#transmasc cross
inkblot-skyz · 2 months
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ts-crystal · 19 days
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Transgender and proud 💃🎊💯
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sapphic-boy · 5 months
If you think transandrophobia is "trans men think they're oppressed because people don't smile at them in the street anymore and they still get paid less" you are missing the point so fucking hard its unbelievable
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kienansidhe · 4 months
not gonna derail someone elses post but im gonna plead yet again for ppl to understand that when trans men talk abt wanting spaces to talk about their unique oppression, the vast majority of them are specifically and explicitly not denying that transmisogyny exists, they want these two discussions to exist in tandem. they are explicitly reiterating that trans women do not and never will have systemic power over trans men.
i dont know where this idea keeps coming from that trans men discussing transmisandry or transandrophobia or whatever you want to call it are trying to imply that trans women have power over trans men. we are all suffering under systemic oppression from cis people. we suffer in different ways but that does not erase the others suffering. thats the whole point!
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ph0enix-12 · 1 month
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A little something for Rosa because their lovely Dream and my Cross would be besties if they ever met.
Poor guy has never met anyone like him before and the Dream of his world isn’t exactly nice to him, so he would probably be excited to have a pretty lady friend (and I love this as so I HAD to do something since my Cross is trans too)
Roseverse belongs to @coolingrosa
The “godverse” belongs to me (temporary name)
Og Cross belongs to Jakei
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bunnycuns · 6 months
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dyzzythedemon · 9 months
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You ever have a friend with possible romantic benefits who looks so damn similar to you and you're both tired of the gender roles you've got to play into so you just switch for a while-
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catboybiologist · 6 months
Are you comfortable with questions about your journey to HRT?
Like, mentally how you took the leap of faith from femboy to needing something more / different. Asking for, uh, *a friend*, yeah 👀
Holy shit, this got long. This springboarded me into a massive writing about how my life influenced my personal gender philosophy, and is probably more than you bargained for. But I hope it's helpful in some way! I actually had a similar conversation recently with an NB, not on HRT friend of mine. What's the jump that makes you want to do HRT?
I don't think my experience parallels that of a lot of people's - everyone's is unique. But I do think there are good takeaways from my thoughts on this. Now that I have an Adderall prescription and my quarter is about to end, I've started writing some kind of more cited and developed essay or video essay, but that's random future stuff. This post itself is gonna be a little rambling, and a little personal. Sorry!
Vaguely, I think that the *push* to start HRT was a distinct force from tearing down the internal barriers associated with HRT, if that makes any sense. For many people, I think they have some sense of a mild preference of the gender they would "want" to be, but it doesn't bother them enough to actually break down the barriers to transition. For me, breaking those barriers, both internal and external, was as important as the motivations to transition themselves.
One of the major barriers in people's heads, often without them realizing it, is some kind of inherent belief in the "sanctity" of their body. For many people, "permanent changes" are terrifying, "unnatural", and even if they don't have medical risks, intrinsically *feel* like a medical risk they're taking on some level. It's an offshoot of purity culture in a weird way- it's the same root as a fear of psychiatric medicine making you "not you". Much of this is intrinsically religious, but a lot is actually not. I had a little bit of this growing up. Being raised atheist certainly helped in this regard, even though it was still a queerphobic slavic atheism.
The tiny bit of this I did have was sanctity of my mind, which internally, I still viewed as a separate entity from my body. This was 100% incited by crushing academic pressure, which influenced how I think and my own morality in a lot of unexpected ways. I grew up in a kind of infamously high pressure education area. It sounds unrelated, but it's really not. My mind, academics, and thinking kind of got put on a pedestal on my mind. My personal image of myself was basically a detached orb of thoughts and public speaking. I had 0 connection to my body. But since my mind was everything, both psychiatric medication and HRT were these vile things that could alter how I think and my mood! Gasp!
The final, crushing blow to both of these mentalities was studying biology. And WOW there's so much I could say about how studying biology has influenced how I think about this idea, which I want to talk about a lot more outside of the scope of just a tumblr post. But to summarize- it's not even about finding a biological "reason" for transness. It's about how I saw a living thing as a detailed, dynamic, intricate, constantly changing system that is as much a function of its environment as it is any intrinsic factors. And this includes the mind. So since I'm a shambling mass of chemicals anyways..... Why not be a shambling mass of slightly different chemicals?
The "detached orb" image isn't entirely accurate, though. Because, from an early age, I did have a self image that made me happy. And it was a female one. I shoved this deeply out of my mind in shame, leaving behind the "orb". This was my "push", as I called it before. In addition to a weird separation between my mind and my body, an additional factor contributed to my detachment- a growing distress around developing male traits during puberty, which coincided in the worst ways with academic pressure during teen and preteen years. Looking back, I now recognize this as dysphoria. I don't think my dysphoria was ever as extreme as many other people. But this is why I'm emphasizing taking down barriers as much as the weight of dysphoria itself. It has always been easy to distract from my dysphoria, but it's always been my "resting state" without realizing it.
Linked a bit to the second point is also how I felt shame about exploring any aspect of my life other than academic and professional achievement. Being raised in a high pressure environment means that any exploration of my queer identity felt like a distraction from the "real" things I should be focusing on. The final thing that tore this down, which I don't recommend for ANYONE, was an almost traumatic set of events during the pandemic/my masters degree that made me have a wake up call. I wasn't structuring anything in my life for my own happiness. Going through that made me realize I was going to continue being miserable unless I changed that. So... I started taking the idea of transitioning to actually work on my happiness very seriously.
Being a femboy was actually how I tried to reconcile these things in my head. It was my attempt to "compartmentalize"- allow myself to gently indulge in gender nonconformity and the happiness associated with it, while still not making the "commitment" to fully transition. It helps that most of my existence as a femboy was crossdressing during the height of the pandemic- spending hours on analysis and writing while living alone during my MS, wearing femme outfits while I did it. And of course, taking pics to kick off this whole online persona. I also kind of liked the idea of cis gender nonconformity as a concept, and still do. I love how femboys fuck with gender, and I wanted a slice of that for myself. It wasn't enough long term, and my new commitment to happiness overcame my desire to compartmentalize.
The final barriers were practical. By the end of my masters in 2022, I knew I wanted to transition, I just needed to get my social and financial shit together. Cue moving to my PhD university, becoming active in the queer community here, having an accepting professional environment... and yeah. Here I am. Still gotta socially transition outside of my queer circles, but now, I even have a plan for that. I still got a long way to go, but for the first time, I feel like I'm going in the right direction. And I'm very, very happy.
A lot of this is not applicable to everyone. It's mostly my personal experience. But if there is one thing that I think should apply to everyone here, it's this: kill bioessentialism in your mind. Kill the concept of complete sanctity of your mind and body. Break the barriers and then let yourself move freely across the new landscape you've opened up. At the very least, you'll come out with a more healthy relationship with your cis identity. And at best, you'll find a new part of you that needed to be found.
The other thing I think is broadly applicable is this: when initially figuring things out, stop thinking about what you "are", and start thinking about what you want. Would it make you happy to grow breasts, curves, have a femme face, estrogen regulated emotions, and other transfemme HRT changes? Because those are the actual, physical effects of HRT. If the answer is yes, start it. There's no reason not to. Your identity can come later. You deserve to be happy *for the explicit purpose of being happy*. You don't need to validate that desire through some other random factor.
This got WAAAYYYY too long, but if you have any questions, please, please ask!!!!
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monsterdogboy · 11 months
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A Personal Adonis (Cross Stitch Patch)
Based on a painting by @emptyshellofanillusionwizard
Pixel art pattern development and stitching done by me!
Check below the cut for the back side, pixel art, progress photos, and more info on my process!
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first off we have the back side of the patch for you freaks out there who like that or whatever (it’s me i’m freaks)
I always really admire the wrong side of cross stitch pieces i think it’s just like really cool to contrast the messsy blob of random threads and stitches and then seeing how beautiful the front looks in comparison. can’t have one side without the other!
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here’s the pixel art piece i made ! This definitely took the longest, i went back and forth tweaking the curves and colors for soooo long. i made it in procreate mostly because it was convenient, i don’t know if it’s the best program for pixel art but i made it work well enough! you’ll notice the colors are pretty different than the final piece. color matching thread is a pain, it’s hard to get things exactly right. i’m pretty happy with the threads i picked over all but i wish i was able to find more teal shades that matched my gradient so it would look a bit more readable as marble. also some of the darker colors are a bit too similar. i might make this design again on a smaller scale (this piece is about 8 inches long! it’s about 50x100 pixels done on 14 Aida cross stitch fabric. if there is a next time i want to do it in a smaller weave fabric) and that will give me a chance to work on the colors.
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And here’s a couple progress photos! I was regularly sending my girlfriend pictures while i worked on it so i have way more but here’s the main checkpoints. the final picture is the finished patch but without the red lines if you want a clear look at the full stitching.
and that’s about all i got! if you have any questions about my process or anything else to share with me feel free to shoot me an ask or a message, i’d be more than happy to answer!
once again ty for reading and enjoying my work, plz like/reblog/share if you could, i’ve never had anything blow up but if anything was going to i really want it to be this. this project meant a lot to me. and also please go check out the original artist, hado, and give them some love and support as well! i wouldn’t have been able to make this piece if ey hadn’t inspired me and given me permission to make it!
be excellent to each other <3
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your-pal-nebula · 21 days
I love Animal Crossing because it allows me to finally fulfill my dreams of being a boy who wears a dress and a flower crown running around at night catching scorpions and tarantulas for profit
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transgendertempeh · 1 year
The trans experience of restarting your animal crossing island so that Tom Nook will stop dead naming you
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batpoisonz · 4 months
what are all the flags in your intro? :D /genq
I LOVE ANSWERING THESE TY FOR ASKING I will go in order for u and go in as much depth as I can!!
good faith 4 good faith
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made by @stainedlenses! I believe (correct me if I am wrong) that it is for people who support good faith identities and would prefer to be partners with somebody else who is also a good faith supporter :3c (as in supporting all good faith identities such as mspec lesbians)
masculine-identified feminine-aligned cross-aligned flag
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I made this one! it's for anybody who identifies as cross aligned and identifies as a masculine gender, but aligns with a feminine gender. for example im transfemmasc intersex and I identify as a man, but im aligned with any fiaspec genders (I think that's the right term).
transfem flag
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also made by me! originally this was just supposed to be an "intersex transfem" flag but because the transfem community doesn't ENTIRELY have a flag we have agreed on (same with the transmasc community) I wanted to make it for just anybody who is transfem of any variant. I was also really exclusionary when I made it and decided on the flag with votes so I want to repurpose it for people who aren't exclusionary.
I know we have the pink and blue transfem and transmasc flags but as an intersex person I just wanted to stay away from them bc of all the discourse and potential false information cuz idk who to trust atp.
turigirl flag
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idk who made this but basically for any turian/veldian/gay person who identifies as a girl in some way! it's the counterpart for lesboy!
inclusive dawn lesbian flag
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made by @redtail-lol! imo it's really pretty, but basically I'm using it in place of the mainstream/sunset lesbian flag bc 1.) it was made by a bi lesbian 2.) it was made by somebody who is inclusive 3.) it isn't 2 flags smashed together so it has originality (which taking inspo is fine, u can have originality while taking inspo but the sunset flag didn't have that), and more! these are all reasons to use the dawn flag over using the sunset flag, in my personal preference. u don't have to use it!
lesboy flag
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counterpart to turigirl, for anybody who identifies as a lesbian and a boy in some way!
lunian lesbian flag (idk why this one is smaller)
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for lesbians who want to specify they're mspec without an mspec label/for lesbians who want to include lesbians of all genders!
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for anybody who is intersex and cannot specifically pinpoint what their gender is due to having a unique connection to gender/feels like no current terms completely match their gender or one of their genders/is fluid around what terms they use due to not knowing which one fits best. I also made this flag and coined the term!
7 stripe Sappho lesbian flag
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made by @thepokedexisgay! for anybody who is a lesbian and wants to use the Sappho flag or this one I believe!! I use it instead of the mainstream one as well bc it's more inclusive and doesn't have connections to any sort of bigotry or racism. nor does it include any part of the lipstick flag which I am uncomfortable with
I think that's all of them! I hope this helps you!
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ts-crystal · 19 days
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It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.
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sweetlittlestarbursts · 3 months
Real power is being a closeted nonbinary transmasc and wearing skirts when your dad tells you to because now you can be a femboy for the day on top of being trans and gay. Thx dad<3 uwu
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assi9 · 1 month
Vampires diagnosed me with wrong gender at the blood drive today
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bunnycuns · 6 months
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(there transmen)
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