#trying desperately not to be embarrassed about this but its funny to ME! if nobody votes I DID!!!!!
p2iimon · 6 months
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im gonna draw as many fnaf (human sorry) characters as a can until i get bored. and i thought it would be funny to include a smash or pass. LOL. starting with sammy. the most important character in the fnaf series
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lunetoone · 9 months
dont ignore me
s: harry cant stop looking at cho, leading to you ignoring him for a period of days. he can't handle it so he decides to disperse the situation himself.
harry j potter x fem!reader
five days. five days you've neglected harry, five days youve neglected his needs for you and his desperate need of your attention. he tries so hard to talk to you before you leave potions class but you talk to pansy so lively without sparing him a glance.
the reasoning behind the avoidance was he couldn't keep his eyes off of cho five days prior. sure you two arent in a relationship but does that mean all the late nights hookups and secret kisses in between classes meant nothing to him?
you skipped dinner that night, eager to finish the book you've picked up a couple days back. the girls dorm was empty, setting your mind at ease, just the thought of the quiet book read is making you excited. although upon opening your dorm room you find yourself quite surprise, or interested.
harry james potter, the boy who lived, a powerful wizard on his knees staring up at you with glossy eyes. you fight back a smirk, "what are you doing doing here potter." you cross your arms trying your best to not jump and giggle at this sight.
"please, look at me in class" he grabs your hand and place your palm on his cheek, leaning on it "please, touch me like this when nobody is looking" the desperateness of his voice made you tingle. he brought your palm to his lips, kissing it while his eyes focused on your own pupils. "i miss you, stop ignoring me. I'll make it up to you"
you wanted to strip naked right then and there with the way hes looking at you. "why should i? go get cho to do these things to you" a tear ran down his cheeks and you felt yourself becoming more excited by the second. your palm now in-between his hands, hes holding it dear "i want you, please i dont need cho, just you." his begging so nicely how could you deny?
"show me how much you really want me then" with no hesitation he stands up and pull you in a kiss, hands having its own mind exploring your beautiful body.
you melt in the kiss, your hands on his chest gradually going lower. when your hands reach his lower abdomen his breath hitches and you smirk in the kiss. his hand now on your neck pulling you further in the kiss. you hands tease on his crotch, palming it harry lets out a high pitch moan. "shit y/n, its been five days i might explode just by your touch"
you laugh at his joke, he continues kissing you, his mouth now on your neck. your hands palm his clothed cock slowly, teasing it by stroking it up and down. his moans and pauses from kissing you indicates just how much hes been waiting on this. you decide to tease him further by kissing his neck, the beautiful moans he lets out was music to your ears. the teasing of his dick and the feeling of your warm tongue on his neck is sending waves of pleasure to harry.
you push him on your bed on get on top of him, grinding your clothed wet cunt on his own clothes private. his head now in the nook of your neck hand gripping your waist tightly. you let out a small moan in his ear and bite it playfully and harry just snapped.
"ah.. fuck y/n" he bites your neck and moans, body flinching and breaths faced. "oh my god harry did you just-" "please, im embarrassed as it is, don't point it out" you laugh to yourself and he sits up properly, pouting.
they way his hair clung to his forehead from sweat made you lick your lips. "ill make it up to you y/n.. just dont tell anybody about this" "oh.. i dont know, i think ron and hermione would love this story" you gasp in surprise when he grabs you by the waist to pin you down, body hovering over you. "you won't find it so funny when i fuck that attitude out of you"
"dont forget harry, we're just friends" "fuck that, tonight we're more than friends.. im going to-" his seducing words were cut off by giggles of girls outside the door, "just when it was getting good"
"harry??? how am i going to explain this?" "dont worry love, ive brought my invisibility cloak" he kisses your lips and puts on the cloak, just in time for the girls to come in. "oh y/n! there you are, im surprised you aren't with harry, he too wasn't at dinner. i hope you two still aren't fighting" hermione puts her books on the table, while looking at you concerning. you stare at the spot harry was on knowing he's still there "dont worry hermione, all is well" you wink to the blank wall and smile to yourself.
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pseudowho · 7 months
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He was your first boyfriend. You were his first real connection with someone outside the Jujutsu world. And it's not that he intended to catfish you...he really didn't.
SFW, fluff, a bit of angst.
You were fifteen, when you got your first boyfriend.
At least-- you saw him that way. He was your penpal, first. Your...oddity had left you lonely. Isolated. Friendships were hard, and functioning like you didn't see monsters on every street corner, every underpass, was even harder.
With numerous psychological assessments before the age of ten, seeing your mother and father in tears outside the Psychiatrist's office...no. It would not do. You told nobody else after that, simply living in your haunted little world, head down, desperate not to be noticed by them.
You soothed yourself to sleep every night, imagining lilac clouds and fields of wildflowers, instead of blackened fingers closing, bone-brittle, round the edges of your wardrobe.
He went by 'Panda'-- a cute pseudonym, and how he had signed off all of his letters, ever since you had matched with him on the Pen Pal Seeker website.
And how you loved him. Despite his dreadful handwriting, his thoughts were sincere, warm without being patronising, funny and abstract in the most oddly conversational way. He poured his heart out to you, and you to him. You yearned to know him better, but delighted in the mystery of a secret lover.
Panda had just a father, one older brother and one older sister. He went to a boarding school. He took hand-to-hand combat as a sport. His best friend was quiet, but tough and kind.
And he saw the monsters too. At first you were doubtful, your pen hesitating on the page. Do I tell him? He'll think I'm a freak. I probably won't even get a letter back...you told yourself all this, as you wrote yourself bare to him. As you posted the letter. As you waited, chewing your nails to stubs, certain you had royally screwed up.
The clatter of the letter box. Your frantic footsteps tumbling down the stairs, shoving your father aside-- "hey kiddo, where's the fire?"-- to reach the stack of post first, seeing your name in his hand--
...and his words. Oh, you loved him so.
You're not alone! I can see them too. Lots of us can at my school. Try not to let them notice you looking...
You kicked backwards onto your bed, the letter pressed to your chest, one arm over your eyes as you kicked your feet in glee, trying not to cry.
It was settled-- you had to know him. You had to meet him.
Skipping school the next day, you felt like everyone around you on the street knew it. You felt like a criminal, hitching your bag over one shoulder, keeping your gaze downwards as you spent your savings on a train ticket to Tokyo.
The train journey was full of blushing imagination, running through how you would greet him, again and again and again, each time stupider and more embarrassing than the last.
Hey, Panda, it's me. Hi Panda...how've you been? Boo! Ahaha just kidding...unless--
As your footsteps carried you along your phone map, glancing up and down to see yourself wander into the tree-shade hush of outer-Tokyo...your coming here became a worse and worse idea.
What were you thinking? Panda was going to think you were absolutely mad! You didn't even know his real name. He might have been some sixty year old creep just pretending to be a kid like you. What if he wrote to loads of girls? What if he gave you one look and was embarrassed by what he had been writing to? What--
You stood at huge wooden gates, encircling a beautiful stack of traditional Japanese buildings, winding away up the rolling hills. Your finger hovered over a buzzer. You tasted copper as your teeth bit into your lip, bubbling over with internal conflict, before stabbing down on the buzzer, greeted by a shrill ringing.
A voice-- "Name, please?"
You stuttered, announcing your name. Silence on the other line. You elaborated.
"Panda, uhm-- I'm here to see Panda. About...about the monsters. I'm...I'm a friend."
You stepped back, gripping your bag like a shield as the gates heaved slowly open. Hesitant footsteps crunched over gravel, carrying you in. You had not thought about the particulars of actually finding Panda, and you gazed around you, stumped.
You stood to attention, seeing two figures move down the twisting stepped path ahead of you. A girl, stern, bespectacled. A boy, tired-looking but friendly, with big dark eyes and a white funnel-neck collar. They saw you, and shared a glance, before stepping over. The gates swung closed behind you.
The girl didn't waste any time; "How do you know Panda?" she demanded, one hand on her hip, eyes narrow through her glasses. You gulped, feeling dizzy from the volume of strange power rolling off the boy beside her.
"I...we...he writes to me. To each other. We write to each other." The boy's eyebrows quirked up in surprise. He looked to the girl with a light smile. The girl scowled.
"I didn't know Panda could write," she grumbled. You blinked, once, confused and beginning to feel nauseous, the boy's presence alone crushing in on you--
"Hey..." the boy started gently, stepping closer to you, "...maybe-- maybe you should go? Panda's not really good to see anyone right now-- oh hey-- Maki--"
You had lurched sideways, retching on the gravel as the boy held you gently round the waist. Maki looked unaffected, continuing to frown down at you as you sniffled, hiccuping, mortified, of course he didn't want to see you--
"I'm sorry you're right, I should just-- I'll go I just--" you babbled, standing and stepping back, the boy letting go of you hesitantly, warm brown eyes cut with genuine concern, "--he just-- he said he could see the monsters like me and I--"
The boy and the girl both paused, mouths dropping open in...realisation? The girl, Maki, slapped the boy on the shoulder with the back of her hand, and he crumpled like wet tissue; "Dull it down Yuuta...you're making her sick."
"I think...you should come with us, and uhm....meet Panda," Yuuta offered, rubbing his shoulder and smiling softly at you. You sniffled, glancing between them both.
"...really?" Your heart clenched, hopeful, excited.
Walking between them, up the twisting path, you did not yet realise you had found your new home.
"How much do you...know about Panda?" Maki asked, seated opposite you in a dusty wood-panelled classroom.
"Oh, uhm...he goes to this school. He has an older brother, an older sister, he practices martial arts..." you continued to reel off your relationship with him, enclyclopedic. At each point, Maki seemed to be waiting for something that never came. Her face was set in a grim line.
"Panda's not like the rest of us," she stated, blunt, "And I don't know if you'll--"
The door slid open. Yuuta poked his head in, catching your eye with an uncertain smile.
"Panda's here. He can't wait to meet you." You stood up, smoothing your skirt, twisting your hands together, straightening your hair. Maki and Yuuta glanced apprehensively to each other.
"Just, uh...just don't scream, yeah?" You frowned at Yuuta, laughing;
"Why would I scre--"
As a full-grown Panda walked into the classroom, shrieks rang out of the windows across Jujutsu High.
Sat by the little brook, you sobbed your heart out, your face being gently dried by an enormous black and white paw, the other round your shoulder, holding you against--
"-- a literal Panda! You're a fucking Panda!"
Maki shook her head disapprovingly behind you both, glaring at Panda; "I can't believe you pretended to be human--"
Panda gaped, appalled, "I never told her I was human!" Yuuta laughed into his hand, struck by the bizarreness of the situation.
"Of course she'd assume you're human--"
"-- I don't like to assume what you humans think, but anyway, she's smart and kind and I knew she wouldn't judge-- stop laughing, Okkotsu-- can you guys just leave us alone? For a minute?"
You laughed despite yourself, patting Panda's enormous paw, engulfed in his behemoth furry embrace. Yuuta stood, gently dragging a still protesting Maki away. Silence fell. The river whispered down the stones. The sunlight softened in the rustling leaves.
"...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mislead you. I just...liked talking to you. I've never had someone who-- who didn't know what I-- ...I'm sorry," Panda finished, weakly. You blinked back tears, wiping your nose.
"...it's okay. I'm the same. And you're the best person I-- my favourite person-- you've helped me with so much and I love you--" Panda's ears perked, and he looked down at you with joy.
He continued, gruff with emotion; "It's the right thing that you're here, though. You need to learn more about these monsters. Maybe you can even stay."
It was your turn to look at Panda with joy.
You sat in companionable silence, delighting in the company of a new friend. You hesitated again, your cheeks scattered with pink.
"Can you uhm...can I still say you were my first boyfriend, though?"
Oh. If pandas could blush.
Many years later, tied to a chair in the dank Curse users' hideout you had infiltrated, you smirked to see the men around you step backwards from the door in horror.
Beyond the door, an incoherent din of bestial roars, men screaming, furniture smashing. One of the men beside you squeaked in terror, clapping a hand over his mouth before grabbing you roughly by the face.
"What is-- what is that thing? Out there?" He demanded, shaking with terror. You laughed, your face squished in his hand.
"That's my ex-boyfriend. He's called Panda, he's 6 foot 7, and he's here to fuck you up."
The door flew off its hinges with a metallic bang, and the men around you scrabbled to run for their lives. A hulking mass of black and white filled the doorway.
"What are you guys doin' to my girl, huh?"
I don't know where this came from, but I love Panda 🐼
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
"Oh my gosh do you sound like a sim to them??"
Me trying to place myself in their shoes:
"Why the fuck do I sound like a villager in Animal Crossing-- ARE THEY HEARING ANIMALESE WHEN I SPEAK?!"
(A.k.a I saw the previous ask and thought wait a minute. Two different worlds. Languages so similar but so different....... We're basically speaking animalese in another game/world lmfao)
(Bonus: Creator!Reader knows this and takes full advantage as their payback. Traveller magically understands and speaks back causing further pyschic confusion. Pretty sure soke brains have been melted among linguistic students in Sumeru)
-Vine Boom
It has been a minute and yet, you remain my love!! Thank you for your patience, have a little scenario as my thanks for that and submitting the cool idea <3
Me @ you: ♥ ( ॢᵕ n ᵕ (꒡ᵋ ꒡ღ) mwah! /p
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this gif is just really cute thats why its here.
also i have very little to add so its short but only bc im ✨uncreative✨ atm and ur ask alone is funny enough lmao, so once again, a scenario bc vine booms just a genius all on their own ✨️
😭so you mean 😭 as revenge 😭 for this awful deed 😭 done to your speech 😭 you just start EMBRACING IT 😭😭😭PLEAASEEE-
PLEASE the traveler understands it!! 💀
Also if anyone reads this im so sorry ive flooded the sagau tag with language shenanigans LMAO
Ever since you realized that the entirety of Teyvat sounds like Sims to you, (and the subsequent awful reckoning that you sound the same to them 😭) 
You have finally mentally recovered enough courage, and desperately shoved any embarrassment deep into your soul, to try and think of what to do about it
You quickly found that people had 3 types of reactions to your speech,
1. They try to understand the nonsense like you trying to understand their Simlish, it really doesnt work, you wish you could tell them to give up and just gesture at you instead:
(ALHAITHAM he keeps trying then giving up then trying again lol, Diluc, ZHONGLI, Sara, Albedo, Candace, Dehya she thinks she’s gonna get it THIS time she swears-, Eula, Gorou, GANYU she feels bad lmao, Jean, AYAKA, keqing, kuki, Nahida, ningguang, AETHER, Thoma, xinyan, XIAO)
2. They act like you when you hear animal crossing characters speak 💀 you can see the “omg so cute” sparkle in their eyes:
(KAZUHA, kokomi, barbara, KAEYA, ZHONGLI again lol he tries to hide it but you can see the tiny smile everytime you walk over and start ranting at him bc ur bored, Faruzan, GOROU, AYATO, YAE MIKO, keqing, LISA, mika, mona, KLEE literally loves you and you can tell shes always trying to get you to say something lol, Ei (archon), Rosaria she always SMIRKS and ur just- 😳, CHILDE the little shit giggles at ur misery, LUMINE AND AETHER U CANT TRUST EITHER OF THEM- , THOMA, SCARAMOUCHE BUT HE’D NEVER ADMIT IT BUT HE ALWAYS IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO HIDE A TINY SMILE AND GOES A LITTLE PINK-!! SAME FOR XIAO LMAO)
3. You know that tiktok audio thats like Isabella from Animal Crossing singing, and then someone’s like “uh-huh! YEAH! OKAY!!” yeah like that, but to you LMAO
(ITTO, Bennett, KAVEH, heizou, VENTI, Nilou she like nods after everything you say and makes sure you’re treated well in every conversation aw, qiqi, KLEE, Raiden (puppet) + Ei (archon), SHENHE no explanation needed, CYNO too, LUMINE, YELAN, yoimiya, yunjin)
Alright i got tired sorry not everybody’s there lol^
So no matter the reaction, they all are a little bummed nobody can get you, 
…but then of. Fucking. Course. 
(there’s not a single person throughout all the nations, the archons, the allogenes, doesnt matter, who hasn’t felt a LITTLE pang of envy for this- bc as cute as you sound, goddamit they USED to understand you when you weren’t physically here, before you overcame the Universal Barrier AKA the computer screen lol)
The Sumeru linguistics department is grinding their teeth, Alhaitham straight up glares every time they translate for you lmao, Zhongli’s eye twitches at least once everytime they do so, Kazuha is literally trying to bribe them with cool places he’s seen that the traveler hasn’t so they’ll share the secret of how to understand you, Ningguang gets 10x chillier when they’re helping convos w/ you, Ei looks like she’s fucking pouting-
Aether is just like 🤨?? For what?? I’m helping???
So confused he never gets what’s going on lol
Lumine, on the other hand, is FULLY aware and smirks every time she’s so smug about it LMAO 
^ the embodiment of the cat surrounded by knives meme ^
Ahhhh my exhibition is April 6th u guys!
May I finally rest in peace when that day comes 🪦
Cant wait to graduate and just have a regular job and not academia + deadlines 😭😫
Hope you guys have had a nice week or two!
Look out for more posts after the 6th :>
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
Short one but hope its fun my beloved!! :)
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accio-sriracha · 1 month
Regulus upset and slams down the book of dark magic:You brought him into my life and now I want you to bring him back. Bring him back! I have never asked you for anything. I've never asked you for spells but do this. I know you can bring him back.
Narcissa: No, dear. We won't do that.
Andromeda: We don't do that.
Regulus tearing up but angrily flipping through the pages of the book:But you can. You can do this. I know you can. I remember. I found it here when mommy and daddy died.
Narcissa: Even if we did bring him back, it wouldn't be James. It would be something else. Something dark and unnatural.
Regulus: [Starts crying, and out right begs] I don't care what he comes back as. As long he comes back. Please do this for me. Please? Please? Please? Please?
Hello! This sounds like absolute soul crushing angst, so obviously I'm very excited to write this!
(This will be angst with happy ending, and it does contain background wolfstar)
He Who Falls Shall Not Rise.
A Jegulus One-Shot
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"James Potter?" He whispered, staring at the mess of black curls in front of him, "You're Sirius' friend, right?"
The boy turned, a curious spark in his eye and glasses that slipped to the edge of his nose,
"Yes I am." His eyebrows furrowed, "You're Regulus Black." It wasn't a question.
Regulus nodded, surprised.
"Sirius told me a lot about you." He explained, looking a little embarrassed, "You have the same features."
"Oh." Regulus wasn't sure what else to say. He recognized James from pictures he found in Sirius' room the summer after he left for Hogwarts.
"Would you like to come with me to the library? I was just about to return some charms books. I could show you around?"
Regulus nodded eagerly, "That'd be great, actually. Thanks."
═════════•°• ⚠ •°•═════════
Regulus shook the thoughts from his head. They were so young then, barely even aware of what was going on in the world around them.
He gave a harsh laugh, wondering what it would have been like if he'd never introduced himself to James at all.
He couldn't entertain the thought. The heartbreak he could handle... but, not having James in his life? He wasn't sure he ever would have survived.
"Regulus? Are you home?" Narcissa called, her voice gentle as always. He sighed, his cousins had a habit of checking in on him nearly every day.
"I'll be down in a moment." He called, wiping the tears from his face.
He thought about Narcissa, about how content she was in her life. Her son must have been... what? One, now? The time flew by too fast to ever keep track.
"Hello." He greeted politely as he walked down the staircase, trying to keep his hands from shaking.
In truth, he'd never been more desperate in his life.
Desperation was a funny thing, it made you do things, even horrible things, that you never would have imagined yourself being a part of.
Like what he was about to do now.
"Are you okay?" She whispered, "You look pale, dear."
He nodded curtly, the letter from Remus sitting like a stone in his pocket, weighing down his every move. He'd read its contents a hundred times before he really processed it.
Sirius was in Azkaban.
James Potter was dead.
"Good morning, Reggie!" Andromeda called, flourishing herself through the door. Her voice was... not so gentle. Her words echoed loudly through the large, empty house.
There was nobody left but him.
"Good morning, Andy." He nodded back at her. He wasn't sure he could stand another second of this. The pretending. The casual greetings as though his entire world hadn't just caught fire.
"Who is this?" Andromeda asked, pointing to an old photograph on the wall. He had just added it this morning. Regulus' chest grew tight.
"Sirius' friend." He whispered.
At the mention of Sirius' name both of their heads whipped towards him. He was used to that now, the fear in their eyes, the worry.
Sirius had turned out just like Bellatrix after all.
Regulus refused to believe it, refused to believe his only brother could ever do something like that. Especially to someone like James. Everyone knew how much they loved each other, how willing Sirius would have been to die for him. How willing they both were to die for James.
Regulus' breathing felt shallow. He wished he would have been given the option.
"Regulus... are you sure you're alright?" Narcissa asked again.
"He's dead." The words left his mouth before he could stop them, "The man in the photograph. He's- He's dead."
Narcissa leaned down to get a better look. She gasped,
"It's Potter." She whispered, sharing a look with Andy, "That's the man that Sirius-'
"Stop." Regulus cut her off, tears threatening to spill over, "Please don't say it."
Narcissa didn't waste any time pulling him into a hug, she pet his hair gently, apologizing profusely for upsetting him. Andy walked past to the dining room,
"Maybe we should sit down to chat, yeah?" She offered, pulling out a chair.
He nodded and sat down with them, trying to control his breathing.
"What happened, Reggie?" Andy asked, reaching across the table to place a hand over his own.
"I-" He cleared his throat, "James is gone." He tried to explain but couldn't get his voice to work.
"Yes." Narcissa nodded sympathetically, "He is. I'm very sorry for your loss."
Andy' eyes turned curious, "I wasn't aware you two were friends."
Regulus gave a humorless laugh, "Friends." He repeated, his voice raw.
He thought back to the day he told Sirius he was in love with his best friend, and again to the day James told him he loved him too.
"Were you... more?" Narcissa asked carefully.
Regulus looked away. He knew how sensitive the topic was with his family. He'd seen it with Sirius, when he'd first confessed to being in a relationship with Remus.
"You were, weren't you?" Andy leaned back against her chair, resting her hands on top of her head, "We had no idea."
Regulus nodded, "We preferred it that way. The only people who knew were Remus and-" He broke off, not wanting to see them react to his brother's name again.
"So you and Potter... you loved each other." Narcissa held his other hand, "There's nothing wrong with that, dear."
Regulus laughed again, closing his eyes and tilting his face towards the ceiling,
"Believe me, there's plenty wrong with it, Cissy."
"Reg, It's okay. Neither of us are going to judge you for-" Andy started.
"No, it's not okay!" He exploded, pushing back from the table, "He's dead, Andy!"
They stayed silent, he could feel their shock from his outburst. He was usually the calm one.
"I-" He couldn't keep the tears from falling now, "I miss him." His voice broke on the last word and Narcissa immediately pulled him into another hug.
"Regulus, I'm so sorry." She whispered, rubbing his back.
"I don't need you to feel sorry for me." He gently pulled her hands away, "Feeling sorry won't bring him back."
Andy's expression immediately grew suspicious, "Reg..." She started. He shook his head,
"No. Please, I- I can't lose him." He turned and grabbed a book from the shelf, the one full of dark magic spells, and placed it on the table between them, "Please. I never ask you for anything. I never ask you to do these spells for me, but please-"
Narcissa understood now, shaking her head, "No, Regulus. You know we can't do that."
"Why not!" He shouted, taking a step backwards, "I love him! I- I can't just let him go. I need to do something, I need to try!"
Andy sighed, pushing the book away from them, "Reggie, it's too dangerous."
"I can't just sit here and do nothing! Please! I- I'll do anything you ask me to. I'll be in your debt for the rest of my life just please! Please open the damn book and try!"
"Regulus." Narcissa's voice was stern now, "You cannot bring him back. He's gone. I'm sorry but... he's gone."
Regulus shook his head, sliding the book back to the edge of the table and flipping through the pages blindly, "No I- I've seen you do it, I know you can do it. You have to! I- I can't live without him, please!"
Andy grabbed his hand to stop him, "Even if we do bring him back it won't be James. He'll come back as- as something else. It won't be him, Reggie."
"I don't care what he comes back as! I don't care, I don't care! I need him! I just need him back! Please just do it. I know you can do it, please just fucking bring him back!" He could feel his heart pounding, he was mere seconds away from getting on his knees and begging them to try.
"Regulus! We can't!" Narcissa shouted, her voice more upset then he'd ever heard it.
"You have to-" He started.
"But we can't." She sighed and closed the book, "I'm sorry."
Regulus let out a wordless, angry shout and threw the book against the wall, watching it hit the ground with a loud thud.
"Reg-" Andy stood up from the table. Regulus slammed his hands down, rounding on Narcissa,
"You don't want me to be happy, is that it? You're just angry that I found someone who really loves me. You're jealous that someone actually cares! You and Lucius don't love each other and we both know it-"
"Regulus!" Andy called. He ignored her,
"You're just jealous, Cissy. You could never handle the fact that Bella and I were always the favorites. You can’t handle the fact that maybe I'm not like you! Maybe I'm broken... and flawed. Maybe I'm not the perfect heir to the black family throne like you thought I was. That I was capable of finding my own fucking personality, that I chose to be with someone for love and not blood status. Maybe I was never like you. That's why you're doing this, isn't it? Because you're angry I couldn’t be that perfect kid anymore."
Tears streamed down his face, soaking the collar of his shirt. He couldn't care less, he was angry, more angry than he'd ever been before, "If you won't help me, I'll do it myself."
"Regulus, stop." A voice came from the doorway.
"Remus." He breathed, turning around to face him.
"I know you're angry. Merlin knows how angry I am. But you need to stop."
"How did you-" Regulus shook his head, "How did you find me?"
"I came to collect some of Sirius' things." He didn't seem to miss the flinching from behind Regulus at the name.
Narcissa walked across the room to pick up the book and put it away. Trying to play off her shudder.
Remus sighed, "I'm sorry. Really, I-" He looked away, "I can't imagine how much pain you're in."
Regulus walked up to him then, and for the very first time, he hugged him.
"I'm sorry, Remus. I know you loved him too."
Remus nodded, pulling away, "I do. But we can't bring him back. It's wrong, Reg. You know it is."
Andy walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I would do anything for you, Reggie. But I can't do this. I'm sorry."
He turned to face her, watching the emotions swirling on Narcissa' face, the guilt on Andy's.
"I know." He brushed away the last of his tears, "I know. I'm sorry." He looked at Narcissa, "I didn't mean it, the things I said to you... I'm really sorry."
She smiled softly at him, he could see the pain behind it still, "It's okay, Regulus. I know you're hurting right now. I promise, it will get better."
Regulus took a deep breath, "I hope so." He whispered.
Remus patted his shoulder once, walking past them to the stairs, heading for Sirius' old room.
"Remus." He called, Remus turned,
"Maybe you should join us tomorrow for lunch. I think it'll do us all some good to have company."
He glanced at Andy and Narcissa, his expression was reserved, but he nodded anyways,
It was a long time before Regulus' anger subsided. The grief never fully went away, he wasn't sure it ever would. But he was happy now, he was capable of feeling happy, something he didn't think he'd ever feel again.
"Can you believe Sirius was only four in this photo?" Cissy laughed, showing the old album to Remus, who watched Sirius fly around on a toy broom, knocking into things Regulus knew would get him into huge trouble for later.
Remus laughed, and the sound gave Regulus hope. One day, Sirius and Remus would be together again. He hoped he would be there to see it.
Remus checked his watch and stood, "I'm late for an order meeting, I'll see you all tomorrow?"
They nodded, waving goodbye as he made his way to the door.
He would never quite be whole again without James, but he would survive, and that was enough.
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judgedreddthelaw · 2 years
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Black Female Warlock Guardian x Shiro-4 (18+)
Part 3 A
You- purple
Shrio- orange
Amanda- green
Taking breaths, as you look at Shiro beckoning with your finger to hither your way, you try to sway your figure to give him a little show as you walk to show him you want him to follow. Taking the hint, he follows you into down the stairs towards the Hangar and you get to the corner of where you enter the area, you turn to him kissing his “cheek” and whispering, “Let me check on the progress of my sparrow real quick and you should say hi to Amanda too, after that we can go to my ship.”……… “ Yeah, I like that.” He presses his mouth plate on your lips, he is desperately wishing he had real lips and a tongue at this moment so he could enjoy the feeling of really kissing you, that didn’t matter to you because you still enjoyed it either way, because its Shiro and you love him. As yo two go into the hangar you noticed there was nobody but Amanda and one other person. You guys figured that everyone had time off to enjoy the festivities.“Hey Amanda!”…….. “Hey girl!……………Oh, my god is that Shiro-4?!!!!!……….get over here and give me a hug you asshole!” ………. They hug and your heart warms at the sight because everyone missed him and if he ever thought that nobody cared you could remind him of this day, when other guardians who new him talked to him when we were on the way to the party. After they hug Amanda put a nice but not hard punch into his arm. “Dude why haven’t you called anybody to let us know how you are?”……. “Yeah sorry Amy……things happen and you know scouts honor can’t tell you, if i told you id have to kill ya.” …….. “Ha ha ha very funny, anyways Y/n complains about you constantly.”…….You gasp and make a click noise with your tongue. “(You blush)No I don’t!”……… She gives you a smug look “Do to.”……….. You put your tongue out to her like a little kid would do if they couldn’t win their argument. “So what can I do for you folks, this fine evening?”……. “Just wondering what the status is on my sparrow, plus wanted to say hi.”……… “Well, unfortunately your sparrow is going to take a few days luck for you, you have the next week off, and since you never brought it in for any repairs for about 4 months now?! That’s very dangerous I don’t need to remind you girl.”………. “(You rolled your eyes) It was fine I didn’t think it was a big deal, sorry.”……… “You’re lucky you’re my best bud.”…………you go behind Amanda for a hug on her shoulders and she accepts “Aright now, don’t get all mushy on me.”……….. “Your the best!”…….. “Yeah I know.(winking at you)” …….. “Well, we won’t keep you from working….we will be in my ship if you need me.” Amanda gives you a salute signaling she understands.You and Shiro walk forward until you forgot something, you tell shiro to stay there for a sec, going back to Amanda “Oh, hey if you do swing by could you, you know warn me first?” She looks at you her eyes start to go wide and forming in what’s looks like a shit eating grin on her face and her cheeks blushing at the indication you gave her. “Don’t give me “THE face”.”………… “Whaaaaaaat face?”………she smiles at like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland…. “THAT face!” Wiggling her brow at you, “Oh don’t worry about my face, it’s your face you gotta worry about when he(she is making humping motions with her hips)pounding that ass.” You look at her in horror and madly blushing like a red plastic party cup. “Stop that…… (you shush her)….He’ll hear you stop that!”(you laugh) Giving her a fake mad look because you thought of telling her that wasn’t going to happen but it totally was. “It was nice seeing you again shiro!!!!”shouting back at him ……….. “You too!”…….…… Completely embarrassed you look at her somewhat sternly. “Just let me know.”……. “Don’t worry girl I won’t interrupt I am curious though don’t leave any details out.”
You smile at her patting her shoulder “Okay, perv.” She chuckles at you as you turn back walking to Shiro. “All good?” You nod your head and intertwining your hands, you lead him in the direction of your ship. You had Rose messaged him 3 weeks ago you traded your “Bird of Peace” in for a “Ossified Skycarver”. He whistles at the sight of the ship “Wow, it looks awesome and it’s big, it’s the Skycarver you messaged me about recently yeah?.”………. “Yeah there it is.”……….You are staring at it in awe and still impressed by this ship and you’ve had it for 3 weeks now. Shiro interrupted your train of thought with him going behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist pushing his slightly chilled mouth plate into your neck that gives you a chill in your bones, but feels nice since it’s him. You hum into the embrace enjoying yourself. He whispered in your ear “I want you to only think of me tonight, no thinking about anyone not even that guy Erin.”…….. “You mean Eric?” You look up at his face and he moves his plates to your lips again. “I wasn’t thinking about anyone since you…..(you reach behind you running your hand down palming his package)…..basically dry humped against me on the dance floor in front of everyone.”…………he speaks into your neck again………“Babe, I guarantee nobody was paying attention.”
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Minami Anonx7 If it helps Literally everyone I have known ever has brought up that I sound like a literal cartoon mobster henchman every time I call people boss so i've just embraced it now fully. Everyone is Boss To Me as I sling my guns goofily to Get Da Coppers. But I SEE…. i've been playing through the yakuza games chronologically I’m currently watching through y4 right now but id like to watch dead souls afterwards. It is extremely funny though the idea of watching them completely ramshackled out of order. Anyways. 1) I personally would love to play the minami centric side game also + I literally cannot imagine it’s anymore embarrassing a thing to want then me daydreamng abt the side game id like to make for my yakuza OC and 2) SOOOOOOO true I love it when Nishida and Minami are like sort of a awful duo together also I admire your like notes about M construction. I haven’t given it much thought yet on how it actually works but that’s mostly bc I have family who work in construction so I make myself laugh thinking Majima has no idea what the hell he’s doing LOL but anyways real…… Idk if you've ever read it but there’s an awesome fic on ao3 where it’s basically about how Nishida was also a prisoner of the hole and this like sort of implied idea or like at least smth I saw someone bring up before in conjunction idea that “Whilst Minami tries to emulate Majima Nishida actually IS like Majima in a way and the result of that has made him jaded/heavily desensitised” which i think adds a really interesting layer to the Relationship to think abt ep if it were canon. So this is why Desperately desperately I need a M construction side game I need something to focus on the majima family outside of him and honestly especially on Nishida…… tangent but there is so much interesting potential w him I want to see it explored !!!!!! Last note here but have u seen Minami's scene in RGG online before? I just found an English translation of it today and it had me very biting and chewing over A) Minami getting legitimately upset when his fake accent was mocked, not bc it was a slight against HIM but against MAJIMA and B) the sort of self deprecating mention he makes of what good is he if he’s not strong enough / good at smth before it immediately gets pushed aside by him and C) the implication that Minami is genuinely attached to Kamurocho/wants to protect it. If u havent i can try and find the post I saw abt it but. Much to think about
I HAVE SEEN THE RGGO STORY IT KILLS ME KILLS ME KILLS ME EVERY TIME. biting and chewing is a good way to describe it. have YOU seen the Nishida one? Minami shows up very briefly and i can practically already sense your reaction to his couple of lines (i grab and SHAKE him i shake him so much)
its so funny how hes so close to having any kind of depth and then he brushes it off immediately like "yeah this whole clan fuckup bothers me n has got me feelin insecure .lol lmao anyways". like as much as its kind of annoying as a fan of the character its also unfortunately realistic? EYE do that. you wouldnt catch me dead elaborating and having a nice rock-talk if my life was in the midst of being tableflipped. lol + lmao + anyways is the best you're gonna get
also, as a bonus tidbit before i go figure out how to format this idea for a tumblin post, this is half the setup for the Saejima teacher idea i was playing with ☝ because i already know RGG is NEVER going to put any meaningful spotlight on the Family members who've been essentially left to pick up their bootstraps with the big whoopsie of y7. sorry that i keep talking about it in code i dont wanna spoil nobody, in spite of not caring abt them myself i know others do 🙇‍♂️ i'm taking matters into my own hands and i am going to explore the IMPLICATIONS of the BIGGEST FAMILY POSSIBLY EVER going thru what it does. and i'm going to grab Minami by his non-existent shirt collar and i'm going to shake him around until he talks about how this affects him at least a little bit. i'll stop coding this in the Saejima Teacher plot post so you can decide if it matters 2 you or not and read up when i get to it btws
also your point about Nishida is spot on. you don't keep the kind of man who trembles at every conversation he has for that many years without breaking him down and making him (comparatively) jaded in such a stressful line of work. on top of that, Majima literally tests this man like its some sort of divine Greek-mythos punishment put unto him by the gods..... he's absolutely jaded underneath that shaky deadpan stare. Nishida may never outwardly resemble Majima, persona or the genuine self, but he absolutely rubs off on him and influences him heavily. this is the kinda relationship most Gokudo in the series seem to have with their bosses when they're worth a damn, Saejima was ready to walk to the ends of the earth for his patriarch due to the positive impact he had on him, and Majima likewise for his boss, though moreso in the opposite direction. not wholly..... Majima's priority of strength begets some kind of twisted respect towards Shimano. I wonder if he lacks that respect for Sagawa, who as far as I remember never physically overpowers or threatens Majima except for when he's already down and weakened in some form.......? getting off track. point is Oyajis are very very influential to their precious boys, their Family will reflect them (personality, how he runs the joint, etc) regardless if they want it to or not. Majimemegoro has some baller fics exploring all this and it's a large part of what influences me today.....
Speaking of, i would love the title of that fic you've mentioned... i'm a little picky of which fanfic i'll give the time of day but Nishida also having experience with Anagura is tantalising. like that's so tragic.... that's so evil...... i'm sitting here wondering to myself if he was a survivor or.. yknow........ because no one else, in canon, "made it out" of Anagura alive. or, more specifically, no victims make it out of Anagura. Majima was always the exception. either option makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it...... cause if he is another victim then the way Majima treats him is just.... and if he's not then is his constant dedication to him like a form of atonement....... oouuhhhrggg......... im going to hit the wall...........
also! i'd love to hear if you have any unique takes regarding M.Con considering your family...... when i say im pulling ideas out of my ass i mean it. you've got access to a unique perspective methinks. closest i got is other people's accounts and (shudders) ausgov roadworkers i see occasionally............
also also! when you get to dead souls please bitch to me the moment something goes awry i HATE-love dead souls.... the characterisation makes me stub my toe repeatedly in frustration. its not bad and i dont want to be the NO FUN ALLOWED twat but ugghghhghghrghrhgrhg the zombie setting is not handled in a way that engages me. thats all i'll say bc otherwise ill be here forever venting all my nitpicks that i SHOULD throw on twitter but wont bc i got hardcore DS dickrider mutuals who'll get sad in my mentions at best and maybe take it personally at worst
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shoyoist · 2 years
having horrible horny thoughts about telling best friend hanma no guy has ever made you cum so he takes it upon himself to be the first because he deserves it and wants to be your first something :,( eats you out like a starved man and his strokes are immaculate someone help 💔💔
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— 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐑 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐄 !! : hanma shuji.
content: f!reader. college au(?). you're inexperienced, shuji is secretly in love with you. pussy eating, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstim, edging, he makes you call him daddy. if this makes no sense its bec i wrote the whole thing w my clit.
an: (s)creaming this turned into a full fic lmfaoo
⠀⠀ — . 。˚ ♡ "i dare you to tell me somethin' that'll make me laugh."
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“no guy’s ever made me cum.” you’d told hanma. a not so innocent answer to a rather innocent dare, you admit. but he’s your best friend, nothing less (and nothing more). it’s fine.
and there was an awkward, momentary silence for a few seconds. he’d fallen still, holding the cigarette he’d been about to take a drag from in mid air, amber eyes flickering with an emotion unreadable to you.
“say what, dollface?” he asks — using that petname with you again, that your exes always hated — and the disbelieving tone in his voice embarrasses you, brings a flush to your cheeks and ties a knot of humiliation in your guts.
you squirm on the back of his motorcycle, as he turns his head to look at you, leaning against the fence right by you, where he’d parked the vehicle. 
“i—” you stutter, flustered. “no guy’s ever made me cum before.” just something funny that’d slipped out your mouth, during a lazy game of truth or dare you’d played during his smoke break after class.
“that’s fucking funny, doll.” he does laugh, but it’s awkward. “you serious?”
“yes.” you’d answered. truthfully.
and now, you’re splayed out between hanma’s legs, on his bed in his room, his long and lithe fingers bullying their way into your cunt for the third time. “h—ah! wait!”
he’s leaning against the headboard, one arm hooked around your waist, hand firmly on your thigh and holding your legs spread apart, fingers in your pussy as he chuckles lowly at your whines.
you’d question it — question what the fuck was happening, if he just wasn’t so fucking hot and making you feel so fucking good.
“that’s it,” he smirks, as you drop your head against his chest, grabbing onto his wrist, desperately trying to close your legs as he effortlessly draws another orgasm out of you. “that’s it ... ya look fuckin’ cute when you’re cumming.”
he laughs when you try to look up at him and scowl, eyes fluttering and rolling back into your head when he uses the hand that’s not busy fucking your pussy to land a slap on your clit. 
you moan again, and he laughs. “see? atta girl, so pretty when you cum. tellin’ me nobody’s ever seen you like this?” 
you dont answer, too busy trying to blink back the wave of dizziness that’s washing over you with the bliss hanma’s giving you, on his fingers alone.
the inked kanji on the back of his hand flashes darkly, sin bobbing up and down between your legs, shiny with your slick, as hanma curls his fingers into your tight, clenching walls and rasps into the shell of your ear, “asked you a question, dollface.”
“nobody,” you gasp, for some reason so nervous yet so turned on, by the demanding, challenging edge to his tone. “nobody, hanma— ah!”
“tch, it’s shuji, sweetheart.” he pinches your clit, laughs when your knees jerk up at the sensation. 
his voice goes a little softer as he continues, thinking you wouldn’t notice the hint of jealousy and longing in his voice with the state you’re in. “gonna keep me just your friend, just your ol’ buddy hanma-kun even after i take you on my bed, fuck you on my fingers ’n make you cum over ’n over again?”
“a—mngh, ’m sorry, shuji,” you whine, too enamoured by how he feels to argue, and his heart jumps at how sweet his name sounds off your tongue. “f—fuck, feels so good!”
“would feel better if i were usin’ my tongue. or if you were on my cock.” he laughs when your expression visibly scrunches up in embarrassment, cooing at you and telling you how cute you are as he grips your waist and turns you around to straddle him, legs shaky with the effect of your previous orgasms. “want me to do it, yeah?”
“mmm,” you answer though you’re not sure what he means, holding onto his shoulders for support. he holds you steady, and slides himself down onto his back onto the mattress, pushing your legs further apart around him and cupping your ass, pulling you forward — and you realize what he’s about to do. “shuji, no, i’ve n—”
you cut yourself off, but hanma picks your sentence up anyway.
“never been eaten out before?” he asks, sounding both unconvinced and pissed off at the same time, and you sit there as he stares up at you, so fucking embarrassed—
“my doll’s been gettin’ treated like shit, huh?” he breathes, gold eyes tracing your figure down. “sweet lil’ thing, i’ll show you how y’should be treated, a’right?”
“mm,” you let out a sound, so shy when his voice goes all sympathetic. it makes your pussy go slick with want, your heart beating faster with anticipation. “mkay.”
hanma doesn’t hold back. he tightens his arms around your hips and waist in an instant, pulling your cunt down on his mouth, nose pressed just over your clit as he inhales deep into you, letting out a needy growl as he opens his mouth and takes you.
your hands scramble to find a hold on the headboard as he rocks you forward, trapping you on your knees with your thighs plush and warm around his face, drinking in your cunt — devouring you like a man starved. “fuck,” he slurs into your heat, muffled and hot. “shit, baby, s’ fuckin—good.”
his tongue grazes your clit, curls around it and sucks, and you cry out, squirming in his arms, one hand leaving the headboard to get down and curl your fingers into his hair and tug, stuttering his name out in a pleading chant. “shuji, shuji, shuji — fuck!”
the moan he lets out when you pull at his black and blonde locks thrums against your cunt, and when he sucks at your clit again, slurping loudly and grunting praise into you, it’s enough to make you cum again. “ah, shuji, cumming, cumming!”
“i know,” he hisses, and when you look down at him, the rise of his cheekbones, his nose and his mouth are soaked with your wetness— and his eyes are blown wide, the gold of them almost lost in the darkness of his want. “i know, baby. i know.”
“please,” you hiccup, tears blurring your vision, hips trembling as you try not to collapse over hanma’s face.
your cunt aches, empty despite the way he shoves his tongue up your fluttering hole, and you dont want another orgasm without it. “fuck! shuji — shuji please, need your cock.”
“mm — what’d you say, dollface?” he grunts, licking at your clit, yanking you back in when you try to lift yourself off him. “cant just get all you want like that. say it right f’me.”
“w-what?” you sob, unsure what he means but so needy to obey, because you just need him to stuff you full and fill you up already.
you dont know if it’s wrong or not, to want your best friend’s dick inside you so badly, but you’ve gone this far, havent you? he’s giving you what you want.
“you g’na do as i say?” he smirks, watching how you nod and keen when he tongues at your abused clit again. “then say ‘i love you, daddy, i only want you ‘n your cock from now on’.”
huh? — it takes a second or two, but the words put clarity in your head, somewhat, when you hear them. 
swallowing back the shaky whine of acceptance bubbling at your throat, you manage to ask instead, “you want me to tell you i love you?”
there’s a small pause, before hanma’s grip on your hips tightens again. 
but this time, he pulls you off.
it urges you back to your position straddling his hips, as he sits back up, leaning on the headboard once more — and though his hard-on brushing hot and heavy through his jeans against your messy cunt is distracting, you pay attention to his expression instead.
hanma stares at you, face wet with your slick and hair messy with your hand tangling through the dyed locks. “so you ... dont?”
it’s a sudden flipside to the multiple orgasms he’d just sent you through, and it disorients you just a little. 
but the look in his amber eyes, black and blonde hair stuck to his forehead and framing his face, the warmth in your heart as you contemplate an answer — and the desperate ache in your empty cunt, it all convinces you to say you do.
“i do.”
there’s yet another damned pause, as you sit on hanma’s lap, naked and with his dick hard under your ass, your palms flat against his bare chest — if someone’d told you before that a dumb game of truth or dare after class would lead you to this situation, you’d laugh.
but — but this is shuji. he’s rough on the exterior, a major tease, a man notorious and famous on the streets; but really? he’s sweet.
he buys you coffee, takes you out shopping, takes you to the salon, pays for your takeout. he always tells you he'll fuck your exes up if they hurt you or make you cry (and they have done so, but you've never allowed him to beat them).
he goes with you to the library, even though he doesn't even care for spending hours on assignments or work. to be fair, he does leave you in there and go out to smoke after only a few minutes, but he always comes back to drop you home.
he's so nice to you, despite himself. and turns out, if you'd just ask, he'd fuck you too.
he’s your best friend. nothing less, nothing more, but you decide it now, trembling from the euphoria he’s giving you. you want more.
it’s possessive and spells desire, how he’d pulled you in here to make up for your ‘stupid shit exes’, telling you he would make you feel good if nobody else has done it before.
it’s all so sudden, but it makes sense. he’s been just your best friend this whole time, but you want more.
“i do love you, shuji.”
hanma lets out a breath, when you repeat it. “really, now?” he mutters. “not just sayin’ that so i’ll give you my cock? dont play with my heart now, doll.” he chuckles, but you can see the sincerity in his eyes.
“i do.” you mumble, shy again under the intensity of his piercing stare. “and i guess ... that’s why it never worked with anyone else. when you were there this whole time.”
“hah,” hanma laughs, steadying his hold on your waist before bringing one hand up to pat your cheek. ”y’ telling me no other asshole could make you cum, ‘cause you were busy wishin’ it was me?”
“no!” you blurt out, but when he grins wider, slides his hand down from your cheek to pinch the soft flesh of your tits, the electric shiver that courses down your spine says otherwise. it would be a lie, to say that you’ve never wanted him. “yeah, m-maybe.”
“fuck,” he hisses at that, eyes going even darker, like the dubious confirmation you’d given him was all he needed, like it was a love shot and a stroke of lust in one — and he yanks the buttons and zipper of his jeans open, tugging the fabric apart and pulling out his straining cock.
it’s big — unsurprising, but still a sight to take in, and you whimper tearfully when he grabs the length in his hand and taps his head to your clit, letting out a breathy chuckle. “biggest cock y’ ever seen, mhm?”
and you’d want to keep from boosting his ego, but the way you stare is answer enough. “n-need you in me, shuji.” you beg, and he just laughs again, rubbing the pearl of precum that swells at his tip across your slit, teasing. “say what i told you to say, then. if y’love me.”
call him daddy? “do i really have to?” you whine, pushing forward and grinding up on his cockhead. it ellicits a rough moan from him, that makes your clit throb when you hear it — but hanma remains adamant.
“you hafta, dollface.” he smiles, showing you teeth. “you’ll do it, if y’ really want me so bad.”
and god, the layers of pleasure he’d drowned you in are too sharp, too overwhelming for you to refuse and stop this right now — you want, need his cock. right now.
fine. “i—i love you, daddy.” you mumble, eyes skirting down because you cant bring yourself to look him in the eyes. “and i-i want only you. only your cock, and only you. i love you.”
and it’s like hanma has been waiting for this moment his whole life.
“shit, baby,” he huffs, pulling your tits flush against his body as he grabs you by the waist and by the back of your neck, dragging you in and meeting your lips with his in a starved kiss — fuck, he hadn’t kissed you until now? 
you realize it, with both a pang and a fluttering in your heart, but the thought is soon knocked out of your head, as he kisses you again, tasting the lingering essence of yourself on his tongue, tasting him, catching the scent of cigarettes and men’s cologne on his mouth and neck as you lean into him, letting him savour you whole. 
“god, i love you.” he groans, as he lines his cock up at your entrance, sliding sin and punishment over to your ass again and sheathing you down on him. “loved you f’so long now, baby. d’you know how i’ve felt? ‘n now y’re fuckin’ telling me all those assholes you dated never made you cum. fuck.”
“mm, sh-shuji!” you cry, and he moans in your ear in reply. “s-slower! please, please—”
“‘m too big for you?” he rasps, voice hoarse with pleasure. god, he’s wanted this forever. your tight, velvet walls clenching around him, wet and hot and your body on him, so pretty and all his.
“cant slow down, sweetheart.” he hisses. “consider this your punishment. for playin’ with my heart like that, for so long.” you’ve got your arms wrapped around hanma’s neck, trying to control the pace at which you sink down on his cock, but he rolls his hips up and pushes all the way into you anyway.
“a—haah! shuji!” your moan is saccharine in his ear, and he swallows back a curse, knowing that it’s not going to be long before he’s cumming, filling you all up.
“say sorry, baby.” he growls, pulling out before shoving back in you again, putting stars into your eyes with the sharp slap of skin against skin, the harsh kiss of his tip against your cervix. “really didn’t think i loved you, even when i was fuckin’ knuckle deep in you? callin’ you my dollface and telling you y’re pretty ‘n driving you around, and sucking on that sweet lil clit?”
you cry out, when he bites at the side of your neck, feeling even more embarrassed, feeling stupid — because god, you were stupid to miss the signs. to think he was just like that. when he only ever was that way with you. “‘m sorry, sorry. please, i’m sorry.”
“hmm,” he lulls, kissing the marks of his teeth that he’d left on you. “cant be mean with you, can i? too fuckin’ sweet for your own good.”
your mouth is on his cheek, lips sliding down his jaw in desperate kisses, needing him more even when he’s right here, when your body’s pressed to his and his lips are on you and his cock is all the way in your cunt. “mmngh,” you try, too dizzy to answer properly.
“now let’s teach ya how it feels to cum on a big, fat cock, yeah, dollface?” he says, starting up a hasty rhythm with his cock, up and down into you as you struggle to stay sitting up on his lap. “poor lil’ doll’s never even done this before?”
“never.” you keen, lost in the way his cock is so long, so thick, reaching all the sweet spots deep in your cunt in one fucking go. “n-never came on a cock before.”
“yeah, i know.” he says, all sympathetic again, and it sends heat rushing to both your face and your core. “g’na beg daddy to let you cum all over his cock?”
“mhm,” you moan, and he smiles, brings you in for another kiss as he speeds up. “then say it, baby. say what y’need to say to have your way.”
“mm, daddy, daddy—” you sob, trying to kiss him back as he hums into your mouth, forgetting your embarrassment at having to call him that, because fuck, it was starting to feel fitting. “please let me cum on your cock, please, please—”
“only if you’ll let me fill this pretty pussy all up.” he stutters, voice turning all raspy as he goes even faster, bouncing you up and down so hard as he nears his high. 
he loves the way you beg. loves the way you call him by that name. so cute, and almost pathetic, for him. it’s a fresh change. one he wants to hold on to. “yeah? you’ll let me do that, baby? let daddy fill your cunt up with his cum?”
“yes,” you gasp, vision going cloudy with both tears and pleasure as you feel the coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter all over again. “fuck, anything! anything, daddy, just please.”
“please what?” his laugh is now hoarse, as he looks at your blissed out face from under his lashes, eyes lidded and heavy with lust and pleasure.
the bedsheets under you are soaked, but neither of you can care — you moan again, sucking in a breath and falling into hanma’s chest, tired but so, so desperate to cum again. “please, shuji. please. need to cum on your cock. need you to cum in me.”
and he does. 
hanma watches, vision hazy as his cock slides out of your cunt milky and drooling, and pushes back in — pushes in so deep he hits your cervix again and he cums, leaking hot, white ropes of seed into your tight, wet cunt — and it makes you cum, too.
“fuck, tryna milk me all up, huh?” he heaves as he maintains his pace, gritting his teeth and grabbing your hips when you try to meet the rhythm, pussy fluttering and sucking him in like you’ve needed him as much as he’s needed you. “pretty, pretty lil’ pussy — all mine, yeah?”
“all yours, shuji.” you sob, and he stares as your head tilts up, eyes rolling back in your head as they fall shut, drowning in the pure heaven of cumming while stuffed full of his big, big cock. “a-hnngh, all yours.”
“yeah, that’s right.” he growls, wrapping punishment around your throat, hauling you back in to kiss you, sloppy and open mouthed, as sin slips down between your bodies — pressing into your pulsing clit with his thumb as he continues fucking up into you, pace relaxing slowly. “that’s right. y’re all mine now. forever.”
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babesonly · 3 years
fic recs 2.0!
hello kings (gn) ive got significantly more fic than last time which means this is gonna be a little more organized than the last post bc it is much longer <3 categories in order are non casefic canonverse, casefic/roadtrip fic, finale fixits, endverse, non supernatural aus, and then non destiel ones. titles will be in bold for my favs! also within each category they’re in order from shortest to longest
I’m a tulip in a cup by godtiering (1.2k)
I worry that I never really came back from hell. I wonder why, if I got remade by heaven, I’m still the same screwed up kid that I always was.
Sometimes I worry I’m not into women at all.
"Guess not,” he looks at his shoes.
a REALLY good fic that’s basically just a look inside dean’s head during my bloody valentine do not read this looking for a fun time but please do read it
on vessels by flightsofangels (1.9k)
“You know,” Cas mutters into Dean’s bare skin. “When I was still… an angel, I used to dream that I would take you as my vessel.”
hello consumehimnatural fans!!!!! read newt’s fic right now its incredible
dean winchester is not a nicholas sparks protagonist by microcomets (1.9k)
Dean fell in love with Cas the way you fall asleep--slowly, and then all at once. Or some other hackneyed and trite bullshit. God, this is embarrassing.
dean is in LOVE. he’s also a disaster who keeps staring at cas’ hands. sigh
Stay by aeli_kindara (2.5k)
Coda to 13.06 (Tombstone). In which Castiel reckons with the aftermath of Dean's grief.
hello fellow widow arc fans <3 click here to see cas find out abt the events of advanced thanatology !
walking on a string by swordfishtrombones (2.7k)
Between the doomed offensive at the Firmament and the impending retreat from the ravaged northeast border, Castiel left camp long enough to answer one of Dean Winchester's prayers.
S6 DEAN IS A WAR WIFE. been really into early seasons deancas lately and this one is very good. god
the flesh of the mighty by Mudprophet (2.7k)
Ezekiel 39:17 "you shall eat the flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the princes of the earth."
MY GOD. anyone who saw the @autisticandroids​ purgatory cannibalism talk and was interested read this right now. also anyone who enjoyed nbc hannibal OR raw (2016). if romantic cannibalism is remotely aligned with your interests read this right now. god
Sam Winchester, Ally At Law by alittleduck (3.3k)
Sam was pretty sure he could read every single gay friendly guide to coming out or supporting queer family members ever written and literally none of them would even imply that arguing with gay people that they were actually just homophobic constituted as "ally behavior". However, Sam was equally sure that none of those book authors had found themselves accidentally watching their brother get pounded by an Angel of the Lord at 9 am on Tuesday, so Sam was pretty sure he might actually still have the higher ground. Now, if only Jack would stop trying to bond with Dean using gay slurs long enough for Sam to convince everyone of that, he might just be able to cobble together some remnant of sanity or, failing that, dignity.
Or, the one where Sam desperately wants to invent PFLAG but Dean won't stop teaching Jack gay slurs
hummed low by microcomets (3.3k)
Dean pulls the Impala over at a cider barn about thirty miles out; doesn't really think about it, just sees the hokey orange lettering off the roadside and lets his hands guide the Impala off the interstate with gravel spitting under the wheels.
they get a nice day out together and dean has a gay crisis and it’s written beautifully mwah
Vena Amoris and Other Old-Fashioned Bullshit by pyrebi (3.9k)
In which angelic marriage bonds are apparently stupidly easy to trigger, Cas wages multidimensional war in Heaven, Dean can't catch a break like ever, Sam rather enjoys being a dick, love saves the day, and nobody consummates anything.
sometimes i think about this fic and it hits that at this point dean and cas would have been married for more than a year. cas my beloved...
an exploration of gender; angelic by sometimeswelose (4k)
Castiel's true form is made of electromagnetic radiation. He has spent the majority of his life, if you really want to add it all up and average the whole thing out, as a wavelength of celestial intent.
The thing about being made of light: it's light in the physics sense of the word. Castiel's waves are gamma, x-ray, micro, and radio. He's visible light too, of course, a visible light so intense that it is blinding to most humans.
hello trans cas community <3 he’s literally trans he was assigned genderless and then went hm actually i will be a man! love of my life
Some Boys are Sleeping Alone by prosopopeya (4.2k)
This isn't something that's okay, not for him, but it chases him through the years until it turns into something he can't -- doesn't want to deny. 
ohhh deans tenuous relationship with his sexuality my beloved...
love. worship. consummation. consumption. by redeyedwrath (4.3k)
ConsumehimNatural (copyright marcusantonius) the Series!
These are all snapshots centered around the idea of you know. Hunger in Supernatural. Both carnal hunger and other kinds. Fics are shown in semi-chronological order but this series is generally nebulously early seasons.
for ANYONE who is a consumehimnaturual this is required reading it is INCREDIBLE and gorgeous and very visceral and i am so very obsessed with it. thank you redeyedwrath for enabling my brainrot
the reach of human sense by perilously (4.5k)
“You know what Jimmy Novak looked like. You think he was beautiful—gorgeous, hot, all of it. It’s him. Not me. This isn’t my face.”
“But,” Dean says. He doesn’t know where he’s going with it. Just that Cas’ face is right there, brows drawn together and cheekbones gleaming in the lamplight. It’s a face that’s made his heart skip probably a couple hundred beats collectively since they met.
And it used to belong to someone else.
this one is just very nice <3 cas gets uncomfortable w dean calling him attractive since dean has never seen his trueform and they work it out
Down in the River by Ias (4.7k)
Alone in Purgatory and hunted by Leviathans, Castiel finds himself praying to the one person who can't hear him.
cas i love you <3 cas alone in purgatory praying to dean bc dean is the only thing he still worships i love you so much
Creature of Habit by trinityofone (5.1k)
The more you love someone, the more you want to kill them. Or: How Cas developed some bad habits, and Dean coped surprisingly well.
written in s5 when cas was depowered and completely nails the later seasons bitchy husbands dynamic it’s very good and fun <3
sink by crackers4jenn (5.4k)
"Where to?" A 9.06 coda.
very bittersweet very well written and also canon compliant so do not go into this one looking for a happy ending but i DO recommend it it’s very good
Sensational by castiowl (6.1k)
“When I first came to earth, it was advised that we temper the senses bound to our vessels. They were a distraction, we were told. An antiquated form of experiencing existence that would hinder our ability to complete our missions, whatever that may be. My true form can better facilitate these experiences. What you would recognize as heightened senses of sight and sound, among other things.”
Or, how Dean helps Cas experience all five human senses for the first time in one night.
early seasons deancas man. i love the sound part i love dean being so worried about doing a good job with this. god. read this please
Something to Protect by Sass_Master (6.2k)
Dean’s violent reaction to being unexpectedly woken has become something of a running joke among them, but Castiel can’t help but look past it to the underlying cause. It makes him ache to think that Dean feels so unsafe, so persecuted, before he’s even fully conscious.
Secretly, Castiel has been determined to work on that, to ease Dean into awareness in a less jarring way, smooth away one of the many stresses that follow him even in sleep. Now’s as good a time as any to try.
oh to sleep more soundly in the presence of someone you love...this fic is very nice i enjoyed it a lot
all this and heaven too by ftmsteverogers (7k)
“Hey,” Dean said. “I’m not ashamed of you, okay?”
Cas raised skeptical eyes to meet his.
“I mean it,” Dean insisted.
“I understand you mean it,” Cas said. “But I don’t think it’s any better if you’re only ashamed of yourself.”
hello trans dean community here is 7k of trans dean having to deal with his internalized homophobia now that he’s sleeping with cas <3 it is SO good
The wilderness. by orange_crushed (8k)
He takes a shower and the pressure is not especially good, but it doesn’t matter. It’s warm and he stands under the spray a long time. Human skin, he knows, constantly renews itself, shedding the dead cells of the epidermis. He wonders how long it will take until he is an entirely new person, until every cell on his surface is a new one. He looks at his hands under the water. It might take less than a month.
this might be the only post 9x03 fic on here with a happy ending actually? plenty of good melancholy leading up to it though <3 canon divergent after 9x03 though which means no 9x06 fanfiction gap but it is absolutely worth reading
till the juice runs by deathbanjo (8.4k)
Apparently whoever drew up the venn diagram of Dean’s sex life decided the circle labelled ‘good sex’ and the one labelled ‘sex with men’ should be kept far apart.
hello this one is SO funny dean finally gets comfortable enough with his bisexuality to start having sex with men and it goes so very bad every time so sorry about your shitty choices beloved </3
First Date by aeli_kindara (8.9k)
“We should go on a date. You and me.”
Castiel wishes he could see Dean’s face. He wishes he had any idea what to say.
“I’m asking you out, Cas.”
this one is very sweet i liked it a lot <3 good refreshing little fic where they just get to have a nice evening together
Entertaining Strangers by cadignan (9k)
Dean settles on to his side, lying in the bed facing Castiel. “So you had sex without me and you bit all my moves. I think I deserve to hear about it, at least. What was her name?”
op im in love with you. premise is established relationship deancas and cas mentions he did have sex before dean and not only that it was a threesome. good for him <3 this fic is cas describing the story of what led up to the threesome and what happened during it while dean interrupts regularly. incredible
the shape you take by noviembre (10k)
“What?” Dean says, fake-offended. “I’d be hot as a girl, you know I would.”
And this is when he really, really should have stopped talking. When he shouldn't have whipped back around and asked, “Cas, if I was a woman, you’d fuck me, right?”
Because if he hadn’t said that, then he wouldn’t have had to deal with this:
Cas, meeting his eyes, forehead wrinkles all smoothed out like there’s nothing to be confused about anymore. Cas with something at the corner of his mouth that might barely be called a smile.
Cas saying, calmly and without hesitation, “Yes, Dean.”
Dean Winchester fucks around and, with the inadvertent help of some witches, Finds Out.
dean winchester your gender is diabolical. this fic is insane and its the only thing that matters actually. dean fully convinced its normal and straight to think about being a woman so you can fuck your male friend. incredible. op im proposing to you
Sinnerman by a_good_soldier (10k)
Dean listens to Nina Simone, reads Anne Carson, and makes out with a dude (sort of).
yall want to read about dean realizing he’s in love with a man as a direct result of learning to better respect women right?
you’re fooling yourself by cowboydeanwinchester (13k)
Dean Winchester and Castiel retire from hunting to raise baby Jack. Dean struggles to allow himself the things he truly wants.
Jack is two, Castiel and Dean are idiots, and Sam's gotta solve everyone's problems.
love a married couple who doesn’t know they’re married <3 everyone say thank you sam for bullying dean 
The Girlfriend Experience by rageprufrock (15k)
While it's not like Dean hasn't had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.
a classic for good fucking reason. we’ve all talked about dean thinking holding hands is too gay after having just had gay sex but my personal favorite was sam accusing dean of cheating on cas because dean bought condoms. incredible
No Kingdom To Come by domesticadventures (16k)
“We should fuck,” Dean says.
Cas looks up from where he sits on his bed, hair still damp from the shower, frowning as he places a finger on the page of his book to mark where he left off.
There are a million things Cas could say here; Dean has rehearsed them. After lunch, his restlessness had given way to a vague panic, a dread that matched his every step and crept along with him from room to room. Eventually, he had returned to his bedroom and spent the rest of the afternoon pacing back and forth, playing out all the possible scenarios. When Cas asks him Why? or Are you being serious? or when he sighs and says, in that way he has, Dean, he knows exactly what he’s going to do. He’s going to shrug casually, like he isn’t invested in the answer, like he isn’t desperate for an outlet, and say, Why not? He’s going to raise an eyebrow and say, What, are you not interested? He’s going to crowd into Cas’ personal space, he’s going to shove himself right up in there and whisper Cas against his ear.
Instead, Cas says, carefully, “Okay.”
literally the only quarantine fic i’ve ever bothered to read in any fandom and completely worth it it’s SO good. they become fwb and dean has an existential crisis and he keeps bringing up meaninglessness and death during sex
Bodies by Speary (18k)
It was a secret they never acknowledged even with each other. It would change everything, end everything if either of them ever dropped the act. So they became very good at acting, at keeping up the lie that gave them what they wanted. Even if that lie involved constantly seeking out temporary, consenting female vessels, Cas would do it. He told himself it was worth it for Dean. He just hoped that he could stop wanting more, or maybe one day Dean might stop pretending that he wasn't really sleeping with Cas every time.
i don’t even have anything to add tbh if that summary did not immediately make you click we are very different this fic is incredible. god. fellas do you ever make yourself a woman so you can fuck the man you love without him having to talk about it or confront his sexuality
it’s such a mystery (the way you know me) by fleeceframe (20k)
So the man crouching in front of Castiel is named Dean. He wonders if that’s supposed to mean something to him.
“Cas must’ve got hit with something earlier. He just dropped like a sack of fucking potatoes a minute ago. By the time I was checking on him, he had already woken up again, but now he doesn’t fucking know who we are.”
“I’m right here you know,” Castiel says testily.
Sam’s eyes are wide even as his eyebrows are furrowed, and he looks between Dean and Castiel again.
“What do you remember, Cas?”
“Firstly, that I’m not Cas. I don’t know who Cas is, but it’s not me. I don’t know who either of you are, either."
or the one where castiel is hit with a memory curse that makes him forget the winchester brothers and is stunned to find out he has a family... also why can't he stop thinking about dean?
BEST amnesia fic oh my god. cas my beloved you deserve the world. everyone read this that is not a request.
More Than Ever by Sass_Master (20k)
Dean’s getting some pancakes together for breakfast when Cas saunters in after a run.
He’s trying to focus on whisking batter, unfairly distracted by Cas a few feet away, breathing heavily and shining with perspiration. Dean’s been painfully aware for a long time that Cas is pretty easy on the eyes, but he’s used to seeing Cas buttoned-up and unflappable, looking straight-laced in a stiff oxford and an unflattering trenchcoat.
Now Cas is sweating, Dean’s borrowed t-shirt clinging to his skin, flushed from exertion and Dean really can’t deal with that in his kitchen right now.
this entire series is really good i enjoyed it a lot, i’m just putting this one specifically on the list bc the rest of the series is very explicit and this is really good as a standalone for anyone who wouldn’t be into the rest of the series!!
Being Dean Winchester by Anonymous (20k)
"You should show me some respect. I dragged you out of hell. I can throw you back in."
Who the fuck was this bitchy "warrior of God" doing talking to him like that? Fuck Cas-tee-el and his dumbass trench coat and abrasive motherfucking attitude.
Dean was done with this shit.
Wherein a monster of the week steals the essence of Castiel's vessel, so he must use Dean, recently raised from hell, as a vessel instead.
it is at this point i realize that there are more fics than i expected there to be on this list that involves a threesome with only two people/using the presence of a female body to act like what’s happening is heterosexual. deangirlism is a disease 
I Shall Not Want by domesticadventures (20k)
His grace is burning out, and the wasteland it leaves inside him becomes an echo chamber for all the memories, all the fear and doubt and self-loathing he's collected over the years. Things said and done hound him on endless repeat until he's convinced they’ll break through his skin and fill the silence of the bunker.
His head is killing him, and he sits hunched over an open book, not really reading, just digging his fingers into his skull and praying nothing slips through the cracks.
this one is GORGEOUS i love it so so much. dean and cas are both struggling so much to get by and they’re trying to support each other but fucking it up and they have to grow together and learn to cope with the fact that this is where their lives are and they fall in love i need everyone to read this
To Boldly Go by 8daysuntiltheapocalypseiguess (24k)
Title: Just One of Those Things Author: Impala67 Series: TOS Rating: M Summary: Four years into their five-year mission, and all the planets start to look the same.
In which Dean is not Gene Roddenberry, but he does write Star Trek fanfiction.
mx winchester writing star trek fanfiction to process his own trauma <3 this is a wip but it’s SO good and i also have not consumed a single piece of star trek media so it IS definitely readable to anyone who isn’t a star trek fan. please read this
where the weeds take root by deathbanjo (30k)
“Are you happy? Y’know. Just—being here,” Dean says, gesturing to the yard with his beer bottle. “Being with—I mean, you used to fight in celestial wars and—and save the world. Now you’re growing vegetables and talking about chickens.”
this is on here just for the 1.5 people who were putting off this one like i did for no reason. it’s extremely good and it is just gentle. i enjoyed it a lot
Heroes for Ghosts by pantheon_of_discord (42k)
After Sam and Dean are arrested, Castiel is left alone and scrambling to find them. He knows they’re locked away in a government facility, and he’s still able to hear their prayers, but no matter how he tries Castiel can’t seem to track them. He chases leads and even attempts to hunt on his own, but Mary is AWOL, Crowley refuses to help, and Castiel’s options are running out.
Weeks pass, Castiel’s hope dwindles, and through it all Dean prays, keeping them connected. His voice is comforting, frustrating, and occasionally annoying, but in his solitude Castiel comes to cherish it. But then one day, without warning, Dean stops praying, and Castiel is forced to confront some uncomfortable truths about his feelings.
yall ever wonder what it would’ve been like if the sam and dean arrest storyline in s12 was interesting? yeah <3
Teaching Poetry to Fish by aeli_kindara (52k)
In which Castiel teaches poetry to fish. Also, himself. Also, eventually, Dean.
(A series-long story, diverging slightly from canon after S14.)
cas learning about humanity through poetry before dean and thats what led to him developing enough emotion to be lobotomized....cas i love you so much
Emergence by ellispark (58k)
Something’s been missing from Dean’s life for the past three years, a void left after a hunt gone terribly wrong. He often feels a sense of longing with no discernible cause, a need to talk to someone who isn’t there.
A call from an acquaintance leads Dean to James Novak, a man who disappeared more than a decade ago, and suddenly Dean gets the feeling he’s found what he’s been missing. But James isn’t really James — he’s the angel Castiel, who’s wanted by angels, demons and hunters alike. And he may be at the center of the storm that wrecked Dean’s life all those years ago.
another cool amnesia fic!! for unknown reasons everyone forgot cas three years ago but cas didn’t forget anything. cas deserves so much love and support. god
a turn of the earth by microcomets (95k)
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run.
Frigging fantastic.
(Or, in which Castiel gets stuck in Dean’s timeline preseries and Dean kind of hates it—until he doesn’t.)
cas getting to meet and fall in love with pre hell dean just as much as he loves the dean he already knows oh my GOD. i love this fic so much. turn of the earth my beloved
Crossing Lines by sometimeswelose (122k)
Two Deans, one Cas - it's not as sexy as it sounds
An ethics lesson from Hell
The one where Dean from the past meets Dean in the present. They're not sure they like each other very much.
deans intense self hatred vs cas’ unwavering love for every version of dean oh my GOD also this is a wip fair warning but it’s so worth waiting for updates i’m having such a great time with this one i cannot wait to see how it gets ended
Plot Holes by saltyfeathers (160k)
Of course it wasn’t over after the apocalypse.
There was season six. Then there was season seven. Against all expectations, there was season eight. There were the alphas and purgatory, and then the Leviathans, and then the angels fell. Enter season nine. Loose threads Metatron, Abaddon, and Crowley have to be tied up. Sam, Dean, and Cas have to try to tie them while at the same time dealing with their evolving relationships and newfound graceless states.
Amidst all the chaos, someone has started publishing the Supernatural novels again. Convinced there’s something amiss in the pages, Charlie starts her own quest to suss out the truth behind the Winchester Gospels.
With the help of various faces, old and new, they must now not only deal with the typical runs of demons and recently fallen angels, but also reconcile the battles raging inside themselves, as the fate of the world, once again, quite literally lays in the palm of their hands.
saltyfeathers said i WILL make the plot holes in this show mean something because the showrunners are sure as shit never gonna adress them ! and i thank them for it bc this was a really cool read
Casefic/Roadtrip Fic
Deprived Of Every Planet by KelpietheThundergod (9k)
Dean's breathing is audible in the scant space between them, irregular. The motel room is dark, pale blue shadows falling in through the gaps in the blinds. Throwing a pattern of uneven white stripes over the bunched up covers. Over Dean's fingers twisted in the sheets. One half of him in shadow, softened by the dark. The heat of his skin. The tremble of him under Castiel's touch.
He caresses a hand over Dean's chest, slowly. Dean's mouth falls open, his body arching into Castiel's touch. Castiel stops over Dean's heart. Through the fever of his desire, he rejoices about the wonder of experiencing another's heartbeat through one's own senses.
Dean gasps, but then he turns his face away and towards the dark. Eyes closed tight and brows furrowed like something is hurting him.
Castiel stills.
the case is background on this one but it Does take place over the course of a case so im putting it here. god touchstarved dean trying so hard to work through his shit for cas head in my hands i love this fic so much
before and after breakfast by spocklee (10k)
The monster of the week is a ghost who hates meat, alcohol, and feeling yourself. Guess who it is during the commercials.
chapter 2 of this one.....god. dean and cas you are both so unwell <3 i love everything abt this fic everyone read it now
we shovel all the ashes out by xylodemon (15k)
Dean’s always known things were headed this way. He just figured getting dragged under would be cleaner and easier than jumping in feet-first.
fics that make you go Oh they love each other...also there’s lesbians in it literally what else could you want.
thunder road by dothraki_shieldmaiden (20k)
After Chuck is defeated and the Winchesters settle into life without God, Dean Winchester is bored.
OR: Dean and Cas take a road trip and figure out some stuff along the way.
this fic is just like. it’s kind! this fic is kind it’s just a pleasant experience and i enjoyed it thoroughly. they’re in love and it’s good
Suck It, Judy Garland by GlitterDwarf, midrashic (20k)
It had to be St. Louis. Or, the one where Sam and Cas get fake married for a case, and Dean loses his mind.
actually im gonna defend dean here imagine youre dean and cas gives what definitely sounded like a deathbed love confession while making eye contact with you and then immediately afterwards fake dates your brother. who among us would not have been a bitch about this
best friends without benefits by lizbobjones (20k)
It’s nearing three a.m. and they’ve been on the road a long time. Sam’s been asleep in the back seat since eleven. Giving up and handing the wheel over to Cas and letting the guy who doesn’t sleep drive had seemed like a good idea.
the premise of this fic is so funny. cas voice dean you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid. everyone read this
the taste of gravel in the mouth by deathbanjo (22k)
This is what Cas gave up Heaven for: greasy diner food, shitty motel rooms with even shittier cable, long car rides spent in complete silence except for the same six tapes playing over and over again, and a burnt-out husk of a man who can barely hold a conversation anymore.
alt version of getting rid of the mark of cain, the darkness never happens. this one is VERY heavy but it’s so good and it has a hopeful ending. ive read this one twice and loved it both times
Someone Who’s Feeling For Me by ellispark (45k)
Dean sees her for the first time in nearly six years in some no-name town in Idaho, and it's panic at first sight.
Lisa Braeden, the one woman Dean ever actually had a shot at a real life with, back from where he buried her in his mind. And her hand is on Cas's arm like it's no big deal, like it belongs there. Cas, Dean's dorky, sweet, badass, angelic best friend, and he's just standing there next to Lisa and not moving her hand away.
Dean feels the jealousy rising, and it's not directed where he expected it to be. Because it takes this exact moment for Dean to realize he's in love with his best friend. He's in love with his best friend, and Lisa is looking at Cas like he's the best thing since automatic rifles, and Dean is utterly fucked.
hello op please contact me. please contact me and let me see the inside of your brain. this fic was an unparalleled experience and everyone should also go through it. i love it so very much
Bumper Cars by mansikka (111k)
Two teenagers are missing from an abandoned carnival, and there’s enough to raise suspicion that their disappearance involves a ghost. Dean, Sam, and Cas arrive in town to investigate, though what they find leads them away from those teenagers, and on the trail of a ghost story that churns up things from their past.
Can newly-human Cas, and Dean, with the help of shipper!Sam, work out the mystery behind the abandoned carnival and its ghost, and along the way, figure out the riddle that is them?
one of my absolute fav case fics it forces dean to confront some aspects of johns parenting and work through some shit and also him and cas fall in love and it’s really well done. love this one a lot <3
Finale Fix-its/Finale Denial
Sorry Jimmy by K_K_TiBal (2.1k)
Based on the tumblr textpost:
jellydeans: so are cas and jimmy novak just up in heaven existing at the same time katebushstandean: #jimmy moves to heaven timbuku so that dean stops trying to make out with him every time they run into each other at the heaven grocery store
this one is just extremely funny. local midwestern heterosexual man is forced to play relationship counselor to the dumbest gay people in existence because one of them wore his face
Dean Winchester Really Needs To Make Some Gay Friends by AreYouReady (2.2k)
“Like, I’m trying to think if I’ve had, I don’t know, crushes. If I ever had a gay thing before you came along and just didn’t notice,” Dean said.
Cas suddenly looked down, and away from Dean. If Dean didn’t know better, he would swear Cas looked guilty.
“What is it, Cas?”
“You have had several… gay things before.” Cas still wouldn’t look at him.
“What? When? How come you know this better than I do?”
There was no way the answer to this question wasn’t funny as hell.
dean learning about gay ppl via the memories of dean smith...incredible.
tiny difference (between ending and starting to begin) by sunforgrace (2.4k)
Sometimes Dean catches Cas staring at the sky.
It doesn’t happen often. Not when Dean’s around to tell, anyway. But often enough that he starts to notice.
Eventually Dean starts to recognize the pattern.
Cas just doesn’t watch the sky. He watches the birds.
Chuck is gone, Cas is human, and the world is safe. In the quiet aftermath Dean and Castiel find each other again.
i really don’t have much to say abt this one it is just very good and they love each other so much
Bring Home by cenotaphy (3.8k)
Dean's phone doesn't ring on the drive back to the Bunker, but that's okay. Because—well, maybe Cas lost his cell, what with getting shuffled back and forth between a cosmic void dimension and all. And anyway, Dean doesn't want this conversation to happen over the phone, he wants to—he wants to talk to Cas face-to-face. They should talk face-to-face.
Dean will tell him—
Dean doesn't know what he'll tell Cas. Dean is, in fact, terrified by how utterly and completely he does not know what he'll say to Cas.
cas being forced to face the consequences of sending the risky text that was despair <3
dean’s coworkers vs the heteronormative agenda by cowboydeanwinchester (4.1k)
Dean started working at a local auto repair shop in Lebanon, Kansas about a year ago. His coworkers don't know much about him. Except that he has a wife. Or maybe he doesn't. But he has a kid. Who is either a toddler or a high schooler. Who is either named Jack or Sammy. He also might have a best friend named Cas, but that also might be his wife.
Truth is nobody knows what to make of Dean.
obsessed w people not knowing a single fucking thing about dean because he talks so much and never explains anything. this fic is SO funny
Enhanced Extraction Techniques by goldenraeofsun (5.8k)
The Empty takes Meg’s shape, Samandriel’s, Duma’s, every one of the thousands of angels Cas killed up in heaven. But in the middle of lecturing Cas in the form of Balthazar, it explodes in a burst of light and sound.
Dean Winchester stands in the aftermath.
the empty playing mind games on an awake cas bc it can’t put him to sleep is a thing i like a lot and this is very very good 
Speak Silence No More by rea_sunshine (8.1k)
When Dean imagined this moment, it went like this:
Dean bursts into the Empty—guns blazing, chin high, righteous anger coursing through him. No matter what form his plans and fantasies and whiskey-drunk-whispered-promises took, he is always, always successful. When he imagined it, he was finally the hero Cas deserved.
The reality of the moment is this:
It’s fucking cold.
dean and cas STILL managing to not communicate with each other properly after the confession is so funny to me and this fic does it really well. also i like that a human being in the empty, where humans do NOT belong, had some like. consequences
my heart is a compass by lagaudiere (10k)
“There you are,” the Empty says, in Dean’s voice. It’s cold, like Dean’s eyes are cold, his expression set in contempt. It’s the expression Cas feared, he realizes, all the times he thought about saying it. Revulsion. It makes him feel sick in the way that goes beyond physical, here where there is nothing physical left.
The moment before it happened had been so sweet it covered up all the hurt. For years, Cas had been holding back those words, biting down on his tongue to keep from saying them. And now he had said it, and he knew that it was good, knew that it was worth it. But on the other side there is only this.
In the Empty, Cas dreams of his regrets, until someone comes looking for him.
one of thee best dean rescues cas from the empty fics out there i love the way his memories are written i love how many of them were ones that this fic came up with to give me new things to have brainworms over instead of just making me more fixated on He Watched Him Rake Leaves than i already am
killing time by orestespdf (11k)
It's been four years since Dean saved Cas from the Empty and confessed his feelings in return, and in their Vermont lakehouse, the retired couple is now learning how to heal. One morning, Dean gives Cas a haircut.
(A character study of Castiel.)
perfect fic perfect fic no notes no complaints they love each other so much and now dean is giving cas a haircut and they’re spending the day together. god.
and every time we kiss, i swear i can fly by knameless (14k)
Every time, Dean tells himself it’s the last.
aka, twelve times dean and cas kiss.
a just boy best friends kiss for every season <3 mwah
for which no words exist by MediaWhore (14k)
'a prayer for which no words exist' // richard siken
"Dear Cas who art in my bathtub, give me the strength to be honest about how I feel. For your sake and for mine. Forgive me all the times I wasn’t in the past, all the words I should have said but didn’t. And please stay. Please stay with me when all is said and done. Amen. "
Dean rescues a newly human Cas from the Empty. That's the easy step.
mediawhore i am in LOVE with you oh my god this fic. this fic. dean taking care of cas after rescuing him dean wrapping cas in a blanket oh my GOD
swimming with the fish pond fish by februyuri (17k)
Some time between Dean bleeding out on a makeshift hook in a barn in Ohio and Sam making marshmallows on his funeral pyre, Dean was brought back to life. By Castiel. Again. Dean agreed to it if only to give Jack time to work out the glitches up top. So, now Dean’s back in the land of the living and things are ... actually good, for once.
Or, as good as they can be when demons are attacking Earth, Dean’s failing to get over why he died in the first place, and Cas is suddenly, inexplicably taking every opportunity to casually tell Dean that he loves him.
this is a wip! but it is so good and so worth the read i love it a lot and am very excited for the last chapter. it IS pretty heavy though dean has a LOT to work through
looking like a true survivor (feeling like a little kid) by courfeyrac (20k)
"Jack’s a clever kid—has been ever since he was born, maybe even before that—but Dean’s pretty sure he hasn’t figured out where they’re going yet. And Dean’s… Dean’s excited about it. He remembers planning surprises for Sammy when they were little—saving up quarters and sneaking off to the arcade the year he turned seven, or slipping a book Dean had seen Sammy admiring into his jacket before sprinting out of the store the year he turned twelve. There was only so much Dean could give him back then, hindered by lack of finances and transportation and a father who paid attention. Now, though, Dean’s got a wallet full of cash, a tank full of gas, and the freedom to give his kid the kind of birthday he deserves."
Or, it's Jack's fourth birthday, and the kid wants to go to Build-A-Bear.
EVERYONE READ THIS RIGHT NOW. that is not a request this fic undid me. oh my god. oh my god. they’re a family and they’re going to build a bear and they love each other. oh my god. also no it isn’t a baby jack fic he is 4 and he is also alcal
what’s missing is found (our souls can exhale now) by sobsicles (27k)
It's not the first time Claire has ever gone missing. It is, however, the first time Kaia panics about it. Dean's dragged into the mess, but he soon finds that it's the best thing that could have happened to him.
"But have you ever just met someone and maybe it wasn't from the first moment, maybe it was after all these other moments that meant more than you ever expected them to, and it seems like your soul just—just—" Kaia makes a helpless gesture with her hands, pushing out, and she breathes out loudly. "Like it can finally exhale. And that person isn't guaranteed to make you happy, but they're—they're important. You just know it, you can't even escape it, you can't let them go. Ever met someone like that, Dean?"
"I—" Dean halts, his mouth hanging open. He's looking at Kaia, who's looking at him, and his heart is fluttering in his throat like a caged bird aching to soar again. His mind threatens to spiral out of control, but he focuses, swallowing hard. "Yeah. Um. I—yeah, I have."
deancas AND dreamhunter we love to see it also dean DOES smoke weed with kaia and apologizes for pulling a gun on her what more could you want in a fic
Command Me To Be Well by prospopeya (28k)
Dean did a lot of thinking about when and how he would get Cas back. Months of it, actually, stretching into a year, because while Sam and Eileen were settling into their new lives, Dean was stuck. He was stuck in a faraway corner of the bunker, dark and empty and hollow, ringing with the sound of a vibrating phone.
So when he falls to his knees in that same room, exhausted, hurting, breathless, and he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to see Cas, he realizes that he doesn't have a single clue about what to do now. Getting Cas out had been easy--actually, it'd been the opposite of that--but the planning of it, the methodical desperation of one attempt after the other had been a familiar rhythm. It'd been soothing almost, solid, something to focus on that wasn't Cas's eyes, watery and jubilant in a way Dean hadn't ever seen that up close on anyone, let alone Cas.
And now Cas is pulling him to his feet, and Dean's stumbling, and he instinctually grabs Cas's arm, and his hand lights up with a fire that he isn't prepared for.
"Hello, Dean."
oh post despair lack of communication....oh dean refusing to work through his feelings...this fic is incredible i love it everyone who enjoys dean doing everything in his power to avoid talking about feelings up to and including having sex with the guy who’s in love with him multiple times should read this
break the skin (to break the barriers) by sobsicles (29k)
The first time she meets him, he's nothing more than an almost-missed appointment.
SOBSICLES TATTOO FIC MY BELOVED. dean grieving and getting tattoos and it turns into tattoo therapy. im SO in love with mitzi it’s insane. requires some suspension of disbelief for how long a tattoo takes but it’s an incredible fic and an unparalleled experience. sobsicles does not miss
ascend by quiettewandering (53k)
Something in the world is wrong.
Demon activity is rising where mysterious black substance oozes and unusual ecological events are shaking the world. Dean, grief hanging on his shoulders, restlessly searches for answers that might lead him to the Empty… and to Cas.
But what Chuck wrote can’t be undone. The narrative thread pulls Dean along, forcing him to comply. Because once a story already has an ending, it can’t be rewritten.
Or can it?
SUPER cool concept i liked this a lot i’m pretty sure everyone’s read it already but just in case someone hasn’t you absolutely should
oh sooner or later it all comes down to faith by sobsicles (62k)
Getting used to Heaven is something of a marvel. It ain't perfect, and Dean thinks he'd hate it if it was, which is probably why it isn't.
"You don't understand," Dean whispers, exhaling shakily. "I know you don't, because even I don't. The instant you were gone, I wanted you back. Cas, I wanted you back. I wanted—I wanted—"
Cas stares at him, searching his face. After a moment, his own face falls slack, eyes widening just so. "Oh," he breathes out.
Dean wants to be furious that Cas has figured it out before he has—whatever it is—but he's not even that surprised. Cas knows him too well, always has, even more than Dean knows himself. He's been kicking Dean in the goddamn teeth with how deeply he understands him, even about the things Dean doesn't, ever since they first met. You don't think you deserve to be saved, that's what Cas had said. All bundled up in impossibilities and power, this being that looked at Dean Winchester and knew every single inch of him, as if he had a right to each part.
"What?" Dean grits out.
"I love you, too."
the ONLY heaven fic. i do not read heaven fics bc i refuse to budge in my finale denialism i refuse to read fic where it is accepted that dean dies. i was hesitant to read this but god im glad i did it was so good. literally the best possible outcome of dean dying
final fantasy. by orange_crushed (1.9k)
“If I’d actually been born human, would I have gotten sick like everyone else? Would I be running around gnawing on the neighbors?” Castiel tilts his head up and even from here Dean can see the black ring of his pupils, wide and dark as dead stars. He’s high as fuck and he’s been loading the guns for forty-five minutes. He stares into the space where Dean is. He smiles and shows his teeth. “Maybe you’d have already put a bullet in my head.”
"This is why you don’t lead storytime anymore," Dean says. "This kind of shit."
endverse last night on earth fics are something that can be so personal actually. god
The Last Song by Moorishflower (3.5k)
The very last song is the Song of Solomon, and Castiel sings it only for Dean. Set in "The End."
this is like. pre endverse and the tone is so like. wistful? is the best word ive got? it’s gorgeous i love it but fair warning there is graphic description of like. viscera and infected wounds
to think that we could stay the same by cipherwriter (6.5k)
cas has all he needs; himself, his creation, and enough power to continue this cycle for a long time. he's fine. dean wants to take care of him anyway.
oh my GOD this one is good it’s based off the thing of how originally endverse cas was supposed to be just sitting in a room killing and resurrecting the same cockroach over and over. very bittersweet at some points i love it a lot, do not read it if youre looking for something happy though lmao
the first church at the end of the world by withbloodstainedclothingon (11k)
The angels don’t eat the brain. Only Croats do that.
this one is fucked but it’s incredible it contains very heavy and violent subject matter and cas is an Actual cult leader he doesn’t just have orgies it is SO well done and i had a great time reading it i recommend it very highly if the warnings sound like something you can stomach
Down to Agincourt by seperis (1.1 million. i know. yes it’s a wip)
There is no such thing as a guarantee when it comes to war.
The outcome's known. Why try? Return your rusty sword to battered sheath, bow your head and bend your stubborn knee. Why take the field when you cannot win the war? But Harry -- he went down to Agincourt.
PLEASE. i know the length is intimidating i KNOW it’s a very long fic but please. please read down to agincourt i am begging you. head in my HANDS this series is incredible.
Non Supernatural AUS
Long-Term Relationship by bendingsignpost (2.7k)
Castiel says, budging over to make room for Dean on the couch, “I thought we should have a serious talk about our relationship.”
Reflexively, Dean laughs.
Castiel does not.
“Uh, Cas... you know we’re not dating, right?”
look man it’s bendingsignpost okay. it’s bendingsignpost it’s good and it’s sweet and you should read it
One White Lie by komodobits (11k)
Castiel takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell. He doesn’t need to run through what he’s going to say – he’s already planned and edited and rehearsed it a thousand times. He is going to ask Dean Winchester out to dinner. If it’s not too forward, he’ll say, perfectly charming. You see, I’ve seen you around the neighbourhood and you always seem so earnest and I’d really like to get to know you bette— The door swings open, and Castiel panics.
He intends to excuse himself. He means to apologise and come back some other time. However, in a moment of blind fear, what comes out of his mouth instead are the words, “Could you spare a moment for Jesus Christ?”
do you ever pretend to be a jehovahs witness for months to hang out with the guy you like because you fucked up asking him out? yeah.
separate ways and sleeping dogs by sobsicles (53k)
Dean is three years sober when Cas comes back into town.
For a moment, they just stare at each other. Dean, once again, has to swallow the urge to offer to swallow something else. It's very hard to resist the gut-wrenching pull of want that hooks in his chest whenever he looks at Cas. And to think, he used to have him, used to be able to act on that want.
God, he's so fucking stupid.
Well, there's no point in kicking himself three years later for shit he can't change. He'll just sit right here and pretend that his fingers aren't twitching with the urge to reach out and touch. He can't do that anymore, and it's his own damn fault.
"Three years ago," Cas prompts.
Dean huffs a weak laugh. "Yeah. Eventful."
this fic hit me SO hard emotionally oh my god. don’t have much to say bc most of my thoughts on this fic are very personal but my god read this please
Everyone’s a Critic by Englandwouldfall (109k)
The one where uninspired chef Dean Winchester has a one night stand with the male (!) food critic who described the flavour of his garlic bread as 'closeted' and accidentally ends up dating him to try and prove that he's a kick ass chef, thank you very much.
(He may have a point about the 'closeted' thing).
this one is SO fun. dating the food critic who called your garlic bread closeted and lying about your career because you’re embarrassed and you want to redeem your food in his eyes but then you fall in love with him
Non Destiel Centric
gender? you mean that thing i have that pisses people off? by bigender dean winchester (homosexualitie) (946 words)
sam and dean paint each other's nails and dean abuses the technicalities of her gender. what more could you want? 
HELLO HE/SHE DEAN COMMUNITY oh my god the pure rush of euphoria reading this. oh my god. oh my god. 
the quiet road to a distant city by rottingbrains (1.2k)
Sam stares out the windshield again. They’re approaching a city, and she can see the lights in the distance. She’s past the danger zone, and she feels like the world around her reflects that in some way she can’t put into words- as if God is telling her that it’s okay. She did the right thing, and soon she will be past the lonely unknown and into the warm, forgiving light of acceptance. Or something. Come to think of it, the lights only look warm from far away, and she knows that the actual city will seem far less welcoming. Still. Best not to imagine the worst when it’s already going well.
required reading for transfem lesbian sam fans. fics that live in your ribcage to make your heart feel good
Four People Ruby Seduced & One She Actually Fell For (Or: Ruby's Epic Love Affair with Humanity in General and Sam in Specific) by tuesday (3.7k)
In which Ruby has a lot of sex, is not any kind of therapist that would be legal, and helps a few people out for her own reasons. (S4/S5 AU)
for everyone out there who enjoys ruby being a girlboss <3
Fractured Link by Trell (orphan_account) (5.5k)
Meg goes on, resolute despite the way Dean flinches, "He likes me. He likes me a lot, and I like him back, and that's probably good enough for both of us. But fuck me for saying so, Dean-o, he loves you, probably more than anything else on his daddy's green Earth, and you need to man up and give back what Clarence over there has been devoting to you for years."
this is meg/dean/cas which is not smth i really seek out but this was extremely good. set in s7 so it’s meg and dean and honey cas and it’s a lot of dean figuring his shit out and trying to forgive cas and i love meg a lot in this
475 notes · View notes
morganaspendragonss · 3 years
dancing on the edge of something new
huge thanks to alice ( @reyeslonestar ) for letting me talk this through with her at midnight when it was causing me huge trouble 🥰
five dances in tk and carlos’s life
ao3 | 2.3k | @911fluffweek day 3: getting together // dancing
TK looks over when Carlos slides off the hood of the Camaro, his hand trailing after him until he’s forced to let go. Carlos is smiling almost shyly, shifting from one foot to the other, and TK can’t help but smile back, propping himself up on his elbows.
“Carlos?” he prompts, confusion growing as no explanation is forthcoming. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, of course. I just, uh…” He bites his lip, then takes a decisive step forward and holds out a hand, cocking a brow suggestively. “Wanna dance?”
TK laughs. “Seriously?” he asks, but he’s already sitting up and placing his hand in Carlos’s, allowing him to pull him off the car and to his feet.
“Well”—Carlos shrugs, yanking TK close and smiling at the oof he makes when their chests collide—“it’s how we began, isn’t it? I figured, if we’re starting again, then it feels only right, no?”
TK stares, stuck dumb, unable to do anything but follow Carlos’s lead as his arms slip around his waist, guiding them into a gentle sway. He rests his own hands on Carlos’s chest, the realisation that he gets to do this now—gets to touch Carlos and be with him like this—hitting him all over again. To think he almost threw it all away… Well, none of that matters anymore. What matters is that they’re here, dancing in a field with no music save for the shuffle of their feet in the grass and the occasional bird or cricket, like a pair of lovesick idiots in a romcom.
And he’s never been happier.
He slides his hands up until his arms are resting loosely around Carlos’s shoulders, fingers playing with the stray curls at the nape of his neck. He stares into those familiar brown eyes, so full of warmth and light, Carlos cast in the beautiful glow of the Northern Lights above them, and TK feels an intense feeling take root in his chest. It’s not love—not yet—but it will be.
He can’t imagine not falling in love with Carlos Reyes.
The club lights strobe around them, bathing the room alternately in lurid colours and strange shadows. The place is packed, the doors practically straining on their hinges, but the only thing TK is aware of is Carlos’s body moving against his own, their movements perfectly in sync with each other.
It’s been a while since they were last about to do this, to come out and just let loose for the night. In fact, TK thinks the last time might have been when they were out with Paul what seems like a lifetime ago; so much has changed since, and TK feels like a completely different person to who he was back then.
He and Carlos have officially been together for a few months now, but it’s like the universe has been working to stop them from actually being able to enjoy it. They’ve managed to squeeze in some dates here and there, but between the shooting, the solar storm, TK’s medical leave, and weeks of opposing shifts, getting a moment to themselves has been difficult.
But now, finally, they have one. And TK is going to milk it for all it��s worth.
He turns slightly in Carlos’s grasp, his head tilting up to catch his lips in a searing kiss. Carlos grips TK’s hips tighter, pulling them flush against his own as he deepens the kiss, and TK gasps, a sharp thrill shooting down his spine.
The night stretches out blissfully in front of them, the knowledge that this isn’t just a fling that will end with the cold light of dawn making it all the sweeter. It’s still a little surreal, even now, but it also feels so damn right.
TK’s heart hammers in time with the music and he sinks into Carlos’s hold, losing himself in his heat.
It’s not that TK never felt at home at the condo. The opposite in fact; Carlos’s place had been home even before he could officially call it his, and he feels the loss of it keenly. The thing is, though, even after he’d fully moved in, it had been a struggle to think of it as theirs.
It had been home, sure, but it had also been Carlos’s place.
Carlos had found it a little funny, and it had taken several slip-ups on TK’s part and just as many gentle corrections on his for TK to get used to our dining room, and our bedroom, and our house.
And then—well. Just as he’d started to get used to it, it was all gone. Ashes. It hurt, deeply, but TK knew that it was his turn to be the one to lean on, to let Carlos be the one to set the pace. Carlos had lived there for years, after all, and what was TK’s month compared to that?
Really, anywhere that Carlos is would be home, but this—holding the keys to a house they’d picked out together, a house they’d signed the lease for together, a house they’d picked the furnishings for together—feels like coming home. 
He hates that it was the condo burning down that got them to this stage, but TK can’t stop a grin from emerging on his face as he slips his key into the lock.
He finds Carlos in the kitchen, humming and shimmying to a song playing from the speakers. To his credit, TK really does try to bite back his laughter, but he can’t quite manage it, letting out a loud snort which has Carlos stopping in his tracks, flushing a deep red.
“I see the unpacking’s going well,” he says, walking over to the kitchen counter and leaning a hip against it. 
“It was, actually,” Carlos defends, still blushing. “I didn’t realise you’d be back this soon.”
TK shakes his head; as adorable as Carlos’s embarrassment is, he needs to let him know he’s not making fun. “You can relax, babe. You know I always love seeing you move those hips.”
“Mmm, don’t I know it.” Carlos leans in and kisses him, lingering a moment before pulling back, a wide smirk on his face. “How about you help me finish unpacking here and we’ll see about showing you more of that hip action later?”
TK grumbles, but does as he’s told, the two of them falling into a comfortable rhythm as they work to getting their house in order. It’s ended up being the perfect blend of their different styles, which probably shouldn’t work together, but somehow do, and TK loves it here. They both do, he knows—nothing will ever replace what they lost in the fire, but being able to build a home together is beyond special.
He keeps sneaking glances at Carlos as the afternoon goes on—sue him, his boyfriend is built like a Greek god—and TK smiles when he realises Carlos has started dancing again. He probably doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, which makes the whole thing so much better.
TK watches for a while, then walks up to Carlos and taps him on the shoulder. “Mind if I cut in?” he asks, gesturing to the wooden spoons he was twirling around.
There’s a brief moment of confusion, before Carlos’s eyes light up with realisation. He barely wastes a second in tossing the spoons aside (though, it’s more like a careful placement in the correct drawer) and grabs TK by the hand, sending him into a literal spin.
TK laughs, taking a moment to right himself after the sudden movement caused him to stumble inelegantly. Neither of them are in time with the music as they dance around the kitchen, carefully avoiding the boxes still scattered around, but it’s not important. 
For the first time in his life, TK feels fully, completely at home. It’s not a feeling he wants to let go of.
“I think they were expecting something slower,” TK murmurs, burying a laugh in Carlos’s neck. Their guests are all wearing expressions with varying degrees of shock, and he can’t really blame them—he’s pretty sure the last thing anyone expects to hear during a first dance at a wedding is a country song. “I still can’t believe you even remember it.”
Carlos shrugs. “I still can’t believe you don’t. It is our song, after all.”
TK rolls his eyes, remembering their first conversation on this topic months ago, back when they were still sorting out all the wedding minutiae. 
“‘Our’ song, babe?” he’d said, raising a skeptical eyebrow. “Why, because we danced to it for five minutes before leaving to get off in the bathroom?”
“Exactly,” Carlos had replied, his tone so serious that TK wasn’t sure whether he was joking or not. He’d rolled his eyes and lightly shoved at TK’s shoulder. “No, babe. Because it was the first time we danced together on the night that we met. That’s special, right, even if it did only last five minutes?”
TK hadn’t exactly been able to argue that one, and he has to admit now that it was a pretty good choice. If only to see the way Judd almost choked on his champagne in surprise when the song started.
It’s a little untraditional and, if he’s being honest, TK had never thought that one day he would be getting married in Texas on his new husband’s family ranch, with their first dance being to a ‘cowboy song’, as he’d once called it, much to Carlos’s horror. But he and Carlos have never been ones for tradition, and TK wouldn’t have it any other way.
“It’s perfect,” he admits, his eyes never leaving Carlos’s. He stops the dance, not caring that the song is still playing, and steps closer, pressing their bodies together. Everything else fades into the background as he leans up and kisses Carlos, barely moving when they break apart. “I love you, Husband.”
Carlos’s face lights up in a grin that could rival the sun in its brightness. “I love you too, Husband.”
Music is floating through the door when TK gets home, and it’s enough to alleviate the weight he’s been carrying all day. It’s not that it had been a bad shift per se (though, when your standards for a good day are ‘nobody dies’, your view tends to get a bit skewed) but it had been long and tiring, and he’d missed his family desperately.
Sometimes, he still can’t believe this is really his life. But Ana, now three, has been living with them for a year already, and TK can’t imagine their home without her anymore. She’d been a blessing, coming into their lives after years of fighting to get on adoption registers, right when they were beginning to despair of ever managing it.
They did, though, and now TK gets to come home to scenes like this. 
Scenes like Ana standing on Carlos’s toes as he guides her slowly around the room in a basic dance. TK watches for a moment before getting his phone out and hitting record; he’ll be damned if he misses the opportunity to get this on film.
Carlos, having heard him enter, rolls his eyes when he sees what TK’s doing, but flashes him a quick smile before returning his focus to Ana. She hasn’t noticed TK’s entrance, her face scrunched up in deep concentration as she grips onto Carlos’s hands as tight as she possibly can.
When the music ends, Ana claps her hands and giggles. TK takes the moment to make his presence known, dropping to his knees and holding his arms out. She barrels into him, almost knocking him over, and presses her face into his chest, her tiny hands creating creases in his uniform shirt.
“Hi, sweetheart,” TK murmurs, dropping a kiss in her hair. He gently detaches her from him and manoeuvers them until she’s sitting in his lap. “Looks like you guys were having fun while I was at work.”
She nods enthusiastically. “Papa was teaching me to dance! Abuela showed me photos when I was with her and Abuelo and I wanted to be just like her!”
“Abuela got out the photo albums again, huh?”
Ana nods again. “Of her… Her…” She frowns and looks up at Carlos.
“Her china poblana dresses,” Carlos says softly, smiling as Ana grins and points at him. 
TK laughs and draws his daughter into a hug, rocking them gently, his gaze going up to Carlos. “Well, from what I saw, you were dancing even better than Papa,” he says, smirking as Carlos gasps in mock offence. He looks back down at Ana, tapping on the back of her hand. “You know,” he starts, smiling, “I think I might need some dancing lessons too. Think you can teach me?”
Ana lights up and immediately gets to her feet, as if she’d been waiting for him to ask. She grabs TK’s hand and pulls him up, leading him to where Carlos must have cleared a space for them earlier. The music begins to play again and TK lets his daughter take charge, playfully sticking his tongue out at Carlos when he laughs at TK getting firmly told off for putting his foot in the wrong place.
At some point, Carlos joins the dance, the three of them stepping and bouncing around the front room. Ana’s laughter fills the house, shrieking with delight when Carlos sweeps her from the floor and wraps both her and TK in his arms. TK leans his head on his husband’s shoulder, a hand placed on their daughter’s back, and breathes out slowly, all the exhaustion from earlier forgotten. 
At last, he’s home.
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gaymershigh · 4 years
hulloh! I've only been on tumblr for a few hours, and me and my friend already love your work! Is it ok if I request some TWST parent scenarios with Riddle,Lilia,Sebek,Vil and Floyd? If so, thanks! Also once again, me and my freind love ur works alot!
Of course! Since there's no s/o really mentioned in here but people might still want to be included, s/o will be mentioned just a tiny bit (the kids being biological or adopted is up to you since I want to make the s/o gender neutral.) Also, thanks a lot! I'm still and probably be forever an amateur writer so this means a lot to me 🥺💞💞
Triggers: None
Parents au: Riddle, Lilia, Sebek, Vil and Floyd edition!
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From what we've seen, his parents are not the best role models like, at all. They were too strict, pressuring him and treating him like a trophy child. However, he will definitely not treat his child like that at all after Ace slapped him with reality.
He will be a bit strict, having some rules and will scold them if they did something wrong but not as scold them the way his mother does. He won't raise his voice at them, showing them the right path after he scolded them. He will give them freedom and try his best to not make his children suffer the same thing he did, especially when he's the source of the pain.
Though, he might accidentally adapt some things from his mother and project her ways to his children, being completely not self aware. If you're his s/o, please teach him the baby steps to avoid this from this occurring too often.
Unfortunately, having a good life and children won't make his short temper extend. This is the only reason why he doesn't spoil them too much, they might act entitled and may be too late to change them back to the innocent infant they were back then. He tries very hard to control his temper if his children unintentionally knock furniture over or damage something. He just needs a few minutes alone, everything will be back to normal later.
There was one time where his child's birthday was near and decided to bake a cake from scratch, without any assistance from Trey nor his s/o. Thinking he could do it and don't want anyone to underestimate him. He was planning to make a burnt strawberry cheesecake and did the mistake of leaving the oven on for an hour for 400 degrees fahrenheit. The cake went on fire but it tasted very good when he for some reason tasted it. Nobody knew about the incident and the cake was actually used for its purpose. Yay for him, I guess.
He was already pretty outdated in trends when he was in his teens so do expect him to be like a middle aged soccer mom on Facebook every time his children send him memes or something like that. If he does even use any sort of social media and stumbled upon a 'funny' minion meme or something, he will definitely send it to the family group chat. He will make those 5th grade types of edits with one of the family pictures with a "I love my family". It's funny but still wholesome so don't laugh at him.
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There is no alternate universe where Lilia isn't a good dad. Silver and his other wards are already an amazing example of how amazing of a parent he is! He has gained a bunch of experience so he got this in the bag.
Though, his way of taking care of children might be different from how it is now. Times have changed, there are probably some new and uncomplicated objects or toys to entertain the baby or child. He would love to go on a shopping trip to buy some fascinating kids toys he found in the toy store. Please stop him from buying everything in there because it looks "intriguing".
If you're his s/o, you're very lucky since if you have a baby who always cries at three in the morning or a kid who really have trouble sleeping, Lilia will sing a lullaby and they'll doze off in any second. He can wake up easily or he'll just always stay up playing his games so you don't even need to break a sweat in this situation.
His kids or any kid in general loves him lots. He will always tell his tales anywhere, anytime. If the kids ask him for a story to tell, he will always have a new one ready to tell. They also make amazing bedtime stories! It can be funny little innocent stories like his funny experiences taking care of his three wards to actual battles he went through. Any story is a good story.
He really got along with his child when they're young and innocent but when they get into their teenage years, oh boy. He will unintentionally embarrasses them but their friends won't mind. If anything, they will love him being around as he's always keeping up with the games and trends, not being a fat, shirtless creepy dad. One of the positive parts about his child growing up is that he can play video games with him just like he did with Silver! Reliving the nice memories.
He would always try to cook something in any opportunity he gets and of course, he gets stopped by either s/o or his own children. Yes, they have to go through the hard way to realize their father is garbage at cooking. He would always try to cook some food everytime something good has happen in order to celebrate but most of the times, he just wants to cook something for them to show how much he loves them. They really made him happy, he finally have a biological/adopted offspring to watch growing up (again).
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Sebek unfortunately doesn't have that much time to spend time with his children due to being Malleus' trusted escort. Of course, when he does have free time and is not exhausted he will use the opportunity to spend it with his adorable younglings.
Knowing him, he still loves and worships Malleus but he's no longer his only priority in life when he finally has a life of his own other than just being Malleus' bodyguard. He will ramble and tell so many stories about his young master to his kids. They will be infatuated but will later complain about how everything is just "Malleus this, Malleus that". He will get a bit upset about that comment, so he will only talk about Malleus stories for 3 days a week.
He only has focused his life on guarding Malleus and advancing himself on magic and education. Now that he's now an actual father, this is a new chapter in his life and he's not prepared at all. He will seek Lilia for guidance and of course, Lilia being Lilia will rope him to doing something absolutely ridiculous and he would of course, woefully fall for it. Pretty surprising that no matter how much he has fallen for his teacher's trap, he still seeks him for advice.
His kids will definitely learn how to read fast. He loves reading and he really wants his kids to appreciate it too. He was about to immediately give them the books that have old and poetic language without even knowing what the alphabet was. Lilia put a stop to this and you couldn't even bear seeing how sad he looked because he needs to wait for a few years for him to have little reading buddies. Oh well, it doesn't matter now. He will teach them how to read and appreciate the art of reading no matter how long it takes.
He has exposed his children to a bunch of Malleus propaganda so there's no surprise if the children become just like him. Loud screaming, Malleus worshipping, smart but naive and other things Sebek has. If you're his s/o, please keep the children in check as they might cause problems to the neighbors. As this might be troublesome, it's at least entertaining experience I suppose.
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Just like Sebek, he has even less time to spend with his kids as he always has modeling, acting and other businesses to attend. He's probably going to be exhausted when he comes back as well. Though, of course he's going to try to use all his energy to talk to his children till he can no longer open his eyes anymore. He prefers an s/o that is a stay-in mom/dad so the children won't feel lonely while he's gone.
They're definitely gonna grow up just like him. A model, actor, media influencer, or the combination of the three and it's not a bad thing. If they're going on the same route as him, he will teach them in a strict but still in a somewhat caring manner as he has learned a lot from his experience of the VDC boot camp and the overblot incident. He will only show his threatening side if they start to misbehave like those ADeuce rats.
Just because they are his children, doesn't mean they get a free pass if they intentionally neglect or not doing their best at all times, especially when it comes to appearance. He's known to be a neat-freak and a very hard worker to the point it's concerning. He will scold them if more than two pimples pop up on their face but he knows when to cross the line. He learned this easier if their child is rather sensitive and just emotionally fragile in general but they still need to take care of themselves.
He expects his children to follow his footsteps when it comes to where they're schooling. He wants them to enter a prestigious school like he did for his reputation and for the sake of his children's future. This is optional (not really) but he also hopes his children to enter Pomefiore as well and take the dorm head title at least the second week they enroll in this school. If they were sorted to a different dorm, they still want them to have a role in their dorm or in the school at all.
He begs to the Great Seven that paparazzi or desperate losers obsessing over him don't intrude into his personal life, especially if it's about his family. The last thing he wants to witness is his family in pain or being uncomfortable for their whole life. He usually avoids or straight up tells the interviewer that he's not comfortable answering questions when they're going too personal when it's about questions of his family.
You cannot feel anymore blessed when you see his smiling face when he received news about having a vacation. He can finally spend more time with his wonderful kids he's raising with all his heart. He will tell them about some funny incidents in the studio while he was involved in some modeling gig or he will bring them to a private island with gorgeous scenery for both of them to enjoy. Of course, his children's happy faces are more beautiful than the island.
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Floyd is seen to be very warm and sweet despite having a very intimidating height. Naturally, he's not going to be ruthless and act the same when it's with his children because it's his children of course, family is precious to him. He has a lot of energy even after a long shift at Mostro Lounge, so he will always spend a lot of time with his kids.
He's physically affectionate so expect him to be always close and wrapping his arms around his children at almost all times. He'll usually let them sit on his lap when they watch TV or sleep with them if they can't go back to sleep because of a nightmare. Headpats are needed, especially if the kids did something good or got good news. Not saying he won't give any headpats if something bad happens, maybe headpats of sympathy perhaps.
He's very patient when it's with his children because he doesn't want his children to fear him when they grow up. If anything, the s/o have to do the scolding to avoid him snapping or anything like the sort. They rarely do anything bad though, since they're aware of how their dad acts from how he treats a dirty burglar who once tried to break in.
Since he's usually very active and hates just standing around, he expects his children to be just like him. It's never boring if your dad is Floyd as he always has something really entertaining to do at most times. If you're his s/o, you have the free entrance to see an eel man dancing around with his kids or playing some basketball either inside or preferably in the backyard. He tried showing the art of parkour but is stopped due to it being very risky. He sulked about this but oh well, once they're ten, they have no choice but to learn it!
Floyd is an amazing cook and he sometimes lets his children be involved like chopping some vegetables or stirring the macaroni. He sometimes teaches them the perfect way of doing it or let's them try doing their own meal with his assistance. There was one time they decided to make one of the weirdest food combinations and try to eat it, he won and ate it all as it was too gross for the kids to eat it. It's not gonna be a surprise if everyone in this household is an expert cook when Floyd is here.
If possible, he really wants to bring his kids at work no matter how troublesome they could get. If Azul has a "bring your kids to work" day (which I doubt of him doing), he's going to bring all his children no matter how many he has. If there's no day like that, who cares! He's bringing his kids anyway and nobody's stopping him. Sure, he will get scolded by Azul but if that's the only thing stopping him then he'll take his chances.
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I don't if it's still Christmas or not since I don't celebrate it but if it's still is, Merry Christmas! 🎉 I'll just say this is a Christmas gift for you and your friend, Mouaietaru! Especially for that Jamil and Silver fanfic that you made. It's very good, keep up the fantastic work! ✨✨✨
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kopikokun · 4 years
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Beach Day Blues༄ l.dh
↳ Out on a day trip to the beach with your boyfriend and his friends, you’re anticipating a fun time filled with sunny memories and sand filled swimsuits. What you’re not expecting is the cold shoulder from your usually happy-go-lucky boyfriend, but you’re going to get to the root of this issue, even if it’ll kill you.
pairing: lee donghyuck x reader ft. yuta, mark & jaehyun
content: fluff, beach day, reverse comfort fic, jealousy fic, very mildly suggestive ending
word count: 2053 words
Request 36: Haechan + “I need a hug.” (42) + “You’re cute when you’re angry.” (47) + “You own my heart.” (59) + Jealousy
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— 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝.
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Perhaps you’re being delusional. Perhaps you’re just dehydrated or, maybe, you rationalise, the scalding rays of the evening Sun have burned not only your skin but your brain cells too (if there were any to begin with). Maybe all of this is just in your head and you’re overthinking it.
    “Hey,” someone hisses, “is it just me or is Donghyuck giving you the cold shoulder?”
    At the question, or rather observation, your head swivels an almost sharp 90 degrees to stare Yuta straight in the eyes. “So, it wasn’t just me thinking that!”
    Yuta chuckles. “Yeah, he definitely seems off…” He peers at Donghyuck discreetly from beneath his sunglasses before turning back towards you. “Did you guys get into a fight or something?”
    “A fight? No way!” You pause, suddenly doubting yourself. “At least, I don’t think so…”
    Though you’re confident in your verdict of innocence regarding a fight, Yuta’s question prompts you to briefly run through the events of the day. To preface things, you, your boyfriend, Donghyuck, and a few of your friends—namely, Yuta, Jaehyun and Mark—had decided around half a month ago to clear up one day in advance for a ‘beach day’ this week. The idea had sprung after someone had brought up how nice and sunny the weather had been lately, and everyone just unanimously came to the conclusion that sunny weather equals beach day.
     You had begun packing for this trip a few days ahead to the surprise of everyone including yourself, which is a testament to your overwhelming excitement, because you rarely--if ever--pack that early for just a single day trip. But who can blame you? This would be your first official trip with Donghyuck. No, you should rephrase that. This would be your first official trip with Donghyuck as your boyfriend. You’ve been on plenty of trips before when you two were just ‘friends’, but now--and maybe this is the romanticist in you which you’ve successfully kept stored away up until recently speaking--it just feels different. You’re sure someone out there can relate, because you’ve never been one to obsess over something as feeble as a label, yet this trip has had your stomach in knots for ages.
  The packing process had gone smoothly--neither you nor Donghyuck had forgotten anything--and so had the car ride over. As far as you can recall, your day at the beach so far has gone without a hitch too. You’d had a little picnic, dipped in the oddly warm sea, played some beach volleyball (badly) and gotten some icecream afterward. No fights, no issues, no nothing.
   Maybe, you think, he found out I was involved in that little switch up with the sea water. You don’t entertain the idea for too long though immediately casting it away, because you know Donghyuck would never be the type to get so upset over a prank.
    So, why the attitude?
    You gaze at Donghyuck’s back, hoping that this mystery might just unravel itself if you stare long enough.
    “Huh…” Yuta’s voice tears you from your zealous staring competition with Donghyuck’s shoulders. “Then I wonder what’s up…”
    You sigh. You know you should confront him and have a mature conversation about what’s bothering him, but that’s so much easier said than done. Maybe this is God’s way of punishing you for ridiculing all those scenes in cheesy teen flicks where the couple would experience a major fall-out because of poor communication. During said scenes, you’d be pulling your hair out, internally screaming at the couple to just freaking talk already, yet now that you’ve been presented this obstacle for you to overcome yourself, you’re erring on the side of caution.
    Come on, you reason, I’ve been friends with Donghyuck for over half-a-decade and we’ve gotten into our fair share of arguments during those five years. What’s so different about now?
    Yeah, you’re right. You find yourself agreeing with your own thoughts, physically nodding along like you’re speaking to someone. Yuta raises a concerned eyebrow at you. Nothing’s different compared to then. You’re doing it again. He’s just my boyfriend, and that’s just a label. Stop. Obsessing. Over. Labels.
    Admittedly, it’s a bit embarrassing having to psyche yourself up to do this, but that’s not what’s important right now. What’s important is that little pep-talk, no matter how laughable it sounded, has gotten you to stand and saunter to Donghyuck with utmost confidence. In hindsight, you should’ve said something to Yuta beforehand instead of just springing from your seat and marching away. The thought hadn’t crossed your mind though, as it was obviously preoccupied with something arguably much more important than giving him the luxury of context.
    You decide not to be too transparent about your feelings at first as you take a seat beside Donghyuck on the sand, leaning your head on his shoulder, hoping that all of this was really just your imagination getting the best of you. You silently plead that he’ll perhaps treat you like he normally would, giving you a little peck on the cheek or at least wrapping his arm around your waist. Unfortunately, your hopes are smothered just as quickly as they arise because Donghyuck doesn’t even bat an eye at you, continuing to chat with Jaehyun and flat-out ignoring your presence. Still optimistic for a reaction, you leave a chaste kiss to his bare shoulder, just to let him know that “Hey, I’m here!”, but to no avail. Infuriatingly, he doesn’t even flinch. All he does is drone on to Jaehyun about something you couldn’t care less about.
    You huff. Audibly. A last ditch effort in vying for Donghyuck’s attention. It goes just as well as your previous attempts. You cross your arms, glaring at the side of Donghyuck’s stubborn little head, hoping to bore a deep hole through his brain. Maybe then he’ll finally take notice of you. Sensing the undeniable tensity in the air, Jaehyun clears his throat awkwardly, offering Donghyuck some lame excuse about needing to take a piss, before shuffling away. Well, at least someone knows how to take a hint.
    With Jaehyun’s departure, you’re left alone with Donghyuck. Usually, he’d be leaping to drown you in affection the second you two had privacy--or even if you two didn’t, to be frank--but all he does now is fiddle with the strings of his swimming shorts absentmindedly.
    “What’s wrong, Hyuck?” you finally ask, desperate to break this frustratingly suffocating silence. “Is something wrong?”
    Finally, after what seems like centuries, Donghyuck acknowledges your existence, though the look he gives you is not a pleasant one. In fact, it’s one of agitation. His tongue prods at his inner cheek before he says, tone bitter, “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”
    Evidently taken aback, you crease your eyebrows at him. “I… Did I do something wrong, babe?”
    “Oh, come on,” he scoffs, scornful amusement overtaking his normally amiable features. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know. You can just come out and say it.”
    “Say what, Hyuck?”
    “How much more you’re into Mark than into me,” Donghyuck says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
    You can’t help but laugh, simply bewildered as to how on Earth he came to this conclusion. “I’m into who now?”
    “Mark,” Donghyuck rolls his eyes, “don’t have to pretend like you’re surprised.”
  “I’m not into--” you sigh, a smile of disbelief tugging at your lips. “Okay, tell me why you think I’m into Mark.”
    “I don’t think. I know,” Donghyuck argues and you scoff, “but it’s obvious. And I have proof. Take when we were playing volleyball for instance. The whole time, you kept eyeing Mark up and laughing at his jokes. All of them. Even the weird ones that nobody gets.”
    You snort. “Baby… I wasn’t ‘eyeing Mark up’, I was watching him just in case he missed the ball. And about the joke thing, to his credit, some of them were actually pretty funny! But, as for the the rest--and don’t tell Mark I said this--I felt kinda bad nobody else laughed at them, so I just laughed along with him. Trust me, I’ve been in his shoes before and it sucks. Not all of us are born as naturally as funny as you, Hyuck.” You’re a little remorseful that you’re essentially dissing Mark, but you’re sure he’d understand. Your relationship’s on the line here.
    Donghyuck harrumphs, but you can tell by the slight quirk of his lip that he’s a little tickled by you poking fun at Mark and he’s totally been swayed by your compliment.
    “Okay, fine that explains that, but how about when we went swimming just now? Why did you and Mark keep exchanging funny looks?”
    “That?” You giggle. “You know how your drink was mysteriously replaced by seawater?”
    “Yeah,” he trails off, his suspicion growing by the second.
    “Who do you think that was?”
    Donghyuck groans. “Wait, that was you? Seriously? That was mean, babe.”
  “Aww, I know, Hyuck. I’m sorry,” you coo. Your hand inches its way closer to his as you attempt to intertwine your fingers together.
    Donghyuck rejects your endeavour of fondness. “Nu-uh, no way. I’m not done with you yet.”
    “Oh my God, Hyuck, there’s more?” you complain, though there’s a tint of amusement in your voice.
    “Yes, there’s more, and you won’t be able to worm your way out of this one either,” he says smugly, as if it’d be a good thing if you in fact, couldn’t worm your way out of his next accusation. “How about when we went to get ice cream and you kept sliding up next to him?”
    You pout. “I just wanted to try the watermelon popsicle he got.”
    Donghyuck blinks at you, his once irritated expression dissolving. He seems dumbfounded as you hold his gaze, your mirthful smile never faltering. He turns away from you. “Oh, well… then whatever. I guess you aren’t into Mark.”
    “Hyuck,” you say, hand crawling up his arm, “were you jealous?”
    “Well, yeah, obviously,” he deadpans, still refusing to meet your gaze.
    You giggle. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”
    His cold facade is immediately abandoned at your teasing intonation, and just like that, your cheery Hyuck is back. “Baby,” he whines, readjusting himself so he’s facing you head-on, “don’t tease me. I couldn’t help but be jealous, you know?”
    “And why is that?”
    Donghyuck purses his lips. “Why? What do you mean why?” He gestures up and down, eyes sweeping over you. “Look how pretty you are! What am I supposed to do when you look this good all the time? It’s unfair, really, that you’re this pretty.”
    A blistering heat, one that is much hotter than the Sun, gathers in your cheeks. “Oh really now, Hyuck?”
    “Yes, really,” he says, genuity seeping into his every word. “Literally, everyday I’m surprised you’re even real.” You grin bashfully and Donghyuck pounds his fist to his chest dramatically like he’s been shot. “See! You’re only smiling and I’m already having heart palpitations at just twenty years old.”
    “Okay, okay, Hyuck. You can stop hyping me up now,” you chuckle. You’re beyond glad that your boyfriend has returned to his spirited self, but you know you should address what just happened seriously, just in case. “But hey, I’m sorry that I made you feel that way. Looking back, it definitely could’ve been misinterpreted as flirting and I would never want you to have any reason to feel insecure about our relationship because you own my heart, Hyuck.”
    “Aw, babe, you can be really cheesy when you want to be,” says Donghyuck, pinching your cheeks. He plays what you said off casually, but you know that deep down, it resonates with him, and he honestly appreciates your sincerity. “Come here, I need a hug.”
    “Right now? There are people around, Hyuck.”
    “But you look so good right now. I can’t resist.”
    “I don’t know, Hyuck…” You smile demurely.
    “Alright, then what about,” Donghyuck reaches to tuck your hair behind your ear, whispering, “we ditch the beach day and go cuddle in the car? My skin’s burning, anyway.”
    You grin. “They’re gonna notice that we went missing, you know?”
    “So?” Donghyuck challenges, leaning in to place a short but telling kiss on the juncture which connects your ear and your jaw. “Even better. I want them to know.”
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alexjcrowley · 3 years
Hi! This fanfiction is based on an idea by @idrilearfalas , she wrote the entire concept and the iconic/important lines you'll find in this fanfiction, check out her blog, she is great.
The Pompeii mission, Mobius thought it would have been an easy one. Everybody knows what should happen in Pompeii and it's usually all natural. You just have to make sure someone dies- eh, sorry Plinius- and someone lives.
It's an easy mission, normally, but not when you have to handle a certain norse God of Mischief. One who likes to throw a tantrum on every other occasion.
It's usually nothing more than bantering, playful and witty at its best, sharp and bitter at its worst, but it's something Mobius can handle. He can even enjoy it, when he makes a stupid joke and Loki tells him how stupid it is and they both chuckle. Loki has to learn something new about being a TVA agent and most of the times he makes a fool of himself before getting the thing right, so Mobius can tease him a little and Loki will respond sharp as ever, but with a sort of...endearing note in his stubborness.
Those are good days, days Mobius comes back to his apartment with a smile and when he closes his eyes he can still hear the God's laughter at whatever funny thing happened that day, or replay the moment when they looked into eachothers' eyes and they suddenly understood what to do with the mission, with a single glance.
Today was not a good day. He didn't know the reason. Maybe Loki woke up on the wrong side of the bed, maybe Mobius accidentally made an unpleasant comment, but the norse God started their mission with a pout you could see on the face of a child when they don't get the Christmas present they wanted.
"Oh well" Mobius had thought. Oh well, it's just another bad day, a day in which he had to watch his mouth, because you don't want to deal with an angered God. The general mood was low, the Minutemen looked already tired before the mission had even started and Mobius knew from the moment he passed through the portal he wanted to come back home as soon as possible.
But this wasn't an ordinary bad day. Mobius was prepared to deal with a bit of coldness, with a lack of enthusiasm from everybody, what he wasn't ready to deal with- he didn't want to deal with Loki acting like an asshole.
"And that's it? Really?"
"What did you expect me to say, exactly? You brought me here, you told me I was living a delusion and you gave me no choice other than being your hound. I apologise if I can't think of you as one of my dear friends."
"One of your dear friends? Who would the others be? Just curious, because I have seen your entire life and there is not one person, except maybe Thor, you actually build this strong and trusting relationship with-"
"Wonderful, so why did you expect you'd be the first one I'd decide to grant the gift of my friendship to? I am not even your colleague, I am subjected to this stupid organisation and to you in particular. We are not friends, we forcibly work together and that's it."
Mobius and Loki had been speed walking during the entire discussion, but Loki stopped for a moment.
"You can't fool me, I know very well I am not anything more than your ticket to the Variant. I'll be damned before I put my trust in you, we both know, after all of this has come to an end, nothing will be between me and that resetting stick."
You see, on an ordinary bad day, this would have never happened. On an ordinary bad day, Mobius wouldn't have seen all of his efforts to build a decent relationship with Loki shattered. Was he used to a suspicious Loki? Yes. To a Loki who said that trust is for dogs and children? Also yes. He had been used to that Loki since he first opened up his file. But he had also started being used to Loki's rare moments when he opened up, to his hidden heroic side which desperately seemed to call for attention, to his awkward, genuine reaction when he was showed any form of affection. Mobius had seen Loki spitting his "trust nobody" one liners with less and less convinction everyday, and then they were only mumbled comments to keep up a façade, and then they had become whispers, and then eyes rolls, to the point that Mobius had thought Loki had started warming up on poeple- warming up on him. But he was wrong. Just because Loki didn't voice his dissent, it didn't mean it wasn't there.
It didn't mean he saw Mobius as more than just enemy, even after everything they had been through, even after Mobius took on himself the risk of whatever would have happened to Loki and because of Loki, even after the trust he had shown him, even after the laughters and the lunches and the jokes and the stolen glances- now, look at who was the delusioned one.
Did this upset Mobius? Absolutely. But it also fired him up. Frustration, anger, embarrassment, Mobius erupted with a fiercety matching the volcano explosion just minutes ago.
"Do you really think I would just let them reset you?"
Although shorter than the God, Mobius stood up in front of him looking him in the eyes.
"After all I have done to keep you alive, after all we have been through, do you believe I'd just abandon you to your de-"
"What else would you do? Keep me with you, as your 'friend'? What, you took pity on me and were planning to give me a desk so I can spend the rest of my eternity working for the same people who robbed me of my future?"
"Now stop it, you two, the passage is open, we need to leave" said Hunter B-15, but Loki and Mobius didn't seem to have any intention of listening to her, so she just signed at the rest of the group.
"Come on, hop through it, they'll come when they're ready" she ordered. She waited for the Minutemen to go through the passage, she looked once again at Loki and Mobius and she shook her head, following her collogues back to the TVA. She closed the passage, aware that Mobius could have opened another when he wanted to.
"Just because you are a selfish, uncaring bastard it doesn't mean we all have to be. Is it so difficult for you to accept some people care about you? Like your mother or your brothe-"
"Don't you dare talking about them, you know nothing about them-"
"I literally know everything about them-"
"And stop pretending you care about me or trust me, I am the God of Illusions, I know all your stupid tricks, I used them before-"
Loki and Mobius were shouting very loud, they barely heard the footsetps of someone approaching. A Variant, not the Loki Variant, another one, an enemy of the TVA, probably.
Mobius noticed them in the corner of the eye and turned around fast enough.
Loki was not minimally done with the discussion, but if Mobius was looking away from him, something must have happened.
Loki has been in battles. Battles on Asgards are usually more "traditional" than what you see on Midgard. Sure, they can use magic, but it's mostly swords and axes and arrows and, sometimes, good old-fashioned punches. When he had been on Midgard, Loki had learned war had incredibly evolved. The glorified Midgardian technology changed the face of battles. He had seen a few of the new weapons, nothing that impressive, incomparable to magic. But he remembered them very well, he knew he was not a good idea to underestimate them. So he remembered the sound of a bullet. It was loud, violent, fast. It lasted a few seconds, and then there was silence. If you aim right, your enemy is not just wounded, he's already dead.
They both turned to see the Variant pulling out a gun, and then Loki heard it.
The sound of a bullet.
He shoved Mobius away, before the agent could do anything about it. Mobius heard the sound of a bullet as well, he heard Loki moan in pain and he knew he hadn't been fast enough. But he made up for it pulling out his gun as well, shooting the Variant right in the chest, it only took one bullet to kill him.
Mobius was suddenly grabbed by the arm by a bleeding Loki, who was trying to stand up in vain.
Mobius kneeled next to him, holding him and putting his head on his lap.
Blood. So much blood. The bullet hit the stomach. A normal bullet? You take him to the hospital and chances are he'll be fine. A bullet like that, with a venom release? Kills you in a matter of minutes.
'He is not going to survive' a voice declared in Mobius's head.
He had seen scenes like this too many times to ignore the truth, even if he was desperately trying to. So many missions ending up with corpses, Mobius had witnessed so many deaths like this. It was useless to try and save them, the most merciful act was to immediately reset them to spare them the pain.
But not with Loki. Mobius had already started pressing on the wound, trying to stop the blood.
Useless, all of this was useless.
Loki was uttering verses more than words, normally at this point he would have neen already unconscoius, but the whole being a God must have come with some sort of enhanched healing capacity.
"I am not...ugh, not surviving this?"
"No, no, you are, I just have to take you through the passage-"
"I am...the God of...lies, I know one when I heard...one" Loki coughed.
No, no, no, one thing was seeing Loki dies in a stupid video, another was to witness him dying between his arms, Mobius thought. He couldn't bear this.
Loki looked so scared. He didn't even have the strenght to talk to pretend he was fine with this, he accepted this death. He just looked pained and frightened. He tried to tighten his grip around Mobius's arm, but he couldn't, he was loosing too much blood too fast.
"He looks so young, God, he looks so young" was all Mobius could think. He had seen Loki die, he had seen him a hero, a son of Odin, a troubled man with a controversial life, but this Loki, he was too young. He was just learning what his life could amd couldn't be, he still hadn't make up with Thor or heard his father tell him that he loved him. There was an entire future for him ready to be rewritten, he couldn't die in that moment, he couldn't die on him.
"Aren't you...you tired of watching...me die..."
"You are not dying, Loki, we just have to press on the wound for bit longer, enough for it to stop bleeding, then I'll take you through the passage and-"
"It's always...so pathetic..." Loki coughed again "of a scene..."
Mobius looked around him for another piece of cloth to press on the wound. He had already sacrificed his jacket, but, in absence of anything else, he ripped part of the sleeve of his shirt and pressed it on Loki's stomach. The white cotton was soon impregnated by dark red blood.
"At least...both times...I died for someone I-"
Loki coughed again, exhaling his last breath.
Mobius stopped pressing on the wound. He stared at Loki's corpse in a silent horror.
His body wasn't cold yet, the blood was still flowing, but he was dead. Loki was dead.
Mobius conceided himself a few seconds to fully realize there was nothing left to do. He wanted to scream, but his mouth didn't emit any sound.
His hands still rested on the wound, wet woth blood.
"It should have been you, is that what you're thinking, isn't it?"
Mobius reluctantly teared his gaze off Loki's corpse, to meet the eyes of another God Mischief, one alive and on the run.
Towering over Mobius with his dark cloak, the Dangerous Variant casted a shadow on the two TVA agents. He then kneeled beside Loki's corpse.
Mobius looked at him is disbelief.
"Why are you here?" was all Mobius managed to say.
Why are you here now? Where were you five minutes ago, when Loki was still alive, when you could have done something? How are looking at your own corpse- they were, after all, the same person- without any anger, or surprise or shock?
Mobius wasn't scared of the Dangerous Variant, on the contrary. Although TVA insisted on branding him as this big enemy, he had on several occasions helped him and Loki out, even saved them from some very bad situations. He had never constituted a threat for him or Loki. Sure, he was a mass murderer, but that was kind of a Loki characteristic in general.
"Okay, here's the deal" said the Variant, without looking away from the dead body "You use your...your- ah, what's its name, the- the remote to go back in time, I'll take his place and it's happy ending for everyone. Except for me" he mumbled "but that was mever in the plans, wasn't it" he smiled bitterly, pushing a lock of the dead Loki's hair away from his face.
"What?" Mobius exclaimed.
"Just do as I say" the Variant kept looking down at the corpse "You turn back time, I take the bullet, you two live, I die. It's easy, Mobius."
"How the hell should this be easy?" Mobius shouted, prey to grief and confusion "Why would you do that? What's- what's the meaning of this?"
The Variant had been willing to lend a hand in moments of need, but he was no suicidal.
Finally, the Variant pried his eyes away from his other self and looked at Mobius.
"You asked me once why I was doing what I was doing, remember?" he began.
Mobius slowly nodded.
“Killing TVA officers, trying to destroy the system" the Variant continued "It was just... revenge. Against the TVA. For taking away the thing I cared the most about."
He then looked Mobius in the eye, with a strange intensity, some sort of regret.
"...I was that Loki"
He looked once again at the corpse.
"Then they killed you." he paused.
Mobius didn't say a word, but he kept looking at the Variant astonished.
"And I decided it was time to stray from my written path again. Because nothing else mattered anymore, except making them pay for what they did and making sure what happened to you in my past... did not happen in your present."
The Variant idly run a bony finger over his other's self pale cheek. He then raised his eyes at Mobius.
"I will take his place because he still has you" he then declared "and he still has time to accept" he made a small gesture with his hand, encompassing his dead alter ego and Mobius "whatever you’ve got going on."
Mobius looked at the Variant ever so bewildered, but the Variant simply closed his eyes for a few seconds, looking for the right words.
"He still has time to tell you...all the things I never said." 
The Dangerous Variant was on his knees, teary eyes and a lump in his throat, but he then stood up and cleared his stance. Despire the shaken voice, he proclaimed with all the courage he seemed to own: "I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose." He screamed that to no one in particular, or maybe just to himself.
Mobius had been shocked into silence until that moment. Still looking at the Variant, he stood up too, hesitated for a moment then extends his hand to Dangerous Variant. The other one looked at it for a moment, and then firmly grasped it, shaking it.
Mobius was still very confused over what has just happened- what was going to happen.
"Are you sure?" he asked "You...would die. For good. I- I don't think there's a way everybody can get out safe from this- even if you consider time travel and-"
"I know. That's why I am doing it. So that you two get to live, you still has reasons to do it." the Variant said, no hesitation.
"I was right, you know," Mobius said, still reluctant to leave Loki's hand- the moment he did, the Variant would have to die. It was still hard for him to sentence someone to death. But his lips curled into an almost amused smile, even though with a note of sadeness "You're not a villain."
The Variant snorted- oh, Allfather, he had missed Moby's antics- and rolled his eyes, then looked at Mobius again, trying to hide his amusement. You had to have a sense of humour to live his life, Loki thought, there weren't many moments to laugh in his existence, he had to learn to appreciate rare moments like those, when fate graced him with the last sight of the love of his life.
"Turn back the clock, Mobius."
After a slow nod, his hand still in Variant Loki's, Mobius did as he was said.
Two days later those events, ut was a good day. In the previous two days, the TVA had finally declared that one of his most wanted Variants was not a problem anymore. Mobius simply stated he had "been cared about", with a hint of sadness nobody cared for. Loki had been quite shocked to witness his death, he had tried to do something for him, but Mobius had looked at him the way he rarely did- with resignation. Nothing left to do. He had offered Loki to spend some time together after the whole thing, to buy him a drink if he needed, to simply listen to him or leave him alone, if he wanted to. It wasn't easy to be a spectator of their own death.
Loki had recovered quicker than Mobius would have thought. Sure, you could still see Loki lost in his train of thoughts when he was left on his own, but he had seen himself die once, he could handle twice.
"Paperwork. To distract you. As a treat." Mobius put on his desk a stack of papers the size of an encyclopedia.
Loki frowned: "And you call this a treat?"
"Well, you can always go help Casey cataloguing the infinity stones, if you like it best" Mobius chuckles.
Loki mindlessly started playing with the Tesseract on his desk- yes, they let him keep it. After all, it was no more than a glowing blue lamp at the TVA.
"Mh, whatever" Loki sighed, picking up a paper, still glaring at Mobius.
"Oh, you have to file these for the end of the day, which gives you around...hmm, something between one and four hours in earth time, I don't remember now. Good luck." Mobius added before starting to walk away.
An irritated "what" that was probably heard in the entire pocket reality of the TVA made him stopped in place. Mobius couldn't help but smile, but he didn't turn around.
"You must be joking! This is- this is unacceptable! What is even supposed to mean between one and four hours? I may have king ambitions but you are the real tyrant!" Loki shouted.
"Oh, Loki" said Mobius, finally turning to face the God "This is very flattering, but I am no more than a mere bureaucrat."
"Yes, and the worst kind." the other replied. He then looked around him, noticing that everybody has stopped whatever they were doing to listen to his shoutings. With a faint flush on his face, Loki sat back in his chair, just after glancing at the whole room and snarling a "What are you looking at?"
He then looked back at Mobius, sighing a "I hate you so much".
Mobius simply smiles.
"Sure you do, kitten."
I am sorry for the spelling mistakes, I tend to make a lot of them and also I am not a native english speaker, so I hope I everything I wrote makes sense.
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Sincerely, Always Yours
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
“Oh god, I can’t believe we wasted so much time.”
“And whose fault is that?”
“Fuck you.”
“You just did.”
Robbe lightly slapped Sander’s hand away, which was slowly caressing his cheek with his thumb, from his face when he said that, shook his head and blushed. Sander laughed at his reaction and put his hand back on its previous place, Robbe didn’t pushing it away this time, leaning onto his tender touch.
“It’s true though, if you haven’t told me that you were in love with Jens back that day, I would have confessed my feelings for you.” Sander said, looking down at the boy who was laying on his stomach, on Sander’s chest.
“Yeah sure.” Robbe rolled his eyes in amusement, his whole face glowing.
“I swear, I was going to.” Sander admitted, taking in the other boy’s beauty, having a power to admire it freely, without any fear because that boy was his. His to love and admire as long as Sander wanted, nobody was taking him away from Sander, and it was true, Robbe was right there with him, in his arms, where he belonged to and he would stay here forever. Call him possessive but that’s how he felt, and he also learnt being possessive from the boy he was in love with.
“Uhuhh.” Robbe teased again, leaning down to kiss his nose. He put his head on his hands, still fully laying on Sander’s chest.
“You just don’t want to admit that it was your fault.” Sander said, pulling his eyebrows up in challenge.
“If that’s what you want to believe, babe.” Robbe said, rolling his eyes again, shrugging his shoulders, deeply starting into Sander’s eyes.
Sander shivered at the nickname, this whole thing still felt like a dream and he knew he wouldn’t get used to it quickly, but he could learn to live like this, living his dream life.
It felt like heaven, finally getting everything he ever wanted. Sander feels powerful, like he can move the mountains with his words. He’s happy, he’s extremely happy.
Robbe turned a bit so now he was snuggling up on Sander’s side, his left hand on his naked chest, his fingers drawing some lines.
Sander followed gazed down on Robbe’s fingers and then started laughing.
The boy looked up at him confusingly, silently asking what he found so funny.
Sander smirked.
“You act all cute and adorable right now, but you’re an animal.” Robbe still looked confused, and because of that, Sander pointed at his chest with his eyes, and that’s when Robbe’s eyes went wide, he pushed himself into his neck to hide his face, making the older boy laugh, pulling him closer with his arm around his shoulder.
“I’m just saying, you seem to have a very violent personality.” Sander kept teasing, smiling at the boy who was making noises in complain, against his skin.
In a minute, Robbe pushed himself a little bit up, so he was leaning on his elbow, looking down at Sander’s body, which was covered in love bites, not only they were red, but most of them already turned dark purple and there wasn’t just a few of them. His whole neck and half of his chest was full of them.
“I just love to mark my territory.” He smiled at him, his face still flushed.
“Yeah, I can see that. There isn’t any way for me to at least try to hide them.” Sander said while examining the ones he could see.
“Oh but Sander, that’s the whole point, and we also can’t forget that I love doing this, and you also adore them very much, I could figure out by the noises and your reactions.” He leaned forwarded, pecked his lips, smirking at him because he knew he was right.
“Oh yes, I very much enjoyed it.” Sander said, taking one of his hands to grip Robbe’s neck and hair, making the boy throw his head back a little bit.
“You’re a vampire. My cute little vampire.” He whispered, his other hand trailing down on Robbe’s chest, making the boy let out a desperate sigh.
“I don’t care what I am, I only care that I’m yours, that’s the most important part.” Robbe said, staring into his green eyes, daringly.
“You’re mine and nobody is taking you away from me, that’s final.” Sander told him, tightened his grip on Robbe’s hair, making the younger boy let out a moan.
“And you’re mine.” Robbe gulped, his face as serious as it can get, making Sander grin.
“I am, I always was and I always will be.” As soon as he said that, Robbe was on him, putting both of his legs on other side of his body, leaning forward, kissing him and holding his face with his hands.
It was crazy how just a few days ago, they would never imagine this, and how fast everything between them would change.
“I waited years to hear that.” Robbe said when they pulled away, putting their foreheads together.
“And I waited years to say that.” Sander whispered, completely consumed by the look Robbe was giving him, never feeling this kind of emotion in his whole life.
He got closer, put his head down just a little bit, trailing down his neck, gently biting down the skin, feeling Robbe running his fingers though his already grown out roots, pushing his head back, making it easier for Sander to reach his skin.
Suddenly, Robbe’s phone started ringing. The younger boy let out groan, noticing how Sander wasn’t stoping any of his movement.
“Just ignore it.” He head his lover mumbled, licking the skin.
“I can’t - what if it’s important?” Robbe said but he was still pushing his head back, giving Sander the full control, more skin to cover, not moving regardless of what he just said.
“More important than me?” Sander teased, enjoying the noises the boy was making.
“Nothing is more important than you, and you know what but wait -“ he said, quickly pulling out of his grasp, kissing him and bending down from the bed to pick up the phone he threw on the floor somewhere, almost falling off of the bed but Sander managed to catch his leg, laughing.
“Got it.” Robbe grinned when he saw and took it, letting Sander know he should help him up.
After he got back on where he was before, he looked down and saw it was Sander’s mom calling.
He put his phone in Sander’s hands, who answered it, taking Robbe’s right hand in his own, started to play with his fingers. Now both of them were sitting up against the headboard.
“Hey, mom.”
“Oh thank god, where were you? I couldn’t reach your phone and I got worried, I didn’t want to bother Robbe but I couldn’t help myself.” Robbe heard her voice loud and clear coming from his phone.
“Well, I’m okay mom, more than okay actually.” Sander started, threw a quick glance at the boy next to him, making him smile. “I’m with Robbe. Nothing to worry about.”
“Wait - wait - does that mean?” She paused stopped in the middle of the sentence but apparently that was enough for Sander to understand what she meant.
“Yes.” He rolled his eyes.
“Really? Are you serious?”
“I am.” Sander laughed.
“No, let me talk to Robbe, I don’t trust you.” His mom said and Sander put down his phone, pretending to be annoyed, putting her on speaker, mumbling ‘nobody cares about what I have to say’ making Robbe laugh.
“Hi.” Robbe said, excited to be included in this conversation.
“Hello, darling. Did he finally tell you?” She asked, her voice getting higher from happiness.
“Yes, he did.” Robbe said, taking the hand that was holding his own, bringing it to his lips, kissing it softly, grinning to ear to ear.
Sander’s mom was quiet for a while, realizing what she just heard and then she carefully asked: “Does that mean- are you two?”
Sander couldn’t hold back anymore, he groaned and then let out a laugh.
“Oh my god, yes, mom.” That was it and they heard her scream from the other side of the phone from happiness.
“Mom, no, you’re embarrassing me.” Sander whined, blush covering his cheeks and neck, the whole thing being the extremely amusing for Robbe, laughing as he was watching it unfold in front of him, looking from Sander to the phone in his hands and then back at him again.
He always loved Sander’s mom and their relationship’s dynamic.
“Oh shut up, I waited years for this moment. I’m so happy for you.” She said, exhilarated.
“Okay, okay. Enough embarrassing me now.” Sander started, cutting her off, his whole face red, not even daring to look towards Robbe’s grinning and shining face.
“Robbe, you need to come over for dinner, now officially because - wait, oh my god, I was keeping it a secret but I have to tell you boys now - I two tickets to Italy for a few days on Sander’s birthday and I wanted to force him to take you with him but now that you two are finally together, I don’t have to. And we can also -“ she completely ignored her son, her excited voice kept talking and talking.
Robbe’s eyes went wide, his heart beating out of his chest at the mention of that.
“Mom! Stop! I’m hanging up. Also, my phone’s dead and I don’t have the charger, just so you will know.” Sander said fast, his finger hovering on the “end call button.”
“Okay okay, I won’t bother you anymore.” She said, being annoyed at her son. “Robbe, sweetie, take that stupid boy and come over tomorrow for dinner, okay?”
“We will -“ Robbe started but Sander quickly yelled out “bye” and hang up, throwing the phone on the bed, taking the pillow and hiding his face in it, making the boy laugh out loud.
Robbe really could get used to this, he has never felt this warmth in his whole body before.
“So - Italy huh?” Robbe said, his cheeks starting to hurt from smiling.
“Shut up. I told her no when she first brought this topic up and she promised she wouldn’t buy the tickets.” Sander was mumbling, the fabric of the pillow still covering his mouth.
“She’s so cute.” Robbe told him, couldn’t believe how welcoming and sweet she was towards him. Snatched the pillow from Sander’s face, making the boy look over at him.
“Stop being such a baby. I’m actually so happy that you told her.” Robbe rolled his eyes, getting in his previous position before the phone called, on top of his body, wrapping his arms around his neck.
“I had to tell someone or else I’d go insane.” Sander said, staring up at him.
“Yes, I can relate to that. I kept everything secret until I just couldn’t, then I told Jens.” Robbe said so casually, not realizing what kind of shock news that was for Sander, whose eyes went enormous.
“Wait, what? Jens knows?”
“Of course he knows, he has been actually referring to you as my boyfriend, for months now, and I didn’t dare to correct him.” The boy said, brushing it off like it was nothing. “My boyfriend, it has a nice ring to it.” He added, loving the way it sounded, rolling from his tongue.
“Are you telling me that I - fuck I was jealous of person who was calling me your boyfriend even when I was in a relationship?” Sander couldn’t believe this, his whole life has been a total lie.
“Yep, you’re just dumb.” Everything felt so natural, like it has always been like this for them, teasing, hugging, kissing, just enjoying each other’s presence.
They both realized that they were never only friends, maybe at the beginning but they doubt it. They would never be able to be just friends, yes, they were best friends but they were lovers from the start and sooner or later, they’d figure it that they couldn’t live with out each other, and now they finally did.
“Wow. There’s a lot to take in.” Sander said, surprise still covering his face.
“You don’t say.”
“The thing is that I’d never imagine something like this. When you told me you were in love with him, all of my dreams came crushing down, after that, of course, I was noticing some things but I didn’t let my brain overthink it, knowing I’d only get hurt, you know? So I just tried not to pay attention, thinking my mind was doing tricks on me.” Sander admitted to not only Robbe, but to himself too.
“Actually, the same thing happened with me about your eye. When I first saw it on your other account, obviously I didn’t pay much attention because I just didn’t care enough, then I was like ‘it looks like Sander’s eye’ but I convinced myself that I was just seeing you everywhere, so I also didn’t think much about it and guess what? We were both right. We needed to pay attention to those signals.” It was funny really, how things turned out in the end, something they would never expect.
“You know I’d follow you if you asked right?” Robbe told him after the boy kept being silent, only roaming his hands in Robbe’s hair.
Sander looked at him confusingly and the boy added: “the tickets” letting him know what he was talking about.
“You would?” Sander questioned, raising one of his eyebrows, smile on his face.
“Are you kidding me? Going on a honeymoon with you for a few days? Who would have said no? I’m sure if things didn’t happen the way it did, we’d definitely break then, being all alone in Italy, somewhere nobody knows us, without any problems, sounds epic.”
“Well, we’re going, aren’t we?” Sander asked, just wanted to make sure.
“You’re an idiot. Of course we are, I need to say massive thank you to your mom, that’s not cheap and I don’t know how to feel about it.” Robbe said, never being used to taking and spending so much money on his own pleasure and enjoyment.
“It’s my birthday present. If that makes you feel better, nobody is giving you anything. I’m going, and I can manage to put you in my luggage.” He smirked at him, making Robbe roll his eyes, kissing him.
“So I’m your luggage now?”
“Didn’t you say that you didn’t care what you were, just cared that you were called mine?” Sander asked, completely aware that he won this conversation.
“You’re - “ Robbe shook his head, smile covering his face. “Well, I can’t argue with that logic since you, my man, are completely right.” He said, leaned down to kiss him again, the other boy quickly wrapping his arms around his back, pulling him closer.
* * *
“Aren’t you hungry?” Robbe asked, running his fingers in Sander’s hair who was laying on his shoulder.
“Hungry for you? Always.” The boy looked up at him, smirking.
“No, ugh, you’re unbelievable.” Robbe doesn’t know how he managed to go so long without this, without having him like this, but he was sure, he was never going back in those dark times.
“We need to make breakfast or lunch, or something. Fuck, I don’t even know if we have anything. I’m not in the mood to go grocery shopping right now, we can order something.” Robbe started thinking out loud, staring at the ceiling.
His mom was coming back later today, they decided that it was time she’d know the truth too. Robbe spent way too long lying to her when he and Sander were having problems, now he didn’t have to hide anything.
He told Sander how many times she’d mention him to Robbe, asking where he was and she knew they were supposed to stay together while she was away too, and in the end, universe made it work out for Robbe, since they were really staying together and he didn’t have to lie about that.
They were going to tell his mom today, Sander would spent the night here and tomorrow evening they’d go over at Sander’s place.
Everything seems to be working out perfectly and Robbe is too happy to even overthink about what could possibly go wrong.
He knows, when he has Sander by his side, he won’t be dealing with stuff alone anymore.
“I can make you croques.” Robbe said after the boy was quiet.
“No, don’t get up.” Sander whined and mumbled, cuddling up on his side, making the brunet chuckle.
“I know I won’t be able to make them as well as you do but -“ He started, also dreading the thought of leaving the bed.
“You’re the best one to make them, after me, but that’s not what I meant.” Sander said, giving him the puppy eyes look and how could Robbe turn him down?
“I know but aren’t you hungry?” He tried one more time.
“I just said, I’m only hungry for you.” Sander told him, pulling him down so they were face to face.
“You aren’t letting me go, are you?” Robbe asked jokingly after Sander entwined their bodies together, referring to him getting up to go to the kitchen but other part of him was asking this question generally and Sander understood the hiding meaning behind it.
“No, never. You just have to deal with it. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” Sander kissed his forehead, making the boy grin.
Food could definitely wait.
All of a sudden Robbe got serious, Sander noticed.
“What’s wrong?” He carefully asked, brushing off the hair that has fallen on his eyes.
“I’m sorry that I left you.” Robbe said, now staring at the wall behind Sander, not looking at him.
“What do you mean?”
“Back then. When I found out that I was in love with you. I ghosted you, I’m sorry.” He started, Sander tried to interrupt him by calling his name but Robbe didn’t let him. “No, I have to say it. You are right, it was my fault, no matter what I shouldn’t have said I was in love with Jens, I panicked, you were looking at me with something in your eyes, and maybe I also wanted to check what your reaction would be, since I knew I wouldn’t be able to tell you the whole truth.” He stared chanting, his eyes unfocused, making Sander’s heart break. “It was so hard for me, staying away from you, while all I wanted to do was to come back in your arms. And now hearing you were about to confess when I came out to you and I - I ruined everything -“ he started breathing heavily, it was obvious that this was still bothering him a lot.
“Hey, hey, stop that. I was only teasing, nothing is your fault okay? It happened how it happened, maybe I wouldn’t be strong enough to tell you I loved you, you will never know the answer to what would happen so stop punishing yourself for it.” Sander said, caressing his face with his hands, making Robbe look in his eyes.
Robbe wasn’t sure about it and Sander could see it, so he leaned down and kissed him.
“If things didn’t happen the way it did, we wouldn’t be us, we wouldn’t be as strong as we are and as in love, okay? Our past did this, we are here, together because of that. So please, let’s just close this chapter of our book and end this conversation once and for all, nothing is anybody’s fault, the universe wanted it to happen like this, alright?” He asked, hoping that his boy would stop beating himself up for this, fortunately, Robbe nodded, kissing him back, putting their foreheads together.
“You’re right, yes.” He whispered.
Sander smiled, saying “I’m always right” making Robbe glare at him.
Some time passed and they were still in the same position, just looking at each other, when Robbe started giggling.
“What?” Sander asked, interested in what he had to say.
“Can you believe that we kissed that day?” Robbe asked, referring to the night they got high.
“No, Robbe, I can’t believe it since I don’t remember.” He said, slightly annoyed at himself because he couldn’t remember this huge part of their relationship.
“Ugh, you are no fun.” Robbe breathed out, holding half of his face against his palm.
“I was worrying about sleeping with someone I didn’t know, while you were the one eating my skin and you didn’t say anything.” Sander said, grumpily.
“Well, what could I say? I only remembered us kissing, I had zero clue about the hickey, that’s why I was overthinking that maybe all of my memories were fake.”
“Looking at your art work on my body right now, I guarantee you that it was yours.” Sander teased, making the boy blush.
“I told you, about the kissing part. You were the only person I admitted it to.” Robbe whispered, then his smiled dropped, he paused. “You thought it wasn’t you, didn’t you?”
“Yeah. I already knew you weren’t telling me something and when you said that, in my mind it was clear that we split up, I did some things with a stranger or I don’t know and you - with -“ Sander started, couldn’t finish it, but he didn’t have to, Robbe knew exactly what he was trying to say.
“We were together the whole night, that’s what I remember but when you told me you didn’t remember anything, I tried to make myself believe it was all hallucinations.” Robbe said, still touchy about remembering how much in pain both of them were just a few weeks ago.
“I cried.” Sander said suddenly after being quiet for a while.
“When you told me about this, while talking to me on the other account, I cried, a lot.”
“No, Sander.” He whispered, pulling the boy closer so their whole bodies were touching each other, then it hit him, his eyes went wide.
“When you didn’t text back? For an hour or two?” He carefully asked, already knowing the answer to it, Sander nodded his head.
“My baby.” Robbe cuddled up to him, holding his hands.
He felt his heart shattering at the thought of how much they secretly hurt each other, while not even knowing it.
Robbe felt horrible about it but like Sander said, they had to move on from this, so now, he tried to lighten up the mood.
“If that makes you feel better, I cried a lot too when you were hanging out with that bitch.” Robbe said, so casually like it wasn’t a big deal at all and it made Sander sadly chuckle.
“You’re a jealous boy, aren’t you?” Sander rhetorically asked, already figured out and knew how much Robbe despised when Sander was dating her, everything Robbe said about “my best friend’s girlfriend” was about her.
“Oh yes, I definitely am. And I’m not sorry about it. You belong to me, and only me and that’s final.” He said out of possessiveness, making Sander laugh.
“Easy there, tiger.” Sander said, turning his head to kiss him again.
“But you’re right. My whole heart, soul, body, existence belongs to you.” He said, looking up at him.
“You’re so sappy.” Robbe said, trying to hide the blush he got from his words, but he failed and he realized that when Sander hit him with “I saw that.”
“You didn’t see anything.” Robbe mumbled, not taking his face out of Sander’s neck.
“No I saw that, I saw that, let me see.” Sander started, sitting up on top of him, Robbe immediately putting his hands on his face.
“Take our hands off, I want to see you.” Sander said, smiling while the boy under him kept shaking his head.
“Okay then, if this is what you want. I already warned you.” Before Robbe even had time to ask what he meant, fingers were ticking him on his side, making him laugh, automatically taking his hands off of his face, struggling to catch a breath.
“There’s my beautiful boy.” Sander said, after Robbe showed his face, holding the hands in his own so he wouldn’t cover his face again, seeing how Robbe was burning in color red. Sander leaning down, starting kissing his forehead, then his eyelids, nose, cheeks until he finally got to his lips. Robbe was staring at him like he wasn’t real, in pure bliss, enjoying everything, feeling so happy that he was afraid he was gonna explode from the feelings.
“Just come here.” Robbe laughed, kissing him, freeing his arms wrapping them around his neck.
“I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.” Sander said, against his lips when they pulled away to take a breath.
“You better not.” Robbe gave him a teasingly stern look, admiring the way Sander looked, staring down at his body, covered in his marks, as it should be, feeling proud.
Sander laid down next to him, putting his hand on his chest, moving it up and down, kissing the skin on his shoulder before closing his eyes.
“You’re sleepy?” Robbe asked softly, enjoying the warmth of his boyfriend’s body pressed against him.
They actually haven’t talked about the titles or anything, not that they had to. Everything was obvious.
Sander hummed, kissed his skin again. Robbe also closed his eyes, listening to the sounds coming from the street. It was already way past afternoon but he didn’t care, all he cared about was a boy in his arms, about to fall asleep again, so he kissed his hair, and closed his eyes too.
* * *
When they woke up again it was already dark, around six or seven o’clock, but they still had some time until Robbe’s mom would come back.
Robbe texted her, letting her know that they didn’t have any food at home but she told him she was going to buy some stuff when she’d get off the train. Robbe also suggested going to the station to meet her but she refused, said she was going to take a taxi.
Robbe was more than happy that he didn’t have to leave Sander’s side.
They decided that it was finally time to get up. Sander took a shower and when he came back, Robbe had a few options of clothes he could wear, ready on the bed, all of them being Sander’s, ones he had stolen from his wardrobe.
As soon as Sander saw them, his eyes went wide, then he smirked, walking in the room with a towel wrapped around his waist, looking down at the clothes: “Oh, so that’s where all my hoodies and T-shirts went.”
“Shut up, you had no idea.” Robbe answered him, while putting the clothes on the chair so he could make the bed.
“I mean, maybe not exactly but I knew you had some.” Sander admitted, putting on one of his old sweatpants and hoodie.
“What?” Robbe turned around, with a confusion written on his face.
“Yeah, one time we were FaceTiming and you were wearing my hoodie. I didn’t think much about it, I just thought you wore it at my house and then forgot it was mine. Obviously, I wouldn’t ask you anything about it and I loved the fact that you had my clothes.” He smirked, now looking in the mirror, trying to comb down his wet hair.
“Wow.” Robbe said, coming behind him and then standing next to him, admiring him.
“I didn’t know you had this many though, I was constantly looking for them, thinking I was going insane since they started disappearing. What were you trying to do? Take so many of them so I’d end up being naked?” He asked, shooting him a look from the mirror.
Robbe laughed, putting his hand on his shoulder. “Yep, that’s exactly what I was trying to do. Worked pretty well, didn’t it?” Smirked at him, started walking away from the room, calling back: “if you think you are getting them back, sorry, but you are very wrong, love.”
“I’m okay with that. Make me a coffee?” Sander yelled out for him when he was already in the hallway, going to the kitchen.
Robbe walked, humming to himself, start making something to eat and of course, coffee.
He felt like he was stuck in a dream, but for the first time in his life, he admitted that he deserved this, to be happy and he was finally getting what he deserved.
He made some mistakes, yes, but who hasn’t? To balance it off, he also got hurt a lot, and now it was time for him to live as happily as he possibly could.
They were okay, more than okay like Sander said, both emotionally and physically.
Sander’s hand was almost completely healed, he took of the bandage a few days ago, now he had a long scar following down his skin on his arm, they told him that there was a big chance it’d almost disappear since the healing process was very successful, and he could also do a few procedures if he wanted to make it vanish completely. Robbe spent at least half an hour kissing every inch of it.
They were still exhausted, mainly because of how stressful everything has been for them but after this, Robbe was sure, they could finally breath normally.
It was about the time when he felt hands wrapping themselves on his body, behind him, the boy putting his face in his neck.
“Guess who?” He asked, laughing.
“Who? Lost rebel?” Robbe rolled his eye, loving the warmth of Sander pressed against him.
Sander chuckled, decided to ignore the last comment.
“You’re gonna make me coffee everyday when we get married too?” He asked, making Robbe almost choke on his breath.
“We’re getting married?” The way Sander, oh so casually said that was making Robbe crazy.
“Of course we are.” Sander said in the tone of ‘what kind of question even is that’ making Robbe’s soul melt.
His heart started beating fast, he needed to change the topic so he wouldn’t burst out of the emotions: “You won’t be able to sleep tonight, it’s way too late for coffee, San.” He said, putting the sugar in the cup, Sander’s hands were wrapped around his shoulders now making it a little bit harder for him to move but Robbe didn’t mind it.
“Who said I’m planning to sleep tonight?” Sander teased, kissing his neck, making Robbe whimper.
This boy - I swear.
“Can you take the eggs out of the fridge?” Robbe asked, when he finished getting water ready to pour it in the kettle.
Sander nodded his head in agreement, kissed the back of his neck, letting go of him to do exactly what he was told.
Robbe turned around, put the kettle down and as he took another step, he slipped on the floor tiles, yelped out a little bit and was about to reach for the counter to balance himself but Sander was there giving him a hand.
“Why are you so clumsy?” Sander jokingly asked.
“Ugh, can’t you do anything else but make fun of me all day?” Robbe shook his head, silently glad that he managed to catch him before Robbe’d hit his head on the cold floor.
“Didn’t I say I’d catch you if you fall?” Sander asked, not minding the last sentence Robbe said, making the boy remember that day when Sander promised him he’d be there to catch him.
Robbe wrapped his arms around his neck, standing on his tiptoes, whispering: “Maybe you need to be holding me in your arms all the damn time so I won’t fall on the floor” bringing his face closer to him.
Sander smiled, looked him up and down.
“I think so too. If I won’t be holding you, you might hurt yourself and we don’t want that, do we?” Sander asked. Robbe shook his head, smiling up at him.
“Then it must be a great news to hear that I never plan to let go of you.”
Chapter 48
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shinaus · 4 years
Can I request hcs of jealous Bakugou or Shinsou where they find a picture of their crush. And it's a weird ass picture but another guy was in it being weird with them. And of course they're jealous first until they learn that the guy was family. Could be a brother or a cousin. Because I was looking back at some old pictures...For the life of me I can't explain what was happening
A/N: i do pin baku as quite a jealous type so sorry shinso.. this one going to him
i said it once i’ll say it again
bakugo jealous type
he just can’t stand not having something for himself
he’s grown up his whole life comparing or being compared to others
so when he eventually asks his s/o out
he’s on the biggest ego trip of his life
cause you’re his
nobody gets to see him like you do
and vice versa
or at least he thought
idk if i’d say he’s possessive
he trusts you a lot so would never think you’d do anything like cheat or have interest in someone else
but he hates the though of someone seeing the sides of you only for him to see
so one day he comes over to your dorm
insists it’s to help you study for a test or something
but you know he just wants to hang out and cuddle probably
bakugo can act tough as much as he wants
for you he’s an absolute softie
you’re sworn to a life of secrecy over it
he sits at your desk and goes through your material
playing up his little act pretty well
when he looks up, he sees a framed picture on your desk
and a face he doesn’t recognise
more specifically, a boy
he doesn’t realise how hard his fists are clenching until his pencil snaps in his hand
this boy has you thrown over his shoulder, the both of you turned to the camera with bright smiles
he’s jealous
really jealous
why were you doing that with some random guy? 
the two of you didn’t have any pictures that looked like that, so why him? 
as he starts sprialing into his own thoughts, you try desperately to get his attention
“katsuki, hello? anyone home?”
it isn’t until you wave your hand in front of his face that he comes back to reality
a scowl prominent on his features
you look at him a little surprised, wondering how he got himself into such a bad mood
“what? gonna kick me out now and go spend time with your other boyfriend? he asks, crossing his arms over his chest
he knows how childish he sounds, but he can’t help it!
you’re his person!
he doesn’t want to share!
you stare at him in straight up confusion, having no idea what he’s talking about
“who... what do you even mean?” you ask
he let’s out a “tch”
surprise surprise
and points to the photo frame
which sets you off
you’re practically doubled over laughing
his face goes bright red now
what the hell could be so funny?
you move yourself closer to him now, sitting yourself comfortably in his lap
even if he’s mad, his hands still find your hips instantly 
reaching a hand around, you run it through the hair on the back of his head
“katsu, baby... that’s my brother”
you try and keep a straight face but can’t help but giggle again
meanwhile he is mortified
your brother? he got jealous.. over your brother?
his head nuzzles into your neck instantly, his face bright red and not wanting to give you the satisfaction of seeing it
he mumbles against it how dumb the situation is
you know
his usual
but you take it as an opportunity to tease him
“by any chance.. was my only boyfriend jealous?” you ask, a smirk plastered on your face
without second thought, he picks you up
practically racing to the bed as he sets you down, you now under him
“so what if i was? you’re mine” he says more certainly, chuckling as a blush makes its way onto your face now
“oh, now look who’s embarrassed..” he teases, keeping your legs wrapped around his waist
“how ‘bout we let your only boyfriend ever remind you of who he is” 
his possessive tone has you reaching out for him, not making you wait much longer as his lips find purchase on your own
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
accidental collateral damage // george weasley
Summary: so the prank didn’t necessarily ‘go to plan’, but George, admittedly, has never been happier for it
Request: Omg I love your works with the Weasley twins! Can I request a fic for George where he and Fred accidentally prank the reader who is shy. And so George feels bad because she was humiliated and purposely makes fun of himself to try to prevent people from making fun of her.
A/N: cracking request this is
Reader: unspecified
Warnings: swearing, public embarrassment?
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Professor Snape was a creature of habit. Surely a malicious and miserable creature, but without question, one of habit. Every day like clockwork, just after lunch started, Snape would glide up from the dungeon and cut through the main courtyard to reach the Great Hall in time to eat. Every single day. And, as all well-established pranksters should, Fred and George made it their mission to know these things. As they always said, you never really know when such information will become useful or exactly how useful it will actually be. One very icy day in November, this tiny detail became paramount to Fred and George’s newest venture.
The twins sat behind the concrete base of the large rose bushes, crouched down as to hide their faces from any teachers that could possibly be on the hunt for perpetrators of a particular prank. Not that they’d pulled any sort of prank, of course. But the plan was simple really. Snape would walk in and then the bucket of slime Fred had ‘misplaced’ on the windowsill a few feet above him would mysteriously fall (must be the wind) and so, Snape would end up doused in green slime – a tragic accident; a fool-proof plan.
What Fred and George had not anticipated, however, was you. From the moment you stepped foot into the courtyard, George’s attention had been divided, and not so equally.
“Blimey, mate,” Fred said, rolling his eyes as he looked from you to his brother’s vacant, moon-eyed expression. “We’ve got a job to do here.”
George turned to him, barely sparing him a glance before his eyes shot back to you. He watched you carefully as you stopped, a smile lighting up your cheeks as you spoke to someone. He’d always liked you, ever since he’d sat next to you in Charms that one time when Flitwick moved him away from Fred. He knew how shy you were and how little you liked to be the centre of attention; how everything you said was carefully thought through, and he found it kind of sweet. Not to mention, he more than enjoyed watching your flustered movements, especially when it came to him. He sighed softly at your grin, but his fawning was nothing compared to Fred’s huff, an impatient exhale.
“George, Snape will be here any minute-“
“And we’ll be ready,” George snapped, frowning.
“Not when you’re so bloody distracted by Y/N over there-“
“I am not distracted!”
George turned to you, a small smile curving at his lips as you circled around too quickly, walking into someone. You offered them a shy laugh in response, stepping out of their way and wringing your hands.
“Not distracted, eh?” Fred asked, arms crossed with a decidedly smug expression. George scoffed, nudging his brother with his elbow. Fred rolled his eyes again, adjusting his grip on his wand.
“Don’t be a git, Fred.”
“Me, a git? What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You’re so goo-goo-eyed for Y/N, you barely even know what we’re doing!”
“Of course, I know, you prat.”
“I’m a prat?” Fred flicked his brother in the ear, earning an irritated push in return. “You’re a prat!”
“Sod off-“
The plan took a backseat as the twins squabbled between them, pinching and shoving at each other. Fred pulled at George’s hair and George twisted Fred’s arm and it only took a moment before they were both tangled up like a pretzel, Fred’s wand waving about wildly.
“You need to focus on the plan,” Fred insisted, flinching as George elbowed him in the gut. His frustration dissipated within a second as his wand flicked and the bucket stashed on the windowsill rocked to the side, falling quickly towards the ground.
“Oh, fuck,” Fred muttered, both him and George stopping their bickering in its tracks as they watched the bucket fall, directly towards the only person within the few feet radius of it; you.
You didn’t expect to be covered in green slime. Though, you supposed, nobody really expected it, did they? At first, you didn’t even know it was green slime. You heard the bucket clatter next to you and then you felt something hit you with the force of a rampant snowball, or perhaps a rather large dog. It was cold and gooey and certainly slime-like, but it wasn’t until you looked down at your hands to see them, your arms and the few clumps of hair in front of your hair that you could see through, covered in thick green goo. You were sure it would’ve been quite funny had it happened to someone else, had you not automatically been the subject of the attention of all fifty or so people in the courtyard. Despite the cold, you felt your face heat up as you stepped backwards, foot kicking the bucket behind you. As people began to crowd around, their faces ranging from amused to sympathetic, you found yourself wringing your hands together, ignoring the uncomfortable stickiness of the green goop.
“Fred,” George said, the both of them standing up to see you and their prank in its full glory.
“Yes, George?”
“Prank me,” George exhaled shakily before using his hand to hoist himself over the flowerbed, wrecking whatever Professor Sprout had just planted. He didn’t have so much of a plan as a very desperate need to wash that horribly embarrassed expression off your face.
“Prank me, Fred, now!”
Fred watched as his brother ran towards you, pushing through the crowd of people until he was almost out of sight. With a hum, Fred lifted both his wand and his eyebrows.
“If you say so, mate,” he whispered, before shooting a spell he knew extremely wel and used far too oftenl.
What neither Fred nor George counted on was the patch of ice on the ground just inside the circle of people surrounding you. A rather dark, rather slippery patch of ice. George, like all knights in shining armour, catapulted to the floor with a resounding thud, his legs flying in the air and his back hitting the concrete quite unceremoniously. Winded, he rolled over and groaned. Had he been more awake, he probably would’ve been chuffed at the instant shift of attention from you to him. His luck, though, was not the best as Fred’s spell rebounded off of a pipe near you and hit George in the stomach, enticing another much louder groan from his lips.
Whilst you hadn’t expected to be covered in slime, you most certainly hadn’t expected for George Weasley, of all people, to run into the crowd that had encircled you, slip and then get further pummelled by a rather nasty, but rather brilliant pranking spell. The crowd of students around you had all collectively turned to face him, erupting in snickers and giggles as he sat up slowly. You sighed in relief, happy to not be the centre of attention and grateful to George, but even you couldn’t hide the laughter that escaped your lips when he sat up, his hair drenched in treacle with dozens of white feathers floating around him. You bit your lip as you smiled, touched that he’d made such a fool of himself to help you.
Everyone in the courtyard seemed to freeze when a few students parted to reveal Professor Snape, a fouler sneer than usual decorating his face.
“And what is the meaning of this?” he asked, raised an eyebrow as his eyes flicked back and forth between you and George. You looked down, feeling everyone’s stares on you.
You looked quickly towards George, noticing him floundering, spitting out feathers and frowning.
“Just a little wand mishap, Sir,” you said, as surprised as anyone that you’d opened your mouth. Snape looked at you for a moment, eyebrows knitted together tightly. You looked back down, clenching your jaw and praying the situation would just end.
“I suggest you both get yourselves cleaned up, then,” Snape said sharply, shooting you a deadly glance before turning to George. “Don’t you, Mr Weasley?”
George, his mouth still full of feathers, only nodded.
“Well,” Snape lifted his arms, gesturing to the other students in the courtyard. “I am sure it is lunchtime, yes?”
Nobody dared question him as the once full courtyard emptied out rather quickly. Fred stood up to go help George when he noticed you, still green and gooey, walking slowly closer to his brother and so, with a smug smirk, he sat back and watched.
You didn’t say anything at first, as you walked towards him, frowning and swallowing, trying to dispel the lump in your throat. George didn’t notice your approach, too busy pulling now brown, sticky feathers from his hair. He only stopped when you crouched down in front of him, his hands dropping to his lap in surprise as you leant over and pulled away with a particularly large feather in your grip.
“One of your pranks?” you asked, smiling nervously. He noticed your hands shake and tried to give you his most encouraging grin. Though he was sure in his current state, it wasn’t all that convincing.
“Sort of,” he said, lifting a hand to move your clumped hair to the side, revealing your only slightly green-tinged features. You froze for a moment at this close proximity, not long enough for him to see, though, you hoped.
“Was meant to be Snape, though, covered in slime.”
“Ah,” you nodded. “And the feathers?”
He smiled sheepishly, going to rub the back of his neck, wincing at the stickiness.
“A detour to help out a friend.”
You raised an eyebrow, sitting back onto the cold ground. He watched you closely, fully aware of the way you carefully picked each word you were about to say, finding your pensive expression adorable.
“Are we friends, then?”
“I sure hope so,” George grinned, scrunching up his face as moved the brown treacle from his eyes. “I don’t make a fool of myself for just anybody.”
“Only everybody,” you said quickly, far too quickly for you. His barked a laugh as your eyes grew wide, shocked yourself by what you’d said.
“Sorry about the slime,” he said softly, his eyes a bright and apologetic contrast to the thick goop on his skin. You nodded, pulling your top lip between your teeth.
“Not a problem.”
You both sat there silently for a moment, so silent in fact, that George was sure you could hear his thoughts, his loud, disappointed ranting about messing up his chances with you. You surprised him, though, when you pinched a bit of slime between your fingers, pulling it away from your arm as it stretched like taffy.
“Rather funny, though,” you said, sucking your teeth for a second. “Quite ingenious, too.”
He looked at you then as if you put every single star in the sky, his mouth agape and eyes wide. You smiled bashfully under his gaze.
“Not exactly fool-proof, though.”
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