#they're not exactly the characters i know from the old horror titles
ender-reader · 1 year
DP X DC/Marvel Prompt 1#
sooo I've had this mind obsession about giant fluffy monsters so why not jam Danny and DC/Marvel into this mess to make a cool prompt?
Summary: Danny's been sealed away in an ancient temple. someone (could be a hero or a scientist that deals with ancient stuff, i forgot what they're called) finds the entrance but cant go past that. they call Batman/Tony and/or Constanaine/Dr.strange for help(probably along with one of the batkids or Spiderman). Chaos ensues.
What exactly happened to Danny: Danny's been sealed away in an ancient temple during a a time mission from CW that caused him to go in his eldritch horror form and getting sealed away in a temple using chains and of course: Blood blossoms but not to the extent that they continually hurt him, just enough to keep him sealed away, after all: if you hurt a baby ghost, it probably wont end well.
Note: this can be ghost king danny if you want.
and i know i got the characters wrong but im trying, its been a while since i watched marvel
onto the somewhat detailed prompt:
DP/Marvel(or DC, just change who the characters are):
Wang (i think that was his name? the guy that always doubts dr.strange but helps him anyways) has picked up a strange magic signature somewhere around Egypt, after he decided to go and investigate himself, he found an entrance to a sealed ancient temple with a few dead bodies nearly hidden by sand. When he tried to enter, he felt death magic pulse through him and he quickly moved his hand away, whatever was in there, whoever put the seal on this temple wanted to either keep whatever's outside out... or whatever's inside in. he didnt like this not one bit, he does the one thing that would make sense (kinda in his deep opinion): he goes to Steven Strange.
"So your telling me, that you found an ancient temple that's radiating 'infinite realm' kind of death magic and tried to enter it ON.YOUR.OWN?" Strange said rubbing his nose bridge with a sigh. "I dont get whats wrong with that? Death magic's still magic and you two are wizards." Tony said raising a judgemental eyebrow at Strange.
"yes thats true, BUT, infinite realm magic's not like normal magic, not even normal death magic." Wang explained raising a finger at the 'but'. "so? its still magic? or does it have diffrent properties?" Peter, tired of only listening decided to start asking some questions to understand the situation better.
"to understand infinite realm magic, first you need to know what are the infinite realms" Strange countered with a heavy tone, looking at Tony and Peter.
"Strange, we are not to speak of the dead so openly" Wang hissed turning to look at Steven. "oh come on, they're gonna find out eventually and you know it, better they know or one of them gets killed trying to find out." Strange said furrowing his brows glancing around him as if expecting something to attack him. Wang only grumbled sitting on a chair that was not there before.
"the infinite realms is a realm between worlds, like a pocket dimension. it is also known as the realm of the dead, the realm of ghosts, souls, and spirits. it is neither heaven or hell, it is were the dead go when they have too strong obsessions that keep them going, it is where the dead go when they don't want to let go of their life. it has its culture, rulers, ghost types, Gods and Goddesses called Ancients, islands of different shapes and sizes. it also has: A Ghost King, one who rules all the kingdoms, tribes and all ghosts in the infinite realms. they have the title of High King. They run on a substance called ectoplasm, which can be considered the main source of infinite realm magic.
Do not mess with the dead and they will not mess with you. Don't engage with infinite realm inhabitants because the risks are far too high. The last high king was Piriah Dark, he went mad and devoured worlds, not much is known about the new High King, all we know is that he was only around 2 death years old which in on its own baffling." Strange said crossing his arm, his voice was heavy with danger and seriousness.
"so we DON'T mess with the temple?" Peter asked curiously. "..." Wang and Strange didn't know how to answer that.
i cant help but imagine this scene happening:
Danny: *giant chained eldritch horror* *narrows eyes and hisses*
Bruce/Tony, Constantane/dr.Strange and Zatanna/Wang: "..." *intimidated and are ready to fight if needed*
one of the batkids/Peter: "...omg its like a giant kitten!" *proceeds to pet said giant eldritch horror*
the adults: "..." *horrified
Danny: "..." *purrs*
if someone uses this please tag me and maybe send the link please?
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braveclementine · 3 months
Gonna Give All My Secrets Aw-a-ay
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, smut, fingering, breast worship, pet names
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
Birds are annoying. I mean, seriously. When you're trying to sleep and they're just going "Cheerp cheerp! CHEERP CHEERP!" Honestly, it sounds like they're screaming.
The pain had been immense, the way I imagined being a vampire and being set on fire must feel. You know, if you're set on fire alive. They weren't kidding when they said becoming a vampire was painful.
I much preferred the vampire diary way. Drink some vampire blood. Snap your neck. Ba bam- you're a vampire.
I wondered how long it was exactly that I was out. I knew it ranged anywhere between two to five days, depending on where the venom was injected and lots of other lovely factors. The stronger the heart, the shorter the time. And if the venom was injected into the heart or near it, then it was more on the two to three day side.
Of course, the ending brought tears that couldn't spill to my eyes. Watching memories. I could see everything that had ever happened in my life play backwards. From the pain, to the wedding, the Marcel's changing, to the newborn fight, to spying on Seattle, to being in Kentucky with some of my family, finding out I was a werewolf, Sam's sister, and then there was Laurent trying to kill me, Edward telling me about them leaving, being in the hospital because of James, coming to Forks, the last few years of working to get a plane ticket, the bombs going off, Azim and I kissing, Azim and I laughing, meeting Azim's parents, going to gymnastics meets and Tae Kwon Do competitions, learning military strategy, moving to the base, being back in Forks, running around with Paul and Sam, swimming in the ocean, Kol's birth, Josh arguing with Sam's mother, a four year old playdate with Tyler Crawley, and then being born in a hospital.
My eyes snapped open. The pain was gone. Good. It felt like I had been burning for years.
The first thing I heard were birds and I almost groaned in annoyance. But I could also hear squirrels crunching on nuts, rabbits sprinting through the forest, a mountain lion- or maybe a bear but it definitely had hunting feet- walking over stone and rock, the violent flapping of hummingbird wings.
Feeling wise, I could feel the soft fabric of the sheets beneath me. Soft, fluffy, and warm. I could also feel that I was wearing something made of silk, but I didn't move my head to look down quite yet.
As for the smells. . . I could smell so many different smells. There was cinnamon, hyacinth, pear, sourdough bread, pine, vanilla, leather, apple, moss, lavender, chocolate, lemon and lime, tomato sauce, almonds-ew-, roses, jasmine, lilies, plastic, and so many other different smells. The strongest smell was seawater.
I took in a shuddering breath, feeling the air move through my lungs, but not really. I looked around the room. The ceiling was white, dust motes flying in the air. I could read the titles of all the books on the shelf across the room.
I sat up slowly, moving my legs over to the side of the bed, getting to my feet. I caught sight of myself in the mirror and stared in horror at the red eyes. My dark hair and pale complexion gave me a Snow White complexion. I was just missing the blue eyes.
I had been lucky with my complexion though. I had been captured in a mid-tan state, my dark skin coming out only after being in the sun for long periods of hours. I now looked Half-Cullen like, Half- Quileute like and I loved it.
I pursed my lips at the choice of dress Alice had clearly dressed me in. It was a green colour that balanced out the skin and eyes nicely. Except for the fact that I was not wanting to be in it. I much rather wanted to wake up in jeans and a T-shirt.
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I could hear voice downstairs and I could distinguish Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, Alice, and Bree's voices.
I darted down the stairs, stopping in front of Alice, my arms crossed angrily.
"Davina!" Carlisle said in surprise, "You're up early."
"Early?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"It's only been two days." Emmett said, looking me over, "Looking good Mama bear."
"Really Alice?" I questioned, gesturing to the dress. "Really?"
"What? It's a wonderful dress to go on your first hunting trip in." Alice said, putting an elbow on Jasper's arm.
I looked at her incredulously, "You want me to go hunting in. . . this?"
Jasper shifted uncomfortably, "That's what you care about?"
I looked up at my favorite son, "What do you mean?"
Jasper looked confused, "I don't understand this."
I stared at him blankly and then looked around for an explanation. Bree was the one who answered, "He means. . . you care more about the idea of your hunting attire than thirst."
"Oh." I said, thinking. I concentrated on my throat but I didn't feel anything. "Where should I feel. . . hungry?"
They all stared at me in surprise, "In your throat." Emmett explained.
I concentrated and then shook my head, "Maybe I'm just not thirsty yet."
"Maybe we should go hunting anyways." Carlisle suggested, reaching out to take my hand. I slid my hand into his, feeling the smoothness of his palm, the creases where the lines were, and finding that he was no longer cold nor hot, but that we were the same temperature now.
I looked up at him, staring into his honey coloured eyes and then reached up to kiss him on his lips. He tased wonderful, like things I couldn't even put into words. His lips were hesitant against mine and full. I pulled away, smiling, "Let me go change."
"No." Alice pretty much growled at me.
I sighed, "Yes, let me try tackling a grizzly bear in this dress. It'll get ripped and I actually kind've like it."
"You could go nude." Emmett said, grinning and winking at Carlisle who rolled his eyes.
I actually kind've liked the idea.
Jasper shook his head, drifting away from the room. I looked after him, my smile fading, "What's wrong?"
"He has never seen a newborn with this kind of self control." Alice said and then drifted after him.
"Oh. Great. I'm still weird even after my death." I muttered.
"I don't know." Emmett said in a serious voice, smirking. "You haven't quoted Harry Potter once since you've awoken. You might be going sane."
I stuck my tongue out at him and then tugged on Carlisle's hands. "Come on then."
Carlisle and I exited the house. It was a sunny day and I stared, my hand outstretched as the sun bounced off my skin, sending sparkles out, glittering across the pavement. I stared at Carlisle whose face was glittering.
"You look so handsome." I murmured, wanting to take him to bed at that moment.
Carlisle smiled and I felt my heart do flips. Well. . . not my heart, but ya know.
"And you look absolutely breathtaking." He breathed.
"Except the eyes." I said with a sigh, preening as he swept a strand of my long black hair back from my face.
He gazed at me, sliding his thumb across my cheek and I relished the feeling of his hand. "Even with the eyes you are stunning."
"Well," I said, taking his hand, squeezing it lightly. "Let's go hunt some animals and make them gold."
Carlisle nodded, "Ready?"
I nodded, preparing myself, and then started to run.
It was amazing. It was better than my motorcycle. I flew across the forest, laughing a little, and when we reached the creek, I leaped without thinking, feeling myself almost fly as I crossed the water.
I landed lightly on the balls of my feet, continuing to run, thinking of nothing but the wind caressing my skin and then- Carlisle stopped me.
"We don't want to go to far." He purred. His eyes were raging between black and yellow and I smirked.
"Well hello, Lord. I see you're trying to make an appearance."
"Well," the eyes became completely black, "You look completely ravishing like this."
"You've completely taken over Carlisle." I complained lightly, walking my finger sup his tight sweater.
"He's trying to figure out your self control so he's to distracted to try and take over." Lord smirked before smashing his lips to mine.
Oh yes. I liked where this was going.
My back hit a tree, making the plant shake underneath my body. I barely felt the bark scraping against my impenetrable skin, pushing back fiercely against Lord's lips. So rough and smooth and delicious.
His hands ripped the dress from behind and I tore his sweater off of him. I growled, seeing the light blue buttoned up shirt underneath. "You wear to many clothes Lord."
"Blame Carlisle." Lord growled, biting at the skin on my neck. He pulled back and murmured, "I can leave a bruise. Good."
I chuckled before using strength and speed, sending the both of us crashing into an opposite tree as I pressed against him tightly.
And then I paused, lips hovering above his, "The kids?"
Lord's black eyes melted, becoming tawny again and Carlisle actually shook his head like he was trying to clear his mind. HIs eyes lingered over where he'd ripped part of my dress, revealing the top of my cleavage. He cleared his throat and said, "I do apologize for that. And they're at our house. We can go see them after we hunt."
I nodded, my mind focused solely on the hunt. "Let's find a few rabbits then."
He raised an eyebrow, "Rabbits?"
"Or squirrels." I muttered, thinking back to Vampire Diaries. "That's what they eat in Vampire Diaries."
Carlisle chuckled, reaching out his hand. I took it without hesitation. "Let's find you a mountain lion, shall we?"
I laughed lightly, running again. This time, I led, following my heightened senses to a cave.
"Can I just walk in there and eat it?" I questioned.
Carlisle seemed a little anxious and muttered, "Maybe we should find deer instead."
I raised an eyebrow. "It's not like the mountain lion is going to hurt me."
The mountain lion suddenly paced out of the cave, growling at me.
I could smell it, and while it was appealing, it didn't send me wild like I thought it might've. I stalked forward, avoiding its claws, and bit down into the neck.
I tasted the blood, gushing into my mouth. It was. . . sweet? I don't know how else to describe it. It was satisfying, but it tasted different and I realized that was because I was dissecting the different tastes of the blood. I could taste the water, the salt, and even the plasma. I wrinkled my nose a little bit, trying to ignore the taste that way.
I pulled back once I was done. I had done pretty well, I thought. I'd barely spilled any blood on my dress. I turned to look at Carlisle who had a strange expression on his face.
"What?" I asked, racking my brain. "Did you want some?"
"It's not that." He said softly, coming over and pulling me into his arms. "It's just. . . well first it's very hard watching you drain something that would normally kill you. And for another, you're thirst didn't take you over. You were very calm in your feeding. And. . . you also didn't seem to enjoy it."
"Well." I said, frowning slightly. "I've always liked big cats. Maybe I should go after a bear instead. Those scare me. I might not feel as bad about killing a bear than a cat. And well, for another, it was the taste."
"What do you mean?"
"I could taste the individual components of the blood." I explained, wiping my bottom lip. "The water, the salt, the plasma, it wasn't the best taste in the world."
"Oh." Carlisle whispered, frowning deeper.
"Now can we go see our kids?" I asked.
Carlisle was still staring at me and I recognized this face from my months of interning under him. He was analyzing me like a data project. "Carlisle?"
He snapped out of it. "Our kids? Yes, we can go see them now."
"It's only been two days. . ." I murmured, "What are they like?"
"They're wonderful." Carlisle said with a small smile, "Come on, I want you to meet them."
"Are they. . . have you noticed any signs of danger from them at all?" I asked in worry as we ran back, not to the main Cullen house, but our small cottage.
"Nothing." Carlisle said and then frowned slightly. "They bite a lot. Esme- she's the one whose been helping me take care of them but she hasn't told anyone else about them- she said that when our little girl bites, she doesn't feel anything. But the boys are venomous."
"Two boys and a girl?" I breathed out.
Carlisle nodded, "The boys are identical. The girl looks more like me."
I smiled. "What did you name them?"
We stopped running once were in front of the front door to the house. Carlisle stopped me, picking me up into his arms, carrying me across the threshold before kissing me on the lips.
I giggled as he set me back down on my feet.
"I'm letting you name them." Carlisle murmured.
I shivered, nervous. I already had boy names in my head, but nothing for the little girl.
"Carlisle?" Esme's voice floated out the door. She appeared, holding a very small baby with long golden locks in her arms. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of my daughter.
"Oh." I gasped.
Esme's hold tightened around the baby. "They're still part human Davina."
Carlisle wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Breathe deeply."
I was nervous, not wanting the scent of my daughter to attract me. I let out a stuttering breath and then breathed in.
I could smell honey, cinnamon, and parchment, like the way Carlisle smelled. And I could smell her blood which smelled sweeter than the mountain lion, but it was nothing. I felt nothing. I was still relaxed in Carlisle's arms and then asked, "Can I hold her now?"
Esme was shocked, looking from me to Carlisle.
"Maybe you have a self control gift." Carlisle said, but he didn't relax his arms. I sighed, staring a the blond girl.
"She doesn't look like she's two days old. . ." I whispered.
"She's around three and a half months." Carlisle whispered behind me.
Fear spiked through me, "So. . . she's aging much faster than normal?"
"Yes." Esme said. "All three of them are."
"But- but then- then they might not live very long." I panicked. Venom stung at my eyes and I quickly blinked.
"No, they might not." Carlisle said, kissing my cheek.
"Oh." I whimpered.
"Esme, I think she's alright." Carlisle said, letting go of me.
I stepped forward cautiously, extending my arms for the little girl. Esme handed her over and I shivered. Her skin was warm, her heartbeat faster than I thought it should be. Her eyes were ice blue and I looked at Carlisle, trying to imagine him with blue eyes.
He smiled a little, "I could put contacts in if that helps your imagination."
I giggled a little, the sound lighter and less horse-goat-sheep sounding than it used to be. More like an angel now I guess. "Sorry. Personally, I was thinking your eyes might've been green."
"Sorry to disappoint."
I was suddenly by his side, pressing my lips to his, our daughter between us, "You don't disappoint me. Ever."
Then I pulled away and was in the babies room in a heartbeat. The two boys truly were identical, around the same size as their sister.
"Do you have names?" Esme asked me quietly.
I nodded, "For the boys anyways."
The only difference between the boys was that one of them had short black hair while the other one had curls and they were a tad degree lighter.
I handed the baby girl back to Esme with reluctance, picking up the one with straight black hair. I held him out to Carlisle and said, "This is Samuel Carlisle Cullen."
Carlisle smiled, kissing the top of my head, before taking his son into his arms. I turned back, picking up the last baby, looking into his eyes and said softly. "This is Niklaus Kol Cullen."
Niklaus after the hybrid. Kol was after my brother.
I turned to the girl, having no idea what to name her. Nothing seemed to fit her right. Kijana? Jasiri? Temperance? Kisa? Naomi? Camille? Luna? Kiara?
"Caroline. . . Elizabeth Cullen." I finally decided.
"Those are all wonderful names." Esme decided.
I hesitated and then asked, "I feel so normal. Why?"
Carlisle shook his head, "This could be your gift. Self-control."
"Do the children show any signs of gifts?" I asked.
"Not yet." Esme said. "But of course, they might not be able to have gifts. Or maybe they'll develop later."
I nodded and then looked at Carlisle, "I need to make a call."
I paced by the treaty line. I was terrified, unsure. Carlisle stood nearby. He had promised to be there so that I wouldn't hurt them.
"They're coming." Carlisle said and then laughed quietly. "I didn't have to tell you that."
I smiled a little. "It'll take some getting used to, I'm sure."
Sam appeared first and I was surprised he wasn't in wolf form.
I felt a smile break out over my face at the sight of him. "Hey Sammy."
"Hey shorty." He said, grinning. "You look. . . yourself. 'Cept the eyes."
I shuddered, "I hate the eyes. But. . . Carlisle thinks I have the gift of self-control. Yay I guess. I was kind've hoping to be able to shoot lightning from the sky but I'll take what I can get."
Sam raised an eyebrow, looking between Carlisle and I. "She really hasn't changed at all."
Carlisle chuckled, "No. No she hasn't."
"How is everyone?" I asked. "Have you heard from Jacob at all?"
Sam paused and then said, "How about you come down on the Rez."
I blinked. "What?"
Sam sighed, "Billy, Sue, Old Quil, and I. . . well we might've come up with a late wedding gift for you. We decided, as you're basically the wolves mother, you could come down on the Rez. You're the only one, mind you, although Carlisle, you're not that bad."
"Thanks." Carlisle muttered, but he looked worried, "Are you sure you're okay with this?"
I paused, glancing over at Sam and then sniffed tentatively. I cocked my head to the side, "You don't smell."
Sam looked surprised and then said, "You don't smell either. Well, not bad anyways."
Carlisle looked stunned. "I don't understand this at all."
I tilted my head, "Could it be because I'm- or was- half werewolf? So maybe I don't have an aversion to them?"
Carlisle hesitated, "I need to research this."
He was in front of me in a flash, taking my face in his hands, kissing me hard. I kissed back fiercely, wrapping my fingers into his hair. We kissed until Sam cleared his throat. "I'm as romantic as either of you, but I don't like watching my little sister kiss anyone."
I giggled, pulling back from Carlisle. "I'll see you back at our house, okay?"
Carlisle kissed the side of my head, pulling away slowly, and then he was gone.
I hesitated on the brink of the treaty line before carefully stepping over it. I looked around nervously and then said, "No booby traps?"
He chuckled. "None."
I reached my arms out hesitantly and then he pulled me into a hug. I inhaled his warm, comforting smell. Like jasmine and spices, sweat and leather rolled into one. I sighed. "I'm glad you smell the same."
"What do I smell like?" Sam questioned.
"Jasmine, spices, sweat, and leather." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed. "It's a good combination."
"Hmm." Sam said, pulling away, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, pulling me through the forest. "And you smell like honey, almonds, peaches, and lime."
I growled. "I know I smell like fruit. I've been told several times."
Sam chuckled.
Very soon, we were at Emily's house.
"Umm, Sam." I said in a small voice as Emily came out to greet us. I grabbed his shirt, hiding halfway behind him.
"Davina!" Emily cried happily, stopping short of me. I hesitated, almost trembling behind Sam. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Emily. I noticed Jared and Paul emerge, looks of excitement on their faces too.
"Hey Vampire mom!" Jared called, jogging over.
I shivered.
"It's alright Davina." Sam said. "You're not going to hurt them."
I inhaled deeply, smelling for Emily's scent directly. And though I smelled her, though her blood smelled divine, there was no unnecessary craving for it.
I let go of Sam's shirt a little, taking a few steps till I was closer to Emily, but still hesitating. "Hi." I said softly.
Emily threw her arms around me, taking me by shock, making me freeze. Sam was there in a second, worry in his eyes until I very slowly put my arms around her.
"That wasn't so bad." I mumbled as she pulled away.
Sam seemed rather relieved. "So. . ."
"I mean. . .you smell good." I said half-heartedly, still really nervous. Though I couldn't smell the werewolves as awful, my nerves were tingling like I knew I was being surrounded by enemies, "But I'm not craving after your blood. Or any blood for that matter." I frowned a little. "I hunted a mountain lion today. It didn't taste as good as I thought it might."
"You hunted a mountain lion?" Jared asked with a grin. "What was it like?"
"Boring." I said slowly. "It kind've just stood there while I killed it. Maybe it was in shock?"
"But you said it didn't taste good?" Sam asked, frowning slightly.
I shifted uncomfortably. They were okay with this conversation? "Well. . . I could taste everything individually. The water, the salt, the plasma. It wasn't very good. The water was most potent in taste, but it didn't taste. . . it didn't taste like blood really."
"Interesting." Jared said.
"Mom!" Seth's voice called from behind me and a brilliant smile lit up my face. I turned, dashing towards him and wrapping my arms around him. I was very careful not to squeeze him to tightly though.
"Hi Seth." I said with a grin.
I could hear Jared and Paul complaining behind me about how I hadn't hugged them.
I darted till I was in front of Jared and Paul and hugged both of them too.
"Paul imprinted." Seth offered.
My eyes lit up, "Really!"
Paul rolled his eyes but he was trying not to smile either. "Yeah. Jacob's sister. Rachel."
"Quil imprinted too." Jared said.
"Really?" I asked, astonished. "Did everyone imprint while I was dead?"
"No." Seth said glumly. "I haven't. Neither has Leah or Embry or Jacob or Collin or Brady."
I ruffled Seth's hair. "Well good. You're to young for love."
Embry and Quil showed up sometime later. I found out that Quil had imprinted on a two year old named Claire, who happened to be related to Leah and Emily.
Privately, I was thinking that it made sense they were imprinting on each other's family members. Jacob was a powerful member of the wolf family. Which meant his sisters' technically had the gene too. So it made sense for Paul to imprint on one of the sisters. And anyone related to Leah, Seth, and Emily would have strong genes too from Harry's side of things. Same with Quil's blood line.
I didn't stay long, not wanting to overstay my welcome for one thing, but also wanting to get back home to Carlisle.
Unfortunately, Paul still wasn't good at keeping his nose out of other people's business. "So what are you going to do tonight?"
I raised an eyebrow. "I have no idea."
"So you and doctor aren't going to. . . get it on?" Paul smirked.
I wish I could've blushed. I scowled at him instead, putting my hands over Seth's ears. "Not in front of the kids dumbass."
Paul snickered.
I got to my feet, swooping down and kissing Sam on the cheek. "I'll come back soon, I promise."
"Stay safe." Sam said and I smirked, rolling my eyes.
And then I was gone, running back for the treaty line, back into the forest, and back to my house.
Our house.
Carlisle and mine house.
I stepped inside.
Carlisle was in front of me in an instant. "Shh, they're asleep."
"They sleep!" I said, delighted.
He nodded, smiling slightly. "Did you have a good time at the reservation?"
I nodded, "I was very happy."
"Good." Carlisle whispered, moving his lips to the skin underneath my ear. "Mm, do I get you all to myself tonight?"
I giggled, "Yes you do."
"Good." Carlisle growled.
Before I knew it, we were in our bedroom, on the bed. I was under him, his dark gold eyes practically glowing.
I yanked him down to me, my hands wrapped in his reddish-yellow locks, pulling his lips to crash down on mine. He growled against my lips, his tongue fighting for dominance against my open lips. Except this time, I could hold my own fight.
Our tongues mixed together, creating new sensations while his hands traveled down to my shirt. He didn't even bother unbuttoning it, ripping it in half instead and I was grateful that it was a new top I hadn't gotten attached to yet.
I rolled over, pressing him down to the bed, gripping his hips with my legs, squeezing tightly as I tore his shirt apart, blue buttons flying and scattering across the floor.
I pressed my lips right above his pants line, licking a stripe all the way up his chest, his neck, all the way to his earlobe before nipping at it. He growled again, his fingers pulling at the stretchy leggings I was wearing, pulling them downwards and they were discarded as well.
My fingers worked fast, undoing his belt, yanking it out of the belt loops, tossing it away. It fell to the ground with a dull clink. I unzipped the black dress pants, pulling them down quickly. His arms were behind my head in an instant, his body pressed against mine and I could feel his member pressing against my mound.
Our mouths moved furiously in sync with each other, our hands tangled in each others' hair. I moaned against his lips as one of his hands traveled down to my heat, rubbing my clit with lightning fast speed between his fingers.
The sensations were even more erotic as a vampire. They hadn't been lying when they said your emotions were heightened. This was at least ten times better than when I had been human.
"C-C-Carlisle." I moaned out. "Please."
He plunged three fingers into me, thrusting them in and out at a furious pace, rubbing my clit even faster.
My eyes rolled back in my head as I clutched his shoulders before I bit down on his bottom lip, his fingers bringing me over the edge, and I released all over them.
I could smell the arousal now, bitter and exotic and sharp. Carlisle slowly pulled his fingers from my warmth, sticking them in his mouth, licking them clean.
I wanted to ask if that actually tasted good, but didn't want to ruin the moment either.
Carlisle smashed his lips to mine again, flipping me back over on my back into the pillows. I could taste myself on him, something that seemed highly erotic and actually somewhat pleasant. My tastes and his tastes all mixed together.
"Carlisle." I growled, missing the fullness between my legs. I rolled over so that he was pressed into the sheets, angling myself to go down on him.
His hands shot to my hips, thrusting me back into the pillows, before pounding into me. He bottomed out and I gasped in pleasure, eyes rolling backwards before I recovered, bucking my hips to get him to move.
He moved in and our, faster than I thought possible, even with the speeds we could run.
I was a whimpering mess under him, surrendering to him completely. "Carlisle , please!"
"What baby? What do you need?" Carlisle purred lowly in my ear, his dick a blur as he thrusted in and out of me.
I whimpered, wanting more, "More, Carlisle, more."
"More what baby?"
My eyes rolled back into my head, my hands gripping his shoulders.
I had no idea what I wanted more of, I just knew I wanted more. "Faster."
The fuck? Could he go faster? Something was wrong with my br-
He thrusted even faster and I was practically screaming underneath him. His mouth, lowered to my breasts, flicking out at my nipple. The overstimulation was overwhelming. I barely got his name out as I clenched around his cock and milked it for all it was worth. He didn't stop, pounding me through my orgasm, drawing it out, chasing his own release.
The sensation was more than white static. It was a burning white fire that made my toes curl and now I saw how it had taken Emmett and Rose weeks to leave their house. I never wanted to leave this. I wanted Carlisle and I to continue going forever.
We were blessed with such short refractory periods it wasn't even funny.
This was probably going to be my favorite extra curricular activity outside everything else.
"CARLISLE!" I screamed as he twisted my nipple tightly between his smooth dexterous fingers, pulling it, sending the jolt straight to my clit at the same time I came.
My entire body was shaking and her wrapped one arm around me. My legs, wobbly, I jerked forward, the both of us landing off the bed and onto the floor. We didn't even break rhythm, barely noticing the stone floor beneath the both of us. Carlisle simply rolled over onto the carpet, pulling me on top of him, thrusting upwards into me.
We couldn't even get sore.
Carlisle moved his lips to my throat, biting, licking, sucking at my skin, purring with delight as large purple bruises popped up on my skin.
I growled, trying to mark him the same way, and failing. That caused enough confused for the both of us to slow down and observe things.
When we finally came to a complete stop, I was breathing shallowly and so was he. Carlisle ran his hand over my neck, observing the bruises.
He pulled out slowly, causing our combined juices to pool out onto his stomach and he chuckled lightly, kissing me.
"Let's take this to the bathroom, shall we?"
I wasn't as ecstatic, touching the bruises.
"Carlisle, what's wrong with me?" I asked in a whisper. "My skin marks, I don't thirst after blood, blood doesn't even taste that good to me, and I feel completely normal!"
Carlisle pulled me into his arms, carrying me to the bathroom, "There's nothing wrong with you darling. Maybe. . . maybe your gift delves farther than self control."
"So what is it?" I asked.
"Maybe it's more of a. . . normality gift. A gift that keeps you human in a vampire body. I wonder. . . " he drifted off, thinking deeply.
"What?" I questioned.
He looked at me, pulling out the handle on the bathtub- which by the way was huge- and let it fill with warm water. "I was wondering if you could eat human food was all."
I frowned slightly. "But vampires-"
"Vampires also can't bruise." Carlisle said, smiling almost sadly, running his fingers over my hickeys.
"Am I not a vampire?" I questioned. It was overwhelming and venom welled up in my eyes. "Did something go wrong during the transformation?"
"No." Carlisle said. "The only thing that could go wrong is you died. But you didn't. You are a vampire Davina. That much is obvious by the eye colour, the speed, the strength. You have all the physical attributes of a vampire. But when it comes to feeding, that's where you're different. I think it must relate to some sort of gift."
"Carlisle, if my skin can bruise, doesn't that mean I could be killed easier than a normal vampire?" I whispered quietly.
Fear flashed through his eyes for the briefest second. I knew he was thinking about the Volturi and the enemy I had made myself out of Jane.
"I. . . I don't know. There's no way to test it without hurting you either." Carlisle whispered. "I can't test it on you. I can't let anyone else test that on you."
"But evidence suggests it, right?" I questioned softly, throwing my arms around his neck, holding him to me.
"Yes." He said quietly.
I sat there for a long time before he slipped both of us into the bathtub. "It's okay." Carlisle whispered, "We'll figure it out. Everything will be okay."
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 4 months
For @sausage-rolls34, along with anyone else who would like to see it, here is a fic rec list for Hannibal, plus one Good Omens and one Supernatural at the bottom! I think there are too many to link, but I'll provide titles, authors, and ratings, as well if some are omega verse, mpreg, ect., and if they are post-fall or AU because I know my tastes in fanfic can seem strange to some. It's all under the cut!
Great Cathedrals by l3moncoffee- Rated G, implied/referenced mpreg.
His Shadow Suspended on Dust by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated T, omega verse, post-mpreg.
For Remembrance (Holes in the Floor of the Mind) by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated M, Hannibal gets amnesia, Abigail lives.
Chasing Thoroughbreds by HigherMagic- Rated E for sexual content and violence, omega verse, mpreg mentions/discussions, amnesia fic.
Nothing But Music From This Point On by RichlyJeweledHands- Rated G, POV Wally after he joins the FBI to find Will.
Stars Around My Scars by WordsAblaze- Rated G, Will and Hannibal discussing scars.
Perfect the Way We Are by capn_fuzzy- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg.
The Birth of the Lamb by HollyMartins- Rated M, mpreg, miscarriage included.
Earth Tones by sourweather- Rated T, Hannibal and Will in Cuba.
nothing in the world belongs to me but my love by antiheroblake- Rated M, injured Hannibal.
I want, I want, I want by horror (gazing)- Rated T, post-fall courtship done by Will.
I'm Not Made for This by stranded_labyrinth- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg.
DNR by herding_elephants- Rated M, includes Major Character Death.
Til death do us part by Ruiz_M- Not rated, dark and possessive Will.
bluebird waltz by indigocarnation- Rated E, suicide attempt
Mouth to Mouth Resurrection by McRibFarewellTour- Not rated, depression story.
Beneath the Brine by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated T, Major Character Death included.
Look Yourself in the Eye Before You Drown by McRibFarewellTour- Rated M, Hannibal feeling angsty.
I've Seen It All by threadoflace- Not rated, Will goes blind in the fall.
If Only by deathbymistletoe- Rated G, about Alana and Margot after they flee.
I love you more than the world can contain by wr3tchedthing- Rated G, they're old men in Cuba.
The Sweetness of Our Dreams by WinstonsDad- Rated M, omega verse, Will turns up shot one year post-fall and Hannibal is nowhere to be found.
A Verger Baby by myramcqueen- Not rated, Margot's POV about Morgan.
Your Own False Condition by McRibFarewellTour- Rated T, Hannibal tries to get Will a dog, angsty.
Unease Surrounds Us by FantabulousAss- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg.
Darkly, solemnly, softly by unwantedprayer- Not rated, Hannibal is severely injured post-fall and Will cares for him.
Scars, and how we got them by Dancycore- Rated M, Will and Hannibal talk about their scars.
Feast or Famine by BeetleBabble- Rated M, Hannibal has an eating disorder and Will notices.
lifeboat by wolfgraham- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg, very dark, baby death.
The Fisherman and the Beast from the Sea by ByJoveWhatASpend, PragmaticHominid, Pragnificent (PragmaticHominid)- Rated E, not exactly mpreg, Hannibal is a shark person Will falls for (Shape of Water AU), 1920s setting.
Letters to Hannibal by ElizaLeto- Rated M, Will goes to war AU, mpreg, written in the form of letters.
Caraval by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated M, magic AU based off the book Caraval, omega verse, referenced/future mpreg.
Like Calls by Buuuutidgaf- Rated E, omega verse, referenced/implied/future mpreg, everyone lives in the woods.
Deadly Courtship by flutterbydream- Rated E, mermaid/merman AU, omega verse, mpreg.
Autumnal by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated T, Hades and Persephone AU, part one of my series.
what you're given, what you live in by Flamin_Homosexual- Rated E, Tangled AU.
All That Shatters by AngelofSadness- Rated M, Victorian setting, omega verse.
From slave to mother by bravewhenfearful- Rated M, Victorian AU, omega verse, mpreg.
Hunt and Belong by hearteatertrih- Rated T, Will is a god, Hannibal a sacrifice.
We have everythin' (Our love is enough) by LaynaVile- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg, vampire Hannibal, werewolf Will.
Holding Moonlight by whenitstarted- Rated E, The Handmaid's Tale AU, omega verse, mpreg.
A Song of Love and Crime by TheSilverQueen- Rated M, GoT AU, omega verse, mpreg.
The Only Butterflies Will Be the Ones in Your Chest by faithfulDiscord- Rated T, god AU, Will is the god of death, Hannibal the god of life.
It Takes Two to Nest by The SilverQueen- Rated T, omega verse, mpreg.
Lonely Eyes by sourweather- Rated M, highschool AU, non-verbal Will.
Tower of Destiny by mz_hyde- Rated M, fairy tale AU, so funny.
Exalation by cactus_junkie- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg, Will was kidnapped and sold to Mason.
Sanctified by ms_masago- Rated E, omega verse, Will was held captive and abused by Mason, Hannibal tries to help him.
Like Home by Lady_Thunder- Rated E, omega verse, Will being held by Mason, Hannibal helps him escape.
Patient Is the Night by MooshiShoomi- Not rated, mpreg, post-partum anxiety.
Winter's Eve by MooshiShoomi- Not rated, mentioned mpreg, Christmas story.
Conflicting Desires by PinkDeviant (PinkieDev)- Rated M, Borrowers AU, Will is tiny.
SCRIMSHAW by KINGLEON- Rated M, they're dragons AU.
Daylight, Inc by DBMars- Rated E, vampire and vampire hunters AU.
Arranged To Be Married by Geekygirl24- Rated E, omega verse, Will and Hannibal are in an arranged marriage.
rise and fall by bearclaws- Rated E, omega verse, canon divergent AU.
arrangement by YouAreMyDesign- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg, loosely based on The Handmaid's Tale.
Every Single Glance is a Different Word by A_David- Rated M, college AU, Will pretends to be deaf to minimize interactions with people.
Iridescent by Stanxiety- Rated E, mpreg, Will's a merman.
You Name the Babies, I'll Name the Dogs by sourweather- Rated E, omega verse, Will and Hannibal have a family.
Footprints in Snow by scorpiobabylon (orphan_account)- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg, Hannibal meets Will while hunting.
sweet summer child. by SunnyJune- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg.
The Lost Royal Claim by slashyrogue- Rated E, Will is a king, Hannibal his husband, and Hannibal has amnesia.
I have no idea how to categorize these:
La Sposa del Mostro by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg, Bedelia POV, time in Florence rewrite.
beginnings by orphan_account- Rated M, Bedelia gets pregnant in Italy rewrite.
How Sharp Her Teeth by lovetincture- Rated M, mpreg, season 1 AU.
What the Little Mouse Brings by WinstonsDad- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg, Hannibal rescues Will after killing his captor.
when the bow breaks by abstracteevee- Rated T, omega verse, traumatic birth.
Unfolding by Aqueronte- Rated T, Bedelia gets pregnant in Florence, miscarriage.
together they have trampled the green and golden rue by silvergoldsea- Rated G, Will and Hannibal are genderless forest dwellers.
blood, drying by wolverton- Rated M, the three years between the first and second halves of season 3 about Will's life.
Weaving fragments by BattyMadison- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg, Mizumono twist.
Predators by TheQuietWings- Rated G, boop war-inspired story.
Transition by Anonymous- Rated E, mpreg.
Winter by friendlyhostile- Not rated, Hannibal has a hard time with the snow.
The Note by j0uii- Rated T, crack-y fic, Will becomes two cats (yes, two).
No One Will Ever Love Me Like You Again by Will_Graham_My_Love- Not rated, a letter Will wrote to Hannibal after his arrest.
On Top by bcomplexe- Rated G but contains sexual content, Winston's POV about Hannibal.
Prevision by Dreams_in_Silence- Rated T, omega verse, mpreg, Christmas story.
How Can I Move On? by ElizaLeto- Rated G, Will and Duncan Vizla, sad.
What Brings Us to Now by Ineffable_Hannigram- Rated G, Hannibal has an eating disorder, but not how you think.
Happy Little (not so) Accident by MelodicWriter- Rated E, Jack makes the team go paint to build trust.
Halloweenie by adavice- Rated E, mpreg, Hannibal is impregnated by a mysterious creature and tries to solve the mystery.
The Haunting of Hannibal Lecter by BattyMadison- Rated T, Will gets hit by a car, turns into a ghost, and attaches himself to Hannibal.
'cause baby, I don't think I'm the one for by LaynaVile- Rated T, omega verse, mpreg, miscarriage.
Late Spring by Demiurgos- Rated T, omega verse, Hannibal's view during Mizumono.
Will in White by Lady_Thunder- Rated T, Will is a woman in white.
Little Mischa by AriesOnMars- Rated G, mpreg.
He Who Made the Lamb by Sanguineheroine- Rated M, omega verse, Murder Family.
Never Saw Us Coming by Words Ablaze- Rated E, set during the episode where they found Beverly's body.
satiation by HogwartsToAlexandria- Rated M, post Digestivo, mpreg.
There's a Monster Inside of Me by Stronglyobsessed- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg.
A Reflective on Incidental Fishing by SaitouLover- Rated G, mpreg, AU off season 1 and 2.
The Ravenstag's Lamb by orphan_account- Rated , mpreg, graphic birth.
Good Omens
Call the Midwife- Eldrich Horror Edition by ARealGoodPip- Rated E, Outsider POV, Crowley and Aziraphale have a baby. Part of a series.
Cucumber Lane by LittleAngelCassie- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg.
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enlightenedrobot · 9 months
Concerning the Mouse
Disclaimer. This is a blog post. It's not an essay or legal advice or any of that. It's mostly a collection of thoughts. If you want something a little more well researched, might I suggest this post here. Anyways, let's talk about this lovable rat right here.
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As of January 1st, 2024, Mickey Mouse, as depicted in Steamboat Willie, The Galloping Goncho, and Plane Crazy is in the public domain. Personally, I've been looking forward to this, and I've kinda taken it as a personal challenge to figure out how exactly I can reinterpret the mouse for my own projects. And I actually think I got it. But before that... let's talk about this.
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I don't think the image above is safe.
It's true, Steamboat Willie is in the public domain, but Mickey Mouse is still protected by trademark law, and those frames and that get up specifically are still very much protected.
I can't be too sure about this, because both Infestation 88 (The Videogame) and Mickey's Mouse Trap (The Horror Movie) seem to use variations of this specific design, but like... those ears are probably still protected, as are those pants. This version of Mickey also lacks his iconic white gloves, but contrary to what other people might say, I don't think "old cartoon wearing white gloves" is something uniquely trademarkable to the Disney corporation.
So if you wanna play it safe, it might be a good idea to use other elements provided by these cartoons as the base for your own interpretation of the character.
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This is the version of Mickey Mouse as depicted in the title card of Steamboat Willie, and like, there's a bit more to work with here. His pants have stripes not seen in other incarnations of the character, and he also has a pretty distinct hat and cane.
More notably, his eyes are actually very different from Modern Mickey. They're huge, and the pie eyes that everybody associates with this era of animation are actually pupils. Not the eyes by themself.
What's funny is that there's a definite resemblances between these eyes and those of Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic was apparently based on Mickey Mouse, so I'm not super surprised.
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Those eyes in the title screen actually seem to be a holdover from Plane Crazy, where Mickey Mouse continues to have huge eyes. From that same cartoon, We also have Mickey Mouse deliberately messing up his hair to resemble the pilot Charles Lindbergh.
And like... it's cute. It's a look.
One thing I also keep seeing on social media is that Mickey Mouse has to be Black and White and he's not allowed to speak, because both Mickey's voice and his iconic red pants wouldn't be used until much later.
But like... you're allowed to build on these designs. Just because you can't color his shorts red doesn't mean you can't use color period. And using a different voice for the mouse is a very good way to differentiate your incarnation of the character from Disney's. This isn't legal advice, but I do believe you could get away with giving him a different colored outfit and, say, a deep souther accent ala Foghorn Leghorn.
Anyways, with all this in mind, allow me to introduce my own take on the character, Micheal Elias Mouse Jr. (Mike E. Mouse for short)
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He's a former childstar, the son of the original Mickey Mouse, and an intellectual property lawyer with a dubious degree.
I intentionally made him rattier to make him more distinct, but don't let the smell of beef and cheese scare you off. This mouse might of been hit by hard times, but he still has a big heart, and deep down he's still the mouse we all know and love.
From a design standpoint, I tried my best to make the character recognizably mickey life while also changing up the original silhouette. Neither of the ears are perfect circles and one of them has a pretty significant bite taken out of it. The ratty hair and hat also help.
His gloves are yellow, inspired by various promotional materials for the original Steamboat Willie where Mickey dawns yellow gloves instead of the usual white. Further, I changed up the design of his shorts just because pushing the design that much further would help make this version of the character distinct from the Disney version.
If I'm not already protected by the public domain, I'm also protected by the fact that this character is obviously a parody. Middle aged dilf Mickey is not something Disney would never make, and the story I have in mind for him is more or less critical of the Disney corporation while still celebrating the artistry of the original cartoons and animation on the whole.
Anyways, Mickey Mouse entering the public domain is a big win for creatives everywhere, especially for fans of the original character. My interpretation isn't the only valid take on the character out there and I'm excited to see where everyone else goes now that the rat is free use.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
BONUS: A religious experience for the last remaining follower of a long-dead faith.
(I just was mulling it over in the car on the way to dinner and wanted to add onto that scene in my characters' voices)
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I'm such a huge fan. I can't believe this is even happening. I found this super old book in the woods one day and it talked about how cool you were and-and-and I've dedicated my whole life to--
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Don't take this the wrong way but shut the fuck up. I don't have a lot of energy to burn and for once, this isn't about how cool I am. I don't need your praise right now. ...well, okay, maybe a little praise.
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Your hair looks amazing.
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Thank you, I love the way it glows. ANYWAYS. Not the point. It's all on you right now, man. And that's going to be a problem. Because what exactly are you supposed to be?
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I'm... I'm a ninja. From the Mesa Island Ninja Clan. Which... I guess is now the Mesa Island... Soldier Camp....
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Cultivated person from a cultivated society built to feed an endless recursion of people into a cultivated cycle. That's a whole lot of nobody in my book. What else have you got?
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I'm... um... I'm the Messenger
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Okay. Sure. I'll walk with you to that pier. What is the Messenger? What does that actually mean? What does it mean to you? Is it something you aspired to? Something you spent your whole life wanting? Did you train for this, specifically?
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...I'd never even heard of the concept before a guy handed me the Scroll and said I'm the Messenger now.
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Uh-huh. And if i put a bag on your head and called you Lord Shitpaper would that become your life's ambition?
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...if you did, ma'am?
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Every world and every timeline, it's all the same. People like you get bent over and stepped on by an endless cycle of cosmic assholes.
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With all due respect, should a goddess be saying things like this?
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Do you know where I come from? Sure you do. You memorized my biography and mistook that for a personality. It was a "town" called Mooncradle, and I use that term loosely. The entire thing was an engineered social structure. An assembly line of Solstice Warriors, cultivating people like you just so there'd be enough serfs doing the work of cultivating people like me.
That's all you are to the people who would tell you where to go and what to be. I've met all manner of eldritch beings and immortal entities over the course of my life. And you know what? I've also known nobody mortals from the asscrack of one world or another worth a hundred of those people.
You haven't been following any of those beings. You've been following me. So you want my guidance? My heavenly wisdom? Here you go: Fuck 'em. Fuck what they think. Live fast, fight hard, hug a robot. Make friends in weird places. Do what feels right because it feels right to do it.
Because none of it means anything. The fancy titles and the celestial powers and the great battles of good and evil. It's all just another game between two pitiful mummified assclowns with nothing better to do with their lives than play games of human suffering. We win this one and they just put the board away and set up a new one.
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I don't understand. One of those guys is supposed to be on our side, right? So don't we want him to win? Does it really not matter which is which?
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Oh no, it matters. It matters a lot. Don't get me wrong. One of these guys want to turn people into flesh horrors and exterminate societies and the other wants him not to do that. There is a difference.
But you need to understand that there's rules in place. And those rules? They're only there to fuck you over.
See, that's the difference between me and Resh'an. He wants to win the game. He'll use underhanded tricks to get it, but that's what he wants: To have all the chips on his side and capture his opponent's last piece, then sit smugly in momentary triumph before they set up the next board.
Me? I want to throw the board on the ground and punch the other player in the throat.
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...I think I understand now why you were considered legendary at Wheels.
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HEY, I never....
ONE TIME. That happened one time and I was still learning.
The point is, none of this is going to work if you're just chasing propriety. You've fucked up hard enough to stall out the system. You put a crack in its hull. That's good. That means you have a chance to pry the whole goddamn mechanism apart.
But you can't do it for those clowns in blue hoods. You can't do it because the Prophecy said so. And you can't do it for me. I mean this in the nicest way possible: You need to get a fucking life, man. Find a hobby. Make actual friends and not just... cosmic coworkers. Do you even have a name?
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I'm... I'm Ninja.
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That's depressing.
Look, play the game or don't. You know what's at stake. I don't have to tell you. But whatever you do, it needs to be because you wanted something. Whether that's a friend or a goal or just to slide a knife between an asshole's ribs, you need to be doing it for you. That's the only way to win.
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You know, this isn't what I thought meeting you would be like. It's strange but it almost feels like a weight is lifting off my shoulders. Like I don't have to try and be some cosmic champion or whatever. It's okay to just. Be. A guy.
You're right. I've been so busy chasing what I'm supposed to do. I haven't stopped to think about what I want out of life. Truth is, I'm lonely. All of my relationships are just about the work. Working the job. Being the guy. Doing the thing.
But I guess we all are, aren't we? Gods and heroes and even monsters. We're all just people looking for connections. Bleeding the same blood, even if it takes the form of fire or something.
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The world looks a lot smaller when you've got someone's head up your ass. But if you come down off their shoulders, you might just find yourself in company you can enjoy.
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Hahaha that's so gross. I don't know if anyone ever told you this. But you're kind of an asshole.
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Yeah. Well. I'm a goddess.
Who the hell are you?
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Hey. We're outside of time and space, right? Which technically means there's no rush.
This place is full of centuries of old junk. I found a deck of cards while I was rifling through the "merchandise" we don't actually sell to anyone. There's some other old stuff that looks recreational in there too.
Shot in the dark. I'm throwing a game night. Would you like to come?
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formulaorange · 1 year
2023 Summer Anime
This is the anime season I've been waiting for this year:
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Jujutsu Kaisen - Season 2 speaks for itself, long awaited, goated characters, fun action packed story
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Bleach: Thousand year Blood War - Season 2 One of the best come backs of all time for an anime, the first season was absolutely worth waiting 10+ years for. Season 2 back to kill it again I'm sure.
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Horimiya: Piece - 13 Episodes One of my favourite shoujo romance series. This isn't the second season but it's a lot of new content that didn't make it into the original series. Another one lots of people have been waiting for.
Another one of my all time favourite shoujo (?)/fantasy? series is coming back this season as well: Sugar Apple Fairy Tale This was such a brutal cliffhanger to leave us on in the first half and I honestly cried so much. This is a highly anticipated second cour for me. We also have Mushoku tensei season 2 coming this season. While I feel like it's definitely one of the top isekais out there, I'm not too sure how this second season will do, it seems a bit darker and has a different vibe to it. We'll have to wait and see. There's also a bunch of series that attempted to air in the winter series but were halted for one reason or another: The misfit at demon lord academy - season 2 The devil as a part timer!! - season 2 After watching what they did release originally, I feel like these series could honestly have been left alone and been such solid series. Who knows if they'll redeem themselves. NieR:Automata Ver 1.1a - it seems like this is only going to be 4 episodes, not too sure what's New Series:
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The Girl I like forgot her Glasses A new romance series that looks straightforward and wholesome. Pretty much what the title says. It's done by an older studio, known for the 2012 anime "K". It seems like they're trying to make a comeback as they're also releasing the following show this season: The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today I've heard of the manga for this series and it's supposed to be quite highly rated but I honestly know nothing about it. My guess is that it'll be popular with the manga readers but likely won't get too much traction in the wider audiences. My Happy Marriage Historical romance series that honestly looks like it checks all the boxes for me. Arranged marriage by evil step-mother of a quiet girl to a supposed cold hearted commander with money. The quality animations are honestly a bonus.
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Zom 100 I think this is exactly the kind of show that'll do well as an anime, it's big, loud, and stupid (in a good way). A 24year old salaryman realizes he never has to work again when the zombie apocalypse hits japan. Definitely a fun one to watch this season.
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Helck This is a new fantasy/comedy series where a human - Helck, is nominated as demon lord. Big muscle brain who hates other humans and wants to destroy humanity. The manga was just released in english so I've heard the name around recently and think it'll be a fun watch. Dark Gathering A new horror/supernatural series where a shut in start working for a child prodigy psychic who wants to hunt down the spirit related to her mothers disappearance. Seems like it could be a half-decent supernatural series, it's been a while since I've watched one so i'll likely check it out.
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Undead Girl Murder Farce Another interesting dark looking series. It's about a disembodied head who's a detective who travels with her half-demon friend and maid around Europe solving supernatural related mysteries. Liar, Liar A big brain battle anime about people faking each other out to win some kind of tournament (?) I know people like this kinda series quite a bit, like Classroom of the Elite so I figured I'd throw this in incase you're interested. Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero A new comedy fantasy series that's popular in the manga realm. After 10 year the hero and the retired demon lord room together as the Demon lord tries to get the hero back in shape. What I wanted from Devil as a part-timer. Record of Ragnarok - Season 2 I honestly have so much fun with this series and have no complaints about the animation style, looking forward to the new battles. Along the same lines: Hanma Baki- Season 2 Easy brainless violence/entertainment Link Click 2 I really need to get to watching the first season, I know this is supposed to be an incredible series with solid animations. Fate/Strange Fake A new season of fate, animated by A-1 who'll be doing solo leveling. I've been putting off watching the series but honestly will likely try and catch up for this season. Sequels: Masamune Kun's Revenge R (season 2) Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 3 BSD Season 5 The Duke of Death and His Maid Season 2 Spy Classroom Season 2 Others/Isekai/Fantasy: The Gene of AI - technically just sci fi - detroit become human meets medical show Hero Classroom - honestly the one that has the most potential out of this list - Hero/Fantasy/Ecchi/School Genre Atelier Ryza - looks a little promising, new alchemy apprentice in fantasy world Reign of the Seven Spellblades - Harry Potter type fantasy school (but not really in a good way)
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odisparo-writes · 2 months
Writer News
I've been writing all this time nonstop. Well, actually, revising/restructuring--I have a full book that I'm whipping into release-ready state. Of course, I'm indie, so I'm doing it all on my own, from cover to finished ebook. I invested in some programs to help me with editing and that's what's been taking all my time.
The project isn't a huge one, but I'm pretty excited about it. I've shared the first book of Native Blood (now called Harvest Night) many times over the years, and each time it finds its readers who enjoy the dark and intense journey within. This time around, I think readers will be a mix of old and new. I hope this tale continues to entertain lovers of 18+ horror.
I've hit 154,000 words, and have about 18 chapters to go. Yes, that's quite a lot. It's a big book. Not intentional, hence why this is going to live as an indie passion project, though I'll be tagging it with an ISBN to draw my line in the sand as an author.
Although at the end of this I'll be cutting as many words as possible, but I've found readers that enjoy the story have no problem reading all those words. The reason I haven't dropped the project is because I wrote a Book 2, and that one seemed to be even better liked. I have some other titles too that found their readers, so I keep writing, and now I'm releasing it so anyone can read my stuff at any time.
I'm also returning to create stuff expressly to send to publishers. With all this work I'm doing backstage (I'm really beating myself up), I'd love to connect with the right publication or publisher.
Synopsis of my current pride and joy:
NATIVE BLOOD: HARVEST NIGHT [Book One] Rated R: Violence, Sexuality, Mature or Disturbing Themes Genres: Horror, Scifi-Fantasy, Drama, Supernatural (Vampire/Zombie/Cosmic) Themes: War, Love, Friendship, Family, Identity, Technology
Elias Pendergast, leader of a company of hunters on an alien planet, discovers signs of a dangerous attack the same night his teenage brother attends an illegal underground party.
Other Notes: This book follows 3 distinct POV characters--Elias Pendergast, president of Silatem; Adam Pendergast, his teenage brother and graduating senior; and Talitha Morai, a native orphan who was brought into human society through a Pendergast charity foundation. Elias and Adam are estranged and both affected by their father's execution by a native warleader. Talitha lives among humans and is struggling with hostile attitudes for her bloodline, though the Pendergasts are one of many entities that attempt to broker peace between natives and humans. The occupation of "Hunter" exists because although natives and humans can breed, the volatility of the mix sometimes sparks rabidity. I'll also mention the natives are immortal blood drinkers and this is their planet, so they love the sun. It's part of who they are and their native beliefs. The bite's an open hobby/therapy/fetish(all the above) between humans and natives, but that also can spark rabidity. Hunters are quite busy worldwide. My humans are from our Earth, though farther in the future, and yeah, my natives know about our vampire stories. :) The plotline I've written above is exactly what to expect the book to be about, but I explore the bigger story around it too. That's why it's on the longer side, so it's great for readers that like character and world development alongside the plot. My writer tag line's always, "Long Dark Tales For Long Dark Night." That's what Native Blood, and my other stories, are--only Rated R and I'm not kidding, if you're more affected, it can be scary or upsetting.
If my premise stokes questions in you, it's likely I've thought about it and have/will address it. My humans can't get off this planet and don't know why, they have no idea why their civilization crashed there, and they want to go home--but after 1000 years, they've become quite comingled.
I do know where they are, why they're there, and if they can go home. That's the plotline of the series. But first, let's start with Harvest Night. It's a standalone book, so you never have to read past the first to get a full story, but if you want to proceed...the first book is directly tied to what happens later.
That's what I'm doing right now. I hope by the end of August I'll have a full draft ready to cut to final length. (This story is inspired by so many things, both ficitional and not. No matter what else you see or how pretty/neat/funny it seems, don't be distracted--I write horror. Don't say I didn't warn you.)
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moonmothmama · 2 years
i thought i was just watching Sandman for Cain and Abel but!! Mad Hettie!!
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angelwars11 · 4 years
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Title: What would you do if you had more time?
Prompt: Clock
Pairing: Codex
Rating: T
Word count: 6k
‘Time. What is time? Time is an ugly storm in which we are all lost. Time is when your children grow from young to old. When a seed grows into a tree. When things change from new to unusable. When people marry and divorce. When birth becomes death. When seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years go by without stopping. You can’t stop time. It’s simply impossible.’
‘Time is running out for all of us. But if you give a little nudge, a little push against the clock’s hands; then maybe, just maybe, you possess enough strength and determination to push time back.’ -By Me (Beta/Angel)
This is day 4 of the ClonecestInJuly challenge! I finished this prompt a week ago and the editing was finished last night, the beta reading was finalized today. Now this one is very angsty, sad, and is also said to be a tear-jerker, and I quote, “Oh thank god, that got me all teary-eyed.” by my marvelous beta reader @gimmeclones. It’s also edited by my fabulous revisor, @blazesurrender! Thank you darlings!! P.S. the flower’s symbolism in this story is Hope.
Who’s ready to cry and hug a pillow close to their chest? Who’s ready to want to hug the characters really hard? If you are ready, please, press the ‘keep reading’ link. Enjoy!!
*Warning: Pretty angsty! If you aren’t into angst, then please don’t read! Also, you will cry so grab a tissue box.
Time. What is time? Time is an ugly storm in which we are all lost. Time is when your children grow from young to old. When a seed grows into a tree. When things change from new to unusable. When people marry and divorce. When birth becomes death. When seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years go by without stopping. You can’t stop time. It’s simply impossible.
Some people waste their time away by doing unremarkable or unimportant things that won’t help them in the long run. Then, once they even waste it away, they can’t do anything about it. 
The elderly, who’ve lived their lives to the very end, will tell you one thing:
“Time is valuable, and when it is gone, it’s gone. Time is wealth, and unlike credits, when it is gone, you cannot replace it.”
You may think that time is invisible to the naked eye, but no, it’s not. Actually, you can see it right there in front of you above every person’s head like a marker. Marking. Or target them for an inevitable change. 
Numbers, colored in neon glowing colors would float above your head since the time you were born; and they only change from green to red when you are approaching your end. Everyone has this. Not one person has never been born without it. An ugly and scarily real reminder of what is to come if you are not careful. 
The scary thing about it is that you can stop what’s coming. Only fate has your life in its hands. Would you trust in fate? It could change directions if you chose a different path. Could that path lead you right to your death? Could your decision be right—or very wrong and lead you to your undoing? 
Rex has never known what to do about fate because he can’t do anything about it; not that he knows of. These glow green numbers have floated above his head for as long as he could remember. He couldn’t touch these numbers. His hands went right through them. 
The green would pixelate and float away. Then they’ll come back at some point. You touching your own numbers wouldn’t affect your time or you, it just makes the numbers dissolve and at some point it’ll bounce back. 
Rex’s numbers say exactly: 60:12:20:18
He has exactly 60 years, 12 months, 20 minutes, and 18 seconds until he dies. Rex is unbelievably surprised by this amount of years he has. First of all, all clones barely have time on their hands; or more like on their heads. Seriously! Some clones have mere minutes or hours until they die and it’s really unnerving to know that you are about to die on your next mission someplace and you don’t even know HOW you’ll die. 
Rex stares at the numbers over his head for a long time. They continue to count down every second. He shakes his head and sighs. What can I do about it? Fate is unclear sometimes. At one point, Rex’s number specifically said 01:36:18:01 till he died, and that was before the battle of Geonosis—the first battle of the Clone Wars when clone troopers were introduced. Rex actually believed he was going to die that day, but something changed it; somehow he changed it. 
A plasma grenade landed in the sand in front of him and his numbers stuttered. He remembers this so vividly. Then Rex ran in the opposite direction and the blast sent him flying forward. He woke up dazed, confused, and dizzy most of all. Rex forced himself to stand and continue fighting but he didn’t realize his number got knocked all the way back to 02:03:60:59. 
Two years! Rex thought about it. What if we can change our path and divert to another path away from death itself? He dismissed these crazy thoughts and called them childish or far-fetched fantasies that simply couldn’t come true. That all changed once Rex was sent to Teth and his numbers dropped; they were falling—and falling fast. 
Ventress took hold of him, attempting to use the force to make him comm his General, but Rex fought her control long enough to say his General’s first name, Anakin, and that alone improved his numbers. Ventress left him against the wall. His numbers rose to 03:08:60:59.
At the time, Rex had no idea how he got his time all the way up to 50 years! But he did somehow after spending many long days and hourless nights thinking, and he finally perceived the truth. I can change the pathway fate has carved for me. 
He should be happy that his life ended up that long, as a result of his quick-thinking, but it also makes Rex feel sad every time he looks upon a vod’s numbers and it’s spiraling down to zero. Rex wants to hide away his numbers sometimes, he can’t though. 
Oh well. Rex sighs internally and leaves the ‘fresher. 
Rex is getting ready for a big mission to follow a signal being transmitted to a Separatist Cyber Center on the planet’s surface. Hours ago, Rex and Commander Cody came forward to Jedi Generals Made Windy and Anakin Skywalker with their theory that the Separatists had somehow managed to figure out Rex’s strategic “playbook”, and Cody had proposed taking a team behind enemy lines to investigate.
Rex finishes getting ready in the ‘fresher and exits. He walks over to the nearest bunk and sits down on it. A soft glowing light, warm and orange shines onto his face. 
He smiles to himself. 
On his holo-pad, he stares at a picture of him, Cody, Fives, and Echo. They all looked so… happy. Which should be kind of unusual during a war. Rex enjoyed his time with all three of them. Echo was taken away from them, a couple weeks after the picture was taken, during the Citadel Mission on Lola Sayu. Fives had never been the same since. Now, they are both gone. Rex doesn’t like to think about what happened to Fives. His hand grips tighter onto the edge of the screen. 
Rex believes that Echo is alive and he’s the reason why their algorithm keeps getting recognized and used against them. The swish of the doors opening turned Rex away from his holo-pad and towards his riduur. Cody. Rex smiles at him. 
Nobody is around. I could just- 
“Kot’ika, hey.” Rex let’s the nickname slip from his lips. Cody’s eyes soften from their natural hardened look. He always looks that way with everyone, especially when in serious situations. 
“Rex. You wanted to talk.” Cody barely lets a flicker of a smile show on his face. Rex knows he’s just trying to be the big bad Commander and barely show any emotion. He only ever shows true emotion, or loving emotion, when they are in the bedroom.
“Yes,” Rex confirms, “I did.”
The two of them talk about how Echo could be the potential reason for the Separatists constant victories. Rex deduces Echo is the only possible weak point for how the Separatists could have gotten the algorithm since his body has never been recovered. It is a bit of a far stretch though. It leaves Cody feeling skeptical of the theory after Rex tells him his idea. 
“I hope you’re right. But the fact is, Echo’s fingerprints are all over the Separatist’s strategies.” Rex looks at Cody. The other’s scratched up helmet sits nestled against his left hip. 
“Rex. You have to admit what you’re saying is a long shot at best, and most likely, misplaced hope.” Cody calmly watches him. Rex turns his gaze to the floor, sad and frazzled. He’s not so sure he can make up his mind about whether he wants to believe Cody’s instincts, or his own. 
Cody raises his hand slowly in front of Rex’s face to call back his attention. Rex stares at him again. 
Concern flickers in Cody’s eyes, “I need you to be focused on this.“ 
Rex shifts his gaze a bit. "I-I know, I know.” Golden eyes flick up to meet Cody’s hazel once more. “Don’t worry." 
Cody offers another smile, gentle and sweet. That’s when Rex’s eyes widen just a fraction. He stopped looking at other’s numbers above their heads because the 8 digits ceased to interest him; they only made him more sad and worried and so many other things. He just so happened to look up and notices Cody’s numbers are lowering a bit quicker than normal. 
Cody turns to walk away from the bunk and Rex squints at the mocking numbers. 
Holy kriff. Why didn’t I notice till now?  
"Wait, Cody.” Rex jumps to stand up and runs over to Cody; who turns around to face him again. Some confusion showed in his eyes. 
“Yes?” Cody shifts his weight to his right hip. 
Rex stares at the numbers in horror. “I…your numbers. They're…” Rex gestures to the numbers above Cody’s soft hair, longer than the normal hair length, and makes an aborted step closer. Cody tips his head back. Too bad an individual can’t see their own numbers unless they look in a mirror. Even then, they are still reversed when presented to the looking glass. The numbers just bend back with you if you look up. Cody seems to remember because he looks at Rex again. 
“What’s wrong with them?” Cody eyes him with concern. Rex steps closer and closer till Cody can almost feel his breath on his face. Rex trembles slightly. 
“They…they are dropping Cody. Fast.” Rex fights the urge to panic, to say something, to cry or anything, just-Stars! Make them stop moving! 
Cody restrains his own panic, but for Rex; because Rex looks like he’s going to cry in any minute. Cody grabs his hands and rubs his knuckles. Just the way he likes it; to calm down some. 
“Hey, cyare, look at me.” Cody’s voice is as soft as a young Tooka’s fur. Undisturbed. Fluffy. It could almost wrap it’s warmth around Rex’s body and squeeze him. Rex glances at his face and then back up at the flickering numbers. 
“Rex. Please, don’t look at the numbers. Look at me and only me. Don’t look at them.” Cody brushes his chin up with his finger. Rex reacts to it and leans against his body. 
“I don't… please don’t go. Your numbers are getting faster. They skipped down five years, Cody. It’s not even years! It's—oh stars.” Rex grits his teeth in horror. Cody quickly shushes him. He doesn’t want anyone to hear them. Rex submits to his hold. 
That’s another scary thing, the numbers do not make a sound. It’s like a ghost in the wind. 
“Cyare, you know that fate changes whenever you do something. Whatever path you take can change the whole directory, and that just happens to the best of us—" 
Rex growls and leans away. 
"But not you! I don’t give a shit what fate wants or needs. It won’t take you away from me. I ca-” Cody tightens his hold on Rex’s wrist. That shuts him up. Cody didn’t mean to, but Rex knows that he can’t get attached to him like that; especially when it came to their numbers. 
“You will. We are soldiers, Rex. We fight in a war and someday we may not make it back home, to our loved ones. You’ll have to accept that fact when fate decides it’s my time-”
Rex shakes his head. “You don’t have to go. You can stay here; we can make up an excuse why you shouldn’t or can’t go.” Rex smiles. Hope and sorrow shimmer like unhappy, broken up waves in a pond. 
Cody let’s go of Rex’s wrist, wraps his arms around his waist, and brings him closer to his chest. A hug. Rex’s breaths become slower and calm. 
“You know I can’t do that. But I will remain by your side till the very end, and if fate wants me today; and of course I hope it doesn’t, then it will take me and I get to march with our aliit.” Cody tucks his chin on top of Rex’s short, oh so soft, wheat blond curls. 
Rex fights against the burn behind his eyes. Don’t show emotions. Y-You ca-c-can’t. He became so sensitive after Umbara. Rex lost many brothers during that campaign, even the 212th lost many as well. Cody lost Waxer that day. 
“If I die, I’ll always be here with you, my love. Never forget that.” Cody whispers. His warm breath tickles his scalp. It sent shivers ramping down his neck, to his broad and wide shoulders, to his toned abdomen and all the way down to his feet. Rex’s arms snake their way around his cyare’s waist to return the hug. 
He hates to agree to disagree but it must be done to ease Cody’s concerns and cleanly wipe them off the slate. 
Rex nods. 
“Okay, okay,” Rex whispers. “Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum." 
Cody smiles. He pecks a quick kiss on Rex’s forehead and returns his resting place on his head. "Bal Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum." 
Rex stands beside Cody. They rock back and forth with the movement of the LAAT shuttle. Something that every trooper has learned throughout the war; go with the flow or the movement of the shuttle. Don’t fight against it or you’ll fall over. The red lights enveloped the entire midsection of the ship in an evil glow. It put Rex on edge because he knows that Cody’s time is ticking down to 0 sooner than he liked. 
Why did we let him go on the mission if he’s about to die or get hurt? Succumb to injuries that may kill him. Well, they are clone troopers. They can’t not go on missions just because their time is ticking down. They have to go! 
Cody glances down at Rex’s hand while everyone else is looking in the other direction, and his knuckles graze Rex’s. Two fingers wrap themselves around his own fingers. Rex looks up at Cody. Then the Captain slowly flicks his eyes up to stare scrutinizingly at the glowing numbers. They are slowly turning red. 
"Cody, ” Rex whispers. Cody rubs his thumb over his knuckles. 
“It’s okay, Rex. Everything is fine.” Cody reassures him with a small smile and kind eyes. Nothing is fine though. Cody is going to die in 43 minutes because of something that Rex doesn’t know, not yet anyways. Rex wants so badly to do more than curl his own fingers around Cody’s. He wants to hug him. Kiss him. Be close to him. 
“I gotta go up to the front and brief everyone on what we need to do. I’ll be back okay.” Cody let’s go of his fingers and holds his eye contact with Rex before he walks over to the front of the mid-section. 
Cody won’t be back. Something is going to happen to this shuttle, I just know it.
Cody is getting closer and closer to death. Rex’s heart throbs at the terrible knowledge. Why does no one else care that Cody’s time is almost up? Why?! Maybe because they have another issue that’s more important than a clone Commander’s imminent death.
“Alright, listen up.” Cody whips out a mini holo-projector that shows a staticky picture of a satellite dish. “Here’s the mission. Our target is the Cyber Center. It’s the "brains” of the entire Separatist campaign here on Anaxes.“ Cody seems so confident even though time is ticking. Ticking and ticking. And it won’t stop until it has Cody in it’s sharp clutches. 
Wrecker steps forth. "I could demolish that with one hand!” He says energetically while raising his left fist. “Yeah!” Wrecker nods. 
Cody just looks at him. “This isn’t a demo job, Wrecker.” Then Cody glances at everyone else on the shuttle. “It’s strictly a retrieval operation.” The holo-projection flickers off. The low blue of its natural light dissipates: and the evil red of the room returns. 
The shuttle tips to its right as it enters a canyon-like terrain. Rex nervously shifts as he stares at Cody’s numbers again. Even Hunter glances up at them in surprise. Seems like he just noticed. Rex thinks. The loud sound of explosions rock the ship from side to side. Everyone rocks with the movement. 
We are under attack! 
Everyone looks up at the ceiling. They can all hear it outside. Cannon fire, most definitely. The ship groans as it rises into the sky in an attempt to escape being shot down. A black DSD1 dwarf spider droid gets a lucky shot. The red plasma bolt rams into the metal with a screeching hiss. Amber’s fly off the side of the ship that had been hit; and the shuttle takes a dive back towards the ground. 
“We’re going down!” Wrecker shouts the obvious and starts to laugh like a maniac. 
The shuttle takes a dangerous dive straight into the side of the cliffs and then continues to shred across it, bringing rocks and rubble down with it. Then the shuttle tips onto its back and left side. It crashes into the ground loudly. Blue and violet crystals, that are stuck into the ground, are brought up by the massive hull. 
All of the troopers stumble out of the shuttle coughing and groaning to themselves in pain. Rex hop’s off the side and immediately starts to look for Cody. He didn’t get out. Rex comes to realize in well-concealed horror. 
Where is he?! 
“We always get shot down when we travel with regs.” Wrecker pouts. 
Kix remains on the ship and is peering down into the smoke enveloped shuttle. He calls, “Cody!” Cody doesn’t answer. So Kix turns his head to look at everyone else. “Help!”
A flare of dread rolls through Rex like an angry wave. He turns around, ready to do anything to save his cyare and get him out of there. Haar'chak! His time! He doesn’t have time! 
Kix looks back in quickly. His brows furrow. “He’s trapped. We have to do something." 
Rex rasps out, "I’ll get him.” and begins to jog over. Hunter rushes to stand in between Rex and his cyare—get your hands off of me!
 "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.“ Hunter stops him with two gauntleted hands pressed against his chest plate and right pauldron. Rex glares at him for one second and then tries to get a glance over his shoulder. 
Hunter can see his concern and desperation fluttering around in his eyes. He can tell why he wants to so badly save Cody. 
He reassures him, "Easy Captain.” Captain Rex looks at him like he’s crazy. What do you mean 'easy Captain’?! Move! Rex’s eyes glow a bit when the sun’s rays hit them just right. Hunter peeks around Rex’s right shoulder. 
“Wrecker,” Hunter acknowledges the bigger trooper, before ordering, “get him out.“ Hunter pushes Rex back and away far away from the ship, gently; just so then he wouldn’t anger him. Rex wouldn’t get unnecessarily upset. Hunter is just doing his job as a Commander of his own squad and is trying to keep him calm. 
Wrecker cracks his knuckles. He pulls his left arm up to pump himself up with adrenaline. He’ll need it to get Cody out of there. 
"Get back!” Wrecker grunts. 
Everyone moves away to watch whatever he’s about to do to save the Commander stuck inside. Rex’s right foot nervously taps against the ground. 
“This is ridiculous!” Kix looks at Rex. “He’s gonna need help to get Cody out of there.”
Rex glances from Kix, to the ground, and then back up to the flaming shuttle. 
Crosshair chuckles. “He’s gonna get the gunship out of there. Not Cody.” His tone is smug and cocky. Arms crossed over his chest plate like he’s all talk. Rex pushes his boiling anger back down. 
Wrecker places his hands on the heated metal. His left hand on the side and his right on the bottom. The sizzling of fire pops near him. Wrecker grunts powerfully. He lifts the shuttle up and up. Then Wrecker jerks his body down to rest both of his hands on the bottom of the shuttle. And his legs move to a crouched position, right leg bent down low and the foot is pressed into the ground, while the left leg is bent back behind him; they have also spread apart a little bit to support the weight. 
Wrecker heaves one last time before he pushes up with all his might. Knocking the ship right back up to sit like it’s supposed to; bottom part facing down against the ground, top up towards the sky. Parts of metal fall off and slam into the ground around Wrecker. 
He smiles under his cool helmet.
The ship then tips onto the other side. The deafening and horrid sounds of metal, screeching against each other like chalk on a chalkboard, drag along with a groan. The body of the pilot limply sits in the cockpit. Dead. Wrecker instantly grabs a hold of the injured 212th Commander in yellow and heaves him up, like a rag doll, onto his shoulders in a fireman hold.
 The buff trooper turns around and makes his way back towards the awaiting group. The aura around the group suffocates them in anxiety; more so for the regs.
Cody’s legs swing from side to side, like he’s already dead. 
Wrecker tips his chin up. “Boom." 
And on cue, as if he did this a million times before, the shuttle blows up. It becomes a fiery storm of red, orange, and yellow fire. The smoke billows up it no the sky. 
Rex and Kix both squint against the heat and raging colors. It may look pretty, but it can still kill. Kix’s mouth opens in a gap and he runs over to meet Wrecker. His field medic instincts are kicking in in an instant. 
Rex grits his teeth and runs over as well, his kama swings around his hips multiple times. Wrecker starts to slowly lower him onto the ground; which draws out a pained reaction from Cody. Rex’s eyes widen at the death time flickering above his head. 
Kix takes out a scanner, the laser hums as it’s dragged along over Cody’s chest because a big metal pole laid across his back inside the ship when he was stuck. Cody’s skin crinkles up under his eyes as his face scrunches up in agony. 
Cody groans again. 
"He has internal damage.” Kix says grimly. Kix glances at all of them. “I can cut the pain. But he needs help fast.” He takes off his med-pack and starts to dig through it for supplies. 
Rex stares at the numbers with sad eyes. Cody gazes up at him longly. Rex notices his cyare’s looking at him, so he kneels down to get a bit closer. 
“It’s okay, Cody. Kix will fix you up.” Rex reassures him with a small smile. Cody grimaces when a wave of pain rapidly washes over him. 
“I-It hur-hurts.” Cody closes his eyes.
Rex bites the inside of his cheek. If Cody is admitting that it hurts; then it must hurt bad. 
“I know. But it’ll be okay. Just stay with me.” Rex’s fingers inch towards his hand. Force, I want to comfort him so bad. But everyone is around. All I can do is say something for now. “I am here, Cody." 
Cody flinches away from Kix when he plunges pain killers into the side of his neck. Cody gasps and tries to get away. 
"No no. It’s okay. It’s just a syringe.” Rex smiles. Hoping to calm Cody down. 
Kix pushes it in; not even waiting for Cody to listen to Rex. The slender metal slides into sensitive skin and that’s enough to make Cody halt in his desperate attempt to escape more pain. 
“There you go.” Kix comforts him. He may be firm, but he still cares about his patients. “We need to get him somewhere safe so then a drop ship can come pick him and I up. I’ll go with him back to the base.” Kix volunteers. 
While he is, Cody is slowly falling asleep. 
Rex nods. “Okay.”
The sky is a beautiful glowing blue. An ominous aurora, a glistening light show of ivy green and with a fair amount of yellow, swirled in the sky above a campsite down below in the thick wooded forest. The warm glow of a fire pit hummed lively through the treetops. 
Jesse and Kix sit in front of a fire pit. They lean against one another. Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair stand near the fire pit and Hunter is a little ways away; crouched in the dirt. Hunter touches the dirt and closes his eyes. Near the front of the camp and further away from the campfire sits Cody and Rex. 
Cody curls forward and groans in agony. His chest burns terribly. Rex let’s his hand graze the inside of his thigh plate and comforts him the best he can. 
“It’s okay, Cody.” Rex whispered under his breath. Cody whines. He tries to push Rex’s hand away but he wouldn’t let go of him for his sake. 
“No no. Cod'ika, listen to me. It’s okay. Everything will be okay.” Rex reassures him. Or more like he’s trying to reassure himself that everything will be fine but it isn’t! Cody’s time is standing at a standstill of 00:16:34. 
“Rex….R-Rex. It hurts so bad.” Cody moaned.
 Rex coos at him. “I know, Cod'ika. I know. Just breathe for me." 
Cody’s fingers grip the hard plastoid armor around his abdomen and try to yank it off, but he couldn’t. Rex watches him. The numbers flicker again. 00:14:23.
"R-Rex, forceee~ It burns.” Cody places his head against Rex’s chest plate and grits his teeth. 
Rex looks over his left shoulder. “Kix! Cody, he's—" 
The medic rushes over, excusing himself from his conversation with Jesse and the others. Jesse stands yo in concern but Kix tells him to sit back down, he’ll worry about it. 
"Okay, Commander. It’s alright. Shit.” Kix stares at the scarlet red above Cody’s head. “Haar'chak.” Kix looks down at his hands and turns his sad gaze to his Captain. 
“Rex, I am sorry but we can’t do anything else until the shuttle comes.” Kix sits back. 
“But he’s dying Kix! There has to be something you can do!” Rex grips Cody’s trembling hand between his two palms. Cody moans a little louder when his head starts to swim. Rex leans his head against his chestplate. 
“I’ve got you. Just lean against me and you’ll be okay.” Rex wraps his arms around him and glances up at the numbers. 13 minutes. 
Cody knows his time is almost up. He can feel it in his muscles; how they sag and become heavy like clay and rocks. His eyes couldn’t stay open for long. He feels so tired. Rex stares at the medic sitting beside Cody. 
“Can you give us a moment alone?” Rex requested.
Kix smiles sympathetically. “Of course.” Kix walks back over to the warm campfire. 
“My love. I am sorry.” Cody apologizes once Kix is gone. “There was no avoiding this. I am so so sorry.”
Hot tears prick Rex’s eyes. He whispers, “It’s okay, Cod'ika. It’s my fault. I should’ve been more persistent with convincing you to stay at the base.” Tears drift down Rex’s face. Cody reaches him up to wipe them away. Rex smiles wetly and presses his forehead against Cody’s and sniffles. 
“I love you Kote,” Rex utters the endearment that makes him all the more sad. “I love you so kriffing much,” Rex whispers. A soft sob escapes his lips. Cody closes his eyes and grunts in pain. It’s like the pressure in his stomach is releasing but in the most uncomfortable way possible.
“I love you too.” Cody sighs. His time ticks closer and closer to his inevitable death. Rex holds onto his lover and rocks him back and forth, while he whispers sweet nothings against his cold and clammy skin. 
Rex bites his lower lip. 
“I wish there was a way to save you. I wish that I could save you. Stars, please help me. Help him. Please give him more time.” Rex murmurs and prays. Cody listens to his breathy pleads over and over; the world is enveloped in a period of silence that is only broken by Rex’s prayers.
“Let me save him. Please, let me save him.” Rex continues the desperate mantra like a broken record. 
“Give him more time.”
Cody’s breaths start to slow down with their deathly crawl. His chest burns for more oxygen. Please, more! He whines in pain. Cody claws at Rex’s arm as he is desperate for comfort. 
“Give him more time. Give him more time.” Rex repeats. 
Cody gasps softly when an odd wave of warmth extinguishes the cold from his skin and body. His eyes fly open. Kix and the others are watching the loving and sad interaction unfold. Kix’s eyes widen when Cody’s numbers flicker closer to three minutes—and they stop. Everyone takes a bated breath and sits in waiting. 
Rex says again, “Give him more time. Give him more time. Let me give him more time.”
Cody slowly turns his head to gaze onto Rex’s scrunched up face. Rex’s eyes are closed and his lips move at lighting speed. Cody groans from a deathly cold sensation that suddenly turns really warm and filled with life. Rex’s numbers start to flicker themselves and they—they start to lower from sixty years and go down.
Everyone around them moves towards them in shock. Rex refuses to let go of Cody’s hands. He keeps his own around them until he feels the warmth return to them. Rex blinks in confusion and gazes up at Cody’s numbers. 
He gasps. 
I-I…I can’t b-believe it. His numbers— 
Cody’s eyes widen in horror at Rex’s numbers. 
His numbers!
Cody finally feels his strength return, it’s a rush of adrenaline that he uses to reach up and touch the side of Rex’s face. He studies his eyes. Golden and normal; nothing’s wrong with them! Cody stares at his numbers again. 
Rex’s numbers stop moving. Cody gapes. Fifty years?! He lost a whole ten years! 
“Rex?? I-I…what did you do?” Cody frowns in worry. Rex shushes him. 
“I did what I had to so then you could live." 
Wrecker screams, "What?! How is that possible? Nobody told me you could do this!!" 
Crosshair rolls his eyes. "Nobody knew this Wrecker. This is… Strange. Weird. Are only Regs above to do this?” Crosshair turns to look at the medic questioningly. 
Kix shrugs. “N-No. No. I am very sure no one has ever known to do this before. This is a new discovery and development.” Kix kneels down beside Cody’s body again and checks all of his vitals quickly just to double check. Cody couldn’t tear his eyes away from Rex’s numbers. 
The corner of Rex’s lip quirks up in amusement. “Cod'ika, look at me. Don’t look at the numbers. They’ve stopped moving; haven’t they?" 
Cody glares at him. "You di'kut! You threw your years away to–to— " 
"To give you extra years. Commander…you just gained 10 years!” Kix interrupts. “How is that—" 
”-Possible?” Hunter finishes for him. 
Rex shrugs. “I just kept thinking about wanting to give him more time, and I did." 
Cody’s eyes tear up. "Force, you didn’t have to…you didn’t have to do that for me, Rex! You do know that right?”
Rex shakes his head. His eyes light up. 
“Cody, I don’t think you understand. I did it because I…” Should I mention our relationship in front of the others? 
Cody stares at Rex, waiting for him to finish. 
Heh. Screw it! “I care about you a lot. I love you and you know that." 
The Bad Batchers smile softly, except for Crosshair, he barely smiles for any reason. Kix and Jesse both gaze at one another. Cody’s breath trembles. 
"R-Rex. Force, thank you. Cyare, I love you too.” Cody presses his face into his chest plate. Kix smiles at them. 
“Well, his vitals are a lot better, sir. But I think that he should still go back to the base and rest. I don’t want him getting hurt again on this mission and the next time you aren’t able to save him. Okay?” Kix stares them both down firmly. Commander Cody knows not to test Kix’s patience. 
“Yessir.” Cody smirks. Kix nods at them and gets up. Then the medic shoos everyone away from the pair so they can have a moment to themselves. 
Cody and Rex look at each other before they laugh quietly. Rex’s hand shifts from his bicep to his side. It is there to support him.
“Rest cyare. The shuttle will be here soon and you’ll be back at the base in no time.” Rex offers a small, yet loving smile. Cody leans back against the tree.
“Good. “
 The aura around them becomes less tense and more silent. Cody and Rex are thinking about everything that just happened. It happened so fast that Rex wasn’t able to comprehend what happened.
I sacrificed 10 years of my life, and I don’t exactly know how I did it. But one things for sure— 
Rex hugs Cody. 
“You are reckless sometimes, Rex’ika. You may not have known that would happen; but it did. What if you gave your entire life away for me? And if it’s possible for you to lend over 10 years then I am positively sure you can give away your whole life to me,“ Cody murmurs. 
His cyare smiles, unashamed and completely gentle. "I would do anything for you, Cody. You know that.”
“That’s what I am worried about most times too. I am worried you’ll do something that will put your own life on the line for me or someone else you care about. I rather you live than me, I am being honest.” Cody can already feel the heaviness on his eyelids. Sleep is a beautiful thing when it takes you under; away from the pain and suffering. 
“I know. But I don’t regret it. Saving you is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me.” Rex gazes over at the others around the fire pit.
 "I have to go now, Cody.“
"Okay. Stay safe, for me.” Cody curls one pinky around Rex’s Index finger. Rex grips his pinky tightly before letting go. 
“Of course, Kot'ika." 
Rex’s finger slips away from Cody’s grasp. He walks towards the fire pit in front of Cody and begins to talk about what they need to do next. In the soft, moist soil, a couple meters away next to the tree; a small shrub-like Hawthorn flower peeks, shyly, from the ground. With a thorny, shiny, thick stem and five white petals with anthers in the middle of the flower that are pink or red. 
Its petals open up slowly, like a venus fly trap, and shine brightly in the dark of night.
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maxmischief · 6 years
The Avengers And The Shrew
My first attempt at a fic - Please be kind =)
Work in progress - Asks welcome
The plan is to introduce the reader to the Avengers and then do a ton of one-shots/everyday stuff.
Much Fluff and some Angst planned but Not very likely to smut it up - but we'll see...
**(I don't own characters, Marvel or the English language)
You're trying to make sense of things as you record the events of the past few weeks.
You hadn't been able to remember much at first; a room you didn't recognize and someone shouting at you.. and then darkness.
Knocked out by an Avenger, you're taken to a highly-secure underground facility for questioning, but things never go as planned...
Who are you? What did Hydra do to you? Why did they even have you in the first place?
Lost, but not alone, you have to try figure out who you are and where you belong.
....And, as if things aren't already tricky enough, there's something you're forgetting. Something very important...
Hold onto your butts...
Dear Diary???
This is stupid. I feel stupid.
And I have no idea how the hell I’m supposed to start something like this!…
“Urgh!” You violently scratched out the lines you’d just written and sighed in frustration. Looking to the ceiling you lifted your pen to your lips and tapped a few times. But the ceiling held no answers, and had no advice to give you.
Letting out a puff of air, you shook your head and rolled your eyes “Whatever..”
You lifted the book and straightened it unnecessarily. It wasn’t anything fancy, just one of those little black and white hardcovers you always see kids using in the movies.
Determined to write at least one page, you shift in your seat on the bed to try get a bit more comfortable, before lowering your pen back to the page.
 Leaving a couple of rows blank, you continue writing
“Anyway, so Captain Rogers… “ you hesitated for a moment then scratched out the title and replaced it with his name.. “Steve, ” you smiled fondly, “suggested that I start keeping a journal to record and organise my memories.”
Steve had come around quite a bit earlier than usual this morning and when you’d opened your door; he stood there grinning with barely contained excitement. And as you’d stepped aside to invite him in, he’d proudly presented you with the little blank book and a pen.
“It's a great idea, except, I don't really seem to have very many. I’m not exactly a blank slate or anything; I know that I hate certain things but not WHY I hate them. I remember a few small things but not much from before I was ordered to kill Captain.. Steve “ Realising you’d done it again, you sighed, and scratched out the title again.
 “First thing I can remember is hearing the order; "Kill Captain Rogers!" (but I’m not sure who gave the order).  It feels like I was… asleep maybe? Right up until someone said the words.
And I remember that, as I turned to comply (like a good little zombie)… I was knocked out by a giant metal Frisbee.
That was Steve (I know, so mean, right?! =P)
 But yeah, needless to say, I got nowhere NEAR killing him.
Didn’t know it at the time, but I never even stood a chance….
Chapter one
 …Flashback to several weeks ago…
- The Avengers compound -
Location: Classified
(Upstate New York)
 You woke up gasping for air, heart hammering in your chest. You tried to sit up but your wrists were handcuffed to either side of a bed. Everything was too loud, too bright, and everything hurt. Your mind fuzzied as you were hit by a sudden wave of dizziness. You took a deep breath as you squeezed your eyes shut for a few seconds before letting them adjust to the light.
“Ouch.. Where..? Wait, I'm supposed to be doing something ... Something important… Something I'm supposed to be doing…”
 There were people in the next room - You could hear them talking.
"Her prints didn't match anything in the database - or any database in fact!" The voice was male, but you didn't recognise it. You could see into part of the other room. The guy was talking to someone else while leaning back against a counter but you couldn't see who he was talking to.
"Facial recognition got a hit though; Y/N&Y/S/N." You watched him place a phone on the counter and pulled up a holographic picture of you.
Well, a person who kind of looked like you, but the hair was all wrong...
“…Whaaat the actual hell?..” you thought.
The guy rubbed his hand over his face. "I called the parents but get this; They insist that their daughter is at home and was never missing to begin with. Just to be sure, I checked."
He gestured in your direction without looking and continued "Rogers, THAT is not Y/N…”
"What are you saying, Tony? Are you saying that she's some kind of... clone?" asked Captain Rogers incredulously.
"YOU tell ME, Rogers. You're the one who keeps taking in assassins like they're stray cats!" replied Tony, clearly frustrated.
Your eyes widened in horror. “Shit! I have to get out of here." Your thoughts raced - if Captain Rogers didn't kill you, THEY would.
"Tony, she’s just a kid. We don't know that she's..." Steve started, but Tony interrupted, gesturing in exasperation "She's Hydra, Steve! She isn't some lost...“ As he spoke, he turned his head in your direction. He stopped suddenly, as his eyes met yours. "She's awake." he stated, not taking his eyes off you. He definitely suspected that you were listening in on their conversation.
Tony was almost glaring as he stepped away from the counter and started to walk towards you. But before he even took three steps towards you, Captain Rogers walked in. He stood just inside the doorway with his arms crossed. "Who are you?" he demanded.
Startled by his sudden appearance, you jerked away, but the handcuffs only let you move so-far. You pulled at the cuffs a few times, testing them. When you looked up again, Tony was leaning against the doorframe. The cuffs meant that you had to lay back down, but you shifted as far away from the two men as the handcuffs would allow. Another wave of dizziness washed over you and you tried to blink it away. Your eyes glazed over as your mind was assaulted by the whisper of old memories at once“Compliance will be rewarded… Kill Captain Rogers!.... SOLDAT, you WILL comply!” The words clawed at your mind, accompanied by a vague recollection of pain - Causing your headache to intensify.
 "Cap got your tongue?” Tony asked sarcastically, breaking through your trance. You knew you were already in a lot of trouble, and there was no way in hell you were going to add to the list of transgressions. Your head was still reeling but you needed a plan. "I have to stall. I can still complete the mission, escape and then work my way back to .... You blinked in surprise, Um.. back to..." your eyebrows knit slightly, just for a second “Wait. Back where?... Why can't I remember? ”
Neither of the men missed the change in your expression. Tony took a few steps into the room, towards you and raised an eyebrow. He lowered his voice and narrowed his eyes at you “Just in case you're thinking of escaping; you might like know that we're in a highly secure facility... underground” he gestured around the room. “There will be no escaping.” walking backwards as he spoke “There is no way out of this for you." said Tony smugly as he went back to leaning against the door frame.
Captain Rogers turned his attention back to you “Start talking!” He demanded “Who are you?!”
He stared you down for a full minute before continuing “Where’s the rest of Hydra and what are they planning?”
 Captain Rogers stood there for about 30 seconds, eyebrow raised and arms crossed.. “Suit yourself.” He turned to walk out of the room and indicated for Tony to follow “I might have an idea..” said the Captain. He took one last look at you before stalking out of the room with Stark in tow.
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lokilickedme · 6 years
Hello My Lady! Just because you asked, here are my faves of yours: #1 King (no surprise here), #2 Jack (too crazy not to love, and the stream crossing of pretty much all your stories is genius) #3 Chem/BD/TTW/TKH/TWK/can't remember them all. They're all special in their own way! Can't believe it'll be 3yrs soon since I started squatting your page!!! God time goes by fast! I'd like to add a special mention for the Muse Meetings, sooo funny, and a Golden Snowflake to Aleks. Cute little bumkin.
Thank you @fudgemuffinanon!  Dear god, has it been that long?  Seems like I joined up last year…*sits here blinking at my posts from 2015, wondering how that happened*
You drew the lucky straw today my darling, I’m feeling wordy and in the mood to share.  A lot of people have asked me over the last couple of years how some of my stuff came about, and you mentioned one that gets a lot of asks.
Lemme tell you something about the Muse Meetings.  Way back in 1998 when I got my first computer, one of the very first things I ran across by way of internet fanfiction was a little something called The Very Secret Diaries penned by a writer named Cassandra Claire (who is now professionally published under the name Cassandra Clare).  The Very Secret Diaries (which are hilarious, btw) woke something up in me - mainly because, as a lifelong writer who had never allowed anyone to read 95% of my work, I finally realized that yeah, there were other people out there whose brains deviated from the standard in the same way mine did.  Her writing style back then (in the Diaries specifically, I’ve never actually read anything else she’s written) was very similar to the way I wrote, and those Diaries were exactly the sort of silly, ridiculous, irreverent thing I’d scribbled in my notebooks for most of my life.  And people liked it, she had a huge following based on just those out-of-context glimpses of her characters’ personal thoughts.  She was writing behind the scenes thoughts of characters, things that would never make it into books, and it was brilliant.  That was the kind of stuff I loved to write but had never given myself permission to show anyone.  She was showing hers to people, and they were loving it.
Which gave me the inspiration to not only put my work out there in the public eye for the first time ever, but to stick with my personal writing style (which I’d always assumed wasn’t what other people wanted to read, based on the books I’d been exposed to most of my life).  Not change anything.  Just do me.  And doing me meant writing silly nonsense if I wanted to.
So - The Very Secret Diaries are more or less the inspiration for the Muse Meetings, or at least the official written version of them.  I’d always imagined dialogues with my characters outside the confines of whatever story I was working on, but never thought anyone else would be interested in seeing me write it out.
The Diaries made me realize different.  Not only were her characters yammering and complaining and snarking at each other (both out of character and in), they were doing it in exactly the way I’d imagined my own characters interacting in the real world.  I loved it.  Seeing someone else do what I’d always done in my head - and do it in an official, out-there-in-the-public-eye capacity, was a revelation.  Finally I was able to give myself permission to write the way I wanted to, without restricting myself to the styles and methods in the books in the family library.  It had always been in my head, but now it didn’t have to stay there.  I could write proper stories, but I could also write what was going on in the other room, where the reader seldom gets to peek.  And other people besides myself might like it because hey, there’s precedent.
That was freeing, and I am grateful to Ms Claire for that.
So, a little history that leads up to how and why I finally started writing out the Muse Meetings:
My first fandoms that I wrote for online were Harry Potter and Star Wars (Kenobi specifically).  And yes, way back then (late 90′s - early 2000′s) there were already muse meetings among my characters.  I’ve been doing these for a long time, and I wish the out-of-character stuff I’d written back then still existed (my HP stuff bit the dust when The Restricted Section shut down, and my SW stuff was on FF.net for a little while but honestly I don’t remember my user ID there or the titles of the fics, though I have searched…so they’re most likely lost as well).  It’s sort of a shame because there were some old Anakin/Obi-Wan muse meetings that you guys would have loved…and the stuff between Remus and Sirius while we were hashing out what was going to be in their next chapter?  It still pains me that it’s all lost, but maybe it’s for the best.  That was nearly two decades ago, we move on to bigger and (hopefully) better things.
After my urge to write HP fic fizzled out I stopped writing for a while, but there were always muse meetings going on in my head for stories I scribbled mentally.  To me they’ve always been more fun than the actual stories, which explains my love for gag reels and behind-the-scenes featurettes for movies (I watch those first, always).
And then I found AO3 - funnily enough, I discovered it while searching the internet for one of my lost HP fics - and I decided to start writing in earnest again.  With all those thousands and thousands of fics and endless fandoms, it seemed like the perfect place to indulge my need to share what went on in my head.  And as I settled into the MCU and my stories started to grow to include multitudes of characters, those impromptu staff meetings with my muses kept being called to order.  Stuff that my characters would never say in the context of their stories got said.  Scenarios that were too ridiculous to waste time writing were played out.  Arguments and fights and bantering between characters who, in the restrictive confines of their own tales, would never in a million years interact…now they were throwing poptarts at each other (and occasionally knives) while the side characters wandered out of the room to watch TV or raid the fridge or sat in horror as someone’s until-now unassuming wife brandished a melon baller as a weapon.
It was messy and fun and was by far my favorite part of the writing process.
That’s what eventually became the Muse Meetings.  You want to know how they escaped my head and became an official thing?
Well I’m gonna tell ya lol
One of my very first friends in here, the fantastic @elvenfair1, was one of my first readers at AO3 and she told me I should post links to my fics at this site called tumblr to bring in a bigger audience.  So I opened an account here, followed her, posted some links as suggested, and she and I began messaging back and forth pretty much every night as we wrote our respective fics, bouncing ideas off each other and discussing plot points and brainstorming for character names.  And as my characters sassed me and refused to cooperate with what I wanted them to do, I would tell elvenfair what was going on in my head with my dumbass OCs and OFCs and we’d laugh and gripe about trying unsuccessfully to reel in our unruly muses.
And then one night back in 2015 she said “You should post this muse stuff, it’s hilarious.”
You know what the first thing I thought was?  Cassandra Claire did it 14 years ago and people loved it.  So yeah, I can sure as hell do it if I want.  If nobody is interested in it, at least it’ll amuse me and elvenfair and that’s cool enough.
And so I did.  I started posting them in here first, then as people started requesting them more I eventually moved them to AO3 in a more structured format.  And now you guys have multiple Lokis hurling curses at a bartender and viciously baiting a hapless movie star while teenage versions of two other attendees flirt with unsuspecting OFCs, with an occasional appearance by Thor dropping hints about future chapters and looking for fruit roll-ups.  It’s messy, but it’s fun and I’ve always enjoyed writing it as a way to let my brain decompress, especially when one of my “real” stories has hit a roadbump.
Since then I’ve seen countless other professional writers doing the exact same thing - J.R. Ward even posts her own version of muse meetings on her official website AND has a published book (her Insiders Guide) that is almost entirely nothing BUT muse meetings.   It’s surprising how many writers actually do this and I sometimes wonder if authors like Poe, Steinbeck, Vonnegut, Tolkien, Gaiman, McMurtry didn’t do it themselves (I’d bet money on McMurtry).  Just goes to show there’s not an original idea anywhere in the universe…no matter how much you might believe you came up with it first, someone out there has been doing it for a long damn time before you - and a million more will do it after you :)
Anyway, I haven’t written any muse meetings in a while but they still go on constantly in my head.  I get asked about once a week to go back to doing them, and one day I will, when I have time for it.  My actual fics are struggling for writing time as it is and I made a conscious decision to weed out the unnecessary stuff in favor of “real work” (yeah right lol)…but yeah, the Meetings are still one of my favorite things and I won’t stop doing them permanently - they’ll be back.
So thank you Cassandra Claire for inspiring me to let them fly…if it weren’t for those whacked-out Diaries, the Muse Meetings would all still be in my head with only one person (me) laughing at them.
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ariyadaivaris · 7 years
OK!!! INTERGENDER WRESTLING NEEDS TO MAKE A COME BACK QUICK!!! But ok, I think we've established how Ember is gonna feel and crap but what about Finn? True the demon took over him, but if you've ever watched Get Out, 10/10 would DEFINITELY recommend for a horror thriller movie, spoiler kinda, people were taken over but we're still conscious while they're body was taken over. How would he feel though? Also, what would happen if he turns face? Would they take a long time to trust again?
DUDE I'VE BEEN DYING TO SEE GET OUT WTF.....if my financial situation was different i would be out there DOING the damn thing but i'm loving this concept omg!!! okay i’m gonna be real here, i don’t have THAT great a grasp on finn as a character, i love the guy, he’s basically a living legend it’s kind of hard not to, but i know almost nothing about him tbh. so this is gonna be experimental probably, just bear with me here for a bit
i love supernatural shit and so this might devolve into that, i feel like...with a title like The Demon King finn’s not exactly POSSESSED most of the time, persay. he’s got power over supernatural elements, yeah, i feel like he can summon demonic powers or creatures or whatever, i mean this is Wrestling so it doesn’t happen but. Pobody’s Nerfect etc! The Demon, capital D, formed a pact with finn i think, so finn can channel this guy while still remaining Finn, it’s just two beings in one body when things go smoothly, and for the most part they do! but finn, as respectful as he is, he’s fairly ambitious, very sharp and straightforward in business matters, he’s not above using demonic influences to get ahead, that’s, like, HIS WHOLE DEALLLLLL. that’s why he made this pact in the first place, realistically, he’s brilliant in the ring and this was the extra edge he needed in dubya. 
the Demon isn’t A HUUUGE FAN OF THAT, it takes this seriously, even if it is, once again, to reiterate, Professional Wrestling. if finn gets in over his head then the Demon is capable of shutting him out and taking over, and it’s a lot more cruel than finn is, not aiming for accolades, but to cause pain. like demons do. so, i think, finn and ember’s partnership gets really tense the closer the title gets. finn’s resolved to do what he has to, he won’t hurt ember purposely but if she’s the one to beat for the title, he’ll take whatever steps he must. and the Demon’s getting pissed off, between the influence of ember’s supernatural abilities (and just her natural gravity and charm, she enchants people just by walking into a room. that’s nothing supernatural, that’s just ember) and finn starting to get softer because of their partnership. 
finn hesitates for a second, when he’s presented the opportunity to defeat ember for the title, and that’s where finn’s weak. finn gets pretty attached to people! he’s not exactly running around trying to befriend people, but in NXT he found a pack of sorts, too. hideo and bayley were both huge friends of his, shinsuke’s a friend of his, a LOT of this falls into the weird grey area between kayfabe and reality and i hope i’m distinguishing things well enough lmao. but, finn cares about people, and if he has to face someone important to him he can get a little wishy-washy rather than facing them outright. like with joe! and the Demon’s in bad circumstances, and it’s furious, and it’s done. and when finn hesitates against ember, some polarity shifts, reverses, and the Demon takes primary control of finn’s being, making it so finn either has to wrest control from it (not likely in present circumstances) or the Demon has to choose to channel his abilities, which, hey, finn’s a human? what abilities does he have compared to a demon? uhhhhh yeah, nice TRY, finn, if we get called in for a GQ photoshoot we’ll give you a call, but this is demon territory now! 
finn’s pretty devastated!!! he’s not like a demon or a spirit that can duck back into the demonic plane or whatever the fuck at will, this is his body, this is where he goes! and he’s kind of a prisoner right now! he can see what’s going on, he can yell at the Demon, mostly, but his resolve’s taken a pretty bad blow and the Demon is strong as ever, and it’s gonna take a lot to get finn back, and more likely than anything, it’s gonna take ember to get him back. but finn can only act as kind of a passenger on this terrible journey, he’s forced to be part of whatever wrath the Demon enacts on ember, he’s already guilty enough knowing that he let things get to this point instead of learning from his mistake with joe and just...working things out. fighting through them. but, i mean, listen, we all WATCH wrestling, everyone’s determined to keep business and personal issues separate but in kayfabe we KNOWWW how often THAT works out. there’s not a lot finn could have done, he and ember would have fought eventually, but now shit’s FUCKED. 
though, earlier, i asked what abilities does a human have that could compare to a demon, and as corny as this is gonna sound i feel like with as much as finn wants to take control back and find ember again and apologize, and with how much ember trusted finn and needs to at LEAST find out if he’s still There, somewhere, the power of love conquers all, etc, etc, because i’m a big old cream puff and i live for these stories. when ember and finn can get the Demon back under control, i think it’ll be difficult for them to trust each other for a bit, but not for long. they found the closure they needed. they’re probably not gonna tag together again for a long, long time, but it’ll be okay. 
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