#trying to convince him lolol
doulayogimama · 8 months
I have convinced Kevin to keep an open mind about moving back to Miami (we’d have to rent for at least a year and he’s not keen on the idea).
I just don’t want to experience pregnancy + PP so far away from my family again. I have a strong feeling that after my allergy test, we’re going to start trying. However the results come out. Sky will be 3 next month and I’d really like her and baby to not be more than 4/5 years apart. This may be her only sibling and I don’t want such a big age gap.
If Kevin and I are WFH, Sky can go to my Mimi’s sometimes or obviously, be in daycare or school of some kind. If we could live anywhere, it would probably be Barcelona at this point. But I can’t do that to my Mimi. Or to myself. I won’t be isolated again from my family for my whole pregnancy / birth / PP.
Do they drive me nuts? Yup. But they’re mine. I need them in this part of my life.
Whew. We’d be looking to move in October if we end up going through with this. I wonder what we will decide 😅
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skautism · 2 years
clothing is way more fun if you disregard gender and treat it like playing dress up instead of something super important. even if there’s rules you can make it fun. for my band concerts we have to wear formal all black so i wear doc martens and a lace bomber jacket and biker gloves along with my plain dress pants and button up and my band director thinks i look cool as hell
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 21 days
CASH i feel like bakugou would be the type to kiss your shoulders ESPECIALLY if he's behind you.. just wraps his arms around you and places some kisses on your shoulder (some itching just a tad bit too close to your neck teehee)
omg omg and that last line ??? you're trying to kill me.
n then pro hero suki omg. he is 100% a shoulder kisser (and biter lol). you cannot convince me otherwise and especially when you wear something that reveals them to him?? it's free real estate at this point. yes dead meme usage is necessary.
hes very much treading the fine line like,, the first kiss is sweet, yknow ? it's a cute little shoulder kiss to let you know he's there. it's nice, it's sweet. but then he realises you smell really good, and there's another one. and then he's holding onto your shoulders for the third one. huffing into your skin and then it's a little rapid fire of little smooches to make you giggle n try to shrug him off, to which he always grumbles about. he sorta takes it as a challenge, you're trying to keep him away ? he'll get even closer. and then uh oh, he's kissing all up your neck n nape n stuff. he will absolutely just do this in public and you very much have to remind him he is lolol. and with his stupidly handsome smirk he goes "what's up ? m'not doin' anything bad. "
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writingstoraes · 1 year
three words, eight letters 💌
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: written imagine
word count: 4.01k (got carried away)
notes: ok ik there are several of this prompt here but i wanted to give it a whirl :]] also in a slump with my ig imagines so i figured i should finish this since its been a draft for such a looong time lolol no warnings, this is just very fluff-coded!
about: the three times charles almost said "i love you," and the one time he finally did.
Charles wanted to tell you the three aching words he's stored in containment. All he wanted was the right time and the perfect moment, but for the love of his and his alone, he just cannot find it.
He had been racking his brain on how to tell you - because when he looks at you, it's like those three words are just going to explode out of his chest. Every time you smile, laugh, or even breathe in his direction, he realizes just how smitten he was for you. He thought about just saying it out of the blue, unplanned but also when the time felt right. But he also thought about going about it as if it were a proposal because you deserve nothing less than the best he can give.
There were times he thought it was too early to say.
You had just been dating a few months in, and though he felt strongly for you and he did love you, he didn't want to say it too fast or too early out of the fear that it might drive you away.
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It's no secret Charles was no chef. He gets a good laugh when other drivers tease him about it but he doesn't pay it any mind. Some people are just good at other things, like how he sucks at cooking but can drive a car that goes as fast as lightning. It is also no secret that he wanted to impress you with skills other than driving - so he doesn't know what entered his mind when he realizes he's on his way to the supermarket as he decides to try and cook dinner.
He scoured the internet for an easy recipe, finally smiling to himself when he finds a simple pasta dish he thinks he can do. To an average person, the dish was really easy to make. So simple that an unsupervised child could follow it. Directions were clear and the website had pictures - he just needs to make a simple sauce, cook some pasta, and grate some cheese. He tells himself nothing could go wrong, what he was about to cook was absolutely just elementary. But he's not an average person, he was Charles, and he is a terrible cook through and through.
Having convinced himself he could cook something so simple, he had forgotten how he messed everything up. He's pretty sure he blacked out, because when he came to his senses, the pasta was overcooked, and the sauce mysteriously evaporated into the air so the pan was just red drops with charred pieces of cheese on the side. He tried to taste it, and he deems it inedible. He was so occupied with cooking it had slipped out of his mind that you were coming over, so the next thing he hears is the sound of your soft knock on his door.
The kitchen was an absolute mess and the apron he wore was extremely dirty — he almost thought about pretending he wasn't home and not answering the door. Of course, he doesn't do that, so he lets you in and the first thing you smell, is cheese.
"Were you cooking?" was the first thing you ask him.
He didn't answer, instead, he planted a chaste kiss on your lips and hurriedly walked back to the kitchen.
He had expected you to laugh once you saw the mess he made by trying to cook just to impress you, but surprisingly, no chuckle erupted out of you.
"Sorry," he says softly, taking off his apron and quickly cleaning up the pots and the bowls he used up.
"I wanted to cook you dinner. I found this recipe online and I thought it was easy," he sighs. "Cooking absolutely hates me. You're okay with getting takeout for now?"
He really did expect you to laugh.
But the second sentence that came out of your mouth: "I'll help you clean up."
It didn't take a lot of time to clean everything up. Thanks to Charles' inability to measure things, he had a ton of extra ingredients, and since he seemed to really like the dish he aspired to cook, you decide to make it for him.
Charles sat at the counter watching you calmly cook the recipe he'd intended to accomplish, your hair parted to the side while you wear the ridiculously messy apron he had worn earlier. He watches you cook the pasta and the sauce at the same time, able to keep your eye on both without neglecting the other. To your defense — the recipe really was easy. But Charles didn't seem to think so, which was why he was sitting on the counter with heart-shaped eyes.
"See, this is what it should look like when the pasta is done cooking," you hold up a piece, cutting it in the middle to show Charles it has cooked through.
"It helps if you check it from time to time if you're not sure. For the sauce, I think you just had your heat on a little too high, but that's okay — you can do it right next time." you smile softly at him, eyes squinting before you shift your attention back to the pan.
Charles had tried cooking before. But up to this day, you were the only one patient enough to actually teach him how. And it didn't help that you looked so beautiful while doing so; hair parted to the side, apron hanging a bit loose on your body, and a smile so captivating it blinds him a little. You weren't perfect, you did laugh at him eventually, but not before guiding him through the recipe he'd chosen. And quite surprisingly, he could cook this same exact dish properly for Arthur next week.
It was clear Charles was no help in the kitchen, so he resorts to hugging you from behind, head resting on your shoulder, breathing slow and steady. He gets a whiff of your shampoo and your perfume he absolutely loved. Your hands soon make their way on top of his that rested on your stomach, thumb rubbing circles on his. Charles was pretty sure you could feel him smile widely behind you, a thought he chooses to ignore because he didn't care anyway, he was at his happiest.
"I lo—" he starts, catching himself off-guard. For a moment, time stops; and he's not sure what to say next. He thought it was too early, but he wanted to say it.
"I love pasta, you know that?" Charles continues, trying to save whatever he's left with. Thankfully, you didn't notice his desperate attempt to cover his supposed mistake.
He tells himself: maybe next time.
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Charles' mother had been pestering him for a long time about meeting you. Every time he came home, he was greeted with, "When am I going to meet your girlfriend?"
Even his brothers, Lorenzo and Arthur, were all so ecstatic about meeting you properly for the first time. The two see you around the track for brief periods of time, but in their defense, you haven't introduced yourself properly to Charles' family. It didn't help that Charles himself talked about you like you hung the moon and stars, and made the universe using your own bare hands, because his whole family, mother and brothers aside, all wanted to meet you.
The two of you were finally headed to Charles' childhood home, finally about to meet his entire family. And the word entire was an understatement because everybody was there. From aunts, cousins, and his nieces and nephews, all of them were anticipating your arrival. A lump forms in your throat just by the thought, but you try to battle it with a deep breath as you fixate your eyes on the mirror.
"Do you think they're going to look at this dress and think it's too revealing? Or too short?" you shout from the closet, straightening out the creases of the crisp white dress you were wearing.
Charles enters the room and he swears he could have just died right then and there. How you manage to take his breath away with minimal effort remained a mystery to him.
"I think..." he drags the second word. "I think they are going to be completely in love with you."
"Hopefully not in the same way I am, because I don't plan on sharing you." he softly chuckles, giving you a reassuring smile.
Technically he had said the l word already but to him, it didn't count, only because he didn't say it to you directly.
An hour into meeting you, the entirety of Charles' family adored you wholeheartedly. He didn't want to give credit to himself but he knew they would find no reason to not love you, though he reminds himself to tell you he told you so when you get some time alone together later. He could listen to his family members praise you all day. You had managed to meet each and every one of his side of the family present at the dinner and Charles could not help but admire how carefree you were at interacting with people he held close to his heart. His mom could not stop raving about how great you were and kept asking why he did not introduce you earlier that it makes her slightly mad, which was followed by a hearty laugh and an assurance that she loved you to bits.
You just managed to dazzle and charm every person you talked to. His brothers adored you and you managed to get along so well with them even if your most apparent common denominator with them was racing. His aunts could not stop telling Charles how beautiful you were and how you seemed to be so kind and fit so well with him. They were already asking Charles when's the next time you visit and you haven't even left his home yet. For some odd reason, you got along well with his uncles, too.
But the cherry on top, the last straw, and the tipping point that tugged the heaviest on the strings of Charles' heart were seeing you with his nieces and nephews. He was fond of children, gleeful every time he sees one on the paddock, especially when they are clad in colors of red and yellow, his team's staple color scheme. However, he never knew how disastrous it would be for him to see you with children.
There you sat on the patio, his niece behind you as she messily tried to braid your hair. You had a big smile on your face, laughing at the somewhat theatrical act his other nephew was performing in front of you. In your hands was a glass cup with gelato and a small spoon, raising the spoon occasionally to feed the little girl tying your hair. His lips slowly form a smile and he feels his chest was bound to explode any time soon. He stood there and realized that he was completely, utterly, and irrevocably in love with all that you are. In other words, he was down bad, and he wouldn't even dare deny it.
After the festivities of getting to know each member of his family, you and Charles were finally given time alone in the kitchen. Everyone else was occupied setting the table and fixing everything up for dinner. You were part of it though, he just found you getting the pies in the oven after you volunteered to do so.
"I told you so," he says, slightly taking you by surprise, not enough you drop the pies though.
You turn to him with a sheepish smile, "Told me what?"
"That they would love you," he replies.
"Well, I am very loveable. Can't blame them."
"I know you are. That's why I lov-" he transitions into telling you what might be one of the most important things he's ever going to say in his life.
"Charles, dinner's ready!" Arthur calls out, cutting his train of thought. The two of you shift your gaze to the dining area, seeing Arthur and Lorenzo waiting for the two of you.
That's why I love you. That was what he wanted to say.
Charles sighs, telling himself that maybe getting cut off was a sign that this was not the right time. He'd repeat himself, but he thinks there are other times when he could tell you he loved you without interruptions.
"What were you saying?" you ask, not wanting to hang him out to dry.
"Oh. I said I know you're loveable. That's why I love seeing you charm every single member of my family."
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Charles was not having the best day. His own team had botched his home race for him once again and on top of that, he had gotten a 3-place grid penalty in Monaco. Don't get him wrong, he was ecstatic to be home. The warm welcome of the fans was unbeatable. Banners, posters, and the Monaco flag waved around the streets of Monte Carlo.
This season has not been good to him so far. So just once, he wishes to catch a break.
The two of you were walking around the paddock as Charles was headed to the Ferrari motorhome to prepare for the race. His hand was on your waist as he guided you in the sea of people. The track was entirely at capacity - engineers, celebrities, VIPs, reporters, you name it. A few meters from the garage, a reporter from a well-known sports channel calls his attention.
It was routine, and Charles was used to it. You were standing not too close beside the cameraman, just watching Charles answer the questions he was asked. The reporter's inquiries were the usual, he had asked how Charles felt about the penalty, how he thinks the car will perform, what upgrades Ferrari is planning on implementing, and all the likes. You watch intently, giving Charles a small smile every time his gaze went your way.
Though the reporter fixated on Charles' "disappointing home race", his words, Charles knew how to handle the questions and answered them composed and professionally. After all, he has been doing this for quite some time. Deep down, it stirred you slightly as it seemed like the reporter was only recognizing the lapses on Charles' side and insinuating that it was entirely his fault.
You tried to pay it no mind until he makes a passing careless and offensive commentary that you could not just let pass.
"I guess some fans were right - monegasques today have nothing to look forward to. Wonder how they feel when their only driver is not only in a horrible car but is tussling with being nothing special."
Nothing special.
Nothing to look forward to.
Something in your ears rang and your vision went dark. You could see Charles' face drop from where you were standing and your heart absolutely broke for him. He proceeds to nod his head toward the cameraman and made haste and you did not hesitate to follow him right away. If you felt distraught and angered after that comment, you wonder just how he felt after hearing it, and at his home race, nonetheless.
"Charles, wait," you jog slightly, seeing as his pace was a lot faster than you. You could tell he just wanted to get out of there. You reach for his hand, tightly grasping it and he stops walking.
"I'm sorry you had to hear that," he says lowly, upset written on his face.
"Why are you sorry? It's his fault. He was offensive and careless. He humiliated you and worse, what he was saying was not true."
"C'est bon." It's okay. You two were finally at the garage, a little far from the reporter. Deep down, though Charles wanted to at least defend himself, he feels all the energy he has left had been sucked out of his body.
"No, it's not. He doesn't know what he's saying. I don't want to let him get away with that, he can't just go around telling people things like that. You may be too nice to tell him off but I'm not."
"You don't deserve this," you say with conviction, walking away from the garage and prepared to give the reporter a piece of your mind.
You don't plan to cause a scene, you knew better than that. You weren't going to shout or curse, but you wanted to get your point across. Soon after Charles follows you, clearly trying to stop you but was too late when he saw you already talking to the reporter. He had no choice but to walk closer to you, grasping on what you were saying.
Your voice wasn’t loud. From where he was standing, he could see how calm and composed you were while you gave the reporter the lecture he was probably not expecting. The track was fairly busy and noisy. You could hear engines starting, and conversations of people he doesn’t know, which caused his inability to understand and hear what you were saying. 
He just stood there - watching you defend him from the asshole of an interviewer, your hands making small gestures for emphasis. The reporter’s face slowly displayed guilt and resentment as if he was clearly affected by whatever it is you said. Soon, the noise around him subsided and the only thing he was able to hear was the last thing you told the reporter. 
“I don’t ever want to hear you talk like that about Charles ever again. If you’re only going to disrespect one of the most hard-working people I know, better to not approach him in the slightest.  He did not pour blood, sweat, and tears into this sport just for you to utter those words to him.” 
Your voice remained soft but it was steady. You turned your heel against the reporter and a cameraman who was clearly surprised by what he just witnessed. You walk back to him, giving him a small smile. 
He wanted to just stand there and stare at you. No one has ever done that for him before. He had his fair share of disrespectful interviewers and questions that downright offended every fiber of his being but he always chose to not pay it any mind. It did not help that you were the kindest person he knew — so seeing you decide right away to defend him like that just made him feel all sorts of things. 
The two of you proceed to walk back to the Ferrari garage, your hand tightly grasped by Charles. At the time, he desperately wanted to embrace you and whisper just how much he loved you. He wanted to drag you to a discreet corner and just hold your face while he tells you the three words he’d been keeping to himself. 
But he remained frozen in awe of you, and so he fails to tell you once again.
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“Can I-” Charles starts, trying his best to get up from the couch. 
“I already told you. The answer is no,” you reply firmly, shifting your gaze to the man with the slightly swollen cheek. 
He huffs a little bit loudly, wanting to show his disappointment.
“Baby, the doctor said no strenuous activities. You just had your wisdom tooth extracted, so no, you can’t go skiing with Joris.” you say as you walk toward the couch, fluffing the pillow his head rested on and putting a soft blanket on top of him. 
“Please just rest. You lie down right where you are and I will be preparing dinner soon. I just have to finish something first.” 
“My favorite?” he asks, putting on the sweet tone you were always soft for.
“Anything for you, my patient.” you smile, planting a kiss on his forehead.
“Okay. I’ll rest,” he sighs, adjusting himself on the couch to face sideways. “You take care of me so well.” 
Charles was under a lot of painkillers. His dentist appointment had been rescheduled hundreds of times as he claims to be too “busy” to get his wisdom tooth extracted. If it weren’t for your incessant nagging because he was already in pain, he probably wouldn’t have pushed through with it. He tried his best to look tough in front of you, but as someone who drove cars that are as fast as lightning, you could tell he was nervous. 
The doctor had to reassure him that there would be anesthesia plus painkillers to combat the pain he would be feeling after. After finding out he was medically allowed to eat a ton of ice cream after the procedure, he was more than happy to oblige.
However, the combination of Charles, anesthesia that’s wearing off, plus painkillers is not equal to a drowsy Charles. He had more energy than usual and was naughtier than normal. In other words, he was hyper. He was not muttering nonsense like the famous wisdom tooth aftermath videos on YouTube nor did he want to sleep all day. He wanted to do so many things he was about to get overstimulated. So no matter how weak in the knees Charles usually made you nor how you always give in when he asks you for something, skiing and going to the gym for a heavy workout after he just had his tooth extracted were just things you cannot say yes to. 
Not long after, the ever so fueled with energy of a boyfriend you had was deep in slumber on the couch. He probably tired himself out from listing a thousand reasons why you have to let him go with Joris and his friends today. He was ceaseless, after all. His lower body was covered with the blanket that you put on him earlier, chest slowly heaving up and down, mouth slightly apart, and lightly snoring. 
He looked so peaceful. For a while, you just sat beside him and went on to study the features of his face. The pointed nose, the tiny freckles that are most evident when the sun hits them, and the eyes that seem to contain galaxies and universes in it. 
“I know you’re staring, chérie,” he quietly says, eyes still closed. 
“No. I’m just checking to see if your face is still swollen.” you reply, playfully rolling your eyes at him. 
“Not swollen. Just say you’re looking for an excuse to study my beautiful face.” he teases, shifting himself so he’s now in a seated position. 
“That’s the anesthesia talking, Charlie,” 
“Wore off already.”
“Fine, I was staring. You’re so pretty, how could I not?” you say, shrugging your shoulders before standing up to prepare dinner. 
“I love you.” Charles says before you could even move away far from the couch where he was seated. 
I love you. 
You stop in your tracks, your back still facing the Monegasque who was clearly waiting for a response yet slightly relieved he told you what he had been wanting to say for a while now. 
“I already know what’s going through your mind,” he says, lightly laughing. “This is not the painkillers nor the anesthesia talking. I’d spent so much time debating on when to tell you.”
“So many accidental “I love you’s” thrown away. Figured there’s never a right time. I love you every single day so why wait for a perfect moment?”
“I love you. So so much.” he repeats. 
You turn to him with a smile you can’t contain, walking over to him and engulfing him in what seemed to be the tightest hug you’d ever given anybody. 
“I hope you know I’m still saying no to the skiing.” you laugh. 
Charles chuckles, and you could feel the vibrations of his laughter from his chest. His grip on you only tightens, sighing in relief. 
“That’s okay. I’d rather be with you anyway.” he says, squeezing you once more before breaking away from your embrace.
“Hmm, swaying me with pretty words, Leclerc?” you raise a brow. 
“Never!” Charles smiles sheepishly as he puts both his hands up in defense. 
“For what it’s worth — though you’re like a child hopped up on sugar earlier, I love you too.” 
tagging: @slytherheign <3
notes: i think this is my first time writing something this long! i also have a 3.5k word work in progress but i cant find the will to finish it lol very angsty though!
thank u sm for reading and lmk what u think hehe <3 also pls send requests for ig imagines for charles! will try to do it as soon as i can!
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yawnderu · 1 year
so I saw u were taking requests and I wanted to request something lolol (I don’t have to write this if u don’t want to lolol)
prince!miguel x evilwitch!reader? Where the reader kidnaps miguel to try and torture him with their magic but miguel gets a crush on them instead
cw: edging, vulgar language, ruined orgasms, blowjobs, rough sex, ass fingering, creampie, implied anal, Miguel whimpers, pure filth.
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"Cállate." Miguel barked as you kept teasing him, his handsome face turned into a frustrated snarl, fangs bared as you simply tightened up the dark magic rope constricting his body.
It has been two weeks since you kidnapped Miguel in hopes of getting him to tell you the location of an ancient flower that you need for potions, yet he refuses to tell you.
No matter how much you beat and torture him, this man doesn't break, so you decided to approach the issue at hand differently. This is the fifth orgasm you've ruined for him, denying him of the privilege of cumming. He let out a frustrated growl, struggling against the rope uselessly.
Your hand kept working his thick cock up and down, his precum leaking down on it like a faucet, mixing in with the sweat that dripped down his forehead. Miguel was a strong man, yet the way one of your hands worked his shaft while the other one fondled his big balls had him weak. Any other man would have fallen for your charm, no? Miguel tried convince himself, he tried his best to ignore the way you teasingly kissed his dick, to look away and pretend this wasn't happening, yet you always know how to get him to react.
"Eyes on me, pretty boy." You command, teasingly licking the slit of his dick. That earns you a sharp hiss, his heart rate accelerating and his body heat increasing as your hand moves faster up and down his dick. This time you take it a step further, putting his tip inside your mouth as your tongue teasingly licks circles all over it. Miguel thrusts his hips up and you allow him to fuck into your mouth, the salty taste of his precum mixed in with tears and sweat instantly hitting your mouth.
Just as you can feel his dick throb you pull away with a loud "pop", shooting him a smug smirk as a strangled whimper comes out of his lips. His hips are still slightly thrusting up, hoping to get any sort of relief.
"You look so pathetic like this, principito." You tease, not touching him for a few seconds as you take in the sight in front of you. It's comical, almost, with Miguel's behemoth frame tied down to a chair, fully clothed as only his cock and balls are out of the expensive fabric of his pants, your saliva and his precum already staining the clothing yet neither of you seem to care. Miguel only wants to cum, and you only want to tease him. Something about the man whose pridefulness is always on his shoulders like a weight crumbling down and whining like a bitch is doing things to you.
"Por favor... por favor, let me cum. Just once, brujita, please." He begs pathetically, groaning as your hand goes back to fastly rub up and down his massive cock. Your fingers can't even fully wrap around it, yet Miguel doesn't seem to care
"Ay, así..." He slowly thrusts his hips up to make you jerk him off faster, his eyes closed as his full focus goes to how damn good your hand feels wrapped around his length. He's blubbering nonsense in Spanish as his hips thrust harder and you stop moving your hand, allowing him to jerk himself off using your hand.
"Dios mío... te quiero embarrar la cara de leche." He speaks softly, half-lidded eyes looking down at you. Miguel looks completely out of a porno, a slight red tint to his tanned cheeks and mouth slightly ajar as his gaze focuses on you with pure adoration. You see his eyes roll to the back of his head when you start moving your hand again, working his shaft all the way from the base to the tip. He drops his head back, groans and deep whiny whimpers leaving his mouth as he focuses on the pleasure.
"Mi amor... mi vida, me voy a—" He cries out as you remove your hand again, ruining his orgasm for what seems like the thousandth time. Miguel is about to protest until he sees you starting to lift up your skirt, turning around and looking back at him with a smug grin that shows you're up to no good. You hold his cock as you sit on his lap, teasingly rubbing the thick length between your soaking wet folds just enough for Miguel to let out a strangled moan, his forehead resting on the back of your shoulder as tears begin rimming his eyes. He wants to cum so bad— he needs to cum so badly.
"Por favor." He pleads, voice barely above a whisper, and you comply. You lift your ass enough to line up his thick uncut tip to your soaking wet cunt, hissing softly as you begin to sink down, feeling him complete stretch you out. It stings, and yet it feels too good to stop. You take a few seconds before slowly grinding on his dick, moving up at down as he stirrs up your insides, throaty groans and whines coming out of Miguel from behind you as he thrusts his hips up, fucking into you desperately.
"Please, please, I can't—" He mumbles out your name like a mantra, already picturing the moment you'll pull away and ruin his orgasm again, yet you don't pull away this time. You bounce on his fat cock faster, your tight, warm walls engulfing him completely as your hand goes down to rub your hard clit, the other one gripping his meaty thigh for support as you slam down his dick harder.
Miguel can't take it anymore, groaning out your name as he thrusts his hips harder and faster into you, ramming himself into you in a way only a man with his size and stamina could. You're so lost in pleasure you don't fully register the strong arms wrapping around your waist, holding you from behind as Miguel uses your own body as leverage to fuck balls deep into you, drawing a sharp hiss out of your pretty lips.
Just when you're about to look back and see how the fuck he got out of the bindings, your body is being ragdolled and moved until you're in all fours on the floor, his big palm forcefully making your back arch as he fucks into you at an unlawful pace. You're not ruining his orgasm this time— not when he's finally free from your magic and can move you around to his pleasure. His hand moves up to your hips once he realizes you'll keep it arched, ramming into you as he gets on one knee, his meaty thigh against your side as he pushes all the way inside, heavy balls slapping your clit.
"Who looks pathetic now, huh, princesa?" He asked teasingly between sharp breaths, his gaze dropping down at the way your squelching cunt is completely swallowing him up, your lips gripping his fat cock making him smirk. His hands go lower, spreading your cheeks apart as he spits into your puckered hole, teasing it with his thumb before he eases it into you, grinning as he can feel his dick moving between the thin layers of flesh.
"¿Te gusta por el culo? You always looked slutty to me." He was clearly trying to get into your head, to be petty for those two weeks you kept him captured, and for all those ruined orgasms. Your cunt tightening up on him as you came made him groan, his thumb still moving into your asshole as his hips stuttered, giving a few sloppy thrusts before pushing himself all the way inside, finally being able to cum with a loud growl. It was easily the most intense orgasm Miguel has ever had, that much is clear by the way his thick, creamy cum is dripping out of you even when his fat cock is still pushed all the way inside.
"We're not done here, brujita." He says teasingly, pulling his hard dick out of your cunt before he lines it up with your asshole.
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divijohm · 7 months
Headcanons for Toby, Jeff, Nina and slendy with a reader that lovesss animals? (and is good with them) :D like every time they return from a mission, reader has brought back a puppy or kitty? (bonus points if once she accidentally brought a wolf in the house mistaking it for a dog)
Pastas with a s/o that's good with animals!
Toby, Jeff, Nina and Slenderman
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A/n: I LOVE ANIMALS! ALL ARE SUPER CUTE but sadly I'm not very good with them lolol I have a cat and a dog though they're my babyss hope you enjoy!
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🐾 He does not get along well with animals, at all. He scares most them away just by standing there, problems of being a eldritch horror but once one warms up to him he actually is very gentle with them.
🐾 finds it cute and fascinating how well you can interact with the lil fellas, might even find a way to you to use them in missions. Not a fan of you bringing them to the mansion though, most pastas aren't a fan and may be allergic, and he does not enjoy when animals/wildlife are being mistreated so for everyone's sake, he'll ask you not to.
🐾 If you manage to convince him to have a pet, other than smile dog that is, he would like a cat, probably a black or tuxedo one, because it would be easier to hide the fur that will be all over his clothes
🐾 He's a tidy man, animals that make much mess are not his type, he also don't like the high maintenance ones (i.e hamsters) heck he barely takes care of his proxies, leaving most of them to survive on their own only giving the best ones a somewhat stable life. A high maintenance thing that's not even useful?? Hell no
🐾 Overall, he likes animals but he does not like to take care of them nor have them in his house, he doesn't need more little, bratty, short life-span beings to take care of, he already has the proxys
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🐾 Adores animals as long as they're far away from him, he's scared of most of them at first but find them cute
🐾 Have a strong cat allergy poor thing can't be near one without a mask or he'll start sneezing
🐾 Will help you take care of them despite his fear and allergies, mostly by being on your side handing you stuff but he'll hold the animal still if you need to apply a vaccine or something
🐾 Sometimes his tics will be saying an animal name, because he's spending so much time listening to you talk about them, you find it cute
🐾 He's besties with the mansion permanent pets and will let them stay in his room if needed
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🐾 BIG ANIMAL FAN, especially big ones
🐾 WILL pamper all the pets you bring home, to a point where you have to hide the treats from her otherwise she'll give them nonstop
🐾 Begs Slenderman to let you make a zoo with all the pets, he refuses of course but lets her keep a parrot
🐾 She named the parrot Willy, is a blue one and he's very talkative (much like his owner) surprisingly he can roam free and don't run away/get lost.
🐾Willy will attack on command, Nina did not teach him how to do that but one day she said to another proxy "I'll make willy take your eyes out!" And the birb was near and he just attacked going for the eyes. A moment of laughter and panic later, Willy was safe and the poor victim just had his eyelids slightly clawed, nothing major but Slenderman made Nina promise that she would never command willy to attack a proxy to a degree that can compromise their performance. So now she just makes him poop on people's foods and/or in them
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🐾 He only likes dogs, not much of a fan of any other species, he will tolerate birds and most of the wild life thought
🐾 He's afraid of cats, whenever you bring one to the house he'll try to act cool but the slightest movement towards him will make him flinch
🐾 Will act uninterested when you bring a dog but the moment you turn your back he WILL gush over them specially if they get along with Smiley
🐾 Fights everyone who criticizes your actions, because "at least animals are better than humans" bedsides you do all the work to care for them and keep the mansion permanent pets safe if they don't get along with the strays
🐾 will complain if you spend more time with the pets than with him, and will throw a tantrum if you tell him to wait because you have to take care of the lil ones before giving him attention
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252 notes · View notes
g1rld1ary · 6 months
omg hiiiiii! just saw your requests opened, so excited! i was hoping you could write something for lockwood with the enemies to lovers trope. anything you feel like with that is awesome! and ofc if you don’t want to feel free to not write it 🩷🩷
what once was ; anthony lockwood x reader
➻ synopsis: you and lockwood hated each other, you had since you were just starting out as agents. when your team is made to work with his on a big case, deeper feelings might just get revealed
➻ word count: 10K (exactly, what are the chances?)
➻ warnings: swearing, mentions of kissing, angst maybe?, injuries
➻ thank u so much for this request lovely!!!! i am SO sorry this took almost a month, but it's the longest fic I've ever posted here so hopefully that makes up for it a little?? if this isn't what u had in mind pls let me know and I'd be happy to write something different! ik it might not be exactly enemies to lovers but I hateee when the dynamic has no respect or reason to be lovers. anyway thank u for the request lolol!!!! xxxxx
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You thought you were a good person. You dedicated your life to fighting ghosts, you helped old ladies cross the street, you recycled when you could. That was enough to be considered a good person, right? You were almost totally convinced, except for the all the vile things you had to say about Anthony Lockwood.
He was, with no exaggeration, the bane of your existence. You had known him all your life, but hadn’t been friends with him since you were both twelve, just beginner agents. And yet, despite all of this hatred burning up within you, it seemed like the universe wouldn’t give you a moment of peace.
You understood running into his company every once in a while — agency events, maybe the occasional case, but lately it seemed like it was every week you had to face Lockwood’s nauseating grin and infuriating attempts at being charming. Whether it was your respective teams being sent on overlapping missions, picking up more supplies or just trying to pick up a coffee after a draining night, you had started to see Lockwood everywhere.
When you saw him again whilst you were picking up some doughnuts for your team you couldn’t help yourself snapping at him.
“God, are you obsessed with me or something, Anthony?” You barely spared him a glance as you finished the transaction with the cashier, quietly thanking him as you left. Lockwood did the same, practically throwing down his cash to catch up to you.
“You wish I was obsessed with you! I am just as unhappy as you are, trust me.”
“So what, you chased after me just say something we both already knew? Or do you have something you’d like to say, an apology perhaps?” You chanced a look in his eyes. Hurt flashed through them, and you felt a sick sense of satisfaction.
“I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” He cried, almost dropping his own box of pastries when he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. You didn’t try to hide the rolling of your eyes.
“Whatever,” You huffed, before being struck with an idea. “By the way, did you hear that I’m now a team leader? That makes me the youngest in at least ten years — maybe ever. Pretty good for someone not fit to be an agent, don’t you think?” You feigned an interest in his opinion. His face dropped for a moment, then contorted to become almost polite.
“That was never—” You interrupted him with another sigh.
“Anthony, I really don’t care to listen to you discredit my achievements anymore.” You left him on the side of the street, marching back to your dorm at Fittes. You didn’t need to hear him tear you down and ruin your self-confidence more than he already had — not that you would ever tell him that. Lockwood was similarly disgruntled. Every interaction between you two turned into a fight regardless of what he said; he just couldn’t win.
You had a week of blissful distance from Lockwood and Co before you ran into them, quite unfortunately. You and your team had been assigned to an apartment that allegedly housed a few Type Ones, nothing serious but the residents had complained of hearing noises at odd hours. You held a bit of doubt — living in the dorms had forced you to become accustomed to the most bizarre noises at night, and those were most definitely not ghosts. Plus, adults tended to be paranoid; the noise could be anything from rodents to their little children being awake in the early hours of the morning.
Still, you had a job to complete, so you trudged your small team up to the apartment in question, ready for a quick job and to be cozy in bed before midnight. When Lockwood and Co were standing outside the apartment next to your appointed one, your face dropped into a scowl.
“What are you doing here?” You snapped, talking directly to Lockwood. He hesitated for a moment before turning to face you, brilliant smile shining.
“Lovely to see you again too, sweetheart, we’re actually here on a job? Nice of you to come as our clean-up crew, but that really won’t be necessary. Run along now.” You had to hand it to him, Lockwood had perfected his condescending tone. You were going to respond when the girl behind him began to talk.
“Hey, I recognise you! You’re—” Lockwood cut her off quickly.
“Alright, Luce, I think it’s time we go inside, don’t you?” He was shepherding the girl through the apartment door before you could process what was happening. George, to his credit, looked highly amused at the whole thing. You always liked George, even when he was at Fittes, and seeing him was usually the only upside to your interactions with Lockwood and Co.
“Who’s the girl?” You asked, nodding your head to where she and Lockwood had disappeared to.
“Lucy Carlyle,” He answered, “She’s a Listener — still learning the ropes.”
“And she knows me how?” George just smiled, and you could tell he was keeping secrets.
“I’m sure you’ll find out one day.” He began to follow the rest of his coworkers and you pouted.
“I hate when you side with him!” You called after him, before composing yourself and directing your own team to start the night. They just went along with it, used to your behaviour, and set up your equipment for the mission.
It was not going well. You could all feel a supernatural presence, but no ghosts and no signs of what you’d thought might’ve been the source. Plus, all you could hear was the apartment next door — their stompy footsteps, their laughter over the tea you knew they always had, and one of them wouldn’t stop knocking on the fucking wall.
It was supremely childish, and you would put all of your bets on it being Lockwood trying to throw you off your game. Unfortunately, it was working. And your bad mood was spreading to your teammates. The mission was certainly not going well, all four of you picking fights and throwing digs at each other as you searched uselessly for what could possible be the source, all with no confirmed supernatural presence.
Just as you were about to say something really cruel to your favourite member of your team, the words died in your throat. The temperature rose a few degrees, and you could practically see all your negative thoughts floating away. By the looks of it, your teammates all felt it too. When the freezing shock of the change wore off, you all resigned to embarrassment, realising exactly what had just happened.
This was only furthered when Lockwood waltzed into the apartment, cocky grin practically blinding you.
“Guess that another successful mission for Lockwood and Co now includes saving the careers of egotistical Fittes agents too now,” He crowed, and you rolled your eyes so hard you thought they might disconnect from your face.
“Clearly,” You tried to keep your tone level, “The source wasn’t in this apartment, so we couldn’t have found it regardless of if you were here.”
“Plus they were just Type Ones. You didn’t save any lives, Lockwood,” Your best friend, Sarah, piped up and you smirked.
“Maybe not in the physical sense,” He conceded, “But I definitely saved the career of the ‘youngest ever team leader’ — don’t think you would’ve kept the position for very long if you couldn’t fight a simple Type One.” You turned red in humiliation. How dare Lockwood act so high and mighty, like you owed him the career you fought so hard for? You wanted to express all the seething fury that burned your tongue, but the only thing that came out was a vicious declaration.
“I hate you, Anthony Lockwood.” Lockwood at least had the decency to look somewhat hurt. Although you’d been arguing for years with the insults only getting meaner as you both grew up and developed more precise vocabularies, neither of you had ever vocalised any hatred before. It cut deeper than Lockwood thought it would. You didn’t wait to observe the intricacies of his reaction, storming out of the apartment, making sure your kit bag hit him heavily as you passed.
“Well,” Lockwood broke the awkward silence that fell over the apartment, “I think we’re all done for the night. Let’s go.” Lockwood and Co began packing up their kit bags and gear, Lucy sweeping some leftover magnesium dust under an armchair. Lockwood paused in the doorway, looking back to Sarah with a curious softness.
“Make sure she’s alright, yeah?” Sarah nodded, swallowing a curious look. With a final nod he was gone, leaving the rest of your team to wonder what had just happened to shift the dynamic.
Back in your dorm at Fittes, you were still fired up. Pissed off by Lockwood’s ego, his audacity, you had practically already paced a hole in the floor upon your short return from dinner. All of these years and he still didn’t believe you were a capable agent, let alone team leader! You may not have really hated him; it was hard to truly hate someone who you shared so much history with, but you were glad you said it. Glad you hurt him, even a little. Maybe then he’d know how you felt.
He had — probably unwittingly — saved you arse though. It was one of your very first missions and unfortunately Lockwood was right; a team leader who couldn’t defeat a simple Type One, or realise that their case was a goose chase in the wrong apartment, wouldn’t last. So although he was the one who had told you you couldn’t be an agent in the first place, you probably owed your current position to him, which only mad you more mad. It was an endless cycle of being angry at Anthony Lockwood.
When Sarah came in to sit on your bed, you still weren’t done, taking the opportunity to verbalise your stream of thought.
“He is simply the worst person in the whole world and has no respect for me! I mean, he wouldn’t have helped at all if it didn’t serve his own inflated ego ,” You said, throwing your hands in the air in anguish. Sarah simply watched, barely concealing her amusement.
“Ok, but have you considered maybe he just argues back because you hate him? I mean, where did it start?” You huffed, vaulting yourself back onto your mattress.
“When we were twelve years old, he told me I couldn’t be an agent. I said ‘fuck you’ and have worked my bloody arse off to be one despite it, and to become the youngest team leader at Fittes, and yet every time I see him he still tries to sabotage my career or make me look stupid! God, he drives me up the wall!”
“So you’ve said all these horrid things because he didn’t believe in you?” She laughed a little, eliciting a deep frown from you.
“You don’t get it,” You said, tone solemn, “He was my best friend. He was supposed to believe in me even when everyone else said it was dumb.” The dampened mood brought a premature end to your conversation, Sarah leaving you to your thoughts and feelings as you dwelled on the past in a way you would usually forbid yourself from.
You pulled a framed photo out from behind your stack of books on the shelf. You and Lockwood as children, smiling brightly on a day at the beach, a spade in your hand and a bucket in his, your free ones intertwined as kids often do. You didn’t know why you’d kept it after all these years, looking at any photo of Lockwood typically made you mad, but you felt a bit guilty discarding the keepsake, especially the handmade frame his parents had given you one birthday before they passed. Plus, the memory untouched was one of your favourites — one of the last of your carefree days in childhood when you and Lockwood were best friends and both your families were whole. You held it softly for a moment, indulging yourself in being swept away by memories before deciding enough was enough and returning to the present, distracting yourself with a novel you’d picked up.
You were given a few weeks to cool down, blissfully free from any trace of Lockwood. You thought he must’ve been aware of the heightened tension between you recently, since you’d seen Lucy shopping around Arif’s and ran into George whilst getting your usual Friday night takeaway.
Hearing your name being called from around the corner of an aisle you turned quickly, reflexes on edge. Seeing it was just the redhead you relaxed, making yourself smile.
“Oh, hi, Lucy. How are you?” You made polite conversation, continuing on with your shopping. She replied cordially, a vague awkward air between you that you were both trying your best to overcome.
“We’re all really sorry about the case the other day, by the way. We didn’t mean to take it over or jeopardise your job or anything.”
“It’s nothing,” You assured, “I shouldn’t have let my emotions get the best of me, every agent knows that.”
“Yeah, but if Lockwood hadn’t—”
“Lucy,” You interrupted, “You don’t need to condemn Lockwood, or defend him. We both know where we stand with each other and that’s ok. I hope that doesn’t stop us from being friends either; you’re sweet.” Lucy managed a smile, revealing a pretty sparkle in her eye.
“I’d like to be friends too. Maybe we just won’t tell him,” She giggled, and you nodded gravely.
“Sounds like a plan.” You left Arif’s with a bag full of groceries and plan for coffee sometime.
George was less forgiving than Lucy. As you bickered over who got the last can of Coke in the restaurant’s little fridge, he imparted some of his very much unwanted advice.
“You should apologise. I think you crossed a line,” He said and you rolled your eyes.
“He questioned my right to even be where I am — I think I have the right to be pissed at him.”
“He didn’t mean it,” George said quickly. Almost too quickly.
“How would you know?” You narrowed your eyes. George recoiled — he’d been caught.
“You know,” He trailed off, “Lockwood’s not like that. You should know that better than anyone.” You huffed again, fed up.
“I knew,” You corrected, “He’s shown me exactly how he feels about me now. And I am absolutely fine with that. I’m taking the Coke.” You ended the conversation abruptly, snatching the can out of George’s grip.
“But Lockwood doesn’t like any of the other flavours!” He called after you. You exaggerated a laugh, not looking back as you opened the restaurant door quickly.
“I know!” You yelled over your shoulder. George watched you leave, calculating look in his eyes. You said you hated Lockwood, he didn’t doubt you believed it, too. But he knew that most people didn’t remember which fizzy drinks their enemies liked.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
Thankfully, you got just the distraction you needed. Your team had been given one of the most exciting cases on the Fittes roster. One of those old boutique hotels with funnily named rooms and a long, terrible history that had you buried in fascinating research. You couldn’t believe your team had been given the assignment, it was a sign that you were really beginning to be respected as a team leader in the agency. So, you couldn’t screw it up.
You and your team had been practically camped out in the Fittes archives, researching as much as you possibly could about the old hotel. There were a smattering of unfortunate deaths across the years — some darker than others, but you were confident it was nothing you couldn’t handle. The owners hadn’t specified exactly what supernatural experiences they had seen around the hotel, just that it was clear there were several presences around and they wanted them all gone to reopen the hotel as soon as possible. This did admittedly make you a little apprehensive — you didn’t actually have a solid idea of how many ghosts you’d be dealing with, and it was anyone’s guess how many of them would be Type Twos.
Finally, you were confident you and your team had done as much research as you could, and you were prepared for anything. And so you packed your kit bags, took the train ride and rocked up to the hotel mid afternoon, confidence overflowing. By nightfall you’d been on a tour of the grounds, set up your base and had started brewing some tea to get you all in the zone. You took a glance out the front window, seeing movement in one of the windows of the house next door. It was owned by the people who ran the hotel and they intended to open it as a second venue, but delegated the job to some smaller agency since the stakes for it weren’t as high.
It was all going well for a while. You had a plan to go room by room, making each ghost free before finishing in the majorly haunted kitchen. You were inclined to believe there’d be a cluster of Type Twos there since it was set alight years ago, and the accident had been swept under the rug in favour of saving the business.
The entryway was easy; a few Type Ones that practically led you their sources, clearly just wanting to finally be laid to rest. There was one nasty Limbless that gave you all a fright, but your researcher, Ben, was always miles ahead of the rest of you and knew exactly who the ghost was and therefore how to put him to rest. You told him you owed him a beer later and moved on, crossing a single room off the floor plan and shifting into the library, which was not so easy.
You started to think things were not as great as you originally anticipated when you turned to face the mass of Type Ones. Not the end of the world, a little bloody annoying though. Sarah seemed to agree, kicking the leg of a couch in frustration. The four of you figured your way out of it, though significantly depleted of supplies.
You returned to your home base to recoup, physically and mentally battered.
“What’s the plan?” Sarah asked, chugging down mouthfuls from her water bottle. You bit the inside of your cheek as you thought hard, tapping your fingers insistently on the old wooden table.
“Alright, I think we’ve got enough for one more safely. Kyan, you go outside and get the rest of our equipment whilst we hit the second bedroom.”
“If we’re right then there should only be the one ghost there, right? The strangled woman?” You nodded in response to Ben, mentally drawing your plan.
“And if you’re wrong?” Kyan asked.
“We won’t be,” You affirmed, tapping twice on the table to get you all moving.
Kyan left the building to go fetch the spare supplies and the remaining three of you ventured into the second bedroom. Everything was as it should be; lower temperature, creeping feelings of unease and miasma. You’d put together your chain circle and were feeling good about the Type Two woman you were facing, well, as good as you could in those circumstances.
That was, until it wasn’t just one Type Two. Despite the research and preparation you’d undertaken, there was definitely more than one Type Two enraged by your presence in the room at that moment. There was the woman, an angry apparition of some sort — you didn’t have the time to exactly figure out which subtype she fell into when a man also appeared. Shit. He wasted no time showing you he was aggressive too, and your heart sunk into your toes.
Doing some quick mental calculations, you announced the new plan — to get out. As team leader, you refused to be responsible for an injury or something worse because you wouldn’t back down when you knew you didn’t have enough defences left.
“Soon as it’s safe, get the fuck out of here,” You said, feeling to make sure they were still both in the circle with you as you stood with backs inward. “Use your defences as liberally as you feel you need to — we’re all getting out of here tonight.”
“What about the sources?” Sarah asked nervously, “We’ve only got one or two so far.”
“Who cares? Most agencies get one or two a mission and we’re in a giant bloody hotel. We’ve got more nights to get this done. We can’t get it done if you lot go off and die, can we?” Ben shrugged.
“S’pose not. Let’s go.” With that the three of you made a run for it, bolting out the bedroom door and into the corridor.
“Oh fuck!” You yelled, dodging out the way of another phantom headed your way. Evidently your previous endeavours had attracted the attention of some of the other ghosts inhabiting the hotel, none looking all that happy.
Your swear words didn’t falter as you continued the escape, ducking and jumping and making an utter fool of yourself to ensure you all made it out alive. You’d been covered by Sarah a few minutes ago with one of her magnesium flares, and so returned the favour without hesitation, only faltering slightly when you realised it was your last. You tried not to worry about it too much, you were nearing the laundry where there was a back door you could get to.
The closer you got to your escape the fewer visible apparitions there were. That was a good thing, your chances of ghost touch reducing greatly. However, that didn’t mean you weren’t still being hunted. A poltergeist had found you somewhere along the way, and the stream of things being thrown at you hadn’t ended yet. You’d vaguely felt something heavy hitting the back of your head and shoulders, but the adrenaline pumping through your veins was withholding the pain for the moment.
You’d crossed the threshold into the laundry, the back door within your sights. Maybe you got complacent, believing the end was nearer than you thought. Maybe it was just awful timing. However, as your feet hit the tiles of the room, you were being swept off your feet by the washing machine sliding into you, crushing you between it and the wall. You cried out unintentionally, feeling a sickening crack inside your chest. Your teammates turned back, door wide open and safety in sight.
“Don’t you dare come back for me,” You croaked, the wind pushed out of you. “Or I swear to God I’ll come and haunt you.” Ben took the threat and ran, ducking out the door into the fresh air of the night. Sarah hesitated, turning back to lock eyes with you, regret painted across her features. With a final threat she left too, leaving you to try and push the machine away from you in order to make your own escape. However, in an unfortunate series of events, the adrenaline started to wear off after your chase and you felt the sharp pain running along your skull, a thick drop of blood making its way down from a strand of hair into your left eye. Plus, you were pretty sure the machine had broken one of your wrists as any pressure you put onto it trying to move the machine set your nerves on fire, leaving you just your legs to try and make an escape. Turns out it’s harder than it looks to push a stupidly heavy washing machine away from you with your legs when you’re incapacitated on the floor.
Seeing your best friend the strangled woman approaching you sighed, trying to resign yourself to your fate. There was no way you were making it out without a miracle, and you were never the lucky kind. As she spotted you, you sealed your eyes tightly closed, unwilling to watch your own demise. It never came. When you chanced one eye open all you saw was sparks, the unmistakeable smell of a magnesium flare filling the room. You didn’t know what to feel. Relieved, of course, pissed off that your team had disrespected your wishes and endangered themselves, faint from the adrenaline and blood loss. Mostly faint, you decided, as you lay your head back against the tile, a sleep sounding like the nicest thing in the world suddenly.
You must have passed out for a minute or two as when you opened your eyes again you were in the air, distant voices yelling over the explosions and lights, but you felt a million miles away. You cuddled yourself into the body of whoever was carrying you — they were warm and your body felt ice cold. Everywhere you looked appeared blurry (and slightly pink, presumably from the blood in your eye), so you granted yourself some mercy and simply closed them. You thought you heard a mumbled “Hold on for me,” But you couldn’t be sure, everything was ringing in your head and the weight of staying awake was heavy on your foggy brain.
The next time you woke up was about half an hour later, or so you guessed. The sky was fractionally lighter than you remembered seeing, inching towards dawn, and you were laid down on dewey wet grass. The cool of it was nice on your skin, though you knew it would do major damage to your hair. Not that that was your greatest concern at the moment. You pushed yourself up on your elbows slowly, looking around at the scene that was coming into focus. Your team were on one side of you, looking exhausted but mostly physically fine. Straight ahead of you was Barnes, not looking as disappointed as you thought he would after a failed case. To your left was Lockwood and Co. Why were Lockwood and Co here? Why was Lockwood looking at you so intently, and why did he look like he was worried about you?
Only the first of your questions was answered. Evidently Lockwood and Co were the ‘small agency’ the hotel owners had given a chance for the smaller house on the edge of the property. They heard the commotion your team had made and Sarah’s screaming outside the kitchen door and came to save the day — of course. You were about to put up the protest that you didn’t need saving but it died in your throat when you saw the serious looks of everyone around you. Clearly this wasn’t the time for any of your bullshit.
“Clearly this case is bigger than your team can achieve,” Barnes said, and the fire was reignited within you. He must have been able to see what you were going to say and cut you off, “But I’m not taking you off the case.”
“Thank you,” You said quickly, tension in your shoulders releasing slightly.
“Lockwood and Co will work with you until the hotel is ghost free.”
“What?” You and Lockwood cried in unison, and you felt his eyes fall back on you. You refused to meet his gaze.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Sir—” You started, being cut off by Lockwood.
“We don’t work well together—”
“I happen to know you both need this case, or do you not care about the future of your jobs?” Barnes raised an eyebrow in the intimidating way only he could pull off. He had you there. Failing in a case, especially one that resulted in a near death experience would certainly jeopardise your trajectory at Fittes, and, unbeknownst to you, Lockwood and Co were pretty desperate for some good representation, unable to receive the praise deserved from the Combe Carey Hall case. You looked at Lockwood to find him already searching your face. After a moment of silent arguing between the two of you, you turned back to face Barnes, exaggerated smiles on both your faces.
“We’ll do it.” You smiled sweetly. A few more formalities sent Barnes and the other DEPRAC officer off, and only the two teams were left standing around, shifting uncomfortably under the weight of all the kit bags.
“So what do we do now?” Sarah asked, a thought very similar to the ones bouncing around your head at the moment.
“Breakfast?” George suggested, and you didn’t think you’d ever seen your team agree to something so enthusiastically. The group of you all headed back to the train station, but Lockwood didn’t let you continue in the line to get your ticket. Instead he pulled you away from the crowd, seeming to have already told Lucy what was happening, judging from her cheerful wave goodbye.
You glared at him, yanking your arm away then groaning at the pain.
“What are we doing, Lockwood?” You asked with an exaggerated huff.
“We’re going to the hospital,” He said, unbothered by your protests. “And don’t say you’re fine because it’s clear you’re injured. I’d say a broken wrist, concussion and maybe a cracked rib, but we can let the doctors tell us I’m wrong, I’d be happy for them to tell you otherwise.” That shut you up, not least because you knew he was probably right. You’d been given a shot of adrenaline and a few painkillers by the DEPRAC officer who accompanied Barnes over, but you probably did need actual medical attention.
It was a very awkward cab ride to the local hospital. You and Lockwood were so used to arguing by now that silence felt like the only other viable option. You couldn’t make small talk, what would you even talk about? The only thing you knew about his life was his childhood, and you sure as hell weren’t gonna talk about that. The tension was palpable in the backseat, and when the cab driver wished you good luck for the hospital visit, you figured he didn’t just mean because of your injuries. You did force yourself to thank Lockwood when he paid for the ride though, even if it was just for the sake of the day moving on faster.
At least the waiting room created its own noise; beeping and chattering and footsteps filling the silence between you two. You struggled with the form in front of you, inconveniently having your dominant hand be out of working order. You painfully etched out your information over an embarrassing amount of time before Lockwood huffed loudly and snatched the clipboard from your lap.
“Fuck’s sake,” He muttered, pulling his own pen from his suit pocket, beginning to scribble down the answers for you. You just relaxed, your tired, drug-addled brain being allowed to rest for a moment. It wasn’t until he asked about your health insurance that you fully realised he was answering the questions by memory and forced your eyes to focus on the paper. Sure enough he’d gotten it all right, birthday and middle name included. You glanced up at him curiously, but it seemed like this was the moment he refused to make eye contact. You only had to inform him of things that had changed since you’d fallen out, neither of you verbalising that fact.
Things didn’t change when you were called into the doctor’s office either. The mix of pain, medicine and sleep deprivation led you to embrace the exam table and bordered on falling asleep as Lockwood talked for you. He’d gotten the rundown of the actual events from Sarah and his brief moments when he saved you, and explained the night as you got an x-ray for your hand. Plus, as you were waiting for the cast (it was, in fact, broken), he explained your previous medical history — the knee you dislocated when you were nine and the broken pinky finger from the year after. You only had to participate to explain the injuries you’d acquired during your career as an agent; the ones from after you and Lockwood stopped being friends.
The whole trip was extremely bizarre and slightly unnerving, and you were glad to get on the train on the way back.
“You were wrong about one thing,” You said, pulling out your walkman from your kit bag.
“And what’s that?” Lockwood asked, and you got the impression he was bracing to be yelled at again — you felt almost bad.
“No cracked rib for me.” You grinned, beginning to laugh uncharacteristically. You didn’t know why, it really wasn’t that funny, but Lockwood followed suit soon after. The two of you laughed borderline hysterically, much too energetic for that hour of the morning when everyone else was still heading to work. It only tapered off when your poor ribs couldn’t take it anymore (not broken but aggressively bruised), and the two of you fell back into silence. You had your music and Lockwood had a magazine you suspected he’d stolen from the A+E waiting room.
The only other time you spoke during the trip was when you summoned the courage to utter a somewhat genuine “Thank you.”
“Thanks. For not letting me die. And stuff.”
“Oh. You’re welcome,” Lockwood shot you a smile, the glowing kind you rarely got to see anymore.
As you got back to London and closer to Portland Row where your team was waiting, the air seemed to get thicker between the two of you once again. Maybe it was the proximity to the things that had torn you apart or the sense that you had predefined roles to play, but the carefree air between you had dissipated, leaving only the familiar tension that had been building over the last four years.
You followed Lockwood inside, trying to hide the out of body experience you were having returning to his family home after so many years. It had changed a little, of course, but still felt overwhelmingly the same, which both scared and comforted you. All the freaky foreign ghost hunting objects still littered the shelves, and you took the liberty of admiring them once again, remembering the stories Lockwood’s parents would tell about them and the adventures they’d had when collecting them. In your periphery you saw Lockwood hurriedly grab something off the wall by the stairs, shoving it in a drawer, but you really had no interest, choosing instead to reacquaint yourself with the house. The glimpse you got up the stairs showed a myriad of framed pictures of Lockwood and you scoffed — of course his ego would be on full display within his own home.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
It was surprisingly easy to get into the groove of working with Lockwood and Co. Obviously you already liked George and Lucy, but your team seemed to work unexpectedly well with theirs. You and Lockwood stayed out of each other’s ways, the few times you were left to work together resulting in another stupid argument. The first time when you thought he was calling you dumb, the second over something minuscule; who’d let the tea brew too long so it tasted shit. And then who had to subsequently get up and make the next pot. Despite both of you honestly trying to be professional and get on with the job, it was agreed by everyone that it was simply easiest to keep the two of you apart as much as possible.
However, when the hotel owners wanted the leaders of both teams to meet up for updates on the case, you couldn’t get out of it. The day wasn’t looking good. You’d shown up to Portland Row so you could get a cab together — the meeting being dinner in central London, and had already argued with him over his choice of socks. In your defence, the powder blue socks matching your dress did make it look like you were a high school couple trying to match at a formal! However, George had rolled his eyes and pushed the two of you back out and towards the waiting cab, effectively ending that argument. You’d also teased Lockwood for bringing his rapier to a business dinner, but that was neither here nor there.
You’d held it together for most of the dinner, both of you putting on your best fronts and using your most formal tones to convince the elder couple that you were confident about the case. You found yourself kicking his shins to stop Lockwood from making promises you couldn’t keep regarding the case, and he got you back with condescending remarks, correcting you when he disagreed with how you presented the case. Altogether though you thought you were pretty subtle, and the two of you were presenting a model image of your respective companies.
However, when you shot Lockwood one of your saccharine smiles under the pretence of friendliness — he’d just undermined your authority again and stolen the best piece of dessert that you were going for, as if he didn’t torture you enough — you were shocked to hear the woman across from you laugh.
“It’s so wonderful to see you two bicker like an old married couple,” She giggled, and both you and Lockwood’s jaws dropped. “I mean, it just seems so dismal to be dating in these times, but you two give me hope that the future generations will still be able find love despite the Problem.”
“And clearly you’re both sensible kids, which is very important for a lasting relationship. Working for two different agencies would surely diffuse tensions around all those dangerous missions and such you agents partake in — except for this one, of course,” Her husband chimed in, jolly glint in his eyes.
“Yes, yes, but it’s important to remember to be kids as much as you can. But you two playing footsies all night has proved that you’ve got that covered too. Silliness is just as crucial as being sensible, it’s how a marriage stays fun. We would know, we’ve had fifty odd years of it!”
You didn’t know how to react, and by the looks of it, Lockwood didn’t know either with his signature smile frozen on his face. First of all, you were not playing footsies with Anthony Lockwood — the bruise forming under his trouser leg was testament to that. Second of all, you had no idea how the woman could get your dynamic so incredibly wrong. Aside from all of Lockwood’s double edged comments and cocky corrections of basically anything you said, the two of you had hardly addressed each other directly all night, you might as well have been strangers!
The dinner wrapped up very soon after. The couple had taken a liking to you both and so trusted your teams to handle the case as you saw fit, only making you promise to take a romantic weekend getaway (or honeymoon! As the woman had remarked optimistically) to the hotel once it was completely ghost-free and renovated. For once you were glad that Lockwood was unable to ever shut up as he took the lead, seeming to believe that corroborating their assumption was the best choice in your situation. You weren’t sure you were entirely comfortable with lying to this sweet old couple, but you couldn’t deny that Lockwood was a better talker than you, and would probably handle the situation with more delicacy.
That was how you ended up being led out of the restaurant with Lockwood’s hand on the small of your back. You wondered if he’d ever done this before, and you didn’t know if you meant for a real or pretend relationship. You both said your goodbyes to the couple, flattered by the abundance of compliments they paid you — both personally and professionally, assuring you they were overjoyed to have your teams work the case. Just before they stepped into the cab the woman took you aside.
“Hold onto a boy who looks at you like that,” She said, “You might fight, but when he’s this in awe of you, you’ll find a way to make it work.” You didn’t know how to respond to that and so simply nodded, offering a weak smile as she slid into the back seat of the taxi.
That left you and Lockwood alone. You just looked at each other for a moment, unsure of how to proceed.
“Do you mind if we walk home? I really fancy some air right now.” Lockwood easily agreed, looking rather flustered himself, and off the two of you went into the night.
Neither of you spoke for a while, but you could tell he wanted to. Lockwood always chewed his lip when he was holding something back, he had since he was a child. You sighed and asked him, knowing it was the only way to make the habit go away.
“Nothing,” He said, “Just weird. Don’t you think?”
“Nah,” You lied, “Old people just say things like that all the time. They don’t care to know the full picture.”
“Which is?”
“We hate each other.” Hurt flashed through his eyes, but it didn’t make you feel as good as it did the first time you’d said it.
“I don’t hate you,” He said quietly, almost a whisper.
“I don’t hate you. We don’t get along anymore, but I don’t hate you. I hope you know that.” You faltered for a second. Had his use of ‘anymore’ been intentional to create a stabbing feeling in your gut?
“Oh. I guess I don’t really hate you either, if we’re getting sappy about it.” You tried to diffuse the tension growing between you, not wanting it to evolve into a discussion about what estranged you in the first place. Lockwood refused to apologise and you refused to forget, resulting in the bitter stalemate you’d been locked in for the past few years.
Your distraction came with a glance over Lockwood’s shoulder, and the wisp of a phantom coming into view. Lockwood was trying to continue the conversation about your developing relationship, but stopped when he noticed you frozen beside him. Turning slowly he swore when he saw the ghost, going straight for his rapier.
“Put your hand into my coat pocket,” He said, effectively drawing you from your freeze.
“Excuse me?” You whisper-yelled, not in the mood for him to try and lighten the mood with whatever dumb joke he was trying to make.
“Just trust me, I have flares in the inside pocket, just reach in and grab them to defend yourself whilst I keep an eye on them.” Them? You wondered until you looked around, seeing other ghosts start to emerge from the shadows, attracted by the scene you were obviously creating. You wasted no more time, ignoring the intimacy of reaching into Lockwood’s jacket, grabbing yourself a flare for each hand. With you accounted for, Lockwood told you the plan, he’d fight a path back to Portland Row and you’d cover the both of you with the flares, since you weren’t good for very much else with a broken wrist and no rapier.
It was hardly the most intense situation you or Lockwood had been in, but as the primary fighter in the situation, Lockwood was still putting up a good show of skill. Despite yourself you were entranced, admiring the graceful way he moved with the rapier, so in tune with it you’d think it was connected to his arm. As much as you hated Lockwood — well, you’d just established you didn’t actually hate him. As much as you thought he was egotistical and irritating, you had to admit that you really admired him as an agent. Lockwood was undeniably talented with a rapier — it was the fencing competition that got him started in this business in the first place — but to watch him in action was really something special. If you didn’t know better you’d think it was easy for him, he fought with the same ease and elegance he might drink a cup of tea.
You were so caught up in watching him that you hardly noticed when you arrived in front of 35 Portland Row, both luckily un-ghost touched. You were also alerted to the proximity you’d found yourself in. You’d stayed close obviously, not wanting to be left to the ghosts, but when Lockwood had turned to make sure you were still with him safely inside the iron fence, you found yourself only inches apart.
At this distance you were alerted to just how much he’d changed since you were kids. He was taller, obviously, your chin tilted up to make eye contact. He’d lost the baby fat that used to fill out his cheeks, leaving his face defined and bordering on gaunt — you figured he wasn’t taking very good care of himself, judging on the dark circles that seemed by now permanent. Plus something had changed in his eyes. He didn’t look carefree anymore, something dark and tortured lay behind the charming smiles. It wasn’t hard to guess what it was, and you figured you probably had something identical. However, the small scar on his jawline from when you accidentally flung a plastic toy into his face was still there which drew a small smile from you. Something within you urged to run your finger along it, and you felt your fingers twitch before you realised how inappropriate it was. That instinct didn’t feel so bad though when you caught Lockwood’s gaze shift down to your lips. Only momentarily, but you saw it. And worse? The fact that you didn’t mind. After all of these years and the fighting and terrible words shared, here you were maybe about to kiss Anthony Lockwood. You would be disgusted with yourself if you didn’t have so many other feelings fighting their way to the top.
The front door opening was enough to make you both jump apart, you rushing towards it to get as far from Lockwood as possible.
“Hey Lucy!” You called, practically floating up the front steps you were going so fast.
“Uh, hey, guys. We thought we heard you outside so I got sent to check. Had to make sure you weren’t secretly making out or something,” She joked and you forced out a laugh, far too loud to be real.
“As if! Come on, I’m dying for some tea.” You slid past her, rushing straight to the kitchen for a minute to think.
Lucy watched you go suspiciously, before turning to Lockwood.
“What did you do?” She interrogated, all her scary Lucy-ness coming out.
“I don’t know,” Lockwood replied earnestly, still somewhat dazed himself. Lucy gave him one last look up and down before returning inside, leaving Lockwood to fix his smile on before rejoining the two teams.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
The week leading up to your team’s next attempt at the hotel was extremely weird. You and Lockwood hadn’t spoken about what had happened (or almost happened) out in the front garden, but you had had a long talk about your behaviour lately. Over a few cups of tea in the kitchen whilst the rest of your teams were working down in the basement, you managed to both admit you were being dickheads. There was no mention of the underlying factors of your resentment, but you both agreed for the sake of your jobs you would try and be friends, or at least civil. No more bickering, no more picking apart small comments, no more rolling eyes.
It worked for a bit, which was really complicating your emotions. On the one hand, Lockwood was lovely, like he’d always been, and it was kind of nice to be able to talk and joke with him again after so many years, although you both carefully avoided the topic of your personal lives. On the other hand, it made you sad to pretend that everything was fine when you knew what you did. He didn’t think you could be an agent; Lockwood didn’t think you were good enough. And you could both pretend all you liked to be friends, but as long as that was what he thought about you it could never be real. So, while you’d both stopped your rivalry on the surface and gotten on with the case, there was a tension bubbling behind your smiles that both of you could see whenever you locked eyes.
It all came to a head when you started discussing your action plan for the hotel. All seven of you were standing in the basement of Portland Row, staring at a blown up floor plan of the place, little figurines representing each of you. It didn’t take you long to realise that you weren’t being represented.
“Where am I?” You asked, an uneasy silence falling over the room.
“You’re not coming.” Lockwood took the fall, even though it had been a unanimous decision whilst you were on an Arif’s run one afternoon.
“Excuse me?” You couldn’t help the biting tone in your words, fury you’d worked hard to conceal bubbling back up to the surface.
“Your wrist—” Sarah tried to reason, but something in you had unlocked and you were not backing down this time.
“You and I know full well if this was a Fittes case I would still be out in the field, broken wrist be damned,” You spat, and you could practically see the gears turning in Lockwood and Lucy’s heads.
“They make you go into the field injured?” Lucy asked, but you weren’t focused on answering her — George nodded for you.
“So who’s barred me from being in the field, on what I might remind you, was my case first.” There were a few moments of silence where no one wanted to be the subject of your anger, but with a resigned sigh, Lockwood accepted the blame.
“It was my idea.” You couldn’t help the frustrated groan that came out of your mouth.
“God, this is so typical! You’ve never thought I was good enough, and now what? Sabotaging my cases? My career? Because you don’t believe in me,” Your voice broke on the last sentence, and you could feel the tears heavy behind your eyes, threatening to fall. You spat a final “Fuck you,” before running up the basement stairs, up to where you knew the bathroom would be for some privacy.
You realised when you were at the top of the stairs that in your time working with Lockwood and Co you hadn’t actually used their bathroom, and didn’t remember which of the closed doors it was. Choosing one blindly you shut yourself inside, finally letting the tears that blurred your vision roll down your cheeks.
You sobbed heavily, indulging all the terrible feelings you’d been concealing for far too long. When the tears weren’t so frequent the setting around you came back into focus, and you noticed with a start you definitely weren’t in the bathroom. The view from the window told you it was Lockwood’s late parent’s bedroom, but the used furniture and messy bed said someone was still living there. Your stomach dropped as you stood, wiping the tears from your eyes. Looking around you were sure this was Lockwood’s room, the suit jacket on the desk chair a dead giveaway. However, a picture frame on his nightstand attracted your attention the most. It was the same one you had in your dorm at Fittes, the one gifted to you by Lockwood’s parents for your birthday. Both of you grinning widely and carelessly joyful. It had been so long since you’d felt like that, even longer since you’d felt it around Lockwood. The thought made your heart ache a bit. His parents would be so disappointed in the two of you. That made you start crying a little again, picking up the photo to examine it closer.
“It’s been there since you left,” A voice from behind you said. “I couldn’t bring myself to put it away.” You hadn’t noticed Lockwood come in and you didn’t know how long he’d been standing there. You put the photo down with a start, turning away to wipe your face dry again.
“Go away, Lockwood. Just give me a minute and I’ll be back downstairs. I overreacted but I need to get over it, okay?” You snapped, praying your face wasn’t still red and splotchy (it was).
“No,” He said, and you turned to face him curiously. “Look, this has gone on long enough and we need to fix things.” You crossed your arms petulantly, a silent challenge for him to fix the damage you believed to be all his. “You said downstairs that I thought you couldn’t be an agent. Why?”
“Don’t you remember when I told you I wanted to be an agent like you?” You scoffed, “You all but laughed in my face! You said I couldn’t do it, that I’d be injured or killed and I couldn’t handle it. I’ve thought about that every case since, you killed my self esteem for years. I thought that if no one else, my best friend should have believed in me. But here I am, youngest team leader at Fittes with the highest successful case rate for my division. All in spite of you.” Lockwood stared at you, and you could practically see his neurons firing and making connections at a million miles an hour.
“That’s not what I said.” You could barely contain your bitter laugh.
“Does it matter? You didn’t believe in me, that’s what’s important.”
“No,” He said, “Because that’s not what I meant at all. I did believe in you — I do. I always have.” You scoffed again as he stumbled over his words. A little grovelling now couldn’t make up for all the years of anxiety and insecurity he’d caused.
“I mean it! If I didn’t believe in you, then what’s all this?” He led you to one of his dresser drawers. Opening it there were a stack of papers and you picked a few of them up, flipping through them. Every single one was about you. Photos from your childhood together, newspaper clippings of your successes throughout the years, the magazine article you interviewed for talking about women in power in the ghost hunting field. Lockwood had saved every piece of media about you, the ragged edges showing he’d ripped them out just to keep them. You remained silent, astonished by this new revelation. You looked up at him, and Lockwood could have cried at the look in your eyes.
“I didn’t say you couldn’t be an agent,” He explained, “Or that’s not what I meant. I meant that you shouldn’t, or more clearly, I was saying don’t. Asking. Don’t you remember? My parents were dead, my sister had just died. You were all I had left, and I didn’t want you to jump head first into the most dangerous job in the world. I wanted to protect you.” It was Lockwood’s turn for his voice to break and tears to arise, and you suddenly felt supremely stupid.
“Oh,” Was all you could say. After all of these years; the insults thrown and dirty looks exchanged, all your anger came from a misunderstanding? Not only that, a misunderstanding that twisted such an earnest declaration of care into something so awful.
“But you did it, and you weren’t just any agent,” He laughed slightly despite his emotions, “You were the best bloody agent Fittes has ever seen and all I could do was watch from the shadows and be proud of you silently. Why do you think Lucy knew who you were already? There were pictures of you all over the house before I made them take them all down when I knew we were working together. I didn’t want to scare you off.”
“But all the arguing…” You trailed off, still unable to completely process this information.
“Just because I love you doesn’t mean you don’t drive me up the wall, especially when you were being — or I believed you were — deliberately obtuse to my efforts to explain myself. But now I see we were just on totally different wavelengths.” You were really struggling, there was a lot of new information being revealed at such a rapid pace that was completely changing your perspective on your whole adolescence.
“You love me?” Lockwood did laugh this time, loudly and with the same charm he usually had.
“Yes, you idiot. I have since we were kids.”
Oh. Oh. You suddenly felt like an idiot. All of this time you thought that Lockwood believed you were weak, not good enough, not worthy of your successes, when in fact it was the complete opposite. And then you thought about how you felt about Lockwood. How his believed lack of faith in you affected you so much because you cared so deeply about what he thought of you. How you could never bring yourself to look away when he was fighting because he was so completely in his element. How nice it had been to be able to joke around with him during your research. Oh God. You thought you simply respected him and his skills as an agent, but evidently the truth had been just out of reach your whole life.
“Anthony?” He was already looking at you, eyes searching deep into your soul. “I think I might love you too.” Neither of you could help the kiddish smiles making their way on your faces, and he wrapped his arms around you tightly before you knew what was happening. It felt nice to be held by him again, the last time would have been after his sister died. These were much better circumstances.
When you both came down the stairs later, no one mentioned your intertwined hands. You all had a lovely dinner at Portland Row, warmth and laughter filling the space and making you feel at home like you used to when you were a kid.
It wasn’t until you were on your way back to the Fittes dorms that Sarah leaned over to you, mischievous grin on her face.
“Tell me you were making out up there, please,” She giggled, and you shoved her away lightheartedly.
“Shut up,” You laughed, “Besides, it wasn’t making out.”
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ashlinxsloves · 25 days
-Gimme All Your Lovin'- <Sam Winchester/Reader>
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Tags: Sam Winchester/you, Sam Winchester, slight age gap!, Sam's like 24 & the reader is 18, so season 3 Sam, kind of a sibling dynamic?, but not really, Sam knows the reader has a crush on him, kinda self-indulgent lol, I was a Sam girly before Dean and Cas ok?, no y/n, bear with me while I write this, I am having a surge of motivation to write, we all pretend that Dean didn't die at this part, Dean is mentioned, slight change of plans, there might be a bit of angst lol, I don't know how that happened, but oh well.
Summary: You were starting to gain feelings for Sam, and you didn't know what to do about it. It was beginning to strain your relationship with him..
Notes: You read the tags, you know what you're in for :] this is purely self-indulgent lol... We have Sassy Sammy though ;3 Also, semi-beta read, I was on auto mode when writing this lolol
Word count: 3.1k
Title from Gimme All Your Lovin' by ZZ Top
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
"Can we not turn the music on right now..? I'm tryna look for a case here," Sam looks at you with a tired expression. He was in the backseat, skimming through a newspaper.
"Don't be a sourpuss, Sammy. Let the kid put on some tunes, maybe then it'll loosen you up enough to get that stick out of your ass," Dean snickered, nodding at you as you turned on some Bon Jovi, making Sam groan in annoyance when you turned the volume up.
"Come on, Sammy, don't be a killjoy and enjoy the music," you pouted, clearly trying to rile him up. He rolled his eyes going back to the newspaper. You watched him from the rear-view mirror, admiring how dopey yet handsome he looked in the backseat, focused on looking for a case.
Dean elbowed you, causing you to look away from Sam and at him, giving you a 'you're staring for too long' look. You cleared your throat awkwardly, face turning into a pinkish hue, making Dean chuckle. Sam looked up from the paper, confused yet curious about what was happening in the front seat.
You accidentally made eye contact, making you turn even more red, turning the volume of the music louder to try and cover up the awkward tension. Sam sighed, not expecting you to turn on the music any louder.
While listening to the music, you zoned out thinking about some of your past hunts with Sam and Dean - well, you're mostly thinking about Sam and the times he saved your ass from becoming mince meat from the monsters you've fought. You know you shouldn't have grown a crush on him but it's not like you could control it! Sam was kind, tall, smart and protective. You just had to be a sucker for guy's like that huh..?
But Sam only saw you like a little sister and you knew that. The ruffles on the head, motivating you and supporting you was out of brotherly love. Nothing more, nothing less.
The car stops, taking you out of your trance, and Dean pulls over at a diner, "I'm gonna go take a leak and get some pie, don't do anything nasty while I'm gone," he winked at you, causing you to groan and shooting him a glare. Once he left, the car was filled with Dean's music playing softly in the background and the newspaper rustling every time Sam changed a page.
Out of pure habit, you started to pick on the skin of your nails - it was a thing you usually did when you were overthinking. Sam seemed to notice, grabbing your left hand before it started bleeding.
Sam checked on your fingers, his touch making you nervous as you pulled your hand away, your heartbeat quickening, "I'm fine, Sammy.."
You grumbled, pulling your knees up to your chest. He wasn't really convinced but let it go for now. Sam knew of your feelings, but he just wasn't over Jess. That type of hurt took time to heal and you knew that. You both did.
"Just stop picking at it, okay? I don't want you to bleed," he said your name in a soft tone, making you look at him. He had a small warm smile, his head tilted to the side - it made him look like a cute puppy, and it made your heart swell. You just gently nodded, quietly waiting for Dean to come back.
Once you got to a motel, you plopped your duffle bag on the bed, groaning tiredly... why did you have to gain these feelings for Sam?
It was frustrating, but you couldn't do anything about it. You were just a kid in his eyes. Or what you told yourself at least.. there was just no way he'd actually gain feelings for you.
Deciding to take a quick shower, you got your towel from your bag, not trusting the towels they gave you at the motel. Before you could enter the bathroom though, someone knocked on your door, making you pause. Opening the door, your breath slightly hitched when you saw Sam, his hair damp, smelling like soap and citrus.
"Oh, uh, hey– what's up?" you asked the tall male in front of you while letting him into your motel room.
"Just checking in on you... wanted to make sure you were okay," he murmured, his voice gentle as he sat down on your bed before noticing that you were holding your towel and shower products, "Oh– were you about to shower? I could leave and come back later-"
"No- no, no, no.. you're good," you smiled at him, hanging your towel on a nearby chair and the shower products on a table. You sat on the further corner of the bed, avoiding sitting near him while you were still frustrated with your current feelings for the caring dumbass who was in your room right now, smelling like fresh squeezed citrus and leather, with his hair sticking to his forehead from how damp it was.
Sam could feel that there was something wrong with you, but he wasn't sure how he should address it. Something just tugged at his chest when he saw you picking on your nails like you did in the car, being so closed off like you used to when you two first met.
"Sam, this is.." Dean introduced you to Sam about one and a half years ago, your father dying on one of the hunts you were involved in. You knew Dean from the past hunts he was in with you and your dad, and when you called him, voice hoarse and heaving he knew something was wrong. When he found out your father had died from saving you, his heart clenched, knowing that you'd be carrying this with you for your whole life, blaming yourself for his death. Dean knew you didn't have other family members present in your life, your mother abandoning you from a young age, leaving you with your father.
He understood how you felt – losing a parent to a monster- well, demon in his case, but he knew the feeling all too well. So, he took you in and you taught the ropes more thoroughly, making Sam teach you what they both knew. It was pretty easy to teach you since you already knew the basics but sometimes Sam felt like something was missing when you listened and paid attention to what he was saying.
Sam noticed how quiet and how you kept to yourself a lot and when you would start opening up, you immediately closed up like a clam. Dean explained the situation to him and Sam understood immediately what he had to do. And from that day, he tried his best to get you to get out of your shell, get you to open up and let your guard down around him. It was hard but worth it. You were worth it.
That's when Sam realized how expressive and passionate a person you were. The way you talked fondly about the things you liked, about random facts you learnt from your father and how fondly you remembered your old man. He felt special somehow, that he made you cope with the death of your father in more healthy ways than keeping emotions buried deep inside you.
"You know... I always think about how closed off you were when we first met," Sam started, not knowing where he was going with this, "you just answered me in grunts or one-word answers. It was kind of frustrating," he chuckled softly, shaking his head before looking at you. He noticed how you looked at him with a confused expression before continuing, "I just– well, I just wanted to say that it was worth it. All of it. Agreeing to teach you how to hunt better, keep you safe and get you to open up to me. It was all worth it."
He moved closer to you and took your hand into his, noticing the new wounds on your fingers. Sam sighed knowing he couldn't stop you from picking on your skin when he wasn't around, so he always carried some band-aids in his pockets. He took two out of his pocket and started gently tending to your fingers. You bit on your cheek, still not understanding why he came to your room.
Were you that obvious, or was Sam just good at reading you? It was probably the latter, you were an open book in front of him. Once he was done tending to your small but painful wounds, you squeezed his hand before looking at him and hesitating to say what you were about to say, "What- I mean, where are you going with this Sam?"
When the question was out in the air, silence followed for a minute but it felt like hours before Sam spoke, "I.. I know you have feelings for me," his voice was gentle and slightly strained.
You were that obvious, huh.
You pulled your hand away from him, feeling as if your skin burned just by being close to him right now. You shouldn't have opened the door. You could've pretended to not hear the knock and just showered. But no, you just had to let Sam in. Sometimes ignorance was really bliss. If you had just known where this conversation was leading. It could've been avoided, but now you had to sit there, your whole body sensitive and senses heightened as you felt his gaze on you. The room felt small, too small.
You couldn't breathe.
Were you really going to have a panic attack just from Sam addressing your growing feelings towards him? It was pathetic, stupid and careless. You should've just kept to yourself. Goddammit, Sam. He could've kept his mouth shut and not continued this conversation.
"Please– please get out," you managed to choke out, standing up abruptly. You couldn't deal with this right now. Not now. Not ever. Sam looked at you with a pained expression, knowing you were closing up and not letting him in. He sat there for a few more seconds before getting up, "I'll– I'll leave you alone for now. Come to our room later for dinner, okay?"
You gave him a curt nod, heading to the bathroom with your things and taking a cold shower. Even when you drowned yourself in the icy water, your whole body felt like it was grimy, sticky and hot. Every pore oozed with insecurity, embarrassment and guilt. After a while you got out, drying your wet hair with your towel and getting dressed. As much as you didn't want to confront your feelings and talk to Sam about it, you had to go to their room for food. It's been a long day and you were starving.
"–So, I had to bargain with that old Vietnamese man to give me three more tempura shrimps for five dollars," Dean was telling Sam and you about what happened when he was out for food, but you weren't paying much attention, stabbing your plastic fork on the stir-fried chicken on your plate. Your eyes stung from how much you cried in the shower, silently hoping that it wasn't obvious.
Knowing Sam, he definitely noticed, nudging your leg under the table to get your attention. You didn't bother looking up before he nudged you harder, accidentally nudging the table too and making Dean notice the tension he was oblivious to earlier.
"Okay, what is going on with you two?" His eyebrows furrowed, making Sam clench his jaw and making you tense up. You weren't ready. Not yet, you begged in your mind still looking down at your half-eaten dinner. The room felt chilly even with the long sleeves you were wearing. Dean knew about your feelings towards Sam and he teased you sometimes about it, but not around him.
The air was thick, and the lump in your throat was preventing you from speaking. Sam sat up straight, clearing his throat before answering Dean, "It's nothing, we're fine, right?"
He looked at you expectantly, even if he knew that it wasn't really okay between you two. As much as you didn't want to look up from your food and just go to your room and sleep, you looked up, glancing at Sam for a fraction of a second before looking at Dean and giving him a small nod. You got up from the table and threw your leftovers in the trash, your appetite was pretty much lost and you just couldn't bear to be around Sam right now.
"I'm going to my room," your voice thick, struggling to swallow the lump in your throat and feeling tears prick your eyes. Sam was about to stop you but before he could, you already closed the door to their room.
"You should talk to her, Sammy.. you started this shit and I don't wanna be shot in the crossfire. I told you it was a bad idea and that you should give her time to process–" Dean looked at his baby brother, drinking a beer while Sam moped on his bed.
"Do you think I don't know that, Dean? I– I just.. I don't wanna give her false hope– or whatever I'm doing.." Sam trailed off, rubbing his hand across his face out of slight frustration towards his brother. As much as he wasn't over Jess' death, he couldn't ignore your feelings towards him. It was painfully obvious and he thought it was... cute. He liked it when you smiled at him or when you clung to him. It was those small things that tugged at his chest, realizing how much he needed to be around you, protect you and want to prevent what happened to Jess from happening to you. Sam wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something like that happened to you too.
Just imagining it hurt him physically, his heart squeezing in his chest uneasily. But there he was in his shared motel room with his brother, sulking instead of talking to you. Not seeing you hyper and happy felt wrong, like taking out the sun in the middle of the day or kicking a puppy. He sighed, running his hand through his hair before getting up from his bed and earning a chuckle from Dean.
"Go get'em, Tiger," Sam grunted, flipping Dean off before leaving their room and heading to your room. He really should've thought through what he had to say to you. What happened in your room earlier seemed like he was trying to confront you–which he was–but he didn't mean it maliciously. You probably took it as a sign of rejection and felt horrible. He noticed during dinner how pink your nose was and how puffy your eyes were.
When he was about to knock on your door, you suddenly opened it, flinching slightly when you saw him standing there. Sam looked down at you, smiling awkwardly as he retracted his hand away, "I was about to knock– I mean, can we talk?"
He fumbled with his words, hoping you'd let him in and talk. However, when you stepped out of the room, it confused him and was about to ask before you cut him off, "I'm gonna go get ice.. we can talk in the car."
You grumbled, walking towards the ice machine and getting a scoop of ice into your ice pack. After you filled it up, the two of you headed to the Impala, with you sitting in the passenger seat and Sam sitting in the driver's seat. You held the ice pack on your lap, feeling the coolness of it on your trouser-covered thighs.
"Listen, about what I said in your room–" Sam darted his tongue out, licking his lips before continuing, "It's.. it's not what you think I meant. I wasn't trying to reject your feelings."
You listened as he continued explaining himself, playing with the hem of your sleeve, "I understand the way you feel, I really do, but– but I just can't risk you," he reached out for your hand hesitantly and when you didn't flinch, Sam gently took your hand into his and squeezed. He wanted you to look at him– no, he needed you to. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he did love you in his way, he liked you in the same way you did even if he denied it to himself.
"Look at me, please," he pleaded, his voice filled with need and desperation, "I can't live with myself if you die the same way Jess did. I don't want to lose you too. You mean too much to me."
"You mean too much to me."
Those words hit harder than anything. You looked at Sam, eyes filled with unshed tears, lower lip quivering. Everything felt too surreal, it was like you were watching everything unfold from outside your body.
"I know– I know it's hard right now, and I really suck at this whole feelings stuff, but I wanna make it up to you somehow. I wanna make it work between us, and we'll make it work.. but not right now. I promise we'll work through this together and figure it out in the future-" he wiped a few stray tears with his thumb, his hand cupping your face.
"I just wanna see you smile for me again. I don't want to be the reason you cry or be the reason you're upset," he whispered as you sniffled, still not saying a word and letting him talk his heart out. You were crying while being held by the person you've liked for the past seven months. It felt like a dream to you. All this time you thought Sam wouldn't gain feelings for you and here he was telling you that he wanted to work it out in the future and wanting to be the reason you smiled.
You cleared your throat slightly, moving your hand from the ice pack and onto his hand, making him flinch from how cold your palm was, making you giggle groggily, "You can make it up to me by pranking Dean."
"Deal," he smiled and kissed your forehead, wiping the rest of your tears away.
The next morning, Sam and you went to get some breakfast, deciding that waffles and coffee would be a good choice to eat. The two of you came back snickering when you saw a fuming Dean in the car, unable to move his hands from the wheel. You decided that it was a good idea to put some superglue on the steering wheel. Sam knew that Dean would catch on quickly after, so you two decided to get breakfast first.
"You two are so dead!" He grunted before giving up on trying to get himself free. You got into the passenger seat and Sam went into the back, fist-bumping you, "I liked it better when you two didn't get along," Dean muttered before driving and letting you handle the gearstick while he drove.
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youunravelme · 1 year
slowly, then all at once
author's note: i'm going through some shit and needed to alleviate it with fluff and also it's mat's birthday (or at least it was when i started this)! EDIT: this takes place in an alternative TATGYLB universe bc went an ENTIRELY different direction with this series (because i don't plan well lolol). (stole the title from the fault in our stars because that book had me in a CHOKEHOLD at 14)
pairing: mat barzal x reader
warnings: none? cursing?
summary: the stages of mat falling in love with you
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mat saw how you were with ella, the way you'd smile and talk to her like she could hold a conversation. or the way you never chided him or condescended to him when he did something completely stupid.
which is more than what he could say about his teammates.
so when he heard your piece of shit boyfriend screaming at you over the phone? or when he showed up unannounced and trying to "win you back?"
mat was livid.
he was sure jason had never hit you, because if there was any indication of that, mat would be all over it.
so while he's sure jason never inflicted physical harm, he saw the way you kept to yourself and even the way you looked surprised at his invitation to lunch or the game.
it broke his heart a little, to think that you'd never once considered yourself now a part of his life. when, in fact, the second you agreed to watch ella, it was like he'd pulled you into the fold.
he was on a mission to prove it to you.
inviting you to his game was the first step in his original plan.
it was the first non intimidating step. (tito mentioned that maybe meeting his mom and sister after only knowing him for like a week was not the smartest move he'd ever made.)
you still looked out of your element when he asked, but he's positive that it was his own enthusiasm that convinced you to say yes.
and he thought it was a great idea! he got you and jason tickets, thinking that maybe you'd be more comfortable with having him around. and perhaps that was true at some point, but when he saw you, standing with only ella and sydney with water lining your eyes, something in his chest twisted.
you looked shaken, like someone had stuck you in a blender.
"where's jason?" was apparently the wrong thing to ask because sydney changed the subject almost immediately.
you wouldn't even look at him.
and when you told him about your piece of shit boyfriend leaving you?
mat wasn't prepared for the burning in his chest. no one got away with treating a friend of his that way, but seeing as you just avoided the topic altogether, he dropped it.
until you went upstairs to your apartment and didn't text him. tito would say he has a habit of hovering at times and maybe he never really agreed until five minutes passed without a word from you.
if you asked, he would've denied the intense concern growing in his chest. but how else was he supposed to react when you seemed so dissociated the rest of the night?
thankfully, you picked up almost immediately.
mat cleared his throat. "hey, you never texted me to say you got in alright. you okay?”
now it could've only been a few seconds, but it felt like a lifetime before he heard your voice.
“keep the car running, i’ll be down in a few minutes.”
mat was ready to grab ella and head upstairs, car be damned.
he couldn't hear what else really happened on the phone, he only knew that you came downstairs, empty handed, and frazzled. the sight alone had him contemplating going into your apartment to figure out exactly what was going on, but he knew the best decision was take you back to his place.
he'd figured it out when jason showed up with his daughter's car seat screaming at you for wearing his clothes. screaming at you like you were somehow in the wrong, like he wasn't the one who cheated on you.
who had to be the most selfless person he knew (don't tell his mom).
who had readily agreed to take care of his daughter on a whim because he was insanely scared.
who was one of the only topic of conversation his mother wanted to discuss. it used to just be hockey and how he was doing. now the thirty minute phone calls turned into hour and a half long facetimes where ella and you are regular topics for discussion.
mat couldn't comprehend how someone could look at you and want to tear you down, but after you officially broke up with jason? he was determined to show you how much you deserved.
exhibit a
"it's five sugars, right?" mat called over his shoulder once he heard your footsteps coming into the kitchen.
you paused in the doorway. "what?"
mat turned around, two mugs of coffee in his hands. "you like five sugars, right?"
ella sat on your hip but didn't seem to give a flying fuck that he was in front of her.
"you--you remembered?" you tilted your head. "you only made me coffee like once?"
mat's face heated up at the implication but smirked anyway. "i have a great memory!"
"could've surprised me from the amount of times you get hit."
mat shrugged, still not completely used to the idea of you watching his games, even if they were just highlights. he held the mug out to you in exchange for ella.
"you wanna come to a game again?" he offered.
you looked at him before breaking eye contact and sipping your coffee. "i don't know if that's the best idea after last time. i don't want to embarrass you again--"
"woah woah woah," mat sat his coffee mug on the island before holding a hand up at you. it didn't sit right with him to see you so ashamed of something someone else did. "what happened at the game was not your fault. it was his, okay? you weren't to blame."
"you weren't even there to see it--"
"and i don't need to, okay? i know you." he meant it. but seeing as the conversation was getting a little too heavy, he changed the subject. "just think about it! and let me know what game you want to go to."
you didn't say anything, but just gave him a small smile and nodded.
he'd count it as a win.
exhibit b
it'd been about four months since you'd started working with mat, three months since you moved in.
not that he was counting.
there were things that were harder with having you around. mainly remembering to wear a shirt when he wakes up in the morning, or to not adjust his junk until he was in the bathroom or his bedroom.
there were many more things that were significantly easier (and better) with you in his life (and apartment).
sleep training ella was easy as hell
keeping an eye on ella who was walking now
the apartment actually smelled nice? not that it smelled bad before, but now it smelled like a home.
and who knew decorative pillows made a difference?
but his favorite thing recently?
grocery shopping.
he was currently pushing ella around in a shopping cart while you scrolled on your phone through the list.
"so what do we need next?" he asked.
"if you'd give me a second, i'd have the answer for you," you snipped.
by now, mat was used to your snide comments, knowing that you were just a bit quippy when you were focused.
"ella, is your nanny being a little cranky?" he joked, ignoring the glare you were shooting his way.
you rolled your eyes and tossed a bag of bread at his head that would've hit its mark had he not had the reflexes that gave him a professional hockey career.
"excuse me?" an older woman spoke up from behind him. "as cute as your little family is, can you move out of the way? you're clogging up the aisle."
mat blinked. time froze. he'd never fully considered the implications of the three of you out in public together. but being the comment of you, him, and ella being a "little family" had his heart stopping in his chest.
"oh of course!" you spoke up and grabbed mat by the arm. the feel of your touch alone had him directing his attention to the physical contact.
he looked at you instead of the woman, watched as you mumbled to ella as you pulled all three of you out of the way. his brain went on overdrive.
god he never wanted you to let go of him ever again. he would give anything to just be able to hold onto you a little longer.
and he must've been thinking for too long because you were snapping your fingers in front of his face?
"mat? you okay? did i lose you there?" you had a cute pinch between your brows and a small frown on your face.
that wouldn't do.
so he smiled and nodded. "sorry, just thinking about something."
exhibit c
you went out for the night with sydney while he hung out with tito and anders. initially, you said you'd look for a sitter to cover you, but mat laughed that suggestion off.
he didn't say it, but you were no longer a nanny to him anymore. and you deserved a night off without the stress of finding a replacement. anders and marty suggested a babysitter that he hired for the night immediately.
"are you sure you don't want me to wait until she gets here? i can help explain ella's routine!" you said.
mat rolled his eyes as he herded you towards the door. "i'll be fine, go have fun!"
you let him gently push you out of the door but turned around and looked at him. "if you need me, text me."
mat smiled. "if you need me, call me."
the babysitter arrived five minutes early which meant mat could spend that time kissing ella's cheeks and reiterating her schedule to the sitter.
he was the last person at the bar, anders and tito were already sitting in a booth, each with a beer in their hands, an extra one on the table for him (he assumed).
"didn't wanna leave ella?" anders asked.
tito scoffed. "more like he didn't wanna leave mama bear." mat rolled his eyes while anders cackled in response.
"shut up, beau."
"ah! but you didn't deny it!"
mat shook his head and took a seat in the leather booth. "what's there to deny? we're roommates and she watches ella all the time. we're friends."
tito made a noise in the back of his throat. "you and i are friends, barzy. you make goo goo eyes at her when you think no one is looking."
"no i don't."
anders piped in. "you nearly ran into me on the ice because you were staring at her wearing your jersey."
"no," he defended. "ella was making a really cute face!"
anders blinked at him before rolling his eyes. "sure, barzy."
mat grumbled under his breath and chugged half his beer.
two hours or so had passed with the three of them talking shit about other teams. anders had hinted at leaving, checking his phone just to make sure grace didn't text him. mat found himself doing the same thing to make sure the babysitter hadn't said anything, or maybe to see if you had.
tito didn't seem to give two shits about his phone. and why would he? he was the only one without kids.
they were in the middle of a conversation about the upcoming devils game when mat's phone started buzzing.
sydney martin.
mat picked up the phone, albeit a bit confused. "hello?"
"mat! hey!" sydney greeted. "are you busy?"
mat glanced at tito and anders whose brows were furrowed. "no, why what's up?" his swore his heart stopped in his chest when she said your name. "is she okay? what's wrong?"
"she's a little drunk and crying and asking for you. i don't know if you're sober enough--"
"i'm sober," he said. "only had one beer." he was already reaching for his keys in his pocket. "what's she crying about?"
sydney sighed through the phone. "we saw jason and her old roommate out at the bar tonight. he made a few comments."
mat's jaw clenched. he forced words out through his teeth. "what did he say?"
"no, if he said some shit, sydney, i need to know."
"no," she corrected. "what you need to do is get over here and take her home."
mat was already standing. "i'm on my way."
sydney hung up.
"everything okay?" anders asked.
"probably something to do with mama bear," tito commented.
mat sighed. "she ran into her piece of shit ex and is now inconsolable. i have to go pick her up."
anders snorted. "right. 'have to.'"
mat ignored the comment and said goodbye, already rushing out of the bar to get to you.
it was another ten minutes before he saw you, standing outside a bar with sydney. he could see your tears from the car.
mat jumped out and hurried towards you. sydney all but pushed you into his arms.
and it felt like the world made sense again. you fit perfectly in his arms, against his chest, head tucked into his neck.
"mat--" you sobbed. "i--i can't--"
he kissed the top of your head. "let's get you home, okay?"
exhibit d
ella was saying actual words now like most babies her age. mat used to look at anders, marty, and other parents a little judgmentally, he'll admit, because while babies learning to do things was incredibly cool, he didn't fully understand the hype.
until she said dada for the first time.
it damn near made him cry.
and like for all of her other milestones, you were there beside him with your phone recording the moment. you almost missed it, but you had a sixth sense for those things, figuring out when ella was going to do something incredible.
that was two weeks ago and it still never got old to hear her say his name when he came home or rounded the corner.
he'd been known as mathew, mat, barzy, barzal, gary, and a slew of other names, but dada had to be his favorite. to belong to someone who needed you so wholly was the best feeling in the world.
that and seeing you smile at him.
he'd accepted it now, there was no denying it, not after half the team was on his case about his feelings for you. and how could he not fall in love with you? you were gentle and kind and handled the shittiest situations with so much grace (he wasn't joking, he'd wanted to fight jason the second you came out of your old apartment looking like you'd seen a ghost).
you handled his friends with ease, never letting tito's teasing affect you. you handled the "mama bear" nickname with ease, even laughing at it at times.
you just made his world so much better just by existing in it.
which is why he gave you the day off while he and tito took ella around the city.
ella was fine for most of the day, though she kept glancing around.
"probably looking for mama bear," tito guessed. "i would be too if you were the one looking after me."
mat flipped him off behind ella's back. "i'm not an idiot."
"before you met mama bear, you kinda were."
he rolled his eyes. "sorry for not knowing how to take care of a baby as soon as i find out i have one. most people have nine months to prepare for the arrival of a child. ella literally showed up on my doorstep."
truth be told, he was parroting the words you'd said to him a week ago when the guilt settled in about how much of a shitty father he was. you were quick to correct him, saying the exact things he told tito, that for a man who found out he had a child only a few months ago, he was doing a great job, and he was even better than some other fathers who left the parenting to their partner.
"i'd never leave you hanging like that," he'd said to you.
but you shrugged off his comment. "it's a little different when it's my job to take care of your kid, mat."
"you've done a great job, barzy," beau said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "there's no doubt about it. you can tell because she loves you."
ella smiled at mat and pushed his cheeks together.
"what do you say we get back to mama bear, huh?" he asked his daughter who only seemed to smile wider at the mention your nickname.
it was another fifteen minutes before they were home, rowdy and disturbing the peace and quiet you'd created for yourself.
"we're back!" mat called as tito shut the front door behind him.
they were setting things down on the floor by the door when you walked out in sweats.
"mama bear!” tito cheered.
you smiled and mat couldn't breathe. "how was my baby?"
mat was embarrassed to say he almost answered for himself. "she was great," was what he said instead. "isn't that right, ella bean?"
ella was reaching for you, making grabby hands in your general direction babbling something he couldn't quite make out.
"what'd you say, baby?" you asked.
"mama," she said.
and the room went silent.
mat's eyes kept darting from ella to you like he was watching a game of olympic table tennis. ella kept reaching for you until you finally gave in and held her. it was then he saw the tears streaming down your cheeks.
mat immediately went into defense mode.
"i'm sorry, i promise i didn't teach her intentionally, she probably picked it up from us calling you mama bear all the time and--"
you shut him up by placing a small kiss on his cheek and squeezing his forearm before turning on your heel.
"let's take a nap, ella bean."
mat couldn't speak, not even when you left the room. tito clapped him on the shoulder before heading towards the kitchen.
"you're so gone for her."
exhibit e
"are you sure about this?" you called from the other room. mat was in the living room adjusting his tie in the mirror on the wall while the babysitter was playing with ella on the floor.
to be honest, when he was complaining to beau about not having a date to some charity event the islanders were hosting, he wasn't expecting beau to suggest you. though, given how beau kept winking and nudging him after every time you and mat so much as made eye contact, it shouldn't have been surprising.
it wasn't that he didn't think of asking you, it was more like he didn't think you'd actually say yes.
"sure about what?" he called back.
"bringing me."
"i've never been more sure about something in awhile."
"you're so dramatic," you laughed.
mat would give anything to bottle up the sound.
"does this look okay?' mat turned when your voice sounded closer than it was a second ago.
he couldn't breathe.
god you looked beautiful.
"oh," you said softly. "your tie matches my dress."
if he could've he would've looked down to confirm your observation, but he couldn't take his eyes off you. your hair was perfectly styled, your makeup, flawless. the navy of your dress was perfectly matched to his tie and pocket square, something that shouldn't matter as much to him as it did.
but it was you.
so it meant the world.
you looked like you were his.
"yeah," was all he could say.
"you never answered my question," you said. "do i look okay? because if it's too much--"
"perfect," he said. "you look perfect."
you smiled. "sydney picked it out." thank you sydney. "you look handsome too mat, though, your tie..." you gestured to his neck so he turned around to see it crooked still. "do you need help?"
"yes please," he sighed. "i've looked up videos, but tito usually helps me do it."
"aw," you cooed. "you looked it up? that's so cute!" your deft fingers began undoing the knot and redoing it way better than he could've.
"how are you so good at this?"
you shrugged. "when i was fourteen, i read a book where a girl tied her husband's tie and i wanted to be able to do the same for the love of my life one day. so i asked my dad to teach me. i'm a bit of a hopeless romantic."
the love of your life.
god he'd give anything to be loved by you.
and it would be so easy just to lean forward a couple of inches and kiss you.
right there.
give in to what he'd been feeling for months.
but the babysitter rounded the corner with ella who was chanting mama and dada which somehow ruined the mood and made him want to kiss you even more.
"be good, sweet girl. we'll see you tomorrow." you made your way to the front door while he kissed his daughter on the head.
"i'm not sure how long we'll be out, but i'll keep you updated," he told the babysitter.
the babysitter nodded, which to be honest, he barely noticed because his attention was back on you and how your dress, while it had sleeves, had a dip in the back. he didn't know that skin could be so alluring, but maybe it was the fact that it was you.
mat cleared his throat and bid the babysitter and ella goodbye before ushering the both of you out of the door.
the drive lasted longer than he wanted it to, mainly because he couldn't wait to get to the event just to show you off.
was this how he was supposed to feel with all of his other exes? the desire to show the world you were his?
"you okay? you're quiet, it's unlike you," you said.
mat shrugged, mainly so he didn't immediately profess his feelings. "just a lot on my mind."
"uh oh. that can't be good," you joked. you leaned over the console and placed your chin in your hand. "you wanna talk about it?"
mat's hands on the wheel tensed, mainly to keep himself from leaning over and kissing you immediately.
"i'm good, maybe we can discuss it later."
you shrugged. "if you say so."
the both of you arrived at the event shortly thereafter with mat passing his keys off to the valet. "stay seated," he told you before getting out and rounding the car to open your door.
"you didn't have to--"
"i know," he smiled. "i wanted to." mat offered you his arm and you took it, wrapping your hand around his bicep like it belonged there.
the two of you spotted marty and sydney first; the latter all but shrieked when she saw you.
"you look amazing!" she said before tugging you out of mat's arm and into her own. "i told you this dress was the one."
"you didn't say i would've matched mat," you mumbled, though he still heard it over the buzz in the room. he was always listening to you.
marty nudged him. "you seem pleased with yourself."
mat smiled. "i am."
you were laughing at something sydney said when tito came up and clapped him and marty on the shoulders. "let's get you a drink, barzy. you look thirsty." he leaned in. "in more than one way."
mat shoved him off and leaned towards you, gently touching your arm. "i'm going with beau and marty to get a drink, but i'll be back."
you smiled and nodded. "okay, don't worry about me, mat. i'll be fine in your absence."
he let himself be whisked away from you and towards the bar where a drink was placed in his hand pretty quickly.
"so," tito started. "you two match."
"it was syd's doing," marty explained. "she orchestrated the whole thing. picked out the dress based on the tie mat wears every year. it was her new project."
mat flushed but did his best to brush it off.
"i don't know how you did it barzy," tito continued. "she looks good. if i were you i would've--"
"watch it, beauvillier."
"i was gonna say--"
"i don't care what you were gonna say, i probably wouldn't have liked it."
"well then, maybe you should take a chance and ask her out finally. the pining was cute at first, now it's bordering on pathetic."
mat rolled his eyes while marty laughed into his drink.
"look, you have a good thing going, you brought her here as your date, ella calls her mama, you two are as good as locked in and committed. you just have to do the hard work of officially asking her out!"
his gaze travelled to the other side of the room where you were laughing along with sydney and grace. you looked like you belonged in his world.
mat made a move to go over to you, but marty caught his arm. "this is not the place to ask her out," he said. "as much as you want to, you don't want her thinking it took a pretty dress to get you to take her out."
"that's not the case here--"
"does she know that?"
mat rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink.
it was another thirty minutes before he made his way back to you. he found you standing alone on the balcony with a glass of champagne in your hand.
"you okay?" he asked. "no one's bothering you or anything, right?"
you looked over your shoulder and snorted. "i'm not important enough to be bothered by the donors, mat."
"don't say that. you're important."
you rolled your eyes. "not what i meant, mathew."
god he loved it when you said his name.
"i just meant that the donors don't really pay attention to me, so i've just been hanging out with the wives all night since my date ditched me," you teased.
"okay to be fair, tito pulled me away, i would've stayed with you all night if i could've."
you blinked. "really?" you asked in a small voice.
he nodded until he found the words to speak. "i love spending time with you. you're one of my favorite people."
within a split second you were closing the distance between the two of you and wrapping your arms around his waist. your arms snuck under his coat so that the only thing separating your skin from his was the thin material of his dress shirt.
it only took him a split second to react to the hug and wrap you in his arms.
you mumbled against his chest. "you're one of my favorite people, too."
in conclusion:
in the end, there was nothing special about that day. it was a saturday in the middle of july back in coquitlam. by the grace of god, he'd convinced you to come to canada for him, not that you could really refuse as he was the one signing your paychecks, you'd joked (though he made it clear he'd continue paying you even if you didn't go).
and maybe he regretted it a little bit, seeing you bond with his family was another nail in his coffin of falling deeper in love with you. there was no way out now, not that he'd ever want one.
it was one particularly hot day in the summer that mat dragged you and the rest of his family to the beach. and maybe that was a mistake (seeing you in a red bikini in public should be illegal).
you sat in the sand with ella building castles, or at least attempting to, while he tried to drown liana in the water. it wasn't until liana finally dunked him, that he trudged back to shore, bent out of shape and irritated.
"you can dish it out but can't take it?" you teased as he plopped onto the sand next to you.
mat glared instead of saying anything mainly because ella was starting to pick up more and more words and she'd say "fuck" too many times thanks to his mouth.
speaking of, when she saw her dad, ella immediately called him before throwing herself into his lap, completely forgetting about you. it was funny to see mainly because it was a new trend of ella's, ditching you for him. it was even funnier because how put out you'd be about it.
just like now with your lip poked out and your eyes rolling.
"oh don't be a sore loser," mat said. "she used to love you more than me."
"well that makes sense, i'm way more likable than you are."
"i can't argue that."
liana came running into their direct line of sight with a polaroid camera in her hand. "i wanna get a picture of the happy family," she said as her explanation. "say cheese!"
mat froze but you didn't bat an eyelash at the idea of being called family. sure, he'd considered you a part of his ever since you agreed to watch his child, but he didn't know you felt the same.
"smile, mathew," you nudged him in the ribs.
he turned his head towards you, ignoring his sister's groans and chirps. he ignored the sound of a camera clicking and the subsequent flash that followed.
his focus was on you.
"mat, what're you looking at?" you asked. he could vaguely register liana walking away as your eyes searched his face for any hint of what could be going on, but all he could think about was you.
you wearing his jersey and holding ella at the stanley cup finals.
you in a few years with a ring on your left hand that he put there.
you with a newborn baby that was the perfect mix of the both of you.
you, old and crinkly, holding his hand on the couch as you told your grandkids stories.
before he could even stop himself, he leaned forward and captured your lips with his.
you responded not a beat later.
and maybe it was embarrassing, how eager he was or how his hand felt like the perfect fit against your cheek. but he couldn't give a shit.
not when he'd waited so long for something like this. for someone like this.
and when you both pulled away, much too soon in his opinion, your eyes were wide.
"why'd you do that?" you whispered.
he shrugged and adjusted ella in his arms. "because my life is better with you in it. because i love you." he cleared his throat. "why'd you kiss me back?"
you smiled and leaned into kiss him again. this time though, instead of pulling fully away, you stayed close so that your lips brushed his. "because i love you too."
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aris-lil-library · 1 year
Brought to you by your local zombiekin <3 (Fun fact, was originally planning on adding Wesker- but I wanted to get this out sometime within the month lolol)
Also please note, I have not seen a full playthrough of Re1R or Re1- Chris might be OOC.
Characters Included:
Leon Kennedy (Re2R)
Claire Redfield (Re2R)
Jill Valentine (Re3R)
Carlos Oliveira (Re3R)
Chris Redfield (Re1R)
Content Warnings Included:
Mentions of body horror (brief, but still applies to reader themselves.)
Mentions of gore/death (nothing explicit.)
The Sewers. (They deserve their own trigger warning /hj)
Mention of eye touching/prodding
Leon Kennedy:
After having cleared the hallways of the Racoon City Police Department and coming face to face with some disgusting freaks of nature named Lickers, Leon thought he had seen it all. Honestly, he didn’t imagine there was anything new that could surprise him in this goddamn place until he made eye contact with you.
Well.. if you can call staring at the dangling eye hanging out of your socket “eye contact”.
He instinctively raised his gun, expecting to see you rise to your feet, stumble over to him and try to nom his neck like all the other undead he’d seen so far- but to his (pleasant) surprise, that didn’t happen. In some odd groan you spit out, which he assumed was your attempt at speech, you backed away from him. Arms raised as if to show you didn’t mean to cause him harm.
It was odd to say at the very least. He kept his aim marked at the dead center of your head, though he hesitated pulling the trigger now. Your right hand (which Leon noted had a nasty looking chunk taken out of it) drifted down to a bloodied ID badge hanging from your breast pocket.
Though it was hard to read, Leon squinted out the words “Assistant Secretary” in bolded letters at the top of your ID.
He looked back up at you, slowly lowering his gun as he noticed the almost.. human-like quality of fear in your eyes. He could’ve sworn he even saw your shoulders sag slightly with relief as he tucked his gun into his holster.
“Hey.. can you.. understand me?” Leon’s words paused at times as he debated internally if he was really trying to communicate with a dead person. He could feel his stomach sink slightly as you slowly nodded back, cautious that he’d still shoot.
“What the hell.. How are you even- no wait- you’re infected and you can still?- What??”
You watched as Leon’s brows furrowed and his expressions cycled through confusion, disbelief, intrigue and right back to absolute bewilderment. It was almost funny and you almost tried to smile at him- before remembering the fact that your jaw had gotten unhinged a while ago and it’d likely confuse the poor guy more.
After a very long and arduous time of trying to explain to the baby-faced police officer how exactly you got bit and how you locked yourself in this room and how even you didn’t know how you kept your humanity- it just ended up in Leon sitting on the floor, scratching his head.
“I really don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me. I’m sorry.” You grumbled out a brief noise of annoyance before just accepting it and sitting on the ground across from him.
There was an awkward silence between the two of you for a while before Leon spoke up.
“Hey look. I know you’re already bit and all but maybe we can find you some help? There’s a hospital in the city- there has to be someone who can fix.. uh.. whatever you’ve got going on here, right?” He even sounded unsure of the words he was saying, yet the caring smile etched onto his nervous features was enough to convince you that you should come with him.
Not particularly like you believed you could be cured, but more as in “This poor kind boy will get killed if someone’s not looking out for him.”
So you gave a polite nod, rummaging through what little supplies you saved in here before heading out of your sanctuary with Leon- glad you’d met someone so nice in this mess.
Claire Redfield:
Despite having been caught in the middle of a zombie outbreak and getting turned yourself, undead life was surprisingly calm. You had shuffled your way down into the sewers after getting bit, accepting your fate as you felt your consciousness slowly slip away as blood drained out of the bite on your leg- only to wake up a few hours later a lot paler and surprisingly awake.
Part of you was frustrated you had somehow miraculously lived through transforming into a zombie because of course you would be the unlucky schmuck who would stay sentient throughout something like that. Only your level of sheer bad luck would allow that.
It turned out being down here wasn’t too bad if you ignored the weird mutated masses of flesh in the water, the massive hulking figure of a presumably mutated man that would scream in agony every hour or so and the other rotting corpses surrounding you. Otherwise, it was nice.
You had honestly thought that you were going to live the rest of your undead life here. It’s not like being on the surface is any better at the moment- though you had to admit, it got boring really quickly.
That’s why when you heard a small repetitive bang of a pistol fire off- you couldn’t help but let your curiosity win. You peaked around a corner, just dark enough so whoever was firing couldn’t see you, to take a glance at whatever unlucky person slipped down here.
She couldn’t have been past her early twenties, you thought, her younger features and nervous look spoke volumes. Her eyes had a certain steely resolve to them though, which would’ve impressed you if she didn’t stare directly at you. Previously fascinating eyes now had your stomach drop as she raised her gun at you preparing to fire.
You scrambled away down the hall you came from, legs slightly slipping from the slimy layer on the floor that you really didn’t want to think about at the moment.
Claire had started giving chase after you, worried you were possibly another survivor that she had scared off with her reckless gun waving.
“H-Hey! Wait up!” She yelled out, following your shadow throughout the gross sewers.
You had run yourself into a dead end- panicking and turning around to see her approaching rapidly. Without a way to defend yourself, you simply put your arms in front of your face to shield it as you shut your eyes tightly- preparing to get shot.
Clacking sounds of boots hitting the wet floor filled your ears as Claire stopped just a few feet away from you. She huffed out in exhaustion, leaned over to catch her breath.
“I’m.. I’m sorry- jeez hold on. About.. About scaring you. I didn’t know there were other survivors down here. You alright?” She looked up at you, briefly scanning over your body.
She noted how you looked worse for wear (but then again, so did she) and the large, infected looking wound on your leg. Her face shifted into one of pity as she looked back up at your face.
“Oh.. Is.. Is that why you ran from me?” You nodded, slowly lowering your arms to gauge her expression. It’s funny, she looked a lot more sweet up close. Your eyes met hers and you almost felt better. She looked at you with such.. compassion, even though you were infected.
Claire felt an immense sense of pity overwhelm her. She must’ve scared the living daylights out of you upon chasing you down like a rabid animal. As her gaze met yours though, she realized how glossy your eyes looked- how pale your skin was. You were probably already dead considering how familiar you looked compared to other zombies she had seen.
“I don’t want to hurt you, okay? You seem like a nice.. person? Zombie? I’m not fully sure what to call you.” Her tone was very soft, almost like a gentle elder sister, it was soothing to hear after all the harsh groans and grumbles you’d been hearing from the other undead around you.
“I think that it’ll be beneficial for us to work together. I have a friend who’s a police officer who I’m trying to meet up with. Maybe we can all find a way to escape together and you could get some help at a hospital out of this town. Is that okay?”
It wasn’t like you really had a reason to say no and the way she kept her voice so polite and calm definitely swayed your choice. With a nervous step forward, you precariously nodded.
“Perfect. My name’s Claire. Claire Redfield. It’s nice to meet you.”
Jill Valentine:
Jill was getting pretty damned tired of this zombie shit. First at Arklay, now in Racoon City the day before she was supposed to move out of this hellhole. It was just starting to get ridiculous and if she still believed in a God, she would’ve thought they had it out for her.
As she turned a hard left, narrowly avoiding a zombie grasping and hobbling towards her- Jill entered the subway company’s office. Thankfully it was empty, Jill thought to herself as she pushed the door leading into the traffic control system’s room only to have the door get pushed right back into her face.
What the fuck??
Jill grabbed her knife from the sheath on her side and rammed the door open- fully expecting to have to fight hand to hand, only to meet your terrified gaze as you fell onto the floor.
She honestly couldn’t tell if you were infected or not- you looked like you’d been drained dry of all your blood, yet your expressions were so human. Hands raised, slightly shaking (Jill wasn’t sure if that was due to fear or the fact your right hand was hanging on by a few tendons of muscle.)
You mumbled out a shrill and raspy yelp, trying to communicate as best you could that somehow you were still conscious, even in this form.
Jill wasn’t exactly sure what to do with you, knuckles tensing and untensing around the handle of her knife. She almost felt guilt thinking about stabbing you now. Her body went taut as she saw you stumble up and head to the subway panel. You waved your hands, pointing back and forth at the subway map and its controls.
“You.. know how to work that?” Jill hesitated with her words, almost embarrassed that she was trying to communicate with.. a zombie as far as she could tell.
Well that was until you nodded very rapidly, as if trying to prove you had some worth.
So with a frustrated sigh, Jill said “Okay, I need to go to Fox Park. Figure it out.”
Jill watched you with interest as you flipped through the switches expertly, going through the path so quickly she had to assume you worked here before.. whatever happened to you. You figured it out so quickly and turned back to her, as if expecting her to allow you to follow her to wherever she was headed.
Part of her really didn’t want to bring back an infected to the subway but you had the biggest eyes and were practically pleading.
“No- you can’t. God just..” Bigger puppy dog eyes.
“NO. You’ll cause too much commotion! I can’t-”
“Hey Jill- you got that subway route finished?”
Your eyes instantly went to the radio buzzing from her shoulder and she made a mental note to punch Carlos when she got back.
“Yes.. Thanks to the help of a.. oddly friendly zombie.”
You could hear him cackle over the other side of the radio. “You’re joking- right?”
“I wish I was.” Jill sighed out and explained to Carlos that she actually met a nice zombie and spent about 10 minutes convincing him and the other U.B.C.S members to let you follow and that she swears she’ll keep an eye on you and please please please please let her keep you-
Mikhail begrudgingly agrees after her arguing that she should be able to keep you around and that you’ve proven yourself to be helpful- but is told that you’ll be staying with Carlos when you both return to not endanger the civilians and to truly prove yourself.
Jill didn’t know why, but she felt the need to protect you. Maybe it was some lingering savior complex or survivor's guilt but she ignored that for now and walked alongside you back to the subway station.
Carlos Oliveira
As Jill arrived with you in tow, Carlos did notice how surprisingly calm and patient you were with everyone. You clung onto Jill for a little while- being careful to not go too far into the train- in the off chance someone would see you and freak out.
While Carlos trusted Jill’s choice in trusting you, most of the other U.B.C.S members were.. not as happy with the platoon leader’s choice in allowing you to stay. Tyrell was very obvious about his lack of faith in your unwillingness to cannibalize them and informally ordered you to stick near Carlos.
Carlos didn’t mind to be honest. Though, it was a little perturbing to see the way your flesh loosely hung on in some places. He tried his best to be polite and not stare as it’d be “ungentlemanly” of him.
You served to be pretty helpful in the RPD, keeping an eye out for anything he might’ve missed (zombies or items.) You even took a few solid hits for him which may have left you a little more gory in some places over before- but Carlos just appreciated the gesture.
“So, tell me, how’d you end up like that?”
“Oh right. Can’t talk. Sorry.”
A simple nod or shake of your head was enough to satisfy any base questions he had for you– plus his quips about certain events like the locked doors kept the mood light and cheery.
It was honestly a lot of easy communication between you two- Carlos read you very well and normally a simple tug on his arm or small grunt would do the trick if he truly missed something.
Carlos did ask some weird things though-
“Can you like.. see outta the hanging eyeball?”
You didn’t really think about it before but now that you focused on it- you really couldn’t. With an experimental prod, Carlos watched in horror as you pushed it back into its socket to see that’d change anything. It didn’t but it was worth a shot.
He (somewhat disturbed, somewhat politely) asked you never do anything like that in front of him again.
Fair enough.
Chris Redfield
This entire mansion situation was completely overwhelming for Chris- everything was so out of place and nothing made sense. Grappling with the concept of zombies being a real thing, Umbrella Corp actually being tied to this goddamn place somehow and the Bravo Team being completely wiped out along with his other colleagues being God knows where was just getting too much to handle.
Maybe that's why he didn't even take a second glance at you when you rolled a flashlight next to him as he sat on the ground of the grimy hallway.
It took him a second to fully process what just happened- his eyes running over the slimy flesh of your body that looked rotten and gross. You just simply stared back at him, hollow eyes in hollow sockets waiting for a response.
“.. Hello?”
You waved back in response, watching as Chris’ face cringed as your bones cracked and popped from the movement.
“That's new. Most of your friends seem to not be interested in conversation, eh?”
Chris was pretty sure he was losing it- he knew he should be grabbing his gun and getting rid of this thing in front of him before it attacked instead of making conversation. Yet something felt different about this one.
You nodded your head slowly and made trepidatious steps towards Chris. Testing his willingness to let you near- he did move his hand near his knife, which you took as a warning and stepped back.
He looked down at the flashlight you rolled towards his side and palmed it. It was essentially a gift- and you didn't seem to want to harm him.
“Listen. I need help finding my friends. They're somewhere in this mansion. This place is just so confusing to get through- will you help me out?”
You seemed to hesitate for a second, feet lingering in place as if trying to see if it was a trap. Chris almost found it funny, the both of you unsure of the other and still needing help to get out of here in one piece.
You gave a weary nod to him before stepping closer and offering your hand to help him up.
Chris shuddered a little as he felt the bone through your frail, decaying flesh and pulled himself up with your help.
An odd duo you two made, but certainly two is better than one in this situation.
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Cross Guild x reader knowing those three men feels like "What was THAT?" "Affection! ❤️" "Disgusting. Do it again"
Lolol YESSSS headcanon time
Buggy x Reader, Mihawk x Reader, Crocodile x Reader
Fluffy bullshit
♫♬The Good Life - The Fratellis♬♫
When I'm in there it's hard to leave
When you play with your hair and you stare back at me
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Thrives on attention but really not used to actual affection.
You so much as kiss him on the cheek and he's going to be a blithering mess.
Why did you—what the hell—?!
Half-convinced you're somehow doing this as an insult.
Or to make fun of him later for blushing.
Honestly how dare you but...
Maybe do it again so he can be absolutely sure of just how offended he is...?
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Why are you cuddling him.
This is unbecoming. It's downright insulting.
He is the strongest swordsman in the world, why would you even think this is acceptable?
And why is it so warm and comforting?
Just staring at you in astonishment as you nuzzle against his shoulder and wrap your arms around him.
His pride will not allow him admit that this...is honestly quite nice.
But he finds that he's combing his fingers through your hair and giving you a little kiss on your forehead, all while gently warning you to speak of this to no one.
Sir Crocodile
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What the hell are you doing behind his chair, he's trying to work.
Why the hell are your hands on—
Why are you rubbing his shoulders—
Oh, that's...that's actually...oh.
This isn’t so bad. He could get used to this.
Reclining back in his chair and laying his head back with a slow sigh, a smirk curling the corner of his lips around his cigar.
Not entirely sure he trusts the gesture, but as long as it feels this good, he isn’t complaining.
Turning his head to brush his lips against your neck with a quiet purr of approval.
Definitely won't object about being pampered this way in the future.
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
|| ʙʟᴀɴᴋ ᴄᴀɴᴠᴀꜱ || ᴘᴛ. ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ||
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a/n: Hello loves! So sorry I kept y'all waiting for part three, I hope you enjoy this! Just wanted to let y'all know that I'll be flying off to South Korea for a vacation, and will only be back on the 22nd of June so updates will be paused till then. I'll try to continue writing on my trip, but there are no guarantees I won't be too tired lolol. Love, pumpkin.
[ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ] | [ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ] | [ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
Blackmail — The act of attempting to force someone to do something or give up something valuable by threatening negative consequences if they don’t, especially revealing negative information about them.
That's what the online dictionary says anyway, which is perfect! 
As such, it wouldn't be blackmail as much as it would be....persuasive negotiation. Which is the exact opposite of blackmail, which, again, is perfect! 
Yeah, you’re getting nowhere with this.
You stifle a defeated groan as you collapse onto the plush mattress of your bed, dragging your hands down your face. Your phone beeps with a message, startling you out of your thoughts.
Nicole [ 7.15 PM ]: Did you find what you were looking for?
Nicole [ 7.15 PM ]: ? 
Nicole [ 7.30 PM ]: Update me tomorrow.
Right. Nicole. Your hand falls limply to the side, fingers loosely gripping the device.
How would you explain it to her? She’s always been good at sniffing out your lies. To tell, or not to tell. That is the question. Maybe you should just pretend nothing happened. That’d be the only reasonable thing to do in this situation, right? 
But your art is at risk here. And if it’s anything you’ve learnt over your many years of living, it’s that you’re a stubborn bull that can’t back down once you’re set on something. And right now, you’re set on getting Spiderman to be your model. 
You might get your mojo back if you draw him enough times. Maybe your art block won’t be so constipated anymore, and perhaps you might even get into the art school you have your eye on.
And maybe, just maybe, you might catch the eye of the art scouts at the end-of-year exhibition.
So there’s no way you can afford to give this up. 
You’ll convince him. You have to.
— — — — — 
“So, why’d you ignore my messages yesterday?” 
You flinch away from the sudden hand on your shoulder, fingers decorated with rings glinting in the sun. Michael winces from where he’s standing opposite you, taking a long, slow sip of his juice box. 
You stammer out Nicole’s name in surprise, the girl in question looking at you with a raised brow and serious eyes. She scans your nervous smile and flushed cheeks, letting go of you with a nod. 
“You met him. How was it?”
Damn it.
“I didn’t end up meeting him,” You say with a defeated sigh, hoping it’s not excessive. Being under Nicole’s observant gaze is one of the scariest experiences in the world, with pigeons in close proximity a close second. 
“Okay,” Her dubious tone gives you a slight sense of hope, only for your heart to drop at her next question. “So, why’d you ask me for Miles’s photo?”
“I, uh, ran into him and thought he looked familiar. So, I asked for his picture to double check,” You admit, hoping the truth mixed into some lies would be enough to convince her. 
“Right…What’s your impression of him, then?”
“Cute?” You blurt out without thinking, recalling the framed picture of his young self with his parents on the small table.
“You think he’s cute?”
“M-maybe?” You try, but it clicks once you see the disgust in her eyes. “Yes! I do, in fact, find him very attractive. One might even say that he is now my…crush?” 
You pray she doesn’t notice the underlying wince in your words. Nicole shudders, taking a small step away from you. “You need to get your eyes checked or something. I’ve known the guy since we were in diapers, and trust me when I say that he’s nothing but trouble.”
“I won’t do anything, I promise. Besides, I’m sure the crush is just temporary. It’ll blow over before you even know it!” Mainly because you don’t have a crush on the guy in the first place. But you do need to figure out a way to trap him to persuade him into being your model.
“Wait, you met Miles?”
“Why’re you glossing over the fact that she likes him?” Nicole says incredulously, gesturing to you with wide eyes. It’s probably the most expressive you’ve ever seen her, save for the time you invited them to go cafe hopping with you on a sweltering Monday. 
You’d never heard so many variations of curses before, all of which Nicole unintentionally introduced you to. Since then, you’ve learnt to only hang out on cooler days with better weather and cafes within walking distance.
“So?” Michael shrugs nonchalantly, but the amused smile on his lips suggests otherwise. “Why are you so affected?”
“Because it’s my best friend liking Miles Morales - the guy I’ve known since we were babies. He’s not good enough for her.” Nicole decides with a frown. You turn to her, tears brimming in the corner of your eyes as you place your hands on your heart.
“I’m your best friend?” Nicole rolls her eyes at your words, crossing her arms. “You can drop from that tier anytime, so you better watch out.” She replies simply with a halfhearted glare, but her words have no bite to them. Her ears are tinted red.
“Aww,” You coo, throwing your arms around the girl who baulks in surprise, almost falling to the ground had you not steadied both of you. She wriggles under your tight hug, giving up quickly with a groan. 
“Let me get in on that, chicas-” Michael is cut off when you kick his ankle, biting back a pained cry while you continue to hug Nicole, who has a satisfied smirk at your action. “Good job.” She pats your arm, and you reluctantly let go, dramatically wiping the tears away.
At least you succeeded in distracting her.
The rest of the day practically flies by, your body on autopilot and going through the motions of taking out your textbooks and doodling on them. Math, Science, and History were all meaningless in your eyes as you tried to make another plan to meet him. The past three attempts had shown you exactly how difficult it was to meet with the hero, much less alone. 
You’re not one to give up, though. You stare down at the piece of paper filled with doodles and scribbled words — an outline of a plan, circling Spiderman’s name in red. 
Okay, let’s try this again. 
Attempt #1: Meet Him At The Park - The Friendly Way.
You take a tentative glance around. Good, No dogs are in sight. You look over to the park's far end, where you had set up a sign saying that dog treats were being given out for free if they assembled there.
Sometimes, lying is an essential means of survival. Another quick scan of your surroundings confirms that no one is in the path of the taco truck, and feeling only slightly guilty when you spot the owner’s surprised expression, wondering why his usual customers aren’t present. 
However, you try not to linger on that, choosing to double-check if everything you need is on you.
Phone? Check. Earbuds? Check. Wallet? Check. Spiderman?
You grin once you spot the masked hero landing in front of the taco truck, right on schedule. 
Standing up, you slowly make your way over, giving him time to place his order. Every step is light, your heart oddly calm as you approach him. Yeah. You got this. It’s just getting him to agree that’s the hard part.
Okay. You got this. Play it cool.
Walking up to the taco truck, you clear your throat, propping your elbow onto the small metal platform near the baskets of condiments. You casually glance at him, scanning his suit from head to toe before meeting his eyes.
“Hey,” he replies slowly with a slight tilt of his head, surprised by your sudden presence. He taps his fingers against the cold metal of the taco truck in a steady rhythm. You take a slow breath. You can take your time. It’s just a boy under the mask, after all.
“So, how’s being Spiderman going?” You ask absentmindedly, looking down at your nails and only now noticing that you’re in desperate need of a manicure. 
“It’s going good. And you?”
“Could be better.”
“That doesn’t sound good. Is it anything your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman can help with?” His words are filled with worry, now giving you his full attention.
Got him.
“Well…” You trail off, barely managing to hide the excitement in your eyes and voice. Now’s the time to approach him carefully. If you’re careless, you could lose one of the few opportunities to get him to be your muse. 
“Uh-huh?” He grabs the paper bag of tacos the owner hands him, handing him a crumpled bill from a hidden pocket in his suit with a quick nod of thanks in one smooth movement. However, he hears a slight commotion a short distance away, eyes narrowing as he tries to determine the source.
“I’m an art student, and I need a muse,” You continue, encouraged by his questioning hum and failing to notice the way his gaze is focused on something happening behind you. “So I was thinking-”
“Right, uh, miss. You seem like an absolutely wonderful lady. I’m so sorry, but we’ll have to continue this conversation another day. Duty’s kinda calling right now. I’ll pass by the basketball court tomorrow, and you can ask me your question there?” You can’t tell if he’s smiling, grinning, or even scowling under the mask. But it didn’t exactly sound hostile, so that’s that you suppose.
“Meet me at the sub shop on Fifth Avenue, two lefts after the huge statue and a right at the Lego store. Two-thirty P.M.,” You reply immediately. Why Mr Perez’s shop, in particular, you didn’t know. But you’re not about to chase after his ass again after the last few times. Not a chance in hell.
He agrees with a quick but apologetic nod, already swinging off with his paper bag of tacos and heading toward the angry horde of dog parents around the sign you placed earlier. You watch him land before them, trying to calm the group down.
Well, at least you got an appointment with him tomorrow. The problem now is how to make sure he accepts. Plus, him constantly running off isn’t the most ideal scenario in your situation.
So, you have to make sure he stays put.
You walk off, heading to the sub shop with the beginnings of an idea. (While simultaneously forgetting about the horde of dog parents who’re growing increasingly angrier from the absence of promised dog treats).
— — — — — 
“Mr Perez, nice shirt! Did you separate the whites from the colours? It looks so clean!” You greet as soon as you walk in, taking a deep breath and smiling at the scent of pickle brine. The store is relatively empty, the last customer leaving through the door just as you walked in. 
The store owner walks to the glass door, flipping the sign around to read Closed. He sends you a wary glance, walking back behind the counter to start cleaning up while you lean against the glass display case.
“What do you want?”
“Who said I wanted anything?” 
“You only compliment my laundry when you want something.” It’s true. You do tend to do that. You suppose it’s time to be rid of the habit. But not today, for you have much more important goals to pursue. 
“Okay. I need to borrow the storeroom for, like, a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon. No disturbances, complete privacy. Not even Didi is allowed in.” You get straight to the point, not bothering to beat around the bush.
“...Are you doing drugs?”
“That’s gross. And unsanitary. If I were doing drugs, I’d do it in the Science lab at school.” You point out, scrunching your nose in disgust. 
“Are you smoking? Vaping?”
“No, and no. C’mon, Mr Perez, I thought you knew me better than that!” You huff, though you know that he’s just joking from the amused twinkle in his eyes. 
“Fine. Just give me the signal. Besides, Didi’s at preschool tomorrow till five.” He says simply, wiping down his workstation with a clean cloth. 
“Really? No takebacks!” You say with an exaggerated gasp, not expecting him to actually agree. The bright smile on your face makes him chuckle, shaking his head fondly as he washes up the kitchen knives in the sink. 
“What time will you be coming?”
“Two-thirty. Remember, you promised no questions asked!” You call out over your shoulder as you exit while raising your hand in a quick salute. You saunter on home with your hands in your pockets, chest swelling with pride that you got a guaranteed meeting with the very boy you’ve been trying to convince to be your muse. 
You’ve definitely got this.
— — — — — 
Attempt #2: Kidnap Meet Him At The Sub Store - The Friendly Way.
Two-fifteen P.M.
You glance over at the IKEA clock hanging from the wall opposite you in the storeroom, tying the string securely around the metal shelf. Taking a step back, you survey the setup, scanning it for flaws in your otherwise perfect plan.
You arrange the chair to sit behind a wobbly table that’s about to break any day now due to countless playtimes with Didi’s mischievous ideas. (And maybe some of your own, but Mr Perez doesn’t need to know that.)
The bright light in the slightly cramped storeroom only adds to the ambience (of what, you don’t really know yourself). The punching bag hanging in the corner of the room is definitely no cause for concern. Maybe he’d think that you’re really into exercise. All that’s left is for Spiderman to get caught in your perfect trap. You’re pretty sure he won’t get hurt in the process. 
The only thing left now is to wait. You head out into the front of the store, waving Spiderman over as soon as you see him enter. He follows with a skip in his step, only to slow down when you guide him into the storeroom. 
“Uh…This is new, even for me.” He comments, looking around at the stacked boxes and metal shelves, unsure of what to make of this sudden change in vibe. You gesture at the chair, closing the door behind you. 
“Sorry, I just needed a place away from prying eyes.” You sigh, discreetly watching him take a seat. He does so without hesitation, and you immediately grab the end of the string that’s hooked onto the metal shelf, using all of your strength (and the help of a pulley) to yank it. 
Spiderman yelps, dangling from the ceiling by a tightly secured string around his ankle. “What the-? You said you needed help!” 
“And I do!” You reply, a tinge of desperation in your words. “Just…just hang on.” You breathe out, taking the frying pan on the shelf next to you after securing the string and leaving him dangling still. You approach him, Spiderman failing to notice, too preoccupied with trying to escape.
“Michael better be right about this,” You mumble under your breath, taking a quick swing and hitting the spot on his head that Michael promised would knock anyone out instantly. Spiderman’s eyes close, his cry of protest cut off as his hands fall limply to his sides. 
“Oh.” You stare down at him, squatting down and reaching your hand out to gently massage the spot where you hit him with a guilty smile. You hadn’t expected it to actually work. “Sorry, Morales. My goals aren’t to harm you, promise.”
Standing back up with a wince, you can feel the joints in your body popping from the sudden stretch. You never really bothered with exercise, categorizing your sketching and painting as such.
You huff, grabbing his arms and pulling him across the room after untying him from the string around his ankle. “But one of them might be to start working out,” You say through gritted teeth, finally reaching the punching bag. You take a deep breath, doing your best to pick him up and hold him against it while you tie him up.
“No-” Your muffled cry is cut short when your arms give out, and you fall onto your back with the unconscious hero lying on top of you. You groan, pushing him off you, eyeing the punching bag with distaste.
Another repeated attempt ends in the same result, and your back starts to ache from the impact of the hard surface against your back. You see him starting to stir, your eyes widening in panic, instinctively grabbing the frying pan and hitting him again. He falls back to the floor with a hushed groan while you breathe a sigh of relief.
You stand back up, eyeing the punching bag, before an idea hits you. 
Finally, you sit in the chair in front of the punching bag, taking out your sketchbook from the bag you'd placed on one of the shelves this afternoon and beginning to sketch him leisurely. You spot him slowly blinking, regaining his consciousness as he realises that he’s tied up.
"So..." You drawl, leaning back in your seat with a lazy grin. The city's local hero, Spiderman, dangles upside down in your trap. You actually did it. You got him to stay put.
He struggles to get free from the tightly bound ropes, almost tugging off his mask in the process before giving up seconds after. “Not again…” You hear him groan in defeat, looking back up at you with a deadpan stare.
"I have to admit, I love the new suit." You comment, grabbing a pencil and doing a quick sketch, ignoring his earlier words.
"What do you want from me?"
You pause, looking up from your sketchbook. "You sound pretty young to be a hero." You purse your lips, trying to guess his age.
"W-what? No, I don't." His voice turns gruff, and you chuckle from how obvious he was forcing it to be.
"I don't really want much. Just to draw you is all." You hum, flipping a page and letting pencil meet paper.
You don't respond, eyes trained on sketching the dimensions of his midnight black suit. "I like the spray paint."
"Thanks," He's surprised by your comment, hands still furiously working to free himself. 
"Aren't you a villain?" He questions, unable to hold back his curiosity. You weren't really doing anything to him either, not like the muggers or robbers that roam the streets at night.
You were just... drawing him.
"I just thought the suit was cool." You respond simply with a shrug, looking straight at the white material on his mask that hides his eyes.
He flinches, surprised by the sudden eye contact. "And you trapped me because...?"
"I wanted to draw it."
"You could've just asked."
"I tried. You weren't really paying attention, or you weren’t available. Hero duties and all, remember? "
Now that you mentioned it, the hero does remember you from the mugging and the excuses he’d made, shrugging sheepishly in response. 
"Oh. My bad."
The corner of your lips tugs upwards into a slight smile. At least he has the common decency to admit it.
"Could you untie me, though? It's getting a little uncomfortable." He voices out, fingers still trying to wriggle free.
"Sure, but I'll need something in exchange."
He sighs. Of course, you did. People always wanted something from him as Spiderman, be it a photo or to gain clout.
"What is it?" He's wary now.
You grin, hands closing the sketchbook with a loud snap as you place your pencil on your chair, getting up.
"That's easy," You walk towards him with ease, eyes filled with certainty. You're inches away from his upside-down figure, leaning in slightly until your lips are next to where his ear would be under the mask.
"Be my model, Miles Morales.”
He stills at the mention of his name. “Wh-what? I don’t know who this Miles guy is, but I’m obviously not him.” He laughs nervously, shaking his head.
You can practically see the waves of panic flooding through his mind. “You just changed the pitch of your voice,” You point out casually instead, leaning back against the wall with a smirk, your hands in your pockets.
“I’m telling you, I’m not this Miles guy you think I am. Though I’m very sure he may be cool enough to be Spiderman, I am not him.” He almost trips over his words, flinching when you move your hand close to his mask.
“Then I guess you won’t mind if I take this off?” You hum, spotting him trying to use his electric powers to break free. “Don’t bother. The strings are made out of insulated material.”
He flinches away from your fingers brushing against the side of his face, his eyes meeting yours and knowing he’s already lost this battle. “Fine.” He surrenders, his eyes narrowed into a hostile glare directed at you.
“Don’t be like that,” You chide, sitting cross-legged in front of him with a disapproving shake of your head. “Besides, I’m just here to make a deal with you.” 
“Is this about the model thing?”
“Yeap,” You confirm, popping the ‘p’. “Here’s all I’m asking. Let me meet up with you twice a week. I’ll even pay you ten bucks per session. All you gotta do is sit there.” The intensity of his glare lessens somewhat, though you can still sense his wariness. Makes sense, though, considering you’ve just essentially ensured he can’t say no. Besides, your terms and conditions aren’t half bad either.
You wait patiently for his response, giving him time to mull over it. 
“Deal. Now let me go.” 
“Uh-uh, not just yet,” You tut, moving over to your bag, grabbing the makeshift contract you drafted last night, and showing it to him with a triumphant grin. “I even added two different lines for both of your signatures. Spiderman’s and Miles Morales.” 
He rolls his eyes, and you take that as a good sign, cutting him loose. He falls gracefully to the floor, landing in a perfect superhero pose. You applaud, giving yourself a mental pat on the back for staying calm throughout the entire exchange. He takes the pen you hand to him, scrawling his name on the dotted line. You smile widely and keep the contract back in your bag, practically on cloud nine with this accomplishment.
Unfortunately, the euphoria makes you forget you’re still in a cramped storeroom.
Wincing when your elbow knocks against a loosely stacked box, you and Spiderman watch it slowly topple on its side, landing on the floor with a loud bang before looking at each other with wide eyes. 
Okay, so maybe you don’t got this as much as you thought.
You freeze when the door opens, looking behind you to see Mr Perez with his hand on the doorknob. His eyes flit from you to Spiderman, his gaze settling on the open box on the ground with vegetables spilling out of it before looking back at you with furrowed brows.
As soon as your eyes meet, you smile sheepishly. 
“I’ll babysit on Friday.”
— — — — — — —
taglist: (definitely not because I forgot I said I'd tag people lol)
@oh-kurva @brunnetteiwik @queerponcho @sleepingnova @1theestallionyas
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mysicklove · 11 months
I wanna peg Sukuna as Itadoris brother so hard
By which I mean I want so hard to peg him and I want to peg him so hard
I wanna peg him until he can't even speak
I wanna peg him until hes so fucked out he starts babbling, but it's different from his normal babbling. This time he sounds like he's trying to string words together and he gets distraught when you clearly don't understand so you slow down and lean in and whisper in his ear and ask him if he's fucked so dumb he can't even talk anymore, or is it that hes so cockdrunk that he thinks he's saying actual words.
And hes moaning from your words but he knows you won't stop for long and he has to say it before you speed up again and he forgets
And he blurts out "put a baby in me"
And youre confused so you slow down but he panics because he thinks you're saying no and he's so emotional he just starts begging you not to pull out. Starts talking so sweet about how you're so good to Yuji and you'd be perfect with a baby, and Yuji already looks like him and he's his brother so you're child would obviously look like both of you-
And he keeps going, and at this point you've realised that he's been fucked so stupid he thinks he can actually get pregnant.
Or maybe he's fucked so stupid that he can admit that that's what he wants
And you really only stayed still because you wanted to hear him keep going but fuck if this isn't doing something for you so you start to speed up again
And he thinks he's actually convinced you so he starts to sob with joy and talk through his whines and babbles, promising he'll be such a good mama for them, he'll take good care of your seed he promises. He'll keep it nice and warm in his womb, just please please please give it to him he'll be so good
i’m ngl i am not really into breeding kinks/mpreg, so i went through so many emotions here
i was like WHAT????? and then i was like what..? and then i was like…..wait…..this is kinda……anyways, valid LOLOL
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yawarakaizai · 1 year
i was thinking..
gn doll reader with nikolai.. i feel like he’s obsessed with dolls (bj dolls/porcelain dolls) he’d treat you delicately and.. ahh.. i need HIM. CARNALLY.
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SENDER Doll ! Reader (GN) RECIPITENT Nikolai Gogol (BSD) CONTENTS He took the utmost care of you, treating you how he believed you should be treated. He loved every part of you, and that included your feisty temper, even when he was so nice and caring towards you. NOTE bratty reader, pet-names, usage of 'daddy', possessiveness, suggestive content, genitalia mentioned (or rather lack thereof), mentions of fyodor + sigma, size difference, reader is a ball-jointed doll, non-sexual nudity, rich nikolai lolol, spoiled reader, mentions of punishments/implied punishments (spanking), feminine clothing (dresses) COMPANY Smarty
A/N hii ano n! tys m f or your req (>///<) nikolai is one of m y fav es actu al ly, , hes s o swe et , craz y and aa aa a <3 i hop e you enjoy this small fic! !! it was f un t o write ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ i th iink nikolai would be s o silly w/ a re ader who' s a dol l !! he'd p air well w ith a br att y doll .. s o here 's th is !! \(^///^)/
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" Noo! I don't wanna! "
Your whine was met with an exaggerated sigh of mock-sadness.
" Oh, but please! You'll look utterly adorable in this! "
One thing about you was that once your mind was made up, there was no way of convincing you otherwise. It was always your way. At least .. usually.
" Don't wanna means I don't wanna. "
You stood in the middle of the room nude, your hands placed on your hips, your head turned to the side away from the man knelt on the floor before you with his pleading eyes, a white gown bunched up in his hands.
Stubborn is what you were. And goodness, did Nikolai not love and hate it at the same time.
You were his sweet, spoiled doll. He wouldn't want it any other way.
" Ya know I love you best when you're behaved, doll. " He was dumb to think you'd relent your attitude so easily. Nikolai was being soft today, thankfully. On a hard day, he would've had you crying out bent over his knee promising to be a good doll next time.
Peeking from your shut eyes, your glass eyes stared curiously and intently on the dress he insisted to hell and back you should try out.
Frilly, short and virgin white - like every other garment he'd buy for you.
You most certainly are appreciative to have such a generous daddy. One who'd adorn you in only the best of dresses and accessories, showing you off to all who'd have the misfortune of coming across Nikolai.
He'd boast about how lucky he is to have you, with you shyly hiding behind his large stature, your fist gripping onto the hems of his shirt for your own comfort. You were timid around others that weren't your daddy. You'd shrink at compliments from others and cling to Nikolai; afraid to lose him.
Nikolai adored you for how bold you were with him. No matter the façade of a pure, innocent angel you'd display to all - he knew just what you were in private.
" Fine. But only this dress. Otherwise, I'll go straight to Dostoy and tell on you! "
" Yes! Yes, oh, how sweet you are! "
Standing up to his feet, he immediately began to tie the matching garter to your porcelain thigh, tightening it enough to ensure it wouldn't slip off.
" You'll look beautiful. I could not rid the thought of you wearing it from my mind. " He rambled on, guiding your head through the many frills of the dress, pulling your arms into the sleeves and smoothing out any wrinkles in the fabric.
You found it to be too short, as you'd find when you'd spin around the dress would ride up with the air and thus exposing the area humans considered intimate.
Although you possessed no genitals, Nikolai still found your body erotic.
" It's too short. " You'd protest, to which he'd reply, " It's perfect. "
It could be said Nikolai found you aesthetically pleasing to look at, as many would come to agree. Even Dostoy - as you'd call him - began to take a keen interest in you, requesting for your co-operation in being his muse for a while.
He had painted a lovely portrait of you. One you kept in an expensive gold frame, hung over your prized vanity table.
You did not pry too much into your daddy's life, and that included his relations with Dostoy. All you knew was that Dostoy was above the other, and the two had mutual respect for one another.
" Can you sit still for me, doll? Need't put these on ya. "
Nikolai rummaged through the many shopping bags he had hauled into your room, not expecting to have caught you during your brattish hours.
Nodding in silence, you allowed him to clip bows and pearls to your soft hair, having to kneel down to properly align everything perfectly and just the way he wanted them to be.
By the time he was done, you could feel the weight on your head having increased from how over-the-top he had gone.
" Daddy.. "
You huffed, puckering your red lips childishly.
" You look elegant, I promise you. "
Placing his hand on the lower end of your back, he carefully guided you towards your full-body mirror hanging adjacent from your large wardrobe.
Studying your reflection, you stared up at his grinning face. " You look dumb. " You remarked, continuing to twist and twirl. It wasn't that bad.
" I knew it'd be perfect, " He creeped behind you, wrapping his arms around your hips with his head resting atop of yours, " ya gonna thank your daddy for bein' so kind and sweet, aren't ya doll? " He murmured, lightly letting some of his heavy weight loosen on you, immediately making you yell out to him.
" Hey! Watch it! Daddy! Too heavy! "
You did your best to support him as he only laughed over you, " Catch me, catch me, doll! " he joked around, threatening to faint at any second, soaking in your desperate attempts at hoisting him back up.
In one fell swoop, he swept you off your feet over his shoulder, in the process, accidentally letting a stray bow come undone, falling to the floor below.
" Gonna go parade ya to Sigma. "
He praised, hand straying up your skirt and onto your bottom, in response you immediately whacked his back, stifling an "ow!" as your delicate hand forgot how tough he was, especially his upper body.
" Think he'll get mad when he realises I spent his money on all this? "
" Daddy! "
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3 it s 4am . ... @.@
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gg-neptune · 4 months
Sev When Your Insecure
Title Says everything. Just how I imagine Severus Snape acts when his SO is insecure and doesn't think they are enough for him and low-key hates themselves (not projecting)
My Man My Man My Man My Man My Man My Man My Man Pls excuse spelling and grammar I checked for it, but I am currently losing my eyesight lolol. ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
Anyways hope you guys love it <33333 Feedback appreciated as always!
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does not understand
like actually
he thinks he is hideous anyways and then here you are thinking you are not good enough or that you are not beautiful enough for him
especially the for him part
he sees you in your daily life every day and not once has the thought "ugly" ever crossed his mind
he thinks everything about you is perfect and he simply does not care what anyone thinks
and that includes you
it's not like he goes for looks primarily
he cares more about the fact if there is a genuine connection and if he loves them and if they love him
however, he does think you are the most beautiful person to ever grace the planet
you think your ugly?
that simply cannot be
he will spend hours upon hours praising and worshiping you and your body
days even until he is convinced you see what he sees
he will also try to find the root of all of this
maybe it was deep rooted trauma you haven't yet healed from completely, maybe you were just left alone with your thoughts and a mirror for too long, or maybe some asshole had the audacity to comment on your appearance
he will do his best to help with all of this regardless the situation
he will reassure you however many ties you need and when you deny you are not, he will argue with you as many times as he has to until you give
and he will do it without complaint or annoyance, because he knows what he has needed all these years
he'll press gentle kisses to your body focusing on certain parts of your body you might not like specifically
whispering gentle praise in between them
and if anyone has the nerve to call you ugly Infront of him or he hears you say someone did
that person is going to have a very scary 6'2 man on their front doorstep who "just wants to talk"
he knows what being insecure feels like and he hates the fact that you also feel that way
he's always there for you and your always enough for him
and after this he is always going to make sure you know that
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rayroseu · 11 months
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HELP DEUCE JUST GOT FRENCHIFIED 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I really love the unique dynamics from this event lol
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🥲🥲🥲 This made me sob... No one really can understand them like they do with each other... 😭😭
Outsiders like Azul and Idia thinks theyre just overreacting but considering how Malleus, Silver and Sebek ONLY has each other as they grew up...
(Malleus and Silver being isolated because of their status and obviously Sebek wasnt that accepted by his own grandpa either...)
So Of course any type of peril happening between them —no matter how trivial— would cause them all to immediately worry😭✨ I love it I love how they always try to care for each other at all times.😭😭💖💖
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Yuu and Grim can relate XD
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No but seriously the gargoyle and Malleus meeting reminds me of Yuu and Malleus meeting lolol 🥺💞💕💞Maybe I'm just reaching.... 😂😂
but I remember a long comment that Malleus most especially notices with us because were similar to a gargoyle— avoided because we're strange and our efforts and "function"(as prefect) are barely recognized.
It also doesnt help that the gargoyle's language sounds like Grim lol 😂 Gargoyle says he lives for eons now and that he never left the tower bcs he's a stone.... so why he speaks such a modern form of language??😂😂 He's using more slang than Malleus who's trying to learn to socialize.... 😂
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Ohhh this part made me sad as well because We know in SSR Rollo's vignette that he was hating the gargoyles as he cleans them 😭😭😭😭
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I want this text pasted on my study incase I'm guving up on the grind lolol
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On another note, I think the gargoyle DOES REMIND me of Lilia because of these last lines .....🥲🥲🥲🥲
"He runs on little magic so losing a little power is fatal for him" Lilia running out of magic 😭😭😭
"He was worried about him till the very end even though Hes the one responsible" I CANT KNOWING THAT LILIA *WILL* CONFRONT MALLEUS ABOUT HIS OVERBLOT...😭😭
I hope he'll be the one to understand him 🥲🥲💞💞💞
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