#what i eat in a day vegan healthy
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jcbbby · 1 year
my job got us life alive for lunch for helping out with the reunion stuff today 🤩
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mummmiya · 2 years
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Gluten-Free Beet Hummus and Avocado Toast.
Avocado and Shortcut Beet Hummus Toast is a wholesome force to be reckoned with. Have breakfast to ride out your morning, or whenever you really want a lift. Effectively made without gluten, as well! Isn't making your own hummus the very best thing of all time?? It tastes similarly as great as locally acquired (while possibly worse), it's really easy to make and you understand what's in it. The expansion of cooked beets into standard hummus develops an astonishing delicate taste and flavor. Other than its flavor and wonderful, dynamic tone, beets contain an assortment of astonishing supplements for your body!
full recipes: https://youtu.be/neyepxbN4WQ
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melanieph321 · 2 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Shame on You Part 2/2
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Part 1
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Request - Hi, can you do one where the reader has a ta and ruben makes an unintentional comment about her body and she gets neurotic and stops eating and he notices?
It began with a reduction of sugar in your current diet, meaning that you weren't adding anything to your coffee in the morning nor sprinkling it over your daily bowl of freshly picked berries. However,  your diet quickly evolved when you became a vegan, cutting off animal products altogether.
In Ruben's eyes, you were making healthy lifestyle choices, and you lived for the praise he gave you in the form of love and affection. You see, Ruben enjoyed morning sex before heading out for the day. It was very exciting at first, taking your relationship to a whole nother level intimately. However, at one point, it also became very exhausting for you. With your new diet, you simply didn't have the energy for sex, at least not every day like Ruben. One morning, he seemed to notice your lack of performance, leaving you very embarrassed when he asked you about it.
"Are you sure you're good?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
Ruben had been laying on top of you, but rolled to his side as if to give you space.
"Y/N. I don't know how to put it to you but it seems to me like you weren't enjoying yourself."
"Well maybe we can try another position?" Your voice sounded less confident than you wanted it to be.
"Y/N." Ruben smiled, reaching out to stroke the bottom of your lip with his thumb. "I don't think another position is gonna help if you're not feeling comfortable to begin with."
"Or maybe you just don't want me anymore?"
"What, no. Y/N, that's not what I...."
You got out of bed, desperately looking for something to cover yourself with. Ruben's shirt lay on the floor, you bent down to pick it up but was startled by Ruben who appeared before you in the nude, searching your face as if you had just been wacked in the face by a golf club.
"What's the matter?" He asked.
Your eyes darted at your feet. "Nothing I...."
"Y/N." He grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to meet his eyes. "Please, you can tell me. You have to tell me."
You shook your head and batted away the tears. "I..."
"I don't know, okay."
You looked up. Ruben didn't appear the slightest convinced.
"You don't want to tell me?"
"It's not that, I just can't."
"Why?" Ruben sat down, dragging you to the edge of the bed for you to stand in between his legs. His hands went to stroke the length of your body, growing goosebumps on your naked skin.
"Ruben I'm..."
He was taller than you, even when he was sitting down, your faces were at level. The way his was looking at you, at your body. Ruben was looking at you as if it didn't matter.
"Y/N, please tell me what's wrong?"
You sighed, stepping forwards, your head tilting forwards until it knocked against Ruben's. "I want cake."
"And cookies. Ice cream too."
Ruben chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as he did. "Okay. Is it that time of the month or...?"
You pulled back, eyebrows furrowed.
You shook your head. "No. I'm just..."
You sighed. "I'm just fat, okay. Fat and hungry. So fucking hungry. And I don't want a salad, I want real food. Meat, and possibly a sponge cake for dessert.
Ruben looked puzzled.
"I know how you feel about me having dessert, but perhaps that's your problem not mine."
Ruben sat quiet, your rant having come to an end. He was still looking at you in the same way he had done minutes ago. With admiration and lust. Perhaps it wasn't the best to give it to him straight with your nipples in his face. However, Ruben had solemnly kept his eyes on you and only you, ignoring your titts.
"So you want dessert?" He said.
You bit your lip and nodded. "A cake."
"Anything else?"
"Yes. I want a steak from breakfast."
"Is that so?"
"Mhm. With baked potatoes, just the way your mom made them the last time she came to visit."
There was a dip in Ruben's left cheek. His arms pulled you close, pressing your body against his, his face now buried between your breast. "Is that all?"
"Yes." You nodded. "What are you having for breakfast?"
He smiled, but tilted down to kiss the center of your stomach, tracing them downwards until your back bent over his forearms.
"Ruben." You giggled. "I'm serious. What are you having for breakfast, I'll make you anything."
"Anything?" He looked up, eyes drunk and dazed.
"Yes. What do you want?" You were slightly afraid to hear his answer.
"If I can have anything, then I want you for breakfast."
He said this and returned to serande your belly with kisses, awakening every nerve in your body.
"Ruben, you can't..."
Oh but he could. With one swift movement he had you on the bed again, your legs spread before him. He bent down to kiss your inner thigh with the most gentle of touches. It was short lived however, with Ruben tracing his kisses towards your center. Your fingertips traced the rough tips of his hair, and when he licked you your back arched with the pleasure that shot threw your spine.
"Fuck." You sighed.
"You taste wonderful." He murmured.
You smiled. "Better than cake?"
"Better than any dessert. You taste so sweet, sweeter than sugar."
"Hmm, Ruben Dias treating himself to something sweet, I see."
He raised his head, a dent between his brows. "Yes, and?"
You chuckled. "Well, shame on you."
Part 1
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tr0ubledberry · 1 year
Hi friends. I’m 21F and have been struggling with my body image since 2009 which led me to develop anorexia around 2014. I’ve been struggling ever since and have tried every trick and diet out there but have finally settled on my own so I thought I’d share it. First of all, recovery is a lie. There was a point in my life where I fully recovered but made me fat… it was nice not to worry about calories and all that but the pros outweigh the cons of an ED if done correctly. So think of your ED as a lifelong friend. In order to have an ED successfully for a long period of time you must go about it healthily. I know this is somewhat contradictory. I’m gonna include just some general tips, advice, and food alternatives. In a separate post I’ll be listing my favorite low kcal recipes so stay tuned.
•Drink water before, during, and after meals. This is absolutely crucial.
•During this period it’s important to spend extra time and effort on maintaining your vaginal health, immune system, fertility, and skincare !! Really important not to neglect these things especially vaginal care >.<
•Calories matter but make sure to eat nutritious foods. Must have a good judgment on when to splurge on kcals or when to go for an alternative. For ex: splurging on healthy foods that are a lot of kcals vs unhealthy processed foods that are low kcal.
•It’s good to strive for 1200 kcals or less. If it’s a cheat day or you’re feeling lenient then aim for around 1600 kcals. Never ever go over 2000 kcals.
•if you’re a foodie like me then you *have* to find creative and unique ways to curb your cravings. Otherwise your mental health will plummet. If you’re not satisfied then you’re either gonna keep eating or be miserable
•Remember your brain needs at least 330 kcals to function properly so if you’re feeling slow or disoriented then definitely have a snack or meal.
•Best drinks to have are water, sparkling water, tea, and coffee.
•If you eat over your calorie limit don’t fret, it’s not the end of the world. Just either work out or purge. Keep purging to a limit and don’t do it more than once a day. Ideally less purging is better so keep it for emergencies.
•Using apps such as my fitness pal are great for seeing what nutrients you’re deficient in or going overboard in. However I’ve found I lose more weight when I’m not using the app because I’m thinking about food less. However everybody is different and I would recommend at least checking out the application if you haven’t already.
•Vitamins are your bestie too!! I take a couple supplements to make sure I’m getting the vitamins I need for longevity.
•Cut down on silly calories like sauces and drinks by using alternatives. Also you can pretty much find a low kcal version of anything these days if you look hard enough.
•If you love flavor then these simple things will help like ~ seasoning, low kcal hot sauce such as Tabasco or sriracha, soy sauce, etc.
•Juice or sugary drinks ~ low sugar Gatorade, fruit flavored teas iced with extra tea bags to give it extra flavor
•Soda ~ flavored sparkling water with powder or liquid drink mix such as crystal light strawberry lemonade drink mix
•Starbucks ~ just making my own mixed coffee drinks and sweet tea drinks saves so many calories
•Dessert ~ Gerber biscuits arrowroot (taste like shortbread), Gerber lil biscuits, cottage cheese, chocolate covered fruit or nuts
•Chips ~ Gerber’s Lil Crunchies Mild Chedder (basically cheese/ cheeto puffs), quest chips, or half a serving size of normal chips
•Ice cream ~ strawberry halo top
•Chocolate ~ alter eco or dark chocolate coconut fudge
•Mayo ~ miracle whip or vegan mayo
•Rice ~ cauliflower or broccoli rice
•Pasta ~ Chickpea pasta
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one-half-guy · 1 year
A bunch of headcanons of Sonic characters regarding cooking, eating habits and etc because I felt like that.
Knuckles' sense of smell is so keen that he can tell you what seasonings you used in the food.
And he learned the smell of every seasoning Amy ever used, that because he frequently helps Amy to cook.
Sonic will eat ANYTHING you offer to him, of course if you give him the right of choice he will straight up say "chilidogs", but if you throw a suggestion of any different dish he'll be the first one to agree.
Tails is far the kid with the worst eating habits among Sonic's friends, he inherited his bro's habit of eating junk food only while: Vector is always making the possible to Charmy follow a healthy diet; Cream was from a toddler encouraged into the most healthy vegetarian diet in the world; and Blaze works hard along the Coconut Crew to correct Marine's eating habits.
Cream's eating habits are so exemplary that Amy sometimes asks advices to diets without even ask Vanilla first, it because most surely mother and daughter will say the same thing.
Eventually Cream will start a full vegan diet, she stays as vegetarian mainly because of ice cream.
Espio will sometimes tries to annoy Amy showing off recipes of books he speedread in the previous day... Although everyone will always agree the pink hedgehog cooks and bakes a way better.
Vector asks G-merl of cooking lessons to try impress Vanilla, he doesn't asks Espio because the chameleon would mock him forever, he also doesn't ask to Amy because he fears she would accidentally reveal.
Shadow mostly prefers to make his food himself because he doesn't like of the way everyone else does and wants to avoid stress... Rouge would complain if he didn't do the dishes.
In a Dadow scenario, Shadow puts a lot of effort in search about healthy diets to make food to Silver and any other child he adopted, he wants his non-alien hybrid kids have the best healthy eating habits possible.
Silver can eat anything, no matter how gross it is, he can eat! Insects? He can! Flowers? Why not? Wood chips? Yep! Dog food? Don't doubt! Onyx City blandest "nutritive" bars? You can bet! Even a Silver who grew up in a decent world retains this ability and is not afraid of return to those methods of survival if needed and Shadow is hating it.
Buuuuut, Silver is always willing to get better in cooking and Shadow's strict methods won't scary him out because he will put as much effort as Shadow in make the most delicious food possible for his friends.
Gold loves coffee and she loves it more when it's sugary, the more sugar is better for her.
Eclipse never tried anything but the Black Arms' fruits, so he gets surprised in learn Mobius' fruits can match their taste.
In the end he's an alien addicted in apples, he's also impressed in how a full sized apple can sprout even in bonsai sometimes, it makes him love this fruit more.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Simple Tips For Healthy Eating & Exercising Habits
As someone who lost 30-40 pounds and has kept it off for over a decade, here are some practical ways to eat better and move more that still allow you to have a life and enjoy your food & workouts.
Tips for Healthy Eating Habits:
Adopt a healthier lifestyle out of self-love and improvement, not self-punishment or hatred
Shift into an abundance mindset: What foods and types of movement can you use to add/enrich your life? Focusing on what you're cutting out will only backfire
Prioritize produce: Find fruits and vegetables you love (a decent variety, around 5-10 options, is a good start)
Focus your meals on plant foods: While you don't need to cut 100% of animal foods out of your diet, making at least half of your plate fruits, vegetables, potatoes, or beans will help fill you up and support your vitamin requirements
Research & experiment until you find a rotation of healthy meals you love: Make your healthy eating routine as mindless and straightforward as possible. Once you find a handful of healthful breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options you enjoy, it becomes infinitely easier and more enjoyable to stick to a healthier lifestyle
Cook 80-90% of your meals at home. Know what's in your food. Control the amount of any added oil or sweetener you incorporate into any dish
Decide on at least 2 sweet and 2 savory healthy snack options you can always have on hand to support hunger or a craving throughout the day (mine are fruit bowls, a small bowl of oatmeal [with or without a few almonds], plain popcorn, carrots & hummus, and frozen edamame)
Have fun tea, coffee, and water options available: Always eat if you're truly hungry. But, for the times you're bored or stressed, having a vanilla or cinnamon tea, a cup of cold brew, or a lemon/fruit-infused water can satisfy your desire for some palette simulation
Be mindful of potential vitamin deficiencies: Your hair, skin, digestion, mental health, and energy can easily be on the rocks due to a vitamin deficiency. Get your levels checked to every year or two to ensure you're in optimal health. As a vegan who lives in a seasonal climate, I take B12 and vitamin D daily to keep up with these nutrient requirements
Allow yourself a weekly indulgence and splurge on special occasions. Prioritizing your health, not deprivation, is essential to make your life high-quality and worth living
Tips to Make Exercise More Effortless & Enjoyable:
Create 2-3, 60-120 minute (1-2 hour) playlists with different upbeat, EDM, or dance party vibes: Use these playlists to set the tone for a long walk or a gym workout
Keep a "Workout Bank" on your Youtube favorites list: Curate a handful of 10-30 minute pilates, strength training, or dance sculpting classes to always have an option available
Block your workout or walk into your schedule: Make a meeting on your calendar, set a reminder or an alarm with an upbeat song on your phone. Make a movement date, and prioritize yourself. It's for your health – your most priceless asset
Book a workout class with a friend. If you want to go solo, book it a week in advance, and tell at least 2 other people about your plans. Describe the workout class you're taking in as much detail as you can. Pique the other person's interest to incline them to ask you how it was after the class. This social pressure can make you feel more accountable to follow through with your workout in the end.
Dance around your room for 10-30 minutes in the morning before work, after work before dinner, or as a nightcap. Any movement counts
Practice moderation: Don't try to work out every day. Maybe you can get some steps in or have a solo dance party, but don't try to overdo it and stress out your body. This practice will only lead to quick burnout and no long-term motivation. Sustainable routines win the race
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she-is-ovarit · 8 months
You need to consume unsaturated fats or you'll feel slow, fatigued, and never want to do anything.
You have to learn the healthy fats and eat the healthy fats if you're committed to being vegetarian or vegan. Or you will be tired forever, and not the type of tired where you can push through it, but the type of tired where you feel like you have to stay in bed all day and your heart feels like it's being sucked through a straw.
Fatty acids are what lipids in our bodies are made mostly up of. Fatty acids are responsible for energy storage, brain development, blood clotting, and controlling inflammation. They are necessary for your body to be able to absorb vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, and K. They are necessary for your body to produce sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Not having enough of these fats can cause muscle pain, night blindness, infertility, easy bruising, dry hair, hair loss, loose teeth, depression and anxiety, and dermatitis (presenting as dry and scaly rashes).
You need unsaturated fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are good fats. Saturated fats and trans fats are bad, these are what raise your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Diets high in saturated fats might also lead to chronic pain.
35% of your caloric intake should be fats. This can be added to the list on why the diet industry is so cruel. Manufacturers and organizations paired with the pornography and cosmetic industry pushing dieting and beauty norms on women and girls for decades impressed the seriously dangerous and false idea that consuming fats was bad. Denying healthy fats means denying healthy brain development, energy and motivation, better ability to heal from injuries, and preventing depression and anxiety.
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Balsamic and olive oil together (and you can add some minced garlic if you like) tastes fantastic with warm bread and can be made in 12 minutes.
Cooking with the oils above instead of butter can also introduce fatty acids in your diet (might not be enough though, you need 1-2 tablespoons a day).
Sometimes if I'm in a hurry I just eat a plain avocado a day.
You can sprinkle chia seeds on yogurt. Add flax seed to smoothies.
Just eat 1/4th of pumpkin seeds too (which are also super high in magnesium). That's basically a handful a day, make it part of your morning routine.
Almonds, walnuts, and pecans are also high in good fats.
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fang-toothed · 10 months
You know one thing I’m really fucking tired of? I’m tired of modals and celebs claiming to be “healthy” and “naturally skinny” when they are so fucking obviously underweight. It makes girls and boys alike think an underweight female body is the norm and is healthy, holds up beauty standards, and convinces girls that they too can reach that BMI by eating “healthy” and some other bullshit and if they can’t, then they’re the problem.
I have (and still am, to some degree) struggled with an eating disorder since my junior year of high school, where I got to the point of being anorexic. Thankfully, I at least started to become unable to restrict that heavily, though I still had a toxic mindset and some bulimic tendencies. I’ve been doing pretty well in the last 8 months or so, but unfortunately, I’m dealing with what seems to be chronic GI issues (still trying to get a diagnosis to figure out what’s going on) and have involuntarily lost a little over 8% of my body weight in the last 6 months. That really doesn’t sound like much, but when you’re already at a fairly low, but still healthy BMI, that can push you into being slightly underweight, as I have unwillingly experienced.
I don’t have pictures of my anorexic days, and I was having depression treatment that wiped out a lot of my memory at the time, so I didn’t have a great grasp of what my body would look like when I crossed the border from healthy to underweight. And I was mindblown from how “normal” my body seemed to be when I knew definitively that I was underweight.
It’s true you can’t get an exact measure of someone’s weight from a picture, but as someone who’s currently slightly underweight, I can at least tell now when someone’s either underweight or healthy weight. And not to target her in particular, but Ariana Grande is DEFINITELY underweight by a good margin. I doubt she’s even in the yellow zone of underweight at 17.5 to 18.4 BMI, where she’d at least be out of the danger zone. She has her collar bones and ribcage jutting out, a head that looks huge on her tiny body, and sticks for arms and legs. It is impossible to be healthy with that little weight and body fat. Here’s a recent picture of her below:
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I have to admit, it was Grande’s recent “oh I’m just eating healthy and vegan and you can’t know if I’m healthy or not” video blog that sparked this post. But she’s far from the only celeb to post this bullshit. And I’m just fucking exhausted of it all. Being significantly underweight is NEVER healthy, with the possible exemption of being a specific type of athlete and/or just hitting a growth spurt. But if you’re 99.9 percent of adults, you do not fall in either category.
I just want this toxic standard of women’s weight to be preferably underweight while pretending it’s totally fine and good to end.
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horsesarecreatures · 6 months
Hey, uhm, about that „horse riding is harmful – but they need exercise!“ thread: what is never talked about in these discussions (this is my impression) is how priviliged it is that we can even abstain from using horses for transportation and farming.
And while our lifes have become much more comfortable since machines have replaced horses in these fields, I would argue that this shift has been very bad for nature as a whole. Even if someone does not believe in climate change, they could still see how it was bad that we built (and are building) asphalt streets and railroad tracks through wildlife habitats. And big machinery driving over soil compresses the earth unnecessarily, which makes it more difficult for plants to regrow. This would not be a problem if we still used horses.
I’m also wondering what people who are against horse owning would say to people who live in circumstances where they are still dependent on their animals. People who maybe live somewhere were the infrastructure needed in order to be able to use fossil fueled vehicles is not yet present. Or people who are just poor. Should they also stop riding and driving horses?
All of that being said, let’s imagine the consequences of gradually stopping all horse ownership. All horses currently living with humans as pets will stay with their owners and be cared for until they die, procreation will be prevented. (The alternative would of course be to release them into the wild, but deciding on WHERE to do so is very difficult and let’s just not do that in this scenario, as to not disturb already established ecosystems). Horse breeds which have been living with humans for the past thousands of years will go extinct. All the knowledge about how to feed horses, about horse behaviour and how to interact with them and about how to safely train them to be driven and ridden in a sustainable way will only exist in books within a hundred years. We are talking about skills that, at the end of the day, are more efficiently learned if there are teachers whom actually are practicing the craft. Humanity as a whole lives a bit more removed from nature – although, that is just how I see it.
I hope it’s okay for me to unload my thoughts on this onto you – I’m too shy to write under the post directly, but I really want to get this out of my head.
I live in germany by the way and I own a little pony mare. I don’t actually know her breed, it must have not been documented when she was born. She probably is a german riding pony with a healthy dose of arabian blood in her. I’ve riden and worked with horses for 14 years now and owned my mare for 5. I bought her when she was 11 years old and noone had really cared for her for two years. She spend that time on a pasture with other horses and was slightly malnourished and apathetic then. These days her fur is sparkling and her muscles have developed nicely and she expresses more happiness overall.
Hey, I don't know about the original poster as I don't follow them, but @acti-veg actually addresses your first point quite frequently. There are many people who cannot afford to not eat meat, abstain from medications that have been tested on animals, use horses for farming or transportation, etc. But the definition of veganism is, "a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.” If a person cannot avoid some form of animal exploitation because of their health or inability to make an alternative living, this does not preclude them from being a vegan as long as they do their best to limit their reliance on animals in other areas.
I agree that industrialization has led to many advancements in society at the detriment of nature and biodiversity. But I would also point out that if people switched back to horses today, at our current population, that would also not be sustainable. There is not enough land to keep them properly without adding more to deforestation, and plowing with horses is less precise and worse for the soil than some up and coming alternatives, like laser weeding and using robotic seed planting, which can eliminate the need to plowing entirely.
You are right that if people stopped breeding horses many breeds would go extinct and knowledge in how to care for them would be lost. This is a downside that has to be balanced against the upsides, like no more halter horse monstrosities, no more horses being dumped & shipped to slaughter, and the potential for farmland to be re-wilded which would increase biodiversity.
It's totally ok to share your thoughts here, and your pony sounds super cute!
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marimayscarlett · 22 days
"Waaaaahh Richard smokes it's unhealthy waaaahh" okay people, you know what else is unhealthy? Literally everything. The air is polluted, our bodies are full of micro plastics, our food is processed to the point of being unrecognisable as separate ingredients, and we're all dying a humiliating death under capitalism. Let the man smoke if he wants, jfc. At no point is he encouraging others to do the same. He's 56, he looks absolutely gorgeous and so comfortable in his body which is SO IMPORTANT and we should be celebrating that!!!
Hi 👋🏻
While these examples of course lean a bit more into the extreme side of things (don't open that door, otherwise we all could just lay down and wait for the end 👀), I very well understand your sentiment in regards to Richard. As I said earlier today, he is an adult man, responsible for himself and capable of looking after him in whatever way he pleases.
I think it's very important not to fall into a one sided parasocial relationship with our favourite celebrities - behaving like they're a beloved partner/family member/friend who are in need of our care and advice, because that's just not realistic. Of course we can worry a bit about our favourites or be happy when they're in good spirits, but that's about it, everything further than this can become a tad unhealthy.
At the end of the day, it's none of our business how our favourites live/eat/spend their day/what they like to consume, it does not affect us in our daily life. Some people would like their favourites to eat super healthy, do sports, lose weight, donate to charity, be vegetarian/vegan, what have you...but celebrities are just people like you and me with their own decisions. We as fans are not puppeteers.
Apart from that, look how happy and playful Richard seems to be here! That's currently the most important thing for me in regards to the whole topic:
📽️ by paul_0701_
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deathclassic · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday Thursday - The Self Care Edition 🤗
thank you kat @mybrainismelted nosho @creepkinginc evie @energievie jess @jrooc kaka @stocious @guinguin1984 julia @juliakayyy for tagging me, i really appreciate it
Name: Molly
Age: 25
What kind of day is it? Extremely hot, smells like smoke and fire, lots of thunder and lighting and rain now
When was the last time you ate? I had vegan bacon and eggs
About how many hours of sleep did you get? 4 :/ it was too hot last night
Name one thing you could do to make your day better right now: Sleep lol or actually finish a drawing
Why are you not doing that thing? Because its 6:30pm and everything i draw doesn't look right
What are you going to do tonight to relax? Watch criminal minds and play pokemon
What comfort food do you not eat often enough? I eat my comfort food too often, cheese toastie
What's stopping you? I eat too much bread already and bread makes you fat
Have you ever had a professional massage? No, i dont want people touching me
Have you eaten fruits and vegetables today? Yeah i ate some grapes when i walked through the fruit section at work today
How much water have you had today? 2 bottles, maybe 3
Is there a self-care gadget you really want to buy? I think a new laptop will vastly improve everything
What is your favourite healthy snack? i like a sliced apple, or some carrot sticks with hummus
What is your favourite unhealthy snack? chips, i like crunchy things
What is one thing you are going to start doing RIGHT NOW to take better care of yourself? take a shower,
And to close, I want you to say one NICE thing to yourself that you really need to hear right now: You are are allowed to be happy about good things happening in your life.
since this is a self care post im gonna do something that scares me and tag some people. i feel really guilty about not being active much anymore so im tagging some people just to say hello. im really sorry if you've already been tagged and as always please ignore this if you want.
@ian-galagher @skylerwinchester @transmickey @spacerockwriting @darlingian @callivich @vintagelacerosette @mickeyheartian @heymacy @gardenerian @look-i-love-u @michellemisfit @ms-moonlight-inn @thepupperino @doshiart @rayrayor @krysmiss @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos
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acti-veg · 4 months
How do I actually stop eating meat. I have been trying to go full vegan for 6 months and there will be times were o feel so close but the craving will be back and it will get so strong that I cave. I feel terrible after, promise myself it will never happen again but the craving comes back and am juts in a cycle, I feel embarrassed to say but it’s like an addiction and I don’t how to stop. I don’t feel vegans ever talk about this
Cravings are very common, especially in the first few months, and can be caused by anything from lack of sleep to dehydration, stress, nutritional deficiencies etc. Strong cravings however are a good indication that you're not getting something you need, meat is a good source of protein, salt, fat and calories, so make sure you're eating enough of all of those. This is your body looking for something specific, and you can find that something in food products that don't contain animal products.
Explore faux meat options, many of which are so realistic and so nutritionally similar that they'll likely hit the spot. Also try out dishes with tofu, seitan, tempeh etc. which are good, satisating proteins that serve much the same function. Add more to your diet as you take away, otherwise it'll only feel like a loss. You need to develop a range of plant-based dishes you can make and enjoy, I'd focus on that first and foremost.
As for the 'how,' I'd recommend transitioning slowly. You can do this by meal, so you'd get vegan breakfasts nailed, then lunch, then dinner, then snacks etc. Or you could do this based on one product at at time, eliminating the easier ones earlier. Or you could have days where you eat entirely plant-based, and days where you don't, based on what works with your schedule. These will all serve to dampen some of that initial 'shock' and hopefully get you used to what and how much you need to be eating to not crave meat so much.
Some people still get cravings years in, but it's rarely strong ones, and you learn to recognise what it is you actually need and how to manage them. It's a bit like when you crave fatty fried foods after a night of drinking, but you know that all you actually need are healthy fats and plenty of water.
It will get better over time and you'll find your own ways of dealing with it, but beating yourself up over it shouldn't be one of them. Keep trying, if you slip up just move forward, you haven't 'failed' veganism you've just had a moment of weakness. It’s a process, it’s not something many people can decide to do then immediately get it right every time. You're not starting over when you fall short, you just had a bad day but the next day can be better. Stick at it and you will get there.
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princessera24 · 8 months
october goals
these are the goals i am setting for myself for october.
no more eating out
i have been really bad the last two months not buying groceries or prepping meals so i had nothing to fall back on and would go through a fast food place or order take out. usually not even something good or remotely healthy and i really have felt it. my body deserves better than that. it can also be so expensive which doesn't line up with my other goals.
make smart financial decisions
i spend my money on some really stupid things sometimes. I think this one thing will help me out and then buy it but never actually use it. soaps and skin care and make up and things i have so many of them that it's actually ridiculous. my plan is to use everything i have first before allowing myself to get more.
make more environmentally friendly choices
i recently made the decision to go vegan after being vegetarian for 5 years. i did some research and found out a lot of my products i had were not vegan and went and bought vegan things but all my non vegan items are still good. i need to use all of those first before i continue buying more vegan things. i also want to do more research about recycling and find out what options there are in my town.
10,000 steps every day
i have always been out of shape and overweight. i have been making better choices the last couple of years but i am really trying to focus on my fitness. this is a step that i think will really improve my life and something i can easily achieve.
do my skin care every single day
i usually am pretty good with my skin care but i am guilty of skipping every once and a while. I need to really work on being better and taking care of my skin. my appearance is so important to me and i need to maintain healthy happy skin if i want to look my best
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barbara-herself · 2 months
Womanhood in the twenty-first century in a predominantly Western culture has been a confusing experience to me so far. Having grown up in Eastern Europe, I have soaked in the habit of contradictions to my bones.
I know not to speak when not spoken to, but my mother taught me to fight the patriarchy. People around me said that girls don't swear and girls don't smoke and girls don't drink or do drugs, so I did all those things just to prove them wrong. They have said that I should not live with a man I'm not going to marry, so I also did that for a while. My teachers told me that girls shouldn't kiss girls, naturally I did that as well. I was taught I am fragile and emotional, but in my core I always knew I must be strong and better than everyone else to prove them all wrong.
People of my generation on the Internet send the message that I should be skinny or not skinny and healthy and have a journey that I share online with pretty pictures and high-resolution videos. I should be active and go to the gym and also read all these books on mental health and definitely see a therapist, but not that one, and also do yoga and mindfullness meditation and travel to new places and talk to friends and also be a career girlboss. I should be proud of my hairy legs and try microdosing LSD, I must be a vegan because otherwise I want the Earth to burst in epic flames, I must be a saviour to everyone, an empath and a strong voice. I must be all these things, but above all, I must be myself.
Don't get me wrong - I am definitely so happy about the fact that we are getting healthier and are taking better care of ourselves and our planet. I hope that one day we get to wake up to the news of Earth's temperatures not being record high that year and we come up with an energy-efficient way to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and also use ecologically friendly packaging for everything. Nonetheless, finding my voice and understanding what I truly want has been incredibly hard for me in all the background noise.
Sometimes, I just think about how nice it would be if I could just tune it all out. Remove myself quietly from the party - no one will even notice, I'm a nobody, no one invited me here - and just breathe. How nice it would have been not to have a childhood spent on social media, constantly informed of Once in a Lifetime Cataclysms. How great it must be to hear your heart speak to you and then do the things it wants you to.
My heart's been battered and broken and it feels like trucks drove through it quite violently. Its voice is weak and breathy, but persistent. It tells me to create art, however I can, whatever it takes. I have no idea how Do I Do Art realistically without starving or being a burden to everyone around me. I'm not even that good. How do I be all those things I must be + be an artist + earn a living + have a social life and eat homecooked meals?
It's April, and I have shedded my old skin. One day, I'll be wise to know what to do after.
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saltygilmores · 7 months
The Netflix synopses (synopseses? Synposi? Where are you, Jess Mariano? You're my only hope) made this episode seem like it was going to be heavily En-Crusty'd (Christopher focused) but then the lovely @frazzledsoul told me that in this episode Rory takes Christopher to school (metaphorically) and this is also the episode where Jess takes RORY down a peg in a GLORIOUS confrontation at Doose's Market. If there's one thing I love seeing in Gilmore GIrls it's a good peg lowering. In fact, it gives me such immense satisfaction to see Rory in particular get taken down a peg that the three times Dean does it to her are the only times I actually side with Dean. Let the Notch-Taking-Down Party commence. But first....Happy 18th birthday, Jess! You're legal, mister! I am solidly and forever in the Late August/ Early September Birthday Camp (I have my reasons) and we're already there on the show! It's been almost a year since he arrived in Stars Hollow as a 17 year old! I'm gonna make it easy and say it was September 1st.
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Now you can visit the strip club, and buy porn and cigarettes legally! You're a man now! (well, at least you could buy cigarettes at 18 years old 20 years ago. It's 21 now). Episode begins with Emily still being predictably salty about last week's FND, where Lorelai snuck out of the house while her parents were fighting over her breakup with Crusty.
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Don't listen to her. You do can do whatever you want, even while you're on the clock. My little shmushkins. My apple dumpling. My peach tart. My banana muffin. My jelly donut. You're gonna make a bazillion dollars with your books some day and show em all. *pinches his cheeks* Lorelai is coming down with an illness which I shall diagnose as mononucleosis (aka the kissing disease) that she contracted from making out with Dean Forrester.
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Lorelai has no qualms about leaving the house to eat out every single day in a crowded diner and spread her germs all over town, instead of keeping her ass in bed, I guess. She's also incapable of purchasing and opening a can of soup and dumping it in a pot on the stove (or hell, even sticking it in the microwave) so she wakes up each day and chooses to be a Disease Vector. If she wasn't (presumably) still married to Luke in 2020 to cook her meals for her at home I don't know how she survived the pandemic. Luke: You know what helps a cold? A healthy immune system. You know how to get a healthy system? By not eating crap and blowing out your brain cells with coffee. Eat a vegetable now and then or some high fiber cereal. At least eat the carrots in the soup? Three minutes in and he's already Insulting Lorelai (while, uh, also insulting himself at the same time?) Whee, I'm loving this episode already! More Peg-Lowering, please! Several people on this show are going to be HUMBLED and I am HERE for it. But why is Luke always downselling food that he puts on his own menu? I know Lorelai and Rory don't ever pay him anyway, but doesn't he want to attempt to make some money? "My food will make you fat and sick and kill your brain cells. Don't eat it. Go eat somewhere else." Or is it that he's a-okay with poisoning the rest of Stars Hollow with copious amounts of junk food but wants to spare Lorelai and Rory the same fate? One would also suppose he doesn't actually have said vegetables or fiber rich cereal on his menu in the first place (it's a fucking diner) and that would mean Lorelai would have to pour herself her own cereal at home. Perish the thought. Is Luke secretly some kind of California Hipster in denial? Would he be more at home opening some kind of vegan cafe where he serves wheat grass shots and kombucha and avacado toast, you know, all the stuff Milo Ventimiglia eats. (But Milo’s a big junk food junky too, he's a bit of a paradox, that man). What does he feed Jess, by the way? In his first appearance he was planning to stuff his already neglected and malnourished nephew full of Corn Flakes and Pop Tarts.
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Grandpa here is going to live to be 115 probably, but only if you shut up, you're already sending him to an early grave.
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EVERYONE STOP EATING AND TALKING. THE QUEEN HAS ARRIVED! Anyone else think its funny that Lorelai and Rory and Luke are ilke the mayors of Stars Hollow who know everything down to when the mailman's dog farts but nobody knows who Shane is, where she came from, who her family is, when she moved in, where she lives, how she ended up with Jess...ANYTHING? Nobody even seems to know her name? Silence from Miss Patty and Babette? Lane and Dean never informed Rory that Jess was never in school, that he supposedly pulled the fire alarm, stole 500 baseballs, etc etc. again, shouldn't Lane be absolutely losing her mind to spill this piping hot tea that Jess has been hooking up with some mysterious blond skankbag all summer? And Dean too, shouldn't he always be dying to tell Rory anything that would cast Jess in an unfavorable light and make her think less of him? What is with this town where they'll hold an emergency meeting because he drew on a sidewalk with some chalk but when he actually does something worth talking about, nobody wants to narc on him? They fear him, that's what it is. What is Shane's last name by the way? I made up a poll and asked you to decide on her last name and I'm currently awaiting the results, which I will use going forward.
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Jess and Shane continue to give Rory Gilmore a sexual awakening so immense it could knock our fucking solar system out of alignment. That boom you just heard was Jupiter and Saturn crashing into one another from the sheer force of Rory Gilmore's quivering loins.
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Tomatos Sign. I wonder how much money Jessica Kiper was paid to stick her tongue in Milo's mouth and say "Hey" and "Jess". Did she have to audition? I would do the job for free. I would keep screwing up just so the director could yell "Cut" and I could do as many takes as possible. Warner Brothers could own me for the rest of my life just for that opportunity.
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Meow! All she did was say his name, lol. Someone's cranky. You know what would cure that bad mood? A good handjob from Shane (last name soon to be announced). This whole "no strings attached sexual gratification" deal that was seemingly dropped in his lap? Meh, whatever. He'll do it, but he'll be reading the entire time. Meanwhile, this is Dean waiting 5 years for Rory to put out:
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(By the way, Mr. Mariano, don't ever tell a woman to "relax") Jess sighs and leaves in the middle of his shift (Lorelai should be proud), leaving his customers wondering where their pancakes are, to go have sex with Shane somewhere public and indecent, leaving Rory in their horny wake. Perhaps Jess has the intuition that the cold, clammy, looming hand of Celibacy (aka his own hand and a jumbo size bottle of lotion) will soon be upon him so he better seize these opportunities.
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Love it when she says shit like this as if her boyfriend Dean Forrester is some fucking chatterbox (he'll grunt a few words as he's also a typical teenage boy like Jess and she'll go "That's So INTERESTING Dean! Do go on. I love you, little buttered croissant"), and also like she should actually expect Jess to talk around her when he knows she's going to pick on him even worse if he does have something to say.
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Too late. That's hilarious- I forgot that Dean was about to show up just now and prove my point.
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She's still wearing that stupid quarter on a string on her wrist. I will give this show credit for being very consistent with some of the small details like this. Every day for 2+ years straight, Alexis Bledel shows up at Wardrobe and they slap that thing on her wrist. That cup is HUGE.
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Yeah. What? I could teach a comatose goldfish to say "I already ate breakfast." The hell is your point?
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Oh god. It's that episode where Kirk and Lorelai go on a "Date". I do not remember how it goes but I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here and predict that it was sufficiently awkward. Honestly...Lorelai has done MUCH worse before and will continue to do much worse than Kirk. Mommy issues aside, Kirk has more redeeming qualities than Max or Crusty. Like, at least Kirk is ambitious. Lorelai is still only a few months removed from banging Crusty who wouldn't know the meaning of hard work if it bit him in the ass. I hope something bites Crusty in the ass. Like a rabid possum. Kirk...."Let's go out...In two weeks. I heard you have a cold. It takes two weeks for a virus to leave the immune system." He's also smart and would survive the pandemic. "You might be the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Outside of a filthy magazine."
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It's the first day of senior year for Rory and our other Stars Hollow teens.
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It's all downhill for Rory after high school.
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Nobody tell her. L: I cannot go out with Kirk! R: Why not? L: He's Kirk! Poor Neurodivergent Kirk.
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Fixed it.
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i was about to say "What the what! Lorelai is actually pouring her own cereal?" but it's Rory wno's making her own breakfast and Lorelai is just pouring marshmallows into the bowl (who does that? That's not a thing. Here in The United States of America, there are already cereals that come with marshmallows). I mean, at least she's eating at home and "helping". Good for you for helping to feed to your chiild, Lorelai. Even if she's eschewing the (marginally) more healthy Raisin Bran in favor of Rice Krispies. I'm going to add a new feature to the ends of these posts: I call it: Things Googled While Watching GIlmore GIrls. Birthday Party Icons, How Old To Buy CIgarettes in Connecticut, Definition of Proclivities, How Many Words Can A Parrot Learn
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