#whump hospital
tildeathiwillwrite · 6 months
Merry Whumpmas 2023 Day 8: Bedridden
(I may or may not have procrastinated this one)
TW: hospital, broken bones, pain meds
Caretaker rapped softly on the door. Whumpee blinked awake, groggily checking the time. Almost eleven in the morning. They hadn't meant to sleep in so late but stuck as they were, they didn't have much else to do but sleep.
“Hey,” Caretaker said softly, poking their head in, “You doin’ okay?”
Whumpee squinted at them, gesturing to the pair of white blobs that were their legs, trapped in casts after they’d fractured both shin bones. “I'm confined to this bed for another several days,” they stated, “the pain meds are wearing off again, and—” they lolled their head dramatically on the pillows— “I'm booooored.”
Caretaker shut the door behind them and raised an eyebrow at Whumpee’s antics. “First of all, it's not that long, the doctor said maybe Monday. Second, that's a you problem.”
Whumpee rolled their eyes. “You gotta bust me out of here.”
“Why not?”
Caretaker smirked. “Because you'd probably break your arms somehow.”
“I can't even walk! How am I supposed to—”
“You'd figure something out I'm sure.”
Whumpee folded their arms and pretended to pout. “By that logic I'm probably gonna wreck my shoulders using a wheelchair and crack my skull trying to do wheelies.”
Caretaker closed their eyes and exhaled slowly. “What would you even do if I took you home?”
“Watch a movie,” Whumpee said with no hesitation.
“You can watch a movie here!”
“But they don't have any good channels!”
Caretaker glanced over at the TV mounted to the wall opposite Whumpee's bed. “I wonder if I can plug my phone in and play something. I do have the extra-long cord…”
Whumpee stared in disbelief. “Really!? How did you know to—”
Caretaker grinned at them, pulling out their phone. “You texted me last night complaining about the lack of good movies.”
“...I don't remember that…” Whumpee began before Caretaker showed them their phone. It was open to their messages.
Yesterday, 10:32 p.m. Whumpee: thods plqxe hS nothng goood om imbsuferin Caretaker: You'll be fine you big baby Whumpee: okfbejbskfjodkn
“According to the hospital,” Caretaker said, desperately trying not to laugh, “you had just been given your pain meds for the night. I downloaded Megamind, you can enjoy your quality cinema.”
Whumpee perked up immediately. “Really?? You're the best!”
Caretaker settled into the seat next to the bed. “Naturally!”
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bebs-art-gallery · 18 days
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By Robin Isely
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don't you ever see a blorbo and wanna just-
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ways/methods to torture your fictional character in a medical setting
♡♡♡ for writers to use as an inspiration for their novels/fanfictions only, I’m not a psychopath ♡♡♡
medical whump never fails to give me all the best whumperflies!
trigger warnings: description of abuse, dehumanization, nonsexual nudity and blood
physical restraints (chains, handcuffs, straightjacket, strapping them down to the bed by their wrists and ankles, etc)
I should just mention that straightjacket is one of my personal favorites
electroconvulsive therapy aka shock therapy
force feeding (via a plastic tube through their nose or mouth into their stomach)
shock collar
being forcefully shoved and held down to the ground, cheek against the cold floor
ice pick lobotomy
character getting stripped against their will
strong jets of water assaulting the character’s skin through a hose as a way to clean them
rough handling from the orderlies results in the character getting bruises all over their skin
getting their nails trimmed so they can’t hurt themself or others
character getting put into a hospital gown against their will is so underrated, actually
intubation against the character’s will — bonus if the character is still somewhat conscious
doses of anesthetic into the character’s bloodstream via an injection or through an iv drip to render them unconscious so that they can’t hurt themself or others
when the character is so drugged out of their mind that they’re too groggy to fight or struggle as things are being done to them; they’re half conscious still, they just can’t fight, even though they’re not restrained physically
blood draws — bonus if it gots to the point the character feels dizzy, cold and generally disoriented from losing too much blood
vivisection :)
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jordanstrophe · 2 months
Sirens on the ambulance blare as whumpee lays unconscious. Doctors work furiously to close as many wounds as they can. 
Caretaker holds a damp cloth, softly washing off a smear of blood, sweat and tears from whumpees face. They're as gentle as they would be to them awake, whispering "It's okay. Everything's okay. You're going to be okay." As if whumpee could hear them. 
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martyr-inthedark · 2 months
When the nightshift nurse entered the hospital room of the recently admitted John Doe, they expected to see them still lying on the bed, semiconscious at best.
Instead, the Whumpee was curled up in a shaking ball at the corner of the room, back to the wall and brows furrowed behind crudely bent elbows. They appeared to have been crying.
"Hey there," the caretaker started gently, softly approaching Whumpee. Still, Whumpee flinched at each fall of Caretaker's shoes on the pristine white and blue tiles of the ICU.
As they came closer, they noticed that the multitude of bandages had been ripped off, the cast on their left wrist scratched at, and the poor thing had been bleeding where they had removed the IV drip. Caretaker sat down on the floor in front of the Whumpee.
"Hey, I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to help you out. My name is Caregiver. I can see you're bleeding there. I have clean bandages. Or we can talk?" The room was silent save for some sniffles and whimpers. The caregiver needed to get what information they could from Whumpee.
"Wh-where am I? Where is Whumper?"
"We are in the hospital, off the main highway. The sixth exit. You are safe here. What's your name?"
"Okay, Whumpee. How old are you?"
"26, I think. Or I was. I don't know how long... it was dark."
"I see. Do you mind if we move this conversation to the bed over there? This cold floor must be pretty uncomfortable." Once again Whumpee fell silent for a second, and looked at the bed like they were calculating something. They shook their head no, and made no effort to move.
"We can sit here for a few more minutes, but I am going to ask that we go over there at some point tonight, okay? I don't want you to get an infection."
"I...I can't. I'm not..." Whumpee gulped. Saying this to Whumper was one thing—they were used to that by now. Saying it out loud to a stranger brought a shameful blush to their face as humiliation snaked its way through their intestines. They briefly remembered a time where they knew how silly this admission was. "I'm not worthy."
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delicatewhumps · 4 months
think about the possibility of whumpee being intubated.
it’s uncomfortable. it’s scary. they can’t make any vocal sounds at all, not even ones of pain. they’re probably under the influence of some pretty heavy meds so they’re woozy if not outright unconscious.
think of how horrifying it is for caretaker, too. seeing whumpee in this state — a tube coming out their mouth, and the clicking and whooshing of the ventilator.
also, having the tube taken out isn’t something quick and easy. the doctors first have to gradually turn off the ventilator to see if whumpee can even breathe on their own. this can take hours. so whumpee has to be breathing manually while there’s a tube down their throat. then the actual process of extubation is uncomfortable in and of itself, and it carries the risk of complications such as permanently damaging whumpee’s vocal cords. plus it will be painful for them to talk for a while.
i just think there are a lot of opportunities for hurt/comfort there.
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whumppromptoftheday · 15 days
whumpee being hooked up to an IV at the hospital and not being able to run when whumper finds them
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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Clips of 9-1-1 6x11 from this sneak peek video
A/N: I made these really quick and it was hard to hear what the dialogue was so I apologize if I got it wrong but hey when the episode airs I'm gonna gif it again anyway lol. I think this episode is actually making me insane. I have gone feral for this whump and I'm not sorry 🤣 I'm never made gifs so fast in my life.
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how-much-for-a-whump · 6 months
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Prompt: "Isolation"
Arka Sokaklar 557. - 558. Bölüm
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tildeathiwillwrite · 7 months
Merry Whumpmas 2023 Day 1: Hospital
(featuring OC's Rowan and Victoria)
TW: Broken ribs, hospital, ghost, bruises, sprained wrist, IV drip, needle mention, heart monitor painkiller mention
Rowan regained consciousness slowly. At first, the only thing he was aware of was how he was somehow unable to fully draw breath. It was as if his chest was constricted somehow.
The second thing he became aware of was the stabbing pain and the sensation of bone grinding together whenever he tried to inhale too forcibly.
He groaned softly, which led to the discovery of a third thing: the plastic oxygen mask covering his mouth and nose. He then noticed the softness of a bed beneath him, a blanket overtop him, the bandages bound tightly across his chest and around his left wrist. The fingers of his left hand twitched automatically with this newest discovery, and cold flames licked up his arm as a result.
Rowan’s eyes fluttered open. The harsh lights overhead threatened to blind him, and he squinted at his surroundings. He lay on his back in one of those hospital beds at an angle that wasn’t completely flat but not straight upright either, somewhere in between. The ceiling was made of foam squares with tiny black dots—or were those holes? He couldn’t tell—and the walls were a dull white.
As Rowan studied the walls, trying to determine if they were textured, a… figure… of some sort detached itself from the exact spot on the wall he was staring at. He barely made out the outline as it moved from one side of the room to the other before vanishing through the opposite wall. He blinked in shock, expecting to have felt some boiling unease at the sight of the specter. So the ghost was harmless…?
He continued his sweep of the room. A complex machine rested to the left of his bed, one of the screens displaying what he assumed was a heart monitor, beeping softly for every second that passed. An IV drip next to it almost drew his attention to the needle embedded in his arm, but he forced himself to look to the other side of the room.
On his right side was the door leading out to the rest of the hospital. Next to the door were two chairs, with the space for a third chair left empty. As his eyes finished moving to the right, he realized why. The chair had been moved closer to his bed, and sitting in it, with eyes closed and head resting at an uncomfortable angle against the wall, was Victoria.
Rowan stared at her, listening to the constant beeping of his heart and the distant whirring of some other machine nearby. Two cuts on her face had been cleaned and bandaged, and several bruises in various shades decorated what skin was visible underneath her loose band shirt and jeans. More time passed until he sheepishly realized he should probably let her know he was awake.
“Hey,” he said, wincing. Speaking hurt a lot more than he thought it would. It didn’t help that his throat felt like sandpaper. The oxygen mask fogged up when he talked and muffled the sound slightly. “I think this place is haunted.”
Victoria started awake, blinking rapidly as her eyes readjusted to the bright lights. “Oh—uh—you’re awake!” She gasped out when she noticed him staring at her.
“Uh… yeah.” He slowly inhaled, trying not to disturb his injuries. “...Did what’s-her-name break my ribs?”
“Yeah. Pretty badly, from what the doctors told us. They’ve had you on some pretty strong painkillers for hours now.”
“...ah… that would explain the ghost I saw.”
She squinted at him. “You saw a ghost?”
“Uhuh. Came right through that wall over there.” He lifted his right hand to point at the spot where it had emerged. “And passed through the wall behind me.”
Victoria stared at the wall he indicated. “Well…” she said softly, “I was about to tell you it was the painkillers, ghosts aren’t real, but I honestly don’t know what’s supposed to be real and what isn’t any more.” She turned back to him. “You weren’t really in a coherent state when we managed to get you here. All the blunt force trauma messed you up pretty badly. What do you remember of the fight?”
Rowan grimaced. “I remember Granite or whatever-her-name-was got pretty pissed off when I kept dodging the big rocks she was throwing, so she focused her efforts solely on me… and I saw Sam… and then…” he shrugged and immediately regretted it. “Ugh… think those painkillers are wearing off… where is Sam anyway? And Ollie?”
“Waiting room,” Victoria said casually. Standing, she stretched, making a face as her sore muscles and bruises protested. “They wouldn’t let us in at all, at first, but we insisted. They only relented on the condition it was one at a time and we wouldn’t try to wake you up. Ollie’s gonna be so mad when he finds out you woke up and he wasn’t there.” She glanced at the door. “Speaking of… I should let the nurses know you’re awake.”
She crossed the room to the door before pausing with one hand on the knob. “Don’t… do anything stupid.”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “Since when have I done anything stupid?”
Victoria smirked and left the room, the door silently shutting behind her. Rowan settled back and focused on breathing with as little pain as he could manage. An impossible task, perhaps, but doable. Once he got another dose of pain meds.
(Rowan and Victoria are from a project I'm currently referring to as my teen superhero story. They appear in another story that I haven't posted here yet but will eventually.)
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bebs-art-gallery · 2 months
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The Surgery (1979)
— by Dimitris Anastasiou
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chiharuuu22 · 3 months
Whumpee blinked when he felt someone pulling up the blanket. He saw the Team Leader there, smiling at him.
"Sorry to wake you," he said. "Go back to sleep."
Whumpee seemed to circle the room with his eyes because he felt something was missing.
"Where... where is Caretaker?" he asked in a weak voice.
At first glance, Team Leader looked sad, but his expression immediately changed, "She's a little unwell, so I'll be on guard. When she's well, she'll come here."
Whumpee didn't answer and chose to close his eyes again. Team Leader, who felt a little guilty about lying, could only sit beside the bed in silence.
"Whumpee is looking for you," said Team Leader to Caretaker who was sitting alone in the dark hospital lobby, handing her bottled tea.
Caretaker did not answer. Her hand accepted the offered drink. Her eyes looked puffy, as if she had been crying for a long time.
Yes, Caretaker just expressed her emotions. The anger, fury, hatred, and disgust she had been holding at Whumper's trial poured out all at once. Had it not been for the Team Leader and other members to be detained, Caretaker would have wanted to kill Whumper right then and there.
How could it not be? It was Whumper who captured Whumpee during their fight, held him hostage for almost a year, subjected him to experiments, and even harassed him. What's more, Whumper records all of it. The recording was also played in court and made many people sick to their stomachs. In fact, the judge also had to pause it several times. Not just Whumpee, but all of Whumper's victims were killed.
Whumpee managed to survive with great difficulty, even taking strong evidence to corner Whumper. Unfortunately, Whumpee also ended up languishing in the hospital and being critical for some time. Victims who survived also had the same condition; some even had mental disorders.
After seeing everything that happened to Whumpee, Caretaker was unable to meet him. Found Whumpee who was still lying weak and still had to be helped with medical equipment, even just to breathe. Caretaker didn't dare imagine what Whumpee was going through.
"Whumpee didn't say anything, but he noticed you were avoiding him," Team Leader sat down next to Caretaker. "He woke up several times and looked like he was looking for you."
"I don't dare go see him. I can't stand what I just saw, let alone Whumpee who experienced it," Caretaker spoke in a trembling voice. "I'll definitely cry if I see him."
Team Leader sighed, "At least he's safe and still has his sanity. I know you two need each other, and now Whumpee really needs you by his side."
Caretaker downed her drink.
"Go meet him; Whumpee will be very happy to see you." Team Leader patted Caretaker's shoulder to encourage her.
Caretaker nodded.
Whumpee woke up again when he felt something soft and cold touch his cheek. His eyes widened slightly when he found the Caretaker beside him stroking his cheek with affection.
"The Leader said you weren't feeling well. Are you sick? Are you okay?" Whumpee asked and slowly trying to get out the sound he managed to muster, his hand reaching for Caretaker's face. "Are you crying? Why?"
Caretaker started to feel a pinch in her heart; she wanted to cry again. "I'm okay. Just... just a little tired. Don't worry. I'm feeling better too; that's why I came here. Why? Miss me?"
Whumpee flashed a weak smile and said, "Yeah. Very."
Caretaker chuckled softly and said, "Don't worry. I'll be beside you."
Whumpee actually realized why Caretaker was acting like that. Whumpee knows today is Whumper's court, and he already expects that the indictment and evidence will be shown there.
"I'm sorry," said Whumpee.
"Why apologize? You didn't do anything wrong," Caretaker kissed Whumpee's forehead gently. "Go to sleep. You need it."
Whumpee squeezed Caretaker's hand. Just for that alone, Whumpee felt safe.
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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“All you wanted was to not be alone.”
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jordanstrophe · 3 months
Whumpee woke with a sobbing shout. They quivered and panted, memories hit them as if they were still on the floor at whumper's feet. They felt arms wrap around them and beeping heard overhead; the sound worsened the pounding already in their head. 
"Hey hey hey! It's okay. You got a lot of injuries, you've got to take it slow." Caretaker touched whumpees forehead and put them back against the pillow. They tightly gripped whumpee's hand and the other rested on their chest.
"Wh-where am I? How did I get here?" Whumpee panicked. 
"You're in a hospital. I'm here with you, everything's okay. You're going to be fine..." Caretaker sadly smiled. Whumpee stared up at them with wide eyes, breathing like a wounded animal, gripping the back of caretakers hand with every ounce of strength, which was hardly holding them at all.
Despite caretaker's calm demeanor, whumpee could feel caretaker's hand shaking as much as their own.
"You-" Whumpee breathed, trying to raise their hand to them, but they couldn't.
"Yeah, it's me," Caretaker smiled, collecting their collapsed hand in their own. "I'm here, I'm taking good care of you. You can keep resting, okay?"
Whumpee shook their head no, their body still in fight or flight mode, wanting nothing more but to jump up and assess their surroundings. Caretaker could see their legs twitching and slowly inching off the bed as they sighed and scooted on the bed with them, pushing their legs back to the center.
"No hon, it's too early to be doing that." Caretaker soothed, laying whumpee's head on their shoulder.
It was almost as if as soon as whumeee's cheek settled, they relaxed and their heart rate slowly returned to normal beat by beat. Caretaker looked up at their monitor and sighed with relief watching the numbers stabilize. 
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Whumpee is in the hospital either heavily sedated/asleep or in a coma. Caretaker will often read stories to them or recall fond memories. They doubt it makes a difference since there's no guarantee whumpee can hear or understand them, but they still do it. Then one day, while caretaker is talking, they notice a tear falling from whumpee's closed eyes
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