#this was gonna be a rescue fic it just may never get finished so have the angst
The thing about the Empty is the silence. Cas had forgotten.
He has felt loneliness before, and grief, too, like a gaping wound–he is millions of years old, that is nothing new. He has experienced nearly everything a being can, in his hundreds of thousands of human lifetimes. But this, this nothing–is unlike anything he’s felt since the very beginning of the Universe. He has always, even without his Grace, felt the electric-pulse presence of his brethren calling out to him, the ambient noise of Creation at large. Here, he is an angel beyond even Heaven’s reach–no gamma wave of thought, no solar flare of emotion can reach him. He has never been alone before, not like this.
It is like losing a limb, like going blind.
He looks out at the void. This is Eternal Sleep, for his kind, and it is long, and boring, and—empty.
He is straining to hear something, anything. His steps don’t echo, here-they’re absorbed by the nothing, nothing, nothing around him. He had gotten used to the noise on earth. The rustle of wind through trees, the squelch of wet earth beneath his boots. The rumble of an engine.
Silence, he knows, can drive humans insane. Left alone in the dark and quiet for too long, they begin to fear the sound of their own heartbeat. He has no heartbeat, here.
You have nothing, says his nightmare. It is wearing Dean’s face. You’re all alone.
Under extreme stress, the human mind will conjure voices from thin air, figures from the suggestion of a shadow. Lies, to remind the brain it is still alive. Castiel is not human. This is not a trick of his own mind–he has no need of earthly light, or sound, or sensation, and he need not conjure any. This is the Empty’s revenge. It knows his thoughts, his desires. It can see inside his memories, and it will corrupt each one until he has nothing left that isn’t tainted.
He shuts his eyes—even the ones that don’t exist in this form—knowing it will not be enough. He will see it anyway.
Dean is here, in the driver’s seat of the Impala. There is music playing.
There is no music, in the Empty. No twang of guitars, no thumping bass, turned high enough to feel in his chest. No hoarse human voice, singing along.
Come on Cas, you know the words.
He does. REO Speedwagon.
And I meant
Every word I said
When I said that I loved you I meant that I loved you forever
Where they are doesn’t matter–landscape after landscape blurs past, here an open midwestern road, there a pass between hills, pine trees stretching above. They had lived this day a thousand times, in a thousand places: a case behind them, and nothing but the road ahead of them for miles.
And I’m gonna keep on loving you
‘Cause it’s the only thing I wanna do
I don’t wanna sleep, I just wanna keep on loving you.
He doesn’t know how long it has been. Time goes a little funny, in the Empty. Somewhere, seconds or maybe years ago, Cas had told Dean he loved him, and for a moment—just a blink to even a human lifetime—he had been happy. He wonders if Dean was, in the end.
He takes in the stubble coming in at that familiar jaw, the softness of that hair in the late afternoon light—and it makes him want more than anything to touch. To feel the warmth of those thighs through rough denim, that stubble against his cheek. Not that he ever could have, before. He could never have had Dean Winchester—he could have the memory of those hands tapping a beat on the steering wheel, that voice calling him Cas—it felt more intimate, somehow, more like him than the one humans couldn’t pronounce, and angels rarely used.
Even that is gone, now. Beyond his reach.
We’re not looking for you. No one is coming. His nightmare turns to look at him like they’re sharing a joke, and it is so like Dean in the quirk of that eyebrow, that easy grin.
I know, he answers, simply. Castiel isn’t delusional—no one is coming for him, this time.
There are no more deals to be made.
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wildsupernova · 2 months
summer nights
part 2 of “summer, sun, and a smoking engine”.
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summary: after steve came to your rescue when your car broke down, he offers to take you out to dinner and show you around hawkins. you decide to take a chance, in the hope it could lead to something more.
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: no use of y/n, fluff and awkward conversation i guess?
a/n: i know it’s been a while since i posted anything (like over a month but we’re gonna ignore that) but i’ve been super busy working practically every day and i have been insanely exhausted but i had a burst of inspiration the other night and finally got something ready to be posted. this is part two to my last little fic so if you haven’t read that and want the context, i’ll have it linked below. there may be a part 3 to this if i can get the motivation to do it so be on the lookout for that as well. like, comment, reblog (any little bit helps) and i hope you enjoy! :)
part 1 | masterlist | prompts list
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“You mean to tell me you’re going on a date with a guy you just met? You? The girl who wouldn’t even go on a date with the guy she had a crush on since 8th grade?”
“It’s not a date.” You wrung out the rest of the water in your hair into the scratchy motel towel, phone pressed between your shoulder and your ear. Your best friend scoffed on the other end of the phone, prompting you to roll your eyes. “He’s just showing me around the city.”
“Yeah, okay. You don’t just show someone around the city at 7:00 pm when they’ll only be sticking around until morning.”
“Okay, so maybe it's a date.” Your friend chuckled on the other line, and you shifted the phone to your other shoulder while you searched through your bags to find something to wear. “It’s one date, not like it’ll go anywhere. I mean, when am I ever gonna be back in Hawkins, Indiana besides when I’m driving through to visit you?”
“You don’t have to be in the city to date someone, you know.” You could hear her rustling along on the other side, the sound of a duvet crinkling as if she were rolling over in her bed. “Long distance is a thing.”
“Yeah, I tried that, remember? He cheated on me within a week of being gone.” You pulled a dress from out of one of your bags, holding it up to your body as you looked in the cloudy motel mirror. 
“At least give it a thought. You always say that love will come along at the right time, maybe this is it.” You stayed silent for a moment, soaking in her advice. It was true, you did say that it was only a matter of time, but it was more a self soothing mantra to make you feel better about your shitty dating life. You never really meant it as anything more than that.
“Yeah, yeah. Look, I gotta go, okay? I’ll call you when I’m back on the road tomorrow morning.”
“You better call with good news, okay?” You could hear her laugh on the other end of the line when you let out a groan. “Have fun, love you.”
“Love you, too.”
You put the phone back down on the hook with a click, staring down at the mess of clothes now thrown across the small motel bed. Every combination you’d held to your body in the mirror just hadn’t looked right, making you run your hand through your still damp hair. Never once had you worried this much about what to wear, especially for some guy. Now here you were, worried about if you were dressing too casual or too fancy or too colorful. You took in a deep breath and dug to the bottom of your suitcase, pulling out a simple black skirt and plain lavender top, not too flashy and not too simple, either. Deciding it best to just settle for what you had in your hands and not overthink it, you shoved all the other clothes back into the suitcase and zipped it shut.
Next thing you knew it was 30 minutes later and you were rushing to finish putting yourself together, your hair never quite falling right and your makeup always seeming to be smudged no matter how much you tried to fix it. The knocking on your motel room door had your heart lurching in your chest, swiping on a quick stripe of lip gloss before you took a deep breath and opened the door. 
Steve was standing on the other side with his hands in the pocket of his jeans, an untucked polo with the first few buttons undone wrapped tight around his chest. Somewhere in the last hour he had taken great care to get his hair styled, and the expensive smelling cologne he wore wafted towards you when a warm summer breeze blew in from behind him. He smiled when he saw you open the door, shoulders relaxing as if he had been nervous that you wouldn’t answer.
“Hey.” His smile seemed genuine, not like the fake charming ones you usually got from the few guys you tried to date back at school.
“Hi.” There was a moment of silence where neither of you knew what to say until Steve cleared his throat. 
“Come on. I know a good diner that’s open late where we can grab something to eat.” He nodded his head towards the parking lot, taking a step back as you stepped out of the room and shut the door behind you. He walked with you down to his car while trying to make awkward small talk, opening the passenger side door for you and shutting it gently once you’d gotten settled in the seat. He climbed in himself and started up the car, engine humming as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road. 
The silence in the car was cut up by the occasional short conversation and the sounds of music softly playing through the radio, street lights illuminating the sharpness of Steve’s face as the car traveled down the road. After about 10 minutes, maybe less, you arrived at the diner, a slightly run down building lined in neon lights with three cars already in the parking lot. After pulling into a parking space right by the door, Steve turned the car off and ran over to your side of the car quickly, opening the door for you before you even had a chance to reach for the handle. You were thankful that the lights above you weren’t quite enough for him to see the blush forming over your cheeks. 
Inside the diner, the pair of you picked a booth over in the corner, far away from the other couples and families who had also decided to get a late dinner here. The waitress, a kind older woman with bright red lipstick and heavy blue eyeshadow, took your orders and left, leaving the two of you alone to sit in a lingering, slightly awkward silence. 
Each of you tried to start a conversation, but it felt as if you had no idea what to say, eventually sharing a choked laugh to fill the silence. Apologies naturally turned into conversation, and before you knew it, you were already halfway through your plate of burger and fries. 
“So, you said you go to school in-state?” You nodded, swallowing the fries you had been chewing.
“Mhmm. There were no good options back home, and I’ve got friends in Indiana so I figured it’d be a good choice.”
“What are you studying?”
“Chemistry.” Steve’s eyes widened for a moment and he let out a small laugh. “What?”
“You are way smarter than me to be studying something like that. I barely passed chemistry in high school.”
“I don’t know, you seem like a pretty smart guy to me.” He scoffed. “I’m serious! Maybe you just haven’t found what you’re good at yet.”
“Well, I’m glad you have so much faith in me.” You laughed, and another silence fell over the table.
“So, your boyfriend gonna be mad that I took you out tonight?” You choked a bit on your drink and gave Steve a small smile, eyebrow raised at his bluntness. He cringed at himself a bit, failing quite miserably at his attempt to subtly feel out whether you were single or not.
“He might be, if I had one.” Steve’s head perked up a bit. “Fortunately, my dating life is quite abysmal.”
“Really? Girl like you and no boyfriend?” Steve’s voice had a bit of a teasing lilt to it, lips upturning at the sides in a charming smirk. You felt your face heat up at the way his eyes scanned over your features, lingering a bit longer in some spots.. 
“Guys don’t really ask me out much, and as you can probably tell, I don’t really go around asking guys on dates much, either.”
“Well, what changed this time?” He leaned his elbows on the table, resting his chin in his hand. “I mean, you just met me and you let me take you out.”
“Well you never said it would be a date.”
“Would it have changed your mind if I told you it was?” You stayed silent for a moment, giving him a smile of your own as you sipped your drink.
“No.” Steve’s smile grew wider at that. 
“Good.” Steve fished his wallet out of his pocket and pulled out several bills, placing some atop the bill the waitress left at your table and throwing a few more in the middle of the table as a tip. He stood from the booth, reaching his hand out towards you. “Come on, I’ve got somewhere else I want to show you.”
You raised an eyebrow at him and sent him a curious smile, taking his hand in yours and letting him lead you back to his car.
The drive was probably 15 minutes, although it felt much shorter with the small talk that kept the two of you entertained the whole drive. You found out that he’d been working at the Family Video you met him in for a few years, he still lived with his parents even though they weren’t around much, and he spent a good chunk of his time looking out for a group of kids a few years younger than him. He was humble every time he was talking about himself but bragged on and on about his friends, and every time you asked him a question about his high school years he seemed to cringe and change the subject. 
You let out an airy laugh as he turned down onto a dark dirt road, ending abruptly a few feet into the woods surrounding it. 
“You know, if you were anyone else, I’d think you were a serial killer taking me out to the middle of the woods like this.” Steve kissed his teeth and his face flushed red. 
“Yeah, I really didn’t think about how that would seem when I thought about bringing you out here.” He turned off the car and undid his seatbelt, giving you a slightly apologetic look. “I swear, I did not bring you out here to kill you.”
“It’s okay, I trust you.” He gave you a smile before hopping out of the car, once again running over to your side to open the door for you. He held out his hand to you again and you took it, gripping it tightly as he helped guide you down a worn down path that snaked through the trees. 
His pace slowed as you came up to a small clearing, a collection of large rocks the main feature in the center of it. A warm wind rustled the leaves in the trees, and you gripped Steve’s hand a bit tighter when you heard some animal running across the leaves behind you. 
“So, this where you take all of your girls on the first date?”
“No, not anymore.” You wondered what he meant by that, but decided not to question it. “Just figured you’re a girl who likes to look at the stars.” You let out another laugh, probably your hundredth of the night.
“You’re pretty good at making assumptions about people, I’ll say that much.” You leaned against one of the rocks and turned your head up to the sky, looking up at the stars that dotted it and connecting the constellations with your finger. “They’re so clear here, nothing like Indianapolis.” 
You heard the leaves crunch under Steve’s feet as he came to stand next to you, barely a shoulder apart. 
“You can see them even better at Lover’s Lake, but I figured it might be too soon for that.” 
“Well, I guess you’ll have to take me some other time then.” You turned your head to face him, surprised at just how close he was to you.
“Yeah? You’d like that?”
“Yeah. I think I would.”
You felt crazy. You never went on dates, never asked a guy out, never even sent a slightly romantic glance towards a guy, and here you were, flirting with someone you just met today, who you may never see again, and blushing when he gave you those stupid soft eyes and that charming smile. You told yourself that dating was this long, drawn out process and that you would never date someone who you weren’t friends with first, but yet right now, staring at Steve and practically melting with the way he was looking at you, you were filled with this overwhelming urge to just grab him by the shirt collar and kiss him until you couldn’t breathe. It didn’t make sense, how you could go from being so scared of relationships one minute, to imagining what it would be like if you never met your friend in Indianapolis and just stayed here for the rest of the summer. It had your mind running through a thousand different questions all at once, the loudest of them being ‘do I kiss him?’
Nature made up your mind for you as a loud crack of thunder sounded overhead, breaking the staring contest the two of you had been having for the past minute. Steve muttered something under his breath and grabbed your hand again, pulling you behind him quickly in an effort to beat the rain that was sure to fall soon. 
You were able to make it back to the car before the first drops started to fall, but the drive back to the motel was filled with a tense silence accompanied by the sounds of heavy raindrops hitting the car from all angles. When Steve finally pulled the car into the same parking spot he placed it in when he picked you up, he broke the silence. 
“If you want, I can take you down to Eddie’s garage in the morning to check on your car. He rarely ever sleeps, so I bet he’s gonna be up all night working on it.” You gave him a tight lipped, unsure smile.
“That’d be nice, thanks.” He gave you a nod and a tight smile back, staring at his hands as you got out of the car and walked up the stairs to your motel room. Your key was halfway in the door when you stopped, hair and clothes dripping as you got more and more soaked with rain water the longer you stayed outside. 
You couldn’t let this chance go to waste. You just couldn’t.
Without enough time to stop yourself, you ran back down to Steve’s car, yanking open the passenger side door and leaning your top half inside. 
“Hey, did you forget someth-” You grabbed him by the shoulders and cut his words off with a kiss, a bit sloppy and unsure, but he didn’t seem to mind. After a few seconds, one of his hands came up to meet your cheek, and you found it hard to pull yourself away. 
“Goodnight, Steve.” He floundered for the words he wanted to say, smiling lips moving like a fish out of water when he couldn’t form the words. With one last laugh, you closed the car door and ran back up to your room, sliding the key the rest of the way in and taking refuge from the rain. 
Clothes still dripping and hair still soaked, you leaned against the door to collect yourself, then rushed over to the phone with a squeal. 
Your best friend was probably asleep, but she wouldn’t mind being woken up to hear about this.
< part 3 coming soon >
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e-dubbc11 · 7 months
Dog Day Afternoon
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: Couple of swear words, fluffy bunnies and unicorns
Word Count: 3.8K-ish
Summary: STRIKE team commander at SHIELD, Brock Rumlow finishes a mission and brings something home with him that he wasn’t expecting
A/N: Based off of a conversation I had with my lovely Lily @munsonownsmyass I sent her Frank Grillo’s Insta story of him in his hot tub with his dog, Rumlow, next to him outside of the hot tub. He said that the dog never lets him have any alone time. So Lily said she would love a Brock Rumlow fic where he adopts a puppy. I’m also sorry I haven’t been around lately. Life throws curveballs sometimes 💔
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“Is that all of them?” Rumlow asked.
Commander of the STRIKE team at SHIELD, Brock Rumlow and his team finished rescuing the hostages that were being held by pirates. One by one, they were removed from the ship and placed back into SHIELD custody.
“I think so.” Rollins said. “You want me to sweep the ship one more time?” He asked.
Brock pondered for a minute before replying, “I’ll come with ya…cover more ground that way.”
After checking the entire ship for hostages they may have missed, Brock and Jack met back in the control room. As they continued to talk, Brock thought he heard a whimper. Turning his head to the side, he held up a hand at Jack to get him to stop talking.
“What is it, Rumlow?” Asked Jack.
Brock pressed his lips together and listened again. “You hear that?” He asked.
Rollins listened intently as he heard the whimper that Rumlow heard. “Where’s that coming from?” Asked Jack.
Brock lowered his weapon and took out his flashlight. He shined his light under the control board and huddled in the corner, Brock saw two little sad eyes staring back out at him as it continued to whimper.
He crawled underneath and emerged a few seconds later with a dark graphite colored puppy. The pup was still whimpering and shaking; the poor thing was terrified.
Confused, Jack asked, “What was that doing under there?”
Brock replied, “I dunno…but other dogs were found in the cargo area. Maybe this one escaped and found it’s way up here.”
Jack started to walk toward the main deck of the ship.
“Well put it down, we gotta get outta here.” Said Jack.
Brock started to put the puppy on the floor but stopped. He looked into the scared eyes of the little dog and as soon as it’s legs touched the floor, Brock scooped it back into his arms again and headed for the main deck.
Jack cracked a slight smile. “Rumlow…what are you doin’? Leave it.”
“I can’t just leave her, Rollins.” Said Brock, nervously. “And don’t look at me like that, let’s just go.”
Jack just shook his head and followed Brock to the helicarrier, where the pup finally stopped shaking, curled up in Brock’s lap and fell fast asleep before they even left the scene.
SHIELD Headquarters
Brock had his bag slung over his shoulder as he walked along the busy hallway toward the briefing room. Jack saw him walk into the room and immediately walked away from the other team member he was talking to so he could talk to Brock.
“Don’t start with me, Rollins. It’s too early in the mornin’ for you to be botherin’ me.” Brock said, his gravelly voice had a slight touch of anger behind it.
Jack’s hands raised in surrender and replied, “Alright, alright. I was just gonna ask if you took care of that dog.”
Brock glared at Jack. “Of course I took care of it.”
What Brock didn’t tell Jack was that he brought the pup back to his place and later today after work, he was going to stop by the pet store to pick up necessities for her because he couldn’t keep feeding her table scraps and locked in the bathroom with newspaper all over the floor for very long.
He hated to admit it but he took one look into her eyes and realized there was no way that he could bring her to a shelter now, not after this so after work he drove straight for the pet shop. As soon as he stepped inside, Brock was immediately overwhelmed by everything he saw.
Aisle after aisle of food, toys, grooming supplies, collars and leashes…he didn’t know where to start but lucky for him there was someone there that recognized the look of a new and overwhelmed pet owner.
“Excuse me, sir? Can I help you with something?” You asked softly so as not to scare him. You did sneak up behind him when you noticed he looked a little lost.
The man looked rough around the edges but still quite handsome. He had dark brown hair, light tanned skin and his narrowed eyes were the color of amber.
You spoke again.
“I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t scare you. You just looked a little lost, thought maybe I could help. I’m y/n, this is my shop, and if I don’t have what you’re lookin’ for, I can definitely order it for you. Are you shopping for a dog, cat, or another animal?” You asked.
His eyes were hyper focused on you the minute he turned around.
“Nah, you didn’t scare me sweetheart. You’ve got a nice shop here and I am shopping for a dog…well, a puppy. And I’m Brock, by the way.” He said as he held out his hand for you to shake.
Your eyes widened as soon as the word “puppy” escaped his lips and your mouth split into an excited smile as you shook his hand.
“Really?!! A boy or a girl puppy?!” You asked, clapping your hands together.
Brock let a shy smile stretch across his lips. “Girl…she’s a rescue. Found her a few nights ago and since it was a full moon, I’ve been calling her Luna.” Said Brock.
You almost had to clutch your chest because the look he had on his face as he talked was so sweet.
Snapping yourself back to reality, you managed to ask him, “What kind of dog is she?”
Brock shrugged and started to pull his phone from his back pocket.
“I dunno…but I do have a picture of her.” He said.
Brock leaned in close, you could feel the heat radiating off of his body, and warmth flushed across your cheeks. You watched as his thick fingers unlocked his phone and navigated to his photo gallery before pulling up one of the sweetest faces you’ve ever seen.
“OMGoodness, look at that face!!” You exclaimed. “Well, she looks like a Cane Corso. If you just found her, I’m guessing you haven’t taken her to the vet yet?”
Brock shook his head vigorously. “Nah, I’ve had to work so I haven’t been able to do that yet.”
You explained to him that he may want to bring her to the vet soon just to make sure she’s ok and you gave him the card of the veterinary hospital you bring your dog, Charlie, to.
“…They’re a husband and wife, really nice and fairly priced. Actually…lemme call them.” You said.
Brock started to protest.
“Oh, that’s ok…you don’t have to—“
“It’s no trouble.” You said, holding the phone to your ear. “Hi Jessica, it’s y/n. I’m good, how are you? Great! Listen…I have a guy here who has a new puppy and she needs to be seen…uh huh…Oh Dr. Alice can see her tomorrow? Awesome!” You said. “Oh the owner’s name is Brock…what’s your last name?” You asked, pulling the phone away from your mouth.
“Oh…it’s Rumlow.” Replied Brock.
“Yeah…Brock Rumlow. And the puppy is Luna. Thank you so so much, Jessica! Bye!” You said.
After the call ended, you flashed a smile at Brock and asked, “You weren’t busy around 4:30 tomorrow, right?”
Slowly shaking his head, Brock narrowed his eyes and repliedwith a sly smile, “Nope, I guess I’m not.”
Excitedly, you clapped your hands together again and said, “Well, let’s go Mr. Rumlow! We have a lot of stuff to pick out for little Luna, which I will warn you…she won’t be little for much longer. She’s gonna grow into those paws, ya know.”
You made him push the cart and took him from aisle to aisle to pick out food, toys, and a collar, among other things. He needed everything including a bed, food dishes, and a crate. That cart was full by the time you were done.
“Do I really need all this stuff, y/n?” Asked Brock.
“Well…you do plan on keeping her, right?” You asked.
Brock paused before answering.
“Yeah…I plan on keeping her.” He said.
You shrugged and pressed your lips into a straight line.
“Then you need all this stuff.” You replied.
Brock spent a small fortune on everything he needed for Luna but he was thankful for all of your help and knowledge. After loading everything into his truck, he said it was a good thing he didn’t bring the bike which made you crack a slight smile.
“So don’t forget, Luna’s appointment is at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon and the address is on that business card I gave you so don’t lose it. Actually, give me your phone…” You demanded.
He handed his phone over to you and you dialed your number so he had it in case he lost the card.
“Just in case. I’ll see ya around Brock Rumlow and if you need anything else for Luna, you know where to find me!” You said.
You watched him drive away until his truck turned the corner and he was out of sight. Brock’s little pup was just as cute as could be but you couldn’t stop thinking about her owner. The rasp to his voice, muscles visible under his tight black t-shirt, and every time he looked at you with those whiskey colored eyes, you felt a flutter in your stomach that was familiar but you haven’t felt in a long time.
You hoped that he would come back because you definitely have a crush on Brock Rumlow.
The Next Day
The day was moving along, the shop was busy from the minute you opened until around 2:30 when it started to slow down a little. A steady stream of customers came in and when you glanced at the clock, it read 3:30.
Luna’s appointment was in an hour.
What were you doing? Daydreaming about a man you spent an hour with picking out stuff for his new puppy? But he was so handsome and sexy…thinking about him was helping the time go by faster.
Around 5:30, the bell on the door rang. You were in the back trying to clean up the bath stations. For people who didn’t want to wash their dogs at home, you had an area in the back of the store that they could come and wash their dog for a fair price. They didn’t have to buy shampoo or anything but you would make money on people not wanting to wash their dog at home. It was a win-win.
Drying your hands on your apron, you walked toward the front of the store and you saw Brock standing in the middle of the open floor, holding one end of a leash and at the other end was little Luna. She started to wag her tail as soon as she saw you.
You felt a dip in your stomach as soon as you saw Brock. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and dark jeans and you hoped he didn’t notice you blushing so you crouched down to the floor to pet Luna.
“It’s nice to see you again too, y/n.” Brock said sarcastically.
You had scooped up Luna in your arms and she was licking the tip of your nose.
“Oh you are even cuter than your picture…yes you are! I’m sorry, Brock. I’m gonna go for the puppy every time, just to warn you.” You said with a wink. “How did it go at the vet’s office?”
Brock went through Luna’s entire appointment. They weighed her, estimated that she was around three months old, and gave her all of her necessary shots. He even told you that you were right about the type of dog she is.
“Well…I do know my dogs!” You said. “But she’s ok?”
He nodded. “Yeah, she’s fine. I just figured since I was in the neighborhood, I’d stop by so you could meet her.” Said Brock.
Still holding Luna, you looked at her as she licked your nose again and said, “Well, I’m glad you did because she is just the cutest thing. I can see why you couldn’t just leave her when you found her.”
“Just don’t go around tellin’ everyone I’m soft for cute faces.” He said with a wink.
Warmth spread across your chest and the tops of your cheeks. Brock was making you blush again and you needed to distract him before he noticed.
“While you’re here, do you need anything else for little Luna?” You asked, scratching behind her ears.
“I think I’m good, doll.” Said Brock.
The pet name made you blush again.
“Ok, well don’t be a stranger. Stop in whenever you need something or if you have any questions.” You said with a warm smile.
Brock waved as you watched him and Luna walk out the door. Well, you had hoped that he would come back but now you wanted to see him again.
You’ve had plenty of good looking male customers come in and none of them had made you blush like Brock had. What was it about Brock that had you so smitten with him? You knew it couldn’t JUST be the dog.
He was mysterious and acted tough but he was sweet too. You felt comfortable around him and he had a slight smile on his face when you were playing with Luna; you had a feeling that he wasn’t as grumpy as he seemed.
Over the next few weeks, Brock would stop into the shop and sometimes it would be more than once a week. He would either buy Luna a new toy or a new bone to chew on and he picked up some orange cleaner recently because she would still have an accident every once in awhile but he said she was getting used to crate training.
Sometimes he’d come in to ask you things he could have easily found out for himself but maybe it was just because he liked talking to you. You couldn’t be sure though, but you were very sure you enjoyed talking to him.
The texts started coming in not too long after meeting Luna for the first time. One of them was a picture of her outside of the shower and the picture was taken from inside the shower…by Brock. You clenched your thighs together at the thought of him taking a shower.
He captioned the picture…
“She won’t give me any alone time.Always has to be by my side.”
You smiled at the picture he sent and replied,
“Awwww, she loves you.”
And you also replied with a picture of Charlie, sleeping in between your legs with the caption…
“If he could crawl inside me to sleep, he totally would.”
He replied with a laughing emoji.
You could always tell when Brock came to the shop right from work because of how he was dressed. He wore all black tactical clothing and you definitely enjoyed the view of him in that tight black t-shirt.
You asked a few times but Brock never told you what he did for work; he always jokingly said it was “classified” so you didn’t push too hard about it.
“What can I do for you today, Mr. Rumlow? Luna didn’t eat another remote control, did she?” You asked, chuckling a little.
Brock pressed his lips into a straight line and narrowed his eyes at you. “Very funny, y/n and no she didn’t eat another remote control. She has been really good the past couple of weeks, I think she’s getting used to being left alone and knows I’m eventually coming back.”
“Well that’s good. So did you need something?” You asked.
“Yeah I wanted to take her to socialize and play with other dogs. Figured you might know a place I can go.” Said Brock.
The two of you had been dancing around each other for weeks, being flirtatious through texts and in person when he would stop by but he hadn’t made a move so you decided to take matters into your own hands.
“Actually, I was gonna take Charlie to the dog park tomorrow afternoon, if you and Luna would like to come.” You said, watching your corgi chase after the clumsy Luna.
Brock watched as the two dogs played with each other, running circles around the two of you and playfully barking at each other.
“They seem to get along, huh.” He said with a smirk. “Yeah, the dog park sounds great.”
You told him where it was and agreed to meet there tomorrow. It wasn’t exactly the date you had in mind but you would use any excuse to see Brock outside of the shop. It would be the first time seeing him NOT wearing your work apron covered in wet dog hair.
As he called for Luna, the door to the shop opened and a tall man with a couple of scars on his face walked in and called out to Brock.
“You kept it, didn’t you! I fuckin’ knew it!” The man said, pointing at Brock.
You bit back a smile. “A friend of yours?” You asked.
Brock rolled his eyes at the man walking toward him then turned to you and replied, “Yeah…we work together…you followed me here, Rollins?!”
“Where is it?” Asked Jack, looking around.
“SHE is playing with Charlie somewhere around here.” Replied Brock. “I’m sorry, y/n. Lemme just…I’ll be right back.”
Before Jack could reach the counter, Brock cut him off. You managed to make out part of their conversation.
“What the fuck are you doin’ here, Jack?!” Brock asked.
A sly smile played across Jack’s lips as he looked at you then back to Brock.
“Well, I wanted to know why you kept blowin’ off after work drinks with the team but now I know why. You keepin’ her from us too? She’s hot. That apron is really doin’ it for me.” Said Jack.
Brock pointed at Jack.
“Will you keep your voice down! She’ll hear you.” He said, angrily.
“Alright, alright you don’t have to get all bent about it. I’m just sayin’ you should make a move or else I’m gonna. Maybe I should get a dog.” Said Jack, raising his eyebrows.
“Will you get outta here!” Brock said, glaring at Jack.
Brock introduced you to Jack before he left and confirmed your “date” for late tomorrow afternoon. You had butterflies in your stomach for the rest of the day and couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow.
From what you gathered from his conversation with Jack, it sounded like maybe Brock had a crush on you too.
Scratching Charlie’s ears, you said “We both have dates tomorrow, Charlie. You better be a good boy or else Luna isn’t gonna want to play with you anymore.”
Charlie licked your hand and cuddled up in his bed that was behind the counter. Apparently, chasing Luna around the store, took a lot out of him. He needed his rest if he was going to try and keep up with a puppy tomorrow.
The dog park was no place for nice clothes. There were pups everywhere, kicking up dirt, putting their paws on you, and trying to trip you up as they ran in circles around you. But you still wanted to look good so you put on a black t-shirt, jeans and black sneakers.
You were also thankful it hadn’t rained lately so you wouldn’t have to walk through mud or worry about Charlie rolling in it, although he always needed a bath when you brought him home from the park anyway.
As you opened the fence gate, you scanned the park for Brock and Luna. It usually wasn’t very busy at this time, more than likely because it was prime time for cooking dinner. You found Brock sitting on a picnic table bench and throwing a ball for Luna to fetch and bring back.
He had a genuine smile on his face as he continued to play with her and he looked incredibly sexy in his gray t-shirt, jeans, and aviator sunglasses.
Charlie saw Luna, and as fast as his little legs could take him, took off running toward her. Biting down on your lower lip, you glanced quickly at Brock, and immediately felt your ears start to get hot.
You walked over to the picnic table and gave him a warm smile as he removed his sunglasses to look at you. His eyes were a warm gold color in the sunlight.
“Hey there…come here often?” You joked.
Brock cracked a little smile. “Are you full of jokes every Saturday, y/n?”
“Oh you know it! I leave my shop in good hands so I can have weekends off.” You replied.
“Ah, so you’re free on weekends.” Brock stated with a sly smile.
You heard what Brock had said but got distracted by Charlie rolling in something about 20 feet away.
“CHARLIE!! NO!! STOP THAT!!” You shouted at him as you turned to Brock and said, “I swear they always find the grossest things to roll in. He probably found a dead frog or something just as disgusting. Has she done anything like that to you yet? It is so foul!”
He started to laugh.
“I gotta tell ya, doll…you really do make me laugh and that ain’t easy to do.” Brock said softly, leaning in close enough to share the same air.
His compliment made you blush and he didn’t take his eyes off of you. The warmth from the late afternoon sun touched the high points of your face as you gently brushed your thumb against the bristles of his days old stubble and your lips ghosted over his before you said in barely more than a whisper, “Well I’d like to do it more often…if that’s ok.”
And you gently pressed your lips to his. Tension gripped your body and you became lightheaded with fear as you slowly pulled away, wondering if he felt the same way. A trace of a smile stretched across his lips as he leaned in to kiss you this time.
“I’d like that, sweetheart. I think we should be watching the dogs though, shouldn’t we?” Asked Brock.
“Then stop kissing me.” You replied with a sly smile.
“Oh I don’t wanna do that.” Brock husked against your lips. “But I do wanna take you out…without the dogs.”
Batting your eyelashes and jokingly clutching your chest, you asked, “Without the dogs? Well whatever will we do without them?”
Biting down on his lower lip, Brock eyed you from head to toe and brought his gaze back up to meet yours. The lump in your throat was hard to swallow and you felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest.
He kissed you on the cheek before whispering into your ear, “Oh I’m sure we’ll come up with something.”
Tag List: @munsonownsmyass @k-marzolf @gijos @nutmeg17 @nekoannie-chan
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @redstarsandnightmares @randomlittleimp
If I tagged you and you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again. As always, thank you again for reading!
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shares-a-vest · 3 months
🌼💜WIP Weekend 💜🌼
Over the past two weeks, I have been tagged by @momotonescreaming and @hbyrde36 (x2 hehe). Thank you for the tags.
I have a bunch of free time this weekend so I plan to work on a few things and catch up on a tonne of reading! Yay!!!
The Rules
In a reblog (or a new post w/ rules attached) post up to five (5) file names of your wips. Not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
July Writing (most of it is stuff from May and June I never finished lmao)
Ren Faire (extension of this ficlet I've been meaning to finish for two months)
Clarkson Mixtape (formally-abandoned wip I am rewriting)
The One Where Steve Rescues a Litter of Kittens (old wip I have returned to)
I also have 'Would be Mayor Harrington' buuuut it doesn't need any more work, but I'm gonna seek out someone to give it a read-through for a bit of an edit and vibe-check.
The Snippet
From 'July Writing' (just a silly thing inspired by those weird zippers in the GQ shoot of Joseph Quinn)
“They look ridiculous,” Steve chuckles, settling back down. “But look,” Eddie spins to reveal another zipper running straight up the back of his pants. He grabs at his own ass before he turns back around, eyes gleeful and dimples looking positively devilish. “Again, ridiculous,” Steve argues without much heat behind his words, instead distracted by the small sliver of skin peaking out from the cropped jacket. None of it is Eddie’s style. And god knows what Chrissy has the band wearing for whatever this shoot is - but Eddie still looks good. “Easy access, babydoll,” Eddie winks before settling down and crossing his arms on whatever surface he is leaning against. Steve cocks his chin, “Don’t get too excited. I’d think that front zipper would saw your balls off if you got too eager.” Eddie throws his head back and whines to the heavens. “Stevie,” he begs, “Don’t talk about my balls. I miss you too much.” “Yeah?” “Yeah…” Eddie coos, a mischievous smile creeping across his face. They simply look at each other for a few moments in silence, all blinking, lip-biting and small little smirks before Steve reaches to adjust his pillow. “Are you sleeping in the middle of the bed?” Eddie frowns.
No Pressure Tags: @penny00dreadful @devondespresso @livwritesstuff @sidekick-hero @missberrycake
@blubblesandink @marvel-ous-m @kikidoesfanfic @eyesofshinigami + anyone who has some wips to work on this weekend!
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twotangledsisters · 9 months
Love all the fics you've got pending!
Can you tell us more about A Hostage Situation and Mirror, Mirror, What You Took From Me?
I'm most excited for these!
Can I tell you more?? That shouldn't be a question, why you are asking me to talk about my ongoing projects, a favorite activity second only to sharing the finished stories once they're done!!
And both are those are ones I'm very excited about too! I'll start with the shorted of the two:
The Hostage Situation
Honestly, there's not much more to add than in the original post, it's one of my rare AUs that hasn't shown any signs of spiralling out of control yet!
This AU has a more... pacifist version of Hector, as rather than fight these strangers off he just snatches Cass and orders them to leave for her safety. Cass is never in any real danger and that becomes apparent pretty fast despite Hector's threats.
While most of them leave the way they came, Eugene is the one to sneak back inside with the intent of rescuing Cassandra. The main goal is to allow Cassandra to open up a bit more about her emotions, it's to allow Eugene who just stood by during the argument a chance to speak his mind, and it offers up some extra bonding with Hector.
I won't spoil the ending but I will say Cassandra manages to keep both hands in mint condition!
I'll add a few snippets to the end after the read more!
Mirror, Mirror, What You Took From Me
This one is waaaay longer! Although the summary focuses on Cassandra smashing the mirror and Eugene becoming trapped, this fic actually is a re-imagining of the show after that point.
The Mirror Realm in this AU is a portion of Zhan Tiri's realm, with Eugene captured Tromus has a different approach to getting the Sundrop and Zhan Tiri took takes a different approach.
If you want to go into the fic fully blind, stop reading now as I'm gonna ramble and spoil parts of it :D
With Eugene trapped, Tromus wishes to strike a deal with Rapunzel, and Rapunzel is willing to give anything to ensure she gets Eugene back. Cassandra doesn't trust Tromus though, and goes behind Rapunzel's back taking down Tromus and causing the shell house to collapse. Staring at the ruins of the home, with Eugene still missing, Rapunzel and Cassandra have a huge fight.
Rapunzel decides she's going to complete the journal, travel to the Dark Kingdom and acquire the moonstone because perhaps that amount of power will be enough to get Eugene back.
Cassandra argues the moonstone is dangerous! But Rapunzel is past reasoning with.
“Oh, so your feelings are valid? You have a bad feeling about the moonstone and that’s valid? But me feeling like trusting that man to get Eugene back isn’t?” “May I remind you had a bad feeling about the shell shaped building from the start? You thought it was swell and look, what happened? I didn’t put Eugene in danger. You did!” Rapunzel glared, then her face straightened and she turned. “Your journey ends here.” “What?” “I’m done with you interfering Cassandra, I want you out of my way.” “I’m not leaving.” “You don’t have a choice. I’m not making a request Cassandra, as your princess, I command you go back to Corona and stay out of my way. I’m going to do what I have to do to get my partner back, and you aren’t coming.”
After Rapunzel orders Cassandra to stay behind, Cassandra does start to walk towards Corona, but ultimately decides against it. Rapunzel is emotional and doesn't know what she's doing! If there is one thing that'll blind Rapunzel's judgement, it's Eugene. So Cassandra makers her way to the Dark Kingdom to take the moonstone before Rapunzel.
In this AU Cassandra takes the moonstone to protect Rapunzel and it's after taking it that Zhan Tiri appears, not to guide Cassandra, but to guide Rapunzel down a path of anger and a path of doing 'anything' to get Eugene back.
Eugene fights for his life in the mirror realm, he is questioned and his knowledge used by Zhan Tirir against Rapunzel.
Cassandra tried to go to the Spire to find something that'll help Eugene but she's already been reported a thief and is ambushed there.
She then goes to Varian who listens to Cassandra and understands how Rapunzel feels, blinded by grief. He agrees to start work on a portal to save Eugene and Cassandra goes into hiding.
Rapunzel eventually does locate Cassandra, and they clash. A portal opens, Zhan Tirir exits and Rapunzel sees Eugene, but he is unable to reach her, held back by the mirror-version of Cassandra. But having seen him Rapunzel is ready to listen to anything Zhan Tirir says.
AND... I am going to stop! I could keep going and spoil the entire fic... I WANT TO. But I won't.
I think you get the feel of the fic :D
I am super excited for it! I love switching roles up, letting Rapunzel be the one manipulated and missguided for a change! This fic is going to be a lot of fun, if you like fics of mine like Plus Forts Ensemble I'd say it's pretty similar to that in the way it both follows and doesn't follow the show's outline!
Also, some snippets from The Hostage Situation:
Cassandra struggled against the rope tying her to one of the many trees which had grown within The Great Tree, the binturongs circled her and growled but she didn’t cease her frantic movements. “Let me go!” Hector ignored her shouts as he tended to his garden. “Once your friends are far enough away, I’ll consider.” “You have no right!” “I have every right,” Hector snapped back. “I have a duty to my kingdom and to the entire world, a duty to the moonstone. I warned your group more than enough times, yet you kept going. Be thankful I chose this route. I could have just as easily cut you all down where you stood and eliminated the problem at its route.” Cassandra glared. For a moment the only noise was the binturongs’ growls. “Why am I explaining myself?” Hector turned back to the garden. “It’s not like you’d understand the weight of duty.” And the tiredness in his voice got Cassandra’s expression to soften as she did understand that weight. She thought back to her last conversation with the king prior to starting this journey. It had been in the throne room, while the others packed, Cassandra had been practically shaking as the last time he had summoned her to the throne room it had only been the king and her father and she’d been banished to a convent. She expected to be scolded for disobeying a direct order, but instead the king just looked tired. “Cassandra, you are my daughter’s lady-in-waiting and, more importantly you are someone she trusts.” Cassandra nodded. “I must ask you to protect her on this journey. It’s her first time beyond the walls of Corona and I fear she may not be prepared.” Cassandra felt like such a favour should come after an apology for her near banishment, but he was a king and she but a commoner, so she bowed and promised she’d do all in her power to protect Rapunzel. If only Rapunzel had allowed Cassandra to carry out this promise. “I understand,” Cassandra told Hector, to her own surprise. “I even understand what it’s like for your own to not help with that duty…” she added. Hector looked at Cassandra over his plants. “I heard your woes, the ones you shared with the statues.” Cassandra blushed in embarrassment. “You can kill me now.” Hector laughed. “For coming from such a peaceful kingdom, you show promise. I’m sorry those close to you don’t see that.” Cassandra smiled. “Thank.” “You should consider going to another kingdom to pursue your dreams.” “And leave Rapunzel behind?” “She the princess to whom you have a duty?” “I mean… No, not exactly. She’s my boss and my princess, sure, but… I could leave, I’m just a servant. It’s not about duty, she’s my friend.” “Ah.” Hector turned so Cassandra couldn’t see his expression. “What?” “Nothing.” “Tell me.” “It’s just… My experience with royals is that they’ll be your friend, family, brother, what have you, when it’s convenient, but the day you need them to listen, they’re above you.” Hector’s mind wandered to the moonstone and the mistake that had cost him his home. “Rapunzel… It was just the one time.” “It was just the first time,” Hector corrected. Cassandra didn’t answer. She wanted to argue, but did Rapunzel deserve her defence right now?
Cassandra could see the stars through a gap in the bark, the moonlight’s glow her only light source. She heard footsteps coming from behind. “Finally! Surely my friends are far enough away for you to release me now?” There was a shuffle of footsteps, followed by a loud thump as Eugene’s bound body was tossed in front of Cassandra. She blinked. He grinned. “Hey, Cass! You were exactly who I was looking for.” Cassandra’s expression darkened. There went her hope of stretching her arms and reuniting with her friends. “I thought I’d rescue you.” “Guessing you thought wrong?” Eugene chuckled as Hector lifted him and tied him to the same tree as Cassandra. “Well… it’s the thought that counts.” “I don’t think that expression favours you, Eugene.” “I am regretting not leaving you for dead.” “I am regretting you not leaving me for dead.” “Leave the bonding exercises for another time, won’t you?” Hector rolled his eyes as he finished tying the knot. “Anybody else I should be worried about in my tree?” “Everybody else voted to leave Cass behind,” Eugene answered. “Good. Then next time I see something move and shoot on sight there won’t be any injuries.” Eugene frowned but said nothing as Hector left. “The others did leave, right?” Cassandra checked. “Yeah. We kind assumed I’d be enough… sorry.” “It’s fine,” Cassandra sighed. “I will never let you live this down though.”
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procrastinatorproject · 6 months
WIP Folder Game
I wasn't actually tagged, but I saw this on @beautyofsorrow's blog and just... couldn't resist.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
The problem, of course, is that my "WIP folder" is in fact four different Scrivener projects with a sum total of over 100k unpublished words, so this is gonna be LONG 😅🙈 But in the past, I have found great inspiration in looking through all my wild ideas and wip's that mostly consist of a couple paragraphs or a screenshhot of a discord conversation with friends. So I'm gonna do this anyway :D
WIPs that are only notes or snippets of conversations with friends where I tell them about My Great Fic Idea
Field Medicine
5+1 holos
Bashir & Soji
All in a Day's Work
Sugar Rush
Circuit (Dark Academia)
S1 Agnes POV
CYOA/Scavenger Hunt
The Train Job
Regency AU
He Never Gets Any Nicer (meta)
WIPs that are mostly notes (sometimes very long, elaborate notes) but do have a bit of actual writing attached
Conference Emails
A Day at the Faire
Cosmic Detours (one unpublished chapter)
From the Mouths of Babes
Mittens on a String
Rescuing Dahj
WIPs that are a single paragraph (or sentence) or two with not a lot of notes or context
The Quiet Spaces in Between (Raffi & Tuvok)
Kestra (Holoween)
All Aboard
Bed Rest (Seven)
Dino Hunt
Ready Room
Cosmic Detours (one unpublished chapter)
Valkriss Tales
Choose Your Path
AI Malfunction
WIPs that are quite substantial already but still need a lot more work (or for me to sit down and JUST WRITE THE THREE MISSING SENTENCES ALREADY MY GOODNESS!)
Raffi Whump
Game Night II (Holoween)
Bed Rest (Rios)
Bed Rest (Picard)
Bed Rest (Agnes)
Dynamic Chaos
Meadow (two unpublished chapters)
Baby on Board
Space Shark
CMO's Log (some notes and a couple unpublished chapters)
Four Cakes
In the Shallows
In the Palm of his Hand (couple unpublished chapters)
Mittens on a String (5 + 1)
Institutional Knowledge
Kestra & Rios
The Cake Is A Lie (Findings and Conclusion)
And finally: WIP's so big they are their own Scrivener Project and will never be finished because they'd be the length of a novel. Or two. (Though I usually only have a few paragraphs/chapters written, the rest is wild ideas and notes)
Star Trek: La Sirena, Episode 2 (and notes for five or six more episodes)
Star Trek: Second Chances
Post-Rusker [semi-disqualified]
Synth Ban Thriller
Star Trek Holo Novel
And I'm not gonna tag as many people as I have WIPs, because that would require me to count them. And even though I rationally know the number of WIPs is morally neutral, I still have deep shame about Not Finishing Things. I'm working hard to dismantle that and have come a long way, but I'm not there yet 😅
(Also, I may not have enough mutuals for the number of WIPs 🙈😅)
So, if you, too, would like to stroll through your WIP folder and have people ask you about some of the stories that live in your head rent free, take this as permission to go for it! 😁🖖
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missmagooglie · 11 months
I’m curious about all of them really but this one really stuck out to me Fire Academy Instructors (future fic)
So... the concept here is generally a "no plot, just vibes" outsider PoV glimpse at Buck and Eddie's lives as full time instructors at the fire academy once they retire from active duty in the field.
The one part that isn't outsider PoV, though, is the set-up for how Buck first became an instructor. And that's also the only part that's fully written, so I'm gonna throw it behind the cut:
The moment it happens, Buck knows.
The rescue should have been straightforward. Teenagers who stranded themselves on the roof of an abandoned building. It should have been condemned and torn down years ago, but city government isn't typically known for taking swift action so the house had stood rotting for years, possibly decades, longer than it should have. 
They knew the roof was unstable. That's why Buck had been following protocol to the letter, making sure he was walking along the beams and testing the roof for stability as he moved slowly and cautiously toward the terrified kids who were nattering on about some abandoned places photo challenge as if Buck cares about the reason they were up here rather than just focusing on getting them down safely.
He gives them a reassuring smile and reminds them to just stay put until he gets there as he makes his way toward them. He's about half-way up when two fucking squirrels dart across the roof and between his legs.
It startles him enough that he loses his balance and reflexively he takes a step to catch himself. 
The step he takes does not land on the beam.
Buck hears the crack and has just enough time to think "oh shit" before the roof gives way and Buck is tumbling through asphalt tile and rotten plywood.
He lands hard, and with immediate agonizing pain. He groans and coughs through the heavy dust and falling debris. The first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is the heavy cloud of dust and falling roof particles illuminated in the beam of sunlight shining through the hole he just made. The second thing he sees, as his gaze is drawn toward the most urgent source of pain, is the gleam of white smeared with red jutting out from the dark blue of his uniform pants.
He may not know the full extent of his injuries yet, but he knows it's enough. He's finished as a firefighter. 
It's nothing like last time. Last time he broke his leg, he was a 26 year old kid who had his entire identity and sense of self-worth wrapped up in his job. Last time he would honestly rather have died under that truck than be told he could never be a firefighter again.
He's older now. He's married to the most amazing man he's ever met. He has an incredible, brilliant kid who is a college graduate currently working towards a PhD. He knows now that his relationships with his friends, his family, aren't tied to his job. That fear had finally been quelled for good when Bobby retired but never retreated from Buck's life.
And he's aware too that his body is aging. He had hoped he had a few more years left doing the job he loves so much, but he's thought about what his life will look like after firefighting. He's long-since accepted that there will be a life after firefighting.
Still, it would have been nice to go out on his terms. Or, if it did have to be an injury that took him out of the field, it would have been nice to have a better story than that he tripped over some damned rodents. 
He's alone for the moment, though he's sure it won't last long. He finally convinced Eddie to go home and get some rest, but he knows Bobby will drop by soon enough. Or Maddie. Maybe Hen, who's probably shouldering some irrational guilt about this happening under her command. He knows they're all worried about him, and it's been a lot to reassure them that yes he's alright, and no he's not going to start spiraling.
He closes his eyes, laying in the hospital bed with his foot up in a sling and an IV pushing an aggressive course of broad spectrum antibiotics and antifungals through the needle in his hand "just to cover all bases", and a whole collection of more minor scratches and bruises that are starting to itch, and he gives himself permission to feel sorry for himself for just a little bit. Just until the next person to visit him arrives.
So of course, just a few minutes later there's a knock on his door. He opens his eyes and is particularly annoyed to see it's not even one of his loved ones interrupting his pity party. It's Lucy Donato, in her full dress uniform, giving him that little knowing half-smile.
Buck just barely suppresses a groan as he greets her, "Hi, Chief."
"I'd ask how you're doing," she says dryly, "but…"
"Yeah, the cast and the hospital bed kinda give that answer away," Buck replies. "What can I do for you?"
"I wanted to talk to you about your future with the LAFD," she says, striding easily into the room and settling in the uncomfortable plastic chair at his bedside with far too much ease.
This time, Buck does groan and doesn't even try to hide it. "Look, I know I've fought my way back to active duty after a career ending injury before -"
"And made quite a few waves doing it," Lucy remarks with mild amusement.
Buck glares at her. Even twenty years later, he doesn't have much of a sense of humor about the lawsuit that almost cost him his family.
"I'm 47 years old, Lucy. I have a compound fracture in the same leg that got crushed by a fire truck two decades ago. I'm not stupid or naive, I know my career is over. So if you're just here to talk me through the retirement package in person-"
"See, the thing is," Lucy interrupts, "I'm not here to strong-arm you into retirement. I'm here to ask you if you'll consider not retiring."
Buck looks from Lucy to his leg then back to Lucy, then raises an eyebrow and waits for her to explain. 
"Obviously not active duty at a firehouse," Lucy concedes. "But not a desk job either. I have an opening for an instructor at the academy, and I think you'd be a really good fit."
"You want me to teach?" Buck asks, confused.
"I want you to take a bunch of hot-headed, cocky, stubborn recruits and turn them into firefighters," Lucy tells him. "The LAFD needs more firefighters like you - what better way to do that than to have you be the one to mold them?"
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kineticallyanywhere · 2 years
Out of pure curiousity you mentioned once that you were thinking of maybe some sort of sequelish thing to MoM- is that still something you have as a potential project or is the book closed on MoM? No pressure either way, I'm just curious because in my opinion MoM has one of those perfect endings that makes you wish the journey was longer just because you weren't ready to say goodbye and the idea of more MoM maybe even more then Actually Having More MoM interests me
It has come to my attention that I have newer followers who were unaware of my Red vs Blue fixation phase. For those people, here's a link to the fic in question: Mind over Matter on Ao3
The book is almost certainly closed on that, my fixations have moved on and I agree with you about the ending being this bittersweet balance of wanting more but not quite being willing to risk how well the landing stuck. but I had two ideas, one for a companion and one for a sequel.
(summaries and writing excerpts below the cut)
The companion is basically a long one-shot from Carolina's PoV that takes place during MoM. I actually wrote quite a bit of it! it's the most likely to get finished one day. you'd get to see her and everyone else's reaction to Wash and Epsilon going missing, and it would fill in a lot of details that Our Boys don't get to see. For example, in the last chapter Wash's helmet is present because Carolina and Tucker managed to recover his armor during their frantic raiding of enemy bases to find them. Also, Sarge and Simmons weren't supposed to be the team at the base where Our Boys got rescued. It was supposed to be Tucker and his team, but Tucker was so distracted looking for Wash and Church that they had to put the Reds on it. You'd also get a bit of Emily talking about more technical details for what was going on with Wash's brain while he and Epsilon were super-fused together. Oh! it also would have explained how they were able to get a new chip printed for Wash so fast. the base they raided to get Wash's armor also had the equipment and data used to make the taser-chip that they put Epsilon into in chapter 1.
An excerpt, because of course this got me to find my old file. Takes place after the rescue:
Grey finally puts down her datapad. “I'll keep chipping away at what I can, but I just don't have an answer for you right now, Carolina. The science of neurotechnology isn't exactly new, but it's still very unexplored. We may have to prepare ourselves to wait for answers until they can fix themselves.” “And how long will that take?” Carolina asks, as if she hasn’t already assigned herself indefinitely to this chair.  “Ooh, feisty! Careful, or Caboose will grab the spray bottle again. Can’t have you climbing any more walls.”  Carolina’s patience for jokes is about as thin as the arm rests on her seat, which creak under her hands. “So you can’t tell me anything.” Dr. Grey’s smile dims a few watts. She tilts her head, thoughtfully. Then she says, “My best guess is: whatever protocols got broken, Epsilon would have had to have broken them himself.” “But--” “But, he would never have done that to himself. Or to Agent Washington. They're both prickly and emotionally constipated -- and there's a buffet of redacted history between them I would simply love to sink my teeth into, given the chance. But. They care about each other. Church wouldn't have taken it this far without Wash's input; and Wash wouldn't have let him. They got into this together. They'll get out together, too.” Because Carolina’s life makes no sense, suddenly all she can think about is Caboose, several days ago, in the meeting room.  “They’re gonna be okay.”  Back in the present, Grey chirps, all sunshine and rainbows again, “So we’ll just have to hurry up and wait!” Carolina slumps back in her chair. “You are really… not my favorite person.” “Well of course not!” She leans over the bed to frame Wash’s face with one hand. “Look at my competition!” Then she swaps out the bandage on his face with ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ fluidity.
the sequel would have gone full AU from before the epilogue of MoM. It would really just be me self-indulgently sinking my teeth into all of Blue Team's issues, with the added bonus of Wash and Epsilon having sorted through their own issues and it casts a harsh light on how every other relationship on the team hasn't really sorted out theirs. Accomplished by trapping them all in a tunnel system through Chorus with a bunch of mercs/pirates and juggling around which combinations of characters are split up with each other.
Carolina and Tucker probably the juiciest, because their understanding and history of every other member of the team is starkly different from each other:
“When Wash led you all back for us--” “‘Wash led?” Tucker parrots back. He actually laughs. “Love to break this to you, but Wash was the last one who wanted to go back for you.” Carolina’s head, maybe her whole body, empties out in a single moment. “...what?” Tucker jabs himself in the chest like he wishes his finger was sharper. “I’m the dipshit who couldn’t live with himself if you both suicided. He just got swept up in every other idiot suddenly growing a hero complex. I don’t know what Agent Washington was like, but Wash is the stone-cold asshat with abandonment issues."
Also featuring Caboose getting to hug Blue Squared.
Maybe one day I'll spend a summer sinking back into that hottub of Red vs Blue brainrot, but for now we can daydream
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zalia · 1 year
Tagged by @tj-dragonblade​! Rules:  list your wips with a brief description I have a few things I’m working on, in various states of will definitely get done/may finish/probably just gonna be snippets/I don’t even know
1. Forged in Wrath and Ruin 2
Saint-14 and Crow may have rescued Osiris from the corrupting influence of Xivu Arath, but recovery was never going to be easy. The Hive God of War is still in Osiris’ head, her corruption barely held at bay. And while Crow attempts to settle into his new life as a Guardian, a strange infestation begins to spread through the Tower, threatening to lead to outright bloodshed. All while the shadow of the Black Fleet and Empress Caiatl’s forces hang over them.
2. Absolution
Osiris wakes from his long coma to find himself alone; Saint-14 has vanished, drawn to Europa by the Witness. Despite his weakened state, Osiris sets out to find his beloved, and wrest him from the grasp of the Witness, even if it costs both of their lives.
3. Untitled Felwinter/Osiris fic that was going to be dark but absolutely failed to be and ended up soft and supportive instead
Felwinter finds a risen in the flaming ruins of a Warlord’s keep, angry and terrified at the destruction he has caused, and the Darkness which he wields alongside the Light. Sensing that he could be a threat, a terrible weapon in the wrong hands, Felwinter decides to train him, and to make him safe.
Over the years, duty and necessity have given way to affection and closeness, but the repurcussions of their choices still echo, especially when Osiris meets a visitor to the Iron Lords – Saint-14. This is basically 2 traumatised, extremely isolated, neurodivergent nerds, accidentally start a BDSM relationship as a coping mechanism (Osiris is scared of his own power and the thing that whispers to him, and it turns out having Felwinter tie him up on his knees is fantastic for getting his mind to shut up). Many years later, they both start to realise ‘ah... we may have fucked up. There was probably a better way to do this, but also it works, so the rest of the world can deal with it’. It’s consensual and they care deeply about each other, but it was ill-conceived when they began and now they deal with the fallout.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
Oh man. Oh jeez. Okay. I'm gonna get annoying about this. Just remember you invited this.
1. The Emergency Room - The West Wing
“You were supposed to leave—” he couldn’t remember when Donna had said her flight was. He remembered too much, but it was never the right things. “—already,” he finished lamely. “Well, I didn’t.” On Christmas Eve, Donna takes Josh to the emergency room. Post-Noël.
This is probably still my favorite thing I've ever written. I really feel like I achieved something with the prose here that I've been striving to do ever since. Since the whole point of this is self-promotion; this fic will probably make sense even if you haven't seen The West Wing. It takes place the same day Josh is diagnosed with PTSD, a few months after being shot. It focuses on Josh and Donna, but it's not romantic. If you ship them, it will feel like pre-relationship, if you don't it will feel like friendship. I alway catch myself thinking this fic came easily, because I pretty much tortured myself over this one but the result was so worth it. Here's a little excerpt from one of my favorite scenes:
A streetlight flickered above them. He watched through the windshield as a few wet flakes drifted down.
“We can deal with that.” Donna was solution-oriented; it was a valuable skill in an assistant. Even now, he knew, she was making plans—drafting memos, rearranging his schedule. She’d ban music from the building if she thought it would protect him. He felt a surge of appreciation—affection, even—but protection wasn’t what he needed now. “Next time it could be something else.” The implicit acknowledgment hung between them like frozen breath. There would be a next time. Donna turned up the heat. “We can deal with that too.”
It's really all about hope and getting better, but at this very early, awkward moment. It also explores, without discussing it head-on, the idea floated in the episode that Josh may have had suicidal thoughts. The conclusion this fic comes to is that he lived because he wanted to live.
2. hills like white elephants - M*A*S*H
“Margaret,” he says for a third time. “The result of this test… the one that goes in your file, the one we tell Colonel Potter… it doesn’t have to be positive. Not if you don’t want it to be.” Margaret laughs, because it’s just like him to think he can make a test say what he wants. “I think people would notice when I had a baby,” she says, trying hard to sound funny. “If you have a baby,” Hawkeye says quietly. Seriously. An AU of What's Up Doc? where Margaret is pregnant, but still doesn't want to be. Hawkeye offers her another choice.
The abortion fic! This one means a lot to me. I've had a couple people tell me they've read it more than once, and that means a lot to me in and of itself. I think we need more stories about abortion, especially ones where abortion is shown as it is: a procedure that rescues women from really difficult situations. I had a lot of fun writing this one, even if my post-Dobbs feelings were very much on my mind. I had a lot of fun writing Margaret and I feel good about how I wrote her in this one. It was nice to focus on her and her interiority. I originally envisioned the fic as a mix between Hawkeye and Margaret POV, and I almost cut the one short Hawkeye POV scene I ended up with because it was so close to being entirely Margaret. The reason I didn't is that it was very important to me to imply BJ knew what happened, but he and Hawkeye chose not to discuss it for safety. I really loved the Hawkeye-Margaret dynamic I hit in this one, too. This is my signature "if you ship them, you can read it a pre-romance, but that's not necessary" dynamic. Hawkeye's willingness to go out on a limb to help is important and I think the story is stronger for not suggesting it's motivated by romantic love. A little excerpt two little excerpts because I can't pick and they go together:
“Why are you doing this?” she blurts out.  He looks at her sideways.  “Just because we can’t do it in the hospital doesn’t mean we’re abandoning safety.”  “No,” she says, frustrated, “I mean… When I told you that I might be… you practically started knitting booties.”  He doesn’t say anything.  “You think I should have this baby,” she accuses.  “It doesn’t matter what I think,” he says softly.  “It matters to me.”  She’s even softer; she’s not sure he can hear her, but he does.  “Why?” he asks. 
“Maybe,” she says, but she knows she won’t. After a moment, she asks, “What would you want?” He raises his eyebrows.  “You mean besides a maternity girdle?”  She laughs, properly this time.  “I meant in Donald’s position,” she scolds.  He thinks for a moment.  “I’d want you to be happy,” he says. “That’s what I want in my position, too.”  She sighs.  “Not all men are like you.” 
I knew from the very beginning I had to get a couple Hawkeye pregnancy jokes in there. The booties line is my own little reference to the "baby booties" line in GFA. I also wrote an author's note where I wished death on a couple of Supreme Court justices.
3. the play's the thing - M*A*S*H
“Oh, yeah, in college I played Hamlet,” he brags. “No kidding.” Sidney stares at him, and he has a funny feeling he can see all of it. “I was pre-med. I was the only one who could get my hands on a skull,” he says, attempting to explain what he’s never been able to explain to himself. Hawkeye plays Hamlet and is very mentally ill about it.
This was not the first M*A*S*H fic I started, but it was the first one I finished and posted, so it's very special to me! I had a lot of fun writing this one. It kind on of turned Hamlet into my signature Shakespeare play. Hawkeye playing Hamlet being true is a near and dear headcanon to me. I knew that I wanted my Hawkeye acting story to be that he did it once and was very good at it and then never did it again. I was really worried about making actor Hawkeye different from Alan Alda and without knowing it, I succeeded at this by making Hawkeye memorize his lines without meaning to; Alan Alda was awful at learning lines (see: all the blooper reels). All the non-Hawkeye perspectives were added in fairly late in the process and I think it was absolutely worth it. Gloria also became much more significant; originally, she was just the cute girl he cited as his reason for auditioning. I really grew to love her. I loved her so much I had to give them a good ending; for all my reputation as an angstmonger, I'm a total sap. Gloria's last name, Mayer, is for my great-grandfather who worked in the ticket office on Broadway. A short excerpt:
He doesn’t say anything. He’s staring at the skull. It’ll spend one last night in the safe hiding spot he’s found for it backstage—protected from the world by the thin cloth of the bag—and in the morning he’ll slip in Searles 103B and return it. If Professor Grable has noticed it’s missing, he hasn’t said anything, and he sees him three times a week for anatomy lab. He finds himself a little sad at the thought that he won’t see it every day anymore. A man and his skull can grow very close, he thinks. 
This part is relatable to me in a way I can't quite explain. The image of college freshman Hawkeye showing up to the audition with the portion already memorized and his own skull charmed me and still does, but the skull just took on a life of its own, even for me. I didn't get too deep in the weeds researching this fic, but I did find a building at Bowdoin that was already built in the early 1940s and is currently a science building, and I used a plausible room number. I also did a quick, panicked rewrite when I remembered it wasn't co-ed yet. I just love this fic a lot.
4. Campfire - The West Wing
The fic I wrote in the woods. Huge chunks of it came to mind and I was so anxious about getting home in time to write it down, I ended up writing pieces of it in my notes app during lunch and in the car. Since I posted this, I've been really overwhelmed by the willingness of my fellow fans to put up with what I call "summer camp bullshit." It's a very different setting from the White House and it's about kids. That part of the story was intended to be shorter and darker, but these three kids basically invented themselves and said "what if Josh had friends?" and it really changed the whole tone of the story for the better. This was the second time I did this one-shot-two-narratives thing and I'd like to do it again. A small excerpt:
“You didn’t have older siblings growing up,” CJ continues. “It teaches you humility. And how to fight dirty.” His fist tightens around his beer. “I did,” he says softly. CJ looks surprised, then confused. “You did?” she asks. He nods. “But I thought… I mean, when we sent that card, after your dad— we checked with Leo, about who to address it to, and he said just your mom and you.” Josh looks at the floor. “Her name was Joanie,” he says, so he won’t have to say she died.
I've had bits jotted down for years that never saw the light of day but got at both parts of this fic. Josh talking about Joanie at summer camp and having it go badly, and CJ being the first person from the Bartlet campaign he told. I love Josh and CJ's brother-sister relationship, but I also think telling CJ first just makes the most sense because of her role in The Crackpots and These Women. This was also a September fic; one of the reasons I latched onto Josh was the experience of losing a close peer at a young age, and I certainly had feelings going into this fic. The only thing is I wish it had a better title! I couldn't think of anything better so I just went with this, but I love the titles for the other fics I've mentioned here.
5. safe travels - M*A*S*H
“Of course, this is all just speculation. I couldn’t tell you what happened in Seoul on that particular day.” BJ looks like he wants to say something, but Hawkeye beats him to it. “I never made it that far,” he admits, his voice dropping. Post-ep for 9.01 The Best of Enemies. With some encouragement, Hawkeye tells the truth about what happened after the left the 4077th.
I had a really hard time choosing a fifth fic, so I reread several, and I remembered how much I love this one. I posted the play's the thing first, but I started writing this one first, and it was almost finished for a very long time. I struggled to get it over the finish line, but I had so much fun with it! This was the first time I wrote BJ and I had a blast; since then, he's been difficult for me to write. I felt good about how I captured a bunch of different characters in this fic--BJ, Potter, Charles, and in a very brief appearance Mulcahy--and there are several pieces of dialogue I'm really, really happy with. I ended the first two sections on dialogue by chance and decided to keep it up throughout the fic. I don't think it was necessary, but it was fun to play with. When I reread it, I noticed some parallelism I don't remember consciously putting in, like both BJ and Hawkeye missing/ignoring their cues, so I'm very pleased with myself. A couple of small excerpts:
Sherman sits for a moment. It takes that long for the man’s words to sink in. “You’re serious.” “You thought I was kidding?” He’s not too old to feel the flush of shame. “I’m sorry.” “People always think I’m kidding,” Pierce shrugs it off. “Of course, most of the time, I am.”
This bit of dialogue came in early and I'm very fond of it.
“Hawk, he held a gun to your head!” BJ explodes. The thought of Hawkeye at gunpoint enrages him nearly as much as it frightens him. “What would you do if it was me?” Hawkeye asks. “If I had a chest full of shrapnel, bleeding into my brain—” “I—I’d try to make some burr holes. Get some pressure on the arteries—” “What if you weren’t a doctor?” Hawkeye presses. “What if you were… a farmer, or something, and one day the army said ‘sorry, Charlie, you’re ours now,’ and took you away from your plow and your family and your ox and gave you a gun? And the whole thing is just, completely unbearable, except for the guy standing next to you. He has has own family, and his own farm, and his own ox, or at least he did before the army took his pitchfork out of his hand and gave him a gun. And then suddenly he’s dying and all you have is this is stupid, lousy gun. What would you do?” “What if it was me? What if I had the 24 hour pass? What if someone held a gun to my head? Would you be so understanding then?”
This conversation--or rather, most of it; the Hawkeye speech came in later and was both fun and extremely hard to write--is where it all started. Hawkeye defending the man who abducted him was important to me. They formed a sort of bond by the end and I don't expect BJ or anyone else to understand that. I made a choice early on not to raise the question "what would Hawkeye do if it was BJ?" but instead "what would BJ do if it was Hawkeye?" I still alluded to the former, when Hawkeye himself wonders what he would do if it was any of his friends, but I gave more time to the latter. It just felt right; of course Hawkeye, who's been through it on the other side, has thought about it. BJ needs to be confronted with the question, and I found that more interesting. And of course it opens the door for BJ to ask how Hawkeye would feel if The Best of Enemies happened to BJ instead. I don't answer any of these questions, because that's the reader's job. If you have thoughts about these answers I'd love to hear them; I wrote this fic because I was absolutely consumed by this episode, and I still am.
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djarindroid · 1 year
Come Back To Me
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Pairing: Cassian x Reader
Summary: Cassian rescues you after you have been caught by the empire. Friends to Lovers, confessions, no use of Y/N
Warnings: Very brief mention of torture, minor injury detail
Comments: This is literally the first fic I've ever posted! It's relatively short but I hope you enjoy reading it. I enjoyed writing it and I'd love some feedback so I can continue writing and improve as I go!
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Cassian crouched behind a large, rusted pipe, intently watching the Imperial base as a lone Stormtrooper made their third patrol since he had arrived. 
‘We have exactly 2 minutes 32 seconds before they come back around’ K-2 piped up.
Cassian nodded without taking his eyes off the base, scanning for any other potential guards outside.
Cassian rarely felt nerves anymore on missions, but as he checked his pistol one final time, he noticed his hands were shaking. The thought that he may not reach you in time, or that he was already too late weighed heavily on his mind. He couldn’t waste anymore time and began running towards the main door with K-2 just behind him. 
K-2 unlocked the door with ease and, once inside, downloaded the schematics and made a route to the holding cells, avoiding as many troopers as possible.
As they moved stealthy through the stronghold, Cassian felt his nerves rising. The closer he got to your cell, the more his anxiety grew. The last time he saw you a Stormtrooper had knocked you unconscious and dragged you away for questioning. He knew you wouldn’t give up any information which just caused his nerves to worsen, knowing what techniques the empire would use to torture you.
His heart pounded in time with his footsteps. He’d been so foolish. How had it taken you getting captured for Cassian to realise how important you are to him. The thought of never seeing you again had sparked a tidal wave of emotions in him, he wasn’t sure how to react at first. He’d never felt anything like it before.
They finally reached the corridor with your cell, luckily no-one was standing guard so K-2 began unlocking the door. 
The seconds felt too long as Cassian waited, mentally preparing himself for what awaited him behind the door. A cold woosh of air blew over him as the door slid open. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dark room, but he quickly noticed you lying in the corner.
He ran to your side and dropped to his knees without a second thought. He called your name but didn’t get any response, his heart dropped. A quick look over your body revealed how much damage the imperials had caused. Your skin was littered with bruises and your clothes stained with blood. He gently rolled you over so your body was facing him. Your eyes remained shut and your body limp. Cassian brushed the hair away from your neck and began searching for your pulse. He panicked as he couldn’t find one but after a moment he could feel it, a faint flutter of life. He let out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding, maybe he wasn’t too late. 
‘Come on, don’t give up on me’ he murmured down to you as he began to move his arms under you, getting ready to lift you up. ‘K-2 you’re gonna have to cover me as we leave, she’s unconscious’
‘Cassian we have a higher chance of leaving here successfully if I carry her. We will be fas-’ but before he could finish Cassian interrupted.
‘I’m carrying her K-2, that's final. Now find us a way out of here’ he replied as he rose to his feet with you in his arms.
They began down the route they came from, Cassian glancing down at you every other step, hoping that your eyes would magically open and you’d be looking up at him, making a joke like you always did in these tense situations. Nerves still rattled around Cassian’s mind, but with you in his arms he felt his hands stop shaking. He had you, now he just needed to get you out of this wretched place and back to base to get you the help you needed.
Luckily they made it back to the main entrance without any hiccups, however once the doors opened a patrol of Stormtroopers were waiting for them. Beams of lights flew past Cassian’s head as they opened fire. K-2 put himself in the firing line as Cassian dove for cover. 
As Cassian crouched there, listening to K-2 take care of the patrol he took a moment to really look at your face in the natural light. Your eyes were bruised and you had a big gash that ran from your cheek up into your hairline. His eyes welled with emotions as he blamed himself for not finding you sooner. 
‘We need to leave now!’ K-2 appeared ‘There is a 96% chance that more troopers have been alerted and are currently on their way here right now!’
No time was wasted getting back to the ship, K-2 took control and rose up into the atmosphere as Cassian laid you down in the back whilst he looked for the ships med pack. K-2 set in the coordinates and made the jump to hyperspace.
In the quiet of hyperspace Cassian kneeled next to you, busying himself by spraying your wounds with bacta and clearing away the blood from your cuts. He stayed knelt at your side for the entire flight, silently praying for you to return to him. As they arrived back at the base, the medics rushed on the ship to take you for treatment, they had a hard time keeping Cassian out of the room so they could do what was necessary to aid you. He didn’t want to leave you so soon, he felt like if you went out of his sight he would lose you again.
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Cassian paced back and forth in the small room where you lay, still unconscious, in a medical bed. The doctors had told him your injuries were severe, they had done all they could but it’s down to you to wake up now.
He anxiously checked your vital monitors again, for the 10th time in as many minutes, hoping for any sign of improvement. 
As Cassian waited he couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt. He’d specifically requested for you to come on that mission where you’d been taken. He couldn’t help but think if it weren’t for him you wouldn’t be in this bed right now. Deep down he knew you would have come on that mission whether he requested you or not, you were stubborn like that. 
He replayed the moment you ran in the opposite direction to him, drawing the fire away from him and the other rebels. If only he'd grabbed you, or ran after you, maybe you wouldn’t be in this bed right now.
Cassian sighed and sat down in the chair beside your bed, softly taking your hand in his. He looked down at your pale face, normally so bright, he’d give anything to see your smile right now. 
‘Please come back to me darling, I need you to come back’ he carefully brought the back of your hand up to his lips and lightly kissed it. ‘There’s so much I need to tell you and I can’t do that if you’re not awake.’ 
Hours turned into days and Cassian had refused to leave your side the entire time, sleeping in the chair beside you. 
On the third day Cassian awoke to the feeling of your hand lightly squeezing his. He looked up to see your eyes flickering open.
He squeezed your hand back and quietly said your name so as to not startle you. ‘I’m here, you’re safe’. He couldn’t help the small smile that grew on his face as you slowly took in your surroundings, with your eyes finally landing on him
‘I knew you’d rescue me’ you said, your voice hoarse and weak. The corners of your lips turned up into a smile, your eyes not once leaving his.
‘I’ll always come for you, no matter where you go or how far, I will always be there.’ Cassian replied, his voice had a soft edge that you weren’t used to. He opened his mouth, ready to tell you everything he was feeling, but no words came out. It was so easy to talk to you when you couldn’t hear, with no fear of how you’d react, but now with you looking at him, Cassian froze.
‘Cass is everything okay?’ You watched as he sat there with his mouth agape, like a fish out of water. You’d never seen Cassian act like this and it was worrying.
‘The truth is…I’m scared’ he broke eye contact and looked to the ground, ashamed at his confession.
‘You don’t need to be scared Cass, I’m right here, you saved me’ you began rubbing slow, careful circles on his hand with your thumb in an attempt to sooth him.
Cassian hesitated for a moment, but looking back to your eyes he decided to take a chance ‘I’m scared of the way you make me feel. I damn near tore this place apart after they took you.’ He watched as your eyes slowly widened. ‘It scares me knowing that nothing could stop me from getting to you, the entire galaxy could be in my way and I wouldn’t care. I would search every planet, travel past every star, until you were by my side again’. 
Your heart leapt in your chest at the seriousness of his words. You never thought in a million years that Cassian Andor would ever feel as strongly about you, as you do about him. You always thought you’d have to stay quiet with your feelings so you could keep him as a friend, but here he was telling you he’d search the entire galaxy to get to you.
You reached your hand up and cupped his cheek. ‘Cassian’ you’d been hoping for the perfect time to utter these words to him ‘I love you. I always have, since the moment you took me out on my first mission I knew there’s no one else in any galaxy I would rather be with’
Cassian felt tears prick the corners of his eyes, he leaned in and gently kissed you on the lips, afraid to hurt you further. The moment your lips met he felt like the weight of the rebellion had been lifted from his shoulders, for that brief second nothing else mattered, it was only you and him.
He tenderly rested his forehead on yours.
‘I love you too’.
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Love in a Hopeless World
A/N: Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I’m back with another fic for you! This was one of the options given to me.
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Pairing: Chris Redfield x Male reader
Requested: @evansphnx12
Rating: Mature
Warnings: NSFW, smut, bottom male reader, sir kink, degradation, creampie, size kink, Choking kink, breeding kink, masturbation, and all characters are above the age of 18+
Word Count: 2355
Summary: Its turns out there weren't that many supplies in the old abandoned campus. So, you and Chris have to go deeper into the city to find more but during the little scavenge, Chris began to dirty thoughts...
I hope you enjoy it! Sorry if it’s bad! And sorry for any errors that are found!
If you like what I write, how about check out my masterlist?
M/n: Male name.
DISCLAIMER!: I never played or watched any gameplay of the resident evil series. And this doesn’t follow any of the resident evil timelines, it’s on its own.
Then y'all had another round of hot steamy sex. And the others at the base had a hard time sleeping that night.
Your eyes twitch at the unpleasant light hitting it directly. 'It's morning already?' you moved around only to feel wet sheets. 'What happened last night?'
Then you felt a body move and a muscular arm grab you, pulling you closer. You could feel the warmth, and muscular chest pushed against your back.
'Oh! That's right!' now you remembered why you were all sticky and sleeping against Chris. 'I had sex with my superior! But he felt the same.'
Then you felt Chris move around and waking up. "Hey, baby boy," Chris said with a raspy and deep voice. "Morning." you pressed your lips against his.
"If you continue, we may have to repeat what we did last night, baby," Chris growled as pulled back, gripping your waist. You smirked before getting up.
"Come one, we have to get ready. We have important business," you said. "Ugh, can't we just sleep in and have some... Fun?" Chris complained.
"I know you haven't had sex in 5 years but we need to go get those people. We'll have fun at the end of the day," you said stressing your muscles and popping your back.
The bed creaked meaning he finally got off his ass to get ready. "We need to go get those survivors. And scavenge for more supplies," you said putting your armor on and fixing it up.
After you both got your gear and weapons, you both walked into the main area with all the others.
Everybody looked at you both and immediately looked at way. There was awkwardness in the room. 'They must have heard me last night!' Hell! maybe the whole city heard it is quiet
"Uh,- sir... We have a situation." one of the soldiers said. "shot." Chris said. "Well... it turns out there weren't that many supplies found on the campus. We need more supplies if weren't gonna go get those survivors." the soldier said
You heard listening but your mind began to wonder. You still couldn't let go of the past, you remembered one of your siblings was accepted into MIT. This was 3 months after the Raccoon City Incident.
You would see on the news- Raccoon City survivors being discriminated against by the American people. "Hey, what do I keep saying?" Chris said next to you. His conversation was done.
"Stop thinking about the past, it's long gone," you replied, mimicking his voice. Chris laughed, "Okay, baby. But we need to go get those people."
You nodded but kind of chuckled at the fact that he didn't want to do anything today but now wants to do business.
"Come on, M/n! We have to get going. EVERYONE, protect the base at all cost." Chris commanded. "YES SIR!" they all said at the same time.
You, Chris, and a few others left the confines of the base. Even though it was morning, the sky still had a grey color to it. You open the door to the back seat and closed it.
"We should be there in 20 minutes or less." the driver said starting the engine up. "Alright, let's go." the armored car pulled out before driving down the messy road.
It wasn't long before you reached the waterfront. You could see the skyline perfectly, most buildings were on the verge of collapsing. Others were burnt to where the wall showed the skeleton.
Up ahead, you saw a bridge leading into Cambridge was destroyed. 'Longfellow Bridge.' You have been to Boston before and got to explore everything before the world went hell.
The ride continued for a while. There was nothing or anyone in sight. You could see the freeway ahead but like all other ways leading into Cambridge was destroyed.
"We're closing in on Bunker Hill. They said they are taking refuge by the monument." one of them said.
And wouldn't you know it? In the distance, you could see the tall granite obelisk peaking out. It kind of looked like the one down in D.C. but this one is still standing.
What you meant by "This one is still standing" is because the capital was hit by a nuclear warhead, along with other cities across the US.
The President and other government officials were evacuated and the countries important documents were evacuated as well. So, the legacy of the US would still live.
That means the President is still alive and is in some remote area devoid of zombie life.
"I see some people! They appear to be walking around." one of the soldiers said. And the people seem to notice us because they were waving at us.
"Stop the car," Chris said, the car stopped. He and others got out. Two of the survivors looked familiar? Like you have seen them before. They both were tall and had beards.
They walked up to y'all. "Please, are you here to rescue us?" one of them pleaded. "Yes, we're here to take you to our temporary base," Chris said.
They all smiled and some hugged each other. Chris ordered the soldiers to help some things and you approached the two survivors. "Why do you two look familiar?"
One of them laughed and smiled. "Well...- are you fan of Captain America and Thor?"
Your jaw dropped and your eyes widen. "No. Way. You're Chris Evans and Hemsworth!" you were lost at speech. "I thought y'all was dead! I- how-"
"Well, we survived! I'm not too sure about the others though..." Chris H said with that thick Australian accent. You both were just talking, unknown to Chris R was glaring holes into your head.
After y'all returned to MIT Dorms, you still talked with Chris E and H. You didn't even acknowledge Chris R's glares.
He was getting more and more jealous. 'I hate those two!' Chris yelled in his mind. They were taking your attention from him.
"We have to go M/n! We need to find supplies." Chris yelled at you. 'What's wrong with him?' you thought to yourself. "Bye guys!" You waved at the two Chris.
"He was fun to talk to." Chris H said and Chris E agreed.
TIMESKIP (To Supermarket)
You and Chris arrived at the market. There were some abandoned cars in the parking lot. "Come on." You both walked to the doors and opened them.
The place was absolutely trashed. Lights flickering, aisles tipped over, some cans on the floor - also money, which was useless-, and the roof caved in on the left side.
"Look for non-perishables. Canned food would be good and find any water- if there is any that is." you nodded your head before going down one of the aisles.
There were some canned foods but no water. The smell of a rotting corpse filled the air, you could hear flies buzzing. "Ugh." you covered your nose and looked at the rotting corpse. "Poor bastard..."
Meanwhile, Chris was looking for the same stuff, but he was still bitter about you talking to those guys. And completely ignoring him. He could already imagine your punishment.
He could imagine you begging for more, feeling the tightness of your ass wrapped around his cock. 'Shit.' Chris was getting hard. His cock was feeling restricted by the tight pants.
"Hurry up, M/n!" Chris yelled from the other side of the store. "Okay!" you finished gathering anything you could find. 'Why are we leaving early? We have few more places to loot/raid.'
You left the aisles and made your way to the front doors. "Come on, we have to go." you both we made went to the vehicle and drove back to base.
You had found some supplies. 15 canned foods, and some water as well. It wasn't much, but it's something.
TIMESKIP (Arrival at the base.)
You and Chris arrived at MIT. You were gonna go talk with Chris E and H, but Chris R wasn't having it.
"Hey-" Chris grabbed your hand and began to rush to the room. Everyone knew what was gonna happen. 'Ah, shit- there gonna go at it again.'
At the room, Chris pinned you against the wall and latched his lips onto yours. The kiss rough, his much larger body pushed against yours shows the difference in size.
His tongue pushed against your teeth telling you to open them. You slowly pushed your mouth, Chris immediately pushed his tongue and invaded your mouth.
"Mmm-" you moaned into the kiss as Chris began to grip your ass. "Up." He growled into your ear. You wrapped your legs around his waist and continued to make out.
He lifted you and carried you to the bed. He slammed you onto your back before pulling away and attacking your neck. "A-ah!" Chris found your sweet spot.
"You belong to me, M/n! I claimed you that night we had sex last night!" Chris growled. "Strip." he quickly removed his clothes, leaving him in his boxers.
You could see the outline thick meaty cock. "You got hard from just kissing me?" you laughed. "You don't talk me like that! You're the slut here." Chris growled as he gripped and slapped your thighs.
You whimpered under the touch. "Look at you, whimpering under me. And your pathetic cock got hard from me hitting you. But let's see what this ass has to say." Chris said as he put your legs on his shoulders
You then felt his thick slicked fingers at your entrance. One finger slips in, your muscles immediately clenched at the invader. "M-mm." you gripped the sheets as his finger pushed deeper.
Then a second finger went in. You clench even more as it did a scissor motion. "Aagh!" you felt his fingers touch the bundle of pleasure. "You're ready."
Chris pulled his fingers out to see your hole doing a grabbing motion. 'Fuck... that's hot.' Chris threw his head back while jerking his cock. "Can't wait to pound this slutty boipussy."
You felt his fat tip push past your tight ring. "Mmm... C-Chris!-"
"YOU DON'T CALL ME THAT! You didn't learn from last time? You. Call. Me. Sir. You got that?" Chris growled/yelled. "Y-yes, Sir... It's just that... You're so big..." You whimpered.
Then with one Thrust, Chris pushed his entire cock inside. "See? You're taking all 12 inches of me! Fuck, so tight..." Chris groaned. His cock was touching your prostate.
His thick meaty cock filled your insides perfectly. Like you were made for each other. "Y-you're... splitting m-me... in two!" you moaned as you felt it throb and twitch.
"P-please... fuck me... make me your slut." you begged. Chris smirked before snapping his hips.
He began pounding into you. His big cum-filled balls smacked against your ass as he thrusts harder. "S-sir! Y-you feel... s-so good!" You moaned as you threw your head back and gripped the sheets tighter.
"You think those guys can fuck you like I do?! Only I can give you this pleasure, only me!" Chris growled as he thrust harder, hitting your prostate repeatedly.
You used the last of your strength to get up and wrapped your arms around Chris's neck. You clawed his back as he thrust more, you were sure those were gonna leave marks.
"Maybe those guys can give me more pleasure," you smirked at your fake statement. You heard a deep growl as Chris dropped you on the bed and flipped you onto your stomach.
"You fucking slut! Only I can give you this much pleasure! Those guys don't deserve you. Bet their cocks aren't as big as mines." Chris growled as he gripped your hips.
Sounds of skin-slapping and balls slapping against your ass filled the room and the others in the building had to hear it. The walls weren't soundproof.
Your cock was twitching, ready to release a load. "You're about to cum without me touching you! Well, I'm -FUCK- about to cum too." Chris groaned as you tighten around him.
"P-please... give me... y-your load!" You moaned as you arched your back to give Chris more access. "Want me to fill this slutty ass with my cum? Gonna... cum... soon!"
After 5 more thrusts, Chris reached his breaking point, and so did you.
"FUCK! I'M CUMMING! CUM WITH ME!" Chris groaned, he wrapped his hand around cock stroking it before you released it all over his hand. That was enough for him.
"FUCK!" you felt his cock twitch before pumping his hot load inside, filling you up to the brim.
*Breathing intensifies*
Chris collapses onto the bed right next to you with his cock still inside. You felt him pull out with his cum leaking out. "I'll never leave you for those two. My heart only beats for you," you said sincerely turning over to face him.
"I'll never leave you too. We'll be together until our time runs out." Chris said pulling you into a kiss filled with passion and love.
'There is still Love in a Hopeless World.'
A/N: Finally this is done! I hoped you enjoy this, by 🍓Little Strawberries🍓!
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arguablysomaya · 3 years
give batfam fic recs pls i beg
welp you asked for it so more underrated batfam fanfics >:)
The Jason Protocol by @salparadiselost
Jason has been gone for 3 months and the grim reality of the situation is sinking in. Even Dick can't help but think that his little brother might be dead again.
But then, Dick receives a text.
this one is stupidly fluffy and great hurt/comfort and i think the dynamics and dick’s voice in particular are just really sweet
Escape From the Pit Of Doom or Whatever by @MishaBerry 
Tim and Damian get captured on a mission and have to escape. You know, typical Wednesday.
what could say family bonding quite like being held over boiling acid by your little brother’s ecoterrorist grandad??? nothing, thats what
city with no children by @takemetothe-river
Dick catches Jason just as he finishes patrol. One minute he's alone, standing on the rooftop taking inventory of his gear, and the next he's not. A familiar blue silhouette swings up and over the edge of the building and lands neatly beside him. “I brought you a plant. For your new apartment.” The lack of preamble in this family, Jesus. “It isn’t my apartment, just a safehouse.” Jason doesn’t look up from where he’s emptying the cache on his guns. Dick laughs, low in his throat, “Okay, Jay.” - Or: Jason's still alive, and maybe that counts for something.
it’s about jason and recovery :) and i think the author has great voice and it needs a fuckton more attention, jesus
The Trading Chain by @heartslogos 
"Yeah. Thanks. Just what I need. Black lipstick."
pinnacle of Weird Families Bonding Weirdly. banger fic, fucking love Cass in this
bad signal by @prismatic-et-al
The rescue mission went well. Nightwing is safe. Everything should be alright.
oh man this fic hits. the pacing, the building, the characterization- everything about it is perfect. may be in my top 5 batfam fanfics tbh
Nightwing’s Thirsty Villains by @sophene
When Nightwing has to leave town, he asks his youngest brother to keep an eye on Blüdhaven. Things do not go the way that Damian expects.
fucking hilarious fic. nightwing is truly to sexy for his own good
The Great Sunglasses Saga by @comebackolivia
Tim just wants to find his sunglasses. Everything spirals from there. 
listen. listen. i love schemes. and this fic? has schemes, babey. love the crack-y vibes lmao
To Prove Their Worth by @/justleveledup
Damian isn't going to let his brothers date anyone he doesn't approve of.
i LOVE the first chapter oh my god and tim and kon are perfect oml (the second is good but i dont ship jaybabs rip)
Dragged to the Depths by @audreycritter
Dick sees something during a charity dinner aboard a yacht that makes him leap into the bay.
Jason finds him in time to pick up the pieces.
full disclosure this probably doesn’t count as underrated, but i’m gonna rec it anyway because i keep coming back to it. absolute classic of a hurt/comfort fic
gotham (k)nights by @nevereverever 
There was something about it, the four of them, no interruptions. It was dark in the cell, but it felt like a sleepy breakfast table. Like somehow, in uniform, kidnapped, and injured, they could be together and be a family.
Being captured and left to rot in a cell has never been this fun
fluff piece that i hold extremely near and dear to my heart. honestly a must-read for batfam
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So, I’ve been working on this fic for a solid amount of time, been really getting into writing it and it’s the smoothest going fanfic I’ve started. It’s a lot of fun to write, I hope it’ll be fun for you guys to read. 
There are warnings though: this is going to be a darker fanfic, darker humor, tones, just though and through. Some may find it offensive, will put necessary warnings in front of chapter when it needs it. So just keep that in mind when you’re reading. If I offend, I apologize in advanced. 
a little bit of LGBTQ+ tones, if that isn’t your thing, no worries might not be for you. In turn, I’m exploring a TON here. Whether about myself, about my writing/style, Whether I can actually write the boys out (honestly? My first time.) 
first story I’ve posted on here, have had tumblr for a while, finally actually getting into it. Lots of firsts. I hope I can live up to some of the great fanfics on here! first chapter is 5000 words. I’ll break it up to not get overwhelming.
likes, comments/constructive criticism I love. If you got it, lemme have it! I want to get better. Thanks friends! enjoy!
My name is Abbigail, I was living as a homeless person in the city of New York, it wasn't the best life, but my life took a turn when I was kidnapped by a lab called TCRI.
I was rescued by our turtle friends, from what I was told from Donnie, I was in that lab for around 3 years, I don't remember a freaking thing that went on in the lab. Upon being rescued by the boys, they brought me back to their cozy home in the sewers, where I do everything I can to repay them.
and while it isn't much, I clean, cook, and take care of them when they're sick or injured as well (or rather, I help Don take care of them.) when I wasn’t getting too tired that is, the experiments apparently put a new draw of energy on me.  
Anyway, by this time I had a routine down, cleaning all their rooms (cautiously) thankfully the "teenage" in teenage mutant ninja turtles was finished. They were into their mid 20s like me, making it less scary to go into their rooms to clean and pick up.
So, I always started to Donnie and Mike's rooms, because they tended to be a little more chaotic, Donnie with his research he dragged in from the lab, and Mikey because, well, it was Mikey. He's a lively sweetheart with a lot of interests, all at the same time, I definitely didn't hold it against him, I was glad he was so happy about everything and had a refreshing view on things, always made him fun to be around.
Some classic instrumental music mixed with techno playing, Lindsey Stirling was my absolute favorite, a small smile on my face as I balled up Mikey's dirty clothes and shot them into the dirty hamper so I could do laundry later. A pleasant smelling lavender spray that cleaned like a champ over the surfaces of Mikey's room, while making it smell a lot better too, some things never changed, thankfully.
I couldn’t help but giggle at some batman underwear, while also throwing, swooshing it into the hamper, and finished wiping everything down, and making his bed. You could bounce a quarter off those bed sheets they were that tightly tucked in. I picked up the dirty hamper and went down the line of bedrooms, cleaning, taking care of spike, and getting to Leo's room.
There it was, some whining, poor little buddy must've accident got locked in. I opened the door to see a Pitbull puppy, master splinter almost didn't let the blue banded turtle keep the cute little animal that was saved from a dog fighting ring the purple dragons ran, I promised the rat master I'd help Leo take care of him.
"Hi bear! How are you little baby boy?" the dog was about to run out and embrace the light of freedom but did a double take and ran back to me, little nub where his tail used to be was going bonkers. Of course I gave him a good scrub down of pets, he was licking my hands and anything else he could reach while I was giggling away.
"You gonna help me clean buddy?" I asked the still overly excited puppy, he was spinning around a bit with his excitement, and turned to follow me back into the turtle's room. I dropped the laundry basket with my hands over my mouth when I heard the puppy run into the door frame with a loud clunk.
"Bear?" My voice cautious, the puppy responded by coming around the corner, still very excited, I couldn't help a sympathetic giggle towards the dopey little silvery brown colored puppy.
"You ok? You poor sweet boy" at least he was still an ecstatic as can be dog. He definitely wasn't anywhere near the same level of gracefulness as his new master, but everyone in the lair loved him anyway.
The lovable goofball (and no I'm not talking about Mikey) followed me throughout the lair the entire time I cleaned Leo's room, just happy to have company. And happy to be right where I needed to be, which I combated with giving him belly rubs while completing the tasks, another being that made everything fun.
"Don't worry buddy, after I start a load of laundry, and check on dinner, we can go on a walk, ok?" Of course I was speaking in a baby voice to the little baby. Leo's room was cleaned and wiped down, I grabbed the dirty hamper and headed towards the newly remodeled laundry room.
"Bear no! that's Mikey's underwear! You trying to knock yourself out?" I had some urgency in my voice when I stopped doing what I was doing, the very same pair of batman underwear and the puppy picked it up in his mouth gently. I took it from him, by gently prying open his mouth, and taking it out, sure enough, the puppy coughed/gagged, warranting a laugh out of me.
"I warned you" I snickered, tossing those in with the rest of the load and cranking the washing machine, leaving the hamper on the top of side loader. The next stop was the kitchen, where the puppy happily followed me, smiling the whole way like the hyperactive boy he was. Even after he recovered from the near death experience. I smelled master Splinter up ahead, sure enough.
"Morning sensei" I greeted the rat master with a big smile, he was making his tea. He refused to let me make it, insisting that taking on such care for the boys was more than enough to do around here. As if they didn't break me out of a mutant prison, my job was cake a million times over compared to what they did for me, and in general, I was more than happy to take care of them.
"You are more than welcome to call me 'dad' if you like Abigail" he explained with a small smile. I couldn't help the sense of peace from how close I was with everyone here. While I never told them anything about myself, Splinter knew something was up with the relationship with my parents.
And while I would never try to replace my biological dad with master splinter, the rat would definitely be a very solid father figure, whom I love very much.
"Thank you" I was still pretty fresh around the lair, only being down here a few months, it felt like I knew everyone my entire life. That being said, it was really hard to talk about myself/past in general, so very little was known about me to my new adopted family.
I started doing dishes by hand, I'd have to help Donnie put in a new dishwasher soon, this one was very much so broken, it was on its last legs for a while, very clearly.
"Are you taking our precious bear for a walk?" very clear amusement in his eyes at the hyperactive puppy at my feet, who was pawing at my legs.
"Bear, you're getting too big for that" I insisted, petting him on the head to calm him down.
"I think getting out and running around the sewer will be in his best interests. He was as adamant to get out of Leo's room as Raph is getting into the gym" I snickered, washing my hands and finishing up the mounds of dishes. I walked over to the massive pot simmering the contents gently within, opening the lid, the pleasant waft of the food in the air.
"Is that chili?" Splinter had taken in the smell of the protein packed dinner, the whiskers near his nose twitching ever so slightly.
"It is. It’s a really good recipe. Even if it might turn the boys into stink bombs" I ran a hand through my hair sheepishly.
"You sleep near them" He reminded me, his eyes still flooded with amusement.
"I'll thank you and the chili for reminding me that later" I assured while laughing, then looking down at the restless puppy who was going ham on my shin.
"Ok Bear, let me get some actual clothes on and I'll take you out" Something tells me I'll want something more than just a t-shirt and shorts after leaving the warmth of the lair. It got toasty working inside where the temperature was controlled, but outside was just slightly different.
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megumitski · 3 years
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hello these are the bnha fics i’ve read so far and i just made this to track them for myself. favorites are marked with a 💥! more bakudeku plus tododeku and other ships under the cut.
💥 Bluebird - EtherealBeing (53k)
Dialing a wrong number was no unusual occurrence. Everyone did it once in a while, and Katsuki was well aware of that fact.
However, possessing this knowledge made it no less aggravating for him to discover — a full two minutes into his rant about his day — that he’d been venting his frustrations to a complete stranger. As if that wasn't enough, said stranger was also inexplicably determined to hear his story to its end.
Let’s Be Alone Together - lalazee (3k)
Prompt: Deku being aggressively forward in his pursuit of Bakugou, and how that big oaf would react to someone else actually making the first move.
“Are you going to spend your entire life wishing you’d kissed me or are you gonna grow some balls and fucking do it?”
Bell Pepper - ticklishivories (7k)
Midoriya knew they wouldn’t talk about it. He was right. But he never thought it’d happen again.
spilling over every side - failbender (6k)
No good deed goes unpunished, not when there's a crazy lady with a complex and Lust Quirk parading around the city. By now, Katsuki should probably be used to things blowing up in his face.
be loved - bonnia (5k)
They sit there, in the darkness of the common room, about a few centimeters between them, but miles apart. Somehow, the quiet is companionable. More than it has been in many years. Katsuki knows he’s responsible for the rift between them, and he knows even more that it can’t only be Deku who attempts to mend it.
“Hey,” he says, after a while, and Deku turns to him in question, but Katsuki refuses to look his way. “Touch me again.”
(or: the kidnapping incident leaves bakugou traumatised about being touched on the back of his neck, and midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands)
Leftovers - brichibi (6k)
“Did you two make up?”
That. That’s why that fight felt like it was worth it, even if, technically, Izuku can’t answer her. Have they made up? Is this making up?
He actually doesn’t know.
[Or: the house arrest fic where it is, somehow, more awkward to talk through feelings than it is to fight]
lust-drunk - theboykingofhell (8k)
The one where Bakugou tries not to lose his mind to lust, and Midoriya is the useless gay who does nothing to help that matter at all.
💥 Quiet Rapture - lalazee (261k) - inc.
That A/B/O fic where cocky Alpha Bakugou falls in mate-love at first scent, while Midoriya is just a poor bookstore-owning Omega who got his nose punched in is a kid and can't smell a damn thing. Also known as: That time an Alpha had to use his actual personality to woo his mate instead of relying on his scent.
💥 A Demolition Boy & his Cryptid BF - kewltie (8k)
Bakugou of the Demolition Squad is famous for running one of the most popular Youtube channels on the web that regularly blow shit up and jumped off a perfectly good building for shit and giggles. He's also famous for his Cryptid BF™, never appearing on camera except for a few bodyshots and all information on him is kept locked up tighter than Fort Knox, therefore drawing all sort of attention and curiosity toward his mysterious boyfriend.
Deku from Deku Explains is a hopeless chatterbox who is known for uploading 20-30 minutes video that talked about his favorite shows and comics and have one of the most devoted following on Youtube. He also can't seem to shut up about his boyfriend Kacchan, who regularly make his presence on the channel as a disembodied voice.
They should theoretically have nothing in common except a shared platform to host their content and an army of fans with an endless curiosity and devotion to their Youtubers. Vidcon is where we lay our scene and the internet is about to get a rude wake up call.
What The Fuck Did You Just Call Me? - reading_raindrop (8k)
“A-ah B-Bakugou! You dropped some pencils!”
Katsuki stiffened. Kirishima and Kaminari froze. Basically, everyone within earshot stopped what they were doing to look at Izuku like he sprouted a second head. What did he just call him? “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
Katsuki whipped his head towards Izuku with his signature death glare as he stood up from where he picked up the fallen supplies.
“U-um I said you dropped some pencils! I think this eraser might be yours to-”
“No. What the fuck did you just call me?”
Izuku starts calling him Bakugou and it pisses the explosive teen off a lot more than he thought it would
💥 take care - Chrome (2k)
There are words to say stay safe, I’ll miss you, I love you, but Kacchan has always preferred to leave things unspoken. Izuku isn’t much with languages, but he thinks he’s figured out this one.
“Emotional constipation manifested as over-the-top housewifery?” Mina asks. Before Izuku can say that is not what he meant at all, she nods. “Yeah, I can see it.”
Just Look At Me - Colourcubify (52k) - dnf
Midoriya is completely happy with his life. Nope, not one single regret in his twenty-seven years. He especially doesn't regret running into his old childhood friend/bully after almost ten years, nor does he regret spilling coffee all over his very expensive looking suit. How nice it will be to die with no regrets. ~~~~ AKA the sugar daddy AU I meant to be a one shot, that turned into a full fledged story.
A Nest for the Best - Camellia_Sinensis (1k)
Deku’s been nesting and asking everyone in 1-A for pieces of clothing for his horde. Everyone, that is, except Katsuki. Cue the jealousy.
unforgiving - i_write_emotion (19k)
Deku is hit with a quirk that takes away his ability to forgive, and Bakugou’s world comes crashing down. Quirkless!Deku. Pro-hero!Bakugou.
@ Deku WRONG CHAT - katyastark (16k) - inc.
Deku: or! like! It doesn’t even have to be his abs! It could be anywhere else! I’m not picky!
Pinky: excuse me what
ChargeDolt: OMG
Uravity: @Deku WRONG CHAT
I love you. I’m completely and utterly in love with you. Please don’t get married. - InkspillsNotebook (6k)
Ta-Da!!!! I hope you all enjoy the finished product!!! I'm sorry (not sorry) I broke a lot of you when I first posted this to tumblr!!
Procrastination - capncapk (5k)
But it is still surprising to see his more-than-friend-but-also-lover-he-guesses in his office seeking attention though Izuku already turned him down.
Usually he'll get a text of 'wyd?' followed by a time and place if Izuku responds with a confirmation, and silence if he's busy.
Or slammed into the wall in the agency's shower for a quickie if no one was around, which despite his anxiety, he often acquiesces to.
While You Were Sleeping - Belkacaramelka (71k)
The one where quirkless fanboy Midoriya Izuku rescues Pro Hero Todoroki Shouto, gets mistaken as his fiancé while he is in a coma, and gets caught up in the most unlikely fake engagement... until his childhood enemy and Todoroki's classmate Bakugou Katsuki tries to catch him out, and they both end up discovering a lot more about each other than they'd expected.
Quirkless AU based on the film; endgame BakuDeku. -- Katsuki didn’t know when the change had happened: how he had gone from asking why Todoroki chose Deku of all people, to wondering why it was Todoroki that Deku chose. Troublesome Deku, who cooed like an idiot at cats, tripped at a random catcall and sang badly. Who, despite everything, proved that it wasn’t the quirk that defined a person. Deku, who was too much, not his, and undeniably off limits to begin with.
briar roses (and hundred years of sleep) - vannral (16k)
In complete honesty, no one who knows the Class 3-A should be surprised anymore. Izuku is asleep.
In which Izuku is hit by a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Quirk, Class 3-A tries to find his True Love and get them to kiss him, and Katsuki’s very angry about it all.
Yes, They’re All Safe - teaandtumblr (5k)
Villains have entered UA grounds and are disposed of just as quickly, but that doesn't mean a headcount of the students doesn't need to be done. Toshinori would admit, he wasn't quite prepared for what he found in Bakugou Katsuki's room.
💥 all choked up - spicyrabbit (5k)
Bakugou Katsuki had a habit of turning away from the heard. At 16, he does this by coming to terms with wanting, desperately, to see his childhood friend cry.
💥 May I take your order, dipshit? - supercrunch (6k)
So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.
A BakuDeku romance in thirty minutes or less. )
blooms every hour - dynamighttiddy (7k)
“It’s you, okay?!” Deku screams. “It’s you. And I know you’ll never love me back, so -” Deku wipes his eyes and straightens. “So just leave it.”
Deku has hanahaki, and Katsuki doesn't know how to save him.
all choked up - dynamighttiddy (7k)
“Deku, what the fuck are you doing?!”
Izuku asks Kacchan to help him train blackwhip. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
A Fight To The Death - iknewaman (10k)
Izuku isn’t competitive by nature, but when the blond, cocky asshole from the other table’s team gets involved he suddenly becomes hellbent on winning.
Rival Pub Quiz AU
💥 Like the Moon - osakakitty (15k)
Katsuki Bakugo is having constant, erotic dreams about Izuku Midoriya. He isn’t sure why, but they won’t go away. In order to make them stop, he needs to figure out what Izuku Midoriya means to him.
Canon-verse story in which Bakugo is confused about his feelings for Midoriya, and doesn’t know what he wants. Besides a good night’s sleep.
💥 We Wear Chains on the Weekend - surveycorpsjean (35k)
Well, in a day of revelations, it turns out that Izuku isn't as vanilla as Katsuki previously thought. Unfortunately, that fascinating discovery is overshadowed by Izuku's dumbassery, because he has zero concept of aftercare.
"Don't go to anyone else," Katsuki says, because screw it. He can do a better job anyways.
Or; Katsuki finds Izuku on a bad drop.
take me out to dinner first - dynamighttiddy (3k)
“Kacchan,” Deku chides. “What’s going on?”
Katsuki takes a deep breath.
He trusts Deku with his life. He can trust him with this, too.
“Have sex with me.”
Katsuki Bakugou is one of the only virgins left in class 3-A - and with graduation just around the corner, he's desperate to change that.
💥 that ultra kind of love - dynamighttiddy (11k)
“So, uh,” Kirishima starts. “Was that your first kiss?” he whispers, almost sheepish. Katsuki’s stomach drops, and he freezes. Memories of green eyes and freckles and soft lips flash behind his eyelids. “Yeah,” he lies easily. “That was my first kiss.”
In which Bakugou pretends Kirishima is his first kiss, amongst other things.
to the moon and back - kewltie (1k)
"He gets stupid when he's drunk," Katsuki seethes in his seat as he watches Izuku croon love notes into Uraraka's throat. He’d never met a worst lightweight then Deku, who become some kind of demented affectionate monster.
💥 Bridges - supercrunch (18k)
Yaomomo sighs. “We’ve got a little bit of a situation, Bakugou. Ashi—uhm, somebody might have accidentally signed you up for that modelling gig.”
Katsuki holds up a hand. "So what you’re telling me here," he says, "is that you told Calvin Klein I would model for them. In my underwear.”
Ashido sinks behind a desk to hide. “Yes.”
(The thing is, they really do need the money. And Katsuki's technically the leader of this bunch of morons, so he finds himself taking the job even though his pride will never recover. And even though nobody thought to tell him that he'd be working with his ex-boyfriend. You know, the cute freckled guy from high school who went and broke his heart.
So, yeah. This whole situation kind of sucks.)
Crescendo - supercrunch - inc. (4k)
(Izuku's band is on their way to the top of the charts. But the real star, he thinks, is the drummer.)
Guilty Kiss - osakakitty (1k)
He could feel Midoriya's eyes on him. Even though he knew it was wrong, Bakugo still wet his lips in anticipation.
(Canon-verse) A short story about making out in a closet. It's messy, but so is their relationship.
💥 Surfaces - surveycorpsjean (25k)
Katsuki has a new girlfriend, but something isn't right.
As impossible as it is, Izuku can't help but wonder what it'd be like to be called Katsuki's girl.
Classical conditioning - supercrunch (8k)
(or: how to trick a boy into going out with you.)
Alright. Maybe his idiot friends had a point, Katsuki thinks as he shoulders open the front door. His mother’s in the living room drinking coffee. Katsuki kicks off his shoes and stomps over. “Am I charming?” he demands, blocking the TV.
Mitsuki pats his cheek. “Oh, hon. Not at all.”
💥 Dance Bunny - EllaBesmirched (17k)
Katsuki Bakugou spends most week nights by himself, sitting in a corner at his local strip club and passing time until he feels tired enough to sleep. Work leaves him stressed and the new city he moved to a year ago is just different enough that he can't sleep at night and can't seem to get comfortable no matter where he is.
When he finally changes up his schedule and decides to head to the club on a Saturday night, he is instantly infatuated with a part-time dancer who can do things with his body that Katsuki didn't even know were possible. The dancer calls himself Bunny. By the second lap dance, Katsuki realizes he is in trouble.
but the entrails are the best part! - supercrunch (15k)
The boy straightens up. He’s about half a head shorter than Katsuki, face soft and youthful and sweet. He turns to look at him properly. His dark hair shines in the dying light, basket of blooms looped over one arm and mouth quirked into a tiny half-smile. The sun hits his face and makes his eyes a bright greeny-gold, just like emeralds.
Katsuki likes emeralds.
“Pretty,” he says, reaching out and picking the stranger up around the middle. He’s surprisingly heavy, although Katsuki doesn’t mind. “I like you. Come see my nest.”
The boy hits him.
He’s stronger than he looks, turns out. Katsuki drops him and falls onto his back, pain blooming across his face. Birds sing. The sky’s a lovely shade of orange, clouds floating lazily by. The boy scarpers. He leaves his basket of flowers behind, footsteps thumping on the ground and fading away as he escapes.
The sun sets. Katsuki, lying flat on his back with a bloody nose, decides he’s just fallen in love.
(You Know You’re Really) Cute - ladyhoneydarlinglove (2k)
Kirishima poses the question, who’s the cutest boy in Class 1-A? The answers kind of surprise everyone, especially Midoriya.
Everything Except - Pouler (28k)
"In retrospect, Midoriya probably should’ve realized the moment they were enveloped in a glittering pink cloud that something was about to go Very Wrong."
After an encounter with a unique villain threatens to change the nature of their partnership, Midoriya must find a way to get things back to normal between him and Todoroki. That is, if he's certain that getting 'back to normal' is what he really wants...
count your blessings, not your flaws - PitViperOfDoom (7k)
Midoriya Izuku has never been asked out, confessed to, or flirted with, except as a joke.
Riddles in the Heart - PitViperOfDoom (19k)
The law is clear: whoever correctly answers three riddles will marry the prince, while all who fail are to be executed. The people live in fear as more challengers try and fail, and the throne grows bloodier with every passing year. But a young prince, nameless and in exile from his home, believes there may be more to this brutal challenge than meets the eye.
Of course, there's only one way to find out: ring the gong, and take the trial.
Late bloomer - Nohaljiachi (10k)
That’s why when they’ve found themselves face to face on the ring of the sport festival once more, for the third time ever since they’ve met each other, and Izuku smiled at him, eager and challenging, self-confident but never full of himself, Shouto blinked, dazed and shocked, in realizing just how blindingly beautiful his best friend was. The way Izuku’s white shirt clung on his muscles, the little peek of his collar bone and the hard lines of his pecs visible under it, the way his thighs curved and filled the school gym uniform.
‘Oh, fuck—‘ Shouto thought, his head spinning, feeling like he just got run over by a freight train. ‘Shit. He’s- hot?’
Burn and Breathe - PitViperOfDoom (11k)
Soulmates are connected through pain, and some bonds have more to share than others. Todoroki Shouto wishes he could reject his soulmate. Midoriya wants nothing more than to protect his own.
one string, fit for a bow - furihatachlookie (5k)
There was no magical moment that played a part in Midoriya's realization that he liked Todoroki. The thin red string that greeted him every time he looked down at his hand was an obvious factor, yes, but it wasn't love at first sight either.
It sorta just... happened over time.
fire and feelings - kagshina (8k)
“Uh…” he starts, eyes widening. “Your finger’s on fire.”
Todoroki’s face scrunches together, confused, and then he looks down, noticing the flame. Midoriya watches as shock flashes across Todoroki’s face, and then horror, and then finally settles on embarrassment as he puts out the flame.
“Shit,” Todoroki mumbles, and Midoriya’s lip curves upward.
💥 Fire in the Mountains - EllaBesmirched (168k)
“I’ll do it.”
Enji froze, fingers curling into a fist at his side, and didn’t turn around.
Shouto froze too, feeling his own eyes widen in shock at the words that had come out of his mouth, at the fact that he had actually stood up, followed his father out of the room, and dashed after him all just to say… he’d do it? He would do it? Him. Shouto Todoroki. He would--
Enji finally turned around and fixed Shouto with an expression so scathing, Shouto had to fight to keep his chin raised. “You’ll marry the Barbarian King.”
Shouto blinked. “Yes.”
The Ballad of Love and Hate - EllaBesmirched (6k)
After eight painfully long years, Katsuki finally has Izuku back. He's determined to keep him this time, and to do that, he knows there are some things he has to say.
(mis)matched - ethydium (12k)
Midoriya doesn't hate the idea of finding one's soulmate, even though he had long since given up on finding his own. And then Bakugou and Todoroki match, and while he's happy for them, his heart breaks from all the unsaid things he feels for them.
Midoriya pines and suffers his way to his own happy ending.
pillowed by love - ethydium (21k)
As a prank, Uraraka gets Midoriya a body pillow (dakimakura) with the image of Bakugou printed on it. Then another one with Todoroki's picture. Chaos ensues.
For who could learn to love a beast? - supercrunch (4k) - bakutodo
Bakugou takes a deep breath and steps out into the living room, eyes automatically adjusting to the change in light. There’s a boy hanging up his coat in the hall. He’s handsome, albeit in an annoying way, hair dyed two colours to match his heterochromia and skin pale and perfect and smooth. He looks expensive. “Bakugou.”
“That’s me,” Bakugou says. “You’re younger than I expected.”
“I’m older than I look.”
(Deku was right, damn him. Pretty boys are Bakugou's type.)
Want it All - surveycorpsjean (29k) - kiribakutododeku
“Hey, so..." Eijirou grins. "Can we ask you guys a question?"
Frankendick and the Great Acid Fiasco - EllaBesmirched (11k) - shiggyxdabi
Dabi had been intending to spend a very nice Saturday getting stoned and plotting murder, thank you very much, but when a trio of UA brats on enough L to kill a Beatle accidentally dose him and two other unsuspecting homicidal maniacs, Dabi has to change his plans a bit. Apparently no else around here knows how to trip balls and fucking enjoy it.
The Twitter - EllaBesmirched (8k) - tododenki
Shouto never really intended for anyone to find his secret Twitter account. He certainly didn't intend for Kaminari to see Shouto's thirst tweets about him. Luckily, Kaminari doesn't seem to mind.
pray you catch me - supercrunch (4k)
Katsuki pushes her shirt up to kiss her stomach. It’s silly, how it makes her heart flutter, how Izuku’s whispered I love you threatens to make her cry all over again. They’re unwrapping her from her clothes. They won’t let her hide, she thinks numbly. Won’t let her curl in on herself like she’s something dirty, Katsuki’s hands tugging off her underwear so she’s naked and exposed between them. “I,” she says breathlessly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be crying. I’m just being dumb.”
Izuku shushes her. Another tear trickles down her cheek and into her ear. He kisses it away, humming, brushing her bangs off her forehead so he can press his mouth between her brows. “You have every right to be upset. We’ll deal with him later. For now just let us take care of you.”
“She’ll get the message once you stop talking and fuck her,” Katsuki says, slipping his fingers into her. She clenches around him and shudders. “Gonna eat you out ‘til you forget how to move. Now put that fucking motor mouth to good use, Deku.”
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itsnothesameasitwas · 3 years
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hiii! this month I’ve read a lot of great fics, so I decided is time to start my monthly fic rec… that means I’ll be doing a short fic rec and recap every month with my favorite fics of the month
note: the fics I’ll be mentioning weren't necessarily posted recently
!!! - please be careful and read all the tags and/or warnings before start reading and left kudos and nice messages to the authors <33
❀ Divinely Blessed by thinlines @thinlinez  | 17k | Explicit | ABO | fic post
“I heard you, Ni. But what do you mean?”
“What do you mean what I mean?”
Harry rolled his eyes as he shoved his alpha friend down onto a seat. “Did you mean you lick someone out or…?”
“Nah, mate! It was me! I got licked out!” Harry could only stare at Niall in horror.
Alpha Harry prides himself on having the bravest and most caring omega who might or might not just fulfill his sudden curiosity.
note: for some reason i don’t know i fell in love with the ABO and found this fic someway and WOW! it’s really fluffy and sweet and while i was reading all i could think about was “god! i really want someone who love me like Harry loves Lou and viceversa” and also has a great smut scene, funny and well writen (cliff ily babe)
❀ Promise me you won’t run away by thinlines | 23k | Explicit | ABO | Español
“Does kissing me stop you from having bad thoughts?” Harry asked, voice muffled into the collar of Louis’ dress shirt. Louis chuckled at this. He trailed a hand down Harry’s back, feeling the muscles tensing along with his touch.
“I guess you can say that. You’re a good distraction.”
“Then I will be the best distraction.” Harry answered, pulling back and watched Louis’ lips unashamedly.
“Come distract me, then.”
Or the Prince/ Knight AU in which Harry left Louis, but the omega never once gave up on them.
note: this fic is beautiful and really REALLY well written, i need to say i cried and im the most cold person in the world but this caught me and I LOVED IT! but also when i finished it i got mad because in the end notes was the spanish translation and i read it in english lmao; anyway i love it!!!... summing this up, the fic made me thought about that LOVE ALWAYS WIN <33
❀ Twist the knife by jishler @jishlerfics | 6k | Explicit | Angst / Smut | fic post
Infuriating, but Louis missed it. Louis missed him. His thighs and his chest and breath and warmth and toothbrush next to Louis’. He missed sex with Harry but he missed his presence more: Louis would settle for watching Harry get himself off if it meant he got to see him; hear the voice that was like a soothing balm over all his wounds.
Two weeks after their breakup, Harry wants his toys back.
note: i definetely don’t read smut in purpose and the reason i’ve read this was because i love the moodboard BUT i need to thank the person who put it on my dash because i liked it so much!! was fun to read and the smut is pretty well written :))
❀  Hold you now by solvetheminourdreams @solvetheminourdreams | 131k | Angst with happy ending | fic post | playlist
The string within Harry's own sweatpants is now dangling outside of his pocket, stretched so far out that the seams of his pants have tightened. His eyes remain hyper focused on Louis, how oblivious he is—scrolling through his phone without a care in the world, while Harry feels his tilt on its axis.
Three years ago, Harry Styles said goodbye to communications consultancy firm McQuiston Worldwide, leaving a life of travel and agency PR behind. When he accompanies his best friend to a family wedding across the Atlantic, he'll be forced to reopen old wounds and face his past—one that no one wants to hash out, but may just have to.
note: at the end of the first chapter i was emotional, is the kind of fic that you feel every single emotion, the one you literally feel are part of it... it’s perfectly well written and please give it a chance and  check all the stef’s works because she’s a super talented writer... if i say something else i’ll probably do spoilers so, shut up ana.
❀ The money mark by brightgolden @brightgolden | 52k | Explicit | ABO | fic post
Harry's heart beats faster in his chest as the name sinks in. The Tomlinson name is awfully familiar, and he isn’t sure how many rich Tomlinsons are out here in London, but he knew one. Seven years ago.
Like all fine things in the world, Louis Tomlinson ages exceptionally well.
Where Louis is Harry’s first sugar daddy who dumped him over text and their paths cross, seven years later.
note: THIS IS MY FAVORITE FIC OF THE YEAR. sorry, but this fic is super well written, is omega harry + alpha louis and find smth like this is almost impossible! but i loved the fact that harry could be an omega and a sugar baby but he’s independant and strong and wow! it’s amazing; everyone should read it because it’s really good!! (ps. louis is the alpha of my dreams, he’s a complete gentlemen)
❀ Sweet like candy by neodiamond @neondiamond | 4k | General Audiences | ABO | fic post
Louis is an Alpha with an odd obsession for gummy bears. Harry is an Omega who makes friends a little too easily. They meet on the bus.
note: this is the cutest fluffy fic I have ever read! strangers to friends to lovers <333
❀ Literally making love by Brooklyn_babylon @twopoppies | 30k | Explicit | Robot/Human Relationship | fic post
Holding up one of the android's eyes to the workshop’s windows, he smiled as the light picked up the gold flecks in the pale green of his irises. Louis had always paid attention to even the tiniest details.
All Louis intended to do was rescue someone in need from loneliness. He had no idea it would be himself.
note: science + me = signal error BUT this fic. OMG. how to say this is one of the fics would be in my recap at the end of the year; i have read another fic by Gina and was really good but this is probably my favorite between both of them... all i know and want now is to create my perfect partner lmao. 
❀ I’m gonna keep this love, if you let me by pixies @tomlinbuns | 26k | Explicit | ABO | fic post
Louis makes Harry pretend to be his boyfriend one night out. The rest is history.
note: this one is simple to discribe... the best of the best. one of my favorites abo fics, funny, teasing and very romantic. i enjoyed so much read how these two guys fell in love with each other. god bless this fic <33
❀ Beautiful stranger by lovelarry10 @chloehl10 | 66k | Explicit | ABO / Mpreg | fic post
“Did you want to- oh. Uh, sorry, I-” Harry stuttered, licking his lips as he looked over Louis’ bare torso, not focusing on the ocean ahead of him. “You’re very distracting, Lou.”
“Trying to tell me you haven’t seen a topless Omega before?” Louis asked, walking back to his rucksack and grabbing a bottle of suncream out of it before returning to stand by Harry.
“Not one as stunning as you,” he thought he heard Harry mutter as he started to rub the cream into his shoulders.
When Alpha Harry Styles attends the Gucci Cruise 2020 show, he knows what to expect: clothes, clutch bags, and a few too many pretentious people. What he doesn’t expect, however, is to run into an Omega who is more beautiful than anything on the runway.
note: this fic is from 2019 but who cares, i loved it so much and i want to thank/blame @justalarryblog​ because she unintentionally recommended it to me in her abo fic rec post and now i want someone like this harry in my life... is it too much to ask? because is one of the most beautiful abo fics i’ve read this month and wow. if you haven’t read it yet, what are you waiting for??
❀ Waiting on you by beckywritesthings @beckydoesthings  | 21k | Mature | Mpreg | fic post
“Do you want to touch?” Harry asks, taking one of his hands off to tangle with Louis’. His open invitation finally drags Louis’ attention away from his baby and up to his face, blue eyes wobbly with emotions. It’s clear that he’s too taken to really form words, so Harry takes the initiative to press their laced hands against his shirt fabric, warmth from the skin radiating through.
Louis pushes his shirt up to his chest, taking Harry’s hand and pressing it to hold the fabric in place. His hands return to warm skin, palms even more scalding now that there’s nothing in between them. And then, as if that wasn’t enough for Harry’s heart to handle, Louis leans in, pressing his lips right above his belly button.
“Hi, baby,” he says, lips moving across his skin softly. “I’m your… I’m Louis.”
Or Harry is pregnant with a stranger’s baby and Louis doesn’t know. It’s a minor detail that Harry’s both living with Louis and in love with him. No big deal.
note: this fic is really new, someone reblogged the fic post and when i saw it first i was like ‘huh?’ and then suddendly (in less than a minute) decided it was the next thing i’ll be reading and now i’m completely in love with it. Lou i need to say you’re the kind of guy everyone wants in their life <3 
❀ all the love, ana. xx
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