#ummm what if everyone just has a nice day for once?????
matd0 · 2 years
my favourite thing to do is draw miserable characters happy.
works better than getting therapy tbh
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tesalicious2 · 2 years
Gothamites are just a different breed of people. They literally could not give a single f*ck about anything. There attitude is ‘eh, not impressed’ mixed with ‘been there don that’ and ‘try harder’.
It’s bad but no one knows how bad until they move there. I’m convinced everyone who lives in Crime Alley has had there parents/grandparents live there, while the less dangerous parts of Gotham see more new faces. They don’t stay long but they pop up.
Batman doesn’t let the Justice League to Gotham and I think that’s fair. They are all to bright and happy. Everyone is so angsty it’s amazing. He doesnt let them in for their own protection. Mostly since they all thinks he’s dramatic. But he knows that that relaxed manner is going to get them hurt.
The only vigilante that has zero haters (besides criminals) is Red Hood. Like, he control the most dangerous part of Gotham every night, walks kids/girls/teens/anyone-who-asks home, regularly buys food for the homeless, reads to kids at the library at night/near closing, stops robberies, sometimes teaches people self defense, and tries to be really quiet bc the walls are thin.
Either him or Signal bc he’s a daytime hero and everyone loves him. Nice, new, and will help out work the mundane stuff.
That being said, the rest are liked too but so have their haters. Despite this, there are websites and videos of them all doing cute and funny stuff or the gothamites doing nice stuff for them.
There is a video of someone giving Spoiler an umbrella, she returned it the next day. Someone managed to find everyone and give them their own hand sewn plushies, and their reaction.
Mostly starting with them on a rooftop of a building, a person calls out. “Yo! (Insert name)! Come here real quick!”
They go over and the person pulls out the plushie.
Batman: *stares for a moment* thank you. Did you make this? The workman ship is amazing.
Nightwing: awwwww! This is so nice, thank you!
Red hood: imma admit it, this is the greatest moment of my entire life. Now, you are in a very bad part of Gotham and need to get to bed. I’ll walk you.
Red Robin: i adore this. I will keep it with me till I die.
Robin: *brain cannot compute* Umm…Thank you very much. Honestly, no idea what to say right now
Spoiler: AWWWW, my first fan anything! I love this! Do you have an Instagram or something? I have to follow you! Let me buy you food!
Black Bat: *squished it once, looks up, Higgs it to her, then motions to hug the creator, they hug*
Signal: ummm, thank you? ive never had to deal with this before. I love it so much! Thank you!
(Can’t believe o forgot Batgirl)
Batgirl: This is so sweet! Thank you! *gives the biggest hug known to man*
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fraugwinska · 6 months
Could you do a backstory to Hard Day? Like, how Al decided to give up control, and the first time it happened 🥺🙏
Ummm... well, I may have gotten myself a bit lost in this one :D Idk, It's gotten quite out of hand, 2,5 k words... but...um yeah :D Praying you like it :> Attention - we cook with Chili, not salt today! (MDNI)
The hardest Day
„That's so unrealistic! I mean, in what world would a lion eat bugs instead of the fucking fat juicy PIG?!“
„It's a kids movie, asshole, shut up!“
The gang was sprawled out in front of the TV, blankets and popcorn everywhere. Charlie got her hands on a rare copy of 'The Lion King', and invited everyone to a 'nice, unproblematic, quiet' movie night. She didn't account for Angel's constant commentary, Husk's annoyed retorts to him or Niffty's gleeful giggling at the most unfitting scenes. Vaggie, frustrated by them, started adding to the chaos, sending scolding remarks in intervals at either of them, while Charlie tried to mediate in between songs – which she always sang along with.
You, however, were highly entertained – even though you didn't catch anything from the movie, just watching them was amusing enough. The only one missing was Alastor, who had 'business to attend' and was gone since breakfast ended.
He would've hated it anyway, you knew he had no interest in movies, let alone modern ones, and group activities like these were often straining on his patience. Although getting in the hotel last, you were the one who grew the closest to him. Why? You couldn't say definitively. Maybe it was because you never took his veiled jabs by heart. Maybe because you didn't treat him the way the others wanted you to – with care, with ignorance, with suspicion; but instead with respect, an open mind and without judgment. Maybe it was because you could challenge him – discussions about books you both read could last hours, with points given to either side equally – no winner, no loser, both richer.
You liked Alastor. Really liked him. You also had a silly, little crush on him, for a while now, but you kept that to yourself, nothing going further than a few flirtatious moments 'in good fun', calling each other 'doe' and 'buck' with a laugh. A joke between friends. Friendship, you decided, was enough for you, if it was for him.
The entrance doors slammed suddenly, making you all jump in your seats. Alastor stood at the door, looking... different. Stressed? You cocked a brow when you saw his eye twitch, while he sauntered over to the group.
„Al, do you want to join us? We're watching a movie!“, Charlie said absent-mindedly, her eyes glued to the scene of 'Can you feel the love tonight'.
Alastor gave the TV set a judgmental smile and waved his hand. „Tempting, but it has been a rather hard day, I'll just take a drink and retreat to my room, dear.“ He left the group and went to the bar, your pair of eyes the only one following him. Something was NOT right. His smile was tight, his eyes wider than usual, his movements almost jagged instead of fluid. Niffty had jumped to the bar too, insisting on helping Alastor by retrieving a glass for his whiskey from one the higher shelves. In her eagerness to climb and get it, she didn't watch her steps careful enough, resulting in a few delicate wine glasses sliding from the shelfves and breaking into a hundred tiny pieces. Alastor's reaction was as unexpected as it was worrying – he always had a soft spot for Niffty, laughing over her antics and chaotic energy, often encouraging her even to produce more mayhem. This time, however, he started to scold the maid, who blinked at him with a big, guilty eye and trembling lips.
„Such indignation, really Niffty. Clean the shards at once, and try not to remain to be such a clumsy clot.“, he almost hissed, grabbing the bottle and a simple crystal glass before striding away hastily. Your eyes followed his figure until he turned the corner to the staircase, then you got up and comforted the little demon, helping her sweeping up the glass pieces while she sniffeled tears away.
You let your gaze swipe over the group, completely ignorant about what happened with Niffty, and Alastor. Ignorant of the blatantly obvious bad mood of the deer demon.
Turning to Charlie, you whispered to her that you had a headache and would be going to bed, to which she just nodded. No one acknowledged your leave, all eyes on the screen and still bickering noisily. A bunch of friends, you are, you thought annoyed with a shaking head.
Three flights of stairs later, you reached Alastor's room. You pressed your ear to the door, and heard dull bangs, like something was thrown, and a muffled voice. You knocked, and the room instantly stilled.
„Alastor, it's me.“, you said loudly, brows furrowed. „Are you okay?“
A few seconds of silence. „I'm just fine and dandy my dear.“
You put one hand on the door. He normally would open it, to speak with you directly, face uncomfortably close to face, just the way he liked it. But it stayed close.
„You didn't look fine.“, you stated. You were ever so stubborn.
„Well, I am fine. Now shoo, darling, good night.“
You stood in front of the wooden divider, contemplating. You could just go. Leave him be, wait until tomorrow. See if he would talk to you then. But then, there was your gut. And it told you Alastor wasn't well. And that just didn't sit right with you.
„Alastor. Please, let me in.“
No response, just hint of the prickling feeling of static electricity on your skin.
„I know something is bothering you, and I'm worried.“
No response. You breathe in and out.
„I'm not going anywhere until you open the...“
The door flew open, a hand wrapped around your arm and pulled you into the room, violently. You stumbled and fell against a bookshelf, catching the fall with your hands to keep you upright. You heard a slam and a click – door closed, door locked. The static was everywhere now, flushing in waves over your body. You turned around -
Alastor was pacing like a wounded animal, he seemed fluffed up, as if every hair on his body had decided to stand up. His scleras were dark pits, blackest black, and in it his irises burned angrily in crimson flames, now focusing solely on you. The prey.
„So you came to test my patience too, dear?“, he snarled, his voice so distorted it ached in your ears. „It's not enough that that waste of cables destroyed two of my radio towers. Not enough that dozens of my most profitable souls have been rendered useless by an angelic bomb. Not enough that I not only had to put the disgraceful flat screened wretch back in his place, but also his vulgar boy toy and their brazen, attention-seeking brat.“
He grew in size as he ranted, you watched him reaching the ceiling, antlers scraping along the walls. „I manage my weakening territories, manage these imbeciles who think they can play overlords, I manage this sad excuse of a hotel, I manage the princess's unattainable ideas, and now, I also need to manage you, too, of all people? What a disappointm...“
You held up a hand. Alastor growled, fluffing up even more, limbs cracking and static popping. „How dare y...“
„Stop.“, you said again. Your tone was calm, void of anger, or fear, neutral and steady. He stared at you, and you held his gaze. „Breathe, Alastor.“
You saw him fighting with himself. He fought against his instinct to oppose, to command, to put you into your place, to rip you apart. His elongated claws scraped over the floor, ripping deep ridges in the wood.
„Breathe.“, you repeated, firmer this time.
Slowly, gradually, Alastor shrunk. Breathed. Crumbled. Until he was back to his usual size and form, only with an exhausted expression.
You studied him – you've never seen him like that. He never allowed anyone to see him as something other than 'the radio demon': Powerful, unshakeable, quick on his feet and always one step ahead. How exhausting it must be. To always have the control also meant to always carry responsibility, to always fear impending failure.
Your heart whispered to you, and you followed it's advice. It could be the most stupid thing you could do, but you decided to do it anyway.
„Come here, Alastor.“
He looked at you, unsure, suspicious. You sounded commanding, but not harsh. Inviting. Like a hand, reached out to someone trapped. For a moment, you almost thought you ruined everything – his eyes left yours, they fell to the ground as he shifted on his feet.
But then – steps. Coming closer. Stopping right in front of you. And suddenly..
His head on your shoulder. His breath on your neck. His voice in your ear.
„Sometimes I'm so sick of it all. Sick of maneuvering, sick of ruling, governing, planning...“
You touched his neck, he let you, caressing the soft skin, heated from his outburst, trembling slightly at the contact. It was intimate, baring this vulnerable part to you. You heart broke for him.
He pulled himself away from you, searching for your eyes. Finding them again, he took your hand, bringing it up to his face, guiding your fingers over his lips. He just said one word.
So much was said with this please. You heard every message. Giving up control, just for a bit, just with something he didn't care enough about to insist on ruling, could be a small bit of freedom. Letting himself be guided instead of leading.
“Kneel down, Alastor.”
His ears pressed flat against his head, but he did as he was told. He couldn't look you in the eyes. For once, you were the one towering over him. You took his face in your hands, pulling it so he looked up to you, seeing your warm smile before your lips met his.
His breath hitched, stuck somewhere in his throat.
You slid one hand to the back of his neck, pulling him closer, the other caressing his cheek as you tilted your head and deepened the kiss. Slowly, the rigidity melted away, he started to shift, lips no longer stiff but soft and molding against your own.
He tried to stand up, but you pushed him down, gently, definitively.
“Trust me to guide you, buck.”
He breathed, one, two, three times, eyes closed, grin tight.
“Yes, doe.”
Your own excitement took a back seat. You were filled with pure energy at the thought of crossing the line with him, having Alastor in a way you only dreamed about, convinced your relationship would never come this far. But. But this was not about you, for now. Maybe, another time. If another time ever came.
You lowered yourself on him, straddling him, so you were still 'taller', and rejoined your lips. You took his hands and set them on your hips, let them rest there while you buried yours in his hair, tugging lightly to bend his head back. His initial resistance lessened, and he gave in, exposing his throat, gray skin peeking out of his high collar. You let your mouth travel to his jawline, down to the small patch of delicate, thin skin, right next to his jugular. You felt him tense, felt his rising urge to protect himself from your potential strike. You let out a soft hum as you started to lick it, sucking gently, just a bit, just to make him shiver at the sensation. And how he did.
A moan, low and sweet like the strumming of a cello, escaped him, his hands crushing your hips by the force of his grip. It hurt, but you decided to ignore it. Little steps.
“Can you take more, good boy?”
His eyes snapped open, burning furiously. You met them with calmness, with a soft matter-of-fact-ness. Not smug, not mocking. A question. Proceed or Stop?
Alastor swallowed hot saliva. You could see he was getting overwhelmed, overstimulated, and yet, he had such a longing in his eyes, such desperation.
One simple word. One spark, setting your body on fire. You tried to force your trembling fingers to steady, lifting yourself slightly off him to open his trousers. With every button, his breaths grew heavier, his grip on your legs grew tighter, claws already digging in your skin and drawing blood.
“Careful, buck. I'll need these in a moment.”, you said, placing both hands on his chest, pushing him flat on his back on the ground. He let you go, arms falling useless next to him.
You leaned forward, thanking any deity that would listen you decided to wear a skirt today, and placed a hand on his growing bulge. He hissed at the touch, cracking the floor as his fingers clawed into the wood of the floor instead your fleshy legs.
Freed from it's cage, Alastor's dick was already dripping with beads of precum, a sight to behold. You wrapped your fingers around it, feeling the warmth and bloodflow, it twitched in your hand. You stroke him, eliciting the most sinful noises from the demon under you.
You took a deep breath. One more, one question more, to make sure that he wanted it.
“Look at me, Alastor.”
He sat up on his elbows, looking more helpless than you've ever imagined he could. Even his smile wavered, threatening to break. You were looking for any signs of hesitation, disgust, resistance, regret. You only found desire. A want, a need, almost pleading eyes.
Your free hand pushed your panty away, enough to expose your lips, and you lowered yourself onto him, his length slowly entering you. He was big, you were tight. A bittersweet combination. Sparks flew before your eyes as he stretched you, but you were hypnotized by his eyes.
They were blown wide, returned to black, but the irises now flickering into dials, turning, left to right as he groaned. You moved, guiding your hips up and down, feeling yourself molding to his shape in the most delectable way, and getting drunk off the look on his face.
You increased the pace on which you pushed yourself on him, adding a little tilt of your hips to take him even deeper. His voice was reduced to a static-y mess, hums and groans and moans bleeding into each other. You placed both of your hands on his chest for more support, inevitably pinning him down. His hands flew to yours, threatening to push them off him, but instead, he entwined his fingers with yours, panting heavily.
It didn't take long for him to feel the pressure, unbearable and urgent, his release approaching at godspeed.
“Doe, I can't...”
Panic in his tone. He tried to put his hands on your waist to pull you off. You understood immediately – an upbringing in conservative times, decades of living by the rules of a gentleman, he was resisting against the thought of cumming inside you. You pushed his hands away.
“Yes, you can.”, you stated, smiling at him, a hint of wickedness in your eyes. “And you will.”
Your skilled movements and dedicated demeanor sent him over the edge immediately. Protests were futile as he came in you forcefully, you felt his cock pumping his seed deep into you, hot and thick as you rocked him through his orgasm. Your own high wasn't worth chasing, too far away to matter. You didn't even think about it – nothing could feel better than this.
Alastor ran his hands over his forehead, sweeping away beads of sweat as his breath calmed down.
His hand shot out to grab you, and, still impaled by him, he pulled you into his chest, invading your mouth with his tongue to kiss you possessively. As if to transfer the command, the control he had given up, back to him. Taking it from you.
For a moment you were scared. The positions had reset to their default. Would that mean he'd push you off? Say goodnight and never talk about this night again? Returning to the Status Quo. Friends, the end.
Alastor pulled your chin up to look at you. His thumb ran over your cheek, tenderly and full of care. His eyes answered every question in your mind. You weren't scared anymore.
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k1ttef1a · 7 months
Opposite's Attract 2! |Johnnie G.
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pairing: Johnnie Guilbert x fem! reader
warnings: none
summary: you and johnnie go on the date.
a/n: I know everyone has been asking for part two of 'opposites attract' so here you go 👐
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"Holy shit!" Johnnie said to Jake, it was the day of your guys first "date". Johnnie was nervous because he had never been on a date. "Johnnie you're gonna be fine, didn't she say that she liked your style? I'm sure she'll like your personality too." Jake said to Johnnie, trying to calm his nerves.
"I mean yeah but what if she thinks I'm weir-" Johnnie gets cut off by the sound of his phone buzzing, it was 'y/n🌷', the contact name he gave you. " Oh my god, oh my god-" said anxiously, putting down his makeup brush and grabbing his phone. "WHAT DO I DO?!" "ANSWER IT YOU DUMB BITCH!" Jake said. "Hello?" Johnnie said to you, his voice slightly cracking when he said hello, he hoped you didn't hear it. "Hi Johnnie! I was just making sure we were still meeting up at the mall at 4?" you said questioning. "Yeah! we're still meeting up, I'm almost done getting ready." He said lying through his teeth, he just started getting ready. "Ok I'll see you in a bit, byeee!" the phone call ended. "I'M SUCH A FUCKING LIAR!" Johnnie said, slapping his hands to his head. "You're literally almost done with your hair and your makeup doesn't take long what do you mean you aren't ready?" "NO" Johnnie blurted. "I'M NOT MENTALLY PREPARED TO SEE HER AGAIN."
Johnnie had finally arrived, having Jake drive him since he didn't have his license and he didn't want to spend money getting an Uber. His heart pounded at the thought of seeing you again, your beauty, your grace, your kindness. Everything about you made him scream in his head.
"Johnnie!" You said speed walking towards him, snapping him out of his trance, you hugged him as a greeting which made him flinch for a second. He wasn't used to that kind of affection but he wasn't complaining about it. "It's nice to see you again." You said, smiling at Johnnie like he was a million dollars. "It's nice to see you again too." Johnnie said rubbing his arm, trying not to stumble on his words.
"Have you eaten today? There's this cafe I think you'd really like." You asked, he was hungry, practically starving but since he was picky he was slightly nervous to say yes. "No I haven't actually, ummm sure, yeah let's go." He said, you smiled brightly and started leading him to the cafe.
You and Johnnie were sitting in a small booth in one of the corners. You had convinced Johnnie to try one of the chicken sandwiches you liked from the menu he took a bite out of the sandwich and he was surprised, it was actually really good. " Woah, this actually tastes good, like really good." Johnnie said, talking with food in his mouth. You smiled. "I'm glad you like it, that's one of my favorites but I decided to get my second favorite."
Silence fell between you too leaving you both in your thoughts. "He looks really nice today, I wonder what he does for work?" You thought to yourself, playing with your hair. "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, this is so awkward I just want her to say something, anything!" He thought, anxiously. "So what do you do for work again?" You asked. " Oh I'm a YouTuber and make music once in awhile." "WAIT. YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU MADE MUSIC TOO, THAT'S AMAZING!" You said, practically jumping out of the booth.
"So what kind of music do you make?" You asked him, now fully paying attention to his career. "I make kind of alternative music I think?"
You and Johnnie were now walking around the mall, trying to find something to do when you guys walked past a very...cutesy store, which made your eyes sparkle.
Johnnie saw the shine in your eyes. "Do you wanna go there?" He said, pointing at the store. "Yes!" And before he could say anything you grabbed his hand gently and walked into the store.
You were looking around as he followed you awkwardly. You had a couple pins, keychains, and small cute figures for your room.
You walked to the checkout and you put all of your stuff on the counter. As you were paying, Johnnie kind you looked at everyone, how you looked at everyone and everything with glowing eyes that held millions of stars in them, how you looked at nobody with judgement.
As you drove Johnnie home from the mall it was an awkward silence so you turned on your Spotify playlist, but it started playing one of his songs his most recent song, 'Vampire.'
He immediately looked at you but you were focused on the road but your eyes were widened more and your face was more flushed then before. He didn't say anything though, he liked the fact that she enjoyed his music.
You guys finally made it to the shared house him and Jake both lived in. You both got out of the car and you walked him to the front door. "I had a lot of fun today with you." he said ruffling his hair, which was an anxious habit he had. "I had a lot of fun today with you too, Johnnie. I hope we can do this again soon." You said. He just smiled, he didn't want you to leave but he didn't want you to stay either, not when he was like this, not when he was choked up on what to say because he was thinking about the fact he had just gone on a date with you. "Well I guess I should go, you probably have a really busy day tomorrow." You said, playing with your jewelry. "Yeah..." He said under his breath. He watched as you walked to your car, sad to see you leave.
You rolled down the passenger seat window. "Call me when you get the chance, we should hang out sometime soon!" You said, hoping that he would call you later.
"I will!" He screamed from the front door, as he watched you drive a way.
He had a feeling that this would be a recurring thing.
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☆ this was requested by @anonymous! I know it's been awhile since I've posted a fanfic but I'm back and I'm gonna TRY and post more, my requests are open! ☆
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memoria-99 · 1 month
My answers to "What do you think about dating this guy in real life?"
The "prince you would date" poll ended with Leon 33.9% Clavis 19.5% Yves 16% (Act 1) and Rio 39.9% (Act 2).
The "prince you would not date" poll ended with Jin 31.1% Chevalier 24.6% Nokto 20.2% (Act 1) and Gilbert 64.9% (Act 2).
... So, here's my opinion about dating them.
Jin: He'd be a good older brother. I don't think it's totally impossible to date him though.
Chevalier: NO. I mean, the relationship itself won't make any sense. I'm no good at breaking the ice and this guy won't talk at all. Well, I like reading too, so I could make some connection through that but... what if he gets annoyed and points his sword at me?
Clavis: With him I'd encounter tons of weird stuffs and troubles, which would probably stress me out... But at the same time, he's fun. Also, I'm pretty free-spirited myself, so I think I could get along with him quite well?
Leon: Perfect boyfriend material for everyone including me. Though to be frank, I'd be kinda shocked when I find out he's not real him but pretending to be one.
Yves: Boy who can cook, is a gem. He might be a tsun but he'd care for me a lot. And he's cute. But on second thought, cuddling him as younger brother would be nice too.
Licht: Sorry, I know he's a good boy but his trauma is too much for me to handle. And I don't wanna find my boyfriend dead in his room one day. So yeah.
Nokto: He's charming. I'm more than aware. But in real life, I can't guarantee if he's really liking me or just hanging out with me a bit longer than his ex-partners before moving on to other girls.
Luke: Haven't thought much but I'd prefer him as a younger brother.
Sariel: Stick up his butt type isn't my cup of tea. Nagging about my laziness is enough with my mom.
Gilbert: Honestly I'm not sure. He has a cute side, so maybe he'd be better than many would think, but first of all I'm sure I'd be terrified if he suddenly points his gun at me, and second of all I fear that my flesh won't last if I'm with him.
Keith: Ummm... Whose drum am I supposed to dance to the beat of. Would feel like I'm dating two guys at once.
Silvio: I think he'd be surprisingly okay if I get used to his hellish tongue. I really would wanna punch him sometimes though. Still, he won't leave me alone, which would be quite fun... I assume?
Rio: Loyal and devoted, without any parental issues. Realistically the best boy.
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hahaifolded · 2 months
The Siren, the Cook, and the Sister (7)
Sanji x PirateHunter!FemReader (Masterlist) Chapter 7: Love and Envy (Previous) (Next) Summary: Wanting to move forward, you try to make peace with Sanji. Warning: None
"Dinner's ready!" Sanji called out from the kitchen door.
Despite such an eventful day, the Strawhats seemed unfazed by what had occurred. As they went on with their tasks, you sat under the main mast and just watched them. You found that the crew's dynamic was unlike any other you've had seen. It was endearing how they interacted like a family with no strict hierarchy. That must be nice... a big family.
A hoof gripped your hand, interrupting your thoughts. "Hurry! Before Luffy eats everything!" Chopper cried. He pulled you upstairs into the kitchen. He rushed in, leaving you at the doorway.
In front of you sat the entire crew, conversing, laughing, just existing among one another. You felt very out of place. However, before you had a chance to self-wallow, the friendly cyborg invited you over.
"Don't just stand there! Take a seat," he patted right next to him. I absolutely love this man. You took him up on his offer and sat between him and Robin who nudged you, humming.
"And dinner is served," announced Sanji as he set the last plate on the table. Your mouth watered by what laid in front of you. Hands immediately lunged towards the center as everyone tried to fill their plate. You stayed still, taking in the sight before you.
"Yo, aren't you going to eat?" asked Zoro. Everyone, but Luffy, looked at you. Even Sanji was surprised to see that you had made no effort to eat. Despite his distaste towards you, you still had to eat. Everyone has to eat.
You paused, unsure on how to respond. Thankfully, Robin came to your rescue. She shared your hesitancy in taking off your mask in front of everyone.
"Oh, don't fret. Not everyone is blessed with such clear skin as mine... wait I don't have any skin" assumed Brook with a mouthful of food. You couldn't help but laugh at his assumption.
You shook your head and then explained your mask and the fallacies of your devil fruit. "The Marines made me this mask to help me communicate since I don't have the best control of the volume of my voice. If I'm not careful, I can accidentally blow out someone's ear drums... or worse That's why I try not to eat with others so I'm not tempted to talk. But it's okay. I'll just eat later."
"What about when you're with your sister then?" asked Jimbei.
"She eats my cooking while I recount my adventures out on the sea. I'll eat once she goes to sleep," you shared, "it's better that way though because when we're together, we are talking up a storm. You really wouldn't want to be locked in a room with us, we'll never shut up." You couldn't help but smile under your mask as you thought about your sister.
Despite your robotic voice, Sanji could hear the clear adoration in your voice when you spoke about your sister. It stirred something in his chest. He always felt a little envious to see people get along with their siblings and here you were. He wondered if that could have been him and his siblings in another life.
"You should cook with Sanji!" mentioned Luffy. Sanji immediately choked on his food as his captain kept eating like he hadn't said something outrageous.
"Ummm... I'll think about it," you quickly replied. Still affected by his outburst from earlier, you didn't want to further get on the cook's bad side. You had to sail with him for a week so the least you can do it keep the peace.
As dinner continued, you couldn't help but feel excited for these next few days.
-- -- --
Three days have passed and you couldn't be happier. You quickly connected with Robin and Nami whose room you stayed in at night. It was nice being among other women.
And when you were not with them, the boys of the ship made sure to drag you into their own interests whether that was games, music, steering, tinkering, or training, you did it all.
After being alone for so long, it felt nice to be surrounded by so many characters and personalities.
However, there seemed to be only one thorn on this rose, and that was Sanji. Despite constantly cycling between one crew member to another, the cook never looked your way.
But, while he may have ignored you, you didn't ignore him.
When you first met the cook, you thought he was a machista cruel brute. But you came to realize that he was just a passionate, loyal caretaker. You noticed how he took care of each of his crew mates in his own way. Whether it was by reminding them to take a break or fueling them with a quick snack, the cook was always keeping an eye on his crew.
It was obvious that all he wanted to do was protect them from any danger, which understandably, included you. You gave him no reason to like you in the beginning and your subsequent actions only made things worse.
Now wanting to make peace, you made your way to the cook's domain, seeing if he wanted any help in preparing dinner.
As you walked in the kitchen, you found Sanji deep in the pantry, grabbing ingredients. Hearing the door open, he turned around and gasped as he saw a dark figure by the entrance.
"Sorry, sorry, just me," you excused yourself. Maybe I should borrow some clothes from the girls or something... this cloak keeps scaring people.
Standing up straight, he asked if you needed something. The cook felt awkward being alone with you. He noticed how easily you got along with the crew. Despite him wanting to apologize for his outburst, it just felt wrong to bring it up as you proved to be nothing but a good person. Bringing it up would just be a reminder of his unfounded distaste towards you.
"Not really...umm... just wondering if you'd like some help in cooking dinner tonight?"
Sanji couldn't believe it. Despite everything, you wanted to help him. Realizing this was his chance, he accepted your offer. Something now you weren't expecting.
After grabbing the necessary ingredients, Sanji and you got to work. He asked you to dice up the vegetables while he prepped the meat.
As you cut, the cook couldn't help but notice how sloppy your technique was. However, despite it being void of any professional training, it looked practiced, almost like you've done this for years. He wondered if your mother taught you that. And without even realizing it, the cook accidentally said some of his thoughts out loud.
Your mask let out a deep laugh as you heard his observations. "I know it's not the prettiest but it's gotten the job done. If you wanted to see real beauty in the kitchen, you should have seen my mom. She was a natural."
Seeing an opening, Sanji asked, "did she teach you how to cook?"
"Ha... no. I just watched her from afar as I wasn't allowed in her kitchen," you giggled, "she said just to watch her for now and once I got my own kitchen, she would teach me, but...," you paused. Sanji noticed how your shoulders sagged. "...she never got a chance too." Silence filled the kitchen.
I just had to ask a stupid question, thought Sanji as he thought he ruined the mood. But to his surprise, you started up again.
"So since then," you continued while chopping, "I've been trying to remember her moves and recipes. I haven't gotten there yet, but it's kept my sister fed so I can't complain too much, right?" It's been awhile since you thought about your mother. You tried not to bring her up to your sister as it pained her that she didn't have much of a memory of her. It was nice talking about your mother again, even if just to a stranger.
"I get that," began the cook. And to your surprise, Sanji shared his cooking journey. How his late mother inspired him to cook and how his 'dad' Chef Zeff taught him everything he knew. As you listened to his story, your chopping got slower and slower until it stopped completely.
Worried that he messed again, Sanji asked if he you were okay. You assured him everything was fine.
"It's just... a touching story," you said. He just hummed in agreement.
Letting curiosity get the best of you, you asked him where his dad was today.
"The old man is probably yelling up a storm in the East Blue." He laughed as he recalled the fiery personality that was Chef Zeff. So caught up on his own thoughts, Sanji asked, "And how about your dad?" He lightly gasped as soon as he finished asking.
"No, it's okay. Don't worry," you chuckled. You found it endearing how the cook was trying not to offend you. "My island was destroyed by some brutes when I was a kid. My sister and I managed to escape but my parents weren't so lucky," you said as you finished cutting up the last vegetables.
"I'm sorry for your loss."
"It's okay... it's not like you did it."
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you as you both continued cooking. With the help of an extra pair of hands, dinner was done in no time.
As you set up the table, Sanji spoke up, “thank you for your help today. Honestly you didn’t have any reason to as I haven’t been the kindest to you. And for that I'm sorry." Wanting to makes things right, he decided to tell the you the one thing that couldn't be denied. "For what it’s worth, your sister is really lucky to have a brother like you.”
After days of tension, it seemed like you and the cook finally found peace with one another. Maybe this could be the start of a nice friendsh-- WAIT did he just say brother?
Word Count: 1668
Previous - Masterlist - Next
Author's Note: Y'all, I read my earlier chapters to see how far I come and y'all I ate... lol. Obviously I don't think it's like Pulitzer award winning but like it's a decent. It makes me proud. Makes me very excited for these next chapters.
Edit (08/05) - I edited this chapter as there were WAY TOO MANY grammar mistakes. So sorry for those who read this when I first posted it. Embarrassing that I was literally hyping myself up at the end and I gave yall that. Oof - lesson learned: Triple read before posting!
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canirove · 29 days
Rodrigo Riquelme Imagine
Author's note: This is a request I got on Wattpad. They wanted something where you meet Rodrigo as a fan and then start a relatioship, so I've used an idea I had been wanting to use for a while but hadn't had the chance to. As always, I hope you like it, and thank you for reading! 💜 Little summary: After losing a bet with one of your friends, you now how to do wherever she asks you too. And what has been her brilliant idea? To make you sneak a little piece of paper with your phone number in the pocket of the person visiting you at work today for a fan event: Rodrigo Riquelme. (Female reader/pov)
“You are crazy. This is crazy.”
“Oh, shush” my friend says while she keeps writing.
“What if someone sees us? What if the one seeing us do this is our boss? They could fire us, you know? Both of us.”
“No one will notice or fire us, stop worrying” she says. “Here.”
“I'm not doing it” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Yes, you are. You lose the bet, remember?” she says, putting the little piece of paper between my arms. “You have to do it.”
“Can't we change it for something different? Like, I could clean for you during a week. A month! Or pay for your coffee. Or…”
“Or nothing. This is what I want you to do, so chop chop. The event is almost over” she says, pushing towards the crowd
“Urgh” I groan. 
It will be a silly bet, nothing serious, my friend had said. I won't make you do anything risky if I win, she had said. Yet here I am, on my way to ask Rodrigo Riquelme for a photo, and take advantage of the moment to sneak a little paper with my phone number and Instagram handle in his pocket. 
My friend obviously got inspired after seeing other girls doing it with Pedri and Gavi during fan events, but the fact that people had made fun of them after being caught, some even finding it kind of disrespectful, hasn't changed her mind about it. Not even the possibility of me getting fired if I get caught since I work at Atlético de Madrid's shop, where today's event is happening, has made her stop to reconsider her plan. 
“C'mon” she says, giving me a little push once the queue of fans in front of me starts moving. “Don't miss your chance.”
“This seriously is the worst idea you've ever had.”
“Or the best one. What if he ends up falling in love with you, marries you, and you save us all from being poor and having to work?”
“What?” I gasp.
“I was joking, relax” she chuckles. “Now focus on what you have to do.”
“I hate you.”
“I love you too” she smiles.
“Hi. Can I… We… Ummm…” I mumble when it finally is my turn.
“Take a photo?” Rodrigo smiles.
“Sure. Just you or both of you?”
“Just her” my friend says. “And don't forget about the paper” she whispers in my ear before pushing me towards him.
“Thank you for your work here today, by the way” he says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.
“You work here, don't you?”
“I do.”
“Then organising all this mustn't have been easy” he says, looking at me.
“Oh, it… yeah” I reply, finally understanding why my friend had picked him for this crazy idea. He is so handsome. 
“Should we?”
“Should we what?”
“Look at the camera? I don't mind this view but…” he smirks.
“Oh, yes, umm… Yes” I mumble once again, feeling my cheeks on fire. 
“Perfect!” my friend says with the biggest grin once she's taken our photo. “Thank you very much, Rodrigo.”
“You're welcome” he says before turning to look at me. “It was really nice meeting you.”
“Me too. I mean, you too. Yeah. Bye” I say, giving him a quick hug while his arm still is around me and leaving the note on the back pocket of his jeans. Thank God he is wearing a pair of baggy ones and I've barely had to touch him. 
“He liked you” my friend smirks as we walk away.
“Shut up.”
“And you liked him back. Look at the colour of your cheeks!”
“I hate you.”
“Won't be saying the same on your wedding day!” she laughs as I keep walking and hide myself in the staff room, hoping to be allowed to stay there until everyone has left so I don't have to see him again. 
“Everyone has left, the shop is basically empty” my friend says, walking into the staff room. “You can go outside if you want.”
“What I want is to go home, but I guess some has to tidy up.”
“I can do it.”
“Yeah” she shrugs. “Besides, there is someone outside who wants to speak with you.”
“With me?” 
They saw me. Someone saw what I did with the paper, told our boss, and now they want to fire me. I'm losing my job because of a stupid bet and…
“It isn't our boss, don't worry” she chuckles. 
“The person who wants to speak with you. It isn't our boss, you aren't getting fired.”
“Then who…”
“Go outside and you'll see” she says with a smile that I don't trust. She's hiding something, but what?
“You!” I gasp when I walk into the shop.
“Me” he chuckles. He. Rodrigo Riquelme. He was the one who wanted to speak with me. He… what? “I believe this is yours” he says, showing me a little piece of paper. My piece of paper.
“Fuck” I say under my breath. “I'm really sorry, I… I…”
“I'm flattered.”
“I'm flattered” he smiles. “I thought these things only happened to more famous players than me, like Gavi or Bellingham.”
“Yeah, ummm… I still want to apologise for doing it. I lost a bet with my friend and she thought it was something fun to do even though I told her it wasn't and that she was crazy and…”
“Does that mean that I can't text you? Or follow you on Instagram?”
“What?” I say again, my voice sounding all squeaky. 
“I was thinking about texting you later today. Maybe have a little chat, get to know each other a bit, convince you to come watch me play one day… those things” he shrugs. “But if you weren't serious about this…”
“No, no. I mean, yes. I mean… urgh” I say, covering my face with my hands.
“Yes or no?” Rodrigo chuckles.
“No, I wasn't serious, but yes, I would like you to text me later” I say, looking at him from between my fingers. He is smiling. That's good, isn't it?
“Ok. Then I guess I'll see you later. Or text you” he says, showing me the paper and putting it in back on his pocket. 
“Yes. I… Yes.”
“Bye” I say as I watch him walk away. But when he makes it to the shop’s door, he looks back at where I am standing and waves at me, a stupid smile definitely showing on my face when I wave back at him.
“I knew it!”
“Holy mother of Jesus!” I yell. “You scared me!”
“I know” my friend says behind me. “But I knew he had like you and that you had liked him back!”
“I didn't. I don't.”
“Oh, c'mon” she laughs. “I heard everything.”
“You… seriously? That was a private conversation!”
“And I'm sorry. But I needed to have all the info for my future speech at your wedding.”
“You… urgh” I say, rolling my eyes. “Let's go tidy up. I want to go home.”
“And wait for Rodrigo's text?” she smirks.
“Urgh” I say again. 
But maybe… just maybe… she is right and I want to go home because I am a bit excited about receiving that promised text. Just a little bit, tho. 
A few months later...
“You've gone on so many dates already… And you've met each other’s friends, and gone away on little getaways, and you wear his shirt to his games… Why hasn't he asked you yet to be his girlfriend?”
“Why does it matter?” I ask my friend as we unpack some of the new merchandising. 
“Well, it's nice to know where you stand in your relationship, you know? To know that you both are on the same page, that you both take it seriously, want the same and to be together.”
“I know we are there. I don't need a title or whatever to confirm it.”
“Oh, c'mon. Are you telling me that hearing Rodrigo introduce you as his girlfriend doesn't make you feel anything on your belly?” she smirks.
“It's just a word” I shrug.
“Then why are you blushing?”
“I'm not.”
“Yes, you are. You like how it sounds.”
“I… Ok, fine” I sigh. “I may like it a bit. But again, I don't need him to ask me.”
“That's true. This is the 21st century, you could ask him to be your boyfriend. Maybe with another note?” 
“Oh, no. No more notes. I don't want to see one of those ever again.”
“Why? You wouldn't be dating Rodrigo if it wasn't because of one.”
“I know, but… no. And let's focus on finishing with all this unpacking. I want to have time to stop by my place before going to his.”
“You want to change into your sexy lingerie for later tonight, uh?” she smirks.
“Idiot” I reply, hitting her with a bunch of bubble wrap.
“I'll take that as a yes” she laughs, this time managing to dodge me when I try to hit her again.
“Have I told you yet that you look beautiful tonight?” Rodrigo smiles.
“A few times, yes” I smile back.
“Not enough. And you know what else is beautiful though not as much as you?”
“Tell me.”
“The moon.”
“The moon?” I chuckle.
“Yep. There is a full moon tonight that apparently is super big, and the best place to watch it is the balcony in my room. Shall we?” he says, getting up from the table where we've been having dinner and offering me his hand.
“Ok” I giggle.
“And?” Rodrigo says, kissing my shoulder.
“It's just the moon” I shrug.
“Just the… You are hard to impress, aren't you?” he laughs.
“Not really” I say, moving on his arms until I'm facing him. “I was impressed by you, wasn't I?”
“Oh you little tease!” he laughs again, tickling me. “Anyway, should we go finish our dinner? We still haven't had dessert. Unless you want to skip it and move into the other dessert” he smirks, nodding behind him.
“Oh, so that was why you wanted to bring me here to watch the moon, uh? It was just an excuse to get me into your bed.”
“Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't” he shrugs. “So, dessert… or dessert? 
“What about both? First that one…” I say, nodding behind him. “And then the other one to recharge.”
“I like the way you think, my lady.”
“Rodrigo!” I laugh when he lifts me in the air and carries me to his bed. 
“As if you didn't like it when I do this” he says, moving to be on top of me once I'm laying down.
“Not as much as I like you” I smile before kissing him.
“What the…” I say as something falls from my pocket while I get dressed. 
“Are you ready yet? We can't be late, I made a reservation for breakfast” Rodrigo says, showing up at his room's door.
“What is this?” 
“This was on my jeans” I say, showing him the little piece of paper.
“I don't know” he shrugs. “Why don't you open it?”
“C'mon, open it” he says, trying really hard not to smile.
“Ok” I say, my hands shaking a bit for some reason. “Do you want to be my girlfriend? Yes / no” I read to myself. “Is this real?”
“Rodrigo, don't play dumb.”
“I don't know what you mean” he shrugs again. “Anyway, I'll wait for you downstairs. And oh, there is a pen on that drawer over there in case you need one for whatever the reason” he winks before leaving his room.
“Ok, I'm ready” I say, joining Rodrigo downstairs. 
“All good?” he asks me.
“Are you sure?”
“Umm… yeah” I shrug.
“Ok, then” he says, getting up from the sofa where he was sitting. “But are you really really sure there is nothing you want to tell me? Or show me?”
“Well, then let's go have breakfast” he sighs.
“Wait, Rodrigo.”
“What… Oi!” he laughs when I pinch his butt. 
“Sorry. Couldn't help myself” I say, giving him my best smile. “And you had something there.”
“On your butt” I say, opening his house’s door and walking outside.
“I… What?” he says with a confused look, touching it. 
“Rodrigo!” I laugh when he suddenly shows up behind me and wraps his arms around me.
“That was cheeky.”
“What was?”
“Sneaking that note in my pocket? Again?”
“What note?”
“The one I left in your pocket.”
“Oh, was it you?”
“Don't tease me” he says, biting my ear and making me giggle. “But then… is it official?”
“I'm pretty sure I circled the yes, didn't I?” I say, moving to look at him and wrapping my arms around his neck.
“You did. But just to be sure… Can you say it aloud?”
“You'll have to ask me first.”
“Ok” he chuckles. “So, ummm… God, writing it down was easier. Ok” he says again, taking a deep breath. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“I do” I smile. “I want to be your girlfriend, Rodrigo.”
“Great, cool” he says with a nervous laugh. “Cool” he says again before kissing me and kind of making it official.
We are boyfriend and girlfriend. 
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centercide · 2 years
hey ummm is it cool if yall draw nazbol and ingsoc being cute with each other that would be nice 🙈🙈 also what are both of yalls favorite hc on centricide?
this ask felt like a personal calling honestly. i feel like i have been waiting my whole life to receive this request. yall have no idea how much i love both of these characters (mod sugar can attest). all i do is think about nazbol and also ingsoc. i love them. i want to cry
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mod spice’s personal favorite headcanon under the cut!
one of my personal favorite headcanons is that ideologies aren’t human in ANY way, and regularly do things that would freak normal human people out. they don’t necessarily need sleep nor do they need food but i believe they enjoy doing such things sometimes (as shown in the conquest of bread + meet the extremists, they at least eat, but i personally don’t think they have to)
we’ve seen that they can have identical clones(?????) of themselves (ancom), they can like... shoot beams (basically everyone during centricide 8), and hell, one of them is an alien (posadist). nazbol has his whole super powerful thing going on too. i just think it’s really interesting, and personally i think that if they ARE in the human world, humans see them as freaky scp type cryptids.
like idk, mod sugar once brought up the idea of some person seeing a whole crowd of ancom clones at a riot or something. would that not freak someone out??
i also have a tiny little add-on hc that they have auras that glow brighter when they make use of these powers, simply cuz i think it’s cool and really drives the uncanny valley, “these beings aren’t human” factor. i also think it’d be cool if it glowed either stronger or weaker based on how the ideology is feeling, or how many supporters of the ideology are around them. as a bonus, they could use it to identify each other (in pink capitalism month, perhaps this was the reason commie was able to sense pinkcap before he even came on screen)
i could go on all day about this but ill stop right here, maybe we’ll make a full post about it sometime, who knows. mod sugar plz reblog with ur fav hc you’re way better at this sort of thing ❤️
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curator-on-ao3 · 11 months
⭐ Director's Cut on the First Impressions ficlets, please!
Bahaha! Thank you for asking about those, @fiadorable! ❤️😂
Okay, so the trio of ficlets that form First Impressions are all … first impressions … in the context of two first officers — Jack Ransom and Una Chin-Riley. I originally posted the first and second ficlets to Tumblr (sort of glorified shitpost fics) and people asked me to put them on AO3, which was really nice. I put all three stories on AO3 a few days before the Lower Decks/Strange New Worlds crossover was announced and I thought, “Whoa. Of all my crackships, is Chansom actually going to go canon?!” So, yep, the joke in the crossover made me happy because how can you have first officer actors married to each other and not make a joke about it? The show did good.
Anyway, for the first ficlet, Jack Ransom falling for an Una Chin-Riley hologram (and Mariner teasing him about pulling a Geordi LaForge/Leah Brahms) was fun, and Jack meeting — and respecting — the actual Una as an aged and wise ambassador, all in the service of Jack’s emotional journey for his own self-confidence, was nice to explore. I see Jack as having a really beautiful and needy heart that he hides to protect himself (per Deanna Troi’s analysis). Letting Jack be vulnerable with Una made my own heart happy.
For the second ficlet, I was amused by the number of Trek characters played by married Trek actors and I wanted to get them all into one place. Hence, the nightclub that in my mind is officially named “Okudas,” but I couldn’t get that in there. Having Kira and Bashir (married actors!) comment on Jack and Una (married actors!) while reflecting on Tilly and Ryn (married actors!) and so, so many more had me smiling. (B’Elanna and Damar! Spock and Admiral Rollman! Jean-Luc Picard and the lounge singer from a dive bar in 21st century Los Angeles!) I like to believe that once Una and Jack figured out why they were at the nightclub (“Okay, so we’re fictional characters played by actors who are married to each other. That’s ummm …” “Not even the strangest thing to ever happen to me.” “Yeah, same.”) that they sort of warily circled each other, then Jack made a joke about testing out the ol’ rod and berries (yeah, a Roddenberry dirty joke — I truly believe Jack would go there) and Jack got nervous when Una seemed annoyed at first by his humor … but then he saw the amusement in her eyes and they both absolutely cracked up laughing.
The third ficlet was the only one of the trio that I wrote directly for AO3 (didn’t begin life as a Tumblr fic shitpost). And I have to say, I have a special place in my heart for it. The way Christopher Pike initially dismisses Jack Ransom as an idiot and, sure, it’s fine if Una has history with this guy from the future because it’s obviously just physical attraction and … what’s that? Jack is actually intelligent? Well, shit. Writing Chris becoming more and more insecure while Jack and Una have no idea that Chris is freaking out … and Chief Kyle just wants everyone out of the transporter room … had me laughing (lovingly) as I wrote and every time I edited.
Thank you so much, @fiadorable, for asking about that trio of firsts for two of my favorite first officers. ❤️
Want more information about a fic I wrote? Send me an ask.
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keithbutgay · 4 months
🍼🍓💗🦋🍃 for the ask game? /nf
i think its interesting that like half of these are about romantic relationships but. idk maybe thats just me :P
🍼- what's your favorite memory?
🍓- one secret about yourself
💗- who do you miss?
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies? (or middle name i can't tell so i'll just answer both :PP)
(for what it's worth i also thought it was really interesting that a lot of them were about romantic relationships :PP)
okay i wrote like. a fuck ton. so i'll put it under the cut haha
favorite memory... um this one's hard. i have a really awful memory and like i'm sure i've had genuine good moments in my life but so many of the ones i can remember have had some underlying awfulness to them
sorry that's like. bad---
when i moved about five years ago, my sister and i built a sort of fort with the couch and mattresses. we hadn't wanted to move houses but this was like. the day of the move. and we were eating bagels, she had poppy and i had sesame. anyways we got seeds on the mattress but it was really nice. there's still seeds on our mattresses. hers has poppy.
i think another one of my favorite memories is working on the percy jackson musical. not because it wasn't like an absolutely awful time because. well. yeah. but because i got to meet y'all and there were definitely really good moments for me, especially with the graffiti and also like. vat7k :P
um moving on i guess---
a secret about myself. ummm this one's hard cause like. i do hide things a lot. but i wouldn't consider them secrets... especially cause you probably know about them lol
um... maybe that. i'm scared to call myself neurodivergent because i'm undiagnosed and i'm worried that i'm just making it all up and just like. have more severe anxiety and depression than i thought?
is that a secret?
oh well
um next question (sorry this is so long---)
who do i miss? okay so i've answered this one on a different ask game and i really really don't want to repeat it um i could talk about another person i guess?
i had this friend who i knew for a year. they um. helped me a lot. but they were in a really bad mental state, and were constantly in the hospital. they didn't talk to me all that much either, because i would hang around their boyfriend, and they would rather talk to him than me. but anyways i really didn't know them that well, i did go to their house once and we met up a few times but they moved to another state three years ago and haven't talked to me since. anyways it's complicated but they're basically. um. dead. i used to write them little "letters" on a doc actually, but i haven't opened that doc in a while---
this got angsty very quickly moving on
aaaaa okay this is hard
like. my brain tells me everyone hates me. logically, i know that they don't.
okay maybe i should rephrase
i don't want to believe that people see me as anything better than like. trash. i know that people do but i don't want to believe that and my brain makes that part very easy for me by yelling that they're only here out of pity and they don't actually care about me? so idk
maybe i think that the people who don't know me perceive me as the weird guy in the corner who doesn't know what he's doing ever and is really annoying and like should never be interacted with
and the people who do know me perceive me as infinitely better than i actually am and i. wish they didn't because i'm going to disappoint them no matter what because i'm not who *they* perceive
okay anyways
i would rather live in the sea with mermaids. i fucking love mermaids. i've wanted to live in the ocean with mermaids for my entire life. sea creatures are my life actually i love them so much especially jellyfish i would let a jellyfish eat me in the most normal way possible. the waterfire saga, above world series, emily windsnap, and mermaid tales did this to me.
also my middle name is technically isabelle but i'm ignoring that in favor of ian like ian kabra from 39 clues because i'm very gay
but ian doesn't sound great with either of my names so i'll probably rethink that one--- :PP
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Harry Anderson Egbert, Tavros Crocker, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Jane Crocker, Gamzee Makara, Jake English, Terezi Pyrope
Candy, page 23
ROXY: honey u ready to go?
JOHN: yeah, sweetheart... give me a second!
HARRY ANDERSON: dad... what are you doing?
JOHN: just getting your gifts, harry anderson! it’s your birthday after all.
HARRY ANDERSON: ...but i already opened all the gifts from you and mom.
HARRY ANDERSON: dad... are you telling a fib?
JOHN: ummm...
JOHN: harry anderson, don’t tell your mother but...
JOHN: we’re getting a new addition to the family today!
TAVROS: Oh,,, hallo folks,
TAVROS: You’re a mite early don’t you think?
JOHN: um, nope!
DAVE: actually
DAVE: you were exactly thirty seconds and like sixty eight nanoseconds early
ROXY: oh eff off dave
ROXY: ur gettin even cornier than john and youre not even a dad
DAVE: idk my guy harry over there seems to be enjoying my material
HARRY ANDERSON: heh heh it’s like you’re a living atomic clock!
DAVE: man i love this kid
DAVE: what kind of five year old is into atomic clocks
DAVE: damn every time i see him i just wanna pinch his cheeks and tell him about what things were like when i was his age and shit
JADE: heheheh if you like kids so much dave why dont you just BUY one?
DAVE: uh jade i know that what you think you were doing there was like
DAVE: smoothly inserting the idea of us one day adopting kids into the conversation
DAVE: but what you actually just described is literal slavery
DAVE: which is both illegal and bad
JADE: sigh......
JADE: maybe YOURE the one whos illegal and bad
JADE: ever think of that???
DAVE: nope never once crossed my mind
DAVE: anyway john roxy you heard the lady can we buy your kid
JOHN: no! he’s not for sale.
TAVROS: Um,,, do you all want to come in or not,,,?
ROXY: sooo
ROXY: wheres ur mom and dad
TAVROS: They’re still in,,, uh,,, auspistice counselling,,,
TAVROS: W, with,,, uncle gamzee,,,
JADE: oh woof
DAVE: woof is right
HARRY ANDERSON: hey tavros! is vriska here?
JOHN: unfortunately, harry anderson, rose and kanaya aren’t on speaking terms with your aunt jane and uncle jake anymore.
ROXY: cuz of the political situation
HARRY ANDERSON: what’s... a political situation?
TAVROS: Mother has been advising the human government that they should do their best to,,, uh,,, exclude trolls from the seats of power in all branches of public service and,,, uh,,, aunts rose and kanaya don’t like it because some of the legislation in the works could,,, erm,,, delegitimize their marriage,,,,,,,
HARRY ANDERSON: um... i have no idea what any of that means, ha ha.
TAVROS: Anyway,,, wh, why would you WANT vriska to be here,,,?
TAVROS: Why ruin a nice birthday party?
HARRY ANDERSON: um duh... cause she’s super fun!
TAVROS: She’s not fun,,, she’s mean,,,,
HARRY ANDERSON: yeah, to you, cause you’re a wuss.
ROXY: harry anderson egbert!
JOHN: don’t call other kids wusses!
DAVE: hey whats even wrong with being a wuss
DAVE: harry my dude you need to unplug from toxic masculinity
HARRY ANDERSON: from... what?
DAVE: what have you been teaching this kid
JOHN: dave, sometimes i really can’t believe this is the adult you chose to become.
ROXY: its actually great isnt it
JOHN: yeah, i guess so...
JANE: You are such an unbelievable dunce, Jake English!
JANE: I can’t believe that I work so hard and have to come home to your feckless tomfoolery every day!
JANE: My goodness...
JANE: What gives you the right to talk to me that way?
JANE: And you’re not even... you’re not even proficient in bed anymore!
JANE: What is even the POINT of you if...
GAMZEE: cAlM yOuR tItS bAbY.
TAVROS: It’s fine,,, my parents are kismeses after all,,,
JANE: Oh. Hello everyone.
JANE: I’m sorry that I was not able to greet you at the door. I had some pre-appointed business to attend to.
JANE: I trust that Tavros led you all inside without trouble?
TAVROS: Yes ma’am,,,
JANE: Good boy.
JANE: Harry Anderson, my dear!
HARRY ANDERSON: auntie jane!
JANE: Look at you! You’ve gotten so big and strong since I last saw you!
HARRY ANDERSON: i grew a whole three inches!
JANE: Yes, I can see that. You’re going to be quite the strapping young man before we know it.
JANE: Since it’s your first milestone birthday, I’ve instructed my staff that you are to be spoiled like a little prince today!
JANE: Right now they’re finishing off your cake. It’s a recipe I invented just for you!
JANE: And I’ve got your present all wrapped up too!
JANE: It’s too big to keep in the house, however, so after cake and tea we’ll go see it in the backyard.
HARRY ANDERSON: you’re the best, auntie jane!
JOHN: oh no...
JOHN: jane. please don’t tell me you commissioned one of those drone thingies for my son.
JANE: And if I did, John, what would be the problem with that?
JOHN: um...
JANE: Are you saying that you don’t want to assure your son’s safety? In troubled times such as these, one can never be too careful.
JOHN: roxy, back me up here honey.
JOHN: there’s no way you’d be ok with that, right?
ROXY: er
ROXY: well i cant say im comfy with it but
JOHN: but???
ROXY: janey means well john and itd be rude to just refuse a gift from my bestie like that
ROXY: besides ur just ASSUMIN she got harry anderson an imperial drone
ROXY: she never said that was what it was
ROXY: did u jane
JANE: ...
JOHN: ok. fine. you know what?
JOHN: i don’t care.
ROXY: rly
JOHN: yeah! it’s... it’s whatever. i get it. jane’s just trying to show that she cares.
JANE: You know I do adore little Harry Anderson.
JOHN: what i DO care about, however, is that cake.
JOHN: and not eating it, i mean.
JANE: Excuse me?
JOHN: nothing personal, jane, it’s just that i’m not the biggest fan of cakes.
JOHN: instead, i was wondering if maybe i could go visit the trophy room? you know, the one where jake keeps all the memorabilia from that dumb show he used to be on?
JANE: You mean “Poppin n’ Hoppin’ Pistol Lockin’ With Jake English”?
JOHN: no.
ROXY: or do u mean “doing the charleston with notable social figureheads: stars versus enemies of the state with your host jake english”
DAVE: that ones still running isnt it
JANE: Unfortunately, yes.
JOHN: um, yeah... that’s DEFINITELY not the one i was talking about.
JADE: oh! you probably mean “afternoon gilly gaffy amongst the common folk with your host j. gishy gun mcgee”
JOHN: no, god! these all sound so bad.
JOHN: i mean the one with dirk!
DAVE: dude
JANE: You mean the classic prime time program, “Rumble in da Pumpkin Patch”?
JOHN: yeah! that one!
JADE: ew... why do you wanna go look at stuff from rumble in da pumpkin patch???
JOHN: why not?
JADE: i dunno, it just seems kind of morbid with dirk dead and all, dont you think?
JADE: also that show was REALLY gross
JADE: i support jake in whatever he does but it was so... so.....
DAVE: sweaty
JADE: yeah!
JOHN: i dunno. i just feel like it was an important cultural milestone, and i missed it all by being mopey and depressed for like five years straight.
JOHN: so what do you think, tavros? wanna show me all about your dad’s glory days?
JANE: Oh, I can take you there, John.
JOHN: i mean... no, that’s fine.
JOHN: i’d like some time to get to know my nephew.
JOHN: or, uh... cousin?
JOHN: ecto brother?
JADE: omg dave i just realized that when we get married thatll make john and rose siblings in law
JADE: which is funny since i guess john is technically already your father in law
DAVE: yup thats totally what our friendgroup needs
DAVE: to be even more incestuous
HARRY ANDERSON: what does incestuous mean?
ROXY: it means that everyones rly good friends harry anderson
ROXY: just a dumb fancy word for bffs
ROXY: its a big hard word for grownups tho so feel free to unknow it now sweetie
DAVE: oh yeah
DAVE: thats totally it
TAVROS: Um,,,,,
JOHN: hey tavros.
JOHN: let’s go, buddy!
TAVROS: Uncle john,,, what’s the real reason we’re up here,,,?
JOHN: oh. i could see that you were getting uncomfortable.
JOHN: you don’t like being around big crowds like that, do you?
JOHN: but you don’t like to be alone, either?
TAVROS: ,,,,,
JOHN: well, not in this house at least. i wouldn’t want to be alone here either. it’s not a very nice place to live, is it?
TAVROS: I’m,,,, uh,,,, not sure i understand your meaning, uncle john.
JOHN: here, come with me.
TAVROS: This isn’t the right way,
JOHN: i know. hey tavros, why don’t we just go to your room for a minute?
JOHN: tavros...
JOHN: is everything ok?
TAVROS: Yes, uncle john,,,
TAVROS: Why do you ask?
JOHN: you just seem...
JOHN: i don’t know.
JOHN: sad?
TAVROS: I feel okay,
TAVROS: It is a happy day, after all,,, it’s harry anderson’s birthday,,,
TAVROS: There is good reason to be happy,
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: but what about YOU.
JOHN: are you ACTUALLY happy about it?
JOHN: about... everything going on here?
TAVROS: I suppose,,,
TAVROS: My mother tends to get displeased when i’m unhappy, so,,,
JOHN: sigh.
JOHN: tavros... does gamzee ever come into your room?
TAVROS: Possibly,,,?
TAVROS: He so often is found to be in,,, so many places,,,
JOHN: isn’t that his faygo there??
TAVROS: Oh,,, my, no,
TAVROS: Please, uncle john,,, don’t tell my mother,,,
JOHN: tell her what??
TAVROS: The faygo is mine,,, my uncle gives it to me sometimes,,, my mother strictly forbids it, of course,,,,,
JOHN: tavros, listen to me.
JOHN: are you... getting... bad touched by your uncle gamzee?
TAVROS: Oh,,, uh,,,,
TAVROS: But, yes,,, i can gather how you might draw that conclusion,,,
JOHN: you can?
JOHN: why?
TAVROS: It just seems like a thing that would eventually happen to me, does it not?
JOHN: what would make you say that?
TAVROS: Well, i think,,,
TAVROS: For the same reason that led you yourself to wonder, uncle john?
TAVROS: He is a very,,, very bad clown uncle,,, but i think i am not allowed to say or think such a thing,,,,,
JOHN: why not?
TAVROS: Because,,, uncle gamzee has undertaken his redemption arc,,,
TAVROS: With a spirit of great sincerity, i’ve been told,,,
TAVROS: So,,,,, the truth is, no matter how i may feel about him,
TAVROS: Mother tells me that he is not actually bad,
TAVROS: And therefore,,, anything he does cannot truly be considered bad either,
TAVROS: Otherwise, we are not respecting his repentance,
TAVROS: Or the others he has saved,,,
TAVROS: I don’t want you to worry,,, too much, though,
TAVROS: His occasional sojourns in my room are not of any especially ill intent,,, i don’t think,
TAVROS: He has told me in confidence that his intention is to train me,,,,,
JOHN: TRAIN you???
TAVROS: In matters of combat,,, philosophy,,, life,,, love,,,
TAVROS: I suppose to behave the way a mentor does, as he sees it,,,
JOHN: that’s IT!!!!!
JOHN: tavros, start packing right now.
TAVROS: Packing,,,?
JOHN: yeah. one bag with some of your clothes, your favorite toys and books, that kind of thing.
TAVROS: I don’t understand,,,
JOHN: tavros. i have to get you out of here.
TAVROS: Uh,,, what?
JOHN: i’m going to take you away so that you can live with me, harry anderson, and your aunt roxy.
JOHN: you wouldn’t have to live here anymore. no more being alone all the time.
JOHN: no more weird troll maids, or listening to your parents fight...
JOHN: and no more “uncle” fucking GAMZEE.
TAVROS: That does sound jolly good uncle john,,,
JOHN: then what are you waiting for? start packing!
TAVROS: Well,,, i would, except that we can’t go out without tripping the security,,,
TAVROS: Mother has taken great precautions to make sure i never,,,,,,,
JOHN: don’t worry, kid. i came prepared.
JOHN: we’re leaving through that window, one way or another.
JADE: john...... what are you doing?
JOHN: um...
JOHN: nothing!
JOHN: just, uh... fixing this damn broken window, is all.
JADE: i heard everything
JOHN: so, what are you going to do?
JOHN: tell jane?
JADE: john...
JADE: i wouldnt do that to you
JADE: youd probably end up on jakes stupid execution dance off show
JOHN: then are you gonna help me?
JADE: i cant do that either
JADE: you know that this is just going to make everything worse right???
JOHN: jade, i don’t know where you’ve been these past few years, but i don’t think things CAN get any worse!
JOHN: i mean, even today, jane was up here hollering at jake about how his dick doesn’t work right when she KNEW we were all waiting for them downstairs!
JADE: i know...
JADE: but all youre going to do by kidnapping him is piss everyone off
TAVROS: Excuse me dearest aunt but,,, is it kidnapping if i badly would like to go?
JOHN: see!
JADE: siiiiiigh
JADE: i understand where youre coming from but i dont think youve actually thought this through
JOHN: yes i have, because i’ve been planning it for years.
JOHN: i know that i’ve been pretty, um... flakey in the past?
JOHN: but this is really important. i know what i’m doing.
JADE: john, jane is one of the most POWERFUL people on the ENTIRE PLANET!!!
JADE: do you REALLY think that you can keep him away from her if she wants to get him back???
JADE: im sorry but you just dont know them like i do
JOHN: if you know them so well, jade...
JOHN: then you know why i have to do this.
JADE: im on your side here! i know that jane hasnt been the best parent...
JADE: but stealing somebodys child???
JADE: there has to be another way :/
JOHN: if there was another way we would have found it by now!!!
JOHN: but there isn’t one, because everyone’s been all... brainwashed by marriage, or whatever the hell happened over the last few years that made things be this way!
JOHN: it’s like everyone just talks past each other all the time!
JADE: john...
JOHN: i’m the only one who ever seems to realize that something...
JOHN: that something’s WRONG!
TAVROS: I would really be chuffed if the two of you,,,
JOHN: even you, jade!
JOHN: you’re not listening to me right now!
TAVROS: ,,,would stop quarreling and listen to me for a spell,,,
JOHN: that’s why karkat left!
JOHN: because you didn’t listen to him!
JOHN: just like you don’t listen to dave!
JADE: what the fuck, john?!
JADE: this isnt about me and dave
JOHN: yes it is!
JOHN: i mean, not directly, but cosmically, yeah it is!
JADE: cosmically?????
JOHN: you KNEW that dave and karkat were in love with each other, but you went ahead and totally messed with their relationship anyway!
JADE: wh... what!
JOHN: jade, don’t pretend you have no idea what happened.
JADE: i.... i cant believe.....
JADE: john thats such a low blow!
JADE: you dont know the first thing about me and daves relationship!!!
JOHN: i know more than you think i do!
JOHN: i know that you pressured them into that whole relationship.
JOHN: i know that they both hated it, and only went along with it because they care about you and felt obligated!
JOHN: and jade, i love you, but honestly, how does that make you any different than jane?
JADE: im nothing like her!!!
JOHN: well, you’re nothing like the jade i used to know either!
JOHN: the jade i used to know was caring and selfless! all you ever wanted was for your friends to be safe!
JOHN: you weren’t this... this SELFISH!
JADE: oh? is that what this is about john??
JADE: you dont like it now that im not some helpless princess in a tower anymore???
JADE: you dont like that im doing things for MYSELF now?????
JOHN: what the hell are you talking about?
JOHN: seriously, jade... i don’t even know who you are anymore!
JADE: well!!!
JADE: i can certainly say the same for you right now!!!!!
TAVROS: Aunt jade,,, uncle john,,, you should really, uh,,,,,,
JANE: Excuse me.
JANE: But what the FUCK is going on in here?!
TAVROS: Oh,,, no,,,,,
JADE: jane!! haha!!!
JADE: we were just
JANE: Hollering at each other so loudly that everyone in the darned house can hear you?
JOHN: oh, like you’re one to talk.
JANE: John, I know that we have not been as close in recent years as we were in the past, but I would like to think that at the very least our familial relationship would make it so that you felt you could talk to me face to face if you think that my method of parenting is insufficient.
JOHN: are you sure?
JOHN: do you really want to know what i think?
JADE: oh no........
JANE: Please, John. Illuminate me.
ROXY: wats going on
DAVE: oh shit
JOHN: i don’t know, jane. i feel like if i really speak my mind here, it might be dangerous.
JOHN: how do i know you won’t have the secret police come and arrest me in the night?
JANE: Excuse me?
JOHN: that’s where this is all going, right?
JOHN: your whole... thing with the trolls?
JANE: If you have something to say, then say it plainly, John.
JOHN: fine.
JOHN: i don’t think that you had bad intentions to start out with, jane.
JOHN: in fact, i think that you probably honestly thought that you were doing what was best for the world.
JOHN: you’ve always been a perfectionist, right? but over the last few years you’ve morphed into a complete control freak!
JOHN: and it all started with your relationship with jake.
JOHN: you forced him into a relationship when dirk’s corpse wasn’t even cold!
JAKE: (Er i would like to point out... )
JANE: I’m sorry, but you’re calling me a control freak? Dirk was the control freak.
JANE: After he died, I distinctly remember loosening up, in fact!
JANE: I let go! I was actually RELIEVED to hear he died!!!
ROXY: uhh
ROXY: janey wut
JANE: Okay, that was a misleading statement. What I really meant was—
JOHN: jane, you’re missing the point!
JAKE: (...that jane and i were involved in a romantic dalliance at the time of his death...)
JOHN: dirk is dead. this isn’t about him anymore.
JOHN: you’re the one cheering the government along as it marches toward genocide!
JANE: John, I hardly think you’re qualified to opine on the nuances of the current political situation, thank you very much.
JOHN: ha! is that how you talk to your husband too?
JANE: He’s actually, at the moment, my kismesis. And if Jake didn’t want any of this, he shouldn’t have knocked me up.
JAKE: Hello chaps i am right here.
JOHN: oh yeah, like that was suuuch an accident.
JOHN: can you honestly say that he wanted any of this!
DAVE: oh my god i am so sick of all this domestic relationship shit every fucking day
DAVE: can we talk about something else for once
JOHN: yeah dave, i’m sick of it too!
JOHN: that’s my point!!!
DAVE: ok
DAVE: then john can you just
DAVE: stop all this windy shit at least
JOHN: no! i can’t!
JOHN: i can’t stop, because i’m not the problem!
JANE: Are you saying that I’m the problem? That’s extremely reductive.
JOHN: ok, yeah, there are lots of problems!
JOHN: but i’ve got to say, jane, you kind of ARE the problem?
JOHN: a lot of this awful garbage revolves around you!
JOHN: you’re the one always selling everybody on gamzee’s ��redemption arc,” which is TOTAL BULLSHIT!
JOHN: putting him on billboards, organizing “redemption rallies,” and, and...
JANE: John, the people need something to believe in, if we are to live in an organized society. You simply wouldn’t understand.
JOHN: and letting him... letting him sleep in your and jake’s bed!
JOHN: and feeding him that... that weird MILK all the time!
JANE: Hey! My relationship with my loyal auspistice is none of your business, let alone who it is I decide to share a bed with.
JOHN: isn’t it?!
JOHN: you sure go out of your way to shove it in everyone’s face!
JANE: John, that is just uncalled for.
JOHN: it’s bullshit, jane!
JOHN: it’s!
JOHN: all!
JOHN: i... i...
JOHN: i’m sor—
JANE: No one wants to hear it, John.
JOHN: yeah. me too.
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beauzos · 6 months
obligatory yuty for the ask!!! but also if you dont want to only talk abt yuty then Ummm fulbright:3 or both even if youre feeling fancy...
Send me a character and I’ll list:
I already got one for Yuty, but thank you! So Fulbright it is.
Favorite thing about them: His pure of heart, dumb of ass nature... idk! I just feel like his bombastic, friendly personality is so lovable. I was invested in him from the second I met him! He just leaves such an impact with his silly but earnest personality. I love how determined he is, how he's got these big emotions and how much he believes in Blackquill and isn't scared of him one bit even though everyone else is because he sees Blackquill's raw potential. Waaaa. It's nice. Least favorite thing about them: Beyond him tasing Blackquill, um. What they did to his character by having him get murdered off-screen before the game starts lol. I think the way they did the Phantom twist was incredibly lame and I've talked extensively about it before so I'll spare y'all and just link the posts where I've bitched about it instead. 1 | 2
I haven't thought about it in a while so my opinions may have changed a bit idk just read these KRKFNM Second post isn't mine but I did leave a fucking tag essay so there's that. I do plan on replaying Dual Destinies soon to see what I feel about the game after knowing everything I do now, though. Favorite line: idk if it's a favorite line exactly but my favorite moment with him is in Turnabout Academy where he pops out of the art room window and is like "oh it's y'all!! in justice we trust!!" and helps out Athena and Apollo while Athena excitedly greets him n Klav and Apollo are like ??? It's so cute. brOTP: Ummm him with Ema is pretty fun! I want all the detectives to be buddies, and I think that Ema would originally be so pissed off and annoyed by him, but come to appreciate his earnestness and kindness. I think once she cools off and becomes a proper forensic detective she'd mellow out and be much more open to befriending people she works with. I think they'd get along very well. I also like the headcanons where Bobby really looks up to Gumshoe, so I like their dynamic too.
I also think him and Yuty would be fun. I think Nahyuta would be annoyed by Fulbright at first like Ema, though. But Fulbright probably fills a similar environmental niche to Datz, so I think Nahyuta could deal with him eventually. I imagined this scenario (admittedly in a shippy sense-- I think Madhibright is a funny ship and kinda cute, but I don't actually ship it anymore, they're just pals) where they meet post-SOJ and thought it'd be fun. Here's that post I made. OTP: Blackbright, I guess! IDK, I don't ship as much for him as I used to, but this is still my number one. I LOVE their dynamic in DD, I love the possibilities of what a dynamic could be like post-DD had he lived, so on. They're definitely Together but it might be kind of an unlabeled grey area friendship gay thing too. I don't know KRKF but I like them a lot! It's fun. I think they're very cute. nOTP: I dunno. Who are they gonna ship him with if not Blackquill? The Phantom? I've seen cute stuff with the Phantom and him as buddies that I find interesting. I wouldn't call romantically shipping them a NOTP, it's just vaguely weird but I don't really care at all. So, none I guess. Random headcanon: He's from the South and has a Southern accent!!! I love giving characters I like Southern accents it's kind of a thing I do if I have an excuse to, lol. It's why like half the Tazmily villagers were written with accents during my Mother 3 fanfic days. I think it suits him, idk why. It's better than the goofy ass voice they gave him in DD 😭 Unpopular opinion: idk. I don't know what people think about him, aside from him being another character the AA subreddit will try to convince you just absolutely sucks. Aside from, like, I don't know, I think it's a bit off sometimes if AUs where Bobby lives that people try to put all the blame for shitty behavior towards Blackquill on the Phantom. I get why, but I think sometimes it's worth examining how his position of power could be harmful to Blackquill regardless of his pure intentions or whatever. He's a cop, after all.
I know some people are uncomfortable with the ethics of a ship with Blackquill while he's still in prison (which is why some folks will specifically only interpret Blackbright as a post-DD thing) but I'm also like. idk I think THAT'S worth examining too! By people smarter than me. I'm not doing it KRKF I just find their dynamics interesting, warts and all.
I get it, though. Sometimes you just don't wanna fucking get into it SDJN but yeah! Song I associate with them: Never Ever Getting Rid of Me from Waitress. Quintessential Blackbright song Favorite picture of them: This pose is my fave everrr it's adorable.
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though I also like the one official art where he's crying looking at Blackquill. ok gay ass
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
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Media IRL
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Sweet + Flirty
Concept Birthday
I woke to what had to be one of those strange situations that if I tried to explain to anyone else they would send me for a psych evaluation. I was laid in our cosy new bed with the cosy plumpness of sleeping on a still new mattress along with the mild fear that comes with sleeping on a new mattress in a new bed frame that you yourself assembled. It's cosy but it's also a little on edge. The sweet lavender scented sheets cuddled close to me with the only light the gentle glow from the salt lamp on the other bedside table and the small day light that has forced its way around the blind and curtains on the window. But all that wasn't why this situation was particularly strange. What was strange however was the noise I heard. Enough to force me to sit up in the bed confused and mildly intrigued by the sound of an occoriena blowing a gentle but still not completely correct 'binary sunset' very sweetly being played by y/n stood at the foot of our bed in her nightie she wasn't doing bad and it was kinda cool just a very odd way to wake up. Till she finished so I gave her a little applause
"Well done sweetheart"
"I learnt it, in secret for your birthday"
"Awwww, your so sweet" I smiled taking her hand and tugging her into bed for a cuddle so she could sit on my lap "you know you don't have to do anything special for my birthday"
"Awww my darling Tommy." She smiled taking my face in her hands "that ship has long sailed" she giggled giving me a kiss "did you like the song?"
"It was very good, strange to be woken up by but good. I'll have to get you to play me lots of songs now your getting so good" I told her "So what are we going to do today?"
"Whatever you want, anything at all" 
"Anything I want? Anything at all?"
"Of course"
"...so we can, finally make a mess of the new bed?" 
For a moment she rolled her eyes "I'll get a towel"
"Yes!" I smirked pulling her close "I love you so much"
"Awww I love you too Tommy" she smiled hugging me too "hey Tommy?"
"Your old"
"Thank you sweetheart. You tell me every year" I laughed
"Old" she giggled
"Yes dear." I sighed
"We're not an old married couple yet Thomas"
"Working on it" I smiled giving her a kiss 
"Your thirty three now" she giggled poking me "which if your knees now randomly hurt?"
"That's an unfair- damn it my knee kinda does hurt" I sighed noticing she was right my knee did kinda hurt for no reason "maybe I did it at the gym or something"
"... The gym that you went to. Three weeks ago?"
"It's my birthday your meant to be nice to me"
"No" she smiled, giving me a kiss and scampering off to fetch the towel 
"Shall I grab the box while you're gone?"
"No, not today" she calls back
Once I'd had a nice bath and gotten dressed for the day I headed downstairs to see y/n making coffee and the table lined with things for me 
"You spoil me" I told her giving her a kiss
"You spoil me in my birthday I have to return the favor. Besides it's not all me blue paper is me, stripes is your family, and various is everyone else"
"You've still spoilt me more than anyone else"
"Because I love you" she smiled giving me my coffee and a kiss 
"Love you too" I smiled taking a seat to open my mountain of presents often giving her kisses and thanks for my gifts "oooh new jumper that's cosy. I'm gonna wear it actually it's kinda chilly"
"Weather man says rain'
"Rain? Awww so no bike today?"
"I don't think so Tommy no motorbike today"
"Ohh that's okay lots more things we can do. Maybe bike tomorrow?" I asked slipping my new jumper on immediate feeling the soft warmth 
"Maybe see what weather man says" 
"You knit sometimes?"
"Why do you ever give me things you knit?"
"Unwise. Bad luck if you gift someone your dating a knitted item you knitted destined for disaster"
"You and God damn suspension. You have any idea how many miles extra we use to walk in London just because you wouldn't walk under ladders, scaffolding or on cracks in pavement"
"I know but we don't have to worry about that now" she smiled "it's a similar curse to partners name tattoos just don't do it bad things will come" 
"I mean… honestly I don't why you'd want my name tattooed on you. Sort of ruin your… body aesthetic?" 
"Good point. Why would you want my name tattooed in you Thomas?"
"God no. I held your hand and watched you get the colour in your arm I am never going back to that terrifying place unless it is to hold your hand again." I told her "awww thank you for my flowers sweetheart"
"Your welcome, we needed some for the table anyway" 
"There lovely I will need your help in keeping them alive" 
"You want my help in that? Me? Who killed a cactus"
"Good point. I still don't know how you did that" 
We finished up with all my presents and we had a small breakfast after a few calls from people before I sat on the sofa beside her 
"So what do you want to do for the rest of your birthday? Do you wanna go out on a adventure in the car? You wanna go on a hike? You wanna go to a fancy restaurant? Wanna go look online for air bnbs and go on a random sudden trip?" 
"What time is it?"
"Half eleven"
"Hummmmm… can't go out on my bike because it's rainy"
"Can't just walk somewhere as we now don't live in London and there literally isn't public transport here"
"There's a bus."
"A bus?"
"A bus. It comes on Thursdays to take old people to town" 
"Wooo. But still it's nice being out of London" I smiled moving to lay with my head in her lap which she happily smiled at and began to pet my hair "can't take the car out the brakes are on my workshop table."
"Unwise to go without brakes"
"Ummm. Don't really wanna go out anywhere, or travel anywhere can't be asked to pack a bag and go somewhere I kinda just wanna be at home in our nice new house"
"If that's what you want Tommy then that is what we shall do"
"Ummm humm" she nods "we can get some shopping in for delivery, get all snug Infront of a movie and make a nice cosy hand made dinner for tea. That sound nice Tommy?"
"That's sounds perfect sweetheart" I smiled giving her a kiss 
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aceofwhump · 9 months
1, 6, 9, 10?
Thanks for the ask!!!
What was your favorite whump gif that you made this year?
Just answered this one here :D But because I can I'm going to share another favorite gifset of mine from this year. I really love all of the David Tennant filmography whump I made this year but this one from the movie The Outsider is one of my favorites. https://aceofwhump.tumblr.com/post/734215700786348032/the-outsider-2002-the-fever-has-settled-in
It's got some of my favorite whump and coloring this scene was a challenge but i love how it came out. I could stare at that shivering forever.
6. Can you tell us about any funny or unexpected moments that happened while making whump gifs?
This one is so interesting. Let me think. Funny or unexpected. Ummm. Well one of the things I love about giffing is that I can look at a whump scene literally frame by frame and sometimes I'll see things that I didn't notice before. Like when I was making this set from The Witcher I couldn't stop looking at Joey Batey's incredibly on the verge of tears acting and seeing it frame by frame was so intriguing I ended up making another gifset focusing on that alone and made this one. I love when that happens. When you find another gifset idea within a gifset you're already working on. That's always unexpected and I love it.
9. Are there any upcoming projects or goals you have in mind for next year in regards to whump gifs?
Yes!!! So many. I have a very long list of whump scenes I've always wanted to gif but haven't yet that I've been keeping for ages. One of my goals for 2024 is to tackle that. It's got things from Stargate, Supernatural, Merlin, Hawaii Five-0, Leverage, Once Upon a Time, Hallmark movies, Emergency!, The Hardy Boys, Simon and Simon, MacGyver, and SO MUCH MORE!
Another project I'm currently debating/thinking about is maybe making my own whump month challenge like whumptober or febuwhump but strictly designed for gifmakers. Since so many of the month challenges are writing focused I've been thinking about making one that is gif/visual art focused. Prompts that are easier for gifmaking, maybe share gifmaking tips and tricks, days with questions like this, etc. I'm not sure if I'll go through with this or not but it is something I'm thinking about.
And as for goals I still have a lot gifmaking tricks I want to learn or try out. I want to play more with layouts and blending and typography and really see what I can do. And continue to work on improving my coloring and brightening cause there's always more to learn and I love that.
10. Do you have any advice or tips for aspiring whump gif makers who may be just starting out in the community?
This is such a great question! Yes! To anyone out there who wants to gif but is afraid or intimidated or unsure, I have several pieces of advice for you.
For starters, gif things you like! If there's a whumpy scene you love and want gifs of, start there. It makes it so much more fun if you gif because YOU want to gif it and not because you think this particular scene will be popular or everyone else will like it. Don't focus on getting notes. I know getting notes is nice and I too want them because it means people like what I made and more people see them which is important too BUT if that's the only reason you make gifs you'll end up disappointed very quickly especially in this current fandom climate where no one reblogs things anymore. I keep giffing because I love the process and I gif things I love. Scenes and characters I love. That's where the fun is.
Don't worry about it looking absolutely perfect. Everyone starts somewhere and there's nowhere to go but up. Focus on just learning the basics of gifmaking and go from there. You gif does not need to look perfect for you to post it. I guarantee someone out there will like your gif!
You don't need photoshop to make gifs. There are a ton of online free programs you can use to learn how to make a gif that make it super simple and easy to learn. If you want to do more then photoshop is definitely the way to go but as a beginner it's totally easy and cool to use the online programs. It's a great way to see if you like making gifs.
Just go for it! Anyone can make gifs! So if you've been thinking about giving it a try, go for it!! It's fun!
(list of questions)
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fandomnovella-blog · 1 year
Tumblr media
Your Crush: Park Jinyoung
“So… Y/N, truth or dare”
You and some of your friends were having a sleepover! It was fun! And everyone was in a comfy mess of giggles and pillows you hesitated, telling the truth seemed easier but at what cost? A dare…well, the possibilities were kinda endless,
“Truth!” You said confidently,
Your friend thought carefully,
“Ok so, who do you think is the most attractive person in school and why?”
You blushed furiously, you hadn’t told this to anyone and was seriously debating lying but, rules are rules
“Ummm if I had to pick…I’d say…Jinyoung?” You blushed again burying your face in your hands! Your friends all gasped and grinned and immediately asked you what you liked about him,
“Ummmm well, I think he’s really sweet!” You said quietly
“He doesn’t really talk much though!” One of your friends said
“I know but when he does he knows what he wants to say! And he doesn’t joke as much as the other people in school, I think he’s quite a gentle genuine soul, it’s nice being around him. He’s so handsome and he has a beautiful voice! ” There was no shame in liking him and you were sure that your friends would keep it to themselves right?
You found out soon that this was as much of a fantasy as a fairy story.
A few days later you were walking down the school hall and you saw one of your friends talking to…oh no…JINYOUNG!!! You tried for the rest of the day to not
think about it, but that was like trying not to imagine purple elephant with blue spots, your mind was hyper-focused on what your friend had said to Jinyoung that day. Everywhere you turned, you seemed to bump into him, and he always seemed to be around the corner . At lunch, you ran into the bathroom, into a stall and breathed heavily into your hands, trying to calm yourself down, does she like him too? Does he like her? DID SHE TELL HIM ABOUT HER CRUSH?! You shook your head furiously! No…no! You were being silly, why worry about it! You can’t take it back now so whatever happens will happen right? You couldn’t control it and if he asked you about it…you swallowed hard, you’d be honest! There wasn’t much else you could do! Straightening up, you walked slowly into your next class.
“We’ll be pairing you up for a small in-class assignment today” said the art teacher, you need to work together to create the picture using clay!” She began handing out the terracotta coloured cubes to the class, and allocating pairs “Luke, pair up with Laila over there! Jessy go sit next to Carmen!” At this point you had shut your eyes tightly and had every finger crossed; praying to every deity that you knew “Please don’t sit him next to me please!!” You heard the scrape of a stool next to you and gulped hard. There was silence next to you, slowly, you opened your eyes and turned… there sat next to you holding the cube of clay in one hand and a second apron in the other, was none other than Park Jinyoung.
“Hey…um…are you ok?”
“Yeah” you squeaked in a tiny voice once you remembered how to breathe
“You sure? You had your eyes shut really tight! Are you in pain?”
“No no not at all!” You shook your head quickly trying to act nonchalant
“Ok..so…shall we get started?”
He placed the clay down along with some carving tools and you both set to work. In silence. I mean what could you say to each other?! This was so embarrassing! Until…
“Hey Y/N I wanted to talk to you about-“
but he never got he chance to finish what he was saying! The pressure of the whole day was weighing on you, and you were desperate to say something! And so it all slipped out!
“Yeah I said I liked you! It’s true! I do I really like you! But I wasn’t planning on telling you like this! But then maybe I wasn’t gonna tell you at all it’s just I know you heard stuff and so I might as well come out and say it right? And I’d rather you hear it from me because I do like you! It’s not a big deal! I shouldn’t be ashamed of that right?” You finished, panting and blowing like you had run the marathon everything in your mind just couldn’t hold it in anymore but the relief of the confession was short lived. The mounting embarrassment only grew as you realised you had just blurted out a confession! You just babbled in front of Jinyoung about how you liked him!
“Um, that wasn’t what I was going to say,” said Jinyoung a little flabbergasted “I was going to say I wanted to talk to you about the history homework but this must have been on your mind!”
Your whole body stiffened and a huge tsunami of shame washed over you. Once again you put your head in your hands. You just wished the ground would swallow you up! Until you heard a chuckle coming from next to you! Was he laughing? There was nothing to laugh about in your mind! But then, you heard a soft voice by your ear
“ You’re cute when you blush! Did you know that? It’s ok I like you too!”
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labratgirlz · 1 year
hi girl*ypop. hes my full will wood review again for the bit have fun.
okay so The Plan Is:
listen to each song you recommended, then listen to the albums you recommended + live shows, then listen to the full discography. im starting this at 10pm writing in my notes app. you made this happen to yourself. get ready for a whirlwind
ok so starting with red moon: genuinely epic vibes. love this one actually added to my liked playlist 💪
thermodynamic lawyer: this sounds so fucking familiar but i cant figure out where. also added to my liked playlist loved it. love me some catharsis screaming tbh
aplaces angel: like everyone else i was obsessed w the normal album over covid so. i did already know this one but i have not heard it in a Long time. epic and awesome as epic
oh love 6up 5oh. not my normal taste rhats for sure but its a lot of fun. if i ever make a playlist for when im walking home it will be on it. OH WAIT YEAH I LIKE THIS theres too muchwill wood on my liked playlist ufkc u
aikido took me like ten minutes to type in help. sleep meds are kicking in. its ok! not my regular vibe and i Cant stand clapping but it slaps.
front street scratches an itch in my brain that i Did Not know was there. cant tell if the weird knocking noises were part of it or my hallucinations but it 100% added to the experience. i liked the first half betterthough
a little bit mine: is cool.i like the drums. it has a good rylhytme also sorry ill get less and less coherent as it goes on also the piano is very fun. big fan
and if i did you deserved it: ok tbh just string instrumwnt is Not my favourite however his voice... eyes. Whatever maube there's a reason ur gay for this guy. nice voice or whatever. stfu also i loved it. btw. or whatever. i listened go the live vers and i love it wish more live versions were on spotogy.
euthanasia (live): fucks so far. as mentioned i dont love solely stringed stuff but i like it. once again... the live versions really bring out his voice in the softer songs.
becoming the lastnames: does it could if your parents REALLY should be divorced? /silly ummm. also i kinda dissociated during this one. but it was cool!! i liked it. makes nice sounds SORRY MY SLEEP MEDS ARE KICKING IN EVEN MORE.
falling up: like the beat its quickwr. and the sounds are nice. i like them ill save it to my grounding playlist tbh
thats enough lets get you home: oh this was fun. also grounding playlist tbh. i wanna learn this one if o ever teach myself guitar
blackboxwarrior: heard it before! dont love it in all honesty... its good! just not my thing soryyyy
ok now im doing live vers of songs. starting with uhh whicgeever one u put first lmao ok so 6uh 5oh waz fun. i like it a lot its fun as a non studio i think they both have their good parts
love me normally- why is his shirt off. why dod someone tell him to take off his skin i mean j would do that but also why is his shirtboff in the first place. what
really no opinion on the third one. nothing bad irs just Not my thing lmao
i already liked suburbia but i think i like this live one better
hes funny actually. hes really good about the performer/audience divide which is epic. cj the x taught me about that. epic thermodynamic lawyer tbh i prefer studio vers but the live was also fun. ok whats next ummm
ok live shows ill get to tomorrow. which means i have ro listen to everything is a lot then the normal album. on it boss.
the 6up 5oh bit where like theres rhe chorus of other voices is so epic. i love when thats used
i like jimmy mushroom
lysergide daydream would also go on a walking playlist oh i know what playlist it fits on. banger tbh
everything is a lot is fun i like it also added to grounding playlist. omg my cats just came in
red moon again everyone scream and cheer
big fan of chemical reaction already
skeleton appreciation day wa sfun i liked it
oh oh oh i really likethe first step. liked playlost it goes. epic and awesome
ok ill send this now while i listen to normal album + after that ill go full discography and if anythign sticks out ill just send more asks. i hope u regret ever trying to get me into any media ever <3
YAYY glad you liked it overall ❤️ i would write a response to eveythig you said but that would get very long and i am absolutely sure nobody would read it
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