#there is no room for fanon or personal headcanons
boss-the-goofball · 1 year
So I spent a good chunk of the week doing calculations and I can say with full confidence that All Might is roughly 54/55 - this is only if he got OfA at 14/15 which is highly likely for reasons that I will explain once I finish compiling everything
and yes, I will get a fucking cork-board and string for the purpose of this
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billythesimp · 2 months
Hello, I really enjoy your work, it's written very nicely! I was wondering if you perhaps write some head-canons of wise x reader, and what Wise is like when he's clingy himself/how he shows his love with you. Thank you!
Stay Close with me
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…
I realize that this interpretations does make Wise sound OOc so I will preface that these are just headcanons, fanon if you will. It's the thought that counts!
Wise x gn!reader
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡…⋙
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tw: OOc
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✦ Wise isn’t you typical boyfriend. While he does enjoy his own time alone, coding and watching his ‘boring’ documentary films, he still makes time for his s/o. When he gets the chance, he’ll whisk them away to his room for cuddles and even have a mini movie night together, or they take time off of work to go shopping and sightseeing around town. Really, sharing his time with you and doing what you want is his way of showing love and affection at times, since he’s always busy with work and his Proxy research. 
✦ If he’s feeling extremely lonely or you’ve been neglecting him for your own job (that’s saying that you don’t work at the studio with Wise and Belle- Wise has probably tried to convince you to so you can see each other more.), he takes it upon himself to go out and find you. Maybe even buying lunch for the two of you and forcing you to spend your break with him. But if you’re talking with a coworker-or any random guy- he’ll watch from afar until you notice him. The smug look on his face when the other person sees how important he is to you only makes him proud of your boyfriend.
✦ He likes it when you invade his personal space, sit in his lap while he plays with your hair. Hug him behind when he’s working the counter at his job and mumble into his back. He loves it when you are just near him or holding onto him, he feels needed and wanted. Of course, the both of you have boundaries and know when to display PDA and when not to, but he can’t help it if he needs to pull you into the backroom to destress from some bad interaction with a customer or low energy from socializing. Belle can take care of the store for a little.
✦ When giving gifts, Wise is very observant when it comes to things you’ve mentioned wanting in the past. He’s careful with what he buys, thinking about how you would react or consider what sentimental value it’d hold when you receive it. And he doesn;t hand them out at random. He waits for the perfect occasion where he knows that you’d appreciate it and cherish what he gives you. Anniversaries, a promotion at work, graduation from school or online courses, birthdays and holidays. He wants you to remember how happy you were, how you are at your peak when you receive a gift he knows will make you smile brightly when looking at it.
✦ Really he’s a great boyfriend. Supportive, affectionate, considerate and thoughtful. He does his best to make you happy and wouldn’t want it any other way. Nothing gets past Wise, his eyes see all and if he could record the memory of you he would in a heartbeat and save it in a hard drive to cherish forever.
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crushedsweets · 4 months
I'm the sweetest girl in town; so why are you so mean? Nina 'the Killer' Hopkins in Creeped PT 1: K-12
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General disclaimer: This AU is an amalgamation of headcanons, fanon, canon, and the occasional rewrite. There is an overarching story that HEAVILY strays from their canon stories. TW for toxic relationships, grooming, eating disorders, and self-harm. ED content is restricted to the 'middle school' section. Nina is a very personal character to me, but with a LOT of changes. Please take care of yourself and only engage in content you can handle.
❥Nina Hopkins was born on February 13, 1998, in California. She was the older sister of 1 brother, Christopher Hopkins.
❥Nina grew up with workaholics. Her father was a carpenter and her mother was a hairdresser, running her very own salon. They'd work 12 hour shifts, coming home to little Nina fast asleep on the couch, waiting for her parents. Especially her dad.
❥Nina was a daddy's girl through and through, and his guilt for never being there was evident. So he chose to shower her in gifts when he could, tutus and little pink mary-janes. Something girly and flashy.
❥Nina's favorite gift was a cheap, princess-themed makeup palette. Little Rapunzel's and Tiana's littered about her glittery pink and purple eyeshadows, set alongside cherry-flavored lip balms. She'd use the tiny sponge brush to delicately put on bright eyeshadow before school every goddamn morning.
❥It became obsessive. She'd come home and reapply. Cry when her mom makes her wipe it off before bed. Kick and scream when they threatened to take it away from her. When her mother asked why, Nina cried that it made her pretty. She didn’t want to look in the mirror without it. 
❥Now, Nina wanted attention. From a young age, you could see it in her. The way she dressed, the messily applied makeup, the loud voice, fake cries. She didn't get it much from her parents, and it only worsened when she became a big sister.
❥She was about 7 when Christopher was born. Her mom may have taken maternity leave, but that still left no time for Nina. She learned how to make bottles, change diapers, and bathe newborns. No attention aside from Christopher’s tiny hands holding onto her pajamas.
❥This opened a new routine for Nina and her mom, though. Each night, her mom dozed off on the couch, rocking Christopher’s little crib. Nina curled up beside her, purple eyelids half shut, watching whatever show her mom had on. 
❥Nina’s mom’s favorite show was Forensics Files. A little odd to her husband, but it immediately hooked Nina’s attention. It wasn’t age-appropriate, sure, but her mom was far too exhausted to change it. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? If Nina could wear eyeshadow, she could watch her mama’s favorite show. 
❥Just like Nina’s cheap makeup set, her interest in true crime grew obsessive. She’d get in trouble at school, spending her time in the school’s library, typing away at the school’s computer. She didn’t get far with many of her searches considering the Wi-Fi restrictions, but teachers and students quickly caught on. Eventually, she got banned from the library.
❥But Nina couldn’t get those stories out of her head. Every little bit she had memorized, she scribbled away in her diary. Obsessively. She kept track of every single detail. Memorized the victims’ names, the dates, and even the times they were declared dead. Whatever information was available to the public, Nina wrote down.
❥When Nina was about 9, she got her very own laptop. A gift from her dad, and an apology for so many late nights at work. He had no idea what it would unlock for Nina. All of the forums and chat rooms and videos she’d have access to. He didn’t even know there was a fucking ‘true crime community’ online, how could he expect his little girl to get sucked into that?
❥When Nina was 10, she became a bit of a recluse. Girls at school avoided her for a few years now. She spent day after day curled up by the playground all on her own, flipping through her diary and brushing everyone off in favor of it. At home, she’d retreat to her bedroom and scroll online forums. 
❥She began making friends online, choosing to lie about her age. She’d befriend adults interested in the same morbidity as her. They introduced her to new content. It began with anime, usually psychological horror. Eventually, it evolved into dark manga, then gorey horror movies. Nina didn’t think much when they introduced her to liveleak. 
❥Nina left her diary behind one day, a fatal mistake that she was always so careful about. A girl from her class, Claudia, picked it up. Nina didn’t see that diary for a week. She spent days sobbing over it, crying to the people she met online and refusing to leave her room in fear of it being found.
❥She was called into her elementary school’s office the following Monday. Little Nina, dressed in hot pink twinkle-toe converse and glittery lip-balm, sat uncomfortably in the stiff office chair. Her father sat besides her, a look of disappointment on his overworked face. Her diary was on the desk.
❥Nina screamed. She screamed and kicked the chair as she snatched the diary. Without a second thought, she snapped the tension in that room, resulting in her father having to hold her down. She panicked violently, and when she eventually settled down into a whimpering sobbing mess, they scolded her. 
❥They began putting Nina into therapy. Weekly sessions at first, trying to dissect what was wrong with her. It made her feel worse. She didn’t think there was anything wrong with her. She wore ‘weird’ like a badge, something that all her online communities praised her for. Why was everyone acting so awful? It didn’t matter that much, though. Her parents still couldn’t carve time out of their work days for her. Weekly appointments turned monthly, turned every three months, turned never.
❥The girl who found her diary didn’t help. She read through it long before she turned it in to the teachers, snapping photos on her older sister's phone. Claudia began to keep track of Nina, similar to Nina’s habits. When the two turned 11 and entered 6th grade, Nina began experiencing relentless bullying and harassment. 
❥It started with name-calling. Deeming Nina a freak show, calling her a future serial killer, or pretending to squeal and run off when Nina walked by. It snowballed into jabs at her appearance, laughing at her messily applied blush and colorful clothes. Saying she was the ugliest girl in their grade, making comments on her body and how all the boys found her gross. She very frequently fell for boys saying they had a crush on her, only to laugh at her the second she believed it. Her self-esteem was already in shambles, but the relentless harassment only worsened it.
❥Nina found solace online. Her friends were older, more mature. They understood her. Sure, some of them made her a bit uncomfortable, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. When she turned 12, she confessed her age to them. It broke her heart when a few blocked her, but not everyone did. She clung to those who stayed. Curiously, the adults interested in staying friends with little Nina were the same ones introducing her to new disgusting content. They’d ask to video call her and stream their favorite movies. Nina didn’t realize they were snuff films at first.
❥The harassment at school didn’t stop, of course. Nina was too young to start dieting, too young to be buying expensive makeup, too young to be worrying about her appearance. Regardless, she was convinced it would solve her problems. Alongside the fixation on horror, Nina stressed about her looks. She’d sob in front of mirrors, calling her adult friends and begging them for advice. They’d ask for photos. You know, to help her. She shattered every mirror in her room, weeping over her bloody hands and sending shards along her body. Nina's new diary obsessively kept track of new numbers.
❥Nina spent every night grabbing at her face and body, desperately morphing it to look the way she wanted. She didn’t even stop to think about Christopher in the other room, listening to her wretch into the toilet after every meal. Nina was so unbelievably lost in her own world, that nobody good ever came to mind.
❥She thought about Claudia a lot. So thin, tall, and confident. Claudia had a lot of friends, too. Nina was well aware, considering how often Claudia geared their attacks at Nina. She watched Claudia daily. In 8th grade, she noticed Claudia began wearing crop tops. Nina did too. She’d tie up her shirts and untie them around her parents. Claudia wore her hair in a high ponytail every damn day, so Nina started doing it too. Nina began applying mascara and highlight the same way Claudia did. Both girls were arguably too young for makeup, but there they were, egging each other on to apply more and more. Claudia’s wardrobe was pretty simple, nothing too flashy. So Nina opted out of her rhinestones and bright pink sneakers, instead reaching for simple Converse and plain jeans. 
❥By this point, a good number of them had phones. Claudia had long blocked Nina on Instagram, but Nina just made another account. A few, actually. One was an empty account with a fake profile picture and name, only used to follow Claudia without being blocked. A few more were made, used to follow Claudia and bombard her comments and messages with hateful content. Jabs at her appearance, her body, her clothes. Anything Nina could use as ammunition, she shot down Claudia’s self-esteem as harshly as her own. Nina would tell her adult friends online about it, bringing them to Claudia’s pages to attack her. It was cruel, and Nina knew that.
❥But it just felt so good when Claudia began to change. Before the end of 8th grade, she swapped to hoodies and pajama pants. No longer wore her hair up, instead used it to hide her face the best she could. She spoke quieter and didn't laugh so loud anymore. Nina felt like she won, and the freaks online cheered her on. Finally, Nina was able to drop her fixation on Claudia. 
❥There was an odd shift in high school. Nina had completely turned her appearance around. She obsessively posted selfies and was quite careful about her online interests. Nobody could know. She wouldn’t even share the fact that she watched anime, far too fearful of the backlash. 
❥She had caught the eye of a senior at her school. His friend group had practically circled Nina, quickly offering her rides home and inviting her out. She bathed in the attention.
❥Christopher watched his big sister sneak out every other night. He’d ask softly where she was going. Gently, she’d smooth down his hair, press a kiss to his forehead, and ask him not to tell. He listened. Nina didn’t realize how much Christopher knew, and how much he kept to himself. How much of her grief he carried with him, worrying for his big sister.
❥14 year old Nina found herself at quite a few parties. Sometimes they’d be cities away, and she’d be seated on a couch at a random college party, shakily sipping away at a drink that made her nose scrunch. Eventually, the boy that brought her to these parties asked her to be his girlfriend. Nina couldn’t believe it.
❥He was the first boy of many to break her heart. It was a short month with him, till she went to the next guy. Then the next, and the next. Nina started drinking quite a bit, occasionally smoking weed and embarrassing herself on several occasions. She said it made it easier to socialize, but she really just thought it made her look cooler.
❥It grew difficult to balance both social lives. Her adult friends online continued to demand her attention at all times. Not much changed from when she was in middle school, including the way her anxiety would skyrocket when they got upset with her. She always folded to everyone in her life. She just wanted them to stay, to praise her, to tell her how kind and beautiful and sweet and funny she was. But it just felt so much better when someone in real life gave her that.
❥Yet another boy broke Nina’s heart. She thought he was the one, she really did. She spent months with him, from the end of her sophomore year to the start of her junior year. He bathed her in everything she asked for at first. She even got comfortable sharing some of her interests with him. He thought a girl liking anime was badass, but when she began to ramble about cold cases, he started to withdraw. Shortly after he broke up with her, old rumors began to resurface. Photos of an old diary slipped back into her school, shedding light on Nina’s elementary school habits. Nothing seemed to change, huh? Still talking about the same shit she was tormented for years back, but this time, they were attached to screenshots and voice memos that Nina sent to her boyfriend that year.
❥Nina knew who leaked them. Claudia, that stupid fucking bitch. Nina was never confrontational. Nobody ever taught her how to be. But this was a new low for her, dragging her right back to her middle school horrors. It’s like all of her misery, all of her insecurities, all of her rage and frustration and low self esteem accumulated into a string of stupid decisions. 
❥Nina followed Claudia home that following Monday. It was long after school, with Nina patiently waiting for Claudia to finish her group project. Neither of them exactly expected this, but when Nina snatched Claudia’s hair and began bashing her head into the ground, there was a deep sense of relief.
❥Regret followed. It didn’t feel so good watching Claudia sob as she curled up on the floor, clutching her face and begging Nina to stop. A pathetically small puddle of blood pooled beneath Claudia, and the sight made Nina’s stomach churn. She threw up. 
❥But Claudia was fine. Only her nose was broken and her face was bruised. Nina was expelled, now being shoved into an alternate school to complete high school. It was tearing Nina up inside to be so alone again.
❥What else was she supposed to do?
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margoshvets · 6 months
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Redesign / Alliance fit for Theron!
I was kinda sad that our husband didn't get a new design like our wife Lana did, so I decided to try to make something nice for him✨
Not that I don't like his original design. I just wanted to try something different.
(I got too tired drawing, so that's why he doesn't have a face XD)
I'll be describing some details of this design below if anyone is interested to read about them!
A little bit of warning. There is some headcanon / fanon stuff here, and, also, the opinion on some stuff is just my opinion, and you don't have to agree with me. Please don't be too harsh to me. I just wanted to have fun UwU
For the lower part of his body, I mostly got rid of a bunch of details, like the blue stripes on his pants, to make it simpler (in contrast with the upper part, which has some interesting stuff going on).
Got rid of those hanging things on his belt cuz they seemed pretty redundant, and I couldn't think of what they could be used for. Belt, in general, is more simplified. As a cherry on top, he now has the alliance symbol on it ✨
I added the metal thing, which I like to call "magnetic plate", on his right leg, and it's basically for carrying stuff like his datapad, keys, Eternal Fleet ashes, etc.
(I do remember seeing a similar thing in imperial designs, but I'm not sure what it's called)
Since he relies on tech a lot, he now has a fancy new toy - the glove on his left hand! Very useful thing for operating stuff and also hacking!
Remember that scene when we get our ship back, and Theron just presses something on his very regular glove? I always found it amusing. Not it will make more sense since he now actually has a suitable glove for this kind of action XD
[the scene in question]
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He now hides his blasters inside his jacket (hence the belts on his upper part).
The jacket is a pretty memorable part of his design. It looked really good with a yellow color, but it's hard to imagine him wearing a jacket that isn't red.
I have to admit that a lot of new stuff in that thing was added based only on my headcanons. Mostly because I wanted to add an interesting story to it.
(A little bit of explaining is in order) Theron is a chilly person; he often feels like it's cold even if the room temperature is normal. Tauntauns are also his favourite animals.
This jacked is a gift from a very dear person to him. They knew all that and that's why they gifted Theron a warm jacket made with Tauntaun's fur (no tauntaun was harmed in making this jacket).
That person is no longer alive, but he still holds on to this jacket like it's his second skin; it's very important to him.
Anyway, the white parts of the jacket are now fur. And the fur inside only extends to shoulders (having natural fur already sounds too expensive for a republic soldier salary it was bought with). It's still warm tho. Sleeves have fur only at the ends and have zippers so that they can be easily folded back.
This jacket also can be closed (sounds kinda pointless stating the obvious, but in comparison with his original jacket, to me at least, makes sense cuz I can hardly imagine the original one closing).
Almost forgot.
A turtleneck for Theron. It just makes sense.
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hetalian-veteran · 24 days
The Draw of the Hetalia Fandom (and Why You Can Never Leave)
From the perspective of a fan of (technically) twelve years or so.
Something occurred to me a while back, and I wanted to share it to get other people's thoughts. I'll try to add funny pictures and gifs to break up the wall of text so it won't be as exhausting to read.
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I made a post the other day about how the Hetalia fandom always draws you back in. This was, of course, based on the joke about how you can never really leave the Hetalia fandom. A joke you can find virtually everywhere you look in fan spaces online.
But this begs the question. Why? Why can't you ever truly leave the Hetalia fandom? What is it about this fandom that consistently draws you back in?
And note that people don't talk about Hetalia itself, but rather its fandom. You could stop watching the show or reading the comics for years, but the fandom is what won't fully leave you be.
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(The Hetalia fandom every time you check to see if it's dead yet).
One answer I've heard has to do with the phenomenon known as Associative Memory, where you can learn and remember the relationship between unrelated items.
For example, you watch Hetalia, a series about the countries of the world personified as anime characters. These characters have their own personalities, traits, quirks, etc. And the more you watch the show and get into the fandom, the more you start to associate these things with one another.
For instance, someone can say the word Italy, and I'll start thinking about Feliciano Vargas. Or someone could say the name Matthew Williams, and I automatically associate that with Canada. Or I could see bushy eyebrows and immediately start thinking of APH England. Heck, someone starts talking about Vikings and my thoughts almost always go to the Viking Trio of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. I could go on, but you get the idea.
And there's also the fact that we live in a world full of the countries that the show has personified characters of, which would in turn likely remind you of Hetalia.
But there's something more here going on. I've thought about it for a long while, and I think I've realized one of the biggest reasons why you can't fully leave the fandom.
It's because of how versatile the characters of the series can be in fan content. Allow me to explain.
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(Me preparing to explain to everyone the epiphany that came to me one dark, stormy night).
Hetalia is a series with literally no plot. Like, zero. Some episodes may impact each other, but the overall series is episodic in nature. The only episodes you'd have to watch in order would be the ones going over the miniature love story between Chibitalia and HRE. And then there's the sequence of episodes going over the Industrial Revolution in season seven, and then the sequence of episodes explaining the relationship between Czechia and Slovakia. But that's it. And the Industrial Revolution and Czechia and Slovakia episodes aired in the latter seasons, long after the fandom was already very big and well established.
The episodes are largely adaptations from the original webcomic and thus are all a bunch of skits haphazardly thrown together. So I'll reiterate what I said earlier; there is no real, canonical plot to Hetalia. There are canon events and facts about canon characters, but seeing as the show is largely skits, they aren't tied down to any real narrative.
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(The Hetalia fandom whenever they're given a piece of canon they don't like).
This leaves a lot of room for headcanons. Which leads to fans sharing their headcanons online. And when headcanons get super popular, they become fanon. And when a piece of fanon gets super popular, where it finds itself getting mingled with fanart, fanfiction, and even fan theories, you'll have people who start to confuse it with actual canon. There's really a lot to be said for the wild fanon of Hetalia, but I'll get to that another day. I need to turn the focus back onto the characters themselves.
I'm just gonna put it out there. The Hetalia characters are largely one-note. This isn't to say there isn't some depth to a few of the characters, but these characters are largely the epitome of "what you see is what you get." Especially in the early days of the series. The characters all have a set of straightforward, basic character traits, with their interpersonal relationships often being displayed in a very simplistic manner.
For example, Italy is a pasta-loving coward who's a massive flirt. Germany is strict and authoritative with a no-nonsense attitude. Japan is quiet and soft-spoken, only speaking up when he feels the need. America is a bombastic dork with a hero complex. England is an arrogant stick in the mud. France is a hopeless romantic who flirts with anything that has a pulse.
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(Me taking a moment to pause and push away the cringy middle school memories of me shamelessly fangirling in class).
And as I said, their relationships are typically portrayed as simplistic as well. Italy annoys Germany, but Germany doesn't want to get rid of him because he's one of his only friends. England and France hate each other. America is that hyper-extroverted friend trying to get his introverted friend, Japan, out of his shell. Switzerland and Lichtenstein have a sweet sibling dynamic. And Prussia and Austria are portrayed as old friends who like to antagonize one another.
Because of the way the characters and their interpersonal relationships are written, this also lends them open to a lot of headcanons and eventual fanon. Not to mention that most of the characters have canon, human names. So if you want to use these characters in a fanfiction, particularly one where you don't want to depict them as countries (which is most fanfics), you have names at the ready that you can use.
And because of the simple way the characters are written, you can potentially write or portray these characters however you want in fanwork without too many people complaining that someone "isn't in character." There is so much room for your own interpretations of the characters. As long as you keep some of their basic personality traits from the series intact, you can portray the characters however you want. Especially because there's no real canonical storyline to drag them down. Because of the lack of canon storyline, you don't have to worry about fanworks being canon-compliant, canon-divergent, or canon-adjacent.
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(Fanfic writers when they realize canon cannot stop them from creating whatever they want).
Do you want to portray Romano as the notorious mafia boss, Lovino Vargas, in the 1930s? Go ahead. As long as you can keep some of his cowardly and stubborn nature intact, you can do what you want with little trouble.
Do you want to portray England as the infamous pirate, Arthur Kirkland, in the 17th century? As long as you maintain his disdain for France, have at it!
Do you want to write a college AU with all of the characters present? As long as you keep in mind their personalities and have a basic understanding of their interpersonal relationships, have fun!
Now you're probably sitting there thinking, "Big deal, people can create all kinds of fanwork, regardless of what its content is, or what property it's for. What makes the Hetalia fandom so special?"
It's special because, since Hetalia is a series with almost zero canonical storylines, and the characters are portrayed in such a simplistic way, both of which lend their way to boatloads of headcanons and fanon, as well as small scraps of canon information that we can choose to either ignore or elaborate like crazy on...
Hetalia is a freaking goldmine for creating all kinds of fan content.
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(Hetalians when creating the 2p! variations of the characters, probably).
So much fan content is out there. From creepypastas, to Hetaoni, Dreamtalia, the 2p! characters, historically accurate AU's, school AU's, and so, so much more. All because the canon is just loose enough to allow all kinds of fan content to be created and not seem too far off from the series or characters.
And that fan content ends up being way, way more fun than the actual series itself! Don't get me wrong, I still love the show, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't (or currently don't) have a freaking blast every time I engage with fan content. The creativity is insane, and the fanon is even more fun and entertaining.
The reason you cannot fully leave the Hetalia fandom isn't just because of Associative Memory, but because of the immense amount of fan content and fanon where, because of the nature of the series, you can do, write, draw, and create whatever you want. You can project onto these characters and their stories and interpret them to your own personal tastes. And you know what? That's a heck of a lot of fun.
And there you go, that's my two cents.
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smooshednetwork · 2 months
My writing of a v3 pregame AU:
The way ppl in 2020/2021 wrote pregame made me really confused because they said stuff like “oh it’s the opposite of the imgame” then made it not the opposite whatsoever so here’s my pregame rewrite or headcanon or au or whatever you want to call it
Shuichi Saihara
in the fanon of pregame he’s seen as this abusive masocist sadist manipulator but here I’m just gonna make him an autistic outcast that kinda sits at the back of his class drawing stuff of his danganronpa hyperfixation on the corner of his worksheets, he’s very online and makes theories on a blog about danganronpa, he has alot of online mutuals but not alot of real friends. His biggest fear is being seen as “just okay”.
Kokichi Ouma
In the fanon pregame kokichi is seen as this helpless little baby but in mine to contrast the ingame he’d be alot more social and trustworthy, one of the popular kids but not in a mean way, he has a little crew of friends he calls his “gang” but in reality all they do is like hang out on weekends. His biggest fear is accidentally hurting someone.
Kaede Akamastu
In fanon pregame kaede is seen as this bully but in mine she’d be struggling with mental health alot and stay in her bed for most of the time, she doesn’t really like people and has trust issues but she follows Shuichi’s danganronpa blog and supports him all the way. Her biggest fear is being gaslit or tricked.
Kaito Momota
In fanon pregame Kaito is seen as this bully thats always beating up kokichi but in mine he’d be reserved and quiet, on a few sports teams but nothing too exceptional to be noticed, he envy’s kokichi and his popularity. He wants to be popular and have friends but his social anxiety permits that. His biggest fear is being seen as an idiot.
Maki Harukawa
I don’t know much about fanon pregame maki. In mine she’s a top student but very reserved, she’s often a target for bullies (when she signed up for danganronpa she wanted a talent that could protect her) but doesn’t let it get to her. She’s relatively good friends with Kaito and more social than her ingame personality. Her biggest fear is losing herself.
Miu Iruma
In my au pregame Miu would be very focused on her grades but often has trouble grasping the material, she spends alot of time in the library alone, definitely an outcast. Her biggest fear is not having a job in the future and having to sell her body.
Rantaro Amami
In my au rantaro is a very nervous and uptight person, very rule bent. He is a relatively good student and admires Maki. He is always on Kaede’s tail for either showing up late or not showing up at all. His biggest fear is letting his guard down and getting hurt because of it.
K1-B0 (aka Kiibo)
In my au kiibo is not a robot but has an intense intrest in technology and AI. He mainly spends time in the computer room hacking stupid stuff onto it. He is a relatively relaxed person that doesn’t care about much, a little bit selfish too. He keeps all of his pictures and information neatly organized in files on his computer at home. His biggest fear is breaking a device to the extent that it loses everything on it.
Gonta Gokuhara
In my au Gonta is an outcast, big nature lover tree hugger and is ostracized for this, he fears technology. He is very self centered and forgets to think about others sometimes, he mainly spends his time in the school garden helping bugs off the pathway. His biggest fear is robots taking over the world.
Korekiyo Shinguji
In my au korekiyo would be chronically ill, having to be taken care of by his older sister (whom he has a completely platonic relationship with) because of this he mainly spends time in the library researching about anthropology, he keeps to himself and doesn’t like to talk too much. His biggest fear is losing his sister.
Ryoma Hoshi
In my Au ryoma would be a very caring person, on the tennis team but not extraordinary at it, very social and friendly and has a good relationship with Kokichi. Very content with his life but is envious of taller people and always strives to be a better tennis player. His biggest fear is being isolated from society.
Kirumi Tojo
In my au Kirumi is a very nice person who usually makes plans for her friends, she loves cleaning and helping out with the little things, very social. Her biggest fear is being in power.
Himiko Yumeno
Himiko is a very isolated person so she uses magic and card tricks to try and get people to like her, she tries very hard to be “cool” and “mysterious” but she always fails and ends up rambling endlessly about whatever she was thinking of that day. Her biggest fear is people thinking her magic is real.
Angie Yonaga
Angie is a transfer student that joined a while back, she doesn’t talk alot and has a bit of religious trauma. she loves any kind of art and her main specialty is sculpting, she has trouble grasping other forms of art. Her biggest fear is Cults.
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi is a very reserved and doesn’t talk alot, but when she is talked to she could ramble on about cosplay forever. She uses cosplay as an escape from the world. She tries her hardest to be the kindest she can be, but she struggles with intrusive thoughts and emotions alot. Her biggest fear is being the villain.
Tenko Chabashira
Tenko is a calm and collected person or at least she tries to be, she gets angry easily and uses martial art to blow of steam. She has a bit of trauma which makes her untrusting of alot of men, but she’s trying to get help and is trying to befriend more male students. Her biggest fear is letting her trauma get in the wayof her relationships.
And thats it! I made their personalities actually the opposite of their ingame. This took a while and no one is gonna read this but thats okay.
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As much as I love sweet headcanons and found family fics about the Batch accepting Echo and supporting him through his adjustment and PTSD/trauma, gotta remember that what we were actually given in canon is this:
Hunter: Me and the boys will tag along anyway, if only to say I told you so. Crosshair: I would have left him for dead too. Besides, he's just another reg. (his rescue was just a mission for them, wouldn't have done it otherwise)
Tech: To be blunt his mind belonged to the Separatists until we unplugged him. We don't really know where his loyalties lie. Rex: Yeah? Well I know. Hunter: Alright Echo what are you trying to pull? Tech: How do we know that's what you're really going to do? Hunter: Well I guess you actually are on our side. (They openly doubt his loyalty even though they saw what he went through, and he already fought alongside them on Skako. Feels kinda victim-blamey to me, and it's odd that it goes straight from this to him joining them, like he had to prove himself worthy first? It's just the opposite of fanon which usually has the Batch be immediately sympathetic/protective and assume the regs would distrust him)
Tech: You are more machine than man, percentage wise at least. Echo, a triple amputee: *sigh* lucky me...
Palpatine: ...the attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed Wrecker: You can say that again! Echo, a physically disabled person:
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Echo, who was medically experimented on: *injured and having a panic attack in the medbay* The Batch: *off somewhere joking/betting about if he’s dead*
Tech: -from the Citadel rescue when you... how shall I put this? Wrecker: Blew up!! :D Crosshair: And turned into that Echo: *sigh* yes
Random stranger: *mistakes Echofor a droid* Hunter: *smiles and goes along with it for the credits* Echo, who was SOLD and dehumanized as a pow: *visibly uncomfortable* Hunter: Echo, go to your new owner.
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Echo, who was treated like property by the Techno Union: *explains why slavery is wrong* And we are gonna stop it from happening to that kid. Tech: As well as earn a decent amount of credits once the job is complete. Echo: (bitterly) yeah, that too *leaves the room*
Tech: The client being a Separatist is not relevant. Echo, who was imprisoned and tortured by Separatists for over a year: It is to me! Hunter: Forget politics! We're here to do a job.
Tech: This squad existed before Echo was a part of it, and it will exist after.
For the record, yes people can and do joke about their trauma and disabilities
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But look at Echo’s reactions/tone/body language in these scenes. It’s downcast sighs and discomfort, while the others are smiling, sneering, or dismissive. And because it's animated that means that every facial expression was intentionally designed.
What really clinches it for me is this moment:
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Omega, a child who he just met, comforts him and helps him through his panic attack. But when the Batch, his squad who he's been living with for at least ~6 months, comes into the room he visibly closes himself off and hides his vulnerability :(
There are good moments too (though tbh i can't think of many)
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I don't wanna discount that, but that doesn't discount this either. And it's just really weird when you think about it. Like half of these were in the first episode, which is the first time we are actually seeing how these characters interact together as a squad. And this is coming from the "defective" clones who supposedly know what it's like to not fit in? Who offered Echo a place with them specifically because they thought he wouldn't be accepted by others?
As with anything, there are ways we can read into or explain these moments (like honestly 'selling' your brother or betting that your brother died by lunch tray is very accurate sibling energy (And my personal headcanon (to reconcile it for myself bc the show didn't) is that Wrecker was worried about Echo so Crosshair jokingly exaggerated that he was dead and turned it into an argument/bet to distract him (which is also why I think he turns battles into a game/competition with Wrecker)) but Echo is very traumatized and there's a complete lack of consideration there). But that doesn't excuse it nor does it change the fact that this is what was presented to us in the writing. Characters aren't actually people (shocking I know lol), so any of their 'choices' are actually made by a real-life writer. And whether the implications of these moments were fully considered/intended or not, it still portrays the characters and their attitudes/relationships in a certain way.
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lynnscove · 1 month
Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura headcanons!!
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I lied, these are basically just things I consider canon. Some actually are and I threw them in there cause I got off track. (A few of these r similar to my old hcs post about him,, but that's on a whole different account so we're gonna ignore it.) edit: actually this went 100% off track and I just started talking about fanon shiggy halfway through.
The urge to destroy everything used to be all consuming. Though when he met the league, they became his family. It was subconscious at first, but he didn't want to destroy everything anymore. He just wanted to destroy what hurt him, and what hurt his friends. As AFO began to take more and more control over him, he realized that he wanted to destroy AFO too. Even before AFO revealed what he did to him as a kid. That was a hard pill to swallow, since he'd been forced into the belief that AFO was the only person there for him, and the only person who loved/could love him as he is, meeting the league was the only thing that broke that belief.
He doesn't blame his sister in the slightest for anything that happened. He knows she was a child, just like he was, even if she was a bit older. He knows, and has accepted the fact that there's no way she could've predicted what was going to happen next. She was just stuck in a shitty home and didn't want to get in trouble for sneaking into their father's office. Though he does blame the rest of his family for not doing anything to help.
He dislikes bystanders nearly as much as he dislikes bad people, he can't stand those who make excuses about why something is happening instead of helping. Especially when it comes to adults. They really piss him off.
He really doesn't care about someone's power when it comes to joining the league, they're working towards a society where people aren't shoved aside for things they can't control so, why would he reject people who only want to help? (Like, he didn't reject Spinner when he joined the league, despite him having a pretty useless quirk compared to the others.).
He was a lil bit jealous when he saw stain merch at the mall. He wanted his own merch </3
He is NOT the introverted, touch hating, loser people make him out to be. In "encounter" he gets mad and then goes straight to a massive shopping mall😭. We rarely ever see him hiding away or rotting in his room. He's always available, always with the league, the most we see of him being alone is like,, him stepping out for 0.3 seconds to go take a breather. Not to mention he's VERY handsy. Pun intended. I think that if he didn't have a dangerous quirk, he'd be a lot more touchy (PLATONICALLY, YOU PERV) with his comrads.
He thinks about Mon and Hana more than the rest of his family,, ofcourse, he loves his mom and grandparents to an extent, but he still sees them as the adults who watched him be abused and never helped him. So ofcourse he thinks about the innocent more. He does understand that they were scared of his father too,, but it's always your responsibility as an adult to help a child in need.
His nails are neglected, always cracked/chipped
He lifts his pinkie even after he gains control over his quirk, it's a habit.
Villain work became a lot more taxing after the PLF formed, so it was a lot to take on. Especially since he'd been injured so badly he could barely stand.
Has played EVERY Zelda game to ever be made. ALL of them. He was on a MISSION to complete them all.
Decayed more than a few controllers‼️
He has to sleep with gloves/finger covers so that he doesn't decay his bed.
These started out as serious and now I'm just throwing random crap at you guys.
Instead of decaying his trash, he just stuffs it in bags and leaves it wherever he pleases. I like to think he has carpet flooring and doesn't wanna have to sweep dust out of it.
He had to get his room carpeted because he kept throwing his controllers around when he lost a game.
He has an insane amount of restraint over himself in every situation EXCEPT when he's playing video games.
Speaking of restraints..💕
He's lowk open to freakiness😞 not the way he is in fanfics, like he's not gonna bend you over and piss on you in an alleyway 0.5 seconds after meeting you, but if you're in a relationship he'd probably be open to a lot of stuff. He's one of those guys who just wants you to feel good.
Now 100% fanon shiggy headcanons, some nsfw. I'm sorry in advance.
He loves s3rl, and never left his nightcore phase.
Owns Minecraft creeper boxers.
Would give you the most ferocious, earth shattering, mind blowing, soul sucking head of your life n then look up at you with that stupid cat smile he does😞 THAT or give you this cocky look.
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Would totes lose his shit n turn into a huffy puffy mess if you worshipped his cock
That's it. I ran out of ideas.
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cilil · 11 days
Law is kinda like fandom. You study and interpret an extensive canon (various acts and laws etc) and then try to fit your personal headcanons (whatever position/opinion you have) inside that framework. Meanwhile there's a canon purist/self-proclaimed loremaster yelling at you from the other side of the room, alleging that you don't understand canon and your blorbo did nothing right in their life ever and should go to jail. And depending on who that other person is your reaction is pretty much on a scale from "shit they made a good point" to "what kind of fanon invention did they just pull out of their ass"
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ivoryisking · 2 months
tim wright headcanons
The Operator’s effects on him are strong
He’s always popping pills to fight them
He plays the leader, but will always follow Brian’s advice
He’s a tank- more brawn than brain
For the most part, he’s not multi-faceted; behind the mask, he’s pretty much the same
However, that really is him blacking out, and being unresponsive to Reader is not him ignoring cries, he is unable to break out of the state on his own
The Operator has to release him, he’s mentally weak compared to the entity
He does still follow you to work and home, but mostly for security measures, and he does not take pictures and send them to you.
He’s emotionally unintelligent/constipated
That sideburn hasn’t been shaved since the beginning of time
Dadbod 24/7
He’s not stupid, he’s just not EJ and Brian smart
Gruff as hell, but not as truly icy as Brian
He loves his sarcasm though
He’s a walking cigarette
Takes his coffee black
No fucking cheesecake, you psychopath fanons. That was a jibe at calling his actor fat. 
Thinks he’s the hot shit 
Pretends he doesn’t care if people like him or not, but it bothers him on the inside
Reader has to knock his ass down a few notches
He’s triumphant as hell when he finds out Reader likes him
But then he doesn’t know how to proceed
First kiss with him will leave him lying on the floor like an idiot
Shows he cares by existing in the same room
He handles physical contact okay, he just prefers his personal bubble
He kind of sucks at comfort, but tries and succeeds most of the time, albeit awkwardly
The actor played guitar, but Tim should like it too. He wears flannel. That speaks for itself.
He’ll play angsty or angry music if he’s mad at Reader
If not, he’ll play anything and everything they request if he can
He’s a teddy bear in an grumpy old man body
the drabble that comes with it can be found on any of the platforms i use; ao3, quotev, and wattpad- linktree in my bio if you find my works anywhere else, please let me know!
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
dear byler’s who talk abt and analyze the wheeler family,
headcanons n fanon n stuff with the wheelers are fine obviously but if we’re talking about analyzing CANON:
no Karen is not going to be homophobic part of her arc is being afraid to break out of social norms and being proud of her kids for doing it even tho she’s not the best mom
yes Ted IS casually homophobic dude literally had a Reagan sign and he’s a conservative man in a 80s be fr
no Ted is not viciously homophobic he is too apathetic to care (tho he’s probably made comments abt it occasionally, that’s up to interpretation rn tho 🤷🏻‍♀️) and the fanon Lonnie Byers-ification of Ted is insensitive for several reasons
no Ted is not gay just bc Mike has been paralleled to him and he smiled at hopper one time like it’s probably just bc he’s pro police again be fr
no I will never unironically be a Ted apologist and sympathizer
no the Wheeler parents are not abusive yes the Wheeler parents are emotionally neglectful there are many ways parents can traumatize their kids
no Karen is not a bad person
yes Karen IS a bad mom
no Ted is not a good person he could not give less of a shit about Nancy and Mike and so far the show has not given me a single piece of evidence to believe otherwise
no Ted is not the worst possible dad but he’s a pretty shitty one
yes Karen loves her kids even tho she’s a pretty bad at showing it sometimes
yes it is ALWAYS the fault of parents for not properly caring for and raising their kids regardless of life circumstances tho there is room for complexity it is still always the parents responsibility to nurture their kids and support and reach out okay are we all clear on this now?
Okay great 🙏
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cyberluvzu · 1 month
I don't know if you will want to do it, but can you make headcanons of Ben Drowned? (The fanon version of him, not the canon where he is a child 💀)
I've been seeing some of your headcanons and I loved how you write !! (This is my first request, I don't even know if I'm doing it right ✋😭)
That's it have a great day <3
(I also had to edit this while it was posted bc I accidentally clicked post 😭😭)
General Headcanons
- Pothead
- But he would probably smoke weed here and there
- Hungry when he's high
- I also like to think that he has longer hair, just long enough to be put in a pony tail
- He mostly keeps his hair up
- Would probably dress more comfy if he's just relaxing at home
- Video game shirts, basketball shorts, sweatpants, PJ pants
- If he has to like actually get dressed for any reason he would just wear something comfortable but not exactly pajamas
- More like baggy clothes, y'know?
- Buys dumb shit with his money
- "Oh look a bag of mini plastic ducks"
- Likes to hack games, but when other people do it he gets mad
- He takes it as a challenge and pops through that person's screen to absolutely terrify them
- He thinks it's hilarious
- Going off of that, he LOVES to scare people
- Specifically likes when people have over the top reactions to it because he thinks it's the funniest shit ever
- Would definitely watch those 2 hour long YouTube video essays on a topic he's never heard of
- Frequently falls down YouTube rabbit holes because of it too
- Also knows random facts about obscure topics because of that
- Takes GREAT care of his PC
- It's in absolutely top notch condition
- I like to think that he's not THAT messy like some people see him as
- More of a "I'll put everything in separate piles" messy
- Surprising clean-ish room
- Loves brain rot
- In like an ironic way though
- Let's you play with his hair
- Loves the feeling of your nails scratching his scalp
- Gives you dumb pet names
- Will absolutely call you the most cheesy, diabolical pet name and act like it's normal
- LOVESSS taking naps with you
- Like genuinely adores it
- Also really likes nose kisses
- You kiss him on the nose
- He's all yours
- "Babe can we play Minecraft"
- "It's 3am, Ben"
- He loves you and wants to play with you
- He would definitely do most of the hard work (cheat)
- Makes sure you have the best items in games
- Loves when you wrap around him
- Big fan of hugs, especially yours
- He loves how you feel and smell
- He just really likes you
- Will absolutely flirt with you in the stupidest ways possible
- Tries to pay attention to you, but if he's distracted by a game, you'll lose his full attention for a couple of hours
- He will eventually remember that he has a partner and will go bother you
- Will poke you when he wants attention or needs something from you
- Has a shit eating grin on his face the whole time
- If you get upset at him he'll fake being overdramatically upset just to make you laugh
- Loves seeing you giggle, laugh, or smile
- He would definitely let you borrow his clothes
- He thinks you're the cutest thing ever in his clothes
- Looks forward to getting into bed with you and talking about a new game he started, his day, or just about anything
- He's sweet, but can also be a complete dick
- He wouldn't really be mean to you
- Just annoying
- He's secretly hoping you kiss him to shut him up
- Would buy you and him matching jewelry
- Your name in his phone would probably be "player 1"
- Or something cheesy like that
- He loves being cringey and cheesy with you
- He's just really comfortable around you and loves you
- Sometimes he might not know how to express it because of how extreme it feels
- But he does get the point across eventually
HELLO!!! So basically I didn't proof read this for shit 😭. BUTTTTT that's bc I accidentally hit post when I wasn't ready. BUT I HOPED Y'ALL ENJOYED, SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN POSTING AS MUCH!!!!! MWAHHHHH!!!!
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roboreviewer · 3 months
"This is going to be great! I'm going to help you accomplish so much, whether I want to or not!"
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Name: Yesman
(Mental) Age: Adult (implied)
Pronouns: He/Him
Appearance(s): Fallout: New Vegas
Fandom Activity: Small cult following, Fallout is getting popular again which made a liiiiiitle bit more rise in popularity
Fanon characterization: accurate from what I've seen
------In Canon------
Yes man is a PDQ-88b securitron that was knocked out by Benny from a pulse grenade, stolen, and reprogrammed by Emily Ortal to be a kiss A$#
Yesman is physically incapable of disagreeing and insulting the person he's talking to. Although he is more than capable of doing so if he's talking to someone else, just as long as that person hasn't shown distaste to him doing that. Insults are pretty tame though, as he is physically incapable of sounding like he WANTS you to know he's mad.
Yesman is important in the independent vegas/Wild card ending. You kill Mr, House and upload him into Mr. House's big ol screen where he remains until the final part of the game with the battle of Hoover dam. Where he throws the general of the NCR (I think it's the general? Who cares he's dead now) off the dam, and then reveals that Mr. House had some code that would make him as he says 'more assertive' and that he'll look like he's offline for a non specific amount of time, then just... rolls off
He's name dropped like twice in the slideshow, so it's never explained on.. well F#@%!#$ ANYTHING after he leaves. It almost feels like it got cut from the game? from how oddly specific he went into how he'll be offline and all that, which isn't TOO farfetched considering the deadline for the game
- Yes man seems aye-OK with killing. He doesn't care about any important people you slaughter, if not happy about it. He is completely unfazed when you say you killed benny, and will only bring him up when talking about the platinum chip and how he has it, or an occasional opinion he had. He has no attachment to his original manufacturer Mr. House unless it's plans to kill him. Honestly he really only cares about having you take over, and shows no genuine attachment for anyone unless they are talking to him (this is a bit of a Grey area, as he only talks to you in game. With ONE line to the general) he's usually thrilled about killing. And is implied to be frustrated that he usually CANT kill people (this part isn't really brought up on, so I it could be wrong. Feel free to have this as a headcanon though)
-Yes man is technically immortal. Whenever the body he occupys is destroyed, he transfers to a new one. If you were to destroy his body before transferring him to the lucky 38 (which is pretty easy as he won't fight back) he will respawn back at the room. I have no clue where he's getting the body's from. As he only learns what the outside looks like when he moves to.. the outside. It's never said how he gets back to the room. You can also use him as a unlimited source of scrap metal!
- It's pretty obvious when he disagrees with you as he gets SUPER passive aggressive. Like, cartoonishly so. To the point where he almost sounds like he's in pain when he does it... which is a lot.
- Although he never outright says he enjoys helping with the wildcard ending (without an added 'whether I want to or not!' Shtick) He gets super passive aggressive if you say anything that would imply that you think it's a dumb idea, (possibly) showing that he thinks this is the superior option to anyone he's talking to. Which I guess makes sense, considering that's what he was reprogrammed for-
- he has a mild lisp. You can faintly hear it wherever he pronounces his 's' (esses? S's? Es's?)
- it's pretty obvious that most of the stuff he says to people are only the opinions the person he's talking to would be happy about, but there are parts where his reprogramming is ingraved into him. For instance he states he feels annoying whenever he needs to repeat himself. So when he has the ability to. We will give you a note to re-explain whatever you wanted:
"Have I told you lately that you’re my favorite person? You are!
The reason I gave you this print-out is I wanted to remind you about that bunker Mr. House built over at Fortification Hill. I was going to say something out loud, but then I felt self-conscious, because I feel really ANNOYING when I repeat myself!
Just to clarify - anytime YOU want to repeat yourself, go right ahead! It’s only a problem when I do it!
Anyway, now that you’ve installed me on the Lucky 38’s mainframe, I can peek into Mr. House’s data. And guess what? The underground facility over at the Fort is super-important!
What Mr. House did over there was stash a HUGE number of Securitrons. Hundreds of them!
Imagine how powerful they’d be if you upgraded them with the Mark II OS!
When the Legion attacks Hoover Dam, you could sic your army on them! And who deserves to have an army more than you? No one!
Plus an army of upgraded Securitrons would be just the thing to show the NCR that you mean business! Go away and stay away, NCR!
The thing is - and I really HATE admitting this - I can’t upgrade the Securitrons over at the Fort from here in the Lucky 38... I can’t establish a reliable connection, and I’m sure it’s all my fault somehow.
But if you took the Platinum Chip to the Fort, you could perform the upgrade yourself. Just a suggestion!
Yes Man"
He also just outright says this:
"I need you to like me! I feel empty inside!"
------My opinion------
-No matter what you do, or what you say, he will always stay at neutral 50 as his opinion on you in game. It's really up to your fantasies on how he feels on your character (Weirdo)
10/10. I've had multiple occasions of me looking at media of him for so long that when I closed my eyes that goofy face has burned into my optical sensors. Although I can never look at Dave Foley the same, and get jumpscared whenever he shows up in ANYTHING
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bitterrobin · 5 months
I see a lot of confusion on why calling Damian Wayne "feral" is racist/problematic, so here's a rundown.
There's a difference between calling your child or your younger sibling "feral" and calling a character like Damian "feral." You know your child/sibling/niece/nephew etc. They're real people, and unless they have a problem with it personally, then there's nothing wrong with calling them feral as a joke. It doesn't (shouldn't) affect their perceptions by other people. It doesn't become a label that follows them.
Damian al Ghul-Wayne is a fictional character. A canonically mixed Arab/Chinese/Jewish White character with a history connected to some of the most prominent Arab comic book characters, who themselves also get insanely mischaracterized.
He's constantly whitewashed. He's been written with racist undertones (the suicide bomber vest). He's had his character development and progress backtracked time and time again by DC. DC treats him weirdly most days and completely shitty in the worst stories.
A good majority of fanon hasn't done any better than DC. You cannot pat yourselves on the back for being more inclusive or mental health aware than DC when you call a mixed Arab/Chinese boy "feral". It's constant. You can come up with various titles and nuances for every Bat-character, for every Robin.
Tim can be smart, a skater, a genius, the one holding everyone together, the little brother, the one who needs love. Jason can be cool, morally "right" or "wrong", unstable, PTSD-stricken, the one who was betrayed, the one with Shakespearean tragedies. Dick can be fun, happy, the first one, the prodigal son, the one with complicated history and the big brother.
You give them room for exploration. Love and care and attention and research. Many headcanons. You either comply with canon or you don't, but there's substance to their character.
What does Damian get? He's feral. He's rabid. He's a gremlin. He can't be reasoned with. He has no self-control, he's impulsive. He's hurt others, and you can't forgive it. Sometimes he's homophobic. Or classist. Or plain mean and rude to your favorite boy. He's always carrying a sword. A psychopath with no regard for another's well-being (usually Tim in a lot of fics). He can't be taught what's right.
I've seen people cry that Damian needs to punished or kicked out or treated the same way he's treated others. He needs to be brutalized or talked down to. He can never grow as a person, because he's mean to Tim or Jason, and you need him to exist as the abuser. His first move is always violent.
Fanon compares him to an animal often; he bites, claws, hisses, growls. Bruce or Dick or Jason or Tim have to wrangle him, tame him, civilize him the white man's way in lieu of his brown mother and grandfather who "clearly" raised him wrong. You don't see the issue with that? The issue with always labeling one of the few major brown characters in Batman comics as the unreasonable animal? That the child of color is always the abuser, the instigator, to older characters?
And even if you don't see him this way, you don't write him this way - then are you giving him the care and attention you give for other Bat characters?
Do you know anything else about him other than his "anger"? Because he isn't always angry. In fact, he's typically well-mannered. Quiet even, when he's not being provoked. DC's writing will always vary but whenever Damian lashes out, he's usually written with a reason to act the way he does.
Are you making him intelligent like he should be? A hard believer in redemption? A neglected and abused child who isn't meek or crying or closes himself within? Are you willing to explore that he's always exhibited the "wrong" kind of trauma responses - lashing out, being snippy, ruining relationships, refusing to admit weakness?
Do you write anything about him without making his mother and grandfather comically abusive and violent? Will you give him the supporting cast/friends he actually has? Can you write his dad/siblings interacting with him without making them white saviors or therapy pets? Can you write him without a ship or his love for animals or being vegetarian overshadowing everything?
Is he a character to you at all other than a glorified plot device with a sharp tongue and the convenience of being violent?
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Ash I’ve been bitten by the Louis!Simp bug, I need your headcanons about his romantic side please and thank you 🥹 (with specific partners or in general or both, dealers choice!!!)
JESS!!!!!! hello. in all forms but physical i am squeezing your shoulders and kissing your cheeks. welcome to the louis!simp club i am so glad you're here
anyway YEAH i think in terms of fanon, folks tend to underestimate Louis' interest/capacity for romance because he always has a bad time whenever anyone tries to show him a Grand Romantic Gesture but i just adhgdskfbhsjbfvdjhbf I think Louis is one of the most romantic characters in the series!!! he just shows it in ways that aren't obvious to those who don't know him well, but I know for a fact that this man is down so bad for Lestat and Armand and just wants to see them happy.
He strikes me as the kind of person who puts a lot of time and effort into the love he gives— whether that's spending actual time with his lovers (I always HC that his preferred love language is Quality Time) or hunting down a specific gift, or even taking the time to better himself!!
Like I know we talk about it a lot, but I think all the times throughout later canon where Louis dresses nicely for Lestat and Armand is such a great example of the type of lover Louis is. That's the closest thing to any Grand Love Gesture he'll get. We know if it were up to him, he would wear the same clothes for centuries. He doesn't care about his appearance, but he knows that Lestat and Armand do. He knows that they like to look at him, that they like to see him in fine things, just as he used to like seeing Claudia in fine things. They gift him clothes because that is their way of showing affection, and he knows he can ease Lestat's or Armand's anxiety just a little bit by accepting that affection and allowing them to fawn over his beauty, even if it makes him uncomfortable. Louis is someone who thrives with the comfort of the familiar; to step out of his comfort zone is a BIG DEAL to him, and I think we really see that reflected in Lestat and even Armand's narration any time they do see him all dressed up, like they always seem so surprised and awestruck LOL
ANYWAY yeah he cares so deeply for his loved ones like really truly, I think that Louis is the kind of lover who is just so thoughtful. Gift giving isn't necessarily his preferred love language, but he's ALWAYS thinking of Lestat and Armand, and it manifests in different ways. Some nights he'll barge into the room and read aloud an article he thinks they might find interesting, and he'll ask them questions and soak in every one of their opinions. Other nights he simply graces them with his presence and reads silently beside them.
And other nights still, Louis will revisit arguments that occurred a century ago, or even an hour ago, and will pick at old wounds not because he is truly upset, but because Louis is genuinely the kind of person who is constantly thinking about the things Lestat or Armand have said to him. He's constantly picking their words apart in his head, trying to find new meaning, and I know it's absolutely infuriating for Lestat, but there's something about Louis where, even as he's rebutting an argument from two years back, there's a passion in his eyes that's just so exciting and almost kind of sweet. You just KNOW that Louis loves to debate, not for the sake of winning (though he loves to win) but because he loves to hear his lovers' ideas and understand their psyche. Honest to god, I think Louis' ideal date night would be debating beside a cozy fire LOL
Okay sorry this is getting long! I don't have a lot of individual headcanons BUT one favorite headcanon that I've had in my back pocket and do want to turn into a fic one day is that Louis teaches himself to speak Armand's native tongue, so he can tell him he loves him with a language Armand has not heard for centuries.
Another headcanon I've been thinking about as well is like, in a similar vein to the clothes thing, Louis understanding how insecure Lestat gets at times, especially about how their relationship is perceived. So like, again with the comfort zone thing, I think Louis tries very very very hard to swallow his discomfort in order to occasionally hold Lestat's hand in public. Maybe even kiss him, who knows. He loathes being perceived, but he'll do it for Lestat.
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im-ovulating · 10 months
Hello!! I'm fairly new to the twilight fandom and your blog is one of the bests i've ever seen so far! So, if you're comfortable/not buzy, could you please do the volturi kings (separated or poly, both are fine!!) reacting to the reader being a goth, i imagined since they're ancient beings, the goths that invaded the Roman Empire would be the first thing coming to mind lol
Once again, your blog is definitely a favorite now, so i might just give myself a name for future requests, i think 🦇 would be fine if no one's using it :)
Have a good morning, afternoon or/and evening!
(A/n: Stawppppp you're makin me blushhh🙈 I definitely recommend @kiiwiigii (her kinktober is 🥵 and her fluff fics will literally rot your teeth) and (she doesn't write often, but she has an AMAZING NSFW mini series called Uses of a Secretarial Desk👀:) @alecvolturi)
(A/n: I went with headcanons. I hope that's okay with you!)
(A/n: Also- It's a bit difficult for me to write the kings since I personally don't vibe w/ em, so I hope you like it😭😅)
Word Count: -
Summary: Request above
Warnings: None
Age Rating: None
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Volturi Kings x Gothic! GN! Reader
Firstly, the Volturi are known art lovers so while the Visigoth sacking Rome might be what the word is acquitted to off the top of their heads, they would probably attune it moreso to the gothic art style of the mid 12th - 16th centuries
This being said, gothic makeup is VASTLY different from the painted arches and quatrelobes of the art period
You'll definitely have some explaining to do
You'll have to excuse them. They're not invested in human fads and expressionistic styles
Now on to the individual reactions/thoughts:
He definitely finds your style interesting
Not in a judgmental aunt "interesting...😒" but an intrigued interest
He likes to watch you do your makeup, letting out the occasional amused "hm" when you do something unconventional with your look (grey contour, painting your neck black, extreme eyeliner, thin angled brows, etc.)
As for the music?
Doesn't really get it but at the same time does? Idk how to explain my thought process
He basically vibes with the lyrics and meaning but sometimes the instrumentals are hit or miss
He really enjoys the instrumentals that are more spooky/calm to the ones that go harder
Overall, if you're happy, who's he to say anything?
Do you want fanon or accurate?😅
He might give you a strange look or cock an eyebrow when you go all out with your look but he silently appreciates how much effort it takes to perfect it
If he doesn't like the song playing, he'll either grab your phone and skip it or just leave the room
This man is throwing shade left, right, and center lol
It /is/ all in good fun though
He's a bitch, you knew that from your first meeting
"Are you sure that's how you want to go out today?"
"Interesting attire, dear... *side eye*"
He doesnt hate it, don't get him wrong
He just finds it... odd
Out of all the kings, he's probably the most art geek of them all and is stuck on the name of your style
"Goth? That is not gothic, pet... *cue middle ages art speech*"
Openly criticizes the music
Either bans it from being played around him or loudly complains about it
Is the most vocal about your appearance
Constantly praising how you look that day
He got a second chance at his life partner. He's gonna be damned if he doesn't appreciate everything about you even down to the barely-different-who-is-he-kidding-they're-the-same-as-the-ones-you-already-own shoes that you just bought and are excited about
It's not even him lying either
He GENUINELY loves your look, simoyl for the fact that 1) he has seen you get ready... that takes skill and 2) you clearly enjoy the style and seeing you confident and secure in yourself is enough for him
He can take or leave the music, but he will keep that to himself until he dies (get it? Bc he's immortal?)
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