#tw dickbabs
batfamcraze · 2 years
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Black Mask: Any last words?
Jason: I miss Macaulay Culkin.
Dick: Tell Oracle I love her.
Jason: Sure, make me look like an asshole.
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beautyconsumer · 4 months
I did it, the body swap thing I kept saying I was gonna write
Yet another magician amateur on Gotham make their shenanigans the bats' problem. Jason is personally offended he didn't see this one coming, and Dick is dealing with all the shit he's been avoiding. Or: In which Dick and Jason swap bodies, their partners have to deal with the consequences.
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ursie · 1 year
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I’m sorry but this is awful and pandering like. Babs hates her and it’s wrong but we don’t need to pretend she doesn’t and hasn’t said the most misogynistic stuff about her behind her back consistently like. Let her be a bitch 😭 THEYRE NOT FRIENDS ITS OK like?? it’s honestly more misogynistic to insist women can’t hate each other or have ugly/bad traits on the basis of being women like. Babs is consistently mean to Kory. Kory doesn’t give a shit about Babs. It’s ok. Literally it would be so much funnier if they acknowledged it as a one sided rivalry that it is and always has been 😭 I’m a Babs stan but ignoring her bad traits and just making stuff up to make her look good isn’t helping anyone
Also Babs is straight up not one of the best fighters on the planet she’s not even one of the best fighters in the batfam like 💀 embarrassing I’m sorry I’m a Babs stan but this is out of a bad fanfic. She’s an ok fighter but she’s an unparalleled hacker and tactician ect ect like she’s a good gymnast and stuff but honestly she wasn’t at her best as batgirl and that’s ok. Cass & Helena (and maybe Steph) are better fighters than her.
Literally all of the bat boys save for Duke are consistently better fighters than her. It’s ok. She’s not the best fighter. It’s ok.
If you want her to be the best at something let her be Oracle again 🙄!!!!
Also it’s bs to be like Starfire the best warrior on another planet like she’s one of the best in the galaxy you two are not the same 😭 don’t play
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comic-art-showcase · 1 year
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Barbara and Dick by Emma Kubert
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*deep sigh* dream time before i forget:
First of all, this was all Tom Taylor’s nightwing. So, Barbara was batgirl and dick was a himbo. Anyways, babs had decided to infiltrate a gang against dick’s warnings that it wouldn’t end well for her but the gang decided to use her as a patsy because she was a noob/posing as a gang member’s girlfriend and set her up for a murder. Dick being his cop self was given point on the case (after gloating a bit that he was right) and was trying to prove her innocence. Also i think he was meant to represent her in court because dream logic? Anyways babs had managed to get a bunch of other cops on her side and get them to help her prove her innocence. Like, she got a conference room despite being in police custody, that’s how good she is. Dick was helping but also being a bit of a nuisance and cracking jokes/trying to be the center of attention/cheering up babs. Which is when i realized this was meant to be a romcom and i found this so ridiculous i woke myself up.
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rozenphox · 2 months
Am I allowed to follow you because you make amazing art, even if I am a Dick/Barbara supporter?
LOL i don’t have control over that do what you gotta!
I’m not against people shipping other stuff in their own time 👍 I’ve appreciated some dickbabs in Young Justice ngl
but jsyk i do write them way more like siblings so i hope that’s ok for you
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dcbutlikenotcanon · 2 years
Dick: I don't know why you're so mad at me. Is it because I slept with Babs?
Kori: YOU WHAT?!
Dick: Fuck, so it wasn't that.
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psedoblob · 2 months
Technical Blogs & Articles
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Let's elevate your tech content game:
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incorrectbatfam · 9 days
Kory: Can I buy you a drink?
Barbara: I have a boyfriend.
Kory: *counts out her money*
Kory: He can only get something small then.
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didilovesdick · 13 days
Tw: Dickbabs
This works both way.
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ursie · 2 years
TT isn’t ableist it’s DC/the editors/ect stop blaming him ok but he wrote these scenes he wrote this dialogue and this is just off the top of my head not even touching the “subtle” ableism woven throughout the run :
Major tw for ableism :
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These may seem minor to you but they’re overt to literally any physically disabled person
-why couldn’t Barbara eat pizza in the park before? Take down low level thugs? She literally could. She literally did. This retroactive take on her years as Oracle is ableist. She was not miserable or useless or anything like that. She was quite literally still a crime fighter living an active lifestyle. She was happy as Oracle. In her own words “the joker took nothing from me”. But TT does not understand the disabled experience and cannot write a woman ok being disabled-this is not about Babs being able bodied now-this is about the language used. There are plenty of similar examples throughout the run (and dc period atm) TT did not have to write such dialogue. He chose to do that. It should also be noted that he wants credit for giving Babs accessibility aides but does not have any real interest in showing her use them (the justification of her not using a chair anymore) or writing her as a Disabled woman at all (a similar issue applies to his writing of Dick)
-Why reintroduce Risk and make the point to remember his prosthetic (I should also note he’s a recovering addict as well) just to kill him brutally and rather intimately on panel. It’s important to note that for all intents and purposes Risk was an invincible hero. Killing him (and frankly for shock value) is ableist. I’m not saying you can’t kill disabled characters but if you do it after consistent allegations of ableism it’s hard not to see Risk (and any physically disabled person in his run) as a proxy for the disabled people who criticized him after all they only seem to show up to get brutalized or be a joke. It’s important to contextualize that this was his introduction into main continuity again-they made the point to retain his disability (whilst under scrutiny for ableism) just for killing him without an once of dignity. It’s just horrific and genuinely these panels may trigger me the most.
-now I understand you may not see the big deal here because hey he’s not being hatecrimed here but yet again disabled characters are either brutalized or made into a joke. There’s multiple issues wrong here . You do not touch a hoh persons hearing aides. 1. You don’t touch anyones accessibility tools (especially hearing aides which are delicate at the best of times) w/o explicit permission. This joke is not funny to disabled people this is our lived experience and it’s called assault. 2. In line with TT previous inclination to not actually write the disabled experience this person does not seem to have any emergency setup such as a bed shaker for example which while not criminal does show a lack of research. TT would rather have a joke at our expense then just write a disabled person living realistically. And 3. Dick does actually canonically know sign language. There was no need for ableism in the first place. Instead of highlighting Deaf/Sign culture TT opted for dated jokes and further erasure of Dicks competence (which is a separate conversation). It should be noted that showing sign in comics is not new or impossible if Hawkeye can do it so can Nightwing.
Again these are just three out of many examples and that’s not counting TT’s ableist behavior on Twitter. That’s not talking about the artist. But three is enough. Three is a pattern. At a certain point when people refuse to reflect and address their behavior-when they refuse to even entertain the notion of fixing it-real accountability must be discussed, and if you cannot handle disabled fans discussing his accountability here-if you’re ambivalent, if you’re defensive, if you’re apologetic for him, you’re complicit as well. It’s 2022 we can do better. It’s July. It’s Disabled Pride month. Listen to Disabled voices. Do better. Or be quiet.
Ok to add on and discuss but no clowning and if you are able bodied you do not get to debate the ableism at hand.
* if anyone could write the image ids that would be great my hand feels like it’s going to fall off :(
image ids :
[Three panels from Nightwing comics by Tom Taylor. In the first, Babs is saying, “I have some pretty new technology holding my spine together.* (*see batgirl: three jokers) I’m happy to do most things--eat pizza in the park, take down low level thugs--but leaping from rooftops seems unwise” while Dick looks on. This is from Nightwing 79.
The next part is two whole pages. In the first panel, Dick in a narration box is saying, “..in metropolis” while there is the skyline of metropolis in the background. The next panel is Risk jumping off a building while his prosetic arm is clearly visible. The next three are of him saying, “enough running. I don’t know who you are but we are clear of civilians now. I’m ready to hit back.” The next panel is of him being hit by a purple laser while in the next he says, “ha! I’m invulnerable.”
The next page starts with three people in black suits and jetpacks flying towards him while the lead one says, “we know.” In the next panel, she has Risk slammed on the ground while saying, “we know all about you Risk.” In the next three panels, she drags Risk towards the water and sticks his head in it while monologuing, “we know you were a Titan. and we know that you still have to breathe. The rising has begun.” The last panel is of some bubble underwater.
The third example is one page. In the first panel, Dick (Nightwing) is hitting down a wood door while calling out, “Maurice!” In the next panel, Maurice is in bed while his hearing age is pointed out by zoomed in bubble. In the next panel, Dick has grabbed Maurice’s hearing aid, and is holding it out to Maurice while saying, “Hey. I just need you to put your hearing aid in.” Maurice replies while looking angry, “Is that what you do? Steal hearing aids?!” In the final panel, Dick says while looking confused and still holding out the hearing aid, “what, I’m not” before Oracle interupts him over the comms, “Nightwing!” He responds, “Oracle” end id
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detectivenightwing · 2 years
I've made post similar to this in the past but as a disabled person I'm just so tired of having to have the same arguments over and over again when its comes to Barbara Gordon's character and her disability.
She is a paraplegic who like me and so many other people is an obligate wheelchair user. That is still canon. What is also canon is that the chip that erases her disability is still canon, the upper spinal implant which somehow fixes her spinal cord and also her severely damaged spinal column.
That chip is ableist writing it has been for a decade and I won't budge on that fact.
Having to deal with able bodied Babs and able bodied Dickbabs and Steph fans and Cass fans and Dick fans is exhausting and constantly upsetting.
Able bodied Babs stans never and will never care about Babs disability they see it as a negative to her character and have no problem telling disabled people that. The new thing they love doing is bring up invisible disabilities to hide their dislike of physically disabled. What invisible disability do they think Babs has? They don't care the use the phrase to shut actual disabled people up.
Also at this point I'd like to point out that disabilites are not interchangeable and having Babs who should be using a wheelchair using a cane is not a win for disabled representation all its doing is showing these writers thing disabilities are interchangeable and taking representation away from one part of the disabled community to give it to another is not the progressive move people think it is.
Able bodied DickBabs stans are unbelievably two faced constantly bringing up Babs disability to defend the ship from criticism but turning around and telling disabled people "to cripple themselves" if they want representation so badly when disabled people point out how Infinite Frontier Babs is ableist.
The Steph and Cass fans were probably the biggest shock to me spending a decade saying you wanted Oracle back only to immediately turn on disabled people and tell us we had to support Batgirls cause as long as Steph and Cass were getting to be Batgirl too it didn't matter if Babs disability was being erased. And now the comic is out and its badly written its okay for you guys to complain about it though.
And finally like Dick fans are the ones that piss me off the most. Every month like clockwork you complian about Babs appearing in Nightwing is it a criticism of the author using her as a narrative crutch to move his story no they just don't like Babs character.
Like it is very noticeable to me as a disabled person when these blogs have 30+ posts about how Babs is ruining Nightwing and Dick's character and the only post they have discussing the ableism in Nightwing is an able bodied person jokingly using the word cripple to describe Babs.
Also I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say this to Nightwing fans but you can't constantly talk about bad writing,OOC writing and mischaratersiation for Dick as a character and then without any sense of irony turn around and say Babs has to be help accountable for everything that happens in Nightwing. Maybe Seeley didn't care about Babs as a character and was using her for the plot. Maybe Jurgens didn't care about Babs and was using her for the plot.
Like I hate having to defend new52/rebirth/infinite frontier Babs but I end up having to do that because Nightwing fans will hate her character because the Nightwing writers are so uninspired they don't care if they're writing Babs write or not and people will use it to tear her to shreds.
Sidenote: Seeing the way able bodied Nightwing fans talk about a canonically disabled character I don't trust a single one of them to write Dick's head trauma or memory loss any better than the ableist writing DC put out on it.
Like I as a disabled person shouldn't have to defend an ableist version of a character like do you know how upsetting that is to have do because people won't apply the same rules across the board to how they treat comic character analysis.
Like its baffling how rampant the ableism across these different groups of fans is. I can't even go in to the Oracle tag without being bombarded by able bodied Babs.
Like maybe its time people actually start making an effort when it comes to disabled characters and representation.
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Dick: Hey, you know in court when they ask you to rise your right hand?
Babs: Yes?
Dick: What if you don't have a right hand?
Babs: ...I don't think the American Justice System is very disability accomodating, Dick.
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Okay but I just realized that after Cass slashed Babs’ spinal cord and she’s lying there dying,,
Dick lost his Best Friend within the last 2 years. And now he’s being forced to watch the woman he loves bleed out in front of him, with little hope for survival. And he’s spent the last few years playing with their relationship. He’s dated plenty of other women, and Babs would tell him that even though they love each other, he’s not ready for her yet because of this. And now he’s watching her die without her truly knowing just how much he loves her. That she is the one he wants to be with.
And we get to s3, to 2018, and see that they are finally together. He even tells her that he misses her when they’re face to face again, despite the fact that she’s literally a constant voice in his ear during missions. Because Dick Grayson has spent his entire life painfully aware of loss. Of his entire family (in this version, his extended family was killed during their performance, minus an uncle who was left comatose). Of teammates. And of his best friend.
And almost Barbara.
So he doesn’t take their time together for granted. And he makes sure she knows how he feels.
DickBabs moments referenced: “Rolling Doubles” comic, “The Lady, or the Tigress?”, “Rescue Op”
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codenamed-queenie · 4 years
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“Could someone check on Grayson? His vitals just spiked.”
(Click For Better Quality)
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