#tw mentions of gaslighting
skyhon · 1 year
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I thought for so long that I couldn’t finish my highschool diploma, let alone start a college education. But now I’m a straight-A student who’s made the vice president’s (fall quarter) and president’s (winter quarter) honor list. I can confidently say that the reason this is possible is because of two things: my diagnosis of ADHD (and the tools that brings) and my support group.
I dropped out of highschool at the age of 17 with no hope to ever finish because of mental health issues and my undiagnosed ADHD and bipolar. I was sure that I would be stuck in dead-end retail forever. I even tried to get back into highschool two separate times, but I couldn’t juggle school and my full-time job without triggering a hypomanic episode and then immediately dipping down into depression.
I am now part of my school’s top 5% GPA President’s honors list. And I am constantly feeling as if I shouldn’t belong on it. I have to keep reminding myself that I’m actually smart, and that the reason why I failed before wasn’t because I was dumb and stupid, but because I wasn’t given the proper tools and support. My education and importance wasn’t cared for by my parents in a way that actually mattered for someone with ADHD. I wasn’t even aware I had it, because my mom just didn’t talk about it. (She’s tried to gaslight me by saying she did. I actually learnt from here, on Tumblr, that I might have it, and then I got a psychiatrist who diagnosed me officially. I shouldn’t have realized my neurodivergence from memes on Tumblr. I should have been told by my mom, who, as I said, KNEW the whole time, but did nothing about it, even when I struggled through highschool and had to drop out).
It's okay to take time away from school. It’s okay to drop out when you need to. You are not a lost cause if you ever find yourself having to take time away from education because of your mental health. It does NOT define you. But please be aware — those who drop out likely have no support network. They don’t have people to help and provide encouragement. They don’t have loved ones who care enough to support you as you seek out something like a professional diagnosis, or a program that would help you create a useful structure that will boost you up and not drag you down. They don’t have the love and hope that they desperately need. And this is not their fault. That is not something they, an adolescent, should have to struggle through and feel helpless about. They should be engaged with and cared for and they should KNOW that they are cared for not just by the means of words from others, but by ACTION.
I slipped through the cracks, just as my father did before me. I lived without the support I needed and I failed. But that wasn’t my fault. I wasn’t the reason that the people around me failed to provide for my most basic of needs.
And I might have to keep reminding myself of this. I likely will have to. But I won’t do so alone. I have support now, in my found family. I have it in my teachers, who actually care. I have it in my meds, my psychiatrist, my psychologist, my therapist. I have it in my healthy coping strategies, my learnt self encouragement, my specific way of working with my ADHD and bipolar, not against it. All of this is possible because I have people around me who give a shit. Who remind me of my worth as a human being, inherently and without a needed ‘reason’ to be important in their, and my, life.
So if you’re struggling... if you can, please take some sort of first step to building that new network. I had to abandon my old one because it wasn’t working. Even though it was my own parents, I had to let them go as my source for support, because they just weren’t giving me any. I found people who care. I found people who support me. I found my home, my family.
And yeah, it might be a bit unorthodox. But I don’t care. Who gives a shit. The people before weren’t helping me, and that wasn’t my fault. Do I feel wronged? Of course I do. They were supposed to be my parents, and they were supposed to be ready and willing to help their kid succeed not only academically but also health-wise, mentally or physically. But I have to acknowledge this, and then keep walking. I can walk backwards for awhile, both middle fingers up to the world, but some day I’m going to feel okay enough to turn back around and keep walking forwards. And that day will be so fucking good for me.
The first step is to realize and process this reality. That you are not bad or wrong for having needs as a kid. Your support network neglected you and your needs. And you can be angry about it. You don’t even have to “move on” in the way most people think “moving on” means — which is usually framed as “forgiveness” for the neglectors’ behavior. Fuck that.
But someday, you’re not going to give them as much thought. They’re not going to be as important to you as they once were. And you’re going to have others there to care about you and love you. And you’re going to feel powerful, because you are. You’re going to feel capable, because you are.
You can do it. I believe in you.
Just as I’m learning to believe in myself.
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(starting notes: this is most likely going to be very much rambling and jumping from one thing to another. I am just very upset about the situation and what some people are saying about it and needed to clear my head.)
I, myself am autistic and ADHD and regardless of whether you realize it or not, you are stereotyping autistic people by basically saying that they don't know when to stop when asked and can't understand boundaries. Well!! spoiler alert!!! WE DO UNDERSTAND BOUNDARIES. AND IF SOMEONE ASKS US TO STOP IF WE'RE HURTING THEM/MAKING THEM UNCOMFORTABLE? WE WILL!!! WHY??? BECAUSE IT'S BASIC HUMAN DECANCY.
Autistic people are people too. With feelings, emotions, opinions, and boundaries. Just like every other human being on this planet. We are human, just with a more different mindset than most. And most Autistic people try their best to respect people's boundaries and to listen to people when they say no or to stop. If William Gold really is autistic and has a known habit of biting, he could have easily gone on Amazon and gotten a chewing necklace to help with the habit. They're like $5-11 and they almost always come in packs of 3-5 or more. I've had several throughout my life, and they really do help with said habit. So he has NO reason and NO excuse to be biting someone else instead. ESPECIALLY TO THE POINT THE PERSON IS SCREAMING AT THEM AND USING A SAFE WORD TO STOP.
And you people have to keep in mind that the biting isn't the only awful thing he's done to Shelby. He has physically abused her. He had pinned her down and had told her to try her hardest to get him off with full knowledge that she has been $e×ually assaulted before and then said something along the lines of that, he was so much stronger than her and that "she wouldn't be able to fight back". Had likely loved bombed her at the beginning of the relationship to make her stay(which, if you didn't know is a big red flag). Threw away almost all of her things after they broke up without even telling her. Manipulated her and gaslighted her (saying he wanted kids/marriage and then further into the relationship telling her he never wanted that & never said that) plus A LOT more.
Long story short:
-The autistic excuse is a load of fucking bullshit.
-PLEASE do some research about Neurodivergent people before you say anything relating to them online.
-While you're at it, research different kinds of abuse and manipulative behavior because you obviously don't understand that THIS? BITING someone to the point it HURTS AND THEY ARE SCREAMING? IS VERY CLEARLY ABUSE.
-Stop defending someone who already owned up to it (in the most shittiest and self-centered way possible, making it all about himself and also not even mentioning her NAME ONCE).
-Get off whatever social media platform you're on and either go play a game, go outside, read a book, or go to sleep if its late.
-And Always Support The Victim. NEVER The Fucking Abuser.
(Final notes: I seriously recommend that you watch Shelby's VOD of you haven't and read these websites start to finish. You'll find a lot that relates back to William's behavior. Both inside and outside this relationship.
Shelby Shubble VOD
After reading them, I still recommend that you do more research about the topics I brought up. It could save your life one day.)
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serapheina · 25 days
Thank you zero sugar monster for existing 🙏
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bitchycunt · 11 days
People who think that it's fine to take advantage of 'people pleasers' needs to be stabbed till their blood splatters on the floor like artsy painting, it would make a great perfect death art in my opinion
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Just so y'all know, I'm pouring some of my soul out in this post. It gets emotional-please mind the gaslighting tw <3 There's no pressure to read this, I just feel this needs to be said and hopefully will help someone out there.
In case this helps someone, the reason I say "Telling witchlings/baby witches that negative entities will pretend to be deities, or that they can't trust their deities is damaging" is because it damaged my craft directly. Not only as a witchling, but even now.
When I first started it was because I hid that I was working with Persephone from everyone except close friends, because I was scared I would be judged. Persephone came to me, and I had no reason to ignore the call. There was no questioning whether it was truly a goddess that had stepped into my head when I woke up from the fever dream (affectionate) that she sent me with the name "Persephone" blaring in my head.
Even now, Loki spent a solid chunk last night, late as hell, sitting with me while I spiraled. And it was a bad spiral, at least by my standards. I'm really good at gaslighting myself, not-so-fun fact, and I saw something talking about people convincing themselves that deities were around when really it was just their own imagination. I understand that that post might be helpful to some, so if anyone knows what post I'm talking about PLEASE do not attack them. And if you happen to have posted that, PLEASE do not continue reading this post and please don't feel bad. I don't remember if it was in my following or for you or your tags- but that's not the point.
The point is, of course my brain decided that today was the day to fuck me up! Yayyyyy. /s I had already been, due to some recent information I got about where my deity work will be going (that's a separate post) questioning the validity of my craft. Who the HELL am I to do that sort of work? Why me? I'm just some dude. I'm not even "just some dude" I'm some dude who actively struggles to do just about anything in life. Y'all I was having A TimeTM and seeing that post was the final straw.
So I sat there, cards in hand, completely unable to get any direct communication from Loki because my head was too loud and I was questioning whether or not they were even real at all. And I've gone from "trickster energy = asshole who laughs at others" to trusting Loki with all I have so quickly, because they sat with me. I could feel them even if I couldn't "hear" them. Card after card telling me I'm supported, I'm on the right path, what I've been told I'm meant to do is my path and not some "'chosen one' bullshit" as I remember wording it. Nothing but love and support. I pulled The Fool twice, which just felt like a nudge of "Hey, I really am here." (For those of you who may not know, The Fool is associated with Loki!)
This is.... a vulnerable thing to put in a tumblr post, but I leave it here anyway. I did get one thing from him, as I was going to bed. I thanked them for staying, even when I was too stressed and overwhelmed to hear them. And somewhere in the back of my mind, very firmly, I get; "I will ALWAYS be here." Long pause at the implication, because I know that deities often come and go just like people. "Always?" "Mhm." cue the clear image of them grinning.
So, apparently, Loki is here to stay with me for good. I'm so grateful to have them in my life.
But this is what I mean when I say it's bad to scare the witchlings. That post scared me, outright triggered me, and I've been around witchcraft my whole life and actively practicing for four years. Please stop telling people they're "just imagining" their deities.
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devilledeggz · 2 months
I'm bored so im posting abt my ocs again!!
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soooo I was working on my lil stories and drew a bunch of red and angsty art for it because why the heck not, the joy of creation is wonderful
bonus: a comic based off a part in my silly lil story :3
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this comic is a bit old so it may not look the best, but it's definitely something. I probably won't post in a while after this sooooooo here goes! have lore byeeeee
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totally-bing · 4 months
stop gaslighting. im going to stab you
you don't even know what gaslighting is. and since when did you learn how to use a knife? you never got any formal training
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angelic-inamorata · 3 months
Ugh, woke up this morning super nauseous, and turns out I’m sick!!! 🙄
I mean, great opportunity to lay around girlblogging and doing nothing, but I haaaate being sick ;-;
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rookfeatherrambles · 2 months
130 FOLLOWERS. NANI? Alright I've been writing for a bit tonight, have this snippet of something. TW: ALMOST CHARACTER DEATH. almost :) ---- BOUND BY SPIDER'S THREAD
Martin’s gaze followed the thick mass of spiders as it trailed off through the grass to pile upon itself, higher and higher, until...
"Hello, Martin." Annabelle Cane smiled down at him. "You look an awful mess."
Martin felt numb, looking from her to Jon's body, so painfully still.
His eyes were oceans of undisguised fear and worry.
"Is he--?"
Annabelle walked over to Jon and knelt down, pressing her hand over the red line that had once been a gushing, gaping thing, and felt his heart pulsing more regularly. Still weak, but stable.
"He'll live, Martin. His heart is held together by spider silk and prayer, but he'll live."
Martin burst into tears. They were ugly, snotty tears, and Annabelle Cane ceased to exist in that moment as he clutched at Jon, mindful of his injury, and pressed his face into his love's neck, his hair, his chest where he could feel his heart pumping blood the way it was supposed to.
He was blubbering something, something like thanks, if thanks was mucus-muffled and also incoherent.
Annabelle was still there, waiting for him to compose himself, and eventually his grateful sobs subsided and he looked up at her through streaky glasses and red eyes. She just smiled. "I'm glad I found you when I did, Martin. I was worried you two had been left behind."
Martin sniffled, wiping his dirty face with a dirtier hand. "Wh-What do you mean? Why? What do you want with us?”
She reached into her black jacket pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, offering it to him. "It is in the Mother's best interest to make sure your lovely boyfriend is safe and watched over. And now that I've saved his life, I've accomplished that task."
Martin's suspicion rose. "And? There's an and in there, Annabelle..."
She dipped her head and smiled. "And of course you owe me now, naturally."
He groaned, sitting back on his heels. After a moment of watching Jon's chest rise and fall, he looked back up at her with a stony expression. "What do you want?"
Annabelle stood, brushing down her spotless coat. "Ah, well that, Martin- That is an excellent question. I normally wouldn't be so... forthright about this, but the ex-Archivist is on borrowed time, so I'll just tell you. I want you both to work with me. With the Web, with the Mother of Puppets. You've got some aptitude, Martin, and Jon... Jon is a marvel, but he is a danger to all of our plans, even now. We must make sure he doesn't find his way back to the Eye and well, you know what they say about history repeating itself, don't you?"
She looked satisfied at Martin's dumbstruck expression.
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ml-chasealt02 · 3 months
my birthday gift to myself is seeing 109 pounds (49.5 kg) on the scale. going strong so far and am gonna fast for about two days 💪
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
TW Child abuse/manipulation general Belos shenanigans. No spoilers past 3x01, please don’t add spoilers for 3x02 to this post.
Sometimes I think about how Belos targets kids and why, because he knows that kids are still developing and don’t always understand right from wrong, and also it seems like he just likes being around kids more because he feels like he can control them. He’s very aware of what’ll upset Luz, what’ll make her mad, and what to say to her to get what he wants. He’s even more in tune with Hunter, he kind of trains Hunter on certain words like “replacement” that set him off. Hunter’s backstory that he gives in Hunting Palismen is probably almost word for word what Belos taught him to say (he always highlights how Belos gives him the staff which would be important to him as a half-witch but Belos also highlights that himself which feels... interesting, as well as the fact that it sounds rehearsed a bit, because Hunter trails off and then he remembers where to go next with “And then Belos found me”), and Belos definitely taught Hunter to respond to physical violence specifically from him with the freeze reaction which is fucking awful (ex. Eclipse Lake, Hunting Palismen- Belos makes a sudden movement and in both of these Hunter goes silent and still, and then in King’s Tide, Hunter freezes up and goes silent when Belos addresses him). Finally, the Collector he has less control over but it kind of seems like the Collector looks up to him and Belos uses that against him. The Collector gave Belos secret magic, and helped him create the Grimwalkers, in exchange in a lot of ways for Belos’ friendship. Belos and the Collector even pinky swore that Belos would let him out, and Belos abuses that and uses his position of having something the Collector wants to force him to help him. 
I don’t have anything to say about Darius because we haven’t seen them interact directly or alone and we don’t know much about their relationship other than their vague past when Darius was likely a minor so. Yeah. Probably won’t get elaboration on that at this point but this is a History.
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nanixo · 1 year
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she’s a nice person if you’re not her child….
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serapheina · 21 days
literally so happy omg, oh message me if anyone would like the link to the yt video!!! love you all<3
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
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Locked in-Tony stark x reader
Summary: when Y/N gets locked in during a snow storm with her best friend, Tony, he confesses his feelings of an deep obsession he has with her since he met her 6 years ago, the winter storm prevents her from getting away from his fantasy.
Warnings: kidnapping, trapping, tying up, insanity, tony going insane, crying, slight gaslighting, implied rape, abuse, violence,and possession
Minors do not interact. This story gets does get pretty dark, just to be warned.
Tony has always been a playboy and never had a serious relationship for as long as he can remember. That is until he met her. Y/N L/N. Good was she perfect. Her perfect little laugh and the way her braces showed when she smiled. The fact that she was always a caring soul, especially when tony drank to much. Her thick thighs and rolls that she always tried to hide when she went out any where. He was in love with her, no, he was obsessed with her. When she gets a partner, he gets overprotective and angry, completely driving her young lover away without her knowing. He always makes sure she eats. He makes sure that she feels good. He will do whatever she wanted and gave her whatever she wanted.
Now, he wanted her... Not as a repayment, but it was staring to get unbearable to see her pretty self leave his penthouse to go back to her drab apartment. He just wanted to spoil her. To keep her. Hell, maybe even have a family with her.
" Tony!” he walks out his kitchen with a cup of bourbon for him and some creamy hot chocolate with plushy marshmallows for her. He watched her with a warm smile as she complained about the snow. " I don't wanna be stuck here! My poor whiskers is stuck at home with probably empty food bowl!" she puts her hands on the window, whimpering about her cat, whiskers, that Tony bought for her. She always forgot to feed him or if she did, she would always worry that he already ate it all up. He walks over to her and taps her with the warm mug.
" hmm.... Welp, you are stuck with me. Lets hope he don't starve." he chuckles and she slaps his arm,
snatching the mug.
"that's not funny, Mr Stark." she grumbles and tony watches as she sips the hot chocolate, the marshmallow touching her nose and her humming in response. She gets all giddy from the hat chocolate, like a 5 year old that got their first taste of sugar. " thank you very much, sir"
Sir. She called him sir and unknowingly made his cock twitch. She walks past him to the couch, by the fireplace. He took a sneak peak at her ass and thighs, biting his lip at the plumpness. She plops down on the couch and her tits bounced nicely, with how perky they were. He hums and drinks down his alcohol before walking into the kitchen and getting another drink.
" Mr. Stark... You better chill out with alcohol. I am not being stuck with a drunk stark." Tony loved that she cared about him and it only made him hornier. He just hums in response and walks out with a fresh, larger glass of bourbon. He plops down beside her and lays his head on her lap. She doesn't say anything and treated her chubby fingers through his tangled hair, breaking the knots here and there.
He looks up at her and she was staring at the fireplace, entranced by the orange, yellows, and reds. He puts his glass on the floor and gently nuzzled into her plushy stomach. She stifled a laugh as his breath was tickling her through her shirt.it was such a shame that men already took her virginity. Why did she have to go fuck other men. Why couldn't she fuck him. He would spoil her with money and good dick. He would love her so much that he would be called clingy.
She moves a bit and he was pushed towards her crotch. He thought she would move his head, but she didn't. She didn’t even ask him to move. So, he didn't. He stayed right there and relished in being that close to an area so sensitive and private. He wanted to fuck her cunt and pump her full of his cum. Make her belong to him.
Maybe he should just tell her his feelings. Yeah, let’s do that.
" hey, honey. Can I talk to you?" he looks up at her and she stops looking at the fire, looking down at him. She gives him a weird look and moves his face away from her crotch. He sits up and looks her in the eyes.
" what is it?"
" I am in love with you. "
"what?" she looked concerned and confused. She tries to laugh nervously, “ are you drunk, Tony? "
He shakes his head and that scares her more. He tells her how much he loves her and that he wants to be with her. She looks at him with a disturbed look and standis up, putting the dirty mug. He grabs her hand and she tanks it away, completely terrified now. She was just gonna sit on the other cough, cause he was really creeping her out. But, he grabs her and yanks her back down, onto his lap.
Finally, he can touch her. She struggled against him, scared and he shushed her, smiling. " Please baby. I love you very much and I want to treat you right. Just let me' he plead with her, wrapping his giant arms around her waist. She yelled Ana punched him in the face.
"Get the fuck off of me, Tony!" she pushes him and pulls away from him. "No! I don't want you and you are creeping me out!" Tony was holding his bloody nose, not saying anything. He stands up and slaps her in the face. He completely loses his temper and grabs his glass of abandoned bourbon, breaking it over her head.
He watches his best friend of 6 years crumble to the floor. He comes back from his blackout rage. He acts quickly, tying her up and tending to her face wound. He couldn't mess up her face. Not her perfect face. "please don't be dead. Don't be dead." he felt like he was going insane. His mind was racing and it was mostly about him being rejected by the love of his life. She couldn't reject him. He was gonna keep her. He would move all her stuff in his penthouse. She was gonna be his.
When Y/N wakes up, she was tied up on the couch and Tony was cuddling her close. He was pressing warm kisses to her face, while rubbing her inner thigh. She had duct tape on her mouth and her face was burning with pain. He kept muttering ‘ I love you’ over and over. He was acting insane.
She struggled and yelled out, only for it to be muffled. He pulls her back and shushes her, softly. "its okay, baby girl." he squishes her thighs and draws a little heart on them with his finger. He nuzzled his face into her neck, sucking red hickeys on her soft neck. " just relax, and I won't have to hurt you. I wanna keep you here and we will be together. You are mines and I am yours." he says, intertwining his fingers with hers. He was professing his love for her and she had to know that she was never stepping a foot back outside.
" let me take care of you." he purrs, licking her neck. She shakes her head, viciously. He doesn't listen to her and stands up, undoing her pants.
She was stuck inside because of this snow storm. She was never gonna be able to leave Tony ever again. He wasn't ever gonna allow it.
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hexastitchimera · 19 hours
Hey friends, I've noticed that it's that time of year where people are being nasty, specifically and especially to us madfolk. If you've gone through that personally, I'm very sorry, and you have my solidarity & support.
However, if you'd like to know something that helps me a lot, is in relation to the dreaded rhetoric of:
[ TW: reality questioning / gaslighting ]
"Reality is a simulation!!"
"Life is an illusion!!"
"You can't prove anybody else exists!!"
[ /End TW ]
And all the others exactly like them.
Though I used to be very distressed over these claims, I've found a way to cope with them that doesn't involve lying to yourself and your rightful anxieties. If anything, it can foster a better sense of trust in ourselves, as well as a confidence boost.
When this rhetoric pops up, I tell myself:
"This does not and will not change how I have been living thus far. I will continue to live my life as usual."
"Even if that was true/real, there is inherent power in being unaffected and living life as usual despite knowing so."
And, most importantly, "MY lived experience is my LIVED experience, illusion or not."
Nothing about ferociously affirming- or denying- any aspect of what is "truly real" or not. You are focusing on and validating the experience of the most important POV in your existence, which is to say yourself and your own.
Though I am fully aware that, in the heat of the moment, our brains will respond in protective albeit intense ways, practice practice practice. Personally, I had to coax myself for nearly a month's worth of episodes before this technique started digesting.
Once your brain makes the pathways and connections however, you will find that it gets easier. It doesn't have to ever be "cured"- I still get paranoid myself over reality- but it can be mitigated for YOUR safety and comfort.
Because at the end of the day, YOU are here. YOU deserve nothing but peace, safety, good health, good company, and good times. Never let anybody- especially non-madfolk and psychiatry- tell you otherwise.
Love & Solidarity to you All,
- Delta 💜
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totes-magotes · 2 months
hot take: i dont get how people can LIKE their 3d's?? i get it, its coping. but its okay to feel disdain towards your literal illness, i know i do. dont think u have to enjoy any of it or that its gunna make u happy, its not in your control
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