#they might’ve kissed a little afterwards. maybe a bit more than a little.
quicksilverdaisyday · 8 months
i like to think that for neil’s 19th birthday he and stephen went out and got absolutely hammered
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 8 months
(SbITILYP request) I wonder what hiccup thinks about his dad burning holes into the back of the girl he has a crush on's head. Maybe Hiccup would try to apologize for it afterwards. + the almost-kissing-her thing
Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot pt 21
Pairing: Onesided!Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Modern!Fem!Reader
Words: 2,700
Hiccup gets better at this romance thing.
Tags: Time Travel, Reader into Movieverse, Dragons: Defenders of Berk, Fright of Passage, post episode, Hiccup’s POV
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The incident with the Flightmare took up a lot of time and energy and after how quickly you’d fled once Thornado had landed back on Berk, he hadn’t seen you much at all, much less had time to talk to you.
He shifted on the short wooden bench, the unsanded grit of its surface and the uneven length of its legs causing it to feel odd and off balance as he shifted over it.
Hiccup glanced past the metal framing holding up an empty, crusted pot over the fire, whose heat was licking at his calves beneath his trousers and flickering against the majority of his torso.
He clutched a small, oblong glass shape as he glared forwards, cool against his skin through the fabric of his tunic, hidden away by his vest, securely stored in a secret pocket he’d sewed in for specifically this purpose.
The bioluminescent algae seemed to have been lost, for the most part.
The others had been a bit shifty around him, in a way that was more shifty than malicious. He had the sinking suspicion that they might’ve caught on to his little crush.
The heavy beating of boot and peg against old wooden floors. It was really ironic that the Chiefs; hut was the only one that hadn’t been burned on the regular. His Dad was very attentive towards his house.
His Dad’s face was set and shoulders hunched, a remnant from earlier when he had been awkwardly tending to his own meal.
Hiccup’s own face was slightly sour. He was still mad at his Dad for… everything.
Both Hiccup and Stoick ignored the sound of clattering dishes in the background.
Stoick grumbled as Hiccup’s expression turned just a bit scowlier, sitting in his large wooden chair which sometimes seemed yet as if it couldn’t hold every bit of him, across the fire pit from Hiccup, who had a bowl in his lap and was sitting in quite the hunched manner, “You like the… Delivery girl.”
“You know her?” Hiccup asked nervously, pulling at his tunic collar.
Stoick shifted, his brown fur cloak spilling over the arms of his chair.
“He has the lass come up here and clean around sometimes!” Gobber said, rifling around in one of the chests lining the wall, the horns of his helmet clattering against mounted shields and other sharp weapons and he turned carelessly, arms wide,
“What?!” Hiccup asked, voice pitch nearly at a screech.
He was scared immediately that you’d seen smoke things you shouldn't've. What had you seen?
Hiccup took a moment to pause and bring his voice down, maybe a bit deeper than it needed to be, even as his heart rate picked up.
“If you want ‘er, Ye need tae sweep her off her feet!” Gobber clapped Hiccup hard on the place shoulder met back, causing Hiccup to stumble forward as the big man swept his other arm outwards.
He grimaced.
He’d already been doing a good amount of sweeping. He doubted anyone would take well to being accosted in the way Gobber described. What did Gobber know about women, anyways?
He should put on his red tunic, though.
Hiccup was very attracted to that idea.
Oh, Gods, he really hoped you hadn’t seen too much.
“...Hey,” Hiccup said, looking at you, as always, basket in hand. A woven one this time, made of long grasses that brushed and scraped along the sides of your skirt.
He was sort of impressed with himself, and the fact that he hadn’t fumbled over anything at all yet.
You weren’t looking him in the eye at all, which meant he had definitely totally completely messed up.
“Hi,” You responded, voice pitched so he could tell you were nearly squeaking.
It only took a few days. That might have been to the effect of all the stuff he’d dumped in it, too.
The Flightmare left tracks, and from what little he could salvage- the spare scale, which was nearly translucent upon detachment, and some slime he picked up from some of the more plant-like dragons, he ended up being able to speed up the growth 
He’d… Nabbed some of Fishlegs’ notes for that. He wouldn’t mind. Hopefully.
Hiccup had lent him Toothless for the day, after all, albeit with more grump than was probably appropriate. 
The dragon seemed alright with it, too, ready to show off his tail, a sparking nadder blue, his replacement after the red one had been ripped back on Fireworm island.
Hiccup palmed the vial in his pocket, “I, ah…”
As an apology, he’d found someone willing to bring in some rose bushes. It took a lot, but it was worth it. For you, that was. He got some others in on it, though of course he never told them why. They didn’t have the bushes yet, but soon.
For the person you were, to him, even if you didn’t get it yet.
And he’d done something else, too.
He was going to try surprising you with it. Or not. 
He was worried he might scare you off.
“Sorry,” He started, “About my Dad. He’s just-Well, he’s…”
You shrugged balefully, “I get it? I’m not-...”
“Right,” Hiccup nodded, “Yeah, okay.”
It was silent for a few long moments.
You were both standing by the bridge out into the forest, the clear ends around it lined by trees, freshly planted.
At this point, the two of you had to have been experts in deciphering stutters and half-spoken words.
He could kill a large dragon and win over Astrid, but he couldn’t talk to you at all. He didn’t have the courage. Or, maybe it wasn’t about courage.
Hiccup wasn’t afraid. He wasn’t shy. 
He did stupid things all the time.
There was just something about you, or maybe something about him, that kept most things from coming out right. That made him just a little bit nervous. 
“I-well, I wanted to say sorry. Would you be fine following me for a bit?”
You paused for a second
“Just… Come on,” He said, somewhat hesitantly. He was sure by then his face was blotchy with flush, “It’s in the woods. Is that…?”
You nodded.
Hiccup held in a sigh of relief, “Alright. Well, then…”
Back in the village, it looked like a few vikings had taken to terraforming Berk, though you had no idea why. 
You weren’t sure where Toothless was. Probably… Off, 
Maybe they were inspired, you had no clue. Something about bushes or brushes or something and house paint.
You nearly tripped over a particularly large, gnarled root as you moved past Hiccup, holding aside a branch with leaves, half expecting to get murdered, or something. That’s what he brought you out into the woods for, right?
This was a particularly dark part of the forest, packed with leaves and moss in a way no spot on Berk had been before the Red Death had been defeated, with all the dragons burning most of everything down. 
It had already been darkening by the time Hiccup had asked you to follow, and though Hiccup had long since ceased to weird you out at all, the thoughts came unbidden.
You took a few steps forwards, shuffling slightly, looking around at the world, washed over with a blue filter, and at the vines crawling up the trees, before you paused, taking notice of a light, bright and gentle and nearly not there glowing against mottled bark.
You looked down, and then your eyes widened slightly.
You weren’t sure how you missed it, but below, there was a pool.
You stared down at it, glowing and dark under the canopy of the leaves above.
“So, what do you think?”
You heard Hiccup asked from behind you, his own boot and prosthetic shuffling against packed, fallen leaves and damp mulch.
Your face felt hot in a tingling, bright way as you stared down into the slowly moving water.
Was this all from the Flightmare?
It was something you might’ve seen in the news in the foreseen future, the same type of glow you’d see lurking inside a glow stick.
“Oh,” You said. You’d heard about it and you were sure all of the glowing algae had been washed out to sea. 
“I was hoping you’d like it,” Hiccup said hesitantly, “Do you?”
Your heart felt like it was on fire too, in the way that it only could when butterflies and bugs and other flighty, flippant nerve things were preening around in your organs.
Maybe Hiccup did like you, after all.
“Wow,” You stumbled forwards a few more feet until you were overlooking a small dirt ledge which had to be at least a yard tall, held together by roots and sticks and other dead plants. 
It overlooked the rest of the pond by a little bit, overseeing edges kept aloft in quite a similar fashion, like one of those deep, neverending kinds of pools made of a beautiful blue with no bottom, toeing the line between dangerous and beautiful that most people would only ever lay eyes on in photos. 
In this moment, perhaps heightened by the mood and atmosphere, everything felt a bit softer. You were sure the light of the pool was glittering back through your eyes, chest light and full of wonder and awe.
You said nothing yet, awkwardly turning so that your back hit the sturdy trunk of a large tree, sliding down slowly and displacing moss until you were sitting down against the uneven, steep packed, large roots of a tree, moss tickling your back through your shirt.
You felt like you might slide down into it if you loosened your legs just a bit from where they kept you steady, braced against moss and dirt. 
Small flecks of dirt tumbled down into the pool under them, hitting ferns and the occasional fungus, mushrooms that looked as if they’d just bud, hinting at a similar glow to the bright light of the pool as toes of your boots played a risky game with the dirt ledge over the pond.
“So... A good apology, all things considered?” He prompted. 
You nearly forgot about Hiccup, still standing by the streeline, which was, admittedly, also very close by the water. 
You brought your knees up to your chin, which you rested on top of your elbows, your cheeks feeling warm as you smiled into them, not in the hot way they had been just a moment before, but with a soft feeling that came from deep in your chest, feeling a lot like a crackling fire in the heart or the smell of a warm cup of cocoa, fluffy white marshmallows floating along the top.
You didn’t look over, but the hairs of your neck, which were standing, and a tickling in the corner of your still focused eye told you Hiccup was watching you. 
You wondered what his expression looked like. Was it fond, or goofy, or blank?
Did he feel anything at all at the sight? 
Had he really done this all for you?
The water rippled and the algae grew brighter as it did. There was a light dusting of blue foam across the surface and if you looked ever so slightly you could spot the occasional speck of something swimming around in the water, though you were sure it was too small to be a fish.
A sea monkey? A bug? A glowing speck?
You were certain it was not safe to swim in, but it was unbelievably gorgeous, framed by dipping and swaying ferns in the near complete darkness.
“Yeah,” You said mumbling into your elbow, noticing in your periphery as Hiccup moved forwards to stand by your side, “Yeah, I think so.”
You felt the hesitant dusting of a few fingers against your shoulder before they disappeared, twitching away and displacing the air by your ears, the feel of them there and gone causing all the hairs along your arm and neck to stand on end.
You found yourself tilting your head away from the touch, hiding the bashful flush of your face as Hiccup spoke again, “I also… I got you something else, too.”
You delicately took what was offered by a careful hand and held up the vial, smooth, clean and cool between your fingertips, a liquid inside glowing in a similar fashion to the pool in front of you and the mystical blue-washed world around.
Hiccup definitely wasn’t the type of guy to be able to keep something so clean- everything he had -books, blankets, papers, the occasional crafter compass for trade- they were all smudged by soot or the oil of skin and at the very least slightly folded in corners.
Against all odds, though, there it was. He must’ve taken great care with it.
You looked up at him.
You were sure you’d imagined it, because things like that didn’t happen in reality, and definitely not on the faces turned cartoon and whimsy to real and solid and in full, real life, completely discernable human graphic definition, but that glowing, sparkly feeling you were certain he clouds see plain as day- you felt fresh, believing for just a moment you could see it in his eyes too.
Hiccup’s head was in the clouds, his cheeks buzzing in a pleasant way, traveling up to his ears in a way that almost made him want to rub them, warm and heady and tingling in a way that was slightly ticklish.
His shoulder brushed against yours, your pinky fingers brushing together, slightly hooked, mimicking earlier when his fingers teased your palm in the imitation of a hold as the two of you walked back from the woods.
“Is it fine if we…” Your fingers came together again, the two of you turning to each other once the sound of boots and peg against wood turned into the softer, more muffled sound of weights padding against dirt.
Hiccup didn’t know he had it in him, but it was less an action made by choice and more led by an automatic zone, a feeling for what came next brought on by feeling and comfortability influenced by the ambiance, though that wasn’t to say he himself felt casual about it at all. 
Your hands were slightly shaky.
His heart was rocketing the whole time, blood pumping and beating in his eardrums.
“Separate?” Hiccup finished as you glanced off towards the darkened village, resisting the urge to shiver as a cool breeze blew by, fit to match the now dark sky, coming in from the side of him that faced the woods. 
On the other, closer to his back he noticed a very faint yellow light, warm and emanating from where he suspected the stairs to the hall lay, within which the larger half of Berk was most likely pulling together their nightly meal.
“You’ll be… fine?” He asked, breath nearly stuttering as the two of you tilted his head forwards, your foreheads so close they were nearly touching, “You can still- You can have my coat, still.”
“It’s okay,” You said, the focus of your eyes flickering from down by your hands to his face, before your hands separated.
“Thanks,” You said simply, before turning and walking forwards a few feet, a cool breeze causing your skirt to wave.
You glanced back as you left, unsure as if you were subconsciously asking if it was okay for you to leave.
Hiccup thought his legs might give out.
The night breeze was extra cold on Hiccup’s hands and back as he watched you go, though the warm, glowing feeling in his chest remained, moving down into the village, disappearing into the dark maze of alleys and open halls.
He was a night owl, as most of Berk tended to be after years of nightly raids. 
He wouldn’t be sleeping. 
He could work on blueprints for the sewage system. That was a whole project in and of itself. But with the tunnels below the village and all the dragon power they had in Berk, it might’ve just been doable. 
But as he stared out into the still quiet of the empty village, he realized he’d probably just be thinking about you instead.
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luveline · 2 years
HELLO can we pretty pleaseeeeee get a such a strange girl + candy apples with rockstar!eddie where it halloween and eddie has a concert but reader forgets and when she arrives at the concert its like 15 minutes away from ending and she expects eddie to be mad but eddie already expected it
join luveline's halloween party ♡
hi tysm for ur request! fluff with rockstar!eddie x fem!ditzy!reader
Scatterbrained you may be, but this feels downright mean. You can't believe you'd forgotten about Eddie's show tonight, too distracted by the snack banquet you'd been preparing for the movie he'd promised to watch with you afterward.
What could be better? Day of the Dead with a table of queasy, scary snacks. Eyeballs made of peeled grapes, pastry snakes, zombie fingers and spider biscuits. Your table shines with Halloween confetti and jelly reds. Everything's awesome. And then you think, I can't wait for Eddie to see all this.
Your apartment is a fifteen minute bike ride from the venue. You don't have time to lock it up outside, so you hide it behind a fierce looking bouncer and wield your ticket at him.
"Little late?" he asks knowingly.
"Just a bit!" you call.
The venue's big but not big enough for second security. You rush past the foodstands and past the glass doors into the main floor, eyes wide and lifted up toward the stage. Eddie won't ever be able to see you here, you’re miles from the stage.
You sulk at your own ineptitude. You feel sorry for yourself, for missing out on his spooky show, and you feel sorry for your boyfriend, who'd deserved a partner that cheered them on the whole way through.
He holds court on the left side of the stage, a dripping picture of handsomeness. Long, dark hair pitch black with sweat and curls shining in the lights like its been dotted with a thousand tiny stars. Hands you know better than your own race up and down the body of his guitar. His passion this far into a show is impressive, and it snaps you out of your self-pity.
"Woo!" you scream. Nobody seems startled at your sound, the venue packed and pounding with reverb. "Eddie, I love you!"
You giggle as you scream it. You're likely not the only girl to say that tonight.
Twenty minutes later the shows drawn to a close and you're trying to convince some guy in a dark sweatshirt that Eddie's actually your boyfriend. No you're not delusional. Yes, Eddie the guitarist.
You’re halfway into a spiel about how you should have a vip badge, yes, but you were super late because you were busy making eyeballs, to the security guards confusion, when a familiar chuckle echos from behind.
You spin. “Oh, good! Tell this guy you’re my boyfriend.”
Eddie pulls you by the arm into his chest. “I think he might’ve guessed,” he says, giving your forehead a kiss. He absolutely smells like sweat as one would expect, sweat and deodorant and hairspray, and you like it more than you’ll say.
He gives you a quick hug over the shoulders and then holds you back, both hands on you. Fingers behind your ears, thumbs rubbing over your cheeks, Eddie asks, “What’s wrong with you?”
You look away from his puppy eyes toward his chest. “I’m sorry. I lost track of time… I didn’t see all of the show. I didn’t really see half.”
“That’s why you’re upset?”
You chance a look back up, expecting scorn or at least a rugged kind of exhaustion and finding nothing of the sort. His pretty, perfect mouth is pulled up into a smile.
His thumb drags over your cheek. “You think I didn’t guess you’d be late tonight? After all those snacks you planned?” Eddie had watched you pen down ideas in a notebook for hours. “I’m just glad you made it, baby. Did I look good?”
“You looked fucking amazing,” you tell him honestly.
You both laugh, happy huffs of breath as he drags your face toward his.
“Thank you,” he says, tilting his head to one side to kiss the side of your nose. “You turned off the stove, right?”
“Maybe. I left my bike outside, though, so we should hurry.”
He laughs hard and tips his head back, gifting you a generous look at his jaw. “What are we waiting for?” he asks as he recovers, hands falling down to clasp your hands. “Let’s go.”
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girlymatsu · 1 year
20? (First kiss)
WAAHH OK I had this partly written out a while ago and just decided to finish it for this prompt.. it’s a little bit of a downer in the beginning, hope it’s good!
“I mean… firsts aren’t too big of a deal! My first kiss wasn’t anything special at all!”
Erina waves her hand around, trying to casually comfort Osomatsu as he’s going through a childish drunken rant. They sit at a ramen bar and Erina is smiling at Osomatsu’s grumpy face leaning on his arms on the counter.
Silly Osomatsu waves his can of beer around lazily and in a bitter fashion, “Feh! Only popular socialites actually say that kinda stuff as a way to humble brag about all their experience— Have more pity on us little folk please!” Dramatically putting a hand on his chest as he laments.
“But it’s not like I’m popular or have that much experience really!” She really doesn’t, it’s really sad!
Osomatsu pouts. “You can’t say that when you’ve k-k-kissed before! Agh! Saying it is like damage inducing for virgins!” He leans so far back like he’s gonna fall over.
She playfully shoves him again for being so silly and dramatic.
“Noo really— It’s actually been so long, I don’t think it counts anymore!”
“Then who was your first kiss then huh Erina-Chan? An old boyfriend?” He squints at her with his brows furrowed leaning in close it makes her blush.
Erina gives a bit of an awkward smile as she’s fidgeting with her earring. Normally she wouldn’t talk about this to remain a little mysterious, but she wants to be honest with Osomatsu a little more. Let him in a little bit because she secretly does want him to be closer. “No! Nono haha— not at all, I’ve only ever had one boyfriend, and we weren’t together for very long, and we never kissed on the lips either..”
“Haah? who could you have kissed other than your boyfriend huh? Your friends? Randos?! Guys for money?!”
Erina widens her eyes and gives him an exasperated look, “Nonono!! Do you think I’m such a wild bad girl Osomatsu?” She tries to smile like she can take a joke, playfully shoving him like it didn’t hurt her at all that he would think that.
She might’ve been lucky or unlucky that Osomatsu couldn’t see her true emotions, he laughs off her reaction but she feels her fragile heart rattle a little. Does Osomatsu think she gets around often? Would it matter if she did? Does he think she’s so wild and alien like his brothers do and feel uncomfortable around her?
Erina sips at her drink even though she dislikes the taste of this beer, but it’s the one Ochomachu likes. They go their seperate ways amicably afterwards. Once becoming alone the noise in her head starts to come back.
When she had her first kiss, she was too little and naive to know better. Then when she grew up, she became an attention starved little monster. Maybe people would like her more if she was truly more pure-hearted. She walks along the road not realizing where she was going until she suddenly ended up home, just repeating “I’m not a bad girl… I’m not a bad girl…”
“Teach me how to kiss.”
The next day Osomatsu dropped in at her apartment without a prior notice. Erina sheepishly let him in, but she was just in her pajamas and didn’t have any makeup on. He takes up a lot of space on her small loveseat couch, their knees touch.
Osomatsu clears his throat, and he puts on a comically serious face. Erina doesn’t feel like he’s actually trying to make the mood less tense with his funny intense eyes.
“I need to kiss. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it the last time we talked about it— I’m kind of embarrassed to not have that experience at my age— As the eldest I have to be the first to kiss and hold hands with a girl!“ Osomatsu’s straight face breaks into a whine and shakes her shoulders. “You’re the only one I can count on Erina-chan!”
Erina can feel her whole face get warm and she feels so small when he towers over her like this. Small in a way she can’t help but like as a small animal.
“Ah… okay..! I’ll help you Osomatsu-kun..!”
It feels so warm…
Erina doesn’t remember her lips be this sensitive and tingly before. It’s so awkward, puckering and smacking her lips against his for longer than intended. She was so lost in the sensation that she forgot it was probably her job as the teacher to pull away. She can feel Osomatsu’s face all tense, and nervously she slowly backs up from him, guilty for losing herself in it.
Osomatsu’s eyes were still open, staring hard back at her when she opened her own eyes. Her face flushed even harder, “Was that okay..?”
Osomatsu opened his mouth to take a breath, it seems he wasn’t breathing that whole time. His gaze was unnerving and his lips quivering. Erina almost asks if something was wrong before he blurts out, “Again.”
She could barely reply more before his lips chase after hers again. Then it turned again, and again. Osomatsu was going to make sure Erina teaches him everything.
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pickledpascal · 1 year
Love Through the Years
Relationship: Benoit Blanc x Ezra Wayne
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Ezra recounts his past lovers and what they meant to him. Think of it as something he would write in a journal or something like that.
Lucas was the first boy I’ve ever kissed. He had spikey blond hair with blue eyes, fair skin, and was much taller than me at the time. His expression was usually neutral around me, if not, a bit weary. I never found out why. He was probably the best at hiding his emotions and we were only thirteen. He kissed me while we were in 8th grade and I’m sure it was out of pity. I was hopelessly pining after him since 6th grade, it felt like an eternity even though it was really only a few years. 
“What do you even write in there?” I had a journal I used to bring to school, almost every day. I’d written way too many entries about Lucas in there. Embarrassing, really, but I was also a child so that’s expected. Although, it was idiotic of me to show it in front of Lucas.
With a flush on my cheeks, I quickly averted my eyes from his. “Things.” I kept it vague but I think he knew. I was pretty easy to read.
Now, I realize it might’ve been his first kiss too. We were both so unsure of what to do. How to start, how to continue, how to end–it was awkward. I think I just walked away with a bright flush on my cheeks. The kiss itself might’ve been horrible but first kisses weren’t really meant to be good or particularly life-changing. Just a way to get someone started.
Afterwards, Lucas barely looked at me. Less than he did before. He was one of those popular kids and I was that dorky, quiet girl who only talked to a select group of people. Usually like me. I wonder what little Elizabeth, who liked order and believed every word her parents said, would think of Ezra. She probably wouldn’t believe what she’d turn into, but I know she’d look at me with a bit of envy among all that confusion. 
I met Will in my Freshman year of college. He was sweet and would have made a great long-term partner but I knew he wasn’t looking for that. Me neither. Not purposefully anyway. He was fun and his exterior reflected that. Will had brown curls, a septum piercing, and a wide smile that seemed to never leave his lips. He was shorter than me but he didn’t seem to care. With the light dusting of stubble on his chin, he seemed more dog than human. 
He was the first to offer me a joint, which I accepted. The first to offer me alcohol too. Oh, I was such a rebel for an eighteen year old.
He’s also the first I’ve ever had sex with.
It wasn’t the best, mainly on my part I think. It was my first time. I’m sure I was confused, mostly in my own head. This was around the same time I started to realize things about myself that I haven’t ever thought about before. Nothing I would do anything about until later.
“Do you always have to take my clothes?” Will walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. His shirt was missing because I stole it.
I shrugged, trying to seem innocent. I was wearing the shirt he was searching for. “I’d say they’re mine now.” I wore them a lot more than he did. His closet was starting to get bare with all the tops I stole from him. 
I’m sure he knew the real reason but our relationship didn’t last long enough for him to bring it up. He probably wouldn’t have cared anyway. He was the “free love” type. 
Then there was Jason. He had jet black hair and deep brown eyes that seemed maroon in some lighting. Should’ve been my first warning against him. We were about the same height, he might’ve been a few inches shorter than me. When we started dating, I had just graduated college and he was a few years older than me. We met through work. I had an internship at a newspaper room and he was one of the journalists there. Eventually, I’d be hired there. 
“Hi, I’m Jason. I’ll be showing you around.” He’d stuck out his hand for me to shake, eyes raking up and down my body. 
I was naive and didn’t notice. I thought maybe he was just sizing me up or something, seeing if I was what he was expecting. “Hi.” I gave him a warm smile, “My name’s Lizzie. Nice to meet you.” And it was. In the moment.
He was sweet at first, taking me out almost every Friday and bringing me flowers. As time went on, I became more and more aware of what he wanted from me. He liked me all dolled up but that wasn’t truly me. Maybe he could tell, maybe he couldn’t. I can’t say for sure. With each date we went on, he’d push himself onto me more comfortably than the last. With Will, it was different. At least he was honest about it. 
Jason was a manipulative little whore. 
I broke it off when I knew he wouldn’t change. It was hard, but worth it. I got a job at a different news room because I knew he wouldn’t leave me alone unless I did. Shortly after we broke up, I took a pregnancy test. It came back positive. 
Well, fuck. I was going to be a single mom. 
Since Jason, I took a small break from having any sort of romantic relationships. I needed to create a support system, for both me and my newborn child. My friend from college, Andi, had become something like a second mother for Elle. As the years went by and Elle’s brain became more developed enough to form a coherent thought, I was less worried about her and was able to see potential matches a bit clearer. 
That’s how I started dating Sam. He was the quiet, shy type that reminded me a lot of myself when I was younger. He had a lean form with straight, ginger hair and was a few years younger than me. 
Most of the time, he let me take the lead in the relationship. Probably because he was too shy to even attempt to try to take the lead. Or maybe he was too intimidated by me. But I was grateful for it as my last relationship ended with my partner having more power over me. 
“Do you want to go out this Saturday? I know I’m free, what about you?” It was later in the evening with Elle in her room, asleep, while me and Sam sat a little too closely on the couch together. 
Sam shrugged, pressing a kiss to my temple. “Whatever you want.” So that was a yes.
I think it says something about me that the last relationship I had before even accepting the fact that I was a man was with a naturally feminine man. It seemed right then and there, I decided I would never date a twink again.
Perhaps Sam helped me see the light. 
After I transitioned fully, Elle was about fifteen and my career as an actor was blossoming far better than I could have ever imagined. 
Through my job, I met Qrow. He was a “bad boy” actor with a reputation for being a womanizer. I couldn’t blame him. If I looked like him, I would want to take it to my advantage too. He had dark hair with a few grays at his temples, his eyes were a deep brown that almost looked black. He had a deep, gravelly voice and, paired with his stubble, made him look gruff. 
The public were a bit wrong in one area. Qrow always left his options open. 
He was smoking a cigarette while he watched me put on a shirt. He remained in just a pair of boxers, perched at the edge of his bed. “Y’know, I think I preferred you with it off.” Yeah, I loved his voice. One of the only things I missed about him.
“You prefer me with nothing on.” A teasing smile formed on my face as I straightened up the shirt on my new chest. Qrow was the first lover to ever see it. Perhaps that’s why he stuck in my mind the most. 
Qrow and I didn’t last too long. I didn’t expect it to. We didn’t end with an argument which was refreshing after Jason. It was mutual. No hard feelings. I have to say, for the first relationship I’ve ever had as a man, I’m glad it was Qrow. He was a good boyfriend. When he wasn’t drinking his life away.
Jasper had moved to the US from Spain, he told me as such when we met. He was a fan of mine and was probably quite a few years younger than me. He never told me but he looked young with no wrinkles around his eyes and hardly any grays in his hair. I couldn’t say the same for myself. He had black waves that framed his face nicely with a pair of hazel eyes and tanned skin. He looked like the season he came in. 
Our relationship was meant to be fleeting. It was meant to last one summer but it surprised me when it lasted two. I became comfortable with him. Too comfortable.
Big mistake.
He broke up with me with a text. The one time I was not only so incredibly affected by the fact that someone broke up with me, but the way he did it. A text message. Such a coward's way out. I sulked for weeks. 
At nineteen, Elle let out a laugh when I told her. “You’re emotional about a young man? I always thought you liked men your age, dad.” I knew she’d tease me. She had a special… interest in making fun of me. Which I couldn’t complain about, I did the same to her. 
“I usually do.” A huff escaped my nose as I prepared the breakfast we would eat that morning. 
I took quite the break with relationships. Won a few accolades for my acting and, honestly, hadn’t thought about dating in a while. I was focused on being a father to my child and my work. 
Until Benoit came along. 
Elle and I met him at the same time. She almost immediately gave me her blessing to date him and perhaps give her another father. Benoit had light brown hair–almost blond–with grays at his temples and vibrant blue eyes framed by orange glasses. He was quite a bit shorter than me but it didn’t seem to bother him. He had all the traits of a typical southern gentleman: the way he dressed, his choice of words–it’s cute how he curses without ever really saying a curse word–and, of course, the accent.
Elle did always say I had a thing for accents. I like to think it’s because I grew up in the suburbs of the midwest and there wasn’t much variety in how people said things. 
Benoit came crashing into my world. It was safe to say I wasn’t letting this one go now that I’d found him. He’d practically already adopted my child as his own, I couldn’t have asked for more. Each “darlin’” just made me fall harder and harder. 
“It’s okay, darlin’. You’re alright.”
“Well, hello there, darlin’.”
“It’s four in the afternoon, darlin’.”
“I have no clue as to what you’re talkin’ about, darlin’.”
Yeah, something about it… Something about him… I know he’s it for me. Elle knows it too. She always has this smug look in her eyes after Benoit and I say something even mildly flirtatious to one another. I think she knew way before I even asked him to live with us. Elle probably knew as soon as we arrived in Greece. Some sort of spidey-sense or something. 
Benoit is the only one out of all my lovers that I could ever imagine living the rest of my life with and we met when I was well into my forties. He’s everything I could have ever asked for. Kind, compassionate, attractive, a nice father figure for Elle, affectionate, great in bed, blond, shorter than me, hopelessly in love with me, and hilarious. I’m sure I’m forgetting things but I’m not the best at making lists. 
It seems like every day I realize I’m in love with him. Not the fleeting type of love I might be used to. Something constant and immovable. Something that’s not meant to be rushed. As each day passes, Benoit is still with me. And I think he might never leave. I want to make it permanent. More permanent than it is. In the eyes of others, I’m still fair game without a ring. And so’s he. Perhaps I should make some arrangements.
I hear wedding bells sound the best in Spring.
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jouta-salad · 3 years
Jojo date HCs (GN reader)
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CW: wholesome shit
PARTS 1 - 6
Dating Jonathan is probably the most wholesome thing you’ll do in your life
Lots and lots of really simplistic, romantic dates
For example,,,, picnics, berry picking, going to a theater, etcetc
He’s also super chivalrous and such a sweet guy overall
First date scenario:
For the first date, Jonathan wants things to be simple and sweet. He invites you for lunch—a small picnic at the park perhaps? When you meet, you see he brought a blanket and a basket of fruits and sandwiches. You both lay on the tree-shaded blanket once it was laid out and gaze at the clouds, talk, and pop fruit into each others mouths. He loved hearing you talk, your sweet voice making his heart melt. He ended the date with a chaste kiss to your knuckles and a sweet farewell.
He tries to be romantic because he assumes that’s what all women enjoy, and he usually fails
Super fucking emotionally constipated
Dates go from picking flowers <3 to feeding rats in an alleyway real fast most times.
Everything abt your dates are chaotic but you kinda love it
First date scenario:
Joseph drove over to your place at around 7PM and picked you up for a drive-in theatre! When you asked what you’d both be watching—he offered a romance movie. Not exactly his favorite genre to watch—but he assumed you would love it. He parked his car kind of hidden under a tree with little to no surrounding cars. You cuddled against his arm and watched, not minding his loud comments here and there. You ended up kissing him, and when he kissed back—accidentally honked his horn a few times w his elbow. The kiss lasted a while until someone came to complain abt the noise just to see you both just.. going at it. It was fucking embarrassing, but you both laughed it off afterwards and talked—ignoring the boring movie. Once the movie was done he drove you home and you kissed his cheek and almost cried when you thought back to the kiss later that night.
Even more emotionally constipated than Joseph
Lots of super simplistic, casual dates
He pretends to act tough and mean but will literally give you anything you want
You’re thirsty? Good grief. Just take his water bottle he can get a new one. Getting cold? Just take his jacket he doesn’t mind. ETCETC
First date scenario:
Of course jotaro invited you to the beach a first date! If you didn’t know him well beforehand it might’ve been a shock, but my man loves ocean life. With his jacket slung over his shoulder and his pants rolled up to his knees—he looked like a completely different person. You both walked along the coast and collected shells.. he was a bit timid and curt while talking to you at first, but he slowly opened up as you talked about your interests and such. You both ended the date by having dinner at a restaurant by the beach, and as soon as you got chilly BC of the cold ocean breeze—boom. His huge jacket is being put on your shoulders, along w a “good grief” and tipped his cap forward to hide his blush. He came w you on the bus ride back, and you gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting inside your house. As soon as he leaves though—you see you he forgot to take his jacket back :)
Very nervy but will try his best + easily flustered and lots of blushing
Casual dates, like playing at an arcade or taking you to carnivals.. maybe even taking you out to the mall
PLSS he’ll definitely buy you plushies as gifts when you both meet up
First date scenario:
Ofc Josuke would invite you to a carnival! He was nervous as hell, since he’s never taken a girl on a date before—but he’s excited nonetheless. He boughtyou lots of icecream and fried food and took you on fun carnival rides. He also won you plushies and dragged you to the photo booth later to take pictures together. By sunset, you both were holding hands as you both made your way to the Ferris wheel,, and you thought it was adorable—how flustered he got once you kissed him at the very top. He took you home later, and you both shared another kiss quickly before you entered your house—plushies and photobooth pictures in hand, that you’ll keep for the rest of your future relationship with him.
Will be kind of nervous but try his best to make you happy
Flower gardens, museums, and cafes are his go-to dates
He’ll do whatever you want, anything to see you smile and laugh
OMFG literally he would create flowers for you and then give them to you at dates AHSJAJA
First date scenario:
Giorno Giovanna, the man himself, invited you to coffee and a nice stroll downtown. He brought you your favorite flowers when you met at the coffee shop, and you both had a nice chat while drinking tea and coffee. Giorno was a bit nervous, and he hoped he could make you happy and satisfied. He opened doors for you and let you buy whatever you wanted from any store—everything on him, and then he took you to a beautiful flower garden nearby. He absolutely adored watching your eyes light up when you saw something you liked. By the end of the date, it was around sunset and he had drove you home. He was nervy, but gave you a shy kiss on the forehead before you got out and left—leaving your heart fluttering<3
Dates with Jolyne would be super fun and chaotic
Def do things that’ll get your adrenaline pumping
Like lighting fire crackers at 2 AM or going to amusement parks and riding all the roller coasters
First date scenario:
Jolyne picked you up during a hot afternoon and took you to get shaved ice with her! You both shared your favorite flavor of shaved ice and ended up eating the whole thing, laughing and chatting during it all. Afterwards, she convinced you go to roller skate with her at a retro styled rollerskating rink. There, music was blasting and she held your hand while you both skated around—laughing when either of your fell. She picked up a quick burger and fries at a drive-thru for you to eat as dinner while she took you home—and you both kissed before you left,, her lipstick marking your skin. You ended up falling even more in love with her after that.
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sukirichi · 3 years
total opposites
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You and Toge swap bodies after encountering a fairytale curse, and similar to its origin, it also takes a fairytale method to break it.
REQUEST. body swap au + best friends to lovers
CONTENT/WARNINGS. slight crack fic, some cursing, implications of nsfw but nothing explicit, just Toge being a not-so closet pervert, usual best friend bickering, reader is fem bodied, unedited story (I should stop saying this, everyone knows I don’t edit my stuff)
NOTES. I enjoyed writing this, tysm for the request anon, this was really cute! definitely this is shooting up in one of my fav works ever (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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You stretched your arms overhead, feeling great after sleeping in. It wasn’t common of you to sleep this late, but you and Toge had gone stargazing the night before. A smile made its way to your face as you reminisced him reciting rice ball ingredients, signing that he was telling poetry to ‘match the mood’ until you’d both fallen asleep on the soft blanket atop a hill.
You don’t remember how you made it back to your room, but figured that Toge had carried you back home before the sun rose. Making a mental note to thank your best friend later, you yawned as you padded out to your room, hands rubbing in circles at your stomach.
Hopefully breakfast would be amazing today.
The door next to you opened, revealing your younger classmate, and you frowned, because wasn’t Kugisaki your next door neighbour? Well, whatever, he, Yuuji, and Kugisaki might’ve taken advantage of the rare, peaceful weekend that they probably had a movie marathon the night before.
“Morning, Megumi!” you greeted, coughing a bit when you sounded off, throat a little horse and itchy. At the sound of your voice, Megumi stilled in his tracks, eyes wide at you. His comical expression had you barking in laughter, shooting finger guns his way as you wiggled your eyebrows. “Ey, be a good dog and bark for me, will you?”
Semi-visible sonic waves drifted like waves after one another out your mouth. Megumi scowled before he froze the next second, ears perked up and backside wagging in replacement of a tail. “Woof woof!”
“What the hell?” you reeled back in slight disgust, your underclassman’s cheeks burning red. Then, your lips grazed against a soft cloth, making you look down.
You blinked back once. Twice. You were definitely...built different today. Curiously, you tugged at the zipper peaking out from your black collar, the familiar zhoop sound of the zipper burned into your memory after hearing your best friend do it countless times before.
In front of you, Megumi screeched – the most noise he’d made ever since you met him – his jaw dropped open while you – or rather Toge stood at the end of the hallway, his hands squeezing at your breasts that were still under last night’s pyjamas. You blinked back once. Then twice, steam pouring from your nose when Toge, in your body, pointed at his body. 
“Oh, oh!” your scream bounced off the hallways hard enough that Panda slammed his door open, about to tell everyone to shut up when your voice let out a high-pitched scream.
“What are you doing in my body?!”
Looking down at where Toge was pointing, you were greeted by the sight of his dark uniform and sock clad feet, your chest replaced with hard muscles instead of the soft flesh. You turned to Toge with a stupefied look that mirrored his, both of you falling on the ground with fists pounding on the hardwood floor.
“I’m a fucking girl!” he cried out, whether out of happiness or frustration, it was hard to tell.
Meanwhile, you zipped his collar back up, tugging at his off-white hair as you forced yourself to remember his limited vocabulary. “BONITO FLAKES!”
Now you understood Toge’s frustration of being a cursed speech user. 
“Bonito Flakes” definitely did not hold the same fury as “FUCK” did.
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“You and I need to set down some boundaries,” you signed to him, brows pulled together. Toge seemed to be enjoying this sudden body swap a lot more than you did since he hadn’t stopped posing in the mirror the moment you pushed him back to your room, locking it shut to get some privacy. “You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to shower, do you understand?”
Toge scowled at your words, sassy as ever with his hands placed on his hips, buttocks jutted out. You hated, absolutely hated that he used your body this way because this time you couldn’t even laugh – not when seeing your body felt this awkward.
“You would really rather me stink?”
“You can’t undress too! Ever! Or if you will, your eyes better be closed. No peeking too!”
“Y/N, you and I grew up together. I’ve already seen everything,” he rolled his eyes, earning him a hard slap from the arm. Considering he was a lot more muscular than you were, your hit came a lot harder. “Ow!” he protested, rubbing the sore spot that ached, only to laugh at the sounds emitting from his lips. “Wow, I have to admit that this is really fun though. I’m actually talking,” he announced, “Hey, say salmon for me.”
“Bonito flakes!” you shook your head, “The moment Principal Yaga is back, we’re going to talk to him, okay? I don’t want to be stuck in your body any longer!”
“Please, you’re lucky you get to feel me up,” he winked at you, taking your (his) hands to flatten it on his stomach. “Come on, come on, feel my abs!” Whack. “Would you please stop slapping me? Your body is a lot more delicate than mine and my hands are – stop slapping me!”
Feeling bad for your friend and not wanting to abuse your body too much, you raised your hands in surrender with a roll of your eyes. “I can’t take you seriously with that voice. You’re too cute.”
“Complimenting ourselves now, aren’t we?” he scoffed, “Well, whatever, you are cute, especially when you’re angry. Such a shame I can’t see you do that right now because my handsome face is looking back at me.”
“I won’t hesitate to choke you, my friend.”
“You wouldn’t. You adore your body too much,” contrary to his words, Toge pulled a defensive stance. You threw a pillow at him, to which he easily dodged, clutching at the hem of your pyjamas afterwards. “Speaking of bodies, I really need to pee.”
“Hold it!”
“Are you insane? I’m not holding it, you’re going to kill us both!”
“Fine, I’ll take you to the rest room then,” you tugged at the hood of your shirt, pushing him inside the communal female restroom. Toge stood in the middle shock still, evidently flustered at the stalls and lack of urinals. You flicked a finger on his forehead, finger pointed to a stall. “Go pee. That’s my body – I need to make sure you’re not going to do anything weird with it.”
“I thought you trusted me, friend. Why would you think I’d touch you that way?”
You gave him an ‘are you serious?’ look. “You jack off every fucking night, Toge. I can hear you even from the next hallway. Plus, you’re a horny teenage male, who’s to say you wouldn’t be curious and try to see what female masturbation feels like?”
His eyes lit up at the idea, fist coming down to bounce at the palm of his hand as he nodded. “That’s actually a good idea—”
“Don’t you even dare.”
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“What?!” you and Toge both exclaimed. He faced you with utter horror written on his face and you gasped, slapping both palms over your lips.
“It is true,” Principal Yaga affirmed with a grim look on his face. He’d recently got back to fetch your troublesome Gojo-Sensei who’d been caught starting a ruckus in Roponggi while women flocked around him, leading to your principal to haul his ass back to the school grounds. “Some curses are manifested through daily objects, and sometimes even through nature. That shooting star you saw was an example of that.”
“But is kissing really necessary?” Toge queried with a wary gaze sent your way.
“It’s a fairytale curse. It can only be broken through a true love’s kiss.”
“But sir, Toge and I have never dated anyone before. How can we miraculously fall in love with someone to break this curse overnight?”
“It doesn’t have to happen overnight. Sometimes, a simple crush will do,” Principal Yaga sighed, scratching his bald head with his face pulled deep in thought. “Y/N, you have a crush on Gojo-Sensei right? I’m going to kill him if he actually kisses you – and knowing that damn brat he might if you ask him – but I think a kiss on the cheek will suffice. For now, you both just have to...broaden your relationships. Maybe go out on dates.”
“I don’t mind that. In fact, I’m going to have the time of my life,” Toge cheered, his mood dampening once he saw you stiffen. “But my body is...”
Knowing full well that he’d get insecure over his lack of speech again, you glared at him hard enough that your best friend straightened up, lips puckered out in a pout as if you hadn’t just caught him talking badly about himself again when you’ve told him countless times he was perfectly fine the way he was.
It made you sigh, feeling slightly bad that until now he still couldn’t see himself the way you saw him – not that you’d ever vocalize this; Toge would never shut up (in the best way he could) if he had the slightest idea what went inside your head.
“You’re lucky you have a pretty face. Otherwise, it’s going to be impossible for anyone to like you,” you teased instead, somewhat flustered at your indirect compliment.
Toge merely scoffed at you, his gaze burning and hard, contrasting the teasing little shit grin he wore. “Oh, please, if I wasn’t the cursed speech user, I would’ve banged—”
“Kids!” Principal Yaga threw his dolls at you hard, the both of you clutching at your heads in pain. How were those dolls as heavy as rocks? “Take your bickering back to your rooms please. No more of this mess and noise. It’s late.”
You frowned at the old man, face pleading as you signed, “Principal Yaga, can’t we really do anything else? Aren’t there any techniques to undo this?”
You and Toge knew that combination so well – pitch black eyes, jaw clenched, lips pursed and palms interlaced under his chin – one that meant his words were final and irrevocable. None of you could argue or suggest more solutions the moment the words left his lips like an ultimate decree. “The technique is the kiss. Now leave.”
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You and Toge tried, you both really did. 
But following Principal Yaga’s suggestion of dating others had turned out to be a complete fail – even with your normal body and Toge’s physical charisma. 
It simply didn’t work; not when Megumi ran away from you every time you tried to get him to kiss you with your arms wide open, and Toge wasn’t helping either by pushing Gojo-Sensei away from you every time the cheeky eyed teacher announced his willingness to help.
Eventually, you and your best friend had retired in his room, the scent of him coated all over his pillows and his shirt that you wore. That felt comforting, at least, and you buried yourself in the crook of your body’s neck, bodies tangled with one another.
Who knew dating could be so tiring?
A wave of irritation flashed over you from today’s events, knowing full well that this could’ve been avoided long ago. Scowling, you cuddled Toge closer, lightly flicking your fingers on your body’s chest. “This is your damn fault, Toge.”
“You were the one who asked me to stargaze with you.”
“You don’t always have to say no to everything I ask of you, you know.”
“You’re really dumber than I thought if you think I could easily say no to you,” he snorted above you, his chin resting atop your head. “I don’t have a lot of weakness because I’m a strong sorcerer—” another flick, a harsher one this time around. “Okay, okay, I’m just kidding! But I mean it though – you’re my best friend and my weakness. Of course I’d do anything to make you happy, even if it’s something as stupid as stargazing.”
“Hey!” you made a sound of protest in your throat, looking back at him with a frown. “It wasn’t stupid, it was romantic.”
Hell yeah, it was romantic indeed – your heart still skipped a beat every time you remembered Toge’s starry eyes matching the night sky’s beauty, the words salmon and mustard leaf surprisingly sexy every time it came from him. It was stupid – so fucking stupid – that you groaned into his chest to hide your flushed face.
“Yeah, I suppose it was.”
The room fell silent, your syncopated breathing soothing during this stressful times. Taking advantage of your voice, Toge began to hum, singing the songs you both had always listened to in the privacy of your room during lazy days. It brought a smile to your face as you clutched to him tighter, heart pounding in your chest as you gazed up at him, tapping his chin to get his attention. “Toge, can I say something weird?”
“Please, nothing you say surprises me anymore. Shoot.”
Your mouth began to dry as you cleared your throat in an attempt to hide your awkwardness, gaze pointedly averted from his prying ones. “You and I...we’ve known each other for a long time and we love each other. As best friends, of course.”
“Sheesh, friendzone much?”
“Would you please shut up and listen to me seriously for once?” you huffed, making him snicker, but nodded at you anyway to continue. “As I was saying – why don’t we kiss? It could be true love’s kiss.”
Toge didn’t speak for a good minute, the pregnant pause filling in the gap filled with tension. You taped his cheek, waving his hand in front of his eyes when he dazed out. When his gaze focussed back on you, Toge was surprisingly calm – although beneath that composed exterior, his mind had simply short-circuited. “If this is your way to get to make out with me, I’m going to sock you in the face.”
“Toge, I’m serious! Let’s kiss!”
“I don’t want to!” he shook his head indignantly, hiding his face by hugging you close to his chest instead.
“Why not? Don’t you want to swap back to your original body? Both of us haven’t showered in two days and I’m sick of the way you smell. You’re lucky I love you though, otherwise I’m going to cry. Come on, Toge, what’s holding you back?” you tried to fight back from his grip, but he’d surprised you both when he only squeezed you tighter, both your erratic heart rates matching the other.
“I said no.”
“Toge, it’s just a damn kiss, what’re you so afraid of?”
“I’m afraid that if we don’t swap back, then that means you don’t love me the way I love you!” he finally admitted, breathing hard before continuing. “Principal Yaga said it must be a kiss between lovers and not just platonic friends okay?” you attempted to scramble away from his arms again, and this time he let you, though he’d closed his eyes, cheek squished on the pillows as he murmured, “I don’t want you to reject me... even though I messed up already.”
“Wait,” you snapped your fingers to make him open his eyes, hesitant as you signed, “You...you love me that way?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why not?”
“Because my face is staring back at me and it’s fucking awkward – I wanted to see your face when I confessed!” he sat up with a frustrated groan, childishly kicking off the sheets of the bed as he clutched his head in his hands. “I had everything planned, okay? Nobara and Yuuji helped me think of everything because Megumi is shit when it comes to love. Listen, I was going to ask you on a candlelit date and then maybe kiss the life out of you – if you feel the same way—”
“Kiss me.” The body he possessed a victim of his own powers, Toge was left with no choice but to grab your face before his mouth pressed against yours, fingers entangled into the other’s hair. You were smiling into the kiss the whole time, barely able to recognize when Toge had shifted your bodies until you were under him, his hands running down your sides lovingly the whole time. 
Pulling away to get some air, you opened your eyes, unsurprised when Toge laid above you, his strong arms planted beside your head.
Both of you were breathing hard from the passionate kiss filled with so much sexual tension and longing, your tongue darting out to swipe at his taste on your lips. The laughter that bubbled out of you was pure, wholesome and swollen like your heart. “I love you too, idiot.”
“Salmon!” Toge peppered your cheeks with kisses, pulling out more gleeful laughter from you, his playful and loving attacks more of a gift than a punishment. Once you’d recovered from your happiness – although really, who could recover after that? – Toge unzipped his collar, his smile nothing but wicked when he commanded, “Kiss me again.”
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dreamcatcherrs · 4 years
random technoblade dating hcs
+ reminder! you might not at all have the same interests as the ‘y/n’ in this hc, but this is just based off the type of person I imagine techno would have really good chemistry with. interests, actions, outlook on life etc.
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song recommendation: sparks - coldplay
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he loooves recommending books to you
especially the ones that mean the most to him
like, ones from his childhood that he still reads to this day
you reccommed books to each other literally all the time
and when you read them, you ‘go your separate ways’
like, sitting in your own corner of the couch
note: I also headcannon techno with a small man bun and glasses sitting under a blanket- it’s just too perfect
and when you’re done you cuddle up together
and then talk for hours about every thought you had about the books you read
you two also drink a looot of tea
I’m surprised you don't have to pee every 2 minutes
techno is really really good at feedback
he might've dropped out of college, but he was still an english major
it’s just in his nature to criticise something he’s suggested to you and likes himself
this might come as a little bit of a surprise, but techno loves it when you cook together
I could imagine that he’s the type to say “I’m really not that good at cooking” but then is actually extremely good at it
to him cooking is just a stress reliever - something to get his mind off of things
and then when it’s with you, it’s even better
you could definitely plead him into wearing a “kiss the chef” apron
and even if he groans about hating it, he secretly has a soft spot for how giggly you get when you see him giving in to wearing it
he adores forehead kisses
there’s just something about your forehead that makes him wanna kiss it
even if you're literally doing nothing
zoning out mid-conversation with someone else? forehead kiss
so focused on doing something to a perfect extent? forehead kiss
so tired that you can barely even keep your eyes open, actual drool falling from your mouth? forehead kiss
let’s just say; if he’s not kissing your forehead within 2 hours of being with you, something’s wrong
speaking of kisses; he enjoys them more when they’re not on your lips
it’s an underrated preference of his, but it really shows in the way he shows affection
he’s always kissing your hand, shoulder, cheek, forehead - anywhere where there’s access to your skin tbh
and does it with such tenderness and so much softness
he also tends to slowly caress your arm or leg while cuddling
sometimes without even noticing
he’d be teasing you so often
but the things he teases you about are actually the things he find so special about you and really likes about you
he really likes learning new things from you
and then picking up on some of your habits
it’s just another thing to remind him of how head over heels for you he actually is
when he really needs comfort, holding his hand or engulfing him in your arms is the way to go
doesn't matter it you're silent or not while doing it - it helps him feel so so much better either way
and he does the exact same with you
maybe even brushing his hand though your hair while gently hushing you
and reminds you that you don't have to talk if you don't want to and is just super sweet
he’s a lot better at handling other people’s emotions than he thinks
and gives really good advice afterwards
he really appreciates it when you take care of him
like bringing him food while he’s busy with something else because it’s getting late and you just know he’ll forget
or when you remind him that everything doesn't have to be perfect and done all at once
and when you silently sling a scarf around his neck because it’s, like, one degree colder than yesterday
and he can never forget the countless of times where you give him that smile
the one that makes him forget about all of his problems and only think about you, you, you
the one that reminds him that you love him and are always there for him
you two have started an ongoing thing without even noticing, which is sharing a glass of wine together over a nice homemade dinner on a friday evening, binge-watching movies that you both find nostalgic or memorable in some way and just enjoying each other’s company
and it’s really nice ;(
you force him out of the house when it’s been literal weeks since he’s seen the sun shine
and go for short walks to random places
I feel like he’d really enjoy showing you the places he used to roam
his old college for example
even though he dropped out - he still has a lot of memories from there that he’d love to tell you about
he’s kind of like your local tour guide - though he’s only telling you stories about himself
which just makes it even better
when in crowded places, he always has a protective hand on your back
it’s just a natural reflex at this point
if he knows you’ll be walking alone in the dark, he makes sure you always call him
so you won't be completely “alone”
or he’ll just pick you up himself if you're far away from home
techno spoils you so much, too
and even when you tell him to stop, it’s hard for him to
he just wants to do anything to make you happy
you’d book a cabin once in a while
for just the two of you
for occasions where everything around you can seem a little too loud
and it’s always suuuper cozy
you guys always help each other fall asleep
you basically just talk until you're both too tired to do it anymore
and he’ll always make sure you're snuggled up nicely in his arms before dozing off :)
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
Congratulations on your one month tumblr anniversary! Could you please write prompts 16 and 46 with fatws!Bucky x reader? Thank you! :)
♡ Hi, thank you so much! I appreciate you for waiting on me to write this. I had a lot of fun with it, so I hope you enjoy! To summarize, the reader gets to accompany Bucky on an assignment in Germany, and the two of them take advantage of the special housing arrangement they’re given on a private portion of the beach. You guys get to see a little dash of multilingual Bucky towards the end in a really sweet way. The whole thing is pretty cute overall.
♡ Prompt 16: “You’re not good at pretending to be asleep.”
♡ Prompt 46: “Stop making me laugh, I’m supposed to be angry with you.”
Once More
As the tide rolled in, a gentle breeze came with it. Each ebb and flow brought the lukewarm water of the bay running over your feet as your toes pressed into the soft sand. The seagulls gliding above seemed to be welcoming you as they released their throaty cries into the air. Aside from them and the gentle slosh of the bubbling tide, there were no immediate sounds; it was peaceful.
That portion of the beach was private, situated along the Bay of Kiel. It sat behind the small, white, house that you and Bucky were staying in for the week-long duration of his assignment. It was the first time in a while that you’d been able to accompany him because, for once, he and Sam were solely doing investigative work.
There would be no intense pursuits, no combat, no casualties. Just observing.
In the weeks prior, the Office of International Affairs in D.C. had received word that under-the-table negotiations were being proposed in the port city of Kiel. They needed eyes and ears on the ground to confirm whether or not such claims were valid. Because if they were, a major threat would be posed to European infrastructure and the millions who depended on it. So after housing arrangements were made, the three of you were flown into a private airport in Germany along with a couple of military agents.
It was a peculiar getaway, but a getaway no less.
You let out a small yelp when a pair of arms snaked around your waist from behind, squeezing gently. “Hey, pretty girl,” Bucky murmured into your ear, kissing it afterwards. “I saw you walk out here.”
As you relaxed, a thoughtful hum rose up your throat. “I figured you might’ve. You’re not very good at pretending to be asleep.”
Before you wandered out to the shoreline, Bucky had been laying on the wicker couch on the back porch, baby blue cushions beneath him. There were a pair of aviator sunglasses covering his eyes as his chest rose with steady breaths. You had paused to see if he was awake and would acknowledge you. The corners of his lips twitched upwards the slightest bit, which you almost considered calling him out for.
But when he didn’t show any other signs of being awake, you leaned down to press a light kiss to his forehead before heading down the steps, and onto the wooden walkway that led to the sand.
At your comment, Bucky chuckled and let his mouth move the spot beneath your ear, nipping gently.
You shivered, and said, “I should’ve pinched you.”
“That wouldn’t have been nice.” A smile was evident in his voice.
You shrugged with a small huff of laughter. The two of you then gazed out at the expanse of the bay. Ships sailed along the line of the horizon in the distance. The tide continued rolling in, though never rising quite above your knees.
“I love you,” he said eventually, his words competing with the seagulls.
“I love you too.” He coaxed you to turn to face him. When you did, you saw that the white button down he wore was unbuttoned and flowing in the calm wind.
Seamlessly, his flesh hand rose to cup your face and he connected his lips to yours. You could taste the lingering hint of Merlot on his tongue from when you two had shared a glass in the hour prior. Bucky kissed you slowly, and gently, yet still with passion. Had the tide not been lapping at your legs, you would have had reason to believe you were floating.
You chased his lips for a final peck when he started to pull away, making him smile. He looked handsome in the late afternoon sun and you allowed yourself to study his face. A few freckles lined his cheeks and you reached up to run your finger over them. Then your hand fell so that you could wrap your arms around him in an embrace. His secured around you in return.
It was getting closer to the time he had to meet up with Sam and the agents to eavesdrop on a meeting being held at a classified location near the Port of Kiel shipyard.
“You have to leave me soon, don’t you?” You asked, head resting on his shoulder.
“In another hour,” he confirmed. “I should be back before it gets too late.”
“Okay,” you murmured. “And you promise you guys will be safe?”
Bucky chuckled and gave you a squeeze. “We’ve done this kinda stuff once or twice, doll. We’ll be alright,” he said, a note of teasing to his tone. “But, yes. I promise.”
It was before midnight when he arrived back at the house. Late, but before midnight nonetheless. When he walked through the front door, you were laying on the couch in the living room, curled up in one of the fluffy blankets you’d packed. The TV glowed as it aired a nightly news report that had failed to grasp your full attention. You would’ve crawled into bed had you not been waiting for him.
The sight of his tall frame made you push yourself up to stand, the blanket slipping off you, and back down to the couch. You didn’t realize that a small smile had stretched across your face.
“See?” He said, smiling back. “Not too bad, right? Could’ve been later.”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “How’d everything go?”
He ran a hand through his hair as he began to walk towards you. His boots thudded against the wooden planks of the floor. “Things are looking pretty good so far,” he began. There wasn’t anything discussed that raised reason for concern. We’ll see how things play out as we keep an eye out these next few days. That’ll determine everyone’s next move,” he explained, stopping a little ways in front of you. “How about you, pretty girl? What’d you get up to while I was gone?”
Nothing worth noting, you wanted to say. But you decided to tease him instead. “Oh, you know.” You shrugged. “A little bit of everything. Went out on the town, danced on a few tables, got whisked away by a stranger—electrifying stuff.”
A hint of a smirk appeared on Bucky’s face as he narrowed his eyes at you. “I don’t think you’d look this cozy after doing all that.” He began to take off his leather jacket, revealing a black T-shirt that accentuated the definition of his upper body. His vibranium arm almost seemed to blend into the dark fabric, making the gold streaks of accent stand out. Black was one of your favorite colors on him for that very reason.
But you weren’t done messing with him quite yet. “Maybe that’s what I want it to seem like.” You raised your brows in a challenge. Bucky stared at you for a few more beats before stalking off towards the master bedroom with a lighthearted roll of his eyes.
“Wait, no! Don’t leave.” You laughed, following after him.
Bucky didn’t react when you wrapped your arms around him in a jarring hug, forcing him to walk into the bedroom carting a portion of your weight as you attempted to slow his steps. The room was a modest space suited with a neutral color scheme. Lots of browns and creams with a couple pops of a pretty burnt orange. The full-sized bed was smaller than the two of you were used to, but the proximity that came along with sleeping in it hadn’t been too bad the previous night.
He tossed his jacket onto it.
“I was just kidding,” you said. “I was here the whole time. I went out back to watch the sunset, but I hardly did anything other than that. Just scrolled on my phone and read a little. And missed you.”
He finally laughed and pried your arms from around him. “I know, doll.” Then he smirked. “You’d probably fall if you actually tried dancing on a table.”
“Hey!” You lightly slapped his chest with the back of your hand. “I would not.” Bucky’s laughter dwindled when you pouted and took a seat on the edge of the bed.
“Oh, c’mon,” he said, moving to stand in front of you. “I was joking. You know I was.” You almost cracked a smile when he lifted your chin so you could meet his eyes.
“Ich liebe dich,” he stated. German for I love you.
“I have no idea what you just said.” That was a lie.
You let him pull you to your feet as his shoulders shook with amusement. “Yes you do,” he countered.
Then he took your face in his hands and pressed a kiss to your forehead, your nose, and peppered some across your cheeks in a way that pleasantly ghosted over your skin. In between them, he told you that he loved you in a few of the languages he spoke—the ones in which he knew you were familiar with the phrase. He even called you “pretty girl” in Russian before pecking your lips. The whole while, warmth spread through your face.
He smiled at the sight of the sparkle in your eyes. “Do I need to repeat anything, or did you understand?”
That drew a chuckle out of you, against your attempt and feigning indifference. “Stop making me laugh,” you whined in defeat. “I’m supposed to be angry with you.”
“And how’s that working out?”
“It’s not,” you muttered. “I love you too.”
And your lips met his once more.
Thanks for reading!
Click here for more fluffy Bucky stuff.
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eremiie · 4 years
sending armin smut as per your request: write about this with armin with reader teasing blushy boy so much his face would be so flushed and he'd be looking at her from under his pretty lashes w a glare but it means nothing bc hes biting his lip and whimpering for reader to pls speed up ;( she does obv bc who can say no to his pretty boy moans. afterwards when u make him make a mess on his shirt or stomach/chest hes laying back n panting hes huffily pulling u against him w needy hands despite ur suprise grumbling some nonsense abt needing to eat u out to see how you like it.
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❥ armin x reader | nsfw | 1.5k words
❥ content: edging ish, praise, giving armin a good ass blowjob
❥ a/n: i didn’t get this out b4 9pm but we don’t talk ab it🙄
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you had never seen armin so flushed.
you'd never seen him so red, everywhere. his hand flew over to his mouth to hide the soft whimpers that were leaving his parted lips as you stroked him painfully slow.
you were making him sick, the way your hand would twist around his cock in a relaxed manner was making him ache. it wasn't enough— and you knew it wasn't enough yet there you sat beside him, your dominant hand working him while your other one balanced your head on the bed.
you had a small innocent smile on your face as your feet were in the air behind you, swinging back and forth as if this was just another regular activity for you. you sitting beside armin, helping him to his end, but in his eyes you were doing the exact opposite— you were making him a mess.
"_____, please—" his voice croaked from under his muffled hand and you almost wanted to laugh at him, almost wanted to make fun of the tears that were brimming his eyes, of his rudolph nose, the blush spreading from ear to cheeks to ear that matched the color of both his lips and tip of his cock.
"hm?" you teased, stopping your movements in efforts to listen more closely to what exactly he wanted from you, although you knew what he wanted. you always knew what he wanted; after dating armin for so long you practically knew his weak spots, you knew how sensitive he was whenever you got near his length, you knew how he loved when you nibbled on his ear, and you knew how he secretly loved when you decided to take control every once in a while.
but it's funny, the only reason you really had to know all these things was because of how well he knew you.
it wasn't fair that his slender fingers that were currently encasing every moan he wanted to let out knew your body so well. that he knew exactly how to make you twist and turn, how to make you beg him, how to make your hands grip the nearest thing to you in pure euphoria. it simply wasn't fair— so you had to match him, be able to do just the same thing, and when you finally figured just how to do so you felt on top of the world.
you finally felt like the master, and armin felt like putty in your hands.
armin let out a choked cry, his head flying back causing the blonde locks that sat pretty on his forehead to fall to the sides of his head, a couple stray pieces sticking. you weren't sure if it was because he still had his clothes on and he was getting hot, or if it was because you were working him up too much.
his palm slowly dropped from his mouth, simultaneously pulling his lip out from where it was tucked between his teeth as he squeezed his eyes shut, subconsciously rutting into your grip. "god, stop acting like you don't know— you know what i want _____, c'mon you know, i know you do." his eyes fluttered open before he let his eyes flicker to you, tilting his head down.
the small forced smile on his face was prevalent, his eyebrows up turning and he almost looked angelic in such displeasure. "you always do, you know me so well, baby, c'mon, please..." and you almost fell for it— you blinked up at him and only let your eyes meet his for a brief moment before turning away, your attention back on his friend. you felt like if you stared for too long you might've actually gave in to his pathetic pleas.
"i know i do, can't you be patient?" your voice came out condescending, armin letting out a small shaky laugh that warped into a groan when your hand continued to move, closing his eyes and letting the small tears fall from the corner of his eyes before opening them back up and practically glaring at you from under his lashes.
he nodded his head hastily as your hand began to pump him, coming up to his tip and paying him some more attention there. you almost felt bad, watching his lip quiver every time you looked up at him, watching his hips buck up into your hand blatantly. he wanted to cum, he wanted to cum so bad and you were the only person stopping him— how'd he get himself here?
"yes, yes, i'll be patient, i'm patient baby, anything for you..." he spoke louder than he intended a drawled out moan ending his sentence as all he could pay attention to was how close he was. his stomach flipped every time your thumb brushed against his tip and his thigh twitched when you would lean in a little close. your breath would fan over it too, precum leaking out of him.
"good boy." you murmured, his breath hitching as you sped up your pace a little bit. you just wanted to see how he would react, see how bad he really wanted it— because for you his begging wasn't enough.
small spills of the word 'yes' were barely audible, his grip on the sheets tightening, and you could feel him throbbing around you. he just about felt like he was growing bigger in your hand, he needed you to speed up, he needed you to let him come— he was desperate.
all it would take was a couple more fast twists of your hands, for him to spill all over himself; it was that simple, it was all you had to do, it was all he wanted you to do. "i'm good, i'm good," he whispered out hoping that maybe you could do it, help him come.
you felt for him, you remembered every time he had put you in the same position, edging you until you were crying underneath him and jolting at the littlest touch of his dainty fingers against your clit. you knew how it felt, and you felt a tinge of guilt. he was being so good for you, being as patient as possible, no harm in giving him that burst of pleasure right?
you let your thumb slide over his tip, collecting his precum and dragging it down his length before speeding up the motion of your hand around him, pretty moans leaving your pretty boys lips as he used your hand to help him get off. his hips jutted up fast, not caring how dumb he looked. all that mattered to him was that the mental bar in his head was almost filled, he felt how close he was, all the noises leaving his mouth, the tears running down his face, the sweat coating his body— none of that mattered.
none of that mattered when that bar finally filled and the band finally snapped, none of that mattered when he let out a loud cry of your name, and none of that matter when he spilled over the black fabric of his shirt, sweats, and over your hand.
he let out a small sob at the pleasure that washed over his body at the very moment, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and his arms unable to hold him up anymore, head hitting the bed as he fell back. his body convulsed, twitched from underneath you and his hair landed like a halo as it spread around his head while his eyes closed as he tried to recollect himself.
"see? it was worth it, right?" you weren't wrong— being held off for so long essentially made his climax feel so much better, he saw stars when he came, and all at the hands of you.
he nodded his head, knowing his words would be jumbled if he tried to speak. you crawled over to where he laid on all fours, taking his jaw into your hand and pressing a quick peck to his red lips. armin's eyes fluttered open at the gesture and he brought one hand up to your neck to pull you down closer to his face, engaging you in a sensual kiss.
he wanted to feel your lips on his, it was calming after your onslaught, it calmed the pants that left his mouth, and calmed the rise and fall of his chest. your teeth nibbled on his lip before pulling back to let him breathe, his blue eyes glazed over and lips parted.
"your turn." he said lowly, and you brought your eyebrows together in slight confusion.
"your turn, need to make you feel good..."
you let out a small chuckle, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lovers forehead. "let's get you cleaned up, and maybe later tonight baby, you can barely open your eyes."
armin let out another small whine and payed no mind to the cum staining his clothes, letting his arms stretch out to pull you close to him, snuggling his face into your neck.
"armin, shower first!"
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
A/N: because I thought if would be funny and I’m still thinking about it. I did every single NRC character... except Ortho!
"twst cast reacts to their s/o and their 100 cm nesoberi of the twst character.” 
Riddle would stare in absolute disbelief as you happily presented your one-hundred-centimetre nesoberi of him to… well, him. “What do you mean I’m cute—!” He’ll attempt to protest, but he’s so caught off guard that the only thing he can really do is flush completely red and maybe stomp off. He’ll get pouty when you only hug the stuff toy in bed afterwards, but he won’t tell you to get rid of it. (Even if he secretly does want you to do so).
Ace would be all smirk and absolute arrogance. “Oh, you like me so much you got a stuff toy version of me?” He’ll watch as you carry it around in your embrace and he’ll tease you about how tightly you’re holding onto him too. He might even brag or talk about how cute you are to his friends… That all changes when he realizes you’re neglecting him in favour of the stuff toy. He’ll start getting jealous and might try to rip it out of your hands so that the real Ace could take its place.
Deuce’s first reaction is to separate you from the toy because he thinks its some weird prank from Ace or something. Then he’ll just be confused, “Wait—you bought a stuff toy version of me?” He’ll blush at how much you cuddle it—and he’s the type of person who will walk out while you cuddle ‘him’ because he feels like he’s intruding. He won’t tell you to get rid of it, but he does end up eyeing it weirdly.
Trey would be surprised—and probably really confused about it too. He doesn’t really react wildly to it, he might even treat it as some sort of pet? He’ll pat it on the head and… sometimes he’ll just squish its face. You will notice… that weird stuff happens though. Whenever Trey is over you’ll come into your bedroom and the stuff toy is deliberately positioned weirdly. One time, he pulled you in for heated kiss and from the corner of your eye—is the stuff toy facing the corner of the room? Upside down? “I didn’t do it.” Trey claimed but a mischievous spark in his eyes says otherwise.
Cater squeals. He thinks it’s absolutely cute and hang on—“Babe, do you have more merch of me? Can you bring it out? Quick! I want a photo~! #Mydarlinglovesme #Thisisthecutest #Catermerch.” He’s not exactly surprised that merchandise of him exists, however he is incredibly honoured that you would buy it. He’s not going to hate it too much and he’ll find it funny how he’s sharing you with another clone of his… As long as you remember who you’re dating first amongst them all of course!
Leona’s first reaction to it is to let out a hiss. There’s another cat invading his territory and he is far from happy. His first reaction is to grab it and destroy it with his Unique Magic. No, he’s not going to listen to you—he doesn’t care how much you might’ve spent on it. He’s getting rid of it right now. If it somehow survives longer than a day, every time he sees it in your hands—he’s just going to bristle like a possessive cat before—“That’s it. Hand it over right now, I’m going to dust that smug face—"
Jack… doesn’t really know how to react to it. He just crosses his arms and stares at it rather oddly. “So… you bought that…?” His tail is wagging just the littlest bits though, so you know that even if he’s not showing it—he actually is a little… thrilled that you wanted a stuff toy version of him. For some reason he starts treating it like it’s a member of his pact. Sometimes you’ll catch him talking to it and telling it to watch over you, “Take care of them, okay? They’re precious… to both of us.”
Ruggie just squints and he has a very confused, maybe even disturbed expression on his face. It’s a “I’m not judging you and your questionable use of money at all” expression. Other than that, I can see him just not really acknowledging it’s existence—maybe just patting it on the head sometimes. “Shishishi… What a waste of money.” he’ll say out loud even if there’s quite an indescribable tenderness on his face too.
Azul would be a straight up mix of embarrassment, pride, and horror. Embarrassment because he can’t believe you bought a stuff toy of him and you’re carrying it around, doting on it so much (“I need my octopus pot”). Pride exactly for the same reason too—he can’t believe he’s so lucky to have a lover who would so flamboyantly display their love for him like this… Though maybe tone it down a bit, please? Too much is embarrassing. And finally, he feels horror because, “YOU SPENT HOW MUCH MADOL ON THIS THING?”  
Jade starts off incredibly flabbergasted. He might stare, just completely dumbfounded for a bit as you parade the stuff toy around. Afterwards, I can see him responding with amusement over how much you dote on the stuff toy. He might just tease you over it too.  However, if it takes up too much of your attention, he becomes quite vengeful. One day you’ll come back to your room and see the stuff toy gone while Jade is standing there dusting his hands, “My, have you returned? Come my flower, your attention has been stolen away from me for too long… fufufu.”
Floyd just wants to get rid of it. He stares at it in stunned silence—it may be the quietest you’ve ever actually seen him. He’ll point at it accusingly, meet your gaze and just whisper a soft “Imposter.” Floyd then begins to have some sort of weird rivalry with the stuff toy—glaring at it, growling—he might even bite it as he rips is out of your arms. He won’t tell you to get rid of it, but it’s obvious that he wants to get rid of it. If he happens to want to cuddle with you and it’s in your arms? He’ll just grab the toy and toss it over his shoulder, uncaring of where it might land. “I’m not sharing you with anyone! Or anything!”
Kalim is thrilled? He’s just, “This is so cute! Wait, I should have one commissioned of you too so we can carry it around together! Hahah, should we get one made for Jamil as well?” (Jamil voice: “No. Don’t you dare—Oi! Kalim!”) Either way, Kalim will probably find a way to get a one-hundred-centimetre nesoberi of you as well. He’ll insist on the two of you going out on double dates with the huge stuff toys too. “It will be a lot of fun! Really!”
Jamil takes one long look at it before he sighs very deeply and shoots you a look. It’s a look of “why would you do this to me”, “please don’t show Kalim” and also a “I’m going to turn around and when I turn back around that better not be there and we can both pretend this didn’t happen.”  He’s not going to be the most outwardly flattered. He’ll just instantly be exhausted seeing it exist. He won’t actively tell you to get rid of it but he’ll pretend he never saw it. (Okay so maybe he can’t help a tiny smirk that curls up his lips as he sees you lovingly dote on… well… him.)
In Vil’s case, the nesoberi was a limited item that he was expected to hand out to the lucky lottery winner. He’s not so much stunned that the stuff toy exists, what really got him is when you merrily skipped onto the stage to claim it. There’s something like fond exasperation on his face and he’ll bend down to ask, “You know darling, I could’ve gotten one made for you if you wanted it so much.” At your dismissal and adamant note that “Of course I was going to win you fairly this time too!” Vil’s lips curled up into an arrogant smile. There was no winning against you. 
Epel‘s first instinct is to actually punch the stuff toy and if you protest—“What? It has a really punch-able face!” He’ll end up quite grumpy as he sees you give it so much attention. He doesn’t quite understand the point and his irritation somehow distracts him from the embarrassment of seeing you happily cuddle with the… thing. He also might not register that his irritation is jealousy at you giving your attention to something else too. He’ll have glaring matches with the thing muttering, “it’s not that cute.”
Rook… well, jokes on you. You went to try to get a reaction out of him by presenting him a stuff toy only to walk in on him organizing his own collection of one-hundred-centimetre nesoberis. The pride of his collection being one he commissioned of you (the rest of his collection you ask? Why there’s a Vil, a Neige… and is that a Leona one—?) Something he won’t tell you however, is that he does feel the slightest bit thrown off that you managed to get a stuff toy version of him… “You truly are a thrill to be with, surprising me like this—Mon Monarque.”
Idia blushes furiously at the sight of the nesoberi. Out of everyone else, he understands what you mean by showing him this. That he’s your favourite person—and though it embarrasses him, he also feels honoured by the fact you had a nesoberi of him commissioned. He’ll shyly ask, “So… would it be okay if I get merch of you too?” Once he has permission, he’s enthusiastically commissioning his favourite artists for a nesoberi of you. Sooner or later his room would be filled with figurines of you two and fanart as well!
Malleus will start out thinking it’s really amusing… and how adorable for his bright light to have picked up a toy resembling him and cuddling with it as well. He might end up cooing quite a bit as he watches you hug it. However, there will be a point where Malleus will start getting lonely. He’ll feel as if you’re forgetting to invite him out because you had the stuff toy to hang out with instead. He might sulk and watch from quite a distance. When you invite him out, he might pettily bring up the stuff toy instead. “Ah, my bright light… to think you can make me feel like a child again…”
You surprise Lilia for quite a few minutes before he tosses his head back and laughs. He’s absolutely amused by the fact that you have managed to purchase a nesoberi of him. He’ll probably borrow it for a bit, twisting and turning it—remarking about how the craftsmanship was excellent. Then he’ll ask you if he can borrow it longer so he can play pranks on the whole Diasomnia. He’ll pretend to have been turned into a stuff toy, “Come now love, it will be fun to watch them all panic~!”
Silver just blinks very slowly as he stared at the stuff toy then you and back… He just shrugs it off and proceeds to flop down right on top of it. He’ll note that hey, it’s pretty soft before conking out. Eventually he grows to be fond of it as a pillow and he’ll often use it as a pillow if you’re too busy doing something else. At the end, it will be you who’d get all pouty when you realize he doesn’t cuddle as much with you because he can do it with the stuff toy. One time he’ll go over your place and blink in surprise when you’ve hidden it away. He’ll laugh softly before he’ll tug you gently onto the bed for a cuddle, “Silly, of course you’re still my favourite one to cuddle.”
Sebek’s mouth falls open in shock as he catches sight of the stuff toy. He opens and closes his mouth several times, his face slowly turning complete red before he promptly loses it—“Why do you have a stuff toy of me!?” Sebek literally has no idea how to deal with this. His feelings are somewhere in between complete embarrassment and exasperation. He will refuse to acknowledge it’s existence, he’ll pretend it never happened and he never saw it. It really is fun for you though, because whenever you bring it out the boy’s immediately blushing and stuttering.
I feel like Dire would just stand, stunned for a bit as he stared at the stuff toy. With the mask in the way, you won’t be able to truly tell how he feels—but once it sinks in that yes you are in fact, clutching a stuff toy version of him—he’ll recoil in surprise. He’s someone who’ll exaggerate his surprised by hopping backwards, raising his hands in the air as he peers at you with wide yellow eyes. “E-eh!? Why do you have a stuff toy of me?” I think he’ll just be amused (and maybe slightly petty if it steals your attention too much).
Divus would be surprised then flattered. His smirk is wide as he draws closer to you—eyes meeting your own before he bent down to touch the toy. He’ll probably look at it for a bit, noting that it’s captured him well. “How cute. It seems I don’t really need to get you a toy myself, do I, pet?” He won’t be too irritated seeing it take up your attention. He’s someone who won’t be threatened because he knows exactly how to get your attention. He’ll do it when he thinks you deserve a little punishment for ignoring him.
“IN-STOCK NOW~!” Sam pointed dramatically at the one-hundred-centimetre nesoberi of himself with a wide easy going and incredibly smug grin. You probably didn’t think it was possible for his smile to get even more smug as you pulled out the cash to actually purchase the item. I don’t really think he’ll mind much over seeing you cuddle it almost pettily after he practically scammed you. If anything, I think he’d think it’s pretty cute you think you can get back at him by only paying attention to the nesoberi!Sam.
Mozus would just have a very exhausted, deadpanned expression as he studies the huge stuff toy on the bed. Lucius on the other hand, is incredibly thrilled and will pounce the new toy giddily. Eventually you and Lucius might end up having a sort of cute rivalry over it—where you just want your cuddle toy and Lucius just wants his bed. Mozus is slightly weirded out by how much enjoyment Lucius seems to have lying down on this stuff toy version of him. “Don’t even say a thing my dear, I fear I don’t want to know.”
Ashton’s immediate reaction to this new huge thing on your bed is “how heavy is it?” and “can I use it as a weight?” I don’t think they’re as heavy as he wants them to be though, so he’ll be disappointed for a bit. He’ll then brighten up when he realizes that it’s actually a stuff toy version of him and he’ll happily yell, “You got a stuff toy of me? How cute!” He’ll just straight up think it’s adorable that you got one and likely chance, he’ll try to get one of you too to match.
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meili-sheep · 3 years
Back at it again to make more Diluc angsty Chaos but I’m uno reversing now and making it Childe
Diluc is probably Childe’s first relationship EVER, he’s used to hookups and flings and he thought he might’ve had a chance with Zhongli that came to an end rather fast.
Childe would try his best for Diluc, he’d take care of him, protect him and do whatever he could for Diluc. To him, he probably sees taking care of Diluc just as important as his mission and promise to the Tsarista (idk if I spelt that right)
On the day he accidentally hurts Diluc however is another story. He knows Diluc can handle anything physical that he may end up doing on accident but emotionally and mentally? That sticks with Childe everyday, he may not say anything about it but it’s clear he’s upset with himself for saying something that might’ve triggered Diluc to spiral a bit or maybe even hit a nerve
He knows to give Diluc space afterwards but he doesn’t want Diluc thinking he wishes to cause him harm on purpose so he backs off for a bit longer than what Diluc’s used to and it stresses Diluc out bc he’s gotten so used to having him there that it doesn’t feel right to him when he’s gone. He’d spiral into a panic and try to hide it thinking Childe’s finally gotten tired when in reality Childe’s probably off asking Kaeya 101 questions about Diluc so he knows better next time
When he goes back to Diluc though, the doors probably locked so he’ll sneak in through the window instead and his firefly is asleep without him, normally Diluc waits for him, doesn’t sleep without him and now he’s not sure if it’s okay to crawl in
Diluc’s a light sleeper though and when he rolls over Childe can see the red in his eyes from crying and the even darker circles under his pretty eyes as well, Diluc’s tired and he just wants Childe back
He’d try so hard to calm himself and not cry bc he can’t handle losing someone he cares about, regardless of circumstances and after 5 days of leaving out of the blue Diluc started to believe he’d lost Childe
Childe’s quick to reassure him, run to his side and wipe his tears but his heart breaks a little when he hears Diluc softly say “Don’t leave me please” in his arms, Childe’s a bit stunned bc Diluc’s been working on being more vulnerable, sure, but this is another level of vulnerability. He can hear it in the waiver of his voice and he can feel it by the grip he has on his shirt, Diluc’s mind is back to the day his father died and Childe NEVER wants him to feel like he has to protect him let alone feel like he’ll leave him just like that.
Childe explains in between a flurry of kisses all over his baby face that there’s no way he’d go down without a fight
He probably goes to get Diluc a ton more books and different pens and ink colors for him as gifts bc Childe’s love language would be anything physical and gifts <3
(I added a lil fluff so it shouldn’t be toooo bad, I’ll leave you alone for now - The angst anon here to ruin your day <3333)
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Ok. First, you underestimate my ability to take angst. Since middle school, I've been writing fanfiction and been on Tumblr since high school. And I was cringy was all fuck. I will say I am not a 'hurt/no comfort' person cause tbh a lot of that ends up being super unbelievable to me, but that is just me.
I think Diluc and Childe are both pretty fresh to relationships. I totally agree with the childe flings and hook up. Just because those are easier and, in a way, fit him.
Wherewith Diluc, he didn't have any interest. Or was under pressure to only do what would be best for his family (most likely pressured to look at Jean for marriage).
So they both have a lot to learn relationship-wise.
I can totally see Childe accidentally probably making a joke about dying or something that just caused Diluc to stiffen up and snap at Childe. Then instantly apologizing or doing something that triggers Diluc's PTSD. And Diluc trying to brush it off.
Childe would hate that more than any. But He's determined to fix things.
And when already on edge, the last thing Diluc needs is to be alone. But bro. I love crying together, and I love it so much.
Also, I think Childe is defiantly a physical affection kind of guy. Diluc might not be. But Diluc also is very much a gift-giver too. They both trade gifts constantly as just things that remind them of each other. Diluc Also writes letters and sneaks them into CHilde's pockets. Because he can't always say what he wants to, he'll do his best to communicate it somehow.
So kinda sidetrack. Childe traveling around for work. Ending ups getting Diluc all kinds of souvenirs and books. And once he learns Diluc likes chess. He starts sending Diluc all these kinds of different chess pieces and boards.
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See Something You Like? Epilogue
Pairing: Rebels Rex x Reader
Word Count: 2K
Warning: Yearning, teasing
A/N: 😚 😚 For all my lovely readers 💕
Making your way through the mess hall, you see you’ve beaten the lunch rush and quickly bee-line towards the caff station, filling up two mugs and putting them on a tray. Ria had commed you about meeting up on your break, and knowing how busy she was that morning, you decided to have a fresh cup waiting for her. You grab a couple hot plates, thanking the cook, and find a spot not too far from the entrance. As you sit down you keep an eye on the entrance so you can wave Ria over when she gets there. Taking a sip of caff, you settle in your seat and your mind drifts back to last night, and earlier this morning.
Rex had been a most thorough lover, and true to his word, hadn’t finished with you until the early hours of the morning, leaving you both exhausted and satisfied. You feel your face heat up when you think about all the sounds he coaxed out of you, the praises that dripped from his lips as he brought you to orgasm and the tender way he took care of you afterwards, making sure you were alright. What you most enjoyed was how he held you when you both drifted off, arms holding you close as your head rested on his chest, whispering how you were his sweet girl.
You can’t help the giddy smile that covers your face when you recall how grumpy Rex was earlier that morning. He had done his absolute best to persuade you to spend a few more hours with him in bed, but you had a meeting you couldn’t miss, and you had reluctantly left him pouting in the sheets as you got ready. Eventually, he too started getting ready for the day, though not without hinting at all the things he could be doing instead, with you and a mirror, brushing up against you and sneaking kisses when you weren’t paying attention. Needless to say you left your room a blushing mess, with Rex following not far behind, smirk plastered on his face.  
You’re so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t see Ria enter the mess hall and make her way over to the table. "Hello there, sunshine!” She calls out as she sits down, bringing you out of your daydreaming. 
“Ria, hey!” You say, passing her a cup and watching her clutch it to her chest, breathing the scent it in as if the steam alone would give her energy. “Long meeting?”
“You have no idea,” she groans after taking a sip “nerf herders can’t tell the difference between a gear shift and brake pedal.” 
You wince. “Ouch. Well, hopefully your afternoon will get better.” You perk up “Isn’t that new transfer set to arrive today?”
She looks at you suspiciously. “Where did this cheeriness come from?” She eyes you from over the rim of her cup “usually you’re right up there asking what other problems they’ve caused, and if I need help hiding a body.”
“No reason,” you say, laughing “just having a good morning, that’s all.”
Ria takes a moment to give you a look over while you sip your caff, before her eyes widen. “Omg! You got down and did the dirty dance!”
“Ria!” You groan “Do you have to say it like that?”
“What?” She says without remorse, “would you rather I call it the frisky foxtrot? Mattress mambo? Tantric tango?”
“Shhh! Someone will hear you!” You hiss, cheeks heating up as you look fervently around you, “where do you even come up with these things?”
“You’re not denying it,” she gives a little shriek of laughter, wiggling in place “you, my friend, got some good lovin’ and I need all the deets!” She gives you a look, “especially after all the stunts you pulled me into to avoid a certain someone.”
“I do not have to confirm or deny anything” you say, hiding behind your caff.
“You may not confirm anything, but your neck is certainly making a statement.” She leans over to pull the edge of your collar down “that’s quite the necklace you’re wearing there sunshine.”
You can feel your face turning three shades of red as you slap her hand away, hastily pulling the collar of your shirt up. “Ok! Ok, so maybe I had a bit of fun the other night, there’s no need to let the whole base know.”
Ria grins triumphantly “That’s more than just a bit of fun” she says, making the little air quotes “that’s a full on romp with the promise of a repeat” She wiggles her eyebrows comically and you can’t help but laugh, hearing her join in.
“Alright, yes, I did indeed do the dirty dance, as you said” you say once your laughter has died down. 
Ria makes the motion to continue, attention on you. “And? That can’t be all it was or else you wouldn’t be like this.” She motions to all of you “All glowy and really happy.” 
You give her a sly look “Let’s just say that he certainly has the moves to keep you coming back for more.”
Ria squeals and looks about ready to combust with all the questions you can see buzzing around her head. “So are you going to see him again? Or is it fated to be a one-night of lusty wonder?”
While you want to tell her all about Rex, you want to keep him to yourself for a bit longer so you keep your answer simple. “We’ve already planned to meet up again.” You duck your head shyly, smiling. “He makes me happy Ria, really happy.” You fiddle with your cup, looking back up at her “I didn’t think he’d feel the same way, but he does.” Your smile softens as you think of Rex and how he looked when you told him you wanted him by your side for a lifetime. The look of adoration is one you’ll treasure for years to come.
Ria looks at you in wonder, “Wow, he’s the real deal huh?” Watching you nod she squeals again, doing a little happy dance in her seat. “Best. News. Ever!”
A booming voice calls out close by “What’s the best news ladies?”
You and Ria both look over and see Gregor striding to you table, standing next to your seat. “Got yourself more excited than a restless Joopa.”
“No reason,” you say “just girl stuff.”
“But you’re more than welcome to join us.” Ria chimes in, gesturing to the seat. “We’re ‘bout to start venting about the doofs in engineering.” 
You know Ria and Gregor share shifts on the occasion, overseeing repairs and helping out with different teams, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for Gregor to join you sometimes for meals. 
"Don’t mind if I do.” He sits down, big grin on his face, as he turns to face you. “I was actually looking for ya, figured I’d find ya here with this one.” He jerks his thumb towards Ria.
You point to yourself “Me?”
He nods “Mhmm. Was curious if ya’d seen Rex this morning. He missed training with Wolffe and I, and I thought ya might’ve seen’im”
You sputter and can see Ria giving you a calculated look, so you hurry to give an answer. “I’m not sure, but I thought I saw him when I was heading to the office. It looked like he was making his way towards the training room.” 
Gregor looks at you, a strange look in his eyes, and you try not to fidget in place. That, paired with the look Ria is giving you is making you antsy, and you wonder if you should just make up some excuse about paper work and dash away. Before you can say anything Gregor grins, giving you a thumbs up.
“Glad to hear it, thought he might have gone MIA for a moment there.” He lowers his voice, as if sharing a secret. “Wolffe can sometimes get pretty intense, especially during training. Likes to bring out the chompers if he hasn’t had a good meal.” He laughs at the looks you and Ria give him. “By the way, Rex said he wanted to talk to ya yesterday. Did he find ya?"
“Yes, down at the shooting range.” You huff, “we actually ended up having a bit of a competition, see who could hit the most targets without looking.”
Gregor looks intrigued “Oh? How’d that go for ya?” 
“l ate blaster dust.” You grin wryly “Let’s just say I won’t be challenging Rex to a shoot out anytime soon. Didn’t even stand a chance.”
“Was it the C-501 sim?” He asks. When you nod, he laughs “Ha! of course he’d win that one.”
“Oh?” You say confused, “Why’s that? It's only recently been added.”
“That’s because it was designed for us clones, way back on Kamino.” He leans in conspiratorially, “What the Kaminii didn’t realize was that it was too easy, so we ended up getting a little creative with it.”
“Creative how?” Ria leaned forward eagerly, soaking up this new information. You have to admit you’re intrigued as well. 
Gregor was really getting into in now. Checking to see there were no other eavesdroppers, he huddles the two of you closer. “Well, there were the usual things like spinning in place before firing, making noise before a shot,” he counts them off on his fingers “shooting from someones back, doing a handstand.” 
You and Ria just stare at him as he continues on his list. “But the best was hitting the targets without looking.” Here Gregor starts to grin, as if he was watching it himself “and no one was better then good’ol Rex." 
“Really!?” Ria jumps in before you can comment, “How did he do it? Blindfolded? Eyes closed?” She’s practically climbing out of her seat to get to him, not that she’s noticed. 
Gregor pushes his chair back to give himself some more room. “Well,” he says as he starts miming the actions. “He’d start off by facing the range, then he’d turn to his opponent. He’d make sure to look them straight in the eyes, something about establishing dominance, and then BLAM! Start firing each target.” He gives a hearty laugh “I’m not surprised ya didn’t win, he’s the reigning champ. No one has beaten him.”
Ria’s babbling on excitedly to Gregor, wanting to know all his secrets of the sims and training, but your mind has zoned out.
Reigning Champ? Never beaten? He already knew he was going to win, even before you had set the bet. You give a small huff of laughter, thinking back on his confidence, how easily he set you up in his trap. Well, well, you think to yourself looks like I got played for keeps. 
Your musing are interrupted when you hear Gregor call out a greeting to a couple rebels who walked into the room.
“Wolffe! Rex! Come over’ere!” He waves his arm wildly, as they make their way over.
You can’t help but stare as he makes his way over, a slight swagger in his steps. One could presume it’s just how he carries himself, with his military upbringing, but you know better. That’s the walk of a man who finally has what he wants, and is not afraid to show it. His eyes linger on you neck before meeting yours, a smirk pulling on his lips.
You smile back, mind already working out your next challenge. You were your town’s best racer for five seasons, before you joined the rebellion, and the base did have a couple racers lying around. Why not even the odds? Winner takes all.
Rex sits across from you, and you tilt your head to the side, just enough that he can see the marks on your neck, the others engaged in their own conversation. The look you give him sends his heart beating faster, the calculated look in your eyes promising an enticing reward. Knowing his attention is on you, you quickly mouth best two out of three? While he doesn’t respond, his eyes tell you his answer, sending a thrill to your core.
Challenge accepted.
Tag List  @samrubio @justanotherstarwarswhore @bvcketfvcker @grumpymuffinmama @justanothersadperson93 @fat-zygerrian @deewithani @idolized-sea-salt @i-am-bad-at-blogs
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mingishoe · 4 years
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San x Reader
Okay so San is super cute and cuddly! San will always give you all the cuddles and kisses afterwards. If you’re not feeling the cuddles, he’ll go and run you a bath with all your favourite soaps and scents and sit with you while you lay in the bath for a while. Most of the time it ends up with San in the bath as well when you’re ready for the cuddles.
Body Part
Sans favourite body part on him is his hips because he 100% always makes you feel good with them and that’s something he prides himself in.
Sans favourite body part on you is your ass. Doesn’t matter what it looks like. Big, small, doesn’t matter. San is a proud ass man.
San cums any and everywhere. He loves to make a mess even though afterwards he’ll be a little bit pouty cleaning it up. San also has the biggest breeding kink so he will totally give it to you and then sit there for a while to make sure he will “breed you properly ”
Dirty Secret
San really wouldn’t mind you jerking or sucking him off until he’s crying. San usually overstimulates himself anyways whenever he’s fucking you but it would be nice for you to do it to him. He just wants to be withering underneath you as he cums for the 3rd maybe even 4th time.
I think San might actually be the least experienced member... until he met you. Now he would be maybe the most experienced because of how many times the two of you have fucked. There’s probably not many things that the two of you haven’t tried and the two of you have probably tried every position out there.
Favourite Position
Since the two of you have tried probably every position out there, San has a couple of favourites bUT of course he could never get tired of just plain old missionary. He loves how close he can be to you and San wants to be as close as he can to you literally and figuratively. San also loves it when you ride him even if it is “vanilla” or “basic” but he just thinks you always look so pretty! He just loves to look at you.
San has his moments of either. There are times when he’s a bit more serious, depending on his mood. If he’s upset he’ll be more serious because he knows exactly what he wants, and that’s to get fully immersed so he can take his mind off of something. Other than that, he’s either super goofy or soft. Or both. But since San is a super loving person it usually does come out in the way he treats you.
I feel like San is super groomed maybe little to no hair at all. There are times when the schedule is too busy and stressful where he really can’t bother which is totally okay!
Again it just really depends on his mood. If San is in a mood, he’ll just have the mindset of wanting ruin you. Then he’s not too worried about being super nice and gentle but he’s always aware of how you’re feeling and the smallest of expressions on your face. Other times though... San will have himself totally wrapped around you with his head tucked into your neck telling you how beautiful you are and how good you are and how much he loves you.
Jack Off
San really doesn’t like to jerk himself off because he much rather have you take care of it wether it be actually fucking you, blowing him off, or just jerking him off. But realistically he knows he can’t take you on tour with him and every time he goes somewhere because that’s just ... not how it works. PLUS he knows that sometimes his sex drive is absolutely insane so he doesn’t want to bother you every single time.
Like I was saying earlier, San likes to try everything and there’s not too many things he isn’t into BUT I think his biggest kinks would be using and being called pet names, breeding, praise, edging, and overstimulation. I imagine that San likes to call you bunny so it’s super soft but also extremely lewd when you mix the others with it.
No matter the time or place, if you’re feeling it, you’re feeling it. San isn’t usually too worried about someone possibly seeing or hearing because he’s more worried about “being in the moment” so there has definitely been a couple of occasions where someone might’ve accidentally gotten an eye full because you just so happened to be so horny you fucked on the couch or in the kitchen but the adrenaline is always worth it so there’s definitely been some car fucking or some dressing room/supply closet fucking right before a show.
The smallest of things can make him want to completely devour or make love to you. Sometimes it could be literally nothing or something you’re wearing or even something you do unintentionally. Other times San just thinks you’re absolutely beautiful or he’s feeling particularly soft so he wants to give you all the kisses and make sure you know how much he loves you.
San isn’t super fond of choking. No matter how he’s feeling or how into it he is, he’s scared he’s going to hurt you.
I think San would like giving and receiving about the same. San loves that he can have you squirming and cuming repeatedly underneath him, but at the same time he loves that you can have him squirming and cuming repeatedly underneath you.
Sometimes San’s hips feel like they’re moving faster than should be possible and can have you feeling way too good. Other times San has the most patience and it feels like he’s purposely wanting to ruin you and he 100% is.
San appreciates a good quickie. There’s always a couple of times where there’s just not enough time most of the time before a schedule or a show. The two of you would kinda run off for at the most 10-15 minutes regardless if it’s satisfying or not because San really just can’t go on stage or on camera with a massive boner.
Neither of you are super cautious about anything which is sometimes a problem and sometimes someone sees yall but usually the both of you do a pretty good job of not being super loud so it’s not super terrible or anything.
San can go on for forever if he wanted to. This man can actually go 4 rounds and still have enough energy to go film or go out to eat when you can hardly keep your eyes open.
San loves toys. His favourite is probably a cock ring, especially a vibrating one because it makes the both of you feel good. It’s obviously not because San can’t do that himself, he just loves being able to put you on that edge.
Yes? No? Sometimes. San gets in super teasing moods where he wants you to beg for absolutely everything and you absolutely hate it but love it. Usually if you’re not moaning for him he feels like he’s doing something wrong, except of course when you need to be quiet, so he always wants you to be moaning for him because he loves the way you sound.
San is a loud mother fucker. This man probably moans louder than you. San is just super vocal in general, lots of whining and moaning and just,,, dirty talk. Lots of dirty talk. San has a FILTHY mouth and he’s not afraid of you hearing it.
Wild Card
“Aw bunny, you’re doing so well for me.” Your breathing was heavy as you tried your best not to make any noise as you heard footsteps outside of the door. “P-Please. Sannie please.”
San is packing. Mans has a monster cock. San isn’t super super thick but it’s a good girth to go along with his length.
Okay but realistically San always wants you. He will never decline any sort of touch because of his insane sex drive. But also he doesn’t want to bother you all the time so sometimes he’ll try to ignore it mAyBe he’ll jerk off but again he doesn’t really like to jerk off unless he’s on tour or out of town.
San’s favourite thing ever is napping and sleeping with you. Since we all know how clingy and touchy San is, he loves to cuddle and he loves it when either his head is on your chest or in your neck or the other way around. He just loves being super close to you. San also makes sure that you get lots of rest so you’ll be feeling good and energised the next day.
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crazymisscarly · 3 years
OBVIOUSLY I’m gonna ask about: Bughead sexcapades !!!
Oh God, my inner puritan is *blushing* right now. I started writing this like... over a year ago and I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it. I low key got tired of re-reading all the season 2 era bughead smut fanfics on ao3 (because believe me, i’ve read them all) and decided to give it a go myself. I’m not very explicitly smutty when I write, I prefer to allude to things or just graze the surface. not to say that I don’t like including sex scenes in my works - I just tend to steer clear of anything graphic.
Since I don’t know if I’ll actually finish it, I’ll post it here in its current entirety. For context, it’s meant to go through all of bughead’s ‘sexcapades’ throughout the early series, all the unseen intimate moments between them from their kitchen makeout scene in 1x13 up until they actually do the deed in 2x12, and possibly even exploring how their relationship changed and strengthened afterwards -- I 100% would name it something else if it ever went up on ao3, but for now, bughead sexcapades is the working title hahahahaa
Who knows, maybe going through my old WIPs thanks to this game might’ve just inspired me to keep writing it aahahaha
Betty had been honest with her mother; the night of Riverdale’s 75th Jubilee, her and Jughead almost had sex when they went back to FP’s trailer. 
They didn’t talk about it beforehand, and really, both had been too distracted by the Black Hood shooting Fred Andrews to properly discuss it with each other afterwards. But somewhere between Betty removing her pink coat and Jughead lifting her up and near-slamming her against the kitchen cabinets, both of them were completely aware of what was about to happen.
But then Jughead changed schools, and there was less time to spend with each other, and the nerves set in. They started making out once or twice, and both of them could feel the urge to connect with each other in the most intimate of ways… but had always been interrupted. 
Their first post-“shirtless in the trailer kitchen” make out was in the Red and Black office; Jughead deepened their kiss and pulled Betty towards his body as he leaned back against a desk - it reminded him of the Blue and Gold, their haven of intelligence gathering (and their place to escape for a few moments alone during school hours). Their near-hookup in FP’s trailer had ignited some kind of flame in both of them; they weren’t as cautious with touching, the familiar comfortability giving both of them the confidence to explore each other’s bodies in their own nervous way - Jughead’s hands strayed from Betty’s cheeks to her neck, then to her waist, and he hoped that maybe he’d get to move his hands even lower...
But still, they’d been interrupted - then, and any other subsequent time, whether by friends or Betty’s mother calling her to come home. So much so that sex seemed like it was going to become an impossible mission that not even Tom Cruise could achieve.
When they had finally found the time to be alone, shortly after Jughead drag raced the Ghoulies and Betty admitted that she didn’t really want to break up with Jughead (in fact, that was not what she’d asked Archie to do), they’d both overthought the possibility of sex so much that neither was certain whether they were actually ready for it, or if their intensifying emotions were the result of the life-threatening happenings in their hometown. 
“We’ll know when it feels like the right time, Betts.” Jughead reassured her after she wiggled out from under him on the trailer’s bed; Jughead had claimed it after FP was imprisoned, but Betty was struggling to think of it as being anything other than Jughead’s parents bed. And something about having sex in it felt... off.
Betty sighed. “I want you, Juggie, I don’t know what’s wrong with me…” 
Less than two weeks earlier she’d practically torn her and Jughead’s shirts off in an effort to get closer to him. But today, lying on her back beneath her boyfriend, on a bed, her thighs cradling is hips as they kissed (hot, open mouthed kisses) as though her body was in control and her brain was just following its lead, sex just seemed so much more real - and the butterflies in her stomach threatened to swallow her up. Betty knew having sex would change something between them that couldn’t be reversed, and she’d only just gotten him back. She didn’t want to risk losing him by doing too much too fast. 
“Nothing! Nothing’s wrong with you.” Jughead said quickly; his eyes betrayed the mild panic he felt. “We both have to be feeling completely comfortable and ready or it’s not going to work out - and I read that on Reddit, so we can reasonably believe it’s true.” He smirked as his eyes met hers. 
Betty giggled. “Did you find a thread called ‘how to have sex’ and use the replies as research?” She brushed a stray lock of hair from Jughead’s forehead. 
Jughead’s cheeks were turning pink. He cleared his throat before speaking. “Well, that’s, ah - that wasn’t the exact title…” 
Betty smiled and reached out to take his hand. “Hey, comfortable, right?” She leaned over and kissed him. Although she still wasn’t completely sure about sex itself, kissing Jughead and feeling his arms wrap around her was a great experience in itself. 
Jughead leaned into her, his body coming dangerously close to pinning her down into the mattress. He groaned quietly as Betty kissed his neck, and Betty felt the sound all the way down her navel, and lower…
He felt Betty lightly pushing his chest, and he rolled onto his back so she could straddle him. His body felt like it was on fire. The feel of her, pressed against him, had him filled with desires he didn’t know could exist. Everywhere Jughead touched her felt hot, and her mouth on his was like a fulfilling heat that awakened every nerve inside him. He trailed his hands down to her hips and pulled her up his body slightly so she was straddling his lower abdomen instead of his lap, fearing that if he left her there then this would be over before it even really started.
Betty pulled away from his mouth, her eyes a mixture of lust and vulnerability that had Jughead’s breath coming out in laboured gasps. “Juggie?” she asked in a breathy moan. 
Oh God and yes were the only words in Jughead’s mind. “Ye-yeah?” He forced out when he could focus. 
“It’s getting kind of late…” She bit her bottom lip for a moment. Jughead’s grip on her hips tightened at the sight. “I could tell my Mom I’m staying over at Veronica’s… that’s if, you know… you don’t want me to go.” Her eyes searched Jughead’s. 
Jughead’s mind was swimming, and he would have been embarrassed that it took him so long to figure out what she meant if he could even think at all. “Um, yes, that's a great idea.” She probably could have asked him to paint himself blue and go to school dressed as a Smurf and he would have agreed, so long as she stayed right where she was. 
Betty smiled and laughed softly. The vibrations sent tingly jolts through Jughead’s body and he couldn’t contain the groan that escaped his mouth. Betty’s eyes lit up for a moment before she blushed and looked down at his chest. She ran her fingers up his chest softly, and Jughead placed his hands on her cheeks to pull her down for another kiss.
This kiss felt deeper than the others. Betty’s tongue slipped into his mouth. One of Jughead’s hands slid into Betty’s hair as the other wrapped around her back. Her chest pressed deliciously up against his. She was so warm, right now and every day. And she freely gave him her warmth, no strings attached. Betty’s love warmed his heart, his body, his mind - he gravitated towards it every day, and gave it back to her in the form of light brushes of fingers, a hand in her hand, a gentle nudging of her shoulder...  
And her smiles… wow.
Jughead’s heart was beating faster than he’d ever felt it beat as Betty started kissing and sucking on his neck. He’d never been so closely entangled with Betty before, and all he wanted was to get even closer. As close as two people could get… 
But he wasn’t going to push the point, not when they both had reasons to hesitate. 
“Can I…” Betty said nervously. “Do you want me to…” her hand slid down his chest, over his hip (his breath hitched as her fingers met the skin where his shirt had ridden up) and rested on his thigh. She squeezed his thigh just a little, and Jughead couldn’t believe how sensitive it was; how good it felt. 
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lilyeholland · 4 years
Before It’s Too Late [Part 2]
[Reggie Peters x Reader] PART ONE - PART TWO
Summary: Y/N and Reggie have never officially stated what they were to each other, so Y/N plans to tell the brunette bassist how she really feels before him and his band are to take stage at the Orpheum. Little did they know this would be there last encounter. *only a little bit inspired by Stranger by Jeremy Shada*
Warnings: super fluffy at first and then BAM the angst hits you like a truck :) it’s also lowkey kinda long lol, mentions of death
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The night before, you had stayed up writing and rewriting your confession letter to Reggie - the one you were going to give him before he performed. There were countless amounts of crumpled papers on your floor all because you insisted on writing it in pen and making every individual letter look perfect. Finally, once you were satisfied with the way the ink stained the thin sheets of paper, you sealed it in a blush pink envelope, sprayed your perfume on it, and wrote Reggie’s name in big bubbly cursive letters, you set it on the corner of desk and anticipated its arrival in Reggie’s hands. 
You knew better than to go to Reggie’s house in hopes to find him and talk to him - he was rarely ever there. Instead, he’d be at the garage studio regardless of if the boys were there with him.
You lean against the big white doors of the studio, admiring the way Reggie is laying on his back staring at the ceiling and riffing away at his unplugged bass. “Knock, knock,” you say, startling the innocent boy in front of you to his feet.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting to see you today.” You both take steps closer to each other. Reggie sinks his hands in his pockets, unsure of what to do with him, but wanting to reach out to you and smother you in a hug. 
“Yeah, I just wanted to come by and ask if it was alright if I came by before the show to wish you luck. Since, you know, I can’t watch you guys play.” You offer him a solemn smile, but he just grins widely at you.
“You can totally come by,” he bites his lip and hides his smile. “We’ll be done with our sound check around 5 and you can come by then?” He questions, just to make sure it works with you.
You nod your head and smile back at him.
“You can meet us by the backstage doors - it’s in this really creepy-looking alleyway, but I promise its safe.” Again with the cute faces that make you want to throw away the whole plan and tell him you want to be his official girlfriend right now. “No one’s died there yet... That I know of.”
“If I get murdered there, I’m blaming you,” you tease, earning a longing look hidden behind a breathy laugh from Reggie. 
“You won’t,” he sings as he pulls you in for a tight hug. “I won’t let that happen to you.” As his arms envelope themselves around you, yours do the same to his torso. 
“Promise?” you test him, looking up but never untangling yourself from his embrace. 
“Promise.” He nods his head once, his smile beginning to form a magnet-like attraction to yours. He leans down slightly as he slides his hand up your body to cup your cheek. Your lips barely graze one another’s before - 
“Oh, sorry, we didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” Luke says with wide eyes as him, Alex, and Bobby walk in. The three of them chuckle to each other, knowing full-well what they almost just witnessed. 
“No, no, it’s fine,” you say as you dust off any remaining Reggie on your body. “I was just leaving anyway.”
“Okay, well, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he winks cheekily and waves you off.
All that and he still can’t call himself your boyfriend? Well, you usually have to kiss your boyfriend, so it makes sense. 
It’s not like you and Reggie had never kissed before - twice actually - but neither of them count as a real kiss in your eyes. The first one was just an embarrassing moment from a few months ago where you had leaned in to kiss his cheek but he turned his head too quick and accidentally landed his lips right on top of yours. It lasted .02 seconds and you were both really flustered afterward. The second one was just a consequence of playing spin the bottle. 
It was frustrating that both times you had almost really kissed had been interrupted so abruptly. You hoped and prayed that you would finally be able to kiss him tomorrow before the show. 
The day finally was here and you had prepped your lips with a special raspberry shiny gloss beforehand, in hopes Reggie’s focus would be on your lips and he’d be more tempted to make the first move. 
You take one last look in the mirror, fixing the smudges of lip gloss around your mouth and then spraying one last spritz of your perfume on the letter addressed to Reginald Peters, himself. 
You had not expected him to already be in the creepy alleyway with 2/3 others in Sunset Curve - but he was - joking and laughing away with them. He couldn’t have noticed you any faster than he did, saying something to the band quickly and then jogging over to you so you didn’t have to walk so far. Also so you had more privacy. 
The first thing he does is bring you into a hot, sticky hug. Surprisingly, it doesn’t smell bad. 
“Ooh, sweaty,” you comment jokingly.
“Haha, yeah, sorry about that. I might’ve gone a little too hard during Now or Never,” he shakes himself out of the hug and smiles at you before noticing the envelope with his name on it. “What’s this?” His eyes widen as he rubs his hands together like a little kid waiting to open presents on Christmas morning.
“Oh!” You suddenly become extremely embarrassed of what you wrote on those pages, now nervous for him to open it and read it. “Just some letter I wrote you,” he had already taken it upon himself to take it and open it up, only increasing the anxiety-nausea in your stomach. His eyes begin skimming the top lines, a grin forming at his lips. 
“You know, it’ll probably take you a while to read it so how about I just sum up what it says for you,” you pull the letter away from his face, beginning to panic. “Basically, um,” you giggle nervously and glance up at him from under your eyelashes. He’s giving you the puppy look again. “I like you Reggie. A lot. And I don’t really know what we’re doing each other, but I just wanted to tell you how I really feel about you before you play the Orpheum and get super famous and inevitably forget about me, so here it goes,” you finally take a deep breath after getting all that out. 
Reggie grabs your hand in his, too nervous to interrupt or add anything to what you just blurted. 
“I think I love you, Reggie.” He clocks his head in your direction, not in a shocked way, more in an interested way, opening his mouth to say something back. “But before you say anything, I don’t wanna rush you cause I know we’re still so young and we’ve got our whole lives ahead of us. I just - I wanna be your girlfriend.” You finish by squeezing his hand that’s still intertwined with yours and sucking your bottom lip into your mouth.
“Is that really what the letter said?” He asks.
“I may have added some stuff,” you whisper, almost ashamed of the guts you had just spilled to him. 
He rolls his eyes slightly in a joking manner, pulling you closer by the hand and mumbling, “come here,” before he firmly plants his lips on yours. FINALLY. You’re shocked at first, but instinctively kiss him back without second thoughts. In a familiar motion, he drags his hand from your hip to your hair while you place both of your hands on either side of his waist.
“Does this mean I’m your boyfriend now?” He teases as he pulls apart just enough to see your face. 
“Mm-hm,” you nod your head and grin at him.
He leans in for another kiss, this time getting closer by wrapping his arms behind your neck. It’s deeper and more passionate than the first one, both of you moving your mouths in sync like it was choregraphed. 
“Reggie!!!” the two other musicians shout from down the alleyway. 
He tries to pull away, but his lips linger on yours for a few seconds longer. 
“You better hurry if we wanna eat before the show!” Alex cups his hands around his mouth to make his voice louder. 
Reggie looks at you and groans still with a little smile on his face. “I’ll see you after the show, okay?”
He kisses you again, short and sweet, and again, and again, having a hard time being able to separate himself from you. As he’s walking away, reaches out his hand so the last thing to touch is your fingertips. 
“Good luck, boyfriend!” You shout to him as a joke as he starts making his way to Alex and Luke. 
“Thanks, girlfriend!” He jokes back and blows you a kiss from the distance. 
This moment would soon be the moment you replayed over and over in your head, thinking that reliving it would somehow make it so it never ended and Reggie never left. 
You went the whole night thinking everything was alright, excitedly waiting for the band to get back to the studio for the after party they had planned there. Only, you had waited too long and started to get in your head about things. Did Reggie only act like that with you to get some pre-show lovin’ to hype him up before he performed? Maybe the band got invited to a bigger, fancier afterparty by the featured band they were opening for.
You must’ve fallen asleep on the couch waiting for them. You woke up to the noise of Bobby turning on the lights and finding you cuddled up with one of the flannels Reggie had left behind.
His face was blotchy, eyes red and puffy, and the tip of his nose was shiny. 
“Bobby, what’s wrong?” you stood up and walked towards him.
He couldn’t even respond, he just shook his head and began to cry again. 
“Where are the other three? Where’s Reggie?” The worst thoughts started to drown you, but you countered it by telling yourself you were just being irrational, they were probably fine, they probably just had a band fight. 
“They were there before-” he sobs, “-and then there were sirens- and- and-” he’s unable to finish.
“Bobby,” you say in a panicked voice. “What happened? Where are they? Where’s Reggie?” your voice is shaky and cracked now that tears have built a wall on the surface of your eyes. 
“They’re gone.” He barely chokes those two words. 
You feel yourself take steps backward, losing control over your breathing while stumbling back onto the coffee table behind you. “No, no, no,” you deny. “You have to be lying,” the egg in your throat makes it near impossible to say. 
Bobby says nothing, instead reaches in his back pocket and takes out the blush pink envelope. “This was in his jacket,” he hands it to you before having to turn around completely to hide his wet face. 
On the last page, he’s added something in bright red sharpie:
“To the most beautiful girl in the world, I’m playing for you tonight, Y/N. Love, Reggie”
You break. It suddenly becomes real to you - he’s actually gone. Him, Luke, and Alex are really gone. You crash to your knees, audibly crying and almost screaming until Bobby helps you up and takes you into a much needed hug. You still let out vocal yelps and whimpers from deep in your chest. 
You remember nothing else from that night, which is probably for the best since you don’t want to remember anything about it. Instead, you relive the memory of kissing him over and over. It’s almost like you knew that would be the last time you’d kiss him, so you tried to jam the lifetime of kisses you would’ve had into one.
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