#why did raven run again? i think the show ended on 'she was scared' or smth. or didnt trust oz bc... bird
constantvariations · 2 years
gimme your top 5 hot takes about rwby
I'm afraid I don’t have an accurate gauge of what qualifies as a “hot take” (or even what it actually is. Is it merely a controversial opinion?) so if any of these are ice cold I apologize
Adam and the Rose family should be connected in some way. Visual cues are important and there's so much spicy potential, especially if the dynamic originated with Summer
For Roman, the best and longest standing villain of the show, to be one of the few on-screen Grimm deaths is borderline parody. Personally, I think Ruby should’ve had a more active role in his death, even if by accident or setting up circumstances like she did Neo
Ozma’s situation is far more horrifying and sympathetic than Salem’s. The gods proved that they could bring Ozma back to life in his own body, but instead he’s forced to be a body snatcher? That’s fucked up in so many ways. She may be able to die again and again, but I think it’s way worse to die knowing you’re dooming several people at once
May Marigold isn’t that great of trans rep. She’s so unmemorable and inconsequential to the plot that the only reason I remember her at all is because she’s The Trans One. Like, glad they made her trans, and the reveal was respectful and clear and not even plot-relevant!, but maybe make her a good character first?
If we’re going by the show’s queer golden rule of blushing = romantic feelings, then Ruby had a crush on Emerald in V3 and it should have been explored way more for angst purposes
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roonyxx · 1 year
The Raven: Part 8
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Summary: A new threat to the world brings the boys back in action. She is big and bad, very bad. But is everything as it seems or is there more to her story?
Pairing: Dean x reader
Trope: enemies to lovers
Word count: 1501 (sorry it's a short one)
Chapter warnings: language, death, anger, confusion, tension.
A/N:  sorry it's been a while since i updated! Life got a little busy again and i struggle a lot with this story, it is complicated, we are nearing the end! hope you enjoy xxx
The Raven Masterlist
My Masterlist
Buy me a coffee
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Black and nothingness, I’m falling endlessly in a void. I am not scared or in pain, I could even say I’m comfortable.
Until I’m not, hands with sharp long nails grips my arm and tugs me sideways through a tunnel with a light at the end. Images are flashing past me at a high speed, I am in those images, and so is Y/n.
I’m getting pulled towards the light so fast my body is preparing for impact.
Just before I break through that glasslike surface, I see one image of Y/n, crying and terrified holding me as I comfort her.
Why is she so sad?
I take a deep breath and start coughing, Raven turns me on my side to help me breathe.
“W-what happened?” I pant, slowly sitting up and rubbing at my chest, the ache is still there. I look at her and she looks unfazed, her sunglasses back in place and her clothes in order while my pants and underwear are still around my ankles.
Good Sammy is on his run…
“You thought of her and your mind slipped into the wrong timeline.” She looks up at me, her mouth a hard line, “Do you understand now why I say it is important why you have to push away from her.”
“But… it doesn’t happen when dream.” and I think of her often.
She stands up, holding out her hand to help me up. I take it and she tugs me up with ease.
“Because dreaming is a special state of mind. With dreams your subconscious can float away without harming your body. When you do it while awake. This happens. You die. Tug up your pants, Hunter.”
I grab them and quickly tug them up. “Wait… I-I died?”
“Yeah, just for thirteen seconds, but yes.” she turns and takes another coffee.
“What…” I get in front of her “I just died and you’re acting like it’s normal!”
She looks me down while sipping her coffee, “I did warn you, multiple times, that there would be consequences.”
“You brought me back.” I look down at my arm and see gashes on it from where she grabbed me and tugged me back from the dead.
“I did.”
“Why and how? You wouldn’t have all this trouble if I died, it would be easier for you.”
She sighs and take another piece of chocolate, “I told you before, you dying isn’t the solution. And how? I just reached into you, found your soul and yanked it back.”
“Y-you touched my soul, only angels can do that.” I say in awe.
“And me.” She says before another sip of coffee.
I look at her, at this woman, this… witch, if that’s even enough to describe her power. She’s cold and hard and mean. Yet… there is something about her that I can’t shake off.
“Or you just had a heart attack from coming to hard.” She chuckles into her mug.
“I-“ I stare at her, a blush crawling over my face when I remember what I said, “R, I’m sorry for saying that… I didn’t mean anything with it. I swear I wasn’t thinking of her.”
“I did think you were more professional. And, ” she  comes closer, touching my chest, right where that ache is and pushes a little harder, as if to hurt me, “I did expect more of the famous Dean Winchester, the womanizer. I had hoped you’d lasted longer.” She steps back and I take that hit to my ego.
“But you came” I reason.
“I asked you to break me. I am still standing, am I not?”
“I kinda got distracted with dying to keep going.” I snap back.
She hums and shrugs, “I just expected more.”
I step closer, ready to show her more, to break her, to make her a whimpering mess, but she holds up one finger.
“No no” she tsks. “Once I let you touch me, out of curiosity. Never again. This can never happen again. Understood, Hunter?” She states.
Her words sound more for herself than me, and then I remembered her jealousy of Y/n. If she’s out to hurt me, I can only return the favor.
“I understand clearly. And I mean, I really have enough with my dreams about Y/n” I grin when I see her clench her jaw. “I’ll do my best to keep my mind clear in the day but at night when I dream, I’ll enjoy it twice as much. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow morning.” I wink at her and leave her standing in the kitchen.
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It’s been a couple of days since all that happened. R and I decided it would be best to not tell Sam. It would only worry him more.
My dreams… they have changed since then. They are mixing Y/n and The Raven.
One moment I could be thrusting deep into my wife and the next I would feel long nails scratching down my back.
The worst part? I’m not hating it…
She is beautiful in a terrifying way, if that makes sense. I can’t stop thinking of her body, her pussy clenching around me so fucking tight.
She’s wearing her pj, shorts and a big shirt, not sexy by any means but on her it is. Her nipples are hard and poking through the fabric. It’s distracting as fuck.
“Stop staring at my tits, or I will rip your eyes out.” she says while going over her notes.
We just finished our morning ritual. I told her everything aside that it’s now her when I dream…
“Is that how you lost yours in your other body?” I ask.
Her body changes before my eyes and she lifts her sunglasses to look at me with those creepy empty sockets.
“You prefer this body? Stare all you want, hunter.” She continues reading her notes whilst snickering.
“Why do you have this body anyway? What is your real one?” I am curious.
“I have it because I want it. Both are.”
“So what happened to your eyes?” I wonder.
“I took them out.” she flips a few pages back in her notebook.
“Why…” I breathe out. she took them out herself? With those nails?
“None of your business” she looks up and in an instant her body is normal again, “Why are you lying to me. You’re dreaming other things.”
“What? I’m not.” I argue.
“You are a horrible liar for a hunter, how do you get anything done? Tell me what changed, think of the consequences! You want to die again?”
“I don’t!” I yell at her.
She stands, bracing her hands on the table, the exact same table I fucked her on. “Tell me the truth or I make you.”
She starts to roll her fingers when I refuse to say anything and a tickling is forming in my throat. The words are bubbling up before I can stop them.
“I dream of fucking you.” Heat immediately envelops my face.
“Ah” she says and drops her hand, followed by a muttered “shit.”
She moves away from the table and starts pacing while rubbing her face. She looks more worried than annoyed. I half expected her to laugh in my face. Why isn’t she laughing.
“You act like it’s horrible.”
“It is Dean. It’s fucked up, nothing is going as it should! I shouldn’t even be here. I should be as far away from you as possible!” she screams at me.
I frown, her mask of coldness is slipping again, she’s freaking out.
“What are you not telling me. Stop being so annoying and just tell me!”
“I can’t!” she grunts in frustration and pushes me back “It’s all your fault, you had to mess everything up and then come back and I tried to push you away but you wouldn’t let me!” she keeps pushing and pushing until she starts crying. She never cried before.
I tug her into my chest, not knowing what else to do. I hold her tight to me and stroke her back. My fault?
“I don’t understand how it is my fault.” I softly say to her.
“It’s because of your stupid face.” She mutters into my chest and I can’t help but chuckle at how cute she is now.
She sighs and pulls back to look up at me, “I can’t tell you, I wish I could but I can’t. you just have to trust me and stop thinking about-“
She gets cut off when something sounds like breaking in the warroom.
We both run out of the kitchen to see what it is. Sam is already there, helping Cas up.
“Cas!” I run to him and help Sam. Seems like he made a crash landing.
“I know what happened.” He pants and looks between me and The Raven.
She steps forward as if to stop him but Cas is faster.
Cas’s eyes fix on mine and I can see the fear in them, “What?” I demand.
“You died, Dean.”
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Forever Tags 2023: @jay-and-dean @flamencodiva@chocolateheart @magssteenkamp @snowlovespie @awkward-and-indecisive @hobby27 @yvonneeeee
Dean tags 2023: @akshi8278 @brilovesdeanwinchester @mrspeacem1nusone @pink-sparkly-witch @verytoadpapersoul@eevvvaa @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart@supernatural79impala @thoughts-and-funnies
The Raven: @globetrotter28 @jerome-valeska-trash @deans-spinster-witch @sassy-pelican @jamerlynn @pallographsunspot @nancymcl
(send me an ask if you want to be removed/ added from my tags, I know it's been a while since I used them)
You can support me here if you loved it :D
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deeplyshalllow · 2 months
Sup, same anon here. I've never seen her Veronica, so I don't have an opinion lol. Like I said, I was just curious. But I did see her in bat out of hell and thought she was really good.
What Veronicas do you like, then? (I'm basic, so I'm forever faithful to Winona and Barrett lmao. I'm not a huge fan of West End heathers tbh, but I think Ailsa did a pretty good job too.)
Oh good, you saw my reply, I was scared I'd left it too long.
Well firstly:
like I'd recommend watching because, despite my misgivings about Christina I think it's a really strong cast, and also everyone in the world deserves to see more Jordan. (And let me know what you think!)
I saw her and liked her in Bat out of Hell too - I think the main issue is she doesn't act much different to Raven as Veronica, which is an issue when they're such different characters.
...I um ...don't like Alisa either, for completely different reasons to why I don't like Christina. I just find her very boring, I don't think she puts emotion into her performance at all - I've seen her live with Jacob and honestly I just didn't feel like I got either of their characters (though granted it was early in their run, Jacob was an understudy at the time and my friend who hadn't seen Heathers before enjoyed themselves (also Jacob and Inez do the steamiest JDuke and I didn't even really ship them at the time)). I've seen the proshot and a boot with her and Ben (her boyfriend!) and I still don't see chemistry or any great acting ability. Again, not a reflection of her as a person - the podcast I listened to with her on mentioned how much of a fan she was of Winona and the Heathers movie - I just don't thinks she quite has worked out how to translate that into her acting.
So Ronnies I do like (musical, Winona goes without saying):
Carrie is my favourite - she just gets everything right, Ronnie's intelligence, her chemistry with JD, her difference from the Heathers and all the fight needed in the second act. It helps that she and Jamie vibe so well too, they play jdoncia as very in love just unable to overcome JD's other issues and honestly it works so well. They were the first cast I saw live and honestly are still the best
Erin is fantastic too, honestly tying with Carrie for favourite Ronnie - I haven't actually seen a whole show with her live, but I saw her perform at musical con and immediately was like "that's a good Veronica" and the boots I've seen confirm this. The first thing she said in her podcast was "Veronica's really smart" and she plays it like that, but with a naivety that I don't see in that many Veronicas. JD is Erin's Veronica's first boyfriend and you can tell. She spends act 1 blinded a little by this, which is why she doesn't realise what trouble she's in until act 2, but once she does she fights. The only problem I have with her is that she doesn't really have much chemistry with Nate or Elliot, but she plays it so well I can forgive anything
Barrett - I mean almost goes without saying I think, she does a great Veronica, with all the sass and fighting and when she's silly it's in reaction to JD and not because she's just zany like that. I think most of the reason she's not higher up in my favourites is that originating a role means you don't get to use anyone else's interpretation to work out what works best
Sorry that was quite a ramble, but please do keep asking questions if you want, I enjoy getting to talk Heathers. Even if I'm judgemental AF
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Totally didn’t think I already posted this and forgot about it
Chapter 4
♦️𝙰𝚗 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐♠️
"Boss, watch your temper, we wouldn't want you burning down the Casino."
"Forget my temper!" The Devil thundered. "I want to know why the Hell you gave them your keys!"
"Boss... I... It's... It's rather funny actually, you see- "
"I swear, if you give me a stupid excuse one more time..." The Devil fumed.
The Devil's rage was beyond its boiling point. She didn't exactly find it acceptable that Queen Dice had not only gave and trusted the girls with her key ring, but she also didn't supervise them and the little finks ended up in the Devil's bedroom. Not only that, but the woman directly disobeyed the Devil's orders, giving them a completely different job than what she had instructed her to give them. It was surely an understatement that Dice was in hot water now.
Letting out a shaky breath, her nerves got to her, Queen Dice looked to the girls. She thought about breaking her promise and completely lying to the Devil to save her own skin. It's what the brats deserved for running off like that. Hell, they broke into the Devil's bedroom of all places as if they owned the place. It was only warranted that they get what they deserved.
But looking into those girls' fearful eyes, she saw that scared little girl that ran away from home all those years ago. When no one came to her aid, she was left with nothing left to lose. She couldn't bare to put those girls through the same pain. It was too much. It was entirely too much.
Turning back to face the Devil, Queen Dice breathed in slowly, her breath shaky. She almost backed down again, looking in those golden eyes. Those shimmering... Elegant golden eyes.
Queen Dice shook her head, snapping out of it.
"I... I..."
"Dice, if you're not going to tell me, I'll just throw them out on the streets- And you're going to go with them if you don't tell me- "
"No! Don't do that!"
Listening, the Devil's anger only seemed to dampen slightly, if at all.
"Boss... I... I gave them my keys because I told them to clean my office..." Queen Dice winced.
"Instead of- "
"Going on patrol in the Underworld?! Boss, please, we both know that they would've either gotten lost or eaten- Knowing your demons down there; probably both." Dice snapped at her Boss.
"I see no downside to that." The Devil mumbled.
"Devil-" Queen Dice growled, getting impatient with her Boss. "Look, I get that you're the ultimate evil and all that, but can't you show even a little sympathy?"
"How do you know that I can even show sympathy?"
"Boss, you remember that night, right?"
The Devil blinked, her golden eyes avoiding Dice's.
"I... I- I don't... I don't know what you're talking about..."
"Yes you do, Boss. 10 years ago. You saved that girl in the allleyway. If you don't have sympathy, why'd you do it then?"
The Devil's face softened, as if she was reminiscing over a memory. Possibly the one Dice spoke of. Furrowing her eyebrows, the Devil locked her eyes on Dice once more.
"That... That was different..."
"I know you and these girls haven't always... Seen eye to eye, but at least try to show them a little sympathy. Just try."
The Devil sunk in her office chair, heaving a long sigh. Covering her face with her hands, she seemed to only be holding up her head with her elbows. She ran her fingers through her raven hair, her bangs momentarily being slicked back before falling right back into place. The demon looked to Queen Dice, then the sisters. Sighing once more, she finally spoke through the silence.
"Fine. I'll... I'll think on it." The Devil said, Queen Dice letting out a relieved sigh. "But,"
The bite to her words sent Dice's guard back up.
"If they pull a stunt like that again, it's on you."
Queen Dice nodded, going eerily silent.
"Good, glad we could come to an agreement. Now, be a dear and taken them to their room." The Devil waved the three of them away.
Though they did as they were told with no complaints.
♦️ ♦️ ♦️
Entering the elevator, there was no sound between the three of them. Even the casual conversation Queen Dice attempted to do before wasn't even present. They rode the elevator a couple levels down until they got to the throne room, an eerie, silence still between them. Walking halfway through the room, Queen Dice stopped short. Tensing up, she quietly sniffed and hiccupped, sounding as if she was holding back tears.
Looking at one another, Cuphead and Mugma'am went to ask the woman what was wrong or give her some sort of comfort; that is, until Dice whipped around to face them.
Tears threatening to come rushing out, a few tears ran down her face. Sniffing again, her sadness turned to anger in the blink of an eye.
"I just... I just cannot believe you!" She cried, a few more mascara-filled tears running down her face. "I tried to get you guys an easy way out of what was going to happen to you, and you two run off like that!"
She paused for a moment, trying to fight tears. As if waiting for the girls to speak, she only seemed to cry louder when they didn't say anything.
"All I asked... Was... Was for you two to clean my office and- And wait for me to come back. It was a simple order!" Queen Dice sniffled before burying her face in her hands and bawling. "Y- Y- You two don't understand... You don't get it... What would happen if the Devil were to break my contract..."
Looking to each other, the sisters couldn't help but feel horrible about what they did. Even if they were just messing around, they didn't even take into consideration how it might effect others. Both Dice and the Devil as well as each other. Seeing Queen Dice upset like this showed them exactly what the consequences of their actions might be. Seeing Queen Dice this scared was unnerving to see. It almost gave a new light to her character.
"Let's just..." She wiped her eyes with her gloved hands, uncaring about getting eyeliner and mascara all over them. "Let's just get you two back to your room before anything else happens."
Cuphead didn't dare to even make eye contact with Dice, never mind look at her. Her gaze was glued to the floor, watching one foot step in front of the other.
That is, until Mugma'am tugged on her sleeve.
"What?" She whispered.
"I'm hungry." Mugma'am mumbled.
"Well it's a bit of an awkward moment to be asking for food right now. She’s probably just gonna feed us scraps anyways." Cuphead hissed. "Maybe we can sneak out later and get some dinner- "
"I'm not deaf, you know." Queen Dice snapped, stopping in her tracks.
"Oh... We didn't- "
"But if you're hungry," She interrupted Mugma'am from speaking. "I can send some food to your room. Cuz I doubt the Boss wants to see you two in the Casino for the rest of the day.”
"Yeah... Yeah you're right..."
Going down the hallway, Queen Dice opened the door for them. After they both sat at their designated beds, she went to close the door, sighing. Though Cuphead was still troubled by one thing, and she couldn't wait for an answer;
"Wait, Dice!" She stood up quickly.
"Yes?" Queen Dice asked, rather annoyed.
"You... You mentioned a contract... I always thought you worked for the Devil cuz you liked to." Cuphead said.
"What's what supposed to mean?" Dice placed a hand on her hip.
"I meant- Do you... Do you like working for the Devil?"
"Of course I do."
"Then..." Mugma'am spoke up. "Why do you have a contract with her?"
Queen Dice pursed her lips, letting out a long sigh as she closed her eyes. She looked out the door, glancing both ways to make sure the coast was clear.
"If I tell ya, will you shut up?"
The girls nodded, Dice sighing again.
"Fine." Dice closed the door. "I have a contract with the Devil because... If I didn't... I'd be... I'd be dead..."
The girls looked surprised, but didn't say anything. Letting out yet another sigh, Queen Dice sat on the edge of Cuphead's bed. Mugma'am s opted closer and sat at the edge of her bed.
"I was..." Dice continued reluctantly. "I was once in a situation like the two of you... Wasn't much older than you two either. Was about... 18- Not quite 19, but close. I had ran off from home. Gotten in a whole lot of trouble... A gang finally had enough and hunted me down... Got cornered and... And they shot me..."
"Did you die?" Cuphead gasped.
Expression going deadpan, Dice stared at Cuphead.
"What? I'm just curious is all."
"If the Devil hadn’t been around, I would've." Dice answered. "She gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. I could have my life back. Anything I wanted. Under the condition that I worked for her." Dice shrugged. "I figured it was better than the situation I was in at the time."
"Did you lose your parents too?" Mugma'am asked, Queen Dice shook her head.
"Wait, why'd you run from home, then?" Cuphead tilted her head to the side.
"That's..." Queen Dice broke eye contact. "That's another story for another time." She stood from the bed.
"Oh, come on, Dice!" Cuphead whined loudly.
"Not tellin ya right now, that's my final word." Dice walked to the door. "Now, I'll send an imp with a dinner for you two. I'm not taking requests, you get what you get."
"Yes ma'am."
"Ok, Cuphead?"
"Fine... But are you sure you- "
"I'm not telling you the story right now."
Queen Dice opened the door, starting to close it as she exited it.
"Thank you, Miss. Dice." The girls said in unison.
Stopping short, the woman looked back to the room but shook her head, assuming the girls were used to living with that Kettle Lady.
"You're welcome." She said, clicking the door shut.
Shaking her head, Queen Dice had to convince herself that she absolutely despised those girls after what they've done.
The only problem was that they knew just how to sneak their way into her heart.
🃏 🃏 🃏
Coming back to the Casino floor, Queen Dice walked her way slowly down the hallway. Taking her time with getting back to work, she wasn't exactly looking forward to cheating suckers out of their money at the moment.
The Devil's office door opened ajar as usual, she walked past it. Though ache stopped short and quickly back tracked.
The Devil seemed to be frustrated by everything at the moment. Trying to rip off a piece of tape off of the dispenser, the piece of tape ended up sticking to her hand. Growling, she tried to wave it off before attempting to peel it off- It just getting stuck on her other hand.
Queen Dice could barely hold back her giggle.
"Got something to say, Dice?" The Devil snarled, Dice tensing up a bit.
"No, I was just..." Dice cleared her throat. "Here, Lemme help you."
Entering the Devil's office, she rounded the demon's desk before taking her hand and peeling off the piece of tape before placing it on the ripped sheet of paper.
"You just gotta be patient and kind to it." Dice offered a smile.
The Devil blinked, her eyes darting back and fourth between Dice and her hand.
"Uhm... You can... You can let go of my hand now... Dice..." The Devil mumbled awkward.
"Oh! Right!" Queen Dice chuckled, quickly letting go of her Boss' hand.
The Devil stared at Dice for a moment. Though she was frowning, she had no glare to her eyes. Just a simple state before she went back to work.
"Hey uhm... Boss...?" Queen Dice mustered up all of her courage.
"Yes?" The Devil said, getting annoyed.
"I'm... I'm sorry..."
"It's... Fine, I just don't like being laughed at- "
"No, I meant for earlier... I'm sorry for that..."
The Devil paused, raising her eyebrows, but didn't turn to face Dice. Though her annoyed expression seemed to have disappeared. Still frowning, it was more of a neutral state than angry.
"Dice... It's..."
"I should've known my place... I'm sorry I brought up... Y'know..."
"I say things I don't mean when I'm angry too." The Devil said, her gaze shifting to look at Dice. "So... I guess I can let it slide."
Queen Dice smiled, staring at her Boss rather idly at this point. The Devil looked up from her desk, Dice tensing up again as she prepared to be yelled at. That is, before the Devil smiled. A warm, genuine smile.
"Hey Dice, could you do me a favor?"
"I gotta get the girls something to eat."
"Ugh, Fine. After that, then can you do me a favor?"
"Of course."
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: your relationship with Damian isn’t what is seems like.
♡ pairing: damian wayne (robin), bart allen (impulse) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “it’s just a little too late, you say you dream about me but you don’t like me, you just like the chase so be real, it doesn’t matter anyway.”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes 
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you were blasting music into your headphones as you were trying to finish everything you needed to get done for the week. graduation was coming in just a few weeks and you had been neck deep in homework with essays and exams coming in from left and right. 
you had even been putting off even hanging out or going on dates with Damian because your lack of time. he kept telling you that it was okay but in the back of your head, you felt wrong for denying him every time he asked you out. 
Jon and Billy had been in the lair’s living room, lazying around until Nightwing or even Batman came in to give all of you times and coordinates for your patrolling tonight. you hadn’t even been hearing their conversation since your music was drowning out their conversations. 
when you realized that your coffee had ran out and everything that you needed in order to make a new cup was in the kitchen, you took off your headphones and grabbed your cup, walking slowly to living room. 
“where’s Damian?” Billy asked, kicking his shoes off, “oh, he’s training. ever since graduation for Gotham Academy came closer, ( your name ) has been putting him off to study so he’s been training to kill time.” 
your eyebrows fluttered in confusion, not knowing if what Jon was saying was rude or not. “I have to give Damian props though,” Jon continued, “he’s been with her for two months now! we even had a small bet going to see how long he would be able to date her and he’s clearly won since he’s been with her longer than the month we bet on. even a few of the titans had placed bets that it wouldn’t last as long as it did. Raven put in a measly two weeks,” Jon laughed. 
your eyes stared down at the ground, completely watery and stinging, “hey, that just shows Damian can commit to things that aren’t training although it’s like you said, it’s surprising they’re even together if she keeps putting him off,” Billy added on. 
not realizing that your cup had slipped your grasp, the metal collided with the ground, making Jon and Billy turn around. they could see the hurt in your eyes as you remained frozen in place. 
“hey ( your name ),” Jon murmured, “did you hear what we were talking about?” Billy asked, afraid at the answer. 
your eyes turned into rage as you picked up your cup off the floor, “tell Damian that since our month is over, we’re done,” Jon immediately sprang up, “hey! please, don’t say that! you’re completely not understanding what we’re saying!” Jon said frantically. 
Damian walked out of the solo training room, seeing Jon and Billy’s expressions as the tears ran down your face, “what’s going on?” Damian asked. you laughed, not wanting to even look at him, “great! you’re here! since our relationship was based on a bet that you had money on that would only last a month, you can count it as we’re over now!” you exclaimed.
you slammed your laptop and grabbed your backpack as Damian ran towards you. in a fit of complete rage, you turned around and punched him square in the stomach, making him fall onto Jon. 
“go fuck yourself! as a matter of fact, you can find another member for the Titans! I quit!” you screamed, slamming your mask down onto the table and leaving the lair, “wait! please, this isn’t how you think it went down, please!” Damian begged. 
you gave him the finger, “I hope you, right along with Jon and Billy, enjoy sitting on the shame that is playing with people’s emotions,” you said as Nightwing walked into the hallway, clearly lost on what was happening, “the next time you, Jon, Billy, hell! even the Titan’s decide to play with people’s emotion for the sake of getting money, make sure it’s someone who’s not on the same team as you,” you whispered. 
“don’t leave, please don’t leave. Nightwing, stop her!” Damian said in panic as you got onto your bike, “Nightwing, since the Titan’s are now down a member, you can tell whoever was fighting a place that my spot is now vacant,” you managed to say before revving your bike and riding onto the street. 
“what is going on?” Nightwing asked the three. he had never saw Damian so hurt, meanwhile Billy and Jon were left speechless, “my girlfriend just broke up with me!” Damian murmured, a feeling in his heart that he had never felt before, “she overheard a conversation Billy and I were having but I think she only heard a piece of it,” Jon tried to rationalize. 
Damian looked at the two, pure rage coming over his body, “it’s both your fault?” he screamed, charging them with his sword. Nightwing quickly grabbed his brother, taking the sword away from his grasp, “she only heard some of the conversation! we never meant for her to actually get upset.” 
Nightwing stood in between the three, “listen, whatever happened, all of you need to apologize. now, I can’t promise that she’ll rejoin the team,” he warned Damian, “if she decides to come back, that’ll be her decision....AND HER DECISION only,” Nightwing said, “but if she decides not too, I can’t force her to overturn her decision,” he added on, “no matter who you’re related too.”
Damian knew he was hinting at Bruce when he added in the last part. there was no way any of them could actually convince you to come back if you didn’t want too. they could try and persuade you but it was ultimately your decision if you wanted to rejoin the team. 
once you got back home, you felt as though your heart hadn’t completely accepted what happened. a part of you felt like it was some sort of sick joke and you needed to wake up from it. 
alas, it wasn’t and you knew that what Damian and you had was something that wasn’t going to happen again. it stung knowing that Jon, the one who seemed so innocent all the time, was actually in on the joke and was sitting there and laughing at you. 
you hadn’t known Billy for that long. the two of you became acquainted not long after you got with Damian and while you thought of him as a friend, it still hurt that he too was in on the joke. 
your mom was working late as she was helping Gotham Academy with situating for graduation planning. your mom didn’t know about you and Damian thankfully so even though you were completely heartbroken, it’s not like she knew about what you were going through. 
you flopped onto your bed, trying to control your breathing when the doorbell rang. tiptoeing to the front door, hoping it wasn’t any of the three idiots, you were stricken with relief when you saw that it was Bart of all people.
“hey Allen, what are you up too? wait a minute, what you doing here in Gotham?” you asked, welcoming him inside. Bart chuckled softly, “I’m here for some stuff on the behalf of my family. don’t worry about it,” he murmured, “I went to the lair looking for you and you were gone.” 
you hummed, not knowing if you were willing to tell him the actual story of why you weren’t there, “you okay? you look like you were crying!” he exclaimed, seeing the puffyness under your eye and the redness around it. you sighed shakily, “truthfully? I’m not but it’s nothing to worry about,” you tried to say calmly. 
Bart gave you a look, not fully convinced, “seriously? I can’t talk to you about the real reason on why I’m here if you’re upset. tell me!” he restated, looking at you dead in the eye. you dragged him inside, not wanting anyone to heart, especially if Damian was on his bullshit and spying on you.
you got Bart up to your room, locking the door and leaning up against the door. your back against it as you tried to contain your tears and running your hands through your hair, “I broke up with my boyfriend recently and I’ve been having a lot of issues with it since I found out,” you finally confessed. 
Bart’s eyes twitched in annoyance, “you were dating someone?” he asked, a bit hurt that the girl he had been crushing on not only had a boyfriend but you were now heartbroken over it. you nodded, “not that my identity was ever a secret but I was dating Robin,” your eye twitched this time, annoyed at mentioning Damian.
Bart stood in disbelief, not believing that Robin, the one everyone thought was perfect, had broken up with you. a part of him wanted to strangle the boy but he knew that Robin was a lot more stronger than he was.
“if you don’t mind me asking, can I ask what happened?” Bart played with his fingers nervously. you stared at the ground, scared if you looked at Bart, you would bawl your eyes out, “he started dating me as a joke. he had made a bet with a few other sidekicks about being able to date me for a month and the longer he dated me, the more money he made,” your tears fell almost immediately at the confession. 
Bart’s anger immediately rose as he tried to not say anything irrational, “are you kidding?” he asked. you shook your head no, not knowing what to say, “can I kick his ass?” he asked again, making you laugh for the first time in a while. 
“sorry Allen but you know I won’t let you...especially because you and I both know how that would end,” you giggled, making Bart agree. you sat down on the bed next to him, “now why are you here? although I think I might know why,” you murmured. 
The Flash family, especially Bart and Barry had taken an interest in you when you first joined the Titans. your powers had given you the ability to be as fast as the Flashes were. you weren’t exactly as speedy as Flash but your powers did let you have competition with Bart’s speed. 
“you know Central city has been calling your name,” Bart whispered, looking at you. “you know you’d have a position with us and you wouldn’t be around Robin if you weren’t comfortable being around him,” Bart added in the last part. 
you bit your lip, “come on, you know better than anyone that Gotham has nothing for you,” he tried to rationalize, “yeah, you have potential with the Bats but you know that joining us would make you an even bigger hero than you are here,” he said. 
“Bart, is this really the reason why you want me to join all of you?” you asked. Bart nodded, hoping that you were actually considering it, “of course! you can join us out for patrol tonight and if you like it, you can join us over in Central City when you graduate,” he exclaimed. 
“tonight? with who?” you asked. Bart pointed to himself with confidence, “with the one and only, Bart Allen!” he boasted. you laughed, “just tonight and if I don’t like it, I get to stay here!” you said, pointing your finger at his chest. 
“SERIOUSLY?” he asked surprised. you nodded as you saw the time, “sure but remember what I said!” you yelled as he ran around your room in excitement. 
the time you had ever went to Central City was when you went with Damian and Bruce on the behalf of Bat business so the feeling that you were now no longer going there with them felt a bit out of place. you looked at the time as Bart had told you that it wouldn’t take to long to get there with both your speeds. 
you grabbed you uniform out of your closet and looked at the time, sensing that both you and Bart should get to Central City before both of your patrol times started. you could see the excitement coming from Bart as he was basically talking your ear off the entire way back to Central City. 
through the following few days, you had actively ignored Jon, Damian, and Billy. it was harder for you to ignore Jon and Damian as they had known your home address but every time Raven had informed you on one of the boys coming and paying you a visit, Bart always seemed to come over and get you out of the house before they could. 
this time was no different but today, you couldn’t ignore Damian even if you wanted too. today was Gotham’s graduation and with both you and Damian graduating at the top of the class, you both had to sat on the stage, right next to each other. 
you had worn a plain neutral yellow dress with black shoes as you tried to follow Gotham’s school colors. the actual cap and gowns were not as cute as they had the tacky yellow cap and gown with black lining that made all of you look like bee’s. 
up until this moment, you still hadn’t decided on what your plans were for after graduation. you had a bunch of unanswered acceptance letters from different University’s around the U.S. and one of them was from Central City State University. 
they had personally reached out to you in order to attend their school. you had been thinking about actually accepting their letter for a while now and with Bart now offering to be your partner, you didn’t want to pass up the opportunity. you hadn’t told anyone besides your mother about the move to Central City and while she was upset to see you leave, she knew it was best to let you finally be on your own. 
you had gotten to Gotham Academy, a bit early and tired as you had stayed up late with being on Face Time with Bart. the two of you had gotten closer over the course of the last few weeks and while you were still extremely heartbroken over Damian’s actions, a part of your heart was starting to fix itself with Bart now mending that piece. 
you, on a very sporadic thought, had invited Bart and Barry to your graduation as you didn’t want to run into the chance of actually having to be alone with Damian. you wanted to make sure that you were either around your mom or Bart when everything was finished. 
the stage had been set by the time you got to the Auditorium as you had saw your mom along with Bart and Barry in the front. since you were moving to Central City, partially for college and partially to continue doing hero work there, your mom had to introduce and get familiar with the family that was soon taking you in. 
everyone knew that everyone who were connected to the Flash family had this flamboyant personality to them so when Barry and Bart introduced themselves to your mom, she was quite taken back. nevertheless, she did end up getting along well with them and felt safe with you moving there. 
Damian had saw you sitting in the chair, on your phone as everyone sat in their seats. what he hadn’t realized was that Bart and Barry were right next to your mom. he had heard about your endeavors with going over to Central City to ‘intern’ with the Flash family and while he didn’t want to believe it, a part of him felt as though that might’ve been actually true now. 
Damian looked at you with guilt crossing his face. you hadn’t been face to face with him since that fateful night and although it took every ounce of power to not scream at him, for the sake of his identity and the fact that all of you had to be professional, you gave him the side eye and turned to your headmaster who was approaching the stand. 
Gotham Academy’s graduation had felt like centuries before it finally came to your turn to speak on the behalf of your class. you smiled at the crowd, waving at your family and the Allen’s before looking down at your paper. you gulped in nervousness as you began your speech. 
“and although I have been keeping my college acceptance a secret, within the last few weeks, I’ve had the privilege of being scouted by a few schools and finally came down to the decision last week on which university I would attend. it is my honor and with grace to finally announce that I will be attending Central City State University in the fall! go Falcons!” you told the crowd as you opened up your gown to show off the school sweater. 
you saw Bart’s face light up with excitement as he realized that you had accepted the Flash’s invitation to work with them. Damian had also realized that the rumors surrounding you actually leaving the Titan’s to work with the Flash was actually true and he felt his heart break realizing that you were no longer a part of his life. 
you sat back down in your seat with a smirk playing on your face as you could basically feel Damian’s stare coming down on you. it wasn’t until after graduation when all of you got the chance to join your families again when you saw Bart and everyone else. 
“are you really joining us in Central City?” he asked excitedly. you nodded, giving Bart a hug. the hug didn’t feel friendly. not in the slightest. it felt almost romantic as the two of you remained in an embrace longer than you had realized, “than I’m so glad our plan actually worked out!” Barry said in relief. 
your eyebrows fluttered in confusion but he told you it was a surprise that you wouldn’t see until you got to Central City tonight. you nodded as all you had decided to take pictures before heading to eat. you had noticed Damian approaching you, a determined stare on his face but Bart quickly realized it and grabbed you by the wrist, making you join Barry and your mom again. 
the night finally entered as you had made your way to Central City in order to get settled into your new apartment by signing the final papers over to the apartment. Barry and Bart had offered to show you around your new home, as if you hadn’t already recognized Central City already but nevertheless, you complied and let them show you. 
you got into the core of the city, the lights twinkling and the noises of cars making you feel as though you were in a movie. Bart had covered your eyes with his hands as he told you your secret was coming up. a nervous feeling crept up to your stomach as you had no idea what was going on. 
finally, all of you stopped and that was when Bart took his hands off your eyes. you stared at the large billboard that was high up in the sky as you felt tears spring your eyes. 
“welcoming Central City’s newest superhero.” 
the billboard read as it had a picture of you right next to the lettering. you looked to Barry and Bart before engulfing them into a hug as you thanked them profusely. Barry shrugged you off, “we should be thanking you. you’re going to help us so much! it’s the least we could do,” he said as Bart agreed. 
Barry had mentioned that all of you were going to catch dinner at a restaurant and your reservation should be coming up soon. he had gotten the head start, whispering to Bart that he’d leave the two of you alone for a moment. 
“seriously, thank you so much Bart,” you whispered, giving him another hug. he chuckled nervously, trying to wave you off, “you have no idea how much this means to me,” you added on. 
you looked to Bart and got on your toes, hoping that your next action wasn’t a mistake. you gave him a quick peck on the cheek, making Bart go red in the face. it hadn’t fully set in that you kissed him until he realized that he hadn’t said anything back yet. 
Bart grabbed your hand, giving it a soft kiss before doing the same to your cheek. you smiled at him shyly, grabbing his hand before telling him that you were going to be late for the reservation with Barry. 
months had passed since you had started your new life in Central City. you hadn’t spared anyone in Gotham a second thought unless you were visiting your mom so you hadn’t contacted Damian or any of the Titan’s since then. 
however, you had to go with Bart to the Titan’s tower today. you had to meet up with Nightwing there to get information Barry needed for a case. you were hoping that you didn’t run into any of the idiots while you were there with Bart but luck was not on your side that day and upon reaching the Titan’s tower, you were met with not only Damian but with Jon and Billy. 
“where’s Nightwing?” you asked them. Jon gave you a sheepish smile, “he’ll be here soon,” he responded. you nodded, grabbing Bart’s hand and heading to the couch to say hello to Raven and Beast Boy. 
the four of you got into conversation until Damian walked in, basically dragging you into the kitchen as Bart immediately stood up, running to where you were. 
“what the fuck is your issue?” you yelled, snatching your hand back. Bart knew you could hold your own but he still wanted to make sure you were okay, “we need to talk,” he stated, looking to Bart. you laughed, “yeah, whatever you have to say you can say right now. I refuse to talk to you alone,” you said back. 
Damian growled as Jon and Billy stood up, “that night when everything went down, we want to say that it was all a mistake. you had only heard a portion of what we were saying. we never intentionally made a bet on the two of you. we had made a bet that was basically us telling Da-Robin that he couldn’t do anything besides train and fight. Robin had actual feelings for you and the bet was never intentionally set on you. we swear,” Jon explained. 
you looked to Damian and Billy as they both agreed. you rolled your eyes annoyed, “you think I’d actually believe that?” you looked to Bart and laughed before taking his hand, “the next time you actually want to make up lies, make sure they’re actually fucking believable!” you exclaimed laughing. 
Bart laughed along with you, “you think we’re lying?” Damian yelled, “yeah because why should I ever believe what any of you three have to say. all of you are a bunch of pricks that are so far up your own asses that no one with an actual working brain would believe that lie.” 
Bart’s mouth, along with everyone else, hung in disbelief and surprise. “seriously, the next time we see each other, make up a better lie and for the record, working with and in Central City has been actually been so refreshing! no offense,” you said looking over to the rest of the Titan’s, “especially since he’s been making it a lot easier,” you gave Bart a wink as he blushed slightly. 
“so unless we actually have to speak to each other on professional terms, don’t bank on me ever contacting any of you again.” 
you grabbed Bart’s hand as Nightwing had walked into the tower and the three of you walked into a solo conference room to actually do what Barry had sent you two for. 
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ignitedbynatsu · 3 years
He Makes You Feel Insecure ~ Rogue
A/N: let it be known that I finally managed to update at the deadline I set myself 🥳 I'm so sorry I was gone this past week but college was getting hella busy so I had to focus on that this past week but I'm backkk. Thanks to everyone who stuck around, I missed you all and can't wait to get to the requests ❤️
Genre: angst to fluff
Warnings: swearing, insecurities (he makes you feel too childish)
Other versions:
Gray ~ Laxus ~ Cobra/Erik ~ Bickslow ~ Gajeel ~ Natsu ~ Jellal ~ Freed ~ Sting
A loud crash could be heard followed by your and Sting's laughter filling the guild. You quickly fled the scene and hid behind Rogue while stifling your laughter.
You had played the oldest prank in the book on Minerva. A water bucket on a half-open door. You'll never understand how the brilliant mage fell for that one, but she did, resulting in you hiding from her wrath.
"(Y/N)! Sting!" Minerva screeched as the water dripped down her hair.
"We're sorry Minerva-san, we just couldn't pass the opportunity" you apologize on your and Sting's behalf, but it was nowhere near sincere As you both were still doing everything in your power to not burst out in laughter. It wasn't even that funny, but to you and Sting it was hilarious.
"I swear I'm dating a child" the annoyance that was latched on to the words made you immediately stop laughing. Surely he didn't mean for it to come out that harsh, right?
"I'm sorry, what was that" a soft smile still playing on your lips, but that was quickly wiped off when you met his cold gaze.
"I said that you're fucking childish, (Y/N). It was bad enough having Sting act this way, but with you encouraging him and even joining him? I feel like I'm in a fucking daycare. Grow up, will you" Sting laughter also died down as he saw his friend take his frustrations out on you. "Hey, man, that's not cool-"
"No, Sting, it's fine. I- uh- I'll see you all tomorrow" even Minerva shook her head in disappointment as she observed your slumped shoulders as you left the guild. She didn't miss the tears starting to form either.
The rest of the day everyone felt that they were walking on eggshells around Rogue, not daring to get on his bad side. They felt bad for you. Sure you could be a little annoying with all the pranks you pulled, but they all knew it was just good fun. You never meant any harm and just wanted to make the guild feel a little more like home.
That homeyness that you seemed to bring everywhere you went, was gone the next day. Your usual colourful outfits were replaced by dull grey and black clothes. They even were certain that they hadn't seen you crack a smile once that day.
"Hey, (Y/N)! I got this amazing idea for a prank and-" you interrupted Sting before he could elaborate his grand idea "thank you, Sting, but I'll have to decline."
You had never refused a prank before, nor had he ever heard you talk that formal "that's it"
You raised an eyebrow at him as he stormed off to God knows where.
You hated turning him down. After all, you had been itching all day to break this facade, but it was for the best. It'll pay off in the long run you kept telling yourself. After all, you couldn't imagine a world where you'd have to live without Rogue. So if that meant you'd have to change your personality a little bit, you wouldn't even hesitate to make that sacrifice.
Meanwhile, Sting had left to go find Rogue. He knew that his best friend was the only one who could put an end to this "is this what you wanted?"
"I have no clue what you are talking about" Rogue replied as he turned around to meet the fuming blonde.
"You seriously don't see how miserable you made (Y/N)?" He scoffed as Rogue looked around to spot you. It took him some time as he did not expect you to wear something so... Colourless. "You haven't even spoken to her today, have you?"
"I decided that I was way out of line yesterday and that I should give her some time" he explained. Did you really think you needed to change just to please him?
"How kind of you" Rogue was surprised by the sweet words coming out of Sting's mouth, but when he turned back to the said boy he was met by a harsh glare "now go fix it"
"What if I make it worse" the guilty was slowly eating him alive as he dared to steal another glance at you.
"You can't possibly make it worse than it already is" Sting dismissed his insecurities
"Fro thinks so too!" Rogue's head snapped towards the Exceed "Frosch?"
"It's three against one here" Lector also piped up as the three stared at him expectingly.
The raven-haired sighed, knowing he should do something to fix his mistakes, so he took a deep breath, gathered all his courage and headed towards his girlfriend. He never thought he'd feel this scared again to talk to you.
"(Y/N)... Can we talk?" He wanted to sound confident but when you looked at him and not even spared him a small smile, he felt like he wanted to sink back into the shadows.
"Of course, what is it you'd like to talk with me about?" Rogue cringed how smooth your tone was. No unnecessary intonation, no shouting, no expression. Everything was dull and blank.
"Why are you acting like this" your eyes went wide for a second. Were you still not living up to his expectations? Was it too little? Too much? You had no clue.
"I'm afraid I don't understand what you are talking about" you replied swiftly, covering up any traces of emotions you had just shown. "Did you not want me to stop acting like a child?"
"Yes, but-" "and is what I'm doing not exactly that what you asked me to do?" "Yeah... But-" Rogue was getting frustrated, but he knew he had no right to snap at you again.
"Then I don't see the relevance of this conversation. I'll be heading home now. I'll see you tomorrow" with that you placed a kiss on his cheeks and headed back out of the guild.
Rogue's attempts at covering up his frustration were in vain as you could read him like an open book. Afraid to get yelled at again you hastily decided to head back home. Ready to scream or punch something just to get your own frustrations out.
After the failed attempts of him making it up to you, you managed to put up your facade for a week, until one day you just didn't show up. You didn't notify Sting or Rogue in advance, which you normally do, you were just too tired to deal with anyone.
"Has (Y/N) told you she wasn't coming today?" Rogue's anxiety was through the roof. He nearly burned a whole town to the ground when he lost Frosch. Imagine what he'd do if he didn't know where you, his significant other was. "No"
"I'm going to her house" with that Rogue left in an attempt to find you. Luckily for him, you were indeed just at your house.
Your stomach dropped at the sound of someone knocking at your door. You were tired, no, exhausted even. You hated that you had to pretend that you were someone that you're not, but it was all for a good cause you kept telling yourself, and yet you couldn't muster the energy to keep up that facade.
"(Y/N)? Please tell me your home" your heart broke at the sound of his voice. The worry and desperateness were caused because of you. Once again you were not good enough.
You opened the door ever so slightly, just enough, so he could make out that it was in fact you. "Thank God you're here"
"I'm sorry for not giving a heads-up. I promise I'll be back tomorrow" you promised him as you were about to shut the door again, but he stopped you by placing his own hand against the door.
"(Y/N), please, we need to talk" you contemplated for a minute, weighing the pros and the cons "please"
You slowly opened the door further as a signal for him to come in.
The sight in front of him shattered his heart. Your eyes were red and puffy. Your figure was completely slouched and your arms were wrapped around your middle, hugging yourself, in an attempt to shield yourself away from.
"I'm sorry I probably look like a cry baby right now-" he stopped you before you could finish your excuse "hey, no, none of that"
"I want to tell you something and I need you to listen without you interrupting me, okay?" You nodded your head at his request and waited patiently as he continued. "First and foremost I'd like to apologize for my behaviour last week. I shouldn't have worked out my frustration on you and I shouldn't have attacked you like that."
You nodded your head at his apology "second, I want you to know that you should never change your personality. Especially not for me. I love you, (Y/N). And when I say that, I mean every piece of you. Your good and your bad traits. If fell in love with you for who you are, and not the person you've been portraying as the last week."
"Please go back to your old self. I'd rather have a childish person as my girlfriend than a fraud that's clearly exhausted by putting on a facade. I really am sorry for making you feel like you had to change for me" by now you were full-on crying. Maybe it was because of Rogue's kind words, maybe it was because of the exhaustion, maybe a bit of both. All you cared about now was being in his arms and feeling loved.
"It's okay" you whispered as placed your head on his chest as he planted a kiss on your head.
"It really isn't. That's why I'd like to make it up to you" you broke the hug to look up at him as a mischievous glint was sparkling in his eyes "how about we prank Sting?"
"I'd love to, but for now let's just watch a film and cuddle" you smiled at his idea as you had never pranked Sting before since you always prank others together.
"Anything for you, princess" that's how you spend the rest of your evening in each other's arms, with him reassuring you every once in a while that he loves you and that you should never change.
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junowritings · 3 years
Hello there mighty one!
May I request the bois reacting to fem!reader carrying tyem 'princess' style?
Reader looks week, skinny she looks like they don't have that much muscles. (Ironically they radiate big_D energy). She carries them like they don't weight that much. (+ Bonus points if reader acts like it's a normal thing!)
Be it a bet or one of the boys got injured or something else but reader ends up carrying them. That's literally it lol
Thank you ahead! ❤️💓
OH MAN THIS TOOK SO LONG IM SORRY! I had so much fun with this and I really hope that it was well worth the wait thank you so much for requesting!
♡ Honestly, you get a serious kick out of surprising people with your strength. Everyone always underestimates you, thinking that you’re too scrawny to pick up a chair much less even try picking up a person. You always protest about it, but unless someone actually wants you to show off just how strong you are you rarely get the chance to show off just how strong you are. Your fellow students would lose it if they found out just how easy it was to get swept off of their feet - you yanked Ace up into your arms once when he made the mistake of teasing you about it, giving him a little hoist into the air for good measure and cracking up at the shocked wheeze he let out at how easily you lifted him. Needless to say you’re pretty strong even if you don’t look it.
♡ You’d been lying if you said you hadn’t at least been a tiny bit tempted to carry Riddle around if only to see how he reacts - just thinking about the priceless look on his face was an amusing thought, but it remained as thoughts because as funny as it would be you value the life of yourself and your fellow classmates over the idea. It just so happens that thanks to a certain series of events, you actually get the chance to see the scenario play out in real life, surprisingly through no fault of your own.
♡ There’s certain times of the day where the crowds of students around Night Raven College swell and dissipate depending on where you are. In the middle of the day the rush is arguably the worst to anyone hoping not to get lost within a swarm of students bustling from their classrooms. It’s the period right before lunch actually starts, and whilst you should technically be in class right now, you’d all gotten enough done that you were allowed out a few minutes earlier than usual. Frankly you were more than happy for the extra minutes - it meant a few precious moments where you could tear through the hallways and get to the cafeteria to nab a snack before the main crowds started clogging up the exits as they did everytime the lunch period rolls in.
♡ You’re humming around a mouthful of the sweet treat you’d snagged from the days menu when you cross paths with Riddle, and though he doesn’t look too chuffed about you eating food outside of the appropriate dining hall he doesn’t call you out on it. You two fall into stride retreating down the hallway from where you’d first entered; it seems that you’re both heading towards the same area and you don’t mind the company so it suits you just fine to spend a little time with the dorm leader before going your respective ways for the next class. The peace doesn’t last for very long - soon enough the rest of the classes are being let out, and you’re suddenly reminded of why you were rushing to get away from the dining hall in the first place.
♡ All you see is the dinner rush crowd making a mad dash to the cafeteria and you act without thinking. You just know that Riddle would step in to enforce at least some kind of order to the pandemonium, but even if he could scare the crowd into stopping they’re still going to barge right over the two of you at this rate, and you’d rather avoid having the ghosts scraping either one of you off of the hallway floor. You’d much rather suffer through getting reamed out by Riddle for the stunt you’re about to pull than getting trampled by a stampede of students with no sense of personal space. When you mutter a quick “sorry!” Riddle gives you a confused look, which turns baffled when you toss your snack for him to catch in order to free up your hands (he catches it, thankfully - you don’t wanna make the journey back to buy a new one.)
♡ It’s a swift motion - all Riddle feels is your hands grabbing hold of him and suddenly the world is spinning and he finds himself pulled right up into your arms as you race back the way you’d come. His shout falls deaf on your ears in favor of the curses you’re chanting under your breath as you run, shifting the dorm leader around in your arms till you find a good enough position that he’s not going to fall out of your hold as you pick up your pace.
♡ You’re fast, and strong enough that carrying Riddle is no chore at all - you could probably do this under normal circumstances with no problem, not that you’d probably get the chance to after this. That little fact can be stewed over later, you decide, instead focusing on finding a place to get out of the way of the crowds. It isn’t long before you find an open classroom, and no sooner have you skidded through the doorway do you watch the student horde race past, completely oblivious to the pair of you. You let out a breathy laugh, more than a little relieved as you lean up against the doorframe and finally cast your gaze down to the boy in your arms.
♡ Yep, you were right about the priceless expression.
♡ Okay, so maybe the sudden grab and dash had left the dorm leader looking a little more...disheveled than usual, if the popped collar and skewed strands of hair from where his head had been pressed against your chest are any indication. You’re guessing that he’s still reeling from the fact that you’ve hoisted him up and carried him away like a princess as though he weighs nothing, because he doesn’t immediately start chewing you out about your little escape. His face is beginning to flush though, reaching the midpoint between pink and that signature red that’s close enough to match his hair; you certainly don’t make things any better when you move him around in your arms again, lifting him up a little more as your head ducks down.
♡ Riddle bristles, stuttering whatever planned retort he’d had only to freeze when he realizes you’re leaning towards the snack he’s managed to hold onto as you’d run. Your teeth snag its corner and you let out a triumphant “ha!” that’s muffled as you ease back up to finish off your self-proclaimed reward. It’s at that moment a soft cough turns both of your attention to the rest of the classroom, where several loitering students give the pair of you curious looks at the display. That finally kicks things back into gear, and you narrowly avoid dropping Riddle with how hard he wriggles out of your grip, working quickly to act as though the whole thing never happened which earns him an amused snort as you resolve to finish off your snack whilst he fixes his collar.
♡ Food has become a very effective bargaining chip when it comes to bets with your fellow students. You’re pretty sure placing monetary bets would get you in trouble if you were caught by one of the staff (especially Crewel, you don’t think anyone can handle his punishments more than once), and with all the maintenance going into your dorm betting money just isn’t an option you’re interested in. Food on the other hand is always in the ballpark, and with the limited edition dishes that pop onto the cafeteria menu throughout the year, alongside some of the phenomenal cooks amongst the student body, there’s no shortage of food bribes to use as a motive to get things done.
♡ Your strength has come into play on more than one occasion, because it either leads to people trying to call a bluff and wanting you to prove yourself, or they wanna see just how strong you are. You certainly don’t mind thanks to the little rewards your feats manage to net you, plus it makes for an interesting point of conversation when you’re bored. It’s boredom that leads to the following conversation with Cater during break - being outside the only real entertainment is walking around, talking to other students that cross your path, or just lounging around till the break’s over.
♡ You’d been walking around with Cater for a while before the appeal of watching the scenery faded and you elected to find some place to sit. You’re leaning against his shoulder watching him text and swipe through his pictures to pass the time; soon enough an image of you shows up and you snort at the picture of you holding up Deuce by his legs. It was taken a while ago, and the telltale shit eating grin on your face is a testament of how amusing the whole situation had been; seeing it now sparks up the same conversation you’d had at the time - can you really pick up anyone with no problem?
♡ Eager to jump at the opportunity for entertainment, the two of you turn your eyes across the field, where Cater takes to pointing people out. Epel? Easy, but wouldn’t be too happy about it. Kalim? You’ve done it before and it went pretty well minus the fact that his enthusiasm made him damn near slip out of your arms. You answer yes to most of the people he points out to you, until his gaze lands on someone lounging under the treeline and he points them out to you. Following his line of sight, you catch sight of Leona and the two of you share a look as you huff and say that yeah, of course you could pick that big lug up!
♡ Cater asking you to actually prove it wasn’t what you expected, and you give him a doubtful glance trying to gauge if he’s joking or not. Turns out he’s not, and at your hesitation he offers a bribe to convince you, and at the mention of one of Trey’s signature tarts you visibly perk up. He doesn’t even have to pull out the treat from his bag before you’re up onto your feet and jogging right over to the treeline, shooting him a confident grin over your shoulder as you approach the sleeping lion.
♡ To be honest, you probably would have tried this at some point anyway, but Trey’s tarts are a hell of an incentive to do it right now, and it’s the driving force that steels your resolve as you approach him. You know that he notices you - you’re not exactly quiet, and while he doesn’t open his eyes or turn to look at you his ears twitch in your direction at the sound of your footfalls coming towards him. It’s only when you squat down beside him that he cracks an eye open and lets out an inquisitive grumble asking you what you’re doing.
♡ You only tell him not to worry, but that just makes him more wary given that every time you’ve said that before it’s definitely cause for concern. You end up proving him right to be wary when you shuffle close enough to actually touch him and slot your hands under his back, promptly hefting him up from his once comfortable spot beneath the shade and into your arms.
♡ Leona jolts in response and you narrowly avoid an elbow to the ribs at how he squirms about at the sudden position change; his ears are pressed flat against his head and he squares you with a scathing look as he orders you to put him back down, calling you a brat for good measure. You only huff at the dorm leader and strengthen your hold on him, making sure to keep one hand safely cradling his back as you spin around to show Cater your latest catch. There’s no missing the amusement in Cater’s face as he makes a poor attempt to hide his snicker with one hand as he holds up his phone to snap a picture commemorating the moment.
♡ Seeing the camera you flash a smile and a thumbs up with some careful maneuvering of the man in your arms, quickly returning your hands back to him when he hisses and shifts again. It’s probably not the wisest idea to hold onto him for very long, and you can tell Leona’s none too pleased by suddenly being picked up from the spot he was comfortable in, so you don’t keep him up for very long before you amble back over to the trees, setting him down as gently as you can without accidentally pulling in his tail as you pull away. This time his elbow makes a solid hit against your hip on the way down and you end up dropping him the rest of the way, keeling over with a pained wheeze as the pair of you topple none too gracefully to the ground, devolving into complaints and groans at the turn of events.
♡ It’s not entirely unheard of for Azul to stay behind in some of the classrooms once classes have concluded. Whilst the Monstro lounge is the ideal location to get things done, sometimes the patrons get too rambunctious for his liking and he prefers a little bit of peace and quiet while he works on the day’s schoolwork. The classrooms are perfect for this as most students are all too eager to filter out and go about their own business, leaving the rooms empty for people to mill in and out of as they please.
♡ He works uninterrupted for the most part, only pulling his attention away from the papers spread out across his desk to look towards the door, hearing the chatter of passing students outside though they only last a brief moment before their voices filter off and disappear as they move away from the classroom. These momentary distractions come and go so the school work is almost completely finished by the time any notable interruptions actually come this way. Unfortunately when they do it almost immediately stops him in his tracks; there’s a slam on the wall leading out to the hallway, and Azul jolts in his seat as he hears something slide up the wall getting higher and higher before it’s finally revealed.
♡ Azul watches Floyd’s head poke up from one of the overhead windows, and that’s enough to get him to pause mid writing as the pair lock eyes. Now, the Leech twins are tall, taller than most of the students in Octavinelle, but there’s no way that he should be visible so it's reasonable to assume that he couldn’t manage the height without the help of a step-ladder. That step-ladder theory goes out of the window when Floyd’s head drifts over to the far side of the window, and the Leech twin flashes his dorm leader a toothy grin and a wave for good measure as he drifts backwards and forwards in a way that looks...off.
♡ It’s bizarre, but not the weirdest thing that Azul’s seen Floyd do so whilst he does marvel at the sight for a moment or two he tries to return back to his work - tries being the key word here. Floyd makes an effort to peer through the glass, calling down to someone as he leans closer towards the window. That leads to the twin nearly slamming his head into the glass and a hand flies up to stop the would-be injury as he looks down out of the window's line of sight.
♡Floyd’s stance totters and momentarily his head ducks out of view as though he’s dropped. That’s enough to get the dorm leader to his feet to finally investigate, and he rises from his desk and works his way over to the door, letting out a sigh as he slides open the door and prepares himself for whatever trouble is going to be on the other side. Sure enough Floyd’s leaning up against the wall, greeting Azul when he steps out into the doorway. Floyd’s not the only one there though - there’s a few miscellaneous students milling around the Octavinelle students, but the main point of interest is the person standing right below Floyd, arms wrapped around his knees and keeping him up in the air as they twirl around to face Azul without even a tremble in their grip.
♡ The grin you offer him is similar to Floyds, brimming with amusement as you move your grip to offer a wave, shifting your weight around so as to not drop the boy in your arms as you do so. The raised brow and inquisitive look only makes you grin wider before a tap on your shoulder brings your attention back to the person you’re holding. Azul watches Floyd motion for you to lower him which you do without issue, and once you do the younger Leech twin leans down to whisper something in your ear. He doesn’t catch what he’s saying, but when two pairs of eyes suddenly square him with a scheming look he knows all too well he takes a cautionary step backwards, folding his arms across his chest.
♡ You drop Floyd the rest of the way and turn your sights on Azul, beginning to approach him with open arms and a deceptively warm smile as you call out his name. Now he knows that you’re up to something, and moves to take another step away when you suddenly dart to close the distance and pull him towards you. There’s no hesitation in the way that you quite literally sweep the dorm leader off of his feet, tucking him close to your chest as your arms move to rest along his back and the crook of his knees - you’re carrying him like a princess, and from the wide grin on your face this was clearly the impromptu plan you’d been given by that mischievous twin.
♡ Azul splutters, completely speechless at how effortlessly you’re able to sweep him off of the floor and into your arms, and he becomes acutely aware of just how many eyes are on him as you cradle him to your body making sure that he doesn’t fall. Your strength is no joke, and you make a small show of it by twirling around, catching his hat in the process when the action causes it to topple off of his head and placing it neatly back on his head by the time you come to a stop. For a second you could almost say he looks pleasantly amused beyond the initial surprise, which only makes it all the more entertaining for you.
♡ But then Floyd steps forward and goes to take him from your arms and Azul’s desperately patting you until you finally relent your grip and allow him to stand back onto his feet. You and Floyd share a conspiratory giggle as you watch Azul straighten his outfit back out and step out of the reach of the both of you, giving the pair of you a wide berth in case you decide to try sweeping him off of his feet again.
♡ Your strength makes you perfect for doing heavy lifting tasks when the time calls for it. Moving things from one place to another has been the jobs left for the more physically strong students, so despite your otherwise unassuming appearance you’re usually the first person people come to when there’s any kind of heavy lifting to be done. You’ve been a huge help at events as a result, and more often than not the other students leave the cleanup to you, confident in your abilities to get things back to where they need to go.
♡ This particular cleanup task had taken quite a while, but with some diligent work and a couple snack breaks you and your friends had narrowed down the leftover mess, packing what could fit into the boxes provided so that they’d be easier to transport. When the inevitable question of which people were going to take what came up you were quick to step in, offering that it’d be no problem at all for you to handle this yourself - it was late anyways, so you’re sure everyone was eager to get back to their rooms for the night. It took a little convincing, but soon enough you’re left alone with the necessary keys and wishes for good luck with the work.
♡ You’d planned to take care of this task by yourself, reasoning that two or three trips should get the job done. You’d actually finished the first trip and was making your way out with the last couple of boxes when you cross paths with Kalim, who upon recognizing your face peeking out from behind the impromptu cardboard tower all but jumps in to help. Any protests fall on deaf ears, as once Kalim’s decided on something like helping you out he’s not gonna stop until it’s done.
♡ Before long he’s taken about a third of the boxes off of your hands (he tried to bargain for more but you were set on carrying the heavier stuff) and the pair of you are off to get them off to the right destination. Kalim fills the silence with conversation as he leads the way, which given the fact you’re the one who actually knows where storage is, ends up with you having to tug him in the right direction more than once before he charges down a wrong corridor. Despite that though the two of you make good progress, and you end up getting there faster than the initial first trip, and within a few minutes you’re nearing the storage room, albeit from a different direction than last time.
♡ You’re shifting about the boxes in your arms to fish through your pocket for the storage room keys with your free hand when you realize you’re getting close. Kalim skips ahead of you as you rummage for the keys, giving you an easygoing smile over his shoulder urging you to catch up. You feign a sigh of exasperation but move to pick up your pace which only prompts Kalim to charge on ahead aiming to get to the door first, still with that easy-going smile.
♡ That smile disappears in an instant however, as when you next blink, Kalim disappears from your field of vision and your heart drops at the sound of something scattering across the floor. Ditching your effort to find the keys, you race to catch up, stopping just short at the top of the stairs and looking down to where Kalim’s sat at the bottom, shaking off the dizziness from the fall. It’s fortunately only a few steps but you still rush to close the distance, hastily placing your bags onto the floor as you kneel down beside the dorm leader to check if he’s alright.
♡ Upon seeing your concern Kalim grins and makes a point to tell you that he’s fine, hoping to ease your worries. This time the sigh you let out is one of relief and you rise back to your feet, offering out your hand to pull him up with a playful jab to watch where he’s going next time. Kalim laughs and takes your hand, but the moment he gets to his feet he yelps and leans to one side, easing up off of one foot. He must have hurt it in the fall and your expression drops watching his smile falter, brows creasing in clear discomfort.
♡ Kalim’s still reassuring you he’s fine despite the fact that he’s visibly doing his best to put as little weight on his one foot as possible. You aren’t convinced in the slightest, and after a few seconds of him talking you’ve had enough; he doesn’t notice you nodding to yourself as you roll up your sleeves, but he does catch your mutter of “Don’t worry - I’ve got this.” as you step forward and place a hand on his back.
♡ You move carefully so as to not agitate the leg more than you have to, tucking your free hand under his knees and easing him off of his feet until you’re carrying his full weight, keeping him upright like it’s nothing at all. Kalim, for what it’s worth, is captivated by the strength, but he’s more focused on asking if you’re really okay with carrying him - he’s fine, he swears! (he’s not). Paying no heed to that, you nudge the boxes over to the side of the hallway with your legs, leaving them in a messy but contained pile to avoid anyone tripping on them while you’re gone. They can be sorted later, is your excuse as you start walking - he’s going straight to the infirmary, and then back to his dorm, the boxes can wait a little longer.
♡ He squirms a bit, but that’s only so that he can wrap his arms around your neck, bringing his head close to your shoulder. Kalim knows that he’s not gonna convince you otherwise, so why not enjoy the ride while it lasts? Besides, it’s nice to feel weightless sometimes! And he’s so sincere when he gushes about how strong you are that you can’t help but preen under the compliments, boasting a little about how you’ll have to properly show off just how strong you are. Some other time though, because as nice as pleasant as it is carrying the dorm leader around, you can do that just as easily once he’s been seen by the school nurse.
♡ You may not look like you’re that strong but looks can be deceiving. You’re more built than a lot of people realize - sure, it may not look like that to others, but these uniforms do a damn better job of hiding your strength than one might think. Friends and those who have seen it for themselves know that you’re strong, and Vil is one of them; you make no show of hiding that fact, because why would you? It’s something you’re proud of, and you use it to your advantage whenever the chance calls for it, and Vil’s not one to stop you from doing so.
♡ You also don’t shy away from challenges either, if anything they’re one of your weaknesses. Confident in your strength, any time someone questions it you’re eager to jump right in and prove them otherwise. Usually they’re arguments you’ve heard a hundred times before, the same old story as far as you’re concerned, that doesn’t mean the comments don’t tick you off though. Scrawny scrapper this, all bark and no bite that, it gets on your nerves that just because you don’t look that strong they immediately assume that you’re just weak.
♡ It’s a sore topic, and as such Vil can usually pinpoint the trouble that brews as a result of such challenges because of the way you react to such jeers. He’s attempted to ease your anger about it in the past, or at least told you to go easy on said challengers lest you get sent to Crewel’s office again, and for what it’s worth you’ve made fair progress in brushing off most comments.
♡ This time it appears that brushing them off isn’t quite so easy. Your voice can be heard even before you storm into the main hall accompanied by another student, and your planned curse filters off into a hiss to just leave it when you catch sight of Vil out of the corner of your eye. The student however doesn’t let up, and the dorm head soon catches wind of what this is about when he hears “Strong? Seriously? Pff, do you even have any muscles?” Vil can see the way your lip curls back into a snarl, and he turns his full attention to the scene just waiting for the inevitable show of strength you’re about to pull off. You do this every time without fail, and it’s only proven when you snap.
♡ “Oh yeah? Well, do you think someone without muscles can do this?” Vil’s halfway through taking stock of all of the items not bolted to the floor when you spin around and stride over to him, the confident shout of “Vil!” being one of the few warnings that he gets before you’re standing before him and wrapping your arms around him. It’s quick and smoother than he thought it’d be, and were this not the first time you’ve attempted this trick on him Vil could swear you’ve practised this before. Granted, you stumble a little near the end, but that’s more so because you overestimated the swoop of pulling him up into your arms and knocked your hip into a table in the process. Besides that it’s an otherwise practised landing, and suddenly Vil finds himself swept up into a bridal carry by a pair of surprisingly firm arms.
♡ You spin back around, triumphant grin on your face as you heft Vil up even higher, like a child proudly showing off their prize to anyone watching. True, you’re strong, and there’s not a moment that Vil feels like he’s going to fall out of your arms when you’re holding him, but the lack of warning and the abruptness of being hoisted up as though he weighs nothing more than a bag of feathers makes for a jarring situation. Your shout of “Ha! Believe me now?” doesn’t make the situation much better, and Vil has to rub his temples to stop the incoming stress lines at the amount of eyes you’ve drawn to your little display in the process of your shouting.
♡ Whatever challenge had been posed seems to have been sated by your show of strength, as the student throws up their hands in a mock-surrender as they concede, shrugging off the surprise that Vil can see clear as day on their faces. Clearly, they weren’t expecting you to be so brazen about showing off, but you’ve never been one to clam up when there’s a point to be made.
♡ Satisfied, you let out a huff and drop down onto one of the nearby chairs, shaking your head as you grumble “Can you believe that guy? Teach him not to doubt me next time.” It seems you’ve neglected to remember exactly who you picked up, and Vil’s swift to remind you with a soft cough to direct your attention back towards him. You look down at the dorm leader still firmly settled in your arms, lips pursing as you exhale a breath to mask your obvious realization upon meeting eyes with him.
♡ Muttering an apology, you gradually release your grip, giving him ample time to rise back to his feet and you let out a nervous chuckle when he folds his arms across his chest and gives you a stern gaze. Thankfully you’re let off with a chide of giving someone a warning the next time you decide to pick them up, but he doesn’t miss your grin as you parrot back “Next time?”
♡ Idia had gotten hurt. Those are the only words you needed to hear before you dropped everything and raced over to his bedroom, already thinking of the worst case scenarios. I mean, for a guy who spends the majority of time in his room there’s only so many ways he can get hurt, and none of them are a pleasing thought so you do your best to quash the thoughts till you actually get there to see him for yourself.
♡ When you first step inside his room nothing’s out of the ordinary, as far as you’re aware nothing’s been destroyed and besides the usual controlled chaos everything seems to have been moved out of place. Idia’s even sat at his computer chair which isn’t an unusual sight, though as you get closer you realize he’s got one of his legs pulled up against his chest, hands cradling his foot with a sour expression that morphs into discomfort each time he makes a move to roll the appendage to one side. That sour look doesn’t dissipate when he notices you, but he does jump a bit when you announce your presence by rounding the chair and leaning onto the one arm, leaning down as you ask what happened.
♡ You’ve gathered that he’s hurt his foot, you just don’t know how and as he hunches over even more in his chair you perk up, noting his reluctance. He doesn’t tell you, not at first, but with a bit of prodding he eventually caves that maybe he kind of accidentally got his feet tangled up in the wires under his gaming desk and got yanked right out of his chair when he’d finally pushed himself away from his computer. He hadn’t thought anything of it (besides the obvious embarrassment of getting tripped up in the first place) but the moment he’d tried to stand up it was clear that something had rolled the wrong way, which is precisely what led to him huddled up in his chair glaring daggers at the injured foot as though that’s going to magically fix the injury sustained.
♡ Admittedly, the image of the whole scenario would have made you laugh, but for the sake of your friend (and the fact that he glowers at you when your lip trembles trying to fight back a chuckle) you don’t, instead giving the simmering dorm leader a comforting pat on the shoulder reassuring him that he’ll be fine. Chances are it’s just sore from landing the wrong way - you’ll know for sure once he gets seen by the nurse.
♡ However, when you tell him that he hunkers down, insisting that he’s not budging; it’ll be fine if he just sleeps it off, is his argument, adding that it’s not like he can go anywhere since he’d rather stay put - what’s he gonna do, hop the whole way to the infirmary? Obviously not.
♡ You frown at his stubbornness, but give a determined huff as you hop off of the arm of the chair with a “fine.”. Idia’s surprised that you’re not fighting his decision more, but that surprise lasts but a moment until you lean down and promptly pluck the dorm leader right out of his seat. He just about chokes on his words and twists about in your arms, but you don’t even bat an eye at it as you shift him around until you’re cradling him close to your chest, eventually just settling on a princess carry for the sake of simplicity.
♡ When Idia cries out, asking what you’re doing, you merely shrug and offer “Since you can’t walk, I’ll carry you.” as your explanation. He balks at the notion, but doesn’t really have a leg to stand on when you pull him even closer to you, holding firm to make sure he doesn’t fall.
♡ His hair tickles your nose each time he shifts about in your arms, which you promptly pat back down as gently as you can as you move towards the door, nudging it open with your hip until you can slide the pair of you through the gap. You make a point of ignoring his protest of staying put until he finally relents and settles into you, arms folded across his chest as he leans back. His hair frames his face like he’s trying to hide in the thick blue flames, but even you don’t miss the fact that his expression, once twisted in discomfort, eases up into something more comfortable now that the pressure’s off of his injured foot.
♡ You’d like to think that you’re pretty strong, stronger than people give you credit for at least. And you also like to think that your strength is appreciated by the people who know about your carefully honed skill. Lilia is one such person, as he seems to be particularly amused by just how easily you’re able to heft and move things about, be it both objects and people. He’s especially entertained when it’s people, and it’s because of your penchant for carrying people around to show off that you end up with the third-year student bundled up in your arms as you travel through the Diasomnia dorm.
♡ The only indication the others have of the event is when you promptly come striding into the room, arms wrapped around Lilia's waist and hoisting him effortlessly up into the air as you enter. Malleus looks up from what he’s doing to watch the curious display, and upon spotting the fae you shift Lilia's weight to release one hand and wave, grinning as you swivel around and begin moving towards his direction. You’re keeping the Diasomnia student upright with ease, showing no signs of fatigue or strain as you carry him around, coming to stand behind the sofa that Malleus is sitting on and leaning over with a nonchalant question about what he’s doing.
♡ Malleus raises a brow, unsure whether to answer you or ask what exactly you’re doing with Lilia first. Before he can decide however Lilia gives you a gentle nudge to be let down and you take the hint, proceeding to lean over the sofa and drop him none-too-gently onto the seat beside Malleus. The cushions bounce when he lands on them, and though disheveled from all the carrying and the drop, Lilia looks thoroughly entertained by the whole ordeal,
♡ You catch Malleus glancing between you and Lilia, and though you couldn’t hazard a guess as to what he’s thinking you lean forward and chuckle, jokingly asking “Want me to try you next?” as you rest your arms on the back of the sofa. The smile on your face falters a little when you don’t immediately get a response, locking eyes with him for a few seconds too long. When he nods you have to fight every muscle in your face not to look surprised, and you don’t trust your voice to get the words out in response, instead returning the gesture with a blank nod of your own.
♡ The last thing you expected was for him to agree, but you’re never one to back down from a challenge and soon enough you’re standing face to face with the dragon prince once he stands up and rounds the sofa so that you’re standing in front of each other. You’re doing the mental maths in your head as you size up the dorm head. It’s not picking him up that’s gonna be a problem - you’re pretty sure the Leech twins weigh more than him and you’ve been able to carry both at the same time once before (when Floyd wasn’t intentionally wriggling around in your arms that is.) It’s figuring out the best way to carry him that’s the problem; you’re not sure a fireman carry would be the most dignified look for the dorm head, and just giving him a piggyback probably wouldn’t be too effective if you want to avoid knocking his head against something while you’re running around.
♡ It takes a moment but you don’t leave Malleus standing there for very long before you take a step forward, moving to place a hand on his back while reiterating if it’s okay for you to still do this. The noise of confirmation steels your resolve and in the next moment you quite literally sweep Malleus off of his feet and into the air, landing safely in your arms; he lets out a sharp inhale at the sudden action, but is more surprised at the fact that you’re able to carry him with such ease, even flashing him a confident grin as you begin to sidle around the room, making sure that he remains firmly tucked in your arms as you do so.
♡ The experience is interesting, to say the least - Malleus isn’t uncomfortable, if anything it’s actually rather nice to feel so weightless in someone’s arms. Not to mention it’s not something Malleus has been able to recently experience, so . You on the other hand are having a great time with it; you get used to carrying him quickly, and despite the initial worry of getting stabbed in the face with his horns you realize there’s nothing to worry about - it’s going pretty well.
♡ That is until Sebek enters the room and spots you cradling the young lord in your arms, and he shouts loud enough that you all whip around to face him. You’re undeterred by the shout, if anything you just assume that the first year wants a turn so you gently place Malleus back onto his feet, giving his uniform a cursory once over to make sure he’s okay before you back away. Malleus gives you an inquisitive look, watching you as you skip away, racing over to where Sebek’s standing with arms outstretched ready to scoop him into your arms, laughing when the student all but dives out of your reach the moment you approach him.
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xaphrin · 3 years
I am hoping to post this whole fic all at once, but I was so happy with this chapter that I wanted to share it. So, here. Have some "I wasn't supposed to fall in love with my wedding baker" AU.
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When Damian opened the door to find Raven standing in the hallway, the expression on her face spoke volumes about her feelings of being here when most people were dead asleep.
She adjusted the large plastic container in her hands and shook a lock of hair out of her eyes. “You are aware that it’s two in the morning, right?”
Damian knew. Of course he did. A part of him almost felt apologetic for calling Raven and forcing her to come to his home in the middle of the night (especially over something as insignificant as lemon curd), but with the premium he was paying her for an off-hours house call, he didn’t allow that apology to take root. He’d been accused of being a “night owl” on more than one occasion, but the truth was that he suffered from occasional bouts of insomnia. And if he had to suffer through this ailment, then so should others - including the baker for his wedding.
“I’m paying you enough to make up for your interrupted sleep schedule.” Without any ceremony, he ushered her into his penthouse, closing the door behind her. Titus pushed past him and nudged Raven’s hip, begging for pets. Damian couldn’t help but notice that Titus paid Raven more attention than he paid his own fiance. “Sleep when you’re dead.”
Raven’s lips pulled to the side in a teasing half-smile, her eyes meeting his. “How chivalrous of you.” There was a small pause as she set the plastic container down on a small table by the door and bent down to scratch Titus behind the ears. “You know that your night time doorman seems to think I’m here for purposes other than cake. Why else would some strange woman be visiting you at an unreasonable hour?”
Damian didn’t care what his doorman thought, and he highly doubted Raven cared. She was just trying to get under his skin. He shrugged and turned away from her, motioning her to follow him deeper into his flat. “I hardly see how that is my problem. Besides, didn’t you say that you get up at four in the morning anyway?”
Her face fell. “That is entirely beside the point, and you know that, Mr. Wayne.”
“You can call me Damian.” He had reminded her of that fact at least half a dozen times now.
“Ha.” Her sarcastic laugh made him smirk. “No one calls a Wayne by their first name. It’s akin to social suicide. I’d be willing to bet that you even call your father Mr. Wayne.”
Damian walked her through the massive living room, heading towards the kitchen at the far end of his flat. “Only on holidays, and the occasional birthday.”
Raven snorted. “Ah. I see how deep the decorum runs.” As they walked into the kitchen, her face lit up with surprise, and she let go of a low whistle. Pushing past him, she inspected the appliances with blatant envy. “Do you even know what I would do to have this oven in my posession? I would commit war crimes to get this oven in my apartment.” She opened the oven doors and looked inside before standing up and turning to him, eyes narrowing. “Is this just for show? Do you even bake?”
Raven closed the oven door and sighed. “Pity.”
“I cook.”
That seemed to pique her interest, and she leaned against the marble countertop, watching him with a sharp stare. There was a long stretch of silence, and it felt like her eyes were boring into him, stripping away everything that protected him until it felt like each flaw was exposed to her scrutiny. In any other situation, Damian would have slammed up some kind of barrier to keep her from looking too deep, but this time he found himself oddly comfortable with letting her investigate him. He didn’t mind showing her his weaknesses, and that thought should have scared him, but it didn’t. He kept his face blank and let her watch him.
“You know… I am having a hard time imagining you slaving over a stove in a hot kitchen.” Her head tilted to the side and she smirked. “Although I like the thought of you wearing a frilly apron. A soft pink one, with ruffles and bows.”
His face fell and he crossed his arms over his chest. Cheeky. “I am docking your home visit fee until you take that back.”
“Mm. Worth it.” She turned away from him, and reached for the plastic container on the counter, unsnapping the lid. In an instant, Titus was at her side and Damian watched her sneak him a treat she had obviously made for him. Raven seemed to make herself at home in his kitchen, as if she belonged there. He found himself smiling at her, and a strange kind of warmth filled his chest.
“So, tell me your fear with the lemon curd, and why it was so imperative that you force me out of bed at two o’clock in the morning to travel all the way across town with cake samples.”
Well, when she put it like that, it did make him sound like a typical, spoiled son of an eccentric billionaire. Damian ignored that small spot of guilt again and settled on a stool at the eat-in counter. “I think my fiance is allergic to lemons… or curd. I can’t remember, but it’s one of those.” He thought for a long moment, trying to remember what it was that she had said last time he had spoken to his fiance.
“You can’t remember?” Raven turned back around and looked at him, her expression incredulous. “Haven’t you two known each other for years? That's what all the tabloids say anyway.”
Oh, right. The tabloids were spinning the relationship into some falsehood of star-crossed lovers who used to be childhood best friends. The truth was far less interesting. “We have known of each other for years. We’ve crossed paths at various parties and events, and my father and hers have a mutual business relationship. But, knowing each other implies some kind of deep, long term relationship. Something more than casual friends.”
“Ah.” Raven rummaged through his cabinets for plates, setting them next to the plastic container containing cake samples. “And I take it that’s not what you have with the daughter of Queen Consolidated?”
Damian shrugged, knowing that talking about the arrangement was opening himself to all kinds of scrutiny from her. But, there was something about Raven that made it almost comfortable to open up to her. In all the times they had been together, she never seemed like the type to spill his secrets. In fact, she seemed to keep them closer than most people he knew. He actually liked talking to her - even with her cheeky attitude. “We’ve only been together in an official capacity for a few months.”
Her tone seemed to waffle between pity and understanding, and Damian felt like he had to scramble for an explanation. It felt like he didn’t want her to think less of him as a person.
“The marriage is one of a business nature. Our families would be brought together with the marriage of children. It would strengthen the ties between us.” After saying it out loud, Damian realized how cynical that sounded. It was more than just a business move. For all intents and purposes, he liked Emiko, she was smart and polite and reasonably attractive. Marrying her was a good, sound move. He would be content though their marriage.
“I didn’t realize that was still a thing - marrying for business purposes.” Raven pulled out cake samples from the plastic box and placed them on the counter. “Sounds a little medieval, if you ask me.”
Damian shrugged, not feeling any particular way about her comments. “She’s a lovely woman.”
“Is she?” Raven scoffed. “My landlady is a lovely woman. The mail person is a lovely woman. The person who delivers my takeaway is a lovely woman." She gave him a flat stare, pursing her lips. "Lovely woman is not a term of endearment you use for someone you're madly in love with."
"I never said I was madly in love with her."
"Ah. I see. I must have misunderstood." She handed him a slice of cake, her eyes as sharp as a hawk’s as she watched him. "Raspberry and chocolate." She paused. "Is that the business agreement to the marriage then? You marry Emiko Queen, and in return both families have fingers in each other’s pots… so to speak.”
"Yes." Damian took a bite of the cake, and he tasted the sharp tartness of the raspberry at the forefront of the cake before melting away to luscious chocolate. Just like the first time he tasted her cakes, he barely kept himself from moaning in pleasure. She had to bake magic into her cakes for them to taste this damn good. He chewed slowly, letting himself wallow in the flavor.
"Does she love you?"
Damian swallowed and stared at her. The question caught him off guard. He knew for certain he didn’t love her, but he had never really thought about whether or not she loved him. "That's forward of you."
"Asking if your fiance loves you?" She snorted and lifted her eyes to the ceiling. "You're right. How rude of me." Another slice of cake appeared. "Pistachio and cardamom."
He took a bite and tamped down a shiver. She was a magician, there was no other explanation. The flavor curled in his mouth like spiced smoke. "It'll be a fine arrangement."
"Mm. How romantic, an arrangement. Be still my fluttering heart."
Damian rolled his eyes and took another bite of cake. "I am amazed you manage to keep clients with the mouth on you."
She gave a one shouldered shrug. "I let my work speak for me." There was a pause and she leaned over the counter to look closer at him, trying to decipher his expression. “But you never answered my question. Does she love you?”
Damian blinked, letting her question settle in the pit of his stomach. Did his fiance love him? He doubted it, but then again, he never thought to ask. Emiko wasn’t frigid to him, but she wasn’t overly attached either. Indifferent seemed to be the best way to describe her feelings, as though she cared for him as nothing more than a distant friend. She seemed to view this arrangement the same way he did - a duty to her family and a business transaction. Nothing more.
“Your silence speaks volumes.” Raven’s head tilted to the side and she stared at him again, blatantly reading his face. He felt uncomfortable, letting her sharp eyes watch him. She seemed to see more than anyone else had. “I see hundreds of couples a year, and I’ve learned to pick out who truly cares for each other, and who really doesn't know what they want."
Damian took another bite of the pistachio cake, never looking away from her face. Even when she was picking him apart, she was beautiful. "And I take it that you believe I'm the latter?"
"I don't just believe, I know." She handed him another slice of cake. "Orange spice."
"I'm not particular about marrying for love. I've never subscribed to the idea." The orange spice was by far the best, and it immediately went on the short-list.
A pitying look crossed her face. "You don't believe in love?"
That question made him pause, and he looked back at her, his head filled with something akin to smoke. It was like he couldn’t think beyond her question. "I… don't know." He realized with some small amount of shock that he really didn't know. As he sat there, watching her, he realized that he never thought he would fall in love. He had crushes and minor relationships, but nothing that he would call love. Nothing that made him feel like the world was falling out from under his feet, and he was left clamoring for something that made him whole.
“You look surprised by your own answer.” Raven’s voice was soft, nearly swallowed up by the silence between them. “Did you honestly think you would never fall in love?”
“I suppose I did.” Damian took another bite of cake and shifted in his seat. “Love never seemed like something I gave much thought to. My duty has always been to my family, and as long as I am comfortable, I don’t see the need for much else.”
Raven pulled out another slice of cake. “Have you thought that maybe you haven’t met the right person?”
Damian’s face fell and he stared at her, taking the slice of cake from her. “That seems a trite response.”
She shrugged. “Perhaps. That’s vanilla and rose water.”
Damian’s face scrunched at the flavor and he pushed it away. “That rose water is abhorrent.”
A soft laugh escaped and Raven shook her head. “Rose water is very en vogue right now. I’m not fond of it, but some people like it.” She took the slice back and leaned against the counter. “So, tell me if you don’t mind, why are you putting all this effort into a wedding with someone you don't have feelings for?"
"It's meant to be a performance." He hummed softly, thinking. “Both of our families have a reputation to uphold, and if we don’t live up to that expected standard, the media will tear us apart. Emiko doesn’t need any poor publicity.”
“Mm. I understand to a point.” She paused and pulled out another slice of cake. “You’re very pragmatic about this.”
The way she said that didn’t sound like a compliment. Damian took the offered cake. “I don’t require your approval.”
“I never said you did. I’m only in this for the absolutely exorbitant fee you’re paying me.” She smirked. “But… I am curious, don’t you want to fall in love? Just once?”
“And who would I fall in love with?” He took a bite of cake and practically sighed. Chocolate and orange.
“You’re a Wayne. More than half the world would be willing to fall in love with you. Take your pick.”
“I don’t think you can force love.”
Raven shrugged. “Well, your upstanding camaraderie with your fiance doesn’t fit the bill either.”
He blinked and took another bite of the cake. This was the one. “I never intended to love her. Our partnership will be fine.”
Raven lifted an eyebrow. “So… what happens if you fall in love with someone before you get married?”
“I hardly think that will happen.” He scoffed and took a third bite of the cake. He doubted he would find anyone who could coax him to fall in love. That seemed like an impossible task. “And even if I did, it changes nothing.”
“You’re so committed to this marriage. It’s admirable.” Her smile widened. “I take it the orange and chocolate one is the winner? You’ve eaten half the slice already.”
“You’re talented at this.” He took another bite and met her stare. “What about you?”
“I think the chocolate orange will both make a statement and still be appropriately conservative.”
“That’s not what I asked.” His eyes searched hers, and he suddenly realized he had to know. He had to know if there was anyone in her life that meant more than just a friend. He wanted to know who her heart beat for. “Are you in love?”
Color crawled up her neck. “That’s a pretty personal question to ask your baker.”
Damian shrugged. “For what I’m paying you, humor me.”
She chewed on her lower lip and glanced away, and she shifted for a moment. “Currently? No. I was in love once, but… it faded.” She looked back into his eyes. “But that doesn’t make it any more special and important.”
"And you want to fall in love again?" He felt strange and a little invasive asking these questions, but some part of him wanted to know. He wanted to know not just about falling in love, but Raven falling in love specifically. Would she fall in love again? And with whom?
"Of course." Her voice was soft and gentle, and she gave him a small, almost sad smile. "I haven’t found the right person to fall for just yet. But it’ll come.”
Something in Damian’s chest twisted and he found himself reaching across the counter to rest his hand next to hers. It was as close as he dared to get to her. She met his stare for a long moment, and that feeling in his chest turned almost painful. He wanted to brush a stray lock of hair from her face, to feel her skin under his fingertips, but his hand stayed firmly pressed against the cool marble of the counter.
He swallowed slowly and nodded. “The chocolate orange.”
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shus-whore · 4 years
SUMMARY: You’ve had a crush on Reiji ever since you met him, but maybe you were being too pushy. WARNINGS: angst, smut, mentions of anxiety and depression, reader is insecure about her size/weight, Reiji calls reader a whore a couple of times, not really public sex, but he fucks you in a classroom WORD COUNT: 4k
Seeing his raven hair and gloved hands from behind, a smile adorned your features. Running up to him, you began walking beside him.
"Reiji-san, need help with any experiments today?" You questioned eagerly.
"No." He stated coldly.
"Well, are you hungry?" You bared your wrist to him.
"Mmmmmm....... Is there anything you'd like me to do or help with...?" You stared up at him, a wide smile on your face.
He sighed.
"Leave. Please, leave. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm trying to spare your feelings. Stop annoying me, stop following me around, and stop offering to do things for me!  You're a bothersome woman. I mean, can't you take a hint?" He glared down at you, watching as the smile fell from your face.
"I- I-..." You looked down at the floor, swallowing your tears.
"He really said that to you!?" They slammed their fist on the table causing everyone around to look at you guys, eyes wide. You let out a sigh. "Please don't make a big deal out of it, b/f/n. Everyone is entitled to their own feelings and opinions of me."
"Tch. Like hell they are! Who would say that to such kind, beautiful person like you. Tell him to bring his ass to the front of the school so everyone can see me kick his undead ass!" They slammed their other fist on the table, a crack emerging.
You jumped, looking up at them with wide eyes.
"Please... please stop." You looked down at your wrist, sighing. Reiji wasn't the only one who wouldn't bite you, they all wouldn't, except for Laito. Maybe... it was your appearance...?
You frantically pulled clothes from your drawer as your searched for your favorite hoodie. It was the most comfortable one you had, black, and it was baggy as hell on you. You loved it. Finding baggy clothing with your body type was difficult and annoying. Honestly, you hated shopping. It left you feeling self conscious and you never found anything that you really liked.
Pulling the hoodie from your drawer, you changed into some comfortable shorts, and that hoodie, then you cleaned the mess you made.
You fell back on your bed and stared up at the ceiling.
What were you supposed to do now?
You didn't want to cry, you were stronger than that. So what? His words were harsh, and you weren't feeling the most confident in the moment, but you'd get through it.
Usually, you'd be following Reiji around, asking if he needed help with anything. You sighed and placed your arm over your eyes.
You weren't going to cry.
You weren't going to cry.
You weren't going to cry.
So, why were you crying?
Glancing at his doorway, Reiji quickly looked away and back down at his book. Where were you? Wait, what? What did he care you were? Anywhere but near him was perfectly fine.
He crossed his arms over his chest, sparing one last glance towards the door before continuing reading.
The rest of that day, you made sure to keep your distance. Not only that, but you didn't even show up for dinner. Were you... avoiding him..? Usually, you would be all up on him, forcing him into hugs and never leaving his side.
Not like he missed it though!
The ride to school was awkward to say the least. Even his brothers could feel it.
"Tch! Would you guys just make up!! The tension is so thick, how the hell am I supposed to breathe in this damn car!" Subaru was ready to kill you two.
"Pfffffft! Even Subaru the clueless noticed! That's how you know it's bad!!" Ayato was hunched over laughing.
Reiji popped him for this causing Yui to tense up. If Ayato was mad, she was collateral.
"Reiji!" He was ready to throttle the man, but Yui grabbed one of his arms.
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest and glaring at Reiji.
So now  you were paying attention to him.
He immediately looked down at his book in hand, glancing up a few seconds later to find you looking out the window.
Your eyes were puffy and red. Had you been crying because of him..?
"He what!? I'd pay money to see that!" You're friend laughed.
You knew they were trying to lighten the mood, but honestly, thinking about it made you feel worse. You averted your gaze to the floor.
"Oh no, Y/n, you're not gonna cry over that bastard, are you!?"
"Can we just drop this..?"
They smiled at you,.
"Sure, did I tell you about-..."
Honestly, you hadn't felt this bad in a while. You felt like you were on the verge of tears every time someone glanced at you. Being this insecure was unlike you. Of course you have insecurities, everyone does, but it never usually affected you like this.
You kept your head down in the halls, messing with your hands, or sleeves, anything to calm your anxiety. Your heart was beating at 1000 miles a minute, your hands clammy, and you were working up a cold sweat.
You were literally trembling. It's just a fucking hallway. Why couldn't you walk down the hallway?
You knew they weren't watching you, you were probably forgotten in their minds, but that didn't matter.
You were on the verge of tears, your breathing unsteady. They were probably talking about you. No they weren't- but they could have been.
If they weren't talking about you earlier, they had to be talking about you now. You were walking funny, you could feel it. Actually, you looked funny too, huh? This uniform doesn't flatter you, does it? Your hair looks funny too, doesn't it?
No it doesn't. But it could have.
You speed walked to the bathroom, stumbling inside. Your legs were shaky, your nerves going crazy.
Crouching down to the floor, you held your face in your hands.
How did it get like this???
You crouched there in the bathroom for a few seconds before collecting yourself and going back out into the hall.
You gripped onto the strap of your bag and made your way to class, trying not to stand out.
You could feel your hands clamming up again, and the cold sweat coming back.
You kept your gaze glued to the floor, trying not to trip, and watching to make sure you weren't walking funny. You were going to make it to class, and when you did, you were going to stop acting like this. That's what you repeated in your head as you walked through the hallway.
That was, until you collided with a broad figure, your bag flying onto the floor.
"S-Sorry !"
You crouched down, beginning to collect your stuff off the floor. You watched the feet of the person you previously collided with as they backed up and began to crouch down. wait... those looked like Reiji's shoes.
No, he must like a popular brand.
You looked away from his feet, praying to every god you could think of.
Please don't be Reiji!
The person crouched down and began to help you collect your fallen items. That's when you saw it, the glove.
Jumping back, you stood abruptly and grabbed your bag from the floor.
"Don't bother, I can do it myself." You glared down at him, e/c eyes burning into the hand that was reaching for one of your papers.
Ouch. "No need to be so harsh, Y/n. I caused you do drop your possessions, so I should help you collect them."
He collected the rest of your papers, and stood to hand them to you.
"Throw them in the trash, I don't want them anymore." You crossed your arms over your chest, turning to leave.
All he could do was stand there, mouth agape.
The trash?
You skipped the rest of your classes that night, opting to sit in an empty science lab.
Reiji doesn't skip, so you're fine, and the only other empty room was the music room that Shu liked to be in.
You'd rather not go near that perverted man. He scared you.
Though, if you were being honest, you were hoping to see Reiji. Maybe just in passing, once, or maybe he'd come into the room. Maybe he'd apologize to you. Maybe he'd tell you he missed you.
Wishful thinking, you guessed.
It's not like you were dating, why should he care if he hurt your feelings? I mean, seriously, y/n. He practically told you to fuck off.
You probably weren't his type anyways.
You pulled a chair up to the widow and gazed out at the moon.
You felt weak and stupid. I mean, he's literally never even showed signs of interests.
What were you expecting?
It's better that he told you straight up. Yeah. If you think about it, anyone else would lead you on in some sort of twisted kindness.
I mean, yeah, he waited a few months to do it, but he did it. Plus, who's to say he didn't figure out the day he told you. Maybe he thought you were just being nice to him at first.
"You know, Y/n, if you keep skipping classes, you'll end up like my good for nothing brother."
Your eyes shot to the door, red eyes meeting yours.
Should you jump out the window?
No. You're too high up.
"Can't you take a hint?" You stood, your chair dragging against the floor as you did.
Why couldn't you be the vampire?! He was blocking your one and only exit, and you couldn't even jump out the window!
"I think I was too harsh that day." He began walking towards you, and you cursed yourself for getting excited at this.
Despite your attitude, you really wanted him to be sorry. You wanted more than for him to apologize, you wanted him to realize he liked you. No matter how unrealistic your fantasy was, you so desperately wanted it to be true.
"You think??"
You started backing up, and he began to inch near you, grabbing your wrist before you could even genuinely consider jumping.
"You're not really going to jump out of the window because of me, are you?"
"Yes, I am." You pettily turned your head to the side.
Damn, you really hated him that much?
"C'mon, Y/n. Don't be so dramatic."
All the feelings previously were coming back and you just wanted to cry.
"You're a real asshole, you know that."
That's when he leaned forward, engulfing you within his arms.
You were going to faint.
He really wasn't trying to be a piece of shit. He was just not good with expressing himself.
It's not like he was trying to be insensitive, but he had hoped if you were going to jump out the window, it wouldn't be out of spite. Not that he wanted you to jump out the window. Fuck! See? He can't even express himself in his head, how could he to you?
"I'm truly sorry, Y/n. I regretted what I said as soon as I saw the look in your eyes. You know what they say, you don't truly realize what you've lost until it's gone. It seems I underestimated your importance to me. I was annoyed by my good for nothing brother that day, and I took it out on you. I dearly regret it, too. Please, forgive me."
Now this, this was unexpected.
"I-..." You really didn't want to be that person. You didn't want to forgive him that easily. You still remember the pain, your chest tightening. It felt like your heart was constricting.
You pushed his arms off and jumped away, looking back at him, his red eyes meeting yours.
His mouth fell open, the most emotion you'd ever seen him display to anyone.
"What did you expect? Did you think you could just come here, sweep me off my feet, give me some lame ass excuse for treating me terribly, as if you were ever nice to me, and expect me to forgive you? I'm just some bothersome woman who's feelings you don't know why you're sparing. I'm not going to be some product of your pity. You very obviously didn't want me not even a week ago, why the sudden change of heart? Just leave me alone. You know better than anyone how annoying it is to have someone continuously pester you after you've so obviously shown your distaste for their presence."
Your stomach hurt, your eyes burned, and your throat throbbed. The worst part was the way everything in you was screaming to forgive him, but being the stubborn person you were, you couldn't.
"You don't truly mean that, do you?" He took a step forward, eyes locked on yours.
Tears welled in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall, refused to say anything.
Each step he took forward, you took back until you were sandwiched between the wall and the person you least, yet most, wanted to be in this situation with.
He slammed his hand on the wall beside you, preventing your exit. "I suggest you calm yourself, Y/n. If your heart rate quickens at this rate, you may... well you get what I'm saying."
You let out a small squeak, more in fear than anything else. "Mind your ears, it's none of your bus-siness. Also, m-move your arm so I can leave." Fuck. Why are you stuttering Y/n!?
He leaned down, his hot breathe on your ear. "I can help you calm your nerves-" His right hand moved to rest on the small of your back. "If you would like."
You shuddered.
"But you have to ask." He smirked.
"Hah. You're so quick to forgive me now, even though I knew you were dying to earlier. What? You just want me for my body?" He teased, his mouth falling upon your neck, marking it.
"I- No! I h-haven't even forgiven you yet!" You protested.
"You haven't? Well then I should stop." He pulled away from you, turning to walk away.
It was now or never Y/n.
"W-wait a minute!" You called out, reaching out to him.
He turned to you, hiding his smirk as he did.
"Why, what is it?" He chuckled under his breath.
"Y-I I forgive you," You looked down at the floor, the tiles glowing with the reflection of the moon, nearly full, though not quite.
"You do? Thank you." He then turned again, beginning to walk away once more.
"Wait. Where are you going?" You called out.
"To class, where else?"
You blinked once. Then twice.
Did you read the situation wrong?
No way, what else was he trying to do?
"W-what about..? I..."
He smirked at you.
"Y/n, while I may be a vampire, I cannot read minds."
"Well... it's just... earlier you..." Your face lit ablaze, heat spreading across your cheeks.
"Earlier I?... He took a step towards you.
"You- you know..." You trailed off, hoping he'd get what you were trying to say.
"I seem to have forgotten, please, enlighten me."
"Well... y-you said you would help me calm my nerves..."
"Might you... try to once more..?"
He let out a dry chuckle at this. You were so shy.
He caged you onto the wall once more, his breath on your ear once more.
"How do you suppose I do that?"
His hand was back on your waist, but this time he slid it underneath the fabric of your shirt. He licked at the shell of your ear, causing a surprised sound to leave your throat.
"Well... Like this, I would think."
He looked up at you, red eyes upon your e/c ones. Then, he pulled away once more, a smirk adorning his features.
"I don't really know what you mean by, 'this.'"
Grabbing his hand, you pulled him towards you.
You grabbed his tie, pulling him down to you, "You're teasing..."
He chuckled.
"If you'd answer me, mayb-"
Before he could even finish his sentence, your lips were on his.
Though he had nothing to compare it to, he was pretty sure you were a terrible kisser.
He could teach you, though.
Pulling away, he leaned in, whispering in your ear, "Quite sloppy, even for your first time."
Your face flushed.
"As if you could do any better."
He smirked, leaning in, his lips ghosting over yours.
"I think I can prove you wrong"
His glasses knocked against your face, causing it to scrunch when he leaned in.
You both laughed for a second, before your lips met once more.
With Reiji leading the kiss, it was 10x better. He seemed so skilled, and you couldn't help but wonder if he was actually experienced or just good at everything.
"So pretty."
He pulled away, beginning to trail kisses down your neck.
His hand trailed beneath your shirt, groping you beneath it.
You gasped, your hands curling in fists at your sides.
Were you seriously about to do this in an empty classroom at school? What if somebody walks in..?
Reiji let out a dry chuckle, his forehead meeting yours.
"Nervous, yes? I won't do anything you don't want me to. Except bite you, of course." He added playfully.
You reached your hand into the nape of his neck, grasping his hair there.
He groaned when you did this, which was definitely not your intention, but also definitely hot.
"You're not doing anything I don't want. It's just..." You glanced at the door.
"Oh? You want to be watched, don't you?" He smirked.
"I- No! Definitely not! W-Why would I-" He was teasing you again, wasn't he?
His lips met yours again, his cold hands meeting the skin beneath your shirt. He helped you out of it before removing your bra to stare down at your breasts.
Before you could cover them, his hands were on them, squeezing and pinching.
Your hand fell upon his wrists, tightly gripping them.
"R-Reiji-san," Your face felt hot, you felt hot in general. You rubbed your legs together ever so slightly in hopes he wouldn't notice.
You couldn't help yourself.
"Impatient, aren't we?" He chuckled before shoving his knee in between your legs.
"I tend to you so patiently with no worry of myself, yet you're ungrateful. That's fine. I'll just tend to one of my needs to make up for it."
"Eh!? I- No- I'm not- Ouch!"
Large gulps were taken from your neck, your knees slightly weakening. You honestly expected him to bite you, so you weren't quite mad. Just surprised.
Your hands fell from his wrists, one reaching into his hair, a strong hold placed there, and the other clenching into a fist at your side.
Pulling away, he smirked down at you.
"My my, how erotic."
The sight was quite pleasing to his eyes at least, your neck dripping blood down your shirtless torso.
He was really having the most difficult time holding himself back.
He sighed, reaching behind himself for a chair and pulling it forward. He sat down, reaching his arms behind your back and pulling you onto his lap.
"W-wait! Reiji-san! I'm too heav-" You choked on your words at the sight of his erection straining against his pants.
Reiji reached his hand into your hair, grabbing a handful at your scalp and puling your head back.
He began kissing and (softly) biting your neck, marking it as much as much as he could and licking up the blood dripping from your wound.
You let out a little gasp, grinding down onto his growing erection.
He sighed, releasing his grip on your scalp.
Sliding his hand beneath the edge of your panties, Reiji helped you remove them leaving you in just your skirt.
The fact that he hadn't removed any clothing made you feel even more exposed.
He grinned and ran his hand up your slit, teasing you.
He shoved two fingers against your entrance, his fingers disappearing within you.
"Ah... Reiji.." You gripped onto his shoulder harshly.
"Beautiful.." He sighed and began thrusting his fingers, your liquids dripping down his hand.
You clenched down on his fingers.
"Mmm... I don't think I can hold back anymore.."
His fingers pulled back, a lewd sound emitting from your heat.
He groaned at this, unfastening his belt and unzipping his pants.
He lined himself up with your entrance, an arm wrapped around your back, reaching around to the other side to grip your waist.
Pushing inside you, he let out a huff of air.
"Fffuck, don't clench so hard." He breathed out, his hand squeezing your waist tightly.
You clenched harder at the sound of his voice causing his grip on you to tighten, definitely leaving bruises.
"I-I-I can't. Not when you sound like th-at!" You squeaked out, falling against his chest to bury your face into the space between his shoulder and neck.
He smirked at this, thrusting up into you harshly.
"Oh~? You like it when I talk to you?"
Reiji held onto your hips, directing your movements. He had more length than girth, but still managed to stuff you full.
He leaned into your ear, "You like being fucked in the classroom, huh? Like that anyone can walk it at any moment? You want them to, don't you?" Reiji watched his cock as it disappeared within your cunt, pulling out all the way, only to be slammed back in.
You shook your head, tears wetting his neck at the intensity as you clenched and unclenched on him.
He chuckled, "Look at you, getting excited just at the thought."
You wanted to deny it because, really, you didn't want to be watched, but all you could do was let out muffled moans into his neck.
Grasping onto your hair, Reiji pulled your head away from his neck, your neck bared to him and moans unmuffled.
"Fuck, look at you. Such a whore for my cock. Bet you've been daydreaming about this, huh? Been thinking about this everyday? Trying to seduce me by throwing yourself at me?"
His thrusts increased in speed as he leaned forward to lick up your neck to your mouth, which he sloppily kissed.
His hand dropped from your hair to your heat, his thumb and index finger pinching at your most sensitive spot, causing lewd moans to leave your throat, increasing in pitch.
He lifted you up, laying you back on one of the lab tables, the temperature causing goose bumps to rise on your skin.
He pushed your right leg up to your chest, relentlessly thrusting into your cunt, enjoying the squelching sounds being produced.
"Mmm, I'm gonna cum. Spill it all in your tight little cunt. Fill you up with my seed. Mark you as mine. You'd like that, wouldn't you." Reiji reached his thumb down to your small bud once more, rubbing in slow, tight circles.
Your breathing became unsteady, arms curling around his back to pull him close to you and moans growing louder once more.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm gonna cum!" Tears welled in your eyes, you back arching off the table and your toes curling.
Your cunt spasmed on his cock, your vision going dark for a second as the most intense orgasm you had ever experienced racked through your body.
Reiji let out a groan before spilling his load inside you, riding out your orgasms.
Your arms fell limp to your side, exhausted.
"I must say Y/n, you're far more risky than I had expected." He let out a little huff, helping you sit up on the desk.
He fixed his pants before helping you get dressed.
Reiji grabbed your hand, and in the blink of an eye, you guys were in his room.
"H-huh..?" Could they teleport or something? And why his room? Didn't he just pity fuck you or something?
"Uhm... should I... leave?" You stared down at his feet as you questioned him knowing the answer was probably rejection.
"Well... If you'd like. I don't want to force you or anything. Though, I was sort of hoping you would stay."
This was requested on my Wattpad.
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blackwidow-bby · 3 years
A Case of You -Alcina Dimitrescu x Maiden!Reader
I’ve been wanting to write something based on the song ‘A Case of You’ by Joni Mitchell. Alternatively the K.D. Lang version is also very good and meaningful to me. Also who better to write with than really tall vampire mommy 😭
As always feedback is appreciated highly! Thank you for reading 💙
Warnings: blood, and smut (18+) little babies
You had been polishing the silverware reflecting on the years that you had been in Castle Dimitrescu. 3 short but eventful years. At the beginning it was hectic, bouncing between all of the orders from the daughters and those of the Lady herself. Cleaning up countless messes left around as if they were guests in their own home. Clothes here, blood stains there, broken plates and cups everywhere. It had been as if your birth in the village was a curse, born to feel ashamed of poor class. A majority of the women that lived in the village knew that the only fate of their futures was to be sent to work for Castle Dimitrescu until the end of their days. Once the fair young women reached 18 that was where they were sent. Of course not all of them were so “lucky”. The rest of the women and all of the men were left to the struggles of the small village left to the devices of the surrounding lycans of the other lords. Or worse, kidnapped never to be seen again.
Most of the villagers rumored that those that disappeared were taken by the holy Mother herself and experimented on. Everyone knew what she could do, but for all of the bad sometimes holy Mother Miranda brought some good. One time before sweet Imelda lost her leg to a lycan attack, she saw the fainted mark on the side of its face. The same mark her husband had upon his face on the same side, before his disappearance traveling back to town. As she was dragged back safely by a couple farmers who managed to kill the sickly beast, the only sounds that all of the inhabitants could hear were her screams of her husbands name. Utterly distraught that she could become so unrecognizable enough to his dead eyes that in his transformation could still cause her deadly harm. He never had an angry bone in his body, but if that rumor was true, the experiment had created a monster of a once calm man.
All of your years weren’t as hectic as the first year. Eventually the lady of the house had taken a liking to your work. Always quick to come and cater to any mundane request her and her daughters had demanded of you. Actually now that you think, you can’t remember the last time any of your orders came from the daughters. They only came from the head maid or Lady Dimitrescu herself. A small quirk of your lips found it’s way thinking of your Lady.
Shortly into your second year she began to request you privately into her bed chamber. The first time she asked for you, you had been scared that your end had found it’s way sooner than you would have liked. Your heart was racing in your chest, begging your feet to be just as erratic on the way to her room. Somehow you managed to compose your pace but your heart insisted on faltering you. You knocked three times on her door upon arrival. You were unsure if she had heard, the doors of the castle were solid wood and although your hands were not soft due to the amount of work you were asked to do, your knuckles certainly weren’t hard enough to evade a slight throb from the hefty door.
Her voice crooned from with in, “Come in, my dear.” You opened the door to her chambers carefully as to not slam the wood open and not damage whatever might be on the other side of its radius. She smiled down on you very sweetly. There was something in here eyes. It felt almost like an admiration. You wiped that thought from your mind as quickly as it came. Why on earth would she ever admire you.
She sauntered toward where you stood and slowly lifted her hand. The fear you harbored for the Lady caused you to flinch at her movement. She had never laid a hand upon your person but that did not mean your time would not come.
Your flinching halted her movements. Her expression changed but only slightly. “My dear, I am not going to harm you in such a way.” She had lowered her voice in the close proximity of your bodies. You opened your eyes once more to see her gently place her soft gloved hand upon your head. Gently she moved it down by your ear and caressed the side. “Come to me little one.”
You followed her to her vanity. The space was tidy with neatly placed powders and lipsticks and other make up you had never seen any of the women of the village actually own. She sat down on her chair in front of the vanity. All of the furniture you noticed was made to her size in this dim room. None of the maids were ever called to clean this space, it made you wonder if she even used it at all. Maybe the Lady chose to take care of her own space in a way she knew no one could ever recreate or perfect to her liking. She hummed and pulled your hand to her. In her glorious size, she picked you up and placed you on her lap facing the large mirror. Your eyes shifted between her and your own height. Even perched on her Lady’s lap, your height was still shorter than her own.
Her eyes never met yours even as she slightly moved about to gather a soft brush and place it closer within reach. Your heart was still bounding in your chest trying to make sense of what was perspiring at this moment. The Lady removed her gloves by pulling one finger at a time until they could slip off smoothly. She then reached up and began to undo the clean French braid your hair was done in. She was being so kind and so soft with you, you were baffled. She started to unwork the three strands until she reached your scalp. You moved in tandem with the Lady as she reached again to grab the brush and began at the bottom of where your hair reached. Her ministrations were so soft it allowed your heart to calm. You kept your hands in your own lap, not daring to speak before being spoken to or move before being asked to move. Your Lady focusing solely on brushing the tangles from your hair allowed your own eyes to look about the space you sat. Her only task to groom your tresses, allowed you to get a good look at her face. Her lips and cheeks looked so soft. Her face wasn’t stoic but content in the space. She certainly didn’t look as nervous to have you here as you did to be here. Occasionally her hand would come around the underside and her knuckles would gently brush against your clothes back.
Everything she did was so calm and planned and relaxing. You took the rest of the opportunity to admire her further. Her raven dark locks meticulously curled in their places. Her hat always cocked to the side on her head, you wondered if it ever got in the way. She certainly never let it bother her if it did. The sudden speaking of her voice caused you to jump due to how silent it was seconds before, “I had been admiring you from afar for a while now. I’m sure you have an idea of why you had been called to my chambers after not being asked to before.”
Your voice betrayed you, you had been silent for too long. “Y-yes my Lady. I think I know why I’m here.” She hummed again. You felt the brush finally make its way to your scalp. The bristles were so soft and comforting they made your eye lids heavy. Seeing that she was done with her work on your hair, she placed the brush back in its spot and made eye contact with you through the mirror. She looked at you for a couple minutes more until she spoke again. “You’re always so quiet and kind around everyone here. My daughters can have a way with making the maids end up with either tougher skin or breaking their calm façade.” She was now running her fingers down the length of your back over your uniform. “But not you. You are still the same as you were when you showed up. Quiet and composed.” You weren’t sure if you should thank her for the compliment or be offended by being told that you haven’t changed. You felt like you could handle anything after the tortures her daughters could put maids through.
You could feel her hands moving back up your back and over your shoulders. Her cold slender fingers found your collar while the other hand swayed your hair over your left shoulder no doubt to expose your neck to her. This is it. This is how you end. What a lovely way to die. Her faced inched closer to your exposed neck and you could feel her breath inches away from the space. Your eyes couldn’t seem to move away from her though. You watched the whole thing and how her face never changed emotion. Everything she had done with you was in admiration. Like she longed for what you could offer her as if she didn’t have everything she could want in this castle.
Her face inched closer until you felt her lips press against the spot she was just eyeing. She lightly kissed you and reveled in the sounds you let escape. A chill ran down your body and found purchase in your stomach. You could feel the butterflies going crazy. Yes truly what a lovely way to die. You braced yourself when you saw her go to bite. Braced yourself for the white hot pain to shoot across your whole body but it never came. Instead the only thing you felt was pleasure. She continued to suck in the same spot for moments more. It all made you feel a growing knot down lower. Her strong arms encircled around your waist to hold you tightly as if you could slip away at any moment. You felt them hugging you tightly. The embrace soothed every part of you. You had never felt so cared for.
Unconsciously you noticed that your hands found purchase upon her own. Her face lifted from the crook of your neck, not a smudge to be seen or hair out of place. You could feel her lips by your ear. “I could drink a case of you, and still I would be on my feet.” She whispered and it made you visibly shudder in need. What kind of affect was she having on you?
“You must never speak of this with anyone”
She requested you many more times and each one was just as delicate and sweet as the last one.
“You’ve been polishing that spoon for an awfully long time, dear.”
Your head whipped around at the Lady’s sultry voice. Your Lady, you thought. “What is it that has your mind occupied?” She questioned.
“Nothing my Lady. I was simply thinking of you.”
She smiled a genuine smile at you and reached her hand toward you. You walked up to her and laced your fingers with hers. Every moment you spent with her you cherished since the first. She reserved so much kindness for you. Internally she ached for the next time she would request you again. Thinking of the way your blood tasted on her lips. So bitter and so sweet. She couldn’t help but want something slightly different this time.
You both made your way to her private chambers once more like clockwork. She allowed you to enter before bending her way inside. You immediately walked over to her vanity as that was where she always fed from you right after brushing out your hair. You turned to her and smiled but she stopped next to her own bed. “Come here to me, my little love.” You walked up slight confusion on your face. “If any of this makes you uncomfortable, I want you to stop me. Can you do that for me, draga mea?” You nodded slightly. She sat down on the edge of her bed and reached her hand to wipe the wrinkle that etched on your forehead in your confusion.
“My little doe, you mean more to me than you could ever know.” She pulled your hand to her and moved both of you to the head of the bed. Gently she cupped your chin in her large hand. You closed your eyes and suddenly you felt her lips press against yours. Gods they were so soft but so cold. You reciprocated her kiss. Alcina had craved this for too long but she needed to pace herself. She has the rest of the afternoon until the night to indulge in anything your freely gave to her. You didn’t move to stop her and she took this as invitation to continue further. Keeping your lips pressed to hers, her hands roamed your body lower than just your back. She relished in the soft skin of your thighs and the way you felt under material that had softened from years of wear and wash. She couldn’t help but think of how your bare skin would feel under her own hands.
Your own arms snaked their way to her face as you cupped the sides with both hands. Your lips continued to move in tandem with her own letting soft whimpers escape here and there. Her hands grabbed the hem of your dress and slowly made her way up to removing the garment. You whined when she separated the kiss to completely remove the dress. “Are you still okay, little doe?” You answered with a small yes and moved to undo the buttons behind her own dress. Once the buttons were undone enough to slide her dress down you moved the sleeves down her muscular arms. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of looking how small your body was compared to hers. How soft and unblemished your skin was. All she wanted was to kiss every soft inch. Even the one side of your neck that she fed from ceased a single indent. She always made sure to feed carefully as to not rise suspicions.
She pulled you back into her slightly laying over you and began to kiss you once more as her hands roamed to your chest. She wrapped her hand around to undo your bra carefully to free your soft tissue from their confines. She separated once more to look at all of you that was exposed. The gods certainly took their time in creating such a spectacular woman she had thought. Her whole hand moved down to palm your breast lightly. She could feel the bumps raise and your nipple harder under her touch. You let out a little moan under her touch. She could spend eternity doing anything to hear your little sounds. Little sounds only she could make you release. She looked into your eyes creating the distraction for her hand to move to your underwear. You stared deep into her golden orbs never breaking as she sought out your core with her finger. Your breath hitched when you felt her slide down your soft folds and move back up to your clit. You were warm and wet and all for her. Alcina’s sweet little doe. She pressed a small peck to your lips then moved her mouth down to your breast that her hand had just been. She began to suck as she teased the entrance to your tight hole. She relished in the feeling of your most intimate parts and the sounds she could draw out from your delicious mouth. You were arching your back into her wanting nothing more than to be so close to her.
Your hands gripped anywhere the could. Her arms, shoulders, neck, hair. Everything she was doing made your brain go crazy. You did everything you could to find where your hands fit best. Her soft tongue swirled around your nipple while the tip of her finger pressed deeper into you. She was losing patience in having more of you and it was taking everything in her body not to devour before she was content you felt as good as she did all those times she tasted your blood. But damn did she want all of it. He finger pressed deeper until she was down to her knuckle. Your soft panting didn’t give any indication that you were in pain. She started to move her finger in and out at a slow pace to get your body use to the intrusion. Your panting grew louder and so did your moans. You wish you could feel this way everyday from this moment on. So cared for, so deeply wanted. Alcina kissed her way up from your breast to your neck. Leaving light nips and soft kisses near where she could feel your pulse quicken. He finger moved faster inside of you, pressing at your soft walls until she found that spongey spot that would surely get more sounds out. She had to take her time though.
‘Ohs’ and ‘ahs’ were all you could really get out along with all of your sickeningly sweet moans. Alcina never expressed out loud but she wanted you to say her name. Moan her name out from your lips, cry to the gods or whoever would listen that she could make you feel bliss like you’ve never felt before. No one ever got this much want out of her. She never wanted anyone the way she wants you right now. The way she’s been wanting you since you came to the castle. Her little doe unraveling under her half naked body. You were finding it harder to contain any noises and began to moan louder the faster her finger moved. All of a sudden curled her fingers, hitting that one spot. “My Lady!” It made Alcina hummm. “Tell me little doe, do you know my true name?” It took every fiber of your being to come up with an answer for your Lady. “N-no my Lady. T-the maids, they d-don’t talk.”
It was amazing you could come up with that through your haze. The Lady was sucking on your neck while she curled her finger more to get you to come undone the way she wanted. “It’s Alcina little one. I want to hear my name fall from your lips.” The knot in your stomach grew. You were getting very close from her sinful fingers buried inside your tight hole. Alcina could feel your Wales tightening around her. As she felt you get closer she bit down on your neck to drink from you the way she had truly craved. The knot broke and you came hard on her fingers, screaming her name to the high heavens. She continued to feed through your orgasm and once she felt your walls stop pulsing she lid her finger out and detached away from your neck.
You were sweating at this point. Utterly spent wrapped up with your Lady holding you tight. She wiped the little droplets that formed on your neck and pulled you onto her as close as she could get you. Your head rested there on her chest still panting. She would go to the farthest parts of the world for you. Hopefully she would have all of the time to prove it to you now.
“I could drink a case of you.” She whispered into your hair before placing a kiss to your crown. You mumbled a little getting more comfortable and sinking into Alcina’s chest.
Sleep began to take over you. “I would still be on my feet.” Was the last thing you said before slumbering in your Lady’s arms.
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isolemnlyswear · 4 years
can i request sirius x readers where they fight? something like “youre just obsessed to fix me” but with a fluff ending? thank you so much, have a great day❤️
fix me
Tumblr media
young!sirius x fem!reader
a/n : thank you for the request my love!! i hate angst but this turned out okay ! if ur reading this please follow me on @mullthingsoverinthehotwater i’m one away from 500 :P
warnings : smoking, swearing, angst, fluff!!
taglist : @oldschoolkiddo @amourtentiaa @anchoeritic @faeinorbit @tomriddleswifey @inks-and-jinx @jxsperhxle @punkrific @the-gazette-of-tea @krasivayadarling @orifortheweeknd @fallin-4-ya @incxndio @daisyyy2516 @hoe4cedricdiggory (dm or send me an ask to be added or removed!
“Sirius, you have to stop doing that, my love.” You sigh, not looking up from your book.
He scoffs, exhaling so that a thin ring of smoke leaves his mouth, hovering in front of him for but a moment until it wisps away into the evening air of the black lake.
“No.” He takes another whiff of his cigarette - from where he procured, you're unsure - and looks at you in defiance.
At that, you look up from your book, shutting it and turning to the boy.
“I'm only trying to help you, Sirius, they're really-”
“What, they're really bad for me? As if I haven't been told that before.” He runs his left hand through his raven hair, rolling his eyes just barely.
“Well, they are-” you begin, but he scoffs again, cutting you off.
“I'm aware, Y/N.” His use of your full name, rather than a nickname or a pet name, alarms you, and you furrow your brows.
“What is going on, Sirius, why are you being such a-”
“A git?” he interrupts you again, cocking his head as if in petty amusement, and you take in an irritated breath.
“Why do you keep interrupting me?” you ask calmly, desperate not to lose your temper on the boy you love.
“Why do you keep trying to fucking fix me? It's like your obsession, like you can't refrain from trying to ‘help me.’” His voice is raised now, and he's glaring at you angrily. Your voice constricts in your throat, words of retaliation dying on your tongue.
Tears are welling in your eyes, and he looks perfectly composed except for the anger that boils behind his silver irises.
“Spoiler alert, you wannabe martyr, I don't need to be fixed. Nor do I fucking want to be,” he practically spits, and you blink to try to hold back the tears pooling at your waterline.
“I'm fucking sorry that I want the man I love to be the best he can be, alright? I don't know what the fuck you even want from me, Sirius Black.” You get up from where you're sitting, leaving the clearing just as tears start to fall uncontrollably down your face.
You run as fast as you can, attempting to wipe the tears from your eyes as you go the only place you can think to - the common room.
You stumble through the porthole after sobbing out the password, receiving a judgemental look from the painting. As usual, Remus and James are lounged across the red velvet couch, discussing Merlin knows what, when they see you walk in.
Remus rushes to your side, leading you with a hand placed tentatively on your elbow so that you can sit down.
“What happened?” James asks apprehensively, and you attempt to steady your breath, rather unsuccessfully, in order to speak.
“S-Sirius-” is all you can choke out, and Remus’s face hardens as he makes the connection.
“What did he say, Y/N?” the lycanthrope asks, teeth clenched. He loves his best friend dearly, but man, can he be a royal asshole.
“He s-said that I w-was a wanna-wannabe m-martyr, ob-obsessed with fixing h-him.” You're fully sobbing now, unable to restrain the cries that choke between your words.
“That fucker,” James curses under his breath, rubbing your back soothingly.
“‘M j-just trying to help him, h-he said he didn't want t’be fixed,” you wail, and Remus shushes you comfortingly.
“S’okay, s’okay, he's just being an arse, alright? He isn't used to letting people in, he's scared, Y/N. It's not your fault, okay?” Remus says softly, and you nod, tears falling into your lap.
James ushers you upstairs to take a shower, and Remus, meanwhile, sets out to find Sirius.
Sirius is still sitting by the black lake, gazing off into the distance, still smoking his cigarette.
“Sirius Orion Black, what the fuck did you do?” Remus says, jaw clenched, and Sirius raises his eyebrows at the boy.
“Did Y/N fucking-” he says after a beat, cursing under his breath.
“Wannabe martyr? Really, Black? You had to stoop that low?” Remus glares at the raven-haired boy, who takes in a deep breath.
“She told me again that I need to stop smoking, I don't know why she can't just let me be-”
“Let you be? Sirius, she's your fucking girlfriend! You still love her, do you not?”
“Of course I do, but she just-”
“No fucking buts, Black. You love her. And you see how much she loves you, correct?”
“Yeah, she'd do anything for me-”
“Exactly! Are you daft? Can't you see that she'd do anything to make you happy, to make you thrive, to give you a better fucking life so that you can live it with her?” Remus is practically yelling, now, and Sirius looks down at his feet.
“I didn't look at it like that,” he says quietly, running a hand through his raven hair.
“Apologize, and tell her you love her. For the love of Merlin, that girl is incredible, and you need to show her that what you said was a fucking lie.” Remus demands, shaking his head.
Sirius nods, getting up from his seat on the grass and summoning his ashtray, stamping the cigarette into it firmly.
“Thank you, Moony,” he says, nodding curtly before leaving to find you.
You've just gotten out of the shower, brushing up with some makeup and clean clothes in the mirror.
You walk out in one of Sirius’s jumpers to find the owner of such stumbling into your dorm room. You purse your lips, turning away from him and walking to your desk, blinking back the tears that threaten to return.
“Y/N, please-”
“Please what?” you snap, turning to face him.
“Please forgive me, angel.” Sirius’s lip is trembling, and he's looking at you with pleading eyes.
“Sirius, I-” you cut yourself off, breath hitching in your throat. He doesn't interrupt you, rather, gulps as he holds your gaze.
“I'm sorry, I really, really fucking am. I know I can't just take it back, but I didn't- I didn't mean it, love, I didn't. You're incredible, and beneficent, and I truly love you. It's alright if you need some time, I was a dick, but please let me make it up to you. All I want from you is you.”
Tears are rolling down your cheeks, and you throw yourself onto the boy, burying your head in his neck. Although what he said hurt you, it's not hard to tell how much the boy completely and fully loves you.
“Tu es mon tout et plus encore, ma chérie. Pour toujours, nous le serons.”
translation, courtesy of my mediocre french and google translate : you are my everything and more, my darling. forever we will be.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
You get drunk and lost.
You go out with some friends drinking, get plastered and somehow you've broke away from your group. after walking around the city you have moment of clarity you text you boyfriend, "Halph! me loss...!!" before he can respond you accidently put it on silent, and he freaks and nearly tears the streets upside down looking for you, only to get a call at the ass crack of dawn by random person saying they've found you...
Warnings : alcohol use, Smoking, theft and mature situations.
Dabi: He thought it was joke at first, sure his girl likes to let loose from time to time, But she never irresponsible about it! So, when he got that text he thought you were screwing with him, He texted you [Aww what'd ya lose Doll?] you didn't text him back... He thought she just put her phone away, as time passed by soon Dabi got worried, he checked his phone; the time you'd said you be home had long passed.
He called you and kept getting the busy signal. "Tch" without missing a beat he got his hoodie, face-cover and sunglasses on and went out to the bar that you said you'd be at just in time to see your friends drunkenly stagger out of the bar giggling like a bunch of hens. "Hey." He called out to them one them... Ayaka? If that's what her name was? Dabi wasn't really paying attention when you showed him her picture.
he was to busy fantasizing you in that tight little dress bent over couch while he rails you from behind…
Anyway, back to the present. 
Aya was dazed but seemed to recognize him. "ohz! Y/n's s-shy man! how ya doing bro?" the cremator stayed close to the alley shushed the drunk woman gesturing for her to come closer. "I'm fine, where's Y/n? She still inside?" he said in low voice nodded towards the bar, Aya gave him this blank look and Dabi didn't like how loud this silence was.... "Y/n? s-she said- said she was gonna go for a walk..." Dabi eyes narrowed resisting the urge to turn this drunk putz into a pile of ashes. "Aya focus, where did Y/n say she was going?" He said slowly trying to get the drunk woman to remember, this seemed to help as her eyes widened in realization, but that hope was soon dashed as she chortled out. "Your mamma's butt! hehe..." and broke down laughing. 
Dabi growled annoyed before shoving her back over to the group drunk girls waiting for their taxi, for the rest of the night Dabi spent his time looking through every alley, back road and crappy neighborhood, he could think of, But there was no sign of you anywhere! at around 5 am He sat on bench dejected and took his phone out; looked through his contact before stopping at 'Chicken-wings' he glared at the named with a lot of confliction, But before he could press call...
His nickname for You suddenly lights up his screen Dabi answered without hesitation. "Y/n?... where the hell are you?" He hissed feeling both relieved and pissed off at the same time, however the voice that answered him wasn't girlfriend but that of a man. "Who the hell is this... where's Y/n? if you touched her I'll-" Dabi snarled flames bursting from his chin, but the person on the other end told him to calm down and explained, he lived a few blocks away from where Dabi was. 
The cremator wasted no time getting there, he knocked on the door and was greeted by an old man who looked like a breeze would knock him over, The old man confirmed Dabi was the on he called, then apologized for scaring the young man, explained he found you passed out on his patio and didn't want leave you alone outside. "I have no bloody clue how these new-fangled phones work, had to wake my 8 year old grandson to help me." he explained as he led an awkward Dabi to his living room.
"I should be one who's sorry, for the trouble my girls caused you." the raven haired man sighed seeing his girlfriend passed out on the old man's couch, The old man just waved him off. "It's fine boy, we were all young once!" Dabi thanked him again carefully collected his girlfriend and carried her back to one of his safe houses that was nearby, Needless to say aside from nursing a gnarly hangover, You also had to deal with an very Angry, horny and tired Dabi who wasn't you out his sight anytime soon.
Hawks: [you lost? lost what? darts?] You don't answer him. [Angel wings? you there???] he didn't wait and see if you'd reply as Endeavor was giving him this look that screamed 'put that phone away, or else I'll launch it so far up you ass you're kids will born screaming your ringtone!' the avian man smiled coyly and put his phone away and waited for the meeting to be over, the meeting and late night patrol finally wrapped up at 3:30 am and Hawks walked outside recalling the conversation he had with you and checked his phone, Keigo felt his heart sink you hadn't answered him, He flew over to the bar while at the same time calling you phone, but all he got was voicemail...
When he got there he saw all your girl friends had gone home and only one of your guy friends was there, Akito if the blond remembered correctly. "Yo Akito-san." He called as he lowered down the ground, the drunk man looked around startled be for noticing Hawks above. "Sky-guy my dude! how ya doing?" he slurred at the number two hero, who stared at him crossed armed as he observed the inebriated man, very unimpressed.
"Nothing much, was Y/n okay?"  
"w-who wha?"
"Y/n, Akito did she get home alright?"
"Oh she went to the subway."
Hawks brows scrunched up in confusion, it was passed midnight the trains weren't running right now! So, where the fuck was his girlfriend?! "Akito, I want you to listen where did Y/n go?" Again the drunk said the Subway, making it very clear he wasn't gonna be any help, Hawks flew up into the sky and sent some of his feathers out to search for his missing girlfriend and focused to see if that one he snuck in to her purse was near by.... "Come Y/n, where are ya baby?" he muttered as he eyes scanned the from above, when he felt a tug from one his feathers and almost on cue his phone light up with your ringtone.
"Y/n? where are you? are you safe?!" He asked frantically and waited but the voice coming from other end wasn't his girlfriend's but older woman's voice. "Is this Kei-Chan?" the winged hero eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Who are you?" the woman voice cleared her throat. "I'm sorry, I'm Anko, I found this girl in front of the shop is her your friend?" Hawks confirmed this expecting this stranger to be a villain holding you hostage and told her to stay where she was. 
Instead when he got to his girlfriend's location; A Subway sandwich shop. *Ah...The subway, Hardee har-har...* He mentally deadpanned before looking down at the front and saw his girlfriend passed out on a bench with a tattered old blanket draped over her, while a little old lady in worn out clothes was standing next to a shopping cart. It didn't take a genius to see the old woman was homeless this seemed to strike a cord with the number 2 hero. 
Hawk silently landed "Excuse me." he called caused the old woman he assumed was Anko to jump by the sudden voice and saw Hawks walking towards. "Yes?" the woman answered warily. Hawks introduced himself as Kei-chan the man she spoke to, he asked how she stumbled on to his girlfriend? Anko adjusted her her old jacket said she saw her going into the with a group of girls, they left in a taxi without her! 
The winged hero looked furious upon hearing this, you had mentioned your friends were a little peeved that the two of you were dating... But to abandon you in a seedy part of town while intoxicated? that was over the line, had Anko not found you first then.... Hawk's jaw tightened not wanting to think about it as the old woman tale continued. You stubbled out a few moments, and passed out on the bench out front.
"I think those girl stole her jacket and shoes, I didn't want the poor dear getting cold, so I put my blanket on her and called you." She handed Keigo your purse a used his feathers to hold it while he gathered you in his arms he thanked Anko for guarding you. He promised to return the her kindness but the old woman said it was fine, but Hawks was already coming up with a few idea as he flew back to his apartment.
The next morning you were alone and confused how you got to Keigo's apartment wondered in your friend had called him, and went check your phone to check your messages, and were very bewildered over why your "Friends" were all apologizing, begging Hawks to call off his fanclub! You were flabbergasted about the situation, until Akito left you a screenshot of their original plan; they were going to make you and Akito drunkenly hook up and ruin your relationship with Keigo! 
Of course they didn't know that Akito was in fact gay, so when they figured that out they just left you alone in front of sub-shop at 3am with no way of getting back home, you were pissed off that's for sure! and blocked them save for Akito as he had nothing to do with their plan.
Then you checked the newsfeeds and saw Hawks was trending curious you checked to see why, and saw Keigo delivering a box containing a new jacket, shoes, blankets and food to a stunned homeless woman with a note saying to "my girlfriend's hero! forever grateful Hawks!" Okay... Now Keigo really needs to tell you what happened last night!
Fatgum: [Aw it's all right Teddy Graham, ya can't win them all!] Fatgum chuckled assuming you lost at darts or pool while having fun with your friends, however as the night wore on and patrol came to an end, Taishiro was getting concerned, You hadn't texted him back nor had you called him to tell him she got home alright, just that "Halph...me loss!" text! The BMI hero was loosing his appetite with worry as he wandered down the street looking for the bar you were supposed be at, only to find out from your very drunk friends who was shuffling into in a taxi van.
He stopped one of them asking where you were, did you home with one of the girls? but to his dread they said you went for walk somewhere, Taishiro tried to coax them into remembering where you said were you going? But at this point your friend was too far gone to answer coherently, and with that the blond man took off down the street, hoping to find a trace of his lil'Teddy Graham! 
He searched for hours even showing civilians a photo of you asking if they've seen ya? the answers were always no... it was almost 3 am he was considering calling the cops to help look for ya... as he leaned against a wall to take break, when he heard your ringtone on his phone, Taishiro's hand was shaking as he answered the phone as this nasally voice greeted him
"H-hello, Sir? assuming you're a sir! uh... we found this lady passed out in one of our aisles, could you come and get her, before my manager calls the cops?"
"Wh-where is she?"
"The 7/11 at (random block)."
"Yeah, I'll be right there!"
The chubby hero ran down the street so fast he hadn't noticed his fat was burning off so when he finally arrived at the 7/11 his clothes were baggy and hanging of his body. "Hey, I'm Taishiro, you called me about my girlfriend?" The now skinny hero wheezed catching his breath as the snotty manager turned around to mouth off at Taishiro only to blanch when they realized how much taller and muscular the blond was compared to him and his demeanor quickly changed.
"Y-yes, sir right this way" the balding man stammered leading the 8ft tall man to the back room where a female staff member was watching you, Taishiro let out a sigh of relief and picked you up like a toddler; with your arms around his neck and your head rested on his shoulder, as he was leaving his yellow eyes noticed a backpack stuffed with snacks and other stuff hidden under the manager's desk, he hummed not thinking anything of it and went to thank clerk for watching you as the manager had gone out for a smoke break, Since he was there anyway Taishiro asked for a couple meatbuns for the road.
"Thanks, for lookin after m'girl."  
"It was no problem sir.'
"By the way I saw a backpack, back there, wha's that about?"
(the clerk went white, made sure her manager was still outside, assuming that she'd be too afraid to tell the tall man about his scheme.)
"That lazy bully of a manager has been stealing snacks and other crap from the store, He was going to try and say your girlfriend did it, and scare you into paying him not to call the cops."
Taishiro's hold tightened on your thigh. "I'm guessing he chickened out, because... Well you look like you could crack his head open like an egg!" the blond snorted as he payed for his food "And you'd be right about that!" Taishiro huffed, he then thanked the clerk for her honesty and shot the manager a venomous glare as passed him outside, later that night Taishiro reported what clerk had told him to store's head office, and vowed to return as Fatgum just to make sure the balding thief was gone! 
The next morning you were very confused as to how you’d gotten to your boyfriend’s apartment? you sat up only to get pulled back down an exhausted Taishiro who muttered for you to go back to sleep, he'll tell you everything later. 
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
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Part Two
Summary: When, Y/n, the daughter of one of the biggest stock traders in town runs into someone from her past, the last thing she expects is to be pulled into the shadows. With a quirk that makes her blood heal anything she’s wanted by many, but the only one she truly wanted disappeared years ago. So when she’s taken by a man that looks exactly like him her whole world gets turned upside down.
Warnings: language, choking, abduction, violence, smut, 18+ content, language, dirty talk
Word Count: 2.2k
Part One
You had regretted the words the second they had left your mouth. “Fuck off. Just leave me alone.”
That laugh. The one that melted your heart every time you heard it. You had expected him to get angry. You had expected him to scream at you, but instead, he only laughed. “I don’t like being told what to do unless I’m naked Y/n.”
Dabi wrapped his hands around your neck and pushed you into the wall behind you once again, his hips pushing into your own as you felt his lips touch your cheek. “You’ll learn that soon enough.”
His words were cold, but damn had they lit a fire underneath you. “Well why don’t you teach me a lesson then?”
Dabi’s entire demeanor changed. His anger changed to lust and admiration as he realized what you were doing. “Do you really think it’s a good idea to talk to me like that?”
You reached forward for him and wrapped your arms around his neck. His hand moved from your neck and wound into your hair, pulling you back into the wall as his lips roughly pressed to yours. 
You had forgotten how much you had loved to be this close to him. He still had the same scent, still had the same movements as he did back then. 
Dabi’s hands slid down your back and cupped your ass, squeezing your cheeks harshly before moving to your thighs. 
His hands roughly pushed your thighs apart, his fingers winding into your shorts, pushing your panties to the side. Just the small touch from him had you dropping your head back against the wall. 
Your longing for the familiarity, for the person that you had always thought you’d spend your life with, the ideas that flooded back into your head. 
His fingers were quick, each plunge into your core sending you into heaven, the sensation taking over your entire body. 
Your knees weakened and Dabi placed a knee between your legs for leverage. “What’s the matter, Y/n? Can’t handle it?” 
“Fuck.” You placed your hands on his hair and coaxed him on. “Be rough with me.” 
His deep voice in your ear sent shivers down your spine. “I don’t think you can handle my kind of rough, dollface.” 
You whined as his fingers slowed, your high looming over you as his warm breath touched your ear. You tugged on his hair and watched as he growled at you. “Do your worst. Blindfold me. Throw me against a wall.” You bit your lips and watched his eyes go wild. “I can handle it.” 
“Baby girl, if you can barely stand now, then I know you won’t be able to handle my kind of crazy.” Dabi’s devilish grin stretched across his face as he felt your walls close around his fingers, your slick coating them. His name left your lips as you cried out and he smirked, holding his fingers up to you. “Suck. Now.”
You hesitantly moved forward, taking his fingers into your mouth, licking them clean before watching him turn away from you. “We’ll continue this another time. For now, get used to the hideout.” 
You could barely hold yourself up as you kept yourself against the wall. If you moved you were afraid your legs would give out underneath you. 
Before getting through the doorway you saw him turn, an almost terrifying side of him showing as he uttered his next words. “Don’t even think about trying to get away. I’ll just find you again. We aren’t done whatever this is.” 
It almost took the breath from your lungs as you listened to the man that had just been so intimate with you. Toya really had changed. 
* * * * * * 
Getting used to the hideout was proving to be harder than you had thought it would be. Was anyone in your life even looking for you? Did your father even know that you were missing? Why had your abduction not even been on the news?
Your nervousness around the League was nothing that you were able to hide, but the fact that the only one that you weren’t nervous around was Dabi wasn’t able to hidden. They saw it and they couldn’t hide their curiosity. 
But every time one of them questioned him about it all you’d hear Dabi say was something simple. “Don’t worry about it.” “It’s none of your concern.”
They had no idea that every night since the first night they had brought you home you had spent it in Dabi’s room. They had no idea that when they were gone the two of you spent every waking minute together. It had felt like home being back with him, and you couldn’t help but feel happy about it. 
But that just made the League even more suspicious of you and what was going on. 
So after a week of the same thing Shigaraki stopped Dabi in the hallway and told him to follow him. 
They entered the room and the rest of the League looked over at them, your eyes following and noticing the anger that was raging in Dabi’s features. He was close to losing it and it made you nervous. 
“What’s up, you two?” Toga smiled as she looked at her comrades. 
Shigaraki’s voice had venom in it as he looked to the raven-haired man beside him. “Dabi here is going to tell us why he doesn’t seem to have the same problem around Y/n as we all do. I’m tired of the same excuse. Don’t you dare tell me it’s Stockholm syndrome.”
Dabi growled his words as he spat at him. “I’ve told you before, it doesn’t concern you. Just buzz off, dusty.”
Shigaraki’s hand reached for him as quickly as you had ever seen him move in the time you’d been there. You couldn’t help yourself as your anxiety grew, you leapt from the couch and sprang for him, only to be caught by the arms of Twice as you did. “TOYA!” 
A burst of blue flames filled the area in front of everyone and Shigaraki jumped backward quickly. Mr. Compress grabbed onto Dabi and dragged him backward. Kurogiri warped behind Shigaraki and dragged him into it, following him through the portal. 
Dabi lunged in Compress’s grip and tried to break free. “That crust bag is crossing a line!”
You swallowed hard as the rest of the League all stared at you. Toga was the first one to speak up as she saw your eyes welling up. “Who’s Toya, Y/n. I’ve heard you say that name before.”
Compress now had a hard time as he fought against Dabi’s strength again. “Toga! Keep your nose out of it you little psycho!”
Toga’s eyes narrowed as she looked over at him. “Don’t call me that.” She stepped forward and got close to him, pulling out one of her knives, holding it up to him. “You know that I don’t take kindly to that name when it’s said in distaste.”
Dabi spat in her direction and she threw her knife toward him, Compress pulled him back even more to keep her away from him. “Enough Toga.” Compress tried to snap her out of it as she kept swinging. 
Your heart was racing, your fear that something would happen to him coming back once again. Your words came out before you could stop them. “STOP IT!” 
Toga stopped in her tracks and turned to you. “The prisoner is going to holler at me?” Her attention pulled from Dabi and she approached you slowly, her knife moving around your face as Twice held you in place. “I don’t think so. That’s not how this works. I don’t care how important you are. You’re just a hostage.”
As you felt the cool edge of a blade on your throat, another burst of blue flames filled the small room. You closed your eyes as the chill from the flames turned the area cold. When your eyes opened again you saw a hand closing around Toga’s throat. The familiar staples and burns told you exactly who it was. 
Toga made a soft noise as she dropped her knife onto the ground and the pure rage in Dabi’s voice almost scared you. “When I let you go I suggest you leave the knife where it is and leave the room. I’ll tell people about how I know Y/n when I’m damn well ready to. The next one to push that is going to end up as kindling for my flames.”
Toga nodded as much as she could and the hand around her neck left and Twice let you go, slowly backing away from you. They both left the room without another glance. 
Dabi looked at the other members of the League and glared, not having to say another word to get them to clear out of the room. 
Once the room was clear you nearly collapsed against him. Dabi’s arms wrapped around you and he pulled you close to his chest. “Are you okay?”
You couldn’t hold back the tears anymore as you finally let yourself go. All the worry that something would take him away from you again flooded back into the forefront of your mind. Dabi tightened his grip on you and let you cry against him, trying to keep you as calm as he could. 
Dabi tried to lighten the mood a little and nervously chuckled. “You really need to start calling me Dabi, babe.”
* * * * * *
Every day that went by after that last fight was almost unbearable. Not only was the League hating Dabi, they were hating you as well. They blamed you for everything that had been happening to their group and you didn’t blame them. 
So when Dabi came to you and said that the Vanguard would be leaving for a mission you were beyond terrified. You were terrified of him going on there with them all being at odds and you were terrified of being left alone with Shigaraki when he already seemed to hate you. 
Dabi didn’t like telling you anymore than you liked hearing it. “I’m sorry.” He looked over at the others, keeping his voice low as he spoke to you. “I don’t want to go out right now either, but we don’t have a choice. We have to handle this before things get even worse.”
You wanted to grab onto him, you wanted to pull him to you and never let go, but you knew that he wasn’t ready for them to know what was going on between the two of you yet. 
That’s when Dabi’s actions shocked you. 
Dabi’s arms wrapped around you and he pulled you into a hug. A knot formed in your throat as you felt the piercing eyes of the people on the other side of the bar. He held you back out at arm’s length and placed his hand under your chin, tilting your face up to look at him. 
His lips touched yours, but with the passion that he usually held for the bedroom. When you had shown him that you weren’t afraid of him after your reunion he had softened. You had been the same woman that you had been when he left. The eyes that were on you seemed to soften some, the aura not as venomous as he had been only moments before, but you knew it probably wouldn’t last. 
Your lips danced together and you couldn't control the tears that now trailed down your cheeks, leaving stains in their wake. 
Dabi broke away and wiped the tears away with his thumb, but his words this time weren’t quiet so the rest couldn’t hear him. It was like he wasn’t afraid of them knowing anymore. “I love you, Y/n. I’ve loved you since we were sixteen years old and that’s never going to change.”
You couldn’t find words, your thoughts were too jumbled between everything that was going on, so instead you cupped his face in your hands and pressed your lips to his again. The answer that he had been looking for. 
The team stared at you both and the sound of someone clearing their throat broke the silence that had fallen over the room.
Shigaraki’s rasp made you both look over at him. “You have a mission to handle. You’re my vanguard leader, I need you at your best. Handle this later.”
Dabi glared at him some, but listened, knowing it was what was best. “I’ll be back soon.” He placed his hand on your cheek. “I promise.”
You watched as he walked toward the portal that had been opened and felt your heart threatening to jump up your throat. What had you gotten yourself into? 
Shigaraki waited for the portal to close before he spoke to you, his normal hatred toward you not present as he apologized in his own way. “Don’t worry too much about them. I have an amazing Vanguard Squad. And there’s no one better in the League to lead it than Dabi.”
Taglist: @monic00l​ @strangeinternetwasteland​ @rowley-with-ackerman​ @kyu-pine​ @ellechanwrites​ @bonnisimpparker​ @impinthecloset​ @nikiniki743​ @taliyahvermillion​ @maat-the-prescriptive​
©bakubabes-hatake’s original content, please do not repost/modify without my permission
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falloutjay · 4 years
Wait, you are my hero? - Kenny x Reader
This is my first ever published x Reader fanfiction ever and I tried my best.
Just as a disclaimer, its not fully proofread, so I am already sorry for that and English also isn’t my first language so sorry again. I hope you guys do enjoy it tho.
Kenny McCormick/Mysterion x Reader
You walked around South Parks nightlife district, the so called "SoDoSoPa" with your good friend Bebe, when you heard a loud sound from a few streets away. People were running and screaming, some were on their phone calling the police. Curiously, you ran towards the noise, like some others.
"YN, stay here! That's too dangerous!" Bebe called, while she sprinted after you. Coming closer to where fires were already rising, you saw him.
"It's me! Professor Chaos! Scream like the little ants you are!" Professor Chaos was a super villain that had been terrorizing the town for quite a while now. He and General Disarray were feared individuals that only cared about creating chaos and nothing more. But he was not the reason you and others remained here, while most people would leave. People like you stayed for the Professors sworn enemies. The superheroes that protected this town. There weren't many, especially good ones, but one in particular made your head spin, when you heard his name.
"YN please. Let us leave. It's dangerous!" Bebe pleaded looking around the street. Professor Chaos had blown up a construction side and the fires where ravaging among the building. He stood on top of it laughing like a maniac with Disarray be his side.
"We can't leave. I want to see him."
"You're insane!" Bebe said again and looked around, obviously distressed.
"Come on, where are you." You whispered and your hand clutched onto your phone.
You hope to finally snap a picture of him personally instead of always cutting out the imagines in the newspaper or magazines.
People were still screaming when a roaring sound broke through.
Your eyes grew wide and you pressed record on your phone, holding it in the direction of the sound. A purple motorbike came around the corner and the person on it looked just as amazing as you imagined. His purple cape moved beautifully behind him, when he pulled off a sick drift and stopped the bike.
Mysterion, the most badass and beloved hero arrived. You worshipped this man.
In your opinion he was simply amazing. He was strong, courageous, and not afraid to die. You were so busy drooling over this hero, that you didn't noticed Bebe shaking your arm and screaming about the fire. Then a second hero arrived.
The somewhat hated "Coon".
He stood there, somewhat out of breath while screaming at Mysterion.  "Ah, Mysterion, my arch enemy." Professor Chaos laughed evilly and pointed at him from the top of the building.
"I'm here too Chaos!" The Coon screamed. Professor Chaos didn't even give him a glace and just waved his hand, while he laughed.
"Today, I will put an end to your hero career Mysterion." "Oh yeah? I'd love to see that." The purple clothed hero retorted cockily and laughed. “Stop ignoring me for fucks sake!” The Coon screamed angrily, stomping his foot on the ground.
"We will see who will be laughing at the end. Disarray!" Professor Chaos screamed and suddenly you felt yourself being pulled.
You screamed before a hand was put over your mouth. You managed to turn your head a little bit and catch a glimpse of the right-hand man of Professor Chaos, General Disarray. "I have someone, Professor!" He called out to the gigantic seeming blonde and he laughed evilly once more.
"I have a hostage, Mysterion. Now your chances are significantly smaller than ever!" He laughed again and thunder struck behind him.
"Mysterion?" He called out, after he noticed that the hero was nowhere to be seen. You felt yourself getting pushed around a lot and heard some fighting noises before strong hands grabbed you. You let out a quick scream, before you saw into deep blue eyes. You noticed immediately that Mysterion had saved you. You sadly had not seen much of the fight, like you wished you had. He must have looked amazing.
"Run. Now. Get out of here." He said in his extremely deep voice and you needed a second before you could process everything that had just happened, but you managed to nod hesitantly before you took off running. Running for your dear life. You kept a tight grip on your phone in your pocket and when you finally reached the street in which you lived, you took a short second to catch your breath. "What the..." You mumbled somewhat scared and giddy.
Hastily you took out your phone and looked through your gallery. Your heart started beating faster when you took a good look at the beautiful snapshot you took of Mysterion while he arrived on his motorcycle.
"That's so gonna be in my locker at work." You mumbled, smiling like an idiot and you probably were one. You barely managed to escape the sticky situation, but you felt like it was somewhat worth it.
For you it was worth it.
Your little obsession with Mysterion started back when you were in High School and he saved a little girl that was almost run over by a car. Back then he was not all that professional like he was today. He apparently received some funding by the government which allowed him to have that cool motorcycle and a little headquarters. No one knew who he was or where he stashed all of his belongings. But he was a hero. To the town and for you personally.
A little squeal escaped your lips, before you went to shower and then straight to bed. Mysterion was the only thing on your mind during all of this.
When your phone rang early in the morning, you were already up and going about your day. You had the picture you endangered yourself for yesterday already printed out and in your work bag.
You worked for a little company belonging to Eric Cartman. He founded it a few years back and it changed its focus ever so often.
Eric paid you well and that's what kept you in the job. When it was time to leave you simply got into your car and started driving to the outskirts of the town where Eric had his little company. You parked on your employee parking space and saw one of your close friends and also colleagues walk up.
Stan Marsh.
He was honestly better than this job, but he simply wanted to escape his father for some time, because he hated the weed farm he owned, and Eric promised him some good money.
"Morning Stan!" You called out and waved towards the raven haired. He waved back and quickly jogged up to you.
"Hey, YN. Did you hear about the whole thing yesterday with Professor Chaos?" He asked and you showed your phone.
"Already read all the articles aaaand..." You quickly pulled up the snapshot you managed to sneak yesterday. Stans eyes grew wide.
"Woah! You were there?" "Yeah! And the girl that almost got kidnapped by Disarray? That was me." You smiled and Stan shook his head. "weren't you with Bebe yesterday?"
"Yeah." You began, as the two of you sat down at your desks. "She's somewhat pissed about me standing around in danger but she's happy I wasn't hurt." Stan smiled warmly at you and you guys talked for some more until Cartman strolled into your shared office.
"Okay. Okay. So... I want a new article about Coon for my blog and I need you, Stan, to please sort out the client data and phone anyone who hasn't bought our new merch." Eric said and pointed at the "Who is the Coon?"-T-Shits and Hoodies that hang on the wall.
"But no one likes the Coon?" Stan questioned and Erics face grew a little red. "Everyone loves the Coon. Mysterion is just some asshat who plays dress up and tries to mingle with the professionalism of the Coon." Eric said through gritted teeth and Stan and you rolled your eyes.
"Sure thing." Stan mumbled and started typing. "YN, for today, please research me some new money-making ideas." You nodded and went searching.
Hours went by in which Stan and you would love to just bang your head against the tables. "Why is he so obsessed with the Coon? You could almost think he is the Coon." Stan mumbled. "Almost but... You never know. I mean, we probably will never know who Mysterion is." You answered and filled out the papers needed for a new money-making idea. Last time you guys tried NSFW-Patreon drawings; the problem was though that none of you could produce enough hentai to keep up with the demand. You guys did not notice that you had been working for a while until two beautiful blonde-haired boys poked their head in.
"You guys coming for lunch?" Butters asked. "Yeah, haven't noticed it's lunchtime yet." You said and peeked at your watch. "Hardworking as always." Butters smiled and just now you noticed he had a black eye.
"Butters, what happened there?" Stan asked and he looked scared for a second. "Just some guy who beat me up at the bar, nothing to worry about fellas." He smiled and honest to God, he was just a little sunshine all around. Unlike the blonde next to him.
Kenny was more of a player and very down to earth. He was super charismatic and confident despite his troubled upbringing.
You packed your bag and followed the guys.
Kenny didn't work for Cartman. He worked in a small car shop just a few buildings away. You didn't know why he refused to work with Cartman, but you could guess it was maybe due to Cartman being a little shit sometimes and him telling the blond always "You're pooooor Kiiinny."
Maybe Cartman’s terrible attitude really was the reason the blonde refused to work for him and only came here to have lunch with you all. "Where are we eating?"
You asked and watched Stan and Butters discuss on where to go. "How about Cafe Monet?" Stan proposed and you all agreed. Well, not really, Kenny didn't agree, he just tagged along. Once you all arrived and you were seated you guys searched through the Menu.
Kenny didn't and you knew he wasn't going to order since he was adamant about saving everything he had.
You know that since he once told you that he was saving everything he had for his sister.
You had met Karen a few times and she was a pure little angle, so you felt hard for the blond.
It melted your heart that he was trying so hard to better himself and help his siblings. Feeling generous you slid your Menu over to the blonde and smiled. "Pick something. It's on me." You whispered and he eyed you confused.
"I don't need some charity shit or something. I'm fine with eating my lunch later." He said, his blond bangs framing his face elegantly. "I know. Just see it as a friend treating a friend." You whispered back and he gifted you a half smile and went to look what he would like. Finally, you decided on a nice Fav/Dish and Kenny picked a bit of fish with potatoes and greens.
"Eating all healthy?" You questioned when the waiter out down the plate in front of him. "Yes. Staying fit is important." He said and winked confidently. You were so busy talking to the blond next to you, you did not notice the topic of your other two friends. "No no, YN was the girl." You turned your head to look at Stan pointing at you. "Huh, sorry, what was that?" You asked and Stan laughed.
"You were the girl who got almost caught up in professor Chaos evil plan weren't you?" Butters looked at you with wide eyes. He seemed trembling.
"Oh yeah, that was me. General Disarray was about to take me somewhere, but I was saved."
"Why were you there anyway?" Kenny asked with a full mouth. "Snapping pics of her crush." You eyed Stan angrily.
"He's not my crush."
"Tell that to your locker." You rolled your eyes.
"I managed to snap some good pics of Mysterion. I mean.... look!"
You digged out your phone from your pockets and showed the pictures around. "You should be a photographer or something I mean, damn. His ass Looks amazing in this one." Kenny said and inspected the pictures intensely.
"Don't encourage her to endanger herself anymore. And besides that, I don't think Mysterion would want to bang your boney ass." Stan commented snarky.
"Still more ass than you, flat cake." The blonde retorted and you and Butters simply watched the small verbal fight between them, before the two of you talked about some fashion things you knew about.
After lunch it was all back to work. It was getting tiresome around the last hour and it felt like a horrible drag. But eventually, you were finally done. You walked outside, together with Stan and you stood there.
"You need a ride home?" You asked him and he shook his head.
"Nah, I'm eating out with my family today. Just a small way to walk." You nodded and the two of you bid your goodbyes.
You got into your car and let out a deep breath. Work was tiring today, and you felt like just relaxing at home. It would be nice to maybe fill your bathtub with some loving hot water, some candles would also be nice. And cake. Yes. A cake would be needed.
So, you decided to make a small stop at the bakery before you would go home. You left your parking space and began driving through the night as you noticed a special someone sitting at a bench at the bus stop. You pulled the car up to the bench and rolled down you window.
"Kenny, what are you doing here?"
The blonde looked up from his phone and seemed surprised that you stood or rather parked there.
"Oh, I'm just waiting for the bus, the usual." He said and looked around. "But I feel like it's not coming."
He shrugged and you leaned over to open your car door.
"Hop in, I'll bring you home." You said and he reluctantly got it.
"Stop being nice, I feel like I am taking advantage." He mumbled and closed the door.
"What happened to your truck?" You asked, wondering what must have happened that Kenny had to take the bus.
"Some stupid racoons infested it and bit through some cables. I can swap them, but I had to order them online and it takes a while until they arrive." He crossed his arms, thinking about how much he wanted to strangle those stupid racoons.
"Honestly, I'm starting to see a pattern on why Coon is a raccoon."
Kenny laughed wholeheartedly with you. "That's the best thing I heard about him." Kenny bit his lip and wondered if it was okay for him to ask what he had on his mind for a while.
"Now that you already picked me up and all that..." You stole a quick glance at him before your eyes went straight back to the road. You nodded to signal him to continue.
"Would you mind hanging out for the evening?" He asked, charming as ever.
You thought about it for a moment.
"Sure, why not. I'll still get me some cake though." You said and pointed at the approaching bakery.
"Why?" He questioned curiously as you parked swiftly in front of the store.
"I feel like taking a nice long bath later and maybe I'll relax with some cake."
"You don't need cake to relax when you can have me."
Kenny's smile was incredibly devious and playfully. Normally girls would probably freak out or something about this comment, but between you and Kenny it had become somewhat normal.
"No thanks. The cake won't disappoint me after thirty seconds." You said and got out.
Kenny wanted to protest but you simply smiled devilishly and went straight into the store. Kenny used this time he was given to think of some witty comebacks.
He was not gonna let you have the last word about this. When you came back to the car, and got in, you were told: "You don't need to hide that you just wanna masturbate and think about Mysterion while touching yourself.
Kenny sat there with a smug expression and you rolled your eyes. You placed the package in the back and then gave him a light punch onto the arm.
"That one was good, I'll admit that. But you know, I'd rather think about Mysterion than be touched by you." You said and laughed.
Kenny needed to laugh too, mainly because the whole topic was simply in his favor, even when you were not aware of that.
"Ah, I love our banter." Kenny said and got comfortable in the passenger seat while he watched you drive.
"So do I. Oh, by the way, I got you and Karen some cake too. You'll treat me another time."
"Treat you with my dick? Or would you like my tongue?"
"If your name isn't Mysterion, no chance."
It was more banter to you than actually real. You were not that horny for Mysterion.
Everyone just loved to make this shitty joke at your expense ever so often, but you honestly didn't mind.
"Ah come on. And if I get a costume like his and change my voice a little?"
"Still no chance. Sorry Ken."
That still was a stupid lie. You sure were attracted to Kenny, I mean, who wouldn't. He was a tall, dirty blonde, blue-eyed hard-working man, with a soft spot for his family and great humor. You weren't surprised when you learned how many girls had little crushes on him. He was good looking and even when he wasn't the wealthiest, he was a kindhearted soul.
When you finally reach your apartment complex the two of you got out and Kenny followed you patiently to the fourth floor. Inside your apartment he went straight for the couch and relaxed. You let him be but reminded him of the no shoes rule. He begrudgingly took of his heavy and run-down boots and put them aside. He also, to your surprise, took of his orange trademark parka and tossed it into a corner.
"You'll pick it up later." You remarked from the kitchen when you saw him do that.
"Yeah, Yeah, I will."
You knew full when that he just said that so you wouldn't start a discussion with him. You knew that but still let it slide. For now, at least. You prepared a little sandwich for yourself before you plopped down onto the couch next to the blond.
"So, what are we doing?" You asked with your mouth full and he shrugged.
"How about you take that bath you were talking about and I watch you do so."
Did this shit eating grin ever leave his face?
"Nah, I'm good." You said and smiled back.
"Ah come on." He whined but laughed immediately after.
"Let's just watch some TV." You proposed and snagged the remote to put something on.
You guys were just lazily watching some random show while also being on your phones. All that was on your mind was that bath though. You loved Kenny to death but right now you were just craving some hot warm water all around you.
"Would you mind if I take that bath I was talking about? I really feel like I need that."
You said and the blonde smiled without taking his eyes off the phone. "I'd need you naked too."
You threw one of the couch pillows at him and pretended to laugh.
"Ha ha ha. You're sooo funny, it almost hurts me." You said, got up and walked into your bathroom to start the water.
In the next minutes you were setting up the candles and got your cake ready. When the water was almost ready, Kenny leaned in the doorway and watched you ignite the last candles.
"Jeez, you're going all out. Looks nice though." He said and gave you a low whistle.
"You wanna have me join you sweetheart?" He said and walked over to your kneeling figure. Kenny also got down to one knee and basically massaged your shoulders. You let out a deep sigh and rolled your eyes.
"Hey, Ken, listen, I really appreciate you and love our jokes and shit, but I don't think we should bang. It would be like... I don't know, super awkward if we had something and then just keep being friends and all that. And You're a great friend and I don't want to lose you, you know."
Kenny's smile faded and he frowned a little. "YN, I fucked so many girls and guys and I'm friendly with most of them and even their old or new partners. I'm sure it won't change a thing." He said charmingly and turned your head towards his.
You stared deeply into his eyes and you inspected the beautiful bright blue spots that highlighted it and the dark blue edges, while your heads came closer. You had never seen Kenny’s eyes up close.
And suddenly it struck you.
It felt like an ice cube slide down your spine and you trembled. You pulled your head back and basically fell onto your ass. Kenny eyed you confused and offered you a hand to get back up.
"No, I'm fine... I-I'll just take the bath if you don't mind." You laughed nervously and still confused Kenny nodded and held up his hands in defense.
"I get it, I get it. You won't resist me forever." He smiled and walked out. You were left there, breathing away the strange feeling of panic.
You quickly undressed yourself and went into the hot water. It calmed your racing thoughts down for a little bit and you managed to order them.
The blue, the highlights, the dark edges that formed a beautiful circle. The few freckles underneath the eyes. Why did Mysterion and Kenny have identical eyes? What, How, why, just... Argh!
You began stuffing yourself with cake and tried your best to make any sense of the situation. Was Kenny Mysterion, or did they just have similar eyes?
Or... You thought about it long and hard and eventually.... It kind of just... Clicked?
It made sense.
Kenny was living alone, he was young, in shape, the piecing blue eyes, the need to protect others, some jokes he made... It... It just fitted together like a puzzle.
You quickly finished up your bath and went outside after blowing out the candles.
"What a view." Kenny joked from the couch and you just went straight into your bedroom.
This perverted guy you were close friends with was really the pure and kindhearted Mysterion? In your head it barely made any sense but you kind of just felt like your theory was correct.
You got dressed quickly and just sat on your bed, trying to picture the blond in the purple costume without the hood.
It just fit.
The height, the figure.
After a few minutes you heard a knock on your door and carefully Kenny came in.
"Good, you're dressed. Even if I don't mind you in less clothes."
You didn't respond or gave him any attention.
"YN, is everything, all right? You're suddenly so wei- You're Mysterion, aren't you?" You interrupted him and looked straight at him.
He seemed surprised, taken back, unsure.
Everything, Kenny was normally not.
"Me? Mysterion? Sweetheart, was the water too hot?" He laughed when he collected himself again.
"No. Not at all. When Mysterion saved me, he starred straight into my eyes. You guys have the same eyes, freckles, skin tone." You said and waved your hands around.
"I guess no point in denying then. I should have been more careful." He said and sat down next to you.
"Please keep it to yourself. I'm sure if someone knows who I am, they will target the people I'm trying to protect." He said and his hand went through his hair.
"Does anyone else know?" You questioned and he shook his head.
"Nope. Not even Karen. It is dangerous if someone knows who I am. So, I always kept it a secret. I guess my only mistake was trying to fuck you after you were that close to Mysterion but..." He grinned evilly, "You said no one could fuck you except Mysterion. So... Here I am." His hand moved from his head to his knees, presenting himself.
"I wish I was as confident as you." You mumbled.
"I can't believe the hero I always looked up to is... You?" You said, raising and eyebrow and inspecting the blonde once more.
"Disappointed?" He questioned and tilted his head.
"I don't know."
"You wanna know what's funny to me?"
You looked at him, waiting for his reply, but as soon as you saw that shit eating grin on his face, you knew it'd be bad.
"That ass you admired and took pictures of was mine. The guy in your locker is me. It is so funny. You obsessed over me, without knowing it was me. That's so fucking funny, I wish I could tell someone."
He laughed his ass off and fell onto your bed. He just kept saying how funny it is and you felt more and more like a fool.
"Can you shut up, this is embarrassing and confusing you asshat." He finally got back up and held his hands up in a defensive manner.
"Woah, woah, no need to be so hostile." He spoke. You simply rolled your eyes.
"I love that I now have more material to make fun of you. But also, I feel flattered that you love me, without having seen this beautiful face."
"Someday you'll choke on that humongous ego of yours."
"I'd rather choke you."
You had a small starring contest and you lost when you just busted out laughing.
"So, now that you know my secret, I'm sure you will not say anything about it..." He asked and took your hand.
"I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Good, otherwise I'd have to kill you." He said in his Mysterion voice and the grip on your hand got stronger. You felt scared for a second, before he smiled again.
"Just a joke." You just nodded.
"Ahh, come on Sweetheart..." You looked at him again and he had this smug expression once more.
"Don't you love this." And he switched the voice again.
Still somewhat embarrassed and also confused because the guy you had a small crush on turned out to be a friend of yours, your cheeks heat up and immediately Kenny picked up on it.
"I can tell you like it." He whispered into your ear.
"Dude, this feels like some weird roleplay or something." You giggled.
"We can make it that. I still have some of my older costumes."
You laughed once more and bit your lip, while Kenny pushed you slowly onto your bed and got on top of you.
"Oh, shut up Mysteribitch."
"Oh, I'll make you my bitch."
He laughed, before he slowly pressed his lips onto yours. His lips felt somewhat rough and at the same time smooth, kind of just like you imagined what it'd be like.
And also, just like you imagined, his tongue found its way into your mouth rather quickly.
You continued making out for quite a while and honestly, to you it felt like heaven. But eventually you carefully pressed your hands against his chest after they had wandered down from his soft hair and you pressed him away.
"What... Don't tell me you're thinking about this staying friends shit again." He said somewhat aggravated. You shook your head.
"No, I just wanted to ask if you could bring one of those old costumes next weekend. Maybe we can pick up on that roleplay idea." You whispered against his lips and he smiled into the now following kiss.
"Good. I was just gonna say that I don't wanna be friends. I kinda wanna be more. I like you a lot YN." He whispered in-between the kisses.
"I'm fine with that." You whispered back and the two of you just smiled into the many kisses you now shared. And pretty much, just like you expected, it didn't take long for Kenny’s hands to roam around your body and finally wandered underneath your shirt.
You did not just make out that night.
It led to much more and you loved every second of it. When your alarm woke you up in the morning, it felt strange to feel these strong arms around you. You carefully woke Kenny up and told him it was time to get up.
"I don't wanna. It's so nice here. The view it to die for." He said as you got up.
"Go shower. I'll drop you off at work."
"Fine." He mumbled and walked past you, naked.
"The pure confidence of this man."
You got dressed and ready for work, as did Kenny begrudgingly. While you also made him a bit of lunch, he stole some kisses ever so often. You honestly were surprised at this, you imagined this part differently, but of course you did not complain. When you were finally in your car and on your way to work, he proposed an idea.
"Okay, so of you wanna do that roleplay shit, I'll Go the extra mile. Just for you, I'll surprise you with the whole thing. Just leave your window open next weekend and you might be visited by the hero with the great ass." He winked.
You bit your lip, feeling aroused just thinking about it.
"I will do so. Hope Mysterions dick is as good as my boyfriends." You teased and Kenny laughed rather hard.
"Feels strange hearing you say that, but I can get used to it."
"Good." You answered and you two smiled like idiots, thinking all about your crazy plans, while you pulled into your parking space.
"You walk over to your work?" You questioned as you saw Stan approaching from the corner of your eye.
"Yeah. See you at lunch, Babe." He pressed a final kiss onto your lips and took off to his own work.
Stan whistled as you caught up to him.
"I thought you were crushing on Mysterion?" Stan questioned with a smile on his thin lips.
"I kinda got over it. Kenny's a pretty good catch anyway, I think he's the closest to Mysterion that there is." You smiled and Stan laughed at your comment.
"If You say so."
"Oh, you don't know the half of it." You smiled, knowing this secret between you and Kenny will spice thing up in your relationship.
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moonbeamoclock · 4 years
i hope you get of writers block soon, im in an art one right now :/ soo, could i request some fluff with our queen mikasa? like some kissing and making out or just being intimate with each other (ʃƪ^3^ )
Loved (modern!mikasa x fem!reader)
pre-note: thank you so much for the ask, i appreciate you 😘
Warnings: internalized homophobia, just a pinch of angst, just a dash of heat, a sprinkle of fluff, pining, awkwardness
Word Count: 2.0k
Rain had been steadily beating against the windows of the small third-floor apartment the entire afternoon. Inside her room, the (y/h/c) girl was sat at her desk fruitlessly attempting to do her school work. No matter how much she tried, she just couldn’t seem to focus; her mind kept drifting to her roommate.
The intrusive thoughts were almost overwhelming at this point, pictures of imagined intimacy between herself and the girl she considered her best friend kept floating around in her head. At that moment, the daydream of a featherlight brush of Mikasa’s lips against hers felt so real that y/n’s breath caught in her throat.
Embarrassed at the way she got so worked up just imagining a kiss; her face started to feel hot. She let out a tired sigh and tried yet again to go back to her work when she heard the sound of the door opening and slamming shut in the next room. Perking up, she moved to the hallway and watched as a very cold looking Mikasa shed her layers in the living room.
“Hey, Mikasa! How was class?” Y/n greeted.
“Fine, it’s just so cold out there,” Mikasa replied.
Giggling she replied, “Yeah I bet. It is Autumn you know, you shouldn’t be so surprised.”
Ignoring the teasing, Mikasa asked “Do you want to watch something with me? I’m gonna shower first though.”
“Oh, yeah. Totally. Yeah.” Y/n sputtered out.
Excitedly sitting on the sofa, she pulled out her phone and began mindlessly scrolling through her social media while she waited for the raven-haired girl to finish.  
After a few moments, she registered the sound of the shower running, and the image of Mikasa naked in the shower flashed through her mind. The thought made her entire body go hot, she sat frozen in her seat trying desperately not to think about her best friend naked with soap suds wrapping around her body, hands roaming on their own, lower and lower….
Abruptly standing up, her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest.
Oh dear God, this is beginning to be too much. She’s my best friend! Plus, I don’t even know if she’s gay! I don’t even know if I’m gay! Wait, am I gay?
Her train of thought was cut short by Mikasa emerging from the bathroom in just a towel pausing in the hallway to look quizzically at Y/n, whose face somehow got even hotter at the sight, before entering her room and closing the door behind her.
Y/n threw her hands against her face in embarrassment, and she plopped herself back down on the sofa in exasperation.
Seeing her in a towel like that really doesn’t help...Maybe I should just ask if she likes girls? I mean I’ve never seen her romantically interested in anyone before, like ever. I’ll just ask when she comes out of her room if she’s interested in women in a totally casual and not weird way. Yeah, that’ll be fine.  
Taking a deep breath she tried to calm her nerves and act casual as Mikasa emerged from her room now fully clothed.
Coming to sit on the other side of the couch Mikasa calmly asked, “Are you okay? You looked upset when I got out of the shower.”
Willing the heat from her face she quickly responded “Oh yeah, I’m okay, don’t worry about it! I was just thinking about...well….” Wait! Don’t do it, it’s too awkward right now! “Nevermind, sorry. Don’t worry about it.” Y/n finished shaking her head.
There was a pause before Mikasa replied quietly, gazing at her best friend  “Okay, well if you ever want to talk about it just know that I’m here for you.”
The look made Y/n’s chest ache, the urge to kiss the hell out of Mikasa’s plump lips was immense in that moment. She could’ve, they were so close both, of them instinctively leaning in, it would be the perfect moment to do so, but the question from earlier kept weighing on her shoulders.
Shifting away from her roommate she rushed out
“Doyoulikegirlslikeinaromanticway?” She then squeezed her eyes shut awaiting a response.
Mikasa was caught off guard by the question. The words were jumbled together but she was just barely able to understand what she was being asked. She took a second to observe the girl sitting across from her, taking in the uncomfortable look on her scrunched up face. A wave of panic washed over her in an instant.
Oh no. She knows doesn’t she, she knows and she’s going to leave me. Oh god, I’m so gross, I’m obsessed with my best friend and she figured out, and now she’s going to leave me like everyone else did. Why couldn’t you just get it together now you’re going to lose her too.
With rare tears pricking her eyes, the usually stoic girl finally answered with a quiet, trembling voice,
“Um, yeah. I’m sorry...I’ll stay at Eren’s tonight so you don’t have to worry.” With weak knees, she stood up from the couch. Head turned, as to hide the tears threatening to fall. She couldn’t show her weakness, she’s stronger than that.
She was barely able to take a step before Y/n also stood up from the couch grabbing onto Mikasa’s wrist.
“Wait, why would you stay at Eren’s tonight,” she asked confused.
“Because...because. I’m–I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“You could never make me uncomfortable Mikasa. What are you talking about?”
Steeling her gaze she looked fully at Y/n “I’m talking about the fact that I like girls, I like you. But now I understand that you don’t like girls, you don’t like me so I’m not going to force you to be roommates with me, but you’re important to me so I hope we can still be friends.”
The look on her face was unreadable, but behind her eyes, Y/n could tell that she was scared and upset.
“You like me?” was the only thing Y/n could come up with.
Mikasa felt like she was going to vomit, but she made sure to keep up the emotionless mask as she forced out a quiet “Yes.” Before ripping her arm out from her grasp. Watching with seemingly emotionless eyes as y/n’s face was overcome with shock.
“W-wait, I,” a nervous deep breath, “Mikasa, I don’t want you to stay with Eren tonight.”
There was a heavy pause as Y/n tried to clear her head before she spoke again.
“I like you too! I was just scared because you’ve never shown any interest in me or anyone for that matter. That’s why I asked if you liked girls. And I know I shouldn’t have asked you like that because I can tell I freaked you out, but I just like you so much and I wanted to know if there was even a possibility of you feeling the same way!....I love you!”
There was a moment of silence where the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the rain still hammering against the side of the building. Mikasa let out a shaky breath before she sat back down on the couch, motioning for y/n to do the same.
“Mikasa, I still have things to learn about myself in terms of my sexuality, but the only thing I know for sure is how I feel about you. I want to be with you, Mikasa.” Y/n spoke. She watched as Mikasa swallowed quickly before whispering;
“I want to be with you too.”
The two girls peered at each other from across the sofa for an instant before Y/n’s hand reached over to grasp Mikasa’s firmly.
“Can I kiss you now?” she blurted.
Mikasa gave her a soft smile before gently nodding her head. They both leaned in slowly, the time it took for their lips to brush feeling like triple of what it really was. When their lips were at last close enough that they could feel the other’s breath, Mikasa’s hand made its way to the side of Y/n’s face caressing her skin. At the contact, she let her eyes flutter shut and swiftly surged forward to close the gap between them.  
The first kiss was sweet and chaste. Pulling apart, they leaned their foreheads together relishing in the feeling of each other’s breath against their skin. The feeling of Mikasa so close had Y/n’s head feeling cloudy, she could barely register the words falling from her lips,
“Um, that was nice. I was actually going to kiss you earlier when we were sitting here right before I asked and freaked you out, which I’m still really sorry about. But I guess it’s a good thing that I asked beca––”
She was cut off by a quiet shushing and the slight pressure of Mikasa’s hand against the nape of her neck pulling her towards her to crash their lips together.
This kiss was a lot messier than the first one. The knocking of teeth and inexperienced caressing of tongues made y/n’s entire body go hot, and by the way the air around the two of them seemed to rise in temperature, the other girls did too. Her left hand was desperately clutching onto the shoulder of Mikasa’s shirt and a low whine ripped from y/n’s throat, causing Mikasa’s grip on her hair at the base of her head to tighten. Y/n’s right hand that had somehow ended up resting on Mikasa’s knee was slowly inching its way up her thigh digging her fingertips slightly into the plush pajama-clad skin.
Pulling away again, Y/n shifted her body to climb into Mikasa’s lap. Running her fingers along the sides of her neck as she asked, “Is this….okay too?”
Caught off guard by this sudden display of confidence, Mikasa’s skin flushed a deeper shade of red causing a quiet giggle to escape the other girl’s lips. In response, the steel-eyed girl ran her hand up y/n’s sides then down her back and gave a small nod as their noses bumped together. Before Mikasa could join their lips together again, Y/n started to eagerly press heated kisses along the column of her throat eliciting a surprised moan from her mouth. She let her head loll back against the back of the sofa relishing in the feeling of the girls lips against her neck. Her head had filled with a pleasant fuzzy feeling,  the thought that the person she adores with her entire being was here with her returning her feelings tenfold was overwhelming. So overwhelming in fact, tears started to prick the corners of her eyes. The pure joy of having the love of her life in her arms in that moment made a muted sob bubble up in her throat.
Startled, Y/n quickly pulled away from her ministrations searching Mikasa’s face for a sign of hurt.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you??” her panicked voice barely registered in the other girl’s ears as tears started to steam down her face. She moved to push herself off of the girl’s lap but was stopped by a strong set of arms firmly wrapping themselves around her torso and crushing her body to Mikasa’s.
“I love you,” she whispered up to y/n, squeezing her tighter to try and show how much she meant those three words.
She relaxed slightly in her arms after hearing those words, wrapping her own arms around her neck and burying her face in her hair placing a light kiss there, she mumbled a tender “I love you too”.
end-note: hi!! this story is so cheesy my stummy hurts. I feel as if this is exactly the same as all my other stories and i’m sorry for that. I’d really love any and all feedback you guys could give me because I really love writing and i want to get better at it.  
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
Hello! Can I request a Vox machina and Mighty Nein child reader where the reader gets killed and revived? Thank you!!
Hi! Thank you so so much for the suggestion, not gonna lie it was a bit tricky to write because it’s a tough subject to nail… also I may have cried a little making this, but after looking through the tears at the results I’d say it turned out pretty good 😁
No, I will not apologize for the length… Enjoy!
Dancing with Death
Vox Machina, Mighty Nein & Child!Reader
Warnings: Death (I mean it’s in the ask and title so it should be obvious, I guess), may get a slight bit graphic
Vox Machina
Go in, investigate, kill some demons, get out. That’s what you were supposed to do, sure you knew it wasn’t going to be the easiest task but you didn’t expect to see Vecna himself make an appearance. The twisted archlich taunted the party as you all fight off the demons as best as possible while simultaneously thinking of a way to escape. Too focused on not getting hit you didn’t see the devious look that crossed his features when his sights set on you. You fight off enemies as best as your abilities would let you until you find yourself face to face with Vecna, a icy chill running through you as he stared you down. That icy chill becomes more literal when he grabs you by the neck and lifts you into the air, you gasp in shock as you dangle helplessly, still struggling to free yourself, his grip only getting tighter, slowly cutting off your air intake. Everything was going hazing from your lack of oxygen, you felt the cold touch of his hand around your neck, the pain increasing from said cold, you heard what sounded like distant screams or maybe cries of your name, you weren’t entirely sure, there was a sudden pop in your neck alongside a brief second of sharp pain then… nothing.
You find yourself sitting somewhere dark, legs brought up to your chest as you hug them closer to you. Looking around this darkness stretched on and on, with no end in sight. Where were you? What just happened? You felt very confused until you saw the only other figure with you in this dark void. A tall, slender feminine figure stands before you, a dark cloak flowing down her shoulders and a simple porcelain mask covering her face, a hauntingly beautiful sight to say the least. You tilt your head to the side as you stare up at her, trying to wrap your head around what was going on and why she seemed familiar. To your surprise she copies you and tilts her own head to the side, although hers was more subtle, you then tilt your head to the other side and again she copies you, earning a small giggle out of you.
"Wow, you’re really pretty." You, finally finding words, say without much thought, you mind still not fully grasping the situation at hand. She lets out a soft hum of acknowledgment and gives a small bow to you before straightening herself upright again. At this point it’s starting to click why she was familiar, your eyes widening in realization at just who you were talking to. "Wait… you’re the Raven Queen. Does-does that mean I’m dead?" You stare up at her for some sort of confirmation, but the porcelain mask she wore didn’t really help give you any clues.
"Life can be so short and unfair, never caring if they be young, old, good or evil when facing the reality that is death." You blink at her words, it felt like there was some meaning to them but you couldn’t place your finger on what.
"Is-is that a yes?" You ask hoping for a more straightforward answer. She lets out another hum and reaches down to pick you up in a fluid motion, shifting to help smooth back some of your hair the second you were secure in her arms. Her touch was cold yet oddly calming to you as she begins to glide her way across the empty landscape that surrounded you both, you wonder if she was taking you to the afterlife, then she stops. You look at her confused but something else quickly captures your attention, a bright light cutting through the darkness. You couldn’t make direct eye contact but you tried your best to, hearing faint voices emitting through it, you couldn’t make out any words but the voices sounded desperate, pleading. You look up at the Raven Queen and, even through the mask, you could feel her own gaze set on you. You stare at her with curious eyes and once again tilt your head to the side in an almost silent question, as before she copies your action and traces the side of your face, tucking back any loose hair you may have had.
"Sweet little bird," she starts making you perk up, that was what Vax and Keyleth would call you as a nickname. "It is not your time quite yet, you have much more to accomplish in this life and foes whose souls shall be brought to me by your hand." You couldn’t tell if she was trying to be uplifting or something, but you did find some encouragement in her words. She leans closer to you and the cool feeling of her mask presses against your forehead as if in a gentle kiss before your vision turns white…
You open your eyes staring up at the ceiling of your room in Greyskull Keep, you just sit there staring into space for a while until you adjust yourself to sit up. Strangely enough you feel something wrapped in one of your hands, slowly opening it to find a single ravens feather resting in your palm, you examine it a moment before breaking into a cough, a strange sensation in your neck like there was a hand still around it. The sound of your door opening makes you look over to see Pike enter the room and hurry over to you, she helps steady you to your feet, giving a little extra healing to make the feeling in your neck go away and hugs you tightly, you happily return the hug, stashing the feather into your pocket. The two of you make your way around the keep to the dining room where the others were waiting, the instant they all see you you're swept up into hugs and apologies from all of them.
"(Y/n)! You’re awake!" "How are you feeling?" "I’m so sorry we couldn’t get to you in time." "We were so scared, we thought we might not be able to save you." These alongside many other comments were sent your way as you just happily snuggle into each one of their individual embraces. Keyleth and Vex both clung to you tightly doing very little to hold back their tears of joy. Grog easily scooped you up into his arms, being careful not to crush you and just happy to see that you were back on your feet, even if he protested to being worried. Percy and Scanlan both played it neutral, giving you pats on the shoulder or back, Scanlan making a comment that he knew everything would be alright because Pike was amazing at her job, but you could see the relief in their eyes for your well being. Then there was Vax, like the others he was very much happy and relieved that you were alright, wrapping you up in a tight embrace but there was also this faint look of knowing in his eyes when he stared at you. You offer all of them a bright smile before looking back up at the rouge, pulling out the feather to show him. He looks at it a moment, his expression softening a little more as gently weaves it into your hair. You’re about to say something when Percy speaks up, suggesting everyone goes out for the evening to finally unwind and celebrate your recovery. Quick and happy to agree you all head out to Emon, because there was only one thing on your mind now… you were absolutely famished.
Mighty Nein
Being in a group of adventurers was a risky bet to take, one you took with a smile. It would be fun they said, you’ll get to see new places they said, nothing could possibly go wrong you thought. For the most part it was true, but facing off against a coven of sea hags wasn’t proving to be the most fun to you. Well in fashion for the Nein, it would seem, things only got worse before they’d get better, one of the hags activating an orb-like object summoning a water elemental to the battle. The water elemental lunges at you, sweeping you up in its torrent to keep you from escaping, you only had enough time to take in a quick gasp of air before you’re trapped in the creature. You try to flail your arms to break free of the creatures hold to no avail, it’s not long before you start to have a hard time holding your breath. In a desperate last attempt you try reaching out to grab hold of anything nearby that you could use to pull yourself free, it was a futile attempt, your arms not even breaking past the creatures watery body. Your lungs begged for air and without meaning to you release your breath and take in a water, it burned your throat and lungs when you tried to cough it out only taking more in. Everything around you started to fade away, it was like the elemental itself didn’t exist either, only you and this moment, you couldn't escape and you didn’t know where everyone else was. It was lonely and you were terrified… then the pain disappeared, your vision was still dark but it didn’t hurt to breathe anymore.
You weren’t too sure what was going on, you couldn’t move or at very least you chose not to move and looked every which direction to see if there was anything or anyone else with you. Finding nothing you shakily rise to your feet and slowly move forward in this dark abyss.
"Hello! Is anyone there? Caduceus? Jester? Anyone?" You call out into the darkness hoping for an answer… no response. You keep calling for anyone from the Nein in hopes that someone would answer you, though it felt as though your voice was just swallowed up and reaching nowhere. "Is anyone there?" You repeat feebly. "Please, I don’t wanna be alone." You sniffle and tremble a little, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. A soft light breaks the darkness around you and a feminine figure appears before you. Her hair long and wild, cascading down her shoulders like a waterfall well complimented by the vines and flowers growing among it, a warm motherly smile upon her face.
A comforting breeze, feeling like that of a warm hug, blows around you and words, unspoken aloud but still heard form in your mind. "My sweet child, do not fear, you have never been alone." The words were soft and gentle, easing away your fear and bringing a sense of comfort to you as you stare up at the woman. She gently lifts you into her arms, moving so fluidly you almost don’t realize it until you’re face to face with the deity. Curiously you reach a hand out and touch the various flowers in her hair, a small giggle coming from you at the feeling.
"Your hair's really soft and the flowers a very pretty." You compliment, she hums in response, taking one of the flowers out of her hair and tucking it behind your ear. You carefully place a hand on the flower and smile at her, all the fear you held earlier finally disappearing.
"It is not quite yet your time to rejoin the earth," once again you don’t quite see her lips move but hear a voice carried in the soft breeze she emits. "Your family still needs you, my child. Go. Learn. Grow." Her words brought comfort but you had no idea what she was saying, honestly you still weren’t quite sure what had happened or who she was. She parts her lips and blows air into you, your vision turning white for a moment before you find yourself coughing up some water, feeling some pain in your chest as a result.
"Easy, easy. It’s alright, you’re gonna be okay." You rub your eyes before peeking them open to see Caduceus staring down at you with a relived smile. That’s when it clicked into your head what happened, but before you can make a comment another voice jumps in.
"Oh my gosh, (y/n)! We were so scared when we saw you in that nasty water guy." Jester effortlessly scoops you up into her arms and twirls around, a few tears having fallen at her relief.
"I wouldn’t say I was scared, just… worried." Beau comments, though her voice wavered slightly. Jester places you down and you’re immediately tackled into another hug by Nott. No comment from her, just being held in a tight embrace only a mother could give. When she finally lets go Fjord kneels down to your height and gently rubs your back, having been in a similar experience before he knows how you felt and almost looked guilty for it. You place a hand on his cheek and offer him a closed eye smile, he returns the smile before standing up again. Yasha now kneeling down and taking her turn to wrap you in her arms. You could feel the slight tremble in her body as she held you close, whispering something so quiet you wondered if she was even speaking at all.
Something soft butting at your leg pulled you from your thoughts, looking down at Frumpkin the cat gently butts it’s head against your leg again before rubbing his body against it with a soft purr. You pick up the cat, cuddling him a bit before looking around for his owner, spotting Caleb leaning against the wall his hands covering his face as he draws in deep breaths. You walk over to him and tug at his coat until he looks at you, you then hold up Frumpkin for him. He bends down and takes the cat from you, letting the fey rest on his shoulders then reaches over and gives you a pat on the head. It wasn’t much but you gave him A for effort.
"Alright, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m done standing around in here." Beau speaks up again, making you realize you were still in the creepy sea cave where the coven once resided.
"I second that!" You say, it coming out more hoarse then you’d like. A few more voices of agreement later and your all making your way back out of the cave and towards your ship.
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