#to which cujo can give
methoughtsphantom · 4 months
Cujo’s ears perked up, honing in the sound of a core starting, electricity crackling and a human screaming. The scent of corpse hung in the air, but the moisture frazzled his fur. The pounding started.
And soon the digging too.
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dyinggirldied · 5 months
The Writing on Walls
The world's gone buzzing after words, written in English and have the green slimy texture of undefinable origins, appear all over surfaces of walls available. The handwriting is the same so it is correctly assumed to be the same person scribbling. They are huge and easy to spot.
Recording devices have been set to see if they can catch the culprit initially but it soon proves futile when the words just basically come into existence.
Still, the content can be weird but entertaining at the best of times but downright disturbing at worst. For example:
The dead has overtaken my town and I'm a part of it
The fruit loop is doing it again
Does it matter if it's meat or veggies? The vultures are ghosts
Orange is life, orange is unrhymable
If there's a will, there is the fruit loop that doesn't understand the basic of boundaries and respects
Boxes. Nothing but the goddamn boxes.
Why is he so obsessed with my pelt? Can't he just call it skin like normal beings?
Cujo has ruined V's life. What am I going to do? I can't fix this
Don't say wish. Erase soon please
Frankly, I don't give a damn
She's taking our life forces
There's a dead kid in our locker
The odds are never in our favors
They are hunting me
The Justice League's currently overwhelmed with demands from the public to investigate this.
Or: Danny uses his ectoplasm or he finds a magical pen (depend on you I'm beat) to express his frustration and occasionally intrusive thoughts on abandoned walls or anything he can write on. Unfortunately, he isn't aware that his 'diary', which conveniently disappear the second he finishes, is travelling to another dimension(s).
He is careful though to not reveal any information, even his enemies. He slips in references from pop cultures that coincidentally don't exist in other worlds.
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month
Are you going to make another part for the Angel and Demon Brat? If you do, please have them fumbling and Damian + Danny taking full advantage. Also, could you do something about Cujo please? I don’t think Danny would move without him
Danny will admit that he is having a little too much fun with his birth father's family. But could one blame him? They made it all too easy. Also, he was starting to see why Damian had been a bit hesitant to tell them about him.
It was not that they threatened him in any way, but he could see how hard it was for them to have a normal relationship with anyone. Just his small forms of affection made a lot of the Waynes' skin crawl.
They still gave in regardless. Danny worries it's the most hugs any of them have gotten in years. It couldn't be mentally healthy. Or could it? Some people didn't like to be touched, and that was fair.
He did have to play a careful balance.
He knew that if the League of Assians found out about Damian caring for him, Danny would go from being a Lost sibling to a Dead sibling. The Waynes on the other hand were under the impression that denying him anything would cause Time to erease him- not that Clockwork would dare. Who would try his spicy salsas then?- so they were much more careful in how they handled him.
Tim was his favorite. Danny could tell the other boy really liked being acknowledged, and unlike Dick, who thrived on being the center of attention, Tim struggled to let people know.
So Danny had small ways to give him what he desperately craved and had a little fun with it.
He carefully knocks on the boy's door room, clutching his pillow and blanket. There was a small pause where he could hear Tim scruffling around, likely trying to hide the coffee maker under his bed. Danny didn't have the heart to tell him the whole mansion but Alfred and Bruce knew about his bedroom coffee maker.
Maybe he should hint about it tomorrow at breakfast? Watch Tim sweat?
He shifts his face into an innocent expression when Tim opens the door. The other squints at him, likely catching his more mischievous expression but unwilling - or unable- to call him out on it.
"Angel Brat?" Tim says weary. The nickname rolls off his tongue so easily that one would think Tim has always called him that. Danny applauds his acting ability.
"Hi, Tim! I'm here for our bi-weekly ritual," he chirps, pushing the confused teen aside to step in. He gently rolls his heart pump behind him, mindful of the wires. It's on top of his gas tank, which he chose to wear so he could breathe some clear ectoplasm.
Gotham's ectoplasm was polluted with negative emotions, and it was giving him a headache.
None of the machines was actually doing anything—his heart rate will never be regulated due to his powers—but it was the perfect excuse for why Danny wasn't seen that often in public.
Barbara had gone back into Gotham gossip rags, publishing fake articles and small rumors on the internet that dated to the first day Damian arrived. This gave him some proof of existing before, but with the "timeline reset," it would make sense why no one could recall Danny.
As far as the Gotham citizens were concerned, Danny was an unproven rumor at best. People were asking about him but weren't daring enough to demand who Danny was.
Barbara was the best like that, and Danny should convince Damian to give her and her dad an even longer, all-expenses-paid vacation. She deserved it.
"Our bi-weekly ritual. Of course. Must have have slipped my mind." Tim carefully articulates. His words are clipped enough Danny can tell he's confused. Danny beams at him nonetheless, sitting on the ground carefully after he finishes adding his pillow and blanket to Tim's bed.
He leans his back against Tim's beg, crosses his legs underneath him, and takes a deep breath of ectoplasm.
Tim pauses for only a moment before walking over and sitting cross-leg in front of Danny. The younger boy pays him no mind while fumbling with the bag he brought along.
Danny began pulling out all his needed supplies. Five candles- each with a different color flame are left in a small circle. Five bottles sealed with wax and labeled with different named potions are carefully added to the center of the circle- he makes sure that the glitter liquid inside does not shake too much less the small surprise is noticed.
Then he pulls out a large book, with the image of a screaming skull on the cover. It's large enough that he has to set it on the ground, a thump produced from the weight.
He then carefully claps his hands four times, switching Tim's lights off so the only glow is the green, blue, pink, purple, and yellow light of the candle.
Tim looks a bit distressed. likely thinking Danny was about to start practicing the Black Magic or something. It's hard to keep a straight face as he fights off a giggle at the expression being aimed his way while he flips through the pages.
Tim carefully taps his hand against a bracelet on his wrist, which connects to the Bat's communication lines. The rest of the Bats are probably thinking that Tim is in danger even though he was supposed to be on rest duty and have tuned into the conversation. Danny isn't supposed to know that, though, since he is not "healthy" enough to be a vigilante, so he ignores it.
"Alright, should I start or you?" Danny asks when he lands on the page he was looking for. It's in Latin, which he knows Tim can read but that doesn't stop it from being creepy.
"You can start first."
"Really? You never let me go first in the bi-weekly ritual!" Danny cheers, leaning down to the page. From the corner of his eye, he can see the distress blooming more on Tim's face.
"I'm feeling...generous. I think you're old enough to start our bi-weekly ritual that requires colorful candles, a large black skull book in Latin, and five colored potions." Tim says obviously repeating the materials to the eavesdropping Bats.
"Thanks, Tim! Okay, here we go." Danny holds out his hand above the book muttering in Latin.
"Oh great, Clockwork, master of time, head my call and tell me the answer to my inquiry." Danny quickly switches to English as he grabs the potion in pink glitter. Giving it a good shake, he continues. "Does Kon-El think Tim is cute?"
The glitter shifts until a dice appears with the words- More likely than you think is visible. Danny squeals showing Tim, "Omg Tim, you have a chance!"
Tim's face falters and then turns an alarming shade of red. "What?!"
"Wait the following questions!" Danny reaches for the remaining bottles, making sure to go in the color order of the candles. Will Kon ask Tim to marry him? Yes! Where will they live? A mansion. How many kids will they have? fifteen! What will Tim's future job be? A photographer!"
Danny flips the page over to a table of data, squabbling down the answers. "Okay, you're going to get married to Kon, live in a mansion, have fifteen kids, and be a photographer. This is the third time in a row that Kon has married you. I think Clockwork is on your side for this one, Tim. It's my turn!"
Danny pretended he couldn't hear Jason laughing his ass off in Tim's earpiece or Dick's voice cry out. "No fair! I want to play spooky MASH on a bi-weekly basis."
Tim is beet red, fumbling with his hands. "Who-i-what-?"
Danny frowns. "Are you okay Tim? Should we skip Bi-boys night?"
"Bi-boy night?!" Tim squeaks.
"Yeah! I thought I would give our hang-out night a nickname, and since we mostly end up talking about cute girls and boys, I thought we could name it bi-boy night. You know since you're the only one in the family that's bi like me? I know no one will want to date me. I'm too sick...but it's nice to have a brother who gets crushes."" Danny hunches his shoulders a little ignoring the way Tim's eyes widen a bit with affection. He's touched that Danny came to him for this. Fool. "We can skip my turn. It's not like I'll have someone anyway."
Jason has stopped laughing, and Steph softly whispers. "That's so cute and sad. Who's been hurting our baby?"
Tim swallows. "No. We are not skipping your turn. We are going to play this game because anyone would be tripping over themselves for you."
"Really?" Danny smiles hopefully at Tim. Tim nods firmly, then narrows his eyes.
"No dating until you are sixteen."
"I know." Danny rolls his eyes "You've said that before."
"But I can still have crushes right? Because I have one on Jon."
"Jon Kent?" Tim asks at the same time Bruce growls the name.
"You won't tell Dad will you?" Danny asks after nodding and blushing. Damian told him yesterday that Jon pissed him off, and with the power to heat up his ectoplasm just behind his checks, causing them to flush, he thinks he just found a good way to make the super regret upsetting his brother.
Nothing like an overprotective Bat clan to dish out vengence.
"No," Tim says, grinding his teeth. "No, I won't tell. But since I already got married to Kon maybe we can try someone else."
Danny's eyes sparkle with barely concealed glee. "Okay, let's use my second crush! He's super cooler anyway"
"Of course, what's his name?" Tim asks picking up the pink bottle.
"Your friend Bernard," Danny says, knowing Danm well, Tim had an undiscovered crush on the guy. He watches with glee as Tim chocks on his spit.
"Yeah, he's got muscular arms, and he can cook," Danny sighs dreamily. "Damian thinks he's hot too."
"No." Tim gasps.
"I do," Damian says over the cons to the collective shock of everyone. "Dowd has a fine physique. He's also great with animals. I approve of Daniel's involvement with him."
Danny's lower lip wobbles. "No? I can't play the game?"
Tim takes one look at him before caving. "Does Bernard Dowd think Danny is cute......it says no."
"Oh. If Clockwork doesn't think so, then I guess it's not meant to be," Danny sighs.
"Who is Clockwork?" Tim asks, placing the potion down.
Danny blinks. "You don't remember Clockwork? Lately, everyone has been forgetting important things around here. Is something wrong?"
Danny allows his body to flicker a bit with his powers, acting as if he didn't notice as Tim grows alarmed.
"I'm joking! It's a joke! Of course, I know Clockwork! Ha ha ha! Why don't we do the next thing on our Bi-Boy Night!? Want to watch a movie?!" Tim practically leaps out of his seat racing to TV. "What are you in the mood for? Comedy or horror?"
"A musical!"
"A musical!?"
However, Damian has to stop on a roof to laugh into the concrete as he listens to Drake- an active hater of musicals- try to sing along to something called High School Musical and act like he loves it as Danny sings with him. He can hear Drake's blood pressure rise with every new line
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thegnomelord · 4 months
I can just picture Hound desperately trying to get whoever was able to capture him off and away. Snarlihg and growling like a rabid animal. They end up with multiple bite and scratch marks that are bleeding but they do have Hound so it is a success
Its js a lil funny ngl -🐆
Naaah man Hound is gonna be living up to his namesake. Just imagine Makarov giving (read- forcing) Hound to get like titanium caps for his canine teeth - like the caps military dogs get to protect their teeth. So hound can literally rip throats out lol.
I imagine the 'easy' part would be to catch hound, it would be a 100 times harder to keep him in captivity if he was fully healthy, which is why I'm contemplating giving him some type of a temporary cripple.
Also like, Shadow company capturing hound, him biting the throat out of a few good men, before being subdued and Graves to 141 is like "fuck it, you can keep the Cujo. I'm gonna go get my men a rabies shot."
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Tiny ideas 2
1. Danny, in his new and very human black and white vigilante outfit runs past Penguin who had gotten soaked when a car full of hooligans wearing clown masks ran threw a puddle and splashed him.
Danny, not knowing who this was, tapped him on the shoulder as he ran past, running his intangibility through the man and letting the water fall off him, leaving him nice and dry again.
Penguin makes note to pay both back in very different ways.
2. Phantom, having been exorcisized from Amity Park and essentially banished and unable to return, roams around the multiverse looking for something to do.
Upon coming across the creepiest doll hes ever seen in a trash bin, he decides to mess with some local bat themed vigilantes and possesses the doll.
His first victim is Red Robin. Danny in all his creepy doll glory toddles out from behind a chimney as his target is running across the rooftop in his direction. Birdy stopped dead (heh) and stared at the doll.
Danny picked good. The doll was porcelain and cracked, missing one of its glass eyes and moss growing out of the empty socket and around various parts of its body. Its dress was once a lovely blue or green velvet but was now patchy and worn.
He turned the dolls head around at an unnatural angle to fix its gaze on the vigilante, its frozen polite smile adding to its eerieness, and in a moment of impulse said, "I'll see you soon." In the most creepiest little girl voice he could manage, using his ghost powers to make the words seem to drift upon the air towards the hero.
And just like that, doll Danny was gone.
RR almost frantically contacted oracle, "Did you see that?!"
"RR your signal cut out for a few minutes, backup should arrive soon. What happened?"
3. Jason has been getting followed around by this wierd kid who is prime Brucie adoption bait. Kid kept jumping out of nowhere without anyone being able to sense him to ask him the weirdest questions (Damian was so startled that he nearly stabbed the kid on reflex. Not that he'd ever admit it).
The questions where things like, "Do you like books? What are your favorites? Can you cook? Do you like red heads? Do you like dogs? How opposed are you to having supervillian in-laws? What if they give you free experimental weaponry? ....how about some laser cannons and a jet?
Jason ends up getting kidnapped by this kid and dumped in from of this pretty girl as the kid tells her, "I went out and got you a boyfriend who won't try to murder you. Don't screw this up!" Before the kid ran out of the room.
Jazz was mortified.
Jason is still on the floor where he was deposited earlier, "So..." he begins, "I heard you like Jane Austin?"
4. Phantom faked his death in front of the people of Amity Park, just to see how they would react to his passing and kind of in hopes of something changing. He couldn't keep sacrificing everything for these people, after all.
He did not like how the people reacted. Danny had to move away cause if he heard one more person say it was a good thing "that monster" died hes going to hurt someone.
Gotham seemed lovely this time of year and its one place that neither his parents or Vlad would visit. Vlad because if he tried anything at all the worlds greatest detective would ruin him and his parents because they once tried to hunt Batman and Robin only for Batman to terrify them to the point of never returning after they hurt his bird.
Danny got hired at Wayne Tech after submitting a wide range of devices but couldn't do much thanks to still being a minor. Thankfully Mr. Wayne was very generous and kept him housed and fed while he finished his online schooling and graduated early.
(Heavy angst for Danny.)
5. Danny hadn't seen Cujo in a while, which wasn't too unusual, but it have been a long time since hed seen his puppy and he was overdue a visit.
Danny pulled out his dog whistle, one normally used for emergencies and that Cujo would never ever ignore.
Only...Cujo didn't come. Now Danny goes on a journey to track down his missing dog. Following clues and trails across different realities, dimensions and universes to find his lost dog.
He did not expect to meet a bird themed vigilante along the way, not for them to insist he help him on his quest. Robin seemed very wary of the Infinite Realms the first time he entered them and had tons of questions. But bird boy was great company and Cujo would love him so Danny could deal.
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rainybyday · 2 years
It started with teenage trivia. 
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were all hanging out and playing games with each other. At first, it was just pvp games with the trio taking turns beating each other and gain more points in their score board. As time went on, Danny was the only one play a level based game with both Sam and Tucker mindlessly watching him go through the ‘Underworld’ level. It was when Danny faced his first pop of color in contrast to all the black and gray did he raised an eyebrow in slight surprise. 
“Why are there red flowers in this level?”
“Their Spider Lilies, they mean death, Danny.”
And that was that, 
He really didn’t think much of it afterwards, the small fact tucked away in his mind, never to resurface again. 
Until it did. 
He took notices of some red spider lilies that were left behind after defeating Undergrowth. A lightbulb went off in his mind and made the connection that maybe that's why the plant-based ghost grew such flowers in his attack. 
Then he started to wonder if the other types of plants Undergrowth used in their fights also have similar meanings.
Chrysanthemums, he later searched on the internet, also symbolizes death. Crimson roses symbolize mourning and Hyacinths symbolizes deep longing. Danny also felt amusement when he found that some lilies symbolize rebirth and new life or how Carnations and Gladiolis mean remembrance.  
But it really hit home when he found out that some flowers can mean resurrection. 
He closed his phone after that. 
Yet, just like any other teenager who faced the rabbit hole called the internet, Danny found himself going back to search other types of flower meanings and symbolizes over and over again. When it wasn’t enough, he later had a stack of books about the meaning behind many other flowers scattered around his room. It was soon after did Danny started to detail the more interesting stories and meaning behind some flowers into an empty journal. 
Slowly, Danny started to learn the study of florigraphy day by day. 
Then one day the trio of friends were walking down the street from another ghost alert (turns out to be Cujo) with Sam explaining once again why the two boys should think of becoming vegan with Tucker explaining why meat was to amazing to give up. Danny only listened to the two bickers for majority of the walk, humming once in a while. 
Then he randomly inserted himself in between the two with a question.
“Hey Sam, what's the easiest flower to grow?”
It ended with Danny going home with three types of flower seed packets and small indoor pots, curtesy of a quick trip to the store.  
Surprisingly, with some help from Sam and Jazz, he did manage to grow some blossoms in his rooms. Even with an ecto-contaminated home and ghost running around the flowers manage to survive which left Danny with a sense of pride every time he wakes up to look at the arrangement of sweet alyssums, blue morning glories, and marigolds. 
(Sweet alyssums mean ‘Sweetness of the soul’)
(Blue morning glories, while short lasting, means infinitive love, trust, respect, and honesty.)
(Marigolds have so many meanings to them, yet he likes to think of them as ‘beauty and warmth of the rising sun’.)
His pride grew into affection, and soon he was growing more pots of flowers in his room - some by his window side, some handing from hooks on the upper walls, and some growing in a small dark spot with uv lights giving them light. It didn’t take long for his room to smell of flora which Danny loved. 
His small window side garden became a room/green house. Unfortunately, with his growing obsession with growing even more flowers he had to either move his hobby somewhere else or be satisfied with the small garden he has now. 
And so, Danny picked up his packets of newly bought seeds and started to plant even more flowers in a clearing near their hid out. 
So now Danny would always tend to his garden, always find time out his day to care, trim, weed, and water his flowers with gentle hands. He would pick the ones that were always done blooming and gift them to his friends or Jazz, not wanting the flowers to go to waste. Sometimes he would press some of the flowers dry, and once he found out how, he started to take his time picking and drying the flowers that were able to become teas. 
Truly his curiosity had blossomed into a sort of obsession for the boy. 
What he didn’t expect was for ghost to like said obsession. 
Maybe like is too much of a strong word but it seems to fit more or less. 
First it started with Cujo who Danny was chasing once again for digging up holes all over some poor guy's yard. Danny didn’t even realize that the chase was leading Cujo to his outdoor garden until they were right there. Danny was already panicking thinking that Cujo was going run right through his poor flowers when Cujo did the unexpected. 
He ran around his garden. 
Danny almost lost Cujo with how much he was gawking at the scene. 
Then it was Ember who refused to fight him since Phantom had some roses at hand (he didn’t think ok! he didn’t have time to shove his flowers somewhere safe from getting burn to ash thanks) because she didn’t want to burn them. 
Danny thought it was a Cujo think, after having even more weird encounters with other ghost and their avoidance to harm his flowers, he left to ask Clockwork about it. Turns out that ghost respect flowers because they are a common gift to those that had died, and when a flower is placed on their graves, they considered it a token of respect and acknowledgment. 
That really turned his perspective a full 180. 
(Maybe that's why he felt at peace when tending to his garden.)
Since then, Danny always grabbed a basket of flowers to take and place on empty graves routinely. On Halloween he would leave bundles of marigolds, on death days he would leave forget-me-nots, and on New Year's he would place daffodils. 
His actions didn’t go unnoticed by the ghost or the rest of the town. Soon, elderly would wave him over and ask him if he could place certain flowers on their loved one's graves, small elementary kids would give him common daisies to take with him and some adults thank him when he makes him rounds. 
Heck, even some ghost started to attack less and would sometimes watch him place some flowers on the graves, and every time he placed one on their graves they would puff up with pride at the token.
Danny never felt so at peace before. With a single blossom he can hold the peace he wanted in his town. With just a little bit of respect, slowly the tricky and pranks started to slow down. 
Little by little, Amity was able to breath. 
Slowly, the death was coming to rest. 
Now 18 years of age and Danny wanted to leave Amity. Already he established himself as a peace maker of sorts, with most of the ghost staying at the Ghost Zone with a few floating around. His rounds to the graveyard because a business of sorts with people asking to buy certain flowers for special occasions which he happily gave. By now, Danny was finically stable and thought it was time to move somewhere. 
But after a bit of thinking he choose a surprisingly reasonable place to set shop. 
Danny set his sights at Gotham and her ever growing graveyard. 
(While he may be a human boy with a love for flowers, he was also a King who wish to help his people bring a Balance.)
Add more in another post: Flower Shop Au Pt2
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space-dreams-world · 6 months
DP x DC prompt: 101 feelings about your dog's best friend's owner.
You know, in the beginning scene of 101 Dalmatians where the Pongo drags his owner to the park after spotting Perdita with her owner and the owners end up getting tangled in the pond Well, it's that except Danny recently moved to Bludhaven with Cujo.
And Cujo wants to be friends with this three legged dog he saw, and he thinks their owner would be great with Danny.
Just Dick taking Haley for a walk before there is a shout and a green puppy is rushing towards Haley. Haley, being brave like her owner, sniffs and is wary of the newcomer as their owners end up crashing into one another in the nearby fountain.
Haley gets a new playmate and possibly a big brother, while Danny and Dick end up getting more familiar with one another as they offer each other to get coffee sometime or to schedule dog dates.
[In this au, I see Danny retiring from the superhero life but will come out of it for major disasters. He is a Morgue assistant or a resident handyman. This au would feature Tall and maybe tank! Danny, which we know Dick has a thing for strength and height. If, at some point, Dick and Danny live together, Danny is Dick's support network/nurse/extra help and can give thoughts on cases if he speaks to ghosts. Or extra, make this a poly with Barbara, as the brains, Danny as brawns, and Dick, while he has both, decide to stick with beauty.]
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ivymarquis · 5 months
Hi loves 💕💕 I saw requests are open so I figured I'd send one in! I absolutely love your work you're so talented and I binge read all of your fics!!
I would like to request fem reader x soap where Soaps wife adopted a dog she found on the streets and keeps her even though he hates the idea.( he has a cannon fear of dogs which I find a little funny) slowly but surely he warms up to the dog but not fully. While he's out on a mission there's a robbery and the dog protects the reader and scares off the intruder. Soap hears about this and is instantly is best friends with the dog because even though he hates dogs he loves that the pup will protect his wife (I also hc that mabey it's not a street dog but a retired k9 reader adopted to feel safe while he was gone and she just didn't tell him until he comes home and sees a dog. it's up to you what you pick💓)
Hello anon I appreciate your patience!! I did pick and choose a wee bit to make the fic make sense for me, I hope you like it!
The Exception to the Rule
Pairing| Soap x Reader Rating| T Word Count| 1.9K Content/Warnings| Housekeeping first- this fic is SFW so if you find it in the tags I won’t be bothered about minors reading it but I am an MDNI blog and I will block any minors or ageless blogs who follow me. Got it? Cool. The author is an American attempting to write a Scottish accent, likely inaccuracies about how military dogs in general or bomb dogs in specific work. Allusions to prior animal injury, allusion to potential dog choking (in the context of choking off a working dog who won’t release its quarry), allusion to home invasion, dog bites, Johnny is not happy, the author does not condone getting animals you know your partner has issues with (but the plot necessitates it so on we go!)
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Soap knows his wife well enough to know when she’s taken a “ask for forgiveness rather than permission” course of action. It’s written all over her face when she accepts his FaceTime call and answers his greeting of “What did ya dae, hen?“ with a “Please don’t be mad.”
Now certain men might have to worry about their brides stepping out on them on deployment. Soap knows her well enough to not even entertain that notion, so the wheels start turning for what exactly she could have done that has her looking this guilty out the gate.
The answer comes very suddenly in the form of a bark on the other end of the screen.
John Soap MacTavish sputters, something he is not often inclined to do, “Is that a fuckin’ dog?” And not just a dog. That wasn’t a little yappy fluffball who can be picked up with two fingers if need be. It sounds like one of the damn bomb dogs always yapping over in the kennels.
“Please don’t be mad!” She pleads again.
“Well a’m not happy, that’s for sure. Where and why did ye git that thing?”
This is completely out of character for her. Soap’s disdain for dogs (and why) is well known. She bloody well knows. So what the hell?
“It’s not permanent! You said this deployment would be a long one, and there’s been break ins in the neighborhood and I got nervous and my friend told me about this rescue group that helps rehome retired military dogs.” Her explanation is all in one breath. “They approved us” (Us??) ”as a foster family. He’s already got applications in for a permanent home. It just feels,” she pauses to catch her breath, and Soap can feel himself softening ever so minisculely to the dog- as long as he’s on the other side of the world, away from it, “safer here, with him here since you’re gone. The break ins have been really scary, they haven’t caught the guy yet.”
Fucking hell how is he supposed to argue with that? Especially if there’s some prick on the loose breaking into houses.
“Cujo better nae be oan th’ bed wi’ ye,” he grouses, acquiescing while still making his displeasure known.
“His name is Kabar and I’ll have the bed freshly stripped when you’re due back I promise.”
Soap is a god damn sucker for those pleading doe eyes, giving a big exasperated sigh to signal he’s letting her off the hook. “Fine. Bit he better be gaen by th’ time I pull intae th’ driveway. Let’s see th’ damn thing then,” Christ he hopes it’s not a Belgian Malinois. He knows they’re popular for military dogs but his darling is not built to handle a maligator, retired or not.
“Okay hang on,” she replies, notably cheerier as she taps the screen.
It’s a German Shepherd, thank fuck (Johnny must be having a stroke to be grateful for the sight of a German Shepherd in his bed)
He knows as well as anyone else they can be intense, but they’re a step down from the Malinois at least.
The coloring is traditional, but Soap’s brain starts nudging him that something is wrong with the dog. It takes a moment to click before he realizes the problem.
The damn dog only has three legs. “Is he a tripod?” The question is out before he can stop himself because no he is not inquiring about the damn dog. It was just a thought that escaped.
“He is a disabled veteran!” His bride corrects cheekily, before much more solemnly adding “He was a bomb dog.”
Oh Christ. He did not need to know that. Doesn’t need to think about the damn animal waking up one day with four legs and clocking in to work with his handler before boom.
“A’m only entertaining this because of the break ins, hen, am ah clear?”
Maybe having that booming bark rattling the windows will keep any would-be intruders at bay. This is the worst part of the job- being stuck on what might as well be the other side of the world when she’s got something to deal with.
“Absolutely crystal clear!” She’s all too agreeable, pleased as hell to have her cake (the dog) and eat it too (Johnny tolerating it).
Somehow this is going to blow up in his face and he’s going to permanently end up with a fucking military dog he doesn’t want, he just knows it.
But there’s no fucking way he can tell her No. Absolutely not. He goes back today, with a potential threat lurking around the neighborhood. He’d never forgive himself.
The rest of the conversation is much more in line with what he usually anticipates with their phone calls being- He doesn’t much like talking about work off the clock although lets her know of any interesting shenanigans around the base, and listening with baited breath as she regails him of tales both extraordinary and, well, extra ordinary.
Usually their phone calls end when she passes out in bed, and they’re perfectly poised to continue that habit tonight also.
“Ye made sure all th’ doors and windows are locked, hen?” He asks as she starts snuggling into the bedding underneath her.
“Yeah Johnny, I,” she cuts herself off with a big yawn “-I double checked them.”
It’s a few minutes later that the phone slips from her hand, camera pointing at the ceiling as she drifts off.
Johnny can almost imagine he’s at home laying on his back, watching the rhythmic movements of the ceiling fan in time with his lovely girl snoring slightly in his ear (despite her verbose protests that no she doesn’t snore- okay. Whatever you say, gorgeous.)
It’s an incredibly comforting moment that lets him feel a bit closer to home that is ruined by the sound of snuffling by the speaker.
The dog’s nose appears on screen, the angle making him look like an aardvark as he sniffs the phone before laying down, presumably relishing in the fact there’s not a damn thing Soap can do about this situation.
“Ye better keep an eye oan my girl, Cujo.” Soap grumbles as he begrudgingly hangs up the phone.
The mission ends quicker than expected- substantially quicker- and as content as Soap is with getting home he also is annoyed.
The mission got cut so short, and it’s so damn late by the time Soap is driving home that he knows the fucking dog is still there. The agreed upon date has not yet passed, which means that fuck is lazing about on his side of the bed.
Not to mention the mere obstacle of convincing a former military dog he’s never met, in the middle of the night, that yes this is his fucking house and he’s the one paying the bills around here and yes that actually is his spot on the bed so kindly fuck off.
At a point during his drive home, a police car flies by him. Then another. Then another.
Must be the fucker that’s been breaking into homes. Hopefully he gets caught and that’s one less thing to worry about when Johnny leaves again.
Except the red and blue lights seem to be fucking honed in from the spot that he’s steadily driving to, and Johnny’s convinving himself that he’s seeing things. There is no way that those lights and sirens are stemming from his house, thank you very much.
Even still, he feels himself driving faster. The sooner to quiet his anxiety that’s brewing.
The anxiety doesn’t dissipate as he makes each turn to his home. If anything it gets worse.
Because all that noise and the flashing lights are stemming from his own fucking home. Johnny can barely get the thing in park before he’s flying out of the vehicle. He can hear screams and specifically her crying and in an instant Johnny’s beyond being keyed up.
One of the officers attempts to intercept Johnny- thinks he’s just some nosy fuck from who knows where- and it takes everything in him not to blow his top entirely as he cuts the man off with a stern “This is mah house ‘n she’s mah wife!”
The sound of his voice booming into the night is enough to catch her attention and bring her running to him. Johnny embraces her as she flings herself at him, crying into his shirt as he strokes her back and soothes her.
He can piece together the general what happened, although he’s completely unaware of the details.
One piece begins to fit into place as he starts to hear what all the screaming is. His initial attention completely fixated on ensuring his wife is whole and hale, now he can check that off the mental list he now has the bandwidth to listen to the bellowing.
“Git it aff me! Och Jesus, someone git it aff o' me!”
“Cannae git th’ damn thing tae release him,” Johnny hears one of the officers comment dryly.
“Can always choke him off if the owners can’t git him tae let go,” the other one supplies.
“Eh, ah guess,” the first one responds in a bored tone that makes it clear he has a this guy fucked around and now he’s finding out, and I don’t see a reason to hurry- the dog looks happy anyway, stance to the situation.
On the side of the house, face down in the grass is the man who presumably broke inside.
He is so incredibly lucky there are witnesses and a sobbing wife to curtail the dark, angry thoughts swirling around in Johnny’s brain. Otherwise all it would take would be one phone call to Laswell and this prick disappears forever.
Attached to the calf of that man is Cujo, happily laying on the ground with his tail wagging slowly like his teeth aren’t sunk inside a man’s flesh. If the dog gets too annoyed with the man’s wiggling he shakes him like a chew toy, starting up a fresh round of someone git this fucking dog aff o’ me! until he lays still.
The mention of choking the dog off the would-be intruder doesn’t slip past his darling in the slightest, looking up at him with wet, pleading eyes.
Damn it all, he’s always a sucker for that look.
“Johnny, do you know how to make him let go? I don’t want him choked!”
He decides she’s probably better off not being told how often that ends up having to happen, and that Cujo will be just fine minus a few brain cells if push comes to shove.
But he has spent enough time (against his will, mind) around the dogs that he’s learned the basic commands over the years through repeated exposure.
“No promises, hen, bit we’ll see.” The dog has never met him a day in his life- there’s no guarantee he’s going to listen to a man that’s a stranger barking orders at him, but Johnny gives the sharp German command anyway.
To his surprise, the dog lets go immediately and turns towards them, giving the skipping lope that a 3 legged dog does before placing himself in a heel at Soap’s side, eyes wide and head tilted.
Johnny doesn’t want to think about what could have happened tonight if it wasn’t for Cujo- Kabar- taking such an involved roll in apprehending the man stupid enough to break into his home.
And he’s most assuredly not magically over his aversion to dogs- especially military dogs- but he might be able to tolerate an exception if it means having some peace of mind that his wife is safe at home.
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thegatorsgoose · 1 year
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My headcanon (?) of what Danny from Wayne's Haunted Mansion by @tathartiel would look like as a vigilante
I love this fic to bits and as everything I love I overthink about it, and I started thinking about what he would look like if he became a vigilante with the batfam. (considering Bruce’s track record, and Danny’s need to help, I feel like it’s inevitable lmao)
It’s mostly just a slightly tweaked version of his hazmat suit + a white clockwork style cloak. I made sure to add a lot of armor around the knees, shoulders, elbows and knuckles and not much else because id imagine like black bat, he doesn’t run in there like the others, instead waiting all sneaky like for the perfect moment to jump out of the shadows.
The mask was originally just the top part, which is shaped like the bat symbol if you couldn’t tell, but then I realized this Danny has a very noticeable scar on his mouth and I’m not about to pull a Jason Todd and have a major definable feature just hanging out (seriously dude cover your hair) so I added the bottom part as well. It does detach tho! So he can eat bat burger with the fam afterwards:) the eyes of the mask are either black or ecto green, which Danny controls by feeding ectoplasm into it. I saw someone do something similar in a fic but I don’t remember which one, but I thought it was cool. I also added it cus Dannys a ghost, he likes causing mischief and spooking people, it’s in his blood! And seeing two glowing green eyes appear out of nowhere in the shadows is very spooky.
Also we got service dog/guard dog Cujo, the best boy, and Nightwing congratulating Dove on his first patrol! “Good job on your first patrol, spooky!”(My handwriting is trash I would have fixed it up but eh). Why give him a scythe, you ask? Well, why not? In reality I doubt he’d use one in this fic but also he has an extremely rich and specialized family, if no one in the fam can teach him then they could easily higher someone. So why no :P
I definitely intend to color this, but I’m to lazy and tired rn and I just wanted to share cus this design has been plaguing me for a while. Luckily the sketchs turned out good enough to post 👍 I hope.
(Edit, posted a little comic of him)
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kimerawrt · 1 year
Schrödinger's cat a la DP
(why does the title sound like i'm making pasta?)
DP AU! in which everything is the same but Danny ghost for is the "Schrödinger's cat"
When Danny had the accident he became something not alive but not dead, but also alive and dead at the same time. Because concepts, ideas and myths can become ghosts in the ghost zone, and Danny becoming the definition of Schrödinger's cat theory his ghost form became that of a cat
Being a cat didn't change any of his powers, he is just a little more faster agile and very hard to catch
But what makes him the embodiment of that theory is the fact that his ghost form is different every time he transform, sometimes he is a black cat that looks perfectly normal, others he is a white cat with wispy fur, also a green cat with red eyes that's obviously a ghost, he can be a black cat that glitches in a way that people thinks reality is breaking around that cat, though the form of the white cat made of snow makes it the favorite for his friends in summer
Danny doesn't know why his form is like that until he finds out about Schrödinger's cat thanks to tucker, though knowing doesn't change anything, the various cat forms are almost infinite, though they tend to repeat sometimes the forms are too random that are impossible to predict, after some time Danny learn to live with it and appreciate the pets his friends and other people give him in that form, though his favorite one, and the one that repeats more often is the form of a cat black as the void of space with stars and galaxies moving on the fur
One of the advantages of this cat forms is that no one, besides his friends and sister, knows his secret, though nobody expects a living teen to be a ghost cat, the ghost just think that there are multiple powerful ghost cats in amity and are very territorial about it, the Fenton parents try to trap the cats putting traps with cat food for ghosts in there, Danny always destroy those traps and gets rid of the food before it poison the living stray cats, Vlad plans to kill Jack always getting stopped by those cats is very humiliating and he doesn't brag about any of it
Cujo is a good dog, he like to play with the cat boy a lot, playing is always fun for the puppy and he is happy to have a friends that doesn't mind if he is bigger sometimes, Danny thinks Cujo is a very friendly dog that doesn't mind cats, though he would prefer to not be licked so much, ghost dog saliva doesn't smell good at all
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lexosaurus · 11 months
do you have a list of all the DP fan comics you recommend reading?
There's actually not a lot of fan comics here in the sense of continuous, serial comics. Typically, people are kinda one-and-done people.
BUT there are two that I can think of that you should check out!
The first, again not really a comic in the traditional sense, is @duchi-nesten's Shared Custody AU which is a silly bunch of comics revolved around Phantom and Valerie sharing custody of Cujo. Really goofy and lighthearted, and I love every iteration of it!
The second is a more traditional fan comic, and it's @tsubaki94's Phantom Comic, which exists in an AU where pre-accident Danny was friends with Dash and Vlad was a good, genuine uncle, and then post-accident Danny is paralyzed from the waist-down and also meets Sam and Tucker. It's a very cute story, super original, and I froth at the mouth every time a new page is posted!
Not a fan comic like the others, but if you haven't yet read A Glitch In Time, I can't recommend it enough! While I don't love giving daddy Bezos a shoutout, it seems to be sold out most places but there's still some copies on Amazon!
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evilminji · 2 months
Would Kouda Kouji's Quirk work on Cujo?
Like? Not enough people out here, talking bout my baby...
My precious son, who is being so, so brave, and not at all crying in the bathroom about it! We are proud of him! He should have a knife. Arm the Kouda. Give the birds WAR, baby~☆
But for real? Glowy dog. Where there should not be. Probably eating someone's Fancy Cheeses and knocking things over in the night. Floating? Uraraka? Did you...? No? O.. okay, quirked animal on the loose, then.
Someone call a teacher.
Teachers can't do shit.
It can phase through them. Seems to think they are playing. Can CHANGE SIZES. Big dog, BIG DOG! *CRASH* Oooooooow. We're okaaaay.
Might be a nomu? Doesn't LOOK like one though? But like... there principle is kinda living proof? That there's more then one asshole out there experimenting on people/animals. So could be NEW problem.
Which now! Begs the question(s)!
Can Kouda understand Cujo? Can he COMMAND Cujo? If HE can not, can a close relative of his, such as a more Dog Specific Quirked relative, do so? And if they CAN... does he Feel or Sound, however it should present, "right"???
These are the questions!!!
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
Life on the farm Pt 3 Christmas on the farm
It took some convincing but Danny manages to drag a promise out of Ma and Pa not to tell Clark about his half dead status when they tell him to stop by. As they said he showed up within the day. He was a little awkward around Danny most of the time. Giving him these weird looks but he warmed up to him before the end of dinner. (Ma explains Danny has a heart defect that causes his heart to beat slower than normal, her fingers crossed behind her back, brothers shoulder be allowed their secrets after all)
Danny gets real excited when Clark starts to talk about the resident superhero, who just so happened to be an alien, and how he’d even met him a few times. They end the night on a happy note although Danny breaths a sigh of relief when he leaves. The guy just felt weird. He knew there wasn’t much he couldn’t take in a fight, but Clark made his instincts rear up. Danny shook it off, after all he’s only human, he doesn’t even have any ghost hunting equipment.
Time passes, the Kent farm gets a reputation for having the scariest haunted hay ride around (take that Carter!) that one earned Danny his very own apple pie. Danny ate the whole thing it one sitting with a huge grin. Thanksgiving what quite the affair. Danny dressed up in Clark’s old suit which barely fit him and grinned as Clark introduced his spitfire of a wife. Danny and Lois get along immediately, she’s a bit nosey but she tells the most embarrassing stories about Clark in the big city. Not long after thanksgiving a little green puppy showed up in the fields playing with the cows. Pa brought it in only for it to pounce on Danny who laughs yelling “CUJO!?!? How the heck did you find me?!” Cujo joins the farm, playing with the cows and chasing the chickens living his best afterlife. The farm is isolated so no one questions it, and then Christmas happened.
During Thanksgiving dinner Clark and the Kents made plans for Lois and Clark to come Christmas Eve morning so they could help with everything and stay the night. That was before they had a tiny green dog to worry about.
Danny did everything to try to get cujo to stay in the ghost zone, and he thought it worked. They greeted the couple and all was going well. Clark was doing dishes when he heard Danny’s heart rate spike and he nearly dropped a plate, scared he was having a heart attack. He turned around only to see Danny staring out the window as he turned back to see what he was looking at Danny yelled how he needed help getting ma and pa’s gift from the shop. It should be done by now but he doesn’t have a license and would Clark be willing to drive him, like right now, before the store closed.
Clark is confused but figures it’s because it’s Danny’s first Christmas with the family and he’s just nervous but as they are headed out the door Danny immediately shuts the door, turns around and yells oops I forgot I already picked up their gift, wanna see it it’s upstairs. Things go on like that for about 30 min before Danny just collapses in a chair and Clark pats him on the shoulder and says “I know” Danny pops up and shouts “you know! But ma said?!”
Clark laughs “don’t worry about it, they’re really bad at hiding gifts each year, they try to be sneaky but dad in particular isn’t very subtle after a few cups of eggnog. I can never find them, but I always know when they made it into the house.” Danny just stares for a minute before laughing “yeah, you’re right” the two of them share a good laugh before lois walks in with a VERY familiar green puppy in her arms and says “I think someone went a little overboard on the christmas decorating this year.” Clark’s staring because that dog doesn’t have a heart beat wtf. Danny has dropped his head into his hands and groans and Pa runs in, grabs Cujo and yells “I caught him Martha!”
Clark just continues to stare and asks “is anyone going to explain the dead dog?” Danny looks up
“Who said he was dead?” Clark stares at Danny, Danny stares at Clark, Lois glances between the two of them before shouting “For fucks sake he’s you brother, Danny I don’t know what you’ve got going on with glowing green, apparently dead dog, but Clark is an alien.” Clark shouts “Lois!” She gives him a LOOK and says “he’s you’re brother, eventually he was gonna find your space ship in the attic.” Clark concedes because Lois is usually right about these things and looks back at Danny “I think it’s your turn now” meanwhile Danny, who was a little star struck because his new brother is an alien from SPACE, shakes out of his shock and picks up cujo and says very nonchalantly “Oh yeah, I’m dead.” Both Clark and Lois stare before Lois responds.
“I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting that.”
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duchi-nesten · 1 year
DannyMay Day 26: Art/Fic Switch!
Treats and Threats
Valerie was going to kick Phantom’s ass for this! The only problem? She didn’t know where to find him.
Good thing Cujo was more than willing to help in exchange for some treats. Too bad he wasn’t very good at distinguishing which Danny he was meant to find though...
Word Count: 2894 || AO3 Link
Did I use this day as an excuse to try writing something for the shared cujostody au?? Maybe...
it referances this comic a little bit...
[Shared Cujostody AU Masterpost]
Valerie was gonna kick Phantom’s ass for this. Did he think she wouldn’t notice?
She looked over to Cujo, who was sniffing all over her room. He just came over as he often did. Phantom liked to think they had a set custody schedule or whatever it was he called it, but in reality Cujo just came by whenever he wanted and to whichever of them he wanted.
She was reluctant to ‘’adopt’’ the ghost dog at first. Yes, she wasn’t as mad at him anymore after she finally listened to Phantom and found out why exactly Cujo was now a ghost, but that didn’t mean she had to like him. He was incredibly persistent though and the more time Valerie spent around the dog, the more she started loving him. He was just a tiny little puppy, a ball of joy who wanted to play all the time.
She even kept some treats for him for whenever he came over and started making and buying him some dog clothes. He loved dressing up, especially when they got to match. And it made Phantom jealous, so it was just bonus points for her really.
Phantom used to insist that the dog wasn’t his, but now it seemed like they were fighting for who gets to have him. Okay, she was fighting. That idiot seemed delighted to share the ‘’custody’’, he kept making jokes about them being a family which was genuinely getting on her nerves. He was so infuriating.
She did agree to a truce with him after finding out he was right about Vlad, but that didn’t mean she had to enjoy sharing Cujo with that menace. He was too careless and brute with the puppy. Which is exactly why she needed to find him right now and kill him, truce be damned.
Unfortunately for her the ghost attacks have been kinda on the down low lately and she had no idea where he hung out when he wasn’t fighting them. She did send him a bunch of text messages and even tried calling (which was still so weird! How did he even get that phone??), but she was sent to voicemail every time.
If only there was a way for her to track him down…
She glanced at Cujo, who had his head stuck in the plastic box of treats. She sighed. Truly nothing could stop a ghost dog. She always tried hiding these from him, but no matter where she put the box he always managed to sniff it out.
Which gave her an idea. If he could sniff these out then maybe…
‘’Cujo, baby. You know you’re not supposed to eat those.’’ she gently pushed his head out of the box. If he really wanted to he could just phase through her hand and continue, but he was a good boy and always listened. Yet he kept his eyes on the treats as if they would disappear at any moment. She chuckled.
‘’I’ll give you a treat if you do something for me.’’ she said and his eyes instantly snapped to her. His tail slowly swayed back and forth. ‘’Can you find Phantom for me? Sniff him out?’’
Cujo blinked at her before barking happily, tail full on wagging now. He phased through her hand and made his way through the bedroom window. She quickly jumped to follow him, nearly yanking the window off its hinges. Her suit making a humming sound as it activated.
He got quite ahead of her, but she managed to keep up just fine. She did have his ecto-signature marked in her tracker just in case she ever lost track of him, but she also had Phantom’s and that one tended to disappear off her radar at random. She wasn’t so inclined to test if Cujo’s wouldn’t do the same.
They flew their way through Amity Park before Cujo suddenly took a sharp turn towards her high school. She saw him growing into his bigger form before he disappeared behind the building.
As she rounded the corner and saw Cujo’s back, tail wagging. It seemed like he was holding someone in his mouth.
Got ya, ghost boy.
She landed behind the dog and could hear his captive yelling
‘’Cujo! I can’t right now! I told you to go to-’’
Cujo turned around to show his catch to Valerie and…
‘’Oh-... Heheh.. hi Red! Uh.. Huntress!’’
That was not Danny Phantom.
That was Danny Fenton.
‘’CUJO NO. Shit, I’m so sorry Da-uh citizen!’’ She quickly raced up to them and coaxed her puppy into releasing her ex boyfriend. Which he did by letting him fall face first on the ground. ‘’SHIT.’’
Valerie knelt down next to him to help him rise to his feet.
‘’Are you okay??’’
‘’Yeah.’’ he said, standing up to his full height, which was only slightly taller than her. He looked at her and sent her a bright smile. ‘’Don’t worry about it.’’
She smiled back knowing that he probably struggled to see it through her visor. His view got even more obscured when Cujo put his huge snout in between them wagging his tail happily. Which ended up with him accidentally knocking over some full trash cans standing behind him.
‘’Ugh. Cujo, I just cleaned that up.’’ Danny said resigned, moving over to the garbage. ‘’Lancer’s gonna have my head if he sees another piece of mutated meat.’’
Valerie looked at the knocked over trash and sure enough it was full of disgusting glowing green meat. Or at least what was left of it. It looked maimed and burned.
Right. He was recording a tiktok during lunch today. She was eating in the library while working on her missed homework, so she didn’t get to see it herself, but she heard the rumors. Apparently he put some sort of new ectoplasmic concoction from his parents lab in his serving of today’s mystery meat. It backfired and spread to every piece of meat in the cafeteria like a disease.
People were saying it was like a zombie apocalypse with all the meat moving around the room. Some even said they saw the Lunch Lady ghost appear for a second before she noticed Danny in the middle of it and left terrified. Which if that was true Valerie couldn’t blame her. Danny’s eating habits probably made her turn in her grave.
‘’You didn’t eat it, did you?’’ she asked, squinting at a small piece of meat that apparently survived whatever happened to the rest of it and was slowly crawling away from them, likely trying to escape. Danny picked it up and squashed it in his hand before it got far.
‘’Obviously I did.’’ he turned to her with a familiar shit-eating grin on his face, moving the thing he caught closer to his mouth as if to prove a point.
Damn him. How could he be so endearing even when he was being disgusting?
She shook her head chuckling and looked at Cujo instead. He was looking right back at her expectantly. Right.
‘’No Cujo, no treats until you find Phantom for me.’’ she said sternly. She saw Danny trip over a trash can lid out of the corner of her eye. ‘’You good there?’’
‘’Wha-Yes! Ha- Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine! Don’t mind me!’’ he tried to act cool, almost losing his footing again. Dork.
Cujo whined at her, stepping from front paw to front paw and cocking his head to the right. He knew damn well he looked cute when he did that, no matter which form.
‘’Baby, no. I’m not gonna cave. Find Phantom and I’ll give you a treat then.’’ she said calmly trying to stroke him behind the ear, but since he was in big mode she had to settle for his cheek.
He whined a bit more letting out a little pathetic bark to go with it. He turned and stalked over to Danny, poking him in the back with his nose, which made the boy squeak.
‘’No, Cujo.’’ she said, sighing. ‘’That’s the wrong Danny you’re thinking of.’’
‘’Y-Yeah, buddy!’’ Danny chuckled nervously, petting Cujo’s snout. ‘’I’m not the one you’re looking for! Definitely not! I’m not Phantom, why would you even think that? You’re not thinking that right?’’
Okay he was acting weird. Almost as if he was hiding something.
Valerie looked him up and down. His eyes were wide, observing her every move with fear. One arm was rubbing his neck, which he always did when he was nervous. The other still stroking Cujo’s fur almost instinctively.
That’s when it clicked.
‘’No fucking way.’’ she uttered absolutely baffled.
It made so much sense.
‘’W-What?’’ he asked, his voice cracking.
‘’How many times did that asshole leave you as a dogsitter?’’
She knew Phantom did that. She caught Cujo in the background of one of Danny’s tiktoks a while ago and when she confronted Phantom about it he admitted to ‘’hiring’’ Danny as a dogsitter sometimes.
If that asshole left Cujo with Danny too often, then no wonder the poor puppy would mistake Danny for his second caretaker. Oh she was going to kick his irresponsible ghost ass even harder now!
‘’Uh… w-wha..?’’ Danny tilted his head questionably.
‘’I know about the dogsitting, Danny. And it looks like he’s leaving Cujo with you so often that the dog thinks you’re him!’’
‘’Oh… you think-’’ he knitted his eyebrows in confusion before his eyes widened. ‘’Oh! Oh, hahah, he didn’t- I mean it wasn’t many times! Maybe like twice! Is this the dog? I didn’t even recognise him, I don’t even remember his name!’’
Cujo whined again, turning into his puppy form and jumped in Danny’s arms, who barely managed to catch him in time. He started sniffing and licking his face distressed.
‘’Cujo stop! I mean! Dog whose name I don’t remember…’’ that made Cujo whine even harder and Danny flinched. He instantly gave up and buried his face in Cujo’s fur. Valerie could barely hear him mutter ‘’I can’t do this to you.’’
That interaction only reaffirmed Valerie’s suspicions.
‘’Don’t cover up for him.’’ she said, crossing her arms. ‘’I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at him. He’s going to pay for this too.’’
‘’Uh…why were you even looking for him in the first place? Did he do something?’’
‘’Yes, he knows what he did! And now this! The moment I find him I’m gonna kick his ass so hard he’ll be the gone kind of dead!’’
‘’… well you definitely won’t find him now…’’
‘’Nothing!’’ Danny shoved Cujo in her arms and started walking off before she could even react. ‘’Anyway I’ll be going now! Gotta finish cleaning so Lancer doesn’t kill me! Bye Val!’’
‘’Bye-....wait…what did you just call me?’’
Danny stopped frozen in his tracks. She stared at his back bewildered.
He slowly turned around and stared back at her too.
‘’...Bye Red Huntress! It was nice to see you, I’ll go disappear behind that corner now!’’ he yelled nervously and booked it behind said corner.
It took her a second to shake off the shock. Cujo jumped out of her arms as she quickly followed after the boy.
She rounded the corner to see that he did in fact disappear. Shit.
She was sure he called her Val. How did he know about her secret identity? She was always so careful! It did explain his weird behavior though, he probably didn’t know how to act around her like this.
She needed to talk to him immediately, he couldn’t just reveal something like this and run off!
Though that is exactly what he did. How did he even disappear like that? This boy was impossible sometimes.
In frustration she knocked her head on the wall a few times. What was her life at this point?
Her thoughts got interrupted when she heard Cujo’s bark and a yelp come from behind her. Turning around only provided her with even more frustration when she saw Danny mcfucking Phantom laying helplessly under Cujo’s once again big paw.
‘’Why must you do this to the hand that feeds you…’’ he hissed to Cujo before turning his attention towards Valerie. ‘’Hey Red! You look very good today! Are those new arm plates on your suit?’’
Danny Fenton could wait. She was gonna deal with this asshole first.
‘’YOU.’’ she roared stalking over to them. Cujo looked up at her coming closer and switched to his puppy form again laying his whole body on Phantom’s chest, wagging his tail and barking excitedly.
‘’Ah.. hahah, have you been looking for me?’’ Phantom said, raising into a sitting position, even though Cujo was making it difficult for him.
‘’I’m going to end you!’’ Valerie yelled, pulling out her gun and making sure to aim it at his face and away from the dog in his lap.
‘’I thought we had a truce! What did I do?!’’
‘’No, I actually don’t!’’
She let her gun disappear back into her suit and angrily knelt beside them. Picking up Cujo from his lap, she turned him around to show Phantom a charred section of fur on his right back leg.
‘’I FOUND SOME SINGED FUR ON CUJO AGAIN. You were playing too harshly with him! again!’’ she put the puppy down, so she could stand up summoning her gun back and aim it at the ghost boy in front of her.
Phantom looked from the gun to her, at Cujo and then back to the gun.
‘’……. Listen in my defense he really likes fetching ectoblasts…’’
‘’He’s gonna be fetching your ectoplasm when I’m done with you! What were you thinking?! He’s not one of your vile rouge buddies! He’s a little puppy! How many times have I told you to be softer with him?!’’
‘’Valerie, with all due respect…That dog can chew off Skulker’s head, he can take a few tiny burns! He doesn’t even react to it!’’ he defended standing up too. He kept his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. ‘’Can’t I just play catch with my own son?’’
Cujo barked from the side.
‘’UgH your SON that you constantly leave with Danny! Apparently you do that so often that he’s more used to Danny’s scent than yours!’’ she yelled irritated.
‘’Uh…I’m a ghost…. I don’t have a scent?’’ he answered, uncertain before nodding to himself. ‘’Yes. Yes! I don’t have… a scent for him to find. Only uh… Only material beings do.’’ he added still unsure and she swore she could hear him mutter something about being a genius.
‘’He couldn’t sniff me out and uh… you and Danny are the only humans who have me on speed dial so he thought that was the best next thing. Yes, that’s definitely it.’’
‘’Yeah! It’s true! Totally! So he did good!’’ he motioned to Cujo which made him wag his tail more. ‘’Give him a treat, he deserves it. He’s a good boy!’’
The puppy barked happily.
‘’Yeah, you are!’’ Phantom crouched to coddle Cujo. ‘’Your mother just couldn’t see it! But don’t worry, your cool ass dad always got your back.’’
There he goes again with the family bullshit. Valerie slumped defeated and hid her gun.
‘’Ugh. Stop saying things like that to him, we’re not a family.’’ she groaned.
‘’Well yeah, we’re divorced.’’
‘’We never even dated!’’
‘’As far as you know.’’ he looked up at her with his dumb trademark smirk.
‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’ she asked because what the actual fuck did he mean by that.
‘’Nothing!’’ he stood up quickly picking up Cujo to shove him in her arms and woah, did that give her deja vu. ‘’I have to go, can I have a rain check on that ass kicking? I’m very busy right now!’’
‘’Wha- No!’’ she protested trying to keep Cujo from licking her face. ‘’Get back here!’’
‘’Bye Val!’’ he yelled and flew off before she had the time to react. God damn it!
She turned her gaze down to Cujo’s pleading eyes.
‘’Alright.’’ she pulled out a dog treat from a tiny storage in her glove and gave it to Cujo. ‘’You did good baby.’’
She put him down on the ground so he could devour the treat in peace and sighed loudly. Phantom ran off like a little bitch and apparently Cujo couldn’t sniff him out. He would just go to Danny again.
Which reminded her. She still needed to have a talk with that boy. She did trust him not to tell anyone, but she needed to know how he found out in the first place, so she can make sure no one else can find out the same way. She should probably give him a bit of time before she gets Cujo to stalk him out again though.
The puppy had finished his little treat and was now looking at her with those cute red puppy dog eyes. She couldn’t hold back the smile that overtook her face. Whatever. She’ll deal with Danny at school tomorrow. And deal with Phantom whenever she sees him next.
‘’C’mon Cujo. Let’s go home.’’
It was on the way home when a sudden thought hit her.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 1 year
Surprise Homies!
Luke Hughes x college vlogger!reader
Sup Homies Masterlist
** I had this idea but wasn’t really sure how to write to so hopefully it makes sense & y’all like it**
"Okay boys, you ready? " You ask the guys as you finish setting up your camera. Nods come from all of them, so you hit record. You’re crouched in front of the camera blocking most of what’s behind you. 
"Sup homies & welcome back to the channel!! 
Todays video is going to be a bit different, but still fun!! I’ve had lots of people asking for a boyfriend tag, but I think those can get boring so we’re spicing it up. I have here some of our closest friends too, since we’re going to play a little game so without further ado, let’s get started.”
You step back & walk backwards towards the couch, where there’s a spot for you on the floor between Luke & Dylan. Ethan, Steve, Philippe & Jacob are on the sofa behind. As you sit down, the boys wave. Steves made a couple of appearances in the vlogs when the two of you are studying together, but none of the other boys have so they’re pretty excited. 
You plop down & Luke wraps his arm around your shoulder. 
“This is Luke, my lover. Boys, introduce yourselves.” Quickly they go around & say their names. 
“So, some of you many recognize these lovely lads, as they all play for Michigan’s hockey team. Steve here is the reason I met these lunatics, and you may recognize him as my study buddy as we go through engineering hell together” You stick your hand up for a fist bump, which you get before continuing “the rest of them just want to be in the vid for some clout.”
They protest “dont lie! Dylan asked me to put instagram handles in the vid. Anyway! They’ve all been playing since they were tiny, and today, we’re going to be testing their hockey knowledge. I’ve got 5 questions, of varying difficulty for them. They’ll have 10 seconds to write down their answers on these” you grab the mini whiteboards out of the bag in front of you and pass them around 
“Okay, lets got going!!
Question 1, and if you guys can’t get this there’s no hope for you here”
“Hold up, what do we win?” Ethan pipes up “The satisfaction of beating your teammates isn’t enough?” he shrugs, “I mean yeah”
“Anyway, question 1. 
Name one of the greats who had a fun nickname. "
“What the hell is considered a fun nickname “ Steve asks as he starts writing
"ehhhh. times up. flip!!"
L: CuJo
S: the dominator 
D: Super Mario baby
E: The great one
J: Sid the kid
P: Finnish Flash
“Ethan, thats basic, so no point. Steve, who the fuck is that, Luke, Phil, Jacob you all get a point. Duker gets a bonus for being the only one to put Super Mario which is the best nickname, no question.”
“Dude, Dominik Hasek!” Steve says “oh okay, never heard him called that but” you pull up your phone “google says that was his nickname so you get a point. Moving on”
“Question 2, name Two teams to win back to back Stanley Cups at any point. Go” The boys are writing as you count down. “Done! Flip them” 
L: Tampa bay & Islanders
S: Red Wings & Tampa
D: Pittsburg, Montreal
E: Oilers, Canadiens 
J: Detroit & Toronto
P: Canadiens & Lightning
“Okay points for all good job boys. Next question, numba three!!
Give me 2 teams located in State, or provincial before you get your panties in a twist Ethan, capital.”
“Bruh I dont know geography!” Dylan complains. “Well, that sucks for you then”
“I though this was going to be stats or something!”
“So if I asked you to list the top scorers in NHL history you would get it?”
“Yeah probably!”
“That sucks for you then since I’m asking the questions. Go”
Dylans muttering to himself going “is that a capital” as the timer ticks down
L:  Rangers & Preds
S:  Avs (Denver) & Blue Jackets (Columbus)
D: Columbus & Boston??
E: Edmonton & Toronto 
J: Red Wings (duh)  hurricanes (hopefully)
P: Detroit & Boston
“Luke, you’re wrong no points!”
“Hang on, NYC isn’t the capital?”
“Dude even I know that & I’m Canadian”
“Jacob & Steve, you both get bonus points for actually putting teams, not just cities. Clearly the rest of the boys can’t listen” 
“Duker, good job you bullshitted your way through that”
“Thats my talent babe” he winks at the camera
“Question 4, What is the dumbest penalty that a team can get? “
“Is there a right answer here?” Jacob asks
“Yes, There is a correct answer, And if you don’t know this, clearly you don’t pay attention when we watch hockey together”
“Oh thats easy” Luke & Duke both say before writing 
“Time!! Flip.”
L: Too many men - can y’all not count or something (direct quote)
S: Too many men
D: Too many “idiots on the ice” 
E: Too many sticks? idfk
J: yelling at the ref (abuse of officials)
P: Too many men?
“Wow Jacob & Ethan, wow. I see how it is.”
“You know we’re normally playing when youre watching hockey right?” Jacob says in protest. 
“Well the others got it right so stop being a sore loser. The rest of you all get points. And get your shit together guys. Lukey, bonus point for the quote”
“Its not hard, you say it every time.”
“And yet, you idiots still get the penalty!! Think of poor Adam who had his hatty taken away the other weekend because you guys can’t count!”
“Okay lets move on. We’ve heard the rant before” Steve butts in before you can get too heated. 
You stick your tongue out at him but continue
“Final question, and you can get a lot of points here. There have been lots of brotherly duos that have played in the NHL” The boys immediately start protesting & talking over each other.
“Pretty sure this is blatant favouritsim”
“Oh Hell no” 
Putting your fingers in your mouth you whistle to get their attention. 
“Can I finish? Thank you. Now, there have been many brotherly duos play in the NHL. Name one duo where at least one of them has played at least one game this season. More obscure means more points, for a max of ten, so for example if you were to say a certain Canuck & his annoying brother, that’s easy as fuck so half a point. Since this requires some more brainpower, I’ll give you 20 seconds. Go”
“What if we dont know both their names?” “You’ll still get the points if you give one as long as it fits the criteria”
“Bro what the fuck?” 
“Who the hell” 
You sit there laughing at them as they try & come up with more obscure duos than the others. After 30 seconds, times up. 
“Flip em boys”
L: Mikey & Ryan Mcleod (Go Devs!!)
S: P sure Adrian Kempe had a brother 
D: Foudy Bros (CBJ!)
E: Willy & Alex Nylander
J: Reinhart (??)
P: Kevin Hayes
“Okay, honestly I dont know off the top of my head so imma google.”
“So Luke, you’re good, 2 points.  Dylan also good, three points .”
“Hey!” Luke protest 
“Shut it. Your brother plays with one of them so its not worth as much.”
“Ethan’s secretly a Leafs fan confirmed. Also 3 points”
“Philippe & Steven. One of your boys have played this season so 5 points for more obscure”
“But Jacob, I’m impressed. Even though you weren’t sure, you not only got 2 brothers, you’ve got 3!! And only one of them has played this year, Mr Sam Reinhart. I would’ve given you more if you had at least one first name, so 7 points for you!! Be more confident in your answer next time”
“Woah woah woah 7?!” Steve says
“What would it have taken to get ten?” Phil muses
“My game, my rules. Okay!” You clap your hands “Time to see who our winner is.”
You’ve got the scores on the whiteboard in front of you, just have to tally them up
“Alright, so here’s our final ranking
On the bottom  Ethan with 5 points. You did terrible. 
Not much better, we have Luke next with 6. What the hell babe, thats embarrassing for you.
Dylan in fourth with 7. Philippe with 9, 
Stevn has 10
And our winner, Jacob! With 11 points!! 
“Can I just say, they’ve been alive longer than us so obviously they’d do better” 
“Ethan age has literally nothing to do with this. You just suck.” Jacob says
You stand up and talk to the camera
“Before this ends up in an argument or wrestling on the floor, Thanks for watching everyone! If you want to see more with these lovable idiots, check out the UMich hockey social media accounts. Maybe they’ll make some vlog appearances too! 
Love all you homies, see you in the next video!!
Luke pulls you down into his lap and you smile up at him while the boys argue, as your outro music plays in the video. 
Arms wrap around your shoulder and Luke presses a kiss to your neck. “Done babe?”
Smiling, you lean back in your desk chair & tip your head back for a kiss. “Just about”
“Hurry up I want cuddles” he whines. 
You giggle as you turn back to your laptop, double checking the title & thumbnail before scheduling the video to go live in place of your usual Sunday vlog. Hitting upload, you close you computer & join Luke on your bed.
“All done” you whisper before kissing him. He palms your ass, pulling you closer & says “good” before hungrily kissing you. You ignore the rest of your responsibilities to lay there together and cuddle, knowing your time like this is coming to an end soon. 
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bctoastyyy · 2 years
do you have more of that no one cares au
I had no idea that No One Cares AU would be so much of a hot take tbh kjshdfl I thought it wasn't very original. BUT THIS IS GOOD NEWS I've loved everyone takes that they added hehe. So um I went a bit off the rails with this response,,
Danny w/ the ghosts:
Sam: “Danny, the box ghost is back.”  D: “What’s he doing?” Sam: “Some lady by the flower store gave him all her recyclable cardboard. He’s building a fort. You wanna go get rid of him, or?” D: “What, no. He’ll get bored and go home, you know that.” Sam: “Why do you look upset, then?” D: “He didn’t invite us to his fort :( “  Sam: “We’re at school, though-” D: “IT’S THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING, SAM.”
T: “Tell me more about this…internet web site.” Tucker: “YOU’VE ASKED THE RIGHT PERSON.” T: “I asked the ghost child, actually, BUT YOU SEEM MUCH MORE SOCIABLE.” D: “Oh, sure, he seems more sociable now, not when he kicks my ass at video games, but go off I guess.” T: “WHAT IS THIS ABOUT A VIDEO PLAYING GAMES I HEAR.” Tucker: “dude you thinking about what im thinking? Technus, buddy, we’re going to show you a fighting game, you’ll love it.” T: “A VIDEO THAT FIGHTS GAMES- THAT SOUNDS COOL”- punches danny in the face- “I’LL GO FIRST, WHERE IS VIDEO PART AT.” D: “Actually you gave me an idea. we play smash bros WHILE fighting.”  T: “THIS SOUNDS HIP AND POPPING LET’S DO THAT.”  Tucker: “I’ll keep score.”
E: “Haha you think I could brainwash all the teens with my sick ass tunes if I tried?”  D: “Oh, worm? Probably. But I don't think you need to brainwash anyone though, everyone already loves your music.” E: “Ain’t that right. Okay, dipstick, wanna see how far I can throw you with my new guitar chord instead?” D: “Yes.”
S: “Where are you, whelp? I’ll get my hands on that pelt of yours, mark my words.” D: “Mark? I thought you were Skulker.”  S: “You cannot hide from the Ghost Zone’s greatest hunter!” D: “No, I can, you just don’t want me to. I get that, that’s cool. I gotta get back to class though, you want to pick this up later?” S: “Oh. I was looking forward to deadly hide and seek :(“  D: “You’ll get your shot big guy. Just don’t terrorize anyone until school’s out? Or do you want to get in the thermos for time out-” S: “No. Do you want to get in my net to see how far I can throw you?” D: “Yes. See if you can launch me right into my classroom and I’ll give you an extra kick to the face, deal?” S: “A true hunter knows patience and never backs down from a challenge.”  D: “I love how dramatic you are.“ 
Mr. L: “Mr. Fenton, where are you going?” D: “Ghost.”- goes ghost in the middle of the classroom - Mr. L: “Which one?” D: “Eh, dunno.”
P: “Danny, you like the stars and stuff, right?” D: “I do like space, yes.” P: “Tell me about the signs- I’m trying to win an argument, Star says our signs aren’t compatible, but they totes are.”  D: “Um. Do it anyway.” P: “Isn’t it important though?” D: “Do it anyway.” P: “So true, bestie, thanks.”  D: “I just do stuff regardless of the consequences.” P: “So true bestie, thanks.”
V: “Cujo only listens to me when I’m wearing red, what does that mean? I thought…isn’t it bulls that don’t like red? He’s a dog…” D: “If he likes red, then wear red more often? I dunno I could ask Technus or uncle Vlad to make you a red ghost suit or something. Might respond better to…ghost red.” V: “Really?” D: “Makes sense to me.” V: “Hmm, fine, okay, but it needs to make me look cool.”  D: “Naturally.”
W: “Are you guys serious?! How can Fenton be a ghost? That doesn't make any sense! He's trying to brainwash you all into believing his elaborate prank, can't you see that?! Am I the only sane one here!" Anyone at casper high tbh: "Wes, I don't care."
Dash: “FENTON!” D: “I’m kinda busy right now, Dash,” - shoves observant into the floor - “these guys keep trying to get me to go to my ancient time dad’s deathday party. Which is a joke because I don’t think that guy has ever been alive, and like, Frostbite already told me they’re just trying to trick me into visiting so they don’t have to babysit Clockwork. I already visit like, every other week, how much more can they want from me, jeez.” - while he’s talking he uses his hand to freeze the observant’s head(? eye?) before shoving him back into the floor - “Sorry, what did you need?” Dash: “I was just gonna see if you wanted to come to football practice after school today. We’re going to the nasty burger after.” D: “Nasty burger you say? Deal. But I’m not into football, that’s more uncle Vlad’s thing, and besides, when he makes me play it with him he cheats every time >:( “ Kwan: “How about we just see how far you can throw a football? I bet it's like farther than like, five football fields!”  D: “It’s more than five but okay.”
J: “Uncle Vlad says you burned the monopoly board?” D: “He’s a businessman, Jazz, he doesn’t deserve to play monopoly.” J: “But dad loves monopoly :(“  D: “Only because Vlad does. Mom helped me burn it.” J: “She does hate monopoly.”
D: “No.” Vlad: “What do you mean, no? It’s only America’s favorite passtime!” D: “I don’t want to watch the Green Bay Packers.” Vlad: “No ghost training for one month.” D: “Where’s the remote, its football time.” 
Elle: “Danny what do I do, he keeps wanting me to watch football with him.” D: “Tell him that he shouldn’t have kept the gene that hates football when he sampled me.”  Elle: “Y’know, that is kinda his fault now that I’m thinking about it.” D: “So true, lil sis, so true.” 
F: “Great One! I am so glad you’ve visited!” D: “Yeah :) ! Sorry though, I just gotta ask, why do you call me Great One, again?” F: “You’re great, that’s why! Do you not think that you are great enough to be called that? :(“  D: “Oh, no, I just thought it was because I told Pariah to chill the heck out and he went back to bed.”  F: “That helped. You stopped the ‘hissyfit’ of the millennia.”  D: “That’s what the observants kept telling everyone until I stepped in, isn’t it.” F: “Indeed. I do not like the observants :( so I did not listen. No one did. That is another reason why you are so great.“ 
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