#ultra-fine processed food
tgotgainz · 2 years
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kaemixx0 · 3 months
I'm bored so why not some tips that have helped me (:
☆ The motivation is strong, but the discipline is more; You have to resist even if you don't want to. Search thinsp0, look in the mirror, think about the progress you've made!
☆ At first it may sound difficult, but once you fall in love with the feeling of being hungry, of being tired, of feeling like you haven't eaten enough, everything gets better, as I said, it's about discipline more than motivation.
☆ Drink a lot of water; that helps me a lot with the craving, feel full and just for distraction. Although I don't know how healthy I am in this regard, I usually drink more than two liters a day :)
☆ Don't forget your goals. Every time you feel hungry, think about all the previous times you have felt it and that didn't mean you ate, you have to be in control, it is your decision.
☆ I don't know how good this is, but I know it's horrible that you like sweets so much and can't eat them because you're ⭐️ving. Resist as long as you can, but if you really crave it, you should eat a small amount, enjoy it, and forget about it. Once in a long time of effort will not be bad, is much better than the frustration make u binge.
Personally, there is always one day a week when I usually eat more than my limit because family gatherings, I have to eat enough so they don't worry, so you too and could take it as a meta day –I have read that it helps maintain in control of your metabolism– and most importantly don't immerse yourself in guilt and frustration about this!
When you eat more than your limit bc you went out with friends, or your family, or maybe you had a good time with someone you love, forget it, our little happiness matters; tomorrow you will do it better.
Adding more:
☆ Download games that keep you focused; I usually play cod mobile, sometimes also while I walk around my house to increase my steps taken haha.
If your parents / family worry about u / u are afraid that they will notice:
☆Of course, if you can, try to eat before or after ur family so they don't notice how little you eat.
☆ Distribute your meals well according to your calorie restriction and how many times or how little your family allows you to eat, for example; I eat two meals a day, my limit is 500 kcal, so I try to make my breakfast very low in kcal because lunch is prepared by my mom and it usually has a lot of calories —you will realize that to achieve this you have to start observing and planning more, hun.
☆ Personally; I usually tell them that I want to take care of myself, being healthy and that I will not eat ultra-processed foods, junk food, etc., they understand that; I don't tell them that I want to lose weight, just want to eat healthy.
☆ Fix your attitude; Idk about you, but after the first week I radically start ⭐️ving myself, they noticed it by my mood; I was constantly irritated, upset and looked very tired, now I try to pretend normality.
☆ It helps me a lot to be active at home, at least now that I'm on vacation; I mean, there are some chores that I do every day —it helps me stay active and my parents think I'm fine :)
☆ In my case, I lost weight in a very short time, it wasn't much but it was noticeable, my parents noticed it, so I decided not to wear tight clothes anymore, normally only oversized t-shirts and loose shorts, that way, they won't notice so easily when I lose weight quickly and they won't worry.
♡ I hope this helps you even a little, stay safe
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disciplinedselfrya · 17 days
Let's get in shape! 🌟💪🍁
Before I dive into my autumn goals, I want to be real with you, loves.
Over the past month, I haven’t been eating healthy at all, and the only workout I’ve done is my dance classes. As you’d expect, I’ve gained some fat and lost muscle.
So, I’ve decided to start a "getting-fit" journey, beginning this Monday (September 9th). ❤
Before I explain what this journey is all about, let me be clear: I’m not doing this to lose weight, get skinny, or fit into a smaller size. What I truly want is to feel strong and healthy—to be in shape. And yes, reaching my goals means losing some fat, but I’m not going to sacrifice my mental health or harm my body just to drop a size. My body is my home, and it deserves respect.
On this journey, my focus will be on optimizing my nutrition and workout routine because I want this to be a lifestyle change, not just a short-term fix.
In terms of food:
Cut out ultra-processed foods.
Drink only lemonade, water, and tea—no juices (this one’s easy since I don’t like them anyway).
Sweets only on special occasions or when I’m out with friends or family.
Limit refined carbs. Potatoes (not fried) and rice are fine. Since I’m not in charge of cooking, there will be times when I’ll eat pasta or pizza. On those days, I’ll have half the usual portion and get back on track quickly.
Stick to simple, unprocessed dairy like cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and butter. Milk is okay, but I don’t really like the taste.
Limit nuts.
Fruits, veggies, eggs, meat, and fish are unlimited—I can eat as much as I want.
No calorie counting! It messes with my mindset and makes me anxious.
That’s it. We’re starting on Monday, loves—are you with me?
Now, let’s talk about workouts. Since school is starting, I want to keep my workout schedule simple and easy to stick to because there’s no room for failure this year. I’m not even going to make failure an option.
Here’s the plan:
Monday: Dance class
Tuesday: Full-body dumbbell workout
Wednesday: Dance class
Thursday: Full-body dumbbell workout
Friday: Cardio (whatever feels good—running, dancing, walking)
Saturday: Full-body dumbbell workout
Sunday: Rest day
You might be wondering why I have three full-body sessions per week. When I was creating this plan, I asked ChatGPT for advice based on my goals, and it recommended full-body sessions for both fat loss and strength building—so that’s what I’m going with right now.
Note: Not all my dance classes are intense. I’ve had weeks where we focused on hand movements—so, you can imagine how "sweaty" that was. 😅
If you’re joining me on this journey, feel free to adjust anything that doesn’t work for you! If you prefer Pilates over weights, go for it. If cutting out sweets entirely doesn’t feel right, then don't! The most important part of this journey is not giving up—stick to your plan and prioritize your health over the results.
Keep going! 😎🏆 Rya
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that-ghost-girl-6 · 4 months
Reverting Common Body Insecurities (Will update with time):
Scars (self-inflicted or not, prominent or invisible, burn or something else, etc.): Scars are a physical mark of your endurance and bravery. They show you’ve healed or are healing. They represent dedication to recovery and self-compassion, in my opinion. Plus, they look badass!
Stretch marks: I like to call stretch marks beauty marks, because they’re the ultimate physical manifestation of growth. They show how you BLOOM. Whether you got them from pregnancy, weight changes, or something else, they’re a reminder that you endured a period of growth in your life. And isn’t that a beautiful, wonderful thing? Wouldn’t the world be so boring if we remained stagnant, and our bodies beared no signs of change?
Lower belly pouch (most commonly found in AFAB people): Let’s be real, if you are AFAB, you probably have this little “pouch” of soft, sagging skin on your lower belly. Even if you have toned abs, this pouch is completely normal! It’s there to hold in your reproductive organs; consider it a blanket or a soft layer of protection for one of your most complex organ systems! If it didn’t sag the way it does, it wouldn’t be able to do its job as well. Thank God for that!
Large bust: This is a pretty common insecurity, particularly if the girls are saggy. Guess what? Sagging is fine! Nothing, not even the girls, is resistant to gravity. I promise you don’t have to wear a push-up bra if you don’t want to. Just because anime characters defy gravity doesn’t mean you have to as well. There’s nothing wrong with your big bust; it’s really just a natural body structure that you don’t have much control over. Not to mention, breasts have an important biological function (lactation) that’s crucial for a baby’s development if you’re a parent.
Small bust: Just as those with larger bust might be insecure, people with smaller bust can, too. They’re often told they’re “too boy-ish” or “not feminine enough”, etc, which just isn’t true. If you consider yourself feminine, you’re feminine, full stop. There are plenty of very feminine women who have smaller busts, and they own it! Also, consider the perks. You can generally lay flat on your chest, you’re at a lower risk for back pain, and sometimes depending on your cup size you can be free from bras!
Thinness: Yes, skinny-shaming is just as real and problem as fat-shaming. Say it louder for the people in the back! Skinny ≠ underweight, just as plus-sized ≠ overweight. Whether you’re bony, lanky, model thin, size zero, scrawny, angular, slender, lean, slim, gangly, petite, lithe, or however you may be described. Your body isn’t the problem, you’re beautiful.
Plus-sized bodies: There’s this huge stigma surrounding “fat positivity,” with a lot of people labeling it as “misleading” and “cringe.” This is a very black and white view of such a complex thing. Fat people simply existing and showing off their HEALTHY, UNRESTRICTED diets (often known as intuitive eating) is NOT “promoting obesity.” The people who are saying being overweight and obese is okay are outliers. Not to mention, being obese doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful and it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t have influence on social media and be confident. People will often say in these videos that they “just care about your health and want you to put the junk food down.” But that in itself is a harmful assumption. It assumes that your body size is the ultimate indicator of health, and that it determines moral uprightness. But there are so many things that can lead to a higher risk obesity and overweightness that is not just overeating, including but not limited to: illness, disability, genetics, stress, physiological and environmental influences, not having access to proper nutrition often because ultra-processed food is less expensive and not a lot of people can afford unprocessed nutritious foods, sleep disorders, medications, a lack of physical activity, etc. And even then, it’s not fair to make moral judgments about people who are overweight because they overeat, either, because you are shaming people who have developed unhealthy eating habits, and shame only makes these habits worse. People over eat for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: binge-eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, lack of bodily awareness and hunger cues (common in autistic people), coping with stress, emotional eating, etc. These are all complex, multi-faceted issues that critics MUST learn to understand before criticizing ever fat person ever.
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I know I’ve mentioned this to you before, but I just wanted to say that I really love how you write about the pureblood culture in Supernova. It’s really fascinating seeing the lives of the witch/wizarding elite and how they appear to the world versus how they are in private. And at first glance it sounds like a lot of them have it made- money, social status etc. But at the same time their lives are very stifled and there’s so many expectations to follow(I think the Travers family and probably the Black family lol is a good example of this, because many of them seem to have a lot of unresolved issues(to say the least lol) but they’re not living in an environment where they can process and freely work through those things.). Reading more about the wizarding elite has also made me love Dora so much more, because she still has such a big spirit and heart.
(I mean I know she’s going through/going to go through a…lot lol and that will change her, but I feel like at her core- she’ll always be someone who has a huge heart and wants to improve the world.)
Thank you so much @puppyduckster!! A lot of my pureblood elite culture in Supernova comes from period pieces or literature - think Austen, Downton Abbey, etc. What's interesting and more complicated about wizarding pureblood culture is that there's more to it than just money - it's wealth, blood status, and gender all coming together. It's not enough to be ultra wealthy, you've also got to be a pureblood. It's not enough to be any pureblood, you've got to be proud of it and not be a blood traitor. Witches still fall into roles given to them by the patriarchy.
I particularly enjoy exploring these social dynamics from women's perspectives because of how alike our own world is - how do women find power, meaning, and joy in the structures we find ourselves in?
On a character-level, this is a great dynamic for the 'poor little rich girl' who is unhappy and wealthy. Andromeda and Dora both have immense privilege, even within the strictures of their society. They have fine food, clothes, surroundings, and want for nothing. This is a far cry from the poor, who not only lack material necessities, but might still have the same structures imposed upon them by society. For all their emotional/psychological trauma, Andromeda and Dora still have an enormous amount of privilege in their world and it colors how they see it.
Dora in particular is going to go through a series of changes throughout the work. There will come a point where she'll have to challenge the privilege she grew up with and rebuild her sense of self and her life. Andromeda will too - but Dora does it first.
Also, Andromeda may be raising Dora in this rigid environment, but Andromeda has a tremendous amount of warmth to her character that others in her family lack. Or rather, the warmth that Andromeda holds can come out more easily with Dora, because of the loveliness that came from her relationship with Ted. This puts Dora in a curious position of having her own warmth and sweetness while also being confined by societal expectations (at least until a certain point).
Thanks for dropping by my ask box!!!
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uncloseted · 1 month
How do I motivate myself to eat healthy when it's so easier to eat unhealthy? Like just grab some random food and eat it and done. Whereas when I eat healthy I usually cook every meal and avoid processed food. Plus Everytime I hang out w friends we inevitably eat something unhealthy because restaurants don't have healthy low calorie options, and then I just feel defeated because I ended up eating junk food anyway. I like eating healthy but it's so much upkeep
Also on that note, when eating healthy when is it like okay to eat processed food? Is there a certain amount that is okay to eat on a regular basis that can still result in a healthy balanced diet? I never know when I should allow myself to eat unhealthy food
This will maybe seem like an overly simplistic answer, but the easiest way to make lifestyle changes is to make it as easy as possible to do the things you should do and as difficult as possible to do the things you shouldn’t do. Maybe that means not buying unhealthy food so it’s not easily accessible, finding grab-and-go healthy snacks to keep in the house, meal prepping healthy food so it’s really easy to have a healthy lunch or dinner, or subscribing to a healthy meal prep or meal delivery service. When you’re going out with friends, it might help to suggest places that you know have options that fit with your eating habits or to look at the menu ahead of time to get a sense of what might be a “healthy” choice.
As far as processed food goes, I have a whole post on it here, but the gist is that if you have a diet that’s calorically appropriate for your body and nutritionally complete (including getting enough dietary fiber), ultra-processed foods are unlikely to have a significant impact on your health. To our knowledge at this point in time, none of the chemicals involved in the way that the foods are processed are causing health problems; it’s more that people who regularly eat ultra-processed foods are consuming more calories but with lower nutritional content, leading to an overall reduction in health. So I would say that as long as your nutritional needs are being met on a daily basis, also having “unhealthy” food is probably fine. Maybe on days where you know you’re going to eat something that’s not nutritionally complete, you make sure to eat something else that’s nutritionally dense so that your body will still get what it needs in order to function at its best.
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valveposts · 1 year
Flustered feeder Roddy sandwiched between plump Megatron and Ultra Magnus guts. Discuss
(On that note could Magnus even gain like that? Would it all end up going to Minimus? Mims getting filled up by a Magnus-sized meal?)
i am looking!!! he'd be about ready to overheat. and im sure they know it.
also ohhhh. ohhh. thats so interesting. yeah, the magnus armor is armor, its not really a part of him. its hooked up to his nervous system so he can move it, but its not part of the rest of his body/systems... so yeah, i think its really minimus' body that processes food. which means, maybe ppl have always noticed that ultra magnus doesnt eat as much as his frame size "should."
and re: minimus getting filled up by a magnus sized meal.. maybe someone who is not familiar with his eating habits (or true size) gives him a huge meal, and for diplomatic reasons he cant decline. he looks fine and normal on the outside, if a little uncomfortable, but later he takes off the armor and has got a round little belly that desperately needs attention. he wont put the armor back on until its processed; too tight.
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pastelsugar6w6 · 7 months
More than anything, I want a fic of england and Portugal, both trying to get with America with varying success and it ending in either a consensual poly or Port just being, like, "If I have to spend my life eating either of yalls food, I will set smth on fire. Peace out."
Bland slop or ultra processed micro plastic red dye neon foods. Mans needs to make the best decision for his health and peace out but in the process lose out on some fine ass 😔 poly is the best deal so long as Port is the only one in the kitchen
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mariacallous · 2 years
The word “processed” has become something of a slur.
Say “processed food” and most of us picture unhealthy, cheap junk. Fresh food straight from the garden or the field is good. Once we’ve put it through a processing plant or a laboratory, we’ve removed its halo qualities and added a bunch of bad ones. That means meat substitutes are no better than junk food.
But this perspective is short-sighted. We’re not going to feed billions a nutritious diet sustainably without food processing. The growing backlash against processing is one that neither people nor the planet can afford.
The benefits of processed food
Processed food is more than Coca-Cola, Dairy Milk chocolate, and ready meals. Most plant and animal products go through some form of processing to convert them into something that we can—and want to—eat. We mill grain into flour to make bread. We butcher and debone animals to get meat. We pasteurize milk.
Processed foods have brought us countless benefits, many of which we quickly forget. Iodized salt is just one example; iodine deficiencies used to be common across the world, leading to increased risks of stillbirths and miscarriages, significant reductions in IQ, and reduced cognitive development. Most of the world now consumes salt with iodine added, and many countries have eliminated this deficiency. By adding nutrients to food, we’ve been able to address a number of other micronutrient deficiencies.
We’ve been able to preserve food and increase its shelf life, reducing food waste. We’ve reduced the spread of food-borne diseases. Those with food allergies and intolerances can now eat a balanced diet. We don’t need to spend the day preparing food—this has been particularly important for the educational and career development of women. Last but not least: taste. Our shelves are now lined with great-tasting foods.
Of course, when people talk about “processed” food they’re often talking about ultra-processed food (UPF). These snacks and prepared meals are designed to have a longer shelf life and be more convenient and palatable. Corporations work hard to find the “Goldilocks” flavor profile we can’t resist by adding sugar and fat to make food as tasty as possible. Many describe these finely tuned combinations as addictive.
It’s true that increased consumption of ultra-processed food has been linked to poor health outcomes. It has been associated with lower consumption of essential nutrients, such as vitamins C, D, and B12. The more of these foods we eat, the more likely we are to be overweight or obese. This puts us at higher risk of health conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Ultra-processed foods are easy to overconsume.
The problem with most UPFs is that they are higher in calories, sugar, and fat. And they’re lower in protein and fiber, the nutrients that keep us full.
But this isn’t inherent to food processing itself. What matters is what corporations add to our food. They can create healthier foods if they want to—or if we demand it.
The growing backlash against meat substitutes
One area where I see the biggest backlash against processing is with meat substitutes.
These products try to emulate the experience of meat and include plant proteins such as soy-based sausages; Impossible and Beyond Meat burgers; proteins made from fermentation, such as Quorn, and lab-grown meat.
Passionate meat eaters and vegans don’t always see eye to eye, but they do often agree that natural is best. Vegans push back against meat substitutes because they’d rather people go straight to natural plant foods like peas, beans, and lentils. Meat eaters push back on these products for their artificiality, calling them “Frankenfood.” 
Headlines critical of these foods go something like this: “People have told you that meat substitutes are super healthy, but they’re lying to you.” 
So are meat substitutes better for your health or are they part of an elaborate con?
Well, “healthy” compared to what?
Are they better than meat equivalents? Are you better off going for an Impossible or Beyond Meat burger than a beefburger? Or a soy-based sausage over a pork one? Possibly.
I crunched the numbers on the nutritional profile of meat substitute products and compared them to meat. (You can find a graph of this comparison here.) To their credit, meat substitutes tend to be lower in calories and saturated fat and higher in fiber. To their detriment, some are lower in protein, and importantly, often contain lower-quality protein, meaning they contain less of the essential amino acids that we need.
When it comes to sodium, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. Substitute burgers tend to be comparable to beef. Substitute sausages look bad, but they contain less salt than their pork equivalents.
Many substitute products are now fortified with Vitamin B12, iron, and calcium. The Impossible burger actually has more Vitamin B12 and iron than beef. Many plant-based milks are fortified too. (I compared the nutrition of dairy and plant-based milks here.)
On balance, they’re probably a bit better for our health than their meat equivalents.
Are they better than whole, plant-based foods? Less likely, but possible, depending on the nutrients you’re trying to optimize for. They are higher in protein and have micronutrients added that plants don’t have much of, such as Vitamin B12. But they are also higher in saturated fat and salt.
However, this showdown between natural plant foods and meat substitutes is kind of beside the point. People who want a whole, plant-based diet aren’t the target for these products. If people want to switch to plant proteins such as peas and lentils, great. But this group is a minority. What meat substitutes offer is an easy swap for people who want “meat-like” meals. Many want an experience similar to meat: Substitutes try to give them this without killing animals—and without the high environmental cost of farming meat.
To have a chance of meeting our global climate targets, ending deforestation, and protecting the world’s wildlife, we need to eat much less meat. Both plant foods and meat substitutes have a much lower carbon footprint, use much less land, and cause less water pollution than meat. The environmental toll can be 10 to 100 times lower than that of beef or lamb.
Meat substitutes are our best shot at feeding the world without destroying it. The backlash to these products is counterproductive. And the blanket dismissal of such foods as “ultra-processed” isn’t helping. Most are defined as ultra-processed based on the methods used to produce them. But if we list the reasons UPFs are bad for our health, meat substitutes have almost none of those qualities. As shown above, they are generally not high in calories—most are lower than meat. They have less saturated fat, almost no added sugars, and are higher in fiber.
What they do have are additives. Impossible Foods adds them to give its burgers a juicy, meat-like texture. Many companies add binding agents and preservatives to extend their products’ shelf lives. People get freaked out by lists of ingredients they don’t recognize. But the notion that how pronounceable something is can determine whether we should eat it is not scientifically sound. You can probably pronounce “lead” and “mercury,” but I don’t recommend seasoning your dinner with them.
This is still an area that needs more research, but I’ve seen little good evidence that additives or sweeteners consumed within regulatory guidelines have negative health impacts.
We shouldn’t be eating them all the time, but as part of a diverse diet, there is little to suggest meat substitutes are bad for our health. In fact, some can be a nutritional plus.
Food processing could alleviate malnutrition for billions
Meat substitutes are mostly targeted at wealthy consumers. But the implications of a backlash to processed food are just as harmful for people with less money—if not more so.
More food processing, not less, could improve health and nutrition in developing countries.
Billions of people in the world suffer from “hidden hunger”—they don’t get enough of the micronutrients that are necessary for good health. The preferred way to address this would be for them to eat a more diverse diet.
That’s a nice pipe dream, but it’s decades away. These billions can’t afford a healthy, balanced diet even if they spend all of their income on food. The goal is to make sure their incomes rise, but this will take time.
What are we going to do in the meantime? Accept that billions are left malnourished and billions of children will never reach their potential?
We could solve this problem quickly and cheaply with more food processing. Simply add micronutrients to staple foods. Micronutrient fortification—the addition of key vitamins and minerals to foods such as flour, salt, bread, and cereals—is incredibly cost-effective. It can cost mere cents or a few dollars per person per year. To move from a diet that meets an individual’s energy needs—eating cheap staples that are high in calories—to a nutritionally complete or healthy diet will cost someone at least a few dollars per day. Micronutrient fortification would cost just a few dollars per person per year.
This is also true of meat and dairy products. In richer countries, we consume a lot of meat, and most people could easily cut back. Poorer countries eat very little meat, if any. Without nutritious alternatives, eating more animal products might actually be good for health. The problem is that meat is expensive—economically as well as environmentally. It’s hard to get cheap meat without sacrificing welfare and environmental standards. So we face a dilemma: Increasing meat consumption for those with lower incomes would improve nutrition but result in a larger environmental footprint.
But if meat substitutes become cheaper, we have the opportunity to make low-cost, high-quality protein available for everyone. People will be able to improve their nutrition long before they can afford to buy more meat. What’s even more promising is that consumers in low- and middle-income countries seem to be more accepting of meat alternatives. We don’t have a lot of data on these markets, but large surveys across China, India, and the US suggest that Chinese and Indian consumers would be much more likely to buy plant-based substitutes and lab-grown meat than Americans.
I’m all for a predominantly whole-food diet. But used in the right way and in moderation, processed foods could be a big boon for global nutrition. Stigma against them hinders such efforts, so rather than shunning food processing, we should embrace it in the appropriate contexts.
It’s not the process; it’s what we add that matters
I’m not here to defend ultra-processed foods or big food corporations. They’ve hijacked our food system in many ways and have created a plethora of health problems. But we need to stop throwing all processed foods into one group. 
The problem is not the process itself; it’s what we add and how we do it. We can use processing to enhance nutrition or hinder it. We can embrace it where it adds value and boycott it where it doesn’t.
The backlash against food processing is a luxury that the world can’t afford to embrace. It’s not good for people or the planet. Nutritionally sound processed foods are one of many tools that will help nourish billions without destroying the environment.
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lightngaleart · 1 year
Mistakes I made so you don’t do the same thing:
-if you are cycling a new tank, do not put any plants whatsoever until the filter has a decent amount of brown gunk in it. Plants can hinder or significantly slow the cycling process down because they’re consuming ammonia, the primary food for beneficial bacteria. Depending on how you’re cycling, this can take a week or up to two months. You CAN have a fully cycled tank, but you want even more than that: a filter with tons of beneficial gunk… and plants will also slow that process down.
-plant trimmings for free that I could fish out of the plant tank from work: sounded genius in my head! The ungenius part was using them even when they had a number of dying leaves on them, on top of having numerous amounts of small leaves. I thought that after I trimmed them, they should be fine; the problem was that there would still be a bunch of dead leaves falling off and getting stuck under the decor when I wasn’t looking, and there’s a limited amount of plants/species I could actually use for what I was doing. I can’t easily fertilize the plants with the nutrients they need because of the undergravel filter and iron (a very important nutrient and I could see they were experiencing iron deficiency) becomes insoluble after some time depending on the ph if it’s added only to the water (as opposed to root tabs).
-now why is this a huge mistake? On top of some hornwort that was dying back and shedding a ton of needles (also didn’t realize plants die back…), all the organic plant matter starts to decay and become dissolved organic compounds, which feed bacteria in the water column… which then feed on the fish, and will also feed an annoying organism known as epistylis… which also infect fish. You’ll end up with fish that develop at least two different infections, and treatment becomes increasingly difficult.
Anyways everyone in the tank is doing much better now that I solved a huge problem. I feel ultra dumb but I guess even when you do a buttload of research, you’ll still fuck up somewhere
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shepherd-tothestars · 2 years
okay fine i want to talk about necrozma too since im not going to play favorites with eternatus. i love them both a lot
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✦ Necrozma is most easily compared to Arceus when it comes to pokemon intelligence levels. At least, it used to be. Like how Arceus has nearly been betrayed, Necrozma was betrayed by the people it had become close with and was broken from it. Any semblance of previous emotions are gone, and it is utterly incapable of them. Essentially its very mind is damaged and cannot be reasoned with anymore. The only emotion that remains with it is rage and pain, this can only be fixed if Necrozma itself on a fundamental level is fixed. And even through all the years, no amount of Ultra Human technology has been able to undo it...
✦ Necrozma as it exists today is highly aggressive and will attack anything on sight. Unable to consume actual food, it feeds on light and most devastatingly - Cosmogs. It has contributed heavily to the wide shortage of Cosmogs in Ultra Space as it has steadily devoured them throughout history after its shattering. It will also devour Cosmoems and even Lunalas and Solgaleos. Once it attaches to them, it will absorb every ounce of energy it can from them, and the majority of Lunalas and Solgaleos who are joined with Necrozma do not survive. However, a device made by a certain scientist controls this process to a degree, allowing the joining without the death of Solgaleo or Lunala as it prevents Necrozma from fully consuming them.
✦ It is actually entirely blind in this form. It appears to be ‘looking’ at its targets through the patterns on what is assumed to be its head, but it is desperately seeking energy signatures. It will try to consume high-level energy signatures without much thought. The ‘claws’ that extend from its body are actually its legs.
✦ It has escaped captivity in Ultra Space multiple times and invaded the other world. It is mainly known to have invaded Alola, but it has also invaded Galar and Paldea briefly as well. Every time it did, it was overwhelmed by opposing legendary pokemon and brought back to Megalo Tower.
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windfighter · 1 year
Long trek home
A Digimon Frontier and Minecraft-crossover because I dunno. I just had to x3
In which Kouji's elytra breaks while he's on the way home and he realizes that he's not a fan of ultra hardcore
A snap echoed across the savannah. Kouji was on his way back to base, loaded with sand, when his elytra broke and he plummeted towards the ground.
He landed feet-first on the ground, health dropping. His legs hurt. Everything hurt. His communicator beeped and he looked at it. 2 hearts. 10 000 blocks away from home. He checked his inventory. Filled with boxes upon boxes of sand. No enderchest. Far from enough food for such a long walk. Not even any health potions because he had only been gathering sand.
Why had they decided to play ultra hardcore for this rebirth?
He let out a deep sigh and started walking. If he didn’t sprint the food should last. Every step hurt, he wasn’t sure he would have wanted to sprint even if he could.
Anyone up for delivering some xp-bottles? he typed into the communicator. No one answered. They were probably busy planning. 10 000 blocks was a little far for a delivery anyway.
Night fell. Kouji would have kept walking if he’d been healthier, but instead he built a small shack out of the shulkerboxes he had brough, put a torch down and waited in the cell for daylight to return. No use risking death like an idiot. But the night felt like it stretched on for an eternity when he didn’t have a bed.
Never leave home without an enderchest, he thought. Usually he’d bring it, but for a quick resource-gathering mission? He hadn’t thought he’d need it. Better to save space for the sand they needed for city they had started building.
Kouji couldn’t do much while waiting for daylight. He put his shulkers down one after the other, checked to see if he had put any food or xp-bottles in them. Nothing. If he found a river then maybe he could kill some squid or salmon to repair his elytra and fly the rest of the way.
Sunlight. Kouji gathered up all the shulkers, started walking. A few stragglers were left after the night and Kouji had to zigzag between skeletons shooting at him from under the safety of the trees. An arrow nicked him and another half heart lost. Shit. Kouji’s sword split the skeleton into fine pieces of bone that he couldn’t fit into his inventory.
Kouji jumped out of the way just in time. The creeper blew up, breaking half the tree in the process. Kouji let out a sigh of relief. That would have been a stupid end to this rebirth if he had just been a little bit slower.
A spare elytra and some health potions would be nice by now, he typed into the chat.
Still no answer. Kouji yawned, then continued walking. The sun was hot over the savannah, but he could see plains maybe 50 blocks away. That’d be cooler. Maybe there would even be some mobs for him to murder so his wings could repair a bit. He didn’t really want to fly until they were completely repaired though.
He ate one of his golden carrots. 21 left. Right, he needed to be smart about fighting as well. He reached the plains. There was a few groups of cow and sheep spread out across it. Curse his filled inventory. He wouldn’t be able to fit any extra food until he had eaten his last carrot. He kept walking across the plains.
Days felt way too short and nights felt way too long. Kouji lost track of time between them. His body ached, food was running low. 5 golden carrots left. He had passed two plains, one huge forest, one birch forest. A huge mountain towered infront of him. The flight had been so much easier than the walk. Should he risk it? Mountains meant powdered snow and he wasn’t a fan of freezing to death. Only for fun, and only when they had more than one life. He decided to walk around it.
He was out of food. 3 000 blocks left. Another desert, one they had already emptied of sand and resourses. Kouji limped across it, every step sent tremours of pain through his body. He hoped Takuya had some health potions prepared when he got home. And a bed. He’d sleep for a year when he got home.
The sun was warm above him. He stopped by a well to cool off a bit, grateful that at least heat wasn’t dangerous. Unless it was lava.
Maybe he should have gone through the nether to get home, but trekking through almost 2000 blocks of hell with only two hearts… Yeah, the overworld had been the right choice. He kept walking. Another savannah, a smaller one this time. He reached the end of it just as the sun set and quickly made a safe spot with his boxes.
Checked his equipment while waiting for the sun to come up again. Most of it was in good shape still, only the elytra and the shovel were in need of repairs. The elytra was looking a little bit better, some of the holes in the fabric had gotten mended, but he didn’t trust it to carry him home. It was only about 1500 blocks left, he could do that. He took the boxes down and continued.
He was in another forest. The ground was filled with flowers of different kinds and he could hear pistons firing nearby.
Civilization. Also he’d have a talk with whoever left the flower farm running. He made a detour to turn it off, climbed the ladder down into the control room. No one was there. He sat down for a while on a chair, leaned against the wall. He was starting to get hungry. Any more fighting and he’d start starving.
He almost wish he had died from the fall.
Kouji stood up again. No use thinking like that. He checked the chests for any food, only found one steak, probably left from when Kouichi and Tomoki made the farm. He ate it, but it did little to help. He climbed the ladder up again, continued walking. Tried really hard to not sprint, but muscle memory was a bitch and it was hard not to. He just wanted to be home, get some rest, drink something to make the aches go away.
Kouji’s stomach cramped. He couldn’t sprint any longer. The flower forest turned into a regular forest. Almost home. Almost…
A groan made him turn around. A zombie appeared from a cave, got a hit in while Kouji reached for his sword. Another heart down, only half a heart left. Somehow Kouji managed to slay the zombie without getting hurt again. His hands shook as he scooped up the flesh left behind, ate it. It tasted vile, but filled his stomach a little. He’d been lucky. Zombie flesh was notoriously famous for leaving you hungrier than before.
The sun was starting to set. He had about 400 blocks left. There should be a building nearby, but between all the trees he couldn’t tell where. He’d ask Izumi or Junpei to work on roads next, incase this happened again.
Is anyone even checking their coms? he typed.
It had been days. How was it possible for the others to be that busy? Sure, Kouji could spend weeks down in the mines, not noticing time passing or the com beeping, but still. He made another little shack to wait for the night to end.
Home. Kouji stumbled into the village they had taken over when they first arrived in the world. Villagers looked at him, kept working. Said something in their language that Kouji couldn’t understand. Kouji’s clothes were bloody, ripped, drenched in grime. He’d been walking for so long. Everything hurt. His stomach cramped. Only one hunger left. But he was home.
He took some potatoes from one of the farms, stuffed his face with them. Reached his and Takuya’s house and fell more than walked through the door. A huge bang echoed over the world and Kouji knew where Tomoki and Takuya had been the last days at least. Going for the dragon, as usual.
Kouji opened one of the chests. Their storage had become a mess already, but he found a stack of golden carrots stuffed in the bottom of a barrel. Ate until he couldn’t eat any more. There weren’t any potions. The brewing stand was empty. Kouji sat down on the bed, leaned against the wall. Waited. The sun was setting.
Takuya appeared next to the bed. Kouji would have jumped if he’d had energy.
”Congrats”, he mumbled.
He was so tired. Takuya jumped. Turned around and looked at Kouji. The grin on his face disappeared.
”...I’ll go get some blaze rods”, he said.
Kouji nodded, laid down on the bed.
”Thank you.”
He’d empty his inventory in the morning. Sort their storage. Maybe yell at Takuya for making it a mess to begin with, but Kouji wasn’t much better at keeping it sorted.
”Next rebirth, we make a world with regen”, he added.
Because he did not want to go through this again. Takuya laughed, neither agreed nor disagreed, and left the house. Kouji heard Takuya’s steps disappear towards the portal and closed his eyes. It was fine, for now. He was safe. Takuya would make him some potions and he’d be back to full health again soon. Everything would be fine.
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troglobite · 1 year
stupid fucking rant probably short bc i'm tired and really impatient rn
okay see here's the fucking thing
i have MCAS and EDS and i'm allergic to everything in the known fucking universe
and here i am using these sustainable all-natural hair products that, again, REALLY WORK. THEY WORK REALLY WELL!!!!!
and they were slowly killing me
bumps all down my back from when i rinse it out which FUCK ME definitely means i'm allergic to the fucking conditioner fucking GODDAMNIT
and fevers for fucking 2 weeks
~all natural, sustainable, vegan, clean ingredients~
cool, great
they were actively killing me
meanwhile fucking "chemical-filled" shampoos w not a single "natural" ingredient among them? all good. been good for 15 fucking years.
like this is my problem.
i've been seeing shit (from anti-diet and body lib/fat activist ppl i follow) on instagram abt all this "ultra-processed" food bullshit, abt how they're apparently killing us
you want me to go vegan?!
you literally don't wanna know what happens when i eat leafy greens too often! AND I STILL EAT THEM! BC MY BODY WANTS A FRUIT OR VEGGIE OR SOMETHING! and even when i give it to my body, it goes "holy fucking shit what the FUCK am i supposed to do with this???"
you want me to go vegetarian? SEE ABOVE!!!!
all of that shit abt finding alternative protein sources--I. AM. FUCKING. ALLERGIC. TO. ALL OF THEM.
i would DIE on a vegan or vegetarian diet!
you want me to go without ANY ultraprocessed food????
ultra-processed foods aren't killing us.
the unnecessary and knowingly dangerous specific and useless additives that we still haven't outlawed in the US are what's killing us
actually, it's fucking capitalism and white cishetero supremacy that's killing us, but who am i to say, right? it's definitely people eating fucking french fries.
shut the fuck up die and rot in hell i hate all of you
i swear to FUCKING GOD
if you, after reading this, sincerely tell someone any advice that would personally make me want to kill you on sight, i hope you fucking walk on legos and have something in your eye for the rest of your fucking life. and that's me going easy on you. FUCK YOU.
i'm just so angry.
and what really hurts is in the back of my head i can just hear eugenicist motherfuckers being like
"well if you're allergic to all this stuff and you can't safely survive off of that, maybe you should just die. that's what would've happened without all this stuff."
it is.
i would've died in any other era bc of how much my body Cannot Tolerate simply being alive, sometimes.
but people with "better health" than me made all of these "chemicals" and other things to make food shelf stable. to make it have more nutrients. to make it processed and easier to digest. to make it safer in general.
and so i can live.
but now you're telling me i'm not allowed to.
plain and simple that shit is eugenics.
and as i grapple with becoming more and more disabled during a global pandemic that ppl are ignoring bc they're too stupid and shitty to give a single fuck about other people or the well being of LITERALLY ANYONE
i have no patience for it.
it's maddening.
i have TRIED eating more veggies and fruits.
unprocessed, they HURT me. in so many ways.
you want me to eat them?
fine. give me heavy duty antihistamines and several digestive enzyme supplements. i might be able to get something out of eating those foods, then.
oh but you think supplements are evil and bad inherently?
okay then i can't eat any of them without being laid up in bed for 10 hours from horrible nausea, burping, and cramps.
does that sound like HEALTH to you?
i'm so tired.
i had a fucking PA trainee once tell me that frozen veggies aren't as good as fresh
frozen veggies: have a higher chance of being digested by my body and won't go bad so that they can sit there for weeks while i grapple w my daily changing health and well-being
fresh veggies: trigger all of my illness and contamination OCD while being harder for me to cook and digest thus making me feel sick for hours or days at a time and will go bad within a few days so i have a tiny window within which to Feel Normal Enough to try eating them
i'm just fucking TIRED of people telling me what to do with my body
and this all started just because these hair products that i was REALLY EXCITED ABOUT!!! THAT WORK REALLY WELL!!! THAT MADE ME FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF!!!!
i can't use them because i'm fucking allergic.
i can't even have NICE things to feel GOOD about myself. nothing as "simple" as fucking conditioner. i can't have it. i'm not allowed.
and you think i can just change my diet on a fucking whim and make it easy?
my skin has been on and off super sensitive to touch and extremely irritated
there are bumps all up and down my back
i've been getting tiny blood blisters--nothing that irritates/breaks the skin, they're so small anyone else would miss them
i've been woozy and irritable
my pelvis has been hurting in really weird ways
my digestion has been on the fucking fritz--after going back to normal after a long bout of Bullshit that threw me out of whack bc of intense stress and anxiety.
that's what happens when i get fevers.
and that is from shit that wasn't even inside my fucking body.
you think that FOOD is EASIER for me to change and experiment with?
it's just infuriating and i'm tired.
ultra-processed foods exist for a million fucking reasons
our ultra-processed foods are not killing us (but also please for the love of god outlaw the same shit the EU has in the USA i'm so fucking done of finding food dye that is known to hurt us in food that it doesn't need to be in)
capitalism et al. are killing us
but also?
fresh/unprocessed foods are killing me
oh no you want me to eat unprocessed foods?
does dairy count as unprocessed? that seems like A Process to make cheese and yogurt.
how about meat? lunch meat or steaks or chicken. does that work for you? or are you gonna fucking get on your goddamn high horse and morally shame me for literally being unable to survive without eating this stuff?
this is a strawman i'm creating, an amalgamation of REAL shit that i've seen all over the place or encountered/been told personally, to my face.
i'm just tired.
there's no pleasing anybody
and then on top of that
i can't even please myself or be comfortable or happy
and i'm putting off all this medical shit that i have to do because it's TERRIFYING and STRESSFUL and we have OTHER STUFF GOING ON that i'd rather be fucking doing!!!!
but also bc--if i really do have an autoimmune disorder (almost guaranteed), then what. like the only treatment for it is suppressing my immune system as far as i know.
so now, someone w illness and contamination based OCD that makes ALL medical stuff TERRIFYING, has to go through life extremely fucking vulnerable to illness and this is all happening DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC WHERE NOBODY IS BEING FUCKING RESPONSIBLE WITH MASKING?!
i don't want to do this.
i'm angry i'm tired i want to die, honestly. sometimes i just want to give up.
bc even if things aren't bad now, i can see how they'll just get so much worse.
i spiral bc my life is so fucking vacant and empty.
i had new hair products! i felt GOOD about myself and my hair! it was looking amazing! and it was HOLDING SHAPE!!! IT NEVER HAS, BEFORE!!!!
and now i don't get to have that.
stupid beck. you thought you could enjoy life? you thought you could have something simple and nice in your life to feel good about yourself? fuck you.
so why don't i try new things? bc they always end up hurting me or sucking or being taken away by capitalism (discontinued products) or something else.
shit just doesn't work out.
why don't i go and try and date or make friends?
bc why fucking bother.
what is the FUCKING point.
finding ANYONE on the same page as me who i also actually just like as a person who wouldn't hate me on sight? basically impossible.
i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired i'm fucking tired
and then i try and do nice things for my 'friends' in the dnd game i'm running and i make stuff i'm excited abt and i'm just getting. really not very clear at all feedback.
and i'm just.
i'm tired. what's the fucking point of anything?
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I acknowledge the warning, and will keep that in mind. Thankfully, it seems to have some degree of psychic powers, seemingly unleashing some sort of psychic version of Wing Attack. If it is indeed a psychic type, then Joan’s Dark type and Cantante’s Ghost type will prove useful to ward it off. For now, said Braviary is keeping away from anyone, so I’ll just let it be and keep tabs just in case. The large fellow seems to be unbothered by the cold, so I don’t imagine it’ll be leaving the Crown a tundra soon anyways.
As for Arezu’s situation, given it’s not exactly safe to try and use an already rarely seen and thus available Space-time Distortion to begin with, and making use of the powers of, say, the mythical Celebi or Deity of Time Dialga itself (which would admittedly be fitting for bringing Arezu, a Diamond Clan member who from what I can tell did worship Dialga, back to her original time period) isn’t exactly something you can just “do” on a whim, especially when you can’t exactly find any of them easily at all, I wouldn’t be surprised if Arezu, even if/when she recovers her memories, is still unable to return back to her time. I also can’t help but wonder if she’s also from another timeline on top of that, given alternate realities were proven to exist in things like the Ultra Beast incident of Alola, thus logically slightly different versions of our own world wouldn’t be out of the question, but that’s something we can’t determine easily…
Thankfully, Arezu has been keeping quite calm overall despite the situation, and at this rate it does seem like the distortion will close up soon and we’ll be able to take her to the closest hospital for a more thorough medical examination. She does have a bit of a headache, nothing too severe but noticeable, so she’s been mostly resting, sometimes with Hoshi getting curious enough to cuddle up before being scared off by Arezu subtly shifting. I’d give her headache relief medication, though given the fact that she’s a faller and from the past on top of that, I’m unsure if that’s a good idea at the moment. As such, I’ve opted for just making sure she has easy access to water in case it’s because of dehydration. Hopefully, after a hospital trip that’s all sorted out.
An alternate timeline is indeed possible. It is indeed likely she will not be able to return to when and where she came from, though we can only hope for the best.
It is good that she's calm. You made a smart decision to not give her medicine. It's very likely that she would not have had a positive reaction to it due to her body simply never having been subjected to modern medicine before. We recommend keeping her from highly processed or non-home-grown type foods as well, for similar reasons.
Malakai, the Faller we talked about previously has agreed to give his personal testimony of his experience with being brought through time. We shall include it below for your reference.
< There is an attached video log. Malakai, dressed in his usual clothes, is sitting in front of the camera. He looks slightly uncomfortable, but not horribly so. He begins to talk.
"Suppose I'm doing this. I was found alone and unconscious in the woods when I was eight years old. Already had a few scars, mostly these," he pauses to gesture to the scars apparently slashed across his face, "but also had some fresh ones. Arms and back, mostly.
"The doctors told me they didn't know how long I'd been unconscious when they found me. After they did find me, I, apparently, woke up a couple days later.
"They were.. Concerned. Because of my reactions to the medicines I was given. I'm fine now. I've had seizures since then, but again, don't know if that's necessarily a new thing, or from the medicine at all. They went away for the most part after a couple years, though they've started up again now.
"I couldn't," Malakai pauses again, seeming to collect his thoughts. "I couldn't really eat that well back then, I would just throw whatever I did eat back up. It took a while before that stopped happening, but I still don't like most. Y'know. Junk food, and that sort of stuff. Hurts my stomach.
"The amnesia didn't bother me too. S.R.R.F. here uncovered those photos, and there was me. Me and my family. That was the first time I could really remember anything.
"Arezu, you said this lady's name was? Yeah, she sounds familiar. I.. I can't say I knew her, but she sounds familiar. Part of the Diamond Clan. My mother was too. Yeah."
The video log clicks off after that. >
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theamityelf · 21 hours
I'm in love with your fanfics and how you write correctly with characterization and character dynamics theyre in character!! The last chapter you uploaded of Property Rights of the Ultra-Talented was exquisite. How did you get to this level of character understanding? Do you have a writing method? Hahaha I need a tutorial because I admire you so much thanks for the food! (Pardon my English lol)
Oh boy, thank you so much! (And your English is perfectly fine!)
I'm really glad you've enjoyed the characterization. I don't know whether I exactly have a "method"; I mostly just write what sounds like them to me and then reread what I've written again and again, sometimes remove stuff if it no longer seems in-character at a second or third glance, change stuff around, etc.
I guess the closest thing I have to actionable advice is: I often think about how the situations I'm writing them into might resemble things they've experienced in canon, and I can use their reactions to those things to inform their reactions to the new scenario. Which doesn't always mean that they react the same way, but it can be helpful to think of things like, "They didn't like this when it happened then, but they're less upset about it now. Why is that? What about the situation is different, in their eyes?" Stuff like that.
But again, as far as the process itself, it's really just a lot of writing dialogue, looking at it again, etc. There's an exchange with Byakuya in the most recent chapter that had a couple of notable false starts, to the point where I saved two other versions of the conversation in my Notes before committing to the actual version that appears in the fic.
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babyshopqatar · 5 days
Messy Fun Made Easy Aleva Naturals Wet Wipes for Every Cleaning Need
Playing and exploring is an important part of early childhood development. However, the mess that often comes with it can be daunting for parents. That's why having the right cleaning tools on hand is essential. Aleva Naturals wet wipes are the perfect solution for quick and easy cleanups anytime, anywhere.
The Importance of Hands-On Play for Babies and Toddlers
Allowing babies and toddlers to get messy supports cognitive, physical and social-emotional growth. Sensory play builds nerve connections in the brain and helps develop fine motor skills. Trying new textures and manipulating materials also sparks curiosity, creativity and problem solving. Outdoor play provides vitamin D, bolsters the immune system, and lays the foundation for a lifelong love of nature.
The key is not to limit messy play, but to simplify the cleanup process. Aleva Naturals wet wipes do just that.
Why Aleva Naturals Wet Wipes Are Parent-Approved
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Aleva wet wipes contain chamomile, olive oil and vitamin E. This means no harsh chemicals next to your baby’s delicate skin. The wipes clean effectively while still being ultra-gentle.
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Babies have much more sensitive nasal passages than adults. Strong fragrances from baby wipes can irritate their skin. Aleva Nature Baby Wet Wipes are free of artificial fragrances, making them less likely to cause discomfort.
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The flip-top packaging allows for easy one-handed use. This leaves your other hand free for managing wiggly babes. Once finished, the resealable lid keeps wipes moist.
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Stash mini packs of Aleva wipes in your diaper bag, stroller or car. Wherever outdoor adventures may take you and your little explorer, you’ll be prepared for whatever sticky situation arises.
Aleva Wet Wipes for Every Messy Situation
Mealtime MadnessSet the stage: Lay a protective cover under baby’s high chair to catch fallen food and spilled milk. Wipe down: Quickly wipe up messes with Aleva Nature Baby Wet Wipes before they have a chance to spread. Gently clean hands, face and clothes between courses to refresh. Reset: At the end of mealtime, discard soiled wipes and remove the floor covering for easy disposal. Shake out bibs and wash as needed. Sandbox and Sprinkler FunPrep the play space: Apply sunscreen before outdoor play. Have kids wear bathing suits or clothes that can get wet and dirty. Promote independence: Let kids freely dig, splash and get messy. Place a stack of Aleva Nature Kids Wet Wipes nearby so they can self-clean as desired. Refresh: Use Aleva Nature Kids Wet Wipes for a final cleanse of sandy feet and gritty legs before going inside. Quickly wipe down water toys after use to prevent mold. Crafting CreativityOrganize supplies: Set up an art station with easy-clean surfaces. Nearby, stage a decorated box or basket stocked with wipes. Get creative: Allow kids freedom in their artistic pursuits. Remind them that messes can easily be tidied up. Clean up: Use Aleva Nature Baby Wet Wipes to gently remove paint, marker, glue and glitter from little hands and clothes. Wipe down the activity area for next time.
Why Parents Love Aleva Nature Wet Wipes
Aleva Nature Wet Wipes simplify cleanups without sacrificing safety. They are made from plant-derived ingredients that clean thoroughly yet gently. Convenient packaging makes Aleva wipes ideal for at home, on-the-go, or anytime messy fun is encouraged. Keep some handy for baby’s next sensory adventure!
Hands-on play is essential for childhood development, but the mess it creates can be a challenge for parents. Aleva Naturals wet wipes offer a safe and convenient solution. Made with 100% plant-based ingredients, these wipes are gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin while still being effective at cleaning up messes. Whether it's mealtime, playtime, or crafting time, Aleva wet wipes are perfect for keeping your little one clean and happy. Visit YallaMomz, your go-to baby shop in Qatar, to stock up on Aleva Naturals wet wipes and other baby essentials, and embrace the messy moments with confidence.
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