#why do I 1) constantly make more work for myself and 2) make everything about Shin?
heavenangelly · 3 months
Knowing everything about the law but not being able to apply it/manifest
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The lotus: The lotus flower symbolizes rising from a dark place into beauty and rebirth, as this is precisely how a lotus flower grows. The lotus symbolizes the human Spiritual potential of transformation to the True (Divine) Self. -Google
I’m sure some of the people in this community, myself included, have learnt everything there is to possibly know about the law. You may even have notes and screenshots. But regardless of this, you just cannot apply. You want to change but you stay the same.
Why is this?
1. You lack belief in yourself. You love reading the posts, getting the short burst of motivation, getting ready to apply and change self, and then deflate when you see the 3d. So you consume and consume to get that feeling again, only to fall into the same cycle. You don’t think you can do it and you place the 3d on the pedestal, thinking that it is more real than imagination. You put your desires above you, hopeless that you’ll ever get them.
2. You don’t feel the burning desire to change; to be different. Some people may be lukewarm about their desires. They want it but they don’t want it enough to do something about it. Personally, when I want something really bad, I’d do anything in my power to have it. I’m burning with passion to get it, and in this case it would be to accept it and stay in that state. You have to want to be different. You have to feel like you’re burning with need to get what you want. You have to really want it. And this will act like a final push. You’d be dedicated and passionate about it. And if you’re not like that, if you are lukewarm, reevaluate why you want that thing. Fall back in love with it and actually having it instead of seeing it above you and unattainable.
3. Do you actually want it? You may feel a little resistance or dread towards your “desire” because it’s not something you actually want. It may be something that society has made you think you want. Go deep within and ask yourself if that’s actually something you want. Spend some time with yourself and see if it resonates with you, If you burn with passion for it. It doesn’t matter if society says you need it, this is YOUR reality and you decide if you need it or not.
How do I get out of this cycle?
1. Create a formula for how you’re going to manifest your desires. Take a few screenshots of your absolute favourite posts (5 posts maximum) that will remind you of how the law works and possibly motivate you. Put those in a note along with your formula
2. Now that you have created that, GET OFF OF TUMBLR. Do NOT consume anymore content. You know this shit. If you really need to, reread your screenshots and formula.
3. Constantly go back to your screenshots and formula if you doubt. If you have any questions, try to answer them yourself. You do know the law after all.
4. Try to have an end goal in mind. Like a routine you do everyday regarding manifestation or a time frame that will help you stay disciplined and motivated (but DO NOT focus too much on these things, focus more on fulfilment.) Do methods or anything you want, as long as you feel FULFILMENT it doesn’t matter what you do.
5. Have FUN. Do not make the law a chore for you. It’s so fun if you do the things you love and actually want to manifest and are dedicated to getting what you want, regardless of everything.
Reminder: Failure doesn’t exist. You can only “fail” if you stop persisting.
I really hope this post helped some of you, and I hope you take this to heart. You don’t have to live a life of cycles anymore if you don’t want to. Remember, you always choose what state you’re in. You’re always choosing to be something, to continue being something, to manifest something. Become unstoppable and undefeatable. You deserve this. I believe in you, now believe in yourself.
Now become like the lotus flower.
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Slutmas Day 6
Stressed & Insecure (Matt)
Request: None
Warnings: Mommy kink, talk of poor mental heath, angsty at first, Matt being insecure, talk of body dysmorphia, friends to lovers, cockwarming, oral, whiny Matt
“You’re such a good boy for letting mommy take care of you like this”
Matt’s pov
Everything sucks right now, I’m so busy with work, it’s taking up all of my time, and everything going on right now backs up to that. I was purely stressed from work originally, which I know might seem easy, but don’t be fooled because it’s not. We’ve had so many meetings for sponsored content, videos, guest appearances, and merch designing, on top of filming for our YouTube and the Podcast. I’m genuinely just drained, my anxiety is high, I can’t sleep, and I’m overall in a bad mood.
I know what you’re thinking, ‘why not just jack off?’ well that’s because I can’t. I guess with being stressed and overwhelmed by everything, my cock just won’t get hard. It probably doesn’t help that my body is constantly getting hated on because of my weight, it makes me really insecure and uncomfortable with myself and my body. I was sitting at my desk doing some more online work and it was pissing me off, I’m so frustrated! I’m just doing so much overthinking and it’s making me stressed, overwhelmed, and insecure.
Just as I threw my notebook across the room there was a small knock and Chris popped his head in. “Matt, are you alright? Do you need anything?” Chris asked, knowing I wasn’t in the best mental state. “I’m fine, I just want to be alone” I sighed back, “Are you still coming to Larray’s house with us tonight?” I completely forgot about that. Chris looked a bit disappointed by my answer but he understood, “Nah I’m just gonna stay here, ‘m stressed and overwhelmed right now so I won’t be any fun” I said before Chris closed the door.
That was my insecurities talking, I always found myself rather boring and unenthusiastic when I’m in these moods. It had been about an hour of trying to get hard and then sitting in my chair with my head in my hands. My door slowly creeped open and I immediately assumed it was Chris or Nick. “Get the fuck out of my room!” I yelled, turning around to be met with my best friends confused face. “I’m sorry, Chris said they were leaving and I should come keep you company because you’re having a bad day. I didn’t mean to make you upset” Y/n said quite nervously. I slammed my fist down on my desk before completely losing it, hot tears rolling down my face.
1 hour earlier
Y/n’s pov
I was at a nail appointment when I got a text message, I was already done with my fingers and in the chair for my toes.
iMessage start at 5:02pm
bro are you busy
i’m getting my toes done rn
at 5:30 me and nick are going to larray’s for the night
so i wanted to ask you a favor
yk how matt’s been kinda moody lately?
well today he’s really stressed and sad so he’s in a bad mood and i don’t want him to be alone tonight so can you head over afterwards and chill with him?
you literally just set up a playdate for your child lmao
but yeah i’ll go over there, i’ve missed my matty poo
wow but you don’t miss me
that one hurt Y/n/n 🥲
anyways lmk when you get to our house bc we leave in 15
awe of course i miss you too sizzle 🤍
i’m abt to pay then I’ll head over
don’t call me sizzle
*Y/n/n🪼 disliked this message*
iMessage ends at 5:37pm
The message had been from one of my best friends, Chris, he asked if I would go hang with his triplet bother, Matt, for tonight. I know he’s been getting a lot of hate about his attitude/weight and has been down the past 2 or 3 weeks, so I was hoping to cheer him up. I drove directly to the boys house after paying for my nails since I had a bunch of essentials over there and didn’t need anything from home.
I let myself in with my key and walked up to Matt’s room, which groans of frustration could be heard coming from. I lightly knocked before entering his room, as I was reclosing the door Matt yelled. “Get the fuck out of my room!” he said angrily, Matt’s never yelled at me before and he looked so pissed off that I got a little nervous.
I quickly replied with “I’m sorry, Chris said they were leaving and I should come keep you company because you’re having a bad day. I didn’t mean to make you upset” he looked at me for a second before I saw his face change to one of pain, hurt, and anxiety. Matt slammed his fist onto his desk yelling “Fuck!” before choking out into sobs.
His whole body was shaking and he slid out of his chair onto the floor, something he does when he’s really, really upset. I immediately ran over to sit next to him, wrapping my arms around his shaking figure. “I’m sorry! They hate me and I’m sorry!” he blurted out, causing me to be a bit confused as Matt’s hands desperately clung onto my shirt.
“It’s okay Matt, let it all out. You’re safe honey, I’ve got you-“ I was cut off by Matt pulling away from my shirt and basically screamed out in pain. “I don’t know what the fuck I did! Y/n, what’s wrong with me!? A-Am I not good enough!? I’m too skinny, I try to eat more but I can’t gain weight, I fucking hate my body! All I keep doing is disappointing everyone, Y/n I-I don-“ he started spiraling into a panic attack and I was worried, I have never seen Matt this bad before.
I didn’t know what else to do so I pushed past my own anxieties and kissed him. I cupped both of his cheeks and smashed our lips together, Matt was shocked at first so he didn’t kiss back but once he realized what was happening, he kissed back. I pulled away and Matt’s lips tried to chase mine before he opened his eye.
“W-What was that for?” he asked, a bit breathless from his previous breakdown. I suddenly felt shy so I looked down, “I uh- I didn’t know how else to get you to stop talking” I said, nervously playing with my fingers. “Oh, well thanks?” he said in a questioning tone, “Did you mean what you said about your body? Do you really think that?” I softly asked.
Matt groaned and stood up, offering me his hand, “I don’t want to talk about it but yes, I do hate my body” he mumbled as I too stood up. We made our way over to his bed and laid there in silence for a few minutes. I rolled over to my side facing Matt “Have you tried cumming?” I questioned quietly, “What!?” he rolled to face me as well, confused by what I just said.
“You know, because you’re stressed. I think I read somewhere that having an orgasm helps to relieve stress” Matt’s face was now painted red. He rolled over to be flat on his back again, “I’ve tried but I can’t get hard” he exhaled deeply. “Oh… I could try to help if you want” I offered, chewing on my nails, Matt turned to face me again, “Help.. me get… Help me get hard?” he questioned nervously.
We both had blush covering our faces at this point, “Yeah, then I can go chill in Nicks room and you can jerk off” I smiled shyly. “I mean that could work but I don’t want to be naked if you have clothes on” “You don’t have to be naked, you just have to trust me” “I-I trust you, how do we start though?” we conversed. I took a moment to think before asking, “Do you want to make out first, I know I’m like a lot bigger than you so I don’t know if it would be a problem for me to sit on your lap. Is it a problem?” I asked self-consciously as we both sat up.
Matt looked at me with an unamused look, “If that’s your way of making me feel worse about my body, it worked because your body is amazing” he huffed out, avoiding looking at me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel that way” I said with a sad smile, upset that I hurt Matts feelings. “I know you didn’t but my body is like the main reason I cant get hard. I don’t like looking at myself naked, it shows off too much of what’s wrong with me” he replied.
It was silent again for a few minute until I broke the silence again, “I think it’s hot” “What?” Matt looked at me confused. “Your body, I think it’s hot” I smirked, “You think so?” “I know so, don’t you ever notice me staring at you when you’re shirtless or only wearing your boxers?” I teased some more. “I haven’t noticed actually, however, I have noticed you’re not on my lap yet” Matt pouted, pulling me onto his lap.
I was about to say something but was cut off by Matt grabbing the side of my face/neck and pulled me into a sweet kiss that quickly turned needy. I pulled back for a second to catch my breath, “Shit, I’m sorry! I’m just so touch starved and crave physical affection. You were gonna say something?” he panicked. “It’s okay, I know that physical touch is your love language, it’s one of the things I like about you. I forgot what I was going to say but I can tell you I’ll kiss you again” I giggled.
With that, Matt pulled my face to his again and this time the kiss was soft, yet also rough and needy. I had my hands wrapped around Matt’s neck, but his laid awkwardly at his sides, almost as if he’s scared to touch me. I pulled back from the kiss to grab his wrist and mumbled something against his lips. “You can touch me you know” I smirked as I placed Matt’s hands on my waist and went back to kissing him.
Matt’s hands quickly slid down and tightly gripped onto my hips, slowly starting to rock me back and forth. I started feeling his cock get hard and once I could tell he was fully hard, I stopped everything which caused Matt to let out a displeased whine. “Mmh why’d you stop?” he pouted, “Because you’re hard now, which means it’s my queue to leave” I said while trying to get up.
Matt held my hips down and begged, “Please don’t go! I-I don’t think I’ll be able to make myself cum, me being alone with my naked body sounds like a bad dream” he sighed. Piggybacking off what was just said he added, “W-Would you please m-make me feel good? I’ll let you have your way with me as long as it’s not super rough because I’m not in the mood for that” his eyes got a shade or two darker.
“Yeah, I can give you head if you want or you can sit back, relax and enjoy the full sub treatment” “Does the full sub treatment include sex? Because I’ve never been the submissive one before, I uh usually do doggy so my body isn’t seen as much. I’ve never even had a chick ride me before but you being on top sounds really hot, we don’t to have sex by the way, I was just saying if you wanted to I’m down” Matt confessed.
“If you stop talking about sex with other women, you have a deal. I might keep my shirt on though” I replied as I started slowly rocking my hips again. Matt’s grip on my waist tightened and he thrusted his hips up, his hard-on pressing against my clit so nicely that I let out a small, quiet moan. His eyes grew even darker after that, “No you will not. I wanna see your beautiful belly, I just know it’s gonna turn me on so much more” he instructed me.
I blushed and nodded, “Okay then handsome, just lay back and let me do all the work, tonight is all about you” I said, watching him nod before my lips were on his. I slid my tongue across his bottom lip, silently asking for access to his mouth which was quickly granted. He had a bit of trouble giving up control over the kiss at first but once I started trailing my kisses down his throat, he finally gave up on trying to win.
Matt’s pov
After Y/n had dominated the kiss, we made out for a bit before she started kissing down my neck. Once she reached the collar of my shit, she stopped and stood up to unbutton her pants. “If you really want me to make you feel good, take your pants off for me” she said seductively as she pulled off her own baggy jeans. I followed her directions and pulled my sweats off before grabbing her hand and leading her to sit on my lap again.
Y/n sat on my lap again before taking off her shirt, leaving her in a black lacy bra with matching panties. “Fuck… you look so goddamn beautiful” I said while looking into her eyes, my hands running up her thighs. “Mmm, thank you handsome. Can I take your shirt off?” she smiled, placing a short but sweet kiss to my lips, “You can do whatever you want to me” I panted, already being completely whipped for her.
She took my shirt off before whispering in my ear, “You’re such a good boy for letting mommy taking care of you like this” as I helped her get my pants and boxers off. “Such a pretty cock Matty. You gonna let me make you feel good?” Y/n teased, making me squirm a bit. “Please! Please just make me cum!” I pathetically begged as I watched her hand slowly move up and down my cock.
Y/n’s pov
“Anything for my sweet boy. Now tell me what it is that you want baby” I asked softly, loving how fucked out he looked already. “Want your mouth please mommy! Want you to ride me after!” Matt confessed all whiny and desperate, and who was I to deny him that? Without a word, I nodded before bring his tip into my mouth, loving the whimper he let out, “Yeah j-just like that, fuck!” he groaned as I swirled my tongue around his tip.
After teasing Matt a little bit, I decided to fully take him into my mouth, almost immediately deepthroating his cock. “Holy shit mommy! You’re so good at this! I won’t last long!” he cried out, bucking his hips up when I hummed against him. I continued doing this for a few more minutes when I felt Matt start to twitch in my mouth, his lower abdomen contacting as well.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m gonna cum— shit!” he whimpered as his hips thrusted upward and his left hand came down to hold my head in place. His right hand was pulling at his own hair as he shout a huge load into my mouth, so much that it was literally dripping out of the corners of my mouth. As I came up for air, I wiped the corners of my mouth to clean up the spilled cum and then licked it off.
“Did that feel good Matty? You were such a good boy” I smile as I placed a sweet kiss to his lips. “More! I-I need more! Y/n please, I need you to ride me. I’m so fucking hard still, I need to drain my balls in you” Matt begged me. “So needed aren’t we?” “Yes, please I need you” Matt nearly yelled with tears in his eyes. “Okay, okay, calm down sweet boy. You’ll get what you want, just be patient” I spoke softly as I pulled off my panties and unhooked my bra.
Matts hands immediately went down to my ass, staring up at me with a look of desperation. “Are you gonna be a good boy?” “Very good!” I smiled as I slowly sunk down on his cock, trying to adjust to how long and thick it was. “S-So tight mommy! So f-fucking tight!” Matt whimpered out as I started to move up and down with the help of him. Both of us were moaning quite loudly as I started to move faster, pulling his hair in the process.
“Such a good boy Matty, making mommy feel so good with your big cock!” “W-Want you to cum. Wanna f-fill you up” Matt grunted as he started bucking his hips up into me at a fast pace. We were both very close and with one more thrust that hit my g-spot perfectly, I was cumming on his cock. “Fuck Matt, I’m cumming. Oh god— cum for me baby!” I cried as I rode through my orgasm, starting to slightly overstimulated but wanting Matt to cum.
With a loud whiny growl, Matt came inside of me, this load was equally as big as the one from earlier, instantly dripping down his balls. “Holy shit— I love you, and I’m not just saying that because you gave me the most mind blowing orgasm ever. I genuinely love you Y/n” Matt confess as he started to rub my back. “I love you too Matt, I mean it” I smiled as I placed a soft kiss to his lips “Don’t get off, cockwarm me all night please” he sweetly asked.
I agreed and we got situated so we could lay down, Matt turning off his bedside lamp in the process. “Tomorrow, I’m gonna take you on the best date of your life, but for now, goodnight pretty lady” “Goodnight Matt, I love you” I mumbled into his neck, feeling the sleep take over my body. “I love you too, and thank you for tonight. Now get some rest baby” was the final thing to be said before we drifted off to sleep.
All work is subject to copyright
© Daddyslilchickenfingers2 2023
Do not steal my work
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yourmidnightlover · 1 year
getting it over with - ch 1
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: after relentless teasing and being the butt of too many jokes, you ask bucky to help you become more experienced in… a particular area of your life
warning: precious bucky, virgin shaming?, virgin reader, slight male!oc x reader, sexual harrassment, illuding to sex, talk of sex
w/c: 2.5k
a/n: i am working on part 2 in my other series, timeless. i've been debating two different ways i could take it and it's been an internal battle trying to figure that out. that being said, i can't help myself and started writing this and so here it is! this will likely be a simple mini series with smut in the later parts, probably the next one tbh. anywho... enjoy!
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another night with the girls, and yet another night of beng singled out and ridiculed over a miniscule part of your life. 
you were a well accomplished woman and yet all of your hard work has consistently been overlooked in nearly every conversation because of your extracurricular activities. or, well, more like your lack of extracurricular activities. 
you had been working with the avengers for five years now as their pr manager, living there for a little over three after finding it was easier to represent and present the team in a brighter light when you knew more about them. it was after you moved in that you got much closer to james ‘bucky’ barnes, who you’ve coined the nickname of ‘jamie’ for. your friends also began to question why you hadn’t, in their terms, “banged,” one of the avengers you happened to live with.
truth be told, you did enjoy spending time with them, especially bucky. but, that would be crossing a line. you were practically employed by them. well, technically you were employed by tony, but that didn’t change the fact that they were your clients. it was just particularly easy to find the good in the people who constantly saved the world. well, that, and you were supposed to make them look good anyway. 
the most difficult one to paint in the golden light was definitely bucky. you were great at getting the media to lean into his humanity and reminding them of how he had been tortured into what he became. you’ve imagined him to the public as “sargeant bucky barnes,” giving him back the title he earned rather than the name he was branded. he was still wary of venturing into the eye of the public, but everytime he did there were less people yelling at him and more people giving pitying looks and whispers. sure, he would rather not be recognized at all, but whispering was a hell of a long way from harassment. 
bucky was grateful for everything you’d done for him. truth be told, you were grateful for everything they had done for you anyway. hell they had repeatedly saved all of humanity, helping their reputation was the least you could do for them. 
but regardless of how well of a job you’ve done making the avengers’ reputation way lighter, somehow the only thing your old friends could talk about is how you’re somehow still a virgin.
“god, i can’t believe you’re still a virgin sometimes. especially being surrounded by hunks like him,” stephanie spoke up as she flipped her bleached hair behind her shoulder. “i would’ve tried my luck long before i cleared their name, girl. i mean, that sergeant guy has the prettiest blue eyes, and have you never wondered what he could do with that metal hand of his?” 
you rolled your eyes, “he’s more than a pretty face, steph. he’s actually really sweet, too. his humor’s a bit old, kinda like a grandpa.”
“well, if he’s a grandpa then i’d gladly be his sugar baby,” she squeaked as she sipped on her vodka cranberry. 
“can we not talk about him like that?” your face furrowed in embarrassment and you only hoped that she would take your blushing as remnants of the alcohol running through your body.
“why?” she scoffed as she rolled her eyes. “do you want him or something?” she paused, seeingly waiting for your response. clearly, your silence was answer enough. “oh my god you like him, don’t you?” 
“no, no, it’s not like that,” you shook your head as you downed the rest of your drink. “i just spend a lot of time with him because of the job, y’know?” 
“why don’t you just get him to pop your precious cherry?” she ventured as she stood from her stool. 
boy, had you wished for that. mostly in your wildest dreams, but part of you hoped it could maybe happen. but then, you would wake up and were reminded of your place in the world. besides, jamie was over 100 years old. there’s no way he’d want someone who didn’t know what they were doing in the bedroom. 
“or,” steph interrupted your thoughts. “we can get out there and find you a different guy to pop your cherry,” she finished with a wink as she grabbed your hands, pulling you from your seat and to the dance floor. 
you managed to sneak a glance at the clock before the crowd surrounding you made it more difficult, reading the time being 11 pm. you told the guys you’d be back before 1, so that gave you enough time to please stephanie and then politely excuse yourself. 
surprisingly, you had begun to enjoy yourself. the music wasn’t so bad with the surge of confidence the alcohol running through your veins gave you. after a few too many drinks, you were in your own world. finally unbothered by the nagging thoughts of your friends and the weight of your job on your shoulders. 
you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder before turning to see a sweet smile. he had big, brown eyes and shaggy hair, broad shoulders, none that compared to the men you lived with, but they were nice nonetheless. 
“hi,” he said even sweeter than his smile, keeping his hands to himself politely. “i-i’m noah.”
“well, hello, noah,” you smiled as you stepped closer to him, uncharacteristically throwing your arms around his neck as you continued to sway to the music. “y/n.”
“i-uh-you-you’re gorgeous,” he stuttered as his hands modestly found your waist.
“you really think so?” you said teasingly before leaning up to his ear. “i think you are super cute, yourself.” 
at this point, you had nearly forgotten all about stephanie’s presence at all. maybe she had already left with another guy, herself? who knows. right now, all you knew was that you didn’t know brown eyes could be so pretty. mayb you didn’t want to wait anymore. maybe you didn’t want to be the old virgin in your friend group anymore. maybe noah could change that.
“you’re unreal,” he chuckled as he continued to sway with you for the next song until you began to kiss on his neck. 
“you taste so sweet,” you commented in his ear before kissing right below it. he pulled back, giving you a sweet smile before connecting your lips together. 
“you taste sweeter, believe me,” he huffed out a breath as you reconnected your lips with his. 
“i think i want you, noah,” you whispered against his lips so softly he wasn’t sure he even heard you. “pretty please?” 
“ye-yea, sure,” he guided you out of the bar, you needing nearly all of his support to even walk out of the threshold of the door. 
“think ‘m sleepy, noah,” you mumbled against his neck as the cold air hit your face, as if it had began to sober you up.
“you just said you wanted me…?” he perplexed as he pulled you aside into the ally to gather yourself. 
“‘m sorry, noah,” you shrugged as the cold air hit you again. “‘s cold outside, can i go back in?” you turned to walk back inside when he grabbed your arm, probably a bit more harsh than he intended to. 
“what the fuck?” he sounded disappointed. “i complimented you, i let you make the first move, and now you just wanna back out?” he pulled you closer to his body. “what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“i-i dunno, i just got confused i think?” you stumbled as you tried to back away once more. “it’s too cold out here, noah.” 
“maybe this’ll warm you up,” he grabbed your pliable face and brought you back in for a kiss before you tried to push him away again.
“y/n?” you heard a raspy voice call out. “what the fuck?” you turned to see your jamie confused.
“jamie!” you tred to wiggle out of noah’s grasp once more, a disgruntled look on your face as you did so. “jamie…” you were now limply wrestling out of noah’s grasp as he scoffed at the situation in front of him. 
“what?” he said in disbelief. “you wanna lead me on and leave with this guy?”
“i think you need to back of the lady, alright, man?” bucky spoke up as he stepped closer towards you. “she’s clearly a bit drunk, just let me take her home and we’ll be on our way. no harm, right?” he tried to reason with the douchebag. 
“no harm?” he grasped your arm tighter before he continued, making you wince slightly. “so this bitch is able to fucking lead me on and then leave me high and dry and there’s ���no harm’?”
“okay, i’ve tried to be nice about this,” without a second of hesitation, he had noah’s arms behind his back, not enough to seriously injure him, but just enough to harm him enough to not tempt him to do any more harm. “you will apologize to miss y/n for talking to her the way you did, you will walk away, and you won’t do anything like that to any woman in the near future, understood?” noah nodded. “am i understood?!” 
“yes, yes!” bucky nudged him further in your direction as you were leaning your back against the brick wall for stability. “i’m sorry, y/n.”
“for…?” bucky taunted.
“i’m sorry for talking to you the way i did.”
“good boy,” bucky teased as he released the man, letting him run away and not sparing him another glance before he made his way closer to you. 
“‘m sorry, jamie,” you stumbled forward and threw your arms around him. you had never been so openly affectionate, especially with bucky since you knew his aversions. since you were so drunk, you simply didn’t register the unspoken boundaries you had unintentionally set in place for yourself. “didn’t wanna make him mad. jus’ changed my mind s’all,” you buried your face in his neck. 
“you have a right to change your mind, doll,” he soothed as he gently rubbed your back, leading you to steve’s car he borrowed. 
“y/n?” you snapped your head to look at bucky as he spoke. “i don’t want you to be so late again, doll. it’s almost 2 am. had me worried sick about ya,” his hand danced on your knee, you assumed to comfort you after the events of the night.
“i didn’t know,” you shook your head. “i swear, i just lost track of time. s’not like me to do this. i just got so mad and wanted to get it over with, y’know?”
“get what over with?”
“you won’t laugh at me?” you grabbed his hand that was resting on your knee and turned in your seat to face your body towards him. “never, doll,” he chuckled at your serious tone.
“i’m tired of bein’ a virgin,” you said with a sense of disappointment. “don’ want people makin’ fun of me anymore.”
“that’s nothing to be embarrassed about, doll,” he shook his head as he put the car in park before running to your side of the car and helping you out. “some people want to save that moment, i get it.”
“no,” you groaned as you leaned into him. “i don’t wanna save it. i was just scared at first, and then i didn’t want to, and now it’s too late because nobody wants to be with a virgin.”
“that’s not true, y/n,” he shook his ehad as he pressed your shared floor on the elevator. 
“would you wanna have sex with me?” you wondered aloud as bucky began coughing loudly. “don’t be mean,” you huffed and crossed your arms, figuring he was trying to hide his laugh. “steph said i should get you to ‘pop my cherry’ but i knew you would’t wan-”
“hey, that’s not what i meant,” he stopped your train of thought. 
“so you do wanna ‘pop my cherry’?” you awed at the man as the elevator doors opened. 
“i wan’ you to stop referencing it as ‘popping your cherry’,” he grimaced as he said it himself. 
“you wanna have sex with me? bang? do the deed? take my virginity? make love?”
“stop it,” he groaned as you giggled, leaning into his chest even more. “i wanna have this conversation when your sober, if you even remember it.”
“i’ll remember, my sweet jamie,” you held onto his arm as he walked you to your room, helping you get into bed before going into your bathroom and returning with your bin of skincare. “this is why you’re my sweet jamie,” if you didn’t know any better you’d think he was blushing. 
he began using your makeup wipes to remove the remnants of makeup that had survived the night, followed by micellar water to remove the excess remover from your face. you knew he had seen you do your skincare routine after having so many late movie nights with one another, but it was still flattering that he had remembered it all so well. he finished applying your toners, serums, and finally your moisturizer with gentle hands, his metal one providing a nice cold surface that woke your skin up a bit more. it wasn’t until you reached up to grab his flesh hand that he noticed the bruises lacing your arms. 
“god,” he sighed as he looked down at his lap. “i’m so sorry i was too late, doll.”
“you weren’t too late,” you shook your head at his negativity. “you were perfectly on time. you saved me. i don’t-i don’t know what would’ve happened had you not shown up. i-”
“i don’t wanna think about what could’ve happened, please,” he shook his head as he held onto your bruised wrist softly, tenderly rubbing his cool metal hand over the damaged skin before pressing a kiss to it. 
“will you stay with me tonight?” you asked softly, as if you were scared he would say no. as if he would ever tell you no. 
“only if you’re sure,” you nodded eagerly with a grin before he crawled into bed with you. 
bucky’s arms wrapped around your waist as you laid on his chest, breathing in his scent as his soothing heartbeat calmed you down after the nights antics. 
“i’ll remember tomorrow, jamie.”
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Bucket List
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Genre: soul shredding, crying so hard, etc.
Request: no but I felt like crying so here ya go. If you have a specific scenario you would like to cry too, please request it. I love off human tears
Summary: her body loved to contract problems. Charles is determined to stay by her side.
Warnings: soul shattering, talks of illness, not proofread because I can’t edit and cry at the same time… I am not that talented
Notes: idk why I did this to myself…
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Some people are just naturally drawn to tragedy. Though, for most, it's unwilling. This is the case for Charles Leclerc.
He fell in love in an unexpected way. At the hospital. Falling into her on accident.
It was 2015, he was still a child, in his way out from visiting Jules. He was teary eyed and lost in thought.
Until he fell on top of her. The pills in her hand flying everywhere.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry.” He scrambled back to his feet and helped her up. The two trying to pick everything up.
“It’s okay, really, I wasn’t paying attention either.”
They got everything picked picked up, then they looked at each other. Really looked at each other.
She smiled. “No offense but, you look like shit and I feel like shit. Wanna make it up to me with lunch?”
They spent the rest of the day together. Charles learned their the same age. She wanted to travel. She’s dying.
It was terrible to learn. He didn’t know how to react.
“I’ve accepted it. I want to live before I die.”
His heart knew what he should do, but his mind didn’t want to let her in. Jules was already on the verge of leaving him. Could he do this again? If he was able to help her get closure, maybe he could find closure with Jules. It was a dumb idea. A terrible idea, really.
“Come with me. I travel a lot for racing. We can do whatever you have left in your bucket list.” He blurted before he could think about it more.
She smiled. “Sure.”
They became fast friends. She followed him to every race. Her parents were apprehensive at first, but they saw how much she wanted this and they weren’t going to deny her.
They tried to go as many places as possible with her, but work always caught up with them. The Leclerc’s became her second family.
She was able to help Charles through Jules eventual death. He cried for days. His races were getting increasingly difficult. The pain behind his eyes was evident.
She stayed with him. Comforted him. Made him keep going when he wanted to quit.
It took time, but Charles got there. He kept going. It was because of her.
Charles dragged her around the Paddock. She was know as his best friend. Pierre often teasing the two about it. The French constantly nagging Charles about when he was going to confess to her.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t want too. He had fallen in love with her view on life. How she wanted to enjoy every second. They were able to do that together.
He could tell though, her body was steadily getting weaker. Her lungs struggling to to breathe. Yet she didn’t waiver. Her smile was contagious.
He took her to see every monument. She tried every food. They took a ridiculous amount of pictures.
Then it happened again.
Charles didn’t understand why it was him. How he attracted so much death to the people around him.
His father was sick during his formula 2 career. It was difficult for him to get through, yet somehow he came back stronger. She’d helped him with Jules and again with his father. He couldn’t help thinking she was some sort of guardian angel. Sent specifically to him for this reason.
They both broke down when he won that race and dedicated it to his father. Joy and sorrow mixed into their sobs.
Then he kissed her.
When he signed his formula 1 contract, he thought he was dreaming. This notion led to him doing things he wouldn’t normally with the newfound confidence. Including kissing her.
She kissed back.
He’d helped her cross everything off her bucket list; Including falling in love. She’d known for awhile but didn’t want to push anything. They both knew what was coming. They knew her time was limited.
So they made the most of it. Charles took her out on dates whenever he could. They did things that weren’t even on her list. They watched every movie they could think of.
She smiled through it all. The doctors didn’t think she would live this long. The medication she was on was doing better then expected.
Charles didn’t want to waste any time though. Neither of them knew when her time would come. Everyday was a blessing.
When he signed with Ferrari, he knew he wanted to marry her. He would have never made it here without her.
He gave her everything. A proposal on the beach, a wedding that made her feel elated, a caring husband who was there on her hardest days.
She was around the paddock so much that everyone knew her. Everyone wanted to be around her. She was filled with life even though she knew she was knocking on deaths door.
It had been a cloudy day. Rain dripping down the window. She was drinking hot chocolate and reading a book. It was her favorite kind of atmosphere.
She’d been feeling terrible all day. Thankful that Charles had time off for the winter to help her around.
They had friends visiting. Pierre, Lando, and Max had come to stay for the week.
It was crazy to her that Charles was going into his fifth year in F1. If she was being honest with herself, she didn’t think she’d get to see him through this far. She felt blessed for it.
She felt so exhausted. Yet she still smiled when Charles came over and kissed her head.
Everything was so bright. It felt warm and comforting. Like Charles embrace. She could feel him holding her.
She wiped a tear from him cheek.
“I love you. Don’t forget it.” Then she smiled. Somehow she managed to catch a glimpse of his smile.
Her gaze moved to behind him. She saw Jules and Charles father. They were greeting her.
She knew what was happening. She could stop it.
With the last of her strength, she kissed Charles. Then let herself be embraced by the warmth.
It had been a month. He’d been grieving his loss. Barely talking to anyone. He’d lost his smile.
The funeral was hard. The entire grid had shown up. To mourn her and support him.
It felt like so much time had passed and was frozen simultaneously. He was struggling to take care of himself.
He was angry with life for constantly taking away his loved ones. It wasn’t fair. He wanted more time with them. With her.
Arthur had been staying with him. When he couldn’t, Pierre would. They tried to get him to get out of the house. Nothing they said seemed to help him. They knew it was going to be slow.
Pierre had come into his dark and messy room. Taking a seat at the end of his bed. “I wanted to let you know that they finished the grave stone. We don’t have to go see it today though. Whenever you’re ready.” Then he left.
Charles was ready to go in ten minutes. He looked tired and broken, but he was up. He needed to see her. Something to provide him with closure.
Pierre drove them to the cemetery. Stopping to get her favorite flowers along the way. When he parked the car, he didn’t get out. “I think you should have a minute to talk to her.” Then he pulled out an envelope from his pocket. “She asked me to give this you when you were ready.”
Charles shakily took the envelope and made his way to where she now rest.
It didn’t take him long. He’d spent hours choosing exactly where he wanted her to eternally rest. Close to the river that flowed through the cemetery. Underneath the shade of a large tree.
The words written across her grave made him choke out more sobs.
Y/N Leclerc, loving wife, lover of life, may your smile still be contagious from above the clouds
He gently sets the flowers down on top of the stone. Then he just sits. He doesn’t care in the ground is cold and wet. It feels natural to sit with her,
He opens the letter Pierre handed to him. Scared to read her words. Her handwriting looked a littler rushed. She’d written poetic words of comfort. Love seeped off the page.
She’d made him a bucket list. Things to do after she was gone. And at the very bottom: find someone to smile with.
She looked on at him. Her hand grazing his shoulder. She was glad the letter made him smile despite the tears.
“He’s going to be okay.” Jukes smiled from behind her.
“I know, he’s strong.”
Herve places a hand in his other shoulder. “You taught him well.”
“I think we all did.” She chuckles.
“Thanks for taking care of him all these year when we couldn’t.”
Dear Charlie,
I know my time is running out. I can feel myself getting weaker by the day. I know it’s not fair to you that I have to leave so soon. Regardless, the time I’ve spent with you has been the most amazing thing life could have blessed me with.
Remember that life gives you rough patches so you can appreciate the smiles that much more. Remember that your friends and family love you just as mulch as I do.
Don’t mourn for me, because I’m not gone. You can find me in the memories, the laughs, the tears. I’m with you, always.
I’ve taken the liberty of creating you a new bucket list. You can complete this in your own time, don’t feel rushed to do so. I just want you to remember that there is still life for you to live.
Learn how to cook
Stargaze from the track
Visit every state in America
Win the WDC
Find someone who makes you smile
Love your favorite person,
P.S.: I’ll make sure Jules hasn’t been causing trouble in the afterlife
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urfavlarry · 6 months
Male!Carmilla Carmine x gn!reader
warnings: bad grammar, swearing
A/N: This one is a bit short sorryy 😭
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Being a worker at one of the most powerful overlords company really was.. something. Especially when you were the CEOs most trusted assistant. You handled almost everything; scheduling meetings, working on paperwork, working on the new ideas the boss has and go to meetings with the boss and his daughters. You’ve worked there ever since you could remember, taking care of his daughters since they were little. You liked the job, but it was tiring and you had to deal with really.. how can you say it lightly.. idiots. People constantly doubted you and your skills or just toyed with you as if you were some side whore they could use.
“He’s only keeping you around for your looks.”
“He doesnt think you’re skilled”
“When he gets bored of you he will just kill you off.”
Those are some things you hear at least once a week. But you learned to ignore it. You knew your boss had a bit of a temper, but you knwo he cares about his people more than anything, especially his daughters. He was hardworking and he was a passionate person, always coming up with ideas and working day and night. It didn’t have to look like it but he cared about most of his employees, yet you were told he favored you more so over the others, but you didn’t really see it.
Today was a particularly busy day, you were buried in the depths of paperwork and you were just counting down the papers and prayed you hopefully finish at 1am at least. It was 2 hours after your shift and your hand ached from all the writing and your eyes were drooping. A sudden knock on the door wakes you up and every bit of sleepiness leaves your body in an instant. You straighten yourself and dust off your clothes and yell a weak “come in”. And there he was, your boss. He had a stern look on his face and he walked up to your desk. He eyes you closely and a low voice with an Italian accent starts to speak; “Y/N, would you mind telling me what time it is?” He says and circles around you like a shark watching his prey. “1:43am, sir.” You say and look down at the almost finished pile of papers. He sighs and crosses his arms over his chest; “And could you kindly explain to me why the hell you are still working?” You stumble over your words and make up a really weak excuse and he looks at you unamused; “Sir I’ll just fini—”“Ah, ah. The only thing you are finishing is working. Pack up and go home before I make you leave myself, and we wouldn’t want that would we?” He says and ushers you out of your office, making you comply since he did have a bit of a temper. “Oh and Y/N I have a meeting tommorow with some company, they want me to model my products or something I could have cared less what those idiots had to say.” He says and walks with you to the exit of the company, his hand on your waist, pulling you closer to his body. “I’ll have to leave the other responsobilities to you while I’m gone, but I’m sure you can handle it, that’s why you’re my asistant.” He says a bit too smoothly as it made your stomach turn.
Your face feels a bit hot and he spins you around, smirking down at you. “But, maybe you could come to my office after I get back.” You stutter over your words and you internally slap yourself; “Sir but that would be after my shift.” He shrugs and dips you, face inches away from yours. “Then I guess I’ll have to pay you extra for the service hm? Amore mio~” His hands wander up to your cheek and pulls you closer, your lips touching. His lips were a bit rough, your soft ones moving in sync with his. You pull away when you suddenly hear a voice calling for him, needing him urgently. He mumbles some swears under his breath but calms down and pulls you up. He kisses your cheek and smiles, something he doesn’t really do often. “Good night la mía vita~” He says and leaves you on the streets of hell.
You walk to your apartment and kick off your shoes, finally relaxing in bed when you feel something in your pocket; a piece of paper. It was a phone number written in neat handwriting and you smile, quickly adding it into your phone.
- Can’t wait to hear your lovely voice Amore~”
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copperbadge · 10 months
Hello, Mr. Badge, I seem to remember that you once posted about your processes and systems for staying organized in life with Excel spreadsheets etc. I’ve been struggling a lot with depression and executive dysfunction issues and don’t want it to impact my work.
Do you use the same processes at work? I get overwhelmed with the amount of documentation we have and the exceptions to the rules in our processes.
I'm so sorry you're struggling! It's really rough, and the more complicated the task feels, the more fraught it seems, the harder it is to even get a start. I feel that hard.
As for organizing work like my home life....well, it's sort of the same. I don't make a strong distinction between life and work simply because a lot of what needs organizing in my life IS my work, so it's tough to talk about them separately.
For example, I use Google Tasks to build a to-do list each day, but that to-do list starts with "stuff I'll do before work" then "shower" then all my work stuff, then "evening" and then all the stuff to do after work, ending with "7pm chores" (because I have a lot of stuff to do right around 7pm, which I need to post about elsewhere). Then the stuff I've pushed off to next day is below that, and that just bumps up the next morning. What's important isn't really how I keep the list, but that I keep it in a way that is constantly accessible, and I've trained myself to 1. put everything on it, even stuff like "grocery shop" and 2. check it whenever I feel lost. I don't find google calendars very helpful, however, so while work makes me use one for meetings, everything else goes on a calendar I made in Google Sheets that I'm just super used to by now.
It sounds like you're having a fairly specific issue, which may not even be related to your mental health (though assuredly the mental health issues aren't helping). If you have a lot of confusing documentation and exceptions in the stuff you do at work, that can be legit stressful even for someone who isn't dealing with other stuff, so I just want you to know that this may not only be a You Problem. My problem is usually the opposite, in that I'm often the first person doing something, or the only person who's done it in a while, so there's no documentation at all. But when I do have documentation I often will simply rewrite it.
After all, just because you have a handbook doesn't mean you have to use it. You can copy it over into another document and make yourself a step-by-step guide and/or a checklist. Like, I do our holiday cards every year, and my "HOLIDAY CARDS" document says "Here's the first thing you do, here's the second, do this before going past that, check this before asking for that". Literally at one point the document says "Stop. Before you go any further, do this step. Even if you don't understand why, do this step" because in the past I've disregarded that instruction ("Why on earth would I do it this way?") and lived to regret it.
Making the guide really, really sucks. Often it will take me four or five passes at a project before my guide is comprehensive (this is my fifth year doing the holiday card project and the document still has some steps missing at the end). But once you have it, it's invaluable, and often in the past I've found other people want my guides because they're fairly clear and precise about what needs doing when. For example, you might say, "Open the file and move column B to in front of column A. NOTE: THERE IS ONE EXCEPTION, THIS IS THE EXCEPTION." Or "Once you've saved the file, save a second copy to your backup folder so you can go back to it if you delete something you shouldn't. Stop and check: is this file from before or after October? If after, remember, you have to also rename it." If you find that there's a mistake you make frequently, figure out what would stop you from making it and add that in.
(We had a guy at work whose last name was VERY long and Italian, and so when I was working phones he got a special entry in the directory document I made -- the first line was all his directory info and the second line was just the phonetic pronunciation of his last name. He found out, which I had never intended him to do, and lost his shit laughing. "No wonder you're the only one who gets it right!")
So my recommendation to you is to create your own handbook, your own templates, and your own way of doing things and just slip that back into the system you have at work. Draw a diagram by hand if you need a flow chart. My approach to all my organizational issues has always been "What would make me do this correctly / prevent me from doing that thing wrong / remind me what to do / make it easier for me to start".
I think of this nowadays as the "Take the cupboard doors off" school of organizing, because to really make full use of my kitchen in a way that I liked, I had to take some of the cupboard doors off. It looks messier and kind of cheap, but it's actually a much more organized system now, and who's in my kitchen other than me?
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annymation · 9 months
Reimagining the Characters in Wish
(Part 4- The 7 teens)
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Yup, you read that right, I’m rewriting AAAAALL these fellas, or rather, just giving more substance to them because as they were in the movie we barely got CHARACTERS, just a 7 dwarfs reference, heck, I doubt y’all remember their names.
If you’re new here, hi, I’m rewriting all the characters in Wish before I start sharing my rewrite, here’s part 1, part 2 and part 3.
Now you may wonder, why am I even keeping the concept of the 7 teens in my rewrite, when just scrapping them all together would make my life so much easier instead of writing lines of dialogue and character motives to all of them?
Well the answer is that I like to make myself suffer I think they actually have a lot of potential, and I really like their designs.
Sooo lets meet the gang.
Who are the 7 teens?
So in my rewrite, the 7 teens will be a little bit more than just Asha’s best friends. Because each one of them will be the sons and daughters of some members of the royal staff.
I’ll be specifying in this blog the following things about each one of them:
- Their personality.
- Who their parents are.
- How they met Asha.
- What purpose will they serve in the story.
So buckle up because this blog might get a lil bit long hahaha I regret this already.
Dahlia 🍪
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- Dahlia is a 17 year old girl, she has mobility issues, so she has to use a crutch to walk.
- She’s very organized and proactive, always doing her best to get things done. She’s often the one who takes the lead when planning things for her friends such as surprise birthday parties or deciding where to hang out (or whatever teenagers did back then aside from dying from the plague).
- She has an habit of making lists with the step by step of everything she has planned, which her friends find pretty amusing. Her ideas always turn out to be a lot of fun, although she really needs to learn how to let go of this need of control and just let things play out naturally.
(She’s kinda like Twilight Sparkle… this will not be the last time I’ll mention a My Little Pony character in this blog)
- Sometimes when things don’t go according to plan or she gets anxious she starts stuttering and replacing words
(much like how Doc from Snow White did constantly, I’m shocked they didn’t reference that once in the movie, it’s such an awkward teenager thing to do)
“Asha! We shook— I mean LOOKED everywhere for you la-last night! Why would you fun- I MEAN RUN away from the hackle like that??”
“… I think you mean castle-“
- But overall she’s a very kind and supportive friend to Asha, something they both have in common is that they enjoy working hard to achieve their goals, even though Dahlia still wants to give her wish for the king.
- I might’ve made her come off as a bit of a control freak but really she’s very easygoing and kind. Even when things don’t go according to plan she knows anything with her friends will be fun and work out in the end.
Even if what doesn’t go according to plan is a heist mission to infiltrate the castle?
She’s the daughter of the royal cooks
- Her mother is the royal baker and her father is the royal lead chef.
- They both work in the castle, and Dahlia sometimes goes with them to lend a hand when they’re short staffed or to learn the family business.
- Dahlia has witnessed first hand how the royal couple can be not so sweet when they’re away from the public eyes:
King Magnifico: Diner yesterday was absolutely dreadful, what happened? Have I granted your wish to be the greatest chef in the land for nothing?
Dahlia’s father: m-my deepest apologies sire, you see, the queen took all the salt from our storage yesterday to make her potions so-
King Magnifico: Blaming my wife for your incompetence now, I see
Dahlia’s father: n-no! I’d neve-
King Magnifico: If you got no salt, find a work around, I’ll not be accepting any less than the finest meals from you, was I clear? Dismissed.
Dahlia: … Dad, that wasn’t your fault, you can’t let him talk to you like that.
Dahlia’s father: He’s the king, Dahlia, he’s always right. Besides, it’s thanks to him granting my wish that I know how to cook at all, the least I can do is not disappoint him.
- Because she got to see this behavior, it’s easier for her to believe when Asha tells her the king and queen’s true colors.
- She’s expected to follow her parent’s foot steps, and become a great cook, but all she really knows how to bake is cookies.
- She sees cooking a lot more as a past time than something she’ll be doing for the rest of her life, but she doesn’t want to let her parents down, she keeps trying to develop some interest in cooking, so she can wish to be a great cook once she turns 18
(Just wishing for it without having truly the interest in cooking wouldn’t work, because a wish has to be something that you really want and comes from the bottom of your heart)
She was the first one that met Asha
- Dahlia was helping her mom sell her baking goods to the neighborhood, so she went all by herself with a little cart carrying a bunch of sweets (like a Girl Scout)
- She knocked on Asha’s house and was greeted by lil 6 year old Asha with her grandpa, they bought some sweets, but as she was walking away Asha noticed she was having some trouble carrying the cart while walking with her crutch.
- Asha looked at her grandfather who gave her a reassuring nod.
- Asha offered to help Dahlia carry the cart.
- They talked while they walked door to door for a while, and after there were no more sweets in the cart they went to play together, and that’s how they became best friends.
She will be the leader
- I mentioned briefly in my blog about reimagining Asha that after her grandfather passed away she started living with Dahlia, so they’re basically sisters, and as such, Dahlia is very protective of Asha and becomes increasingly worried when Asha starts acting weird after her meeting with the king and queen, like she’s hiding something… and why the heck she has a friend that dresses up like a prince now?
- There will be a point in the middle of the story where Asha and Aster run away from the kingdom
(for reasons that I really should explain soon because the whole middle chunk of this rewrite is yet to be shared on Tumblr, I’m so sorry, I’ll get to writing it here soon)
- And Asha is seen now as a traitor, so, the 7 teens are conflicted.
- Should they believe their king, who says that Star guy is dangerous and Asha was plotting to betray them? Or should they trust their best friend?
- Dahlia is the first one who rises up saying they should go after Asha and help her, pack their stuff, tell their parents they’re going to make a sleepover or something, and just go to the middle of the woods.
- Everyone is a little unsure at first (specially Gabo and Simon) but after she gives them a little speech and reminds everyone of all the things Asha did for them, they’re convinced to go.
- Once they do find Asha and Aster, she helps a lot when they have to make a plan on how to defeat the royal couple.
Simon 💤
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- Simon is a 21 year old young man, the oldest of the group, and since the day he gave way his wish he hasn’t been the same.
- Simon used to be very energetic and hard working, now, he’s in a constant feel of exhaustion that doesn’t go away, no matter how much he sleeps, he doesn’t feel motivated to do anything.
- His friends are very understanding tho and every time they hang out they always bring a pillow in case he needs a nap (which he always does need).
- They assume Simon has been so exhausted since he turned 18 because after that his father has been more demanding of him and his training, we’ll talk more about that later.
- Even tho he’s overwhelmed with sleepiness, Simon is still very protective and caring with his friends, he always tries his best to stay awake when they’re having fun together, he doesn’t want to miss a moment with them.
- He was even more protective before he turned 18 of course, he was like the older brother of the group, but since now he’s way too sleepy to be the voice of reason, that role is now Asha’s, the second oldest.
He’s the son of the captain of the royal guard
- The training I mentioned before was sword fighting, horse walking, navigation, tactics and a bunch of other exhausting things.
- But for whaaaateveeer reason Simon has lost all interest in learning about them since the day he gave away his wish, gosh I wonder what that wish wa— It’s the same that it was in the movie.
- Simon wished to become the next captain of the royal guard, just like his dad, so he can make him proud and protect his friends.
(Omg Simon is Papyrus Undertale confirmed)
- Magnifico is waiting for Simon’s dad to pass away so he can grant Simon’s wish, can’t have 2 captains of the royal guard at the same time, now can he?
- The tragic irony of it all is that a wish that Simon made to make his family proud just made him become an embarrassment to his father, who now doesn’t even try to teach him anything, knowing his son is just gonna fall asleep during his lessons.
- Simon is very distressed by all this, deep down he knows that he might feel this way because, for whatever reason, the king hasn’t granted his wish yet
- Whenever he tries to explain that to his father tho, he just angrily cuts him off for even daring to question or blame the king for his own failures, saying he must always be loyal and thankful to the king… Always.
(His father is mean like that because he wished to be the king’s most trusted and loyal knight so he literally is incapable of questioning Magnifico, even if that means he hurts his son in the process)
- After getting these speeches from his father so many times Simon just accepted that the problem was him, and it definitely wasn’t the king’s fault
- However, Asha did suspect that Simon’s wish wasn’t granted, just like how her grandfather’s wish wasn’t either, she recognized how Simon shared a lot of behavior patterns with her grandfather.
“You know Simon… Maybe you should ask the king if your wish was granted at all, don’t you think? You haven't been acting like yourself for 3 years now”
“What? Oh no no no I… I shouldn’t bother him with something so silly, I mean, of course he granted my wish… And if he didn’t then he must have his reasons and I just gotta wait haha but it doesn’t matter either way, after all I’m totally fine… I’m fine…”
Simon is the only one in the group who has absolutely no criticism about the king.
He was the second one that met Asha
- Simon was 10 when he started training sword fighting on his backyard, he’d use some scare crows as his opponents, and he made some wood swords by himself.
- Asha and Dahlia were hanging out when they saw Simon training, Asha thought it seemed fun so she asked if she could play too.
- Simon really could use some more lively opponents so yeah, why not?
- They played sword fighting the whole afternoon while Dahlia cheered for Asha and joined in the fun too.
- Since then they were very close friends and Simon taught Asha how to properly sword fight during their preteen years… they haven’t done that in a while now.
He’ll be the traitor
- Yup, oh sweet sleepy lil Simon betrays them in my version too, but don’t worry, it’s not just because he wants to get his wish granted like it was in the movie
(because that was a jerk move that made Simon feel very unlikable, like I get it he’s constantly exhausted and depressed and wants it to go away but bruh couldn’t even look guilty when doing it)
- So, like I mentioned, they all go after Asha and Aster in the forest. Simon at first is very resistant and the others even say it’s okay if wants to stay.
Dahlia: It’s okay Simon, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.
Gabo: OH SURE! I’m a jerk for calling this a suicide mission, but the strongest and oldest of the group not wanting to go is completely understandable, I see how it is.
Simon: …hmm
Dahlia: Simon’s case is different Gabo, if his dad realizes he’s missing then we might have even more guards on our tail.
Safi: Besides, Simon might be a liability.
Simon:… what’s that supposed to mean?
Safi: Ah… shoot- eh you know like… it’s getting pretty late and you didn’t get a nap this afternoon so—
Gabo: He means we can’t carry you through the woods like a sleeping beauty waiting for a kiss, Simon.
Hal: Wow Gabo, very classy (sarcastic)
Gabo: Hey, just saying what we’re all thinking-
Simon: I’m going.
- Simon decides he has to go because someone has to be there to protect his friends, not just from the woods, but most importantly from that star guy the king warned everyone about
- May seem contradictory that Simon believes both in the king and Asha, but truth is that he’s holding up hope that this is all some big misunderstanding and Asha just misunderstood something the king said, or she’s being brainwashed by that star, or anything else.
- He just can’t accept that the king is truly evil.
- So, when they’re packing up their things to go, Simon grabs a little something from his father’s room.
- A magic mirror, used only by the king’s most trusted knights, that gives direct contact to the king's study.
- He planed to just use it in case that they needed help if they found out the star was really harming Asha.
- However, once they did find Asha and Aster, it became undeniably clear that the star wasn’t harmful at all, which left Simon very confused.
“Maybe the book the king read about wishing stars was wrong, I should just explain to him that he made a mistake!”
(Oh poor naive boy)
- After planning how they’d defeat the king and save the wishes, Simon just lied saying he was gonna take a nap behind a tree, and thus, he entered in contact with the king and queen
- Magnifico at first dismisses Simon like he’s just messing with his father’s stuff until Simon mentions he knows where Asha and the star are, that peaks his interest, but he and Amaya disguise their enthusiasm perfectly by pretending to be worried for his safety.
“Oh my, are you alright? Has it done anything to you? Where are you? We can send help immediately”
- He says they’re fine, and tries to explain that maybe the king was wrong about star, and there has been some misunderstanding that lead to Asha thinking they were bad people, if they just talked things out everything would go back to normal.
- Like I mentioned in part 2, one of Magnifico’s abilities is hypnosis through eye contact, so he’s able to make Simon see things his way.
- He manipulates Simon into thinking that the star is tricking all of them to get to the wishes, and the only way for Simon to save them is doing EXACTLY what Magnifico says.
- He asks Simon to tell him what their plans are, so he can stop them from… doing anything they might regret.
- Simon, even under the influence of Magnifico’s power, is still conflicted and asks if his friends will be in trouble after this is all over.
“Trouble? Oh heaves no, dear boy, I wouldn’t dream on letting any harm come to them, trust me, your friends will be perfectly safe… If you do as I say.”
“… “if”?…”
“Enough chit chat, now, what are they plotting exactly? Don’t leave any details”
- Of course, Magnifico also offers to grant Simon's wish if everything goes according to plan, Simon is fully convinced.
- Simon agrees to lock his friends in a room during their invasion to the castle, the king convinced him that's the best way to keep them “safe” (Asha will be locked in a different room tho, for… reasons)
- But once he does lock them up, he hears his friends screaming and arguing with him through the door, eventually he has a change of heart and lets them go, so they can stop the king and queen together.
- Simon first betrayed his friends, but then he betrayed the king, and as he’ll find out in a very painful way… Magnifico really doesn’t like being betrayed.
(See what I did there? That’s a line Magnifico says in the Wish movie hehe… okay moving on)
Gabo 😡
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- Gabo is a 17 year old teen, he’s also a little person.
- He’s a menace to society the brutally honest of the group, always with a sarcastic remark on the tip of his tongue, sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re way too harsh, but he often apologizes if he goes too far, he doesn’t mean to hurt people, being blunt is just how he expresses himself.
- You may wonder why his friends even hang out with him if he’s so… grumpy all the time, well, his friends understand that he has a lot of pent-up anger inside because of personal stuff, so they try to help him through it.
- He also has a more soft side to him, he can be very wise for his age when his friends need some advice, and he’s always loyal, even when they disagree, he’d go anywhere they go.
- He’s specially loyal and supportive to Asha and most of the time refrains from throwing shade at her, actually he’s mostly just blunt when talking to the guys, he’s a lot more respectful to the girls.
(Ironic considering Grumpy hated Snow White at first just because she was a girl lmao)
He’s the son of a soldier
- His father is just a random soldier, nothing special really.
- However, once when Gabo was a kid, he was visiting the castle with his father and he wanted to explore, so he sneakily grabbed his father’s keys to the dungeons and went to see how was it like, ya know, boys will be boys.
- He got in, and at first there wasn’t nothing out of the ordinary, just your average scary dark and gloomy dungeon… except that by the end of a hall, full of empty jail cells, there was a door.
- And he could hear someone screaming from behind that door, like they were pleading, and he saw light coming from the key hole… It looked like the king’s magic, except it was green instead of blue.
- He tried to use the keys to open it, but none of them worked.
“Ugh why don’t any of these keys work??”
“Because this area is forbidden, little one”
- He turned around quickly to see who was behind him, and there she was, the queen was smiling down at him, a sweet and tender smile, like she wasn’t hearing the sounds of desperate cries coming from behind the door.
“I- sorry your majesty but umm… it sounds like someone is in trouble in there, shouldn't we help?”
- Then he heard the distinct sound of something made of glass breaking, and suddenly… silence, no more crying, no more screaming, and no more light coming from the door.
“I don’t hear anything my sapling, poor thing, you must be imagining things. Now, why don’t you just hurry along back to your father? He’s looking for you… And remember, this is our little secret~”
- And Gabo never told this to anyone, he knows no one would believe him.
(If you’re wondering what was going on behind that door… let’s just say there’s STILL more evil stuff Magnifico does that I couldn’t fit in my blog about the villains, what’s that you ask? *maniacal laugh* I’ll let you guess)
- Gabo always had the feeling that there was something WRONG with Rosas, but he couldn't quite pin point what, and that experience in the dungeon made him start questioning if the smiles he saw plastered on the king and queen's faces everyday were real or fake.
- This feeling that there was something wrong but there was nothing he could do about it made him, for a lack of a better word, grumpy a lot of the time.
- Needles to say, when Asha explained that the king and queen were actually evil, Gabo believed in a heartbeat.
- Because he’s a little person, Gabo is not expected to follow his father’s foot steps, and that makes him furious, because he wishes he could be seen as strong like he sees himself, but he’s constantly underestimated and treated like a kid.
He was the third one to met Asha
- During a kite festival in the kingdom, Dahlia, Simon and Asha were flying their kite when they noticed a boy sitting down on the grass, next to a broken kite.
- The boy looked very grumpy, so Asha tried offering him a hug, Gabo quickly pushed her away, saying he wanted to be left alone.
- Simon and Dahlia suggested they should just leave him be, but Asha insisted they should just give him some time to calm down.
- They sat a little bit far away from Gabo and started to just talk. Gabo appreciated that even though Asha didn’t even know him she was willing to wait for him to get some alone time and try to reach out for him later, most people just walked away when he had his anger episodes.
- After a few minutes, he got up and asked if he could play with them.
He will be the comedy relief, and the straightforward voice of reason
- Comedy relief is also an important role in a story, to alleviate the the tension and just be that one character that gives more contradictory remarks, otherwise everyone just agrees with each other and really where’s the fun in that?
- Also, after they figure out Simon betrayed them, he’d be the one who snaps Simon out of the idea that the king is a good person, throwing some facts to his face and like, not sugarcoating it, just straight up calling Simon out for being a dirty traitor, an awful friend and an absolute idiot, which may seem harsh but was exactly what Simon needed to hear to realize he was making a mistake.
- Like, Simon just opens the door apologizing in the verge of tears while Gabo keeps kicking his leg to let out his anger while everyone else is staring at Simon very disappointedly, comedy gold.
Bazeema 🥰
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- Bazeema is 17 years old, who’s very shy.
-In this rewrite she is pretty much the same except for a little design and background change, you see, I found this piece of concept art
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- Do you see it? Bazeema seems to be wearing a hijab, I like that, we don’t get enough Muslim representation, so there, Bazeema is Muslim and she wears a hijab now, her religion won’t affect anything in the narrative tho but I just wish they kept this detail in her design.
- Also I’m keeping that gimmick that sometimes she appears out of no where and scared the hell out of Gabo, because yeah I think it has comedic potential.
- She’s a very sweet and gentle girl, very soft spoken and likes to have some alone time once in a while “us introverts need sanctuary” as she said.
(She’s kinda like Fluttershy, see? I told you I’d mention more my little pony characters)
She’s the daughter of the royal gardeners
- Nothing much to it, Bazeema just saw the queen being rude to her mother once because the flowers were red instead of white. So again, when Asha sas the royal couple is evil she believes her just fine.
- Also she knows about a secret passage inside the palace’s garden, in the center of a hedge maze, that leads to inside the castle.
- Specifically to an underground storage room where her parents keep some gardening tools, but, if they can get in there, they might find a way to get inside the castle through the underground.
- She doesn’t mind following her parents footsteps at all, in fact, she loves the idea of just talking to flowers all day.
She’s the fourth one who Asha meets
- When Asha was 10, she and her friends went to watch a kids play telling the story of Rosas, Bazeema was playing the queen.
- But Bazeema got stage fright, and ran to the back of the stage, embarrassed that she forgot her lines
- Asha followed the sound of her crying and reassured her that it was alright and she could take as long as she needed to feel ready, and complemented that she looked beautiful in her Queen’s dress.
- Bazeema really appreciated that, and she went back on stage, although, she tried keeping her eyes closed to not see the crowd.
She’ll give important info on how to get inside the castle
- Like I mentioned before, Bazeema has info on how to get inside the castle through the garden, so she’ll just assist on that part of their plan.
- Also comedic relief, with her gimmick of disappearing then showing up out of nowhere.
Dario 💎
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- Dario is 17 years old, and in this rewrite, he’s mute, not deaf tho, just mute, so he communicates through sign language. That’s to reference how Dopey, the dwarf he pays homage to, was also mute.
- I wouldn’t say Dario is dumb in my rewrite, he’s just really easily distracted, sometimes when his friends are talking he’ll just doze off and look at some flowers he finds along the way or collect rocks, and they don’t really mind.
- Dario is very emotionally intelligent tho, and among all the 7 teens, he’s one of the quickest to believe that Asha is innocent (Right after Dahlia)
He’s the son of the royal announcers
- Ya know those people with the big trumpets that give announcements to the kingdom? Yeah that’s what his parents do.
- Due to his disability Dario can’t really become an announcer, at least not a verbal one, he doesn’t really mind tho.
He’s the fifth one that Asha meets
- Asha was 11 when she and her friends met Dario, he was new in their class because he and his parents just moved to Rosas.
- Since he was mute, he had a really hard time making friends, so, Asha and her friends went to the library and found a book teaching about sign language
(I’m not gonna pretend you can actually learn ALL about sign language with just a book, I should know, I had ASL class in college, with a deaf teacher, and even then I don’t know even half of what there is to know, but this is a fantasy, so let’s pretend these kids learned the whole language, because it’s wholesome)
- So they make this effort to communicate with him and that makes Dario really happy, and he quickly joins the group.
He’ll be the silent comedic relief and also help creating a distraction for the king
- Most scenes when everyone is talking and focusing on more serious things, Dario is easily distracted and can be on the background doing the most random things, it’s not that he doesn’t care tho, he’s listening, and sometimes he comes up with creative ideas of his own.
- Also, as the son of the royal announcers, he goes tell them he has seen the star on the north side of the forest, his parents obviously believe him, and announce to the guards and the king, thus they can get inside while Aster distracts Magnifico.
Safi 🤧
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- Safi is the youngest in the group, he’s 16 years old, and he has a tendency to sometimes not thinking before he speaks, so he kinda blurts out things that might come off as indelicate, but he never means to be rude. Also he’s allergic to EVERYTHING under the sun, so, of course, he sneezes a lot.
- I gave him this characteristic of blurting out things that he’s not supposed to say because it kinda reminds me of a sneeze, uncontrollable and sometimes inconvenient, but this way it gives him more character.
- Also if it was only Gabo saying inconvenient stuff and everyone else were saints this would be no realistic group of teenagers, teens are relentless when it comes to saying dumb stuff with each other y’all, they just don’t care.
- Safi is also a germophobic, always avoiding situations that might get him sick, like flowers, animals, dust, humidity, flour, the rain-
- And even though he’s terrified of everything that might give him a sneezing fit, his friends are always there to help him get through it.
He’s the son of two members of the cleaning staff
- So, as you can imagine, Safi really doesn’t want to follow his parents career path, with a job that is all about cleaning dust.
- One day, he was asked to help them clean the castle so he could at least try to learn something.
- While he was helping, the king showed up and started complaining with his parents that his study wasn’t clean enough
- While he was busy talking with them, he left something very important lying around.
- Safi saw the king’s magic staff leaning on the wall.
- Safi wanted to get a closer look, so while the king was distracted he approached the staff, but then, he felt it, a sneeze was coming up.
- He tried to hold it in but it was too late, Safi sneeze was so strong the staff got out of balance, and when it was about to hit the ground Magnifico managed to grab it just in time.
- Safi looked relieved and even chuckled to himself thinking the king would do the same. But the expression the king had was something he never seen from him before… Safi saw pure rage.
- Safi was pressed against a wall apologizing frantically and so were his parents.
- The king took a few deep breaths, and as if nothing happened his expression went back to his usual charismatic smile
“Maybe cleaning duty just isn’t your calling, lad. You’re dismissed from assisting for today, or any other day for that matter.”
- So Safi is not allowed inside the castle anymore.
He was the sixth that Asha met
- Safi was terrified during the festivals celebrating the foundation of Rosas, because the kingdom was decorated completely with, well, roses.
- There were roses everywhere, and he couldn’t stop sneezing with all the pollen in the air.
- Asha and her friends noticed him distressed, and decided to help him by taking Safi away from the kingdom.
- Safi was sad he couldn’t join in the party, but Asha and her friends said they could bring the party to him, so they danced and played instruments all day long.
This boy whose only personality trait was SNEEZING is literally the one who provides the info they need to defeat the villains, no, I’m not joking
- Like I mentioned before, Safi had a interaction with the king where he heard the king say “You could’ve ended all magic in Rosas” but he never understood what Magnifico meant by that.
- It’s not like all the king’s magic is stored in that one staff right?… but what if it is.
- When they’re coming up with a plan to defeat the king, Safi brings up this information, and there you have it, now they know what’s his weakness.
Hal 😄
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- Hal is 17 year old, and judging by her earrings that resemble the “Jaaro dibbei” earrings from the Fulani tribe, so with that in mind, in this rewrite she came from Africa but moved to Rosas with her family as a kid.
- Hal is a very extroverted and joyful person, it’s rare to not see her smile, unless the situation really gets serious.
- Shes contagiously optimistic.
- Is often practicing her jokes with her friends, or just throwing some quick witted quips to lighten the mood.
(She’s a lot like Pinkie Pie… All the girls are My Little Pony references)
She’s the daughter of the royal entertainers
- Hal used to practice a lot of juggling and try acrobatics when she was little, but she quickly realized that kind of act wasn’t her calling
- She much prefers telling jokes and funny stories to the king and queen wherever her parents bring her with them to perform
- Hal noticed how the laughs and smiles the king and queen made during her acts always felt kinda forced, like they didn’t mean it.
- However the king would often burst with laughter whenever a performance from her parents went wrong, that always rubbed her the wrong way.
She was the last to met Asha
- When Asha was 13, she and her friends saw Hal practicing juggling near the forest, and she was really struggling with it.
- She told them she was really nervous because she had to be ready to perform for the royal couple in a few days.
- Asha suggested she should try a different kind of act, so she and her friends helped Hal come up with stories to narrate to the king.
- Hal discovered a new passion for story telling, and that became her new act.
She's the one who encourages Aster to confess his feelings
- Our Star Boy wasn’t actually that confident with confessing how he really felt about Asha, after all Aster knew that after granting her wish they would never see each other again, so what was the point in confessing?
- Hal encourages him with her optimism and explains that if he doesn’t tell her he’ll just regret it forever.
- That leads to the “At All Cost” scene
- So thank Hal for playing cupid
- Oh and Bazeema will help encourage Aster too
Final Thoughts
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Welp this was a doozy one, but I’m pretty satisfied with how they turned out, everyone now feels like they got something to do and some actual backstories.
The way I’m planning to actually introduce in the story how they all met Asha is through a musical flashback that we see Asha going from a little kid to a teenager, think of it like the UP intro or “Do You Want To Build a Snowman”.
Like the movie would have in the beginning Asha’s grandpa reading to her the story of Rosas and we get a sweet scene of them interacting, then it cuts to this musical sequence (probably with no lyrics like in UP) where we see how Asha met each one of her friends, and also show how as time went on her grandfather grew more and more senile and dependent on her.
The sequence would end with Asha’s grandfather’s passing, and her friends being there to support her. Just like that in a flashback sequence with no dialogue we understand who are Asha’s friends, who was her grandfather, how Asha cares about all of them dearly, and with all that established the story begins.
Like can you imagine that? Introducing why we should care about Asha’s friends by showing to us who they are instead of just telling us and throwing them in the story with no explanation? What a concept, I’m sure glad a certain multibillion company didn’t just waste them…
Anyway, I’ll start actually sharing the chapters of my rewrite here pretty soon, I’m already confident enough to do it!
I was gonna first share a blog about how I’d reimagine Valentino buuuuuut I think it’s gonna be a pretty short blog that I can write later, and I can tell some people really want me to just tell the story already, and I want to start doing it too so let’s gooo!
Thank you so much for reading!
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rrenzwrld · 11 months
secreto de amor III
chapter 3! chapter 2 here, chapter 1 here
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this connie dude barely knew you and was acting weird. but weirdly enough, you were beginning to constantly think about him. whenever you were working, your daydreaming would be interrupted by thoughts of him and you didn’t even know basic information about him. maybe you would build the courage to attempt to get that information and maybe it would stop his hostility towards you. maybe.
“y/n.” your thoughts were interrupted by your brother trying to get your attention over facetime for the umptenth time.
“you didn’t hear me calling you?”
“no, i was..”
“zoning out. you do that a lot now, wanna tell me why?~” if you told jean, you were sure he’d ask tons of questions that you didn’t know the answer to.
“and why not? you used to tell me everything but now you’re so secretive. i know you’re older now but you can still talk to me.”
“i’m fine, i promise.” you smiled to give jean some reassurance.
“whatever you say. anyways, connie is coming over later today, is that okay with you?”
“does he have to come over everyday? don’t you have other friends?”
“yeah but i like him more. why? you don’t want him around or something?” its not that you didn’t want him around, you were just starting to feel things that you didn’t want to feel so you just wanted to avoid them.
“he’s cool, i guess.” you didn’t know him enough to think that he was cool. you just though he was mean now, atleast to you.
“are you sure? because i’ll set him straight if he’s acting weird–”
“no its cool, he’s cool.”
connie did come over later on that day and you were glad jean told you beforehand so you can stay in your room until he left. but your mission to avoid him didn’t stop him from finding a way to bother you still.
you were vibing out in your room listening to music while doing work for online classes when your door opened, you thought it was just jean so you didn’t stop doing what you were doing until you realized it was connie’s head peeking through the cracked door instead.
“um,” you grabbed your roku remote and paused your music. “can you leave?”
“oh i thought this was the bathroom, my bad.” he smirked. you know connie has been there enough to know where the bathroom was.
“well, it’s not so can you leave me alone?” he ignored you and came all the way inside your room, closing the door shut behind him.
“whatcha doin?” he walked over to you and looked at what your laptop. you slid over away from him and he sat in the space on your bed.
“i’m not in the mood for you today, leave me alone connie.”
“i wanna apologize.” you ears perked up and you looked up at him to make sure he was legit about what he wanted to say.
“yeah, i’m sorry for being an ass. i don’t know why i thought it was okay to treat you like that especially when we literally just met.” he laughed. you were quiet for a minute before you responded.
“do you treat every new person you meet like that?”
“probably. but it ends with you. i’m sorry, y/n.”
“did my brother make you apologize?”
“did you tell him anything?” you shook your head. “then no. i’m a grown man, i know how to hold myself accountable.”
“sure.” you mumbled and rolled your eyes as connie got up and left.
when connie left your room, jean saw that and had questions.
“what the fuck con.”
“i was looking for the bathroom.”
“i’m not stupid. why were you in y/n’s room?”
“i had to talk to her about something. get off my dick johnny boy.” connie plopped onto the couch and pulled out his lighter and a blunt he had in his pocket.
“you better not be doing no funny shit with my sister man. she’s a baby.”
“i thought you said she was 18.” jean mentally face-palmed.
“she is. she’s a baby, and i don’t need you trying to dog her out like you do your other hoes.”
“you didn’t even need to say all that. it’s not like we fucking or anything, we literally just met.”
“that’s never stopped you.” connie may have thought jean was playing with him but he was serious. one thing jean didn’t play about was you so he wanted to make sure nothing happened to you especially at the hands of his promiscuous best friend.
“you’re overreacting.”
“that’s my sister—“
“i got it.”
when connie left, jean went to your room to talk to you about why connie came to your room and to see if he was really overreacting.
“hey~” jean entered your room
“wassup.” you were done with your work and was watching a movie.
“why was connie leaving your room earlier?”
“he wanted to talk.”
jean crossed his arms. “about?”
“he wanted to apologize for being an ass.”
“you didn’t tell me that—“
“because you’d overreact and do the whole overprotective brother thing. i’m not a child, y’know.”
“i know. but i just want to make sure your okay at all times.”
“i’m okay, jean.”
“are you sure?” you were silent and all you gave him was a look, which told him to stop talking and leave. although you and connie both agreed to dead the issue, jean still felt in his gut that something more was going on. if it hasn’t happened yet, he knew it would happen soon and that scared him.
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imnotevenusin · 4 months
Explaining some placements in my Natal Chart
1. Taurus Mars: Honestly, I am kinda slow to taking action on most things. Usually, I don’t get that defensive, and I’m more comfortable with letting things slide; I don’t have enough energy for confrontation sometimes.
- squaring Neptune: Mars square Neptune is my worst aspect imo. This placement makes it hard for me to feel motivated; daydreaming is my go to, but I’m “working” on trying to knock down my goals in a realistic manner. I think this also makes my actions misconstrued by others - I always got in trouble and perceived as suspicious by others.
2. Mercury in Leo 11°: My laugh is contagious. A Leo Mercury gets attention from the way they communicate or laugh.
- opposing Neptune: Fucking terrible. All my words come out so wrong and jumbled together. An unhealthy amount of daydreaming too. I’ve always been a creative writer tho.
- conjunct Saturn: This one is annoying too. I do feel like my comments or opinions get ignored sometimes. And I gotta talk slowly to get the best sentences out. In general, Mercury-Saturn eventually makes you smart and well-educated; Saturn takes out what isn’t necessary and makes you think about something longer before you say it.
3. Aries Moon: I’ve definitely witnessed my Mom taking the leadership role in the household while growing up. She’s always wanted me to be more militant and confident. Even when I think something isn’t a big deal, she’ll take it very seriously. I’ve also heard of the Aries Moons having big foreheads-trend.
I think this is the most sensitive Moon sign, because the Moon is such a vulnerable planet and Aries feels everything so fast. Whenever I face emotional problems - or discomfort, I like to work out, or listen to loud music. Its like this weird energy rush.
3rd House Moon trine Mercury: Mind is racing constantly. I like to write out my feelings and thoughts to feel better. I can accurately analyze my emotional state. I’m a good student too—not so much with homework—and I can easily pay attention and participate in class.
-sextile Neptune: I can express my emotions through poetry and music. Neptune makes me a little more empathetic.
4. Libra MC: Throughout school, I’ve always been known for having nice outfits. My biggest aspirations involve artistic things: screenwriting & music.
5. Sun in Leo 29°/8H: Theres a lot of enjoyment in Astrology—which is also rules by the 8H—for me. In school, I had a list of everybody’s birthdays for some reason. I’m heavily interested in the subconscious mind and how it controls you—your behavior and how it affects the decisions you make. I’ve always been more interested in everything under the surface.
6. Saturn in Leo: I never really felt my Leo energy like that. I’m more reserved tbr. For some reason, I feel guilty and annoying for enjoying myself and simply being creative - even when it’s not bothering anybody.
7. Capricorn Rising: People usually tell me I look older than I am. I feel naturally awkward for some reason. Since the 1st House deals with the relationship we have with ourselves, it took me a while to get comfortable - Saturn rules Capricorn.
8. Chiron in the 1st House rX: Honestly, I never really put that much importance on my height, until other people started commenting on it. And there’s always unneeded comments on my appearance. Since its in Capricorn, I’ve had teeth problems growing up, and now I have braces.
9. Pluto in the 12th House rX: The 12th House is separated from everything and everybody. I’ve always been existential since an early age. There was always a fear of being separated from people. I do like to dig deep into my subconscious mind and figure myself out more; I’ve realized how powerful the subconscious mind was and why I was acting the way I was. Detaching from everything also seems to give me less burdens. Sleep Paralysis issues too.
10. Saturn in the 7H: Suckkkksssssss. Growing up, I was definitely the late-bloomer when it comes to relationships.
11. Uranus in the 2H sextile Ascendant: Definitely felt like an oddball growing up. I’m not the only person that listens to Rock, but I definitely got weird looks and reactions for enjoying it. I do get self-esteeem from being different, even if it alienates me. My appearance and interests surprises people.
12. Mars/Aries in the 4H: WWE matches in my household/family.
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chrissbluehat · 2 months
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Part 1 2 3 4
Pairing : y/n and Chris Sturniolo
Summary: You lived a pretty standard life, you kept to yourself mostly, and never felt you drew the eyes of anyone. Though this always felt conflicting when comparing yourself to friends. This was until a boy came into your life and flipped it completely around.
My account is a little more alive now so I'm posting this part :)
In that moment it felt like the world stopped, everything other than this paper felt like a blur. I continued looking down at the paper in awe until I fell conscious and felt the flush of my cheeks snapping me out of the trace I unknowingly fell into. My eyes quickly shot up to make sure no eyes had been on me in those moments, glancing quickly at Masie who luckily was in her own world and unaware of the wall around mine. I finished gathering my things and slotted the paper into the front pocket of my bag and walked off to my first class.
Through the day, as per usual, the idea of Chris swirled around my head and consumed me as if I was some kind of unsuspecting prey that was never fast enough to escape the grasp of him. Though the thought had a fresh concept. Messaging Chris. He must have somehow gotten my number and gave me his in hopes I wanted to reach out first, it didn’t make sense that he would just give out his first and not need mine otherwise. I wondered if he expected me to reach out first, I mean the idea was not that terrifying it’s not like i’m asking him out. Simply just starting a conversation between two friends. Friends. The idea had me shiver in my seat slighting, resulting in a quick glance from the kid that sat next to me in chemistry. I glanced back, shooting her a quick smile and then sinking back into my thoughts. 
What was I even supposed to say really, I thought to myself. I mean he's so awkward that I can't imagine just saying “hi” and hoping he starts a proper conversation. I dreaded the idea of small talk. It's so incredibly awkward and both parties want it to do nothing but end. No one truly cares for what is being said between the two, I hated the idea of dry conversations in hopes that it sparks something more than what they currently had.
I then thought about the number a bit more. Maybe he was using it as a ploy to work out how down bad I was. I mean who still hands out their number like that, it’s not the 90’s? If anything he should have given me his snap or something or just added me though I also didn’t want that kind of romance that doesn’t fill the right void, it all felt slightly artificial which is the last thing you want in a relationship.
I snapped out of my thoughts at the mention of homework, causing me to internally groan. I understood why we had to do homework but that didn’t make me hate it any less. I quickly copied down anything that seemed remotely important as the bell went off, I gathered my things and headed off.
Until lunch my thoughts remained pretty consistent, silently wondering if he would message me or if I would have to initiate the interaction. I had also wondered if I should tell Jenna. I didn’t want to constantly hide things from her, I knew that would start more fights between us but I couldn't bring myself to let her know. She was already disappointed in me for even talking to him, I couldn't tell her about the number. 
I walked into the lunch hall and took my usual seat next to Jenna. In that moment the guilt ate at me a little more than it had before, sitting next to her and acting as if I wasn’t betraying her word, more day in and day out. I tried to shake the thought out of my head as she started talking about something that had happened in her English Language class but my mind continued to wonder. The last person I wanted to see at that moment then walked past our table with his friends. I looked up as if instinctively and made eye contact with chris. I tried to hold back the blush I could feel coming but I knew it was written across my face so I looked down and leaned onto my hand and averted my gaze back to Jenna as she continued to talk. I could feel a couple eyes on me. Since Masie's confrontation the other day the girls make small comments about him when he’s close which is always slightly embarrassing, especially since I was trying to act like I liked him no more than a friend. A table of girls giggling whenever you walk past isn’t really getting the right message out.
“You guys don’t have to giggle every time he walks by, I don’t like him like that, we’re barely friends”, I said lowly glancing over at Masie who gave me a look that told me she didn’t believe a word of what I’d just said.
“Sure sure”, Lily chimed. 
“That’s not even funny Lily”,
“Guys she doesn’t like him, just stop talking about him”, Jenna added, taking the attention off of me, causing me to relax slightly. The bell eventually went off and we all headed off in different directions.
Back at home my mind was back on the number, it made me want to bang my head against a way in hopes the thought would disintegrate at impact. I threw myself onto my bed and put the number into my phone and labelled it just “Chris”, I would have labelled it ‘loml’ as a joke but I didn't want him to somehow see it and connect the dots. I opened the chat and started mindlessly typing in hopes it sparks something worth sending, but nothing really came of it. Instead I tossed my phone to the side and stressed to myself silently. I didn’t want to make a fool of myself. What if he regretted even giving me the number? My hands tangled into my hair and I groaned to myself. Why did he have so much control over how I felt? A part of me loved it but the other part made me wish i’d never spoken to him in the first place, the tug he’s had on my life since sometimes didn’t feel like it was completely worth it. In the end I decided to wait for him to message me first, I didn't want to come off too desperate, I mean surely it would happen soon enough. The rest of the evening I would glance at the notification bar of my phone, checking for his name. But the message never arrived. I sighed and went to bed wondering why he never messaged and questioned the whole situation. I wouldn’t be shocked if I woke up with a head of greys considering how much this boy makes me stress.
The next day I decided not to address it in homeroom, I didn't want to make things awkward. It was easier to act as if the whole thing hadn’t happened, it saved us both the slight embarrassment I know we would both be feeling.
The following week Jenna didn’t come in, she was apparently too sick to come in leaving me alone or at least I thought. The monday went by slowly and felt as if it dragged on a bit without her there. I hated school when she wasn‘t in, it felt more daunting than it usually did. Yes I had other people to hang with and I wasn't completely alone but they didn’t fill the void like Jenna did as much as I loved them. By Tuesday Chris picked up on my absence at lunch the day before. “Is your friend not in?”,
“Nope, how did you pick that up?”, I furrow my eyebrows slightly confused.
“Well you were obviously in yesterday because I saw you in the morning but then I didn’t see you or that girl at lunch so i was just wondering”.
“Yeah Jenna isn’t in, she’s sick so she's off for the rest of the week”,
“Oh”, he hummed. He suddenly reached down. I noticed him rustling around in his bag but I tried to avert my attention back to what I was doing so that he didn‘t think I was nosing on him, he then pulled out a book and grabbed a loose piece of paper hanging out of it and placed it on the table and retreated back to bag to grab a pen. I then felt a small tap on my shoulder, I turned to look at Chris, whose attention was on the piece of paper he had just pulled out of his bag. I looked down and realised it was homework. “Help”, he shot me a smile causing me to giggle. I grabbed the paper and he passed me the pen. 
“No, take the pen back, I'm only explaining it. You’ll never learn to do it yourself if I do it for you”, I laugh. He rested his face in his face and mumbled something that I didn't quite catch. I showed him how to work out his algebra homework, and as per usual he did it as lazily as possible. 
“Do I really need to show all this working out? I mean how else would I have gotten to the answer, this is so annoying”,
“It saves them moaning at you when you hand it, just show your working out”. He rolled his eyes and smiled going back to write on his paper. I talked him through the rest of the work and the bell eventually went off. We put our things away and he got up and headed out of the class shooting a quick smile at me and mouthed “thanks” before turning out of the door. 
The rest of the lessons rolled by again slowly without jenna. When i was leaving class for break olivia caught up with me and asked if I wanted to hang out with them since she realised I wasn’t there the day before, but I kindly turned down the offer and pretended I had to be somewhere but in reality I was heading towards a tree that was slightly shielded from the rest of the playground. It was peaceful there and shady which was nice in the heat that ran through the air currently. I sat down and grabbed my phone out of my bag, resting against the tree. A little after I heard footsteps approaching my space, I looked up and noticed it was chris. I furrowed my eyebrows. “What are you doing here?”
“My friends are in detention”, I laugh. 
“They don’t have a smart friend that can explain algebra to them”. He gave me a small smile, causing me to smile back at him, though the mention of friends was simmering around in my mind but I swallowed it down and acted as if it meant nothing to me because we were just friends and it shouldn’t hurt to hear him say it. 
“So you used me to get out of detention, I feel so valued”, I laughed pretending to be offended.
“You’re so dramatic”, he smiled down at me. His cheshire smile could light a hundred dark rooms, I fell harder every time I saw it, it made me melt but I had to hold myself and pretend I was completely normal about the guy in front of me. “Why aren’t you with your friends again?”,
“I’d rather be alone”,
“Oh do you want me to go then?” I took a second. Obviously I didn't want him to go. That was the last thing I'd ever want but he couldn’t know that. I shake my head causing him to smile. He sat down next to me, maintaining a reasonable distance and glanced down at my phone.
“Stop eyeing my phone, you’ll judge my feed”, I laughed, turning it away from him.
“Why, it will help me understand you better”,
“And why would you need to do that?,
“Because you don’t give off very much”, I tilt my head at him. “What you don’t”, he laughs, grabbing my phone from me and starts to scroll. If he was anyone else I would have fought for my phone back but for some reason not even a part of me cared for it back.
 We sat together for most of break talking about random things. He then sat back and realised the time. “I should probably get going, their detention must be over now”. He got up and dusted himself off and started to head off, waving me off. I waved back and then watched as he grabbed his phone from his pocket and started typing into it. I started to get myself together to head back to class, but then I heard my phone ping beside me. I picked it up and the screen lit up. His name was on my screen.
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deadpool15 · 10 months
Overshadowed Ch.1
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"Hey, look at me. I don't expect you to the most perfect fucking man. There is no such thing. You have scars from the stuff you've been through. It's understandable. I understand you, si-o. I don't want you to change your plans or anything unless you truly want that. I won't expect anything from you except to be honest with me." I slowly clasp my hands upon his face, holding him with my gentle touch to let him know I wouldn't hurt him. After all he has been through, I want him to know I'm the last person who would want to hurt him. "I want you to trust me, I know I must earn your trust, and I will do everything in my power to show you how much I care for you. No more pain, ok? I'm not leaving."
I needed him. For the first time in my life, I had felt like I was wanted, loved. This feeling couldn't be replaced by anything my mother had gifted me over the years to make up for her lack of parenting. Though, I knew si-o had never felt such love either. He was used to pain and resentment. I wanted to be the one who showed him there was more to life than those things. I didn't want to change him. Sure, he had flaws and issues, but I wanted to embrace all of them. They were a part of him, making him who he is today. My father once told me he adorned the villains in fairy tales. Younger me had questioned that for a long time, though know I see it. A hero would sacrifice you for the sake of the world as if you meant nothing. One casualty means nothing compared to thousands, yet a villain would sacrifice the entire world for you. Thinking more about it, why was the villain deemed bad in reality? The hero was selfish, thinking one could have it all with no consequences.
Imagine someone's love for you to be so passionate and devoted that they would sacrifice everything for you without a second thought. I had never seen a love story in real life. My parents went divorced because my mother prioritized work over her family and because my older sister had gone missing in a foreign country. They made it seem like their love died, though I always felt like my father held more love for my mother. My mother cared for nothing but money and having a daughter. She had two, one that possessed the strength of the many generations before her, then there was me. I was adopted at age 2. I can't remember a thing about my biological parents, but I had an amazing relationship with my father. He was the one who loved all of his children equally despite only the three of us having superpowers. In my mother's eyes there was only nam-soon.
Completely neglected by her my entire life. I was invisible, one would say. Whenever she missed a dance rehearsal or important event in my life, she loved to buy gifts. Overly priced gifts, hoping it would make 4 year old me forget that mommy hadn't bothered to show up again because of work. Money was everything to her, and I wasn't. I grew envious of my sister. Of course, I missed her while she was gone, but would it be an evil thing to say a small sick part of me was happy, thinking mother would have no choice but to pay attention to me. I was wrong. Nam-soon this, nam-soon that. Hosting strength competitions and constantly fixing her favorite dishes at dinner. I hated myself, why couldn't I be happy she was back? Why was I so jealous of her? And why can't I make my mom love me?
When I met si-o, all that changed. I had shown up to give nam-soon her lunch for the day. She had been undercover working with some cop she liked, and it was obvious he liked her as well. Now no one in the public knew of me, after nam-soon went missing our parents thought it would be best to shield the world from us. I was known as the spoiled rich daughter of some famous ceo. No one bothered to ask who? I stumbled upon this man, taller than me. Bumping into his chest, which was as far as my head could reach, even in heels. He was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. I wanted him to be mine.
Chapter 1: Overshadowed
Chapter 2: To be loved
Chapter 3: You and me
Chapter 4: Second place
Chapter 5: Love is hard
Chapter 6: No matter what
Baily Bass(oc)- Danny
Other characters are their respective characters.
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randomlonelymusician · 9 months
Mental Health in Media - Mikoto Kayano
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Dissociative Identity Disorder, or DID, has a complicated history in media. It's often portrayed as dangerous, or something that makes the person violent, such as with the 'murderous alter*' trope. These portrayals treat people with DID, or systems, not as people with a disability, but as "crazy" or as people to be feared. And fear and lack of sympathy are the two main drivers of hatred.
Then, in mid-2020, an anime music project released called MILGRAM, focusing on ten prisoners all guilty of murder (loosely). And along with it came Mikoto Kayano.
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Mikoto Kayano is the ninth prisoner of MILGRAM, and on the surface seems like an average young adult who has no clue what he did or why he's in prison. But in his first music video [1], it's revealed that one, he is a murderer, and two, he has DID. Some fans of the series, systems or otherwise, took issue to this portrayal, as it falls right back in to the murderous alter trope. But beyond just the content of the music video, there's a lot more to Mikoto and his "murderous" alter, dubbed "John" by the prison guard, that makes his case a lot more complicated.
Like all characters in MILGRAM, Mikoto is portrayed in a morally grey and nuanced light. But above that, there's more to his character than his crime. Mikoto has a past: he has a job, a family, hobbies, and motivations. He's portrayed as a person, not a monster. And what I love is his John also gets to speak for himself [2]. As presumably the protector** in his system, John kills to "save" Mikoto from the stress and trauma of his life. (Besides having an abusive childhood, it's implied he isn't in a great space at work, either.)
He’s not the type of person who could do stuff like that! He always looks out for others, always reads the room, always tries to get along with people around him! He can’t do stuff like that… He was on the verge of exploding! That’s why I was born. It’s obvious, isn’t it? [Mikoto] didn’t do anything!
Mikoto/John isn't just some scary, cold-hearted killer. He's a human who's gone through so much and met his breaking point over and over. Allowing Mikoto to have this humanity, and John to have his own voice, are what allow this portrayal to rise above all of these tired tropes into something more complex.
But there are a few issues, of course. Besides falling into that trope in the first place, the depth of Mikoto's life outside of MILGRAM is shallow compared to the other prisoners. Both of his music videos focus very heavily on the fact that he has DID. With other prisoners, the audience gets to learn about their victim, the circumstances around the crime, and further information about their past. With Mikoto's music videos, there is little information on the victim or the circumstances leading up to the crime; everything is extremely broad. And little is known about his past, his family life, or even his trauma. To some, this could be disappointing to see his DID be the main focus of his crime.
But despite these gripes, many fans, especially systems within the MILGRAM community, love and appreciate Mikoto. He may not be considered perfect representation, but for people who have had their disability be constantly demonized, it's nice to see a character who's treated like a person.
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Thank you for reading! I do not have DID or a DD myself, so everything here is either from research, personal accounts online, or info from my sister who has a DD -> @gxrogurl
Citations & *'s below:
Dissociative Disorders Information in the DSM-5 TR (p 491)
MeMe [The First Trial Music Video]
Second Voice Drama "Neoplasm" and Translations
*Alter - a part of a system, often having a unique name and personality
**Protector - an alter whose role is to protect the system from physical, emotional, or mental harm; some methods can be destructive, others are not
If anything seems incorrect, please let me know!
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So this guy posted about how his wife "baby trapped" him, with baby trapped in quotes because he didn't know if it necessarily counted. He said she didn't do it to make him stay, just against his will
They've been together for 8 years, have 2 (5f and 2m) kids and when they talked about having kids, she wanted 2 but he wanted 1. They ended up having 2 because she insisted it was important for a child to have a sibling. After his son was born, OP didn't want to go through all the sleepiness nights and everything again. But when their son was a year old, his wife started mentioning having a 3rd child. I would laugh it off but finally she sat me down and said we have to have a third. I said no, we agreed on two, but she said she wanted four and three is the compromise. I refused and said I wanted one and we have two. She got angry and called me selfish for taking away her dream of wanting a big family.
Few days later, she apologized and they had sex. She was on birth control, he had a condom, so they did it. Then one day, she showed him the positive pregnancy test. When she saw his less than happy expression, she berated him for not being supportive, that he should be grateful, etc. So he apologized, hugged her and told her he was excited.
When she was asleep, I took the condoms out of the cupboard and ran them under water. Holes.
I nabbed her phone and saw she'd set a password. That was odd. Nevertheless, my wife has a terrible memory so I tried her birthday and it opened. Further up were texts with her best friend of my wife complaining how I wouldn't come around. Her best friend suggested "arrange an accident" with a winky face. My wife agreed and said she was going to come off of birth control. It went on for a little while, ending with my wife saying that yes, we were going to have a 3rd.
So he woke her up after that to question her about it. She started crying. Through tears she screamed I had no right to go through her phone and it's her choice whether or not she wants to take BC, the side-effects are bad and she was sick. She also brought up if I really didn't want a third kid, I should have had a vasectomy. She told me to go sleep on the couch, I laughed out loud and said no, I'm sleeping here, you're leaving. So while wailing she packed a bag and left to her parents. When she called the next day I told her I just need some time to myself. She said that's fine but I need to come around for our child. I told her I wasn't sure if it'd be "our child" and she cried more.
It's been two weeks since then. Governments recommended to stay at home and I knew staying home by myself while also working with two kids would not be ideal and she wanted to see our kids. So we're in the same house, she constantly keeps on stopping me and trying to get me excited for our kid and planning the nursery and names and how happy our kids will be to get a younger sibling. I've been ignoring her entirely.
A lot of the comments were in his favor so I was happy to see that. But there were also plenty of other comments that weren't as supportive, even downplaying the wife's actions.
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There were a number of people who were against him divorcing her, questioning him why he wants to ruin his marriage and his family over this. I just can't get over that, how they're acting like he's in the wrong here. Would you want to stay with someone who crossed the line severely? Would you want to stay with someone you couldn't trust?
She ruined the marriage on her own. He's reacting how anyone can expect someone to react in that kind of situation. A lot of people were insisting he try to fix his marriage and stay for the kids so he doesn't break up the family but that is, in this case, the worst advice someone can give. I'm not sure there's any coming back from this. How could you trust someone like that again? How do you know she wouldn't do it again in the long run because she'd want a 4th baby?
Not to mention, it's a horrible thing to put the kids through. They're already, according to him in a comment, wondering why he isn't talking to their mother (sidenote: some people expressed disbelief that the kids would notice at that age. I haven't spent much time with super little kids like a 2 year old but 5 year old's can be surprisingly observant. Or the wife might have said something to them). If he were to stay and things worsen, like them fighting more often, that just hurts the kids. And it's not a good lesson for them when they get older. There are limits to keeping a relationship with someone.
And of course, his own mental health and happiness are important too.
What bothers me is the justifications people are pulling out in defense of his wife. They are severely downplaying her actions by saying she just wanted a baby, people aren't perfect, etc. Somebody even compared the situation to...rearranging a room.
And then you have others blaming him because he hasn't had a vasectomy yet. That isn't the point of this. If the wife hadn't done anything and he was complaining that she got pregnant, then I would find him more at fault. But what the wife has done is considered reproductive coercion, which is a form of intimate partner violence.
Sure there was a bit of a chance of pregnancy occurring, but she crossed the line in order to get what she wanted. She is at fault here for the pregnancy. And she should be held accountable for that. I've found conflicting information about whether she could face legal consequences, but at the very least we shouldn't be trying to make excuses for her or downplay it to make it sound like it's something innocent.
Because it definitely isn't
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sheeperzzz · 3 months
Incoming ramble about how much I want an Inside Out show! I love Inside Out sm :( (Also, it's been a long time since I've watched Inside Out 1, so I MIGHT get a few facts wrong about that)
Starting off strong, an Inside Out show could talk about serious mental health topics. Like- the movies already did! In the first movie, they showed Riley running away because she was insanely homesick and hated the changes. In the second, they introduced Anxiety and how showed how anxiety can affect you. If they made a show, they could bring awareness to other mental health topics (Ex: PPD, IED, MDD, so on so forth). They could also show how differently HQ and emotions work in people with Autism, ADHD and the like! (The way I imagine the headspaces is very different than what we see for Riley or the other people in Inside Out. The HQs are built very different, and it's very "messy" overall. The Mind is even more scattered, very different than say Riley's or her parents. Idk, I just think it would be a neat concept!)
Another thing they could show us is where the other Emotions come from! Because we saw Nostalgia constantly appearing through a door to say something silly, and we know the other Emotions had to come from somewhere. (Personally, I like to think there's this place called Conscious City that comes from far below the pool of Riley's sense of Self.) And maybe it could explain why the Core Emotions basically spawned out of nowhere (we see this with Joy in the first movie), while the newer emotions "moved in" (see Anxiety in the second). And! They could explain why there are more specific emotions, since anxiety and embarrassment usually stem from fear in some way or another.
I just think it would be neat to see what the Emotions could get up to! I'd love to see a day off or something, where Riley is asleep (actual sleep, put in for surgery, whatever) or the Emotions aren't needed for some reason, where they all just go out and do their own thing together. Like- outside of HQ. Going with the idea of Conscious City, I'd kill to see them all just going into town and hanging out! They spend most of their time in HQ, so seeing the City would be a huge break for them. They all just hang out in the city, goof around, learn about the emotions that have yet to join HQ, blah blah blah. I've also thought up about three episodes I'd find silly :3 1) An episode focused around Fear, where he's terrified of everything because he thinks everyone's out to get him. They're all being avoidant, secretive, and whispering behind his back. By the end of the episode, he's convinced they're about to pounce- but surprise! Joy had planned a surprise birthday party for him! 2) An episode where it's just dress up. They all go into the city and play around with outfits and whatnot :) 3) A more horror-based episode; The Emotions decide to go out for the day. Joy gets a little rambunctious and explorative, and they all end up in a bog-like area. They go missing one by one. Something is taking them. In the end, they all get out and escape, but they never quite see what was attacking them. (I will admit, the way I imagined this is kind of based off Fonz Pond by ICP LMAO)
But overall, idk, I just think an Inside Out show would be real fun. Just a lot of silly things, while also tackling more heavy topics. I might make a few comics for myself about it. Maybe
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mikachacha · 10 months
𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) 𝙿𝚝. 7
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Synopsis: you got fed up by Bada constantly seeking you out so you finally confront her in hopes that she would stop.
Warnings: angst, cursing, reader revisits the trauma and pain caused by Bada
(A/N: writing this hurt my heart because damn, this story is a wild ride)
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
As the show progressed, you would've expected Bada to stop bothering you but you were definitely wrong. Not only did she actively seek you out but she'd do everything just for you to notice her and talk to her which annoyed you to no end. You just wanted to live your life in peace and do your work in peace but she's definitely not gonna give you that. You're honestly tired and just wanted to move on so one afternoon, you dragged her outside so you could talk in private. You caught Yeni's eye on your way out and she gave you a thumbs up which made you smile and calmer on the inside. Things with Yeni have been doing great, that you would say. She's the complete opposite of Bada but you told her that you weren't ready yet, not until you're finally sure that you're over with Bada and it will only happen if you guys talk, which is happening right now.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Does it cause you excruciating pain whenever you see me happy that's why you always try and ruin it?! Look, you've already won three years ago. You already broke me down, you already made me lose myself while loving you so what more do you want?! I've given you everything! Gave you all my love, gave you all of me but it wasn't enough for you. It wasn't enough.. Always not enough.." you felt all of the pain came crashing back again as you're alone there with Bada. You were crying but you stood your ground.
"Y/N- It's not that.. I just wanted-" Bada started but you cut her off. You have so much anger that's been pent up for years and you just wanted to let it all out on her. You want her to feel the pain you felt all those years from what she did to you.
"Of course it's gonna always be what you wanted.. Have you ever thought about what I wanted? Have you ever thought about anyone else other than yourself? Fuck! I thought I was okay already. I thought I was healed from all the pain you brought but I was damn wrong.. Our past still haunts me to this day, did you know that? I couldn't bring myself to love someone new because I'm scared all of them will end up like you! Someone who just takes me for granted and takes my love for granted.. Why did you do that to me, Bada? Why??" you asked and Bada just looked at you, her own tears falling as she watched you cry in front of her, asking her why she did those things to you.
"Y/N please.. Listen to me. Even just this last time. I swear I'm not gonna bother you anymore. I know what I did has no excuse. I played with you, I hurt you, I took you for granted. I was an asshole. I thought I could get away with everything because I was rising to the top. But when you went back to the states, I realized how much of an idiot I was because at that moment I lost the one real thing I've ever known which was your love. I know my apology won't be able to fix this, sorry will not take back the pain I caused you. That it won't magically turn back time so I could make things better and take away the trauma I have caused. But please, even if I have to beg and kneel in front of you, please at least let me make it up to you.." Bada then proceeded to kneel in front of you, crying as she held your hands and continued to ask you for a chance to make it up to you even just as your friend. The once proud Bada Lee is just crying and begging, much like you did three years before.
Your own knees gave out as you continued to cry. You resent her for doing all those things to you but you also wanted to forgive her so you can also move on with your life. You know you won't be to love someone truly if you keep the baggage of the past and hold you down. You need to let go of it, forgive Bada and yourself for the things that had happened between you.
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn't notice you and Bada were hugging each other, crying and her apologizing to you repeatedly until she was hoarse. Team Bebe had to get her and Yeni brought you to Wolf'Lo's hideout so she can take care of you and make sure you're okay. She had admitted that she's in love with you and that she's willing to wait for you until you're ready to love once more. She supported you, showed you that love can also be a beautiful thing. Yeah it can hurt sometimes but it doesn't have to be all of the time. She's been nothing but patient and caring for you and you feel so bad that you can't reciprocate the feelings she has for you. You just can't bring yourself to love her back especially when you still haven't fully let go of the pain Bada caused.
"I'm sorry, Yeni.. I'm really sorry.." you sobbed as she cuddled with you on the couch. She just kisses the top of your head and rubs your back in a comforting manner like she always does when you cry.
"Jagiya.. There's nothing to be sorry about. I know you're hurting, I know that the wounds of the past haven't fully healed yet but I'm still gonna be here. I won't go off to love someone else when you're still healing. I'm gonna be with you until the day comes you're ready to share your life with me." Yeni says and you just hugged her. If only you met her sooner then none of this would've happened. You're thankful to have her by your side and you couldn't ask for anyone better.
"Thank you, Yeni.. Thank you for not giving up on me and for loving despite all this.. I just hope you can still wait for me." you said as you finally fell asleep from how exhausted you felt from all that crying. Yeni smiled a bit and pressed a kiss on your head.
"I'll wait for you Y/N, no matter how long it takes." she says and just lets you rest.
Meanwhile, Bada had to be attended to by medics. She passed out from how much she cried. Her guilt from seeing how pained you were by her actions three years before just became too much. She regrets everything and just wishes to be able to at least make it up to you, or take all of the pain she inflicted so you could find love again because everyone knows you deserve that. Bada knows you deserve to be loved, to be cherished and to be taken care of. You didn't deserve to be hurt, to be abused, to be taken for granted. You didn't deserve any of that. You were way too good, you were way too pure and Bada wasted all that.
"We should've seen this behaviour years ago.. I thought they were okay. I never knew that Y/N endured so much behind closed doors." Lusher sighs, they heard everything as they were looking for Bada to consult on a routine earlier.
"I hope they both find happiness and that they both forgive themselves from the things that happened between them since no one could change the past.." Tatter says as they watched the medics telling Bada to breathe and to not think of anything else as she began crying again. It was a heartbreaking sight but no one could do anything about it. Only you and Bada could fix this.
@lil-elliesgf @efyyylee @hwm1hyun @mikaleialt @bunnywonyo @badaswifey @mrs-grim-reaper @b1ackbunny @wifey-badalee
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celaenaeiln · 7 months
what do you think are the Batfam’s enneagram types? Specifically Bruce, Dick, Jason, Cass, Tim, Damian, Barbara and Steph, And anyone else you think important (l think Dick is mostly a type 2 and 1. Haven’t looked into the others yet) I’m asking because I think knowing a character’s personality type (OC or not) can help you write them in character, and I know a personality test probably isn’t going to fit them 100% just like real people but it could be a great guide
Ennegram Chart source
Bruce is a 5 no doubt.
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I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory. The description is a checklist of his personality traits.
Dick is 1, 2, and 3.
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I would say 3 is his overarching personality, 1 is a secondary/support of the main one - 3 - and 2 is the other half of his personality. The thing about Dick is that he feels an almost pathological need to keep succeeding, keep doing better, and break every limit. It's not for anyone else, it's for himself because he doesn't feel like himself if he's not perfect. All of 1, 2, and 3's traits
Jason is an 8.
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Ever since his Robin days, Jason has always been more on the willful side. As in, I want to do my own thing. Deal with it. And after coming back as Red Hood he wasn't initially self-confident but he's grown into it. No one can influence him to do anything and he's ready to throw hands if someone pushes too much.
Tim is a 5 or 6.
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Smart, genius boy detective obviously (he's no isolated tho) so that explains 5 but Tim leans more towards 6. He's loyal to the cause and he's very responsible. But he's also a huge cute dork who's always on the look out for something that is off and he's always worried and thinking about what's wrong and what could go wrong. He's mainly a 6 with a little bit of 5 added in (perceptive, innovative, sometimes secretive).
Cass is a 5.
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Cass and Bruce are identical. The way they think and act, Cass is a like a Batman 2.0 but better.
Steph is a 4.
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DC really wants her to be a 7-
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But I wrote a whole essay on why she's not a 7, but a 4 instead. She's not self-absorbed in the "I only love myself" way, she more of a "How can I constantly improve myself" type. When something bad happens her mind can get really down in the dumps about it but she tries her best to be positive - she's not withdrawn but expressive, dramatic, and temperamental definitely.
Dami is 3 or 8.
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The achiever was instilled in him by his mother to constantly work to be the best at whatever he tries and now it's just a part of his personality. He's very self-conscious. 8 because like Jason, he does what he wants when he wants. No one can tell him what to do (unless it's Dick but gosh Bruce really tried).
Duke is 9.
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Duke is extremely strong-willed but he does it in a nice way. He works towards heroism and every action he takes, it's aimed at helping people. He has a very strong sense of right and wrong and nothing will stop him from doing what is right. That being said, he gets along with everyone and is very easy going and caring, it's just that he won't compromise his morals for it. He's very loving in like a familial way.
Barbara is an 8.
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Dominant. She has a strong need to be in control at all times and know everything and when something gets in the way of that control, she gets very angry and persistent. She's confident in her abilities and makes decisions in which no one can influence her. She knows what she wants and she will get it whatever may come.
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