#this is like my passion project right now it's gonna take me forever
sharklemonss · 2 years
My blog is barren right now because literally all of my brainpower is being put into this fic I'm writing so um. Here's a snippet bc im overambitious and it's gonna be a while
"Hey," Laurence's voice broke him out of his thoughts, "hand me your yearbook, man. I promise I won't make fun of you this time." His hand was held out, a kind smile on his face instead of a mischievous one this time. Without a second thought, Garroth handed it over, and Laurance seemed to whip a sharpie out of nowhere. He scribbled something on the back page, quickly and with practiced ease. Snapping the book shut, he passed it back to Garroth, a proud smirk now gracing his lips.
Thinking it was best to make light of the situation, Garroth clutched the book close to his chest before turning to fully face his friend. "You better not have written anything inappropriate. My parents check my yearbook, y'know." He crossed his arms, watching as Lauranced feigned fear and gasped quite loudly.
"Oh no, I can't bear the thought of your parents looking upon my abomination!" Laurance cried, clutching his chest and stumbling back dramatically. "Hide it under your bed, say I burned it, anything so they don't lay their eyes upon such horror!"
For a moment, Garroth laughed. He laughed until his stomach hurt, tears welling in his eyes. Being with him felt so good; he always got jittery when he knew they would be around each other again. He looked forward to their walks, butterflies tickling the walls of his stomach when the time approached. He could easily say Laurance was his best friend. He hoped they could stay that way over summer.
Regretfully, when he calmed down, his smile slightly fell. "I have to go," Garroth spoke quietly, the words loud in the crisp summer air. The word "goodbye" sounded sour, like it meant more than just parting ways. He didn't want to say it.
Laurance nodded in understanding. His smile never left, though, as he slowly walked backwards. "See you later, Garroth." He waved, leaving him to his own devices as he walked his own way home.
Opening the book, he looks carefully at the last page. In bright orange sharpie in the bottom corner sits a phone number and a little note.
"Hoping you like me better than the other numbers littered here. Here's to a fun summer together! -Laurance"
Smiling gently, he looks in the direction Laurance walked in. "Yeah," Garroth mumbled to himself, a little more hopeful, "see you later."
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flamingo-writes · 1 year
hello >-<
so i have this idea
hobie is a punk musician right? what if he kinda like this artist (their work and all) but the artist is a anon so he got no idea who it was but he knows their art style by heart
he would go to art galleries that will feature the artist
he would even go to the extent of buying a print or two
he would also ask for a commission from the artist
but he would do all of it in incognito (he’s like an idol idoling his idol from the fake acc to ask for comms to disguises just to go to the gallery)
little did he know his fav artist/reader is also a big fan of his band
how would they meet??
(sorry if it’s to long or kinda hard to understand, thank youuu have a wonderful day)
You have no idea how much I loved this. I kinda projected myself (like I’ve honestly been in all of my hobie fanfics, but bcs I too, am a punk and do art occasionally) my eco-punk tendencies keep showing, and I’m honestly not gonna stop anytime soon (as you can tell from the constant mention of plants in my writing). This took me forever but I’ve been hella busy 😭
I’ll perhaps do a second part of this
WC: 1.2K or something.
Art is Freedom — Hobie x GN!Reader
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"Art is Freedom" was the signature of the anonymous artist Hobie desired to meet. There was something about their art that simply fascinated him. From murals made out with plants, to your standard mural with spray paint. In galleries, this same artist did installations with all sorts of recycled materials. From newspaper, cardboard, paper, sometimes even stuff like aluminium and glass. Others screen printing on recycled fabric and old shirts, and most recently digital art, with the option of buying prints.
What Hobie liked about this artist was how cold and straightforward could they be with their art to express their thoughts and feelings. With a strong commentary on environmentalism. Also very graphic art talking about feminism and domestic violence. He loved the passion put into these pieces, he gawked at the raw energy expiring from the art pieces.
However, tracking them down was particularly hard. They were good at covering up their tracks. Although Hobie knew what that was like, so he started thinking in a similar way this anonymous artist would do. Sometimes feeling guilty for wanting to uncover this artist’s identity, he wouldn’t like it if someone was waiting for him to make a mistake at covering his tracks and found out who he was. But at the same time, he genuinely wanted to meet this person, have a talk with them, sure that Spider-Man and this artist would get along very well.
One fortuitous day, at the art gallery Hobie liked to frequent, there was a new exposition. This one was a photography show. It was the first time this artist showcased pictures. The theme was punk. And most of the photos were from concerts. Spider-Man was even in most of them. Not only was this artist a fan of his band, but from the pictures, Hobie was able to get an idea of who this artist was.
The group of hardcore punks who always showed up to his concerts, art shows, or were wrecking havoc during manifestations, was for the most part the same crowd. Some faces and even names became familiar not only to him but to everyone else.
And you had a face easy to recognise. You had a reputation for always being in the middle of the mosh pit, jamming and jumping like everybody else. However, you were taking pics. Right in the middle of the mosh, you managed to take the best pictures from the stage and the crowd. How did you manage to take those pics while getting out, not only yourself but your camera intact? It was a mystery many people liked to think about.
Hobie had seen you at almost every gig. And he’d seen the magnificent work you did with the photos. However, for the two years he’s been following this anonymous artist, he’d never seen photos. However, for the three or four years you’ve been following his band, he’d seen you in the crowd and seeing your work.
And now standing in front of your exposition, he could clearly identify the peculiar style of the pictures. Those pictures clearly were taken from the depths of a mosh pit. And keeping cameras intact and photos this good of a mosh pit could only be you.
His eyes widened at the realisation. He knew you all along, and had been watching your work from afar for so long. He didn’t personally know you, but he’d seen you around so much to think you were a cool lad, the pins on your jacket were rad, and that you had good taste in music. And of course, he thought you were a talented photographer.
But now that he’d put two and two together, not only were you a magnificent photographer, but an overall artist. The respect and admiration he felt for you duplicated, as he’d thought he was admiring at two different artist while it was actually one and the same.
“Oh! Look at these!” Some people in the gallery said as they neared the pictures and paid close attention to them. “Dude, this pics are sick! Kinda like the ones you always take!”
He diverted his gaze and saw a couple of people leaning closer to take in the details, and a third person wearing a hoodie. Hands hidden in the pouch and hood over their head.
“They’re pretty good,”
Hobie raised an eyebrow as he paced around the gallery, trying to get closer, wondering if it could be you underneath that hoodie.
As he got closer, pretending to glance at the pictures, he saw you from the corner of his eyes and smirked. Your poker face was actually very good, but he could see right through it.
“You think the artist knows how meaningful their art is to others?” Hobie said in a low voice as he glanced at you.
“They better! They’re fucking awesome!” One of your friends said, clueless of what Hobie was trying to do.
“I’m sure they’ve got some idea,” You said meeting Hobie’s stare.
“Well, they sure are my favourite artist, I’ll tell you that…” He said confidently. “I’ve seen you around in gigs, haven’t I?”
“Yeah, probably. I’m always around in gigs…” You said shyly.
“Especially Spider-Man! You love that guy!” One of your friends said, as you felt your cheeks warming up slightly.
“Do you?” Hobie asked.
“His style is very unique. And he’s amazing. He’s been a huge inspiration for me,” reluctantly, you admitted.
“Really? That’s cool. I’m Hobie,” His smirk flashed across his face with a slight arrogant yet full of charm.
“Nice meeting you,” You introduced yourself to him, telling him your name. “I like your style…” You said, pulling one of your hands out of the pouch of your hoodie and pointed at his pins.
“Thanks,” He said, repeating your name. “So, you said Spider-Man was an inspiration…”
“I do art sometimes,” You shrugged. “I wish I could live off of it but, it’s hard,”
“The world is so unkind to artist, unless you decide to sell yourself like a whore,”
You looked at Hobie, thinking there was something strangely familiar and yet refreshing of him. He was tall, he was skinny, but definitely looked like the guy you wouldn’t want to get in a fight with. And yet, he didn’t look all that intimidating. In fact, you felt curious.
“Yeah, pretty much…” You agreed.
“Wanna go for a beer sometime?”
It was hard for you not to smirk as you looked away. Your friends now further away, having read the room and left you alone with Hobie.
“Excuse me?” You armed yourself with courage to look back at him and meet his stare, his eyes a lighter shade of brown compared to the rest of his skin. He was gorgeous, you thought.
“You seem like a pretty interesting person, I’d like to know you better and know a bit more about the art you make, if that’s okay of course…” He shrugged, nonchalantly, able to read your slightly shy and awkward demeanour.
“Do I know you?” You asked.
Hobie chuckled softly. Knowing exactly what you meant, wondering if you were able to somehow relate him to Spider-Man already.
“Yeah, I introduced myself two minutes ago,” he teased, as you chuckled and rolled your eyes playfully.
“No—I me-mean yeah…” You giggled “But…Before that?”
Hobie shrugged.
“Why you ask?”
“I don’t know…” You sighed looking at him curiously, attentively. “Something about you feels oddly familiar…”
“Perhaps,” He shrugged “who knows, there’s only one way to find out…” He winked.
You smirked.
“Later today? At the Hayfield?” You said, naming your favourite bar, agreeing to his invitation.
“Someone likes artisan beer,” Hobie pointed out with an approving nod.
“Isn’t that the best kind of beer?” This time, you shrugged nonchalantly “Besides, Hayfield supports all the local beer producers and amateurs too”
“Nice. See you then,” Hobie said. “9 works for you?”
“9 it is” You smirked, feeling your chest stirring slightly.
“Nice meeting ya” He said turning around, with a triumphant smirk.
“Nice meeting you too…”
don’t forget to leave a comment if you like this and reboots always help your local and favourite writers get more traction 🙆🏻‍♀️
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
...ok. i really didn't wanna admit this but it's driving me nuts and i have to go public.
........i did watch the r*ngs of p*wer NOW,,.
HANG ON. gimme a chance. so,
jose and i love lord of the rings. it was the first thing that brought us together. watching it with our highschool friends was our meetcute of "omggg u also have appendices memorized??😳!" i was convinced trop was gonna suck also fuck amazon but jose's the most give it a chance man on earth like this dude loves everything but he especially loves lotr. he will take whatever he gets. so i was like sigh.... ok. you're gonna watch it anyway, I'll sit in, I'll give it a chance. to support my husband who i adore.
it's important to me that you understand this. that i was, definitively, NOT hate watching. i was going in with as open a mind as i could muster. and guys?
that shit sucked so so fucking hard.
ita bad! it was really really so bad. and i had to acknowledge that, ok, we will never get another good lotr trilogy. the formula that enabled the lotr to be such a gorgeous passion project will never come together that perfectly ever ever again, so i don't really wanna compare it to that standard. but this was like.... just bad television. just deeply unlikable stuff.
as i slowly started to pick up hints that even my loves-everything husband was, thankfully, not enjoying himself, i prodded with a, "i think the actors are doing their best with very very little to go off of" and he considered this, nodding and admitting, "yeah it's just okay." this, from jose, is about as scathing as it gets.
right away, the writing. it's bad. at times unbearably so, ranging from bursting out in laughter at the middle school level moments of triumph to looking away with literal nausea at the emotional beats. it's like a group of 19 year old male business majors minoring in anthropology got together and competed to see who could write the most moving speech, and there's your script. every word, delivery, expression is like they're saying the most dire thing that's ever been said. sometimes you get attempts at friendly banter trying too hard for charm, or commonfolk wisdoms, but mostly it's so so so serious guysss this is SERIOUS definitely the stakes are soooo high can't you tell by the way the actors' jaws are always clenched? nothing in middle earth has ever been so serious.
there's a boy and his mother (who's embroiled in a human/elf romance that lacks any of the tender, captivating distance between aragorn and arwen, but based on the music, we're definitely supposed to think it's on level). at one point when things are, again, Getting Serious, and she's like remember when you used to have nightmares as a kid? remember what I'd say? I'd say: In the end, this shadow is but a small and passing thing. There is light and high beauty forever beyond its reach. Find the light, and the shadow will not find you. ok, 1) did you? did you say that whole thing to your kid? yeah i bet you did sure bronwyn, and 2) this illustrates the most annoying pattern in every filmed lotr property beyond the original trilogy, which is the attempt to top the original trilogy. oh did you like that thing gandalf said? then you're gonna LOVE A THIS.
and galadriel. ohh galadriel. they girlbossified galadriel so hard I'd call it character assassination. it's egregious. personally insulting. galadriel is an interesting and powerful character who's simultaneously ethereal, feminine, calm and soft with moments of fury. well the trop writers saw that they were like hang on... she can't be powerful AND gently feminine that doesn't make sense. no. she has to be PISSED the HELL off!!! she's not like other elves. she's tough, she's gonna show these BOYS how to sword fight. also there's a hot MAN she's gonna have DYNAMICS with because, can't stress this enough, she is not like other elves.
they keep trying to make another "into the West" or "edge of night" like SHUT UP. SHUT UP. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU WILL NEVER BE BILLY BOYD. YOU WANNA BE BILLY BOYD SO FUCKING BAD IT MAKES YOU LOOK STUPID. ENOUGH. the credits song on the final episode is just someone singing the one ring poem. literally. like it's the one ring to rule them all poem word for word set to a painfully obvious into the west copy.
there's so much more. and i swear on GOD i was trying to give it a chance. my mistake. i shouldn't have done that i was wrong i messed up by watching the r*ngs of p*wer i wish i could take it back.
but nobody else waste your search analytics. nobody investigate. just look at this tumblr post and know: it was as bad as you thought it'd be like don't even sweat it.
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
hi! i just wanted to drop by and say, i think your last prompt fic rewired the chemistry in my brain. i've been rotating that interaction between finarfin and olwe in my mind for hours now. that's probably the best take i saw on them & and on why finarfin didn't return immediately after the first kinslaying. that was amazing and your writing is wonderful
also i'm in love with your "and all our towers cast down" fic, with your portrayal of finrod and his trauma, it's honestly fascinating
hope you're having a good day/night <3
omg tysm for this incredibly kind message!!!! it literally made my entire day. tbh i didn't expect much of a response to that ficlet bc it was such a struggle to write - Aegnor and Angrod are not characters I think about often and Alqualondë is so odd narratively to me bc it feels like it should be a major turning point for everyone but it kind of...isn't? So this was my best attempt at making it make sense in my own mind. I need to write a full meta post on the subject soon haha to put my thoughts in order. I'm so glad you liked it!! Though I don't really write about them much, Olwë and Finarfin are such interesting characters to me so I'm glad they came through properly.
And thank u so so much!! i have absolutely adored writing towers, it's so much fun to explore the character dynamics and really dive into leithian and make everyone's choices make more sense in my own brain. in my mind finrod's death is really what sealed the doom of nirnaeth, cuz politically fingon lost so much with finrod. so i am really looking forward to exploring the ramifications of his survival and how the events of tol-in-gaurhoth affected him. i really see his role in leithian as him finally snapping and being like I'm going to help this person I love no matter the cost. I've always headcanoned that a big part of the reason he went to middle earth was to support both the nolofinwions and his own people who loved feanor. and in middle-earth he's had to make the hard pragmatic choice so many times, between splitting from turgon pretty much forever, letting his brothers go to the front lines, sending balan's people to the front lines, constantly smoothing things over between the Fëanorions, the nolofinwions, the doriathrim, the bëorians, and the laiquendi, and at the point of leithian he's just seen so much of that work burst into flames around him and he basically pulls a fingolfin. he's like fuck what happens to me, fuck what happens to my kingdom: thingol is insane, two of my brothers are dead, pretty much all of balan's people that i worked so hard to help are dead except this one guy who is determined to go on a suicide mission. so im gonna help balan's descendant and no one can stop me.
But now he's survived and he's going to have to reckon with...all of that...with fingon who just lost his father to a similar impulse, and with orodreth, and with himself. and of course sauron's mind games didn't help him any. so he's in a pretty bad headspace right now and is going to have to deal with a lot of the losses he's just been shoving away and not looking at up until now.
Anyway sorry for the ramble! I'm just very passionate abt this project lol.
Also, I know you like Finarfin, and this ask made literally my whole entire day, so here's a Finarfin+Finrod snippet for you! I hope you enjoy <3
That morning, Arafinwë's eldest son does not so much walk into the dining room as swim. He is encased in layers upon layers of swishing fabric that billow before and after him, making it necessary to sway carefully to avoid tripping; his hair, loosed and straightened, falls nearly to his feet, and keeps tangling about his knees; and he looks inordinately proud of himself.
Arafinwë glances at Eärwen in bewilderment, wondering if wardrobe-related madness is a symptom among the Returned that he has forgotten about. She looks just as confused as he feels, if significantly more amused.
"Good morning, Finrod!" he says aloud. "Er - is there a special occasion?"
Finrod moves carefully to his chair, then sweeps his massive skirts behind him, swiftly moves the chair out, and sinks into it with a whoosh. He looks up cheerfully.
"Good morning, Atya, Ammë!" he says, beaming. "No special occasion - this is cultural. It is the latest in Vanyarin fashion!"
"Is it?" Arafinwë asks weakly. "It seems - difficult to move in."
"Oh, yes," Finrod responds, grinning even wider. The effect, in conjunction with the sparkling, billowing skirts and tangled hair, is nearly blinding. "That's the point, you see! It is intended to emulate the care with which the Valar must move, encased in the forms they take to walk among us. I thought the idea was fascinating. And the fabrics they use are so beautiful!"
"Ah - that is indeed interesting," Arafinwë responds, wondering who among his mother's people he will have to take aside later for a quick word on not telling Finrod about Vanyar fads. "Surely it is not intended to go out in...?"
"Oh, but of course it is!" Finrod says. "I plan to go out to market as soon as we are done breakfasting, to experience the full effect. Would you like to come? It could be quite interesting."
"Alas, your mother and I must hold court soon after breakfast, and cannot join," Arafinwë says without much regret.
"You must tell us about the experience, though!" Eärwen chimes in, sounding as if she is suppressing laughter.
"Ah, very well," Finrod says cheerfully; and after he has breakfasted he does indeed rise carefully - barely snatching his garment away from the remnants of jelly on his plate before it can be stained - and swim out of the room.
Eärwen and Arafinwë look at each other and burst into laughter.
"The skirts!" Eärwen gasps, "The folds! It will take him an hour to exit the palace!"
"Oh dear," Arafinwë says at last, wiping his eyes. "Oh dear. Was he like this before?"
"He was!" Eärwen exclaims. "Do you remember, he used to creep into your father's closet and try on his best robes? Then he would swan about the halls, trying not to trip."
"I had forgotten," Arafinwë admits, a smile curving his lips, "but you are quite right. He always did love beautiful clothing. I only hope that his pursuit of high Vanyarin fashion will not send him home with a broken collarbone."
"It is so good to have our son home," Eärwen says abruptly. "Our children gave me such joy. I had nearly forgotten."
Arafinwë reaches across the table to take her hand. "It is," he agrees. The image of Finrod leaving the room, having to angle his hips to fit through the door and bundling his hair about himself so as not to trip, floats across his mind and he chuckles again. "Do you remember when bustles were all the rage, and Artanis got caught on a turn of the stairway? She was furious."
Eärwen's laughter is a welcome peal, more light of heart than he had heard in years. "As I recall, it was Finrod who convinced her of their merits in the first place."
"She did not take his advice on fashion again, after that!" Arafinwë agrees. He cannot stop smiling as he begins to gather up the breakfast things and neaten his own robes. It feels as if his heart is singing within him: Our son is home. He is home. He is home!
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siriuslytproblem28 · 2 years
time has come. i finished crimson rivers.
this is gonna be a long one, and i don't mind if I'm the only one who's getting to its end, I'm writing this for me.
the thing is, i started reading it not being able to conceive just how devastatingly beautiful it is, everything about it. i saw people on tiktok freaking out, and the fact that it's a thg AU really caught me off guard, I'm a huge fan of the books and the movies, ever since i was a child (about 9 years ago) and I'm fairly new with jegulus (i only read like half of choices and some other tiny fics) but i don't know how to explain just how this masterpiece got me tight on a chockehold.
but then, it came to me, in the last chapter.
It's about hope. yeah it's s about growth too but that only comes with hope. everything around this is hope. i get it now.
in a way, i feel like I've grown with it too. i surely hoped to. it's different than anything I've ever read. not only cause it merges some of my favorite characters, stories and scenarios, or because it's sad and angsty and I'm dramatic, or because everyone was reading. it was because of that as much as it wasn't.
usually when i read these things i wish for them to never end. i go at my own pace since they're usually finished for months or even years and i take my time, stretching it as far as it goes, binging when i feel like, and it becomes an experience, my experience, playing with time and spending every day with the characters until i wake up and go to sleep thinking about them and pray not to find spoilers on the internet. I'd strech and stretch cause I've never been good at goodbyes, always hate them, the reversible and the irrevocable, but this time... it's weird...
i could read anything by zar and LOVE it no matter how long, I'd drink the words until i choked and spit them out just in time to take another mouthful. I'd swallow some, too. like poison, like tea.
but it made sense that this had to come to an end. not cause it's set in over 3000 pages, i didn't realize it was long as i was reading it, as a long time fic reader, i guess i was just used to read and read endlessly, how it seemed at the time. but this, i understood, i could see it coming to an end and i was at peace with it, i got it, and i was even happy for it, not to get rid of it, I'll miss this forever and might reread it in a low point in my life to give me comfort (yeah i know loll but towards the end there's comfort ok?)
but it made me have a better relationship with endings and change in general.
I've been known to dwel. on people, on things, on the past, on stories, anything. i cling to things as long as there's a tip to grip and i struggle to let go. to make peace with endings. crimson rivers came at first like a continuation to my habits, fitting perfectly in the angsty, sad story I'm so passionate about. brutal, cruel and awful, destroying me internally, with things i would relate to and the things i wouldn't. as closer to its end as it came, it became the antithesis. i understand why it had to end, i even agree, of course I'd read 75 more chapters but i don't feel the need to as much as i don't feel the need to know every detail about reggie and James's wedding.
I'm usually atractted by unsaid things, whispered kisses, silent words hung above those who kept their mouth shut when they shouldn't have, when speaking up would gain them time, precious and non conforming time.
but in cr the unsaid is said in so many ways, it's sang and screamed and still i found crevices between the realm of real and inagined words to foster my own thoughts and interpretations on the characters, on the story itself. i found myself bookmarking soooo many scenes and wanting line after line engraved in my mind, tattooed in my bones.
it's the most beautiful story I've ever read and i realized in the last chapter that it's about hope. right during regulus' dream, when evan says "is it not good enough that it has been you?" referring to regulus projecting evan in his dreams to counseling him, while all evan ever said to him might just have been regulus saying to himself. and then i was like "oh".
it was always about hope for me. regulus hoping james would see him, notice him, regulus hoping his name wouldn't be called, james and reggie hoping sirius would survive, regulus hoping to have his brother back, james hoping sirius would overcome his addiction and his trauma after the arena, james hoping he could ever have a chance with reggie, sirius hoping to be close to regulus again, and much later, hope for their love, the three of them, sirius building a bookshelf because he hoped james and regulus would eventually make it, james giving reggie his flowers hoping to make his day better, Reggie getting the flowers hoping someday he would invite james in...
i saw myself in regulus so much, that for the first time it really hit me how much i kin him, and i saw myself in james too, which is new to me, but only in a sense of being absolutely in love with someone and thinking they would never want you back, except for me they won't. but to love with such devotion, such hunger, i feel that, it connected me with this james in such a strong way, as i too would take anything this person would give me, the good and the bad.
i don't wanna spent too much time on more technical things like the world building, narrative, politics etc because i think we can all agree that it was perfectly done, full of complexity when it needed. i wanna focus in what i felt.
i love wolfstar here, i think it's the most healthy I've ever seen them, despite everything they went through. and I'm not saying this as the type of person who doesn't like atyd wolfstar because they're "toxic", i love atyd exactly for being so realistic in a sense that they're both traumatized kids in the 70's. of course they don't deal with shit the way we would know how to deal a little better now. i just think that they journey it's so beautiful, and it's about hope to, hope to have 5 more minutes together, hope to see them the next day, and eventually, every year, taking all they could ever get even if it meant only seeing each other once a year. and they eneded up with everything they deserved. a home and a family to fill it up with. it just makes me soooo fucking emotional.
I'm trying to close things here so this doesn't become like a huuuuge post, so i wanna state that I'm amazed at the character development throughout the fic, especial when it comes to their traumas and such. like, reggie coming from such deep denial towards his love for james, up to the point he thought he could kill him, to admiting his love eventually, to be willing to step in a crimson river to die a horrible death to save him, to admiting his love in his own ways, to propose without james even noticing HELPPP, to literally having the 4 kids he wanted ever since he was a kid. him being able to let evan go too, honoring barty with the forge, mending his relationship with Sirius omgg thatt
i love how the story isn't just about the couples, the romantic love, i adore family dynamics, and sirius and reggie here, omggg they made me cry soo fuckinh much... i find sibling relationships so interesting maybe cause i spent 13 years being an only child, and now i have a 6 year old half sister who doesn't live with me, so i don't get to see her daily and we have the age difference. so like, i know we won't have the same dynamic as siblings living together or closer in age, and honestly i sometimes get scared we won't be close, or that i don't know how to be a big sister cause i still haven't had too much experience at it. but i also feel this need of protection towards her, especially cause she lives with my dad, which is... not a good person to be around, to put it bluntly. and i want her to have me as someone she can trust, i want to help her having to endure my dad and i want her to grow up in a better, healthier way than i did. so yeah, i relate to sirius and Reggie's story here as much as i don't...
and sirius and james friendship>>>>>>>> I've been a sirius kinnie ever since i got into the marauders fandom in 2020, and i have a james in my life, so their bond is really special to me, quite the embodiment if sunshine
remus here as well>>>>>>>>
i know i focused mainly on sirius, reggie and james but honestly i could spent days writing only about those three so i really can't be mentioning everyone else, I'll just say that i don't think any fic made me fall in love with as much characters as this one, even those i didn't know or didn't have their image clear in my mind from canon/other fics.
to close things up, i love how the narrative circles around itself, in the last few chapters things comes full circle, like reggie thanking Sirius for volunteering for him, which was the very core of regulus anger and guilt, so it shows how much he's grown, also when he says to aberforth that "my brother's responsible for his actions as i am for mine" or something, so finally seeing that he isn't responsible for everything bad in sirius life; sirius learning to have a healthy relationship with sex and his desire, remus and lilly making their way back to each other, two hearts beating, one person, james fucking knife kink FINALLY my boy had his way, i found it sooo cute and funny that reggie was trying to "protect" him hiding the daggers LMAOOO, sirius building again, james releasing the horcrux hornet into nature again after so many years, THE FUCKING "YOU'RE HESITATING LOVE" 😫😫😫😫😫 i swear, i thought this fic would be the death of me but it might've just saved my life...
like all the metaphors, all the elements that appear throughout the story to bear meaning and to signify something important, it enriches it soo much, james' flowers, the tree, regulus climbing and growing, the blood and the crimson river, the knitted hat, the snow, the rain, the fire, the fireplace, the bookshelf, the moon, the stars, ughhhh i swear to gooooooooooodddddddd the worst and best parallel, aberforth and albus are what regulus and sirius might've turned into. i am devasted by this, so i won't comment on it. for now.
i think this is it. I'll be forever grateful to zar for writing this masterpiece that changed and saved my life, and consumed it, filling my mind ever since october, and for getting to finish now with everyone. i swear i wanna print and bind this just to have it phisically.
I'll be making a playlist for cr and listen to it every time i miss it ❤️ this was a beautiful jorney, but I'm at peace with it ending now. thank you, zar, i will proceed to rear every other fanfic you wrote and will write.
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I’m alive!!
I’m back! Sorry it took me so long!
I was very very busy deciding on how I wanted to take the idea of a girly media. I’m gonna be using this blog ALOT more often now (totally not cause Twitter was grinding my mental health into mush or anything :"D)
you might be asking a lot of questions, mainly “what on earth have you been working on all this time?!” Well… let me show you ;D
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This is lexy! She’s the protagonist of my kids media concept the galactimals! I wanted a girly yet strong and empowering set of rowdy space travelling animal girls (and one extra rowdy but equally lovable nonbinary poodle!) it’s sort of… no it’s 100% a homage to my forever idol and inspiration Lauren fausts discontinued passion project milkyway and the galaxy girls.
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Ever since I first discovered this abandoned project it’s had my entire heart and soul. The characters are adorable, the concept really clever, the art style and absolutely stunning. If this existed when I was a kid I would’ve clung to it so hard! Little me deserved to have a proper franchise like this to shape her and tell her it was ok to be different.
(Mlp sorta did that but I’ll share my grievances with g4 of my little pony when I can make them sound less pointy)
Unfortunately MWGG never got a show. And it breaks my heart seeing it slowly fade out of public perception. Even Lauren Faust only brings it up when directly prompted about it… I don’t want it to disappear. She wanted to do so much with it!
But there isn’t really much I can DO about it. At least not right now as tiny obscure artist on the internet. So galactimals is my current solution! (But don’t worry milkyway I am NOT giving up on you!) more posting very soon! Imma start from the beginning and work my way up!
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pinecellar · 2 months
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. (Or at least attempt to)
Today I wrote out a list of things I want. Here it is:
To create, film, write and act in my own projects
To build or find an artistic (hopefully queer) community and foster it
To be a better friend and support; potentially later a lover/partner
To have an income
How to do this? I frankly have no idea, but I am tentatively optimistic that I can figure this out.
2024 has been one of the toughest years of my life, next to 2013 when I ended up unhoused and lived out of my car. It almost seems like it’s entirely unraveling. I got laid off from a job I loved, I lost my beloved cat Biz, and my partner (of over 10 years) and I amicably broke up recently. Needless to say, I’m pretty shattered and scattered at the moment.
However, there are so many things for which I am thankful. I have my health. I have housing. I have marketable skills and a frankly impressive resume. I have savings I can dip into as finding employment in my professional field currently (product design) is BAD and likely will continue to be bad. I have been on interviews (which I typically ace, thanks to my former life as a professional actor with hundreds of auditions under my belt), I have honed my resume, I have redone my portfolio and personal branding (the latter I know is cringe but necessary), and I have built new skills quickly. I have, as the old Bear Grylls meme states, improvised, adapted and overcome.
I am a survivor. I had to be all my life. However, as I inch closer to middle age, I know I can’t keep this up forever. I don’t want to be an island or a recluse. This I know. No person can be and maintain their well-being, but I also don’t want to say goodbye to filmmaking/acting/storytelling. Not until I figure out what she wants from me.
Creative pursuits are volatile lovers. Filmmaking/acting has been pestering me for years after I left Los Angeles and my inability to properly address her while juggling my “life after her” has had extremely negative effects. I have changed in a bad way. The passionate, vivacious, creative person I was got pushed aside. Yes, I am a far more stable, professional and easy going person than I used to be, but I never evolved that past creative life/person into something else. I never married my past and my present in a satisfactory way. I basically unceremoniously pushed her away like she was some childish pursuit to be shunned and abandonned, but she was always there. Always whispering. Always taking me away from the people and the life I had built after her and making me resentful of it all.
My partner always supported my creative pursuits. I want to make that clear. I just didn’t know how to handle my “creativity mistress” and be what my partner needed. I deeply love my partner still, and always will. I want them in my life, but I want them to be happy and fulfilled. I can’t be a good and present partner for anyone until I figure this creative gnawing out, but I do know I ultimately want to be someone’s lover and partner, fully and generously. I know I’m more than capable to love, give and support through good times and bad times. I’ve done it before, but I want to give myself fully this time.
I have been working on a short “film” for months now. My layoff threw me through a loop financially and emotionally, which delayed its progress. I have learned a lot from this project about what is too ambitious for one person. I am beginning to try new time management processes and project management so I can sustainably continue this type of creative workflow when I ultimately gain employment (unfortunately, you gotta pay those bills).
Things are so volatile right now that I am gonna stay away from the news and lock my phone daily to prevent “doom scrolling.” There are things we can control and things we can’t. I know what I can control and it’s not the national or global political stage. I don’t what is gonna ultimately happen, but I sincerely feel like everything is gonna be okay.
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hideandgopeep · 3 months
Fuck it, [breath of the storm] excerpt
Author Notes: this is one of my bigger time sucks. A passion project. Imagine me as a raving scientist writing this huge piece of shit, k? It's a crossover of AoT and Stormlight Archive, and I'm trying to stick to canon for both as best as I can.
Let me get a couple of Stormlight things noted here, FOR FUN:
Spheres: imagine a big glowing marble. Levi's sphere has an emerald in it, so it's green light:
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"Storms": a swear used similarly to "fuck"
Firemoss: has a psychotropic effect on humans and can be a highly addictive drug (MC was kind of a dealer for a while at a war camp).
Windrunner: a title for the MC (she has some powers). Related is the Third Ideal (an increase in her powers).
Let me set the scene: MC "Enid" and Levi are hanging out in one of those big ass trees stargazing and drinking (they're safe). They're kinda moving from semi-friendly to a bit of flirting, and you guys, Levi's got a crush but will'n't admit it to himself. Enid finished most of the whiskey and can burn off the alcohol when she wants to, but Levi's, well, bitchy about it.
“Drunks get annoying, fast, when they monologue about stupid shit.”
“This place isn’t built for titans, even though they rule like it is, like humans are the intruders.” She swipes her face with a gloved hand. “Don’t you think if this world was meant for them, the trees, mountains, other animals should all be bigger? You can’t subsist on pinches of food forever.”
“Drinking like that isn’t okay for anybody, Radiant or not.”
She sighs. “Yeah, but it feels so fucking good to exist in a single moment without that distracting grip of memories, okay? Storms, I get the luxury of preventing sickness from it, unlike those poor fuckers I gladly supplied firemoss to.” She pinches at a finger of the hand I’m leaning on. “Listen to me. Please.”
I glare back at her, but the way she says please burns away my anger at her. Almost. “Go on.”
“Hange’s spent hours thinking about this stuff, the why behind it. I want to find out where the titans come from. As long as I have rain and food, I can. It seems pretty uncomplicated for someone like me with this land’s near-perfect weather and abundant wildlife.”
The weight of her plan, her intention, settles in deeper. I put my sphere in my pocket and look up to the stars. A way to keep giving . . . Now, I think it was partly an escape too. “Windrunner, I’m gonna ask you a question. I expect truth.” I turn back to her. “Is your plan to escape again?”
It feels like minutes pass while I wait for the answer. “No, but a part of me wishes it could be. It can’t because of my oath, and the binds of it are compounding right now as I speak.”
“And you’ll wait until your Third Ideal?”
I reclaim her hand and look up as she interlocks her gloved fingers with mine for the first time. It’s an odd choice to have worn gloves in summer while not working.
“What do we do after this?” she asks.
“Go back to the castle, go on these upcoming supply runs, the daily bullshit for a while, you doing whatever it is you need to do.”
She sits up with a grunt and yawns. “Right, but I mean you ‘n me.”
This brushes against my ear like a feather and hits like a boulder. Her original question hangs between us, and I’m torn in two directions again like last night when I couldn’t shut the fuck up about the last time we were out here like this, free under the cover of night. She gave me an easy out then, and I’m uselessly waiting for another.
It’s up to me, so I try with, “Do you mean you splitting your time among the squads?”
“Pff, man.” She squeezes my hand. “Come,” squeeze, “on,” squeeze.
I flop back, taking her hand with me and holding it above my face against the darkness. “Is this really a conversation we should even fucking bother with? You’re leaving eventually, I’m dying eventually, so what’s the point?” Could use more of that damn whiskey now, but her dumb ass drank it all.
She doesn’t answer, just shifts to face me, watching with eyes that I avoid while I study her glove, turning her hand back and forth over my face. Two tiny flat buttons at the inner wrist. “Why are you wearing these? It’s summer. Can I take it off?”
“Um.” I finally look at her face and catch her little smile. “It’s a tradition of sorts, but yeah, you can.”
“Hold your arm up for me,” I murmur, and she does so I can undo the buttons, fumbling like a fool and shaking with the craving to get my lips on her skin instead of facing her earlier question with words that would fail again.
What do we do after this?
I pinch the leather at the tip of her index finger first and work across the rest, hearing the leather release from her skin. My eyes want hers, but I know if I look, it’s over. I’ll freeze up, she’ll deflect me with some banal joke. So I focus on this ridiculous task and tug her glove free, hearing her take a sharp breath. That has to be from relief; her hand is sweaty. I tuck her glove into my belt then blow across her palm before spreading her fingers to do the same at each valley between her fingers. I swallow and begin kissing each of her knuckles before opening her hand and resting her fingertips on my lips.
Wetness rolls from my eyes across my temples and above my ears when I let my eyes close at the gentle vibration I’m feeling. I drag her fingers down my chin to rest them lightly against my throat before giving in to seek her eyes. Silently I beg for her to hold off on saying anything that would abruptly end this, wanting to lean into the sweet heavy ache of our contact.
I don’t know how to answer her question, because. Because. What do we do after this? Multiple directions that just pull me away from this moment, from her eyes, her breath. I pull her hand to my cheek and press it against my face with my own.
She leans over me, bracing on my chest, and whispers, “I don’t know the answer either. We can pretend it’s about our work for now and take everything else one moment at a time.” Her head sinks against my chest, and I cradle the back of her head, watching two stars in a patch of sky through the leaves above.
“We’re stupid. A moment at a time, then?”
I feel her nod against my chest. “Think we should get back?”
No. “Probably.” We let the moment go, our silence emphasized by the wind against my ears, and I can’t even distract myself with my own upcoming tasks. She takes us to her window and tucks us inside in her dark room where we stand in front of each other, wrists still in the other’s grip.
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theluxuriansecret · 2 years
Dear Diary 01292023
10:26 am / 12:57 pm (kept stoping and starting)
I don't know if I'm the only one but honestly this month has felt so fucking long. i have been feeling stuck, stagnant in my life. My mind is truly my worst enemy; I have been wanting to start watching harry potter and my brain literally won't let me. I have the worst addiction to my phone. It's sad the lack of self discipline I have. The cognitive dissonance of it all. It's sad. I want better for myself, I fucking want it all. I want the amazing body, I want to be financially stable. I want to be organized and clean, and be able to keep a clear mind. I want to learn new things, I want to have hobbies.
I have been having a difficult time comparing myself to others, even my friends. i'm jealous of the ones who aren't in school right now. They get to just work and have money and I love them for that. I guess it comes down to the fact that I'm not getting a degree for something I necessarily give a fuck about it. Honestly I wish I fought harder for myself, my wants and dreams and desires. Giving into other peoples fears and projections is the worst thing you can do, and you only realize that when it's to late. Well, is it too late ?
I know in my heart that all my dreams will come true. It will take hard work, dedication, passion, love, empathy, and grace. I just hate that I keep going through these cycles, I know that through every crash and rise I come out a little bit better. I acknowledge that the progress I have made in the last year matters. I truly believe it was an exceptional transformation. No one did it for me. I did it on my own, will support and community, but in the end it was all me.
How do I get past the part of my brain that stops me from completing the things I want to get done? Setting boundaries, saying no, doing the things that do not feel good but knowing I'll be better in the end. I guess I just answered my own question. Ughh. It'll all be better right? It's not gonna be like this forever right? It can't be. I always go back and forth between "what's the point?" and "I didn't get a choice in whether I got to be here but because I'm here i might as well make the best of it." It truly is such a battle.
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catch my ass googling "how to be passionate about art again and draw self indulgent stuff without worrying about if people will validate you for it on the internet or not or without overthinking a concept and worrying about it to the point of it not being fun to draw anymore"
#okay to reblog#if google wont give me answers then i guess maybe somebody on here will#i mean i know there hasn't been a lot of time to draw lately but still#it feels like I'm just gonna stay stagnant no matter what i do ya know???#like no matter what i do I'm not really getting better I'm not learning or making anything amazing#i don't have the time or attention span to do big impressive projects like other artists do because i take forever and nitpick it to death#and i don't have the massive output like other artists do because again i don't have the time and energy and I'm too slow#and i don't have any classical training really so i don't know all the 'rules' or whatever that I'm supposed to to make anything look good#not to mention that if i don't get something right right away i give up and stop practicing because I'm an inpatient perfectionist dunce#so now my skills in landscapes backgrounds lighting color theory all of it is underdeveloped at best and absolute shit most of the time#and i just don't have the time or money or energy left after everything to do anything about it#i have to work and eat and sleep and repeat every damn day with no end in sight and at the end of the day I'm fucking tired#i don't care if my friends and family call me a pussy for complaining about not having the mental energy to do art after a 6 hour day#i wanna make art damnit#i wanna do things I'm excited about#i wanna be passionate about creating things again and this world wont let me do that and survive at the same time and i hate it#fuck this bullshit system i want to make something beautiful to put in the world#rant in tags#long tags#the cat in the purple pants chat#creative problems#art problems#drawing problems#art woes#fuck capitalism
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
I just wanna talk about this quick and then I’ll shut up forever.
I HATE byler kiss manips (not talking about fan-art, I’m talking about photoshopped byler edits using milkvan scenes). I hate them with a burning passion. The only exception to this would be when bylers use them as a response to homophobic anon asks... now that’s funny. But that’s it 🤣
Like I get it. It’s mostly all a big joke, but it’s just cringy to me..? And weird?? Why can’t we wait for the real thing???
AND YET! AND YET!… Even though I’m kind of contradicting myself by making this post in the first place, I honestly don’t see much value in confronting fans who do this or staging a whole call out about how it makes me personally feel uncomfortable for reasons x y z.
Because that’s just me. I’m sure there are some fans who agree with me and I’m sure there are plenty who don’t. But still, I don’t see the point in policing anyone that disagrees with me on this, to make them feel bad for engaging in fandom differently than me, to make a big spectacle about how it upsets me, bc the reality is, nuance exists!!!
While there are some people out there with horrible, even offensive or concerning takes, not every single disagreement of opinion needs to be put on blast as if that person is bad for whatever point they’re trying to make. Because now suddenly everyone is giving their two cents, clogging the tag to the point where no one can escape it. Now we’re all uncomfortable. Who is that helping?? No one!
So if you’re like me and there’s certain things that make you uncomfortable, no matter how small or even major, BLOCK.
Maybe you are just like me and you give someone a few chances, only to finally block them after one too many posts that are just 😬
Or maybe you block right away the moment you see something you didn’t want to and don’t want to risk seeing again.
I just hate this tendency fandoms (it’s all fandoms, not just st or byler) have to attribute one or even a couple hundreds of fans opinions, to the entire fandom… and then project that onto the rest of us like “IF YOU THINK THIS! YOU ARE BAD!” Like be real, there are hundreds of thousands of us, exponentially chances are there are gonna be a great deal of people you won’t agree with. That doesn’t mean we have to ruin this space for everyone.
I really don’t want to do this again, bc like I said, im basically contributing to the very thing I hate. I hate that I feel this need to voice my feelings on something everyone is already talking about, and now i’m also taking away from the aspects of fandom that can be fun and welcoming and worthwhile.
It’s just unfortunate how all fandoms put themselves in this situation. We allow one or a few to control the vibe of the tag and suddenly you can’t find theories or headcanons or just fun banter between fans. All you see is virtue signaling and people trying to find someone to blame. And then we wonder why fandoms fizzle out with resentment. Because we ruin it for ourselves. We turn on each other for the sake of being right. And it just sucks.
At the end of the day, everyone has the right to say how they feel. By all means, that is your choice and you can do whatever feels right to you. But just know that not everyone is going to agree. And that’s not always a bad thing. And even if and when it is, we don’t have to make it EVERYONES business.
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emnemz · 2 years
what will your 2022 May gonna be like? take a look at this pick a card reading to find out more! Book a personal reading with me for only 5 $ personal readings info ℹ️
tip jar if you are feeling generous today and you would like to support me 💳
Go ahead, choose your pile that is calling to you the most:
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*pics are not mine!*
You already know the drill, you choose the picture you resonate with the most - either 1, 2 or 3 (left to right) and you scroll down to your reading. Enjoy!
Picture 1 🟡
So my lovely people that chose the first pic, this is what your May 2022 will look like. First thing that I am seeing is an image of a big tree that you are sitting under, so this is a metaphor for your past. You are finally accepting and embracing some certain situations that happened a while ago and you are deciding to start this new month fresh and to look forward to better things. For some of you I see you might receive a random gift or some income from an uncle or a male in your family. Others are gonna win some sort of competition but regardless, I am seeing for everybody that you are getting a random income from somewhere. You might see a lot of ladybugs, take that as a sign that success is near around the corner for you. I am seeing this month you are going to be focused on work and achievements. And there is actually a lot you are gonna be doing because I am seeing fire and sweat and putting a lot of effort into something, investing in your future to word it better. So all the things you are going to do this May are going to contribute to your close future. I am not seeing you in the spotlight so much this May because you are going to be busy working on this but this shall not be a reason to be sad about because all the attention will be on you soon when this project or work whatever you like to call it will be done. You need to stay motivated this May, I see a lot of ups and downs and changes of moods. After all, this is a normal response since you are putting so much work and passion into it and it means so much to you. But it’s all worth it, and it will all gonna work out in the end. Some of you are really insecure about this new road you are taking and you think you wanna give up. Well, imagine yourself in a couple of years without having the thing you desire so much now, how do you feel in that scenario? If you feel blue and disappointed, that's because you need to continue working for your dreams. If you feel pulled in this direction it’s not for nothing, it’s your destiny most likely so don’t give up easily. You tend to discourage yourself at the smallest inconveniences that occur because you are a perfectionist and you can’t stand failure, but maybe you need to give failure a new definition and make it more about gaining more experience and being more aware rather than bringing you down and making you feel incompetent. I know it sounds silly and cheesy, but you need to be a little bit more optimistic about life and yourself and most importantly, you need to learn to be more gentle with yourself. You have strong ambition and a clear vision of what you want to do with your life, but you resist your little flaws too much, like just because sometimes things don’t go your way or you don’t do as much as you wished that day, doesn’t mean that you need to give up forever. You also care a lot about what people think, but to be honest with you, people don’t even know what your potential is currently, so you don’t even have to bother with them, just be patient with the process, have trust, ignore people’s reactions because they don’t matter now and keep working since this is the only way to get to your ideal life scenario. I can guarantee you will have a lot of success in the future since I am seeing the number 10 along with your reading. So stay focused on your goal this month, don’t let envious people disturb your peace and stability and get a healthier mentality about yourself and your goals, because you’ve got all you need to succeed you are just self sabotaging your way to the top. Learn to appreciate yourself more and celebrate small achievements. You are really not seeing your true potential for what it actually is because you judge yourself too much. Because of this self illusionment, you are not even seeing how bright your future actually is. This month, think big, dream big and really pour your soul into this goal of yours, it will all work out better than you can even think of right now. 
Picture 2 ⭐
My beautiful people that chose pile number 2, immediately as I started doing your pile, I was seeing number 4. If you are not familiarized with the meaning of number 4, that is of self fulfillment and self expression. So this is telling me, this month you’ll be really satisfied with your life and you’re mostly gonna lay back and enjoy. You really deserve to take a break from your work and clear your mind for a little bit. You did more than you think. There is a situation that you have in your mind currently and Spirit wants you to know that whatever it is, it will get fixed, it will work out and you don’t need to do anything about it because you already did all you could. You need to relax and enjoy what you have now. For some reason I keep hearing ,,There's something wrong with me,, like you are repeating this to yourself. I honestly don’t know why you’re seeing yourself as that because with my cards all I am seeing is that you did the right things, worked a lot to get here, learnt a lot and always remained righteous. For some reason you see less of yourself, you compare to other people a lot and you always feel like ,,you could’ve done more”, but honestly this mentality is just bringing you down and not getting you anything good in return. It’s good to be aware and see your flaws but you shouldn’t be too harsh. There is an on and off situation in your life involving one person you love that is stressing you out a lot. Please try to forget\forgive and move on from that because it is filling your life with karma and it’s making you feel like you are suffocating. Start enjoying the little things in your life, spend some time by yourself in nature if possible, and bring your pet too. Detach for a couple of days if you can, try to see things in a different perspective. Stop the persecution of the self, it’s burdening you down so much. You just need some air to breathe and to get away for a while from your problems so you can sort things out in your mind because currently everything feels too clogged. I am seeing good financial gain for you for the month of May. This month I want you to focus on your happiness, little things that make you glad you are alive and also focus on your health, mental and physical one. You are going through a massive transformation of the self. It might feel uncomfortable at first but it’s for the better as it is gonna help you grow tremendously. Don’t feel bad for who you are, in fact express yourself more, be exactly who you are and be proud and loud about it.
Picture 3 🐤
Hi to all the lovelies that chose pile number 3! For you in May I am seeing that you are gonna be working on something in regards to your career (you might’ve started yet) and you are going full speed about it like I keep hearing ,,easy, easy” as in your trainer or teacher telling you to slow down, because you still have a lot of time on your hands. You are really determined to get somewhere and you really know why you are there and why you are doing the things you are doing, and that’s really good you are a really conscious person, but on the other hand you need to take things easier, more humanly as in to not burn yourself out too quickly. You really have enough time to make your dream come true, you shouldn’t worry about that. Your teacher\trainer and parents, friends are really proud of what you are doing either if you are seeing this or not. You came a long way and the reward will be just as big as your efforts. You got the divine masculine and feminine in your reading and this can mean a lot of things to me. First, it can indicate that you are perfectly balancing yourself these days, you are doing the right things and you have both of the masculine and feminine energies in you. Second, this can be about love and a suggestion that your soulmate is coming through soon, so if this resonates with you, expect this in your life. And last but not least this can literally be two people in your life that represent a masc and fem duo, aka your parents in most cases. Your parents are proud of you and if you are not in contact, I feel like they want to reach out, if they don’t, it would be good for you to make the first step because I am seeing for some of you there is some sort of argument from the past or a communication problem that acts like a blockage in this situation and they might be really insecure about calling you first. But they would love to hear your voice. A lot of you are thinking of your past selves and what the past was like or what the present could’ve been if some things didn’t happen. It’s normal to introspect from time to time, but you know when it gets a little too much and it just makes you nostalgic and regretful and miserable about stuff, if you recognize this phase, please try to accept whatever happened and move on, focus on present and try to bloom a beautiful close future life. Be excited about life instead of remembering the things that you regret or wish you could change. Everything is best as it is right now and you’re doing a great job. This month for you will be about focusing on a more positive perspective about life and forgiving some certain people from your past including yourself. 
That’s all I had for you guys, I hope you enjoyed it and you resonated with it, I am sorry for the possible typos and I wish you a really really happy May. Blessings to yall!!
Masterlist 📝
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Can i request ace,cater and trey (for you<3) with a s/o who spaces out too often- self projecting rn
Cute ask, I love it JDJDJDJDJDJ
TWST S/o who spaces out often
Ace Trappola
He thinks it’s hilarious when you space out at first, every time your face looks so weird.
Since you‘re too caught up in your own thoughts, you don’t notice him snickering and pointing to Deuce at how stupid you look.
I’m sorry, but he’s an ass, at first at least.
When he slowly starts to fall for you, and when he becomes your S/o, he sees them as a cute little quirk of yours.
He glances slightly when he notices you spacing out, wanting to know what pocket universe you’re in in your creative head of yours.
Sometimes he wishes you’d talk to him about them instead of keeping it to yourself once he snaps you out of it though, but he wouldn’t say that to you because of course he wouldn’t, he has his BIG ASS EGO STICKING IN FRONT OF COURSE HE-
*ahem* sorry. My emotions-
Just take Ace to your wonderland with him, lie on his bed and tell him all about it. He might look disinterested or bored, but trust me, just take a look into the sparkling, cherry red eyes of his that gleams excitedly like a passion of the ruby gem.
He’s very much wanting to be in your world. <3
Cater Diamond
Awww! You look so cute!! Can he take a picture of you???
Like Ace, finds it really funny when you doze off, but also really cute.
That dazed look, cheeks puffed and eyes slightly drooping and closed, grinning wide.. DJSJJDJD HE JUST WANTS TO SNAP PICTURES, PINCH YOUR CHUBBY CHEEKS, KISS YOUR FACE JDJSJSJDJ-
He is a simp-
Cater loves taking pictures of your face, I’m sorry-
man just cant stop simping-
Cater also really loves the aftermath when he snaps you out of your thoughts, too, since you look so surprised and he snaps a picture, slightly teasing you about how you spaced out.
But in all honesty,
Cater wants to hear what you were dozing off about!
What we’re you thinking?? It’s gotta be something bizarre and out of this world right??
Cater isn’t gonna post about it, don’t worry. These types of things he’d rather keep to himself and of course with you.
He just wants to listen to you ramble on and on, and he wants it to last forever. Just listening to your share with your sweet voice.
“I hope I was in your dreams when dozing off~” <3
Trey Clover
Trey sweat drops whenever he talks to you. Halfway through, his voice would falter upon seeing your dozed of face; puffed cheeks dousing a little in a pale pink, eyes closed with a wide grin plastered on your face, obviously not listening to him anymore.
Trey sighs, but he smiles and scoffs softly, taking in your adorable face a few seconds before he lightly pinched your cheeks to snap you out of it.
Trey does doze off surprisingly, but not in the way you expect. When he dozes off, it’s usually while he’s baking, and he’ll bake non stop until he realises the ingredients ran out. Whoops-
But hey! Doze off with some cookies to fill your taste buds! Trey’s food always makes people dreamy, due to how delicious they are. Simply perfect-
Trey sees your mouth stuffed with your smile being slightly tucked under your chubby cheeks, some of the crumbs still etched at the corner of your mouth.
He wipes them off softly, chuckling when he catches you off guard. “What we’re you thinking about, hm?~”
Trey is always opened to hear on what you’re dreaming about, and he’ll look back at you with a soft smile and dazed eyes as gets entranced by that dreamy look in your eyes and your mesmerising voice. <3
reblogs help! ^^
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bbyheedeungie · 4 years
So Damn Wrong | Ex-Boyfriend! Jake AU
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Pairings: Jake x Reader ft. Na Jaemin
Genre: Heavy smut, angst
Warnings: oral sex in public place, unprotected sex, choking, cheating, toxic relationship
Synopsis: It's been months since you've broken up with Jake. Now dating Jaemin, Jake suddenly decides that he wants you back. And now, he's gonna make you his again one way or another.
"This is wrong Jake, we should stop." You say breathily, trying to stand up straight even though your legs begged to give in.
"You're right, so damn wrong." Jake says in between placing kisses on your chest.
"But why aren't you pushing me away, baby?"
Author's note: Ahh, my two favorite genres. Bye bye cinnamon roll Jake for now.
Three months. After ending things with Jake, you've managed to make it through three months of avoiding him at school, at the mall, and even in the neighborhood. You made sure not to run into him at the park, taking into consideration at what time and day he'd walk Lyala. Fortunately, it seems like he never made any attempt to reach out to you in those three months either. It was hell really. On the first week after the breakup, you did nothing but bawl your eyes out and eat sweets, refusing to go outside. He really broke you, cheated on you and made you feel unworthy of faithfulness. Every night, your insecurities ate you up, haunting you and asking you over and over what Jake saw in that other girl that you didn't have.
But storms never last forever, and one day you decided to just suck it all up. You were gonna be strong from now on. You're gonna be a whole new person, and you swore you'll never let anyone hurt you the same way again. And that's when you met Jaemin. Well, it wasn't really your first meeting, but it was your first time talking to him when the two of you were paired up for a school project. And one thing led to another, from simple late night conversations to making out inside his car on your third date, the two of you ended up together. And now, it's been 2 weeks since you've started dating Jaemin when you come face to face with Jake in the empty hallways for the first time in months.
It was painful for Jake. Yep, it was all his fault. He had a choice and he chose to cheat on you with some insanely hot brunette. Only for him to realize what he lost when you've already walked out of his life. He really fucked up, and he hated himself everyday for it. But he chose not to chase after you, thinking you were better off without him.
But that didn't mean you were better off with someone else. When he heard the news, it felt like his whole world had stopped. As if his heart had come to a halt. It was too soon.
And then he saw yours and Jaemin's entwined hands as he walks you to your class, you give Jaemin a quick kiss on the cheek before waving good bye and Jake felt rage bubble up inside his chest. At that moment, he saw red. He wanted to punch something, to hurt something. Did he want to hurt Jaemin or did he want to hurt himself? He didn't know. It fucking hurt. To see someone else in his shoes. To see what could've been him treating you right. He couldn't take it, he couldn't accept that you've moved on and you've replaced him in your heart completely.
And now, here you are staring back at him. Your heart pounded so hard in your chest. You were on your way back to class from the infirmary because you accidentally pricked your finger while doing embroidery at home economics class. While Jake, he'd just exited the men's restroom. The two of you never really had your closure. You were too pained to talk to him back then. But seeing him now, you felt like you still weren't ready. Not because you still held a grudge, but because your heart still flutters at the sight of him.
"I should get back to class." You excuse yourself, breaking eye contact. But Jake wasn't gonna let you slip away, no. He grabs a hold of your wrist, pulling you inside the empty restroom and locking it instantly.
"Jake, what—" He pins you against the door, crashing his lips against yours as he traps you in between his arms that was placed on either side of your head. He kissed you feverishly, his hand coming down to hold you by the nape of your neck to deepen the kiss as his other hand squeezes on your hips. Desire pooled in between your legs and your mind was hazy, kissing him back with the same passion as you grip on his shoulders, trying to pull his body closer to yours. You were unable to think straight, unable to think rationally. A small voice in your head screamed to stop, but was quickly silenced as Jake hikes your skirt up, caressing your thigh as his lips found its way onto your neck.
"Ohh, Jake." You moaned as he found the sweet spot on your neck, biting and sucking knowing how it drives you crazy.
"You're gonna have to be quiet for me, princess." He whispers lowly on your ear as he unbuttons your blouse, fondling and squeezing your bra-cladded breast.
You let out a whimper as he pushes your bra down, freeing your erect nipples. He doesn't waste time as he puts it into his mouth, circling the sensitive areola with his tongue and sucking harshly, making you arch your back in pain and pleasure as you entangle your fingers in his hair. You were soaking wet at this point, your body burning with need.
"This is wrong Jake, we should stop." You say breathily, trying to stand up straight even though your legs begged to give in.
"You're right, so damn wrong." Jake says in between placing kisses on your chest. "But why aren't you pushing me away, baby?"
And you kept on asking yourself the same question. But your mind was too foggy to care. You needed release. You needed to be fucked. He leads you to the sinks, placing you on top so now he stood in between your legs.
"Please.." You begged him, guiding his hand to your crotch shamelessly. This small action made Jake's heart jump for joy, and his cock twitch in excitement. His cock was painfully hard now, but he can't fuck you yet.
"You dirty girl, look at you, begging to be fingered by me."
He pushes your soiled panties aside, letting his finger slide into your slippery cunt, letting your juices coat his fingertips as he rubs your clitoris. You bit your lip so hard, trying to supress the noises that your mouth threatened to release. He enters two fingers, fingering you in and out. The sound of your wet cunt drove him crazy, he wanted to eat you out so badly. He curls his fingers inside you, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt yourself growing closer to your climax. But Jake knew you too well, he knew when you were about to come. The way your body flinches and your breathing speeds up, your pussy leaking of juices. But he just can't let you come, not yet. He stops, pulling his fingers out.
"No, please don't stop." You cried so desperately as you attempt to finish it yourself. But Jake stops your hand before it can even get close to your heat.
"Patience, baby girl." he plants a chaste kiss on your lips before pushing you down, your head rested on the wall and your legs spread for him even more. He eyes your messed up clothes and hair, appreciating how effortlessly gorgeous you could looked in any circumstance.
He draws his face closer to your cunt, grabbing hold of your thighs before digging in like a starved animal. He licked you good, working his tongue on your overly sensitive folds. He missed this, he missed your taste so much.
"Ah, Jake I'm so close. Don't stop." You moaned as you push his head closer to your pussy, his tongue digging deeper inside you as he lapped up your juices. He squeezed your thighs hard. And with one final flick of his tongue, you reach your high. In which he gratefully accept. Your whole body shooked with the intensity of your orgasm, but you weren't quite finished yet.
"Fuck- Fuck me Jake, please. Please I need you inside me, I want that cock fucking me hard." You begged, almost close to tears. You were so sexually aroused, nothing even mattered anymore. This time, Jake decided to give in to your request, his pants too unbearably tight.
He unbuckled his belt, pushing his pants down together with his boxers. His hard cock sprang free, his slit dripping with pre-cum. The sight made you lick your lips involuntarily. He positions himself on your entrance, pushing all the way in. You arch your back in pleasure as he repeats the action over and over, pulling himself almost out and then slamming all the way back into your pussy. He was fucking you so hard and fast as his hand comes to wrap around your neck, just the way you liked it.
"You're mine, Y/N. You'll aways be mine." He growls as he kept ramming his cock into you, slipping in and out so easily as your breasts bounced matching his pace. Only the sound of skin slapping and breathy moans and whimpers can be heard as you felt yourself getting closer to another orgasm.
"J-Jake.." Your voice was shaking as you called his name over and over.
"That's right, moan my name for everyone to hear. Fuck, I'm so close baby." Jake groaned breathily, thrusting his hips into you at full speed.
"Ohh Jake!" you cried as you hit your release with one final stroke, his warm load shoot inside you. He places his forehead against yours, breathing heavily as he savours his high.
"I still love you. Y/N."
But the bliss subsides soon enough, and reality hits you hard. Everything came crashing back, making you realize what you've just done. You cheated.
"No, we shouldn't have done this. This was a mistake." You say as you quickly fix yourself, or atleast try to look decent again. Jake clenched his fists, pain stung him as tears threatened to fall from his eyes.
"How could you say that, Y/N. You know you still love me too." He says, grabbing your shoulders. But the truth is, he's not reallly sure about it.
"No, Jake. I love Jaemin. I was wrong. So damn wrong. I cheated on him the way you cheated on me. That is so fucked up, Jake. He doesn't deserve this." You cried, pushing him away as you walked out the door. Jake was left standing there, with the numbing ache in his chest not going away anytime soon.
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infernwetrust · 4 years
Marked You [Michael Langdon x Fem Reader]
Summary: Oh you know, just the interesting relationship between you and your best friend, the anti-christ.
Warnings: smut, implied smut, swearing, fluff, smallest amount of violence
WC: 2.0k
A/N: This was literally the first fucking thing on my mind when I woke up at 4:30AM. And reading all my mutuals works got me brainstormin’. Master list, here. Thank you for reading! -Juno
GIF by casikototmblr
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Your relationship with Michael Langdon was very, clear. He was your best friend of course, the two of you, inseparable. Friends since the age of 5, you know everything about each other. While the two of you have your own friend group, everyone else knew where they stood when you and Michael got around each other. You trusted him more than anyone else in your life. And while the silly little arguments came, perks of the best friend contract, he never hurt you. He never put you down. A simple cool down period and he was in your room again, making the most ridiculous jokes.
On your worst days, Michael was the first person there. Exceptional at reading tone through text, he was at your door, movie and food ready, followed by a friendly cuddle. On his worst days, and his days were really fucking bad, you were there too. A short walk over to his house, you would allow him to vent angrily to you as you sat on his bed, watching as things flew around, feeling the temperature in the room fluctuate rapidly, but again, he made sure to never hurt you.
That's how it's always been though between you and Michael. Comfortable. And you appreciated that. Time after time, you'd sit in his lap amongst your friends, who thought nothing of it because they knew the deal. And amongst his annoying group of friends who knew better than to say anything out of pocket. You'd hold hands sometimes, walking wherever. Kisses on the cheek and forehead weren't uncommon either. And while that didn't deter every whore at school to not throw themselves at him, it did make it hard for you to find yourself a boyfriend.
To those who didn't know him well, Michael was intimidating. He stood at 5'11, dominating blue eyes, charming smile. Outside of his comfort zone, he was very reserved and closed off, which at times made it seem like he was hard to talk to, but anyone that did know him could say he was the sweetest boy around this dreadful place. A sweet boy who isn't afraid of anything or anyone.
When you finally did get your first boyfriend, he was almost your first everything, until he fucked that up. Yes, he was a douche. Yes, Michael did make him pay. And, while he could of used his powers, he decided to go the old fashion way for a change. And while you had yelled at him the same day, saying he didn't need to do that, that rather large action, brought the two of you even closer. Maybe a little too close?
Senior year, 18, and you were still a virgin. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but your hormones got the best of you at times. You didn't trust very many guys outside of Michael and your friend group and you didn't just want to give yourself to just anybody that even looked at you sexually. You'd listen to all your friends brag about who they've slept with or who they were dating. You knew Michael was sexually active too, but he never went out of his way to talk about that with you, which you appreciated. Not that it would of mattered, right? Wrong.
"This has got to be the dumbest shit I've ever seen." Michael said, referring to the movie in front of the two of you. The both of you sat on the couch in his living room, Ms. Mead asleep for the night, his arm wrapped tightly around your shoulder as you nestled into his side. He waited a few seconds for a response that usually came quick to anything he said, but when you didn't say anything, he turned his head to look at you. And look at you, just staring. "You okay, Y/N?"
You still didn't give him an answer. Instead, your eyes darted back and forth between his eyes and his lips and you swore that you could feel your face inching closer to his. And with Michael's unpredictability at times, you didn't know if it was his powers, but either way he was getting closer too. You gently put your lips on his in what started out as a gentle kiss that soon escalated. Realizing what you were doing, you quickly pulled yourself away.
"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." you repeated. "I just.. I-, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
"You're sorry?" Michael grinned. He was hot, temperature and looks. "I finally get the one kiss that means something to me and you're sorry?"
"Wait wh-,"
"You're gonna be real sorry if you don't kiss me again." No more questions because you were wanting it just as bad as he was, you slammed your lips back into his. And he got handsy QUICK. Tongues exploring each other's insides, he grabbed every inch of you that he could, pausing momentarily so that he could pull his shirt off, followed by yours. His hands found their way to your breasts again, squeezing them before his fingers slowly trailed down to your stomach and in the waistband of your jeans.
"Wait-..." you mumbled against his lips, grabbing his wrist. "I-, I'm, I'm not-,"
"I know." Michael said, staring deeply into your eyes. "I'll be gentle, but if you want me to stop, I will. But God, and I use that term loosely, I've wanted you forever."
"I don't want you to stop. I just thought maybe you didn't know..."
"I'm always gonna know about my Y/N." Michael grabbed both of your hands, holding them together as he gave them a kiss. "If I do anything to hurt you, please stop me." You nodded and allowed him to resume. And he took care of you, just like he said he would.
"Hey." Michael said to you the next day, startling you at your locker.
"Shit." you said, almost dropping one of your books.
"Did I scare you?"
"You always scare me." He gave a small laugh before he face became serious again. "But about last night..."
"What about it?" he questioned, raising his eyebrow.
"Thank you."
"What are you thanking me for?" he asked confused.
"For being my first. For being so gentle and so caring. And for just being my best friend. Oh and being cute, a bonus."
"It's what best friends are for right?" He leaned up against the locker next to you, eyes piercing through your body as he licked his upper lip.
"I mean, no not really." you laughed. "But I'm honestly glad it was you."
And it just didn't stop there. Sexual encounters between you and your "best friend" became regular. Countless times you found yourself being dragged into the utility closet between periods. And it was always a quicky. Either you were on your knees for him or he was on his knees for you. Thankfully this room was located at the far end of the hall because the noises that came from it were sometimes so ungodly.
Wet and sloppy noises and his moans crowded the room as you sucked Michael off relentlessly, drool dangling from your chin, hand wet as you stroked him at the pace you sucked him. As he got closer, you let him take control, hands finding their way behind him to grip his ass tightly as he released himself down your throat. Re-dressing, he sent you on your way with a sloppy kiss, a smack on the ass, and a "love you". And the next time you knew it was your turn.
If you've never squirted before, you did now. This forced Michael to bring a back up shirt for the days he knew he was going to be between your legs in that closet. He wouldn't let up either, knowing how sensitive you were and how little time the two of you had. An intense mixture of his mouth and fingers, he worked you like a pro, not caring that his face was soaked in your juices. And when you squirted, he took all of it like it was nothing. He's left you speechless and breathless so many times, taking you above and beyond. If he was fast enough, he'd stroke himself for you, leaving his mouth to do all the work, knowing the sight of him got you off quicker and if you, yes you, got lucky enough, he'd orgasm with you, all over his hand, and you'd clean it right up.
There was no doubt that he brought out your inner sexual nature. The joy of being a sinner, yes? Your favorite place to be was in his room, music playing in the background, underneath him. Some evenings it was rough and fast. He'd fuck you deep into his mattress, arms pinned above your head as he hair dangled over his face. Or hand wrapped around your throat as you held onto his wrist. Most evenings though, it was slow and passionate and that's when the both of you realized that it was maybe more than just bfs with benefits.
Michael made love to you more than anything, taking his time to fill you up. Hands carefully and gently roaming your body as you sat in his lap, legs wrapped around his waists. Soft kisses on the lips and neck. When he fucked you, he made sure to hit the spots that made you cry out, every single thrust. He always took care of you first, made sure you came, and more than once. His favorite place to have you was in your room, LED lights red just like he liked it, on top him, forcing you to ride out your orgasm until you either had another one or he reached his.
You two weren't shy of public adventures either. Hand jobs and being fingered behind any hidden surface, as long as the conditions were right and it turned you on so much how Michael could keep a straight face while you did it, but projected his loud thoughts into your mind so only you could hear. You struggled most times to keep yourself together, but obviously not reckless enough to give the both of you up. Dress rooms in the malls were a favorite too as he could pound you as hard as he wanted to, knowing that you couldn't let out a sound or risk getting caught.
And when enough was enough, it was enough. How dare another guy try to flirt with you at a party that Michael was hosting. Sure, you two weren't official, but you were official. Anyone with eyes could see that you were off limits, but not this guy who hadn't stopped talking to you despite your clear lack of interest in what he had to say.
"Clearly she doesn't want to be bothered." Michael said, suddenly appearing behind you, hands clasped behind his back.
"Oh come on, Michael." the guy said. "Can't a guy get a little action every now and then." Michael, already buzzed and now with an even shorter fuse, snapped, grabbing the guy by his throat, drawing the eyes of those in the vicinity who knew better than to object.
"If I see you talk to her again, and trust me I'll know, I'll snap your neck. Understood?"
"Michael..." you said softly, grabbing his arm. "It's okay. Really. C'mon."
"Understood?!" Michael said again, his grip tightening.
"Under... understood." the guy weakly replied and Michael let him go, shoving him back so he stumbled backwards.
"Hey!" you said, pulling him towards you. "I said it was okay."
"No one is gonna flirt with my girl and everything just be okay? Do you want to know what he was thinking about? Cause I can tell you and I promise that you will not be happy." But you had already tuned him out after hearing the words "my girl".
"What did you just say?" you asked, amused.
"Nothing. Just. Come on. Let's go have a drink or something. I've barely seen you all night."
"But all of sudden show up when a guy starts talking to me? Nuh Uh, Michael Langdon. I know you. You were watching me. Your girl, huh?"
"You were always my girl, Y/N. You were always going to be, my girl and you always will be."
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake  @xavierplympton @guiltyfiend @mikhalxngdon @fernfiction​ @theneverendinghunger​
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transsunwukong · 3 years
how some people are able to look at ANY of the later rwby volumes (v4 and up) and say “this is the most disappointing one so far, rwby is getting bad”, and like..... REALLY MEAN IT will forever be beyond me.
like. even if you dislike aspects, even major aspects, of the direction the story is taking right now? you have to be a very specific kinda stupid to claim that the show, in its current state, is even SLIGHTLY worse in overall production quality than before. and that’s NOT JUST limited to the animation, i mean /everything/. i think it’s fair enough to point out the Very Clear Line that distinguishes honest opinions on the show’s quality from, i don’t fucking know, “this one plot line doesn’t make total sense in my head, therefore it’s a massive downgrade”. because if everyone just ignored that line and accepted literally any criticism as sensible, then criticism wouldn’t matter in the first place.
i’ve always loved the original concept for rwby. those 4 trailers are very dear to my heart and i still think they’re great. and hell, it’s not like i refuse to acknowledge v1 and v2 at all - they have their moments! but the thing is: the first few volumes of rwby are Basically a whole different show than what we have now. rwby started out as a veeery experimental passion project created by a talented but small group of people with a small budget, and it never took itself very seriously, because it wasn’t supposed to. YET DESPITE THAT, the crew, especially monty, had all of these amazing ideas for a unique fantasy/sci-fi setting, cool character designs and weapons, and that part of the show is pretty much the only reason i stuck around for it. because without those elements, it would’ve stayed a 5-minute-ep sitcom on youtube with mediocre animation and a comedy style that never lived past 2015.
what i’m getting at here is: the early volumes were nice little stepping-stones that paved the way for rwby’s ACTUAL future. but that doesn’t mean they were ever necessary, or even good. under different circumstances, rwby could have looked a lot different back then, and turned out the exact same way - because everything that made rwby watchable back then has stayed relatively consistent, and they’ve only developed further and further on those elements throughout the years, as their company, budget, and fanbase’s hopes and expectations grew.
also, just to be an extra huge asshole, i’m gonna point out the elephant in the room that is please look at these 2 screenshots and try telling me with every fiber of your being that the first one looks SOOOOO much #better
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