#tim as the outsider pov on ''what's up with these guys anyway''?????
mamawasatesttube · 27 days
kinda wanna write something superfam-related for mermay but i have no idea what... anyone got any ideas????
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your-local-scene-emo · 5 months
all my marble hornets notes
alex is the guy who saw slenderman first, and made the bad decision to explore it, and he survived i think.
alex sees anxious in all of the clips in entry 3
entry 4 is alex in a park, running from slenderman, or an entity. whatever it is, alex does not seem to want to interact with it.
jay is the man recording in entry 5, and alex is doing a tour of the ground for marble hornets
it may be that slenderman followed him home after the encounter at the park or the road with his dog.
brian, alex, and a girl off camera entry 7, further notes here. alex is off camera and brian is now talking. they are in a car. also, brian is hoody.
the man confirms that someone is most definitely following alex
alex is seen drawing the slenderman poster thingys
sarah and tim are reading a script, and alex is pissed that they aren't doing it how he wants them to. alex seems to want to have the camera recording at all times, this may just be a minor detail only for the set, or it may be because he feels unsettled by the tall man stalking him. seth is the one recording right now.
alex is running away from the tall man in entry 10
in entry 11 alex is checking his house and outside for the entity, it also appears he has hanging the pictures of slenderman up.
in entry number 12, brain and alex are shooting a shot together with alex acting more like himself. the camera distorts, and then seth zooms in on the slenderman.
alex is in the woods all by himself, and finds a symbol that is an 'O' with an 'X' alex notices something and begins to run
it seems slenderman ha invaded his home, alex records for about 35 minutes and gets nothing, but next we see him bleeding from his head, but conscious.
jay and tim are meeting up entry 15. so tim mentions that at first, alex was a pretty good director until moving forward. so that would mean that an clips of alex being himself are the first clips he made, and then the ones of him acting off are the ones that are the result of being exposed to slenderman.brian and alex are good friends it seems, while tim was just along for the ride. someone was leaving dead animals on alex's front yard, so this can conclude that slenderman is most likely hostile if it is him. TICK TOCK
we are in the pov of jay, and he's looking for brian in entry 16 why are these mfs always in the woods at night??? anyway, jay is knocking on maybe brians door. jay attempts breaking and entering. jay succeeds at breaking and entering. oh damn their house is like what comes out of my ass when i eat too much mcdonalds jay i need you to get your shit together and leave immediately. i'm just saying i would know if i'm in a horror film somebody give this mans some cough medicine his coughing is freaking me out more than the spooky tall guy omfg jay don't go upstairs he went upstairs omfg oh boy blood splatters, lets go towards it! OMFG JAY TOUCHED THE SINK FULL OF BLOOD THIS DUMBASS it seems brian took pills, also this is brian's house i'm going to assume
alex is nice now in entry 17 so this is when they first started. slenderman is in the background, no has noticed him yet
maybe alex done did suicided himself
entry 18- more of my rants about this dumbass jay. he's knocking on the door like someone's gonna answer more breaking and entering EW DON"T TOUCH THE DOLL uh oh, you know what that looks like, naked slender man doll :0 also, was that masky or am i tripping? yep, i rewinded it. holy shit, top ten anime battles aw masky dropped him off
so jay is going insane too, great, entry 19 is starting off great. omg masky is sleeping with him, girls night!
totheark is masky's name? refuse to believe. i'm googling it rn uh uh his name is tim dumb ass
so jay is probably gone lol
stopping at entry 19.5 cus i'm tired.
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flownwrong · 1 year
the high five project: treasure hunt
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ao3 archive warnings: Ray by Brighid, fraser/rayk, CNTW
that one short fic that pulls no punches, hits you where it hurts, requires an hour to sort out the thoughts after reading, hits again, and you're done for and need a smoke. i know everyone has one, this is mine.
fandom classic: Duende by astolat, jack aubrey/stephen maturin
an au that does not feel like one, hits all the tonal, plotty and pacing points right on, and has perfect pure fun to mushy emotions ratio. easy to see why the classic status.
underdog trope: Terra Nova by LostCauses, erwin/levi, AU
i haven't actually read much for this ship because canon did enough for me. maybe this is why this au works, pulling the feeling of the bond right out of canon and doing a self-contained spin on it.
below 1000 words: What to Want by teethwax, rust/marty
again, a ship i have not read much for, but what i did stuck, like this little piece that packed enough character in it to slot perfectly into that shadowed space behind canon and not disturb anything.
underdog character/pairing: strangers pressed to other strangers by vegetas, billy gibson's pov, jopson/little
haven't given much thought to billy's character at all, but he is actually an extremely fun one to get a lens of for this canon that leaves you with countless negative space to be imaginative in.
rare character/pairing: the kind you keep in (and the kind you don’t dare let out) by itookyoudown, rachel's pov, tim/raylan
don't think i've seen much of rachel's inner works in what little i read in justified fandom, but this one is a very... sobering look at tim/raylan that sits right between "just a thing that happens" and "this side of too volatile" and leaves a bittersweet taste behind anyway.
below 1000 hits/100 kudos: Time by draculard, rust/marty
unreality, my beloved. definitely another rare way to write for this fandom that uses one aspect of canon to build a not-quite divergent version of it that explores a lot of the unsaid without overexposing it.
outside your fandom: on the reliability of surgical knots and sutures by illuminatedcities, root/shaw, finch/reese
person of interest is kind of my fandom, but i've never actualy sought fannish content for it. this fic has sat in my bookmarks for years as the only proud representative for poi, because it just gives you a perfect serving of clinging-to-humanity-is-what-makes-human-condition-bearable, and that's the center of the whole show.
old fic: Whisper by Resonant, fraser/rayk
such a simple and classic premise, but so perfectly executed and so fitting for these guys who lend themselves well to all things cliché you'll likely end up grinning at the screen in the middle of choir rehearsal like i did (choir rehearsal not a requirement).
new fic: All Evidence to the Contrary by Catchclaw, tim/raylan
this is the fic i always stare at in my bookmarks, not remembering, and then go "ah, right, this is the one that has my favourite tim-as-keg-waiting-to-explode". it's a good tim.
2nd person pov: Remember the Mountain Bed by @nigeltde-fic
i am always bewildered to discover i haven't commented on something by nige because i think about it a lot after i've read it. this one's pov places you right behind the curtain as the moment and many before it unfold before you.
over 10000 words: into the new, dark light (orphaned), bj/hawkeye
i have serious trouble reading anything for these two that doesn't end in disaster, and this is a rare exception because it's kind of a disaster all throughout but not in a wallowing in its misery way. so, tailor made for me.
big big thanks to the team behind @thehighfiveproject both for running this wonderful challenge and for being awesome buds! you're all top notch <3
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sunjaesol · 3 years
i know you better than you know yourself
chenford | drabble | outsider pov |
Elizabeth Bradford lucked out by being the youngest of the Bradford clan. Less troubles to push through, the way already paved by Tim, Peter and Sarah (mostly Tim), and the least amount of time with her father until mom kicked him to the curb — alongside all the liquor bottles that had been collecting by his La-Z-Boy. She knew a world post-David. Post screaming matches.
While that should make her happy, it left holes in her knowledge about the Bradford family she belonged to. Tim hardly smiled, Peter had angry outbursts and Sarah jumped each time a door suddenly creaked. They had all learned to cope with the storm that had been their father, with Elizabeth on the outside. For a while, she wished to understand, to be apart of the twisted drama, but as she grew older, she made peace with it.
So did her siblings, in a sense. They still had their quirks, but softened. Less abrupt and raw like in their late teens and early twenties. She found it rather sad how scars just... became manageable. She was pretty sure only Sarah had gone to therapy for it.
Though she loved all her siblings dearly, she held a soft spot for Tim the most. As the oldest, he'd been her fiercest protector. Distracting her with games (often hide and seek when dad went on a drunken rampage), cooking her food when mom forgot from misery, always picking her up from school.
The terror stopped around the time he graduated high school. She'd only been six. Despite the age difference, they held the closest bond of all — so much so, that they visited as much as they could. He came up to Portland where she currently got her PhD, she came down to L.A. whenever her schedule allowed it.
Like now.
"Timmy!" she squealed, liberally using the nickname as she jumped in his arms for a proper bear hug.
"Hey, Beth," he easily replied. "You got an Uber? I could've picked you up from the airport."
She dismissed it and pushed past him into his house, the space virtually the same since the last time she visited. Which meant: cold and all too masculine.
"It's okay," she said, dropping her coat on the back of the couch. "Josh called me the entire time anyway."
Tim rolled his eyes. "Josh. I can't believe you're going out with a guy with a name like that."
"You love Josh," she reasoned. "You and Josh bonded over wine and baseball last time. You were, you know, joshing around."
"You're so sour," she puffed. "Did Cujo piss in your coffee this morning?"
"Nah, just— Lucy cancelled our run this morning. It's nothing" He quickly moved on, hauling her luggage into the guest room and yelling about what she wanted to eat, but Beth's mind had already wandered off.
For the past two years, the subject of all Tim's conversations had been about Lucy Chen, his former rookie and current patrol partner. Lucy this, Lucy that — a slow but steady process from genuine frustration to fond exasperation — until Beth believed that there was no Tim without Lucy anymore.
Case in point: Lucy cancelled plans and he turned into a big baby.
She had a feeling Lucy wasn't simply the subject, but also the object of his desire.
"Aha..." she trailed. "Lucy."
His head popped from the guest room. "Yeah?"
"You talk about her a lot."
His stance instantly became defensive. "She's a close friend."
"Angela is a close friend," she argued, as though that would make a difference with her stoic brother.
His brows raised, unimpressed. So predictable. "Baby Jackson is great. Wesley got a new suit. Angela has baby fever again."
"Wow," Beth deadpanned. "Thanks for the bullet points. Now, I'm thinking we should go get Mexican food. And that you should call Lucy."
"Because you're clearly upset she had to cancel."
It suddenly didn't matter that Beth was quite tired from her flight and that she had to break the news of her engagement and that mom told her in confidence she spoke to David again after so many years. This seemed more important: helping her brother, whom always helped and protected her, get with the woman he so obviously had a thing for.
Tim frowned, almost like a petulant kid. "I'm not upset. I just don't like it when people cancel at the last minute. It's rude."
"Oh my God, Tim!" she exclaimed. Her hands were thrown in the air in frustration. "Call her!"
Tim didn't respond after that. All he did was show her a Mexican place on his phone that he liked and she then agreed to. He was lost in thought, she noted, his expression unreadable though she knew a vibrant mind laid behind it. She probably knew him better than he knew himself. He was contemplating calling Lucy.
Which was exactly what he did thirty minutes later as they stood in line for burritos, his phone pressed to his ear as he nodded and smiled at whatever she was saying.
Tim never smiled. But he did smile around Lucy.
"Lucy," he grinned, though his voice remained stern. "It doesn't work like that, it— yeah, this is exactly why it's a bad idea to let your puppy — i mean Tamara — to let her live with you." A pause. "What? No. Of course, not. She's literally beside me." Tim looked down at Beth. "Lucy says hi."
Beth rolled her eyes. "Do you know how stupidly whipped you look right now? And say hi back."
Tim scowled, but gave Lucy the message anyway. And then— "You wanna join us? We're at that Mexican place in Boyle Heights you like so much."
Ha! Of course it was Lucy's favourite spot! Beth almost sputtered out laughter from the utter ridiculousness that was her brother. How in the hell was she the youngest when he behaved like this?
When he hung up and caught Beth's knowing, thriumphant look, his own giddy expression dropped and monotonously asked: "What?"
"Nothing, Timmy,' she exhaled, content. "I'm just happy you're happy."
"... Thanks, Beth."
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sunflowersandink · 2 years
Ashes in Hand
A round-robin fic from the batfam server! Written by me, @selkienight60 @dottie-wan-kenobi​ and @squintyfist​ for the initial prompt: Tim + Burns, Angst with a Happy Ending. Title by me, editing by Selkie. 
Summary: A weapon, a mission, and a cryptic lead from your Alternate self. Black Mask is hiding something, and Tim's going to find out what.
Tags: POV Tim Drake, Burns, Hand Injury, Cliffhangers, Tim Drake is Robin, Pre-Under The Red Hood, Tim Drake-Centric, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Word Count: 1525
Read on Ao3
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Despite the cool wind off the bay water, Tim's hands are shaky and they burn .
It's no surprise after the night he's had, but still he finds himself stuck in place, staring down at them, bare of gloves and startlingly pink.
Too close to the dock's edge, the polluted salt water that sprays up at him stings. But he can't care about that, not when the thing he sacrificed his hands for lay in his palms, crumbling and scorched but still usable. Ash coats the metal and melted plastic covering of the modified weapon. He’s almost grateful for the numb patches where his hands are too damaged to feel the lingering grit and heat it’s still radiating.
Anyone who wears a cape to catch rogues in the night is messed up in the head, but sacrificing his hands for this is a new level.
Bruce doesn't want it anyway, his mind supplies as he turns the charred weapon over.
That's only because he doesn't fully understand what it is, what it means for them—on the surface, it appears like any other knife, the blade cut to resemble the Bat symbol. Its handle is melted, but even still, it's obviously not part of the original work.
Rogues can get possessive about weird things. It's not unusual that they want to grab up any batarang they can find, so of course Bruce hasn't put much stock into this one. But below the surface level insignificance, it has a history that only Tim knows about.
It's a key.
To what, he doesn't know yet, but he's going to find out and he has to do it tonight. Or by Thursday's sunrise at the latest.
It's 11:23 now, almost Wednesday.
Other Tim’s instructions were clear.
He just doesn’t know yet if trusting them is the right decision.
Frankly, he doesn't trust Alternate Tim. The guy is a creep and he can't help but be thankful he disappeared back to whatever universe he crawled out of.
Unfortunately, he was annoyingly helpful and usually right about most things.
Which is how Tim ended up here, holding this Batarang-turned-knife between his shaking, burnt fingers and praying that whatever Black Mask is hiding is worth it.
Robin isn't a job for the faint of heart.
Batman's voice comes through the comms.
"Robin, status report."
Tim carefully shifts the weapon to one hand, raising the other to press down on his comm. His fingers sting, skin prickling with over-sensation as he does.
"Responding to a warehouse fire on the docks."
Sirens ring out from afar, so he adds, "Fire and Rescue are on their way."
"Any casualties? Injuries?"
"None." Except my own. Not that you need to know about that.
Bruce grunts in acknowledgment. "Once the situation is contained, keep patrolling."
Tim feels bad for lying when he says he will, but there are more important things to be done tonight. Hopefully Bruce will understand.
He allows himself 30 more seconds of peace by the dock, breathing the briny and polluted air, before forcing himself to his feet. Other Tim left him with an address, a place at the edges of the city where even most Gothamites would consider too grimy and dangerous to wander.
As he stashes the knife in one pocket of his belt, he reaches for burn gel in another. It's difficult to grip the bottle and uncap the lid, and his hands tremble fiercely. Grappling across the city might be out altogether.
He doesn't vocalize his pain as he spreads the gel around his hands—Robins have to be tough. They have to think outside the box, be quicker and more clever than the goons they face.
It’s been over a year since he last maneuvered the city without a grapple, but he hasn’t forgotten how.
Pushing through the aching in his palms, he slips away to the nearby buildings, hoping the supply stash he left a few streets over is still there.
Watch out ladies, this bird is hot on wheels.
Dick is going to make fun of him for this if someone manages to snap a picture of Robin skateboarding down the street with bandaged hands, looking like he just lost a fight with a charcoal grill.
He hopes he finds it funny. Just…just in case nothing else good comes out of tonight. He hopes he at least leaves him that.
The hole in the wall area behind Solomon's Mongolian Eatery is a great place to stash stuff he doesn't want anyone to find. Primarily because no garbage truck has ever come this way and the transient and street kids avoid this area due to the overwhelming abundance of rats.
Tim's found a lot of cool stuff back here, but right now all he needs is the skateboard.
All black except for a small, carved R on the bottom, he modified the wheels to be as silent as possible... which won't help much on the cracked pavement but whatever, he's on a time crunch here, he can worry about scrapes later.
He struggles to slip the knife into a pocket in his belt, the gel making everything slippery, but he doesn't leave until he's sure it's safe.
Other Tim very bluntly informed him that if he lost this key there would be consequences and unimaginable pain.
"Trust me, kid," he said, though Tim is sure he was only a few years older than him. "Our worlds split off right here—I know what happens next if you don't find what Black Mask is hiding."
He refused to say what it was, but the look on his face was clearly pained.
Tim stifles an anxious sigh and gets moving.
The address he finds himself standing in front of is… well, condemned is really the nicest word for it.
It’s not a warehouse, for once.
Once upon a time, it was probably some sort of larger chain store. A Walmart or Kmart—one of the big box chains that occasionally tried to set up in Gotham before crumbling under the citizens’ unwillingness to shop anywhere that large.
Now, it’s a derelict shell, but his detective’s eyes make it easy to pick out the clear signs of activity. Like the new security cameras around the perimeter, or the motion sensors and trip wires high up on the edges of the roof, easily missed by anyone coming in from the air.
Huh. Guess it’s a good thing he couldn’t grapple here after all.
Fortunately, there's no human security he can see. Whatever Black Mask has here, he doesn't deem it valuable enough to put personnel on it.
It's in direct contrast to the almost desperate gleam Other Tim's eyes had had when he spoke of this place.
With a couple of small EMP charges, he knocks out the security cams at the entrance and heads in.
The inside is gutted.
It was a store, he finds, stepping between the large, empty walls of shelves. Beyond cigarette butts, a few bits of aged packaging, moldy spots, and other questionable sludge that he avoids at all costs, there's nothing of note throughout the front of the building.
Other Tim had been clear that whatever was being hidden here won't be—leaving? Taken away?—until Thursday, so he doesn't rush through checking the area.
The deeper he gets into the shelves, the creepier the air feels, an unnatural tingle on the back of his tongue. He follows the sensation to the back, coming face to face with a locked door. The knob is misshapen, but even from a distance he can tell it's the one he's looking for.
It takes him a few tries to get his aching hands to unclasp the pocket on his belt, and then a couple more to get the key into the oddly contorted lock.
For all that the knife doesn’t look like a key, it slides in easily. The lock must be custom, probably rigged with a nasty trap or two if anyone tried to pick it.
He wonders if that’s where Other Tim failed, or if he never made it this far in the first place.
There’s a faint clunk deep in the mechanism, and he lets go of the key.
Using his wrists to turn the lever, the door swings open on almost silent hinges.
There's a deep ache in his chest where he holds his breath tight.
Stairs descend into the basement, ominous red lighting providing some limited visibility.
There's only one room at the end of the hall. It was a cold room once. Now, it's been transformed into a make-shift holding cell.
There's a body laying there, facing away from the entrance.
The door is only able to be opened from the outside as someone has broken off the inside handle.
The noise of it sends the person on the floor surging upwards onto their feet, spinning to face Tim, a crazed look in their eyes.
The face, immediately recognisable, has blood draining from his cheeks.
Batman's voice comes through the comm in his ear unexpectedly.
"Robin," he says sharply. "You're not at rendezvous coordinates. What's going on?"
"Jason," he whispers.
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ransprang · 3 years
hi! are you guys still doing the match up's? if so, may i request one (sfw/nsfw & platonic/romantic, it's up to you lmao) for tokyo ghoul and jjba? i don't really care what parts you're going to consider; i'm up to date to part 1-5 only (recently finished the anime :')), but i'm all up for surprises! i'm considering reading the remaining parts soon anyways, so you do you!
anyways,, i'm a demi boy & trans, and i'm also gay, demisexual & greyromantic (if you decide to write a platonic match up however, i'd love to be besties with any girl just as much)! i'm an aquarius sun, capricorn moon, and leo rising. i've actually got an aquarius stellium going on if that matters. typology wise, i'm an entp (with quite some ni and a well developed fe going on).
anything else about me... as already noticible, i tend to ramble about things that interest me a lot! i'm interested in unnatural stuff (yk, magic, tarot, outer space, bli bla blubb), and have a passion for art! i've been known as "the class' artist" since kindergarten actually. i generally enjoy things, may it be art, architecture, whatever, that are considered outside of the norm. things that confuse you, make you question a lot. i'd also like to make people think and question themselves with my art someday. i'm currectly in college¿ for graphic design, but tbh i'm considering to own a small shop one day. my favorite music artists are tyler, the creator, moe shop, joji, nirvana and deftones i think? but i enjoy a lot of different genres, so i rarely dig into each artist i listen to haha.
as for my personality, however... you get different impressions about me depending on how close we'd be, you could say. strangers & casual coworkers / classmates perceive me as rather reserved, quiet and i've also been told a lot that i come off as intimidating/scary even. however, many strangers compliment the way i dress. in general, it's hard for me to become truly close to someone, as i never really open up emotionally. my friends describe me as a fun-loving, and really sarcastic person. yeah, my go to coping mechanism is humour, what about it?! >:( /lh sometimes i crack so many jokes my friends are concerned about me lmao. they even say i'm smart about things that fancy me. and yeah, i have trouble focusing on things i couldn't care less about (math class, for example).
i'm someone who wants to hear both sides of the story before taking any sort of judgement, and generally tend to consider any possible pov into the choices i make, hence why i sometimes come off as indecisive. i often do things / solve problems in odd ways, and enjoy exploring different opinions / ways of doing things! however, i'm able to judge most people fairly easily (as in who gives me good vibes and who not eg).
as i gotta mention some negative sides of mine as well, i'm just in a constant conflict with myself, leading me to be pissed off fairly easily. i can be quite critical with myself, and always strike to become a better person for me and those around me. i also happen to be irritated EASILY.
mm honestly i just want the best for people close to me, but i show it thru bullying! <3 i suck showing genuine, embarassing emotions of gratitude so much, i prefer to show it thru teasing and quality time. or coming up with the most stupid jokes. but i'd certainly let my s/o know i adore them pfft. i just have my own ways of expressing myself, so i'd love me some really understanding dude.
other than that, i don't have a specific type? sure, someone humorous, understanding, rather calm person would be great. it'd be productive if they'd be able to express themselves rather well, and not be stoic all the time, since i happen to adapt to the mood around me easily and i'm a fan of communication. it would also be cool if they'd be able to ramble about the most random topics in depth, so i wouldn't be the only one looking stupid 💀. /hj but i think that's about it?
jeez, i'm sorry for my request being this lengthy,, take your time please!! i'm thanking you all a lot in advance, and have an amazing day! make sure to take good care of yourselves and drink lotsa water. :) have a good one! ☄️
hii thank you for the request and the kind words!! :D
we hope you like your jojos & tokyo ghoul match ups!!
brought to you by admin sar your jojos match up is..............
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Rohan based on first glance would just disregard your presence, while doing so perhaps note that your clothes are nice. You on the other hand would probably be on guard since he comes off as arrogant. Due to this you two would have a slow burn type of relationship.
If you hang out around Josuke or Koichi you'll run into Rohan enough for him to probably spot you doodling or for him to compliment your fashion sense. From there you'd warm up and bond with him.
You may be thinking: "Hmm will he make me laugh?" The man literally stabbed his own fingers and laughed! He will do literally anything, no matter how psychotic, to make you laugh.
Him being a working man would totally support your dream of opening your own store and motivate you since he knows how hard it is to be an artist.
He loves talking to you about weird topics and hearing about your knowledge of magic and tarot. You both are kind of like an art power couple since you guys are able to draw inspiration easily from the different knowledge y'all have.
You both can use each other for nude modelling. Sometimes you fall asleep while he's drawing you. Get ready for somnophilia (with consent).
Be prepared for (washed) paint brushes up your ass.
Rohan would propose to cover both of you in paint then have sex on a canvas.
He's kinda bad at after-care because he'd just get up and start to draw his sexual experience.
brought to you by admin sav your tokyo ghoul match up is..............
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Seidou in his human days was such an adorable lad. Funny, understanding, trying his best to be good at work and life. He definitely isn't a stoic man and know how to let loose. He is perfect for you.
This man will be so proud of your art and you can give him scary tarot readings and watch him yelp in fear!
If you guys watch confusing movies like Inception, you will have him scratching his head. He will look at your confused with a 100 questions in his mind.
He will look at your interpretative art and be so curious.
He has the same music taste as you, as a CCG member he listens to relates to a few Nirvana songs and maybe even plays it when he's on duty.
You are an aquarius sun, capricorn moon, and leo rising. Which means you probably had sex with a gypsy before. How else does a person find that shit about themselves? Your experience will be much appreciated by Seidou in bed. Fuck him mad.
OMG if he finds out that you have an aquarius stellium going on he will piss himself out of excitement. He will moan super loudly as if your mercury entered his Uranus.
He seems like a simple guy who does not know too much about sex, but keeps a collection of playboy magazine under his bed.
He wanks 3 times a day without a partner but would prefer to have sex with you at least twice everyday given the opportunity.
your magic lovers,
admin sav & sar
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tom riddle x reader
"bubs wake up!" I shouted at tom asking him to wake up"Go away! Your so fucking annoying and stop calling me by that name!" He groanedTom had alwayse been harsh but i know he has a kind heart in there...well maybe 1%. Sometimes he just can't control his words and barely even says sorry.I still wonder why he asks me to be his girlfriend at some point."Come on tom! You promised to go to hogsmade with me today." I said slightly poutingIt was a free day today."Ttttooooommmmm-" he cuts me off"Shut the fuck up y/n! Your so fucking annoying i swear! Go away." I was so taken back by his wordsYes he was mean but he was never this mean to hurt my feelings like that. A tear left my eye rolling down my pink cheek."Am i that annoying?" I asked him my arms crossed."Yes. You are fucking annoying. Now leave me alone"Why is he like this...has he move on?"Okay fine,if i'm that annoying. I call for a fucking break up cause your a fucking jerk! I don't even fucking now why you fucking asked me to be you girlfriend! I spent this 2 years just to love you my fullest and this is what you do to me? Tch fuck you tom FUCK YOU!" I slamed the boys dormitary door and made my way to hogsmade since i'm all ready not caring of what tom is saying next[Toms pov]"Okay fine,if i'm that annoying. I call for a fucking break up cause your a fucking jerk! I don't even fucking now why you fucking asked me to be you girlfriend! I spent this 2 years just to love you my fullest and this is what you do to me? Tch fuck you tom FUCK YOU!""Y/n,wait!I didn't mean i-"Did she just...curse at me.She never does that,like never!Oh no...oh no! She really must be mad!Shit shit shit.I got up and put on a hoodie and a sweater in a rush to catch up with y/n.It was just a little chilly outside.I grabbed a few galleons and put it in my pocket then slamming the door,i walked out,making my way to hogsmade. ... (3rd person pov)Tom was constantly sweating in fear thinking wether y/n really meant that breakup or she just said that because she was mad. Eitherways it was still bad. Making y/n mad is the worse thing you would want to do now,if she gets mad she will stay mad at you. She rarely got mad or like any sort of negative emotions and thought,she had never cursed on tom before. It was his first time feeling a sharp pain in his heard as every second goes by it rips and cutts it more.He was now at the point of running to hogsmade when he saw y/n was with another guy. His blood was boiling,but soon enough,he saw that y/n was kind of uncomfy and trying to get away from that guy but he just kept pulling her wrapping his arm around her waist.[Y/ns pov]I went in hogsmade and this guy instantly pulled me by the waist in to a group of boys. I just smiled,they looked stronger and way bigger then me so i tried to escaoe but i was just being pulled closer for every attempts. Soon then,i heard stomping foot came my directions."OI! let her go you fat arse Tim!" Tom was standing there. His chest out and looking as if he was going to punch them.Well i think he will.He was slowly moving closer and closer."and...what would you do if i don't huh riddle?"The guy who i now know the name is Tim now is smirking as he said the sentece."does this guy want to die or something?"I thought to myself.Tom pulled me behind him and is now faced to faced with tim."Tom,i-it's fine-" he cutts me off"It might be fine to you...but it's not to me!"Tom gave tim a punch in the nose making tim bleed.It soon turned out into a fight scene.I was pulling Tom back while the others are trying to pull the bloody nose guy back from breaking into a fight again."Enough Tom!" I shouted as i pulled him outside and walked back to the castle.The walk from hogsmade to the castle was very quiet.I did not even speak to him nor did he.It was like...we were strangers..[At hogwarts,slytherin common room][y/n's pov]I asked him to sit down on the couch while i went to go take some healing medicine from the girls dormitary."What's up with the healings y/n?" Bellatrix asked poofing infront of my face."Dang it bella! I could have fucking drop this!" I barked making my way out of the door."Woah...that's the first one.What wrong,did Tom do anything cause i wouldn't mind killing him" she cheerfully said while smilling."He just got into a fight,no biggy i guess.I'm going to heal him up,see you later i guess." I walked down the stairs to the commom room and to find tom having his face down to his knees and his hand hitting his head.I put the medicine on the table and rushed over to stop him."Hey hey! Don't hit yourself you dimwit!" He put his hands to his side and i could hear whimperes from his."I-is he,crying?!?"i thought to myselfI had never in my life seen him cry before.Not even at someones funeral.The whimperes turned into hiccups and sobbings.I tried lifting his face up but he kept putting it down.It hurts seeing him this way,it hurts seeing him sad,this sad."Tom...look up please..."i begged.He looked up at me with puffy red eyes me bruises along his cheeks and jaw. I put my arms around his shoulder,rubbing his back up and down trying to calm him down. He proceeds to put him arms on my waist and took deep breaths and letting them out."Please don't cry.." I cried out to him "I don't want you to leave me y/n..I'm sorry for this morning and I love you very much. Please just don't leave me..." my heart broke to hear the those words coming out of his mouth.I pulled out from the hug and slowly brought our lips together. It turned to be a passionate loving kiss that we haven't had for a while."I'm sorry for this morning to,I didn't mean to say those words.I...I just got a little mad and-" the soft lips attached to mine again"It's okay,it wasn't your fault. Y-you didn't mean the b-break up didn't you..." I looked at him giggling abit"Sooo your saying the kids was nothing? Ok then I'll be going now." I stood up and tried walking back but was pulled by strong arms and was connected with the soft lips again."Don't leave me y/n,promise?" He prayed to me."I promise bubs,now let's clean those cuts and heal the bruises." I reached over for the medicine and aplyed it on him gently. HEYY YALLSS! Im so sorry for not posting for so long😭😭 School sucks please! Anywayse I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will still be updating my other books and this book to but it will be updated slowly so y'all's have to wait. Anyway I have school tomorrow😢good night!!
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maxdark158 · 5 years
Chapter 4!! WOOT! Check out the OG creator, @ozmav as the first day in her Damian Wayne fic is still canon in mine so far
tw for panic attacks
Characters are probably OOC because MLB is a kids show
Ps: I AM doing a partner fic to this from Damian’s POV and I AM doing a sequel to both of these, stay tuned
Angel in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Ao3
Demon in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Ao3
Fanart for AiG: Riddler ~ Joker thank you @thegreysman
Please tag me in any fanart you draw for this guys ^^
Her hotel room was bland. There’s a creepy painting of two children in a bucket on the wall. The bed was stiff and the sheets are scratchy.
Marinette wasn’t sure when she got to her hotel room. She couldn’t remember walking in. She didn’t know what time it was or how long she stood outside in the first place. She was a puppet on strings. She didn’t know who was pulling them.
Distantly, she heard someone talking. She knew it had to be Tikki, nobody else was in her hotel room, but she didn’t have the energy to answer or to even fully listen.
Damian Wayne was Robin.
Of all things, she recognized his voice. He almost called her Angel during The Riddler incident too. She didn’t know why it clicked then, perhaps the similar wording?
It was easy to deduce the identities of Gotham’s other heroes after that.
Tim was obviously Red Robin. He complimented her ability to solve The Riddler’s riddles when he rescued her and was questioning her IQ as Tim after that. Jason clearly went easy on her during their spar, because Red Hood had many more skills than he showed then – not that Marinette cared about the spar now. Or anything else really.
Nightwing must be the brother she didn’t officially meet, though she did see him on her first day here at Wayne Enterprises. And Bruce Wayne was Batman. Marinette hadn’t met all the Gotham heroes or all the Waynes, but what she knew matched up.
She ignored the sheets, the bed, the painting, and the room for a moment. “Tikki,” her voice was hoarse – how long had it been since the goodbye? – “How did I figure out Damian was Robin when it took me so long to figure out Adrien was Chat?”
“I’m sorry Marinette,” Tikki’s voice sounded far away, muffled. “The magic of the miraculous must have tampered with your reasoning for Adrien. I assume that since you know it’s him now, there was no use of it anymore. You likely would have known Adrien was Chat from the beginning if it was never there.”
Tikki might have said something else, but she didn’t know. The ringing in her ears was louder than her kwami. The hotel room seemed to fade away, and she was trapped in the hollow darkness.
Marinette was a horrible person and friend.
Dread was ice water coursing through her body. It was freezing, she wasn’t sure if she had any real blood anymore.
It was her fault. It was her fault that she knew Damian was Robin, she has no right to know that he’s Robin when he’s clearly keeping it secret to protect himself and his family. Marinette didn’t deserve to know.
Guilt was the crushing weight chaining her to the ground. It got heavier and heavier. She struggled to stay upright.
Why did she have to be such a screw-up? She and Damian even discussed this, they talked about how friends didn’t have to tell each other everything. Marinette didn’t deserve to be his friend.
Sadness was mint in her mouth and wetness on her cheek. The wetness was real though, surrounding her and drowning her. She struggled in it, her movements sluggish under the pressure.
She betrayed his trust. She found out something he wasn’t comfortable with her knowing. Marinette was worse than Alya.
Her throat felt tight.
Marinette should have never tried to have friends again, not when she always screwed up. Damian didn’t deserve to have someone as awful as her as a friend.
Her lungs ached.
Damian deserved better.
She couldn’t breathe.
She wasn’t breathing.
Distantly, Marinette thought that she didn’t deserve to.
“Marinette, please calm down please,” the voice sounded desperate. “Marinette you’re having a panic attack and you aren’t breathing, please-”
She gasped for air as if she had been drowning. Her breaths were heavy, her body desperate to gain back the oxygen she deprived it of. Marinette tried to calm herself, she needed to stop herself from dissociating, from spiraling.
Deep breath.
She needed to focus.
Deep breath.
The sheets are scratchy. The fabric was clearly cheap, she often saved her allowance to try and afford better supplies when she designed.
Deep breath.
The bed was stiff. Marinette wished it had more pillows like hers at home. She wished it was soft, more relaxing. It was hard sleeping on it, but it was hard sleeping anyway.
Deep breath.
She could see the creepy painting of two children in a bucket on the wall. It was black and white except for the blue color of their shirts. Their eyes were wide in surprise or fear she didn’t know.
Deep breath.
Her hotel room is bland. The off-white color of the walls matched the off-white carpet and the off-white sheets. The furniture was also all white. It was a little bright, but it needed more color. More design to it.
Deep breath.
“Marinette?” Tikki asked.
Deep breath.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I’m sorry I-”
Tikki shook her head. “Are you alright?”
Marinette shook her head. She hadn’t had an attack that bad in years. Not since-
The memories came hurtling back, and she gripped the sheets as if they could save her. She didn’t want to remember don’t make her remember please don’t please-
Deep breath.
She was disassociating again. She needed to find a way to stay present.
“Why don’t you try designing?” Tikki’s voice was far away again, but Marinette clung to it like a lifeline.
She might have nodded. She didn’t remember. She didn’t remember moving. But suddenly she was sitting at the white desk with her travel sewing machine and her sketchbook. She had the fabric she bought here before The Riddler incident. She and Damian dropped it off before going for ice cream.
Deep Breath.
Her sketchbook was open but her brain wouldn’t let her process what was on the page. It was colored though, red and black. She bought red and black fabric for her ladybug inspired jacket, but she had no problem using it now.
She wanted out of her own head. Designing, making clothes, those things grounded her.
Tikki was telling a story in the background, of what Marinette didn’t know. She couldn’t pay attention right now, she wasn’t even fully aware of what she was making.
But it was calming her. She was able to focus on her movements instead of her thoughts, go through the motions of something she loved.
Lila had taken many things from her, but she never did take her joy for designing.
The measurements she was following were on the page. She wasn’t conscious of what they actually were. But she measured, she cut, and she sewed.
She could feel the fabric under her fingers, the coolness of her sewing machine. Her vision was blurred and her cheeks were wet.
Measure, cut, sew.
She needed to make it up to Damian somehow. Should she reveal herself to him – a quid pro quo?
Measure, cut, sew.
No. She didn’t know how many villain fights or what type Robin got in but if he accidentally told anyone she would be in danger. Whether another villain made a deal with Hawkmoth or somehow got akumatized – her identity was secret for a reason.
Measure, cut, sew.
She had to protect her family first and foremost. But Damian… she ruined her friendship with him. She made a huge, unfixable mistake and there’s no way he would ever want to be around her anymore once he knew.
Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew.
That’s to say… If he knew…
Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew.
But Marinette couldn’t do that! That would be even more of a betrayal of trust to keep a secret about him from him, and she personally would like to know if she compromised her identity…
Sew. Sew. Sew. Sew.
If Hawkmoth wasn’t a threat anymore, she would tell him. He clearly knew how to keep a secret, though her figuring it out wasn’t exactly a good moment.
Sew. Sew. Sew.
And she did have that plan for getting rid of Hawkmoth, the one she got from the Gotham City Heroes and Villains Museum. She became inspired by Damian and his family to track the akuma and find Hawkmoth.
Sew. Sew.
Fight him face to face. End the terrorism and suffering once and for all.
Marinette blinked through her tears. It seemed they finally stopped. Her half-baked plans paused, and she looked at what she created.
A hand immediately flew to her mouth to stifle the new wave of sobs rising in her throat. A fresh wave of tears fell, spilling onto the fabric in her other hand.
She made the Robin hoodie.
She made the Robin hoodie that she designed.
It was red, though the bottom hem of it was yellow. The sleeves were black and the torso part of the hoodie was red. The string to the hoodie was also red, but it has thick yellow stripes, like the yellow marks down the middle of Robin’s suit.
The cuffs of the sleeve were green and had little cloth triangles on them. The triangles were smaller than the ones Robin had on his gloves, but the cardboard in them helped them stick out as they did on the hero's costume.
The hood, like the sleeves, was black, but the inside was yellow, much like Robin’s cape. Robin’s label was on the shoulder, black and yellow.
Marinette glanced at the sketchbook page that she was going off of. It sprinkled in wet marks – likely her own tears – but the measurements she remembered writing.
She remembered writing them when she and Damian got lunch before ice cream.
She remembered trying to estimate his measurements without asking for them.
She remembered adding a few centimeters just in case…
She made Damian a Robin hoodie. She made Damian a hoodie of himself.
She glanced back at the hoodie, recognizing the yellow and green fabric. It was from the old sweater that she brought in case she got cold at night… she didn’t even remember getting it out…
Of course she made this of course her subconscious is aware of how awful she is. She’s despicable and doesn’t deserve Damian-
“Marinette?” Tikki’s voice was quiet. Tired.
“I’m okay,” she said, mentally digging her heels into the present moment. She could not dissociate again. She could not spiral again.
Deep breath.
Marinette carefully hung up the hoodie she made in the small hotel room closet. She threw away the sweater and saved whatever scraps of fabric left behind – maybe she could make a hat.
“I’m sorry Tikki,” her voice was wobbly and hoarse. “I’m so sorry I-”
“Marinette,” Tikki flew to her, face full of pity – no, understanding. Sympathy. “It’s not your fault.”
“But-” it was! She found out his identity she ruined their friendship and anything else they could have had and it was all her fault-
“Panicking and anxiety is normal,” Tikki told her. “You don’t have to apologize for your emotions.”
Marinette nodded. What Tikki said made sense. She needed to compartmentalize her emotions for the moment and get herself together.
She couldn’t make this up to Damian, and she didn’t deserve to. It’s her fault and he shouldn’t be around someone as awful as her.
It would hurt her more than him, but she needs to save him. She’s too much like her classmates, like Alya and Lila, to continue as his friend. She didn’t want to hurt him.
The room was stifling. She wanted out. She couldn’t leave the hotel though, that would be too dangerous – and she might run into Dami- Robin.
“I’m going to go downstairs,” Marinette mumbled to Tikki. “See if I can get anything out of the vending machines. You stay here, I don’t want to accidentally talk to you around others.”
Tikki nodded, clearly not happy about it but understanding. “You wouldn’t want to wake anyone up.”
“What?” Marinette turned to the clock on the desk and-
Four A.M. She lost eleven hours to an attack.
Deep Breath.
Marinette squared her shoulders. She would go downstairs to get a snack, come back up and try to fall asleep. With any luck, she would miss the class’s trip to GothCorp tomorrow if she turned off her alarm…
She moved like a zombie in the halls. Her room key was in her Tikki-less purse with some stale cookies. She had her slippers on. She hadn’t changed completely into her pajamas, as she still wore her white crop top, but her pajama bottoms were on instead of the overalls. She didn’t have her phone.
Marinette arrived at the lobby and walked to the vending machine area. In her hand was a few US dollars with the green and the old men’s faces. She figured she could maybe afford one of the candy bars here. Damian mentioned liking things with dark chocolate – despite not liking the, “too sweet,” chocolate ice cream at the parlor. He was going to get the salted caramel until-
She paused, mentally reining herself in. If she thinks about Damian, she’ll spiral again. She needs to get the candy bar and head back to her room.
That’s it.
Marinette began to walk again. The lights were on behind the desk, and the vending machines had light. Other than that, the rest of the lights were off. She didn’t really mind though, simply going over to the machines.
Her ears picked up on someone moving around in the dark, near the couches in the lobby. She turned, immediately getting into a fighting stance when-
“Have you been crying?” A sickly-sweet voice said, and Marinette knew immediately who it was. The girl walked toward her, stopping a few feet from Marinette so she was visible in the light. She turned away from Lila and back to the vending machine, ignoring the footsteps behind her.
When Marinette didn’t answer Lila took it as a sign to continue.
“You know, when you passed here earlier you seemed really out of it,” Marinette straightened out her dollar bill.
“I was waiting down here to comfort you, thinking you would return, but I fell asleep on the couch.” She didn’t know how much of that was true. She put the bill into the vending machine.
“I just wanted to see if you were-”
“You can stop lying,” Marinette’s voice was still wobbly from crying, but she didn’t care. “I haven’t bought any of your crap yet, no need to continue selling it to me.”
There was a moment of silence. More footsteps, but they sounded further away.
“Fine then, Dupain-Cheng,” Lila growled. “I wanted to warn you.” Marinette tried and failed to refrain from rolling her eyes as Lila talked.
“You think that when you leave this school, when you graduate early, I’ll be gone?” What button should she press?
“Your useless sheep classmates will always be wrapped around my fingers, coming to my every beck and call.” The label next to the dark chocolate Hershey’s bar said B2. She pressed B then 2.
She heard more footsteps. They sounded closer. Lila was probably trying to intimidate her.
“You’ve even lost Adrien,” Lila sounded haughty about that, but the words relieved Marinette. “You are nothing, Dupain-Cheng.” The Hershey’s bar fell to the bottom of the vending machine.
“Are you done?” she asked, leaning down to get her prize. “I couldn’t care less about any of what you just said. Might as well talk about Physics if you want me to pay attention more.”
She looked over to Lila-
Lila stood in the same spot as she was before, looking flabbergasted that Marinette didn’t care about her power trip tirade.
She hadn’t moved.
More footsteps, even closer than before. Not as close as Lila was.
Marinette grabbed her chocolate bar and stood up slowly. If someone else was here…
“What do you mean you couldn’t care less?” Lila suddenly shrieked.
“Lila, calm down,” Marinette saw shoes appear at the very edge of where the light from the vending machines reached. Shoes and the hems of purple pants.
“You think that if you just brush me off, pretend you don’t care, that I’ll go away,” Lila hissed. “I am your worst nightmare, Dupain-Cheng. You will never escape me!”
“No! You will listen to me!”
She heard movement. They were moving. Without thinking she reached over and grabbed Lila’s arm and yanked her behind where Marinette stood.
A spray of liquid erupted from the shadow, hitting where Lila was once standing.
“Why so serious, little girl?” there was a giggle, and Marinette suddenly deeply regretted leaving her phone upstairs.
“Call the police,” she mumbled. She heard Lila desperately searching through her pockets.
If this is who she thinks it is… Ice water ran through her body instead of blood, but the buildup of dread kept her shivers at bay.
“Looking for this?” A gloved hand displayed Lila’s phone in its orange case.
Marinette held Lila back just in case. “Please!” the lair called desperately. “S-several people have me as their emergency contact, Clara Nightingale, Damian Wayne, Jag-”
The hand threw the phone to the ground and the shoe stomped on it.
“I wish your little friend didn’t pull you out of the way,” the voice dawdled. “It would have been fun to see you with a smile on your face.”
The feet stepped forward.
Purple pants.
Purple suit.
Green undershirt.
Purple tie.
White plastic flower.
White face.
Green hair.
Crazed eyes.
The Joker stared at them, smile just a bit too wide. It didn’t reach his eyes.
“When I heard you beat The Riddler at his own game,” Joker’s tone was full of amusement, but Marinette didn’t feel like laughing. “I decided I just had to see what you were made of myself.”
He tilted up his flower. “Get ready to smile!”
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theweirdqueerwriter · 5 years
I Miss You - A Kelley O’Hara Imagine
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This is way longer than I ever wanted it to be, but oh well, I hope you enjoy. This one is dedicated to @horanimal
It’s been five months since the world cup has ended and with it, your relationship with Kelley O’Hara. Both of you had decided that after the hecticness that had been the world cup it would be best to go your own way so you could find yourselves again. Not that it was an easy thing to do because she was the love of your life, but alas, even fairy tales weren’t perfect and even though you weren’t together anymore, you still loved her immensely.
Today, however, was the first time you would see her in almost three months because you had training with the national team in preparation for the She Believes Cup. You didn’t know how you would react to seeing Kelley with her new girlfriend, well, you believed it was her girlfriend. They both had been photographed leaving a restaurant in Atlanta and you felt like a nail had been put in your heart. You were happy that she was happy, because you couldn’t wish for her never to fall in love again, that would be selfish.
You head to the door, keys in hand and send a text to Alex who you were supposed to get before heading to the stadium. You get in your car and head towards her apartment, passing you and Kelley’s favorite coffee shop, getting emotional for some reason, but brushing it off, thinking that it’s probably because you’ll be seeing her soon.
You reach Alex’s apartment and text her to hurry, knowing you have to push her a little if you want to be on time for training. You see her heading out the door and wait for her to get in. She smiles at you as she opens the passenger side door, getting in.
“Good morning” you say, smiling back at her.
“Good morning!” she replies, looking very energized for some reason.
“What’s got you so hyped this morning?” you ask, pulling out of the driveway.
“Oh nothing” she replies, “How are you feeling?” she asks, pulling out her phone and texting someone.
“I’m fine, didn’t get much sleep last night, but I should be alright” you state, looking at her playing with her phone and then back at the rode.
“Feeling nervous about seeing her?” Alex asks and you don’t really know what to tell her.
After Kelley and you broke up, Alex was there for you and helped you as much as she could. She became some sort of confident, an hear who listened and arms who hugged and made you feel comfortable. Her living so close to you had certainly been a help too. You knew she would be there if need be. However, you sometimes felt bad talking to her about everything because she was still Kelley’s best friend, and that wasn’t about to change.
“You lost or?” Alex asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“I’m not lost, we come here every week” You reply, turning onto the street and heading towards the parking lot.
“I’m not talking about the stadium” Alex states, unbuckling her seat belt as you stop the car in your usual spot.
You started training with Alex for the LA Archangels when the club was announced, you would be starting the next season with the club. The new stadium was perfect for a few games during the She Believes Cup and you were looking forward to playing there for the first time, in a few weeks.
“I don’t know, Alex, I don’t really know how I feel about the whole thing” you reply on your way to the stadium to get ready for training.
“Are you going to talk to her” Alex asks, not really doubting that you would.
“It’s not like I really have a choice, we play on the same team” you state, earning a knowing look from Alex.
“Plus, you’re still madly in love with her” Alex teases, opening the gate for you as you roll you eyes, and you head in.
“It’s not like she isn’t happy with someone else, there is no point in telling her”
“She might, or maybe she isn’t, but you know, what would I know anyway” Alex states, hinting to something, but subtly.
“Can we not talk about that anymore, don’t want indiscrete ears hearing about it and making a big deal out of it” you say, opening the door to the locker room, saying hello to your national teammates, and heading towards your locker, then taking your stuff out and changing.
You’re tying your shoes when the door opens, and from then on, the air feels different.
“Sorry guys thought I’d be late again” the voice makes your heart skip a beat. Even after all this time, her voice manages to make you forget everything and just feel like it’s going to be okay. You think about what you and Alex spoke about on the way here and think that maybe you should tell her how you feel, maybe she did feel the same way, after all. Maybe you finally found yourselves and can now find each other again.
You finally look up, catching glimpses of her, but everything stops when your eyes follow down her arm and see the little hand attached to it. A cute little girl, holding a teddy bear, is looking in awe at the people in the room.
“Guys this is Elise, she’s Kate’s daughter and I told her I’d bring her with me today because she wanted to meet all of you” Kelley says, looking at the little girl who looked up at her and smiled brightly.
Alex looked over at you, smiling sadly, seeming confused about the whole thing. your heart sinks to your chest at the mention of Kate, Kelley’s new girl. you headed outside, alone, after you were ready and headed towards the goal with a few balls. You proceed to hit a few in the goal, not really thinking about what you’re doing, lost in thoughts, when you hear her voice again, behind you, but this time, she’s talking directly at you.
“(Y/N), are you trying to exhaust yourself before practice?” Kelley’s voice is soft, but playful. However, you feel like she’s being careful.
“I’m just warming up” you reply, not looking at her and hitting the ball back in the goal.
“Wanna do passes instead?” Kelley asks, her voice sounds hopeful.
“Sure” you reply, turning around and passing her the ball.
You go back and forth for a few minutes in silence as your other teammates start walking out onto the pitch. The air feels loaded with words left unspoken and tension, but you stay silent.
“I passed by G&B coffee this morning” Kelley says as you are about to hit the ball and it’s enough for you to completely miss your pass.
Kelley has to run to her left to stop the ball from going to the middle of the field
“You did?” you say, mentally slapping yourself for the way you reacted.
“Yeah…” Kelley trails off, hitting the ball towards you “I thought of you”
Your heart sinks even further in your chest and you try not to let it show on your face. Why on earth does it hurt like this. The break up was mutual, you both agreed that you needed time apart to find yourselves and you did find yourself and through all of that self discovering, you discovered a missing piece to your puzzle. That missing piece was Kelley; however, Kelley had found her own missing piece in the process and it wasn’t you, it was Kate, and her daughter. And no matter how much you hated it, you needed to be happy for her, because she needed to be happy, even if it wasn’t with you.
“I miss that place” you say, controlling your voice, but failing as it trembles a little bit.
“I miss you” the words are rushed out of Kelley’s mouth and at first, you’re not sure if you heard them write. As you’re about to reply, Jill cuts you off.
“All right everyone!” you turn your attention to midfield where Jill is motioning for everyone to come join her.
Everyone walks to midfield and waits for explanations on what to do.
“So as the first training for the She Believes Cup, I wanted to see where you guys were at and have a little bit of a match between all of you, I’ve pre selected the teams and-“ Jill keeps talking, but your mind is not there anymore because Kelley is getting to close for comfort. At first, you felt her presence behind you, like a constant reminder that she was, in fact, there. Next, you feel her breath in your neck and try to relax while everything in you is screaming for you to turn around and kiss her. Now, her elbow is brushing yours, ever so lightly and nothing around you matter except that. You don’t know how you’ll manage to stay in this position any longer. Her hand brushes over yours and your fingers go numb. You feel like you’re about to pass out when Jill finally break the huddle and sends the team off to start the game. You no longer feel Kelley on you, and even though you are glad, you’re a little bit disappointed, cold.
Alex pulls on your hand when she see you’re not moving.
“Come on, you’re with me” She says, pulling you to the little huddle that had formed just past the circle on your side of the pitch. There stood Becky, Ali, Ashlyn, Julie, Rose, Sam, crystal, Lyndsey, Christen, Tobin, Alex and you.
“Alright, we need to bring our A game to this game” Becky started “but no one gets hurt, and before you say anything, (Y/N), not even them” she adds, looking at you, absolutely serious.
“Can’t promise anything” you reply, trying to get your head in the game.
The game starts and both sides really wan to impress so, of course, everyone brought they A game. Alex manages a goal pretty early on, but it’s the only one of the first half. During the Half, Jill, Dawn and the training staff had prepared some drinks for everyone to help you stay hydrated in the hot LA sun. You happily took the cup that was presented to you and drank, feeling yourself get tired and knowing that the almost all-nighter that you pulled wasn’t going to help you for the rest of training. You feel someone nudge your hip and turn around, not seeing right away who it was until your eyes look lower at the pair of blue eyes looking at you.
“Are you, (Y/N)?” the little girl asks you and you kneel in front of her.
“I am” you reply, trying to act as nice to this little human as possible because none of it was her fault and you knew that.
“Auntie Kelley talks a lot about you. You really are as pretty as she says” you’re shocked by that, but don’t have time to question her because two hands wrap behind her and pull her up.
“What did I say about bothering during training El?” Kelley asks the little girl who settles into her arms like she’s done it a million times before.
“That I can talk to them only after training is over” Elise replies guiltily at Kelley who shakes her head playfully at her. She looks like she’s her mother, you think. I used to think we were going to have children together. Now I don’t even know if I want children without her, you think to yourself. She would be a great mother.
“(Y/N), you okay?” You hear from beside you and turn to see Alex with a worried look on her face.
“Sure, I’m fine” you say as you look at Kelley playing with Elise on the pitch, so gentle.
“(Y/N), I’m serious look at me” Alex says, finally gaining your interest.
“What?” you ask, slightly irritated, eyes watery and Alex knows it all too well, the look you get when you’re about to cry.
“We are going to head to the bathroom for a sec” Alex states, earning whatever looks from the team.
She pulls you towards the locker room, quickly, trying to hide you from the team, knowing you didn’t want to cry in front of them. She sits you down on a bench and kneels in front of you.
“Talk” Alex says, knowing that whatever was bothering you needed to come out in order for you to feel better.
“It’s just… a lot, you know” you say, your eyes already spilling tears on your face, not being able to hold them in anymore. “I used to see my whole life with her, but now, she’s got a whole life with somebody else” you conclude, now ugly crying on Alex’s back because she couldn’t stand not hugging you right now. Alex keeps holding you close for as long as you need her too, and let’s you tears wet her shirt. She wasn’t used to seeing you like this. Usually, you’d get upset and a few tears would occasionally graze your face, but today, it felt different and Alex couldn’t help but ache for you.
“I got you, (Y/N), I got you” she says in your ear and you swear it makes you feel better, for a moment, at least. You pull back, trying to dry your face and knowing your eyes are probably very red at the moment. You hate feeling like this, so, vulnerable.
It takes a while before you both head back to the field and once you’re there, you’re pulled aside by Christen.
“Pretty great stadium, future Archangel” Christen teases as she walks with you around the field.
“It is” you agree, walking close to her, hoping your eyes won’t betray that you’ve been crying.
“Are you excited for the season to start?”
“I am”
“You know were gonna beat your ass, right?” Christen teases, earning a smile from you.
“Yeah, in your dreams Press” you tease, and she smiles back at you. You look around instinctively looking for Kelley but can’t find her anywhere. Alex is MIA too.
“You know, we miss you in Utah, I mean, I know I do, Becky too and… Kelley” you feel this one right in the throat, cutting air supply.
Christen is silent, knowing she’s struck a sensitive chord. You feel like she’s edging on the subject, wanting to keep talking about it, but you don’t give her the chance too.
“I think I left my drink with Alex” you say, walking back towards the bench, leaving christen all alone in the middle of the field.
When Jill calls back everyone at midfield, you start walking towards her, but feel a nudge on your shoulder. You turn around to see Kelley uncomfortably close.
“Can we talk, after?” the request is simple and almost quiet. Quiet enough that you almost wouldn’t have heard it if she hadn’t been so close to you.
You nod your head, trying to forget about it as you head towards Jill, but fail miserably. The request follows you through the second half, distracting you from the game enough that you run right into Kelley after receiving the ball and fall flat on your back.
“Are you okay?” Kelley asks, getting close and wanting to offer you a hand. Your reply is harsher than you intended as you get up on your own.
“I’m fine”
You run back further away from her, frustrated in yourself for getting so distracted. Suddenly, you feel dizzy. You don’t why, if it was because of the collision, the heat or the fact that you hadn’t drank enough at half time and instead cried for ten minutes or because she was here, offering you a hand, a hand that was no longer yours.
Alex catches you, seeing it right away in your features that something is wrong. She lays you don’t on the turf, your legs unable to hold your own weight.
“Hey, (Y/N), what’s going on?” Alex asks, kneeling beside you and signaling to the training staff that something was wrong.
“I feel dizzy” you reply, not really able to keep your eyes open as the sun is shining brightly on you.
You had a heatstroke and therefor had to stay on the sidelines for the rest of the game with lots of water and cooling pads. You felt like shit. Maybe if you’d slept better.
You feel a presence by your side and look. It’s Elise, she’s watching the game closely, her eyes locked on Kelley with a concentrated look on her face. You can’t really blame her, Kelley is pretty much who you’re looking at the whole time too. Another wave hits you, but this time you know what it is. Jealousy. Jealousy had been an old friend, at this point. You first met her when you and Kelley had split, and she had followed you through lonely nights and Instagram posts. You hated jealousy, or how she made you feel because wherever jealousy was, selfishness followed and you did feel selfish for wanting Kelley to remain all yours after you broke up, but you couldn’t help it, you still loved her. This time, jealousy is there because of Elise, because she has the life you had wanted for your kids. Jealousy was tempting you, but you weren’t going to let her win, not this time, at least.
Jill blew the whistle, signaling the end of the game. Your team had won, not by a lot, but they had won anyways. Everyone was now heading towards you and you felt yourself tense up at the memory of you agreeing to talk to Kelley after the game. She looks at you and nods her head, motioning towards the locker room, hoping you’ll have time to talk before the team heads inside to change. You get up slowly, heading towards the locker room, Kelley following closely behind.
“What did you want to talk about” you ask once you’ve reached the locker room.
“I miss you” Kelley states.
“You’ve mentioned that” you reply, not really knowing where she was going with this.
“No, I mean yes I have, but not really” Kelley says, seeming lost in thoughts and you let her talk, knowing there is no good in talking when she’s in this state.
“I don’t just miss you, (Y/N), I-“ Kelley cuts herself off, walking towards you.
“I don’t just miss you as an, it’s been a few weeks let’s get coffee, or it’s been a few years how are the kids, or-“ Kelley seems hesitant, but keeps talking.
“I miss you as an, I need you back by my side” Kelley finally manages to say, “I miss you as an, you were my whole life and since you’re gone, I can’t find happiness in the smallest things like I used too. I miss you as an, I still love you (Y/N)” Kelley concludes looking at you with sad eyes.
“What about Kate? And Elise? Isn’t that your family now?” you ask, confused as to where this was coming from “You seem happy, with them” you state, your eyes watering and your voice trembling.
“Kate is a friend who I sometimes help out with her daughter because she works a lot” Kelley states “We’ve been close friends but nothing more than that” Kelley adds, taking a step towards you again.
“I’ve been trying, for months to forget about you, to find myself, find my peace and all I could come back to was you (Y/N), because you are my peace. You are my everything and I don’t want to live without you anymore” Kelley says and this time it’s you who walks close, taking her face into your hands and kissing her softly, never wanting to let go of her ever again.
“I love you too” you say, finally able to talk after breaking off the kiss.
“Let’s be together again, I don’t want to be apart anymore” Kelley says, her hands still on your hips, yours on the back of her neck.
“I don’t want to be apart anymore either” you reply, peaking her lips.
“Fucking finally!” you hear Alex’s voice behind you and turn around, caught. “Thank you, Alex, for helping us find our way back to each other” Alex says, half kidding getting closer to the two of you. “I missed my best friends” she says, hugging the both of you and you hug her back.
“Auntie Kelley?” Elise says, tugging on Kelley’s shorts from inside our little hug.
“Hey kiddo” Kelley says, breaking from the hug and taking the little girl into her arms.
“Are you happy, now, Auntie Kelley. Now that you are back to being friends with (Y/N)?” the little girl asks, innocently.
“I am, kiddo, I really am” Kelley says, earning a cute little smile from the small girl in her hands.
“Does that mean I have two aunties now?” Elise asks, looking at you.
“You sure do kid” you reply to her, smiling brightly and she smiles back at you just as much.
Kelley starts spinning her around and lifting her up, goofing around with the kid.
Looking at the scene, you can’t help but think of how good a mother Kelley will be when you both start you family together. You loved her and now nothing was going to take that away from you.
The End
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novellaquill · 5 years
Starling: The Lonely
Drabble with OC!Batsis x batfam
Summary: Her grandmother’s words continued to simmer at the back of Lerina's head, while family troubles push her to make a decision.
Warning: This takes about depression, mental illness, and other serious topics. If these topics make you feel uncomfortable don't read.
A/N: This one has is kind of a songfic. I recommend listing to The Lonely by Christina Perri. Flashbacks are in italics and in third person pov. The POV will switch back and forth a lot.
Previous Chapters: Lost and Longing
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“There I was, cold, isolated and desperate for something I knew I couldn't have. A solution. A remedy. Anything.
...I hated it. Alone and confused was the last place I wanted to be. Somehow I knew I deserved this.” ― Brian Krans, A Constant Suicide -- Two am, where do I begin Crying off my face again It was mornings like this that I hated the most. It was 2 o'clock in the morning a sane person would be sound asleep by now but no. Not my family oh no, they were on the streets hopping from rooftop to rooftop like ninjas while I was pathetically crying in my room alone, again. The silent sound of loneliness Wants to follow me to bed It was so quiet, with Alfred having the week off I was the only person in the house, yet even the animals did not make a sound this morning. I couldn't sleep, thanks to my insomnia and the fear that the silence would follow me if I went to bed. I'm a ghost of a girl That I want to be most I'm the shell of a girl That I used to know well I glare at the chest across the room hatefully anyone would be proud of this chest it was filled with my gold medal and trophies it even had folders of my awards certificates, but for me, it was only a reminder. A reminder that I was the shell of who I once was. When being alone didn't bother me. The ghost of a girl that I wanted to be again. My ADHD was pounding my skull, I was in the same position in the same place for too long. I was getting fidgety and needed to do something. Glancing at the old dance trophy that peeked under the lid of the chest I sighed, I guess some things never do change. Dancing slowly in an empty room Can the lonely take the place of you I sing myself a quiet lullaby I slowly move my body gracefully to a quiet lullaby my mom used to sing to me. Now I sing it to myself as I dance away the thoughts of loneliness taking my place in my own body, consuming my very being. Let you go and let the lonely in To take my heart again Times like this I can let go, not having to worry about my emotions diverting my attention from my responsibilities. I can wallow in my hopelessness and sort out the bottled up emotions. It was long overdue anyway. My mind drifted back to my grandmother's words "You have PhDs, trophies, medals, and degrees that they don't even know about. Use them to get out of here!" "The only ones who would notice and care would be Jason, Timothy, and Alfred. Stop letting him dictate what happens in your life. You're his daughter not his clone and you're a grown adult!"  Was she right? Did she need to leave? Could she leave? I have no doubt that my family loves me with the exception of Damian however, I couldn't just abandon them, could I? They would care if I left, right? -- Too afraid, to go inside For the pain of one more loveless night After a long day at Wayne Enterprises, Lerina was having difficulties deciding on whether she should enter her own home. She lived there for over 17 years she should be used to the feeling of dismissal, it wasn't the first time he had planned a mission on someone's birthday. Even though her birthday wasn't for a few days, the fact that she would spend another celebration alone made her furious and a bit bitter. Sure her siblings spent their birthdays mostly fighting crime but at least they were together while she spent her's with Alfred and her grandmother. Not that she didn't love them but spending time with senior citizens should not be the highlight of her day. It was pathetic. Finally, she decided to go inside making her way up to the living room. A  smile grew on her face when she looked around. The entire room was covered with balloons, streamers, banners and more. It was entirely painted with silvers, blues, purples, and gold her favorite colors. Her grey orbs landed on the people responsible for the glorious surprise, Alfred and Leilei whom she had suspected to be there but Jason and Tim were too. Tears welled up in her eyes her bags plummeted to the ground, "you guys," her voiced cracked as she was pulled into a hug by her brothers. "Happy early Birthday big sis!" "Happy Birthday starlight." "¡ Feliz cumpleaños pajarito!" "Happy Birthday Miss Lerina." She gleamed at her family's cheers, "Thank you guys" she wiped her tears, "but I thought you had to go on patrol tonight?" "We do," Tim answered freeing his older sister from his grip, "but since we're going to be gone in a few days we ditched," Jason clarified with a rebellious smirk. "Unfortunately the rest of the family couldn't make it Miss Lerina," Alfred said with regret in his in tone. "They left gifts though," Tim butted in not giving Lerina an opportunity to frown, "Even Cassandra left one." Cassandra, she normally just gave her a card why would she give me a gift, Lerina thought. Catching her confusion Jason said, " She saw that you were looked down and decided to give you one." It made sense Cassandra could pick up on those sort of things with her unique body reading ability. "Enough chatter let's eat so we can dig into the cake in the kitchen and Lerina can open her presents!" Leilei exclaimed rushing the group. -- For the loneliness will stay with me And hold me till I fall asleep That was how I spent my night that day, happy with the people I care about. But that was a few days ago with today being my birthday everyone was on a mission as planned by the dark knight himself. Having enough of dancing I lay in my bed my bed trying to fall asleep as another memory fills my head. -- I'm a ghost of a girl That I want to be most I'm the shell of a girl That I used to know well "LERINA!" She jumped at her father's booming voice, "Yes?" she questioned poking at her food. It was 2 days after her little surprise party, only 3 days until her birthday so Bruce decided to give everyone a break to have a family dinner.  Kamalei could be very persuasive when she needed to be, "I've been struggling to get your attention for the past five minutes." "My apologies, my mind was elsewhere," she received strange looks from her family but they were overlooked as she continued, "What were we talking about?" "tch," Damian expressed his annoyance gaining the attention of the family, "It's no wonder you're not allowed to join us on patrol," he sneered, "you're too much of a scatterbrain to even watch the monitors. It's a miracle how you've persisted long enough to make it 25 much less run the company without destroying it. A phenomenon really." "DAMIAN!" "MASTER DAMIAN!" her father and butler scolded, Lerina let out a frustrated sigh but ultimately ignored her youngest brother's offensive comment. "Rina is not a scatterbrain," Dick ranted, "Her brain just works differently and there's nothing wrong with that. She's fully capable of handling herself and the company.  She has 15 years of experience and has been taking care of us, you included for 17!" "Let's not forget who saved you from getting suspended last week demon," Jason joined snarkily resuming his meal, "You should show some respect." "Lerina absence has nothing to do with her disabilities her skills are needed here outside of our nightly pursuits," informed Bruce sternly still angered by his blood son's outburst. "Also saying that because she has ADHD is the reason why she's not a vigilante is just as bad as saying Cassandra is a bad one because she has dyslexia," Tim added "Cain, has a usual skill that contributes to our cause Drake," Damian hissed at the former robin's response, "Oh so helping us keep our identities a secret isn't contributing then," he argued. Cassandra just shook her head, it was obvious this wasn't going to end well, "Damian that was-" "This doesn't concern you, Cain," the blood son interrupted, "Perhaps if she-" "OKAY! THAT'S ENOUGH," Lerina intervened she had grown tired of the arguing, "Thank you all for defending me and thank you, Damian, for that fascinating input but can we please for once try to have a pleasant family dinner?!" Dancing slowly in an empty room Can the lonely take the place of you I sing myself a quiet lullaby "Oh yes, mother bird we sure can," Tim replied smugly with a cheeky grin, "Sorry mother hen we didn't mean to ruffle your feathers," Dick teased, Lerina sighed as a rupture of laughter emitted from the table until it dialed down; Bruce picked up on the conversation and said, "To bring us back to the topic at hand we were discussing the mission since we'll be leaving tonight Kathy Kane, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown, Barabra Gordan, and Terry McGinnis will patrol over Gotham in our place." Another sigh escaped Lerina's lips, "Only you would bring crime to a normal family dinner." Let you go and let the lonely in To take my heart again "A shame we will miss your birthday Oriel," Damian cooed at his older sister, "Something much more important than you corrupted our schedule, pity." "Master Damian that is enough," Alfred scolded, "It's fine Alfred," she replied coolly," who'd want to spend their special day with the spawn of Satan anyway." Enraged Damian threw his knife directly at her face but before any could react Lerina caught and thrown it back at him just barely missing his head. "Just because I don't act upon those skills doesn't mean I don't have them," she said darkly before uttering a quick 'excuse me' leaving the dining room with her plate. -- Broken pieces of "YOU CAN'T HAVE HER BRUCE! YOU WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF HER!!" "Ms. Oriel, I know why you hate me but I'm her father, just give me a chance she deserves to know who I am at least," Bruce pleaded desperately with her Kamalei hoping for a positive answer. "NO, NEVER!" Kamalei shrieked in response to his begging, Lerina was 8 years old when she burrowed underneath the stairway listening to her father and grandmother bicker and fight over her as if she was a doll. -- A barely breathing story It wasn't the last time she heard her two guardians fought over her either, it took months for Kamalei to let her go. "I promise you, you will be happy here," Bruce spoke tenderly to his daughter he sounded like he was trying to prove to himself more than his child. "Why didn't mommy tell you about me," Lerina questioned, "I don't know," he answered honestly kneeling in front of his long lost daughter. Now at eye level with her, he continued, "What I do know is that she would be very happy we found each other and I will take very good care of you." -- Where there once was love "Come listen to the song I learned," Lerina said excitedly not noticing the young man her father had brought home, "It was originally made for violin but I was able to play it on piano!" He chuckled kissing his excited little girl on the forehead, "Let's take a rain check on that song, right now I want to introduce you to Richard Grayson." The boy waved at the girl when he was introduced," You can call me Dick." Lerina waved back she had seen him on the news earlier that day, "My name is Lerina Oriel-Wayne and I am your new sister." She began to pull the boy upstairs with her, "Let's go decorate your room, you'll right at home in no time!" Bruce smiled seeing his daughter taking in Dick so naturally, it warmed his heart. "Everything is going be okay I lost my mom when I was young it gets better. It doesn't feel like it now but it will," she said pulling him into a hug,. "Rina" "huh," she questioned not sure what he meant by that. "Can I call you Rina," he whispered smiling when she said yes. -- "What's the matter? Why are you crying JayJay," Lerina questioned the little boy who had climbed into her bed one stormy night. "I'm not crying," he clarified pouting, "I just wanted to make sure you're okay." With a warm smile, she lifted the covers to her bed, "Come on then, I need someone to protect me during this stormed," she swallowed a chuckled when he dove under the covers clinging to her body, "Goodnight Jason." -- "Tim it's not your fault,' she stated trying to soothe the child who was curled up in a ball in the farthest corner in his room. "They died, big sis! They are dead because I wasn't fast enough," Tim sobbed, "I was supposed to save them and I let them die!!" She scooped him up in her arm and rocked him side to side, "It's not your fault." "Bu-" "Did kidnap those hostages? Did you set up those bombs," Tim shook his head in response, "Then it is not your fault Timmy." He stayed silent taking in her words, " Let's go to sleep, I'll sing you a lullaby." For the first time, Timothy Jackson Drake slept the entire night away, what was left of it. -- Now there's only me "Go away, Rina!" Dick growled hearing knock on the door once again, "No Dick, I know you're blaming yourself for his death but it is not your fault!" "I should've been there for him." "There's nothing we can do about it now, why don't we just-" "JUST LEAVE IT LERINA! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOU AND I DON'T WANT YOUR PITY!!" Tears falling down his face, Dick slumped on his bed head in his hands as her retreating footsteps. -- "Jason please this isn't you," she begged as the man she practically raised held her hostage just to get back at his adoptive father, "This is me, maybe you should get to know your brothers more before you start begging for your life," he taunted smugly. Being held captive by the Arkham knight in a dingy abandoned apartment building is not how you want to spend your Saturday but when can they Waynes get a break. "Jason, I do know you and you know deep down that they loved and cared for you. If you can't believe that then you at least know I did, remember let you into their bed when you had a nightmare?" "SHUT UP," he screamed and shot her in the leg, "You're only making this worse for yourself and I don't want to hurt you." "You couldn't have said that before you shot me in the leg," she replied sarcastically trying to get her mind off the pain, "Is there any way I can convince you to come home?" He glanced at her before redirecting his attention to a window, "No." "I see," she let out a sigh, "I love you Jason and I'm sorry." "Sorry for wh-" the night sky was the last thing he saw before everything turned black. -- "I wouldn't expect someone like you understand so please just leave me alone, I will go to sleep later," Tim grumbled typing swiftly on the keyboard striving to finish this case. He didn't even realize what he said. Lerina was always disregarded because of her disability, some even assume she can't understand the simplest tasks, hearing from family broke her heart. -- And the lonely "Lerina, I rely on you to take care of these matters without me so I can focus on more important tasks," Bruce grumbled annoyed at the paperwork that was stacked on his desk. "I'm sorry father but some of the paper and decisions need to be signed and made by the CEO of Wayne Enterprise himself and not his shoo-in or else it won't get done, unless you give me permission, " Lerina explained "Nevermind, I'll do it myself you can go," he dismissed her, "Oh and can you dress in something nice tonight I need you to impress a business partner." "Of course" -- Dancing slowly in an empty room Can the lonely take the place of you Dick and I used to be very close, of course, we were he was my first baby brother. We were together the longest it was natural for us. I don't know what happened throughout the years, we just stopped. Soon Jason and Tim came along but Jason doesn't stay at the manor unless it's truly necessary and Tim gets too caught up with his work. Bruce and I haven't been close in years and it's far too late to fix it now. Damian practically hates me more than he hates Tim. Cassandra and I just never clicked, we never had a chance to really.  I had made my decision, I had made it long ago. I didn't even need to pack. -- I sing myself a quiet lullaby "Welcome back young masters, Miss Cassandra," Alfred spoke formally to the returning family, it had been a week, the mission had gone relatively smoothly but it had tired them out. "Good to be back Alfred," Dick spoke with a smile as they slumped on the couch. Something was off but they couldn't tell what. The answer was there but just out of reach but whatever off seemed to put a tense mood in the atmosphere. It was eerily quiet, they decided to focus their attention on a task to distract themselves. The silence was broken when the third Robin spoke up, "Where's Lerina? -- Let you go and let the lonely in I left my phone and my car at home, I didn't want to have anything that they could track when I reached my destination. "I need a place to lay low for awhile just until I make up my mind on where I'm going."  "Took you long enough to leave those assholes." Lerina smiled stepping through the door. Her new life began now. To take my heart again
~Novella Quill
Next Chapter: Starting Over
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le-amewzing · 5 years
Breaks & Treats & the Color of Undies
Because every now and then, we all need a good bit of McAbby fluff. And McGee and Abby couldn't have worked 24/7 while in Mexico towards the end of season 7. :]
Fic: "Breaks & Treats & the Color of Undies" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: implied Abby Sciuto/Timothy McGee
Rating: K+
Words: ~700
Additional info: romance, fluff, 3rd person POV
Summary: Who says Abby and McGee took no breaks while in Mexico?
                Abby tugged on a black frilly skirt, buttoned up her black frilly blouse, and buckled her chunky Mary-Janes. It was beautiful outside, and she planned on enjoying some bit of her stay in Mexico. She picked up her parasol and exited the building, where she found McGee waiting outside for her. She raised her eyebrows. "Are you sure you're okay, McGee?"
                He twisted his lips around and squinted in the sun. "Oh, I'll be all right, Abby…I think. Luckily, I didn't stay up all night."
                "I told you to use bottled water when brushing your teeth over here," she pointed out as they made their way into the city.
                "I know, I know… I was just—" He sighed. "I was a little caught up in our chat last night."
                She smirked. "It wasn't that interesting, Tim."
                "Abby, it was you. I like talking with you. I'll admit—you're a distraction," he added, giving her a little smile.
                "Aw, Tim!" Something colorful caught her eye. "Hey, let's grab something to eat."
                "Now, wait a minute. You were just chiding me for the water, and we need to get back to that seminar, and now you want food from here?" He shook his head as Abby grabbed his hand and dragged him over to a stand. "Abby…"
                "The water's fine once it's been boiled," the lab rat stated. She pointed behind the vendor's counter. "And this guy uses bottled water anyway." She faced the vendor and placed several pesos on the counter. "Dos tapas, por favor." The vendor smiled and served up the dish, one of which Abby passed to McGee.
                "McGee, don't start. It's nice to eat something and relax. Breathe and break from work." They walked to the end of the street, where Abby turned and faced him and gripped his shoulder. "You can't work twenty-four–seven, Timmy. Otherwise you'll turn into Gibbs' mini-me."
                McGee scoffed. "No, I wouldn't."
                She gave him a look.
                "… You really think so?"
                "I know so, Timmy." She smiled and ushered him along until they came to a bench with a view. She patted the seat so he joined her. "You know, sometime you ought to…I dunno, cut loose."
                "What? I do cut loose," he retorted. "I play videogames. I write. Writing can be very therapeutic for me."
                "How is it therapeutic to just put down on paper what you see in real life, Tim?" she quipped.
                "I told you guys before, it's loosely based on the team."
                Abby raised her eyebrows and snorted. "Yeah, I'll buy that." She bit into her tapas and smiled at the taste. "But haven't you ever done anything crazy, Timmy?"
                He smirked. "I dated you once upon a coffin."
                She snorted again. "I meant something like skydiving, bungee-jumping… Wearing black underwear."
                "What? And, all things considered, I think we can all count on you to do that for us, Abbs."
                She gave him a mischievous look. "Thinking of my undergarments, McGee?"
                His face paled, and then his cheeks flushed with color. "Uh, Abby, no, sorry, that's not what I meant. What I meant to say—"
                "Mm-hmm, what did you mean to say?"
                "Well, I was just, uh, uh, commenting," he said, emphasizing the word with a gesture of his tapas-free hand, "well, commenting on your normal choice of attire and how it's, ah, um, mostly one color…being black." He winced. "Please tell me I didn't just stick my foot in my mouth."
                Abby laughed. "McGee, you can always stick your foot in your mouth around me and I'd never see it that way. … Okay, well, maybe once or twice, but in general no." She finished off her tapas and licked her fingers clean. "So, Tim…"
                She gave him an impish grin, a glint in her eye. "What color today?"
                He blushed and sighed. "…red."
                Abby smiled. "Nice. Devilish. With a hint of Superman. I like it." She took his trash from his hands before entwining their fingers. "See? I told you that you needed to relax."
                McGee grinned, not uncomfortable at all. "I love that you're always right, Abby," he mumbled.
                Beside him, Abby beamed.
Yay! McAbby!!! :DDD I love them so much—they're that strange couple that just works, y'know? Some trials and tribulations, sure, but at the end of the day, McAbby is there, lurking in dark cubicle or lab corners. B) I'll shut up now so we can return to reveling in the fluffiness of this little drabble.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2019 note: Oh, how this 2011 fic takes me back… I confess, I'm not very happy with McGee's later canon, even tho I love Delilah as a charrie on her own. Ah, well. I fixed some formatting here; too much stuff in italics. :S
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cyrelia-j · 5 years
[fic preview] Wheel Cage (original)
Based off of Tim Ransom’s John Dunn character [super loosely since it’s only a 5 minute scene] the following is a preview prologue of a 2nd person POV story I couldn’t resist starting. You may recall a story idea I mentioned from the spotlight on that character so this is that fleshed out!
Title: Wheel Cage
Genre: Drama/Suspense/Romance/Horror
Summary: With the world well on its way to a zombie filled hell, retired ATF agent Ed Miller is cashing out early. That is, with a little help from his son Isaac, the two of them figure on securing a little safety net he and his old team stashed away. Under the guise of an accidental [non zombie related] death, Ed cashes out his insurance policy, knowing that his last living team mate, John Dunham wouldn’t waste time in going to grab the hidden stash.
And that leaves Izzy to catch that same armored Greyhound from El Paso to NYC to seduce the old bugger and filch his key to the lock boxes along with the rest. Easy enough, right?
Notes: in the prologue a warning for offensive language (swearing and homophobic/sexist) but no other warnings. 2nd person POV and a trans male character. Big 80s references and aesthetic and age gap. Any feedback super welcome :)
“John huh? I like that. They call me Izzy. You ready to take a trip around the world with me?...”
           For as long as you can remember it’s always been you and your old man against everyone. Ever since his old lady (you haven’t called her “mom” since you were five) served him up the divorce papers with a slice of birthday cake and you said you weren’t leaving your cousins and your collection of baseball cards, it’s just been the two of you. She hightailed it with your older sister - who you haven’t spoken to either since she refused to stop calling you “Jenny” some seven years back - and so the both of you just up and said fuck everyone else.
 So when your old man made the proposition, you didn’t think twice before agreeing.
           Here’s the situation. You found out your old man wasn’t as Dudley Do Right as he’d have led you to believe. Seems he and his old narc buddies made some big bust back in the day, back before the strung out zombies were actual fucking zombies and they didn’t exactly tell the Feds and the rest the whole of their haul. Got his picture in the paper like a real hero and all ‘cept Mr. All American Hero made it with a cool couple million and disappeared it like Houdini.
 Course you didn’t exactly grow up in luxury and he sure as shit didn’t lose it in the divorce like he did the house. Trying to make off with all that dough woulda set off every agent in the country asking questions so the four of them made a gentleman’s agreement: they stashed it away in some series of lockers up north ‘til enough time passed and sure enough old Dan and Bill kicked it getting caught in Atlanta leaving just your old man and John Dunham. Dunham being an old desk jockey who’d probably live forever and while your old man never had a bad thing to say about “good old John”, your old man didn’t figure on splitting the pot when he was so close to taking the whole kit n caboodle for himself.
 He also figured with the whole world well on its way to some Romero zombie hell better now than never while south of the border was free and clear.
 You didn’t exactly blame him either and the both of you figured it’d be easy enough to live like kings south of the border. Course he couldn’t exactly walk into the fucker’s office and whack him. Well… seeing as how as of today, April 1st 1987, the whole world thinks your old man died in a car accident six months ago, he probably could. But while your old man may be a lot of things, a killer ain’t one of them. Thief? Sure. Liar? What man isn’t? (And if his ex old lady’s to be believed a wife beater too, but the only time you ever seen him raise a hand was to block her throwing a lamp at his head when he said your sister “Miss Priss” Priscilla might be going with her - likely not being his anyway - but he’d be damned if she made off with his Izzy.)
 Well maybe he didn’t call you Izzy back then but your memory, your rules.
 And here’s where you come into the whole scheme.
             You’re not a killer neither but you also may be just a bit of a thief yourself, and more than that you’ve got a certain charm about you that your old man says you inherited from him. Your old man also says he doesn’t know why he paid all that money for you to lop your tits off and change your name to Isaac if you’re still gonna prance around wearing makeup like a “goddamn fairy”. You like to remind him that’s exactly what you are loud and proud and if makeup is good enough for Alice Cooper and all the hot new glam bands he can just shut his hole or find himself a new honeypot.
             Course you’re not exactly the traditional va va voom vamp but that’s only gonna keep the suspicion off you a hell of a lot better than coming on like some boozy lot lizard, and if your old man hadn’t fallen asleep ten minutes into Murphy’s Law then maybe he’d know that those middle aged straight lace types seem to have a thing for cute and lovable punks half their age. He conceded (as big a Bronson fan that he is) you might be onto something and that settled the matter there, you hanging up the payphone outside the shithole apartment where you’ve been crashing, tucking the number back into your wallet.
             You’d been crashing on your pal Stevie's couch, helping out with the rent from a few “odd jobs”, and while you hated lying to her, you sure couldn’t tell her the real reason you were headed up north where they got shit locked down a hell of a lot harder cause of the “mess”. So far as she knew, you took your old man’s “death” hard and on top of that come to find his half a mil insurance policy was a bust to boot leaving you with a big fat nothing and in need of a place to stay. Wasn’t a far stretch seeing as how the insurance companies were finding it all too easy nowadays to call any claim they didn’t’ want to pay “ineligible” living dead shit. It wasn’t a lie exactly anyway, seeing as how you’d followed your old man’s instructions to the letter and made sure he got every untraceable dollar coming to him.
 Alright, so you kept a couple thousand for necessary expenses helping out Stevie (and getting your ticket and some new kicks) but it wasn’t like you pissed it away at the arcade.
             Stevie refused to buy your ticket though, saying you were crazy to go up north with some guy you met at a bar and chatted up on the phone and she didn’t care how good of a screw he was. Course you couldn’t tell her it was your old man you’d been plotting with so you just packed up when she left for work at Sid’s, left another hundred dollars, and swore in the note sitting next to it that you’d call after you were settled, sure she’d bawl you out a good one but you know the less anyone knows the better. You ended up paying some wino looking about to turn any second twenty bucks to buy your ticket and an extra dose of the anti Z Juice to keep quiet if anyone came ‘round asking any questions on the matter. You promised him you weren’t killing no one, just leaving a shit situation.
             It’s simple, you think as you shoulder your duffle bag, ticket out of El Paso ticket in hand. Blow the old fuck ‘til his eyes roll back into his head and swap the four bum keys for his. Nick his wallet once you get to NYC so you get a head start, and meet your old man’s contact in Jersey once you’ve secured the money. You got his old piece, his thirty nine and you can’t say as you’re a shot up to his standard but you don’t know a man to have ever missed jamming the muzzle of a gun into someone’s gut either so you’re none too worried about that part of it.
 Bullets don’t work none too well on them other fucking things if you ain’t a crack shot but you got your Dynaco L-Rod for that.
             You make sure to smile nice as you approach the benches where everyone’s waiting to start boarding. First impressions and all that and ain’t no need for either piece here between the shock fences and the scans. Nah, you’re rocking your ripped black jeans just tight enough and your favorite half threadbare Dokken shirt neckline stretched out not quite off your shoulder, and your choppy brown hair is streaked with red same as your lips. You look pretty damn dynamite with your black leather boots up to your knees and a swagger in your step sure you catch a few eyes wondering if staring at your ass makes ‘em bent or not when they see the slight bulge of your crotch and your lack of tits.
 Yeah, fucking putty, you think with a wink to a straight laced dope in a polo shirt and khakis, strutting over to Mr. Paper Pusher Dunham, counting dollar signs in the whorl of his thick black - has to be a dye job pushing fifty five like that - hair and grey Garanimals button down.
 Only one thing you didn’t figure on as you take a seat next to him and get ready to charm…
 ...And that’s fucking John Dunham.
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thefemalethatwrites · 6 years
Mayhem (Jason Todd/Red Hood x Sorceress!Reader)
Requested by; @m-nicole-uy
Request;  Hey not sure if your request are open but if it is, can you do a Jason x reader where she is a very powerful sorceress , but one day some she was placed under a spell and she was causing mayhem and destruction and it took all of the league to put her down. I love your writing by the way and I hope you write many more stories.
Prompt; You’re a Sorceress, unknown to your boyfriend; Jason Todd. You occasionally assist John Constantine taking down demons, this one didn’t go to plan.
Relationships; Jason Todd x Sorceress! Reader, Platonic!John Constantine x Reader,
Warnings; Cursing
Word Count; 1610
A/N: Hey guys! I’m not dead! Anyway, my requests are always open, unless I say otherwise. So please enjoy this, I hope it’s what you want. I may make another part to this.
(Y/N)’s POV
“What would I do without you?” Jason asked as I treated his injuries as he, Roy and Kori had returned from their latest mission,
“Stitching each other up” I retorted as I moved on to Roy’s injuries,
“Highly amusing (Y/N)” Jason replied making me roll my eyes,
“She is not wrong though” Kori commented making me smile,
“See” I say finishing up with Roy, luckily Kori did not have any injuries,
“Your girl’s an angel” Roy stated as my phone began to ring, 
“Hello?” I answered,
“(Y/N), love. How are you?” Constantine replied,
“Cut the small talk John. What do you want?” I asked as I headed into mine and Jason’s shared bedroom,
“As you wish. Could you come meet me. I need your assistance” he requested, I raised an eyebrow
“Who are you and what have you done with John Constantine? The man I know never asks for help” I retort, he chuckled
“Trust me love. It’s me” he replied, “If you’re not going to meet me you could at least come downstairs to speak face-to-face with me” he added, I went over to the window and saw him looking up, he gave a small wave making me roll my eyes,
“I’ll be down in a second” I sighed before hanging up on him, I changed into something more appropriate before exiting the room,
“Everything alright?” Jason asked, I nodded
“Work” I replied as I left, I approached Constantine and folded my arms, “What’s so difficult that you need my assistance?” I asked as I followed him to his car,
“A demon, an extremely powerful one” he said as we got in his car, he handed me a file as he began to drive, I hummed as I read through it,
“They’ve got the same source of magic as myself” I stated, 
“Exactly. No one knows that source better than you” he commented,
“It’s a good thing you came to me then” I say, he chuckled “I’m serious John, the stuff they’re dealing with is dangerous. Even I don’t dare go near it” I say,
“But you have done in the past. Haven’t you?” He asked, I nodded
“When I first began to learn, it was a close call” I say as I shook the memory from my head, “Let’s just hope they haven’t gone too deep” I commented.
We arrived at the location the Demon was hiding, I was hit with a wave of dark aura,
“You alright love?” Constantine asked, I nodded
“We’re definitely in the right place” I say as we entered,
“Alright, ya bastard! Come out of hiding!” Constantine called out making me give him a deadpan look before he was hit with a spell making him drop to the floor, as a pentagram quickly formed around him, I tried to get him but was sent backwards by the mystical field surrounding him,
“She’s here” A voice whispered as I rose to my feet and prepared myself, I shielded myself as a magic orb was sent towards me,
“Reveal yourself” I call out, only to be greeted by silence, I hummed “Αποκαλύπτω” I muttered and a male and female were uncovered, black aura surrounded them, “Demons? No, these are just hosts” I mumbled before my shield broke making me jump slightly as I avoided the beams of magical aimed at me,
“You’re too weak, (Y/N). You should’ve accepted our deal all them years ago” The male spoke as the female kept shooting magic beams at me, I glared at him
“Weak? I’m not the one channeling people?” I retort as fired a few charms of my own at them, they hit them but did no damage making them howl with laughter, I growled before glancing at Constantine’s comatose body and sighed as I closed my eyes.
Jason’s POV 
I was woken up by the howling wind, I glanced to my side to see (Y/N)’s side of the bed untouched, I raised an eyebrow
“(Y/N)?” I called out as I search our apartment, I looked outside the window and was practically met with darkness, I looked towards the clock; 13:24, I hummed “Even this is gloomy for Gotham” I commented as I got changed,
“Jay!” Roy yelled as he and Star burst into the apartment,
“Not now. I’ve got to find (Y/N)” I dismiss,
“That’s why we are here” Star said as Roy turned on the news that was showing the Justice League attempting to take down a mystical being,
“What’s this to do with (Y/N)?” I asked getting agitated,
“Hang on” Roy demanded before pausing the tv, “There. Does this remind you of a certain someone?” He asked, my eyes widened as I stared at the person,
“(Y/N)…that’s not possible” I muttered,
“Actually, it is” a British voice said making me turn to find John Constantine stood at the door frame,
“What the hell are you doing here?!” I growled,
“Relax. I’m here to help. Your girl, (Y/N), she’s a powerful sorceress and I needed her assistance to get rid of a demon, but I was momentarily comatose so when I woke up, she was surrounded by dark smoke and then went to destroy the closest city; this one” he explained, 
“You’re the reason she’s like that?!” I yelled as I pinned him against the wall by his collar,
“You kill me mate. And your girl’s not coming back” he commented, I growled before giving him a right hook across the face,
“I guess that’ll have to suffice. For now.” I stated.
(Y/N)’s POV
I gasped as I shot up from laying on a bed, I groaned holding my head before standing up, taking in my surrounding,
“Bat’s holding cell. What the hell happened?” I muttered as I approached the door, I placed my hand on the wall where the keypad was located on the other side, “Ξεκλείδωμα” I say, there was a small beep and the door opened, I walked out and followed the sound of talking, no arguing
“I don’t care! If it wasn’t for Constantine she’d never have done any of this!” Jason yelled making me stop in my tracks,
He knows, they all know. Shit.
“That doesn’t matter” Bruce’s voice echoed,
“She needs to be contained” Diana commented,
“She needs to learn how to control it” Clark shortly followed, I growled as I appeared in the middle of the room, which had the whole bat-family and Justice League inside
“Control it? I can and have been since I was nine!” I snapped stunning them all,
“How’d you get out of the cell?” Bruce questioned, I turned to him, 
“A simple spell” I replied as my eyes drifted to the monitor behind him, displaying multiple recordings of myself, I approached them “I did this…?” I muttered as I watched myself cause mayhem,
“Which is why we need to contain you” Clark said as he grabbed my arm, I glared at him grabbing his arm that had hold of me making him groan collapsing to his knees,
“Clark!” Some JL me never exclaimed as they came to assist but were stopped by my magical field,
“Your bloodstreams are currently changing to liquefied Kryptonite. Touch me again and I’ll make it permanent” I growled as I pulled myself from his grip, everyone stared at me, “Let me give you an inside to why that occurred. Constantine and myself went to dispose of some demons that were messing with the darker side of my magic source, he was channeled while I fought against these demons however, I gave the demon a deal, that instead of using two hosts bodies that knew nothing to use mine instead. They took it and took over my body, which is when all this occurred” I say mentioning the videos,
“How do we know that you’re not the demon?” Damian asked,
“Because while the demon had control of her body she was killing it from the inside out” Constantine’s voice commented as he entered the room, I nodded
“Exactly” I say,
“I know nobody else who could have done that. She’s also the only person that knows about this magical source well enough” Constantine stated,
“It would be useful to have a powerful sorceress with us” Tim thought out loud,
“I don’t think so replacement. I’m not allowing (Y/N) get involved with this crazy bullshit we call our lives” Jason argued as he approached me, I gave him a smile.
We arrived back at the apartment and I collapsed on to the couch making Jason chuckle as he picked me up and sat down with myself curled on his chest,
“Tired?” He asked, I hummed
“Exhausted and sore” I answered, he let out a deep sigh as he planted a firm kiss into my hair,
“How come you never told me?” He questioned,
“About me being a sorceress? I didn’t want to be seen as a freak” I replied,
“A freak? (Y/N), my friend is an alien. I was brought back from the dead by some green water. I love you and you being a sorceress is going to change that” he confessed, I smiled as I faced him
“And I love you” I say before pulling him into a kiss.
A lone tear fell down my cheek as I looked over Jason’s sleeping form, my stuff all in two duffel bags and a backpack,
“I’m sorry to do this Jay but I can’t have them hurting you” I whispered as I planted a gentle kiss on his head before removing his memories of me from his mind, “Goodbye Jason. I love you” I say as I picked up my bags and left the apartment.
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somesunnyda-y · 6 years
your honest opinion on India, New Zealand, West Indies, Sri Lanka and Pakistan!
India: It’s gonna be really hypocritical of me I feel, if I criticise India for their on-field behavior but not Australia’s (their behavior in the past at least).  So I’m gonna be careful here and say they’re undoubtedly a good side and play good cricket, but moving forward, I think a culture change like the one Tim is trying to instigate with Australia would probably benefit them greatly :)
NZ: Cousins from across the Tasman.  Maybe we get a bit overcompetitive with each other at times, but deep down, I fucking love NZ. 11/10 most wholesome cricket players in the world imo because pretty much all of them have dogs and I have a soft spot for cricketers with dogs.  Also shows that good, competitive cricket can be played without unnecessary abuse.  Other reasons why I’m perhaps a little too fond of them include a) KANE WILLIAMSON AND THE ORANGE ARMY b) Eden Park happened and nobody is gonna be talking about Tr*nt Br*dg* and that one test match disaster there for a while Let’s ignore all the other disasters there this one time, k?  cheers lads c) Idk, they just seem like an all round wholesome team :D
West Indies: To be perfectly honest, I don’t really have strong opinion on the West Indies and Sri Lanka outside of a spectator’s view :/ Would probably like to know more about the players and their off-field interactions so if they’re any lurkers out there reading this from the West Indies or Sri Lanka, feel free to de-lurk!  Everyone in the Cricfam is really friendly :D (No pressure tho, anon messages also accepted if de-lurking is a step above what you’re comfortable with for any reason).  Well anyway, from my POV, they seem like general fun-loving guys who enjoy and play good cricket but I suppose in recent times, my opinion of their players has been skewed a little from a few bad eggs in the basket (i.e. Chris Gayle and Dwayne Bravo).  It probably shouldn’t be and that’s something for me to work on moving forward
Sri Lanka: Like said above, don’t have that strong an opinion on Sri Lanka, but I also feel like they play better cricket than given credit for.  I really wish ‘smaller’ nations got more publicity here, but there’s only so much broadcasters can do I suppose, regarding broadcasting matches which don’t feature Australia :/
Pakistan: W H O L E S O M E  B E A N S.  Everything about Pakistan, from the players’ individual celebrations to their entire team dynamic is just hnnnnnnng.  My heart, I can’t deal :’) A bit like Sri Lanka, I really wish they were given more credit for the quality of cricket they play, like it’s not everyday a team beats England at the actual home of cricket.  I wish they were talked about a bit more in the media
Should’ve probably said this last post, but these are just the ramblings of a teen trying to catch up on all the sleep she’s missed during the semester.  Sorry if I’ve said anything which comes off as offensive in any way :]
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writingkeepsmewhole · 7 years
Smoke Rings
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As promised here is part 7 to A Touch. I have been thinking about this chapter for a long time. I think that’s why I’m not to happy about it but whatever :P I hope you like it anyway. I love hearing from you guys on what you think so please let me know :)
Reader and Negan leave Alexandria only to end up having car troubles on the way home.
Negan X Reader
Warnings: Language I think. This is the fluffiest story of fluff haha 
@dead-head-joker @cryinersaved
Let me know if you want to be tagged would be happy to :)
I sat on one of the couches Negan’s men carried outside. Negan sitting to the left of me and Olivia sitting to the left of him.
Negan agreed to give Rick time to find the guns so here we sat waiting on him while Negan’s men showed him stuff they found.
I yawn loudly it breaking the silence that has set around us for the past minute of so.
“Tried Angel?” Negan asks looking down at me.
My response is another yawn with me rubbing my eye. The lack of sleep from last night catching up to me.
I think at most I slept three hours. With the warm day and the repetitive back and forth chatter between Negan and one of his men I couldn’t fight the sleep that overtook my brain. The last thing I remember was laying my head on something warm and hard.
Negan’s POV.
I took note of Y/N laying over on my shoulder but I didn’t move her. I knew it would get under Rick’s skin plus I enjoyed having her close. She was fun. I sit on the couch turning Lucille over in my hands the girl sitting to the left of me was looking at her lap no longer shaking.
“Oliva is it?” I ask looking at her.
She only responds with a nod.
“Seeing as we are the only ones here for a bit why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind.” “Nothing.” She says quickly.
“Oh come on!” I say throwing my arm around the back of the couch behind her head making her jump.
“There has to be something.”
“You don’t have to talk about yourself why don’t you tell me about little Y/N here.” I say smiling at her.
“I uh..”
“Oh come on now. Let’s start with something simple. How well do you know her?”
“Umm not much. I mean she is not really close to anyone.”
“That so?” I ask a bit surprised.
“Yeah she doesn’t talk to anyone much. It’s honestly shocking to see her asleep. I have never seen her with her guard down.”
“Well that’s doesn’t sound like my Y/N at all.” I say watching her almost flinch at my voice or tone I don’t know.
“Go on.” I say waving her on when she stopped talking.
“Oh right… She uh.. Has just always been a loner I guess. I mean she talks to Rick and she was friends with Maggie I think but other then that she just stayed in her own space.”
“Well that’s very interesting indeed.” I say looking down at Y/N’s sleeping face.
I didn’t get time to think over what Olive said before Rick walked up to me guns in hand.
Readers POV
I jump up from the sound of gunfire and breaking glass. Snapping my head to the right I see Negan holding a gun aimed at the window a huge grin on his face.
“What the hell Negan?” I ask getting him to spin around and face me.
“Aww I’m sorry sweetheart did I interrupt your nap?” He asks teasing me.
“Why are you shooting windows?” I ask yawning as my heart rate slows down.
“Just wanted to test my new guns and they sound beautiful don’t you think?”
“By beautiful you mean loud then yes they sound beautiful.”
“Aww come on now darlin’. You know I’m just playing.” He says holding his hand out to me while handing the gun to Tim.
I catch myself placing my hand in his without thinking. Realizing I’m very comfortable with Negan. I ignore it when Negan starts talking.
“Think you can forgive me?” He asks leaning down to where our noses almost touch.
“Don’t shoot guns around me when I’m sleeping?”
“Deal.” He says winking making blood rush to my cheeks and my stomach do flips.
“Now onto business. I think we are about done here.” Negan says spinning around and grinning at Rick.
“Not unless you have anything you would like to say?” He says making me feel like I was missing something.
I watch as Rick’s gaze shifts off to the side to one of the empty houses.
“I need to go to that house.” He says surprising both me and Negan at the sudden topic change.
“Just trust me. It’s important that you let me go over to that house alone.”
“Hmm well I’m gonna need to think about that. Hmm I simple can’t decide.” Negan says messing with Rick.
“What do you think angel?” He asks moving to throw his arm around my shoulders.
“Should I let dear pal Ricky wonder alone to do something we don’t even know about?” He asks peering down at me.
“Yes.” I say honestly, seeing shock cross Rick’s face out of the corner of my eye.
“I trust him.”
“Well there you have it. You have five minutes. Don’t keep me waiting or I’ll have to put a bullet in one of your people's heads.” Negan says grinning from ear to ear I couldn’t help but move out from under his arm though he didn’t seem to mind or noticed.
It didn’t take long for Rick to return this time with Michonne behind him a deer on her shoulders.
“She was out hunting I didn’t know she had it.” Rick says handing the rifle to Negan.
“Well lookie here! See now that’s what I like to see. You be upfront with me I be upfront with you. Now that’s something we can fucking build on.”
“Well I guess that’s almost everything. Oh yeah. I want the deer. It was killed with my gun after all.” Negan says smirking.
“Negan-.” I start but quickly stop when he looks at me.
He wasn't in the mood to be pushed.
I watch Michonne push the deer off her back and two men quickly load it in the truck.
“I love when a women buys me dinner and doesn't expect me to put out afterwards.” Negan says making me roll my eyes.
“Well that’s it. Boys let’s roll out!” He yells making all the men start moving back to their trucks.
“Wait.” Rick says earning every eyes in ear shot on him.
“Can’t Daryl and Y/N stay?”
“Oh no sorry Daryl gets to stay with me. As for Y/N she is a big girl she can make her own decisions. What’s it gonna be angel?” Negan asks meeting my gaze.
I knew he was testing me. I knew what it meant if I went back with him. I knew what he looked like to Rick if I left. But I also knew what it meant for the group if I stayed.
Wrapping my arms around myself to hold myself together I take a look back at the place that could have been home.
But what was home? In this place it was just somewhere you got ripped away from you over and over.
Taking a deep breath I only answered by walking towards the truck I road here in. I could feel Rick’s eyes dig into my back as I passed him. Negan falling into step with me.
He quickly stops and turn around.
“Oh I almost forgot.” He says leaning down to take Lucille from Rick.
“I doubt you want her around. I mean she would be an awfully big reminder of what happened.” He says smirking when Rick clenches his jaw.
Smiling he takes a step back just enough to see Rick’s face.
“You sure there is not anything else you need to say?”
“Thank you.” Rick says his jaw so tight I was scared he would break his teeth.
“You see what I just did there?” Negan asks leaning his mouth down to Rick’s ear.
“I just slid my dick down your throat and you thanked me for it.” He says pulling back to give Rick that ear to ear grin.
“I’ll see ya next time Rick.” He says moving past me and climbing behind the wheel of the black truck we were in earlier.
Climbing into the trunk I kept my eyes straight ahead. I didn't want to see the anger and betrayal in Rick's eyes.
I looked out the window when we were out of Alexandra trying to keep myself from crying.
I shouldn't be the one upset I didn't get stabbed in the back by someone I trusted for years. But here I was feeling sorry for myself.
I was pulled from my thoughts when the truck stopped suddenly making me fly forward.
I would have slammed into the dashboard if I didn't catch myself at the last minute making a sharp rush of heat go up my arm from my wrist.
“Alright what the fuck is wrong with you?” Negan asks turning off the car and looking at me.
Instead of answering I watching the rest of the convoy of Negan’s men continue to drive past us. As if they were not passing their leader leaving him behind.
I snapped my head towards Negan when he let out a sharp whistle.
“Over here doll. What is going on with you?”
“Nothing.” I say looking back out the window wondering if my eyes looked as red and puffy as they felt.
My throat hurt from holding back tears but I ignored it.
“Oh no you are not going to pull the braty act on me. I will shut the shit down right now.”
I didn’t bother answering him.
“Can we just go home please.” I say after a moment of silence which I knew how rare that was with Negan.
I didn’t look at him knowing he was most likely seething with rage.
“Not until you tell me why you are mad at me.” He says surprising me by how gentle he was.
Turning to look at him I didn’t see him enraged or even his happy go lucky self like I expected him to be after humiliating Rick.
Instead he sat with one hand on the wheel and the other holding his head up as he lend on the rolled down window.
He looked normal. He looked like someone before everything got flipped upside down. His face was for the most part blank.
Letting me see the laugh lines around his mouth and the little wrinkles by his eyes telling me he must have always been a cheerful person.
I caught myself wondering what he was like before the dead starting eating people. I had this stupid knot in my stomach I would get when a new person came in the hospital. The knot I got when I wanted to take someone apart and fix them.
But there was no fixing Negan and I guess that’s why I felt relaxed around him. I knew what I seen was what I got. I didn’t have to tiptoe around him.
“Are you gonna answer my fucking question or stare at my face all day?” Negan asked looked at me pulling me from my thoughts.
Taking a breath I pushed it thru my nose and turned to look out the windshield.
“I’m not mad at you Negan.” I say honestly.
“Then what the hell is going on with you?” He asked almost sounding normal.
“I just betrayed everyone that always had my back. I took there kindness and turned it to ash.” I say looking back at him.
“You made the smart choice. Rick will thank you one day.”
“You don’t know Rick.” I say under my breath.
“You think I’m some monster don't you?” He asks smirking a spark in his eye telling me he enjoyed being that way.
“No. I think you and Rick are similar. I think you would honestly work things out if one wasn't trying to dominate the other.”
“See I’m still the fucking bad guy in that picture how is that fucking fair?”
“I don’t see you as the bad guy.” I say looking over at him.
“What do you see me as then?” He asks lifting an eyebrow smirking.
“An overly cocky man with one to many wives.” I say trying to lighten the mood I was never one for deep conversations.
“Well we all see that.” He says laughing and starting the truck.
Well trying to. All the could be heard was the revving of the engine.
“Oh you got to be shitin me.” He says trying it again only for the starter to grind but never turn over.
“Fucking hell!” He says smacking the steering wheel.
“Want me to look at it?”
“What the hell do you know about cars angel?” He asked looking at me.
“About this much.” I say holding up my hand my pointer finger and thumb only a half and inch from touching each other.
“Guessed as much.” He says opening the door and jumping out of the truck.
“Stay here.” He says moving around the truck.
“Where am I gonna go to?” I ask sticking my head out the window.
I earn one of his belting laughs making me giggle.
Shaking my head I lean back on the seat and close my eyes. The only sound was Negan mumbling curses to himself.
We were parked next to an overgrown field the wind making it sway and dance from side to side. The air was muggy and sticky making me welcome the breeze
Guessing we were going to be here a while I decided to enjoy myself. Opening the door I prop my feet on the rolled down window.
Leaning my head back I close my eyes and sing softly to myself.
I was just starting to drift off when Negan slammed the hood down and let out curse.
“Well she is fucking fried.” He says climbing into the truck.
“What’s wrong with it?” I say pulling my feet back into the car and shutting the door.
“The hell if I know.” He grumbles crossing his arms like a toddler not getting his way.
I couldn’t help the laugh that left my mouth.
“What the fuck are giggling about?”
“You.” I say honestly putting my feet in the dash figuring we would be here a while.
“Care to explain?”
“Nah. I think I’ll keep it to myself.” I say not fighting the grin on my face.
“Y/N.” Negan says making me open my eyes and look at him.
I jump when I find his face only an inch from mine.
“Tell me, or I’ll make you.” He says smirking down at me. His eyes bright as if he was planning something.
“Make me?” I ask lifting an eyebrow.
He didn’t get a chance to try before the sound of loud groans filled our ears. I looked thru the dash expecting to see a walker close to the truck. I was mistaken by a small horde coming straight for the truck.
“Damn it.” Negan says reaching for Lucille I stop him by placing my hand on his forearm.
“Don’t there are too many for us. Roll up your window.” I say turning to do mine.
“Darling I don’t think a piece of glass-.”
“Negan just stop arguing and do it! Leave a crack in the top though so we don’t suffocate.”  I don’t know if it was my tone or the look on my face but Negan turned to roll up his window only leaving a inch gap at the top.
Climbing in the floor I looked up at Negan to see him looking at me like I grew threw heads.
“Are you coming or do you want to be zombie food?” I ask pushing myself as from from the seat as I could.
I knew what it was like to share a floor with someone.
Moving to get in the floor with me he kept a tight grip on his beloved bat him clearly not trusting my plan.
“Relax they can smell fear.” I say trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah whatever the fuck you say angel.” He says just as the first walker bumped into the truck.
It was soft and barely noticed I knew it was one of the dead because it walked right by our heads. Only blocked by a door and a sheet of glass.
“Please don’t look down.” I whispered to myself but Negan was so close he heard me.
Meeting his gaze I blush realizing how close we were. Every inch of our bodies was pressed into each others.
Negan having a half a foot on me made my feet come to his shins. His hips digging into my belly and our chest pressed together. I bite my lip and look down when I realize I can feel his heart threw his t-shirt. Knowing he could feel mine.
His was pounding just as hard as mine but mine was not just from the monsters outside the window.
As if on cue on the dead smacked into the window pushed by one of the others making me jump and close my eyes tightly.
Just because I knew how to kill them didn’t mean I liked them. I seen what a horde could do to a house let alone a truck.
“Relax.” Negan’s soft voice fills my ears making me open my eyes.
I look up to meet his hazel gaze worry and something else in them. Adrenaline, excitement I don’t know. But he wasn't as scared as I felt. I welcomed the feeling of finding comfort in that.
“I hate those things.” I whisper my voice barely audible.
I don’t think Negan heard me. He only smiles softly.
Hearing another bash into the side next to our heads I flinch. I close my eyes tightly when the sound of breaking glass can be heard it followed by a crunching noise.
I can fill my heart pounding in my head not caring if Negan can feel it as well. All I could think about was one of them busting the window or ripping the door off and tearing into me.
I was pulled from my nightmarish daydream when I felt something smooth and warm touch my hand.
Looking down I see the wooden surface of Lucille being pressed into my hand.
Looking back at Negan he winks at me as if to tell me to take it. Wrapping my fingers around the bat I hold it tightly wondering why Negan would give up his only weapon.
It’s not until I feel him start to shift.
I’m sure my eyes grew the size of saucers because Negan makes a face as if he is fighting back a laugh.
“Don’t.” I whisper knowing how loud his laugh is.
“Shh. My arm is numb.” He mumbles is followed by a walker bumping into the window by our feet and standing there.
“Well shit…” Negan says to himself.
Both me and him hold our breath and Lucille until the walker follows back instep with the rest of the group.
“That was way too close.” I whisper at him.
“Not as close as we fucking are.” He whispers making not know if he went it in seductive way or an annoyed way.
I was surprised to know that I actually wanted it to be the first one.
‘Not the time!’ I think to myself.
“Lift your head.” He says after a while of us just laying there. Walkers still walking past us.
Much like Negan my arm was numb along with my foot. It being pushed into the petals it lost circulation first. It didn’t help I had a sore neck.
“Why?” I ask looking at him and then at the walking dead outside.
“Trust me.”
Biting my lip I wait till there is not one pushed against the window and lift my head slightly.
I have to bite my lip to keep myself from reacting when I feel Negan’s hand run up my side slightly to brush across my shoulder and go under my head.
He smiles at me as if he proved a point. Rolling my eyes I lay my head on his arm the ache in my neck already starting to subside.
I tense up when I feel his hand on my thigh. Last nights events of Nick filling my head. Even though he didn’t get far the ache in my arm and the sound of his belt still fills my head.
As if reading my mind Negan lets go of my leg and softly touches my cheek.
“Just trying to make you comfortable angel.” He says softly his thumb rubbing my over my temple.
I swallow and open my eyes ignoring the stinging behind my eyes. Feeling the same bugs under my skin as last night I burry my head under Negan’s Feeling his fingers brush mine on Lucille I let him take the bat pulling my arms in between us. I close my eyes to try to block out the thoughts only making his blue eyes and grin show up in my mind.
I open my eyes and stare at Negan’s neck. I watch him swallow. Making me wonder what he is thinking about.
“Where did you learn how to do this?” He asks softly clearly trying to distract me.
“We found a car pile up… While we were looking for supplies…  a horde came threw… Dale told everyone to get down… To hide... I didn’t want to be in the open….. I laid in the trunk of a van….” I say taking a pause every time a walker was at one of the windows. Me remembering back to the day Carol lost Sophia
“Smart girl.” He says I could practically feel him smile it making me smile and my face hot.
“Who’s Dale?” He asks after a moment of silence
“He use to be a part of our group….  Walkers got him…” I say softly the thought of Dale death a sad memory.
“Sorry.” He says sounding sincere.
I shrug as respons it being so long now I barely remember what Dale looked like. It’s funny how in the apocalypse everything seemed longer.
Me and Negan stay that way. In silence him wrapped around me Lucille’s barbs pricking my back when Negan wrapped his arm around my middle.
It was dark before the moans and growls stopped but neither me or Negan moved from where we where.
We were safe in our bubble and I didn’t want to leave it any time soon.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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Shakespearean - Update
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Chapter 5 - Tim
Story Summary:
Jason didn't know how he managed to get into college at all, let alone such a good one, but he was determined not to mess it up.
Of course, it was after he made that decision that everything went to hell.
Chapter Summary:
Timmy's POV! Yay!
Tim puts Jay's phone number to good use, has a mini-heart-attack, and then does his hair up all nice.
It's not a date...
Tim was actually kind of happy.
He hadn't been able to say that in a long time, if ever. When his parents were still alive, his dad worked a lot, his mom socialized, and the staff changed every year or two because his mom was picky and easily angered. When they died, he was obviously upset. He mourned and grieved for a long time, which eventually stopped when he became part of Bruce's family. Dick was actually a pretty cool older brother, Alfred was kind of like a grandfather to him, and he had bonded with Bruce as they worked together to find his parents' killer.
Over the years he got more siblings. Steph, Cass, Damian, and even Babs came to be family over the years. Steph was cool, fun to argue with, and always doing crazy things. Cass was dependable, sturdy, and the least judgmental person Tim had ever met. Babs was the most badass surrogate sister anyone could ever have, and she totally understood his love for technology and computers. Even Damian had his upsides, though the little brat didn't show it very often.
As Clark and his son, Connor, became like a second family, Tim's life improved even further. He had had few good friends in his life before Connor. Bart was a good friend, but he lived so far away that it prevented them from really being close, and he was the kind of guy that was fun to hang out with but hard to be serious with. Connor could do whatever was needed of him, and he could do it well.
But he still couldn't really say he was happy. Content, maybe. He didn't really have much to complain about, and even if he did, he wouldn't ever have let himself. There were lots of good things in his life, but there was a certain weight that had hung over him like a cloud, a weight he had never been able to name, and still couldn't.
But something about Jason...
He made Tim smile and laugh. He didn't treat him like a rich kid, didn't treat him like he was fragile because of what happened to his parents. Con didn't do either of those things either, but Con was different anyway, being practically family and having grown up in close proximity to the Waynes and other wealthy families.
Tim could tell Jason had lived a hard life. There was a certain glint in his gray eyes, the glint of steel, that spoke of experience, knowledge, and pain beyond what Tim could imagine. But there was also a certain light, a measure of determination to not let the worst times overcome the good, to not let his past mess up his future, to move forward, move on, and move upward towards a potential that was obvious just by looking at him.
Tim couldn't help but smile as he looked at Jason's contact in his phone. Jason Todd. It was a good name. Tim liked it. Regardless, Tim liked nicknames for contacts even more. He smirked to himself as he changed it from Jason's name to, 'Shakespeare from the Hood'.
He thought about texting him. Jason had offered him his number in the first place, had actually said that Tim could text him, and Tim had a feeling he hadn't meant that Tim could only text him about studying. Still, Tim had just seen him yesterday. He didn't want to give a certain impression (which may or may not be accurate) that he might like Jason beyond the way people like each other in general, beyond a friendly way. Tim didn't even know if Jason liked guys. And Tim was probably overreacting and being dramatic, but he really didn't know for sure if he was. He had exactly zero experiences with this sort of thing.
It would not fall outside Tim's normal experience with luck for Jason to be straight as a steel pole (those weren’t exactly bendy). Tim really hoped he wasn't, but his experience also told him hope was a dangerous thing.
He sighed, no less conflicted than he had been before. He decided to screw it and sent off a quick text.
Tim decided holding his breath might not be the wisest choice for his health, so he tried to make himself busy. Unfortunately, the only work he really had to do was reading for his Shakespeare class, which would not help distract him from Jason.
Tim's phone beeped. He picked it up faster than he had thought possible and quickly read the text. "Hey, Timbo. What's up?"
Timbo? Really?
"Trying to avoid my Shakespeare, actually. Wbu?"
It took less time for Jason to respond than Tim had expected. Only a few seconds after he sent the text he got a reply. " I'm about to head to work. Working at a library doesn't involve nearly as much reading as I had foolishly hoped. "
Tim snorted. No, it hadn't looked like Jason had gotten any time to read at all yesterday. After he had gotten subtly called back to work (and, sadly, away from Tim), he had seen him many times. Whenever they were in the same area of the library, Jason would shoot him little smiles or random silly faces. Tim could tell that Jason was really just trying to make him laugh loud enough to bother the other patrons (like the utter asshole he was), but Tim couldn't help feeling sort of special every time Jason made a rude gesture in regards to his co-worker and apparent boss.
"No job is as glamorous as it seems. Sucks."
"And what kind of non-glamorous jobs have you worked?"
Tim wasn't sure if Jason was being judgmental or skeptical because Tim was rich or if he was actually just curious if Tim had ever worked. That’s why he kind of hated texting. No body language, no tone of voice, no real cues of any kind. He hoped it was the latter possibility, but he wasn't sure he could blame him if it was the first. Still, it's frustrating when everyone applies Hollywood stereotypes to real life people.
" I currently work for the school's IT department, actually. Before that, I did freelance photography, which isn't as great as it sounds. Especially since it involves people. I don't like people."
" Dude, rly? Do you work at all this afternoon? Bc I got a ton of viruses on my laptop and I've been meaning to head down there to get it dealt with. "
Tim raised an eyebrow, but he couldn't help but smile. That text implied that Jason wanted to see him. Today, even.
"Yeah, actually, from 3 to 10."
"I get off at 4 2day. I'll be there by 530."
Tim's eyes widened. What? What the actual what? Jason was coming to see him at work? At work?! Tim's work uniform was not attractive. What the hell was he supposed to do? And why was he low-key freaking out about seeing Jason?
"K. I guess I'll see you then." At least he didn't sound like he was freaking out over text. Maybe texting wasn't so bad after all.
"Awesome. I'm at work now, so I gtg. c u later, Timmy." Oh, lovely. Another nickname. He actually kind of liked it. He only disliked those nicknames when Dick or Damian were giving them to him.
"c ya."
Tim sighed and put his phone away, a small smile on his face. As his eyes caught on his Shakespeare homework, he groaned. At least now he had something to look forward to at work.
After wasting a good long forever pretending to read Romeo and Juliet, he got up and headed towards the bathroom with a comb and some gel. There wasn't anything he could do about khakis and a polo, but the least he could do was fix his hair.
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