#tw: implied/referenced abusive relationships
mugloversonly · 3 months
Silver over Gold
Ch 3: Kintsugi - Final
Ch.1 Ch.2 AO3
Steve and Eddie finally talk.
Steve stood outside Eddie’s door horrified by what he heard on the other side. Eddie was sobbing and his inner omega was whining weakly. “Eddie? Baby can I come in?” He pleaded.
“Alpha?” Eddie cried softly. “Door’s locked.” His voice was fading into a whisper. “I’m sorry alpha.”
Steve didn’t think twice about ripping the door of the hinges; he'd fix it later, he just hoped Wayne would understand. His omega needed him and his alpha would stop at nothing to help him (for once he was in total agreement). The smashing of the door echoed through the whole trailer but Eddie didn’t seem to notice. He was curled up on his side in the corner of the room with his head tucked against his knees, shaking violently. Steve rushed over to him and gently swept his hair out of his face. He gasped when he saw his beautiful omega. “Oh, Eddie.” He whispered. He was paler than usual, practically translucent. His lively chocolate eyes were red rimmed and puffy, empty as they stared up at him. Steve wasn’t even sure if Eddie could see him right now.
“I’m sorry alpha.” Eddie whispered. Steve stared at him hoping for some awareness in his eyes but there still wasn’t anything. He must be speaking unconsciously.
“Sh,” Steve cooed. “I’m right here, omega. Your alpha is right here. I'm not going anywhere.” He ran his hands up and down Eddie’s arms and kissed him on the forehead. His skin was freezing to the touch and if Steve didn’t know better he’d think he just came out of Lover’s Lake.
He took him into his arms, laid them back in Eddie’s nest, and removed their shirts for skin contact, pulling the blanket over them for good measure . Steve made sure to hold the omega’s nose directly onto his scent gland. He didn’t know much about rejection sickness, but from what he learned in school one way to cure it was through comforting touch and scents. Eddie barely moved and didn’t acknowledge Steve at all. Steve was having a hard time staying calm but the whines and howling of his omega were helping him to stay focused.
H is shivering finally subsided and Eddie fell into a light haze. He pulled back from Steve and his eyes were a bit clearer. “Stevie?” He asked. At Steve’s nod he threw himself back. He didn’t deserve to be held like this. He was a bad omega. His alpha didn’t love him and it was all his fault. Steve didn’t let him get far before he was yanking him right back in. He ran his fingers through his tangled hair and nuzzled his neck. “I’m sorry Steve. I should’ ve trusted you . I'm a bad omega.” He sobbed but Steve clapped a hand over his mouth.
“You're not a bad omega Eddie. You're my omega.” Steve said. He felt more than heard Eddie’s gasp and watched as his wet eyes widened. He reached up and pulled Steve’s hand off his mouth.
“I’m still your omega?” He whispered hopeful yet terrified.
“Yes, darling.” Steve replied caressing his cheek. Eddie put his hand over Steve’s and held it there.
“You still want to be my alpha? After everything I put you through?” Steve looked deep into Eddie’s eyes and kissed him on the nose.
“You didn’t put me through anything. I will always be your alpha. Even if you decided you wanted nothing to do with me, I will be here waiting. There is nothing you could do that would drive me away. I will never leave you.” He promised. “Let me apologize now.”
“No, Steve you don’t owe me anything.” Eddie said clutching his shirt. “I was the one in the wrong.”
“No you weren’t. I was scared. I didn’t stop to consider that I was stringing you along.” He bowed his head as tears finally spilled over. “I love you, Eddie. I never want you to doubt that. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner. And I’m sorry the first time I said it was in an argument.” He grabbed Eddie’s face and tilted it until their lips were barely a millimeter apart. “I would never lie to you. I know why you would think that. Wayne told me. Just know, that the most important person in my life, is right here in my arms. Okay?”
“Except Robin?” He knew it was shitty, but he needed to know.
“No my lovely omega. Even more important than Robin.” He kissed him then. A quick press of lips, there and gone in mere moments. “Robin is my best friend and I won’t stop loving her or change how she and I are with each other. But you’re my future mate, and nothing is more important than you feeling secure in us.” Eddie surged forward and kissed him hard practically shoving his tongue down his throat.
“I don’t want you to stop being friends with Robin or anything like that, Stevie. It’s just…” Eddie knew he had to let Steve hear some of this from him. “The pups constantly tell me how you two were made for each other and how it’s only a matter of time for you two to mate.” Eddie looked down. “I guess, with you wanting to keep it a secret and when I ask about courting you brush it off, mix that with Dustin asking me to find out if you’re secretly dating Robin and I thought it was only a matter of time before you stopped what we had and went with her. And when I saw you two together, I thought it finally happened and you didn’t even have the decency to tell me first.” His voice broke on that last word.
“Wait a second...the pups have been saying what?!” Steve yelled out startling the omega and causing him to whimper. “Sorry.” He took a few calming breaths before asking again. “The pups have been telling you that Robin and I are secretly together?”
“Basically.” Eddie admitted.
“No wonder you didn’t believe me.” Steve scoffed. “Don’t worry my love I’ll set the record straight as soon as I can.” He snuggled Eddie closer and kissed his hair.
“You don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with Steve. Not for my sake.” He understood that it may be hard for Steve since he had only dated female omegas before. But his alpha just rolled his eyes.
“I’ll put an ad in the newspaper try me.” He laughed. “It’ll say something like: I, Steven Anthony Harrington am courting and plan to mate with the beautiful” he leaned over and nuzzled against Eddie’s scent gland causing the omega to giggle. “Wonderful, remarkable, one of a kind, Edward Wayne Munson.” He nipped lightly at his neck. “I will don’t tempt me.”
Light finally returned to Eddie’s eyes. “Thank you.” He whispered. Steve knew he was thanking him for much more but Steve didn’t want him to feel grateful that Steve treated him like a worthy partner.
“No thanks necessary. I’m not going to hide any more okay? In fact, close your eyes.” he said. When Eddie did so, he reached into his pocket to pull something out that he fastened around Eddie’s pale throat and kissed him softly. “Open.”
Eddie opened his eyes and gasped. It was the most unique courting gift he’d ever received. Pure silver because he mentioned to Steve once that it was his favorite precious metal. The pendant was a perfect copy of his warlock with small rubies creating the red lightening. As he took a closer look, he realized the neck of the guitar was actually Steve’s nail bat. It was the perfect combination of them.
His chest no longer felt tight and his nose tickled as his blood orange scent began pouring out of his scent gland. It was faint, but it was there. Steve beamed and pushed his nose to the source and took a big inhale. “Thank you, Alpha. I accept your request to court.” Eddie said in the traditional manner. He pulled away. “I’ll give you something I scented in return once it gets back to normal.” Eddie promised. Steve nodded and pulled him into another kiss. This one was more heated and while Eddie did feel better and the sickness was receding, he wasn’t ready to go very far. He leaned back slightly but stayed close so the alpha knew he was okay. “Is it alright, if we take it slow?” He couldn’t meet his eyes.
“Whatever you need.” Steve said tilting his head up. “What ever you want. It’s yours.” He said more like an oath than a promise.
“I threw away your yellow sweater. I’m sorry. I know it was your favorite.” He admitted ashamed. Steve slid away and for a second Eddie thought he was leaving, but before he could let out a single noise of protest he was getting hit in the face with soft cotton. In his hands was the best thing he'd ever seen.
“Wayne said he saw you throw it away and figured you were just upset.” Eddie smiled.
“He knows me so well.”
“I’d hope so, he is your dad and all.” Steve said. “Speaking of, I’d like to formally ask him to court you. I know you already said yes, but it’s traditional to ask an omega’s parent.” Eddie beamed.
“You really do love me, don’t you?” He asked.
“I do. I love you so much. I want to court you and mate with you. I want to see you round with my pups.” Steve replied and laid down pulling Eddie with him. “I want us to smell like one another so there’s no mistaking who we belong to.”
“How long have you had this necklace by the way?” Eddie asked the pendant clutched in his hand.
“Since right after spring break.” He admitted. At Eddie’s raised eyebrows he sheepishly said “I told you, I’ve wanted to court you for a long time.”
The two talked a bit more about their insecurities and about Eddie’s past trauma with alphas. When the alpha that hurt him came up again, Steve growled. “Give me a name.” The fire in his eyes would have scared Eddie if it was directed at him. But at the moment, it may have made him a bit slick. He’d never had an alpha want to protect him like this.
“If I tell you, can you promise you won’t do anything crazy?” Eddie asked.
“No.” Steve said. “I promised no lies.” He defended at Eddie’s snort.
“You did, you did. Okay, just promise you’ll be careful.” Steve agreed to that and motioned for Eddie to continue. “It was Tommy Hagan my first senior year.” He admitted. The scent of burning woods filled the his nostrils.
“When?” Steve growled. Had he still been friends with Tommy?
“We started courting in August. The heat we spent together was in November.”
“You were the omega he couldn’t shut up about?” Steve asked. Eddie shrugged.
“I guess. Weird that he couldn’t shut up about me when he cheated on me with Carol.” Eddie said meekly. The faint blood orange Eddie was finally emitting was turning sour and he was trying to pump out calming omega pheromones to calm Steve, but it didn’t seem to be working well due to the dull nature of it.
“Sorry, sorry.” Steve said as he willed himself to calm down. “It’s not important right now.” He stood and pulled Eddie to his feet.
“What is important is getting you checked out by a doctor. Let’s let Wayne know and we can go okay?” Steve asked. Eddie nodded and the two got dressed with some difficulty since they refused to let go of each other. Steve wore his yellow sweater so it would smell like him again and Eddie pulled on his favorite band tee. On their way out of the trailer they wrote a note for Wayne and Steve walked Eddie to the passenger side. He opened the door and kept a firm hand in Eddie’s until he was seated. Eddie watched on amused as Steve practically sprinted around the car so they could spend the least amount apart as possible.
~ ~~
At the hospital, the Doctor that saw him last time was able to see him again. “Eddie, this one could have killed you if your alpha hadn’t come when he did. To help you get back on your feet it’ll be good for the two of you to spend the next 48 to 72 hours together. Now for cases like yours we have a new type of medication that can stop rejection sickness from getting worse once it starts. I’m giving you a prescription for that. And I want you to go back to taking the preventive ones for a while.” He looked between the two men knowingly. “I’d say until you’ve mated. After that, you should be okay to stop them. But, keep the emergency one on you at all times. It could be the difference between life and death.” He said before leaving them with a nurse. She gave Eddie some fluids in an IV that were supposed to help him return to normal and then they were on their way.
“So, what now?” Eddie asked. Steve took his hand again.
“Let me take you out on the town? Then we can go back to the trailer and cuddle?” He asked. Eddie blushed and his blood orange scent finally filled the car in full force.
"I'd like that."
@v3lv3tf0x @lexirosewrites Final part!
That's a wrap on this one. But I do have plans to write some Robin POV and what Steve does the next time he sees Tommy.
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zazu75 · 1 year
Rating: M
Auguste is bored and resentful of Francesca's party. Gilderoy has too much free time after work and sneaks into a boring party. Auguste is charmed. Gilderoy is attracted.
Ok so this fic is... 35 pages long lmao. Anyways so, trigger warning: It's not outright stated, but there was a sexual assault that happened in the past. Female on male. And then used to blackmail someone. It's traumatic enough that a character fully avoids alcohol because of it. And when they try to think about it, they kinda have some sort of panic/anxiety attack. There are tears and fear involved. Another Trigger is that Auguste and Francesca argue A LOT. It's not friendly arguing either. They're toxic. So please, if you can't read these things, tab out. Also this fic is rated M for all of that and for (fade to black) Smut. And Drama. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!!!
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Whumpee who went through familial abuse but never told their partner until it was forced out months- maybe even years- into their relationship. And Whumpee telling their partner “I didn’t know how you would react if you found out that the people who raised me don’t even want me. I didn’t think I could handle if you started asking ‘why’ and realized that you felt the same.”
tw: implied/referenced abuse
whumpee falling in love with caretaker because caretaker is “everything their abusive father is not”
whumpee falling in love with caretaker because caretaker makes it feel like home for the first time, since whumpee’s house, where they lived with their abusive family, was never a home to them. but rather a prison.
whumpee falling in love with caretaker because caretaker makes them feel safe the way their parents could never.
whumpee falling in love with caretaker because they can truly be themself around caretaker without having to live in constant fear that they’d do something wrong that might anger the other.
whumpee falling in love with caretaker because, for the first time in their life, they don’t have to be afraid to let themself be happy anymore.
and caretaker reassuring whumpee that their past is behind them, and all those scars whumpee has — whether they’re on the outside or the inside — caretaker will kiss each and every single one of them because they’re a part of whumpee, and caretaker accepts and loves every part of whumpee wholeheartedly and unconditionally.
caretaker reassuring and reminding whumpee that they are deserving of being happy and loved.
caretaker reassuring whumpee that their family can never ever hurt them again.
caretaker reassuring whumpee that whumpee is a survivor.
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notiddygxthgf · 8 months
Tumblr media
World famous rock star Choso Kamo's new live-in assistant is convinced that she can fix him -- substance abuse issues and all. Tensions ensue, and as new feelings rise to the surface, the two find it difficult to maintain an appropriate workplace relationship.
(or; the one where an unstable musician meets an assistant with a savior complex).
╭─ ⋅ ─ ✩ ─ ⋅ ─╮
▷ prologue
▷ the interview
▷ behind the scenes
╰─ ⋅ ─ ✩ ─ ⋅ ─╯
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : jun 6, 2024
cover art credits: @/2OARIN on twitter
streaming... Kiss Land (The Weeknd).
cw/tags: rockstar!au, loosely based off of 'the idol', keyword very loosely... bc it sucked., slow burn, mutual pining, sassy reader, not really enemies to lovers but let's just say they drive eachother crazy. toxic relationship, but it gets better, mental instability, mental breakdowns, mentions of relapse (will include tw!), implied/referenced alcohol abuse/alcoholism, recreational drug use, implied/referenced drug addiction, HE GETS BETTER I SWEARRRR, eventual smut, sexual tension, explicit sexual content, oral sex, doggy style, cowgirl position, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, questionable decisions just like all around, dark romance, reader is a little delusional (me too its ok), rough sex, rough kissing, rough angry sex, just read it it'll be a sexy and amazing time, choso my beloved you can do no wrong, except maybe in this particular fanfic, LISTEN TO KISS LAND BY THE WEEKND.
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temporary-tats · 6 months
Hey I'll take you up on that offer of a list of your favourite Bees fics 👀👀👀
Always looking for more. I feel like I've barely scratched the surface though. And if they're half as good as the Midnight Bees fic then yes please!
Oh Anon do I have a list for you.
A Note Before We Begin: Most of these Bumbleby fics are lengthy, multi-chapter pieces, often coming in at 70k+ words. The majority of these recommendations are not light reads because I am a sucker for emotional journeys full of ups, downs, and angst. If you're looking for more lighthearted recommendations, then I am unfortunately too much of an emotional masochist for you! (But, considering you've come here as a fan of MM, I have a feeling you'll enjoy these)
I'll also be updating this post with new fics occasionally, and to update my Top 5! So if you ever need something new to read, come back and check out this recs list :]
~ 💛💜 Now, let's begin 💜💛 ~
My Top 5 Favorite Bumbleby Fics (as of April 2024)
Paring down this list is Incredibly (TM) difficult, but these are 5 fics that brutally obliterated me, emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc.
when I dream of dying I never feel so loved by lescousinsdangeroux - Mature; 73k Words; Alternate Universe - Edge of Tomorrow/RWBY Fusion (Sci-Fi, Time Loop, Grimm, Semblances); TW: Repeated (Temporary) Major and Minor Character Death and Mild Gore
I Know You by Monochrome_Gray - Mature; 238k Words; Alternate Universe - Witches; Semblances as Magic; Clairvoyance; Poly Raven, Summer, and Taiyang; Slow Burn; TW: Minor Character Death, Depression, and Minor Dysphoria (NB Yang)
hear her in the wind by lescousinsdangeroux - Mature; 109k Words; Alternate Universe - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/RWBY Fusion (Remnant = Hyrule, Maidens = Champions, Adam = Ganon; Yang = Link and Blake = Zelda; Grimm) TW: PTSD
Gunslinger by pugoata - Mature; 218k Words; Alternate Universe - Western; No Semblances; Sheriff Yang; Politics; TW: Intense Faunus Racism (it's 90% of the plot), Public Execution, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Abuse
you're a mountain, full of glory by lescousinsdangeroux - Explicit; 111k Words; Alternate Universe - Modern/Snowboarder and Skier; No Semblances; No Faunus; Friends with Benefits; Found Family; TW: Implied/Referenced Abuse
The Hall of Fame
These are fics that, at one point, touched the Top 5 list. They may have been nudged out by another work, but they're still top tier.
They Can't Steal the Love You're Born to Find by timeespaceandpixiedust - Mature; 101k Words; Alternate Universe - Courtroom, Childhood, College/University; Non-linear Timeline; Adam on Trial; Very Emotional Conversations; Healing; TW: Implied/Referenced Abuse, Brief Depictions of Violence, PTSD, Depression;
Compass by pugoata - Mature; 74k Words; Alternate Universe - Modern, Roadtrip, Soulmates; No Semblances; Hitchhiker Blake; Tense Tai and Yang Relationship; Healing; TW: Implied/Referenced Abuse;
Shelter by pugoata - Mature; 73k Words; Alternate Universe - Farm; No Semblances; Runaway Blake; Farmer Yang; GOATS; Healing; TW: Implied/Referenced Abuse, Brief Depictions of Violence, PTSD;
Brighter by y8ay8a - Explicit; 212k Words; Alternate Canon; Events from Volume 2/3 - Beginning of Volume 7; Very Emotional Conversations; Blake and Yang in the Before and Healing Through the After; TW: Implied/Referenced Abuse, Depression, PTSD;
let you see my wilder side (if i can see your bones) by explosivesky - Explicit; 107k Words; Alternate Universe - Hollywood, Rockstar and Movie Star; Actress Yang; Rockstar Blake; TW: Implied/Referenced Abuse, Brief Depictions of Violence;
take it from your grave by explosivesky - Mature; 48k Words; Alternate Universe - Gothic Horror; Monsters; Curses; Forbidden Romance; Forbidden Found Family; TW: Brief Depictions of Violence, Depression, PTSD;
Other Amazing Works
Didn't quite reach the Top 5, but these fics were still phenomenal.
Midnight Menagerie by Kaelidascope - ONGOING; Explicit; Currently 289k Words; Alternate Universe - Future Dystopia, Sex-Industry, Crime Syndicates; No Semblances; No Faunus; Bartender Yang; Dancer Blake; Street Racing; Gritty Fic, but with Lots of Fluff; Slowburn; Gunning For the Top 5 Once Finished;
NOTE: This fic tackles VERY emotionally intense and gritty topics. While done (in my opinion) very masterfully and with great care, please proceed with caution. TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, R@pe/Non-Con, Human Trafficking, Past Abuse/Assault of a Minor, Death, PTSD, Emotional Manipulation, Physical Abuse, Suicidal Thoughts;
Praeludium and Allegro by yangsbandana - Mature; 68k Words; Alternate Universe - Orchestra, Conservatory; Viola/Violin Blake; Cello Yang; Healing; TW: Depictions of Abuse, PTSD;
Best Laid Plans by Sawrin - Teen and Up; 10k Words; Alternate Universe - Modern; Dog POV; Fluffy;
Expecting by Sawrin - General Audiences; 8k Words; Alternate Universe - Modern; Best Laid Plans Part 2; Dog POV; Baby on the Way;
From the Heart by Softlight - Mature; 77k Words; Alternate Universe - Modern, Bakery; No Semblances; Baker Yang; Bookstore Owner Blake; Healing; TW: Implied/Referenced Abuse, Brief Depictions of Violence, Depression, Grief
what if it's all just a black abyss (and lips that kiss you) by lescousinsdangeroux - Teen and Up; 30k Words; Alternate Universe - Star Wars; Force Bond; Found Family; Smuggler and Pilot Yang; Runaway Sith Apprentice Blake; TW: Brief Depictions of Violence;
it's not living (if it's not with you) by explosivesky - Mature; 10k Words; Alternate Universe - Pop Punk/Rock Band; No Semblances; No Faunus; No Angst Just Fluff;
Crash Landing by kienava - Mature; 43k Words; Alternate Universe - Modern, College/University, Text Messages; No Semblances; No Faunus; Crack but with Serious Moments; Slow Burn; TW: Implied/Referenced Drug Use;
roads that lead you home by lescousinsdangeroux - Teen and Up; 15k Words; Alternate Canon/Future RWBY; Weiss POV; Bumbleby Included but Not the Full Focus; Found Family; TW: Implied/Referenced Abuse;
you've got me seeing stars by explosivesky - Mature; 25k Words; Alternate Canon; Beacon Never Falls; Happy and In Love Bees; Pining; Partial Sun POV;
shake us together like a snow globe by explosivesky - Mature; 34k Words; Alternate Universe - Modern, College/University, Fake Dating; No Semblances; Home for the Holidays; Mutual Pining; More Emotional than Angsty; TW: Implied/Referenced Abuse;
Mixed Melodies by EmpressOfEdge - Mature; 25k Words; Alternate Universe - Modern, Rock Band; No Semblances; Drummer Yang; Bassist Blake;
Waiting (on You) by Mikotyzini - Teen and Up; 133k Words; Alternate Universe - Modern; No Semblances; No Faunus; Ultimate Slow Burn; Yang is Oblivious;
You and Me, and One Hot Summer by EmpressOfEdge - Mature; 98k Words; Alternate Universe - Modern; No Semblances; Summer Romance; Ultimate Wingman Sun; TW: Implied/Referenced Abuse;
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secret-gallavich · 11 months
Shameless Whumptober Masterlist
just a list of all the shameless whump fics i wrote in october
Safety Net
tw suicidal thoughts
Mickey has always been there for Ian, even when he's in Mexico and Ian wants to jump off a bridge.
Solitary Confinement
tw mistreatment of mental illness
Ian’s meds were bound to get out of whack at some point in their prison stay.
Made To Watch
tw implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/referenced child abuse
Ian and Mickey go to a couple’s therapist once a month.
tw implied/referenced rape/non-con , implied/referenced underage sex , child abuse
Laura Milkovich is 19 years old when she gives birth to her third baby, Mikhailo. It’s the 10th of August in 1994, her husband is in jail and she’s a mother once again
You Said You'd Never Leave
tw suicidal thoughts
Ian comes home from the hospital and Mickey isn't there.
Mickey thought he was just having trouble adjusting to the new surroundings of living in the Westside. He’s not used to the quietness, he’s feeling homesick or the moon is too fucking bright.
Mickey’s never felt…normal when it comes to Ian. Ian makes him weird and do things he’d never normally do. Like get a tattoo of his name on his chest in prison.
Makeshift Bandages
Mickey hides an injury from Ian while working at the Kash 'N' Grab
Leave Me Alone
tw horror, mistreatment of mental illness, murder, dead dove: do not eat, paranormal, major character death
Ian's convinced something is haunting their apartment. Mickey realises he's telling the truth when it's too late.
tw drugged, date rape drug
Mickey’s started going to the club with Ian just to make sure no one takes advantage of him. He lets Ian do his thing, give out lapdances, sweet talk them for some extra cash but he’s always stepping in when they go too far.
Floral Bouquet
tw major character death
Ian passes by a flower shop every day on his morning runs but can't bring himself to go inside.
You Will Regret Touching Them
tw implied/referenced child abuse
S03E06 but it goes differently.
Mickey feels like he’s going to throw up at any second.
He’s got a boy spending the night with him. Not just any boy, Ian. Ian is staying the night and he’s trying to play it casual but he can’t stop glancing over at the red head just to make sure he’s really there.
Don't Move
Mickey is allergic to bees and fucking hates spring
Who's There?
tw thriller, horror
Mickey is home alone and starts hearing noises outside the house.
tw implied/referenced rape, child abuse, internalised homophobia
Mickey's feeling post S03E06.
The hooker is still here, looking just as scared as he is and putting her purple dress back on under Terry’s watchful eyes. He throws her a bag of coke and she fumbles to catch it. Terry won’t stop glaring at her and Mickey takes it as his chance to look at Ian’s empty spot. He’d taken his clothes, wasn’t sure if Ian was allowed to get changed here or if he left in his boxers.
You Look Awful
tw gay bashing, hatecrime
Ian laughs next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and tugging him close and Mickey laughs back and turns his body into Ian’s. Adrenaline is running through his body and he feels so fucking good right now, it’s the best high he’s ever had.
Mickey's feelings post coming out
Bloody Knife
Ian wasn’t expecting their little trip back to the Southside to end up like this.
‘This’ being the emergency room because Mickey somehow got himself stabbed.
Borrowed Clothes
tw suicidal thoughts, psych ward
The first 24 hours are the hardest.
It’s full of regret on his own behalf, self-loathing and running thoughts of ‘what if’. What if he had been paying more attention, what if he wasn’t so focused on work, what if Mickey had been a good husband?
Body Modifications
tw implied/referenced child abuse
Mickey's always had a love hate relationship with his knuckle tattoos
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elle-oh-ell3 · 3 months
so i want all my friends to watch dead poets society with me and in an effort to promote it i gave it ‘tags’ as if it were an ao3 fic. these are all real tags lol (apart from the silly details in lowercase obviously), but also i made it kinda how i view the film *looks at the ship tags*. also there’s like no tags for keating which is annoying given what a big part of the film he is
Teen and Up Audiences 
Archive Warnings:
Major Character Death
M/M, Gen
Neil Perry/Todd Anderson, John Keating/George McAllister, The Poets (Dead Poets Society)
Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society), Todd Anderson, Charlie Dalton, Knox Overstreet, Steven Meeks, Gerard Pitts, Richard Cameron, John Keating, Chris Noel, Chet Danbury, Ginny Danbury, Thomas Perry, Mrs Perry, Stick (Dead Poets Society), Tina (Dead Poets Society), Gloria (Dead Poets Society), Spaz (Dead Poets Society), Dr. Hager (Dead Poets Society), George McAllister, Gale Nolan
Additional Tags:
Gay Subtext, Child Emotional Abuse, Child Neglect, tw: relatively mild themes of suicide, only towards the very end tho, haha towards the end of that guys life too, Period-typical Racism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Actor Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society), POV Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society), Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society) Is In Love, Todd Anderson Needs A Hug, POV Todd Anderson, Todd Anderson-centric, Anxious Todd Anderson, Writer Todd Anderson, Todd Anderson/Neil Perry-centric, Poetry, Inspired By Poetry, Walt Whitman, Walt Whitman Poetry, References to Shakespeare, Bisexual Charlie Dalton, Charlie Dalton needs a hug, Non-con Elements, Non-Graphic Non-Con, Teen Angst, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort, Teen Romance, Queer Themes, Minor Violence, veryyy minor, Mental Health Issues, High School, Boarding School, School Uniforms, Theatre, Sad Ending, Open Ending, 20th Century, Sneaking Out, Sneaking Around, Autumn, Slice of Life
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insoukokuhell-434 · 1 year
Chuuya Takes Care of Dazai Fics
Emotional Hurt/Comfort (long term & immediate)
Physical Hurt/Comfort
The format I’m using is:
Title - writer (ao3 link) Fic length Time period (teen/mafia skk, 22! Skk, all ages) Additional tags (Tags in bold added by me for extra info) TW
Some fics have parts of the summary/ comments added for additional info
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Long Term (multiple instances)
hey look, the sky's falling apart - saffroncassis    
24.8k TEEN SKK (16/17) AU - Canon Divergence Protective Nakahara Chuuya, Angst, Fluff, Humor, Developing Relationship Found Family (the Akutagawa siblings, Oda's kids, Kyouka, Oda, Ango) TW- Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse and discussions of both these, also cw food for the whole fic
Summary - "At age 16, Chuuya defects from the Port Mafia and drags his partner with him not so much kicking and screaming as silently begrudging, and the rest follow suit in time."
Mostly Chuuya helping Dazai, but Dazai supports him too <33
[Really realistic depiction of the relationship between a depressed person and their supportive partner!]
For the Record - zombiemarker
19.1k TEEN SKK  AU- Spies & Secret Agents + Physical Hurt/Comfort Nightmares, Childhood Trauma, they get all dressed up and go to a gala, Implied Sexual Content, Fluff & Angst, Literal sleeping together, Getting together, First kiss, Developing Relationship TW - Blood and Violence, Childhood Trauma
From tags: "Chuuya's a government experiment, Dazai's been with Mori for years, they've both got trauma now"
Mostly Chuuya helping Dazai, but Dazai supports him too <33
A mouth to empty into - series by osamuchuu
Not listing all 4 fics cause this post is already so long, but they’re all amazing pls go read them!
The series depicts depression + CSA trauma so well!
This is my favourite -
Love is not a victory march - osamuchuu
8.7k 22 SKK Soukoku taking care of each other, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mental Illness, Depression, Drug Addiction, Blood and Injury, Healing, Recovery, Soukoku Tenderness, Light Angst TW -  Dazai-Typical Suicide References and Attempts, Addiction, Drug Use
believe me darling, the stars were made for falling -communist_sasuke
14.6k ALL AGES Worried Chuuya, Love Confessions, Dazai is a Mess, Angst, Self-Harm , Fluff & Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon timeline, First Kiss, TW - Dazai-Typical Suicide Mentions , Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Suicide Attempt
Trust Fall - insi 
3.5k ALL AGES (Dark Era, Post-Dark Era, 22 SKK) Emotional Constipation, Mental Health Issues, Dazai has issues TW - Implied/Referenced Suicide & Self-Harm, Suicidal ideation
From tags: Chuuya has met Dazai on the rooftop many times throughout knowing each other.
Emotional H/C
Even the Darkness We're Watching Is So Beautiful - NastyaEx
4k 22 SKK (post-109) bsd 109, Fluff, Dazai Needs a Hug, Dazai is a Mess, exhausted dazai, dazai cries but only a little bit, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sharing a Bed, Soft skk, Dazai centered, yosano is a bit here and she's great
I'll Make A Home In Your Gut Because its Somewhere Warm to Sleep - arahabakii
8.9k 22 SKK Fluff, Angst, Mutual Pining, Feelings Realization, First Kiss, Making Out, Getting Together, Domestic Fluff, Touch-Starved Dazai, Dazai needs a hug, Chuuya needs a hug TW - Dazai-Typical Suicide References
stay- neon_toad
4.6k 22 SKK (pm!skk flashbacks) Suffering Dazai, Dazai Needs a Hug , Dazai is Bad at Feelings, Oblivious Dazai Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Hugs, birthday, Birthday Presents, soft skk TW - Dazai-Typical Suicide References
where are you? - doeinstinct
2.8k 22 SKK Depression, Disordered Eating, physical symptoms of depression, Mentions of past self harm, m because they shower together, canon adjacent, meal replacements, Love Confessions, They're In Love Your Honor
Run Away With Me - Anonymous
5.3k Dark Era Grief/Mourning, Dissociation, Suicidal Thoughts, Soft Soukoku, Dazai Needs a Hug , Dazai Has Feelings, Pining, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sharing a Bed, Chuuya Needs a Hug, Kissing, Dazai asks Chuuya to run away with him
stay the night - Shinkirou
3.6k 22 SKK Gen or Pre-Slash, Developing Relationship, Character Study, Sharing a Bed, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Dazai's depression
Physical Hurt/Comfort
Fool for loyalty, or some other word - osamuchuu
1.7k Dark Era Aftermath of Torture, Blood and Injury Light Angst, chuuya deals with so much tbh, what a champ, Fluff and Angst, Pre-Relationship, Established Relationship, chuuya being Dazai's nurse because he absolutely was Dazai's angry nurse
under wraps - Coffeebiscuits
5k Post-Dark era + Emotional hurt comfort Love confessions, deep talks, Light angst, Fluff and angst, kissing, crushes, sharing a bed, Suicide, Self-Harm, Tending to Wounds TW - Dazai-Typical Suicide Mentions, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm 
From tags: “basically chuuya has to patch dazai upand they talk about some things they need to discuss”
Chuuya also gets some emotional comfort
So if you go too far I'll be there - Kimisu
2.5k 22 SKK - Pre-Fyodor | Cannibalism Arc  No Plot/Plotless, Literal Sleeping Together, Some Fluff, Canon Timeline
From Summary: Based on a HC that Dazai spends days before every major arc planning and arranging the pieces in order for everything to 'work'. He also pushes his body limits a bit too far when doing that sometimes.
Nothing More Important Than You - StormDew2
3k MAFIA SKK (15) Sickfic, Soft soukoku, Vulnerability
Please like/reblog if this helped u find a fic, I'd be delighted to know asjsj <3
“Dazai takes care of Chuuya” recs here
Fic rec masterlist here
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obsessedwithlute · 6 months
No Use Trying To Fight It
Happy birthday @niafromheaven!!
Emily x Adam X Lute (AngelicGuitarSword), angst, no happy ending.'
TW/CW alcohol, heavily implied depression, queerphobia, implied/referenced abuse, swearing
ADAM | “I Miss You, I’m Sorry” - Gracie Abrams
Adam stared blankly at Charlie, who was going on a rant about happiness and marshmallows and shit to Alastor across the room. He resisted the urge to laugh at her stupidity. As if true happiness even existed. Charlie’s idea of the word was really just bliss. Two completely different things.
Ever since his death, Adam had done a good job faking to Charlie how grateful he was for the second chance she had granted him, and how determined he was to make a change in his afterlife.
When really, all he wanted to do was become good enough that maybe he would prove himself wrong and go back to heaven.
Wanting to prove himself wrong was never something he had thought would happen. Fuck it. It was too hard to be sober this week. Adam got up, left the room, and trudged over to Husk’s bar. The flying cat wasn’t there, so he just poured himself a huge glass of beer, downing it all in one gulp. Adam looked around to decide what type of alcohol he’d consume next.
You know, drinking that much will only make you sadder, Emily’s voice echoed in his head.
“Stop it,” he hissed. “You’re not here.”
He hadn’t heard of anything concerning Emily for the last few months. Adam could only hope that Sera wasn’t lying to her and locking her up and “protecting” her again.
She probably was. Sera wouldn’t change.
Adam uncorked a bottle of cheap booze and took a few long gulps straight from the bottle. It burned his throat, but distracted him enough that it was worth it.
Emily still wasn’t getting herself out of his mind. Was Sera hurting her? Threatening her? Forcing her to do her bidding? Adam started to breathe heavier. Adrenaline and anxiety coursed through his veins. He collapsed to the ground, unable to support himself.
Lute’s voice appeared in his head. The high and mighty leader of the Exorcists, in a heap on the floor of Lucifer’s brat’s hotel. Toughen up, Adam.
��I can’t,” he gasped.
Emily again, You failed me. You lied, just as much as Sera did. And then you couldn’t even save yourself in the battle.
“I’m sorry.”
It was his fault, it was all his fault. He deserved this pain and fear and hurt. And worse, he’d been too much of a fucking coward to even tell them how he felt before he died.
EMILY | “Rumors” - Ava Max
Emily stood crooked over a thick novel, combing through every page, searching for some hidden meaning in the words. The only thing she could decipher from it was that the title, Les Miserables, perfectly described the mood in Heaven these last few months, what with the constant rumors. About a lot of things- the exterminations, Sera’s authority, the fabric of Heaven itself- but especially about Adam.
He was gone for good, true death.
He was in Heaven but waiting, biding his time.
He was in Hell and an overlord.
She didn’t want to believe any of them, although something had to have happened. You can’t rewind time and go back to when you didn’t know your sister was a liar, when your crush wasn’t maybe dead, when your other crush wasn’t a walking shell of a being.
At least she wasn’t ashamed to admit her emotions, unlike most people she’d spent her life speaking to.
Everyone had always thought of Emily as the innocent one, the sweet one. Sera’s naive little sister. And she had to keep up that persona now, as always. Feelings had never mattered to Sera, and they certainly weren’t about to start mattering to her now- especially when those feelings involved the wish to be in a relationship that, if Emily were to bring up with Sera, the seraphim would perceive as unfaithfulness, what with her conservative mindset.
And as much as Sera was a liar and a turd, Sera was all Emily had. And she couldn’t give that up for a relationship that would never happen.
Emily read a few more words and slammed the thousand-page tome down on her desk.
Air, that was what she needed. Fresh air, maybe some of those chocolate-dipped strawberries they had down in the lobby. Emily could take care of herself. She stepped out onto the balconies and took a few breaths.
In, out. In, out. In, out.
She went on like that for a few minutes until she was a bit calmer. Alright, Em, see? It’s not so bad after all. Now keep your mouth shut, attend Sera’s meetings, don’t under any circumstances even look at Lute…
You can do this.
You’ve always done this.
You’re stronger than they think.
LUTE | “champagne problems” - Taylor Swift
Lute had always dealt with her negative emotions in one way and one way only: Violence.
Punching a wall, sword fighting another Exorcist, killing a few sinners- anything, really, as long as it involved violence or weapons of some sort.
But that’s because her negative emotions had always fallen into one of three categories: Anger, cockiness, disappointment.
Never anything close to “sad”.
But she fucking sucked at describing how she felt, and “sad” was really the only word she could come up with to explain this… this weird feeling, almost like her soul was being ripped out of her body, like she couldn’t control her limbs enough to get up and stab something. Or someone. Stabbing someone sounded really satisfying.
What was that thing Vaggie had always said to her? Oh, right. You need to find ways to cope with your emotions other than extreme violence and cruelty.
Kind of ironic, considering what had ended up happening to Vaggie.
What Lute had done to Vaggie.
Lute rolled her eyes. Everyone made mistakes, right? But your mistakes end up either killing or permanently injuring people… That’s normal. That’s very normal. That’s kind of what you were created to do. It’s fine.
Ugh, there were people outside of her door, and they were talking very loudly, and maybe she should stab them to make them shut the fuck up. But, wait. Would stabbing them be considered sanctioned, or would she have to sit through one of Sera’s lectures about self-control again?
And if she had to sit through one of Sera’s lectures about self-control again, would she at least get to see Emily as a result? And why the fuck did she want to Emily? Get a grip on yourself, you are the lieutenant- now commander- of the Exorcists. You represent Heaven. You are too strong to-
The people outside her room weren’t done talking.
Two of her Exorcists, neither of them liked her that much.
“...heard she wanted to fuck Adam,” one of them said.
Were they talking about her? “Please, we both know she’s one of those gay freaks. Probably had her eye on Sera or something,” the other responded,
Shit, they were definitely talking about her.
They didn’t think she was in her room. At this time of day, she was always training. They were just having fun gossiping about her in front of her own door.
“Damn asshole. She deserves to end up in hell, just like Adam.”
“Hah! She’d be happy, wouldn’t she? Get to be around those fuckups just like her.” Fuckup.
They were right.
Wait- what about Adam?
“Can’t believe Sera never told her. Guess she wouldn’t want her or our little bitch of a princess to go running off looking for them.”
Sera had lied.
Lute heard some more laughter, and then the Exorcists walked off.
Lute needed to tell her- but she couldn’t. Emily didn’t want to talk to her. Emily hadn’t even looked at her since the battle.
There was nothing she could do.
<Hope you have a much better birthday than these guys, Nia! <3>
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sunwarmed-ash · 4 months
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
You can thank @ihni and their adorable Billy Birthday post for this last fluffy chapter!!! Enjoy!
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Chapter 5: Baby you know, I don't like to be alone
Ship: Harringroveson (Steve x Billy x Eddie) Fandom: Stranger Things TWs: Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse Tags: Angst with a happy ending, Billy centered, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, the homoerotism of Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington's fight scenes, Enemies to Lovers, bi steve harrington, gay billy hargrove, queer eddie munson, lesbian robin buckley Ch preview:
Things have been good for Billy. Suspiciously good. For three weeks too long. So Billy knows, in his gut, he's overdue for a crash.
He’s spent as much of spring break as he could at Steve’s, with Munson’s constant, additional attendance.
Billy’s finally met Robin. Who, is as weird as she is cool. Billy hates to admit it, but he can see why Steve and Eddie like her. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, (or threaten Billy that if he hurts either of them he’ll be dealing with her) and is fiercely loyal to the two of them. It’s nice to see. Genuine friendship. It's so different than every relationship Billy’s made since moving here. 
They also conveniently both need a mean dyke in their lives who can keep their egos in check. She fufills that role well. 
Neil hasn't walked back into their life, which has been a greater miracle than any of them realize. 
Joyce was able to get Billy a raise, which has been making the home life stress between him and Susan reduce considerably, and there's only a handful of weeks left until graduation. 
How he’s feeling right now, is the closest to happiness Billy’s felt in- he doesn't know how long. 
Which is why he knows the other shoe is about to drop.   
He can't help but think this mysterious dinner invitation is it. It came up completely unprompted, and had it not been extended by Joyce Byers herself, he may have laughed in the messagers face.
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mugloversonly · 3 months
Silver over Gold
Chapter one: Cracked
inspired by: this
Eddie goes to Family Video, giddy to see Steve at work. It doesn't go well.
They’ve been together for three months. After Vecna, he never thought he’d be this happy; but ever since Steve kissed him on his couch, Eddie’s been on cloud nine.
Steve had been acting weird that whole day. They went to the diner and the record store and Steve bought Eddie any record he wanted. If Eddie didn’t know any better, he would have thought it was a date. Turns out, it was because the next thing he knew Steve’s lips were on his and the two have been together ever since.
They aren’t officially courting…yet. But it was only a matter of time, Steve promised. Eddie can be patient though, especially since he’s seen him turn down every other omega that made a pass at him.
At the beginning of this whole thing, Eddie made sure Steve knew he wanted exclusivity. He’d tried the causal thing before and it did not go too well for Eddie.
Steve reassured him he had nothing to worry about, Robin was the only other omega around Steve’s age in their friend group and they were just friends.
He wanted to believe him, even though everyone was saying they were dating or would be soon. Henderson especially was adamant. He’d constantly tell Eddie that Robin was the girl Steve was going to marry and he secretly loved her. He even tried to get him to help figure out if they were secretly dating.
He wanted to bring it up but didn’t want Steve to think he didn’t trust him so he pushed his insecurities to the side and trusted this alpha with all of him. His heat was a few weeks away and the two planned on spending it together. Eddie was nervous. He wasn’t a virgin by any means, but the last time he spent a heat with an alpha...well there’s a reason he’s never done it again.
But Steve, he trusts. He knows Steve will take care of him, like he’s been doing for the past few months, and make sure it’s a good experience. His omega is already purring at the thought and Eddie can’t sit in the trailer waiting for Steve anymore. He grabs his keys and goes to visit his alpha at work.
As he opened the door to Family Video, the bell chimes but the two employees don’t move. The first thing to register to Eddie was the scent of calming alpha pheromones and an underlying scent that stops his heart. As he stared at the two embracing in front of him, he knew now that he was a fool.
Steve’s arms were wrapped tight around Robin. The omega he told Eddie not to worry about, he said they were just friends. But as he stood frozen, Steve kissed Robin on the cheek near the corner of her mouth, and her scent flooded with joy. They were in their own little world as Eddie’s came crashing down.
Eddie’s normal blood orange scent turned sour as tears sprung to his eyes. He knew the moment it reached Steve because he looked up and gasped in shock. “Eddie!” he said. Eddie scoffed at the panic in his eyes and held back the tears. Humiliation filled him. He turned and bolted back out the door and into his van. Steve was running after him and nearly managed to grab the door before Eddie could pull away. He had to jump back to avoid getting his toes crushed. All the while he was screaming Eddie’s name but he didn’t stop, didn’t breath, until he was back in the government issued trailer. His chest tightened in a eerily familiar way and all he could think was not this again.
Wayne immediately noticed his anguish. “Ed? You alright?” Eddie didn’t pause on the way to his nest. He made a disgruntled noise and slammed his bedroom door shut. He looked at his nest and the tears finally fell. Steve’s presence was all over it. His yellow sweater was tucked into it, right near the top. It brought Eddie comfort the past few nights since Steve has been staying at his house. At least that’s what he said. But Eddie didn’t know if he believed that now.
Suddenly the idea of Steve’s scent being in his nest disgusted him. He ripped the nest apart and threw everything into the hamper, except Steve’s sweater. That he threw onto the couch on his way to the washer. Wayne watched concern written all over his face. He ignored his uncle’s look and threw everything into the washer. He poured way too much detergent in and pushed start. Then he went back into the living room and stopped short at the sweater on the chair.
He didn’t want to see it any more. He angrily picked it up and stalked through the front door. He threw it into the dirt and stomped away before coming back and throwing it into the trash can. There. Now he wouldn’t have to see it again. His eyes were still blurry when he came back in but he knew he needed to tell Wayne what happened. He sat down next to his uncle and slumped into him, tucking himself into his side as small as he could get. He didn’t say anything yet. He let Wayne hold him as he calmed down.
“What the hell happened, Ed?” Wayne asked. The older Alpha knew his son wouldn’t speak up unless asked.
“He lied Wayne.” Eddie sobbed. Through choking gasps and hiccups he told Wayne what he saw. “He promised she was just a friend. He promised. But he was emitting the same pheromones he does for me.” Wayne released calming alpha pheromones that soothed his nephew. There was a spicy scent of anger there too but Eddie knew it wasn’t at him. “He's gonna leave me, Wayne. Just like everyone else. What am I gonna do?” He asked.
“First things first, let’s build you a new nest okay?” Wayne said. Eddie nodded and the two went to his room. Wayne gave him the flannel he was wearing and the two set about rebuilding. Wayne always helped him as he was the only person Eddie trusted with such a personal ritual. Soon his bed was covered in blankets, Wayne’s clothes, and a shirt from his mom that had long lost it’s scent. He crawled in and began rolling around in it as Wayne tucked him in. “Try to rest kid. I’m calling out of work tonight so I’ll be home if you need me.” Usually Eddie would protest but he really didn’t want to be alone right now.
“Can you come back and sit with me for a bit?” He whispered. He felt small and like he was about to break. He needed his uncle’s presence even if he had to ask like a pup to get it. Wayne agreed and stepped out.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door but Eddie couldn’t be bothered to get it. He curled onto his side into a tight ball. The agony was unreal, one he’d unfortunately felt a few times. Rejection sickness.
Wayne gently opened the door, “Eds. Steve’s at the door. He looks right devastated.” He admitted. “Want me to let him in?”
“I never want to see him again.” Eddie whispered even as his omega cried out for his alpha.
“Son, are you sure?” The older alpha asked. Eddie turned to face him.
“Please, dad.” He choked out. Wayne nodded, ducking out back to the front door. If Eddie didn’t want to handle it, then he was more torn up than Wayne guessed.
He waited until he heard the front door close then he let his omega mourn. He’s always been more in tune with his hind brain than anyone else he’d ever met. It made him more likely to act on instinct but it also made it less likely he’d go feral. He usually loved it, but right now, he wanted nothing more than to fade away and let his instincts take full control.
When Wayne came back, he didn’t say anything. He just sat in Eddie’s nest and let him curl into his side. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out soothing pheromones: the same he released when Eddie’s mama died. It helped dull it, but it couldn’t prevent the sickness altogether. Rejection sickness had its tells, but every omega was slightly different. Unfortunately, Wayne knew all the signs in his nephew. It’s happened twice before: once due to his own father; and once due to his last alpha. Wayne hoped Steve was different but it wasn’t looking good.
Wayne resolved to let Eddie rest for a few days before he forced him to the hospital.
Eddie moved around the trailer like a ghost for days. After that first night, Wayne couldn’t call out any more, but he made sure to spend as much time with Eddie during the day as he could, even going so far as to sleep in the nest in a puppy pile. During the day, he didn’t feel too lonely. His heart hurt, but he was able to get out of his nest a few times. Wayne sent Steve away every time he came by or called.
But at night when he was alone, the rejection he felt knowing Steve lied was slowly destroying him. He ignored every ring of the phone just to be safe, and refused to answer the door. He spent countless hours digging through his stuff and finding every little thing of Steve’s and putting it in a box. He’d make Wayne give it to him.
He was stuck in a loop of endless thoughts, jumping from hating Steve for doing this to hating himself for falling for it...again. He thought Steve was a different alpha. He was always a romantic in school with his girlfriends, Eddie always hoped he felt as serious about him.
But he was wrong. And he was suffering for it while Steve was out there with a beautiful girl laughing about his stupid conquest.
His scent was fading. The doctor warned him after the last time that it would hit him a lot faster and harder if it happened again and recommended he take medication that helped lower the risk. Stupidly, he stopped taking them once he thought Steve was serious. Why would he need medication preventing rejection sickness when he had the perfect alpha in his bed? God he was an idiot. Maybe letting the sickness take him this time was better than fighting it.
He was pulled from his spiraling by a knock on the window. He tried ignoring it, but it was insistent. He jumped up and slammed the window open, planning on telling whatever sheep was there to fuck off, but he stopped in his tracks. Steve was standing on the other side looking as devastatingly handsome as ever, even though he was clearly angry. The omega whimpered as he unlocked the window before returning to cower in his nest while Steve let himself in.
“What are you doing here Steve?” Eddie asked as confidently as he could as his omega shook with fear. Steve stared at him for a moment.
“You’ve been ignoring me.” Steve stepped forward and went to sit on the edge of Eddie’s bed. Eddie growled at him and bared his teeth. It wasn’t particularly threatening against the alpha, but Steve took the hint and sat at his desk instead. “I came to explain.”
“You don’t need to explain, just leave like I know you’re going to. I should have known.” Eddie spat. “You’re such a liar.” The tears hadn’t stopped, but now they turned cold in anger. “Wayne told you I didn’t want to see you.” Steve sighed softly.
“I thought maybe he said that because he’s your pack alpha and he didn’t actually ask you.” He admitted.
“You told me you’d never leave me. Was that just bullshit?” Eddie yelled unable to contain himself.
“Don’t call me bullshit.” Steve growled, his alpha voice peaking through. Eddie shrank down, trying to make himself smaller and brought his arms up to protect his face. He didn’t think Steve would hurt him, especially with Wayne in the house. But he’s also never used his alpha voice on him.
“Get out.” He demanded meekly. Steve stood and for a second, Eddie thought he would. But instead he crossed the room and knelt next to the bed. “Do you love her?” Eddie glared, not sure he wanted to know the answer.
“Yes I do. Robin is my best friend.” Steve attempted to reassure. But Eddie didn’t want to hear more lies. The box of Steve’s things were by the door and he shoved it into his hands.
“Forget my number, knothead.” He sneered and strode out of his room ignoring Steve’s gasp.
Wayne was at the stove cooking mac and cheese when Eddie walked in, closely followed by Steve. “Eds? You okay?” He asked.
“No.” Came instantly and tight lipped. Wayne turned around to see the boys glaring at each other, but he noticed Eddie was slightly shaking in fear. He turned off the stove and crossed to his side, putting a hand on his shoulder. His nephew calmed slightly.
“What are you doing here, Harrington?” Wayne narrowed his eyes at the boy.
“No offense Wayne, but this is between Eddie and I.” Steve directed at Wayne though his eyes didn’t move. The younger alpha was trying to assert himself but this was Wayne’s territory. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Eddie subtly shake his head. He calmly sat in his recliner and pulled a newspaper over his face, clearly saying act like I’m not here, but I ain’t leaving.
“Why are you here?” Eddie asked again. Steve turned away from Wayne with a scoff.
“I love you.” Steve replied simply. Eddie’s eyes narrowed and he grabbed an empty beer bottle from the recycling bin. He threw it as hard as he could at Steve’s feet.
“How dare you!” He yelled.
“She’s just my friend!” Steve yelled back, unable to reign in his alpha. He was trying to stay calm but Eddie wouldn’t listen. When he saw him flinch back, Steve took a deep breath, he didn’t want to scare him.
“She’s why you won’t court me isn’t she?” He screamed.
“No!” Steve exclaimed dodging another bottle.
“Liar! You kissed her!” He threw another bottle.
“On the cheek!” Steve’s nostrils flared and he scented the air. Suddenly all his anger evaporated.
“You let me fall in love with you. I told you things that I’ve never told anyone but Wayne.” Eddie threw bottle after bottle, until Wayne finally wrapped his arms around his boy. The anger was fading into anguish.“What does she have that I don’t?” He crumpled into Wayne’s arms. “Why would you do this? I thought you wanted me.” The two embracing men sat on the couch with the younger tucking himself into his uncle. “I thought you were different.” His eyes finally met Steve’s again. What Steve saw in them nearly stopped his heart. “I thought you were different, but you’re just like them.” Eddie could no longer see Steve. Lost in his memories of hurts past. “You’re leaving just like them.”
Wayne commanded the younger alpha to approach slowly. He did and crouched in front of Eddie. “I do love her.” The omega whined but Steve forced himself to continue. “She’s like my sister. She got in a huge fight with her friend and I was comforting her. I know how it looks, I do. But I promise. It’s not like that.” He implored.
“I want to believe you.” Eddie whispered.
“Then believe me” He begged lifting his hand to stroke Eddie’s cheek. At the omega’s flinch he dropped his hand, palm up in offer. Eddie didn’t take it.
“I don’t know what to do, Stevie.” Eddie whispered. “You promised you’d never leave.”
“I’m not leaving you.” Steve blinked a few times but didn’t move.
“Please, I can’t…can’t stand it...it hurts, Stevie...I...” Eddie trailed off. “I can’t do this right now, I need a little time.” Tears ran down his face again, his eyes drained of all life. “Don’t leave me just give me a little time, please.” Steve looked up at Wayne. He was at a loss. On one hand, he didn’t want to leave Eddie. But on the other, he didn’t want to upset him further. He was stuck in an omega drop and there was going to be nothing anyone could do if he didn’t snap out of it soon.
“You should get going Steve.” Wayne said. “Call in the morning when I get home from the plant?” Wayne lifted his eyebrows trying to communicate something. Steve nodded and stood to go.
“I’m sorry I hurt you Eddie.” Steve whispered. “I never wanted to do that. I’ll be here whenever you’re ready, no matter how long it takes. I promise.” He left the trailer, clutching the box to his chest, and trying to ignore the sounds of broken omega and a lack of that blood orange scent he loved.
When he got home he called Robin. He didn’t tell her any details, but he did tell her it didn’t go well and made her promise to leave it alone. That night Steve laid in bed staring at the ceiling. His heart cracked open further as he thought about everything he did wrong. The ignored calls and visits, being turned away by Wayne; at first Steve thought Eddie was just mad at him. He used his alpha voice on Eddie in anger. He showed up half-cocked and frustrated; so blind by his need to clear the air that he couldn’t see the distress his omega was in. His omega needed him but he wasn’t there. He scoffed at himself. His omega. How dare he even think that about Eddie.
He loves him; but, he didn’t start officially courting him. He was so afraid of getting his heart broken again that he broke someone else. Because he’s sure now. It wasn’t just Eddie’s heart that cracked in the entry way to Family Video; it was his soul. His very being was crushed into dust by Steve. If he could have just gotten over his stupid fears, he wouldn’t be here. His...the omega wouldn’t be spiraling into a drop. He smelled as if he’d been suffering rejection sickness untreated for months but it had only been a few days.
Steve shattered the love of his life.
@v3lv3tf0x @lexirosewrites
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ikolaiigh · 1 year
Tainted Graveyard
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•𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀...As a geek in high school, you were in the pit of the school's hierarchy - That stays like that until you gain the Decay of Angels- the most popular trio in Yokohama's High, attention. Everything was supposed to be simple until an unstable boy stumbles into your life, What was supposed to be a joyous Senior year, turned out to be the most daunting, death-ridden year, and him being the reason for it.
•𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑹𝑬...angst, hurt/comfort, Dark content, Heathers AU, a little bit of fluff if you squint
•𝑻𝑾/𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺...Gaslighting, trauma, murder, gore,Dazai is extremely unhinged and fucked up, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, violence,smut, Mentions of abuse, sexual assault, Suicide, forged Suicide, Gun violence, bullying, Mental Breakdown, bomb threats, blood and injury, abuse, physical abuse, violent thoughts, death threats, suicidal thoughts, Survivor Guilt, Mental Health Issues, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Unhealthy Relationships, Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking, Every chapter when release will have its own warning.
𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 (𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐢𝐭)
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•𝘈/𝘕..Hey guys! First series and fic ever that I am posting, Probably due to school it will be difficult to finish it but oh well. This is a Bsd Heathers AU, Each chapter will have its proper trigger warnings (since Heathers + bsd is a whole tw bomb) and for the sake of the fun, Reader even though is going to be Veronica in this, they're gonna have some questionable morals, also you'll probably gonna see drawings abt this AU.
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𝘚𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 1𝘴𝘵 1989, 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘺- (Coming Soon)
𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘺 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘦-
𝘚𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦?-
̶...𝘛𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘥
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𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱 © 2023 𝗩𝘀𝗸𝗸𝗼𝗹𝘆𝗮𝗮. 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁, 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗳𝘆 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺.
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sadcambion · 6 months
Welcome to my blog.
MDNI (sorry, but I like dark themes and I'm horny when it comes to men in bg3…)
Here there will be writings and drawings. Especially on Raphael. And sometimes on Zevlor and Haarlep.
I am not native English, so sorry for my mistakes.
TW will be indicated at the beginning of each text.
My short writings:
•The Wrath Of The Devil (Raphaël x f!Tav, extremely questionable consent, angry sex)
•The Husband Of The Devil (Raphaël x ftm!Tav, somnophilia)
•Frustration (Haarlep x f!Tav x Raphaël, breeding)
• Desk sex (Raphaël x f!Tav, cock warming, breeding kink)
•He will protect you and his heir (Raphaël x f!Tav, pregnancy)
• The new toy of the Devil (Raphaël x f!Tav, violence, blood, non-con)
• Care And Tenderness (Raphaël x afab!Tav, soft Raphael, painful period)
• No Way Out (Raphaël x f!Tav, unhealthy relationship, sequestration)
• They'll be all you remember ( Haarlep x f!Tav x Raphaël, questionable consent, rough sex)
• Obsession (Raphaël x f!Tav, Tav is obsessed, unhealthy relationship, creampie)
My fanfiction in AO3:
•Sold to the Devil (Raphael x F!Reader, Mental health issue, cannibalism, emmotional manipulation, implied/referenced child abuse, angst, dubious consent...)
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delenygma · 2 days
FANFICTION | Eleutheromania (Part 1/3) | Edward Nashton/The Riddler x Reader
Gotham is not the only thing in ruins.  Post-The Batman Edward Nashton x Reader.
Part 1/3.
TW: implied/referenced sh, implied/referenced abuse (past), mention of bruising, smoking.
Originally published on AO3 in April 2022.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
PART 1/3
“You have fifteen minutes.” The security guard pockets the wad of cash you hand her in a swift motion, making you believe that she has done this numerous times before. She hums tunelessly as she leads you down a labyrinth of corridors, further and further down into the depths of the hospital. You try your best to concentrate on her, instead of the shouts and whistles coming from the cells on either side of you. 
Finally, she halts and turns around to face you. 
“End of that corridor, then turn left.” The security guard pulls out a pack of cigarettes from the back pocket of the trousers and offers you one. “Go on, you might need it. He’s not… He’s not been taking it so well.” 
While you don’t usually smoke, you gratefully accept the cigarette with a nod and let her light it for you. You start walking down the corridor but stop abruptly, realising your potential blunder. 
“Wait-!” You turn around. The security guard is leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette herself. “It’s not like… Me and him are not…” 
Her eyebrows shoot up. 
“Yeah, right.” The security guard shrugs. “Look, I really don’t give a damn. You better go. The clock is ticking.” 
You turn back around, taking a shaky drag on the cigarette and noticing how heavy your heart is, and how dry your mouth has become. It’s been some time since the flood, and the city was not the only thing still in ruins. After GCPD seized the apartment, you had to quickly find somewhere new to live, which proved to be a catastrophe. Your new place was a bare-bones apartment in the worst part of Gotham. Always cold and desolate, you often found yourself too terrified to function. Whilst yours and Edward’s relationship (if you could call it that) remained secret to all, you knew that it wouldn’t be hard for the authorities to follow the trail of crumbs and find you. Alone.
Turning left, you unexpectedly hear him shout your name, and your heart jumps to your throat. His voice is hoarse, raw, but unmistakably his. You drop your cigarette onto the floor and dash towards the door of his cell. Breathless despite the shortness of distance, you find yourself facing Edward through the iron bars in the door. 
“Edward…” You whisper his name, over and over, your heart throbbing in your chest. 
You shakily open the hatch and push your hands through it (fuck the security cameras, nobody gives a damn, anyway). Suddenly speechless, he grabs hold of your hands and almost crushes your fingers. 
Your eyes meet his, and you feel as if you have been punched in the gut. You have never seen so much distress. Not even during his most destructive nights. When he first became The Riddler, when he clawed at his wrists and wailed with anguish and wrath, when the voices called out to him and would not stop… 
“Eddie, I…” You don’t know what to say. He is grabbing onto your hands with sheer desperation, the combination of panic and failure echoing in his eyes as they gradually fill up with tears. You notice how bloodshot they are, the dark circles under his eyes darker than you ever remember them being (he isn’t sleeping until they make him...). The right side of his face is bruised, a brilliant shade of purple spilling over his cheek (did he… Or did someone…?). 
“I’m here, Eddie.” You manage to say, taking a trembling breath before words start to spill from your mouth. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry this took me so fucking long. I had to find ways… To get here. But I did, and…” 
You stop for a second to compose yourself and notice just how violently his hands began to tremble. They are so much colder than usual, too. He was always so warm... 
“I haven’t got much time, but…” You start.
“I knew you would come.” He interrupts you. “They told me that I was alone in this, they said you were a delusion. But I knew better. I knew better. I knew that those liars were wrong.” 
“Don’t listen to them.” You say with assurance, although unsure of who ‘they’ could be. “Remember what I said… All that time ago? Only ever listen to your heart.” 
“My heart has shattered.” Edward’s voice, although unexpectedly venomous, quavers as he speaks. “I’m broken. I was so close, and I thought that even being in here, I could… But I was wrong. And it’s all getting worse, I’m getting worse. I feel like I am back at…” 
“Eddie, I have an idea.” You interrupt him. “I will get you out. I fucking promise you.” 
“P-please hurry. Please. I…” The rest of his sentence is quelled as he breaks down, pressing his delicate lips to your fingers. You haven’t felt him like this for such a long time, and the sudden intimacy awakens feral desperation inside you. 
“Eddie, you have to promise me something.” You whisper. “You can’t give up.” 
“You’ve got a minute left!” You hear the security guard yell from up the corridor. Edward sniffs and lets out a faint whimper as he pulls his face away from your hands. 
“Can’t you stay?” His voice turns delicate and innocent as he clutches your hands even harder than before. 
“I’m sorry.” You are stifling back tears. “But... I always keep my promises.”
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songsofadelaide · 1 year
Asleep Among Endives — Masterlist
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"Asleep among endives,  now the world too closes its eyes, concealing us." — Asleep Among Endives, Ichiko Aoba
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In a sorcery world where soulmates are identified by vibrant colours, it was a splash of blue that transformed your bleak and monochromatic life as the reluctant heir of your clan into something else entirely— a sorcerer of your own making, one with complete faith in her own abilities. 
For many years, the Koganei Clan of Tokyo's coveted Kin'iro no Namida failed to manifest in the long line of esteemed clan members, only to appear in you, a miracle child born from the branch family sworn to servitude. You were raised in the main family, albeit resentfully, due to the extraordinary circumstances of your birth. You found no joy in that life, though. 
In the summer of 1997, the fledgling clan head of the superpower Gojo Clan fancied you a playmate, one headstrong enough to disregard the warnings about befriending a little god who might ensnare you with a curse. When you first met the young Satoru, everything around you turned a lovely sky blue. Little did you know that the very same thing happened to him, and you painted his life in shining gold-like sunlight. 
In 2006, you entered the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College as a first-year student, the only healer in your class of three. You did not witness the devastation that forced Satoru to unlock his untapped potential when he was on the brink of death, the little god from your childhood now revered as the strongest sorcerer of your generation. 
While the tides of conflict threatened to pull you apart, an unstoppable gravitational force only seemed to draw the two of you together. Gojo Satoru was always destined to find you, his sun— and what better place for the sun to be than in the sky?
A canon-compliant soulmate fic spanning the many years of your relationship with Gojo Satoru— twilight, the sun, ordinary days, side by side. 
[A Gojo Satoru x Reader fic, ongoing]
cw/tw: childhood trauma, implied/referenced child abuse, more tags to be added
✾ Chapter List —
✾ Chapter 1 — Twilight ✾ Chapter 2 — The Sun ✾ Chapter 3 — Ordinary Days ✾ ~Interlude~ — In the Quiet
✾ Original Character Information
✾ AO3 Link
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thesoulesscollection · 5 months
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Sorry this took me a while as I didn't know at first what to do but thought a little one-shot would do better. I've decided to do this with Honey as I feel that she's been neglected from my attention. 
The Death Of Candy Kinsley 
Tw/Tags: Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Character Death - Old Age?, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Complicated/Abusive Relationships, & Ambiguously Open Ending
1978: Honey, 19yo; Choc, 22yo; Candy, 77yo
Death has always been a harrowing event for Honey as much as she tries to understand, accept or deny it.
An omnipotent force, unkindly unyielding, has loomed over her since she was an infant. Not one to be reckoned with either as many said to her, that it is unkind to all, no matter the circumstance or age. 
Despite what the mongers projecting fear try to say, how she should subserviently bow to the whims of life set for her, she was a feisty young lady willing to get her well manicured hands dirty if need be to achieve her heart's whims. 
This though wasn't what she expected and now is at an unease over. 
“You're sure about this, Choc?” Her pristine image of bravado confidence wavers, “This can't be the way we deal with it. I don't feel right” 
“Yes. I am” 
Then her brother, Choc comes along into the picture, as she often imagined it as one that's been scratched up and faded with time it was no longer recognizable. Unlike her, he took to being forgotten about in the shadows, rather preferring to be a silent observer. Soon she's  baffled he sounded nonchalant, that he can 
be emotionally detached and quite aloof on the matter. 
Their grandmother, Candy Kinsley is terribly ill, basically on death's doorstep for goodness sake! He should've tried to show an ounce of sympathy! 
When he heard the tragic news which she witnessed in person, Choc simply shrugged his broad shoulders with a blank expression, looking elsewhere into the distance. 
While she stood unsettled, many more took it as him being upset yet decidedly as the man of the family chose to do his suffering silently in due respect and swallow down the pain for everyone's sake, taking part as the glue that kept them both stable and happy. 
As his sister Honey knew better than anyone however, she didn't feel any better knowing the whole truth. Only that the horrid truth then the stifling realization. She couldn't back out. 
“She won't take it from me, outright refuse if she knew. With you, it's different. You're her favorite and we all know that” He admits with a scorned expression. “So why don't you out the two of us go ahead and comfort her in this trying time” 
In his hands was a cupcake, simply detailed, chocolate in flavor with the same flavor as a frosting on top. He soon hands it to her with careful effort to not drop it, picking up on her hesitancy. Choc's face fell, lips in a soft frown and sighs. A disgruntled groan disguised as a tired sigh Honey picks on, she was testing his limits like any and all siblings tend to do towards one another. His hand brushes back unkempt pale blond curls that broke free from its clean, side sweep style. The siblings must look presentable and at their best for the delicate occasion. 
Honey wore her best, an outfit outshining the rest in her entire wardrobe already filled with the brim in expensive beauty chosen by her grandmother almost over two years ago for these events. Still she frets all the same at every step, smoothing the cream colored ruffled blouse decorated with hand stitched gold trims then fixes the crooked diamond buttons, and tugs down the wrinkled knee length silk skirt. It made her appear older than what she actually was so naturally it didn't suit her tastes. 
She doesn't enjoy it. As if she was going to church to pray at a higher being that may or may not exist for a better outcome. 
“You do understand I'm only doing this for you. For us” He almost sounded remorseful, a particular emotion she doesn't get to view too often. “This is for the best. Keep her out of her misery”  
Only ever the cheerful fakeness displayed on like a cheap mask. 
“She has been getting worse, hasn't she?” 
A mutual sense of subdued understanding surfaces for the siblings, their grandmother is the lone parental figure they've got and now it may be coming to an end. Honey's emotions are feverishly out of whack where a pit in her stomach grows heavier while Choc just lightly nudges her, remaining calm. 
“That she has. You probably should get going then. She doesn't like to wait” 
Her posture straight, heels clicked together and clammy hands clasped together, Honey squeezes them. Antsy walked to a door, on the other inside she knows likely there will be their grandmother on her deathbed awaiting for Honey's arrival. 
“Grandmother?” She calls, as Choc lingered behind her by the open door. The cupcake is placed on the small, square bedside table to stay for now. Whatever purpose that sweet treat has is unknown to her and she doesn't focus her attention longer on it. 
“Ah. My dear, sweet girl. Honey come closer” 
The raspy voice answers back in a pained drawl causing Honey to stiffen. She didn't mean to react in an unfashionable manner. What she saw with her own eyes hadn't helped either. 
“You look beautiful. What brings you here?” 
In a twin sized bed propped up by pillows lies an elderly woman. Clearly ill, bedridden, skin and bones, Honey swallows, “I came to visit you. To check up on you, grandma” Piercing chestnut eyes, sunken in, stares through her, almost in her soul if it could and a gaunt face that's heavily wrinkled complexion used to be a smooth, warm light brown has to force any dwindling energy into the smallest imaginable smile. Graying hair once a pure ebony color is anything but wispy and thin hanging off the scalp similarly to hay. 
A sickening sight of someone that's been full of hard life months ago is twisting a knife into her heart. 
“Oh, how wonderful that is of you. So is it just you who's visiting?” It came out as a sharply pointed question, a purposeful intention when the pair switched their gaze from one another to the door. 
Choc still stands by the entrance, gripping at the door frame, hesitant to really leave. In his common silent stance, statue-esque he eyes them unblinking until he is startled a moment later. Upon hearing the older woman's choice words, not too kind, her brother gruffly huffed, Honey could tell he'd rolled his eyes as well despite having already turned around to leave. 
The door slammed shut behind him, leading the two women to be left alone with the eerie silence, Honey wincing at the sound whereas her grandmother remained still with a neutral expression. 
“That's better. He tends to be in the way” Her grandmother spoke, she listens dutifully with open ears. “He never knows what's good for him. Out of all that training by the chief you'd think it would be beaten into him. Obedience and respect”   
“Grammy. I've come to visit you. See if you're doing alright” She weakly starts, watching the older woman stall, thankful to get the leeway to continue on. “Let's… Not talk about him right now. He's just upset like I am…” 
“Dear. You're sweet” 
A hand, shaky, attempts to pat Honey's arm and the younger woman laid her own on top, settling down the movement. 
“I. I got you something too” When she made the move to grab the cupcake, she stopped as her grandmother gripped her hand with a tight hold that shouldn't be too becoming of an elderly woman in her failing health. 
“I see. It appears nice. Perhaps edible but let's talk first” 
Honey couldn't pull away, looking confused, a hint terrified. 
“My time is almost up. We all know it. Don't we? It is something we must discuss before then” As if on cue Honey reluctantly nodded, she didn't want to accept it. “So whatever you do, child, prepare. For death, for everything it will catch up to you, all of us in the end. You can not let it happen by any means you throw out them, don't let it"
Words spewed out her grandmother's mouth like a waterfall. Pouring out her crackling lips, some of it doesn't make sense. The rambling in the middle was as clear as day and Honey isn't enjoying it. 
“Do I make myself clear? Do you understand what you must do for this family” A firm order, not to ignore unless she is seeking for a slew of trouble her way. Similar to her brother, she learned the hard way in the past by the hand for her mistakes. 
“Y-yes, Grams... Yes, ma'am” Honey quickly corrects, eventually being let go. Her arm is stinging in familiar tingling pain almost all the way up the elbow, she rubs it and stumbles to sit again. 
“Good. Now be nice and go ahead and hand me that cupcake, would you?”
Honey listens. 
Not a day later is when the siblings receive the grave news of their grandmother's passing. 
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