second together. You won’t tell me anything. I feel like..” You hesitate.
“ I feel like I’m not important to you anymore.”
Mun’s eyes widen he shakes his head, “ That’s not true. I just..we have to talk later I’m sorry.” With he ran away. There is no way you were accepting that. You were gonna get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing you did. You started running after him but he was moving 5 times faster. Luckily for you some old guy was passing by.
“ Can I borrow this like now please?!” You grab onto his bike. He just shrugs and gets off.
You follow your boyfriend in the distance practically yards behind him till you arrive at some rundown warehouse. You drop the bike looking around casually you catch a glimpse of red headed into the side of the building so you follow. You can’t help the uneasy feeling in your stomach but you ignore it for the sake of Mun.
The warehouse couldn’t look anymore rundown it was practically a maze stepping inside. large metal shelves with dark molding boxes. You pulled out your phone flash light making your way around the place you can’t help but whisper Mun’s name. Scared of who could be here.
“ I’m gonna kill you. And that will be that.” A male voice hisses. You cover your flashlight right away. Spearing threw the boxes your eyes immediately fall to the man standing over woman who cried. Your stomach was doing flips over the vibe you get from this man.
“ They will find you. Your not gonna get away with this.” She shouted.
“ Just shut up.” He smacked her across the face so roughly she went sliding across the floor. You knew your couldn’t just stand and watch. Or she was gonna die. But you weren’t dumb you grabbed the pipe that was sitting next to your feet. Watching as the man turned his back to you.
You took that as your time hitting him in the back of his head following all the way through. He let out a yell tumbling to the floor. He let out harsh curse words holding his head.
“ Come on.” You say to the woman helping her to her feet pulling her back the way you came. Luckily the woman wasn’t badly hurt so she could run with you. Finding the exit was rough but quick. You ran through the fields outside of warehouse when a metal plate was thrown at your back sending you flying towards the ground. The sharp pain caused you to wheeze you saw the man standing far away from you. You wondered how he could throw something so hard from that far.
“ Ma’am..” You whispered. The woman was staring at the man with scared eyes. It looked like she wanted to run and not come back. But she put herself in front of you.
“ Stay away..” She said softly. Then shouting. “ Go away!”
The man’s lips turned upwards into a sinister smile. “ Hope is a pitiful thing.” He hissed run towards you and the woman.
“ Run.” You tell her as loud as you can.
“ No I can’t. I won’t leave you. Not after what you did.-“ She grabbed you from off the ground pulling you into her side. You tried hard to breath but it hurt like hell to do so. Like their was pins staving your back.
“ Hey!” A voice shouted. It was you boyfriend. You watched as her slammed the man to the ground with inhuman agility. You and the woman just watched as three others showed up. Mun gave the man a hard punch for standing up. To which a young woman took over. Mun jogged over to you worry in his eyes.
“ Are you okay?” He asked going to reach out to you.
“ Noway! Mun, what the hell was that?” You say as loud as you can do him.
“ Y/N, It’s not important. Your hurt.” His eyebrows furrowed together.
“ It is important. I’m so beyond confused.” You eyes start to water tears fall down your face. An older woman in a red jumpsuit comes up to you. She gives you a warm smile which somehow makes you feel more calm. You let her get close just like that you were out.
When you awoke it seemed as if you were in a cafe. You slowly went to sit up your body feeling droopy yet you were okay. The burning pain you had felt now gone.
Mun’s head appeared over you. His hands meeting yours right away. You snatch them back immediately standing on the opposite side of the table from him. The rest of the people you saw at the warehouse stood a couple feet behind Mun. You looked at your boyfriend with a look of confusion and fear. The person you though you knew you infact didn’t know at all.
“ What was that, Mun?!” You ask him.
“ It’s complicated.” He whispered. “ I never meant for it to get this far. Or for you to get hurt.”
You could hear the way his voice broke. “ Are you gonna me tell me?”
He shook his head, “ I can’t. I’m sorry I can’t.” He cried tears dropped down his face.
You could feel yourself getting choked up just seeing him like this, yet you didn’t know what to say. This was dangerous and he refused to tell you anything.
“ Mun..” You whispered. The older woman stepped forward giving him a look. Just like that your night was gone. Everything you had just learned about your boyfriend was no longer there. You were back to feeling lost and in the dark. Mun felt terrible, this felt worse than lying. Erasing your memory felt so shameful to him but it was for your own good.
And that’s that.
A/N: Happy Holidays guys, Here’s a draft I started late summer. Sorry I haven’t been active like at all 😔. I’ve super caught up in school and everything I’ve had a lot to do. I should have more free time in January to get things done. I see the request in my inbox I’ll be getting to those as soon as I can. Enjoy yourself ❤️💚💙!!!
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sweethibiscus · 1 year
Old Flames 2
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omg before i start this second part thank you guys sm for all the support on the first part i love you guys sm and i tried my best to get this out asap!!
contains: !meanellie x !shy/scaredreader, angst, some fluff, some smut, sexual thoughts, alcohol, weed, and i think thats it! lmk if i forgot anything and as always 18+ !!
enjoy lovelys <3
You and ellie barely spoke since saturday. After confessing and hugging for a while you mutually decided to let eachother think in silence.
ellie couldnt stop thinking back to all the times you guys had hung out. what signs did she miss? could she have done something differently? maybe if she told you she was attracted to you maybe you would be together.
You were having similar thoughts, facing the opposite direction as ellie but you decided to text dina.
12:34 am
y:guess whos my fucking roommate
y:and thats not even the worst part
d: uh oh
d: please dont tell me you did something stupid
y: yeah about that…
y:i kinda told her i used to be inlove with her and thats why i ghosted her.
d: WHAT????
d: omfg
d: ok whatever just come to my dorm tomorrow morning and we can talk about it while we get ready for the party which you agreed to go to by the way
y: ughhh i forgot about that do i have to go??
d: you promised!!
y: fine ill come over at like 7
d: thank youu and gl with the whole ellie thing.
y: thanks
(end of conversation)
You sighed and put your phone on the charger before deciding you should get some sleep before going to dinas.
you woke up and looked at the flashing red numbers on your alarm clock that read 6:18 AM
you got up and put some sweatpants on along with a hoodie before putting your laptop charger phone and a dress to change into for the party that night into your tote bag. you grabbed your shoes and began tying then when you heard shuffling on the other side of the room
shit you thought to yourself. you really didn’t wanna have to face ellie this morning but she was your roomate after all.
“where are you going this early” she said rubbing her eyes. her voice sounded so raspy, you felt the same butterflies you tried so hard to get rid of senior year but now they were back.
“shit sorry did i wake you up?” you said standing up to look at her ignoring her previous question.
“yea kinda but you didn’t answer my question, where are you going?” she said a little harsher now. “just dinas, ill be back pretty late too so dont wait up” you replied. “oh? and where are you going thats keeping you out so late” ellie replied standing up crossing her arms. she was just wearing a tanktop and sweats, her muscular arms on full display. trying to divert your attention so you wouldnt stare you tried to reply. “just some stupid frat party”.
“oh? well im going to a frat party myself tonight so i guess well both be back late” she said smirking slightly. you rolled your eyes. “yeah ok” you replied turning around and walking to the front door. you opened it but before you closed it again you heard ellie say “you cant pretend nothing happened, y/n” after you heard that you quickly shut the door and started on your way to dinas dorm.
“you need to have an actual conversation with her y/n” dina said. you had spent the last hour and a half talking about your situation with ellie.
“but how i cant even say hi to her without feeling like im going to throw up from how nervous i am” you whined. you could tell dina was tired of listening to you but you didn’t really have anyone else that would put up with it.
“well its gonna happen weather you like it or not, but for now lets focus on your outfit for the party” you knew dina was trying to be helpful by changing the subject but you weren’t completely ready to stop talking about the situation between you and ellie but you complied with dinas request.
“ugh fine, hold on let me get my new dress i bought like two days ago” you showed her the dress. it was black with some glitter and off the shoulder sleeves.
“oh my god it looks amazing! you have to try it on for me” you rolled your eyes before going into the bathroom to change. when you walked out to show dina she opened her mouth slightly with a shocked expression across her face.
“holy shit y/n you look fucking amazing.”
you walked into the party with your hair and makeup done by dina. you made a beeline to the drink table dragging dina with you terrified to see ellie sober. you poured some alcohol from a bottle of straight vodka into a small shot glass sized solo cup.
“jeez slow down” dina said with a slightly concerned look as you downed the first shot and started pouring your second one.
“she said she was going to be here and i cannot be sober when i see her” you said after drinking your second shot.
“well how about you come dance for a bit before you get to wasted” dina spoke as she grabbed your wrist and dragged you into a crowd of sweaty bodies all dancing with the music. after a couple of minutes of pure uncomfort you told dina you were getting another drink. you walked over to the table and poured yourself a cup of vodka and punch and decided to go outside to the patio to get some fresh air.
you stepped outside closing the sliding glass door behind you. it was completely empty which was good. it made it easier for you to think. you sat against the wall and closed your eyes taking a sip of your concoction every once and a while listening to the slight beat of the music coming from inside. you thought about a lot of things, college, classes, but mostly ellie. you knew you couldnt avoid the subject forever, but you wished things could just go back to normal. you both being on speaking terms with no romantic feelings for eachother, but it was a little late for that now, and you couldnt keep pushing ellie away, she was your roomate now but you also missed what you used to have. maybe talking to her would be able to do that, but you still wanted to put it off for as long as possible.
you were deep in your thoughts when you heard the sliding sound of the glass door open. you thought it was dina looking for you so you just said, “yeah yeah i know dina just give me like five minutes and ill go back in” however the voice that you thought belonged to your best friend sounded nothing like her, instead it was ellie. “well im not dina but you should probably go back inside” she spoke.
you were pulled out of your thoughts at the sound of her voice looking over at her as she made her way to sit down next to you.
you already being somewhat drunk you responded to her with a little attitude “what do you want, did dina tell you i was going to be out here or something” “well for one i wasnt looking for you, i didnt even know you were going to be out here, i just came outside to smoke, but it’s probably a good thing i found you, we need to talk” she says pulling out a joint from the back pocket of her jeans. she was wearing acid washed dark blue jeans and a maroon tshirt with a sage green flannel over it. she had her hair in a half up half down bun style and of course, her black converse.
you watched intently as she placed the joint between her lips and lit it, the smell hitting your nose as she inhaled and exhaled the substance.
“you shouldve said something, senior year, i might’ve even felt the same”. she started to speak again. “but what if you didnt?”. “then thats it, atleast we wouldve gotten it out of the way”. you wished that what she was saying was true but you knew better. “dont act like it wouldnt have been a big deal ellie, you and i both know that it would change our entire friendship, plus what about cat?”
there was a moment of silence before ellie spoke again “me and cat broke up after a few months but we werent even dating when you cut me off. we couldve tried it out. we couldve gone on dates and shit. We couldve made it work, even if we decided to just be friends.”
after another moment of silence you decided to say something. “what if we tried just being friends again, we cant really avoid eachother anymore you know since were roomates and shit” you proposed. you didn’t want to be just freinds but after months of not talking you couldnt just ask her to date you. Ellie however wanted you to ask her to be more.
“so just friends? nothing more?” ellie said as she turned to look at you. occasionally glancing at your lips.
“well i mean i just thought-“ you were cut off by ellie. “you thought i wouldnt say yes if you asked me to be more?”. you felt heat rise up to your face as ellie moved slightly closer but enough to the point where your shoulders were touching. “i mean, i-i guess?” you were able to stutter out.
“well what if i told you i wouldve said yes?” as she spoke she moved her face closer to yours to the point where you could slightly feel her breath against you.
“i-i dont” before you could finish you were cut off by her lips lightly pressing against yours. you were shocked for a moment but eventually gave in and kissed her back as she flicked her joint elsewhere. the kiss became more lustful when she slightly bit on your bottom lip and entering her tounge in your mouth when you gasped. you put your hands on the sides of her face to pull her in even more. she pulled you onto her lap and her knee pressed slightly onto your core making you gasp and pull away from the kiss for a moment. you felt your arousal growing as your underwear slowly became wet. you wanted so badly for it to go further but you knew you couldnt do it on the patio of a frat party.
ellie tried kissing you again but you held her shoulders to stop her. “ this is amazing but i think we should go back inside, dinas probably worried by now”
“hmm ok but remember we’re roommates”
Im so sorry this took me so long to publish but here it is!!! it might be a bit of a longer wait for part three because of school but i will keep you guys updated!! again thank you all so much for the support on the first part im so happy you guys like this series as much as i like writing it!!
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emmyrosee · 1 year
AHHHHH I just found new brain rot! Okay okay. So. The Try Not To Kiss trend on TikTok where you're supposed to lay on your partner like you're going to make out, get as close as possible to kissing, and see how long you can last until one of you breaks. I can't even begin to choose from any of the HQ guys because honestly, I love them all. But I think Bokuto would cave INSTANTLY! Atsumu and Oiks would try to tease the absolute shit out of their partner but would be dying. I feel like Sakusa would last the longest? Maybe Suna because he's a little demon.
I don't know I'm losing it over here.
Also Suna/Sakusa got just the smallest, littlest bit heated, reader discretion is advised!!
Bokuto doesn’t stand a chance my guy. He’s merely watching tv, sprawled in his sweats after his shower and you have the NERVE, the AUDACITY, the GUMPTION to DO THIS TO HIM??? WHEN HE CAN BARELY KEEP HIS PAWS OFF OF YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE???
The minute you snake over to his side, an arm tosses over your shoulder to bring you close. You hum happily and gently nose at his temple, relishing in the smell of his clean skin. “You’re warm,” you murmur.
“I take hot showers,” he chuckles, turning his head to kiss you. You duck away slightly, and there’s a flash of confusion that crosses his face for a moment. “Why?”
“Why what?”
“I wanted to kiss you… don’t you want to kiss me?”
There’s no shot of doing this. Not when his mind revolves around kissing you constantly, always, feeling his lips dominating yours in eagerness, teeth clacking together with need and desire and-
Your thoughts are cutoff when he captures you in a kiss exactly so, one hand coming up to cradle the back of your head, the one around your shoulders pulling you close. You can’t help but purr, and even if now there’s a failed tiktok recording, it’s worth it whenever the Bokuto Koutarou starts kissing you.
“You think too loud,” he teases with a nip of your lip. “Hate when you hesitate. I just want to kiss you forever, babe…”
Who would you be to deny him?
Oikawa is a little different, same with Atsumu. Because he constantly craves you too, he’s obsessed with you. But who is he to back from a challenge? Especially when you swing your leg over his lap, settling against his thighs contently, and he looks up with an amused smile.
“Comfy?” He teases, and you laugh before lacing your fingers in his fluffy hair. He mewls and angles his touch, and when you start to lean forward to simulate a kiss, he leans over to meet you, but he’s confused when you don’t meet in the middle. One brown eye opens up to peek at you, and when you’re gazing back down at him with challenge glimmering in your eyes, he exchanges the kiss with a smirk and a bite of his lip.
“You wanna play this game?” He mumbles softly, and you snicker as your hands scratch at his scalp. “You don’t want to kiss me?”
“Of course I want to kiss you,” you assure, nudging your nose with his. His hands cradle your hips as they gently smooth up and down, thumbs stroking over the meat. “I want to kiss you so bad.”
“Then kiss me,” he pants. In truth, your teases only make you more tantalizing, and there’s nothing more that he’d like to do than make you mewl from his kissing, a complete putty in his hands just because he’s the only one who can. “I won’t tell anyone.”
You laugh out loud at his words, feeling the mood slip slightly, but he’s not budging other than his coaxing words. The hand in his hair moves to instead cradle his jaw, and he needs to kick it up a notch.
In faux submission, and in an attempt to make you crumble, he leans even closer and whimpers softly close to your mouth, panting needily and eyes flicking up to you as if you’re the bad guy here, denying him. And you gotta give him credit- he does look delicious.
“You’re evil,” You whisper, but you still try to hold strong, thumbs caressing his jawline. Your head angles and you sigh in return against his lips, biting your lip enticingly.
You’re not sure who finally connected the kiss. But what you do know, is it wasn’t appropriate for tiktok.
Sakusa. Sakusa and Suna. My beloved menaces. They would have ABSOLUTELY no problem withholding longer than you, sheerly because if you start something, he’s gonna make you finish it. Not to mention Suna having the knowledge of the viral trend HA-
If you want to break him? You gotta start before you film the tiktok.
He’s in the kitchen, literally just grabbing a glass of water, when you’re up against him, arms wrapped lowly around his waist and eyes peering up at him. He chuckles down at you and wraps his own arm around your waist. “Missed me that much?”
“I did,” you whine, resting your chin against him to look up at him, and you see a glimmer of dominance flicker in his gaze. “Always miss you so much…”
“I’m coming right back to the couch, my love,” he says, humming softly. “Come on. We can go cuddle.” You’re practically clinging to him as you make your way to the couch where he was reading. One of his legs folds over the other for a small perch for you to sit in, and when you settle in, he flips back to the page he was reading.
That is, until your hand gently reaches up for his jaw, turning his head back towards you with a needy whimper. He smirks as his eyes flick up and down, “are you demanding my full attention now?” He asks, and you nod softly. “Too bad. You can wait until I finish this chapter.”
That, certainly, wasn’t the reaction you’d been anticipating. “But… but…” your fingers slip down to fist the collar of his tee shirt, tugging softly. “But I want your affection…” to entice him further, you lean closer and bite your lip, internally cheering when he leans forward as well. But before you can connect the kiss, he purrs out a teasing ‘no.’
“You constantly have my affection,” he says softly, confidence in his voice. “You will live for five extra seconds without it.”
“You’re being mean!” You pout.
Then, you gasp when one of his hands shoots to the back of your neck, gently slipping his fingers over the shorter hairs and fisting the locks dominantly. His lips finally ghost over yours as he snarls out against them, and you know he’s not going to break but god, this whole ordeal was almost worth it when he speaks.
“I’ll show you mean if you keep acting like an entitled brat.”
You squeak and tip your head back to try and ease the pull, relishing in the excited rage that flicks in his eyes when you mumble back, the war now being waged.
“You promise?”
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