#which is why i feel confident in saying i love your writing nerd
fstbmp-a · 9 months
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The funniest part is that I don't really like my own writing--
but yeah Moon's writing fucks severely post now
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queenie-official · 17 days
going with ani to the cafè for pumpkin spice latte only for him to be super nervous since we are so cool and he's some random engineering nerd ☝️🤓
‘Fall In Love With Me’
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main masterlist Word count: little over 3k
pairing: modern!Anakin skywalker x fem!reader
a/n: you sending this request in as soon as i mentioned wanting to write fall fics is iconic of you and i love you for it 💋
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“come on y/n, this is the only good thing about college! skipping without any repercussions” Honey continued to beg as you walked across campus.
“that’s easy to say when you're skipping a language class you’re already fluent in” you protest as she clings to your arm, pleading like a child.
“you don’t even care about French class, you just wanna ogle your little crush” she retorts before tugging on your arm as she comes to a stop forcing you to stop with her.
“okay that’s only half true, i like French class” you hardly believe your own lie as it tumbles out of your mouth. judging by Honey’s deadpanned expression she doesn��t believe it either.
“you were complaining just yesterday how the Teacher refuses to speak in any other language than French and you had no clue what was going on.” if only you didn’t vent to her about everything maybe then she wouldn’t be able to call you out on your bullshit.
“you’re gonna make me late” you sigh, slumping forward solemnly. she rolls her eyes not buying the act for a second.
“good, if you’re going to be late then it just makes even more sense for you to skip with me.” you let out a groan, gently pulling your arm out of her hold before starting to walk again. “you could at least talk to the guy if you’re gonna keep going just to look at him.”
“he’s too smart for me, i mean he’s a mechanical engineering major for gods sake” did he tell you that himself? no, you and Honey just did a little snooping through instagram after you got his full name and found out for yourselves.
“i have a friend who dated an engineering major and she told me they are not as smart as they think they are.” right but he was, he had all A’s it was a known fact around campus. Anakin Skywalker the college’s golden boy.
academic wise anyway, he didn’t socialize with anyone. you had guessed it was because he was much too focused on keeping his grades as good as they were, he had to if he wanted to keep his full ride scholarship… was it considered stalking if you got this information on a public platform?
“yea well Anakin’s different Honey” you can feel the look she’s giving you and you hate it. she jogs up in front of you now, forcing you to look her in the eyes.
“fine don’t skip but you have to talk to him, you’ve got the confidence and social skills to charm a snake y/n stop selling yourself short” you both stare at each other, a silent challenge that you always lose.
“alright!” you huff defeated and she cheers, throwing her arms up in victory before doing a celebratory dance.
“have fun talking to the boy of your dreams” she teases before spinning on her heel to walk in the opposite direction as you.
“have fun skipping spanish” you snort and she shouts back a quick ‘i will’ as you continue walking towards the building.
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your professor was the type of teacher to close the door as soon as class began. ’if you want to waste my time by being late, don't bother coming at all’ was the first thing she’d said at the beginning of the semester, it was the only sentence she’d said in english.
which is exactly why you speed walk past her right as she’s starting to head to the door, keeping your head low when you see the annoyed look on her face as you do. internally counting your lucky stars that you somehow managed to make it before she’d closed it.
Anakin was always one of the first people to arrive in class so it was no surprise he was already there when you get to take a proper look at your surroundings. he was sitting in his usual spot; last row, second to last seat from the aisle.
you take a deep breath mustering all the courage you have as you walk down the aisle past your usual spot and straight to one of the empty seats next to him. he stiffens, hands freezing mid type on his laptop before he forces himself to relax and continue like normal.
you spare a glance at his laptop screen, wondering if it was related to the class. maybe you had missed an entrance ticket or something. you’re met with a shit ton of equations that makes you want to do a double take, unable to even process what you’d just seen.
the sound of your professor starting the lesson pulls your attention before you can. not that you could even understand what she said, all of it going in one ear and out the other. still you pretend to listen, wanting to give it a little time before you possibly ruin this man’s whole mood.
you pretty much dissociate, resting your hand on your palm without a thought in your mind. it’s about thirty minutes later when everyone who didn’t already have their laptops open are pulling them out of their bags that you snap out of it, following their lead you take yours out before turning to Anakin.
kind of a perfect way to start a conversation if you think about it. “sorry, but do you know what we’re supposed to be doing?” you tilt your head slightly watching as it takes a second for it to click in his mind that you’re speaking to him.
“we have to go onto canvas and answer the newest discussion post and then we have to comment on two other people’s answers all in French” he says after clearing his throat, his voice a soft rumble that makes your heart flutter.
you smile warmly at him, a whispered “thank you“ rolling off of your tongue before you turn back to your laptop. you’re about to copy and paste the question into google translate when you realize you could use this as another excuse to talk to him. “don’t suppose you’ve got any clue what this is asking us?”
his attention is on you again, eyes flicker over your face with uncertainty before he looks at your screen “comment prépares-tu la journée?” he reads it out loud in an accent that rivals the professors “it’s basically a formal way of asking how you prepare for the day”
you nod thinking of your answer only to remember a second later you’d have to respond in French. you bite your lip fighting back the urge to ask another question, afraid that you may start to annoy him. you tap on the table lightly locked in an internal debate, and right when you’re about to cave and go back to your trusty friend google Anakin speaks up again.
“do you need help forming your answer in French?” you can’t help but laugh as you turn to him, a shy smile growing on your face.
“is it that obvious i’m struggling?” you joke at your own misery and he rubs the back of his neck, nervously chuckling.
”no, no i wouldn’t say that…” he trails off before finishing with “well maybe a little bit” which makes you snort and cover your mouth to make sure you don’t laugh too loudly.
“help would be much appreciated, thank you” he smiles, wiping his palms on his jeans before clearing his throat again.
“it’s no problem i already finished my work anyway, i was working on homework for another class” he says while closing his laptop “i’m Anakin by the way” he extends his hand and you're quick to shake it. his palms are clammy, his grip gentle yet firm.
he was definitely nervous, even more than you were which somehow helped fuel you with more confidence. “y/n, it’s nice to meet you” you greet back, releasing his hand and turning your laptop screen more towards him.
“it’s.. uh nice to meet you too” it’s almost funny how awkward he is, you’d expected the college golden boy to be more.. well suave. it was endearing though, and you wish you’d made the effort to talk to him sooner.
you tell Anakin your normal routine before leaving for the day and he translates it for you, at first you were the one typing it but when he saw you failing to spell out the words correctly he offered to just do that as well.
of course you agreed, sliding your laptop more towards him. he reaches forward immediately retyping what he’d told you, and you get a front row seat to watch his mind work. so casual and effortlessly translating each thing you told him onto the discussion post. you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t attractive.
thanks to Anakin’s help you’re able to get the discussion post done and comment on two other people’s posts in under 10 minutes, leaving you with nothing to do as the professor waits for everyone to finish before continuing the lesson.
“so do you usually finish all your work early and work on homework for other classes?” you ask wanting to spark conversation again before he gets the chance to reopen his laptop.
“yeah, French is kind of my first language- my mom had me speak both French and english growing up” he answers, shifting in his chair nervously. uncomfortable from the attention you were giving him. “so this is sort of.. my easy pass class, i just took it for the credits”
“i wanted this to be my easy class, and then the first day she spoke almost purely in French and i knew i was fucked- it’s a miracle i’m passing” that miracle was your usual seatmate who would always give you the answers.
“not to be rude but uh.. how are you passing?” you can tell he didn’t want to come off too blunt but there wasn’t really another way to put it that wasn’t beating around the bush.
“lots of google translate and help from peers” he laughs at how proudly you say that, and you can’t help but smile enjoying the sound of it.
“right, that makes a lot of sense” you raise your brow at that unable to resist the urge to mess with him.
“a lot of sense is crazy wording” you act offended and he instantly starts to panic, backtracking his statement while attempting to apologize. you can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of you making him freeze when he realizes you weren’t actually upset.
he doesn’t respond even as you apologize, simply shaking his head with a faint smile. he relaxes in his seat, a look on his face like he wanted to tease back but was still unsure.
once you’ve calmed down and chosen to ignore the looks you were getting from the people around you there’s a brief silence until your professor speaks up, calling everyone’s attention. all of the discussion posts must have been turned in as she now continues the lesson.
it’s not until the end of class that you and Anakin speak again, you turning to him as he packs his stuff away. “hey, we should hang out sometime” you suggest, rather bold for someone who was afraid to talk to him a little over an hour ago.
he whips his head towards you, completely caught off guard. “i- i…” he stutters, his brain trying desperately to catch up with the situation.
you wince worried you misread him, maybe you had actually offended him with your joke or perhaps he had no intentions or desire to talk with you after today.
when he sees you physically pull back he forces an answer out of himself in an almost panic. “no! well i mean yeah- i’d like that..” he squeezes his eyes shut cringing inwardly.
“you’re cute” you giggle, and he reddens. eyes snapping open as he tries to catch his breath, you’re too much for him. like taking a sip of coffee that has way too much sugar and cream in it.
“cute?” he repeats practically breathless, he swallows hard. looking down to his bag for a distraction, busying himself with zipping it closed.
“there’s a cafe i like to go to with my friend that we could go to together?” you offer while pulling your phone out of your pocket. readying it for him to put his number in as you sling your bag over your shoulder.
he hesitates for a moment before taking your phone; typing in his name and number, eyes flicking up to you every once in a while like he expected you to change your mind and tell him to stop.
“i’d love too” he finally responds, handing your phone back with his number officially saved into your contacts. you have to hold in a giddy squeal, doing your best to play it cool.
“great it’s a date!” you cheer singsongy, putting your phone back in your pocket. Anakin looks like he may pass out, every time he thinks you can’t surprise him more you do. “i’ll text you the details later tonight”
his mouth opens and closes, every possible response dying on his tongue. you give him the time he needs, brows knitted together in understanding.
he fakes a cough, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “okay, i look forward to it” he says voice cracking slightly which he tries to play off with another fake cough, turning away from you and heading out of the classroom in a hurry.
as soon as he’s out of sight you let out the squeal you’d been holding in, jumping up and down before excitedly running out of the classroom to go find and tell Honey about what happened.
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you wait just outside of campus. rocking on your feet as the cold autumn breeze rushes past you making your nose cold, honestly you were far too happy to care.
i’d been two days since your interaction with Anakin and today was the day you’d both agreed to meet up after classes finished. the wait was agonizing but worth it, especially when you see Anakin heading towards you.
he had on a flannel overtop a gray shirt, hair tussled from the wind. palms sweaty which he tried to keep under control, alternating between wiping them on his jeans and trying to fix his hair.
he hasn’t noticed you yet, mumbling something to himself as he walked. you contemplate whether or not to say something, afraid you may startle him if you do but thankfully he finally looks up from the pavement eyes locking with yours. he stiffens mouth snapping shut before standing tall as he tries to look relaxed.
“y/n hey..” it was awkward for sure and you had to bite back a giggle not wanting to make him second guess himself.
“hey, you ready to go? it’s not too far a walk from here” you point behind you in the opposite direction from which he came. he nods, robotically coming to your side as you begin walking.
there’s a awkward silence between you both, Anakin wanting to talk to you but unsure where to start. “sooo…you like coffee?”
you laugh, unable to hold it back this time with how strained his question came out. “i do, it’s a college student's saving grace don’t you think” you half joke, after all there have been many times coffee has actually saved you from passing out and turning in a late assignment.
he smiles, relaxing with your easy going nature. “oh yeah, coffee the holy grail for all college students” he jokes back for the first time and you beam. “you said you go to this cafe with your friend?”
“yep, me and Honey go all the time. they’ve got the best coffee and baked goods. it’s also the perfect environment to do homework or study” you both round the corner of the sidewalk, walking a little ways down to the crosswalk.
“oh that reminds me i’ve been meaning to ask, what’s your major?” well if he was asking that then he had yet to see your instagram account since it was in your bio. good because you’re pretty sure there’s a photo of you from middle school still up on your page.
“i’m an art history major” his brows raise slightly at that, making you tilt your head curiously. “what’d you think i majored in?” he shrugs unsure what to say.
“i don’t know… maybe psychology” this time your brows raise and he laughs. “you seem like the type” your nose wrinkles unsure how to take that but you ultimately decide to brush it off when it was clear he didn’t mean it in a bad way. “why art history?”
“i wanna become an art teacher, i need a bachelors degree for that to happen and art history seemed like the most interesting.” you both slow to a stop as you arrive at the cafe; Anakin steps in front of you, opening the door and holding it for you.
”thanks” you smile, walking in and heading to the usual table in front of the big storefront window that you and Honey sit at, placing your backpack onto the back of the chair. Anakin follows your lead doing the same with his bag before you both get into line.
thankfully it was short, most students preferred the other cafe directly across the street from campus. “ooo they finally have the fall flavors on the menu” you chirp excitedly upon seeing the newly chalked on pumpkin spice latte on the menu.
“are they any good?” your jaw drops dramatically, turning your head slowly towards him in full theatrics.
“you’ve never had a pumpkin spice latte before!?” he smiles, laughing awkwardly while shaking his head no. “oh we’re gonna fix that right now” you don’t even let him respond before stepping in front of him once the person in front of you leaves the line, ordering two pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider donuts for the both of you.
you don’t let him pay either, brushing him off with a “if i’m the one indoctrinating you into fall culture then it’s only right i pay” he only relents when you add “you can pay next time” a content smile on his face at the prospect there was even going to be a next time.
the cashier hands you a bag with the Donuts as well as two disposable cups with your lattes which you take to the table you saved. animatedly sliding the cup over to him as you pull out the donuts placing them on napkins in front of you both. “come on try it, i bet you’re gonna love it”
“a lot of confidence for someone who doesn’t even know if i like sweets” your face falls not having even thought about that, he laughs instantly making you flush when you realize he was messing with you.
still you smile back, it was about time he got you back. really you were just happy he was even comfortable enough to do it. “alright enough teasing, chop chop Frenchie”
“what am i a dog” he snorts, brows creasing together when he laughs this time. it was hardy and from his chest and gods did it make you warm to have been able to pull that out of him. “okay, okay i’m doing it” he says after you nudge him under the table with your foot.
you wait with anticipation as he brings the cup to his mouth, taking a sip of the warm nutty pumpkin flavored drink. you lean in as he takes his time, one hundred percent keeping a straight face on purpose. “..well?”
he pulls the cup away making a show of smacking his lips together to ‘savor’ the flavor. “Anakin!” you groan and he chuckles, holding his hands up in defense before grabbing the cup again.
“you’re right, it’s delicious” you cheer at the success, and he just watches with a smile. taking another sip of his drink before taking a big bite out of the donut you'd given him. his eyes widening as he tries it. “oh this is a dangerous combination”
“addicting isn’t it?” he nods enthusiastically, practically wolfing down the donut in a few seconds and almost completely chugging the latte. “oh my gosh” you laugh, before taking a sip of your own. “it’s not going anywhere”
“not technically true, you said it yourself these are seasonal items” he says and then chugs the rest of his drink. you may have actually just sent this man on a path of addiction.
“well we’ll just have to make it a tradition to come here every fall then. just for the coffee and donuts” he smiles brightly, more than satisfied with your words.
“is the rest of their menu this good year round?” you nod and he leans back in his chair, fiddling with the napkin his donut had been on. he licks the bottom of his lip in thought, bitting the inside of his cheek to hide his nerves before he finally speaks. “well maybe we should make it a year round tradition”
you lean on your palm, absolutely crushing harder on him with each passing second. “year round dates? kind of sounds like you're asking me out” he practically falls out of his chair, choking on whatever sugar the apple cider donuts had left at the back of his throat.
“i-i…i mean..” he stammers and you start to worry you may accidentally be the death of him. “i’d like that a lot.. you know only if you’re into it too-“ he cuts himself off mumbling a ‘she brought it up of course she is’ to himself which makes you giggle.
“why don’t you ask me?” you wait for his answer, not even trying to give him a break. he’s still barely recovered from your initial tease, cheeks a bright red that he’s trying desperately to push down.
it takes him a moment, before he finally works up the courage to speak again. “would you wanna go out with me?” he’s quiet and you briefly contemplate dragging it out more, just to watch him squirm but the poor boy looked tormented enough so you finally grant him reprieve.
“i’d love to” he smiles, relaxing before laughing at himself and you join in. the two of you lost in a fit of giggles, that’s how it is the rest of the date. the two of you getting to know each other better and tossing jokes around.
the more comfortable Anakin becomes, the less awkward and shy he seems to act. no longer as nervous as he was when you first spoke to him.
the cold weather outside is the perfect contrast to the warm cozy bubble around you both that the cafe helped provide. the beginning of many moments to come.
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a/n: hope this okay!! im so used to writing Anakin as the more confident and collected one so this is a little different for me but it was so fun to write 😋😋
also how do we feel about Honey becoming a reoccurring character in my fics and oneshots? would you guys prefer me putting ‘y/f/n’ instead?
anyway hope you all enjoyed reading 🫶🏼🫶🏼 have a great day huns!! Xx<3
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islandofsages · 9 months
Hey ! Can I ask for the Diasomnia boys reacting to a male!Ignihyde!reader who join the gargoyle club (idk if it's name) ?
Like, the reader is really just interest in the gargoyles, and isn't scare of Malleus (or anyone, really. Man is too tired for being scare.)
Ignore it if you don't want to write it.
Have a good day/night ! And happy new year too.
characters: diasomnia boys x male ignihyde reader
tags: platonic, canon compliant, fluff, imagines + scenario format; mentions of malleus in literally everything, lilia being a dad
warnings: none
author's notes: reader is so idgaf energy i love it. also i just remembered the small font feature exists LMAO do tell me if it's too small, i'll change it back to the original size!! if not, i'll change my previous posts to the smaller font. also you have a good day/night too anon ! and happy new year :D
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Malleus Draconia
Oh? You want to join the Gargoyle Studies Club? You’re being serious? Oh!
Words cannot describe how happy he is about a fellow gargoyle appreciator though his expression doesn’t really show that
And to think you see him as just another dude… such honor was bestowed upon him…!
He’ll excitedly bring you to every gargoyle he’s found on campus and infodump about them - and you’d write them down somewhere if you’re in the mood
Sometimes you’d find new gargoyles and bring him to them and you start to do likewise
Even outside of club activities you two geek out about gargoyles at times which has earned you two the title of nerds
“Have I told you about the time I’ve met talking gargoyles? I never thought I would see such a day…”
Gargoyles aside, he has times where he confides his personal daily life in you and in turn, he’ll ask you what’s it like being in Ignihyde, etc
After being around each other so much, it feels weird when you guys aren’t together - some people would ask where Malleus is whenever you’re on your own, and vice versa
People found it weird how close an Ignihyde student is to someone from a different dorm too and you’re not sure if you should be flattered or not
But in a sense, Malleus really is your other nerdy half.
Sebek Zigvolt
You?????? Join the club where Malleus is president and is the only member of?????????
Well, for one, the fact that you’re unfazed by his constant yelling and therefore probably too tired to be fazed by anything, consequently making you the perfect companion to Malleus because you wouldn’t react inappropriately to Malleus’ conduct
And that you actually are interested in gargoyles. That too. You tell all this to him
He clutches his head with one hand, debating your logic. You don’t know how and why but he accepts your argument
That doesn’t stop him from monitoring you two’s activities from afar but, again, you couldn’t care less. A sixteen year old’s fanatics is just part of the growing process
Outside of club activities, he interrogates you on what you’ve discussed with Malleus and you just tell him the truth: gargoyles
At some point, he gets so engrossed in your infodump about gargoyles his eyes shine with a new light
Of course, he mentions something about Malleus obviously liking something so interesting and befitting of his status - but he also thanks you for enlightening him on the topic and that he’ll go to you for more information if need be
You’ve converted him. You sometimes see him clutching a book about gargoyles around the school. It’s filled with notes sticking out of the pages. And a portion of that sometimes he’ll run to you to confirm about a fact or two
Maybe it’s safe to say you two are kind of friends now.
He doesn’t think too much of it other than being glad that Malleus finally has a fellow gargoyle fan he can geek out with
He’d see you and Malleus chatting it up around campus and he can’t stop the tender smile on his face from making an appearance
Sometimes he himself will try to strike up a conversation with you and gargoyle geek aside, he finds that you’re just a pleasant person to talk to and be around
He admits he’s not too close with any of the folks from Ignihyde aside for the Shroud brothers but you brush him off by saying that nobody is really
He also admires how you don’t really let anything get to you. Again, you shrug it off by half-joking that you’re too tired to be scared by anything at this point
He somewhat empathizes with you on that point, grieving over his narcoleptic tendencies with a heavy sigh
You try your best to cheer him up or if you have experience with such things, you give him advice on how to manage it
You then jest that he can tag along with you and Malleus’ club activities whenever he’s free if he wants. The more, the merrier, right?
He ponders it for a minute and nods. You didn’t think he’d actually accept the offer
“I don’t see a reason to refuse. Sebek and I have accompanied Malleus on his trips before. I’m sure this time around will be more fun with you here.”
And so you all do. You all have a royal time together - and the joy on Silver’s face is especially princely.
Lilia Vanrouge
He sheds (crocodile) tears at the thought of Malleus finally having an additional member in his one-man club more friends
Since you’re chill about it, he is too! As long as you get along with Malleus, everything will be fine and dandy
If anything, he’s a bit impressed by how it takes more than the average amount to gain a reaction out of you 
…and a bit concerned. Are you sure you’re getting enough nutrients? His paternal instincts kick in when you tell him you’re too tired to have a reaction to anything
He knows that Ignihyde students are mostly shut-ins but he still advises you and makes sure you get a balanced diet
It’s like he’s adopted yet another son
“Oh, (Y/N), you really ought to take care of yourself more.”
You grow a bit annoyed at him sometimes but you know his intentions are good so you don’t protest
You do feel very loved though. You didn’t expect this much from just joining a club for a topic you’re genuinely interested in
But you have to admit it is kind of hard to come by people who aren’t intimidated by the Malleus Draconia, even if you don’t see it as anything special
What’s special, though, is the affection Lilia holds for you.
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her-favorite · 13 days
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warnings: suggestive (no smut - i was too lazy), cocky/popular!madison, mads kinda reminds me of jennifer from jennifer’s body in this but cheerleader!mads kinda gives that vibe off to me tbh - this is kinda like filler to me yk?? like idk LMAO this isnt anything special
wc: 2,036 - i feel like i havent written in forever (besides the nessa fic) so im slowly getting back into it </3
a/n: this is actually inspired by my own bot i made lmao - gif creds to @madisonbeersource !! <3 - writing this made me realize that i love the popular x nerd trope where the popular person protects the nerd like omg..
SYNOPSIS: Madison loves when you wear your glasses..
tags!: @mattybsgroupie @chrissv4mp @marvelwomenarehot0 @cuntymilaa @lizzymacdonald06 @lizzymacdonald06 @mseilishmwah @loving1dsworld @emotionalblues @gayasfuc @sourtimesss @mattsdirtylittlehoe @y0urval3ntine @pinksturniolo @blahbel668 @x0x0bunny @watercolorskyy @riversandwinds @chrisbesitos @fratbrochrisgf @obsessionsarenotfortheweak @guysimgay164 @pr3ttyf4wn @ncm9696 @gabri3la-sturns
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By the time the last buzzer went off, you had finished your book.
Football was the least of your worries - if anything, you didn’t care for it. What you did care for was the cheerleaders.. and it was obvious why.
Madison Beer - the most popular girl in school - was your girlfriend. Every night there was a game, you’d accompany the bleachers to watch her perform while incessant yelling and chatter sounded from around you. Despite hating the scenery and the busy place, there wasn’t one thing you wouldn’t do for that girl.
Your eyes squint slightly as you try to find her in the midst of all the other cheerleaders hollering in victory. You sit up slightly once you do, the back of her facing you with her long brown hair sliding down her body. The other students around you cheered and yelled, but the only thing you were focused on was her.
As Madison turns around, the smile on her pink lips widen once she meets your eye. With a wave of her pom-pom, she calls you over. It was faint (especially over the noise of the football team), but you could just barely make out a, “Y/N! C’mere!”
Your eyes widen at the attention, sparing a glance around you to make sure no one was paying attention. Tightening your grip on your book, you quickly dash down the cold bleachers, away from the rowdy crowd. Keeping your gaze on the ground, you make your way closer to your girlfriend.
Madison was the Queen Bee at your school, it was obvious. So, when she had asked you out (which was a shock in itself), you were even more surprised when you figured out how much she loves to flaunt you. Madison knows how much you like to blend into the background, but she doesn’t allow that - she wants everyone to know you’re her girl, no one else’s. Thankfully, with being her girlfriend, none of the jocks had anything to say to either of you. It was difficult expressing yourself, no less with the most popular girl in school. But Madison embraced it, she liked everyone knowing that she had a girlfriend - if anything, it was inspiring.
The wind gets knocked out of you as soon as Madison crashes into you, wrapping her arms tightly around you. She squeals, smiling widely as she practically picks you up. Her pom-pom’s had fallen somewhere along the way, but that was the last thing she was focused on. “We won!” Madison exclaims, squeezing your hips as she looks down at you. Her enthusiasm was contagious as a smile overtakes your lips, a small laugh leaving them.
You nod, humming. “Yeah, you did.” You mumble, pursing your lips. Despite dating Madison for months now, she never failed to make you nervous. Her beauty was striking, of course - but it was more than that. The way she held herself, she was so confident, she knew who she was.. it’s.. hot. And you hated to admit that to yourself because you’ve never been so attracted to someone before, especially another student. When you had realized how deep you were into your feelings for Madison, it was like a wake up call. You’re in love with Madison Beer.. you’re in love with Madison. Beer.
It was often that the team and cheerleaders went out to eat after a win like this. Despite not being apart of either, Madison always dragged you with her. If you were completely honest, you hated it. The football players were all so cocky, you practically drowned in their arrogance. The cheerleaders weren’t too bad, but they tended to treat you like a ghost - though, maybe that was for the better.. it was also a likely probability because Madison liked to show others you were hers.
“How’d I look out there?” Madison smirks, biting her bottom lip as she locks eyes with you. Questions like these are all apart of her game: to tease you. It was easy to fluster you, especially when it was Madison doing so. Her hands squeeze your hips again, her tongue licking over her top teeth. She pulls you close to her, bodies touching as she solely focuses on you. Though, your eyes quickly flit around, embarrassment filling your system as she holds you in front of practically the entire school.
“You.. You looked really good, Mads.” You stammer, looking up at her again. Madison’s smile widens at your response, satisfied with your flustered state. Her hands slide down, grazing the top of your ass over your pants. The action made your eyes widen as your breath hitches. Madison loved PDA, no matter where she was. Of course, she wouldn’t do it had you not been comfortable, but something about the way you get so embarrassed was too cute to her.
“Relax, baby, everyone’s watching the guys.” She says, her words reassuring but her tone teasing. Just to add to it, her hands glide down slightly to squeeze your ass. Eliciting a sharp gasp from you, it results in your body pushing in to hers - not that Madison was complaining. She giggles, dark brown eyes watching you closely as you glance around to make sure no one else was spectating on the two of you. “No one’s looking, princess.” She hums, tilting her head slightly as her hair slides over her shoulder.
“Oh! Since we won,” damn, you were hoping they forgot. “We’re gonna go to the Diner again.” Madison tells you, rocking up on her feet a few times before stopping. It was clear her adrenaline was still high, the need to socialize and have fun at the top of her mind. Besides, when were you ever able to actually say no to her? “Pleeease, it’ll be fun!” Madison whines, dramatically pouting her bottom lip out for effect.
With an eye roll from you, your lips curl up. “Fine.” You mumble, a quiet chuckle leaving your mouth once Madison smiles and cheers. She was at her highest energy like this, but you loved it - there wasn’t a single thing you wouldn’t do to see her happy like this.
“Good!” Madison chirps, her hands having already traveled back up to your hips as she gives them a soft squeeze. “You’ll have me.” She adds on, her voice turning soft as she reassures you. Despite being social and loving her popularity, Madison never overlooked your own worries. She never pushed you, even if she wanted to. As soon as you just look like you want to leave somewhere, she takes your hand and drags you out of the place, not even saying a goodbye to the person that had invited her, too focused on getting her girl out of the stressful situation.
“C’mon, everyone’s leaving already.” Madison says, taking your hand as she darts across the field and towards the parking lot. Some of the jocks walked with their girlfriends (mostly cheerleaders) under their arm, while other cheerleaders walked arm in arm with each other, single football players also moving together. You and Madison walked hand in hand towards the lot, the chatter from the group filling the air. The sun was a little past the beginning of setting as the once warm air started to cool down, a chill breeze blowing past everyone’s skin.
“There you guys are!” One of the players exclaims, a smirk on his face. He looks over at you two, your gaze too embarrassed to meet his eye. “We were startin’ to think you guys ditched us.” The guy teases, chuckling. Some of the other teammates said something in agreement, earning a scoff from your girlfriend.
“Shut up, Brad.” Madison sneers. “At least I have a girlfriend.” She rebuttals, her lips curling up at the playful ‘ooo’s!’ going around from the group. All of it was harmless at the end of the day - if anything, it was amusing. Brad gawks as Madison hums, sending him a teasing wink as she parts from the group and towards her car. “See you guys at the diner!” She calls out as everyone disperses, getting into their own cars.
Madison’s hand never leaves yours as you follow her. “I can drive if you want me to.” You suggest, nibbling at your bottom lip as you await her reply. You knew Madison was high on the energy right now, but you also knew that exhaustion would hit her soon enough.
She glances back at you. “You sure, babygirl?” She hums, fishing her keys from her small bag that she had taken with her before you guys had left the field. With a nod in response, Madison smirks. “Okay.. then, drive us, sweetheart.” She hands you the keys with a small giggle, rounding the car as she hops into the passenger side.
Her words and chuckle make your stomach flip. It was almost pathetic the way she affected you. You were seated in the palm of her hand and she knew it. Joining her, you take your seat in the driver’s side, turning the car on as the engine and radio come to life. Reaching for your glasses case, you snap it open and slide them on. It was getting dark outside, so you knew you’d end up needing them. Backing out, you make your way on to the road as you follow behind Madison’s friends all the way to the diner.
“I love watching you drive.” Madison hums, cutting the silence off. Her words make you blink, before sparing a glance over at her before back at the road ahead of you.
“I - really? Why?” You stammer, confused. Even just the littlest things worked you up, and it was all Madison’s fault. She knew that.
Madison watches you with a smirk, leaning on her side as she completely faces you. “I don’t know.” Liar. “Y’look hot with your glasses on.” She says directly. Madison was a blunt person, but an even blunter girlfriend.
Replying with a stuttered response, your hands subconsciously tighten on the wheel. Swallowing dryly, you can’t stop the way heat flows through your body. Madison had some sort of control over you - no, she had all of the control over you; it’s almost concerning. And it was obvious how much Madison was loving this.
“You getting nervous, babygirl?” She teases, her plump pink lips curled up in her signature smirk. Fuck, it was hot.. it could’ve made you crash the car.
“Mads, you can’t do this right now.” You whine, jaw clenching as you tried to keep your composure. Madison chuckles quietly, licking her lips as she watches you intently. It’s like you knew exactly the reaction she wanted - she knew how to push all of your buttons just right.
“Why not?” She taunts, cocking her head to the side. Her brown eyes watch your every movement, focused on the way you try your best to pay all of your attention to the road ahead of you. She has to bite her bottom lip to hold back a chuckle once you let out a shaky exhale.
“Cause y - ” you cut yourself off with a frustrated sigh. You knew that Madison was aware why, yet you fell into her trap so easily. “Cause you can’t just.. get me all worked up before we go eat with your friends.” You reply, nails digging into the rubber on your steering wheel.
Madison chuckles, rolling her eyes playfully. “We’re already almost there, sugar.” She says, pouting her lips. Her words were a clear invitation and they made your eyes widen as your heartbeat picked up.
“Madison!” You exclaim quietly, your thighs instinctively clenching together. She knew how to rile you up, that was the entire point. The girl smirks, looking you over.
“Come on, Y/N.” She murmurs, her voice low and seductive. Her eyes watched the way your body reacted to her as her lips turn upwards.
“You’re trying to kill me.” You breathe, whether it was to her or yourself. Madison giggles, her hand reaching forward and resting on your thigh.
“You’ll be fine, babygirl.”
By the time you both had made it to the diner, you were screwed.. literally.
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siyuuzii · 7 months
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PAIRING itzy! yeji x femreader
— in which hwang yeji thinks that her academic rival, (name) likes the popular boy, yeji's older brother, hwang hyunjin. and even though she rivals (name) since she has the smarts of a genius. yeji can't help but feel jealous, ultimately leading to her confessing her love for the other girl in one of their well-known hall arguements...
GENRE non-idol au, academic rivals/enemies, angst? no comfort (yet)
WARNING|S swearing, arguments
A. NOTE all writings and reactions from these idols are from MY imagination, it does not reflect their actions and reactions irl!
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more under the cut !
“have you heard? the school nerd (name) has a crush on hwang hyunjin!” “omg, really?! where'd you get that info!?” many rumours have already circulated around your academy after you were seen handing out a said love letter to the local popular boy, hwang hyunjin during valentines day, of course you didn't really gave that love letter to him because you liked him, rather it was because you're friend was too much of a coward to personally give it out to him, ordering you to do it for her, which you're still regretting to have accepted.
as you're heading to your next class, you can't help but feel uncomfortable with the fact that litteraly anyone you've walked passed at was staring holes at you, but oh well you much guessed that this is your life now at this stupid academy before you have the confidence on finally standing up to deny the fact that you really didn't like hyunjin, and possibly all men.“i bet hyunjin is (name)'s first crush, i mean i've never really seen her have skinship with anyone really.” “only with the hwang sibling's, especially with hyunjin, she's like basically glued to him—” *slam!* “you shouldn't gossip about untrue rumours about (l/n) with my brother.” that locker door slam silenced halls of spreading rumours about you and hyunjin, by none other then the sister of hyunjin, yeji. you're academic rival. you were a floor away from the scene but you already know that the commotion was caused by her and no one else.
passing by the stairs a familiar voice called you. “(l/n)!” the loud voice echoed troughout the halls of students who we're quickly scurrying away to not get caught with the commotion yeji and you will probably create. But having enough of practically everyone, you didn't stop to argue back at yeji — instead, ignored the call and continued walking and with heavy sounds of heels walking behind you, it was clear that yeji was following you. “so, you like my brother?” yeji said, emphasizing the brother part loudly. most part of you wanted to stop and finally stand up to deny those rumors, but you kept walking, the weight of yeji's words hanging heavy in the air. “oh, so you do, huh? well guess what he doesn't give two shit about you, (l/n)!” yeji continued, the rumors had spread like wildfire, consuming every corner of the academy, and now, even yeji seemed convinced of it's truth, but even if you did like hyunjin, why was she so pressed by it? she's just your academic rival or maybe enemy. it's none of her business to have a care about your love life, maybe she's just doing this to spite you up.
as you reached a quiet corner of the hallway, you finally turned to face her, the frustration evident in your eyes. "no! yeji, i don't like your, stupid brother! okay?!" you asserted, your voice was probably louder than hers earlier. “plus, why are you so pressed about it?!” you continued, but as you we're about to say something again, yeji quickly cut you off. “oh, my foot! sure you don't have a crush on him. and im also sure that you giving that love letter was JUST a friendly act of gesture!” she shouted back at you.
as yeji's words pierced the air, frustration and disbelief surged within you. her accusations felt like daggers, slicing through the fragile peace you had tried to maintain amidst the storm of rumors.
with each shouted word, the tension between you and Yeji escalated, the weight of misunderstanding pressing down upon you like a suffocating blanket. but beneath the anger and frustration, there lingered a flicker of hurt, a pang of betrayal at Yeji's insinuations.
“ugh! no yeji for the nth time. i. don't. have. a. crush. on. your. gosh. darn. brother! that letter wasn't from me! it was from—”
“oh, yeah right! that letter was from your friend, blah blah blah—” “gosh yeji! why can't you just see it!! that letter wasn't from me, it was from my friend, and i don't have a crush or love hyunjin! it's you!! it's you who i have a crush on! okay?!”
yeji's eyes widened in surprise, disbelief coloring her features as your words hung in the air. the silenced hallway only rang quieter, leaving only the echo of your confession between you two. "what? you.. you what me?"
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roachspeaks · 11 months
this is my first time requesting for a writing prompt so i apologize if i have a hard time describing it, but may i request nsfw (and maybe sfw) head canons of jason todd with a s/o thats a very violent vigilante but is very overly attached to jason
Omg yes, I’ve been wanting to find something Jason Todd to write for a while 😂
Jason Todd x Vigilante!reader sfw and nsfw head cannons
Warnings: smut, mentions of past trauma(bc it’s Jason Todd), reader is a vigilante with a violent streak, swearing, gn!reader, I took it in a very yandere-ish direction
(More detailed warnings before the nsfw part)
Jason is shocked to come back to life and find there’s already another blood thirsty vigilante running the streets of Gotham, he just has to meet you.
And when he does he’s a little less surprised to find that you remind him exactly of himself. Vengeful and trying to keep justice in a more ‘efficient’ way than Batman ever could.
You notice him more around you in underground bars like the iceberg lounge, always trailing just a little behind you.
You think you’ve got a stalker, and you’re partially right.
His interest in you quickly turns into a crush one night when you grab him by his collar and demand to know why he’s been following you.
So he tells you, he’s always been an honest guy, never caring enough to bother lying or covering up what he really felt. Usually, that is.
As soon as you agree to be something with him, he’s almost a different person. Though it takes a while to break through that confident, cocky exterior he likes to front.
Soon enough though, you get to see the Jason that cares for his brothers, the Jason that’s a book nerd, the Jason that is deathly afraid of being a failure to the people he loves the most.
You soon discover he’s not all he pretends to be, and sometimes all he wants in the whole world is a few moments of peace with the person he cares for most in this world(you).
Often times(if you work a day job or do vigilante stuff in the day) you’ll find you always arrive later then you had before meeting him. He has a tendency to hold on to you and not let go in the morning.
Jason tries to hold out on you meeting his family for as long as he possibly can, especially Dick. He sees Dick as the highest standard, what he failed to be as robin. He (irrationally) fears like you’d leave him for his elder brother.
When you finally meet the rest of the bat family, they’re all just happy he’s found someone who loves him, and who he’ll actually let in.
You don’t know it, but as soon as you spend a night in his bed(or let him spend the night in yours) he’s already thinking about marrying you.
Maybe not in an official, traditional wedding way, but he’d put a ring on your finger just so he got to show everyone just how serious he is about you.
The intimacy of sleeping next to someone, the trust that they won’t stab you in your sleep(especially given your bloody history) is something Jason doesn’t take lightly.
If you like reading, he’ll recommend you books of all kinds. He’s had a lot of time to think and reflect on himself, most of which he had a book in his hands.
Speaking of hands, his are extremely rough and calloused. Years of scarring etched beautifully into his skin. He isn’t insecure exactly, he knows it shows he’s a survivor. How strong he is. But when his rough hands are on your skin he can’t help but feel like he’s too broken for you.
He isn’t easily consolable. He’s good at pretending your assurances worked as you’d planned, then overthinking the issue the rest of the day. But you quickly learn his tells, and call him out for it. To which he’s surprised at first, but just a little more in love with you.
He isn’t good at saying the words ‘I love you’. Not at first. He’s scared that once he lets those three words slip from his lips that you’ll be taken away from him.
When he does finally get used to saying it, it will be rare that he doesn’t say it during a conversation with you.
When he’s leaving for a patrol, you receive a kiss on the cheek, or even a deep and telling kiss on the lips, and a quick “I love you, see you tonight.” Before he’s out the door.
Or just before you fall asleep, you’ll get a passionate string of beautifully picked out words that Jason would never admit while fully awake.
When he’s been on missions that take him to other cities, he can’t fall asleep without you on the phone. Without your steady breathing soothing him to sleep. It gets to the point that there was a time when his phone ran out of battery, and he awoke immediately in a cold sweat. Forgetting he wasn’t next to you. He came home the next day. Unable to stand the thought of not being able to see you, to hold you.
Now in terms of you being overly attached to him, he wouldn’t say he ‘minds’ exactly.
He doesn’t want you to get hurt if something ever happens to him. He reminds you all the time that he can quite literally die almost every night. To which you shrug off. Making him laugh every time.
If you’re clinging onto him physically, he doesn’t mind at all. He loves your warmth and the pressure of your body against his. Especially if your on top of him. The weight of you on his chest gives him so much comfort it’s surreal.
Warnings: smut(obvi), mentions of rough sex, gn!reader and gn!body terms, heavy degradation, praise though too(separate),
He leans into being more dominant in bed. He likes the control and the ability to help you feel good.
He can be extremely rough if he’s had a stressful day. Railing into you with your legs hooked tightly over his shoulders. His hands on your waist. Squeezing the soft flesh while he chases both of your releases.
His words degrading and harsh. “Hey? Who owns this body huh? Spit it out slut.”
Sometimes he’ll edge you for hours while he gets himself off, painting your chest and face in his hot sticky cum.
But on the other side of the spectrum he can be very gentle if it’s appropriate. If it’s an intimate moment he has no trouble peppering kisses all over your beautiful body. Praising you until you can barely think.
“So good, so fucking beautiful for me yeah?”
He’s all for breathy whispers, whispering in your ear what he wants you to do. How he’s gonna make you cry his name from the pleasure.
He loves giving you head. But particularly taking it excruciatingly slow. Paying attention to every detail. Every expression or sound you make when he touches certain spots with his tongue.
Also being a Vigilante, you have scars yourself. Physical and emotional. He kisses all of them. Tells you how strong and gorgeous every one makes you look. How absolutely perfect he thinks you are.
Sometimes things slip out while you’re going at it. Words he never intended for anyone to hear. But he just gets so caught up in the moment, he can’t help himself.
“Want me to put a ring on your finger yeah? Want me to make you my pretty (wife/husband)”
I think for awhile after he came back he used sex as a way to cope, experimenting with his body and trying things he’d never thought to try before. It worked well enough for a little while, allowed him to take out his energy in a much needed outlet.
He was tortured and kidnapped when he was still a teenager, sometimes he needs to express that anger and resentment in a healthy scenario. Sex is a free, safe, and easy way to do so.
He insists on practicing safe words with you, sometimes even he needs to opt out for a water break or something like that.
After the fact, he’s extremely sweet on you. Cleaning you up however you need. Whether it’s with a wet cloth, a warm bath, or with his tongue.
He likes to hold you in the afterglow of sex, chests heaving, skin glazed over in sweat. He pulls you close against his chest, a hand on your thigh, holding you as close as he can get you. Whispering sweet praises.
“You did so well my love, so good for me.”
Hope you enjoyed this, I’m working on more requests at the moment 😘
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stephaniebrownslover · 5 months
I've read your Jeff and Liu's relationship hcs and I REALLY LOVED IT OMG
Soo can you please write a fluff oneshot about 'em?
I know I talked too much but thank you so much from now <333
I'm still surprised that people other than mt friends are reading and even liking my writing lol that means a lot really!!
And of course I can write about them since you asked! I love their bro-ship and it's cute and we deserve more Woods Family Fluff.
I'll write for Main AU, again, but this won't be lore related because everything important with them after the incident includes angst or other creeps but I want to write a dumb cute thing for you. Hope you don't mind, but if you do, please ask again for something lore-related like ticciwork oneshot.
Thank you so much for your ask and hope you like it too!!!
(I kinda wanted to write them stealing a tank lol)
(Also so sorry for late reply, my brain is so foggy lately which prevents me from writing)
Main AU Jeff and Liu Oneshot
Date: 2014
While Jeff was excitedly waving the board game box he was holding and trying to show it to Liu, Liu had his head buried well into the book in his hand, although his focus had not shifted. No, he might have loved his brother, but he definitely wasn't going to play monopoly with him.
"C'mon, L!"
"My name is not L. It's Liu."
That was the last straw. He knew that one Because Jeff was watching an anime called "Death Note" on the influence of his friends and Jeff had tried to make him watch it too. Liu would rather watch artistic films or something with real depth.
"Whatever, bet you're afraid of losin'."
"If it makes you feel better, then sure thing."
Liu wanted to continue reading his book, while Jeff senselessly waved one hand in the air. It could be read in his eyes that he had an unnecessary desire to challenge.
"Your loss, we all know I'm better at math."
"You did not."
"Oh yes, I did."
"Oh so you want to play a game, huh? Let's play a game."
Liu suddenly looked up from his book, he closed the object he was holding in one hand hard. It was hardly possible to say that he enjoyed being challenged.
Having a brother like Jeff who loves a challenge was a big problem for him.
Jeff looked in amazement at his brother, who had risen from the coach and was walking towards him with rapid steps. His green eyes were ablaze with an emotion that was not easy to understand.
"You in?"
Liu sarcastically crossed his arms, the menacing smile on his lips was enough to scare anyone, anyone except Jeff.
"Oh, how in that you would be surprised.
"Okay, so we're gonna play Monopoly, I know you like dumb nerd games, and I can rule kingdoms."
Jeff definitely didn't know how to play Monopoly. It was an even bigger problem that he talked more nonsense as if it was possible to do more, but it was Jeff.
Actually, Jeff didn't know how to play any board games. Of course, he knew, but either he didn't remember, or he was hitting the sense spot until the person he was playing with became really pissed.
"That's not- you know what? Just use the calculator on your phone."
"Which one?"
Jeff's rather confident disclosure of his secret caused Liu to pause in surprise once again.
What kind of idiot would disclose the application in which he kept secret photos and things that should remain hidden?
"... The one with numbers, not secret things of yours. God, I can't believe that I had to use this sentence."
"Why the fuck I need a calculator?"
Jeff's eyebrows were furrowed with anger. If it wasn't for Liu, he would have already responded with insults or attacked the person in front of him.
He might have been stupid, but he wasn't that stupid.
"Can you sum up high numbers?"
Or he could.
"... Fuckin' fine."
As Liu passed towards the table in the living room, Jeff followed him with a defeated attitude. While he pulled the chair out fairly and sat down, the fact that Jeff almost fell created a thin smile on Liu's face. It wasn't such a big deal.
He just liked that even after years later, he knew his brother next to him felt as comfortable as possible.
However, their feelings were not very mutual, because Jeff was a bomb ready to explode at any moment.
"You know how to play this, right?"
After Jeff sat down in the chair with a grunt, he shouted at Liu's question.
" 'course I do!"
Liu took the box from Jeff's hand and gently slapped on his hand when Jeff tried to reach out.
That's how Jeff realized that Liu was going to want something from himself first. Waiting for what he wanted, he responded only with a grunt.
Stupid nerd.
"Explain how we start the game."
He raised the index finger of his right hand in the air as he spoke confidently. With his other hand, he also pressed on top of it for emphasis.
"First, ya' choose a pawn to make your slave."
"Eh, kinda true. Go on."
Jeff raised his second finger and stepped on it, too.
"Then you roll the dice to occupy areas."
Well, that was where the mistake started.
But Liu didn't need to be so distrustful. Maybe his brother could surprise him, today could have been that day.
So he calmly made the explanation.
"No, you don't occupy the areas, you just pass them as you move just as the dice says."
"Told the same."
Jeff, on the other hand, breathed with an exasperated attitude.
"It's not the- okay, carry on. What happens when you stop on a point?"
The fact that he paused after saying this, didn't even deign to say anything, made Liu think that he was just bluffing.
And he probably was.
"Then explain."
"Um, you buy them?"
Liu raised one eyebrow in the air.
"To... to throw them to the enemy!"
Taking advantage of Liu's confused moment, he pulled out the box and took out several household figures, which he threw at Liu. Although there was nothing to hurt, it was annoying.
"No, Jeff, stop."
Jeff was waiting for his brother to laugh like himself. Or to have an amused reaction. Or to be serious.
Anything, but not him getting off the table.
"I don't know why I trusted you with this. Clearly, it was a mistake."
While he was sitting at the table himself, he was almost begging for Liu to continue to stay as well.
"I was joking, I know Monopoly rules. Just don't go!"
"One last chance."
Liu took a deep breath and sat down at the table again. He really didn't know how long he could tolerate his brother's childish behavior, and he wasn't willing to find out.
There was silence between them for a while. It could not be said that it was a peaceful silence, although it was not uncomfortable either. This silence was more like the silence that occurs before something important.
Just when Liu was about to speak because he was starting to get uncomfortable with it, Jeff spoke by looking at his hands. And the whole time he was talking, he never lifted his head from the table.
"I was actually going to say that we can play Scrabble. I know you don't like this game and you can get bored or something and you shouldn't blah blah, somethin' somethin'."
Liu felt bad for a moment after hearing this.
It was obvious that his brother wanted to spend time with him. He was also aware that he had been neglecting him a little bit too much lately, but it wasn't his fault. He was just too busy and didn't have enough energy to deal with anyone. He definitely couldn't tolerate a hyperactive person like Jeff after a tiring day.
However, these were not an excuse.
He should have been a better brother.
"Okay, we can play both."
After Jeff heard this, he suddenly raised his head, quickly waved his hands in a way that meant no.
"No, no, you don't have enough time and-"
"I can always spare some time for my brother."
Jeff was relieved to hear this. After releasing his shoulders, he smiled. This was not a fake or sarcastic smile as usual, it was a real smile.
"Yeah. Me too."
Jeff and Liu were two brothers who cared about each other.
And nothing or no one could come between them.
It's awful lol sorry for that
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kandisheek · 25 days
AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: kellifer_fic
kellifer_fic wrote some of my favorite fics in this fandom, period. Their voices for the Avengers are all immaculate, and their way of writing dialogue is nothing short of incredible. It's even funnier than Marvel canon sometimes, and that's a feat that not many can pull off. I adore their fics, and if I could rec every single thing they've ever written here, I would. But alas, I'll restrain myself to some of my favorites.
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
jealousy is all the fun you think they had
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 3,887 Tags: Jealousy, Bucky Recovering, Fighting & Making Up
Summary: Is it socially acceptable to be jealous of your boyfriend's ex-dead best friend?
Reasons why I love it: This fic is equal parts hilarious and a glorious trainwreck of Tony self-sabotaging himself, which is very on brand for him. I love how nonchalant Bucky is about the whole thing, he truly is the best bro. And JARVIS is just the best, full stop. I adore this one, and if you haven't read it yet, you absolutely should!
Therapeutic Guidelines
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 8,357 Tags: Action Figures, UST, Team as Family
Summary: "Are you suggesting I get a bunch of bunk beds in here and squeeze us all into one room?" Tony scoffs and the woman just looks at him. "No, wait-"
Reasons why I love it: Doctor Barrow's role in this fic is actually kind of genius. I love the plot twist and everything leading up to it. There are so many funny moments, I can't even say which one is my favorite, but I especially enjoyed the team bonding. This fic is wonderful, and you should definitely read it!
99 problems (and the dice ain't one)
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 10,784 Tags: Living Together, DnD, Resolved Sexual Tension
Summary: Tony's life is almost perfect. He lives in a converted warehouse full of friends (and one frenemy), has a job that leaves him plenty of time to think about other things and a regular Friday night campaign. If his best friend, Steve Rogers, hadn't moved away to New York and left him behind, then perfection would've been achieved. Tony can roll with the punches though and he's almost all the way over that little bump in the road (shut up Bruce, he totally is) when Steve moves back, looking taller and broader and more confident than ever and Tony's left with a converted warehouse full of friends (and one frenemy), a job that leaves him plenty of time to think about other things, a regular Friday night campaign and the uncomfortable realization that maybe he's in love with his best friend and has been since he was sixteen.
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, they're all such nerds, I love them! Tony the grumpy hermit is adorable, and I love how ass-backwards Steve and Tony are when it comes to their feelings. Plus, the team as family vibes in this are phenomenal. Definitely check this one out, it's fantastic!
even the cake was in tiers
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: NR Words: 5,500 Tags: Accidental Marriage, Magic, Team Bonding
Summary: I'm pretty sure I'm married to Steve Rogers.
Reasons why I love it: Just the title of this fucking sent me. The Tony sass is on another level in this one, and I'm enjoying every second of it. I love how Tony has a whole Ebenezer Scrooge moment about his life choices, and the ending is super cute. This fic is wonderful, and I hope you go and check it out for yourself!
one hundred percent skill, fifty percent luck
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 7,418 Tags: Poker, Pining, Kidnapping
Summary: Where there is a poker game, a v-card and general misunderstandings.
Reasons why I love it: I love how everyone on the team clearly understands what's happening, except for Tony. All of the poker night scenes are amazing, and I'm super impressed at how well this fic is balanced between humor and drama. I love it, and I bet you will too, so I hope you'll give this one a shot for yourself, if you haven't already!
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shrimplymoray · 1 year
Hellooo, hope you are having a nice day! I discovered your work not long ago, but I already liked it a lot! I'd like to order a Cody/X Virus x Reader, in which the Reader is a biology nerd who is enthralled by Cody's skills and knowledge! Just the two of them being adorable nerds together!! 👉👈🤧💕
((it's so hard to find content about Cody, and it makes me particularly sad because he's my favorite creepypasta! 🥹🥹🥹))
Anyway, thank you in advance!! 💞
HIHII! I'm so sorry for the long wait, my life has been wild this last couple of weeks, but I'm back at writing and YES CODY'S FANS RISE UP!! Love me when he is a psychopathic scientist lol. Hope you enjoy this!
X Virus x Biology Nerd Reader
Cody normally keeps to himself in his lab, and is not really used to having people besides EJ or Toby around. So when he gets assigned a lab partner, he got skeptical.
He couldn't understand if this was some wild scheme from the others to make him interact more, or if you were actually someone with enough knowledge to work with him, but he couldn't complain since it was orders from the proxies.
You were going to be Cody's lab partner due to your area of knowledge on biology being similar in level to his, and you were certainly excited to find someone with an interest similar than yours, from what you heard of him.
When you did come to the lab, and looked around the place, you were certainly excited with the amount of biology related stuff. It was all you ever wanted, and it made your love for the subject bubble out.
Cody met you right there, on the lab, and at first he was REALLY skeptical, because you looked decent.
'since when does a scientist looks decent? They will not understand at all what I'm doing'
But the moment you opened your mouth and started accurately guessing what each thing he had was, his eyes sparkled. No way...
"Oh my god, you have a guide to the human cardiovascular system! Do you use it often? I bet you do, look at the amount of stuff that needs an intravenous application..."
"Wait, you actually know what you're talking about?"
It didn't take long to Cody to open up about his current researches and projects, like his experiments with the xelymtopa virus, or how he was experimenting on the maximization of effects on cyanide based poisons.
You were excited and eager to know, even bringing your own hypothesis on what could happen depending on the person he experiments on, which he appreciates.
Soon enough you were one of Cody's closest friends (and maybe he had a bit of a crush on you too), and were together everywhere, freaking everyone out by your casual talks about deadly diseases and poisonous animals.
Cody, while doing his work on the infirmary with EJ, opened up about how he felt close to you in a deeper level than anything, but he couldn't put a finger on what exactly he felt. EJ advised him to be open with you besides the work talk.
Cody felt confused and even a bit scarred. Open up about feelings? That is not like him at all...
His mind went in circles on how this was a bad idea and how he would lose your friendship, and you were the only one that actually understood what he said for once, but... EJ never wronged him. Why would he be wrong this time, right?
The next day, on the lab, you were working on one of your projects, some vaccines for one of the many viruses samples Cody had, when he came inside the labe with something behind his back.
"Hey, uh, I hope I'm not interrupting but... Can I talk to you for a second?"
After you looked at him and nodded, he basically dumped all of his feelings for you at once, and you couldn't help but giggle at how the usually confident in himself Cody was a blushing and rambling mess.
You did feel the same towards him, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He did have something to give you, your very own test subject. It was a golden poison frog, which was being securely held in a small vivarium.
Let's just say that both of you are probably the deadliest couple in the manor, and that if anyone bothers one of you, the other is very capable of performing inhumane tests on them just out of spite.
Hope you enjoyed it! I am not particularly knowledgeable on Biology, never had very good teachers on the subject, but it was certainly fun to write this. We need more Cody love in the world fr fr.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 2 months
Thoughts on what Rorke's parents/family would be like? Been tryna figure out how the guy might have decided to enlist. Maybe?? was a jock in highschool but considering how he acted prefed he seemed like he'd be pretty chill in highschool. Or maybe he was a total bully and the military was a redemption arc,,
Okay so the reason I even have an idea for good ole Gabes childhood/upbringing is because of an oc, my dearly beloved Mich who's main deets got whipped up with @callofdooty. (Details with how we write him may differ, but Mich only exists out of a convo with them.)
SO, first thing! Mich is pronounced Mitch, his full name is Micheal, he is named as such to match Gabe/Gabriel, and he is the older brother of the two Rorke children.
Their parents were on the stricter side and more of the classically patriotic type. Both of them were on the colder side and had the mindset that their kids needed to obey them and succeed and they needed to do little else then tell them to do it to make it happen. They also weren't very shy about picking favorites, and it was Gabe because he fall on the obedient side; Mich was a rebel through and through.
Now while Gabe was the popular pick at home, Mich was the more popular one in school. This is mostly due to both of their personalities: Gabe is very competitive and tends to get upset/angry if he's not "the best" at a thing and will then push people away. (Mich has a scar on the side of his mouth from an incident where Gabe whipped a rock at him when they were like... 7 and 10.) He also worries less about out-home social connections because he feels less of a need for them. Mich on the other hand feels the need to make connections outside of home because of the rejection he faces there, and as a consequence, is a social butterfly.
Now the first and second paragraph are both things that caused some disagreement between the brothers, and a lot of the time they struggled to get along. Both of them very much do love each other, and when everything else goes to shit they'd go to the other first, but unfortunately they felt pitted against each other a lot of the time and didn't find tons of common ground. ("Don't be like your brother"/"Why can't you be more like your brother" type shit.)
Now in school, outside the social aspect, both boys excel in the academic section. Talking honor roll, AP classes, class valedictorian, shit like that. While naturally gifted both boys also put a lot of effort into their successes, and it was one of a few things they would cooperate over. (Help each other with studying and shit.) They were also both in extracurriculars for those bonus nerd points: Gabe was in chess club (enjoys the tactical smarts needed) and Mich was in the yearbook committee.
Unfortunately for Gabe one of the most devastating life events for him took place very soon after Mich turned 18: Mich left. He didn't die, to be clear, if he did I'd fuckin tell you straight, but he felt that he and his parents had no obligation to one another at that point and moved out. Running off to places unknown and, in Gabes eyes, abandoning him.
And I did say they didn't get along great, but they were still brothers. Gabe still looked up to Mich no matter how much his parents would point to him as a bad example. They were each others confidant and closest friend. They were integral to each others lives and neither knew living without the other until Mich left.
This made Gabe very resentful of Mich, and unfortunately, he chose right then to rebel... Not against his parents, but his brother. Mich was the worst in his eyes at that point, so Gabe wanted to be everything he wasn't. Which is pretty much exactly what his parents wanted. As if he weren't bad enough before good ole Gabe became even more straight laced and obedient, joining the military when he got old enough and working his ass off constantly to be "the best" there too. (Also just straight in general... or at least he tried. Elias.) We pretty much knowhow the rest of his life went after this point in time (Sand Viper, the Ghosts, Caracas...) but I'm always down for some more resolution.
Between being in the service for a few years and Caracas, Mich reached out to his little brother, and Gabe rejected the attempt... But Mich kept up. And it's good he did! Gabe was eventually worn down, because while he was still very sore about Mich leaving some part of him still wanted his brother. He agrees to hear Mich out for a bit without any guarantees, which Mich is overjoyed with.
During this first in a while conversation Mich actually reveals several very key details: He did leave home of his own accord, but he didn't want to cut his connection with Gabe. Their parents had barred Mich from speaking to or seeing him, and after Gabe moved out Mich just lost him entirely. It'd taken him all the time between then and there to figure out where Gabe went, exasperated because Mich did have his own life to lead alongside trying to track his brother down.
Hearing all of this, Gabe is fine with a trial period of sorts because Mich has little other evidence than "Just trust me bro." because their parents are deceased atp in time and even if they were alive Mich doubts they'd be people to confirm it.
Over the next few years they begin to catch up again, filling in the details of each others lives and connecting better now that their parents can't set them up against each other. They do take time to get used to each other again, given their polar existences, but they get there.
This all ends in 2015 of course. Given Gabriel dies.
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
Could I please request a lady lesso X reader. R is hired as an English teacher cause after the merge they realised they should probably start teaching their students core subjects.
R is a complete nerd and will go on rants for hours about literature and their favourite books/poems however r has a very insecure side that nobody gets to see which has caused r to develop an eating disorder which has gone unchecked.
I'll let you have full creative freedom to figure out a romance plot for it so please feel free to absolutely destroy me emotionally with angst or make it as fluffy and soft to your hearts content :)
Hello my lovely anon. I hope this is okay for you and I apologise for the angst I broke my own heart writing this but it was a great release of a bad day <3
Words between the Pages
*Authors note~ I know I say this a lot here but I love this prompt, I feel like I really relate to R here. Also going to formally apologise here for what I'm about to do *
Trigger warnings ~ eating disorder relapsing not knowing what's happening to them angst angst character (hurt possible death ;)
Prompt~ see the ask^^^^
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It had been a few years now, you had taken up the new English position at the school for good and evil. Since the merger they had decided it was time to introduce some core subjects that would benefit the students no matter what realm they entered. English was one of those. And you had a natural affinity for that.  Your favourite part of the subject was anything related to literature. Novels and poems were your source of comfort on those hard days. For you, they numbed the pain like alcohol or drugs for others. You even wrote some of your own work, to express anything that was chipping away at your fragile heart.
After a year at the school, you began to realise you had feelings for the fiery dean. Not something you had planned on, and you knew you'd have no hope. She alluded a sexy confidence in her every move. You, remained shy and introverted, preferring the company of books to other people. You weren't even sure she would've noticed you. But she had. She loved how you'd get flustered in her presence and forgot your train of thought. It wasn't an uncommon reaction in her presence but with you it was different. You were enticing and addicting without even trying.
You began to write poems of your thoughts and feelings on the women, in a little black note pad that seemed to be glued to your hand. Where ever you went so did the book. It was your most prized possession and something you truly didn't want anyone else to read, personal thoughts and feelings lay bare in the book. So that's why you panicked when you couldn't find the book. All your secrets, littered through the pages hidden by words there. All it would take is a sharp mind to read between the lines and your heart would be exposed. You had to find that book.
Unfortunately for you, one of the Never students had found it and brought it to their Dean. The one mind you knew was more than capable of understanding the meanings. But one good thing came out of it, the first poem was based on your feelings for Leonora Lesso, which stunned the women and prevented her reading any further. Actually that one poem is what began your relationship.
You'd been together for two years now, most of your secrets were out in the open air, but one remained. The deepest and darkest locked away safely in your heart. Lesso knew you were extremely insecure about your body, it was obvious to everyone really, the way you dressed, the way you stood or sat and even the nervous flash in your eyes as food was mentioned. But Lesso knew more than others, it had taken so long for you to be comfortable showing her your body, and the night you did you broke down in tears. That hurt her heart truly, you seemed so small and broken and all she could do is wonder what caused such a reaction from you and how she'd kill them. No one would get away with making her girl feel like her own body wasn't anywhere near perfection. You were. True perfection, if only you could see yourself through her eyes then maybe this could've all been prevented.
It was one fatal accident that exposed you. During archery classes a arrow came hurling in your direction, seemingly from absolutely no where. You weren't able to react quick enough due to the weakened state of your body, not eating well the past few months was seriously affecting you, only now would you truly know just how much damage you'd done.  The arrow hit a centre meter away from your right lung. The pain causing you to collapse on the hard surface below your feet. The fall and blood spilling from your body causing you to lose consciousness.
The pain was constant, unlike something you'd never felt before. You were in and out of consciousness due to the weakened state of your body and now the blood you were losing, you knew this wouldn't be good. The students around you panicking not knowing what to do, not wanting to touch you and make it worse. The fear of touching the Deans girlfriend battling the fear of not helping you. One of them must have ran to grab your girlfriend, as you came back around once more you felt her hand in your hair and her words being whispered in your ear. She was here.
"Dove, what on earth were you doing out here? We have a medic coming hold on for me. Don't leave me love. Open those pretty eyes for me, that's it good girl" she whispered the tears soaking her words as much as they were staining her cheeks. The drops were falling from her face onto your sunken in cheeks. "N-ora I, I'm sorry. I love you" you whispered out in broken sobs as you bled out through her hands that were tightly pressed over the wound. When had they taken the arrow out? You could feel the life slowly leaving your exhausted body.
"Dove, hold on please, you have the strength I know you do. Please! You can do this." She pleaded with you watching as your eyelids were fluttering shut "keep those pretty eyes on me love. Please. I love you don't leave me!" Her cries were breaking your heart. But in that shattering heart you knew this was not going to get any better, you were dying. Lesso screaming for medics as she felt your heart rate decrease dramatically. The beats dangerously spread apart now. You were dying. She was losing you. You both knew it too. The students seemingly turned to shield you from prying eyes, out of respect or fear you weren't quite sure but it gave you the chance for one last wish.
"Kiss me" you spluttered gasping for air, and she complied instantly. Your lips met hers as she poured every ounce of love she had in the kiss, tears spilling onto your closed eyes as more tears leaked from your eyes. Lesso pulled back for air noticing you weren't kissing her back any more and let out a gut wrenching scream. Her love, her life and future wife was gone.
Word count 1227
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nikki-is-a-nerd · 10 months
Being a star wars nerd used to be such a place of shame for me when I was in high school. Boys thought that I either liked it because I wanted to be noticed by guys (ew) or I just needed to have a personality that would make me seem interesting, which was why for such a long time I never openly showcased my love and weird knowledge about it. Which is why writing fanfics for star wars (and maybe other stuff I enjoy) heals my inner child. Because when you spend so long pretending to be someone else to fit in. It just sucked. I then found really good friends and people who said "fuck it tell us all your weird facts because you look happy when you do" and that just gave me the confidence to be openly nerdy and geeky and all things me.
Which is why whenever I post my fanfics and I see all the people who like It, mutuals or not, I feel happy. Seen and understood because, YOU like it too! And I just wanted to say thank you to all of you :3
I hope to write more for all of you soon.
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cheesy-che · 2 months
for tmnt 40th asks!: 3 (for 2003), 19, 28, 35 and 36? :0c
TMNT’s 40th anniversary ask game!
Hello you! :3
19.) Who is your favorite ally?
Definitely April! She’s resourceful, and I see her acting as a cool, young aunt for the turtles. Or just an older friend, tbh. She is extremely caring and intelligent,  nothing stops her. I feel like she is one of the few who realizes (and makes them realize) that the TMNT are going through A LOT for teenagers. She’s grounded but also has her silly moments that are fun to watch. The way she cares about family values is one of the factors that explains why she stayed, in my opinion. 2003 April beloved…
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics? You know the answer to this. You wanted me exposed, is that it? :’) I am absolutely obsessed with the concept of fluffy feelings in a world that’s harsh. (You might say I love “contrasts” or something.) These turtles deserve love and happiness that is exponential to the levels of trauma and adventures they endure. I have to admit I’m not very good at remembering the titles of the few fanfics that I read… but the ones I enjoyed the most are the ones shining light on how they are able to find joy in the little things while dealing with angst/trauma. How they can heal when receiving love and understanding from their brothers, their friends or even when OCs are thrown into the mix.
Most of the time, I love when the things they are going through are unsaid but very clear at the same time. The ninja turtles do a lot of that in canon. They are all sensible in their own ways, but I love to see the explanation being deeper in fanfics… which brings me to the fic that YOU wrote that I love so much, NERD. (Frost) 
TLDR : Fluff and angst!
35.) Which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
I don’t draw as much as I want to because I’m so out of practice and busy… hhhhhhhhhhh. I wish I did though… eventually… maybe… if I have enough self-confidence to post…..
As for writing, I’m obviously obsessed with my Original Character in the TMNT universe. She’s literally my muse. Writing about her relationship with any of the turtles makes me happy, but especially when I write about her interactions with Leonardo because I ship them :’). (I am cringe, but I am free.) 
But I think it goes along with what I wrote for the previous question. My favorite things to write about are when the four turtle brothers understand each other with little to no communication. Some things are simply too difficult to talk about, but they can communicate with actions and just be there for each other. I did write a piece forever ago here inspired by @sassatello’s Vacation AU… it’s probably bad HAHA – I TRIED…
As always, I don’t produce content as much as I want to because vague gesture of the hand capitalism, depression and all that. And I have to admit that the courage I need to actually post something sometimes is immense to me lol.
BUT YEAH… TLDR : Things left unsaid but completely understood by two or more characters. These characters being my OC x any turtle or any turtle x any turtle. I love all my sons.
36.) Which character do you have the hardest time writing/drawing?
Drawing : All of them. I straight up do NOT practice enough lol. Hence why I don’t often post my art.
Writing : For some reason, Michelangelo is the one that I have the most trouble writing with! He is lots of fun to write because I can just be sillier and more laid-back with the way he presents himself, but who knows what’s going on in that head of his LMAO. 
I feel like the three other turtles have a tendency to suppress their feelings in some way, and while he does it too, it’s very different. He’s more “jokey” and about it. We’ve seen how, in canon, he expresses what he thinks in a way that’s so casual it’s almost creepy lmaooooo. For example, in Grudge Match, Leonardo and him have this conversation when Leo suggests he can help Mikey with his training :
L : [...] to be so focused, so ready, that nothing and no one will ever catch you off guard again.
M : Um, we still talking about me here?
So like.. you KNOW that Mikey understood that his brother was troubled. But the way he expresses his worry with a joke? Bro. I love him so much for this HAHA but I have trouble recreating this in my writing.  ~ ~ ~
Thank you for reading my ramblings… I really appreciate it ;_; <3 
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northadawn · 8 months
NorthaDawn's Feb 2024 Update
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Hello everyone, NorthaDawn here, and it's February here, I hope that your 2024 has been going great so far! Mine has been decent so far, and I wanted to write this important journal to give you some in-depth news into the latest happenings that I've been doing that I feel all of you deserve to know about!
I'll get the elephant in the room out of the way first; on the health side of things, I've been doing much better and physically, this is the healthiest I've been in ages. Mentally? Let's just say that I've had to cut off someone really toxic from the community; they've caused a lot of trouble for me and my dear friends for months. I don't want to dive further into what happened to keep my friends safe, but I do want to say this: be there for your friends and stand up for them when they need you around.
Apart from that, I have been changing up things here and there and handling stuff in my university and in my family, but I do have some things cooking up for you guys that I'll share with you here later! But first, I want to go over my announcement from a handful of days back to clarify a few things.
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You've probably already read my post where I announced my decision to continue making Titanic content in the future instead of retiring, but I think I should also explain why I contemplated retiring (again). To be honest with you, ever since my heart attack ages ago, things have gone poorly for me here; a partnership that wasn't meant to be, my ever-increasing workload in university, losing momentum and motivation for Titanic art in general, and feeling like a stranger here again has been a few reasons as to why I decided to quit once 2023 turns into 2024. However, a new partnership with smolnoodlekitty that soon turned into "Team Heartslash" (which includes people such as Matlock26th, caitlin._.art, Lacoeurdelamer, NWArtOfficial), getting more lovely people to voice act my characters, and the support from the newest batch of talented artists in the community made me rethink my decision to step away from doing Titanic art. That's why I decided to stay on! Unironically, I wouldn't still be here today without your support, so thank you all for continuing to support me even though I barely upload at all these days. I'm trying to work on that, I promise.
Speaking of characters...
I finally made an actual original character that isn't a gijinka of some sort! I got the confidence to finally make a character that isn't limited to being a gijinka, and I'm happy with what I have. You've probably already seen her if you checked out my Twitter, but here she is: Masako Honda!
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Masako Honda is a hyperactive, ADHD-ridden Japanese-Filipino girl who moved to the Philippines at the age of 10. Despite being a self-proclaimed nerd who is very geeky and hyperactive to the point where she can't stay still for 5 minutes, she is a very attractive girl who is way out of most guys' league. However, she doesn't have a boyfriend since birth. She took up the Game Development course in her university because of her self-taught ability in Unity and in C#. Just don't call her a Java developer.
That's a brief introduction of her, she'll soon have her place in my gallery, and I hope you'll be excited for that day to come as much as I am! The early reception I got from both my Discord server and my classmates has been insane and I couldn't be more thankful for the response I got for her!
I've been going around and trying to update my social media pages and stuff, and I understand that there's a lot of links to keep up with, so I compiled them all in one page so you can quickly go to my profiles in certain sites! You can check them out right now through my Linktree here: https://linktr.ee/NorthaDawn
Speaking of updates, I've also been doing a little rebrand, which is why I've transitioned away from my old theme to the one I've had right now, I hope you like the new look!
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I've also decided to take on a new tagline that I feel would represent not only me, but also all of you guys as a whole well. It's a simple line, yet it's a very motivational one, at least for me, and I hope it'll be motivational for you too. The tagline? "THERE IS STILL A VOYAGE TO EMBARK ON."
As a final reminder, I do have a Discord server up that also serves as a server for smolnoodlekitty and caitlin._.art! You can join through this link here: https://discord.gg/gsxGMPMPNb
Of course, I'd save the best for last. I'll keep it short and sweet...
RMS Olympic (Olyvia McLoughlin) - caitlin._.art
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You probably know her as my Titanic's voice for a bit now, but she'll now be primarily voicing the Old Reliable now! She also did the absolutely gorgeous art for this announcement! As for who'll take her spot as Titanic?
RMS Titanic (Emily McLoughlin) - Lacoeurdelamer
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She's the nice girl who'll play the Queen of the Ocean! If you've been around my Discord server, you know her as Maxine, and the amount of similarities she has to my Titanic is quite insane, which is why she's the perfect fit!
Masako Honda - moonglower.art + smolnoodlekitty
A 2-for-1! Weren't expecting that, were you? Either way, they're sharing duties to be the voice of the hyperactive college girl!
I hope you'll be looking forward to hearing them bring my characters to life!
Thanks for your continued support, and I hope that this has been a nice update so you're up to speed with what's going on in my end of things. Please do leave a comment, I'd like to know what you think! Also, go support every artist mentioned in this journal, they deserve it too! Have a wonderful day!
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lovelykhaleesiii · 6 months
Can you answer me this … I’m not trying to be mean or rude or come at anyone but it just seems that in this fandom(Hotd, Ewan nation , idk so much tgc but I digress) if your not a great fic writer or friends with one you don’t get much interaction . I’ve seen a lot of people saying that they feel they aren’t part of the fandom and that people need to interact with writers more and I agree we should all be motivating each other and pumping each other up but it just seems like a high school with the popular (writers ) are the top and the nerds or regular kids let’s just say are everyone else and those regular kids are all going crazy trying to get the popular ones to notice . It’s just I can’t speak for everyone but for me ever since I was a child I’ve always wanted to feel a sense of belonging and I’ve struggled to have that ( I hate that I’m gonna say this but there’s a reason this is anon) I don’t have that many friends irl and what I do have aren’t into the same things I am so I don’t have people to talk with …I come on here and find the Hotd fandom but it’s the same thing ignored … I’ve tired what people have suggested and yet nothing … I get it’s me for some stuff yes people have real lives and that trumps this absolutely but again I just feel like I did as a child watching everyone make friends and have a group and then me alone with no one . Anyway thanks for letting me rant
no please feel free to use this space, anon or not, to rant. I’m more than happy to make this blog an open forum in this fandom.
tbh, I 100% get you nonnie. in reality, none of my close friends watch the show nor even know of the universe so it’s kind of frustrating that I can’t speak to them about it when I want to. hence why, tumblr is my safe haven or so it should be…
it’s hard to dictate how other people behave, a hard pill to swallow we can’t control what others say or do, even if it’s downright bullying and harassment. and I won’t deny that it does affect how you interact and engage, it affects how you see yourself and your own self worth, which is shit. no random stranger on the internet should make you feel anything less… hence why, stepping away I feel can be beneficial, just for your own sanity. I do believe, particularly in this fandom (considering I’ve been in many) that the cliquey and high school mean girl behaviours are so evident here, and it’s just astonishing since it’s predominantly adults… I’m not saying I’m perfect or flawless, but I at least can say with confidence I try to make this space as welcoming as possible and to be a decent human being, at the very least.
and I hate the advice people give to “just ignore it” or to “write for you”… it’s easier said than done. and feeling like you’re being constantly belittled and neglected is not okay, and no one should ever invalidate your feelings.
please know my inbox/messages are open, if you need to chat x it’s the very least I can do!
and keep your chin up. I don’t speak to alot of people if I’m being honest, but I’ve made just a handful of friends (seriously the number I can count on just one hand) and they mean the world to me. it’s the small things that count.
sending my love to you nonnie ❤️
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18shadesofmay · 5 months
another ask because im annoying and i love making friends and not giving them a single second to breathe but am introverted enough to keep off the DMs (unless approached first, wink wink.) :
if max verstappen wasn't such a menace to society (love him, though) which f1 driver would be taking home the chinese grand prix win? and why is it charles leclerc if ferrari wasn't an ass?
(i saw you reblog a f1 post and am currently praying to god you're interested in overpriced uncomfortable cars going vroom vroom in weird shaped circles.)
KEEP EM COMING i absoultely love this. human interaction. this is basically much needed rehearsal for real life situations.
YES i'm totally into f1. and you are too, i've observed, CRAZY good coincidence :)
alright, so whatever i'm going to say here, is going to be primarily based on what i've seen in quali and the sprint, but also i do expect the general pattern of this season to continue. at least until monaco or silverstone or spa.
as the son of a part-time f1 elitist, i must say i'm praying to all gods, even those who don't exist, that alonso performs. as a fan of the sport in general, i can't write a prediction post and not say that. the guy is still legendary. we saw that today.
that said, taking the recent and not-so-recent past into account, my expectations are different. unfortunately what i want to happen and what i think will happen are alag alag:
it's a battle for third place, basically. and THAT battle i'd love alonso to win, of course. but he's been showing signs of exhaustion in the final third of the race, and i'm not very optimistic this time round either. top performer, but i think he'll lose pace in the ultimate moments.
q3 today was that one scene in finding nemo where all the seagulls say "MINE MINE MINE MINE" for the fish except the fish is P2. gave me hope. there is chaos. there is excitement. checo will finish P2 though.
stroll was doing so well in the beginning, he was like 0.2 off of fernando at one point, iirc. of course, this isn't a podium shout but im going to keep an eye on lance, he looks exciting. impressive drive from bottas, btw. and nico. i have a soft spot for hulky.
let's address the elephant in the room, yeah? what the fuck was that from ferrari. as a self-aware ferrari fan, i'll cut this off before it turns into a rant, but i was optimistic about our chances in the sprint format. ANYWAY (youre welcome)
alonso got a 10 second penalty for his incident with sainz. if you go watch what actually happened, it's SO clearly excessive from the stewards.
okay so FINALLY, i talked a whole lot about nando and my THOUGHTS on the gp but didn't actually answer your question lmao. sorry for nerding out DAMN that's a big paragraph.
i think if max wasn't a maniac, we'd hear a lot more talk about lando. who will WIN the chinese gp if not for max? i'm sorry to be boring but honestly, checo.
the guy is consistent, no doubt about that. but the reason i say checo is (apart from the OBVIOUS monster car) his mentality and the way the season's shaping up for him. he's obviously confident, but also his greatest rival for the driver's standings, his PARTNER, is max. when you have that kind of competition, you're automatically a better you.
feel sorry for lewis.
god, i should shut up now.
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