#weight loss men
pdfebooks4all · 5 months
📚 Weight Loss that Lasts: Break Through the 10 Big Diet Myths 📚
Are you tired of chasing fad diets that promise quick results but leave you feeling frustrated and defeated? Do you want to discover a proven approach to weight loss that will help you achieve lasting results? Look no further! Introducing the groundbreaking eBook: Weight Loss that Lasts: Break Through the 10 Big Diet Myths.
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promtad · 6 months
Smart Weight Loss Strategies for Lasting Results
Are you tired of jumping from one weight loss fad to another, only to regain the weight shortly after? Are you looking for effective strategies that will finally give you lasting results? In this article, we will delve into the world of weight loss and explore smart tactics that prioritize long-term success. We’ll guide you through a comprehensive approach that goes beyond quick fixes and crash…
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soullessjack · 2 months
yeah yeah wolverines shredded abs whatever whatever okay now look at THIS
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sergle · 3 months
I'm listening to a lot of Maintenance Phase (bc I love it) and this comes up sometimes, so I'll just be sat here thinking about how common it is for little kids to grow up watching their moms and other women in their life jump from diet to diet. Just as ambient background noise in your childhood, the adults around you obsess over calories aloud, express guilt over eating enjoyable food, frame exercise as a form of punishment for eating, and so on.
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chubbycelebs · 5 months
My Chocolate Factory Experience (pt 2)
“Right then we should probably leave them to deal with the hog. Should we carry on or do you guys want to carry on- wait. There were 5 of you. Where are the other 2?” Wonka says looking around. Just then we heard the shouts of Aidan and Simon. It sounded like they were panicked and it came from the very depths of the woods. We all ran into the sugar filled woods. 
As we passed through the forest we noticed different sweet treats like juice filled fruits hanging from the trees and patches of hard candy flowers. As we carried on briskly walking through the forest towards the shouting we saw the woods begin to lighten up. There was a clearing in the woods by the perimeter wall of the room. That’s when we noticed the two men stood there shouting at each other. The light was still too bright to see them but it was becoming clearer that the two men were not clothed? 
Our suspicions were correct. As we reached the edge of the woods, nothing could’ve prepared me for the sight I saw. The grass was covered in blue juice and piles of the large blue fruits we saw on our walk up were laid around the clearing. Within the pile of juicy fruits, were their blue stained clothes as well. My eyes went to Aidan first. He was stark naked. His lazy body was on display for us all to see. His thick chest hair carried on down and covered his soft belly in a thick layer of dark hair, wrapping round his thick love handles and soft lower back. His bushy pubes made his already seemingly small dick look even smaller. Even at full erection Aidan didn’t have much to show off. Whilst seeing his chubby naked body was already slightly shocking was most shocking was the blue stains on his ass. We could see bright blue liquid leaking out of his ass cheeks and dripping down his thighs. What had these two been up to? That’s when low gurgling noise got my attention on Simon. He too was naked, his slightly grubby middle aged dad bod was much more sexy to look at than our lazy companion. My eyes found it hard to move off his rounded beer belly that jutted far out but something was much more interesting. Just like Aidan, Simons member was at full attention, much more impressive than Aidans chubby small dick. Simons large curved dick was quite impressive yet this wasn’t that most intriguing thing. His cock was bright blue and his balls and his inner thighs and his lower belly and it seemed to be slready across his body slowly. “Wonka help me! Why the fuck is my dick blue!?” Simon asked worry in his voice. We all looked at Wonka who just stood there mouth slightly agape looking at the scene with a little smile. The blue was spreading faster across Simons body. It crept up and over his belly button and moved towards his chest. His ass was now fully blue and made its way up his back. Even his nose started to go blue. Simon looked down and saw his rapidly changing skin and said “WONKA!! HELP ME!!” 
“Oh dear.” Wonka murmured under his breath. “Oh dear oh dear. I’ve always wondered what would happened but never tested. I guess we’ll now see” Wonka carried on mysteriously. Simons whole body now turned into a deep shade of blue. He placed his thick hand on his belly and looked worryingly at Wonka. “What’s gonna happen to m-“ but he was cut off by a loud gurgle from his hairy beer belly. The gurgle in his belly jiggled it slightly. It was hard to see at first but his belly was pushing outwards slightly. Inch by inch his belly was for sure growing bigger and bigger. Every single one of us boys seemed to be in complete shock. No one uttered a word as we watched Simons frame begin to fatten up. It wasn’t just his belly now. His hips, ass, chest, thighs, arms, neck, cheeks everywhere was growing bigger and bigger. “Wonka…? I’m getting fatter now please help me out!” Simon said slightly whining, pleading with Wonka to help his fat ass out. 
“My dear boy, you did this to your self. There’s nothing I can do but watch as you grow into a human fruit.” Wonka finally chimed in and made it clear what was happening to our dad bod friend. He was blowing up into a large juicy fruit! It was oddly arousing to watch him grow bigger and bigger. Not one part of his body was safe from the inflation. I noticed his cock and balls start to blow up getting thicker and larger, his balls filling with (what I assumed) juice. 
“Ugh I’m so big. When will it stop ughhh” Simon sort of groan as he said this. His body seemed to be pushing further and further out, taking on a sphere type shape now. “Ughhh I’m so full. It feels… ugh so good” the groans were most defiantly moans now. We could all see his thick juice filled cock starting to throb as he grew wider and wider. His ass pushed out wards quickly and he stumbled slightly widening his stance to accommodate for the extra weight. His fat legs struggling to hold the weight of his huge rounded juice filled body. That’s when his balls and groin hit the floor and his legs started to rise up off the ground. He moaned loudly at the added pressure he now has to his package. Not only was he ground outwards now, he was growing upwards. He was becoming huge if not already massive. As he slightly rocked back and forth, every time moaning, his thick cock rubbed against the grass and his cock started to leak pre cum. As his growth was starting to slow, now reaching a 10 foot round juice filled man, he could just barely muster up the words, “You’re next chubs.”
Just then we snapped our necks to look at the other naked fatty in the room. Simon was right. Aidans body was quickly turning a deep shade of blue, spreading from his ass and around his soft hairy body. “No no no. I cant end up like him!” He said pointing at Simon as his whole body had turned a deep shade of blue, much deeper than Simon, “I didn’t even eat many of those blue fruits.”
“My boy he fucked you and finished in you. You’ve been filled with his juicy seed. You’re gonna be even bigger chubs” wonka said sounding slightly excited. Just like Simon did, Aidan began to fill up, his already chubby frame starting to become fatter and fatter. Aidans face of horror as his body started to grow huge and very fast. “Wonka please do something, I can’t be fat and round please” Aidan was scared now. His fate was sealed. 
“Let’s be honest Aid, you would’ve eaten your self this big one day, this is just spreading it up” I chimed in, starting to get excited just like Wonka was. He could hardly stay stood as his body pushed out so quickly. His belly sloshing and slapping against his lap before becoming more rounded. His fat ass cheeks jiggling as this pushed outwards. Unlike Simon, his cock and balls didn’t fill with juice and inflate bigger, instead Aidan’s dick was getting lost inside his huge fat belly. I could tell it was rubbing against his juicy belly because he couldn’t stop moaning. “Ugh Wonka ah. When does it end ughhh. This feels good ah Simon was right” Aidan moaned as he touched his soft hairy juicy chest, lingering around his inflated (and presumably sensitive) nipples. He waddled around trying to catch a look at his fat ass when with a huge jolt, his gut grew rapidly outwards. Aidan couldn’t keep stable anymore and fell forward onto his huge belly with a moan. As he grew fatter and taller his ass was turned towards Simons huge body and thick pulsating dick. Simon seemed to be very relaxed as Aidan’s body grew bigger and round and crept closer to his explosive cock. Aidan was rapidly growing now pushing higher and wider every second, slightly rocking back and forth. It wasn’t long until he grew wider than simon and slightly taller. At around the 12 foot mark he started to slow down. His body slightly rocked back and forth before settling down, his ass slowly starting to fall back onto Simons huge cock. As he rolled back onto Simons huge leaking cock, the two greedy berry boys moaned loudly. It was becoming obvious was about to happen as Simon started to moan louder and louder, his low rough manly voice still heard loud. Almost perfectly, Simons juice filled cock slipped into Aidan’s huge and juicy fat ass hole. At this point me, Jamie and Wonka were all in shock at how perfectly this worked out. It didn’t take long till Simon exploded his huge juicy load right into Aidans huge juicy ass. The influx of juice made Aidan inflate further causing him to moan greatly. Hard to believe that just 10 minutes ago there were two fat guys stood naked in front of us and now there stand two huge, juicy, horny berry boys.
After a few moments of silence, letting the show we’ve just watched process in our minds, I finally broke my stare at the two huge men and looked at Jamie. He still had his eyes fixated on the two boys as I examined his body. His soft belly was calling for me, I needed it. And as I looked further down, his cock was rock hard, pressing tightly against his trousers. Was he into this? I looked down and saw my own cock was at full attention, even the signs of pre cum stains on my jeans. I rubbed my hand over my body and let it roll off onto my cock. As I looked back at Jamie, I could see him looking at me now, with a slight grin he watched as my hand traced my hard dick. We caught eyes and smiled at each other knowing what we wanted to do to each other. “Well this is gonna take all day to clean” Wonka said rubbing his head. He turned to me and Jamie. “There won’t be much more to see today boys if I’m being honest. With lard arse over there and now these two great big horny bastards, I have a lot to deal with now.” I think both me and Jamie displayed our faces of disappointment a little too well. Wonka looked at us and knew that we couldn’t leave without exploring our options further. “Well. I guess you two could spend the rest of the day just enjoying this room. Go explore it and enjoy feasting on my creation. I’ll come and get you in a few ours once I’ve sorted these fatties out.” wonka gestured at us to go explore. Me and Jamie looked at each other and ran back through the forest. “Oh but please don’t end up like these three other men would you?!” Wonka shouted. “It can be quite fattening in here!” 
Sorry there’s been a bit of a wait for this part but here is the second part. I hope to get the third part out soon-ish but not making promises. This will probably be a 4/5 part story and I’m really excited in the direction I plan on going so make sure to keep tuned in for future parts!
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deadrottengirl111 · 4 months
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gay-little-cloud · 6 months
wish i could grab renjun and tell him not only we dont care if your weight changes but also you literally look better like this RENJUN YOU LOOK SO GOOD PLEASE RENJUNNNNN listen dont go backkk r enjunnnnnn
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youngrichskxnnybixch · 7 months
I want him to feel my BON€S
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2016 - 2021 (maintaining to 2022)
Sw: 100kg+ (potentially 115kg)
Cw: 121lbs
Height: 5'1
I met my now husband and he taught me how to cook. I began walking every day just for fun and lost 15kg in like 3 months without realising. I began lifting small weights and doing yoga, learning about my food allergies which I had been ignoring, seeing a dietician to help my disordered eating (over and under eating) and in 2020 I finally managed to get to a stable weight and keep it after years of yoyoing and struggling with multiple eating disorders.
Just find a type of exercise you enjoy, cook home cooked meals and check your portions, eat veggies and drink water. You don't have to starve/eat gross food to lose weight.
Let's chat: JOIN my free weekly 📬 newsletter! I share my most effective exercises, strategies, and filter new research for you so that you can finally shed the weight.
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Check out other 5'1" / 155cm tall people on this blog.
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healthcoach95 · 8 months
Top Muscle-Building Foods You Should Include in Your Diet
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Building muscle requires something beyond heading out to the exercise center - it requires an exhaustive methodology that incorporates a very organized gym routine daily schedule and, maybe in particular, a sustenance plan rich in muscle-building food sources. The adage, "abs are made in the kitchen," turns out as expected, underscoring the crucial job nourishment plays in accomplishing wellness objectives, particularly muscle improvement.
In this article, we dive into the universe of supplement thick food varieties that act as the structure blocks major areas of strength for, muscles. Whether you're a wellness fan, a competitor, or somebody simply setting out on an excursion to improve your constitution, understanding the significance of a reasonable eating regimen is pivotal.
The human body depends on different supplements, including proteins, nutrients, and minerals, to help muscle development, fix tissues, and work with in general prosperity. By decisively integrating explicit food sources into your day-to-day feasts, you can upgrade your sustenance to proficiently advance muscle improvement.
From lean meats like chicken and turkey to dairy items like Greek yogurt and milk, and even plant-based sources like quinoa and lentils, we investigate a different scope of choices reasonable for different dietary inclinations. Toward the finish of this article, you'll have a thorough manual for making a muscle-building diet that energizes your exercises and adds to accomplishing your wellness objectives.
Slender Meats for Muscle Improvement
Chasing muscle improvement, and integrating slender meats into your eating regimen is a key and heavenly method for guaranteeing you're furnishing your body with the fundamental supplements it needs. Lean meats are eminent for their high protein content and supplement thickness, making them major structure blocks for muscle fix and development. Here, we investigate some outstanding lean meat choices that can fuel your wellness process:
1. Chicken Bosom: The Protein Force to be reckoned with
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Chicken bosom is a staple in muscle-building and eats less carbs which is as it should be. It flaunts a high protein content, giving the important amino acids vital for muscle fix and development. Moreover, the chicken bosom is low in fat, making it an ideal decision for those expecting to fabricate slender bulk without an abundance of calories.
2. Turkey: Lean Protein with Supplement Lift
Turkey is another lean meat champion, offering a vigorous portion of great protein fundamental for muscle improvement. It is plentiful in supplements like zinc and B nutrients, further supporting in general wellbeing and improving your body's capacity to recuperate from extreme exercises.
3. Fish (Salmon, Fish): Omega-3s for Added Advantages
Salmon and fish, among other greasy fish, are phenomenal wellsprings of protein as well as give omega-3 unsaturated fats. These fundamental fats add to mitigating impacts, supporting joint well-being and by and large prosperity. The blend of protein and omega-3s makes fish an important resource in advancing muscle recuperation.
Integrating these inclined meats into your eating routine gives a thorough exhibit of supplements, including excellent protein, nutrients, and minerals. Whether barbecued, heated, or remembered for plates of mixed greens and pan-sears, lean meats offer flexibility in dinner readiness, guaranteeing that you can partake in various delightful dishes while making progress toward your muscle advancement objectives. Keep in mind, that a reasonable way to deal with nourishment, combined with ordinary activity, is vital to accomplishing and keeping up with ideal muscle wellbeing.
Dairy Items for Ideal Muscle Wellbeing
Dairy items assume a vital part in advancing ideal muscle well-being, offering a rich exhibit of supplements that help muscle improvement, fix, and generally speaking prosperity. Here, we dive into the advantages of integrating dairy into your eating regimen and feature key dairy items that add to muscle wellbeing:
1. Greek Yogurt: Protein-Pressed Probiotic Pleasure
Greek yogurt stands apart as an intense wellspring of protein, pivotal for muscle fix and development. What makes it outstanding is its thick protein content and the presence of probiotics, cultivating a solid stomach climate. This blend supports productive supplement retention, upgrading the general adequacy of your muscle-building endeavors.
2. Curds: Slow-Delivery Protein for Supported Muscle Backing
Curds is a flexible dairy choice known for its sluggish processing protein, casein. This trademark guarantees a slow arrival of amino acids into the circulation system, offering supported help for muscle recuperation. Moreover, curds are plentiful in calcium, a mineral fundamental for muscle withdrawals and generally speaking bone well-being.
3. Milk: Complete Sustenance for Muscles
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Milk, a work of art and healthy dairy item is a finished wellspring of protein containing a reasonable blend of fundamental supplements. It gives excellent protein as well as critical measures of calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is essential for muscle withdrawals, while vitamin D improves the ingestion of calcium, advancing solid bones and ideal muscle capability.
Integrating these dairy delights into your eating regimen offers an all-encompassing way to deal with muscle wellbeing. Whether delighted in as an independent bite, mixed into smoothies, or coordinated into different recipes, dairy items give a flavorful and helpful method for meeting your dietary requirements. Keep in mind, that a balanced eating regimen that incorporates an assortment of dairy sources contributes not exclusively to muscle improvement yet in addition by and large dietary equilibrium and imperativeness.
Plant-Based Wellsprings of Protein for Muscle Backing
For those embracing a plant-based way of life, accomplishing ideal muscle support isn't just feasible yet in addition delectable. Plant-based sources offer a different scope of supplement thick choices that give fundamental proteins and supplements essential for muscle improvement. Here, we investigate some champion plant-based wellsprings of protein to fuel your muscle-building venture:
1. Quinoa: The Total Plant Protein
Quinoa is a hotshot among plant-based proteins, being a finished protein containing all fundamental amino acids. This makes it an important expansion to your eating routine, guaranteeing your body has the structure blocks expected for muscle development. Quinoa is additionally rich in fiber, advancing stomach-related well-being and giving supported energy.
2. Lentils: Protein-Loaded Vegetables with Added Advantages
Lentils are a protein force to be reckoned with inside the plant-based domain. Loaded with protein and fiber, they contribute not exclusively to muscle improvement yet in addition support stomach-related well-being. Furthermore, lentils are an extraordinary wellspring of iron, supporting oxygen transport to muscles and advancing perseverance during proactive tasks.
3. Chickpeas: Adaptable Protein-Rich Vegetables
Chickpeas, otherwise called garbanzo beans, offer a flexible and scrumptious wellspring of plant-based protein. Whether utilized in plates of mixed greens, or curries or mixed into hummus, chickpeas contribute fundamental nutrients and minerals that help muscle capability. Their blend of protein and fiber additionally advances satiety and supported energy.
Integrating these plant-based forces to be reckoned with into your feasts guarantees a balanced admission of fundamental supplements. Whether you follow a completely plant-based diet or are hoping to differentiate your protein sources, these choices give a flavorful and nutritious starting point for muscle support. Adjusting different plant-based food varieties cultivates muscle improvement as well as adds to general well-being and prosperity. Keep in mind, that variety is key in guaranteeing you get an expansive range of supplements to help your wellness objectives.
Nuts and Seeds for Supplement Thick Nibbling
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In the domain of supplement thick nibbling, nuts, and seeds arise as healthy and fulfilling decisions that offer plenty of medical advantages. These little yet powerful snacks tempt the taste buds as well as give a concentrated wellspring of supplements pivotal for general prosperity. We should investigate the healthful fortunes tracked down in almonds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds, making them great choices for your supplement thick eating venture:
1. Almonds: Protein-Pressed Energy Supporters
Almonds are prestigious for their great supplement profile, highlighting a significant measure of protein, solid fats, and vitamin E. The protein content backs muscle fix and development, while the solid fats add to a sensation of completion, making almonds an optimal nibble for supported energy. The presence of vitamin E, a cancer prevention agent, further guides in safeguarding cells from oxidative pressure during actual work.
2. Chia Seeds: Minuscule Titans of Supplement Thickness
Chia seeds have legitimately procured their status as a superfood, offering a wealth of omega-3 unsaturated fats, protein, and fiber. These supplement-pressed seeds give calming benefits, supporting muscle recuperation. The blend of protein and fiber advances satiety and supported energy, making chia seeds a great expansion to your supplement thick eating collection.
3. Pumpkin Seeds: Supplement Rich Nibbling Joy
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Pumpkin seeds, or pepitas, are a healthful force to be reckoned with, bragging undeniable levels of protein, magnesium, and zinc. Magnesium plays a critical part in muscle withdrawals, while zinc upholds safe capability and muscle recuperation. The wonderful crunch and rich flavor make pumpkin seeds a helpful and scrumptious nibble choice that supports your body while fulfilling your desires.
Integrating these nuts and seeds into your nibble routine gives a helpful and tasty method for improving your day-to-day supplement consumption. Whether delighted in all alone, added to yogurt, or integrated into trail blends, nuts, and seeds offer a fantastic mix of flavors and surfaces that add to both your physical and nourishing prosperity. Make sure to appreciate them with some restraint, enjoying the wholesome advantages they bring to your supplement thick nibbling experience.
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kierancampire · 2 days
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Keep in mind that the ones in the left I was trying to suck my gut in to hide my weight. But even still, look at that! The photos on the left were from before I joined the gym, and, maybe it's just me but I feel you can see the weight loss! Like, my belly hangs out a lot more over my waistband, in general I feel my body looks very rounded, and I feel my face looks fuller. Where as the ones on the right which I took today, I feel my face looks slightly slimmer, there's some sharper lines on my body, my belly is less prominent. I just feel I look loads better!
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deadrottengirl111 · 4 months
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Girl doll face ( ・ω・)
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malkomroids · 6 days
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koheletgirl · 14 days
one thing about my coworkers is they do not pass the bechdel test
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simptasia · 6 months
in 2 months i've gone from my average being around 71 kilos (record 73) to my new record: 83 kilos. whoa
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Do you know how great peaches are for you? They are a great source for potassium & iron Peaches also help to improve digestion ,eye health & promote healthy skin.
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