#unhealthy mentality
foxy-pawsy · 2 years
You ever know someone who has such a death grip on their emotions that they're incapable of healthily expressing those emotions? Where they can't express the way they feel when they need to, without going immediately back into control-overdrive?
I'm "someone".🙃
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thepeacefulgarden · 9 months
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getting my wisdom teeth out would cost 2000 because my dental plan isn't very good.
I was all feeling like I should anyway because they say the younger you are when you get them out the better it'll heal (I'm getting older every day). and they are pushing my other teeth tightly together making them get crooked and harder to floss. and one has a cavity (probably the one that had a flap of skin over it for years).
but. when I just mentioned that I'll probably need to get my wisdom teeth out, my mom got all against the idea, like she doesn't trust my dentist and she says I should go to her dentist. and that's so dumb I don't have the extra money to have an appointment with a whole other dentist office.
and now I feel bad and unsure of what to do.
she kind of does this to me. it's a pattern. has very strong opinions about an important expensive decision. strongly states her opinion as the only right way, turns any discussion into an argument. leaves me confused and I do the fawn thing trying to appease her. it feels like I have no other choice but to do what she suggested or whatever option she liked or the first thing she responds positively to. and it ends up being the wrong thing to do. and once it's undeniably clear that it was the wrong decision. then it's always referred to as my decision, that I chose this. that I wanted this.
and I guess ultimately it was. I chose to go along with her. I chose not to fight. I chose to hope it would work out. but it didn't feel like a choice when it was happening. it felt like it was already decided. it felt like there was nothing else I could do.
it doesn't feel fair to say I wanted to do this. I didn't want to. but I did try to do it.
the things I want aren't practical or allowable or ever the right thing. so now I can barely tell what I actually want.
and I can't stop myself from asking my mom's opinion, I can't stop myself from telling her about my plans or my life. it's like a compulsion or something. and her opinion holds too much weight, her positive regard is too valuable. she can make me unsure of a decision I had already made, she can make me think I look bad in an outfit I picked out and felt pretty in. and the effects are quick and permanent, I'll never feel pretty in that dress again. I'll always believe that I don't have what it takes to be an animator.
and I take everything to heart. it is all my fault. I am too easily influenced. I'm too sensitive, I'm overly emotional. I make bad decisions.
and I feel all this everytime I don't measure up to standards whenever I struggle or regret. that it's my fault.
but I know it's unfair. it may be selfish of me to say but, my mom made me this way. I'm conditioned to listen to her. I've had years and years of repeated negative feedback whenever I did things alone .
I'm trying to get better. but it's hard. I always feel like I'm making a mistake.
and so all this came back up because of wisdom teeth. if we aren't considering the money I was thinking it's a good idea to get all the wisdom teeth done at the same time. all the pain and healing at the same time only ruin one month instead of 2. and it would be over.
my mom says I can only do one or 2 at a time because it will hurt too much to do all of them, or it's somehow more dangerous to do them all at once.
and I don't know what to do. I can't let myself mindlessly trust my mom. she is often wrong. but what if she's right?
I cried typing this all out, I cried until my cat Tsumi jumped on my lap.
its starting back up again.
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honeypleasejustkillme · 4 months
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so real.
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7nvk · 5 months
i will give and give until nothing is left of me
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placetovent306 · 1 month
I realized that the reason I can't get better is because I feel the best when I'm at my sickest
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jvlianbashir · 6 months
"ezri was 21 when she was joined and became the counselor on ds9"
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nemugyo · 7 months
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signedjehanne · 9 months
people on tumblr will literally post things like “you have to eat vegetables and expand your palate i dont care if you are a picky eater because of autism (if i can overcome it you can too)” and everybody will reblog it being like “yes this is true for everybody no matter what” and think its okay. like sorry but that wont work for everyone and there is no one size fits all and some people will never be able to eat these things no matter how hard they try. im only allowed by my doctors to eat recreationally and not for nutrition, because my ARFID is so severe that i get my nutrition solely from a specially made formula drink. your suggestions of “try vegetables roasted!” or “try them in soup!” and assurances of “i did it, you can too!” don’t work for those of us with more severe mental illnesses and disabilities. stop tying a person’s worth to their diet and stop assuming everybody has the ability to do what you can.
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cherylmustdie · 5 months
-i drink so i dont cvt myself (another fucking coping mechanism)
-i cvt myself because i get drunk and have no ability to control myself
it doesn't make any sense
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sleepyflowershead · 2 months
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that a huge hat..
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ddruxyart · 5 months
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At this point the bully has become the bullied but he keeps coming back for more??
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thepeacefulgarden · 25 days
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professor-amaryllis · 6 months
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yeaa i know they’re not healthy but they keep me afloat so whatever
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gideonisms · 3 months
I will admit I hate the trend towards measuring how Healthy fictional relationships are. they're not breakfast cereals! we don't need to measure the amount of fiber! even if it did matter how much fiber a fictional relationship has "healthy" is also a very general, vibes-based word for concepts that I think we probably should get more specific about
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