#usually i am good at making my own fun even at bad games
msmargaretmurry · 10 months
well that game wasn’t fun :/ and not just because we didn’t get a faceoff (that i saw) between connor and dylan “verizon reliable player of the game” strome until the last five seconds
YOU'RE TELLING ME ANON. i've been to bad games before but my god that was miserable. and we didn't even get hashtag content out of it!!!!
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noctualagenaria · 2 days
maybe some 10hour minecraft solo would fix me
#i dunno#im not sure why ive been all Eughh abt the server bf likes#part of it might be the New aspect of it and another part might be just how active it is and how many ppl are there#even tho im not like. ever direct or one on one with them its like#im at a party sort of#the chat is active too much and That. drains me a lot faster than i realize#so either a smaller server a Much smaller server or a solo world for a minute#would fix me#because i do want to minecraft#i miss it its good its nice it gives me something to do that i likely wouldn't ever get shamed for#(in this day and age... back in my day id get bullied in school about it)#(not usually by students but some did Judge me Heavily but mostly it was teachers who were like. 'video games are violenntt!!') but anyways#i wanna like the server bf likes so badly#but every single time i log on im like i cant find a good spot ever theres too many people and hhhh#so i log off of it pretty quickly even tho i Want. to like it#i jus dont think i caaann#and hi leo if ur reading this which i Hope you are <3#i would've told you this earlier. If i found out and unpacked this earlier but I'm only unpacking it now and at the time of#typing this i am so so so so SO sleepy and you are possibly just waking up or about to in an hour or so#so mwah mwah ily and such and gmmm#and im sorry if the short minecraft sessions felt Bad but it 10000% wasnt you#the uniqueness of that server js fun dont get me wrong but i dont think it can be like an All Time server for me#so make your own lil space there and ill pop in from time to time#if u want to at least#nya.txt#ow why cramps..#im nit bleeding or anything jus empty cramps bc i missed some shots oops#but its tolerable i just wnana sleeeeeepp
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rosesnbooks · 2 months
✨Leo placements✨
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disclaimer: i am not a professional and i write this posts for fun, so keep that in mind love
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☀️sun in leo - these people have big hearts and they love, love attention. however, i have noticed that even though some like attention most of the time, others prefer it in an environment they can control, such as on stage, where they have rehearsed and know about the possible outcomes. they like to take care of themselves and enjoy life. they also love to spoil those they love, and their love is bright and warm. most of them are very creative and especially talented in one domain that they pursue bravely, such as cooking or writing. people notice them wherever they go, and they seem approachable and a little intense. what i mean by that is they seem excited and loud, which is lovely but too much for some people. this isn't true for all of them though; some can be shy to a certain degree when you meet them. they love talking and making people laugh, and this fuels them. they need people in their lives and cannot spend too much time alone. some time is needed for retrospect, which they usually use. they hate failing because it impacts them greatly, but many of them try to process this and continue like nothing happened. unless it is regarding matters of the heart, then it takes more time to get over someone
🌝moon in leo - they like to see the best in people, and sadly many of them get disappointed with time, but there's a part of them that never gives up on people. they are very sensitive deep down and can get hurt easily. their ego truly is an issue, but if they recognize this and work on it, they can develop healthy relationships with others and themselves. they are very creative, and when they focus on their tasks and things they love, they can excel at them and don't stop until what they're working on is up to their standards. they are curious about many things, which is why they may start a hobby and then disregard it with time if their heart wasn't really in it. when they are angry, they can be really harsh and impulsive, similarly to aries, but i feel like they feel sorry about it more than aries because whatever they said to you remains ingrained in their memory. some of them tend to be selfish because their own happiness and worries are their main priority, which isn't bad per se, but it can get out of hand. they hate to waste time and feel like their life has no purpose or impact. i noticed that they have a competitive nature, even when playing games...they just love winning.
🌼ascendant/rising in leo - vibrant, brave, optimistic, and a bit intense people at first glance. they have a strong hunger for happiness and passion. people mostly like them, but some have mixed opinions since some can feel overwhelmed by their energy and self-love. nevertheless, many appreciate their lively nature, and they are easily noticed wherever they go. even if you don't see them momentarily, you'll hear them because they are often loud and like to talk. they might have issues with overindulging in things like binge eating or spending too much money. they can have a strong desire to lead, and if not, they still want to contribute greatly to something and see their influence. they put effort into their looks if they have the time and money because they want to present themselves in the best light (for themselves and others). people usually notice them by their hair, and i'd also like to add that their eyes are very sparkly and focused, and that they may have really quick mannerisms.
🌻mercury in leo - quite expressive when they talk! humor is important to many of them, and they love people who can make them laugh. many tend to speak fast as well. their comedic timing is really good. if underdeveloped, they can be bad listeners and only want to focus on themselves and when it's their turn to talk. they also tend to have a smile on their face most of the time when speaking, just my personal observation. people are charmed by the way they communicate; they cannot help but feel warm. this placement is really passionate about various topics, and it is interesting to listen to them. they often like telling stories, and it feels like you're watching a movie play out because they are really into it and dramatic. there's a lot of passion in their speech, and while it can be over-the-top for some, many enjoy it. honestly, they are so cute. a downside could be their stubborn nature, which may limit their worldviews or general views on some things. they may seem carefree, but they are not, so approach them with kindness and respect.
⭐venus in leo - they love romance and are very loyal and dedicated partners. they need lots of excitement and adoration in their relationship to remain happy. being with someone who takes life too seriously, doesn't praise them enough, and is not really active as a person is a big no for this placement. they love praising people and giving them thoughtful gifts and watching your face light up when you open them. you'll feel super special with them if they think highly of you. they can get crushes from time to time, but if they love you and want to commit, it is harmless. they are very loving toward their friends and are loud about their affections. basically, they adore all love languages, but primarily quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch would be their top three (in my humble opinion). they also love going places with their loved ones because they have lots of energy and curiosity, and it's really fun to do anything with them. i'd also add that besides leo risings, i've found that leo venus also have curly or generally luscious hair.
♌mars in leo-very bold and a bit stubborn. they need to be active and pursue what they love in order to remain healthy and happy. they are go-getters and they love to spread their positive energy. their stamina is very good. despite their impulsive nature, they are very focused on their goals and try their best to be great. they often get what they want and might really dislike when things don't go their way, but they never give up. may be too stuck in their own ways without seeing the big picture or other perspectives, so they need to be more open-minded because this will help them achieve their goals and form healthier relationships. they are immensely proud of their achievements and especially of the things their loved ones achieved. they can get carried away by their passions, no matter how hard they try not to. their sweetness shines in this placement as well because they truly want to be friends with everyone. lastly, if you're their person, they will be extremely loyal to you
⚡saturn in leo—they may struggle with being more optimistic, putting themselves first, and taking leading roles in any area of their life. they can care too much about what people think or might think about them, so they need to snap out of it. they can be very strict with themselves and quit before even trying things out. just do it, hun; the only way out is through (sadly, but yeah). they are very capable people who already have everything they need within themselves, so trying things out even when scared can bring them lots of luck and, honestly, a better life. putting yourself out there doesn’t mean being vain, pathetic, or needy if you’re not hurting anyone in the process. this placement wants recognition deep down, but they remove themselves from such situations. i'm here to tell you that you’ll survive this and that you won’t lose your individuality in the process. you’ll gain confidence and naturally attract the people who are right for you. on the bonus side, they are often careful and responsible.
🏆jupiter in leo—people with this placement shine brightly when they are in the spotlight. they want to enjoy life and pursue their passions, and the happiness they feel during these moments is contagious. they are generous and inspiring, so many people admire them and feel influenced by them. their generosity is also admirable and fulfilling for them. they can thrive in creative environments and in those where they can express themselves. they are also often good with kids and expressing their childlike nature, which helps them enjoy life and see things more positively. basically, focusing on themselves and others is what brings them luck and joy. they have leadership potential, and at the end of the day, they want someone to recognize their efforts, kindness, and talent, and give them lots of love.
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thank you for reading!💛🧡
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Eve
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You know how most Otome games are vaguely historical? Usually some non-specific mishmash of European countries? But fluffier and with more bows? It had once "gotten" to me, I think. I remember looking for outliers. Non-joke ones. Something that wasn't just "but this time with hats!"
I found one.
And now? Now I'm not sure if I curse that day or thank whatever force of nature lead me there. I guess... I guess it depends. Would I still have ended up HERE? If I had not found it? If so, then I genuinely and actually fucking rue it. Like... like actual "you'll rue the day! Bwahaha!" Type rue it. That's me. Ruing.
But? If it was always going to happen?
Then I guess...
I guess I'm weirdly glad. Because at least I have some fucking idea of what's going ON. Terrible, as it all is. Fucked, as the situation is. At least I'm not... not confused. Blind and at the mercy of those around me. Ignorance truely isn't bliss. All it does is leave you to try an fill in the blanks yourself. Usually with something far worse.
Not that the situation could GET much worse, by much.
I was in an Otome game. NOT a flower, high society, and dragons kind either. No. I? Was in a Dark Sci-Fi otome game. "Fate of man" was thrown around a lot. Power of luuuuv~ and such. Also, you know, HORRIFIC ethical violations. Human experimentation. Cataclysmic events and humanity "starting over".
All the high drama sci-fi concepts you could expect. It was a romp. Had good art. I'd had fun! Which is why I remember it so clearly.
Less fun when you're IN IT.
When you AREN'T one of the characters you KNOW will survive.
In fact, are one of the characters you know WON'T fucking survive. And will probably die MESSY. Horribly. Cause see, our BELOVED Harem collecting Protagonist? She? Was AN Eve. "AN".
Take a wild fucking guess what THAT project is about.
Did you say "breeding a better race of humans"? Ding ding ding! With humanity currently fucked, they want to FIX the problem by FIXING humanity. And of course, fuck ethics! Volunteers? Why use those?! Let's horrifically mad scientist our way to atrocity-ville! Make it all the more "God rightfully punishing us for our unforgivable sins" when we get wiped out!
Fffffffuck YOU, plot! I have to live here too!
You may, in fact, be picking up a slight note of stir crazy. A "wow, this lady rambles like a mother fucker" vibe. You would TOO, if you were stuck in a FUCKING TUBE. All I can do, day in and day out? Is wake, think, observe, then go right back to sleep. I can't even eat! I got a TUBE for that!
I... I miss showers.
Everything is GOO.
I'm an Eve. And if it weren't for the air tube controlng my breathing? I'd laughing hysterically until I died. And no, not in the "oh how funny" way. God. Oh... oh god. What a way to die. NONE of the Eves survive "the program".
Those IDIOTS are so OBSESSED with making bigger and bigger, better and better, FUCKING JUGGERNAUTS? That the Adams? Have long since reached the point of "mindless killing machine". UNSTABLE is putting it lightly. There is sexual dimorphism and then there's literal incompatibility.
But GOD FORBID the scientists admit that THEY are the ones with the inferior product.
It... it was even part of the game's plot. The scientist who made "Eve" HID her while HE made an Adam. I do not have that luxury. Somewhere, there is an unstable BESERKER being told I'm his "wife". That we're going to be HAPPY together. That he'll get to put his bruising, blood soaked hands anywhere he WANTS... just after he WINS me from the other Adam's.
Got to prove HE'S the best specimen, after all.
It makes my skin crawl. All I can hope, is that I can either provoke the bastard enough to kill me before they have a chance to stop him, or? I use my own enhanced strength to snap my neck. Maybe bite my tounge. Like HELL am I letting an Adam get near me.
The hiss of laboratory doors.
"Perfection at last..." Comes a relieved sigh. "All those HIDEOUS specimens. Why they make me suffer them, I'll never understand. We should have terminated them months ago. My poor project, they really think they're WORTHY of you..."
There's a derisive laugh. The scientist strolling into the lab I've been developing in, familiar. I watch him casually shrug off his lab coat and dump is bag. Hang his coat over the back of his chair. Turn, as he does each day, to STARE up at me. His eyes are a pale, pale purple the likes of which I've never seen before.
There is almost a red tint to them, though maybe that's the lights. The goo. I can never tell. He always looks ENTRANCED by me. Floating, visored, connected to far too many tubes an' wires. I'd think it was the fact that I was naked if it weren't for the way his gaze doesn't seem to drift lower then my shoulders. Seems more entranced by the way my hair moves, as though under water.
I've never once heard him talk about me lustfully.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't SCARE me.
"Let's begin, shall we? Time for your daily doses, mmm?" He says, voice dangerously affectionate. As though i had CHOSEN to do this to myself. As though he were merely reminding me of my morning medicine and not the hell ahout to come. "Going to be good for me? I know you shall, you always are."
He turned back to his desk, his computer. A few keystrokes... and I could feel the pod above me begin to hum, as it awoke. Oh god. Oh god it never got easier. From the corner of my eyes, bright chemicals slide down thind lines and into my veins. Like lines of lava. Bolts of electricity and pain. It was... AGONY.
My muscles seized. Brain screeched, first to the screaming I wish I could make... then static. With the long practice of daily pain, it took me far away. The click, click, click of keys. The sound of his voice, so terribly PLEASED, as I hung there and just TOOK it. No restraints, no strugging, no damaging myself. Just unbearable fire in my veins and a brain far, far away.
"Good girl~"
Distantly a phone rang. He made an annoyed sound, but picked up regardless.
"What. I'm in the middle of- ...Excuse me? I'm quite sure I did not hear you correctly. I said 'NO'. She's not-....I will NOT BE-...What. Are you out of your god damned MIND? That pile of scraps you call a project is coming NOWHERE near my-! ....you think you're clever, don't you?"
"Fine. You want to TALK? Let's TALK, Anderson. I'll be there in five."
From far away, past the pain, I watched him chance down at something at the screen. Back up to me. He hung up the phone but did not pause the program. Instead, calmly rising from his desk. Shrugging on his lab coat. Rounding the desk and striding towards my bio-tube.
"Hmmm, honestly, it should have been spaced out over a few more days... but you can take it. Endure a bit longer for me, would you, darling? Daddy's going to go deal with something for just a moment, he'll be right back, my perfect girl. Be good."
He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to my tank. One hand splayed next to it like he badly wished he could touch. Could stroke skin. Hold his creation close. It was not the first time he had done this. Small, covetous, little actions like he wanted to crawl inside my skin and STAY there. Like he cursed the glass that separated us.
He pulled back. Shifted to the side and kneeled. He... had hidden something behind my bio-pod? When? Apparently before I had become aware. Because I had not known about it. A black shoe box. I watched him open i-GUN. Thaaaat was a gun! Fuck. Well at least? By the time anyone thinks to look in on me? The overdose will probably have killed me?
There is a cold, terrible smile on his face as he rolls to his face. Tucking the gun into an inner pocket. It has a silencer. He leans forward one last time. Lightly kissing the glass of my pod, as though heading off to work and not to very obviously kill somebody. The pain continues. Builds. I watch him leave.
With nothing to anchor myself on... time blurs.
I think? There are alarms? Red lights flash. Then they stop. There is shouting at one point. But then silence. An explosion? Or am I hallucinating? Pain. My nerves are on fire. I don't want to have SKIN. Please... please make it STOP! Calm foot steps? Come to kill me? Please come to kill me. Make it STOP.
The lights died a... time? Ago? Emergency lights on now. Generators in the room are loud. Why can I still hear the feet? Footses? Words. H..hurts. please.
The pain eases to a stop. Aching but nothing new. Over? Oh, thank god. I can sleep now, right? But... sound? New. At my feet. Gurgling. Wha-? The very top of my head feels cold. Then my forehead. Then my temple's and ears, cheeks, jaw... wait. Is? Is the tube...DRAINING? I open my eyes.
When did I close them?
He's back.
Standing right in front of the tube. Blood staining the hem of his coat, lingering marks of his massacre cleaned but not quite scrubbed from his body. There are little off red stains on his cheek, from what must be blood splatter. They look like tiny freckles.
I'm... I can't...
I reach as the tube down my throat is pulled almost carelessly away by the machine. Choke, suffocate, as the same is done for my air tube. But then it's done... and I can BREATHE under my own power. Gasp and splutter, as the goo sloshes around my knees. Then it's gone. And the tube I've been leaning my weight against is roughly pulled away.
I collapse forward, my muscles having never actually supported me in this life.
Arms catch me. Wrapping me in a possessive hug. A hand immediately burying itself in long uncut hair, even as the other wraps itself around my torso to lean me against his body in a cradle. My face is pressed to his neck by the hand in my hair, cradling my head and neck. I can feel breath against the goo wet crown of my head.
"Finally~" he breaths out, whispering it against me like a sigh. "My beautiful, perfect girl. My darling creation. It took so LONG. Those retrobates interfering at every turn, lusting after you like ANIMALS, trying to keep you from me. Then, worst of all, trying to toss you to some pack of savages? Oh, darling~ Daddy's been so worried for you."
"But we'll be okay now, won't we? I finally have you. All fresh and finally finished. My perfect Eve. You can pick any name you want, of course. You and I will be leaving this ugly little place. Daddy has PLANS. A fresh new world, just for you, sweetheart."
He laughed, his hug tightening in a way that would have left bruises had I been a normal human. Kisses were pressed to my temple. A cheek, rubbed against my hair. He seemed... seemed GIDDY with it. That nothing could stop him now. There was no glass in his way. I could not move yet. My muscles twitched when I tried, but that was it. I wasn't even sure I could talk yet, if I tried.
"Aaah~♡ Welcome to the World, Darling. My Perfection. My Eve. This time no snakes or Adams to tarnish you. To get in your way. Just you and your Father~"
Next: ->
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disgustingtwitches · 2 months
"The closest to heaven we'll ever get"
Saw a lot of stuff about Simon helping out a s*x worker. Anyways, it reminded me of a personal experience I had so... Here I am 😃
5.5k words
*This is kind of Simon needing company and being a weirdo who needs constant validation.
Not gonna lie, it gets blasphemous at the end!
I always played around with the idea of being an escort. I was offered to do things while working in the strip club, but I always turned it down. I was spending every dollar I made because I could always make more, right? But when I broke up with my ex and realized I didn't have the credit or rental history to get my own place, I started panicking. The only option was to put down at least three months rent cash upfront, to even be considered. Suddenly, money was drying up at the club for me, my regulars were being whisked away by girls who would do more for less. I couldn't really get mad, it's just a part of the game really. So I knew what needed to be done.
I hit up one of my girlfriends and told her that I needed the extra cash and what I was willing to do for it. She helped me set up a website, took professional photos of me, made me business cards. The whole nine yards. Now all I had to do was wait. About a week in, I finally get my first client. It was awkward and surprisingly, both of our first times in this situation. I was sent back home in a black car and a few hundred bucks richer for just 30 minutes of my time. I felt a rush I never felt before.
As the months rolled by, the money came. Luxury was the new standard for me. Designer everything, nice dinners, even nicer dates. To my surprise a majority of my clientele were, at most, 10 years older than me, and even more surprisingly, good looking. Finance bros, guys with daddy's money, or just men who had the money to spare. They always talked about how it was more fun and less work to hire me than get a girlfriend. To get a pretty girl in their arm to parade around that wouldn't bicker and give them a hard time at the end of the night. No feelings attached, just company and good sex.
So here I am Saturday night. Instead of going out to the club like a normal woman my age in Manhattan should be doing. I am in my hotel. Waiting for a call or text from someone. Anybody. My hair in rollers, makeup half done. Just waiting. My phone lights up, a text coming in:
Hi, Gia. Was interested in spending an hour with you tonight, 11pm.
I smiled to myself. Finally, someone who reads my ad properly. Follows the instructions on what to text to me. Straight to the point.
Wonderful, just need a picture of your ID or passport.
I reply. Always a rule my girlfriend drilled into my head. Safety first. If they don't do it, then what could they be planning? Anything goes bad and all you have is a name that couldn't even be real. Any client worth your time understands your safety is a priority. So this was my way of feeling safer. A moment passes before my phone dings again.
A picture of a passport, full name and age. Along with a picture. He's cute. A little older than what I usually get but I'm not complaining. I quickly look him up, nothing out of the ordinary. Good.
Great. Thank you, Simon. I'll send an address for you to send a car at 10:20. Reach out to you then❤️
Before I start to get ready he texts,
Wear something casual.
Not an odd request. Actually most clients prefer it. Want more of a girlfriend vibe rather than an escort. I finished getting ready, helping myself to a glass of wine. Playing my usual bad bitch songs, it helped me turn into the woman I needed to be- from me to Gia.
10:25 rolls around. I get a screenshot of the Uber from him. 5 minutes out. I grab my purse and strut out of my hotel, to a nearby park. Never give your real address. Always make sure you're not being followed.
A black SUV pulls up, I slide in. Exchange pleasantries with the driver and I'm off. Headed to midtown. I share my location with a friend and how long I should be gone. My phone goes off.
Walk into the building and head to the elevators on the left. 36th floor. Apt. 4A.
I nod to myself before shooting a text of confirmation.
Got it. See you soon ;)
I pull up to the building, it's huge. Nicer than most places I've been. He must have some serious cash. I walk into the building and follow the directions he gave me. A little adrenaline rushes through me as I walk up to the door, always did when meeting someone new. I knock. He almost immediately opens the door, as if he was standing in front of it. Waiting.
I say with a wide smile. He steps aside as I walk in, looking around. Nice place. Really nice place. Ceiling to floor windows, minimalist decor, the lovely smell of something masculine and expensive. He looks me up and down as I turn to him.
You look just like your pictures.
His voice is deep, alluring, unreadable. Sends a chill up my thighs that shoots straight to my core.
You do too.
I reply playfully. A small twitch plays at the corner of his mouth before disappearing. His face inscrutable. I shimmy off my coat before he takes it, hanging it up in a closet near the entrance. I wait for him to move. He stands, hands in his pockets, studying me. An awkward minute passes before he walks to the living room. I follow.
Really nice place you got here.
I try to make the moment more comfortable.
He responds. He wasn't like the other men I've seen before. They are sociable, or at least try to be. I take a seat on the couch next to him, our knees barely touching.
Money's there.
He gestures to an envelope on the table. I nod, grabbing it.
Do you mind if I...?
I ask, opening it up. He nods and stands to pour himself a drink. My eyes widen. This is more than my usual rate. Much more. I'm quiet, trying not to show my shock.
Was hoping to do an overnight, if that's alright.
It was less of a question and more of a statement from him. It was more than enough for a night. I nodded.
Of course, I do wish you would've told me; I would've packed a bag.
I smiled, putting the envelope down on the table. I grab my phone and update my friend on how long I'd be gone for. I put away the phone quickly and look up at him. God, was he hot. And the way he carried himself made him even hotter, so nonchalant. He shrugged, sipping his drink before sitting next to me again, some space between us.
How long you been doing this?
He stares at me, gaze so intense I squirm a little.
Just a few months.
We're quiet again. Usually I try to carry a conversation if the other party can't hold one, but he makes me nervous. I talk again, asking mundane questions. It's like pulling teeth trying to have small talk with him. Maybe he's just not much of a talker.
I scoot closer to him, our knees barely touching. He puts his drink down, and rests his arms on the back of the couch. I lean in closer to him, resting my hand on his thigh before kissing his lips. He kisses back softly. We exchange light, almost timid kisses for awhile. He finally moves. A hand reaching up to grab at my hair, gently pulling. I moan faintly and that seems to set him off. He grabs me by the throat, not hard, just enough to stand me up and guide me to his bedroom; our kisses getting more intense. We strip each other of our clothes. I unbuckle his pants and pull them down, it feels like I'm opening a gift on Christmas. He's big. I smile up at him. He just looks down vacantly. I pull down his boxers and his erection springs up, tip drooling. He opens a drawer next to the bed, pulling out a condom and rolling it on himself.
Lay back.
He commands. I obey, opening my legs. I've done this so many times before, but this time it's different. As unceremoniously as he's treating this, I can't be more excited. His body is amazing, tattoos and scars just adding to the mysterious aura. His natural scent drives me wild. I look up to him as he crawls over me, lining himself up with me. He gives a couple lazy slaps on my slick. I take a sharp breath. He watches as he slides himself in, I tense up. Most guys are well... average. And he's well... much more than that.
He huffs. Sliding himself in more, not giving me any time to adjust. I grip the bedsheets, clenching my jaw. I stare up at him, he doesn't even look at me. His face emotionless as he watches himself slide in and out. I try to unclench, opening myself up more to him.
He grunts. My nipples harden at his voice. I moan as he slams into my cervix repeatedly. It makes him shoot his eyes up at me, glaring into mine. His eyes dark pools, intense. He roughly hooks his arms under my knees, pushing them up to my chest. He digs even deeper into me as I whimper. He takes quick, shallow breaths.
You're so deep.
I say panting, the breath getting knocked out of me. I reach out to touch his muscular arms. He grunts and pounds harder into me. I throw my head back, whining. Trying to not wince in pain. He slows for a moment, pulling back, keeping my legs on his shoulders as he slides in and out. My breasts bounce up and down with each thrust.
You're hot.
A hint of emotion in his voice, he reaches down to knead my chest. My face gets hot. I tighten around him.
He makes a sound that almost resembles a moan. I smile up at him, almost proud of making him show any emotion. He looks down at me, a flicker in his eyes, a small smirk on his face that leaves as quickly as it came. He parts my legs and rubs at my clit in rough circles. I squirm under him.
Say my name.
He orders. His strokes picking up as I get used to him.
As soon as his name leaves my lips, a deep rumble from his chest fills my ears. He leans over me, arms on either side of my head. I reach up to run my hands up and down the back of his neck.
Say you love me.
His request takes me aback. I pull him closer, my lips just under his ear.
I love you~
He immediately tenses up and takes a heavy breath. I could feel him twitch inside me as he finishes. He pulls away quickly, going to the bathroom to throw out the condom and clean up. He brings back a wet towel, wiping me down.
What's your name?
His tone as flat as ever.
I responded. I know what he's actually asking me. Never, ever tell a trick your real name. Hell, he shouldn't even know your real age.
You know what I mean.
He glares at me. I shift awkwardly. Don't do it. He doesn't say a word, just stares in a way that makes me uncomfortable. Why should he know your real name anyways? I tell him my name. Stupid. Fucking dumbass. I kick myself. He nods and slides into some sweats, throwing me his shirt.
Let's watch something.
I throw on his shirt. Now this is what I'm used to. Being a temporary girlfriend. Pretending to be affectionate. Giving much needed companionship. He splays out on the couch as I lay on top of him. He turns on the TV, resting a hand on my ass and squeezing it. Maybe this is why he hires girls. Because of how distant he is. The man can't even hold a conversation. He flicks on some show he was in the middle of, a business dramedy that I couldn't care less about. I rest my head on his chest and he runs his fingers through my hair. We're like this for a while, quiet.
Tell me you love me.
He says dryly, looking down at me. I look up and kiss him.
I love you, Simon.
He gets hard immediately, rubbing himself on me. He gets up, lifting me up effortlessly, and throws me on the bed. He lays on top of me, pinning me down onto the bed. Kissing me much more passionately this time, like he was trying to taste every inch of my mouth.
Keep saying it.
His voice gruff. He moves his kisses down to my neck, pawing at my bust.
I love you, Simon.
I moan. I wanted him so badly. I don't care how I got him, I just wanted to take him. Something about him made me go crazy, deep inside. He yanks up the shirt I was wearing, moving his kisses more and more south.
You fuck other people raw?
I shake my head. I might've been a whore, but I wasn't reckless.
He nods.
Can I eat you out?
I look down at him. Something about seeing him between my legs makes me wanna say yes. The way his eyes looks almost as if he's pleading, desperate. No way. Never do that.
I allow him to keep going. What the fuck am I doing? Why am I allowing this? Before I can think more, he plunges his tongue between my lips. Lapping up desperately, burying his face into me. I roll my eyes back, running my fingers through his hair.
I love you, Simon.
I gasp. It's the only thing he wanted me to say. I saw something in him, the way he reacted when I said that, it made me want to stay in his place forever. To never leave. Make him happy. It's just the good head talking, you'll snap back to your senses afterwards. He moans so quietly I can barely hear it. Barely. My legs on his shoulders, his arms wrapped around my thighs. Digging fingers into the soft flesh. He sucks on my nub repeatedly. It's a tortuously delicious feeling. I grip his hair a little.
I love you, Simon.
I look down at him, watching him devour me. He looks up at me, his eyes showing an emotion I can't decipher. He moves one hand down to slide two fingers into me.
I love you, Simon.
I moan, throwing my head back and smiling.
He mumbled into my heat. Pumping in and out before bending his fingers in a way that presses against my sweet spot. I hiss, pleasure flashing through me like a strobe light. I'm dripping wet. He pulls his fingers out and plunges his tongue into my entrance, trying to suck out every drop of my juices.
You taste good.
Voice as flat as ever, as if he isn't lost in between my folds. He drags his tongue up between my lips, from my entrance to my nub again. He slips his fingers in again, pressing up against my sweet spot repeatedly. I get lost in the feeling. God I could stay like this forever. He looks up at me, like he's looking for validation.
I love you, Simon~
I slip out between heavy breaths. He picks up the pace of his fingers and tongue. My face gets hot as I get closer, grip his hair a little harder. He goes even faster, harder, almost feverant. I roll my eyes back, panting. I whimper before crying out, tightening around his fingers in a vice grip.
I love you, Simon~
I force the words from my throat as I spasm under him. He continues, seemingly determined to draw another climax out of me. I mewled, trying to push his head away. He was unmoving for an unbearable moment. The only sounds were my pants and his slurping.
I love you, Simon.
I wailed, almost hoping it'll make him stop. He does thankfully. He pulls away, tearing off his sweats, beating off himself. Staring at me, his gaze is intense as ever. He grabs me by the thighs and drags me into his lap. He continues to stroke himself, staring into my wet core as if he was hypnotized by it.
Can I...
He starts, almost knowing he shouldn't ask the question.
Can I fuck you raw?
His voice is uncharacteristically soft and unsure. I blink at him, mind racing. ABORT! ABORT! THIS IS LIKE RULE #1 IN HOE-ING!!! He looked so delicious from this angle, his eyes still glued on my wetness. ARE YOU INSANE?? NO!! His throbbing, beautiful dick is twitching.
I nod. You're the dumbest person on the planet. I insult myself a million different ways in my head. A brief moment of regret is replaced with pleasure as he slides his tip teasingly in and out of me. His jaw clenches, chest rising and falling faster. His voice cracks as a moan escapes him, his eyebrows furrow.
I love you, Simon.
I stare at him, eyes half lidded. The smallest smile spreads across his face, still looking at himself entering me. He inches his way in. Pulling in and out, going deeper each time. I squeeze him, make him bite his lip.
That's good.
He stated, voice quavering. He clears his throat before grabbing one leg and lifting it to my chest, digging deep into me. I take a sharp breath in. He hovers over me, arms on either side of my head again. He slides in and out, slowly at first then picking up to a punishing pace. I whimper and wiggle under him. He grabs my face, forcing me to look into his eyes that bore into mine.
I love you, Simon.
I stare right back at him, passion shooting right out of my eyes. His eyes flutter for a moment before blinking back into his cold, unnerving self. He continues to dig himself into me, slamming and grinding himself into the deepest parts of me. It's a painfully addicting feeling. I take his hand and press it up against my lower stomach so he can feel how much he fills me. He clenches his jaw so hard, it looks like his head could pop.
I love you, Simon.
I whisper. He drops down on top of me, snaking his arms around and behind my back to grab my ass. His mouth right next to my ear, I can hear his fast and shallow breaths. Little groans that slip out every now and then. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him tighter.
I love you, Simon.
I hear him groan under me as I said it again. He goes faster than before, pretty much jackhammering me into the mattress. My mouth is agape and head thrown back. Only grunts escape my throat as I get fucked senseless.
Mhm...like that?
His words bounce around in my empty head. I replay it in my head over and over until I clench around him, he doesn't stop though. It only seems to spur him on even more. His warm breath tickling my ear as it gets more ragged.
Keep saying it.
He demands through gritted teeth.
Fuck... I love you, Simon.
I squeak out the words. He huffs and continues to rampage my body.
Can I come inside you?
He asks- No, begs. No use in turning back now. Just the thought made me close again.
I nod and he breathes harder and harder until he pleads in a strained voice,
Say it.
I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside me.
I love you, Simon~
He spills inside me. His stammered breaths and moans driving me crazy. The feeling of him pumping into me driving me over the edge. I pull him closer, practically squeezing him.
I love you, Simon.
I tenderly kiss the top of his head as he nuzzles into my neck.
How often do you do this?
My head clears, a wave of regret coming over me.
Never. I never even hired anyone before you.
He says in a way so sincere I honestly believe him. How do you know when a trick is lying? Their mouth is open. Rules. Rules to live by, to be able to survive doing what I do. Rules. They all meant nothing as soon as I laid eyes on him. Somehow saw this coming a mile away in the back of my head. He pulled away from my grasp, disappointment flooded me. He leaned back, opening my legs: watching both of our cum dripping out of me.
Say it.
His eyes so focused, as if he were trying to take a picture with his mind; so he would never forget this moment.
I love you, Simon.
I say with a tender smile. His dick jumps. Good lord is this man insatiable. He stands up and does the same routine as before, cleaning himself up and then me. He hands me his shirt:
I throw it on and he leads me to the bathroom, grabbing me by the shoulders and making me face the mirror. He gently pushes my back, I lean my elbows on the countertop. I stand on the balls of my feet, trying to get my hips to meet his. As I look in the mirror, his face looks almost tender watching me sway my hips.
I love you, Simon~
I sing softly. He bites his lip, entering me again. God, I never get used to the feeling. He grabs my hips and pulls me onto him, he bottoms me out. Groaning louder this time, he pulls my hair back so I'm looking directly at the mirror, locking eyes with him.
S'it, pretty girl...
A corner of his mouth upturned just enough to know he's enjoying himself. His words make me flutter around him. He groans and starts to pound into me. The bathroom is filled with the duet of our breaths and groans. He pulls my hair so my back is pressed against his chest. He rests a hand on my throat, squeezing just enough. Moves his lips to my neck, still sliding in and out of me.
You love me? Huh?
He grunts, warm breath on the pulse of my neck.
I love you. So much.
I moaned. I repeated the phrase so many times, it started coming out of my mouth naturally. He moved his hand from my hair to my lower stomach, pressing against it so he could feel himself hitting my walls.
You love this dick, yeah? Say it.
His voice getting more demanding and urgent. I nod and look at him through the mirror, smiling.
I love it, I love this dick so much, Simon~
He nips at my neck as he continues to fuck me. His nips turn into bites. Bites that definitely leave marks. I didn't care, that didn't matter right now.
You're never fucking leaving, you know that?
A threat that sounded like heaven to me. He could keep me chained to the bed and I wouldn't care, just as long as he kept fucking me like this. I giggled with excitement.
You like that, hm?
He smiles against my skin before continuing to lick and bite my neck.
I love it~
I truly did. It felt heavenly. Better than anyone I've ever had. Ever. Something felt so familiar about his touch. As if I belonged there.
I love you, Simon~
At this point I feel like I'm reciting a prayer, the words flowing out of me like a stream. I was melting in his arms.
Turn around, wanna see that pretty face.
I did so eagerly as he lifted me up on the counter and slid inside me. I smirked up at him. He, as always, was watching himself impale me.
Looks so pretty...
He seemingly mumbled to himself. He leaned down and pressed our foreheads together, a firm hand on the back of my head. Hitting a spot so deep inside me I never knew I had. We were like this for a long minute, sloppy sounds of our sex bouncing off the walls.
I love you, Simon.
I stared into his eyes. They seem to soften for a moment before he tightened the grip on the back of my neck. A huff, and then he came undone. He stayed inside me until he was soft. He pulls out and pushes his fingers into my cunt, stuffing his seed back into me.
He grunts in a way that sounds like approval before helping me off the counter. He leads me to bed and slips under the covers.
In my arms.
Commanding as he usually does. I press my head against his chest, his heart beating hard and fast. He wraps an arm around me, his touch much gentler than before. I fall asleep. Not too sure if he does too.
Morning comes and I'm woken up by the sun shining in my face. Sitting up, I'm in his bed, still wearing his shirt. Alone. I walk out to the living room and see him setting up breakfast on the coffee table.
You made this?
I question, surprised.
Ordered it. Good morning.
He turns to me, shoving his hands in his pockets. He looks at me expectantly. I blink at him.
Good morning.
I say. He looks at me as if he was anticipating something else. I think for a moment before suddenly remembering.
I love you, Simon.
He steps to the side, inviting me to sit on the couch. I help myself to a seat and look at the plate in front of me. It's simple, French toast and eggs. I help myself.
Are you gonna eat anything?
I look at him quizzically. He shakes his head, staring like always. We're silent as I finish my plate. I grab my phone and check the time. Almost time for me to leave.
Can I book you for longer?
His voice is gruff. An underlying tone, pleading?
It'll be expensive.
I didn't want to say that. Wanted to say I'll stay as long as he likes. But I already made too many mistakes. Gotta get back on track.
I don't care.
Of course he didn't. He could probably buy me out for the rest of my life if he wanted to. He pulled out his phone, asking for my personal number so he could send the money straight to my bank account. Hesitantly I gave it to him. He probably could find out that stuff if he wanted to anyways. My phone dings, I check my bank app. My eyes pop out of my head. I look up at him bewildered.
How long would that get me?
He asks, as if he didn't send me an ungodly amount of money.
It's enough for a whole week...
Shock still overwhelming me.
You wanna stay that long?
He doesn't really ask. He knows I'll say yes. Doesn't even wait for my answer.
I'll let you get your things.
He throws some of his clothes my way and sends me back in a car to the hotel. I grab my bags and checkout. Is this really happening? A call from my girlfriend. I tell her about his extension. She says something about making sure he's not a serial killer. We laugh, tells me to have fun, don't fall in love. I scoff as if that was the stupidest idea I've heard. As soon as I know it I'm back at his place, he's grabbing bags from me, setting them to the side. Turning to me and running a hand up the side of my waist.
I love you, Simon.
We spend the whole week tangled up in each other. Taking a break before I say those four words and he has me pinned against a wall or over a dresser or kitchen counter. Any flat surface, really.
It's Saturday night and we're showering, cleaning off sweat and other bodily fluids from each other. His touch is so gentle, handling me like I was a piece of china. He liked me. It was obvious. Seemed like the only way he knew how to show it was by fucking me, though. I liked him too. Maybe not to the extent he did.
Seemed like he found something he needed for a long time. He was hungry. Famished. He couldn't just let go of me. He's not satiated yet. Don't know if he'll ever be. It was a looming feeling. Dark and heavy. A little scary. But it made me feel more desired than I've ever been before. And not just a carnal desire. It made me feel coveted.
We're laid up on his couch. Watching the show I didn't care for before, a little more invested. My phone lights up, buzzing. The name of a regular of mine across the screen in big bold letters. This is usually the time of the month he calls to set up a date. A reminder that this is all temporary. I let it go to voicemail. He tenses up. Jealousy and disappointment radiating off him.
How much for the whole month?
He doesn't even let me think of an answer before speaking again.
How much to make you quit for good?
I'm a little shook, sure I've heard it a dozen times before. Always said in jest. But he's serious. The few words he said, he always seemed to mean. No need to waste his breath beating around the bush. My heart races. I can feel his pound against mine. A number doesn't come to my head.
Let's just see how this goes.
He doesn't like that answer. He wants something solid. A promise that I'll never leave. More than a promise. But that's as good as he can get right now. There's a tense silence between us.
I love you, Simon.
The only thing I can think of saying right now. He takes hold of me, climbing into the bed and sits me in his lap. His back against the headboard.
C'mon love.
He says frigid. An underlying tone of disappointment and hurt. I slide myself down on him, a little more adjusted to his size now. He wraps strong arms around my waist, pulling me so close it seems like he wants to coalesce into my very being.
Give me a number.
A demand that seems more like a plea. We hold each other. Unmoving as he is still buried deep inside me.
Maybe it is a little toxic to spiral into the addiction to fast money. Maybe I'm a little sick of pretending to be the perfect woman. Maybe it is a little exhausting to be a fantasy and nothing more. Maybe it is a little lonely when it's just me lying in bed, when I have to comfort others. Where's my comfort in all of this? Where's my happiness in all of this? No more fake smiles. No more fake orgasms. No more fake feelings. I don't care if he's lying. I want to indulge in delusion. Even for a moment.
I give in. He leans over, placing me on my back before adjusting himself on top of me. Touches my face, his showing an emotion that is genuine and staggering. Devotion? It feels like it.
I could almost cry, the way he takes me like I'm his. The way he talks to me like I'm not someone he hired. That didn't matter anymore. I wasn't an escort to him. I was his girl. The sex was different. Transcendant. Divine. Did I know I wanted to be saved? Of course I didn't know; for the life of sin and suffering is simply a thing to toil in until you are shown salvation. Every time he came, he baptized me. I was born again in his eyes, I was perfect and clean. Absolved of my sins.
He looked at me with so much adoration. I looked up at him, much in the same way Magdalene did to her Redeemer. He had turned a prostitute into a Saint. The unshakeable feeling of deliverance washed over as he touched me, no longer a leper. I was saved by him. His body. His sweat. His seed. Akin to taking Communion. The closest to heaven we'll ever get.
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megamindsecretlair · 1 year
Pairing: Tyrone x Black!Shy!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, multiple uses of the n-word, pet names. You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Smut, PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (fem receiving), cum play, possession kink, size kink, all consensual. Mentions of drug use and drinking.
Summary: You are so painfully shy, it hurts even you. But at a kickback at Tyrone's house, he sits next to you and promises you all kinds of dirty fun.
Word Count: 4,419k
A/N: This was my first ever request for a fic and I loved it! I had way too much fun writing this. I need to go hose off or something because WHEW! I am zooted and feral, so thank you @planetblaque for your support and this request! Likes are always awesome. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers!
Taglist: @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @wakandas-vibranium @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs
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It was a typical Friday night. Your friend had dragged you to hang with Tyrone and the crew per her usual. She was trying to get you to loosen up and hang out, but you didn’t know these people. You ran in the same circles and occasionally saw them at the club or around the corner. But you’d stand there awkwardly while your friend did all the talking. 
You’d probably trip over your words anyway. Tyrone was so fine. He moved like he owned the world. Even with a slow gait, he walked like you couldn’t tell him shit. He was low key, he didn’t talk much, but it was clear that he had an energy that drew people in. 
He was nice enough to say hi and try to include you in the main conversation, but you’d just smile and nod along. Every time he came near or passed by you, it robbed you of your senses. He smelled clean like soap and your mouth would go dry whenever he’d smile big and wide. Those times were rare, but when it happened, your heart would stop. 
This particular night, it seemed like everyone had paired up. There was a good mix of men and women chilling in Tyrone’s living room. The California sun cast rays of orange and pink through the blinds. Some movie you didn’t hear the name of played on the TV. Music flowed and there was heavy smoke in the air. 
“You smoke?” Tyrone had walked into the room and sat beside you. Your heart started thumping in your chest. You twisted your fingers and shook your head. You couldn’t look at him. He was like one of those statues that were so beautiful and lifelike, it hurt to look too long. 
“You don’t say much,” he said. He stared at you while he took a hit off of a joint. He turned his head the other way to blow it out, but the room was so permeated with it, it hit you anyway. You didn’t mind it much, it had a weird smell. But you were used to your friend smoking while ya’ll hung out. 
“I never know what to say,” you said. 
“How ‘bout why you don’t smoke?” He asked. He licked his lips and your eyes dropped to his lips. You wondered what it would be like to kiss him. Not that you’d ever really find out. He probably liked girls that were like your friend. Loud, confident, small. You had some meat on your bones. It wasn’t a bad thing, but guys like Tyrone went for the girls they could toss around the room. He’d probably hurt his back trying to lift you. 
You shrugged and studied your fingers. “Never seemed like something I’d be into,” you said. 
“No pressure, but you wanna play a game with me?” He asked. He hit the joint one more time and passed it on.
You blinked at him to see if he was playing some kind of joke on you. But he looked at you, dead serious, until you nodded. 
“Aight. For tonight, keep an open mind.”
You didn’t know what he was talking about, but you wanted to. Your heart was working overtime in your chest, making your hands shake and making you stutter. You didn’t trust your voice, but you wanted to stop being a coward. You nodded. He smiled slowly, letting you see all of his teeth. 
“Besides smoking, have you drank before?” 
“I’m not a prude,” you said. 
He laughed and held up his hands. “Aight, damn. My bad,” he said. “I get you a drink, will you talk to me some more?” 
“Yes,” you said and rolled your eyes. People always teased you about being quiet. But it always felt like you were one step behind everyone else. It was easier to sit back and just absorb the vibe than try to chime in with some useless comment. 
“Good girl,” Tyrone said and got up once more.
Your mouth dropped open. You gaped at him as he walked off to the kitchen. He didn’t look back at you. But that comment sent a shiver down your spine. He returned with two red cups in his hand and he handed one to you.
You shook the amber brown liquid and looked at him. “Henny?” You asked.
He nodded and watched you. You took a sip and then another one, letting the sweet burn coat your tongue. You swallowed it down and tried not to make a face.
“Not usually your thing?” 
“Not usually,” you said. 
Tyrone smiled and scooted closer to you until your thighs were pressed together. You wore shorts and a hoodie, so your bare thigh rubbed against his cargo shorts. He touched your knee and your leg jumped.
“You real tense for someone that’s supposed to be enjoying the party,” he said. He moved an index finger around your knee and you slowly relaxed. 
“I am enjoying the party.” You smiled at him and sipped some more Henny. Maybe the alcohol would make you cooler or sexier. You knew you were beautiful and any guy would be lucky and the blah blah blah. But there was a difference between being beautiful and being sexy. Wanted. Desired. 
Tyrone talked to you more, claiming he wanted to know more about you. You told him about your job, a little bit about your family. You learned that he only had a mom. His little brother was killed when he was younger and from the pain in his voice, you knew that that pain would never go away.
On to happier topics, you discussed your favorite movies, songs, and groups. He laughed when you said you preferred Tupac to NWA. He thought you were crazy. Adorable, but crazy. But he wanted to know more about you and wanted you to open up. He asked you why you were so stiff.
“I’on know, it’s just hard to relax. I got anxiety and shit,” you said. He laughed. His laugh was throaty and deep and he shook his head. 
“You too cute to have anxiety,” he said.
“One ain’t got nothin’ to do with the other!” 
“I can make you relax,” he said. Humor danced in his eyes, but there was nothing funny on his face. He stared at you and you saw his eyes wander all over you. 
“How?” Your voice was small in the din of the room. Music still thumped and the room had thinned out as people started to pair off and find a flat surface somewhere. You had lost track of your friend and her boyfriend, one of Tyrone’s friends. 
Moaning to your left caught your attention. A couple was standing near the kitchen making out but they may as well have been the only people in the room. The girl was small, high ponytail, and glossy lips and she was climbing all over her much taller date/boyfriend. Your cheeks burned as you looked away.
“You got a nigga I need to worry about?” He asked.
“No. You got a girl I need to worry about?” You asked. 
He smirked but he didn’t answer you. He leaned down and kissed your cheek. “You still down to play our game?”
You nodded. He raised his hand and stroked your chin before making you meet his eyes. “Let’s go to my room then. I can help you relax,” he said.
You smiled and wanted to look away but he held your chin and made you look at him. “Um, I don’t know about that,” you said. 
“Why not?” 
“We don’t really know each other like that,” you said. 
He kissed you. His lips were warm and you tasted Hennessy and weed on his tongue as it stroked yours. He suckled your lips with his and you moaned softly in the back of your throat. Fuck, he kissed really well. The type of kiss where you couldn’t sit still. The kind that made you want to crawl under his skin and live there. The kind that made your toes curl and your pussy get damp.
He pulled back and licked your lips one last time. “We can get to know each other,” he said.
“By getting in between my thighs?” You weren’t stupid. You knew what he was asking for. 
“Shit, if you let me,” he said and grinned. 
“Why me?” You asked. He was so fine that he could have any girl he wanted. He could crook his finger at anyone in the room and they would come crawling over to him, ready to please him. 
“‘Cause you fine as hell. And you got me hurtin’ over here,” he said. He grabbed your hand and placed it over his dick. It hardened as he rubbed your hand over him. He was big, huge, gigantic. You’d seen and touched dicks before, but this was like the Sistine Chapel or some shit. The Mona Lisa. This was the end all and be all of dicks.
Panic must’ve shone on your face because Tyrone chuckled and kissed you again, rendering you stupid. “We’ll go slow. Just the tip,” he said. 
You laughed. “You don’t believe that shit,” you said.
He grinned. “For you? I’d take my time,” he said. 
You looked at him as he continued to rub his dick with your hand. Everything in you was screaming to run away and go home. What if you were bad in bed? What if you did something wrong? What if you couldn’t get him off? 
The questions tumbled inside of your head, taking you out of the moment. You looked down at your hand and stopped moving it. 
“Don’t give me no bullshit. I see you want this dick,” he said.
You sucked your teeth and rolled your eyes. “I wasn’t gonna give you bullshit,” you told him. You a damn lie, but he didn’t have to know that. 
“Just say yes. Let me help you unwind,” he said. 
You didn’t say anything as he stood up and pulled you to your feet. You didn’t say anything as he led you down the dark, quiet hallway towards his room. He opened the door for you and you walked in and sat on his bed.
His room was clean for a boy. He still had stuff thrown around but at least it smelled good in here and there were no empty dishes or wrappers. You hated dealing with messy people like that.
Tyrone closed the door and your heart was back to thumping. Tyrone sat next to you but didn’t do anything. You looked at him, wondering if he was waiting for you to make the next move. This was why you didn’t do shit like this. You didn’t know the rules or how everything was supposed to go down.
“You a virgin?” He asked.
You laughed, not expecting that question. “No!” 
“What you actin’ shy for then? Give me a kiss,” he said. 
You scooted closer and pecked him on the lips. He sucked his teeth and smirked. 
“Don’t give me that weak shit,” he said.
You sighed but leaned in again to kiss him. You weren’t always good with words. But this you could do. You had been crushing on him for a while anyway. And by some miracle, he at least wanted to fuck you too. 
When you pulled back, you blinked up at him and he grinned. “Good to keep going?” 
You nodded. Tyrone went back to kissing you and for a while, he was content to do just that. There was nothing hurried about it. He kissed like he did everything else. In his own time. The more you kissed, the more that you were scooting closer and rocking back and forth trying to get some relief. 
Tyrone huffed a laugh against your lips and pulled back to start kissing your cheek and jaw. “You ever let a nigga eat you out?” He asked. 
“No.” Your voice was breathy as he found a ticklish spot on your neck. You curled against him and he laughed. He pulled your hoodie off and laughed at your fandom t-shirt.
“You like that goofy shit?” He asked.
“The fandom sucks, but yeah. It’s good,” you said. 
He shook his head. “I ain’t never seen it. Maybe we can watch it together,” he said. He went back to kissing your neck as you thought over what he said. He wanted to watch the movie with you. As in…he wanted to see you again after this? 
Well…wait till your friend heard about this shit. She thought your crush on Tyrone was adorable. You didn’t want to be adorable.
You broke the kiss and took off your shirt, leaving you in your bra and shorts. Tyrone raised his eyebrows and took in the burnished orange of your bra. It was a little risqué, with lace for the cups and it barely covered your nipple. 
“Not such a good girl. What you doin’ wearing this?” He asked. He kissed a hot trail down your jaw and to the top of your breasts. He nibbled on one and you squirmed underneath him. 
“I like it,” you told him. 
“Mhm, I like that shit too,” he said. He pushed you onto your back and then stood up. You watched as he got rid of his own black t-shirt and kicked off his shoes and socks. He was a big boy, stocky, solid. You took in his chest and body and nearly salivated. 
He moved closer, forcing your legs apart and you gasped. He chuckled darkly and started to remove your shorts. “I like this color on you,” he said. 
Your panties matched your bra and he stood for a moment taking in your body. You crossed your arms, feeling self conscious. You were about to ask that you do this with the lights off. But Tyrone kneeled down and kissed your forearms, your hands, and your fingers.
“Don’t hide from me. I wanna see everything,” he said. He peeled your arms from over your chest and placed them on the sides of your body. You forced yourself to keep them there as he kissed along your tummy, your sides, your breasts. 
He was slow and methodical with it. He never kissed the same area twice. He was showering your body with kisses and it only made you tingle. It made your hunger for him grow like a living thing inside of you. You shook even though the room was stuffy. 
“How long has it been?” He asked against your skin. Wherever he kissed, he brought his hands up to massage you. He started with your thighs, kneading through the fleshy bits and his thumbs inched higher to where you wanted him. But he stopped just short of reaching your pussy and he worked his way down, towards your knees.
“A long while. Guys don’t really check for the big nerds,” you said. You weren’t bitter about it. It was a sad fact of life. And you didn’t want no ashy nerd anyway. 
“That’s not true. We think ya’ll too good for us,” he said. You laughed and shook your head. You brought your hands up to your face. 
Why was this shit so embarrassing? You were grown. You knew your worth. But in the back of your mind, you kept thinking that this was a set up. Any minute now, he was gonna take a picture or video and share it to social media and you were going to be laughed at forever. But that was irrational. You knew it was irrational. 
“Move yo fuckin’ hands,” he said. 
You lowered them and stared at him and his little tone. “Stop all that hiding shit.” 
You blew out a breath. “It’s a habit,” you said.
“Yeah, well the shit stops tonight. Feel me?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, damn.” 
Tyrone stood up and leaned over you. His fists were on either side of your head and you suddenly felt small compared to the size of him. “I’ma break you of that shit.” This close, his deep voice was amplified in the small room. 
You were breathing too rapidly to ask more questions or what he was talking about. You had an idea but you couldn’t think past the look in his eyes. His eyes were narrow and though his lights were on, his eyes were two dark pools. You were drowning in them and you didn’t want to be saved.
He kissed you, chasing away any more thoughts. Then he kissed down your chest and belly again before planting his big nose against your sex and inhaling. “Fuck, you smell good,” he said. “Bet you taste good too.” 
He stripped you of your panties and then blew a breath across your wet pussy. You jerked, back to being nervous. He didn’t say anything. He just ran his big tongue from your pussy to your clit. You gasped and ended on a moan as he did it a few more times. 
“Fuhh,” you moaned. Had you known that getting eaten out felt this good, you would have done it a long time ago. 
Tyrone gripped your thighs and hooked his arms around them. Then he latched onto your clit and started to devour you. He licked, sucked, and swirled his tongue around your clit. You jerked and tried to scoot away, but he held onto your thighs and wouldn’t let you get away. 
You were soaking wet and his tongue only added to it. Your wetness and his spit dribbled down your ass cheeks and onto the bed. You were mildly embarrassed by that but he continued to eat you out and your embarrassment had its limits. Your concerns melted away as he licked and sucked away. 
“Goddamn, you taste so fuckin’ good,” he said. He dived back into eating you out. He licked around your pussy and you started to stutter. “Oh, shit, wait,” you managed to squeak out. There was a pressure building low inside of you. 
You had an orgasm before but it had been so long. Your breaths were little bursts of air in the room. You gripped onto his forearms and held on. 
“I can’t…” you said. You wanted to move away and then orgasm. This seemed too intense, too big to do with his face in between your thighs. As if you were going to climax and burst into stardust.
“Mhm, let me taste it while you cum,” he said. His warm breath fanned over your pussy, drawing out another moan. 
“Ty–” His lips descended on your pussy and started to flick your clit with his tongue. You cursed as the orgasm finally, blessedly tore through you. Your thighs twitched and you moved to close them, but Tyrone still held them rigid. He kept eating you out as your arousal pooled out of you. 
When you were done with it, Tyrone kissed your thighs leaving wet spots behind. The bed under you was damp and starting to cool already. The bed dipped as Tyrone stood up and looked down at you with a satisfied grin.
“Felt good huh?” 
You nodded and caught your breath. “Don’t get a big head,” you warned him. He waved you off as he undid his shorts and slipped it and his underwear off. His thick cock bobbed as it was set free and it was already leaking precum. A drop fell from the tip and disappeared. 
You licked your lips as you watched. You wanted to taste him too. You wanted to suck him off and have him screaming your name. Have him moaning and throwing his head back. Your pussy contracted just thinking of making him feel just as good. 
Tyrone stroked himself and chuckled. “As much as I want that sexy ass mouth on me, I wanna feel you cum on this dick,” he said. 
He helped you sit up in bed and out of the giant wet spot you left behind. You stared at the dark spot against his blue sheets. You couldn't believe that all of that came from you. He pried your legs open and settled in between them. He positioned you how he wanted but also so that you were comfortable.
You had a big ass and that meant that you couldn’t lay down in the bed like others could. Your back was always lifted off of the mattress in some kind of way. He pushed a pillow under your back without you even having to say something. 
He slapped his dick against your pussy. The wet slap was lewd and obscene. You brought your hands up to hide your face, but Tyrone grabbed your wrists and planted them against the bed. He kissed you until you melted under him once more. 
When he was sure that you weren’t going to try and hide again, he moved his hand from your wrist. He lifted one of your legs and pushed it back until it was only slightly uncomfortable. 
He poked you with his dick and you moved your hips, trying to line him up to enter you. He watched you struggle and grinned when you grew frustrated. He licked his thumb and started to play with your clit. 
You stopped trying to get him inside you and relaxed into the pillows. “Oh, shit,” you said. He lined up his dick with your entrance and pushed in. Your hand flew to his stomach to stop him. 
“Slow, remember? Slow,” you said. He was huge and it’d been a while for you, so as he pushed in, the slight burn only made you nervous. 
“You gotta let me work it in, baby,” he said. 
You nodded. He was right. You had to let him in but fuck. He was so big and you weren’t sure he was gonna fit. That had to be a thing right? Not being able to fit. 
He only drew big circles around your clit and waited for you to stop tensing. He worked his hips back and forth trying to get inside of you. He pushed in a little more every time. He slipped on your wetness and went further, faster, and you bucked off of the bed with a silent scream. Your mouth had dropped open.
Tyrone moaned and rolled his head back towards the ceiling. “Goddamn. You so fuckin’ tight,” he whispered. 
“Slow, slow!” Your brain was a real one, because it forced you to breathe when all you wanted to do was die. Tyrone stretched you out, further than you thought possible. You slapped at his stomach, arms, hands, as air returned to your lungs.
Tyrone only smirked down at your weak hits. “I gotta move, baby.” He slid out and back inside and you shrieked with pleasure. Your little squeals and moans were making Tyrone go faster. As if he had something to prove. 
“Squeezin’ the shit outta my dick. Fuck. This my fuckin’ pussy.” His words were low and skipped over your nerve endings like a live wire. “This my fuckin’ pussy. It belong to me.”
You convulsed and contracted on his dick at his words. He felt it and groaned. “Yeah, that’s right. My fuckin’ pussy.” 
Sweat dripped down from the crown of his head down his face. It slid down his neck and you licked your lips. You wanted to taste him. You sighed and tried to swallow your moans. You didn’t want to be too loud. 
Tyrone switched up his angle, pushing your leg a little further back and a shrill moan escaped you. You bit your lip and Tyrone leaned down to kiss you. “Let me hear you, baby. Be good for me,” he said.
You nodded and let your moans fly. Fuck it. He felt so damn good inside of you. Like he was made to be there. Your wetness made him slip in and out easily now. He moved his hand from your leg and pulled down the cups of your bra so that you were exposed to him.
He sucked on your titties and continued to pound inside of you. “Fuck, Tyrone. Fuck. Wait,” you said. The duel sensations were too much for you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and held on. Your hands played with his neck. You kissed his cheek and got sweat all over you. You licked your lips and licked the saltiness of him. 
“Fuck, Tyrone.” 
“I can’t fuckin’ wait. You feel too fuckin’ good. Where the fuck you been hiding this shit?” He asked. 
He licked your neck, probably tasting your salty sweat as well. He bit down on your neck and you jerked. Your orgasm was swift and without mercy. You clamped down on his dick and he growled in your ear. 
“Muthafucka,” he said. His voice was muffled in your neck. He stroked two more times before climaxing and releasing a fat load into you. You felt it fill you up. You should have been nervous about having sex without a condom. But you just wanted more. You hugged him to you as if you could mold yourself to him.
You moaned loudly, filling up the space with the sound of your voice. You didn’t worry for once. You didn’t worry about how you sounded or if you were doing it right. You didn’t worry about what he must be thinking. It was just your combined pleasure and the feeling of him buried deep inside of you. 
His skin was on your skin. His hands were wrapped under you, squeezing your ass. Your nipples rubbed against his chest. Your nails dug into his back. It smelled like sex and his unique manliness. 
He leaned up on one elbow so he wasn’t crushing you. He kissed you, slow and methodical like before. Like you were precious. Like he wanted to savor every once of your kisses like a chef at a new restaurant. 
“Whose fuckin’ pussy is this?” He asked.
“Mine,” you said, feeling wicked and naughty. 
He pushed into you, still rock hard and you gasped. “Fuck,” you moaned.
“I’m still fuckin’ full. I’ma keep going until you know whose pussy this is,” 
You grinned evilly and kissed him. “I said it’s mine,” you said. 
He chuckled and ran his tongue over your nipple. He started to move inside of you. His cum squelched as he started to fuck you again. He slid in and out even more easily and you took deep breaths. 
“Naw. This shit belong to me.”
The Secret Tyrone Files (if you want to check out more!
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General Headcanons with DOA Boys
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Headcanon: General headcanons of stuff I think they will do Pairing: Fyodor x reader, Nikolai x reader and Sigma x reader Genre: Fluff, lowkey crack A/N: Thank you dc person for that one fyodor headcanon. →Masterlist
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He probably likes to eat mud for fun and force everyone to eat it
You both secretly sneekout of the hideout and visit beaches at night, having deep conversation which would end up with him filling your shorts with sand
he likes to place insects and rats in your closet stating it is a harmless prank. Not even Sigma is excused from his pranks
Nikolai irrespective of being a prankster would gift you with ice-creams and bakery goods [to lactose intolerant ppl, he gives u popsicles]
that was until he decided to prank you once day and put hair in your food
Never fell into his 'get in hole' game. You got stuck in it for 40 days without food and water. No kidding.
The mysterious hole is filled with nothing but junk.😭😭 very questionable junk
You both love to prank others though.
"Let's plant the bomb under Sigma's bathtub" "Extra points make it filled with pink glitter"
Sigma was covered in pink glitter for thirteen days.
But! Personally Nikolai would be one of the best cuddlers in the manga/anime
The first time he wore normal clothes instead of his usual multi layered buisness clothing, you were in tears. How could someone pull such simple clothes so fashionably?
You like to braid his hair. Even if you suck at it, he would wear your braiding loud and proud.
"Ahh quiztime! Who braided my hair?" "Sir this is-" "Wrong answer," boom "it's my love YN who braided it, you are no fun"
And that's how the city's McDonald's got blowed up.
overall he is a good insane boyfriend, so 10/10 cause I love him 😋
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This man
I swear he is fine asf but would probably learn all the instruments you like so he can play it to you when you are kidnapped by Dazai most prob.
he is a Lil more insane then Nikolai so he would probably boom North Korea cause he was bored. [NK people i am jk-]
"what did you have for breakfast" "I don't know" "wrong answer" And the next moment you know, South of Yokohama got blowed up
He is the most broken richest man you ever met.
he can't buy clothes for himself or even upgrade the doa office but will gift you a wholeass country as a Birthday return gift.
you force him to wear dresses and paint his nails, 😭 but my man is so down bad that he is sub in this relationship.
"Sir we have bombed the tunne-" "Good verywell" "🧍🕯️" 😭 nah cause they are hella scared when he wears makeup.
He would probably take you to fireworks only for you to realise he is bombing the area again.
"fyodor, we talked about this" "No" and he proceeds to boom everything
he isn't much of a hugger and probably tries to runaway when you try to even touch him, but mf would suffocate you in his sleep with his hug
He probably had tried giving those evil laughs, but the moment he did that, he choked on air.
Me and a person on my server were having a convo and they said "He probably bites his nails to much and they are really short"
he owns a pet rat but denys it
honestly, he is a 10 but he is a terrorist who likes to bomb everything up. But he is your boyfriend and he is hot.
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-Are you the man of the relationship or he is?
he is more of a 'please don't kill anyone sweetheart' rather then supporting your actions and being a 'lets commit arson dear YN'
Mf is rich asf. He would deny it ofcourse and then proceed to shower you with silk clothes, Gucci , prada comfy…..such a sugar daddy
😭😭hear me out, he is a ball full of sunshine and anxiety but he wouldnt hesitate to kill anyone who does wrong to you or his casino.
-"Sigma am I your first priority?" "Yes-?" "Is the casino your first priority?" "Yes-?" "Me or the casino?" "Yes"
He probably cries everytime you ignore him.
once Nikolai kidnapped you for fun and man did Nikolai end up being half bald.
Sigma wants you to stay away from fyodor, because the last thing he knows is that he want to give fyodor a bombing partner.
Atp he doesnt want you to interact any of the DOA members, because little did he know, you will grow more insane with them.
I like to imagine you knowing Dazai and mentioning it to Sigma on occasions, and oh boy Sigma wanted to kill the man when he first met not because you talked a lot about him, but he would probably be the reason why you pull questionable strunt
10/10 Mama Sigma
He also doesnt allow you to run away freely in his casino, for all he knows is that you will cheat and win all the games.
He is so restrictive
You both probably or possibly may have this convo:
"BUT FYODOR GIFTED HIS S/O A WHOLE ASS COUNTRY, WHY CANT I GET THAT PLUSHIE??" "You cant cheat everytime to get the plushies" "BUT-" "Fyodor is a terrorist, we are not like them" "LEAST HE GIFTED HIS S/O-"
Your arguments probably never make sense to others, but its for you and Sigma to know.
Also he gave up on scolding you every time you try to eat casino coins.
He is such a 'I am trying to keep my S/O mentally sane' boyfriend, even if he needs to go to therapy. 8/10 bf material
Guys get a Sigma. Sigmas never disappoint.
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A/N: Btw the discord server if you wanna join is here.
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jealousmartini · 5 months
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List of things I am excited to experience in my K-pop idol dr(s) !
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Doing crowd work with my fans while performing is SUCH A DREAM FOR ME OMG. That's like one my main reasons I'm excited to have a concert because I want to interact with my audience; exchanging glances, throwing stuff for one of them to have and of course performing at my best.
Okay okay, I know I have yapped in the past about being excited to meet BTS, but first, let me name a list of groups/idols I am so hyped to be in a 2-foot radius of because sometimes a girl cant help but shriek at the thought of them🙈:
I FUCKING LOVE THESE GIRLS SO MUCH NO ONE GETS IT. Just a little fun fact, MKB(my own gg) is considered to be like an older sister gg to NEWJEANS because they are both famous 5 member girl groups. Some people even say that NEWJEANS' aesthetic is like a younger sister to MKB's; even though MKB isn't all that "mature" it does give off an older sister feel in contrast to NEWJEANS' AND ITS SOOO CUTEEE😭😭
In my dr, Me and Wony are really good friends, and we have each others contacts. I've gone to battle for her in my tiktoks and tweets against antis (I am very much popular for this too since it's considered controversial to speak out in defence for another idol and she isn't the only idol I've fought for😭😭) cus she's literally the sweetest idol ever?? I actually love her to death.
In my opinion all of TWICE is so cute and I freaking love them all, but I am closest to these five. They're some of my closest girl friends because they were the first friends i made (other than my members lmao) and I love them all so much please I can't wait to meet them (especially since MKB and TWICE both exist under JYP so we're basically always hanging out)
BTS ||
No, because you guys. the dating, fighting and relationship rumours that are gonna be floating around me are gonna be CRAZYY cus of how many frequent interactions I have with the group/ the members individually and how much i talk about them because I am SO down bad for them PLEASE (but we can't let them and army know you guys shhh🤫) and I also just be having the LOUDEST MOUTH EVER🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️
But aside from how badly I want each and every one of them, Me and MKB are super cool friends with BTS; usually, 1 or 2 of us will visit them for whatever reason needed and whatever occasion like watching them behind the scenes, sometimes, we will appear on their lives in person or on phone (cus we have each others contacts😝🤞🏾), we always wish them happy birthday (as they do back to us), and few times some of us will make special appearances on their game challenges on RUN BTS too.
Also, I'd say I'm closest to being with Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, and Taehyung- BUT I get along very well with Yoongi, Jin, and Hoeseok too. I just hangout with those 4 the most out of all of them. [EDIT// Actually I do hang out with Jin too what am I talking about]
More hot men. Idk what to say more about this LMAO😭😭
MKB is most infamous (other than our music of course) for our ridiculous lives. But my favourite kind of live is the birthday one. The moment of appreciation and love sent from fans and the celebration from my family members and staff is so precious and important to me. The thought into the gifts and the messages mean so much more to me than what anyone could imagine and it gives so much meaning to birthdays because they are so important to me.
I have always been a big music nerd and my urge to produce music for a loving and interested fanbase makes me feel so warm. it's just what my silly little heart was made to do.
I have also been super interested in being involved with the work behind the scenes , not just being in the scenes of our music videos. I really want to have a say in what the concept of the video to match the music will look like, the outfit ideas, the hidden lore in the videos. It's just such a dream come true for me, and I'm even excited for whatever travelling needs to be done, too.
Being nosey and attention seeking is a deadly combo. Always gotta know something, always gotta be talked about somehow (and I usually prefer the fake dating allegations cus they're just so funny and sometimes cute depending on who I'm being shipped with lol)
🍊 — FOOD
I am THE BIGGEST foodie there is I swear. I have always craved and cried to eat real Korean (and East asian) food without thinking about my money or my skin as well as usual meals too and as much as I want (because I scripted my manager let's me eat anything I want since I don't gain weight (I scripted this for all idols tbh cus I just want to see wony eat SOMETHING😭🙏🏾))
When I say VIP stuff, I mainly mean 1st class vacations and trips. I freaking LOVE exploring and travelling.. ON LAND. When I shift though, this will be my first time flying on a plane and I'm kinda excited, kinda frightened. I have a slight fear of heights so I'm gonna have to brave through it and try not to throw up or something.
🍊 — FANMADE GIFTS (fanimations, fanfictions, fan art, real life gifts, fan edits, etc.)
I am so freaking hyped for this stuff you guys stop. One of my main love languages is gift giving and receiving, and I already get so hyped when I get a gift on a random day from a family memeber😭😭.
The fan edits and fanfiction are gonna be crazy tho omg the ships..😭😭😭 (I WILL be looking out for the ship fanfics best believe.)
Okay, so before I explode for excitement, I had this idea to make take the Googlebox celebrities and make a K-pop idols edition, and it couldn't be more perfect. Of course, you might be worried about how little privacy and time to myself off camera I may have now that I've added this into my dr, but never worry!
I scripted MKB to get 2 weeks to a month long breaks depending on stuff like exhaustion, injuries, meeting families, or just having a well-deserved vacation. I also scripted that our fanbase is very respectful of our space and don't bombard us if we're spotted in public.
Edit: O.m.g applies to all the things I said about MKB too guys I just cba editing everything add o.m.g in rn
@4ellieluv @cocozydiaries @samara444 @theshifterbear @livingmydreamlife5555
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issatalk · 9 months
paige bueckers x reader
childhood friends to lovers
taking care of a drunk paige
“with her hand around my waist and all the music and lights, mannn i don’t even know where i am, but one thing i do know is that i will dance on her until i can’t move for the night” i heard the woman say as she came near my table to sip on her drink after her and paige were basically grinding on the dance floor. the place was so crowded and truthfully i don’t know if it was the alcohol or if i was just extremely jealous that paige, the paige i have had feelings for for years is letting another girl dance on her as i am sat watching the scene.
after some time of their dirty dancing and dreading eye fucking, paige came to the team table. she was messily walking over us and oof was that girl wasted, i can’t believe she got this bad “ hey can you give me another dirty shirley temple ” she told ice with a small grin in her face that made it so obvious the state she was is. that was our queue to leave, everyone in the team was tired of dancing and occasionally drinking. i myself only had some tequila lemonade so i wasn’t really tipsy or anything but some of these girls were going to need so lots of coffee and good aspirin in the morning
inês was the most stable of them all, she wasnt much of a drinker and went for light beverages. we had called an uber for some of the girls while other came in their own cars, after sending a couple of girls in each ride, aaliyah decided she would be driving. even tho it was paige’s car, she was in no state to drive it, so it went, inês, paige and i along with aaliyah in the car. me and paige went on the backseat i
as i was taking care of her just to make sure she didn’t puke in the car or do dumb shit. aaliyah turned her playlist up making this quite a party since everybody was screaming the lyrics. as some quieter songs came on paige started laughing silently, making me a bit annoyed since she was extremely talkative and touchy when she was drunk. she was constantly poking your face and laughing, i hate this part because it’s when all her hidden thruths come to light and you just never know if it is good or bad.
one time sophomore year you had taken her home after a big game win, the party was crazy, everyone cheered for her, at that point she was the party. but she’s a bit of a light weight so we constantly had to take care of her after her “fun nights”. you were laying her down in bed making sure she was cozy in her bed with enough heat and comfort from her blanket.
she was silently staring at you, once u got near to tell her good night and light off she started talking a lot. things you thought were nonsense since she was drunk, she had said that you had the most beautiful smile in the whole wide world as well along that you had the fattest ass in campus, you definitely laughed at the last one as it was unexpected but these little drunken words meant a lot to you specially since she had been your best friend since junior year of highschool and these drunken words have happened all these years . and this just went along, you never could get rid of that stupid crush you had on her in highschool which after some years turned into big feelings.
in the car paige was getting more confidence then usual, she started by slightly placing her hand on ur knee and after some time while everyone was still singing along, you feel as her hand was going further up into ur thighs, she was rubbing them at this point. she tried to get a little close to not only ur thigh but also down there. u panicked and quickly moved ur hand on top of hers moving it back up to your knee, you turned to look at her and all you could see in the minimum light of the night, were those beautiful blue eyes that made you squirm and go crazy at the tiniest contact, you saw that upturned nose that was ever so perfect and that smile that made you go crazy. finally realizing you were going to keep on suffering quietly if you never made a move.
morning comes and as extremely anxious as you are, you walked up to paige’s dorm with a coffee in hand to help her hangover after lasts night event. you knocked as kk opened up the door letting you in “girll who that coffee for? you better have 4 others in the car cause we surely need them” she said, making me laugh. i walked towards paige’s room opening the door seeing a quiet paige looking like life needs to be contemplated, she clearly had just woken up not many minutes ago, but damn she still managed d to look cute, even with a hangover.
“goodmorning p” you smiled handing her the coffee as her pearly teeth flashed a smile as she saw you “goodmorning love” that’s a new nickname… “so what’s are the plans for today? geno said practice is up until 5 so we got the whole morning” i said trying to wake her up “i think i might just stay in bed enjoying this beautiful coffee that the best person in the world just brought me” she said hoping everyone could hear her so they wouldn’t bug her “oh, well, can i stay with you for a bit?” “ yeah of course, i’m watching the new mario bros movie, so when i go back home i can make sure drew and i can talk about something he likes” it made me melt, i love how much love she had for her brother.
some hours later she fell asleep ,paige was resting in my chest as i tried to move as less as i could so i didn’t wake her up, but as it hit 2pm, amari came and yelled at her to get up. she groaned and tossed around the bed like a little girl making me laugh, she was just too adorable. yet it was time for me to tell her how i felt and if i didn’t do it now it would never happen.
still in her room i said with courage “hey paige” “yup” “ i need to confess to you that for a while i have had feelings towards you, i feel attracted by you as well as extremely grateful towards you, you have done so much for me and for that exact reason i am scared to tell, because i have no expectation on your reaction and i’m sorry if it makes it awkward between us but-“ as just like a cliché moment, the girl i died for since highschool was kissing me. it was a sweet and short kiss, i could sense a smile from both sides after we separated our foreheads from eachother. “god you don’t know how in love with i am do you? i’ve been dying to do they for years” she said in the breathiest voice, i just needed more. i kissed her again, i pushed her down on the bed as she took my waist ,pulling me closer to her so she could feel all of me. i was starting to go down to her neck but got scared as amari banged on the door again, making me separate from paige and making us get up. since that day and on i take courage in all of my decisions, knowing the consequences are fully mine, yet i’m ready to challenge them all. just for her.
thank you if you took the time to read this!! i hope you enjoyed it!!
this is slightly pazzi coded btw
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
I am going to rank all of the Super Mario Galaxies and none of you can stop me
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That's right! I'm ranking all of them! All ninety-one of these things! Hi, I'm Mod Hooligon, and you may recognize me as "the mod that posted about Super Paper Mario a lot", but did you know? The Super Mario Galaxy games are maybe my actual favorite Mario games! In fact, I've never even beaten Super Paper Mario! I'm a fraud! But I'm a cute fraud, right?
But I'm not a fraud when it comes to Super Mario Galaxy, because I've 100%'d both games, and have replayed them multiple times over! And when you play some games that much, you start to have opinions. And then you want to subject everyone else to your opinions! So that's what I'm gonna do.
This is gonna be a little Weirdmarioenemies mini-series I run outside of our usual posting schedule, so expect a new part of this list every Sunday, until there's no Galaxies left to cover. Today we'll be tackling all the low-tier Galaxies, because there's not enough of them to warrant making three separate posts for F-tier, D-tier, and C-tier.
Got that? Good. Rankings start under the cut!
91. Sling Pod Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: F
Well, something had to be the worst. If you are an ardent Sling Pod Galaxy fan, I am so, so sorry. Let it be known that you are entitled to your own opinion, and that I understand.
But I'm also entitled to my own opinion and my opinion is that Sling Pod Galaxy is Not Very Good! Really, not a lot of the Hungry Luma galaxies from the first game are, we're gonna be covering most of them in this post...
The Sling Pods aren't an awful gimmick in and of themselves, it can be fun to slingshot Mario around, and they're used to great effect in the Tarantox boss fight! But I feel like they can be a bit imprecise, and nowhere does that show more than in Sling Pod Galaxy, where you're required to fling Mario from Sling Pod to Sling Pod with precise timing, and not a lot of wiggle room.
If your aim or timing is just slightly off (and let's face it, it uses motion controls, so it's probably going to be) then you're gonna sling Mario right into the void. There's a cool concept here, but at the end of the day, I'll always find Sling Pod Galaxy more frustrating than fun.
And besides that, it's just not very thematically interesting! It's kinda just cobbled together out of miscellaneous assets, but doesn't manage to make it feel like a Theme the way Space Junk Galaxy does.
90. Snow Cap Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: F
Oh look, another Hungry Luma Galaxy! That didn't take long at all.
I feel like most people wouldn't consider the bunny chases the highlights of the Super Mario Galaxy games, and Snow Cap Galaxy is a galaxy that makes you chase three bunnies, all of which start the mission hidden, under a pretty strict time limit. There's a small chamber you can open that you can chase the bunnies into, but in order to open it, you need to activate a number of Flipswitches, most of which are hidden in the snow, which you need to use your cursor to clear out...
I feel like this mission asks too much of you in too little time, and ends up being another one that ends up more frustrating than fun, especially with how inconsistent chasing down the bunnies can actually be! That being said, I'll give it the edge over Sling Pod, since I think it's at least a little more aesthetically interesting. Bunnies hiding in the snow! It's cute.
89. Stone Cyclone Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: F
If the Hungry Lumas have the worst galaxies in the first game, then World S has some of the worst in the second. I wouldn't say the track record is nearly as bad, I think Super Mario Galaxy 2's quality is much more consistent all around, but that didn't manage to save Stone Cyclone from escaping the bottom tier...
I like a good challenge, but I like a good challenge, and I don't know if I'd consider Stone Cyclone Galaxy good. It's a repeat of the Stone Cyclone planet from the first game (which I do like!), but with all the Tox Boxes, Thwomps, and moving platforms moving 4 times faster. You're given switches that can temporarily slow everything down, and make everything much more manageable, but since it's all temporary, you better be able to manage the faster version once the timer's up!
I don't know, there's a cool concept here, but I feel everything moves so fast when time isn't slowed down, that making jumps between the moving platforms in particular can be really difficult. And when the Tox Boxes are moving faster than you do, sometimes it feels like there's not much room to move without getting squished soon after!
88. Flipswitch Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: D
Yep! Stone Cyclone was the last of the bottom-tiers. Again, there's not really a lot of galaxies in these games I don't like. Now we're at the "I don't necessarily hate them, but also find them kind of pointless" tier!
And no Galaxy feels more pointless to me than Flipswitch Galaxy, which is honestly kind of a joke. Flipswitch Galaxy is One planet. That's right, you get one! This is an entire Galaxy that could easily be a mission in another Galaxy, and even that's being generous. This is a stopgap between two planets in a cooler, more elaborate Galaxy.
Flipswitch Galaxy isn't really frustrating at all, it's probably one of the easiest missions in the entire game, but it's so short and so pointless, that I just wish they did a little more with it, you know? Add a couple more planets, let things escalate a little more, I know you want to keep it easy because of how early in the game it is, but if Flip-Swap Galaxy is any indication, you can do a breezy early-game gimmick galaxy much better than this!
87. Bigmouth Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: D
Okay, quick question, how many of you have beaten Bigmouth Galaxy the intended way? I genuinely didn't know until a pretty recent playthrough that there even were Star Chips in this Galaxy. I always just used gravity shenanigans to jump from the top of pool to the other! I thought that's what you were supposed to do, and that the jump was just a little annoying to get right! I'm not sure if I've even ever done this mission the intended way. The jump is just way quicker.
Bigmouth Galaxy is pretty whatever. It sure does exist! I think it's funny that this is a Hungry Luma Galaxy, but Penguru says he likes to come here frequently just to think. He's been a frequent here ever since the galaxy was born five minutes ago!
What do you want me to say about Bigmouth Galaxy. It's a shorter, easier, more mediocre version of Slimy Spring Galaxy, I guess.
86. Drip Drop Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: D
I'm just not giving these Hungry Luma galaxies a break, am I? Don't worry Hungry Lumas, you'll do better in Super Mario Galaxy 2.
Anyway, Drip Drop Galaxy is a single planet where you kill a few Gringills with shells, and that's really it. The underwater controls in this game can feel a little janky, so aiming the shells can be a little frustrating, but it's not especially hard, especially if you can find the Red Shells, which retain their homing ability from Mario Kart.
Pretty unremarkable, not especially fun, but I don't dread it the way I do some others, so that's a plus. Apparently this is where Penguru lives.
85. Bowser Jr.'s Lava Reactor
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: D
Wrapping up the D-tiers, we have Bowser Jr.'s Lava Reactor, the most forgettable of the Bowser and Bowser Jr. stages. King Kaliente is a cool boss and all, and I think the sinking lava platforms are a cool shakeup to his fight, but for the final boss of the fifth dome, you kinda think they'd do a bit more, right?
There's not really a lot of buildup to the boss, and the boss itself isn't all that difficult, which makes this mission feel pretty underwhelming. I'm curious if I'd put this higher if it weren't one of the Bowser Jr. stages. My stance is "probably, but not by too much". There's not a lot going on in this galaxy.
84. Boo's Boneyard Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: C
I don't know what it says that this is one of the better Hungry Luma galaxies from the first game.
Let's talk positives first! I think it's cool that they give you a rematch against the Spooky Speedster, and I like that it shakes things up so much. The idea of you getting the Boo Mushroom to become more "equal" with the Spooky Speedster is cool, and I like that they further differentiate things by making it a 2D level. That's all pretty cool!
It's just that... I think this mission is really easy. The Spooky Speedster isn't really all that speedy here, and unlike the shortcut during the first race which you kinda have to go out of your way for, this time it's in plain sight, and not hard to reach at all. Besides that, I just don't think the Boo Mushroom is an especially fun powerup to use in a Race. It's a good powerup, make no mistake, but in the context of a race, it feels pretty sluggish...
83. Loopdeeloop Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: C
Super Mario Galaxy has a handful of motion-control based minigames, and of the bunch, I think the ray surfing is my least favorite. I don't hate it, I kinda like how wild riding the waves can feel, but at the same time, that wildness combined with the motion controls can make it feel at times like you don't have a lot of control over where you're going, you know?
Loopdeeloop Galaxy is the galaxy that introduces this minigame, and it's fine. I generally prefer its more challenging variant (which we'll see later, but not too much later), but this works well enough as an introduction. It's just kind of a basic version of a minigame I'm not that big a fan of, there's not a lot to say about Loopdeeloop Galaxy.
82. Honeyclimb Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: C
As far as single-mission gimmick galaxies go, this one is alright. I like the use of Mandibugs and Meteors to spice things up. Unlike something like the Flipswitch Galaxy, this has a pretty solid sense of escalation, which I like!
That being said, it's still pretty basic, climbing honey walls isn't exactly the most exciting gimmick in the world, so I'm not gonna be that huge on a galaxy built completely around it. I guess the focus on the honey climbing lets it feel a bit more distinct from the other Bee Mushroom galaxies, but it's also easily the weakest of the Bee Mushroom galaxies, so I'm not sure if that's a good thing...
I feel like I don't have much to say about any of these mid-tier Galaxies. Sorry.
81. Grand Finale Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: C
Of all the galaxy rankings, I feel like this is one of the ones I feel the least certain about. Part of me feels it should be lower, part of me thinks putting it lower would be unfair, so instead it ends up here!
From a gameplay perspective, Grand Finale Galaxy is not really that interesting at all. There's no challenge, you just grab the Purple Coins, which are all just out there in the open, and that's really it! That's the star! I don't even know if you can die in this galaxy at all.
But like, that feels like the wrong way to assess this galaxy, because it's not meant to be a challenge in the slightest, it's meant to be this nice little reward you get for getting 100% in this game. You beat the game twice over already, so get to enjoy the Star Festival without Bowser rudely interrupting! Get to spend a little more time with all the characters you've met on your journey before being done with the game for good, it's here as a nice little bonus.
That being said, as a Grand Finale, I feel it sort of lacks... grandeur? I dunno. It's cute as a nice little goodbye, but part of me feels they could've done a little more with it.
Don't ask me what! I'm not a game designer, I'm just some autistic girl on the internet talking about a 16 year old video game! Leave me alone!
80. Mario Squared Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: C
I'll give Mario Squared Galaxy this: it has one of the best names of any galaxy across these games, and that gotta count for something.
Mario Squared is pretty much just a reused planet from Toy Time Galaxy in the first game, just with the rotating squares swapped out for Flipswitches. And I mean hey, if you're gonna reuse content from any galaxy, Toy Time is a pretty good pick. but also the very nature of being reused content means I'm bumping it down a bit, because eh! We've already seen this before! I don't need a galaxy to be a small part of a better galaxy!
I'm pretty sure this galaxy solely exists so they could bring back the infamous Luigi's Purple Coins mission in Super Mario Galaxy 2, which I guess is fair. That mission is difficult, but it is fun, and I like the twists they add in this game (like the Cosmic Clones, and the fact you have to grab all of them this time)! Fun way to create a new take on one of the first game's most challenging missions.
...But can I really rate a galaxy that highly for redoing something another Galaxy already did? I don't know if I can give Mario Squared Galaxy a super high grade for copying Toy Time Galaxy's homework and changing it a little.
I think it's funny that the objective of this mission is to turn all the blue Flipswitches yellow, so it looks like Mario's SMB1 sprite, but once all the Flipswitches are activated, they all turn green, making the whole thing feel kinda pointless. This is fine because green is a better color than yellow anyway.
79. Hurry-Scurry Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: C
Another one of those short gimmick galaxies with only one mission. I think building a galaxy around these disappearing panels is a pretty fun idea. Once you stand on one of them, it's gone forever, so you have to plan your route carefully, but don't spend too much time planning, because all the ground is disappearing panels. It creates a fun dynamic, that's true to the galaxy's name! There's a solid chance your route will be a little off, so you might have to make some big leaps to grab notes you may have missed. It's cool, I like it!
But not like, that much. It's still a pretty small galaxy all things considered. This one gets a little buildup before the end, which is nice, but it's not much buildup, so the whole experience ends up feeling a little short.
Not helping is the fact they repeat this mission later in the game, but more challenging, and in a galaxy that has other things going on. That does subtract from Hurry-Scurry Galaxy a bit, I feel.
78. Sand Spiral Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: C
I know I've mentioned multiple times in this post how mediocre the Hungry Luma galaxies in the first game are, but for emphasis: this is the second best one, and it's in C-Tier. Don't feel too bad, Sand Spiral Galaxy. You'll still outshine most of your siblings at the family reunion. At least if you're ignoring those pesky Super Mario Galaxy 2 Hungry Luma galaxies.
This Galaxy gives you a choice between the Bee Mushroom and the Boo Mushroom, and I pretty much always pick the Boo Mushroom I'm pretty sure. There's obstacles for both on the way, so it's not like one's strictly "better" than the other, but I always appreciate the extra control the Boo Mushroom gives me here. After a short tunnel, you lose your powerup, are sent to a spiral planet spinning around a moon, where you grab a Rainbow Star and run through some mines to grab the Star at the end.
It's a pretty short mission that doesn't really feel like it knows what it wants to do, but at the very least, I appreciate that it gives you multiple options, the visual at the end is pretty striking, and making big jumps during the spiral as a Speedrun Strat can be pretty satisfying.
77. Boss Blitz Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: C
If you couldn't tell already, a lot of World S in Super Mario Galaxy 2 is reused content, and that's a lot of why these galaxies are scoring so low. Boss Blitz Galaxy is a string of five boss fights from the first game in a row, which I guess makes it a bit interesting in the context of the sequel, given none of these bosses show up in the main quest, so if this is your only Super Mario Galaxy game, you kinda gotta figure them all out on the fly.
Thankfully, most of these boss fights are still pretty fun, though again, they're all reused so you're not really getting much new here. The timer challenge is sort of teetering on the edge between being "challenging in a frustrating way" and "challenging in a fun way" for me. Speedrunning all the boss fights can be really fun, but none of them really have shortcuts the way the bosses in say, Super Mario Odyssey do, and some of the RNG in the Bouldergeist fight can make the challenge feel a bit inconsistent (even if that IS the best of the bosses), so sometimes your pace feels a bit out of your control.
It also feels weird to have both Dino Piranha and Fiery Dino Piranha, it's kinda redundant, though I do like having them as the bookends, I guess.
76. Twisty Trials Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Tier: C
Woah, reusing content from Super Mario Sunshine now? Slow down, World S!
For what it's worth, reusing Sunshine content is a bit more interesting than reusing Galaxy content, because it's a different game with different controls and different physics and whatnot. Still, it's not like Twisty Trials Galaxy is that interesting. It's a series of progressively more difficult rotating platforms that you have to keep your balance on, and that's really it, though I do like the comet challenge where they move twice as fast, and you have to use the Cloud Flower to keep on pace. That's pretty neat.
I wish they kept the music from Sunshine. I like the weird a capella version of the Super Mario Bros. Overworld theme way more than Super Mario 2007.
75. Loopdeeswoop Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: C
"The Galaxy's Greatest Wave". I mean, there's only two ray surfing galaxies across both games, this one and Loopdeeloop, so is there really that much competition?
That being said, yeah, I like this more challenging version. I know that the ray surfing minigame still isn't really my favorite (it's in C-tier for a reason!) but having a more difficult course I think brings out some of the best aspects, like how wild it feels to control! And also some of the worst aspects, like how wild it feels to control! It's still as much of a double-edged sword as ever, just a bit more extreme due to the more extreme course.
That being said, since it's more challenging, that makes finishing it feel a lot more satisfying, and I'd never say it really feels unfair. Sure, falling off can be frustrating given how difficult it can be to control, but when it's all done, I end up feeling more "yeah, I did it :D" than "oh thank god that's over with", which I think is the important distinction between an F-tier and a C-tier.
Don't take that as meaning I'm in love with this galaxy, though. It's still here for a reason.
74. Bonefin Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: C
The cooler Drip Drop Galaxy.
That's really pretty much all this one is, it's Drip Drop Galaxy again but this time it's a boss fight, and it's a bit more exciting because of it. Heck, you need to beat Drip Drop Galaxy to unlock this one, so the resemblance isn't unintentional!
Since it's pretty much Drip Drop Galaxy again, it suffers a lot of the same issues that Galaxy has, but I'm not gonna pretend it doesn't get boosted a lot from the Style Points, though I also think having a single large target to hit ends up feeling a lot better than several smaller targets. Aiming your shells feels a lot easier, but since it's a boss fight, there's also a better sense of escalation here.
Still, it's pretty much just the boss fight, and I mean, being a slightly better version of a D-tier Galaxy isn't exactly something I'll sing my highest praises about. If nothing else, at least it has a killer atmosphere.
73. Sea Slide Galaxy
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Game: Super Mario Galaxy Tier: C
Wrapping up the C-tier is Sea Slide Galaxy, the worst of the "big" Galaxies from the first game. To quote myself from earlier in the same post, "Well, something had to be the worst." But also not quite like that since it's nowhere near as bad.
The biggest issue with Sea Slide Galaxy is there's really not an awful lot of diversity in its missions. Of the six missions here, three of them are basically "swim in a loop around the galaxy," just with slightly different distances. The Silver Star mission, thankfully, fares a lot better, as does the Improved Version of Hurry-Scurry Galaxy (here it is!) but the last of the missions is one of the boring Purple Coin missions. Mod Hooligon's Tip: If you start a Purple Coin mission and it doesn't have this banger, I'm Sorry.
The galaxy definitely has a unique layout, but there's not really much to do in the water besides swim in a circle, since every mission that doesn't involve swimming in a circle usually has you ignoring the water outright. Would this galaxy be better if it had more swimming? I dunno. As stated, the underwater controls in this game can be a bit finnicky, so maybe I should be glad it's either swim in a circle or don't swim at all.
And that's it for today's post! Do you agree with my opinions? Do you disagree? If you're a Sling Pod Galaxy fan, make some noise!
And if you're looking for the B-Tier galaxies, you're in luck, because you can find those here!
532 notes · View notes
scummy-writes · 1 month
Things I've learned about being in fandoms on tumblr
Sometimes when I am navigating fandom, I will have bouts of... depression? negative feelings? regarding it. I think a lot of people go through this, but in the areas of fandom I buzz around in, I don't see many people talking about ways to sort of re-center yourself and take care of yourself in an online space. I thought I would attempt to share some of my habits I try to follow when I hit one of these moods. So here are 14 of them covering various subjects I run into the most. They will not work for everyone, but I do encourage you to think a bit about each point and see if it would work for you.
Feel free to add some of your own, but I am looking for positive advice that is not meant to put down others in a harmful way. I would also like to preface that I've been in fandoms for over seven years, most of them smaller rather than huge, but a lot of this advice is centered around someone just trying to enjoy the space/enjoying it as a fan creator (writing fanfics in my case). The 'you' used in this is a general usage of the word 'you'.
-> It's good to celebrate milestones, whether its how many followers you have, works you've made in a year, or similar.
However... Don't let this become a competition or reasons to compare yourself to others. We're here to have fun and to celebrate us doing so- don't put completely unneeded and unnessacary competition on it. What's the point of that competition other than to make yourself feel bad or to belittle others? This extends further to notes - no number games. none. You can be proud of the numbers you have gotten, but curb all impulses to swing that in a negative way. The second that starts happening, talk to friends. talk to someone IRL. do something that isn't staring at your notifs, immediately. Even if its listening to silly things while washing the dishes- get out of your notifs tab!!! The numbers game isn't a game you have to be a part of, ever.
-> Don't put other bloggers on pedestals.
It's fine to be a fan of someone's work, and to be excited when they post or even talk to you and you're surprised by it. However, we're all just nerds together in a fandom- maybe don't put them up on a pedestal and hold their opinions/words as gospel rather than things you agree with. There's an unhealthy disconnect there for both parties, and can lead to unhealthy habits of a bad comparison game with one party not even knowing you're comparing yourself or others to them. And I promise that no one likes being pitted against others in those.
-> separating my main blog from my fandom blog has done wonders for me.
This one is a lot more of a 'me' thing that MIGHT be helpful towards others, but it's such a nice thing to have a 'normal' space where I don't have to worry too much about fandomisms but want to be online. I want to reblog other things that are not just fandom related and I don't want people from the fandom blog bothering me for. For the longest time I wasn't very upfront with my main blog purely because I wanted that separation, but for others to block me properly I put it up more bluntly.
I also think that this is good when you want to write about some things, but are nervous. In my example, I get nervous writing about my ocs. So what did I do? Made a sideblog for one, briefly mentioned it, and I post untagged drabbles at times when trying to explore her character. It's more practice on not caring about the note amount each post gets for me, and it makes me more at ease with things not getting any notes while exploring different subjects I don't usually write about.
-> Does everyone seem horrible, or are you just not in a good mood?
This is silly and maybe redundant for some, but it's good to keep a track of IRL verses Online. If IRL is weighing you down so much that you use online as an unhealthy habit (self destructive behaviors towards things you worked hard on, lashing out at friends for things out of their control, lashing out on other bloggers for inane things, focusing your bad mood on notes or fake popularity contests...) then try and figure out the big important things: Have you eaten, slept, drank enough water through the day, or are in pain/annoyance with something offline that you're not realizing? Is it one person online making you feel like this? Have you blocked them? Have you taken healthy breaks offline to reground yourself? When i am randomly bitter about the online world, this is typically my frustrations with smth IRL leaking out, and so I do something to help process that or to breathe through it. My personal go to is getting out of the house so I can listen to music, watch silly videos while putting together a simple craft I bought, or doing chores/playing games.
-> Is the fandom full of cliques, or are you witnessing friends just talking to each other?
I get it, it fucking sucks not being involved in a friend group. You know what makes that worse? By looking at other's friend groups bitterly and making up shit in your mind to justify it. The reality is this: people will be friends with a limited number of people, and frequently talk to them because that is who they are comfortable with.
You not being in that friend group does not mean there is anything wrong with you OR them. The honest truth is that it's hard to keep up with a ton of friends at once, and so people may not respond to your messages, or they might mean to but it gets lost in their hectic IRL, or they just don't mesh with you- and all of that is normal!
And... Really... It takes work to build up a friend group. You have to get out of your comfort zone and send the first few messages. You have to embrace the fact that it's possible a friendship won't pan out. It's natural, it's normal, and doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you or the other person. After trying and naturally just talking to people in the fandom, I promise that you will find a friend group of your own.
We are all socially awkward people trying to nervously talk to each other. Yes, even the people you follow that seem like 'everyone' likes them- they are nervous too. we're all just nerds here, remember that.
-> Understand that no one is obligated to do anything.
This ranges from so many things. Here is a list as short as I can manage it to get my point across: No one is obligated to comment, read, like, or reblog any posts. Any posts. No one is obligated to scour for new creatives in the fandom spaces and reblog their work. No one is obligated to tag their posts/creative adventures to your liking. No one is obligated to follow by your DNIs and BYFs. Obligation does not exist. Even your friends are not obligated to do any of this.
It is courtesy to do these things. Blogs will do their best to be supportive by nature, and to try and at least do some of this at any given time, but it's not a requirement. It's NICE to do so and encouraged, but the second you drill it into your head that no one, not even you, are obligated to do this, it's a bit easier to breathe and accept that no, it's a bit insane and difficult to read through 50 fanfics a week and comment a paragraph on all of them while also working on your own things and trying to manage 15 conversations while working 40 hrs a week and and and---
Instead, focus that energy on friends and yourself when you can and accept your own limitations.
-> have other fandoms you enjoy where you DON'T feel pressured to do ANYTHING.
Due to my hard fixation at usually one to two games at a time, I am usually only writing for those at a time- but I need other things to enjoy where I don't feel like I need to make something to post online. I don't feel that pressure from myself, i don't feel the need to try and engage with others. Just a quiet enjoyment for me.
-> If creating is really stressing you out and making you feel worse than better, reflect on the reasons this may be.
Are you hanging out with people who are regurgitating really bad beliefs regarding creation ("shame, you only got twenty notes, that's nothing", "wow fifty notes? that flopped.", "how did this person's shitty work get 30 more notes than me?"). Are you getting anons putting you down? Is your depression convincing you what you've made is worthless? Look at some of the points in this post regarding friends, blocking, and if you're neglecting your body's needs. If that still persists, there may be some self-reflection as to why things get to you so badly. Try to journal out the reasons why until you believe you hit one that is not your depression speaking.
An example: I would freak out about notes because I had friends that would talk around or to me in the examples listed in the previous paragraph. Cutting them off, focusing on friends who focused on the joys of creating, and focusing more on what *I* wanted to write rather than requests... I still get depressed at times but it's been so much more managable now with better support and feeling free creatively. Usually calling myself out at staring at notes helps me shake my head and move on now.
-> Blocking/Filtering is your friend, but maybe don't over do it.
Blocking seems vaguely controversial at times, but I do believe it's needed for a positive fandom experience. Outside of the obvious, the reasons I block people are typically related to how upset I am by something the person has done or said, even if it's related to fancreations. If it's something like them berating others for not believing their headcanon/fanon? Or grossly demonizing some character's mental illness? Or harassing people who dislike some characters and vice/versa? That's all a block for me.
I personally try not to overdo it and make educated decisions based on like, hey, is this just someone misunderstanding and not realizing how they're coming off? Is this someone who I am misreading their tone? Is this just a weird one-off behavior? Ok, then maybe no block button. But if seeing poor takes makes you angry for longer than, say, 20 mins? an hour? It's a week later and you're still all huffy about it and legit pissed? Maybe dig into that while also blocking the person for now.
The Filters aspect of this is similar, but it's a lighter version of blocking for me. Maybe I don't want to block this person but seeing them talk about bugs really stresses me out, so I look at how they tag those posts and filter it out for myself. Maybe I love their fandom blog but they're multi-fandom, so i will filter out a fandom I don't want to see them post about. That's it.
-> Don't be afraid to cut anon off, even if it's for a few weeks at a time.
I feel like those of us who take requests for fan creations are terrified of this a lot, but truly, taking breaks from the anon function should be encouraged. It is indeed a button for shy people, but there are assholes everywhere regardless. When they occupy your time too much or just annoy you, take away their ability to actually say anything to you.
For a creative, sometimes this can feel like the end of the world. But... you Can turn it back on later. I frequently shut it off during major life events, fanfics I am worried I might get weird anons about, when I'm in a randomly bad mood and don't think I can handle it. I Sometimes have it off for months at a time. You can cut it back on. But if anons make you anxious just imagining getting one right now? Flip that off for now. (also please utilize the block function for mean anons!!!)
-> turn those tumblr notifs OFF!!! (mobile) Additional: Turn your status OFF!!!
The only notifications I get on my phone from tumblr is when someone IM's me, and I've had it like this for years. I cannot imagine having my phone constantly going off with random tumblr notifications, I think I would have a bad spike in anxiety having that happen. It would make any negative feelings with notes/followers/number worse for me.
The online status is debatable, some people really don't have an issue with this, but I tend to feel pressured to respond to people asap if they see that my status is online and similar. Those people have not said anything to me regarding it, it's just my personal issue. So..I turn that status off. And it helps me feel better about answering in my own time.
-> Look at who you are communicating with.
Do your friends regularly dunk or mock people on the daily, over shit that is inane and petty? Are you a creative a bit nervous with your work because your friends are pretty rude with how they view other's works? Are you scared to like a character because your friend severely hates them/is attached to them to an unhealthy degree?
There are other subsets to this, but those are ones I find really troubling and try my best to avoid. I dont want to be friends with people who regularly mock others on the legit daily. I don't want to be friends with people who nitpick notes and use notes as a measure on how much worth someone has. I don't want to be friends with people who mock other's creative endeavors.
So... I don't! If I notice things are becoming a salt pit, I try to talk things out at first, but if its clear that's not gonna work, then it's outties for me. It's very true that everyone will salt over something eventually, but it's up to you to decide how severe it is with your friend circle, how it wears you down, and are they really people you want to hang around with if they just make you anxious or stressed all the time?
-> That vaguepost isn't about you.
Friend venting about someone who sounds oddly like you? Does your favorite blog mention something they dislike and you think you fit into that catagory- guess what. It's not about you!!
It's something I struggled with for a while, but eventually I came to terms with it by going "If they truly have an issue with me, they can talk to me one on one. Otherwise, i am assuming that this isn't about me" and gritting my teeth and forcing myself to repeat that until I feel at ease. Truthfully, I also just stopped hanging out with people who do this a ton in a harmful way, so my anxiety about this decreased. If it's an issue, friends should be willing to bring it up to you personally rather than make really meanspirited vagueposts.
-> A personal one I am putting at the end since I believe can easily turn bad, is... Stop looking in the fandom tags if they continiously bum you out.
I will be transparent, I've had bouts of running into a ton of 'why you should love/hate this character' posts over and over, posts that are random but use 50 different character tags, posts about how annoying my fave is, posts from/about bloggers I dislike, etc etc. After a while, I decided to just curate my feed via whoever I was following, and stop looking into tags as often. At most, I do it once every 1-3 months.
Yes, this does limit what all you can see, however... There's only so much information I can take in at once. If I follow people who reblog a ton of fandom content I love and it's different across the board, that's good enough for me and I don't feel negative looking at the tags sometimes.
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michellemisfit · 1 month
✨Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨
Thanks for creating the game and for the tag @jrooc thanks for the tag @vintagelacerosette
Today we’re talking fandom. Come play!
Name and A03 handle: Michelle, michellemisfit
Current Location: Living room, surrounded by feathers, as I’m currently fletching some arrows
Favourite picrew: This one is pretty fucking spot on. Or at least it was at the time. Hair is very different now. But then, hair is always different… lol
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Also this one is spiritually VERY me
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What's one thing you want in a picrew? Ability to add coloured streaks! And a wide selection of scars, or alternatively the ability to move them around the screen. Either is fine. But mostly the hair thing. My hair is generally 4 different colours. Don’t try and limit me to one!!
Favourite thing you’ve created (or seen created) for the fandom? Erm… 3 way tie between Mexico Gallacrafts, Fimo Gallavich, and Cookie Gallavich? Maybe? Argh. Turns out, looking back at my art tag… I’ve created some pretty cool stuff. Huh. Yay me.
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Why is it your favourite? I don’t really do photography, and I’m really proud of the idea behind and the execution of that photo. And while I LOVE drawing more than anything, I don’t think I’m exceptional or anything. But I’m damn creative when it comes to silly 3D craft projects, so both Fimo Gallavich and Cookie Gallavich make me happy and feel like something not just anyone could do… I dunno.
Did it come easily or was it hard to create? It was LONG to create. Both cookie and Fimo Gallavich took several days in total. And I think that’s the other thing I like about myself. I am willing to put in the work, and it usually pays off.
Last ao3 fic you commented on? Hah! You’ll be able to corroborate this, I’m not just sucking up!! LOL I’m currently reading Camp is a Battlefield by @blue-disco-lights, @jrooc, and @mybrainismelted, with artwork by @creepkinginc, so that’s the last one I commented on :)
Biggest WIP heartache you’ve ever experienced? I mean… every single WIP I have ever started reading, only to realise that maybe there won’t be any more of it… 😱 Every. Single. One. They’re all special, and they all hurt in their own special ways. And I will remain subscribed to all of them FOREVER, because you never know!!
Also? Comment on WIPs. Tell authors how much joy the story brought you, how much space it’s occupying in your brain, how much you would love to see it continue but how happy you are to have read as much of the story as there is because it’s changed your brain chemistry… do NOT comment saying ‘next chapter when?’, cause that makes you a dick bag.
Favourite trope or head cannon you like included in a fanfic? I’m a sucker for fake dating, only one bed, and a soulmate AU 🤷🏽‍♂️
Least favourite? …not a huge fan of kid fic, but hey, all it takes is a great author to make it work.
Secret or surprising kink or trope? Again, do not kink shame, because you’re only ever one good fanfic away from discovering something about yourself you did NOT see coming…
Describe how you feel after you’ve created something new? Exhausted and antsy. Is it good enough? Are people gonna like it? Should I even bother anyone with this? Why don’t I just go and hide under a rock forever?? I felt okay about this when I finished it, why is it suddenly the worst thing to have ever been created??? …I wish there was a sense of calm and accomplishment. There is not. Brains suck!
Top hype man you have that always helps you get across the finish line: @deedala - I so appreciate how we’re on a similar wave length when it comes to art as well as ‘everybody wants to hunt me for sport’ vibes. I know I can always count on you for kind but honest words, and that’s so important!!
It's been a bad day, you turn to the fandom and you _____? Read comfort fic. Probably Like Real People Do or None the Wiser.
Edit: Also? Go and read comments and tags on old art posts. That’s a sure fire way to cheer me up!
This was fun, and made the 15 minute wait between fletching each feather pass much faster. Thanks!!
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If you are currently making your own arrows and need something to occupy your wait time with… how about completing a tag game? lol
@heymrspatel @loftec @creepkinginc @deedala @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @iandarling @iansw0rld @ian-galagher @mybrainismelted @palepinkgoat @crossmydna @mikhailoisbaby @sickness-health-all-that-shit @rereadanon @rutherinahobbit @energievie @junemermaid @francesrose3 @deathclassic @faejilly @rutherinahobbit @gallawitchxx @look-i-love-u @jessij1997 @callivich @celestialmickey @wehangout @doshiart @lynne-monstr @the-rat-wins @blue-disco-lights @suzy-queued @sleepyfacetoughguy @spookygingerr @burninface @gallapiech
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lalovi · 6 months
One shot idea since I got a guess aaaaand I just wanna see your version but I'm curious if shadow milk would ACTUALLY be like this or no? If not I wanna see how he actually acts buuut just to show you my guess on what shadow milk is like:
Shadow milk when he is sick: lalala! I'm perfectly fine! Just cuddle me and I'll be okie dokie, darling! Hehehe! Never stop the fun! (Or short meme version: I sleep)
Shadow milk when y/n is sick: bed, soup, medicine, love, sleep, now! Can't have my beloved feeling all icky! No playtime, only naptime! Sleepytime! You get all the cuddles you want if it helps you sleep but no games, just relax and drink your soup! (Second part of meme version: real shit)
Tldr: shadow milk when he is sick treats it like a joke and a game and not serious...he stops treating illnesses like a joke the moment his s/o gets sick. Think he is gonna joke around when his s/o feels like shit? Nope, he is keeping his s/o relaxed and napping and constantly giving them their favorite soup until he is 100% sure the sickness is out of their system!
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AN: I'm pretty sure both of you suggested similar things, which was a shadow milk cookie x sick reader. Been waiting to do this one!!
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Shadow Milk Cookie x Sick! Reader
Oneshot (Headcanons below)
Warnings: (Kinda a part two to the sick shadow milk cookie, so some parts might be a little confusing.) One dirty joke 😔 (I couldn't resist, sry)
-Take Care-
"I just have to spend some time alone, haha. Nothing out of the ordinary!" You would say with an awkward smile.
Shadow Milk Cookie would look at you with an unbelieving look.
"Doll, you're not a very good liar," He'd say while crossing his arms.
"Come on, just- for like a few days?"
"A few days? How am I supposed to live without you for a few days when I can't even live without you for a few hours!?"
Shadow Milk Cookie would put a hand on his forehead, feigning a dramatic pose.
"But seriously. What's wrong?" He cupped your face and look at you with those concerned eyes.
The eyes you were in love with, and the eyes that you didn't want seeing your weak and sickly state.
Your face was was much warmer than usual, but he didn't think much of it.
"Ah, could it be-? You just don't like my company!"
"No! It's not that!" You would refute quickly, backing away from him.
"Then what's wrong? Come on dove, you know you can tell me anything."
You sneezed shortly after that, but didn't say anything.
Everything clicked in that moment for Shadow Milk Cookie.
He would instantly start panicking, beginning to look around the house for different types of medicine and other things that might come in handy.
"It's not really that bad- I can take care of myself..."
He would pick you up bridal style and take you to a couch, wrapping blankets around you.
"My little doll shouldn't need to lift a finger while they're sick. Please, allow your favorite jester to do the work for you!"
He kept digging through cabinets for medicine and ingredients for a soup he'd eventually end up making.
"How come you're taking my sickness so seriously when you didn't even take care of yourself last time?"
He came back with a bunch of ice packs, like.. twenty of them. You didn't even own twenty ice packs.
"Why wouldn't I take your illness seriously? I must make sure that you are safe and happy at all times, and I can't do that if you feel icky."
He offered one of the icepacks to you, which you accepted and just held for a while.
"I don't need this many ice packs, Milk," you would tell him.
"You can never be too sure! And of course, I offer my 200% when it comes to my most beloved."
"I don't even own this many ice packs."
"Now you do! ...Don't look into it that much."
He skipped off to the kitchen again, looking as cheerful as ever.
Of course, it was just a facade. Internally, he was panicking. He barely knew how to care for himself, and now you were sick. What if you died?! Okay, he was probably overreacting, but normal cookies are so fragile. That's why he had to do everything in his power to keep you healthy.
He didn't know what was and wasn't needed, so he just took a lot of everything.
Came back with one of each medicine type that you owned.
"So uh, which one is the one you need?"
You pointed to one of the bottles, and Shadow Milk swiftly measured the correct dosage.
"Alright, so I got you an ice pack, blankets, and you took medicine. What else do you people do while sick?" He would ask while putting a hand on his chin.
"I don't know. Normally they eat soup," you told him.
"That's right! You are so smart, button. Alright, I'll do just that, then." He gave you a kiss on the forehead before wandering off into the kitchen.
Did he even know how to cook? You've never seen him try before, but he's lived for so long, that surely he knew how to... right?
Oh well, he did eventually end up coming back with the food. It actually ended up looking edible.
"Ta-da~ It looks amazing, right? Of course it does! It was made my yours truly." He sat down on the couch next to you, scooping up some soup in a spoon.
"Now, say 'ah'" He held the spoon infront of your mouth, waiting to feed you.
"I'm not doing that."
"Yes you are. Now open your mouth before I shove the spoon down your throat."
"You can shove something else down my throat."
"Haha, very funny. But maybe when you're feeling better~"
Eventually, after a lot of back and forth, you ended up finishing the soup. It wasn't half bad, actually.
Now, the both of you were cuddling on the couch. A movie was playing in the background, and Shadow Milk Cookie was resting his head in your lap.
"Doll, how come you didn't tell me you were sick sooner?" He would ask.
"I just didn't want to be a burden, I suppose."
"You would never be a burden to me. There's a reason I treat you so much better than the others, and it's because I care for you. I know I'm all about deceit and stuff, but this is the honest truth, okay darling?"
You couldn't help the smile on your face. "Okay."
《☆》 Fin
He's panicking 24/7
Even if you tell him you don't want to get him sick, he says he doesn't care
Everything has to be ready for you, and you have to be comfortable
Absolutely no chance of you going out that day
Legit coddles you or is always near you
Even if it's just a small cough, he's canceling all of the things you have that day
Bro is so paranoid
If you're ever bored he performs small puppet shows for you
Makes you go to bed early
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wrathofrats · 5 months
idk why but I thought you may like the idea of Aurora, when she's new to performing publicly, fears that the fans may see her as "the innocent one" or something similar due to her being Very Obviously Smol in comparison to the other ghouls, ghoulettes, and of course, Papa. Being, y'know, a demon, she instead decides she wants to be the raunchiest one on stage...
So she decides to try and sneak a flash of some kind to the crowd during a ritual and it may go a bit further than she intends :]
I hope this is ok!! I modified the request a bit bc I was having thoughts and ideas. It’s maybe a bit misogynistic, dew and Swiss really teasing Aurora over the whole innocent thing. But I am a gay woman so I’m allowed to perpetuate sexist stereotypes and if you disagree you’re also sexist. (THIS IS A JOKE) but know the banter is in good fun, they’re obv all some kind of poly bonded pack thing so auroras gucci.
Or aurora decides to throw her panties into the crowd, and things don’t exactly go her way (based on that panties on dews guitar gif you know the one)
“I’m not doing this with you right now dew” Aurora grumbles, batting his hands off of her.
Dew looks too smug. Like hes won some secret game that Aurora doesn’t know about. A mischievous glint in his eye that makes Aurora want to kick him in the balls to hopefully neuter his perpetual horniness.
It’s their own little tradition at this point in the tour. Swiss and dew and whoever else was bored would come hang out in the ghoulettes dressing room while they pinned their hair to fit neatly under their helmets and to apply the black face paint. Dew usually showed up to steal cumulus’ never ending supply of bobby pins, and swiss was there to help with smearing the paint onto everyone.
“Iighten up your highness” dew laughs, backing away from her with his hands up as if he didn’t just wrap them around her body to grab at her waist. “You’re not this prudish when you come knocking at my hotel door”
“I’m not a prude,” Aurora grumbles. Swiss and dew giggle to themselves as Aurora swipes her hands at them to make them back up from where she’s placed herself on the counter. She can feel cirrus’ glare through the mirror, directed at the two idiots that are currently still laughing among themselves.
“You’re telling me you’re not ms ‘don’t mention sex around the other ghouls! They can’t know I’ve fucked you!’” Swiss teases, his voice pitching to mock auroras. “Come on princess, I don’t know why you demand to be seen as so innocent.”
Aurora wants to scream at them to leave their dressing room already. Dew and Swiss can tend to be idiots while they’re separated, but together? Aurora isn’t sure how they manage to lose brain cells when they combine.
“I just didn’t want anyone knowing I’ve fucked you, I don’t care about anyone else”
She’s not innocent like Swiss says, is she? Sure she’s smaller, tends to be more reserved in that regard, but Aurora thinks it’s unfair to call her innocent of all terms. She could be worse sure, not tending to go as far as humping the stage or groping her bandmates like dumb and dumber, but she likes her little act. She likes her swishy cape and little dances with her tambourine, and how she twirls and -
God maybe she is a princess.
The boys continue to laugh, mostly shoving each other around at this point. Aurora can hear cirrus yell at Swiss to shut up and help her with her paint, even now lost in her own thoughts. Ideas come and go, staring at her lap and swinging her legs. She’s not innocent. She’s just as bad as the rest of them and they all know that. The fans know that too, right? She’s a demon, a fucking creature from hell.
She’s not innocent.
She hops off her perch to shove her way past dew and into the bathroom to pull her uniform bottoms off. Her idea is probably stupid, will probably get her reprimanded and placed on whatever terrible chore imperator comes up with when they get back. But the reactions from the other ghouls, especially Swiss and dew, will make it worth it.
Aurora quickly takes off her panties and pulls her uniform back up, cringing at the feeling of the rough fabric against her. It’s not exactly uncomfortable, but the weird insecurity of not wearing underwear makes every sensation feel tenfold.
A 5 minute call sounds through the rooms. She grabs her underwear and hastily puts them in her pocket before running out to get in her position.
Her movements are meant to tease. Hands running over her body, jutting her hips behind her hoping Swiss will look back at her. She wants him to come on her platform, wants him to take her on the innocent act she’s been offering. She wants him to smell her through her uniform.
It’s just an extra personal part in her plan. She tries not to bounce giddily as he does notice and run behind the different set pieces to come walk up into her space. He can feel his breath on her neck as he approaches her, his all too wide smile trying to intimidate her, mock her after their conversation earlier.
Auroras lucky Swiss is good at improv, and an even better performer. Barely reacts as she shoves him to his knees. Even grabs her thighs and mock drags his tongue along her legs. Hes fucking obscene, she should’ve known the reaction she would get like this.
The real reward is the way she can see Swiss’ mouth twitch as he shoves his face right next to her cunt. He can smell her, would nose against the outline if they weren’t still performing in front of thousands of people, honestly she’s sure he’s forgotten considering the way his face turns into a snarl. Aurora is positive she will pay for this later, but for now? She couldn’t be happier.
The second phase of her plan comes once Swiss leaves. She eyes the audience carefully, eyes her bandmates to wait for the perfect opportunity. Dew turns to mess with rain, while phantom moves to mess with the audience on his side of the stage. All the ghouls are occupied, not paying attention.
Aurora pulls her panties out of her pocket, balling them in her fist so they can’t be seen through her hand. Hastily she throws them towards the crowd, praying they make it to their destination.
Whatever she prayed to however, is not listening.
They land directly next to dewdrop, right by his feet as he steps back onto them. He pulls his foot up, eyeing the black fabric in confusion. She watches in horror as he swings them around his finger, looking back at her as if he knows they’re hers,
Before hanging them on the head of his guitar. Displaying them for the whole crowd.
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Am I The Asshole for being a little unfair to a kid I often play with?
I think I can tell what the response to this one will be right away but I wanted to get opinions on it.
So I (Adult) frequently enjoy a somewhat unique sporting event out with a large group of friends, it's open to all ages and relies on skill more than athletic prowess, and overall it's harmless fun. there's a few kids of my friends that join in and we're usually pretty sporting with them. There's one kid in particular, we'll call her P, who's always very good at it. Not to brag about my own ability, but I'm one of the best adults at the game, and P is often right up there with me, so we end up going head to head a lot and have a friendly rivalry born from it. I know for adults playing games with kids, it's generally advised to go easier on them and let them win sometimes, but I am not underestimating when I say this kid is GOOD and doesn't need our help. And I will admit, I can be pretty competitive sometimes. Part of the game involves throwing objects at each other, it never hurts, not even the kids, but it can really mess up your performance in the game if you get hit at the wrong time. I swear I would go easier on P, but her play style sometimes warrants throwing these objects, and even her parents will do so too. The problem is, despite her skill, she is still way younger than all of us, and even though I know it doesn't hurt and she often gets right back into the game after it happens, she does always cry at least a little bit about losing her winning streak, and it makes me feel bad.
So what do you think, tumblr? Am I the asshole for hitting Baby Peach with a red shell? Or does she deserve to lose sometimes?
What are these acronyms?
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k0droid · 5 months
at the family function - twisted wonderland headcanons
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A/N: Cleaning out my drafts :3
Content warnings!: - i'm black so i'll be going off of what happens at my family events - these are headcanons and not serious ones at that, pls dont get mad - these aren't in order (im forcing u to read lol)
Friendly reminder: I am black and searching for moots, specifically black but not exclusively <3
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Jack Howl: - the cousin that all the younger cousins want to see - doesn't really like children but still enjoys seeing his family
Lilia Vanrouge: - the grandpa who sits in the same spot every reunion - has told you the same story a million GAJILLION different stories - D1 instigator
Idia Shroud: - hides himself in the room farthest from all the commotion - brings his consoles to every get-together
Epel Felmier: - the cousin who lives 2hrs away - always asking those dumbass superstitious questions abt the city - brings fruits/veggies from his family farm
Rook Hunt: - creepy ass unc, NO BODY wanna play with him - genuinely a good guy once you get to know him - dont ask "how did u and auntie (vil) fall in meet?" because he's gonna give u the strangest love story ever
Silver Vanrouge: - adopted son of granpa - hes NEVER awake when u need him - eats, chats a bit, and joins idia so he can fall asleep - don't know if he's an uncle technically but he's family now so 🤷🏾‍♀️
Cater Diamond: - cousin who's always running errands for somebody, his sisters especially - has plates made for him because he's too busy - always a part of the conversation tho
Ace Trappola: - fun cousin!!! - takes the lil kids outside to play when asked
Malleus Draconia: - also adopted son of lilia - he doesn't leave his room often so they forget he's even there - when he does come down, everyone is like "unc, you've been here?!" - very awkward but enjoys the conversation and card games
Deuce Spade: - fun cousin #2!!!!! - usually on cousin-duty - was supposed to bring the plates but forgot
Jamil Viper: - the auntie in the kitchen - like cater, he's always busy doing something - the family member who asks abt school and expects a real answer
Vil Schoenheit: - amazing gorgeous kind respectable aunt married to some guy (rook) - she arrives an hour early to help trey cook and jamil set everything in place - kinda strict about the tidiness of everyone but becomes lax after eating (got the itis)
Azul Ashengrotto: - the cousin you'd get compared to ("why cant you be more like azul?") - everybody owes or owed him some money at some point - hides all his old photos somewhere in the house
Ortho Shroud: - the little cousin - begs idia to drive him to grandpappy lilia's
Sebek Zigvolt: - loud asf like u can hear his conversations clearly - also on cousin duty - tracks mud in the house and gets told off by jamil
Kalim Al-Asim: - the cousin with 511 siblings
Ruggie Bucchi: - helps in the kitchen so he'll be the first one to make some plates - afterwards ruggie eats on the porch in a rocking chair
Trey Clover: - main cook/chef - unc who's always getting roasted for his hairline (barber fucked him up)
Leona Kingscholar: - 50/50 unc, sometimes he'll be in a good mood and sometimes he wont - arrives on time and gets out of his car 20 mins later (he was sleep) - tells those kids "AYE YALL STOP ALL THAT RUNNIN AROUND" - sat with ruggie on the porch and he just randomly got up and started walking down the street - sometimes forced to eat at the kids table because he wont eat his own veggies at his grown age
Jade Leech: - brought the drinks - brought cards and dice to play with azul
Floyd Leech: - brought soda (in spite of Jade) - brought monopoly instead - he got bored in the middle of monopoly so he just started chasing people for entertainment
Riddle Rosehearts: - the one who organizes most of the reunions - was FURIOUS at deuce for forgetting to bring the plates but cater went out and bought them - got chased by Floyd and collared his ass
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ts was kinda ass, my bad, i just want likes and comments cuz i dont have many headcanons of my own
anyways u guys should totally ask me abt my twst ocs (not yuusona) so i can blab abt them <3/hj
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