#went to two cafes today for no reason at all lmao
moothecowgirl · 1 month
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crazycookiecrumbles · 2 years
Searching For Inspiration (4)
A/N:  And, yes, I’ve decided to indulge myself once again and leave hints of reader being a Latina!Reader, because, I…felt like it.
reblogs and comments appreciated. especially comments, like, i need feedback to live and to motivate lmao
Pairings/Characters:  Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: crack, fluffy sweet ending, swearing, talks about racism and death and murder, and fighting and violence and jocks being stupid 
Summary: It’s the Monday after your first date. Everyone’s watching you and Eddie, and some people are putting a little too much of themselves into your relationship with him. Eddie doesn’t take kindly to how they treat you.
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Come Monday morning, you were giddy for school. It wasn’t that you ever hated school, you did very well, you did everything you had to do and went about your day, but you actually had more enthusiasm as usual. Your dad smirked to himself as he sent you and your mother off for the day with packed meals and two thermoses full of cafe con leche to get you both through your days.
At school, you just shut your locker and shrieked when you saw something right behind the door. Sighing and leaning against the locker, you caught your breath while you glanced up to see Eddie stifling a laugh, “You asshole.”
“Sorry, princess,” Eddie beamed. “I just had to greet you on this lovely Monday morning.”
“I’m genuinely surprised you’re in school on time for once.”
“Ah, so you’ve noticed me,” Eddie smirked.
Your cheeks burned as you rolled your eyes, “Can I help you, Eddie?”
“Yes, you can, Y/N.” He straightened up and removed his arm from behind his back and held up a piece of paper. “I have information that one of my sheep has been trying to find a book and neither the school or town library has had it in ages. Know anything about it?”
You took the paper in your hand and read it, “Ender’s Game? Yeah, we just got it in, actually.”
“Oh, Dustin is going to be so upset about that wait time —“
“Someone’s mother thought it was controversial—“
“But is there any chance you guys can hold it?” Eddie asked. “My little sheepie-weepie would love to get his precious little hands on it.”
You shrugged and nodded, “Sure. I work today. If it’s in, I’ll set it aside for him.”
Eddie beamed, “And that’s why you are a majorly majestic princess.” His cooing quieted down as he leaned in towards you. It was at that moment Eddie realized who he was. He was Eddie the Freak Munson. For you to be seen with him was torture enough, but for him to do what he was craving on doing, in front of the school? It would be considered social homicide if he did this to you. He didn’t think he should.
You, however, frowned, “What, is there something on my face?”
“No, no, I just —“ his eyes shifted from side to side as he whispered. “If I kiss you in front of all of these people, they’ll turn on you.”
You raised an eyebrow, “And? I don’t even like them. Neither do you.”
“I don’t want you to have a hard time —“
“I’ll have a hard time for other reasons,” you told him. “But depriving me of this kiss? Well, Mr. Munson, that’s just cruel and unusual punishment.”
“Well,” Eddie chuckled as he leaned in closer, his forearm resting on your locker while his other hand grabbed your hip and he turned the two of you until your back was pressed against the cold metal. “We wouldn’t want that now, would we?”
“Not at all.”
Leaning in, Eddie was all smiles as he pressed his lips against yours, relishing the taste of coffee on your lips and the little kick of energy it gave him. You hummed into the kiss, happily leaning against the locker and tilting your head back to change the angle up before you deepened the kiss.
When Eddie pulled away, he licked his lips and shot you an adorable wink as he was in his own little wonderland as he stared at you. But the whispers invaded his ears and he looked around to see everyone staring in shock. Most notably seemed to be Jason Carver at the end of the hallway voicing how disgusting it was for Eddie to be doing that in the hallway, citing that you must have been defenseless to the devil’s ways.
Rolling your eyes, you patted Eddie’s chest, “Hey, I want to finish my book today. I’ll join your table after I get through it.”
“Or I can save you your throne and you can read there.”
“I’d love to, but I’ll get distracted listening to your stories at lunch, and I’m really, really close to finishing. I’ll join after, okay?”
He grumbled but nodded, “Your wish is my command. I’ll keep your seat warm for ya.”
You smiled softly and squeezed his arm, “Thanks, Eddie. I’ll see you at lunch.”
He nodded and swooped in to steal another quick kiss from you. He whooped in delight and strutted down the hall to his first class of the day. Shaking your head to yourself, you made your way to the first class of the morning. 
Once in the classroom, you took your seat next to Nancy Wheeler who was staring at you in shock. You sighed and kept your face down and focused on your blank page of notes, slowly writing the date over and over again until Nancy finally composed herself.
“You and Eddie Munson?” she asked quietly.
Why was she even asking? It’s not like you and Nancy were close or anything like. You’d spoken a few times here and there, helped her out in the library, but, really, that was it. What did it matter to her if you and Eddie were something?
“Why, Nancy?”
“Because Jason’s going around saying the devil has you in his grasp,” Nancy began. “Plus, I mean, I don’t know. I’m just surprised like everyone else.”
You shut your eyes for a hot second to think about what you wanted to say to her, “Eddie Munson and I went out Friday night, and things are going really well.”
To your surprise, Nancy smiled warmly, “Good for you, Y/N. That sounds sweet.”
The rest of the day went by just as you had expected. Everyone was giving you funny looks and stares, whispering everywhere you went as though you couldn’t hear them talking about you and Eddie. It made you want to turn around and scream at that, which, at one point, you definitely did, and you managed to uphold your ‘bitch’ title very well.
By the time lunch came around, you were relieved to just sit, eat your food, and finish your book. You had gotten used to eating alone for awhile now, and you generally felt comfort in it. Your food was considered ‘weird’ in this small town. Sometimes you were ‘normal’ with a turkey sandwich and chips, but other times, the smells emanating from your container or the ‘weird-looking sandwich’ you brought were just too out of this world.
Just another thing for kids to make fun of your for, to be honest.
Wiping your mouth with a napkin, you pushed your container to the side and really focused on this last chapter. Your eyes were scanning the pages excitedly, dying to find out what was happening. You could feel another presence beside the table and you decided to ignore it. However, a chair was pulled out, a throat was cleared, and you slowly moved only your eyes to see who was disturbing you during your reading time.
Jason Carver.
“Can I help you?” You asked with a sigh, watching as he pushed your container away with his pinky and a cringe on his face as he had no idea what the hell you had eaten and it smelled nothing like what he usually ate at home. He sighed and folded his hands on the top and stared at you like he was practicing for his run as mayoral candidate, “Y/N, I don’t think we’ve properly met — “
“I tutored you for 8th grade Spanish,” you explained. “We’ve met. Many times. Too many times, actually.”
He laughed awkwardly, “Right. Well, it’s come to my attention —“
“I’m reading, Jason. So if you could please —“
“It’ll only take a minute —“
“It’s already been a minute —“
“You just need to stay away from Eddie the Freak Munson,” He warned you. “Bad things happen when you hang around a guy like that. You’ve got time, don’t fall for his tricks.”
And at what point did this boy lose his fucking mind? You know, he always gave off a serial killer vibe, perhaps a cult leader that would end in a mass suicide, but damn, you didn’t think you were necessarily right about that, or at least you hoped not. 
You nodded to him, turned your attention to your book, and continued to read. You weren’t going to mouth off to him anymore because it was like talking to a brick wall. Nothing was getting through to him in the slightest. You made it through two sentences before he grew horribly frustrated with your book, grabbing it and snatching it out of your hands as he stood up from his seat and backed away from you, dangling it up high.
“Give me back my fucking book you imbecile!” You snapped as you jumped up as well. “You’re bending it, stop!”
“What, this?” Jason ripped out the pages you had been reading and crumpled them up before tossing them to the floor. “You see this? This is what happens when you hang out with that cult of his. You don’t want that, do you?”
“It’s not your fucking business you Charles Manson wannabe!”
“Charles Manson?” He shouted. “How dare you! If anything, he’s Manson!”
“You’re Manson! God, you’re so stupid with your cultist bullshit. You spread propaganda like it’s herpes because, what, you suddenly have a voice? Oh, I bet you loved it when Steve graduated and when Billy died, right? You’ll just ride his death into the sunset and use Steve’s absence to make yourself the new King, a title you didn’t have to earn, you just scooped up, because you’re pathetic,” You growled as you stepped closer to him. “You know, I’ll hand it to you, you got the whole charming boy next door thing down. It’s a shame you use it to spew complete garbage. Next you’ll start telling people that Jesus said fucking your sister is cool, right? Oh, I’m sorry, that’s a stereotype for the South, right? We’re in Indiana, I’ll fix that, you cousin-fucker.”
“You really are a bitch.”
You smiled. Hey, they gave you the title, might as well flaunt it and use it for good, right?
But the second you smiled, it was the slap heard ‘round the world, and it shocked you, Jason, and everyone in the lunchroom. You had managed to upset Jason so quickly with your vulgar insinuations and how you perfectly nailed his uprise to his status, that he just lost it. He didn’t even know what came over him. If anyone asked, he’d swear up and down he saw nothing but red and before he knew it, you were holding your face, a red mark blooming quickly as you stared at him in shock.
Another person staring in shock, aside from the entire lunchroom? Eddie freaking Munson. He was just carrying his tray over to have a seat and finally eat (he was caught up in the library working on his campaign) and he just managed to see you yelling at Jason, which warmed his heart; and then the slap, which boiled his blood.
Without a care, Eddie tossed his food comically to the side and charged at Jason, tackling him to the ground while Jason was realizing what he had done. This prompted the entire basketball team to jump out of their seats. It was the right time to gang up on Eddie for the sake of their leader. All but Lucas dove forward to fight. Their appearance prompted Hellfire to jump up and charge forward with battlecries echoing in the lunchroom.
You dove into the pile as well to stop Eddie from killing Jason and to get the basketball players off of him. You were shoving them away with a ferocity no one had seen from you, and it was shocking, even though these people considered you a bitch anyway.
Andy, one of Jason’s personal goons, grabbed you around the waist and lifted you in the air. You were shouting for him to put you down while you were kicking and thrashing about. He was holding you away from helping Eddie as an utter brawl broke out between the two groups. 
Chrissy ran over to coax Jason to stop fighting, which meant the other cheerleaders ran over and were screaming. Lucas finally ran over and did something, save Dustin from one of his fellow basketball players, and Nancy Wheeler?
Nancy Wheeler slugged Andy in the face to get him to let go of you.
The hallway was lined with almost the entire school population as the principal was pulling kids out of classes. What started as a gathering with everyone to try to talk as a group in the cafeteria turned into another fight, and that led to him speaking individually and including parents.
You, a librarian’s assistant at the local library, and esteemed tutor of both the high school and the middle school, your word was taken very seriously given that you never caused a problem at the school. However, it did seem like the principal wanted to skew your words and blame the whole thing on Eddie for the sake of the basketball team’s leader.
It led to you bringing in the big guns to stick up for the two of you, especially since Eddie’s uncle was fast asleep and impossible to reach after his night shift.
The door to the principal’s office opened and Eddie stepped out first, followed by your father, who winked at you, and your mother, who was still wearing her scrubs and a scowl on her face that frightened everyone in the hallway. She stood in front of you all, not caring that the student body was staring at her and listening to the conversation as best as they could.
“Eddie will receive no reprimand for defending my daughter who was physically assaulted in response to your choice of words, which we will talk about later.  Jason will be suspended from the next three games,” she informed you.
Eddie was beaming while you sat there in shock.
“How?” You asked.
Your father sighed dreamily and looked up at your mother, “she’s terrifying. She actually wanted to press charges. She’s got the new chief on speed-dial after one of his new recruits accidentally shot his own foot and she saved it.”
“I’d support pressing charges,” you nodded. “Fuck him.”
“Language,” she admonished you quickly. “If he comes near you again, he will be suspended, I don’t care what the principal or the coach says. I will be here every single day,” she explained to you, and looked to Eddie. “Thank you for helping my daughter, Mr. Munson.”
“Uh,” Eddie cleared his throat and straightened up. “T-thank you, ma’am, doctor..um…ma’am.”
Your mother studied Eddie from head to toe. Not that she’d tell you, as she’s sure your father probably did already, but there was something about Eddie and you that reminded her of herself and your dad when they were your age. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder and looked to Eddie’s eyes, “Come over for dinner. 8 o’clock. Is that too late?”
“No, ma’am, not at all.” Eddie agreed quickly. “I, I, I will, um ,I will be there. Do I bring —“
“No. Just yourself. Thank you, Eddie,” she finally offered him a smile before turning to you. “Are you going to class or going home?”
“I work today so, might as well stay for class.”
“I’ll see you tonight then. Mr. Munson,” she nodded to Eddie and grabbed your father’s hand. “Let’s go. I might still be able to make my appendectomy later. What’s for dinner today?”
“Whatever mi amor wants, mi amor gets,” your dad purred as they walked down the hall together.
Eddie watched them leave, a pang of jealousy hitting him as he was starting to get an idea of what kind of parents they were, and how lucky you were to have them. He looked to you and nodded a little as his hand came to rest on your hip, “Are you okay?”
“Are you?” You sighed and held his chin to look at his split lip. “I’m so sorry —“
“No, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to rip into him sooner. He’ll never lay a hand on you again, princess, I’ll kick his ass all over again,” he murmured as he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
You smiled softly, “You’re sweet, Eddie. I gotta go to class. I’ll see you tonight?”
Eddie nodded, “I can get you from the library.”
“I’d like that,” you beamed. “See you tonight, Eddie.”
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
A Soul For a Soul
a/n: i think at this point im just writing too much lol but anyways: ANGST. this is angst, that's it. that's the plot. ~angst~. so people liked my best friend reader x yelena fics so i decided to uhhh do the opposite? if thats what this is lol
warnings: as said above, this is angst. long. also terribly written lmao. gif not mine
tw: mentions of suicide and self hate.
word count: 3.3k
taglist: @coolbeans32
prompt: the world needed natasha, yelena needed her favorite sister back, and you - you knew how to make that happen. but at what cost? (reminder: hawkeye takes place a year and two months after endgame- at least that's what i heard so thats what im using)
pairing(s): yelena x sister!reader; natasha x sister!reader; kate x reader; thor x platonic!reader; guardians of the galaxy x platonic!reader
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You stood on the ledge, hands in your pockets as you gazed down below. So this is where she died. Where Natasha decided to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Resentment stirred in your stomach. Normally, being at this height would make your head light and vision blurry but today- today your mind was clear. You knew what you had to do. Closing your eyes, you took a step back away from the cliff, letting the memoires wash over you one last time.
It was like being hit by a truck when everyone but Natasha came back from the Time Heist. You couldn't move from you spot, curled up against the wall - knees to your chest, for what seemed like hours. Clint explained what had happened. How he tried to stop her but she wouldn't let him. But all you could think of was how you were alone. Both of your sisters - gone, in only the span of five years. You didn't let yourself cry in front of the Avengers. You wouldn't let them think you weaker than they already did. But that night, your body was wracked with sobs, air desperately trying to fill your lungs. She was gone. Really, truly gone. The walls felt like they were caving in, trapping you alone in your sadness. What were you going to do now?
Bruce brought everyone back. Later, you were told that Yelena's first thought after reappearing was Natasha. She never mentioned you.
The battle happened. Everything went by in a blur. Thanos was defeated, Tony sacrificed himself. Now you had lost your sister and one of your only friends. You left immediately for NYC, finding an affordable apartment, trying to get some sense of normalcy. And for a while, you found her. Kate Bishop. One day, while you were sitting in a cafe, she walked in - wearing a sweatshirt covered in what looked like ash. The lady behind the register laughed.
"Kate Bishop, did you burn your breakfast again?" Kate nodded her head sheepishly before sitting in the booth you were in, obviously exhausted. She banged her head on the table before looking up and practically jumping out of her skin when she saw you. You waved awkwardly. Kate smiled nervously.
"Uh...hi? OH! I'm so sorry, I'll move-" You shook your head, for some reason, you didn't want her to leave.
"No! Uh, I mean, no it's- it's fine." You smiled softly at Kate, who grinned back at you, "I'm [name]. You're Kate Bishop?" She laughed and nodded.
"I'm kind of a regular here. Everytime I convince myself, 'maybe the cereal won't catch fire this time' and try to make my own breakfast, my smoke alarm is going off and I end up here. I'm not complaining though- their pancakes are kick ass." After that, you and Kate formed a quick friendship, which quickly led to more. You had been dating for a year before you heard the rumors. A Black Widow had been hired to kill Hawkeye. And she was coming to New York. Using every means necessary, you tried to get Yelena to notice you. To get her to visit. But she never came. Eventually, you stopped, not wanting your sister to control your new life. But when Kate met Clint Barton, started working with him, your life shattered. Kate told you of Natasha's sister, Yelena, who had broken into Kate's apartment. They had mac n' cheese together. Yelena warned Kate to stay out of her way. She threatened your girlfriend.
In the end, you made it to the party, desperately looking through the crowds of people evacuating for Kate and or your sister. What you found broke your heart. Yelena beating the crap out of Clint, calling him pathetic, until he did the whistle. The sound that acted as a barrier between you and your two sisters. You heard Yelena sob before proclaiming how much she loved Natasha and how she was all Yelena had. All at once, every thought of you not being enough resurfaced. You weren't the one Yelena wanted. It was Natasha. Natasha would always be Yelena's favorite sister, while you stood on the sidelines doing anything to get your big sister's attentions. A thought sparked through your mind, a phrase Clint had said. A soul for a soul. Turning around before your sister or Clint could see you, you pulled out your transponder, sending a message to Thor, who had been hanging with the self proclaimed Guardians of the Galaxy for the past year. They had all regularly checked up on you, constantly offering you a place on the team. But after meeting Kate, you rejected the offer each time.
"[Name]!" You heard your girlfriend's voice echo through the streets, her footsteps running up to you, "I was so worried about you! You weren't returning my calls and everything was going to shit and I didn't know if you were okay-" You cut her off with a tight hug before bringing her head down for a kiss. Slow and deep, you savored the taste of your girlfriend. You knew it would be one of the last times you would ever kiss.
"I love you." You murmured, Kate's face blushing before she pecked your cheek and tightened the hug. You pulled away, taking a deep breath.
"I- I have to go on a trip for a while." You forced out, watching as Kate's face twisted into an expression of confusion.
"Wha-why? Now?" Her voice held an edge of panic to it so you cupped her face with your palms, looking into her eyes.
"Kate, I-" you sighed, before telling Kate everything. Well, not everything. Just that you were the forgotten sibling of Natasha and Yelena, that you had no idea that any of this would happen, and that you needed to see the spot your sister died. For closure. Surprisingly, Kate wasn't angry. She understood why you hadn't told her. Which made your heart hurt worse.
In the evening, you heard the sounds of a space ship hovering above your apartment building. You grabbed your bag, packed so Kate wouldn't worry, and turned to go to the roof. Arms wrapped around your waist and you felt a kiss on the neck.
"Come back safe okay?" You turned towards your girlfriend, who had a look on her face you couldn't describe.
"Don't worry, I'll be back for Christmas at Clint's farm." That seemed to satisfy Kate, who let you go. You pecked her lips one last time before turning and walking out the door. Thor was waiting for you when you walked out, the giant of a man scooping you into a giant hug.
"It is so good to see you again [Name]! How are you?" You lied, saying you were fine, and boarded. In a flash of light, you were approaching Vormir.
And that's how you ended up here. Standing on the very spot where Natasha leaped off the edge - all for a glowing orange stone. You had decided it was time when a voice sounded from behind you.
"In all my years, I've never seen anyone jump without asking for the stone," The Red Skull floated beside you, his cloak flaring around in the wind, "But you do request something in return." You set your shoulders back, chin up.
"A soul for a soul? Isn't that the deal you have here? I'll give you mine if you bring her back." The Red Skull nodded, understanding what you were asking.
"Natalia Romanova. The one who sacrificed herself in love for Clint Barton. You wish to bring her back. You must know child, I do not make the rules. If the One Who Sees All approves, they will take your offer. If not, then you will have left everyone who you love and who loves you, alone." You hung your head, shrugging.
"I wouldn't be missed that much anyways."
"You can't possibly believe that." Rocket's voice startled you, making you turn around. The Guardians all stood behind you, their faces ones of shock and sadness. Thor stepped forward.
"[Name], I understand it's been hard-"
"No you don't!" You yelled, every emotion bubbling to the surface, causing tears to fill your eyes, "You don't know what it's like to always be the third choice. Not even the second! I was never seen growing up, it was always 'Natasha this' or 'Yelena that'! In the Red Room, Natasha was the prodigy who escaped, Yelena was the greatest assassin after our sister and me? Me?! I'm the one Dreykov had killed, the only reason I survived wasn't because of my skill but because the Widow assigned to me hesitated. I survived because of a fault in the programming. None of them looked for me! They knew I was alive and they. didn't. look. for. me! Natasha, figured out I was alive when she walked into SHIELD for the first time and saw me there. I was at SHIELD first but she," You sobbed, "She was everyone's favorite. Fury's favorite, Coulson's favorite, Hill's favorite. She was the first choice for the Avengers Initiative. She didn't even talk to me unless she had to! We only grew close after Thanos beCAUSE I WAS THE ONLY ONE THERE! I WAS THERE FOR HER AND SHE STILL JUMPED. SHE TOLD CLINT HE HAD A FAMILY BUT WHAT ABOUT ME? DID I NOT MATTER? I WASN'T ENOUGH, I WON'T BE ENOUGH UNTIL I BRING HER BACK. Yelena didn't even care about me when she came back. Her only thought was Natasha, she never thought to think how I was doing - her younger sister who had lost both of her older sisters. She didn't visit me. I had thought we had grew close after the fall of the Red Room but apparently not. Guys, I'm-I'm tired. I'm tired of my family casting me away. The world needs Natasha, Yelena needs Natasha. She doesn't want me - she never has. I won't be anyone's third choice anymore." When you finished your rant, tears were streaming down your face, and everyone - including the Red Skull- looked shocked. Rocket took a step forward.
"What about Kate? Are you her third choice? How will this affect her?" You swallowed back a sob at Rocket's question, shaking your head and looking away.
"Kate- Kate is strong...She'll get over me quickly and find someone better." Peter scoffed.
"Okay fine, you want your family to stop casting you away? Let us become your new family. [Name], you wouldn't be our third choice - ever. And Kate? She could never find anyone as amazing as you are. So come with us okay?" He held out a hand, "Kate can come with us - I'm sure she'll love to see space." You chuckled, imagining Kate's face pressed against the windows of the Milano, watching in amazement as stars blurred by. You nodded, stepping towards Peter, taking his hand. The entire group seemed to let out a breath. You let yourself walk with them for a few feet, with each step you could practically feel the stress leaving their bodies.
You almost changed your mind.
But then the flashes happened. The flashes of Yelena's disappointed face when you came back, after the Guardians eventually tell her what you were going to do. You imagined her asking you why? Why didn't you do it. So, you took a deep breath and looked around you, at the people, the only ones, who would probably miss you. Warmth blossomed in your chest, thankful for these last moments with the ones who cared. But all good things must end.
Just as you were about to cross the threshold of Vormir's entry, you pushed Thor's hand away from yours, twisting his arm back with all your strength. The God of Thunder let out a surprised grunt, the Guardians taking a step back as the tall man tumbled forward. You took a step back before turning around and running full speed towards the edge.
It was like time stopped turning. You could hear the Guardians behind you, each one rushing to grab you. You heard Quill power on his rockets, propelling him forward. You slid to the ground, quickly spinning around and using Peter's body, you kicked him back while flipping off the edge. You let your body relax, feeling the wind rushing behind your back, curling around you like one last hug. You saw Nebula reaching her arm off the cliff, a failed attempt to grab you. Rocket sat on the edge, his eyes full of regret as he watched you fall to your death. There was nothing you could do. You were already dead.
Before you hit the ground, you swore you saw Natasha beside you. You could feel her shaking your body - screaming no over and over. But you blinked and she was gone. The last thing you saw was the brightest light you've ever seen rising into the sky, exploding into a multitude of colors - illuminating the horizon with your soul.
Kate stood outside Clint's farm, watching the sky for any trace of your return. She had been at the Barton family residence for hours, patiently - okay fine - anxiously awaiting your return.
"Kate Bishop, staring at the sky isn't going to make her arrive any faster." Yelena's voice startled Kate.
"Oh come on, you can't blame me for being excited! It's Christmas! Plus, she's your sister Yelena. You should be waiting with me! Aren't you one bit excited to see her again?" Yelena acted indifferent for a moment before smiling.
"I am, Kate Bishop, it has been a while since I've seen my little sister. But I will wait where there is food and warmth." Kate laughed before nodding.
"Okay, okay. I'll come inside." Looking one last time into the sky, Kate walked into the house, where Clint, Laura, and their kids sat at the table, laughing at a story Clint was telling. Kate and Yelena sat down, leaving a seat in between them. Conversation flowed easily but each second felt like an hour to Kate, who's leg wouldn't stop bouncing from excitement. Suddenly, a large gust of wind burst into the room, rattling dishes and creaking the home's foundations. There was a bright burst of light and a figure stepped out. The room went quiet. Yelena felt tears and joy building up in her chest.
"Nat-Natasha?" The Black Widow looked confused but welcomed her sister as the blonde barreled into her, grasping her tightly into a hug.
"A miracle." Clint whispered in awe. The next few minutes were full of joy stained tears and lengthy but quick explanations. Kate stood apart from the group, waiting for her widow to show up. Soon, the group heard the Milano land next to the house. Kate sprinted out, Yelena and Natasha right behind her. Nat was the only one who felt dread building inside of her when you didn't walk off the ship. Kate looked behind the Guardians, oblivious to their somber and angry expressions.
"Where's [name]? Is she using the bathroom or something?" At the Guardians silence, Kate laughed nervously, no humor in her tone.
"Come-come on guys where is she? This isn't funny." Kate's voice was full of panic, her chest felt tight and her breaths labored. Clint placed his hand on Kate's shoulder, worry filling face. Yelena stepped towards the Guardians, annoyance flaring in her eyes.
"Where is our sister?" She asked, her voice hard as Natasha placed a hand on her arm.
"Oh, so now you care about her!" Rockets incredulous exclamation shocked the two Widows. No Guardian made a move to stop Rocket's rant.
"What about when Dreykov tried to kill her? Did you care about her then? Or when everyone was dusted? Did you even try to be there for her? Or when Natasha died!" Yelena's eyes grew wide and she started to shake her head rapidly, fearful of what Rocket was about to say, "You were never there for her! You weren't her family!"
"How dare you-" Yelena started but Natasha brought her hand up to silence the angry blonde.
"Rocket." Her voice was chilly, like she was encasing all her emotions in ice and packing them far inside her mind - protecting her from what she was about to hear, "Where. Is. [Name]." Rocket let out a sob, his normally tough exterior cracking, showing his vulnerable heart to the world.
"Where do you think?" Came Nebula's rough voice, her fists clenched and body stiff as Gamora held her sister back from pouncing, "We went to Vormir. She- she said she wanted to see where you died." Kate was rapidly shaking her head, shoving her hands in her coat pocket. It's just a bad dream, you'll wake up any second now. She kept telling herself. Tears were building up in her eyes, flowing over and streaming down her face. Yelena was practically rocking back and forth on her heels, arms wrapped around herself as if to protect her. Gamora stepped forward, in front of Nebula, her eyes hard yet also full of pity.
"Vormir requires a soul sacrifice for the Soul Stone but-" She swallowed, shaking her head and making direct eye contact with Natasha, "for every person sacrificed, their soul can be retrieved, by another giving up their life- permanently. That's what [name] did for you Natasha. She thought," Gamora's voice broke, her own cool exterior falling apart, "She thought this would make everyone happier. You were always the favorite, she said. She thought she didn't matter enough to anyone, that she wasn't worth anything except bringing you back. Why would you push her to this?" Towards the end, Gamora had started to yell. Her voice broke on every word, like her heart was projecting it's sadness. At the silence of Natasha and Yelena, Gamora yelled.
"Don't you understand? She's gone! [Name] is dead and it's all your fault! Your sister is dead!" Gamora leaned her head on Peter's shoulder, "She's dead."
Kate fell to the ground, her body shaking from the sobs wracking her form. With trembling hands, she reached inside her pocket, pulling out a small velvet box.
"Kid..." Clint tried to place a comforting hand on Kate's shoulder but she slapped it away. She glared at the two Widows before standing up and walking away. Yelena stared at the ground, her mouth trembling as sobs threatened to break out. Natasha clawed at her chest, angry at the universe, angry at herself, angry at her soul. She moved her hands up to her head as memories flashed by. Your first birthday, your first mission, the day you saw her at SHIELD - eyes full of hope that was crushed when she walked away indifferent. Collapsing to the ground, Natasha clasped the area where her heart was and raising her head to the sky, released a scream so loud, it shook both Heaven and Hell, making even the most powerful beings look away in sorrow. Yelena just whispered, "My fault, my fault, not again, I can't do this again," over and over.
As Kate walked to her car, she heard Natasha's scream. Shaking her head, she collapsed in the drivers seat, sobbing into her hands. A light gust of wind blew through the vehicle. I'm sorry, my love. Through her tears, Kate opened the box, revealing a sparkling silver ring, simple yet elegant. As the light breeze circled around her, Kate felt as if you were sitting next to her. She swallowed.
"I had a whole speech planned, [name], a whole plan," she laughed through her tears, "I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, why- why would you?" She broke down into tears, not able to finish her sentence. I would've said yes, a voice whispered in her ear, sounding like yours. Thinking her grieving mind was playing a trick on her, Kate wiped away her tears and put her seatbelt on. But when she looked out the window, she saw a figure in the horizon - glowing the colors of a sunset. You raised your hand and waved one last time before dissolving into light, once again painting the horizon with your soul.
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Some #Only in Gotham posts because I’m stressed and this is my coping mechanism
Guys guys guys
So I was in Central City today visiting some friends earlier this morning, and then the city gets attacked by these... aliens? Weird reptillian cryptids?? Who knows, but they were not happy nor friendly. We were all at this nice cafe just vibing in the outdoor area when this bipedal, green-gray reptile thing pops out of the manhole outside the cafe and goes absolutely feral. He was super close to my group so I grab my croc repellant (for non gothamites, its’ basically pepper spray but really bad-smelling to ward off croc if he ever shows up) out in an instant and I sprayed it right in the face.
Then I grabbed the nearest thing—some poor old guy’s metal walking frame—and whacked the reptile in the back of the head and it crumpled basically instantly.
And after the JL had stepped in to deal with the rest of them (not many, from what I’ve heard, but better safe than sorry I guess), heaps of people were freaking out about it because, well, this is Central City, they don’t get this kind of crime, they’re not prepared for this, yada yada.
Then that manhole pops up and everyone freaks out again because “oh god they’re back” but it’s just Batman dragging a bunch of tied up reptiles out of the sewers using some kind of winch set-up. It was almost comical—a daisy chain of reptiles being lifted out of this manhole in Central City by our favourite Goth Cryptid.
The cops were completely floored. The civilians didn’t know whether to be more scared of Bats or the reptiles. I mean, it was literally the middle of the day, and it’s rare to see Batman in daytime in Gotham but I guess this was an extenuating circumstance, so I guess I see why they were scared.
Batman just looks down at me standing over an unconscious reptilian holding the can of croc repellant and he’s just like “I’m guessing you’re from Gotham.”
I was like “yeah. Can’t escape the damn cryptids wherever I am.”
And tHEN he LAUGHS. Like, it was a small and quiet snort but it happened and I’m still shook. I have officially joined the “I made Batman laugh” squad. I can ascend peacefully now.
He seemed super embarrassed but asked if my friends and I were okay before he turned on his heel and stalked over to Flash and Woner Woman, a daisy-chain of reptiles in tow.
#lmao #onlyingotham #Batman #IMadeBatmanLaugh #ITookDownAReptileCryptid #GothamIsWeirdOkay #WeGottaBePreparedForAnything
I just heard this Metropolis guy try and trash Bruce Wayne to his friend at this diner and like five seperate people (myself included) turned around to roast the hell outta him. Like, yeah, he’s a billionaire, which is a whole can of worms I don’t wanna open right now, but he’s basically the only reason this city’s still standing and functioning (especially after the quakes and the no-man’s-land bs). His kids—most are poc and would not have thrived in the system—are all successful and work with their communities to better other people’s lives. Bruce Wayne is basically the only reason I got through high school (and am now in college); a scholarship is the only reason most of my friends have enough money to make rent. He “accidentally” spilled wine on Lex Luthor when he made a sexist remark. Also, didn’t it come out recently that he’s basically been funding the JL o at least is a major financial backer? An icon. You can shut your mouth, Jeremy.
One girl Instagram lived the whole exchange (she was filming beforehand I think) and it was magical.
Later on, Robin (the newest one, with the swords) shows up and he’s like “thank you for defending the honour of Mr Wayne”. I was like “kid,,,, you don’t need to thank me but you’re welcome”. he just kinda looks at me for a second and says “you eat free tonight” and chucks a bunch of dollar notes at me and disappears into the wilderness (ie. an alleyway). It was so surreal.
#GiveWayneABreak #BruceWayne #LetTheManLiveHisLife #GothamitesProtectTheirOwn #EvenTheBatkidsAreProtectiveOfHim
Yeah so....... I just saw some of Two-Face’s goons about to enter a bank, weapons drawn, and I’m scared because their boss is in Arkham, and the Rogues’ most loyal people always get antsy and trigger-happy when their bosses are off the board. I’d dialed 911 when I first saw them and ducked into an alley.
But then I see one of them stop dead in their tracks—Goon A we’ll call him—and says “hey, Wayne’s in there”.
Goon B: “Oh, we’re not meant to go after Wayne. Pack it in fellas.”
Goon C: “Huh? why not?”
Goon A: “Boss-man said so. Wayne used to be his best bud. Helped him campaign to be DA and stuff. Went to college together. Nice man.”
Goon B: “Got no problem wth that. Wayne’s the only reason my boys got through school. Besides, we mess with Wayne, the boss and Harley will be on our asses.”
Goon C: “Huh. Fair enough. We’ll go to the other location then.”
And then they just,,,, left.
#EvenTheRoguesWannaProtectHim #BruceWayne #HarveyDent #TheGuysGotCaughtAfter #IToldDetectiveMontoya #AndSheJustSighedForAReallyLongTime #OnlyInGotham #GothamIsWeird
Today I was in a Zoom call with some of my coworkers on the other side of the world, sitting in the kitchen facing the living room, when Red Robin comes crashing through my window. I just kinda turned around to see if he was badly injured (he wasn’t, couldn’t even see any blood) so I just continued on with what I was saying and he sheepishly left through the same window.
My coworkers are looking at me like “Jacob are you okay??” And I’m like, “yeah man, that was just Red Robin, he has unfortunate luck with windows. Soon enough one of the other Bats will come knocking with a replacement or a cash refund. Though, I should probably just invest in plexi-glass.”
One of my coworkers went on a bit of a rant about “vigilantes causing property damage and disrupting the peace” and i’m like “Mark I’d rather Batman crashing through my door or window once a month to getting buried in my twenties in his abscence,” and he was like “yeah, fair enough” so we just continued with our call.
After my call, Blonde Batgirl shows up and apologises for the window. I ask about plexi-glass and if Red Robin is alright.
She’s like “yeah he’s fine but he’s getting Bat-Lectured for being reckless which is why I’m here. Also from what Oracle can tell you should be able to get plex-glass installed within the week.”
#OnlyInGotham #GettingBatLecturedDoesNotSoundFun #ThanksOracle #BatmanDontBeTooHardOnTheKid #Gothamite #MeanwhileInGothamCity #GothamCity #RedRobin
So, Red Hood piggy-backed me up to my apartment yesterday because my heel broke when I was fleeing from these guys trying to mug me (or worse) and I sprained my ankle. He carried me up four flights of stairs and helped me get into my apartment and wrap my foot properly.
I told him to take some of my nana’s lasagna (because our local vigilante needs to keep his strength up! Man’s gotta eat, and from what I hear he’s not swimming in cash) and he got real quiet for a while before saying “yeah, sure”.
So he ate some lasagna while I called in sick to work (who were very understanding, surprisingly).
Then after a little while he’s like “bye” and jumps outta my window.
An icon.
#RedHood #OnyInGotham #WeStanALegend #IHopeYouLikedTheLasagna #MyNanaSaysSheWillMakeMoreForYou #GrowingUpInCrimeAlley
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hanji-is-life · 3 years
Could U do more of dilf bakugou!! Like a part 2 of the cafe thingy u did
I’m not really sure what cafe thing you’re talking about, but I can make it now!! :)
this is long and has no smut lmao—
Working at a small owned cafe had its advantages and disadvantages. On most days, you got the same customers, saw the same faces, fixed the same orders. It only ever got busy on weekends, early morning weekdays and afternoons. You loved working, even with the Karen or Ken you’d encounter every once of a while.
Although, there was one huge advantage to working at your cafe. And I mean huge.
He always went by ‘B.K.’ whenever a fellow worker would ask for the name for his order. He was tall and broad, an obvious businessman who looked too damn good in button ups and suits. His hair was ash blonde and peppered in whites and silvers around his hairline, a slight scruff of an incoming beard that was never shaved on the days he looked the most tired. B.K.’s eyes were a deep red, always squinting behind the thin circle glasses he wore, and he always had a scowl on his face.
His body language always screamed “don’t fuck with me, don’t talk to me, don’t even look at me” and that mostly was the reason why you always scurried to the back whenever you saw him walk in at his usual time. You had never actually taken his order, since the man was just so damn intimidating. But today, you had to since your coworker called in sick. When you heard the bell chime at exactly 6:45 in the morning, you didn’t even have to look up to see who it was.
“Welcome to—” you were about to speak to B.K. when not one, or two, but three little shrill voices rang throughout the silent store. You snapped your head up quickly in confusion, and felt your heart stop at the sight.
While you were sure you already didn’t have a chance with the older, handsome male, you still weren’t expecting him to break your heart like this. In tow, were three children ranging from the ages of 3-9 that looked exactly like him. And him, who was already stopping at the mat in front of the door, sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose underneath his glasses with his left hand—to which you noted had no type of ring on it. Maybe this wasn’t as much of a heartbreak as you thought.
“Daddy, daddy! I want a cake pop!”
“Ooh, daddy, me too! Can I have one too, daddy? Please?”
“No, dad’s only gonna get me a cake pop since you two brats spilled the milk this morning!”
The three kids bickered back and forth until B.K. yelled out a sharp, hey! You startled, much like the kids and watched how they all frowned at his words.
“None of you damn brats are getting any sugar this early in the damn morning. Now go tell the lady what you want so we can go.” B.K. pushed the three grumbling kids toward the counter and added as an afterthought,
“And nothing with too much damn sugar. Fuck it, you’re all getting black coffee.”
The kids simultaneously groaned and whined their complaints, making you giggle behind your hand. He smirked at the kids before his eyes flickered up to meet yours. He looked surprised for a second, before the smirk settled back on his pink lips. He strolled to the counter, planting his hands flat on the cold surface and leaned toward you as you felt yourself shrink back slightly at his intense stare.
“Finally stopped scurrying to the back after seeing me, hah? Do I scare you that much?” His voice was low, a purr in his throat as he scanned your face. You could only stare wide eyed at him, trying to figure out if you should keep up the staring contest, or to his chest that was bulging through the turtleneck he was wearing. Damn, you could even see his nipples through the—
“My eyes are up here, princess. You really undressing me with your eyes in front of my kids? Filthy.”
His grin is predatory and lecherous, voice low so the kids who were arguing behind him wouldn’t hear his words. You swallowed, cleared your throat awkwardly and smiled softly.
“S-Sorry, sir. Would you like your usual and three hot chocolates?” Your voice is small, feeling a sudden wetness spread between your thighs as the man licks his lips slow and leans even further across the counter until he’s practically breathing the same air as you.
“You know my usual, even though you never take my order? You really are a stalker.” He smirks, holding your eyes for a second before pulling back and digging into his tight slacks for his wallet. You smile wider and quickly start making the four drinks.
“Not a stalker, sir. You just have a really big voice, ya know?” You keep your voice light and airy, throwing a look over you shoulder to gauge his reaction. He pauses for a second before a wide grin spreads on his face as he chuckles. His kids have only gotten louder, so he turns around to quiet them down as you finish the drinks with haste.
You give them extra whip cream and marshmallows in their drinks and prepare his black coffee with only three sugars—bleh, gross.
By the time you turn around, the money is already on the counter and B.K. is standing there with his hands shoved in his pockets. He’d been watching you the whole time, a smirk on his face as he watches you fluster before placing the drinks on the counter for the kids. He brushes his hand against yours as you pass him his drink, smile and nod at the kids who thank you loudly for the extra sugar. He takes a sip of his drink and hums, checks the cup and winks as he gathers his three while turning on his heel.
“Katsuki.” He rumbles, throwing you one last look before ushering him and his kids out of the store. You let out a breath you hadn’t realize you were holding as you will your thighs to stop trembling at the tiny interaction.
Sighing, you pick up the money he left on the counter, and notice a napkin sprawled underneath it. There was chicken scratch of handwriting, and you can’t help but gape at the message and the extra 89 dollars Katsuki left you.
You’re really fucking hot and I wanna get to know you better. Call me. xxx-xxx-xxxx.
-Bakugou Katsuki
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svchengss · 3 years
hey barista! | l.dh
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summary | befriending the barista from your local cafe doesn’t seem too bad
pairing | lee donghyuck x fem!reader ft. jaemin who’s a rlly cute side character in this :(
genre | fluff, angst, slight humour (?)
warnings | a kiss?? i don’t think there’s any but if i missed anything do lmk !!
word count | 3k+
s. tg | @hyuckefi [my apologies since i didn’t release a proper teaser for this 🙏🏻]
author’s note | this is my first fic exceeding 1k words so if u enjoyed reading this, please leave some feedbacks !! rb’s are also appreciated :D ALSO I SUCK AT SUMMARIES LMAO PLS IGNORE THAT
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just another day of working at palm coffee, the same old routine. cleaning the countertop and tables before opening up the cafe, prepping the ingredients - more for top favourites! - and examining the machines to make sure they’re working properly. that’s some of hyuck’s daily routines as a barista. he didn’t mind them though, he loved his job. he couldn’t specify the reason why but all these tasks are genuinely interesting to him.
seeing you drop by the cafe is a normal occurrence for him. since you are a regular customer after all, the rest of the staff already know you well. heck, they’re even good friends with you. jaemin hangs out with you more than he does despite being jaemin’s childhood friend. except for him, he doesn’t really know why. he’s not really shy, considering the fact that he’s a social butterfly. he just couldn’t bring himself to say anything to you, the only times he did so was to take your orders when the rest of the workers were busy in the store.
upon hearing the doorbell chime which signals a new customer entering the cafe, hyuck blurted out the usual line. “hello, welcome to palm coffee! how can i help-“, looking up from the cash register only to find you in a disheveled state. “-you?” he eyes you up and down, noting how a few strands of your hair were out of place, the nude lipstick smeared on the left corner of your mouth and your outfit looks really rushed. 
“sorry, what was your name again, hyuck right?” you quickly glanced at the nametag hanging nicely on his apron. “i’m in a rush right now, can i get a,” you scanned over the menu behind him, “uh, white coffee, please?”. 
“that will be six dollars. you can use the restroom in the meantime to, you know, touch up your makeup and stuff,” he takes the bills from your hand, putting them in the machine in front of him before flashing you with that warm smile of his. you wished him a quick thanks before disappearing into the back of the place.
now that was embarrassing.
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your eyes scanned over the hall to find your friend before hearing her shout your name from across. damn, why does she have to be so loud? stares were directed towards you as you walked up the stairs to your designated seat. all the chatter going on in the lecture hall became quiet as soon as your professor placed her things on the desk, which means class has started. 
after hearing a two-hour lecture and writing some notes - where suddenly song lyrics and scribbles appear - the words you’ve been waiting to hear finally echoed through the speakers. 
“class is dismissed, thank you everyone for listening,” mrs. hui’s voice later being flushed out by the buzzing voices of the students walking out the hall, determined to finish their own activities. you stuffed your ipad and papers into your light yellow jansport backpack before going out to meet vic who’s waiting for you outside. 
“i’m exhausted, what did she even teach just now?” vic sighed to her heart’s content. you can’t blame her, today’s topic was quite complicated. circuits analysis or something? you can’t really wrap your head around it, your brain being stuffed with all the information. vic kept on ranting  about the problems she faced from the moment she woke up, making you giggle at some comments she made. 
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“wait for me, i’m almost done,” he folded his apron neatly before shoving it into the drawer and grabbing his bag from the counter to join jaemin, who’s waiting at the front door with the keycard. hyuck accepted jaemin’s request to help him with some shopping for his sister’s birthday party next week. obviously, the rest of the staff were also invited. 
jaemin divided the shopping list into two, allowing hyuck to find the rest of the things with ease.
“now where are the streamers…” he muttered out loud enough for himself to hear, crouching down to browse through the party decorations on the shelf. or he thought so, as you could hear him sighing clearly in dire need of the certain decoration, that you decided to help him out. 
“um, hyuck? i think the party streamers are in the aisle beside this one? you look a bit troubled there,” you chuckled lightly. the heat flushed to his cheeks, feeling dumbfounded. 
“really? uh, thank you for the help,” he gave you a small grin that could hardly be seen if you didn’t spot the corner of his lips. and with that, he’s long gone with his shopping basket.
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you are fond of the atmosphere you’re in right now. the decorations left you in awe - white and pink silk hanging from the wall with silver letter balloons spelling out happy birthday stitched onto them. you can see jaemin’s sister, eun-ji, being carried out of her room with a small flowy white dress and wearing a golden bow on her head, her brunette hair being tied into ponytails. the na family really adore their youngest girl.
meanwhile, there are only a couple of adults your age attending the party -  jaemin’s co-workers, some of his other friends which you aren’t familiar with and hyuck. he looked rather chill, with an oversized beige sweater and white jeans to suit the party’s theme. you’re not quite bad as well, your hair combed nicely and kept neat with a headband, a white sundress with strawberry patterns on it fit nicely on your figure, complemented with a heart-locket necklace placed on your collarbones. before reaching jaemin’s house, you made sure to drop by a local store to get some gifts for eun-ji. she’s a very well-mannered kid which made you adore her very much.
“y/n? very glad to see you here,” hyuck said as he approached you, offering you a plate of cake which he cut.
“i could say the same to you too, mr. lee,” you let out a soft laugh. he made sure to keep a mental note over how pretty you looked today.
“y/n, hyuck! glad you two broke the ice, did you know how hurt i was seeing you two act like strangers whenever y/n came by the cafe?” jaemin enveloping you into a small hug before fake pouting. you can only laugh at the fake debate the two guys in front of you were having. after conversing with hyuck and jaemin for quite some time, you realised that he’s a cool person to talk to, where all this time, you thought he hated you for some reason. before leaving, you made sure to thank mrs. na for hosting the party and off you went home. 
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following the previous encounters, hyuck felt much more comfortable around you - even hanging out with you during his shift where you would do your assignments at the cafe he’s working at. every now and then, he would also invite you to hang out with him and jaemin. however, what he didn’t realise was how he slowly pent up feelings - romantically. 
ding dong!
he pressed on the doorbell button with a box of doughnuts in his left hand. the three of you were supposed to be having a movie night, but jaemin got caught up with his groupwork which leaves the two of you alone. 
“hey hyuck! come in,” you gestured, arranging the cushions on your sofa to make it look more organized. the interior of your rented apartment is calming, the light grey walls suiting the navy blue sofa and furniture with darker undertones. the walls are also not left empty, with modern art portraits hanging from it. 
“i brought donuts, your favourite, right?” he opened the box, placing it on the coffee table while you set up the television. you wished him a quick thank you before grabbing two canned drinks from the refrigerator, handing one to him and pressing play on the remote control. you two weren’t quiet throughout the whole movie, with snarky comments on how hot the actors were or how stupid they were being were made. 
he didn’t know you were sleepy though as all of a sudden, he could feel the weight of your head on top of his shoulder. it was a rather awkward situation as he didn’t move at all so you could sleep comfortably. before long, he joined you and dozed off to wonderland. the next morning, you were more than embarrassed to find yourself cuddling up to him, with the next movie still playing on the screen.
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seeing your figure outside the front door made hyuck more excited to greet you today. after making a quick order for a green tea latte, you fished out your purse from your handbag, feeling frantic if you’ve lost it outside. luckily, you were the only customer in line as the rest of them were already seated and carrying out their own businesses.
“sorry, but i think this might be yours,” you turned around to find a tall-looking guy handing out your black purse. a wave of relief washed over your soul, thanking the latter profusely.
“mind if i buy you a drink? i hate feeling like i owe someone,” you offered, which he gladly accepted. 
“i’d like a double espresso, please,” he kept his hands into his pockets. 
“and your name, sir?” hyuck looked mildly bothered.
“yukhei,” he ran his slightly blonde hair through the slender fingers. hyuck hated how cocky he looked, feeling more annoyed than ever over the scene that was played in front of him just now. he hated how yukhei looked at you. 
why should he get jealous? he’s just a mere friend to you, that’s all. you have to stop overreacting, hyuck. 
those words kept running through his mind all day.
“dude, are you okay? you looked-” jaemin opened the staff room, interrupting him from the self-talk he was having, “-distracted,” finishing up his sentence. 
“nope, i’m just fine,” he said, bringing the honey smile back onto his face. jaemin nodded before disappearing back to the front to serve the customers. 
stop being so jealous, hyuck. you’re just a friend. not more, not less. 
“jaemin, how do you know if you like someone?” that question is kind of shocking to him, especially if it’s coming from hyuck. of course, he’s had a crush before but it was during middle school. just a silly, little crush. growing up, he’s never had one - not even in high school.
“you’ve asked the right person,” jaemin managed to do his obnoxious voice, even while driving the car. he’s right, he is the matchmaker of the friend group, just how many relationships worked out because of him? eyes still focused on the road - he’s a responsible driver of course, he began to explain the feeling to hyuck, making his points loud and clear.
“first of all, you start feeling a little too happy whenever you’re around them. and no, this is not the oh-we’re-best-friends-forever type of happy, it’s the i’ll-make-you-the-happiest-person-on-earth one. not to forget, you will also experience some kind of turbulence in your heart, expect them to be jumping around a bit. or a lot, whichever suits you the best.
you also tend to feel nervous around that person. like, stuttering your words in obvious or non-obvious ways, feeling faster heartbeats than usual, you name it. oh! if you’ve ever felt jealous whenever they are around someone else, i mean, in affectionate ways, you might have one. however, my tip is for you not to act out of your mind. you don’t want to ruin whatever relationship you have currently, do you?” even when driving, he still managed to deliver his points with full precision and accuracy. 
nodding his head, hyuck took some mental notes to be thought through when he gets home. 
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hyuck stared at you, whose figure is snoring soundly on his lap. he assumed you must be feeling exhausted, mid-terms just ended after all. while threading his fingers through your hair, he remembered what jaemin said to him weeks earlier.
1. being happy around them
like jaemin said, it is normal to be happy around your friends. but being with you, it kind of gave more joy for him. not to mention that he started to catch himself smiling over your texts and being reminded of you over small things - your favorite donut topping, the name of that one stray puppy you gave. 
2. feeling nervous around them
his heart would beat a lot faster whenever you get closer towards him, whether accidentally or to mess with him. 
3. getting jealous over someone else
he shouldn’t be jealous of how yukhei looked at you. but he seriously can’t help it. and the way he’s always there during your hangouts. he doesn’t care if he seems petty, yukhei just isn’t in his favour.
his deep thoughts came to a halt when you called out his name, eyes still half-closed, attempting to open them a bit more. 
“did i interrupt you or something? gosh, i’m so sorry,” you quickly stood up but he pulls your body back onto his lap, asking for you to stay.
“what are we?” that question caught you off-guard. the same one that has been at debate in the back of your mind these days. 
i don’t know hyuck, it’s complicated. 
“what do you think we are, hyuck?” you shot the question back at him, your gaze piercing through his soul.
“i don’t know. it’s just-” 
“are you sure?” a deep sigh left your lips. have you been interpreting his body languages wrong? did he only see you as a normal friend, nothing more? 
“sorry, i’m not feeling well. see you later hyuck, bye,” you tried your best to shoot the sweet smile of yours but only a faint one seemed to appear. once you stepped out of the room, he buried his face into his hands. 
god, what have i done?
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“don’t feel too down, y/n. maybe there’s something more that he couldn’t bring himself to say?” vic suggested, handing you some tissue.
“i don’t know, i seriously have no idea. why can’t he just say it?” you continued to sob into her arms, she pitied you, especially in your condition right now. but she can’t do anything to help you, other than consoling and listening. 
jaemin knew something was wrong, from your rare visits to the cafe to hyuck not being himself lately. something was definitely wrong and it’s between the both of you. sure, hyuck might be saying that he’s fine again and again, but his expressions can’t lie. the sweet smile of his is long gone and his jokes are no longer heard. whatever it is, jaemin is determined to solve it. he just wants his best friends back. 
looks of dismay can be read all over hyuck’s face when the person facing him is no other than the guy himself, yukhei. still, he tried to control his composure, not making his inner feelings any more obvious.
“so what brings you here?” he took a sip of the mineral water, still making his throat rough from the tension hanging in the air. 
“look, i’m not here for any fights. i know you like y/n, everybody can see it. and honestly, you were oblivious to your own feelings,” he rubbed his hands together. the latter’s puzzled face made him continue his words.
“i’m not trying to make her like me, or whatever you’ve been assuming. sorry if i gave the wrong message but you are the one who should make a move. i can see from the way she looks at you, the feelings are mutual,” he straightened up the denim jacket outside the white shirt wrapping his figure. 
letting out a heavy sigh, hyuck’s face begins to soften up. “no, i should be the one who’s sorry. i’ve been such a prick to everyone around me lately, especially you,” he took of the cap from his head, messing up his hair. 
“no problem, bro. it’s understandable, i guess. now good luck with her, please treat her well,” the two guys exchanged a fist bump for the problem solved. jaemin leaned his back against the wall, smiling and feeling satisfied.
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you called out jaemin’s name but to no avail. he invited you to his apartment but seeing that the lights are out, it’s clear enough that he hasn’t finished whatever he was doing yet. just as you were about to leave, you saw hyuck at the other side of it, both your faces mirroring the same look of confusion.
“so, uh, how have you been doing these days? it’s been a while since we talked,” he chose to break the silence. now, you two were sitting facing each other by the balcony. inhaling the breeze, you paused for a moment before responding to his question.
“i’ve been feeling, not as usual. definitely not happy but not that sad,” you pushed some of the loose hair strands hanging on your forehead behind your ears before asking about his.
“you know what, i’m just going to be direct with you. i, lee donghyuck have been holding feelings for you since i don’t know when. yeah sure, i wasn’t really sure at first about what i was going through. i guess i was just scared of how you would react,” he scratched his ears which are not feeling itchy at all, but rather an attempt to distract himself from the overwhelming emotions deep inside him. 
not wanting to waste time any longer, you placed your right hand onto his cheek, standing on the heels of your feet to bring your two lips together. the kiss was short before he pulls you back in for another, this time a more passionate one. he could feel you smile against his lips before enveloping your body into his arms.
“i’ve missed you, you know?” he whispered, his voice tender, directing right into your ears before you replied with how you missed him more. the both of you continued to whisper sweet nothings while embracing each other’s presence. 
jaemin looked at the both of you from a distance, his heart swelling with pride. 
— another pair of lovers matched, cupid jaemin signing out.
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
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sins of lust [yoon jeonghan]
“lust /ləst/ — the mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the spirit is life and peace - romans 8:6″
PAIRING | yoon jeonghan x female! reader GENRE | college! au, borderline smut, angst WARNINGS | nsfw themes obviously lmao but no actual doing the dirty because i can’t write smut for shit, swearing, jeonghan is the literal devil WORD COUNT | 4.5k
a/n: I’M SO VERY SORRY THATTHIS IS SUPER LATE ; - ; but anyways!! this is my last piece for our luck 7′s collab with @haokyeom​ :D this was,, very out of my comfort zone but i still do hope that you enjoy :’>
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Your mother had always told you to never trust strangers.
“They’re like foxes,” your mother had once said as the both of you gazed through the window of your small cabin beside the thick walls of trees in the woods. Her hands rested gently over your small shoulders, and you two eyes the coat of orange fur speeding through the outside, a familiar stuffed animal hanging limply by its mouth. You had accidentally left it outside while you were playing.
You frowned upon seeing the animal disappear into the trees, and even at your young age, you knew that it was lost forever.
“They take what they can without a hint of remorse. You wouldn’t even know until you see them running away,” you looked up at your mother who stared into the distance with eyes stained in sadness. You turned around, hugging her waist and burying your face into her stomach, and she released a laugh as she patted your head. “My Y/N’s a smart girl, right? Never forget mommy’s words, okay?”
And you did. For eighteen years, you had lived with only the company of your mother, your homeschool teachers, and your precious cat, Salem. There were times when your grandparents would visit, usually during the holidays, but you weren’t exactly close with them (they didn’t seem to like you, either). It was only when you had finally entered college when you were given the chance to actually mingle with other people, especially people that were your age, and it was the first time that you had left to live on your own outside of your homey cottage beside the woods.
Initially, your mother was against the idea of you living in your campus’ dorms, especially the fact that you had to live with another person that you knew nothing of. You weren’t keen on the thought either, but it was far more reasonable than commuting every single day to the city all the way from the middle of nowhere.
At least your roommate was never around.
‘Staying over at Johnny’s xx,’ you sighed upon seeing the text message, and you stepped forward in the light when the person before you did as well. It was only the third week of the semester and you were already wishing for things to go back as they were.
A part of it was your fault for being socially inept, generally avoiding people and not even talking to anybody unless talked to. Your mother’s words rang into your head every single time, and naturally you had built up a wall. This wall was what made you feel comfortable, made you feel safe— you don’t trust anyone here, and it would be better to finish your studies without getting personally tangled with other people.
“Hi! What can I get you?”
Though, there were indeed times where you wished that you were at the very least not so awkward.
“A regular americano,” it took you so much strength to squeeze that out of our esophagus, relieving the tightened airway with a breath of relief when the barista nodded at your order and jotted it down. Hurriedly, you went to sit at an empty table, your racing heart making you move quicker than necessary. God, you wondered how many more trips to campus cafe would it take until you finally got the courage to order without feeling you were being held at gunpoint.
You huffed, squeezing your eyes shut. At least you didn’t stutter today, so that’s improvement.
Stop deluding yourself, Y/N. You’re still—
“Whoa. Careful, now.”
A thud. The feeling of warmth fluttering over your shoulders. An unfamiliar sweet voice seeping into your ears. And you looked up.
“Are you okay?”
His steady grip had left your shoulders but the traces of his warmth were still buzzing over your clothed skin like mini fireworks erupting when he made contact, and when you met his concerned eyes, it felt like you were about to reach the climax of the light show. He didn’t say anything, only waiting for the confirmation to fall from your lips with a worried look on his face. Your heart was still racing, but it was in a completely different rhythm. 
You had once felt your heart threatening to bounce off of your chest out of fear, and at times due to excitement. Your pulse rising due to nervousness was already like an unwanted friend to you.
But this.
What is this?
“I, uh—” the man shot you a smile that was devoid of any malice despite you being a stuttering and mess that was frozen in place. Heat rushed to your cheeks while you were trapped underneath his gaze. You wanted to move but it felt like your mind was completely detached from your body, soaring above your head because you can't seem to grab a hold of it. But with enough willpower, you managed to squeak out a small “sorry’ before shuffling away to the farthest seat possible with your head down.
When you sat yourself on the seat, the first thing you did was look up to the direction of the male, only to see an empty space. You bit down your lip, hastily taking out your laptop from your bag and just move on from what happened, but the racing of your heartbeat refused to let it go. Was this… normal? You let out a choked groan, removing your hands from the keyboard to bury your heated face into your palms. There were times where you hated that you were so sheltered, and this was one of them.
If only your mother wasn’t so protective of you, if only she let you live a normal life, if only—
Your phone started buzzing.
Slowly, you sat up and took out your phone from your jean pocket, and the pace of your heart was slowed down by a surge of guilt.
‘How were classes today, honey? I hope you drank enough water today. Even when I’m around, you always seem to forget. The weekend is just around the corner. Are you coming home?’
You smiled. Of course, your mother had only wanted what’s best for you. Finally relaxing your muscles, you adjusted your position on the chair and silently tapped on our phone.
‘Classes were fine, mom. And that was before! I’ve been drinking a loooot of water, you know? Do you want me to…’
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The next day had come. You quietly entered the near barren classroom, the early morning rays leaking through the open glass windows on the wall. You liked this class mainly because not a  lot of people are enrolled in it— even if it meant sacrificing a few more hours of your sleep. The less people to deal with the better.
I’ll just take a nap later after lunch. You thought to yourself as you let out yawn, your palm hovering over your mouth as you did. You arrived a little earlier than usual, so there was still an ample amount of time to review for a test for a different class before your professor arrived. You recalled your conversation with your mother yesterday, and you were slightly disheartened when you told her that you couldn’t come home for the weekend because you had a lot of things to finish that required you to be on campus. Even if you wanted to go, you couldn’t risk lagging behind your work.
A few more people entered your peripheral as you were scanning your notes, and you took this as a signal to put it away. You pulled your bag over your lap and tucked in your notes neatly before pulling out your laptop. More people started flooding and you noticed that the seat beside you was now occupied.
“You seem fine today.”
You jolted, the familiar voice entering your ears causing the veins underneath your skin to start buzzing. The moment you turned your head to your side, you were met by a small smile from the man that you bumped into yesterday. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“I-it’s fine.”
Has he always been in this class? You’ve never seen him here until now. Then again, you didn’t really pay attention to the faces around you. The gap between your chairs seemed a little too close for your sanity, so you scooted a bit farther to the left.
“Are you feeling alright now?” his voice caused you to abruptly freeze as you tried to discreetly move your chair without being exposed, and you bit down your tongue. As if he noticed the sudden distance between you two, he thoughtlessly moved his chair closer. “You didn’t look too well yesterday considering how dazed you were.”
Why was he talking to you? A lot of people did try to befriend you during the first few days, but it gradually stopped upon them seeing how dismissive you were. “O-oh, I’m fine, uh— sorry for bumping into you,” he had his elbow propped on the table, his cheek resting on his palm as faced you, a seemingly permanent smile on his face that you’ve been desperately trying (and failing) to avoid. Maybe isolating yourself from the rest of the world dulled down your ability to perceive normal human emotions like the stuttering of your heart was trying to tell you.
Jesus, you thought that you were going crazy.
“That’s good to hear,” he hummed, turning his attention to the laptop screen before him. “My name’s Jeonghan, by the way.”
Jeonghan. You repeated in your head. Why did finding out his damned name feel like 200 pounds of gratification? Maybe you were really going insane. He cocked his head to your direction, the curve of his lips that never disappeared aiming directly at you, but they did not part to say anything. Jeonghan looked like he was waiting for you, which caused you to intermittently panic because why in the world was he just staring at you like that?
“It’s not fair that I gave you my name but I don’t know yours.”
“Y/N,” your cheeks flared as you spoke, diverting your eyes from him out of embarrassment. “It’s Y/N.”
He released a light laugh before nodding in affirmation, and you swore your heart was trying to run away from you in condonation. It felt like hours had passed it between the seconds of your small exchanges, causing you to wonder when your professor was going to enter and distract you from the fervent blows on your ribcage.
It didn’t seem like your professor was arriving any time soon— the guy was always late so you weren’t even remotely surprised but for the love of god, he could’ve made an exemption today. Your eyes flickered over to Jeonghan’s space on the long table, and you saw him scribbling indecipherable doodles on what was once a blank sheet. You bit the inside of your cheek, debating with yourself over and over again until one side of your mind finally overtook your senses and sensibilities.
You jumped into the ocean when you’ve never even stepped into a lake.
“I—I never noticed that you were in this class until today.”
It took a lot from you to say that one simple sentence, the words barely squeezing past your throat, and you realized just how pathetic you were. Luckily for you, Jeonghan didn’t seem to mind the lapses in your voice, the diversion of your eyes, or the way your fingers nervously thrummed over the white coated desk. Even if he did, he didn’t say anything about it, only sending that angelic smile on your way.
“Really? I’ve noticed you since the first day,” he started. “To be frank, I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while now, but you always looked like you didn’t want to be bothered.”
“You— you wanted to talk to me? Why?” 
He shrugged. “You seemed cute,” there was a slight pause before he continued. “And I was right.”
You blinked, gawking at him. Jeonghan was saying such— such unprovoked things without a hint of shame while your face was flaring like it just made contact with the sun. In the middle of you trying to recover, your professor had finally decided to walk in, capturing the attention of Jeonghan and everyone else inside the class. You released a breath that you didn’t know that you were holding and lightly tapped both of your cheeks in attempts to lower your ever rising temperature. You caught the male beside you laughing a little, and when you slightly turned your head to face him, you were struck defenseless with a playful wink.
It was quiet for the rest of the class, but you couldn’t focus. Not when your mind was making a lot of noise, not when your heart was about to explode inside your chest.
And definitely not when the pretty boy beside you kept on shooting you glances in between. 
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“Do you like movies?”
Jeonghan asked the moment he sat down beside you, and your brows raised at his sudden question. It had been a week since your first encounter with him, and within those few days, you’ve been seeing more and more of him. You weren’t sure if it was a coincidence or if he’d been deliberately trying to squeeze himself into your life.
But what did you know? Nothing. That’s why you let him.
“I do,” you answered, a small smile tugging at your lips. You remembered the times when you and your mother would watch countless movies in just a single day when you were feeling sad. You couldn’t leave the house easily, and when you did it was nothing but forest, forest, and more forest. Sometimes you were lucky to come across a wild hare, or sometimes even a small deer. Which reminds you— it’s been a while since you’ve gone home. You took a mental note to schedule some time for you to go back there.
Your curious eyes flickered over to Jeonghan. “Why?”
“There’s a film festival this weekend,” he leaned back against his chair, legs crossed and arms swinging lazily at his sides until he raised one hand to your face, a finger poking your cheek. “And I’m taking this pretty girl with me.”
You gaped, dumbstruck. His lips were pressed into a brazen smile as his eyes were gleaming at you while you were still frozen in shock. He didn’t even ask you— did he think that you were just going to go with whatever he’s saying that easily?
“I—I haven’t agreed to anything!” you rebuked with a quick stammer, which caused a frown to replace the previous smile on Jeonghan’s face.
“But I thought you said you liked movies,” he sat down straight, the legs of his chair making a noise upon meeting the floor. The unabashed pout on his face, accompanied by the confused furrowing of his eyebrows, soon dissipated from his features when he let out a sudden gasp. “Wait, are you saying you don’t want to go with me?”
“I-it’s not that! I’m just—”
You couldn’t come up with any words to follow, distracted by the pained expression that Jeonghan wore. Was he just overreacting to mess with you? Was it fake? Or was he really hurt? Your ineptitude to social cues made you want to rip your hair out of your scalp. Once more, you quickly looked at him before snapping your head away, harshly biting down your lip before taking in a sharp inhale.
“Okay, fine!” Jeonghan’s face lit up, the corners of his lips tugging upwards. “I—I’ll go with you.”
You refused to look at him with how much your face was heating up, but you heard him let out a satisfied hum. It was quiet for a moment, giving u the opportunity to relax your shoulders and release your breath. Looks like the professor is late again. You dug into your bag to take out your notes, relaying yourself before class actually starts, but your actions were halted when you felt a thin, cold object pressing lightly against your arm. You looked over to see a phone, and the phone was attached to a hand, and a hand which belonged to a Yoon Jeonghan who was twinkling at you with an expectant gaze.
“Your number.”
Any moment now you swore that you were going to melt.
Within seconds, you snatched the device from his hands, rapidly smashing down the few digits, and you shoved it back to him at the speed of light. How you wanted to throw yourself out of the window, right now. A quick buzz in your pocket distracted you from your internal meltdown, and you took your own phone out, expecting a text from your mother, but instead—
‘See you on saturday, pretty girl :) hehe <3’
You shot up to meet the smug smile on Jeonghan’s face, and you bashfully looked back down at the message on your phone, feeling a smile of your own blossoming on your face.
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It was late at night when you two finished.
Jeonghan insisted on bringing you home, protesting when you said that you said you could make it your way back at the movies, protesting when you said that you can walk through the campus to your dorm building alone, protesting when you said that you can head upstairs by yourself, and now when you had finally reached your floor, he stopped protesting— but he didn’t seem to how any signs of leaving just yet.
“Did you have fun?” he asked in a quiet tone. It was near midnight, and neither of you expected that the festival would go on for this long. You nodded, laughing a little, back pressed against the door leading to your room. Perhaps you were feeling a little loopy and tired from all the movies you watched, some of the scenes that stood out to you still replaying in your head.
He smiled, a few tufts of his hair shadowing over his eyes. “I’m glad.”
“I took note of a few of the films that I really liked! I’ll probably rewatch them with my mom when I get home,” you beamed, and he chuckled at your enthusiasm. “What about you?”
You almost regretted that you asked. Jeonghan was silent for a moment, a pondering look on his face as his eyes stared at the side before quickly flickering back to you. His lips were curved into a playful grin as he ever so slowly closed in on you, causing you to melt yourself into the wooden surface of your door as your heart violently thundered.
“Do you want me to be honest?” he asked in a teasing tone. His face was barely hovering over yours, and you felt your nerves screaming at you to rest your racing pulse. He didn’t do anything, though, seemingly waiting for you to respond to his question, but all you could manage was a small nod. “I wasn’t really paying attention to the movies.”
Your breath hitched and your mind was a whir. What was he doing? The waves of your senses were pulsating in an uneven rhythm, causing you to stumble over your own presence of mind as it was gradually slipping away, replaced by a haze of an uncharted storm of emotions overtaking you.
Heat was rising and you didn’t know what to do.
“I would have paid attention if it wasn’t for this pretty girl distracting me the entire time.”
You exclaimed, your voice being louder than expected. “I-it’s getting late. Isn’t—isn’t it time for you to go?”
There was a nervous smile on your lips as you stared up at him, eyes quivering when you tried to meet his clouded gaze. You waited for him to go, to step away from his closeness so that you’d finally have enough room to breathe, but dropped an unexpected question.
“Do you want me to go?”
The silence was deafening.
Jeonghan waited for you to say something, but the answer was something you yourself did not know. He waited until he derived the answer from your lack of response, sending you a nod and a smile before turning away. Your eyes were shaky, teeth sinking into your bottom lip in your moment of an unprecedented assault of hesitation, head filled with white noise because you couldn't think— therefore you listened to the fever stirring your restlessness.
You grabbed onto the sleeve of his coat at the last moment.
There was a glint in his eyes when he turned around, a knowing look on his face as if he had been expecting it. Swift steps and an even swifter heartbeat chased after you and once again Jeonghan was mere centimeters away from you, his warm breath igniting fire against your skin. “You could’ve just said so, pretty girl.”
He didn’t even give you the chance to breathe when he captured your unguarded mouth with his.
The air brushing against your fevered skin felt different, especially when Jeonghan was all up against you, ravishing your parted lips until you felt your senses slipping away. God, you’ve never done anything like this before and your conscience belatedly rang in your ears the moment you felt his hot tongue claiming yours as his own. You let out a faint whimper, the voice at the back of your head yelling at you that this was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. This was wrong.
You barely knew him— ten days wasn’t enough for you to know him. But you were too drunk over this foreign heat of emotion unfurling in your core to listen to your better judgement. You shouldn’t have stopped him from leaving, you shouldn’t have let him graze his teeth over your skin, let his hands roam all over your your body, let the feeling him pressed roughly against you being the only thing your dizzied mind could think of
But fuck, it felt so good.
You blindly reached for the door knob as you let Jeonghan trail wet kisses on your neck, and with a clicking of the lock, the both of you disappeared into the darkness of your room.
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You said that the first was going to be the last— your mother’s words like playing a mantra in your head to bring you to the edge of guilt. But a week had passed yet that “last” never seemed to surface.
“H-hi, mom. Yeah, I—I’m fine, don;t worry. My classes just ended and—ah!”
You bit down your tongue after releasing the uninhibited noise, gulping down when you realized that Jeonghan had no intentions of stopping his ceaseless attacks from your jaw all the way down to your chest. There was fear trickling in your veins as your mother was still at the end of the line, possibly hearing the indecent sounds coming from her own daughter. You tried your best to remain quiet, but it started to become impossible when you felt Jeonghan’s teasing fingers brushing over your clit. You stared at him with wide eyes, suppressing the violent waves crashing over you, but all he did was smile at you and kiss you cheek before pressing his fingers down.
A loud gasp fell from your quivering lips.
“Mm? Shouldn't you be keeping quiet, baby?” he mumbled into your jaw before pressing a down kiss, and you let out a shaky breath. The hand that you were using to hold your phone returned to your ear, and you were welcomed by the worried voice of your mother.
“O-oh, it was just Salem! The little guy suddenly jumped— jumped on my lap,” you trailed off with a hint of nervous laughter, and you met the mischievous glint shining in Jeonghan’s eyes. He removed himself from you, causing you to close your eyes in relief and let out a sigh. “Home? Ah, I—I don’t think I can go there soon, but I’ll make sure to— oh my god.”
You were too focused on your conversation on the phone to notice that Jeonghan was now buried between your legs, nipping at your inner thighs. You slapped your hand over your lips, suppressing your moans from his bites, kisses and licks. He shot you a look of warning, and your heart stopped when you felt his hot breath hovering over your core. Quickly, you fumbled out a farewell into your phone.
"S-sorry, mom, I—I have to go—"
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Another week had passed and you started to feel the consequences of your decisions crashing over you like falling debris. Jeonghan and you still met frequently, but "good morning" and "good night" texts slowly fizzled into conversations consisting only of "can I come over?" and "are you free?". It left a heavy feeling in your gut when coffee dates and movie theatres were forgotten, replaced with nights in his or your room, and suffocating scenes in his car. You couldn't help but think that maybe you should have thought things through.
But you were weak.
Today was no different.
You were buried in your bed, thick blankets covering your figure as you watched Jeonghan swiftly pull a shirt over his head. He had an evening class after this and you couldn't blame him that he was in such a hurry. Even when knowing this, you still wanted to take your chances.
You called out to him in a quiet voice, small and fragile and lacking in firmness. He stood in the middle of the room, ready to leave but he turned around to look back at you— even if it was stupid, it bubbled the faintest shimmer of hope. You pulled the covers closer to yourself, looking down at the crumpled white sheets as you pressed your lips together before saying.
"I like you."
He didn't say it back.
Instead he smiled at you, feet padding against your wooden floors as he walked up to you in bed, pressing a small kiss on your forehead before ruffling your already messed up hair.
"I'll see you tomorrow, pretty girl."
But you didn't see him tomorrow.
You didn't see him at all after that.
The seat beside you in class was now occupied by an abhorrent emptiness that made you want to drag your nails against your skin. You tried searching for him in the crowded walls of the large classroom, but he was either not there or hidden by the enormous mass of bodies. He left you with a heavy heart and the only one you could find yourself to blame was yourself. Your mother's words never stopped ringing inside your head since then.
It was like fate was laughing at you when you saw him again at the campus cafe— just like the first time you met him. You were in a hurry to leave when you accidentally bumped into him, your coffee nearly spilling from your hands. You parted ways without anything exchanged.
Your mother had always told you to never trust strangers.
Maybe you should have listened to her words.
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pigletxpoohbear · 3 years
I saw you asking for requests and wondered if you could do headcanons for how the obey me boys would react to a Mc who goes nonverbal sometimes (especially when they aren't feeling well mentally)? If you don't wanna do all, I'd just really love to see Beel, Barbatos, Diavolo and Luke!
I hope you have an amazing day🌼
I’m going to start off by just saying when I get really depressed and my thoughts and headspace are worse than usual this is my main mechanism to cope. So, I’m going to write this based on my experiences and go from there if you want me to rewrite it please say so. I’m also going to try and keep the headcannons for this as gender-neutral.
Lucifer is very observant and even more so when it comes to you
When he read your file he understood you had anxiety and depression, based on that he believed he had a clue what it was going to be like with you here in the devildom
Unfortunately, he was slightly off (he was completely incorrect, but he won’t admit that.)
He realized not too long after a week or two here with you in devildom that when you have really bad anxiety you tend to keep it to yourself and when your thoughts are too much you tend to do the same
He also saw that you’d try to keep answers as short as possible when feeling like this
Luci asked you to come by his office during school so that none of his brothers would interrupt, he ended up telling you that if there’s anything that he can do such as pulling you out of classes some days and just helping you privately or putting a proper lock on your door at the HoL you can just tell him and it doesn’t have to be in person, but a call, a text, an email, or a letter just let him know
He’s the most understanding of the brothers surprisingly
Mammon isn’t exactly observant, but does notice 
He noticed some days your answers to questions were so short or so quiet that they were almost nonexistent
Mammon was concerned about what was wrong with his human, but didn’t know what to do besides just talk to you about it
One night when you left to your room to be alone and just sit down away from anyone he actually knocked on your door instead of barging in
When he came in he sat across from you on the floor, he asked what was wrong or if there’s something that he needs to fix 
You told him that when everything becomes too much you don’t really like to talk and want to be in a more quiet place
He ended up making a door hanger that told him if it was okay for him to barge in or if today you just needed time alone (he looked like a tomato when giving it to you, he felt so embarrassed)
Anything that makes his human comfortable
Anxiety? Depression? Nonverbal? Levi understands this all too well, but because this is the case he’s like the last one to notice
He doesn’t really notice mainly because he’s often in his room or in his head
He ended up finding out about it because you only gave him yes and no as an answer the whole weekend and thought it was because you didn’t want to be around a nasty otaku and confronted you outside your bedroom
You had to explain that you just go basically silent when your depression and anxiety became too much to handle and said you were sorry
Now Levi felt bad after you shut the door
He went out and got some mangas, animes, and candies and left them outside (after making sure Beel wouldn’t eat them and Mammon wouldn’t take them) and left a letter and a text message apologizing and telling you that he does the same thing and he’s really sorry that he jumped the gun and if you ever want to hang out with him in silence in his room you’re more than welcome to whenever you want
Satan notices almost as fast as Lucifer
He didn’t really say anything to you about it, but when he would see signs that today isn’t a good day he usually would keep his pranks on Lucifer to himself and see if maybe you want to play with the cats or go to a nice quiet cafe he found not too long ago
On good days he also tries to reach out and just be with you just to be sure you’re okay
Honestly does a ten out of ten job when it comes to being around you on good and bad days (he doesn’t even realize he’s benefiting from it and that he's much calmer recently)
Asmo is very touchy-feely and some days you don’t like being touchy-feely
Asmo only asked about it because you wouldn’t cuddle with him the last few days
When he realized he apologized and said that if it’s not a good day today then whenever it is please come by he really loves to spend time with you, but won’t force you to do something that you’re not comfortable with
You guys cuddle every now and again because it does help sometimes and either he’ll whisper sweet nothings to you or he’ll just stay quiet and rub your head or back
When you don’t cuddle he’ll bring you tea and a nice pillow or two from his room so that you can rest or just sit more comfortably
(I think that Beel is an empath and that’s why Beel gets upset by others being upset) When Beel gets the first signs that today isn’t a good day he usually gives you some of his food or asks if you need anything
He doesn’t quite understand it, but he wants to make you happy even if it takes a few days for that to happen
You ask Beel for cuddles or to just sit with you consider it done and sometimes Belphie will be there (usual he is, he just happens to always be where Beel is)
And you guys just form a cuddle pile and nap either in your room, the twins’ room, or in the observatory
He literally is too busy being asleep to notice and I don’t think would ever find out
One moment he’s in one room the next he’s in yours cuddling with you and Beel 
Doesn’t mind too much (mainly because quiet means he can sleep)
Only realizes if someone says something to him about it, but no one asks him cause they go to you first
Clueless sleepy boi
He noticed because he could barely hear you one day and thought you were sick and was about to send you home with Lucifer (who had a bunch of papers he needed to sign off on and would grow immensely if not taken care of)
You explained that it wasn’t necessary and that today was just a bad day
He asked if you wanted to go home and just finish your schoolwork or some makeup work at the HoL or in his office so that you can be in more quiet and accommodating space
Every now and again you’ll do school work in Diavolo’s office and have little sandwiches and tea with him and Lucifer
Literally knows before you got here (he can see the future lmao)
He packs little gift baskets and things like that for you full of your favorite things and has them delivered that day or those days
He has to be with Diavolo all the time, but surprisingly is able to help with these little things that he sends you
You end up exchanging gifts and gift baskets every now and again and when he did get a day off you ended up spending it together and going to ristorante six
Doesn’t spend much time with you outside school, but he does notice a few things that he considered odd 
He wondered why you were so meek some days, but quite vocal others
He also saw how you’d keep to yourself and stay away from people especially large groups and then other days you’d be around all of the brothers laughing
He asked Lucifer about it and he explained the situation (Lucifer trusts Simeon to an extent, but knows that Simeon only asks for your well being and no other reason)
After learning the situation he becomes less curious as to what the problem is and more curious on how to help you
When needing to get in groups in classes the brothers aren’t closer or aren’t in he’ll partner with you and make sure that you’re comfortable
Sweet boy doesn’t understand other than your sad
Makes you cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and all sorts of sweet treats
He also loves to make sure that you’re heard and stays really quiet so he can hear what you have to say
He doesn’t get it, but he does have the spirit
Oh boy where do I begin with this one
Soloman notices, he notices everything
Is he good at this type of stuff though? No, no he is not
Wants you to try out potions and tell him the effects, but can’t hear you
Is that an effect or is that just you?
When not experimenting he’s better and tries to find things that make you happy 
Do you want cuddles? Done. Do you want food? I’ll get something from Hell’s Kitchen. Do you want to go for a stroll? I know a really good lookout point where we can be alone.
Literally, just don’t go in the potions room and you’ll have something helpful
103 notes · View notes
ssscentral · 3 years
Summary : Jung Hoseok loves you, regardless of what universe you’re in and he’s going to make sure to find you no matter what. Good thing you feel the same.
Pairing : Dimension Traveller!Jung Hoseok x Dimension Traveller!Reader
Genre : Fluff, Established Relationship!Au, Sci-Fi, Fantasy!Au, College!Au
Rating : PG13
Warnings : Swearing
Wc : 4.7k
Member : Hoebii || @hoebii
A/N : First of all, thank you @eatjeanjin and @kerikaaria for being my amazing betas! You’re what made this story even readable ukfhgj Second, HAPPY BIRTHDAY @moccahobi!!! ILYSM HOPE YOU HAVE A BLAST TODAY BB <3 I hope you like this fic, I literally crammed 12 prompts into this fic and made this hot mess in a few hours lmao so hope this isn’t too hard to read sksksksk. Love you lots Lil bean, happy birthday and thank you for existing, you’re such a precious bb, always there for everyone. You deserve the world, love <33 Also the time stamp for the text isn’t canon, so ignore the time!
“You will be transported to a new dimension after spending one month in each of them for this experiment,” the animated voice crackled from the speakers. “The inhabitants in those universes will already have memories of you to help you blend in easily. You are to live a normal life during these experiments while making sure not to disclose your true identities for that may cause unnecessary complications.”
The voice kept going on about the experiment that you no longer had any interest in after the first few minutes. You fiddled with the necklace around your neck in boredom while you waited for the meeting to be adjourned. This wasn’t the first time you were going to travel between dimensions and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last, so having to sit through the same briefing over and over again felt completely useless and a waste of time. 
The only reason you even attended these were to get your files for the potential dimensions you may get sent to. The management really needed to get their shit in control and stop sending you to these places with little to no information. 
You understood that these experiments were to test out the stability and how each universe was doing after being created but it made no sense for the management to send out travellers blindly like they do, they could at least provide you with a little backstory for your character rather than a list of ’potential’ places. Even those weren’t certain and that made no sense! For an organisation that thrived to keep peace and regulation of all dimensions, their system was chaotic as fuck.
You only came out of your thoughts when you felt someone nudge your leg under the table. Glancing up from your necklace, your eyes met that of a cheeky looking Hoseok who was now pushing a little harder against your leg, now that he had your attention. 
‘Hi,’ he mouthed happily only for you to answer with a raised eyebrow. ‘I miss you,’ he mouthed again, jutting his lower lip out in a pout. You snorted at his antics, coughing to hide your smile when the sound caught the attention of those around you. 
It was only when they shifted their attention back to the screen at the end of the room to continue with the briefing that was ongoing, did you finally look back at Hoseok. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a pen and tore a paper from the diary they provided for the meeting before hastily scribbling down something and sliding it to the man sitting in front of you.
‘We’re literally sitting in front of each other.’
Hoseok picked up the paper and quickly read the content on it before grabbing his own pen to write his answer down and passing it back to you.
‘But I can’t hold your hand right now :(‘
You bit your lip to stop the smile that was fighting to shine through when you saw his adorable handwriting under yours. How someone could be as endearing as Hoseok was beyond you, but you loved that about him.
Wordlessly, you pretended to pay attention to the briefing once more while you slid your hand towards Hoseok to let him hold your hand. You could feel the way his smile brightened when his fingers intertwined with yours, squeezing it gently.
You shook your head as you bit your lips harder to fight the smile that was now on your face when you squeezed his hand back.
Walking out of the conference room, your hand was still engulfed by Hoseok’s bigger one. Your face was flushed in embarrassment as you walked out. It wasn’t because you were holding his hand, but rather the fact that he never let go after the meeting was over. So you had to walk from your seat to the end of the table with the said furniture in the middle of you as you walked. 
“If I didn’t love you as much as I do, I would’ve kicked your ass by now, just so you know,” you grumbled as you walked down the corridor towards your shared room. 
Hoseok laughed, his grip around your hand tightening as he bumped his shoulder with yours. “Good thing you love me then! It would be a nightmare to jump between dimensions with you otherwise.”
“Who said it’s still not a nightmare to have you as my partner?”
“Don’t be rude.”
“Make me,” you teased before quickly freeing your hand from his and running towards your destination.
“Come back here!”
It was the day of action, as you liked to call it, the day when you were supposed to start experiments. 
“You ready?” Hoseok asked as he came to join you in the transport chamber.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Promise to find each other no matter what?” he asked while putting his pinky finger out, smiling at you.
You laughed as you wrapped yours around his. “Of course.”  
“I’ll see you around then.”
You only hummed in agreement before pressing the power button on the transport bracelet and the world went dark.
You woke up to the blaring alarm of your phone, blindly looking for the device to turn the godforsaken sound off. When you failed to find it, you pushed yourself up from your bed to scan the area, getting more irked the longer the sound went on. 
Finally, your eyes landed on the black vibrating phone on the ground and you had half a mind to just stomp on the damn thing and break it. Picking it up, you harshly tapped on the stop button and sighed when the apartment went quiet, closing your eyes to bask in the peace. 
Wait. Apartment? 
Your eyes shot open again as you examined your surroundings, trying to decipher which universe you were in currently. The place seemed like any other average looking apartment in a bustling city. You unlocked your phone when you felt it vibrate in your hand, realising it was a text from someone saved as ‘Chicky Chimmy’. 
Opening the conversation, your confusion only grew at the text.
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“I’m a student, huh?” You pondered as you grabbed a random outfit for the day along with what you assumed to be your books on the reading table in your room. You then proceeded to head down and out of your apartment. “Could’ve been worse.”
Stepping out of the elevator, you saw your… friend impatiently leaning against his car looking at you with displeasure all over his face. You gave him a sheepish smile as you approached him, praying to whatever higher power that he says his name for one reason or another. From the previous conversations you had after taking some time to go through your phone, the two of you were supposed to be best friends so you weren’t in a position to ask his name.
“Y/N our class starts in 30 minutes and it takes 30 minutes to get there!”
He faced palm, moving to go around to the driver's seat. “Just get your cute butt inside.”
The moment Chimmy parked his car inside the university, he dashed out of the car with you close behind, panicking about how mad the professor was going to be for being late.
You almost bumped into him when he stopped in front of a classroom, shooting you a nervous glance before slowly stepping inside the class. The two of you couldn’t even get two steps in before the voice of the man teaching the class boomed across the room.
“Y/L/N Y/N and Park Jimin. Late again, I see?”
Again? How many times have we been late before? Jimin’s a cute name though, perfect for him. You smiled slightly at your thoughts before fixing your expression to be neutral before the professor could catch you. 
“We’re so sorry professor! This will be the last time!” Jimin pleaded, fidgeting on his spot.
“That’s what you said last time, Mr. Park,” the professor replied, looking unamused.
“I’m so sorry I’m late!” A new voice joins, the person who barged in after the two of you hunched over and panting from surely having run to class.
“Mr. Jung Hoseok, I did not expect such tardiness from you.”
Hoseok! You felt your heart rate kick up just at the mention of his name. It’s not often the higher ups make it easy to find your partner but it seemed that they were feeling courteous this time.
Hoseok’s eyes met yours and he flashed you a giant smile, one that had his eyes turning into crescents before looking back at the professor with a dashin smile. “I’m sorry sir, it surely won’t happen again.”
The professor sighed, rolling his eyes when he looked back at Jimin and you before muttering, “That’s what they always say.” Shaking his head, the professor gave a small nod. “Go to your seats and don’t be late again. Especially the two of you, Miss Y/L/N and Mr. Park.”
Jimin bowed before grabbing your hand and dragging you to the back of the room, taking a seat and patting the one beside him urgently. Glancing at Hoseok one last time, you sat beside Jimin. 
You couldn’t help but pout at the sight of Hoseok sitting somewhere else and already interacting with the strangers around him as if he knew them for a long time. He was always a social butterfly but it was always shocking to see him get accustomed to new universes so easily.
“You look amazing today, just so you know,” Jimin whispered in your ear, his eyes trained on the board even as he spoke.
It was lunch time and Jimin had basically dragged you to the cafe near the university, claiming that cheap and instant coffee was the only thing his body needed to go through the day. 
“Coffee is great and all but you need actual food too, you know,” you nagged Jimin as he downed his second cup of coffee in one sitting.
Placing the brown coffee cup down, Jimin raised his index finger as if giving a speech. “People need a lot of things, doesn’t mean they have it though.”
You gave Jimin an unimpressed look. “Stop trying to be a philosopher and get some food in you, tiny.”
“I’m literally taller than you.”
“I will fight you, Park Jimin.”
“I still don’t get why we need to do this,” you grumbled as you stretched your hands and legs.
“Because,” Jimin said, dribbling the orange basketball as he waited for you to finish. “Warming up is important before starting any exercise to decrease the chances of pulling a muscle or something.”
You snort at that, stretching one last time before dropping your hands. “You make it sound like I’m going to exercise.”
“Y/N we’re literally in PE class.”
Jimin could only give you an unamused look before shaking his head in defeat, his newly dyed pink hair bouncing from his movement. 
You were sitting in the library surrounded by textbooks for the upcoming exam when you felt someone pull out the chair in front of you and take a seat. Paying them no mind, you continued drowning yourself with new information from the book when you felt someone nudge your leg under the table.
You glanced up from the textbook in front of you to see none other than Jung Hoseok sitting in front of you with a smile. Just before you could shoot him a smile and delve into a conversation, your brain reminded you of the fact that it had been a week since you came to this dimension and this the first time he tried to come talk to you after seeing each other in that one class on day one. 
Scoffing, you looked back down at your book, ignoring the way he nudged your leg again to get your attention.
“Are you mad at me?” He finally asked when he realised that you were ignoring him.
“What do you think?”
“What did I dooooo?”
You slammed the pink covered book in your hand shut, looking him in the eye. “What did you do? Oh I don’t know, maybe because you basically ignored me for a week? Acted as if I don’t exist?”
Hoseok frowned, trying to take your hand in his but you moved away from him. “I’m sorry baby. I’ve just been so swamped with work. Did you know I’m the dance club leader and a part of the student council in this universe? I swear I would’ve come up to you earlier if I had the time!”
“I tried talking to you a few days back, you acted as if you didn’t even know me,” you replied, not being able to hide the hurt from your tone. “You didn’t seem busy then, you were just having lunch and laughing with your friends.” 
You sighed, pushing away the chair and standing up. “Forget it, I’ll see you around, Hoseok.” Collecting your books, you gave Hoseok one last look before walking away.
You were currently playing with the dog Jimin recently adopted on his couch when he plopped down beside you with snacks. You had come over for movie night but now you were more interested in playing with his dog than the movie.
“So you going to tell me why the Jung Hoseok has been following you around like a lovesick puppy for the past week?”
“No, because there’s nothing to say,” you replied, not paying much attention due to the energetic puppy that was jumping about on your lap.
Jimin groaned, placing the bowl of snack down on the coffee table and then taking the chocolate coloured labrador puppy away from you - much to your protest. “Stop playing with Doggo and give me the tea!”
“I still can’t believe you named your dog Doggo.”
“That is not the main topic of this conversation and you know it!”
You sighed, rolling your eyes so hard that your head hurt a little. “There’s nothing to say, Hoseok and I talked in the library when I was studying for the test and then had a little argument and I left.”
Jimin scoffed, his lips pulling into a pout as he crossed his arms. “That’s the weakest tea I’ve ever gotten. Give me the details! Since when do you two know each other enough to be having ‘fights’?”
“I-” you stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse. “We don’t! He just approached me in the library and I found him really annoying.”
Jimin gave you a skeptical look. “Y/N… You’ve had a crush on him for like a year now. You find him annoying?”
“Yes?” You answered, though it sounded more like a question. “What do you want me to say something like ‘Oh we’re actually dimension travellers and know each other from before and this is all just an experiment? Don’t be ridiculous!” You rambled, laughing nervously when you realised that you had basically just exposed yourself.
“Listen! I liked him but he’s actually annoying, so that’s over.”  
“If you say so…” Jimin conceded hesitantly, still looking at you skeptically which now looked more concerned.
You had successfully avoided Hoseok like the plague for almost the remainder of the time you had in this dimension. You knew what you were doing was petty and it really wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t come talk to you at first, but now you were in too deep to stop being petty. Not that it stopped Hoseok from trailing after you anytime he could, trying to get you to talk to him.
“Y/N, please stop!” You heard Hoseok call from behind you but you kept walking, ignoring him like you usually did. “Oh for fuck sake,” you heard him grumble before you felt someone grab you by your wrist and twirling you around for their lips to press against yours.
You were about to push them off when you realised that it was Hoseok who had kissed you, not a random person and you unconsciously melted into it. Your arms slithered around his neck to pull him closer as his hands wrapped around your waist to move closer to you too.
Breaking the kiss, Hoseok pressed his forehead against yours while looking you in the eyes. “It’s the last day here before we move on and who knows how long it’s going to take us to find each other there. Stop being mad, please?”
Not being able to help yourself, you placed a kiss on his nose, stepping away from him and smiling cheekily. “I’ll see you around, Hoseok.”
“YOU KISSED HOSEOK IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CORRIDOR! OH MY GOD I NEED THE DETAILS!” Jimin exclaimed when you met up with him after school. He was your ride home after all. 
You only laughed, your face flushed in embarrassment. “Uh huh, how about I tell you all about it tomorrow?”
“Promise?” He asked, looking at you in disappointment that he couldn’t get you to tell him everything right then.
You shook your head, looking away from him. “We’ll see.” 
No point in making a promise that you knew you couldn’t keep it. You were going to leave tonight, who knows if you’ll ever come back here or if he would ever remember you once you left.
The next time you opened your eyes, you were underwater. At first, panic took over you from the possibility of you drowning. But when you opened your mouth, rather than feeling the water rushing in and suffocating you, you found out that you were completely fine.
“Huh?” You blurted out Your eyes widened when you realised that you could hear yourself clearly underwater too. Looking around, your eyes zeroed in on the shimmering tail that began from your waist down. “HUH?!”
You looked around only to see nothing but water, a few fish swam by you but that was about it. It wasn’t your first time in a fairytale universe but it was your first time being a mermaid. You wondered if Hoseok got transformed into some sort of mythical creature like you too. 
“Oh well, I hope he’s safe.”
You didn’t know how much time passed but you were still blindly swimming around trying to find out where to go. You had breached the water at one point and sat on some rocks by a beach in true fairytale mermaid fashion but even then you found nothing of interest. You did get to sit and watch the clear blue waves peacefully for a while but that got boring after some time, too.
“I never thought I’d miss wearing sandals but here I am,” you sighed to yourself before jumping back into the water.
You were just about ready to give up and just sit on the sea bed when you saw a cave underwater. You couldn’t help but snort at how similar this felt to the fairytale ‘Little Mermaid’ you used to read when you were younger. All you needed was some evil old witch to be residing in there and a prince charming to drown some time soon so you could save him and lose your voice.
Having nothing better to do, you began swimming down to the cave to explore it when you felt someone grab you and drag you away from the cave entrance urgently. 
“What the fuck? What are you doing, let me go!” You exclaimed as you tried to wiggle free from your captor.
“Stop struggling, you’re going to get us caught by the hag!” A deep voice harshly whispered in your ear. 
The mention of a hag had you stop struggling. “Caught by the what now?”
You felt your captor loosen their grip around you, giving you the perfect chance to move away from them. You turned to come face to face with a beautiful man… er merman? 
“The hag? Evil sea witch out to get merfolks?” the man asked, looking at you incredulously at the fact that you seemingly had no idea as to who the hag was. “Are you new here? I haven’t seen you before.”
“I guess you could say that. I’ve been swimming for ages now and you’re the first creature I found,” you explained.
The man hummed, tapping his lips as he scanned you over before breaking out into a large boxy smile. “Well then, nice to meet you! I’m Taehyung, what’s your name?”
Taehyung gasped when he heard your name. “Y/N? As in Y/L/N Y/N?”
“Why do you know my name?” You asked cautiously. Fuck, were you supposed to know who he was? If that was the case then why were you transported away from them, also he didn’t seem to know you before you introduced yourself.
“Princess! Welcome!”
Excuse me, WHAT?! You choked on nothing. “Who?”
“You! Princess! Welcome!”
When you were thinking about this universe being a knock-off ‘Little Mermaid’ universe, you didn’t think that would be the right assumption. 
Not knowing how to act, you shot Taehyung an awkward smile, waving a little. “Thank you?”
“You have to meet the others! Let’s go, princess!” Taehyung exclaimed excitedly before grabbing your hand and swimming away from the cave.
After Taehyung had brought you to others, you met 5 other mermen - each almost unimaginably beautiful. It was a pleasant surprise to see this dimension’s Jimin, he was just as sweet and excitable as the one before.
After the initial meet-up, you got to know that you were indeed the daughter of Triton - something that had you laughing at the absurdity for a good five minutes much to the confusion of others - and you were supposed to be visiting ‘your kingdom’ to get acquainted with everyone before your coronation and living here.
As Taehyung had escorted you to your room, you had joked that all you needed was a handsome man to drown so you could save him. Which, in hindsight may have been a very weird thing to say from the look Taehyung gave you. 
Currently, you were exploring the kingdom, asking people if they knew of anyone by the name Hoseok, only to end up with no clue as to where he might be. No one had any idea about Jung Hoseok and you were getting worried about not managing to find him.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t realise that you had left the premises of the city and wandered away. You stopped in your tracks when a giant shadow moved above you, completely leaving you in the dark. 
You looked up to see what blocked the sun when you realised you were directly underneath two ships, the sound of fighting barely audible under the water but present nevertheless. Curiosity getting the best of you, you cautiously swam up to peak above at what was going on, only to find that a full on war was ongoing between the two ships. 
“Damn, am I in a Grimm Brothers Fairytale or the Pirates of The Caribbean movie right now?”
You didn’t have much time to ponder, however, because you noticed someone eerily similar to Hoseok going overboard and you dove underwater for him.
“I swear if that’s actually Hoseok, I’m going to lose my mind.”
Catching the sinking body, you almost wanted to let him go so you could swim over and slam your head against a rock when you realised, it was indeed Hoseok. 
Muttering a few curses under your breath, you proceeded to drag Hoseok towards the beach close by to make sure he didn’t drown before you could give him a piece of your mind.
Hoseok sat up abruptly, his nose, throat and eyes burning as he coughed violently. “Mother of bitch, that’s salty,” he spoke, his voice hoarse from almost drowning.
“Of course it is! What were you doing on a pirate ship?!” You exclaimed, hitting his thigh with your palm.
“Y/N?” He asked, his eyes widening when he realised that it was you in front of him.
“The one and only.”
“Oh thank goodness you’re alright!” Hoseok exclaimed, pulling you to his chest and resting his head on top of yours after placing a kiss there.
“You didn’t answer my question,” you said, your voice muffled by his chest from the way he held you close.
“Hm? What was your question?” He asked, letting you go to face you properly. 
“What were you doing on a pirate ship?” 
“Ah! I’m the captain!”
“What? Why don’t I get to be badass characters like you,” you whined looking away from him petulantly. 
“You don’t need a character to be badass, you’re a natural one!” He happily answered, grabbing your chin to make you face him. “You look beautiful baby, but how’d you find me?”
“Are you telling me that you didn’t notice this huge ass tail I have?”
Looking down at your words, his eyes widened, voice rising in pitch with his excitement. “Oh my god you have a tail! You’re a mermaid!”
“Gee? Am I?! Wow Hoseok, thank you for enlightening me!” You mocked his excitement. You didn’t want to act so short with him but the adrenaline running through your body after basically finding the one you love drowning had your brain going haywire.
“Are you mad at me again?”
“I don’t know, Hoseok. Am I?”
“You know I don’t choose the roles I get!”
You sighed, feeling guilty for the way you acted towards him. “I know, it’s just. At first I couldn’t find you anywhere and when I did, you were drowning and it just fucked me up. I know I was joking about how I’m Ariel from Little Mermaid and I need to save a drowning prince but this was not what I was expecting.”
Understanding as ever, Hoseok gave you a sad smile before pulling you back into his embrace again, running his hand through your hair in the way he knew you loved. “It’s okay, I understand. I’d be worried too if I were you, just don’t be mad at me, you know I hate it when you’re mad at me.”
“‘M sorry.”
“Can I have a kiss?” he asked after the two of you basked in each other’s warmth for a moment. 
You pulled back from him, scrunching your nose at him, feeling shy when you noticed how intensely he was looking at you. Grabbing the collar of the shirt he was wearing, you pulled him down for a kiss, pouring out all your emotions into it - from how much you cared for him to how sorry you were for the way you acted. You hoped that he would understand. 
Hoseok kissed you back with just as much emotion, pulling you close and smiling into the kiss. Breaking away from it, he gave you a blinding smile, one that had your heart melting like butter. 
“I love you,” you whispered, afraid that speaking any louder would make you break from all the emotions that were rushing through your heart.
“I love you too. I need to go now, can see my ship coming towards us.”
You nodded, not really processing his words, too busy staring at his gorgeous face. Hoseok realised the fact you didn’t pay attention to his words, making him smile wider. Waving a hand in front of your face, Hoseok chuckled when you seemed as if just coming out of a trance.
“Did you hear anything I just said?”
“Not really,” you shrugged.
Hoseok threw his head back in laughter. “I said, I can see my ship coming towards us as we speak so I reckon it’s time to leave, baby. I’ll make sure to come visit you here as much as I can in the time we’re here.”
“Promise?” You asked, offering your pinky to him as you looked at him through your lashes.
“Promise,” Hoseok answered, wrapping his finger around yours, giving you one last smile as he stood back up. 
“I’ll see you around, alright?”
“I’ll see you around.”
With that you swam back to the sea, waiting just out of sight to make sure that Hoseok was okay before actually leaving. 
You might travel to various places with no certainty of what you may face but one thing was for sure, you’d always find your way to Hoseok.
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jtsfavslut · 3 years
Falling [G.D]
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Description: Just when Y/N thought she was over Grayson, he pops back into her life, making her wonder if you could fall for the same person twice. Inspired by ‘Falling’ - Harry Styles. 
Warnings: None, Just sad stuff lmao!!!
Word Count: 4K+
Also a special thanks to cole [ @blazedgraysons​] for keeping up with my annoying ass questions while I wrote this, and for helping me and giving me advice I love you <333
   Her small feet carried her body down the familiar street, cars zooming past her as her body softly bumped into the others around her. The loud sounds from the environment being blocked away by the soft, yet loud music that was coming out of an old pair of Airpods she had gotten for Christmas back in High School.
This was Y/N's daily routine. Get up early in the morning, do her business in the bathroom, get dressed, and walk over to her favorite cafe. The Beachwood cafe had become Y/N's second home ever since she moved to L.A, spending most of her time there, before and after class.
A smile lit up her face as the familiar blue door came into her view, a content sigh falling past her lips as she got closer to the door.
The strong smell of coffee hit her nostrils as she walked inside, music being paused as she walked fully inside, giving her attention to the cashier that greeted her every morning, "Hi Y/N, your stuff is on your table," she smiled up at Y/N before pointing towards her usual table.
It was the one by the window in the corner of the shop, the bright yellow and blue floor illuminated her small journey to the table, where her coffee and breakfast sandwich happily waited for her to approach. She sat down, hand reaching into her Yellow Kanken backpack, another Christmas gift from high school that she dearly took care of, she pulled out a brown journal and a pen.
A journal filled with memories and random thoughts that popped in her head. Y/N thought writing things down was good for the mind and body. She believed that writing things down would help you keep your thoughts safely, and lock memories into place without overworking your mind. A pen that has been through many journeys on the same yet different page.
All pages were the same until the pen went over it, recording things until the end of time. They were all the same until she wrote down her thoughts for the day.
Her small hand gripped onto the pen as she wrote down her thoughts from the previous night, coffee cup in the other hand as she slowly sipped the liquid.
Last night I thought of him again, just until I drifted off. I don't know why. It hasn't happened in months. Nothing bad, just a memoir of all of our memories together. Like the time we broke into the school's pool one night. Where he pushed me in with all my clothes on, then he jumped in and we made out by the stairs. Funny how we never got caught since cameras were around us. Or when we had our senior trips to the mountains in Colorado, and how he kept sneaking into the girls' room just to be with me. We were lucky we didn't get caught again. I tried to not keep thinking about him. I know it's time to finally drop it and move on, but how? How do I erase all those memories from my brain? How am I supposed to just drop it and move along? Just how? I don't need or want to know why just how.
She softly slammed the notebook closed, right before she could feel a slight burning in her eyes and a rock starting to form in her throat. The subject of her and a past lover that she was still holding onto, still being a deep wound to her.
She thought about and remembered Grayson every day. After all, he was her everything during her entire High School life, and he still was…...sort of.  Grayson and Y/N started dating in the 9th grade, right about in the middle of the year. He asked her out behind the school's bleachers during lunchtime, a mixture of flowers from his mom's garden that she shyly accepted from him after she said yes. That was followed by their date to the movie theater, where he held her close to him every time she faked being a little scared, not that he could tell, and three dates after he officially asked her out where she said yes again, and that was followed by an accidental kiss, he was leaning towards her cheek when she accidentally moved her head to the side, causing his lips to land on hers. Neither of them complained, just smiled at each other and carried on.
They went on for 6 years, all of high school and two college years, where he decided to break it off because of distance. He went off on how being across the country from one another was hard, and the fact that the time difference from New York to California was 3 and 4. She didn't complain. Didn't give a reason as to why not, even if she had trillions of them. She didn't try to change his mind. She simply said okay, and wished him the best. She still loved him though.
The words that her grandpa had spoken replayed in her brain every time she questioned why she still thought about him; "You never stop loving anyone sugar, you just kinda love someone stronger. If you stop loving them, then you never loved them to begin with" She thought about that, and that made her feel better. Maybe there was someone out there who she would love more than she loved Grayson.
With a quiet sigh, she put her journal away, switching it with a book she picked up at the library a few days prior, yet read a million times.
To Kill A Mockingbird is a book she read many times in school, mostly everyone has. It's the one book from school she actually enjoyed, so she picked it up from the book shop down the street from her apartment before work one day, and didn't get to read it until now.
She opened the book with a small smile, the sensation of the book against her finger bringing nothing but happiness to her, and took her mind off whatever was bothering her. She lost herself in the book, almost done with half of the book before her alarm rang, signaling it was time for work. She left a 20 on the table after putting all her stuff away in her backpack and walking out of the shop and towards her job which was a paid internship at a local hospital downtown, all she did was watch and help out with minor cases like cuts, sprains, X Ray's and the occasional stuff like questioning. She entered the hospital, sanitizing herself and changing into her uniform, walking over to her area, that being the Pediatrics Emergency room where her boss, mentor, whatever you might want to call him, Dr. Reyez, and the rest of the team were waiting for her.
"Morning everyone," she chirped at the tired yet awake health care workers, who all had smiles on their faces. "Morning Y/N, you're going to be practicing by yourself today, can you handle it?" Dr. Reyez asked her, which she just nodded her head with a smile. There wasn't a single ounce of doubt in her brain.
"I'm pretty sure yes! And I can just reach out to you guys if anything, right?"
"Yeah, just page us if anything. Your first patient should be here soon, just go wait by the desk," Reyez instructed her and that's exactly what she did. She sat on the desk for over 20 minutes until someone came in with a toddler covered in rashes.
"Hi baby, I just need to ask you and mommy a few questions, yeah?" She sweetly and patiently asked the 5 year old as his mom was filling out some papers, to which he just nodded his head.
"Okay, Xavion, did you eat something new today? Maybe something you've never eaten?" She asked and both the mom and son nodded their heads.
"Do you think he was allergic to something?" The mom asked, causing Y/N to shrug.
"Well, it depends. We need to get an allergy test for him. It doesn't hurt or anything, we just scratch and pour a drop of the allergen over it and see how they react. Mom, do you happen to remember what he ate today for the first time?" She replied by recording some notes down on her clipboard before telling a nurse to get an Allergy Antibody Test ready.
"He ate everything that he usually does except for some broccoli I gave him," the mom replied and Y/N nodded her head before writing it down on her clipboard and walking them to the testing room.
Once the results came back around half an hour later, Xavion was, in fact, allergic to broccoli, and other things that Y/N had to explain to the mother. She got about 15 minutes of break time before Reyez called her another minor emergency.
"It's an 11 year old, possible breakage or sprain to the leg, you can handle this one right?" He asked and she nodded her head, "Good, they're in room 217, good luck," he added before sending her off to the room.
She quickly made her way over to it, grabbing her clipboard on the way, "Hi, I'm Dr.Y/LN, I'm going to be taking care of you guys today! May I have the child's name and date of birth please?" She nicely asked as she walked inside the room, quickly walking over to the desk area that was in the corner and placing her stuff down.
"Uhhh, Caleb Dolan, August 17, 2008," a deep voice that she could recognize from anywhere spoke as she turned around. Her heart dropped at the sight of Grayson in front of her. She tried to reassemble herself, after all, she couldn't make any mistakes right now, Reyez was trusting her and she couldn't afford to mess the opportunity up.
"Caleb, August 17, 2008," she mumbled as she wrote it down on her piece of paper, "Caleb, do you mind telling me what happened, babe?" She asked with a smile on her face. Her smile turned into a small frown as she looked up at the boy who happened to be in pain.
"Me and uncle Gray were practicing for the soccer game that's next and I fell on the mud and hit my leg really hard," he explained as she walked towards him nodding her head.
"On a scale of 1 to 10, One being okay while 10 being the worst, how would you rate the pain?" She asked, walking over to the walk to grab a pair of gloves, putting them on, and walking back towards him.
"Uhh a seven," he replied and she nodded her head.
"Okay Caleb, just know this might hurt a little okay? It's just protocol to check if it's dislocated, broken, or sprained okay?" She asked and he nodded his head, a few tears falling down his face from fear. Grayson quickly leaned down to wipe off his face whispering a quiet 'you'll be okay' as Caleb grabbed his hand.
"Can you try and move your ankle for me? Just try and move it," she explained and he muttered at quiet yes before moving his foot in a slow circle, she nodded her head before placing both hands over his ankle checking for any bumps, which there were none to find, "Luckily for you Caleb, it's just sprained! There are no bumps meaning it's not dislocated, and you can move it meaning it's not fractured! Just to make sure, we're going to need an X Ray' just to make sure there are no hidden surprises yeah? Dr. Lindsey will do those with you, and I'll be right here when you come back," she smiled up at the boy before Dr. Lindey moved him to a wheelchair and took him to the X Ray room, leaving Y/N and Grayson alone in painful silence.
"So this is what you do? This is where you work?" Grayson was the first to speak after a couple of quiet seconds,
She cleared her throat and nodded her head, placing her hands inside her white jacket, "Yeah. It's a paid internship so it's basically a job, what about you? What are you doing here?" She asked to make direct eye contact with him.
"Moved here after me and E graduated, looking for some roles and an agent," he spoke, his voice not as deep yet shakier than when he first spoke.
"Any luck with that?"
"Yeah. We've landed a few small roles here and there," he answered and she just nodded her head.
"That's good! I'm glad everything's working out for you," She gave him a genuine smile before continuing to fill out Caleb's paperwork.
"Listen, I know it's been 2 years but-," Grayson began to speak before Y/N cut him off. "-Grayson just don't. I'm at work right now, and it's enough seeing you after 2 years, but I don't really need this right now. I'm sorry," She apologized before leaving the room to get some papers before walking back in, thankfully Caleb was already in the room when she walked in.
"I'm going to wrap your ankle up with this and then you're good to go, buddy. Make sure you don't apply pressure on it for two weeks. And carefully when you're playing any sport, I don't want you back here," she said while wrapping his ankle up carefully. She gave Grayson the discharge papers, their hands touching each other for a split second before she pulled away waving them off before walking to where her team was.
"That guy was looking at you intensely," Reyez pointed out, earning a glare from her.
"Don't even start," she rolled her eyes before taking a sip from her water bottle that was on her desk.
"Wait is that the?" Jacob, one of the nurses, asked and she nodded her head.
"Yeah, that's him," she sighed, shaking her head.
"Holly shit Y/N, I knew you said he was hot, but girl? That man is hotter than-,"
"Mackenzie, don't you dare," Y/N joked towards her other co-worker, "God why do you do this to me? I was almost over him and then you put him on my path again? The universe hates me,"
"I'd go for it again if I were you," Mackenzie encouraged earning a glare from her.
"Alright, leave her alone before she starts to crumble, Mackenzie go fill out reports, Y/N go take a breather," Reyez ordered them around and they all nodded their heads, going on their way to do what they were told.
. . .
Soft snores began to quietly run past her lips as she drifted off to sleep, all before a feeling of suddenly falling down an empty whole woke her up. She shook her head letting out a quiet 'fuck' before turning to look towards the clocks on her nightstand, 3:30 AM being brightly displayed on it. Y/N let out a loud sigh, knowing she wouldn't be going back to sleep anytime soon.
Her mind suddenly clouded with knotted thoughts and notions, too many of them just to focus on a single one. She pushed her body up, just enough for her to reach over and grab the small yellow backpack that she lazily threw on the floor, pulling her journal and pen out before throwing it back on the floor.
She clicked the pen and opened the journal, blank pages waiting to be filled up, her hand delicately moved along the paper as she scribbled letters and words on the empty pages, thoughts clearing out of her head, one by one.
I saw him today. He looked different. He's grown. After it all, it has been two years. His voice is deeper too. He wanted to talk, but I said no. Maybe if I did, I would fall for him again, or something. I'm doing just fine, so why did he have to move here. Anyway, Reyez finally allowed me to take care of patients by myself today. It was fun, I liked it, I guess. Luckily I'm free tomorrow because I can't sleep at all now. Maybe it's the repeating thoughts of him running through my mind, or just simply the lack of melatonin in my body right now. I'll probably go to the park tomorrow, stop at the cafe first then make my way there, but anyway, I'm going to try and sleep now.
It was a quick entry, nothing special, just her major thoughts being written down, just enough for her to feel better. She got up from the bed walking over to the kitchen grabbing a water bottle before leaning against the counter and sipping it. She crossed her bare legs over each other, looking out of the big window in her living room. Her favorite part about the apartment? It was the window that looked down on bright LA city. Y/N could sit there for hours and not notice the time pass by, she knows this because it happened before. She left the kitchen and walked towards the window, propping her body down on the small couch she had in front of the window. She laid her head on her hand, watching the few cars that sped down the street, the small yet bright red lights disappearing into the distance as her eyes followed them until they could.
Her eyes softly closed as she laid down on the couch, drifting off into another universe. The next morning she woke up at around 8 AM, doing her daily routine, except she stopped at the Cafe, picked her things up, and made her way to the park. It was an old park, there was an old playground that seemed like it hadn't been used in years. She sat down on an old bench drinking her coffee as she watched the scenery.
She didn't take her notebook out, her mind not having any thoughts, or at least no thoughts relevant enough for her to write down. She just took her time to take her surroundings in. She admired how the wind moved the trees, yet they were so strong they didn't crack. The way the birds lifted off whatever surface they were, and drifted off into the sky. She admired the rare butterflies that randomly appeared just to disappear once again. She simply admired the earth, something that she didn't do quite often; Always being too deep in her thoughts to actually study the things around her.
"They're beautiful aren't they?" Grayson's voice spoke out of nowhere, making Y/N do a slight jump in her seat as her heart raced.
She brought her hand up to her chest, a sigh falling past her lips as she glared at Grayson who was chuckling, "You fucking scared me,"
"Sorry," he sighed, sitting down next to her.
They both let out sighs. Both knowing that there was no escaping the conversation that was about to happen, a conversation that was long due.
"You could, hmm, you could go first," she spoke after a few moments of silence, throat dried making her clear it in the middle of some of her words.
"I'm sorry about yesterday. You were working, and Ummm, it wasn't the right place or time to talk about things. I'm also sorry because I never gave you an explanation as to why we should've broken up. After all, you didn't ask anyway," He softly spoke. He thought every word through, studied each meaning before letting them run past his lips.
"I didn't ask because it's what you wanted. Your decision was clearly made. I mean, I don't think breaking up with someone is a spontaneous thought is it? Your decision was made, and if you felt like I was holding you back, then I had to let you go, if I loved you, then I think I did the right thing." Her words were careful too. And quiet, so quiet feeling that if she spoke too loud the things around her would break.
"I didn't want to break up. I felt like it was the right thing to do, you know? We were always so busy, and we made time for each other, but it was exhausting. And when you were out with friends, I felt like I was annoying you or something," he sighed and she shook her head, the thought of her ever getting annoyed at Grayson's presence being absurd.
"Oh God absolutely not," she chuckled, "I thought I was annoying you. Like I wondered if you talked about me, or not. I wanted to know if I annoyed you because I felt like I did,"
It was true. In her journal, multiple pages were filled out with her question herself on whether Grayson talked about her or not. Even after the breakup, she wondered if he'll ever need her. Most pages were about him, all of her thoughts revolved around him, always.
"I did. All the time, to the point where I said your name subconsciously," he smiled, remembering the conversations he had with his friends about her, and how great she was.
"I did too, well not say but write," she sighed, leaning her back on the bench.
"You wrote about me?"
"Grayson you know I did, that's a dumb question," She shook her head, taking a sip of the coffee that was somehow still warm.
"Do you still write about me?" He asked and she stayed quiet, not knowing whether she should answer truthfully or not.
"Honestly speaking, I do. I write about everything that comes to mind, so sometimes? Yeah," she sighed, knowing that it would be easier if they just told the truth.
Maybe this was the closure that they both needed, yet never got. Maybe this was going to help her fully move on from him, and have thoughts that don't include her.
Or maybe not. Maybe this would help them reconnect. Y/N left it all up to the universe. She was a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and that you can't change your future since it's already written about. When she got home after a couple of hours she took a shower, lit on her favorite candles, and did the expected. She took out her notebook and wrote.
We spoke today. He told me the reason why we broke up. It wasn't an intentional meeting though, I was just admiring nature. I was looking at the butterflies I think. He randomly spoke. And I know it was long due and needed so I just told him to say it. It's better to just get it over with than to just keep pushing it back, I think. He told me why he wanted to break up, which right now, sounds like a valid reason. I just wonder why he didn't just say it back then. It would've saved me a lot of nights, don't you think? He now knows I write about him, and where I go to write about him. Maybe I shouldn't go there anymore. It sounds out of this world I know. But maybe, just maybe, I should just close that chapter in my life.
There are just too many memories of him at Beachwood. That's where he surprised me the first time he came to visit. And it's where I write about him the most. I could find another cafe near here, there's plenty.
I just wonder if we're ever going to see each other again. If I'll ever fall for him again, if that is even possible. Because I don't think you could fall for the same person twice, right?
That was the last page in her journal. All the pages filled with her delicate letters, her writing being eternal. Filled with on-going words until the end, where an unanswered question laid. The weight that was once on her shoulders began to fade, and for once in her life, the thought of her future no longer made her afraid.
 This is the first time I’m proud of a something I wrote, so if this flops, I will deactivate! Just kidding, sort of. Anyways, yeah, I feel like my writing has improved, and as always, if you have any tips, and/or constructive critism, please, please, please drop them in my inbox, and don’t worry, I won’t say your hurting my feelings lmfao!! 
Tag List:   @guiltydols @evergreendolan @ydolanssss @rhyrhy462 @resilientdolan @simplyxdolxstyles @simplyxdolxstyles​ {If you wanna be added to my Tag List, just let me know :) lol}
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daydream-believin · 4 years
Recipe For Disaster 2: Electric Boogaloo
Summary: Jim is NOT happy about his sister’s boyfie. (not a part two despite the confusing name)
Warnings: swearing, a gilmore girls reference, divorce kids got daddy issues
Word Count: 5560, my longest yet woohoo
A/N: here it is im finally done with this. i- im tired. i love jim he was my favorite until doux came along but he can be a little bitch boy sometimes. and the word of the day is giggle im so sorry
tags: @alovesongshewrote​ hope i can deliver now that you have expectations lmao
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It was a good Saturday. The trollhunters trio had gotten an early start on training, and thus Blinky had released them for an early lunch. It was a particularly successful day, with Claire really getting the hang of the shadow staff, so they decided to not make poor Jim cook for once and go out for a treat. And Toby really wanted a sandwich from Benoit’s.
They opted to walk to downtown instead of biking, as a way to cool down. Plus, it would give them time to digest their food on the walk back, before they returned to training once again. Although that was more of a problem for Jim and Toby, since Blinky wanted Claire to start reading a certain book this afternoon. She’d be in the library, quietly sitting while the boys go back to running around and fighting. The spring flowers had just started returning to Arcadia Oaks. The flowerbeds that decorated town added a cheery air to the day. Happily, Jim ran up in front to kick a pebble as they came up towards the bistro around the corner. He stopped in his tracks.
“Is Y/n’s boss flirting with her?”
The other two teens came around Jim to see. Y/n laughed at Douxie’s dumb joke and put her hand on his shoulder.
“And is she flirting back?” Jim asked incredulously.
Claire didn’t take this the same way Jim did. “Aww, that’s so cute.”
“No it’s not. It’s weird. And wrong.” Jim asserted.
“What are you talking about,” Claire lowered her brows with an annoyed tone.
“No, no. he’s right. Y/n doesn’t flirt. Or date. I’m not even sure she crushes.”
Claire shook her head, “That can’t be true, TP. She’s like, old. You two just didn’t notice it.”
“Oh, no, we noticed it. She went to every school dance alone, even senior prom.” Toby added. “It was kind of sad to be honest.”
“Remember that time that big movie star came into town? He was the prettiest guy I’d ever seen, and Y/n was just like ‘eh he’s okay, I guess’. We literally had a fight over that one.” Jim chuckled.
“I literally can’t imagine Y/n in a relationship. She’s just too all over the place.”
Claire rolled her eyes and gestured her hands towards the scene in front of them. “Well, she seems to be doing just fine now.”
Jim didn’t know why, but this made him a little huffy. “Whatever. It’s just a crush, anyways. She’ll get over it soon enough.”
Douxie leaned over to give Y/n a quick peck goodbye before he headed into Mr. Benoit’s to start his shift. He had swapped shifts with one of his coworkers for the day, so he could have the evening off. Y/n headed back to the bookstore. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she left, smiling to herself. The three trollhunters still stood right where they were, staring.
“I don’t think it’s just a crush, Jimbo.”
Jim was outraged. How. How was this happening. He could understand her not telling her family, their mother could be a bit nosy sometimes when it came to her daughter’s personal affairs. But his sister had often said she didn’t have enough time to pursue a love life whenever their mother probed her. There was no way she just started having said time. Right? It was curious, too, that out of all the people she could have chosen in Arcadia, she chose Douchey. That guy had girls fawning over him wherever he went. There was no way Y/n was into that.
Come to think of it, Y/n had been acting really strange ever since she had gotten that job at the bookstore. It was so easy to make her laugh now. She was actually wearing her hair in different styles instead of her signature. She actually enjoyed Barbara’s cooking. Or at least complimented it a lot now. Still a baffling action nonetheless. It was if she was experiencing the side effects of something. And that bookstore reeked of magic. Magic had the power to drive people out of their minds. He’d had plenty of first-hand experience with that. This whole situation was fishy.
“Well, I think it’s so cute they’re together now.” Claire said cheerily. He loved her but she wasn’t exactly the best when it came to making judgement calls. Hell, the fact that she was dating him after all he’s put her through was enough proof of that.
“Well, I think its magic.” Jim deadpanned.
“What.” Claire snapped.
“He’s got a spell on her! Some sort of enchantment. A charm!”
Toby was too tired from training today to deal with this. “I’ll agree, he does have charm, have you had him as a waiter? But not the kind of charm you’re implying here, Jim.”
“Douxie is my magic teacher, Jim. I promise, he’s a really nice guy.”
“Nope. There’s no way my sister would be into a guy, let alone a guy like,” He tried to find the right words but just sputtered, “Like that!” he motioned to poor Doux, who was changing the specials sign out front. Douxie was one of those bistro employees who always got asked to draw up the sign because his calligraphy was so good. Doux had to admit, his handwriting was messy compared to Merlin’s standards, but to Mr. Benoit’s he was a calligraphy god.
Toby looked Doux up and down. “I don’t know man, Y/n is kind of alternative.”
“Yeah, who do you think helps me dye my hair all the time? And sneaks me into concerts?” Claire added.
“Okay. I get that. But he’s just not good enough for her.” Jim said through gritted teeth.
Toby sighed. “Then who is?” he asked wearily.
Jim got defensive. “I don’t know! A prince, maybe. One that’s in line to be king. Not one of those waiting-for-a-brother-to-die ones, but a real one.” He nodded his head like any of that was realistic. “Definitely not just some wizard who works in a bookstore.”
“She’s just some wizard who works in a bookstore, though.”
There was no getting through to Jim. “Think about it guys, my sister, suddenly getting cozy with a magic man? Bushigal. She’s under a spell. I’m going to fight him.”
“No, no you’re not,” Claire asserted, “You’re going to have lunch like we planned AND you’re going to be civil.” Claire and Toby both grabbed one of his arms and dragged him towards the bistro.
The hostess guided them to the table. Claire sat across from Jim and Toby. They were handed the menus. Claire showed interest in the lunch specials while Toby flipped to the sandwiches. Jim just brooded while he stared unblinking into the first page. And by chance, and by the fact that this scene would be boring and or pointless if not, Douxie was the waiter for said table. After handing off the check to one of his other tables, he waltzed over to the trio, happy to see his protégé.
“Ello lads, how’s it going? How’d that test go today, Claire?” Douxie ruffled her hair. Jim narrowed his eyes at the sight.
“Horrible! I bombed it for sure!”
Toby rolled his eyes, “You say that about every test, Claire, and then it turns out you aced them.”
“No I mean it this time, TP. I didn’t even finish the last three questions. It was so bad!”
“Yeah, okay, I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Douxie chuckled. Oh to have the problems of these youngsters. Claire and Toby got into some sort of glare match where they both just made more and more aggressive funny faces at each other. Both finally conceded and they fell into giggles. Douxie was glad to see Claire having so much fun, but he noticed someone else at the table who was not having said fun. His apprentice Claire’s boyfriend, his master’s champion, and his darling Y/n’s brother, looking like his dog ate his homework, or whatever teenagers got angry about these days.
“Cheer up, lad.” Doux grinned at Jim, “Hangry? I get that. You look like you could use a good meal.”
“Well strangely I am in a cafe”
Claire kicked Jim under the table. He tried his best to stifle the grunt of pain. “Don’t mind Jim, he’s a tad grumpy from a bad training session. And we’ll take waters all around.” She smiled. Doux hurried off to go get their glasses.
In the end, Toby couldn’t pick a sandwich. He had three favorites and couldn’t decide between them yet. Jim and Claire had his back. They both got one of them and he got the third. Then they would all share the halves. A good plan. And it was a delicious one. Toby was thankful for his partners.
After finishing up training and walking Claire home, Jim and Toby went their separate ways. Toby had promised his Nana he’d go with her and her boyfriend to see a play in the next town over. Jim had promised his mother he’d be home for a family dinner. He wasn’t able to be home in time to cook, so this was going to be a roulette wheel when it came to food. He was betting on Y/n. As he came to the front door, he cracked it first and smelled the air before going inside as to make sure his candid reaction wouldn’t be bad. The aroma coming from the house was heavenly. Alright, Y/n. Jackpot.
Jim swung the door open wide as he strutted in. Everyone was in the kitchen, it looked like. He put his bag up and called to his family that he was home. Which was met with the two voices he had expected, but one he hadn’t. And it was a voice he didn’t want to hear right now. Douxie. Hisirdoux fucking Casperan. In his house. In his kitchen. In his territory.
Jim immediately felt his muscles tense up. He took a deep breath and put on his best fake smile before heading into the kitchen. Y/n was sautéing something over the stove. Barbara was stirring something which meant that she had insisted on helping and Y/n had done the equivalent of giving your younger sibling a game controller that wasn’t plugged in. The offending wizard was leaning over the bar counter from the other side, chatting away as if he had any reason to be here.
Once Y/n caught sight of Jim, she bubbled. “Jim! How was hiking? You three have fun?” she knew where he actually spent his Saturdays but they had to keep up the rouse for their mom. While Y/n particularly didn’t care for the lying, she also agreed with Jim that some things are best kept from worrisome mothers. Barbara gave her enough shit already for her frequent homecomings from bars and shows in the wee hours of the morning with scrapes and bruises. If their mother knew about Jim’s marginally more dangerous late-night escapades, she might actually have a nervous breakdown.
“Oh yeah, it was great. We saw a deer. It had a baby with it.”
“Majestic.” She turned and gestured to the man at the counter, “You remember Douxie, right?”
“Of course,” Jim said through gritted teeth forced into a smile. “In fact we just saw each other at the bistro earlier today.”
A timer went off. Y/n expressed her delight that something in the oven was done. Barb got some plates out of the cabinet, while Y/n pulled the main course out of the oven. She handed Jim the plates and silverware and sent him to go set the table. Jim supposed this was better than having to talk to Douxie. Until Douxie insisted on helping him. Great.
“So, Jim, I’ve heard a lot about you-”
“I’m sure you have.” Jim cut him off. Douxie was a bit confused, but figured he was still grumpy like he was earlier at the bistro. He’d leave the moody teen alone then. Perhaps he be in a better mood after getting some food in him and spending time with his family. Doux would try for conversation again then.
Jim did not get any less grumpy, to Douxie’s dismay. And Y/n’s. Y/n really needed both her family members to like her boyfriend. They were all each other had, and any strife would put a strain on their tiny closely-knit family unit. Y/n loved Douxie, and she wanted Jim and Barbara to love him to. To accept him. It would help put a validity to her feelings. If they liked him then she had made the right choice. She could never be with someone her loved ones hated. And as a bonus, it would be nice if she could give Douxie the family he never had. He deserved as much.
Luckily, Barbara had taken quite a liking to Arcadia’s most charming waiter. Jim however, was subtly hostile. Or at least he thought he was being subtle. It was very apparent to the other three at the table. As Douxie was animatedly telling Barb some story that she was laughing very hard at, Y/n turned to glare at her brother. Jim tried to feign innocence. Y/n rolled her eyes and put some more salad on her plate. Jim noticed the bracelet on her wrist. Funny, she had never been one for jewelry before. But she started wearing this one everyday right around the time she started working at the bookstore. Interesting.
Douxie finished up his story and turned his attention to Jim. He’d try once again to engage the trollhunter. He knew how important this was to Y/n. Douxie was going to make this little man like him if it was the last thing he did.
“I saw the school play you were in a couple weeks ago, Jim. You were quite the actor, and I know Shakespeare’s tough. Have you ever thought of going into it professionally? Claire’s told me she wants to. You two could be one of those celebrity power couples.”
Jim just offered a short thanks that was less hostile but not exactly enthusiastic either. Well, at least Doux was getting somewhere. It’s a start. Y/n was content with this. Jim would warm up to Douxie eventually. It didn’t have to be right away, even if she would have liked that.
After the dinner conversation had died down and the food long gone, Y/n set out to clear the table and clean the kitchen. Barbara also went to help her, but Douxie assured her he’d take care of it. He was a world class waiter after all. He stacked up the plates as Y/n grabbed the dinner dishes. And so the two set off to the world behind the wall, to clean or canoodle or whatever. Jim wasn’t too keen on thinking about it. His mother pulled him into the living room to sit on the couch and preceded to ask him twenty questions about Claire. He was almost happy when the lovebirds came back.
And then his mother made them all play some card game for three hours straight. All while the lovebirds flirted away right in front of them. It was like they had no shame. This guy just had to have Y/n under a spell or something, Jim was sure of it. There was no other explanation. As she giggled at another one of Douxie’s stupid jokes that weren’t even funny, Jim felt sick.
Finally it came time for that douchebag to leave. Jim rolled his eyes at his mother and sister fawning over Doux as he made his way to the door. He slinked over behind them to watch the guy leave and make sure that he left. As Douxie went through the door he gave Y/n a quick peck and said the stupidest line Jim had ever heard. Who does this guy think he is. Once the door was shut and Doux had indeed walked away, Jim scoffed.
“Bet that guy has a bank of pickup lines he’s memorized. There’s no way he came up with that on the fly.”
Jim was furious. He fought like a madman during training. Draal was just making it worse by encouraging it; he really liked the kid’s fire today. Draal had no idea what was up with him right now, but Jim was giving it his all. The trollhunter was rarely this aggressive. Blinky looked on as Jim growled and shouted with every strike. He hadn’t seen his son frothing at the mouth like this before. It was glorious. Keep this up and Angor Rot won’t know what hit him.
Claire and Toby were also training, with Arrggh, albeit with not even half as much gusto as Jimbo. They were also a wee bit distracted, trying to wind Jim down from said gusto. He came over to where they were to get some water. Taking this opportunity, Toby tried appealing to him once again.
“Dude, give it a rest, this is just like how you got all pissy about your mom dating Strickler.” Toby was exasperated.
“Y/n can’t date guys, my mother can’t date guys, no men should be frequently invited into our household! No boys allowed! Me and Toby are the only boys allowed!” Jim growled. He stormed off across the keep to go land another hit on Draal.
Blinky blinked. He was taken aback at the hostility from his charge. “So, do either of you have any idea as to what that was about.”
“Right now the winning theory is that this is like, about how heartbroken his mother was when his dad left, so now he doesn’t want that to happen again or something,” Claire sighed. Her teacher really was a good guy. Lonely too. Just like Y/n. They were going to be good for each other. Her boyfriend should be happy for them. Jim took a particularly dirty swipe at Draal. Toby grunted in sympathy. “Or maybe Douxie just poked Arcadia’s most possessive bear.”
Jim and Toby were walking downtown, enjoying their free time after a trollhunting mission on this fine Sunday afternoon. That is, until they came in sight of the bookstore. Jim felt that bitter feeling in his stomach again. He knew Y/n wasn’t working today. Douchey would be all alone. Now was his chance to confront this and end it before it got any worse. Toby noticed the malice in his eyes as he stomped towards the bookstore.
“Woah dude, what’re you doing?”
“I’m just going to have a little chat with Mr. Casperan that’s all.”
Toby threw his head back in exasperation. “There no talking you out of this is there?”
The bell jingled as they walked in. The bookshop smelled like Christmas. And Jim was about to try and talk politics with his racist uncle at the dinner table. Douxie came over and greeted them cheerily.
“Good afternoon, lads. Looking for any book in particular?”
“I’m not a part of this. I just happen to be with him physically.” Toby quickly asserted. Douxie quirked a brow at the odd statement. Jim pushed forward aggressively. Doux had the sense to back away from the boy.
“I’m onto you, wizard. Just what did you do to my sister? Did you slip her a love potion? Is that bracelet she’s been wearing charmed?” Jim growled. Toby cringed on the sidelines.
Douxie blinked. “Excuse me?”
“There’s no other explanation for your ‘relationship’. You’ve got to be magicking her. And I won’t just sit here and let it happen. That’s my sister and it’s my job to protect her from creeps like you.”
Douxie took in the boys words, and a deep breath. He tried his best not to sound too defensive and provoke the kid further, “Okay, wow. That’s quite an accusation there, friend.” He moved away from where the boy had backed him into a bookshelf. “You know, out of all that you just implied, the part I think I’m most offended by is the fact that you’d think I’d mess with Y/n’s free will like that.”
Douxie straightened some books on a nearby display. “You know Jim, when it comes to love-” Jim stormed out of the bookstore before Doux could take his lecture any further, grabbing Toby by the arm so he’d follow. Toby mouthed a big ‘I’m sorry’ to Doux as he was pulled out of the store.
Jim’s pencil felt abused. He was furiously scribbling the answers to his homework with a heavy hand. He still had a lot of pent up rage, even after accosting poor Doux. After snapping his lead for the seventh time in the hour, Jim decided that switching subjects to Spanish instead of math for a bit might help him calm down. He moved to his bed to start the assigned reading. He laid on his stomach, propping up his head in his hands to see his textbook. His blue eyes perused the paragraphs punctuated by cheesy cartoons. He was halfway through the third page when a knock came at his door. Taking a deep breath, he called for whoever it was to let themselves in. His sister stepped into view.
Jim ran a hand through his dark hair. Here comes the scolding. He didn’t even have to ask if Y/n had heard about what he’d done today. If Douxie himself hadn’t told her then Tobes certainly did. Jim wasn’t proud of it, now that it was all said and done. He knew he deserved whatever Y/n was about to dish out. He sat up and crisscrossed his legs. She pulled his desk chair over and sat backwards in it so that she was facing him on the bed.
That’s it. No scolding came. She just sat and looked at him, neutral faced. He squirmed at the nothing. She lifted up the coffee mug in her hands and took a slow sip, not breaking eye contact with him. Jim began to sweat. He tried to avoid her gaze by looking down at the floor, but he could still feel her eyes upon him. Sighing, he had to admit defeat.
“Okay, so I do feel bad about what I said to Douxie today.” He looked back up to meet Y/n’s eyes. She raised a brow. “It was wrong of me to jump to conclusions like that, I’m sorry.”
Y/n appeared to be satisfied by that. A smile spread across her face and she nodded to him. She stood up, and ruffled his hair on her way out. Still refusing to break her silence, she motioned for him to follow her downstairs.
Y/n set her coffee cup down on the table. She pulled another mug out of the cabinet for Jim. Grabbing the coffee pot from its nest under the coffeemaker, she filled Jim’s mug and topped off her own. Sliding the mug across the table to Jim, she sat down. Jim could smell the aromas of the several colorful dishes baking that he could see through the screen of the oven door. Strange, it was already half past nine. There was cinnamon in the air, so at least one of those dishes contained dessert. Jim’s stomach growled at the thought.
“You know I’m not the one you should have to apologize to, Jimbo.”
“I know, I know,” He looked at the ground, “I’ll go talk to him tomorrow after school.”
Silence filled the kitchen again. Y/n took a sip of coffee. This conversation was going to be hard. She wasn’t particularly looking forward to it. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped. She took yet another long sip of coffee to figure out a good enough way to word this. She took a breath.
“So, uh- listen Jimbo. I- I know it’s tough, ya know, with it just being us. And our family’s tight because of it. But you can’t get so protective that new people can’t join it. Or even try.”
Jim took a breath, “I know it’s just, I-, what happens when we, when you, get so attached to him, and he decides that he doesn’t care for you anymore. When he turns out to be bad. When he just disappears. Like- like they do.”
“Oh, Jim,” She reached across the table for his hand. “That’s my risk to take, Jim. I fully recognize that what I’m doing is hazardous and I could get hurt really bad. But I still chose to do it. I choose it every day. We all do, when we fall in love.”
Jim took a sip and lingered, staring into his cup. “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” He chuckled, “I know I’d be devastated if Claire ever wizened up and left me.”
“Look, you gotta trust me okay? Douxie isn’t dad or Strickler. I promise. He’s kind. I trust him. After you apologize, I think you really should start to make an effort to get to know him. If not for me, for Claire dude. And I think you’ll really like him. Promise you’ll give him a chance?”
Jim sighed in defeat. “Alright. I promise.”
She stood up and stretched out her back, making those stretching noises that people do. She checked the food in the oven. The buns were ready, but the quiche still needed a few minutes. She took out the pans and put them on the cooling rack. After fanning them for a few seconds, she turned to Jim, “So you want a spinach bun or a cinnamon bun?”
“How is that a question?” Jim laughed.
“Spinach bun it is then,” She teased as she tossed him the cinnamon one.
“What’s all this for anyway?” He gestured to the oven and the buns.
“Oh, uh, its actually for a date tonight?” She looked warry of how he’d react.
“Okay,” He guessed now would be as good a time as ever to start letting this go, “You crazy kids have fun.” Y/n laughed, relived.
Douxie had just finished up the sweeping and was ready to close up. As he headed to towards the front doors, he took one last look around the place to make sure he didn’t miss anything. All clean and tidy. Whoever opened tomorrow would appreciate it. He flipped the neon sign from open to nope and started locking up. Which is when his girlfriend pounced on him and almost gave him a heart attack. She just appeared out of thin air to tackle him into a hug. Scared the living daylights out of him. Y/n apologized profusely when she noticed him freak out but was still snickering between sorries so she probably didn’t mean it. He asked her just what the hell she was doing here and she picked up a picnic basket that was on the ground to show him.
“I just knew a certain wizard hadn’t eaten yet tonight.”
Y/n felt the ground beneath her back through the picnic blanket. The new spring growth had made them a cushion of sorts. Her head rested in the crook of Douxie’s shoulder as his arm was wrapped around her. It was nice here. Comfy. She could smell his hair and feel his chest move as he breathed. Their heartbeats made a nice rhythm to accompany the cricket song and the noise of the trees swaying. The stars were so lovely tonight. Stellar.
Douxie broke the quiet. “So I brushed up on my astrology.”
“Oh yeah?” Y/n quirked her brow. Astrology was one of her biggest interests. She’d loved it since her grandmother had given her a book about it when she was small. It was a well-worn, well-loved book. Her grandmother had handwritten things in the margins too. She’d been talking Douxie’s ears off about it during work earlier that week. Something was just so fascinating about how there were gorgeous balls of light in the sky that could tell you the future. There really was magic embedded in the fabric of the universe. It was sweet that he would care enough to learn about her interests. Very sweet indeed. The fact that he went out of his way just so he could talk to her about something she loved? Tooth-rotting. She wasn’t sure if her heart sped up because she was excited to talk about astrology or because of the sugar rush he just gave her.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve needed to look at constellations, we do have GPS now, but I think I remember enough,” He pointed to the sky, “That’s Pisces, right?”
“Yes!” Y/n couldn’t stop herself from smiling so wide her cheeks hurt.
“And that’s Aries, which marks the beginning of spring,” He looked back at Y/n who nodded to him, “oh, and look! We can see Venus tonight.”
“Hey Douxie, I love you. And You’re really making me want to kiss you right now.”
He chuckled and wiggled his eyes brows teasingly, “Ah, yes, I am aware of the effect I have.” She rolled her eyes and put her hand on his face to push him away. If he saw the blush creeping up on her, he’d just get flirtier. She wasn’t sure she could handle that. Something caught her eye and instantly stole her attention.
“Look! A shooting star! Make a wish Doux.” She pointed to the streak of light that flashed.
“I don’t need wishes when I’m here with you, Love.” If her face was pink before it was bright red now.
Y/n hid her face in her hands, “No! You were supposed to say something silly,” She came back up to look him in the eyes, “not something that makes me want to kiss you even more.”
He leaned his head in closer, “Well, what’s stopping you, Y/n”
Well, that was obviously a dare. She couldn’t not kiss him now. So she did. They melted into it instantly. At first it was sweet and slow, but they got a bit hungrier, and the kiss got a bit sloppier. Douxie smelled like the bookstore, Y/n loved the smell of the bookstore. It was everything safe in her life. He was everything safe in her life. Her best friend. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek. He loved how her lips just fit together with his perfectly. Y/n Lake was everything he’d been waiting for all these years. Soft and kind, with such a beautiful heart. Not to mention, a badass. Yet, even with all his ancient baggage, she still cared for him. Made him feel like new again. Out of all the wizards of Arcadia Oaks, she chose him. He still couldn’t believe it. They pulled apart way sooner than either of them wanted, but they did have to breathe, so it had to be done. Locked in Douxie’s gaze, Y/n broke the intensity to giggle.
“But really, I was setting you up for a joke. You know what you could have done with that, Doux?” She teased.
“I’ll remember that for next time, Love.”
“Ah, they’re super rare. This is the first time I’ve ever seen one in all my stargazing years.”
“Well, we’ve got plenty of time to see the next one. And the next one. All the shooting stars you want. Only seeing them every few decades could make them a special little thing for us.” He said so nonchalantly, as if he hadn’t just implied that he expected their love to last for countless decades. As if it were a given. Suddenly it hit her. She could live thousands of years by his side. She would live thousands of years by his side. This was it. She wasn’t even sure humans could turn this vivid a shade of red. Y/n’s heart was gonna pop if it beat any harder.
“Stars, are you just hellbent on making me combust tonight? It too hot out here for this.” Douxie just laughed, a twinkle in his eye. She focused on her beloved stars to calm her down. She sighed, “The stars really are beautiful tonight.”
“You know what else is beautiful?”
“You- aww, you’ve heard that one.”
Y/n’s snort rung in the air. So, he does just have a bank of pick-up lines he’s pulling from. Interesting. Guess it must be tough having to be Arcadia’s most charming waiter. They stilled again. The comfortable silence embraced them. And they could have basked in it all night, if Douxie had not a burning question he had been waiting to ask his beloved.
“So- uh,” She looked to him expectedly, “Do you think there’s life out there?”
Y/n tried not to laugh too hard with Douxie’s very serious tone, “Yeah, yeah I do.”
Now it was Douxie’s turn to smile so wide his cheeks hurt. “Really?”
“Yeah,” She said, “I think it’d be kinda arrogant to assume that with all that vastness up there that we’re the only ones who exist.”
“That’s a really good point.” Douxie said excitedly. He pulled her tighter into his embrace and snuggled. “I think I’m going to use that on Zoe next time she tries to tell me that I’m crazy and aliens aren’t real.”
“Yeah Babe! Win that argument!” Y/n encouraged.
She peppered his face with kisses. That big smile stayed on his face as he closed his eyes in delight. He repaid her with a nose kiss. And she repaid that by starting another snogging session.
Little did they know that shoot star was really aliens akiriddion spaceship crash 3below wait shit the akiriddions landed in like season two and ive set this in one ugh just pretend like this makes sense hfhadhiufs
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lmao retail workers always have aces up their sleeves! Anyways, I'm in a sally face mood today and it's been a while since last time I requested something! Can I request some fluffy romantic head-canons for Sally? 💙 ilovehimsomuch I need some cliché high school crush stuff, how would he get his clueless S/O's attention, how does he confess? Kill me with fluff! *swoons*
And yes, now I can write properly, got a 15 minute walk with my puppy and now I’m calmer.All good x
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Poor Poor Sal, if it wasn’t for Larry and his other friends that he met, his Highschool experience would have been a living nightmare...Not that most of his life wasn’t already pretty tragic as it was.
Thankfully, he wasn’t a dumb person, contrary to what his bullies thought, but he wasn’t a genius either, so there were a few times where he might have needed some academic help, and you were there to help, which is how you became friends.
He was absolutely shocked that you treated him so kindly, as if there wasn’t nothing wrong with him - Or rather said, as if he was just a normal kid with no mask, no weird long blue hair with 2 pigtails and a girly nickname or a pretty short stature.
Sal was even more surprised when you suggested going to a nice and more private cafe to study, claiming it would be a much better atmosphere for studying and relaxing, which would eliminate any shyness and nervousness either of you would have, and honestly, he was incredibly grateful for your intuition and kindness with everything.
Your voice was so warm and kind, you were so patient, helping him out with every little thing that for you might seem easy, but he was struggling with...
Your smile was dazzling, looking like literal sunshine, your hair was draping and framing your face like you were a renaissance painting made by da Vinci, and your vibe was so soothing that he felt as safe as if you, a guardian angel, was wrapping her pristine wings around him.
His heart was beating so fast, and at first he didn’t understand why - Or rather said, he didn’t want to admit that he actually fell for someone.
I mean...He’s Sally Face...Who’d ever like someone as weird and disfigured as him...?
That day, when you were done studying, he walked you home, and you smiled so sweetly at him when you waved him goodbye, that he felt his knees weaken.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sal.”
It wasn’t a goodbye, it was a see you later - You actually were okay with seeing him again.
Larry is the first person who hears about everything and you bet he’s super happy about the whole idea, and he’s going to play match-maker no matter what.
His bro’s happiness is the most important thing in his life, after all, and if you showed him so much kindness and were so passive about his looks and everything, then that can only mean you have the potential to be such a great match for the blue haired soft baby.
From then on, Larry is going to make sure you are one of the group and you hang out with them more often, and as often as possible, would get everyone away from there, leaving only the two of you alone.
Sal would try to use some gaming flirt lines or pick up lines, but you’d merely laugh at how funny, cute and imaginative they were, not picking up the hint.
He would give you little gifts, with some occasions even flowers, but you’d only play it as him being a sweetheart with his friends.
He would even write songs for you and will give them to you, but you only thought he was trying to write love songs to express himself.
Everything he tried to do, all the little, subtle...Not so subtle hints that he tried to give you, when he tried to test out the waters...They only made you think he was a nice friend.
He couldn’t realise how you could be so clueless to his affections towards you, and it was driving him crazy.
Not only him, but Larry as well, would groan and hit his head on the desk, annoyed at how blind you could be and how you were forcing Sal to outright confess his love for you, so after a long enough time, when the blue haired boy finally managed to muster the courage, Larry started helping him create a love confession.
He would hype up Sally a lot and help him rehears how to ask you out, what to wear, what to say, what to gift you and so on...
But honestly now, when do plans E V E R work the way they are supposed to?!
He’s a mess, he’s stuttering and blushing like crazy (not that you can see it), he somehow managed to grip so hard on the flowers out of anxiousness that he destroyed them and he basically had to run away so he wouldn’t make an even bigger idiot out of him and make you hate him.
You tried to access his walkie talkie a lot, but he kept it shut out of embarrassment, so Larry was the next best option, and he mentioned a place where Sal would go sometimes when he needs to feel better, so following the directions, you saw Sal playing his guitar while staring up at the cloud, his voice expressing the beautiful sorrow that he felt in his heart.
You listened attentively to the sad lyrics and you realised that he himself wrote the lyrics, and you approached him as soon as he was done with the song.
“That was beautiful, Sal. I never knew you had such an angelic voice. And your guitar skills are really something...Will you teach me one day?” you walked next to him, unintentionally scaring him out of his wits.
That only made him let out a small shriek, jolting in place and hitting his head on a tree branch, and in result, making his mask fly away.
He didn’t realise it at first, especially because you didn’t sketch any kind of reaction when you went to fetch him back the mask, and he only realised it when you kneeled next to him, offering to help him put it back.
Poor Sally freaked out big time, covering his face, saying how you shouldn’t look at someone like him, that you’re too perfect to stay around him, and you could feel his voice wavering, breaking, his eyes glistering with tears.
It took every ounce of power you had to put away his hands and kiss him as gently as possible, only to leave him speechless, powerless, unable to hold the tears from streaming his pale cheeks.
Once you reassure him that he is in no way ugly, and that he shouldn’t ever downgrade his worth the way he did, the only thing he can say is a short and genuine love confession, so soft and genuine that it made your heart skip a bit, seeing the love and innocence in his beautiful eyes.
From then on, you, Sal and Larry would be the terrific trio, but this is a request specifically about Sally, so here goes that.
He’s still going to feel insecure, since you could do SO much better, he says, but you wouldn’t hear any of that shit.
He would let you play with his hair, styling it in any way you want, and hell, if you want to, he could style your hair in any way you want, and yes, that means braiding too.
Sally would absolutely MELT if you’d want to match clothes or hairstyles with him, oh god, how cute would that be?!
He honestly looks at you like a Goddess or something since you’re always so sweet with him, even during the times when you’re sad about something, which is when he knows he must step in and make sure you’re okay, trying his best to at least make you smile, if you can’t feel a genuine laugh.
Sal loves to gift you plushies for some reason and when he sees you cuddling with it on a night when you have a sleep over...You killed this boy.
Overall, he’s...Like...The sweetest person in the world? Would care about you, your heart and your well-being literally above anything else?
Would be okay with hugs and cuddles and kisses of any kind at ANY time you want, no matter the place or occasion.
If you’re in public, he would blush a bit, but as long as it made you happy, it didn’t really matter.
And, I mean, it kinda made him be filled with a certain sense of pride and confidence whenever you’d so freely flaunt your relationship in public because -
So basically
He got the Jackpot.
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taones · 4 years
Cappuccino With Two Shots // Tsukishima Kei
Pairing: tsukishima x gender neutral!reader
Notes: this is kind of short but it was an event post lmao so don’t worry about it
Warnings: teasing, fluff, coffee shop au cause I’m old
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It had been a couple of months since you had started working at the cafe on the high street. You had started while in university just to make ends meet while doing your course. It was...interesting to say the least. Working in such a big city you were bound to meet a few interesting people, you did have a favourite though.
He was a tall, blonde boy that went to the same college as you. His name was Tsukishima but the cute, green-haired boy he sometimes came with called him ‘Tsukki’. Of course you knew his name but the tease in you did your best to spell it wrong whenever he ordered for the simple reason of wanting to see him roll his eyes. 
Today was different though, the usual calm aura was replaced by stressed and slightly frazzled looking Tsukishima. It was raining yes but that wasn’t why he looked wrong, you could see something was troubling him even through his steamed glasses.  You decided it best not to tease him that morning, especially because he was carrying a familiar dinosaur print laptop case. This set off alarms in your head that he would be here until closing time studying, something he did often.
“The usual today?” you asked tentatively
He nodded and rubbed his eyes before asking you to add an extra espresso shot to his usual cappuccino. The addition of another shot made you furrow your eyebrows and sneak a look at his face while ringing up his order. Dark bags seemed to drag all of the life out of his eyes and his skin held a sickly grey that it didn’t before. 
“Hey” you started, “are you okay, you seem a bit...off?”
He snorted and made eye contact with you while holding out a note. You pushed it back towards him, murmuring that it was on the house before turning around to make it. No matter how much you wanted to see his usual unbothered facade crack you didn’t want this to be why.
“I’m fine, a lot of classes that’s all” he explained, attempting to brush your worry off.
He dropped the note in your tip jar instead and grabbed his drink, shuffling over to the same table in the corner like always. When you had asked him about it he said it was near the window so he could see all of the people walking around town, it interested him. How could you not fall even a little bit in love with Tsukishima? The stone cold person he seemed like was only made confusing to you by his tipping habits and reluctant politeness. But you had never seen him like this.
Within the first 10 minutes his coffee was completely gone and he was furiously rubbing at his eyes. Slender fingers had been furiously typing and pressing backspace in an almost frustrating cycle, to the point it was driving you crazy. When your boss announced your break you quickly fixed yourself a drink and made another cappuccino for the blonde in the corner. This was of course used as an excuse to go and check up on him.
“Afternoon” you sang, slipping into the seat opposite him “I come bearing gifts”
Amber eyes met yours and he nodded slightly, accepting the warm drink from between your hands. The way his fingers slid across yours made you shiver a little. You know he noticed because the smile returned with a teasing glint to it. In an attempt to change the subject you asked what he was doing.
Scoffing, he explained to you the project and how the partners he was placed with weren’t pulling their weight. You sipped your coffee periodically between hums of agreement and when he finally stopped with his explanation you stood. 
“Come on” you said, untying your apron
He looked up at you questioningly, running a hand through his blonde hair. His eyebrow quirked at your actions.
“There is a park not to far from here and I’m taking you” you explained “I get off work now anyway and you need a break so off we go”
The way you had said it left no room for argument and he started packing up his stuff. A look of amusement was evident in his face as he saw you rush behind the bar and grab a takeaway cup for his drink. You handed it to him when he was all packed up and pulled his empty arms out the door of the café, yelling your goodbyes to your co-workers. A voice as soft as the coffee he ordered broke the silence surrounding you two with a teasing lilt.
“You know, if you wanted to take me on a date you could’ve just asked”
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hope you guys like it! Remember reblogs help content creators!
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ladywinterwitch · 4 years
Run Away (Eight- What You Gotta Do)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Summary: You and Steve complete each other. Your love is that strong and devoted kind of love that pushes people to things like marriage, making a family. You couldn't imagine that a baby would be something you really wished, until the possibility wasn't your choice anymore.
Warnings:  A bit of angst, pregnancy talk, mentions of injuries, mentions of abandonement (mild), fluff, reader is still an emotional rollercoaster, cursing and swearing, smut, unprotected sex (too late for these two lmao), oral sex (f recieving), brief mentions of body insicurities, Bucky’s a puppy dog.
Words Count: 5289
A/n: Part eight! I can’t believe that I’ve actually come this far lmao. Plus, me posting stuff with less than 44827 years of distance with each other? A miracle. I always said that I would wrap it up at 10 chapters,but while writing this chapter I realized that I will need one or two extra chapters + the epilogue. We’ll see. For now I’m happy to be able to write lol. Series masterlist here, main masterlist here. Enjoy <3
ps: Chris’s look in that gif,,,chile 
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                       (gif not mine)
In the following week you saw Steve once a day, just to assure that he was doing fine. He wasn' sleeping in your shared room for the moment, but in a spare bedroom. You knew that you were probably being harsh with him, but you were so mad. It wasn't the first time that he did something stupid to try and save others. Hell, just think about that damned plane crash that put him in the ice in the first place.
You understood the reasons why, and basically everyone tried to talk with you and kinda 'sugar coat it' but the issue wasn't that you didn't understand: the issue was that he couldn't afford to think only about himself. Was it selfish on your behalf to think that way? Maybe. But you couldn't help it. You told yourself that it would've been different if you were just married, or just lovers. His decisions would've still been his. But now it's different. In less than six months he would've become a father. And that comes with responsibility. Wasn't he the first to tell you how important it was for you to put aside your job, for months or maybe even forever, just for the wellbeing of the creature inside you? That kid is yours just as much as he's his.
You and Bucky went out for a shopping trip that afternon. You would've asked Wanda, but she and Vision went to Clint's farm for a few days to see him and his family. Steve still had to be inside the tower, since he wasn't fully healed yet. You knew that he was watching a football game with Sam now, while Tony and Bruce were working on a new project, and Thor went to Asgard for a while to go check that Loki and Odin weren't at each other's throats.
You didn't mind Bucky's company at all. And in any case it wasn't like you felt like going out with Steve, not just yet. The brunette drove you both to the mall where he parked and then you went inside.
-So, what absolutely exciting and girly shops I have to visit today?- he asked while you curled your hand around his bicep. You laughed, looking up at him while you walked.
-Well, this mama is getting bigger every day, so I really can't wear my old clothes. I wouldn't even fit in them, and I can't go on with you guys' hoodies and t-shirts. I mean, I'm still a woman. Who said I can't look good while pregnant?- you responded, dragging him to a maternity clothes shop. As soon as you entered like half of the women in the shop turned to look at Bucky. You glanced at him and saw that he blushed and was looking everywhere except them. You bit you lip to not smile while you started to look around at the clothes. You made sure to engage in conversations with him to try and take the attention away.
-Damn homie, I think you just made those women regret their partners.- you said lowly so only he could hear you, and being a super enhanced supersolier, he did hear you very clearly. He snapped his head towards you with a look of disbelief on his face. His expression was so funny that you couldn't help but laugh. He looked around quickly then got closer to you.
-Stop it! It's already embarassing without you pointing it out.- he whined with a low voice. You stopped laughing but you couldn't help but smile, pressing your lips together.
-It's just so funny to me, because I understand these women. Turns out that pregnancy doesn't only make you sick, but also terribly horny.- you rose an eyebrow and he face palmed himself. You laughed again.
-Too much information, doll.- he groaned. You chuckled, putting in his hands a bunch of clothes. He caught them with both arms and followed you like a puppy to the changing rooms.
-Thank you kind sir, now I'm gonna see if they fit then I promise we're out of here.- you joked, hanging the clothes into the changing room. You closed the tent and he let himself fall delicately on one of the couches. He looked around while he waited but it turned out to be a bad idea when he saw the women from the various isles and even the shop's staff looking at him. He awkwardly smiled and then looked back at the closed changing room, sinking in his seat and covering the side of his face with a hand nonchalantly. He heard a few muffled giggles but no ne bothered him.
-Y/n are you done?- he asked, more embarassed than anything. Suddenly she pulled back the tent and started to gather a few of the garments in her hand. Bucky's gaze got caught on her figure. It was essentially the first time that she wore something fitting and not exaggerately large, so her belly was fully on display, even more so since she was turned to the side. The man felt a mix of emotions all at once and didn't quite catch the first time she called him.
-Buck, did you hear me?- he snapped out of it and stood to his feet, blinking a few times.
-It looks great.- he commented. You had on a nice flowery minidress, the sleeves were short and puffy, the square neckline showed just enough cleavage to remain classy, the breast area was tight but just below the skirt was soft and fell perfectly on your figure, showing the belly. You looked at him with a smile, chuckling slightly.
-Yeah, it fits well doesn't it? I'm getting these,- he gave a three dresses, two shirts, two t-shirts, two pairs of jeans and a pencil skirt to him, while she had other stuff in her own hands. -And I'm leaving these.- she sighed.
-Would you do me a favor? I'm dropping these off, meanwhile could you go to the pay desk? I'll be there in a sec.- he nodded and you thanked him while you walked away to the isles. Bucky walked towards the counter and dropped the garments on the desk, giving a quick smile to the girl behind it. He pulled out from the back pocket of his jeans the wallet and then the credit card, which was obviously Tony's, and put it on the glass above the counter. He waited a few seconds until the clerk, which was a nice girl with black hair and amber like eyes, spoke to him.
-So, how far are you guys?- she asked. Bucky almost choked on air at that phrase.
-Oh we- - he was about to say, but you arrived at his side and saved the situation. You smiled kindly at the girl and gave a pat on Bucky's arm.
-I'll be exactly of five months in a week, and he's more like the uncle than the father.- she tileted her head towards the brunette. The clerk smirked.
-Is he now?- she said rethorically. Then added, -That would be 277$. You're paying with cash or card?- Bucky gave her the Visa and she thanked him, finishing the payment. Y/n glanced at him with a knowing look and a slight smirk. He rolled his eyes and shook his head a little, she furrowed her brows as if to ask 'Why?' and he just mouthed 'No', so she didn't push. For now.
-Thank you for your purchase, congratulations and we hope to see you soon.- the girl said with courtesy, her gaze lingering a bit on the man, whom didn't return the look. You could see the slight disppointment of the girl.
-Thank you, have a nice day.- you saluted her and then headed out with Bucky. An hour had already passed and you still had in mind to buy a few things, but first you needed a break.
-I desperately want a piece of cake. What do you think?- you elbowed him delicately to catch his attention. He turned his head and nodded, still carrying the two bags. You arrived at the mall's cafe and ordered. He picked an iced coffe and you a slice of cheesecake and some tea, knowing that coffe wasn't that good for pregnancy. You took a seat at one of the tables outside, even tho you were still technically inside the mall.
-So, wanna tell me why you didn't accept the clear as the sun advances that the pretty shop assistant did?- you brought the fork to your mouth. He huffed and shrugged.
-Because I am not interested. I don't think I'm in the right mindspace to date right now.- he responded. You exhaled, tilting your head slightly to the side.
-Buck, I know that it didn't end up that smoothly with Nat, but she's gone.- she realized how that sounded like and quickly corrected herself, -I mean, not gone. But...gone, you know?- you cringed at your own words and he snorted.
-Very smooth y/n.- he joked, earning a glare from you.
-Shut up, I'm trying to help here. What I meant that while I understand that things with Nat didn't end up in the best of ways, she went away to give both of you the space you need to get back on your feet.- you paused, drinking a sip of tea, then offring the last bite of cake to him. He shook his head, giving you a lopsided smile.
-Don't worry, it's all yours.- you pointed your finger at him, while chewing the cheesecake. He chuckled.
-Right answer. Anyways, what I'm trying to say here, Buck, is that you have to allow yourself to try again. Because you deserve it. What do you tell me about that person you said you were interested in? I've never seen you with anyone in the last three months.- he looked to the side for a moment casually.
-They're taken so, yeah.- he simply answered, shrugging while taking a sip of coffe. You got sad all of a sudden. You eyebrows knotted in a sad expression and he noticed, giving you a small smile.
-Hey, don't do that. It's okay. I'm not like heartbroken or shit. I'm happy for her.- he assured you, -She.. well she has a family. She deserves it, so I'm happy for her.- he nodded, smiling softly. You smiled at him too, still with a hint of sadness. He took a nother sip of coffe an then raised an eyebrow, looking at you.
-Why are you crying?- he asked confused. You furruwed your brows in confusion and wiped your fingers under your eyes, realizing that a few tears had escaped. At that point without a reason, you started to feel worse and embarassed and a mess, so you sterted to actually sob a little. Bucky got up and moved his chair next to yours, hugging you.
-Hey what's wrong? I promise I'm alright.- he laughed to try and lighten the situation. You hiccupped into his chest.
-I- I know..it's just.. I don't know, these stupid hormones are making me act hysterical.- you had sittle sobs coming out every now and then. He kissed your head while he stroked your back.
-It's okay, you're not hysterical.- he chuckled softly making you smile. You pulled away from him looking in his eyes.
-I'm a mess aren't I?- Bucky wiped a little smudge of mascara under her eye, and then smiled at her lovingly.
-You look just fine, darling.- she hugged him, whispering a 'thank you, I love you' in his ear.
-I love you too- he answered.
After that, they finished their drink and Y/n told Bucky that she wanted to order a few things for the baby so they did just that. They went in a baby-stuff shop and she choose and placed some orders for a crib, a baby seat for both the car and the kitchen and the changing table. You didn't wanted to buy them right away, so you told the shop to bring them at the tower when they wanted.
When you exited the shop, it was already six thirty pm, so you decided to head back at the tower.
In the car, you told Bucky about your idea to get a midwife to help you during your pregnancy and especially when it'll be time to deliver the baby.
-I don't know y/n... I mean I think that you don't need a midwife or some other stranger to take care of you and the baby. You have Steve. You have me, and Sam, Wanda and the rest of the team. Bruce has basically become a doctor of everything, I'm sure that helping to deliver a child isn't that hard.- he shrugged while keeping his eyes on the road.
-I can't and wouldn't expect you all to babaysit me for another four months, Bucky. You have missions, classes, a you know, your own lives.- he glared at you, probably wanting to intervene and contraddict you, but he remained quiet in the end.
-And, you really can't expect Bruce to handle this. He's a fucking physician for God's sake. He's absolutely amazing, but a delivery? No, that would be too much even for him. And I would be kinda embarassed, for crying out loud.- you added with a high pitched voice. You absentmindely started to cradle your belly. He thought about it for a few seconds.
-I don't know y/n, you know how I am with strangers. But in any case it's your and Steve's decision. Please, talk to him. He's been miserable this week without you. He wouldn't shut up about how he was sorry, and stupid and in love with you and that he misses your smile, your belly and I don't know, I stopped listening after a while.- he said exasperatedly. You suppressed a smile.
-Really? - you asked sheepishly. He turned his head to look at you for a second before smiling knowingly.
-You know it's true. Your fucking married, for God's sake.- he said, tired of you two being idiots. He could just imagine how it'll be when you'll become parents. You will be great at it, but also a mess at the same time.
-Hey, Whiny Soldier, how was shopping? - Sam shouted when he saw the two of you coming in the room with your hands full of bags. You didn't see him, but you just knew that he pursed his lips and shook his head.
You came back at the tower just in time for dinner. Vision and Wanda had aprons tied on their chests, while the others were just chilling in the common room. Steve was there too, beside Bruce.
-Shopping was productive, thank you very much.- you answered pointing for Bucky to put down the bags.
-Let me help you take these to your room.- he offered, but you gave him a look and he understood immediately, putting them down. You smiled and kissed his cheek.
-Thank you for being my human cart today.- his jaw dropped, pretending to be offended.
-Oooh- Sam howled and the others laughed. Steve smiled slightly, still mortified by your little 'cold shoulder week'  thing.
-You're lucky I can't tickle you to death right now.- he pointed his finger at you before walking to the fridge to pour himself a glass of water.
-Yeah, yeah, like you say big guy.- you teased him. You paused, shifting your gaze to Steve. He was wearing a blue hoodie and gray sweatpants, his dirty blonde hair were starting to get a bit long at the sides and a few strands fell on his forehead, while his jaw was covered with a slight scruff. His puppy dog eyes met yours and you couln't help but melt a little.
-Steve, are you well enough to help me with these?- you asked and even before you could finish he was on his feet. He almost tripped from how fast he tried to reach you.
-Yes I'm perfectly well I mean I'd love to help you. I mean obv- - you raised an eyebrow and he stopped, looking down. The whole team was watching in silence like it was a damn movie.
-I'm rambling, I'm sorry.- he said lowly. You sighed and places three of the four bags in his hands.
-C'mon. And you all, get a life.- you called them out while you two walked to the elevator. A few minutes later, after the short, silent, trip, you arrived to your room. He placed the bags on the bed and you did the same after closing the door behind you.
-Help me take off the price tags.- you invited him. He grabbed the bag, taking out the first garment. It was a white baby onesie, with Captain America's shield logo on it in white, blue, and red. His breath got caught in his throat and he suddenly let out a sob.
You snapped your head up in confusion, your features softening when you saw him. He sat on the bed, head down, onesie still in his hand. You put down the dress you had in your hands and went to sit next to him, since it would've been really uncomfortable for you to bend on your legs now. You hand went istinctively to rub his back.
-Can we talk?- he asks with broken voice. You tilt your head to the side to look at him with the shadow of a smile on your face.
-Only if you stop crying. Or else none of us will be able to talk at all.- he chuckles slightly making you smile lovingly. He wraps his big arms around you, nuzzling his face in your neck, your collarbones exposed due to the large shirt you were wearing. The wave of relief that washed over you in that moment was hard to describe.
-I missed you so much, baby. I couldn't stand the thought of you being mad at me. I'm sorry for being so impulsive.- he sniffed while he talked. You nodded, cupping his face gently. Steve melted into your touch.
-I know you are. And I'm sorry too. I know that I've been harsh with you these past days, it's just...- he waited patiently, -You're not responsable for only yourself anymore. I understand, please trust me, I understand what you wanted to do and also that you feel like it's your duty to do that. And it kinda is, but my point is- you shook your head realizing that you weren't really explaining yourself.
-What I mean is that you cannot put your life behind other's. Not for me, not even for the team. We're grown ass adults okay? Fow how much you can love us and we can love you, we are our own person. But this- you placed his hand on your belly, -This had been a choice. Your, mine. We both are responsable for this life. The same way I gave up my job, and the lessons. Now, I'm not asking you to stop going on missions, but I'd like you to be with me as much as possible. And that when you go, you'll be careful. Please, Steve.- you say softly, almost in the verge of tears. Again. You've cried more in five months than in your whole life probably.
-You're right. It was pretty hypocritical of me to get mad at you for the same reason in the first place.- he shook his head in disappointment. You rolled your eyes, adding -Work. I think we'll have to rearrange ourselves in this department.- you smiled and he laughed, agreeing.
-So, are we gonna get these off the bed and use the space in a better way or what?- your lips curled in a seductive smirk that quite shocked him. He recovered quickly, jumping on his feet and placing the bags on the ground in a split second. You threw you head back laughing at his eagerness, but you honestly couldn't blame him. Your hormones were a mess and your horniness at level 100, but you often were either sick, tired, hungry or he was. And not to mention the missions that separated you. So let's say that since you got pregnant the sex decreased noticeably, which was something that you wanted to fix. You phisically missed and needed him.
He returned to you and crashed his lips to yours, and soon enough you were a mess of tongues and lip bites and sucks that got interrupeted just briefly to get your clothes off. He didn't have anything under his hoodie, and you happily noticed that he was completely healed and that his weeks in the tower were due to the lack of new missions. You sincerely hoped it would last. After his hoodie, his pants and boxers were next. With you the situation was a bit more complex: first the light material shirt you had on had to be unbuttoned, then your tank top, the jeans' belt and the pants themselves. When you were left in just your underwear, a plain set of cotton white bra and panties, Steve stopped to look at your body.
He was in awe of you. He rose his hand and started a caress that began on your cheek, his thumb on your bottom lip, then descended to your now fuller breasts, to the curve of your waist to to your baby bump. At that point he bent down on his knees and kissed it softly.
-Hey little one, if you want to take a nap, now it would be a good time.- he whispered directly to the stretched skin. You let out a sound that was halfway between of a whine and a laugh.
-Steve, Jesus Christ.- you covered your face with your hands. You heard him laugh and stand on his feet again. He removed your hands gently, kissing you again with slow, agonizing passion that even let escape a ridiculous whine from your lips at the loss.
-Where were we?- he reached behind your back and unclasped the bra, sliding it off your shoulders and freeing your breasts.
-Mrs and Mr. Rogers I'm sorry to disturb, miss Maximoff would like me to inform you that dinner's ready.- you stopped hearing F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice. You groaned, annoyed at the interruption, but Steve suddenly started to push you on the bed and to lick and suck your boobs.
-Tell miss Maximoff that we have dinner here.- he responded biting softly your nipple, making you whimper.
-It will be done, mr Rogers.-
-Geez Steve, couldn't you be more specific?- you sassed with a deep breath, distracted by your husband's mouth. He snorted moving further down to remove your panties.
-You're already pregnant, couldn't be more obvious than that.- you started to laugh, but it soon became a loud moan when you felt his tongue licking a long stripe on your pussy. You closed your eyes and istinctively wanted to bring your hand in his hair, but you found an obstacle. A medium big, round and naked obstacle. You huffed and Steve stopped, tilting his head to the side, since now you couldn't even see him from between your legs.
-Are you okay?- he asked, worry in his voice. You sat on the bed, helping yourself with your hands. He returned beside you, waiting.
-It's just..ugh I'm so awkward and big and not confident if I have to be honest.- you say for the first time out loud. You wanted to cover yourself by curling your knees to you chest, but again, you swollen stomach didn't allow it. At that point you got even more frustrated.
-Damn it.- Steve places his fingers under your chin and made you look at him. His eyes were serious but not mad.
-Hey, none of that. Do you even realize the miracle your beautiful body is doing? You're creating a whole life in there, baby.- he smiled brightly looking in your eyes, -And by the way, you're still hot as fuck.- that made you laugh. He kept smiling while he made you lay down again on the sheets.
-This beautiful face..these cheeks are even sweeter now.- he peppered them with kisses making you giggle uncontrollably.
-Don't get me started on these ones...- his hands cupped your breasts while his mouth attacked your nipples and the soft skin. You moaned softly, your hand immediately in his short hair, your nails delicately scratching his scalp.
-But you know my most favorite thing?- he kept going, -This.- he was now between your legs, kneeled in front of your stomach. He caressed it and kissed it a few times. Then his gaze  locked in yours again. You almost felt hypnotized, both by his velvety voice and his touch.
-I love it because it's round and soft and most importantly because it's giving me a family. A baby. And you know who's giving me all of this? You are. So don't ever be insecure about this wonderful body, please.- you smiled at him softly. Soon enough the mood changed again when he spoke his next words.
-Now, are you gonna let me thank this stunning body like it deserves or not?- you felt the smirk in his voice, his blue eyes hungry. You mirrored his expression propping yourself up on your elbows.
-Would like to see it.- you answer. He huffs out a laugh and reprises what he started doing a few minutes prior. He took good care of you until you came on his tongue, and at that point you grabbed him to crash your lips together. You kept moving and bringing him with you, until he found himself laying down on his back and you straddling his hips. Steve's hands immediately went to your sides, trying to not move and let you do the work, even though all he wanted was to fuck you until you both could't anymore.
You kept you eyes on his while you stroked him a few times before slowly sinking on him. He squeezed both his eyes shut and your hips, huffing a long breath. That could've almost made you laugh if you weren't just as wrecked. Your hips started moving, back and forth, to the sides in painfully slow circular motions. At one point he grabbed your ass, sitting up and making you gasp.
-Doll I'm kinda struggling here- he breathed out kissing your neck while you kept moving. -I want to be delicate but damn.- he nipped at your sweet spot between your neck and shoulder. Your hips started going faster with the help of his hands guiding you and soon enough you were panting and kissing each other passionately and messily.
-Oh, Steve I'm almost there- you moan hugging his head to your chest. He moaned too, reaching in front of you with his hand to circle your clit.
-I'm right behind you baby.- he reassured you while in reality he was trying hard not to come in that exact moment. He craved you more than usual, not only beacause your body was actually so fucking hot to him but also because he hasn't touched you for almost two whole weeks.
Just a few seconds later you gripped his shoulders, hiding your face in his neck. His breath got caught in his troath at the way you clenched around him when you came. And as a cue, he followed you short after, coming inside you. You stayed like that, hugging and cuddling for some minutes, then he kissed you and moved you gently on his side, hissing slightly when you lost contact.
-Be right back.- he said going to the bathroom and returning with a wet wash cloth. He cleaned you up from both of your releases and then went back to throw the dirty fabric in the laundry basket. You looked at him with a lopsided smile, still hazy and quite tired from the recent activity. He mirrored your expression with messy hair, crawling in the bed to you and pulling you on his side after.
-I needed that.- you say. He sighed, -I definetly did too. How come we always end up having sex after we argue or talk?- he asked casually. You shrugged.
-I don't know, the important thing is that the talk comes first and then, the sex.- he agreed with a nod. You chewed on you lip a bit before speaking again.
-Honey- you called, he hummed.
-While you were away last week I started to think about how I will probably need more help in the future, you know. And the fact that you and the others are often away on missions. And I mean it's totally alright, that's work but... I felt so bad when Sam and Wanda were left behind last time. And just to 'babysit' me.- he looked down at you with a frown.
-They offered to stay behind because they wanted to. We're taking turns on missions all the time.- he responded. You barely noticed that he had started to caress your belly.
-That's not the point, you know it. The last mission was quite big. I know my work well enough to know that Fury would've sent all the team, if I weren't left behind. Also by now we both understood that this baby isn't a normal baby and that is why I'm so sick so often. Bruce can't be here all the time, and for how good and skilled he his, he's not an expert in the baby field.- he was listening to you intently, but he wasn't quite sure with where you wanted to go with this.
-What's the point?- he asked, moving a strand of your hair from your face with his fingers.
-The point is,  that I've read a lot in these months, and I think that we should hire a midwife. It would be someone that stays with me most of the day and helps me. An actual expert.-
-And how would you explain that our child has the blood of two super soldiers?- his hand motioned himself and you. You got up, towards the bathroom.
-Steve, we share the house with a god, a giant green monster, enhanced people, a witch, a kid that has the powers of a spider and an intelligent robot. I think it wouldn't be a great surprise.- you closed the door, peed and then refreshed yourself before going back to take some clean clothes. You saw that he was waiting for you to get out, probably wanting to shower.
-Okay then, I guess we can arrange that, if that will make you feel better.- he finally spoke. You kissed his cheek, already in your underwear.
-Thank you. You're showering?- he nods, the raises an eyebrow.
-Wanna join?- you laugh and shake your head.
-No, baby not now. I get tired quite easily and if the bed's already a bit difficult to work with, the shower must be a nightmare.- he pouted.
-You're right.-
-But- he stops the door before it closes, waiting for you to continue. -I want to fix your hair and your beard if you let me.- a lopsided smile opens on his face.
-Be my guest.-
After you sat him down on the edge of the bathtub, you shortened the longer strands on top with tiny scissors. After that you picked up the electric razor and groomed the sides, shortneing them but not removing them completely. You did the same with the beard, leaving a short, barely visible scruff. About twenty minutes later you were done. You put down the razor and took a step back to look at your work.
-Perfect.- you commented, brushing the hair that fell on his chest and shoulders. He stood up and looked at himself in the mirror, smiling.
-Is there anything you can't do?- he asked. You smirked, kissing him before starting to clean up.
-No, I'm a woman.-
Tag list: @polarcrystall​    @a--1--1--3​    @silver-winter-wolf​   @jessyballet​
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bluemueana · 3 years
BTS as boyfriends (Hyung Line)
NOTE: Here, I haven’t put them as idols.
Kim Namjoon
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How it started~
·        Your independent personality is what would have caught his eye.
·        And since then, he would always try to get your attention.
·        He would ask everything about you from this friend that you both shared.
·        He would ‘accidentally’ bump into you few times.
·        Everything would click instantly.
·        After 4-5 times of meeting and getting to know each other at cafes, you both would decide to make it official.
 What would he be like~
·        Late night (deep) conversations .
·        You both LOVE reading books together.
·        Your parents will love him and visa-versa.
·        You would teach him cooking on Sundays and the two of you would burst into laughs every time. “I don’t think I can cook y/n.”, he would say while laughing. “It’s ok love, I’ll teach you.”
·        He would give you small pecks here and there.
Fights :(
· Fights with him would be rare.
· A frustrated Namjoon from work would mostly be the reason for many arguments.
· But in the end you would calm him down and he would apologize for being rude.
· Apart from that, you both would argue over the most senseless and random things.
· “ Are you kidding me y/n ?! Crabs are the best, not your stupid cats!”
· *Gasp* “ Oh you did not just go there joon !”
· lmao but yes no fight has ever been big enough to damage your relationship.
 The first ILY~
·        He was longing for this moment since the first time he met you.
·        Would always think about saying it but didn’t want to say it too fast or make you awkward.
·        Even though he didn’t want to say it  this way, one day while talking he would randomly blurt it out.
·        You would giggle and say it back.
·        And when you did, he will laugh in relief and then give you a cute little peck.
·  He would say it frequently just to remind you how much you mean to him.
Kim Seokjin
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How it started~
  ·   You were at a cooking fest held in Gangnam, Jin couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He was in awe with the way you were cooking and helping others.
  · Jin got some information from the owner of the event (*cough* Bang pd nim *cough*) about you and headed to your address.
· He was a master at cooking and you knew it, so when he asked you to teach him, you were surprised.
· “But you’re better than me at cooking”, you said.
· “Oh um, ya but that dish you made at the event, I was wondering if you could teach me how to make it.” (His lame excuse was accepted tho.)
· “Sure!”
·  And since then, he would come over all the time just to make dishes with you and you also had frequent visits at his residence.
· Both of you loved each other’s company.
· Every Saturday he would come over to cook, binge watch some series and spend some time with you. So, when he didn’t show up, you were worried. You called him.
·  “Jin? Why aren’t you hear yet ?”
· A cough from the other side of the line was what made your eyes widen.
· “Ah y/nie~, I may or may not be a little sick...”
· That was all you needed to hear, you rushed to his apartment.
· Once he opened the door, you saw him wrapped in blankets. You immediately hugged him, which sent blood rush up to his cheeks like always. You made him soup and a great meal for dinner. You took care of him for the rest of the day.
· “I’m sorry you had to look after me for the whole day.”
· “Don’t be, I wanted to take care of you.”
· “Then how about you take care of me for the rest of our lives ?”
· A small chuckle escaped your lips and you gladly accepted his offer.
What would he be like~
· ALWAYS taking care of you.
· Cooking with you is his favorite thing.
· Playing Mario Kart together.
· His dad jokes will lighten up your mood no matter how bad your day is.
· Romantic dates are just his specialty.
· “You look pretty today~”
· “More than you Jinnie ?”
· “Hahaha no”
· Then you would chase him around the apartment. You both would collapse onto the sofa after running for a while and laugh together, sharing sweet ‘I love you’s.
Fights :(
· Fights are just a no for this boy.
· Any situation, and you both would maturely handle it.
· Stupid little arguments here and there but after a few minutes you both would just laugh and make up.
The first ILY~
· You always made him feel happy. He thought the way you laughed could cure any disease.
·  He knew he was deeply in love with you.
· One night while taking a break from watching ‘Hotel Del Luna’, he gave you a sheet of paper and went to the kitchen to grab a coke. The letter was heart-warming. It perfectly described his feelings for you. When your eyes landed to the ‘I love you’ at the end of the page, you hurried to where he was.
· “I love you Jinnie, I love you so so much!” you said while running towards him.
· He hugged you and you both shared a passionate kiss.
· “I will always be there for you y/n.”
Min Yoongi
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How it started~
· You were new in the neighborhood. And people weren’t too friendly here.
· One night, when you were sleeping loud music was being played next door. You had an exam the next day so this was pretty annoying.But soon enough the volume was reduced and a slower song was now heard, you went back to sleep easily.
· The next morning, after coming back from your college you saw two inspectors standing outside the house next to yours. Your neighbors were also crowding at the same place. You soon learned that your neighbors had complained about the music and the person next door was being asked to leave the house. You thought they were going a little overboard by forcing him to leave because he could just be a college student and being kicked out could effect him financially and mentally, so you stood up for whoever that person was.
· You didn’t know him/her but considering they didn’t even play anything for too long, you though it’s fine. The inspectors left when you asked them to, much to everyone’s annoyance. Your neighbors gave you a look and left.
· Soon you saw the person responsible for the chaos come out of his house with bags. He came up to you and introduced himself as Yoongi. He saw everything that happened. Yoongi was about to leave the place but saw you sending the inspectors back. No one had ever stood up for him and the fact that you helped him without knowing who he was intrigued him.
·Yoongi was looking at you and thanking you as if you just saved his life which made you smile.
· “Hey thanks for everything, I really appreciate it. And um sorry about last night, didn’t mean to disturb you.”
· “Nah it’s ok. I have faced similar people so I thought it’s best if I help you.”
· “ Well, can I at least treat you to lunch as a thank you ?”
· “ Sure!”
· You both talked for hours. Talking with him was the best thing, he understood you like no one else. He told you his troubled childhood, he doesn’t talk to anyone about this but he felt this need to tell you. You couldn’t help but do the same.
· You both already had a special bond.
What would he be like~
· Sleep dates. (a cuddle baby  🥺 )
· Would teach you the piano.
· At night, you both would sit by the window and talk silently.
· Whenever you are around he is happy, when you aren’t he’s a sad kitten.
· Even cooks special meals for you.
· Would laugh at you when you try to play basketball.
· Writes about you all the time.
· Can’t imagine a life without you. ( dis boi is in luv)
· “You’re amazing, do you know that ? “
Fights :(
· Mad Yoongi is what you avoid all the time.
· When he’s tired, he’s mad.
· But your aura just calms him down, so no big argument takes place.
The first ILY~
· It will probably be after two years of dating because he doesn’t want to rush it.
· He asked you to come over since he made a song for you. The lyrics would be filled with emotions. A special love song he made for you.
· After finishing it he says “ I love you, I really do.”
· “ Oh Yoongi, I love you too”
· His ILYs would be rare which would make them so special, his eyes would light up whenever you said it back.
Jung Hoseok
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How it started~
· Your part-time job was babysitting and you loved it. One afternoon, you were asked to babysit at a place, and you would be standing outside the door of the house you would be in for the rest of the day; patiently waiting after ringing the door bell. Soon, the door would swing open to reveal the most beautiful human you had ever seen and somehow you knew he was feeling the same about you.
· “I’m Jung Hoseok and this is my little sister- Areum. Hope she isn’t much trouble today.”
· “She won’t be.”, you smiled reassuringly. Hoseok could swear he felt his heart skip a beat at your smile.
· When he returned, he saw you playing with Areum. He never saw Areum so happy and never had he seen someone as beautiful and as kind and caring as you.
· He would ask you to come over often for his sister, but that was just an excuse to see you.
· You both became best friends right away.
· Hoseok would make you happy like no one else could. And when he finally asked you to be his girlfriend, you couldn’t help but do you your happy dance after saying yes.
What would he be like~
· His comfort was your favourite thing. It was like you hadn’t been happy at all before you met him.
· He would never fail to remind you just how beautiful you were.
· At evening, he would come over and you would spend half of the time dancing to girl groups.
· Forehead kisses and piggy back rides are a must.
· No matter how bad your day was, he made you feel better; best actually. So you always looked forward to seeing him.
Fights :(
· You think it’s possible ?
·  Even if you come back stressed from work, he makes sure you don’t get angry. And whenever he is stressed, you spend time with him and the rest of the day is better for him.
· You could consider this an argument :
“You are the sun y/n~”
“Yah! We talked about this yesterday, you are the sun. Not me!”
“ Oh come on!”
The first ILY~
· You would say it at the same time actually.
· It was when you both were walking in the park together.
· The ‘I love you’ were said at the same time and you both couldn’t stop laughing.
· He then placed a soft kiss on your nose and said “ I want to be with you for the rest of my life.”
(Maknae line will be out on 30th December!)
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 4 years
BNHA College Au - Aizawa
Major: Psychology
Minor: History
Sports: Nope
Clubs: Nope x2
So shouta fully intends to become a teacher, he’s had a rough upbringing and cause of that he wants to help kids in any way he can
This is one of the reasons he chose to major in psych, other than the topic being very interesting he wants to have a good understanding on psychology so that he can be as helpful as possible
He’s planning on becoming a high school teacher cause he feels like that’s the age group he would work best with and also he could help the most there
He works at a local high school too as a tutor, decided he might as well get some experience in and tutors students (mostly first years) on whatever he can help with, he’ll go there on days he doesn’t have any classes
He’s honestly just minoring in history because it’s always interested him, he finds learning how everything has developed over time into today interesting
Him and nemuri definitely have nerdy conversations about history, even though she’s more interested in the art aspect of it, they still talk about it all the time while hizashi and oboro are usually just stuck there listening to them ramble
Anyways, back to him working at a high school, you also work there
You’ve obviously seen shouta multiple times and knew he was from your college, but you didn’t really bother trying to talk to him at first because you just needed to focus on your job
However, one day when shouta was helping a kid on his math homework, they came upon a problem that neither of them knew how to solve, and seeing you in the room the kid called you over to ask if you could help
Cue lowkey blushy shouta because you instantly ran right over and tried helping the kid with a smile, and you had this cute concentrated look on your face as you read over the problem a couple times
Eventually the problem was solved, and the kid had to go leaving you and shouta alone
You didn’t want to be rude and just walk away, and there was no one else needing your help right now so you sat down next to him and started talking to him
It was kinda awkward, you were very much carrying this conversation
“You go to UA right? What’s your major?” its a simple question that has the poor man almost panicking, but he muttered out a “Psychology.”
He’s got the kind of voice that makes him sound like he’s just not interested, but you can tell from the look on his face that he’s flustered, but it doesn’t seem like he wants you to leave
So you keep talking, mainly about your majors and career paths, but you don’t mind - it’s fun talking to the shy boy
Eventually it’s time to leave though, and you have plans elsewhere, so you go your separate ways
But now when you two are working at the same times, neither of you are so hesitant to talk to each other, and any time you have a break you spend it chatting about anything and everything
Of course, being the best friend that he is, hizashi found out about ‘the cute person at work’ that shouta’s been talking to (since after a couple days you finally exchanged numbers and suddenly your conversations weren’t limited to only being at work)
Hizashi is practically begging shouta to ask you out, literally on his hands and knees like “shOUTA PLEASSE YOU GOTTA DO IT!!!! JUST ONE DATE!!” he just wants his friend to be happy and not limited to only hanging out with him oboro and nemuri
But shouta’s too scared to, no matter how cute and nice you are he’s too worried that you’ll say no and he doesn’t wanna ruin the friendship you two have formed
So what does hizashi do? He asks you out for shouta (which almost gets him strangled when shouta finds out)
He took shouta’s phone while he went to shower, and of course he knows the password, so he just opened it up and texted you “hey, can I take you out for coffee tomorrow?”
He gets so excited when you say yes lmao and gives you all the details, then shouta walks back in and is like “the fuck are you doing?” and hizashi gets this huge grin on his face and responds “I got you a date~”
Hizashi barely even saw shouta move before suddenly the phone was ripped out of his hands so that shouta could frantically look to see just what his friend did, and the glare he sends hizashi has him almost regretting everything
Shouta debates telling you his friend sent those texts, but he sees how excitedly you said yes and decides he might as well see how this goes
He wakes up so early the next day lol he’s nervous, and he spends a good hour fixing his appearance, like he considers shaving and putting his hair up but he doesn’t want to look like he’s trying too hard at the same time, so he eventually decides on just wearing nice black jeans and a black long sleeve - going “it’s not even an actual date, it’s just coffee, it’s not that serious”
A couple hours later, shouta’s waiting in the cafe, sitting at a little table waiting for you since he got there a little early. He’s just texting hizashi, who’s offering shouta a bunch of encouragement since he knows he’s nervous, and eventually you walked in, immediately spotting shouta in the corner and going over to him
He’s so cute he sees that you dressed nicely for this too and he tries to be cool when he goes “you look nice” but the blush on his face betrays him, not that you mind, and the blush deepens when you compliment him back
He buys you your coffee, and you sit in your little corner of the cafe - just talking. Even though you guys basically do this all the time at work, now it feels more personal, and it has you both talking about your lives more. Nothing too specific, just funny stories and about your interests other than work or school related things
Once youre both done with your coffee, or when you both notice that you’ve finished it since you were so deep in conversation, he offers to walk you back to your dorm - he doesn’t want to keep you for too long
You let him, but once you get to your dorm, you tell him “I had fun, I hope we can do it again sometime” to which he can’t help but get excited for - you wanna go out with him again! Yay!
After that, it was a bit easier for him to ask you on dates, and you still saw each other at work constantly, and so you guys grew even closer pretty quick
You went on maybe 4 or 5 more casual dates before finally, after work one day, he gathered up all his courage and asked you out officially
“Hey, y/n, would you - would you go out with me? For real?” 
Baby looks so hopeful behind that generic bored stare of his, and of course youre ecstatic! You’ve had a small crush on him basically since day one, and now he’s actually asking you out! So of course you agreed, letting out an excited “of course I will!”
Okay so his friends adore you, they love seeing shouta so happy with you
You two just sit around in your dorms cuddling whenever youre not busy, hizashi acts like it’s gross, your roommate probably does too - but no one can deny how cute you are together
Even the high schoolers you tutor, of course they eventually got wind that you two were dating and they all ship it like crazy
Most of your dates consist of small things, like going back to that cafe, or taking a late night walk in the park, he doesn’t like doing anything too grand
Its fun watching as his beard grows out during finals, he’s too busy studying to shave and youre trying to kiss him but he’s all itchy, and he’s just like “Kitten, I’m sorry I promise I’ll shave later” every single day until he finally does, but then again if you like his beard youre probably thriving during this period 
During one of those late night walk dates, you guys came upon a small black cat under one of the benches. You barely even saw it with how dark it was, but you saw the glint of its eyes and went to investigate and saw a little kitten
He didn’t have a collar, and you didn’t see what could have looked like a momma cat or anything around, and you didn’t want to just leave the poor thing out there in the cold. So what did you and shouta’s dumb asses do? You adopted it. 
Even though cats aren’t allowed in dorms
But that wasn’t about to stop you guys - and you figured it would be better to keep the cat in shouta’s dorm because everyone was already used to hizashi being loud so you could excuse any meowing
Hizashi going “what the fuck guys, you’ve been dating for 4 months and you already have a kid? Smh my head” but he’s also a supportive uncle lmao he loves the kitten too
Oboro loves taking polaroids of you two and now you both have tons of photos of each other/you together in your rooms and its really cute - and also polaroids of your son too of course he’s part of the family
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